
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.5

Swiftype provides great search for you Magento store. Some of the features that make search experience better with Swiftype:

* Powerful Search: Quick and relevant search for your online store.

* Drag-and-drop result ranking: We work hard to return the most relevant results by default for every search query, but sometimes you'll want to make your own customizations. Simply perform the search in our dashboard then drag-and-drop the results to re-order them.

* Autocomplete: Sometimes a search isn't even necessary; our search engines come with autocomplete built-in, and your users will thank you for having it.

Releases (6)

Date Version Notes
2014-09-03 1.0.5


* Added spelling option.

2014-07-01 1.0.4


* Lower minimum PHP version to lowest supported PHP version for Magento (5.2.13)

2014-07-01 1.0.3


* Limit search results to a single page of 100.

2014-06-26 1.0.2


* Ensure Magento product entity index batch upload limit used
* Ensure URI parameters are encoded
* Ensure Swiftype parameters (API key, engine key, engine slug) are stripped of invalid characters

2014-06-25 1.0.1


* Ensure custom search result ordering is based on order documents are returned in, rather than score.
* Ensure whitespace is removed from URI parameters.

2014-06-12 1.0.0


* Bumped to 1.0.0 version in anticipation of Magento Connect initial release.