
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.0

# Usersnap Bugtracker
We've created a Usersnap Magento integration with some optional debug information.
It is installed as a Magento module without hacking Magento's core.


### A) Via Composer - Recommended
Add following code to the composer.json

"require": {
"usersnap/bugtracker": "*",

### B) Via Modman (

cd [magento root folder]
modman init
modman clone

- Make sure you've cleaned Magento's cache to enable the new module; hit refresh

### C) Via Magento Connect
Extension is not updated regularly. I recommend using modman.

cd [magento root folder]
sudo ./mage install community Usersnap_Bugtracker

### Protected Sites / Usersnap behind Firewall
If you are using a staging setup which is protected using BasicAuth (.htaccess), please grant the Usersnap servers (* acccess.

Configuration for Apache

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password protected"
Require valid-user
AuthUserFile /path/to/your/.htpasswd

Allow from
Satisfy Any

For further information visit

- Easily report bugs with the Usersnap Bugtracker integration (for more info visit
- Connect with 20+ Systems ( E-Mail, Basecamp, Jira, asana, Trello, github, ...)
- Customizable Feedback Widget (Enable, Tools, Button Text, Widget Position, Required Fields, Language, ...)
- Useful Magento Debug Information
- Written as Event Observer (Event: usersnap_debug_info, Object: "debug_info") thus you can write your own code and deactivate default info in the local.xml
- Magento Version + Module Versions (Useful for different Environments)
- Store Information
- Controller Information
- Cookie Information
- Layout Handles
- Design Information
- Customer Information
- Session Information (disabled by default)
- Quote Information (incl. Quote Items, price, currency, address, ...)
- Wishlist Information

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-11-29 1.0.0

First Release