Jetpack by - Version 5.5.1

Version Description

  • Release date: November 21, 2017
  • Release post:

Bug fixes * In Jetpack 5.5 we made some changes that created errors if you were using other plugins that added custom links to the Plugins menu. This is now fixed. * We have fixed a problem that did not allow to upload plugins using API requests. * Open Graph links in post headers are no longer invalid in some special cases. * We fixed warnings happening when syncing users with * We updated the way the Google+ button is loaded to match changes made by Google, to ensure the button is always displayed properly. * We fixed conflicts between Jetpack's Responsive Videos and the updates made to Video players in WordPress 4.9. * We updated Publicize's message length to match Twitter's new 280 character limit.

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Release Info

Developer zinigor
Plugin Icon 128x128 Jetpack by
Version 5.5.1
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Code changes from version 5.5 to 5.5.1

_inc/jetpack-strings.php CHANGED
@@ -203,9 +203,6 @@ _x( "No scanning", "Short warning message about site having no security scan.",
  _x( "FIX", "A caption for a small button to fix security issues.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:74
  _x( "Threats found!", "Short warning message about new threats found.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:73
  _x( "Threats", "A caption for a small button to fix security issues.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:71
- __( "Activate", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/searchable-modules/index.jsx:71
- __( "Enter a search term to find settings or close search.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/settings/index.jsx:38
- __( "No search results found for %(term)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/settings/index.jsx:30
  __( "If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:149
  __( "Your API key", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:143
  _x( "Spam filtering", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:135
@@ -238,6 +235,9 @@ _x( "Brute force attack protection", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/cli
  __( "Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:94
  __( "Match accounts using email addresses", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:81
  _x( " log in", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:56
  __( "Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/likes.jsx:34
  _x( "Like buttons", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/likes.jsx:24
  __( "Automatically share your posts to social networks", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/publicize.jsx:81
  _x( "FIX", "A caption for a small button to fix security issues.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:74
  _x( "Threats found!", "Short warning message about new threats found.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:73
  _x( "Threats", "A caption for a small button to fix security issues.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:71
  __( "If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:149
  __( "Your API key", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:143
  _x( "Spam filtering", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/antispam.jsx:135
  __( "Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:94
  __( "Match accounts using email addresses", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:81
  _x( " log in", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/security/sso.jsx:56
+ __( "Activate", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/searchable-modules/index.jsx:71
+ __( "Enter a search term to find settings or close search.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/settings/index.jsx:38
+ __( "No search results found for %(term)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/settings/index.jsx:30
  __( "Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/likes.jsx:34
  _x( "Like buttons", "Settings header", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/likes.jsx:24
  __( "Automatically share your posts to social networks", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/sharing/publicize.jsx:81
changelog.txt CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,73 @@
  == Changelog ==
  = 5.4 =
  * Release date: October 3, 2017
  == Changelog ==
+ = 5.5 =
+ * Release date: November 7, 2017
+ * Release post:
+ **Major Enhancements**
+ * Jetpack is now fully compatible with WordPress's [new Gallery Widget]( Your old Gallery widgets powered by Jetpack will switch to the new Widget when you update to WordPress 4.9.
+ **Enhancements**
+ * We have improved the performance when loading the Jetpack Settings in the dashboard by optimizing the number of calls made when loading the page.
+ * We have updated the plugin to do a better job of cleaning up after itself whenever you decide to remove Jetpack from your site.
+ * We made some changes to reduce the number of connection issues that may happen on a site when switching from HTTP to HTTPs.
+ * We made some performance improvements to the Jetpack dashboard interface, to make sure your options and settings are loaded faster there.
+ * Error messages are also better in the Jetpack Dashboard; whenever you can't update settings, Jetpack will provide you with more information about why.
+ * We improved the Jetpack update process to make sure updating Jetpack does not stress your database during it, even on high-traffic sites.
+ * The next version of WordPress, 4.9, will be released very soon and will include [a lot of changes to its code editors]( Jetpack's Custom CSS will be fully compatible with the new editors and their syntax highlighting feature.
+ * We also made changes to make sure Jetpack was fully compatible with the [role and capability changes]( in WordPress 4.9.
+ * We have made some performance improvements to the Carousel feature.
+ * Contact Form: do not process shortcodes in widgets when WordPress itself does, starting in 4.9.
+ * Contact Form: we have improved the "website" field to display better error messages when you don't supply a URL. We have also improved the look of the date picker for the date field.
+ * Contact Form: avoid duplicate slashes when loading editor style.
+ * Masterbar: update the "Plugins" menu item to match the updated design on
+ * Open Graph: do not display images smaller than Facebook's required size.
+ * Sharing: use Google's minified libraries to improve performance when loading Google buttons.
+ * Sharing: update Open Graph Image tags appearing on the home page to offer better alternatives based on your site settings in Appearance > Customize.
+ * We improved the way sitemaps are built so they do not consume too much memory when they are generated.
+ * Shorlinks: those links will now always use HTTPS.
+ * Spellchecker: we improved the admin interface to make it more clear when adding ignored phrases and saving them.
+ * Subscriptions: we added a filter so third party developers can track comment subscription activations.
+ * Sync: synchronize plugin action links to add that information to
+ * Sync: improvements to better track theme and widget changes.
+ * VideoPress: we removed Jetpack version locking for directly embedded VideoPress videos to ensure all users receive the newest version of the player.
+ * We added a new filter (`jetpack_google_translate_widget_layout`) to the Google Translate Widget to allow you to change its layout.
+ * REST API: improve comment management for all roles, including post authors.
+ * REST API: allow site owners to manage comments on attachment pages from
+ * REST API: improve the response from the API when WordPress' autoupdates are disabled.
+ **Improved compatibility**
+ * You can now use Jetpack's contact form and Yoast SEO's Focus keywords on the same page without any issues in the editor.
+ * Top Posts Widget: avoid Fatal Errors when the widget is used on a site using WPML, and when a popular post cannot be found by WPML.
+ * Sync: add more Custom Post Types from third-party plugins to the list of things we do not synchronize with, to improve sync performance.
+ * Sharing: since [Press This is now a plugin and not part of WordPress itself](, we removed the Press This sharing button if you are not using the plugin.
+ **Bug fixes**
+ * We now avoid displaying notices to user roles that cannot benefit or act based on the info in the notices.
+ * Gravatar Hovercards: avoid PHP Notices when the user info is an object.
+ * Infinite Scroll: avoid PHP notices when a site customizes galleries thanks to the `post_gallery` filter.
+ * Mailchimp: make sure subscription forms can still be embedded in posts and pages.
+ * Mailchimp: do not require the use of the shortcodes feature to use the Mailchimp widget.
+ * Mailchimp: fix issue where Mailchimp form code could not be added to the Mailchimp widget.
+ * Masterbar: avoid JavaScript errors by always loading jQuery.
+ * Post By Email: do not display any content in the email address field if no email address has ever been set before.
+ * Publicize: avoid errors when DOMDocument is not available.
+ * Publicize: we now hide the feature activation toggle if you are not allowed to manage Jetpack features.
+ * Search: make sure module cannot be activated when the site does not use a Plan.
+ * SEO Tools: do not output any custom meta tags if another SEO plugin is already active.
+ * Sharing: make sure Twitter Cards can be displayed even when a post does not include a title.
+ * Sharing: fix alignment of sharing buttons in the admin preview when using custom sharing buttons.
+ * Sitemaps: wait a minute before to generate sitemaps when the feature is activated, to avoid performance issues.
+ * Sync: avoid synchronization issues on Multisite networks using custom domains.
+ * Top Posts Widget: display the default title when it is set to empty.
+ * Milestone Widget: make sure the widget is displayed properly and can easily be translated into other languages.
+ * Verification Tools: avoid notices when saving changes on a Multisite network admin page.
+ * VideoPress: avoid missing file warning in the editor when using an RTL language.
+ * Upcoming events Widget: avoid PHP notices on sites using a custom timezone setting.
+ * REST API: avoid errors when installing plugins via the API.
  = 5.4 =
  * Release date: October 3, 2017
functions.opengraph.php CHANGED
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function jetpack_og_tags() {
  // Get image info and build tags
  if ( ! post_password_required() ) {
  $image_info = jetpack_og_get_image( $image_width, $image_height );
- $tags['og:image'] = esc_url( $image_info['src'] );
  if ( ! empty( $image_info['width'] ) ) {
  $tags['og:image:width'] = (int) $image_info['width'];
  // Get image info and build tags
  if ( ! post_password_required() ) {
  $image_info = jetpack_og_get_image( $image_width, $image_height );
+ $tags['og:image'] = $image_info['src'];
  if ( ! empty( $image_info['width'] ) ) {
  $tags['og:image:width'] = (int) $image_info['width'];
jetpack.php CHANGED
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
- * Version: 5.5
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
  * Domain Path: /languages/
- define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '4.7' );
- define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '5.5' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
+ * Version: 5.5.1
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
  * Domain Path: /languages/
+ define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '4.8' );
+ define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '5.5.1' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php CHANGED
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ new Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_Delete_Endpoint( array(
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-get-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-list-endpoint.php' );
- require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-modify-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-new-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-install-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-delete-endpoint.php' );
  // PLUGINS V1.2
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-modify-v1-2-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-get-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-list-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-new-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-install-endpoint.php' );
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-delete-endpoint.php' );
+ require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-modify-endpoint.php' );
  // PLUGINS V1.2
  require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-plugins-modify-v1-2-endpoint.php' );
languages/ CHANGED
Binary file
languages/json/jetpack-ar.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-01-29 03:22:02+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"ar","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,""],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,""],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Explore Professional":[null,""],"Compare All Plans":[null,""],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,""],"Person with laptop":[null,""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,""],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,""],"Jupiter":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,""],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,""],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,""],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,""],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,""],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,""],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,""],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,""],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,""],"Google Analytics integration":[null,""],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,""],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,""],"Explore":[null,""],"Your site is backed up.":[null,""],"Image Performance":[null,""],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"I already use this app.":[null,""],"Create address":[null,""],"Priority support":[null,""],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,""],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,""],"Updating settings…":[null,""],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,""],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,""],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,""],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,""],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,""],"Checking site status…":[null,""],"Pages":[null,""],"We're here to help":[null,""],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,""],"Ask a question":[null,""],"Search our support site":[null,""],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,""],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,""],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,""],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,""],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,""],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,""],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,""],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,""],"Spam filtering":[null,""],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,""],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,""],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,""],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,""],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,""],"SEO preview tools":[null,""],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,""],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,""],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,""],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,""],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,""],"An Automattic Airline":[null,""],"Manage site connection":[null,""],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,""],"Theme enhancements":[null,""],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,""],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,""],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,""],"Theme support required.":[null,""],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,""],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,""],"Show featured images":[null,""],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,""],"Enable the toolbar":[null,""],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,""],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,""],"Portfolios":[null,""],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,""],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":[null,""],"Bing":[null,""],"Yandex":[null,""],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,""],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,""],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,""],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,""],"Count logged in page views from":[null,""],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,""],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,""],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,""],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,""],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,""],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,""],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,""],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,""],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,""],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,""],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,""],"Add to whitelist":[null,""],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,""],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,""],"Fetching key…":[null,""],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,""],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,""],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,""],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,""],"Checking key…":[null,""],"Your API key":[null,""],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,""],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,""],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,""],"Connections":[null,""],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,""],"Your site is connected to":[null,""],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,""],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,""],"View your Email Followers":[null,""],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,""],"Color scheme":[null,""],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,""],"Updated settings.":[null,""],"Error updating settings. 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Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. 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Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,"Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,""],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,"Probiere es aus!"],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Explore Professional":[null,""],"Compare All Plans":[null,"Alle Tarife vergleichen"],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,""],"Person with laptop":[null,""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,"Dein Jetpack ist einsatzbereit!"],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,"Sterne"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,""],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,""],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,""],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,""],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,""],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,""],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,""],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes, werbefreies Video-Hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Integration von Google Analytics"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unbegrenzte Premium-Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,""],"Explore":[null,""],"Your site is backed up.":[null,""],"Image Performance":[null,""],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"I already use this app.":[null,"Ich verwende diese App bereits."],"Create address":[null,"Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":[null,"Vorrangiger Support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen hinzu."],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":[null,"Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":[null,"Seiten"],"We're here to help":[null,""],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,""],"Ask a question":[null,"Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":[null,""],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,""],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,""],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Einfache Integration von Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,""],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes Videohosting mit Hochgeschwindigkeit"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,""],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,""],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,""],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":[null,"Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":[null,"Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Muss aktiviert sein, um Galerien in Kachel-Optik anzuzeigen."],"Enable the toolbar":[null," aktivieren"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"Die ersetzt die Admin-Standardleiste und enthält schnelle Links zum Reader, zu all deinen Websites, zu deinem und zu Benachrichtigungen. Verwalte dein gesamtes WordPress über eine einzige zentrale Werkzeugleiste."