Floating Chat Widget: Contact Chat Icons, Telegram Chat, Line, WeChat, Email, SMS, Call Button – Chaty - Version 2.0.9

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Developer galdub
Plugin Icon wp plugin Floating Chat Widget: Contact Chat Icons, Telegram Chat, Line, WeChat, Email, SMS, Call Button – Chaty
Version 2.0.9
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Code changes from version 2.0.8 to 2.0.9

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  1. assets/js/cht-front-script.js +1 -1
  2. cht-icons.php +2 -2
  3. readme.txt +13 -3
assets/js/cht-front-script.js CHANGED
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
  var i = "", n = 0;
  return t.each(e.object_settings.social, function (t, a) {
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"</div>", i += "</div>"), "google_maps" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.google_maps + '">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.google_maps + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#37AA66"/>', i += '<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 8.06381C0 3.68631 3.68633 0 8.06383 0C12.4413 0 16.1276 3.68631 16.1276 8.06381C16.1276 12.2109 9.67659 19.5835 8.9854 20.2747C8.755 20.5051 8.29422 20.7355 8.06383 20.7355C7.83344 20.7355 7.37263 20.5051 7.14224 20.2747C6.45107 19.5835 0 12.2109 0 8.06381ZM11.5203 8.06378C11.5203 9.97244 9.97302 11.5197 8.06436 11.5197C6.15572 11.5197 4.60844 9.97244 4.60844 8.06378C4.60844 6.15515 6.15572 4.60788 8.06436 4.60788C9.97302 4.60788 11.5203 6.15515 11.5203 8.06378Z" transform="translate(11.3764 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Google Maps</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "link" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.link + '">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.link + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#FF7539"/>', i += '<mask id="path-2-outside-1" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14" fill="black"> <rect fill="white" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 10.8258C6.85963 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258L9.28893 8.34581C9.47006 8.1609 9.47006 7.86509 9.28893 7.68018C9.10243 7.48979 8.79591 7.48979 8.60942 7.68018L6.19386 10.1461C6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461C5.1827 11.1784 3.54326 11.1784 2.53215 10.1461C2.53213 10.1461 2.53211 10.1461 2.53209 10.1461L1.69991 9.29657C1.69991 9.29657 1.6999 9.29656 1.6999 9.29655C0.688737 8.2643 0.688739 6.59069 1.6999 5.55844C1.6999 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843L5.44484 1.73538C5.44484 1.73538 5.44484 1.73537 5.44484 1.73537C6.45601 0.703119 8.09541 0.703118 9.10658 1.73537Z"/> </mask><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 10.8258C6.85963 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258L9.28893 8.34581C9.47006 8.1609 9.47006 7.86509 9.28893 7.68018C9.10243 7.48979 8.79591 7.48979 8.60942 7.68018L6.19386 10.1461C6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461C5.1827 11.1784 3.54326 11.1784 2.53215 10.1461C2.53213 10.1461 2.53211 10.1461 2.53209 10.1461L1.69991 9.29657C1.69991 9.29657 1.6999 9.29656 1.6999 9.29655C0.688737 8.2643 0.688739 6.59069 1.6999 5.55844C1.6999 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843L5.44484 1.73538C5.44484 1.73538 5.44484 1.73537 5.44484 1.73537C6.45601 0.703119 8.09541 0.703118 9.10658 1.73537Z" transform="translate(9.95154 16.0478)" fill="white"/><path d="M5.44484 1.73538L5.23053 1.52545L5.44484 1.73538ZM5.44484 1.73537L5.23053 1.52544L5.44484 1.73537ZM1.6999 5.55844L1.48559 5.3485L1.6999 5.55844ZM1.69991 5.55843L1.91422 5.76836L1.69991 5.55843ZM1.69991 9.29657L1.91422 9.08664L1.69991 9.29657ZM1.6999 9.29655L1.91421 9.08662L1.6999 9.29655ZM2.53215 10.1461L2.31784 10.3561L2.53215 10.1461ZM2.53209 10.1461L2.31778 10.356L2.53209 10.1461ZM6.19386 10.1461L5.97955 9.93618L6.19386 10.1461ZM6.19386 10.1461L6.40817 10.356L6.19386 10.1461ZM8.60942 7.68018L8.82373 7.89011L8.60942 7.68018ZM9.28893 8.34581L9.07462 8.13588L9.28893 8.34581ZM6.85962 10.8258L6.64532 10.6158L6.85962 10.8258ZM6.85964 10.8258L7.07395 11.0357L6.85964 10.8258ZM1.86633 10.8258L2.08064 10.6158L1.86633 10.8258ZM1.86636 10.8258L2.08067 10.6159L1.86636 10.8258ZM1.03412 9.9762L1.24843 9.76628L1.03412 9.9762ZM1.03415 9.97623L0.819841 10.1862L1.03415 9.97623ZM1.03414 4.87877L0.819827 4.66884L1.03414 4.87877ZM1.03413 4.87878L1.24844 5.08871L1.03413 4.87878ZM4.77907 1.05571L4.99338 1.26564L4.77907 1.05571ZM4.77906 1.05572L4.99338 1.26565L4.77906 1.05572ZM9.77236 1.05572L9.55805 1.26565L9.77236 1.05572ZM9.77235 1.05572L9.98666 0.845785L9.77235 1.05572ZM10.6046 1.90532L10.8189 1.6954L10.6046 1.90532ZM10.6045 1.90528L10.8189 1.69535L10.6045 1.90528ZM10.9533 2.31904L10.7101 2.49464L10.9533 2.31904ZM10.1019 2.76754L9.86916 2.95685L10.1019 2.76754ZM9.10659 1.73538L9.3209 1.52545L9.10659 1.73538ZM9.10658 1.73537L8.89227 1.9453L9.10658 1.73537ZM9.93879 2.58495L10.1531 2.37502L9.93879 2.58495ZM9.9388 2.58496L10.1531 2.37503L9.9388 2.58496ZM10.1531 2.37502L9.3209 1.52545L8.89228 1.94531L9.72448 2.79488L10.1531 2.37502ZM10.3346 2.57823C10.2777 2.50832 10.2172 2.4405 10.1531 2.37503L9.72449 2.79488C9.77566 2.84713 9.82388 2.90119 9.86916 2.95685L10.3346 2.57823ZM11.1966 2.14344C11.0835 1.98684 10.9576 1.83698 10.8189 1.6954L10.3903 2.11524C10.5079 2.2353 10.6145 2.3622 10.7101 2.49464L11.1966 2.14344ZM10.8189 1.69535L9.98667 0.845789L9.55805 1.26565L10.3902 2.11521L10.8189 1.69535ZM9.98666 0.845785C8.49018 -0.681928 6.06124 -0.681928 4.56476 0.845784L4.99338 1.26564C6.25459 -0.0218819 8.29683 -0.0218814 9.55804 1.26565L9.98666 0.845785ZM4.56475 0.84579L0.819827 4.66884L1.24845 5.0887L4.99338 1.26565L4.56475 0.84579ZM0.819819 4.66885C-0.673269 6.1931 -0.673273 8.66187 0.819807 10.1861L1.24843 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1.03314 7.99874 1.03314 8.89227 1.9453L9.32089 1.52544ZM5.65915 1.94531C5.65915 1.94531 5.65915 1.94531 5.65915 1.9453L5.23053 1.52544C5.23053 1.52544 5.23053 1.52544 5.23053 1.52545L5.65915 1.94531ZM1.91421 5.76837C1.91421 5.76837 1.91422 5.76836 1.91422 5.76836L1.4856 5.3485C1.4856 5.3485 1.48559 5.3485 1.48559 5.3485L1.91421 5.76837ZM1.91422 9.08664C1.91422 9.08663 1.91421 9.08663 1.91421 9.08662L1.48559 9.50648C1.48559 9.50649 1.4856 9.5065 1.48561 9.50651L1.91422 9.08664ZM2.74646 9.93621C2.74644 9.93619 2.74642 9.93617 2.7464 9.93615L2.31778 10.356C2.3178 10.356 2.31782 10.356 2.31784 10.3561L2.74646 9.93621ZM5.97955 9.93618C5.97955 9.93618 5.97955 9.93618 5.97955 9.93618L6.40817 10.356C6.40817 10.356 6.40817 10.356 6.40817 10.356L5.97955 9.93618ZM9.50324 7.47025C9.1991 7.15977 8.69924 7.15977 8.39511 7.47025L8.82373 7.89011C8.89259 7.81981 9.00576 7.81981 9.07462 7.89011L9.50324 7.47025ZM9.50324 8.55574C9.79862 8.25419 9.79862 7.77179 9.50324 7.47025L9.07462 7.89011C9.1415 7.95838 9.1415 8.0676 9.07462 8.13588L9.50324 8.55574ZM7.07393 11.0357C7.07394 11.0357 7.07395 11.0357 7.07395 11.0357L6.64533 10.6158C6.64533 10.6158 6.64532 10.6158 6.64532 10.6158L7.07393 11.0357ZM1.65203 11.0357C1.65203 11.0357 1.65204 11.0357 1.65205 11.0357L2.08067 10.6159C2.08066 10.6158 2.08065 10.6158 2.08064 10.6158L1.65203 11.0357ZM0.819807 10.1861C0.819819 10.1861 0.81983 10.1862 0.819841 10.1862L1.24846 9.7663C1.24845 9.76629 1.24844 9.76628 1.24843 9.76628L0.819807 10.1861ZM0.819827 4.66884C0.819824 4.66884 0.819822 4.66885 0.819819 4.66885L1.24844 5.08871C1.24844 5.08871 1.24845 5.08871 1.24845 5.0887L0.819827 4.66884ZM4.56476 0.845784C4.56476 0.845786 4.56476 0.845788 4.56475 0.84579L4.99338 1.26565C4.99338 1.26565 4.99338 1.26565 4.99338 1.26564L4.56476 0.845784ZM9.98667 0.845789C9.98667 0.845788 9.98666 0.845787 9.98666 0.845785L9.55804 1.26565C9.55804 1.26565 9.55804 1.26565 9.55805 1.26565L9.98667 0.845789ZM10.8189 1.6954C10.8189 1.69538 10.8189 1.69536 10.8189 1.69535L10.3902 2.11521C10.3902 2.11522 10.3903 2.11523 10.3903 2.11524L10.8189 1.6954ZM11.1146 3.06246C11.3462 2.82606 11.411 2.44051 11.1966 2.14344L10.7101 2.49464C10.7332 2.52669 10.7385 2.58902 10.686 2.64258L11.1146 3.06246ZM9.86916 2.95685C10.1487 3.30046 10.7367 3.44829 11.1146 3.06246L10.686 2.64258C10.652 2.67732 10.6006 2.69693 10.531 2.68804C10.4586 2.67877 10.3842 2.63918 10.3346 2.57823L9.86916 2.95685ZM9.3209 1.52545C9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544L8.89227 1.9453C8.89227 1.9453 8.89227 1.94531 8.89228 1.94531L9.3209 1.52545ZM9.72448 2.79488C9.72448 2.79488 9.72448 2.79488 9.72449 2.79488L10.1531 2.37503C10.1531 2.37503 10.1531 2.37502 10.1531 2.37502L9.72448 2.79488Z" transform="translate(9.95154 16.0478)" fill="white" mask="url(#path-2-outside-1)"/><mask id="path-4-outside-2" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14" fill="black"><rect fill="white" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 10.8258C6.85963 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258L9.28893 8.34581C9.47006 8.1609 9.47006 7.86509 9.28893 7.68018C9.10243 