Jetpack by - Version

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Code changes from version 7.2 to

_inc/jetpack-strings.php CHANGED
@@ -396,6 +396,10 @@ __('Speed up image load times','jetpack'),
  __('Speed up static file load times','jetpack'),
  __('Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.','jetpack'),
  __('Enable Lazy Loading for images','jetpack'),
  _x('privacy','Search term.','jetpack'),
  _x('tracks','Search term.','jetpack'),
  _x('data','Search term.','jetpack'),
@@ -408,10 +412,6 @@ __('Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while l
  __('This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.','jetpack'),
  __('We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.','jetpack'),
  __('For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.','jetpack'),
- __('You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.','jetpack'),
- __('Your Plan','jetpack'),
- __('Manage your plan','jetpack'),
- __('View all Jetpack plans','jetpack'),
  _x('Threats','A caption for a small button to fix security issues.','jetpack'),
  _x('Threats found!','Short warning message about new threats found.','jetpack'),
  _x('FIX','A caption for a small button to fix security issues.','jetpack'),
@@ -464,6 +464,8 @@ __('Allows registered users to log in to your site with their acco
  __('Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.','jetpack'),
  __('Match accounts using email addresses','jetpack'),
  __('Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication','jetpack'),
  __('Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.','jetpack'),
  _x('Like buttons','Settings header','jetpack'),
  __('Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.','jetpack'),
@@ -479,8 +481,6 @@ __('Configure your sharing buttons','jetpack'),
  _x('Sharing buttons','Settings header','jetpack'),
  __('Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.','jetpack'),
  __('Add sharing buttons to your posts','jetpack'),
- __('No search results found for %(term)s','jetpack'),
- __('Enter a search term to find settings or close search.','jetpack'),
  _x('Ads','Ads header','jetpack'),
  __('Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.','jetpack'),
  __('Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.','jetpack'),
@@ -709,9 +709,6 @@ __('Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s
  __('%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
- __('This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
- __('This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
- __('This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
  __('Updating Post by Email address…','jetpack'),
  __('Regenerated Post by Email address.','jetpack'),
  __('Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s','jetpack'),
@@ -726,6 +723,9 @@ __('{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}','jetpac
  __('{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}','jetpack'),
  __('By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!','jetpack'),
  __('Display an ad unit at the top of your site.','jetpack'),
  _x('At a Glance','Navigation item.','jetpack'),
  __('Search for a Jetpack feature.','jetpack'),
  _x('Upgrade','A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.','jetpack'),
@@ -739,7 +739,6 @@ __('Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.'
  __('Protect your site from spam.','jetpack'),
  _x('Saving…','Button caption','jetpack'),
  _x('Save settings','Button caption','jetpack'),
- __('Privacy information','jetpack'),
  __('We\'re here to help','jetpack'),
  __('Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.','jetpack'),
  __('Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.','jetpack'),
@@ -747,6 +746,7 @@ __('Ask a question','jetpack'),
  __('Search our support site','jetpack'),
  __('Get a faster resolution to your support questions.','jetpack'),
  __(' Premium Themes','jetpack'),
  __('Introducing Premium Themes','jetpack'),
  __('{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It\'s also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}','jetpack'),
  __('Speed up static file load times','jetpack'),
  __('Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.','jetpack'),
  __('Enable Lazy Loading for images','jetpack'),
+ __('You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.','jetpack'),
+ __('Your Plan','jetpack'),
+ __('Manage your plan','jetpack'),
+ __('View all Jetpack plans','jetpack'),
  _x('privacy','Search term.','jetpack'),
  _x('tracks','Search term.','jetpack'),
  _x('data','Search term.','jetpack'),
  __('This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.','jetpack'),
  __('We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.','jetpack'),
  __('For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.','jetpack'),
  _x('Threats','A caption for a small button to fix security issues.','jetpack'),
  _x('Threats found!','Short warning message about new threats found.','jetpack'),
  _x('FIX','A caption for a small button to fix security issues.','jetpack'),
  __('Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.','jetpack'),
  __('Match accounts using email addresses','jetpack'),
  __('Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication','jetpack'),
+ __('No search results found for %(term)s','jetpack'),
+ __('Enter a search term to find settings or close search.','jetpack'),
  __('Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.','jetpack'),
  _x('Like buttons','Settings header','jetpack'),
  __('Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.','jetpack'),
  _x('Sharing buttons','Settings header','jetpack'),
  __('Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.','jetpack'),
  __('Add sharing buttons to your posts','jetpack'),
  _x('Ads','Ads header','jetpack'),
  __('Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.','jetpack'),
  __('Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.','jetpack'),
  __('%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
  __('Updating Post by Email address…','jetpack'),
  __('Regenerated Post by Email address.','jetpack'),
  __('Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s','jetpack'),
  __('{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}','jetpack'),
  __('By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!','jetpack'),
  __('Display an ad unit at the top of your site.','jetpack'),
+ __('This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
+ __('This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
+ __('This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.','jetpack'),
  _x('At a Glance','Navigation item.','jetpack'),
  __('Search for a Jetpack feature.','jetpack'),
  _x('Upgrade','A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.','jetpack'),
  __('Protect your site from spam.','jetpack'),
  _x('Saving…','Button caption','jetpack'),
  _x('Save settings','Button caption','jetpack'),
  __('We\'re here to help','jetpack'),
  __('Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.','jetpack'),
  __('Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.','jetpack'),
  __('Search our support site','jetpack'),
  __('Get a faster resolution to your support questions.','jetpack'),
+ __('Privacy information','jetpack'),
  __(' Premium Themes','jetpack'),
  __('Introducing Premium Themes','jetpack'),
  __('{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It\'s also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}','jetpack'),
class.jetpack-network.php CHANGED
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class Jetpack_Network {
  * `Jetpack::get_assumed_site_creation_date()` to assume the site's creation date.
  $blog_details = get_blog_details();
- $site_creation_date = $blog_details['registered'];
  * Both `state` and `user_id` need to be sent in the request, even though they are the same value.
  * `Jetpack::get_assumed_site_creation_date()` to assume the site's creation date.
  $blog_details = get_blog_details();
+ $site_creation_date = $blog_details->registered;
  * Both `state` and `user_id` need to be sent in the request, even though they are the same value.
extensions/blocks/slideshow/slideshow.php CHANGED
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ jetpack_register_block(
  function jetpack_slideshow_block_load_assets( $attr, $content ) {
  $dependencies = array(
  function jetpack_slideshow_block_load_assets( $attr, $content ) {
  $dependencies = array(
+ 'wp-escape-html',
jetpack.php CHANGED
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
- * Version: 7.2
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '5.0' );
- define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '7.2' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
+ * Version:
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
  define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '5.0' );
+ define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
languages/ CHANGED
Binary file
languages/json/jetpack-ar-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;","lang":"ar"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["لن تنطبق هذه الإعدادات على المقالات ذات الصلة المُضافة باستخدام محرر المكوِّن."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["انسخ المقالات والصفحات والشهادات وقوائم المشروعات الموجودة. سيُنسخ كل المحتوى بما في ذلك النصوص والصور المميّزة وإعدادات المشاركة والمزيد."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["يتعذر اتصال هذا الموقع بـ ووردبريس.كوم حيث إنَّه ينتهك {{a}}شروط الخدمة{{/a}} التي نُقرّها."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["اربط موقعك على الويب بشبكات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي تستخدمها وشارك المحتوى الخاص بك عبر جميع حساباتك على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بنقرة واحدة. عندما تنشر مقالة، ستظهر على جميع الحسابات المتصلة."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["إضافة أزرار الإعجاب إلى مقالاتك وصفحاتك"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["عندما يستمتع الزائرون بمحتواك، دعهم يظهرون ذلك بواسطة الإعجاب."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Professional الخاصة بك!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Premium الخاصة بك!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Personal الخاصة بك!"],"Create account":["إنشاء حساب"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["يدعم Jetpack موقعك، ولكن للوصول إلى جميع ميزاته التي ستحتاج إليها لإنشاء حساب."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["نُسخ احتياطية فورية وتلقائية (تخزين غير محدود)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["أنشئ المحتوى بالطريقة التي تريدها لتبسيط تجربتك في النشر."],"Add a portfolio item":["إضافة عنصر قائمة المشروعات"],"Add a testimonial":["إضافة شهادة"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["قم بتطوير ظهور موقعك في محركات البحث واعرض إحصاءات المرور بشكل فوري."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["إنشاء حساب Jetpack لاستخدام هذه الميزة"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["شارك محتواك على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وقم بزيادة مشاركة الجمهور."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["سيراقب Jetpack موقعك باستمرار، وسيقوم بتنبيهك عند الكشف عن عطل."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["عند إطلاق تحديث المكوّن الإضافي، تتمثَّل أفضل ممارسة في تحديث ذلك المكوّن الإضافي على الفور. اختر المكوِّنات الإضافية التي ترغب في تحديثها تلقائيًّا لكي يبقى موقعك آمنًا."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["أبقِ موقعك آمنًا مع أحدث ميزات الأمان واستلم تنبيهات بالمشكلات الفنية."