Custom Post Type UI

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.13.3



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Custom Post Type UI provides an easy to use interface for registering and managing custom post types and taxonomies for your website.

Custom Post Type UI Extended

CPTUI helps create custom content types, but displaying that content can be a whole new challenge. We created Custom Post Type UI Extended to help with displaying your crafted content. View our Layouts page to see available layout examples with Custom Post Type UI Extended.

Beginning with version 1.7.0, Custom Post Type UI Extended has properly moved in to the Block editor experience and is working to get all the layouts available in the new "Custom Post Type UI Block". It's now even easier to start showing your content with the existing and future layouts available with Custom Post Type UI Extended.

Pluginize was launched in 2016 by WebDevStudios to promote, support, and house all of their WordPress products. Pluginize is not only creating new products for WordPress, like CPTUI Extended, but also provides ongoing support and development for WordPress community favorites like CMB2 and more.

Plugin development

Custom Post Type UI development is managed on GitHub, with official releases published on The GitHub repo can be found at Please use the support tab for potential bugs, issues, or enhancement ideas.

Releases (74 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.13.3 2022-12-15
  • 2022-12-15 =
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP8 compatibility notices and warnings.
  • Fixed: "Invalid argument for foreach" based notices around labels.
  • Updated: Added taxonomy PHP global sanitization for 3rd party parameters.
1.13.1 2022-09-08
  • 2022-09-08 =
  • Fixed: Various issues caused by a misplaced output for ob_get_clean() outside of function.
1.13.0 2022-09-08
  • 2022-09-07 =
  • Added: Notes regarding featured image and post format support also needing add_theme_support to work.
  • Fixed: Issues around double quotes and JSON export with the post type description field
  • Fixed: Issues around HTML markup being removed from post type description field stemming from 1.10.x release
  • Fixed: Pluralization issue with our UI for some field labels
  • Updated: Code separation and quality cleanup.
  • Updated: Plugin branding.
1.12.1 2022-05-16
  • 2022-05-16 =
  • Fixed: JSON decoding issues around WP-CLI import.
1.12.0 2022-05-09
  • 2022-05-09 =
  • Added: Tested on WordPress 6.0.
  • Added: Auto-check, but not force, "page-attributes" when setting a post type as hierarchical.
  • Added: "rest_namespace" parameters for both post types and taxonomies.
  • Added: "register_meta_box_cb" parameter for post types.
  • Fixed: undefined index notices for "can_export".
  • Updated: list of reserved taxonomy names with more that are considered reserved.
  • Updated: readme descriptions and screenshots.
1.11.1 2022-03-21
  • 2022 03-18 =
  • Fixed: Errors and warnings around array_key_exists() and bool values
1.11.2 2022-03-21
  • 2022-03-21 =
  • Fixed: Unintended reuse of $delete_with_user variable and can_export option. Props @bogutskyy
  • Fixed: PHP notices around sort array index.
1.11.0 2022-03-17
  • 2022-03-17 =
  • Added: "sort" argument for taxonomies.
  • Added: "can export" argument for post types
  • Added: New taxonomy labels from WordPress 5.9
  • Added: Custom option to set "Enter title here" value for post types.
  • Added: Notes around "exclude from search" argument for post types and taxonomy term archives.
  • Added: Notes around taxonomy "hierarchical" option regarding category vs tag behavior.
  • Updated: Reserved post type slugs from recent WordPress releases.
  • Fixed: PHP warnings around foreach loops in cptui_published_post_format_fix()
1.10.2 2022-01-28
  • 2022-01-28 =
  • Updated: Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.9
1.10.1 2021-12-07
  • 2021-12-07 =
  • Added: Filter to our PHP Global sanitization function for Extended usage.
1.10.0 2021-10-05
  • 2021-10-04 =
  • Added: Dashicon picker with popup. - Props arshidkv12
  • Added: Tag Cloud widget support for custom taxonomies.
  • Added: Filters that allow developers to override the data fetched from our options, if they choose to.
  • Added: Ability to clear all filled in label values.
  • Fixed: Hardened up various parts of our code to ensure security.
  • Fixed: Incorrectly referenced variable from post types instead of taxonomies, for the rest_controller_class property.
1.9.2 2021-09-24
  • 2021-06-16 =
  • Added: "date" as a reserved taxonomy slug.
  • Fixed: duplicate "show_in_graphql" attribute output in "Get Code" output.
  • Updated: image optimization for smaller file sizes.
  • Updated: removed duplicate taxonomy labels.
1.9.1 2021-04-20
  • 2021-04-19 =
  • Fixed: missed WPGraphQL settings in our Get Tools/Export functionality.
