Version Description
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | chriscct7 |
Plugin | Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) |
Version | 7.2.1 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 7.1.0 to 7.2.1
- assets/images/plugin-edd.svg +5 -0
- gadwp.php +2 -2
- includes/admin/admin.php +2 -0
- includes/admin/routes.php +52 -14
- includes/em-install.php +0 -4
- includes/frontend/tracking/class-tracking-analytics.php +9 -9
- includes/frontend/tracking/class-tracking-gtag.php +11 -2
- languages/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp.pot +1358 -1129
- languages/vue.php +343 -167
- lite/assets/vue/css/chunk-common.css +1 -1
- lite/assets/vue/css/chunk-common.rtl.css +1 -1
- lite/assets/vue/css/settings.css +0 -1
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
<svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none" xmlns="">
2 |
<path d="M54.6439 9.35605C48.8466 3.55874 40.8682 0 32.0287 0C23.1892 0 15.1534 3.55874 9.35605 9.35605C3.55874 15.1534 0 23.1892 0 32.0287C0 40.8682 3.55874 48.8466 9.35605 54.6439C15.1534 60.4413 23.1318 64 31.9713 64C40.8108 64 48.7892 60.4413 54.5865 54.6439C60.3839 48.8466 63.9426 40.8682 63.9426 32.0287C63.9426 23.1892 60.4413 15.1534 54.6439 9.35605ZM53.5534 53.5534C48.0431 59.0637 40.409 62.5076 31.9713 62.5076C23.5336 62.5076 15.8996 59.1211 10.3892 53.5534C4.87892 47.9856 1.49238 40.409 1.49238 32.0287C1.49238 23.591 4.93632 15.957 10.4466 10.4466C15.957 4.93632 23.591 1.49238 32.0287 1.49238C40.4664 1.49238 48.1005 4.93632 53.6108 10.4466C59.1211 15.957 62.565 23.591 62.565 32.0287C62.5076 40.409 59.1211 48.043 53.5534 53.5534Z" fill="#2794DA"/>
3 |
<path d="M59.5228 31.7417C59.408 16.6457 47.1246 4.47713 32.0287 4.47713C16.9327 4.47713 4.6493 16.6457 4.4771 31.7417L17.1049 19.1139L21.3524 23.3614L12.1112 32.6027H51.9462L42.7049 23.3614L46.9524 19.1139L59.5228 31.7417ZM32.0287 27.035L20.2619 14.6942H28.0681V8.60987C28.0681 7.06009 29.8475 5.73991 32.0287 5.73991C34.2098 5.73991 35.9892 7.00269 35.9892 8.60987V14.6942H43.7955L32.0287 27.035Z" fill="#2794DA"/>
4 |
<path d="M35.4153 47.5265C34.7839 47.1247 33.9803 46.7803 33.0619 46.4359C32.3157 46.2063 31.7417 45.9193 31.2825 45.6897C30.8233 45.4601 30.4789 45.2305 30.2493 44.9435C30.0197 44.6565 29.9049 44.3695 29.9049 43.9677C29.9049 43.6807 30.0197 43.3937 30.1919 43.1067C30.3641 42.8197 30.6511 42.5901 31.0529 42.4753C31.4547 42.3031 31.9713 42.1883 32.6027 42.1883C33.1193 42.1883 33.5785 42.2457 34.0377 42.3031C34.4395 42.3605 34.8413 42.4753 35.1283 42.5901C35.4727 42.7049 35.7023 42.8197 35.9318 42.8771L36.6206 40.7534C36.2188 40.5238 35.6449 40.3516 35.0135 40.2368C34.4395 40.122 33.8081 40.0646 33.1193 40.0072V37.7686H31.1677V40.122C30.8807 40.1794 30.5363 40.2368 30.2493 40.3516C29.5031 40.5812 28.9292 40.8682 28.4126 41.27C27.896 41.6717 27.4942 42.0735 27.2646 42.5901C26.9776 43.1067 26.8628 43.6807 26.8628 44.2547C26.8628 44.9435 27.035 45.5749 27.4368 46.0915C27.7812 46.6081 28.2978 47.0673 28.9866 47.4691C29.6753 47.8708 30.4215 48.2152 31.3973 48.5022C32.0861 48.7318 32.6601 48.9614 33.0619 49.191C33.4637 49.4206 33.8081 49.7076 33.9803 49.9946C34.1525 50.2816 34.2673 50.626 34.2673 50.9704C34.2673 51.3722 34.1525 51.7166 33.9229 52.0036C33.6933 52.2906 33.3489 52.5202 32.8897 52.6924C32.4305 52.8646 31.9139 52.922 31.2825 52.922C30.7659 52.922 30.2493 52.8646 29.7901 52.8072C29.331 52.6924 28.8718 52.5776 28.4126 52.4628C28.0108 52.348 27.609 52.1758 27.2646 52.0036L26.5758 54.2421C26.8628 54.4143 27.2646 54.5865 27.7238 54.7013C28.183 54.8161 28.6996 54.9309 29.2736 55.0457C29.8475 55.1031 30.4215 55.1605 30.9955 55.1605H31.1103V57.4565H33.0619V54.9883C33.2915 54.9309 33.5211 54.8735 33.7507 54.8161C34.5543 54.5865 35.1857 54.2422 35.7023 53.8404C36.2188 53.4386 36.6206 52.9794 36.8502 52.4054C37.0798 51.8888 37.252 51.3148 37.252 50.6834C37.252 49.9946 37.0798 49.3632 36.7928 48.8466C36.5058 48.3874 36.0466 47.9282 35.4153 47.5265Z" fill="#2794DA"/>
5 |
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: Displays Google Analytics Reports and Real-Time Statistics in your Dashboard. Automatically inserts the tracking code in every page of your website.
6 |
* Author: ExactMetrics
7 |
* Version: 7.1
8 |
* Requires at least: 4.8.0
9 |
* Requires PHP: 5.5
10 |
* Author URI:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ final class ExactMetrics_Lite {
44 |
* @access public
45 |
* @var string $version Plugin version.
46 |
47 |
public $version = '7.1
48 |
49 |
50 |
* Plugin file.
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: Displays Google Analytics Reports and Real-Time Statistics in your Dashboard. Automatically inserts the tracking code in every page of your website.
6 |
* Author: ExactMetrics
7 |
* Version: 7.2.1
8 |
* Requires at least: 4.8.0
9 |
* Requires PHP: 5.5
10 |
* Author URI:
44 |
* @access public
45 |
* @var string $version Plugin version.
46 |
47 |
public $version = '7.2.1';
48 |
49 |
50 |
* Plugin file.
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ function exactmetrics_admin_menu() {
70 |
// Add About us page.
71 |
add_submenu_page( $hook, __( 'About Us:', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( 'About Us', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), 'manage_options', $submenu_base . '#/about' );
72 |
73 |
if ( ! exactmetrics_is_pro_version() ) {
74 |
add_submenu_page( $hook, __( 'Upgrade to Pro:', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), '<span class="exactmetrics-upgrade-submenu"> ' . __( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) . '</span>', 'exactmetrics_save_settings', exactmetrics_get_upgrade_link( 'admin-menu', 'submenu', "" ) );
75 |
70 |
// Add About us page.
71 |
add_submenu_page( $hook, __( 'About Us:', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( 'About Us', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), 'manage_options', $submenu_base . '#/about' );
72 |
73 |
add_submenu_page( $hook, __( 'Growth Tools:', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( 'Growth Tools', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), 'manage_options', $submenu_base . '#/growth-tools' );
74 |
75 |
if ( ! exactmetrics_is_pro_version() ) {
76 |
add_submenu_page( $hook, __( 'Upgrade to Pro:', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), '<span class="exactmetrics-upgrade-submenu"> ' . __( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) . '</span>', 'exactmetrics_save_settings', exactmetrics_get_upgrade_link( 'admin-menu', 'submenu', "" ) );
77 |
@@ -138,9 +138,6 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
138 |
$options[ $array_field ] = array();
139 |
140 |
141 |
if ( isset( $options['custom_code'] ) ) {
142 |
$options['custom_code'] = stripslashes( $options['custom_code'] );
143 |
144 |
145 |
//add email summaries options
146 |
if ( exactmetrics_is_pro_version() ) {
@@ -245,9 +242,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
245 |
$value = wp_unslash( $value );
246 |
247 |
// Textarea fields.
248 |
$textarea_fields = array(
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
if ( in_array( $field, $textarea_fields, true ) ) {
253 |
if ( function_exists( 'sanitize_textarea_field' ) ) {
@@ -332,6 +327,13 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
332 |
// Edd.
333 |
$parsed_addons['easy_digital_downloads'] = array(
334 |
'active' => class_exists( 'Easy_Digital_Downloads' ),
335 |
336 |
// MemberPress.
337 |
$parsed_addons['memberpress'] = array(
@@ -386,6 +388,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
386 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'wpforms-lite/wpforms.php', $installed_plugins ),
387 |
'basename' => 'wpforms-lite/wpforms.php',
388 |
'slug' => 'wpforms-lite',
389 |
390 |
391 |
$parsed_addons['aioseo'] = array(
@@ -396,6 +399,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
396 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php', $installed_plugins ),
397 |
'basename' => ( exactmetrics_is_installed_aioseo_pro() ) ? 'all-in-one-seo-pack-pro/all_in_one_seo_pack.php' : 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php',
398 |
'slug' => 'all-in-one-seo-pack',
399 |
400 |
// OptinMonster.
401 |
$parsed_addons['optinmonster'] = array(
@@ -406,6 +410,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
406 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'optinmonster/optin-monster-wp-api.php', $installed_plugins ),
407 |
'basename' => 'optinmonster/optin-monster-wp-api.php',
408 |
'slug' => 'optinmonster',
409 |
410 |
// WP Mail Smtp.
411 |
$parsed_addons['wp-mail-smtp'] = array(
@@ -419,13 +424,14 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
419 |
420 |
// SeedProd.
421 |
$parsed_addons['coming-soon'] = array(
422 |
'active' =>
423 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-seedprod.png',
424 |
'title' => 'SeedProd',
425 |
'excerpt' => __( 'The fastest drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress. Create custom landing pages without writing code, connect them with your CRM, collect subscribers, and grow your audience. Trusted by 1 million sites.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
426 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'coming-soon/coming-soon.php', $installed_plugins ),
427 |
'basename' => 'coming-soon/coming-soon.php',
428 |
'slug' => 'coming-soon',
429 |
430 |
// RafflePress
431 |
$parsed_addons['rafflepress'] = array(
@@ -436,6 +442,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
436 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'rafflepress/rafflepress.php', $installed_plugins ),
437 |
'basename' => 'rafflepress/rafflepress.php',
438 |
'slug' => 'rafflepress',
439 |
440 |
// TrustPulse
441 |
$parsed_addons['trustpulse-api'] = array(
@@ -449,13 +456,25 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
449 |
450 |
// Smash Balloon (Instagram)
451 |
$parsed_addons['smash-balloon-instagram'] = array(
452 |
'active' =>
453 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-smash-balloon.png',
454 |
'title' => 'Smash Balloon Instagram Feeds',
455 |
'excerpt' => __( 'Easily display Instagram content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
456 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'instagram-feed/instagram-feed.php', $installed_plugins ),
457 |
'basename' => 'instagram-feed/instagram-feed.php',
458 |
'slug' => 'instagram-feed',
459 |
460 |
// PushEngage
461 |
$parsed_addons['pushengage'] = array(
@@ -476,7 +495,32 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
476 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'pretty-link/pretty-link.php', $installed_plugins ),
477 |
'basename' => 'pretty-link/pretty-link.php',
478 |
'slug' => 'pretty-link',
479 |
480 |
// Gravity Forms.
481 |
$parsed_addons['gravity_forms'] = array(
482 |
'active' => class_exists( 'GFCommon' ),
@@ -789,12 +833,6 @@ class ExactMetrics_Rest_Routes {
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 |
if ( ! is_super_admin() ) {
793 |
if ( ! empty( $new_settings['custom_code'] ) ) {
794 |
unset( $new_settings['custom_code'] );
795 |
796 |
797 |
798 |
foreach ( $exclude as $e ) {
799 |
if ( ! empty( $settings[ $e ] ) ) {
800 |
$new_settings = $settings[ $e ];
138 |
$options[ $array_field ] = array();
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
//add email summaries options
143 |
if ( exactmetrics_is_pro_version() ) {
242 |
$value = wp_unslash( $value );
243 |
244 |
// Textarea fields.
245 |
$textarea_fields = array();
246 |
247 |
if ( in_array( $field, $textarea_fields, true ) ) {
248 |
if ( function_exists( 'sanitize_textarea_field' ) ) {
327 |
// Edd.
