
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.2.1


webmu (Webmu)

Sends an email with useful data to the administrator each time a user successfully logs in or fails to connect to the Magento Backend.

The purpose of this plugin consists in improving the security of a Magento backend. If someone attempts to login, it will also send the user name they tried logging in with, as well as their IP address, User-Agent, Timestamp, and the Referral URL.

When a user logs in successfully the extensions sends an email to the administrator with the date, user name, IP address and store all data into database.

A Login Report is available on Reports menu in Magento Admin Panel.

If you see multiple attempts to login at times you are not logged on to the site, this means someone is attempting to brute force their way into your site, and you should ban the offending IP address from your site. Especially if they are trying multiple names, or sending them rapidly, one after another.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2016-02-14 0.2.1

Release notes:

v. 0.2.1
- Bug fix on success login event observer method.

v. 0.2.0
- Grid with custom cells rendering
- Used the Event Observer Methods for custom actions

v. 0.1.0
- initial public release of Login Notifier

2016-02-03 0.2.0

Release notes:

v. 0.2.0
- Grid with custom cells rendering
- Used the Event Observer Methods for custom actions

v. 0.1.0
- initial public release of Login Notifier

2016-02-01 0.1.0

Release notes:

0.1.0 - initial public release of Login Notifier