7.48979 8.79591 7.48979 8.60942 7.68018L6.19386 10.1461C6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461C5.1827 11.1784 3.54326 11.1784 2.53215 10.1461C2.53213 10.1461 2.53211 10.1461 2.53209 10.1461L1.69991 9.29657C1.69991 9.29657 1.6999 9.29656 1.6999 9.29655C0.688737 8.2643 0.688739 6.59069 1.6999 5.55844C1.6999 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843L5.44484 1.73538C5.44484 1.73538 5.44484 1.73537 5.44484 1.73537C6.45601 0.703119 8.09541 0.703118 9.10658 1.73537Z"/></mask> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 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4.99338 1.26565 4.99338 1.26564L4.56476 0.845784ZM9.98667 0.845789C9.98667 0.845788 9.98666 0.845787 9.98666 0.845785L9.55804 1.26565C9.55804 1.26565 9.55804 1.26565 9.55805 1.26565L9.98667 0.845789ZM10.8189 1.6954C10.8189 1.69538 10.8189 1.69536 10.8189 1.69535L10.3902 2.11521C10.3902 2.11522 10.3903 2.11523 10.3903 2.11524L10.8189 1.6954ZM11.1146 3.06246C11.3462 2.82606 11.411 2.44051 11.1966 2.14344L10.7101 2.49464C10.7332 2.52669 10.7385 2.58902 10.686 2.64258L11.1146 3.06246ZM9.86916 2.95685C10.1487 3.30046 10.7367 3.44829 11.1146 3.06246L10.686 2.64258C10.652 2.67732 10.6006 2.69693 10.531 2.68804C10.4586 2.67877 10.3842 2.63918 10.3346 2.57823L9.86916 2.95685ZM9.3209 1.52545C9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544L8.89227 1.9453C8.89227 1.9453 8.89227 1.94531 8.89228 1.94531L9.3209 1.52545ZM9.72448 2.79488C9.72448 2.79488 9.72448 2.79488 9.72449 2.79488L10.1531 2.37503C10.1531 2.37503 10.1531 2.37502 10.1531 2.37502L9.72448 2.79488Z" transform="translate(28.9286 22.8312) 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20.7355 14.9974 20.7355C13.9541 20.7355 13.0412 20.4763 12.2587 20.0875C11.6067 20.2171 11.085 20.2171 10.433 20.2171C4.95566 20.2171 0.521637 15.9404 0.521637 10.4973C0.521637 9.84955 0.652008 9.20175 0.782349 8.55392L0.782471 8.55338C0.260834 7.77582 0 6.73904 0 5.70227C0 2.59195 2.60825 0 5.73813 0C6.91183 0 7.95514 0.388794 8.86801 0.907166C9.38965 0.777588 10.0417 0.777588 10.5634 0.777588ZM13.5627 16.718C14.4756 16.3292 15.1276 15.8108 15.6493 15.1628C16.1709 14.5149 16.3013 13.7373 16.0405 12.9597C16.0405 12.3117 15.9101 11.7933 15.6493 11.2749C15.3884 10.7565 14.9972 10.3677 14.4756 10.1086L14.4752 10.1084C13.9536 9.84924 13.4321 9.59012 12.7802 9.33096C12.5034 9.27597 12.2031 9.1976 11.8893 9.11572C11.4638 9.0047 11.0135 8.88718 10.5632 8.81259C10.1953 8.66635 9.86893 8.60263 9.60748 8.55157C9.40552 8.51215 9.24231 8.48029 9.12866 8.4238C8.86792 8.4238 8.60721 8.29428 8.34647 8.16473L8.34619 8.16461C8.08536 8.035 7.82455 7.90543 7.69412 7.77582C7.43329 7.64621 7.43329 7.51663 7.43329 7.25742C7.43329 6.86862 7.69412 6.60944 8.08536 6.35025C8.47659 6.09106 9.12866 5.96146 9.78073 5.96146C10.5632 5.96146 11.0848 6.09106 11.4761 6.35025C11.8673 6.60944 12.1281 6.86865 12.3889 7.38702C12.6497 7.77563 12.9104 8.03476 13.0408 8.16443L13.041 8.16461C13.3018 8.29419 13.5627 8.4238 13.9539 8.4238C14.3451 8.4238 14.7364 8.29419 14.9972 8.035C15.258 7.77582 15.3884 7.51663 15.3884 7.12784C15.3884 6.73904 15.3884 6.35025 15.1276 5.96146C15.0313 5.67429 14.7927 5.45782 14.5169 5.20764C14.4193 5.11908 14.317 5.02631 14.2147 4.92468C13.6931 4.6655 13.1714 4.40631 12.5194 4.14709C11.8673 4.01752 11.0848 3.88791 10.172 3.88791C9.12866 3.88791 8.08536 4.01752 7.30289 4.2767C6.39001 4.53589 5.73795 5.05429 5.34671 5.57266C4.95547 6.09106 4.69464 6.73904 4.69464 7.51663C4.69464 8.29419 4.95547 8.9422 5.34671 9.46057C5.73795 9.97897 6.39001 10.3677 7.04205 10.627C7.69412 10.8861 8.60703 11.1453 9.6503 11.4045C10.4328 11.5341 11.0848 11.6637 11.4761 11.7933C11.8673 11.9229 12.2585 12.0525 12.5194 12.3117C12.7802 12.5709 12.9106 12.8301 12.9106 13.2189C12.9106 13.6077 12.6498 13.9965 12.1281 14.3853C11.6065 14.774 10.9544 14.9036 10.172 14.9036C9.6503 14.9036 9.12866 14.774 8.73743 14.6444C8.47659 14.5149 8.21576 14.2556 7.95496 13.9965C7.91547 13.918 7.86407 13.8277 7.80792 13.7291C7.67859 13.5019 7.52423 13.2308 7.43329 12.9597C7.40817 12.9098 7.38306 12.855 7.35703 12.7983C7.24783 12.5604 7.12225 12.2867 6.91165 12.1821C6.65085 12.0525 6.39001 11.9229 5.99878 11.9229C5.60754 11.9229 5.21631 12.0525 4.95547 12.3117C4.69464 12.5709 4.56424 12.8301 4.56424 13.2189C4.56424 13.8669 4.82507 14.3853 5.21631 15.0332C5.73795 15.6812 6.25961 16.07 6.91165 16.4588C7.82455 16.9772 8.99823 17.2364 10.4328 17.2364C11.6065 17.2364 12.6498 17.1068 13.5627 16.718Z" transform="translate(9.07178 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Skype</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "sms" == t && (i += '<div 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6.50764 6.36411 6.50764 5.96637C6.50764 5.56863 6.24733 5.30347 5.85689 5.30347H4.5554C3.51421 5.30347 2.60316 6.23154 2.60316 7.29218C2.60316 8.35281 3.51421 9.28085 4.5554 9.28085C4.94585 9.28085 5.20613 9.54602 5.20613 9.94376C5.20613 10.3415 4.94585 10.6067 4.5554 10.6067H3.25391C2.86346 10.6067 2.60316 10.8718 2.60316 11.2696ZM14.9678 11.9325H13.6664C13.2759 11.9325 13.0156 11.6673 13.0156 11.2696C13.0156 10.8718 13.2759 10.6067 13.6664 10.6067H14.9678C15.3583 10.6067 15.6186 10.3415 15.6186 9.94376C15.6186 9.54602 15.3583 9.28085 14.9678 9.28085C13.9267 9.28085 13.0156 8.35281 13.0156 7.29218C13.0156 6.23154 13.9267 5.30347 14.9678 5.30347H16.2693C16.6598 5.30347 16.9201 5.56863 16.9201 5.96637C16.9201 6.36411 16.6598 6.62927 16.2693 6.62927H14.9678C14.5774 6.62927 14.3171 6.89441 14.3171 7.29218C14.3171 7.68991 14.5774 7.95505 14.9678 7.95505C16.009 7.95505 16.9201 8.88312 16.9201 9.94376C16.9201 11.0044 16.009 11.9325 14.9678 11.9325ZM10.4126 11.2697C10.4126 11.6674 10.6729 11.9326 11.0633 11.9326C11.4538 11.9326 11.7141 11.6674 11.8442 11.2697V5.96649C11.8442 5.70135 11.5839 5.43619 11.3236 5.30362C10.9332 5.30362 10.6729 5.43619 10.5427 5.70135L9.76186 7.15973L8.98094 5.70135C8.85081 5.43619 8.46034 5.17102 8.20006 5.30362C7.93977 5.43619 7.67946 5.70135 7.67946 5.96649V11.2697C7.67946 11.6674 7.93977 11.9326 8.33022 11.9326C8.72066 11.9326 8.98094 11.6674 8.98094 11.2697V8.75067L9.1111 8.88327C9.37138 9.28101 10.0221 9.28101 10.2825 8.88327L10.4126 8.75067V11.2697Z" transform="translate(9.67801 10.4601)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>SMS</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "snapchat" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.snapchat + '">', i += '<a href="https://www.snapchat.com/add/' + e.object_settings.social.snapchat + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" 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7.37147 1.25248 6.82544 1.66997C6.2794 2.22663 5.86988 2.92245 5.46035 3.61827C4.91431 4.73159 5.05082 6.54073 5.18733 8.07153C5.18733 8.2107 5.18733 8.34986 5.18733 8.62819C5.05082 8.62819 5.05082 8.62819 4.77781 8.62819C4.50479 8.62819 4.23177 8.48903 3.82224 8.34986C3.68574 8.34986 3.54923 8.2107 3.41272 8.2107C3.1397 8.2107 3.00319 8.2107 2.73018 8.34986C2.45716 8.48903 2.32065 8.76736 2.32065 8.90652C2.32065 9.04568 2.32065 9.32401 2.59366 9.74151C2.73017 9.88067 3.00319 10.0198 3.41272 10.159C3.54923 10.159 3.54922 10.2982 3.68573 10.2982C4.09526 10.4373 4.6413 10.5765 4.91431 10.994C5.05082 11.1332 4.91431 11.4115 4.77781 11.6898C4.77781 11.829 4.36828 12.5248 3.68573 13.3598C3.27621 13.7773 2.86668 14.1948 2.32065 14.6123C1.77461 15.0298 1.09207 15.3081 0.409527 15.3081C0.13651 15.3081 2.08296e-06 15.5864 2.08296e-06 15.8647C2.08296e-06 16.0039 2.08296e-06 16.0039 2.08296e-06 16.1431C0.136511 16.4214 0.409528 16.5606 0.682546 16.8389C1.22858 17.1172 1.91112 17.2564 2.86668 17.3955C2.86668 17.5347 3.00319 17.6739 3.00319 17.813C3.00319 17.9522 3.1397 18.0914 3.1397 18.3697C3.1397 18.5089 3.41272 18.7872 3.68573 18.7872C3.82224 18.7872 3.95875 18.7872 4.23177 18.648C4.50479 18.648 4.91431 18.5089 5.32384 18.5089C5.59686 18.5089 5.86988 18.5089 6.14289 18.648C6.68893 18.7872 7.09845 19.0655 7.64449 19.483C8.46354 20.0397 9.28259 20.7355 10.6477 20.7355H10.7842H10.9207C12.2858 20.7355 13.1048 20.0397 13.9239 19.483C14.4699 19.0655 14.8794 18.7872 15.4255 18.648C15.6985 18.648 15.9715 18.5089 16.2445 18.5089C16.6541 18.5089 17.0636 18.5089 17.3366 18.648C17.6096 18.648 17.7461 18.648 17.8826 18.648C18.1557 18.648 18.4287 18.5089 18.4287 18.2305C18.4287 18.0914 18.5652 17.9522 18.5652 17.6739C18.5652 17.5347 18.7017 17.2564 18.7017 17.2564C19.6572 17.1172 20.3398 16.9781 20.8858 16.6997C21.2954 16.5606 21.5684 16.2822 21.5684 16.0039C21.5684 15.8647 21.5684 15.8647 21.5684 15.7256C21.9779 15.8647 21.8414 15.5864 21.5684 15.5864Z" transform="translate(8.52631 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Snapchat</p>", i += "</div>", 1 === Object.keys(e.object_settings.social).length && (i += '<div class="snap-wee-title">', i += "<p>Snapchat</p>", i += "</div>"), i += "</div>"), "telegram" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.telegram + '">', i += '<a href="https://telegram.me/' + e.object_settings.social.telegram + ' " target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#3E99D8"/>', i += '<path d="M3.56917 -2.55497e-07L0 6.42978L7.5349 1.87535L3.56917 -2.55497e-07Z" transform="translate(13.9704 24.6145)" fill="#E0E0E0"/><path d="M20.8862 0.133954C20.754 0 20.4897 0 20.2253 0L0.396574 8.03723C0.132191 8.17118 0 8.43909 0 8.707C0 8.97491 0.132191 9.24282 0.396574 9.37677L17.5814 17.414C17.7136 17.414 17.7136 17.414 17.8458 17.414C17.978 17.414 18.1102 17.414 18.1102 17.28C18.2424 17.1461 18.3746 17.0121 18.5068 16.7442L21.1506 0.669769C21.1506 0.535815 21.1506 0.267908 20.8862 0.133954Z" transform="translate(7.36069 10.9512)" fill="white"/> <path d="M13.8801 0L0 11.52V19.4233L3.70136 13.2614L13.8801 0Z" transform="translate(13.9704 11.6208)" fill="#F2F2F2"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Telegram</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "phone" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" >', i += '<a href="tel:' + e.object_settings.social.phone + '">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#03E78B"/>', i += '<path d="M19.3929 14.9176C17.752 14.7684 16.2602 14.3209 14.7684 13.7242C14.0226 13.4259 13.1275 13.7242 12.8292 14.4701L11.7849 16.2602C8.65222 14.6193 6.11623 11.9341 4.47529 8.95057L6.41458 7.90634C7.16046 7.60799 7.45881 6.71293 7.16046 5.96705C6.56375 4.47529 6.11623 2.83435 5.96705 1.34259C5.96705 0.596704 5.22117 0 4.47529 0H0.745882C0.298353 0 5.69062e-07 0.298352 5.69062e-07 0.745881C5.69062e-07 3.72941 0.596704 6.71293 1.93929 9.3981C3.87858 13.575 7.30964 16.8569 11.3374 18.7962C14.0226 20.1388 17.0061 20.7355 19.9896 20.7355C20.4371 20.7355 20.7355 20.4371 20.7355 19.9896V16.4094C20.7355 15.5143 20.1388 14.9176 19.3929 14.9176Z" transform="translate(9.07179 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Phone</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "viber" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.viber + '">', i += '<a href="viber://chat?number=' + e.object_settings.social.viber + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle 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1.52044 9.08148C1.56775 6.69108 1.99675 4.73379 3.26798 3.41792C5.55493 1.24904 10.2645 1.57305 10.2645 1.57305C14.2422 1.59288 16.1475 2.84594 16.5891 3.26583C18.0527 4.58501 18.8003 7.73585 18.2546 12.3513Z" transform="translate(9.47299 8.4238)" fill="white"/> <path d="M1.58982 1.72254C1.53935 0.628182 1.00941 0.0562059 0 1.00898e-07" transform="translate(20.166 15.5914)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M3.35945 3.69636C3.38153 2.67804 3.09448 1.82834 2.49514 1.14395C1.8958 0.459565 1.06619 0.0793496 1.9253e-07 2.01796e-07" transform="translate(19.7592 14.0966)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M5.22371 5.71646C5.21109 3.94763 4.70639 2.55902 3.71275 1.5407C2.71911 0.525689 1.47942 0.00991877 -3.8506e-07 1.00898e-07" transform="translate(19.2931 12.6479)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6.35738 8.04532C6.35738 8.04532 6.73276 8.07838 6.93149 7.81719L7.32263 7.30142C7.5119 7.04353 7.96929 6.88153 8.41722 7.14272C8.66641 7.2915 9.11434 7.57914 9.39193 7.79405C9.68844 8.02218 10.2972 8.55448 10.2972 8.55448C10.5875 8.80906 10.6537 9.18597 10.4581 9.58271C10.4581 9.58602 10.455 9.58933 10.455 9.58933C10.2531 9.96293 9.9818 10.3167 9.63797 10.644C9.63482 10.6473 9.63482 10.6473 9.63167 10.6506C9.35092 10.8953 9.07333 11.0375 8.80205 11.0705C8.77051 11.0771 8.7295 11.0804 8.68219 11.0771C8.56232 11.0771 8.44561 11.0606 8.32889 11.0209L8.31943 11.0077C7.89989 10.8854 7.20277 10.5746 6.03879 9.90342C5.28173 9.467 4.654 9.02066 4.12406 8.57762C3.84331 8.34619 3.55626 8.08169 3.2629 7.77752C3.25344 7.7676 3.24398 7.75768 3.23451 7.74776C3.22505 7.73784 3.21559 7.72792 3.20612 7.718C3.19666 7.70808 3.1872 7.69817 3.17773 7.68825C3.16827 7.67833 3.15881 7.66841 3.14934 7.65849C2.85914 7.35101 2.60678 7.05015 2.38597 6.75589C1.96328 6.20045 1.53744 5.5392 1.12105 4.74902C0.480708 3.52902 0.184194 2.79834 0.0674803 2.35862L0.0548623 2.3487C0.0170094 2.22637 -0.00191702 2.10404 0.0012374 1.9784C-0.00191702 1.92881 0.0012373 1.88583 0.00754613 1.85276C0.0390903 1.56843 0.17473 1.27748 0.408157 0.983227C0.411312 0.979921 0.411311 0.979921 0.414466 0.976615C0.726753 0.616237 1.06112 0.331902 1.42072 0.120304C1.42388 0.120304 1.42703 0.116997 1.42703 0.116997C1.80556 -0.0879887 2.16517 -0.0185578 2.40806 0.285615C2.41121 0.288921 2.91592 0.923716 3.13357 1.2345C3.33861 1.52875 3.6162 1.99493 3.75499 2.25612C4.00419 2.72561 3.84962 3.20501 3.60358 3.40338L3.11149 3.81335C2.86229 4.02495 2.89384 4.41509 2.89384 4.41509C2.89384 4.41509 3.62566 7.31464 6.35738 8.04532Z" transform="translate(13.863 13.0014)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Viber</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "vkontakte" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.vkontakte + 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6.30882 13.7827 6.16863C13.2169 5.74804 13.3584 4.62647 13.3584 3.92549C13.3584 1.40196 13.7827 0.420589 12.6512 0.140197C12.2268 1.06543e-06 11.944 -2.13922e-06 11.0953 -2.13922e-06C9.82233 -2.13922e-06 8.83224 -1.06543e-06 8.26647 0.280391C7.84215 0.420587 7.55927 0.841177 7.70071 0.841177C7.9836 0.841177 8.40792 0.98137 8.6908 1.40196C8.97368 1.82255 8.97368 2.94412 8.97368 2.94412C8.97368 2.94412 9.11513 5.88824 8.54936 6.16863C8.12503 6.44902 7.41783 5.88824 6.14485 3.6451C5.43764 2.52353 4.87188 1.12157 4.87188 1.12157C4.87188 1.12157 4.73044 0.841174 4.589 0.700978C4.30611 0.560782 4.02323 0.560784 4.02323 0.560784H0.770071C0.770071 0.560784 0.345746 0.560785 0.0628629 0.841177C-0.0785787 0.981374 0.0628629 1.40196 0.0628629 1.40196C0.0628629 1.40196 2.60881 7.2902 5.43764 10.2343C8.12503 12.7578 11.0953 12.4775 11.0953 12.4775Z" transform="translate(6.78613 14.4898)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Vkontakte</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "waze" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.waze + '"target="_blank">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.waze + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#6ECCEF"/>', i += '<path d="M11.6549 16.6733C16.5911 16.6733 20.5675 12.9218 20.5675 8.33667C20.5675 3.7515 16.5911 0 11.6549 0C6.7187 0 2.74233 3.7515 2.74233 8.33667C2.74233 8.33667 3.42791 12.505 0 12.505C0 15.9786 6.17024 16.6733 11.6549 16.6733Z" transform="translate(9.15631 9.71375)" fill="#6ECCEF" class="color-element"/> <path d="M12.3405 18.0628C3.97637 18.0628 0 16.5344 0 13.1997C0 12.7829 0.274233 12.505 0.685582 12.505C1.37116 12.505 1.91963 12.3661 2.19386 11.9492C3.01656 10.9766 2.74233 9.17034 2.74233 9.17034C2.74233 4.02939 6.99293 0 12.3405 0C17.688 0 21.9386 4.02939 21.9386 9.0314C21.9386 14.0334 17.688 18.0628 12.3405 18.0628ZM1.50828 13.7555C2.19386 15.5618 5.896 16.6733 12.3405 16.6733C16.8653 16.6733 20.5675 13.1997 20.5675 9.0314C20.5675 4.86306 16.8653 1.38945 12.3405 1.38945C7.81563 1.38945 4.11349 4.86306 4.11349 9.0314C4.11349 9.0314 4.52484 11.3935 3.29079 12.7829C2.74233 13.3387 2.19386 13.6166 1.50828 13.7555Z" transform="translate(8.46936 9.01862)" fill="white"/> <path d="M2.74233 5.55778C4.25687 5.55778 5.48465 4.31363 5.48465 2.77889C5.48465 1.24415 4.25687 0 2.74233 0C1.22778 0 0 1.24415 0 2.77889C0 4.31363 1.22778 5.55778 2.74233 5.55778Z" transform="translate(20.8105 24.3027)" fill="white"/> <path d="M2.74233 5.55778C4.25687 5.55778 5.48465 4.31363 5.48465 2.77889C5.48465 1.24415 4.25687 0 2.74233 0C1.22778 0 0 1.24415 0 2.77889C0 4.31363 1.22778 5.55778 2.74233 5.55778Z" transform="translate(12.5836 24.3025)" fill="white"/> <path d="M0.685582 1.38945C0.274233 1.38945 0 1.11156 0 0.694723C0 0.277889 0.274233 0 0.685582 0C1.09693 0 1.37116 0.277889 1.37116 0.694723C1.37116 1.11156 1.09693 1.38945 0.685582 1.38945Z" transform="translate(17.3835 15.2717)" fill="white"/> <path d="M0.685582 1.38945C0.274233 1.38945 0 1.11156 0 0.694723C0 0.277889 0.274233 0 0.685582 0C1.09693 0 1.37116 0.277889 1.37116 0.694723C1.37116 1.11156 1.09693 1.38945 0.685582 1.38945Z" transform="translate(22.8668 15.2717)" fill="white"/> <path d="M4.14916 4.20448C2.22953 4.20448 0.447017 2.81503 0.035668 0.869809C-0.101448 0.452975 0.172786 0.175088 0.584135 0.0361436C0.995484 -0.102801 1.26972 0.17509 1.40683 0.591924C1.68106 1.84242 2.77799 2.81503 4.14916 2.81503C5.52032 2.81503 6.61725 1.84242 6.89148 0.591924C7.0286 0.17509 7.30283 0.0361436 7.71418 0.0361436C8.12553 0.175088 8.26265 0.452975 8.26265 0.869809C7.8513 2.81503 6.06879 4.20448 4.14916 4.20448Z" transform="translate(16.662 18.7092)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Waze</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "whatsapp" == t && (phone = e.object_settings.social.whatsapp, i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.whatsapp + '">', i += '<a href=" https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=' + phone.replace("+", "") + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#49E670"/>', i += '<path d="M12.9821 10.1115C12.7029 10.7767 11.5862 11.442 10.7486 11.575C10.1902 11.7081 9.35269 11.8411 6.84003 10.7767C3.48981 9.44628 1.39593 6.25317 1.25634 6.12012C1.11674 5.85403 2.13001e-06 4.39053 2.13001e-06 2.92702C2.13001e-06 1.46351 0.83755 0.665231 1.11673 0.399139C1.39592 0.133046 1.8147 1.01506e-06 2.23348 1.01506e-06C2.37307 1.01506e-06 2.51267 1.01506e-06 2.65226 1.01506e-06C2.93144 1.01506e-06 3.21063 -2.02219e-06 3.35022 0.532183C3.62941 1.19741 4.32736 2.66092 4.32736 2.79397C4.46696 2.92702 4.46696 3.19311 4.32736 3.32616C4.18777 3.59225 4.18777 3.59224 3.90858 3.85834C3.76899 3.99138 3.6294 4.12443 3.48981 4.39052C3.35022 4.52357 3.21063 4.78966 3.35022 5.05576C3.48981 5.32185 4.18777 6.38622 5.16491 7.18449C6.42125 8.24886 7.39839 8.51496 7.81717 8.78105C8.09636 8.91409 8.37554 8.9141 8.65472 8.648C8.93391 8.38191 9.21309 7.98277 9.49228 7.58363C9.77146 7.31754 10.0507 7.1845 10.3298 7.31754C10.609 7.45059 12.2841 8.11582 12.5633 8.38191C12.8425 8.51496 13.1217 8.648 13.1217 8.78105C13.1217 8.78105 13.1217 9.44628 12.9821 10.1115Z" transform="translate(12.9597 12.9597)" fill="#FAFAFA"/> <path d="M0.196998 23.295L0.131434 23.4862L0.323216 23.4223L5.52771 21.6875C7.4273 22.8471 9.47325 23.4274 11.6637 23.4274C18.134 23.4274 23.4274 18.134 23.4274 11.6637C23.4274 5.19344 18.134 -0.1 11.6637 -0.1C5.19344 -0.1 -0.1 5.19344 -0.1 11.6637C-0.1 13.9996 0.624492 16.3352 1.93021 18.2398L0.196998 23.295ZM5.87658 19.8847L5.84025 19.8665L5.80154 19.8788L2.78138 20.8398L3.73978 17.9646L3.75932 17.906L3.71562 17.8623L3.43104 17.5777C2.27704 15.8437 1.55796 13.8245 1.55796 11.6637C1.55796 6.03288 6.03288 1.55796 11.6637 1.55796C17.2945 1.55796 21.7695 6.03288 21.7695 11.6637C21.7695 17.2945 17.2945 21.7695 11.6637 21.7695C9.64222 21.7695 7.76778 21.1921 6.18227 20.039L6.17557 20.0342L6.16817 20.0305L5.87658 19.8847Z" transform="translate(7.7758 7.77582)" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.2"/', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Whatsapp</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "line" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.line + '"target="_blank">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.line + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#38B900"></circle>', i += '<path d="M24 9.36561C24 4.19474 18.6178 0 12 0C5.38215 0 0 4.19474 0 9.36561C0 13.9825 4.25629 17.8606 10.0229 18.5993C10.4073 18.6785 10.9565 18.8368 11.0664 19.1797C11.1762 19.4699 11.1487 19.9184 11.0938 20.235C11.0938 20.235 10.9565 21.0528 10.9291 21.2111C10.8741 21.5013 10.6819 22.3456 11.9725 21.8443C13.2632 21.3167 18.8924 17.9398 21.3913 15.1433C23.1487 13.2702 24 11.4234 24 9.36561Z" transform="translate(7 10)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M1.0984 0H0.24714C0.10984 0 -2.09503e-07 0.105528 -2.09503e-07 0.211056V5.22364C-2.09503e-07 5.35555 0.10984 5.43469 0.24714 5.43469H1.0984C1.2357 5.43469 1.34554 5.32917 1.34554 5.22364V0.211056C1.34554 0.105528 1.2357 0 1.0984 0Z" transform="translate(15.4577 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M4.66819 0H3.81693C3.67963 0 3.56979 0.105528 3.56979 0.211056V3.19222L1.18078 0.0791458C1.18078 0.0791458 1.18078 0.0527642 1.15332 0.0527642C1.15332 0.0527642 1.15332 0.0527641 1.12586 0.0263821C1.12586 0.0263821 1.12586 0.0263821 1.0984 0.0263821H0.247139C0.10984 0.0263821 4.19006e-07 0.13191 4.19006e-07 0.237438V5.25002C4.19006e-07 5.38193 0.10984 5.46108 0.247139 5.46108H1.0984C1.2357 5.46108 1.34554 5.35555 1.34554 5.25002V2.26885L3.73455 5.38193C3.76201 5.40831 3.76201 5.43469 3.78947 5.43469C3.78947 5.43469 3.78947 5.43469 3.81693 5.43469C3.81693 5.43469 3.81693 5.43469 3.84439 5.43469C3.87185 5.43469 3.87185 5.43469 3.89931 5.43469H4.75057C4.88787 5.43469 4.99771 5.32917 4.99771 5.22364V0.211056C4.91533 0.105528 4.80549 0 4.66819 0Z" transform="translate(17.6819 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M3.62471 4.22112H1.34554V0.237438C1.34554 0.105528 1.2357 0 1.0984 0H0.24714C0.10984 0 -5.23757e-08 0.105528 -5.23757e-08 0.237438V5.25002C-5.23757e-08 5.30278 0.0274599 5.35555 0.0549198 5.40831C0.10984 5.43469 0.16476 5.46108 0.21968 5.46108H3.56979C3.70709 5.46108 3.78947 5.35555 3.78947 5.22364V4.4058C3.87185 4.32665 3.76201 4.22112 3.62471 4.22112Z" transform="translate(10.8993 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M3.56979 1.29272C3.70709 1.29272 3.78947 1.18719 3.78947 1.05528V0.237438C3.78947 0.105528 3.67963 -1.00639e-07 3.56979 -1.00639e-07H0.219679C0.164759 -1.00639e-07 0.10984 0.0263821 0.0549199 0.0527641C0.02746 0.105528 -2.09503e-07 0.158292 -2.09503e-07 0.211056V5.22364C-2.09503e-07 5.2764 0.02746 5.32917 0.0549199 5.38193C0.10984 5.40831 0.164759 5.43469 0.219679 5.43469H3.56979C3.70709 5.43469 3.78947 5.32917 3.78947 5.19726V4.37941C3.78947 4.2475 3.67963 4.14198 3.56979 4.14198H1.29062V3.29775H3.56979C3.70709 3.29775 3.78947 3.19222 3.78947 3.06031V2.24247C3.78947 2.11056 3.67963 2.00503 3.56979 2.00503H1.29062V1.16081H3.56979V1.29272Z" transform="translate(23.421 16.8329)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Line</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "wechat" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.wechat + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#45DC00"></circle>', i += '<path d="M17.3707 6.90938C15.0508 7.03077 13.0281 7.71242 11.3888 9.26248C9.73039 10.8312 8.97307 12.7455 9.18397 15.1172C8.27327 15.0052 7.44884 14.8838 6.61482 14.8184C6.32723 14.7904 5.99171 14.8278 5.74246 14.9585C4.93721 15.4067 4.16071 15.9016 3.24042 16.4619C3.41298 15.7242 3.51843 15.0705 3.71015 14.4449C3.85395 13.9874 3.78685 13.7353 3.35546 13.4364C0.584998 11.5222 -0.594125 8.65553 0.287821 5.69547C1.10266 2.95952 3.09663 1.30674 5.80957 0.447674C9.50991 -0.728879 13.68 0.475687 15.9232 3.33303C16.738 4.36952 17.2365 5.53673 17.3707 6.90938ZM6.69152 5.98494C6.71069 5.44336 6.23137 4.95779 5.65619 4.93912C5.07142 4.92044 4.5921 5.35932 4.57293 5.91958C4.55375 6.48918 5.00431 6.94673 5.58908 6.95607C6.18344 6.97474 6.67234 6.53587 6.69152 5.98494ZM12.2612 4.93912C11.686 4.94846 11.2067 5.42468 11.2163 5.96627C11.2259 6.52653 11.7052 6.9654 12.29 6.9654C12.8843 6.95607 13.3253 6.51719 13.3253 5.93825C13.3157 5.37799 12.846 4.92978 12.2612 4.93912Z" transform="translate(7 9)" fill="white"></path><path d="M12.48 13.2605C11.7418 12.943 11.0708 12.4668 10.3518 12.3921C9.63283 12.3174 8.88509 12.7189 8.13735 12.7936C5.8558 13.0177 3.8139 12.4014 2.13629 10.8887C-1.06556 8.00334 -0.605416 3.57726 3.09492 1.21482C6.38305 -0.886168 11.2146 -0.185839 13.5345 2.72753C15.5572 5.26739 15.3175 8.64764 12.8538 10.786C12.1349 11.4023 11.876 11.9158 12.3362 12.7282C12.4225 12.8776 12.432 13.0737 12.48 13.2605ZM4.11108 5.3701C4.58081 5.3701 4.96426 5.01527 4.98344 4.56706C5.00261 4.09084 4.60957 3.68932 4.12066 3.68932C3.63176 3.68932 3.22913 4.09084 3.2483 4.55772C3.26748 5.00593 3.65093 5.3701 4.11108 5.3701ZM9.5082 3.68932C9.05764 3.68932 8.6646 4.04415 8.64543 4.49236C8.62626 4.96858 9.00971 5.36077 9.48903 5.36077C9.95876 5.36077 10.3326 5.01527 10.3422 4.55772C10.371 4.09084 9.98752 3.68932 9.5082 3.68932Z" transform="translate(17.1057 16.7395)" fill="white"></path>', i += "</svg>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>WeChat: " + e.object_settings.social.wechat + "</p>", i += "</div>", 1 === Object.keys(e.object_settings.social).length && (i += '<div class="snap-wee-title">', i += "<p>WeChat: " + e.object_settings.social.wechat + "</p>", i += "</div>"), i += "</div>")
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"</div>", i += "</div>"), "google_maps" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.google_maps + '">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.google_maps + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#37AA66"/>', i += '<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 8.06381C0 3.68631 3.68633 0 8.06383 0C12.4413 0 16.1276 3.68631 16.1276 8.06381C16.1276 12.2109 9.67659 19.5835 8.9854 20.2747C8.755 20.5051 8.29422 20.7355 8.06383 20.7355C7.83344 20.7355 7.37263 20.5051 7.14224 20.2747C6.45107 19.5835 0 12.2109 0 8.06381ZM11.5203 8.06378C11.5203 9.97244 9.97302 11.5197 8.06436 11.5197C6.15572 11.5197 4.60844 9.97244 4.60844 8.06378C4.60844 6.15515 6.15572 4.60788 8.06436 4.60788C9.97302 4.60788 11.5203 6.15515 11.5203 8.06378Z" transform="translate(11.3764 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Google Maps</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "link" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.link + '">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.link + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#FF7539"/>', i += '<mask id="path-2-outside-1" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14" fill="black"> <rect fill="white" x="-1" y="-1" width="13" height="14"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 