328 |
$parsed_addons['easy_digital_downloads'] = array(
329 |
'active' => class_exists( 'Easy_Digital_Downloads' ),
330 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-edd.png',
331 |
'title' => 'Easy Digital Downloads',
332 |
'excerpt' => __( 'Easy digital downloads plugin.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
333 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'easy-digital-downloads/easy-digital-downloads.php', $installed_plugins ),
334 |
'basename' => 'easy-digital-downloads/easy-digital-downloads.php',
335 |
'slug' => 'easy-digital-downloads',
336 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download' ),
337 |
338 |
// MemberPress.
339 |
$parsed_addons['memberpress'] = array(
388 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'wpforms-lite/wpforms.php', $installed_plugins ),
389 |
'basename' => 'wpforms-lite/wpforms.php',
390 |
'slug' => 'wpforms-lite',
391 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpforms-overview' ),
392 |
393 |
394 |
$parsed_addons['aioseo'] = array(
399 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php', $installed_plugins ),
400 |
'basename' => ( exactmetrics_is_installed_aioseo_pro() ) ? 'all-in-one-seo-pack-pro/all_in_one_seo_pack.php' : 'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php',
401 |
'slug' => 'all-in-one-seo-pack',
402 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo' ),
403 |
404 |
// OptinMonster.
405 |
$parsed_addons['optinmonster'] = array(
410 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'optinmonster/optin-monster-wp-api.php', $installed_plugins ),
411 |
'basename' => 'optinmonster/optin-monster-wp-api.php',
412 |
'slug' => 'optinmonster',
413 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=optin-monster-dashboard' ),
414 |
415 |
// WP Mail Smtp.
416 |
$parsed_addons['wp-mail-smtp'] = array(
424 |
425 |
// SeedProd.
426 |
$parsed_addons['coming-soon'] = array(
427 |
'active' => defined( 'SEEDPROD_VERSION' ),
428 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-seedprod.png',
429 |
'title' => 'SeedProd',
430 |
'excerpt' => __( 'The fastest drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress. Create custom landing pages without writing code, connect them with your CRM, collect subscribers, and grow your audience. Trusted by 1 million sites.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
431 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'coming-soon/coming-soon.php', $installed_plugins ),
432 |
'basename' => 'coming-soon/coming-soon.php',
433 |
'slug' => 'coming-soon',
434 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=seedprod_lite' ),
435 |
436 |
// RafflePress
437 |
$parsed_addons['rafflepress'] = array(
442 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'rafflepress/rafflepress.php', $installed_plugins ),
443 |
'basename' => 'rafflepress/rafflepress.php',
444 |
'slug' => 'rafflepress',
445 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=rafflepress_lite' ),
446 |
447 |
// TrustPulse
448 |
$parsed_addons['trustpulse-api'] = array(
456 |
457 |
// Smash Balloon (Instagram)
458 |
$parsed_addons['smash-balloon-instagram'] = array(
459 |
'active' => defined( 'SBIVER' ),
460 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-smash-balloon.png',
461 |
'title' => 'Smash Balloon Instagram Feeds',
462 |
'excerpt' => __( 'Easily display Instagram content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
463 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'instagram-feed/instagram-feed.php', $installed_plugins ),
464 |
'basename' => 'instagram-feed/instagram-feed.php',
465 |
'slug' => 'instagram-feed',
466 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=sb-instagram-feed' ),
467 |
468 |
// Smash Balloon (Facebook)
469 |
$parsed_addons['smash-balloon-facebook'] = array(
470 |
'active' => defined( 'CFFVER' ),
471 |
'icon' => plugin_dir_url( EXACTMETRICS_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'assets/images/plugin-smash-balloon.png',
472 |
'title' => 'Smash Balloon Facebook Feeds',
473 |
'excerpt' => __( 'Easily display Facebook content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
474 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'custom-facebook-feed/custom-facebook-feed.php', $installed_plugins ),
475 |
'basename' => 'custom-facebook-feed/custom-facebook-feed.php',
476 |
'slug' => 'custom-facebook-feed',
477 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=cff-feed-builder' ),
478 |
479 |
// PushEngage
480 |
$parsed_addons['pushengage'] = array(
495 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'pretty-link/pretty-link.php', $installed_plugins ),
496 |
'basename' => 'pretty-link/pretty-link.php',
497 |
'slug' => 'pretty-link',
498 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=pretty-link' ),
499 |
500 |
// Thirsty Affiliates
501 |
$parsed_addons['thirstyaffiliates'] = array(
502 |
'active' => class_exists( 'ThirstyAffiliates' ),
503 |
'icon' => '',
504 |
'title' => 'Thirsty Affiliates',
505 |
'excerpt' => __( 'ThirstyAffiliates is a revolution in affiliate link management. Collect, collate and store your affiliate links for use in your posts and pages.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
506 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'thirstyaffiliates/thirstyaffiliates.php', $installed_plugins ),
507 |
'basename' => 'thirstyaffiliates/thirstyaffiliates.php',
508 |
'slug' => 'thirstyaffiliates',
509 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=thirstylink' ),
510 |
511 |
if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) {
512 |
// Advanced Coupons
513 |
$parsed_addons['advancedcoupons'] = array(
514 |
'active' => class_exists( 'ACFWF' ),
515 |
'icon' => '',
516 |
'title' => 'Advanced Coupons',
517 |
'excerpt' => __( 'Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce (Free Version) gives WooCommerce store owners extra coupon features so they can market their stores better.', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ),
518 |
'installed' => array_key_exists( 'advanced-coupons-for-woocommerce-free/advanced-coupons-for-woocommerce-free.php', $installed_plugins ),
519 |
'basename' => 'advanced-coupons-for-woocommerce-free/advanced-coupons-for-woocommerce-free.php',
520 |
'slug' => 'advanced-coupons-for-woocommerce-free',
521 |
'settings' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_coupon&acfw' ),
522 |
523 |
524 |
// Gravity Forms.
525 |
$parsed_addons['gravity_forms'] = array(
526 |
'active' => class_exists( 'GFCommon' ),
833 |
834 |
835 |
836 |
foreach ( $exclude as $e ) {
837 |
if ( ! empty( $settings[ $e ] ) ) {
838 |
$new_settings = $settings[ $e ];
@@ -404,9 +404,6 @@ class ExactMetrics_Install {
404 |
// Transfer Demographics
405 |
$settings['demographics'] = ! empty( $em_legacy_options['ga_dash_remarketing'] ) ? 1 : 0;
406 |
407 |
// Enable compat mode
408 |
$settings['gatracker_compatibility_mode'] = true;
409 |
410 |
411 |
$settings['gadwp_migrated'] = time();
412 |
@@ -457,7 +454,6 @@ class ExactMetrics_Install {
457 |
'tag_links_in_rss' => true,
458 |
'allow_anchor' => 0,
459 |
'add_allow_linker' => 0,
460 |
'custom_code' => '',
461 |
'save_settings' => array( 'administrator' ),
462 |
'view_reports' => array( 'administrator', 'editor' ),
463 |
'events_mode' => 'js',
404 |
// Transfer Demographics
405 |
$settings['demographics'] = ! empty( $em_legacy_options['ga_dash_remarketing'] ) ? 1 : 0;
406 |
407 |
408 |
$settings['gadwp_migrated'] = time();
409 |
454 |
'tag_links_in_rss' => true,
455 |
'allow_anchor' => 0,
456 |
'add_allow_linker' => 0,
457 |
'save_settings' => array( 'administrator' ),
458 |
'view_reports' => array( 'administrator', 'editor' ),
459 |
'events_mode' => 'js',
@@ -191,15 +191,15 @@ class ExactMetrics_Tracking_Analytics extends ExactMetrics_Tracking_Abstract {
191 |
* @return string Javascript to output.
192 |
193 |
public function frontend_output( ) {
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
<!-- This site uses the Google Analytics by ExactMetrics plugin v<?php echo EXACTMETRICS_VERSION; ?> - Using Analytics tracking - -->
191 |
* @return string Javascript to output.
192 |
193 |
public function frontend_output( ) {
194 |
$options = $this->frontend_tracking_options();
195 |
$src = apply_filters( 'exactmetrics_frontend_output_analytics_src', '//' );
196 |
$compat_mode = apply_filters( 'exactmetrics_get_option_gatracker_compatibility_mode', true );
197 |
$compat = $compat_mode ? ' = __gaTracker;' : '';
198 |
$track_user = exactmetrics_track_user();
199 |
$ua = exactmetrics_get_ua();
200 |
$output = '';
201 |
$reason = '';
202 |
$attr_string = exactmetrics_get_frontend_analytics_script_atts();
203 |
204 |
205 |
<!-- This site uses the Google Analytics by ExactMetrics plugin v<?php echo EXACTMETRICS_VERSION; ?> - Using Analytics tracking - -->
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Tracking_Gtag extends ExactMetrics_Tracking_Abstract {
199 |
$ua = exactmetrics_get_ua_to_output();
200 |
$main_id = $connected_type === 'ua' ? $ua : $v4_id;
201 |
$src = apply_filters( 'exactmetrics_frontend_output_gtag_src', '//' . $main_id );
202 |
$compat_mode =
203 |
$compat = $compat_mode ? 'window.gtag = __gtagTracker;' : '';
204 |
$track_user = exactmetrics_track_user();
205 |
$output = '';
@@ -284,6 +284,15 @@ class ExactMetrics_Tracking_Gtag extends ExactMetrics_Tracking_Abstract {
284 |
285 |
286 |
function __gtagTracker( type, name, parameters ) {
287 |
if ( type === 'event' ) {
288 |
<?php if ( $v4_id ): ?>
289 |
parameters.send_to = exactmetrics_frontend.v4_id;
@@ -301,7 +310,7 @@ class ExactMetrics_Tracking_Gtag extends ExactMetrics_Tracking_Abstract {
301 |
302 |
<?php if ( $ua ): ?>
303 |
parameters.send_to =;
304 |
305 |
<?php endif; ?>
306 |
} else {
307 |
__gtagDataLayer.apply( null, arguments );
199 |
$ua = exactmetrics_get_ua_to_output();
200 |
$main_id = $connected_type === 'ua' ? $ua : $v4_id;
201 |
$src = apply_filters( 'exactmetrics_frontend_output_gtag_src', '//' . $main_id );
202 |
$compat_mode = apply_filters( 'exactmetrics_get_option_gtagtracker_compatibility_mode', true );
203 |
$compat = $compat_mode ? 'window.gtag = __gtagTracker;' : '';
204 |
$track_user = exactmetrics_track_user();
205 |
$output = '';
284 |
285 |
286 |
function __gtagTracker( type, name, parameters ) {
287 |
if (!parameters) {
288 |
parameters = {};
289 |
290 |
291 |
if (parameters.send_to) {
292 |
__gtagDataLayer.apply( null, arguments );
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
if ( type === 'event' ) {
297 |
<?php if ( $v4_id ): ?>
298 |
parameters.send_to = exactmetrics_frontend.v4_id;
310 |
311 |
<?php if ( $ua ): ?>
312 |
parameters.send_to =;
313 |
__gtagDataLayer( type, name, parameters );
314 |
<?php endif; ?>
315 |
} else {
316 |
__gtagDataLayer.apply( null, arguments );
@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
2 |
# This file is distributed under the same license as the ExactMetrics Pro plugin.
3 |
msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: ExactMetrics Pro 7.
