Version Description
2021-02-09 =
Drop support for PHP 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | manatarms |
Plugin | Cloudflare |
Version | 4.0.0 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 3.8.9 to 4.0.0
- +0 -52
- Dockerfile.wordpress +0 -4
- cloudflare.loader.php +1 -1
- cloudflare.php +3 -2
- +1 -0
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
1 |
# Contributing to Cloudflare Plugins
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👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
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## How To Contribute
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We welcome community contribution to this repository. To help add functionality or address issues, please take the following steps:
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* Fork the repository from the master branch.
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* Create a new branch for your features / fixes.
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* Make the changes you wish to see.
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* Add tests for all changes.
13 |
* Create a pull request with details of what changes have been made, explanation of new behaviour, and link to issue that is addressed.
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* Addressing (with @...) one or more of the maintainers in the description of the pull request
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* Ensure documentation contains the correct information.
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* Pull requests will be reviewed and hopefully merged into a release.
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## Before Contributing
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20 |
Cloudflare has multiple plugins using shared codebases.
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22 |
[WordPress](, [CPanel](, [Magento]( are the main repositories of the plugins. Every plugin has a config.json file which allows them to control the frontend of the plugin.
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Below are Cloudflare maintained repositories the plugins depend on.
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* [cloudflare-frontend]( is a generic frontend used in plugins. You can add/remove cards simply by editing [config]( file.
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* [cf-ui]( is a Cloudflare UI Framework where cloudflare-frontend is using.
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* [cloudflare-plugin-backend]( is a generic backend plugins use.
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* [cf-ip-rewrite]( allows to rewrite Cloudflare IP's in Application level.
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* [mod_cloudflare]( allows Apache to rewrite Cloudflare IP's with user IP's. It is not used in plugins itself but it maybe be a better alternative then `cf-ip-rewrite`.
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### Dependency Graph
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## WordPress Plugin Specific Details
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38 |
Cloudflare WordPress Plugin uses PHPUnit for testing. WordPress specific function are mocked inside [WordPressWrapper]( class. Everything under `src/` directory should have unit test written.
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## Frontend Updates
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42 |
Each plugin may use different Frontend [versions](( When publishing a Frontend release we copy the following files to other plugins;
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44 |
* `assets/`
45 |
* `fonts/`
46 |
* `lang/`
47 |
* `stylesheets/`
48 |
* `compiled.js` which is created when `gulp compress` command is called within Frontend repository.
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## Translations
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52 |
The plugins use a common language file which is located [here]( English translation is always up to date where as other translations are not. If you have any issues or questions regarding with translations feel free to open an [issue](
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
1 |
FROM wordpress:latest
2 |
RUN curl -O \
3 |
&& chmod +x wp-cli.phar \
4 |
&& mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ try {
32 |
33 |
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35 |
36 |
$cloudflareHooks = new \CF\WordPress\Hooks();
37 |
38 |
add_action('plugins_loaded', array($cloudflareHooks, 'getCloudflareRequestJSON'));
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
// Initialize Hooks class which contains WordPress hook functions
36 |
$cloudflareHooks = new \CF\WordPress\Hooks();
37 |
38 |
add_action('plugins_loaded', array($cloudflareHooks, 'getCloudflareRequestJSON'));
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
3 |
Plugin Name: Cloudflare
4 |
Plugin URI:
5 |
Description: Cloudflare speeds up and protects your WordPress site.
6 |
7 |
Author: Cloudflare, Inc.
8 |
License: BSD-3-Clause
9 |
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ License: BSD-3-Clause
13 |
// To enable HTTP/2 Server Push feature:
14 |
15 |
16 |
// Cloudflare has a limit of how many
17 |
// (3 KiB by default). Add the following to change that amount:
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19 |
3 |
Plugin Name: Cloudflare
4 |
Plugin URI:
5 |
Description: Cloudflare speeds up and protects your WordPress site.
6 |
Version: 4.0.0
7 |
Requires PHP: 7.2
8 |
Author: Cloudflare, Inc.
9 |
License: BSD-3-Clause
10 |
14 |
// To enable HTTP/2 Server Push feature:
15 |
16 |
17 |
// Cloudflare has a limit of how many resources can be pushed by HTTP/2 Server Push
18 |
// (3 KiB by default). Add the following to change that amount:
19 |
20 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
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\t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, {\n \t\t\t\tconfigurable: false,\n \t\t\t\tenumerable: true,\n \t\t\t\tget: getter\n \t\t\t});\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t//\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 289);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// webpack/bootstrap 18d43739fbb9b17843c6","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('./lib/React');\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/react.js\n// module id = 0\n// module chunks = 0","// shim for using process in browser\nvar process = module.exports = {};\n\n// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it\n// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is\n// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a\n// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.\n\nvar cachedSetTimeout;\nvar cachedClearTimeout;\n\nfunction defaultSetTimout() {\n throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');\n}\nfunction defaultClearTimeout () {\n throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');\n}\n(function () {\n try {\n if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n try {\n if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n} ())\nfunction runTimeout(fun) {\n if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);\n } catch(e){\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return, fun, 0);\n } catch(e){\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error\n return, fun, 0);\n }\n }\n\n\n}\nfunction runClearTimeout(marker) {\n if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedClearTimeout(marker);\n } catch (e){\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return, marker);\n } catch (e){\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.\n // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout\n return, marker);\n }\n }\n\n\n\n}\nvar queue = [];\nvar draining = false;\nvar currentQueue;\nvar queueIndex = -1;\n\nfunction cleanUpNextTick() {\n if (!draining || !currentQueue) {\n return;\n }\n draining = false;\n if (currentQueue.length) {\n queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);\n } else {\n queueIndex = -1;\n }\n if (queue.length) {\n drainQueue();\n }\n}\n\nfunction drainQueue() {\n if (draining) {\n return;\n }\n var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);\n draining = true;\n\n var len = queue.length;\n while(len) {\n currentQueue = queue;\n queue = [];\n while (++queueIndex < len) {\n if (currentQueue) {\n currentQueue[queueIndex].run();\n }\n }\n queueIndex = -1;\n len = queue.length;\n }\n currentQueue = null;\n draining = false;\n runClearTimeout(timeout);\n}\n\nprocess.nextTick = function (fun) {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n }\n }\n queue.push(new Item(fun, args));\n if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {\n runTimeout(drainQueue);\n }\n};\n\n// v8 likes predictible objects\nfunction Item(fun, array) {\n = fun;\n this.array = array;\n}\ = function () {\n, this.array);\n};\nprocess.title = 'browser';\nprocess.browser = true;\nprocess.env = {};\nprocess.argv = [];\nprocess.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues\nprocess.versions = {};\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nprocess.on = noop;\nprocess.addListener = noop;\nprocess.once = noop;\ = noop;\nprocess.removeListener = noop;\nprocess.removeAllListeners = noop;\nprocess.emit = noop;\nprocess.prependListener = noop;\nprocess.prependOnceListener = noop;\n\nprocess.listeners = function (name) { return [] }\n\nprocess.binding = function (name) {\n throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');\n};\n\nprocess.cwd = function () { return '/' };\nprocess.chdir = function (dir) {\n throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');\n};\nprocess.umask = function() { return 0; };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/process/browser.js\n// module id = 1\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = (typeof Symbol === 'function' &&\n Symbol.for &&\n Symbol.for('react.element')) ||\n 0xeac7;\n\n var isValidElement = function(object) {\n return typeof object === 'object' &&\n object !== null &&\n object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n };\n\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new development behavior.\n //\n var throwOnDirectAccess = true;\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithTypeCheckers')(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess);\n} else {\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior.\n //\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithThrowingShims')();\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/prop-types/index.js\n// module id = 2\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments\n * to provide information about what broke and what you were\n * expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant\n * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nvar validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction invariant(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n validateFormat(format);\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');\n } else {\n var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return args[argIndex++];\n }));\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame\n throw error;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/invariant.js\n// module id = 3\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-2015, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar emptyFunction = require('./emptyFunction');\n\n/**\n * Similar to invariant but only logs a warning if the condition is not met.\n * This can be used to log issues in development environments in critical\n * paths. Removing the logging code for production environments will keep the\n * same logic and follow the same code paths.\n */\n\nvar warning = emptyFunction;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n (function () {\n var printWarning = function printWarning(format) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var argIndex = 0;\n var message = 'Warning: ' + format.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return args[argIndex++];\n });\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n console.error(message);\n }\n try {\n // --- Welcome to debugging React ---\n // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack\n // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire.\n throw new Error(message);\n } catch (x) {}\n };\n\n warning = function warning(condition, format) {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning ' + 'message argument');\n }\n\n if (format.indexOf('Failed Composite propType: ') === 0) {\n return; // Ignore CompositeComponent proptype check.\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 2 ? _len2 - 2 : 0), _key2 = 2; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning.apply(undefined, [format].concat(args));\n }\n };\n })();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = warning;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/warning.js\n// module id = 4\n// module chunks = 0","import Provider, { createProvider } from './components/Provider';\nimport connectAdvanced from './components/connectAdvanced';\nimport connect from './connect/connect';\n\nexport { Provider, createProvider, connectAdvanced, connect };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js\n// module id = 5\n// module chunks = 0","/*\n * Copyright 2017, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nimport allLocaleData from '../locale-data/index.js';\nimport IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat';\nimport IntlRelativeFormat from 'intl-relativeformat';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport React, { Children, Component, createElement, isValidElement } from 'react';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\nimport memoizeIntlConstructor from 'intl-format-cache';\n\n// GENERATED FILE\nvar defaultLocaleData = { \"locale\": \"en\", \"pluralRuleFunction\": function pluralRuleFunction(n, ord) {\n var s = String(n).split(\".\"),\n v0 = !s[1],\n t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,\n n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),\n n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);if (ord) return n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 ? \"one\" : n10 == 2 && n100 != 12 ? \"two\" : n10 == 3 && n100 != 13 ? \"few\" : \"other\";return n == 1 && v0 ? \"one\" : \"other\";\n }, \"fields\": { \"year\": { \"displayName\": \"year\", \"relative\": { \"0\": \"this year\", \"1\": \"next year\", \"-1\": \"last year\" }, \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} year\", \"other\": \"in {0} years\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} year ago\", \"other\": \"{0} years ago\" } } }, \"month\": { \"displayName\": \"month\", \"relative\": { \"0\": \"this month\", \"1\": \"next month\", \"-1\": \"last month\" }, \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} month\", \"other\": \"in {0} months\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} month ago\", \"other\": \"{0} months ago\" } } }, \"day\": { \"displayName\": \"day\", \"relative\": { \"0\": \"today\", \"1\": \"tomorrow\", \"-1\": \"yesterday\" }, \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} day\", \"other\": \"in {0} days\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} day ago\", \"other\": \"{0} days ago\" } } }, \"hour\": { \"displayName\": \"hour\", \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} hour\", \"other\": \"in {0} hours\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} hour ago\", \"other\": \"{0} hours ago\" } } }, \"minute\": { \"displayName\": \"minute\", \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} minute\", \"other\": \"in {0} minutes\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} minute ago\", \"other\": \"{0} minutes ago\" } } }, \"second\": { \"displayName\": \"second\", \"relative\": { \"0\": \"now\" }, \"relativeTime\": { \"future\": { \"one\": \"in {0} second\", \"other\": \"in {0} seconds\" }, \"past\": { \"one\": \"{0} second ago\", \"other\": \"{0} seconds ago\" } } } } };\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nfunction addLocaleData() {\n var data = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];\n\n var locales = Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data];\n\n locales.forEach(function (localeData) {\n if (localeData && localeData.locale) {\n IntlMessageFormat.__addLocaleData(localeData);\n IntlRelativeFormat.__addLocaleData(localeData);\n }\n });\n}\n\nfunction hasLocaleData(locale) {\n var localeParts = (locale || '').split('-');\n\n while (localeParts.length > 0) {\n if (hasIMFAndIRFLocaleData(localeParts.join('-'))) {\n return true;\n }\n\n localeParts.pop();\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction hasIMFAndIRFLocaleData(locale) {\n var normalizedLocale = locale && locale.toLowerCase();\n\n return !!(IntlMessageFormat.__localeData__[normalizedLocale] && IntlRelativeFormat.__localeData__[normalizedLocale]);\n}\n\nvar _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) {\n return typeof obj;\n} : function (obj) {\n return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj;\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\n\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\n\n\n\n\n\nvar defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\n\n\nvar inherits = function (subClass, superClass) {\n if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" + typeof superClass);\n }\n\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar objectWithoutProperties = function (obj, keys) {\n var target = {};\n\n for (var i in obj) {\n if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue;\n if (!, i)) continue;\n target[i] = obj[i];\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\nvar possibleConstructorReturn = function (self, call) {\n if (!self) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\");\n }\n\n return call && (typeof call === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\") ? call : self;\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar toConsumableArray = function (arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) {\n for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];\n\n return arr2;\n } else {\n return Array.from(arr);\n }\n};\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar bool = PropTypes.bool;\nvar number = PropTypes.number;\nvar string = PropTypes.string;\nvar func = PropTypes.func;\nvar object = PropTypes.object;\nvar oneOf = PropTypes.oneOf;\nvar shape = PropTypes.shape;\nvar any = PropTypes.any;\n\nvar localeMatcher = oneOf(['best fit', 'lookup']);\nvar narrowShortLong = oneOf(['narrow', 'short', 'long']);\nvar numeric2digit = oneOf(['numeric', '2-digit']);\nvar funcReq = func.isRequired;\n\nvar intlConfigPropTypes = {\n locale: string,\n formats: object,\n messages: object,\n textComponent: any,\n\n defaultLocale: string,\n defaultFormats: object\n};\n\nvar intlFormatPropTypes = {\n formatDate: funcReq,\n formatTime: funcReq,\n formatRelative: funcReq,\n formatNumber: funcReq,\n formatPlural: funcReq,\n formatMessage: funcReq,\n formatHTMLMessage: funcReq\n};\n\nvar intlShape = shape(_extends({}, intlConfigPropTypes, intlFormatPropTypes, {\n formatters: object,\n now: funcReq\n}));\n\nvar messageDescriptorPropTypes = {\n id: string.isRequired,\n description: string,\n defaultMessage: string\n};\n\nvar dateTimeFormatPropTypes = {\n localeMatcher: localeMatcher,\n formatMatcher: oneOf(['basic', 'best fit']),\n\n timeZone: string,\n hour12: bool,\n\n weekday: narrowShortLong,\n era: narrowShortLong,\n year: numeric2digit,\n month: oneOf(['numeric', '2-digit', 'narrow', 'short', 'long']),\n day: numeric2digit,\n hour: numeric2digit,\n minute: numeric2digit,\n second: numeric2digit,\n timeZoneName: oneOf(['short', 'long'])\n};\n\nvar numberFormatPropTypes = {\n localeMatcher: localeMatcher,\n\n style: oneOf(['decimal', 'currency', 'percent']),\n currency: string,\n currencyDisplay: oneOf(['symbol', 'code', 'name']),\n useGrouping: bool,\n\n minimumIntegerDigits: number,\n minimumFractionDigits: number,\n maximumFractionDigits: number,\n minimumSignificantDigits: number,\n maximumSignificantDigits: number\n};\n\nvar relativeFormatPropTypes = {\n style: oneOf(['best fit', 'numeric']),\n units: oneOf(['second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'])\n};\n\nvar pluralFormatPropTypes = {\n style: oneOf(['cardinal', 'ordinal'])\n};\n\n/*\nHTML escaping and shallow-equals implementations are the same as React's\n(on purpose.) Therefore, it has the following Copyright and Licensing:\n\nCopyright 2013-2014, Facebook, Inc.\nAll rights reserved.\n\nThis source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE\nfile in the root directory of React's source tree.\n*/\n\nvar intlConfigPropNames = Object.keys(intlConfigPropTypes);\n\nvar ESCAPED_CHARS = {\n '&': '&',\n '>': '>',\n '<': '<',\n '\"': '"',\n '\\'': '''\n};\n\nvar UNSAFE_CHARS_REGEX = /[&><\"']/g;\n\nfunction escape(str) {\n return ('' + str).replace(UNSAFE_CHARS_REGEX, function (match) {\n return ESCAPED_CHARS[match];\n });\n}\n\nfunction filterProps(props, whitelist) {\n var defaults$$1 = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n return whitelist.reduce(function (filtered, name) {\n if (props.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n filtered[name] = props[name];\n } else if (defaults$$1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n filtered[name] = defaults$$1[name];\n }\n\n return filtered;\n }, {});\n}\n\nfunction invariantIntlContext() {\n var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},\n intl = _ref.intl;\n\n invariant(intl, '[React Intl] Could not find required `intl` object. ' + '<IntlProvider> needs to exist in the component ancestry.');\n}\n\nfunction shallowEquals(objA, objB) {\n if (objA === objB) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if ((typeof objA === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(objA)) !== 'object' || objA === null || (typeof objB === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(objB)) !== 'object' || objB === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var keysA = Object.keys(objA);\n var keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // Test for A's keys different from B.\n var bHasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(objB);\n for (var i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {\n if (!bHasOwnProperty(keysA[i]) || objA[keysA[i]] !== objB[keysA[i]]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction shouldIntlComponentUpdate(_ref2, nextProps, nextState) {\n var props = _ref2.props,\n state = _ref2.state,\n _ref2$context = _ref2.context,\n context = _ref2$context === undefined ? {} : _ref2$context;\n var nextContext = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var _context$intl = context.intl,\n intl = _context$intl === undefined ? {} : _context$intl;\n var _nextContext$intl = nextContext.intl,\n nextIntl = _nextContext$intl === undefined ? {} : _nextContext$intl;\n\n\n return !shallowEquals(nextProps, props) || !shallowEquals(nextState, state) || !(nextIntl === intl || shallowEquals(filterProps(nextIntl, intlConfigPropNames), filterProps(intl, intlConfigPropNames)));\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\n// Inspired by react-redux's `connect()` HOC factory function implementation:\n//\n\nfunction getDisplayName(Component$$1) {\n return Component$$1.displayName || Component$$ || 'Component';\n}\n\nfunction injectIntl(WrappedComponent) {\n var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n var _options$intlPropName = options.intlPropName,\n intlPropName = _options$intlPropName === undefined ? 'intl' : _options$intlPropName,\n _options$withRef = options.withRef,\n withRef = _options$withRef === undefined ? false : _options$withRef;\n\n var InjectIntl = function (_Component) {\n inherits(InjectIntl, _Component);\n\n function InjectIntl(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, InjectIntl);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (InjectIntl.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(InjectIntl)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(InjectIntl, [{\n key: 'getWrappedInstance',\n value: function getWrappedInstance() {\n invariant(withRef, '[React Intl] To access the wrapped instance, ' + 'the `{withRef: true}` option must be set when calling: ' + '`injectIntl()`');\n\n return this.refs.wrappedInstance;\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n return React.createElement(WrappedComponent, _extends({}, this.props, defineProperty({}, intlPropName, this.context.intl), {\n ref: withRef ? 'wrappedInstance' : null\n }));\n }\n }]);\n return InjectIntl;\n }(Component);\n\n InjectIntl.displayName = 'InjectIntl(' + getDisplayName(WrappedComponent) + ')';\n InjectIntl.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n };\n InjectIntl.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;\n\n\n return InjectIntl;\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nfunction defineMessages(messageDescriptors) {\n // This simply returns what's passed-in because it's meant to be a hook for\n // babel-plugin-react-intl.\n return messageDescriptors;\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\n// This is a \"hack\" until a proper `intl-pluralformat` package is created.\n\nfunction resolveLocale(locales) {\n // IntlMessageFormat#_resolveLocale() does not depend on `this`.\n return IntlMessageFormat.prototype._resolveLocale(locales);\n}\n\nfunction findPluralFunction(locale) {\n // IntlMessageFormat#_findPluralFunction() does not depend on `this`.\n return IntlMessageFormat.prototype._findPluralRuleFunction(locale);\n}\n\nvar IntlPluralFormat = function IntlPluralFormat(locales) {\n var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n classCallCheck(this, IntlPluralFormat);\n\n var useOrdinal = === 'ordinal';\n var pluralFn = findPluralFunction(resolveLocale(locales));\n\n this.format = function (value) {\n return pluralFn(value, useOrdinal);\n };\n};\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar DATE_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS = Object.keys(dateTimeFormatPropTypes);\nvar NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS = Object.keys(numberFormatPropTypes);\nvar RELATIVE_FORMAT_OPTIONS = Object.keys(relativeFormatPropTypes);\nvar PLURAL_FORMAT_OPTIONS = Object.keys(pluralFormatPropTypes);\n\nvar RELATIVE_FORMAT_THRESHOLDS = {\n second: 60, // seconds to minute\n minute: 60, // minutes to hour\n hour: 24, // hours to day\n day: 30, // days to month\n month: 12 };\n\nfunction updateRelativeFormatThresholds(newThresholds) {\n var thresholds = IntlRelativeFormat.thresholds;\n thresholds.second = newThresholds.second;\n thresholds.minute = newThresholds.minute;\n thresholds.hour = newThresholds.hour;\n =;\n thresholds.month = newThresholds.month;\n}\n\nfunction getNamedFormat(formats, type, name) {\n var format = formats && formats[type] && formats[type][name];\n if (format) {\n return format;\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] No ' + type + ' format named: ' + name);\n }\n}\n\nfunction formatDate(config, state, value) {\n var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale,\n formats = config.formats;\n var format = options.format;\n\n\n var date = new Date(value);\n var defaults$$1 = format && getNamedFormat(formats, 'date', format);\n var filteredOptions = filterProps(options, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS, defaults$$1);\n\n try {\n return state.getDateTimeFormat(locale, filteredOptions).format(date);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting date.\\n' + e);\n }\n }\n\n return String(date);\n}\n\nfunction formatTime(config, state, value) {\n var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale,\n formats = config.formats;\n var format = options.format;\n\n\n var date = new Date(value);\n var defaults$$1 = format && getNamedFormat(formats, 'time', format);\n var filteredOptions = filterProps(options, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS, defaults$$1);\n\n if (!filteredOptions.hour && !filteredOptions.minute && !filteredOptions.second) {\n // Add default formatting options if hour, minute, or second isn't defined.\n filteredOptions = _extends({}, filteredOptions, { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' });\n }\n\n try {\n return state.getDateTimeFormat(locale, filteredOptions).format(date);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting time.\\n' + e);\n }\n }\n\n return String(date);\n}\n\nfunction formatRelative(config, state, value) {\n var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale,\n formats = config.formats;\n var format = options.format;\n\n\n var date = new Date(value);\n var now = new Date(;\n var defaults$$1 = format && getNamedFormat(formats, 'relative', format);\n var filteredOptions = filterProps(options, RELATIVE_FORMAT_OPTIONS, defaults$$1);\n\n // Capture the current threshold values, then temporarily override them with\n // specific values just for this render.\n var oldThresholds = _extends({}, IntlRelativeFormat.thresholds);\n updateRelativeFormatThresholds(RELATIVE_FORMAT_THRESHOLDS);\n\n try {\n return state.getRelativeFormat(locale, filteredOptions).format(date, {\n now: isFinite(now) ? now :\n });\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting relative time.\\n' + e);\n }\n } finally {\n updateRelativeFormatThresholds(oldThresholds);\n }\n\n return String(date);\n}\n\nfunction formatNumber(config, state, value) {\n var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale,\n formats = config.formats;\n var format = options.format;\n\n\n var defaults$$1 = format && getNamedFormat(formats, 'number', format);\n var filteredOptions = filterProps(options, NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS, defaults$$1);\n\n try {\n return state.getNumberFormat(locale, filteredOptions).format(value);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting number.\\n' + e);\n }\n }\n\n return String(value);\n}\n\nfunction formatPlural(config, state, value) {\n var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale;\n\n\n var filteredOptions = filterProps(options, PLURAL_FORMAT_OPTIONS);\n\n try {\n return state.getPluralFormat(locale, filteredOptions).format(value);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting plural.\\n' + e);\n }\n }\n\n return 'other';\n}\n\nfunction formatMessage(config, state) {\n var messageDescriptor = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n var values = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n var locale = config.locale,\n formats = config.formats,\n messages = config.messages,\n defaultLocale = config.defaultLocale,\n defaultFormats = config.defaultFormats;\n var id =,\n defaultMessage = messageDescriptor.defaultMessage;\n\n // `id` is a required field of a Message Descriptor.\n\n invariant(id, '[React Intl] An `id` must be provided to format a message.');\n\n var message = messages && messages[id];\n var hasValues = Object.keys(values).length > 0;\n\n // Avoid expensive message formatting for simple messages without values. In\n // development messages will always be formatted in case of missing values.\n if (!hasValues && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n return message || defaultMessage || id;\n }\n\n var formattedMessage = void 0;\n\n if (message) {\n try {\n var formatter = state.getMessageFormat(message, locale, formats);\n\n formattedMessage = formatter.format(values);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting message: \"' + id + '\" for locale: \"' + locale + '\"' + (defaultMessage ? ', using default message as fallback.' : '') + ('\\n' + e));\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // This prevents warnings from littering the console in development\n // when no `messages` are passed into the <IntlProvider> for the\n // default locale, and a default message is in the source.\n if (!defaultMessage || locale && locale.toLowerCase() !== defaultLocale.toLowerCase()) {\n\n console.error('[React Intl] Missing message: \"' + id + '\" for locale: \"' + locale + '\"' + (defaultMessage ? ', using default message as fallback.' : ''));\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!formattedMessage && defaultMessage) {\n try {\n var _formatter = state.getMessageFormat(defaultMessage, defaultLocale, defaultFormats);\n\n formattedMessage = _formatter.format(values);\n } catch (e) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Error formatting the default message for: \"' + id + '\"' + ('\\n' + e));\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!formattedMessage) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Cannot format message: \"' + id + '\", ' + ('using message ' + (message || defaultMessage ? 'source' : 'id') + ' as fallback.'));\n }\n }\n\n return formattedMessage || message || defaultMessage || id;\n}\n\nfunction formatHTMLMessage(config, state, messageDescriptor) {\n var rawValues = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n\n // Process all the values before they are used when formatting the ICU\n // Message string. Since the formatted message might be injected via\n // `innerHTML`, all String-based values need to be HTML-escaped.\n var escapedValues = Object.keys(rawValues).reduce(function (escaped, name) {\n var value = rawValues[name];\n escaped[name] = typeof value === 'string' ? escape(value) : value;\n return escaped;\n }, {});\n\n return formatMessage(config, state, messageDescriptor, escapedValues);\n}\n\n\n\nvar format = Object.freeze({\n\tformatDate: formatDate,\n\tformatTime: formatTime,\n\tformatRelative: formatRelative,\n\tformatNumber: formatNumber,\n\tformatPlural: formatPlural,\n\tformatMessage: formatMessage,\n\tformatHTMLMessage: formatHTMLMessage\n});\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar intlConfigPropNames$1 = Object.keys(intlConfigPropTypes);\nvar intlFormatPropNames = Object.keys(intlFormatPropTypes);\n\n// These are not a static property on the `IntlProvider` class so the intl\n// config values can be inherited from an <IntlProvider> ancestor.\nvar defaultProps = {\n formats: {},\n messages: {},\n textComponent: 'span',\n\n defaultLocale: 'en',\n defaultFormats: {}\n};\n\nvar IntlProvider = function (_Component) {\n inherits(IntlProvider, _Component);\n\n function IntlProvider(props) {\n var context = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n classCallCheck(this, IntlProvider);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (IntlProvider.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(IntlProvider)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariant(typeof Intl !== 'undefined', '[React Intl] The `Intl` APIs must be available in the runtime, ' + 'and do not appear to be built-in. An `Intl` polyfill should be loaded.\\n' + 'See:');\n\n var intlContext = context.intl;\n\n // Used to stabilize time when performing an initial rendering so that\n // all relative times use the same reference \"now\" time.\n\n var initialNow = void 0;\n if (isFinite(props.initialNow)) {\n initialNow = Number(props.initialNow);\n } else {\n // When an `initialNow` isn't provided via `props`, look to see an\n // <IntlProvider> exists in the ancestry and call its `now()`\n // function to propagate its value for \"now\".\n initialNow = intlContext ? :;\n }\n\n // Creating `Intl*` formatters is expensive. If there's a parent\n // `<IntlProvider>`, then its formatters will be used. Otherwise, this\n // memoize the `Intl*` constructors and cache them for the lifecycle of\n // this IntlProvider instance.\n\n var _ref = intlContext || {},\n _ref$formatters = _ref.formatters,\n formatters = _ref$formatters === undefined ? {\n getDateTimeFormat: memoizeIntlConstructor(Intl.DateTimeFormat),\n getNumberFormat: memoizeIntlConstructor(Intl.NumberFormat),\n getMessageFormat: memoizeIntlConstructor(IntlMessageFormat),\n getRelativeFormat: memoizeIntlConstructor(IntlRelativeFormat),\n getPluralFormat: memoizeIntlConstructor(IntlPluralFormat)\n } : _ref$formatters;\n\n _this.state = _extends({}, formatters, {\n\n // Wrapper to provide stable \"now\" time for initial render.\n now: function now() {\n return _this._didDisplay ? : initialNow;\n }\n });\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(IntlProvider, [{\n key: 'getConfig',\n value: function getConfig() {\n var intlContext = this.context.intl;\n\n // Build a whitelisted config object from `props`, defaults, and\n // `context.intl`, if an <IntlProvider> exists in the ancestry.\n\n var config = filterProps(this.props, intlConfigPropNames$1, intlContext);\n\n // Apply default props. This must be applied last after the props have\n // been resolved and inherited from any <IntlProvider> in the ancestry.\n // This matches how React resolves `defaultProps`.\n for (var propName in defaultProps) {\n if (config[propName] === undefined) {\n config[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n\n if (!hasLocaleData(config.locale)) {\n var _config = config,\n locale = _config.locale,\n defaultLocale = _config.defaultLocale,\n defaultFormats = _config.defaultFormats;\n\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n console.error('[React Intl] Missing locale data for locale: \"' + locale + '\". ' + ('Using default locale: \"' + defaultLocale + '\" as fallback.'));\n }\n\n // Since there's no registered locale data for `locale`, this will\n // fallback to the `defaultLocale` to make sure things can render.\n // The `messages` are overridden to the `defaultProps` empty object\n // to maintain referential equality across re-renders. It's assumed\n // each <FormattedMessage> contains a `defaultMessage` prop.\n config = _extends({}, config, {\n locale: defaultLocale,\n formats: defaultFormats,\n messages: defaultProps.messages\n });\n }\n\n return config;\n }\n }, {\n key: 'getBoundFormatFns',\n value: function getBoundFormatFns(config, state) {\n return intlFormatPropNames.reduce(function (boundFormatFns, name) {\n boundFormatFns[name] = format[name].bind(null, config, state);\n return boundFormatFns;\n }, {});\n }\n }, {\n key: 'getChildContext',\n value: function getChildContext() {\n var config = this.getConfig();\n\n // Bind intl factories and current config to the format functions.\n var boundFormatFns = this.getBoundFormatFns(config, this.state);\n\n var _state = this.state,\n now =,\n formatters = objectWithoutProperties(_state, ['now']);\n\n\n return {\n intl: _extends({}, config, boundFormatFns, {\n formatters: formatters,\n now: now\n })\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'componentDidMount',\n value: function componentDidMount() {\n this._didDisplay = true;\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n return Children.only(this.props.children);\n }\n }]);\n return IntlProvider;\n}(Component);\n\nIntlProvider.displayName = 'IntlProvider';\nIntlProvider.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nIntlProvider.childContextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape.isRequired\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? IntlProvider.propTypes = _extends({}, intlConfigPropTypes, {\n children: PropTypes.element.isRequired,\n initialNow: PropTypes.any\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedDate = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedDate, _Component);\n\n function FormattedDate(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedDate);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedDate.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedDate)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedDate, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatDate = _context$intl.formatDate,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n value = _props.value,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var formattedDate = formatDate(value, this.props);\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedDate);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(\n Text,\n null,\n formattedDate\n );\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedDate;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedDate.displayName = 'FormattedDate';\nFormattedDate.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedDate.propTypes = _extends({}, dateTimeFormatPropTypes, {\n value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n format: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedTime = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedTime, _Component);\n\n function FormattedTime(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedTime);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedTime.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedTime)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedTime, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatTime = _context$intl.formatTime,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n value = _props.value,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var formattedTime = formatTime(value, this.props);\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedTime);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(\n Text,\n null,\n formattedTime\n );\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedTime;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedTime.displayName = 'FormattedTime';\nFormattedTime.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedTime.propTypes = _extends({}, dateTimeFormatPropTypes, {\n value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n format: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar SECOND = 1000;\nvar MINUTE = 1000 * 60;\nvar HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;\nvar DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;\n\n// The maximum timer delay value is a 32-bit signed integer.\n// See:\nvar MAX_TIMER_DELAY = 2147483647;\n\nfunction selectUnits(delta) {\n var absDelta = Math.abs(delta);\n\n if (absDelta < MINUTE) {\n return 'second';\n }\n\n if (absDelta < HOUR) {\n return 'minute';\n }\n\n if (absDelta < DAY) {\n return 'hour';\n }\n\n // The maximum scheduled delay will be measured in days since the maximum\n // timer delay is less than the number of milliseconds in 25 days.\n return 'day';\n}\n\nfunction getUnitDelay(units) {\n switch (units) {\n case 'second':\n return SECOND;\n case 'minute':\n return MINUTE;\n case 'hour':\n return HOUR;\n case 'day':\n return DAY;\n default:\n return MAX_TIMER_DELAY;\n }\n}\n\nfunction isSameDate(a, b) {\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var aTime = new Date(a).getTime();\n var bTime = new Date(b).getTime();\n\n return isFinite(aTime) && isFinite(bTime) && aTime === bTime;\n}\n\nvar FormattedRelative = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedRelative, _Component);\n\n function FormattedRelative(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedRelative);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedRelative.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedRelative)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n\n var now = isFinite(props.initialNow) ? Number(props.initialNow) :;\n\n // `now` is stored as state so that `render()` remains a function of\n // props + state, instead of accessing `` inside `render()`.\n _this.state = { now: now };\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedRelative, [{\n key: 'scheduleNextUpdate',\n value: function scheduleNextUpdate(props, state) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Cancel and pending update because we're scheduling a new update.\n clearTimeout(this._timer);\n\n var value = props.value,\n units = props.units,\n updateInterval = props.updateInterval;\n\n var time = new Date(value).getTime();\n\n // If the `updateInterval` is falsy, including `0` or we don't have a\n // valid date, then auto updates have been turned off, so we bail and\n // skip scheduling an update.\n if (!updateInterval || !isFinite(time)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var delta = time -;\n var unitDelay = getUnitDelay(units || selectUnits(delta));\n var unitRemainder = Math.abs(delta % unitDelay);\n\n // We want the largest possible timer delay which will still display\n // accurate information while reducing unnecessary re-renders. The delay\n // should be until the next \"interesting\" moment, like a tick from\n // \"1 minute ago\" to \"2 minutes ago\" when the delta is 120,000ms.\n var delay = delta < 0 ? Math.max(updateInterval, unitDelay - unitRemainder) : Math.max(updateInterval, unitRemainder);\n\n this._timer = setTimeout(function () {\n _this2.setState({ now: });\n }, delay);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'componentDidMount',\n value: function componentDidMount() {\n this.scheduleNextUpdate(this.props, this.state);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'componentWillReceiveProps',\n value: function componentWillReceiveProps(_ref) {\n var nextValue = _ref.value;\n\n // When the `props.value` date changes, `` needs to be updated,\n // and the next update can be rescheduled.\n if (!isSameDate(nextValue, this.props.value)) {\n this.setState({ now: });\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'componentWillUpdate',\n value: function componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n this.scheduleNextUpdate(nextProps, nextState);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'componentWillUnmount',\n value: function componentWillUnmount() {\n clearTimeout(this._timer);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatRelative = _context$intl.formatRelative,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n value = _props.value,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var formattedRelative = formatRelative(value, _extends({}, this.props, this.state));\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedRelative);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(\n Text,\n null,\n formattedRelative\n );\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedRelative;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedRelative.displayName = 'FormattedRelative';\nFormattedRelative.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nFormattedRelative.defaultProps = {\n updateInterval: 1000 * 10\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedRelative.propTypes = _extends({}, relativeFormatPropTypes, {\n value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n format: PropTypes.string,\n updateInterval: PropTypes.number,\n initialNow: PropTypes.any,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedNumber = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedNumber, _Component);\n\n function FormattedNumber(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedNumber);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedNumber.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedNumber)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedNumber, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatNumber = _context$intl.formatNumber,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n value = _props.value,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var formattedNumber = formatNumber(value, this.props);\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedNumber);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(\n Text,\n null,\n formattedNumber\n );\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedNumber;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedNumber.displayName = 'FormattedNumber';\nFormattedNumber.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedNumber.propTypes = _extends({}, numberFormatPropTypes, {\n value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n format: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedPlural = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedPlural, _Component);\n\n function FormattedPlural(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedPlural);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedPlural.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedPlural)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedPlural, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatPlural = _context$intl.formatPlural,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n value = _props.value,\n other = _props.other,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var pluralCategory = formatPlural(value, this.props);\n var formattedPlural = this.props[pluralCategory] || other;\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedPlural);\n }\n\n return React.createElement(\n Text,\n null,\n formattedPlural\n );\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedPlural;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedPlural.displayName = 'FormattedPlural';\nFormattedPlural.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nFormattedPlural.defaultProps = {\n style: 'cardinal'\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedPlural.propTypes = _extends({}, pluralFormatPropTypes, {\n value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n\n other: PropTypes.node.isRequired,\n zero: PropTypes.node,\n one: PropTypes.node,\n two: PropTypes.node,\n few: PropTypes.node,\n many: PropTypes.node,\n\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedMessage = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedMessage, _Component);\n\n function FormattedMessage(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedMessage);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedMessage.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedMessage)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedMessage, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {\n var values = this.props.values;\n var nextValues = nextProps.values;\n\n\n if (!shallowEquals(nextValues, values)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Since `values` has already been checked, we know they're not\n // different, so the current `values` are carried over so the shallow\n // equals comparison on the other props isn't affected by the `values`.\n var nextPropsToCheck = _extends({}, nextProps, {\n values: values\n });\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this, nextPropsToCheck].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatMessage = _context$intl.formatMessage,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n id =,\n description = _props.description,\n defaultMessage = _props.defaultMessage,\n values = _props.values,\n _props$tagName = _props.tagName,\n Component$$1 = _props$tagName === undefined ? Text : _props$tagName,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var tokenDelimiter = void 0;\n var tokenizedValues = void 0;\n var elements = void 0;\n\n var hasValues = values && Object.keys(values).length > 0;\n if (hasValues) {\n // Creates a token with a random UID that should not be guessable or\n // conflict with other parts of the `message` string.\n var uid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10000000000).toString(16);\n\n var generateToken = function () {\n var counter = 0;\n return function () {\n return 'ELEMENT-' + uid + '-' + (counter += 1);\n };\n }();\n\n // Splitting with a delimiter to support IE8. When using a regex\n // with a capture group IE8 does not include the capture group in\n // the resulting array.\n tokenDelimiter = '@__' + uid + '__@';\n tokenizedValues = {};\n elements = {};\n\n // Iterates over the `props` to keep track of any React Element\n // values so they can be represented by the `token` as a placeholder\n // when the `message` is formatted. This allows the formatted\n // message to then be broken-up into parts with references to the\n // React Elements inserted back in.\n Object.keys(values).forEach(function (name) {\n var value = values[name];\n\n if (isValidElement(value)) {\n var token = generateToken();\n tokenizedValues[name] = tokenDelimiter + token + tokenDelimiter;\n elements[token] = value;\n } else {\n tokenizedValues[name] = value;\n }\n });\n }\n\n var descriptor = { id: id, description: description, defaultMessage: defaultMessage };\n var formattedMessage = formatMessage(descriptor, tokenizedValues || values);\n\n var nodes = void 0;\n\n var hasElements = elements && Object.keys(elements).length > 0;\n if (hasElements) {\n // Split the message into parts so the React Element values captured\n // above can be inserted back into the rendered message. This\n // approach allows messages to render with React Elements while\n // keeping React's virtual diffing working properly.\n nodes = formattedMessage.split(tokenDelimiter).filter(function (part) {\n return !!part;\n }).map(function (part) {\n return elements[part] || part;\n });\n } else {\n nodes = [formattedMessage];\n }\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children.apply(undefined, toConsumableArray(nodes));\n }\n\n // Needs to use `createElement()` instead of JSX, otherwise React will\n // warn about a missing `key` prop with rich-text message formatting.\n return createElement.apply(undefined, [Component$$1, null].concat(toConsumableArray(nodes)));\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedMessage;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedMessage.displayName = 'FormattedMessage';\nFormattedMessage.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nFormattedMessage.defaultProps = {\n values: {}\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedMessage.propTypes = _extends({}, messageDescriptorPropTypes, {\n values: PropTypes.object,\n tagName: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\nvar FormattedHTMLMessage = function (_Component) {\n inherits(FormattedHTMLMessage, _Component);\n\n function FormattedHTMLMessage(props, context) {\n classCallCheck(this, FormattedHTMLMessage);\n\n var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormattedHTMLMessage.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormattedHTMLMessage)).call(this, props, context));\n\n invariantIntlContext(context);\n return _this;\n }\n\n createClass(FormattedHTMLMessage, [{\n key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',\n value: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {\n var values = this.props.values;\n var nextValues = nextProps.values;\n\n\n if (!shallowEquals(nextValues, values)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Since `values` has already been checked, we know they're not\n // different, so the current `values` are carried over so the shallow\n // equals comparison on the other props isn't affected by the `values`.\n var nextPropsToCheck = _extends({}, nextProps, {\n values: values\n });\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, next = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n next[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return shouldIntlComponentUpdate.apply(undefined, [this, nextPropsToCheck].concat(next));\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n var _context$intl = this.context.intl,\n formatHTMLMessage = _context$intl.formatHTMLMessage,\n Text = _context$intl.textComponent;\n var _props = this.props,\n id =,\n description = _props.description,\n defaultMessage = _props.defaultMessage,\n rawValues = _props.values,\n _props$tagName = _props.tagName,\n Component$$1 = _props$tagName === undefined ? Text : _props$tagName,\n children = _props.children;\n\n\n var descriptor = { id: id, description: description, defaultMessage: defaultMessage };\n var formattedHTMLMessage = formatHTMLMessage(descriptor, rawValues);\n\n if (typeof children === 'function') {\n return children(formattedHTMLMessage);\n }\n\n // Since the message presumably has HTML in it, we need to set\n // `innerHTML` in order for it to be rendered and not escaped by React.\n // To be safe, all string prop values were escaped when formatting the\n // message. It is assumed that the message is not UGC, and came from the\n // developer making it more like a template.\n //\n // Note: There's a perf impact of using this component since there's no\n // way for React to do its virtual DOM diffing.\n var html = { __html: formattedHTMLMessage };\n return React.createElement(Component$$1, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: html });\n }\n }]);\n return FormattedHTMLMessage;\n}(Component);\n\nFormattedHTMLMessage.displayName = 'FormattedHTMLMessage';\nFormattedHTMLMessage.contextTypes = {\n intl: intlShape\n};\nFormattedHTMLMessage.defaultProps = {\n values: {}\n};\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormattedHTMLMessage.propTypes = _extends({}, messageDescriptorPropTypes, {\n values: PropTypes.object,\n tagName: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.func\n}) : void 0;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\naddLocaleData(defaultLocaleData);\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.\n * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.\n * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.\n */\n\naddLocaleData(allLocaleData);\n\nexport { addLocaleData, intlShape, injectIntl, defineMessages, IntlProvider, FormattedDate, FormattedTime, FormattedRelative, FormattedNumber, FormattedPlural, FormattedMessage, FormattedHTMLMessage };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-intl/lib/\n// module id = 6\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * WARNING: DO NOT manually require this module.\n * This is a replacement for `invariant(...)` used by the error code system\n * and will _only_ be required by the corresponding babel pass.\n * It always throws.\n */\n\nfunction reactProdInvariant(code) {\n var argCount = arguments.length - 1;\n\n var message = 'Minified React error #' + code + '; visit ' + '' + code;\n\n for (var argIdx = 0; argIdx < argCount; argIdx++) {\n message += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[argIdx + 1]);\n }\n\n message += ' for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment' + ' for full errors and additional helpful warnings.';\n\n var error = new Error(message);\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about reactProdInvariant's own frame\n\n throw error;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = reactProdInvariant;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/reactProdInvariant.js\n// module id = 7\n// module chunks = 0","// Utilities\n//\n'use strict';\n\n\nfunction _class(obj) { return; }\n\nfunction isString(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object String]'; }\n\nvar _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nfunction has(object, key) {\n return, key);\n}\n\n// Merge objects\n//\nfunction assign(obj /*from1, from2, from3, ...*/) {\n var sources =, 1);\n\n sources.forEach(function (source) {\n if (!source) { return; }\n\n if (typeof source !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError(source + 'must be object');\n }\n\n Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {\n obj[key] = source[key];\n });\n });\n\n return obj;\n}\n\n// Remove element from array and put another array at those position.\n// Useful for some operations with tokens\nfunction arrayReplaceAt(src, pos, newElements) {\n return [].concat(src.slice(0, pos), newElements, src.slice(pos + 1));\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nfunction isValidEntityCode(c) {\n /*eslint no-bitwise:0*/\n // broken sequence\n if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF) { return false; }\n // never used\n if (c >= 0xFDD0 && c <= 0xFDEF) { return false; }\n if ((c & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFF || (c & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFE) { return false; }\n // control codes\n if (c >= 0x00 && c <= 0x08) { return false; }\n if (c === 0x0B) { return false; }\n if (c >= 0x0E && c <= 0x1F) { return false; }\n if (c >= 0x7F && c <= 0x9F) { return false; }\n // out of range\n if (c > 0x10FFFF) { return false; }\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction fromCodePoint(c) {\n /*eslint no-bitwise:0*/\n if (c > 0xffff) {\n c -= 0x10000;\n var surrogate1 = 0xd800 + (c >> 10),\n surrogate2 = 0xdc00 + (c & 0x3ff);\n\n return String.fromCharCode(surrogate1, surrogate2);\n }\n return String.fromCharCode(c);\n}\n\n\nvar UNESCAPE_MD_RE = /\\\\([!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-.\\/:;<=>?@[\\\\\\]^_`{|}~])/g;\nvar ENTITY_RE = /&([a-z#][a-z0-9]{1,31});/gi;\nvar UNESCAPE_ALL_RE = new RegExp(UNESCAPE_MD_RE.source + '|' + ENTITY_RE.source, 'gi');\n\nvar DIGITAL_ENTITY_TEST_RE = /^#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}))/i;\n\nvar entities = require('./entities');\n\nfunction replaceEntityPattern(match, name) {\n var code = 0;\n\n if (has(entities, name)) {\n return entities[name];\n }\n\n if (name.charCodeAt(0) === 0x23/* # */ && DIGITAL_ENTITY_TEST_RE.test(name)) {\n code = name[1].toLowerCase() === 'x' ?\n parseInt(name.slice(2), 16)\n :\n parseInt(name.slice(1), 10);\n if (isValidEntityCode(code)) {\n return fromCodePoint(code);\n }\n }\n\n return match;\n}\n\n/*function replaceEntities(str) {\n if (str.indexOf('&') < 0) { return str; }\n\n return str.replace(ENTITY_RE, replaceEntityPattern);\n}*/\n\nfunction unescapeMd(str) {\n if (str.indexOf('\\\\') < 0) { return str; }\n return str.replace(UNESCAPE_MD_RE, '$1');\n}\n\nfunction unescapeAll(str) {\n if (str.indexOf('\\\\') < 0 && str.indexOf('&') < 0) { return str; }\n\n return str.replace(UNESCAPE_ALL_RE, function (match, escaped, entity) {\n if (escaped) { return escaped; }\n return replaceEntityPattern(match, entity);\n });\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nvar HTML_ESCAPE_TEST_RE = /[&<>\"]/;\nvar HTML_ESCAPE_REPLACE_RE = /[&<>\"]/g;\nvar HTML_REPLACEMENTS = {\n '&': '&',\n '<': '<',\n '>': '>',\n '\"': '"'\n};\n\nfunction replaceUnsafeChar(ch) {\n return HTML_REPLACEMENTS[ch];\n}\n\nfunction escapeHtml(str) {\n if (HTML_ESCAPE_TEST_RE.test(str)) {\n return str.replace(HTML_ESCAPE_REPLACE_RE, replaceUnsafeChar);\n }\n return str;\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nvar REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE = /[.?*+^$[\\]\\\\(){}|-]/g;\n\nfunction escapeRE(str) {\n return str.replace(REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE, '\\\\$&');\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nfunction isSpace(code) {\n switch (code) {\n case 0x09:\n case 0x20:\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n// Zs (unicode class) || [\\t\\f\\v\\r\\n]\nfunction isWhiteSpace(code) {\n if (code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200A) { return true; }\n switch (code) {\n case 0x09: // \\t\n case 0x0A: // \\n\n case 0x0B: // \\v\n case 0x0C: // \\f\n case 0x0D: // \\r\n case 0x20:\n case 0xA0:\n case 0x1680:\n case 0x202F:\n case 0x205F:\n case 0x3000:\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n/*eslint-disable max-len*/\nvar UNICODE_PUNCT_RE = require('uc.micro/categories/P/regex');\n\n// Currently without astral characters support.\nfunction isPunctChar(ch) {\n return UNICODE_PUNCT_RE.test(ch);\n}\n\n\n// Markdown ASCII punctuation characters.\n//\n// !, \", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \\, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, or ~\n//\n//\n// Don't confuse with unicode punctuation !!! It lacks some chars in ascii range.\n//\nfunction isMdAsciiPunct(ch) {\n switch (ch) {\n case 0x21/* ! */:\n case 0x22/* \" */:\n case 0x23/* # */:\n case 0x24/* $ */:\n case 0x25/* % */:\n case 0x26/* & */:\n case 0x27/* ' */:\n case 0x28/* ( */:\n case 0x29/* ) */:\n case 0x2A/* * */:\n case 0x2B/* + */:\n case 0x2C/* , */:\n case 0x2D/* - */:\n case 0x2E/* . */:\n case 0x2F/* / */:\n case 0x3A/* : */:\n case 0x3B/* ; */:\n case 0x3C/* < */:\n case 0x3D/* = */:\n case 0x3E/* > */:\n case 0x3F/* ? */:\n case 0x40/* @ */:\n case 0x5B/* [ */:\n case 0x5C/* \\ */:\n case 0x5D/* ] */:\n case 0x5E/* ^ */:\n case 0x5F/* _ */:\n case 0x60/* ` */:\n case 0x7B/* { */:\n case 0x7C/* | */:\n case 0x7D/* } */:\n case 0x7E/* ~ */:\n return true;\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n// Hepler to unify [reference labels].\n//\nfunction normalizeReference(str) {\n // use .toUpperCase() instead of .toLowerCase()\n // here to avoid a conflict with Object.prototype\n // members (most notably, `__proto__`)\n return str.trim().replace(/\\s+/g, ' ').toUpperCase();\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n// Re-export libraries commonly used in both markdown-it and its plugins,\n// so plugins won't have to depend on them explicitly, which reduces their\n// bundled size (e.g. a browser build).\n//\nexports.lib = {};\nexports.lib.mdurl = require('mdurl');\nexports.lib.ucmicro = require('uc.micro');\n\nexports.assign = assign;\nexports.isString = isString;\nexports.has = has;\nexports.unescapeMd = unescapeMd;\nexports.unescapeAll = unescapeAll;\nexports.isValidEntityCode = isValidEntityCode;\nexports.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;\n// exports.replaceEntities = replaceEntities;\nexports.escapeHtml = escapeHtml;\nexports.arrayReplaceAt = arrayReplaceAt;\nexports.isSpace = isSpace;\nexports.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace;\nexports.isMdAsciiPunct = isMdAsciiPunct;\nexports.isPunctChar = isPunctChar;\nexports.escapeRE = escapeRE;\nexports.normalizeReference = normalizeReference;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/markdown-it/lib/common/utils.js\n// module id = 8\n// module chunks = 0","/*\nobject-assign\n(c) Sindre Sorhus\n@license MIT\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */\nvar getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;\n\nfunction toObject(val) {\n\tif (val === null || val === undefined) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined');\n\t}\n\n\treturn Object(val);\n}\n\nfunction shouldUseNative() {\n\ttry {\n\t\tif (!Object.assign) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Detect buggy property enumeration order in older V8 versions.\n\n\t\t//\n\t\tvar test1 = new String('abc'); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers\n\t\ttest1[5] = 'de';\n\t\tif (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === '5') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t//\n\t\tvar test2 = {};\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n\t\t\ttest2['_' + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function (n) {\n\t\t\treturn test2[n];\n\t\t});\n\t\tif (order2.join('') !== '0123456789') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t//\n\t\tvar test3 = {};\n\t\t'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (letter) {\n\t\t\ttest3[letter] = letter;\n\t\t});\n\t\tif (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join('') !==\n\t\t\t\t'abcdefghijklmnopqrst') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} catch (err) {\n\t\t// We don't expect any of the above to throw, but better to be safe.\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n}\n\nmodule.exports = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function (target, source) {\n\tvar from;\n\tvar to = toObject(target);\n\tvar symbols;\n\n\tfor (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {\n\t\tfrom = Object(arguments[s]);\n\n\t\tfor (var key in from) {\n\t\t\tif (, key)) {\n\t\t\t\tto[key] = from[key];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n\t\t\tsymbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from);\n\t\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (, symbols[i])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tto[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn to;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/object-assign/index.js\n// module id = 9\n// module chunks = 0","//app\nexport const APPLICATION_INIT = 'APPLICATION_INIT';\n\n//config\nexport const CONFIG_FETCH = 'CONFIG_FETCH';\nexport const CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS = 'CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS';\nexport const CONFIG_FETCH_ERROR = 'CONFIG_FETCH_ERROR';\nexport const CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY = 'CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY';\n\n//dns records\nexport const DNS_RECORD_CLEAR_ALL = 'DNS_RECORD_CLEAR_ALL';\n\nexport const DNS_RECORD_CREATE = 'DNS_RECORD_CREATE';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_CREATE_SUCCESS = 'DNS_RECORD_CREATE_SUCCESS';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_CREATE_ERROR = 'DNS_RECORD_CREATE_ERROR';\n\nexport const DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST = 'DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS = 'DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_ERROR = 'DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_ERROR';\n\nexport const DNS_RECORD_UPDATE = 'DNS_RECORD_UPDATE';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_SUCCESS = 'DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_SUCCESS';\nexport const DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_ERROR = 'DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_ERROR';\n\n//intl\nexport const INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS = 'INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS';\nexport const INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS =\n 'INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS';\nexport const INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_ERROR = 'INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_ERROR';\n\n//notifications\nexport const NOTIFICATION_ADD = 'NOTIFICATION_ADD';\nexport const NOTIFICATION_REMOVE = 'NOTIFICATION_REMOVE';\n\n//plugins\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH = 'PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH';\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS = 'PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS';\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_ERROR = 'PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_ERROR';\n\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE = 'PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE';\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_SUCCESS = 'PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_SUCCESS';\nexport const PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_ERROR = 'PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_ERROR';\n\n//user\nexport const USER_LOGIN = 'USER_LOGIN';\nexport const USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS = 'USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS';\nexport const USER_LOGIN_ERROR = 'USER_LOGIN_ERROR';\nexport const USER_LOGOUT = 'USER_LOGOUT';\n\nexport const USER_SIGNUP = 'USER_SIGNUP';\nexport const USER_SIGNUP_SUCCESS = 'USER_SIGNUP_SUCCESS';\nexport const USER_SIGNUP_ERROR = 'USER_SIGNUP_ERROR';\n\n//zone activation check\nexport const ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK = 'ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK';\nexport const ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK_SUCCESS = 'ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK_ERROR = 'ZONE_ACTIVATION_CHECK_ERROR';\n\n//zone analytics\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS = 'ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS';\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS = 'ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_ERROR = 'ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_ERROR';\n\n//zone settings\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS = 'ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS';\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS = 'ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_ERROR = 'ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONE_PURGE_CACHE = 'ZONE_PURGE_CACHE';\nexport const ZONE_PURGE_CACHE_SUCCESS = 'ZONE_PURGE_CACHE_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_PURGE_CACHE_ERROR = 'ZONE_PURGE_CACHE_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING = 'ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING';\nexport const ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_SUCCESS = 'ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_ERROR = 'ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_ERROR';\n\n//zones\nexport const ZONES_DELETE_ZONE = 'ZONES_DELETE_ZONE';\nexport const ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_SUCCESS = 'ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_ERROR = 'ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONES_FETCH = 'ZONES_FETCH';\nexport const ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS = 'ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONES_FETCH_ERROR = 'ZONES_FETCH_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONES_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE = 'ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE';\n\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME = 'ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME';\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME_SUCCESS = 'ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME_ERROR = 'ZONES_PROVISION_CNAME_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_FULL = 'ZONES_PROVISION_FULL_ZONE';\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_FULL_SUCCESS = 'ZONES_PROVISION_FULL_ZONE_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONES_PROVISION_FULL_ERROR = 'ZONES_PROVISION_FULL_ZONE_ERROR';\n\n//railgun\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL = 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL';\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS =\n 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_ERROR = 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_ERROR';\n\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE =\n 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE';\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE_SUCCESSS =\n 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE__SUCCESS';\nexport const ZONE_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE_ERROR =\n 'ZONES_RAILGUNS_CONNECTION_UPDATE_ERROR';\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/constants/ActionTypes.js","// Source:\nfunction extractDomain(url) {\n var domain;\n // find & remove protocol (http, ftp, etc.) and get domain\n if (url.indexOf('://') > -1) {\n domain = url.split('/')[2];\n } else {\n domain = url.split('/')[0];\n }\n\n // find & remove port number\n domain = domain.split(':')[0];\n\n return domain;\n}\n\nfunction beginsWith(needle, haystack) {\n return haystack.substr(0, needle.length) == needle;\n}\n\nfunction endsWith(str, suffix) {\n return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;\n}\n\nexport function isSubdomain(selectedZoneName) {\n var currentDomainName = extractDomain(document.URL);\n\n if (\n endsWith(currentDomainName, selectedZoneName) &&\n !beginsWith('www.', currentDomainName) &&\n selectedZoneName !== currentDomainName &&\n currentDomainName &&\n selectedZoneName\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nexport function getLastModifiedDate(intl, modfiedDate) {\n const { formatMessage, formatRelative } = intl;\n\n if (!modfiedDate) {\n // Once you get the new code try this\n return null;\n }\n\n var formattedModefiedDate = formatRelative(new Date(modfiedDate), {\n now:\n });\n\n var value = { date: formattedModefiedDate };\n return formatMessage({ id: 'utils.utils.lastmodifieddate' }, value);\n}\n\nexport function humanFileSize(bytes) {\n var thresh = 1000;\n if (Math.abs(bytes) < thresh) {\n return bytes + ' B';\n }\n var units = ['kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];\n var u = -1;\n do {\n bytes /= thresh;\n ++u;\n } while (Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1);\n return bytes.toFixed(1) + ' ' + units[u];\n}\n\nexport function openWindow720x720(link) {\n, '_blank', 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=720,height=700');\n}\n\nexport function formatMessageForIntegration(\n intl,\n translationId,\n integrationName\n) {\n const { formatMessage } = intl;\n\n let integrationKey = translationId + '.' + integrationName;\n const messageId = !!intl.messages[integrationKey]\n ? integrationKey\n : translationId;\n\n return formatMessage({ id: messageId });\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/utils/utils.js","import Card from './Card';\nimport CardContent from './CardContent';\nimport CardControl from './CardControl';\nimport CardDrawers from './CardDrawers';\nimport CardLoadingText from './CardLoadingText';\nimport CardMessages from './CardMessages';\nimport CardPropTypes from './CardPropTypes';\nimport CardSection from './CardSection';\nimport CardBlock from './CardBlock';\n\nexport { Card, CardContent, CardControl, CardDrawers, CardLoadingText, CardMessages, CardPropTypes, CardSection, CardBlock };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-card/es/index.js\n// module id = 12\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar DOMProperty = require('./DOMProperty');\nvar ReactDOMComponentFlags = require('./ReactDOMComponentFlags');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nvar ATTR_NAME = DOMProperty.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\nvar Flags = ReactDOMComponentFlags;\n\nvar internalInstanceKey = '__reactInternalInstance$' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);\n\n/**\n * Check if a given node should be cached.\n */\nfunction shouldPrecacheNode(node, nodeID) {\n return node.nodeType === 1 && node.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME) === String(nodeID) || node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === ' react-text: ' + nodeID + ' ' || node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === ' react-empty: ' + nodeID + ' ';\n}\n\n/**\n * Drill down (through composites and empty components) until we get a host or\n * host text component.\n *\n * This is pretty polymorphic but unavoidable with the current structure we have\n * for `_renderedChildren`.\n */\nfunction getRenderedHostOrTextFromComponent(component) {\n var rendered;\n while (rendered = component._renderedComponent) {\n component = rendered;\n }\n return component;\n}\n\n/**\n * Populate `_hostNode` on the rendered host/text component with the given\n * DOM node. The passed `inst` can be a composite.\n */\nfunction precacheNode(inst, node) {\n var hostInst = getRenderedHostOrTextFromComponent(inst);\n hostInst._hostNode = node;\n node[internalInstanceKey] = hostInst;\n}\n\nfunction uncacheNode(inst) {\n var node = inst._hostNode;\n if (node) {\n delete node[internalInstanceKey];\n inst._hostNode = null;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Populate `_hostNode` on each child of `inst`, assuming that the children\n * match up with the DOM (element) children of `node`.\n *\n * We cache entire levels at once to avoid an n^2 problem where we access the\n * children of a node sequentially and have to walk from the start to our target\n * node every time.\n *\n * Since we update `_renderedChildren` and the actual DOM at (slightly)\n * different times, we could race here and see a newer `_renderedChildren` than\n * the DOM nodes we see. To avoid this, ReactMultiChild calls\n * `prepareToManageChildren` before we change `_renderedChildren`, at which\n * time the container's child nodes are always cached (until it unmounts).\n */\nfunction precacheChildNodes(inst, node) {\n if (inst._flags & Flags.hasCachedChildNodes) {\n return;\n }\n var children = inst._renderedChildren;\n var childNode = node.firstChild;\n outer: for (var name in children) {\n if (!children.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n continue;\n }\n var childInst = children[name];\n var childID = getRenderedHostOrTextFromComponent(childInst)._domID;\n if (childID === 0) {\n // We're currently unmounting this child in ReactMultiChild; skip it.\n continue;\n }\n // We assume the child nodes are in the same order as the child instances.\n for (; childNode !== null; childNode = childNode.nextSibling) {\n if (shouldPrecacheNode(childNode, childID)) {\n precacheNode(childInst, childNode);\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n // We reached the end of the DOM children without finding an ID match.\n !false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Unable to find element with ID %s.', childID) : _prodInvariant('32', childID) : void 0;\n }\n inst._flags |= Flags.hasCachedChildNodes;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a DOM node, return the closest ReactDOMComponent or\n * ReactDOMTextComponent instance ancestor.\n */\nfunction getClosestInstanceFromNode(node) {\n if (node[internalInstanceKey]) {\n return node[internalInstanceKey];\n }\n\n // Walk up the tree until we find an ancestor whose instance we have cached.\n var parents = [];\n while (!node[internalInstanceKey]) {\n parents.push(node);\n if (node.parentNode) {\n node = node.parentNode;\n } else {\n // Top of the tree. This node must not be part of a React tree (or is\n // unmounted, potentially).\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n var closest;\n var inst;\n for (; node && (inst = node[internalInstanceKey]); node = parents.pop()) {\n closest = inst;\n if (parents.length) {\n precacheChildNodes(inst, node);\n }\n }\n\n return closest;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a DOM node, return the ReactDOMComponent or ReactDOMTextComponent\n * instance, or null if the node was not rendered by this React.\n */\nfunction getInstanceFromNode(node) {\n var inst = getClosestInstanceFromNode(node);\n if (inst != null && inst._hostNode === node) {\n return inst;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a ReactDOMComponent or ReactDOMTextComponent, return the corresponding\n * DOM node.\n */\nfunction getNodeFromInstance(inst) {\n // Without this first invariant, passing a non-DOM-component triggers the next\n // invariant for a missing parent, which is super confusing.\n !(inst._hostNode !== undefined) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'getNodeFromInstance: Invalid argument.') : _prodInvariant('33') : void 0;\n\n if (inst._hostNode) {\n return inst._hostNode;\n }\n\n // Walk up the tree until we find an ancestor whose DOM node we have cached.\n var parents = [];\n while (!inst._hostNode) {\n parents.push(inst);\n !inst._hostParent ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'React DOM tree root should always have a node reference.') : _prodInvariant('34') : void 0;\n inst = inst._hostParent;\n }\n\n // Now parents contains each ancestor that does *not* have a cached native\n // node, and `inst` is the deepest ancestor that does.\n for (; parents.length; inst = parents.pop()) {\n precacheChildNodes(inst, inst._hostNode);\n }\n\n return inst._hostNode;\n}\n\nvar ReactDOMComponentTree = {\n getClosestInstanceFromNode: getClosestInstanceFromNode,\n getInstanceFromNode: getInstanceFromNode,\n getNodeFromInstance: getNodeFromInstance,\n precacheChildNodes: precacheChildNodes,\n precacheNode: precacheNode,\n uncacheNode: uncacheNode\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactDOMComponentTree;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDOMComponentTree.js\n// module id = 13\n// module chunks = 0","import React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { connect } from 'react-redux';\nimport { injectIntl } from 'react-intl';\nimport MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';\n\nimport { formatMessageForIntegration } from '../../utils/utils';\nimport { getConfigValue } from '../../selectors/config.js';\n\n// To support different translations for differents integrations add\n// \"mycomponent.myfeature.integrationName1\"\n// \"mycomponent.myfeature.integrationName2\"\n// ...\n// and the default translation \"mycomponent.myfeature\"\n//\n// Afterwards call\n// <FormattedMarkdown text=\"mycomponent.myfeature\" />\nclass FormattedMarkdown extends Component {\n render() {\n let { integrationName } = this.props;\n\n var formattedMessage = formatMessageForIntegration(\n this.props.intl,\n this.props.text,\n integrationName\n );\n\n var md = new MarkdownIt();\n\n return (\n <div\n dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{\n __html: md.render(formattedMessage)\n }}\n />\n );\n }\n}\n\nFormattedMarkdown.propTypes = {\n text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n formattedMessage: PropTypes.func,\n intl: PropTypes.object,\n integrationName: PropTypes.string\n};\n\nfunction mapStateToProps(state) {\n return {\n integrationName: getConfigValue(state.config, 'integrationName')\n };\n}\nexport default injectIntl(connect(mapStateToProps)(FormattedMarkdown));\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/components/FormattedMarkdown/FormattedMarkdown.js","import applyMediaRulesInOrder from './applyMediaRulesInOrder';\nimport arrayEach from './arrayEach';\nimport arrayReduce from './arrayReduce';\nimport checkFontFormat from './checkFontFormat';\nimport checkFontUrl from './checkFontUrl';\nimport createStyleNode from './createStyleNode';\nimport createStyleTagMarkup from './createStyleTagMarkup';\nimport cssifyFontFace from './cssifyFontFace';\nimport cssifyKeyframe from './cssifyKeyframe';\nimport cssifyMediaQueryRules from './cssifyMediaQueryRules';\nimport cssifyStaticStyle from './cssifyStaticStyle';\nimport extractPassThroughProps from './extractPassThroughProps';\nimport generateAnimationName from './generateAnimationName';\nimport generateClassName from './generateClassName';\nimport generateCombinedMediaQuery from './generateCombinedMediaQuery';\nimport generateCSSRule from './generateCSSRule';\nimport generateCSSSelector from './generateCSSSelector';\nimport generateMonolithicClassName from './generateMonolithicClassName';\nimport generateStaticReference from './generateStaticReference';\nimport getStyleNode from './getStyleNode';\nimport isBase64 from './isBase64';\nimport isMediaQuery from './isMediaQuery';\nimport isNestedSelector from './isNestedSelector';\nimport isObject from './isObject';\nimport isUndefinedValue from './isUndefinedValue';\nimport isValidHTMLElement from './isValidHTMLElement';\nimport minifyCSSString from './minifyCSSString';\nimport normalizeNestedProperty from './normalizeNestedProperty';\nimport objectReduce from './objectReduce';\nimport processStyleWithPlugins from './processStyleWithPlugins';\nimport reflushStyleNodes from './reflushStyleNodes';\nimport resolvePassThrough from './resolvePassThrough';\nimport { RULE_TYPE, KEYFRAME_TYPE, FONT_TYPE, STATIC_TYPE, CLEAR_TYPE } from './styleTypes';\nimport toCSSString from './toCSSString';\nimport warning from './warning';\n\nexport { applyMediaRulesInOrder, arrayEach, arrayReduce, checkFontFormat, checkFontUrl, createStyleNode, createStyleTagMarkup, cssifyFontFace, cssifyKeyframe, cssifyMediaQueryRules, cssifyStaticStyle, extractPassThroughProps, generateAnimationName, generateClassName, generateCombinedMediaQuery, generateCSSRule, generateCSSSelector, generateMonolithicClassName, generateStaticReference, getStyleNode, isBase64, isMediaQuery, isNestedSelector, isObject, isUndefinedValue, isValidHTMLElement, minifyCSSString, normalizeNestedProperty, objectReduce, processStyleWithPlugins, reflushStyleNodes, resolvePassThrough, RULE_TYPE, KEYFRAME_TYPE, FONT_TYPE, STATIC_TYPE, CLEAR_TYPE, toCSSString, warning };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fela-utils/es/index.js\n// module id = 15\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);\n\n/**\n * Simple, lightweight module assisting with the detection and context of\n * Worker. Helps avoid circular dependencies and allows code to reason about\n * whether or not they are in a Worker, even if they never include the main\n * `ReactWorker` dependency.\n */\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = {\n\n canUseDOM: canUseDOM,\n\n canUseWorkers: typeof Worker !== 'undefined',\n\n canUseEventListeners: canUseDOM && !!(window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent),\n\n canUseViewport: canUseDOM && !!window.screen,\n\n isInWorker: !canUseDOM // For now, this is true - might change in the future.\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ExecutionEnvironment;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment.js\n// module id = 16\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * @license\n * lodash 3.10.1 (Custom Build) <>\n * Build: `lodash modern -d -o ./index.js`\n * Copyright 2012-2015 The Dojo Foundation <>\n * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <>\n * Copyright 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors\n * Available under MIT license <>\n */\n;(function() {\n\n /** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre-ES5 environments. */\n var undefined;\n\n /** Used as the semantic version number. */\n var VERSION = '3.10.1';\n\n /** Used to compose bitmasks for wrapper metadata. */\n var BIND_FLAG = 1,\n BIND_KEY_FLAG = 2,\n CURRY_BOUND_FLAG = 4,\n CURRY_FLAG = 8,\n CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG = 16,\n PARTIAL_FLAG = 32,\n PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG = 64,\n ARY_FLAG = 128,\n REARG_FLAG = 256;\n\n /** Used as default options for `_.trunc`. */\n var DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH = 30,\n DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION = '...';\n\n /** Used to detect when a function becomes hot. */\n var HOT_COUNT = 150,\n HOT_SPAN = 16;\n\n /** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */\n var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;\n\n /** Used to indicate the type of lazy iteratees. */\n var LAZY_FILTER_FLAG = 1,\n LAZY_MAP_FLAG = 2;\n\n /** Used as the `TypeError` message for \"Functions\" methods. */\n var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function';\n\n /** Used as the internal argument placeholder. */\n var PLACEHOLDER = '__lodash_placeholder__';\n\n /** `Object#toString` result references. */\n var argsTag = '[object Arguments]',\n arrayTag = '[object Array]',\n boolTag = '[object Boolean]',\n dateTag = '[object Date]',\n errorTag = '[object Error]',\n funcTag = '[object Function]',\n mapTag = '[object Map]',\n numberTag = '[object Number]',\n objectTag = '[object Object]',\n regexpTag = '[object RegExp]',\n setTag = '[object Set]',\n stringTag = '[object String]',\n weakMapTag = '[object WeakMap]';\n\n var arrayBufferTag = '[object ArrayBuffer]',\n float32Tag = '[object Float32Array]',\n float64Tag = '[object Float64Array]',\n int8Tag = '[object Int8Array]',\n int16Tag = '[object Int16Array]',\n int32Tag = '[object Int32Array]',\n uint8Tag = '[object Uint8Array]',\n uint8ClampedTag = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]',\n uint16Tag = '[object Uint16Array]',\n uint32Tag = '[object Uint32Array]';\n\n /** Used to match empty string literals in compiled template source. */\n var reEmptyStringLeading = /\\b__p \\+= '';/g,\n reEmptyStringMiddle = /\\b(__p \\+=) '' \\+/g,\n reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\\(.*?\\)|\\b__t\\)) \\+\\n'';/g;\n\n /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters. */\n var reEscapedHtml = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39|#96);/g,\n reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>\"'`]/g,\n reHasEscapedHtml = RegExp(reEscapedHtml.source),\n reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source);\n\n /** Used to match template delimiters. */\n var reEscape = /<%-([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g,\n reEvaluate = /<%([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g,\n reInterpolate = /<%=([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g;\n\n /** Used to match property names within property paths. */\n var reIsDeepProp = /\\.|\\[(?:[^[\\]]*|([\"'])(?:(?!\\1)[^\\n\\\\]|\\\\.)*?\\1)\\]/,\n reIsPlainProp = /^\\w*$/,\n rePropName = /[^.[\\]]+|\\[(?:(-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)|([\"'])((?:(?!\\2)[^\\n\\\\]|\\\\.)*?)\\2)\\]/g;\n\n /**\n * Used to match `RegExp` [syntax characters](\n * and those outlined by [`EscapeRegExpPattern`](\n */\n var reRegExpChars = /^[:!,]|[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|\\/]|(^[0-9a-fA-Fnrtuvx])|([\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029])/g,\n reHasRegExpChars = RegExp(reRegExpChars.source);\n\n /** Used to match [combining diacritical marks]( */\n var reComboMark = /[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23]/g;\n\n /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */\n var reEscapeChar = /\\\\(\\\\)?/g;\n\n /** Used to match [ES template delimiters]( */\n var reEsTemplate = /\\$\\{([^\\\\}]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\}]*)*)\\}/g;\n\n /** Used to match `RegExp` flags from their coerced string values. */\n var reFlags = /\\w*$/;\n\n /** Used to detect hexadecimal string values. */\n var reHasHexPrefix = /^0[xX]/;\n\n /** Used to detect host constructors (Safari > 5). */\n var reIsHostCtor = /^\\[object .+?Constructor\\]$/;\n\n /** Used to detect unsigned integer values. */\n var reIsUint = /^\\d+$/;\n\n /** Used to match latin-1 supplementary letters (excluding mathematical operators). */\n var reLatin1 = /[\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]/g;\n\n /** Used to ensure capturing order of template delimiters. */\n var reNoMatch = /($^)/;\n\n /** Used to match unescaped characters in compiled string literals. */\n var reUnescapedString = /['\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\\\]/g;\n\n /** Used to match words to create compound words. */\n var reWords = (function() {\n var upper = '[A-Z\\\\xc0-\\\\xd6\\\\xd8-\\\\xde]',\n lower = '[a-z\\\\xdf-\\\\xf6\\\\xf8-\\\\xff]+';\n\n return RegExp(upper + '+(?=' + upper + lower + ')|' + upper + '?' + lower + '|' + upper + '+|[0-9]+', 'g');\n }());\n\n /** Used to assign default `context` object properties. */\n var contextProps = [\n 'Array', 'ArrayBuffer', 'Date', 'Error', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array',\n 'Function', 'Int8Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Math', 'Number',\n 'Object', 'RegExp', 'Set', 'String', '_', 'clearTimeout', 'isFinite',\n 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'setTimeout', 'TypeError', 'Uint8Array',\n 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'WeakMap'\n ];\n\n /** Used to make template sourceURLs easier to identify. */\n var templateCounter = -1;\n\n /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values of typed arrays. */\n var typedArrayTags = {};\n typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] =\n typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] =\n typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] =\n typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] =\n typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = true;\n typedArrayTags[argsTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag] =\n typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag] = typedArrayTags[boolTag] =\n typedArrayTags[dateTag] = typedArrayTags[errorTag] =\n typedArrayTags[funcTag] = typedArrayTags[mapTag] =\n typedArrayTags[numberTag] = typedArrayTags[objectTag] =\n typedArrayTags[regexpTag] = typedArrayTags[setTag] =\n typedArrayTags[stringTag] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag] = false;\n\n /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values supported by `_.clone`. */\n var cloneableTags = {};\n cloneableTags[argsTag] = cloneableTags[arrayTag] =\n cloneableTags[arrayBufferTag] = cloneableTags[boolTag] =\n cloneableTags[dateTag] = cloneableTags[float32Tag] =\n cloneableTags[float64Tag] = cloneableTags[int8Tag] =\n cloneableTags[int16Tag] = cloneableTags[int32Tag] =\n cloneableTags[numberTag] = cloneableTags[objectTag] =\n cloneableTags[regexpTag] = cloneableTags[stringTag] =\n cloneableTags[uint8Tag] = cloneableTags[uint8ClampedTag] =\n cloneableTags[uint16Tag] = cloneableTags[uint32Tag] = true;\n cloneableTags[errorTag] = cloneableTags[funcTag] =\n cloneableTags[mapTag] = cloneableTags[setTag] =\n cloneableTags[weakMapTag] = false;\n\n /** Used to map latin-1 supplementary letters to basic latin letters. */\n var deburredLetters = {\n '\\xc0': 'A', '\\xc1': 'A', '\\xc2': 'A', '\\xc3': 'A', '\\xc4': 'A', '\\xc5': 'A',\n '\\xe0': 'a', '\\xe1': 'a', '\\xe2': 'a', '\\xe3': 'a', '\\xe4': 'a', '\\xe5': 'a',\n '\\xc7': 'C', '\\xe7': 'c',\n '\\xd0': 'D', '\\xf0': 'd',\n '\\xc8': 'E', '\\xc9': 'E', '\\xca': 'E', '\\xcb': 'E',\n '\\xe8': 'e', '\\xe9': 'e', '\\xea': 'e', '\\xeb': 'e',\n '\\xcC': 'I', '\\xcd': 'I', '\\xce': 'I', '\\xcf': 'I',\n '\\xeC': 'i', '\\xed': 'i', '\\xee': 'i', '\\xef': 'i',\n '\\xd1': 'N', '\\xf1': 'n',\n '\\xd2': 'O', '\\xd3': 'O', '\\xd4': 'O', '\\xd5': 'O', '\\xd6': 'O', '\\xd8': 'O',\n '\\xf2': 'o', '\\xf3': 'o', '\\xf4': 'o', '\\xf5': 'o', '\\xf6': 'o', '\\xf8': 'o',\n '\\xd9': 'U', '\\xda': 'U', '\\xdb': 'U', '\\xdc': 'U',\n '\\xf9': 'u', '\\xfa': 'u', '\\xfb': 'u', '\\xfc': 'u',\n '\\xdd': 'Y', '\\xfd': 'y', '\\xff': 'y',\n '\\xc6': 'Ae', '\\xe6': 'ae',\n '\\xde': 'Th', '\\xfe': 'th',\n '\\xdf': 'ss'\n };\n\n /** Used to map characters to HTML entities. */\n var htmlEscapes = {\n '&': '&',\n '<': '<',\n '>': '>',\n '\"': '"',\n \"'\": ''',\n '`': '`'\n };\n\n /** Used to map HTML entities to characters. */\n var htmlUnescapes = {\n '&': '&',\n '<': '<',\n '>': '>',\n '"': '\"',\n ''': \"'\",\n '`': '`'\n };\n\n /** Used to determine if values are of the language type `Object`. */\n var objectTypes = {\n 'function': true,\n 'object': true\n };\n\n /** Used to escape characters for inclusion in compiled regexes. */\n var regexpEscapes = {\n '0': 'x30', '1': 'x31', '2': 'x32', '3': 'x33', '4': 'x34',\n '5': 'x35', '6': 'x36', '7': 'x37', '8': 'x38', '9': 'x39',\n 'A': 'x41', 'B': 'x42', 'C': 'x43', 'D': 'x44', 'E': 'x45', 'F': 'x46',\n 'a': 'x61', 'b': 'x62', 'c': 'x63', 'd': 'x64', 'e': 'x65', 'f': 'x66',\n 'n': 'x6e', 'r': 'x72', 't': 'x74', 'u': 'x75', 'v': 'x76', 'x': 'x78'\n };\n\n /** Used to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals. */\n var stringEscapes = {\n '\\\\': '\\\\',\n \"'\": \"'\",\n '\\n': 'n',\n '\\r': 'r',\n '\\u2028': 'u2028',\n '\\u2029': 'u2029'\n };\n\n /** Detect free variable `exports`. */\n var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;\n\n /** Detect free variable `module`. */\n var freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module;\n\n /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */\n var freeGlobal = freeExports && freeModule && typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object && global;\n\n /** Detect free variable `self`. */\n var freeSelf = objectTypes[typeof self] && self && self.Object && self;\n\n /** Detect free variable `window`. */\n var freeWindow = objectTypes[typeof window] && window && window.Object && window;\n\n /** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports`. */\n var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports;\n\n /**\n * Used as a reference to the global object.\n *\n * The `this` value is used if it's the global object to avoid Greasemonkey's\n * restricted `window` object, otherwise the `window` object is used.\n */\n var root = freeGlobal || ((freeWindow !== (this && this.window)) && freeWindow) || freeSelf || this;\n\n /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `compareAscending` which compares values and\n * sorts them in ascending order without guaranteeing a stable sort.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `value`.\n */\n function baseCompareAscending(value, other) {\n if (value !== other) {\n var valIsNull = value === null,\n valIsUndef = value === undefined,\n valIsReflexive = value === value;\n\n var othIsNull = other === null,\n othIsUndef = other === undefined,\n othIsReflexive = other === other;\n\n if ((value > other && !othIsNull) || !valIsReflexive ||\n (valIsNull && !othIsUndef && othIsReflexive) ||\n (valIsUndef && othIsReflexive)) {\n return 1;\n }\n if ((value < other && !valIsNull) || !othIsReflexive ||\n (othIsNull && !valIsUndef && valIsReflexive) ||\n (othIsUndef && valIsReflexive)) {\n return -1;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.findIndex` and `_.findLastIndex` without\n * support for callback shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n */\n function baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromRight) {\n var length = array.length,\n index = fromRight ? length : -1;\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without support for binary searches.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n */\n function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n if (value !== value) {\n return indexOfNaN(array, fromIndex);\n }\n var index = fromIndex - 1,\n length = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n if (array[index] === value) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.isFunction` without support for environments\n * with incorrect `typeof` results.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n */\n function baseIsFunction(value) {\n // Avoid a Chakra JIT bug in compatibility modes of IE 11.\n // See for more details.\n return typeof value == 'function' || false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to a string if it's not one. An empty string is returned\n * for `null` or `undefined` values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {string} Returns the string.\n */\n function baseToString(value) {\n return value == null ? '' : (value + '');\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimLeft` to get the index of the first character\n * of `string` that is not found in `chars`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n * @param {string} chars The characters to find.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the first character not found in `chars`.\n */\n function charsLeftIndex(string, chars) {\n var index = -1,\n length = string.length;\n\n while (++index < length && chars.indexOf(string.charAt(index)) > -1) {}\n return index;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimRight` to get the index of the last character\n * of `string` that is not found in `chars`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n * @param {string} chars The characters to find.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last character not found in `chars`.\n */\n function charsRightIndex(string, chars) {\n var index = string.length;\n\n while (index-- && chars.indexOf(string.charAt(index)) > -1) {}\n return index;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.sortBy` to compare transformed elements of a collection and stable\n * sort them in ascending order.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `object`.\n */\n function compareAscending(object, other) {\n return baseCompareAscending(object.criteria, other.criteria) || (object.index - other.index);\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.sortByOrder` to compare multiple properties of a value to another\n * and stable sort them.\n *\n * If `orders` is unspecified, all valuess are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise,\n * a value is sorted in ascending order if its corresponding order is \"asc\", and\n * descending if \"desc\".\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @param {boolean[]} orders The order to sort by for each property.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `object`.\n */\n function compareMultiple(object, other, orders) {\n var index = -1,\n objCriteria = object.criteria,\n othCriteria = other.criteria,\n length = objCriteria.length,\n ordersLength = orders.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var result = baseCompareAscending(objCriteria[index], othCriteria[index]);\n if (result) {\n if (index >= ordersLength) {\n return result;\n }\n var order = orders[index];\n return result * ((order === 'asc' || order === true) ? 1 : -1);\n }\n }\n // Fixes an `Array#sort` bug in the JS engine embedded in Adobe applications\n // that causes it, under certain circumstances, to provide the same value for\n // `object` and `other`. See\n // for more details.\n //\n // This also ensures a stable sort in V8 and other engines.\n // See for more details.\n return object.index - other.index;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.deburr` to convert latin-1 supplementary letters to basic latin letters.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} letter The matched letter to deburr.\n * @returns {string} Returns the deburred letter.\n */\n function deburrLetter(letter) {\n return deburredLetters[letter];\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.escape` to convert characters to HTML entities.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.\n */\n function escapeHtmlChar(chr) {\n return htmlEscapes[chr];\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.escapeRegExp` to escape characters for inclusion in compiled regexes.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.\n * @param {string} leadingChar The capture group for a leading character.\n * @param {string} whitespaceChar The capture group for a whitespace character.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.\n */\n function escapeRegExpChar(chr, leadingChar, whitespaceChar) {\n if (leadingChar) {\n chr = regexpEscapes[chr];\n } else if (whitespaceChar) {\n chr = stringEscapes[chr];\n }\n return '\\\\' + chr;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.template` to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.\n */\n function escapeStringChar(chr) {\n return '\\\\' + stringEscapes[chr];\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `NaN` is found in `array`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched `NaN`, else `-1`.\n */\n function indexOfNaN(array, fromIndex, fromRight) {\n var length = array.length,\n index = fromIndex + (fromRight ? 0 : -1);\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n var other = array[index];\n if (other !== other) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n */\n function isObjectLike(value) {\n return !!value && typeof value == 'object';\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `trimmedLeftIndex` and `trimmedRightIndex` to determine if a\n * character code is whitespace.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {number} charCode The character code to inspect.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `charCode` is whitespace, else `false`.\n */\n function isSpace(charCode) {\n return ((charCode <= 160 && (charCode >= 9 && charCode <= 13) || charCode == 32 || charCode == 160) || charCode == 5760 || charCode == 6158 ||\n (charCode >= 8192 && (charCode <= 8202 || charCode == 8232 || charCode == 8233 || charCode == 8239 || charCode == 8287 || charCode == 12288 || charCode == 65279)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Replaces all `placeholder` elements in `array` with an internal placeholder\n * and returns an array of their indexes.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder to replace.