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,""],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. 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Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":[null,"Bing"],"Yandex":[null,"Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,"XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,"Deine Sitemap wird automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung gesendet."],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Es kann sein, dass in deinen {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} „Suchmaschinen-Sichtbarkeit“ deaktiviert ist."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Sammeln wertvoller Traffic-Statistiken und Einsichten"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,""],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,"Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,"Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,"Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,""],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,"Ermögliche es deinen Lesern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Beiträge gefallen, indem du deinem Inhalt einen Gefällt mir-Button hinzufügst"],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,"Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":[null,"Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). 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Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":[null,"Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"Die bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Verbinde dein Benutzerkonto mit, um deine E-Mail-Follower anzuzeigen"],"Color scheme":[null,"Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,""],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":[null,""],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":[null,""],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":[null,""],"Configure Google Analytics settings.":[null,""],"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack":[null,""],"Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics"],"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.":[null,""],"Configure Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":[null,""],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,""],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,""],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,""],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Nimm ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif vor, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz, vorrangigen Support sowie SEO- und Monetarisierungswerkzeuge zu erhalten."],"Ads":[null,"Werbeanzeigen"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,""],"Activate Ads":[null,"Werbeanzeigen aktivieren"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Erstklassige Traffic- und Monetarisierungswerkzeuge"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. Professional plan customers also benefit from SEO tools to help optimize search engine traffic.":[null,"Im Jetpack Premium-Tarif kannst du jetzt mit deiner Website Einkünfte generieren, indem du Besuchern hochwertige bezahlte Anzeigen zeigst. Kunden im Professional-Tarif profitieren zudem von SEO-Werkzeugen, die helfen, den Suchmaschinen-Traffic zu optimieren."],"We support all Jetpack users, regardless of plan. But customers on a paid subscription enjoy priority support so that security issues are identified and fixed for you as soon as possible. ":[null,"Wir unterstützen alle Jetpack-Benutzer, egal, welchen Tarif sie haben. Kunden mit kostenpflichtigem Abonnement erhalten jedoch vorrangigen Support, sodass Sicherheitsprobleme bei ihnen schnellstmöglich erkannt und behoben werden. "],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,""],"View your earnings":[null,"Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"VideoPress aktivieren"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Videos jetzt hochladen"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Stelle sicher, dass deine Website in Suchmaschinen leicht zu finden ist – mit SEO-Werkzeugen für deine Inhalte und Beiträge in sozialen Medien."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktiviere dieses Modul, um die erweiterten SEO-Werkzeuge zu verwenden."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Wie viel ist deine Website wert?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Zum Preis einer kleinen Tasse Kaffee erhältst du einen ganzen Monat Sicherheit, denn die Ergebnisse deiner harten Arbeit (oder deine Lebensgrundlage) werden durch ein Backup geschützt."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Website-SEO konfigurieren"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"SEO-Werkzeuge aktivieren"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Unser bisher günstigster Tarif für Backups und Sicherheit"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung (mit VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung, automatisierte Sicherheitsscans und vorrangiger Support (mit VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups und Sicherheitsscans"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Backup in Echtzeit aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung, automatisierte Sicherheitsscans, Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung und vorrangiger Support (mit VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video-Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes, werbefreies Video-Hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Konfiguriere deine SEO-Einstellungen."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":[null,"Mehr Info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Mit einem Upgrade von Jetpack findet unser moderner Sicherheits-Scanner schädliche Dateien und erstattet sofort Bericht, sodass dir nicht entgeht was auf deiner Website passiert."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Die Daten der Sicherheitsscans sind im Abschnitt \"Auf einen Blick\" zu finden."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Dieses Modul verfügt nicht über Konfigurationsoptionen."],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Lass Suchmaschinen und Besucher wissen, dass du es mit der Integrität deiner Website ernst meinst, indem du Jetpack aktualisierst. Unsere Spam-Tools eliminieren Kommentarspam, schützen SEO und binden Besucher."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Offsite-Backups in Echtzeit mit automatisierter Wiederherstellung sorgen für Sicherheit. Du verfasst interessante Inhalte und steigerst den Traffic, wir schützen deine Investition. Noch heute upgraden!"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}%(module_slug)s-Einstellungen konfigurieren {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[null," \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Kommentar-Überschrift"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Einige zündende Worte, die Leser zu Kommentaren anregen."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null," Diagramm mit Aufrufen von 48 Stunden in der Adminleiste anzeigen"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null," Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Foto-Metadaten (Exif) im Karussell zeigen (wenn verfügbar)"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Adresse erneut generieren"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Inhalte automatisch korrekturlesen, wenn: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurden erstmals veröffentlicht"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurde aktualisiert"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatische Spracherkennung"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Der Korrekturleser unterstützt Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Korrekturlesen für folgende Regeln von Grammatik und Stil aktivieren: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Ausdruck hinzufügen"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bitte richte ein Konto bei ein, oder verbinde dich damit, um mit der Nutzung von Jetpack zu beginnen. Dies aktiviert leistungsfähige Dienste für Sicherheit, Traffic und individuelle Anpassung."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,"Speichern …"],"Save Settings":[null,"Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sicherheitsscans"],"Upgrade":[null,"Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIV"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, Botnetze und Spammer greifen alle Arten von Websites an. 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Im schlimmsten Fall sind wir da, um die Website wiederherzustellen."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Deine Website ist im Tarif Jetpack Free."],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Deine Website befindet sich im Entwicklungsmodus"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Wenn du verbunden bist, kannst du ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif durchführen, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz und Support mit Priorität zu erhalten."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Hochmoderner Spam-Schutz durch Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet konfigurieren"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress konfigurieren"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Tarife vergleichen"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Sicherheit der Extraklasse"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Backup in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Wiederherstellung mit einem Klick, lückenlose Spam-Überwachung, Verteidigung gegen Malware und Schutz gegen Brute-Force-Anmeldeversuche – alles aus einer Hand und optimiert für WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Lückenlose Spam-Filterung schützt deine Marke, deine Leser und verbessert die SEO. 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Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":[null,"Sicherheit"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spamschutz"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Die empfohlenen Funktionen werden aktiviert …"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Die empfohlenen Funktionen sind aktiviert."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktivieren empfohlener Funktionen. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":[null,"Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null," Dein Akismet-Schlüssel fehlt oder ist ungültig. {{akismetSettings}}Zur Behebung bitte Akismet-Einstellungen aufsuchen{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Keine Bedrohungen gefunden. Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":[null,"Wird geladen …"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":[null,"Aufrufe insgesamt"],"Best overall day":[null,"Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":[null,"Aufrufe heute"],"Months":[null,"Monate"],"Weeks":[null,"Wochen"],"Days":[null,"Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Woche von %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Sicherheit auf verwalten"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Die Funktionen können jederzeit aktiviert/deaktiviert werden."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Zu den empfohlenen Funktionen von Jetpack gehören:"],"Activate recommended features":[null,""],"Link to":[null,"Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":[null,"Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Millionen Nutzer verwenden bereits Jetpack, um ihre Websites zu verbessern und zu schützen. 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Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Absolut stressfrei – Monitor sendet dir Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit, falls deine Website einmal nicht verfügbar sein sollte."],"Track your growth":[null,"Deine Entwicklung nachverfolgen"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Verwende &#8222;Publizieren&#8220;, um deine Beiträge automatisch mit Freunden, Followern und der ganzen Welt zu teilen."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Mehr Traffic für deine Website"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":[null,"Beiträge"],"Front page":[null,"Startseite"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Ein großes und optisch auffälliges Layout verwenden"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Eine &#8222;Ähnliche Beiträge&#8220;-Überschrift anzeigen, um den Bereich von den Beiträgen abzugrenzen."],"Related":[null,"Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Email Address":[null,"E-Mail-Adresse"],"Media":[null,"Mediathek"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":[null,"Teilen"],"Testimonials":[null,"Referenzen"],"Comments":[null,"Kommentare"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Zu ignorierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beiträgen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":[null,"Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":[null,"Optionen nur für die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verbinden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. 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Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,"Premium-Themes installieren"],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,"Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,""],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,"Probiere es aus!"],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Explore Professional":[null,""],"Compare All Plans":[null,"Alle Tarife vergleichen"],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,""],"Person with laptop":[null,""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,"Dein Jetpack ist einsatzbereit!"],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,"Sterne"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,""],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,""],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,""],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,""],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,""],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,""],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,""],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes, werbefreies Video-Hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Integration von Google Analytics"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unbegrenzte Premium-Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,""],"Explore":[null,""],"Your site is backed up.":[null,""],"Image Performance":[null,""],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"I already use this app.":[null,"Ich verwende diese App bereits."],"Create address":[null,"Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":[null,"Vorrangiger Support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen hinzu."],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":[null,"Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":[null,"Seiten"],"We're here to help":[null,""],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,""],"Ask a question":[null,"Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":[null,""],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,""],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,""],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Einfache Integration von Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,""],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes Videohosting mit Hochgeschwindigkeit"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,""],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,""],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,""],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":[null,"Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":[null,"Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Muss aktiviert sein, um Galerien in Kachel-Optik anzuzeigen."],"Enable the toolbar":[null," aktivieren"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"Die ersetzt die Admin-Standardleiste und enthält schnelle Links zum Reader, zu all deinen Websites, zu deinem und zu Benachrichtigungen. Verwalte dein gesamtes WordPress über eine einzige zentrale Werkzeugleiste."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,""],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. 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Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":[null,"Bing"],"Yandex":[null,"Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,"XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,"Deine Sitemap wird automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung gesendet."],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Es kann sein, dass in deinen {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} „Suchmaschinen-Sichtbarkeit“ deaktiviert ist."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Sammeln wertvoller Traffic-Statistiken und Einsichten"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,""],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,"Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,"Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,"Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,""],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,"Ermögliche es deinen Lesern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Beiträge gefallen, indem du deinem Inhalt einen Gefällt mir-Button hinzufügst"],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,"Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":[null,"Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). 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Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":[null,"Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"Die bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Verbinde dein Benutzerkonto mit, um deine E-Mail-Follower anzuzeigen"],"Color scheme":[null,"Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,""],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":[null,""],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":[null,""],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":[null,""],"Configure Google Analytics settings.":[null,""],"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack":[null,""],"Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics"],"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.":[null,""],"Configure Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":[null,""],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,""],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,""],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,""],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Nimm ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif vor, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz, vorrangigen Support sowie SEO- und Monetarisierungswerkzeuge zu erhalten."],"Ads":[null,"Werbeanzeigen"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,""],"Activate Ads":[null,"Werbeanzeigen aktivieren"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Erstklassige Traffic- und Monetarisierungswerkzeuge"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. Professional plan customers also benefit from SEO tools to help optimize search engine traffic.":[null,"Im Jetpack Premium-Tarif kannst du jetzt mit deiner Website Einkünfte generieren, indem du Besuchern hochwertige bezahlte Anzeigen zeigst. Kunden im Professional-Tarif profitieren zudem von SEO-Werkzeugen, die helfen, den Suchmaschinen-Traffic zu optimieren."],"We support all Jetpack users, regardless of plan. But customers on a paid subscription enjoy priority support so that security issues are identified and fixed for you as soon as possible. ":[null,"Wir unterstützen alle Jetpack-Benutzer, egal, welchen Tarif sie haben. Kunden mit kostenpflichtigem Abonnement erhalten jedoch vorrangigen Support, sodass Sicherheitsprobleme bei ihnen schnellstmöglich erkannt und behoben werden. "],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,""],"View your earnings":[null,"Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"VideoPress aktivieren"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Videos jetzt hochladen"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Stelle sicher, dass deine Website in Suchmaschinen leicht zu finden ist – mit SEO-Werkzeugen für deine Inhalte und Beiträge in sozialen Medien."