6 |
7 |
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-
13 |
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: WP-CLI 2.5.0\n"
15 |
"X-Domain: google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp\n"
16 |
17 |
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
18 |
msgid "ExactMetrics Pro"
19 |
msgstr ""
20 |
@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ msgstr ""
110 |
111 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:34
112 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:42
113 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
114 |
#: languages/vue.php:
115 |
msgid "Settings"
116 |
msgstr ""
117 |
@@ -121,13 +122,13 @@ msgstr ""
121 |
122 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:39
123 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:45
124 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
125 |
msgid "General Reports:"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:39
129 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
130 |
#: languages/vue.php:
131 |
msgid "Reports"
132 |
msgstr ""
133 |
@@ -137,12 +138,12 @@ msgstr ""
137 |
138 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:51
139 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:83
140 |
#: languages/vue.php:
141 |
msgid "Popular Posts"
142 |
msgstr ""
143 |
144 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:59
145 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
146 |
msgid "SEO"
147 |
msgstr ""
148 |
@@ -155,90 +156,98 @@ msgid "Tools"
155 |
msgstr ""
156 |
157 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:67
158 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
159 |
msgid "Addons:"
160 |
msgstr ""
161 |
162 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:67
163 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
164 |
msgid "Addons"
165 |
msgstr ""
166 |
167 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:71
168 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
169 |
msgid "About Us:"
170 |
msgstr ""
171 |
172 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:71
173 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
174 |
#: languages/vue.php:
175 |
msgid "About Us"
176 |
msgstr ""
177 |
178 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
179 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro:"
180 |
msgstr ""
181 |
182 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
183 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-upgrade-to-pro.php:31
184 |
#: languages/vue.php:
185 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
186 |
msgstr ""
187 |
188 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:124
189 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:126
190 |
msgid "Network Settings:"
191 |
msgstr ""
192 |
193 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
194 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
195 |
msgid "Network Settings"
196 |
msgstr ""
197 |
198 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
199 |
msgid "SEO:"
200 |
msgstr ""
201 |
202 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
203 |
msgid "ExactMetrics Knowledge Base"
204 |
msgstr ""
205 |
206 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
207 |
msgid "Documentation"
208 |
msgstr ""
209 |
210 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
211 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
212 |
#: languages/vue.php:
213 |
msgid "Support"
214 |
msgstr ""
215 |
216 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
217 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-upgrade-for-email-summaries.php:30
218 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-upgrade-for-form-conversion.php:30
219 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-upgrade-for-google-optimize.php:30
220 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-upgrade-for-search-console.php:30
221 |
#: includes/admin/reports/abstract-report.php:418
222 |
#: languages/vue.php:
223 |
msgid "Get ExactMetrics Pro"
224 |
msgstr ""
225 |
226 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add a link to the repository.
227 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
228 |
msgid "Please rate %1$sExactMetrics%2$s on %3$s %4$$s to help us spread the word. Thank you from the ExactMetrics team!"
229 |
msgstr ""
230 |
231 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
232 |
#: languages/vue.php:
233 |
msgid "Please Setup Website Analytics to See Audience Insights"
234 |
msgstr ""
235 |
236 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
237 |
#: languages/vue.php:
238 |
msgid "Connect ExactMetrics and Setup Website Analytics"
239 |
msgstr ""
240 |
241 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
242 |
#: includes/admin/common.php:895
243 |
#: includes/admin/common.php:922
244 |
#: includes/admin/common.php:955
@@ -248,91 +257,91 @@ msgstr ""
248 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-mobile-device.php:39
249 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-returning-visitors.php:39
250 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-traffic-dropping.php:34
251 |
#: languages/vue.php:
252 |
msgid "Learn More"
253 |
msgstr ""
254 |
255 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
256 |
#: languages/vue.php:
257 |
msgid "ExactMetrics, WordPress analytics plugin, helps you connect your website with Google Analytics, so you can see how people find and use your website. Over 3 million website owners use ExactMetrics to see the stats that matter and grow their business."
258 |
msgstr ""
259 |
260 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to retrieve the license.
261 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
262 |
msgid "Warning: No valid license key has been entered for ExactMetrics. You are currently not getting updates, and are not able to view reports. %1$sPlease click here to enter your license key and begin receiving updates and reports.%2$s"
263 |
msgstr ""
264 |
265 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to the license renewal.
266 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
267 |
#: languages/vue.php:
268 |
msgid "Your license key for ExactMetrics has expired. %1$sPlease click here to renew your license key.%2$s"
269 |
msgstr ""
270 |
271 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
272 |
#: languages/vue.php:
273 |
msgid "Your license key for ExactMetrics has been disabled. Please use a different key."
274 |
msgstr ""
275 |
276 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
277 |
#: languages/vue.php:
278 |
msgid "Your license key for ExactMetrics is invalid. The key no longer exists or the user associated with the key has been deleted. Please use a different key."
279 |
msgstr ""
280 |
281 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to renew license.
282 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
283 |
msgid "Your network license key for ExactMetrics has expired. %1$sPlease click here to renew your license key.%2$s"
284 |
msgstr ""
285 |
286 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
287 |
msgid "Your network license key for ExactMetrics has been disabled. Please use a different key."
288 |
msgstr ""
289 |
290 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
291 |
msgid "Your network license key for ExactMetrics is invalid. The key no longer exists or the user associated with the key has been deleted. Please use a different key."
292 |
msgstr ""
293 |
294 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add the PHP version, a link to the ExactMetrics blog and a line break.
295 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
296 |
msgid "Your site is running an outdated, insecure version of PHP (%1$s), which could be putting your site at risk for being hacked.%4$sWordPress stopped supporting your PHP version in April, 2019.%4$sUpdating PHP only takes a few minutes and will make your website significantly faster and more secure.%4$s%2$sLearn more about updating PHP%3$s"
297 |
msgstr ""
298 |
299 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add the PHP version, a link to the ExactMetrics blog and a line break.
300 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
301 |
msgid "Your site is running an outdated, insecure version of PHP (%1$s), which could be putting your site at risk for being hacked.%4$sWordPress stopped supporting your PHP version in November, 2019.%4$sUpdating PHP only takes a few minutes and will make your website significantly faster and more secure.%4$s%2$sLearn more about updating PHP%3$s"
302 |
msgstr ""
303 |
304 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add the PHP version, a link to the ExactMetrics blog and a line break.
305 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
306 |
msgid "Your site is running an outdated, insecure version of PHP (%1$s), which could be putting your site at risk for being hacked.%4$sWordPress is working towards discontinuing support for your PHP version.%4$sUpdating PHP only takes a few minutes and will make your website significantly faster and more secure.%4$s%2$sLearn more about updating PHP%3$s"
307 |
msgstr ""
308 |
309 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add links to the settings panel.
310 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
311 |
msgid "Important: You are currently using manual UA code output. We highly recommend %1$sauthenticating with ExactMetrics%2$s so that you can access our new reporting area and take advantage of new ExactMetrics features."
312 |
msgstr ""
313 |
314 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add links to the settings panel.
315 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
316 |
msgid "Click %1$shere%2$s to reauthenticate to be able to access reports. For more information why this is required, see our %3$sblog post%4$s."
317 |
msgstr ""
318 |
319 |
#. Translators: Placeholders add a link to the ExactMetrics website.
320 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
321 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
322 |
msgid "%1$sGet ExactMetrics Pro%2$s"
323 |
msgstr ""
324 |
325 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to the settings panel.
326 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
327 |
msgid "Warning: ExactMetrics found cross-domain settings in the custom code field and converted them to the new settings structure. %1$sPlease click here to review and remove the code no longer needed.%2$s"
328 |
msgstr ""
329 |
330 |
#: includes/admin/admin.php:
331 |
msgid "Your Measurement Protocol API Secret is currently left blank, so you won't be able to use some of the tracking features with your GA4 property. %1$sPlease enter your Measurement Protocol API Secret here.%2$s"
332 |
msgstr ""
333 |
334 |
#: includes/admin/ajax.php:55
335 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
336 |
#: lite/includes/admin/onboarding-wizard.php:244
337 |
msgid "You are not allowed to install plugins"
338 |
msgstr ""
@@ -478,7 +487,7 @@ msgid "View 2020 Year in Review report!"
478 |
msgstr ""
479 |
480 |
#: includes/admin/common.php:951
481 |
#: languages/vue.php:
482 |
msgid "See how your website performed this year and find tips along the way to help grow even more in 2021!"
483 |
msgstr ""
484 |
@@ -506,8 +515,8 @@ msgid "Dismiss this notice"
506 |
msgstr ""
507 |
508 |
#: includes/admin/notification-event.php:229
509 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
510 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
511 |
msgid "You don't have permission to view ExactMetrics reports."
512 |
msgstr ""
513 |
@@ -656,7 +665,7 @@ msgstr ""
656 |
#. Translators: visitors notification title
657 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors.
658 |
#: includes/admin/notifications/notification-visitors.php:34
659 |
#: languages/vue.php:
660 |
msgid "See how %s visitors found your site!"
661 |
msgstr ""
662 |
@@ -786,7 +795,7 @@ msgid "Upgrading is easy! To upgrade, navigate to %1$ssour pricing page%2$s, pur
786 |
msgstr ""
787 |
788 |
#: includes/admin/reports/abstract-report.php:415
789 |
#: languages/vue.php:
790 |
msgid "Upgrade Now"
791 |
msgstr ""
792 |
@@ -795,7 +804,7 @@ msgid "Please ask your webmaster to enable this addon."
795 |
msgstr ""
796 |
797 |
#: includes/admin/reports/overview.php:34
798 |
#: languages/vue.php:
799 |
msgid "Overview"
800 |
msgstr ""
801 |
@@ -843,98 +852,114 @@ msgstr ""
843 |
msgid "I already did"
844 |
msgstr ""
845 |
846 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
847 |
msgid "The best drag & drop WordPress form builder. Easily create beautiful contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more with our 150+ form templates. Trusted by over 4 million websites as the best forms plugin"
848 |
msgstr ""
849 |
850 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
851 |
msgid "The original WordPress SEO plugin and toolkit that improves your website’s search rankings. Comes with all the SEO features like Local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, sitemaps, SEO optimizer, schema, and more."
852 |
msgstr ""
853 |
854 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
855 |
msgid "Instantly get more subscribers, leads, and sales with the #1 conversion optimization toolkit. Create high converting popups, announcement bars, spin a wheel, and more with smart targeting and personalization."
856 |
msgstr ""
857 |
858 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
859 |
msgid "Improve your WordPress email deliverability and make sure that your website emails reach user’s inbox with the #1 SMTP plugin for WordPress. Over 2 million websites use it to fix WordPress email issues."
860 |
msgstr ""
861 |
862 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
863 |
msgid "The fastest drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress. Create custom landing pages without writing code, connect them with your CRM, collect subscribers, and grow your audience. Trusted by 1 million sites."
864 |
msgstr ""
865 |
866 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
867 |
msgid "Turn your website visitors into brand ambassadors! Easily grow your email list, website traffic, and social media followers with the most powerful giveaways & contests plugin for WordPress."
868 |
msgstr ""
869 |
870 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
871 |
msgid "Boost your sales and conversions by up to 15% with real-time social proof notifications. TrustPulse helps you show live user activity and purchases to help convince other users to purchase."
872 |
msgstr ""
873 |
874 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
875 |
msgid "Easily display Instagram content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites."
876 |
msgstr ""
877 |
878 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
879 |
msgid "Connect with your visitors after they leave your website with the leading web push notification software. Over 10,000+ businesses worldwide use PushEngage to send 9 billion notifications each month."
880 |
msgstr ""
881 |
882 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
883 |
msgid "Pretty Links helps you shrink, beautify, track, manage and share any URL on or off of your WordPress website. Create links that look how you want using your own domain name!"
884 |
msgstr ""
885 |
886 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
887 |
888 |
msgid "Invalid UA code"
889 |
msgstr ""
890 |
891 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
892 |
msgid "Invalid dual tracking code"
893 |
msgstr ""
894 |
895 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
896 |
msgid "Please upload a valid .json file"
897 |
msgstr ""
898 |
899 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
900 |
msgid "Please upload a file to import"
901 |
msgstr ""
902 |
903 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
904 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
905 |
msgid "You can't view ExactMetrics reports because you are not licensed."
906 |
msgstr ""
907 |
908 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
909 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
910 |
msgid "Add your license"
911 |
msgstr ""
912 |
913 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
914 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
915 |
msgid "You can't view ExactMetrics reports due to license key errors."
916 |
msgstr ""
917 |
918 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
919 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
920 |
msgid "You must authenticate with ExactMetrics before you can view reports."
921 |
msgstr ""
922 |
923 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
924 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
925 |
msgid "Unknown report. Try refreshing and retrying. Contact support if this issue persists."
926 |
msgstr ""
927 |
928 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
929 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
930 |
msgid "We encountered an error when fetching the report data."
931 |
msgstr ""
932 |
933 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
934 |
msgid "Missing plugin name."
935 |
msgstr ""
936 |
937 |
#: includes/admin/routes.php:
938 |
msgid "Homepage"
939 |
msgstr ""
940 |
@@ -1272,7 +1297,7 @@ msgid "Question"
1272 |
msgstr ""
1273 |
1274 |
#: includes/gutenberg/headline-tool/headline-tool.php:290
1275 |
#: languages/vue.php:
1276 |
msgid "General"
1277 |
msgstr ""
1278 |
@@ -4672,7 +4697,7 @@ msgid "Theme"
4672 |
msgstr ""
4673 |
4674 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:77
4675 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4676 |
msgid "Inline Popular Posts"
4677 |
msgstr ""
4678 |
@@ -4709,7 +4734,7 @@ msgid "Comment Color"
4709 |
msgstr ""
4710 |
4711 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:107
4712 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4713 |
msgid "Wide-Layout Options"
4714 |
msgstr ""
4715 |
@@ -4718,12 +4743,12 @@ msgid "Choose Layout"
4718 |
msgstr ""
4719 |
4720 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:113
4721 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4722 |
msgid "Adjust the number of columns displayed when the widget is placed in a wide container."