  • Updated: note about needing a published item to set parent/child relationships in post types.
1.9.0 2021-03-31
  • 2021-03-30 =
  • Added: WPGraphQL Support when WPGraphQL is installed and active.
  • Fixed: Better handling of code in post_format based helper functions.
  • Updated: Cleaned up unused CSS.
  • Updated: Added types to disallowed taxonomy slugs.
  • Updated: Amended some helper text on the listings page regarding templates. Props @tarecord
1.8.2 2020-12-30
  • 2020-12-29 =
  • Fixed: Addressed some missing available labels for taxonomies.
  • Updated: Provide page slug and link to page if a post type slug is matching an existing page.
  • Updated: Support link was pointed to legacy WordPress Codex but had been moved to Developer Portal. Props @robwent
1.8.1 2020-09-22
  • 2020-09-21 =
  • Fixed: Issues with WP-CLI importing.
  • Added: Menu icon preview that should have been in 1.8.0, but was missed. Props @glebkema
1.8.0 2020-08-14
  • 2020-08-14 =
  • Added: support for default terms with a custom taxonomy.
  • Updated: Removed the forcing of underscores for post type slugs. Taxonomies are still forced.
  • Fixed: jQuery compatibility issue with WordPress 5.5.0
1.7.5 2020-08-11
  • 2020-08-11 =
  • Updated: Addressed UI issues with WordPress 5.5.0
  • Updated: Moved required minimum WordPress version to 5.5.0
1.7.4 2020-03-18
  • 2020-03-17 =
  • Added: Nonce admin verification for import functionality.
  • Added: Extra escaping of markup and output for "Get Code" areas.
1.7.3 2020-03-13
  • 2020-02-05 =
  • Updated: styles and appearance to better match WordPress core.
  • Updated: Change newsletter service integration. Hey, sign up for our newsletter! Props @Oceas
1.7.2 2020-01-08
  • 2020-01-08 =
  • Fixed: Duplicate entries for "delete_with_user" in get code.
  • Fixed: Delete button for post types and taxonomies at bottom of page did not trigger dialog prompt.
1.7.1 2019-11-07
  • 2019-11-06 =
  • Fixed: Random-ish redirects to the "Add new" tab for post types or taxonomies
  • Fixed: JavaScript error when trying to delete a taxonomy.
1.7.0 2019-11-06
  • 2019-11-06 =
  • Actually added this time: Delete with user support for post types. Managed to miss the code with 1.6.0 which was a long time ago.
  • Added: Ability to disable registration of post types or taxonomies, via code filter, without deleting them completely from settings.
  • Added: New post type labels introduced in WordPress 5.0.0.
  • Added: Link to Dashicon documentation for when editing menu icon. Props @juliekuehl
  • Added: Ability to automatically fill in additional labels based on chosen plural and singular label text.
  • Updated: Added post type templates documentation to help section.
  • Updated: Redirect user to the "add" tab if deleting the last post type or taxonomy created.
  • Updated: Touched up tab markup to match semantic improvements provided by WordPress 5.2.0.
  • Fixed: potential duplicate output of "parent_item_colon" with "Get Code" output.
  • Misc: Added code of conduct file to github repo. Props GaryJones.
1.6.2 2019-05-20
  • 2019-05-20 =
  • Added: "themes" is now a reserved post type slug due to conflicts with WordPress internally.
  • Fixed: Updated wording around "Supports" section of post type settings screen.
1.6.1 2018-12-22
  • 2018-12-03 =
  • Fixed: Missed quote for "publicly_queryable" in taxonomy "get code" output.
  • Fixed: Adjusted handling of capitalization on the word "false" when being used to disable a taxonomy metabox via the "metabox callback" setting. The word "false" needs to be all lowercase to disable.
  • Updated: Added note about ability to pass "false" for the "metabox callback" setting to disable the metabox.
  • Updated: Fall back to "custom-post-type-ui" textdomain in "get code" output if theme does not have their own.
  • Updated: Make "Show In Rest" setting default to true taxonomies for sake of easier Gutenberg integration in the future. 1.6.0 had just post types doing this.
1.6.0 2018-10-22
  • TBD =
  • Added: Support for meta_box_cb parameter for register_taxonomy and taxonomies.
  • Added: Dynamically warn about existing slugs.
  • Added: "delete_with_user" support for post types.
  • Added: Filters for post type and taxonomy data right before saving of final data.
  • Added: cptui_get_taxonomy_exists function to check if a provided taxonomy is registered.
  • Added: Required PHP version to readme.txt
  • Added: Filter on taxonomies to be listed as available for association with a post type.
  • Added: Warning indicators to our "Slug changed" and "Slug exists" warnings for post types and taxonomies.
  • Added: Support for "publicly_queryable" parameter for taxonomies.
  • Added: Support for "rest_controller_class" parameters for both post types and taxonomies.
  • Added: Some initial WP-CLI support for importing and exporting CPTUI settings.