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تمكين مُسرِّع الموقع. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["يقوم مُسرِّع الموقع بتسريع موقعك الآن!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["جارٍ تمكين مُسرِّع الموقع..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تعطيل مُسرِّع الموقع. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["لن يقوم مُسرِّع الموقع بتسريع موقعك بعد الآن!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["جارٍ تعطيل مُسرِّع الموقع..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["يمكنك تحميل الصور بشكل أسرع، وتحسين الصور، وتسريع تجربة الزائرين لديك."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["يمكنك استكمال إحصاءات ووردبريس.كوم باستخدام مظهر Google المتعمق في أنماط الزائرين والمرور."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["يمكنك استضافة فيديو فائق السرعة وعالي الجودة من دون إعلانات الأطراف الثالثة."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["يمكنك جدولة التغريدات غير المحدودة ومقالات Facebook وغيرها من المقالات الاجتماعية مسبقًا."],"Marketing Automation":["أتمتة التسويق"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["تنشيط ميزة البحث في Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["استبدل أفضل النتائج والترشيح المدعوم من Elasticsearch ببحث ووردبريس الافتراضي."],"Start earning":["البدء في الربح"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["يسمح لك WordAds بجني المال عن طريق عرض محتوى ترويجي. ابدأ في جني المال اليوم."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["يُحظر البريد العشوائي تلقائيًّا من تعليقاتك."],"Spam Filtering":["ترشيح البريد العشوائي"],"Browse premium themes":["تصفح القوالب المتميزة"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["قم بالوصول إلى مئات من القوالب المتميزة المصممة بشكل جميل من دون أي تكلفة إضافية."],"Try a premium theme":["تجربة قالب متميز"],"View settings":["عرض الإعدادات"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["إنشاء حساب Jetpack لعرض متابعيك عبر البريد الإلكتروني"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["افتح موقعك أمام التعليقات وادع المشتركين للحصول على تنبيهات حول أحدث أعمالك."],"Manage security settings":["إدارة إعدادات الأمان"],"Built-in Performance":["الأداء المدمج"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["أصبح Jetpack جاهزًا لمحرر ووردبريس الجديد"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["نُقدِّم اليوم الموجة الأولى من الكتل الخاصة بـ Jetpack والمصممة خصوصًا لتجربة المحرر الجديد: زر الدفع البسيط والنموذج والخريطة والتمييز."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["إنشاء موقع Jetpack الخاص بك باستخدام الكتل"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["هل ثمَّة محرر جديد؟ نعم! {{a}}تعرّف على المزيد{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["كانت الميزات التي تعتمد عليها ملائمة لمحرر ووردبريس الجديد."],"Take me to the new editor":["خذني إلى المحرر الجديد"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["اختبار اتصال Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء اختبار Jetpack. خطأ: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["جديد في Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["زيادة سرعة تحميل الملفات الثابتة"],"Speed up image load times":["زيادة سرعة تحميل الصور"],"Enable site accelerator":["تمكين مسرع الموقع"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["تحميل الصفحات بصورة أسرع عن طريق السماح لبرنامج Jetpack بتحسين الصور وتقديم الصور والملفات الثابتة (مثل CSS وJavaScript) من شبكة الخوادم العالمية لدينا."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["أضف طبقة أمان إضافية إلى موقع الويب عن طريق تمكين تسجيل الدخول إلى ووردبريس.كوم والمصادقة الآمنة. إذا كانت لديك عدة مواقع تم تمكين هذا الخيار فيها، فستتمكن من تسجيل الدخول إلى كل موقع منها باستخدام بيانات الاعتماد نفسها."],"View your site activity":["عرض نشاط موقعك"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["عرض قائمة مرتبة ترتيبًا زمنيًا لجميع التغييرات والتحديثات التي تطرأ على موقعك بطريقة منظمة وسهلة القراءة."],"Manually Verify ":["التحقق يدويًّا "],"Verify with Google":["التحقق باستخدام غوغل"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["سيُرسل إليك غوغل رسالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني حول بعض الأحداث التي تقع في حياتك، بما في ذلك المؤشرات التي تُفيد بأنّ موقعك على الويب تعرّض {{a1}}للاختراق{{/a1}}، أو المشكلات المتعلقة {{a2}}بتتبع{{/a2}} موقعك أو فهرسته."],"or":["أو"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["راقب حركة المرور والأداء في موقعك من {{a}}وحدة التحكم في البحث في غوغل{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["يتم التحقق من موقعك باستخدام غوغل"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["فشل الموقع في التحقق: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["جارٍ التحقق..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["أضف ميزة بحث أسرع وأكثر تقدّمًا إلى موقعك باستخدام Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["استبدال بالبحث المدمج في ووردبريس ميزة البحث من Jetpack، التي تُعد تجربة بحث متقدمة"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["تستبدل ميزة البحث في Jetpack بالبحث المدمج بحثًا سريعًا قابلاً للتوسيع يمكن تخصيصه ووثيق الصلة تتم استضافته في سحابة ووردبريس.كوم. النتيجة: يعثر مستخدموك على المحتوى الذي يريدونه بشكل أسرع."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["يُعد البحث المدمج في ووردبريس رائعًا للمواقع التي لا تحتوي على الكثير من المحتوى. ولكن مع نمو موقعك، تتباطأ عمليات البحث وتعرض نتائجًا أقل صلة."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["تدعم ميزة البحث في Jetpack العديد من التخصيصات."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["استبدل بالبحث المدمج بحثًا سريعًا قابلاً للتوسيع يمكن تخصيصه ووثيق الصلة {{a}}تتم استضافته في سحابة ووردبريس.كوم{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["يتم التحقق من الموقع"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}لإنشاء موقع جميل يبدو بالشكل ويعمل بالطريقة التي تريدها تمامًا، يمنحك Jetpack Professional وصولاً غير محدود إلى أكثر من 200 قالب ووردبريس متميز.{{/p}}{{p}} Jetpack Professional هو أكثر من مجرد أداة تبحث عن التصميم المثالي. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["تصفية البريد المزعج ودعم الأولوية."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["عندما يتم تمكين الإعلانات، يقوم Jetpack تلقائيًا بإنشاء ملف ads.txt مُعد خصيصًا لموقعك."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["يقوم Jetpack تلقائيًا بإنشاء ملف {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} مُعد خصيصًا لموقعك. إذا كنت تحتاج إلى إضافة إدخالات إضافية للشبكات الأخرى، فيرجى إضافتها في المساحة أدناه، إدخال واحد في كل سطر."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["إدخالات ads.txt مخصصة"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}لإنشاء موقع جميل يبدو بالشكل ويعمل بالطريقة التي تريدها تمامًا، يمنحك Jetpack Professional وصولاً غير محدود إلى أكثر من 200 قالب ووردبريس متميز.{{/p}}{{p}} Jetpack Professional هو أكثر من مجرد أداة تبحث عن التصميم المثالي. يدور أيضًا حول راحة بالك: تضمن عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي الفورية وفحص البرامج الضارة التلقائي والدعم ذو الأولوية المُقدّم من فريق خبرائنا العالمي أن يظل موقعك آمنًا وسليمًا دومًا.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["تقديم القوالب المتميزة"]," Premium Themes":[" القوالب المتميزة"],"Privacy information":["معلومات الخصوصية"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["تمكين التحميل البطيء للصور"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["ستقوم الصور بطيئة التحميل بتحسين سرعة موقعك وخلق تجربة مشاهدة أكثر سلاسة. سيتم تحميل الصور عندما يقوم الزائرون بالتمرير إلى أسفل الشاشة، بدلاً من الكل في وقت واحد."],"Performance & speed":["الأداء والسرعة"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["تمكين مشغّل فيديوهات عالية السرعة ومن دون إعلانات"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["اجعل المحتوى الذي تنشره أكثر تفاعلاً مع الفيديو عالي الدقة. باستخدام أداة الفيديوهات في Jetpack، يمكنك تخصيص مشغّل الوسائط الخاص بك وتقديم مقاطع فيديو عالية السرعة ومن دون إعلانات ولا تحمل علامات تجارية إلى زائريك. تُستضاف مقاطع الفيديو على خوادم ووردبريس.كوم ولا تقلل من باقة الاستضافة الخاصة بك."],"Video":["الفيديو"],"Carousel color scheme":["نظام ألوان Carousel"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["تعرض بيانات Exif للمشاهدين تفاصيل فنية إضافية عن صورة ما، مثل بعدها البؤري والفتحة وISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["اعرض بيانات تعريف EXIF الخاصة بالصورة في carousel (عند توفرها)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["اعرض الصور بملء الصورة في معرض carousel"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["أنشئ عروض شرائح بملء الشاشة في carousel للصور الموجودة في مقالاتك وصفحاتك. تكون معارض Carousel مألوفة وتُشجّع زائرو الموقع للتفاعل مع صورك."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["يحل الشريط الجانبي لـ ووردبريس.كوم محل شريط أدوات مسؤول ووردبريس الافتراضي ويبسط تجربتك على ووردبريس. إنه يوفّر وصولاً بنقرة واحدة لإدارة جميع المواقع الخاصة بك وتحديث ملف تعريفك على ووردبريس.كوم وعرض الإخطارات واللحاق بالمواقع التي تتابعها في القارئ."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["الكود المختصر لمعارض الأعمال: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["استخدم {{portfolioLink}}معارض الأعمال{{/portfolioLink}} الموجودة على موقعك لعرض أفضل أعمالك. إذا لم يدعم القالب الخاص بك معارض الأعمال في Jetpack، فسيظل بإمكانك استخدام الكود المختصر لعرضها على موقعك."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["الكود المختصر للشهادات: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["أضف {{testimonialLink}}الشهادات{{/testimonialLink}} إلى موقعك على الويب لجذب عملاء جدد. إذا لم يدعم القالب الخاص بك الشهادات في Jetpack، فسيظل بإمكانك استخدام الكود المختصر لعرضها على موقعك."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["يتعذر على محركات البحث الوصول إلى موقعك في الوقت الحالي. إذا كنت ترغب في جعل موقعك قابلاً للوصول، فتحقق من {{a}}إعدادات القراءة{{/a}} وشغّل ميزة \"رؤية محرك البحث\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["أخبار جيدة: يُرسل Jetpack خريطة موقعك تلقائيًّا إلى جميع محركات البحث الرئيسية للفهرسة."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["خرائط الموقع هي ملفات تستخدمها محركات البحث مثل Google أو Bing في فهرسة موقعك على الويب. يمكنهم المساعدة على تحسين تصنيفك في نتائج البحث. عتد تمكين هذه الميزة، سيُنشئ Jetpack خرائط الموقع من أجلك ويُحدّثها تلقائيًّا عندما يتغيّر المحتوى الموجود على موقعك."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["تكوين المقالات ذات الصلة في أداة التخصيص"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["إبراز المحتوى ذي الصلة مع أحد العناوين"],"View security scan details":["عرض تفاصيل فحص الأمان"],"View backup history":["عرض محفوظات النسخ الاحتياطي"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["عرض صورة مصغّرة حيثما تتوفر"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية استخدام ميزات Jetpack المحددة لنشاط تتبع البيانات، يرجى الرجوع إلى {{privacyCenterLink}}مركز الخصوصية{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["نستخدم أدوات تتبع أخرى، بما في ذلك بعض الأدوات التي تنتمي إلى أطراف ثالثة. {{cookiePolicyLink}}اقرأ حول هذه الأدوات{{/cookiePolicyLink}} وكيفية التحكم بها."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["تساعدنا هذه المعلومات على تحسين منتجاتنا، وجعل التسويق أكثر ملاءمة لك، وتخصيص تجربة ووردبريس.كوم، والمزيد كما يرد بالتفصيل في {{pp}}سياسة الخصوصية{{/pp}} لدينا."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["شارك المعلومات مع أداة التحليلات لدينا حول استخدامك الخدمات أثناء تسجيل الدخول إلى حساب ووردبريس.كوم الخاص بك. {{cookiePolicyLink}}تعرّف على المزيد{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["يتحكم مسؤول الموقع في هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتمكين هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل %(moduleName)s. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل هذه الميزة."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل %(moduleName)s."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["يمكنك وضع إعلانات إضافية باستخدام مربع جانبي للإعلانات. {{link}}جرّب ذلك!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["تكوين إعدادات التنبيهات لديك"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["رصد تعطّل موقعك"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["تُعد ميزة البحث في Jetpack بديلاً فعّالاً لميزة إمكانية البحث المدمجة في ووردبريس."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["تُفحص الملفات على موقعك بانتظام بحثًا عن التعديلات غير المصرح بها أو المشكوك فيها التي يمكن أن تُعرض أمانك وبياناتك للخطر."],"Plugin needs updating.":["لا بد من تحديث المكوّن الإضافي.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["تسمح لك تحديثات مكوّن Jetpack الإضافي باختيار المكوّنات الإضافية التي يتم تحديثها تلقائيًّا."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["سيُحسّن Jetpack صورك ويوفِّرها من موقع الخادم الأقرب إلى زائريك. سيؤدي استخدام شبكة توصيل المحتوى العالمية إلى تعزيز سرعة التحميل في موقعك."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["ستراقب ميزة رصد التعطّل في Jetpack موقعك بإستمرار، وستنبهك في اللحظة التي يُكشف فيها عن التعطّل."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["تسمح لك عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي في Jetpack باستعادة إحدى النُسخ الاحتياطية أو تنزيلها بسهولة من لحظة معيّنة."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["يتحقق Akismet من تعليقاتك وعروض نماذج جهات الاتصال وفق قاعدة بياناتنا العامة لرسائل البريد غير المرغوب فيها."],"Privacy Information":["معلومات الخصوصية"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["يتيح لك VideoPress رفع مقاطع الفيديو من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ليتم استضافتها على ووردبريس.كوم لا على خوادم المضيف لديك. يمكنك بعد ذلك إدراج مقاطع الفيديو هذه على موقع Jetpack المستضاف ذاتيًا. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["إضافة مربع البحث الجانبي (Jetpack) إلى الشريط الجانبي لديك"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["امنح زوارك تجربة بحث رائعة عن طريق السماح لهم بتصفية نتائج النتائج ذات الصلة وفرزها بسرعة."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["تمكين قالب خفيف الوزن ومألوف للهواتف المحمولة سيُعرض لزوارك على الأجهزة المحمولة."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["تحميل المقالات التالية تلقائيًا عندما يقترب القارئ من أسفل الصفحة."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["السماح لك بنشر مقالات جديدة عن طريق إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى عنوان خاص."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["السماح لك بكتابة محتوى به روابط وقوائم وأنماط أخرى بصياغة مبسطة."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["التحقق من المحتوى الخاص بك للتأكد من صحة قواعد النحو والإملاء، والكلمات المُساء استخدامها والأسلوب أثناء الكتابة."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["تقديم الوسوم المخفية الضرورية واللازمة للتحقق من موقع ووردبريس الخاص بك مع خدمات متنوعة."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["عرض معلومات عن نشاط موقعك، بما في ذلك الزوار والمقالات أو الصفحات الشائعة."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["السماح لك بتحسين موقعك ومحتواه للحصول على نتائج أفضل في محركات البحث."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["دمج موقعك ووردبريس لديك مع Google Analytics، الذي يُعد منصة تقدم رؤى حول حركة المرور والزوار والتحويلات لديك."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["عرض إعلانات عالية الجودة على موقعك تتيح لك كسب دخل."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["إضافة أزرار المشاركة إلى المحتوى الخاص بك بحيث يمكن الزوار من مشاركته على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["السماح لك بمشاركة أحدث محتوى تلقائيًا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، بما في ذلك فيسبوك وتويتر."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["إضافة أزرار إعجاب إلى المحتوى الخاص بك بحيث يمكن للزوار إظهار تقديرهم أو استمتاعهم."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["السماح للمستخدمين المسجلين بتسجيل الدخول إلى موقعك باستخدام حسابات ووردبريس.كوم الخاصة بهم."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["حماية موقعك من هجمات تسجيل الدخول الغاشمة التقليدية والموزعة."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["إجراء نسخ احتياطي لموقعك على خوادم ووردبريس.كوم العالمية، مما يسمح لك باستعادة المحتوى الخاص بك في حالة الطوارئ أو الخطأ."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["إزالة الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها من التعليقات ونماذج الاتصال."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["نحن ملتزمون بخصوصيتك وأمانك. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["عرض كل خطط Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["إدارة خطتك"],"Your Plan":["خطتك"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["أنت حاليًا على %(plan)s Jetpack."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["السماح للقراء بالاشتراك في مقالاتك أو تعليقاتك، وتلقي تنبيهات بالمحتوى الجديد عبر البريد الإلكتروني."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["استبدال نموذج تعليقات ووردبريس القياسي بنظام تعليقات جديد يتضمن خيارات تسجيل الدخول إلى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}التنشيط{{/a}} لاستبدال ميزة البحث في Jetpack — وهي تجربة بحث متقدمة — بميزة البحث المدمجة في ووردبريس."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["إضافة مربع البحث الجانبي (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["إن البحث في Jetpack يمكِّن البحث على موقعك."],"Manage your plugins":["إدارة مكوناتك الإضافية"],"Moderate comments":["إدارة التعليقات"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["تم تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية."],"Updating privacy settings…":["جارٍ تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["إضافة المربع الجانبي \"بحث Jetpack\""],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["أضف مربعًا جانبيًّا لميزة البحث في Jetpack إلى شريطك الجانبي لتكوين الفرز والمرشحات."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["مجموعات الأمان الكاملة، وأدوات التشغيل التلقائي للتسويق والإيرادات، واستضافة مقاطع فيديو غير محدودة، وقوالب غير محدودة، والبحث المحسّن، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["مجموعات الأمان الكاملة، وأدوات التشغيل التلقائي للتسويق والإيرادات، واستضافة مقاطع فيديو غير محدودة، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["النسخ الاحتياطية اليومية، وتصفية البريد المزعج، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Always-on Security":["الأمان المتاح دائمًا"],"Activate video hosting":["تنشيط استضافة مقاطع الفيديو"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["نسخة احتياطية فورية لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة، واسترداد بنقرة واحدة، وفحص الأمان التقائي، والدعم ذو الأولوية"],"Design the perfect website":["تصميم موقع الويب المثالي"],"Set up Jetpack":["إعداد Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["نسخ احتياطي في وقت التشغيل لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واستعادة بنقرة واحدة وفحص أمان تلقائي."],"Jetpack Search":["البحث في Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["إصدار Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["جارٍ إجراء نسخة احتياطية لموقعك في وقت التشغيل وفحصه بانتظام للاحتراز من تهديدات الأمان."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["نسخ احتياطي يومي لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واسترداد بنقرة واحدة"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["نسخ احتياطي فوري لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واسترداد بنقرة واحدة وفحص أمان تلقائي وحل للتهديد بنقرة واحدة."],"View your security activity":["عرض نشاط الأمان"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (عن طريق VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["تخصيص المربع الجانبي للبحث"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["يُرجى تصحيح المشكلة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["نحن نتأكد من عدم وجود تهديدات أمنية في موقعك. سنخطرك إذا عثرنا على أي تهديدات."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["جارٍ نسخ موقعك احتياطيًّا في وقت التشغيل."],"Jetpack version":["إصدار Jetpack"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}اعرض نشاط موقعك{{/a}} في موجز فردي."],"Activity":["النشاط"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["كوّن كل عبارة من العبارات الجديدة التي تضيفها عن طريق الضغط على enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}عرض التفاصيل{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["شكرًا لاختيار Jetpack Professional. يقوم Jetpack الآن بنسخ محتواك احتياطيًّا بشكل فوري وفهرسة محتواك للبحث وفحص التهديدات الأمنية ومنح حق الوصول إلى القوالب المتميزة."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["مع Jetpack الاحترافي، يمكنك إنشاء موقع مثالي باستخدام قالب واحد من أكثر من 300 قالب مصمم تصميمًا احترافيًا في ووردبريس، بينها أكثر من 100 قالب مميز. خصص المحتوى الخاص بك باستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من عناصر واجهة المستخدم، أو أضف فيديوهات غير محدودة إلى مقالاتك وصفحاتك -- تُعرض بدون إعلانات أو علامات مائية."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["تَسْهُل زيادة عدد متابعيك مع خطتك الاحترافية، وبفضل مشاركة المحتوى وجدولته، وأدوات تحسين محركات البحث، وخيارات الاشتراك المدمجة. يمكنك تحقيق أرباح من موقعك مع زر المدفوعات البسيطة وعبر الاستفادة من الإعلانات الداخلية، ومراقبة نجاح جهودك عن طريق التكامل مع Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["تمنحك خطة Jetpack كل ما تحتاج إليه للحفاظ على عملك الشاق في مأمن، بما في ذلك عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي عند الطلب وعمليات فحص البرامج الضارة، بنقرة واحدة لإجراء عمليات الاستعادة وحل المشكلات. ستتم حماية موقعك بالكامل ضد البريد المزعج، والتعليمات البرمجية الضارة، ومحاولات تسجيل الدخول بالقوة الغاشمة."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ابدأ في استكشاف Jetpack الاحترافي الآن للاطلاع على جميع ميزات باقتك الجديدة."],"Install premium themes":["تثبيت القوالب المميزة"],"Review SEO features":["مراجعة ميزات تحسين محرك البحث"],"Welcome Professional":["مرحبًا بالاحترافي"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["شكرًا لاختيار باقة Jetpack المميز. ينسخ Jetpack الآن موقعك احتياطيًا، ويفحص أي تهديدات أمنية، ويُمكّن ميزات تحقيق الأرباح."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["مع Jetpack المميز، يمكنك إنشاء الموقع المثالي، بصرف النظر عن الغرض المنشود منه. خصص مظهر موقعك مع قالب واحد من أكثر من 200 قالب مجاني، أو عزز المحتوى الخاص بك مع مساحة 13 جيجابايت من الفيديوهات عالية الدقة -- وجميعها مستضاف وخالٍ من الإعلانات أو العلامات المائية."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["باستخدام أدوات المشاركة الفعالة في Jetpack، يمكنك مشاركة أحدث المقالات تلقائيًا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، أو جدولة المحتوى الخاص بك لمشاركته مجددًا في أي تاريخ أو وقت تختار. بالإضافة إلى زيادة عدد متابعيك، يمكنك زيادة أعمالك باستخدام أدوات مثل أزرار الدفع والإعلانات."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ابدأ في استكشاف Jetpack المميز الآن للاطلاع على جميع ميزات باقتك الجديدة."],"Monetize your site with ads":["تحقيق الأرباح من موقعك باستخدام الإعلانات"],"Welcome Premium":["مرحبًا بالمميز"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["شكرًا لاختيار باقة Jetpack الشخصي. ينسخ Jetpack الآن موقعك احتياطيًا ويفحص أي تهديدات أمنية."