Version Description
- New: Per-purpose script blocking support
- New: "Reject" button support
- New: Google AMP compatibility option
- Tweak: Improved regular expression on per-purpose feature detection
- Fix: Safari unrecognized expression on CSS wildcards
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | dfactory |
Plugin | iubenda Cookie Solution for GDPR |
Version | 2.1.0 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 2.1.4-beta to 2.1.0
- css/admin.css +57 -0
- includes/settings.php +242 -20
- iubenda_cookie_solution.php +28 -18
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/iubenda-cookie-law-solution-it_IT.po +139 -130
- languages/iubenda-cookie-law-solution.pot +136 -126
- readme.txt +12 -3
@@ -104,4 +104,61 @@
104 |
#iubenda-tabs .postbox-container .widefat .widefat tbody td {
105 |
padding-top: 5px;
106 |
padding-bottom: 5px;
107 |
104 |
#iubenda-tabs .postbox-container .widefat .widefat tbody td {
105 |
padding-top: 5px;
106 |
padding-bottom: 5px;
107 |
108 |
.iubenda-notice {
109 |
border-left-color: #1CC691;
110 |
padding-left: 0;
111 |
display: flex;
112 |
justify-content: flex-start;
113 |
align-items: center;
114 |
115 |
.iubenda-notice::before {
116 |
display: inline-block;
117 |
content: '';
118 |
height: 49px;
119 |
width: 22px;
120 |
margin: 1em 2em;
121 |
background-size: contain;
122 |
background-position: center center;
123 |
background-image: url();
124 |
125 |
.iubenda-notice .notice-question {
126 |
margin-bottom: 5px;
127 |
display: block;
128 |
129 |
.iubenda-notice .notice-reply {
130 |
margin-top: 0;
131 |
132 |
.iubenda-notice .step-2 {
133 |
display: none;
134 |
135 |
.iubenda-notice .reply-yes {
136 |
margin-right: 10px;
137 |
138 |
.iubenda-notice .reply-yes:before,
139 |
.iubenda-notice .reply-no:before {
140 |
font-family: dashicons;
141 |
display: inline-block;
142 |
line-height: 1;
143 |
font-weight: 400;
144 |
font-style: normal;
145 |
speak: none;
146 |
text-decoration: inherit;
147 |
text-transform: none;
148 |
text-rendering: auto;
149 |
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
150 |
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
151 |
width: 20px;
152 |
height: 20px;
153 |
font-size: 20px;
154 |
vertical-align: top;
155 |
text-align: center;
156 |
transition: color .1s ease-in;
157 |
text-decoration: none;
158 |
159 |
.iubenda-notice .reply-yes:before {
160 |
content: "\f147";
161 |
162 |
.iubenda-notice .reply-no:before {
163 |
content: "\f335";
164 |
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
23 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'update_plugin' ), 9 );
24 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_page_redirect' ), 20 );
25 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_actions' ), 20 );
26 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu_options' ) );
27 |
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'settings_errors' ) );
28 |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ) );
29 |
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', array( $this, 'admin_print_styles' ) );
30 |
// add_action( 'admin_footer-options-discussion.php', array( $this, 'admin_footer' ) );
31 |
32 |
// filters
33 |
add_filter( 'submenu_file', array( $this, 'submenu_file' ), 10, 2 );
@@ -121,13 +123,13 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
121 |
122 |
add_settings_section( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', '', '', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
123 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_code', __( 'Code', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_code' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
124 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_parse', __( 'Script blocking', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_parse' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
125 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_custom_scripts', __( 'Custom scripts', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_custom_scripts' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
126 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_ctype', __( 'Content type', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_ctype' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
127 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_output_feed', __( 'RSS feed', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_output_feed' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
128 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_output_post', __( 'POST requests', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_output_post' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
129 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_menu_position', __( 'Menu position', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_menu_position' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
130 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_amp_support', __( 'Google AMP', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_amp_support' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
131 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_deactivation', __( 'Deactivation', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_deactivation' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
132 |
133 |
// forms list
@@ -190,6 +192,8 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
190 |
* @return void
191 |
192 |
public function admin_enqueue_scripts( $page ) {
193 |
if ( ! in_array( $page, array( 'toplevel_page_iubenda', 'settings_page_iubenda' ) ) )
194 |
195 |
@@ -215,8 +219,6 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
215 |
216 |
json_encode( $args )
217 |
218 |
219 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'iubenda-admin', IUBENDA_PLUGIN_URL . '/css/admin.css' );
220 |
221 |
222 |
@@ -282,6 +284,193 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
* Plugin options migration for versions < 1.14.0
@@ -346,6 +535,8 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
346 |
* @return void
347 |
348 |
public function options_page() {
349 |
if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'iubenda_cookie_law_cap', 'manage_options' ) ) ) {
350 |
wp_die( __( "You don't have permission to access this page.", 'iubenda' ) );
351 |
@@ -401,24 +592,52 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
$iubenda_code = iubenda()->options['cs']['code_default'];
414 |
} else
415 |
$iubenda_code = iubenda()->options['cs']['code_default'];
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
if ( $per_purpose_enabled || $reject_enabled )
421 |
$this->add_notice( 'iub_per_purpose_enabled', sprintf( __( 'If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please disable the "Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent" option. <a href="%s" target="_self">Disable now</a>', 'iubenda' ), esc_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'disable_skip_parsing', $redirect_to ) ) ), 'notice' );
422 |
423 |
424 |
// render custom notices
@@ -746,7 +965,7 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
746 |
public function iub_deactivation() {
747 |
echo '
748 |
<div id="iub_deactivation_container">
749 |
<label><input id="iub_deactivation" type="checkbox" name="iubenda_cookie_law_solution[deactivation]" value="1" ' . checked( true, (bool) iubenda()->options['cs']['deactivation'], false ) . '/>' . __( 'Delete all plugin data upon deactivation
750 |
751 |
752 |
@@ -1298,6 +1517,8 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
1298 |
* @return void
1299 |
1300 |
public function process_actions() {
1301 |
$page = ! empty( $_POST['option_page'] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['option_page'] ) : ( ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['page'] ) : '' );
1302 |
$id = isset( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ? ( is_array( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ? array_map( 'ansint', $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) : absint( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ) : false;
1303 |
$tab_key = ! empty( $_GET['tab'] ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['tab'] ) : 'cs';
@@ -1498,11 +1719,12 @@ class iubenda_Settings {
1498 |
1499 |
1500 |
$notices = get_transient( 'iubenda_dashboard_notices' );
1501 |
1502 |
if ( empty( $notices ) || ! array_key_exists( $key, $notices[$notice_type] ) ) {
1503 |
$notices[$notice_type][$key] = $message;
1504 |
1505 |
set_transient( 'iubenda_dashboard_notices', $notices,
1506 |
1507 |
1508 |
23 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'update_plugin' ), 9 );
24 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_page_redirect' ), 20 );
25 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_actions' ), 20 );
26 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'maybe_show_notice' ) );
27 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu_options' ) );
28 |
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'settings_errors' ) );
29 |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ) );
30 |
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', array( $this, 'admin_print_styles' ) );
31 |
// add_action( 'admin_footer-options-discussion.php', array( $this, 'admin_footer' ) );
32 |
add_action( 'wp_ajax_iubenda_dismiss_notice', array( $this, 'dismiss_notice' ) );
33 |
34 |
// filters
35 |
add_filter( 'submenu_file', array( $this, 'submenu_file' ), 10, 2 );
123 |
124 |
add_settings_section( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', '', '', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
125 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_code', __( 'Code', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_code' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
126 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_amp_support', __( 'Google AMP', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_amp_support' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
127 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_parse', __( 'Script blocking', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_parse' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
128 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_custom_scripts', __( 'Custom scripts', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_custom_scripts' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
129 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_ctype', __( 'Content type', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_ctype' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
130 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_output_feed', __( 'RSS feed', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_output_feed' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
131 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_output_post', __( 'POST requests', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_output_post' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
132 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_menu_position', __( 'Menu position', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_menu_position' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
133 |
add_settings_field( 'iub_deactivation', __( 'Deactivation', 'iubenda' ), array( $this, 'iub_deactivation' ), 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
134 |
135 |
// forms list
192 |
* @return void
193 |
194 |
public function admin_enqueue_scripts( $page ) {
195 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'iubenda-admin', IUBENDA_PLUGIN_URL . '/css/admin.css' );
196 |
197 |
if ( ! in_array( $page, array( 'toplevel_page_iubenda', 'settings_page_iubenda' ) ) )
198 |
199 |
219 |
220 |
json_encode( $args )
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
* Perform show notice on plugin installation/upgrade.
290 |
291 |
* @return void
292 |
293 |
public function maybe_show_notice() {
294 |
if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) )
295 |
296 |
297 |
$current_update = 1;
298 |
$activation = (array) get_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', iubenda()->activation );
299 |
300 |
// delete_option( 'iubenda_activation_data' );
301 |
// echo '<pre>'; print_r( $activation ); echo '</pre>'; exit;
302 |
303 |
// get current time
304 |
$current_time = time();
305 |
306 |
if ( $activation['update_version'] < $current_update ) {
307 |
// check version, if update ver is lower than plugin ver, set update notice to true
308 |
$activation = array_merge( $activation, array( 'update_version' => $current_update, 'update_notice' => true ) );
309 |
310 |
// set activation date if not set
311 |
if ( $activation['update_date'] == false )
312 |
$activation = array_merge( $activation, array( 'update_date' => $current_time ) );
313 |
314 |
update_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', $activation );
315 |
316 |
317 |
// display current version notice
318 |
if ( $activation['update_notice'] === true ) {
319 |
// include notice js, only if needed
320 |
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_inline_js' ), 999 );
321 |
322 |
// get activation date
323 |
$activation_date = $activation['update_date'];
324 |
325 |
// set delay in seconds
326 |
$delay = WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 2;
327 |
328 |
if ( (int) $activation['update_delay_date'] === 0 ) {
329 |
if ( $activation_date + $delay > $current_time )
330 |
$activation['update_delay_date'] = $activation_date + $delay;
331 |
332 |
$activation['update_delay_date'] = $current_time;
333 |
334 |
update_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', $activation );
335 |
336 |
337 |
if ( ( ! empty( $activation['update_delay_date'] ) ? (int) $activation['update_delay_date'] : $current_time ) <= $current_time ) {
338 |
// add notice
339 |
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'show_notice' ) );
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
* Display admin notices at iubenda settings.
346 |
347 |
public function show_notice() {
348 |
global $pagenow;
349 |
350 |
$display = true;
351 |
352 |
$page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['page'] ) : '';
353 |
354 |
if ( iubenda()->options['cs']['menu_position'] === 'submenu' && $page === 'iubenda' ) {
355 |
$display = true;
356 |
} elseif ( iubenda()->options['cs']['menu_position'] === 'topmenu' && $page === 'iubenda' ) {
357 |
$display = true;
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
<?php if ( $display ) { ?>
362 |
<div class="iubenda-notice notice is-dismissible">
363 |
364 |
<p class="step-1">
365 |
<span class="notice-question"><?php _e( 'Enjoying the iubenda Cookie & Consent Solution Plugin?', 'iubenda' ); ?></span>
366 |
<span class="notice-reply">
367 |
<a href="#" class="reply-yes"><?php _e( 'Yes', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
368 |
<a href="#" class="reply-no"><?php _e( 'No', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
369 |
370 |
371 |
<p class="step-2 step-yes">
372 |
<span class="notice-question"><?php _e( "Whew, what a relief!😅 We've worked countless hours to make this plugin as useful as possible – so we're pretty happy that you're enjoying it. While you here, would you mind leaving us a 5 star rating? It would really help us out.", 'iubenda' ); ?></span>
373 |
<span class="notice-reply">
374 |
<a href="" target="_blank" class="reply-yes"><?php _e( 'Sure!', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
375 |
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="reply-no"><?php _e( 'No thanks', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
376 |
377 |
378 |
<p class="step-2 step-no">
379 |
<span class="notice-question"><?php _e( "We’re sorry to hear that. Would you mind giving us some feedback?", 'iubenda' ); ?></span>
380 |
<span class="notice-reply">
381 |
<a href="" target="_blank" class="reply-yes"><?php _e( 'Ok sure!', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
382 |
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="reply-no"><?php _e( 'No thanks', 'iubenda' ); ?></a>
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
<?php } ?>
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
* Print admin scripts.