  • Added: name_admin_bar support in post type labels.
  • Added: Handling of array versions for "capability_type" field.
  • Updated: Bump minimum WordPress version to 4.7.
  • Updated: Pass the object_type array to cptui_pre_register_taxonomy filter as extra parameter.
  • Updated: Adjusted preserved label handling to aid with plugin performance. Props alex-solovyev
  • Updated: Utilize wp_doing_ajax() function for our AJAX checks.
  • Updated: Clarify what is exported with the Post Types and Taxonomies spots for the Tools section.
  • Updated: Clarify that the listed post types to associate to a CPTUI taxonomy are public post types by default.
  • Updated: Make "Show In Rest" setting default to true for sake of easier Gutenberg integration in the future.
  • Fixed: Only register archive slug if has_archive is set to true.
  • Fixed: Error occurred when attempting to unset post types while editing a taxonomy.
  • Fixed: Prevent errors from non-existant callback functions during post type or taxonomy processing.
  • Fixed: Incorrect use of reserved taxonomy slugs function in a check for reserved post types.
  • Fixed: Make sure "No post type selected" alert trigger from both buttons on the taxonomy settings edit screen.
  • Fixed: Add our stylesheet only on our CPTUI pages. Fixes responsive bug on post editor screen.
  • Fixed: Removed duplicate "label" in taxonomy "get code" section.
1.5.8 2018-04-16
  • 2018-04-16 =
  • Fixed: Corrected issue with "Get Code" area regarding post types and "show in menu" field values.
  • Fixed: Add post_format taxonomy support for CPTUI post types that declare post formats support. This primarily addresses issues with previewing changes for existing post type posts with post_format support.
  • Fixed: Add "show_in_nav_menus" settings/output to tools section.
  • Fixed: "Undefined index" notices for show_in_rest and rest_base settings.
  • Updated: Change how we hide submit button when editing exisitng post types or taxes so switching is available if a javascript error occurs.
  • Updated sidebar links for Pluginize products.
1.5.7 2018-03-08
  • 2018-03-07 =
  • Added: "output" added to blacklisted taxonomy slug list.
  • Fixed: Prevent potential fatal error with customized links in plugin list page.
  • Updated: Text at top of help area and readme description to promote available layouts in CPTUI-Extended.
  • Updated: Things have been tested on the latest WordPress. You're in good hands.
1.5.6 2017-11-09
  • 2017-11-09 =
  • Added: Added "custom_css", "customize_changeset", "author", and "post_type" as reserved post_types.
  • Fixed: The "Invalid JSON" error message was receiving the wrong color indicator for for the admin notice.
1.5.5 2017-07-27
  • 2017-07-27 =
  • Fixed: Prevent possible conflicts with .required css selector by prefixing ours.
  • Fixed: Better accommodate possible labels with apostrophes, in relation to "Get code" functionality.
1.5.4 2017-06-22
  • 2017-06-22 =
  • Fixed: Resolved saving issue around post types tha matched existing page slugs.
  • Fixed: Layout issues on about page.
1.5.3 2017-04-06
  • 2017-03-29 =
  • Fixed: Removed ability to rename post type and taxonomy slugs to reserved slugs after initial saving.
  • Updated: Updated existing and added new, fancier side graphics.
1.5.2 2017-02-02
  • 2017-2-1 =
  • Fixed: Chrome conflicts around the js used to sanitize post type and taxonomy slugs and cursors moving to end of input.
  • Fixed: Further hardened undefined index notices and instance checks in our cptui_not_new_install() callback.
  • Updated: Help text for post type and taxonomy slugs around the use of dashes. See
  • Added: Clarification text regarding what the "Get code" section is useful for.
1.5.1 2017-01-17
  • 2017-1-17 =
  • Fixed: Undefined index notice during update process for themes or plugins.
  • Fixed: Blacklisted the word "include" from allowed taxonomy slugs. Causes menus to not show in WP Admin.
  • Fixed: Blacklisted the word "fields" from allowed post type slugs. Causes pages to not show in WP Admin.
  • Updated: Replaced hardcoded "manage_options" reference in our menu setup with variable holding filtered capability.
1.5.0 2017-01-10
  • 2017-1-10 =
  • Added: Helper functions to grab individual post types or taxonomies from CPTUI options, function to check for support for custom saved values.
  • Added: Helper functions to mark and check if a new CPTUI install.
  • Added: FAQ clarifying why post type/taxonomy slugs are forced to underscores. We mean well, I assure you.
  • Added: Conversion from Cyrillic characters to latin equivalents.
  • Fixed: Parameter handling for get_terms() to match WordPress 4.5.
  • Fixed: Added "action" as a reserved taxonomy name.
  • Fixed: PHP Notices for rewrite array index, present since version 1.0.6
  • Fixed: Prevent triggering post type/taxonomy slug convert when navigating screen via tab key.
