If Menu – Visibility control for Menu Items

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 0.16.3



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Releases (5 )

Version Release Date Change Log
0.16.3 2022-06-26
  • 26 June 2022 =
  • Added - More usage examples in plugin FAQs section
  • Updated - WordPress v6 compatibility
  • Updated - Integration with Restrict Content Pro plugin is improved
0.8.3 2018-04-21

Release Date - 22 February 2018

  • Fixed - Support for PHP <
0.2.1 2014-10-12

Minor fixes

  • Fix - Editing menus - show/hide conditions when adding new item (thanks Joseph Segal)
0.2 2014-06-22

Update for compatibility with newer versions of WordPress

  • Feature - access to menu item object in condition callback (thanks BramNL)
  • Fix - alert for leaving page even if no changes were made for menus (thanks Denny)
  • Fix - update method in Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit to be compatible with newer version of WP
  • Fix - example in Readme (thanks BramNL)
0.1 2014-06-20

Plugin release. Included basic menu conditional statements