Count per Day

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 3.6


Tom Braider

Download Stats

Today 116
Yesterday 175
Last Week 1,188
All Time 774,758
Banner 772x250

  • count reads and visitors
  • shows reads per page
  • shows visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics on dashboard
  • shows country of your visitors
  • you can show these statistics on frontend per widget or shortcodes too

"Count per Day" counts 1 visit per IP per day. So any reload of the page do not increment the counter.

Languages, Translators

  • nearly up to date translations:
  • Bulgarian - joro -
  • Chinese - Siyuan Tang -
  • Finnish - Jani Alha -
  • German - Tom -
  • Japanese - Juno Hayami -
  • Persian - Mahmoud Zooroofchi -
  • Portuguese - Beto Ribeiro -
  • Russian - Ilya Pshenichny -
  • Serbian - Diana -

  • older, incomplete translations:

  • Azerbaijani - Bohdan Zograf -

  • Belarusian - Alexander Alexandrov -

  • Dansk - Jonas Thomsen -

  • Dutch NL - Rene -

  • Espanol - Juan Carlos del Río -

  • France - Bjork -

  • Greek - Essetai_Imar -

  • Hindi - Love Chandel -

  • Italian - Gianni Diurno -

  • Lithuanian - Nata Strazda -

  • Norwegian - Stein Ivar Johnsen -

  • Polish - LeXuS -

  • Romanian - Alexander Ovsov -

  • Swedish - Magnus Suther -

  • Turkish - Emrullah Tahir Ekmekçi -

  • Ukrainian - Iflexion design -

Releases (61 )

Version Release Date Change Log
3.6 2018-11-06
  • Update new Author Name in core file.
  • update Author Website in core file.
3.6.1 2018-11-06
3.5.8 2018-10-13
  • Buffix: Counters
3.5.9 2018-10-13
  • Bugfix: counter-core
3.5.7 2017-05-03
  • Bugfix: security fixes in notes, options
3.5.6 2016-09-02
  • Bugfix: check/block stored bad referrers
3.5.5 2016-08-05
  • Bugfix: security fixes in export, referrer and mass bot functions
3.5.4 2016-05-11
  • Bugfix: check for IPv6 compatibility on settings page
3.5.3 2016-04-25
  • Bugfix: undefined function cpd_inet_pton (once again)
3.5.2 2016-04-25
  • Bugfix: undefined function cpd_inet_pton
3.5.1 2016-04-22
  • back in WordPress plugin repository
  • Bugfix: Worldmap shortcode
3.4.1 2015-07-01
  • Bugfix: Security fix backup download
3.4 2015-02-19
  • New: limit the length of client and referer to reduce database size and eliminate MySql strict mode errors
  • New: exclude countries you not want to count
  • New: Flash free World map
  • New: Flag of Malawi
  • Bugfix: language support without WPLANG constant
  • Bugfix: get temp directory
3.3 2014-09-16
  • New: List of most industrious Visitors
  • New: Export data as CSV file
  • New: count given post types only
  • New: Shortcode CPD_FLOTCHART to show the big chart
  • New: Popular Posts Widget, thanks to Maurits van der Schee
  • New: Part of IP adresses in Bot List, '192.168' will block all visitors from '192.168.x.x'
  • New language: Chinese, thanks to Siyuan Tang
  • Bugfix: counting of cached pages
  • Bugfix: cleaning database, delete entries per IP in bot list
  • some little fixes
3.2.10 2014-05-08
  • Bugfix: Plugin dir path fixed
  • Bugfix: CSS path fixed
  • Bugfix: search word now case insensitive
  • Bugfix: Translation of widget titles
  • New: world map of current visitors
  • New: check referer agains bot list
  • New: delete clients and referers of older entries
3.2.9 2013-08-09
  • Bugfix: PHP without IPv6 support
  • New Language: Persian, thanks to Mahmoud Zooroofchi
  • Hint: use "update old counter data" to repair the unknown countries
3.2.8 2013-08-02
  • Bugfix: inet_pton for windows php < 5.3
  • Bugfix: GeoIP support for online world map
3.2.7 2013-07-29
  • Bugfix: GeoIP functionality
3.2.6 2013-07-28
  • New: posts only parameters for [CPD_MOST_VISITED_POSTS]
  • New: don't count password protected posts without password
  • New: translate widget titles if possible
  • New: flags of Cambodia, Nigeria and Sudan
  • Bugfix: massbot post list has not show all post
  • Bugfix: security fix, XSS
  • Bugfix: problems while adding widgets
  • Bugfix: start session only in backend
  • Bugfix: empty database query
3.2.5 2012-12-12
  • Bugfix: compatibility fix for WordPress 3.5
3.2.4 2012-08-29
  • Bigfix: security fix, check user permissions
3.2.3 2012-08-12
  • Bugfix: security fix, XSS in search words, thanks to
3.2.2 2012-07-30
  • New: counter column in custom post lists
  • Bugfix: errors in search words
  • Bugfix: wrong counts in posts lists
3.2.1 2012-07-21
  • Bugfix: massbot delete error
  • Bugfix: search words array sometimes corrupt
  • Bugfix: add collected data to reads per post, thanks to
  • Language update: Japanese, thanks to Juno Hayami
  • Language update: Portuguese, thanks to Beto Ribeiro
  • Language update: Russian, thanks to Ilya Pshenichny
  • Language update: Bulgarian, thanks to joro
3.2 2012-07-14
  • New: save search strings
  • New shortcode: CPD_COUNTRIES_USERS
  • New: flags for Bahamas, Mongolia, Cameroon and Kazakhstan
  • Bugfix: can't move widgets
  • Bugfix: visitors per post list
  • Bugfix: "Clean Database" deleted collection too
  • Bugfix: browser summary Chrome/Safari fixed
  • Bugfix: get real remote IP address, not local server
  • Bugfix: security fixes
  • Change: create collection functions optimized
  • New language: Romanian, thanks to Alexander Ovsov
  • New language: Hindi, thanks to Love Chandel
  • New language: Finnish, thanks to Jani Alha
  • Language update: Ukrainain, thanks to Iflexion design
3.1.1 2012-01-15

