Version Description
- bugfix : improve handling of dynamically-generated items, by pre-sorting into menu_order order and coping with negative item ids
- documentation : updated FAQs
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | wizzud |
Plugin | Custom Menu Wizard Widget |
Version | 3.2.4 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 3.2.3 to 3.2.4
- custom-menu-wizard.js +3 -3
- custom-menu-wizard.min.js +7 -7
- custom-menu-wizard.php +9 -2
- doc/cmw-doc.html +122 -21
- include/class.sorter.php +73 -0
- include/class.walker.php +34 -10
- include/class.widget.php +17 -18
- readme.txt +106 -13
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ jQuery(function($){
56 |
if(name === 'hide_empty'){
57 |
settings[name] = useAlternative || !!ocd.cmwV36plus || val;
58 |
}else if(csv[name]){
59 |
settings['_' + name + '_sep'] = !val || /(
60 |
val = $.map(val.split(/[,\s]+/), function(x){
61 |
var inherit = !legacyVersion && /\+$/.test(x);
62 |
x = x ? parseInt(x, 10) : 0;
63 |
return isNaN(x) || x
64 |
65 |
settings['_' + name] = val.join(settings['_' + name + '_sep']);
66 |
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ jQuery(function($){
673 |
var plus = this === item[0] || this === inheritsTickCrossFrom.get(0) ? hasTickCross : $(this).hasClass('cmw-inherit-' + tickOrCross);
674 |
return $(this).data().itemid + (plus ? '+' : '');
675 |
676 |
.get().join( /(
677 |
678 |
679 |
56 |
if(name === 'hide_empty'){
57 |
settings[name] = useAlternative || !!ocd.cmwV36plus || val;
58 |
}else if(csv[name]){
59 |
settings['_' + name + '_sep'] = !val || /(^-?\d+\+?$|,)/.test($.trim(val)) ? ',' : ' ';
60 |
val = $.map(val.split(/[,\s]+/), function(x){
61 |
var inherit = !legacyVersion && /\+$/.test(x);
62 |
x = x ? parseInt(x, 10) : 0;
63 |
return isNaN(x) || !x ? null : (inherit ? x + '+' : x);
64 |
65 |
settings['_' + name] = val.join(settings['_' + name + '_sep']);
66 |
673 |
var plus = this === item[0] || this === inheritsTickCrossFrom.get(0) ? hasTickCross : $(this).hasClass('cmw-inherit-' + tickOrCross);
674 |
return $(this).data().itemid + (plus ? '+' : '');
675 |
676 |
.get().join( /(,|^-?\d+\+?$)/.test( $.trim(widgetField.val()) || ',' ) ? ',' : ' ' );
677 |
678 |
679 |
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
1 |
/*Source: custom-menu-wizard.js
2 |
3 |
4 |
* - originalSize:
5 |
* - originalGzipSize:
6 |
* - compressedSize:
7 |
* - compressedGzipSize: 8560
8 |
9 |
10 |
'use strict';
11 |
var x,L=/(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)/g,v=function(b,a){return(a?".":"")+"widget-custom-menu-wizard-"+b},A=function(b){var a=g(this).data().cmwDialogVersion.replace(/\./g,""),a=/^\d+$/.test(a)?"v"+a:a;x[a]?x[a].update(b?},C=function(b,a){var c=!1===b,d=c?{},e={},k=!c&&"2.1.0"===d.cmwDialogVersion,f={items:1,exclude:1},m=g.extend({branch_start:1,
12 |
13 |
d){var e=d.switch_if;return d.switch_at===b&&("current"===e&&a||"no-current"===e&&!a||"no-output"===e&&!c)},Q=function(b,a){b=g.trim(b||"");for(var c={title:"",level:1,branch:0,items:"",depth:0,depth_rel_current:0,start_at:"",start_mode:"",allow_all_root:0,ancestors:0,ancestor_siblings:0,include_root:0,include_level:"",siblings:0,exclude:"",exclude_level:"",contains_current:"",fallback:"",flat_output:0,title_from:"",title_linked:0,ol_root:0,ol_sub:0},d=L.exec(b),e={},k=0,f;d;)k++,d[1]?e[d[1]]=d[2]:
14 |
d[3]?e[d[3]]=d[4]:d[5]?e[d[5]]=d[6]:k--,d=L.exec(b);if(k)for(f in e)c.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(c[f]=e[f]);f=!!c.items;d=!f&&!!c.branch;e=!f&&!d;f&&(c.filter="items");if(d){c.filter="branch";f=c.start_at.toString();c.branch_start=f;if("0"===f||"branch"===f)c.branch_start="";"root"===f&&(c.branch_start="1");"children"===f&&(c.branch_start="+1");"parent"===f&&(c.branch_start="-1");if("current"===c.branch||"current-item"===c.branch)c.branch=0;else if(!/^[+\-]?\d+$/.test(c.branch.toString()))if(c.branch=c.branch.toLowerCase(),
15 |
f=a.find("a.cmw-item").filter(function(){return g(this).text().toLowerCase()===c.branch}),f.length)c.branch=f.parent().data("itemid");else return!1}e&&(c.filter="",c.level=Math.max(1,parseInt(c.level,10)));c.start_at=null;c.include_level||"1"!==c.include_root||(c.include_level="1");c.include_root=null;if(d&&!c.branch&&c.fallback&&(e=c.fallback.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/),f=" "+e.join(" ")+" ",c.fallback="",0<=f.indexOf(" quit ")?c.fallback="quit":0<=f.indexOf(" parent ")?c.fallback="parent":0<=
16 |
f.indexOf(" current ")&&(c.fallback="current"),""!==c.fallback&&"quit"!==c.fallback))for(0<=f.indexOf(" +siblings ")&&(c.fallback_siblings=1),k=0;k<e.length;k++)if(/^\d+$/.test(e[k])&&(f=parseInt(e[k],10),0<f)){c.fallback_depth=f;break}if(c.title_from)for(e=c.title_from.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/),k=0;k<e.length;k++)if(e[k])if("branch"===e[k]||"current"===e[k])c["title_"+e[k]]="0";else if(f=e[k].match(/^(branch|current)(-root|-parent|[+\-]?\d+)$/))"-root"===f[2]?c["title_"+f[1]]=1:"-parent"===f[2]?