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktiviere dieses Modul, um die erweiterten SEO-Werkzeuge zu verwenden."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Wie viel ist deine Website wert?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Zum Preis einer kleinen Tasse Kaffee erhältst du einen ganzen Monat Sicherheit, denn die Ergebnisse deiner harten Arbeit (oder deine Lebensgrundlage) werden durch ein Backup geschützt."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Website-SEO konfigurieren"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"SEO-Werkzeuge aktivieren"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Unser bisher günstigster Tarif für Backups und Sicherheit"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung (mit VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung, automatisierte Sicherheitsscans und vorrangiger Support (mit VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups und Sicherheitsscans"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Backup in Echtzeit aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick Wiederherstellung, automatisierte Sicherheitsscans, Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung und vorrangiger Support (mit VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video-Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unbegrenztes, werbefreies Video-Hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Konfiguriere deine SEO-Einstellungen."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":[null,"Mehr Info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Mit einem Upgrade von Jetpack findet unser moderner Sicherheits-Scanner schädliche Dateien und erstattet sofort Bericht, sodass dir nicht entgeht was auf deiner Website passiert."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Die Daten der Sicherheitsscans sind im Abschnitt \"Auf einen Blick\" zu finden."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Dieses Modul verfügt nicht über Konfigurationsoptionen."],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Lass Suchmaschinen und Besucher wissen, dass du es mit der Integrität deiner Website ernst meinst, indem du Jetpack aktualisierst. Unsere Spam-Tools eliminieren Kommentarspam, schützen SEO und binden Besucher."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Offsite-Backups in Echtzeit mit automatisierter Wiederherstellung sorgen für Sicherheit. Du verfasst interessante Inhalte und steigerst den Traffic, wir schützen deine Investition. Noch heute upgraden!"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}%(module_slug)s-Einstellungen konfigurieren {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[null," \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Kommentar-Überschrift"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Einige zündende Worte, die Leser zu Kommentaren anregen."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null," Diagramm mit Aufrufen von 48 Stunden in der Adminleiste anzeigen"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null," Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Foto-Metadaten (Exif) im Karussell zeigen (wenn verfügbar)"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Adresse erneut generieren"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Inhalte automatisch korrekturlesen, wenn: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurden erstmals veröffentlicht"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurde aktualisiert"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatische Spracherkennung"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Der Korrekturleser unterstützt Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Korrekturlesen für folgende Regeln von Grammatik und Stil aktivieren: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Ausdruck hinzufügen"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Willkommen bei Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bitte richte ein Konto bei ein, oder verbinde dich damit, um mit der Nutzung von Jetpack zu beginnen. Dies aktiviert leistungsfähige Dienste für Sicherheit, Traffic und individuelle Anpassung."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,"Speichern …"],"Save Settings":[null,"Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sicherheitsscans"],"Upgrade":[null,"Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIV"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, Botnetze und Spammer greifen alle Arten von Websites an. 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Im schlimmsten Fall sind wir da, um die Website wiederherzustellen."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Deine Website ist im Tarif Jetpack Free."],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Deine Website befindet sich im Entwicklungsmodus"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Wenn du verbunden bist, kannst du ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif durchführen, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz und Support mit Priorität zu erhalten."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Hochmoderner Spam-Schutz durch Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet konfigurieren"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress konfigurieren"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Tarife vergleichen"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Sicherheit der Extraklasse"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Backup in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Wiederherstellung mit einem Klick, lückenlose Spam-Überwachung, Verteidigung gegen Malware und Schutz gegen Brute-Force-Anmeldeversuche – alles aus einer Hand und optimiert für WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Lückenlose Spam-Filterung schützt deine Marke, deine Leser und verbessert die SEO. 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Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":[null,"Sicherheit"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spamschutz"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Die empfohlenen Funktionen werden aktiviert …"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Die empfohlenen Funktionen sind aktiviert."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktivieren empfohlener Funktionen. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":[null,"Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null," Dein Akismet-Schlüssel fehlt oder ist ungültig. {{akismetSettings}}Zur Behebung bitte Akismet-Einstellungen aufsuchen{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Keine Bedrohungen gefunden. Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":[null,"Wird geladen …"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":[null,"Aufrufe insgesamt"],"Best overall day":[null,"Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":[null,"Aufrufe heute"],"Months":[null,"Monate"],"Weeks":[null,"Wochen"],"Days":[null,"Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Woche von %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Sicherheit auf verwalten"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Die Funktionen können jederzeit aktiviert/deaktiviert werden."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Zu den empfohlenen Funktionen von Jetpack gehören:"],"Activate recommended features":[null,""],"Link to":[null,"Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":[null,"Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Millionen Nutzer verwenden bereits Jetpack, um ihre Websites zu verbessern und zu schützen. 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Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Absolut stressfrei – Monitor sendet dir Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit, falls deine Website einmal nicht verfügbar sein sollte."],"Track your growth":[null,"Deine Entwicklung nachverfolgen"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Verwende &#8222;Publizieren&#8220;, um deine Beiträge automatisch mit Freunden, Followern und der ganzen Welt zu teilen."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Mehr Traffic für deine Website"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":[null,"Beiträge"],"Front page":[null,"Startseite"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Ein großes und optisch auffälliges Layout verwenden"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Eine &#8222;Ähnliche Beiträge&#8220;-Überschrift anzeigen, um den Bereich von den Beiträgen abzugrenzen."],"Related":[null,"Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Email Address":[null,"E-Mail-Adresse"],"Media":[null,"Mediathek"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":[null,"Teilen"],"Testimonials":[null,"Referenzen"],"Comments":[null,"Kommentare"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Zu ignorierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beiträgen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":[null,"Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":[null,"Optionen nur für die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verbinden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass auf deine Website nicht öffentlich zugegriffen werden kann (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Auf deine Website muss öffentlich zugegriffen werden können, um Jetpack zu nutzen: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Du hast die Verbindung mit Jetpack getrennt."],"Connect to":[null,"Mit verbinden"],"Activate":[null,"Aktivieren"],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Einstellungen"],"Learn More":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Teste, ob deine Website mit Jetpack kompatibel ist."]}
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You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. 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Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! 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And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. 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Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Stress less. 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This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit Ihrem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Connect to":[null,"Mit verbinden"],"Activate":[null,"Aktivieren"],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Einstellungen"],"Learn More":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
languages/json/jetpack-el.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. 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":[null,""],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,""],"View your earnings":[null,""],"Activate VideoPress":[null,""],"Upload Videos Now":[null,""],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Ενεργοποίηση Εργαλείων SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"Video Hosting":[null,""],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"Εργαλεία SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,"Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. 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Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,"Συνδρομητής"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,""],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Καλώς ήρθατε στο Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,"Αποθήκευση..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Αποθήκευση Ρυθμίσεων"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,"Αναβάθμιση"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ΕΝΕΡΓΌ"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Ασφάλεια"],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,"Αντίγραφα ασφαλείας"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,"Προστασία από Spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Activating recommended features…":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,"Δημιουργία μιας κοινότητας."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Stress less. 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Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Γίνεται αποσύνδεση Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Μάθετε περισσότερα"],"Posts":[null,"Άρθρα"],"Front page":[null,"Πρώτη σελίδα"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Προβολή σχετικών θεμάτων στις δημοσιεύσεις"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Προβολή με όμορφο στυλ"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Χρησιμοποιήστε την κεφαλίδα \"Σχετικά θέματα\" για να διαχωρίσετε τα σχετικά θέματα από τις δημοσιεύσεις σας"],"Related":[null,"Σχετικά"],"Email Address":[null,"Διεύθυνση email"],"Media":[null,"Εικόνες και Βίντεο"],"Themes":[null,"Θέματα"],"Site Stats":[null,"Στατιστικά"],"Sharing":[null,"Κοινοποίηση"],"Testimonials":[null,"Σχόλια"],"Comments":[null,"Σχόλια"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Φράσεις που παραλείφθηκαν"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Αυτόματη επιλογή γλώσσας για ορθογραφικό έλεγχο και διόρθωση."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Περιττές φράσεις"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Εκφράσεις προς αποφυγή"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Παθητική φωνή"],"Jargon":[null,"Αργκό"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Κρυφά ρήματα"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Διπλή άρνηση"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Τόνοι και πνεύματα"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Πολύπλοκες εκφράσεις"],"Bias Language":[null,"Λέξεις με προκατάληψη"],"English Options":[null,"Επιλογές Αγγλικών"],"Proofreading":[null,"Έλεγχος ορθρογραφίας και διόρθωση"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Σύνδεση Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. 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Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetisation features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. 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And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customise colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. 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Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicize"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behaviour"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralise your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Add, organise, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] )."],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Updated settings. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimised, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimised, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,"No account? Create one for free"],"Saving…":[null,"Saving…"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
+ {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-11-08 04:16:44+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"en_AU","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[null,"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetise your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetisation features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customise colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"You will likely want to customise it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil."],"Try it out!":[null,"Try it out!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Read the full release post"],"People around page":[null,"People around page"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"A new contact form is here at last!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicize"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behaviour"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimised, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimised, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. 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Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,"No account? Create one for free"],"Saving…":[null,"Saving…"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Stress less. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil."],"Try it out!":[null,"Try it out!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Read the full release post"],"People around page":[null,"People around page"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"A new contact form is here at last!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicize"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site 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toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. 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You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,"Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Allow stats reports to be viewed by"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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(%(error)s)":[null,""],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Updated settings. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools."],"Ads":[null,"Ads"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Activate Ads"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Premium traffic and monetization tools"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. 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Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimized images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
+ {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-11-09 23:05:31+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"en_CA","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[null,"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil."],"Try it out!":[null,"Try it out!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Read the full release post"],"People around page":[null,"People around page"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"A new contact form is here at last!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicize"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behavior"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] )."],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Updated settings. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools."],"Ads":[null,"Ads"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Activate Ads"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Premium traffic and monetization tools"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,"No account? Create one for free"],"Saving…":[null,"Saving…"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate recommended features":[null,"Activate recommended features"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimized images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
languages/json/jetpack-en_GB.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetise your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customise colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicise feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"You will likely want to customise it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil."],"Try it out!":[null,"Try it out!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Read the full release post"],"People around page":[null,"People around page"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"A new contact form is here at last!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicise"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13GB of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behaviour"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in-page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralise your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Add, organise, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] )."],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimise your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it cannot be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Updated settings. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO, and monetisation tools."],"Ads":[null,"Ads"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Activate Ads"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Premium traffic and monetisation tools"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimised, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimised, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' huh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign-in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