393 |
394 |
* @return void
395 |
396 |
public function admin_inline_js() {
397 |
if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) )
398 |
399 |
400 |
$delay = MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6;
401 |
402 |
<script type="text/javascript">
403 |
( function ( $ ) {
404 |
$( document ).ready( function () {
405 |
// step 1
406 |
$( '.iubenda-notice .step-1 a' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
407 |
408 |
409 |
$( '.iubenda-notice .step-1' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
410 |
411 |
if ( $( ).hasClass( 'reply-yes' ) ) {
412 |
$( '.iubenda-notice .step-2.step-yes' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
413 |
} else {
414 |
$( '.iubenda-notice .step-2.step-no' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
415 |
416 |
} );
417 |
// step 2
418 |
$( '' ).on( 'click', '.notice-dismiss, .step-2 a', function ( e ) {
419 |
// console.log( $( e ) );
420 |
421 |
var delay = <?php echo $delay; ?>;
422 |
423 |
if ( $( ).hasClass( 'reply-yes' ) ) {
424 |
delay = 0;
425 |
426 |
427 |
$.post( ajaxurl, {
428 |
action: 'iubenda_dismiss_notice',
429 |
delay: delay,
430 |
url: '<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?>',
431 |
iubenda_nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'iubenda_dismiss_notice' ); ?>'
432 |
} );
433 |
434 |
$( e.delegateTarget ).slideUp( 'fast' );
435 |
} );
436 |
} );
437 |
} )( jQuery );
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
* Dismiss notice.
444 |
445 |
* @return void
446 |
447 |
public function dismiss_notice() {
448 |
$result = false;
449 |
450 |
if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) )
451 |
return $result;
452 |
453 |
$nonce = wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['iubenda_nonce'], 'iubenda_dismiss_notice' );
454 |
455 |
if ( $nonce ) {
456 |
$delay = ! empty( $_REQUEST['delay'] ) ? absint( $_REQUEST['delay'] ) : 0;
457 |
$activation = (array) get_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', iubenda()->activation );
458 |
459 |
// delay notice
460 |
if ( $delay > 0 ) {
461 |
$activation = array_merge( $activation, array( 'update_delay_date' => time() + $delay ) );
462 |
// hide notice permanently
463 |
} else {
464 |
$activation = array_merge( $activation, array( 'update_delay_date' => 0, 'update_notice' => false ) );
465 |
466 |
467 |
// update activation options
468 |
$result = update_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', $activation );
469 |
470 |
471 |
echo json_encode( $result );
472 |
473 |
474 |
475 |
476 |
* Plugin options migration for versions < 1.14.0
535 |
* @return void
536 |
537 |
public function options_page() {
538 |
global $pagenow;
539 |
540 |
if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'iubenda_cookie_law_cap', 'manage_options' ) ) ) {
541 |
wp_die( __( "You don't have permission to access this page.", 'iubenda' ) );
542 |
592 |
593 |
594 |
595 |
if ( $tab_key === 'cs' ) {
596 |
// add per-purpose notice
597 |
if ( iubenda()->options['cs']['skip_parsing'] ) {
598 |
$iubenda_code = '';
599 |
600 |
if ( iubenda()->multilang === true && defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) && isset( iubenda()->options['cs']['code_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE] ) ) {
601 |
$iubenda_code = iubenda()->options['cs']['code_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE];
602 |
603 |
// no code for current language, use default
604 |
if ( ! $iubenda_code )
605 |
$iubenda_code = iubenda()->options['cs']['code_default'];
606 |
} else
607 |
$iubenda_code = iubenda()->options['cs']['code_default'];
608 |
609 |
$per_purpose_enabled = preg_match( '/(?:"|\')perPurposeConsent(?:"|\')\: *(?:"|\'*)true(?:"|\'*)/', $iubenda_code );
610 |
$reject_enabled = preg_match( '/(?:"|\')rejectButtonDisplay(?:"|\')\: *(?:"|\'*)true(?:"|\'*)/', $iubenda_code );
611 |
612 |
if ( $per_purpose_enabled || $reject_enabled )
613 |
$this->add_notice( 'iub_per_purpose_enabled', sprintf( __( 'If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please disable the "Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent" option. <a href="%s" target="_self">Disable now</a>', 'iubenda' ), esc_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'disable_skip_parsing', $redirect_to ) ) ), 'notice' );
614 |
615 |
616 |
// add AMP notice
617 |
if ( iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_support'] && iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_template_done'] ) {
618 |
$ssl_support = true;
619 |
620 |
// multilang support
621 |
if ( iubenda()->multilang && ! empty( iubenda()->languages ) ) {
622 |
foreach ( iubenda()->languages as $lang_id => $lang_name ) {
623 |
$url = iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_source'] === 'remote' ? iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_template'][$lang_id] : iubenda()->AMP->get_amp_template_url( $lang_id );
624 |
$bits = explode( '/', $url );
625 |
626 |
if ( $bits[0] === 'http:' )
627 |
$ssl_support = false;
628 |
629 |
} else {
630 |
$url = iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_source'] === 'remote' ? iubenda()->options['cs']['amp_template'] : iubenda()->AMP->get_amp_template_url();
631 |
$bits = explode( '/', $url );
632 |
633 |
if ( $bits[0] === 'http:' )
634 |
$ssl_support = false;
635 |
636 |
637 |
if ( ! $ssl_support )
638 |
$this->add_notice( 'iub_amp_ssl_required', __( 'AMP configuration file requires HTTPS. Make sure your SSL Certificate is configured correctly.', 'iubenda' ), 'error' );
639 |
640 |
641 |
642 |
643 |
// render custom notices
965 |
public function iub_deactivation() {
966 |
echo '
967 |
<div id="iub_deactivation_container">
968 |
<label><input id="iub_deactivation" type="checkbox" name="iubenda_cookie_law_solution[deactivation]" value="1" ' . checked( true, (bool) iubenda()->options['cs']['deactivation'], false ) . '/>' . __( 'Delete all plugin data upon deactivation', 'iubenda' ) . '</label>
969 |
970 |
971 |
1517 |
* @return void
1518 |
1519 |
public function process_actions() {
1520 |
global $pagenow;
1521 |
1522 |
$page = ! empty( $_POST['option_page'] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['option_page'] ) : ( ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['page'] ) : '' );
1523 |
$id = isset( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ? ( is_array( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ? array_map( 'ansint', $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) : absint( $_REQUEST['form_id'] ) ) : false;
1524 |
$tab_key = ! empty( $_GET['tab'] ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['tab'] ) : 'cs';
1719 |
1720 |
1721 |
$notices = get_transient( 'iubenda_dashboard_notices' );
1722 |
$delay = MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 2;
1723 |
1724 |
if ( empty( $notices ) || ! array_key_exists( $key, $notices[$notice_type] ) ) {
1725 |
$notices[$notice_type][$key] = $message;
1726 |
1727 |
set_transient( 'iubenda_dashboard_notices', $notices, $delay );
1728 |
1729 |
1730 |
@@ -39,30 +39,36 @@ class iubenda {
39 |
private static $instance;
40 |
public $options = array();
41 |
public $defaults = array(
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
'amp_template_done' => false,
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
'public_api_key' => '',
62 |
63 |
64 |
public $base_url;
65 |
public $version = '2.1.0';
66 |
public $no_html = false;
67 |
public $multilang = false;
68 |
public $languages = array();
@@ -246,6 +252,7 @@ class iubenda {
246 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', $this->options['cs'], '', 'no' );
247 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', $this->options['cons'], '', 'no' );
248 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_version', $this->version, '', 'no' );
249 |
250 |
251 |
@@ -259,6 +266,7 @@ class iubenda {
259 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
260 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_consent_solution' );
261 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_version' );
262 |
263 |
264 |
@@ -623,7 +631,9 @@ class iubenda {
623 |
* @return void
624 |
625 |
public function maybe_do_upgrade() {
626 |
627 |
// bail if no activation or upgrade transient is set
628 |
if ( ! get_transient( 'iub_upgrade_completed' ) && ! get_transient( 'iub_activation_completed' ) )
629 |
39 |
private static $instance;
40 |
public $options = array();
41 |
public $defaults = array(
42 |
'cs' => array(
43 |
'parse' => false, // iubenda_parse
44 |
'skip_parsing' => true, // skip_parsing
45 |
'ctype' => true, // iubenda_ctype
46 |
'parse' => false, // iubenda_parse
47 |
'parser_engine' => 'new', // parser_engine
48 |
'output_feed' => true, // iubenda_output_feed
49 |
'output_post' => true,
50 |
'code_default' => false, // iubenda-code-default,
51 |
'menu_position' => 'topmenu',
52 |
'amp_support' => false,
53 |
'amp_source' => 'local',
54 |
'amp_template_done' => false,
55 |
'amp_template' => '',
56 |
'custom_scripts' => array(),
57 |
'custom_iframes' => array(),
58 |
'deactivation' => false
59 |
60 |
'cons' => array(
61 |
'public_api_key' => '',
62 |
63 |
64 |
public $base_url;
65 |
public $version = '2.1.0';
66 |
public $activation = array(
67 |
'update_version' => 0,
68 |
'update_notice' => true,
69 |
'update_date' => '',
70 |
'update_delay_date' => 0
71 |
72 |
public $no_html = false;
73 |
public $multilang = false;
74 |
public $languages = array();
252 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', $this->options['cs'], '', 'no' );
253 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution', $this->options['cons'], '', 'no' );
254 |
add_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_version', $this->version, '', 'no' );
255 |
add_option( 'iubenda_activation_data', $this->activation, '', 'no' );
256 |
257 |
258 |
266 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_solution' );
267 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_consent_solution' );
268 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_cookie_law_version' );
269 |
delete_option( 'iubenda_activation_data' );
270 |
271 |
272 |
631 |
* @return void
632 |
633 |
public function maybe_do_upgrade() {
634 |
if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) )
635 |
636 |
637 |
// bail if no activation or upgrade transient is set
638 |
if ( ! get_transient( 'iub_upgrade_completed' ) && ! get_transient( 'iub_activation_completed' ) )
639 |
Binary file
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: Iubenda Cookie Solution\n"
4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-
6 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
7 |
"Language-Team: \n"
8 |
"Language: it\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __\n"
17 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
18 |
19 |
#: includes/amp.php:
20 |
msgid "Loading"
21 |
msgstr ""
22 |
23 |
#: includes/forms-list-table.php:92
24 |
msgid "Form Title"
25 |
msgstr "Nome del form"
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ msgstr "Tutte le fonti"
66 |
msgid "No forms found."
67 |
msgstr "Nessun form trovato."