  • Fixed: Provide empty quote indicator in Registered Post Types and Taxonomies screen for empty values.
  • Fixed: Post types and taxonomies no longer need extra page refresh to be registered after an import.
  • Updated: Further evolved Registered Post Types and Taxonomies screen to better match list table styles.
  • Updated: Bumped minimum required WordPress version to 4.6.
  • Updated: Clarified what checking a checkbox does in regards to "Supports" area of post type settings.
  • Updated: Changed appropriate help/support links to
  • Updated: Added filter to tab collection for the tools section. You can now add your own tabs.
1.4.3 2016-12-10
  • 2016-10-17 =
  • Fixed: issue with post types and taxonomies trying to be converted before registration. Prevented full success of process.
  • Fixed: Prevent trying to convert taxonomy terms if no terms exist. Taxonomy will still be deleted from CPTUI list.
  • Fixed: Prevent trying to redirect on activation if being network-activated.
1.4.2 2016-10-04
  • 2016-10-03 =
  • Fixed: Responsiveness of sections and "ad" space when creating post types or taxonomies on smaller screens. Props @thecxguy
1.4.1 2016-09-21
  • 2016-8-25 =
  • Fixed: issue with default values for new parameters regarding menu/nav menu display for taxonomies.
  • Fixed: typo in support area.
1.4.0 2016-08-23
  • 2016-8-22 =
  • Added: "Export" tab on editor screens for quick access to post type or taxonomy export pages.
  • Added: CPTUI notices are now dismissable via a button on the right side.
  • Added: "Get code" link to registered post types and registered taxonomies listings.
  • Added: More amending of incorrect characters in post type and taxonomy slugs. Latin standard alphabet only. Sorry.
  • Added: New post type template stack reference from recent WordPress versions.
  • Added: Side warning notification if post type or taxonomy slug has been edited.
  • Added: Display About page upon activation of plugin.
  • Added: Link below ads regarding getting them removed via purchase of CPTUI Extended.
  • Added: No need to refresh page after initial save to see post types and taxonomies in menu.
  • Added: Taxonomy support for show_in_menu and show_in_nav_menus.
  • Fixed: Further improved labels for information text on inputs.
  • Fixed: Hide "choose icon" button for non-js users.
  • Fixed: Issue with misused "parent" label key that should be parent_item_colon.
  • Fixed: Missed show_in_menu_string parameter for "get code" area.
  • Fixed: Make sure taxonomies have required post type associated.
  • Fixed: "Edit" links in listings area now account for network-admin when needed, with CPTUI Extended.
  • Updated: Switch to dedicated dashicon for color consistency between applied admin color schemes.
  • Updated: Updated about page.
  • Updated: Further UI refinements to better match WordPress admin. Adapted styles found from metaboxes, including collapse/expand toggles.
1.3.5 2016-06-05
  • 2016-6-3 =
  • Removed undefined index error for publicly_queryable in "Get Code" area. That parameter is targeted for 1.4.0 release.
1.3.4 2016-05-26
  • 2016-5-4 =
  • Fixed: moved WDS-based services "ads" to within the plugin itself. Will not request remote resources.
  • Fixed: Better output formatting if WDS/Pluginize "ads" failed to load images.
  • Fixed: undefined variable error in cptui.js
  • Added: Newsletter subscription form to stay uptodate with Custom Post Type UI & Custom Post Type UI Extended news.
  • Added: Support page/FAQ info regarding Pluginize and recent sidebar developments.
1.3.3 2016-04-12
  • 2016-4-5 =
  • Revert Changes for ajax/heartbeat API requests before post type registration. 3rd party or other plugins were breaking because post types were not registered.
1.3.2 2016-04-05
  • 2016-4-5 =
  • Fixed: Logic issue with cptui js files loading where they weren't meant to.
  • Fixed: Required markers missing on required post type fields.
  • Fixed: Removed excess labels that are not used by WordPress core.
  • Added: New contributors to readme file. Welcome John and Ryan.
  • Updated: New screenshot from 1.3.0 release. Moved to assets folder so users will no longer download as part of CPTUI.
  • Updated: Better prevention of running our code during ajax/heartbeat api requests.
1.3.1 2016-03-25
  • 2016-3-25 =
  • Fixed: Logic issue for default values of public parameter for taxonomies added in 1.3.0.
1.3.0 2016-03-24
  • Added: "CPTUI_VERSION" constant and deprecated "CPT_VERSION".
  • Added: "Public" parameter for taxonomies
  • Added: "View Post Types" and "View Taxonomies" tabs at top of add/edit screens.
  • Added: Better prevention of potential duplicate slugs in new post types and taxonomies.
  • Added: Current theme's textdomain as output in get code textareas.
  • Added: Fill in singular and plural label fields if none provided. WordPress does not auto-fill these.
  • Added: For developers: plenty of extra hooks all over for customization needs.
