Google Analyticator

Wordpress Plugin
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Google Analyticator makes it super easy to view Google Analytics within your WordPress dashboard. This eliminates the need to edit your template code to begin logging. Google Analyticator also includes several widgets for displaying Analytics data in the admin and on your blog.

One of the most popular WordPress plugins for Google Analytics! Over 3.5+ million downloads.


Google Analyticator Has the Following Features:

  • Supports Universal (analytics.js) and traditional analytics (ga.js)
  • Includes an admin dashboard widget that displays a graph of the last 30 days of visitors, a summary of site usage, the top pages, the top referrers, and the top searches
  • Includes a widget that can be used to display visitor stat information on the front-end
  • Supports outbound link tracking of all links on the page, including links not managed by WordPress
  • Supports download link tracking
  • Shortcodes to show off your Google Analytics stats publicly
  • Supports event tracking with outbound links / downloads instead of the old pageview tracking method
  • Support site speed tracking
  • Allows hiding of Administrator visits without affecting Google Analytics' site overlay feature
  • Supports any advanced tracking code Google provides
  • Installs easily - unlike other plugins, the user doesn't even have to know their Analytics UID
  • Provides complete control over options; disable any feature if needed
  • Supports localization - get the settings page in your language of choice
  • Ability to hide Google UID dropdown
  • Translations - Polish, Turkish, Dutch and Spanish

A big thank you from the whole community to Ronald for all the hard work he put into this plugin.

We also would like to thank our translators:

Polish - Micha Mleczko from Turkish - Cansn aan Acarer from

Releases (78 )