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ g.trim(r.join(" "))+'">'+e+(a.ol_root?"</ol>":"</ul>");q.html(e);q.find("li").fi
23 |
b.append(d).val(a)));return a},R=function(b){b=g(this);var,c=!a.cmwAbsolute,d=b.closest(".ui-dialog"),e=d.find(".ui-dialog-content"),k=parseInt(d.css("top"),10)+(c?1:-1)*g(document).scrollTop();a.cmwAbsolute=c;a.cmwMaxHeight||(a.cmwMaxHeight=e.dialog("option","maxHeight"));b.button("option","icons",{primary:c?"ui-icon-circle-close":"ui-icon-circle-check"});d.toggleClass("cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed",!c);e.dialog("option",{maxHeight:c?!c:a.cmwMaxHeight});d.css("top",k);return!1},S=function(b){var a=
24 |
g(this);b=["current-menu-item","current-menu-parent","current-menu-ancestor"];var c=a.closest(".ui-dialog-content"),d=c.find(".cmw-demo-themenu-ul"),a=a.find("span").not("."+b[0]).parentsUntil(d,"li"),e,k=function(){this.title=this.title+" "+e.replace(" "," & ").replace(/-/g," ")};d.find("."+b.join(",.")).removeClass(b.join(" ")).each(function(){this.title=this.title.replace(/\s.*$/,"")});for(d=0;d<a.length;d++)e=1===d?b.join(" "):b[0],a.eq(d).children(".cmw-item").find("span").addClass(e).each(k),
25 |
1<b.length&&b.shift();;return!1},T=function(){g(this).closest(".ui-dialog-content").find(".cmw-item").eq(this.href.split("#")[1]).not(":has(.current-menu-item)").trigger("click");this.blur();return!1},U=function(b){b=g(this);var a=b.hasClass("cmw-tick")?"tick":"cross",c=b.parent();b=c.closest(".cmw-demo-themenu-ul");var d=c.hasClass("cmw-inherit-"+a),e=d||c.hasClass("cmw-has-"+a),k=e?g([]):c.parentsUntil(b,".cmw-inherit-"+a),f=g(c.closest(".ui-dialog-content").data().cmwOnchange).find("tick"===
26 |
a?".cmw-setitems":".cmw-exclusions"),m;!b.hasClass("cmw-using-alternative")&&f.length&&(m=b.find(".cmw-has-"+a)[d||k.length?"not":"add"](c),!e||c.children("ul").length&&!b.parent().hasClass("cmw-version-210")?e&&!d&&(m=m.not(c.find(".cmw-has-"+a))):m=m.not(c),m=m.add(k.find("li").not(c)),{var b=this===c[0]||this===k.get(0)?e:g(this).hasClass("cmw-inherit-"+a);return g(this).data().itemid+(b?"+":"")}).get().join(/(
27 |
this.blur();return!1},V=function(b){var a={autoOpen:!1,width:Math.min(.9*g(window).width(),600),maxHeight:g(window).height()-40,modal:!1,containment:"window",create:function(){var a=g(this).closest(".ui-dialog");if(a.hasClass("cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed"))g("<button/>").addClass("cmw-dialog-fixed-absolute").button({label:b.cmwDialogFixed,icons:{primary:"ui-icon-circle-check"}}).appendTo(a.find(".ui-dialog-titlebar")).on("click",R)},dialogClass:"cmw-assistance-dialog cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed"},
28 |["SetCurrent","Inclusions","Exclusions","Fallback","Alternative"],function(a){return'<div class="cmw-demo-'+a.toLowerCase()+' cmw-demo-small">'+(b["cmwDialog"+a]||"")+"</div>"}),c=g("<div/>",{id:b.cmwDialogId}).addClass(v("dialog")).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-themenu cmw-version-"+b.cmwDialogVersion.replace(/\./g,"")).html('<em class="cmw-demo-small">'+b.cmwDialogPrompt+"</em>")).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-theoutput").html('<em class="cmw-demo-small">'+b.cmwDialogOutput+
29 |
'</em><em class="cmw-demo-plugin-version cmw-demo-small">v'+b.cmwDialogVersion+"</em>"+c.shift()+'<div class="cmw-demo-theoutput-wrap ui-corner-all"></div>'+c.join(""))).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-theshortcode").html('<code class="ui-corner-all"></code><div class="cmw-find-shortcodes"><a href="#" class="button-secondary '+v("find-shortcodes")+'" data-nonce="'+(b.cmwDialogNonce||"")+'" title="'+b.cmwDialogShortcodes+'"><span class="spinner"></span><span>[…]</span></a></div><div class="cmw-demo-found-shortcodes cmw-demo-small ui-corner-all"></div>'));
1 |
/*Source: custom-menu-wizard.js
2 |
*Compiled: 2016-02-22, Google Closure Compiler...
3 |
4 |
* - originalSize: 85716
5 |
* - originalGzipSize: 19914
6 |
* - compressedSize: 26594
7 |
* - compressedGzipSize: 8560
8 |
9 |
10 |
'use strict';
11 |
var x,L=/(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)/g,v=function(b,a){return(a?".":"")+"widget-custom-menu-wizard-"+b},A=function(b){var a=g(this).data().cmwDialogVersion.replace(/\./g,""),a=/^\d+$/.test(a)?"v"+a:a;x[a]?x[a].update(b?},C=function(b,a){var c=!1===b,d=c?{},e={},k=!c&&"2.1.0"===d.cmwDialogVersion,f={items:1,exclude:1},m=g.extend({branch_start:1,
12 |
exclude_level:1,include_level:1},f);g.each(c?a:b.find(":input").serializeArray(),function(a,b){var*\[([^\]]+)\]$/,"$1"),p=!m[h]&&/^-?\d+$/.test(b.value)?parseInt(b.value,10):b.value;e[h]=p;"hide_empty"===h?e[h]=c||!!d.cmwV36plus||p:f[h]&&(e["_"+h+"_sep"]=!p||/(^-?\d+\+?$|,)/.test(g.trim(p))?",":" ",[,\s]+/),function(a){var b=!k&&/\+$/.test(a);a=a?parseInt(a,10):0;return isNaN(a)||!a?null:b?a+"+":a}),e["_"+h]=p.join(e["_"+h+"_sep"]))});return e},E=function(b,a,
13 |
c,d){var e=d.switch_if;return d.switch_at===b&&("current"===e&&a||"no-current"===e&&!a||"no-output"===e&&!c)},Q=function(b,a){b=g.trim(b||"");for(var c={title:"",level:1,branch:0,items:"",depth:0,depth_rel_current:0,start_at:"",start_mode:"",allow_all_root:0,ancestors:0,ancestor_siblings:0,include_root:0,include_level:"",siblings:0,exclude:"",exclude_level:"",contains_current:"",fallback:"",flat_output:0,title_from:"",title_linked:0,ol_root:0,ol_sub:0},d=L.exec(b),e={},k=0,f;d;)k++,d[1]?e[d[1]]=d[2]:
14 |
d[3]?e[d[3]]=d[4]:d[5]?e[d[5]]=d[6]:k--,d=L.exec(b);if(k)for(f in e)c.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(c[f]=e[f]);f=!!c.items;d=!f&&!!c.branch;e=!f&&!d;f&&(c.filter="items");if(d){c.filter="branch";f=c.start_at.toString();c.branch_start=f;if("0"===f||"branch"===f)c.branch_start="";"root"===f&&(c.branch_start="1");"children"===f&&(c.branch_start="+1");"parent"===f&&(c.branch_start="-1");if("current"===c.branch||"current-item"===c.branch)c.branch=0;else if(!/^[+\-]?\d+$/.test(c.branch.toString()))if(c.branch=c.branch.toLowerCase(),
15 |
f=a.find("a.cmw-item").filter(function(){return g(this).text().toLowerCase()===c.branch}),f.length)c.branch=f.parent().data("itemid");else return!1}e&&(c.filter="",c.level=Math.max(1,parseInt(c.level,10)));c.start_at=null;c.include_level||"1"!==c.include_root||(c.include_level="1");c.include_root=null;if(d&&!c.branch&&c.fallback&&(e=c.fallback.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/),f=" "+e.join(" ")+" ",c.fallback="",0<=f.indexOf(" quit ")?c.fallback="quit":0<=f.indexOf(" parent ")?c.fallback="parent":0<=
16 |
f.indexOf(" current ")&&(c.fallback="current"),""!==c.fallback&&"quit"!==c.fallback))for(0<=f.indexOf(" +siblings ")&&(c.fallback_siblings=1),k=0;k<e.length;k++)if(/^\d+$/.test(e[k])&&(f=parseInt(e[k],10),0<f)){c.fallback_depth=f;break}if(c.title_from)for(e=c.title_from.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/),k=0;k<e.length;k++)if(e[k])if("branch"===e[k]||"current"===e[k])c["title_"+e[k]]="0";else if(f=e[k].match(/^(branch|current)(-root|-parent|[+\-]?\d+)$/))"-root"===f[2]?c["title_"+f[1]]=1:"-parent"===f[2]?