Security update = + Bugfix: important fixes in map.php and download.php, thanks to

3.1 2011-10-22
  • New: memory check before backup to avoid "out of memory" error
  • New: create temporary backup files for download only
  • New: delete backup files in wp-content on settings page
  • Bugfix: all posts shows 1 read in posts list
  • Bugfix: clean database shows 0 entries deleted
2.0 2011-10-22
  • NEW: sidebar widget
  • NEW: reset button to set all counter to 0
  • NEW: custom number of "reads per post" on dashboard page
  • NEW: little chart of "reads per day" on dashboard page
  • NEW: reads in post and page lists (optional)
  • NEW: most visited posts in last days on dashboard page
  • NEW: recognize bots by IP address
  • NEW: moveble metaboxes on dashboard page
  • NEW: clean function now deletes counter of deleted pages too
  • Bugfix: updates online counter on every load
  • Bugfix: now empty user agents/clients will not be count
  • change options to array
  • create class, update/clean up/rename functions
2.1 2011-10-22
  • NEW: custom names on widget
  • NEW: function "first count" on widget
2.10 2011-10-22
  • New language: French thanks to Bjork
  • New: Worldmap to visualize visitors per country
  • New: Shortcodes to add lists and charts to posts and pages, check counter.css too


  • Bugfix: mysql_fetch_assoc() error, non existing options
  • Post edit links in lists for editors only (user_level >
2.10.1 2011-10-22
  • New language: Dutch, thanks to Rene
2.11 2011-10-22
  • Bugfix: GeoIP, update old data used wrong IP format
  • Bugfix: CleanDB deletes to many entries (index, categories, tags)
  • Bugfix: date/timezone problem
  • New: anonymous IP addresses (last bit, optional)
  • New: simple scroll function in charts
  • New language: Polish, thanks to LeXuS
2.12 2011-10-22
  • New: Flags images as sprite included
  • New: improved "Browsers" management, set your own favorites
  • New: improved "Mass Bots" management, more infos
  • New: "Visitors per country" list
  • New: "Visitors per day" list/chart
  • New: works now in cached pages too (optional, BETA)
  • New: easier switch to debug mode on settings
  • Language update: Dansk, Dutch, France, German, Italian, Russian, Swedish
  • Bugfix: CleanDB delete by IP function changed
  • Bugfix: because windows symlink problem plugin dir is hardcoded as 'count-per-day' now
  • Code updated (deprecated functions)
2.13 2011-10-22
  • New: Top referers
  • Bugfix: Thickbox only in backend needed, RTL on he_IL was broken
  • Bugfix: startpage was not counted everywhere
  • Language update: Portuguese (Brazil)
2.13.1 2011-10-22
  • New Language: Espanol, thanks to Juan Carlos del Río
  • Bugfix: problems with MySQL 4.x
  • Bugfix: changed error handling
2.14 2011-10-22
  • New: multi widget compatible, place the widget several times with individual settings
  • New: WordPress Multisite compatible, networkwide activation creates tables in all blogs
  • New: list reads per month
  • New: functions and shortcodes [CPD_POSTS_ON_DAY] [CPD_READS_PER_MONTH] [CPD_READS_LAST_WEEK]
  • New: show/hide local referers
  • New: optional deactivation of saving clients and referers to save space in the database
  • New: debug mode per URL parameter (?debug=1)
  • Bugfix: GeoIP database update, problem with local IP adresses
  • Bugfix: Userlevel/Capabilities
  • Bugfix: yesterday reads and visitors (timezone)
  • Bugfix: links on mass bots page
  • little cosmetics
2.15 2011-10-22
  • New: functions and shortcodes [CPD_READS_THIS_MONTH] [CPD_VISITORS_THIS_MONTH]
  • New: reads last week, reads this month and visitors this month in widget
  • Bugfix: Ajax counter for cached pages is now multi widget compatible
  • Bugifx: "Visitors per month" showed to many visitors
  • Language updates: Polish, Russia
2.15.1 2011-10-22
  • Bugifx: error in "Visitors per month" counter
2.2 2011-10-22
  • Change: USER_AGENT must have > 20 chars, otherwise we call it "bot"
  • New: optional GeoIP addon to show page views per country - see Section "GeoIP addon"
2.3 2011-10-22
  • New: chart "visitors per day"