4723 |
msgstr ""
4724 |
4725 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:116
4726 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4727 |
msgid "Post Count"
4728 |
msgstr ""
4729 |
@@ -4732,7 +4757,7 @@ msgid "Number of posts displayed."
4732 |
msgstr ""
4733 |
4734 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:122
4735 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4736 |
msgid "Display Options"
4737 |
msgstr ""
4738 |
@@ -4745,7 +4770,7 @@ msgid "Display Widget Title"
4745 |
msgstr ""
4746 |
4747 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:131
4748 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4749 |
msgid "Widget Title"
4750 |
msgstr ""
4751 |
@@ -4754,17 +4779,17 @@ msgid "Only Show Posts From These Categories"
4754 |
msgstr ""
4755 |
4756 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:137
4757 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4758 |
msgid "Display Author"
4759 |
msgstr ""
4760 |
4761 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:140
4762 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4763 |
msgid "Display Date"
4764 |
msgstr ""
4765 |
4766 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:143
4767 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4768 |
msgid "Display Comments"
4769 |
msgstr ""
4770 |
@@ -4985,7 +5010,7 @@ msgid "Goal: "
4985 |
msgstr ""
4986 |
4987 |
#: languages/gutenberg.php:312
4988 |
#: languages/vue.php:
4989 |
msgid "Headline Analyzer"
4990 |
msgstr ""
4991 |
@@ -5005,499 +5030,499 @@ msgstr ""
5005 |
msgid "2"
5006 |
msgstr ""
5007 |
5008 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5009 |
msgid "Error"
5010 |
msgstr ""
5011 |
5012 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5013 |
msgid "Please try again."
5014 |
msgstr ""
5015 |
5016 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5017 |
msgid "Today"
5018 |
msgstr ""
5019 |
5020 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5021 |
msgid "Yesterday"
5022 |
msgstr ""
5023 |
5024 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5025 |
msgid "Last Week"
5026 |
msgstr ""
5027 |
5028 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5029 |
msgid "Last Month"
5030 |
msgstr ""
5031 |
5032 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5033 |
msgid "Last 7 days"
5034 |
msgstr ""
5035 |
5036 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5037 |
msgid "Last 30 days"
5038 |
msgstr ""
5039 |
5040 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5041 |
msgid "Success! "
5042 |
msgstr ""
5043 |
5044 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5045 |
msgid "You're now using ExactMetrics Pro with all the features."
5046 |
msgstr ""
5047 |
5048 |
#. Translators: Placeholder gets replaced with an arrow icon.
5049 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5050 |
msgid "Get Started %s"
5051 |
msgstr ""
5052 |
5053 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors.
5054 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5055 |
msgid "Your website was visited by %s users in the last 30 days."
5056 |
msgstr ""
5057 |
5058 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5059 |
msgid "See the full analytics report!"
5060 |
msgstr ""
5061 |
5062 |
#. Translators: Current PHP version and recommended PHP version.
5063 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5064 |
msgid "ExactMetrics has detected that your site is running an outdated, insecure version of PHP (%1$s), which could be putting your site at risk for being hacked. WordPress stopped supporting your PHP version in April, 2019. Updating to the recommended version (PHP %2$s) only takes a few minutes and will make your website significantly faster and more secure."
5065 |
msgstr ""
5066 |
5067 |
#. Translators: Current WordPress version.
5068 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5069 |
msgid "ExactMetrics has detected that your site is running an outdated version of WordPress (%s). ExactMetrics will stop supporting WordPress versions lower than 4.9 in 2020. Updating WordPress takes just a few minutes and will also solve many bugs that exist in your WordPress install."
5070 |
msgstr ""
5071 |
5072 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5073 |
msgid "Yikes! PHP Update Required"
5074 |
msgstr ""
5075 |
5076 |
#. Translators: Current PHP version and recommended PHP version.
5077 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5078 |
msgid "ExactMetrics has detected that your site is running an outdated, insecure version of PHP (%1$s), which could be putting your site at risk for being hacked. Updating to the recommended version (PHP %2$s) only takes a few minutes and will make your website significantly faster and more secure."
5079 |
msgstr ""
5080 |
5081 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5082 |
msgid "Learn more about updating PHP"
5083 |
msgstr ""
5084 |
5085 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5086 |
msgid "Yikes! WordPress Update Required"
5087 |
msgstr ""
5088 |
5089 |
#. Translators: Current WordPress version.
5090 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5091 |
msgid "ExactMetrics has detected that your site is running an outdated version of WordPress (%s). Updating WordPress takes just a few minutes and will also solve many bugs that exist in your WordPress install."
5092 |
msgstr ""
5093 |
5094 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5095 |
msgid "Learn more about updating WordPress"
5096 |
msgstr ""
5097 |
5098 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5099 |
msgid "Loading settings"
5100 |
msgstr ""
5101 |
5102 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5103 |
msgid "Overview Report"
5104 |
msgstr ""
5105 |
5106 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
5107 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5108 |
msgid "Can't load report data. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
5109 |
msgstr ""
5110 |
5111 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5112 |
msgid "Error loading report data"
5113 |
msgstr ""
5114 |
5115 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5116 |
msgid "Import Export"
5117 |
msgstr ""
5118 |
5119 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5120 |
msgid "PrettyLinks Integration"
5121 |
msgstr ""
5122 |
5123 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5124 |
msgid "Getting Started"
5125 |
msgstr ""
5126 |
5127 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5128 |
msgid "Lite vs Pro"
5129 |
msgstr ""
5130 |
5131 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5132 |
msgid "Popular Posts Widget"
5133 |
msgstr ""
5134 |
5135 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5136 |
msgid "Popular Products"
5137 |
msgstr ""
5138 |
5139 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5140 |
msgid "Sub menu item for WooCommerce Analytics"
5141 |
msgstr ""
5142 |
5143 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5144 |
msgid "Engagement"
5145 |
msgstr ""
5146 |
5147 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5148 |
#: lite/includes/admin/reports/report-ecommerce.php:22
5149 |
msgid "eCommerce"
5150 |
msgstr ""
5151 |
5152 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5153 |
msgid "Publisher"
5154 |
msgstr ""
5155 |
5156 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5157 |
msgid "Conversions"
5158 |
msgstr ""
5159 |
5160 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5161 |
msgid "Advanced"
5162 |
msgstr ""
5163 |
5164 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5165 |
msgid "URL Builder"
5166 |
msgstr ""
5167 |
5168 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5169 |
msgid "Inbox"
5170 |
msgstr ""
5171 |
5172 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5173 |
msgid "Back to Inbox"
5174 |
msgstr ""
5175 |
5176 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5177 |
msgid "View Dismissed"
5178 |
msgstr ""
5179 |
5180 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5181 |
msgid "Notifications"
5182 |
msgstr ""
5183 |
5184 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5185 |
msgid "Dismiss All"
5186 |
msgstr ""
5187 |
5188 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5189 |
msgid "Dismissed"
5190 |
msgstr ""
5191 |
5192 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5193 |
msgid "No Notifications"
5194 |
msgstr ""
5195 |
5196 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5197 |
msgid "Save Changes"
5198 |
msgstr ""
5199 |
5200 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5201 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5202 |
msgid "ExactMetrics Addons"
5203 |
msgstr ""
5204 |
5205 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5206 |
msgid "Search Addons"
5207 |
msgstr ""
5208 |
5209 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5210 |
#: lite/includes/admin/reports/report-publisher.php:22
5211 |
msgid "Publishers"
5212 |
msgstr ""
5213 |
5214 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5215 |
#: lite/includes/admin/reports/report-queries.php:22
5216 |
msgid "Search Console"
5217 |
msgstr ""
5218 |
5219 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5220 |
msgid "Dimensions Report"
5221 |
msgstr ""
5222 |
5223 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5224 |
#: lite/includes/admin/reports/report-forms.php:22
5225 |
msgid "Forms"
5226 |
msgstr ""
5227 |
5228 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5229 |
msgid "Real-Time"
5230 |
msgstr ""
5231 |
5232 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5233 |
msgid "Site Speed Report"
5234 |
msgstr ""
5235 |
5236 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5237 |
msgid "2020 Year in Review"
5238 |
msgstr ""
5239 |
5240 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5241 |
msgid "Go back"
5242 |
msgstr ""
5243 |
5244 |
#. Translators: Placeholders are replaced with the current step number out of the total number of steps.
5245 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5246 |
msgid "Step %1$s of %2$s"
5247 |
msgstr ""
5248 |
5249 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5250 |
msgid "Exit Setup"
5251 |
msgstr ""
5252 |
5253 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5254 |
msgid "ExactMetrics encountered an error loading your report data"
5255 |
msgstr ""
5256 |
5257 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5258 |
msgid "There is an issue with your Google Account authentication. Please use the button below to fix it by re-authenticating."
5259 |
msgstr ""
5260 |
5261 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5262 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5263 |
msgid "Reconnect ExactMetrics"
5264 |
msgstr ""
5265 |
5266 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5267 |
msgid "Re-Authenticating"
5268 |
msgstr ""
5269 |
5270 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5271 |
msgid "Ok"
5272 |
msgstr ""
5273 |
5274 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5275 |
msgid "You must connect with ExactMetrics before you can view reports."
5276 |
msgstr ""
5277 |
5278 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5279 |
msgid "ExactMetrics makes it \"effortless\" for you to connect your site with Google Analytics and see reports right here in the WordPress dashboard."
5280 |
msgstr ""
5281 |
5282 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5283 |
msgid "Launch Setup Wizard"
5284 |
msgstr ""
5285 |
5286 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5287 |
msgid "Please ask your webmaster to connect ExactMetrics to Google Analytics."
5288 |
msgstr ""
5289 |
5290 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5291 |
#: lite/includes/admin/reports/report-dimensions.php:22
5292 |
msgid "Dimensions"
5293 |
msgstr ""
5294 |
5295 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5296 |
msgid "Site Speed"
5297 |
msgstr ""
5298 |
5299 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5300 |
msgid "See Quick Links"
5301 |
msgstr ""
5302 |
5303 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5304 |
msgid "Suggest a Feature"
5305 |
msgstr ""
5306 |
5307 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5308 |
msgid "Join Our Community"
5309 |
msgstr ""
5310 |
5311 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5312 |
msgid "Support & Docs"
5313 |
msgstr ""
5314 |
5315 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5316 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro »"
5317 |
msgstr ""
5318 |
5319 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5320 |
msgid "Time to Purchase"
5321 |
msgstr ""
5322 |
5323 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5324 |
msgid "This list shows how many days from first visit it took users to purchase products from your site."
5325 |
msgstr ""
5326 |
5327 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5328 |
msgid "Sessions to Purchase"
5329 |
msgstr ""
5330 |
5331 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5332 |
msgid "This list shows the number of sessions it took users before they purchased a product from your website."
5333 |
msgstr ""
5334 |
5335 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5336 |
msgid "New Customers"
5337 |
msgstr ""
5338 |
5339 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5340 |
msgid "This list shows the percentage of new customers who purchased a product from your website."
5341 |
msgstr ""
5342 |
5343 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5344 |
msgid "Abandoned Checkouts"
5345 |
msgstr ""
5346 |
5347 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5348 |
msgid "This list shows the percentage of carts that never went through the checkout process."
5349 |
msgstr ""
5350 |
5351 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5352 |
msgid "Top Posts/Pages"
5353 |
msgstr ""
5354 |
5355 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5356 |
msgid "This list shows the most viewed posts and pages on your website."
5357 |
msgstr ""
5358 |
5359 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5360 |
msgid "New vs. Returning Visitors"
5361 |
msgstr ""
5362 |
5363 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5364 |
msgid "This graph shows what percent of your user sessions come from new versus repeat visitors."
5365 |
msgstr ""
5366 |
5367 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5368 |
msgid "Device Breakdown"
5369 |
msgstr ""
5370 |
5371 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5372 |
msgid "This graph shows what percent of your visitor sessions are done using a traditional computer or laptop, tablet or mobile device to view your site."
5373 |
msgstr ""
5374 |
5375 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5376 |
msgid "Top Landing Pages"
5377 |
msgstr ""
5378 |
5379 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5380 |
msgid "This list shows the top pages users first land on when visiting your website."
5381 |
msgstr ""
5382 |
5383 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5384 |
msgid "Top Exit Pages"
5385 |
msgstr ""
5386 |
5387 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5388 |
msgid "This list shows the top pages users exit your website from."
5389 |
msgstr ""
5390 |
5391 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5392 |
msgid "Top Outbound Links"
5393 |
msgstr ""
5394 |
5395 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5396 |
msgid "This list shows the top links clicked on your website that go to another website."
