Gantry 4 Framework

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 4.1.21



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Releases (44 )

Version Release Date Change Log
4.1.21 2020-04-02
  • Various PHP 7.4 fixes
4.1.20 2019-12-04
  • WordPress 5.3 compatibility fixes
4.1.19 2019-10-04
  • Menu item dropdown will not open in Android mobile theme (requires theme index-android.php file update).
4.1.18 2019-06-04
  • Top level navigation item cannot be selected on a mobile device when using Mobile theme
  • Fixed issue with adding custom positions using non-unique position names
4.1.17 2018-12-07
  • Updated MooTools to resolve conflicts with WordPress 5.0
  • WordPress 5.0 fixes
4.1.16 2018-08-10
  • Fixed YOAST gizmo
4.1.15 2018-06-15
  • Various PHP 7.2 fixes
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
4.1.14 2017-08-28
  • Fixed JS errors caused by YOAST SEO on Gantry 4 Theme Settings page making it unusable.
  • Added an Gizmo option to enable/disable YOAST SEO JS on Widgets page in order to make the Gantry 4 MooTools scripts usable. You need to copy "yoastwidgets" fields from Gantry 4 default themes templateDetails.xml to your own theme to be able to enable and disable this functionality.
4.1.13 2017-07-06
  • Fix regression in widget rendering on non-existing positions
  • PHP 7 compatibility fixes
4.1.12 2017-06-29
  • PHP 7 compatibility fixes
4.1.11 2016-11-21
  • PHP 7 compatibility fixes
4.1.10 2016-09-07
  • Auto execute script that will attempt to fix the widgets with wrong IDs in WP 4.4. Some widgets with bad data inside of them might need to be placed again.
  • Fix for wrong Widget IDs when placing them in WP 4.4
  • Encode the serialized cache data with base64 to avoid errors when unserializing in WP 4.4
4.1.9 2015-12-09
  • Various style fixes for WordPress 4.4
  • Fixed deprecated constructor class in Divider Widget
  • Fixed a bug in Taxonomy facttype where it wasn't limited to arrays only
  • Fixed StrictStandard notice in loadposition gizmo
  • Updated FontAwesome to 4.5.0
4.1.8 2015-09-18
  • Fixed fallback to en_US language file if the localized .mo file doesn't exist
  • Fixed Fatal Error that could occur when WPML ICL_Language_Switcher class is missing
  • Changed display of plugin name to Gantry 4 Framework
4.1.7 2015-08-28
  • Updated FontAwesome to 4.4.0
4.1.6 2015-07-20
  • Fixed XSS security vulnerability - thanks to Ingo Chao @ingochao for reporting
  • Replaced .live deprecated jQuery call in gantry-widgets.js
4.1.5 2015-07-06
  • Fixed layout issues when using WPML and multilingual widgets
  • Fixed strict standards error in invertPositionOrder for RTL languages
  • Fixed Warning caused by $gantry being null when using WPTouch
  • Fixed RTL notices caused by using deprecated get_bloginfo calls
  • Added wp_nonce_field() to the Login Form widget
4.1.4 2015-04-20
  • Fixed potential security risk
4.1.3 2015-02-28
  • Updated FontAwesome to 4.3.0
  • Updated compatibility for the bbPress
  • Fix for the Warning in GantryGZipper
  • Fixed issue that could prevent LESS from compiling on Windows machines when site directory had spaces in the name
  • Improved WPML compatibility ie. assigning overrides per language, translatable Gantry Widget input fields, Widget Variations for WPML Language Switcher widget etc.