  • Added: Javascript-based prevention of spaces and special characters for post type and taxonomy slugs.
  • Added: Legend tag support to admin UI class.
  • Added: Minified copies of our JavaScript and CSS. Define SCRIPT_DEBUG to true to use non-minified versions.
  • Added: New post type and taxonomy labels provided by WordPress 4.3 and 4.4 releases.
    • See:
  • Added: Notes to post type and taxonomy edit screens about WordPress core's post types and taxonomies.
  • Added: Taxonomy slug update ability with preserved term association.
  • Added: Title, Editor, and Featured Image now checked by default for new post types.
  • Added: "Show in Quick Edit" taxonomy parameter available in WP 4.2
  • Added: Promo spots on add/edit screens for other products from WebDevStudios.
  • Fixed: Need to visit permalinks page to flush rewrite rules after creating new post type or taxonomy.
  • Fixed: Missing REST API based parameters in "Get Code" output.
  • Updated: Increased accessibility coverage.
  • Updated: Revised how tabs are added to pages so 3rd party developers can add their own tabs.
  • Updated: Improved string consistency in our UI helper notes. Props @GaryJ
  • Updated: Tested on WordPress 4.5
  • Updated: Cleaned up admin footer area for social links.
  • Updated: Moved all localization work to Translation packs
1.2.4 2016-03-15
  • Added: new CPTUI_VERSION constant to match naming of other current constants.
  • Added: CPTUI_VERSION constant to cptui.css string for cache busting.
1.2.3 2016-01-31
  • Fixed: copy/paste error with admin css.
1.2.2 2016-01-30
  • Fixed: Missing admin menu icon for some browsers.
  • Fixed: Undefined index notices for post type screen.
1.2.1 2016-01-16
  • Fixed: Undefined index notices for custom taxonomies and new fields from 1.2.0
1.2.0 2016-01-15
  • Added: Support for show_in_nav_menus parameter for post types.
  • Added: Support for taxonomy descriptions.
  • Added: Message on listings page if no post types or taxonomies are available.
  • Added: Note regarding 'public' parameter not being true by default for WordPress but is for CPTUI.
  • Added: Individual post type and taxonomy output for "Get Code" area.
  • Added: Fallback values for post type/taxonomy select input and get code area if no plural label provided.
  • Added: Support for custom query_var strings for post types.
  • Added: Support for show_in_rest and rest_base for post types and taxonomies for the upcoming WordPress REST API.
  • Added: Template hierarchy files to listings tables for user reference.
  • Added: Form labels in more areas to help with accessibility and usability.
  • Added: Fieldset method to Admin UI class for easily adding fieldset output.
  • Added: Debugging tab for use with CPTUI support.
  • Updated: Minimum version required. Now WordPress 4.2.
  • Updated: Heading tags match accessibility changes in WordPress 4.3.
  • Updated: Moved page title for some pages above tabs.
  • Updated: Textdomain now matches repo slug.
  • Updated: Added Visual Composer questions/answers to support section.
  • Updated: Added question/answer regarding spaces in post type slugs
  • Updated: Changed help icons to a Dashicon help icon.
  • Fixed: Support for YARPP plugin.
  • Fixed: Prevent potential issues with AJAX requests and our scripts/styles
1.1.3 2015-12-23
  • Bumping WordPress compatibility version only. No other changes involved.
1.1.2 2015-08-11
  • Change export value to plural label for taxonomies.
  • Properly select a post type or taxonomy after deleting an existing value.
  • Updated screenshots
  • Added target="_blank" attribute to one of the inline help links for Menu position. Thanks @JulieKuehl
  • Fixed potential XSS issue.
1.1.1 2015-06-19
  • Re-add post type and taxonomy select buttons and only display for non-js users.
1.1.0 2015-06-13
  • Simplified UI with regards to clicking amount.
  • Auto selecting of first available post type or taxonomy in Edit tab.
  • Switch to post type or taxonomy upon selection within Edit tab.
  • Return of a list of CPTUI-registered post types and taxonomies.
  • Post type slug update capability.
  • Added function reference 3rd party link to support area.
  • New hooks in edit screen for custom content display on screen.
  • String updates.
  • UI field option for custom "Supports" parameters from other plugins. Example: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.
  • Updated help/support section with another reference tool.
  • Trim extra spaces potentially left behind in text inputs.
  • Rearranged menu listing slightly to remove duplicate naming.
  • GitHub repo has GitHub Updater ( compatible copy of CPTUI version that is available on
1.0.8 2015-05-05
  • Register taxonomies at a higher priority than post types.
1.0.7 2015-04-20
  • Preventive measures for potential XSS security issues with add_query_arg()