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of placeholder indexes.\n */\n function replaceHolders(array, placeholder) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < length) {\n if (array[index] === placeholder) {\n array[index] = PLACEHOLDER;\n result[++resIndex] = index;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * An implementation of `_.uniq` optimized for sorted arrays without support\n * for callback shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate-value-free array.\n */\n function sortedUniq(array, iteratee) {\n var seen,\n index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index],\n computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, index, array) : value;\n\n if (!index || seen !== computed) {\n seen = computed;\n result[++resIndex] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimLeft` to get the index of the first non-whitespace\n * character of `string`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the first non-whitespace character.\n */\n function trimmedLeftIndex(string) {\n var index = -1,\n length = string.length;\n\n while (++index < length && isSpace(string.charCodeAt(index))) {}\n return index;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimRight` to get the index of the last non-whitespace\n * character of `string`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last non-whitespace character.\n */\n function trimmedRightIndex(string) {\n var index = string.length;\n\n while (index-- && isSpace(string.charCodeAt(index))) {}\n return index;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.unescape` to convert HTML entities to characters.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} chr The matched character to unescape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped character.\n */\n function unescapeHtmlChar(chr) {\n return htmlUnescapes[chr];\n }\n\n /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Create a new pristine `lodash` function using the given `context` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Object} [context=root] The context object.\n * @returns {Function} Returns a new `lodash` function.\n * @example\n *\n * _.mixin({ 'foo': _.constant('foo') });\n *\n * var lodash = _.runInContext();\n * lodash.mixin({ 'bar': lodash.constant('bar') });\n *\n * _.isFunction(;\n * // => true\n * _.isFunction(;\n * // => false\n *\n * lodash.isFunction(;\n * // => false\n * lodash.isFunction(;\n * // => true\n *\n * // using `context` to mock `Date#getTime` use in ``\n * var mock = _.runInContext({\n * 'Date': function() {\n * return { 'getTime': getTimeMock };\n * }\n * });\n *\n * // or creating a suped-up `defer` in Node.js\n * var defer = _.runInContext({ 'setTimeout': setImmediate }).defer;\n */\n function runInContext(context) {\n // Avoid issues with some ES3 environments that attempt to use values, named\n // after built-in constructors like `Object`, for the creation of literals.\n // ES5 clears this up by stating that literals must use built-in constructors.\n // See for more details.\n context = context ? _.defaults(root.Object(), context, _.pick(root, contextProps)) : root;\n\n /** Native constructor references. */\n var Array = context.Array,\n Date = context.Date,\n Error = context.Error,\n Function = context.Function,\n Math = context.Math,\n Number = context.Number,\n Object = context.Object,\n RegExp = context.RegExp,\n String = context.String,\n TypeError = context.TypeError;\n\n /** Used for native method references. */\n var arrayProto = Array.prototype,\n objectProto = Object.prototype,\n stringProto = String.prototype;\n\n /** Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions. */\n var fnToString = Function.prototype.toString;\n\n /** Used to check objects for own properties. */\n var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n /** Used to generate unique IDs. */\n var idCounter = 0;\n\n /**\n * Used to resolve the [`toStringTag`](\n * of values.\n */\n var objToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n /** Used to restore the original `_` reference in `_.noConflict`. */\n var oldDash = root._;\n\n /** Used to detect if a method is native. */\n var reIsNative = RegExp('^' +\n[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|]/g, '\\\\$&')\n .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$'\n );\n\n /** Native method references. */\n var ArrayBuffer = context.ArrayBuffer,\n clearTimeout = context.clearTimeout,\n parseFloat = context.parseFloat,\n pow = Math.pow,\n propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable,\n Set = getNative(context, 'Set'),\n setTimeout = context.setTimeout,\n splice = arrayProto.splice,\n Uint8Array = context.Uint8Array,\n WeakMap = getNative(context, 'WeakMap');\n\n /* Native method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */\n var nativeCeil = Math.ceil,\n nativeCreate = getNative(Object, 'create'),\n nativeFloor = Math.floor,\n nativeIsArray = getNative(Array, 'isArray'),\n nativeIsFinite = context.isFinite,\n nativeKeys = getNative(Object, 'keys'),\n nativeMax = Math.max,\n nativeMin = Math.min,\n nativeNow = getNative(Date, 'now'),\n nativeParseInt = context.parseInt,\n nativeRandom = Math.random;\n\n /** Used as references for `-Infinity` and `Infinity`. */\n var NEGATIVE_INFINITY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,\n POSITIVE_INFINITY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n\n /** Used as references for the maximum length and index of an array. */\n var MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4294967295,\n MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1,\n HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH >>> 1;\n\n /**\n * Used as the [maximum length](\n * of an array-like value.\n */\n var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;\n\n /** Used to store function metadata. */\n var metaMap = WeakMap && new WeakMap;\n\n /** Used to lookup unminified function names. */\n var realNames = {};\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a `lodash` object which wraps `value` to enable implicit chaining.\n * Methods that operate on and return arrays, collections, and functions can\n * be chained together. Methods that retrieve a single value or may return a\n * primitive value will automatically end the chain returning the unwrapped\n * value. Explicit chaining may be enabled using `_.chain`. The execution of\n * chained methods is lazy, that is, execution is deferred until `_#value`\n * is implicitly or explicitly called.\n *\n * Lazy evaluation allows several methods to support shortcut fusion. Shortcut\n * fusion is an optimization strategy which merge iteratee calls; this can help\n * to avoid the creation of intermediate data structures and greatly reduce the\n * number of iteratee executions.\n *\n * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the `_#value` method is\n * directly or indirectly included in the build.\n *\n * In addition to lodash methods, wrappers have `Array` and `String` methods.\n *\n * The wrapper `Array` methods are:\n * `concat`, `join`, `pop`, `push`, `reverse`, `shift`, `slice`, `sort`,\n * `splice`, and `unshift`\n *\n * The wrapper `String` methods are:\n * `replace` and `split`\n *\n * The wrapper methods that support shortcut fusion are:\n * `compact`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `dropRightWhile`, `dropWhile`, `filter`,\n * `first`, `initial`, `last`, `map`, `pluck`, `reject`, `rest`, `reverse`,\n * `slice`, `take`, `takeRight`, `takeRightWhile`, `takeWhile`, `toArray`,\n * and `where`\n *\n * The chainable wrapper methods are:\n * `after`, `ary`, `assign`, `at`, `before`, `bind`, `bindAll`, `bindKey`,\n * `callback`, `chain`, `chunk`, `commit`, `compact`, `concat`, `constant`,\n * `countBy`, `create`, `curry`, `debounce`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`,\n * `defer`, `delay`, `difference`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `dropRightWhile`,\n * `dropWhile`, `fill`, `filter`, `flatten`, `flattenDeep`, `flow`, `flowRight`,\n * `forEach`, `forEachRight`, `forIn`, `forInRight`, `forOwn`, `forOwnRight`,\n * `functions`, `groupBy`, `indexBy`, `initial`, `intersection`, `invert`,\n * `invoke`, `keys`, `keysIn`, `map`, `mapKeys`, `mapValues`, `matches`,\n * `matchesProperty`, `memoize`, `merge`, `method`, `methodOf`, `mixin`,\n * `modArgs`, `negate`, `omit`, `once`, `pairs`, `partial`, `partialRight`,\n * `partition`, `pick`, `plant`, `pluck`, `property`, `propertyOf`, `pull`,\n * `pullAt`, `push`, `range`, `rearg`, `reject`, `remove`, `rest`, `restParam`,\n * `reverse`, `set`, `shuffle`, `slice`, `sort`, `sortBy`, `sortByAll`,\n * `sortByOrder`, `splice`, `spread`, `take`, `takeRight`, `takeRightWhile`,\n * `takeWhile`, `tap`, `throttle`, `thru`, `times`, `toArray`, `toPlainObject`,\n * `transform`, `union`, `uniq`, `unshift`, `unzip`, `unzipWith`, `values`,\n * `valuesIn`, `where`, `without`, `wrap`, `xor`, `zip`, `zipObject`, `zipWith`\n *\n * The wrapper methods that are **not** chainable by default are:\n * `add`, `attempt`, `camelCase`, `capitalize`, `ceil`, `clone`, `cloneDeep`,\n * `deburr`, `endsWith`, `escape`, `escapeRegExp`, `every`, `find`, `findIndex`,\n * `findKey`, `findLast`, `findLastIndex`, `findLastKey`, `findWhere`, `first`,\n * `floor`, `get`, `gt`, `gte`, `has`, `identity`, `includes`, `indexOf`,\n * `inRange`, `isArguments`, `isArray`, `isBoolean`, `isDate`, `isElement`,\n * `isEmpty`, `isEqual`, `isError`, `isFinite` `isFunction`, `isMatch`,\n * `isNative`, `isNaN`, `isNull`, `isNumber`, `isObject`, `isPlainObject`,\n * `isRegExp`, `isString`, `isUndefined`, `isTypedArray`, `join`, `kebabCase`,\n * `last`, `lastIndexOf`, `lt`, `lte`, `max`, `min`, `noConflict`, `noop`,\n * `now`, `pad`, `padLeft`, `padRight`, `parseInt`, `pop`, `random`, `reduce`,\n * `reduceRight`, `repeat`, `result`, `round`, `runInContext`, `shift`, `size`,\n * `snakeCase`, `some`, `sortedIndex`, `sortedLastIndex`, `startCase`,\n * `startsWith`, `sum`, `template`, `trim`, `trimLeft`, `trimRight`, `trunc`,\n * `unescape`, `uniqueId`, `value`, and `words`\n *\n * The wrapper method `sample` will return a wrapped value when `n` is provided,\n * otherwise an unwrapped value is returned.\n *\n * @name _\n * @constructor\n * @category Chain\n * @param {*} value The value to wrap in a `lodash` instance.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var wrapped = _([1, 2, 3]);\n *\n * // returns an unwrapped value\n * wrapped.reduce(function(total, n) {\n * return total + n;\n * });\n * // => 6\n *\n * // returns a wrapped value\n * var squares = {\n * return n * n;\n * });\n *\n * _.isArray(squares);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isArray(squares.value());\n * // => true\n */\n function lodash(value) {\n if (isObjectLike(value) && !isArray(value) && !(value instanceof LazyWrapper)) {\n if (value instanceof LodashWrapper) {\n return value;\n }\n if (, '__chain__') &&, '__wrapped__')) {\n return wrapperClone(value);\n }\n }\n return new LodashWrapper(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * The function whose prototype all chaining wrappers inherit from.\n *\n * @private\n */\n function baseLodash() {\n // No operation performed.\n }\n\n /**\n * The base constructor for creating `lodash` wrapper objects.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n * @param {boolean} [chainAll] Enable chaining for all wrapper methods.\n * @param {Array} [actions=[]] Actions to peform to resolve the unwrapped value.\n */\n function LodashWrapper(value, chainAll, actions) {\n this.__wrapped__ = value;\n this.__actions__ = actions || [];\n this.__chain__ = !!chainAll;\n }\n\n /**\n * An object environment feature flags.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @type Object\n */\n var support = = {};\n\n /**\n * By default, the template delimiters used by lodash are like those in\n * embedded Ruby (ERB). Change the following template settings to use\n * alternative delimiters.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @type Object\n */\n lodash.templateSettings = {\n\n /**\n * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n * @type RegExp\n */\n 'escape': reEscape,\n\n /**\n * Used to detect code to be evaluated.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n * @type RegExp\n */\n 'evaluate': reEvaluate,\n\n /**\n * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n * @type RegExp\n */\n 'interpolate': reInterpolate,\n\n /**\n * Used to reference the data object in the template text.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n * @type string\n */\n 'variable': '',\n\n /**\n * Used to import variables into the compiled template.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n * @type Object\n */\n 'imports': {\n\n /**\n * A reference to the `lodash` function.\n *\n * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports\n * @type Function\n */\n '_': lodash\n }\n };\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a lazy wrapper object which wraps `value` to enable lazy evaluation.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n */\n function LazyWrapper(value) {\n this.__wrapped__ = value;\n this.__actions__ = [];\n this.__dir__ = 1;\n this.__filtered__ = false;\n this.__iteratees__ = [];\n this.__takeCount__ = POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n this.__views__ = [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a clone of the lazy wrapper object.\n *\n * @private\n * @name clone\n * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned `LazyWrapper` object.\n */\n function lazyClone() {\n var result = new LazyWrapper(this.__wrapped__);\n result.__actions__ = arrayCopy(this.__actions__);\n result.__dir__ = this.__dir__;\n result.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__;\n result.__iteratees__ = arrayCopy(this.__iteratees__);\n result.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__;\n result.__views__ = arrayCopy(this.__views__);\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reverses the direction of lazy iteration.\n *\n * @private\n * @name reverse\n * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new reversed `LazyWrapper` object.\n */\n function lazyReverse() {\n if (this.__filtered__) {\n var result = new LazyWrapper(this);\n result.__dir__ = -1;\n result.__filtered__ = true;\n } else {\n result = this.clone();\n result.__dir__ *= -1;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Extracts the unwrapped value from its lazy wrapper.\n *\n * @private\n * @name value\n * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n * @returns {*} Returns the unwrapped value.\n */\n function lazyValue() {\n var array = this.__wrapped__.value(),\n dir = this.__dir__,\n isArr = isArray(array),\n isRight = dir < 0,\n arrLength = isArr ? array.length : 0,\n view = getView(0, arrLength, this.__views__),\n start = view.start,\n end = view.end,\n length = end - start,\n index = isRight ? end : (start - 1),\n iteratees = this.__iteratees__,\n iterLength = iteratees.length,\n resIndex = 0,\n takeCount = nativeMin(length, this.__takeCount__);\n\n if (!isArr || arrLength < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE || (arrLength == length && takeCount == length)) {\n return baseWrapperValue((isRight && isArr) ? array.reverse() : array, this.__actions__);\n }\n var result = [];\n\n outer:\n while (length-- && resIndex < takeCount) {\n index += dir;\n\n var iterIndex = -1,\n value = array[index];\n\n while (++iterIndex < iterLength) {\n var data = iteratees[iterIndex],\n iteratee = data.iteratee,\n type = data.type,\n computed = iteratee(value);\n\n if (type == LAZY_MAP_FLAG) {\n value = computed;\n } else if (!computed) {\n if (type == LAZY_FILTER_FLAG) {\n continue outer;\n } else {\n break outer;\n }\n }\n }\n result[resIndex++] = value;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a cache object to store key/value pairs.\n *\n * @private\n * @static\n * @name Cache\n * @memberOf _.memoize\n */\n function MapCache() {\n this.__data__ = {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes `key` and its value from the cache.\n *\n * @private\n * @name delete\n * @memberOf _.memoize.Cache\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed successfully, else `false`.\n */\n function mapDelete(key) {\n return this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the cached value for `key`.\n *\n * @private\n * @name get\n * @memberOf _.memoize.Cache\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n * @returns {*} Returns the cached value.\n */\n function mapGet(key) {\n return key == '__proto__' ? undefined : this.__data__[key];\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if a cached value for `key` exists.\n *\n * @private\n * @name has\n * @memberOf _.memoize.Cache\n * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n */\n function mapHas(key) {\n return key != '__proto__' &&, key);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets `value` to `key` of the cache.\n *\n * @private\n * @name set\n * @memberOf _.memoize.Cache\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to cache.\n * @param {*} value The value to cache.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the cache object.\n */\n function mapSet(key, value) {\n if (key != '__proto__') {\n this.__data__[key] = value;\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n *\n * Creates a cache object to store unique values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} [values] The values to cache.\n */\n function SetCache(values) {\n var length = values ? values.length : 0;\n\n = { 'hash': nativeCreate(null), 'set': new Set };\n while (length--) {\n this.push(values[length]);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is in `cache` mimicking the return signature of\n * `_.indexOf` by returning `0` if the value is found, else `-1`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} cache The cache to search.\n * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n * @returns {number} Returns `0` if `value` is found, else `-1`.\n */\n function cacheIndexOf(cache, value) {\n var data =,\n result = (typeof value == 'string' || isObject(value)) ? data.set.has(value) : data.hash[value];\n\n return result ? 0 : -1;\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds `value` to the cache.\n *\n * @private\n * @name push\n * @memberOf SetCache\n * @param {*} value The value to cache.\n */\n function cachePush(value) {\n var data =;\n if (typeof value == 'string' || isObject(value)) {\n data.set.add(value);\n } else {\n data.hash[value] = true;\n }\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a new array joining `array` with `other`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to join.\n * @param {Array} other The other array to join.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array.\n */\n function arrayConcat(array, other) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n othIndex = -1,\n othLength = other.length,\n result = Array(length + othLength);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = array[index];\n }\n while (++othIndex < othLength) {\n result[index++] = other[othIndex];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Copies the values of `source` to `array`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} source The array to copy values from.\n * @param {Array} [array=[]] The array to copy values to.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function arrayCopy(source, array) {\n var index = -1,\n length = source.length;\n\n array || (array = Array(length));\n while (++index < length) {\n array[index] = source[index];\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.forEach` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function arrayEach(array, iteratee) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n if (iteratee(array[index], index, array) === false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.forEachRight` for arrays without support for\n * callback shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function arrayEachRight(array, iteratee) {\n var length = array.length;\n\n while (length--) {\n if (iteratee(array[length], length, array) === false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.every` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n * else `false`.\n */\n function arrayEvery(array, predicate) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n if (!predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseExtremum` for arrays which invokes `iteratee`\n * with one argument: (value).\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {Function} comparator The function used to compare values.\n * @param {*} exValue The initial extremum value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the extremum value.\n */\n function arrayExtremum(array, iteratee, comparator, exValue) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n computed = exValue,\n result = computed;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index],\n current = +iteratee(value);\n\n if (comparator(current, computed)) {\n computed = current;\n result = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.filter` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n */\n function arrayFilter(array, predicate) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index];\n if (predicate(value, index, array)) {\n result[++resIndex] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n */\n function arrayMap(array, iteratee) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length,\n result = Array(length);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array);\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Appends the elements of `values` to `array`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {Array} values The values to append.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function arrayPush(array, values) {\n var index = -1,\n length = values.length,\n offset = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n array[offset + index] = values[index];\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.reduce` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n * @param {boolean} [initFromArray] Specify using the first element of `array`\n * as the initial value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n */\n function arrayReduce(array, iteratee, accumulator, initFromArray) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n if (initFromArray && length) {\n accumulator = array[++index];\n }\n while (++index < length) {\n accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[index], index, array);\n }\n return accumulator;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.reduceRight` for arrays without support for\n * callback shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n * @param {boolean} [initFromArray] Specify using the last element of `array`\n * as the initial value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n */\n function arrayReduceRight(array, iteratee, accumulator, initFromArray) {\n var length = array.length;\n if (initFromArray && length) {\n accumulator = array[--length];\n }\n while (length--) {\n accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[length], length, array);\n }\n return accumulator;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.some` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n * else `false`.\n */\n function arraySome(array, predicate) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.sum` for arrays without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding..\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n */\n function arraySum(array, iteratee) {\n var length = array.length,\n result = 0;\n\n while (length--) {\n result += +iteratee(array[length]) || 0;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.defaults` to customize its `_.assign` use.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} objectValue The destination object property value.\n * @param {*} sourceValue The source object property value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign to the destination object.\n */\n function assignDefaults(objectValue, sourceValue) {\n return objectValue === undefined ? sourceValue : objectValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.template` to customize its `_.assign` use.\n *\n * **Note:** This function is like `assignDefaults` except that it ignores\n * inherited property values when checking if a property is `undefined`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} objectValue The destination object property value.\n * @param {*} sourceValue The source object property value.\n * @param {string} key The key associated with the object and source values.\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign to the destination object.\n */\n function assignOwnDefaults(objectValue, sourceValue, key, object) {\n return (objectValue === undefined || !, key))\n ? sourceValue\n : objectValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.assign` for customizing assigned values without\n * support for argument juggling, multiple sources, and `this` binding `customizer`\n * functions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The source object.\n * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize assigned values.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function assignWith(object, source, customizer) {\n var index = -1,\n props = keys(source),\n length = props.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index],\n value = object[key],\n result = customizer(value, source[key], key, object, source);\n\n if ((result === result ? (result !== value) : (value === value)) ||\n (value === undefined && !(key in object))) {\n object[key] = result;\n }\n }\n return object;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.assign` without support for argument juggling,\n * multiple sources, and `customizer` functions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The source object.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseAssign(object, source) {\n return source == null\n ? object\n : baseCopy(source, keys(source), object);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `` without support for string collections\n * and individual key arguments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {number[]|string[]} props The property names or indexes of elements to pick.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of picked elements.\n */\n function baseAt(collection, props) {\n var index = -1,\n isNil = collection == null,\n isArr = !isNil && isArrayLike(collection),\n length = isArr ? collection.length : 0,\n propsLength = props.length,\n result = Array(propsLength);\n\n while(++index < propsLength) {\n var key = props[index];\n if (isArr) {\n result[index] = isIndex(key, length) ? collection[key] : undefined;\n } else {\n result[index] = isNil ? undefined : collection[key];\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Copies properties of `source` to `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} source The object to copy properties from.\n * @param {Array} props The property names to copy.\n * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy properties to.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseCopy(source, props, object) {\n object || (object = {});\n\n var index = -1,\n length = props.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index];\n object[key] = source[key];\n }\n return object;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.callback` which supports specifying the\n * number of arguments to provide to `func`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} [func=_.identity] The value to convert to a callback.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {number} [argCount] The number of arguments to provide to `func`.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the callback.\n */\n function baseCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) {\n var type = typeof func;\n if (type == 'function') {\n return thisArg === undefined\n ? func\n : bindCallback(func, thisArg, argCount);\n }\n if (func == null) {\n return identity;\n }\n if (type == 'object') {\n return baseMatches(func);\n }\n return thisArg === undefined\n ? property(func)\n : baseMatchesProperty(func, thisArg);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.clone` without support for argument juggling\n * and `this` binding `customizer` functions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning values.\n * @param {string} [key] The key of `value`.\n * @param {Object} [object] The object `value` belongs to.\n * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed source objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Associates clones with source counterparts.\n * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value.\n */\n function baseClone(value, isDeep, customizer, key, object, stackA, stackB) {\n var result;\n if (customizer) {\n result = object ? customizer(value, key, object) : customizer(value);\n }\n if (result !== undefined) {\n return result;\n }\n if (!isObject(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n var isArr = isArray(value);\n if (isArr) {\n result = initCloneArray(value);\n if (!isDeep) {\n return arrayCopy(value, result);\n }\n } else {\n var tag =,\n isFunc = tag == funcTag;\n\n if (tag == objectTag || tag == argsTag || (isFunc && !object)) {\n result = initCloneObject(isFunc ? {} : value);\n if (!isDeep) {\n return baseAssign(result, value);\n }\n } else {\n return cloneableTags[tag]\n ? initCloneByTag(value, tag, isDeep)\n : (object ? value : {});\n }\n }\n // Check for circular references and return its corresponding clone.\n stackA || (stackA = []);\n stackB || (stackB = []);\n\n var length = stackA.length;\n while (length--) {\n if (stackA[length] == value) {\n return stackB[length];\n }\n }\n // Add the source value to the stack of traversed objects and associate it with its clone.\n stackA.push(value);\n stackB.push(result);\n\n // Recursively populate clone (susceptible to call stack limits).\n (isArr ? arrayEach : baseForOwn)(value, function(subValue, key) {\n result[key] = baseClone(subValue, isDeep, customizer, key, value, stackA, stackB);\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.create` without support for assigning\n * properties to the created object.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} prototype The object to inherit from.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n */\n var baseCreate = (function() {\n function object() {}\n return function(prototype) {\n if (isObject(prototype)) {\n object.prototype = prototype;\n var result = new object;\n object.prototype = undefined;\n }\n return result || {};\n };\n }());\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.delay` and `_.defer` which accepts an index\n * of where to slice the arguments to provide to `func`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to delay.\n * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.\n * @param {Object} args The arguments provide to `func`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.\n */\n function baseDelay(func, wait, args) {\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n return setTimeout(function() { func.apply(undefined, args); }, wait);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.difference` which accepts a single array\n * of values to exclude.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {Array} values The values to exclude.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n */\n function baseDifference(array, values) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0,\n result = [];\n\n if (!length) {\n return result;\n }\n var index = -1,\n indexOf = getIndexOf(),\n isCommon = indexOf == baseIndexOf,\n cache = (isCommon && values.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) ? createCache(values) : null,\n valuesLength = values.length;\n\n if (cache) {\n indexOf = cacheIndexOf;\n isCommon = false;\n values = cache;\n }\n outer:\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index];\n\n if (isCommon && value === value) {\n var valuesIndex = valuesLength;\n while (valuesIndex--) {\n if (values[valuesIndex] === value) {\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n result.push(value);\n }\n else if (indexOf(values, value, 0) < 0) {\n result.push(value);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.forEach` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.\n */\n var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn);\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.forEachRight` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.\n */\n var baseEachRight = createBaseEach(baseForOwnRight, true);\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.every` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n * else `false`\n */\n function baseEvery(collection, predicate) {\n var result = true;\n baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n result = !!predicate(value, index, collection);\n return result;\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the extremum value of `collection` invoking `iteratee` for each value\n * in `collection` to generate the criterion by which the value is ranked.\n * The `iteratee` is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {Function} comparator The function used to compare values.\n * @param {*} exValue The initial extremum value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the extremum value.\n */\n function baseExtremum(collection, iteratee, comparator, exValue) {\n var computed = exValue,\n result = computed;\n\n baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n var current = +iteratee(value, index, collection);\n if (comparator(current, computed) || (current === exValue && current === result)) {\n computed = current;\n result = value;\n }\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.fill` without an iteratee call guard.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to fill.\n * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with.\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function baseFill(array, value, start, end) {\n var length = array.length;\n\n start = start == null ? 0 : (+start || 0);\n if (start < 0) {\n start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start);\n }\n end = (end === undefined || end > length) ? length : (+end || 0);\n if (end < 0) {\n end += length;\n }\n length = start > end ? 0 : (end >>> 0);\n start >>>= 0;\n\n while (start < length) {\n array[start++] = value;\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.filter` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n */\n function baseFilter(collection, predicate) {\n var result = [];\n baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n if (predicate(value, index, collection)) {\n result.push(value);\n }\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.find`, `_.findLast`, `_.findKey`, and `_.findLastKey`,\n * without support for callback shorthands and `this` binding, which iterates\n * over `collection` using the provided `eachFunc`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`.\n * @param {boolean} [retKey] Specify returning the key of the found element\n * instead of the element itself.\n * @returns {*} Returns the found element or its key, else `undefined`.\n */\n function baseFind(collection, predicate, eachFunc, retKey) {\n var result;\n eachFunc(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n if (predicate(value, key, collection)) {\n result = retKey ? key : value;\n return false;\n }\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.flatten` with added support for restricting\n * flattening and specifying the start index.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep flatten.\n * @param {boolean} [isStrict] Restrict flattening to arrays-like objects.\n * @param {Array} [result=[]] The initial result value.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n */\n function baseFlatten(array, isDeep, isStrict, result) {\n result || (result = []);\n\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index];\n if (isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value) &&\n (isStrict || isArray(value) || isArguments(value))) {\n if (isDeep) {\n // Recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n baseFlatten(value, isDeep, isStrict, result);\n } else {\n arrayPush(result, value);\n }\n } else if (!isStrict) {\n result[result.length] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `baseForIn` and `baseForOwn` which iterates\n * over `object` properties returned by `keysFunc` invoking `iteratee` for\n * each property. Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly\n * returning `false`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n var baseFor = createBaseFor();\n\n /**\n * This function is like `baseFor` except that it iterates over properties\n * in the opposite order.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n var baseForRight = createBaseFor(true);\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.forIn` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseForIn(object, iteratee) {\n return baseFor(object, iteratee, keysIn);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.forOwn` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) {\n return baseFor(object, iteratee, keys);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.forOwnRight` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseForOwnRight(object, iteratee) {\n return baseForRight(object, iteratee, keys);\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.functions` which creates an array of\n * `object` function property names filtered from those provided.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n * @param {Array} props The property names to filter.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered property names.\n */\n function baseFunctions(object, props) {\n var index = -1,\n length = props.length,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index];\n if (isFunction(object[key])) {\n result[++resIndex] = key;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `get` without support for string paths\n * and default values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array} path The path of the property to get.\n * @param {string} [pathKey] The key representation of path.\n * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n */\n function baseGet(object, path, pathKey) {\n if (object == null) {\n return;\n }\n if (pathKey !== undefined && pathKey in toObject(object)) {\n path = [pathKey];\n }\n var index = 0,\n length = path.length;\n\n while (object != null && index < length) {\n object = object[path[index++]];\n }\n return (index && index == length) ? object : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.isEqual` without support for `this` binding\n * `customizer` functions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparing values.\n * @param {boolean} [isLoose] Specify performing partial comparisons.\n * @param {Array} [stackA] Tracks traversed `value` objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB] Tracks traversed `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function baseIsEqual(value, other, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB) {\n if (value === other) {\n return true;\n }\n if (value == null || other == null || (!isObject(value) && !isObjectLike(other))) {\n return value !== value && other !== other;\n }\n return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, baseIsEqual, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB);\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqual` for arrays and objects which performs\n * deep comparisons and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular\n * references to be compared.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparing objects.\n * @param {boolean} [isLoose] Specify performing partial comparisons.\n * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed `value` objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Tracks traversed `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function baseIsEqualDeep(object, other, equalFunc, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB) {\n var objIsArr = isArray(object),\n othIsArr = isArray(other),\n objTag = arrayTag,\n othTag = arrayTag;\n\n if (!objIsArr) {\n objTag =;\n if (objTag == argsTag) {\n objTag = objectTag;\n } else if (objTag != objectTag) {\n objIsArr = isTypedArray(object);\n }\n }\n if (!othIsArr) {\n othTag =;\n if (othTag == argsTag) {\n othTag = objectTag;\n } else if (othTag != objectTag) {\n othIsArr = isTypedArray(other);\n }\n }\n var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag,\n othIsObj = othTag == objectTag,\n isSameTag = objTag == othTag;\n\n if (isSameTag && !(objIsArr || objIsObj)) {\n return equalByTag(object, other, objTag);\n }\n if (!isLoose) {\n var objIsWrapped = objIsObj &&, '__wrapped__'),\n othIsWrapped = othIsObj &&, '__wrapped__');\n\n if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) {\n return equalFunc(objIsWrapped ? object.value() : object, othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB);\n }\n }\n if (!isSameTag) {\n return false;\n }\n // Assume cyclic values are equal.\n // For more information on detecting circular references see\n stackA || (stackA = []);\n stackB || (stackB = []);\n\n var length = stackA.length;\n while (length--) {\n if (stackA[length] == object) {\n return stackB[length] == other;\n }\n }\n // Add `object` and `other` to the stack of traversed objects.\n stackA.push(object);\n stackB.push(other);\n\n var result = (objIsArr ? equalArrays : equalObjects)(object, other, equalFunc, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB);\n\n stackA.pop();\n stackB.pop();\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.isMatch` without support for callback\n * shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n * @param {Array} matchData The propery names, values, and compare flags to match.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparing objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.\n */\n function baseIsMatch(object, matchData, customizer) {\n var index = matchData.length,\n length = index,\n noCustomizer = !customizer;\n\n if (object == null) {\n return !length;\n }\n object = toObject(object);\n while (index--) {\n var data = matchData[index];\n if ((noCustomizer && data[2])\n ? data[1] !== object[data[0]]\n : !(data[0] in object)\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n while (++index < length) {\n data = matchData[index];\n var key = data[0],\n objValue = object[key],\n srcValue = data[1];\n\n if (noCustomizer && data[2]) {\n if (objValue === undefined && !(key in object)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n var result = customizer ? customizer(objValue, srcValue, key) : undefined;\n if (!(result === undefined ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, customizer, true) : result)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `` without support for callback shorthands\n * and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n */\n function baseMap(collection, iteratee) {\n var index = -1,\n result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];\n\n baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n result[++index] = iteratee(value, key, collection);\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.matches` which does not clone `source`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n */\n function baseMatches(source) {\n var matchData = getMatchData(source);\n if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) {\n var key = matchData[0][0],\n value = matchData[0][1];\n\n return function(object) {\n if (object == null) {\n return false;\n }\n return object[key] === value && (value !== undefined || (key in toObject(object)));\n };\n }\n return function(object) {\n return baseIsMatch(object, matchData);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.matchesProperty` which does not clone `srcValue`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} path The path of the property to get.\n * @param {*} srcValue The value to compare.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n */\n function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) {\n var isArr = isArray(path),\n isCommon = isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue),\n pathKey = (path + '');\n\n path = toPath(path);\n return function(object) {\n if (object == null) {\n return false;\n }\n var key = pathKey;\n object = toObject(object);\n if ((isArr || !isCommon) && !(key in object)) {\n object = path.length == 1 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1));\n if (object == null) {\n return false;\n }\n key = last(path);\n object = toObject(object);\n }\n return object[key] === srcValue\n ? (srcValue !== undefined || (key in object))\n : baseIsEqual(srcValue, object[key], undefined, true);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.merge` without support for argument juggling,\n * multiple sources, and `this` binding `customizer` functions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The source object.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize merged values.\n * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed source objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Associates values with source counterparts.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n */\n function baseMerge(object, source, customizer, stackA, stackB) {\n if (!isObject(object)) {\n return object;\n }\n var isSrcArr = isArrayLike(source) && (isArray(source) || isTypedArray(source)),\n props = isSrcArr ? undefined : keys(source);\n\n arrayEach(props || source, function(srcValue, key) {\n if (props) {\n key = srcValue;\n srcValue = source[key];\n }\n if (isObjectLike(srcValue)) {\n stackA || (stackA = []);\n stackB || (stackB = []);\n baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, baseMerge, customizer, stackA, stackB);\n }\n else {\n var value = object[key],\n result = customizer ? customizer(value, srcValue, key, object, source) : undefined,\n isCommon = result === undefined;\n\n if (isCommon) {\n result = srcValue;\n }\n if ((result !== undefined || (isSrcArr && !(key in object))) &&\n (isCommon || (result === result ? (result !== value) : (value === value)))) {\n object[key] = result;\n }\n }\n });\n return object;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseMerge` for arrays and objects which performs\n * deep merges and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular\n * references to be merged.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The source object.\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to merge.\n * @param {Function} mergeFunc The function to merge values.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize merged values.\n * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed source objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Associates values with source counterparts.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, mergeFunc, customizer, stackA, stackB) {\n var length = stackA.length,\n srcValue = source[key];\n\n while (length--) {\n if (stackA[length] == srcValue) {\n object[key] = stackB[length];\n return;\n }\n }\n var value = object[key],\n result = customizer ? customizer(value, srcValue, key, object, source) : undefined,\n isCommon = result === undefined;\n\n if (isCommon) {\n result = srcValue;\n if (isArrayLike(srcValue) && (isArray(srcValue) || isTypedArray(srcValue))) {\n result = isArray(value)\n ? value\n : (isArrayLike(value) ? arrayCopy(value) : []);\n }\n else if (isPlainObject(srcValue) || isArguments(srcValue)) {\n result = isArguments(value)\n ? toPlainObject(value)\n : (isPlainObject(value) ? value : {});\n }\n else {\n isCommon = false;\n }\n }\n // Add the source value to the stack of traversed objects and associate\n // it with its merged value.\n stackA.push(srcValue);\n stackB.push(result);\n\n if (isCommon) {\n // Recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n object[key] = mergeFunc(result, srcValue, customizer, stackA, stackB);\n } else if (result === result ? (result !== value) : (value === value)) {\n object[key] = result;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `` without support for deep paths.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} key The key of the property to get.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n */\n function baseProperty(key) {\n return function(object) {\n return object == null ? undefined : object[key];\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseProperty` which supports deep paths.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n */\n function basePropertyDeep(path) {\n var pathKey = (path + '');\n path = toPath(path);\n return function(object) {\n return baseGet(object, path, pathKey);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.pullAt` without support for individual\n * index arguments and capturing the removed elements.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {number[]} indexes The indexes of elements to remove.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function basePullAt(array, indexes) {\n var length = array ? indexes.length : 0;\n while (length--) {\n var index = indexes[length];\n if (index != previous && isIndex(index)) {\n var previous = index;\n, index, 1);\n }\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.random` without support for argument juggling\n * and returning floating-point numbers.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {number} min The minimum possible value.\n * @param {number} max The maximum possible value.\n * @returns {number} Returns the random number.\n */\n function baseRandom(min, max) {\n return min + nativeFloor(nativeRandom() * (max - min + 1));\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.reduce` and `_.reduceRight` without support\n * for callback shorthands and `this` binding, which iterates over `collection`\n * using the provided `eachFunc`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} accumulator The initial value.\n * @param {boolean} initFromCollection Specify using the first or last element\n * of `collection` as the initial value.\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n */\n function baseReduce(collection, iteratee, accumulator, initFromCollection, eachFunc) {\n eachFunc(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n accumulator = initFromCollection\n ? (initFromCollection = false, value)\n : iteratee(accumulator, value, index, collection);\n });\n return accumulator;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `setData` without support for hot loop detection.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with.\n * @param {*} data The metadata.\n * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n */\n var baseSetData = !metaMap ? identity : function(func, data) {\n metaMap.set(func, data);\n return func;\n };\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.slice` without an iteratee call guard.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to slice.\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n */\n function baseSlice(array, start, end) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array.length;\n\n start = start == null ? 0 : (+start || 0);\n if (start < 0) {\n start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start);\n }\n end = (end === undefined || end > length) ? length : (+end || 0);\n if (end < 0) {\n end += length;\n }\n length = start > end ? 0 : ((end - start) >>> 0);\n start >>>= 0;\n\n var result = Array(length);\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = array[index + start];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.some` without support for callback shorthands\n * and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n * else `false`.\n */\n function baseSome(collection, predicate) {\n var result;\n\n baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n result = predicate(value, index, collection);\n return !result;\n });\n return !!result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.sortBy` which uses `comparer` to define\n * the sort order of `array` and replaces criteria objects with their\n * corresponding values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to sort.\n * @param {Function} comparer The function to define sort order.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function baseSortBy(array, comparer) {\n var length = array.length;\n\n array.sort(comparer);\n while (length--) {\n array[length] = array[length].value;\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.sortByOrder` without param guards.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function[]|Object[]|string[]} iteratees The iteratees to sort by.\n * @param {boolean[]} orders The sort orders of `iteratees`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n */\n function baseSortByOrder(collection, iteratees, orders) {\n var callback = getCallback(),\n index = -1;\n\n iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) { return callback(iteratee); });\n\n var result = baseMap(collection, function(value) {\n var criteria = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) { return iteratee(value); });\n return { 'criteria': criteria, 'index': ++index, 'value': value };\n });\n\n return baseSortBy(result, function(object, other) {\n return compareMultiple(object, other, orders);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.sum` without support for callback shorthands\n * and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n */\n function baseSum(collection, iteratee) {\n var result = 0;\n baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n result += +iteratee(value, index, collection) || 0;\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.uniq` without support for callback shorthands\n * and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate-value-free array.\n */\n function baseUniq(array, iteratee) {\n var index = -1,\n indexOf = getIndexOf(),\n length = array.length,\n isCommon = indexOf == baseIndexOf,\n isLarge = isCommon && length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE,\n seen = isLarge ? createCache() : null,\n result = [];\n\n if (seen) {\n indexOf = cacheIndexOf;\n isCommon = false;\n } else {\n isLarge = false;\n seen = iteratee ? [] : result;\n }\n outer:\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index],\n computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, index, array) : value;\n\n if (isCommon && value === value) {\n var seenIndex = seen.length;\n while (seenIndex--) {\n if (seen[seenIndex] === computed) {\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n if (iteratee) {\n seen.push(computed);\n }\n result.push(value);\n }\n else if (indexOf(seen, computed, 0) < 0) {\n if (iteratee || isLarge) {\n seen.push(computed);\n }\n result.push(value);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.values` and `_.valuesIn` which creates an\n * array of `object` property values corresponding to the property names\n * of `props`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array} props The property names to get values for.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the array of property values.\n */\n function baseValues(object, props) {\n var index = -1,\n length = props.length,\n result = Array(length);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = object[props[index]];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `_.dropRightWhile`, `_.dropWhile`, `_.takeRightWhile`,\n * and `_.takeWhile` without support for callback shorthands and `this` binding.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {boolean} [isDrop] Specify dropping elements instead of taking them.\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n */\n function baseWhile(array, predicate, isDrop, fromRight) {\n var length = array.length,\n index = fromRight ? length : -1;\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length) && predicate(array[index], index, array)) {}\n return isDrop\n ? baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? 0 : index), (fromRight ? index + 1 : length))\n : baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? index + 1 : 0), (fromRight ? length : index));\n }\n\n /**\n * The base implementation of `wrapperValue` which returns the result of\n * performing a sequence of actions on the unwrapped `value`, where each\n * successive action is supplied the return value of the previous.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The unwrapped value.\n * @param {Array} actions Actions to peform to resolve the unwrapped value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n */\n function baseWrapperValue(value, actions) {\n var result = value;\n if (result instanceof LazyWrapper) {\n result = result.value();\n }\n var index = -1,\n length = actions.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var action = actions[index];\n result = action.func.apply(action.thisArg, arrayPush([result], action.args));\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a binary search of `array` to determine the index at which `value`\n * should be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n * into `array`.\n */\n function binaryIndex(array, value, retHighest) {\n var low = 0,\n high = array ? array.length : low;\n\n if (typeof value == 'number' && value === value && high <= HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {\n while (low < high) {\n var mid = (low + high) >>> 1,\n computed = array[mid];\n\n if ((retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value)) && computed !== null) {\n low = mid + 1;\n } else {\n high = mid;\n }\n }\n return high;\n }\n return binaryIndexBy(array, value, identity, retHighest);\n }\n\n /**\n * This function is like `binaryIndex` except that it invokes `iteratee` for\n * `value` and each element of `array` to compute their sort ranking. The\n * iteratee is invoked with one argument; (value).\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n * into `array`.\n */\n function binaryIndexBy(array, value, iteratee, retHighest) {\n value = iteratee(value);\n\n var low = 0,\n high = array ? array.length : 0,\n valIsNaN = value !== value,\n valIsNull = value === null,\n valIsUndef = value === undefined;\n\n while (low < high) {\n var mid = nativeFloor((low + high) / 2),\n computed = iteratee(array[mid]),\n isDef = computed !== undefined,\n isReflexive = computed === computed;\n\n if (valIsNaN) {\n var setLow = isReflexive || retHighest;\n } else if (valIsNull) {\n setLow = isReflexive && isDef && (retHighest || computed != null);\n } else if (valIsUndef) {\n setLow = isReflexive && (retHighest || isDef);\n } else if (computed == null) {\n setLow = false;\n } else {\n setLow = retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value);\n }\n if (setLow) {\n low = mid + 1;\n } else {\n high = mid;\n }\n }\n return nativeMin(high, MAX_ARRAY_INDEX);\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseCallback` which only supports `this` binding\n * and specifying the number of arguments to provide to `func`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to bind.\n * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {number} [argCount] The number of arguments to provide to `func`.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the callback.\n */\n function bindCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) {\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n return identity;\n }\n if (thisArg === undefined) {\n return func;\n }\n switch (argCount) {\n case 1: return function(value) {\n return, value);\n };\n case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {\n return, value, index, collection);\n };\n case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {\n return, accumulator, value, index, collection);\n };\n case 5: return function(value, other, key, object, source) {\n return, value, other, key, object, source);\n };\n }\n return function() {\n return func.apply(thisArg, arguments);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a clone of the given array buffer.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer The array buffer to clone.\n * @returns {ArrayBuffer} Returns the cloned array buffer.\n */\n function bufferClone(buffer) {\n var result = new ArrayBuffer(buffer.byteLength),\n view = new Uint8Array(result);\n\n view.set(new Uint8Array(buffer));\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array that is the composition of partially applied arguments,\n * placeholders, and provided arguments into a single array of arguments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object} args The provided arguments.\n * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided.\n * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments.\n */\n function composeArgs(args, partials, holders) {\n var holdersLength = holders.length,\n argsIndex = -1,\n argsLength = nativeMax(args.length - holdersLength, 0),\n leftIndex = -1,\n leftLength = partials.length,\n result = Array(leftLength + argsLength);\n\n while (++leftIndex < leftLength) {\n result[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex];\n }\n while (++argsIndex < holdersLength) {\n result[holders[argsIndex]] = args[argsIndex];\n }\n while (argsLength--) {\n result[leftIndex++] = args[argsIndex++];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * This function is like `composeArgs` except that the arguments composition\n * is tailored for `_.partialRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array|Object} args The provided arguments.\n * @param {Array} partials The arguments to append to those provided.\n * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments.\n */\n function composeArgsRight(args, partials, holders) {\n var holdersIndex = -1,\n holdersLength = holders.length,\n argsIndex = -1,\n argsLength = nativeMax(args.length - holdersLength, 0),\n rightIndex = -1,\n rightLength = partials.length,\n result = Array(argsLength + rightLength);\n\n while (++argsIndex < argsLength) {\n result[argsIndex] = args[argsIndex];\n }\n var offset = argsIndex;\n while (++rightIndex < rightLength) {\n result[offset + rightIndex] = partials[rightIndex];\n }\n while (++holdersIndex < holdersLength) {\n result[offset + holders[holdersIndex]] = args[argsIndex++];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.countBy`, `_.groupBy`, `_.indexBy`, or `_.partition` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} setter The function to set keys and values of the accumulator object.\n * @param {Function} [initializer] The function to initialize the accumulator object.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new aggregator function.\n */\n function createAggregator(setter, initializer) {\n return function(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var result = initializer ? initializer() : {};\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n\n if (isArray(collection)) {\n var index = -1,\n length = collection.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = collection[index];\n setter(result, value, iteratee(value, index, collection), collection);\n }\n } else {\n baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n setter(result, value, iteratee(value, key, collection), collection);\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.assign`, `_.defaults`, or `_.merge` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} assigner The function to assign values.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new assigner function.\n */\n function createAssigner(assigner) {\n return restParam(function(object, sources) {\n var index = -1,\n length = object == null ? 0 : sources.length,\n customizer = length > 2 ? sources[length - 2] : undefined,\n guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : undefined,\n thisArg = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : undefined;\n\n if (typeof customizer == 'function') {\n customizer = bindCallback(customizer, thisArg, 5);\n length -= 2;\n } else {\n customizer = typeof thisArg == 'function' ? thisArg : undefined;\n length -= (customizer ? 1 : 0);\n }\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) {\n customizer = length < 3 ? undefined : customizer;\n length = 1;\n }\n while (++index < length) {\n var source = sources[index];\n if (source) {\n assigner(object, source, customizer);\n }\n }\n return object;\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `baseEach` or `baseEachRight` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection.\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function.\n */\n function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) {\n return function(collection, iteratee) {\n var length = collection ? getLength(collection) : 0;\n if (!isLength(length)) {\n return eachFunc(collection, iteratee);\n }\n var index = fromRight ? length : -1,\n iterable = toObject(collection);\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n if (iteratee(iterable[index], index, iterable) === false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return collection;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a base function for `_.forIn` or `_.forInRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function.\n */\n function createBaseFor(fromRight) {\n return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) {\n var iterable = toObject(object),\n props = keysFunc(object),\n length = props.length,\n index = fromRight ? length : -1;\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n var key = props[index];\n if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return object;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that wraps `func` and invokes it with the `this`\n * binding of `thisArg`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to bind.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n */\n function createBindWrapper(func, thisArg) {\n var Ctor = createCtorWrapper(func);\n\n function wrapper() {\n var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func;\n return fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);\n }\n return wrapper;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `Set` cache object to optimize linear searches of large arrays.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} [values] The values to cache.\n * @returns {null|Object} Returns the new cache object if `Set` is supported, else `null`.\n */\n function createCache(values) {\n return (nativeCreate && Set) ? new SetCache(values) : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that produces compound words out of the words in a\n * given string.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} callback The function to combine each word.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new compounder function.\n */\n function createCompounder(callback) {\n return function(string) {\n var index = -1,\n array = words(deburr(string)),\n length = array.length,\n result = '';\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result = callback(result, array[index], index);\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that produces an instance of `Ctor` regardless of\n * whether it was invoked as part of a `new` expression or by `call` or `apply`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} Ctor The constructor to wrap.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n */\n function createCtorWrapper(Ctor) {\n return function() {\n // Use a `switch` statement to work with class constructors.\n // See\n // for more details.\n var args = arguments;\n switch (args.length) {\n case 0: return new Ctor;\n case 1: return new Ctor(args[0]);\n case 2: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1]);\n case 3: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n case 4: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);\n case 5: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);\n case 6: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);\n case 7: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]);\n }\n var thisBinding = baseCreate(Ctor.prototype),\n result = Ctor.apply(thisBinding, args);\n\n // Mimic the constructor's `return` behavior.\n // See for more details.\n return isObject(result) ? result : thisBinding;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.curry` or `_.curryRight` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} flag The curry bit flag.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new curry function.\n */\n function createCurry(flag) {\n function curryFunc(func, arity, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(func, arity, guard)) {\n arity = undefined;\n }\n var result = createWrapper(func, flag, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arity);\n result.placeholder = curryFunc.placeholder;\n return result;\n }\n return curryFunc;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.defaults` or `_.defaultsDeep` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} assigner The function to assign values.\n * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize assigned values.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new defaults function.\n */\n function createDefaults(assigner, customizer) {\n return restParam(function(args) {\n var object = args[0];\n if (object == null) {\n return object;\n }\n args.push(customizer);\n return assigner.apply(undefined, args);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.max` or `_.min` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} comparator The function used to compare values.\n * @param {*} exValue The initial extremum value.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new extremum function.\n */\n function createExtremum(comparator, exValue) {\n return function(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n if (thisArg && isIterateeCall(collection, iteratee, thisArg)) {\n iteratee = undefined;\n }\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n if (iteratee.length == 1) {\n collection = isArray(collection) ? collection : toIterable(collection);\n var result = arrayExtremum(collection, iteratee, comparator, exValue);\n if (!(collection.length && result === exValue)) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n return baseExtremum(collection, iteratee, comparator, exValue);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.find` or `_.findLast` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection.\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new find function.\n */\n function createFind(eachFunc, fromRight) {\n return function(collection, predicate, thisArg) {\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n if (isArray(collection)) {\n var index = baseFindIndex(collection, predicate, fromRight);\n return index > -1 ? collection[index] : undefined;\n }\n return baseFind(collection, predicate, eachFunc);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.findIndex` or `_.findLastIndex` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new find function.\n */\n function createFindIndex(fromRight) {\n return function(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n if (!(array && array.length)) {\n return -1;\n }\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n return baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromRight);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.findKey` or `_.findLastKey` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} objectFunc The function to iterate over an object.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new find function.\n */\n function createFindKey(objectFunc) {\n return function(object, predicate, thisArg) {\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n return baseFind(object, predicate, objectFunc, true);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.flow` or `_.flowRight` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new flow function.\n */\n function createFlow(fromRight) {\n return function() {\n var wrapper,\n length = arguments.length,\n index = fromRight ? length : -1,\n leftIndex = 0,\n funcs = Array(length);\n\n while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n var func = funcs[leftIndex++] = arguments[index];\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n if (!wrapper && LodashWrapper.prototype.thru && getFuncName(func) == 'wrapper') {\n wrapper = new LodashWrapper([], true);\n }\n }\n index = wrapper ? -1 : length;\n while (++index < length) {\n func = funcs[index];\n\n var funcName = getFuncName(func),\n data = funcName == 'wrapper' ? getData(func) : undefined;\n\n if (data && isLaziable(data[0]) && data[1] == (ARY_FLAG | CURRY_FLAG | PARTIAL_FLAG | REARG_FLAG) && !data[4].length && data[9] == 1) {\n wrapper = wrapper[getFuncName(data[0])].apply(wrapper, data[3]);\n } else {\n wrapper = (func.length == 1 && isLaziable(func)) ? wrapper[funcName]() : wrapper.thru(func);\n }\n }\n return function() {\n var args = arguments,\n value = args[0];\n\n if (wrapper && args.length == 1 && isArray(value) && value.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {\n return wrapper.plant(value).value();\n }\n var index = 0,\n result = length ? funcs[index].apply(this, args) : value;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result = funcs[index].call(this, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.forEach` or `_.forEachRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} arrayFunc The function to iterate over an array.\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new each function.\n */\n function createForEach(arrayFunc, eachFunc) {\n return function(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n return (typeof iteratee == 'function' && thisArg === undefined && isArray(collection))\n ? arrayFunc(collection, iteratee)\n : eachFunc(collection, bindCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3));\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.forIn` or `_.forInRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} objectFunc The function to iterate over an object.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new each function.\n */\n function createForIn(objectFunc) {\n return function(object, iteratee, thisArg) {\n if (typeof iteratee != 'function' || thisArg !== undefined) {\n iteratee = bindCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n }\n return objectFunc(object, iteratee, keysIn);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.forOwn` or `_.forOwnRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} objectFunc The function to iterate over an object.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new each function.\n */\n function createForOwn(objectFunc) {\n return function(object, iteratee, thisArg) {\n if (typeof iteratee != 'function' || thisArg !== undefined) {\n iteratee = bindCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n }\n return objectFunc(object, iteratee);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.mapKeys` or `_.mapValues`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [isMapKeys] Specify mapping keys instead of values.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new map function.\n */\n function createObjectMapper(isMapKeys) {\n return function(object, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var result = {};\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n\n baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {\n var mapped = iteratee(value, key, object);\n key = isMapKeys ? mapped : key;\n value = isMapKeys ? value : mapped;\n result[key] = value;\n });\n return result;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.padLeft` or `_.padRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify padding from the right.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new pad function.\n */\n function createPadDir(fromRight) {\n return function(string, length, chars) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n return (fromRight ? string : '') + createPadding(string, length, chars) + (fromRight ? '' : string);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.partial` or `_.partialRight` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} flag The partial bit flag.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new partial function.\n */\n function createPartial(flag) {\n var partialFunc = restParam(function(func, partials) {\n var holders = replaceHolders(partials, partialFunc.placeholder);\n return createWrapper(func, flag, undefined, partials, holders);\n });\n return partialFunc;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function for `_.reduce` or `_.reduceRight`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} arrayFunc The function to iterate over an array.\n * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new each function.\n */\n function createReduce(arrayFunc, eachFunc) {\n return function(collection, iteratee, accumulator, thisArg) {\n var initFromArray = arguments.length < 3;\n return (typeof iteratee == 'function' && thisArg === undefined && isArray(collection))\n ? arrayFunc(collection, iteratee, accumulator, initFromArray)\n : baseReduce(collection, getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 4), accumulator, initFromArray, eachFunc);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that wraps `func` and invokes it with optional `this`\n * binding of, partial application, and currying.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to reference.\n * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask of flags. See `createWrapper` for more details.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to prepend to those provided to the new function.\n * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n * @param {Array} [partialsRight] The arguments to append to those provided to the new function.\n * @param {Array} [holdersRight] The `partialsRight` placeholder indexes.\n * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function.\n * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`.\n * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n */\n function createHybridWrapper(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight, argPos, ary, arity) {\n var isAry = bitmask & ARY_FLAG,\n isBind = bitmask & BIND_FLAG,\n isBindKey = bitmask & BIND_KEY_FLAG,\n isCurry = bitmask & CURRY_FLAG,\n isCurryBound = bitmask & CURRY_BOUND_FLAG,\n isCurryRight = bitmask & CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG,\n Ctor = isBindKey ? undefined : createCtorWrapper(func);\n\n function wrapper() {\n // Avoid `arguments` object use disqualifying optimizations by\n // converting it to an array before providing it to other functions.\n var length = arguments.length,\n index = length,\n args = Array(length);\n\n while (index--) {\n args[index] = arguments[index];\n }\n if (partials) {\n args = composeArgs(args, partials, holders);\n }\n if (partialsRight) {\n args = composeArgsRight(args, partialsRight, holdersRight);\n }\n if (isCurry || isCurryRight) {\n var placeholder = wrapper.placeholder,\n argsHolders = replaceHolders(args, placeholder);\n\n length -= argsHolders.length;\n if (length < arity) {\n var newArgPos = argPos ? arrayCopy(argPos) : undefined,\n newArity = nativeMax(arity - length, 0),\n newsHolders = isCurry ? argsHolders : undefined,\n newHoldersRight = isCurry ? undefined : argsHolders,\n newPartials = isCurry ? args : undefined,\n newPartialsRight = isCurry ? undefined : args;\n\n bitmask |= (isCurry ? PARTIAL_FLAG : PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG);\n bitmask &= ~(isCurry ? PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG : PARTIAL_FLAG);\n\n if (!isCurryBound) {\n bitmask &= ~(BIND_FLAG | BIND_KEY_FLAG);\n }\n var newData = [func, bitmask, thisArg, newPartials, newsHolders, newPartialsRight, newHoldersRight, newArgPos, ary, newArity],\n result = createHybridWrapper.apply(undefined, newData);\n\n if (isLaziable(func)) {\n setData(result, newData);\n }\n result.placeholder = placeholder;\n return result;\n }\n }\n var thisBinding = isBind ? thisArg : this,\n fn = isBindKey ? thisBinding[func] : func;\n\n if (argPos) {\n args = reorder(args, argPos);\n }\n if (isAry && ary < args.length) {\n args.length = ary;\n }\n if (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) {\n fn = Ctor || createCtorWrapper(func);\n }\n return fn.apply(thisBinding, args);\n }\n return wrapper;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates the padding required for `string` based on the given `length`.\n * The `chars` string is truncated if the number of characters exceeds `length`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to create padding for.\n * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n * @returns {string} Returns the pad for `string`.\n */\n function createPadding(string, length, chars) {\n var strLength = string.length;\n length = +length;\n\n if (strLength >= length || !nativeIsFinite(length)) {\n return '';\n }\n var padLength = length - strLength;\n chars = chars == null ? ' ' : (chars + '');\n return repeat(chars, nativeCeil(padLength / chars.length)).slice(0, padLength);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that wraps `func` and invokes it with the optional `this`\n * binding of `thisArg` and the `partials` prepended to those provided to\n * the wrapper.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.\n * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask of flags. See `createWrapper` for more details.\n * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided to the new function.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n */\n function createPartialWrapper(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials) {\n var isBind = bitmask & BIND_FLAG,\n Ctor = createCtorWrapper(func);\n\n function wrapper() {\n // Avoid `arguments` object use disqualifying optimizations by\n // converting it to an array before providing it `func`.\n var argsIndex = -1,\n argsLength = arguments.length,\n leftIndex = -1,\n leftLength = partials.length,\n args = Array(leftLength + argsLength);\n\n while (++leftIndex < leftLength) {\n args[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex];\n }\n while (argsLength--) {\n args[leftIndex++] = arguments[++argsIndex];\n }\n var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func;\n return fn.apply(isBind ? thisArg : this, args);\n }\n return wrapper;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.ceil`, `_.floor`, or `_.round` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} methodName The name of the `Math` method to use when rounding.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new round function.\n */\n function createRound(methodName) {\n var func = Math[methodName];\n return function(number, precision) {\n precision = precision === undefined ? 0 : (+precision || 0);\n if (precision) {\n precision = pow(10, precision);\n return func(number * precision) / precision;\n }\n return func(number);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a `_.sortedIndex` or `_.sortedLastIndex` function.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new index function.\n */\n function createSortedIndex(retHighest) {\n return function(array, value, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var callback = getCallback(iteratee);\n return (iteratee == null && callback === baseCallback)\n ? binaryIndex(array, value, retHighest)\n : binaryIndexBy(array, value, callback(iteratee, thisArg, 1), retHighest);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that either curries or invokes `func` with optional\n * `this` binding and partially applied arguments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to reference.\n * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask of flags.\n * The bitmask may be composed of the following flags:\n * 1 - `_.bind`\n * 2 - `_.bindKey`\n * 4 - `_.curry` or `_.curryRight` of a bound function\n * 8 - `_.curry`\n * 16 - `_.curryRight`\n * 32 - `_.partial`\n * 64 - `_.partialRight`\n * 128 - `_.rearg`\n * 256 - `_.ary`\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function.\n * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`.\n * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n */\n function createWrapper(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, argPos, ary, arity) {\n var isBindKey = bitmask & BIND_KEY_FLAG;\n if (!isBindKey && typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n var length = partials ? partials.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n bitmask &= ~(PARTIAL_FLAG | PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG);\n partials = holders = undefined;\n }\n length -= (holders ? holders.length : 0);\n if (bitmask & PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG) {\n var partialsRight = partials,\n holdersRight = holders;\n\n partials = holders = undefined;\n }\n var data = isBindKey ? undefined : getData(func),\n newData = [func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight, argPos, ary, arity];\n\n if (data) {\n mergeData(newData, data);\n bitmask = newData[1];\n arity = newData[9];\n }\n newData[9] = arity == null\n ? (isBindKey ? 0 : func.length)\n : (nativeMax(arity - length, 0) || 0);\n\n if (bitmask == BIND_FLAG) {\n var result = createBindWrapper(newData[0], newData[2]);\n } else if ((bitmask == PARTIAL_FLAG || bitmask == (BIND_FLAG | PARTIAL_FLAG)) && !newData[4].length) {\n result = createPartialWrapper.apply(undefined, newData);\n } else {\n result = createHybridWrapper.apply(undefined, newData);\n }\n var setter = data ? baseSetData : setData;\n return setter(result, newData);\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for arrays with support for\n * partial deep comparisons.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to compare.\n * @param {Array} other The other array to compare.\n * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparing arrays.\n * @param {boolean} [isLoose] Specify performing partial comparisons.\n * @param {Array} [stackA] Tracks traversed `value` objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB] Tracks traversed `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arrays are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function equalArrays(array, other, equalFunc, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB) {\n var index = -1,\n arrLength = array.length,\n othLength = other.length;\n\n if (arrLength != othLength && !(isLoose && othLength > arrLength)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Ignore non-index properties.\n while (++index < arrLength) {\n var arrValue = array[index],\n othValue = other[index],\n result = customizer ? customizer(isLoose ? othValue : arrValue, isLoose ? arrValue : othValue, index) : undefined;\n\n if (result !== undefined) {\n if (result) {\n continue;\n }\n return false;\n }\n // Recursively compare arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n if (isLoose) {\n if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue) {\n return arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB);\n })) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (!(arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for comparing objects of\n * the same `toStringTag`.\n *\n * **Note:** This function only supports comparing values with tags of\n * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Number`, `RegExp`, or `String`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the objects to compare.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function equalByTag(object, other, tag) {\n switch (tag) {\n case boolTag:\n case dateTag:\n // Coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans\n // to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal.\n return +object == +other;\n\n case errorTag:\n return == && object.message == other.message;\n\n case numberTag:\n // Treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal.\n return (object != +object)\n ? other != +other\n : object == +other;\n\n case regexpTag:\n case stringTag:\n // Coerce regexes to strings and treat strings primitives and string\n // objects as equal. See for more details.\n return object == (other + '');\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for objects with support for\n * partial deep comparisons.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparing values.\n * @param {boolean} [isLoose] Specify performing partial comparisons.\n * @param {Array} [stackA] Tracks traversed `value` objects.\n * @param {Array} [stackB] Tracks traversed `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\n function equalObjects(object, other, equalFunc, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB) {\n var objProps = keys(object),\n objLength = objProps.length,\n othProps = keys(other),\n othLength = othProps.length;\n\n if (objLength != othLength && !isLoose) {\n return false;\n }\n var index = objLength;\n while (index--) {\n var key = objProps[index];\n if (!(isLoose ? key in other :, key))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n var skipCtor = isLoose;\n while (++index < objLength) {\n key = objProps[index];\n var objValue = object[key],\n othValue = other[key],\n result = customizer ? customizer(isLoose ? othValue : objValue, isLoose? objValue : othValue, key) : undefined;\n\n // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits).\n if (!(result === undefined ? equalFunc(objValue, othValue, customizer, isLoose, stackA, stackB) : result)) {\n return false;\n }\n skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == 'constructor');\n }\n if (!skipCtor) {\n var objCtor = object.constructor,\n othCtor = other.constructor;\n\n // Non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal.\n if (objCtor != othCtor &&\n ('constructor' in object && 'constructor' in other) &&\n !(typeof objCtor == 'function' && objCtor instanceof objCtor &&\n typeof othCtor == 'function' && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the appropriate \"callback\" function. If the `_.callback` method is\n * customized this function returns the custom method, otherwise it returns\n * the `baseCallback` function. If arguments are provided the chosen function\n * is invoked with them and its result is returned.\n *\n * @private\n * @returns {Function} Returns the chosen function or its result.\n */\n function getCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) {\n var result = lodash.callback || callback;\n result = result === callback ? baseCallback : result;\n return argCount ? result(func, thisArg, argCount) : result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets metadata for `func`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to query.\n * @returns {*} Returns the metadata for `func`.\n */\n var getData = !metaMap ? noop : function(func) {\n return metaMap.get(func);\n };\n\n /**\n * Gets the name of `func`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to query.\n * @returns {string} Returns the function name.\n */\n function getFuncName(func) {\n var result =,\n array = realNames[result],\n length = array ? array.length : 0;\n\n while (length--) {\n var data = array[length],\n otherFunc = data.func;\n if (otherFunc == null || otherFunc == func) {\n return;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the appropriate \"indexOf\" function. If the `_.indexOf` method is\n * customized this function returns the custom method, otherwise it returns\n * the `baseIndexOf` function. If arguments are provided the chosen function\n * is invoked with them and its result is returned.\n *\n * @private\n * @returns {Function|number} Returns the chosen function or its result.\n */\n function getIndexOf(collection, target, fromIndex) {\n var result = lodash.indexOf || indexOf;\n result = result === indexOf ? baseIndexOf : result;\n return collection ? result(collection, target, fromIndex) : result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the \"length\" property value of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** This function is used to avoid a [JIT bug](\n * that affects Safari on at least iOS 8.1-8.3 ARM64.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {*} Returns the \"length\" value.\n */\n var getLength = baseProperty('length');\n\n /**\n * Gets the propery names, values, and compare flags of `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the match data of `object`.\n */\n function getMatchData(object) {\n var result = pairs(object),\n length = result.length;\n\n while (length--) {\n result[length][2] = isStrictComparable(result[length][1]);\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the native function at `key` of `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {string} key The key of the method to get.\n * @returns {*} Returns the function if it's native, else `undefined`.\n */\n function getNative(object, key) {\n var value = object == null ? undefined : object[key];\n return isNative(value) ? value : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the view, applying any `transforms` to the `start` and `end` positions.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {number} start The start of the view.\n * @param {number} end The end of the view.\n * @param {Array} transforms The transformations to apply to the view.\n * @returns {Object} Returns an object containing the `start` and `end`\n * positions of the view.\n */\n function getView(start, end, transforms) {\n var index = -1,\n length = transforms.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var data = transforms[index],\n size = data.size;\n\n switch (data.type) {\n case 'drop': start += size; break;\n case 'dropRight': end -= size; break;\n case 'take': end = nativeMin(end, start + size); break;\n case 'takeRight': start = nativeMax(start, end - size); break;\n }\n }\n return { 'start': start, 'end': end };\n }\n\n /**\n * Initializes an array clone.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to clone.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the initialized clone.\n */\n function initCloneArray(array) {\n var length = array.length,\n result = new array.constructor(length);\n\n // Add array properties assigned by `RegExp#exec`.\n if (length && typeof array[0] == 'string' &&, 'index')) {\n result.index = array.index;\n result.input = array.input;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Initializes an object clone.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to clone.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone.\n */\n function initCloneObject(object) {\n var Ctor = object.constructor;\n if (!(typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor instanceof Ctor)) {\n Ctor = Object;\n }\n return new Ctor;\n }\n\n /**\n * Initializes an object clone based on its `toStringTag`.\n *\n * **Note:** This function only supports cloning values with tags of\n * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Number`, `RegExp`, or `String`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to clone.\n * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the object to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone.\n */\n function initCloneByTag(object, tag, isDeep) {\n var Ctor = object.constructor;\n switch (tag) {\n case arrayBufferTag:\n return bufferClone(object);\n\n case boolTag:\n case dateTag:\n return new Ctor(+object);\n\n case float32Tag: case float64Tag:\n case int8Tag: case int16Tag: case int32Tag:\n case uint8Tag: case uint8ClampedTag: case uint16Tag: case uint32Tag:\n var buffer = object.buffer;\n return new Ctor(isDeep ? bufferClone(buffer) : buffer, object.byteOffset, object.length);\n\n case numberTag:\n case stringTag:\n return new Ctor(object);\n\n case regexpTag:\n var result = new Ctor(object.source, reFlags.exec(object));\n result.lastIndex = object.lastIndex;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Invokes the method at `path` on `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke.\n * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke the method with.\n * @returns {*} Returns the result of the invoked method.\n */\n function invokePath(object, path, args) {\n if (object != null && !isKey(path, object)) {\n path = toPath(path);\n object = path.length == 1 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1));\n path = last(path);\n }\n var func = object == null ? object : object[path];\n return func == null ? undefined : func.apply(object, args);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is array-like.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is array-like, else `false`.\n */\n function isArrayLike(value) {\n return value != null && isLength(getLength(value));\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like index.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @param {number} [length=MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] The upper bounds of a valid index.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid index, else `false`.\n */\n function isIndex(value, length) {\n value = (typeof value == 'number' || reIsUint.test(value)) ? +value : -1;\n length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : length;\n return value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if the provided arguments are from an iteratee call.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The potential iteratee value argument.\n * @param {*} index The potential iteratee index or key argument.\n * @param {*} object The potential iteratee object argument.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arguments are from an iteratee call, else `false`.\n */\n function isIterateeCall(value, index, object) {\n if (!isObject(object)) {\n return false;\n }\n var type = typeof index;\n if (type == 'number'\n ? (isArrayLike(object) && isIndex(index, object.length))\n : (type == 'string' && index in object)) {\n var other = object[index];\n return value === value ? (value === other) : (other !== other);\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a property name and not a property path.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @param {Object} [object] The object to query keys on.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a property name, else `false`.\n */\n function isKey(value, object) {\n var type = typeof value;\n if ((type == 'string' && reIsPlainProp.test(value)) || type == 'number') {\n return true;\n }\n if (isArray(value)) {\n return false;\n }\n var result = !reIsDeepProp.test(value);\n return result || (object != null && value in toObject(object));\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `func` has a lazy counterpart.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` has a lazy counterpart, else `false`.\n */\n function isLaziable(func) {\n var funcName = getFuncName(func);\n if (!(funcName in LazyWrapper.prototype)) {\n return false;\n }\n var other = lodash[funcName];\n if (func === other) {\n return true;\n }\n var data = getData(other);\n return !!data && func === data[0];\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length.\n *\n * **Note:** This function is based on [`ToLength`](\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, else `false`.\n */\n function isLength(value) {\n return typeof value == 'number' && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is suitable for strict equality comparisons, i.e. `===`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` if suitable for strict\n * equality comparisons, else `false`.\n */\n function isStrictComparable(value) {\n return value === value && !isObject(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Merges the function metadata of `source` into `data`.\n *\n * Merging metadata reduces the number of wrappers required to invoke a function.\n * This is possible because methods like `_.bind`, `_.curry`, and `_.partial`\n * may be applied regardless of execution order. Methods like `_.ary` and `_.rearg`\n * augment function arguments, making the order in which they are executed important,\n * preventing the merging of metadata. However, we make an exception for a safe\n * common case where curried functions have `_.ary` and or `_.rearg` applied.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} data The destination metadata.\n * @param {Array} source The source metadata.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `data`.\n */\n function mergeData(data, source) {\n var bitmask = data[1],\n srcBitmask = source[1],\n newBitmask = bitmask | srcBitmask,\n isCommon = newBitmask < ARY_FLAG;\n\n var isCombo =\n (srcBitmask == ARY_FLAG && bitmask == CURRY_FLAG) ||\n (srcBitmask == ARY_FLAG && bitmask == REARG_FLAG && data[7].length <= source[8]) ||\n (srcBitmask == (ARY_FLAG | REARG_FLAG) && bitmask == CURRY_FLAG);\n\n // Exit early if metadata can't be merged.\n if (!(isCommon || isCombo)) {\n return data;\n }\n // Use source `thisArg` if available.\n if (srcBitmask & BIND_FLAG) {\n data[2] = source[2];\n // Set when currying a bound function.\n newBitmask |= (bitmask & BIND_FLAG) ? 0 : CURRY_BOUND_FLAG;\n }\n // Compose partial arguments.\n var value = source[3];\n if (value) {\n var partials = data[3];\n data[3] = partials ? composeArgs(partials, value, source[4]) : arrayCopy(value);\n data[4] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[3], PLACEHOLDER) : arrayCopy(source[4]);\n }\n // Compose partial right arguments.\n value = source[5];\n if (value) {\n partials = data[5];\n data[5] = partials ? composeArgsRight(partials, value, source[6]) : arrayCopy(value);\n data[6] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[5], PLACEHOLDER) : arrayCopy(source[6]);\n }\n // Use source `argPos` if available.\n value = source[7];\n if (value) {\n data[7] = arrayCopy(value);\n }\n // Use source `ary` if it's smaller.\n if (srcBitmask & ARY_FLAG) {\n data[8] = data[8] == null ? source[8] : nativeMin(data[8], source[8]);\n }\n // Use source `arity` if one is not provided.\n if (data[9] == null) {\n data[9] = source[9];\n }\n // Use source `func` and merge bitmasks.\n data[0] = source[0];\n data[1] = newBitmask;\n\n return data;\n }\n\n /**\n * Used by `_.defaultsDeep` to customize its `_.merge` use.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} objectValue The destination object property value.\n * @param {*} sourceValue The source object property value.\n * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign to the destination object.\n */\n function mergeDefaults(objectValue, sourceValue) {\n return objectValue === undefined ? sourceValue : merge(objectValue, sourceValue, mergeDefaults);\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.pick` which picks `object` properties specified\n * by `props`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The source object.\n * @param {string[]} props The property names to pick.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n */\n function pickByArray(object, props) {\n object = toObject(object);\n\n var index = -1,\n length = props.length,\n result = {};\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index];\n if (key in object) {\n result[key] = object[key];\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * A specialized version of `_.pick` which picks `object` properties `predicate`\n * returns truthy for.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The source object.\n * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n */\n function pickByCallback(object, predicate) {\n var result = {};\n baseForIn(object, function(value, key, object) {\n if (predicate(value, key, object)) {\n result[key] = value;\n }\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reorder `array` according to the specified indexes where the element at\n * the first index is assigned as the first element, the element at\n * the second index is assigned as the second element, and so on.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to reorder.\n * @param {Array} indexes The arranged array indexes.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n */\n function reorder(array, indexes) {\n var arrLength = array.length,\n length = nativeMin(indexes.length, arrLength),\n oldArray = arrayCopy(array);\n\n while (length--) {\n var index = indexes[length];\n array[length] = isIndex(index, arrLength) ? oldArray[index] : undefined;\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets metadata for `func`.\n *\n * **Note:** If this function becomes hot, i.e. is invoked a lot in a short\n * period of time, it will trip its breaker and transition to an identity function\n * to avoid garbage collection pauses in V8. See [V8 issue 2070](\n * for more details.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with.\n * @param {*} data The metadata.\n * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n */\n var setData = (function() {\n var count = 0,\n lastCalled = 0;\n\n return function(key, value) {\n var stamp = now(),\n remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);\n\n lastCalled = stamp;\n if (remaining > 0) {\n if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {\n return key;\n }\n } else {\n count = 0;\n }\n return baseSetData(key, value);\n };\n }());\n\n /**\n * A fallback implementation of `Object.keys` which creates an array of the\n * own enumerable property names of `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n */\n function shimKeys(object) {\n var props = keysIn(object),\n propsLength = props.length,\n length = propsLength && object.length;\n\n var allowIndexes = !!length && isLength(length) &&\n (isArray(object) || isArguments(object));\n\n var index = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < propsLength) {\n var key = props[index];\n if ((allowIndexes && isIndex(key, length)) ||, key)) {\n result.push(key);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to an array-like object if it's not one.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {Array|Object} Returns the array-like object.\n */\n function toIterable(value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return [];\n }\n if (!isArrayLike(value)) {\n return values(value);\n }\n return isObject(value) ? value : Object(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to an object if it's not one.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the object.\n */\n function toObject(value) {\n return isObject(value) ? value : Object(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to property path array if it's not one.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the property path array.\n */\n function toPath(value) {\n if (isArray(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n var result = [];\n baseToString(value).replace(rePropName, function(match, number, quote, string) {\n result.push(quote ? string.replace(reEscapeChar, '$1') : (number || match));\n });\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a clone of `wrapper`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} wrapper The wrapper to clone.