  • Reverted language strings in Gantry Default Theme to WP core native approach with hardcoded text domains for WPML compatibility (some themes will require update) - please check Gantry Framework documentation for more info
4.1.2 2014-12-18
  • Fixed FontAwesome font files paths in the WordPress Multisite
  • Modified get_content_template to support only current page context, leaving the post formats to the template
  • Modified the Gantry Breadcrumbs widget to support more formats and support filters
  • Fixed issue when wp_enqueue_scripts hook was fired too late
  • It is now possible to load scripts in the footer using addScript(s), addInlineScript, addDomReadyScript and addLoadScript
  • Revamped the Widget Variation Chooser to be much more flexible and usable (requires minor theme changes)
  • Widget input fields should now properly use data allowed in wp_filter_post_kses ie. some HTML code
  • Fixed assigning taxonomy archives to overrides
  • $gantry->displayBodyTag() allows now to use the same parameters as body_class()
  • Added widget_title filter to the Gantry Framework core widgets
  • Added compatibility for the WP Menu Cart plugin
  • Added missing BuddyPress Notifications Component to the possible Assignments list
  • Moved Analytics to Universal Analytics
  • Possible fix for some minor Font Awesome 3.0 issues
  • Fixed compatibility for NextGen Gallery
  • Minor UI improvements
4.1.1 2014-01-06
  • Fix for the JS error when editing Widgets in the overrides which could cause widgets to disappear
  • Fix for the gantryUrl that could prevent some scripts from using SSL
  • Changed CSS margins for the Gantry Widget forms to fix spacing
  • Fixed loading font variants for Google Fonts
  • Updated Google Fonts catalogue to support all currently available fonts and variants
  • Fixes for the Strict Standard notices in PHP 5.4 when debug mode enabled
4.1.0 2013-12-12
  • Compatibility fix in the MooRainbow for the Visual Composer plugin
  • RokBox 2 support in the Login Button widget
  • Fix for the multiple body classes in Page Suffix gizmo
  • Updated IE11 detection
  • Updated Pretty Print JS files
  • Fixed font style issues caused by FontAwesome 3.2.1 icons
  • Added Font Awesome 4 assets for future use
  • Fixed missing special characters with Google fonts ie. Polish characters
  • Removed RocketTheme references in Copyright widget
  • Fixed the display of overrided options in the theme settings
  • Gantry admin UI fixes for the WordPress 3.8
4.0.8 2013-10-03
  • Added core support for the BuddyPress 1.8+ - Gantry BuddyPress plugin is no longer required and has been deprecated
  • Fix for the Gizmo options not being saved/loaded in the Presets of the theme
  • Compatibility fix for the NextGen Gallery plugin
  • Fixed rendering of the dollar sign ($) in the site title
  • You can now use the %YEAR% and %year% in the Gantry Copyright widget to display the current year
  • Fix for the bad path to the font files of the FontAwesome 3.2.1
4.0.7 2013-09-04
  • Added support for Font Awesome 3.2.1
  • Added in performance improvement for Menus in the Rules Engine (thanks David Fritsch)
  • Added Gantry Mobile Dectect core utility (required by some premium templates ie. Lumiere)
  • Added two new admin form fields - filelist and imagelist
4.0.6 2013-05-17
  • Cart66 support added to compatibility gizmo
  • Shopp plugin compatibility fix
  • Fixed parseQueryString method on override widgets that wasn't allowing the "+" caracther in text
  • Google Web Fonts should now use proper protocol when SSL detected
  • Filter in Title gizmo should now have all required parameters
  • Changed the way how Gantry outputs header and footer which can solve potential issues with scripts and regular expressions
  • Gantry Menu cache should now respect the get_locale();
  • Other minor improvements
4.0.5 2013-04-15
  • Fixed Google WebFonts and breaking fonts caused by s: and g: added to font body class
  • You can now keep your Gantry Framework translation files (.mo) in the WordPress languages directory ie. wp-content/languages/gantry/
  • Gantry is now going to automatically add the templateName-custom.css file if found under css/ directory
  • Added fix for the WP SEO when "Force Rewrite Titles" enabled
  • Title gizmo should now respect the wp_title filter
4.0.4 2013-03-23
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 4.0.3 where CSS files could load with double slashes
4.0.3 2013-03-22
  • Fixed compatibility with WordPress Multi Site installations
  • Fixed a notice where siteurl option didn't had path set
4.0.2 2013-03-21
  • Reverted some CSS changes in gantry.css which could cause some bad color appearance in couple themes
4.0.1 2013-03-20
  • Next Gantry Framework Major Release. Please always do a full backup (files + database) of your site before upgrading!
  • Fixed incompatibility with PHP 5.2
4.0.0 2013-03-19
  • Next Gantry Framework Major Release. Please always do a full backup (files + database) of your site before upgrading!