5397 |
msgstr ""
5398 |
5399 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5400 |
msgid "Top Affiliate Links"
5401 |
msgstr ""
5402 |
5403 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5404 |
msgid "This list shows the top affiliate links your visitors clicked on."
5405 |
msgstr ""
5406 |
5407 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5408 |
msgid "Top Download Links"
5409 |
msgstr ""
5410 |
5411 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5412 |
msgid "This list shows the download links your visitors clicked the most."
5413 |
msgstr ""
5414 |
5415 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5416 |
msgid "Top Products"
5417 |
msgstr ""
5418 |
5419 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5420 |
msgid "This list shows the top selling products on your website."
5421 |
msgstr ""
5422 |
5423 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5424 |
msgid "Top Conversion Sources"
5425 |
msgstr ""
5426 |
5427 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5428 |
msgid "This list shows the top referral websites in terms of product revenue."
5429 |
msgstr ""
5430 |
5431 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5432 |
msgid "Total Add/Remove"
5433 |
msgstr ""
5434 |
5435 |
#. Translators: Makes
5436 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5437 |
msgid "%1$sUniversal Tracking%2$s – Setup universal website tracking across devices and campaigns with just a few clicks (without any code)."
5438 |
msgstr ""
5439 |
5440 |
#. Translators: Makes
5441 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5442 |
msgid "%1$sGoogle Analytics Dashboard%2$s - See your website analytics report right inside your WordPress dashboard with actionable insights."
5443 |
msgstr ""
5444 |
5445 |
#. Translators: Makes
5446 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5447 |
msgid "%1$sReal-time Stats%2$s - Get real-time stats inside WordPress to see who is online, what are they doing and more."
5448 |
msgstr ""
5449 |
5450 |
#. Translators: Makes text bold.
5451 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5452 |
msgid "%1$sEnhanced Ecommerce Tracking%2$s - 1-click Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Download & MemberPress."
5453 |
msgstr ""
5454 |
5455 |
#. Translators: Makes
5456 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5457 |
msgid "%1$sPage Level Analytics%2$s - Get detailed stats for each post and page, so you can see the most popular posts, pages, and sections of your site."
5458 |
msgstr ""
5459 |
5460 |
#. Translators: Makes
5461 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5462 |
msgid "%1$sAffiliate Link & Ads Tracking%2$s - Automatically track clicks on your affiliate links, banner ads, and other outbound links with our link tracking."
5463 |
msgstr ""
5464 |
5465 |
#. Translators: Makes
5466 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5467 |
msgid "%1$sEU Compilance (GDPR Friendly)%2$s - Make Google Analytics compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations automatically."
5468 |
msgstr ""
5469 |
5470 |
#. Translators: Makes text bold.
5471 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5472 |
msgid "%1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s - Setup tracking for authors, tags, searches, custom post types, users, and other events with 1-click."
5473 |
msgstr ""
5474 |
5475 |
#. Translators: Adds
5476 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5477 |
msgid "%1$sSee All Features%2$s"
5478 |
msgstr ""
5479 |
5480 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5481 |
msgid "Pro Plan"
5482 |
msgstr ""
5483 |
5484 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5485 |
msgid "per year"
5486 |
msgstr ""
5487 |
5488 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5489 |
msgid "Upgrade to ExactMetrics Pro Now"
5490 |
msgstr ""
5491 |
5492 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5493 |
msgid "This is absolutely, positively, one of the TOP plugins to install on your WP site. There is no better way to quickly gauge traffic for spikes, surges, and consistency. I installed this on over a dozen WordPress installations and counting, thank you for an outstanding app!"
5494 |
msgstr ""
5495 |
5496 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5497 |
msgid "Daniel Monaghan - Experienced"
5498 |
msgstr ""
5499 |
5500 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5501 |
msgid "Very simple to configure and the results are very clearly displayed. So much easier for clients to view than in their own analytics account! Delighted with it."
5502 |
msgstr ""
5503 |
@@ -5505,3708 +5530,3912 @@ msgstr ""
5505 |
msgid "Naomi Spirit - From This Day"
5506 |
msgstr ""
5507 |
5508 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5509 |
msgid "Love this plugin! It’s got powerful customization options, it’s easy to use, there’s good documentation, and if all that’s not enough, ExactMetrics is quick to provide support. Thanks for this wonderful plugin!"
5510 |
msgstr ""
5511 |
5512 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5513 |
msgid "Julie Dupuis - Faraway Land Travel"
5514 |
msgstr ""
5515 |
5516 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5517 |
msgid "Guides and Documentation:"
5518 |
msgstr ""
5519 |
5520 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5521 |
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
5522 |
msgstr ""
5523 |
5524 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5525 |
msgid "eCommerce Tracking"
5526 |
msgstr ""
5527 |
5528 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5529 |
msgid "Custom Dimensions"
5530 |
msgstr ""
5531 |
5532 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5533 |
msgid "Form Tracking"
5534 |
msgstr ""
5535 |
5536 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5537 |
msgid "AMP Support"
5538 |
msgstr ""
5539 |
5540 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5541 |
msgid "Author Tracking"
5542 |
msgstr ""
5543 |
5544 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5545 |
msgid "EU Compliance Addon"
5546 |
msgstr ""
5547 |
5548 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5549 |
msgid "Real Time Report"
5550 |
msgstr ""
5551 |
5552 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5553 |
msgid "Google Optimize"
5554 |
msgstr ""
5555 |
5556 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5557 |
msgid "Custom Date Ranges"
5558 |
msgstr ""
5559 |
5560 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5561 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5562 |
msgid "Getting Started with ExactMetrics"
5563 |
msgstr ""
5564 |
5565 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5566 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5567 |
msgid "ExactMetrics is the easiest analytics solution on the market to get started with, as we walk you through exactly what you need to do, in plain english, using our 3 minute setup wizard."
5568 |
msgstr ""
5569 |
5570 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5571 |
msgid "To begin with, we’ll get your site authorized with Google Analytics, so we can start tracking and generating reports for you right away."
5572 |
msgstr ""
5573 |
5574 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5575 |
msgid "In no time at all, and after just a few clicks, you'll have setup the most powerful Google Analytics tracking available for WordPress. It's easy to double your traffic and sales when you know exactly how people find and use your website. Let's get started!."
5576 |
msgstr ""
5577 |
5578 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5579 |
msgid "Launch the wizard!"
5580 |
msgstr ""
5581 |
5582 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5583 |
msgid "Welcome to"
5584 |
msgstr ""
5585 |
5586 |
#. Translators: Adds a line break.
5587 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5588 |
msgid "Thank you for choosing ExactMetrics -%s The Most Powerful WordPress Analytics Plugin"
5589 |
msgstr ""
5590 |
5591 |
#. Translators: Makes
5592 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5593 |
msgid "%1$sExactMetrics%2$s makes it “effortless” to setup Google Analytics in WordPress, the RIGHT Way. You can watch the video tutorial or use our 3 minute setup wizard."
5594 |
msgstr ""
5595 |
5596 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5597 |
msgid "ExactMetrics Features & Addons"
5598 |
msgstr ""
5599 |
5600 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5601 |
msgid "Here are the features that make ExactMetrics the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress analytics plugin in the market."
5602 |
msgstr ""
5603 |
5604 |
#. Translators: Placeholder is replaced with WPForms.
5605 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5606 |
msgid "Recommended Plugin: %s"
5607 |
msgstr ""
5608 |
5609 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5610 |
msgid "Install"
5611 |
msgstr ""
5612 |
5613 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5614 |
msgid "Activate"
5615 |
msgstr ""
5616 |
5617 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5618 |
msgid "Loading Settings"
5619 |
msgstr ""
5620 |
5621 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5622 |
msgid "Please wait..."
5623 |
msgstr ""
5624 |
5625 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5626 |
msgid "Saving Changes..."
5627 |
msgstr ""
5628 |
5629 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5630 |
msgid "Settings Updated"
5631 |
msgstr ""
5632 |
5633 |
#. Translators: Add a link to the onboarding wizard.
5634 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5635 |
msgid "You need to %1$sconnect ExactMetrics%2$s first"
5636 |
msgstr ""
5637 |
5638 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5639 |
msgid "Could Not Save Changes"
5640 |
msgstr ""
5641 |
5642 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5643 |
msgid "Loading new report data"
5644 |
msgstr ""
5645 |
5646 |
#. Translators: Placeholder gets replaced with an arrow icon.
5647 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5648 |
msgid "Continue %s"
5649 |
msgstr ""
5650 |
5651 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5652 |
msgid "Unlock the Publishers Report and Focus on the Content that Matters"
5653 |
msgstr ""
5654 |
5655 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5656 |
msgid "Stop guessing about what content your visitors are interested in. ExactMetrics Publisher Report shows you exactly which content gets the most visits, so you can analyze and optimize it for higher conversions."
5657 |
msgstr ""
5658 |
5659 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5660 |
msgid "Unlock the Publishers Report and Focus on the Content That Matters"
5661 |
msgstr ""
5662 |
5663 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5664 |
msgid "Stop guessing about what content your visitors are interested in. The Publisher Report shows you exactly which content gets the most traffic, so you can analyze and optimize it for higher conversions."
5665 |
msgstr ""
5666 |
5667 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5668 |
msgid "Unlock the eCommerce Report and See Your Important Store Metrics"
5669 |
msgstr ""
5670 |
5671 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5672 |
msgid "Increase your sales & revenue with insights. ExactMetrics answers all your top eCommerce questions using metrics like total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, top products, top referral sources and more."
5673 |
msgstr ""
5674 |
5675 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5676 |
msgid "Unlock the Dimensions Report and Track Your Own Custom Data"
5677 |
msgstr ""
5678 |
5679 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5680 |
msgid "Decide what data is important using your own custom tracking parameters. The Dimensions report allows you to easily see what's working right inside your WordPress dashboard."
5681 |
msgstr ""
5682 |
5683 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5684 |
msgid "Unlock the Forms Report and Improve Conversions"
5685 |
msgstr ""
5686 |
5687 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5688 |
msgid "Easily track your form views and conversions. The Forms Report allows you to see which forms are performing better and which forms have lower conversion rates so you can optimize using real data."
5689 |
msgstr ""
5690 |
5691 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5692 |
msgid "Unlock the Search Console Report and See How People Find Your Website"
5693 |
msgstr ""
5694 |
5695 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5696 |
msgid "See exactly how people find your website, which keywords they searched for, how many times the results were viewed, and more."
5697 |
msgstr ""
5698 |
5699 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5700 |
msgid "Unlock the Real-Time Report and Track the Visitors on Your Site in Real-Time"
5701 |
msgstr ""
5702 |
5703 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5704 |
msgid "Track the results of your marketing efforts and product launches as-it-happens right from your WordPress site. The Real-Time report allows you to view your traffic sources and visitors activity when you need it."
5705 |
msgstr ""
5706 |
5707 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5708 |
msgid "Unlock the Site Speed Report and Improve the Performance of Your Site"
5709 |
msgstr ""
5710 |
5711 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5712 |
msgid "See How Your Homepage Performs According to Google’s Own Criteria and See How You Can Improve to Increase Your Ranking"
5713 |
msgstr ""
5714 |
5715 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to documentation.
5716 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5717 |
msgid "In order for the ExactMetrics Google AMP addon to work properly, please ask your webmaster to install the WordPress AMP plugin by Automattic. %1$sLearn More%2$s"
5718 |
msgstr ""
5719 |
5720 |
#. Translators: Adds link to activate/install plugin and documentation.
5721 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5722 |
msgid "In order for the ExactMetrics Google AMP addon to work properly, you need to install the WordPress AMP plugin by Automattic. %1$s%2$s Plugin%3$s | %4$sLearn More%5$s"
5723 |
msgstr ""
5724 |
5725 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to documentation.
5726 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5727 |
msgid "In order for the ExactMetrics Instant Articles addon to work properly, please ask your webmaster to install the Instant Articles for WP plugin by Automattic version 3.3.5 or newer. %1$sLearn More%2$s"
5728 |
msgstr ""
5729 |
5730 |
#. Translators: Adds link to activate/install plugin and documentation.
5731 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5732 |
msgid "In order for the ExactMetrics Instant Articles addon to work properly, you need to install the Instant Articles for WP plugin by Automattic version 3.3.5 or newer. %1$s%2$s Plugin%3$s | %4$sLearn More%5$s"
5733 |
msgstr ""
5734 |
5735 |
#. Translators: Number of days.
5736 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5737 |
msgid "Last %s days"
5738 |
msgstr ""
5739 |
5740 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5741 |
msgid "Analytics"
5742 |
msgstr ""
5743 |
5744 |
#. Translators: Adds an arrow icon.