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned wrapper.\n */\n function wrapperClone(wrapper) {\n return wrapper instanceof LazyWrapper\n ? wrapper.clone()\n : new LodashWrapper(wrapper.__wrapped__, wrapper.__chain__, arrayCopy(wrapper.__actions__));\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of `size`.\n * If `collection` can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining\n * elements.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to process.\n * @param {number} [size=1] The length of each chunk.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array containing chunks.\n * @example\n *\n * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2);\n * // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]\n *\n * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 3);\n * // => [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d']]\n */\n function chunk(array, size, guard) {\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(array, size, guard) : size == null) {\n size = 1;\n } else {\n size = nativeMax(nativeFloor(size) || 1, 1);\n }\n var index = 0,\n length = array ? array.length : 0,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = Array(nativeCeil(length / size));\n\n while (index < length) {\n result[++resIndex] = baseSlice(array, index, (index += size));\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values `false`, `null`,\n * `0`, `\"\"`, `undefined`, and `NaN` are falsey.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to compact.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n * @example\n *\n * _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n function compact(array) {\n var index = -1,\n length = array ? array.length : 0,\n resIndex = -1,\n result = [];\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index];\n if (value) {\n result[++resIndex] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of unique `array` values not included in the other\n * provided arrays using [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {...Array} [values] The arrays of values to exclude.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n * @example\n *\n * _.difference([1, 2, 3], [4, 2]);\n * // => [1, 3]\n */\n var difference = restParam(function(array, values) {\n return (isObjectLike(array) && isArrayLike(array))\n ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, false, true))\n : [];\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the beginning.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.drop([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [2, 3]\n *\n * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 2);\n * // => [3]\n *\n * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 5);\n * // => []\n *\n * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 0);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n function drop(array, n, guard) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(array, n, guard) : n == null) {\n n = 1;\n }\n return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the end.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [1, 2]\n *\n * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 2);\n * // => [1]\n *\n * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 5);\n * // => []\n *\n * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 0);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n function dropRight(array, n, guard) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(array, n, guard) : n == null) {\n n = 1;\n }\n n = length - (+n || 0);\n return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the end.\n * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is\n * bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that match the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.dropRightWhile([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return n > 1;\n * });\n * // => [1]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropRightWhile(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropRightWhile(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles']\n */\n function dropRightWhile(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n return (array && array.length)\n ? baseWhile(array, getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3), true, true)\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the beginning.\n * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is\n * bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.dropWhile([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return n < 3;\n * });\n * // => [3]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => ['fred', 'pebbles']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropWhile(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['pebbles']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.dropWhile(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles']\n */\n function dropWhile(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n return (array && array.length)\n ? baseWhile(array, getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3), true)\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Fills elements of `array` with `value` from `start` up to, but not\n * including, `end`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method mutates `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to fill.\n * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with.\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n *\n * _.fill(array, 'a');\n * console.log(array);\n * // => ['a', 'a', 'a']\n *\n * _.fill(Array(3), 2);\n * // => [2, 2, 2]\n *\n * _.fill([4, 6, 8], '*', 1, 2);\n * // => [4, '*', 8]\n */\n function fill(array, value, start, end) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (start && typeof start != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, value, start)) {\n start = 0;\n end = length;\n }\n return baseFill(array, value, start, end);\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the index of the first\n * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself.\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n * ];\n *\n * _.findIndex(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.user == 'barney';\n * });\n * // => 0\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.findIndex(users, { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false });\n * // => 1\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.findIndex(users, 'active', false);\n * // => 0\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.findIndex(users, 'active');\n * // => 2\n */\n var findIndex = createFindIndex();\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.findIndex` except that it iterates over elements\n * of `collection` from right to left.\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * _.findLastIndex(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.user == 'pebbles';\n * });\n * // => 2\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastIndex(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true });\n * // => 0\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastIndex(users, 'active', false);\n * // => 2\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastIndex(users, 'active');\n * // => 0\n */\n var findLastIndex = createFindIndex(true);\n\n /**\n * Gets the first element of `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias head\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @returns {*} Returns the first element of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.first([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => 1\n *\n * _.first([]);\n * // => undefined\n */\n function first(array) {\n return array ? array[0] : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Flattens a nested array. If `isDeep` is `true` the array is recursively\n * flattened, otherwise it is only flattened a single level.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep flatten.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.flatten([1, [2, 3, [4]]]);\n * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]\n *\n * // using `isDeep`\n * _.flatten([1, [2, 3, [4]]], true);\n * // => [1, 2, 3, 4]\n */\n function flatten(array, isDeep, guard) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(array, isDeep, guard)) {\n isDeep = false;\n }\n return length ? baseFlatten(array, isDeep) : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Recursively flattens a nested array.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to recursively flatten.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.flattenDeep([1, [2, 3, [4]]]);\n * // => [1, 2, 3, 4]\n */\n function flattenDeep(array) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n return length ? baseFlatten(array, true) : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `value` is found in `array`\n * using [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it is used as the offset\n * from the end of `array`. If `array` is sorted providing `true` for `fromIndex`\n * performs a faster binary search.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n * @param {boolean|number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from or `true`\n * to perform a binary search on a sorted array.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2);\n * // => 1\n *\n * // using `fromIndex`\n * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2);\n * // => 3\n *\n * // performing a binary search\n * _.indexOf([1, 1, 2, 2], 2, true);\n * // => 2\n */\n function indexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return -1;\n }\n if (typeof fromIndex == 'number') {\n fromIndex = fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(length + fromIndex, 0) : fromIndex;\n } else if (fromIndex) {\n var index = binaryIndex(array, value);\n if (index < length &&\n (value === value ? (value === array[index]) : (array[index] !== array[index]))) {\n return index;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n return baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex || 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all but the last element of `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.initial([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [1, 2]\n */\n function initial(array) {\n return dropRight(array, 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of unique values that are included in all of the provided\n * arrays using [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of shared values.\n * @example\n * _.intersection([1, 2], [4, 2], [2, 1]);\n * // => [2]\n */\n var intersection = restParam(function(arrays) {\n var othLength = arrays.length,\n othIndex = othLength,\n caches = Array(length),\n indexOf = getIndexOf(),\n isCommon = indexOf == baseIndexOf,\n result = [];\n\n while (othIndex--) {\n var value = arrays[othIndex] = isArrayLike(value = arrays[othIndex]) ? value : [];\n caches[othIndex] = (isCommon && value.length >= 120) ? createCache(othIndex && value) : null;\n }\n var array = arrays[0],\n index = -1,\n length = array ? array.length : 0,\n seen = caches[0];\n\n outer:\n while (++index < length) {\n value = array[index];\n if ((seen ? cacheIndexOf(seen, value) : indexOf(result, value, 0)) < 0) {\n var othIndex = othLength;\n while (--othIndex) {\n var cache = caches[othIndex];\n if ((cache ? cacheIndexOf(cache, value) : indexOf(arrays[othIndex], value, 0)) < 0) {\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n if (seen) {\n seen.push(value);\n }\n result.push(value);\n }\n }\n return result;\n });\n\n /**\n * Gets the last element of `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @returns {*} Returns the last element of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.last([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => 3\n */\n function last(array) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n return length ? array[length - 1] : undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it iterates over elements of\n * `array` from right to left.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to search.\n * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n * @param {boolean|number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from\n * or `true` to perform a binary search on a sorted array.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2);\n * // => 3\n *\n * // using `fromIndex`\n * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2);\n * // => 1\n *\n * // performing a binary search\n * _.lastIndexOf([1, 1, 2, 2], 2, true);\n * // => 3\n */\n function lastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return -1;\n }\n var index = length;\n if (typeof fromIndex == 'number') {\n index = (fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(length + fromIndex, 0) : nativeMin(fromIndex || 0, length - 1)) + 1;\n } else if (fromIndex) {\n index = binaryIndex(array, value, true) - 1;\n var other = array[index];\n if (value === value ? (value === other) : (other !== other)) {\n return index;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n if (value !== value) {\n return indexOfNaN(array, index, true);\n }\n while (index--) {\n if (array[index] === value) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes all provided values from `array` using\n * [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons.\n *\n * **Note:** Unlike `_.without`, this method mutates `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {...*} [values] The values to remove.\n * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3];\n *\n * _.pull(array, 2, 3);\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1, 1]\n */\n function pull() {\n var args = arguments,\n array = args[0];\n\n if (!(array && array.length)) {\n return array;\n }\n var index = 0,\n indexOf = getIndexOf(),\n length = args.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var fromIndex = 0,\n value = args[index];\n\n while ((fromIndex = indexOf(array, value, fromIndex)) > -1) {\n, fromIndex, 1);\n }\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes elements from `array` corresponding to the given indexes and returns\n * an array of the removed elements. Indexes may be specified as an array of\n * indexes or as individual arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** Unlike ``, this method mutates `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {...(number|number[])} [indexes] The indexes of elements to remove,\n * specified as individual indexes or arrays of indexes.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [5, 10, 15, 20];\n * var evens = _.pullAt(array, 1, 3);\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [5, 15]\n *\n * console.log(evens);\n * // => [10, 20]\n */\n var pullAt = restParam(function(array, indexes) {\n indexes = baseFlatten(indexes);\n\n var result = baseAt(array, indexes);\n basePullAt(array, indexes.sort(baseCompareAscending));\n return result;\n });\n\n /**\n * Removes all elements from `array` that `predicate` returns truthy for\n * and returns an array of the removed elements. The predicate is bound to\n * `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * **Note:** Unlike `_.filter`, this method mutates `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4];\n * var evens = _.remove(array, function(n) {\n * return n % 2 == 0;\n * });\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1, 3]\n *\n * console.log(evens);\n * // => [2, 4]\n */\n function remove(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n var result = [];\n if (!(array && array.length)) {\n return result;\n }\n var index = -1,\n indexes = [],\n length = array.length;\n\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n while (++index < length) {\n var value = array[index];\n if (predicate(value, index, array)) {\n result.push(value);\n indexes.push(index);\n }\n }\n basePullAt(array, indexes);\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all but the first element of `array`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias tail\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n *[1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [2, 3]\n */\n function rest(array) {\n return drop(array, 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` from `start` up to, but not including, `end`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method is used instead of `Array#slice` to support node\n * lists in IE < 9 and to ensure dense arrays are returned.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to slice.\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n */\n function slice(array, start, end) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (end && typeof end != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, start, end)) {\n start = 0;\n end = length;\n }\n return baseSlice(array, start, end);\n }\n\n /**\n * Uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which `value` should\n * be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order. If an iteratee\n * function is provided it is invoked for `value` and each element of `array`\n * to compute their sort ranking. The iteratee is bound to `thisArg` and\n * invoked with one argument; (value).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n * into `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.sortedIndex([30, 50], 40);\n * // => 1\n *\n * _.sortedIndex([4, 4, 5, 5], 5);\n * // => 2\n *\n * var dict = { 'data': { 'thirty': 30, 'forty': 40, 'fifty': 50 } };\n *\n * // using an iteratee function\n * _.sortedIndex(['thirty', 'fifty'], 'forty', function(word) {\n * return[word];\n * }, dict);\n * // => 1\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.sortedIndex([{ 'x': 30 }, { 'x': 50 }], { 'x': 40 }, 'x');\n * // => 1\n */\n var sortedIndex = createSortedIndex();\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it returns the highest\n * index at which `value` should be inserted into `array` in order to\n * maintain its sort order.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n * into `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.sortedLastIndex([4, 4, 5, 5], 5);\n * // => 4\n */\n var sortedLastIndex = createSortedIndex(true);\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the beginning.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.take([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [1]\n *\n * _.take([1, 2, 3], 2);\n * // => [1, 2]\n *\n * _.take([1, 2, 3], 5);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * _.take([1, 2, 3], 0);\n * // => []\n */\n function take(array, n, guard) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(array, n, guard) : n == null) {\n n = 1;\n }\n return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the end.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [3]\n *\n * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 2);\n * // => [2, 3]\n *\n * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 5);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 0);\n * // => []\n */\n function takeRight(array, n, guard) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(array, n, guard) : n == null) {\n n = 1;\n }\n n = length - (+n || 0);\n return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the end. Elements are\n * taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is bound to `thisArg`\n * and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.takeRightWhile([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return n > 1;\n * });\n * // => [2, 3]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => ['pebbles']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeRightWhile(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['fred', 'pebbles']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeRightWhile(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => []\n */\n function takeRightWhile(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n return (array && array.length)\n ? baseWhile(array, getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3), false, true)\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the beginning. Elements\n * are taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is bound to\n * `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.takeWhile([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return n < 3;\n * });\n * // => [1, 2]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false},\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeWhile(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.takeWhile(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => []\n */\n function takeWhile(array, predicate, thisArg) {\n return (array && array.length)\n ? baseWhile(array, getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3))\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of unique values, in order, from all of the provided arrays\n * using [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values.\n * @example\n *\n * _.union([1, 2], [4, 2], [2, 1]);\n * // => [1, 2, 4]\n */\n var union = restParam(function(arrays) {\n return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, false, true));\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a duplicate-free version of an array, using\n * [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons, in which only the first occurence of each element\n * is kept. Providing `true` for `isSorted` performs a faster search algorithm\n * for sorted arrays. If an iteratee function is provided it is invoked for\n * each element in the array to generate the criterion by which uniqueness\n * is computed. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three\n * arguments: (value, index, array).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias unique\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {boolean} [isSorted] Specify the array is sorted.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate-value-free array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.uniq([2, 1, 2]);\n * // => [2, 1]\n *\n * // using `isSorted`\n * _.uniq([1, 1, 2], true);\n * // => [1, 2]\n *\n * // using an iteratee function\n * _.uniq([1, 2.5, 1.5, 2], function(n) {\n * return this.floor(n);\n * }, Math);\n * // => [1, 2.5]\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.uniq([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]\n */\n function uniq(array, isSorted, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n if (isSorted != null && typeof isSorted != 'boolean') {\n thisArg = iteratee;\n iteratee = isIterateeCall(array, isSorted, thisArg) ? undefined : isSorted;\n isSorted = false;\n }\n var callback = getCallback();\n if (!(iteratee == null && callback === baseCallback)) {\n iteratee = callback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n }\n return (isSorted && getIndexOf() == baseIndexOf)\n ? sortedUniq(array, iteratee)\n : baseUniq(array, iteratee);\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `` except that it accepts an array of grouped\n * elements and creates an array regrouping the elements to their pre-zip\n * configuration.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements.\n * @example\n *\n * var zipped =['fred', 'barney'], [30, 40], [true, false]);\n * // => [['fred', 30, true], ['barney', 40, false]]\n *\n * _.unzip(zipped);\n * // => [['fred', 'barney'], [30, 40], [true, false]]\n */\n function unzip(array) {\n if (!(array && array.length)) {\n return [];\n }\n var index = -1,\n length = 0;\n\n array = arrayFilter(array, function(group) {\n if (isArrayLike(group)) {\n length = nativeMax(group.length, length);\n return true;\n }\n });\n var result = Array(length);\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = arrayMap(array, baseProperty(index));\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.unzip` except that it accepts an iteratee to specify\n * how regrouped values should be combined. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg`\n * and invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, index, group).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee] The function to combine regrouped values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements.\n * @example\n *\n * var zipped =[1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200]);\n * // => [[1, 10, 100], [2, 20, 200]]\n *\n * _.unzipWith(zipped, _.add);\n * // => [3, 30, 300]\n */\n function unzipWith(array, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var length = array ? array.length : 0;\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n var result = unzip(array);\n if (iteratee == null) {\n return result;\n }\n iteratee = bindCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 4);\n return arrayMap(result, function(group) {\n return arrayReduce(group, iteratee, undefined, true);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array excluding all provided values using\n * [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} array The array to filter.\n * @param {...*} [values] The values to exclude.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n * @example\n *\n * _.without([1, 2, 1, 3], 1, 2);\n * // => [3]\n */\n var without = restParam(function(array, values) {\n return isArrayLike(array)\n ? baseDifference(array, values)\n : [];\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of unique values that is the [symmetric difference](\n * of the provided arrays.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of values.\n * @example\n *\n * _.xor([1, 2], [4, 2]);\n * // => [1, 4]\n */\n function xor() {\n var index = -1,\n length = arguments.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var array = arguments[index];\n if (isArrayLike(array)) {\n var result = result\n ? arrayPush(baseDifference(result, array), baseDifference(array, result))\n : array;\n }\n }\n return result ? baseUniq(result) : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first\n * elements of the given arrays, the second of which contains the second elements\n * of the given arrays, and so on.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements.\n * @example\n *\n *['fred', 'barney'], [30, 40], [true, false]);\n * // => [['fred', 30, true], ['barney', 40, false]]\n */\n var zip = restParam(unzip);\n\n /**\n * The inverse of `_.pairs`; this method returns an object composed from arrays\n * of property names and values. Provide either a single two dimensional array,\n * e.g. `[[key1, value1], [key2, value2]]` or two arrays, one of property names\n * and one of corresponding values.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias object\n * @category Array\n * @param {Array} props The property names.\n * @param {Array} [values=[]] The property values.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n * @example\n *\n * _.zipObject([['fred', 30], ['barney', 40]]);\n * // => { 'fred': 30, 'barney': 40 }\n *\n * _.zipObject(['fred', 'barney'], [30, 40]);\n * // => { 'fred': 30, 'barney': 40 }\n */\n function zipObject(props, values) {\n var index = -1,\n length = props ? props.length : 0,\n result = {};\n\n if (length && !values && !isArray(props[0])) {\n values = [];\n }\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index];\n if (values) {\n result[key] = values[index];\n } else if (key) {\n result[key[0]] = key[1];\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `` except that it accepts an iteratee to specify\n * how grouped values should be combined. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg`\n * and invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, index, group).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Array\n * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee] The function to combine grouped values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements.\n * @example\n *\n * _.zipWith([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200], _.add);\n * // => [111, 222]\n */\n var zipWith = restParam(function(arrays) {\n var length = arrays.length,\n iteratee = length > 2 ? arrays[length - 2] : undefined,\n thisArg = length > 1 ? arrays[length - 1] : undefined;\n\n if (length > 2 && typeof iteratee == 'function') {\n length -= 2;\n } else {\n iteratee = (length > 1 && typeof thisArg == 'function') ? (--length, thisArg) : undefined;\n thisArg = undefined;\n }\n arrays.length = length;\n return unzipWith(arrays, iteratee, thisArg);\n });\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a `lodash` object that wraps `value` with explicit method\n * chaining enabled.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 }\n * ];\n *\n * var youngest = _.chain(users)\n * .sortBy('age')\n * .map(function(chr) {\n * return chr.user + ' is ' + chr.age;\n * })\n * .first()\n * .value();\n * // => 'pebbles is 1'\n */\n function chain(value) {\n var result = lodash(value);\n result.__chain__ = true;\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method invokes `interceptor` and returns `value`. The interceptor is\n * bound to `thisArg` and invoked with one argument; (value). The purpose of\n * this method is to \"tap into\" a method chain in order to perform operations\n * on intermediate results within the chain.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`.\n * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `interceptor`.\n * @returns {*} Returns `value`.\n * @example\n *\n * _([1, 2, 3])\n * .tap(function(array) {\n * array.pop();\n * })\n * .reverse()\n * .value();\n * // => [2, 1]\n */\n function tap(value, interceptor, thisArg) {\n, value);\n return value;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.tap` except that it returns the result of `interceptor`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`.\n * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `interceptor`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the result of `interceptor`.\n * @example\n *\n * _(' abc ')\n * .chain()\n * .trim()\n * .thru(function(value) {\n * return [value];\n * })\n * .value();\n * // => ['abc']\n */\n function thru(value, interceptor, thisArg) {\n return, value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Enables explicit method chaining on the wrapper object.\n *\n * @name chain\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n * ];\n *\n * // without explicit chaining\n * _(users).first();\n * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n *\n * // with explicit chaining\n * _(users).chain()\n * .first()\n * .pick('user')\n * .value();\n * // => { 'user': 'barney' }\n */\n function wrapperChain() {\n return chain(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Executes the chained sequence and returns the wrapped result.\n *\n * @name commit\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2];\n * var wrapped = _(array).push(3);\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1, 2]\n *\n * wrapped = wrapped.commit();\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * wrapped.last();\n * // => 3\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n function wrapperCommit() {\n return new LodashWrapper(this.value(), this.__chain__);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new array joining a wrapped array with any additional arrays\n * and/or values.\n *\n * @name concat\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @param {...*} [values] The values to concatenate.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1];\n * var wrapped = _(array).concat(2, [3], [[4]]);\n *\n * console.log(wrapped.value());\n * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [1]\n */\n var wrapperConcat = restParam(function(values) {\n values = baseFlatten(values);\n return this.thru(function(array) {\n return arrayConcat(isArray(array) ? array : [toObject(array)], values);\n });\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a clone of the chained sequence planting `value` as the wrapped value.\n *\n * @name plant\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2];\n * var wrapped = _(array).map(function(value) {\n * return Math.pow(value, 2);\n * });\n *\n * var other = [3, 4];\n * var otherWrapped = wrapped.plant(other);\n *\n * otherWrapped.value();\n * // => [9, 16]\n *\n * wrapped.value();\n * // => [1, 4]\n */\n function wrapperPlant(value) {\n var result,\n parent = this;\n\n while (parent instanceof baseLodash) {\n var clone = wrapperClone(parent);\n if (result) {\n previous.__wrapped__ = clone;\n } else {\n result = clone;\n }\n var previous = clone;\n parent = parent.__wrapped__;\n }\n previous.__wrapped__ = value;\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reverses the wrapped array so the first element becomes the last, the\n * second element becomes the second to last, and so on.\n *\n * **Note:** This method mutates the wrapped array.\n *\n * @name reverse\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new reversed `lodash` wrapper instance.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n *\n * _(array).reverse().value()\n * // => [3, 2, 1]\n *\n * console.log(array);\n * // => [3, 2, 1]\n */\n function wrapperReverse() {\n var value = this.__wrapped__;\n\n var interceptor = function(value) {\n return (wrapped && wrapped.__dir__ < 0) ? value : value.reverse();\n };\n if (value instanceof LazyWrapper) {\n var wrapped = value;\n if (this.__actions__.length) {\n wrapped = new LazyWrapper(this);\n }\n wrapped = wrapped.reverse();\n wrapped.__actions__.push({ 'func': thru, 'args': [interceptor], 'thisArg': undefined });\n return new LodashWrapper(wrapped, this.__chain__);\n }\n return this.thru(interceptor);\n }\n\n /**\n * Produces the result of coercing the unwrapped value to a string.\n *\n * @name toString\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {string} Returns the coerced string value.\n * @example\n *\n * _([1, 2, 3]).toString();\n * // => '1,2,3'\n */\n function wrapperToString() {\n return (this.value() + '');\n }\n\n /**\n * Executes the chained sequence to extract the unwrapped value.\n *\n * @name value\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias run, toJSON, valueOf\n * @category Chain\n * @returns {*} Returns the resolved unwrapped value.\n * @example\n *\n * _([1, 2, 3]).value();\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n function wrapperValue() {\n return baseWrapperValue(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of elements corresponding to the given keys, or indexes,\n * of `collection`. Keys may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays\n * of keys.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {...(number|number[]|string|string[])} [props] The property names\n * or indexes of elements to pick, specified individually or in arrays.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of picked elements.\n * @example\n *\n *['a', 'b', 'c'], [0, 2]);\n * // => ['a', 'c']\n *\n *['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles'], 0, 2);\n * // => ['barney', 'pebbles']\n */\n var at = restParam(function(collection, props) {\n return baseAt(collection, baseFlatten(props));\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n * each element of `collection` through `iteratee`. The corresponding value\n * of each key is the number of times the key was returned by `iteratee`.\n * The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n * @example\n *\n * _.countBy([4.3, 6.1, 6.4], function(n) {\n * return Math.floor(n);\n * });\n * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }\n *\n * _.countBy([4.3, 6.1, 6.4], function(n) {\n * return this.floor(n);\n * }, Math);\n * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }\n *\n * _.countBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');\n * // => { '3': 2, '5': 1 }\n */\n var countBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n, key) ? ++result[key] : (result[key] = 1);\n });\n\n /**\n * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **all** elements of `collection`.\n * The predicate is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias all\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n * else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.every([true, 1, null, 'yes'], Boolean);\n * // => false\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.every(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n * // => false\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.every(users, 'active', false);\n * // => true\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.every(users, 'active');\n * // => false\n */\n function every(collection, predicate, thisArg) {\n var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEvery : baseEvery;\n if (thisArg && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, thisArg)) {\n predicate = undefined;\n }\n if (typeof predicate != 'function' || thisArg !== undefined) {\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n }\n return func(collection, predicate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning an array of all elements\n * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is bound to `thisArg` and\n * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias select\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.filter([4, 5, 6], function(n) {\n * return n % 2 == 0;\n * });\n * // => [4, 6]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.filter(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true }), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.filter(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['fred']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.filter(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n */\n function filter(collection, predicate, thisArg) {\n var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n return func(collection, predicate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning the first element\n * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is bound to `thisArg` and\n * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias detect\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': true }\n * ];\n *\n * _.result(_.find(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.age < 40;\n * }), 'user');\n * // => 'barney'\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.result(_.find(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true }), 'user');\n * // => 'pebbles'\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.result(_.find(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => 'fred'\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.result(_.find(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => 'barney'\n */\n var find = createFind(baseEach);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.find` except that it iterates over elements of\n * `collection` from right to left.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {\n * return n % 2 == 1;\n * });\n * // => 3\n */\n var findLast = createFind(baseEachRight, true);\n\n /**\n * Performs a deep comparison between each element in `collection` and the\n * source object, returning the first element that has equivalent property\n * values.\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, `Date` objects,\n * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Objects are compared by\n * their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. For comparing a single\n * own or inherited property value see `_.matchesProperty`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * _.result(_.findWhere(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true }), 'user');\n * // => 'barney'\n *\n * _.result(_.findWhere(users, { 'age': 40, 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => 'fred'\n */\n function findWhere(collection, source) {\n return find(collection, baseMatches(source));\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterates over elements of `collection` invoking `iteratee` for each element.\n * The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection). Iteratee functions may exit iteration early\n * by explicitly returning `false`.\n *\n * **Note:** As with other \"Collections\" methods, objects with a \"length\" property\n * are iterated like arrays. To avoid this behavior `_.forIn` or `_.forOwn`\n * may be used for object iteration.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias each\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.\n * @example\n *\n * _([1, 2]).forEach(function(n) {\n * console.log(n);\n * }).value();\n * // => logs each value from left to right and returns the array\n *\n * _.forEach({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(n, key) {\n * console.log(n, key);\n * });\n * // => logs each value-key pair and returns the object (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n var forEach = createForEach(arrayEach, baseEach);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.forEach` except that it iterates over elements of\n * `collection` from right to left.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias eachRight\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.\n * @example\n *\n * _([1, 2]).forEachRight(function(n) {\n * console.log(n);\n * }).value();\n * // => logs each value from right to left and returns the array\n */\n var forEachRight = createForEach(arrayEachRight, baseEachRight);\n\n /**\n * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n * each element of `collection` through `iteratee`. The corresponding value\n * of each key is an array of the elements responsible for generating the key.\n * The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n * @example\n *\n * _.groupBy([4.2, 6.1, 6.4], function(n) {\n * return Math.floor(n);\n * });\n * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.4] }\n *\n * _.groupBy([4.2, 6.1, 6.4], function(n) {\n * return this.floor(n);\n * }, Math);\n * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.4] }\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');\n * // => { '3': ['one', 'two'], '5': ['three'] }\n */\n var groupBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n if (, key)) {\n result[key].push(value);\n } else {\n result[key] = [value];\n }\n });\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is in `collection` using\n * [`SameValueZero`](\n * for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it is used as the offset\n * from the end of `collection`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias contains, include\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {*} target The value to search for.\n * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like `_.reduce`.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if a matching element is found, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1, 2);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.includes({ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }, 'fred');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.includes('pebbles', 'eb');\n * // => true\n */\n function includes(collection, target, fromIndex, guard) {\n var length = collection ? getLength(collection) : 0;\n if (!isLength(length)) {\n collection = values(collection);\n length = collection.length;\n }\n if (typeof fromIndex != 'number' || (guard && isIterateeCall(target, fromIndex, guard))) {\n fromIndex = 0;\n } else {\n fromIndex = fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(length + fromIndex, 0) : (fromIndex || 0);\n }\n return (typeof collection == 'string' || !isArray(collection) && isString(collection))\n ? (fromIndex <= length && collection.indexOf(target, fromIndex) > -1)\n : (!!length && getIndexOf(collection, target, fromIndex) > -1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n * each element of `collection` through `iteratee`. The corresponding value\n * of each key is the last element responsible for generating the key. The\n * iteratee function is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n * @example\n *\n * var keyData = [\n * { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 },\n * { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 }\n * ];\n *\n * _.indexBy(keyData, 'dir');\n * // => { 'left': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'right': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }\n *\n * _.indexBy(keyData, function(object) {\n * return String.fromCharCode(object.code);\n * });\n * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }\n *\n * _.indexBy(keyData, function(object) {\n * return this.fromCharCode(object.code);\n * }, String);\n * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }\n */\n var indexBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n result[key] = value;\n });\n\n /**\n * Invokes the method at `path` of each element in `collection`, returning\n * an array of the results of each invoked method. Any additional arguments\n * are provided to each invoked method. If `methodName` is a function it is\n * invoked for, and `this` bound to, each element in `collection`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Array|Function|string} path The path of the method to invoke or\n * the function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.\n * @example\n *\n * _.invoke([[5, 1, 7], [3, 2, 1]], 'sort');\n * // => [[1, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3]]\n *\n * _.invoke([123, 456], String.prototype.split, '');\n * // => [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']]\n */\n var invoke = restParam(function(collection, path, args) {\n var index = -1,\n isFunc = typeof path == 'function',\n isProp = isKey(path),\n result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];\n\n baseEach(collection, function(value) {\n var func = isFunc ? path : ((isProp && value != null) ? value[path] : undefined);\n result[++index] = func ? func.apply(value, args) : invokePath(value, path, args);\n });\n return result;\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of values by running each element in `collection` through\n * `iteratee`. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three\n * arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like\n * `_.every`, `_.filter`, ``, `_.mapValues`, `_.reject`, and `_.some`.\n *\n * The guarded methods are:\n * `ary`, `callback`, `chunk`, `clone`, `create`, `curry`, `curryRight`,\n * `drop`, `dropRight`, `every`, `fill`, `flatten`, `invert`, `max`, `min`,\n * `parseInt`, `slice`, `sortBy`, `take`, `takeRight`, `template`, `trim`,\n * `trimLeft`, `trimRight`, `trunc`, `random`, `range`, `sample`, `some`,\n * `sum`, `uniq`, and `words`\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias collect\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n * @example\n *\n * function timesThree(n) {\n * return n * 3;\n * }\n *\n *[1, 2], timesThree);\n * // => [3, 6]\n *\n *{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, timesThree);\n * // => [3, 6] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney' },\n * { 'user': 'fred' }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n *, 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n */\n function map(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap;\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n return func(collection, iteratee);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which\n * contains elements `predicate` returns truthy for, while the second of which\n * contains elements `predicate` returns falsey for. The predicate is bound\n * to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of grouped elements.\n * @example\n *\n * _.partition([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return n % 2;\n * });\n * // => [[1, 3], [2]]\n *\n * _.partition([1.2, 2.3, 3.4], function(n) {\n * return this.floor(n) % 2;\n * }, Math);\n * // => [[1.2, 3.4], [2.3]]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * var mapper = function(array) {\n * return _.pluck(array, 'user');\n * };\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n *, { 'age': 1, 'active': false }), mapper);\n * // => [['pebbles'], ['barney', 'fred']]\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n *, 'active', false), mapper);\n * // => [['barney', 'pebbles'], ['fred']]\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n *, 'active'), mapper);\n * // => [['fred'], ['barney', 'pebbles']]\n */\n var partition = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n result[key ? 0 : 1].push(value);\n }, function() { return [[], []]; });\n\n /**\n * Gets the property value of `path` from all elements in `collection`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to pluck.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the property values.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n * ];\n *\n * _.pluck(users, 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n *\n * var userIndex = _.indexBy(users, 'user');\n * _.pluck(userIndex, 'age');\n * // => [36, 40] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n function pluck(collection, path) {\n return map(collection, property(path));\n }\n\n /**\n * Reduces `collection` to a value which is the accumulated result of running\n * each element in `collection` through `iteratee`, where each successive\n * invocation is supplied the return value of the previous. If `accumulator`\n * is not provided the first element of `collection` is used as the initial\n * value. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with four arguments:\n * (accumulator, value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like\n * `_.reduce`, `_.reduceRight`, and `_.transform`.\n *\n * The guarded methods are:\n * `assign`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `includes`, `merge`, `sortByAll`,\n * and `sortByOrder`\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias foldl, inject\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n * @example\n *\n * _.reduce([1, 2], function(total, n) {\n * return total + n;\n * });\n * // => 3\n *\n * _.reduce({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(result, n, key) {\n * result[key] = n * 3;\n * return result;\n * }, {});\n * // => { 'a': 3, 'b': 6 } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n var reduce = createReduce(arrayReduce, baseEach);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.reduce` except that it iterates over elements of\n * `collection` from right to left.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias foldr\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]];\n *\n * _.reduceRight(array, function(flattened, other) {\n * return flattened.concat(other);\n * }, []);\n * // => [4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1]\n */\n var reduceRight = createReduce(arrayReduceRight, baseEachRight);\n\n /**\n * The opposite of `_.filter`; this method returns the elements of `collection`\n * that `predicate` does **not** return truthy for.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.reject([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {\n * return n % 2 == 0;\n * });\n * // => [1, 3]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.reject(users, { 'age': 40, 'active': true }), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.reject(users, 'active', false), 'user');\n * // => ['fred']\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.reject(users, 'active'), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n */\n function reject(collection, predicate, thisArg) {\n var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n return func(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n return !predicate(value, index, collection);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a random element or `n` random elements from a collection.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to sample.\n * @param {number} [n] The number of elements to sample.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {*} Returns the random sample(s).\n * @example\n *\n * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]);\n * // => 2\n *\n * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4], 2);\n * // => [3, 1]\n */\n function sample(collection, n, guard) {\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(collection, n, guard) : n == null) {\n collection = toIterable(collection);\n var length = collection.length;\n return length > 0 ? collection[baseRandom(0, length - 1)] : undefined;\n }\n var index = -1,\n result = toArray(collection),\n length = result.length,\n lastIndex = length - 1;\n\n n = nativeMin(n < 0 ? 0 : (+n || 0), length);\n while (++index < n) {\n var rand = baseRandom(index, lastIndex),\n value = result[rand];\n\n result[rand] = result[index];\n result[index] = value;\n }\n result.length = n;\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the\n * [Fisher-Yates shuffle](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to shuffle.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4]);\n * // => [4, 1, 3, 2]\n */\n function shuffle(collection) {\n return sample(collection, POSITIVE_INFINITY);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the size of `collection` by returning its length for array-like\n * values or the number of own enumerable properties for objects.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect.\n * @returns {number} Returns the size of `collection`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.size([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => 3\n *\n * _.size({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 });\n * // => 2\n *\n * _.size('pebbles');\n * // => 7\n */\n function size(collection) {\n var length = collection ? getLength(collection) : 0;\n return isLength(length) ? length : keys(collection).length;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **any** element of `collection`.\n * The function returns as soon as it finds a passing value and does not iterate\n * over the entire collection. The predicate is bound to `thisArg` and invoked\n * with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias any\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n * else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.some([null, 0, 'yes', false], Boolean);\n * // => true\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.some(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n * // => false\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.some(users, 'active', false);\n * // => true\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.some(users, 'active');\n * // => true\n */\n function some(collection, predicate, thisArg) {\n var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySome : baseSome;\n if (thisArg && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, thisArg)) {\n predicate = undefined;\n }\n if (typeof predicate != 'function' || thisArg !== undefined) {\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);\n }\n return func(collection, predicate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of elements, sorted in ascending order by the results of\n * running each element in a collection through `iteratee`. This method performs\n * a stable sort, that is, it preserves the original sort order of equal elements.\n * The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, index|key, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n * @example\n *\n * _.sortBy([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return Math.sin(n);\n * });\n * // => [3, 1, 2]\n *\n * _.sortBy([1, 2, 3], function(n) {\n * return this.sin(n);\n * }, Math);\n * // => [3, 1, 2]\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'fred' },\n * { 'user': 'pebbles' },\n * { 'user': 'barney' }\n * ];\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.pluck(_.sortBy(users, 'user'), 'user');\n * // => ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles']\n */\n function sortBy(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n if (collection == null) {\n return [];\n }\n if (thisArg && isIterateeCall(collection, iteratee, thisArg)) {\n iteratee = undefined;\n }\n var index = -1;\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n\n var result = baseMap(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n return { 'criteria': iteratee(value, key, collection), 'index': ++index, 'value': value };\n });\n return baseSortBy(result, compareAscending);\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.sortBy` except that it can sort by multiple iteratees\n * or property names.\n *\n * If a property name is provided for an iteratee the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If an object is provided for an iteratee the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {...(Function|Function[]|Object|Object[]|string|string[])} iteratees\n * The iteratees to sort by, specified as individual values or arrays of values.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 },\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 42 },\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 }\n * ];\n *\n *, ['user', 'age']), _.values);\n * // => [['barney', 34], ['barney', 36], ['fred', 42], ['fred', 48]]\n *\n *, 'user', function(chr) {\n * return Math.floor(chr.age / 10);\n * }), _.values);\n * // => [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 42]]\n */\n var sortByAll = restParam(function(collection, iteratees) {\n if (collection == null) {\n return [];\n }\n var guard = iteratees[2];\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(iteratees[0], iteratees[1], guard)) {\n iteratees.length = 1;\n }\n return baseSortByOrder(collection, baseFlatten(iteratees), []);\n });\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.sortByAll` except that it allows specifying the\n * sort orders of the iteratees to sort by. If `orders` is unspecified, all\n * values are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, a value is sorted in\n * ascending order if its corresponding order is \"asc\", and descending if \"desc\".\n *\n * If a property name is provided for an iteratee the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If an object is provided for an iteratee the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function[]|Object[]|string[]} iteratees The iteratees to sort by.\n * @param {boolean[]} [orders] The sort orders of `iteratees`.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like `_.reduce`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 },\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 42 },\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n * ];\n *\n * // sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order\n *, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc']), _.values);\n * // => [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 42]]\n */\n function sortByOrder(collection, iteratees, orders, guard) {\n if (collection == null) {\n return [];\n }\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(iteratees, orders, guard)) {\n orders = undefined;\n }\n if (!isArray(iteratees)) {\n iteratees = iteratees == null ? [] : [iteratees];\n }\n if (!isArray(orders)) {\n orders = orders == null ? [] : [orders];\n }\n return baseSortByOrder(collection, iteratees, orders);\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a deep comparison between each element in `collection` and the\n * source object, returning an array of all elements that have equivalent\n * property values.\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, `Date` objects,\n * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Objects are compared by\n * their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. For comparing a single\n * own or inherited property value see `_.matchesProperty`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Collection\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to search.\n * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false, 'pets': ['hoppy'] },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true, 'pets': ['baby puss', 'dino'] }\n * ];\n *\n * _.pluck(_.where(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': false }), 'user');\n * // => ['barney']\n *\n * _.pluck(_.where(users, { 'pets': ['dino'] }), 'user');\n * // => ['fred']\n */\n function where(collection, source) {\n return filter(collection, baseMatches(source));\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Gets the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch\n * (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Date\n * @example\n *\n * _.defer(function(stamp) {\n * console.log( - stamp);\n * },;\n * // => logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred function to be invoked\n */\n var now = nativeNow || function() {\n return new Date().getTime();\n };\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * The opposite of `_.before`; this method creates a function that invokes\n * `func` once it is called `n` or more times.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {number} n The number of calls before `func` is invoked.\n * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n * @example\n *\n * var saves = ['profile', 'settings'];\n *\n * var done = _.after(saves.length, function() {\n * console.log('done saving!');\n * });\n *\n * _.forEach(saves, function(type) {\n * asyncSave({ 'type': type, 'complete': done });\n * });\n * // => logs 'done saving!' after the two async saves have completed\n */\n function after(n, func) {\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n if (typeof n == 'function') {\n var temp = n;\n n = func;\n func = temp;\n } else {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n }\n n = nativeIsFinite(n = +n) ? n : 0;\n return function() {\n if (--n < 1) {\n return func.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that accepts up to `n` arguments ignoring any\n * additional arguments.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.\n * @param {number} [n=func.length] The arity cap.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n *['6', '8', '10'], _.ary(parseInt, 1));\n * // => [6, 8, 10]\n */\n function ary(func, n, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(func, n, guard)) {\n n = undefined;\n }\n n = (func && n == null) ? func.length : nativeMax(+n || 0, 0);\n return createWrapper(func, ARY_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, n);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with the `this` binding and arguments\n * of the created function, while it is called less than `n` times. Subsequent\n * calls to the created function return the result of the last `func` invocation.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {number} n The number of calls at which `func` is no longer invoked.\n * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n * @example\n *\n * jQuery('#add').on('click', _.before(5, addContactToList));\n * // => allows adding up to 4 contacts to the list\n */\n function before(n, func) {\n var result;\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n if (typeof n == 'function') {\n var temp = n;\n n = func;\n func = temp;\n } else {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n }\n return function() {\n if (--n > 0) {\n result = func.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n if (n <= 1) {\n func = undefined;\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of `thisArg`\n * and prepends any additional `_.bind` arguments to those provided to the\n * bound function.\n *\n * The `_.bind.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds,\n * may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** Unlike native `Function#bind` this method does not set the \"length\"\n * property of bound functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to bind.\n * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n * @example\n *\n * var greet = function(greeting, punctuation) {\n * return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation;\n * };\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n *\n * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, 'hi');\n * bound('!');\n * // => 'hi fred!'\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, _, '!');\n * bound('hi');\n * // => 'hi fred!'\n */\n var bind = restParam(function(func, thisArg, partials) {\n var bitmask = BIND_FLAG;\n if (partials.length) {\n var holders = replaceHolders(partials, bind.placeholder);\n bitmask |= PARTIAL_FLAG;\n }\n return createWrapper(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders);\n });\n\n /**\n * Binds methods of an object to the object itself, overwriting the existing\n * method. Method names may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays\n * of method names. If no method names are provided all enumerable function\n * properties, own and inherited, of `object` are bound.\n *\n * **Note:** This method does not set the \"length\" property of bound functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Object} object The object to bind and assign the bound methods to.\n * @param {...(string|string[])} [methodNames] The object method names to bind,\n * specified as individual method names or arrays of method names.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * var view = {\n * 'label': 'docs',\n * 'onClick': function() {\n * console.log('clicked ' + this.label);\n * }\n * };\n *\n * _.bindAll(view);\n * jQuery('#docs').on('click', view.onClick);\n * // => logs 'clicked docs' when the element is clicked\n */\n var bindAll = restParam(function(object, methodNames) {\n methodNames = methodNames.length ? baseFlatten(methodNames) : functions(object);\n\n var index = -1,\n length = methodNames.length;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = methodNames[index];\n object[key] = createWrapper(object[key], BIND_FLAG, object);\n }\n return object;\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes the method at `object[key]` and prepends\n * any additional `_.bindKey` arguments to those provided to the bound function.\n *\n * This method differs from `_.bind` by allowing bound functions to reference\n * methods that may be redefined or don't yet exist.\n * See [Peter Michaux's article](\n * for more details.\n *\n * The `_.bindKey.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Object} object The object the method belongs to.\n * @param {string} key The key of the method.\n * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = {\n * 'user': 'fred',\n * 'greet': function(greeting, punctuation) {\n * return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation;\n * }\n * };\n *\n * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', 'hi');\n * bound('!');\n * // => 'hi fred!'\n *\n * object.greet = function(greeting, punctuation) {\n * return greeting + 'ya ' + this.user + punctuation;\n * };\n *\n * bound('!');\n * // => 'hiya fred!'\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', _, '!');\n * bound('hi');\n * // => 'hiya fred!'\n */\n var bindKey = restParam(function(object, key, partials) {\n var bitmask = BIND_FLAG | BIND_KEY_FLAG;\n if (partials.length) {\n var holders = replaceHolders(partials, bindKey.placeholder);\n bitmask |= PARTIAL_FLAG;\n }\n return createWrapper(key, bitmask, object, partials, holders);\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of `func` that when\n * called either invokes `func` returning its result, if all `func` arguments\n * have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the\n * remaining `func` arguments, and so on. The arity of `func` may be specified\n * if `func.length` is not sufficient.\n *\n * The `_.curry.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds,\n * may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** This method does not set the \"length\" property of curried functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to curry.\n * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function.\n * @example\n *\n * var abc = function(a, b, c) {\n * return [a, b, c];\n * };\n *\n * var curried = _.curry(abc);\n *\n * curried(1)(2)(3);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * curried(1, 2)(3);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * curried(1, 2, 3);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * curried(1)(_, 3)(2);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n var curry = createCurry(CURRY_FLAG);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.curry` except that arguments are applied to `func`\n * in the manner of `_.partialRight` instead of `_.partial`.\n *\n * The `_.curryRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n * builds, may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** This method does not set the \"length\" property of curried functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to curry.\n * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function.\n * @example\n *\n * var abc = function(a, b, c) {\n * return [a, b, c];\n * };\n *\n * var curried = _.curryRight(abc);\n *\n * curried(3)(2)(1);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * curried(2, 3)(1);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * curried(1, 2, 3);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * curried(3)(1, _)(2);\n * // => [1, 2, 3]\n */\n var curryRight = createCurry(CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG);\n\n /**\n * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait`\n * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was\n * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel\n * delayed invocations. Provide an options object to indicate that `func`\n * should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout.\n * Subsequent calls to the debounced function return the result of the last\n * `func` invocation.\n *\n * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is invoked\n * on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the the debounced function is\n * invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n *\n * See [David Corbacho's article](\n * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.\n * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay.\n * @param {Object} [options] The options object.\n * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false] Specify invoking on the leading\n * edge of the timeout.\n * @param {number} [options.maxWait] The maximum time `func` is allowed to be\n * delayed before it is invoked.\n * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] Specify invoking on the trailing\n * edge of the timeout.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.\n * @example\n *\n * // avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux\n * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150));\n *\n * // invoke `sendMail` when the click event is fired, debouncing subsequent calls\n * jQuery('#postbox').on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {\n * 'leading': true,\n * 'trailing': false\n * }));\n *\n * // ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls\n * var source = new EventSource('/stream');\n * jQuery(source).on('message', _.debounce(batchLog, 250, {\n * 'maxWait': 1000\n * }));\n *\n * // cancel a debounced call\n * var todoChanges = _.debounce(batchLog, 1000);\n * Object.observe(models.todo, todoChanges);\n *\n * Object.observe(models, function(changes) {\n * if (_.find(changes, { 'user': 'todo', 'type': 'delete'})) {\n * todoChanges.cancel();\n * }\n * }, ['delete']);\n *\n * // some point `models.todo` is changed\n * models.todo.completed = true;\n *\n * // ...before 1 second has passed `models.todo` is deleted\n * // which cancels the debounced `todoChanges` call\n * delete models.todo;\n */\n function debounce(func, wait, options) {\n var args,\n maxTimeoutId,\n result,\n stamp,\n thisArg,\n timeoutId,\n trailingCall,\n lastCalled = 0,\n maxWait = false,\n trailing = true;\n\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n wait = wait < 0 ? 0 : (+wait || 0);\n if (options === true) {\n var leading = true;\n trailing = false;\n } else if (isObject(options)) {\n leading = !!options.leading;\n maxWait = 'maxWait' in options && nativeMax(+options.maxWait || 0, wait);\n trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n }\n\n function cancel() {\n if (timeoutId) {\n clearTimeout(timeoutId);\n }\n if (maxTimeoutId) {\n clearTimeout(maxTimeoutId);\n }\n lastCalled = 0;\n maxTimeoutId = timeoutId = trailingCall = undefined;\n }\n\n function complete(isCalled, id) {\n if (id) {\n clearTimeout(id);\n }\n maxTimeoutId = timeoutId = trailingCall = undefined;\n if (isCalled) {\n lastCalled = now();\n result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n if (!timeoutId && !maxTimeoutId) {\n args = thisArg = undefined;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function delayed() {\n var remaining = wait - (now() - stamp);\n if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {\n complete(trailingCall, maxTimeoutId);\n } else {\n timeoutId = setTimeout(delayed, remaining);\n }\n }\n\n function maxDelayed() {\n complete(trailing, timeoutId);\n }\n\n function debounced() {\n args = arguments;\n stamp = now();\n thisArg = this;\n trailingCall = trailing && (timeoutId || !leading);\n\n if (maxWait === false) {\n var leadingCall = leading && !timeoutId;\n } else {\n if (!maxTimeoutId && !leading) {\n lastCalled = stamp;\n }\n var remaining = maxWait - (stamp - lastCalled),\n isCalled = remaining <= 0 || remaining > maxWait;\n\n if (isCalled) {\n if (maxTimeoutId) {\n maxTimeoutId = clearTimeout(maxTimeoutId);\n }\n lastCalled = stamp;\n result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n }\n else if (!maxTimeoutId) {\n maxTimeoutId = setTimeout(maxDelayed, remaining);\n }\n }\n if (isCalled && timeoutId) {\n timeoutId = clearTimeout(timeoutId);\n }\n else if (!timeoutId && wait !== maxWait) {\n timeoutId = setTimeout(delayed, wait);\n }\n if (leadingCall) {\n isCalled = true;\n result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n }\n if (isCalled && !timeoutId && !maxTimeoutId) {\n args = thisArg = undefined;\n }\n return result;\n }\n debounced.cancel = cancel;\n return debounced;\n }\n\n /**\n * Defers invoking the `func` until the current call stack has cleared. Any\n * additional arguments are provided to `func` when it is invoked.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to defer.\n * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the function with.\n * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.\n * @example\n *\n * _.defer(function(text) {\n * console.log(text);\n * }, 'deferred');\n * // logs 'deferred' after one or more milliseconds\n */\n var defer = restParam(function(func, args) {\n return baseDelay(func, 1, args);\n });\n\n /**\n * Invokes `func` after `wait` milliseconds. Any additional arguments are\n * provided to `func` when it is invoked.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to delay.\n * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.\n * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the function with.\n * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.\n * @example\n *\n * _.delay(function(text) {\n * console.log(text);\n * }, 1000, 'later');\n * // => logs 'later' after one second\n */\n var delay = restParam(function(func, wait, args) {\n return baseDelay(func, wait, args);\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that returns the result of invoking the provided\n * functions with the `this` binding of the created function, where each\n * successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {...Function} [funcs] Functions to invoke.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * function square(n) {\n * return n * n;\n * }\n *\n * var addSquare = _.flow(_.add, square);\n * addSquare(1, 2);\n * // => 9\n */\n var flow = createFlow();\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.flow` except that it creates a function that\n * invokes the provided functions from right to left.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias backflow, compose\n * @category Function\n * @param {...Function} [funcs] Functions to invoke.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * function square(n) {\n * return n * n;\n * }\n *\n * var addSquare = _.flowRight(square, _.add);\n * addSquare(1, 2);\n * // => 9\n */\n var flowRight = createFlow(true);\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that memoizes the result of `func`. If `resolver` is\n * provided it determines the cache key for storing the result based on the\n * arguments provided to the memoized function. By default, the first argument\n * provided to the memoized function is coerced to a string and used as the\n * cache key. The `func` is invoked with the `this` binding of the memoized\n * function.\n *\n * **Note:** The cache is exposed as the `cache` property on the memoized\n * function. Its creation may be customized by replacing the `_.memoize.Cache`\n * constructor with one whose instances implement the [`Map`](\n * method interface of `get`, `has`, and `set`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized.\n * @param {Function} [resolver] The function to resolve the cache key.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoizing function.\n * @example\n *\n * var upperCase = _.memoize(function(string) {\n * return string.toUpperCase();\n * });\n *\n * upperCase('fred');\n * // => 'FRED'\n *\n * // modifying the result cache\n * upperCase.cache.set('fred', 'BARNEY');\n * upperCase('fred');\n * // => 'BARNEY'\n *\n * // replacing `_.memoize.Cache`\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n * var other = { 'user': 'barney' };\n * var identity = _.memoize(_.identity);\n *\n * identity(object);\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n * identity(other);\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n *\n * _.memoize.Cache = WeakMap;\n * var identity = _.memoize(_.identity);\n *\n * identity(object);\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n * identity(other);\n * // => { 'user': 'barney' }\n */\n function memoize(func, resolver) {\n if (typeof func != 'function' || (resolver && typeof resolver != 'function')) {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n var memoized = function() {\n var args = arguments,\n key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0],\n cache = memoized.cache;\n\n if (cache.has(key)) {\n return cache.get(key);\n }\n var result = func.apply(this, args);\n memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result);\n return result;\n };\n memoized.cache = new memoize.Cache;\n return memoized;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that runs each argument through a corresponding\n * transform function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [transforms] The functions to transform\n * arguments, specified as individual functions or arrays of functions.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * function doubled(n) {\n * return n * 2;\n * }\n *\n * function square(n) {\n * return n * n;\n * }\n *\n * var modded = _.modArgs(function(x, y) {\n * return [x, y];\n * }, square, doubled);\n *\n * modded(1, 2);\n * // => [1, 4]\n *\n * modded(5, 10);\n * // => [25, 20]\n */\n var modArgs = restParam(function(func, transforms) {\n transforms = baseFlatten(transforms);\n if (typeof func != 'function' || !arrayEvery(transforms, baseIsFunction)) {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n var length = transforms.length;\n return restParam(function(args) {\n var index = nativeMin(args.length, length);\n while (index--) {\n args[index] = transforms[index](args[index]);\n }\n return func.apply(this, args);\n });\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that negates the result of the predicate `func`. The\n * `func` predicate is invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the\n * created function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} predicate The predicate to negate.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * function isEven(n) {\n * return n % 2 == 0;\n * }\n *\n * _.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _.negate(isEven));\n * // => [1, 3, 5]\n */\n function negate(predicate) {\n if (typeof predicate != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n return function() {\n return !predicate.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once. Repeat calls\n * to the function return the value of the first call. The `func` is invoked\n * with the `this` binding and arguments of the created function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n * @example\n *\n * var initialize = _.once(createApplication);\n * initialize();\n * initialize();\n * // `initialize` invokes `createApplication` once\n */\n function once(func) {\n return before(2, func);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with `partial` arguments prepended\n * to those provided to the new function. This method is like `_.bind` except\n * it does **not** alter the `this` binding.\n *\n * The `_.partial.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** This method does not set the \"length\" property of partially\n * applied functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.\n * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.\n * @example\n *\n * var greet = function(greeting, name) {\n * return greeting + ' ' + name;\n * };\n *\n * var sayHelloTo = _.partial(greet, 'hello');\n * sayHelloTo('fred');\n * // => 'hello fred'\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * var greetFred = _.partial(greet, _, 'fred');\n * greetFred('hi');\n * // => 'hi fred'\n */\n var partial = createPartial(PARTIAL_FLAG);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.partial` except that partially applied arguments\n * are appended to those provided to the new function.\n *\n * The `_.partialRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n *\n * **Note:** This method does not set the \"length\" property of partially\n * applied functions.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.\n * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.\n * @example\n *\n * var greet = function(greeting, name) {\n * return greeting + ' ' + name;\n * };\n *\n * var greetFred = _.partialRight(greet, 'fred');\n * greetFred('hi');\n * // => 'hi fred'\n *\n * // using placeholders\n * var sayHelloTo = _.partialRight(greet, 'hello', _);\n * sayHelloTo('fred');\n * // => 'hello fred'\n */\n var partialRight = createPartial(PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG);\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments arranged according\n * to the specified indexes where the argument value at the first index is\n * provided as the first argument, the argument value at the second index is\n * provided as the second argument, and so on.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to rearrange arguments for.\n * @param {...(number|number[])} indexes The arranged argument indexes,\n * specified as individual indexes or arrays of indexes.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var rearged = _.rearg(function(a, b, c) {\n * return [a, b, c];\n * }, 2, 0, 1);\n *\n * rearged('b', 'c', 'a')\n * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']\n *\n * var map = _.rearg(, [1, 0]);\n * map(function(n) {\n * return n * 3;\n * }, [1, 2, 3]);\n * // => [3, 6, 9]\n */\n var rearg = restParam(function(func, indexes) {\n return createWrapper(func, REARG_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, baseFlatten(indexes));\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the\n * created function and arguments from `start` and beyond provided as an array.\n *\n * **Note:** This method is based on the [rest parameter](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var say = _.restParam(function(what, names) {\n * return what + ' ' + _.initial(names).join(', ') +\n * (_.size(names) > 1 ? ', & ' : '') + _.last(names);\n * });\n *\n * say('hello', 'fred', 'barney', 'pebbles');\n * // => 'hello fred, barney, & pebbles'\n */\n function restParam(func, start) {\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : (+start || 0), 0);\n return function() {\n var args = arguments,\n index = -1,\n length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0),\n rest = Array(length);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n rest[index] = args[start + index];\n }\n switch (start) {\n case 0: return, rest);\n case 1: return, args[0], rest);\n case 2: return, args[0], args[1], rest);\n }\n var otherArgs = Array(start + 1);\n index = -1;\n while (++index < start) {\n otherArgs[index] = args[index];\n }\n otherArgs[start] = rest;\n return func.apply(this, otherArgs);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the created\n * function and an array of arguments much like [`Function#apply`](\n *\n * **Note:** This method is based on the [spread operator](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to spread arguments over.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var say = _.spread(function(who, what) {\n * return who + ' says ' + what;\n * });\n *\n * say(['fred', 'hello']);\n * // => 'fred says hello'\n *\n * // with a Promise\n * var numbers = Promise.all([\n * Promise.resolve(40),\n * Promise.resolve(36)\n * ]);\n *\n * numbers.then(_.spread(function(x, y) {\n * return x + y;\n * }));\n * // => a Promise of 76\n */\n function spread(func) {\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n return function(array) {\n return func.apply(this, array);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a throttled function that only invokes `func` at most once per\n * every `wait` milliseconds. The throttled function comes with a `cancel`\n * method to cancel delayed invocations. Provide an options object to indicate\n * that `func` should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the\n * `wait` timeout. Subsequent calls to the throttled function return the\n * result of the last `func` call.\n *\n * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is invoked\n * on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the the throttled function is\n * invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n *\n * See [David Corbacho's article](\n * for details over the differences between `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to throttle.\n * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to.\n * @param {Object} [options] The options object.\n * @param {boolean} [options.leading=true] Specify invoking on the leading\n * edge of the timeout.\n * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] Specify invoking on the trailing\n * edge of the timeout.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new throttled function.\n * @example\n *\n * // avoid excessively updating the position while scrolling\n * jQuery(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(updatePosition, 100));\n *\n * // invoke `renewToken` when the click event is fired, but not more than once every 5 minutes\n * jQuery('.interactive').on('click', _.throttle(renewToken, 300000, {\n * 'trailing': false\n * }));\n *\n * // cancel a trailing throttled call\n * jQuery(window).on('popstate', throttled.cancel);\n */\n function throttle(func, wait, options) {\n var leading = true,\n trailing = true;\n\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n if (options === false) {\n leading = false;\n } else if (isObject(options)) {\n leading = 'leading' in options ? !!options.leading : leading;\n trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n }\n return debounce(func, wait, { 'leading': leading, 'maxWait': +wait, 'trailing': trailing });\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that provides `value` to the wrapper function as its\n * first argument. Any additional arguments provided to the function are\n * appended to those provided to the wrapper function. The wrapper is invoked\n * with the `this` binding of the created function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Function\n * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n * @param {Function} wrapper The wrapper function.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var p = _.wrap(_.escape, function(func, text) {\n * return '<p>' + func(text) + '</p>';\n * });\n *\n * p('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n * // => '<p>fred, barney, & pebbles</p>'\n */\n function wrap(value, wrapper) {\n wrapper = wrapper == null ? identity : wrapper;\n return createWrapper(wrapper, PARTIAL_FLAG, undefined, [value], []);\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Creates a clone of `value`. If `isDeep` is `true` nested objects are cloned,\n * otherwise they are assigned by reference. If `customizer` is provided it is\n * invoked to produce the cloned values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`\n * cloning is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is bound to\n * `thisArg` and invoked with two argument; (value [, index|key, object]).\n *\n * **Note:** This method is loosely based on the\n * [structured clone algorithm](\n * The enumerable properties of `arguments` objects and objects created by\n * constructors other than `Object` are cloned to plain `Object` objects. An\n * empty object is returned for uncloneable values such as functions, DOM nodes,\n * Maps, Sets, and WeakMaps.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney' },\n * { 'user': 'fred' }\n * ];\n *\n * var shallow = _.clone(users);\n * shallow[0] === users[0];\n * // => true\n *\n * var deep = _.clone(users, true);\n * deep[0] === users[0];\n * // => false\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var el = _.clone(document.body, function(value) {\n * if (_.isElement(value)) {\n * return value.cloneNode(false);\n * }\n * });\n *\n * el === document.body\n * // => false\n * el.nodeName\n * // => BODY\n * el.childNodes.length;\n * // => 0\n */\n function clone(value, isDeep, customizer, thisArg) {\n if (isDeep && typeof isDeep != 'boolean' && isIterateeCall(value, isDeep, customizer)) {\n isDeep = false;\n }\n else if (typeof isDeep == 'function') {\n thisArg = customizer;\n customizer = isDeep;\n isDeep = false;\n }\n return typeof customizer == 'function'\n ? baseClone(value, isDeep, bindCallback(customizer, thisArg, 1))\n : baseClone(value, isDeep);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a deep clone of `value`. If `customizer` is provided it is invoked\n * to produce the cloned values. If `customizer` returns `undefined` cloning\n * is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is bound to `thisArg`\n * and invoked with two argument; (value [, index|key, object]).\n *\n * **Note:** This method is loosely based on the\n * [structured clone algorithm](\n * The enumerable properties of `arguments` objects and objects created by\n * constructors other than `Object` are cloned to plain `Object` objects. An\n * empty object is returned for uncloneable values such as functions, DOM nodes,\n * Maps, Sets, and WeakMaps.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to deep clone.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned value.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney' },\n * { 'user': 'fred' }\n * ];\n *\n * var deep = _.cloneDeep(users);\n * deep[0] === users[0];\n * // => false\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var el = _.cloneDeep(document.body, function(value) {\n * if (_.isElement(value)) {\n * return value.cloneNode(true);\n * }\n * });\n *\n * el === document.body\n * // => false\n * el.nodeName\n * // => BODY\n * el.childNodes.length;\n * // => 20\n */\n function cloneDeep(value, customizer, thisArg) {\n return typeof customizer == 'function'\n ? baseClone(value, true, bindCallback(customizer, thisArg, 1))\n : baseClone(value, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is greater than `other`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than `other`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n *, 1);\n * // => true\n *\n *, 3);\n * // => false\n *\n *, 3);\n * // => false\n */\n function gt(value, other) {\n return value > other;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is greater than or equal to `other`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than or equal to `other`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.gte(3, 1);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.gte(3, 3);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.gte(1, 3);\n * // => false\n */\n function gte(value, other) {\n return value >= other;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as an `arguments` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isArguments(function() { return arguments; }());\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isArguments([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => false\n */\n function isArguments(value) {\n return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value) &&\n, 'callee') && !, 'callee');\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isArray(function() { return arguments; }());\n * // => false\n */\n var isArray = nativeIsArray || function(value) {\n return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && == arrayTag;\n };\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a boolean primitive or object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isBoolean(false);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isBoolean(null);\n * // => false\n */\n function isBoolean(value) {\n return value === true || value === false || (isObjectLike(value) && == boolTag);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isDate(new Date);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isDate('Mon April 23 2012');\n * // => false\n */\n function isDate(value) {\n return isObjectLike(value) && == dateTag;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a DOM element.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a DOM element, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isElement(document.body);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isElement('<body>');\n * // => false\n */\n function isElement(value) {\n return !!value && value.nodeType === 1 && isObjectLike(value) && !isPlainObject(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is empty. A value is considered empty unless it is an\n * `arguments` object, array, string, or jQuery-like collection with a length\n * greater than `0` or an object with own enumerable properties.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {Array|Object|string} value The value to inspect.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is empty, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isEmpty(null);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isEmpty(true);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isEmpty(1);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isEmpty({ 'a': 1 });\n * // => false\n */\n function isEmpty(value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return true;\n }\n if (isArrayLike(value) && (isArray(value) || isString(value) || isArguments(value) ||\n (isObjectLike(value) && isFunction(value.splice)))) {\n return !value.length;\n }\n return !keys(value).length;\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are\n * equivalent. If `customizer` is provided it is invoked to compare values.\n * If `customizer` returns `undefined` comparisons are handled by the method\n * instead. The `customizer` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three\n * arguments: (value, other [, index|key]).\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, `Date` objects,\n * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Objects are compared by\n * their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. Functions and DOM nodes\n * are **not** supported. Provide a customizer function to extend support\n * for comparing other values.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias eq\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize value comparisons.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n * var other = { 'user': 'fred' };\n *\n * object == other;\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isEqual(object, other);\n * // => true\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var array = ['hello', 'goodbye'];\n * var other = ['hi', 'goodbye'];\n *\n * _.isEqual(array, other, function(value, other) {\n * if (_.every([value, other], RegExp.prototype.test, /^h(?:i|ello)$/)) {\n * return true;\n * }\n * });\n * // => true\n */\n function isEqual(value, other, customizer, thisArg) {\n customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? bindCallback(customizer, thisArg, 3) : undefined;\n var result = customizer ? customizer(value, other) : undefined;\n return result === undefined ? baseIsEqual(value, other, customizer) : !!result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`,\n * `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an error object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isError(new Error);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isError(Error);\n * // => false\n */\n function isError(value) {\n return isObjectLike(value) && typeof value.message == 'string' && == errorTag;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a finite primitive number.\n *\n * **Note:** This method is based on [`Number.isFinite`](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a finite number, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isFinite(10);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isFinite('10');\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isFinite(true);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isFinite(Object(10));\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isFinite(Infinity);\n * // => false\n */\n function isFinite(value) {\n return typeof value == 'number' && nativeIsFinite(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Function` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isFunction(_);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isFunction(/abc/);\n * // => false\n */\n function isFunction(value) {\n // The use of `Object#toString` avoids issues with the `typeof` operator\n // in older versions of Chrome and Safari which return 'function' for regexes\n // and Safari 8 equivalents which return 'object' for typed array constructors.\n return isObject(value) && == funcTag;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is the [language type]( of `Object`.\n * (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObject({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(1);\n * // => false\n */\n function isObject(value) {\n // Avoid a V8 JIT bug in Chrome 19-20.\n // See for more details.\n var type = typeof value;\n return !!value && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a deep comparison between `object` and `source` to determine if\n * `object` contains equivalent property values. If `customizer` is provided\n * it is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`\n * comparisons are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is bound\n * to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, other, index|key).\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing properties of arrays, booleans,\n * `Date` objects, numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Functions\n * and DOM nodes are **not** supported. Provide a customizer function to extend\n * support for comparing other values.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize value comparisons.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 };\n *\n * _.isMatch(object, { 'age': 40 });\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isMatch(object, { 'age': 36 });\n * // => false\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var object = { 'greeting': 'hello' };\n * var source = { 'greeting': 'hi' };\n *\n * _.isMatch(object, source, function(value, other) {\n * return _.every([value, other], RegExp.prototype.test, /^h(?:i|ello)$/) || undefined;\n * });\n * // => true\n */\n function isMatch(object, source, customizer, thisArg) {\n customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? bindCallback(customizer, thisArg, 3) : undefined;\n return baseIsMatch(object, getMatchData(source), customizer);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is `NaN`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method is not the same as [`isNaN`](\n * which returns `true` for `undefined` and other non-numeric values.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isNaN(NaN);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNaN(new Number(NaN));\n * // => true\n *\n * isNaN(undefined);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNaN(undefined);\n * // => false\n */\n function isNaN(value) {\n // An `NaN` primitive is the only value that is not equal to itself.\n // Perform the `toStringTag` check first to avoid errors with some host objects in IE.\n return isNumber(value) && value != +value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a native function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a native function, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isNative(Array.prototype.push);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNative(_);\n * // => false\n */\n function isNative(value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n return reIsNative.test(;\n }\n return isObjectLike(value) && reIsHostCtor.test(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is `null`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `null`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isNull(null);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNull(void 0);\n * // => false\n */\n function isNull(value) {\n return value === null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Number` primitive or object.\n *\n * **Note:** To exclude `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN`, which are classified\n * as numbers, use the `_.isFinite` method.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isNumber(8.4);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNumber(NaN);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isNumber('8.4');\n * // => false\n */\n function isNumber(value) {\n return typeof value == 'number' || (isObjectLike(value) && == numberTag);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the\n * `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method assumes objects created by the `Object` constructor\n * have no inherited enumerable properties.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * }\n *\n * _.isPlainObject(new Foo);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 });\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isPlainObject(Object.create(null));\n * // => true\n */\n function isPlainObject(value) {\n var Ctor;\n\n // Exit early for non `Object` objects.\n if (!(isObjectLike(value) && == objectTag && !isArguments(value)) ||\n (!, 'constructor') && (Ctor = value.constructor, typeof Ctor == 'function' && !(Ctor instanceof Ctor)))) {\n return false;\n }\n // IE < 9 iterates inherited properties before own properties. If the first\n // iterated property is an object's own property then there are no inherited\n // enumerable properties.\n var result;\n // In most environments an object's own properties are iterated before\n // its inherited properties. If the last iterated property is an object's\n // own property then there are no inherited enumerable properties.\n baseForIn(value, function(subValue, key) {\n result = key;\n });\n return result === undefined ||, result);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `RegExp` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isRegExp(/abc/);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isRegExp('/abc/');\n * // => false\n */\n function isRegExp(value) {\n return isObject(value) && == regexpTag;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isString('abc');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isString(1);\n * // => false\n */\n function isString(value) {\n return typeof value == 'string' || (isObjectLike(value) && == stringTag);\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a typed array.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isTypedArray(new Uint8Array);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isTypedArray([]);\n * // => false\n */\n function isTypedArray(value) {\n return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[];\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is `undefined`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `undefined`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isUndefined(void 0);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isUndefined(null);\n * // => false\n */\n function isUndefined(value) {\n return value === undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is less than `other`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than `other`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n *, 3);\n * // => true\n *\n *, 3);\n * // => false\n *\n *, 1);\n * // => false\n */\n function lt(value, other) {\n return value < other;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `value` is less than or equal to `other`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than or equal to `other`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.lte(1, 3);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.lte(3, 3);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.lte(3, 1);\n * // => false\n */\n function lte(value, other) {\n return value <= other;\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to an array.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n * @example\n *\n * (function() {\n * return _.toArray(arguments).slice(1);\n * }(1, 2, 3));\n * // => [2, 3]\n */\n function toArray(value) {\n var length = value ? getLength(value) : 0;\n if (!isLength(length)) {\n return values(value);\n }\n if (!length) {\n return [];\n }\n return arrayCopy(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `value` to a plain object flattening inherited enumerable\n * properties of `value` to own properties of the plain object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the converted plain object.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, new Foo);\n * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n *\n * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, _.toPlainObject(new Foo));\n * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }\n */\n function toPlainObject(value) {\n return baseCopy(value, keysIn(value));\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Recursively merges own enumerable properties of the source object(s), that\n * don't resolve to `undefined` into the destination object. Subsequent sources\n * overwrite property assignments of previous sources. If `customizer` is\n * provided it is invoked to produce the merged values of the destination and\n * source properties. If `customizer` returns `undefined` merging is handled\n * by the method instead. The `customizer` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked\n * with five arguments: (objectValue, sourceValue, key, object, source).