
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.2

Product Delivery Check by Zip Code This extension allows Customer to check product availability in its location by entering zip code of the location. If product is not available then extension gives appropriate message and does not allow customer to checkout.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2016-01-06 1.0.2

This extension allows Customer to check product availability in its location by entering zip code of the location. If product is not available then extension gives appropriate message and does not allow customer to checkout.

2014-05-01 1.0.1

This extension allows Customer to check product availability in its location by entering zip code of the location. If product is not available then extension gives appropriate message and does not allow customer to checkout.

2014-04-15 1.0.0

This extension allows Customer to check product availability in its location by entering zip code of the location. If product is not available then extension gives appropriate message and does not allow customer to checkout.