Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 2851 - 2860 of 3445 in total
Name Summary First release Latest release ▼
mApple_theme mApple is a basic magento theme allowing you to show products in the middle of the page, and functional modules on two sides. 2010-06-05 2012-08-07
HM_DeveloperToolbar Magento Developer Toolbar 2009-11-05 2012-08-07
Ignition_NFEColaborativa Emissão de Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas (NF-e) com pouquíssimos cliques. 2012-08-06 2012-08-06
Magefast_FixUrlCategory Fix for saving URL of category. 2012-02-17 2012-08-02
mKaneerny mKaneerny is good at supporting shop owner on showing products variously 2011-02-16 2012-08-01
mMagezon This Magento theme attracts all viewers with its plain but efficiency, focuses on products show and displays functional modules clearly 2011-02-16 2012-08-01
Buscape_Ebit Extensão Buscapé Ebit para Magento 2011-11-29 2012-07-31
BalkeTechnologies_StoreMaintenance StoreMaintenance allows you to put each storeview separately into maintenance mode 2011-08-30 2012-07-30
SecurePay_DirectOne Provides hosted credit-card payments through the DirectOne gateway. 2009-12-23 2012-07-24
Round3media_Postmark Send emails through Postmark ( 2009-12-29 2012-07-23