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = {\n * 'data': [{ 'user': 'barney' }, { 'user': 'fred' }]\n * };\n *\n * var ages = {\n * 'data': [{ 'age': 36 }, { 'age': 40 }]\n * };\n *\n * _.merge(users, ages);\n * // => { 'data': [{ 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }, { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }] }\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var object = {\n * 'fruits': ['apple'],\n * 'vegetables': ['beet']\n * };\n *\n * var other = {\n * 'fruits': ['banana'],\n * 'vegetables': ['carrot']\n * };\n *\n * _.merge(object, other, function(a, b) {\n * if (_.isArray(a)) {\n * return a.concat(b);\n * }\n * });\n * // => { 'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['beet', 'carrot'] }\n */\n var merge = createAssigner(baseMerge);\n\n /**\n * Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination\n * object. Subsequent sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources.\n * If `customizer` is provided it is invoked to produce the assigned values.\n * The `customizer` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with five arguments:\n * (objectValue, sourceValue, key, object, source).\n *\n * **Note:** This method mutates `object` and is based on\n * [`Object.assign`](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias extend\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `customizer`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.assign({ 'user': 'barney' }, { 'age': 40 }, { 'user': 'fred' });\n * // => { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n *\n * // using a customizer callback\n * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assign, function(value, other) {\n * return _.isUndefined(value) ? other : value;\n * });\n *\n * defaults({ 'user': 'barney' }, { 'age': 36 }, { 'user': 'fred' });\n * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n */\n var assign = createAssigner(function(object, source, customizer) {\n return customizer\n ? assignWith(object, source, customizer)\n : baseAssign(object, source);\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates an object that inherits from the given `prototype` object. If a\n * `properties` object is provided its own enumerable properties are assigned\n * to the created object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} prototype The object to inherit from.\n * @param {Object} [properties] The properties to assign to the object.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n * @example\n *\n * function Shape() {\n * this.x = 0;\n * this.y = 0;\n * }\n *\n * function Circle() {\n *;\n * }\n *\n * Circle.prototype = _.create(Shape.prototype, {\n * 'constructor': Circle\n * });\n *\n * var circle = new Circle;\n * circle instanceof Circle;\n * // => true\n *\n * circle instanceof Shape;\n * // => true\n */\n function create(prototype, properties, guard) {\n var result = baseCreate(prototype);\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(prototype, properties, guard)) {\n properties = undefined;\n }\n return properties ? baseAssign(result, properties) : result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination\n * object for all destination properties that resolve to `undefined`. Once a\n * property is set, additional values of the same property are ignored.\n *\n * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.defaults({ 'user': 'barney' }, { 'age': 36 }, { 'user': 'fred' });\n * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n */\n var defaults = createDefaults(assign, assignDefaults);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.defaults` except that it recursively assigns\n * default properties.\n *\n * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.defaultsDeep({ 'user': { 'name': 'barney' } }, { 'user': { 'name': 'fred', 'age': 36 } });\n * // => { 'user': { 'name': 'barney', 'age': 36 } }\n *\n */\n var defaultsDeep = createDefaults(merge, mergeDefaults);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the key of the first\n * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself.\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element, else `undefined`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = {\n * 'barney': { 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * 'fred': { 'age': 40, 'active': false },\n * 'pebbles': { 'age': 1, 'active': true }\n * };\n *\n * _.findKey(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.age < 40;\n * });\n * // => 'barney' (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.findKey(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true });\n * // => 'pebbles'\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.findKey(users, 'active', false);\n * // => 'fred'\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.findKey(users, 'active');\n * // => 'barney'\n */\n var findKey = createFindKey(baseForOwn);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.findKey` except that it iterates over elements of\n * a collection in the opposite order.\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `predicate` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to search.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element, else `undefined`.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = {\n * 'barney': { 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * 'fred': { 'age': 40, 'active': false },\n * 'pebbles': { 'age': 1, 'active': true }\n * };\n *\n * _.findLastKey(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.age < 40;\n * });\n * // => returns `pebbles` assuming `_.findKey` returns `barney`\n *\n * // using the `_.matches` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastKey(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true });\n * // => 'barney'\n *\n * // using the `_.matchesProperty` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastKey(users, 'active', false);\n * // => 'fred'\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.findLastKey(users, 'active');\n * // => 'pebbles'\n */\n var findLastKey = createFindKey(baseForOwnRight);\n\n /**\n * Iterates over own and inherited enumerable properties of an object invoking\n * `iteratee` for each property. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked\n * with three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit\n * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.forIn(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n * console.log(key);\n * });\n * // => logs 'a', 'b', and 'c' (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n var forIn = createForIn(baseFor);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.forIn` except that it iterates over properties of\n * `object` in the opposite order.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.forInRight(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n * console.log(key);\n * });\n * // => logs 'c', 'b', and 'a' assuming `_.forIn ` logs 'a', 'b', and 'c'\n */\n var forInRight = createForIn(baseForRight);\n\n /**\n * Iterates over own enumerable properties of an object invoking `iteratee`\n * for each property. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with\n * three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit iteration\n * early by explicitly returning `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.forOwn(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n * console.log(key);\n * });\n * // => logs 'a' and 'b' (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n var forOwn = createForOwn(baseForOwn);\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.forOwn` except that it iterates over properties of\n * `object` in the opposite order.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.forOwnRight(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n * console.log(key);\n * });\n * // => logs 'b' and 'a' assuming `_.forOwn` logs 'a' and 'b'\n */\n var forOwnRight = createForOwn(baseForOwnRight);\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of function property names from all enumerable properties,\n * own and inherited, of `object`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias methods\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of property names.\n * @example\n *\n * _.functions(_);\n * // => ['after', 'ary', 'assign', ...]\n */\n function functions(object) {\n return baseFunctions(object, keysIn(object));\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the property value at `path` of `object`. If the resolved value is\n * `undefined` the `defaultValue` is used in its place.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned if the resolved value is `undefined`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };\n *\n * _.get(object, 'a[0].b.c');\n * // => 3\n *\n * _.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']);\n * // => 3\n *\n * _.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default');\n * // => 'default'\n */\n function get(object, path, defaultValue) {\n var result = object == null ? undefined : baseGet(object, toPath(path), path + '');\n return result === undefined ? defaultValue : result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `path` is a direct property.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` is a direct property, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 3 } } };\n *\n * _.has(object, 'a');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.has(object, 'a.b.c');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.has(object, ['a', 'b', 'c']);\n * // => true\n */\n function has(object, path) {\n if (object == null) {\n return false;\n }\n var result =, path);\n if (!result && !isKey(path)) {\n path = toPath(path);\n object = path.length == 1 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1));\n if (object == null) {\n return false;\n }\n path = last(path);\n result =, path);\n }\n return result || (isLength(object.length) && isIndex(path, object.length) &&\n (isArray(object) || isArguments(object)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an object composed of the inverted keys and values of `object`.\n * If `object` contains duplicate values, subsequent values overwrite property\n * assignments of previous values unless `multiValue` is `true`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to invert.\n * @param {boolean} [multiValue] Allow multiple values per key.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new inverted object.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 };\n *\n * _.invert(object);\n * // => { '1': 'c', '2': 'b' }\n *\n * // with `multiValue`\n * _.invert(object, true);\n * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] }\n */\n function invert(object, multiValue, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(object, multiValue, guard)) {\n multiValue = undefined;\n }\n var index = -1,\n props = keys(object),\n length = props.length,\n result = {};\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index],\n value = object[key];\n\n if (multiValue) {\n if (, value)) {\n result[value].push(key);\n } else {\n result[value] = [key];\n }\n }\n else {\n result[value] = key;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the\n * [ES spec](\n * for more details.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.keys(new Foo);\n * // => ['a', 'b'] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n *\n * _.keys('hi');\n * // => ['0', '1']\n */\n var keys = !nativeKeys ? shimKeys : function(object) {\n var Ctor = object == null ? undefined : object.constructor;\n if ((typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype === object) ||\n (typeof object != 'function' && isArrayLike(object))) {\n return shimKeys(object);\n }\n return isObject(object) ? nativeKeys(object) : [];\n };\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property names of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.keysIn(new Foo);\n * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n function keysIn(object) {\n if (object == null) {\n return [];\n }\n if (!isObject(object)) {\n object = Object(object);\n }\n var length = object.length;\n length = (length && isLength(length) &&\n (isArray(object) || isArguments(object)) && length) || 0;\n\n var Ctor = object.constructor,\n index = -1,\n isProto = typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype === object,\n result = Array(length),\n skipIndexes = length > 0;\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = (index + '');\n }\n for (var key in object) {\n if (!(skipIndexes && isIndex(key, length)) &&\n !(key == 'constructor' && (isProto || !, key)))) {\n result.push(key);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * The opposite of `_.mapValues`; this method creates an object with the\n * same values as `object` and keys generated by running each own enumerable\n * property of `object` through `iteratee`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object.\n * @example\n *\n * _.mapKeys({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(value, key) {\n * return key + value;\n * });\n * // => { 'a1': 1, 'b2': 2 }\n */\n var mapKeys = createObjectMapper(true);\n\n /**\n * Creates an object with the same keys as `object` and values generated by\n * running each own enumerable property of `object` through `iteratee`. The\n * iteratee function is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments:\n * (value, key, object).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked\n * per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object.\n * @example\n *\n * _.mapValues({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(n) {\n * return n * 3;\n * });\n * // => { 'a': 3, 'b': 6 }\n *\n * var users = {\n * 'fred': { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 },\n * 'pebbles': { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 }\n * };\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.mapValues(users, 'age');\n * // => { 'fred': 40, 'pebbles': 1 } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n var mapValues = createObjectMapper();\n\n /**\n * The opposite of `_.pick`; this method creates an object composed of the\n * own and inherited enumerable properties of `object` that are not omitted.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The source object.\n * @param {Function|...(string|string[])} [predicate] The function invoked per\n * iteration or property names to omit, specified as individual property\n * names or arrays of property names.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 };\n *\n * _.omit(object, 'age');\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n *\n * _.omit(object, _.isNumber);\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n */\n var omit = restParam(function(object, props) {\n if (object == null) {\n return {};\n }\n if (typeof props[0] != 'function') {\n var props = arrayMap(baseFlatten(props), String);\n return pickByArray(object, baseDifference(keysIn(object), props));\n }\n var predicate = bindCallback(props[0], props[1], 3);\n return pickByCallback(object, function(value, key, object) {\n return !predicate(value, key, object);\n });\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a two dimensional array of the key-value pairs for `object`,\n * e.g. `[[key1, value1], [key2, value2]]`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of key-value pairs.\n * @example\n *\n * _.pairs({ 'barney': 36, 'fred': 40 });\n * // => [['barney', 36], ['fred', 40]] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n function pairs(object) {\n object = toObject(object);\n\n var index = -1,\n props = keys(object),\n length = props.length,\n result = Array(length);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n var key = props[index];\n result[index] = [key, object[key]];\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an object composed of the picked `object` properties. Property\n * names may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays of property\n * names. If `predicate` is provided it is invoked for each property of `object`\n * picking the properties `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is\n * bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The source object.\n * @param {Function|...(string|string[])} [predicate] The function invoked per\n * iteration or property names to pick, specified as individual property\n * names or arrays of property names.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 };\n *\n * _.pick(object, 'user');\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n *\n * _.pick(object, _.isString);\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n */\n var pick = restParam(function(object, props) {\n if (object == null) {\n return {};\n }\n return typeof props[0] == 'function'\n ? pickByCallback(object, bindCallback(props[0], props[1], 3))\n : pickByArray(object, baseFlatten(props));\n });\n\n /**\n * This method is like `_.get` except that if the resolved value is a function\n * it is invoked with the `this` binding of its parent object and its result\n * is returned.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to resolve.\n * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned if the resolved value is `undefined`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c1': 3, 'c2': _.constant(4) } }] };\n *\n * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c1');\n * // => 3\n *\n * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c2');\n * // => 4\n *\n * _.result(object, 'a.b.c', 'default');\n * // => 'default'\n *\n * _.result(object, 'a.b.c', _.constant('default'));\n * // => 'default'\n */\n function result(object, path, defaultValue) {\n var result = object == null ? undefined : object[path];\n if (result === undefined) {\n if (object != null && !isKey(path, object)) {\n path = toPath(path);\n object = path.length == 1 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1));\n result = object == null ? undefined : object[last(path)];\n }\n result = result === undefined ? defaultValue : result;\n }\n return isFunction(result) ? : result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the property value of `path` on `object`. If a portion of `path`\n * does not exist it is created.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to augment.\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n * @param {*} value The value to set.\n * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };\n *\n * _.set(object, 'a[0].b.c', 4);\n * console.log(object.a[0].b.c);\n * // => 4\n *\n * _.set(object, 'x[0].y.z', 5);\n * console.log(object.x[0].y.z);\n * // => 5\n */\n function set(object, path, value) {\n if (object == null) {\n return object;\n }\n var pathKey = (path + '');\n path = (object[pathKey] != null || isKey(path, object)) ? [pathKey] : toPath(path);\n\n var index = -1,\n length = path.length,\n lastIndex = length - 1,\n nested = object;\n\n while (nested != null && ++index < length) {\n var key = path[index];\n if (isObject(nested)) {\n if (index == lastIndex) {\n nested[key] = value;\n } else if (nested[key] == null) {\n nested[key] = isIndex(path[index + 1]) ? [] : {};\n }\n }\n nested = nested[key];\n }\n return object;\n }\n\n /**\n * An alternative to `_.reduce`; this method transforms `object` to a new\n * `accumulator` object which is the result of running each of its own enumerable\n * properties through `iteratee`, with each invocation potentially mutating\n * the `accumulator` object. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked\n * with four arguments: (accumulator, value, key, object). Iteratee functions\n * may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Array|Object} object The object to iterate over.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [accumulator] The custom accumulator value.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n * @example\n *\n * _.transform([2, 3, 4], function(result, n) {\n * result.push(n *= n);\n * return n % 2 == 0;\n * });\n * // => [4, 9]\n *\n * _.transform({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(result, n, key) {\n * result[key] = n * 3;\n * });\n * // => { 'a': 3, 'b': 6 }\n */\n function transform(object, iteratee, accumulator, thisArg) {\n var isArr = isArray(object) || isTypedArray(object);\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 4);\n\n if (accumulator == null) {\n if (isArr || isObject(object)) {\n var Ctor = object.constructor;\n if (isArr) {\n accumulator = isArray(object) ? new Ctor : [];\n } else {\n accumulator = baseCreate(isFunction(Ctor) ? Ctor.prototype : undefined);\n }\n } else {\n accumulator = {};\n }\n }\n (isArr ? arrayEach : baseForOwn)(object, function(value, index, object) {\n return iteratee(accumulator, value, index, object);\n });\n return accumulator;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of the own enumerable property values of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.values(new Foo);\n * // => [1, 2] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n *\n * _.values('hi');\n * // => ['h', 'i']\n */\n function values(object) {\n return baseValues(object, keys(object));\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property values\n * of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.valuesIn(new Foo);\n * // => [1, 2, 3] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n */\n function valuesIn(object) {\n return baseValues(object, keysIn(object));\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Checks if `n` is between `start` and up to but not including, `end`. If\n * `end` is not specified it is set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Number\n * @param {number} n The number to check.\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.\n * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `n` is in the range, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.inRange(3, 2, 4);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.inRange(4, 8);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.inRange(4, 2);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.inRange(2, 2);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.inRange(1.2, 2);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.inRange(5.2, 4);\n * // => false\n */\n function inRange(value, start, end) {\n start = +start || 0;\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start;\n start = 0;\n } else {\n end = +end || 0;\n }\n return value >= nativeMin(start, end) && value < nativeMax(start, end);\n }\n\n /**\n * Produces a random number between `min` and `max` (inclusive). If only one\n * argument is provided a number between `0` and the given number is returned.\n * If `floating` is `true`, or either `min` or `max` are floats, a floating-point\n * number is returned instead of an integer.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Number\n * @param {number} [min=0] The minimum possible value.\n * @param {number} [max=1] The maximum possible value.\n * @param {boolean} [floating] Specify returning a floating-point number.\n * @returns {number} Returns the random number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.random(0, 5);\n * // => an integer between 0 and 5\n *\n * _.random(5);\n * // => also an integer between 0 and 5\n *\n * _.random(5, true);\n * // => a floating-point number between 0 and 5\n *\n * _.random(1.2, 5.2);\n * // => a floating-point number between 1.2 and 5.2\n */\n function random(min, max, floating) {\n if (floating && isIterateeCall(min, max, floating)) {\n max = floating = undefined;\n }\n var noMin = min == null,\n noMax = max == null;\n\n if (floating == null) {\n if (noMax && typeof min == 'boolean') {\n floating = min;\n min = 1;\n }\n else if (typeof max == 'boolean') {\n floating = max;\n noMax = true;\n }\n }\n if (noMin && noMax) {\n max = 1;\n noMax = false;\n }\n min = +min || 0;\n if (noMax) {\n max = min;\n min = 0;\n } else {\n max = +max || 0;\n }\n if (floating || min % 1 || max % 1) {\n var rand = nativeRandom();\n return nativeMin(min + (rand * (max - min + parseFloat('1e-' + ((rand + '').length - 1)))), max);\n }\n return baseRandom(min, max);\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Converts `string` to [camel case](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n * @returns {string} Returns the camel cased string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.camelCase('Foo Bar');\n * // => 'fooBar'\n *\n * _.camelCase('--foo-bar');\n * // => 'fooBar'\n *\n * _.camelCase('__foo_bar__');\n * // => 'fooBar'\n */\n var camelCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n word = word.toLowerCase();\n return result + (index ? (word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)) : word);\n });\n\n /**\n * Capitalizes the first character of `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to capitalize.\n * @returns {string} Returns the capitalized string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.capitalize('fred');\n * // => 'Fred'\n */\n function capitalize(string) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n return string && (string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1));\n }\n\n /**\n * Deburrs `string` by converting [latin-1 supplementary letters](\n * to basic latin letters and removing [combining diacritical marks](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to deburr.\n * @returns {string} Returns the deburred string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.deburr('déjà vu');\n * // => 'deja vu'\n */\n function deburr(string) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n return string && string.replace(reLatin1, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, '');\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if `string` ends with the given target string.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to search.\n * @param {string} [target] The string to search for.\n * @param {number} [position=string.length] The position to search from.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` ends with `target`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.endsWith('abc', 'c');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.endsWith('abc', 'b');\n * // => false\n *\n * _.endsWith('abc', 'b', 2);\n * // => true\n */\n function endsWith(string, target, position) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n target = (target + '');\n\n var length = string.length;\n position = position === undefined\n ? length\n : nativeMin(position < 0 ? 0 : (+position || 0), length);\n\n position -= target.length;\n return position >= 0 && string.indexOf(target, position) == position;\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts the characters \"&\", \"<\", \">\", '\"', \"'\", and \"\\`\", in `string` to\n * their corresponding HTML entities.\n *\n * **Note:** No other characters are escaped. To escape additional characters\n * use a third-party library like [_he_](\n *\n * Though the \">\" character is escaped for symmetry, characters like\n * \">\" and \"/\" don't need escaping in HTML and have no special meaning\n * unless they're part of a tag or unquoted attribute value.\n * See [Mathias Bynens's article](\n * (under \"semi-related fun fact\") for more details.\n *\n * Backticks are escaped because in Internet Explorer < 9, they can break out\n * of attribute values or HTML comments. See [#59](,\n * [#102](, [#108](, and\n * [#133]( of the [HTML5 Security Cheatsheet](\n * for more details.\n *\n * When working with HTML you should always [quote attribute values](\n * to reduce XSS vectors.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.escape('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles'\n */\n function escape(string) {\n // Reset `lastIndex` because in IE < 9 `String#replace` does not.\n string = baseToString(string);\n return (string && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string))\n ? string.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar)\n : string;\n }\n\n /**\n * Escapes the `RegExp` special characters \"\\\", \"/\", \"^\", \"$\", \".\", \"|\", \"?\",\n * \"*\", \"+\", \"(\", \")\", \"[\", \"]\", \"{\" and \"}\" in `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.escapeRegExp('[lodash](');\n * // => '\\[lodash\\]\\(https:\\/\\/lodash\\.com\\/\\)'\n */\n function escapeRegExp(string) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n return (string && reHasRegExpChars.test(string))\n ? string.replace(reRegExpChars, escapeRegExpChar)\n : (string || '(?:)');\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `string` to [kebab case](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n * @returns {string} Returns the kebab cased string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.kebabCase('Foo Bar');\n * // => 'foo-bar'\n *\n * _.kebabCase('fooBar');\n * // => 'foo-bar'\n *\n * _.kebabCase('__foo_bar__');\n * // => 'foo-bar'\n */\n var kebabCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n return result + (index ? '-' : '') + word.toLowerCase();\n });\n\n /**\n * Pads `string` on the left and right sides if it's shorter than `length`.\n * Padding characters are truncated if they can't be evenly divided by `length`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.pad('abc', 8);\n * // => ' abc '\n *\n * _.pad('abc', 8, '_-');\n * // => '_-abc_-_'\n *\n * _.pad('abc', 3);\n * // => 'abc'\n */\n function pad(string, length, chars) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n length = +length;\n\n var strLength = string.length;\n if (strLength >= length || !nativeIsFinite(length)) {\n return string;\n }\n var mid = (length - strLength) / 2,\n leftLength = nativeFloor(mid),\n rightLength = nativeCeil(mid);\n\n chars = createPadding('', rightLength, chars);\n return chars.slice(0, leftLength) + string + chars;\n }\n\n /**\n * Pads `string` on the left side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding\n * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.padLeft('abc', 6);\n * // => ' abc'\n *\n * _.padLeft('abc', 6, '_-');\n * // => '_-_abc'\n *\n * _.padLeft('abc', 3);\n * // => 'abc'\n */\n var padLeft = createPadDir();\n\n /**\n * Pads `string` on the right side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding\n * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.padRight('abc', 6);\n * // => 'abc '\n *\n * _.padRight('abc', 6, '_-');\n * // => 'abc_-_'\n *\n * _.padRight('abc', 3);\n * // => 'abc'\n */\n var padRight = createPadDir(true);\n\n /**\n * Converts `string` to an integer of the specified radix. If `radix` is\n * `undefined` or `0`, a `radix` of `10` is used unless `value` is a hexadecimal,\n * in which case a `radix` of `16` is used.\n *\n * **Note:** This method aligns with the [ES5 implementation](\n * of `parseInt`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n * @param {number} [radix] The radix to interpret `value` by.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.\n * @example\n *\n * _.parseInt('08');\n * // => 8\n *\n *['6', '08', '10'], _.parseInt);\n * // => [6, 8, 10]\n */\n function parseInt(string, radix, guard) {\n // Firefox < 21 and Opera < 15 follow ES3 for `parseInt`.\n // Chrome fails to trim leading <BOM> whitespace characters.\n // See for more details.\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(string, radix, guard) : radix == null) {\n radix = 0;\n } else if (radix) {\n radix = +radix;\n }\n string = trim(string);\n return nativeParseInt(string, radix || (reHasHexPrefix.test(string) ? 16 : 10));\n }\n\n /**\n * Repeats the given string `n` times.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to repeat.\n * @param {number} [n=0] The number of times to repeat the string.\n * @returns {string} Returns the repeated string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.repeat('*', 3);\n * // => '***'\n *\n * _.repeat('abc', 2);\n * // => 'abcabc'\n *\n * _.repeat('abc', 0);\n * // => ''\n */\n function repeat(string, n) {\n var result = '';\n string = baseToString(string);\n n = +n;\n if (n < 1 || !string || !nativeIsFinite(n)) {\n return result;\n }\n // Leverage the exponentiation by squaring algorithm for a faster repeat.\n // See for more details.\n do {\n if (n % 2) {\n result += string;\n }\n n = nativeFloor(n / 2);\n string += string;\n } while (n);\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `string` to [snake case](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n * @returns {string} Returns the snake cased string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.snakeCase('Foo Bar');\n * // => 'foo_bar'\n *\n * _.snakeCase('fooBar');\n * // => 'foo_bar'\n *\n * _.snakeCase('--foo-bar');\n * // => 'foo_bar'\n */\n var snakeCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n return result + (index ? '_' : '') + word.toLowerCase();\n });\n\n /**\n * Converts `string` to [start case](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n * @returns {string} Returns the start cased string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.startCase('--foo-bar');\n * // => 'Foo Bar'\n *\n * _.startCase('fooBar');\n * // => 'Foo Bar'\n *\n * _.startCase('__foo_bar__');\n * // => 'Foo Bar'\n */\n var startCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + (word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1));\n });\n\n /**\n * Checks if `string` starts with the given target string.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to search.\n * @param {string} [target] The string to search for.\n * @param {number} [position=0] The position to search from.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` starts with `target`, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.startsWith('abc', 'a');\n * // => true\n *\n * _.startsWith('abc', 'b');\n * // => false\n *\n * _.startsWith('abc', 'b', 1);\n * // => true\n */\n function startsWith(string, target, position) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n position = position == null\n ? 0\n : nativeMin(position < 0 ? 0 : (+position || 0), string.length);\n\n return string.lastIndexOf(target, position) == position;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a compiled template function that can interpolate data properties\n * in \"interpolate\" delimiters, HTML-escape interpolated data properties in\n * \"escape\" delimiters, and execute JavaScript in \"evaluate\" delimiters. Data\n * properties may be accessed as free variables in the template. If a setting\n * object is provided it takes precedence over `_.templateSettings` values.\n *\n * **Note:** In the development build `_.template` utilizes\n * [sourceURLs](\n * for easier debugging.\n *\n * For more information on precompiling templates see\n * [lodash's custom builds documentation](\n *\n * For more information on Chrome extension sandboxes see\n * [Chrome's extensions documentation](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The template string.\n * @param {Object} [options] The options object.\n * @param {RegExp} [options.escape] The HTML \"escape\" delimiter.\n * @param {RegExp} [options.evaluate] The \"evaluate\" delimiter.\n * @param {Object} [options.imports] An object to import into the template as free variables.\n * @param {RegExp} [options.interpolate] The \"interpolate\" delimiter.\n * @param {string} [options.sourceURL] The sourceURL of the template's compiled source.\n * @param {string} [options.variable] The data object variable name.\n * @param- {Object} [otherOptions] Enables the legacy `options` param signature.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the compiled template function.\n * @example\n *\n * // using the \"interpolate\" delimiter to create a compiled template\n * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!');\n * compiled({ 'user': 'fred' });\n * // => 'hello fred!'\n *\n * // using the HTML \"escape\" delimiter to escape data property values\n * var compiled = _.template('<b><%- value %></b>');\n * compiled({ 'value': '<script>' });\n * // => '<b><script></b>'\n *\n * // using the \"evaluate\" delimiter to execute JavaScript and generate HTML\n * var compiled = _.template('<% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>');\n * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] });\n * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>'\n *\n * // using the internal `print` function in \"evaluate\" delimiters\n * var compiled = _.template('<% print(\"hello \" + user); %>!');\n * compiled({ 'user': 'barney' });\n * // => 'hello barney!'\n *\n * // using the ES delimiter as an alternative to the default \"interpolate\" delimiter\n * var compiled = _.template('hello ${ user }!');\n * compiled({ 'user': 'pebbles' });\n * // => 'hello pebbles!'\n *\n * // using custom template delimiters\n * _.templateSettings.interpolate = /{{([\\s\\S]+?)}}/g;\n * var compiled = _.template('hello {{ user }}!');\n * compiled({ 'user': 'mustache' });\n * // => 'hello mustache!'\n *\n * // using backslashes to treat delimiters as plain text\n * var compiled = _.template('<%= \"\\\\<%- value %\\\\>\" %>');\n * compiled({ 'value': 'ignored' });\n * // => '<%- value %>'\n *\n * // using the `imports` option to import `jQuery` as `jq`\n * var text = '<% jq.each(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>';\n * var compiled = _.template(text, { 'imports': { 'jq': jQuery } });\n * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] });\n * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>'\n *\n * // using the `sourceURL` option to specify a custom sourceURL for the template\n * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!', { 'sourceURL': '/basic/greeting.jst' });\n * compiled(data);\n * // => find the source of \"greeting.jst\" under the Sources tab or Resources panel of the web inspector\n *\n * // using the `variable` option to ensure a with-statement isn't used in the compiled template\n * var compiled = _.template('hi <%= data.user %>!', { 'variable': 'data' });\n * compiled.source;\n * // => function(data) {\n * // var __t, __p = '';\n * // __p += 'hi ' + ((__t = ( data.user )) == null ? '' : __t) + '!';\n * // return __p;\n * // }\n *\n * // using the `source` property to inline compiled templates for meaningful\n * // line numbers in error messages and a stack trace\n * fs.writeFileSync(path.join(cwd, 'jst.js'), '\\\n * var JST = {\\\n * \"main\": ' + _.template(mainText).source + '\\\n * };\\\n * ');\n */\n function template(string, options, otherOptions) {\n // Based on John Resig's `tmpl` implementation (\n // and Laura Doktorova's doT.js (\n var settings = lodash.templateSettings;\n\n if (otherOptions && isIterateeCall(string, options, otherOptions)) {\n options = otherOptions = undefined;\n }\n string = baseToString(string);\n options = assignWith(baseAssign({}, otherOptions || options), settings, assignOwnDefaults);\n\n var imports = assignWith(baseAssign({}, options.imports), settings.imports, assignOwnDefaults),\n importsKeys = keys(imports),\n importsValues = baseValues(imports, importsKeys);\n\n var isEscaping,\n isEvaluating,\n index = 0,\n interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch,\n source = \"__p += '\";\n\n // Compile the regexp to match each delimiter.\n var reDelimiters = RegExp(\n (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + '|' +\n interpolate.source + '|' +\n (interpolate === reInterpolate ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + '|' +\n (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + '|$'\n , 'g');\n\n // Use a sourceURL for easier debugging.\n var sourceURL = '//# sourceURL=' +\n ('sourceURL' in options\n ? options.sourceURL\n : ('lodash.templateSources[' + (++templateCounter) + ']')\n ) + '\\n';\n\n string.replace(reDelimiters, function(match, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) {\n interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue);\n\n // Escape characters that can't be included in string literals.\n source += string.slice(index, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar);\n\n // Replace delimiters with snippets.\n if (escapeValue) {\n isEscaping = true;\n source += \"' +\\n__e(\" + escapeValue + \") +\\n'\";\n }\n if (evaluateValue) {\n isEvaluating = true;\n source += \"';\\n\" + evaluateValue + \";\\n__p += '\";\n }\n if (interpolateValue) {\n source += \"' +\\n((__t = (\" + interpolateValue + \")) == null ? '' : __t) +\\n'\";\n }\n index = offset + match.length;\n\n // The JS engine embedded in Adobe products requires returning the `match`\n // string in order to produce the correct `offset` value.\n return match;\n });\n\n source += \"';\\n\";\n\n // If `variable` is not specified wrap a with-statement around the generated\n // code to add the data object to the top of the scope chain.\n var variable = options.variable;\n if (!variable) {\n source = 'with (obj) {\\n' + source + '\\n}\\n';\n }\n // Cleanup code by stripping empty strings.\n source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, '') : source)\n .replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, '$1')\n .replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, '$1;');\n\n // Frame code as the function body.\n source = 'function(' + (variable || 'obj') + ') {\\n' +\n (variable\n ? ''\n : 'obj || (obj = {});\\n'\n ) +\n \"var __t, __p = ''\" +\n (isEscaping\n ? ', __e = _.escape'\n : ''\n ) +\n (isEvaluating\n ? ', __j = Array.prototype.join;\\n' +\n \"function print() { __p +=, '') }\\n\"\n : ';\\n'\n ) +\n source +\n 'return __p\\n}';\n\n var result = attempt(function() {\n return Function(importsKeys, sourceURL + 'return ' + source).apply(undefined, importsValues);\n });\n\n // Provide the compiled function's source by its `toString` method or\n // the `source` property as a convenience for inlining compiled templates.\n result.source = source;\n if (isError(result)) {\n throw result;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.trim(' abc ');\n * // => 'abc'\n *\n * _.trim('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n * // => 'abc'\n *\n *[' foo ', ' bar '], _.trim);\n * // => ['foo', 'bar']\n */\n function trim(string, chars, guard) {\n var value = string;\n string = baseToString(string);\n if (!string) {\n return string;\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(value, chars, guard) : chars == null) {\n return string.slice(trimmedLeftIndex(string), trimmedRightIndex(string) + 1);\n }\n chars = (chars + '');\n return string.slice(charsLeftIndex(string, chars), charsRightIndex(string, chars) + 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes leading whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.trimLeft(' abc ');\n * // => 'abc '\n *\n * _.trimLeft('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n * // => 'abc-_-'\n */\n function trimLeft(string, chars, guard) {\n var value = string;\n string = baseToString(string);\n if (!string) {\n return string;\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(value, chars, guard) : chars == null) {\n return string.slice(trimmedLeftIndex(string));\n }\n return string.slice(charsLeftIndex(string, (chars + '')));\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.trimRight(' abc ');\n * // => ' abc'\n *\n * _.trimRight('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n * // => '-_-abc'\n */\n function trimRight(string, chars, guard) {\n var value = string;\n string = baseToString(string);\n if (!string) {\n return string;\n }\n if (guard ? isIterateeCall(value, chars, guard) : chars == null) {\n return string.slice(0, trimmedRightIndex(string) + 1);\n }\n return string.slice(0, charsRightIndex(string, (chars + '')) + 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Truncates `string` if it's longer than the given maximum string length.\n * The last characters of the truncated string are replaced with the omission\n * string which defaults to \"...\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to truncate.\n * @param {Object|number} [options] The options object or maximum string length.\n * @param {number} [options.length=30] The maximum string length.\n * @param {string} [options.omission='...'] The string to indicate text is omitted.\n * @param {RegExp|string} [options.separator] The separator pattern to truncate to.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {string} Returns the truncated string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.trunc('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino');\n * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neighbo...'\n *\n * _.trunc('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', 24);\n * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, n...'\n *\n * _.trunc('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n * 'length': 24,\n * 'separator': ' '\n * });\n * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there,...'\n *\n * _.trunc('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n * 'length': 24,\n * 'separator': /,? +/\n * });\n * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there...'\n *\n * _.trunc('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n * 'omission': ' [...]'\n * });\n * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neig [...]'\n */\n function trunc(string, options, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(string, options, guard)) {\n options = undefined;\n }\n var length = DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH,\n omission = DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION;\n\n if (options != null) {\n if (isObject(options)) {\n var separator = 'separator' in options ? options.separator : separator;\n length = 'length' in options ? (+options.length || 0) : length;\n omission = 'omission' in options ? baseToString(options.omission) : omission;\n } else {\n length = +options || 0;\n }\n }\n string = baseToString(string);\n if (length >= string.length) {\n return string;\n }\n var end = length - omission.length;\n if (end < 1) {\n return omission;\n }\n var result = string.slice(0, end);\n if (separator == null) {\n return result + omission;\n }\n if (isRegExp(separator)) {\n if (string.slice(end).search(separator)) {\n var match,\n newEnd,\n substring = string.slice(0, end);\n\n if (! {\n separator = RegExp(separator.source, (reFlags.exec(separator) || '') + 'g');\n }\n separator.lastIndex = 0;\n while ((match = separator.exec(substring))) {\n newEnd = match.index;\n }\n result = result.slice(0, newEnd == null ? end : newEnd);\n }\n } else if (string.indexOf(separator, end) != end) {\n var index = result.lastIndexOf(separator);\n if (index > -1) {\n result = result.slice(0, index);\n }\n }\n return result + omission;\n }\n\n /**\n * The inverse of `_.escape`; this method converts the HTML entities\n * `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, `'`, and ``` in `string` to their\n * corresponding characters.\n *\n * **Note:** No other HTML entities are unescaped. To unescape additional HTML\n * entities use a third-party library like [_he_](\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to unescape.\n * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped string.\n * @example\n *\n * _.unescape('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles'\n */\n function unescape(string) {\n string = baseToString(string);\n return (string && reHasEscapedHtml.test(string))\n ? string.replace(reEscapedHtml, unescapeHtmlChar)\n : string;\n }\n\n /**\n * Splits `string` into an array of its words.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category String\n * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect.\n * @param {RegExp|string} [pattern] The pattern to match words.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n * // => ['fred', 'barney', 'pebbles']\n *\n * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles', /[^, ]+/g);\n * // => ['fred', 'barney', '&', 'pebbles']\n */\n function words(string, pattern, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(string, pattern, guard)) {\n pattern = undefined;\n }\n string = baseToString(string);\n return string.match(pattern || reWords) || [];\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Attempts to invoke `func`, returning either the result or the caught error\n * object. Any additional arguments are provided to `func` when it is invoked.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Function} func The function to attempt.\n * @returns {*} Returns the `func` result or error object.\n * @example\n *\n * // avoid throwing errors for invalid selectors\n * var elements = _.attempt(function(selector) {\n * return document.querySelectorAll(selector);\n * }, '>_>');\n *\n * if (_.isError(elements)) {\n * elements = [];\n * }\n */\n var attempt = restParam(function(func, args) {\n try {\n return func.apply(undefined, args);\n } catch(e) {\n return isError(e) ? e : new Error(e);\n }\n });\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of `thisArg`\n * and arguments of the created function. If `func` is a property name the\n * created callback returns the property value for a given element. If `func`\n * is an object the created callback returns `true` for elements that contain\n * the equivalent object properties, otherwise it returns `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @alias iteratee\n * @category Utility\n * @param {*} [func=_.identity] The value to convert to a callback.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like ``.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the callback.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n * ];\n *\n * // wrap to create custom callback shorthands\n * _.callback = _.wrap(_.callback, function(callback, func, thisArg) {\n * var match = /^(.+?)__([gl]t)(.+)$/.exec(func);\n * if (!match) {\n * return callback(func, thisArg);\n * }\n * return function(object) {\n * return match[2] == 'gt'\n * ? object[match[1]] > match[3]\n * : object[match[1]] < match[3];\n * };\n * });\n *\n * _.filter(users, 'age__gt36');\n * // => [{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }]\n */\n function callback(func, thisArg, guard) {\n if (guard && isIterateeCall(func, thisArg, guard)) {\n thisArg = undefined;\n }\n return isObjectLike(func)\n ? matches(func)\n : baseCallback(func, thisArg);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that returns `value`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n * var getter = _.constant(object);\n *\n * getter() === object;\n * // => true\n */\n function constant(value) {\n return function() {\n return value;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * This method returns the first argument provided to it.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {*} value Any value.\n * @returns {*} Returns `value`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n *\n * _.identity(object) === object;\n * // => true\n */\n function identity(value) {\n return value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that performs a deep comparison between a given object\n * and `source`, returning `true` if the given object has equivalent property\n * values, else `false`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, `Date` objects,\n * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Objects are compared by\n * their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. For comparing a single\n * own or inherited property value see `_.matchesProperty`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false }\n * ];\n *\n * _.filter(users, _.matches({ 'age': 40, 'active': false }));\n * // => [{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false }]\n */\n function matches(source) {\n return baseMatches(baseClone(source, true));\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that compares the property value of `path` on a given\n * object to `value`.\n *\n * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, `Date` objects,\n * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, and strings. Objects are compared by\n * their own, not inherited, enumerable properties.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n * @param {*} srcValue The value to match.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney' },\n * { 'user': 'fred' }\n * ];\n *\n * _.find(users, _.matchesProperty('user', 'fred'));\n * // => { 'user': 'fred' }\n */\n function matchesProperty(path, srcValue) {\n return baseMatchesProperty(path, baseClone(srcValue, true));\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes the method at `path` on a given object.\n * Any additional arguments are provided to the invoked method.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke.\n * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var objects = [\n * { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': _.constant(2) } } },\n * { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': _.constant(1) } } }\n * ];\n *\n *, _.method('a.b.c'));\n * // => [2, 1]\n *\n * _.invoke(_.sortBy(objects, _.method(['a', 'b', 'c'])), 'a.b.c');\n * // => [1, 2]\n */\n var method = restParam(function(path, args) {\n return function(object) {\n return invokePath(object, path, args);\n };\n });\n\n /**\n * The opposite of `_.method`; this method creates a function that invokes\n * the method at a given path on `object`. Any additional arguments are\n * provided to the invoked method.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = _.times(3, _.constant),\n * object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array };\n *\n *['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.methodOf(object));\n * // => [2, 0]\n *\n *[['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.methodOf(object));\n * // => [2, 0]\n */\n var methodOf = restParam(function(object, args) {\n return function(path) {\n return invokePath(object, path, args);\n };\n });\n\n /**\n * Adds all own enumerable function properties of a source object to the\n * destination object. If `object` is a function then methods are added to\n * its prototype as well.\n *\n * **Note:** Use `_.runInContext` to create a pristine `lodash` function to\n * avoid conflicts caused by modifying the original.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Function|Object} [object=lodash] The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The object of functions to add.\n * @param {Object} [options] The options object.\n * @param {boolean} [options.chain=true] Specify whether the functions added\n * are chainable.\n * @returns {Function|Object} Returns `object`.\n * @example\n *\n * function vowels(string) {\n * return _.filter(string, function(v) {\n * return /[aeiou]/i.test(v);\n * });\n * }\n *\n * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels });\n * _.vowels('fred');\n * // => ['e']\n *\n * _('fred').vowels().value();\n * // => ['e']\n *\n * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels }, { 'chain': false });\n * _('fred').vowels();\n * // => ['e']\n */\n function mixin(object, source, options) {\n if (options == null) {\n var isObj = isObject(source),\n props = isObj ? keys(source) : undefined,\n methodNames = (props && props.length) ? baseFunctions(source, props) : undefined;\n\n if (!(methodNames ? methodNames.length : isObj)) {\n methodNames = false;\n options = source;\n source = object;\n object = this;\n }\n }\n if (!methodNames) {\n methodNames = baseFunctions(source, keys(source));\n }\n var chain = true,\n index = -1,\n isFunc = isFunction(object),\n length = methodNames.length;\n\n if (options === false) {\n chain = false;\n } else if (isObject(options) && 'chain' in options) {\n chain = options.chain;\n }\n while (++index < length) {\n var methodName = methodNames[index],\n func = source[methodName];\n\n object[methodName] = func;\n if (isFunc) {\n object.prototype[methodName] = (function(func) {\n return function() {\n var chainAll = this.__chain__;\n if (chain || chainAll) {\n var result = object(this.__wrapped__),\n actions = result.__actions__ = arrayCopy(this.__actions__);\n\n actions.push({ 'func': func, 'args': arguments, 'thisArg': object });\n result.__chain__ = chainAll;\n return result;\n }\n return func.apply(object, arrayPush([this.value()], arguments));\n };\n }(func));\n }\n }\n return object;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reverts the `_` variable to its previous value and returns a reference to\n * the `lodash` function.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @returns {Function} Returns the `lodash` function.\n * @example\n *\n * var lodash = _.noConflict();\n */\n function noConflict() {\n root._ = oldDash;\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * A no-operation function that returns `undefined` regardless of the\n * arguments it receives.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n *\n * _.noop(object) === undefined;\n * // => true\n */\n function noop() {\n // No operation performed.\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that returns the property value at `path` on a\n * given object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var objects = [\n * { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 2 } } },\n * { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 1 } } }\n * ];\n *\n *,'a.b.c'));\n * // => [2, 1]\n *\n * _.pluck(_.sortBy(objects,['a', 'b', 'c'])), 'a.b.c');\n * // => [1, 2]\n */\n function property(path) {\n return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(path) : basePropertyDeep(path);\n }\n\n /**\n * The opposite of ``; this method creates a function that returns\n * the property value at a given path on `object`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n * @example\n *\n * var array = [0, 1, 2],\n * object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array };\n *\n *['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.propertyOf(object));\n * // => [2, 0]\n *\n *[['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.propertyOf(object));\n * // => [2, 0]\n */\n function propertyOf(object) {\n return function(path) {\n return baseGet(object, toPath(path), path + '');\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from\n * `start` up to, but not including, `end`. If `end` is not specified it is\n * set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`. If `end` is less than `start`\n * a zero-length range is created unless a negative `step` is specified.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.\n * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of numbers.\n * @example\n *\n * _.range(4);\n * // => [0, 1, 2, 3]\n *\n * _.range(1, 5);\n * // => [1, 2, 3, 4]\n *\n * _.range(0, 20, 5);\n * // => [0, 5, 10, 15]\n *\n * _.range(0, -4, -1);\n * // => [0, -1, -2, -3]\n *\n * _.range(1, 4, 0);\n * // => [1, 1, 1]\n *\n * _.range(0);\n * // => []\n */\n function range(start, end, step) {\n if (step && isIterateeCall(start, end, step)) {\n end = step = undefined;\n }\n start = +start || 0;\n step = step == null ? 1 : (+step || 0);\n\n if (end == null) {\n end = start;\n start = 0;\n } else {\n end = +end || 0;\n }\n // Use `Array(length)` so engines like Chakra and V8 avoid slower modes.\n // See for more details.\n var index = -1,\n length = nativeMax(nativeCeil((end - start) / (step || 1)), 0),\n result = Array(length);\n\n while (++index < length) {\n result[index] = start;\n start += step;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Invokes the iteratee function `n` times, returning an array of the results\n * of each invocation. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with\n * one argument; (index).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`.\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.\n * @example\n *\n * var diceRolls = _.times(3, _.partial(_.random, 1, 6, false));\n * // => [3, 6, 4]\n *\n * _.times(3, function(n) {\n * mage.castSpell(n);\n * });\n * // => invokes `mage.castSpell(n)` three times with `n` of `0`, `1`, and `2`\n *\n * _.times(3, function(n) {\n * this.cast(n);\n * }, mage);\n * // => also invokes `mage.castSpell(n)` three times\n */\n function times(n, iteratee, thisArg) {\n n = nativeFloor(n);\n\n // Exit early to avoid a JSC JIT bug in Safari 8\n // where `Array(0)` is treated as `Array(1)`.\n if (n < 1 || !nativeIsFinite(n)) {\n return [];\n }\n var index = -1,\n result = Array(nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH));\n\n iteratee = bindCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 1);\n while (++index < n) {\n if (index < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {\n result[index] = iteratee(index);\n } else {\n iteratee(index);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generates a unique ID. If `prefix` is provided the ID is appended to it.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Utility\n * @param {string} [prefix] The value to prefix the ID with.\n * @returns {string} Returns the unique ID.\n * @example\n *\n * _.uniqueId('contact_');\n * // => 'contact_104'\n *\n * _.uniqueId();\n * // => '105'\n */\n function uniqueId(prefix) {\n var id = ++idCounter;\n return baseToString(prefix) + id;\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * Adds two numbers.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {number} augend The first number to add.\n * @param {number} addend The second number to add.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n * @example\n *\n * _.add(6, 4);\n * // => 10\n */\n function add(augend, addend) {\n return (+augend || 0) + (+addend || 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Calculates `n` rounded up to `precision`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {number} n The number to round up.\n * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round up to.\n * @returns {number} Returns the rounded up number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.ceil(4.006);\n * // => 5\n *\n * _.ceil(6.004, 2);\n * // => 6.01\n *\n * _.ceil(6040, -2);\n * // => 6100\n */\n var ceil = createRound('ceil');\n\n /**\n * Calculates `n` rounded down to `precision`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {number} n The number to round down.\n * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round down to.\n * @returns {number} Returns the rounded down number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.floor(4.006);\n * // => 4\n *\n * _.floor(0.046, 2);\n * // => 0.04\n *\n * _.floor(4060, -2);\n * // => 4000\n */\n var floor = createRound('floor');\n\n /**\n * Gets the maximum value of `collection`. If `collection` is empty or falsey\n * `-Infinity` is returned. If an iteratee function is provided it is invoked\n * for each value in `collection` to generate the criterion by which the value\n * is ranked. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three\n * arguments: (value, index, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.\n * @example\n *\n * _.max([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n * // => 8\n *\n * _.max([]);\n * // => -Infinity\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n * ];\n *\n * _.max(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.age;\n * });\n * // => { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.max(users, 'age');\n * // => { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n */\n var max = createExtremum(gt, NEGATIVE_INFINITY);\n\n /**\n * Gets the minimum value of `collection`. If `collection` is empty or falsey\n * `Infinity` is returned. If an iteratee function is provided it is invoked\n * for each value in `collection` to generate the criterion by which the value\n * is ranked. The `iteratee` is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three\n * arguments: (value, index, collection).\n *\n * If a property name is provided for `iteratee` the created ``\n * style callback returns the property value of the given element.\n *\n * If a value is also provided for `thisArg` the created `_.matchesProperty`\n * style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property\n * value, else `false`.\n *\n * If an object is provided for `iteratee` the created `_.matches` style\n * callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given\n * object, else `false`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.\n * @example\n *\n * _.min([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n * // => 2\n *\n * _.min([]);\n * // => Infinity\n *\n * var users = [\n * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }\n * ];\n *\n * _.min(users, function(chr) {\n * return chr.age;\n * });\n * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.min(users, 'age');\n * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n */\n var min = createExtremum(lt, POSITIVE_INFINITY);\n\n /**\n * Calculates `n` rounded to `precision`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {number} n The number to round.\n * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round to.\n * @returns {number} Returns the rounded number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.round(4.006);\n * // => 4\n *\n * _.round(4.006, 2);\n * // => 4.01\n *\n * _.round(4060, -2);\n * // => 4100\n */\n var round = createRound('round');\n\n /**\n * Gets the sum of the values in `collection`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Math\n * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.\n * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee] The function invoked per iteration.\n * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.\n * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n * @example\n *\n * _.sum([4, 6]);\n * // => 10\n *\n * _.sum({ 'a': 4, 'b': 6 });\n * // => 10\n *\n * var objects = [\n * { 'n': 4 },\n * { 'n': 6 }\n * ];\n *\n * _.sum(objects, function(object) {\n * return object.n;\n * });\n * // => 10\n *\n * // using the `` callback shorthand\n * _.sum(objects, 'n');\n * // => 10\n */\n function sum(collection, iteratee, thisArg) {\n if (thisArg && isIterateeCall(collection, iteratee, thisArg)) {\n iteratee = undefined;\n }\n iteratee = getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 3);\n return iteratee.length == 1\n ? arraySum(isArray(collection) ? collection : toIterable(collection), iteratee)\n : baseSum(collection, iteratee);\n }\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n // Ensure wrappers are instances of `baseLodash`.\n lodash.prototype = baseLodash.prototype;\n\n LodashWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype);\n LodashWrapper.prototype.constructor = LodashWrapper;\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype);\n LazyWrapper.prototype.constructor = LazyWrapper;\n\n // Add functions to the `Map` cache.\n MapCache.prototype['delete'] = mapDelete;\n MapCache.prototype.get = mapGet;\n MapCache.prototype.has = mapHas;\n MapCache.prototype.set = mapSet;\n\n // Add functions to the `Set` cache.\n SetCache.prototype.push = cachePush;\n\n // Assign cache to `_.memoize`.\n memoize.Cache = MapCache;\n\n // Add functions that return wrapped values when chaining.\n lodash.after = after;\n lodash.ary = ary;\n lodash.assign = assign;\n = at;\n lodash.before = before;\n lodash.bind = bind;\n lodash.bindAll = bindAll;\n lodash.bindKey = bindKey;\n lodash.callback = callback;\n lodash.chain = chain;\n lodash.chunk = chunk;\n lodash.compact = compact;\n lodash.constant = constant;\n lodash.countBy = countBy;\n lodash.create = create;\n lodash.curry = curry;\n lodash.curryRight = curryRight;\n lodash.debounce = debounce;\n lodash.defaults = defaults;\n lodash.defaultsDeep = defaultsDeep;\n lodash.defer = defer;\n lodash.delay = delay;\n lodash.difference = difference;\n lodash.drop = drop;\n lodash.dropRight = dropRight;\n lodash.dropRightWhile = dropRightWhile;\n lodash.dropWhile = dropWhile;\n lodash.fill = fill;\n lodash.filter = filter;\n lodash.flatten = flatten;\n lodash.flattenDeep = flattenDeep;\n lodash.flow = flow;\n lodash.flowRight = flowRight;\n lodash.forEach = forEach;\n lodash.forEachRight = forEachRight;\n lodash.forIn = forIn;\n lodash.forInRight = forInRight;\n lodash.forOwn = forOwn;\n lodash.forOwnRight = forOwnRight;\n lodash.functions = functions;\n lodash.groupBy = groupBy;\n lodash.indexBy = indexBy;\n lodash.initial = initial;\n lodash.intersection = intersection;\n lodash.invert = invert;\n lodash.invoke = invoke;\n lodash.keys = keys;\n lodash.keysIn = keysIn;\n = map;\n lodash.mapKeys = mapKeys;\n lodash.mapValues = mapValues;\n lodash.matches = matches;\n lodash.matchesProperty = matchesProperty;\n lodash.memoize = memoize;\n lodash.merge = merge;\n lodash.method = method;\n lodash.methodOf = methodOf;\n lodash.mixin = mixin;\n lodash.modArgs = modArgs;\n lodash.negate = negate;\n lodash.omit = omit;\n lodash.once = once;\n lodash.pairs = pairs;\n lodash.partial = partial;\n lodash.partialRight = partialRight;\n lodash.partition = partition;\n lodash.pick = pick;\n lodash.pluck = pluck;\n = property;\n lodash.propertyOf = propertyOf;\n lodash.pull = pull;\n lodash.pullAt = pullAt;\n lodash.range = range;\n lodash.rearg = rearg;\n lodash.reject = reject;\n lodash.remove = remove;\n = rest;\n lodash.restParam = restParam;\n lodash.set = set;\n lodash.shuffle = shuffle;\n lodash.slice = slice;\n lodash.sortBy = sortBy;\n lodash.sortByAll = sortByAll;\n lodash.sortByOrder = sortByOrder;\n lodash.spread = spread;\n lodash.take = take;\n lodash.takeRight = takeRight;\n lodash.takeRightWhile = takeRightWhile;\n lodash.takeWhile = takeWhile;\n lodash.tap = tap;\n lodash.throttle = throttle;\n lodash.thru = thru;\n lodash.times = times;\n lodash.toArray = toArray;\n lodash.toPlainObject = toPlainObject;\n lodash.transform = transform;\n lodash.union = union;\n lodash.uniq = uniq;\n lodash.unzip = unzip;\n lodash.unzipWith = unzipWith;\n lodash.values = values;\n lodash.valuesIn = valuesIn;\n lodash.where = where;\n lodash.without = without;\n lodash.wrap = wrap;\n lodash.xor = xor;\n = zip;\n lodash.zipObject = zipObject;\n lodash.zipWith = zipWith;\n\n // Add aliases.\n lodash.backflow = flowRight;\n lodash.collect = map;\n lodash.compose = flowRight;\n lodash.each = forEach;\n lodash.eachRight = forEachRight;\n lodash.extend = assign;\n lodash.iteratee = callback;\n lodash.methods = functions;\n lodash.object = zipObject;\n = filter;\n lodash.tail = rest;\n lodash.unique = uniq;\n\n // Add functions to `lodash.prototype`.\n mixin(lodash, lodash);\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n // Add functions that return unwrapped values when chaining.\n lodash.add = add;\n lodash.attempt = attempt;\n lodash.camelCase = camelCase;\n lodash.capitalize = capitalize;\n lodash.ceil = ceil;\n lodash.clone = clone;\n lodash.cloneDeep = cloneDeep;\n lodash.deburr = deburr;\n lodash.endsWith = endsWith;\n lodash.escape = escape;\n lodash.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;\n lodash.every = every;\n lodash.find = find;\n lodash.findIndex = findIndex;\n lodash.findKey = findKey;\n lodash.findLast = findLast;\n lodash.findLastIndex = findLastIndex;\n lodash.findLastKey = findLastKey;\n lodash.findWhere = findWhere;\n lodash.first = first;\n lodash.floor = floor;\n lodash.get = get;\n = gt;\n lodash.gte = gte;\n lodash.has = has;\n lodash.identity = identity;\n lodash.includes = includes;\n lodash.indexOf = indexOf;\n lodash.inRange = inRange;\n lodash.isArguments = isArguments;\n lodash.isArray = isArray;\n lodash.isBoolean = isBoolean;\n lodash.isDate = isDate;\n lodash.isElement = isElement;\n lodash.isEmpty = isEmpty;\n lodash.isEqual = isEqual;\n lodash.isError = isError;\n lodash.isFinite = isFinite;\n lodash.isFunction = isFunction;\n lodash.isMatch = isMatch;\n lodash.isNaN = isNaN;\n lodash.isNative = isNative;\n lodash.isNull = isNull;\n lodash.isNumber = isNumber;\n lodash.isObject = isObject;\n lodash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;\n lodash.isRegExp = isRegExp;\n lodash.isString = isString;\n lodash.isTypedArray = isTypedArray;\n lodash.isUndefined = isUndefined;\n lodash.kebabCase = kebabCase;\n lodash.last = last;\n lodash.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;\n = lt;\n lodash.lte = lte;\n lodash.max = max;\n lodash.min = min;\n lodash.noConflict = noConflict;\n lodash.noop = noop;\n = now;\n lodash.pad = pad;\n lodash.padLeft = padLeft;\n lodash.padRight = padRight;\n lodash.parseInt = parseInt;\n lodash.random = random;\n lodash.reduce = reduce;\n lodash.reduceRight = reduceRight;\n lodash.repeat = repeat;\n lodash.result = result;\n lodash.round = round;\n lodash.runInContext = runInContext;\n lodash.size = size;\n lodash.snakeCase = snakeCase;\n lodash.some = some;\n lodash.sortedIndex = sortedIndex;\n lodash.sortedLastIndex = sortedLastIndex;\n lodash.startCase = startCase;\n lodash.startsWith = startsWith;\n lodash.sum = sum;\n lodash.template = template;\n lodash.trim = trim;\n lodash.trimLeft = trimLeft;\n lodash.trimRight = trimRight;\n lodash.trunc = trunc;\n lodash.unescape = unescape;\n lodash.uniqueId = uniqueId;\n lodash.words = words;\n\n // Add aliases.\n lodash.all = every;\n lodash.any = some;\n lodash.contains = includes;\n lodash.eq = isEqual;\n lodash.detect = find;\n lodash.foldl = reduce;\n lodash.foldr = reduceRight;\n lodash.head = first;\n lodash.include = includes;\n lodash.inject = reduce;\n\n mixin(lodash, (function() {\n var source = {};\n baseForOwn(lodash, function(func, methodName) {\n if (!lodash.prototype[methodName]) {\n source[methodName] = func;\n }\n });\n return source;\n }()), false);\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n // Add functions capable of returning wrapped and unwrapped values when chaining.\n lodash.sample = sample;\n\n lodash.prototype.sample = function(n) {\n if (!this.__chain__ && n == null) {\n return sample(this.value());\n }\n return this.thru(function(value) {\n return sample(value, n);\n });\n };\n\n /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n /**\n * The semantic version number.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @type string\n */\n lodash.VERSION = VERSION;\n\n // Assign default placeholders.\n arrayEach(['bind', 'bindKey', 'curry', 'curryRight', 'partial', 'partialRight'], function(methodName) {\n lodash[methodName].placeholder = lodash;\n });\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.drop` and `_.take` variants.\n arrayEach(['drop', 'take'], function(methodName, index) {\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(n) {\n var filtered = this.__filtered__;\n if (filtered && !index) {\n return new LazyWrapper(this);\n }\n n = n == null ? 1 : nativeMax(nativeFloor(n) || 0, 0);\n\n var result = this.clone();\n if (filtered) {\n result.__takeCount__ = nativeMin(result.__takeCount__, n);\n } else {\n result.__views__.push({ 'size': n, 'type': methodName + (result.__dir__ < 0 ? 'Right' : '') });\n }\n return result;\n };\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName + 'Right'] = function(n) {\n return this.reverse()[methodName](n).reverse();\n };\n });\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods that accept an `iteratee` value.\n arrayEach(['filter', 'map', 'takeWhile'], function(methodName, index) {\n var type = index + 1,\n isFilter = type != LAZY_MAP_FLAG;\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(iteratee, thisArg) {\n var result = this.clone();\n result.__iteratees__.push({ 'iteratee': getCallback(iteratee, thisArg, 1), 'type': type });\n result.__filtered__ = result.__filtered__ || isFilter;\n return result;\n };\n });\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.first` and `_.last`.\n arrayEach(['first', 'last'], function(methodName, index) {\n var takeName = 'take' + (index ? 'Right' : '');\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n return this[takeName](1).value()[0];\n };\n });\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.initial` and ``.\n arrayEach(['initial', 'rest'], function(methodName, index) {\n var dropName = 'drop' + (index ? '' : 'Right');\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n return this.__filtered__ ? new LazyWrapper(this) : this[dropName](1);\n };\n });\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.pluck` and `_.where`.\n arrayEach(['pluck', 'where'], function(methodName, index) {\n var operationName = index ? 'filter' : 'map',\n createCallback = index ? baseMatches : property;\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(value) {\n return this[operationName](createCallback(value));\n };\n });\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype.compact = function() {\n return this.filter(identity);\n };\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype.reject = function(predicate, thisArg) {\n predicate = getCallback(predicate, thisArg, 1);\n return this.filter(function(value) {\n return !predicate(value);\n });\n };\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n start = start == null ? 0 : (+start || 0);\n\n var result = this;\n if (result.__filtered__ && (start > 0 || end < 0)) {\n return new LazyWrapper(result);\n }\n if (start < 0) {\n result = result.takeRight(-start);\n } else if (start) {\n result = result.drop(start);\n }\n if (end !== undefined) {\n end = (+end || 0);\n result = end < 0 ? result.dropRight(-end) : result.take(end - start);\n }\n return result;\n };\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(predicate, thisArg) {\n return this.reverse().takeWhile(predicate, thisArg).reverse();\n };\n\n LazyWrapper.prototype.toArray = function() {\n return this.take(POSITIVE_INFINITY);\n };\n\n // Add `LazyWrapper` methods to `lodash.prototype`.\n baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) {\n var checkIteratee = /^(?:filter|map|reject)|While$/.test(methodName),\n retUnwrapped = /^(?:first|last)$/.test(methodName),\n lodashFunc = lodash[retUnwrapped ? ('take' + (methodName == 'last' ? 'Right' : '')) : methodName];\n\n if (!lodashFunc) {\n return;\n }\n lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n var args = retUnwrapped ? [1] : arguments,\n chainAll = this.__chain__,\n value = this.__wrapped__,\n isHybrid = !!this.__actions__.length,\n isLazy = value instanceof LazyWrapper,\n iteratee = args[0],\n useLazy = isLazy || isArray(value);\n\n if (useLazy && checkIteratee && typeof iteratee == 'function' && iteratee.length != 1) {\n // Avoid lazy use if the iteratee has a \"length\" value other than `1`.\n isLazy = useLazy = false;\n }\n var interceptor = function(value) {\n return (retUnwrapped && chainAll)\n ? lodashFunc(value, 1)[0]\n : lodashFunc.apply(undefined, arrayPush([value], args));\n };\n\n var action = { 'func': thru, 'args': [interceptor], 'thisArg': undefined },\n onlyLazy = isLazy && !isHybrid;\n\n if (retUnwrapped && !chainAll) {\n if (onlyLazy) {\n value = value.clone();\n value.__actions__.push(action);\n return;\n }\n return, this.value())[0];\n }\n if (!retUnwrapped && useLazy) {\n value = onlyLazy ? value : new LazyWrapper(this);\n var result = func.apply(value, args);\n result.__actions__.push(action);\n return new LodashWrapper(result, chainAll);\n }\n return this.thru(interceptor);\n };\n });\n\n // Add `Array` and `String` methods to `lodash.prototype`.\n arrayEach(['join', 'pop', 'push', 'replace', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'split', 'unshift'], function(methodName) {\n var func = (/^(?:replace|split)$/.test(methodName) ? stringProto : arrayProto)[methodName],\n chainName = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(methodName) ? 'tap' : 'thru',\n retUnwrapped = /^(?:join|pop|replace|shift)$/.test(methodName);\n\n lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n var args = arguments;\n if (retUnwrapped && !this.__chain__) {\n return func.apply(this.value(), args);\n }\n return this[chainName](function(value) {\n return func.apply(value, args);\n });\n };\n });\n\n // Map minified function names to their real names.\n baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) {\n var lodashFunc = lodash[methodName];\n if (lodashFunc) {\n var key =,\n names = realNames[key] || (realNames[key] = []);\n\n names.push({ 'name': methodName, 'func': lodashFunc });\n }\n });\n\n realNames[createHybridWrapper(undefined, BIND_KEY_FLAG).name] = [{ 'name': 'wrapper', 'func': undefined }];\n\n // Add functions to the lazy wrapper.\n LazyWrapper.prototype.clone = lazyClone;\n LazyWrapper.prototype.reverse = lazyReverse;\n LazyWrapper.prototype.value = lazyValue;\n\n // Add chaining functions to the `lodash` wrapper.\n lodash.prototype.chain = wrapperChain;\n lodash.prototype.commit = wrapperCommit;\n lodash.prototype.concat = wrapperConcat;\n lodash.prototype.plant = wrapperPlant;\n lodash.prototype.reverse = wrapperReverse;\n lodash.prototype.toString = wrapperToString;\n = lodash.prototype.toJSON = lodash.prototype.valueOf = lodash.prototype.value = wrapperValue;\n\n // Add function aliases to the `lodash` wrapper.\n lodash.prototype.collect =;\n lodash.prototype.head = lodash.prototype.first;\n = lodash.prototype.filter;\n lodash.prototype.tail =;\n\n return lodash;\n }\n\n /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n // Export lodash.\n var _ = runInContext();\n\n // Some AMD build optimizers like r.js check for condition patterns like the following:\n if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {\n // Expose lodash to the global object when an AMD loader is present to avoid\n // errors in cases where lodash is loaded by a script tag and not intended\n // as an AMD module. See for\n // more details.\n root._ = _;\n\n // Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be\n // referenced as the \"underscore\" module.\n define(function() {\n return _;\n });\n }\n // Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object.\n else if (freeExports && freeModule) {\n // Export for Node.js or RingoJS.\n if (moduleExports) {\n (freeModule.exports = _)._ = _;\n }\n // Export for Rhino with CommonJS support.\n else {\n freeExports._ = _;\n }\n }\n else {\n // Export for a browser or Rhino.\n root._ = _;\n }\n}.call(this));\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/lodash/index.js\n// module id = 17\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments\n * to provide information about what broke and what you were\n * expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant\n * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nvar invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');\n }\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error(\n 'Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' +\n 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.'\n );\n } else {\n var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(\n format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; })\n );\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame\n throw error;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/invariant/browser.js\n// module id = 18\n// module chunks = 0","import _ from 'lodash';\n\nexport function getZoneSettingsValueForZoneId(zoneId, settingId, state) {\n // return false as default value\n return _.get(\n state,\n ['zoneSettings', 'entities', zoneId, settingId, 'value'],\n false\n );\n}\n\nexport function getZoneSettingsModifiedDateForZoneId(zoneId, settingId, state) {\n // return '' as default value\n return _.get(\n state,\n ['zoneSettings', 'entities', zoneId, settingId, 'modified_on'],\n ''\n );\n}\n\nexport function getAllZoneSettingsForZoneId(zoneId, state) {\n return _.get(state, ['entities', zoneId], false);\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/selectors/zoneSettings.js","/**\n * Copyright 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('./ReactCurrentOwner');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nfunction isNative(fn) {\n // Based on isNative() from Lodash\n var funcToString = Function.prototype.toString;\n var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n var reIsNative = RegExp('^' + funcToString\n // Take an example native function source for comparison\n .call(hasOwnProperty)\n // Strip regex characters so we can use it for regex\n .replace(/[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|]/g, '\\\\$&')\n // Remove hasOwnProperty from the template to make it generic\n .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$');\n try {\n var source =;\n return reIsNative.test(source);\n } catch (err) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nvar canUseCollections =\n// Array.from\ntypeof Array.from === 'function' &&\n// Map\ntypeof Map === 'function' && isNative(Map) &&\n// Map.prototype.keys\nMap.prototype != null && typeof Map.prototype.keys === 'function' && isNative(Map.prototype.keys) &&\n// Set\ntypeof Set === 'function' && isNative(Set) &&\n// Set.prototype.keys\nSet.prototype != null && typeof Set.prototype.keys === 'function' && isNative(Set.prototype.keys);\n\nvar setItem;\nvar getItem;\nvar removeItem;\nvar getItemIDs;\nvar addRoot;\nvar removeRoot;\nvar getRootIDs;\n\nif (canUseCollections) {\n var itemMap = new Map();\n var rootIDSet = new Set();\n\n setItem = function (id, item) {\n itemMap.set(id, item);\n };\n getItem = function (id) {\n return itemMap.get(id);\n };\n removeItem = function (id) {\n itemMap['delete'](id);\n };\n getItemIDs = function () {\n return Array.from(itemMap.keys());\n };\n\n addRoot = function (id) {\n rootIDSet.add(id);\n };\n removeRoot = function (id) {\n rootIDSet['delete'](id);\n };\n getRootIDs = function () {\n return Array.from(rootIDSet.keys());\n };\n} else {\n var itemByKey = {};\n var rootByKey = {};\n\n // Use non-numeric keys to prevent V8 performance issues:\n //\n var getKeyFromID = function (id) {\n return '.' + id;\n };\n var getIDFromKey = function (key) {\n return parseInt(key.substr(1), 10);\n };\n\n setItem = function (id, item) {\n var key = getKeyFromID(id);\n itemByKey[key] = item;\n };\n getItem = function (id) {\n var key = getKeyFromID(id);\n return itemByKey[key];\n };\n removeItem = function (id) {\n var key = getKeyFromID(id);\n delete itemByKey[key];\n };\n getItemIDs = function () {\n return Object.keys(itemByKey).map(getIDFromKey);\n };\n\n addRoot = function (id) {\n var key = getKeyFromID(id);\n rootByKey[key] = true;\n };\n removeRoot = function (id) {\n var key = getKeyFromID(id);\n delete rootByKey[key];\n };\n getRootIDs = function () {\n return Object.keys(rootByKey).map(getIDFromKey);\n };\n}\n\nvar unmountedIDs = [];\n\nfunction purgeDeep(id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n if (item) {\n var childIDs = item.childIDs;\n\n removeItem(id);\n childIDs.forEach(purgeDeep);\n }\n}\n\nfunction describeComponentFrame(name, source, ownerName) {\n return '\\n in ' + (name || 'Unknown') + (source ? ' (at ' + source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '') + ':' + source.lineNumber + ')' : ownerName ? ' (created by ' + ownerName + ')' : '');\n}\n\nfunction getDisplayName(element) {\n if (element == null) {\n return '#empty';\n } else if (typeof element === 'string' || typeof element === 'number') {\n return '#text';\n } else if (typeof element.type === 'string') {\n return element.type;\n } else {\n return element.type.displayName || || 'Unknown';\n }\n}\n\nfunction describeID(id) {\n var name = ReactComponentTreeHook.getDisplayName(id);\n var element = ReactComponentTreeHook.getElement(id);\n var ownerID = ReactComponentTreeHook.getOwnerID(id);\n var ownerName;\n if (ownerID) {\n ownerName = ReactComponentTreeHook.getDisplayName(ownerID);\n }\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(element, 'ReactComponentTreeHook: Missing React element for debugID %s when ' + 'building stack', id) : void 0;\n return describeComponentFrame(name, element && element._source, ownerName);\n}\n\nvar ReactComponentTreeHook = {\n onSetChildren: function (id, nextChildIDs) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n !item ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Item must have been set') : _prodInvariant('144') : void 0;\n item.childIDs = nextChildIDs;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < nextChildIDs.length; i++) {\n var nextChildID = nextChildIDs[i];\n var nextChild = getItem(nextChildID);\n !nextChild ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected hook events to fire for the child before its parent includes it in onSetChildren().') : _prodInvariant('140') : void 0;\n !(nextChild.childIDs != null || typeof nextChild.element !== 'object' || nextChild.element == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected onSetChildren() to fire for a container child before its parent includes it in onSetChildren().') : _prodInvariant('141') : void 0;\n !nextChild.isMounted ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected onMountComponent() to fire for the child before its parent includes it in onSetChildren().') : _prodInvariant('71') : void 0;\n if (nextChild.parentID == null) {\n nextChild.parentID = id;\n // TODO: This shouldn't be necessary but mounting a new root during in\n // componentWillMount currently causes not-yet-mounted components to\n // be purged from our tree data so their parent id is missing.\n }\n !(nextChild.parentID === id) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected onBeforeMountComponent() parent and onSetChildren() to be consistent (%s has parents %s and %s).', nextChildID, nextChild.parentID, id) : _prodInvariant('142', nextChildID, nextChild.parentID, id) : void 0;\n }\n },\n onBeforeMountComponent: function (id, element, parentID) {\n var item = {\n element: element,\n parentID: parentID,\n text: null,\n childIDs: [],\n isMounted: false,\n updateCount: 0\n };\n setItem(id, item);\n },\n onBeforeUpdateComponent: function (id, element) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n if (!item || !item.isMounted) {\n // We may end up here as a result of setState() in componentWillUnmount().\n // In this case, ignore the element.\n return;\n }\n item.element = element;\n },\n onMountComponent: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n !item ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Item must have been set') : _prodInvariant('144') : void 0;\n item.isMounted = true;\n var isRoot = item.parentID === 0;\n if (isRoot) {\n addRoot(id);\n }\n },\n onUpdateComponent: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n if (!item || !item.isMounted) {\n // We may end up here as a result of setState() in componentWillUnmount().\n // In this case, ignore the element.\n return;\n }\n item.updateCount++;\n },\n onUnmountComponent: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n if (item) {\n // We need to check if it exists.\n // `item` might not exist if it is inside an error boundary, and a sibling\n // error boundary child threw while mounting. Then this instance never\n // got a chance to mount, but it still gets an unmounting event during\n // the error boundary cleanup.\n item.isMounted = false;\n var isRoot = item.parentID === 0;\n if (isRoot) {\n removeRoot(id);\n }\n }\n unmountedIDs.push(id);\n },\n purgeUnmountedComponents: function () {\n if (ReactComponentTreeHook._preventPurging) {\n // Should only be used for testing.\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < unmountedIDs.length; i++) {\n var id = unmountedIDs[i];\n purgeDeep(id);\n }\n unmountedIDs.length = 0;\n },\n isMounted: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n return item ? item.isMounted : false;\n },\n getCurrentStackAddendum: function (topElement) {\n var info = '';\n if (topElement) {\n var name = getDisplayName(topElement);\n var owner = topElement._owner;\n info += describeComponentFrame(name, topElement._source, owner && owner.getName());\n }\n\n var currentOwner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n var id = currentOwner && currentOwner._debugID;\n\n info += ReactComponentTreeHook.getStackAddendumByID(id);\n return info;\n },\n getStackAddendumByID: function (id) {\n var info = '';\n while (id) {\n info += describeID(id);\n id = ReactComponentTreeHook.getParentID(id);\n }\n return info;\n },\n getChildIDs: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n return item ? item.childIDs : [];\n },\n getDisplayName: function (id) {\n var element = ReactComponentTreeHook.getElement(id);\n if (!element) {\n return null;\n }\n return getDisplayName(element);\n },\n getElement: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n return item ? item.element : null;\n },\n getOwnerID: function (id) {\n var element = ReactComponentTreeHook.getElement(id);\n if (!element || !element._owner) {\n return null;\n }\n return element._owner._debugID;\n },\n getParentID: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n return item ? item.parentID : null;\n },\n getSource: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n var element = item ? item.element : null;\n var source = element != null ? element._source : null;\n return source;\n },\n getText: function (id) {\n var element = ReactComponentTreeHook.getElement(id);\n if (typeof element === 'string') {\n return element;\n } else if (typeof element === 'number') {\n return '' + element;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n },\n getUpdateCount: function (id) {\n var item = getItem(id);\n return item ? item.updateCount : 0;\n },\n\n\n getRootIDs: getRootIDs,\n getRegisteredIDs: getItemIDs\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactComponentTreeHook;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactComponentTreeHook.js\n// module id = 20\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar React = require('react');\nvar factory = require('./factory');\n\n// Hack to grab NoopUpdateQueue from isomorphic React\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = new React.Component().updater;\n\nmodule.exports = factory(\n React.Component,\n React.isValidElement,\n ReactNoopUpdateQueue\n);\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/create-react-class/index.js\n// module id = 21\n// module chunks = 0","import {\n zoneGetSettings,\n zonePatchSetting\n} from '../utils/CFClientV4API/CFClientV4API';\nimport {\n notificationAddClientAPIError,\n notificationHandleDevelopmentMode\n} from './notifications';\nimport * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\n\nexport function zoneFetchSettings() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneFetchSettingsSuccess(zoneId, zoneSettings) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n zoneSettings\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneFetchSettingsError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncZoneFetchSettings(zoneId) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(zoneFetchSettings());\n zoneGetSettings(zoneId, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(zoneFetchSettingsSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n\n // Lastly check if development mode value and add/remove notification\n dispatch(notificationHandleDevelopmentMode(zoneId));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(zoneFetchSettingsError(), error)\n );\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneUpdateSetting(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneUpdateSettingSuccess(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneUpdateSettingError(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONE_UPDATE_SETTING_ERROR,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncZoneUpdateSetting(settingName, zoneId, value) {\n return (dispatch, getState) => {\n let oldSetting = getState().zoneSettings.entities[zoneId][settingName];\n\n dispatch(zoneUpdateSetting(zoneId, { id: settingName, value: value }));\n zonePatchSetting(settingName, zoneId, value, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(zoneUpdateSettingSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n\n // Lastly check if development mode value and add/remove notification\n dispatch(notificationHandleDevelopmentMode(zoneId));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(\n zoneUpdateSettingError(zoneId, oldSetting),\n error\n )\n );\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/zoneSettings.js","\"use strict\";\n\n/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\nfunction makeEmptyFunction(arg) {\n return function () {\n return arg;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * This function accepts and discards inputs; it has no side effects. This is\n * primarily useful idiomatically for overridable function endpoints which\n * always need to be callable, since JS lacks a null-call idiom ala Cocoa.\n */\nvar emptyFunction = function emptyFunction() {};\n\nemptyFunction.thatReturns = makeEmptyFunction;\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse = makeEmptyFunction(false);\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue = makeEmptyFunction(true);\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsNull = makeEmptyFunction(null);\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsThis = function () {\n return this;\n};\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsArgument = function (arg) {\n return arg;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = emptyFunction;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/emptyFunction.js\n// module id = 23\n// module chunks = 0","import * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport { getZoneSettingsValueForZoneId } from '../selectors/zoneSettings';\nimport _ from 'lodash';\n\nexport function notificationAdd(\n level,\n message,\n localized = false,\n persistant = false,\n delay = 5000\n) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.NOTIFICATION_ADD,\n level,\n message,\n localized,\n persistant,\n delay\n };\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddSuccess(\n message,\n localized = false,\n persistant = false,\n delay = 5000\n) {\n return notificationAdd('success', message, localized, persistant, delay);\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddInfo(\n message,\n localized = false,\n persistant = false,\n delay = 5000\n) {\n return notificationAdd('info', message, localized, persistant, delay);\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddWarning(\n message,\n localized = false,\n persistant = false,\n delay = 5000\n) {\n return notificationAdd('warning', message, localized, persistant, delay);\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddError(\n message,\n localized = false,\n persistant = false,\n delay = 5000\n) {\n return notificationAdd('error', message, localized, persistant, delay);\n}\n\nexport function notificationRemove(key) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.NOTIFICATION_REMOVE,\n key\n };\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddClientAPIError(errorAction, errorMessage) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(errorAction);\n if (typeof errorMessage === 'string') {\n dispatch(notificationAddError(errorMessage));\n } else {\n errorMessage.body.errors.forEach(function(error) {\n dispatch(notificationAddError(error.message));\n });\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport function notificationAddHostAPIError(errorAction, errorMessage) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(errorAction);\n if (typeof errorMessage === 'string') {\n dispatch(notificationAddError(errorMessage));\n } else {\n dispatch(notificationAddError(errorMessage.body.msg));\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport function notificationHandleDevelopmentMode(activeZoneId) {\n return (dispatch, getState) => {\n let notifications = getState().notifications;\n let developmentModeValue = getZoneSettingsValueForZoneId(\n activeZoneId,\n 'development_mode',\n getState()\n );\n\n var notificationKey = null;\n _.forEach(notifications, function(notification) {\n if (\n notification['level'] === 'warning' &&\n notification['message'] === 'warning.developmentmode'\n ) {\n notificationKey = notification['key'];\n }\n });\n\n if (developmentModeValue === 'on' && notificationKey === null) {\n dispatch(notificationAddWarning('warning.developmentmode', true, true));\n }\n\n if (developmentModeValue === 'off' && notificationKey !== null) {\n dispatch(notificationRemove(notificationKey));\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/notifications.js","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant'),\n _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar CallbackQueue = require('./CallbackQueue');\nvar PooledClass = require('./PooledClass');\nvar ReactFeatureFlags = require('./ReactFeatureFlags');\nvar ReactReconciler = require('./ReactReconciler');\nvar Transaction = require('./Transaction');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nvar dirtyComponents = [];\nvar updateBatchNumber = 0;\nvar asapCallbackQueue = CallbackQueue.getPooled();\nvar asapEnqueued = false;\n\nvar batchingStrategy = null;\n\nfunction ensureInjected() {\n !(ReactUpdates.ReactReconcileTransaction && batchingStrategy) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates: must inject a reconcile transaction class and batching strategy') : _prodInvariant('123') : void 0;\n}\n\nvar NESTED_UPDATES = {\n initialize: function () {\n this.dirtyComponentsLength = dirtyComponents.length;\n },\n close: function () {\n if (this.dirtyComponentsLength !== dirtyComponents.length) {\n // Additional updates were enqueued by componentDidUpdate handlers or\n // similar; before our own UPDATE_QUEUEING wrapper closes, we want to run\n // these new updates so that if A's componentDidUpdate calls setState on\n // B, B will update before the callback A's updater provided when calling\n // setState.\n dirtyComponents.splice(0, this.dirtyComponentsLength);\n flushBatchedUpdates();\n } else {\n dirtyComponents.length = 0;\n }\n }\n};\n\nvar UPDATE_QUEUEING = {\n initialize: function () {\n this.callbackQueue.reset();\n },\n close: function () {\n this.callbackQueue.notifyAll();\n }\n};\n\nvar TRANSACTION_WRAPPERS = [NESTED_UPDATES, UPDATE_QUEUEING];\n\nfunction ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction() {\n this.reinitializeTransaction();\n this.dirtyComponentsLength = null;\n this.callbackQueue = CallbackQueue.getPooled();\n this.reconcileTransaction = ReactUpdates.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(\n /* useCreateElement */true);\n}\n\n_assign(ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.prototype, Transaction, {\n getTransactionWrappers: function () {\n return TRANSACTION_WRAPPERS;\n },\n\n destructor: function () {\n this.dirtyComponentsLength = null;\n CallbackQueue.release(this.callbackQueue);\n this.callbackQueue = null;\n ReactUpdates.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(this.reconcileTransaction);\n this.reconcileTransaction = null;\n },\n\n perform: function (method, scope, a) {\n // Essentially calls `this.reconcileTransaction.perform(method, scope, a)`\n // with this transaction's wrappers around it.\n return, this.reconcileTransaction.perform, this.reconcileTransaction, method, scope, a);\n }\n});\n\nPooledClass.addPoolingTo(ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction);\n\nfunction batchedUpdates(callback, a, b, c, d, e) {\n ensureInjected();\n return batchingStrategy.batchedUpdates(callback, a, b, c, d, e);\n}\n\n/**\n * Array comparator for ReactComponents by mount ordering.\n *\n * @param {ReactComponent} c1 first component you're comparing\n * @param {ReactComponent} c2 second component you're comparing\n * @return {number} Return value usable by Array.prototype.sort().\n */\nfunction mountOrderComparator(c1, c2) {\n return c1._mountOrder - c2._mountOrder;\n}\n\nfunction runBatchedUpdates(transaction) {\n var len = transaction.dirtyComponentsLength;\n !(len === dirtyComponents.length) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected flush transaction\\'s stored dirty-components length (%s) to match dirty-components array length (%s).', len, dirtyComponents.length) : _prodInvariant('124', len, dirtyComponents.length) : void 0;\n\n // Since reconciling a component higher in the owner hierarchy usually (not\n // always -- see shouldComponentUpdate()) will reconcile children, reconcile\n // them before their children by sorting the array.\n dirtyComponents.sort(mountOrderComparator);\n\n // Any updates enqueued while reconciling must be performed after this entire\n // batch. Otherwise, if dirtyComponents is [A, B] where A has children B and\n // C, B could update twice in a single batch if C's render enqueues an update\n // to B (since B would have already updated, we should skip it, and the only\n // way we can know to do so is by checking the batch counter).\n updateBatchNumber++;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n // If a component is unmounted before pending changes apply, it will still\n // be here, but we assume that it has cleared its _pendingCallbacks and\n // that performUpdateIfNecessary is a noop.\n var component = dirtyComponents[i];\n\n // If performUpdateIfNecessary happens to enqueue any new updates, we\n // shouldn't execute the callbacks until the next render happens, so\n // stash the callbacks first\n var callbacks = component._pendingCallbacks;\n component._pendingCallbacks = null;\n\n var markerName;\n if (ReactFeatureFlags.logTopLevelRenders) {\n var namedComponent = component;\n // Duck type TopLevelWrapper. This is probably always true.\n if (component._currentElement.type.isReactTopLevelWrapper) {\n namedComponent = component._renderedComponent;\n }\n markerName = 'React update: ' + namedComponent.getName();\n console.time(markerName);\n }\n\n ReactReconciler.performUpdateIfNecessary(component, transaction.reconcileTransaction, updateBatchNumber);\n\n if (markerName) {\n console.timeEnd(markerName);\n }\n\n if (callbacks) {\n for (var j = 0; j < callbacks.length; j++) {\n transaction.callbackQueue.enqueue(callbacks[j], component.getPublicInstance());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar flushBatchedUpdates = function () {\n // ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction's wrappers will clear the dirtyComponents\n // array and perform any updates enqueued by mount-ready handlers (i.e.,\n // componentDidUpdate) but we need to check here too in order to catch\n // updates enqueued by setState callbacks and asap calls.\n while (dirtyComponents.length || asapEnqueued) {\n if (dirtyComponents.length) {\n var transaction = ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.getPooled();\n transaction.perform(runBatchedUpdates, null, transaction);\n ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.release(transaction);\n }\n\n if (asapEnqueued) {\n asapEnqueued = false;\n var queue = asapCallbackQueue;\n asapCallbackQueue = CallbackQueue.getPooled();\n queue.notifyAll();\n CallbackQueue.release(queue);\n }\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Mark a component as needing a rerender, adding an optional callback to a\n * list of functions which will be executed once the rerender occurs.\n */\nfunction enqueueUpdate(component) {\n ensureInjected();\n\n // Various parts of our code (such as ReactCompositeComponent's\n // _renderValidatedComponent) assume that calls to render aren't nested;\n // verify that that's the case. (This is called by each top-level update\n // function, like setState, forceUpdate, etc.; creation and\n // destruction of top-level components is guarded in ReactMount.)