10.8258C6.85963 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258L9.28893 8.34581C9.47006 8.1609 9.47006 7.86509 9.28893 7.68018C9.10243 7.48979 8.79591 7.48979 8.60942 7.68018L6.19386 10.1461C6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 10.1461C5.1827 11.1784 3.54326 11.1784 2.53215 10.1461C2.53213 10.1461 2.53211 10.1461 2.53209 10.1461L1.69991 9.29657C1.69991 9.29657 1.6999 9.29656 1.6999 9.29655C0.688737 8.2643 0.688739 6.59069 1.6999 5.55844C1.6999 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843 1.69991 5.55843L5.44484 1.73538C5.44484 1.73538 5.44484 1.73537 5.44484 1.73537C6.45601 0.703119 8.09541 0.703118 9.10658 1.73537Z"/> </mask><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 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2.76754L9.86916 2.95685L10.1019 2.76754ZM9.10659 1.73538L9.3209 1.52545L9.10659 1.73538ZM9.10658 1.73537L8.89227 1.9453L9.10658 1.73537ZM9.93879 2.58495L10.1531 2.37502L9.93879 2.58495ZM9.9388 2.58496L10.1531 2.37503L9.9388 2.58496ZM10.1531 2.37502L9.3209 1.52545L8.89228 1.94531L9.72448 2.79488L10.1531 2.37502ZM10.3346 2.57823C10.2777 2.50832 10.2172 2.4405 10.1531 2.37503L9.72449 2.79488C9.77566 2.84713 9.82388 2.90119 9.86916 2.95685L10.3346 2.57823ZM11.1966 2.14344C11.0835 1.98684 10.9576 1.83698 10.8189 1.6954L10.3903 2.11524C10.5079 2.2353 10.6145 2.3622 10.7101 2.49464L11.1966 2.14344ZM10.8189 1.69535L9.98667 0.845789L9.55805 1.26565L10.3902 2.11521L10.8189 1.69535ZM9.98666 0.845785C8.49018 -0.681928 6.06124 -0.681928 4.56476 0.845784L4.99338 1.26564C6.25459 -0.0218819 8.29683 -0.0218814 9.55804 1.26565L9.98666 0.845785ZM4.56475 0.84579L0.819827 4.66884L1.24845 5.0887L4.99338 1.26565L4.56475 0.84579ZM0.819819 4.66885C-0.673269 6.1931 -0.673273 8.66187 0.819807 10.1861L1.24843 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d="M9.10658 1.73537C9.10658 1.73537 9.10658 1.73538 9.10659 1.73538L9.93879 2.58495C9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58495 9.9388 2.58496C9.99645 2.64381 10.0508 2.70475 10.1019 2.76754C10.3002 3.0113 10.6804 3.07698 10.9003 2.85252C11.0424 2.70754 11.0721 2.4836 10.9533 2.31904C10.849 2.17452 10.7327 2.03614 10.6046 1.90532C10.6046 1.9053 10.6046 1.90529 10.6045 1.90528L9.77236 1.05572C9.77236 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572 9.77235 1.05572C8.39351 -0.351905 6.15792 -0.351905 4.77907 1.05571C4.77907 1.05572 4.77907 1.05572 4.77906 1.05572L1.03414 4.87877C1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878 1.03413 4.87878C-0.344706 6.2864 -0.34471 8.56858 1.03412 9.9762C1.03413 9.97621 1.03414 9.97622 1.03415 9.97623L1.86633 10.8258C1.86634 10.8258 1.86635 10.8258 1.86636 10.8258C3.24521 12.2334 5.48072 12.2334 6.85962 10.8258C6.85963 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258 6.85964 10.8258L9.28893 8.34581C9.47006 8.1609 9.47006 7.86509 9.28893 7.68018C9.10243 7.48979 8.79591 7.48979 8.60942 7.68018L6.19386 10.1461C6.19386 10.1461 6.19386 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4.99338 1.26565 4.99338 1.26564L4.56476 0.845784ZM9.98667 0.845789C9.98667 0.845788 9.98666 0.845787 9.98666 0.845785L9.55804 1.26565C9.55804 1.26565 9.55804 1.26565 9.55805 1.26565L9.98667 0.845789ZM10.8189 1.6954C10.8189 1.69538 10.8189 1.69536 10.8189 1.69535L10.3902 2.11521C10.3902 2.11522 10.3903 2.11523 10.3903 2.11524L10.8189 1.6954ZM11.1146 3.06246C11.3462 2.82606 11.411 2.44051 11.1966 2.14344L10.7101 2.49464C10.7332 2.52669 10.7385 2.58902 10.686 2.64258L11.1146 3.06246ZM9.86916 2.95685C10.1487 3.30046 10.7367 3.44829 11.1146 3.06246L10.686 2.64258C10.652 2.67732 10.6006 2.69693 10.531 2.68804C10.4586 2.67877 10.3842 2.63918 10.3346 2.57823L9.86916 2.95685ZM9.3209 1.52545C9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544 9.32089 1.52544L8.89227 1.9453C8.89227 1.9453 8.89227 1.94531 8.89228 1.94531L9.3209 1.52545ZM9.72448 2.79488C9.72448 2.79488 9.72448 2.79488 9.72449 2.79488L10.1531 2.37503C10.1531 2.37503 10.1531 2.37502 10.1531 2.37502L9.72448 2.79488Z" transform="translate(28.9286 22.8312) 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20.7355 14.9974 20.7355C13.9541 20.7355 13.0412 20.4763 12.2587 20.0875C11.6067 20.2171 11.085 20.2171 10.433 20.2171C4.95566 20.2171 0.521637 15.9404 0.521637 10.4973C0.521637 9.84955 0.652008 9.20175 0.782349 8.55392L0.782471 8.55338C0.260834 7.77582 0 6.73904 0 5.70227C0 2.59195 2.60825 0 5.73813 0C6.91183 0 7.95514 0.388794 8.86801 0.907166C9.38965 0.777588 10.0417 0.777588 10.5634 0.777588ZM13.5627 16.718C14.4756 16.3292 15.1276 15.8108 15.6493 15.1628C16.1709 14.5149 16.3013 13.7373 16.0405 12.9597C16.0405 12.3117 15.9101 11.7933 15.6493 11.2749C15.3884 10.7565 14.9972 10.3677 14.4756 10.1086L14.4752 10.1084C13.9536 9.84924 13.4321 9.59012 12.7802 9.33096C12.5034 9.27597 12.2031 9.1976 11.8893 9.11572C11.4638 9.0047 11.0135 8.88718 10.5632 8.81259C10.1953 8.66635 9.86893 8.60263 9.60748 8.55157C9.40552 8.51215 9.24231 8.48029 9.12866 8.4238C8.86792 8.4238 8.60721 8.29428 8.34647 8.16473L8.34619 8.16461C8.08536 8.035 7.82455 7.90543 7.69412 7.77582C7.43329 7.64621 7.43329 7.51663 7.43329 7.25742C7.43329 6.86862 7.69412 6.60944 8.08536 6.35025C8.47659 6.09106 9.12866 5.96146 9.78073 5.96146C10.5632 5.96146 11.0848 6.09106 11.4761 6.35025C11.8673 6.60944 12.1281 6.86865 12.3889 7.38702C12.6497 7.77563 12.9104 8.03476 13.0408 8.16443L13.041 8.16461C13.3018 8.29419 13.5627 8.4238 13.9539 8.4238C14.3451 8.4238 14.7364 8.29419 14.9972 8.035C15.258 7.77582 15.3884 7.51663 15.3884 7.12784C15.3884 6.73904 15.3884 6.35025 15.1276 5.96146C15.0313 5.67429 14.7927 5.45782 14.5169 5.20764C14.4193 5.11908 14.317 5.02631 14.2147 4.92468C13.6931 4.6655 13.1714 4.40631 12.5194 4.14709C11.8673 4.01752 11.0848 3.88791 10.172 3.88791C9.12866 3.88791 8.08536 4.01752 7.30289 4.2767C6.39001 4.53589 5.73795 5.05429 5.34671 5.57266C4.95547 6.09106 4.69464 6.73904 4.69464 7.51663C4.69464 8.29419 4.95547 8.9422 5.34671 9.46057C5.73795 9.97897 6.39001 10.3677 7.04205 10.627C7.69412 10.8861 8.60703 11.1453 9.6503 11.4045C10.4328 11.5341 11.0848 11.6637 11.4761 11.7933C11.8673 11.9229 12.2585 12.0525 12.5194 12.3117C12.7802 12.5709 12.9106 12.8301 12.9106 13.2189C12.9106 13.6077 12.6498 13.9965 12.1281 14.3853C11.6065 14.774 10.9544 14.9036 10.172 14.9036C9.6503 14.9036 9.12866 14.774 8.73743 14.6444C8.47659 14.5149 8.21576 14.2556 7.95496 13.9965C7.91547 13.918 7.86407 13.8277 7.80792 13.7291C7.67859 13.5019 7.52423 13.2308 7.43329 12.9597C7.40817 12.9098 7.38306 12.855 7.35703 12.7983C7.24783 12.5604 7.12225 12.2867 6.91165 12.1821C6.65085 12.0525 6.39001 11.9229 5.99878 11.9229C5.60754 11.9229 5.21631 12.0525 4.95547 12.3117C4.69464 12.5709 4.56424 12.8301 4.56424 13.2189C4.56424 13.8669 4.82507 14.3853 5.21631 15.0332C5.73795 15.6812 6.25961 16.07 6.91165 16.4588C7.82455 16.9772 8.99823 17.2364 10.4328 17.2364C11.6065 17.2364 12.6498 17.1068 13.5627 16.718Z" transform="translate(9.07178 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Skype</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "sms" == t && (i += '<div 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6.50764 6.36411 6.50764 5.96637C6.50764 5.56863 6.24733 5.30347 5.85689 5.30347H4.5554C3.51421 5.30347 2.60316 6.23154 2.60316 7.29218C2.60316 8.35281 3.51421 9.28085 4.5554 9.28085C4.94585 9.28085 5.20613 9.54602 5.20613 9.94376C5.20613 10.3415 4.94585 10.6067 4.5554 10.6067H3.25391C2.86346 10.6067 2.60316 10.8718 2.60316 11.2696ZM14.9678 11.9325H13.6664C13.2759 11.9325 13.0156 11.6673 13.0156 11.2696C13.0156 10.8718 13.2759 10.6067 13.6664 10.6067H14.9678C15.3583 10.6067 15.6186 10.3415 15.6186 9.94376C15.6186 9.54602 15.3583 9.28085 14.9678 9.28085C13.9267 9.28085 13.0156 8.35281 13.0156 7.29218C13.0156 6.23154 13.9267 5.30347 14.9678 5.30347H16.2693C16.6598 5.30347 16.9201 5.56863 16.9201 5.96637C16.9201 6.36411 16.6598 6.62927 16.2693 6.62927H14.9678C14.5774 6.62927 14.3171 6.89441 14.3171 7.29218C14.3171 7.68991 14.5774 7.95505 14.9678 7.95505C16.009 7.95505 16.9201 8.88312 16.9201 9.94376C16.9201 11.0044 16.009 11.9325 14.9678 11.9325ZM10.4126 11.2697C10.4126 11.6674 10.6729 11.9326 11.0633 11.9326C11.4538 11.9326 11.7141 11.6674 11.8442 11.2697V5.96649C11.8442 5.70135 11.5839 5.43619 11.3236 5.30362C10.9332 5.30362 10.6729 5.43619 10.5427 5.70135L9.76186 7.15973L8.98094 5.70135C8.85081 5.43619 8.46034 5.17102 8.20006 5.30362C7.93977 5.43619 7.67946 5.70135 7.67946 5.96649V11.2697C7.67946 11.6674 7.93977 11.9326 8.33022 11.9326C8.72066 11.9326 8.98094 11.6674 8.98094 11.2697V8.75067L9.1111 8.88327C9.37138 9.28101 10.0221 9.28101 10.2825 8.88327L10.4126 8.75067V11.2697Z" transform="translate(9.67801 10.4601)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>SMS</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "snapchat" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.snapchat + '">', i += '<a href="https://www.snapchat.com/add/' + e.object_settings.social.snapchat + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" 