23 |
b.append(d).val(a)));return a},R=function(b){b=g(this);var,c=!a.cmwAbsolute,d=b.closest(".ui-dialog"),e=d.find(".ui-dialog-content"),k=parseInt(d.css("top"),10)+(c?1:-1)*g(document).scrollTop();a.cmwAbsolute=c;a.cmwMaxHeight||(a.cmwMaxHeight=e.dialog("option","maxHeight"));b.button("option","icons",{primary:c?"ui-icon-circle-close":"ui-icon-circle-check"});d.toggleClass("cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed",!c);e.dialog("option",{maxHeight:c?!c:a.cmwMaxHeight});d.css("top",k);return!1},S=function(b){var a=
24 |
g(this);b=["current-menu-item","current-menu-parent","current-menu-ancestor"];var c=a.closest(".ui-dialog-content"),d=c.find(".cmw-demo-themenu-ul"),a=a.find("span").not("."+b[0]).parentsUntil(d,"li"),e,k=function(){this.title=this.title+" "+e.replace(" "," & ").replace(/-/g," ")};d.find("."+b.join(",.")).removeClass(b.join(" ")).each(function(){this.title=this.title.replace(/\s.*$/,"")});for(d=0;d<a.length;d++)e=1===d?b.join(" "):b[0],a.eq(d).children(".cmw-item").find("span").addClass(e).each(k),
25 |
1<b.length&&b.shift();;return!1},T=function(){g(this).closest(".ui-dialog-content").find(".cmw-item").eq(this.href.split("#")[1]).not(":has(.current-menu-item)").trigger("click");this.blur();return!1},U=function(b){b=g(this);var a=b.hasClass("cmw-tick")?"tick":"cross",c=b.parent();b=c.closest(".cmw-demo-themenu-ul");var d=c.hasClass("cmw-inherit-"+a),e=d||c.hasClass("cmw-has-"+a),k=e?g([]):c.parentsUntil(b,".cmw-inherit-"+a),f=g(c.closest(".ui-dialog-content").data().cmwOnchange).find("tick"===
26 |
a?".cmw-setitems":".cmw-exclusions"),m;!b.hasClass("cmw-using-alternative")&&f.length&&(m=b.find(".cmw-has-"+a)[d||k.length?"not":"add"](c),!e||c.children("ul").length&&!b.parent().hasClass("cmw-version-210")?e&&!d&&(m=m.not(c.find(".cmw-has-"+a))):m=m.not(c),m=m.add(k.find("li").not(c)),{var b=this===c[0]||this===k.get(0)?e:g(this).hasClass("cmw-inherit-"+a);return g(this).data().itemid+(b?"+":"")}).get().join(/(,|^-?\d+\+?$)/.test(g.trim(f.val())||",")?",":" "),f.val(m).trigger("change"));
27 |
this.blur();return!1},V=function(b){var a={autoOpen:!1,width:Math.min(.9*g(window).width(),600),maxHeight:g(window).height()-40,modal:!1,containment:"window",create:function(){var a=g(this).closest(".ui-dialog");if(a.hasClass("cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed"))g("<button/>").addClass("cmw-dialog-fixed-absolute").button({label:b.cmwDialogFixed,icons:{primary:"ui-icon-circle-check"}}).appendTo(a.find(".ui-dialog-titlebar")).on("click",R)},dialogClass:"cmw-assistance-dialog cmw-assistance-dialog-fixed"},
28 |["SetCurrent","Inclusions","Exclusions","Fallback","Alternative"],function(a){return'<div class="cmw-demo-'+a.toLowerCase()+' cmw-demo-small">'+(b["cmwDialog"+a]||"")+"</div>"}),c=g("<div/>",{id:b.cmwDialogId}).addClass(v("dialog")).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-themenu cmw-version-"+b.cmwDialogVersion.replace(/\./g,"")).html('<em class="cmw-demo-small">'+b.cmwDialogPrompt+"</em>")).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-theoutput").html('<em class="cmw-demo-small">'+b.cmwDialogOutput+
29 |
'</em><em class="cmw-demo-plugin-version cmw-demo-small">v'+b.cmwDialogVersion+"</em>"+c.shift()+'<div class="cmw-demo-theoutput-wrap ui-corner-all"></div>'+c.join(""))).append(g("<div/>").addClass("cmw-demo-theshortcode").html('<code class="ui-corner-all"></code><div class="cmw-find-shortcodes"><a href="#" class="button-secondary '+v("find-shortcodes")+'" data-nonce="'+(b.cmwDialogNonce||"")+'" title="'+b.cmwDialogShortcodes+'"><span class="spinner"></span><span>[…]</span></a></div><div class="cmw-demo-found-shortcodes cmw-demo-small ui-corner-all"></div>'));
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 |
* Plugin Name: Custom Menu Wizard
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: Show any part of a custom menu in a Widget, or in content using a Shortcode. Customise the output with extra classes or html; filter by current menu item or a specific item; set a depth, show the parent(s), change the list style, etc. Use the included emulator to assist with the filter settings.
6 |
* Version: 3.2.
7 |
* Author: Roger Barrett
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* License: GPL2+
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
11 |
12 |
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit();
13 |
14 |
* v3.2.3 change log
15 |
* - tweaked documentation & verified WP 4.4
16 |
@@ -166,6 +170,9 @@ if( !class_exists( 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin' ) ){
166 |
//include the widget class and its walker...
167 |
include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'include/class.widget.php' );
168 |
include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'include/class.walker.php' );
169 |
170 |
171 |
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin', 'init' ) );
@@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ if( !class_exists( 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin' ) ){
173 |
//declare the main plugin class...
174 |
class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin {
175 |
176 |
public static $version = '3.2.
177 |
public static $script_handle = 'custom-menu-wizard-plugin-script';
178 |
public static $widget_class = 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget';
179 |
protected static $instance;
3 |
* Plugin Name: Custom Menu Wizard
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: Show any part of a custom menu in a Widget, or in content using a Shortcode. Customise the output with extra classes or html; filter by current menu item or a specific item; set a depth, show the parent(s), change the list style, etc. Use the included emulator to assist with the filter settings.
6 |
* Version: 3.2.4
7 |
* Author: Roger Barrett
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* License: GPL2+
11 |
12 |
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit();
13 |
14 |
* v3.2.4 change log
15 |
* - changed the walker and the Assist to cope with negative ids on menu items
16 |
* - added pre-sorting of menu items, to provide better handling of dynamically generated items by other plugins
17 |
18 |
* v3.2.3 change log
19 |
* - tweaked documentation & verified WP 4.4
20 |
170 |
//include the widget class and its walker...
171 |
include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'include/class.widget.php' );
172 |
include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'include/class.walker.php' );
173 |
//...and a small walker for sorting nav items hierarchically : it's used by the widget
174 |
// class - to make sure the branch selector has the right items in the right order
175 |
include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'include/class.sorter.php' );
176 |
177 |
178 |
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin', 'init' ) );
180 |
//declare the main plugin class...
181 |
class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Plugin {
182 |
183 |
public static $version = '3.2.4';
184 |
public static $script_handle = 'custom-menu-wizard-plugin-script';
185 |
public static $widget_class = 'Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget';
186 |
protected static $instance;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ div > ul > li > ul, div > ol > li > ul {
119 |
120 |
<strong>Tested up to:</strong> 4.4</p>
121 |
122 |
<strong>Stable tag:</strong> 3.2.
123 |
124 |
<strong>License:</strong> GPLv2 or Later </p>
125 |
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ notice of is <code>title</code>, which will be output (if supplied) as an H3 in
1078 |
<p>Yep, 'fraid so :</p>
1079 |
1080 |
1081 |
<li>The widget will only recognise one "current" item (prior to v2.0.2 it was the last one found; as of v2.0.2, it's the first one encountered, but v3.1.5
1082 |
<li>The widget's "assist" uses jQuery UI's Dialog, which unfortunately (in versions 1.10.3/4) has a <em>really</em> annoying bug in its handling of a draggable (ie. when you drag the Dialog's title bar to reposition it on the page) when the page has been scrolled. It is due to be fixed in UI v1.11.0, but meantime I have defaulted the Dialog to fixed position, with an option to toggle back to absolute : it's not perfect but it's the best compromise I can come up with to maintain some sort of useability.</li>
1083 |
1084 |
@@ -1095,8 +1095,84 @@ infallible (and it's been proven a fair few times!), so if you still have proble
1095 |
<p>Please note that simply reporting "It doesn't work" is not
1096 |
the most useful of feedbacks, and is unlikely to get a response other than, possibly, a request for more details.</p>
1097 |
1098 |
1099 |
1100 |
1101 |
1102 |
<p>The widget's interactive "assist" is specific to each widget instance. It is a javascript-driven <em>emulator</em> that uses the widget instance's
@@ -1126,21 +1202,21 @@ settings but they will be slightly opaque and they will <em>not</em> be clickabl
1126 |
If you are using a shortcode implementation, then copy-paste the shortcode text - at the base of either the "assist" or the widget form - straight into your post.</p>
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1130 |
1131 |
1132 |
<p>Yes, use a widget form. The shortcode for all the selected/specified options is show at the base of the widget (v3+) and the base of the
1133 |
"assist". The widget does not have to be placed within a widget area, it can also be used from the Inactive Widgets area.</p>
1134 |
1135 |
1136 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1137 |
1138 |
1139 |
<p>Only if (as of v3.1.5) you are using the <code>widget=N</code> attribute, which refers back to an existing widget instance
1140 |
for its settings.</p>
1141 |
1142 |
1143 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1144 |
1145 |
1146 |
<p>Use the widget's interactive "assist" (see above). Within the representative menu structure, each menu item's id is set in its title
@@ -1148,18 +1224,18 @@ attribute, so should be seen when the cursor is moved over the item. A simpler w
1148 |
then show a green tick "checkbox" to the right of each menu item and you simply [un]check the items as required. Each selection will be reflected back into the
1149 |
widget's <code>Items</code> settings, and also in the shortcode texts.</p>
1150 |
1151 |
<p>The more painstaking way is to go to Appearance, Menus and select the relevant menu; hover over the <em>edit</em>, <em>Remove</em>, or <em>Cancel</em>
1152 |
the URL (the link's href) for <code>menu-item=NNN</code> ... the NNN is the menu item id.</p>
1153 |
1154 |
1155 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1156 |
1157 |
1158 |
<p>The "assist" shows a red cross "checkbox" to the left of each menu item, and [un]checking the items will reflect back into the options and
1159 |
shortcode texts. Otherwise, it's the same principle as outlined above for <code>Items</code> ids.</p>
1160 |
1161 |
1162 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1163 |
1164 |
1165 |
<p>If you elect to include Branch [Ancestor] Siblings, you will <em>only</em> get the siblings, <strong>not</strong> their descendants (assuming they have any).