\n\n if (!batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates) {\n batchingStrategy.batchedUpdates(enqueueUpdate, component);\n return;\n }\n\n dirtyComponents.push(component);\n if (component._updateBatchNumber == null) {\n component._updateBatchNumber = updateBatchNumber + 1;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Enqueue a callback to be run at the end of the current batching cycle. Throws\n * if no updates are currently being performed.\n */\nfunction asap(callback, context) {\n !batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates.asap: Can\\'t enqueue an asap callback in a context whereupdates are not being batched.') : _prodInvariant('125') : void 0;\n asapCallbackQueue.enqueue(callback, context);\n asapEnqueued = true;\n}\n\nvar ReactUpdatesInjection = {\n injectReconcileTransaction: function (ReconcileTransaction) {\n !ReconcileTransaction ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates: must provide a reconcile transaction class') : _prodInvariant('126') : void 0;\n ReactUpdates.ReactReconcileTransaction = ReconcileTransaction;\n },\n\n injectBatchingStrategy: function (_batchingStrategy) {\n !_batchingStrategy ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates: must provide a batching strategy') : _prodInvariant('127') : void 0;\n !(typeof _batchingStrategy.batchedUpdates === 'function') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates: must provide a batchedUpdates() function') : _prodInvariant('128') : void 0;\n !(typeof _batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates === 'boolean') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactUpdates: must provide an isBatchingUpdates boolean attribute') : _prodInvariant('129') : void 0;\n batchingStrategy = _batchingStrategy;\n }\n};\n\nvar ReactUpdates = {\n /**\n * React references `ReactReconcileTransaction` using this property in order\n * to allow dependency injection.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n ReactReconcileTransaction: null,\n\n batchedUpdates: batchedUpdates,\n enqueueUpdate: enqueueUpdate,\n flushBatchedUpdates: flushBatchedUpdates,\n injection: ReactUpdatesInjection,\n asap: asap\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactUpdates;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactUpdates.js\n// module id = 25\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// Trust the developer to only use ReactInstrumentation with a __DEV__ check\n\nvar debugTool = null;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ReactDebugTool = require('./ReactDebugTool');\n debugTool = ReactDebugTool;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = { debugTool: debugTool };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactInstrumentation.js\n// module id = 26\n// module chunks = 0","var g;\r\n\r\n// This works in non-strict mode\r\ng = (function() {\r\n\treturn this;\r\n})();\r\n\r\ntry {\r\n\t// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\r\n\tg = g || Function(\"return this\")() || (1,eval)(\"this\");\r\n} catch(e) {\r\n\t// This works if the window reference is available\r\n\tif(typeof window === \"object\")\r\n\t\tg = window;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\r\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\r\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = g;\r\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// (webpack)/buildin/global.js\n// module id = 27\n// module chunks = 0","import { ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY } from '../reducers/config';\n\nexport function getAbsoluteUrl(config, url) {\n let baseUrl = typeof config.config[ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY] !== 'undefined'\n ? config.config[ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY]\n : '';\n return baseUrl + url;\n}\n\nexport function getConfigValue(config, key) {\n return config.config[key];\n}\n\nexport function isDNSPageEnabled(config) {\n return getConfigValue(config, 'isDNSPageEnabled') === true;\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/selectors/config.js","'use strict';\n\nexports.Button = require('./Button');\nexports.ButtonGroup = require('./ButtonGroup');\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-button/lib/index.js\n// module id = 29\n// module chunks = 0","import Toggle from './Toggle';\n\nexport default Toggle;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-toggle/es/index.js\n// module id = 30\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar ReactChildren = require('./ReactChildren');\nvar ReactComponent = require('./ReactComponent');\nvar ReactPureComponent = require('./ReactPureComponent');\nvar ReactClass = require('./ReactClass');\nvar ReactDOMFactories = require('./ReactDOMFactories');\nvar ReactElement = require('./ReactElement');\nvar ReactPropTypes = require('./ReactPropTypes');\nvar ReactVersion = require('./ReactVersion');\n\nvar onlyChild = require('./onlyChild');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar createElement = ReactElement.createElement;\nvar createFactory = ReactElement.createFactory;\nvar cloneElement = ReactElement.cloneElement;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var canDefineProperty = require('./canDefineProperty');\n var ReactElementValidator = require('./ReactElementValidator');\n var didWarnPropTypesDeprecated = false;\n createElement = ReactElementValidator.createElement;\n createFactory = ReactElementValidator.createFactory;\n cloneElement = ReactElementValidator.cloneElement;\n}\n\nvar __spread = _assign;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var warned = false;\n __spread = function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(warned, 'React.__spread is deprecated and should not be used. Use ' + 'Object.assign directly or another helper function with similar ' + 'semantics. You may be seeing this warning due to your compiler. ' + 'See for more details.') : void 0;\n warned = true;\n return _assign.apply(null, arguments);\n };\n}\n\nvar React = {\n\n // Modern\n\n Children: {\n map:,\n forEach: ReactChildren.forEach,\n count: ReactChildren.count,\n toArray: ReactChildren.toArray,\n only: onlyChild\n },\n\n Component: ReactComponent,\n PureComponent: ReactPureComponent,\n\n createElement: createElement,\n cloneElement: cloneElement,\n isValidElement: ReactElement.isValidElement,\n\n // Classic\n\n PropTypes: ReactPropTypes,\n createClass: ReactClass.createClass,\n createFactory: createFactory,\n createMixin: function (mixin) {\n // Currently a noop. Will be used to validate and trace mixins.\n return mixin;\n },\n\n // This looks DOM specific but these are actually isomorphic helpers\n // since they are just generating DOM strings.\n DOM: ReactDOMFactories,\n\n version: ReactVersion,\n\n // Deprecated hook for JSX spread, don't use this for anything.\n __spread: __spread\n};\n\n// TODO: Fix tests so that this deprecation warning doesn't cause failures.\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (canDefineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(React, 'PropTypes', {\n get: function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(didWarnPropTypesDeprecated, 'Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated. Use ' + 'the prop-types package from npm instead.') : void 0;\n didWarnPropTypesDeprecated = true;\n return ReactPropTypes;\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = React;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/React.js\n// module id = 31\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current owner.\n *\n * The current owner is the component who should own any components that are\n * currently being constructed.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = {\n\n /**\n * @internal\n * @type {ReactComponent}\n */\n current: null\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactCurrentOwner;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactCurrentOwner.js\n// module id = 32\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar PooledClass = require('./PooledClass');\n\nvar emptyFunction = require('fbjs/lib/emptyFunction');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar didWarnForAddedNewProperty = false;\nvar isProxySupported = typeof Proxy === 'function';\n\nvar shouldBeReleasedProperties = ['dispatchConfig', '_targetInst', 'nativeEvent', 'isDefaultPrevented', 'isPropagationStopped', '_dispatchListeners', '_dispatchInstances'];\n\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n */\nvar EventInterface = {\n type: null,\n target: null,\n // currentTarget is set when dispatching; no use in copying it here\n currentTarget: emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull,\n eventPhase: null,\n bubbles: null,\n cancelable: null,\n timeStamp: function (event) {\n return event.timeStamp ||;\n },\n defaultPrevented: null,\n isTrusted: null\n};\n\n/**\n * Synthetic events are dispatched by event plugins, typically in response to a\n * top-level event delegation handler.\n *\n * These systems should generally use pooling to reduce the frequency of garbage\n * collection. The system should check `isPersistent` to determine whether the\n * event should be released into the pool after being dispatched. Users that\n * need a persisted event should invoke `persist`.\n *\n * Synthetic events (and subclasses) implement the DOM Level 3 Events API by\n * normalizing browser quirks. Subclasses do not necessarily have to implement a\n * DOM interface; custom application-specific events can also subclass this.\n *\n * @param {object} dispatchConfig Configuration used to dispatch this event.\n * @param {*} targetInst Marker identifying the event target.\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @param {DOMEventTarget} nativeEventTarget Target node.\n */\nfunction SyntheticEvent(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // these have a getter/setter for warnings\n delete this.nativeEvent;\n delete this.preventDefault;\n delete this.stopPropagation;\n }\n\n this.dispatchConfig = dispatchConfig;\n this._targetInst = targetInst;\n this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;\n\n var Interface = this.constructor.Interface;\n for (var propName in Interface) {\n if (!Interface.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n continue;\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n delete this[propName]; // this has a getter/setter for warnings\n }\n var normalize = Interface[propName];\n if (normalize) {\n this[propName] = normalize(nativeEvent);\n } else {\n if (propName === 'target') {\n = nativeEventTarget;\n } else {\n this[propName] = nativeEvent[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n var defaultPrevented = nativeEvent.defaultPrevented != null ? nativeEvent.defaultPrevented : nativeEvent.returnValue === false;\n if (defaultPrevented) {\n this.isDefaultPrevented = emptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue;\n } else {\n this.isDefaultPrevented = emptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse;\n }\n this.isPropagationStopped = emptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse;\n return this;\n}\n\n_assign(SyntheticEvent.prototype, {\n\n preventDefault: function () {\n this.defaultPrevented = true;\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n if (!event) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (event.preventDefault) {\n event.preventDefault();\n } else if (typeof event.returnValue !== 'unknown') {\n // eslint-disable-line valid-typeof\n event.returnValue = false;\n }\n this.isDefaultPrevented = emptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue;\n },\n\n stopPropagation: function () {\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n if (!event) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (event.stopPropagation) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n } else if (typeof event.cancelBubble !== 'unknown') {\n // eslint-disable-line valid-typeof\n // The ChangeEventPlugin registers a \"propertychange\" event for\n // IE. This event does not support bubbling or cancelling, and\n // any references to cancelBubble throw \"Member not found\". A\n // typeof check of \"unknown\" circumvents this issue (and is also\n // IE specific).\n event.cancelBubble = true;\n }\n\n this.isPropagationStopped = emptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue;\n },\n\n /**\n * We release all dispatched `SyntheticEvent`s after each event loop, adding\n * them back into the pool. This allows a way to hold onto a reference that\n * won't be added back into the pool.\n */\n persist: function () {\n this.isPersistent = emptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue;\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks if this event should be released back into the pool.\n *\n * @return {boolean} True if this should not be released, false otherwise.\n */\n isPersistent: emptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse,\n\n /**\n * `PooledClass` looks for `destructor` on each instance it releases.\n */\n destructor: function () {\n var Interface = this.constructor.Interface;\n for (var propName in Interface) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n Object.defineProperty(this, propName, getPooledWarningPropertyDefinition(propName, Interface[propName]));\n } else {\n this[propName] = null;\n }\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < shouldBeReleasedProperties.length; i++) {\n this[shouldBeReleasedProperties[i]] = null;\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'nativeEvent', getPooledWarningPropertyDefinition('nativeEvent', null));\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'preventDefault', getPooledWarningPropertyDefinition('preventDefault', emptyFunction));\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'stopPropagation', getPooledWarningPropertyDefinition('stopPropagation', emptyFunction));\n }\n }\n\n});\n\nSyntheticEvent.Interface = EventInterface;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (isProxySupported) {\n /*eslint-disable no-func-assign */\n SyntheticEvent = new Proxy(SyntheticEvent, {\n construct: function (target, args) {\n return this.apply(target, Object.create(target.prototype), args);\n },\n apply: function (constructor, that, args) {\n return new Proxy(constructor.apply(that, args), {\n set: function (target, prop, value) {\n if (prop !== 'isPersistent' && !target.constructor.Interface.hasOwnProperty(prop) && shouldBeReleasedProperties.indexOf(prop) === -1) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(didWarnForAddedNewProperty || target.isPersistent(), 'This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you\\'re ' + 'seeing this, you\\'re adding a new property in the synthetic event object. ' + 'The property is never released. See ' + ' for more information.') : void 0;\n didWarnForAddedNewProperty = true;\n }\n target[prop] = value;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n });\n /*eslint-enable no-func-assign */\n }\n}\n/**\n * Helper to reduce boilerplate when creating subclasses.\n *\n * @param {function} Class\n * @param {?object} Interface\n */\nSyntheticEvent.augmentClass = function (Class, Interface) {\n var Super = this;\n\n var E = function () {};\n E.prototype = Super.prototype;\n var prototype = new E();\n\n _assign(prototype, Class.prototype);\n Class.prototype = prototype;\n Class.prototype.constructor = Class;\n\n Class.Interface = _assign({}, Super.Interface, Interface);\n Class.augmentClass = Super.augmentClass;\n\n PooledClass.addPoolingTo(Class, PooledClass.fourArgumentPooler);\n};\n\nPooledClass.addPoolingTo(SyntheticEvent, PooledClass.fourArgumentPooler);\n\nmodule.exports = SyntheticEvent;\n\n/**\n * Helper to nullify syntheticEvent instance properties when destructing\n *\n * @param {object} SyntheticEvent\n * @param {String} propName\n * @return {object} defineProperty object\n */\nfunction getPooledWarningPropertyDefinition(propName, getVal) {\n var isFunction = typeof getVal === 'function';\n return {\n configurable: true,\n set: set,\n get: get\n };\n\n function set(val) {\n var action = isFunction ? 'setting the method' : 'setting the property';\n warn(action, 'This is effectively a no-op');\n return val;\n }\n\n function get() {\n var action = isFunction ? 'accessing the method' : 'accessing the property';\n var result = isFunction ? 'This is a no-op function' : 'This is set to null';\n warn(action, result);\n return getVal;\n }\n\n function warn(action, result) {\n var warningCondition = false;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(warningCondition, 'This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you\\'re seeing this, ' + 'you\\'re %s `%s` on a released/nullified synthetic event. %s. ' + 'If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist(). ' + 'See for more information.', action, propName, result) : void 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/SyntheticEvent.js\n// module id = 33\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-2015, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Similar to invariant but only logs a warning if the condition is not met.\n * This can be used to log issues in development environments in critical\n * paths. Removing the logging code for production environments will keep the\n * same logic and follow the same code paths.\n */\n\nvar warning = function() {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning = function(condition, format, args) {\n var len = arguments.length;\n args = new Array(len > 2 ? len - 2 : 0);\n for (var key = 2; key < len; key++) {\n args[key - 2] = arguments[key];\n }\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error(\n '`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning ' +\n 'message argument'\n );\n }\n\n if (format.length < 10 || (/^[s\\W]*$/).test(format)) {\n throw new Error(\n 'The warning format should be able to uniquely identify this ' +\n 'warning. Please, use a more descriptive format than: ' + format\n );\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n var argIndex = 0;\n var message = 'Warning: ' +\n format.replace(/%s/g, function() {\n return args[argIndex++];\n });\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n console.error(message);\n }\n try {\n // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack\n // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire.\n throw new Error(message);\n } catch(x) {}\n }\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = warning;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/warning/browser.js\n// module id = 34\n// module chunks = 0","var freeGlobal = require('./_freeGlobal');\n\n/** Detect free variable `self`. */\nvar freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;\n\n/** Used as a reference to the global object. */\nvar root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();\n\nmodule.exports = root;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_root.js\n// module id = 35\n// module chunks = 0","export const ANALYTICS_PAGE = '/analytics';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_API_KB_ARTICLE_PAGE =\n '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_PAGE =\n '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_SIGNUP_PAGE = '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_DASHBOARD_PAGE = '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_UPGRADE_PAGE = '';\nexport const DOMAINS_OVERVIEW_PAGE = '/zones';\nexport const HOME_PAGE = '/home';\nexport const MORE_SETTINGS_PAGE = '/more-settings';\nexport const LOGIN_PAGE = '/login';\nexport const SIGN_UP_PAGE = '/sign-up';\nexport const SUPPORT_PAGE = '';\nexport const TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_PAGE = '';\nexport const PRIVACY_POLICY_PAGE = '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_PAGE =\n '';\nexport const CLOUDFLARE_ADD_SITE_PAGE = '';\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/constants/UrlPaths.js","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nfunction checkMask(value, bitmask) {\n return (value & bitmask) === bitmask;\n}\n\nvar DOMPropertyInjection = {\n /**\n * Mapping from normalized, camelcased property names to a configuration that\n * specifies how the associated DOM property should be accessed or rendered.\n */\n MUST_USE_PROPERTY: 0x1,\n HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 0x4,\n HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE: 0x8,\n HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE: 0x10 | 0x8,\n HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 0x20,\n\n /**\n * Inject some specialized knowledge about the DOM. This takes a config object\n * with the following properties:\n *\n * isCustomAttribute: function that given an attribute name will return true\n * if it can be inserted into the DOM verbatim. Useful for data-* or aria-*\n * attributes where it's impossible to enumerate all of the possible\n * attribute names,\n *\n * Properties: object mapping DOM property name to one of the\n * DOMPropertyInjection constants or null. If your attribute isn't in here,\n * it won't get written to the DOM.\n *\n * DOMAttributeNames: object mapping React attribute name to the DOM\n * attribute name. Attribute names not specified use the **lowercase**\n * normalized name.\n *\n * DOMAttributeNamespaces: object mapping React attribute name to the DOM\n * attribute namespace URL. (Attribute names not specified use no namespace.)\n *\n * DOMPropertyNames: similar to DOMAttributeNames but for DOM properties.\n * Property names not specified use the normalized name.\n *\n * DOMMutationMethods: Properties that require special mutation methods. If\n * `value` is undefined, the mutation method should unset the property.\n *\n * @param {object} domPropertyConfig the config as described above.\n */\n injectDOMPropertyConfig: function (domPropertyConfig) {\n var Injection = DOMPropertyInjection;\n var Properties = domPropertyConfig.Properties || {};\n var DOMAttributeNamespaces = domPropertyConfig.DOMAttributeNamespaces || {};\n var DOMAttributeNames = domPropertyConfig.DOMAttributeNames || {};\n var DOMPropertyNames = domPropertyConfig.DOMPropertyNames || {};\n var DOMMutationMethods = domPropertyConfig.DOMMutationMethods || {};\n\n if (domPropertyConfig.isCustomAttribute) {\n DOMProperty._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(domPropertyConfig.isCustomAttribute);\n }\n\n for (var propName in Properties) {\n !! ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'injectDOMPropertyConfig(...): You\\'re trying to inject DOM property \\'%s\\' which has already been injected. You may be accidentally injecting the same DOM property config twice, or you may be injecting two configs that have conflicting property names.', propName) : _prodInvariant('48', propName) : void 0;\n\n var lowerCased = propName.toLowerCase();\n var propConfig = Properties[propName];\n\n var propertyInfo = {\n attributeName: lowerCased,\n attributeNamespace: null,\n propertyName: propName,\n mutationMethod: null,\n\n mustUseProperty: checkMask(propConfig, Injection.MUST_USE_PROPERTY),\n hasBooleanValue: checkMask(propConfig, Injection.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE),\n hasNumericValue: checkMask(propConfig, Injection.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE),\n hasPositiveNumericValue: checkMask(propConfig, Injection.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE),\n hasOverloadedBooleanValue: checkMask(propConfig, Injection.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE)\n };\n !(propertyInfo.hasBooleanValue + propertyInfo.hasNumericValue + propertyInfo.hasOverloadedBooleanValue <= 1) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'DOMProperty: Value can be one of boolean, overloaded boolean, or numeric value, but not a combination: %s', propName) : _prodInvariant('50', propName) : void 0;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n DOMProperty.getPossibleStandardName[lowerCased] = propName;\n }\n\n if (DOMAttributeNames.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n var attributeName = DOMAttributeNames[propName];\n propertyInfo.attributeName = attributeName;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n DOMProperty.getPossibleStandardName[attributeName] = propName;\n }\n }\n\n if (DOMAttributeNamespaces.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n propertyInfo.attributeNamespace = DOMAttributeNamespaces[propName];\n }\n\n if (DOMPropertyNames.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n propertyInfo.propertyName = DOMPropertyNames[propName];\n }\n\n if (DOMMutationMethods.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n propertyInfo.mutationMethod = DOMMutationMethods[propName];\n }\n\n[propName] = propertyInfo;\n }\n }\n};\n\n/* eslint-disable max-len */\nvar ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR = ':A-Z_a-z\\\\u00C0-\\\\u00D6\\\\u00D8-\\\\u00F6\\\\u00F8-\\\\u02FF\\\\u0370-\\\\u037D\\\\u037F-\\\\u1FFF\\\\u200C-\\\\u200D\\\\u2070-\\\\u218F\\\\u2C00-\\\\u2FEF\\\\u3001-\\\\uD7FF\\\\uF900-\\\\uFDCF\\\\uFDF0-\\\\uFFFD';\n/* eslint-enable max-len */\n\n/**\n * DOMProperty exports lookup objects that can be used like functions:\n *\n * > DOMProperty.isValid['id']\n * true\n * > DOMProperty.isValid['foobar']\n * undefined\n *\n * Although this may be confusing, it performs better in general.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nvar DOMProperty = {\n\n ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 'data-reactid',\n ROOT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 'data-reactroot',\n\n ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR: ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR,\n ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR: ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + '\\\\-.0-9\\\\u00B7\\\\u0300-\\\\u036F\\\\u203F-\\\\u2040',\n\n /**\n * Map from property \"standard name\" to an object with info about how to set\n * the property in the DOM. Each object contains:\n *\n * attributeName:\n * Used when rendering markup or with `*Attribute()`.\n * attributeNamespace\n * propertyName:\n * Used on DOM node instances. (This includes properties that mutate due to\n * external factors.)\n * mutationMethod:\n * If non-null, used instead of the property or `setAttribute()` after\n * initial render.\n * mustUseProperty:\n * Whether the property must be accessed and mutated as an object property.\n * hasBooleanValue:\n * Whether the property should be removed when set to a falsey value.\n * hasNumericValue:\n * Whether the property must be numeric or parse as a numeric and should be\n * removed when set to a falsey value.\n * hasPositiveNumericValue:\n * Whether the property must be positive numeric or parse as a positive\n * numeric and should be removed when set to a falsey value.\n * hasOverloadedBooleanValue:\n * Whether the property can be used as a flag as well as with a value.\n * Removed when strictly equal to false; present without a value when\n * strictly equal to true; present with a value otherwise.\n */\n properties: {},\n\n /**\n * Mapping from lowercase property names to the properly cased version, used\n * to warn in the case of missing properties. Available only in __DEV__.\n *\n * autofocus is predefined, because adding it to the property whitelist\n * causes unintended side effects.\n *\n * @type {Object}\n */\n getPossibleStandardName: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? { autofocus: 'autoFocus' } : null,\n\n /**\n * All of the isCustomAttribute() functions that have been injected.\n */\n _isCustomAttributeFunctions: [],\n\n /**\n * Checks whether a property name is a custom attribute.\n * @method\n */\n isCustomAttribute: function (attributeName) {\n for (var i = 0; i < DOMProperty._isCustomAttributeFunctions.length; i++) {\n var isCustomAttributeFn = DOMProperty._isCustomAttributeFunctions[i];\n if (isCustomAttributeFn(attributeName)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n injection: DOMPropertyInjection\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DOMProperty;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/DOMProperty.js\n// module id = 37\n// module chunks = 0","var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };\n\nimport React from 'react';\n\nfunction isValidChild(object) {\n return object == null || React.isValidElement(object);\n}\n\nexport function isReactChildren(object) {\n return isValidChild(object) || Array.isArray(object) && object.every(isValidChild);\n}\n\nfunction createRoute(defaultProps, props) {\n return _extends({}, defaultProps, props);\n}\n\nexport function createRouteFromReactElement(element) {\n var type = element.type;\n var route = createRoute(type.defaultProps, element.props);\n\n if (route.children) {\n var childRoutes = createRoutesFromReactChildren(route.children, route);\n\n if (childRoutes.length) route.childRoutes = childRoutes;\n\n delete route.children;\n }\n\n return route;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates and returns a routes object from the given ReactChildren. JSX\n * provides a convenient way to visualize how routes in the hierarchy are\n * nested.\n *\n * import { Route, createRoutesFromReactChildren } from 'react-router'\n *\n * const routes = createRoutesFromReactChildren(\n * <Route component={App}>\n * <Route path=\"home\" component={Dashboard}/>\n * <Route path=\"news\" component={NewsFeed}/>\n * </Route>\n * )\n *\n * Note: This method is automatically used when you provide <Route> children\n * to a <Router> component.\n */\nexport function createRoutesFromReactChildren(children, parentRoute) {\n var routes = [];\n\n React.Children.forEach(children, function (element) {\n if (React.isValidElement(element)) {\n // Component classes may have a static create* method.\n if (element.type.createRouteFromReactElement) {\n var route = element.type.createRouteFromReactElement(element, parentRoute);\n\n if (route) routes.push(route);\n } else {\n routes.push(createRouteFromReactElement(element));\n }\n }\n });\n\n return routes;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates and returns an array of routes from the given object which\n * may be a JSX route, a plain object route, or an array of either.\n */\nexport function createRoutes(routes) {\n if (isReactChildren(routes)) {\n routes = createRoutesFromReactChildren(routes);\n } else if (routes && !Array.isArray(routes)) {\n routes = [routes];\n }\n\n return routes;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/RouteUtils.js\n// module id = 38\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.createPath = exports.parsePath = exports.getQueryStringValueFromPath = exports.stripQueryStringValueFromPath = exports.addQueryStringValueToPath = undefined;\n\nvar _warning = require('warning');\n\nvar _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nvar addQueryStringValueToPath = exports.addQueryStringValueToPath = function addQueryStringValueToPath(path, key, value) {\n var _parsePath = parsePath(path);\n\n var pathname = _parsePath.pathname;\n var search =;\n var hash = _parsePath.hash;\n\n\n return createPath({\n pathname: pathname,\n search: search + (search.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + key + '=' + value,\n hash: hash\n });\n};\n\nvar stripQueryStringValueFromPath = exports.stripQueryStringValueFromPath = function stripQueryStringValueFromPath(path, key) {\n var _parsePath2 = parsePath(path);\n\n var pathname = _parsePath2.pathname;\n var search =;\n var hash = _parsePath2.hash;\n\n\n return createPath({\n pathname: pathname,\n search: search.replace(new RegExp('([?&])' + key + '=[a-zA-Z0-9]+(&?)'), function (match, prefix, suffix) {\n return prefix === '?' ? prefix : suffix;\n }),\n hash: hash\n });\n};\n\nvar getQueryStringValueFromPath = exports.getQueryStringValueFromPath = function getQueryStringValueFromPath(path, key) {\n var _parsePath3 = parsePath(path);\n\n var search =;\n\n var match = search.match(new RegExp('[?&]' + key + '=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)'));\n return match && match[1];\n};\n\nvar extractPath = function extractPath(string) {\n var match = string.match(/^(https?:)?\\/\\/[^\\/]*/);\n return match == null ? string : string.substring(match[0].length);\n};\n\nvar parsePath = exports.parsePath = function parsePath(path) {\n var pathname = extractPath(path);\n var search = '';\n var hash = '';\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? (0, _warning2.default)(path === pathname, 'A path must be pathname + search + hash only, not a full URL like \"%s\"', path) : void 0;\n\n var hashIndex = pathname.indexOf('#');\n if (hashIndex !== -1) {\n hash = pathname.substring(hashIndex);\n pathname = pathname.substring(0, hashIndex);\n }\n\n var searchIndex = pathname.indexOf('?');\n if (searchIndex !== -1) {\n search = pathname.substring(searchIndex);\n pathname = pathname.substring(0, searchIndex);\n }\n\n if (pathname === '') pathname = '/';\n\n return {\n pathname: pathname,\n search: search,\n hash: hash\n };\n};\n\nvar createPath = exports.createPath = function createPath(location) {\n if (location == null || typeof location === 'string') return location;\n\n var basename = location.basename;\n var pathname = location.pathname;\n var search =;\n var hash = location.hash;\n\n var path = (basename || '') + pathname;\n\n if (search && search !== '?') path += search;\n\n if (hash) path += hash;\n\n return path;\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/PathUtils.js\n// module id = 39\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.routerMiddleware = exports.routerActions = exports.goForward = exports.goBack = exports.go = exports.replace = exports.push = exports.CALL_HISTORY_METHOD = exports.routerReducer = exports.LOCATION_CHANGE = exports.syncHistoryWithStore = undefined;\n\nvar _reducer = require('./reducer');\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'LOCATION_CHANGE', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _reducer.LOCATION_CHANGE;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'routerReducer', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _reducer.routerReducer;\n }\n});\n\nvar _actions = require('./actions');\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'CALL_HISTORY_METHOD', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.CALL_HISTORY_METHOD;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'push', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.push;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'replace', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.replace;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'go', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.go;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'goBack', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.goBack;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'goForward', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.goForward;\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperty(exports, 'routerActions', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _actions.routerActions;\n }\n});\n\nvar _sync = require('./sync');\n\nvar _sync2 = _interopRequireDefault(_sync);\n\nvar _middleware = require('./middleware');\n\nvar _middleware2 = _interopRequireDefault(_middleware);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nexports.syncHistoryWithStore = _sync2['default'];\nexports.routerMiddleware = _middleware2['default'];\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router-redux/lib/index.js\n// module id = 40\n// module chunks = 0","import _ from 'lodash';\n\nexport function isLoggedIn() {\n if (_.isEmpty(localStorage.cfEmail)) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nexport function getEmail() {\n return localStorage.cfEmail;\n}\n\nexport function setEmail(email) {\n localStorage.cfEmail = email;\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/utils/Auth/Auth.js","import http from 'cf-util-http';\n\nconst ENDPOINT = '';\n\n/*\n * Indicates api call success\n *\n * @param {Object} [response]\n *\n * @returns {Boolean} Successful\n */\nexport function v4ResponseOk(response) {\n return response.body.success ? true : false;\n}\n\n/*\n * Response body for errors and success responses is\n * occasionally returned in response.text instead of\n * response.body.\n *\n * @param {Function} callback\n *\n * @returns {Function} callback that passes correct error\n */\nexport function v4Callback(callback) {\n return function(error, response) {\n if (response && response.text) {\n response.body = JSON.parse(response.text);\n }\n if (error && error.text) {\n error.body = JSON.parse(error.text);\n }\n //return business logic errors as errors\n if (response && !v4ResponseOk(response)) {\n error = response;\n response = null;\n }\n return callback(error, response);\n };\n}\n\n/*\n * Check if a zone has been activated\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneActivationCheckPutNew(zoneId, callback) {\n return http.put(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/activation_check',\n {},\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Get the analytics for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {String} [since]\n * @param {String} [until]\n * @param {Boolean} [continuous]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneAnalyticsDashboardGet(\n { zoneId, since, until, continuous },\n callback\n) {\n let opts = {\n parameters: {}\n };\n\n if (since) {\n opts.parameters.since = since;\n }\n if (until) {\n opts.parameters.until = until;\n }\n if (typeof continuous !== 'undefined') {\n opts.parameters.continuous = continuous;\n }\n\n return http.get(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/analytics/dashboard',\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Get all the DNS records for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneDNSRecordGetAll(zoneId, callback) {\n return http.get(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/dns_records',\n {},\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Create a new DNS record for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {String} [type]\n * @param {String} [name]\n * @param {String} [content]\n * @param {String} [ttl]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneDNSRecordPostNew(\n { zoneId, type, name, content, ttl },\n callback\n) {\n let opts = {\n body: {\n type: type,\n name: name,\n content: content\n }\n };\n if (ttl) {\n opts.body.ttl = ttl;\n }\n\n return\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/dns_records',\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Edit a DNS record for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {String} [dnsRecordId]\n * @param {String} [type]\n * @param {String} [name]\n * @param {String} [content]\n * @param {Boolean} [proxied]\n * @param {String} [ttl]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneDNSRecordPatch(\n { zoneId, dnsRecordId, type, name, content, proxied, ttl },\n callback\n) {\n let opts = {\n body: {}\n };\n\n if (type) {\n opts.body.type = type;\n }\n if (name) {\n = name;\n }\n if (content) {\n opts.body.content = content;\n }\n if (typeof proxied !== 'undefined') {\n opts.body.proxied = proxied;\n }\n if (ttl) {\n opts.body.ttl = ttl;\n }\n\n return http.patch(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/dns_records/' + dnsRecordId,\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Purge the cache for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Object} [files]\n * @param {Object} [tags]\n * @param {Boolean} [purge_everything]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zonePurgeCache(\n { zoneId, files, tags, purge_everything },\n callback\n) {\n let opts = {\n body: {}\n };\n\n if (typeof purge_everything !== 'undefined') {\n opts.body.purge_everything = purge_everything;\n } else {\n if (files) {\n opts.body.files = files;\n }\n if (tags) {\n opts.body.tags = tags;\n }\n }\n\n return http.del(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/purge_cache',\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Get all a customer's zones\n *\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneGetAll(callback) {\n return http.get(ENDPOINT + '/zones', {}, v4Callback(callback));\n}\n\n/*\n * Get settings for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneGetSettings(zoneId, callback) {\n return http.get(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/settings',\n {},\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Update a setting for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [settingName]\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {String} [value]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zonePatchSetting(settingName, zoneId, value, callback) {\n let opts = {\n body: {\n value: value\n }\n };\n return http.patch(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/settings/' + settingName,\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Delete a customer's zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneDeleteZone(zoneId, callback) {\n return http.del(ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId, {}, v4Callback(callback));\n}\n\n/*\n * Get all available railguns for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneRailgunGetAll(zoneId, callback) {\n return http.get(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/railguns',\n {},\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n/*\n * Get all available railguns for a zone\n *\n * @param {String} [zoneId]\n * @param {Function} [callback]\n *\n * @returns {Object} API Response\n */\nexport function zoneRailgunPatch(zoneId, railgunId, connected, callback) {\n let opts = {\n body: {\n connected: connected\n }\n };\n\n return http.patch(\n ENDPOINT + '/zones/' + zoneId + '/railguns/' + railgunId,\n opts,\n v4Callback(callback)\n );\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/utils/CFClientV4API/CFClientV4API.js","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * WARNING: DO NOT manually require this module.\n * This is a replacement for `invariant(...)` used by the error code system\n * and will _only_ be required by the corresponding babel pass.\n * It always throws.\n */\n\nfunction reactProdInvariant(code) {\n var argCount = arguments.length - 1;\n\n var message = 'Minified React error #' + code + '; visit ' + '' + code;\n\n for (var argIdx = 0; argIdx < argCount; argIdx++) {\n message += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[argIdx + 1]);\n }\n\n message += ' for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment' + ' for full errors and additional helpful warnings.';\n\n var error = new Error(message);\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about reactProdInvariant's own frame\n\n throw error;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = reactProdInvariant;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/reactProdInvariant.js\n// module id = 43\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('./ReactCurrentOwner');\n\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\nvar canDefineProperty = require('./canDefineProperty');\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = require('./ReactElementSymbol');\n\nvar RESERVED_PROPS = {\n key: true,\n ref: true,\n __self: true,\n __source: true\n};\n\nvar specialPropKeyWarningShown, specialPropRefWarningShown;\n\nfunction hasValidRef(config) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (, 'ref')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return config.ref !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction hasValidKey(config) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (, 'key')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'key').get;\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return config.key !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingKey = function () {\n if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) {\n specialPropKeyWarningShown = true;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName) : void 0;\n }\n };\n warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'key', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingKey,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingRef = function () {\n if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) {\n specialPropRefWarningShown = true;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName) : void 0;\n }\n };\n warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'ref', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingRef,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Factory method to create a new React element. This no longer adheres to\n * the class pattern, so do not use new to call it. Also, no instanceof check\n * will work. Instead test $$typeof field against Symbol.for('react.element') to check\n * if something is a React Element.\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {*} key\n * @param {string|object} ref\n * @param {*} self A *temporary* helper to detect places where `this` is\n * different from the `owner` when React.createElement is called, so that we\n * can warn. We want to get rid of owner and replace string `ref`s with arrow\n * functions, and as long as `this` and owner are the same, there will be no\n * change in behavior.\n * @param {*} source An annotation object (added by a transpiler or otherwise)\n * indicating filename, line number, and/or other information.\n * @param {*} owner\n * @param {*} props\n * @internal\n */\nvar ReactElement = function (type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) {\n var element = {\n // This tag allow us to uniquely identify this as a React Element\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\n\n // Built-in properties that belong on the element\n type: type,\n key: key,\n ref: ref,\n props: props,\n\n // Record the component responsible for creating this element.\n _owner: owner\n };\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on\n // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.\n // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in\n // commonly used development environments.\n element._store = {};\n\n // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make\n // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should\n // include every environment we run tests in), so the test framework\n // ignores it.\n if (canDefineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(element._store, 'validated', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n // self and source are DEV only properties.\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_self', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: self\n });\n // Two elements created in two different places should be considered\n // equal for testing purposes and therefore we hide it from enumeration.\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_source', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: source\n });\n } else {\n element._store.validated = false;\n element._self = self;\n element._source = source;\n }\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(element.props);\n Object.freeze(element);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n};\n\n/**\n * Create and return a new ReactElement of the given type.\n * See\n */\nReactElement.createElement = function (type, config, children) {\n var propName;\n\n // Reserved names are extracted\n var props = {};\n\n var key = null;\n var ref = null;\n var self = null;\n var source = null;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n ref = config.ref;\n }\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self;\n source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source;\n // Remaining properties are added to a new props object\n for (propName in config) {\n if (, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(childArray);\n }\n }\n props.children = childArray;\n }\n\n // Resolve default props\n if (type && type.defaultProps) {\n var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;\n for (propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (key || ref) {\n if (typeof props.$$typeof === 'undefined' || props.$$typeof !== REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || || 'Unknown' : type;\n if (key) {\n defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n if (ref) {\n defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);\n};\n\n/**\n * Return a function that produces ReactElements of a given type.\n * See\n */\nReactElement.createFactory = function (type) {\n var factory = ReactElement.createElement.bind(null, type);\n // Expose the type on the factory and the prototype so that it can be\n // easily accessed on elements. E.g. `<Foo />.type === Foo`.\n // This should not be named `constructor` since this may not be the function\n // that created the element, and it may not even be a constructor.\n // Legacy hook TODO: Warn if this is accessed\n factory.type = type;\n return factory;\n};\n\nReactElement.cloneAndReplaceKey = function (oldElement, newKey) {\n var newElement = ReactElement(oldElement.type, newKey, oldElement.ref, oldElement._self, oldElement._source, oldElement._owner, oldElement.props);\n\n return newElement;\n};\n\n/**\n * Clone and return a new ReactElement using element as the starting point.\n * See\n */\nReactElement.cloneElement = function (element, config, children) {\n var propName;\n\n // Original props are copied\n var props = _assign({}, element.props);\n\n // Reserved names are extracted\n var key = element.key;\n var ref = element.ref;\n // Self is preserved since the owner is preserved.\n var self = element._self;\n // Source is preserved since cloneElement is unlikely to be targeted by a\n // transpiler, and the original source is probably a better indicator of the\n // true owner.\n var source = element._source;\n\n // Owner will be preserved, unless ref is overridden\n var owner = element._owner;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n // Silently steal the ref from the parent.\n ref = config.ref;\n owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n }\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n // Remaining properties override existing props\n var defaultProps;\n if (element.type && element.type.defaultProps) {\n defaultProps = element.type.defaultProps;\n }\n for (propName in config) {\n if (, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n if (config[propName] === undefined && defaultProps !== undefined) {\n // Resolve default props\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n } else {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n props.children = childArray;\n }\n\n return ReactElement(element.type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props);\n};\n\n/**\n * Verifies the object is a ReactElement.\n * See\n * @param {?object} object\n * @return {boolean} True if `object` is a valid component.\n * @final\n */\nReactElement.isValidElement = function (object) {\n return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactElement;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactElement.js\n// module id = 44\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar emptyObject = {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n Object.freeze(emptyObject);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = emptyObject;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/emptyObject.js\n// module id = 45\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * Static poolers. Several custom versions for each potential number of\n * arguments. A completely generic pooler is easy to implement, but would\n * require accessing the `arguments` object. In each of these, `this` refers to\n * the Class itself, not an instance. If any others are needed, simply add them\n * here, or in their own files.\n */\nvar oneArgumentPooler = function (copyFieldsFrom) {\n var Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n var instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, copyFieldsFrom);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(copyFieldsFrom);\n }\n};\n\nvar twoArgumentPooler = function (a1, a2) {\n var Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n var instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2);\n }\n};\n\nvar threeArgumentPooler = function (a1, a2, a3) {\n var Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n var instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2, a3);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2, a3);\n }\n};\n\nvar fourArgumentPooler = function (a1, a2, a3, a4) {\n var Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n var instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2, a3, a4);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2, a3, a4);\n }\n};\n\nvar standardReleaser = function (instance) {\n var Klass = this;\n !(instance instanceof Klass) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Trying to release an instance into a pool of a different type.') : _prodInvariant('25') : void 0;\n instance.destructor();\n if (Klass.instancePool.length < Klass.poolSize) {\n Klass.instancePool.push(instance);\n }\n};\n\nvar DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 10;\nvar DEFAULT_POOLER = oneArgumentPooler;\n\n/**\n * Augments `CopyConstructor` to be a poolable class, augmenting only the class\n * itself (statically) not adding any prototypical fields. Any CopyConstructor\n * you give this may have a `poolSize` property, and will look for a\n * prototypical `destructor` on instances.\n *\n * @param {Function} CopyConstructor Constructor that can be used to reset.\n * @param {Function} pooler Customizable pooler.\n */\nvar addPoolingTo = function (CopyConstructor, pooler) {\n // Casting as any so that flow ignores the actual implementation and trusts\n // it to match the type we declared\n var NewKlass = CopyConstructor;\n NewKlass.instancePool = [];\n NewKlass.getPooled = pooler || DEFAULT_POOLER;\n if (!NewKlass.poolSize) {\n NewKlass.poolSize = DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE;\n }\n NewKlass.release = standardReleaser;\n return NewKlass;\n};\n\nvar PooledClass = {\n addPoolingTo: addPoolingTo,\n oneArgumentPooler: oneArgumentPooler,\n twoArgumentPooler: twoArgumentPooler,\n threeArgumentPooler: threeArgumentPooler,\n fourArgumentPooler: fourArgumentPooler\n};\n\nmodule.exports = PooledClass;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/PooledClass.js\n// module id = 46\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactRef = require('./ReactRef');\nvar ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\n\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\n/**\n * Helper to call ReactRef.attachRefs with this composite component, split out\n * to avoid allocations in the transaction mount-ready queue.\n */\nfunction attachRefs() {\n ReactRef.attachRefs(this, this._currentElement);\n}\n\nvar ReactReconciler = {\n\n /**\n * Initializes the component, renders markup, and registers event listeners.\n *\n * @param {ReactComponent} internalInstance\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction\n * @param {?object} the containing host component instance\n * @param {?object} info about the host container\n * @return {?string} Rendered markup to be inserted into the DOM.\n * @final\n * @internal\n */\n mountComponent: function (internalInstance, transaction, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, context, parentDebugID // 0 in production and for roots\n ) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeforeMountComponent(internalInstance._debugID, internalInstance._currentElement, parentDebugID);\n }\n }\n var markup = internalInstance.mountComponent(transaction, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, context, parentDebugID);\n if (internalInstance._currentElement && internalInstance._currentElement.ref != null) {\n transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(attachRefs, internalInstance);\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onMountComponent(internalInstance._debugID);\n }\n }\n return markup;\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns a value that can be passed to\n * ReactComponentEnvironment.replaceNodeWithMarkup.\n */\n getHostNode: function (internalInstance) {\n return internalInstance.getHostNode();\n },\n\n /**\n * Releases any resources allocated by `mountComponent`.\n *\n * @final\n * @internal\n */\n unmountComponent: function (internalInstance, safely) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeforeUnmountComponent(internalInstance._debugID);\n }\n }\n ReactRef.detachRefs(internalInstance, internalInstance._currentElement);\n internalInstance.unmountComponent(safely);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onUnmountComponent(internalInstance._debugID);\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Update a component using a new element.\n *\n * @param {ReactComponent} internalInstance\n * @param {ReactElement} nextElement\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @param {object} context\n * @internal\n */\n receiveComponent: function (internalInstance, nextElement, transaction, context) {\n var prevElement = internalInstance._currentElement;\n\n if (nextElement === prevElement && context === internalInstance._context) {\n // Since elements are immutable after the owner is rendered,\n // we can do a cheap identity compare here to determine if this is a\n // superfluous reconcile. It's possible for state to be mutable but such\n // change should trigger an update of the owner which would recreate\n // the element. We explicitly check for the existence of an owner since\n // it's possible for an element created outside a composite to be\n // deeply mutated and reused.\n\n // TODO: Bailing out early is just a perf optimization right?\n // TODO: Removing the return statement should affect correctness?\n return;\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeforeUpdateComponent(internalInstance._debugID, nextElement);\n }\n }\n\n var refsChanged = ReactRef.shouldUpdateRefs(prevElement, nextElement);\n\n if (refsChanged) {\n ReactRef.detachRefs(internalInstance, prevElement);\n }\n\n internalInstance.receiveComponent(nextElement, transaction, context);\n\n if (refsChanged && internalInstance._currentElement && internalInstance._currentElement.ref != null) {\n transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(attachRefs, internalInstance);\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onUpdateComponent(internalInstance._debugID);\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Flush any dirty changes in a component.\n *\n * @param {ReactComponent} internalInstance\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @internal\n */\n performUpdateIfNecessary: function (internalInstance, transaction, updateBatchNumber) {\n if (internalInstance._updateBatchNumber !== updateBatchNumber) {\n // The component's enqueued batch number should always be the current\n // batch or the following one.\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(internalInstance._updateBatchNumber == null || internalInstance._updateBatchNumber === updateBatchNumber + 1, 'performUpdateIfNecessary: Unexpected batch number (current %s, ' + 'pending %s)', updateBatchNumber, internalInstance._updateBatchNumber) : void 0;\n return;\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeforeUpdateComponent(internalInstance._debugID, internalInstance._currentElement);\n }\n }\n internalInstance.performUpdateIfNecessary(transaction);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (internalInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onUpdateComponent(internalInstance._debugID);\n }\n }\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactReconciler;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactReconciler.js\n// module id = 47\n// module chunks = 0","module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tif(!module.children) module.children = [];\r\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(module, \"loaded\", {\r\n\t\t\tenumerable: true,\r\n\t\t\tget: function() {\r\n\t\t\t\treturn module.l;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(module, \"id\", {\r\n\t\t\tenumerable: true,\r\n\t\t\tget: function() {\r\n\t\t\t\treturn module.i;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n};\r\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n// module id = 48\n// module chunks = 0","import LayoutContainer from './LayoutContainer';\nimport LayoutRow from './LayoutRow';\nimport LayoutColumn from './LayoutColumn';\n\nexport { LayoutContainer, LayoutRow, LayoutColumn };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-layout/es/index.js\n// module id = 49\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar EventPluginHub = require('./EventPluginHub');\nvar EventPluginUtils = require('./EventPluginUtils');\n\nvar accumulateInto = require('./accumulateInto');\nvar forEachAccumulated = require('./forEachAccumulated');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar getListener = EventPluginHub.getListener;\n\n/**\n * Some event types have a notion of different registration names for different\n * \"phases\" of propagation. This finds listeners by a given phase.\n */\nfunction listenerAtPhase(inst, event, propagationPhase) {\n var registrationName = event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[propagationPhase];\n return getListener(inst, registrationName);\n}\n\n/**\n * Tags a `SyntheticEvent` with dispatched listeners. Creating this function\n * here, allows us to not have to bind or create functions for each event.\n * Mutating the event's members allows us to not have to create a wrapping\n * \"dispatch\" object that pairs the event with the listener.\n */\nfunction accumulateDirectionalDispatches(inst, phase, event) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(inst, 'Dispatching inst must not be null') : void 0;\n }\n var listener = listenerAtPhase(inst, event, phase);\n if (listener) {\n event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(event._dispatchListeners, listener);\n event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(event._dispatchInstances, inst);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Collect dispatches (must be entirely collected before dispatching - see unit\n * tests). Lazily allocate the array to conserve memory. We must loop through\n * each event and perform the traversal for each one. We cannot perform a\n * single traversal for the entire collection of events because each event may\n * have a different target.\n */\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {\n EventPluginUtils.traverseTwoPhase(event._targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Same as `accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle`, but skips over the targetID.\n */\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {\n var targetInst = event._targetInst;\n var parentInst = targetInst ? EventPluginUtils.getParentInstance(targetInst) : null;\n EventPluginUtils.traverseTwoPhase(parentInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates without regard to direction, does not look for phased\n * registration names. Same as `accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle` but without\n * requiring that the `dispatchMarker` be the same as the dispatched ID.\n */\nfunction accumulateDispatches(inst, ignoredDirection, event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n var registrationName = event.dispatchConfig.registrationName;\n var listener = getListener(inst, registrationName);\n if (listener) {\n event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(event._dispatchListeners, listener);\n event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(event._dispatchInstances, inst);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates dispatches on an `SyntheticEvent`, but only for the\n * `dispatchMarker`.\n * @param {SyntheticEvent} event\n */\nfunction accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n accumulateDispatches(event._targetInst, null, event);\n }\n}\n\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(events) {\n forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle);\n}\n\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget(events) {\n forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget);\n}\n\nfunction accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches(leave, enter, from, to) {\n EventPluginUtils.traverseEnterLeave(from, to, accumulateDispatches, leave, enter);\n}\n\nfunction accumulateDirectDispatches(events) {\n forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle);\n}\n\n/**\n * A small set of propagation patterns, each of which will accept a small amount\n * of information, and generate a set of \"dispatch ready event objects\" - which\n * are sets of events that have already been annotated with a set of dispatched\n * listener functions/ids. The API is designed this way to discourage these\n * propagation strategies from actually executing the dispatches, since we\n * always want to collect the entire set of dispatches before executing event a\n * single one.\n *\n * @constructor EventPropagators\n */\nvar EventPropagators = {\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches: accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches,\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget: accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget,\n accumulateDirectDispatches: accumulateDirectDispatches,\n accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches: accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches\n};\n\nmodule.exports = EventPropagators;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/EventPropagators.js\n// module id = 50\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar EventPluginRegistry = require('./EventPluginRegistry');\nvar EventPluginUtils = require('./EventPluginUtils');\nvar ReactErrorUtils = require('./ReactErrorUtils');\n\nvar accumulateInto = require('./accumulateInto');\nvar forEachAccumulated = require('./forEachAccumulated');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * Internal store for event listeners\n */\nvar listenerBank = {};\n\n/**\n * Internal queue of events that have accumulated their dispatches and are\n * waiting to have their dispatches executed.\n */\nvar eventQueue = null;\n\n/**\n * Dispatches an event and releases it back into the pool, unless persistent.\n *\n * @param {?object} event Synthetic event to be dispatched.\n * @param {boolean} simulated If the event is simulated (changes exn behavior)\n * @private\n */\nvar executeDispatchesAndRelease = function (event, simulated) {\n if (event) {\n EventPluginUtils.executeDispatchesInOrder(event, simulated);\n\n if (!event.isPersistent()) {\n event.constructor.release(event);\n }\n }\n};\nvar executeDispatchesAndReleaseSimulated = function (e) {\n return executeDispatchesAndRelease(e, true);\n};\nvar executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel = function (e) {\n return executeDispatchesAndRelease(e, false);\n};\n\nvar getDictionaryKey = function (inst) {\n // Prevents V8 performance issue:\n //\n return '.' + inst._rootNodeID;\n};\n\nfunction isInteractive(tag) {\n return tag === 'button' || tag === 'input' || tag === 'select' || tag === 'textarea';\n}\n\nfunction shouldPreventMouseEvent(name, type, props) {\n switch (name) {\n case 'onClick':\n case 'onClickCapture':\n case 'onDoubleClick':\n case 'onDoubleClickCapture':\n case 'onMouseDown':\n case 'onMouseDownCapture':\n case 'onMouseMove':\n case 'onMouseMoveCapture':\n case 'onMouseUp':\n case 'onMouseUpCapture':\n return !!(props.disabled && isInteractive(type));\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * This is a unified interface for event plugins to be installed and configured.\n *\n * Event plugins can implement the following properties:\n *\n * `extractEvents` {function(string, DOMEventTarget, string, object): *}\n * Required. When a top-level event is fired, this method is expected to\n * extract synthetic events that will in turn be queued and dispatched.\n *\n * `eventTypes` {object}\n * Optional, plugins that fire events must publish a mapping of registration\n * names that are used to register listeners. Values of this mapping must\n * be objects that contain `registrationName` or `phasedRegistrationNames`.\n *\n * `executeDispatch` {function(object, function, string)}\n * Optional, allows plugins to override how an event gets dispatched. By\n * default, the listener is simply invoked.\n *\n * Each plugin that is injected into `EventsPluginHub` is immediately operable.\n *\n * @public\n */\nvar EventPluginHub = {\n\n /**\n * Methods for injecting dependencies.\n */\n injection: {\n\n /**\n * @param {array} InjectedEventPluginOrder\n * @public\n */\n injectEventPluginOrder: EventPluginRegistry.injectEventPluginOrder,\n\n /**\n * @param {object} injectedNamesToPlugins Map from names to plugin modules.\n */\n injectEventPluginsByName: EventPluginRegistry.injectEventPluginsByName\n\n },\n\n /**\n * Stores `listener` at `listenerBank[registrationName][key]`. Is idempotent.\n *\n * @param {object} inst The instance, which is the source of events.\n * @param {string} registrationName Name of listener (e.g. `onClick`).\n * @param {function} listener The callback to store.\n */\n putListener: function (inst, registrationName, listener) {\n !(typeof listener === 'function') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Expected %s listener to be a function, instead got type %s', registrationName, typeof listener) : _prodInvariant('94', registrationName, typeof listener) : void 0;\n\n var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);\n var bankForRegistrationName = listenerBank[registrationName] || (listenerBank[registrationName] = {});\n bankForRegistrationName[key] = listener;\n\n var PluginModule = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[registrationName];\n if (PluginModule && PluginModule.didPutListener) {\n PluginModule.didPutListener(inst, registrationName, listener);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} inst The instance, which is the source of events.\n * @param {string} registrationName Name of listener (e.g. `onClick`).\n * @return {?function} The stored callback.\n */\n getListener: function (inst, registrationName) {\n // TODO: shouldPreventMouseEvent is DOM-specific and definitely should not\n // live here; needs to be moved to a better place soon\n var bankForRegistrationName = listenerBank[registrationName];\n if (shouldPreventMouseEvent(registrationName, inst._currentElement.type, inst._currentElement.props)) {\n return null;\n }\n var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);\n return bankForRegistrationName && bankForRegistrationName[key];\n },\n\n /**\n * Deletes a listener from the registration bank.\n *\n * @param {object} inst The instance, which is the source of events.\n * @param {string} registrationName Name of listener (e.g. `onClick`).\n */\n deleteListener: function (inst, registrationName) {\n var PluginModule = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[registrationName];\n if (PluginModule && PluginModule.willDeleteListener) {\n PluginModule.willDeleteListener(inst, registrationName);\n }\n\n var bankForRegistrationName = listenerBank[registrationName];\n // TODO: This should never be null -- when is it?\n if (bankForRegistrationName) {\n var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);\n delete bankForRegistrationName[key];\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Deletes all listeners for the DOM element with the supplied ID.\n *\n * @param {object} inst The instance, which is the source of events.\n */\n deleteAllListeners: function (inst) {\n var key = getDictionaryKey(inst);\n for (var registrationName in listenerBank) {\n if (!listenerBank.hasOwnProperty(registrationName)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (!listenerBank[registrationName][key]) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var PluginModule = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[registrationName];\n if (PluginModule && PluginModule.willDeleteListener) {\n PluginModule.willDeleteListener(inst, registrationName);\n }\n\n delete listenerBank[registrationName][key];\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Allows registered plugins an opportunity to extract events from top-level\n * native browser events.\n *\n * @return {*} An accumulation of synthetic events.\n * @internal\n */\n extractEvents: function (topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n var events;\n var plugins = EventPluginRegistry.plugins;\n for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {\n // Not every plugin in the ordering may be loaded at runtime.\n var possiblePlugin = plugins[i];\n if (possiblePlugin) {\n var extractedEvents = possiblePlugin.extractEvents(topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n if (extractedEvents) {\n events = accumulateInto(events, extractedEvents);\n }\n }\n }\n return events;\n },\n\n /**\n * Enqueues a synthetic event that should be dispatched when\n * `processEventQueue` is invoked.\n *\n * @param {*} events An accumulation of synthetic events.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueEvents: function (events) {\n if (events) {\n eventQueue = accumulateInto(eventQueue, events);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Dispatches all synthetic events on the event queue.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n processEventQueue: function (simulated) {\n // Set `eventQueue` to null before processing it so that we can tell if more\n // events get enqueued while processing.\n var processingEventQueue = eventQueue;\n eventQueue = null;\n if (simulated) {\n forEachAccumulated(processingEventQueue, executeDispatchesAndReleaseSimulated);\n } else {\n forEachAccumulated(processingEventQueue, executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel);\n }\n !!eventQueue ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'processEventQueue(): Additional events were enqueued while processing an event queue. Support for this has not yet been implemented.') : _prodInvariant('95') : void 0;\n // This would be a good time to rethrow if any of the event handlers threw.\n ReactErrorUtils.rethrowCaughtError();\n },\n\n /**\n * These are needed for tests only. Do not use!\n */\n __purge: function () {\n listenerBank = {};\n },\n\n __getListenerBank: function () {\n return listenerBank;\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = EventPluginHub;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/EventPluginHub.js\n// module id = 51\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar DOMNamespaces = require('./DOMNamespaces');\nvar setInnerHTML = require('./setInnerHTML');\n\nvar createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction = require('./createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction');\nvar setTextContent = require('./setTextContent');\n\nvar ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE = 1;\nvar DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE_TYPE = 11;\n\n/**\n * In IE (8-11) and Edge, appending nodes with no children is dramatically\n * faster than appending a full subtree, so we essentially queue up the\n * .appendChild calls here and apply them so each node is added to its parent\n * before any children are added.\n *\n * In other browsers, doing so is slower or neutral compared to the other order\n * (in Firefox, twice as slow) so we only do this inversion in IE.\n *\n * See\n */\nvar enableLazy = typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.documentMode === 'number' || typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string' && /\\bEdge\\/\\d/.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\nfunction insertTreeChildren(tree) {\n if (!enableLazy) {\n return;\n }\n var node = tree.node;\n var children = tree.children;\n if (children.length) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n insertTreeBefore(node, children[i], null);\n }\n } else if (tree.html != null) {\n setInnerHTML(node, tree.html);\n } else if (tree.text != null) {\n setTextContent(node, tree.text);\n }\n}\n\nvar insertTreeBefore = createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction(function (parentNode, tree, referenceNode) {\n // DocumentFragments aren't actually part of the DOM after insertion so\n // appending children won't update the DOM. We need to ensure the fragment\n // is properly populated first, breaking out of our lazy approach for just\n // this level. Also, some <object> plugins (like Flash Player) will read\n // <param> nodes immediately upon insertion into the DOM, so <object>\n // must also be populated prior to insertion into the DOM.\n if (tree.node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE_TYPE || tree.node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE && tree.node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'object' && (tree.node.namespaceURI == null || tree.node.namespaceURI === DOMNamespaces.html)) {\n insertTreeChildren(tree);\n parentNode.insertBefore(tree.node, referenceNode);\n } else {\n parentNode.insertBefore(tree.node, referenceNode);\n insertTreeChildren(tree);\n }\n});\n\nfunction replaceChildWithTree(oldNode, newTree) {\n oldNode.parentNode.replaceChild(newTree.node, oldNode);\n insertTreeChildren(newTree);\n}\n\nfunction queueChild(parentTree, childTree) {\n if (enableLazy) {\n parentTree.children.push(childTree);\n } else {\n parentTree.node.appendChild(childTree.node);\n }\n}\n\nfunction queueHTML(tree, html) {\n if (enableLazy) {\n tree.html = html;\n } else {\n setInnerHTML(tree.node, html);\n }\n}\n\nfunction queueText(tree, text) {\n if (enableLazy) {\n tree.text = text;\n } else {\n setTextContent(tree.node, text);\n }\n}\n\nfunction toString() {\n return this.node.nodeName;\n}\n\nfunction DOMLazyTree(node) {\n return {\n node: node,\n children: [],\n html: null,\n text: null,\n toString: toString\n };\n}\n\nDOMLazyTree.insertTreeBefore = insertTreeBefore;\nDOMLazyTree.replaceChildWithTree = replaceChildWithTree;\nDOMLazyTree.queueChild = queueChild;\nDOMLazyTree.queueHTML = queueHTML;\nDOMLazyTree.queueText = queueText;\n\nmodule.exports = DOMLazyTree;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/DOMLazyTree.js\n// module id = 52\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * `ReactInstanceMap` maintains a mapping from a public facing stateful\n * instance (key) and the internal representation (value). This allows public\n * methods to accept the user facing instance as an argument and map them back\n * to internal methods.\n */\n\n// TODO: Replace this with ES6: var ReactInstanceMap = new Map();\n\nvar ReactInstanceMap = {\n\n /**\n * This API should be called `delete` but we'd have to make sure to always\n * transform these to strings for IE support. When this transform is fully\n * supported we can rename it.\n */\n remove: function (key) {\n key._reactInternalInstance = undefined;\n },\n\n get: function (key) {\n return key._reactInternalInstance;\n },\n\n has: function (key) {\n return key._reactInternalInstance !== undefined;\n },\n\n set: function (key, value) {\n key._reactInternalInstance = value;\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactInstanceMap;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactInstanceMap.js\n// module id = 53\n// module chunks = 0","import warning from 'warning';\n\nvar warned = {};\n\nexport default function routerWarning(falseToWarn, message) {\n // Only issue deprecation warnings once.\n if (message.indexOf('deprecated') !== -1) {\n if (warned[message]) {\n return;\n }\n\n warned[message] = true;\n }\n\n message = '[react-router] ' + message;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n warning.apply(undefined, [falseToWarn, message].concat(args));\n}\n\nexport function _resetWarned() {\n warned = {};\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/routerWarning.js\n// module id = 54\n// module chunks = 0","import invariant from 'invariant';\n\nfunction escapeRegExp(string) {\n return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, '\\\\$&');\n}\n\nfunction _compilePattern(pattern) {\n var regexpSource = '';\n var paramNames = [];\n var tokens = [];\n\n var match = void 0,\n lastIndex = 0,\n matcher = /:([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)|\\*\\*|\\*|\\(|\\)|\\\\\\(|\\\\\\)/g;\n while (match = matcher.exec(pattern)) {\n if (match.index !== lastIndex) {\n tokens.push(pattern.slice(lastIndex, match.index));\n regexpSource += escapeRegExp(pattern.slice(lastIndex, match.index));\n }\n\n if (match[1]) {\n regexpSource += '([^/]+)';\n paramNames.push(match[1]);\n } else if (match[0] === '**') {\n regexpSource += '(.*)';\n paramNames.push('splat');\n } else if (match[0] === '*') {\n regexpSource += '(.*?)';\n paramNames.push('splat');\n } else if (match[0] === '(') {\n regexpSource += '(?:';\n } else if (match[0] === ')') {\n regexpSource += ')?';\n } else if (match[0] === '\\\\(') {\n regexpSource += '\\\\(';\n } else if (match[0] === '\\\\)') {\n regexpSource += '\\\\)';\n }\n\n tokens.push(match[0]);\n\n lastIndex = matcher.lastIndex;\n }\n\n if (lastIndex !== pattern.length) {\n tokens.push(pattern.slice(lastIndex, pattern.length));\n regexpSource += escapeRegExp(pattern.slice(lastIndex, pattern.length));\n }\n\n return {\n pattern: pattern,\n regexpSource: regexpSource,\n paramNames: paramNames,\n tokens: tokens\n };\n}\n\nvar CompiledPatternsCache = Object.create(null);\n\nexport function compilePattern(pattern) {\n if (!CompiledPatternsCache[pattern]) CompiledPatternsCache[pattern] = _compilePattern(pattern);\n\n return CompiledPatternsCache[pattern];\n}\n\n/**\n * Attempts to match a pattern on the given pathname. Patterns may use\n * the following special characters:\n *\n * - :paramName Matches a URL segment up to the next /, ?, or #. The\n * captured string is considered a \"param\"\n * - () Wraps a segment of the URL that is optional\n * - * Consumes (non-greedy) all characters up to the next\n * character in the pattern, or to the end of the URL if\n * there is none\n * - ** Consumes (greedy) all characters up to the next character\n * in the pattern, or to the end of the URL if there is none\n *\n * The function calls callback(error, matched) when finished.\n * The return value is an object with the following properties:\n *\n * - remainingPathname\n * - paramNames\n * - paramValues\n */\nexport function matchPattern(pattern, pathname) {\n // Ensure pattern starts with leading slash for consistency with pathname.\n if (pattern.charAt(0) !== '/') {\n pattern = '/' + pattern;\n }\n\n var _compilePattern2 = compilePattern(pattern),\n regexpSource = _compilePattern2.regexpSource,\n paramNames = _compilePattern2.paramNames,\n tokens = _compilePattern2.tokens;\n\n if (pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) !== '/') {\n regexpSource += '/?'; // Allow optional path separator at end.\n }\n\n // Special-case patterns like '*' for catch-all routes.\n if (tokens[tokens.length - 1] === '*') {\n regexpSource += '$';\n }\n\n var match = pathname.match(new RegExp('^' + regexpSource, 'i'));\n if (match == null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var matchedPath = match[0];\n var remainingPathname = pathname.substr(matchedPath.length);\n\n if (remainingPathname) {\n // Require that the match ends at a path separator, if we didn't match\n // the full path, so any remaining pathname is a new path segment.\n if (matchedPath.charAt(matchedPath.length - 1) !== '/') {\n return null;\n }\n\n // If there is a remaining pathname, treat the path separator as part of\n // the remaining pathname for properly continuing the match.\n remainingPathname = '/' + remainingPathname;\n }\n\n return {\n remainingPathname: remainingPathname,\n paramNames: paramNames,\n paramValues: match.slice(1).map(function (v) {\n return v && decodeURIComponent(v);\n })\n };\n}\n\nexport function getParamNames(pattern) {\n return compilePattern(pattern).paramNames;\n}\n\nexport function getParams(pattern, pathname) {\n var match = matchPattern(pattern, pathname);\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var paramNames = match.paramNames,\n paramValues = match.paramValues;\n\n var params = {};\n\n paramNames.forEach(function (paramName, index) {\n params[paramName] = paramValues[index];\n });\n\n return params;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a version of the given pattern with params interpolated. Throws\n * if there is a dynamic segment of the pattern for which there is no param.\n */\nexport function formatPattern(pattern, params) {\n params = params || {};\n\n var _compilePattern3 = compilePattern(pattern),\n tokens = _compilePattern3.tokens;\n\n var parenCount = 0,\n pathname = '',\n splatIndex = 0,\n parenHistory = [];\n\n var token = void 0,\n paramName = void 0,\n paramValue = void 0;\n for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i) {\n token = tokens[i];\n\n if (token === '*' || token === '**') {\n paramValue = Array.isArray(params.splat) ? params.splat[splatIndex++] : params.splat;\n\n !(paramValue != null || parenCount > 0) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Missing splat #%s for path \"%s\"', splatIndex, pattern) : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n if (paramValue != null) pathname += encodeURI(paramValue);\n } else if (token === '(') {\n parenHistory[parenCount] = '';\n parenCount += 1;\n } else if (token === ')') {\n var parenText = parenHistory.pop();\n parenCount -= 1;\n\n if (parenCount) parenHistory[parenCount - 1] += parenText;else pathname += parenText;\n } else if (token === '\\\\(') {\n pathname += '(';\n } else if (token === '\\\\)') {\n pathname += ')';\n } else if (token.charAt(0) === ':') {\n paramName = token.substring(1);\n paramValue = params[paramName];\n\n !(paramValue != null || parenCount > 0) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Missing \"%s\" parameter for path \"%s\"', paramName, pattern) : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n if (paramValue == null) {\n if (parenCount) {\n parenHistory[parenCount - 1] = '';\n\n var curTokenIdx = tokens.indexOf(token);\n var tokensSubset = tokens.slice(curTokenIdx, tokens.length);\n var nextParenIdx = -1;\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < tokensSubset.length; _i++) {\n if (tokensSubset[_i] == ')') {\n nextParenIdx = _i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n !(nextParenIdx > 0) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Path \"%s\" is missing end paren at segment \"%s\"', pattern, tokensSubset.join('')) : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n // jump to ending paren\n i = curTokenIdx + nextParenIdx - 1;\n }\n } else if (parenCount) parenHistory[parenCount - 1] += encodeURIComponent(paramValue);else pathname += encodeURIComponent(paramValue);\n } else {\n if (parenCount) parenHistory[parenCount - 1] += token;else pathname += token;\n }\n }\n\n !(parenCount <= 0) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Path \"%s\" is missing end paren', pattern) : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n return pathname.replace(/\\/+/g, '/');\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/PatternUtils.js\n// module id = 55\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.locationsAreEqual = exports.statesAreEqual = exports.createLocation = exports.createQuery = undefined;\n\nvar _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };\n\nvar _invariant = require('invariant');\n\nvar _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant);\n\nvar _warning = require('warning');\n\nvar _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning);\n\nvar _PathUtils = require('./PathUtils');\n\nvar _Actions = require('./Actions');\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nvar createQuery = exports.createQuery = function createQuery(props) {\n return _extends(Object.create(null), props);\n};\n\nvar createLocation = exports.createLocation = function createLocation() {\n var input = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '/' : arguments[0];\n var action = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? _Actions.POP : arguments[1];\n var key = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? null : arguments[2];\n\n var object = typeof input === 'string' ? (0, _PathUtils.parsePath)(input) : input;\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? (0, _warning2.default)(!object.path, 'Location descriptor objects should have a `pathname`, not a `path`.') : void 0;\n\n var pathname = object.pathname || '/';\n var search = || '';\n var hash = object.hash || '';\n var state = object.state;\n\n return {\n pathname: pathname,\n search: search,\n hash: hash,\n state: state,\n action: action,\n key: key\n };\n};\n\nvar isDate = function isDate(object) {\n return === '[object Date]';\n};\n\nvar statesAreEqual = exports.statesAreEqual = function statesAreEqual(a, b) {\n if (a === b) return true;\n\n var typeofA = typeof a === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(a);\n var typeofB = typeof b === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(b);\n\n if (typeofA !== typeofB) return false;\n\n !(typeofA !== 'function') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? (0, _invariant2.default)(false, 'You must not store functions in location state') : (0, _invariant2.default)(false) : void 0;\n\n // Not the same object, but same type.\n if (typeofA === 'object') {\n !!(isDate(a) && isDate(b)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? (0, _invariant2.default)(false, 'You must not store Date objects in location state') : (0, _invariant2.default)(false) : void 0;\n\n if (!Array.isArray(a)) {\n var keysofA = Object.keys(a);\n var keysofB = Object.keys(b);\n return keysofA.length === keysofB.length && keysofA.every(function (key) {\n return statesAreEqual(a[key], b[key]);\n });\n }\n\n return Array.isArray(b) && a.length === b.length && a.every(function (item, index) {\n return statesAreEqual(item, b[index]);\n });\n }\n\n // All other serializable types (string, number, boolean)\n // should be strict equal.\n return false;\n};\n\nvar locationsAreEqual = exports.locationsAreEqual = function locationsAreEqual(a, b) {\n return a.key === b.key &&\n // a.action === b.action && // Different action !== location change.\n a.pathname === b.pathname && === && a.hash === b.hash && statesAreEqual(a.state, b.state);\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/LocationUtils.js\n// module id = 56\n// module chunks = 0","var baseIsNative = require('./_baseIsNative'),\n getValue = require('./_getValue');\n\n/**\n * Gets the native function at `key` of `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @param {string} key The key of the method to get.\n * @returns {*} Returns the function if it's native, else `undefined`.\n */\nfunction getNative(object, key) {\n var value = getValue(object, key);\n return baseIsNative(value) ? value : undefined;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getNative;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_getNative.js\n// module id = 57\n// module chunks = 0","import Select from './Select';\n\nexport default Select;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-select/es/index.js\n// module id = 58\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.Heading = require('./Heading');\nexports.HeadingCaption = require('./HeadingCaption');\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-heading/lib/index.js\n// module id = 59\n// module chunks = 0","export default function arrayReduce(array, iterator, initialValue) {\n for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; ++i) {\n initialValue = iterator(initialValue, array[i]);\n }\n\n return initialValue;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fela-utils/es/arrayReduce.js\n// module id = 60\n// module chunks = 0","const LOCALIZED_PRO_PLAN_ID = '';\nconst LOCALIZED_BIZ_PLAN_ID = '';\nconst LOCALIZED_ENT_PLAN_ID = 'constants.plans.ent';\n\nexport const FREE_PLAN = 'free';\nexport const PRO_PLAN = 'pro';\nexport const BIZ_PLAN = 'business';\nexport const ENT_PLAN = 'enterprise';\n\nexport function planNeedsUpgrade(currentPlan, minimumPlan) {\n var planList = {};\n planList[FREE_PLAN] = 0;\n planList[PRO_PLAN] = 1;\n planList[BIZ_PLAN] = 2;\n planList[ENT_PLAN] = 3;\n\n return planList[currentPlan] < planList[minimumPlan];\n}\n\nexport function getLocalizedPlanId(planName) {\n var localizedPlanName = planName;\n switch (planName) {\n case PRO_PLAN:\n localizedPlanName = LOCALIZED_PRO_PLAN_ID;\n break;\n case BIZ_PLAN:\n localizedPlanName = LOCALIZED_BIZ_PLAN_ID;\n break;\n case ENT_PLAN:\n localizedPlanName = LOCALIZED_ENT_PLAN_ID;\n break;\n default:\n // This should never happen\n break;\n }\n\n return localizedPlanName;\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/constants/Plans.js","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// React 15.5 references this module, and assumes PropTypes are still callable in production.\n// Therefore we re-export development-only version with all the PropTypes checks here.\n// However if one is migrating to the `prop-types` npm library, they will go through the\n// `index.js` entry point, and it will branch depending on the environment.\nvar factory = require('./factoryWithTypeCheckers');\nmodule.exports = function(isValidElement) {\n // It is still allowed in 15.5.\n var throwOnDirectAccess = false;\n return factory(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/prop-types/factory.js\n// module id = 62\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * Injectable ordering of event plugins.\n */\nvar eventPluginOrder = null;\n\n/**\n * Injectable mapping from names to event plugin modules.\n */\nvar namesToPlugins = {};\n\n/**\n * Recomputes the plugin list using the injected plugins and plugin ordering.\n *\n * @private\n */\nfunction recomputePluginOrdering() {\n if (!eventPluginOrder) {\n // Wait until an `eventPluginOrder` is injected.\n return;\n }\n for (var pluginName in namesToPlugins) {\n var pluginModule = namesToPlugins[pluginName];\n var pluginIndex = eventPluginOrder.indexOf(pluginName);\n !(pluginIndex > -1) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, `%s`.', pluginName) : _prodInvariant('96', pluginName) : void 0;\n if (EventPluginRegistry.plugins[pluginIndex]) {\n continue;\n }\n !pluginModule.extractEvents ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `extractEvents` method, but `%s` does not.', pluginName) : _prodInvariant('97', pluginName) : void 0;\n EventPluginRegistry.plugins[pluginIndex] = pluginModule;\n var publishedEvents = pluginModule.eventTypes;\n for (var eventName in publishedEvents) {\n !publishEventForPlugin(publishedEvents[eventName], pluginModule, eventName) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event `%s` for plugin `%s`.', eventName, pluginName) : _prodInvariant('98', eventName, pluginName) : void 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Publishes an event so that it can be dispatched by the supplied plugin.\n *\n * @param {object} dispatchConfig Dispatch configuration for the event.\n * @param {object} PluginModule Plugin publishing the event.\n * @return {boolean} True if the event was successfully published.\n * @private\n */\nfunction publishEventForPlugin(dispatchConfig, pluginModule, eventName) {\n !!EventPluginRegistry.eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, `%s`.', eventName) : _prodInvariant('99', eventName) : void 0;\n EventPluginRegistry.eventNameDispatchConfigs[eventName] = dispatchConfig;\n\n var phasedRegistrationNames = dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames;\n if (phasedRegistrationNames) {\n for (var phaseName in phasedRegistrationNames) {\n if (phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(phaseName)) {\n var phasedRegistrationName = phasedRegistrationNames[phaseName];\n publishRegistrationName(phasedRegistrationName, pluginModule, eventName);\n }\n }\n return true;\n } else if (dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n publishRegistrationName(dispatchConfig.registrationName, pluginModule, eventName);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Publishes a registration name that is used to identify dispatched events and\n * can be used with `EventPluginHub.putListener` to register listeners.\n *\n * @param {string} registrationName Registration name to add.\n * @param {object} PluginModule Plugin publishing the event.\n * @private\n */\nfunction publishRegistrationName(registrationName, pluginModule, eventName) {\n !!EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[registrationName] ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `%s`.', registrationName) : _prodInvariant('100', registrationName) : void 0;\n EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[registrationName] = pluginModule;\n EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameDependencies[registrationName] = pluginModule.eventTypes[eventName].dependencies;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var lowerCasedName = registrationName.toLowerCase();\n EventPluginRegistry.possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] = registrationName;\n\n if (registrationName === 'onDoubleClick') {\n EventPluginRegistry.possibleRegistrationNames.ondblclick = registrationName;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers plugins so that they can extract and dispatch events.\n *\n * @see {EventPluginHub}\n */\nvar EventPluginRegistry = {\n\n /**\n * Ordered list of injected plugins.\n */\n plugins: [],\n\n /**\n * Mapping from event name to dispatch config\n */\n eventNameDispatchConfigs: {},\n\n /**\n * Mapping from registration name to plugin module\n */\n registrationNameModules: {},\n\n /**\n * Mapping from registration name to event name\n */\n registrationNameDependencies: {},\n\n /**\n * Mapping from lowercase registration names to the properly cased version,\n * used to warn in the case of missing event handlers. Available\n * only in __DEV__.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n possibleRegistrationNames: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? {} : null,\n // Trust the developer to only use possibleRegistrationNames in __DEV__\n\n /**\n * Injects an ordering of plugins (by plugin name). This allows the ordering\n * to be decoupled from injection of the actual plugins so that ordering is\n * always deterministic regardless of packaging, on-the-fly injection, etc.\n *\n * @param {array} InjectedEventPluginOrder\n * @internal\n * @see {EventPluginHub.injection.injectEventPluginOrder}\n */\n injectEventPluginOrder: function (injectedEventPluginOrder) {\n !!eventPluginOrder ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugin ordering more than once. You are likely trying to load more than one copy of React.') : _prodInvariant('101') : void 0;\n // Clone the ordering so it cannot be dynamically mutated.\n eventPluginOrder =;\n recomputePluginOrdering();\n },\n\n /**\n * Injects plugins to be used by `EventPluginHub`. The plugin names must be\n * in the ordering injected by `injectEventPluginOrder`.\n *\n * Plugins can be injected as part of page initialization or on-the-fly.\n *\n * @param {object} injectedNamesToPlugins Map from names to plugin modules.\n * @internal\n * @see {EventPluginHub.injection.injectEventPluginsByName}\n */\n injectEventPluginsByName: function (injectedNamesToPlugins) {\n var isOrderingDirty = false;\n for (var pluginName in injectedNamesToPlugins) {\n if (!injectedNamesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) {\n continue;\n }\n var pluginModule = injectedNamesToPlugins[pluginName];\n if (!namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName) || namesToPlugins[pluginName] !== pluginModule) {\n !!namesToPlugins[pluginName] ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `%s`.', pluginName) : _prodInvariant('102', pluginName) : void 0;\n namesToPlugins[pluginName] = pluginModule;\n isOrderingDirty = true;\n }\n }\n if (isOrderingDirty) {\n recomputePluginOrdering();\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Looks up the plugin for the supplied event.\n *\n * @param {object} event A synthetic event.\n * @return {?object} The plugin that created the supplied event.\n * @internal\n */\n getPluginModuleForEvent: function (event) {\n var dispatchConfig = event.dispatchConfig;\n if (dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n return EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[dispatchConfig.registrationName] || null;\n }\n if (dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames !== undefined) {\n // pulling phasedRegistrationNames out of dispatchConfig helps Flow see\n // that it is not undefined.\n var phasedRegistrationNames = dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames;\n\n for (var phase in phasedRegistrationNames) {\n if (!phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(phase)) {\n continue;\n }\n var pluginModule = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules[phasedRegistrationNames[phase]];\n if (pluginModule) {\n return pluginModule;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n },\n\n /**\n * Exposed for unit testing.\n * @private\n */\n _resetEventPlugins: function () {\n eventPluginOrder = null;\n for (var pluginName in namesToPlugins) {\n if (namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) {\n delete namesToPlugins[pluginName];\n }\n }\n EventPluginRegistry.plugins.length = 0;\n\n var eventNameDispatchConfigs = EventPluginRegistry.eventNameDispatchConfigs;\n for (var eventName in eventNameDispatchConfigs) {\n if (eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {\n delete eventNameDispatchConfigs[eventName];\n }\n }\n\n var registrationNameModules = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameModules;\n for (var registrationName in registrationNameModules) {\n if (registrationNameModules.hasOwnProperty(registrationName)) {\n delete registrationNameModules[registrationName];\n }\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var possibleRegistrationNames = EventPluginRegistry.possibleRegistrationNames;\n for (var lowerCasedName in possibleRegistrationNames) {\n if (possibleRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName)) {\n delete possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = EventPluginRegistry;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/EventPluginRegistry.js\n// module id = 63\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar SyntheticEvent = require('./SyntheticEvent');\n\nvar getEventTarget = require('./getEventTarget');\n\n/**\n * @interface UIEvent\n * @see\n */\nvar UIEventInterface = {\n view: function (event) {\n if (event.view) {\n return event.view;\n }\n\n var target = getEventTarget(event);\n if (target.window === target) {\n // target is a window object\n return target;\n }\n\n var doc = target.ownerDocument;\n // TODO: Figure out why `ownerDocument` is sometimes undefined in IE8.\n if (doc) {\n return doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;\n } else {\n return window;\n }\n },\n detail: function (event) {\n return event.detail || 0;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {object} dispatchConfig Configuration used to dispatch this event.\n * @param {string} dispatchMarker Marker identifying the event target.\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @extends {SyntheticEvent}\n */\nfunction SyntheticUIEvent(dispatchConfig, dispatchMarker, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n return, dispatchConfig, dispatchMarker, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n}\n\nSyntheticEvent.augmentClass(SyntheticUIEvent, UIEventInterface);\n\nmodule.exports = SyntheticUIEvent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/SyntheticUIEvent.js\n// module id = 64\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar EventPluginRegistry = require('./EventPluginRegistry');\nvar ReactEventEmitterMixin = require('./ReactEventEmitterMixin');\nvar ViewportMetrics = require('./ViewportMetrics');\n\nvar getVendorPrefixedEventName = require('./getVendorPrefixedEventName');\nvar isEventSupported = require('./isEventSupported');\n\n/**\n * Summary of `ReactBrowserEventEmitter` event handling:\n *\n * - Top-level delegation is used to trap most native browser events. This\n * may only occur in the main thread and is the responsibility of\n * ReactEventListener, which is injected and can therefore support pluggable\n * event sources. This is the only work that occurs in the main thread.\n *\n * - We normalize and de-duplicate events to account for browser quirks. This\n * may be done in the worker thread.\n *\n * - Forward these native events (with the associated top-level type used to\n * trap it) to `EventPluginHub`, which in turn will ask plugins if they want\n * to extract any synthetic events.\n *\n * - The `EventPluginHub` will then process each event by annotating them with\n * \"dispatches\", a sequence of listeners and IDs that care about that event.\n *\n * - The `EventPluginHub` then dispatches the events.\n *\n * Overview of React and the event system:\n *\n * +------------+ .\n * | DOM | .\n * +------------+ .\n * | .\n * v .\n * +------------+ .\n * | ReactEvent | .\n * | Listener | .\n * +------------+ . +-----------+\n * | . +--------+|SimpleEvent|\n * | . | |Plugin |\n * +-----|------+ . v +-----------+\n * | | | . +--------------+ +------------+\n * | +-----------.--->|EventPluginHub| | Event |\n * | | . | | +-----------+ | Propagators|\n * | ReactEvent | . | | |TapEvent | |------------|\n * | Emitter | . | |<---+|Plugin | |other plugin|\n * | | . | | +-----------+ | utilities |\n * | +-----------.--->| | +------------+\n * | | | . +--------------+\n * +-----|------+ . ^ +-----------+\n * | . | |Enter/Leave|\n * + . +-------+|Plugin |\n * +-------------+ . +-----------+\n * | application | .\n * |-------------| .\n * | | .\n * | | .\n * +-------------+ .\n * .