
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.3

It manages all the basic details of the team members like employee name, image and description, social profile, email etc from the backend panel and display all employee details in frontend. Add Manage Team link in front end footer that display all team members list.

Releases (4)

Date Version Notes
2016-07-19 1.0.3

Manage Team extension is used to display team member's information on the website with ease.

2016-04-01 1.0.2

Manage Team extension is used to display team member's information on the website with ease.

2015-08-05 1.0.1

Manage Team extension is used to display team member's information on the website with ease.

2015-08-03 1.0.0

Manage Team extension is used to display team member's information on the website with ease.