
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.0

Keeping track of the shipping and delivery dates can be quite a confusing task for the person who is shopping online as well as the store owner. SoftProdigy has tried to make this task simpler by introducing an effective extension that does the work for you. The Order Delivery Date Magento Extension is a great way to serve customer interests by giving them a convenient option to request a date of shipment and delivery. This request is recorded and can be checked by the admin. It can be referred to when dispatching the order.
The extension has been made to handle the tasks relating to setting a shipping as well as delivery date simpler. The order management process is streamlined which helps save time and effort. A user can simply assign a date of shipment and delivery on the order page which shall be followed by the online retailer. The step on which the dates need to be defined can be set by the admin himself.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-08-28 1.0.0

This Extension helps to keep a track of shipping and delivery dates of products for e-commerce stores.