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7.37147 1.25248 6.82544 1.66997C6.2794 2.22663 5.86988 2.92245 5.46035 3.61827C4.91431 4.73159 5.05082 6.54073 5.18733 8.07153C5.18733 8.2107 5.18733 8.34986 5.18733 8.62819C5.05082 8.62819 5.05082 8.62819 4.77781 8.62819C4.50479 8.62819 4.23177 8.48903 3.82224 8.34986C3.68574 8.34986 3.54923 8.2107 3.41272 8.2107C3.1397 8.2107 3.00319 8.2107 2.73018 8.34986C2.45716 8.48903 2.32065 8.76736 2.32065 8.90652C2.32065 9.04568 2.32065 9.32401 2.59366 9.74151C2.73017 9.88067 3.00319 10.0198 3.41272 10.159C3.54923 10.159 3.54922 10.2982 3.68573 10.2982C4.09526 10.4373 4.6413 10.5765 4.91431 10.994C5.05082 11.1332 4.91431 11.4115 4.77781 11.6898C4.77781 11.829 4.36828 12.5248 3.68573 13.3598C3.27621 13.7773 2.86668 14.1948 2.32065 14.6123C1.77461 15.0298 1.09207 15.3081 0.409527 15.3081C0.13651 15.3081 2.08296e-06 15.5864 2.08296e-06 15.8647C2.08296e-06 16.0039 2.08296e-06 16.0039 2.08296e-06 16.1431C0.136511 16.4214 0.409528 16.5606 0.682546 16.8389C1.22858 17.1172 1.91112 17.2564 2.86668 17.3955C2.86668 17.5347 3.00319 17.6739 3.00319 17.813C3.00319 17.9522 3.1397 18.0914 3.1397 18.3697C3.1397 18.5089 3.41272 18.7872 3.68573 18.7872C3.82224 18.7872 3.95875 18.7872 4.23177 18.648C4.50479 18.648 4.91431 18.5089 5.32384 18.5089C5.59686 18.5089 5.86988 18.5089 6.14289 18.648C6.68893 18.7872 7.09845 19.0655 7.64449 19.483C8.46354 20.0397 9.28259 20.7355 10.6477 20.7355H10.7842H10.9207C12.2858 20.7355 13.1048 20.0397 13.9239 19.483C14.4699 19.0655 14.8794 18.7872 15.4255 18.648C15.6985 18.648 15.9715 18.5089 16.2445 18.5089C16.6541 18.5089 17.0636 18.5089 17.3366 18.648C17.6096 18.648 17.7461 18.648 17.8826 18.648C18.1557 18.648 18.4287 18.5089 18.4287 18.2305C18.4287 18.0914 18.5652 17.9522 18.5652 17.6739C18.5652 17.5347 18.7017 17.2564 18.7017 17.2564C19.6572 17.1172 20.3398 16.9781 20.8858 16.6997C21.2954 16.5606 21.5684 16.2822 21.5684 16.0039C21.5684 15.8647 21.5684 15.8647 21.5684 15.7256C21.9779 15.8647 21.8414 15.5864 21.5684 15.5864Z" transform="translate(8.52631 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Snapchat</p>", i += "</div>", 1 === Object.keys(e.object_settings.social).length && (i += '<div class="snap-wee-title">', i += "<p>Snapchat</p>", i += "</div>"), i += "</div>"), "telegram" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.telegram + '">', i += '<a href="https://telegram.me/' + e.object_settings.social.telegram + ' " target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#3E99D8"/>', i += '<path d="M3.56917 -2.55497e-07L0 6.42978L7.5349 1.87535L3.56917 -2.55497e-07Z" transform="translate(13.9704 24.6145)" fill="#E0E0E0"/><path d="M20.8862 0.133954C20.754 0 20.4897 0 20.2253 0L0.396574 8.03723C0.132191 8.17118 0 8.43909 0 8.707C0 8.97491 0.132191 9.24282 0.396574 9.37677L17.5814 17.414C17.7136 17.414 17.7136 17.414 17.8458 17.414C17.978 17.414 18.1102 17.414 18.1102 17.28C18.2424 17.1461 18.3746 17.0121 18.5068 16.7442L21.1506 0.669769C21.1506 0.535815 21.1506 0.267908 20.8862 0.133954Z" transform="translate(7.36069 10.9512)" fill="white"/> <path d="M13.8801 0L0 11.52V19.4233L3.70136 13.2614L13.8801 0Z" transform="translate(13.9704 11.6208)" fill="#F2F2F2"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Telegram</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "phone" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" >', i += '<a href="tel:' + e.object_settings.social.phone + '">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#03E78B"/>', i += '<path d="M19.3929 14.9176C17.752 14.7684 16.2602 14.3209 14.7684 13.7242C14.0226 13.4259 13.1275 13.7242 12.8292 14.4701L11.7849 16.2602C8.65222 14.6193 6.11623 11.9341 4.47529 8.95057L6.41458 7.90634C7.16046 7.60799 7.45881 6.71293 7.16046 5.96705C6.56375 4.47529 6.11623 2.83435 5.96705 1.34259C5.96705 0.596704 5.22117 0 4.47529 0H0.745882C0.298353 0 5.69062e-07 0.298352 5.69062e-07 0.745881C5.69062e-07 3.72941 0.596704 6.71293 1.93929 9.3981C3.87858 13.575 7.30964 16.8569 11.3374 18.7962C14.0226 20.1388 17.0061 20.7355 19.9896 20.7355C20.4371 20.7355 20.7355 20.4371 20.7355 19.9896V16.4094C20.7355 15.5143 20.1388 14.9176 19.3929 14.9176Z" transform="translate(9.07179 9.07178)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Phone</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "viber" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.viber + '">', i += '<a href="viber://chat?number=' + e.object_settings.social.viber + '" target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle 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1.52044 9.08148C1.56775 6.69108 1.99675 4.73379 3.26798 3.41792C5.55493 1.24904 10.2645 1.57305 10.2645 1.57305C14.2422 1.59288 16.1475 2.84594 16.5891 3.26583C18.0527 4.58501 18.8003 7.73585 18.2546 12.3513Z" transform="translate(9.47299 8.4238)" fill="white"/> <path d="M1.58982 1.72254C1.53935 0.628182 1.00941 0.0562059 0 1.00898e-07" transform="translate(20.166 15.5914)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M3.35945 3.69636C3.38153 2.67804 3.09448 1.82834 2.49514 1.14395C1.8958 0.459565 1.06619 0.0793496 1.9253e-07 2.01796e-07" transform="translate(19.7592 14.0966)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M5.22371 5.71646C5.21109 3.94763 4.70639 2.55902 3.71275 1.5407C2.71911 0.525689 1.47942 0.00991877 -3.8506e-07 1.00898e-07" transform="translate(19.2931 12.6479)" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.518873" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6.35738 8.04532C6.35738 8.04532 6.73276 8.07838 6.93149 7.81719L7.32263 7.30142C7.5119 7.04353 7.96929 6.88153 8.41722 7.14272C8.66641 7.2915 9.11434 7.57914 9.39193 7.79405C9.68844 8.02218 10.2972 8.55448 10.2972 8.55448C10.5875 8.80906 10.6537 9.18597 10.4581 9.58271C10.4581 9.58602 10.455 9.58933 10.455 9.58933C10.2531 9.96293 9.9818 10.3167 9.63797 10.644C9.63482 10.6473 9.63482 10.6473 9.63167 10.6506C9.35092 10.8953 9.07333 11.0375 8.80205 11.0705C8.77051 11.0771 8.7295 11.0804 8.68219 11.0771C8.56232 11.0771 8.44561 11.0606 8.32889 11.0209L8.31943 11.0077C7.89989 10.8854 7.20277 10.5746 6.03879 9.90342C5.28173 9.467 4.654 9.02066 4.12406 8.57762C3.84331 8.34619 3.55626 8.08169 3.2629 7.77752C3.25344 7.7676 3.24398 7.75768 3.23451 7.74776C3.22505 7.73784 3.21559 7.72792 3.20612 7.718C3.19666 7.70808 3.1872 7.69817 3.17773 7.68825C3.16827 7.67833 3.15881 7.66841 3.14934 7.65849C2.85914 7.35101 2.60678 7.05015 2.38597 6.75589C1.96328 6.20045 1.53744 5.5392 1.12105 4.74902C0.480708 3.52902 0.184194 2.79834 0.0674803 2.35862L0.0548623 2.3487C0.0170094 2.22637 -0.00191702 2.10404 0.0012374 1.9784C-0.00191702 1.92881 0.0012373 1.88583 0.00754613 1.85276C0.0390903 1.56843 0.17473 1.27748 0.408157 0.983227C0.411312 0.979921 0.411311 0.979921 0.414466 0.976615C0.726753 0.616237 1.06112 0.331902 1.42072 0.120304C1.42388 0.120304 1.42703 0.116997 1.42703 0.116997C1.80556 -0.0879887 2.16517 -0.0185578 2.40806 0.285615C2.41121 0.288921 2.91592 0.923716 3.13357 1.2345C3.33861 1.52875 3.6162 1.99493 3.75499 2.25612C4.00419 2.72561 3.84962 3.20501 3.60358 3.40338L3.11149 3.81335C2.86229 4.02495 2.89384 4.41509 2.89384 4.41509C2.89384 4.41509 3.62566 7.31464 6.35738 8.04532Z" transform="translate(13.863 13.0014)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Viber</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "vkontakte" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.vkontakte + 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6.30882 13.7827 6.16863C13.2169 5.74804 13.3584 4.62647 13.3584 3.92549C13.3584 1.40196 13.7827 0.420589 12.6512 0.140197C12.2268 1.06543e-06 11.944 -2.13922e-06 11.0953 -2.13922e-06C9.82233 -2.13922e-06 8.83224 -1.06543e-06 8.26647 0.280391C7.84215 0.420587 7.55927 0.841177 7.70071 0.841177C7.9836 0.841177 8.40792 0.98137 8.6908 1.40196C8.97368 1.82255 8.97368 2.94412 8.97368 2.94412C8.97368 2.94412 9.11513 5.88824 8.54936 6.16863C8.12503 6.44902 7.41783 5.88824 6.14485 3.6451C5.43764 2.52353 4.87188 1.12157 4.87188 1.12157C4.87188 1.12157 4.73044 0.841174 4.589 0.700978C4.30611 0.560782 4.02323 0.560784 4.02323 0.560784H0.770071C0.770071 0.560784 0.345746 0.560785 0.0628629 0.841177C-0.0785787 0.981374 0.0628629 1.40196 0.0628629 1.40196C0.0628629 1.40196 2.60881 7.2902 5.43764 10.2343C8.12503 12.7578 11.0953 12.4775 11.0953 12.4775Z" transform="translate(6.78613 14.4898)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Vkontakte</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "waze" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.waze + '"target="_blank">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.waze + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#6ECCEF"/>', i += '<path d="M11.6549 16.6733C16.5911 16.6733 20.5675 12.9218 20.5675 8.33667C20.5675 3.7515 16.5911 0 11.6549 0C6.7187 0 2.74233 3.7515 2.74233 8.33667C2.74233 8.33667 3.42791 12.505 0 12.505C0 15.9786 6.17024 16.6733 11.6549 16.6733Z" transform="translate(9.15631 9.71375)" fill="#6ECCEF" class="color-element"/> <path