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["مع Jetpack الشخصي، يحق لك الوصول إلى أكثر من 100 قالب مصمم تصميمًا احترافيًا على ووردبريس. اختر القالب المناسب أكثر لموقعك وخصص ألوانًا وصورًا، أو أضف مجموعة متنوعة من عناصر واجهة المستخدم الجديدة."],"Got it":["فهمت!"],"Welcome personal":["مرحبًا بالشخصي"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["عن طريق النقر على الزر أدناه، أنت توافق على {{tosLink}}شروط الخدمة{{/tosLink}} لدينا وعلى {{shareDetailsLink}}مشاركة التفاصيل{{/shareDetailsLink}} مع ووردبريس.كوم."],"Jetpack Stats People":["صورة أشخاص ينتظرون إلى إحصاءات Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["مرحبًا! تم تنشيط إحصاءاتك."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["أعطنا بعض الوقت لجمع البيانات لكي نتمكن من عرضها لك هنا."],"Okay, got it!":["حسنًا، فهمت!"],"Display ads below posts on":["عرض الإعلانات أسفل المقالات على"],"Additional ad placements":["مواضع الإعلانات الإضافية"],"Top of each page":["الجزء العلوي من كل صفحة"],"Second ad below post":["إعلان ثانٍ أسفل المقالة"],"Archives":["الأرشيف"],"Explore Professional":["استكشف الخيار الاحترافي"],"Compare All Plans":["مقارنة جميع الباقات"],"Person with laptop":["شخص لديه كمبيوتر محمول"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["موقع Jetpack الخاص بك جاهز للاستخدام!"],"Stars":["النجوم"],"Jupiter":["كوكب المشتري"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["جدولة المقالات"],"Activate 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المدفوعة الوصول إلى دعم Jetpack ذي الأولوية."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["لقد دفعتَ للنسخ الاحتياطية ولكن لم يتم تفعيلها حتى الآن."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["لقد دفعتَ للنسخ الاحتياطية وفحص الأمان ولكن لم يتم تفعيلهما حتى الآن."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["انقر على \"إعداد\" لإنهاء التثبيت."],"Checking site status…":["جارٍ التحقق من حالة الموقع..."],"Pages":["صفحات"],"We're here to help":["نحن هنا للمساعدة"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["يأتي Jetpack بدعم مجاني وأساسي لجميع المستخدمين."],"Ask a question":["طرح الأسئلة"],"Search our support site":["البحث في موقع الدعم"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["احصل على أسرع جواب عن أسئلة الدعم لديك."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["استضافة مقاطع الفيديو بسرعة وبجودة عالية وبدون إعلانات."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["تحقيق دخل من الإعلانات ذات الجودة العالية."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["نسخ احتياطية فورية للموقع وحل تلقائي للتهديدات."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["الحماية من فقدان البيانات والبرامج والهجمات الضارة."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["الاندماج بسهولة مع تحليلات غوغل."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["ساعد على العثور على محتواك ومشاركته باستخدام أدوات SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["حماية موقعك من البريد المزعج."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["هذا الموقع غير متصل بـ يُرجى طلب الاتصال من مسؤول الموقع."],"Spam filtering":["تصفية البريد المزعج"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["فحص البرامج الضارة بصورة آلية يوميًا"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["نسخ احتياطية بصورة آلية يوميًا (تخزين غير محدود)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["فحص البرامج الضارة بصورة آلية يوميًا بحل تلقائي"],"Unlimited, high-speed video 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["لاحظ أن {{b}}التحقق من موقعك باستخدام هذه الخدمات ليس ضروريًا {{/b}}لضمان فهرسة موقعك حسب محركات البحث. لاستخدام أدوات محركات البحث المتقدمة هذه والتحقق من موقعك باستخدام خدمة ما، ألصق كود وسم HTML أدناه. اقرأ {{support}}التعليمات الكاملة {{/support}}إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة. خدمات التحقق المدعومة: {{google}}وحدة تحكم بحث جوجل{{/google}} و{{bing}}أدوات مشرفي موقع محرك البحث بينغ{{/bing}} و{{pinterest}}التحقق من موقعك باستخدام بينتيريست {{/pinterest}}و{{yandex}}مشرفو موقع محرك البحث يندكس{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["بينغ"],"Yandex":["يندكس"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["إنشاء خرائط الموقع XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["جمع إحصاءات المرور والرؤى القيمة."],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["تساعد الصورة على جمع الإحصاءات ولكن ينبغي أن تعمل عند إخفائها."],"Count logged in page views from":["قم بعدّ مشاهدات الذين سجلوا الدخول إلى الصفحة من"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["السماح بعرض تقارير الإحصاءات حسب"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["يمكنك إدخال تعديلات على هذه الإعدادات إذا كنت ترغب في تحكم أكثر تقدمًا. اقرأ المزيد حول ما الذي يمكنك فعله {{a}}لتحسين نظام SEO الخاص بموقعك{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["تكوين إعدادات SEO لديك"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["قيد \"الترقية\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["تكوين إعدادات تحليلات غوغل لديك"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["إظهار إعلانات في أول مقالة على صفحتك الرئيسية أو في نهاية كل صفحة ومقالة. وضع إعلانات إضافية في الجزء العلوي من موقعك وفي منطقة المربع الجانبي لزيادة الأرباح."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["تمكين الإعلانات وعرض إعلان أسفل كل مقالة"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["تكوين أزرار المشاركة"],"Connect your social media accounts":["توصيل حسابات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بك"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["مطابقة الحسابات باستخدام عناوين البريد الإلكتروني"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["يلزم حسابات لاستخدام مصادقة ووردبريس.كوم على خطوتين"],"Add to whitelist":["إضافة إلى قائمة السماح"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["يمكنك إدراج عنوان IP أو سلسلة عناوين في قائمة السماح، الأمر الذي يعمل على منعهم من الحظر بواسطة Jetpack. IPv4 وIPv6 مقبولان. لتحديد نطاق، أدخل القيمة المنخفضة والقيمة المرتفعة مفصولاً بينهما بشرطة. على سبيل المثال:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["أصبح موقعك منسوخًا احتياطيًا وبدون تهديدات."],"Checking your spam protection…":["جارٍ التحقق من الحماية من البريد المزعج…"],"Fetching key…":["جارٍ إحضار المفتاح…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["يحتاج موقعك إلى مفتاح Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["توجد مشكلة في مفتاح API الخاص بـ Antispam. {{a}}تعرف على المزيد{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["لم تتم حماية موقعك من البريد المزعج."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["مفتاح Antispam صالح."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["موقعك محمي من البريد المزعج."],"Checking key…":["جارٍ التحقق من المفتاح…"],"Your API key":["مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["إذا لم يكن لديك مفتاح API بالفعل، فمن ثم {{a}}احصل على مفتاح API من هنا{{/a}}، وسيتم توجيهك خلال عملية الحصول على مفتاح."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["لم يتم العثور على نتائج بحث لـ %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["أدخل مصطلح بحث لإيجاد الإعدادات أو أغلق البحث."],"Connections":["اتصالات"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["موقعك في وضع التطوير، لذا لا يمكن اتصاله بـ ووردبريس.كوم."],"Your site is connected to":["موقعك متصل بـ ووردبريس.كوم."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["أنت مالك Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["متصل بصفة{{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["عرض متابعي البريد الإلكتروني"],"Color scheme":["نظام الألوان"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["تمكين استخدام التمييز للتعليقات."],"Updated settings.":["تم تحديث الإعدادات."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث الإعدادات. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["تمت إعادة إنشاء مقالة باستخدام عنوان البريد الإلكتروني."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء إعادة إنشاء مقالة باستخدام عنوان البريد الإلكتروني. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["أسهل طريقة لتحميل مقاطع فيديو خالية من الإعلانات ولا تحمل علامات تجارية معينة على موقعك. يمكن أن تحصل على إحصاءات بشأن تشغيل الفيديو والمشاركات، كما أن المشغل خفيف الوزن وعالي الاستجابة."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["أنت بصدد تشغيل Jetpack على خادم مرحلي."],"More Info":["المزيد من المعلومات"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}مشاهدة إدارة الإعجابات من إعدادات الوحدة النمطية للمشاركة{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["IP الحالي الخاص بك: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["توجد إعدادات غير محفوظة في علامة التبويب هذه ستُفقد إذا تركتها. هل تريد المتابعة؟"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["سيؤدي ذلك إلى إعادة تعيين جميع خيارات Jetpack، هل أنت متأكد؟"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["البحث عن إحدى مزايا Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["تكوين فحوصات الأمان"],"Subscriber":["مشترك"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["تحديث Big iPhone/iPad متوفر الآن"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["تجري حاليًا صيانة تطبيق وردبرس للأندرويد"]," Likes are:":["إعجابات وردبرس.كوم هي:"],"Comments headline":["عنوان التعليقات"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["بضع كلمات جذابة لتحفيز القراء على التعليق."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["إظهار خيارات \"متابعة الموقع\" في نموذج التعليقات"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["إظهار خيار \"متابعة التعليقات\" في نموذج التعليقات."],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["وضع مخطط يعرض المشاهدات خلال آخر 48 ساعة في شريط تنبيهات المدير"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["إخفاء الإحصائيات لصورة وجه الابتسامة"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["عناوين IP المدرجة في قائمة السماح"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["إظهار دعاية عن تطبيق وردبرس للجوال في تذييل قالب الجوال"],"Copied!":["تم النسخ!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["ميز النص التالي وانسخه إلى الحافظة لديك:"],"Regenerate address":["إعادة إنشاء العنوان"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["تدقيق المحتوى تلقائياً في الحالات التالية: "],"A post or page is first published":["تُنشر مقالة أو صفحة أولاً"],"A post or page is updated":["يتم تحديث مقالة أو صفحة"],"Automatic Language Detection":["اكتشاف اللغة تلقائيًا"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["يدعم المدقق اللغوي الإنجليزية والفرنسية والألمانية والبرتغالية والإسبانية."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["تمكين التدقيق اللغوي لتطبيق قواعد النحو والأسلوب التالية: "],"Add a phrase":["إضافة عبارة"],"Cheatin' uh?":["عفواً، لا تملك الصلاحية الكافية."],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}هل لديك أي مانع من إخبارنا بسبب عدم إكمال اتصال Jetpack في هذا {{a}}الاستبيان المؤلف من سؤالين{{/a}}؟{{/p}}{{p}}يلزم اتصال Jetpack لكي تعمل ميزتا الأمان والمرور اللتان نقدمهما.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["مرحبًا بك في {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack متصل بالفعل."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["أنت الآن على أهبة الاستعداد للبدء، Jetpack نشط الآن."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["أنت الآن على أهبة الاستعداد للبدء."