5745 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5746 |
msgid "View All Reports %s"
5747 |
msgstr ""
5748 |
5749 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5750 |
msgid "Choose Theme"
5751 |
msgstr ""
5752 |
5753 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5754 |
msgid "Behavior"
5755 |
msgstr ""
5756 |
5757 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5758 |
msgid "Widget Styling"
5759 |
msgstr ""
5760 |
5761 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5762 |
msgid "Choose how you want to determine the colors, font sizes and spacing of the widget."
5763 |
msgstr ""
5764 |
5765 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5766 |
msgid "Sort By"
5767 |
msgstr ""
5768 |
5769 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5770 |
msgid "Choose how you'd like the widget to determine your popular posts."
5771 |
msgstr ""
5772 |
5773 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5774 |
msgid "Placement"
5775 |
msgstr ""
5776 |
5777 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5778 |
msgid "Choose how you'd like to place the widget."
5779 |
msgstr ""
5780 |
5781 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5782 |
msgid "Insert After"
5783 |
msgstr ""
5784 |
5785 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5786 |
msgid "Choose where in the post body the widget will be placed."
5787 |
msgstr ""
5788 |
5789 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5790 |
msgid "Include in Post Types"
5791 |
msgstr ""
5792 |
5793 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5794 |
msgid "Exclude from specific posts"
5795 |
msgstr ""
5796 |
5797 |
#. Translators: Placeholders make the text bold.
5798 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5799 |
msgid "Choose which Post Types the widget %1$sWILL%2$s be placed."
5800 |
msgstr ""
5801 |
5802 |
#. Translators: Placeholders make the text bold.
5803 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5804 |
msgid "Choose from which Posts the widget %1$sWILL NOT%2$s be placed."
5805 |
msgstr ""
5806 |
5807 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5808 |
msgid "Customize Design"
5809 |
msgstr ""
5810 |
5811 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5812 |
msgid "Loading Themes"
5813 |
msgstr ""
5814 |
5815 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5816 |
msgid "words"
5817 |
msgstr ""
5818 |
5819 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5820 |
msgid "Please select at least one post to display."
5821 |
msgstr ""
5822 |
5823 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5824 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5825 |
msgid "Default Styles %1$s- As seen above.%2$s"
5826 |
msgstr ""
5827 |
5828 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5829 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5830 |
msgid "No Styles %1$s- Use your own CSS.%2$s"
5831 |
msgstr ""
5832 |
5833 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5834 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5835 |
msgid "Comments %1$s- Randomly rotate your most commented on posts from the past 30 days.%2$s"
5836 |
msgstr ""
5837 |
5838 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5839 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5840 |
msgid "SharedCount %1$s- Connect with your SharedCount account to determine popular posts by share count.%2$s"
5841 |
msgstr ""
5842 |
5843 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5844 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5845 |
msgid "Curated %1$s- Choose the posts which will randomly rotate in the widget.%2$s"
5846 |
msgstr ""
5847 |
5848 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5849 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5850 |
msgid "Automatic %1$s- The widget is automatically placed inside the post body.%2$s"
5851 |
msgstr ""
5852 |
5853 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
5854 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5855 |
msgid "Manual %1$s- Manually place the widget using Gutenberg blocks or using our shortcode.%2$s"
5856 |
msgstr ""
5857 |
5858 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5859 |
msgid "One-click Complete eCommerce tracking"
5860 |
msgstr ""
5861 |
5862 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5863 |
msgid "Complete eCommerce tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and MemberPress stores with no code or settings required"
5864 |
msgstr ""
5865 |
5866 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5867 |
msgid "Forms Tracking"
5868 |
msgstr ""
5869 |
5870 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5871 |
msgid "One-click Form Events Tracking"
5872 |
msgstr ""
5873 |
5874 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5875 |
msgid "WPForms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms and any other WordPress form plugin"
5876 |
msgstr ""
5877 |
5878 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5879 |
msgid "WordPress Admin Area Reports"
5880 |
msgstr ""
5881 |
5882 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5883 |
msgid "Standard Reports"
5884 |
msgstr ""
5885 |
5886 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5887 |
msgid "Overview Reports for the last 30 days."
5888 |
msgstr ""
5889 |
5890 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5891 |
msgid "Advanced Reports"
5892 |
msgstr ""
5893 |
5894 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5895 |
msgid "Publisher, eCommerce, Search Console, Custom Dimensions, Forms and Real-Time with custom date period selection"
5896 |
msgstr ""
5897 |
5898 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5899 |
msgid "Dashboard Widget"
5900 |
msgstr ""
5901 |
5902 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5903 |
msgid "Basic Widget"
5904 |
msgstr ""
5905 |
5906 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5907 |
msgid "Overview Report Synopsis"
5908 |
msgstr ""
5909 |
5910 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5911 |
msgid "Advanced Dashboard Widget"
5912 |
msgstr ""
5913 |
5914 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5915 |
msgid "Includes the complete Overview report, Publisher reports and 6 different eCommerce reports"
5916 |
msgstr ""
5917 |
5918 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5919 |
msgid "Publisher Reports"
5920 |
msgstr ""
5921 |
5922 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5923 |
msgid "Advanced Publisher Reports & Tracking"
5924 |
msgstr ""
5925 |
5926 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5927 |
msgid "View Top Landing/Exit Pages, Top Links, Demographics & Interests data and more"
5928 |
msgstr ""
5929 |
5930 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5931 |
msgid "Email Summaries"
5932 |
msgstr ""
5933 |
5934 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5935 |
msgid "Included"
5936 |
msgstr ""
5937 |
5938 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5939 |
msgid "Get weekly traffic reports directly in your inbox."
5940 |
msgstr ""
5941 |
5942 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5943 |
msgid "Basic Options"
5944 |
msgstr ""
5945 |
5946 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5947 |
msgid "Order Popular Posts by comments or shares with 3 simple theme choices."
5948 |
msgstr ""
5949 |
5950 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5951 |
msgid "Dynamic Popular Posts & Popular Products"
5952 |
msgstr ""
5953 |
5954 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5955 |
msgid "Display Popular Posts based on your actual traffic data from Google Analytics and choose from over 20 advanced themes. Display Popular WooCommerce products using widgets or Gutenberg blocks."
5956 |
msgstr ""
5957 |
5958 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5959 |
msgid "Not Available"
5960 |
msgstr ""
5961 |
5962 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5963 |
msgid "Complete Custom Dimensions Tracking"
5964 |
msgstr ""
5965 |
5966 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5967 |
msgid "Track and measure by the Author, Post Type, Category, Tag, SEO Score, Focus Keyword, Logged-in User, User ID and Published Time of each post and page"
5968 |
msgstr ""
5969 |
5970 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5971 |
msgid "Limited Support"
5972 |
msgstr ""
5973 |
5974 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5975 |
msgid "Priority Support"
5976 |
msgstr ""
5977 |
5978 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5979 |
msgid "Get the most out of ExactMetrics by upgrading to Pro and unlocking all of the powerful features."
5980 |
msgstr ""
5981 |
5982 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5983 |
msgid "Feature"
5984 |
msgstr ""
5985 |
5986 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5987 |
msgid "Lite"
5988 |
msgstr ""
5989 |
5990 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5991 |
msgid "Pro"
5992 |
msgstr ""
5993 |
5994 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5995 |
msgid "Get ExactMetrics Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful Features"
5996 |
msgstr ""
5997 |
5998 |
#: languages/vue.php:
5999 |
msgid "Bonus: ExactMetrics Lite users get 50% off regular price, automatically applied at checkout."
6000 |
msgstr ""
6001 |
6002 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6003 |
msgid "Universal Tracking"
6004 |
msgstr ""
6005 |
6006 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6007 |
msgid "Custom Google Analytics Link Tracking"
6008 |
msgstr ""
6009 |
6010 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6011 |
msgid "Standard Tracking"
6012 |
msgstr ""
6013 |
6014 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6015 |
msgid "Advanced Tracking"
6016 |
msgstr ""
6017 |
6018 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6019 |
msgid "Automatic tracking of outbound/external, file download, affiliate, email and telephone links and our simple Custom Link Attribution markup for custom link tracking"
6020 |
msgstr ""
6021 |
6022 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6023 |
msgid "Scroll tracking as well as tracking on Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Facebook Instant Articles for Publishers"
6024 |
msgstr ""
6025 |
6026 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6027 |
msgid "No-Code-Needed Tracking Features"
6028 |
msgstr ""
6029 |
6030 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6031 |
msgid "Basic Tracking Options"
6032 |
msgstr ""
6033 |
6034 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6035 |
msgid "Cross-domain tracking, anonymization of IP addresses, and automatic exclusion of administrators from tracking"
6036 |
msgstr ""
6037 |
6038 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6039 |
msgid "Advanced Tracking Options"
6040 |
msgstr ""
6041 |
6042 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6043 |
msgid "Easily integrate Google Optimize as well as adjust recordings of site speed and the sample rate of visitors"
6044 |
msgstr ""
6045 |
6046 |
#. Translators: Placeholders make the text green.
6047 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6048 |
msgid "Bonus: ExactMetrics Lite users get %1$s50%% off regular price%2$s, automatically applied at checkout."
6049 |
msgstr ""
6050 |
6051 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6052 |
msgid "How to Connect to Google Analytics"
6053 |
msgstr ""
6054 |
6055 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6056 |
msgid "After you install ExactMetrics, you’ll need to connect your WordPress site with your Google Analytics account. ExactMetrics makes the process easy, with no coding required."
6057 |
msgstr ""
6058 |
6059 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6060 |
msgid "Guide and Checklist for Advanced Insights"
6061 |
msgstr ""
6062 |
6063 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6064 |
msgid "Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to measure and track your stats so you can grow your business. This easy-to-follow guide and checklist will get you set up with ExactMetrics’ advanced tracking."
6065 |
msgstr ""
6066 |
6067 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6068 |
msgid "GDPR Guide"
6069 |
msgstr ""
6070 |
6071 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6072 |
msgid "Compliance with European data laws including GDPR can be confusing and time-consuming. In order to help ExactMetrics users comply with these laws, we’ve created an addon that automates a lot of the necessary configuration changes for you. "
6073 |
msgstr ""
6074 |
6075 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6076 |
msgid "How to Install and Activate ExactMetrics Addons"
6077 |
msgstr ""
6078 |
6079 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6080 |
msgid "The process for installing and activating addons is quick and easy after you install the ExactMetrics plugin. In this guide we’ll walk you through the process, step by step."
6081 |
msgstr ""
6082 |
6083 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6084 |
msgid "Enabling eCommerce Tracking and Reports"
6085 |
msgstr ""
6086 |
6087 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6088 |
msgid "Want to track your eCommerce sales data for your WooCommerce, MemberPress, or Easy Digital Downloads store with ExactMetrics? In this guide, we’ll show you how to enable eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics in just a few clicks."
6089 |
msgstr ""
6090 |
6091 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6092 |
msgid "Read Documentation"
6093 |
msgstr ""
6094 |
6095 |
#. Translators: Makes the text bold.
6096 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6097 |
msgid "%1$sEnhanced eCommerce Tracking%2$s - 1-click Google Analyticks Enhanced Ecommerce trackin for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Download & MemberPress."
6098 |
msgstr ""
6099 |
6100 |
#. Translators: Makes the text bold.
6101 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6102 |
msgid "%1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s - Setup tracking for authors, tags, searches, custom post type, users, and other events with 1-click."
6103 |
msgstr ""
6104 |
6105 |
#. Translators: Placeholders make the text highlighted.
6106 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6107 |
msgid "%1$sNeed%2$s to Grow FASTER??"
6108 |
msgstr ""
6109 |
6110 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6111 |
msgid "Get additional, actionable insights by going Pro."
6112 |
msgstr ""
6113 |
6114 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6115 |
msgid "Skip"
6116 |
msgstr ""
6117 |
6118 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6119 |
msgid "See All Features"
6120 |
msgstr ""
6121 |
6122 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6123 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro to get the complete ExactMetrics experience including 1 click tracking integrations for your favorite WordPress plugins and insightful reports backed by our legendary support team."
6124 |
msgstr ""
6125 |
6126 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6127 |
msgid "Our Pro plan includes:"
6128 |
msgstr ""
6129 |
6130 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6131 |
msgid "Installing Addon"
6132 |
msgstr ""
6133 |
6134 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6135 |
msgid "Activating Addon"
6136 |
msgstr ""
6137 |
6138 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6139 |
msgid "Addon Activated"
6140 |
msgstr ""
6141 |
6142 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6143 |
msgid "Loading report data"
6144 |
msgstr ""
6145 |
6146 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6147 |
msgid "Please activate manually"
6148 |
msgstr ""
6149 |
6150 |
#. Translators: Adds the error status and status text.
