
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.3.4


jtuttle87 (Velaro)

Add Velaro Live Chat into your pages

Releases (10)

Date Version Notes
2016-07-14 1.3.4

-Update config file

2016-07-14 1.3.3

-Upping php version requirement

2016-03-22 1.3.2

-Add cache busting to velaro setup page

2016-03-21 1.3.1

-Fix missing files

2016-03-16 1.3.0

-Passing related items, and recently viewed items to velaro for integration

2015-11-02 1.2.2

-Update endpoint for chat script storage

2015-10-30 1.2.1

-Remove setting that Velaro no longer depends upon

2015-09-29 1.2.0

-Update cart sending mechanism to better suite velaro's integration display

2015-09-25 1.1.0

-Auto create conversions on checkout
-Send cart contents to velaro through custom variables

2015-09-24 1.0.0

Initial Release