@@ -1171,21 +1247,39 @@ will become eligible for filtering. If you left "Item" enabled, and switched on
1171 |
would both still be eligible, but only <em>Bravo's descendants</em> would be; not Charlie's!</p>
1172 |
1173 |
1174 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1175 |
1176 |
1177 |
1178 |
widget (sidebar, footer, header, ad-hoc, etc?) or the shortcode (page content, post content, widget content, custom field, etc?) and everyone's
1179 |
requirements for styling are likely to be different ... possibly even within the same web page's output. So all styling is down to your theme,
1180 |
and if you wish to modify it you will need to add to your theme's stylesheet.</p>
1181 |
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
<p>There is a button on the widget's "assist" - <code>[...]</code> - that will provide a list of posts/pages whose content, or meta data (custom fields),
@@ -1198,7 +1292,7 @@ the "assist" (for some unknown reason). You may optionally provide a title attri
1198 |
Note that output from this shortcode extension is restricted to users with edit_pages capability.</p>
1199 |
1200 |
1201 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-
1202 |
1203 |
1204 |
<p>In Version 3, Yes. However, I highly recommend that you upgrade your widgets & shortcodes to the latest versions,
@@ -1206,7 +1300,14 @@ because Version 2 will <strong>not</strong> be supported beyond Version 3.</p>
1206 |
</div></div></div></div> </div>
1207 |
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="Changelog">
1208 |
1209 |
1210 |
1211 |
1212 |
<li>tweak : minor updates to documentation, and verified for WordPress v4.4</li>
119 |
120 |
<strong>Tested up to:</strong> 4.4</p>
121 |
122 |
<strong>Stable tag:</strong> 3.2.4</p>
123 |
124 |
<strong>License:</strong> GPLv2 or Later </p>
125 |
1078 |
<p>Yep, 'fraid so :</p>
1079 |
1080 |
1081 |
<li>The widget will only recognise one "current" item (prior to v2.0.2 it was the last one found; as of v2.0.2, it's the first one encountered, but v3.1.5 adds a switch that lets you opt for the last one found). It is perfectly possible to have more than one menu item marked as "current", but if CMW has been configured to filter on anything related to a "current menu item" it can only choose one. The simplest example of multiple "current" items is if you add the same page to a menu more than once, but any other plugin that adds and/or manipulates menu items could potentially cause problems for CMW.</li>
1082 |
<li>The widget's "assist" uses jQuery UI's Dialog, which unfortunately (in versions 1.10.3/4) has a <em>really</em> annoying bug in its handling of a draggable (ie. when you drag the Dialog's title bar to reposition it on the page) when the page has been scrolled. It is due to be fixed in UI v1.11.0, but meantime I have defaulted the Dialog to fixed position, with an option to toggle back to absolute : it's not perfect but it's the best compromise I can come up with to maintain some sort of useability.</li>
1083 |
1084 |
1095 |
<p>Please note that simply reporting "It doesn't work" is not
1096 |
the most useful of feedbacks, and is unlikely to get a response other than, possibly, a request for more details.</p>
1097 |
1098 |
<p>I should also point out that any other plugin can change any menu, at any time, either before or after this widget does it stuff (even
1099 |
prevent it running at all!), so it's possible that the problem lies somewhere other than CMW.</p>
1100 |
1101 |
1102 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-3-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-3"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Where is the styling of the output coming from, and how do I change it?</h4></a><div id="faq-3" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-3-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1103 |
1104 |
1105 |
<p>The widget does not supply any output styling (at all!). This is because I have absolutely no idea where you are going to place either the
1106 |
widget (sidebar, footer, header, ad-hoc, etc?) or the shortcode (page content, post content, widget content, custom field, etc?) and everyone's
1107 |
requirements for styling are likely to be different ... possibly even within the same web page's output. So, all styling is down to your theme,
1108 |
and if you wish to modify it you will need to add to (or modify) your theme's stylesheet.</p>
1109 |
1110 |
<p>The safest way to do this is via a <a href="" target='_blank'>child theme<small class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window offsite-link" aria-hidden="true"></small></a>, so that any
1111 |
changes you make will not be lost if/when the main theme gets updated.
1112 |
The best way to test your changes is by utilising the developer capabilities that are available in most
1113 |
modern browsers (personally, I could not do without Firefox and the Firebug extension!) and dynamically
1114 |
applying/modifying styles, possibly utilising the custom classes that the
1115 |
widget applies to its output, or the Container options for a user-defined id or class.</p>
1116 |
1117 |
1118 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-4-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-4"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Why is there no (or, How do I get...) indentation on my hierarchical menu?</h4></a><div id="faq-4" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-4-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
<p>Firstly, see the answer above, re: styling of the output.</p>
1122 |
1123 |
<p>Any output styling comes from your theme (or possibly some other plugin, but definitely <em>not</em> CMW).</p>
1124 |
1125 |
<p>If other nested lists are displayed with indentation then it is likely (but not guaranteed) that there is a
1126 |
class that can be applied to the CMW output that may result in the desired effect. It is always worth
1127 |
checking out WordPress's own Nav Menu widget, on a menu that has sub-menus : if that has indentation then
1128 |
check the classes <em>it</em> has and try them on CMW (assuming that they're not already there!). If it doesn't
1129 |
have indentation then you're probably going to have to add your own styled class(es) to your theme, and
1130 |
then apply them to CMW.</p>
1131 |
1132 |
<p>Note that quite a few themes "reset/standardise the CSS", by removing all
1133 |
padding and margins from lists : trouble is, some of them don't then provide any means for indenting
1134 |
nested lists.
1135 |
Also, please be aware that any CSS rules that <em>are</em> provided <em>may</em> be location-specific.
1136 |
So, for example, a class may indent nested lists when they are in a sidebar widget area, but not when
1137 |
they're in a footer widget area or inserted within content (using a shortcode).</p>
1138 |
1139 |
<p>Purely as an example, [re-]applying indentation to nested unorder lists (ULs) could be as fundamental as ...</p>
1140 |
1141 |
<pre><code>ul ul { margin-left: 1em; }</code></pre>
1142 |
1143 |
<p>...however, I have found that things a generally never that straightforward, particularly when menus with
1144 |
links in them are involved, so I'm afraid you might to have to experiment a bit.</p>
1145 |
1146 |
1147 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-5-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-5"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>How can I create a horizontal menu?</h4></a><div id="faq-5" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-5-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1148 |
1149 |
1150 |
<p>Firstly, see the answer above, re: styling of the output.</p>
1151 |
1152 |
<p>Any output styling comes from your theme (or possibly some other plugin, but definitely <em>not</em> CMW).</p>
1153 |
1154 |
<p>If you simply want all the menu items to flow horizontally across the page then you could start with
1155 |
something along the lines of...</p>
1156 |
1157 |
<pre><code>.menu-widget {
1158 |
list-style-type: none;
1159 |
margin: 0;
1160 |
padding: 0;
1161 |
1162 |
.menu-widget li {
1163 |
display: inline-block;
1164 |
margin: 0 2em 0 0;
1165 |
1166 |
1167 |
<p>This is purely an <em>example</em>.</p>
1168 |
1169 |
<p>I've used a class : you may want to change/add to the class, or swap it for an id.
