Insert Html Snippet

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.3.3



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A quicklook into Insert Html Snippet

Convert HTML snippets to shortcodes Convert Javascript codes to shortcodes Convert CSS codes to shortcodes Support for snippet shortcodes in widgets Dropdown menu in TinyMCE editor to pick snippet shortcodes easily Insert adsense or any adcode Insert addthis or any social bookmarking code Insert flash, videos etc. to your posts,pages and widgets

Features in Detail

Insert Html Snippet allows you to create shortcodes corresponding to html snippets. You can create a shortcode corresponding to any random HTML code such as ad codes (adsense or any adserver), javascript codes (addthis), video embedding codes, css codes etc. and use the same in your posts, pages or widgets.

The shortcodes generated using the plugin are easily available as a dropdown in the standard wordpress content editor as well as in widget settings, thereby giving you ease of integrating your HTML snippets with your posts and pages.


Insert Html Snippet is developed and maintained by XYZScripts. For any support, you may contact us.

Insert HTML Snippet User Guide Insert HTML Snippet FAQ

Releases (14 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.3.3 2022-03-18
  • Minor bugs fixed
1.3.2 2021-04-23
  • Database collation issue fixed
  • Minor bugs fixed
1.3.1 2019-10-25
  • Notice errors fixed
1.3 2019-08-19
  • Snippet selection support in classic editor block of Gutenberg
  • Support for Search Snippet by name
  • Navigation Improvements
1.2.5 2018-09-18
  • Support for Bulk Actions(activate,deactivate,delete)
1.2.4 2018-03-27
  • Removed deprecated widget initializing function
1.2.3 2018-02-02
  • Updated nonces and validations
  • Premium version details and comparison added
1.2.2 2016-12-05
  • Unwanted output removed.
  • Widget class updated.
1.2.1 2016-12-02
  • A few bug fixes.
1.2 2015-08-22
  • Compatibility with wordpress 4.3
  • Added options to sort snippets in admin area by id and title
  • Removed redirection after snippet edit
1.1.1 2014-10-08
  • Compatibility with wordpress 3.9
1.1 2014-03-28
  • Support for shortcodes in html content
  • Snippet chooser TinyMCE plugin modified
  • A few bug fixes
1.0.1 2013-09-02
  • Support for network installation
  • Pagination bug fix
1.0 2013-04-24
  • First official launch.