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["أنت حاليًا بصدد تشغيل نسخة مطوَّرة من Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["ملاحظات إرسال بيتا"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["ماذا تود أن تشاهد في لوحة تحكم Jetpack؟"],"Let us know!":["دعنا نعرف!"],"Saving…":["جارٍ الحفظ..."],"Save Settings":["حفظ الإعدادات"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["أيقونة إحصاءات Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}تفعيل إحصاءات الموقع{{/a}} لمشاهدة الإحصاءات والإعجابات والمتابعين والمشتركين وغيرها المزيد من البيانات التفصيلية! {{a1}}اعرف المزيد{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["تفعيل إحصاءات الموقع"],"Security Scanning":["فحص الأمان"],"Site Backups":["نُسخ احتياطية لموقعك"],"Upgrade":["ترقية"],"ACTIVE":["مفعّل"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["موقعك في وضع التطوير"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["بمجرد الاتصال، يمكنك الترقية إلى باقة مدفوعة لإلغاء قفل الأمان العالمي واستخدام أدوات الحماية من البريد المزعج والحصول على الدعم ذي الأولوية."],"View your spam stats":["عرض إحصاءات البريد المزعج"],"View your security dashboard":["عرض لوحة تحكم الأمان"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["الموقع في وضع التطوير، ولذا لا يمكنك الاتصال بوردبرس.كوم."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["اربط حسابك بوردبرس.كوم لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["لفحص تهديدات الأمان بصورة آلية وشاملة، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت VaultPress{{/a}} وتفعيله."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["لفحص تهديدات الأمان بصورة آلية وشاملة، يُرجى {{a}}ترقية حسابك{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["يقوم Jetpack بمراقبة موقعك. إذا كنا نعتقد أن موقعك معطل، فستتلقى بريدًا إلكترونيًا."],"Security":["الأمان"],"Performance":["الأداء"],"Backups":["عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}عرض تفاصيل النسخة الاحتياطية{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["لنسخ موقعك بأكمله احتياطيًا بصورة تلقائية، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت VaultPress{{/a}} وتنشيطه."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["غير متوفر في وضع التطوير."],"Spam Protection":["الحماية من البريد المزعج"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["بالنسبة إلى الدفاع ضد أحدث أنواع البريد المزعج، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت أكيسميت{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["بالنسبة إلى الدفاع ضد أحدث أنواع البريد المزعج، يُرجى {{a}}تفعيل أكيسميت{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["مفتاح غير صالح"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["غير متوفر في وضع التطوير"],"Activating recommended features…":["تفعيل الميزات الموصى بها…"],"Recommended features active.":["الميزات الموصى بها مفعلة."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["فشل تفعيل الميزات الموصى بها. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["جارٍ تفعيل %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["تم تفعيل %(slug)s."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["فشل تفعيل %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["جارٍ إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[" تم إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[" فشل إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["جارٍ تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["تم تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["جارٍ تحديث عنوان %(slug)s…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["تمت إعادة إنشاء عنوان %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء إعادة إنشاء عنوان %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["جارٍ إعادة تعيين خيارات Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["تمت إعادة تعيين الخيارات."],"Options failed to reset.":["فشلت إعادة تعيين الخيارات."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["يا للهول! مفتاح Akismet الخاص بك مفقود أو غير صالح. {{akismetSettings}}انتقل إلى إعدادات أكيسميت لإصلاح{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["لم يتم العثور على تهديدات، يمكنك الانتقال!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}اتصل بالدعم{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}اعرض التفاصيل على{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["عفوًا تم العثور على تهديد %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}يمكنك تنشيط المراقبة{{/a}} لاستلام إشعارات عبر البريد الإلكتروني إذا تعطّل موقعك."],"Loading…":["جارٍ التحميل..."],"Downtime monitoring":["مراقبة فترة التوقف"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}عرض المزيد من الإحصاءات على وردبرس.كوم {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}عرض الإحصاءات القديمة{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["تعليقات طوال الوقت"],"All-time views":["مشاهدات طوال الوقت"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s مشاهدة","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات"],"Best overall day":["اليوم الأفضل إجمالاً"],"Views today":["المشاهدات في الوقت الحاضر"],"Months":["شهور"],"Weeks":["أسابيع"],"Days":["أيام"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["حدثت مشكلة أثناء اتصال Jetpack الخاص بك. يُرجى النقر على \"الاتصال بوردبرس.كوم\" مرة أخرى."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["لقد حدثت مشكلة أثناء اتصال Jetpack، قم بتعطيل إضافة Jetpack ثم قم بتفعيلها واتصل مرة أخرى."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["يتعين عليك الاستمرار في تسجيل الدخول إلى مدونة وردبرس أثناء مصادقة Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. 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This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}توجد مشكلة في Jetpack الخاص بك.{{/s}} ربط موقعك بوردبرس.كوم غير ممكن. يعني هذا عادة أن موقعك لا يمكن وصول العامة إليه (مضيف محلي)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["يجب أن يكون موقعك على الويب قابلاً للوصول من قبل العامة لاستخدام Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["قطعتَ اتصال Jetpack بنجاح."],"Edit":["تحرير"],"Connected":["متصل"],"Activate":["تفعيل"],"Active":["مفعل"],"Search":["بحث"],"Settings":["الإعدادات"],"Learn More":["تعلم المزيد"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["قطع الاتصال بـ Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["اختبر مدى توافق موقعك مع Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["تحديثات تلقائية للمكوِّن الإضافي"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["رصد التعطل"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["إعدادات الخصوصية"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["شريط أدوات"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["إنشاء"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["إحصاءات الموقع"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["تحسين محرك البحث"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["تحليلات غوغل"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["أزرار المشاركة"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["اتصالات Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["أزرار الإعجاب"],"Settings header\ log in":["تسجيل الدخول إلى"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["الحماية من هجمات القوة الغاشمة"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["النسخ الاحتياطية وفحص الأمان"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["تصفية البريد المزعج"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["الأداء"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["خطتي"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["أدوات التطوير"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["الإعدادات"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["مناقشة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["المرور"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["مشاركة"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["نبذة سريعة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["الخطط"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["كتابة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["أعد تعيين الخيارات (إصدارات التطوير فقط)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["الأمان"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["نبذة سريعة"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["شروط الخدمة"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["شروط الخدمة"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["البيانات"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["المسارات"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["الخصوصية"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["جارٍ الحفظ..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["حفظ الإعدادات"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["ذات صلة"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["معاينة"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["البقاء متصل"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["قطع الاتصال"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["يلزم وجود تحديثات"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["مدفوع"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["معاينة"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["الإعلانات"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["الاتصال بالموقع"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["توصيل الحساب"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["التهديدات"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["إصلاح"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["تم العثور على تهديدات!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["لا يوجد فحص"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["تأمين"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["مفتاح غير صالح"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["إعداد"],"verb\u0004Copy":["نسخ"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["الخصوصية"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["الشروط"],"Navigation item. 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Welcome aboard.":["نقوم الآن بجمع الإحصاءات وتأمين موقعك. مرحبًا بك."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}تجاوز الميزات واستكشفها على حدة{{/a}}."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["خطة الأعمال في Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["الخطة المتميزة في Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["الخطة الشخصية في Jetpack"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["ابدأ بأدوات التصميم من دون صعوبات والإحصاءات والأداء."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack المجاني"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["الخطة المجانية في Jetpack"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["استكشاف خطط Jetpack"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["اطمئن مع عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي التلقائية والدعم ذي الأولوية، وقم بالوصول إلى مجموعة كبيرة من الجمهور باستخدام أدوات تحسين محركات البحث المتقدِّمة، وحقّق أرباحًا من موقعك عبر تشغيل الإعلانات، وخصص موقعك بأي قالب من القوالب المتميزة التي تزيد عن 200 قالب."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["يوفِّر Jetpack أكثر من ذلك بكثير"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة؟ ابحث عن موقع الدعم الخاص بنا للتعرّف على موقعك وحسابك وكيفية تحقيق أقصى استفادة من وردبرس."],"Support documentation":["وثائق الدعم"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["فقاعات الدردشة التي تُمثِّل التواصل مع الدعم"],"Site Activity":["نشاط الموقع"],"Start publicizing now":["بدء النشر الآن"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["يمكنك الوصول إلى مجموعة كبيرة من الجمهور عن طريق مشاركة مقالاتك على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي تلقائيًّا."],"Increase traffic to your site":["زيادة المرور في موقعك"],"Explore free themes":["استكشاف قوالب مجانية"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["احصل على وصول غير محدود إلى مئات من القوالب الاحترافية، وخصص موقعك بدقة بالشكل الذي تريده."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["مجموعة كبيرة من القوالب والأدوات اللازمة لتخصيص الموقع"],"Set up your site security":["إعداد أمان موقعك"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["امنع هجمات تسجيل الدخول واحصل على تنبيهات فورية عند وجود مشكلة في موقعك."