1.0.6 2015-04-15
  • Change priority of post type registration function that was causing rewrite issues for many.
  • Fix issues with help text spots not showing up for some post type fields. Props pedro-mendonca.
  • Fix logic issue with PHP's empty() function and CPTUI 0.9.x saved settings.
1.0.5 2015-03-26
  • Explicitly set the post type and taxonomy rewrite slugs as the registered slug if no custom ones provided.
  • Prevent cptui.js from loading where it is not needed.
  • Fixed undefined index notice for post type rewrite_withfront.
  • Repopulated labels when none provided and post type or taxonomy mentioned in default label.
  • Fix for import/export get code tab and hierarchical taxonomies
1.0.4 2015-03-06
  • Fixed incorrect boolean order for hierarchical taxonomies and default value.
  • Fixed missing closing div tags.
  • Default menu position to null instead of empty string.
  • Undefined index notice cleanup.
  • Remove unnecessary hook.
1.0.3 2015-03-02
  • Fix logic error regarding string "0" evaluating to false when checked for not empty.
  • Fix for taxonomy with_front boolean value not evaluating correctly.
  • Fix for taxonomy hierarchical boolean value not evaluating correctly.
  • Fix for post type has_archive.
  • German translation updates. If you speak/read German, myself and the translator would LOVE to have feedback on this.
  • Internationalization string changes after feedback from German translation work.
  • Minor issue with link html being stripped from UI field explanation.
  • Better apostrophe/single quote support in label fields.
1.0.2 2015-02-12
  • Fix issue with checked checkboxes for post type associations for taxonomies.
  • Fix "Get Code" spot related to post type associations for taxonomies.
  • Update some text strings after localization feedback.
  • Fix typos in textdomain for two spots.
  • Updating progressing translation files.
  • Fix value for with_front parameter.
  • Fix error in boolean type for map_meta_cap.
  • Fix missing use of query_var slug if present for taxonomies.
1.0.1 2015-02-11
  • Fix issues with taxonomy transfer and registration.
  • Fix issue with taxonomy "show admin column" evaluating to true regardless of setting.
  • Prefix our "help" class to prevent conflict with other plugins that use just "help".
  • Fix issue with menu position values not being obeyed.
  • Fix hook names inside taxonomy update function.
  • Fix potentially empty parameter with taxonomies and "Get Code" output.
  • Added PHP "undefined index" notice prevention for some parameters.
1.0.0 2015-02-09
  • CPTUI has been given a new UI!
  • Separated out post type and taxonomy creation to their own screens.
  • Added import/export ability for post type and taxonomy settings.
  • Added a Help/Support Screen.
  • Added/Updated available parameters for post types and parameters.
  • Updated i18n and translation files.
  • Added Confirmation prompts before deleting post types and taxonomies.
  • Added actions and filters for 3rd party customization.
  • Added function that automatically converts 0.8.x and down settings to new setting arrangement.
  • Changed how settings are stored so that post types and taxonomies are in named array indexes.
  • Bug fixes not mentioned above.
0.9.5 2015-02-02
  • Revert 0.9.0 release until unfound bugs are fixed.
0.9.0 2015-02-02
  • CPTUI has been given a new UI!
  • Separated out post type and taxonomy creation to their own screens.
  • Added import/export ability for post type and taxonomy settings.
  • Added a Help/Support Screen.
  • Added/Updated available parameters for post types and parameters.
  • Updated i18n and translation files.
  • Added Confirmation prompts before deleting post types and taxonomies.
  • Added actions and filters for 3rd party customization.
  • Added function that automatically converts 0.8.x and down settings to new setting arrangement.
  • Changed how settings are stored so that post types and taxonomies are in named array indexes.
  • Bug fixes not mentioned above.
0.8.5 2014-10-28
  • Fix issue with menu_postion being quoted in CPT get_code functionality.
0.8.4 2014-08-30
  • Fix issue with get code and post types/taxonomies that use a dash instead of underscore. Props Evan Mullins/circlecube.
0.8.3 2014-06-27
  • Dashicon support
0.8.2 2014-04-16
  • Fix with_front logic issue.
0.8.1 2013-10-18
  • Renamed menu entry to "CPT UI".
  • Fixes for potential "undefined index" WP DEBUG log notices.
  • Updated localization text files for text changes.
  • Updated and fixed output for "get code" and custom post types.
  • Updated and fixed output for "get code" and custom taxonomies.
  • Fixes "get code" function callback name conflict.
  • Added support for show_admin_column for WordPress 3.5+
  • Added support for map_meta_cap field in custom post types.
  • Prevent quotes in slug fields for Custom Post Types or Taxonomies. 2013-06-20