Version Release Date Change Log
6.5.5 2020-05-28
6.5.4 2017-07-18
  • Fix depricated API field name calls.
  • Check for is_preview() in ga_external_tracking_js()
6.5.3 2017-04-08
  • Use wp_get_current_user() instead of get_currentuserinfo()
6.5.2 2017-02-01
  • Small fix to widget markup.
6.5.1 2017-02-01
  • Fix depricated classname constructors.
  • Fix issue with being unable to deactivate and reset from settings screen. 2016-09-30
  • Fix bug with options page not showing correctly in some cases. 2016-04-03
  • Minor code cleanup changes. 2015-08-24
  • Resolve XSS vuln 2015-08-15
  • Remove notice from Dashboard 2015-06-22
  • Fix CSRF vulnerability on reset page 2015-06-18
  • Re-enable [analytics] shortcode with fix 2015-05-27
  • Temporarily disable [analytics] shortcode to fix a bug 2015-05-27
  • Added [analytics-counter] shortcode so you can display the page view counter widget anywhere
6.4.9 2015-05-22
  • Added [analytics] shortcode so you can add show off your analytics publicly
6.4.8 2015-05-14
  • Bug fix: anonymizeIP
  • Reduced Memory Usage for dashboard
  • Added Turkish, Spanish and Dutch
  • Check token fix widget authentication
  • Added Remarketing, Demographics and Interests reports for universal
  • Changed Google API Client on setting of default path
  • Fixes bugs 2014-01-10
  • Bug fix: Test data left in place of Domain name / UID dropdown 2014-01-09
  • Ability to hide Google UID dropdown
  • Bug fix: rename stats_init to ganalyticator_stats_init
  • Bug fix: Moved analyticsSnippet from line 1110 to line 1111
  • Bug fix: added condition for empty href reported by @Jesin A
  • Added Polish Translation from @mleczakm
6.4.5 2013-12-19
  • Introduce Remarketing support
  • Introduce Option to remove tracking on wp-login.
  • Add link to Analytics training and option to remove. 2013-08-02
  • Bug fix: Duplicate data sometimes showing
  • Bug fix: Flotr jQuery library clash with WooCommerce.
6.4.3 2013-04-30
  • Fixes over strict validation on one field where not required causing PHP Errors. Thanks for head start jeremyclarke.
6.4.1 2013-01-30
  • Re-wrote caching on admin dashboard panel. Caches results for 6 hours, and speeds up display significantly using WordPress caching.
  • Added prevention on URI Class (Google) clashing.
6.4 2012-12-09
  • Added better caching of dashboard widget.
  • Added better error handling with Google API calls. Prevents breaking widget section if an error is found.
  • Updated Google API files to latest version (0.6.0)
  • Added filter to prevent IDs being passed to google with 'ga:' appended twice (legacy user bug)
  • Removed SiteSpeed option - done automatically with Google Analytics now.
  • Changed some config options with Google API to try help any prev users with re-auth issues.
6.3.4 2012-11-29
  • Missing admin_url() causing issues with sub-directory installs.
  • Legacy code removed causing API errors with old ga_profileid variable conflicting.
  • Added Google App ID To tracking ID as supplied by Google Analytics team. This is just for Google's own reporting. We do not get access to any of your data.
  • Added support for users who wont want to authenticate with Google, but just use tracking code
6.3.3 2012-09-19
  • Using the admin_url() function for internal links. Should help people with WP installed in a sub directory.
  • Added all vars to reset function to delete / deauthorize from Google.
6.2 2011-07-09
  • Adds a new option for site speed tracking (enabled by default).
  • Replaces deprecated tracking code _setVar with _setCustomVar.
  • Improves the account select dropdown by organizing the accounts. Props bluntly.
  • Prevents post preview pages from being tracked and skewing stats.
6.1.3 2011-04-09
  • Fixes a Javascript error on the WordPress login page.
  • Improves profile id logic to hopefully fix dashboard errors for the people that experience them.
  • Fixes PHP warnings on the dashboard widget with really old Analytics accounts.
6.1.2 2011-03-07
  • Fixes deprecated warnings when wp_debug is enabled.
  • Fixes tracking code issues when trying to disabled certain user roles.
  • Improves plugin security.
6.1.1 2010-05-27
  • Due to many questions about tracking code placement, an FAQ article has been written to address these placement questions. If you have any questions, this is a recommended read.
  • Corrects issues related to selecting user roles to exclude from tracking / seeing the dashboard widget.
  • Cleans up the display of user role names for WordPress versions below WordPress 3.0.
  • Updates the included jQuary Sparkline library to 1.5.1, thus adding support for viewing the dashboard graph in all versions of Internet Explorer.
  • Adds two hooks, google_analyticator_extra_js_before and google_analyticator_extra_js_after, enabling other WordPress plugins to insert additional tracking code.
6.1 2010-04-14
  • Prepares Google Analyticator for WordPress 3.0 compatibility.
  • Updates the async tracking snippet to the latest version provided by Google. This new update solves issues with IE7 and IE6, and fixes all problems related to the snippet being placed in the section of a page. You can rest easy knowing that async tracking in the is completely compatible with IE now.
  • Adds an html comment to the page header when tracking code is hidden due to the user admin level. This should make is less confusing for new Google Analyticator users, wondering if their tracking code is visible to the world.
  • Adds a setting to specify a specific profile ID. This will help users with multiple Analytics profiles, by allowing them to specify which profile to use with the dashboard widget.
  • Revamps the disable tracking settings. Now uses user roles and provides more fine grain control. If you use something other than the default, be sure to visit the settings page to ensure your settings are correct.
  • Adds a new setting providing fine grain control over who can see the dashboard widget.
  • Fixes the disappearing UID box bug when not authenticated.
6.0.2 2009-12-12
  • Updates the async tracking snippet to the latest version provided by Google.
  • Improves the error message when failing to authenticate with Google, pointing users to a FAQ article to resolve their issues.
6.0.1 2009-12-07