68 |
69 |
#: includes/forms.php:149 includes/settings.php:
70 |
msgid "Forms"
71 |
msgstr "Form"
72 |
@@ -86,102 +90,102 @@ msgstr "Cognome"
86 |
msgid "Middle name"
87 |
msgstr "Secondo nome"
88 |
89 |
#: includes/settings.php:
90 |
#: includes/settings.php:
91 |
msgid "string"
92 |
msgstr "stringa"
93 |
94 |
#: includes/settings.php:
95 |
msgid "Cookie Solution"
96 |
msgstr "Cookie Solution"
97 |
98 |
#: includes/settings.php:
99 |
msgid "Consent Solution"
100 |
msgstr "Consent Solution"
101 |
102 |
#: includes/settings.php:
103 |
msgid "Not set"
104 |
msgstr ""
105 |
106 |
#: includes/settings.php:
107 |
msgid "Strictly necessary"
108 |
msgstr ""
109 |
110 |
#: includes/settings.php:
111 |
msgid "Basic interactions & functionalities"
112 |
msgstr ""
113 |
114 |
#: includes/settings.php:
115 |
#, fuzzy
116 |
#| msgid "Experimental (enhances performance)"
117 |
msgid "Experience enhancement"
118 |
msgstr "Sperimentale (performance migliorata)"
119 |
120 |
#: includes/settings.php:
121 |
msgid "Analytics"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: includes/settings.php:
125 |
msgid "Targeting & Advertising"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/settings.php:
129 |
msgid "Code"
130 |
msgstr "Codice"
131 |
132 |
#: includes/settings.php:
133 |
#, fuzzy
134 |
#| msgid "Scripts blocking"
135 |
msgid "Script blocking"
136 |
msgstr "Blocco preventivo dei codici"
137 |
138 |
#: includes/settings.php:
139 |
msgid "Custom scripts"
140 |
msgstr "Script personalizzati"
141 |
142 |
#: includes/settings.php:
143 |
msgid "Content type"
144 |
msgstr "Tipo di contenuto"
145 |
146 |
#: includes/settings.php:
147 |
msgid "RSS feed"
148 |
msgstr "Feed RSS"
149 |
150 |
#: includes/settings.php:
151 |
msgid "POST requests"
152 |
msgstr "Richieste POST"
153 |
154 |
#: includes/settings.php:
155 |
msgid "Menu position"
156 |
msgstr "Posizione menu"
157 |
158 |
#: includes/settings.php:
159 |
msgid "Google AMP"
160 |
msgstr ""
161 |
162 |
#: includes/settings.php:131
163 |
msgid "Deactivation"
164 |
msgstr "Disattivazione"
165 |
166 |
#: includes/settings.php:
167 |
#, fuzzy
168 |
#| msgid "Public API Key"
169 |
msgid "Public Api Key"
170 |
msgstr "Chiave API pubblica"
171 |
172 |
#: includes/settings.php:
173 |
msgid "Field Mapping"
174 |
msgstr "Mapping dei campi"
175 |
176 |
#: includes/settings.php:
177 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this form?"
178 |
msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo form?"
179 |
180 |
#: includes/settings.php:
181 |
msgid "You don't have permission to access this page."
182 |
msgstr "Non disponi dell'autorizzazione per accedere a questa pagina."
183 |
184 |
#: includes/settings.php:
185 |
#, fuzzy
186 |
#| msgid ""
187 |
#| "This plugin is the easiest and most comprehensive way to adapt your "
@@ -208,13 +212,13 @@ msgstr ""
208 |
"consenso tramite il semplice scroll (il metodo più efficace) e la "
209 |
"riattivazione senza il refresh della pagina."
210 |
211 |
#: includes/settings.php:
212 |
msgid ""
213 |
"Does the Cookie Solution support IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework?"
214 |
msgstr ""
215 |
"La Cookie Solution supporta il Transparency e Consent Framework di IAB?"
216 |
217 |
#: includes/settings.php:
218 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
219 |
#| msgid ""
220 |
#| "Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
@@ -226,13 +230,13 @@ msgstr ""
226 |
"Sì. Visita <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">questa "
227 |
"pagina</a> per maggiori dettagli."
228 |
229 |
#: includes/settings.php:
230 |
#, fuzzy
231 |
#| msgid "Would you like to know more about the Cookie Law?"
232 |
msgid "Would you like to know more about the cookie law?"
233 |
msgstr "Vuoi saperne di più sulla Cookie Law?"
234 |
235 |
#: includes/settings.php:
236 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
237 |
#| msgid ""
238 |
#| "Read our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">complete "
@@ -244,11 +248,11 @@ msgstr ""
244 |
"Leggi la nostra <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">guida "
245 |
"completa alla Cookie Law</a>."
246 |
247 |
#: includes/settings.php:
248 |
msgid "What is the full functionality of the plugin?"
249 |
msgstr "Quali sono le funzionalità del plugin?"
250 |
251 |
#: includes/settings.php:
252 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
253 |
#| msgid ""
254 |
#| "Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
@@ -260,11 +264,11 @@ msgstr ""
260 |
"Visita la <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">pagina "
261 |
"dedicata</a> al plugin."
262 |
263 |
#: includes/settings.php:
264 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for the Cookie Solution below."
265 |
msgstr "Inserisci qui sotto il codice di iubenda per la Cookie Solution."
266 |
267 |
#: includes/settings.php:
268 |
#, php-format
269 |
msgid ""
270 |
"In order to run the plugin, you need to enter the iubenda code that "
@@ -276,9 +280,9 @@ msgstr ""
276 |
"codice di iubenda che attiva il cookie banner e la cookie policy. Questo "
277 |
"codice può essere generato su seguendo le istruzioni "
278 |
"contenute in <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">questa "
279 |
280 |
281 |
#: includes/settings.php:
282 |
#, fuzzy
283 |
#| msgid ""
284 |
#| "Maintaining comprehensive records of consent is a vital part of privacy "
@@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr ""
306 |
"help/5424#registro-consensi\" target=\"_blank\">Trovi tutti i requisiti qui</"
307 |
308 |
309 |
#: includes/settings.php:
310 |
#, php-format
311 |
msgid ""
312 |
"If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please disable "
@@ -314,7 +318,13 @@ msgid ""
314 |
"consent\" option. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_self\">Disable now</a>"
315 |
msgstr ""
316 |
317 |
#: includes/settings.php:
318 |
#, php-format
319 |
msgid ""
320 |
"This plugin drastically reduces the need for direct interventions in the "
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ msgstr ""
333 |
"automatico dei widget e dei cookie di terza parte più diffusi) in modo da "
334 |
"permetterti di rispettare il GDPR e la Direttiva ePrivacy."
335 |
336 |
#: includes/settings.php:
337 |
msgid ""
338 |
"Maintaining valid records of consent is a vital part of privacy compliance "
339 |
"in general, and it is specifically required under the GDPR. These records "
@@ -358,15 +368,15 @@ msgstr ""
358 |
"memorizzare la prova del consenso anche per i consensi raccolti offline (ad "
359 |
"esempio, le iscrizioni in-store) tramite l'upload dei media WP."
360 |
361 |
#: includes/settings.php:
362 |
msgid "Reset to defaults"
363 |
msgstr "Ripristina le impostazioni di default"
364 |
365 |
#: includes/settings.php:
366 |
msgid "Need support for this plugin?"
367 |
msgstr "Serve aiuto per questo plugin?"
368 |
369 |
#: includes/settings.php:
370 |
#, php-format
371 |
msgid ""
372 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">support "
@@ -375,16 +385,16 @@ msgstr ""
375 |
"Visita il nostro <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank"
376 |
"\">forum di supporto</a>"
377 |
378 |
#: includes/settings.php:
379 |
#, php-format
380 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for %s."
381 |
msgstr "Inserisci il codice di iubenda per %s."
382 |
383 |
#: includes/settings.php:
384 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code."
385 |
msgstr "Inserisci il codice di iubenda."
386 |
387 |
#: includes/settings.php:
388 |
#, fuzzy
389 |
#| msgid "Enter a list of custom scripts (one per line)."
390 |
msgid ""
@@ -392,21 +402,21 @@ msgid ""
392 |
393 |
msgstr "Elenca gli script personalizzati (uno per riga)."
394 |
395 |
#: includes/settings.php:
396 |
#, fuzzy
397 |
#| msgid "Custom scripts"
398 |
msgid "Enter custom script"
399 |
msgstr "Script personalizzati"
400 |
401 |
#: includes/settings.php:
402 |
#: includes/settings.php:
403 |
#: includes/settings.php:
404 |
#: includes/settings.php:
405 |
#: includes/settings.php:
406 |
msgid "Remove"
407 |
msgstr "Elimina"
408 |
409 |
#: includes/settings.php:
410 |
#, fuzzy
411 |
#| msgid "Enter a list of custom iframes (one per line)."
412 |
msgid ""
@@ -414,17 +424,17 @@ msgid ""
414 |
"purpose. "
415 |
msgstr "Elenca gli iframe personalizzati (uno per riga)."
416 |
417 |
#: includes/settings.php:
418 |
msgid "Enter custom iframe"
419 |
msgstr ""
420 |
421 |
#: includes/settings.php:
422 |
#, fuzzy
423 |
#| msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin."
424 |
msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin"
425 |
msgstr "Blocca automaticamente gli script rilevati dal plugin."
426 |
427 |
#: includes/settings.php:
428 |
#, php-format
429 |
msgid ""
430 |
"see <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our documentation</a> for the list of "
@@ -433,26 +443,26 @@ msgstr ""
433 |
"visita <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">la nostra documentazione</a> per la "
434 |
"lista degli script rilevati automaticamente dal plugin."
435 |
436 |
#: includes/settings.php:
437 |
msgid "Primary"
438 |
msgstr "Primario"
439 |
440 |
#: includes/settings.php:
441 |
msgid "Secondary"
442 |
msgstr "Secondario"
443 |
444 |
#: includes/settings.php:
445 |
msgid "Select parsing engine."
446 |
msgstr "Seleziona il motore di parsing."
447 |
448 |
#: includes/settings.php:
449 |
msgid ""
450 |
"Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent"
451 |
msgstr ""
452 |
"Lascia gli script intatti sulla pagina se l'utente ha già prestato il "
453 |
454 |
455 |
#: includes/settings.php:
456 |
#, fuzzy
457 |
#| msgid ""
458 |
#| "improves performance, highly recommended, to be deactivated only if your "
@@ -464,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr ""
464 |
"migliora le prestazioni, altamente consigliato, da disattivare solo qualora "
465 |
"il tuo sito utilizzi un sistema di cache"
466 |
467 |
#: includes/settings.php:
468 |
msgid ""
469 |
"Restrict the plugin to run only for requests that have \"Content-type: "
470 |
"text / html\" (recommended)"
@@ -472,25 +482,25 @@ msgstr ""
472 |
"Restringi l'esecuzione del plugin alle sole richieste che presentano "
473 |
"\"Content-type: text/html\" (consigliato)"
474 |
475 |
#: includes/settings.php:
476 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
477 |
msgstr "Non eseguire il plugin all'interno dei Feed RSS (consigliato)"
478 |
479 |
#: includes/settings.php:
480 |
#, fuzzy
481 |
#| msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
482 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin on POST requests (recommended)"
483 |
msgstr "Non eseguire il plugin per richieste POST (consigliato)"
484 |
485 |
#: includes/settings.php:
486 |
msgid "Top menu"
487 |
msgstr "Menu principale"
488 |
489 |
#: includes/settings.php:
490 |
msgid "Submenu"
491 |
msgstr "Sottomenu"
492 |
493 |
#: includes/settings.php:
494 |
msgid ""
495 |
"Select whether to display iubenda in a top admin menu or the Settings "
496 |
@@ -498,11 +508,11 @@ msgstr ""
498 |
"Scegli se visualizzare iubenda in una voce di menu principale del pannello "
499 |
"admin o in un sottomenu della scheda Impostazioni."
500 |
501 |
#: includes/settings.php:
502 |
msgid "Enable Google AMP support."