  • New: counts index pages: homepage, categories, tags (if autocount is on)
  • New: visits per client/browser in percent
  • added some parameters to functions to overwrite default values
  • New language: Usbek, thanks to Alisher
2.3.1 2011-10-22
  • Bugfix: counter don't work without GeoIP Addon (nonexisting row 'country' in table)
2.4 2011-10-22
  • Bugfix: works with PHP 4.x again (error line 169)
  • Change: some functions now faster
  • New: GeoIP included. You have to load GeoIP.dat file on option page before you can use it.
  • Language updates: Italian (Gianni Diurno) and German
2.4.2 2011-10-22
  • Bugfix: mysql systax error
  • Bugfix: no country data was stored (GeoIP), use "Update old counter data" on options page
2.5 2011-10-22
  • Change: some big changes on database and functions to speed up mysql queries. This will take a while on activation!
  • New: "Mass Bot Detector" shows and deletes clients that view more than x pages per day
  • New: see count and time of queries if CPD_DEBUG =
2.6 2011-10-22
  • languages files now compatible with Wordpress 2.9
  • New: improved CSS support for RTL blogs (e.g. arabic)
2.7 2011-10-22
  • Bugfix: date/timezone problem
  • New: change start date and start count on option page
  • New: "edit post" links on lists
  • New: new list shows visitors per post on user defined date
  • New: link to plugin page
2.8 2011-10-22
  • New: set user level until CpD will count loged users
  • New: link to plugin page on Count per Day dashboard
  • New: click on a bar in the charts reload the page with given date for 'Visitors per day' metabox
  • New language: Swedish, thanks to Magnus Suther
  • New language: Dansk, thanks to GeorgeWP
2.9 2011-10-22
  • New: little note system to mark special days
  • New: functions to get reads/page views total, today and yesterday
  • Language update: Italian thanks to Gianni Diurno
  • Language update: Portuguese (Brazil) thanks to Lucato
  • Language update: Swedish thanks to Magnus Suther
  • Language update: Dansk thanks to Jonas Thomsen
  • Language update: German
1.5.1 2011-10-22
3.0 2011-09-14
  • New: use now default WordPress database functions to be compatible to e.g. multi-db plugins
  • New: backup your counter data
  • New: collect entries of counter table per month and per post to reduce the database and speed up the statistics
  • New: functions and shortcodes [CPD_DAY_MOST_READS] [CPD_DAY_MOST_USERS] to shows days with most reads/visitors
  • New: option to cut referrer on "?" to not store query strings
  • New: parameter '$postsonly' for 'getMostVisitedPosts' function to list single posts and pages only
  • New: flags for Moldavia and Nepal
  • New language: Norwegian, thanks to Stein Ivar Johnsen and Tore Johnny Brtveit
  • New language: Azerbaijani, thanks to Bohdan Zograf
  • New language: Japanese, thanks to Juno Hayami
  • Bugfix: visitors per month list
  • Change: some function parameters
  • Change: little memory optimizing
  • Change: visitors currently online and notes will now managed per option, without seperate tables in database
  • Change: design updated
  • Change: old bar charts deleted
2.17 2011-09-06
  • Bugfix: JavaScript error on dashboard page, boxes not movable
  • Bugfix: PHP4 compatibility
  • New: function and shortcode to show world map in frontend
  • New: option - who is allowed to see the statistics page
  • New language: Turkish, thanks to Emrullah Tahir Ekmekçi
2.16.1 2011-08-09

Bugfix: widget was empty

2.16 2011-02-24
  • New: more modern charts (jQuery flot plugin)
  • New: widgets now sortable
  • New: GeoIP database included, non extra download after plugin update necessary
  • New: list "Visitors online" per country
  • New: option to limit the referrers list
  • New: option to not load stylesheet in frontend
  • New: function 'getMostVisitedPostIDs', can create a "related posts" list
  • Bugfix: GeoIP functions renamed, conflicts with other plugins
  • New Language: Greek, thanks to Essetai_Imar
1.5 2008-12-31
1.4 2008-11-02
1.3 2008-09-05
1.2.3 2008-08-11
1.2.2 2008-08-11
1.2.1 2008-06-02
1.2 2008-05-29
1.1 2008-05-29