Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 1041 - 1050 of 3445 in total
Name Summary First release ▲ Latest release
Datacash DataCash payment gateway integration 2012-11-14 2017-02-03
MN_Sendsms Send text-messages automatically to you and your customers whenever an order is placed, holed, canceled, etc. 2012-11-14 2012-11-14
Inavante_GoogleTrustedStores Inavante_GoogleTrustedStores 2012-11-16 2012-11-16
irzzo_autoreviewreminderemail Auto Review Reminder Emailer extension . 2012-11-16 2013-06-10
Autocomplete An extension that autosuggests the name of the product in create product admin section. (Using Ebay APIs) 2012-11-16 2012-11-16
Catalin_Seo Layered Navigation SEO: ajax, seo urls, price slider, multiple filters for the same attribute. 2012-11-17 2017-03-03
Ydral_Correos Modulo para Magento para integrar Correos. 2012-11-22 2017-02-07
Joiim_GroupChat Group Chat Referral System 2012-11-25 2012-11-30
Bloompcommerce Offer a real time discount for consumers that share their buying intention. 2012-11-26 2013-02-28
GroupDocsAnnotation Publish documents, annotate, collaborate and comment with GroupDocs Annotation. 2012-11-26 2013-05-30