
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.1.3

Allows admin users login as customers from admin

Releases (13)

Date Version Notes
2015-07-23 1.1.3

! Fixed an admin roles bug (for admins with restricted system configuration access)

! Fix for Security patch SUPEE-6285

2014-12-29 1.1.1

* Permissions management is separated in admin

2014-07-29 1.1.0

* Magento CE 1.9 and EE 1.14 compatibility
* New feature to track admin logins
* Added compatibility observers for thirtparty module developers
! Fixed the issue with old session data merging

2014-01-16 1.0.7

* Multistore fix

2014-01-16 1.0.6

* Multistore fix

2013-12-30 1.0.5

* Fix for customers imported without store link

2013-11-15 1.0.4

* Minor fix for 1.4.x - 1.5.x branches

2013-11-06 1.0.3

* Installer fix

2013-10-28 1.0.2

* Magento CE 1.8 compatibility tests
* If customer is registered in removed/inactive store, admin will be logged in to another store from the website or default store
!!! 1.4 Branch compatibility fix

2013-03-19 1.0.1

* Installer and uninstaller fixes

2013-03-16 1.0.0

* New branding (Widgento instead of Spadar)
* Packaged uninstaller (extension can be easily removed from the magento installation)
* Added English and German button translation files
* Fixed an issue with multiple login sessions

2012-06-14 0.1.2

* Login on the "order view" pages is allowed by default, but can be turned off in configs

* Customer view window is changed

!!! 1.4.x branch compatibility fix

2012-02-09 0.1.1

+Admin users can login as customers from "customer view" pages in admin

+There is an option to allow login as a customer right on the "order view" pages in admin

+There is an access control option. Admin can assign to a specific role whether role users can login as customers.