= 0.7.2 = * Added exclude_from_search support * Fixed display bug with capability type * Fixed JavaScript bug * Strict CPT name check * Code cleanup

= 0.7.1 = * XSS security bug patched

= 0.7 = * WordPress 3.1 support * Added has_archive and show_in_menu support * Added label for custom menu name * Updated plugin UI to be consistent with WordPress styles * Added "Get Code" feature to easily copy code used for post types and taxonomies (BETA)

= 0.6.2 = * Added support for assigning custom taxonomies to post types when creating/editing * Fixed bug when setting hierarchy on a post type (props @JohnPBloch) * Fixed an error when registering a post type with no supported meta boxes * Fixed "Undefined index" error when determining return URLs * Added Chinese translation

= 0.6.1 = * Added translation functionality and .pot file * Added Japanese translation * Reworked entire path structure fixing "page not found" errors * Fixed "First argument is expected to be a valid callback" error * Random bug fixes

= 0.6 = * Added support for custom labels with custom post types and taxonomies * Added ability to assign built-in taxonomies to custom post types * Added ability to assign custom taxonomies to multiple post types * Fixed jQuery conflict with other plugins (props shadyvb) * Managing post types now displays total published/draft per type * Code optimization and cleanup

= 0.5.2 = * Updated excerpts to excerpt in CPT Support field (props vlad27aug)

= 0.5.1 = * Added flush_rewrite_rules() to reset rules when using custom rewrite slugs

= 0.5 = * Fixed multiple bugs * If upgrading from pre 0.5 version you will need to recreate your custom post types

= 0.4.1 = * Fixed bug with REWRITE and QUERY_VAR values not executing correctly

= 0.4 = * Default view now hides advanced options * Get Code link to easily copy/paste code used to create custom post types and taxonomies * Added support for 'author' and 'page-attributes' in CPT Supports field

= 0.3.1 = * Fixed multiple warnings and errors

= 0.3 = * added new menu/submenus for individual sections * added support for 'title' and 'editor' in CPT Supports field * added Singular Label for custom taxonomies (props sleary)

= 0.2.1 = * Set default Query Var setting to False

= 0.2 = * Fixed the siteurl bug * Added support for creating custom taxonomies

= 0.1.2 = * Fixed a bug where default values were incorrect

= 0.1.1 = * Fixed a bunch of warnings

= 0.1 = * First beta release 2012-07-11

= 0.7.2 = * Added exclude_from_search support * Fixed display bug with capability type * Fixed JavaScript bug * Strict CPT name check * Code cleanup

= 0.7.1 = * XSS security bug patched

= 0.7 = * WordPress 3.1 support * Added has_archive and show_in_menu support * Added label for custom menu name * Updated plugin UI to be consistent with WordPress styles * Added "Get Code" feature to easily copy code used for post types and taxonomies (BETA)

= 0.6.2 = * Added support for assigning custom taxonomies to post types when creating/editing * Fixed bug when setting hierarchy on a post type (props @JohnPBloch) * Fixed an error when registering a post type with no supported meta boxes * Fixed "Undefined index" error when determining return URLs * Added Chinese translation

= 0.6.1 = * Added translation functionality and .pot file * Added Japanese translation * Reworked entire path structure fixing "page not found" errors * Fixed "First argument is expected to be a valid callback" error * Random bug fixes

= 0.6 = * Added support for custom labels with custom post types and taxonomies * Added ability to assign built-in taxonomies to custom post types * Added ability to assign custom taxonomies to multiple post types * Fixed jQuery conflict with other plugins (props shadyvb) * Managing post types now displays total published/draft per type * Code optimization and cleanup

= 0.5.2 = * Updated excerpts to excerpt in CPT Support field (props vlad27aug)

= 0.5.1 = * Added flush_rewrite_rules() to reset rules when using custom rewrite slugs

= 0.5 = * Fixed multiple bugs * If upgrading from pre 0.5 version you will need to recreate your custom post types

= 0.4.1 = * Fixed bug with REWRITE and QUERY_VAR values not executing correctly

= 0.4 = * Default view now hides advanced options * Get Code link to easily copy/paste code used to create custom post types and taxonomies * Added support for 'author' and 'page-attributes' in CPT Supports field

= 0.3.1 = * Fixed multiple warnings and errors

= 0.3 = * added new menu/submenus for individual sections * added support for 'title' and 'editor' in CPT Supports field * added Singular Label for custom taxonomies (props sleary)