+ {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-11-09 17:08:14+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"en_GB","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[null,"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Welcome Professional"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Enable premium video player"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Monetise your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Welcome Premium"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customise colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicise feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click."],"Got it!":[null,"Got it!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Welcome personal"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":[null,"Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Second ad below post"],"Archives":[null,"Archives"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Contact Form screen shot"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"You will likely want to customise it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil."],"Try it out!":[null,"Try it out!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Read the full release post"],"People around page":[null,"People around page"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"A new contact form is here at last!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetisation, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}"],"Explore Professional":[null,"Explore Professional"],"Compare All Plans":[null,"Compare All Plans"],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional."],"Person with laptop":[null,"Person with laptop"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!"],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard."],"Stars":[null,"Stars"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Social Media Scheduling"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Schedule Posts"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Activate Publicise"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Explore Premium and Professional Options"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Social media automation and scheduling"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Income generation from a WordPress ad program"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Over 200 Premium themes to explore"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"SEO and social media previewing tools"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited ad-free video hosting"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Google Analytics integration"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Explore Jetpack Professional"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Introducing Unlimited Themes"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Unlimited Premium Themes"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors."],"Explore":[null,"Explore"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":[null,"Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13GB of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behaviour"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in-page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralise your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":[null,"Portfolios"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Add, organise, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] )."],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":[null,"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":[null,"Bing"],"Yandex":[null,"Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,"Generate XML sitemaps"],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing."],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,"Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Allow stats reports to be viewed by"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimise your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,"Enable ads and display an ad below each post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,"Configure your sharing buttons"],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,"Connect your social media accounts"],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,"Connect your user account to to use this feature"],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content"],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,"Match accounts using email addresses"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require accounts to use's Two-Step Authentication"],"Add to whitelist":[null,"Add to whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses, preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it cannot be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Updated settings. Refreshing page…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":[null,"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc."],"Configure Google Analytics settings.":[null,"Configure Google Analytics settings."],"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack":[null,"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack"],"Google Analytics":[null,"Google Analytics"],"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.":[null,"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers."],"Configure Google Analytics":[null,"Configure Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":[null,"Activate Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":[null,"Download the free apps"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":[null,"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO, and monetisation tools."],"Ads":[null,"Ads"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Activate Ads"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Premium traffic and monetisation tools"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimised, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimised, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":[null,"More Info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your current IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' huh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign-in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
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You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,""],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,""],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,""],"Jupiter":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,""],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. 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stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Load more posts using the default theme behaviour"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":[null,"Show featured images"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Enable the toolbar"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. 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"],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"View your earnings"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Activate VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Upload Videos Now"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb of fast, optimised, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Video Hosting"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Fast, optimised, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. 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Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. 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Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. 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We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
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Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. 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It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,""],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Explore Professional":[null,""],"Compare All Plans":[null,""],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,""],"Person with laptop":[null,""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,""],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,""],"Jupiter":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,""],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. 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stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":[null,"I already use this app."],"Create address":[null,"Create address"],"Priority support":[null,"Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritised Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Checking site status…"],"Pages":[null,"Pages"],"We're here to help":[null,"We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":[null,"Ask a question"],"Search our support site":[null,"Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb of high-speed video hosting"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Unlimited high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, 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You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,"Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Allow stats reports to be viewed by"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimise your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":[null,"Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":[null,"Checking key…"],"Your API key":[null,"Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":[null,"Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"View your Email Followers"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Connect your user account to to view your email followers"],"Color scheme":[null,"Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetisation tools."],"Ads":[null,"Ads"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Activate Ads"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Premium traffic and monetisation tools"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. 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Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,"Saving…"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":[null,"Loading…"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate recommended features":[null,""],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Learn more"],"Posts":[null,"Posts"],"Front page":[null,"Front page"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Show related content after posts"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Media":[null,"Media"],"Themes":[null,"Themes"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Sharing":[null,"Sharing"],"Testimonials":[null,"Testimonials"],"Comments":[null,"Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Connect to"],"Activate":[null,"Activate"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."]}
languages/json/jetpack-eo.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-10-12 17:54:28+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"eo","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Profesia plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopiojn de via enhavo, skanas kontraŭ minacoj kaj donas aliron al superaj etosoj."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"Per Profesia Jetpack, vi povas krei la perfektan retejon per elekto de unu el pli ol 300 profesie dizajnitaj etosoj por WordPress, inkluzive pli ol 100 superajn etosojn. Vi povas tajlori vian enhavon per diversaj kromprogrametoj aŭ aldoni senlimajn filmojn al viaj afiŝoj kaj paĝoj -- montrataj senreklame kaj sen akvomarko (filigrano)."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Kreskigo de via sekvantaro estas simpla en via Profesia plano, danke al kunhavigo kaj planado de enhavo, iloj por serĉiloj kaj abonaj opcioj. Via retejo povas enspezi monon per simpla pag-butono kaj entekstaj reklamoj kaj vi povas rigardi la sukceson de viaj penoj per integriĝo kun Google-Analizilo."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Profesia Jetpack donas al vi ĉion bezonatan por protekti vian laboron, inkluzive de laŭpetaj sekurkopioj kaj skanoj kontraŭ fiprogramoj, kun unu-klakaj restarigoj kaj solvo de problemoj. Via retejo estos plene protektita kontraŭ trudaĵoj, malica kodo kaj penoj brutforte ensaluti."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Ekesploru Profesian Jetpack nun por vidi ĉiujn avantaĝojn de via nova abonplano."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Instali superajn etosojn"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Rigardi optimumigajn ilojn por serĉiloj"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Bonvenon al Profesia"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Via Profesia Jetpack atente laboras!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Supera plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopiojn de via retejo, skanas kontraŭ minacoj kaj ebligas profitajn ecojn."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"Per Supera Jetpack, vi povas krei la perfektan retejon, por ĉia retejo. Vi povas tajlori vian retejon per unu el pli ol 200 senpagaj etosoj aŭ plibonigi vian enhavon per tre distingivaj filmoj ĝis 13GB -- ĉiuj gastigitaj sen reklamoj aŭ akvomarkoj."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Per la povaj havigaj iloj de Jetpack vi povas aŭtomate kunhavigi viajn lastajn afiŝojn al sociaj retejoj, aŭ plani ke via enhavo estu dissendita en elektitaj dato kaj horo. Aldone al kreskigo de via sekvantaro, vi povas kreskigi vian firmaon per iloj kiel pag-butonoj kaj reklamoj."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Ankaŭ, protekto de via pena laboro gravas. Supera Jetpack donas al vi protekton kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj, aŭtomatan filtradon de trudaĵoj kaj skanadon kontraŭ fiprogramoj. Ankaŭ, vi ricevas tagajn sekurkopiojn kun glataj restarigoj okaze se vi bezonos ilin."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Ekesploru Superan Jetpack por vidi la avantaĝojn de via nova abonplano."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Ebligi superan film-ludilon"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Profitigu vian retejon per reklamoj"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Bonvenon al Supera"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Via Supera Jetpack ŝargiĝas!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Persona plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopion de via retejo kaj skanas la retejon kontraŭ minacoj al sekureco."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"Pere de Persona Jetpack, vi havas aliron al pli ol 100 senpagaj, profesie dizajnitaj etosoj por WordPress. Elektu la etoson plej taŭgan por via retejo kaj tajloru kolorojn, bildojn aŭ aldonu diversajn novajn kromprogrametojn."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Per uzo de la povoplena eco Publici kaj kunhavigaj iloj, vi trovos novajn rimedojn por kreskigi vian sekvantaron kaj pliigi trafikon. Vi povas aŭtomate kunhavigi viajn lastajn afiŝojn al sociaj retejoj aŭ permesi al sekvantoj aboni retpoŝte al via lasta enhavo."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack tenas vin sekura, ankaŭ: vi estas protektita kontraŭ trudaĵoj en komentoj kaj kontakt-formularoj kaj nia protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj preventos fiulojn de aliro al viaj datumoj. Kaj se io misos, vi povos restarigi sekuran kopion de via retejo per unu klako."],"Got it!":[null,"Komprenite!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Bonvenon al Persona"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Via Persona Jetpack ŝargiĝas!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Pli bona tutreteja serĉado, povigita de Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Konektu vian konton por ricevi ĉion de Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"Per konektiĝo de via retejo vi konsentas al niaj fascinaj {{tosLink}}Uzkondiĉoj{{/tosLink}} kaj al {{shareDetailsLink}}kunhavigo de detaloj{{/shareDetailsLink}} kun"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Homoj de Jetpack-statistikaĵoj"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Saluton, vi! Viaj statistikaĵoj estas aktivaj."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Donu al ni etan tempon por kolekti datumojn por ke ni povu montri ĝin tie ĉi por vi."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Bone, komprenite!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Montri reklamojn sub afiŝoj sur"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Aldonaj reklamaj metoj"],"Top of each page":[null,"Supren de ĉiu paĝo"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Dua reklamo sub afiŝo"],"Archives":[null,"Arkivoj"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Ekrankopio de la kontaktformularo"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"En tiu ĉi eldono, via kontaktformularo iĝis pli plaĉa. Ni movis la grandan butonon al la ilobreto de la redaktilo, dekstre. Vere, ĝi estas pli eta, sed ĝi sidas en la loko tre bone, ĉu ne? Ho, ĉiuj viaj formularoj nun havas antaŭrigardon redakteblan ene de la redaktilo."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"Por uzi ĝin, malfermu afiŝon aŭ paĝon en la pervida redaktilo, Tie, vi trovos butonon ene de la ilobreto kun piktogramo aspektanta iomete kiel la kontaktformularo. Ĝi kutime estas pleje dekstre. Alklaku al la butono, kaj jen, kontaktformularo naskiĝis!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"Plej verŝajne, vi volos tajlori ĝin por kuraĝigi homojn kontakti vin. Por fari tion, elektu la antaŭrigardon de la kontaktformularo kaj poste, alklaku aŭ tuŝu la redaktan butonon. Ĝi aspektas kiel krajono."],"Try it out!":[null,"Provu ĝin!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Legi la plenan eldonan afiŝon"],"People around page":[null,"Homoj ĉirkaŭ la paĝo"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"Finfine, nova kontaktformularo!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,"{{subhead}}Nur per Profesia de Jetpack{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protektu vian retejon kaj laboron per Persona de Jetpack: ĉiutagaj aŭtomataj sekurkopioj, senlima tenado kaj sperta prioritata helpo. Nemalhaveblaj sekurecaj iloj por ĉiu WordPress-ejo ekde $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Aŭ elektu Profesian kun pli ol 200 Superaj etosoj, sekureco taŭga por komerco, senlima gastigado de filmoj, profitigo, aŭtomatigo de merkatado kaj iloj por serĉila optimumigo.{{/p}}"],"Explore Professional":[null,"Esplori la profesian"],"Compare All Plans":[null,"Kompari ĉiujn abonplanojn"],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,"50% enkonduka rabato portempe aplikota al la profesia plano de Jetpack."],"Person with laptop":[null,"Persono kun portebla komputilo"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,"Via Jetpack-retejo estas preta!"],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,"Nun ni statistikas, sekuras vian retejon kaj plirapidigas viajn bildojn. Post nelonge, vi vidos ĉion pri via retejo pere de Jetpack! Bonvenon."],"Stars":[null,"Steloj"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupitero"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Persona"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Nemalhaveblaj aferoj de sekureco (tagaj sekurkopioj, filtrado de trudaĵoj) kaj prioritata helpo."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Supera"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Pli bona sekureco (sekurkopioj, skanado, filtrado de trudaĵoj), aŭtomatigo de merkatado (socia horplanado, programo de reklamoj), gastigado de 13Gb-aj filmoj kaj prioritata helpo."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Profesia"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Senlimaj Superaj etosoj, sekureco taŭga por komerco (sekurkopioj, skanado, filtrado de trudaĵoj), aŭtomatigo de merkatado (socia horplanado, optimumigo por serĉiloj, programo de reklamoj), gastigado de filmoj kaj prioritata helpo."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Horplanado por sociaj retejoj"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Vi povas plani estontajn afiŝojn al Facebook, Twitter kaj aliaj sociretejoj kaj vidi historion pri kunhavigoj."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Plani afiŝojn"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Aktivigi Publici"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Trarigardi Superan kaj Profesian opciojn"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Lerni pri servoj de Jetpack uzataj de profesiuloj de WordPress. Aldone al la necesaĵoj de sekureco kiujn vi nune ĝuas, estas disponeblaj en Jetpack:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Sekureco taŭga por komerco: skanado por fiprogramoj, realtempaj sekurkopioj kaj solvoj de minacoj"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Aŭtomatigo kaj horplanado cele al sociaj retejoj"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Enspezoj de reklama programo de WordPress"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Profesia estas la ilo uzata de profesiuloj de WordPress. Aldone al la servoj jam ĝuataj de vi, ankaŭ avantaĝaj estas:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Pli ol 200 Superaj etosoj por trafoliumi"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Sekureco taŭga al komerco: realtempaj sekurkopioj kaj solvoj de minacoj"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"Optimumigo por serĉiloj kaj antaŭrigardaj iloj por soci-retejoj"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Senlima gastigado de senreklamaj filmoj"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Integriĝo kun Google Analytics"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Rigardi Jetpack Profesia"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Prezentas Senlimajn etosojn"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Senlimaj Superaj etosoj"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Elitaj mankreitaj dizajnoj kiujn vi ŝatos, kun subteno rekte de la aŭtoroj de la etosoj."],"Explore":[null,"Malkovri"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Via retejo havas sekurkopion."],"Image Performance":[null,"Bilda rendimento"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Vi povas akiri aplikaĵoj WordPress por ĉia aparato"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Vi povas administri ĉiujn viajn retejojn de unuopa panelo: publikigi enhavon, vidi statistikaĵojn, (mal)aprobi komentojn kaj pli, de ie ajn en la mondo."],"I already use this app.":[null,"Mi jam uzas tiun aplikaĵon."],"Create address":[null,"Krei adreson"],"Priority support":[null,"Prioritata helpo"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Aldono de kunhavigaj butonoj al viaj afiŝoj"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Aŭtomate puŝas viajn afiŝojn al sociaj retoj"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas agordojn..