1170 |
There are a number of other ways to do it - especially if you have multiple levels, or you want vertical
1171 |
sub-menus, and/or any sort of interaction. You may want to bring in a jQuery script, or another WordPress
1172 |
plugin, to handle it for you, assuming that your theme doesn't already provide the functionality you need.</p>
1173 |
1174 |
1175 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-6-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-6"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>How do I use the "assist"?</h4></a><div id="faq-6" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-6-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1176 |
1177 |
1178 |
<p>The widget's interactive "assist" is specific to each widget instance. It is a javascript-driven <em>emulator</em> that uses the widget instance's
1202 |
If you are using a shortcode implementation, then copy-paste the shortcode text - at the base of either the "assist" or the widget form - straight into your post.</p>
1203 |
1204 |
1205 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-7-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-7"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Is there an easy way to construct the shortcode?</h4></a><div id="faq-7" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-7-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1206 |
1207 |
1208 |
<p>Yes, use a widget form. The shortcode for all the selected/specified options is show at the base of the widget (v3+) and the base of the
1209 |
"assist". The widget does not have to be placed within a widget area, it can also be used from the Inactive Widgets area.</p>
1210 |
1211 |
1212 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-8-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-8"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Do I have to Save the widget if I am using a shortcode?</h4></a><div id="faq-8" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-8-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1213 |
1214 |
1215 |
<p>Only if (as of v3.1.5) you are using the <code>widget=N</code> attribute, which refers back to an existing widget instance
1216 |
for its settings.</p>
1217 |
1218 |
1219 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-9-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-9" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-9"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>How do I get the menu item ids for the 'Items' option?</h4></a><div id="faq-9" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-9-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1220 |
1221 |
1222 |
<p>Use the widget's interactive "assist" (see above). Within the representative menu structure, each menu item's id is set in its title
1224 |
then show a green tick "checkbox" to the right of each menu item and you simply [un]check the items as required. Each selection will be reflected back into the
1225 |
widget's <code>Items</code> settings, and also in the shortcode texts.</p>
1226 |
1227 |
<p>The more painstaking way is to go to Appearance, Menus and select the relevant menu; hover over one of the <em>edit</em>, <em>Remove</em>, or <em>Cancel</em> links for an item and look in
1228 |
the URL (the link's href) for <code>menu-item=NNN</code> ... the NNN is the menu item id.</p>
1229 |
1230 |
1231 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-10-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-10" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-10"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>How do I get the menu item ids for the 'Exclude Ids' option?</h4></a><div id="faq-10" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-10-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1232 |
1233 |
1234 |
<p>The "assist" shows a red cross "checkbox" to the left of each menu item, and [un]checking the items will reflect back into the options and
1235 |
shortcode texts. Otherwise, it's the same principle as outlined above for <code>Items</code> ids.</p>
1236 |
1237 |
1238 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-11-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-11" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-11"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>What's the difference between including Branch Siblings (or Branch Ancestors + Siblings), and switching to 'Level' instead of 'Item' in the Secondary Filter section?</h4></a><div id="faq-11" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-11-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1239 |
1240 |
1241 |
<p>If you elect to include Branch [Ancestor] Siblings, you will <em>only</em> get the siblings, <strong>not</strong> their descendants (assuming they have any).
1247 |
would both still be eligible, but only <em>Bravo's descendants</em> would be; not Charlie's!</p>
1248 |
1249 |
1250 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-12-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-12" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-12"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Can CMW handle menus that have items dynamically added by other plugins?</h4></a><div id="faq-12" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-12-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1251 |
1252 |
1253 |
<p>Ummm ... Maybe.</p>
1254 |
1255 |
<p>Unfortunately, I can't answer this with a definitive Yes or No. By definition, if something is "dynamic" then
1256 |
it is likely to change. If the plugin that creates those dynamic items does its job correctly then the items
1257 |
added should have unique ids, <em>at least within the context of the menu being manipulated</em>. Also, those items
1258 |
will probably have been set up with a menu_order property that places them appropriately within the menu
1259 |
structure, and the existing menu items will have been modified accordingly. If that is the case then CMW will
1260 |
be able to process them in the right order & structure.</p>
1261 |
1262 |
<p><strong>However</strong>, there is a big caveat here : CMW stores item ids wherever a specific item is targeted - such
1263 |
as <code>Branch=Page One</code>, or <code>Items=1,3,5</code>, or <code>Exclusions=2,4,6+</code>, etc. If any one of those ids relates
1264 |
to a dynamically-generated item at the time the widget (or shortcode) is configured, then it is possible that
1265 |
the id may get assigned to a different item, or may not even exist, when it comes to displaying the
1266 |
1267 |
1268 |
<p>As a contrived example, let's say that posts Alpha, Charlie and Echo are dynamically added to a menu, and you
1269 |
can see them when you configure the CMW widget. You decide to Exclude post Charlie, so you configure and save the widget accordingly.
1270 |
Then someone adds or changes post Beta such that <em>it</em> now qualifies for dynamic inclusion into the menu - so, the
1271 |
menu should now contain posts Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Echo. Unfortunately, the ids get re-assigned by the
1272 |
plugin doing the dynamic insertion, and Beta now has the id that Charlie was given when you configured CMW, so
1273 |
Beta gets filtered out and Alpha, Charlie and Echo get shown!</p>
1274 |
1275 |
<p>So, my advice would be : If you use CMW with a menu that you <em>know</em> contains dynamically-degenerated items,
1276 |
try to avoid specifically targeting any of those items in the configuration. For example,
1277 |
setting <code>Branch=Current Item</code> is fine, but don't set <code>Branch=A Dynamic Item</code>; and avoid including or excluding
1278 |
specific dynamic items, use a parent item that exists in the menu instead. If you can do that then there
1279 |
should be no problem.</p>
1280 |
1281 |
1282 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-13-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-13" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-13"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>How can I find all my posts/pages that have a CMW shortcode so that I can upgrade them?</h4></a><div id="faq-13" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-13-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1283 |
1284 |
1285 |
<p>There is a button on the widget's "assist" - <code>[...]</code> - that will provide a list of posts/pages whose content, or meta data (custom fields),
1292 |
Note that output from this shortcode extension is restricted to users with edit_pages capability.</p>
1293 |
1294 |
1295 |
</div></div></div><div class="panel panel-info"><a class="panel-heading show" role="tab" id="faq-14-heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#faq-14" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq-14"><h4 class="panel-title"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom pull-right"></span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top pull-right"></span>Is Version 2 of the widget, including the old [custom_menu_wizard/] shortcode, still supported?</h4></a><div id="faq-14" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="faq-14-heading"><div class="panel-body">
1296 |
1297 |
1298 |
<p>In Version 3, Yes. However, I highly recommend that you upgrade your widgets & shortcodes to the latest versions,
1300 |
</div></div></div></div> </div>
1301 |
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="Changelog">
1302 |
1303 |
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
<li>bugfix : improve handling of dynamically-generated items, by pre-sorting into menu_order order and coping with negative item ids</li>
1307 |
<li>documentation : updated FAQs</li>
1308 |
1309 |
1310 |
1311 |
1312 |
1313 |
<li>tweak : minor updates to documentation, and verified for WordPress v4.4</li>
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Custom Menu Wizard plugin
4 |
5 |
* Custom Menu Wizard Sorter class
6 |
* NB: Walker_Nav_Menu class is in wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php, and is itself an
7 |
* extension of the Walker class (wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php).
8 |
9 |
* This is for ensuring that nav items are in a proper hierarchical structure, ie. children
10 |
* immediately follow their parent (plugins like Gecka Submenu tack nav items onto the
11 |
* end of the items list, regardless of where the parent item lies in the list), the theory
12 |
* being that however WordPress sorts out the hierarchy should be good enough for me!
13 |
14 |
class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Sorter extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
15 |
16 |
17 |
* Traverse elements to create list from elements.
18 |
* This cut down version merely grabs the original element into a new array
19 |
20 |
* @param object $element Data object.
21 |
* @param array $children_elements List of elements to continue traversing.
22 |
* @param int $max_depth Max depth to traverse.
23 |
* @param int $depth Depth of current element.
24 |
* @param array $args An array of arguments.
25 |
* @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
26 |
27 |
public function display_element( $element, &$children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, &$output ) {
28 |
29 |
if ( ! $element ) {
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
$id_field = $this->db_fields['id'];
34 |
$id = $element->$id_field;
35 |
36 |
if( !is_array( $output ) ){
37 |
$output = array();
38 |
39 |
$output[] = $element;
40 |
41 |
// descend only when the depth is right and there are childrens for this element
42 |
if ( ( $max_depth == 0 || $max_depth > $depth+1 ) && isset( $children_elements[ $id ] ) ) {
43 |
44 |
foreach ( $children_elements[ $id ] as $child ){
45 |
46 |
$this->display_element( $child, $children_elements, $max_depth, $depth + 1, $args, $output );
47 |
48 |
unset( $children_elements[ $id ] );
49 |
50 |
51 |
} //end display()
52 |
53 |
54 |
* Sort array of elements hierarchically.
55 |
56 |
* @param array $elements An array of elements.
57 |
* @param int $max_depth The maximum hierarchical depth (default, unlimited).
58 |
* @return array The elements in proper hierarchical order.
59 |
60 |
public function walk( $elements, $max_depth = 0 ) {
61 |
62 |
//NB : any orphan elements (and that includes children of orphans) get appended to the
63 |
// output array in the order that they are placed in the original array (ie. regardless
64 |
// of menu_order) BUT *only* if $max_depth is zero! If $max_depth is anything other than
65 |
// zero then all orphans (and their children) are ignored (ie. discarded).
