Contact Form Clean and Simple

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 4.7.10



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A clean and simple AJAX contact form with Google reCAPTCHA, Twitter Bootstrap markup and Akismet spam filtering.

  • Clean: all user inputs are stripped in order to avoid cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

  • Simple: AJAX enabled validation and submission for immediate response and guidance for your users (can be switched off).

  • Stylish: Use the included stylesheet or switch it off and use your own for seamless integration with your website. Uses Twitter Bootstrap classes.

  • Safe: All incoming data is scanned for spam with Akismet.

This is a straightforward contact form for your WordPress site. There is very minimal set-up required. Simply install, activate, and then place the short code [cscf-contact-form] on your web page.

A standard set of input boxes are provided, these include Email Address, Name, Message and a nice big Send Message button.

When your user has completed the form an email will be sent to you containing your users message. To reply simply click the reply button on your email client. The email address used is the one you have set up in WordPress under Settings -> General, so do check this is correct.

To help prevent spam all data is scanned via Akismet. For this to work you must have the Akismet Plugin installed and activated. All spam will be placed in your 'comments' list which you can then review if you want to,

For added piece of mind this plugin also allows you to add a reCAPTCHA. This adds a picture of a couple of words to the bottom of the contact form. Your user must correctly type the words before the form can be submitted, and in so doing, prove that they are human.

Why Choose This Plugin?

Granted there are many plugins of this type in existence already. Why use this one in-particular?

Heres why:

  • Minimal setup. Simply activate the plugin and place the shortcode [cscf-contact-form] on any post or page.

  • Safe. All input entered by your user is stripped back to minimise as far as possible the likelihood of any malicious user attempting to inject a script into your website. If the Akismet plugin is activated all form data will be scanned for spam. You can turn on reCAPTCHA to avoid your form being abused by bots.

  • Ajax enabled. You have the option to turn on AJAX (client-side) validation and submission which gives your users an immediate response when completing the form without having to wait for the page to refresh.

  • The form can integrate seamlessly into your website. Turn off the plugins default css style sheet so that your themes style sheet can be used instead.

  • If your theme is based on twitter bootstrap then this plugin will fit right in because it already has all the right divs and CSS classes for bootstrap.

  • This plugin will only link in its jQuery file where its needed, it will not impose itself on every page of your whole site!

  • Works with the latest version of WordPress.

  • Original plugin written by an experienced PHP programmer, Megan Nicholas, the code is rock solid, safe, and rigorously tested as standard practice.

Hopefully this plugin will fulfil all your needs.

Releases (44 )

Version Release Date Change Log
4.7.10 2022-03-17
  • add buy me a coffee donation
4.7.9 2022-01-25
  • update donation lib
4.7.8 2022-01-24
  • Add donatation and contribution information
4.7.7 2021-12-02
  • update readme
4.7.6 2021-07-09
  • Introduced optional input field for phone number
  • Exclude consent message from email if disabled
  • Fixed spacing and line breaks in email template
  • Fixed minor issues on settings page
  • Added consent & email to copy email if requested
  • Set copy email headers to text
4.7.5 2021-06-28
  • correct a couple of text domain issues introduced at 4.7.2
4.7.4 2021-06-28
  • correct santization
4.7.3 2021-06-28
  • fix bug with from address when not explicitly set
4.7.2 2021-06-22
  • Updated santization and escaping to current plugin directory recommendations
  • add email header to specify text to improve formatting
  • tested up to 5.8 beta 2 and PHP 8.0
4.7.1 2020-01-23
  • Tested with Wordpress version 5.3 Fixed XSS vulnerability in GDPR consent message
4.7.0 2018-07-05
  • Tested with Wordpress version 4.9.6
  • Added consent to contact checkbox for GDPR compliance
4.6.2 2016-09-12
  • Turkish translation update. Thanks to Abdullah Manaz! Tested up to WordPress 4.6.1.
4.6.1 2016-01-21
  • Fixed untranslated strings. Thanks to Abdullah Manaz!
4.6.0 2016-01-19
  • Prevent multiple 'send message' clicks.
  • Changed text domain to plugin slug to allow for WP translation system import
  • Removed advertising from settings screen
  • Added Korean translation thanks to Lee Dae-yeop
  • Added Romanian translation. Thanks to Marius Pruna.
  • Update French translation thanks to Steph
  • Added Hungarian translation. Thanks to Jnos Snta.
4.5.1 2015-08-19
  • Updated Polish translations thanks to Kacper
  • Updated French translation
4.5.0 2015-07-08
  • Added support for google recaptcha2. Replaces recaptcha version 1
  • Update to Italian translation thanks to Silvano
  • Added back the DIV to the contact form view as this introduced a display issue
  • Updated German translation thanks to schasoli
  • Polish translation update thanks to Kacper Rucinski
4.4.4 2015-03-26
  • Added Serbian translation thanks to Borisa Djuraskovic
  • Added Slovenian translation thanks to Bekim Lutolli
  • Fixed some 'notice' errors
  • Recaptcha styling workaround for twenty fifteen theme
  • Remove empty divs from view
4.4.3 2015-01-09
  • Remove branding
4.4.2 2014-12-09
  • Akismet tweak only log as spam if akismet_result
4.4.0 2014-09-24
  • Add option for enquiry to email themselves a copy of the message
  • Update to Polish translation thanks to Radosaw Robaczek Rak
4.3.4 2014-04-19
  • Added the wordpress page of contact form to the email
  • Removed link in main contact form view
4.3.3 2014-02-08
  • Before overriding the from address, check that another plugin has not done it first. Any plugin that overrides 'from email address' and 'from name' such as wp-mail-smtp plugin will take precedence over the settings in this plugin.
  • Added 'reply-to' to the email header
  • Moved the Name field before Email field
  • Added Hebrew translation thanks to Shay Cohen
4.3.2 2014-01-14
  • Added Norwegian Bokml translation thanks to Jann Vestby
  • Added Brazilian Portugese translation originally a Portugese translation by Ricardo Santos aka BogasoBogolha
4.3.1 2013-12-22
  • Polish translation has been updated thanks to Arkadiusz Baron
  • Updated Turkish translations thanks again to Abdullah Manaz
  • New installations now have default stylesheet, ajax, and confirm-email options turned on
  • Compatibility with WordPress 3.8
  • Tested with twentyfourteen theme
4.3.0 2013-12-05
  • Contact form is now filtered for spam when the Akismet plugin is present. Learn more.
4.2.5 2013-11-20
  • Fixed bug that caused a PHP notice to be generated when 'Confirm Email Message' option is switched off. Thanks to MarrsAttax
4.2.4 2013-11-07
  • The requirement for users to confirm their email address is now optional. When turned off users only need to enter their email address once.
  • Added Arabic translation thanks to Omar AlQabandi
4.2.3 2013-10-28
  • Added ability to specify multiple recipient email addresses
  • Fix settings gui - there was a problem enabling 'From' Address option when javascript is not enabled.
4.2.2 2013-10-21