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas la retpoŝtadreson por afiŝi retpoŝte..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Via pagita abono donas al vi prioritatan subtenon de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"Vi pagas por sekurkopioj sed ili ne estas aktivaj."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"Vi pagas por sekurkopioj kaj sekureca skanado sed ili ne estas aktivaj. "],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Alklaku al \"Agordi\" por fini instalon."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Kontrolas staton de retejo..."],"Pages":[null,"Paĝoj"],"We're here to help":[null,"Ni ĉeestas por helpi"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack venas kun senpaga, baza subteno al ĉiuj uzantoj."],"Ask a question":[null,"Demandi"],"Search our support site":[null,"Priserĉi nian help-retejon"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Ricevis pli rapidan solvon al viaj demandoj."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Gastigi rapidajn, altkvalitajn, senreklamajn filmojn."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Ricevi enspezon per altkvalitaj reklamoj."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopioj de la retejo kaj aŭtomataj solvoj de minacoj."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protekto kontraŭ perdo de datumoj, fiprogramoj kaj malicaj atakoj."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Kunigas facile kun Analizilo de Google."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Helpas al la malkovro kaj kunhavigo de via enhavo per iloj por serĉiloj."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protekto de via retejo de trudaĵoj."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"Tiu ĉi retejo ne estas konektita al Bonvole petu la retejan administranton konektiĝi."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Filtrado de trudaĵoj"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Ĉiutaga, aŭtomata skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb de gastigado de rapidaj filmoj"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Ĉiutagaj, aŭtomataj sekurkopioj (senlima tenado)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Ĉiutaga, aŭtomata skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj kun aŭtomata solvado"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Senlima rapida gastigado de filmoj"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"Iloj por antaúrigardo de serĉila optimumigo"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Iloj por retejaj statistikaĵoj, rilata enhavo kaj kunhavigo"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj atakoj kaj observo de funkci-daŭro"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Senlima, rapida gastigado de bildoj"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"Je malkonekto de %(siteName)s disde, vi jam ne havos aliron al la sekvaj:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Legi pli pri la avantaĝoj de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"Flugkompanio Automattic"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Administri retejan konekton"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Konektu vian konton al por vidi pliajn statistikaĵojn"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Etosaj plibonigoj"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn uzante la defaŭltan konduton de etoso"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn en paĝon per butono"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn kiam la leganto rulumas pli suben"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Subteno de la etoso postulata."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Por lerni pli pri la aldono de subteno por Senfina rulumado al via etoso."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Uzo de eltiraĵoj anstataŭ plenaj afiŝoj sur la ĉefpaĝo kaj arkivaj paĝoj"],"Show featured images":[null,"Montro de elstarigitaj bildoj"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Devas esti ebligita por uzi kahelitaj galerioj."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Ebligi la ilobreton de"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"La ilobreto de anstataŭigas la defaŭltan administran breton kaj donas rapidajn ligilojn al la Legilo, ĉiuj viaj retejoj, via profilo ĉe kaj avizoj. Unuigu vian WordPressan sperton per unuopa ilobreto por ĉie."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Verkadaj iloj por vi aperos tie ĉi kiam administranto ebligas ilin."],"Portfolios":[null,"Tekoj"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Aldoni, organizi kaj montri {{portfolioLink}}tekojn{{/portfolioLink}}. Se via etoso ankoraŭ ne subtenas tekojn, vi povas montri ilin per la koncizkodo ( [portfolio] )"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":[null,"Notu, ke {{b}}aŭtentigo de via retejo pere de tiuj servoj ne necesas{{/b}} por ke via retejo estu indeksita de serĉiloj. Por uzi tiujn altnivelajn ilojn por serĉiloj, algluu la suban kodon HTML-etikedan. Se vi spertos problemojn, legu la {{support}}plenajn instrukciojn{{/support}}. Subtenataj aŭtentigaj servoj: {google}}Google-panelo pri serĉoj{{/google}}, {{bing}}Administrejo por retejestroj ĉe Bing{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}} Aŭtentigo de retejoj ĉe Pinterest{{/pinterest}}, kaj {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":[null,"Bing"],"Yandex":[null,"Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,"Generi XML-retejomapojn"],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,"Via retejomapo estas aŭtomate sendita al ĉiuj ĉefaj serĉiloj por indeksado."],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Via retejo nune ne estas alirebla al serĉiloj. Eble vi malebligis \"Videbleco al serciloj\" en viaj {{a}}agordoj de Legado{{/a}}."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Kolektas altvalorajn trafikajn statistikaĵojn kaj komprenojn"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"La bildo helpas kolekti statistikaĵojn, sed devus funkcii kiam kaŝita."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,"Kalkuli ensalutintajn paĝrigardojn de"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Permesi rigardon de statistikaj raportoj de"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"Vi rajtas alĝustigi tiujn agordojn se vi volas pli altnivelan regadon. Legu pli pri viaj ebloj por {{a}}optimumigo por serĉiloj{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Alĝustigi la agordojn por serĉila optimumigo"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"En \"Promociiĝo\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Alĝustigi la agordojn de via Analizilo de Google"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Montras reklamojn ĉe la unua artikolo sur via ĉefpaĝo aŭ ĉe la finoj de ĉiu paĝo kaj afiŝo. Por pliigi enspezon, metu aldonajn reklamojn supre de via retejo kaj al lokoj por kromprogrametoj."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,"Ebligi reklamojn kaj montri reklamon sub ĉiu afiŝo"],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,"Agordi viajn kunhavigajn butonojn"],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,"Konekto de viaj soci-retaj kontoj"],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,"Por uzi tiun econ, konektu vian uz-konton al"],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,"Permesas al legantoj montri aprezon de viaj afiŝoj per aldono de butono Ŝati al via enhavo"],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,"Kongruigi kontojn per retpoŝtadresoj"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Postuli kontojn uzi du-paŝan aŭtentigon de"],"Add to whitelist":[null,"Aldoni al akceptita listo"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Vi rajtas aldoni IP-adreson aŭ serion de adresoj al la listo de akceptitaj adresoj por preventi blokadon de ili de Jetpack. IPv4 kaj IPv6 estas akcepteblaj. Por specifi gamon, entajpu la malaltan kaj altan valorojn apartigitajn de streketo. Ekzemple:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Via retejo estas kopiita kaj sen-minaca."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Kontrolas vian trud-protekton..."],"Fetching key…":[null,"Prenas ŝlosilon..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Via retejo bezonas kontraŭ-trudan ŝlosilon."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"Estas problemo pri via kontraŭ-truda API-ŝlosilo. {{a}}Lerni pli{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Via retejo ne estas protektita de trudaĵoj."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Via kontraŭ-truda ŝlosilo estas valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Via retejo estas protektita de trudaĵoj."],"Checking key…":[null,"Kontrolas ŝlosilon..."],"Your API key":[null,"Via API-ŝlosilo"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"Se vi ankoraŭ ne havas API-ŝlosilo, do {{a}}tie ĉi, akiru vian API-ŝlosilon{{/a}} kaj vi ricevos gvidon tra la akiro."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"Neniu serĉrezulto por %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Entajpu serĉterminon por trovi agordojn aŭ fermu serĉilon."],"Connections":[null,"Konektoj"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista reĝimo, do ĝi ne povas esti konektita al"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Via retejo estas konektita al"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"Vi estas la posedanto de Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Konektita kiel {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"Vidi viajn retpoŝtajn sekvantojn"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Konektu vian uz-konton al por vidi viajn retpoŝtajn sekvantojn"],"Color scheme":[null,"Koloraranĝo"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Ebligi Markdown por komentoj."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Ĝisdatigis agordojn."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,""],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regeneris adreson por afiŝi retpoŝte."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum regenero de adreso por afiŝi retpoŝte. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Ĝisdatigis agordojn. Reŝargas paĝon..."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista reĝimo{{/a}} (kelkaj ecoj estas malebligitaj) ĉar: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}La filtrilo jetpack_development_mode estas aktiva{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}La konstanto JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG estas difinita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Mankas punkto en la URL de via retejo (ekz. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":[null,"La analizilo de Google estas senpaga servo por aldoni al niaj {{a}}enkonstruitaj statistikaĵoj{{/a}}, kun malsamaj informoj pri via trafiko. La statistikilo de kaj la analizilo de Google uzas malsamajn metodojn por identigi kaj spuri aktivecon ĉe via retejo, do kutime ili montras iomete malsamajn sumojn de vizitoj, rigardoj, ktp."],"Configure Google Analytics settings.":[null,"Agordo de Google-Analytics."],"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack":[null,"Bildo de ensalutilo de WordPress protektita de Jetpack"],"Google Analytics":[null,"Google-Analytics"],"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.":[null,"Vi povas spuri retejajn statistikaĵojn per Google-Analytics por pli profunda kompreno de la vizitantoj kaj klientoj de via retejo."],"Configure Google Analytics":[null,"Agordi Google-Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":[null,"Aktivigi Google-Analytics"],"Download the free apps":[null,"Elŝuto de senpagaj aplikaĵoj"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Enfokusiĝo de promocio: VideoPress por nuptoj"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":[null,"{{span}}Nun vi povas ankaŭ agordi rilatajn afiŝojn en la Tajlorilo. {{ExternalLink}}Provu!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,"Defaŭlte, reklamoj montriĝas je la supro de ĉiu paĝo, afiŝo aŭ la unua artikolo sur via hejmpaĝo. Ankaŭ, vi povas aldoni ilin al la supro de via retejo kaj al kromprogrameta loko por gajni pli!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Montras unuopan reklamon supre de via retejo."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"Per aktivigo de reklamoj, vi konsentas al la {{link}}Uzkondiĉoj{{/link}} de Automattic-reklamoj."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Via servilo estas malĝuste agordita, signifante ke Protekti de Jetpack ne bone povas protekti vian retejon."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Promociiĝu al paga servo por malŝlosi profesian sekurecon, kontraŭtrudajn ilojn, prioritatecan subtenon, optimumigon por serĉiloj kaj monprofitajn ilojn."],"Ads":[null,"Reklamoj"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Gajnu monon per permeso al Jetpack montri altkvalitajn reklamojn (povigitajn de WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Aktivigi reklamojn"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Superaj trafikaj kaj profitigaj iloj"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. Professional plan customers also benefit from SEO tools to help optimize search engine traffic.":[null,"La Supera plano de Jetpack liveras al vi la eblon ricevi enspezon de via retejo per montrado de altkvalitaj reklamoj al vizitantoj. Klientoj de la Supera plano ankaŭ profitas de optimumigaj iloj celitaj al kresko de trafiko venantaj de serĉiloj."],"We support all Jetpack users, regardless of plan. But customers on a paid subscription enjoy priority support so that security issues are identified and fixed for you as soon as possible. ":[null,"Ni subtenas ĉiajn uzantojn de Jetpack, de ĉiuj planoj. Sed klientoj de paga abono estas prioritatoj, por ke sekurecaj problemoj estu trovitaj kaj riparitaj kiel eble plej rapide."],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"En \"Portebla\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Agordu avizojn de via Observilo ĉe{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"Rigardo al via enspezo"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Aktivigi VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Nuna alŝuto de filmoj"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Certigu ke via retejo estas facile trovebla fare de serĉiloj, per optimumigaj iloj por via enhavo kaj sociaj afiŝoj."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktivigu tiun modulon por uzi la altnivelajn serĉilajn ilojn."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Kiom valoras via retejo?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Por malpli ol la kosto de kafotaso vi povus esti trankvila, sciante ke via laboro havas sekurkopion."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Agordi retejan serĉoptimumigon"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Aktivigo de serĉoptimumigaj iloj"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"Por eki, alklaku Aldoni aŭdvidaĵon en la afiŝa redaktilo kaj alŝutu filmon; ni zorgos pri ĉio cetera."],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ni prezentas niajn plej pageblajn sekurkopiojn kaj sekurecan tarifon ĝis nun"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Persona tenas sekure viajn datumojn, retejon kaj ellaboraĵojn."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Ĉiutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado kaj unuklakaj restarigoj (povigitaj de VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Ĉiutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarigoj, sekureca skanado kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Sekurkopioj k. sekureca skanado"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopiado de ĉiuj datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarigoj, aŭtomata sekureca skanado, unuklaka minaca solvo kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb de rapida, optimumigita kaj senreklama gastigo de filmoj por via retejo (povigita de VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Gastigo de fimoj"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Rapida, optimumigita, senreklama kaj senlima gastigo de filmoj por via retejo (povigita de VideoPress). "],"SEO Tools":[null,"Serĉ-optimumigo"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Altnivelaj serĉoptimumigaj iloj por helpi trovi vian retejon kiam homoj serĉas rilatan enhavon."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Senlima kaj senreklama gastigado de filmoj"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Agordo de serĉila optimumigo."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"La plej facila maniero alŝuti senreklamajn kaj senmarkajn filmojn al via retejo. Vi ricevos statistikaĵojn pri ludado de filmoj kaj la ludilo estas malpeza kaj respondema."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Vi uzas Jetpack en klontesta servilo."],"More Info":[null,"Pliaj informoj"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administri videblecon de ŝatoj, de la agordoj de la kunhaviga modulo{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Via nuna IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Estas nekonservitaj agordoj en la langeto kiuj malaperos se vi forlasos ĝin. Ĉu daŭrigi?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Tio restarigos ĉiujn opciojn de Jetpack, ĉu vi ĉertas?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Serĉi econ de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Promociu vian Jetpack, por ke nia moderna sekureca observado trovu malicajn dosierojn kaj tuj informu vin, por via ĉiama scio pri ĉio, kio okazas en via retejo."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vi povas vidi la informojn pri sekureca observado en la sekcio \"Je ekrigardo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Agordi la sekurecajn observadojn"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Tiu moduloj ne estas agordebla"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Sciigu al serĉiloj kaj vizitantoj, ke vi estas serioza pri la fidindeco de via retejo, per promocio de Jetpack. Niaj kontraŭtrudaj iloj forigos trudajn komentojn, protektos vian reputacion ĉe serĉiloj kaj plifaciligos komunikadon de vizitantoj."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Realtempaj foraj sekurkopioj kun aŭtomataj restarigoj donas al vi trankvilon, por ke vi povu koncentriĝi pri verko de bonega enhavo kaj pliigo de trafiko, dum ni protektas ĉiun parton de via investaĵo. Promociiĝu hodiaŭ."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Difini viajn agordojn %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonanto"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Nun haveblas granda ĝisdatigo de iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplikaĵo WordPress por Android ricevas renovigon"]," Likes are:":[null,"Ŝatoj de estas:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo de komentoj"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Kelkaj atentokaptaj vortoj por kuraĝigi viajn legantojn komenti."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi blogon\" en la komento-formularo"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi komentojn\" en la komento-formularo"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meti tabelon de 48 horoj da rigardoj en la administran panelon"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Kaŝi la ridmienon de statistikaĵoj"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Aprobitaj IP-adresoj"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Montri metadumojn (Exif) pri foto en karuselo, kiam haveblas"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Montri reklamon por la WordPressaj aplikaĵoj por porteblaĵoj, en la piedo de la porpoŝa etoso"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiita!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Emfazi kaj kopii la sekvan tekston al via tondejo:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Ree generi adreson"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Aŭtomate provlegi enhavon kiam:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Afiŝo aŭ paĝo estas unuafoje publikigita"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Afiŝo aŭ paĝo estas ĝisdatigita"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Aŭtomata rekono de lingvo"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"La provlegilo subtenas la anglan, francan, germanan, portugalan kaj hispanan."