503 |
msgstr ""
504 |
505 |
#: includes/settings.php:
506 |
#, php-format
507 |
msgid ""
508 |
"This feature enables iubenda on AMP pages via the <a href=\"%s\" target="
@@ -512,31 +522,31 @@ msgid ""
512 |
"\"_blank\">Learn more on iubenda and AMP</a>."
513 |
msgstr ""
514 |
515 |
#: includes/settings.php:
516 |
msgid "Auto-generated configuration file"
517 |
msgstr ""
518 |
519 |
#: includes/settings.php:
520 |
msgid "Custom configuration file"
521 |
msgstr ""
522 |
523 |
#: includes/settings.php:
524 |
msgid "Select the iubenda AMP configuration file location."
525 |
msgstr ""
526 |
527 |
#: includes/settings.php:
528 |
msgid ""
529 |
"No file available. Save changes to generate iubenda AMP configuration file."
530 |
msgstr ""
531 |
532 |
#: includes/settings.php:
533 |
msgid ""
534 |
"If you're experiencing issues with AMP setup download the generated iubenda "
535 |
"AMP configuration file, upload it to any SSL server and paste the file link "
536 |
"to the field above."
537 |
msgstr ""
538 |
539 |
#: includes/settings.php:
540 |
#, php-format
541 |
msgid ""
542 |
"Seeing the AMP cookie notice when testing from Google but not when visiting "
@@ -544,17 +554,16 @@ msgid ""
544 |
545 |
msgstr ""
546 |
547 |
#: includes/settings.php:
548 |
msgid "Delete all plugin data upon deactivation
549 |
msgstr ""
550 |
"Vuoi eliminare tutti i dati del plugin al momento della disattivazione?"
551 |
552 |
#: includes/settings.php:
553 |
msgid "Enter your iubenda Javascript library public API key."
554 |
msgstr ""
555 |
"Inserisci la chiave API pubblica per la libreria JavaScript di iubenda."
556 |
557 |
#: includes/settings.php:
558 |
msgid ""
559 |
"This section lists the forms available for field mapping. The plugin "
560 |
"currently supports & detects: WordPress Comment, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce "
@@ -564,44 +573,44 @@ msgstr ""
564 |
"supporta e rileva: Commenti WordPress, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce Checkout "
565 |
"e WP Forms."
566 |
567 |
#: includes/settings.php:
568 |
#, php-format
569 |
msgid "%s form title."
570 |
msgstr "%s nome del form."
571 |
572 |
#: includes/settings.php:
573 |
msgid "Unknown"
574 |
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
575 |
576 |
#: includes/settings.php:
577 |
msgid "Available form fields:"
578 |
msgstr "Campi disponibili:"
579 |
580 |
#: includes/settings.php:
581 |
msgid "Publish"
582 |
msgstr "Pubblica"
583 |
584 |
#: includes/settings.php:
585 |
msgid "Status"
586 |
msgstr "Stato"
587 |
588 |
#: includes/settings.php:
589 |
msgid "Cancel"
590 |
msgstr "Annulla"
591 |
592 |
#: includes/settings.php:
593 |
msgid "Save"
594 |
msgstr "Salva"
595 |
596 |
#: includes/settings.php:
597 |
msgid "Map fields"
598 |
msgstr "Mappa i campi"
599 |
600 |
#: includes/settings.php:
601 |
msgid "Subject fields"
602 |
msgstr "Utente"
603 |
604 |
#: includes/settings.php:
605 |
#, fuzzy
606 |
#| msgid ""
607 |
#| "Subject fields allow you to store a series of identifying values about "
@@ -616,27 +625,27 @@ msgstr ""
616 |
"dell'utente. Associa gli attributi dell'utente ai corrispondenti campi del "
617 |
"form (quando applicabile)."
618 |
619 |
#: includes/settings.php:
620 |
msgid "Subject field"
621 |
msgstr "Attributo"
622 |
623 |
#: includes/settings.php:
624 |
msgid "Form field"
625 |
msgstr "Campo del form"
626 |
627 |
#: includes/settings.php:
628 |
msgid "Autogenerated"
629 |
msgstr "Generato automaticamente"
630 |
631 |
#: includes/settings.php:
632 |
msgid "None"
633 |
msgstr "Nessuno"
634 |
635 |
#: includes/settings.php:
636 |
msgid "Preferences fields"
637 |
msgstr "Preferenze"
638 |
639 |
#: includes/settings.php:
640 |
msgid ""
641 |
"Preferences fields allow you to store a record of the various opt-ins points "
642 |
"at which the user has agreed or given consent, such as fields for agreeing "
@@ -647,25 +656,25 @@ msgstr ""
647 |
"proprio consenso, come ad esempio i termini e condizioni, la newsletter la "
648 |
"profilazione, ecc. *Si prega di creare almeno un campo."
649 |
650 |
#: includes/settings.php:
651 |
msgid "Preferences field"
652 |
msgstr "Campo delle preferenze"
653 |
654 |
#: includes/settings.php:
655 |
#: includes/settings.php:
656 |
#: includes/settings.php:
657 |
msgid "Enter field name"
658 |
msgstr "Aggiungi il nome di un campo"
659 |
660 |
#: includes/settings.php:
661 |
msgid "Add New Preference"
662 |
msgstr "Aggiungi nuova preferenza"
663 |
664 |
#: includes/settings.php:
665 |
msgid "Exclude fields"
666 |
msgstr "Esclusioni"
667 |
668 |
#: includes/settings.php:
669 |
msgid ""
670 |
"Exclude fields allow you to create a list of fields that you would like to "
671 |
"exclude from your Consent Solution recorded proofs (for e.g. password or "
@@ -675,23 +684,23 @@ msgstr ""
675 |
"consenso memorizzate dalla Consent Solution (ad es. password o altri campi "
676 |
"non correlati)."
677 |
678 |
#: includes/settings.php:
679 |
msgid "Exclude field"
680 |
msgstr "Campi esclusi"
681 |
682 |
#: includes/settings.php:
683 |
msgid "Add New Exclude"
684 |
msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova esclusione"
685 |
686 |
#: includes/settings.php:
687 |
msgid "Legal Notices"
688 |
msgstr "Note legali"
689 |
690 |
#: includes/settings.php:
691 |
msgid "Legal documents"
692 |
msgstr "Documenti legali"
693 |
694 |
#: includes/settings.php:
695 |
msgid ""
696 |
"In general, it’s important that you declare which legal documents are being "
697 |
"agreed upon when each consent is collected. However, if you use iubenda for "
@@ -702,32 +711,32 @@ msgstr ""
702 |
"accettati al momento del conferimento del consenso. Se usi iubenda per le "
703 |
"tue informative, *devi* identificare tali documenti selezionandoli qui."
704 |
705 |
#: includes/settings.php:
706 |
msgid "Identifier"
707 |
msgstr "Identificatore"
708 |
709 |
#: includes/settings.php:
710 |
msgid "Please select each legal document available on your site."
711 |
msgstr "Seleziona tutti i documenti legali presenti sul tuo sito."
712 |
713 |
#: includes/settings.php:
714 |
msgid "Alternatively, you may add your own custom document identifiers."
715 |
msgstr "In alternativa, puoi aggiungere degli identificatori personalizzati."
716 |
717 |
#: includes/settings.php:
718 |
msgid "Add New Document"
719 |
msgstr "Aggiungi un nuovo documento"
720 |
721 |
#: includes/settings.php:
722 |
#: includes/settings.php:
723 |
msgid "Settings saved."
724 |
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate."
725 |
726 |
#: includes/settings.php:
727 |
msgid "Settings restored to defaults."
728 |
msgstr "Impostazioni di default ripristinate."
729 |
730 |
#: includes/settings.php:
731 |
#, php-format
732 |
msgid ""
733 |
"Please enable comments cookies opt-in checkbox in the <a href=\"%s\" target="
@@ -737,39 +746,39 @@ msgstr ""
737 |
"memorizzazione dei dati personali in un cookie. Per farlo, vai su <a href="
738 |
"\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Impostazioni discussione</a>."
739 |
740 |
#: includes/settings.php:
741 |
msgid "No forms or form changes detected."
742 |
msgstr "Nessun form o modifica rilevati."
743 |
744 |
#: includes/settings.php:
745 |
msgid "Form saving failed. Please fill the Subject and Preferences fields."
746 |
msgstr "Salvataggio del form fallito. Compila i campi Utente e Preferenze."
747 |
748 |
#: includes/settings.php:
749 |
#, fuzzy
750 |
#| msgid "Settings applied successfully"
751 |
msgid "Form saved successfully - form status changed to Mapped."
752 |
msgstr "Form salvato con successo - Stato aggiornato a Mappato."
753 |
754 |
#: includes/settings.php:
755 |
msgid "Form updated successfully."
756 |
msgstr "Form aggiornato con successo."
757 |
758 |
#: includes/settings.php:
759 |
msgid "Form saving failed."
760 |
msgstr "Salvataggio del form fallito."
761 |
762 |
#: includes/settings.php:
763 |
#, fuzzy
764 |
#| msgid "Settings applied successfully"
765 |
msgid "Form deleted successfully."
766 |
msgstr "Form eliminato con successo."
767 |
768 |
#: includes/settings.php:
769 |
msgid "Form delete failed."
770 |
msgstr "Eliminazione del form fallita."
771 |
772 |
#: includes/settings.php:
773 |
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
774 |
msgstr "Chiudi questo avviso."
775 |
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: Iubenda Cookie Solution\n"
4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-02-06 13:33+0100\n"
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-06 13:34+0100\n"
6 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
7 |
"Language-Team: \n"
8 |
"Language: it\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __\n"
17 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
18 |
19 |
#: includes/amp.php:126
20 |
msgid "Loading"
21 |
msgstr ""
22 |
23 |
#: includes/amp.php:258
24 |
msgid "AMP Cookie Consent"
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
27 |
#: includes/forms-list-table.php:92
28 |
msgid "Form Title"
29 |
msgstr "Nome del form"
70 |
msgid "No forms found."
71 |
msgstr "Nessun form trovato."
72 |
73 |
#: includes/forms.php:149 includes/settings.php:138
74 |
msgid "Forms"
75 |
msgstr "Form"
76 |
90 |
msgid "Middle name"
91 |
msgstr "Secondo nome"
92 |
93 |
#: includes/settings.php:43 includes/settings.php:44 includes/settings.php:45
94 |
#: includes/settings.php:46 includes/settings.php:47
95 |
msgid "string"
96 |
msgstr "stringa"
97 |
98 |
#: includes/settings.php:59 includes/settings.php:183
99 |
msgid "Cookie Solution"
100 |
msgstr "Cookie Solution"
101 |
102 |
#: includes/settings.php:65 includes/settings.php:184
103 |
msgid "Consent Solution"
104 |
msgstr "Consent Solution"
105 |
106 |
#: includes/settings.php:73
107 |
msgid "Not set"
108 |
msgstr ""
109 |
110 |
#: includes/settings.php:74
111 |
msgid "Strictly necessary"
112 |
msgstr ""
113 |
114 |
#: includes/settings.php:75
115 |
msgid "Basic interactions & functionalities"
116 |
msgstr ""
117 |
118 |
#: includes/settings.php:76
119 |
#, fuzzy
120 |
#| msgid "Experimental (enhances performance)"
121 |
msgid "Experience enhancement"
122 |
msgstr "Sperimentale (performance migliorata)"
123 |
124 |
#: includes/settings.php:77
125 |
msgid "Analytics"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/settings.php:78
129 |
msgid "Targeting & Advertising"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#: includes/settings.php:125
133 |
msgid "Code"
134 |
msgstr "Codice"
135 |
136 |
#: includes/settings.php:126
137 |
msgid "Google AMP"
138 |
msgstr ""
139 |
140 |
#: includes/settings.php:127
141 |
#, fuzzy
142 |
#| msgid "Scripts blocking"
143 |
msgid "Script blocking"
144 |
msgstr "Blocco preventivo dei codici"
145 |
146 |
#: includes/settings.php:128
147 |
msgid "Custom scripts"
148 |
msgstr "Script personalizzati"
149 |
150 |
#: includes/settings.php:129
151 |
msgid "Content type"
152 |
msgstr "Tipo di contenuto"
153 |
154 |
#: includes/settings.php:130
155 |
msgid "RSS feed"
156 |
msgstr "Feed RSS"
157 |
158 |
#: includes/settings.php:131
159 |
msgid "POST requests"
160 |
msgstr "Richieste POST"
161 |
162 |
#: includes/settings.php:132
163 |
msgid "Menu position"
164 |
msgstr "Posizione menu"
165 |
166 |
#: includes/settings.php:133
167 |
msgid "Deactivation"
168 |
msgstr "Disattivazione"
169 |
170 |
#: includes/settings.php:139
171 |
#, fuzzy
172 |
#| msgid "Public API Key"
173 |
msgid "Public Api Key"
174 |
msgstr "Chiave API pubblica"
175 |
176 |
#: includes/settings.php:142 includes/settings.php:146
177 |
msgid "Field Mapping"
178 |
msgstr "Mapping dei campi"
179 |
180 |
#: includes/settings.php:206
181 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this form?"