d="M12.3405 18.0628C3.97637 18.0628 0 16.5344 0 13.1997C0 12.7829 0.274233 12.505 0.685582 12.505C1.37116 12.505 1.91963 12.3661 2.19386 11.9492C3.01656 10.9766 2.74233 9.17034 2.74233 9.17034C2.74233 4.02939 6.99293 0 12.3405 0C17.688 0 21.9386 4.02939 21.9386 9.0314C21.9386 14.0334 17.688 18.0628 12.3405 18.0628ZM1.50828 13.7555C2.19386 15.5618 5.896 16.6733 12.3405 16.6733C16.8653 16.6733 20.5675 13.1997 20.5675 9.0314C20.5675 4.86306 16.8653 1.38945 12.3405 1.38945C7.81563 1.38945 4.11349 4.86306 4.11349 9.0314C4.11349 9.0314 4.52484 11.3935 3.29079 12.7829C2.74233 13.3387 2.19386 13.6166 1.50828 13.7555Z" transform="translate(8.46936 9.01862)" fill="white"/> <path d="M2.74233 5.55778C4.25687 5.55778 5.48465 4.31363 5.48465 2.77889C5.48465 1.24415 4.25687 0 2.74233 0C1.22778 0 0 1.24415 0 2.77889C0 4.31363 1.22778 5.55778 2.74233 5.55778Z" transform="translate(20.8105 24.3027)" fill="white"/> <path d="M2.74233 5.55778C4.25687 5.55778 5.48465 4.31363 5.48465 2.77889C5.48465 1.24415 4.25687 0 2.74233 0C1.22778 0 0 1.24415 0 2.77889C0 4.31363 1.22778 5.55778 2.74233 5.55778Z" transform="translate(12.5836 24.3025)" fill="white"/> <path d="M0.685582 1.38945C0.274233 1.38945 0 1.11156 0 0.694723C0 0.277889 0.274233 0 0.685582 0C1.09693 0 1.37116 0.277889 1.37116 0.694723C1.37116 1.11156 1.09693 1.38945 0.685582 1.38945Z" transform="translate(17.3835 15.2717)" fill="white"/> <path d="M0.685582 1.38945C0.274233 1.38945 0 1.11156 0 0.694723C0 0.277889 0.274233 0 0.685582 0C1.09693 0 1.37116 0.277889 1.37116 0.694723C1.37116 1.11156 1.09693 1.38945 0.685582 1.38945Z" transform="translate(22.8668 15.2717)" fill="white"/> <path d="M4.14916 4.20448C2.22953 4.20448 0.447017 2.81503 0.035668 0.869809C-0.101448 0.452975 0.172786 0.175088 0.584135 0.0361436C0.995484 -0.102801 1.26972 0.17509 1.40683 0.591924C1.68106 1.84242 2.77799 2.81503 4.14916 2.81503C5.52032 2.81503 6.61725 1.84242 6.89148 0.591924C7.0286 0.17509 7.30283 0.0361436 7.71418 0.0361436C8.12553 0.175088 8.26265 0.452975 8.26265 0.869809C7.8513 2.81503 6.06879 4.20448 4.14916 4.20448Z" transform="translate(16.662 18.7092)" fill="white"/>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Waze</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "whatsapp" == t && (phone = e.object_settings.social.whatsapp, i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.whatsapp + '">', i += '<a href=" https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=' + phone.replace("+", "") + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#49E670"/>', i += '<path d="M12.9821 10.1115C12.7029 10.7767 11.5862 11.442 10.7486 11.575C10.1902 11.7081 9.35269 11.8411 6.84003 10.7767C3.48981 9.44628 1.39593 6.25317 1.25634 6.12012C1.11674 5.85403 2.13001e-06 4.39053 2.13001e-06 2.92702C2.13001e-06 1.46351 0.83755 0.665231 1.11673 0.399139C1.39592 0.133046 1.8147 1.01506e-06 2.23348 1.01506e-06C2.37307 1.01506e-06 2.51267 1.01506e-06 2.65226 1.01506e-06C2.93144 1.01506e-06 3.21063 -2.02219e-06 3.35022 0.532183C3.62941 1.19741 4.32736 2.66092 4.32736 2.79397C4.46696 2.92702 4.46696 3.19311 4.32736 3.32616C4.18777 3.59225 4.18777 3.59224 3.90858 3.85834C3.76899 3.99138 3.6294 4.12443 3.48981 4.39052C3.35022 4.52357 3.21063 4.78966 3.35022 5.05576C3.48981 5.32185 4.18777 6.38622 5.16491 7.18449C6.42125 8.24886 7.39839 8.51496 7.81717 8.78105C8.09636 8.91409 8.37554 8.9141 8.65472 8.648C8.93391 8.38191 9.21309 7.98277 9.49228 7.58363C9.77146 7.31754 10.0507 7.1845 10.3298 7.31754C10.609 7.45059 12.2841 8.11582 12.5633 8.38191C12.8425 8.51496 13.1217 8.648 13.1217 8.78105C13.1217 8.78105 13.1217 9.44628 12.9821 10.1115Z" transform="translate(12.9597 12.9597)" fill="#FAFAFA"/> <path d="M0.196998 23.295L0.131434 23.4862L0.323216 23.4223L5.52771 21.6875C7.4273 22.8471 9.47325 23.4274 11.6637 23.4274C18.134 23.4274 23.4274 18.134 23.4274 11.6637C23.4274 5.19344 18.134 -0.1 11.6637 -0.1C5.19344 -0.1 -0.1 5.19344 -0.1 11.6637C-0.1 13.9996 0.624492 16.3352 1.93021 18.2398L0.196998 23.295ZM5.87658 19.8847L5.84025 19.8665L5.80154 19.8788L2.78138 20.8398L3.73978 17.9646L3.75932 17.906L3.71562 17.8623L3.43104 17.5777C2.27704 15.8437 1.55796 13.8245 1.55796 11.6637C1.55796 6.03288 6.03288 1.55796 11.6637 1.55796C17.2945 1.55796 21.7695 6.03288 21.7695 11.6637C21.7695 17.2945 17.2945 21.7695 11.6637 21.7695C9.64222 21.7695 7.76778 21.1921 6.18227 20.039L6.17557 20.0342L6.16817 20.0305L5.87658 19.8847Z" transform="translate(7.7758 7.77582)" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.2"/', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Whatsapp</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "line" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.line + '"target="_blank">', i += '<a href="' + e.object_settings.social.line + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#38B900"></circle>', i += '<path d="M24 9.36561C24 4.19474 18.6178 0 12 0C5.38215 0 0 4.19474 0 9.36561C0 13.9825 4.25629 17.8606 10.0229 18.5993C10.4073 18.6785 10.9565 18.8368 11.0664 19.1797C11.1762 19.4699 11.1487 19.9184 11.0938 20.235C11.0938 20.235 10.9565 21.0528 10.9291 21.2111C10.8741 21.5013 10.6819 22.3456 11.9725 21.8443C13.2632 21.3167 18.8924 17.9398 21.3913 15.1433C23.1487 13.2702 24 11.4234 24 9.36561Z" transform="translate(7 10)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M1.0984 0H0.24714C0.10984 0 -2.09503e-07 0.105528 -2.09503e-07 0.211056V5.22364C-2.09503e-07 5.35555 0.10984 5.43469 0.24714 5.43469H1.0984C1.2357 5.43469 1.34554 5.32917 1.34554 5.22364V0.211056C1.34554 0.105528 1.2357 0 1.0984 0Z" transform="translate(15.4577 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M4.66819 0H3.81693C3.67963 0 3.56979 0.105528 3.56979 0.211056V3.19222L1.18078 0.0791458C1.18078 0.0791458 1.18078 0.0527642 1.15332 0.0527642C1.15332 0.0527642 1.15332 0.0527641 1.12586 0.0263821C1.12586 0.0263821 1.12586 0.0263821 1.0984 0.0263821H0.247139C0.10984 0.0263821 4.19006e-07 0.13191 4.19006e-07 0.237438V5.25002C4.19006e-07 5.38193 0.10984 5.46108 0.247139 5.46108H1.0984C1.2357 5.46108 1.34554 5.35555 1.34554 5.25002V2.26885L3.73455 5.38193C3.76201 5.40831 3.76201 5.43469 3.78947 5.43469C3.78947 5.43469 3.78947 5.43469 3.81693 5.43469C3.81693 5.43469 3.81693 5.43469 3.84439 5.43469C3.87185 5.43469 3.87185 5.43469 3.89931 5.43469H4.75057C4.88787 5.43469 4.99771 5.32917 4.99771 5.22364V0.211056C4.91533 0.105528 4.80549 0 4.66819 0Z" transform="translate(17.6819 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M3.62471 4.22112H1.34554V0.237438C1.34554 0.105528 1.2357 0 1.0984 0H0.24714C0.10984 0 -5.23757e-08 0.105528 -5.23757e-08 0.237438V5.25002C-5.23757e-08 5.30278 0.0274599 5.35555 0.0549198 5.40831C0.10984 5.43469 0.16476 5.46108 0.21968 5.46108H3.56979C3.70709 5.46108 3.78947 5.35555 3.78947 5.22364V4.4058C3.87185 4.32665 3.76201 4.22112 3.62471 4.22112Z" transform="translate(10.8993 16.8593)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path> <path d="M3.56979 1.29272C3.70709 1.29272 3.78947 1.18719 3.78947 1.05528V0.237438C3.78947 0.105528 3.67963 -1.00639e-07 3.56979 -1.00639e-07H0.219679C0.164759 -1.00639e-07 0.10984 0.0263821 0.0549199 0.0527641C0.02746 0.105528 -2.09503e-07 0.158292 -2.09503e-07 0.211056V5.22364C-2.09503e-07 5.2764 0.02746 5.32917 0.0549199 5.38193C0.10984 5.40831 0.164759 5.43469 0.219679 5.43469H3.56979C3.70709 5.43469 3.78947 5.32917 3.78947 5.19726V4.37941C3.78947 4.2475 3.67963 4.14198 3.56979 4.14198H1.29062V3.29775H3.56979C3.70709 3.29775 3.78947 3.19222 3.78947 3.06031V2.24247C3.78947 2.11056 3.67963 2.00503 3.56979 2.00503H1.29062V1.16081H3.56979V1.29272Z" transform="translate(23.421 16.8329)" fill="#38B900" class="color-element"></path>', i += "</svg>", i += "</a>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>Line</p>", i += "</div>", i += "</div>"), "wechat" == t && (i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i" data-title="' + e.object_settings.social.wechat + '"target="_blank">', i += '<svg class="ico_d" width="39" height="39" viewBox="0 0 39 39" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">', i += '<circle class="color-element" cx="19.5" cy="19.5" r="19.5" fill="#45DC00"></circle>', i += '<path d="M17.3707 6.90938C15.0508 7.03077 13.0281 7.71242 11.3888 9.26248C9.73039 10.8312 8.97307 12.7455 9.18397 15.1172C8.27327 15.0052 7.44884 14.8838 6.61482 14.8184C6.32723 14.7904 5.99171 14.8278 5.74246 14.9585C4.93721 15.4067 4.16071 15.9016 3.24042 16.4619C3.41298 15.7242 3.51843 15.0705 3.71015 14.4449C3.85395 13.9874 3.78685 13.7353 3.35546 13.4364C0.584998 11.5222 -0.594125 8.65553 0.287821 5.69547C1.10266 2.95952 3.09663 1.30674 5.80957 0.447674C9.50991 -0.728879 13.68 0.475687 15.9232 3.33303C16.738 4.36952 17.2365 5.53673 17.3707 6.90938ZM6.69152 5.98494C6.71069 5.44336 6.23137 4.95779 5.65619 4.93912C5.07142 4.92044 4.5921 5.35932 4.57293 5.91958C4.55375 6.48918 5.00431 6.94673 5.58908 6.95607C6.18344 6.97474 6.67234 6.53587 6.69152 5.98494ZM12.2612 4.93912C11.686 4.94846 11.2067 5.42468 