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["إحصاءات الموقع التي تُظهر تطورًا في المرور والمشاركة"],"A hand holding a loupe":["يد تحمل عدسة"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["مخطط يُظهر زيادة فعّالة في الأرباح"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["واجهة مستخدم تُظهر قائمة مرتّبة زمنيًّا من التغييرات والتحديثات في الموقع"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["سحابة تتضمن أنواعًا عديدة من المحتوى الموجود بها"],"A folder holding real comments":["مجلد يتضمن تعليقات حقيقية"],"Make your site faster":["جعل الموقع أسرع"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["يمكنك تحميل صفحاتك بشكل أسرع عن طريق عرض صورك من خلال شبكة الخوادم العالمية لدينا."],"A fast and performant website":["موقع ويب سريع وفعّال"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["موقع آمن يقوم Jetpack بتأمينه وحمايته"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["لن تنطبق هذه الإعدادات على المقالات ذات الصلة المُضافة باستخدام محرر المكوِّن."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["انسخ المقالات والصفحات والشهادات وقوائم المشروعات الموجودة. سيُنسخ كل المحتوى بما في ذلك النصوص والصور المميّزة وإعدادات المشاركة والمزيد."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["يتعذر اتصال هذا الموقع بـ ووردبريس.كوم حيث إنَّه ينتهك {{a}}شروط الخدمة{{/a}} التي نُقرّها."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["اربط موقعك على الويب بشبكات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي تستخدمها وشارك المحتوى الخاص بك عبر جميع حساباتك على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بنقرة واحدة. عندما تنشر مقالة، ستظهر على جميع الحسابات المتصلة."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["إضافة أزرار الإعجاب إلى مقالاتك وصفحاتك"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["عندما يستمتع الزائرون بمحتواك، دعهم يظهرون ذلك بواسطة الإعجاب."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Professional الخاصة بك!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Premium الخاصة بك!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["استكشف خطة Jetpack Personal الخاصة بك!"],"Create account":["إنشاء حساب"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["يدعم Jetpack موقعك، ولكن للوصول إلى جميع ميزاته التي ستحتاج إليها لإنشاء حساب."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["نُسخ احتياطية فورية وتلقائية (تخزين غير محدود)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["أنشئ المحتوى بالطريقة التي تريدها لتبسيط تجربتك في النشر."],"Add a portfolio item":["إضافة عنصر قائمة المشروعات"],"Add a testimonial":["إضافة شهادة"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["قم بتطوير ظهور موقعك في محركات البحث واعرض إحصاءات المرور بشكل فوري."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["إنشاء حساب Jetpack لاستخدام هذه الميزة"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["شارك محتواك على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وقم بزيادة مشاركة الجمهور."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["سيراقب Jetpack موقعك باستمرار، وسيقوم بتنبيهك عند الكشف عن عطل."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["عند إطلاق تحديث المكوّن الإضافي، تتمثَّل أفضل ممارسة في تحديث ذلك المكوّن الإضافي على الفور. اختر المكوِّنات الإضافية التي ترغب في تحديثها تلقائيًّا لكي يبقى موقعك آمنًا."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["أبقِ موقعك آمنًا مع أحدث ميزات الأمان واستلم تنبيهات بالمشكلات الفنية."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تمكين مُسرِّع الموقع. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["يقوم مُسرِّع الموقع بتسريع موقعك الآن!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["جارٍ تمكين مُسرِّع الموقع..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تعطيل مُسرِّع الموقع. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["لن يقوم مُسرِّع الموقع بتسريع موقعك بعد الآن!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["جارٍ تعطيل مُسرِّع الموقع..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["يمكنك تحميل الصور بشكل أسرع، وتحسين الصور، وتسريع تجربة الزائرين لديك."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["يمكنك استكمال إحصاءات ووردبريس.كوم باستخدام مظهر Google المتعمق في أنماط الزائرين والمرور."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["يمكنك استضافة فيديو فائق السرعة وعالي الجودة من دون إعلانات الأطراف الثالثة."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["يمكنك جدولة التغريدات غير المحدودة ومقالات Facebook وغيرها من المقالات الاجتماعية مسبقًا."],"Marketing Automation":["أتمتة التسويق"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["تنشيط ميزة البحث في Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["استبدل أفضل النتائج والترشيح المدعوم من Elasticsearch ببحث ووردبريس الافتراضي."],"Start earning":["البدء في الربح"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["يسمح لك WordAds بجني المال عن طريق عرض محتوى ترويجي. ابدأ في جني المال اليوم."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["يُحظر البريد العشوائي تلقائيًّا من تعليقاتك."],"Spam Filtering":["ترشيح البريد العشوائي"],"Browse premium themes":["تصفح القوالب المتميزة"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["قم بالوصول إلى مئات من القوالب المتميزة المصممة بشكل جميل من دون أي تكلفة إضافية."],"Try a premium theme":["تجربة قالب متميز"],"View settings":["عرض الإعدادات"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["إنشاء حساب Jetpack لعرض متابعيك عبر البريد الإلكتروني"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["افتح موقعك أمام التعليقات وادع المشتركين للحصول على تنبيهات حول أحدث أعمالك."],"Manage security settings":["إدارة إعدادات الأمان"],"Built-in Performance":["الأداء المدمج"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["أصبح Jetpack جاهزًا لمحرر ووردبريس الجديد"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["نُقدِّم اليوم الموجة الأولى من الكتل الخاصة بـ Jetpack والمصممة خصوصًا لتجربة المحرر الجديد: زر الدفع البسيط والنموذج والخريطة والتمييز."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["إنشاء موقع Jetpack الخاص بك باستخدام الكتل"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["هل ثمَّة محرر جديد؟ نعم! {{a}}تعرّف على المزيد{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["كانت الميزات التي تعتمد عليها ملائمة لمحرر ووردبريس الجديد."],"Take me to the new editor":["خذني إلى المحرر الجديد"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["اختبار اتصال Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء اختبار Jetpack. خطأ: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["جديد في Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["زيادة سرعة تحميل الملفات الثابتة"],"Speed up image load times":["زيادة سرعة تحميل الصور"],"Enable site accelerator":["تمكين مسرع الموقع"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["تحميل الصفحات بصورة أسرع عن طريق السماح لبرنامج Jetpack بتحسين الصور وتقديم الصور والملفات الثابتة (مثل CSS وJavaScript) من شبكة الخوادم العالمية لدينا."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["أضف طبقة أمان إضافية إلى موقع الويب عن طريق تمكين تسجيل الدخول إلى ووردبريس.كوم والمصادقة الآمنة. إذا كانت لديك عدة مواقع تم تمكين هذا الخيار فيها، فستتمكن من تسجيل الدخول إلى كل موقع منها باستخدام بيانات الاعتماد نفسها."],"View your site activity":["عرض نشاط موقعك"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["عرض قائمة مرتبة ترتيبًا زمنيًا لجميع التغييرات والتحديثات التي تطرأ على موقعك بطريقة منظمة وسهلة القراءة."],"Manually Verify ":["التحقق يدويًّا "],"Verify with Google":["التحقق باستخدام غوغل"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["سيُرسل إليك غوغل رسالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني حول بعض الأحداث التي تقع في حياتك، بما في ذلك المؤشرات التي تُفيد بأنّ موقعك على الويب تعرّض {{a1}}للاختراق{{/a1}}، أو المشكلات المتعلقة {{a2}}بتتبع{{/a2}} موقعك أو فهرسته."],"or":["أو"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["راقب حركة المرور والأداء في موقعك من {{a}}وحدة التحكم في البحث في غوغل{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["يتم التحقق من موقعك باستخدام غوغل"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["فشل الموقع في التحقق: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["جارٍ التحقق..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["أضف ميزة بحث أسرع وأكثر تقدّمًا إلى موقعك باستخدام Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["استبدال بالبحث المدمج في ووردبريس ميزة البحث من Jetpack، التي تُعد تجربة بحث متقدمة"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["تستبدل ميزة البحث في Jetpack بالبحث المدمج بحثًا سريعًا قابلاً للتوسيع يمكن تخصيصه ووثيق الصلة تتم استضافته في سحابة ووردبريس.كوم. النتيجة: يعثر مستخدموك على المحتوى الذي يريدونه بشكل أسرع."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["يُعد البحث المدمج في ووردبريس رائعًا للمواقع التي لا تحتوي على الكثير من المحتوى. ولكن مع نمو موقعك، تتباطأ عمليات البحث وتعرض نتائجًا أقل صلة."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["تدعم ميزة البحث في Jetpack العديد من التخصيصات."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["استبدل بالبحث المدمج بحثًا سريعًا قابلاً للتوسيع يمكن تخصيصه ووثيق الصلة {{a}}تتم استضافته في سحابة ووردبريس.كوم{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["يتم التحقق من الموقع"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}لإنشاء موقع جميل يبدو بالشكل ويعمل بالطريقة التي تريدها تمامًا، يمنحك Jetpack Professional وصولاً غير محدود إلى أكثر من 200 قالب ووردبريس متميز.{{/p}}{{p}} Jetpack Professional هو أكثر من مجرد أداة تبحث عن التصميم المثالي. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["تصفية البريد المزعج ودعم الأولوية."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["عندما يتم تمكين الإعلانات، يقوم Jetpack تلقائيًا بإنشاء ملف ads.txt مُعد خصيصًا لموقعك."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["يقوم Jetpack تلقائيًا بإنشاء ملف {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} مُعد خصيصًا لموقعك. إذا كنت تحتاج إلى إضافة إدخالات إضافية للشبكات الأخرى، فيرجى إضافتها في المساحة أدناه، إدخال واحد في كل سطر."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["إدخالات ads.txt مخصصة"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}لإنشاء موقع جميل يبدو بالشكل ويعمل بالطريقة التي تريدها تمامًا، يمنحك Jetpack Professional وصولاً غير محدود إلى أكثر من 200 قالب ووردبريس متميز.{{/p}}{{p}} Jetpack Professional هو أكثر من مجرد أداة تبحث عن التصميم المثالي. يدور أيضًا حول راحة بالك: تضمن عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي الفورية وفحص البرامج الضارة التلقائي والدعم ذو الأولوية المُقدّم من فريق خبرائنا العالمي أن يظل موقعك آمنًا وسليمًا دومًا.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["تقديم القوالب المتميزة"]," Premium Themes":[" القوالب المتميزة"],"Privacy information":["معلومات الخصوصية"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["تمكين التحميل البطيء للصور"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["ستقوم الصور بطيئة التحميل بتحسين سرعة موقعك وخلق تجربة مشاهدة أكثر سلاسة. سيتم تحميل الصور عندما يقوم الزائرون بالتمرير إلى أسفل الشاشة، بدلاً من الكل في وقت واحد."],"Performance & speed":["الأداء والسرعة"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["تمكين مشغّل فيديوهات عالية السرعة ومن دون إعلانات"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["اجعل المحتوى الذي تنشره أكثر تفاعلاً مع الفيديو عالي الدقة. باستخدام أداة الفيديوهات في Jetpack، يمكنك تخصيص مشغّل الوسائط الخاص بك وتقديم مقاطع فيديو عالية السرعة ومن دون إعلانات ولا تحمل علامات تجارية إلى زائريك. تُستضاف مقاطع الفيديو على خوادم ووردبريس.