182 |
msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo form?"
183 |
184 |
#: includes/settings.php:541
185 |
msgid "You don't have permission to access this page."
186 |
msgstr "Non disponi dell'autorizzazione per accedere a questa pagina."
187 |
188 |
#: includes/settings.php:567
189 |
#, fuzzy
190 |
#| msgid ""
191 |
#| "This plugin is the easiest and most comprehensive way to adapt your "
212 |
"consenso tramite il semplice scroll (il metodo più efficace) e la "
213 |
"riattivazione senza il refresh della pagina."
214 |
215 |
#: includes/settings.php:570
216 |
msgid ""
217 |
"Does the Cookie Solution support IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework?"
218 |
msgstr ""
219 |
"La Cookie Solution supporta il Transparency e Consent Framework di IAB?"
220 |
221 |
#: includes/settings.php:571
222 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
223 |
#| msgid ""
224 |
#| "Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
230 |
"Sì. Visita <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">questa "
231 |
"pagina</a> per maggiori dettagli."
232 |
233 |
#: includes/settings.php:574
234 |
#, fuzzy
235 |
#| msgid "Would you like to know more about the Cookie Law?"
236 |
msgid "Would you like to know more about the cookie law?"
237 |
msgstr "Vuoi saperne di più sulla Cookie Law?"
238 |
239 |
#: includes/settings.php:575
240 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
241 |
#| msgid ""
242 |
#| "Read our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">complete "
248 |
"Leggi la nostra <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">guida "
249 |
"completa alla Cookie Law</a>."
250 |
251 |
#: includes/settings.php:578
252 |
msgid "What is the full functionality of the plugin?"
253 |
msgstr "Quali sono le funzionalità del plugin?"
254 |
255 |
#: includes/settings.php:579
256 |
#, fuzzy, php-format
257 |
#| msgid ""
258 |
#| "Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
264 |
"Visita la <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">pagina "
265 |
"dedicata</a> al plugin."
266 |
267 |
#: includes/settings.php:582
268 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for the Cookie Solution below."
269 |
msgstr "Inserisci qui sotto il codice di iubenda per la Cookie Solution."
270 |
271 |
#: includes/settings.php:583
272 |
#, php-format
273 |
msgid ""
274 |
"In order to run the plugin, you need to enter the iubenda code that "
280 |
"codice di iubenda che attiva il cookie banner e la cookie policy. Questo "
281 |
"codice può essere generato su seguendo le istruzioni "
282 |
"contenute in <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">questa "
283 |
284 |
285 |
#: includes/settings.php:588
286 |
#, fuzzy
287 |
#| msgid ""
288 |
#| "Maintaining comprehensive records of consent is a vital part of privacy "
310 |
"help/5424#registro-consensi\" target=\"_blank\">Trovi tutti i requisiti qui</"
311 |
312 |
313 |
#: includes/settings.php:613
314 |
#, php-format
315 |
msgid ""
316 |
"If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please disable "
318 |
"consent\" option. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_self\">Disable now</a>"
319 |
msgstr ""
320 |
321 |
#: includes/settings.php:638
322 |
msgid ""
323 |
"AMP configuration file requires HTTPS. Make sure your SSL Certificate is "
324 |
"configured correctly."
325 |
msgstr ""
326 |
327 |
#: includes/settings.php:660
328 |
#, php-format
329 |
msgid ""
330 |
"This plugin drastically reduces the need for direct interventions in the "
343 |
"automatico dei widget e dei cookie di terza parte più diffusi) in modo da "
344 |
"permetterti di rispettare il GDPR e la Direttiva ePrivacy."
345 |
346 |
#: includes/settings.php:662
347 |
msgid ""
348 |
"Maintaining valid records of consent is a vital part of privacy compliance "
349 |
"in general, and it is specifically required under the GDPR. These records "
368 |
"memorizzare la prova del consenso anche per i consensi raccolti offline (ad "
369 |
"esempio, le iscrizioni in-store) tramite l'upload dei media WP."
370 |
371 |
#: includes/settings.php:680
372 |
msgid "Reset to defaults"
373 |
msgstr "Ripristina le impostazioni di default"
374 |
375 |
#: includes/settings.php:692
376 |
msgid "Need support for this plugin?"
377 |
msgstr "Serve aiuto per questo plugin?"
378 |
379 |
#: includes/settings.php:693
380 |
#, php-format
381 |
msgid ""
382 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">support "
385 |
"Visita il nostro <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank"
386 |
"\">forum di supporto</a>"
387 |
388 |
#: includes/settings.php:737
389 |
#, php-format
390 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for %s."
391 |
msgstr "Inserisci il codice di iubenda per %s."
392 |
393 |
#: includes/settings.php:748
394 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code."
395 |
msgstr "Inserisci il codice di iubenda."
396 |
397 |
#: includes/settings.php:775
398 |
#, fuzzy
399 |
#| msgid "Enter a list of custom scripts (one per line)."
400 |
msgid ""
402 |
403 |
msgstr "Elenca gli script personalizzati (uno per riga)."
404 |
405 |
#: includes/settings.php:777 includes/settings.php:784
406 |
#, fuzzy
407 |
#| msgid "Custom scripts"
408 |
msgid "Enter custom script"
409 |
msgstr "Script personalizzati"
410 |
411 |
#: includes/settings.php:777 includes/settings.php:784
412 |
#: includes/settings.php:795 includes/settings.php:802
413 |
#: includes/settings.php:1178 includes/settings.php:1205
414 |
#: includes/settings.php:1246 includes/settings.php:1274
415 |
#: includes/settings.php:1325 includes/settings.php:1341
416 |
msgid "Remove"
417 |
msgstr "Elimina"
418 |
419 |
#: includes/settings.php:793
420 |
#, fuzzy
421 |
#| msgid "Enter a list of custom iframes (one per line)."
422 |
msgid ""
424 |
"purpose. "
425 |
msgstr "Elenca gli iframe personalizzati (uno per riga)."
426 |
427 |
#: includes/settings.php:795 includes/settings.php:802
428 |
msgid "Enter custom iframe"
429 |
msgstr ""
430 |
431 |
#: includes/settings.php:840
432 |
#, fuzzy
433 |
#| msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin."
434 |
msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin"
435 |
msgstr "Blocca automaticamente gli script rilevati dal plugin."
436 |
437 |
#: includes/settings.php:841
438 |
#, php-format
439 |
msgid ""
440 |
"see <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our documentation</a> for the list of "
443 |
"visita <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">la nostra documentazione</a> per la "
444 |
"lista degli script rilevati automaticamente dal plugin."
445 |
446 |
#: includes/settings.php:844
447 |
msgid "Primary"
448 |
msgstr "Primario"
449 |
450 |
#: includes/settings.php:845
451 |
msgid "Secondary"
452 |
msgstr "Secondario"
453 |
454 |
#: includes/settings.php:846
455 |
msgid "Select parsing engine."
456 |
msgstr "Seleziona il motore di parsing."
457 |
458 |
#: includes/settings.php:849
459 |
msgid ""
460 |
"Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent"
461 |
msgstr ""
462 |
"Lascia gli script intatti sulla pagina se l'utente ha già prestato il "
463 |
464 |
465 |
#: includes/settings.php:850
466 |
#, fuzzy
467 |
#| msgid ""
468 |
#| "improves performance, highly recommended, to be deactivated only if your "
474 |
"migliora le prestazioni, altamente consigliato, da disattivare solo qualora "
475 |
"il tuo sito utilizzi un sistema di cache"
476 |
477 |
#: includes/settings.php:864
478 |
msgid ""
479 |
"Restrict the plugin to run only for requests that have \"Content-type: "
480 |
"text / html\" (recommended)"
482 |
"Restringi l'esecuzione del plugin alle sole richieste che presentano "
483 |
"\"Content-type: text/html\" (consigliato)"
484 |
485 |
#: includes/settings.php:876
486 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
487 |
msgstr "Non eseguire il plugin all'interno dei Feed RSS (consigliato)"
488 |
489 |
#: includes/settings.php:888
490 |
#, fuzzy
491 |
#| msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
492 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin on POST requests (recommended)"
493 |
msgstr "Non eseguire il plugin per richieste POST (consigliato)"
494 |
495 |
#: includes/settings.php:900
496 |
msgid "Top menu"
497 |
msgstr "Menu principale"
498 |
499 |
#: includes/settings.php:901
500 |
msgid "Submenu"
501 |
msgstr "Sottomenu"
502 |
503 |
#: includes/settings.php:902
504 |
msgid ""
505 |
"Select whether to display iubenda in a top admin menu or the Settings "
506 |
508 |
"Scegli se visualizzare iubenda in una voce di menu principale del pannello "
509 |
"admin o in un sottomenu della scheda Impostazioni."
510 |
511 |
#: includes/settings.php:914
512 |
msgid "Enable Google AMP support."
513 |
msgstr ""
514 |
515 |
#: includes/settings.php:915
516 |
#, php-format
517 |
msgid ""
518 |
"This feature enables iubenda on AMP pages via the <a href=\"%s\" target="
522 |
"\"_blank\">Learn more on iubenda and AMP</a>."
523 |
msgstr ""
524 |
525 |
#: includes/settings.php:918
526 |
msgid "Auto-generated configuration file"
527 |
msgstr ""
528 |
529 |
#: includes/settings.php:919
530 |
msgid "Custom configuration file"
531 |
msgstr ""
532 |
533 |
#: includes/settings.php:920
534 |
msgid "Select the iubenda AMP configuration file location."
535 |
msgstr ""
536 |
537 |
#: includes/settings.php:925
538 |
msgid ""
539 |
"No file available. Save changes to generate iubenda AMP configuration file."
540 |
msgstr ""
541 |
542 |
#: includes/settings.php:953
543 |
msgid ""
544 |
"If you're experiencing issues with AMP setup download the generated iubenda "
545 |
"AMP configuration file, upload it to any SSL server and paste the file link "
546 |
"to the field above."
547 |
msgstr ""
548 |
549 |
#: includes/settings.php:955
550 |
#, php-format
551 |
msgid ""
552 |
"Seeing the AMP cookie notice when testing from Google but not when visiting "
554 |
555 |
msgstr ""
556 |
557 |
#: includes/settings.php:968
558 |
msgid "Delete all plugin data upon deactivation"
559 |
msgstr "Vuoi eliminare tutti i dati del plugin al momento della disattivazione"
560 |
561 |
#: includes/settings.php:981
562 |
msgid "Enter your iubenda Javascript library public API key."