11.2163 5.96627C11.2259 6.52653 11.7052 6.9654 12.29 6.9654C12.8843 6.95607 13.3253 6.51719 13.3253 5.93825C13.3157 5.37799 12.846 4.92978 12.2612 4.93912Z" transform="translate(7 9)" fill="white"></path><path d="M12.48 13.2605C11.7418 12.943 11.0708 12.4668 10.3518 12.3921C9.63283 12.3174 8.88509 12.7189 8.13735 12.7936C5.8558 13.0177 3.8139 12.4014 2.13629 10.8887C-1.06556 8.00334 -0.605416 3.57726 3.09492 1.21482C6.38305 -0.886168 11.2146 -0.185839 13.5345 2.72753C15.5572 5.26739 15.3175 8.64764 12.8538 10.786C12.1349 11.4023 11.876 11.9158 12.3362 12.7282C12.4225 12.8776 12.432 13.0737 12.48 13.2605ZM4.11108 5.3701C4.58081 5.3701 4.96426 5.01527 4.98344 4.56706C5.00261 4.09084 4.60957 3.68932 4.12066 3.68932C3.63176 3.68932 3.22913 4.09084 3.2483 4.55772C3.26748 5.00593 3.65093 5.3701 4.11108 5.3701ZM9.5082 3.68932C9.05764 3.68932 8.6646 4.04415 8.64543 4.49236C8.62626 4.96858 9.00971 5.36077 9.48903 5.36077C9.95876 5.36077 10.3326 5.01527 10.3422 4.55772C10.371 4.09084 9.98752 3.68932 9.5082 3.68932Z" transform="translate(17.1057 16.7395)" fill="white"></path>', i += "</svg>", i += '<div class="chaty-widget-i-title">', i += "<p>WeChat: " + e.object_settings.social.wechat + "</p>", i += "</div>", 1 === Object.keys(e.object_settings.social).length && (i += '<div class="snap-wee-title">', i += "<p>WeChat: " + e.object_settings.social.wechat + "</p>", i += "</div>"), i += "</div>")
  }), i
cht-icons.php CHANGED
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  Description: Chat with your website visitors via their favorite channels. Show a chat icon on the bottom of your site and communicate with your customers.
  Author: Premio
  Author URI: https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/
- Version: 2.0.8
  License: GPL2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ define('CHT_INC', CHT_DIR . '/includes');
  define('CHT_PRO_URL', admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app-upgrade"));
  define('CHT_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url() . "/chaty/");
  define('CHT_PLUGIN_BASE', plugin_basename(CHT_FILE));
- define('CHT_VERSION', "2.0.8");
  if (!function_exists('wp_doing_ajax')) {
  function wp_doing_ajax()
  Description: Chat with your website visitors via their favorite channels. Show a chat icon on the bottom of your site and communicate with your customers.
  Author: Premio
  Author URI: https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/
+ Version: 2.0.9
  License: GPL2
  define('CHT_PRO_URL', admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app-upgrade"));
  define('CHT_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url() . "/chaty/");
  define('CHT_PLUGIN_BASE', plugin_basename(CHT_FILE));
+ define('CHT_VERSION', "2.0.9");
  if (!function_exists('wp_doing_ajax')) {
  function wp_doing_ajax()
readme.txt CHANGED
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Contributors: galdub, tomeraharon, premio
  Tags: whatsapp, facebook messenger, click to chat, chat, chat button, call now button
  Requires at least: 3.1
  Tested up to: 5.2
- Stable tag: 2.0.8
  Plugin URI: https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/
  FREE customizable live chat and call buttons. Let your visitors contact you via Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram, Viber, Email, SMS and more.
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ Show a chat button on the bottom of your site and communicate with your customer
  = The ultimate click to chat and call now button =
  Are you looking for a chat button or a click to call button? Want to make it easier for your potential customers to contact you via Facebook Messenger or Telegram?
- Chaty is the perfect chat plugin for you! With Chaty you can display call widget, Whatsapp button, email button, SMS button, Google Maps button, Vkontakte button, Line.me button, Viber button and other chat widgets.
  = Choose from 16 different channels =
  WhatsApp chat
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ You will get all the features of the free plan, plus:
  8. New feature: fully customize all chat icons including colors, text on hover, and even upload your own custom image per channel button. You can also translate the "Hide" text to your language now :)
  9. New feature: create a pre-set WhatsApp chat message and pre-set email subject line. When people click on your WhatsApp button or email icon, you pre-set message will be automatically loaded
  10. New feature: fire a Google Analytics event every time one of your channels buttons is clicked. That's great news for you, because now you can fully track any click to call, chat, navigate, and more
  = How does each channel work? =
  * WhatsApp chat - add your phone number and once the visitors click on the WhatsApp chat button, WhatsApp chat interface will be launched. On desktop it will launch desktop WhatsApp web interface, and on mobile it will launch the WhatsApp app conversation window.
@@ -120,6 +124,9 @@ Yes! Just choose the Phone icon and add your phone number.
  = I don’t see the widget on my site, what should I do? =
  Please make sure you’ve chosen at least one channel and clicked on the “SAVE CHANGES” button.
  = How do I activate my pro plan? =
  Just follow our <a href="https://premio.io/wordpress-premio-pro-version-installation-guide/" target="_blank" title="WordPress installation guide">pro installation guide</a>.
@@ -132,7 +139,10 @@ Just follow our <a href="https://premio.io/wordpress-premio-pro-version-installa
  == Changelog ==
- = 2.0.8
  * Facebook Messenger will now open the Messenger app nativly, the SnapChat channel will direct to a native SnapChat page, and from now on the WhatsApp messenger is opened in a new tab
  = 2.0.7 =
  Tags: whatsapp, facebook messenger, click to chat, chat, chat button, call now button
  Requires at least: 3.1
  Tested up to: 5.2
+ Stable tag: 2.0.9
  Plugin URI: https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/
  FREE customizable live chat and call buttons. Let your visitors contact you via Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram, Viber, Email, SMS and more.
  = The ultimate click to chat and call now button =
  Are you looking for a chat button or a click to call button? Want to make it easier for your potential customers to contact you via Facebook Messenger or Telegram?
+ Chaty is the perfect chat plugin for you! With Chaty you can display call widget, Whatsapp button, email button, SMS button, Google Maps button, Vkontakte button, Line.me button, Viber button and other chat widgets. Want to use the robust pro version? Check out <a href="https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/?utm_source=wordpressorg" target="_blank" title="Chaty pro plans"><strong>Chaty Pro Plans</strong></a>.
+ = Live Demo =
+ A live demo for the Chaty plugin is available at <a href="https://demo.premio.io/chaty/?utm_source=wordpressorg" target="_blank" title="Premio.io demo site">Premio's demo site</a>.
  = Choose from 16 different channels =
  WhatsApp chat
  8. New feature: fully customize all chat icons including colors, text on hover, and even upload your own custom image per channel button. You can also translate the "Hide" text to your language now :)
  9. New feature: create a pre-set WhatsApp chat message and pre-set email subject line. When people click on your WhatsApp button or email icon, you pre-set message will be automatically loaded
  10. New feature: fire a Google Analytics event every time one of your channels buttons is clicked. That's great news for you, because now you can fully track any click to call, chat, navigate, and more
+ <br><a href="https://premio.io/downloads/chaty/?utm_source=wordpressorg" target="_blank" title="Chaty pro plans"><strong>Upgrade to pro</strong></a> to get all pro features :)
  = How does each channel work? =
  * WhatsApp chat - add your phone number and once the visitors click on the WhatsApp chat button, WhatsApp chat interface will be launched. On desktop it will launch desktop WhatsApp web interface, and on mobile it will launch the WhatsApp app conversation window.
  = I don’t see the widget on my site, what should I do? =
  Please make sure you’ve chosen at least one channel and clicked on the “SAVE CHANGES” button.
+ = Is there a live demo for Chaty=
+ A live demo for the Chaty plugin is available at <a href="https://demo.premio.io/chaty/?utm_source=wordpressorg" target="_blank" title="Premio.io demo site">Premio's demo site</a>.
  = How do I activate my pro plan? =
  Just follow our <a href="https://premio.io/wordpress-premio-pro-version-installation-guide/" target="_blank" title="WordPress installation guide">pro installation guide</a>.
  == Changelog ==
+ = 2.0.9 =
+ * Typo fix
+ = 2.0.8 =
  * Facebook Messenger will now open the Messenger app nativly, the SnapChat channel will direct to a native SnapChat page, and from now on the WhatsApp messenger is opened in a new tab
  = 2.0.7 =