6151 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6152 |
msgid "Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6153 |
msgstr ""
6154 |
6155 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6156 |
msgid "Error Activating Addon"
6157 |
msgstr ""
6158 |
6159 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6160 |
#: lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php:372
6161 |
#: lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php:398
6162 |
#: lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php:425
6163 |
msgid "View Addons"
6164 |
msgstr ""
6165 |
6166 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6167 |
msgid "Dismiss"
6168 |
msgstr ""
6169 |
6170 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6171 |
msgid "Redirecting"
6172 |
msgstr ""
6173 |
6174 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6175 |
msgid "Please wait"
6176 |
msgstr ""
6177 |
6178 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6179 |
msgid "activate"
6180 |
msgstr ""
6181 |
6182 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6183 |
msgid "install"
6184 |
msgstr ""
6185 |
6186 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6187 |
msgid "Visit addons page"
6188 |
msgstr ""
6189 |
6190 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6191 |
msgid "Report Unavailable"
6192 |
msgstr ""
6193 |
6194 |
#. Translators: Install/Activate the addon.
6195 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6196 |
msgid "%s Addon"
6197 |
msgstr ""
6198 |
6199 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6200 |
msgid "Go Back To Reports"
6201 |
msgstr ""
6202 |
6203 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6204 |
msgid "Enable Enhanced eCommerce"
6205 |
msgstr ""
6206 |
6207 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6208 |
msgid "License Key"
6209 |
msgstr ""
6210 |
6211 |
#. Translators: Add link to retrieve license key from account.
6212 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6213 |
msgid "Add your ExactMetrics license key from the email receipt or account area. %1$sRetrieve your license key%2$s."
6214 |
msgstr ""
6215 |
6216 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6217 |
msgid "Google Authentication"
6218 |
msgstr ""
6219 |
6220 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6221 |
msgid "Connect Google Analytics + WordPress"
6222 |
msgstr ""
6223 |
6224 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6225 |
msgid "You will be taken to the ExactMetrics website where you'll need to connect your Analytics account."
6226 |
msgstr ""
6227 |
6228 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6229 |
msgid "Miscellaneous"
6230 |
msgstr ""
6231 |
6232 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6233 |
msgid "Hides plugin announcements and update details. This includes critical notices we use to inform about deprecations and important required configuration changes."
6234 |
msgstr ""
6235 |
6236 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6237 |
msgid "Hide Announcements"
6238 |
msgstr ""
6239 |
6240 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6241 |
msgid "You're using ExactMetrics Lite – no license needed. Enjoy!"
6242 |
msgstr ""
6243 |
6244 |
#. Translators:
6245 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6246 |
msgid "To unlock more features consider %1$supgrading to PRO%2$s."
6247 |
msgstr ""
6248 |
6249 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6250 |
msgid "Receive 50% off automatically applied at the checkout!"
6251 |
msgstr ""
6252 |
6253 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6254 |
msgid "See all features"
6255 |
msgstr ""
6256 |
6257 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6258 |
msgid "Setup Wizard"
6259 |
msgstr ""
6260 |
6261 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6262 |
msgid "Use our configuration wizard to properly setup Google Analytics with WordPress (with just a few clicks)."
6263 |
msgstr ""
6264 |
6265 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6266 |
msgid "Relaunch Setup Wizard"
6267 |
msgstr ""
6268 |
6269 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6270 |
msgid "Hello and Welcome to ExactMetrics, the Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress."
6271 |
msgstr ""
6272 |
6273 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6274 |
msgid "Ready to take your website to the next level? ExactMetrics gives you the accurate insights you need to make data-driven decisions to grow your traffic and conversions faster than ever before. Now you can easily enable advanced tracking on your website without having to know any code."
6275 |
msgstr ""
6276 |
6277 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6278 |
msgid "The ExactMetrics Team"
6279 |
msgstr ""
6280 |
6281 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6282 |
msgid "Awesome, You're All Set!"
6283 |
msgstr ""
6284 |
6285 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6286 |
msgid "ExactMetrics is all set up and ready to use. We've verified that the tracking code is deployed properly and collecting data."
6287 |
msgstr ""
6288 |
6289 |
#. Translators: Make the text bold.
6290 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6291 |
msgid "%1$sPlease Note:%2$s While Google Analytics is properly setup and tracking everything, it does not send the data back to WordPress immediately. Depending on the size of your website, it can take between a few hours to 24 hours for reports to populate."
6292 |
msgstr ""
6293 |
6294 |
#. Translators: Add link to blog.
6295 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6296 |
msgid "%1$sSubscribe to the ExactMetrics blog%2$s for tips on how to get more traffic and grow your business."
6297 |
msgstr ""
6298 |
6299 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6300 |
msgid "Finish Setup & Exit Wizard"
6301 |
msgstr ""
6302 |
6303 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6304 |
msgid "Google Analytics"
6305 |
msgstr ""
6306 |
6307 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6308 |
msgid "Subscribe"
6309 |
msgstr ""
6310 |
6311 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6312 |
msgid "Checking your website..."
6313 |
msgstr ""
6314 |
6315 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6316 |
msgid "New"
6317 |
msgstr ""
6318 |
6319 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6320 |
msgid "Returning"
6321 |
msgstr ""
6322 |
6323 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6324 |
msgid "Desktop"
6325 |
msgstr ""
6326 |
6327 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6328 |
msgid "Tablet"
6329 |
msgstr ""
6330 |
6331 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6332 |
msgid "Mobile"
6333 |
msgstr ""
6334 |
6335 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6336 |
msgid "Sessions"
6337 |
msgstr ""
6338 |
6339 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6340 |
msgid "Pageviews"
6341 |
msgstr ""
6342 |
6343 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6344 |
msgid "Avg. Session Duration"
6345 |
msgstr ""
6346 |
6347 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6348 |
msgid "Bounce Rate"
6349 |
msgstr ""
6350 |
6351 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6352 |
msgid "Total Users"
6353 |
msgstr ""
6354 |
6355 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6356 |
msgid "Top 10 Countries"
6357 |
msgstr ""
6358 |
6359 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6360 |
msgid "View Countries Report"
6361 |
msgstr ""
6362 |
6363 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6364 |
msgid "Top 10 Referrals"
6365 |
msgstr ""
6366 |
6367 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6368 |
msgid "View All Referral Sources"
6369 |
msgstr ""
6370 |
6371 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6372 |
msgid "View Full Posts/Pages Report"
6373 |
msgstr ""
6374 |
6375 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6376 |
msgid "A session is the browsing session of a single user to your site."
6377 |
msgstr ""
6378 |
6379 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6380 |
msgid "A pageview is defined as a view of a page on your site that is being tracked by the Analytics tracking code. Each refresh of a page is also a new pageview."
6381 |
msgstr ""
6382 |
6383 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6384 |
msgid "Total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions."
6385 |
msgstr ""
6386 |
6387 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6388 |
msgid "Percentage of single-page visits (or web sessions). It is the number of visits in which a person leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any further."
6389 |
msgstr ""
6390 |
6391 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6392 |
msgid "The number of distinct tracked users"
6393 |
msgstr ""
6394 |
6395 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6396 |
msgid "This list shows the top countries your website visitors are from."
6397 |
msgstr ""
6398 |
6399 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6400 |
msgid "This list shows the top websites that send your website traffic, known as referral traffic."
6401 |
msgstr ""
6402 |
6403 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6404 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6405 |
msgid "Can't save settings. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6406 |
msgstr ""
6407 |
6408 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6409 |
msgid "Network error encountered. Settings not saved."
6410 |
msgstr ""
6411 |
6412 |
#. Translators: Placeholders are used for making text bold and adding a link.
6413 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6414 |
msgid "You're using %1$s%2$s Lite%3$s. To unlock more features consider %4$supgrading to Pro%5$s."
6415 |
msgstr ""
6416 |
6417 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6418 |
msgid "Cart Funnel"
6419 |
msgstr ""
6420 |
6421 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6422 |
msgid "Customer Insights"
6423 |
msgstr ""
6424 |
6425 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6426 |
msgid "Campaign Measurement"
6427 |
msgstr ""
6428 |
6429 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6430 |
msgid "Customer Profiles"
6431 |
msgstr ""
6432 |
6433 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6434 |
msgid "See all the critical eCommerce data you need at a glance: your conversion rate, transactions, revenue, and average order value, and more."
6435 |
msgstr ""
6436 |
6437 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6438 |
msgid "Truly Understand Your%1$s Customers With %2$sExactMetrics%3$s"
6439 |
msgstr ""
6440 |
6441 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6442 |
msgid "You never truly understand your customers until you used Enhanced %1$s eCommerce from ExactMetrics!"
6443 |
msgstr ""
6444 |
6445 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6446 |
msgid "Track all-new metrics!"
6447 |
msgstr ""
6448 |
6449 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6450 |
msgid "Get stats WooCommerce doesn’t give you like: Conversion Sources, Avg. Order Value, Revenue per Source, Total Add to Carts & More!"
6451 |
msgstr ""
6452 |
6453 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6454 |
msgid "FEATURES"
6455 |
msgstr ""
6456 |
6457 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6458 |
msgid "Get The Unique Metrics Neccessary for Growth"
6459 |
msgstr ""
6460 |
6461 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6462 |
msgid "See all the critical eCommerce data you need at a glance: your conversion rate, transactions, %1$srevenue, and average order value, and more."
6463 |
msgstr ""
6464 |
6465 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6466 |
msgid "Get Answers to the important questions %1$syou should know."
6467 |
msgstr ""
6468 |
6469 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6470 |
msgid "Did the login/registration step of the checkout put users off?"
6471 |
msgstr ""
6472 |
6473 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6474 |
msgid "Which ad campaign is driving the most revenue?"
6475 |
msgstr ""
6476 |
6477 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6478 |
msgid "Who is my typical customer?"
6479 |
msgstr ""
6480 |
6481 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6482 |
msgid "Level-up Your eCommerce store with %1$sExactMetrics + WooCommerce!%1$s"
6483 |
msgstr ""
6484 |
6485 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6486 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6487 |
msgid "Can't deauthenticate. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6488 |
msgstr ""
6489 |
6490 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6491 |
msgid "You appear to be offline."
6492 |
msgstr ""
6493 |
6494 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6495 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6496 |
msgid "Can't load authentication details. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6497 |
msgstr ""
6498 |
6499 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6500 |
msgid "You appear to be offline. Settings not saved."
6501 |
msgstr ""
6502 |
6503 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6504 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6505 |
msgid "Can't authenticate. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6506 |
msgstr ""
6507 |
6508 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6509 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6510 |
msgid "Can't reauthenticate. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6511 |
msgstr ""
6512 |
6513 |
#. Translators: Error status and error text.
6514 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6515 |
msgid "Can't verify credentials. Error: %1$s, %2$s"
6516 |
msgstr ""
6517 |
6518 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6519 |
msgid "Custom code"
6520 |
msgstr ""
6521 |
6522 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to the Google reference.
6523 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6524 |
msgid "Not for the average user: this allows you to add a line of code, to be added before the %1$spageview is sent%2$s."
6525 |
msgstr ""
6526 |
6527 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6528 |
msgid "Automatic Updates"
6529 |
msgstr ""
6530 |
6531 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6532 |
msgid "You must have the \"unfiltered_html\" capability to view/edit this setting."
6533 |
msgstr ""
6534 |
6535 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6536 |
msgid "Hide Admin Bar Reports"
6537 |
msgstr ""
6538 |
6539 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6540 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6541 |
msgid "Enabled %1$s- Show reports and dashboard widget.%2$s"
6542 |
msgstr ""
6543 |
6544 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6545 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6546 |
msgid "Dashboard Widget Only %1$s- Disable reports, but show dashboard widget.%2$s"
6547 |
msgstr ""
6548 |
6549 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6550 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6551 |
msgid "Disabled %1$s- Hide reports and dashboard widget.%2$s"
6552 |
msgstr ""
6553 |
6554 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6555 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6556 |
msgid "Yes (recommended) %1$s- Get the latest features, bugfixes, and security updates as they are released.%2$s"
6557 |
msgstr ""
6558 |
6559 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6560 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6561 |
msgid "Minor only %1$s- Get bugfixes and security updates, but not major features.%2$s"
6562 |
msgstr ""
6563 |
6564 |
#. Translators: placeholders make text small.
6565 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6566 |
msgid "None %1$s- Manually update everything.%2$s"
6567 |
msgstr ""
6568 |
6569 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6570 |
msgid "+ Add Role"
6571 |
msgstr ""
6572 |
6573 |
#. Translators: Adds a link to the general settings tab.
6574 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6575 |
msgid "It looks like you added a Google Analytics tracking code in the custom code area, this can potentially prevent proper tracking. If you want to use a manual UA please use the setting in the %1$sGeneral%2$s tab."
