Version |
Release Date |
Change Log |
1.4.0 |
2021-09-01 |
- its possible to crop webp files with the plugin
- library updates
- code cleanup
- add fix for using replacement MIME-type specified for sub-sizes (thanks to -
1.3.1 |
2021-04-07 |
- crop-editor: if grouped, the notification for not yet cropped image-sizes now is visible if at least one of the images in the group is not yet cropped
- fix bug on settings page (noticible only on strict configured php environments)
- fix bug in file saving (noticible only on strict configured php environments)
1.3.0 |
2021-01-01 |
- remove support for Code below PHP 5.4: ( the construct dirname(FILE) become __DIR, arrays will also be initialized using [] )
- remove legacy language translation (in pot/po/mo files) - if you want to have the plugin in your language you can use
- change app deployment to vue-cli
- add functionality for grouping of image-sizes in crop editor
- add the actions "crop_thumbnails_before_crop" and "crop_thumbnails_after_crop" to hook directly before and after the cropping
- add the filter "crop_thumbnails_do_crop" to make an exchange of the cropping function possible
- fix broken link (thanks to TangRufus -
- add code contribution of TangRufus to make plugin compatibility with "Crop Thumbnails CDN Cache Busting" (thanks to TangRufus -
- add the filter "crop_thumbnails_should_delete_old_file" to make an exchange of the check for file-deleting possible
1.2.6 |
2019-12-15 |
- update dependencies
- fix typo
- fix a bug where the image name of the thumbnail changed to "imagename-scaled-..." cause of the new features of WordPress 5.3
- extend the filter "crop_thumbnails_filename" by the image-metadata-array
1.2.5 |
2019-09-25 |
- fix a bug that may occure on utf8-filenames
- update vue.js and the other libraries to current version
- refactoring vue-code and build
1.2.4 |
2019-02-16 |
- change the enqueue-name of the vue.js-library provided with the plugin to "cpt_vue" to make it possible to prevent this specific include
- update js-dev dependencies
- add the filter "crop_thumbnails_filename" to make it possible to change the target path/filename (thanks to
- improve readme
1.2.3 |
2019-01-21 |
- fix a php-notice displayed on the settings-screen
1.2.2 |
2018-12-19 |
- fix calling a non static function in a static statically (fixes a bug where the plugin do not run locally)
1.2.1 |
2018-12-12 |
- fix a javascript-bug that occurs in Wordpress 4.9.2 in relation with yoast seo-plugin
1.2.0 |
2018-12-10 |
- the used cropping data are now stored in the image after the crop, making it possible to code a plugin for restoring the cropped region on new image-sizes
- fix for hiding crop sizes is not working when the image_size_names_choose-filter is used for that post-type
- change permission from 'upload_files' to 'edit_files' (Attention: authors will no longer able to crop the thumbnails)
- add a filter function to override the permission to crop thumbnails (crop_thumbnails_user_permission_check)
- add settings-section to set if users can crop thumbnails with capability "edit_files" or "upload_files"
- get featured image panel button working in wordpress v5
1.1.3 |
2018-09-10 |
- add a filter (crop_thumbnails_activat_on_adminpages), for adding the plugins js/css on futher admin-pages like the taxonomy edit-page.
- update js and webpack dependencies
1.1.2 |
2018-03-08 |
- add an css-class on the listing of image-sizes
1.1.1 |
2017-12-19 |
- bugfix change use of mime_content_type() to wp_check_filetype() - it seems on some servers mime_content_type() is undefined
1.1.0 |
2017-12-18 |
- bugfix variable was used but not defined (php)
- bugfix image-size with custom name where not updated in view after crop
- bugfix all same image-sizes where selected, even if they are not visible
- in the settings-panel, add more quick-test informations
- redesign settings-panel
- make selected image-sizes more clear
- optimize development-build-process
- add warning sign for not yet cropped images-sizes
1.0.3 |
2017-12-14 |
- fix js error handling
- add warning to the backend if the script cant connect the server
- fix where escape of language-strings make no sense (exceptions in save.php)
1.0.2 |
2017-12-12 |
- improve i18n
- change language text domain from 'cpt_lang' to 'crop-thumbnails'
- rename language files to match text domain exactly
- correct translations of the plugins name
1.0.1 |
2017-12-10 |
- fix code that mess with old php versions
1.0.0 |
2017-12-09 |
- modal dialog rewritten
- crop functionality refactored
- changed the crop-library for improved touch support
- the action "crop_thumbnails_modal_window_settings" is gone, you can adjust style by override admin-css
- the filter "crop_post_thumbnail_window_css" is gone, you can adjust style by override admin-css
- adjusting dialog style - make it more responsive
- reviewed dynamic sizes: sizes with 9999 will no longer have ratio of the original image
- reviewed dynamic sizes: filenames will no longer be changed
- fix image-metadata polution
- refactoring and cleanup a lot of the code
- change from a language constant to 'cpt_lang' (as recommended by developer guide)
- secure translations
0.10.15 |
2017-09-13 |
- bugfix: use wordpress-function to determine mime-type, as some servers do not define "mime_content_type" (Thank you Eskil Keskikangas for the submission)