563 |
msgstr ""
564 |
"Inserisci la chiave API pubblica per la libreria JavaScript di iubenda."
565 |
566 |
#: includes/settings.php:997
567 |
msgid ""
568 |
"This section lists the forms available for field mapping. The plugin "
569 |
"currently supports & detects: WordPress Comment, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce "
573 |
"supporta e rileva: Commenti WordPress, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce Checkout "
574 |
"e WP Forms."
575 |
576 |
#: includes/settings.php:1058
577 |
#, php-format
578 |
msgid "%s form title."
579 |
msgstr "%s nome del form."
580 |
581 |
#: includes/settings.php:1058
582 |
msgid "Unknown"
583 |
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
584 |
585 |
#: includes/settings.php:1060
586 |
msgid "Available form fields:"
587 |
msgstr "Campi disponibili:"
588 |
589 |
#: includes/settings.php:1066
590 |
msgid "Publish"
591 |
msgstr "Pubblica"
592 |
593 |
#: includes/settings.php:1071
594 |
msgid "Status"
595 |
msgstr "Stato"
596 |
597 |
#: includes/settings.php:1084
598 |
msgid "Cancel"
599 |
msgstr "Annulla"
600 |
601 |
#: includes/settings.php:1089
602 |
msgid "Save"
603 |
msgstr "Salva"
604 |
605 |
#: includes/settings.php:1102
606 |
msgid "Map fields"
607 |
msgstr "Mappa i campi"
608 |
609 |
#: includes/settings.php:1108
610 |
msgid "Subject fields"
611 |
msgstr "Utente"
612 |
613 |
#: includes/settings.php:1109
614 |
#, fuzzy
615 |
#| msgid ""
616 |
#| "Subject fields allow you to store a series of identifying values about "
625 |
"dell'utente. Associa gli attributi dell'utente ai corrispondenti campi del "
626 |
"form (quando applicabile)."
627 |
628 |
#: includes/settings.php:1114
629 |
msgid "Subject field"
630 |
msgstr "Attributo"
631 |
632 |
#: includes/settings.php:1115 includes/settings.php:1159
633 |
msgid "Form field"
634 |
msgstr "Campo del form"
635 |
636 |
#: includes/settings.php:1121
637 |
msgid "Autogenerated"
638 |
msgstr "Generato automaticamente"
639 |
640 |
#: includes/settings.php:1121
641 |
msgid "None"
642 |
msgstr "Nessuno"
643 |
644 |
#: includes/settings.php:1152
645 |
msgid "Preferences fields"
646 |
msgstr "Preferenze"
647 |
648 |
#: includes/settings.php:1153
649 |
msgid ""
650 |
"Preferences fields allow you to store a record of the various opt-ins points "
651 |
"at which the user has agreed or given consent, such as fields for agreeing "
656 |
"proprio consenso, come ad esempio i termini e condizioni, la newsletter la "
657 |
"profilazione, ecc. *Si prega di creare almeno un campo."
658 |
659 |
#: includes/settings.php:1158
660 |
msgid "Preferences field"
661 |
msgstr "Campo delle preferenze"
662 |
663 |
#: includes/settings.php:1164 includes/settings.php:1190
664 |
#: includes/settings.php:1315 includes/settings.php:1325
665 |
#: includes/settings.php:1341
666 |
msgid "Enter field name"
667 |
msgstr "Aggiungi il nome di un campo"
668 |
669 |
#: includes/settings.php:1214
670 |
msgid "Add New Preference"
671 |
msgstr "Aggiungi nuova preferenza"
672 |
673 |
#: includes/settings.php:1221
674 |
msgid "Exclude fields"
675 |
msgstr "Esclusioni"
676 |
677 |
#: includes/settings.php:1222
678 |
msgid ""
679 |
"Exclude fields allow you to create a list of fields that you would like to "
680 |
"exclude from your Consent Solution recorded proofs (for e.g. password or "
684 |
"consenso memorizzate dalla Consent Solution (ad es. password o altri campi "
685 |
"non correlati)."
686 |
687 |
#: includes/settings.php:1227
688 |
msgid "Exclude field"
689 |
msgstr "Campi esclusi"
690 |
691 |
#: includes/settings.php:1284
692 |
msgid "Add New Exclude"
693 |
msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova esclusione"
694 |
695 |
#: includes/settings.php:1294
696 |
msgid "Legal Notices"
697 |
msgstr "Note legali"
698 |
699 |
#: includes/settings.php:1300
700 |
msgid "Legal documents"
701 |
msgstr "Documenti legali"
702 |
703 |
#: includes/settings.php:1301
704 |
msgid ""
705 |
"In general, it’s important that you declare which legal documents are being "
706 |
"agreed upon when each consent is collected. However, if you use iubenda for "
711 |
"accettati al momento del conferimento del consenso. Se usi iubenda per le "
712 |
"tue informative, *devi* identificare tali documenti selezionandoli qui."
713 |
714 |
#: includes/settings.php:1306
715 |
msgid "Identifier"
716 |
msgstr "Identificatore"
717 |
718 |
#: includes/settings.php:1315
719 |
msgid "Please select each legal document available on your site."
720 |
msgstr "Seleziona tutti i documenti legali presenti sul tuo sito."
721 |
722 |
#: includes/settings.php:1331
723 |
msgid "Alternatively, you may add your own custom document identifiers."
724 |
msgstr "In alternativa, puoi aggiungere degli identificatori personalizzati."
725 |
726 |
#: includes/settings.php:1350
727 |
msgid "Add New Document"
728 |
msgstr "Aggiungi un nuovo documento"
729 |
730 |
#: includes/settings.php:1471 includes/settings.php:1503
731 |
#: includes/settings.php:1688
732 |
msgid "Settings saved."
733 |
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate."
734 |
735 |
#: includes/settings.php:1483 includes/settings.php:1508
736 |
msgid "Settings restored to defaults."
737 |
msgstr "Impostazioni di default ripristinate."
738 |
739 |
#: includes/settings.php:1543
740 |
#, php-format
741 |
msgid ""
742 |
"Please enable comments cookies opt-in checkbox in the <a href=\"%s\" target="
746 |
"memorizzazione dei dati personali in un cookie. Per farlo, vai su <a href="
747 |
"\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Impostazioni discussione</a>."
748 |
749 |
#: includes/settings.php:1563
750 |
msgid "No forms or form changes detected."
751 |
msgstr "Nessun form o modifica rilevati."
752 |
753 |
#: includes/settings.php:1623
754 |
msgid "Form saving failed. Please fill the Subject and Preferences fields."
755 |
msgstr "Salvataggio del form fallito. Compila i campi Utente e Preferenze."
756 |
757 |
#: includes/settings.php:1647
758 |
#, fuzzy
759 |
#| msgid "Settings applied successfully"
760 |
msgid "Form saved successfully - form status changed to Mapped."
761 |
msgstr "Form salvato con successo - Stato aggiornato a Mappato."
762 |
763 |
#: includes/settings.php:1650
764 |
msgid "Form updated successfully."
765 |
msgstr "Form aggiornato con successo."
766 |
767 |
#: includes/settings.php:1653
768 |
msgid "Form saving failed."
769 |
msgstr "Salvataggio del form fallito."
770 |
771 |
#: includes/settings.php:1670
772 |
#, fuzzy
773 |
#| msgid "Settings applied successfully"
774 |
msgid "Form deleted successfully."
775 |
msgstr "Form eliminato con successo."
776 |
777 |
#: includes/settings.php:1672
778 |
msgid "Form delete failed."
779 |
msgstr "Eliminazione del form fallita."
780 |
781 |
#: includes/settings.php:1748
782 |
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
783 |
msgstr "Chiudi questo avviso."
784 |
@@ -2,24 +2,28 @@
2 |
msgid ""
3 |
msgstr ""
4 |
"Project-Id-Version: Iubenda Cookie Solution\n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-12 10:36+0200\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
8 |
"Language-Team: \n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __\n"
17 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
18 |
19 |
#: includes/amp.php:
20 |
msgid "Loading"
21 |
msgstr ""
22 |
23 |
#: includes/forms-list-table.php:92
24 |
msgid "Form Title"
25 |
msgstr ""
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ msgstr ""
64 |
msgid "No forms found."
65 |
msgstr ""
66 |
67 |
#: includes/forms.php:149 includes/settings.php:
68 |
msgid "Forms"
69 |
msgstr ""
70 |
@@ -84,96 +88,96 @@ msgstr ""
84 |
msgid "Middle name"
85 |
msgstr ""
86 |
87 |
#: includes/settings.php:
88 |
#: includes/settings.php:
89 |
msgid "string"
90 |
msgstr ""
91 |
92 |
#: includes/settings.php:
93 |
msgid "Cookie Solution"
94 |
msgstr ""
95 |
96 |
#: includes/settings.php:
97 |
msgid "Consent Solution"
98 |
msgstr ""
99 |
100 |
#: includes/settings.php:
101 |
msgid "Not set"
102 |
msgstr ""
103 |
104 |
#: includes/settings.php:
105 |
msgid "Strictly necessary"
106 |
msgstr ""
107 |
108 |
#: includes/settings.php:
109 |
msgid "Basic interactions & functionalities"
110 |
msgstr ""
111 |
112 |
#: includes/settings.php:
113 |
msgid "Experience enhancement"
114 |
msgstr ""
115 |
116 |
#: includes/settings.php:
117 |
msgid "Analytics"
118 |
msgstr ""
119 |
120 |
#: includes/settings.php:
121 |
msgid "Targeting & Advertising"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: includes/settings.php:
125 |
msgid "Code"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/settings.php:
129 |
msgid "Script blocking"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#: includes/settings.php:
133 |
msgid "Custom scripts"
134 |
msgstr ""
135 |
136 |
#: includes/settings.php:
137 |
msgid "Content type"
138 |
msgstr ""
139 |
140 |
#: includes/settings.php:
141 |
msgid "RSS feed"
142 |
msgstr ""
143 |
144 |
#: includes/settings.php:
145 |
msgid "POST requests"
146 |
msgstr ""
147 |
148 |
#: includes/settings.php:
149 |
msgid "Menu position"
150 |
msgstr ""
151 |
152 |
#: includes/settings.php:
153 |
msgid "Google AMP"
154 |
msgstr ""
155 |
156 |
#: includes/settings.php:131
157 |
msgid "Deactivation"
158 |
msgstr ""
159 |
160 |
#: includes/settings.php:
161 |
msgid "Public Api Key"
162 |
msgstr ""
163 |
164 |
#: includes/settings.php:
165 |
msgid "Field Mapping"
166 |
msgstr ""
167 |
168 |
#: includes/settings.php:
169 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this form?"
170 |
msgstr ""
171 |
172 |
#: includes/settings.php:
173 |
msgid "You don't have permission to access this page."
174 |
msgstr ""
175 |
176 |
#: includes/settings.php:
177 |
msgid ""
178 |
"This plugin is the easiest and most comprehensive way to adapt your "
179 |
"WordPress site to the ePrivacy (EU Cookie Law). Upon your users’ first "
@@ -184,45 +188,45 @@ msgid ""
184 |
"reactivation without refreshing the page (asynchronous script reactivation)."
185 |
msgstr ""
186 |
187 |
#: includes/settings.php:
188 |
msgid ""
189 |
"Does the Cookie Solution support IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework?"
190 |
msgstr ""
191 |
192 |
#: includes/settings.php:
193 |
#, php-format
194 |
msgid ""
195 |
"Yes it does. You can read more about it <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url"
196 |
"\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a>"
197 |
msgstr ""
198 |
199 |
#: includes/settings.php:
200 |
msgid "Would you like to know more about the cookie law?"