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Ebligi provlegadon por la sekvaj reguloj de gramatiko kaj stilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aldoni frazon"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Vi ruzemas, ĉu ne?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Ĉu vi farus la komplezon rakonti al ni la kialojn de la nekompleta konektiĝo al Jetpack, per tiu ĉi {{a}}2-demanda enketo{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack-konektiĝo estas deviga por la funkciado de niaj senpagaj sekurecaj kaj trafikaj ebloj.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bonvenon al {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Via Jetpack jam estas konektita."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi, Jetpack nun estas aktiva."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vi nune uzas programistan version de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Sendi pritakson pri beta fazo"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Kion vi volas vidi en via administra panelo de Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Lasu nin scii!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bonvole konektiĝu al aŭ kreu konton, por ekuzi Jetpack. Tio ebligos povajn sekurecan, trafikan kaj tajloran servojn."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,"Ĉu neniu konto? Vi povas senpage krei konton"],"Saving…":[null,"Konservas..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Konservi agordojn"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Piktogramo por statistikaĵoj de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu statistikaĵojn de la retejo{{/a}} por vidi detalitajn statistikaĵojn, ŝatojn, sekvantojn, abonantojn kaj pli! {{a1}}Lerni pli{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivigi statistikaĵojn de la retejo"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sekureca skanado"],"Upgrade":[null,"Ĝisdatigi"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVA"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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Nia celo estas helpi vin prepari per bloko de tiuj ĉi minacoj, kaj en la plej malbona kazo, ni ĉeestos por helpi vin restarigi vian retejon al la antaŭa bonstato."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la pakaĵon Jetpack Senpage"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista reĝimo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Post via konektiĝo, vi povos promociiĝi al paga abono, por rajtigi vin al monduma sekureco, protektiloj kontraŭ trudaĵoj kaj ĝui esti prioritato por helpo."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"La plej altnivela defendo kontraŭ trudaĵoj povigita de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Rigardi viajn statistikaĵojn pri trudaĵoj"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Agordi Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Rigardi vian sekurecan panelon"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Agordi VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Kompari planojn"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"La maksimumo en sekureco"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Realtempa sekurkopiado kun senlima spaco, unu-klakaj restarigoj, fortikigita observado kontraŭ trudaĵoj, defendo kontraŭ fiprogramoj kaj protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj - ĉio tio en unu loko kaj optimumigita por WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Fortikigita elfiltrado de trudaĵoj protektas vian markon, viajn legantojn kaj plibonigas rezultojn ĉe serĉiloj. Skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj donas trankvilon kaj sekurigon al via administra sekcio."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Vi rajtas esti prioritato por subteno"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"La retejo estas en programista reĝimo, do vi ne povas konekti ĝin al"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Ligu vian konton al por plene profiti de Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por aŭtomata, multampleksa skanado kontraŭ sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Por aŭtomata, ampleksa observado de sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}promociu vian konton{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktive blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn. Detaloj montriĝos post nelonge!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"La sumo de malicaj atakoj blokitaj de via retejo."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Protekti{{/a}} por teni vian retejon protektita de malicaj ensalut-provoj"],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Ĉiuj kromprogramoj estas ĝisdataj. Bonega laboro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack plibonigas kaj optimumigas la rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack observas vian retejon. Se ni opinias, ke via retejo paneis, vi ricevos retleteron."],"Security":[null,"Sekureco"],"Performance":[null,"Rendimento"],"Backups":[null,"Sekurkopioj"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Rigardi detalojn pri la sekurkopio{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por aŭtomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Ne haveblas en programista reĝimo."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protekto kontraŭ trudaĵoj"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontraŭ trudaĵoj, bonvole {{a}}instalu Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontraŭ trudaĵoj, bonvole {{a}}aktivigu Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":[null,"Nevalida ŝlosilo"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Nehaveblas en programista reĝimo"],"Activating recommended features…":[null,"Aktivigas rekomenditajn ecojn..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj estas aktivaj."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj malsukcesis aktiviĝi. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,"Aktivigas %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis aktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s malsukcesis aktiviĝi. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,"Malaktivigas %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis malaktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s fiaskis en malaktiviĝo. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas agordojn de %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Ĝisdatigis agordojn de %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum ĝisdatigo de agordoj de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas adreson de %(slug)s…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regeneris adreson %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum regenero de adreso %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,"Restarigas opciojn de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Opcioj estas restarigitaj."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Opcioj mise ne restariĝis."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malkonekto de Jetpack. Eraro: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Malligiĝas de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Malligita de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malligiĝo de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Je ekrigardo"],"Clichés":[null,"Kliŝaĵoj"],"Dashboard":[null,"Panelo"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Ĉu vi volas eldiri la kialon? Nur {{a}}respondo al du simplaj demandoj{{/a}} helpus nin plibonigi Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Privateca politiko de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Kondiĉoj por uzado de"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu{{/a}} por plibonigi la rendimenton kaj rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Ŝalti aŭtomatajn ĝisdatigojn de kromprogramoj{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Ĝisdatigoj de kromprogramoj"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Por aŭtomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}promociiĝu{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Aj! Via Akismet-ŝlosilo mankas aŭ estas nevalida. {{akismetSettings}}Iru al agordoj de Akismet por ripari{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Neniuj minacoj trovitaj, vi pretas flugi!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontakti helpon{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vidi detalojn ĉe{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Observilon{{/a}} por ricevi avertojn se via retejo paneos."],"Loading…":[null,"Ŝargas..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Observado de periodo de nefunkciado"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi pliajn statistikaĵojn ĉe {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi detalitajn statistikaĵojn{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Komentoj dekomence"],"All-time views":[null,"Rigardoj dekomence"],"Best overall day":[null,"La plej bona tago ĝenerale"],"Views today":[null,"Rigardoj hodiaŭ"],"Months":[null,"Monatoj"],"Weeks":[null,"Semajnoj"],"Days":[null,"Tagoj"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Io misis dum ŝargo de statistikaĵoj. Bonvole provu denove pli poste aŭ {{a}}rigardu viajn statistikaĵojn nun ĉe{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Alklaku por vidi detalitajn statistikaĵojn."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Rigardoj: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semajno de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administri sekurecon ĉe"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Ecoj povas esti (mal)aktivigitaj laŭplaĉe."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj de Jetpack estas inkluzive de:"],"Activate recommended features":[null,"Aktivigi rekomenditajn ecojn"],"Link to":[null,"Ligi al"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Malligi min de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Aliĝu al la milionoj da uzantoj dependantaj de Jetpack por plibonigi kaj sekurigi iliajn retejojn. Ni estas pasiaj pri WordPress kaj ĉeestas por plifaciligi vian vivon."],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiligas la plej modernan enhav-liveran reton de por ŝargi viajn belegajn bildojn super-rapide. Optimumigita por ĉia aparato, kaj estas senpage."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Fulmrapidaj, optimumigitaj bildoj"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Neniam maltrafu sekurecan eldonon aŭ malŝparu tempon per ĝisdatigo de pluraj retejoj."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Aŭtomataj ĝisdatigoj al la retejo."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Realtempa observado de retejo."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Trankviliĝu per Protekti, la ilo respondeca por la blokado de miliardoj da ensalut-atakoj trans milionoj da retejoj."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bloki atakojn kontraŭ la retejo."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn, lasas vin scii se via retejo paneos kaj povas aŭtomate ĝisdatigi viajn kromprogramojn, por ke vi ne maltrankviliĝu."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Reteja sekureco kaj trankvileco"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,"Jetpack jungas la povon de por montri al vi detalitajn informojn pri viaj vizitantojn, kion ili legas kaj de kie ili venas."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Tenu la atenton de vizitantoj per plia enhavo por kunhavigi kaj legi, fare de Rilataj afiŝoj."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Pliigu paĝrigardojn."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Donu al vizitantoj la ilojn por kunhavigi kaj aboni vian enhavon."],"Build a community.":[null,"Konstruu komunumon."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Butonoj de kunhavigado kaj ŝatoj"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Aŭtomata socia merkatado."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack havas multaj ilojn pri trafiko kaj intereso por helpi vin akiri pliajn vizitantojn al via retejo kaj por teni la intereson."],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Malŝtreĉiĝu. Observilo sendos al vi avertojn realtempe se via retejo iam paneos."],"Track your growth":[null,"Sekvi vian kreskon"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Uzu Publici por aŭtomate kunhavigi viajn afiŝojn kun amikoj, sekvantoj kaj ĉirkaŭ la mondo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Allogi pliajn okulojn al via retejo"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null," Eraro dum konektiĝo kun Jetpack. Bonvole alklaku al \"Konektiĝi kun\" denove."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Eraro dum konektiĝo kun Jetpack; malaktivigu poste reaktivigu la kromprogramon Jetpack, post tio ree konektiĝu."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vi bezonas resti ensalutinta al via WordPressa blogo dum vi rajtigas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias{{/s}} Ni pardonpetas pro la problemo. Bonvole provu denove pli poste, se la problemo daŭros bonvole kontaktu helpon uzante tiun ĉi mesaĝon: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekto de Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Posts":[null,"Afiŝoj"],"Front page":[null,"Ĉefpaĝo"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Montri rilatan enhavon post afiŝoj"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Uzu grandan kaj okulfrapan aranĝon"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Montri kapon \"Rilataj\" por pli klare apartigi la rilatan sekcion de afiŝoj"],"Related":[null,"Rilataj"],"Email Address":[null,"Retpoŝta adreso"],"Media":[null,"Aŭdvidaĵoj"],"Themes":[null,"Etosoj"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistikaĵoj de la retejo"],"Sharing":[null,"Kunhavigado"],"Testimonials":[null,"Atestoj"],"Comments":[null,"Komentoj"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignoritaj frazoj"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Uzi aŭtomate trovitan lingvon por provlegi afiŝojn kaj paĝojn"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Ripetaj frazoj"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Evitindaj frazoj"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivo"],"Jargon":[null,"Ĵargono"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Kaŝitaj verboj"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Duobla neado"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritaĵoj"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksaj frazoj"],"Bias Language":[null,"Antaŭjuĝa lingvaĵo"],"English Options":[null,"Anglaj opcioj"],"Proofreading":[null,"Provlegado"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Konekti Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne povis kontakti %(error_key)s. Tio kutime signifas, ke io estas malĝuste agordita ĉe via interreta gastiganto."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," nun spertas problemojn kaj ne povas fueli vian Jetpack. Bonvole provu denove poste."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias.{{/s}} Konekto de tiu ĉi retejo kun ne eblas. Tio kutime signifas, ke via retejo ne estas publike alirebla (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Via retejo bezonas esti publike alirebla por uzi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vi sukcese malkonektis Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Konektiĝi al"],"Activate":[null,"Aktivigi"],"Active":[null,"Aktivaj"],"Settings":[null,"Agordoj"],"Learn More":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Elprovi la kongruecon de via retejo kun Jetpack."]}
+ {"":{"po-revision-date":"2017-10-12 17:54:28+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha","language":"eo","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[null,"Konfirmu ĉiun novan aldonitan frazon per premo de la enigklavo."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vidi detalojn{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Professional plan. Jetpack is now backing up your content, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Profesia plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopiojn de via enhavo, skanas kontraŭ minacoj kaj donas aliron al superaj etosoj."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 100 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"Per Profesia Jetpack, vi povas krei la perfektan retejon per elekto de unu el pli ol 300 profesie dizajnitaj etosoj por WordPress, inkluzive pli ol 100 superajn etosojn. Vi povas tajlori vian enhavon per diversaj kromprogrametoj aŭ aldoni senlimajn filmojn al viaj afiŝoj kaj paĝoj -- montrataj senreklame kaj sen akvomarko (filigrano)."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,"Kreskigo de via sekvantaro estas simpla en via Profesia plano, danke al kunhavigo kaj planado de enhavo, iloj por serĉiloj kaj abonaj opcioj. Via retejo povas enspezi monon per simpla pag-butono kaj entekstaj reklamoj kaj vi povas rigardi la sukceson de viaj penoj per integriĝo kun Google-Analizilo."],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,"Profesia Jetpack donas al vi ĉion bezonatan por protekti vian laboron, inkluzive de laŭpetaj sekurkopioj kaj skanoj kontraŭ fiprogramoj, kun unu-klakaj restarigoj kaj solvo de problemoj. Via retejo estos plene protektita kontraŭ trudaĵoj, malica kodo kaj penoj brutforte ensaluti."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Ekesploru Profesian Jetpack nun por vidi ĉiujn avantaĝojn de via nova abonplano."],"Install premium themes":[null,"Instali superajn etosojn"],"Review SEO features":[null,"Rigardi optimumigajn ilojn por serĉiloj"],"Welcome Professional":[null,"Bonvenon al Profesia"],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,"Via Profesia Jetpack atente laboras!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Supera plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopiojn de via retejo, skanas kontraŭ minacoj kaj ebligas profitajn ecojn."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,"Per Supera Jetpack, vi povas krei la perfektan retejon, por ĉia retejo. Vi povas tajlori vian retejon per unu el pli ol 200 senpagaj etosoj aŭ plibonigi vian enhavon per tre distingivaj filmoj ĝis 13GB -- ĉiuj gastigitaj sen reklamoj aŭ akvomarkoj."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,"Per la povaj havigaj iloj de Jetpack vi povas aŭtomate kunhavigi viajn lastajn afiŝojn al sociaj retejoj, aŭ plani ke via enhavo estu dissendita en elektitaj dato kaj horo. Aldone al kreskigo de via sekvantaro, vi povas kreskigi vian firmaon per iloj kiel pag-butonoj kaj reklamoj."],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,"Ankaŭ, protekto de via pena laboro gravas. Supera Jetpack donas al vi protekton kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj, aŭtomatan filtradon de trudaĵoj kaj skanadon kontraŭ fiprogramoj. Ankaŭ, vi ricevas tagajn sekurkopiojn kun glataj restarigoj okaze se vi bezonos ilin."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,"Ekesploru Superan Jetpack por vidi la avantaĝojn de via nova abonplano."],"Enable premium video player":[null,"Ebligi superan film-ludilon"],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,"Profitigu vian retejon per reklamoj"],"Welcome Premium":[null,"Bonvenon al Supera"],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Via Supera Jetpack ŝargiĝas!"],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,"Dankon pro la elekto de Persona plano de Jetpack. Jetpack nun kreas sekurkopion de via retejo kaj skanas la retejon kontraŭ minacoj al sekureco."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,"Pere de Persona Jetpack, vi havas aliron al pli ol 100 senpagaj, profesie dizajnitaj etosoj por WordPress. Elektu la etoson plej taŭgan por via retejo kaj tajloru kolorojn, bildojn aŭ aldonu diversajn novajn kromprogrametojn."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,"Per uzo de la povoplena eco Publici kaj kunhavigaj iloj, vi trovos novajn rimedojn por kreskigi vian sekvantaron kaj pliigi trafikon. Vi povas aŭtomate kunhavigi viajn lastajn afiŝojn al sociaj retejoj aŭ permesi al sekvantoj aboni retpoŝte al via lasta enhavo."],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,"Jetpack tenas vin sekura, ankaŭ: vi estas protektita kontraŭ trudaĵoj en komentoj kaj kontakt-formularoj kaj nia protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj preventos fiulojn de aliro al viaj datumoj. Kaj se io misos, vi povos restarigi sekuran kopion de via retejo per unu klako."],"Got it!":[null,"Komprenite!"],"Welcome personal":[null,"Bonvenon al Persona"],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,"Via Persona Jetpack ŝargiĝas!"],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,"Pli bona tutreteja serĉado, povigita de Elasticsearch (Beta)"],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,"Konektu vian konton por ricevi ĉion de Jetpack"],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,"Per konektiĝo de via retejo vi konsentas al niaj fascinaj {{tosLink}}Uzkondiĉoj{{/tosLink}} kaj al {{shareDetailsLink}}kunhavigo de detaloj{{/shareDetailsLink}} kun"],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,"Homoj de Jetpack-statistikaĵoj"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,"Saluton, vi! Viaj statistikaĵoj estas aktivaj."