6.0 2009-12-05
  • Switches current tracking script (ga.js) to the new awesome async tracking script. In laymen's terms: updates to the latest tracking code, the tracking script will load faster, and tracking will be more reliable. If you use custom tracking code, be sure to migrate that code to the new async tracking methods.
  • Removes settings made obsolete due to the new async tracking (footer tracking and http/https).
  • Fixes the (not set) pages in the Top Pages section of the dashboard widget. Pages containing the title (not set) will be combined with the correct page and corresponding title. Note that I am still trying to get this bug fixed in the Google Analytics API; this is just a hold over until the bug is fixed.
  • Adds a link to Google Analytics on the dashboard widget for quick access to view full stat reports.
  • Fixes a Javascript error that prevented the dashboard widget from collapsing.
  • Corrects a uid undefined error message that appeared if error reporting was set too high.
  • Updates the included jQuery sparklines plugin to the latest version, 1.4.3.
  • Adds an experimental function to retrieve page visitors stats for theme developers. This function is not final and only provided for advanced users who know what they're doing. Future versions will improve on the code already in place. Find the get_analytics_visits_by_page in google-analyticator.php to learn how to use. Use at your own risk.
  • Fixes several security flaws identified during a recent security audit of Google Analyticator.
  • Removes references to Spiral Web Consulting. Google Analyticator is now being developed exclusively by Ronald Heft.
5.3.2 2009-12-02
  • Prepares Google Analyticator for WordPress 2.9 compatibility.
5.3.1 2009-08-28
  • Corrects a fatal error on the settings page under WordPress 2.7.
5.3 2009-08-04
  • Converts API data call to AJAX to reduce the memory needed on page loads.
  • Removes memory_limit alterations, since the default amount should be enough now.
  • Disables the summary dashboard widget for non-admins, as defined by the admin level setting on Google Analyticator's settings page.
5.2.1 2009-07-29
  • Corrects a potential html sanitation vulnerability with text retrieved from the Google Analytics API.
5.2 2009-07-27
  • Adds support for deauthorizing with Google Analytics.
  • Increases checks on the memory limit and now prevents the memory intensive functionality from running if there is insufficient memory.
  • Adds authentication compatibility modes for users having issues with cURL and PHP Streams.
  • Improves detection of Google Accounts that are not linked to Analytics accounts.
  • Improves detection of accounts without stats.
  • Cleans up the authentication URL, preventing the malformed URL error that Google would sometimes display.
  • Removes hosted Google accounts from Google's authentication page.
  • Adds an error message to the settings page if Google authentication fails.
5.1 2009-07-15
  • Fixes the broken/frozen error on the Dashboard introduced in Google Analyticator 5.0.
  • Fixes an Internal Server Error received on the settings page under IIS servers.
  • Adds an option to completely disable the included widgets.
  • Removes the outbound and download prefixes from the Javascript if event tracking is enabled.
  • Fixes a bug where the settings page always thought the Google account was authenticated.
  • Prevents the Google API from even attempting to connect to Google's servers if the account is not authenticated.
  • Increases the checks on returned Google API data to prevent unexpected states.
  • Adds missing localized string to settings title.
  • Removes the Google authentication and widgets from WordPress 2.7 due to compatibility issues. Users wishing to authenticate and use the widgets should upgrade to WordPress 2.8.
  • Prevents PHP warnings from displaying on the dashboard summary widget when an Analytics account is new and does not have a history of data.
5.0 2009-07-13
  • Adds a new admin dashboard widget that displays a graph of the last 30 days of visitors, a summary of site usage, the top pages, the top referrers, and the top searches.
  • Changes the Google authentication method to AuthSub. This removes the Google username / password requirement. Users who had previously entered their username / password in the settings page will need to revisit the settings page and authenticate for the widget to continue to function.
  • Adds support for automatically retrieving an Analytics account's UID if Google Analyticator is authenticated with Google.
  • Updates the Google Analytics API class to use the WordPress HTTP API, thus removing cURL as a core requirement for the widget.
  • Updates the UID setting help to remove old urchin.js references and provide additional help for finding a UID.
  • Prepares all strings for localization. If you would like to translate Google Analyticator, visit our forums.
4.3.4 2009-06-25
  • Fixes a bug that was breaking the save button on the settings page in IE.
  • Prevents the widget from grabbing Analytics data earlier January 1, 2005.
  • Fixes an incorrect default state for the event tracking option.
  • Adds the date range used for widget data in an HTML comment to prevent misrepresented stats.
4.3.3 2009-06-24
  • Corrects XHTML validator errors present in the stat widget.
  • Removes some stray code.
4.3.2 2009-06-22
  • Adds support for WordPress' new changelog readme.txt standard. Version information is now available from within the plugin updater.
  • Enhances the links on the plugin page. Adds a settings, FAQ, and support link.
4.3.1 2009-06-22
  • Fixes a bug that broke the widget page when a username was not entered in settings.
4.3 2009-06-17
4.2.3 2009-06-17
4.2.2 2009-06-16
4.2.1 2009-06-12
4.2 2009-06-10
4.1.1 2009-05-19
4.1 2009-05-06
4.0.1 2009-04-28
4.0 2009-04-24
3.0.3 2009-04-07
3.0.2 2009-03-31
3.01 2009-03-28
3.0 2009-03-28
2.40 2009-02-14
2.3 2008-12-11
2.24 2008-12-09
2.23 2008-12-09
2.22 2008-12-09
2.21 2008-12-08
2.2 2008-09-19
2.14 2008-09-14
2.13 2008-09-12
2.12 2008-07-15
2.11 2008-04-14
2.1 2008-03-10
2.02 2008-02-21
2.01 2008-02-17
2.0 2008-02-17
1.54 2007-09-24
1.53 2007-06-02
1.52 2007-05-19
1.51 2007-03-27
1.5 2007-03-27
1.41 2006-10-25
1.4 2006-10-08