0.10.14 |
2017-08-08 |
- bugfix: add mime-type to image-metadata (the mime-type was deleted by crop-thumbnails before unintentional)
0.10.13 |
2017-07-07 |
- bugfix: filter-settings will work again in media-dialog
0.10.12 |
2016-12-23 |
- add italian translation (thanks to akteon18)
0.10.11 |
2016-09-01 |
- bugfix: hide disabled image-sizes in the crop-editor again
0.10.10 |
2016-08-28 |
- bugfix: Checks if the current page have a featured image box in the first place
0.10.9 |
2016-08-25 |
- bugfix click on the button in the featured image box (WP 4.6 and above)
- button in featured image box is no longer visible if no image is choosed
- minor style improvements
0.10.8 |
2016-05-23 |
- change empty-array-definition to be compatible with old PHP-Versions (prior 5.4)
0.10.7 |
2016-05-22 |
- fix a behaviour where the 'image_size_names_choose'-filter could remove image-sizes from the settings page
- add a seperate filter 'crop_thumbnails_image_sizes' to remove/adjust image-sizes used by the plugin (use carefully)
- use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR in the save-function
- add a quicktest to the settings screen
0.10.6 |
2015-12-15 |
- improve the bugfix of 0.10.5 (sorry for that)
0.10.5 |
2015-12-15 |
- bugfix: proper handling of non latin characters in filenames
0.10.4 |
2015-12-15 |
- i18n of the button in the image-media-view changed
- add 'medium_large' size to (intern) default-sizes (fix notice)
- add action-hook 'crop_thumbnails_after_save_new_thumb' after save the new thumbnail
- add filter-hook 'crop_thumbnails_before_update_metadata' before update metadata
- add filter-hook 'crop_thumbnails_editor_jsonDataValues' in the editor, to adjust dataValues
- add filter-hook 'crop_thumbnails_editor_printratio' in the editor (see F.A.Q. for details of usage)
0.10.3 |
2015-11-20 |
- small language adjustments
0.10.2 |
2015-11-08 |
- make the modal-dialog more robust against css-overriding of other plugins
0.10.1 |
2015-09-20 |
- small enhancement for developers: add the 'same_ratio_active' parameter in the ajax-request (
0.10.0 |
2015-09-19 |
- refactoring some parts of the code to make it more modular
- adding a cache breaker to the backend, so in post-view and mediathek the image should be refreshed after the modal-dialog closes
- provide a javascript-event ('cropThumbnailModalClosed') after the modal is closed (see F.A.Q. for details)
- provide the human-readable Name of the Crop-Size (if available), using the "image_size_names_choose" filter
- provide some size settings for the modal-dialog - via filter "crop_thumbnails_modal_window_settings"
- mini language update
0.9.0 |
2015-08-22 |
- add crop-thumbnail-button to the default attachement-screens so i could accessed better
- change modal-dialog from thickbox to ui-dialog
- fix the missing crop-thumbnail-button in the attachment-list-view
0.8.4 |
2013-11-11 |
- fix a bug that may occure on some systems with xdebug enabled and low xdebug.max_nesting_level (see:
- add dutch language (thanks to Max Gruson)
0.8.3 |
2013-10-12 |
- fix a bug for systems with comma as dezimal seperator (
- reduce capabilities from "edit_pages" AND "upload_files" to only "upload_files"
- more informations logged in the console if an error occurs while saving
0.8.2 |
2013-07-07 |
- add filter for customize the style of the crop-thumbnail content ('crop_post_thumbnail_window_css')
- add a fix for dynamic height/width images (
- add ukrainian lang (thanks to Jurko Chervony from
0.8.1 |
2013-02-25 |
- fix warning: when settings are saved
0.8.0 |
2013-02-25 |
- change Constant from CPT_LANG to CROP_THUMBS_LANG
- change Constant from CPT_VERSION to CROP_THUMBS_VERSION
- bug fix: wrong calculated scale in the cpt-crop.js (selection will again always fill the maximum space)
- change behavior: on landscape-ratio-images the selection will be initial in the middle of the image (portrait-ratio-images stay the same - i asume that portrait-ratio images are mostly portraits)
- add current jcrop (version v0.9.12) directly into the plugin to get rid of the subversion of cpt-crop.js for an prior version of jcrop in wordpress 3.4
- add settings-option to display debug (js and/or data)
- handle image-sizes with zero width or height
- fix notices: not set variables
- fix warnings: if an image-size is zero
0.7.2 |
2012-12-04 |
- bug fix: change the way the link in the featured Image-Box is set
- languages: some adjustments
0.7.1 |
2012-11-30 |
- add language: brazilian portuguese (pt_br)
- bug fix: fixes for the upcoming Wordpress 3.5
- bug fix: in crop editor, if an original image is larger than a single selected image-size, the predefined selection will now be on maximum possible size
- bug fix: ensure that other plugins cant add styles and scripts into the crop-thumbnail-iframe
0.7.0 |
2012-11-21 |
- workflow-enhancement: change the way the plugin handled same image-ratios (faster editing and less warnings)
- the image-size with the biggest dimensions now is used for the min-boundaries (jcrop)
- if the min-boundaries (jcrop) are bigger than original image the min-boundaries turned off
0.6.0 |
2012-11-16 |
- add a settings link in the plugin-listing
- add a support-author area in the settings
- update language files
- Fix the readme-file for correct display informations on
- add screenshots for
- add license.txt