66 |
$output = parent::walk( $elements, $max_depth );
67 |
68 |
//always return an array...
69 |
return is_array( $output ) ? $output : array();
70 |
71 |
} //end walk()
72 |
73 |
} //end Custom_Menu_Wizard_Sorter class
@@ -52,16 +52,23 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
52 |
* @param integer $max_depth
53 |
* @return string
54 |
55 |
public function walk($elements, $max_depth){
56 |
57 |
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
58 |
$args = $args[0];
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
if( empty( $args->_custom_menu_wizard['cmwv'] ) ){
63 |
$elements = $this->_cmw_walk_legacy( $args, $elements );
64 |
65 |
$elements = $this->_cmw_walk( $args, $elements );
66 |
67 |
@@ -74,12 +81,24 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
74 |
$max_depth = -1;
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
return empty( $elements ) ? '' : parent::walk( apply_filters( 'custom_menu_wizard_walker_items', $elements, $args ), $max_depth, $args );
80 |
81 |
} //end walk()
82 |
83 |
84 |
* current & legacy : finds and returns ID of current menu item while creating the tree and levels arrays
85 |
@@ -91,6 +110,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
91 |
//$elements is an array of objects, indexed by position within the menu (menu_order),
92 |
//starting at 1 and incrementing sequentially regardless of parentage (ie. first item is [1],
93 |
//second item is [2] whether it's at root or subordinate to first item)
94 |
95 |
$id_field = $this->db_fields['id']; //eg. = 'db_id'
96 |
$parent_field = $this->db_fields['parent']; //eg. = 'menu_item_parent'
@@ -425,7 +445,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
425 |
$rtn = $this->_cmw_tree[0]['keepCount'] > 0;
426 |
if( $rtn && !empty( $cmw['__exclude'] )){
427 |
foreach( $cmw['__exclude'] as $itemID ){
428 |
if( $itemID
429 |
$this->_cmw_tree[ $itemID ]['keep'] = false;
430 |
431 |
@@ -565,6 +585,10 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
565 |
566 |
private function _cmw_walk( &$args, $elements ){
567 |
568 |
$id_field = $this->db_fields['id']; //eg. = 'db_id'
569 |
$parent_field = $this->db_fields['parent']; //eg. = 'menu_item_parent'
570 |
$unlimited = 65532;
@@ -576,7 +600,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
576 |
while( $runCount > 0 ){
577 |
578 |
579 |
$topOfBranch =
580 |
$continue = true;
581 |
582 |
//find the current menu item (ID of the menu item) while creating the tree and levels arrays...
@@ -645,12 +669,12 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
645 |
646 |
647 |
if( $find_branch ){
648 |
//topOfBranch gets set to
649 |
$topOfBranch = $find_current
650 |
651 |
: ( isset( $this->_cmw_tree[ $cmw['branch'] ] ) ? $cmw['branch'] :
652 |
$theBranchItem = $topOfBranch;
653 |
$continue = $topOfBranch
654 |
655 |
656 |
52 |
* @param integer $max_depth
53 |
* @return string
54 |
55 |
public function walk( $elements, $max_depth ){
56 |
57 |
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 );
58 |
$args = $args[0];
59 |
60 |
//v3.2.4 : there's no guarantee the items in $elements will actually be in menu_order order, even
61 |
// though they will probably be indexed as such, which means that reading through using
62 |
// foreach() may process menu_order 14 before menu_order 3 (for example).
63 |
// I'm therefore introducing a pre-sorter, to ensure that the array *is* in the right order!
64 |
65 |
if( $max_depth >= -1 && !empty( $elements ) && isset( $args->_custom_menu_wizard ) ){
66 |
67 |
if( empty( $args->_custom_menu_wizard['cmwv'] ) ){
68 |
$elements = $this->_cmw_walk_legacy( $args, $elements );
69 |
70 |
//pre-sort $elements...
71 |
usort( $elements, array( &$this, 'cmw_sort_menu_order') );
72 |
$elements = $this->_cmw_walk( $args, $elements );
73 |
74 |
81 |
$max_depth = -1;
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
return empty( $elements ) ? '' : parent::walk( apply_filters( 'custom_menu_wizard_walker_items', $elements, $args ), $max_depth, $args );
87 |
88 |
} //end walk()
89 |
90 |
91 |
* sort by ascending menu_order
92 |
* @param object $a Item
93 |
* @param object $a Item
94 |
* @return integer +/-1
95 |
96 |
public static function cmw_sort_menu_order( $a, $b ){
97 |
98 |
return (int) $a->menu_order < (int) $b->menu_order ? -1 : 1;
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
* current & legacy : finds and returns ID of current menu item while creating the tree and levels arrays
104 |
110 |
//$elements is an array of objects, indexed by position within the menu (menu_order),
111 |
//starting at 1 and incrementing sequentially regardless of parentage (ie. first item is [1],
112 |
//second item is [2] whether it's at root or subordinate to first item)
113 |
//NB : as of v3.2.4, $elements will be zero-based due to pre-sorting to get into menu_order order.
114 |
115 |
$id_field = $this->db_fields['id']; //eg. = 'db_id'
116 |
$parent_field = $this->db_fields['parent']; //eg. = 'menu_item_parent'
445 |
$rtn = $this->_cmw_tree[0]['keepCount'] > 0;
446 |
if( $rtn && !empty( $cmw['__exclude'] )){
447 |
foreach( $cmw['__exclude'] as $itemID ){
448 |
if( !empty( $itemID ) && isset( $this->_cmw_tree[ $itemID ] ) && $this->_cmw_tree[ $itemID ]['keep'] ){
449 |
$this->_cmw_tree[ $itemID ]['keep'] = false;
450 |
451 |
585 |
586 |
private function _cmw_walk( &$args, $elements ){
587 |
588 |
if( empty( $elements ) ){
589 |
return $elements;
590 |
591 |
592 |
$id_field = $this->db_fields['id']; //eg. = 'db_id'
593 |
$parent_field = $this->db_fields['parent']; //eg. = 'menu_item_parent'
594 |
$unlimited = 65532;
600 |
while( $runCount > 0 ){
601 |
602 |
603 |
$topOfBranch = false;
604 |
$continue = true;
605 |
606 |
//find the current menu item (ID of the menu item) while creating the tree and levels arrays...
669 |
670 |
671 |
if( $find_branch ){
672 |
//topOfBranch gets set to false if it can't be determined...
673 |
$topOfBranch = $find_current
674 |
? $currentItem
675 |
: ( isset( $this->_cmw_tree[ $cmw['branch'] ] ) ? $cmw['branch'] : false );
676 |
$theBranchItem = $topOfBranch;
677 |
$continue = $topOfBranch !== false;
678 |
679 |
680 |
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
26 |
$this->_cmw_accessibility = isset( $_GET['editwidget'] ) && $_GET['editwidget'];
27 |
$this->_cmw_hash_ct = 0;
28 |
29 |
} //end __construct()
30 |
31 |
@@ -1159,20 +1161,17 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
1159 |
if( !empty( $menus ) ){
1160 |
foreach( $menus as $i => $menu ){
1161 |
//find the menu's items, then remove any menus that have no items...
1162 |
1163 |
if( empty( $menus[ $i ]->_items ) ){
1164 |
unset( $menus[ $i ] );
1165 |
1166 |
1167 |
$rootItem = false;
1168 |
foreach( $menus[ $i ]->_items as $item ){
1169 |
$rootItem = $rootItem || $item->menu_item_parent == 0;
1170 |
1171 |
if( !$rootItem ){
1172 |
unset( $menus[ $i ] );
1173 |
}elseif( $findSM && $selectedMenu == $menu->term_id ){
1174 |
$findSM = false;
1175 |
1176 |
1177 |
1178 |
@@ -1228,7 +1227,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
1228 |
//don't need to check for existence of items because if there were none then the menu wouldn't be here!
1229 |
foreach( $menu->_items as $item ){
1230 |
//exclude orphans!
