
Magento Extension
Download latest - 2.0.0

E-commerce shopping experiences are now journeys. Your shoppers are traversing devices, sessions and channels constantly. And because they only log in about 10% of the time, their shopping activity rarely follows them. With Swym Relay, you can now help your customers keep track of their activity as they shop your website on any device. Swym provides a powerful shopping tool as part of your site that is always on, is in their control, and seamlessly available on every device.

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2016-02-19 2.0.0

To install and configure the Swym Relay extension, please follow these steps:

1. Log into the Admin module and install the Swym Relay extension package via Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager.
2. Once the extension is installed, go to the Admin module and choose System -> Config. You should see a new section titled "SWYM" with "Swym Relay" under it.
3. If you get a 404 or Access denied error here, you'll need to log out of the Admin module and log back in.
4. Please specify the config information for Swym Relay on this screen:
a. Enable - Choose yes, this will basically enable the Swym Relay tracker on your site.
b. Display UI - Choosing Yes will cause Swym Relay UI to start showing up on your site. When we deploy in production, we will likely enable Swym Relay first and let the data gather for a week or two, and then turn on the UI (just so users have content showing up in their Relay).
c. Retailer Id - This will be an ID we provide that is unique for you.
d. PEM key - This will be a unique public key that is assigned to your account and will ensure the security of your calls. We will provide this key as well when you sign up for the service.

2015-04-07 1.9.0

To install and configure the Swym Relay extension, please follow these steps:
1. Log into the Admin module and install the Swym Relay extension package via Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager.
2. Once the extension is installed, go to the Admin module and choose System -> Config. You should see a new section titled "SWYM" with "Swym Relay" under it.
3. If you get a 404 or Access denied error here, you'll need to log out of the Admin module and log back in
4. Please specify the config information for Swym Relay on this screen:
a. Enable - Choose yes, this will basically enable the Swym Relay tracker on your site
b. Display UI - Choosing Yes will cause Swym Relay UI to start showing up on your site. When we deploy in production, we will likely enable Swym Relay first and let the data gather for a week or two, and then turn on the UI (just so users have content showing up in their Relay)
c. Retailer Id - This will be an ID we provide that is unique for you.
d. PEM key - This will be a unique public key that is assigned to your account and will ensure the security of your calls. We will provide this key as well when you sign up for the service.
d. Title - This is an optional title you could choose to brand the Relay for your site. Please choose a name for the Relay UI module that aligns with your brand positioning. Note that the name will default to Notepad if nothing is specified.
e. Color - This is an optional hex code for the color you'd like for the Relay (example: #616161)
f. Icon - This is an optional image (40x40px) you want to use for the Swym Relay on your site, again to comply with your branding needs. If you leave this empty, we will use our default icon
g. Enable Swym Favorites - This provides an option to enable the Swym Relay wishlist on your site.
h. Favorites Label - If you choose to replace the default wishlist with the Swym Relay wishlist, this is an option to label the wishlist to comply with your brand guidelines