  • LESS support
  • Responsive layouts are fully supported
  • Brand new Admin UI
  • Caching improvements
  • Filtering in the Assignments tab
  • Ability to choose a chrome per widget
  • Support for the new Dropdown menu
  • New Search Highlight gizmo to allow to highlight search query without losing page content formatting
  • Added back the gantryjson.class.php file for backwards compatibility with Crystalline
  • Many more!
1.31 2012-12-18
  • Fix for the caching issue which caused the "Fatal error: Call to a member function getGridcss()"
  • Please clean your site/browser cache after updating Gantry to 1.31
1.30 2012-12-18
  • Fix for the "Fatal error: Call to a member function isEnabled()" in some rare cases
  • Fixed Notices appearing after enabling Debug mode
  • Fix to keep accessibility mode disabled
  • Fixed overrides behavior involving presets
  • Fixed overrides badges opacity
  • Removed some unnecessary CSS for the future theme compatibility
  • Framework modifications to allow usage of responsive layouts in the future
1.29 2012-12-11
  • BBPress is now fully supported
  • Added Maintenance Mode gizmo
  • Jigoshop compatibility fix
  • Fixed JS issue with gantry-layer that could block admin in certain themes (ie. Panacea)
  • Compatibility fixes for WordPress 3.5
1.28 2012-11-13
  • Much improved 3rd party plugin compatibility - please note that you need to update your theme for this to work
  • WooCommerce gizmo is now Compatibility gizmo which will be used to add support to various 3rd party plugins and keep them in one place
  • Add to Cart should now work fine with the WooCommerce product variants
1.27 2012-10-17
  • Small CSS fix for the RTL featured image
  • Updated the version of MooTools to 1.4.5 with compatibility layer
1.26 2012-09-14
  • Gantry now properly loads the widget_admin.css file
  • Added missing CSS and JS code for the "selectedset" field type
  • Added missing charset tag in the displayHead function
  • Proper fix for the Children items in the Mobile Menu
  • Display Single Post Category in Breadcrumbs widget is on by default
1.25 2012-09-04
  • Fix for custom post types and loop hierarchy not properly supported
  • Fix for missing $this in the gantrybodylayout.class.php
  • Custom Post Type archive theme files should be now loading properly
  • Fix a bug when certain options wouldn't be activated after reloading override settings
  • Fix for the overflow in the admin area
  • Fix for CSS overflow in the Mobile Menu
  • Added WooCommerce support
1.24 2012-06-26
  • Fix for the Warning:preg_match() on the Widgets page when The Events Calendar plugin was activated (possible solution for similar issues with other plugins)
  • Added some small CSS fixes for font-size of the meta elements
  • Gantry iPhone Menu is now a Gantry Mobile Menu as it works both on iPhone and Android platforms
  • Fix for the same domain check which could cause issues ie. with Wordpress MU Domain Mapping
  • Fixed some Ajax behavior on the widget overrides page
1.23 2012-01-16
  • Fixed the z-index of WordPress screen meta tabs on the widgets page
  • Added CSS code used for multi-column blog view
1.22 2011-12-15
  • Added support for the custom variations in widgets (custom CSS classes)
  • Fixed the count widgets in WP 3.3 theme settings page
  • Fixed the z-index value of the WP 3.3 flyout menus on admin pages with Gantry Overrides bar
  • Fixed Clear Cache button and Presets switcher
1.21 2011-10-20
  • Fixed the incrementation bug in the bugfix.php script which could cause a widgets id conflict
1.20 2011-10-16
  • Added a fix to prevent frozen widgets and widgets appearing in wrong overrides
  • Added a script that should automatically fix all existing frozen widgets and overrides
  • Added support for WordPress Multi Site installations
  • Added check for instance settings of WordPress widget classes
  • The $ signs in page titles should be now displayed properly
  • Added require_once parameter to the locate_type function
  • Updated the SmartLoad gizmo JS file to fix XPath Ignores
  • Fixed the situation when the MooTools would only get loaded when the Build Spans gizmo is enabled
  • Fixed the situation when front-page.php file wouldn't get loaded from the proper location
  • Modified the MU Register gizmo to add very basic width settings to the activate and signup pages
1.19 2011-09-20
  • Adjusted for WordPress plugin directory