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,"Donu al ni etan tempon por kolekti datumojn por ke ni povu montri ĝin tie ĉi por vi."],"Okay, got it!":[null,"Bone, komprenite!"],"Display ads below posts on":[null,"Montri reklamojn sub afiŝoj sur"],"Additional ad placements":[null,"Aldonaj reklamaj metoj"],"Top of each page":[null,"Supren de ĉiu paĝo"],"Second ad below post":[null,"Dua reklamo sub afiŝo"],"Archives":[null,"Arkivoj"],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,"Ekrankopio de la kontaktformularo"],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,"En tiu ĉi eldono, via kontaktformularo iĝis pli plaĉa. Ni movis la grandan butonon al la ilobreto de la redaktilo, dekstre. Vere, ĝi estas pli eta, sed ĝi sidas en la loko tre bone, ĉu ne? Ho, ĉiuj viaj formularoj nun havas antaŭrigardon redakteblan ene de la redaktilo."],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,"Por uzi ĝin, malfermu afiŝon aŭ paĝon en la pervida redaktilo, Tie, vi trovos butonon ene de la ilobreto kun piktogramo aspektanta iomete kiel la kontaktformularo. Ĝi kutime estas pleje dekstre. Alklaku al la butono, kaj jen, kontaktformularo naskiĝis!"],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,"Plej verŝajne, vi volos tajlori ĝin por kuraĝigi homojn kontakti vin. Por fari tion, elektu la antaŭrigardon de la kontaktformularo kaj poste, alklaku aŭ tuŝu la redaktan butonon. Ĝi aspektas kiel krajono."],"Try it out!":[null,"Provu ĝin!"],"Read the full release post":[null,"Legi la plenan eldonan afiŝon"],"People around page":[null,"Homoj ĉirkaŭ la paĝo"],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,"Finfine, nova kontaktformularo!"],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. Security essentials for every WordPress site starting from $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Or go Pro with more than 200 Premium Themes, business class security, unlimited video hosting, monetization, marketing automation, and SEO tools.{{/p}}":[null,"{{subhead}}Nur per Profesia de Jetpack{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protektu vian retejon kaj laboron per Persona de Jetpack: ĉiutagaj aŭtomataj sekurkopioj, senlima tenado kaj sperta prioritata helpo. Nemalhaveblaj sekurecaj iloj por ĉiu WordPress-ejo ekde $3.50.{{/p}}{{p}}Aŭ elektu Profesian kun pli ol 200 Superaj etosoj, sekureco taŭga por komerco, senlima gastigado de filmoj, profitigo, aŭtomatigo de merkatado kaj iloj por serĉila optimumigo.{{/p}}"],"Explore Professional":[null,"Esplori la profesian"],"Compare All Plans":[null,"Kompari ĉiujn abonplanojn"],"Limited time 50% introductory discount on Jetpack Professional.":[null,"50% enkonduka rabato portempe aplikota al la profesia plano de Jetpack."],"Person with laptop":[null,"Persono kun portebla komputilo"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[null,"Via Jetpack-retejo estas preta!"],"We're now collecting stats, securing your site, and speeding up your images. Pretty soon you'll be able to see everything going on with your site right through Jetpack! Welcome aboard.":[null,"Nun ni statistikas, sekuras vian retejon kaj plirapidigas viajn bildojn. Post nelonge, vi vidos ĉion pri via retejo pere de Jetpack! Bonvenon."],"Stars":[null,"Steloj"],"Jupiter":[null,"Jupitero"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Persona"],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,"Nemalhaveblaj aferoj de sekureco (tagaj sekurkopioj, filtrado de trudaĵoj) kaj prioritata helpo."],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Supera"],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Pli bona sekureco (sekurkopioj, skanado, filtrado de trudaĵoj), aŭtomatigo de merkatado (socia horplanado, programo de reklamoj), gastigado de 13Gb-aj filmoj kaj prioritata helpo."],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack Profesia"],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,"Senlimaj Superaj etosoj, sekureco taŭga por komerco (sekurkopioj, skanado, filtrado de trudaĵoj), aŭtomatigo de merkatado (socia horplanado, optimumigo por serĉiloj, programo de reklamoj), gastigado de filmoj kaj prioritata helpo."],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,"Horplanado por sociaj retejoj"],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,"Vi povas plani estontajn afiŝojn al Facebook, Twitter kaj aliaj sociretejoj kaj vidi historion pri kunhavigoj."],"Schedule Posts":[null,"Plani afiŝojn"],"Activate Publicize":[null,"Aktivigi Publici"],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,"Trarigardi Superan kaj Profesian opciojn"],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. On top of the security essentials you currently enjoy, Jetpack offers you:":[null,"Lerni pri servoj de Jetpack uzataj de profesiuloj de WordPress. Aldone al la necesaĵoj de sekureco kiujn vi nune ĝuas, estas disponeblaj en Jetpack:"],"Business class security: malware scanning, real-time backups, and threat resolution":[null,"Sekureco taŭga por komerco: skanado por fiprogramoj, realtempaj sekurkopioj kaj solvoj de minacoj"],"Social media automation and scheduling":[null,"Aŭtomatigo kaj horplanado cele al sociaj retejoj"],"Income generation from a WordPress ad program":[null,"Enspezoj de reklama programo de WordPress"],"Jetpack Professional is the tool used by WordPress professionals. On top of the services you already enjoy, you also benefit from:":[null,"Jetpack Profesia estas la ilo uzata de profesiuloj de WordPress. Aldone al la servoj jam ĝuataj de vi, ankaŭ avantaĝaj estas:"],"Over 200 Premium themes to explore":[null,"Pli ol 200 Superaj etosoj por trafoliumi"],"Business class security: real-time backups and threat resolution":[null,"Sekureco taŭga al komerco: realtempaj sekurkopioj kaj solvoj de minacoj"],"SEO and social media previewing tools":[null,"Optimumigo por serĉiloj kaj antaŭrigardaj iloj por soci-retejoj"],"Unlimited ad-free video hosting":[null,"Senlima gastigado de senreklamaj filmoj"],"Google Analytics integration":[null,"Integriĝo kun Google Analytics"],"Explore Jetpack Professional":[null,"Rigardi Jetpack Profesia"],"Introducing Unlimited Themes":[null,"Prezentas Senlimajn etosojn"],"Unlimited Premium Themes":[null,"Senlimaj Superaj etosoj"],"Exclusive hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes' authors.":[null,"Elitaj mankreitaj dizajnoj kiujn vi ŝatos, kun subteno rekte de la aŭtoroj de la etosoj."],"Explore":[null,"Malkovri"],"Your site is backed up.":[null,"Via retejo havas sekurkopion."],"Image Performance":[null,"Bilda rendimento"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":[null,"Vi povas akiri aplikaĵoj WordPress por ĉia aparato"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Vi povas administri ĉiujn viajn retejojn de unuopa panelo: publikigi enhavon, vidi statistikaĵojn, (mal)aprobi komentojn kaj pli, de ie ajn en la mondo."],"I already use this app.":[null,"Mi jam uzas tiun aplikaĵon."],"Create address":[null,"Krei adreson"],"Priority support":[null,"Prioritata helpo"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":[null,"Aldono de kunhavigaj butonoj al viaj afiŝoj"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":[null,"Aŭtomate puŝas viajn afiŝojn al sociaj retoj"],"Updating settings…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas agordojn..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":[null,"Ĝisdatigas la retpoŝtadreson por afiŝi retpoŝte..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":[null,"Via pagita abono donas al vi prioritatan subtenon de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":[null,"Vi pagas por sekurkopioj sed ili ne estas aktivaj."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":[null,"Vi pagas por sekurkopioj kaj sekureca skanado sed ili ne estas aktivaj. "],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":[null,"Alklaku al \"Agordi\" por fini instalon."],"Checking site status…":[null,"Kontrolas staton de retejo..."],"Pages":[null,"Paĝoj"],"We're here to help":[null,"Ni ĉeestas por helpi"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":[null,"Jetpack venas kun senpaga, baza subteno al ĉiuj uzantoj."],"Ask a question":[null,"Demandi"],"Search our support site":[null,"Priserĉi nian help-retejon"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":[null,"Ricevis pli rapidan solvon al viaj demandoj."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":[null,"Gastigi rapidajn, altkvalitajn, senreklamajn filmojn."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":[null,"Ricevi enspezon per altkvalitaj reklamoj."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopioj de la retejo kaj aŭtomataj solvoj de minacoj."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":[null,"Protekto kontraŭ perdo de datumoj, fiprogramoj kaj malicaj atakoj."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":[null,"Kunigas facile kun Analizilo de Google."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":[null,"Helpas al la malkovro kaj kunhavigo de via enhavo per iloj por serĉiloj."],"Protect your site from spam.":[null,"Protekto de via retejo de trudaĵoj."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":[null,"Tiu ĉi retejo ne estas konektita al Bonvole petu la retejan administranton konektiĝi."],"Spam filtering":[null,"Filtrado de trudaĵoj"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":[null,"Ĉiutaga, aŭtomata skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj"],"13Gb of high-speed video hosting":[null,"13Gb de gastigado de rapidaj filmoj"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[null,"Ĉiutagaj, aŭtomataj sekurkopioj (senlima tenado)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":[null,"Ĉiutaga, aŭtomata skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj kun aŭtomata solvado"],"Unlimited high-speed video hosting":[null,"Senlima rapida gastigado de filmoj"],"SEO preview tools":[null,"Iloj por antaúrigardo de serĉila optimumigo"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":[null,"Iloj por retejaj statistikaĵoj, rilata enhavo kaj kunhavigo"],"Brute force attack protection and uptime monitoring":[null,"Protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj atakoj kaj observo de funkci-daŭro"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":[null,"Senlima, rapida gastigado de bildoj"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":[null,"Je malkonekto de %(siteName)s disde, vi jam ne havos aliron al la sekvaj:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":[null,"Legi pli pri la avantaĝoj de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":[null,"Flugkompanio Automattic"],"Manage site connection":[null,"Administri retejan konekton"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":[null,"Konektu vian konton al por vidi pliajn statistikaĵojn"],"Theme enhancements":[null,"Etosaj plibonigoj"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn uzante la defaŭltan konduton de etoso"],"Load more posts in page with a button":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn en paĝon per butono"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":[null,"Ŝargas pliajn afiŝojn kiam la leganto rulumas pli suben"],"Theme support required.":[null,"Subteno de la etoso postulata."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":[null,"Por lerni pli pri la aldono de subteno por Senfina rulumado al via etoso."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":[null,"Uzo de eltiraĵoj anstataŭ plenaj afiŝoj sur la ĉefpaĝo kaj arkivaj paĝoj"],"Show featured images":[null,"Montro de elstarigitaj bildoj"],"Must be enabled to use tiled galleries.":[null,"Devas esti ebligita por uzi kahelitaj galerioj."],"Enable the toolbar":[null,"Ebligi la ilobreton de"],"The toolbar replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. Centralize your WordPress experience with a single global toolbar.":[null,"La ilobreto de anstataŭigas la defaŭltan administran breton kaj donas rapidajn ligilojn al la Legilo, ĉiuj viaj retejoj, via profilo ĉe kaj avizoj. Unuigu vian WordPressan sperton per unuopa ilobreto por ĉie."],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":[null,"Verkadaj iloj por vi aperos tie ĉi kiam administranto ebligas ilin."],"Portfolios":[null,"Tekoj"],"Add, organize, and display {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}}. If your theme doesn’t support portfolios yet, you can display them using the shortcode ( [portfolio] ).":[null,"Aldoni, organizi kaj montri {{portfolioLink}}tekojn{{/portfolioLink}}. Se via etoso ankoraŭ ne subtenas tekojn, vi povas montri ilin per la koncizkodo ( [portfolio] )"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":[null,"Notu, ke {{b}}aŭtentigo de via retejo pere de tiuj servoj ne necesas{{/b}} por ke via retejo estu indeksita de serĉiloj. Por uzi tiujn altnivelajn ilojn por serĉiloj, algluu la suban kodon HTML-etikedan. Se vi spertos problemojn, legu la {{support}}plenajn instrukciojn{{/support}}. Subtenataj aŭtentigaj servoj: {google}}Google-panelo pri serĉoj{{/google}}, {{bing}}Administrejo por retejestroj ĉe Bing{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}} Aŭtentigo de retejoj ĉe Pinterest{{/pinterest}}, kaj {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":[null,"Bing"],"Yandex":[null,"Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":[null,"Generi XML-retejomapojn"],"Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing.":[null,"Via retejomapo estas aŭtomate sendita al ĉiuj ĉefaj serĉiloj por indeksado."],"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You might have \"Search Engine Visibility\" disabled in your {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Via retejo nune ne estas alirebla al serĉiloj. Eble vi malebligis \"Videbleco al serciloj\" en viaj {{a}}agordoj de Legado{{/a}}."],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":[null,"Kolektas altvalorajn trafikajn statistikaĵojn kaj komprenojn"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":[null,"La bildo helpas kolekti statistikaĵojn, sed devus funkcii kiam kaŝita."],"Count logged in page views from":[null,"Kalkuli ensalutintajn paĝrigardojn de"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":[null,"Permesi rigardon de statistikaj raportoj de"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":[null,"Vi rajtas alĝustigi tiujn agordojn se vi volas pli altnivelan regadon. Legu pli pri viaj ebloj por {{a}}optimumigo por serĉiloj{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":[null,"Alĝustigi la agordojn por serĉila optimumigo"],"In \"Upgrade\"":[null,"En \"Promociiĝo\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":[null,"Alĝustigi la agordojn de via Analizilo de Google"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":[null,"Montras reklamojn ĉe la unua artikolo sur via ĉefpaĝo aŭ ĉe la finoj de ĉiu paĝo kaj afiŝo. Por pliigi enspezon, metu aldonajn reklamojn supre de via retejo kaj al lokoj por kromprogrametoj."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":[null,"Ebligi reklamojn kaj montri reklamon sub ĉiu afiŝo"],"Configure your sharing buttons":[null,"Agordi viajn kunhavigajn butonojn"],"Connect your social media accounts":[null,"Konekto de viaj soci-retaj kontoj"],"Connect your user account to to use this feature":[null,"Por uzi tiun econ, konektu vian uz-konton al"],"Allow readers to show their appreciation of your posts by adding a like button to your content":[null,"Permesas al legantoj montri aprezon de viaj afiŝoj per aldono de butono Ŝati al via enhavo"],"Match accounts using email addresses":[null,"Kongruigi kontojn per retpoŝtadresoj"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Postuli kontojn uzi du-paŝan aŭtentigon de"],"Add to whitelist":[null,"Aldoni al akceptita listo"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Vi rajtas aldoni IP-adreson aŭ serion de adresoj al la listo de akceptitaj adresoj por preventi blokadon de ili de Jetpack. IPv4 kaj IPv6 estas akcepteblaj. Por specifi gamon, entajpu la malaltan kaj altan valorojn apartigitajn de streketo. Ekzemple:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":[null,"Via retejo estas kopiita kaj sen-minaca."],"Checking your spam protection…":[null,"Kontrolas vian trud-protekton..."],"Fetching key…":[null,"Prenas ŝlosilon..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":[null,"Via retejo bezonas kontraŭ-trudan ŝlosilon."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[null,"Estas problemo pri via kontraŭ-truda API-ŝlosilo. {{a}}Lerni pli{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":[null,"Via retejo ne estas protektita de trudaĵoj."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":[null,"Via kontraŭ-truda ŝlosilo estas valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":[null,"Via retejo estas protektita de trudaĵoj."],"Checking key…":[null,"Kontrolas ŝlosilon..."],"Your API key":[null,"Via API-ŝlosilo"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":[null,"Se vi ankoraŭ ne havas API-ŝlosilo, do {{a}}tie ĉi, akiru vian API-ŝlosilon{{/a}} kaj vi ricevos gvidon tra la akiro."],"No search results found for %(term)s":[null,"Neniu serĉrezulto por %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":[null,"Entajpu serĉterminon por trovi agordojn aŭ fermu serĉilon."],"Connections":[null,"Konektoj"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista reĝimo, do ĝi ne povas esti konektita al"],"Your site is connected to":[null,"Via retejo estas konektita al"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":[null,"Vi estas la posedanto de Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":[null,"Konektita kiel {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":[null,"Vidi viajn retpoŝtajn sekvantojn"],"Connect your user account to to view your email followers":[null,"Konektu vian uz-konton al por vidi viajn retpoŝtajn sekvantojn"],"Color scheme":[null,"Koloraranĝo"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":[null,"Ebligi Markdown por komentoj."],"Updated settings.":[null,"Ĝisdatigis agordojn."],"Error updating settings. (%(error)s)":[null,"Eraro dum ĝisdatigo de agordoj. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":[null,"Regeneris adreson por afiŝi retpoŝte."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum regenero de adreso por afiŝi retpoŝte. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":[null,"Ĝisdatigis agordojn. Reŝargas paĝon..."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista reĝimo{{/a}} (kelkaj ecoj estas malebligitaj) ĉar: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}La filtrilo jetpack_development_mode estas aktiva{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}La konstanto JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG estas difinita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":[null,"{{li}}Mankas punkto en la URL de via retejo (ekz. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":[null,"La analizilo de Google estas senpaga servo por aldoni al niaj {{a}}enkonstruitaj statistikaĵoj{{/a}}, kun malsamaj informoj pri via trafiko. La statistikilo de kaj la analizilo de Google uzas malsamajn metodojn por identigi kaj spuri aktivecon ĉe via retejo, do kutime ili montras iomete malsamajn sumojn de vizitoj, rigardoj, ktp."],"Configure Google Analytics settings.":[null,"Agordo de Google-Analytics."],"Image of WordPress login screen protected by Jetpack":[null,"Bildo de ensalutilo de WordPress protektita de Jetpack"],"Google Analytics":[null,"Google-Analytics"],"Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.":[null,"Vi povas spuri retejajn statistikaĵojn per Google-Analytics por pli profunda kompreno de la vizitantoj kaj klientoj de via retejo."],"Configure Google Analytics":[null,"Agordi Google-Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":[null,"Aktivigi Google-Analytics"],"Download the free apps":[null,"Elŝuto de senpagaj aplikaĵoj"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Enfokusiĝo de promocio: VideoPress por nuptoj"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":[null,"{{span}}Nun vi povas ankaŭ agordi rilatajn afiŝojn en la Tajlorilo. {{ExternalLink}}Provu!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":[null,"Defaŭlte, reklamoj montriĝas je la supro de ĉiu paĝo, afiŝo aŭ la unua artikolo sur via hejmpaĝo. Ankaŭ, vi povas aldoni ilin al la supro de via retejo kaj al kromprogrameta loko por gajni pli!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":[null,"Montras unuopan reklamon supre de via retejo."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":[null,"Per aktivigo de reklamoj, vi konsentas al la {{link}}Uzkondiĉoj{{/link}} de Automattic-reklamoj."