1231 |
if( isset($itemindents[ $item->menu_item_parent ])){
1232 |
$title = $item->title;
1233 |
$level = $itemindents[ $item->menu_item_parent ] + 1;
1234 |
@@ -1405,7 +1404,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
1405 |
'ancestors' => -9999, //v3.0.0 replaces include_ancestors, but with levels (relative & absolute)
1406 |
'ancestor_siblings' => -9999, //v3.0.0 also has levels (relative & absolute)
1407 |
'depth' => 0,
1408 |
'branch' =>
1409 |
'menu' => 0,
1410 |
'level' => 1, //v3.0.0 replace start_level (for a level filter)
1411 |
'fallback_depth' => 0 //v3.0.0 added
@@ -1472,10 +1471,10 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
1472 |
$instance[ "_$k" ] = array();
1473 |
$instance[ $k ] = isset( $from_instance[ $k ] ) ? trim( (string)$from_instance[ $k ] ) : $v;
1474 |
foreach( preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $instance[ $k ], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) as $i ){
1475 |
//values can be just digits, or digits followed by a '+' (for inheritance)...
1476 |
if( preg_match( '/^(
1477 |
$i = intval( $m[1] );
1478 |
if( $i
1479 |
if( !empty( $m[2] ) ){
1480 |
$inherits[] = $i;
1481 |
$i = $i . '+';
@@ -1560,7 +1559,7 @@ class Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget extends WP_Widget {
1560 |
//specifying branch sets byBranch, overriding byLevel...
1561 |
if( $byBranch ){
1562 |
//use the alternative for 0 ("current") because it's more self-explanatory...
1563 |
$args['branch'] = $instance['branch']
1564 |
//start_at only *has* to be specified if not empty...
1565 |
if( !empty( $instance['branch_start'] ) ){
1566 |
$args['start_at'] = array( $instance['branch_start'] );
26 |
$this->_cmw_accessibility = isset( $_GET['editwidget'] ) && $_GET['editwidget'];
27 |
$this->_cmw_hash_ct = 0;
28 |
29 |
$this->_cmw_hierarchy = new Custom_Menu_Wizard_Sorter();
30 |
31 |
} //end __construct()
32 |
33 |
1161 |
if( !empty( $menus ) ){
1162 |
foreach( $menus as $i => $menu ){
1163 |
//find the menu's items, then remove any menus that have no items...
1164 |
//note : sending a huge number through to the sorter should prevent orphans being
1165 |
// appended to the returned array.
1166 |
// but also note that if the entire menu is orphans, the sorter will appoint
1167 |
// the first item in $elements as "root"!
1168 |
//no longer need to check for all orphans (no root) because the hierarchy sort
1169 |
//will create one if there weren't any before!
1170 |
$menus[ $i ]->_items = $this->_cmw_hierarchy->walk( wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu->term_id ), 65532 );
1171 |
if( empty( $menus[ $i ]->_items ) ){
1172 |
unset( $menus[ $i ] );
1173 |
}elseif( $findSM && $selectedMenu == $menu->term_id ){
1174 |
$findSM = false;
1175 |
1176 |
1177 |
1227 |
//don't need to check for existence of items because if there were none then the menu wouldn't be here!
1228 |
foreach( $menu->_items as $item ){
1229 |
//exclude orphans!
1230 |
if( isset( $itemindents[ $item->menu_item_parent ] ) ){
1231 |
$title = $item->title;
1232 |
$level = $itemindents[ $item->menu_item_parent ] + 1;
1233 |
1404 |
'ancestors' => -9999, //v3.0.0 replaces include_ancestors, but with levels (relative & absolute)
1405 |
'ancestor_siblings' => -9999, //v3.0.0 also has levels (relative & absolute)
1406 |
'depth' => 0,
1407 |
'branch' => -999999, //v3.0.0 replaces filter_item, but without current parent|root item, v3.2.4 allows negative
1408 |
'menu' => 0,
1409 |
'level' => 1, //v3.0.0 replace start_level (for a level filter)
1410 |
'fallback_depth' => 0 //v3.0.0 added
1471 |
$instance[ "_$k" ] = array();
1472 |
$instance[ $k ] = isset( $from_instance[ $k ] ) ? trim( (string)$from_instance[ $k ] ) : $v;
1473 |
foreach( preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $instance[ $k ], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) as $i ){
1474 |
//values can be just digits (maybe with leading '-'), or digits followed by a '+' (for inheritance)...
1475 |
if( preg_match( '/^(-?\d+)(\+?)$/', $i, $m ) > 0 ){
1476 |
$i = intval( $m[1] );
1477 |
if( $i != 0 ){
1478 |
if( !empty( $m[2] ) ){
1479 |
$inherits[] = $i;
1480 |
$i = $i . '+';
1559 |
//specifying branch sets byBranch, overriding byLevel...
1560 |
if( $byBranch ){
1561 |
//use the alternative for 0 ("current") because it's more self-explanatory...
1562 |
$args['branch'] = $instance['branch'] == 0 ? 'current' : $instance['branch'];
1563 |
//start_at only *has* to be specified if not empty...
1564 |
if( !empty( $instance['branch_start'] ) ){
1565 |
$args['start_at'] = array( $instance['branch_start'] );
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Donate link:
4 |
Tags: menu,widget,navigation,custom menu,partial menu,current item,current page,menu level,menu branch,menu shortcode,menu widget,advanced,enhanced
5 |
Requires at least: 3.6
6 |
Tested up to: 4.4
7 |
Stable tag: 3.2.
8 |
License: GPLv2 or Later
9 |
10 |
Show branches or levels of your menu in a widget, or in content using a shortcode, with full customisation.
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ If you have a question or problem that is not covered here, please use the [Supp
769 |
= Are there any known problems/restrictions? =
770 |
Yep, 'fraid so :
771 |
772 |
1. The widget will only recognise one "current" item (prior to v2.0.2 it was the last one found; as of v2.0.2, it's the first one encountered, but v3.1.5
773 |
2. The widget's "assist" uses jQuery UI's Dialog, which unfortunately (in versions 1.10.3/4) has a *really* annoying bug in its handling of a draggable (ie. when you drag the Dialog's title bar to reposition it on the page) when the page has been scrolled. It is due to be fixed in UI v1.11.0, but meantime I have defaulted the Dialog to fixed position, with an option to toggle back to absolute : it's not perfect but it's the best compromise I can come up with to maintain some sort of useability.
774 |
775 |
= Why isn't it working? Why is there no output? =
@@ -782,6 +782,73 @@ infallible (and it's been proven a fair few times!), so if you still have proble
782 |
Please note that simply reporting "It doesn't work" is not
783 |
the most useful of feedbacks, and is unlikely to get a response other than, possibly, a request for more details.
784 |
785 |
= How do I use the "assist"? =
786 |
The widget's interactive "assist" is specific to each widget instance. It is a javascript-driven *emulator* that uses the widget instance's
787 |
option settings - including the menu selected - to build a pictorial representation of the menu and show you, in blue, which menu items will
@@ -821,7 +888,7 @@ attribute, so should be seen when the cursor is moved over the item. A simpler w
821 |
then show a green tick "checkbox" to the right of each menu item and you simply [un]check the items as required. Each selection will be reflected back into the
822 |
widget's `Items` settings, and also in the shortcode texts.
823 |
824 |
The more painstaking way is to go to Appearance, Menus and select the relevant menu; hover over the *edit*, *Remove*, or *Cancel*
825 |
the URL (the link's href) for `menu-item=NNN` ... the NNN is the menu item id.
826 |
827 |
= How do I get the menu item ids for the 'Exclude Ids' option? =
@@ -837,16 +904,34 @@ with `Starting at` set to "the Branch" (ie. Bravo). If you switch from "Item" to
837 |
will become eligible for filtering. If you left "Item" enabled, and switched on the inclusion of Branch Siblings, then Bravo and Charlie
838 |
would both still be eligible, but only *Bravo's descendants* would be; not Charlie's!
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
= How can I find all my posts/pages that have a CMW shortcode so that I can upgrade them? =
852 |
There is a button on the widget's "assist" - `[...]` - that will provide a list of posts/pages whose content, or meta data (custom fields),
@@ -876,6 +961,10 @@ because Version 2 will **not** be supported beyond Version 3.
876 |
877 |
== Changelog ==
878 |
879 |
= 3.2.3 =
880 |
* tweak : minor updates to documentation, and verified for WordPress v4.4
881 |
@@ -1035,6 +1124,10 @@ because Version 2 will **not** be supported beyond Version 3.
1035 |
1036 |
== Upgrade Notice ==
1037 |
1038 |
= 3.2.3 =
1039 |
Tweaked documentation and verified for WordPress v4.4
1040 |
4 |
Tags: menu,widget,navigation,custom menu,partial menu,current item,current page,menu level,menu branch,menu shortcode,menu widget,advanced,enhanced
5 |
Requires at least: 3.6
6 |
Tested up to: 4.4
7 |
Stable tag: 3.2.4
8 |
License: GPLv2 or Later
9 |
10 |
Show branches or levels of your menu in a widget, or in content using a shortcode, with full customisation.