6576 |
msgstr ""
6577 |
6578 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6579 |
msgid "Permissions"
6580 |
msgstr ""
6581 |
6582 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6583 |
msgid "Export PDF Reports"
6584 |
msgstr ""
6585 |
6586 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6587 |
msgid "Allow These User Roles to See Reports"
6588 |
msgstr ""
6589 |
6590 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6591 |
msgid "Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view the reports."
6592 |
msgstr ""
6593 |
6594 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6595 |
msgid "Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view the reports, along with any user with the manage_options capability."
6596 |
msgstr ""
6597 |
6598 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6599 |
msgid "Allow These User Roles to Save Settings"
6600 |
msgstr ""
6601 |
6602 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6603 |
msgid "Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view and save the settings panel."
6604 |
msgstr ""
6605 |
6606 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6607 |
msgid "Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view and save the settings panel, along with any user with the manage_options capability."
6608 |
msgstr ""
6609 |
6610 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6611 |
msgid "Exclude These User Roles From Tracking"
6612 |
msgstr ""
6613 |
6614 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6615 |
msgid "Users that have at least one of these roles will not be tracked into Google Analytics."
6616 |
msgstr ""
6617 |
6618 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6619 |
msgid "Unlock the Publisher Report and Focus on the Content That Matters"
6620 |
msgstr ""
6621 |
6622 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6623 |
msgid "Here's what you get:"
6624 |
msgstr ""
6625 |
6626 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6627 |
msgid "See Your Top Landing Pages to Improve Engagement"
6628 |
msgstr ""
6629 |
6630 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6631 |
msgid "See Your Top Exit Pages to Reduce Abandonment"
6632 |
msgstr ""
6633 |
6634 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6635 |
msgid "See Your Top Outbound Links to Find New Revenue Opportunities"
6636 |
msgstr ""
6637 |
6638 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6639 |
msgid "See Your Top Affiliate Links and Focus on What’s Working"
6640 |
msgstr ""
6641 |
6642 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6643 |
msgid "See Your Top Downloads and Improve Conversions"
6644 |
msgstr ""
6645 |
6646 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6647 |
msgid "See Audience Demographic Report (Age / Gender / Interests)"
6648 |
msgstr ""
6649 |
6650 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6651 |
msgid "Show in widget mode"
6652 |
msgstr ""
6653 |
6654 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6655 |
msgid "Show in full-width mode"
6656 |
msgstr ""
6657 |
6658 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6659 |
msgid "Still Calculating..."
6660 |
msgstr ""
6661 |
6662 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6663 |
msgid "Your 2020 Year in Review is still calculating. Please check back later to see how your website performed last year."
6664 |
msgstr ""
6665 |
6666 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6667 |
msgid "Back to Overview Report"
6668 |
msgstr ""
6669 |
6670 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6671 |
msgid "Your 2020 Analytics Report"
6672 |
msgstr ""
6673 |
6674 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6675 |
msgid "Audience"
6676 |
msgstr ""
6677 |
6678 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6679 |
msgid "Congrats"
6680 |
msgstr ""
6681 |
6682 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6683 |
msgid "Your website was quite popular this year! "
6684 |
msgstr ""
6685 |
6686 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6687 |
msgid "You had "
6688 |
msgstr ""
6689 |
6690 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6691 |
msgid " visitors!"
6692 |
msgstr ""
6693 |
6694 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6695 |
msgid " visitors"
6696 |
msgstr ""
6697 |
6698 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6699 |
msgid "Total Visitors"
6700 |
msgstr ""
6701 |
6702 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6703 |
msgid "Total Sessions"
6704 |
msgstr ""
6705 |
6706 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6707 |
msgid "Visitors by Month"
6708 |
msgstr ""
6709 |
6710 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6711 |
msgid "January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020"
6712 |
msgstr ""
6713 |
6714 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6715 |
msgid "A Tip for 2021"
6716 |
msgstr ""
6717 |
6718 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6719 |
msgid "Demographics"
6720 |
msgstr ""
6721 |
6722 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6723 |
msgid "#1"
6724 |
msgstr ""
6725 |
6726 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6727 |
msgid "You Top 5 Countries"
6728 |
msgstr ""
6729 |
6730 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6731 |
msgid "Let’s get to know your visitors a little better, shall we?"
6732 |
msgstr ""
6733 |
6734 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6735 |
msgid "Gender"
6736 |
msgstr ""
6737 |
6738 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6739 |
msgid "Female"
6740 |
msgstr ""
6741 |
6742 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6743 |
msgid "Women"
6744 |
msgstr ""
6745 |
6746 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6747 |
msgid "Male"
6748 |
msgstr ""
6749 |
6750 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6751 |
msgid "Average Age"
6752 |
msgstr ""
6753 |
6754 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6755 |
msgid "Your Top 5 Pages"
6756 |
msgstr ""
6757 |
6758 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6759 |
msgid "Time Spent on Site"
6760 |
msgstr ""
6761 |
6762 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6763 |
msgid "minutes"
6764 |
msgstr ""
6765 |
6766 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6767 |
msgid "Device Type"
6768 |
msgstr ""
6769 |
6770 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6771 |
msgid "A Tip For 2021"
6772 |
msgstr ""
6773 |
6774 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6775 |
msgid "Are you looking for a way to track your landing pages and see which one gets the most conversions on your website?"
6776 |
msgstr ""
6777 |
6778 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6779 |
msgid "Read - How to Track Google Analytics Landing Page Conversions"
6780 |
msgstr ""
6781 |
6782 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6783 |
msgid "So, where did all of these visitors come from?"
6784 |
msgstr ""
6785 |
6786 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6787 |
msgid "Clicks"
6788 |
msgstr ""
6789 |
6790 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6791 |
msgid "Your Top 5 Keywords"
6792 |
msgstr ""
6793 |
6794 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6795 |
msgid "What keywords visitors searched for to find your site"
6796 |
msgstr ""
6797 |
6798 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6799 |
msgid "Your Top 5 Referrals"
6800 |
msgstr ""
6801 |
6802 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6803 |
msgid "The websites that link back to your website"
6804 |
msgstr ""
6805 |
6806 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6807 |
msgid "Opportunity"
6808 |
msgstr ""
6809 |
6810 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6811 |
msgid "Learn how to boost your SEO rankings using ExactMetrics so more visitors reach your articles and increase engagement."
6812 |
msgstr ""
6813 |
6814 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6815 |
msgid "Read - 5 Ways to Skyrocket Your SEO Rankings with Google Analytics"
6816 |
msgstr ""
6817 |
6818 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6819 |
msgid "Thank you for using ExactMetrics!"
6820 |
msgstr ""
6821 |
6822 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6823 |
msgid "We’re grateful for your continued support. If there’s anything we can do to help you grow your business, please don’t hesitate to contact our team."
6824 |
msgstr ""
6825 |
6826 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6827 |
msgid "Here's to an amazing 2021!"
6828 |
msgstr ""
6829 |
6830 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6831 |
msgid "Enjoying ExactMetrics"
6832 |
msgstr ""
6833 |
6834 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6835 |
msgid "Leave a five star review!"
6836 |
msgstr ""
6837 |
6838 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6839 |
msgid "Syed Balkhi"
6840 |
msgstr ""
6841 |
6842 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6843 |
msgid "Chris Christoff"
6844 |
msgstr ""
6845 |
6846 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6847 |
msgid "Write Review"
6848 |
msgstr ""
6849 |
6850 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6851 |
msgid "Did you know over 10 million websites use our plugins?"
6852 |
msgstr ""
6853 |
6854 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6855 |
msgid "Try our other popular WordPress plugins to grow your website in 2021."
6856 |
msgstr ""
6857 |
6858 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6859 |
msgid "Join our Communities!"
6860 |
msgstr ""
6861 |
6862 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6863 |
msgid "Become a WordPress expert in 2021. Join our amazing communities and take your website to the next level."
6864 |
msgstr ""
6865 |
6866 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6867 |
msgid "Facebook Group"
6868 |
msgstr ""
6869 |
6870 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6871 |
msgid "Join our team of WordPress experts and other motivated website owners in the WPBeginner Engage Facebook Group."
6872 |
msgstr ""
6873 |
6874 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6875 |
msgid "Join Now...It’s Free!"
6876 |
msgstr ""
6877 |
6878 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6879 |
msgid "WordPress Tutorials by WPBeginner"
6880 |
msgstr ""
6881 |
6882 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6883 |
msgid "WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners and non-techy users."
6884 |
msgstr ""
6885 |
6886 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6887 |
msgid "Visit WPBeginner"
6888 |
msgstr ""
6889 |
6890 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6891 |
msgid "Follow Us!"
6892 |
msgstr ""
6893 |
6894 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6895 |
msgid "Follow ExactMetrics on social media to stay up to date with latest updates, trends, and tutorials on how to make the most out of analytics."
6896 |
msgstr ""
6897 |
6898 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6899 |
msgid "Copyright ExactMetrics, 2021"
6900 |
msgstr ""
6901 |
6902 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6903 |
msgid "Upgrade to ExactMetrics Pro to Unlock Additional Actionable Insights"
6904 |
msgstr ""
6905 |
6906 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6907 |
#: lite/includes/admin/helpers.php:83
6908 |
msgid "Upgrade to ExactMetrics Pro"
6909 |
msgstr ""
6910 |
6911 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6912 |
msgid "January"
6913 |
msgstr ""
6914 |
6915 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6916 |
msgid "February"
6917 |
msgstr ""
6918 |
6919 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6920 |
msgid "March"
6921 |
msgstr ""
6922 |
6923 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6924 |
msgid "April"
6925 |
msgstr ""
6926 |
6927 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6928 |
msgid "May"
6929 |
msgstr ""
6930 |
6931 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6932 |
msgid "June"
6933 |
msgstr ""
6934 |
6935 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6936 |
msgid "July"
6937 |
msgstr ""
6938 |
6939 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6940 |
msgid "August"
6941 |
msgstr ""
6942 |
6943 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6944 |
msgid "September"
6945 |
msgstr ""
6946 |
6947 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6948 |
msgid "October"
6949 |
msgstr ""
6950 |
6951 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6952 |
msgid "November"
6953 |
msgstr ""
6954 |
6955 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6956 |
msgid "December"
6957 |
msgstr ""
6958 |
6959 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors.
6960 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6961 |
msgid "Your best month was <strong>%1$s</strong> with <strong>%2$s visitors!</strong>"
6962 |
msgstr ""
6963 |
6964 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6965 |
msgid "See the top Traffic Sources and Top Pages for the Month of %s in the Overview Report to replicate your success."
6966 |
msgstr ""
6967 |
6968 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors.
6969 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6970 |
msgid "Your <strong>%1$s</strong> visitors came from <strong>%2$s</strong> different countries."
6971 |
msgstr ""
6972 |
6973 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors.
6974 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6975 |
msgid "%s Visitors"
6976 |
msgstr ""
6977 |
6978 |
#. Translators: Percent and Number of visitors.
6979 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6980 |
msgid "%1$s% of your visitors were %2$s"
6981 |
msgstr ""
6982 |
6983 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors and their age.
6984 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6985 |
msgid "%1$s% of your visitors were between the ages of %2$s"
6986 |
msgstr ""
6987 |
6988 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors and number of pages.
6989 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6990 |
msgid "Your <strong>%1$s</strong> visitors viewed a total of <strong>%2$s</strong> pages. <span class='average-page-per-user' style='font-size: 20px;margin-top:25px;display:block;font-family:Lato'>That's an average of %3$s pages for each visitor!</span>"
6991 |
msgstr ""
6992 |
6993 |
#. Translators: Number of minutes spent on site.
6994 |
#: languages/vue.php:
6995 |
msgid "Each visitor spent an average of %s minutes on your website in 2020."
6996 |
msgstr ""
6997 |
6998 |
#. Translators: Name of device type.
6999 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7000 |
msgid "Most of your visitors viewed your website from their <strong>%s</strong> device."
7001 |
msgstr ""
7002 |
7003 |
#. Translators: Number of visitors and device percentage.
7004 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7005 |
msgid "%1$s% of your visitors were on a %2$s device."
7006 |
msgstr ""
7007 |
7008 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7009 |
msgid "There was an issue retrieving the addons for this site. Please click on the button below the refresh the addons data."
7010 |
msgstr ""
7011 |
7012 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7013 |
msgid "No addons found."
7014 |
msgstr ""
7015 |
7016 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7017 |
msgid "Refresh Addons"
7018 |
msgstr ""
7019 |
7020 |
#. Translators: Adds a line break.
7021 |
#: languages/vue.php:
7022 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro to unlock addons and ot |