كوم ولا تقلل من باقة الاستضافة الخاصة بك."],"Video":["الفيديو"],"Carousel color scheme":["نظام ألوان Carousel"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["تعرض بيانات Exif للمشاهدين تفاصيل فنية إضافية عن صورة ما، مثل بعدها البؤري والفتحة وISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["اعرض بيانات تعريف EXIF الخاصة بالصورة في carousel (عند توفرها)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["اعرض الصور بملء الصورة في معرض carousel"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["أنشئ عروض شرائح بملء الشاشة في carousel للصور الموجودة في مقالاتك وصفحاتك. تكون معارض Carousel مألوفة وتُشجّع زائرو الموقع للتفاعل مع صورك."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["يحل الشريط الجانبي لـ ووردبريس.كوم محل شريط أدوات مسؤول ووردبريس الافتراضي ويبسط تجربتك على ووردبريس. إنه يوفّر وصولاً بنقرة واحدة لإدارة جميع المواقع الخاصة بك وتحديث ملف تعريفك على ووردبريس.كوم وعرض الإخطارات واللحاق بالمواقع التي تتابعها في القارئ."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["الكود المختصر لمعارض الأعمال: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["استخدم {{portfolioLink}}معارض الأعمال{{/portfolioLink}} الموجودة على موقعك لعرض أفضل أعمالك. إذا لم يدعم القالب الخاص بك معارض الأعمال في Jetpack، فسيظل بإمكانك استخدام الكود المختصر لعرضها على موقعك."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["الكود المختصر للشهادات: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["أضف {{testimonialLink}}الشهادات{{/testimonialLink}} إلى موقعك على الويب لجذب عملاء جدد. إذا لم يدعم القالب الخاص بك الشهادات في Jetpack، فسيظل بإمكانك استخدام الكود المختصر لعرضها على موقعك."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["يتعذر على محركات البحث الوصول إلى موقعك في الوقت الحالي. إذا كنت ترغب في جعل موقعك قابلاً للوصول، فتحقق من {{a}}إعدادات القراءة{{/a}} وشغّل ميزة \"رؤية محرك البحث\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["أخبار جيدة: يُرسل Jetpack خريطة موقعك تلقائيًّا إلى جميع محركات البحث الرئيسية للفهرسة."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["خرائط الموقع هي ملفات تستخدمها محركات البحث مثل Google أو Bing في فهرسة موقعك على الويب. يمكنهم المساعدة على تحسين تصنيفك في نتائج البحث. عتد تمكين هذه الميزة، سيُنشئ Jetpack خرائط الموقع من أجلك ويُحدّثها تلقائيًّا عندما يتغيّر المحتوى الموجود على موقعك."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["تكوين المقالات ذات الصلة في أداة التخصيص"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["إبراز المحتوى ذي الصلة مع أحد العناوين"],"View security scan details":["عرض تفاصيل فحص الأمان"],"View backup history":["عرض محفوظات النسخ الاحتياطي"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["عرض صورة مصغّرة حيثما تتوفر"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية استخدام ميزات Jetpack المحددة لنشاط تتبع البيانات، يرجى الرجوع إلى {{privacyCenterLink}}مركز الخصوصية{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["نستخدم أدوات تتبع أخرى، بما في ذلك بعض الأدوات التي تنتمي إلى أطراف ثالثة. {{cookiePolicyLink}}اقرأ حول هذه الأدوات{{/cookiePolicyLink}} وكيفية التحكم بها."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["تساعدنا هذه المعلومات على تحسين منتجاتنا، وجعل التسويق أكثر ملاءمة لك، وتخصيص تجربة ووردبريس.كوم، والمزيد كما يرد بالتفصيل في {{pp}}سياسة الخصوصية{{/pp}} لدينا."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["شارك المعلومات مع أداة التحليلات لدينا حول استخدامك الخدمات أثناء تسجيل الدخول إلى حساب ووردبريس.كوم الخاص بك. {{cookiePolicyLink}}تعرّف على المزيد{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["يتحكم مسؤول الموقع في هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتمكين هذه الميزة. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل %(moduleName)s. {{link}}تعرّف المزيد{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل هذه الميزة."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["قام مسؤول الموقع بتعطيل %(moduleName)s."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["يمكنك وضع إعلانات إضافية باستخدام مربع جانبي للإعلانات. {{link}}جرّب ذلك!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["تكوين إعدادات التنبيهات لديك"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["رصد تعطّل موقعك"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["تُعد ميزة البحث في Jetpack بديلاً فعّالاً لميزة إمكانية البحث المدمجة في ووردبريس."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["تُفحص الملفات على موقعك بانتظام بحثًا عن التعديلات غير المصرح بها أو المشكوك فيها التي يمكن أن تُعرض أمانك وبياناتك للخطر."],"Plugin needs updating.":["لا بد من تحديث المكوّن الإضافي.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية.","لا بد من تحديث المكوّنات الإضافية."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["تسمح لك تحديثات مكوّن Jetpack الإضافي باختيار المكوّنات الإضافية التي يتم تحديثها تلقائيًّا."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["سيُحسّن Jetpack صورك ويوفِّرها من موقع الخادم الأقرب إلى زائريك. سيؤدي استخدام شبكة توصيل المحتوى العالمية إلى تعزيز سرعة التحميل في موقعك."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["ستراقب ميزة رصد التعطّل في Jetpack موقعك بإستمرار، وستنبهك في اللحظة التي يُكشف فيها عن التعطّل."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["تسمح لك عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي في Jetpack باستعادة إحدى النُسخ الاحتياطية أو تنزيلها بسهولة من لحظة معيّنة."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["يتحقق Akismet من تعليقاتك وعروض نماذج جهات الاتصال وفق قاعدة بياناتنا العامة لرسائل البريد غير المرغوب فيها."],"Privacy Information":["معلومات الخصوصية"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["يتيح لك VideoPress رفع مقاطع الفيديو من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ليتم استضافتها على ووردبريس.كوم لا على خوادم المضيف لديك. يمكنك بعد ذلك إدراج مقاطع الفيديو هذه على موقع Jetpack المستضاف ذاتيًا. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["إضافة مربع البحث الجانبي (Jetpack) إلى الشريط الجانبي لديك"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["امنح زوارك تجربة بحث رائعة عن طريق السماح لهم بتصفية نتائج النتائج ذات الصلة وفرزها بسرعة."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["تمكين قالب خفيف الوزن ومألوف للهواتف المحمولة سيُعرض لزوارك على الأجهزة المحمولة."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["تحميل المقالات التالية تلقائيًا عندما يقترب القارئ من أسفل الصفحة."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["السماح لك بنشر مقالات جديدة عن طريق إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى عنوان خاص."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["السماح لك بكتابة محتوى به روابط وقوائم وأنماط أخرى بصياغة مبسطة."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["التحقق من المحتوى الخاص بك للتأكد من صحة قواعد النحو والإملاء، والكلمات المُساء استخدامها والأسلوب أثناء الكتابة."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["تقديم الوسوم المخفية الضرورية واللازمة للتحقق من موقع ووردبريس الخاص بك مع خدمات متنوعة."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["عرض معلومات عن نشاط موقعك، بما في ذلك الزوار والمقالات أو الصفحات الشائعة."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["السماح لك بتحسين موقعك ومحتواه للحصول على نتائج أفضل في محركات البحث."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["دمج موقعك ووردبريس لديك مع Google Analytics، الذي يُعد منصة تقدم رؤى حول حركة المرور والزوار والتحويلات لديك."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["عرض إعلانات عالية الجودة على موقعك تتيح لك كسب دخل."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["إضافة أزرار المشاركة إلى المحتوى الخاص بك بحيث يمكن الزوار من مشاركته على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["السماح لك بمشاركة أحدث محتوى تلقائيًا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، بما في ذلك فيسبوك وتويتر."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["إضافة أزرار إعجاب إلى المحتوى الخاص بك بحيث يمكن للزوار إظهار تقديرهم أو استمتاعهم."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["السماح للمستخدمين المسجلين بتسجيل الدخول إلى موقعك باستخدام حسابات ووردبريس.كوم الخاصة بهم."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["حماية موقعك من هجمات تسجيل الدخول الغاشمة التقليدية والموزعة."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["إجراء نسخ احتياطي لموقعك على خوادم ووردبريس.كوم العالمية، مما يسمح لك باستعادة المحتوى الخاص بك في حالة الطوارئ أو الخطأ."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["إزالة الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها من التعليقات ونماذج الاتصال."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["نحن ملتزمون بخصوصيتك وأمانك. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["عرض كل خطط Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["إدارة خطتك"],"Your Plan":["خطتك"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["أنت حاليًا على %(plan)s Jetpack."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["السماح للقراء بالاشتراك في مقالاتك أو تعليقاتك، وتلقي تنبيهات بالمحتوى الجديد عبر البريد الإلكتروني."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["استبدال نموذج تعليقات ووردبريس القياسي بنظام تعليقات جديد يتضمن خيارات تسجيل الدخول إلى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}التنشيط{{/a}} لاستبدال ميزة البحث في Jetpack — وهي تجربة بحث متقدمة — بميزة البحث المدمجة في ووردبريس."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["إضافة مربع البحث الجانبي (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["إن البحث في Jetpack يمكِّن البحث على موقعك."],"Manage your plugins":["إدارة مكوناتك الإضافية"],"Moderate comments":["إدارة التعليقات"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["تم تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية."],"Updating privacy settings…":["جارٍ تحديث إعدادات الخصوصية…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["إضافة المربع الجانبي \"بحث Jetpack\""],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["أضف مربعًا جانبيًّا لميزة البحث في Jetpack إلى شريطك الجانبي لتكوين الفرز والمرشحات."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["مجموعات الأمان الكاملة، وأدوات التشغيل التلقائي للتسويق والإيرادات، واستضافة مقاطع فيديو غير محدودة، وقوالب غير محدودة، والبحث المحسّن، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["مجموعات الأمان الكاملة، وأدوات التشغيل التلقائي للتسويق والإيرادات، واستضافة مقاطع فيديو غير محدودة، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["النسخ الاحتياطية اليومية، وتصفية البريد المزعج، والدعم ذو الأولوية."],"Always-on Security":["الأمان المتاح دائمًا"],"Activate video hosting":["تنشيط استضافة مقاطع الفيديو"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["نسخة احتياطية فورية لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة، واسترداد بنقرة واحدة، وفحص الأمان التقائي، والدعم ذو الأولوية"],"Design the perfect website":["تصميم موقع الويب المثالي"],"Set up Jetpack":["إعداد Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["نسخ احتياطي في وقت التشغيل لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واستعادة بنقرة واحدة وفحص أمان تلقائي."],"Jetpack Search":["البحث في Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["إصدار Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["جارٍ إجراء نسخة احتياطية لموقعك في وقت التشغيل وفحصه بانتظام للاحتراز من تهديدات الأمان."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["نسخ احتياطي يومي لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واسترداد بنقرة واحدة"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["نسخ احتياطي فوري لجميع بيانات موقعك بمساحة غير محدودة واسترداد بنقرة واحدة وفحص أمان تلقائي وحل للتهديد بنقرة واحدة."],"View your security activity":["عرض نشاط الأمان"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (عن طريق VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["تخصيص المربع الجانبي للبحث"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["يُرجى تصحيح المشكلة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى.","يُرجى تصحيح المشاكل المُدرجة أدناه والمحاولة مرة أخرى."