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":[null,"Via servilo estas malĝuste agordita, signifante ke Protekti de Jetpack ne bone povas protekti vian retejon."],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, priority support, SEO and monetization tools.":[null,"Promociiĝu al paga servo por malŝlosi profesian sekurecon, kontraŭtrudajn ilojn, prioritatecan subtenon, optimumigon por serĉiloj kaj monprofitajn ilojn."],"Ads":[null,"Reklamoj"],"Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads (powered by WordAds).":[null,"Gajnu monon per permeso al Jetpack montri altkvalitajn reklamojn (povigitajn de WordAds)."],"Activate Ads":[null,"Aktivigi reklamojn"],"Premium traffic and monetization tools":[null,"Superaj trafikaj kaj profitigaj iloj"],"The Jetpack Premium plan now offers you the ability to generate income from your site by showing high-quality paid ads to your visitors. Professional plan customers also benefit from SEO tools to help optimize search engine traffic.":[null,"La Supera plano de Jetpack liveras al vi la eblon ricevi enspezon de via retejo per montrado de altkvalitaj reklamoj al vizitantoj. Klientoj de la Supera plano ankaŭ profitas de optimumigaj iloj celitaj al kresko de trafiko venantaj de serĉiloj."],"We support all Jetpack users, regardless of plan. But customers on a paid subscription enjoy priority support so that security issues are identified and fixed for you as soon as possible. ":[null,"Ni subtenas ĉiajn uzantojn de Jetpack, de ĉiuj planoj. Sed klientoj de paga abono estas prioritatoj, por ke sekurecaj problemoj estu trovitaj kaj riparitaj kiel eble plej rapide."],"In \"Mobile\"":[null,"En \"Portebla\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Agordu avizojn de via Observilo ĉe{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":[null,"Rigardo al via enspezo"],"Activate VideoPress":[null,"Aktivigi VideoPress"],"Upload Videos Now":[null,"Nuna alŝuto de filmoj"],"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Certigu ke via retejo estas facile trovebla fare de serĉiloj, per optimumigaj iloj por via enhavo kaj sociaj afiŝoj."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktivigu tiun modulon por uzi la altnivelajn serĉilajn ilojn."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Kiom valoras via retejo?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Por malpli ol la kosto de kafotaso vi povus esti trankvila, sciante ke via laboro havas sekurkopion."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Agordi retejan serĉoptimumigon"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Aktivigo de serĉoptimumigaj iloj"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":[null,"Por eki, alklaku Aldoni aŭdvidaĵon en la afiŝa redaktilo kaj alŝutu filmon; ni zorgos pri ĉio cetera."],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ni prezentas niajn plej pageblajn sekurkopiojn kaj sekurecan tarifon ĝis nun"],"Jetpack Personal keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Jetpack Persona tenas sekure viajn datumojn, retejon kaj ellaboraĵojn."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Ĉiutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado kaj unuklakaj restarigoj (povigitaj de VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Ĉiutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarigoj, sekureca skanado kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Sekurkopioj k. sekureca skanado"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopiado de ĉiuj datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarigoj, aŭtomata sekureca skanado, unuklaka minaca solvo kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"13Gb of fast, optimized, and ad-free video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"13Gb de rapida, optimumigita kaj senreklama gastigo de filmoj por via retejo (povigita de VideoPress)."],"Video Hosting":[null,"Gastigo de fimoj"],"Fast, optimized, ad-free, and unlimited video hosting for your site (powered by VideoPress).":[null,"Rapida, optimumigita, senreklama kaj senlima gastigo de filmoj por via retejo (povigita de VideoPress). "],"SEO Tools":[null,"Serĉ-optimumigo"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Altnivelaj serĉoptimumigaj iloj por helpi trovi vian retejon kiam homoj serĉas rilatan enhavon."],"Unlimited and ad-free video hosting":[null,"Senlima kaj senreklama gastigado de filmoj"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Agordo de serĉila optimumigo."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"La plej facila maniero alŝuti senreklamajn kaj senmarkajn filmojn al via retejo. Vi ricevos statistikaĵojn pri ludado de filmoj kaj la ludilo estas malpeza kaj respondema."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Vi uzas Jetpack en klontesta servilo."],"More Info":[null,"Pliaj informoj"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administri videblecon de ŝatoj, de la agordoj de la kunhaviga modulo{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Via nuna IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Estas nekonservitaj agordoj en la langeto kiuj malaperos se vi forlasos ĝin. Ĉu daŭrigi?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Tio restarigos ĉiujn opciojn de Jetpack, ĉu vi ĉertas?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Serĉi econ de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Promociu vian Jetpack, por ke nia moderna sekureca observado trovu malicajn dosierojn kaj tuj informu vin, por via ĉiama scio pri ĉio, kio okazas en via retejo."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vi povas vidi la informojn pri sekureca observado en la sekcio \"Je ekrigardo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Agordi la sekurecajn observadojn"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Tiu moduloj ne estas agordebla"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Sciigu al serĉiloj kaj vizitantoj, ke vi estas serioza pri la fidindeco de via retejo, per promocio de Jetpack. Niaj kontraŭtrudaj iloj forigos trudajn komentojn, protektos vian reputacion ĉe serĉiloj kaj plifaciligos komunikadon de vizitantoj."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Realtempaj foraj sekurkopioj kun aŭtomataj restarigoj donas al vi trankvilon, por ke vi povu koncentriĝi pri verko de bonega enhavo kaj pliigo de trafiko, dum ni protektas ĉiun parton de via investaĵo. Promociiĝu hodiaŭ."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Difini viajn agordojn %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonanto"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Nun haveblas granda ĝisdatigo de iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplikaĵo WordPress por Android ricevas renovigon"]," Likes are:":[null,"Ŝatoj de estas:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo de komentoj"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Kelkaj atentokaptaj vortoj por kuraĝigi viajn legantojn komenti."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi blogon\" en la komento-formularo"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi komentojn\" en la komento-formularo"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meti tabelon de 48 horoj da rigardoj en la administran panelon"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[null,"Kaŝi la ridmienon de statistikaĵoj"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":[null,"Aprobitaj IP-adresoj"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Montri metadumojn (Exif) pri foto en karuselo, kiam haveblas"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Montri reklamon por la WordPressaj aplikaĵoj por porteblaĵoj, en la piedo de la porpoŝa etoso"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiita!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Emfazi kaj kopii la sekvan tekston al via tondejo:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Ree generi adreson"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Aŭtomate provlegi enhavon kiam:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Afiŝo aŭ paĝo estas unuafoje publikigita"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Afiŝo aŭ paĝo estas ĝisdatigita"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Aŭtomata rekono de lingvo"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"La provlegilo subtenas la anglan, francan, germanan, portugalan kaj hispanan."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Ebligi provlegadon por la sekvaj reguloj de gramatiko kaj stilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aldoni frazon"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Vi ruzemas, ĉu ne?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Ĉu vi farus la komplezon rakonti al ni la kialojn de la nekompleta konektiĝo al Jetpack, per tiu ĉi {{a}}2-demanda enketo{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack-konektiĝo estas deviga por la funkciado de niaj senpagaj sekurecaj kaj trafikaj ebloj.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bonvenon al {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Via Jetpack jam estas konektita."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi, Jetpack nun estas aktiva."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vi nune uzas programistan version de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Sendi pritakson pri beta fazo"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Kion vi volas vidi en via administra panelo de Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Lasu nin scii!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bonvole konektiĝu al aŭ kreu konton, por ekuzi Jetpack. Tio ebligos povajn sekurecan, trafikan kaj tajloran servojn."],"No account? Create one for free":[null,"Ĉu neniu konto? Vi povas senpage krei konton"],"Saving…":[null,"Konservas..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Konservi agordojn"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Piktogramo por statistikaĵoj de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu statistikaĵojn de la retejo{{/a}} por vidi detalitajn statistikaĵojn, ŝatojn, sekvantojn, abonantojn kaj pli! {{a1}}Lerni pli{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivigi statistikaĵojn de la retejo"],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sekureca skanado"],"Upgrade":[null,"Ĝisdatigi"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVA"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Kodrompistoj, robot-retoj kaj trudistoj atakas retejojn hazarde. Ilia celo estas ataki ĉie, ofte. Nia celo estas helpi vin prepari per bloko de tiuj ĉi minacoj, kaj en la plej malbona kazo, ni ĉeestos por helpi vin restarigi vian retejon al la antaŭa bonstato."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la pakaĵon Jetpack Senpage"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista reĝimo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Post via konektiĝo, vi povos promociiĝi al paga abono, por rajtigi vin al monduma sekureco, protektiloj kontraŭ trudaĵoj kaj ĝui esti prioritato por helpo."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"La plej altnivela defendo kontraŭ trudaĵoj povigita de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Rigardi viajn statistikaĵojn pri trudaĵoj"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Agordi Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Rigardi vian sekurecan panelon"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Agordi VaultPress"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Kompari planojn"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"La maksimumo en sekureco"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Realtempa sekurkopiado kun senlima spaco, unu-klakaj restarigoj, fortikigita observado kontraŭ trudaĵoj, defendo kontraŭ fiprogramoj kaj protekto kontraŭ brutfortaj ensalutoj - ĉio tio en unu loko kaj optimumigita por WordPress."],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Malware scanning helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Fortikigita elfiltrado de trudaĵoj protektas vian markon, viajn legantojn kaj plibonigas rezultojn ĉe serĉiloj. Skanado kontraŭ fiprogramoj donas trankvilon kaj sekurigon al via administra sekcio."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Vi rajtas esti prioritato por subteno"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"La retejo estas en programista reĝimo, do vi ne povas konekti ĝin al"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Ligu vian konton al por plene profiti de Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por aŭtomata, multampleksa skanado kontraŭ sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Por aŭtomata, ampleksa observado de sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}promociu vian konton{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktive blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn. Detaloj montriĝos post nelonge!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"La sumo de malicaj atakoj blokitaj de via retejo."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Protekti{{/a}} por teni vian retejon protektita de malicaj ensalut-provoj"],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Ĉiuj kromprogramoj estas ĝisdataj. Bonega laboro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack plibonigas kaj optimumigas la rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack observas vian retejon. 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Bonvole alklaku al \"Konektiĝi kun\" denove."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Eraro dum konektiĝo kun Jetpack; malaktivigu poste reaktivigu la kromprogramon Jetpack, post tio ree konektiĝu."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vi bezonas resti ensalutinta al via WordPressa blogo dum vi rajtigas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias{{/s}} Ni pardonpetas pro la problemo. Bonvole provu denove pli poste, se la problemo daŭros bonvole kontaktu helpon uzante tiun ĉi mesaĝon: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekto de Jetpack"],"Learn more":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Posts":[null,"Afiŝoj"],"Front page":[null,"Ĉefpaĝo"],"Pinterest":[null,"Pinterest"],"Google":[null,"Google"],"Show related content after posts":[null,"Montri rilatan enhavon post afiŝoj"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Uzu grandan kaj okulfrapan aranĝon"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Montri kapon \"Rilataj\" por pli klare apartigi la rilatan sekcion de afiŝoj"],"Related":[null,"Rilataj"],"Email Address":[null,"Retpoŝta adreso"],"Media":[null,"Aŭdvidaĵoj"],"Themes":[null,"Etosoj"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistikaĵoj de la retejo"],"Sharing":[null,"Kunhavigado"],"Testimonials":[null,"Atestoj"],"Comments":[null,"Komentoj"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignoritaj frazoj"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Uzi aŭtomate trovitan lingvon por provlegi afiŝojn kaj paĝojn"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Ripetaj frazoj"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Evitindaj frazoj"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivo"],"Jargon":[null,"Ĵargono"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Kaŝitaj verboj"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Duobla neado"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritaĵoj"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksaj frazoj"],"Bias Language":[null,"Antaŭjuĝa lingvaĵo"],"English Options":[null,"Anglaj opcioj"],"Proofreading":[null,"Provlegado"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Konekti Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne povis kontakti %(error_key)s. Tio kutime signifas, ke io estas malĝuste agordita ĉe via interreta gastiganto."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," nun spertas problemojn kaj ne povas fueli vian Jetpack. Bonvole provu denove poste."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias.{{/s}} Konekto de tiu ĉi retejo kun ne eblas. Tio kutime signifas, ke via retejo ne estas publike alirebla (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Via retejo bezonas esti publike alirebla por uzi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vi sukcese malkonektis Jetpack"],"Connect to":[null,"Konektiĝi al"],"Activate":[null,"Aktivigi"],"Active":[null,"Aktivaj"],"Settings":[null,"Agordoj"],"Learn More":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Elprovi la kongruecon de via retejo kun Jetpack."]}
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You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Install premium themes":[null,""],"Review SEO features":[null,""],"Welcome Professional":[null,""],"Your Professional Jetpack plan is taking care of business!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Premium plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 200 free themes, or enhance your content with up to 13 GB of HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. Then just click the button and, voila, a contact form has been created!":[null,""],"You will likely want to customize it to properly encourage folks to contact you. To do that, simply select the contact form preview and then click or tap the edit button. It's the one that looks like a pencil.":[null,""],"Try it out!":[null,""],"Read the full release post":[null,""],"People around page":[null,""],"A new contact form is here at last!":[null,""],"{{subhead}}Only with Jetpack Professional{{/subhead}}{{p}}Protect your site and work with Jetpack Personal: daily automated backups, unlimited storage, and expert priority support. 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Welcome aboard.":[null,""],"Stars":[null,""],"Jupiter":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[null,""],"Security essentials (daily backups, spam filtering), and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[null,""],"Enhanced security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, ad program), 13Gb video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[null,""],"Unlimited Premium themes, business class security (backups, scanning, spam filtering), marketing automation (social scheduling, SEO tools, ad program), video hosting, and priority support.":[null,""],"Social Media Scheduling":[null,""],"Schedule multiple Facebook, Twitter, and other social media postings in advance and view share history stats.":[null,""],"Schedule Posts":[null,""],"Activate Publicize":[null,""],"Explore Premium and Professional Options":[null,""],"Learn about Jetpack services used by WordPress professionals. 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This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Activating recommended features…":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Desactivá y reactivá el plugin Jetpack, luego conectáte de nuevo."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Tenés que mantener la sesión iniciada en tu blog WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. 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Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. 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Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. And if something does go wrong, you can restore a backup of your site in a single click.":[null,""],"Got it!":[null,""],"Welcome personal":[null,""],"Your Personal Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Enhanced site-wide search, powered by Elasticsearch (Beta)":[null,""],"Connect your account to get the most out of Jetpack":[null,""],"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats People":[null,""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[null,""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[null,""],"Okay, got it!":[null,""],"Display ads below posts on":[null,""],"Additional ad placements":[null,""],"Top of each page":[null,""],"Second ad below post":[null,""],"Archives":[null,""],"Contact Form screen shot":[null,""],"With this release, your contact form just got a bit sweeter. We moved the big old button right down into your editor's toolbar on the right. Yes, it's a little smaller, but it fits in a bit better, don't you think? Oh and all your forms now have a preview that can be edited all right inside the editor.":[null,""],"To use it, just open up a post or page to the visual editor. From there, you'll find a button inside the toolbar with an icon that looks a bit like the contact form. It is usually furthest to the right. 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Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[null,""],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a simple payment button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. 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And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[null,""],"Keeping your hard work safe is important, too. Jetpack Premium gives you brute force login protection, automated spam filtering, and malware scanning. You also get daily backups with hassle-free restores, just in case you need them.":[null,""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[null,""],"Enable premium video player":[null,""],"Monetize your site with ads":[null,""],"Welcome Premium":[null,""],"Your Premium Jetpack plan is powering up!":[null,""],"Thanks for choosing a Jetpack Personal plan. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[null,""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[null,""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful Publicize feature and built-in sharing tools, you’ll find new ways to grow your following and increase traffic. Automatically share your newest posts on social media, or allow followers to subscribe via email for your latest content right in their inbox.":[null,""],"Jetpack keeps you safe, too: you’re protected from spam in comments and contact forms, and our brute force login protection prevents hackers from accessing your data. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Activating recommended features…":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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