Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 1891 - 1900 of 3445 in total
Name Summary First release ▼ Latest release
BluePay_CreditCard Credit Card payment module for the BluePay gateway. 2013-10-25 2017-05-31
Dutch_Language_Package_Unoffical Dutch Language Package (Unofficial) 2013-10-24 2014-04-21
Eximbay Official Eximbay Payment Extension 2013-10-24 2016-06-02
Flickrocket This extension enables you to sell and rent (optionally DRM protected) digital content such as DVDs (incl. all menus, bonus material, etc.), video (HD+SD), audio books, ebooks (epub and PDF) and packaged content such as HTML, Flash, images, etc. 2013-10-23 2015-01-15
RCDevs_OpenOTP_Authentication This Plugin enables strong two factor authentication for admins and users to connect to administration panel 2013-10-23 2013-11-28
dotmailermagento Integrate your ecommerce with dotMailer's powerful triggered email marketing and convert more visits to sales. 2013-10-23 2016-10-12
Inic_Configure Display simple products images and other info on configurable product's detail page 2013-10-23 2015-05-27
Niveus_ProductVideo Niveus Youtube product Video extension 2013-10-23 2014-07-10
Sp_Productrelater Mass update quantity through product grid 2013-10-22 2013-10-22
Achang_ChinaCheckout 移除帐单地址 2013-10-21 2013-10-21