\n * React Core . General Purpose Event Plugin System\n */\n\nvar hasEventPageXY;\nvar alreadyListeningTo = {};\nvar isMonitoringScrollValue = false;\nvar reactTopListenersCounter = 0;\n\n// For events like 'submit' which don't consistently bubble (which we trap at a\n// lower node than `document`), binding at `document` would cause duplicate\n// events so we don't include them here\nvar topEventMapping = {\n topAbort: 'abort',\n topAnimationEnd: getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationend') || 'animationend',\n topAnimationIteration: getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationiteration') || 'animationiteration',\n topAnimationStart: getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationstart') || 'animationstart',\n topBlur: 'blur',\n topCanPlay: 'canplay',\n topCanPlayThrough: 'canplaythrough',\n topChange: 'change',\n topClick: 'click',\n topCompositionEnd: 'compositionend',\n topCompositionStart: 'compositionstart',\n topCompositionUpdate: 'compositionupdate',\n topContextMenu: 'contextmenu',\n topCopy: 'copy',\n topCut: 'cut',\n topDoubleClick: 'dblclick',\n topDrag: 'drag',\n topDragEnd: 'dragend',\n topDragEnter: 'dragenter',\n topDragExit: 'dragexit',\n topDragLeave: 'dragleave',\n topDragOver: 'dragover',\n topDragStart: 'dragstart',\n topDrop: 'drop',\n topDurationChange: 'durationchange',\n topEmptied: 'emptied',\n topEncrypted: 'encrypted',\n topEnded: 'ended',\n topError: 'error',\n topFocus: 'focus',\n topInput: 'input',\n topKeyDown: 'keydown',\n topKeyPress: 'keypress',\n topKeyUp: 'keyup',\n topLoadedData: 'loadeddata',\n topLoadedMetadata: 'loadedmetadata',\n topLoadStart: 'loadstart',\n topMouseDown: 'mousedown',\n topMouseMove: 'mousemove',\n topMouseOut: 'mouseout',\n topMouseOver: 'mouseover',\n topMouseUp: 'mouseup',\n topPaste: 'paste',\n topPause: 'pause',\n topPlay: 'play',\n topPlaying: 'playing',\n topProgress: 'progress',\n topRateChange: 'ratechange',\n topScroll: 'scroll',\n topSeeked: 'seeked',\n topSeeking: 'seeking',\n topSelectionChange: 'selectionchange',\n topStalled: 'stalled',\n topSuspend: 'suspend',\n topTextInput: 'textInput',\n topTimeUpdate: 'timeupdate',\n topTouchCancel: 'touchcancel',\n topTouchEnd: 'touchend',\n topTouchMove: 'touchmove',\n topTouchStart: 'touchstart',\n topTransitionEnd: getVendorPrefixedEventName('transitionend') || 'transitionend',\n topVolumeChange: 'volumechange',\n topWaiting: 'waiting',\n topWheel: 'wheel'\n};\n\n/**\n * To ensure no conflicts with other potential React instances on the page\n */\nvar topListenersIDKey = '_reactListenersID' + String(Math.random()).slice(2);\n\nfunction getListeningForDocument(mountAt) {\n // In IE8, `mountAt` is a host object and doesn't have `hasOwnProperty`\n // directly.\n if (!, topListenersIDKey)) {\n mountAt[topListenersIDKey] = reactTopListenersCounter++;\n alreadyListeningTo[mountAt[topListenersIDKey]] = {};\n }\n return alreadyListeningTo[mountAt[topListenersIDKey]];\n}\n\n/**\n * `ReactBrowserEventEmitter` is used to attach top-level event listeners. For\n * example:\n *\n * EventPluginHub.putListener('myID', 'onClick', myFunction);\n *\n * This would allocate a \"registration\" of `('onClick', myFunction)` on 'myID'.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nvar ReactBrowserEventEmitter = _assign({}, ReactEventEmitterMixin, {\n\n /**\n * Injectable event backend\n */\n ReactEventListener: null,\n\n injection: {\n /**\n * @param {object} ReactEventListener\n */\n injectReactEventListener: function (ReactEventListener) {\n ReactEventListener.setHandleTopLevel(ReactBrowserEventEmitter.handleTopLevel);\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener = ReactEventListener;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets whether or not any created callbacks should be enabled.\n *\n * @param {boolean} enabled True if callbacks should be enabled.\n */\n setEnabled: function (enabled) {\n if (ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.setEnabled(enabled);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean} True if callbacks are enabled.\n */\n isEnabled: function () {\n return !!(ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener && ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.isEnabled());\n },\n\n /**\n * We listen for bubbled touch events on the document object.\n *\n * Firefox v8.01 (and possibly others) exhibited strange behavior when\n * mounting `onmousemove` events at some node that was not the document\n * element. The symptoms were that if your mouse is not moving over something\n * contained within that mount point (for example on the background) the\n * top-level listeners for `onmousemove` won't be called. However, if you\n * register the `mousemove` on the document object, then it will of course\n * catch all `mousemove`s. This along with iOS quirks, justifies restricting\n * top-level listeners to the document object only, at least for these\n * movement types of events and possibly all events.\n *\n * @see\n *\n * Also, `keyup`/`keypress`/`keydown` do not bubble to the window on IE, but\n * they bubble to document.\n *\n * @param {string} registrationName Name of listener (e.g. `onClick`).\n * @param {object} contentDocumentHandle Document which owns the container\n */\n listenTo: function (registrationName, contentDocumentHandle) {\n var mountAt = contentDocumentHandle;\n var isListening = getListeningForDocument(mountAt);\n var dependencies = EventPluginRegistry.registrationNameDependencies[registrationName];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {\n var dependency = dependencies[i];\n if (!(isListening.hasOwnProperty(dependency) && isListening[dependency])) {\n if (dependency === 'topWheel') {\n if (isEventSupported('wheel')) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topWheel', 'wheel', mountAt);\n } else if (isEventSupported('mousewheel')) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topWheel', 'mousewheel', mountAt);\n } else {\n // Firefox needs to capture a different mouse scroll event.\n // @see\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topWheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', mountAt);\n }\n } else if (dependency === 'topScroll') {\n\n if (isEventSupported('scroll', true)) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent('topScroll', 'scroll', mountAt);\n } else {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topScroll', 'scroll', ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.WINDOW_HANDLE);\n }\n } else if (dependency === 'topFocus' || dependency === 'topBlur') {\n\n if (isEventSupported('focus', true)) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent('topFocus', 'focus', mountAt);\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent('topBlur', 'blur', mountAt);\n } else if (isEventSupported('focusin')) {\n // IE has `focusin` and `focusout` events which bubble.\n // @see\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topFocus', 'focusin', mountAt);\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent('topBlur', 'focusout', mountAt);\n }\n\n // to make sure blur and focus event listeners are only attached once\n isListening.topBlur = true;\n isListening.topFocus = true;\n } else if (topEventMapping.hasOwnProperty(dependency)) {\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(dependency, topEventMapping[dependency], mountAt);\n }\n\n isListening[dependency] = true;\n }\n }\n },\n\n trapBubbledEvent: function (topLevelType, handlerBaseName, handle) {\n return ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(topLevelType, handlerBaseName, handle);\n },\n\n trapCapturedEvent: function (topLevelType, handlerBaseName, handle) {\n return ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(topLevelType, handlerBaseName, handle);\n },\n\n /**\n * Protect against document.createEvent() returning null\n * Some popup blocker extensions appear to do this:\n *\n */\n supportsEventPageXY: function () {\n if (!document.createEvent) {\n return false;\n }\n var ev = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');\n return ev != null && 'pageX' in ev;\n },\n\n /**\n * Listens to window scroll and resize events. We cache scroll values so that\n * application code can access them without triggering reflows.\n *\n * ViewportMetrics is only used by SyntheticMouse/TouchEvent and only when\n * pageX/pageY isn't supported (legacy browsers).\n *\n * NOTE: Scroll events do not bubble.\n *\n * @see\n */\n ensureScrollValueMonitoring: function () {\n if (hasEventPageXY === undefined) {\n hasEventPageXY = ReactBrowserEventEmitter.supportsEventPageXY();\n }\n if (!hasEventPageXY && !isMonitoringScrollValue) {\n var refresh = ViewportMetrics.refreshScrollValues;\n ReactBrowserEventEmitter.ReactEventListener.monitorScrollValue(refresh);\n isMonitoringScrollValue = true;\n }\n }\n\n});\n\nmodule.exports = ReactBrowserEventEmitter;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactBrowserEventEmitter.js\n// module id = 65\n// module chunks = 0","/* components */\nimport _Router from './Router';\nexport { _Router as Router };\nimport _Link from './Link';\nexport { _Link as Link };\nimport _IndexLink from './IndexLink';\nexport { _IndexLink as IndexLink };\nimport _withRouter from './withRouter';\nexport { _withRouter as withRouter };\n\n/* components (configuration) */\n\nimport _IndexRedirect from './IndexRedirect';\nexport { _IndexRedirect as IndexRedirect };\nimport _IndexRoute from './IndexRoute';\nexport { _IndexRoute as IndexRoute };\nimport _Redirect from './Redirect';\nexport { _Redirect as Redirect };\nimport _Route from './Route';\nexport { _Route as Route };\n\n/* utils */\n\nexport { createRoutes } from './RouteUtils';\nimport _RouterContext from './RouterContext';\nexport { _RouterContext as RouterContext };\n\nexport { locationShape, routerShape } from './PropTypes';\nimport _match from './match';\nexport { _match as match };\nimport _useRouterHistory from './useRouterHistory';\nexport { _useRouterHistory as useRouterHistory };\n\nexport { formatPattern } from './PatternUtils';\nimport _applyRouterMiddleware from './applyRouterMiddleware';\nexport { _applyRouterMiddleware as applyRouterMiddleware };\n\n/* histories */\n\nimport _browserHistory from './browserHistory';\nexport { _browserHistory as browserHistory };\nimport _hashHistory from './hashHistory';\nexport { _hashHistory as hashHistory };\nimport _createMemoryHistory from './createMemoryHistory';\nexport { _createMemoryHistory as createMemoryHistory };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/index.js\n// module id = 66\n// module chunks = 0","import { func, object, arrayOf, oneOfType, element, shape, string } from 'prop-types';\n\nexport function falsy(props, propName, componentName) {\n if (props[propName]) return new Error('<' + componentName + '> should not have a \"' + propName + '\" prop');\n}\n\nexport var history = shape({\n listen: func.isRequired,\n push: func.isRequired,\n replace: func.isRequired,\n go: func.isRequired,\n goBack: func.isRequired,\n goForward: func.isRequired\n});\n\nexport var component = oneOfType([func, string]);\nexport var components = oneOfType([component, object]);\nexport var route = oneOfType([object, element]);\nexport var routes = oneOfType([route, arrayOf(route)]);\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/InternalPropTypes.js\n// module id = 67\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Checks if `value` is the\n * [language type](\n * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObject({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(_.noop);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObject(value) {\n var type = typeof value;\n return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isObject;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/isObject.js\n// module id = 68\n// module chunks = 0","import { normalize, Schema, arrayOf } from 'normalizr';\n\nconst zoneSchema = new Schema('zones', { idAttribute: 'name' });\nconst zoneRailgunSchema = new Schema('railguns', { idAttribute: 'id' });\n\nexport function normalizeZoneByIdGetAll(zoneId, result) {\n var zoneSchemaById = new Schema(zoneId, { idAttribute: 'id' });\n return normalize(result, arrayOf(zoneSchemaById));\n}\n\nexport function normalizeZoneGetAll(result) {\n return normalize(result, arrayOf(zoneSchema));\n}\n\nexport function normalizeZoneRailgunGetAll(result) {\n return normalize(result, arrayOf(zoneRailgunSchema));\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/constants/Schemas.js","import _ from 'lodash';\n\nexport function getPluginSettingsForZoneId(zoneId, state) {\n return _.get(state, ['entities', zoneId], false);\n}\n\nexport function getPluginSettingsIsFetching(state) {\n return _.get(state, ['pluginSettings', 'isFetching']);\n}\n\nexport function getPluginSettingsValueForZoneId(zoneId, settingId, state) {\n // return false as default value\n return _.get(\n state,\n ['pluginSettings', 'entities', zoneId, settingId, 'value'],\n false\n );\n}\n\nexport function getPluginSettingsModifiedDateForZoneId(\n zoneId,\n settingId,\n state\n) {\n // return '' as default value\n return _.get(\n state,\n ['pluginSettings', 'entities', zoneId, settingId, 'modified_on'],\n ''\n );\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/selectors/pluginSettings.js","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('./http');\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-util-http/lib/index.js\n// module id = 71\n// module chunks = 0","import {\n pluginSettingListGet,\n pluginSettingPatch,\n configGet\n} from '../utils/PluginAPI/PluginAPI';\nimport {\n notificationAddSuccess,\n notificationAddClientAPIError,\n notificationAddError\n} from './notifications';\nimport * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport { asyncIntlFetchTranslations } from './intl';\nimport { isLoggedIn, getEmail } from '../utils/Auth/Auth';\nimport { asyncUserLoginSuccess } from '../actions/user';\nimport { ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY } from '../reducers/config';\n\nexport function pluginFetchSettings() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH\n };\n}\n\nexport function pluginFetchSettingsSuccess(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function pluginFetchSettingsError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function pluginUpdateSetting(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function pluginUpdateSettingSuccess(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function pluginUpdateSettingError(zoneId, setting) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATE_ERROR,\n zoneId,\n setting\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncPluginFetchSettings(zoneId) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(pluginFetchSettings());\n pluginSettingListGet({ zoneId: zoneId }, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(pluginFetchSettingsSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(pluginFetchSettingsError(), error)\n );\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncPluginUpdateSetting(settingName, zoneId, value) {\n return (dispatch, getState) => {\n let oldSetting = getState().pluginSettings.entities[zoneId][settingName];\n\n dispatch(pluginUpdateSetting(zoneId, { id: settingName, value: value }));\n pluginSettingPatch(zoneId, settingName, value, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(pluginUpdateSettingSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n\n if (settingName == 'default_settings') {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddSuccess(\n 'container.applydefaultsettingscard.success',\n true\n )\n );\n }\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(\n pluginUpdateSettingError(zoneId, oldSetting),\n error\n )\n );\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function configFetch() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH\n };\n}\n\nexport function configFetchSuccess() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS\n };\n}\n\nexport function configFetchError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncConfigInit() {\n return dispatch => {\n /*\n * 1. Fetch config.js\n * 2. Fetch userConfig.js (which may not exist)\n * 3. Fetch translations with the language from the config. \n */\n dispatch(asyncConfigFetch());\n if (typeof window.absoluteUrlBase !== 'undefined') {\n /*\n * Some integrations don't work with relative paths because the URL doesn't match\n * the actual file path, this function allows integrations to configure a base absolute\n * url path to be used in components/Image. absoluteBaseUrl should be defined globally\n * on the page where the SPA is loaded.\n */\n dispatch(\n configUpdateByKey(ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY, window.absoluteUrlBase)\n );\n }\n //log user in if their email is in local storage\n if (isLoggedIn()) {\n dispatch(asyncUserLoginSuccess(getEmail()));\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncConfigFetch() {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(configFetch());\n configGet(function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(configFetchSuccess());\n try {\n let userConfig = JSON.parse(response.text).result;\n Object.keys(userConfig).map(function(key) {\n dispatch(configUpdateByKey(key, userConfig[key]));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n dispatch(notificationAddError(`/config - ${e.message}`));\n }\n dispatch(asyncIntlFetchTranslations());\n } else {\n dispatch(configFetchError());\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function configUpdateByKey(key, value) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY,\n key,\n value\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/pluginSettings.js","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.default = cssifyObject;\n\nvar _cssifyDeclaration = require('./cssifyDeclaration');\n\nvar _cssifyDeclaration2 = _interopRequireDefault(_cssifyDeclaration);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nfunction cssifyObject(style) {\n var css = '';\n\n for (var property in style) {\n var value = style[property];\n if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') {\n continue;\n }\n\n // prevents the semicolon after\n // the last rule declaration\n if (css) {\n css += ';';\n }\n\n css += (0, _cssifyDeclaration2.default)(property, value);\n }\n\n return css;\n}\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/css-in-js-utils/lib/cssifyObject.js\n// module id = 73\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.default = isPrefixedValue;\n\nvar regex = /-webkit-|-moz-|-ms-/;\n\nfunction isPrefixedValue(value) {\n return typeof value === 'string' && regex.test(value);\n}\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/css-in-js-utils/lib/isPrefixedValue.js\n// module id = 74\n// module chunks = 0","export function generateUTMLink(pageURL, utmSource, utmCampaign, utmContent) {\n var utmLink =\n pageURL +\n '?utm_source=pi-' +\n utmSource +\n '&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=' +\n utmCampaign;\n if (utmContent !== undefined) {\n utmLink += '&utm_content=' + utmContent;\n }\n\n return utmLink;\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/selectors/generateUTMLink.js","var Symbol = require('./_Symbol'),\n getRawTag = require('./_getRawTag'),\n objectToString = require('./_objectToString');\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar nullTag = '[object Null]',\n undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]';\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to query.\n * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.\n */\nfunction baseGetTag(value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag;\n }\n return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value))\n ? getRawTag(value)\n : objectToString(value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseGetTag;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-checkbox/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js\n// module id = 76\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObjectLike({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObjectLike(value) {\n return value != null && typeof value == 'object';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isObjectLike;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-checkbox/node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js\n// module id = 77\n// module chunks = 0","import React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { connect } from 'react-redux';\nimport { FormattedMessage, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';\nimport { CardControl } from 'cf-component-card';\nimport { Button } from 'cf-component-button';\nimport { CLOUDFLARE_UPGRADE_PAGE } from '../../constants/UrlPaths.js';\nimport {\n planNeedsUpgrade,\n getLocalizedPlanId,\n FREE_PLAN\n} from '../../constants/Plans.js';\nimport { getConfigValue } from '../../selectors/config.js';\nimport { generateUTMLink } from '../../selectors/generateUTMLink.js';\nimport { openWindow720x720 } from '../../utils/utils.js';\n\nclass CustomCardControl extends Component {\n render() {\n let { integrationName, activeZone } = this.props;\n\n var currentPlan = this.props.hasOwnProperty('currentPlan')\n ? this.props.currentPlan\n : FREE_PLAN;\n var minimumPlan = this.props.hasOwnProperty('minimumPlan')\n ? this.props.minimumPlan\n : FREE_PLAN;\n var needToUpgrade = planNeedsUpgrade(currentPlan, minimumPlan);\n var localizedPlanId = getLocalizedPlanId(minimumPlan);\n\n let upgradeLinkWithUTM = generateUTMLink(\n CLOUDFLARE_UPGRADE_PAGE + '/' +,\n integrationName,\n integrationName,\n this.props.indentifier\n );\n\n // Upgrade Plan Page can get the following parameters\n // /a/upgrade-plan?plan=[free|pro|business|enterprise]\n // since we added UTM code we are appending with '&'\n upgradeLinkWithUTM += '&plan=' + minimumPlan;\n\n return (\n <CardControl>\n {needToUpgrade\n ? <Button\n type=\"primary\"\n onClick={openWindow720x720.bind(this, upgradeLinkWithUTM)}\n >\n <FormattedMessage id=\"component.customcardcontrol.upgrade\" />\n {' '}\n <FormattedMessage id={localizedPlanId} />\n </Button>\n : this.props.children}\n </CardControl>\n );\n }\n}\n\nCustomCardControl.propTypes = {\n name: PropTypes.string,\n indentifier: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n integrationName: PropTypes.string,\n activeZone: PropTypes.string,\n currentPlan: PropTypes.string,\n minimumPlan: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.node\n};\n\nfunction mapStateToProps(state) {\n return {\n integrationName: getConfigValue(state.config, 'integrationName'),\n activeZone: state.activeZone\n };\n}\nexport default injectIntl(connect(mapStateToProps)(CustomCardControl));\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/components/CustomCardControl/CustomCardControl.js","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar canDefineProperty = false;\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n try {\n // $FlowFixMe\n Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', { get: function () {} });\n canDefineProperty = true;\n } catch (x) {\n // IE will fail on defineProperty\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = canDefineProperty;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/canDefineProperty.js\n// module id = 79\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nvar OBSERVED_ERROR = {};\n\n/**\n * `Transaction` creates a black box that is able to wrap any method such that\n * certain invariants are maintained before and after the method is invoked\n * (Even if an exception is thrown while invoking the wrapped method). Whoever\n * instantiates a transaction can provide enforcers of the invariants at\n * creation time. The `Transaction` class itself will supply one additional\n * automatic invariant for you - the invariant that any transaction instance\n * should not be run while it is already being run. You would typically create a\n * single instance of a `Transaction` for reuse multiple times, that potentially\n * is used to wrap several different methods. Wrappers are extremely simple -\n * they only require implementing two methods.\n *\n * <pre>\n * wrappers (injected at creation time)\n * + +\n * | |\n * +-----------------|--------|--------------+\n * | v | |\n * | +---------------+ | |\n * | +--| wrapper1 |---|----+ |\n * | | +---------------+ v | |\n * | | +-------------+ | |\n * | | +----| wrapper2 |--------+ |\n * | | | +-------------+ | | |\n * | | | | | |\n * | v v v v | wrapper\n * | +---+ +---+ +---------+ +---+ +---+ | invariants\n * perform(anyMethod) | | | | | | | | | | | | maintained\n * +----------------->|-|---|-|---|-->|anyMethod|---|---|-|---|-|-------->\n * | | | | | | | | | | | |\n * | | | | | | | | | | | |\n * | | | | | | | | | | | |\n * | +---+ +---+ +---------+ +---+ +---+ |\n * | initialize close |\n * +-----------------------------------------+\n * </pre>\n *\n * Use cases:\n * - Preserving the input selection ranges before/after reconciliation.\n * Restoring selection even in the event of an unexpected error.\n * - Deactivating events while rearranging the DOM, preventing blurs/focuses,\n * while guaranteeing that afterwards, the event system is reactivated.\n * - Flushing a queue of collected DOM mutations to the main UI thread after a\n * reconciliation takes place in a worker thread.\n * - Invoking any collected `componentDidUpdate` callbacks after rendering new\n * content.\n * - (Future use case): Wrapping particular flushes of the `ReactWorker` queue\n * to preserve the `scrollTop` (an automatic scroll aware DOM).\n * - (Future use case): Layout calculations before and after DOM updates.\n *\n * Transactional plugin API:\n * - A module that has an `initialize` method that returns any precomputation.\n * - and a `close` method that accepts the precomputation. `close` is invoked\n * when the wrapped process is completed, or has failed.\n *\n * @param {Array<TransactionalWrapper>} transactionWrapper Wrapper modules\n * that implement `initialize` and `close`.\n * @return {Transaction} Single transaction for reuse in thread.\n *\n * @class Transaction\n */\nvar TransactionImpl = {\n /**\n * Sets up this instance so that it is prepared for collecting metrics. Does\n * so such that this setup method may be used on an instance that is already\n * initialized, in a way that does not consume additional memory upon reuse.\n * That can be useful if you decide to make your subclass of this mixin a\n * \"PooledClass\".\n */\n reinitializeTransaction: function () {\n this.transactionWrappers = this.getTransactionWrappers();\n if (this.wrapperInitData) {\n this.wrapperInitData.length = 0;\n } else {\n this.wrapperInitData = [];\n }\n this._isInTransaction = false;\n },\n\n _isInTransaction: false,\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @return {Array<TransactionWrapper>} Array of transaction wrappers.\n */\n getTransactionWrappers: null,\n\n isInTransaction: function () {\n return !!this._isInTransaction;\n },\n\n /**\n * Executes the function within a safety window. Use this for the top level\n * methods that result in large amounts of computation/mutations that would\n * need to be safety checked. The optional arguments helps prevent the need\n * to bind in many cases.\n *\n * @param {function} method Member of scope to call.\n * @param {Object} scope Scope to invoke from.\n * @param {Object?=} a Argument to pass to the method.\n * @param {Object?=} b Argument to pass to the method.\n * @param {Object?=} c Argument to pass to the method.\n * @param {Object?=} d Argument to pass to the method.\n * @param {Object?=} e Argument to pass to the method.\n * @param {Object?=} f Argument to pass to the method.\n *\n * @return {*} Return value from `method`.\n */\n perform: function (method, scope, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n !!this.isInTransaction() ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Transaction.perform(...): Cannot initialize a transaction when there is already an outstanding transaction.') : _prodInvariant('27') : void 0;\n var errorThrown;\n var ret;\n try {\n this._isInTransaction = true;\n // Catching errors makes debugging more difficult, so we start with\n // errorThrown set to true before setting it to false after calling\n // close -- if it's still set to true in the finally block, it means\n // one of these calls threw.\n errorThrown = true;\n this.initializeAll(0);\n ret =, a, b, c, d, e, f);\n errorThrown = false;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (errorThrown) {\n // If `method` throws, prefer to show that stack trace over any thrown\n // by invoking `closeAll`.\n try {\n this.closeAll(0);\n } catch (err) {}\n } else {\n // Since `method` didn't throw, we don't want to silence the exception\n // here.\n this.closeAll(0);\n }\n } finally {\n this._isInTransaction = false;\n }\n }\n return ret;\n },\n\n initializeAll: function (startIndex) {\n var transactionWrappers = this.transactionWrappers;\n for (var i = startIndex; i < transactionWrappers.length; i++) {\n var wrapper = transactionWrappers[i];\n try {\n // Catching errors makes debugging more difficult, so we start with the\n // OBSERVED_ERROR state before overwriting it with the real return value\n // of initialize -- if it's still set to OBSERVED_ERROR in the finally\n // block, it means wrapper.initialize threw.\n this.wrapperInitData[i] = OBSERVED_ERROR;\n this.wrapperInitData[i] = wrapper.initialize ? : null;\n } finally {\n if (this.wrapperInitData[i] === OBSERVED_ERROR) {\n // The initializer for wrapper i threw an error; initialize the\n // remaining wrappers but silence any exceptions from them to ensure\n // that the first error is the one to bubble up.\n try {\n this.initializeAll(i + 1);\n } catch (err) {}\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Invokes each of `this.transactionWrappers.close[i]` functions, passing into\n * them the respective return values of `this.transactionWrappers.init[i]`\n * (`close`rs that correspond to initializers that failed will not be\n * invoked).\n */\n closeAll: function (startIndex) {\n !this.isInTransaction() ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Transaction.closeAll(): Cannot close transaction when none are open.') : _prodInvariant('28') : void 0;\n var transactionWrappers = this.transactionWrappers;\n for (var i = startIndex; i < transactionWrappers.length; i++) {\n var wrapper = transactionWrappers[i];\n var initData = this.wrapperInitData[i];\n var errorThrown;\n try {\n // Catching errors makes debugging more difficult, so we start with\n // errorThrown set to true before setting it to false after calling\n // close -- if it's still set to true in the finally block, it means\n // wrapper.close threw.\n errorThrown = true;\n if (initData !== OBSERVED_ERROR && wrapper.close) {\n, initData);\n }\n errorThrown = false;\n } finally {\n if (errorThrown) {\n // The closer for wrapper i threw an error; close the remaining\n // wrappers but silence any exceptions from them to ensure that the\n // first error is the one to bubble up.\n try {\n this.closeAll(i + 1);\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n }\n }\n this.wrapperInitData.length = 0;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = TransactionImpl;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js\n// module id = 80\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar SyntheticUIEvent = require('./SyntheticUIEvent');\nvar ViewportMetrics = require('./ViewportMetrics');\n\nvar getEventModifierState = require('./getEventModifierState');\n\n/**\n * @interface MouseEvent\n * @see\n */\nvar MouseEventInterface = {\n screenX: null,\n screenY: null,\n clientX: null,\n clientY: null,\n ctrlKey: null,\n shiftKey: null,\n altKey: null,\n metaKey: null,\n getModifierState: getEventModifierState,\n button: function (event) {\n // Webkit, Firefox, IE9+\n // which: 1 2 3\n // button: 0 1 2 (standard)\n var button = event.button;\n if ('which' in event) {\n return button;\n }\n // IE<9\n // which: undefined\n // button: 0 0 0\n // button: 1 4 2 (onmouseup)\n return button === 2 ? 2 : button === 4 ? 1 : 0;\n },\n buttons: null,\n relatedTarget: function (event) {\n return event.relatedTarget || (event.fromElement === event.srcElement ? event.toElement : event.fromElement);\n },\n // \"Proprietary\" Interface.\n pageX: function (event) {\n return 'pageX' in event ? event.pageX : event.clientX + ViewportMetrics.currentScrollLeft;\n },\n pageY: function (event) {\n return 'pageY' in event ? event.pageY : event.clientY + ViewportMetrics.currentScrollTop;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {object} dispatchConfig Configuration used to dispatch this event.\n * @param {string} dispatchMarker Marker identifying the event target.\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @extends {SyntheticUIEvent}\n */\nfunction SyntheticMouseEvent(dispatchConfig, dispatchMarker, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n return, dispatchConfig, dispatchMarker, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n}\n\nSyntheticUIEvent.augmentClass(SyntheticMouseEvent, MouseEventInterface);\n\nmodule.exports = SyntheticMouseEvent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/SyntheticMouseEvent.js\n// module id = 81\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\nvar DOMNamespaces = require('./DOMNamespaces');\n\nvar WHITESPACE_TEST = /^[ \\r\\n\\t\\f]/;\nvar NONVISIBLE_TEST = /<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \\r\\n\\t\\f\\/>]/;\n\nvar createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction = require('./createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction');\n\n// SVG temp container for IE lacking innerHTML\nvar reusableSVGContainer;\n\n/**\n * Set the innerHTML property of a node, ensuring that whitespace is preserved\n * even in IE8.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} html\n * @internal\n */\nvar setInnerHTML = createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction(function (node, html) {\n // IE does not have innerHTML for SVG nodes, so instead we inject the\n // new markup in a temp node and then move the child nodes across into\n // the target node\n if (node.namespaceURI === DOMNamespaces.svg && !('innerHTML' in node)) {\n reusableSVGContainer = reusableSVGContainer || document.createElement('div');\n reusableSVGContainer.innerHTML = '<svg>' + html + '</svg>';\n var svgNode = reusableSVGContainer.firstChild;\n while (svgNode.firstChild) {\n node.appendChild(svgNode.firstChild);\n }\n } else {\n node.innerHTML = html;\n }\n});\n\nif (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n // IE8: When updating a just created node with innerHTML only leading\n // whitespace is removed. When updating an existing node with innerHTML\n // whitespace in root TextNodes is also collapsed.\n // @see\n\n // Feature detection; only IE8 is known to behave improperly like this.\n var testElement = document.createElement('div');\n testElement.innerHTML = ' ';\n if (testElement.innerHTML === '') {\n setInnerHTML = function (node, html) {\n // Magic theory: IE8 supposedly differentiates between added and updated\n // nodes when processing innerHTML, innerHTML on updated nodes suffers\n // from worse whitespace behavior. Re-adding a node like this triggers\n // the initial and more favorable whitespace behavior.\n // TODO: What to do on a detached node?\n if (node.parentNode) {\n node.parentNode.replaceChild(node, node);\n }\n\n // We also implement a workaround for non-visible tags disappearing into\n // thin air on IE8, this only happens if there is no visible text\n // in-front of the non-visible tags. Piggyback on the whitespace fix\n // and simply check if any non-visible tags appear in the source.\n if (WHITESPACE_TEST.test(html) || html[0] === '<' && NONVISIBLE_TEST.test(html)) {\n // Recover leading whitespace by temporarily prepending any character.\n // \\uFEFF has the potential advantage of being zero-width/invisible.\n // UglifyJS drops U+FEFF chars when parsing, so use String.fromCharCode\n // in hopes that this is preserved even if \"\\uFEFF\" is transformed to\n // the actual Unicode character (by Babel, for example).\n //\n node.innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(0xFEFF) + html;\n\n // deleteData leaves an empty `TextNode` which offsets the index of all\n // children. Definitely want to avoid this.\n var textNode = node.firstChild;\n if ( === 1) {\n node.removeChild(textNode);\n } else {\n textNode.deleteData(0, 1);\n }\n } else {\n node.innerHTML = html;\n }\n };\n }\n testElement = null;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = setInnerHTML;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/setInnerHTML.js\n// module id = 82\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * Based on the escape-html library, which is used under the MIT License below:\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk\n * Copyright (c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe\n * Copyright (c) 2015 Tiancheng \"Timothy\" Gu\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\n * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n * 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n * the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\n * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\n * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\n * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\n * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// code copied and modified from escape-html\n/**\n * Module variables.\n * @private\n */\n\nvar matchHtmlRegExp = /[\"'&<>]/;\n\n/**\n * Escape special characters in the given string of html.\n *\n * @param {string} string The string to escape for inserting into HTML\n * @return {string}\n * @public\n */\n\nfunction escapeHtml(string) {\n var str = '' + string;\n var match = matchHtmlRegExp.exec(str);\n\n if (!match) {\n return str;\n }\n\n var escape;\n var html = '';\n var index = 0;\n var lastIndex = 0;\n\n for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) {\n switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) {\n case 34:\n // \"\n escape = '"';\n break;\n case 38:\n // &\n escape = '&';\n break;\n case 39:\n // '\n escape = '''; // modified from escape-html; used to be '''\n break;\n case 60:\n // <\n escape = '<';\n break;\n case 62:\n // >\n escape = '>';\n break;\n default:\n continue;\n }\n\n if (lastIndex !== index) {\n html += str.substring(lastIndex, index);\n }\n\n lastIndex = index + 1;\n html += escape;\n }\n\n return lastIndex !== index ? html + str.substring(lastIndex, index) : html;\n}\n// end code copied and modified from escape-html\n\n\n/**\n * Escapes text to prevent scripting attacks.\n *\n * @param {*} text Text value to escape.\n * @return {string} An escaped string.\n */\nfunction escapeTextContentForBrowser(text) {\n if (typeof text === 'boolean' || typeof text === 'number') {\n // this shortcircuit helps perf for types that we know will never have\n // special characters, especially given that this function is used often\n // for numeric dom ids.\n return '' + text;\n }\n return escapeHtml(text);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = escapeTextContentForBrowser;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/escapeTextContentForBrowser.js\n// module id = 83\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n/**\n * Indicates that navigation was caused by a call to history.push.\n */\nvar PUSH = exports.PUSH = 'PUSH';\n\n/**\n * Indicates that navigation was caused by a call to history.replace.\n */\nvar REPLACE = exports.REPLACE = 'REPLACE';\n\n/**\n * Indicates that navigation was caused by some other action such\n * as using a browser's back/forward buttons and/or manually manipulating\n * the URL in a browser's location bar. This is the default.\n *\n * See\n * for more information.\n */\nvar POP = exports.POP = 'POP';\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/Actions.js\n// module id = 84\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nvar addEventListener = exports.addEventListener = function addEventListener(node, event, listener) {\n return node.addEventListener ? node.addEventListener(event, listener, false) : node.attachEvent('on' + event, listener);\n};\n\nvar removeEventListener = exports.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(node, event, listener) {\n return node.removeEventListener ? node.removeEventListener(event, listener, false) : node.detachEvent('on' + event, listener);\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns true if the HTML5 history API is supported. Taken from Modernizr.\n *\n *\n *\n * changed to avoid false negatives for Windows Phones:\n */\nvar supportsHistory = exports.supportsHistory = function supportsHistory() {\n var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;\n\n if ((ua.indexOf('Android 2.') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Android 4.0') !== -1) && ua.indexOf('Mobile Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') === -1 && ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') === -1) return false;\n\n return window.history && 'pushState' in window.history;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns false if using go(n) with hash history causes a full page reload.\n */\nvar supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash = exports.supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash = function supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash() {\n return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') === -1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns true if browser fires popstate on hash change.\n * IE10 and IE11 do not.\n */\nvar supportsPopstateOnHashchange = exports.supportsPopstateOnHashchange = function supportsPopstateOnHashchange() {\n return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') === -1;\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/DOMUtils.js\n// module id = 85\n// module chunks = 0","var listCacheClear = require('./_listCacheClear'),\n listCacheDelete = require('./_listCacheDelete'),\n listCacheGet = require('./_listCacheGet'),\n listCacheHas = require('./_listCacheHas'),\n listCacheSet = require('./_listCacheSet');\n\n/**\n * Creates an list cache object.\n *\n * @private\n * @constructor\n * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache.\n */\nfunction ListCache(entries) {\n var index = -1,\n length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;\n\n this.clear();\n while (++index < length) {\n var entry = entries[index];\n this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);\n }\n}\n\n// Add methods to `ListCache`.\nListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;\nListCache.prototype['delete'] = listCacheDelete;\nListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;\nListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;\nListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;\n\nmodule.exports = ListCache;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_ListCache.js\n// module id = 86\n// module chunks = 0","var eq = require('./eq');\n\n/**\n * Gets the index at which the `key` is found in `array` of key-value pairs.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {*} key The key to search for.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n */\nfunction assocIndexOf(array, key) {\n var length = array.length;\n while (length--) {\n if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {\n return length;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = assocIndexOf;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_assocIndexOf.js\n// module id = 87\n// module chunks = 0","var Symbol = require('./_Symbol'),\n getRawTag = require('./_getRawTag'),\n objectToString = require('./_objectToString');\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar nullTag = '[object Null]',\n undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]';\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to query.\n * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.\n */\nfunction baseGetTag(value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag;\n }\n return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value))\n ? getRawTag(value)\n : objectToString(value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseGetTag;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js\n// module id = 88\n// module chunks = 0","var getNative = require('./_getNative');\n\n/* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */\nvar nativeCreate = getNative(Object, 'create');\n\nmodule.exports = nativeCreate;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_nativeCreate.js\n// module id = 89\n// module chunks = 0","var isKeyable = require('./_isKeyable');\n\n/**\n * Gets the data for `map`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} map The map to query.\n * @param {string} key The reference key.\n * @returns {*} Returns the map data.\n */\nfunction getMapData(map, key) {\n var data = map.__data__;\n return isKeyable(key)\n ? data[typeof key == 'string' ? 'string' : 'hash']\n :;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getMapData;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_getMapData.js\n// module id = 90\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObjectLike({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObjectLike(value) {\n return value != null && typeof value == 'object';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isObjectLike;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js\n// module id = 91\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson.\n Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see\n\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {\n\tvalue: true\n});\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nvar _react = require('react');\n\nvar _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);\n\nvar _createReactClass = require('create-react-class');\n\nvar _createReactClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createReactClass);\n\nvar _propTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nvar _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes);\n\nvar _reactDom = require('react-dom');\n\nvar _reactDom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactDom);\n\nvar _reactInputAutosize = require('react-input-autosize');\n\nvar _reactInputAutosize2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactInputAutosize);\n\nvar _classnames = require('classnames');\n\nvar _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames);\n\nvar _utilsDefaultArrowRenderer = require('./utils/defaultArrowRenderer');\n\nvar _utilsDefaultArrowRenderer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utilsDefaultArrowRenderer);\n\nvar _utilsDefaultFilterOptions = require('./utils/defaultFilterOptions');\n\nvar _utilsDefaultFilterOptions2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utilsDefaultFilterOptions);\n\nvar _utilsDefaultMenuRenderer = require('./utils/defaultMenuRenderer');\n\nvar _utilsDefaultMenuRenderer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utilsDefaultMenuRenderer);\n\nvar _utilsDefaultClearRenderer = require('./utils/defaultClearRenderer');\n\nvar _utilsDefaultClearRenderer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utilsDefaultClearRenderer);\n\nvar _Async = require('./Async');\n\nvar _Async2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Async);\n\nvar _AsyncCreatable = require('./AsyncCreatable');\n\nvar _AsyncCreatable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_AsyncCreatable);\n\nvar _Creatable = require('./Creatable');\n\nvar _Creatable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Creatable);\n\nvar _Option = require('./Option');\n\nvar _Option2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Option);\n\nvar _Value = require('./Value');\n\nvar _Value2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Value);\n\nfunction stringifyValue(value) {\n\tvar valueType = typeof value;\n\tif (valueType === 'string') {\n\t\treturn value;\n\t} else if (valueType === 'object') {\n\t\treturn JSON.stringify(value);\n\t} else if (valueType === 'number' || valueType === 'boolean') {\n\t\treturn String(value);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n}\n\nvar stringOrNode = _propTypes2['default'].oneOfType([_propTypes2['default'].string, _propTypes2['default'].node]);\n\nvar instanceId = 1;\n\nvar Select = (0, _createReactClass2['default'])({\n\n\tdisplayName: 'Select',\n\n\tpropTypes: {\n\t\taddLabelText: _propTypes2['default'].string, // placeholder displayed when you want to add a label on a multi-value input\n\t\t'aria-describedby': _propTypes2['default'].string, // HTML ID(s) of element(s) that should be used to describe this input (for assistive tech)\n\t\t'aria-label': _propTypes2['default'].string, // Aria label (for assistive tech)\n\t\t'aria-labelledby': _propTypes2['default'].string, // HTML ID of an element that should be used as the label (for assistive tech)\n\t\tarrowRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // Create drop-down caret element\n\t\tautoBlur: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // automatically blur the component when an option is selected\n\t\tautofocus: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // autofocus the component on mount\n\t\tautosize: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether to enable autosizing or not\n\t\tbackspaceRemoves: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether backspace removes an item if there is no text input\n\t\tbackspaceToRemoveMessage: _propTypes2['default'].string, // Message to use for screenreaders to press backspace to remove the current item - {label} is replaced with the item label\n\t\tclassName: _propTypes2['default'].string, // className for the outer element\n\t\tclearAllText: stringOrNode, // title for the \"clear\" control when multi: true\n\t\tclearRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // create clearable x element\n\t\tclearValueText: stringOrNode, // title for the \"clear\" control\n\t\tclearable: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // should it be possible to reset value\n\t\tdeleteRemoves: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether backspace removes an item if there is no text input\n\t\tdelimiter: _propTypes2['default'].string, // delimiter to use to join multiple values for the hidden field value\n\t\tdisabled: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether the Select is disabled or not\n\t\tescapeClearsValue: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether escape clears the value when the menu is closed\n\t\tfilterOption: _propTypes2['default'].func, // method to filter a single option (option, filterString)\n\t\tfilterOptions: _propTypes2['default'].any, // boolean to enable default filtering or function to filter the options array ([options], filterString, [values])\n\t\tignoreAccents: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether to strip diacritics when filtering\n\t\tignoreCase: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether to perform case-insensitive filtering\n\t\tinputProps: _propTypes2['default'].object, // custom attributes for the Input\n\t\tinputRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // returns a custom input component\n\t\tinstanceId: _propTypes2['default'].string, // set the components instanceId\n\t\tisLoading: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether the Select is loading externally or not (such as options being loaded)\n\t\tjoinValues: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // joins multiple values into a single form field with the delimiter (legacy mode)\n\t\tlabelKey: _propTypes2['default'].string, // path of the label value in option objects\n\t\tmatchPos: _propTypes2['default'].string, // (any|start) match the start or entire string when filtering\n\t\tmatchProp: _propTypes2['default'].string, // (any|label|value) which option property to filter on\n\t\tmenuBuffer: _propTypes2['default'].number, // optional buffer (in px) between the bottom of the viewport and the bottom of the menu\n\t\tmenuContainerStyle: _propTypes2['default'].object, // optional style to apply to the menu container\n\t\tmenuRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // renders a custom menu with options\n\t\tmenuStyle: _propTypes2['default'].object, // optional style to apply to the menu\n\t\tmulti: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // multi-value input\n\t\tname: _propTypes2['default'].string, // generates a hidden <input /> tag with this field name for html forms\n\t\tnoResultsText: stringOrNode, // placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results\n\t\tonBlur: _propTypes2['default'].func, // onBlur handler: function (event) {}\n\t\tonBlurResetsInput: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether input is cleared on blur\n\t\tonChange: _propTypes2['default'].func, // onChange handler: function (newValue) {}\n\t\tonClose: _propTypes2['default'].func, // fires when the menu is closed\n\t\tonCloseResetsInput: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether input is cleared when menu is closed through the arrow\n\t\tonFocus: _propTypes2['default'].func, // onFocus handler: function (event) {}\n\t\tonInputChange: _propTypes2['default'].func, // onInputChange handler: function (inputValue) {}\n\t\tonInputKeyDown: _propTypes2['default'].func, // input keyDown handler: function (event) {}\n\t\tonMenuScrollToBottom: _propTypes2['default'].func, // fires when the menu is scrolled to the bottom; can be used to paginate options\n\t\tonOpen: _propTypes2['default'].func, // fires when the menu is opened\n\t\tonValueClick: _propTypes2['default'].func, // onClick handler for value labels: function (value, event) {}\n\t\topenAfterFocus: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // boolean to enable opening dropdown when focused\n\t\topenOnFocus: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // always open options menu on focus\n\t\toptionClassName: _propTypes2['default'].string, // additional class(es) to apply to the <Option /> elements\n\t\toptionComponent: _propTypes2['default'].func, // option component to render in dropdown\n\t\toptionRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // optionRenderer: function (option) {}\n\t\toptions: _propTypes2['default'].array, // array of options\n\t\tpageSize: _propTypes2['default'].number, // number of entries to page when using page up/down keys\n\t\tplaceholder: stringOrNode, // field placeholder, displayed when there's no value\n\t\trequired: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // applies HTML5 required attribute when needed\n\t\tresetValue: _propTypes2['default'].any, // value to use when you clear the control\n\t\tscrollMenuIntoView: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // boolean to enable the viewport to shift so that the full menu fully visible when engaged\n\t\tsearchable: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether to enable searching feature or not\n\t\tsimpleValue: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // pass the value to onChange as a simple value (legacy pre 1.0 mode), defaults to false\n\t\tstyle: _propTypes2['default'].object, // optional style to apply to the control\n\t\ttabIndex: _propTypes2['default'].string, // optional tab index of the control\n\t\ttabSelectsValue: _propTypes2['default'].bool, // whether to treat tabbing out while focused to be value selection\n\t\tvalue: _propTypes2['default'].any, // initial field value\n\t\tvalueComponent: _propTypes2['default'].func, // value component to render\n\t\tvalueKey: _propTypes2['default'].string, // path of the label value in option objects\n\t\tvalueRenderer: _propTypes2['default'].func, // valueRenderer: function (option) {}\n\t\twrapperStyle: _propTypes2['default'].object },\n\n\t// optional style to apply to the component wrapper\n\tstatics: { Async: _Async2['default'], AsyncCreatable: _AsyncCreatable2['default'], Creatable: _Creatable2['default'] },\n\n\tgetDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\taddLabelText: 'Add \"{label}\"?',\n\t\t\tarrowRenderer: _utilsDefaultArrowRenderer2['default'],\n\t\t\tautosize: true,\n\t\t\tbackspaceRemoves: true,\n\t\t\tbackspaceToRemoveMessage: 'Press backspace to remove {label}',\n\t\t\tclearable: true,\n\t\t\tclearAllText: 'Clear all',\n\t\t\tclearRenderer: _utilsDefaultClearRenderer2['default'],\n\t\t\tclearValueText: 'Clear value',\n\t\t\tdeleteRemoves: true,\n\t\t\tdelimiter: ',',\n\t\t\tdisabled: false,\n\t\t\tescapeClearsValue: true,\n\t\t\tfilterOptions: _utilsDefaultFilterOptions2['default'],\n\t\t\tignoreAccents: true,\n\t\t\tignoreCase: true,\n\t\t\tinputProps: {},\n\t\t\tisLoading: false,\n\t\t\tjoinValues: false,\n\t\t\tlabelKey: 'label',\n\t\t\tmatchPos: 'any',\n\t\t\tmatchProp: 'any',\n\t\t\tmenuBuffer: 0,\n\t\t\tmenuRenderer: _utilsDefaultMenuRenderer2['default'],\n\t\t\tmulti: false,\n\t\t\tnoResultsText: 'No results found',\n\t\t\tonBlurResetsInput: true,\n\t\t\tonCloseResetsInput: true,\n\t\t\toptionComponent: _Option2['default'],\n\t\t\tpageSize: 5,\n\t\t\tplaceholder: 'Select...',\n\t\t\trequired: false,\n\t\t\tscrollMenuIntoView: true,\n\t\t\tsearchable: true,\n\t\t\tsimpleValue: false,\n\t\t\ttabSelectsValue: true,\n\t\t\tvalueComponent: _Value2['default'],\n\t\t\tvalueKey: 'value'\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\tgetInitialState: function getInitialState() {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tinputValue: '',\n\t\t\tisFocused: false,\n\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: false,\n\t\t\trequired: false\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentWillMount: function componentWillMount() {\n\t\tthis._instancePrefix = 'react-select-' + (this.props.instanceId || ++instanceId) + '-';\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(this.props.value);\n\n\t\tif (this.props.required) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\trequired: this.handleRequired(valueArray[0], this.props.multi)\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentDidMount: function componentDidMount() {\n\t\tif (this.props.autofocus) {\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(nextProps.value, nextProps);\n\n\t\tif (nextProps.required) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\trequired: this.handleRequired(valueArray[0], nextProps.multi)\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentWillUpdate: function componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n\t\tif (nextState.isOpen !== this.state.isOpen) {\n\t\t\tthis.toggleTouchOutsideEvent(nextState.isOpen);\n\t\t\tvar handler = nextState.isOpen ? nextProps.onOpen : nextProps.onClose;\n\t\t\thandler && handler();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentDidUpdate: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {\n\t\t// focus to the selected option\n\t\tif ( && this.focused && this.state.isOpen && !this.hasScrolledToOption) {\n\t\t\tvar focusedOptionNode = _reactDom2['default'].findDOMNode(this.focused);\n\t\t\tvar menuNode = _reactDom2['default'].findDOMNode(;\n\t\t\tmenuNode.scrollTop = focusedOptionNode.offsetTop;\n\t\t\tthis.hasScrolledToOption = true;\n\t\t} else if (!this.state.isOpen) {\n\t\t\tthis.hasScrolledToOption = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this._scrollToFocusedOptionOnUpdate && this.focused && {\n\t\t\tthis._scrollToFocusedOptionOnUpdate = false;\n\t\t\tvar focusedDOM = _reactDom2['default'].findDOMNode(this.focused);\n\t\t\tvar menuDOM = _reactDom2['default'].findDOMNode(;\n\t\t\tvar focusedRect = focusedDOM.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\t\tvar menuRect = menuDOM.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\t\tif (focusedRect.bottom > menuRect.bottom || < {\n\t\t\t\tmenuDOM.scrollTop = focusedDOM.offsetTop + focusedDOM.clientHeight - menuDOM.offsetHeight;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.props.scrollMenuIntoView && this.menuContainer) {\n\t\t\tvar menuContainerRect = this.menuContainer.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\t\tif (window.innerHeight < menuContainerRect.bottom + this.props.menuBuffer) {\n\t\t\t\twindow.scrollBy(0, menuContainerRect.bottom + this.props.menuBuffer - window.innerHeight);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (prevProps.disabled !== this.props.disabled) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({ isFocused: false }); // eslint-disable-line react/no-did-update-set-state\n\t\t\tthis.closeMenu();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tcomponentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() {\n\t\tif (!document.removeEventListener && document.detachEvent) {\n\t\t\tdocument.detachEvent('ontouchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdocument.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\ttoggleTouchOutsideEvent: function toggleTouchOutsideEvent(enabled) {\n\t\tif (enabled) {\n\t\t\tif (!document.addEventListener && document.attachEvent) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.attachEvent('ontouchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif (!document.removeEventListener && document.detachEvent) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.detachEvent('ontouchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchOutside);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\thandleTouchOutside: function handleTouchOutside(event) {\n\t\t// handle touch outside on ios to dismiss menu\n\t\tif (this.wrapper && !this.wrapper.contains( {\n\t\t\tthis.closeMenu();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tfocus: function focus() {\n\t\tif (!this.input) return;\n\t\tthis.input.focus();\n\t},\n\n\tblurInput: function blurInput() {\n\t\tif (!this.input) return;\n\t\tthis.input.blur();\n\t},\n\n\thandleTouchMove: function handleTouchMove(event) {\n\t\t// Set a flag that the view is being dragged\n\t\tthis.dragging = true;\n\t},\n\n\thandleTouchStart: function handleTouchStart(event) {\n\t\t// Set a flag that the view is not being dragged\n\t\tthis.dragging = false;\n\t},\n\n\thandleTouchEnd: function handleTouchEnd(event) {\n\t\t// Check if the view is being dragged, In this case\n\t\t// we don't want to fire the click event (because the user only wants to scroll)\n\t\tif (this.dragging) return;\n\n\t\t// Fire the mouse events\n\t\tthis.handleMouseDown(event);\n\t},\n\n\thandleTouchEndClearValue: function handleTouchEndClearValue(event) {\n\t\t// Check if the view is being dragged, In this case\n\t\t// we don't want to fire the click event (because the user only wants to scroll)\n\t\tif (this.dragging) return;\n\n\t\t// Clear the value\n\t\tthis.clearValue(event);\n\t},\n\n\thandleMouseDown: function handleMouseDown(event) {\n\t\t// if the event was triggered by a mousedown and not the primary\n\t\t// button, or if the component is disabled, ignore it.\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled || event.type === 'mousedown' && event.button !== 0) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( === 'INPUT') {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// prevent default event handlers\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\n\t\t// for the non-searchable select, toggle the menu\n\t\tif (!this.props.searchable) {\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\t\t\treturn this.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: !this.state.isOpen\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.state.isFocused) {\n\t\t\t// On iOS, we can get into a state where we think the input is focused but it isn't really,\n\t\t\t// since iOS ignores programmatic calls to input.focus() that weren't triggered by a click event.\n\t\t\t// Call focus() again here to be safe.\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\n\t\t\tvar input = this.input;\n\t\t\tif (typeof input.getInput === 'function') {\n\t\t\t\t// Get the actual DOM input if the ref is an <AutosizeInput /> component\n\t\t\t\tinput = input.getInput();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// clears the value so that the cursor will be at the end of input when the component re-renders\n\t\t\tinput.value = '';\n\n\t\t\t// if the input is focused, ensure the menu is open\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: true,\n\t\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: false\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// otherwise, focus the input and open the menu\n\t\t\tthis._openAfterFocus = true;\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\thandleMouseDownOnArrow: function handleMouseDownOnArrow(event) {\n\t\t// if the event was triggered by a mousedown and not the primary\n\t\t// button, or if the component is disabled, ignore it.\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled || event.type === 'mousedown' && event.button !== 0) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// If the menu isn't open, let the event bubble to the main handleMouseDown\n\t\tif (!this.state.isOpen) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// prevent default event handlers\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t// close the menu\n\t\tthis.closeMenu();\n\t},\n\n\thandleMouseDownOnMenu: function handleMouseDownOnMenu(event) {\n\t\t// if the event was triggered by a mousedown and not the primary\n\t\t// button, or if the component is disabled, ignore it.\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled || event.type === 'mousedown' && event.button !== 0) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\n\t\tthis._openAfterFocus = true;\n\t\tthis.focus();\n\t},\n\n\tcloseMenu: function closeMenu() {\n\t\tif (this.props.onCloseResetsInput) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: this.state.isFocused && !this.props.multi,\n\t\t\t\tinputValue: ''\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: this.state.isFocused && !this.props.multi,\n\t\t\t\tinputValue: this.state.inputValue\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.hasScrolledToOption = false;\n\t},\n\n\thandleInputFocus: function handleInputFocus(event) {\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled) return;\n\t\tvar isOpen = this.state.isOpen || this._openAfterFocus || this.props.openOnFocus;\n\t\tif (this.props.onFocus) {\n\t\t\tthis.props.onFocus(event);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\tisFocused: true,\n\t\t\tisOpen: isOpen\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis._openAfterFocus = false;\n\t},\n\n\thandleInputBlur: function handleInputBlur(event) {\n\t\t// The check for menu.contains(activeElement) is necessary to prevent IE11's scrollbar from closing the menu in certain contexts.\n\t\tif ( && ( === document.activeElement || {\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.props.onBlur) {\n\t\t\tthis.props.onBlur(event);\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar onBlurredState = {\n\t\t\tisFocused: false,\n\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: false\n\t\t};\n\t\tif (this.props.onBlurResetsInput) {\n\t\t\tonBlurredState.inputValue = '';\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.setState(onBlurredState);\n\t},\n\n\thandleInputChange: function handleInputChange(event) {\n\t\tvar newInputValue =;\n\n\t\tif (this.state.inputValue !== && this.props.onInputChange) {\n\t\t\tvar nextState = this.props.onInputChange(newInputValue);\n\t\t\t// Note: != used deliberately here to catch undefined and null\n\t\t\tif (nextState != null && typeof nextState !== 'object') {\n\t\t\t\tnewInputValue = '' + nextState;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\tisOpen: true,\n\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: false,\n\t\t\tinputValue: newInputValue\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\thandleKeyDown: function handleKeyDown(event) {\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled) return;\n\n\t\tif (typeof this.props.onInputKeyDown === 'function') {\n\t\t\tthis.props.onInputKeyDown(event);\n\t\t\tif (event.defaultPrevented) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tswitch (event.keyCode) {\n\t\t\tcase 8:\n\t\t\t\t// backspace\n\t\t\t\tif (!this.state.inputValue && this.props.backspaceRemoves) {\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.popValue();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\tcase 9:\n\t\t\t\t// tab\n\t\t\t\tif (event.shiftKey || !this.state.isOpen || !this.props.tabSelectsValue) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthis.selectFocusedOption();\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\tcase 13:\n\t\t\t\t// enter\n\t\t\t\tif (!this.state.isOpen) return;\n\t\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\t\tthis.selectFocusedOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 27:\n\t\t\t\t// escape\n\t\t\t\tif (this.state.isOpen) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.closeMenu();\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\t\t} else if (this.props.clearable && this.props.escapeClearsValue) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.clearValue(event);\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 38:\n\t\t\t\t// up\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusPreviousOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 40:\n\t\t\t\t// down\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusNextOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 33:\n\t\t\t\t// page up\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusPageUpOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 34:\n\t\t\t\t// page down\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusPageDownOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 35:\n\t\t\t\t// end key\n\t\t\t\tif (event.shiftKey) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusEndOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 36:\n\t\t\t\t// home key\n\t\t\t\tif (event.shiftKey) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthis.focusStartOption();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 46:\n\t\t\t\t// backspace\n\t\t\t\tif (!this.state.inputValue && this.props.deleteRemoves) {\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.popValue();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t},\n\n\thandleValueClick: function handleValueClick(option, event) {\n\t\tif (!this.props.onValueClick) return;\n\t\tthis.props.onValueClick(option, event);\n\t},\n\n\thandleMenuScroll: function handleMenuScroll(event) {\n\t\tif (!this.props.onMenuScrollToBottom) return;\n\t\tvar target =;\n\n\t\tif (target.scrollHeight > target.offsetHeight && !(target.scrollHeight - target.offsetHeight - target.scrollTop)) {\n\t\t\tthis.props.onMenuScrollToBottom();\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\thandleRequired: function handleRequired(value, multi) {\n\t\tif (!value) return true;\n\t\treturn multi ? value.length === 0 : Object.keys(value).length === 0;\n\t},\n\n\tgetOptionLabel: function getOptionLabel(op) {\n\t\treturn op[this.props.labelKey];\n\t},\n\n\t/**\n * Turns a value into an array from the given options\n * @param\t{String|Number|Array}\tvalue\t\t- the value of the select input\n * @param\t{Object}\t\tnextProps\t- optionally specify the nextProps so the returned array uses the latest configuration\n * @returns\t{Array}\tthe value of the select represented in an array\n */\n\tgetValueArray: function getValueArray(value, nextProps) {\n\t\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t\t/** support optionally passing in the `nextProps` so `componentWillReceiveProps` updates will function as expected */\n\t\tvar props = typeof nextProps === 'object' ? nextProps : this.props;\n\t\tif (props.multi) {\n\t\t\tif (typeof value === 'string') value = value.split(props.delimiter);\n\t\t\tif (!Array.isArray(value)) {\n\t\t\t\tif (value === null || value === undefined) return [];\n\t\t\t\tvalue = [value];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn (value) {\n\t\t\t\treturn _this.expandValue(value, props);\n\t\t\t}).filter(function (i) {\n\t\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar expandedValue = this.expandValue(value, props);\n\t\treturn expandedValue ? [expandedValue] : [];\n\t},\n\n\t/**\n * Retrieve a value from the given options and valueKey\n * @param\t{String|Number|Array}\tvalue\t- the selected value(s)\n * @param\t{Object}\t\tprops\t- the Select component's props (or nextProps)\n */\n\texpandValue: function expandValue(value, props) {\n\t\tvar valueType = typeof value;\n\t\tif (valueType !== 'string' && valueType !== 'number' && valueType !== 'boolean') return value;\n\t\tvar options = props.options;\n\t\tvar valueKey = props.valueKey;\n\n\t\tif (!options) return;\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (options[i][valueKey] === value) return options[i];\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tsetValue: function setValue(value) {\n\t\tvar _this2 = this;\n\n\t\tif (this.props.autoBlur) {\n\t\t\tthis.blurInput();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!this.props.onChange) return;\n\t\tif (this.props.required) {\n\t\t\tvar required = this.handleRequired(value, this.props.multi);\n\t\t\tthis.setState({ required: required });\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.props.simpleValue && value) {\n\t\t\tvalue = this.props.multi ? (i) {\n\t\t\t\treturn i[_this2.props.valueKey];\n\t\t\t}).join(this.props.delimiter) : value[this.props.valueKey];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.props.onChange(value);\n\t},\n\n\tselectValue: function selectValue(value) {\n\t\tvar _this3 = this;\n\n\t\t//NOTE: update value in the callback to make sure the input value is empty so that there are no styling issues (Chrome had issue otherwise)\n\t\tthis.hasScrolledToOption = false;\n\t\tif (this.props.multi) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tinputValue: '',\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex: null\n\t\t\t}, function () {\n\t\t\t\t_this3.addValue(value);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\t\tinputValue: '',\n\t\t\t\tisPseudoFocused: this.state.isFocused\n\t\t\t}, function () {\n\t\t\t\t_this3.setValue(value);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\taddValue: function addValue(value) {\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(this.props.value);\n\t\tvar visibleOptions = this._visibleOptions.filter(function (val) {\n\t\t\treturn !val.disabled;\n\t\t});\n\t\tvar lastValueIndex = visibleOptions.indexOf(value);\n\t\tthis.setValue(valueArray.concat(value));\n\t\tif (visibleOptions.length - 1 === lastValueIndex) {\n\t\t\t// the last option was selected; focus the second-last one\n\t\t\tthis.focusOption(visibleOptions[lastValueIndex - 1]);\n\t\t} else if (visibleOptions.length > lastValueIndex) {\n\t\t\t// focus the option below the selected one\n\t\t\tthis.focusOption(visibleOptions[lastValueIndex + 1]);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tpopValue: function popValue() {\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(this.props.value);\n\t\tif (!valueArray.length) return;\n\t\tif (valueArray[valueArray.length - 1].clearableValue === false) return;\n\t\tthis.setValue(valueArray.slice(0, valueArray.length - 1));\n\t},\n\n\tremoveValue: function removeValue(value) {\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(this.props.value);\n\t\tthis.setValue(valueArray.filter(function (i) {\n\t\t\treturn i !== value;\n\t\t}));\n\t\tthis.focus();\n\t},\n\n\tclearValue: function clearValue(event) {\n\t\t// if the event was triggered by a mousedown and not the primary\n\t\t// button, ignore it.\n\t\tif (event && event.type === 'mousedown' && event.button !== 0) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\tthis.setValue(this.getResetValue());\n\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\tisOpen: false,\n\t\t\tinputValue: ''\n\t\t}, this.focus);\n\t},\n\n\tgetResetValue: function getResetValue() {\n\t\tif (this.props.resetValue !== undefined) {\n\t\t\treturn this.props.resetValue;\n\t\t} else if (this.props.multi) {\n\t\t\treturn [];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tfocusOption: function focusOption(option) {\n\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\tfocusedOption: option\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\tfocusNextOption: function focusNextOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('next');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusPreviousOption: function focusPreviousOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('previous');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusPageUpOption: function focusPageUpOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('page_up');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusPageDownOption: function focusPageDownOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('page_down');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusStartOption: function focusStartOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('start');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusEndOption: function focusEndOption() {\n\t\tthis.focusAdjacentOption('end');\n\t},\n\n\tfocusAdjacentOption: function focusAdjacentOption(dir) {\n\t\tvar options = (option, index) {\n\t\t\treturn { option: option, index: index };\n\t\t}).filter(function (option) {\n\t\t\treturn !option.option.disabled;\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis._scrollToFocusedOptionOnUpdate = true;\n\t\tif (!this.state.isOpen) {\n\t\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\t\tisOpen: true,\n\t\t\t\tinputValue: '',\n\t\t\t\tfocusedOption: this._focusedOption || (options.length ? options[dir === 'next' ? 0 : options.length - 1].option : null)\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!options.length) return;\n\t\tvar focusedIndex = -1;\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (this._focusedOption === options[i].option) {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = i;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (dir === 'next' && focusedIndex !== -1) {\n\t\t\tfocusedIndex = (focusedIndex + 1) % options.length;\n\t\t} else if (dir === 'previous') {\n\t\t\tif (focusedIndex > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = focusedIndex - 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = options.length - 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if (dir === 'start') {\n\t\t\tfocusedIndex = 0;\n\t\t} else if (dir === 'end') {\n\t\t\tfocusedIndex = options.length - 1;\n\t\t} else if (dir === 'page_up') {\n\t\t\tvar potentialIndex = focusedIndex - this.props.pageSize;\n\t\t\tif (potentialIndex < 0) {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = 0;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = potentialIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if (dir === 'page_down') {\n\t\t\tvar potentialIndex = focusedIndex + this.props.pageSize;\n\t\t\tif (potentialIndex > options.length - 1) {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = options.length - 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfocusedIndex = potentialIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (focusedIndex === -1) {\n\t\t\tfocusedIndex = 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.setState({\n\t\t\tfocusedIndex: options[focusedIndex].index,\n\t\t\tfocusedOption: options[focusedIndex].option\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\tgetFocusedOption: function getFocusedOption() {\n\t\treturn this._focusedOption;\n\t},\n\n\tgetInputValue: function getInputValue() {\n\t\treturn this.state.inputValue;\n\t},\n\n\tselectFocusedOption: function selectFocusedOption() {\n\t\tif (this._focusedOption) {\n\t\t\treturn this.selectValue(this._focusedOption);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\trenderLoading: function renderLoading() {\n\t\tif (!this.props.isLoading) return;\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-loading-zone', 'aria-hidden': 'true' },\n\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement('span', { className: 'Select-loading' })\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\trenderValue: function renderValue(valueArray, isOpen) {\n\t\tvar _this4 = this;\n\n\t\tvar renderLabel = this.props.valueRenderer || this.getOptionLabel;\n\t\tvar ValueComponent = this.props.valueComponent;\n\t\tif (!valueArray.length) {\n\t\t\treturn !this.state.inputValue ? _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-placeholder' },\n\t\t\t\tthis.props.placeholder\n\t\t\t) : null;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar onClick = this.props.onValueClick ? this.handleValueClick : null;\n\t\tif (this.props.multi) {\n\t\t\treturn (value, i) {\n\t\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t\tValueComponent,\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid: _this4._instancePrefix + '-value-' + i,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinstancePrefix: _this4._instancePrefix,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdisabled: _this4.props.disabled || value.clearableValue === false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkey: 'value-' + i + '-' + value[_this4.props.valueKey],\n\t\t\t\t\t\tonClick: onClick,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tonRemove: _this4.removeValue,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: value\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\trenderLabel(value, i),\n\t\t\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-aria-only' },\n\t\t\t\t\t\t' '\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else if (!this.state.inputValue) {\n\t\t\tif (isOpen) onClick = null;\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\tValueComponent,\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tid: this._instancePrefix + '-value-item',\n\t\t\t\t\tdisabled: this.props.disabled,\n\t\t\t\t\tinstancePrefix: this._instancePrefix,\n\t\t\t\t\tonClick: onClick,\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: valueArray[0]\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\trenderLabel(valueArray[0])\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\trenderInput: function renderInput(valueArray, focusedOptionIndex) {\n\t\tvar _classNames,\n\t\t _this5 = this;\n\n\t\tvar className = (0, _classnames2['default'])('Select-input', this.props.inputProps.className);\n\t\tvar isOpen = !!this.state.isOpen;\n\n\t\tvar ariaOwns = (0, _classnames2['default'])((_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, this._instancePrefix + '-list', isOpen), _defineProperty(_classNames, this._instancePrefix + '-backspace-remove-message', this.props.multi && !this.props.disabled && this.state.isFocused && !this.state.inputValue), _classNames));\n\n\t\t// TODO: Check how this project includes Object.assign()\n\t\tvar inputProps = _extends({}, this.props.inputProps, {\n\t\t\trole: 'combobox',\n\t\t\t'aria-expanded': '' + isOpen,\n\t\t\t'aria-owns': ariaOwns,\n\t\t\t'aria-haspopup': '' + isOpen,\n\t\t\t'aria-activedescendant': isOpen ? this._instancePrefix + '-option-' + focusedOptionIndex : this._instancePrefix + '-value',\n\t\t\t'aria-describedby': this.props['aria-describedby'],\n\t\t\t'aria-labelledby': this.props['aria-labelledby'],\n\t\t\t'aria-label': this.props['aria-label'],\n\t\t\tclassName: className,\n\t\t\ttabIndex: this.props.tabIndex,\n\t\t\tonBlur: this.handleInputBlur,\n\t\t\tonChange: this.handleInputChange,\n\t\t\tonFocus: this.handleInputFocus,\n\t\t\tref: function ref(_ref) {\n\t\t\t\treturn _this5.input = _ref;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\trequired: this.state.required,\n\t\t\tvalue: this.state.inputValue\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tif (this.props.inputRenderer) {\n\t\t\treturn this.props.inputRenderer(inputProps);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.props.disabled || !this.props.searchable) {\n\t\t\tvar _props$inputProps = this.props.inputProps;\n\t\t\tvar inputClassName = _props$inputProps.inputClassName;\n\n\t\t\tvar divProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$inputProps, ['inputClassName']);\n\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement('div', _extends({}, divProps, {\n\t\t\t\trole: 'combobox',\n\t\t\t\t'aria-expanded': isOpen,\n\t\t\t\t'aria-owns': isOpen ? this._instancePrefix + '-list' : this._instancePrefix + '-value',\n\t\t\t\t'aria-activedescendant': isOpen ? this._instancePrefix + '-option-' + focusedOptionIndex : this._instancePrefix + '-value',\n\t\t\t\tclassName: className,\n\t\t\t\ttabIndex: this.props.tabIndex || 0,\n\t\t\t\tonBlur: this.handleInputBlur,\n\t\t\t\tonFocus: this.handleInputFocus,\n\t\t\t\tref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn _this5.input = ref;\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t'aria-readonly': '' + !!this.props.disabled,\n\t\t\t\tstyle: { border: 0, width: 1, display: 'inline-block' } }));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.props.autosize) {\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(_reactInputAutosize2['default'], _extends({}, inputProps, { minWidth: '5' }));\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t{ className: className },\n\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement('input', inputProps)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\trenderClear: function renderClear() {\n\t\tif (!this.props.clearable || !this.props.value || this.props.value === 0 || this.props.multi && !this.props.value.length || this.props.disabled || this.props.isLoading) return;\n\t\tvar clear = this.props.clearRenderer();\n\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-clear-zone', title: this.props.multi ? this.props.clearAllText : this.props.clearValueText,\n\t\t\t\t'aria-label': this.props.multi ? this.props.clearAllText : this.props.clearValueText,\n\t\t\t\tonMouseDown: this.clearValue,\n\t\t\t\tonTouchStart: this.handleTouchStart,\n\t\t\t\tonTouchMove: this.handleTouchMove,\n\t\t\t\tonTouchEnd: this.handleTouchEndClearValue\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tclear\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\trenderArrow: function renderArrow() {\n\t\tvar onMouseDown = this.handleMouseDownOnArrow;\n\t\tvar isOpen = this.state.isOpen;\n\t\tvar arrow = this.props.arrowRenderer({ onMouseDown: onMouseDown, isOpen: isOpen });\n\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tclassName: 'Select-arrow-zone',\n\t\t\t\tonMouseDown: onMouseDown\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tarrow\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\tfilterOptions: function filterOptions(excludeOptions) {\n\t\tvar filterValue = this.state.inputValue;\n\t\tvar options = this.props.options || [];\n\t\tif (this.props.filterOptions) {\n\t\t\t// Maintain backwards compatibility with boolean attribute\n\t\t\tvar filterOptions = typeof this.props.filterOptions === 'function' ? this.props.filterOptions : _utilsDefaultFilterOptions2['default'];\n\n\t\t\treturn filterOptions(options, filterValue, excludeOptions, {\n\t\t\t\tfilterOption: this.props.filterOption,\n\t\t\t\tignoreAccents: this.props.ignoreAccents,\n\t\t\t\tignoreCase: this.props.ignoreCase,\n\t\t\t\tlabelKey: this.props.labelKey,\n\t\t\t\tmatchPos: this.props.matchPos,\n\t\t\t\tmatchProp: this.props.matchProp,\n\t\t\t\tvalueKey: this.props.valueKey\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn options;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tonOptionRef: function onOptionRef(ref, isFocused) {\n\t\tif (isFocused) {\n\t\t\tthis.focused = ref;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\trenderMenu: function renderMenu(options, valueArray, focusedOption) {\n\t\tif (options && options.length) {\n\t\t\treturn this.props.menuRenderer({\n\t\t\t\tfocusedOption: focusedOption,\n\t\t\t\tfocusOption: this.focusOption,\n\t\t\t\tinstancePrefix: this._instancePrefix,\n\t\t\t\tlabelKey: this.props.labelKey,\n\t\t\t\tonFocus: this.focusOption,\n\t\t\t\tonSelect: this.selectValue,\n\t\t\t\toptionClassName: this.props.optionClassName,\n\t\t\t\toptionComponent: this.props.optionComponent,\n\t\t\t\toptionRenderer: this.props.optionRenderer || this.getOptionLabel,\n\t\t\t\toptions: options,\n\t\t\t\tselectValue: this.selectValue,\n\t\t\t\tvalueArray: valueArray,\n\t\t\t\tvalueKey: this.props.valueKey,\n\t\t\t\tonOptionRef: this.onOptionRef\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else if (this.props.noResultsText) {\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-noresults' },\n\t\t\t\tthis.props.noResultsText\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\trenderHiddenField: function renderHiddenField(valueArray) {\n\t\tvar _this6 = this;\n\n\t\tif (! return;\n\t\tif (this.props.joinValues) {\n\t\t\tvar value = (i) {\n\t\t\t\treturn stringifyValue(i[_this6.props.valueKey]);\n\t\t\t}).join(this.props.delimiter);\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement('input', {\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'hidden',\n\t\t\t\tref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn _this6.value = ref;\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tname:,\n\t\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t\t\tdisabled: this.props.disabled });\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (item, index) {\n\t\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement('input', { key: 'hidden.' + index,\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'hidden',\n\t\t\t\tref: 'value' + index,\n\t\t\t\tname:,\n\t\t\t\tvalue: stringifyValue(item[_this6.props.valueKey]),\n\t\t\t\tdisabled: _this6.props.disabled });\n\t\t});\n\t},\n\n\tgetFocusableOptionIndex: function getFocusableOptionIndex(selectedOption) {\n\t\tvar options = this._visibleOptions;\n\t\tif (!options.length) return null;\n\n\t\tvar focusedOption = this.state.focusedOption || selectedOption;\n\t\tif (focusedOption && !focusedOption.disabled) {\n\t\t\tvar focusedOptionIndex = -1;\n\t\t\toptions.some(function (option, index) {\n\t\t\t\tvar isOptionEqual = option.value === focusedOption.value;\n\t\t\t\tif (isOptionEqual) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfocusedOptionIndex = index;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn isOptionEqual;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tif (focusedOptionIndex !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\treturn focusedOptionIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (!options[i].disabled) return i;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn null;\n\t},\n\n\trenderOuter: function renderOuter(options, valueArray, focusedOption) {\n\t\tvar _this7 = this;\n\n\t\tvar menu = this.renderMenu(options, valueArray, focusedOption);\n\t\tif (!menu) {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t{ ref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn _this7.menuContainer = ref;\n\t\t\t\t}, className: 'Select-menu-outer', style: this.props.menuContainerStyle },\n\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t\t{ ref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn = ref;\n\t\t\t\t\t}, role: 'listbox', className: 'Select-menu', id: this._instancePrefix + '-list',\n\t\t\t\t\tstyle: this.props.menuStyle,\n\t\t\t\t\tonScroll: this.handleMenuScroll,\n\t\t\t\t\tonMouseDown: this.handleMouseDownOnMenu },\n\t\t\t\tmenu\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\trender: function render() {\n\t\tvar _this8 = this;\n\n\t\tvar valueArray = this.getValueArray(this.props.value);\n\t\tvar options = this._visibleOptions = this.filterOptions(this.props.multi ? this.getValueArray(this.props.value) : null);\n\t\tvar isOpen = this.state.isOpen;\n\t\tif (this.props.multi && !options.length && valueArray.length && !this.state.inputValue) isOpen = false;\n\t\tvar focusedOptionIndex = this.getFocusableOptionIndex(valueArray[0]);\n\n\t\tvar focusedOption = null;\n\t\tif (focusedOptionIndex !== null) {\n\t\t\tfocusedOption = this._focusedOption = options[focusedOptionIndex];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfocusedOption = this._focusedOption = null;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar className = (0, _classnames2['default'])('Select', this.props.className, {\n\t\t\t'Select--multi': this.props.multi,\n\t\t\t'Select--single': !this.props.multi,\n\t\t\t'is-clearable': this.props.clearable,\n\t\t\t'is-disabled': this.props.disabled,\n\t\t\t'is-focused': this.state.isFocused,\n\t\t\t'is-loading': this.props.isLoading,\n\t\t\t'is-open': isOpen,\n\t\t\t'is-pseudo-focused': this.state.isPseudoFocused,\n\t\t\t'is-searchable': this.props.searchable,\n\t\t\t'has-value': valueArray.length\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tvar removeMessage = null;\n\t\tif (this.props.multi && !this.props.disabled && valueArray.length && !this.state.inputValue && this.state.isFocused && this.props.backspaceRemoves) {\n\t\t\tremoveMessage = _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t\t{ id: this._instancePrefix + '-backspace-remove-message', className: 'Select-aria-only', 'aria-live': 'assertive' },\n\t\t\t\tthis.props.backspaceToRemoveMessage.replace('{label}', valueArray[valueArray.length - 1][this.props.labelKey])\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn _react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t{ ref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn _this8.wrapper = ref;\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tclassName: className,\n\t\t\t\tstyle: this.props.wrapperStyle },\n\t\t\tthis.renderHiddenField(valueArray),\n\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t\t{ ref: function (ref) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn _this8.control = ref;\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tclassName: 'Select-control',\n\t\t\t\t\tstyle:,\n\t\t\t\t\tonKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,\n\t\t\t\t\tonMouseDown: this.handleMouseDown,\n\t\t\t\t\tonTouchEnd: this.handleTouchEnd,\n\t\t\t\t\tonTouchStart: this.handleTouchStart,\n\t\t\t\t\tonTouchMove: this.handleTouchMove\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t_react2['default'].createElement(\n\t\t\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t\t\t{ className: 'Select-multi-value-wrapper', id: this._instancePrefix + '-value' },\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderValue(valueArray, isOpen),\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.renderInput(valueArray, focusedOptionIndex)\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\tremoveMessage,\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderLoading(),\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderClear(),\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderArrow()\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tisOpen ? this.renderOuter(options, !this.props.multi ? valueArray : null, focusedOption) : null\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n});\n\nexports['default'] = Select;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-select/lib/Select.js\n// module id = 92\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson.\n Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see\n\n*/\n/* global define */\n\n(function () {\n\t'use strict';\n\n\tvar hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\n\tfunction classNames () {\n\t\tvar classes = [];\n\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar arg = arguments[i];\n\t\t\tif (!arg) continue;\n\n\t\t\tvar argType = typeof arg;\n\n\t\t\tif (argType === 'string' || argType === 'number') {\n\t\t\t\tclasses.push(arg);\n\t\t\t} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {\n\t\t\t\tclasses.push(classNames.apply(null, arg));\n\t\t\t} else if (argType === 'object') {\n\t\t\t\tfor (var key in arg) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (, key) && arg[key]) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclasses.push(key);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn classes.join(' ');\n\t}\n\n\tif (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {\n\t\tmodule.exports = classNames;\n\t} else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) {\n\t\t// register as 'classnames', consistent with npm package name\n\t\tdefine('classnames', [], function () {\n\t\t\treturn classNames;\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\twindow.classNames = classNames;\n\t}\n}());\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/classnames/index.js\n// module id = 93\n// module chunks = 0","import formatDecimal from \"./formatDecimal\";\n\nexport default function(x) {\n return x = formatDecimal(Math.abs(x)), x ? x[1] : NaN;\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/d3-format/src/exponent.js\n// module id = 94\n// module chunks = 0","import Loading from './Loading';\n\nexport default Loading;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-loading/es/index.js\n// module id = 95\n// module chunks = 0","\"use strict\";\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nvar GatewayRegistry = function () {\n function GatewayRegistry() {\n _classCallCheck(this, GatewayRegistry);\n\n this._containers = {};\n this._children = {};\n\n // Unique key for children of a gateway\n this._currentId = 0;\n }\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype._renderContainer = function _renderContainer(name) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (!this._containers[name] || !this._children[name]) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._containers[name].setState({\n children: Object.keys(this._children[name]).sort().map(function (id) {\n return _this._children[name][id];\n })\n });\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.addContainer = function addContainer(name, container) {\n this._containers[name] = container;\n this._renderContainer(name);\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.removeContainer = function removeContainer(name) {\n this._containers[name] = null;\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.addChild = function addChild(name, gatewayId, child) {\n this._children[name][gatewayId] = child;\n this._renderContainer(name);\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.clearChild = function clearChild(name, gatewayId) {\n delete this._children[name][gatewayId];\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.register = function register(name, child) {\n this._children[name] = this._children[name] || {};\n\n var gatewayId = name + \"_\" + this._currentId;\n this._children[name][gatewayId] = child;\n this._currentId += 1;\n\n return gatewayId;\n };\n\n GatewayRegistry.prototype.unregister = function unregister(name, gatewayId) {\n this.clearChild(name, gatewayId);\n this._renderContainer(name);\n };\n\n return GatewayRegistry;\n}();\n\nexports.default = GatewayRegistry;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-gateway/lib/GatewayRegistry.js\n// module id = 96\n// module chunks = 0","var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };\n\nvar _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return call && (typeof call === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\") ? call : self; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }\n\nimport React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { combineRules } from 'fela';\nimport { createComponent as createFelaComponent, ThemeProvider, connect } from 'react-fela';\nimport mergeOptions from 'merge-options';\n\nvar createComponent = function createComponent(rule) {\n var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'div';\n var passThroughProps = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];\n return createFelaComponent(rule, type, type.propTypes ? passThroughProps.concat(Object.keys(type.propTypes)) : passThroughProps);\n};\n\nvar applyTheme = function applyTheme(ComponentToWrap) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, themes = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {\n themes[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var primaryTheme = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {};\n\n var ThemedComponent = function (_Component) {\n _inherits(ThemedComponent, _Component);\n\n function ThemedComponent() {\n _classCallCheck(this, ThemedComponent);\n\n return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ThemedComponent.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ThemedComponent)).apply(this, arguments));\n }\n\n _createClass(ThemedComponent, [{\n key: 'getChildContext',\n value: function getChildContext() {\n var contextTheme = this.context.theme || {};\n var resultTheme = _extends({}, contextTheme, primaryTheme(contextTheme));\n var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;\n var _didIteratorError = false;\n var _iteratorError = undefined;\n\n try {\n for (var _iterator = themes[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {\n var theme = _step.value;\n\n if (theme) {\n resultTheme = _extends({}, mergeOptions(resultTheme, theme(contextTheme)));\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _didIteratorError = true;\n _iteratorError = err;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {\n _iterator.return();\n }\n } finally {\n if (_didIteratorError) {\n throw _iteratorError;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return {\n theme: _extends({}, resultTheme)\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: 'render',\n value: function render() {\n return React.createElement(ComponentToWrap, this.props);\n }\n }]);\n\n return ThemedComponent;\n }(Component);\n\n ThemedComponent.childContextTypes = { theme: PropTypes.object };\n ThemedComponent.contextTypes = { theme: PropTypes.object };\n return ThemedComponent;\n};\n\nvar createComponentStyles = function createComponentStyles(styleFunctions, component) {\n return connect(styleFunctions)(component);\n};\n\nexport { createComponent, applyTheme, ThemeProvider, connect, combineRules, createComponentStyles };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-style-container/es/index.js\n// module id = 97\n// module chunks = 0","import createRenderer from './createRenderer';\nimport combineRules from './combineRules';\nimport enhance from './enhance';\nimport connectFactory from './bindings/connectFactory';\nimport createComponentFactory from './bindings/createComponentFactory';\n\nexport { createRenderer, combineRules, enhance, connectFactory, createComponentFactory };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fela/es/index.js\n// module id = 98\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.default = hyphenateProperty;\n\nvar _hyphenateStyleName = require('hyphenate-style-name');\n\nvar _hyphenateStyleName2 = _interopRequireDefault(_hyphenateStyleName);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nfunction hyphenateProperty(property) {\n return (0, _hyphenateStyleName2.default)(property);\n}\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/css-in-js-utils/lib/hyphenateProperty.js\n// module id = 99\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = require('./ReactNoopUpdateQueue');\n\nvar canDefineProperty = require('./canDefineProperty');\nvar emptyObject = require('fbjs/lib/emptyObject');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\n/**\n * Base class helpers for the updating state of a component.\n */\nfunction ReactComponent(props, context, updater) {\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context;\n this.refs = emptyObject;\n // We initialize the default updater but the real one gets injected by the\n // renderer.\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n}\n\nReactComponent.prototype.isReactComponent = {};\n\n/**\n * Sets a subset of the state. Always use this to mutate\n * state. You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that calls to `setState` will run synchronously,\n * as they may eventually be batched together. You can provide an optional\n * callback that will be executed when the call to setState is actually\n * completed.\n *\n * When a function is provided to setState, it will be called at some point in\n * the future (not synchronously). It will be called with the up to date\n * component arguments (state, props, context). These values can be different\n * from this.* because your function may be called after receiveProps but before\n * shouldComponentUpdate, and this new state, props, and context will not yet be\n * assigned to this.\n *\n * @param {object|function} partialState Next partial state or function to\n * produce next partial state to be merged with current state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after state is updated.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\nReactComponent.prototype.setState = function (partialState, callback) {\n !(typeof partialState === 'object' || typeof partialState === 'function' || partialState == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.') : _prodInvariant('85') : void 0;\n this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState);\n if (callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueCallback(this, callback, 'setState');\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {?function} callback Called after update is complete.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\nReactComponent.prototype.forceUpdate = function (callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this);\n if (callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueCallback(this, callback, 'forceUpdate');\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Deprecated APIs. These APIs used to exist on classic React classes but since\n * we would like to deprecate them, we're not going to move them over to this\n * modern base class. Instead, we define a getter that warns if it's accessed.\n */\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var deprecatedAPIs = {\n isMounted: ['isMounted', 'Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in ' + 'componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks.'],\n replaceState: ['replaceState', 'Refactor your code to use setState instead (see ' + '']\n };\n var defineDeprecationWarning = function (methodName, info) {\n if (canDefineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(ReactComponent.prototype, methodName, {\n get: function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s', info[0], info[1]) : void 0;\n return undefined;\n }\n });\n }\n };\n for (var fnName in deprecatedAPIs) {\n if (deprecatedAPIs.hasOwnProperty(fnName)) {\n defineDeprecationWarning(fnName, deprecatedAPIs[fnName]);\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactComponent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactComponent.js\n// module id = 100\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nfunction warnNoop(publicInstance, callerName) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var constructor = publicInstance.constructor;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '%s(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. ' + 'This usually means you called %s() on an unmounted component. ' + 'This is a no-op. Please check the code for the %s component.', callerName, callerName, constructor && (constructor.displayName || || 'ReactClass') : void 0;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * This is the abstract API for an update queue.\n */\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = {\n\n /**\n * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance we want to test.\n * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.\n * @protected\n * @final\n */\n isMounted: function (publicInstance) {\n return false;\n },\n\n /**\n * Enqueue a callback that will be executed after all the pending updates\n * have processed.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance to use as `this` context.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after state is updated.