201 |
msgstr ""
202 |
203 |
#: includes/settings.php:
204 |
#, php-format
205 |
msgid ""
206 |
"Read our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">complete "
207 |
"guide to the cookie law.</a>"
208 |
msgstr ""
209 |
210 |
#: includes/settings.php:
211 |
msgid "What is the full functionality of the plugin?"
212 |
msgstr ""
213 |
214 |
#: includes/settings.php:
215 |
#, php-format
216 |
msgid ""
217 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
218 |
219 |
msgstr ""
220 |
221 |
#: includes/settings.php:
222 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for the Cookie Solution below."
223 |
msgstr ""
224 |
225 |
#: includes/settings.php:
226 |
#, php-format
227 |
msgid ""
228 |
"In order to run the plugin, you need to enter the iubenda code that "
@@ -231,7 +235,7 @@ msgid ""
231 |
"class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">this guide.</a>"
232 |
msgstr ""
233 |
234 |
#: includes/settings.php:
235 |
msgid ""
236 |
"Maintaining comprehensive records of consent is a vital part of privacy "
237 |
"compliance in general but is specifically required under the GDPR. These "
@@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ msgid ""
242 |
"consent\" target=\"_blank\">full requirements here</a>."
243 |
msgstr ""
244 |
245 |
#: includes/settings.php:
246 |
#, php-format
247 |
msgid ""
248 |
"If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please "
@@ -250,7 +254,13 @@ msgid ""
250 |
"given consent\" option. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_self\">Disable now</a>"
251 |
msgstr ""
252 |
253 |
#: includes/settings.php:
254 |
#, php-format
255 |
msgid ""
256 |
"This plugin drastically reduces the need for direct interventions in the "
@@ -262,7 +272,7 @@ msgid ""
262 |
"– in order to comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy."
263 |
msgstr ""
264 |
265 |
#: includes/settings.php:
266 |
msgid ""
267 |
"Maintaining valid records of consent is a vital part of privacy compliance "
268 |
"in general, and it is specifically required under the GDPR. These records "
@@ -276,125 +286,125 @@ msgid ""
276 |
"consents collected offline (e.g in-store sign-ups) via WP media upload."
277 |
msgstr ""
278 |
279 |
#: includes/settings.php:
280 |
msgid "Reset to defaults"
281 |
msgstr ""
282 |
283 |
#: includes/settings.php:
284 |
msgid "Need support for this plugin?"
285 |
msgstr ""
286 |
287 |
#: includes/settings.php:
288 |
#, php-format
289 |
msgid ""
290 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">support "
291 |
292 |
msgstr ""
293 |
294 |
#: includes/settings.php:
295 |
#, php-format
296 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for %s."
297 |
msgstr ""
298 |
299 |
#: includes/settings.php:
300 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code."
301 |
msgstr ""
302 |
303 |
#: includes/settings.php:
304 |
msgid ""
305 |
"Provide a list of custom scripts you’d like to block and assign their "
306 |
307 |
msgstr ""
308 |
309 |
#: includes/settings.php:
310 |
msgid "Enter custom script"
311 |
msgstr ""
312 |
313 |
#: includes/settings.php:
314 |
#: includes/settings.php:
315 |
#: includes/settings.php:
316 |
#: includes/settings.php:
317 |
#: includes/settings.php:
318 |
msgid "Remove"
319 |
msgstr ""
320 |
321 |
#: includes/settings.php:
322 |
msgid ""
323 |
"Provide a list of custom iframes you’d like to block and assign their "
324 |
"purpose. "
325 |
msgstr ""
326 |
327 |
#: includes/settings.php:
328 |
msgid "Enter custom iframe"
329 |
msgstr ""
330 |
331 |
#: includes/settings.php:
332 |
msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin"
333 |
msgstr ""
334 |
335 |
#: includes/settings.php:
336 |
#, php-format
337 |
msgid ""
338 |
"see <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our documentation</a> for the list of "
339 |
"detected scripts."
340 |
msgstr ""
341 |
342 |
#: includes/settings.php:
343 |
msgid "Primary"
344 |
msgstr ""
345 |
346 |
#: includes/settings.php:
347 |
msgid "Secondary"
348 |
msgstr ""
349 |
350 |
#: includes/settings.php:
351 |
msgid "Select parsing engine."
352 |
msgstr ""
353 |
354 |
#: includes/settings.php:
355 |
msgid ""
356 |
"Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent"
357 |
msgstr ""
358 |
359 |
#: includes/settings.php:
360 |
msgid ""
361 |
"improves performance, highly recommended, to be deactivated only if your "
362 |
"site uses a caching system or if you're collecting per-category consent."
363 |
msgstr ""
364 |
365 |
#: includes/settings.php:
366 |
msgid ""
367 |
"Restrict the plugin to run only for requests that have \"Content-type: "
368 |
"text / html\" (recommended)"
369 |
msgstr ""
370 |
371 |
#: includes/settings.php:
372 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
373 |
msgstr ""
374 |
375 |
#: includes/settings.php:
376 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin on POST requests (recommended)"
377 |
msgstr ""
378 |
379 |
#: includes/settings.php:
380 |
msgid "Top menu"
381 |
msgstr ""
382 |
383 |
#: includes/settings.php:
384 |
msgid "Submenu"
385 |
msgstr ""
386 |
387 |
#: includes/settings.php:
388 |
msgid ""
389 |
"Select whether to display iubenda in a top admin menu or the Settings "
390 |
391 |
msgstr ""
392 |
393 |
#: includes/settings.php:
394 |
msgid "Enable Google AMP support."
395 |
msgstr ""
396 |
397 |
#: includes/settings.php:
398 |
#, php-format
399 |
msgid ""
400 |
"This feature enables iubenda on AMP pages via the <a href=\"%s\" target="
@@ -404,31 +414,31 @@ msgid ""
404 |
"target=\"_blank\">Learn more on iubenda and AMP</a>."
405 |
msgstr ""
406 |
407 |
#: includes/settings.php:
408 |
msgid "Auto-generated configuration file"
409 |
msgstr ""
410 |
411 |
#: includes/settings.php:
412 |
msgid "Custom configuration file"
413 |
msgstr ""
414 |
415 |
#: includes/settings.php:
416 |
msgid "Select the iubenda AMP configuration file location."
417 |
msgstr ""
418 |
419 |
#: includes/settings.php:
420 |
msgid ""
421 |
"No file available. Save changes to generate iubenda AMP configuration file."
422 |
msgstr ""
423 |
424 |
#: includes/settings.php:
425 |
msgid ""
426 |
"If you're experiencing issues with AMP setup download the generated iubenda "
427 |
"AMP configuration file, upload it to any SSL server and paste the file link "
428 |
"to the field above."
429 |
msgstr ""
430 |
431 |
#: includes/settings.php:
432 |
#, php-format
433 |
msgid ""
434 |
"Seeing the AMP cookie notice when testing from Google but not when visiting "
@@ -436,86 +446,86 @@ msgid ""
436 |
437 |
msgstr ""
438 |
439 |
#: includes/settings.php:
440 |
msgid "Delete all plugin data upon deactivation
441 |
msgstr ""
442 |
443 |
#: includes/settings.php:
444 |
msgid "Enter your iubenda Javascript library public API key."
445 |
msgstr ""
446 |
447 |
#: includes/settings.php:
448 |
msgid ""
449 |
"This section lists the forms available for field mapping. The plugin "
450 |
"currently supports & detects: WordPress Comment, Contact Form 7, "
451 |
"WooCommerce Checkout and WP Forms."
452 |
msgstr ""
453 |
454 |
#: includes/settings.php:
455 |
#, php-format
456 |
msgid "%s form title."
457 |
msgstr ""
458 |
459 |
#: includes/settings.php:
460 |
msgid "Unknown"
461 |
msgstr ""
462 |
463 |
#: includes/settings.php:
464 |
msgid "Available form fields:"
465 |
msgstr ""
466 |
467 |
#: includes/settings.php:
468 |
msgid "Publish"
469 |
msgstr ""
470 |
471 |
#: includes/settings.php:
472 |
msgid "Status"
473 |
msgstr ""
474 |
475 |
#: includes/settings.php:
476 |
msgid "Cancel"
477 |
msgstr ""
478 |
479 |
#: includes/settings.php:
480 |
msgid "Save"
481 |
msgstr ""
482 |
483 |
#: includes/settings.php:
484 |
msgid "Map fields"
485 |
msgstr ""
486 |
487 |
#: includes/settings.php:
488 |
msgid "Subject fields"
489 |
msgstr ""
490 |
491 |
#: includes/settings.php:
492 |
msgid ""
493 |
"Subject fields allow you to store a series of identifying values about your "
494 |
"individual subjects/users. Please map the subject field with the "
495 |
"corresponding form fields where applicable."
496 |
msgstr ""
497 |
498 |
#: includes/settings.php:
499 |
msgid "Subject field"
500 |
msgstr ""
501 |
502 |
#: includes/settings.php:
503 |
msgid "Form field"
504 |
msgstr ""
505 |
506 |
#: includes/settings.php:
507 |
msgid "Autogenerated"
508 |
msgstr ""
509 |
510 |
#: includes/settings.php:
511 |
msgid "None"
512 |
msgstr ""
513 |
514 |
#: includes/settings.php:
515 |
msgid "Preferences fields"
516 |
msgstr ""
517 |
518 |
#: includes/settings.php:
519 |
msgid ""
520 |
"Preferences fields allow you to store a record of the various opt-ins "
521 |
"points at which the user has agreed or given consent, such as fields for "
@@ -523,48 +533,48 @@ msgid ""
523 |
"create at least one preference field."
524 |
msgstr ""
525 |
526 |
#: includes/settings.php:
527 |
msgid "Preferences field"
528 |
msgstr ""
529 |
530 |
#: includes/settings.php:
531 |
#: includes/settings.php:
532 |
#: includes/settings.php:
533 |
msgid "Enter field name"
534 |
msgstr ""
535 |
536 |
#: includes/settings.php:
537 |
msgid "Add New Preference"
538 |
msgstr ""
539 |
540 |
#: includes/settings.php:
541 |
msgid "Exclude fields"
542 |
msgstr ""
543 |
544 |
#: includes/settings.php:
545 |
msgid ""
546 |
"Exclude fields allow you to create a list of fields that you would like to "
547 |
"exclude from your Consent Solution recorded proofs (for e.g. password or "
548 |
"other fields not related to the consent)."
549 |
msgstr ""
550 |
551 |
#: includes/settings.php:
552 |
msgid "Exclude field"
553 |
msgstr ""
554 |
555 |
#: includes/settings.php:
556 |
msgid "Add New Exclude"
557 |
msgstr ""
558 |
559 |
#: includes/settings.php:
560 |
msgid "Legal Notices"
561 |
msgstr ""
562 |
563 |
#: includes/settings.php:
564 |
msgid "Legal documents"
565 |
msgstr ""
566 |
567 |
#: includes/settings.php:
568 |
msgid ""
569 |
"In general, it’s important that you declare which legal documents are being "
570 |
"agreed upon when each consent is collected. However, if you use iubenda for "
@@ -572,66 +582,66 @@ msgid ""
572 |
"selecting them here."
573 |
msgstr ""
574 |
575 |
#: includes/settings.php:
576 |
msgid "Identifier"
577 |
msgstr ""
578 |
579 |
#: includes/settings.php:
580 |
msgid "Please select each legal document available on your site."
581 |
msgstr ""
582 |
583 |
#: includes/settings.php:
584 |
msgid "Alternatively, you may add your own custom document identifiers."