769 |
= Are there any known problems/restrictions? =
770 |
Yep, 'fraid so :
771 |
772 |
1. The widget will only recognise one "current" item (prior to v2.0.2 it was the last one found; as of v2.0.2, it's the first one encountered, but v3.1.5 adds a switch that lets you opt for the last one found). It is perfectly possible to have more than one menu item marked as "current", but if CMW has been configured to filter on anything related to a "current menu item" it can only choose one. The simplest example of multiple "current" items is if you add the same page to a menu more than once, but any other plugin that adds and/or manipulates menu items could potentially cause problems for CMW.
773 |
2. The widget's "assist" uses jQuery UI's Dialog, which unfortunately (in versions 1.10.3/4) has a *really* annoying bug in its handling of a draggable (ie. when you drag the Dialog's title bar to reposition it on the page) when the page has been scrolled. It is due to be fixed in UI v1.11.0, but meantime I have defaulted the Dialog to fixed position, with an option to toggle back to absolute : it's not perfect but it's the best compromise I can come up with to maintain some sort of useability.
774 |
775 |
= Why isn't it working? Why is there no output? =
782 |
Please note that simply reporting "It doesn't work" is not
783 |
the most useful of feedbacks, and is unlikely to get a response other than, possibly, a request for more details.
784 |
785 |
I should also point out that any other plugin can change any menu, at any time, either before or after this widget does it stuff (even
786 |
prevent it running at all!), so it's possible that the problem lies somewhere other than CMW.
787 |
788 |
= Where is the styling of the output coming from, and how do I change it? =
789 |
The widget does not supply any output styling (at all!). This is because I have absolutely no idea where you are going to place either the
790 |
widget (sidebar, footer, header, ad-hoc, etc?) or the shortcode (page content, post content, widget content, custom field, etc?) and everyone's
791 |
requirements for styling are likely to be different ... possibly even within the same web page's output. So, all styling is down to your theme,
792 |
and if you wish to modify it you will need to add to (or modify) your theme's stylesheet.
793 |
794 |
The safest way to do this is via a [child theme](, so that any
795 |
changes you make will not be lost if/when the main theme gets updated.
796 |
The best way to test your changes is by utilising the developer capabilities that are available in most
797 |
modern browsers (personally, I could not do without Firefox and the Firebug extension!) and dynamically
798 |
applying/modifying styles, possibly utilising the custom classes that the
799 |
widget applies to its output, or the Container options for a user-defined id or class.
800 |
801 |
= Why is there no (or, How do I get...) indentation on my hierarchical menu? =
802 |
Firstly, see the answer above, re: styling of the output.
803 |
804 |
Any output styling comes from your theme (or possibly some other plugin, but definitely *not* CMW).
805 |
806 |
If other nested lists are displayed with indentation then it is likely (but not guaranteed) that there is a
807 |
class that can be applied to the CMW output that may result in the desired effect. It is always worth
808 |
checking out WordPress's own Nav Menu widget, on a menu that has sub-menus : if that has indentation then
809 |
check the classes *it* has and try them on CMW (assuming that they're not already there!). If it doesn't
810 |
have indentation then you're probably going to have to add your own styled class(es) to your theme, and
811 |
then apply them to CMW.
812 |
813 |
Note that quite a few themes "reset/standardise the CSS", by removing all
814 |
padding and margins from lists : trouble is, some of them don't then provide any means for indenting
815 |
nested lists.
816 |
Also, please be aware that any CSS rules that *are* provided *may* be location-specific.
817 |
So, for example, a class may indent nested lists when they are in a sidebar widget area, but not when
818 |
they're in a footer widget area or inserted within content (using a shortcode).
819 |
820 |
Purely as an example, [re-]applying indentation to nested unorder lists (ULs) could be as fundamental as ...
821 |
822 |
`ul ul { margin-left: 1em; }`
823 |
824 |
...however, I have found that things a generally never that straightforward, particularly when menus with
825 |
links in them are involved, so I'm afraid you might to have to experiment a bit.
826 |
827 |
= How can I create a horizontal menu? =
828 |
Firstly, see the answer above, re: styling of the output.
829 |
830 |
Any output styling comes from your theme (or possibly some other plugin, but definitely *not* CMW).
831 |
832 |
If you simply want all the menu items to flow horizontally across the page then you could start with
833 |
something along the lines of...
834 |
835 |
`.menu-widget {
836 |
list-style-type: none;
837 |
margin: 0;
838 |
padding: 0;
839 |
840 |
.menu-widget li {
841 |
display: inline-block;
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margin: 0 2em 0 0;
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This is purely an *example*.
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I've used a class : you may want to change/add to the class, or swap it for an id.
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There are a number of other ways to do it - especially if you have multiple levels, or you want vertical
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sub-menus, and/or any sort of interaction. You may want to bring in a jQuery script, or another WordPress
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plugin, to handle it for you, assuming that your theme doesn't already provide the functionality you need.
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= How do I use the "assist"? =
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The widget's interactive "assist" is specific to each widget instance. It is a javascript-driven *emulator* that uses the widget instance's
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option settings - including the menu selected - to build a pictorial representation of the menu and show you, in blue, which menu items will
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then show a green tick "checkbox" to the right of each menu item and you simply [un]check the items as required. Each selection will be reflected back into the
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widget's `Items` settings, and also in the shortcode texts.
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The more painstaking way is to go to Appearance, Menus and select the relevant menu; hover over one of the *edit*, *Remove*, or *Cancel* links for an item and look in
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the URL (the link's href) for `menu-item=NNN` ... the NNN is the menu item id.
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= How do I get the menu item ids for the 'Exclude Ids' option? =
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will become eligible for filtering. If you left "Item" enabled, and switched on the inclusion of Branch Siblings, then Bravo and Charlie
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would both still be eligible, but only *Bravo's descendants* would be; not Charlie's!
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= Can CMW handle menus that have items dynamically added by other plugins? =
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Ummm ... Maybe.
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Unfortunately, I can't answer this with a definitive Yes or No. By definition, if something is "dynamic" then
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it is likely to change. If the plugin that creates those dynamic items does its job correctly then the items
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added should have unique ids, *at least within the context of the menu being manipulated*. Also, those items
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will probably have been set up with a menu_order property that places them appropriately within the menu
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structure, and the existing menu items will have been modified accordingly. If that is the case then CMW will
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be able to process them in the right order & structure.
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**However**, there is a big caveat here : CMW stores item ids wherever a specific item is targeted - such
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as `Branch=Page One`, or `Items=1,3,5`, or `Exclusions=2,4,6+`, etc. If any one of those ids relates
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to a dynamically-generated item at the time the widget (or shortcode) is configured, then it is possible that
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the id may get assigned to a different item, or may not even exist, when it comes to displaying the
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As a contrived example, let's say that posts Alpha, Charlie and Echo are dynamically added to a menu, and you
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can see them when you configure the CMW widget. You decide to Exclude post Charlie, so you configure and save the widget accordingly.
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Then someone adds or changes post Beta such that *it* now qualifies for dynamic inclusion into the menu - so, the
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menu should now contain posts Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Echo. Unfortunately, the ids get re-assigned by the
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plugin doing the dynamic insertion, and Beta now has the id that Charlie was given when you configured CMW, so
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Beta gets filtered out and Alpha, Charlie and Echo get shown!
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So, my advice would be : If you use CMW with a menu that you *know* contains dynamically-degenerated items,
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try to avoid specifically targeting any of those items in the configuration. For example,
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setting `Branch=Current Item` is fine, but don't set `Branch=A Dynamic Item`; and avoid including or excluding
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specific dynamic items, use a parent item that exists in the menu instead. If you can do that then there
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should be no problem.
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= How can I find all my posts/pages that have a CMW shortcode so that I can upgrade them? =
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There is a button on the widget's "assist" - `[...]` - that will provide a list of posts/pages whose content, or meta data (custom fields),
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== Changelog ==
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= 3.2.4 =
965 |
* bugfix : improve handling of dynamically-generated items, by pre-sorting into menu_order order and coping with negative item ids
966 |
* documentation : updated FAQs
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968 |
= 3.2.3 =
969 |
* tweak : minor updates to documentation, and verified for WordPress v4.4
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1124 |
1125 |
== Upgrade Notice ==
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1127 |
= 3.2.4 =
1128 |
Fix to improve handling of dynamically-generated items that have negative item ids, and that get appended to the list of items.
1129 |
Updated FAQs documentation.
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1131 |
= 3.2.3 =
1132 |
Tweaked documentation and verified for WordPress v4.4
1133 |