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueCallback: function (publicInstance, callback) {},\n\n /**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueForceUpdate: function (publicInstance) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'forceUpdate');\n },\n\n /**\n * Replaces all of the state. Always use this or `setState` to mutate state.\n * You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} completeState Next state.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueReplaceState: function (publicInstance, completeState) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'replaceState');\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets a subset of the state. This only exists because _pendingState is\n * internal. This provides a merging strategy that is not available to deep\n * properties which is confusing. TODO: Expose pendingState or don't use it\n * during the merge.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueSetState: function (publicInstance, partialState) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'setState');\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactNoopUpdateQueue.js\n// module id = 101\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/prop-types/lib/ReactPropTypesSecret.js\n// module id = 102\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n/* globals __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__*/\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactDOMComponentTree = require('./ReactDOMComponentTree');\nvar ReactDefaultInjection = require('./ReactDefaultInjection');\nvar ReactMount = require('./ReactMount');\nvar ReactReconciler = require('./ReactReconciler');\nvar ReactUpdates = require('./ReactUpdates');\nvar ReactVersion = require('./ReactVersion');\n\nvar findDOMNode = require('./findDOMNode');\nvar getHostComponentFromComposite = require('./getHostComponentFromComposite');\nvar renderSubtreeIntoContainer = require('./renderSubtreeIntoContainer');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nReactDefaultInjection.inject();\n\nvar ReactDOM = {\n findDOMNode: findDOMNode,\n render: ReactMount.render,\n unmountComponentAtNode: ReactMount.unmountComponentAtNode,\n version: ReactVersion,\n\n /* eslint-disable camelcase */\n unstable_batchedUpdates: ReactUpdates.batchedUpdates,\n unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer: renderSubtreeIntoContainer\n};\n\n// Inject the runtime into a devtools global hook regardless of browser.\n// Allows for debugging when the hook is injected on the page.\nif (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject === 'function') {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject({\n ComponentTree: {\n getClosestInstanceFromNode: ReactDOMComponentTree.getClosestInstanceFromNode,\n getNodeFromInstance: function (inst) {\n // inst is an internal instance (but could be a composite)\n if (inst._renderedComponent) {\n inst = getHostComponentFromComposite(inst);\n }\n if (inst) {\n return ReactDOMComponentTree.getNodeFromInstance(inst);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n },\n Mount: ReactMount,\n Reconciler: ReactReconciler\n });\n}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\n if (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM && === window.self) {\n\n // First check if devtools is not installed\n if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'undefined') {\n // If we're in Chrome or Firefox, provide a download link if not installed.\n if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') === -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) {\n // Firefox does not have the issue with devtools loaded over file://\n var showFileUrlMessage = window.location.protocol.indexOf('http') === -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') === -1;\n console.debug('Download the React DevTools ' + (showFileUrlMessage ? 'and use an HTTP server (instead of a file: URL) ' : '') + 'for a better development experience: ' + '');\n }\n }\n\n var testFunc = function testFn() {};\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(( || testFunc.toString()).indexOf('testFn') !== -1, 'It looks like you\\'re using a minified copy of the development build ' + 'of React. When deploying React apps to production, make sure to use ' + 'the production build which skips development warnings and is faster. ' + 'See for more details.') : void 0;\n\n // If we're in IE8, check to see if we are in compatibility mode and provide\n // information on preventing compatibility mode\n var ieCompatibilityMode = document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 8;\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!ieCompatibilityMode, 'Internet Explorer is running in compatibility mode; please add the ' + 'following tag to your HTML to prevent this from happening: ' + '<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />') : void 0;\n\n var expectedFeatures = [\n // shims\n Array.isArray, Array.prototype.every, Array.prototype.forEach, Array.prototype.indexOf,,, Function.prototype.bind, Object.keys, String.prototype.trim];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < expectedFeatures.length; i++) {\n if (!expectedFeatures[i]) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'One or more ES5 shims expected by React are not available: ' + '') : void 0;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\n var ReactDOMUnknownPropertyHook = require('./ReactDOMUnknownPropertyHook');\n var ReactDOMNullInputValuePropHook = require('./ReactDOMNullInputValuePropHook');\n var ReactDOMInvalidARIAHook = require('./ReactDOMInvalidARIAHook');\n\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.addHook(ReactDOMUnknownPropertyHook);\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.addHook(ReactDOMNullInputValuePropHook);\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.addHook(ReactDOMInvalidARIAHook);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactDOM;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDOM.js\n// module id = 103\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactErrorUtils = require('./ReactErrorUtils');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\n/**\n * Injected dependencies:\n */\n\n/**\n * - `ComponentTree`: [required] Module that can convert between React instances\n * and actual node references.\n */\nvar ComponentTree;\nvar TreeTraversal;\nvar injection = {\n injectComponentTree: function (Injected) {\n ComponentTree = Injected;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(Injected && Injected.getNodeFromInstance && Injected.getInstanceFromNode, 'EventPluginUtils.injection.injectComponentTree(...): Injected ' + 'module is missing getNodeFromInstance or getInstanceFromNode.') : void 0;\n }\n },\n injectTreeTraversal: function (Injected) {\n TreeTraversal = Injected;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(Injected && Injected.isAncestor && Injected.getLowestCommonAncestor, 'EventPluginUtils.injection.injectTreeTraversal(...): Injected ' + 'module is missing isAncestor or getLowestCommonAncestor.') : void 0;\n }\n }\n};\n\nfunction isEndish(topLevelType) {\n return topLevelType === 'topMouseUp' || topLevelType === 'topTouchEnd' || topLevelType === 'topTouchCancel';\n}\n\nfunction isMoveish(topLevelType) {\n return topLevelType === 'topMouseMove' || topLevelType === 'topTouchMove';\n}\nfunction isStartish(topLevelType) {\n return topLevelType === 'topMouseDown' || topLevelType === 'topTouchStart';\n}\n\nvar validateEventDispatches;\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateEventDispatches = function (event) {\n var dispatchListeners = event._dispatchListeners;\n var dispatchInstances = event._dispatchInstances;\n\n var listenersIsArr = Array.isArray(dispatchListeners);\n var listenersLen = listenersIsArr ? dispatchListeners.length : dispatchListeners ? 1 : 0;\n\n var instancesIsArr = Array.isArray(dispatchInstances);\n var instancesLen = instancesIsArr ? dispatchInstances.length : dispatchInstances ? 1 : 0;\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(instancesIsArr === listenersIsArr && instancesLen === listenersLen, 'EventPluginUtils: Invalid `event`.') : void 0;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Dispatch the event to the listener.\n * @param {SyntheticEvent} event SyntheticEvent to handle\n * @param {boolean} simulated If the event is simulated (changes exn behavior)\n * @param {function} listener Application-level callback\n * @param {*} inst Internal component instance\n */\nfunction executeDispatch(event, simulated, listener, inst) {\n var type = event.type || 'unknown-event';\n event.currentTarget = EventPluginUtils.getNodeFromInstance(inst);\n if (simulated) {\n ReactErrorUtils.invokeGuardedCallbackWithCatch(type, listener, event);\n } else {\n ReactErrorUtils.invokeGuardedCallback(type, listener, event);\n }\n event.currentTarget = null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Standard/simple iteration through an event's collected dispatches.\n */\nfunction executeDispatchesInOrder(event, simulated) {\n var dispatchListeners = event._dispatchListeners;\n var dispatchInstances = event._dispatchInstances;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateEventDispatches(event);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListeners)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < dispatchListeners.length; i++) {\n if (event.isPropagationStopped()) {\n break;\n }\n // Listeners and Instances are two parallel arrays that are always in sync.\n executeDispatch(event, simulated, dispatchListeners[i], dispatchInstances[i]);\n }\n } else if (dispatchListeners) {\n executeDispatch(event, simulated, dispatchListeners, dispatchInstances);\n }\n event._dispatchListeners = null;\n event._dispatchInstances = null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Standard/simple iteration through an event's collected dispatches, but stops\n * at the first dispatch execution returning true, and returns that id.\n *\n * @return {?string} id of the first dispatch execution who's listener returns\n * true, or null if no listener returned true.\n */\nfunction executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrueImpl(event) {\n var dispatchListeners = event._dispatchListeners;\n var dispatchInstances = event._dispatchInstances;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateEventDispatches(event);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListeners)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < dispatchListeners.length; i++) {\n if (event.isPropagationStopped()) {\n break;\n }\n // Listeners and Instances are two parallel arrays that are always in sync.\n if (dispatchListeners[i](event, dispatchInstances[i])) {\n return dispatchInstances[i];\n }\n }\n } else if (dispatchListeners) {\n if (dispatchListeners(event, dispatchInstances)) {\n return dispatchInstances;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * @see executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrueImpl\n */\nfunction executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue(event) {\n var ret = executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrueImpl(event);\n event._dispatchInstances = null;\n event._dispatchListeners = null;\n return ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * Execution of a \"direct\" dispatch - there must be at most one dispatch\n * accumulated on the event or it is considered an error. It doesn't really make\n * sense for an event with multiple dispatches (bubbled) to keep track of the\n * return values at each dispatch execution, but it does tend to make sense when\n * dealing with \"direct\" dispatches.\n *\n * @return {*} The return value of executing the single dispatch.\n */\nfunction executeDirectDispatch(event) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateEventDispatches(event);\n }\n var dispatchListener = event._dispatchListeners;\n var dispatchInstance = event._dispatchInstances;\n !!Array.isArray(dispatchListener) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'executeDirectDispatch(...): Invalid `event`.') : _prodInvariant('103') : void 0;\n event.currentTarget = dispatchListener ? EventPluginUtils.getNodeFromInstance(dispatchInstance) : null;\n var res = dispatchListener ? dispatchListener(event) : null;\n event.currentTarget = null;\n event._dispatchListeners = null;\n event._dispatchInstances = null;\n return res;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {SyntheticEvent} event\n * @return {boolean} True iff number of dispatches accumulated is greater than 0.\n */\nfunction hasDispatches(event) {\n return !!event._dispatchListeners;\n}\n\n/**\n * General utilities that are useful in creating custom Event Plugins.\n */\nvar EventPluginUtils = {\n isEndish: isEndish,\n isMoveish: isMoveish,\n isStartish: isStartish,\n\n executeDirectDispatch: executeDirectDispatch,\n executeDispatchesInOrder: executeDispatchesInOrder,\n executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue: executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue,\n hasDispatches: hasDispatches,\n\n getInstanceFromNode: function (node) {\n return ComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(node);\n },\n getNodeFromInstance: function (node) {\n return ComponentTree.getNodeFromInstance(node);\n },\n isAncestor: function (a, b) {\n return TreeTraversal.isAncestor(a, b);\n },\n getLowestCommonAncestor: function (a, b) {\n return TreeTraversal.getLowestCommonAncestor(a, b);\n },\n getParentInstance: function (inst) {\n return TreeTraversal.getParentInstance(inst);\n },\n traverseTwoPhase: function (target, fn, arg) {\n return TreeTraversal.traverseTwoPhase(target, fn, arg);\n },\n traverseEnterLeave: function (from, to, fn, argFrom, argTo) {\n return TreeTraversal.traverseEnterLeave(from, to, fn, argFrom, argTo);\n },\n\n injection: injection\n};\n\nmodule.exports = EventPluginUtils;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/EventPluginUtils.js\n// module id = 104\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar caughtError = null;\n\n/**\n * Call a function while guarding against errors that happens within it.\n *\n * @param {String} name of the guard to use for logging or debugging\n * @param {Function} func The function to invoke\n * @param {*} a First argument\n * @param {*} b Second argument\n */\nfunction invokeGuardedCallback(name, func, a) {\n try {\n func(a);\n } catch (x) {\n if (caughtError === null) {\n caughtError = x;\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactErrorUtils = {\n invokeGuardedCallback: invokeGuardedCallback,\n\n /**\n * Invoked by ReactTestUtils.Simulate so that any errors thrown by the event\n * handler are sure to be rethrown by rethrowCaughtError.\n */\n invokeGuardedCallbackWithCatch: invokeGuardedCallback,\n\n /**\n * During execution of guarded functions we will capture the first error which\n * we will rethrow to be handled by the top level error handler.\n */\n rethrowCaughtError: function () {\n if (caughtError) {\n var error = caughtError;\n caughtError = null;\n throw error;\n }\n }\n};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n /**\n * To help development we can get better devtools integration by simulating a\n * real browser event.\n */\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.dispatchEvent === 'function' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.createEvent === 'function') {\n var fakeNode = document.createElement('react');\n ReactErrorUtils.invokeGuardedCallback = function (name, func, a) {\n var boundFunc = func.bind(null, a);\n var evtType = 'react-' + name;\n fakeNode.addEventListener(evtType, boundFunc, false);\n var evt = document.createEvent('Event');\n evt.initEvent(evtType, false, false);\n fakeNode.dispatchEvent(evt);\n fakeNode.removeEventListener(evtType, boundFunc, false);\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactErrorUtils;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactErrorUtils.js\n// module id = 105\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Gets the target node from a native browser event by accounting for\n * inconsistencies in browser DOM APIs.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @return {DOMEventTarget} Target node.\n */\n\nfunction getEventTarget(nativeEvent) {\n var target = || nativeEvent.srcElement || window;\n\n // Normalize SVG <use> element events #4963\n if (target.correspondingUseElement) {\n target = target.correspondingUseElement;\n }\n\n // Safari may fire events on text nodes (Node.TEXT_NODE is 3).\n // @see\n return target.nodeType === 3 ? target.parentNode : target;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getEventTarget;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/getEventTarget.js\n// module id = 106\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\n\nvar useHasFeature;\nif (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n useHasFeature = document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature &&\n // always returns true in newer browsers as per the standard.\n // @see\n document.implementation.hasFeature('', '') !== true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if an event is supported in the current execution environment.\n *\n * NOTE: This will not work correctly for non-generic events such as `change`,\n * `reset`, `load`, `error`, and `select`.\n *\n * Borrows from Modernizr.\n *\n * @param {string} eventNameSuffix Event name, e.g. \"click\".\n * @param {?boolean} capture Check if the capture phase is supported.\n * @return {boolean} True if the event is supported.\n * @internal\n * @license Modernizr 3.0.0pre (Custom Build) | MIT\n */\nfunction isEventSupported(eventNameSuffix, capture) {\n if (!ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM || capture && !('addEventListener' in document)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var eventName = 'on' + eventNameSuffix;\n var isSupported = eventName in document;\n\n if (!isSupported) {\n var element = document.createElement('div');\n element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');\n isSupported = typeof element[eventName] === 'function';\n }\n\n if (!isSupported && useHasFeature && eventNameSuffix === 'wheel') {\n // This is the only way to test support for the `wheel` event in IE9+.\n isSupported = document.implementation.hasFeature('Events.wheel', '3.0');\n }\n\n return isSupported;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isEventSupported;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/isEventSupported.js\n// module id = 107\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Translation from modifier key to the associated property in the event.\n * @see\n */\n\nvar modifierKeyToProp = {\n 'Alt': 'altKey',\n 'Control': 'ctrlKey',\n 'Meta': 'metaKey',\n 'Shift': 'shiftKey'\n};\n\n// IE8 does not implement getModifierState so we simply map it to the only\n// modifier keys exposed by the event itself, does not support Lock-keys.\n// Currently, all major browsers except Chrome seems to support Lock-keys.\nfunction modifierStateGetter(keyArg) {\n var syntheticEvent = this;\n var nativeEvent = syntheticEvent.nativeEvent;\n if (nativeEvent.getModifierState) {\n return nativeEvent.getModifierState(keyArg);\n }\n var keyProp = modifierKeyToProp[keyArg];\n return keyProp ? !!nativeEvent[keyProp] : false;\n}\n\nfunction getEventModifierState(nativeEvent) {\n return modifierStateGetter;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getEventModifierState;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/getEventModifierState.js\n// module id = 108\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar DOMLazyTree = require('./DOMLazyTree');\nvar Danger = require('./Danger');\nvar ReactDOMComponentTree = require('./ReactDOMComponentTree');\nvar ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\n\nvar createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction = require('./createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction');\nvar setInnerHTML = require('./setInnerHTML');\nvar setTextContent = require('./setTextContent');\n\nfunction getNodeAfter(parentNode, node) {\n // Special case for text components, which return [open, close] comments\n // from getHostNode.\n if (Array.isArray(node)) {\n node = node[1];\n }\n return node ? node.nextSibling : parentNode.firstChild;\n}\n\n/**\n * Inserts `childNode` as a child of `parentNode` at the `index`.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} parentNode Parent node in which to insert.\n * @param {DOMElement} childNode Child node to insert.\n * @param {number} index Index at which to insert the child.\n * @internal\n */\nvar insertChildAt = createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction(function (parentNode, childNode, referenceNode) {\n // We rely exclusively on `insertBefore(node, null)` instead of also using\n // `appendChild(node)`. (Using `undefined` is not allowed by all browsers so\n // we are careful to use `null`.)\n parentNode.insertBefore(childNode, referenceNode);\n});\n\nfunction insertLazyTreeChildAt(parentNode, childTree, referenceNode) {\n DOMLazyTree.insertTreeBefore(parentNode, childTree, referenceNode);\n}\n\nfunction moveChild(parentNode, childNode, referenceNode) {\n if (Array.isArray(childNode)) {\n moveDelimitedText(parentNode, childNode[0], childNode[1], referenceNode);\n } else {\n insertChildAt(parentNode, childNode, referenceNode);\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeChild(parentNode, childNode) {\n if (Array.isArray(childNode)) {\n var closingComment = childNode[1];\n childNode = childNode[0];\n removeDelimitedText(parentNode, childNode, closingComment);\n parentNode.removeChild(closingComment);\n }\n parentNode.removeChild(childNode);\n}\n\nfunction moveDelimitedText(parentNode, openingComment, closingComment, referenceNode) {\n var node = openingComment;\n while (true) {\n var nextNode = node.nextSibling;\n insertChildAt(parentNode, node, referenceNode);\n if (node === closingComment) {\n break;\n }\n node = nextNode;\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeDelimitedText(parentNode, startNode, closingComment) {\n while (true) {\n var node = startNode.nextSibling;\n if (node === closingComment) {\n // The closing comment is removed by ReactMultiChild.\n break;\n } else {\n parentNode.removeChild(node);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction replaceDelimitedText(openingComment, closingComment, stringText) {\n var parentNode = openingComment.parentNode;\n var nodeAfterComment = openingComment.nextSibling;\n if (nodeAfterComment === closingComment) {\n // There are no text nodes between the opening and closing comments; insert\n // a new one if stringText isn't empty.\n if (stringText) {\n insertChildAt(parentNode, document.createTextNode(stringText), nodeAfterComment);\n }\n } else {\n if (stringText) {\n // Set the text content of the first node after the opening comment, and\n // remove all following nodes up until the closing comment.\n setTextContent(nodeAfterComment, stringText);\n removeDelimitedText(parentNode, nodeAfterComment, closingComment);\n } else {\n removeDelimitedText(parentNode, openingComment, closingComment);\n }\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(openingComment)._debugID,\n type: 'replace text',\n payload: stringText\n });\n }\n}\n\nvar dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup = Danger.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup;\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup = function (oldChild, markup, prevInstance) {\n Danger.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(oldChild, markup);\n if (prevInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: prevInstance._debugID,\n type: 'replace with',\n payload: markup.toString()\n });\n } else {\n var nextInstance = ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(markup.node);\n if (nextInstance._debugID !== 0) {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: nextInstance._debugID,\n type: 'mount',\n payload: markup.toString()\n });\n }\n }\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Operations for updating with DOM children.\n */\nvar DOMChildrenOperations = {\n\n dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup,\n\n replaceDelimitedText: replaceDelimitedText,\n\n /**\n * Updates a component's children by processing a series of updates. The\n * update configurations are each expected to have a `parentNode` property.\n *\n * @param {array<object>} updates List of update configurations.\n * @internal\n */\n processUpdates: function (parentNode, updates) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var parentNodeDebugID = ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(parentNode)._debugID;\n }\n\n for (var k = 0; k < updates.length; k++) {\n var update = updates[k];\n switch (update.type) {\n case 'INSERT_MARKUP':\n insertLazyTreeChildAt(parentNode, update.content, getNodeAfter(parentNode, update.afterNode));\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: parentNodeDebugID,\n type: 'insert child',\n payload: { toIndex: update.toIndex, content: update.content.toString() }\n });\n }\n break;\n case 'MOVE_EXISTING':\n moveChild(parentNode, update.fromNode, getNodeAfter(parentNode, update.afterNode));\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: parentNodeDebugID,\n type: 'move child',\n payload: { fromIndex: update.fromIndex, toIndex: update.toIndex }\n });\n }\n break;\n case 'SET_MARKUP':\n setInnerHTML(parentNode, update.content);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: parentNodeDebugID,\n type: 'replace children',\n payload: update.content.toString()\n });\n }\n break;\n case 'TEXT_CONTENT':\n setTextContent(parentNode, update.content);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: parentNodeDebugID,\n type: 'replace text',\n payload: update.content.toString()\n });\n }\n break;\n case 'REMOVE_NODE':\n removeChild(parentNode, update.fromNode);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: parentNodeDebugID,\n type: 'remove child',\n payload: { fromIndex: update.fromIndex }\n });\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DOMChildrenOperations;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/DOMChildrenOperations.js\n// module id = 109\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar DOMNamespaces = {\n html: '',\n mathml: '',\n svg: ''\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DOMNamespaces;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/DOMNamespaces.js\n// module id = 110\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n/* globals MSApp */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Create a function which has 'unsafe' privileges (required by windows8 apps)\n */\n\nvar createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction = function (func) {\n if (typeof MSApp !== 'undefined' && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction) {\n return function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {\n MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () {\n return func(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);\n });\n };\n } else {\n return func;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction.js\n// module id = 111\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = require('./ReactPropTypesSecret');\nvar propTypesFactory = require('prop-types/factory');\n\nvar React = require('react/lib/React');\nvar PropTypes = propTypesFactory(React.isValidElement);\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar hasReadOnlyValue = {\n 'button': true,\n 'checkbox': true,\n 'image': true,\n 'hidden': true,\n 'radio': true,\n 'reset': true,\n 'submit': true\n};\n\nfunction _assertSingleLink(inputProps) {\n !(inputProps.checkedLink == null || inputProps.valueLink == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Cannot provide a checkedLink and a valueLink. If you want to use checkedLink, you probably don\\'t want to use valueLink and vice versa.') : _prodInvariant('87') : void 0;\n}\nfunction _assertValueLink(inputProps) {\n _assertSingleLink(inputProps);\n !(inputProps.value == null && inputProps.onChange == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Cannot provide a valueLink and a value or onChange event. If you want to use value or onChange, you probably don\\'t want to use valueLink.') : _prodInvariant('88') : void 0;\n}\n\nfunction _assertCheckedLink(inputProps) {\n _assertSingleLink(inputProps);\n !(inputProps.checked == null && inputProps.onChange == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Cannot provide a checkedLink and a checked property or onChange event. If you want to use checked or onChange, you probably don\\'t want to use checkedLink') : _prodInvariant('89') : void 0;\n}\n\nvar propTypes = {\n value: function (props, propName, componentName) {\n if (!props[propName] || hasReadOnlyValue[props.type] || props.onChange || props.readOnly || props.disabled) {\n return null;\n }\n return new Error('You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.');\n },\n checked: function (props, propName, componentName) {\n if (!props[propName] || props.onChange || props.readOnly || props.disabled) {\n return null;\n }\n return new Error('You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.');\n },\n onChange: PropTypes.func\n};\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner) {\n if (owner) {\n var name = owner.getName();\n if (name) {\n return ' Check the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n/**\n * Provide a linked `value` attribute for controlled forms. You should not use\n * this outside of the ReactDOM controlled form components.\n */\nvar LinkedValueUtils = {\n checkPropTypes: function (tagName, props, owner) {\n for (var propName in propTypes) {\n if (propTypes.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n var error = propTypes[propName](props, propName, tagName, 'prop', null, ReactPropTypesSecret);\n }\n if (error instanceof Error && !(error.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error.message] = true;\n\n var addendum = getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner);\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Failed form propType: %s%s', error.message, addendum) : void 0;\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} inputProps Props for form component\n * @return {*} current value of the input either from value prop or link.\n */\n getValue: function (inputProps) {\n if (inputProps.valueLink) {\n _assertValueLink(inputProps);\n return inputProps.valueLink.value;\n }\n return inputProps.value;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} inputProps Props for form component\n * @return {*} current checked status of the input either from checked prop\n * or link.\n */\n getChecked: function (inputProps) {\n if (inputProps.checkedLink) {\n _assertCheckedLink(inputProps);\n return inputProps.checkedLink.value;\n }\n return inputProps.checked;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} inputProps Props for form component\n * @param {SyntheticEvent} event change event to handle\n */\n executeOnChange: function (inputProps, event) {\n if (inputProps.valueLink) {\n _assertValueLink(inputProps);\n return inputProps.valueLink.requestChange(;\n } else if (inputProps.checkedLink) {\n _assertCheckedLink(inputProps);\n return inputProps.checkedLink.requestChange(;\n } else if (inputProps.onChange) {\n return, event);\n }\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = LinkedValueUtils;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/LinkedValueUtils.js\n// module id = 112\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nvar injected = false;\n\nvar ReactComponentEnvironment = {\n\n /**\n * Optionally injectable hook for swapping out mount images in the middle of\n * the tree.\n */\n replaceNodeWithMarkup: null,\n\n /**\n * Optionally injectable hook for processing a queue of child updates. Will\n * later move into MultiChildComponents.\n */\n processChildrenUpdates: null,\n\n injection: {\n injectEnvironment: function (environment) {\n !!injected ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'ReactCompositeComponent: injectEnvironment() can only be called once.') : _prodInvariant('104') : void 0;\n ReactComponentEnvironment.replaceNodeWithMarkup = environment.replaceNodeWithMarkup;\n ReactComponentEnvironment.processChildrenUpdates = environment.processChildrenUpdates;\n injected = true;\n }\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactComponentEnvironment;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactComponentEnvironment.js\n// module id = 113\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * @typechecks\n * \n */\n\n/*eslint-disable no-self-compare */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/**\n * inlined polyfill to avoid requiring consumers ship their own\n *\n */\nfunction is(x, y) {\n // SameValue algorithm\n if (x === y) {\n // Steps 1-5, 7-10\n // Steps 6.b-6.e: +0 != -0\n // Added the nonzero y check to make Flow happy, but it is redundant\n return x !== 0 || y !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;\n } else {\n // Step 6.a: NaN == NaN\n return x !== x && y !== y;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs equality by iterating through keys on an object and returning false\n * when any key has values which are not strictly equal between the arguments.\n * Returns true when the values of all keys are strictly equal.\n */\nfunction shallowEqual(objA, objB) {\n if (is(objA, objB)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof objA !== 'object' || objA === null || typeof objB !== 'object' || objB === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var keysA = Object.keys(objA);\n var keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // Test for A's keys different from B.\n for (var i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {\n if (!, keysA[i]) || !is(objA[keysA[i]], objB[keysA[i]])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = shallowEqual;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/shallowEqual.js\n// module id = 114\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Given a `prevElement` and `nextElement`, determines if the existing\n * instance should be updated as opposed to being destroyed or replaced by a new\n * instance. Both arguments are elements. This ensures that this logic can\n * operate on stateless trees without any backing instance.\n *\n * @param {?object} prevElement\n * @param {?object} nextElement\n * @return {boolean} True if the existing instance should be updated.\n * @protected\n */\n\nfunction shouldUpdateReactComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {\n var prevEmpty = prevElement === null || prevElement === false;\n var nextEmpty = nextElement === null || nextElement === false;\n if (prevEmpty || nextEmpty) {\n return prevEmpty === nextEmpty;\n }\n\n var prevType = typeof prevElement;\n var nextType = typeof nextElement;\n if (prevType === 'string' || prevType === 'number') {\n return nextType === 'string' || nextType === 'number';\n } else {\n return nextType === 'object' && prevElement.type === nextElement.type && prevElement.key === nextElement.key;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = shouldUpdateReactComponent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/shouldUpdateReactComponent.js\n// module id = 115\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Escape and wrap key so it is safe to use as a reactid\n *\n * @param {string} key to be escaped.\n * @return {string} the escaped key.\n */\n\nfunction escape(key) {\n var escapeRegex = /[=:]/g;\n var escaperLookup = {\n '=': '=0',\n ':': '=2'\n };\n var escapedString = ('' + key).replace(escapeRegex, function (match) {\n return escaperLookup[match];\n });\n\n return '$' + escapedString;\n}\n\n/**\n * Unescape and unwrap key for human-readable display\n *\n * @param {string} key to unescape.\n * @return {string} the unescaped key.\n */\nfunction unescape(key) {\n var unescapeRegex = /(=0|=2)/g;\n var unescaperLookup = {\n '=0': '=',\n '=2': ':'\n };\n var keySubstring = key[0] === '.' && key[1] === '$' ? key.substring(2) : key.substring(1);\n\n return ('' + keySubstring).replace(unescapeRegex, function (match) {\n return unescaperLookup[match];\n });\n}\n\nvar KeyEscapeUtils = {\n escape: escape,\n unescape: unescape\n};\n\nmodule.exports = KeyEscapeUtils;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/KeyEscapeUtils.js\n// module id = 116\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('react/lib/ReactCurrentOwner');\nvar ReactInstanceMap = require('./ReactInstanceMap');\nvar ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\nvar ReactUpdates = require('./ReactUpdates');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nfunction enqueueUpdate(internalInstance) {\n ReactUpdates.enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n}\n\nfunction formatUnexpectedArgument(arg) {\n var type = typeof arg;\n if (type !== 'object') {\n return type;\n }\n var displayName = arg.constructor && || type;\n var keys = Object.keys(arg);\n if (keys.length > 0 && keys.length < 20) {\n return displayName + ' (keys: ' + keys.join(', ') + ')';\n }\n return displayName;\n}\n\nfunction getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(publicInstance, callerName) {\n var internalInstance = ReactInstanceMap.get(publicInstance);\n if (!internalInstance) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ctor = publicInstance.constructor;\n // Only warn when we have a callerName. Otherwise we should be silent.\n // We're probably calling from enqueueCallback. We don't want to warn\n // there because we already warned for the corresponding lifecycle method.\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!callerName, '%s(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. ' + 'This usually means you called %s() on an unmounted component. ' + 'This is a no-op. Please check the code for the %s component.', callerName, callerName, ctor && (ctor.displayName || || 'ReactClass') : void 0;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(ReactCurrentOwner.current == null, '%s(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as ' + 'within `render` or another component\\'s constructor). Render methods ' + 'should be a pure function of props and state; constructor ' + 'side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to ' + '`componentWillMount`.', callerName) : void 0;\n }\n\n return internalInstance;\n}\n\n/**\n * ReactUpdateQueue allows for state updates to be scheduled into a later\n * reconciliation step.\n */\nvar ReactUpdateQueue = {\n\n /**\n * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance we want to test.\n * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.\n * @protected\n * @final\n */\n isMounted: function (publicInstance) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n if (owner !== null) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(owner._warnedAboutRefsInRender, '%s is accessing isMounted inside its render() function. ' + 'render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should ' + 'never access something that requires stale data from the previous ' + 'render, such as refs. Move this logic to componentDidMount and ' + 'componentDidUpdate instead.', owner.getName() || 'A component') : void 0;\n owner._warnedAboutRefsInRender = true;\n }\n }\n var internalInstance = ReactInstanceMap.get(publicInstance);\n if (internalInstance) {\n // During componentWillMount and render this will still be null but after\n // that will always render to something. At least for now. So we can use\n // this hack.\n return !!internalInstance._renderedComponent;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Enqueue a callback that will be executed after all the pending updates\n * have processed.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance to use as `this` context.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after state is updated.\n * @param {string} callerName Name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueCallback: function (publicInstance, callback, callerName) {\n ReactUpdateQueue.validateCallback(callback, callerName);\n var internalInstance = getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(publicInstance);\n\n // Previously we would throw an error if we didn't have an internal\n // instance. Since we want to make it a no-op instead, we mirror the same\n // behavior we have in other enqueue* methods.\n // We also need to ignore callbacks in componentWillMount. See\n // enqueueUpdates.\n if (!internalInstance) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (internalInstance._pendingCallbacks) {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks.push(callback);\n } else {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks = [callback];\n }\n // TODO: The callback here is ignored when setState is called from\n // componentWillMount. Either fix it or disallow doing so completely in\n // favor of getInitialState. Alternatively, we can disallow\n // componentWillMount during server-side rendering.\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n enqueueCallbackInternal: function (internalInstance, callback) {\n if (internalInstance._pendingCallbacks) {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks.push(callback);\n } else {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks = [callback];\n }\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n /**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueForceUpdate: function (publicInstance) {\n var internalInstance = getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(publicInstance, 'forceUpdate');\n\n if (!internalInstance) {\n return;\n }\n\n internalInstance._pendingForceUpdate = true;\n\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n /**\n * Replaces all of the state. Always use this or `setState` to mutate state.\n * You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} completeState Next state.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueReplaceState: function (publicInstance, completeState, callback) {\n var internalInstance = getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(publicInstance, 'replaceState');\n\n if (!internalInstance) {\n return;\n }\n\n internalInstance._pendingStateQueue = [completeState];\n internalInstance._pendingReplaceState = true;\n\n // Future-proof 15.5\n if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) {\n ReactUpdateQueue.validateCallback(callback, 'replaceState');\n if (internalInstance._pendingCallbacks) {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks.push(callback);\n } else {\n internalInstance._pendingCallbacks = [callback];\n }\n }\n\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets a subset of the state. This only exists because _pendingState is\n * internal. This provides a merging strategy that is not available to deep\n * properties which is confusing. TODO: Expose pendingState or don't use it\n * during the merge.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueSetState: function (publicInstance, partialState) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onSetState();\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(partialState != null, 'setState(...): You passed an undefined or null state object; ' + 'instead, use forceUpdate().') : void 0;\n }\n\n var internalInstance = getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(publicInstance, 'setState');\n\n if (!internalInstance) {\n return;\n }\n\n var queue = internalInstance._pendingStateQueue || (internalInstance._pendingStateQueue = []);\n queue.push(partialState);\n\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n enqueueElementInternal: function (internalInstance, nextElement, nextContext) {\n internalInstance._pendingElement = nextElement;\n // TODO: introduce _pendingContext instead of setting it directly.\n internalInstance._context = nextContext;\n enqueueUpdate(internalInstance);\n },\n\n validateCallback: function (callback, callerName) {\n !(!callback || typeof callback === 'function') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a function. Instead received: %s.', callerName, formatUnexpectedArgument(callback)) : _prodInvariant('122', callerName, formatUnexpectedArgument(callback)) : void 0;\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactUpdateQueue;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactUpdateQueue.js\n// module id = 117\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar emptyFunction = require('fbjs/lib/emptyFunction');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar validateDOMNesting = emptyFunction;\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // This validation code was written based on the HTML5 parsing spec:\n //\n //\n // Note: this does not catch all invalid nesting, nor does it try to (as it's\n // not clear what practical benefit doing so provides); instead, we warn only\n // for cases where the parser will give a parse tree differing from what React\n // intended. For example, <b><div></div></b> is invalid but we don't warn\n // because it still parses correctly; we do warn for other cases like nested\n // <p> tags where the beginning of the second element implicitly closes the\n // first, causing a confusing mess.\n\n //\n var specialTags = ['address', 'applet', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'details', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'li', 'link', 'listing', 'main', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'nav', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'p', 'param', 'plaintext', 'pre', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'source', 'style', 'summary', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'ul', 'wbr', 'xmp'];\n\n //\n var inScopeTags = ['applet', 'caption', 'html', 'table', 'td', 'th', 'marquee', 'object', 'template',\n\n //\n // TODO: Distinguish by namespace here -- for <title>, including it here\n // errs on the side of fewer warnings\n 'foreignObject', 'desc', 'title'];\n\n //\n var buttonScopeTags = inScopeTags.concat(['button']);\n\n //\n var impliedEndTags = ['dd', 'dt', 'li', 'option', 'optgroup', 'p', 'rp', 'rt'];\n\n var emptyAncestorInfo = {\n current: null,\n\n formTag: null,\n aTagInScope: null,\n buttonTagInScope: null,\n nobrTagInScope: null,\n pTagInButtonScope: null,\n\n listItemTagAutoclosing: null,\n dlItemTagAutoclosing: null\n };\n\n var updatedAncestorInfo = function (oldInfo, tag, instance) {\n var ancestorInfo = _assign({}, oldInfo || emptyAncestorInfo);\n var info = { tag: tag, instance: instance };\n\n if (inScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = null;\n ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = null;\n ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = null;\n }\n if (buttonScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = null;\n }\n\n // See rules for 'li', 'dd', 'dt' start tags in\n //\n if (specialTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1 && tag !== 'address' && tag !== 'div' && tag !== 'p') {\n ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = null;\n ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = null;\n }\n\n ancestorInfo.current = info;\n\n if (tag === 'form') {\n ancestorInfo.formTag = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'a') {\n ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'button') {\n ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'nobr') {\n ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'p') {\n ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'li') {\n ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = info;\n }\n if (tag === 'dd' || tag === 'dt') {\n ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = info;\n }\n\n return ancestorInfo;\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns whether\n */\n var isTagValidWithParent = function (tag, parentTag) {\n // First, let's check if we're in an unusual parsing mode...\n switch (parentTag) {\n //\n case 'select':\n return tag === 'option' || tag === 'optgroup' || tag === '#text';\n case 'optgroup':\n return tag === 'option' || tag === '#text';\n // Strictly speaking, seeing an <option> doesn't mean we're in a <select>\n // but\n case 'option':\n return tag === '#text';\n\n //\n //\n // No special behavior since these rules fall back to \"in body\" mode for\n // all except special table nodes which cause bad parsing behavior anyway.\n\n //\n case 'tr':\n return tag === 'th' || tag === 'td' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n\n //\n case 'tbody':\n case 'thead':\n case 'tfoot':\n return tag === 'tr' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n\n //\n case 'colgroup':\n return tag === 'col' || tag === 'template';\n\n //\n case 'table':\n return tag === 'caption' || tag === 'colgroup' || tag === 'tbody' || tag === 'tfoot' || tag === 'thead' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n\n //\n case 'head':\n return tag === 'base' || tag === 'basefont' || tag === 'bgsound' || tag === 'link' || tag === 'meta' || tag === 'title' || tag === 'noscript' || tag === 'noframes' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n\n //\n case 'html':\n return tag === 'head' || tag === 'body';\n case '#document':\n return tag === 'html';\n }\n\n // Probably in the \"in body\" parsing mode, so we outlaw only tag combos\n // where the parsing rules cause implicit opens or closes to be added.\n //\n switch (tag) {\n case 'h1':\n case 'h2':\n case 'h3':\n case 'h4':\n case 'h5':\n case 'h6':\n return parentTag !== 'h1' && parentTag !== 'h2' && parentTag !== 'h3' && parentTag !== 'h4' && parentTag !== 'h5' && parentTag !== 'h6';\n\n case 'rp':\n case 'rt':\n return impliedEndTags.indexOf(parentTag) === -1;\n\n case 'body':\n case 'caption':\n case 'col':\n case 'colgroup':\n case 'frame':\n case 'head':\n case 'html':\n case 'tbody':\n case 'td':\n case 'tfoot':\n case 'th':\n case 'thead':\n case 'tr':\n // These tags are only valid with a few parents that have special child\n // parsing rules -- if we're down here, then none of those matched and\n // so we allow it only if we don't know what the parent is, as all other\n // cases are invalid.\n return parentTag == null;\n }\n\n return true;\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns whether\n */\n var findInvalidAncestorForTag = function (tag, ancestorInfo) {\n switch (tag) {\n case 'address':\n case 'article':\n case 'aside':\n case 'blockquote':\n case 'center':\n case 'details':\n case 'dialog':\n case 'dir':\n case 'div':\n case 'dl':\n case 'fieldset':\n case 'figcaption':\n case 'figure':\n case 'footer':\n case 'header':\n case 'hgroup':\n case 'main':\n case 'menu':\n case 'nav':\n case 'ol':\n case 'p':\n case 'section':\n case 'summary':\n case 'ul':\n case 'pre':\n case 'listing':\n case 'table':\n case 'hr':\n case 'xmp':\n case 'h1':\n case 'h2':\n case 'h3':\n case 'h4':\n case 'h5':\n case 'h6':\n return ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope;\n\n case 'form':\n return ancestorInfo.formTag || ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope;\n\n case 'li':\n return ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing;\n\n case 'dd':\n case 'dt':\n return ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing;\n\n case 'button':\n return ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope;\n\n case 'a':\n // Spec says something about storing a list of markers, but it sounds\n // equivalent to this check.\n return ancestorInfo.aTagInScope;\n\n case 'nobr':\n return ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope;\n }\n\n return null;\n };\n\n /**\n * Given a ReactCompositeComponent instance, return a list of its recursive\n * owners, starting at the root and ending with the instance itself.\n */\n var findOwnerStack = function (instance) {\n if (!instance) {\n return [];\n }\n\n var stack = [];\n do {\n stack.push(instance);\n } while (instance = instance._currentElement._owner);\n stack.reverse();\n return stack;\n };\n\n var didWarn = {};\n\n validateDOMNesting = function (childTag, childText, childInstance, ancestorInfo) {\n ancestorInfo = ancestorInfo || emptyAncestorInfo;\n var parentInfo = ancestorInfo.current;\n var parentTag = parentInfo && parentInfo.tag;\n\n if (childText != null) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(childTag == null, 'validateDOMNesting: when childText is passed, childTag should be null') : void 0;\n childTag = '#text';\n }\n\n var invalidParent = isTagValidWithParent(childTag, parentTag) ? null : parentInfo;\n var invalidAncestor = invalidParent ? null : findInvalidAncestorForTag(childTag, ancestorInfo);\n var problematic = invalidParent || invalidAncestor;\n\n if (problematic) {\n var ancestorTag = problematic.tag;\n var ancestorInstance = problematic.instance;\n\n var childOwner = childInstance && childInstance._currentElement._owner;\n var ancestorOwner = ancestorInstance && ancestorInstance._currentElement._owner;\n\n var childOwners = findOwnerStack(childOwner);\n var ancestorOwners = findOwnerStack(ancestorOwner);\n\n var minStackLen = Math.min(childOwners.length, ancestorOwners.length);\n var i;\n\n var deepestCommon = -1;\n for (i = 0; i < minStackLen; i++) {\n if (childOwners[i] === ancestorOwners[i]) {\n deepestCommon = i;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n var UNKNOWN = '(unknown)';\n var childOwnerNames = childOwners.slice(deepestCommon + 1).map(function (inst) {\n return inst.getName() || UNKNOWN;\n });\n var ancestorOwnerNames = ancestorOwners.slice(deepestCommon + 1).map(function (inst) {\n return inst.getName() || UNKNOWN;\n });\n var ownerInfo = [].concat(\n // If the parent and child instances have a common owner ancestor, start\n // with that -- otherwise we just start with the parent's owners.\n deepestCommon !== -1 ? childOwners[deepestCommon].getName() || UNKNOWN : [], ancestorOwnerNames, ancestorTag,\n // If we're warning about an invalid (non-parent) ancestry, add '...'\n invalidAncestor ? ['...'] : [], childOwnerNames, childTag).join(' > ');\n\n var warnKey = !!invalidParent + '|' + childTag + '|' + ancestorTag + '|' + ownerInfo;\n if (didWarn[warnKey]) {\n return;\n }\n didWarn[warnKey] = true;\n\n var tagDisplayName = childTag;\n var whitespaceInfo = '';\n if (childTag === '#text') {\n if (/\\S/.test(childText)) {\n tagDisplayName = 'Text nodes';\n } else {\n tagDisplayName = 'Whitespace text nodes';\n whitespaceInfo = ' Make sure you don\\'t have any extra whitespace between tags on ' + 'each line of your source code.';\n }\n } else {\n tagDisplayName = '<' + childTag + '>';\n }\n\n if (invalidParent) {\n var info = '';\n if (ancestorTag === 'table' && childTag === 'tr') {\n info += ' Add a <tbody> to your code to match the DOM tree generated by ' + 'the browser.';\n }\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a child of <%s>.%s ' + 'See %s.%s', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag, whitespaceInfo, ownerInfo, info) : void 0;\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a descendant of ' + '<%s>. See %s.', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag, ownerInfo) : void 0;\n }\n }\n };\n\n validateDOMNesting.updatedAncestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo;\n\n // For testing\n validateDOMNesting.isTagValidInContext = function (tag, ancestorInfo) {\n ancestorInfo = ancestorInfo || emptyAncestorInfo;\n var parentInfo = ancestorInfo.current;\n var parentTag = parentInfo && parentInfo.tag;\n return isTagValidWithParent(tag, parentTag) && !findInvalidAncestorForTag(tag, ancestorInfo);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = validateDOMNesting;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/validateDOMNesting.js\n// module id = 118\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * `charCode` represents the actual \"character code\" and is safe to use with\n * `String.fromCharCode`. As such, only keys that correspond to printable\n * characters produce a valid `charCode`, the only exception to this is Enter.\n * The Tab-key is considered non-printable and does not have a `charCode`,\n * presumably because it does not produce a tab-character in browsers.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @return {number} Normalized `charCode` property.\n */\n\nfunction getEventCharCode(nativeEvent) {\n var charCode;\n var keyCode = nativeEvent.keyCode;\n\n if ('charCode' in nativeEvent) {\n charCode = nativeEvent.charCode;\n\n // FF does not set `charCode` for the Enter-key, check against `keyCode`.\n if (charCode === 0 && keyCode === 13) {\n charCode = 13;\n }\n } else {\n // IE8 does not implement `charCode`, but `keyCode` has the correct value.\n charCode = keyCode;\n }\n\n // Some non-printable keys are reported in `charCode`/`keyCode`, discard them.\n // Must not discard the (non-)printable Enter-key.\n if (charCode >= 32 || charCode === 13) {\n return charCode;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getEventCharCode;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/getEventCharCode.js\n// module id = 119\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Prints a warning in the console if it exists.\n *\n * @param {String} message The warning message.\n * @returns {void}\n */\nexport default function warning(message) {\n /* eslint-disable no-console */\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') {\n console.error(message);\n }\n /* eslint-enable no-console */\n try {\n // This error was thrown as a convenience so that if you enable\n // \"break on all exceptions\" in your console,\n // it would pause the execution at this line.\n throw new Error(message);\n /* eslint-disable no-empty */\n } catch (e) {}\n /* eslint-enable no-empty */\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/warning.js\n// module id = 120\n// module chunks = 0","import createStore from './createStore';\nimport combineReducers from './combineReducers';\nimport bindActionCreators from './bindActionCreators';\nimport applyMiddleware from './applyMiddleware';\nimport compose from './compose';\nimport warning from './utils/warning';\n\n/*\n* This is a dummy function to check if the function name has been altered by minification.\n* If the function has been minified and NODE_ENV !== 'production', warn the user.\n*/\nfunction isCrushed() {}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && typeof === 'string' && !== 'isCrushed') {\n warning('You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === \\'production\\'. ' + 'This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. ' + 'You can use loose-envify ( for browserify ' + 'or DefinePlugin for webpack ( ' + 'to ensure you have the correct code for your production build.');\n}\n\nexport { createStore, combineReducers, bindActionCreators, applyMiddleware, compose };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/redux/es/index.js\n// module id = 121\n// module chunks = 0","import baseGetTag from './_baseGetTag.js';\nimport getPrototype from './_getPrototype.js';\nimport isObjectLike from './isObjectLike.js';\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar objectTag = '[object Object]';\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar funcProto = Function.prototype,\n objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/** Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions. */\nvar funcToString = funcProto.toString;\n\n/** Used to check objects for own properties. */\nvar hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/** Used to infer the `Object` constructor. */\nvar objectCtorString =;\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the\n * `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.8.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * }\n *\n * _.isPlainObject(new Foo);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 });\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isPlainObject(Object.create(null));\n * // => true\n */\nfunction isPlainObject(value) {\n if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag) {\n return false;\n }\n var proto = getPrototype(value);\n if (proto === null) {\n return true;\n }\n var Ctor =, 'constructor') && proto.constructor;\n return typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor instanceof Ctor &&\n == objectCtorString;\n}\n\nexport default isPlainObject;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/lodash-es/isPlainObject.js\n// module id = 122\n// module chunks = 0","export function loopAsync(turns, work, callback) {\n var currentTurn = 0,\n isDone = false;\n var sync = false,\n hasNext = false,\n doneArgs = void 0;\n\n function done() {\n isDone = true;\n if (sync) {\n // Iterate instead of recursing if possible.\n doneArgs = [].concat(;\n return;\n }\n\n callback.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n function next() {\n if (isDone) {\n return;\n }\n\n hasNext = true;\n if (sync) {\n // Iterate instead of recursing if possible.\n return;\n }\n\n sync = true;\n\n while (!isDone && currentTurn < turns && hasNext) {\n hasNext = false;\n, currentTurn++, next, done);\n }\n\n sync = false;\n\n if (isDone) {\n // This means the loop finished synchronously.\n callback.apply(this, doneArgs);\n return;\n }\n\n if (currentTurn >= turns && hasNext) {\n isDone = true;\n callback();\n }\n }\n\n next();\n}\n\nexport function mapAsync(array, work, callback) {\n var length = array.length;\n var values = [];\n\n if (length === 0) return callback(null, values);\n\n var isDone = false,\n doneCount = 0;\n\n function done(index, error, value) {\n if (isDone) return;\n\n if (error) {\n isDone = true;\n callback(error);\n } else {\n values[index] = value;\n\n isDone = ++doneCount === length;\n\n if (isDone) callback(null, values);\n }\n }\n\n array.forEach(function (item, index) {\n work(item, index, function (error, value) {\n done(index, error, value);\n });\n });\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/AsyncUtils.js\n// module id = 123\n// module chunks = 0","var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };\n\nvar _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport createReactClass from 'create-react-class';\nimport { array, func, object } from 'prop-types';\n\nimport getRouteParams from './getRouteParams';\nimport { ContextProvider } from './ContextUtils';\nimport { isReactChildren } from './RouteUtils';\n\n/**\n * A <RouterContext> renders the component tree for a given router state\n * and sets the history object and the current location in context.\n */\nvar RouterContext = createReactClass({\n displayName: 'RouterContext',\n\n mixins: [ContextProvider('router')],\n\n propTypes: {\n router: object.isRequired,\n location: object.isRequired,\n routes: array.isRequired,\n params: object.isRequired,\n components: array.isRequired,\n createElement: func.isRequired\n },\n\n getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() {\n return {\n createElement: React.createElement\n };\n },\n\n\n childContextTypes: {\n router: object.isRequired\n },\n\n getChildContext: function getChildContext() {\n return {\n router: this.props.router\n };\n },\n createElement: function createElement(component, props) {\n return component == null ? null : this.props.createElement(component, props);\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var _props = this.props,\n location = _props.location,\n routes = _props.routes,\n params = _props.params,\n components = _props.components,\n router = _props.router;\n\n var element = null;\n\n if (components) {\n element = components.reduceRight(function (element, components, index) {\n if (components == null) return element; // Don't create new children; use the grandchildren.\n\n var route = routes[index];\n var routeParams = getRouteParams(route, params);\n var props = {\n location: location,\n params: params,\n route: route,\n router: router,\n routeParams: routeParams,\n routes: routes\n };\n\n if (isReactChildren(element)) {\n props.children = element;\n } else if (element) {\n for (var prop in element) {\n if (, prop)) props[prop] = element[prop];\n }\n }\n\n if ((typeof components === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(components)) === 'object') {\n var elements = {};\n\n for (var key in components) {\n if (, key)) {\n // Pass through the key as a prop to createElement to allow\n // custom createElement functions to know which named component\n // they're rendering, for e.g. matching up to fetched data.\n elements[key] = _this.createElement(components[key], _extends({\n key: key }, props));\n }\n }\n\n return elements;\n }\n\n return _this.createElement(components, props);\n }, element);\n }\n\n !(element === null || element === false || React.isValidElement(element)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'The root route must render a single element') : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n return element;\n }\n});\n\nexport default RouterContext;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/RouterContext.js\n// module id = 124\n// module chunks = 0","import PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\n// Works around issues with context updates failing to propagate.\n// Caveat: the context value is expected to never change its identity.\n//\n//\n\nvar contextProviderShape = PropTypes.shape({\n subscribe: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n eventIndex: PropTypes.number.isRequired\n});\n\nfunction makeContextName(name) {\n return '@@contextSubscriber/' + name;\n}\n\nexport function ContextProvider(name) {\n var _childContextTypes, _ref2;\n\n var contextName = makeContextName(name);\n var listenersKey = contextName + '/listeners';\n var eventIndexKey = contextName + '/eventIndex';\n var subscribeKey = contextName + '/subscribe';\n\n return _ref2 = {\n childContextTypes: (_childContextTypes = {}, _childContextTypes[contextName] = contextProviderShape.isRequired, _childContextTypes),\n\n getChildContext: function getChildContext() {\n var _ref;\n\n return _ref = {}, _ref[contextName] = {\n eventIndex: this[eventIndexKey],\n subscribe: this[subscribeKey]\n }, _ref;\n },\n componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() {\n this[listenersKey] = [];\n this[eventIndexKey] = 0;\n },\n componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps() {\n this[eventIndexKey]++;\n },\n componentDidUpdate: function componentDidUpdate() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this[listenersKey].forEach(function (listener) {\n return listener(_this[eventIndexKey]);\n });\n }\n }, _ref2[subscribeKey] = function (listener) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // No need to immediately call listener here.\n this[listenersKey].push(listener);\n\n return function () {\n _this2[listenersKey] = _this2[listenersKey].filter(function (item) {\n return item !== listener;\n });\n };\n }, _ref2;\n}\n\nexport function ContextSubscriber(name) {\n var _contextTypes, _ref4;\n\n var contextName = makeContextName(name);\n var lastRenderedEventIndexKey = contextName + '/lastRenderedEventIndex';\n var handleContextUpdateKey = contextName + '/handleContextUpdate';\n var unsubscribeKey = contextName + '/unsubscribe';\n\n return _ref4 = {\n contextTypes: (_contextTypes = {}, _contextTypes[contextName] = contextProviderShape, _contextTypes),\n\n getInitialState: function getInitialState() {\n var _ref3;\n\n if (!this.context[contextName]) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return _ref3 = {}, _ref3[lastRenderedEventIndexKey] = this.context[contextName].eventIndex, _ref3;\n },\n componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() {\n if (!this.context[contextName]) {\n return;\n }\n\n this[unsubscribeKey] = this.context[contextName].subscribe(this[handleContextUpdateKey]);\n },\n componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps() {\n var _setState;\n\n if (!this.context[contextName]) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.setState((_setState = {}, _setState[lastRenderedEventIndexKey] = this.context[contextName].eventIndex, _setState));\n },\n componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() {\n if (!this[unsubscribeKey]) {\n return;\n }\n\n this[unsubscribeKey]();\n this[unsubscribeKey] = null;\n }\n }, _ref4[handleContextUpdateKey] = function (eventIndex) {\n if (eventIndex !== this.state[lastRenderedEventIndexKey]) {\n var _setState2;\n\n this.setState((_setState2 = {}, _setState2[lastRenderedEventIndexKey] = eventIndex, _setState2));\n }\n }, _ref4;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/ContextUtils.js\n// module id = 125\n// module chunks = 0","import { func, object, shape, string } from 'prop-types';\n\nexport var routerShape = shape({\n push: func.isRequired,\n replace: func.isRequired,\n go: func.isRequired,\n goBack: func.isRequired,\n goForward: func.isRequired,\n setRouteLeaveHook: func.isRequired,\n isActive: func.isRequired\n});\n\nexport var locationShape = shape({\n pathname: string.isRequired,\n search: string.isRequired,\n state: object,\n action: string.isRequired,\n key: string\n});\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-router/es/PropTypes.js\n// module id = 126\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nvar _warning = require('warning');\n\nvar _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nvar runTransitionHook = function runTransitionHook(hook, location, callback) {\n var result = hook(location, callback);\n\n if (hook.length < 2) {\n // Assume the hook runs synchronously and automatically\n // call the callback with the return value.\n callback(result);\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? (0, _warning2.default)(result === undefined, 'You should not \"return\" in a transition hook with a callback argument; ' + 'call the callback instead') : void 0;\n }\n};\n\nexports.default = runTransitionHook;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/runTransitionHook.js\n// module id = 127\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nvar _AsyncUtils = require('./AsyncUtils');\n\nvar _PathUtils = require('./PathUtils');\n\nvar _runTransitionHook = require('./runTransitionHook');\n\nvar _runTransitionHook2 = _interopRequireDefault(_runTransitionHook);\n\nvar _Actions = require('./Actions');\n\nvar _LocationUtils = require('./LocationUtils');\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nvar createHistory = function createHistory() {\n var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];\n var getCurrentLocation = options.getCurrentLocation;\n var getUserConfirmation = options.getUserConfirmation;\n var pushLocation = options.pushLocation;\n var replaceLocation = options.replaceLocation;\n var go = options.go;\n var keyLength = options.keyLength;\n\n\n var currentLocation = void 0;\n var pendingLocation = void 0;\n var beforeListeners = [];\n var listeners = [];\n var allKeys = [];\n\n var getCurrentIndex = function getCurrentIndex() {\n if (pendingLocation && pendingLocation.action === _Actions.POP) return allKeys.indexOf(pendingLocation.key);\n\n if (currentLocation) return allKeys.indexOf(currentLocation.key);\n\n return -1;\n };\n\n var updateLocation = function updateLocation(nextLocation) {\n var currentIndex = getCurrentIndex();\n\n currentLocation = nextLocation;\n\n if (currentLocation.action === _Actions.PUSH) {\n allKeys = [].concat(allKeys.slice(0, currentIndex + 1), [currentLocation.key]);\n } else if (currentLocation.action === _Actions.REPLACE) {\n allKeys[currentIndex] = currentLocation.key;\n }\n\n listeners.forEach(function (listener) {\n return listener(currentLocation);\n });\n };\n\n var listenBefore = function listenBefore(listener) {\n beforeListeners.push(listener);\n\n return function () {\n return beforeListeners = beforeListeners.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== listener;\n });\n };\n };\n\n var listen = function listen(listener) {\n listeners.push(listener);\n\n return function () {\n return listeners = listeners.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== listener;\n });\n };\n };\n\n var confirmTransitionTo = function confirmTransitionTo(location, callback) {\n (0, _AsyncUtils.loopAsync)(beforeListeners.length, function (index, next, done) {\n (0, _runTransitionHook2.default)(beforeListeners[index], location, function (result) {\n return result != null ? done(result) : next();\n });\n }, function (message) {\n if (getUserConfirmation && typeof message === 'string') {\n getUserConfirmation(message, function (ok) {\n return callback(ok !== false);\n });\n } else {\n callback(message !== false);\n }\n });\n };\n\n var transitionTo = function transitionTo(nextLocation) {\n if (currentLocation && (0, _LocationUtils.locationsAreEqual)(currentLocation, nextLocation) || pendingLocation && (0, _LocationUtils.locationsAreEqual)(pendingLocation, nextLocation)) return; // Nothing to do\n\n pendingLocation = nextLocation;\n\n confirmTransitionTo(nextLocation, function (ok) {\n if (pendingLocation !== nextLocation) return; // Transition was interrupted during confirmation\n\n pendingLocation = null;\n\n if (ok) {\n // Treat PUSH to same path like REPLACE to be consistent with browsers\n if (nextLocation.action === _Actions.PUSH) {\n var prevPath = (0, _PathUtils.createPath)(currentLocation);\n var nextPath = (0, _PathUtils.createPath)(nextLocation);\n\n if (nextPath === prevPath && (0, _LocationUtils.statesAreEqual)(currentLocation.state, nextLocation.state)) nextLocation.action = _Actions.REPLACE;\n }\n\n if (nextLocation.action === _Actions.POP) {\n updateLocation(nextLocation);\n } else if (nextLocation.action === _Actions.PUSH) {\n if (pushLocation(nextLocation) !== false) updateLocation(nextLocation);\n } else if (nextLocation.action === _Actions.REPLACE) {\n if (replaceLocation(nextLocation) !== false) updateLocation(nextLocation);\n }\n } else if (currentLocation && nextLocation.action === _Actions.POP) {\n var prevIndex = allKeys.indexOf(currentLocation.key);\n var nextIndex = allKeys.indexOf(nextLocation.key);\n\n if (prevIndex !== -1 && nextIndex !== -1) go(prevIndex - nextIndex); // Restore the URL\n }\n });\n };\n\n var push = function push(input) {\n return transitionTo(createLocation(input, _Actions.PUSH));\n };\n\n var replace = function replace(input) {\n return transitionTo(createLocation(input, _Actions.REPLACE));\n };\n\n var goBack = function goBack() {\n return go(-1);\n };\n\n var goForward = function goForward() {\n return go(1);\n };\n\n var createKey = function createKey() {\n return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, keyLength || 6);\n };\n\n var createHref = function createHref(location) {\n return (0, _PathUtils.createPath)(location);\n };\n\n var createLocation = function createLocation(location, action) {\n var key = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? createKey() : arguments[2];\n return (0, _LocationUtils.createLocation)(location, action, key);\n };\n\n return {\n getCurrentLocation: getCurrentLocation,\n listenBefore: listenBefore,\n listen: listen,\n transitionTo: transitionTo,\n push: push,\n replace: replace,\n go: go,\n goBack: goBack,\n goForward: goForward,\n createKey: createKey,\n createPath: _PathUtils.createPath,\n createHref: createHref,\n createLocation: createLocation\n };\n};\n\nexports.default = createHistory;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/createHistory.js\n// module id = 128\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nvar canUseDOM = exports.canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/ExecutionEnvironment.js\n// module id = 129\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.go = exports.replaceLocation = exports.pushLocation = exports.startListener = exports.getUserConfirmation = exports.getCurrentLocation = undefined;\n\nvar _LocationUtils = require('./LocationUtils');\n\nvar _DOMUtils = require('./DOMUtils');\n\nvar _DOMStateStorage = require('./DOMStateStorage');\n\nvar _PathUtils = require('./PathUtils');\n\nvar _ExecutionEnvironment = require('./ExecutionEnvironment');\n\nvar PopStateEvent = 'popstate';\nvar HashChangeEvent = 'hashchange';\n\nvar needsHashchangeListener = _ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM && !(0, _DOMUtils.supportsPopstateOnHashchange)();\n\nvar _createLocation = function _createLocation(historyState) {\n var key = historyState && historyState.key;\n\n return (0, _LocationUtils.createLocation)({\n pathname: window.location.pathname,\n search:,\n hash: window.location.hash,\n state: key ? (0, _DOMStateStorage.readState)(key) : undefined\n }, undefined, key);\n};\n\nvar getCurrentLocation = exports.getCurrentLocation = function getCurrentLocation() {\n var historyState = void 0;\n try {\n historyState = window.history.state || {};\n } catch (error) {\n // IE 11 sometimes throws when accessing window.history.state\n // See\n historyState = {};\n }\n\n return _createLocation(historyState);\n};\n\nvar getUserConfirmation = exports.getUserConfirmation = function getUserConfirmation(message, callback) {\n return callback(window.confirm(message));\n}; // eslint-disable-line no-alert\n\nvar startListener = exports.startListener = function startListener(listener) {\n var handlePopState = function handlePopState(event) {\n if (event.state !== undefined) // Ignore extraneous popstate events in WebKit\n listener(_createLocation(event.state));\n };\n\n (0, _DOMUtils.addEventListener)(window, PopStateEvent, handlePopState);\n\n var handleUnpoppedHashChange = function handleUnpoppedHashChange() {\n return listener(getCurrentLocation());\n };\n\n if (needsHashchangeListener) {\n (0, _DOMUtils.addEventListener)(window, HashChangeEvent, handleUnpoppedHashChange);\n }\n\n return function () {\n (0, _DOMUtils.removeEventListener)(window, PopStateEvent, handlePopState);\n\n if (needsHashchangeListener) {\n (0, _DOMUtils.removeEventListener)(window, HashChangeEvent, handleUnpoppedHashChange);\n }\n };\n};\n\nvar updateLocation = function updateLocation(location, updateState) {\n var state = location.state;\n var key = location.key;\n\n\n if (state !== undefined) (0, _DOMStateStorage.saveState)(key, state);\n\n updateState({ key: key }, (0, _PathUtils.createPath)(location));\n};\n\nvar pushLocation = exports.pushLocation = function pushLocation(location) {\n return updateLocation(location, function (state, path) {\n return window.history.pushState(state, null, path);\n });\n};\n\nvar replaceLocation = exports.replaceLocation = function replaceLocation(location) {\n return updateLocation(location, function (state, path) {\n return window.history.replaceState(state, null, path);\n });\n};\n\nvar go = exports.go = function go(n) {\n if (n) window.history.go(n);\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/history/lib/BrowserProtocol.js\n// module id = 130\n// module chunks = 0","import * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\n\nconst initialState = {\n config: {},\n isFetching: false\n};\n\nexport const ABSOLUTE_URL_BASE_KEY = 'absoluteUrlBase';\n\nexport function configReducer(state = initialState, action) {\n switch (action.type) {\n case ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH:\n return Object.assign({}, state, {\n isFetching: true\n });\n case ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS:\n return Object.assign({}, state, {\n isFetching: false\n });\n case ActionTypes.CONFIG_FETCH_ERROR:\n return Object.assign({}, state, {\n isFetching: false\n });\n case ActionTypes.CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY:\n return Object.assign({}, state, {\n config: Object.assign({}, state.config, {\n [action.key]: action.value\n })\n });\n default:\n return state;\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/reducers/config.js","var getNative = require('./_getNative'),\n root = require('./_root');\n\n/* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */\nvar Map = getNative(root, 'Map');\n\nmodule.exports = Map;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_Map.js\n// module id = 132\n// module chunks = 0","var root = require('./_root');\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar Symbol = root.Symbol;\n\nmodule.exports = Symbol;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js\n// module id = 133\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isArray(document.body.children);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isArray('abc');\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isArray(_.noop);\n * // => false\n */\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\n\nmodule.exports = isArray;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/normalizr/node_modules/lodash/isArray.js\n// module id = 134\n// module chunks = 0","// Computes the decimal coefficient and exponent of the specified number x with\n// significant digits p, where x is positive and p is in [1, 21] or undefined.\n// For example, formatDecimal(1.23) returns [\"123\", 0].\nexport default function(x, p) {\n if ((i = (x = p ? x.toExponential(p - 1) : x.toExponential()).indexOf(\"e\")) < 0) return null; // NaN, ±Infinity\n var i, coefficient = x.slice(0, i);\n\n // The string returned by toExponential either has the form \\d\\.\\d+e[-+]\\d+\n // (e.g., 1.2e+3) or the form \\de[-+]\\d+ (e.g., 1e+3).\n return [\n coefficient.length > 1 ? coefficient[0] + coefficient.slice(2) : coefficient,\n +x.slice(i + 1)\n ];\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/d3-format/src/formatDecimal.js\n// module id = 135\n// module chunks = 0","import Link from './Link';\n\nexport default Link;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-link/es/index.js\n// module id = 136\n// module chunks = 0","module.exports=/[!-#%-\\*,-/:;\\?@\\[-\\]_\\{\\}\\xA1\\xA7\\xAB\\xB6\\xB7\\xBB\\xBF\\u037E\\u0387\\u055A-\\u055F\\u0589\\u058A\\u05BE\\u05C0\\u05C3\\u05C6\\u05F3\\u05F4\\u0609\\u060A\\u060C\\u060D\\u061B\\u061E\\u061F\\u066A-\\u066D\\u06D4\\u0700-\\u070D\\u07F7-\\u07F9\\u0830-\\u083E\\u085E\\u0964\\u0965\\u0970\\u0AF0\\u0DF4\\u0E4F\\u0E5A\\u0E5B\\u0F04-\\u0F12\\u0F14\\u0F3A-\\u0F3D\\u0F85\\u0FD0-\\u0FD4\\u0FD9\\u0FDA\\u104A-\\u104F\\u10FB\\u1360-\\u1368\\u1400\\u166D\\u166E\\u169B\\u169C\\u16EB-\\u16ED\\u1735\\u1736\\u17D4-\\u17D6\\u17D8-\\u17DA\\u1800-\\u180A\\u1944\\u1945\\u1A1E\\u1A1F\\u1AA0-\\u1AA6\\u1AA8-\\u1AAD\\u1B5A-\\u1B60\\u1BFC-\\u1BFF\\u1C3B-\\u1C3F\\u1C7E\\u1C7F\\u1CC0-\\u1CC7\\u1CD3\\u2010-\\u2027\\u2030-\\u2043\\u2045-\\u2051\\u2053-\\u205E\\u207D\\u207E\\u208D\\u208E\\u2308-\\u230B\\u2329\\u232A\\u2768-\\u2775\\u27C5\\u27C6\\u27E6-\\u27EF\\u2983-\\u2998\\u29D8-\\u29DB\\u29FC\\u29FD\\u2CF9-\\u2CFC\\u2CFE\\u2CFF\\u2D70\\u2E00-\\u2E2E\\u2E30-\\u2E44\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3011\\u3014-\\u301F\\u3030\\u303D\\u30A0\\u30FB\\uA4FE\\uA4FF\\uA60D-\\uA60F\\uA673\\uA67E\\uA6F2-\\uA6F7\\uA874-\\uA877\\uA8CE\\uA8CF\\uA8F8-\\uA8FA\\uA8FC\\uA92E\\uA92F\\uA95F\\uA9C1-\\uA9CD\\uA9DE\\uA9DF\\uAA5C-\\uAA5F\\uAADE\\uAADF\\uAAF0\\uAAF1\\uABEB\\uFD3E\\uFD3F\\uFE10-\\uFE19\\uFE30-\\uFE52\\uFE54-\\uFE61\\uFE63\\uFE68\\uFE6A\\uFE6B\\uFF01-\\uFF03\\uFF05-\\uFF0A\\uFF0C-\\uFF0F\\uFF1A\\uFF1B\\uFF1F\\uFF20\\uFF3B-\\uFF3D\\uFF3F\\uFF5B\\uFF5D\\uFF5F-\\uFF65]|\\uD800[\\uDD00-\\uDD02\\uDF9F\\uDFD0]|\\uD801\\uDD6F|\\uD802[\\uDC57\\uDD1F\\uDD3F\\uDE50-\\uDE58\\uDE7F\\uDEF0-\\uDEF6\\uDF39-\\uDF3F\\uDF99-\\uDF9C]|\\uD804[\\uDC47-\\uDC4D\\uDCBB\\uDCBC\\uDCBE-\\uDCC1\\uDD40-\\uDD43\\uDD74\\uDD75\\uDDC5-\\uDDC9\\uDDCD\\uDDDB\\uDDDD-\\uDDDF\\uDE38-\\uDE3D\\uDEA9]|\\uD805[\\uDC4B-\\uDC4F\\uDC5B\\uDC5D\\uDCC6\\uDDC1-\\uDDD7\\uDE41-\\uDE43\\uDE60-\\uDE6C\\uDF3C-\\uDF3E]|\\uD807[\\uDC41-\\uDC45\\uDC70\\uDC71]|\\uD809[\\uDC70-\\uDC74]|\\uD81A[\\uDE6E\\uDE6F\\uDEF5\\uDF37-\\uDF3B\\uDF44]|\\uD82F\\uDC9F|\\uD836[\\uDE87-\\uDE8B]|\\uD83A[\\uDD5E\\uDD5F]/\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/uc.micro/categories/P/regex.js\n// module id = 137\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * class Ruler\n *\n * Helper class, used by [[MarkdownIt#core]], [[MarkdownIt#block]] and\n * [[MarkdownIt#inline]] to manage sequences of functions (rules):\n *\n * - keep rules in defined order\n * - assign the name to each rule\n * - enable/disable rules\n * - add/replace rules\n * - allow assign rules to additional named chains (in the same)\n * - cacheing lists of active rules\n *\n * You will not need use this class directly until write plugins. For simple\n * rules control use [[MarkdownIt.disable]], [[MarkdownIt.enable]] and\n * [[MarkdownIt.use]].\n **/\n'use strict';\n\n\n/**\n * new Ruler()\n **/\nfunction Ruler() {\n // List of added rules. Each element is:\n //\n // {\n // name: XXX,\n // enabled: Boolean,\n // fn: Function(),\n // alt: [ name2, name3 ]\n // }\n //\n this.__rules__ = [];\n\n // Cached rule chains.\n //\n // First level - chain name, '' for default.\n // Second level - diginal anchor for fast filtering by charcodes.\n //\n this.__cache__ = null;\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Helper methods, should not be used directly\n\n\n// Find rule index by name\n//\nRuler.prototype.__find__ = function (name) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.__rules__.length; i++) {\n if (this.__rules__[i].name === name) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n};\n\n\n// Build rules lookup cache\n//\nRuler.prototype.__compile__ = function () {\n var self = this;\n var chains = [ '' ];\n\n // collect unique names\n self.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) {\n if (!rule.enabled) { return; }\n\n rule.alt.forEach(function (altName) {\n if (chains.indexOf(altName) < 0) {\n chains.push(altName);\n }\n });\n });\n\n self.__cache__ = {};\n\n chains.forEach(function (chain) {\n self.__cache__[chain] = [];\n self.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) {\n if (!rule.enabled) { return; }\n\n if (chain && rule.alt.indexOf(chain) < 0) { return; }\n\n self.__cache__[chain].push(rule.fn);\n });\n });\n};\n\n\n/**\n *, fn [, options])\n * - name (String): rule name to replace.\n * - fn (Function): new rule function.\n * - options (Object): new rule options (not mandatory).\n *\n * Replace rule by name with new function & options. Throws error if name not\n * found.\n *\n * ##### Options:\n *\n * - __alt__ - array with names of \"alternate\" chains.\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * Replace existing typorgapher replacement rule with new one:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var md = require('markdown-it')();\n *\n *'replacements', function replace(state) {\n * //...\n * });\n * ```\n **/\ = function (name, fn, options) {\n var index = this.__find__(name);\n var opt = options || {};\n\n if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + name); }\n\n this.__rules__[index].fn = fn;\n this.__rules__[index].alt = opt.alt || [];\n this.__cache__ = null;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.before(beforeName, ruleName, fn [, options])\n * - beforeName (String): new rule will be added before this one.\n * - ruleName (String): name of added rule.\n * - fn (Function): rule function.\n * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory).\n *\n * Add new rule to chain before one with given name. See also\n * [[Ruler.after]], [[Ruler.push]].\n *\n * ##### Options:\n *\n * - __alt__ - array with names of \"alternate\" chains.\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var md = require('markdown-it')();\n *\n * md.block.ruler.before('paragraph', 'my_rule', function replace(state) {\n * //...\n * });\n * ```\n **/\nRuler.prototype.before = function (beforeName, ruleName, fn, options) {\n var index = this.__find__(beforeName);\n var opt = options || {};\n\n if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + beforeName); }\n\n this.__rules__.splice(index, 0, {\n name: ruleName,\n enabled: true,\n fn: fn,\n alt: opt.alt || []\n });\n\n this.__cache__ = null;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.after(afterName, ruleName, fn [, options])\n * - afterName (String): new rule will be added after this one.\n * - ruleName (String): name of added rule.\n * - fn (Function): rule function.\n * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory).\n *\n * Add new rule to chain after one with given name. See also\n * [[Ruler.before]], [[Ruler.push]].\n *\n * ##### Options:\n *\n * - __alt__ - array with names of \"alternate\" chains.\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var md = require('markdown-it')();\n *\n * md.inline.ruler.after('text', 'my_rule', function replace(state) {\n * //...\n * });\n * ```\n **/\nRuler.prototype.after = function (afterName, ruleName, fn, options) {\n var index = this.__find__(afterName);\n var opt = options || {};\n\n if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + afterName); }\n\n this.__rules__.splice(index + 1, 0, {\n name: ruleName,\n enabled: true,\n fn: fn,\n alt: opt.alt || []\n });\n\n this.__cache__ = null;\n};\n\n/**\n * Ruler.push(ruleName, fn [, options])\n * - ruleName (String): name of added rule.\n * - fn (Function): rule function.\n * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory).\n *\n * Push new rule to the end of chain. See also\n * [[Ruler.before]], [[Ruler.after]].\n *\n * ##### Options:\n *\n * - __alt__ - array with names of \"alternate\" chains.\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var md = require('markdown-it')();\n *\n * md.core.ruler.push('my_rule', function replace(state) {\n * //...\n * });\n * ```\n **/\nRuler.prototype.push = function (ruleName, fn, options) {\n var opt = options || {};\n\n this.__rules__.push({\n name: ruleName,\n enabled: true,\n fn: fn,\n alt: opt.alt || []\n });\n\n this.__cache__ = null;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.enable(list [, ignoreInvalid]) -> Array\n * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to enable.\n * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found.\n *\n * Enable rules with given names. If any rule name not found - throw Error.\n * Errors can be disabled by second param.\n *\n * Returns list of found rule names (if no exception happened).\n *\n * See also [[Ruler.disable]], [[Ruler.enableOnly]].\n **/\nRuler.prototype.enable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; }\n\n var result = [];\n\n // Search by name and enable\n list.forEach(function (name) {\n var idx = this.__find__(name);\n\n if (idx < 0) {\n if (ignoreInvalid) { return; }\n throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + name);\n }\n this.__rules__[idx].enabled = true;\n result.push(name);\n }, this);\n\n this.__cache__ = null;\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.enableOnly(list [, ignoreInvalid])\n * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to enable (whitelist).\n * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found.\n *\n * Enable rules with given names, and disable everything else. If any rule name\n * not found - throw Error. Errors can be disabled by second param.\n *\n * See also [[Ruler.disable]], [[Ruler.enable]].\n **/\nRuler.prototype.enableOnly = function (list, ignoreInvalid) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; }\n\n this.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) { rule.enabled = false; });\n\n this.enable(list, ignoreInvalid);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.disable(list [, ignoreInvalid]) -> Array\n * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to disable.\n * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found.\n *\n * Disable rules with given names. If any rule name not found - throw Error.\n * Errors can be disabled by second param.\n *\n * Returns list of found rule names (if no exception happened).\n *\n * See also [[Ruler.enable]], [[Ruler.enableOnly]].\n **/\nRuler.prototype.disable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; }\n\n var result = [];\n\n // Search by name and disable\n list.forEach(function (name) {\n var idx = this.__find__(name);\n\n if (idx < 0) {\n if (ignoreInvalid) { return; }\n throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + name);\n }\n this.__rules__[idx].enabled = false;\n result.push(name);\n }, this);\n\n this.__cache__ = null;\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Ruler.getRules(chainName) -> Array\n *\n * Return array of active functions (rules) for given chain name. It analyzes\n * rules configuration, compiles caches if not exists and returns result.\n *\n * Default chain name is `''` (empty string). It can't be skipped. That's\n * done intentionally, to keep signature monomorphic for high speed.\n **/\nRuler.prototype.getRules = function (chainName) {\n if (this.__cache__ === null) {\n this.__compile__();\n }\n\n // Chain can be empty, if rules disabled. But we still have to return Array.\n return this.__cache__[chainName] || [];\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Ruler;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/markdown-it/lib/ruler.js\n// module id = 138\n// module chunks = 0","// Token class\n\n'use strict';\n\n\n/**\n * class Token\n **/\n\n/**\n * new Token(type, tag, nesting)\n *\n * Create new token and fill passed properties.\n **/\nfunction Token(type, tag, nesting) {\n /**\n * Token#type -> String\n *\n * Type of the token (string, e.g. \"paragraph_open\")\n **/\n this.type = type;\n\n /**\n * Token#tag -> String\n *\n * html tag name, e.g. \"p\"\n **/\n this.tag = tag;\n\n /**\n * Token#attrs -> Array\n *\n * Html attributes. Format: `[ [ name1, value1 ], [ name2, value2 ] ]`\n **/\n this.attrs = null;\n\n /**\n * Token#map -> Array\n *\n * Source map info. Format: `[ line_begin, line_end ]`\n **/\n = null;\n\n /**\n * Token#nesting -> Number\n *\n * Level change (number in {-1, 0, 1} set), where:\n *\n * - `1` means the tag is opening\n * - `0` means the tag is self-closing\n * - `-1` means the tag is closing\n **/\n this.nesting = nesting;\n\n /**\n * Token#level -> Number\n *\n * nesting level, the same as `state.level`\n **/\n this.level = 0;\n\n /**\n * Token#children -> Array\n *\n * An array of child nodes (inline and img tokens)\n **/\n this.children = null;\n\n /**\n * Token#content -> String\n *\n * In a case of self-closing tag (code, html, fence, etc.),\n * it has contents of this tag.\n **/\n this.content = '';\n\n /**\n * Token#markup -> String\n *\n * '*' or '_' for emphasis, fence string for fence, etc.\n **/\n this.markup = '';\n\n /**\n * Token#info -> String\n *\n * fence infostring\n **/\n = '';\n\n /**\n * Token#meta -> Object\n *\n * A place for plugins to store an arbitrary data\n **/\n this.meta = null;\n\n /**\n * Token#block -> Boolean\n *\n * True for block-level tokens, false for inline tokens.\n * Used in renderer to calculate line breaks\n **/\n this.block = false;\n\n /**\n * Token#hidden -> Boolean\n *\n * If it's true, ignore this element when rendering. Used for tight lists\n * to hide paragraphs.\n **/\n this.hidden = false;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Token.attrIndex(name) -> Number\n *\n * Search attribute index by name.\n **/\nToken.prototype.attrIndex = function attrIndex(name) {\n var attrs, i, len;\n\n if (!this.attrs) { return -1; }\n\n attrs = this.attrs;\n\n for (i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (attrs[i][0] === name) { return i; }\n }\n return -1;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Token.attrPush(attrData)\n *\n * Add `[ name, value ]` attribute to list. Init attrs if necessary\n **/\nToken.prototype.attrPush = function attrPush(attrData) {\n if (this.attrs) {\n this.attrs.push(attrData);\n } else {\n this.attrs = [ attrData ];\n }\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Token.attrSet(name, value)\n *\n * Set `name` attribute to `value`. Override old value if exists.\n **/\nToken.prototype.attrSet = function attrSet(name, value) {\n var idx = this.attrIndex(name),\n attrData = [ name, value ];\n\n if (idx < 0) {\n this.attrPush(attrData);\n } else {\n this.attrs[idx] = attrData;\n }\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Token.attrGet(name)\n *\n * Get the value of attribute `name`, or null if it does not exist.\n **/\nToken.prototype.attrGet = function attrGet(name) {\n var idx = this.attrIndex(name), value = null;\n if (idx >= 0) {\n value = this.attrs[idx][1];\n }\n return value;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Token.attrJoin(name, value)\n *\n * Join value to existing attribute via space. Or create new attribute if not\n * exists. Useful to operate with token classes.\n **/\nToken.prototype.attrJoin = function attrJoin(name, value) {\n var idx = this.attrIndex(name);\n\n if (idx < 0) {\n this.attrPush([ name, value ]);\n } else {\n this.attrs[idx][1] = this.attrs[idx][1] + ' ' + value;\n }\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = Token;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/markdown-it/lib/token.js\n// module id = 139\n// module chunks = 0","import React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { connect } from 'react-redux';\nimport { isActiveZoneOnCloudflare } from '../../selectors/activeZone';\nimport Loading from 'cf-component-loading';\nimport Text from 'cf-component-text';\nimport { getPluginSettingsForZoneId } from '../../selectors/pluginSettings';\nimport { FormattedMessage, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';\nimport { getZoneAnalyticsForZoneId } from '../../selectors/zoneAnalytics';\nimport { getAllZoneSettingsForZoneId } from '../../selectors/zoneSettings';\nimport { isDNSPageEnabled } from '../../selectors/config';\nimport { push } from 'react-router-redux';\nimport { Link } from 'react-router';\nimport {\n CLOUDFLARE_ADD_SITE_PAGE,\n DOMAINS_OVERVIEW_PAGE\n} from '../../constants/UrlPaths.js';\n\nclass WaitForSettings extends Component {\n handleClick(path) {\n let { dispatch } = this.props;\n dispatch(push(path));\n }\n\n render() {\n let {\n activeZone,\n zoneSettings,\n zonePluginSettings,\n zoneAnalytics,\n settings,\n pluginSettings,\n analytics,\n config\n } = this.props;\n\n let isSettingsLoaded = true;\n let isPluginSettingsLoaded = true;\n let isAnalyticsLoaded = true;\n\n if (settings) {\n isSettingsLoaded = getAllZoneSettingsForZoneId(\n,\n zoneSettings\n );\n }\n\n if (pluginSettings) {\n isPluginSettingsLoaded = getPluginSettingsForZoneId(\n,\n zonePluginSettings\n );\n }\n\n if (analytics) {\n isAnalyticsLoaded = getZoneAnalyticsForZoneId(\n,\n zoneAnalytics\n );\n }\n\n let isZoneOnCloudflare = isActiveZoneOnCloudflare(activeZone);\n\n let isEverythingLoaded =\n isSettingsLoaded && isPluginSettingsLoaded && isAnalyticsLoaded;\n\n var link = (\n <Link href={CLOUDFLARE_ADD_SITE_PAGE} target=\"_blank\">Cloudflare</Link>\n );\n if (isDNSPageEnabled(config)) {\n link = (\n <Link onClick={() => this.handleClick(DOMAINS_OVERVIEW_PAGE)}>\n <FormattedMessage id=\"container.dnsManagementPage.title\" />\n </Link>\n );\n }\n\n return (\n <div>\n {!isEverythingLoaded &&\n isZoneOnCloudflare &&\n <Text align=\"center\"><Loading /></Text>}\n {!isEverythingLoaded &&\n !isZoneOnCloudflare &&\n <Text align=\"center\">\n <FormattedMessage\n id=\"errors.noActiveZoneSelected\"\n values={{ link: link, domain: }}\n />\n </Text>}\n {isEverythingLoaded && isZoneOnCloudflare && this.props.children}\n </div>\n );\n }\n}\n\nWaitForSettings.propTypes = {\n settings: PropTypes.bool,\n pluginSettings: PropTypes.bool,\n analytics: PropTypes.bool,\n dispatch: PropTypes.func,\n activeZone: PropTypes.object,\n zoneSettings: PropTypes.object,\n zonePluginSettings: PropTypes.object,\n zoneAnalytics: PropTypes.object,\n config: PropTypes.object,\n intl: PropTypes.object,\n children: PropTypes.node\n};\n\nfunction mapStateToProps(state) {\n return {\n activeZone: state.activeZone,\n zoneSettings: state.zoneSettings,\n zonePluginSettings: state.pluginSettings,\n zoneAnalytics: state.zoneAnalytics,\n config: state.config\n };\n}\nexport default injectIntl(connect(mapStateToProps)(WaitForSettings));\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/containers/WaitForSettings/WaitForSettings.js","'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.default = createChainableTypeChecker;\n/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n// Mostly taken from ReactPropTypes.\n\nfunction createChainableTypeChecker(validate) {\n function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n var componentNameSafe = componentName || '<<anonymous>>';\n var propFullNameSafe = propFullName || propName;\n\n if (props[propName] == null) {\n if (isRequired) {\n return new Error('Required ' + location + ' `' + propFullNameSafe + '` was not specified ' + ('in `' + componentNameSafe + '`.'));\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 6 ? _len - 6 : 0), _key = 6; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 6] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return validate.apply(undefined, [props, propName, componentNameSafe, location, propFullNameSafe].concat(args));\n }\n\n var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false);\n chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);\n\n return chainedCheckType;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-prop-types/lib/utils/createChainableTypeChecker.js\n// module id = 141\n// module chunks = 0","import * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport { asyncDNSRecordFetchList } from './zoneDnsRecords';\nimport { asyncZoneFetchAnalytics } from './zoneAnalytics';\nimport { asyncZoneRailgunFetchAll } from './zoneRailgun';\nimport { asyncZoneFetchSettings } from './zoneSettings';\nimport { asyncPluginFetchSettings } from './pluginSettings';\n\nexport function zoneSetActiveZone(zone) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE,\n zone\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncZoneSetActiveZone(zone) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(zoneSetActiveZone(zone));\n if (typeof !== 'undefined') {\n dispatch(asyncDNSRecordFetchList(;\n dispatch(asyncZoneRailgunFetchAll(;\n dispatch(asyncPluginFetchSettings(;\n dispatch(asyncZoneFetchSettings(;\n dispatch(asyncZoneFetchAnalytics(;\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneSetActiveZoneIfEmpty(zone) {\n return (dispatch, getState) => {\n if (getState() === '') {\n dispatch(asyncZoneSetActiveZone(zone));\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/activeZone.js","import * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport {\n zoneDNSRecordGetAll,\n zoneDNSRecordPostNew,\n zoneDNSRecordPatch\n} from '../utils/CFClientV4API/CFClientV4API';\nimport { notificationAddClientAPIError } from './notifications';\n\nexport function dnsRecordClearAll(zoneId) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_CLEAR_ALL,\n zoneId\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordCreate(name) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_CREATE,\n name\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordCreateSuccess(zoneId, dnsRecord) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_CREATE_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n dnsRecord\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordCreateError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_CREATE_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncDNSRecordCreate(zoneId, type, name, content) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(dnsRecordCreate(name));\n zoneDNSRecordPostNew(\n { zoneId: zoneId, type: type, name: name, content: content },\n function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(dnsRecordCreateSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n //CloudFlare defaults new records with proxied = false.\n dispatch(asyncDNSRecordUpdate(zoneId, response.body.result, true));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(dnsRecordCreateError(), error)\n );\n }\n }\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordFetchList() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordFetchListSuccess(zoneId, dnsRecords) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n dnsRecords\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordFetchListError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncDNSRecordFetchList(zoneId) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(dnsRecordFetchList());\n zoneDNSRecordGetAll(zoneId, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(dnsRecordFetchListSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(dnsRecordFetchListError(), error)\n );\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordUpdate(name) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_UPDATE,\n name\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordUpdateSuccess(zoneId, dnsRecord) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_SUCCESS,\n zoneId,\n dnsRecord\n };\n}\n\nexport function dnsRecordUpdateError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.DNS_RECORD_UPDATE_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncDNSRecordUpdate(zoneId, dnsRecord, proxied) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(dnsRecordUpdate(;\n zoneDNSRecordPatch(\n { zoneId: zoneId, dnsRecordId:, proxied: proxied },\n function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(dnsRecordUpdateSuccess(zoneId, response.body.result));\n } else {\n dispatch(\n notificationAddClientAPIError(dnsRecordUpdateError(), error)\n );\n }\n }\n );\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/zoneDnsRecords.js","import { push } from 'react-router-redux';\nimport { userAuth, userCreate } from '../utils/CFHostAPI/CFHostAPI';\nimport { pluginAccountPost } from '../utils/PluginAPI/PluginAPI';\nimport {\n notificationAddHostAPIError,\n notificationAddClientAPIError\n} from './notifications';\nimport * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport * as UrlPaths from '../constants/UrlPaths';\nimport { getConfigValue } from '../selectors/config';\n\nimport { asyncFetchZones } from './zones';\n\nexport function userLogin() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN\n };\n}\n\n/*\n * always call asyncUserLoginSuccess instead of userLoginSuccess\n * this is how we trigger GETs that need to occur after a successful login.\n * The user can also be logged in from localStorage automatically when the app loads\n * which is why this logic doens't live in asyncLogin().