= 0.2.1 = * Set default Query Var setting to False

= 0.2 = * Fixed the siteurl bug * Added support for creating custom taxonomies

= 0.1.2 = * Fixed a bug where default values were incorrect

= 0.1.1 = * Fixed a bunch of warnings

= 0.1 = * First beta release 2011-08-17

= 0.7.1 = * XSS security bug patched

= 0.7 = * WordPress 3.1 support * Added has_archive and show_in_menu support * Added label for custom menu name * Updated plugin UI to be consistent with WordPress styles * Added "Get Code" feature to easily copy code used for post types and taxonomies (BETA)

= 0.6.2 = * Added support for assigning custom taxonomies to post types when creating/editing * Fixed bug when setting hierarchy on a post type (props @JohnPBloch) * Fixed an error when registering a post type with no supported meta boxes * Fixed "Undefined index" error when determining return URLs * Added Chinese translation

= 0.6.1 = * Added translation functionality and .pot file * Added Japanese translation * Reworked entire path structure fixing "page not found" errors * Fixed "First argument is expected to be a valid callback" error * Random bug fixes

= 0.6 = * Added support for custom labels with custom post types and taxonomies * Added ability to assign built-in taxonomies to custom post types * Added ability to assign custom taxonomies to multiple post types * Fixed jQuery conflict with other plugins (props shadyvb) * Managing post types now displays total published/draft per type * Code optimization and cleanup

= 0.5.2 = * Updated excerpts to excerpt in CPT Support field (props vlad27aug)

= 0.5.1 = * Added flush_rewrite_rules() to reset rules when using custom rewrite slugs

= 0.5 = * Fixed multiple bugs * If upgrading from pre 0.5 version you will need to recreate your custom post types

= 0.4.1 = * Fixed bug with REWRITE and QUERY_VAR values not executing correctly

= 0.4 = * Default view now hides advanced options * Get Code link to easily copy/paste code used to create custom post types and taxonomies * Added support for 'author' and 'page-attributes' in CPT Supports field

= 0.3.1 = * Fixed multiple warnings and errors

= 0.3 = * added new menu/submenus for individual sections * added support for 'title' and 'editor' in CPT Supports field * added Singular Label for custom taxonomies (props sleary)

= 0.2.1 = * Set default Query Var setting to False

= 0.2 = * Fixed the siteurl bug * Added support for creating custom taxonomies

= 0.1.2 = * Fixed a bug where default values were incorrect

= 0.1.1 = * Fixed a bunch of warnings

= 0.1 = * First beta release 2011-02-25

= 0.7 = * WordPress 3.1 support * Added has_archive and show_in_menu support * Added label for custom menu name * Updated plugin UI to be consistent with WordPress styles * Added "Get Code" feature to easily copy code used for post types and taxonomies (BETA)

= 0.6.2 = * Added support for assigning custom taxonomies to post types when creating/editing * Fixed bug when setting hierarchy on a post type (props @JohnPBloch) * Fixed an error when registering a post type with no supported meta boxes * Fixed "Undefined index" error when determining return URLs * Added Chinese translation

= 0.6.1 = * Added translation functionality and .pot file * Added Japanese translation * Reworked entire path structure fixing "page not found" errors * Fixed "First argument is expected to be a valid callback" error * Random bug fixes

= 0.6 = * Added support for custom labels with custom post types and taxonomies * Added ability to assign built-in taxonomies to custom post types * Added ability to assign custom taxonomies to multiple post types * Fixed jQuery conflict with other plugins (props shadyvb) * Managing post types now displays total published/draft per type * Code optimization and cleanup

= 0.5.2 = * Updated excerpts to excerpt in CPT Support field (props vlad27aug)

= 0.5.1 = * Added flush_rewrite_rules() to reset rules when using custom rewrite slugs

= 0.5 = * Fixed multiple bugs * If upgrading from pre 0.5 version you will need to recreate your custom post types

= 0.4.1 = * Fixed bug with REWRITE and QUERY_VAR values not executing correctly

= 0.4 = * Default view now hides advanced options * Get Code link to easily copy/paste code used to create custom post types and taxonomies * Added support for 'author' and 'page-attributes' in CPT Supports field

= 0.3.1 = * Fixed multiple warnings and errors

= 0.3 = * added new menu/submenus for individual sections * added support for 'title' and 'editor' in CPT Supports field * added Singular Label for custom taxonomies (props sleary)

= 0.2.1 = * Set default Query Var setting to False

= 0.2 = * Fixed the siteurl bug * Added support for creating custom taxonomies

= 0.1.2 = * Fixed a bug where default values were incorrect

= 0.1.1 = * Fixed a bunch of warnings

= 0.1 = * First beta release