Remove ALL possibility of conflicts with other plugins that also include Google reCAPTCHA library

4.2.1 2013-10-14
  • Fixed potential conflict with other themes or plugins that use Google reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA library is not loaded if it already loaded by another plugin or theme.
  • Recaptcha library function is now used to generate the sign up url on the settings page. The site domain is passed into the url for convenience.
  • Options subject, message, heading, and body text are now translated when they are retrieved from the the database. Previously only the default messages were translated when no values were found in the database.
  • Improved housekeeping: generic name for settings array has been changed from 'array_key' to 'cscf-options'
4.2.0 2013-10-05
  • Updated Turkish translations thanks again to Abdullah Manaz
  • Fixed a problem where certain texts on the settings screen were not being translated thanks to Abdullah Manaz again for finding this
  • Updates to FAQ section
  • The settings link on the plugin page may now be translated
  • The text 'Contact Form' on the admin screen menu may now be translated
  • Added Greek translations thanks to Georgios Diamantopoulos
4.1.9 2013-09-25
  • Added support for Bootstrap 3.0.0. Plugin is still compatible with Bootstrap 2.3.2, but if your theme uses this version please do not use the plugin's default style sheet (uncheck the box in the settings screen) more information here.
4.1.8 2013-09-16
  • Added Russian Translation thanks to Oleg
  • Correct character encoding in Estonian translation thanks to Marko Punnar
  • Correct some Spanish translation errors thanks to rowanda
4.1.7 2013-09-09
4.1.6 2013-09-02
  • Added ability to specify a 'from' address. When supplied the email will come from that address instead of the form filler's email address.
  • Changed type of email input boxes to "email"
  • Added Turkish translation thanks to Abdullah Manaz
4.1.5 2013-08-26

Works with themes that pre-process the html.

4.1.4 2013-08-19
  • Added Slovak translation file - thanks to Peter Gapark
  • Added Catalan translation file - thanks to Lloren
4.1.3 2013-08-13
  • Fixed escaped characters.
  • Added more translation files
  • Forms now submit via ajax.
  • Upgraded jquery-validate.js to 1.11. Removed jquery metadata plugin, form validation is now built with data attributes instead of json in classes.
  • Improved view html.
  • Added Dutch and Armenian translations
4.1.2 2013-07-26
  • Added some FAQs
  • Added alternative shortcode [cscf-contact-form] for use when conflicts could occur.
  • Updated the documentation.
  • Recaptcha form now responds to language changes
  • Updated pot file to reflect new name space
  • Changed name space from cff to cscf
  • Settings screen: recaptcha theme and key inputs are immediately enabled/disabled as the 'Use reCAPTCHA' box is clicked.
  • Corrected some html seen as invalid by
  • removed '<?=' and replaced with '<?php echo' in cscf_settings, thanks go to andrewbacon
  • Added notice to setting screen when JetPack's contact form is active
4.1.1 2013-06-17
  • Fixed potential conflicts with themes that use bootstrap
  • Enabled internationalisation, this plugin will now work with multiple languages
  • Added German translation file for my German friends, thanks to faktorzweinet for the translation
4.1.0 2013-05-29
  • Fixed a bug in class.cff_settings.php where php opening tag had got missed off. This problem caused the settings screen not to display correctly but only occurred with some versions of php. Please upgrade if you have this problem.
4.0.9 2013-05-27
  • Switched header argument of wp_mail over to a filter to remove any potential conflicts with other emailing plugins or themes
  • The ability to set a different recipient email address. Previously all email was sent to the WordPress administrator email address.
  • Allow the email subject to be customised.
4.0.8 2013-04-29
  • Fixed a bug: When using reCAPTCHA ajax did not work.
  • Fixed a bug: Ajax validation was not checking email address were equal (server side was doing it instead)
  • Improvement: Ajax now works better.
  • Documentation update: nicer links (worked how to do them in markdown!), changelog and upgrade notice sections now correctly formatted.
4.0.7 2013-04-25