\n */\nexport function userLoginSuccess(email) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS,\n email\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncUserLoginSuccess(email) {\n return (dispatch, getState) => {\n dispatch(userLoginSuccess(email));\n dispatch(asyncFetchZones());\n let route = UrlPaths.HOME_PAGE;\n if (getConfigValue(getState().config, 'integrationName') === 'cpanel') {\n route = UrlPaths.DOMAINS_OVERVIEW_PAGE;\n }\n dispatch(push(route));\n };\n}\n\nexport function userLoginError(error) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN_ERROR,\n error\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncLogin(email, password) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(userLogin());\n userAuth({ cloudflare_email: email, cloudflare_pass: password }, function(\n error,\n response\n ) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(\n asyncUserLoginSuccess(response.body.response.cloudflare_email)\n );\n } else {\n dispatch(notificationAddHostAPIError(userLoginError(), error));\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncAPILogin(email, apiKey) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(userLogin());\n pluginAccountPost(email, apiKey, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(asyncUserLoginSuccess(email));\n } else {\n dispatch(userLoginError());\n dispatch(notificationAddClientAPIError(userLoginError(), error));\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function userLogout() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_LOGOUT\n };\n}\n\nexport function userSignup() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_SIGNUP\n };\n}\n\nexport function userSignupSuccess() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_SIGNUP_SUCCESS\n };\n}\n\nexport function userSignupError() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.USER_SIGNUP_ERROR\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncUserSignup(email, password) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(userSignup());\n userCreate({ cloudflare_email: email, cloudflare_pass: password }, function(\n error,\n response\n ) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(userSignupSuccess());\n dispatch(asyncLogin(email, password));\n } else {\n dispatch(notificationAddHostAPIError(userSignupError(), error));\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/user.js","import {\n zoneGetAll,\n zoneDeleteZone\n} from '../utils/CFClientV4API/CFClientV4API';\nimport { notificationAddClientAPIError } from './notifications';\nimport * as ActionTypes from '../constants/ActionTypes';\nimport { zoneSetActiveZoneIfEmpty } from './activeZone';\nimport { dnsRecordClearAll } from './zoneDnsRecords';\n\nexport function zoneDelete() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_DELETE_ZONE\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneDeleteSuccess() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_SUCCESS\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneDeleteError(error) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_DELETE_ZONE_ERROR,\n error\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncZoneDelete(zoneId) {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(zoneDelete(zoneId));\n\n zoneDeleteZone(zoneId, function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(zoneDeleteSuccess());\n dispatch(dnsRecordClearAll(zoneId));\n //after we provision a cname refresh the zone list\n dispatch(asyncFetchZones());\n } else {\n dispatch(notificationAddClientAPIError(zoneDeleteError(), error));\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneFetch() {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_FETCH\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneFetchSuccess(zoneList) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS,\n zoneList\n };\n}\n\nexport function zoneFetchError(error) {\n return {\n type: ActionTypes.ZONES_FETCH_ERROR,\n error\n };\n}\n\nexport function asyncFetchZones() {\n return dispatch => {\n dispatch(zoneFetch());\n\n zoneGetAll(function(error, response) {\n if (response) {\n dispatch(zoneFetchSuccess(response.body.result));\n if (response.body.result[0]) {\n dispatch(zoneSetActiveZoneIfEmpty(response.body.result[0]));\n }\n } else {\n dispatch(notificationAddClientAPIError(zoneFetchError(), error));\n }\n });\n };\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// src/actions/zones.js","export default function isBase64(property) {\n return property.charAt(0) === 'd' && property.charAt(1) === 'a' && property.charAt(2) === 't' && property.charAt(3) === 'a' && property.charAt(4) === ':';\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fela-utils/es/isBase64.js\n// module id = 146\n// module chunks = 0","import Table from './Table';\nimport TableBody from './TableBody';\nimport TableCell from './TableCell';\nimport TableFoot from './TableFoot';\nimport TableHead from './TableHead';\nimport TableHeadCell from './TableHeadCell';\nimport TablePropTypes from './TablePropTypes';\nimport TableRow from './TableRow';\n\nexport { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableFoot, TableHead, TableHeadCell, TablePropTypes, TableRow };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-table/es/index.js\n// module id = 147\n// module chunks = 0","import Modal from './Modal';\nimport ModalActions from './ModalActions';\nimport ModalBody from './ModalBody';\nimport ModalClose from './ModalClose';\nimport ModalFooter from './ModalFooter';\nimport ModalHeader from './ModalHeader';\nimport ModalTitle from './ModalTitle';\n\nexport { Modal, ModalActions, ModalBody, ModalClose, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, ModalTitle };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/cf-component-modal/es/index.js\n// module id = 148\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement type. If there is no native Symbol\n// nor polyfill, then a plain number is used for performance.\n\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol['for'] && Symbol['for']('react.element') || 0xeac7;\n\nmodule.exports = REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactElementSymbol.js\n// module id = 149\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('./ReactCurrentOwner');\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = require('./ReactElementSymbol');\n\nvar getIteratorFn = require('./getIteratorFn');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar KeyEscapeUtils = require('./KeyEscapeUtils');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar SEPARATOR = '.';\nvar SUBSEPARATOR = ':';\n\n/**\n * This is inlined from ReactElement since this file is shared between\n * isomorphic and renderers. We could extract this to a\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * TODO: Test that a single child and an array with one item have the same key\n * pattern.\n */\n\nvar didWarnAboutMaps = false;\n\n/**\n * Generate a key string that identifies a component within a set.\n *\n * @param {*} component A component that could contain a manual key.\n * @param {number} index Index that is used if a manual key is not provided.\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction getComponentKey(component, index) {\n // Do some typechecking here since we call this blindly. We want to ensure\n // that we don't block potential future ES APIs.\n if (component && typeof component === 'object' && component.key != null) {\n // Explicit key\n return KeyEscapeUtils.escape(component.key);\n }\n // Implicit key determined by the index in the set\n return index.toString(36);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @param {!string} nameSoFar Name of the key path so far.\n * @param {!function} callback Callback to invoke with each child found.\n * @param {?*} traverseContext Used to pass information throughout the traversal\n * process.\n * @return {!number} The number of children in this subtree.\n */\nfunction traverseAllChildrenImpl(children, nameSoFar, callback, traverseContext) {\n var type = typeof children;\n\n if (type === 'undefined' || type === 'boolean') {\n // All of the above are perceived as null.\n children = null;\n }\n\n if (children === null || type === 'string' || type === 'number' ||\n // The following is inlined from ReactElement. This means we can optimize\n // some checks. React Fiber also inlines this logic for similar purposes.\n type === 'object' && children.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n callback(traverseContext, children,\n // If it's the only child, treat the name as if it was wrapped in an array\n // so that it's consistent if the number of children grows.\n nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR + getComponentKey(children, 0) : nameSoFar);\n return 1;\n }\n\n var child;\n var nextName;\n var subtreeCount = 0; // Count of children found in the current subtree.\n var nextNamePrefix = nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR : nameSoFar + SUBSEPARATOR;\n\n if (Array.isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n child = children[i];\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getComponentKey(child, i);\n subtreeCount += traverseAllChildrenImpl(child, nextName, callback, traverseContext);\n }\n } else {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(children);\n if (iteratorFn) {\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n if (iteratorFn !== children.entries) {\n var ii = 0;\n while (!(step = {\n child = step.value;\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getComponentKey(child, ii++);\n subtreeCount += traverseAllChildrenImpl(child, nextName, callback, traverseContext);\n }\n } else {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var mapsAsChildrenAddendum = '';\n if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n var mapsAsChildrenOwnerName = ReactCurrentOwner.current.getName();\n if (mapsAsChildrenOwnerName) {\n mapsAsChildrenAddendum = ' Check the render method of `' + mapsAsChildrenOwnerName + '`.';\n }\n }\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(didWarnAboutMaps, 'Using Maps as children is not yet fully supported. It is an ' + 'experimental feature that might be removed. Convert it to a ' + 'sequence / iterable of keyed ReactElements instead.%s', mapsAsChildrenAddendum) : void 0;\n didWarnAboutMaps = true;\n }\n // Iterator will provide entry [k,v] tuples rather than values.\n while (!(step = {\n var entry = step.value;\n if (entry) {\n child = entry[1];\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + KeyEscapeUtils.escape(entry[0]) + SUBSEPARATOR + getComponentKey(child, 0);\n subtreeCount += traverseAllChildrenImpl(child, nextName, callback, traverseContext);\n }\n }\n }\n } else if (type === 'object') {\n var addendum = '';\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n addendum = ' If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array ' + 'instead or wrap the object using createFragment(object) from the ' + 'React add-ons.';\n if (children._isReactElement) {\n addendum = ' It looks like you\\'re using an element created by a different ' + 'version of React. Make sure to use only one copy of React.';\n }\n if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n var name = ReactCurrentOwner.current.getName();\n if (name) {\n addendum += ' Check the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n }\n var childrenString = String(children);\n !false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: %s).%s', childrenString === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(children).join(', ') + '}' : childrenString, addendum) : _prodInvariant('31', childrenString === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(children).join(', ') + '}' : childrenString, addendum) : void 0;\n }\n }\n\n return subtreeCount;\n}\n\n/**\n * Traverses children that are typically specified as `props.children`, but\n * might also be specified through attributes:\n *\n * - `traverseAllChildren(this.props.children, ...)`\n * - `traverseAllChildren(this.props.leftPanelChildren, ...)`\n *\n * The `traverseContext` is an optional argument that is passed through the\n * entire traversal. It can be used to store accumulations or anything else that\n * the callback might find relevant.\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree object.\n * @param {!function} callback To invoke upon traversing each child.\n * @param {?*} traverseContext Context for traversal.\n * @return {!number} The number of children in this subtree.\n */\nfunction traverseAllChildren(children, callback, traverseContext) {\n if (children == null) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n return traverseAllChildrenImpl(children, '', callback, traverseContext);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = traverseAllChildren;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/traverseAllChildren.js\n// module id = 150\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/* global Symbol */\n\nvar ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator'; // Before Symbol spec.\n\n/**\n * Returns the iterator method function contained on the iterable object.\n *\n * Be sure to invoke the function with the iterable as context:\n *\n * var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(myIterable);\n * if (iteratorFn) {\n * var iterator =;\n * ...\n * }\n *\n * @param {?object} maybeIterable\n * @return {?function}\n */\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n var iteratorFn = maybeIterable && (ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]);\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getIteratorFn;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/getIteratorFn.js\n// module id = 151\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Escape and wrap key so it is safe to use as a reactid\n *\n * @param {string} key to be escaped.\n * @return {string} the escaped key.\n */\n\nfunction escape(key) {\n var escapeRegex = /[=:]/g;\n var escaperLookup = {\n '=': '=0',\n ':': '=2'\n };\n var escapedString = ('' + key).replace(escapeRegex, function (match) {\n return escaperLookup[match];\n });\n\n return '$' + escapedString;\n}\n\n/**\n * Unescape and unwrap key for human-readable display\n *\n * @param {string} key to unescape.\n * @return {string} the unescaped key.\n */\nfunction unescape(key) {\n var unescapeRegex = /(=0|=2)/g;\n var unescaperLookup = {\n '=0': '=',\n '=2': ':'\n };\n var keySubstring = key[0] === '.' && key[1] === '$' ? key.substring(2) : key.substring(1);\n\n return ('' + keySubstring).replace(unescapeRegex, function (match) {\n return unescaperLookup[match];\n });\n}\n\nvar KeyEscapeUtils = {\n escape: escape,\n unescape: unescape\n};\n\nmodule.exports = KeyEscapeUtils;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/KeyEscapeUtils.js\n// module id = 152\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {\n prop: 'prop',\n context: 'context',\n childContext: 'child context'\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypeLocationNames;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactPropTypeLocationNames.js\n// module id = 153\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * ReactElementValidator provides a wrapper around a element factory\n * which validates the props passed to the element. This is intended to be\n * used only in DEV and could be replaced by a static type checker for languages\n * that support it.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('./ReactCurrentOwner');\nvar ReactComponentTreeHook = require('./ReactComponentTreeHook');\nvar ReactElement = require('./ReactElement');\n\nvar checkReactTypeSpec = require('./checkReactTypeSpec');\n\nvar canDefineProperty = require('./canDefineProperty');\nvar getIteratorFn = require('./getIteratorFn');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n var name = ReactCurrentOwner.current.getName();\n if (name) {\n return ' Check the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(elementProps) {\n if (elementProps !== null && elementProps !== undefined && elementProps.__source !== undefined) {\n var source = elementProps.__source;\n var fileName = source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '');\n var lineNumber = source.lineNumber;\n return ' Check your code at ' + fileName + ':' + lineNumber + '.';\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n/**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n\nfunction getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {\n var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n\n if (!info) {\n var parentName = typeof parentType === 'string' ? parentType : parentType.displayName ||;\n if (parentName) {\n info = ' Check the top-level render call using <' + parentName + '>.';\n }\n }\n return info;\n}\n\n/**\n * Warn if the element doesn't have an explicit key assigned to it.\n * This element is in an array. The array could grow and shrink or be\n * reordered. All children that haven't already been validated are required to\n * have a \"key\" property assigned to it. Error statuses are cached so a warning\n * will only be shown once.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactElement} element Element that requires a key.\n * @param {*} parentType element's parent's type.\n */\nfunction validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {\n if (!element._store || element._store.validated || element.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n element._store.validated = true;\n\n var memoizer = ownerHasKeyUseWarning.uniqueKey || (ownerHasKeyUseWarning.uniqueKey = {});\n\n var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType);\n if (memoizer[currentComponentErrorInfo]) {\n return;\n }\n memoizer[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true;\n\n // Usually the current owner is the offender, but if it accepts children as a\n // property, it may be the creator of the child that's responsible for\n // assigning it a key.\n var childOwner = '';\n if (element && element._owner && element._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n // Give the component that originally created this child.\n childOwner = ' It was passed a child from ' + element._owner.getName() + '.';\n }\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique \"key\" prop.' + '%s%s See for more information.%s', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner, ReactComponentTreeHook.getCurrentStackAddendum(element)) : void 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Ensure that every element either is passed in a static location, in an\n * array with an explicit keys property defined, or in an object literal\n * with valid key property.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactNode} node Statically passed child of any type.\n * @param {*} parentType node's parent's type.\n */\nfunction validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {\n if (typeof node !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n if (Array.isArray(node)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n var child = node[i];\n if (ReactElement.isValidElement(child)) {\n validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);\n }\n }\n } else if (ReactElement.isValidElement(node)) {\n // This element was passed in a valid location.\n if (node._store) {\n node._store.validated = true;\n }\n } else if (node) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node);\n // Entry iterators provide implicit keys.\n if (iteratorFn) {\n if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) {\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n while (!(step = {\n if (ReactElement.isValidElement(step.value)) {\n validateExplicitKey(step.value, parentType);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,\n * provided by the type.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n */\nfunction validatePropTypes(element) {\n var componentClass = element.type;\n if (typeof componentClass !== 'function') {\n return;\n }\n var name = componentClass.displayName ||;\n if (componentClass.propTypes) {\n checkReactTypeSpec(componentClass.propTypes, element.props, 'prop', name, element, null);\n }\n if (typeof componentClass.getDefaultProps === 'function') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(componentClass.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved, 'getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass ' + 'definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.') : void 0;\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactElementValidator = {\n\n createElement: function (type, props, children) {\n var validType = typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function';\n // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to\n // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.\n if (!validType) {\n if (typeof type !== 'function' && typeof type !== 'string') {\n var info = '';\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + 'it\\'s defined in.';\n }\n\n var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(props);\n if (sourceInfo) {\n info += sourceInfo;\n } else {\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n }\n\n info += ReactComponentTreeHook.getCurrentStackAddendum();\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', type == null ? type : typeof type, info) : void 0;\n }\n }\n\n var element = ReactElement.createElement.apply(this, arguments);\n\n // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.\n // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.\n if (element == null) {\n return element;\n }\n\n // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic\n // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.\n // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.\n // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is\n // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)\n if (validType) {\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], type);\n }\n }\n\n validatePropTypes(element);\n\n return element;\n },\n\n createFactory: function (type) {\n var validatedFactory = ReactElementValidator.createElement.bind(null, type);\n // Legacy hook TODO: Warn if this is accessed\n validatedFactory.type = type;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (canDefineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(validatedFactory, 'type', {\n enumerable: false,\n get: function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly ' + 'before passing it to createFactory.') : void 0;\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', {\n value: type\n });\n return type;\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n return validatedFactory;\n },\n\n cloneElement: function (element, props, children) {\n var newElement = ReactElement.cloneElement.apply(this, arguments);\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], newElement.type);\n }\n validatePropTypes(newElement);\n return newElement;\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactElementValidator;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/ReactElementValidator.js\n// module id = 154\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar emptyFunction = require('fbjs/lib/emptyFunction');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = require('./lib/ReactPropTypesSecret');\nvar checkPropTypes = require('./checkPropTypes');\n\nmodule.exports = function(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess) {\n /* global Symbol */\n var ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator;\n var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator'; // Before Symbol spec.\n\n /**\n * Returns the iterator method function contained on the iterable object.\n *\n * Be sure to invoke the function with the iterable as context:\n *\n * var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(myIterable);\n * if (iteratorFn) {\n * var iterator =;\n * ...\n * }\n *\n * @param {?object} maybeIterable\n * @return {?function}\n */\n function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n var iteratorFn = maybeIterable && (ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]);\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Collection of methods that allow declaration and validation of props that are\n * supplied to React components. Example usage:\n *\n * var Props = require('ReactPropTypes');\n * var MyArticle = React.createClass({\n * propTypes: {\n * // An optional string prop named \"description\".\n * description: Props.string,\n *\n * // A required enum prop named \"category\".\n * category: Props.oneOf(['News','Photos']).isRequired,\n *\n * // A prop named \"dialog\" that requires an instance of Dialog.\n * dialog: Props.instanceOf(Dialog).isRequired\n * },\n * render: function() { ... }\n * });\n *\n * A more formal specification of how these methods are used:\n *\n * type := array|bool|func|object|number|string|oneOf([...])|instanceOf(...)\n * decl := ReactPropTypes.{type}(.isRequired)?\n *\n * Each and every declaration produces a function with the same signature. This\n * allows the creation of custom validation functions. For example:\n *\n * var MyLink = React.createClass({\n * propTypes: {\n * // An optional string or URI prop named \"href\".\n * href: function(props, propName, componentName) {\n * var propValue = props[propName];\n * if (propValue != null && typeof propValue !== 'string' &&\n * !(propValue instanceof URI)) {\n * return new Error(\n * 'Expected a string or an URI for ' + propName + ' in ' +\n * componentName\n * );\n * }\n * }\n * },\n * render: function() {...}\n * });\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\n var ANONYMOUS = '<<anonymous>>';\n\n // Important!\n // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithThrowingShims.js`.\n var ReactPropTypes = {\n array: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('array'),\n bool: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('boolean'),\n func: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('function'),\n number: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('number'),\n object: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('object'),\n string: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('string'),\n symbol: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('symbol'),\n\n any: createAnyTypeChecker(),\n arrayOf: createArrayOfTypeChecker,\n element: createElementTypeChecker(),\n instanceOf: createInstanceTypeChecker,\n node: createNodeChecker(),\n objectOf: createObjectOfTypeChecker,\n oneOf: createEnumTypeChecker,\n oneOfType: createUnionTypeChecker,\n shape: createShapeTypeChecker\n };\n\n /**\n * inlined polyfill to avoid requiring consumers ship their own\n *\n */\n /*eslint-disable no-self-compare*/\n function is(x, y) {\n // SameValue algorithm\n if (x === y) {\n // Steps 1-5, 7-10\n // Steps 6.b-6.e: +0 != -0\n return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;\n } else {\n // Step 6.a: NaN == NaN\n return x !== x && y !== y;\n }\n }\n /*eslint-enable no-self-compare*/\n\n /**\n * We use an Error-like object for backward compatibility as people may call\n * PropTypes directly and inspect their output. However, we don't use real\n * Errors anymore. We don't inspect their stack anyway, and creating them\n * is prohibitively expensive if they are created too often, such as what\n * happens in oneOfType() for any type before the one that matched.\n */\n function PropTypeError(message) {\n this.message = message;\n this.stack = '';\n }\n // Make `instanceof Error` still work for returned errors.\n PropTypeError.prototype = Error.prototype;\n\n function createChainableTypeChecker(validate) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var manualPropTypeCallCache = {};\n var manualPropTypeWarningCount = 0;\n }\n function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {\n componentName = componentName || ANONYMOUS;\n propFullName = propFullName || propName;\n\n if (secret !== ReactPropTypesSecret) {\n if (throwOnDirectAccess) {\n // New behavior only for users of `prop-types` package\n invariant(\n false,\n 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' +\n 'Use `PropTypes.checkPropTypes()` to call them. ' +\n 'Read more at'\n );\n } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n // Old behavior for people using React.PropTypes\n var cacheKey = componentName + ':' + propName;\n if (\n !manualPropTypeCallCache[cacheKey] &&\n // Avoid spamming the console because they are often not actionable except for lib authors\n manualPropTypeWarningCount < 3\n ) {\n warning(\n false,\n 'You are manually calling a React.PropTypes validation ' +\n 'function for the `%s` prop on `%s`. This is deprecated ' +\n 'and will throw in the standalone `prop-types` package. ' +\n 'You may be seeing this warning due to a third-party PropTypes ' +\n 'library. See ' + 'for details.',\n propFullName,\n componentName\n );\n manualPropTypeCallCache[cacheKey] = true;\n manualPropTypeWarningCount++;\n }\n }\n }\n if (props[propName] == null) {\n if (isRequired) {\n if (props[propName] === null) {\n return new PropTypeError('The ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` is marked as required ' + ('in `' + componentName + '`, but its value is `null`.'));\n }\n return new PropTypeError('The ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` is marked as required in ' + ('`' + componentName + '`, but its value is `undefined`.'));\n }\n return null;\n } else {\n return validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName);\n }\n }\n\n var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false);\n chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);\n\n return chainedCheckType;\n }\n\n function createPrimitiveTypeChecker(expectedType) {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {\n var propValue = props[propName];\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n if (propType !== expectedType) {\n // `propValue` being instance of, say, date/regexp, pass the 'object'\n // check, but we can offer a more precise error message here rather than\n // 'of type `object`'.\n var preciseType = getPreciseType(propValue);\n\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + preciseType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected ') + ('`' + expectedType + '`.'));\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createAnyTypeChecker() {\n return createChainableTypeChecker(emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull);\n }\n\n function createArrayOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n if (typeof typeChecker !== 'function') {\n return new PropTypeError('Property `' + propFullName + '` of component `' + componentName + '` has invalid PropType notation inside arrayOf.');\n }\n var propValue = props[propName];\n if (!Array.isArray(propValue)) {\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected an array.'));\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < propValue.length; i++) {\n var error = typeChecker(propValue, i, componentName, location, propFullName + '[' + i + ']', ReactPropTypesSecret);\n if (error instanceof Error) {\n return error;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createElementTypeChecker() {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n var propValue = props[propName];\n if (!isValidElement(propValue)) {\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected a single ReactElement.'));\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createInstanceTypeChecker(expectedClass) {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n if (!(props[propName] instanceof expectedClass)) {\n var expectedClassName = || ANONYMOUS;\n var actualClassName = getClassName(props[propName]);\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + actualClassName + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected ') + ('instance of `' + expectedClassName + '`.'));\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createEnumTypeChecker(expectedValues) {\n if (!Array.isArray(expectedValues)) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Invalid argument supplied to oneOf, expected an instance of array.') : void 0;\n return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;\n }\n\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n var propValue = props[propName];\n for (var i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {\n if (is(propValue, expectedValues[i])) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n var valuesString = JSON.stringify(expectedValues);\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of value `' + propValue + '` ' + ('supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected one of ' + valuesString + '.'));\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createObjectOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n if (typeof typeChecker !== 'function') {\n return new PropTypeError('Property `' + propFullName + '` of component `' + componentName + '` has invalid PropType notation inside objectOf.');\n }\n var propValue = props[propName];\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n if (propType !== 'object') {\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected an object.'));\n }\n for (var key in propValue) {\n if (propValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n var error = typeChecker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + '.' + key, ReactPropTypesSecret);\n if (error instanceof Error) {\n return error;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createUnionTypeChecker(arrayOfTypeCheckers) {\n if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfTypeCheckers)) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType, expected an instance of array.') : void 0;\n return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i++) {\n var checker = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i];\n if (typeof checker !== 'function') {\n warning(\n false,\n 'Invalid argument supplid to oneOfType. Expected an array of check functions, but ' +\n 'received %s at index %s.',\n getPostfixForTypeWarning(checker),\n i\n );\n return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;\n }\n }\n\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i++) {\n var checker = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i];\n if (checker(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, ReactPropTypesSecret) == null) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` supplied to ' + ('`' + componentName + '`.'));\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createNodeChecker() {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n if (!isNode(props[propName])) {\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` supplied to ' + ('`' + componentName + '`, expected a ReactNode.'));\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) {\n function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {\n var propValue = props[propName];\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n if (propType !== 'object') {\n return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type `' + propType + '` ' + ('supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected `object`.'));\n }\n for (var key in shapeTypes) {\n var checker = shapeTypes[key];\n if (!checker) {\n continue;\n }\n var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + '.' + key, ReactPropTypesSecret);\n if (error) {\n return error;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);\n }\n\n function isNode(propValue) {\n switch (typeof propValue) {\n case 'number':\n case 'string':\n case 'undefined':\n return true;\n case 'boolean':\n return !propValue;\n case 'object':\n if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {\n return propValue.every(isNode);\n }\n if (propValue === null || isValidElement(propValue)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(propValue);\n if (iteratorFn) {\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n if (iteratorFn !== propValue.entries) {\n while (!(step = {\n if (!isNode(step.value)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Iterator will provide entry [k,v] tuples rather than values.\n while (!(step = {\n var entry = step.value;\n if (entry) {\n if (!isNode(entry[1])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n default:\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n function isSymbol(propType, propValue) {\n // Native Symbol.\n if (propType === 'symbol') {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag] === 'Symbol'\n if (propValue['@@toStringTag'] === 'Symbol') {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Fallback for non-spec compliant Symbols which are polyfilled.\n if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && propValue instanceof Symbol) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n // Equivalent of `typeof` but with special handling for array and regexp.\n function getPropType(propValue) {\n var propType = typeof propValue;\n if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {\n return 'array';\n }\n if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {\n // Old webkits (at least until Android 4.0) return 'function' rather than\n // 'object' for typeof a RegExp. We'll normalize this here so that /bla/\n // passes PropTypes.object.\n return 'object';\n }\n if (isSymbol(propType, propValue)) {\n return 'symbol';\n }\n return propType;\n }\n\n // This handles more types than `getPropType`. Only used for error messages.\n // See `createPrimitiveTypeChecker`.\n function getPreciseType(propValue) {\n if (typeof propValue === 'undefined' || propValue === null) {\n return '' + propValue;\n }\n var propType = getPropType(propValue);\n if (propType === 'object') {\n if (propValue instanceof Date) {\n return 'date';\n } else if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {\n return 'regexp';\n }\n }\n return propType;\n }\n\n // Returns a string that is postfixed to a warning about an invalid type.\n // For example, \"undefined\" or \"of type array\"\n function getPostfixForTypeWarning(value) {\n var type = getPreciseType(value);\n switch (type) {\n case 'array':\n case 'object':\n return 'an ' + type;\n case 'boolean':\n case 'date':\n case 'regexp':\n return 'a ' + type;\n default:\n return type;\n }\n }\n\n // Returns class name of the object, if any.\n function getClassName(propValue) {\n if (!propValue.constructor || ! {\n return ANONYMOUS;\n }\n return;\n }\n\n ReactPropTypes.checkPropTypes = checkPropTypes;\n ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;\n\n return ReactPropTypes;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/prop-types/factoryWithTypeCheckers.js\n// module id = 155\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar ReactElement = require('./ReactElement');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * Returns the first child in a collection of children and verifies that there\n * is only one child in the collection.\n *\n * See\n *\n * The current implementation of this function assumes that a single child gets\n * passed without a wrapper, but the purpose of this helper function is to\n * abstract away the particular structure of children.\n *\n * @param {?object} children Child collection structure.\n * @return {ReactElement} The first and only `ReactElement` contained in the\n * structure.\n */\nfunction onlyChild(children) {\n !ReactElement.isValidElement(children) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.') : _prodInvariant('143') : void 0;\n return children;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = onlyChild;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react/lib/onlyChild.js\n// module id = 156\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('./lib/ReactDOM');\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/index.js\n// module id = 157\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactDOMComponentFlags = {\n hasCachedChildNodes: 1 << 0\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactDOMComponentFlags;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDOMComponentFlags.js\n// module id = 158\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * Accumulates items that must not be null or undefined into the first one. This\n * is used to conserve memory by avoiding array allocations, and thus sacrifices\n * API cleanness. Since `current` can be null before being passed in and not\n * null after this function, make sure to assign it back to `current`:\n *\n * `a = accumulateInto(a, b);`\n *\n * This API should be sparingly used. Try `accumulate` for something cleaner.\n *\n * @return {*|array<*>} An accumulation of items.\n */\n\nfunction accumulateInto(current, next) {\n !(next != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.') : _prodInvariant('30') : void 0;\n\n if (current == null) {\n return next;\n }\n\n // Both are not empty. Warning: Never call x.concat(y) when you are not\n // certain that x is an Array (x could be a string with concat method).\n if (Array.isArray(current)) {\n if (Array.isArray(next)) {\n current.push.apply(current, next);\n return current;\n }\n current.push(next);\n return current;\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(next)) {\n // A bit too dangerous to mutate `next`.\n return [current].concat(next);\n }\n\n return [current, next];\n}\n\nmodule.exports = accumulateInto;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/accumulateInto.js\n// module id = 159\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * @param {array} arr an \"accumulation\" of items which is either an Array or\n * a single item. Useful when paired with the `accumulate` module. This is a\n * simple utility that allows us to reason about a collection of items, but\n * handling the case when there is exactly one item (and we do not need to\n * allocate an array).\n */\n\nfunction forEachAccumulated(arr, cb, scope) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) {\n arr.forEach(cb, scope);\n } else if (arr) {\n, arr);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = forEachAccumulated;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/forEachAccumulated.js\n// module id = 160\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\n\nvar contentKey = null;\n\n/**\n * Gets the key used to access text content on a DOM node.\n *\n * @return {?string} Key used to access text content.\n * @internal\n */\nfunction getTextContentAccessor() {\n if (!contentKey && ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n // Prefer textContent to innerText because many browsers support both but\n // SVG <text> elements don't support innerText even when <div> does.\n contentKey = 'textContent' in document.documentElement ? 'textContent' : 'innerText';\n }\n return contentKey;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getTextContentAccessor;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/getTextContentAccessor.js\n// module id = 161\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant');\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nvar PooledClass = require('./PooledClass');\n\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\n/**\n * A specialized pseudo-event module to help keep track of components waiting to\n * be notified when their DOM representations are available for use.\n *\n * This implements `PooledClass`, so you should never need to instantiate this.\n * Instead, use `CallbackQueue.getPooled()`.\n *\n * @class ReactMountReady\n * @implements PooledClass\n * @internal\n */\n\nvar CallbackQueue = function () {\n function CallbackQueue(arg) {\n _classCallCheck(this, CallbackQueue);\n\n this._callbacks = null;\n this._contexts = null;\n this._arg = arg;\n }\n\n /**\n * Enqueues a callback to be invoked when `notifyAll` is invoked.\n *\n * @param {function} callback Invoked when `notifyAll` is invoked.\n * @param {?object} context Context to call `callback` with.\n * @internal\n */\n\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.enqueue = function enqueue(callback, context) {\n this._callbacks = this._callbacks || [];\n this._callbacks.push(callback);\n this._contexts = this._contexts || [];\n this._contexts.push(context);\n };\n\n /**\n * Invokes all enqueued callbacks and clears the queue. This is invoked after\n * the DOM representation of a component has been created or updated.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.notifyAll = function notifyAll() {\n var callbacks = this._callbacks;\n var contexts = this._contexts;\n var arg = this._arg;\n if (callbacks && contexts) {\n !(callbacks.length === contexts.length) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Mismatched list of contexts in callback queue') : _prodInvariant('24') : void 0;\n this._callbacks = null;\n this._contexts = null;\n for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {\n callbacks[i].call(contexts[i], arg);\n }\n callbacks.length = 0;\n contexts.length = 0;\n }\n };\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.checkpoint = function checkpoint() {\n return this._callbacks ? this._callbacks.length : 0;\n };\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.rollback = function rollback(len) {\n if (this._callbacks && this._contexts) {\n this._callbacks.length = len;\n this._contexts.length = len;\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Resets the internal queue.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.reset = function reset() {\n this._callbacks = null;\n this._contexts = null;\n };\n\n /**\n * `PooledClass` looks for this.\n */\n\n\n CallbackQueue.prototype.destructor = function destructor() {\n this.reset();\n };\n\n return CallbackQueue;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = PooledClass.addPoolingTo(CallbackQueue);\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/CallbackQueue.js\n// module id = 162\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactFeatureFlags = {\n // When true, call console.time() before and .timeEnd() after each top-level\n // render (both initial renders and updates). Useful when looking at prod-mode\n // timeline profiles in Chrome, for example.\n logTopLevelRenders: false\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactFeatureFlags;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactFeatureFlags.js\n// module id = 163\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactInvalidSetStateWarningHook = require('./ReactInvalidSetStateWarningHook');\nvar ReactHostOperationHistoryHook = require('./ReactHostOperationHistoryHook');\nvar ReactComponentTreeHook = require('react/lib/ReactComponentTreeHook');\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\n\nvar performanceNow = require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar hooks = [];\nvar didHookThrowForEvent = {};\n\nfunction callHook(event, fn, context, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {\n try {\n, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);\n } catch (e) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(didHookThrowForEvent[event], 'Exception thrown by hook while handling %s: %s', event, e + '\\n' + e.stack) : void 0;\n didHookThrowForEvent[event] = true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction emitEvent(event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {\n for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {\n var hook = hooks[i];\n var fn = hook[event];\n if (fn) {\n callHook(event, fn, hook, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar isProfiling = false;\nvar flushHistory = [];\nvar lifeCycleTimerStack = [];\nvar currentFlushNesting = 0;\nvar currentFlushMeasurements = [];\nvar currentFlushStartTime = 0;\nvar currentTimerDebugID = null;\nvar currentTimerStartTime = 0;\nvar currentTimerNestedFlushDuration = 0;\nvar currentTimerType = null;\n\nvar lifeCycleTimerHasWarned = false;\n\nfunction clearHistory() {\n ReactComponentTreeHook.purgeUnmountedComponents();\n ReactHostOperationHistoryHook.clearHistory();\n}\n\nfunction getTreeSnapshot(registeredIDs) {\n return registeredIDs.reduce(function (tree, id) {\n var ownerID = ReactComponentTreeHook.getOwnerID(id);\n var parentID = ReactComponentTreeHook.getParentID(id);\n tree[id] = {\n displayName: ReactComponentTreeHook.getDisplayName(id),\n text: ReactComponentTreeHook.getText(id),\n updateCount: ReactComponentTreeHook.getUpdateCount(id),\n childIDs: ReactComponentTreeHook.getChildIDs(id),\n // Text nodes don't have owners but this is close enough.\n ownerID: ownerID || parentID && ReactComponentTreeHook.getOwnerID(parentID) || 0,\n parentID: parentID\n };\n return tree;\n }, {});\n}\n\nfunction resetMeasurements() {\n var previousStartTime = currentFlushStartTime;\n var previousMeasurements = currentFlushMeasurements;\n var previousOperations = ReactHostOperationHistoryHook.getHistory();\n\n if (currentFlushNesting === 0) {\n currentFlushStartTime = 0;\n currentFlushMeasurements = [];\n clearHistory();\n return;\n }\n\n if (previousMeasurements.length || previousOperations.length) {\n var registeredIDs = ReactComponentTreeHook.getRegisteredIDs();\n flushHistory.push({\n duration: performanceNow() - previousStartTime,\n measurements: previousMeasurements || [],\n operations: previousOperations || [],\n treeSnapshot: getTreeSnapshot(registeredIDs)\n });\n }\n\n clearHistory();\n currentFlushStartTime = performanceNow();\n currentFlushMeasurements = [];\n}\n\nfunction checkDebugID(debugID) {\n var allowRoot = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n if (allowRoot && debugID === 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (!debugID) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'ReactDebugTool: debugID may not be empty.') : void 0;\n }\n}\n\nfunction beginLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType) {\n if (currentFlushNesting === 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (currentTimerType && !lifeCycleTimerHasWarned) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code. ' + 'Did not expect %s timer to start while %s timer is still in ' + 'progress for %s instance.', timerType, currentTimerType || 'no', debugID === currentTimerDebugID ? 'the same' : 'another') : void 0;\n lifeCycleTimerHasWarned = true;\n }\n currentTimerStartTime = performanceNow();\n currentTimerNestedFlushDuration = 0;\n currentTimerDebugID = debugID;\n currentTimerType = timerType;\n}\n\nfunction endLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType) {\n if (currentFlushNesting === 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (currentTimerType !== timerType && !lifeCycleTimerHasWarned) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code. ' + 'We did not expect %s timer to stop while %s timer is still in ' + 'progress for %s instance. Please report this as a bug in React.', timerType, currentTimerType || 'no', debugID === currentTimerDebugID ? 'the same' : 'another') : void 0;\n lifeCycleTimerHasWarned = true;\n }\n if (isProfiling) {\n currentFlushMeasurements.push({\n timerType: timerType,\n instanceID: debugID,\n duration: performanceNow() - currentTimerStartTime - currentTimerNestedFlushDuration\n });\n }\n currentTimerStartTime = 0;\n currentTimerNestedFlushDuration = 0;\n currentTimerDebugID = null;\n currentTimerType = null;\n}\n\nfunction pauseCurrentLifeCycleTimer() {\n var currentTimer = {\n startTime: currentTimerStartTime,\n nestedFlushStartTime: performanceNow(),\n debugID: currentTimerDebugID,\n timerType: currentTimerType\n };\n lifeCycleTimerStack.push(currentTimer);\n currentTimerStartTime = 0;\n currentTimerNestedFlushDuration = 0;\n currentTimerDebugID = null;\n currentTimerType = null;\n}\n\nfunction resumeCurrentLifeCycleTimer() {\n var _lifeCycleTimerStack$ = lifeCycleTimerStack.pop(),\n startTime = _lifeCycleTimerStack$.startTime,\n nestedFlushStartTime = _lifeCycleTimerStack$.nestedFlushStartTime,\n debugID = _lifeCycleTimerStack$.debugID,\n timerType = _lifeCycleTimerStack$.timerType;\n\n var nestedFlushDuration = performanceNow() - nestedFlushStartTime;\n currentTimerStartTime = startTime;\n currentTimerNestedFlushDuration += nestedFlushDuration;\n currentTimerDebugID = debugID;\n currentTimerType = timerType;\n}\n\nvar lastMarkTimeStamp = 0;\nvar canUsePerformanceMeasure = typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof performance.mark === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMarks === 'function' && typeof performance.measure === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMeasures === 'function';\n\nfunction shouldMark(debugID) {\n if (!isProfiling || !canUsePerformanceMeasure) {\n return false;\n }\n var element = ReactComponentTreeHook.getElement(debugID);\n if (element == null || typeof element !== 'object') {\n return false;\n }\n var isHostElement = typeof element.type === 'string';\n if (isHostElement) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction markBegin(debugID, markType) {\n if (!shouldMark(debugID)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var markName = debugID + '::' + markType;\n lastMarkTimeStamp = performanceNow();\n performance.mark(markName);\n}\n\nfunction markEnd(debugID, markType) {\n if (!shouldMark(debugID)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var markName = debugID + '::' + markType;\n var displayName = ReactComponentTreeHook.getDisplayName(debugID) || 'Unknown';\n\n // Chrome has an issue of dropping markers recorded too fast:\n //\n // To work around this, we will not report very small measurements.\n // I determined the magic number by tweaking it back and forth.\n // 0.05ms was enough to prevent the issue, but I set it to 0.1ms to be safe.\n // When the bug is fixed, we can `measure()` unconditionally if we want to.\n var timeStamp = performanceNow();\n if (timeStamp - lastMarkTimeStamp > 0.1) {\n var measurementName = displayName + ' [' + markType + ']';\n performance.measure(measurementName, markName);\n }\n\n performance.clearMarks(markName);\n performance.clearMeasures(measurementName);\n}\n\nvar ReactDebugTool = {\n addHook: function (hook) {\n hooks.push(hook);\n },\n removeHook: function (hook) {\n for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {\n if (hooks[i] === hook) {\n hooks.splice(i, 1);\n i--;\n }\n }\n },\n isProfiling: function () {\n return isProfiling;\n },\n beginProfiling: function () {\n if (isProfiling) {\n return;\n }\n\n isProfiling = true;\n flushHistory.length = 0;\n resetMeasurements();\n ReactDebugTool.addHook(ReactHostOperationHistoryHook);\n },\n endProfiling: function () {\n if (!isProfiling) {\n return;\n }\n\n isProfiling = false;\n resetMeasurements();\n ReactDebugTool.removeHook(ReactHostOperationHistoryHook);\n },\n getFlushHistory: function () {\n return flushHistory;\n },\n onBeginFlush: function () {\n currentFlushNesting++;\n resetMeasurements();\n pauseCurrentLifeCycleTimer();\n emitEvent('onBeginFlush');\n },\n onEndFlush: function () {\n resetMeasurements();\n currentFlushNesting--;\n resumeCurrentLifeCycleTimer();\n emitEvent('onEndFlush');\n },\n onBeginLifeCycleTimer: function (debugID, timerType) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n emitEvent('onBeginLifeCycleTimer', debugID, timerType);\n markBegin(debugID, timerType);\n beginLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType);\n },\n onEndLifeCycleTimer: function (debugID, timerType) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n endLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType);\n markEnd(debugID, timerType);\n emitEvent('onEndLifeCycleTimer', debugID, timerType);\n },\n onBeginProcessingChildContext: function () {\n emitEvent('onBeginProcessingChildContext');\n },\n onEndProcessingChildContext: function () {\n emitEvent('onEndProcessingChildContext');\n },\n onHostOperation: function (operation) {\n checkDebugID(operation.instanceID);\n emitEvent('onHostOperation', operation);\n },\n onSetState: function () {\n emitEvent('onSetState');\n },\n onSetChildren: function (debugID, childDebugIDs) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n childDebugIDs.forEach(checkDebugID);\n emitEvent('onSetChildren', debugID, childDebugIDs);\n },\n onBeforeMountComponent: function (debugID, element, parentDebugID) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n checkDebugID(parentDebugID, true);\n emitEvent('onBeforeMountComponent', debugID, element, parentDebugID);\n markBegin(debugID, 'mount');\n },\n onMountComponent: function (debugID) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n markEnd(debugID, 'mount');\n emitEvent('onMountComponent', debugID);\n },\n onBeforeUpdateComponent: function (debugID, element) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n emitEvent('onBeforeUpdateComponent', debugID, element);\n markBegin(debugID, 'update');\n },\n onUpdateComponent: function (debugID) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n markEnd(debugID, 'update');\n emitEvent('onUpdateComponent', debugID);\n },\n onBeforeUnmountComponent: function (debugID) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n emitEvent('onBeforeUnmountComponent', debugID);\n markBegin(debugID, 'unmount');\n },\n onUnmountComponent: function (debugID) {\n checkDebugID(debugID);\n markEnd(debugID, 'unmount');\n emitEvent('onUnmountComponent', debugID);\n },\n onTestEvent: function () {\n emitEvent('onTestEvent');\n }\n};\n\n// TODO remove these when RN/www gets updated\nReactDebugTool.addDevtool = ReactDebugTool.addHook;\nReactDebugTool.removeDevtool = ReactDebugTool.removeHook;\n\nReactDebugTool.addHook(ReactInvalidSetStateWarningHook);\nReactDebugTool.addHook(ReactComponentTreeHook);\nvar url = ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM && window.location.href || '';\nif (/[?&]react_perf\\b/.test(url)) {\n ReactDebugTool.beginProfiling();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactDebugTool;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDebugTool.js\n// module id = 164\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * @see\n */\n\nvar supportedInputTypes = {\n 'color': true,\n 'date': true,\n 'datetime': true,\n 'datetime-local': true,\n 'email': true,\n 'month': true,\n 'number': true,\n 'password': true,\n 'range': true,\n 'search': true,\n 'tel': true,\n 'text': true,\n 'time': true,\n 'url': true,\n 'week': true\n};\n\nfunction isTextInputElement(elem) {\n var nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (nodeName === 'input') {\n return !!supportedInputTypes[elem.type];\n }\n\n if (nodeName === 'textarea') {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isTextInputElement;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/isTextInputElement.js\n// module id = 165\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ViewportMetrics = {\n\n currentScrollLeft: 0,\n\n currentScrollTop: 0,\n\n refreshScrollValues: function (scrollPosition) {\n ViewportMetrics.currentScrollLeft = scrollPosition.x;\n ViewportMetrics.currentScrollTop = scrollPosition.y;\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ViewportMetrics;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ViewportMetrics.js\n// module id = 166\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\nvar escapeTextContentForBrowser = require('./escapeTextContentForBrowser');\nvar setInnerHTML = require('./setInnerHTML');\n\n/**\n * Set the textContent property of a node, ensuring that whitespace is preserved\n * even in IE8. innerText is a poor substitute for textContent and, among many\n * issues, inserts <br> instead of the literal newline chars. innerHTML behaves\n * as it should.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} text\n * @internal\n */\nvar setTextContent = function (node, text) {\n if (text) {\n var firstChild = node.firstChild;\n\n if (firstChild && firstChild === node.lastChild && firstChild.nodeType === 3) {\n firstChild.nodeValue = text;\n return;\n }\n }\n node.textContent = text;\n};\n\nif (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n if (!('textContent' in document.documentElement)) {\n setTextContent = function (node, text) {\n if (node.nodeType === 3) {\n node.nodeValue = text;\n return;\n }\n setInnerHTML(node, escapeTextContentForBrowser(text));\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = setTextContent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/setTextContent.js\n// module id = 167\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * @param {DOMElement} node input/textarea to focus\n */\n\nfunction focusNode(node) {\n // IE8 can throw \"Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible,\n // not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus.\" for all kinds of\n // reasons that are too expensive and fragile to test.\n try {\n node.focus();\n } catch (e) {}\n}\n\nmodule.exports = focusNode;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/fbjs/lib/focusNode.js\n// module id = 168\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * CSS properties which accept numbers but are not in units of \"px\".\n */\n\nvar isUnitlessNumber = {\n animationIterationCount: true,\n borderImageOutset: true,\n borderImageSlice: true,\n borderImageWidth: true,\n boxFlex: true,\n boxFlexGroup: true,\n boxOrdinalGroup: true,\n columnCount: true,\n flex: true,\n flexGrow: true,\n flexPositive: true,\n flexShrink: true,\n flexNegative: true,\n flexOrder: true,\n gridRow: true,\n gridColumn: true,\n fontWeight: true,\n lineClamp: true,\n lineHeight: true,\n opacity: true,\n order: true,\n orphans: true,\n tabSize: true,\n widows: true,\n zIndex: true,\n zoom: true,\n\n // SVG-related properties\n fillOpacity: true,\n floodOpacity: true,\n stopOpacity: true,\n strokeDasharray: true,\n strokeDashoffset: true,\n strokeMiterlimit: true,\n strokeOpacity: true,\n strokeWidth: true\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {string} prefix vendor-specific prefix, eg: Webkit\n * @param {string} key style name, eg: transitionDuration\n * @return {string} style name prefixed with `prefix`, properly camelCased, eg:\n * WebkitTransitionDuration\n */\nfunction prefixKey(prefix, key) {\n return prefix + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1);\n}\n\n/**\n * Support style names that may come passed in prefixed by adding permutations\n * of vendor prefixes.\n */\nvar prefixes = ['Webkit', 'ms', 'Moz', 'O'];\n\n// Using Object.keys here, or else the vanilla for-in loop makes IE8 go into an\n// infinite loop, because it iterates over the newly added props too.\nObject.keys(isUnitlessNumber).forEach(function (prop) {\n prefixes.forEach(function (prefix) {\n isUnitlessNumber[prefixKey(prefix, prop)] = isUnitlessNumber[prop];\n });\n});\n\n/**\n * Most style properties can be unset by doing .style[prop] = '' but IE8\n * doesn't like doing that with shorthand properties so for the properties that\n * IE8 breaks on, which are listed here, we instead unset each of the\n * individual properties. See\n * The 4-value 'clock' properties like margin, padding, border-width seem to\n * behave without any problems. Curiously, list-style works too without any\n * special prodding.\n */\nvar shorthandPropertyExpansions = {\n background: {\n backgroundAttachment: true,\n backgroundColor: true,\n backgroundImage: true,\n backgroundPositionX: true,\n backgroundPositionY: true,\n backgroundRepeat: true\n },\n backgroundPosition: {\n backgroundPositionX: true,\n backgroundPositionY: true\n },\n border: {\n borderWidth: true,\n borderStyle: true,\n borderColor: true\n },\n borderBottom: {\n borderBottomWidth: true,\n borderBottomStyle: true,\n borderBottomColor: true\n },\n borderLeft: {\n borderLeftWidth: true,\n borderLeftStyle: true,\n borderLeftColor: true\n },\n borderRight: {\n borderRightWidth: true,\n borderRightStyle: true,\n borderRightColor: true\n },\n borderTop: {\n borderTopWidth: true,\n borderTopStyle: true,\n borderTopColor: true\n },\n font: {\n fontStyle: true,\n fontVariant: true,\n fontWeight: true,\n fontSize: true,\n lineHeight: true,\n fontFamily: true\n },\n outline: {\n outlineWidth: true,\n outlineStyle: true,\n outlineColor: true\n }\n};\n\nvar CSSProperty = {\n isUnitlessNumber: isUnitlessNumber,\n shorthandPropertyExpansions: shorthandPropertyExpansions\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CSSProperty;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/CSSProperty.js\n// module id = 169\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar DOMProperty = require('./DOMProperty');\nvar ReactDOMComponentTree = require('./ReactDOMComponentTree');\nvar ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\n\nvar quoteAttributeValueForBrowser = require('./quoteAttributeValueForBrowser');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX = new RegExp('^[' + DOMProperty.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + '][' + DOMProperty.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\nvar illegalAttributeNameCache = {};\nvar validatedAttributeNameCache = {};\n\nfunction isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) {\n if (validatedAttributeNameCache.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (illegalAttributeNameCache.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName)) {\n validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true;\n return true;\n }\n illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Invalid attribute name: `%s`', attributeName) : void 0;\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction shouldIgnoreValue(propertyInfo, value) {\n return value == null || propertyInfo.hasBooleanValue && !value || propertyInfo.hasNumericValue && isNaN(value) || propertyInfo.hasPositiveNumericValue && value < 1 || propertyInfo.hasOverloadedBooleanValue && value === false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Operations for dealing with DOM properties.\n */\nvar DOMPropertyOperations = {\n\n /**\n * Creates markup for the ID property.\n *\n * @param {string} id Unescaped ID.\n * @return {string} Markup string.\n */\n createMarkupForID: function (id) {\n return DOMProperty.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + '=' + quoteAttributeValueForBrowser(id);\n },\n\n setAttributeForID: function (node, id) {\n node.setAttribute(DOMProperty.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, id);\n },\n\n createMarkupForRoot: function () {\n return DOMProperty.ROOT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + '=\"\"';\n },\n\n setAttributeForRoot: function (node) {\n node.setAttribute(DOMProperty.ROOT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, '');\n },\n\n /**\n * Creates markup for a property.\n *\n * @param {string} name\n * @param {*} value\n * @return {?string} Markup string, or null if the property was invalid.\n */\n createMarkupForProperty: function (name, value) {\n var propertyInfo = ?[name] : null;\n if (propertyInfo) {\n if (shouldIgnoreValue(propertyInfo, value)) {\n return '';\n }\n var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName;\n if (propertyInfo.hasBooleanValue || propertyInfo.hasOverloadedBooleanValue && value === true) {\n return attributeName + '=\"\"';\n }\n return attributeName + '=' + quoteAttributeValueForBrowser(value);\n } else if (DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(name)) {\n if (value == null) {\n return '';\n }\n return name + '=' + quoteAttributeValueForBrowser(value);\n }\n return null;\n },\n\n /**\n * Creates markup for a custom property.\n *\n * @param {string} name\n * @param {*} value\n * @return {string} Markup string, or empty string if the property was invalid.\n */\n createMarkupForCustomAttribute: function (name, value) {\n if (!isAttributeNameSafe(name) || value == null) {\n return '';\n }\n return name + '=' + quoteAttributeValueForBrowser(value);\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the value for a property on a node.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} name\n * @param {*} value\n */\n setValueForProperty: function (node, name, value) {\n var propertyInfo = ?[name] : null;\n if (propertyInfo) {\n var mutationMethod = propertyInfo.mutationMethod;\n if (mutationMethod) {\n mutationMethod(node, value);\n } else if (shouldIgnoreValue(propertyInfo, value)) {\n this.deleteValueForProperty(node, name);\n return;\n } else if (propertyInfo.mustUseProperty) {\n // Contrary to `setAttribute`, object properties are properly\n // `toString`ed by IE8/9.\n node[propertyInfo.propertyName] = value;\n } else {\n var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName;\n var namespace = propertyInfo.attributeNamespace;\n // `setAttribute` with objects becomes only `[object]` in IE8/9,\n // ('' + value) makes it output the correct toString()-value.\n if (namespace) {\n node.setAttributeNS(namespace, attributeName, '' + value);\n } else if (propertyInfo.hasBooleanValue || propertyInfo.hasOverloadedBooleanValue && value === true) {\n node.setAttribute(attributeName, '');\n } else {\n node.setAttribute(attributeName, '' + value);\n }\n }\n } else if (DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(name)) {\n DOMPropertyOperations.setValueForAttribute(node, name, value);\n return;\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var payload = {};\n payload[name] = value;\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(node)._debugID,\n type: 'update attribute',\n payload: payload\n });\n }\n },\n\n setValueForAttribute: function (node, name, value) {\n if (!isAttributeNameSafe(name)) {\n return;\n }\n if (value == null) {\n node.removeAttribute(name);\n } else {\n node.setAttribute(name, '' + value);\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var payload = {};\n payload[name] = value;\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(node)._debugID,\n type: 'update attribute',\n payload: payload\n });\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Deletes an attributes from a node.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} name\n */\n deleteValueForAttribute: function (node, name) {\n node.removeAttribute(name);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(node)._debugID,\n type: 'remove attribute',\n payload: name\n });\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Deletes the value for a property on a node.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} name\n */\n deleteValueForProperty: function (node, name) {\n var propertyInfo = ?[name] : null;\n if (propertyInfo) {\n var mutationMethod = propertyInfo.mutationMethod;\n if (mutationMethod) {\n mutationMethod(node, undefined);\n } else if (propertyInfo.mustUseProperty) {\n var propName = propertyInfo.propertyName;\n if (propertyInfo.hasBooleanValue) {\n node[propName] = false;\n } else {\n node[propName] = '';\n }\n } else {\n node.removeAttribute(propertyInfo.attributeName);\n }\n } else if (DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(name)) {\n node.removeAttribute(name);\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onHostOperation({\n instanceID: ReactDOMComponentTree.getInstanceFromNode(node)._debugID,\n type: 'remove attribute',\n payload: name\n });\n }\n }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DOMPropertyOperations;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/DOMPropertyOperations.js\n// module id = 170\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require('fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment');\n\n/**\n * Generate a mapping of standard vendor prefixes using the defined style property and event name.\n *\n * @param {string} styleProp\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @returns {object}\n */\nfunction makePrefixMap(styleProp, eventName) {\n var prefixes = {};\n\n prefixes[styleProp.toLowerCase()] = eventName.toLowerCase();\n prefixes['Webkit' + styleProp] = 'webkit' + eventName;\n prefixes['Moz' + styleProp] = 'moz' + eventName;\n prefixes['ms' + styleProp] = 'MS' + eventName;\n prefixes['O' + styleProp] = 'o' + eventName.toLowerCase();\n\n return prefixes;\n}\n\n/**\n * A list of event names to a configurable list of vendor prefixes.\n */\nvar vendorPrefixes = {\n animationend: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationEnd'),\n animationiteration: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationIteration'),\n animationstart: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationStart'),\n transitionend: makePrefixMap('Transition', 'TransitionEnd')\n};\n\n/**\n * Event names that have already been detected and prefixed (if applicable).\n */\nvar prefixedEventNames = {};\n\n/**\n * Element to check for prefixes on.\n */\nvar style = {};\n\n/**\n * Bootstrap if a DOM exists.\n */\nif (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n style = document.createElement('div').style;\n\n // On some platforms, in particular some releases of Android 4.x,\n // the un-prefixed \"animation\" and \"transition\" properties are defined on the\n // style object but the events that fire will still be prefixed, so we need\n // to check if the un-prefixed events are usable, and if not remove them from the map.\n if (!('AnimationEvent' in window)) {\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationend.animation;\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationiteration.animation;\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationstart.animation;\n }\n\n // Same as above\n if (!('TransitionEvent' in window)) {\n delete vendorPrefixes.transitionend.transition;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Attempts to determine the correct vendor prefixed event name.\n *\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction getVendorPrefixedEventName(eventName) {\n if (prefixedEventNames[eventName]) {\n return prefixedEventNames[eventName];\n } else if (!vendorPrefixes[eventName]) {\n return eventName;\n }\n\n var prefixMap = vendorPrefixes[eventName];\n\n for (var styleProp in prefixMap) {\n if (prefixMap.hasOwnProperty(styleProp) && styleProp in style) {\n return prefixedEventNames[eventName] = prefixMap[styleProp];\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getVendorPrefixedEventName;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/getVendorPrefixedEventName.js\n// module id = 171\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n * \n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactPropTypesSecret.js\n// module id = 172\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar LinkedValueUtils = require('./LinkedValueUtils');\nvar ReactDOMComponentTree = require('./ReactDOMComponentTree');\nvar ReactUpdates = require('./ReactUpdates');\n\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar didWarnValueLink = false;\nvar didWarnValueDefaultValue = false;\n\nfunction updateOptionsIfPendingUpdateAndMounted() {\n if (this._rootNodeID && this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate) {\n this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate = false;\n\n var props = this._currentElement.props;\n var value = LinkedValueUtils.getValue(props);\n\n if (value != null) {\n updateOptions(this, Boolean(props.multiple), value);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner) {\n if (owner) {\n var name = owner.getName();\n if (name) {\n return ' Check the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n return '';\n}\n\nvar valuePropNames = ['value', 'defaultValue'];\n\n/**\n * Validation function for `value` and `defaultValue`.\n * @private\n */\nfunction checkSelectPropTypes(inst, props) {\n var owner = inst._currentElement._owner;\n LinkedValueUtils.checkPropTypes('select', props, owner);\n\n if (props.valueLink !== undefined && !didWarnValueLink) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '`valueLink` prop on `select` is deprecated; set `value` and `onChange` instead.') : void 0;\n didWarnValueLink = true;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < valuePropNames.length; i++) {\n var propName = valuePropNames[i];\n if (props[propName] == null) {\n continue;\n }\n var isArray = Array.isArray(props[propName]);\n if (props.multiple && !isArray) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be an array if ' + '`multiple` is true.%s', propName, getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner)) : void 0;\n } else if (!props.multiple && isArray) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be a scalar ' + 'value if `multiple` is false.%s', propName, getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner)) : void 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {ReactDOMComponent} inst\n * @param {boolean} multiple\n * @param {*} propValue A stringable (with `multiple`, a list of stringables).\n * @private\n */\nfunction updateOptions(inst, multiple, propValue) {\n var selectedValue, i;\n var options = ReactDOMComponentTree.getNodeFromInstance(inst).options;\n\n if (multiple) {\n selectedValue = {};\n for (i = 0; i < propValue.length; i++) {\n selectedValue['' + propValue[i]] = true;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n var selected = selectedValue.hasOwnProperty(options[i].value);\n if (options[i].selected !== selected) {\n options[i].selected = selected;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Do not set `select.value` as exact behavior isn't consistent across all\n // browsers for all cases.\n selectedValue = '' + propValue;\n for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n if (options[i].value === selectedValue) {\n options[i].selected = true;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (options.length) {\n options[0].selected = true;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Implements a <select> host component that allows optionally setting the\n * props `value` and `defaultValue`. If `multiple` is false, the prop must be a\n * stringable. If `multiple` is true, the prop must be an array of stringables.\n *\n * If `value` is not supplied (or null/undefined), user actions that change the\n * selected option will trigger updates to the rendered options.\n *\n * If it is supplied (and not null/undefined), the rendered options will not\n * update in response to user actions. Instead, the `value` prop must change in\n * order for the rendered options to update.\n *\n * If `defaultValue` is provided, any options with the supplied values will be\n * selected.\n */\nvar ReactDOMSelect = {\n getHostProps: function (inst, props) {\n return _assign({}, props, {\n onChange: inst._wrapperState.onChange,\n value: undefined\n });\n },\n\n mountWrapper: function (inst, props) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n checkSelectPropTypes(inst, props);\n }\n\n var value = LinkedValueUtils.getValue(props);\n inst._wrapperState = {\n pendingUpdate: false,\n initialValue: value != null ? value : props.defaultValue,\n listeners: null,\n onChange: _handleChange.bind(inst),\n wasMultiple: Boolean(props.multiple)\n };\n\n if (props.value !== undefined && props.defaultValue !== undefined && !didWarnValueDefaultValue) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'Select elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled ' + '(specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not ' + 'both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled select ' + 'element and remove one of these props. More info: ' + '') : void 0;\n didWarnValueDefaultValue = true;\n }\n },\n\n getSelectValueContext: function (inst) {\n // ReactDOMOption looks at this initial value so the initial generated\n // markup has correct `selected` attributes\n return inst._wrapperState.initialValue;\n },\n\n postUpdateWrapper: function (inst) {\n var props = inst._currentElement.props;\n\n // After the initial mount, we control selected-ness manually so don't pass\n // this value down\n inst._wrapperState.initialValue = undefined;\n\n var wasMultiple = inst._wrapperState.wasMultiple;\n inst._wrapperState.wasMultiple = Boolean(props.multiple);\n\n var value = LinkedValueUtils.getValue(props);\n if (value != null) {\n inst._wrapperState.pendingUpdate = false;\n updateOptions(inst, Boolean(props.multiple), value);\n } else if (wasMultiple !== Boolean(props.multiple)) {\n // For simplicity, reapply `defaultValue` if `multiple` is toggled.\n if (props.defaultValue != null) {\n updateOptions(inst, Boolean(props.multiple), props.defaultValue);\n } else {\n // Revert the select back to its default unselected state.\n updateOptions(inst, Boolean(props.multiple), props.multiple ? [] : '');\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nfunction _handleChange(event) {\n var props = this._currentElement.props;\n var returnValue = LinkedValueUtils.executeOnChange(props, event);\n\n if (this._rootNodeID) {\n this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate = true;\n }\n ReactUpdates.asap(updateOptionsIfPendingUpdateAndMounted, this);\n return returnValue;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ReactDOMSelect;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDOMSelect.js\n// module id = 173\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant'),\n _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar ReactCompositeComponent = require('./ReactCompositeComponent');\nvar ReactEmptyComponent = require('./ReactEmptyComponent');\nvar ReactHostComponent = require('./ReactHostComponent');\n\nvar getNextDebugID = require('react/lib/getNextDebugID');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\n// To avoid a cyclic dependency, we create the final class in this module\nvar ReactCompositeComponentWrapper = function (element) {\n this.construct(element);\n};\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum(owner) {\n if (owner) {\n var name = owner.getName();\n if (name) {\n return ' Check the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the type reference is a known internal type. I.e. not a user\n * provided composite type.\n *\n * @param {function} type\n * @return {boolean} Returns true if this is a valid internal type.\n */\nfunction isInternalComponentType(type) {\n return typeof type === 'function' && typeof type.prototype !== 'undefined' && typeof type.prototype.mountComponent === 'function' && typeof type.prototype.receiveComponent === 'function';\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a ReactNode, create an instance that will actually be mounted.\n *\n * @param {ReactNode} node\n * @param {boolean} shouldHaveDebugID\n * @return {object} A new instance of the element's constructor.\n * @protected\n */\nfunction instantiateReactComponent(node, shouldHaveDebugID) {\n var instance;\n\n if (node === null || node === false) {\n instance = ReactEmptyComponent.create(instantiateReactComponent);\n } else if (typeof node === 'object') {\n var element = node;\n var type = element.type;\n if (typeof type !== 'function' && typeof type !== 'string') {\n var info = '';\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + 'it\\'s defined in.';\n }\n }\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum(element._owner);\n !false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s', type == null ? type : typeof type, info) : _prodInvariant('130', type == null ? type : typeof type, info) : void 0;\n }\n\n // Special case string values\n if (typeof element.type === 'string') {\n instance = ReactHostComponent.createInternalComponent(element);\n } else if (isInternalComponentType(element.type)) {\n // This is temporarily available for custom components that are not string\n // representations. I.e. ART. Once those are updated to use the string\n // representation, we can drop this code path.\n instance = new element.type(element);\n\n // We renamed this. Allow the old name for compat. :(\n if (!instance.getHostNode) {\n instance.getHostNode = instance.getNativeNode;\n }\n } else {\n instance = new ReactCompositeComponentWrapper(element);\n }\n } else if (typeof node === 'string' || typeof node === 'number') {\n instance = ReactHostComponent.createInstanceForText(node);\n } else {\n !false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Encountered invalid React node of type %s', typeof node) : _prodInvariant('131', typeof node) : void 0;\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(typeof instance.mountComponent === 'function' && typeof instance.receiveComponent === 'function' && typeof instance.getHostNode === 'function' && typeof instance.unmountComponent === 'function', 'Only React Components can be mounted.') : void 0;\n }\n\n // These two fields are used by the DOM and ART diffing algorithms\n // respectively. Instead of using expandos on components, we should be\n // storing the state needed by the diffing algorithms elsewhere.\n instance._mountIndex = 0;\n instance._mountImage = null;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n instance._debugID = shouldHaveDebugID ? getNextDebugID() : 0;\n }\n\n // Internal instances should fully constructed at this point, so they should\n // not get any new fields added to them at this point.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (Object.preventExtensions) {\n Object.preventExtensions(instance);\n }\n }\n\n return instance;\n}\n\n_assign(ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.prototype, ReactCompositeComponent, {\n _instantiateReactComponent: instantiateReactComponent\n});\n\nmodule.exports = instantiateReactComponent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/react-dom/lib/instantiateReactComponent.js\n// module id = 174\n// module chunks = 0","/**\n * Copyright 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _prodInvariant = require('./reactProdInvariant'),\n _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar React = require('react/lib/React');\nvar ReactComponentEnvironment = require('./ReactComponentEnvironment');\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = require('react/lib/ReactCurrentOwner');\nvar ReactErrorUtils = require('./ReactErrorUtils');\nvar ReactInstanceMap = require('./ReactInstanceMap');\nvar ReactInstrumentation = require('./ReactInstrumentation');\nvar ReactNodeTypes = require('./ReactNodeTypes');\nvar ReactReconciler = require('./ReactReconciler');\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var checkReactTypeSpec = require('./checkReactTypeSpec');\n}\n\nvar emptyObject = require('fbjs/lib/emptyObject');\nvar invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\nvar shallowEqual = require('fbjs/lib/shallowEqual');\nvar shouldUpdateReactComponent = require('./shouldUpdateReactComponent');\nvar warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nvar CompositeTypes = {\n ImpureClass: 0,\n PureClass: 1,\n StatelessFunctional: 2\n};\n\nfunction StatelessComponent(Component) {}\nStatelessComponent.prototype.render = function () {\n var Component = ReactInstanceMap.get(this)._currentElement.type;\n var element = Component(this.props, this.context, this.updater);\n warnIfInvalidElement(Component, element);\n return element;\n};\n\nfunction warnIfInvalidElement(Component, element) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(element === null || element === false || React.isValidElement(element), '%s(...): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have ' + 'returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.', Component.displayName || || 'Component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!Component.childContextTypes, '%s(...): childContextTypes cannot be defined on a functional component.', Component.displayName || || 'Component') : void 0;\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n return !!(Component.prototype && Component.prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction isPureComponent(Component) {\n return !!(Component.prototype && Component.prototype.isPureReactComponent);\n}\n\n// Separated into a function to contain deoptimizations caused by try/finally.\nfunction measureLifeCyclePerf(fn, debugID, timerType) {\n if (debugID === 0) {\n // Top-level wrappers (see ReactMount) and empty components (see\n // ReactDOMEmptyComponent) are invisible to hooks and devtools.\n // Both are implementation details that should go away in the future.\n return fn();\n }\n\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeginLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType);\n try {\n return fn();\n } finally {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onEndLifeCycleTimer(debugID, timerType);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * ------------------ The Life-Cycle of a Composite Component ------------------\n *\n * - constructor: Initialization of state. The instance is now retained.\n * - componentWillMount\n * - render\n * - [children's constructors]\n * - [children's componentWillMount and render]\n * - [children's componentDidMount]\n * - componentDidMount\n *\n * Update Phases:\n * - componentWillReceiveProps (only called if parent updated)\n * - shouldComponentUpdate\n * - componentWillUpdate\n * - render\n * - [children's constructors or receive props phases]\n * - componentDidUpdate\n *\n * - componentWillUnmount\n * - [children's componentWillUnmount]\n * - [children destroyed]\n * - (destroyed): The instance is now blank, released by React and ready for GC.\n *\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n/**\n * An incrementing ID assigned to each component when it is mounted. This is\n * used to enforce the order in which `ReactUpdates` updates dirty components.\n *\n * @private\n */\nvar nextMountID = 1;\n\n/**\n * @lends {ReactCompositeComponent.prototype}\n */\nvar ReactCompositeComponent = {\n\n /**\n * Base constructor for all composite component.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n * @final\n * @internal\n */\n construct: function (element) {\n this._currentElement = element;\n this._rootNodeID = 0;\n this._compositeType = null;\n this._instance = null;\n this._hostParent = null;\n this._hostContainerInfo = null;\n\n // See ReactUpdateQueue\n this._updateBatchNumber = null;\n this._pendingElement = null;\n this._pendingStateQueue = null;\n this._pendingReplaceState = false;\n this._pendingForceUpdate = false;\n\n this._renderedNodeType = null;\n this._renderedComponent = null;\n this._context = null;\n this._mountOrder = 0;\n this._topLevelWrapper = null;\n\n // See ReactUpdates and ReactUpdateQueue.\n this._pendingCallbacks = null;\n\n // ComponentWillUnmount shall only be called once\n this._calledComponentWillUnmount = false;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n this._warnedAboutRefsInRender = false;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Initializes the component, renders markup, and registers event listeners.\n *\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction\n * @param {?object} hostParent\n * @param {?object} hostContainerInfo\n * @param {?object} context\n * @return {?string} Rendered markup to be inserted into the DOM.\n * @final\n * @internal\n */\n mountComponent: function (transaction, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, context) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this._context = context;\n this._mountOrder = nextMountID++;\n this._hostParent = hostParent;\n this._hostContainerInfo = hostContainerInfo;\n\n var publicProps = this._currentElement.props;\n var publicContext = this._processContext(context);\n\n var Component = this._currentElement.type;\n\n var updateQueue = transaction.getUpdateQueue();\n\n // Initialize the public class\n var doConstruct = shouldConstruct(Component);\n var inst = this._constructComponent(doConstruct, publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n var renderedElement;\n\n // Support functional components\n if (!doConstruct && (inst == null || inst.render == null)) {\n renderedElement = inst;\n warnIfInvalidElement(Component, renderedElement);\n !(inst === null || inst === false || React.isValidElement(inst)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s(...): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.', Component.displayName || || 'Component') : _prodInvariant('105', Component.displayName || || 'Component') : void 0;\n inst = new StatelessComponent(Component);\n this._compositeType = CompositeTypes.StatelessFunctional;\n } else {\n if (isPureComponent(Component)) {\n this._compositeType = CompositeTypes.PureClass;\n } else {\n this._compositeType = CompositeTypes.ImpureClass;\n }\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // This will throw later in _renderValidatedComponent, but add an early\n // warning now to help debugging\n if (inst.render == null) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, '%s(...): No `render` method found on the returned component ' + 'instance: you may have forgotten to define `render`.', Component.displayName || || 'Component') : void 0;\n }\n\n var propsMutated = inst.props !== publicProps;\n var componentName = Component.displayName || || 'Component';\n\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(inst.props === undefined || !propsMutated, '%s(...): When calling super() in `%s`, make sure to pass ' + 'up the same props that your component\\'s constructor was passed.', componentName, componentName) : void 0;\n }\n\n // These should be set up in the constructor, but as a convenience for\n // simpler class abstractions, we set them up after the fact.\n inst.props = publicProps;\n inst.context = publicContext;\n inst.refs = emptyObject;\n inst.updater = updateQueue;\n\n this._instance = inst;\n\n // Store a reference from the instance back to the internal representation\n ReactInstanceMap.set(inst, this);\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // Since plain JS classes are defined without any special initialization\n // logic, we can not catch common errors early. Therefore, we have to\n // catch them here, at initialization time, instead.\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!inst.getInitialState || inst.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved || inst.state, 'getInitialState was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. ' + 'This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. ' + 'Did you mean to define a state property instead?', this.getName() || 'a component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!inst.getDefaultProps || inst.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved, 'getDefaultProps was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. ' + 'This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. ' + 'Use a static property to define defaultProps instead.', this.getName() || 'a component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!inst.propTypes, 'propTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static ' + 'property to define propTypes instead.', this.getName() || 'a component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(!inst.contextTypes, 'contextTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a ' + 'static property to define contextTypes instead.', this.getName() || 'a component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(typeof inst.componentShouldUpdate !== 'function', '%s has a method called ' + 'componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? ' + 'The name is phrased as a question because the function is ' + 'expected to return a value.', this.getName() || 'A component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(typeof inst.componentDidUnmount !== 'function', '%s has a method called ' + 'componentDidUnmount(). But there is no such lifecycle method. ' + 'Did you mean componentWillUnmount()?', this.getName() || 'A component') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(typeof inst.componentWillRecieveProps !== 'function', '%s has a method called ' + 'componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?', this.getName() || 'A component') : void 0;\n }\n\n var initialState = inst.state;\n if (initialState === undefined) {\n inst.state = initialState = null;\n }\n !(typeof initialState === 'object' && !Array.isArray(initialState)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s.state: must be set to an object or null', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : _prodInvariant('106', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : void 0;\n\n this._pendingStateQueue = null;\n this._pendingReplaceState = false;\n this._pendingForceUpdate = false;\n\n var markup;\n if (inst.unstable_handleError) {\n markup = this.performInitialMountWithErrorHandling(renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context);\n } else {\n markup = this.performInitialMount(renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context);\n }\n\n if (inst.componentDidMount) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(function () {\n measureLifeCyclePerf(function () {\n return inst.componentDidMount();\n }, _this._debugID, 'componentDidMount');\n });\n } else {\n transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(inst.componentDidMount, inst);\n }\n }\n\n return markup;\n },\n\n _constructComponent: function (doConstruct, publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactCurrentOwner.current = this;\n try {\n return this._constructComponentWithoutOwner(doConstruct, publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentOwner.current = null;\n }\n } else {\n return this._constructComponentWithoutOwner(doConstruct, publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n }\n },\n\n _constructComponentWithoutOwner: function (doConstruct, publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue) {\n var Component = this._currentElement.type;\n\n if (doConstruct) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n return measureLifeCyclePerf(function () {\n return new Component(publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n }, this._debugID, 'ctor');\n } else {\n return new Component(publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n }\n }\n\n // This can still be an instance in case of factory components\n // but we'll count this as time spent rendering as the more common case.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n return measureLifeCyclePerf(function () {\n return Component(publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n }, this._debugID, 'render');\n } else {\n return Component(publicProps, publicContext, updateQueue);\n }\n },\n\n performInitialMountWithErrorHandling: function (renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context) {\n var markup;\n var checkpoint = transaction.checkpoint();\n try {\n markup = this.performInitialMount(renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context);\n } catch (e) {\n // Roll back to checkpoint, handle error (which may add items to the transaction), and take a new checkpoint\n transaction.rollback(checkpoint);\n this._instance.unstable_handleError(e);\n if (this._pendingStateQueue) {\n this._instance.state = this._processPendingState(this._instance.props, this._instance.context);\n }\n checkpoint = transaction.checkpoint();\n\n this._renderedComponent.unmountComponent(true);\n transaction.rollback(checkpoint);\n\n // Try again - we've informed the component about the error, so they can render an error message this time.\n // If this throws again, the error will bubble up (and can be caught by a higher error boundary).\n markup = this.performInitialMount(renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context);\n }\n return markup;\n },\n\n performInitialMount: function (renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context) {\n var inst = this._instance;\n\n var debugID = 0;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n debugID = this._debugID;\n }\n\n if (inst.componentWillMount) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n measureLifeCyclePerf(function () {\n return inst.componentWillMount();\n }, debugID, 'componentWillMount');\n } else {\n inst.componentWillMount();\n }\n // When mounting, calls to `setState` by `componentWillMount` will set\n // `this._pendingStateQueue` without triggering a re-render.\n if (this._pendingStateQueue) {\n inst.state = this._processPendingState(inst.props, inst.context);\n }\n }\n\n // If not a stateless component, we now render\n if (renderedElement === undefined) {\n renderedElement = this._renderValidatedComponent();\n }\n\n var nodeType = ReactNodeTypes.getType(renderedElement);\n this._renderedNodeType = nodeType;\n var child = this._instantiateReactComponent(renderedElement, nodeType !== ReactNodeTypes.EMPTY /* shouldHaveDebugID */\n );\n this._renderedComponent = child;\n\n var markup = ReactReconciler.mountComponent(child, transaction, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, this._processChildContext(context), debugID);\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (debugID !== 0) {\n var childDebugIDs = child._debugID !== 0 ? [child._debugID] : [];\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onSetChildren(debugID, childDebugIDs);\n }\n }\n\n return markup;\n },\n\n getHostNode: function () {\n return ReactReconciler.getHostNode(this._renderedComponent);\n },\n\n /**\n * Releases any resources allocated by `mountComponent`.\n *\n * @final\n * @internal\n */\n unmountComponent: function (safely) {\n if (!this._renderedComponent) {\n return;\n }\n\n var inst = this._instance;\n\n if (inst.componentWillUnmount && !inst._calledComponentWillUnmount) {\n inst._calledComponentWillUnmount = true;\n\n if (safely) {\n var name = this.getName() + '.componentWillUnmount()';\n ReactErrorUtils.invokeGuardedCallback(name, inst.componentWillUnmount.bind(inst));\n } else {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n measureLifeCyclePerf(function () {\n return inst.componentWillUnmount();\n }, this._debugID, 'componentWillUnmount');\n } else {\n inst.componentWillUnmount();\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (this._renderedComponent) {\n ReactReconciler.unmountComponent(this._renderedComponent, safely);\n this._renderedNodeType = null;\n this._renderedComponent = null;\n this._instance = null;\n }\n\n // Reset pending fields\n // Even if this component is scheduled for another update in ReactUpdates,\n // it would still be ignored because these fields are reset.\n this._pendingStateQueue = null;\n this._pendingReplaceState = false;\n this._pendingForceUpdate = false;\n this._pendingCallbacks = null;\n this._pendingElement = null;\n\n // These fields do not really need to be reset since this object is no\n // longer accessible.\n this._context = null;\n this._rootNodeID = 0;\n this._topLevelWrapper = null;\n\n // Delete the reference from the instance to this internal representation\n // which allow the internals to be properly cleaned up even if the user\n // leaks a reference to the public instance.\n ReactInstanceMap.remove(inst);\n\n // Some existing components rely on inst.props even after they've been\n // destroyed (in event handlers).\n // TODO: inst.props = null;\n // TODO: inst.state = null;\n // TODO: inst.context = null;\n },\n\n /**\n * Filters the context object to only contain keys specified in\n * `contextTypes`\n *\n * @param {object} context\n * @return {?object}\n * @private\n */\n _maskContext: function (context) {\n var Component = this._currentElement.type;\n var contextTypes = Component.contextTypes;\n if (!contextTypes) {\n return emptyObject;\n }\n var maskedContext = {};\n for (var contextName in contextTypes) {\n maskedContext[contextName] = context[contextName];\n }\n return maskedContext;\n },\n\n /**\n * Filters the context object to only contain keys specified in\n * `contextTypes`, and asserts that they are valid.\n *\n * @param {object} context\n * @return {?object}\n * @private\n */\n _processContext: function (context) {\n var maskedContext = this._maskContext(context);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var Component = this._currentElement.type;\n if (Component.contextTypes) {\n this._checkContextTypes(Component.contextTypes, maskedContext, 'context');\n }\n }\n return maskedContext;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} currentContext\n * @return {object}\n * @private\n */\n _processChildContext: function (currentContext) {\n var Component = this._currentElement.type;\n var inst = this._instance;\n var childContext;\n\n if (inst.getChildContext) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onBeginProcessingChildContext();\n try {\n childContext = inst.getChildContext();\n } finally {\n ReactInstrumentation.debugTool.onEndProcessingChildContext();\n }\n } else {\n childContext = inst.getChildContext();\n }\n }\n\n if (childContext) {\n !(typeof Component.childContextTypes === 'object') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s.getChildContext(): childContextTypes must be defined in order to use getChildContext().', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : _prodInvariant('107', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : void 0;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n this._checkContextTypes(Component.childContextTypes, childContext, 'child context');\n }\n for (var name in childContext) {\n !(name in Component.childContextTypes) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s.getChildContext(): key \"%s\" is not defined in childContextTypes.', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent', name) : _prodInvariant('108', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent', name) : void 0;\n }\n return _assign({}, currentContext, childContext);\n }\n return currentContext;\n },\n\n /**\n * Assert that the context types are valid\n *\n * @param {object} typeSpecs Map of context field to a ReactPropType\n * @param {object} values Runtime values that need to be type-checked\n * @param {string} location e.g. \"prop\", \"context\", \"child context\"\n * @private\n */\n _checkContextTypes: function (typeSpecs, values, location) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n checkReactTypeSpec(typeSpecs, values, location, this.getName(), null, this._debugID);\n }\n },\n\n receiveComponent: function (nextElement, transaction, nextContext) {\n var prevElement = this._currentElement;\n var prevContext = this._context;\n\n this._pendingElement = null;\n\n this.updateComponent(transaction, prevElement, nextElement, prevContext, nextContext);\n },\n\n /**\n * If any of `_pendingElement`, `_pendingStateQueue`, or `_pendingForceUpdate`\n * is set, update the component.\n *\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @internal\n */\n performUpdateIfNecessary: function (transaction) {\n if (this._pendingElement != null) {\n ReactReconciler.receiveComponent(this, this._pendingElement, transaction, this._context);\n } else if (this._pendingStateQueue !== null || this._pendingForceUpdate) {\n this.updateComponent(transaction, this._currentElement, this._currentElement, this._context, this._context);\n } else {\n this._updateBatchNumber = null;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Perform an update to a mounted component. The componentWillReceiveProps and\n * shouldComponentUpdate methods are called, then (assuming the update isn't\n * skipped) the remaining update lifecycle methods are called and the DOM\n * representation is updated.\n *\n * By default, this implements React's rendering and reconciliation algorithm.\n * Sophisticated clients may wish to override this.\n *\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @param {ReactElement} prevParentElement\n * @param {ReactElement} nextParentElement\n * @internal\n * @overridable\n */\n updateComponent: function (transaction, prevParentElement, nextParentElement, prevUnmaskedContext, nextUnmaskedContext) {\n var inst = this._instance;\n !(inst != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Attempted to update component `%s` that has already been unmounted (or failed to mount).', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : _prodInvariant('136', this.getName() || 'ReactCompositeComponent') : void 0;\n\n var willReceive = false;\n var nextContext;\n\n // Determine if the context has changed or not\n if (this._context === nextUnmaskedContext) {\n nextContext = inst.context;\n } else {\n nextContext = this._processContext(nextUnmaskedContext);\n willReceive = true;\n }\n\n var prevProps = prevParentElement.props;\n var nextProps = nextParentElement.props;\n\n // Not a simple state update but a props update\n if (prevParentElement !== nextParentElement) {\n willReceive