585 |
msgstr ""
586 |
587 |
#: includes/settings.php:
588 |
msgid "Add New Document"
589 |
msgstr ""
590 |
591 |
#: includes/settings.php:
592 |
#: includes/settings.php:
593 |
msgid "Settings saved."
594 |
msgstr ""
595 |
596 |
#: includes/settings.php:
597 |
msgid "Settings restored to defaults."
598 |
msgstr ""
599 |
600 |
#: includes/settings.php:
601 |
#, php-format
602 |
msgid ""
603 |
"Please enable comments cookies opt-in checkbox in the <a href=\"%s\" target="
604 |
"\"_blank\">Discussion settings</a>."
605 |
msgstr ""
606 |
607 |
#: includes/settings.php:
608 |
msgid "No forms or form changes detected."
609 |
msgstr ""
610 |
611 |
#: includes/settings.php:
612 |
msgid "Form saving failed. Please fill the Subject and Preferences fields."
613 |
msgstr ""
614 |
615 |
#: includes/settings.php:
616 |
msgid "Form saved successfully - form status changed to Mapped."
617 |
msgstr ""
618 |
619 |
#: includes/settings.php:
620 |
msgid "Form updated successfully."
621 |
msgstr ""
622 |
623 |
#: includes/settings.php:
624 |
msgid "Form saving failed."
625 |
msgstr ""
626 |
627 |
#: includes/settings.php:
628 |
msgid "Form deleted successfully."
629 |
msgstr ""
630 |
631 |
#: includes/settings.php:
632 |
msgid "Form delete failed."
633 |
msgstr ""
634 |
635 |
#: includes/settings.php:
636 |
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
637 |
msgstr ""
2 |
msgid ""
3 |
msgstr ""
4 |
"Project-Id-Version: Iubenda Cookie Solution\n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-02-06 13:33+0100\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-12 10:36+0200\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
8 |
"Language-Team: \n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __\n"
17 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
18 |
19 |
#: includes/amp.php:126
20 |
msgid "Loading"
21 |
msgstr ""
22 |
23 |
#: includes/amp.php:258
24 |
msgid "AMP Cookie Consent"
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
27 |
#: includes/forms-list-table.php:92
28 |
msgid "Form Title"
29 |
msgstr ""
68 |
msgid "No forms found."
69 |
msgstr ""
70 |
71 |
#: includes/forms.php:149 includes/settings.php:138
72 |
msgid "Forms"
73 |
msgstr ""
74 |
88 |
msgid "Middle name"
89 |
msgstr ""
90 |
91 |
#: includes/settings.php:43 includes/settings.php:44 includes/settings.php:45
92 |
#: includes/settings.php:46 includes/settings.php:47
93 |
msgid "string"
94 |
msgstr ""
95 |
96 |
#: includes/settings.php:59 includes/settings.php:183
97 |
msgid "Cookie Solution"
98 |
msgstr ""
99 |
100 |
#: includes/settings.php:65 includes/settings.php:184
101 |
msgid "Consent Solution"
102 |
msgstr ""
103 |
104 |
#: includes/settings.php:73
105 |
msgid "Not set"
106 |
msgstr ""
107 |
108 |
#: includes/settings.php:74
109 |
msgid "Strictly necessary"
110 |
msgstr ""
111 |
112 |
#: includes/settings.php:75
113 |
msgid "Basic interactions & functionalities"
114 |
msgstr ""
115 |
116 |
#: includes/settings.php:76
117 |
msgid "Experience enhancement"
118 |
msgstr ""
119 |
120 |
#: includes/settings.php:77
121 |
msgid "Analytics"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: includes/settings.php:78
125 |
msgid "Targeting & Advertising"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/settings.php:125
129 |
msgid "Code"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#: includes/settings.php:126
133 |
msgid "Google AMP"
134 |
msgstr ""
135 |
136 |
#: includes/settings.php:127
137 |
msgid "Script blocking"
138 |
msgstr ""
139 |
140 |
#: includes/settings.php:128
141 |
msgid "Custom scripts"
142 |
msgstr ""
143 |
144 |
#: includes/settings.php:129
145 |
msgid "Content type"
146 |
msgstr ""
147 |
148 |
#: includes/settings.php:130
149 |
msgid "RSS feed"
150 |
msgstr ""
151 |
152 |
#: includes/settings.php:131
153 |
msgid "POST requests"
154 |
msgstr ""
155 |
156 |
#: includes/settings.php:132
157 |
msgid "Menu position"
158 |
msgstr ""
159 |
160 |
#: includes/settings.php:133
161 |
msgid "Deactivation"
162 |
msgstr ""
163 |
164 |
#: includes/settings.php:139
165 |
msgid "Public Api Key"
166 |
msgstr ""
167 |
168 |
#: includes/settings.php:142 includes/settings.php:146
169 |
msgid "Field Mapping"
170 |
msgstr ""
171 |
172 |
#: includes/settings.php:206
173 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this form?"
174 |
msgstr ""
175 |
176 |
#: includes/settings.php:541
177 |
msgid "You don't have permission to access this page."
178 |
msgstr ""
179 |
180 |
#: includes/settings.php:567
181 |
msgid ""
182 |
"This plugin is the easiest and most comprehensive way to adapt your "
183 |
"WordPress site to the ePrivacy (EU Cookie Law). Upon your users’ first "
188 |
"reactivation without refreshing the page (asynchronous script reactivation)."
189 |
msgstr ""
190 |
191 |
#: includes/settings.php:570
192 |
msgid ""
193 |
"Does the Cookie Solution support IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework?"
194 |
msgstr ""
195 |
196 |
#: includes/settings.php:571
197 |
#, php-format
198 |
msgid ""
199 |
"Yes it does. You can read more about it <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url"
200 |
"\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a>"
201 |
msgstr ""
202 |
203 |
#: includes/settings.php:574
204 |
msgid "Would you like to know more about the cookie law?"
205 |
msgstr ""
206 |
207 |
#: includes/settings.php:575
208 |
#, php-format
209 |
msgid ""
210 |
"Read our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">complete "
211 |
"guide to the cookie law.</a>"
212 |
msgstr ""
213 |
214 |
#: includes/settings.php:578
215 |
msgid "What is the full functionality of the plugin?"
216 |
msgstr ""
217 |
218 |
#: includes/settings.php:579
219 |
#, php-format
220 |
msgid ""
221 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">plugin "
222 |
223 |
msgstr ""
224 |
225 |
#: includes/settings.php:582
226 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for the Cookie Solution below."
227 |
msgstr ""
228 |
229 |
#: includes/settings.php:583
230 |
#, php-format
231 |
msgid ""
232 |
"In order to run the plugin, you need to enter the iubenda code that "
235 |
"class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">this guide.</a>"
236 |
msgstr ""
237 |
238 |
#: includes/settings.php:588
239 |
msgid ""
240 |
"Maintaining comprehensive records of consent is a vital part of privacy "
241 |
"compliance in general but is specifically required under the GDPR. These "
246 |
"consent\" target=\"_blank\">full requirements here</a>."
247 |
msgstr ""
248 |
249 |
#: includes/settings.php:613
250 |
#, php-format
251 |
msgid ""
252 |
"If you are using per-purpose script blocking or Reject option please "
254 |
"given consent\" option. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_self\">Disable now</a>"
255 |
msgstr ""
256 |
257 |
#: includes/settings.php:638
258 |
msgid ""
259 |
"AMP configuration file requires HTTPS. Make sure your SSL Certificate is "
260 |
"configured correctly."
261 |
msgstr ""
262 |
263 |
#: includes/settings.php:660
264 |
#, php-format
265 |
msgid ""
266 |
"This plugin drastically reduces the need for direct interventions in the "
272 |
"– in order to comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy."
273 |
msgstr ""
274 |
275 |
#: includes/settings.php:662
276 |
msgid ""
277 |
"Maintaining valid records of consent is a vital part of privacy compliance "
278 |
"in general, and it is specifically required under the GDPR. These records "
286 |
"consents collected offline (e.g in-store sign-ups) via WP media upload."
287 |
msgstr ""
288 |
289 |
#: includes/settings.php:680
290 |
msgid "Reset to defaults"
291 |
msgstr ""
292 |
293 |
#: includes/settings.php:692
294 |
msgid "Need support for this plugin?"
295 |
msgstr ""
296 |
297 |
#: includes/settings.php:693
298 |
#, php-format
299 |
msgid ""
300 |
"Visit our <a href=\"%s\" class=\"iubenda-url\" target=\"_blank\">support "
301 |
302 |
msgstr ""
303 |
304 |
#: includes/settings.php:737
305 |
#, php-format
306 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code for %s."
307 |
msgstr ""
308 |
309 |
#: includes/settings.php:748
310 |
msgid "Enter the iubenda code."
311 |
msgstr ""
312 |
313 |
#: includes/settings.php:775
314 |
msgid ""
315 |
"Provide a list of custom scripts you’d like to block and assign their "
316 |
317 |
msgstr ""
318 |
319 |
#: includes/settings.php:777 includes/settings.php:784
320 |
msgid "Enter custom script"
321 |
msgstr ""
322 |
323 |
#: includes/settings.php:777 includes/settings.php:784
324 |
#: includes/settings.php:795 includes/settings.php:802
325 |
#: includes/settings.php:1178 includes/settings.php:1205
326 |
#: includes/settings.php:1246 includes/settings.php:1274
327 |
#: includes/settings.php:1325 includes/settings.php:1341
328 |
msgid "Remove"
329 |
msgstr ""
330 |
331 |
#: includes/settings.php:793
332 |
msgid ""
333 |
"Provide a list of custom iframes you’d like to block and assign their "
334 |
"purpose. "
335 |
msgstr ""
336 |
337 |
#: includes/settings.php:795 includes/settings.php:802
338 |
msgid "Enter custom iframe"
339 |
msgstr ""
340 |
341 |
#: includes/settings.php:840
342 |
msgid "Automatically block scripts detected by the plugin"
343 |
msgstr ""
344 |
345 |
#: includes/settings.php:841
346 |
#, php-format
347 |
msgid ""
348 |
"see <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our documentation</a> for the list of "
349 |
"detected scripts."
350 |
msgstr ""
351 |
352 |
#: includes/settings.php:844
353 |
msgid "Primary"
354 |
msgstr ""
355 |
356 |
#: includes/settings.php:845
357 |
msgid "Secondary"
358 |
msgstr ""
359 |
360 |
#: includes/settings.php:846
361 |
msgid "Select parsing engine."
362 |
msgstr ""
363 |
364 |
#: includes/settings.php:849
365 |
msgid ""
366 |
"Leave scripts untouched on the page if the user has already given consent"
367 |
msgstr ""
368 |
369 |
#: includes/settings.php:850
370 |
msgid ""
371 |
"improves performance, highly recommended, to be deactivated only if your "
372 |
"site uses a caching system or if you're collecting per-category consent."
373 |
msgstr ""
374 |
375 |
#: includes/settings.php:864
376 |
msgid ""
377 |
"Restrict the plugin to run only for requests that have \"Content-type: "
378 |
"text / html\" (recommended)"
379 |
msgstr ""
380 |
381 |
#: includes/settings.php:876
382 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin inside the RSS feed (recommended)"
383 |
msgstr ""
384 |
385 |
#: includes/settings.php:888
386 |
msgid "Do not run the plugin on POST requests (recommended)"
387 |
msgstr ""
388 |
389 |
#: includes/settings.php:900
390 |
msgid "Top menu"
391 |
msgstr ""
392 |
393 |
#: includes/settings.php:901
394 |
msgid "Submenu"
395 |
msgstr ""
396 |
397 |
#: includes/settings.php:902
398 |
msgid ""
399 |
"Select whether to display iubenda in a top admin menu or the Settings "
400 |