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["نحن نتأكد من عدم وجود تهديدات أمنية في موقعك. سنخطرك إذا عثرنا على أي تهديدات."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["جارٍ نسخ موقعك احتياطيًّا في وقت التشغيل."],"Jetpack version":["إصدار Jetpack"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}اعرض نشاط موقعك{{/a}} في موجز فردي."],"Activity":["النشاط"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["كوّن كل عبارة من العبارات الجديدة التي تضيفها عن طريق الضغط على enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}عرض التفاصيل{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["شكرًا لاختيار Jetpack Professional. يقوم Jetpack الآن بنسخ محتواك احتياطيًّا بشكل فوري وفهرسة محتواك للبحث وفحص التهديدات الأمنية ومنح حق الوصول إلى القوالب المتميزة."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["مع Jetpack الاحترافي، يمكنك إنشاء موقع مثالي باستخدام قالب واحد من أكثر من 300 قالب مصمم تصميمًا احترافيًا في ووردبريس، بينها أكثر من 100 قالب مميز. خصص المحتوى الخاص بك باستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من عناصر واجهة المستخدم، أو أضف فيديوهات غير محدودة إلى مقالاتك وصفحاتك -- تُعرض بدون إعلانات أو علامات مائية."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["تَسْهُل زيادة عدد متابعيك مع خطتك الاحترافية، وبفضل مشاركة المحتوى وجدولته، وأدوات تحسين محركات البحث، وخيارات الاشتراك المدمجة. يمكنك تحقيق أرباح من موقعك مع زر المدفوعات البسيطة وعبر الاستفادة من الإعلانات الداخلية، ومراقبة نجاح جهودك عن طريق التكامل مع Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["تمنحك خطة Jetpack كل ما تحتاج إليه للحفاظ على عملك الشاق في مأمن، بما في ذلك عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي عند الطلب وعمليات فحص البرامج الضارة، بنقرة واحدة لإجراء عمليات الاستعادة وحل المشكلات. ستتم حماية موقعك بالكامل ضد البريد المزعج، والتعليمات البرمجية الضارة، ومحاولات تسجيل الدخول بالقوة الغاشمة."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ابدأ في استكشاف Jetpack الاحترافي الآن للاطلاع على جميع ميزات باقتك الجديدة."],"Install premium themes":["تثبيت القوالب المميزة"],"Review SEO features":["مراجعة ميزات تحسين محرك البحث"],"Welcome Professional":["مرحبًا بالاحترافي"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["شكرًا لاختيار باقة Jetpack المميز. ينسخ Jetpack الآن موقعك احتياطيًا، ويفحص أي تهديدات أمنية، ويُمكّن ميزات تحقيق الأرباح."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["مع Jetpack المميز، يمكنك إنشاء الموقع المثالي، بصرف النظر عن الغرض المنشود منه. خصص مظهر موقعك مع قالب واحد من أكثر من 200 قالب مجاني، أو عزز المحتوى الخاص بك مع مساحة 13 جيجابايت من الفيديوهات عالية الدقة -- وجميعها مستضاف وخالٍ من الإعلانات أو العلامات المائية."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["باستخدام أدوات المشاركة الفعالة في Jetpack، يمكنك مشاركة أحدث المقالات تلقائيًا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، أو جدولة المحتوى الخاص بك لمشاركته مجددًا في أي تاريخ أو وقت تختار. بالإضافة إلى زيادة عدد متابعيك، يمكنك زيادة أعمالك باستخدام أدوات مثل أزرار الدفع والإعلانات."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ابدأ في استكشاف Jetpack المميز الآن للاطلاع على جميع ميزات باقتك الجديدة."],"Monetize your site with ads":["تحقيق الأرباح من موقعك باستخدام الإعلانات"],"Welcome Premium":["مرحبًا بالمميز"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["شكرًا لاختيار باقة Jetpack الشخصي. ينسخ Jetpack الآن موقعك احتياطيًا ويفحص أي تهديدات أمنية."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["مع Jetpack الشخصي، يحق لك الوصول إلى أكثر من 100 قالب مصمم تصميمًا احترافيًا على ووردبريس. اختر القالب المناسب أكثر لموقعك وخصص ألوانًا وصورًا، أو أضف مجموعة متنوعة من عناصر واجهة المستخدم الجديدة."],"Got it":["فهمت!"],"Welcome personal":["مرحبًا بالشخصي"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["عن طريق النقر على الزر أدناه، أنت توافق على {{tosLink}}شروط الخدمة{{/tosLink}} لدينا وعلى {{shareDetailsLink}}مشاركة التفاصيل{{/shareDetailsLink}} مع ووردبريس.كوم."],"Jetpack Stats People":["صورة أشخاص ينتظرون إلى إحصاءات Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["مرحبًا! تم تنشيط إحصاءاتك."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["أعطنا بعض الوقت لجمع البيانات لكي نتمكن من عرضها لك هنا."],"Okay, got it!":["حسنًا، فهمت!"],"Display ads below posts on":["عرض الإعلانات أسفل المقالات على"],"Additional ad placements":["مواضع الإعلانات الإضافية"],"Top of each page":["الجزء العلوي من كل صفحة"],"Second ad below post":["إعلان ثانٍ أسفل المقالة"],"Archives":["الأرشيف"],"Explore Professional":["استكشف الخيار الاحترافي"],"Compare All Plans":["مقارنة جميع الباقات"],"Person with laptop":["شخص لديه كمبيوتر محمول"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["موقع Jetpack الخاص بك جاهز للاستخدام!"],"Stars":["النجوم"],"Jupiter":["كوكب المشتري"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["مرحبًا بك في Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["جدولة المقالات"],"Activate 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المدفوعة الوصول إلى دعم Jetpack ذي الأولوية."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["لقد دفعتَ للنسخ الاحتياطية ولكن لم يتم تفعيلها حتى الآن."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["لقد دفعتَ للنسخ الاحتياطية وفحص الأمان ولكن لم يتم تفعيلهما حتى الآن."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["انقر على \"إعداد\" لإنهاء التثبيت."],"Checking site status…":["جارٍ التحقق من حالة الموقع..."],"Pages":["صفحات"],"We're here to help":["نحن هنا للمساعدة"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["يأتي Jetpack بدعم مجاني وأساسي لجميع المستخدمين."],"Ask a question":["طرح الأسئلة"],"Search our support site":["البحث في موقع الدعم"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["احصل على أسرع جواب عن أسئلة الدعم لديك."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["استضافة مقاطع الفيديو بسرعة وبجودة عالية وبدون إعلانات."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["تحقيق دخل من الإعلانات ذات الجودة العالية."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["نسخ احتياطية فورية للموقع وحل تلقائي للتهديدات."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["الحماية من فقدان البيانات والبرامج والهجمات الضارة."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["الاندماج بسهولة مع تحليلات غوغل."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["ساعد على العثور على محتواك ومشاركته باستخدام أدوات SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["حماية موقعك من البريد المزعج."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["هذا الموقع غير متصل بـ يُرجى طلب الاتصال من مسؤول الموقع."],"Spam filtering":["تصفية البريد المزعج"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["فحص البرامج الضارة بصورة آلية يوميًا"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["نسخ احتياطية بصورة آلية يوميًا (تخزين غير محدود)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["فحص البرامج الضارة بصورة آلية يوميًا بحل تلقائي"],"Unlimited, high-speed video 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["لاحظ أن {{b}}التحقق من موقعك باستخدام هذه الخدمات ليس ضروريًا {{/b}}لضمان فهرسة موقعك حسب محركات البحث. لاستخدام أدوات محركات البحث المتقدمة هذه والتحقق من موقعك باستخدام خدمة ما، ألصق كود وسم HTML أدناه. اقرأ {{support}}التعليمات الكاملة {{/support}}إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة. خدمات التحقق المدعومة: {{google}}وحدة تحكم بحث جوجل{{/google}} و{{bing}}أدوات مشرفي موقع محرك البحث بينغ{{/bing}} و{{pinterest}}التحقق من موقعك باستخدام بينتيريست {{/pinterest}}و{{yandex}}مشرفو موقع محرك البحث يندكس{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["بينغ"],"Yandex":["يندكس"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["إنشاء خرائط الموقع XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["جمع إحصاءات المرور والرؤى القيمة."],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["تساعد الصورة على جمع الإحصاءات ولكن ينبغي أن تعمل عند إخفائها."],"Count logged in page views from":["قم بعدّ مشاهدات الذين سجلوا الدخول إلى الصفحة من"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["السماح بعرض تقارير الإحصاءات حسب"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["يمكنك إدخال تعديلات على هذه الإعدادات إذا كنت ترغب في تحكم أكثر تقدمًا. اقرأ المزيد حول ما الذي يمكنك فعله {{a}}لتحسين نظام SEO الخاص بموقعك{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["تكوين إعدادات SEO لديك"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["قيد \"الترقية\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["تكوين إعدادات تحليلات غوغل لديك"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["إظهار إعلانات في أول مقالة على صفحتك الرئيسية أو في نهاية كل صفحة ومقالة. وضع إعلانات إضافية في الجزء العلوي من موقعك وفي منطقة المربع الجانبي لزيادة الأرباح."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["تمكين الإعلانات وعرض إعلان أسفل كل مقالة"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["تكوين أزرار المشاركة"],"Connect your social media accounts":["توصيل حسابات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بك"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["مطابقة الحسابات باستخدام عناوين البريد الإلكتروني"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["يلزم حسابات لاستخدام مصادقة ووردبريس.كوم على خطوتين"],"Add to whitelist":["إضافة إلى قائمة السماح"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["يمكنك إدراج عنوان IP أو سلسلة عناوين في قائمة السماح، الأمر الذي يعمل على منعهم من الحظر بواسطة Jetpack. IPv4 وIPv6 مقبولان. لتحديد نطاق، أدخل القيمة المنخفضة والقيمة المرتفعة مفصولاً بينهما بشرطة. على سبيل المثال:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["أصبح موقعك منسوخًا احتياطيًا وبدون تهديدات."],"Checking your spam protection…":["جارٍ التحقق من الحماية من البريد المزعج…"],"Fetching key…":["جارٍ إحضار المفتاح…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["يحتاج موقعك إلى مفتاح Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["توجد مشكلة في مفتاح API الخاص بـ Antispam. {{a}}تعرف على المزيد{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["لم تتم حماية موقعك من البريد المزعج."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["مفتاح Antispam صالح."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["موقعك محمي من البريد المزعج."],"Checking key…":["جارٍ التحقق من المفتاح…"],"Your API key":["مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["إذا لم يكن لديك مفتاح API بالفعل، فمن ثم {{a}}احصل على مفتاح API من هنا{{/a}}، وسيتم توجيهك خلال عملية الحصول على مفتاح."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["لم يتم العثور على نتائج بحث لـ %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["أدخل مصطلح بحث لإيجاد الإعدادات أو أغلق البحث."],"Connections":["اتصالات"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["موقعك في وضع التطوير، لذا لا يمكن اتصاله بـ ووردبريس.كوم."],"Your site is connected to":["موقعك متصل بـ ووردبريس.كوم."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["أنت مالك Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["متصل بصفة{{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["عرض متابعي البريد الإلكتروني"],"Color scheme":["نظام الألوان"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["تمكين استخدام التمييز للتعليقات."],"Updated settings.":["تم تحديث الإعدادات."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث الإعدادات. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["تمت إعادة إنشاء مقالة باستخدام عنوان البريد الإلكتروني."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء إعادة إنشاء مقالة باستخدام عنوان البريد الإلكتروني. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["أسهل طريقة لتحميل مقاطع فيديو خالية من الإعلانات ولا تحمل علامات تجارية معينة على موقعك. يمكن أن تحصل على إحصاءات بشأن تشغيل الفيديو والمشاركات، كما أن المشغل خفيف الوزن وعالي الاستجابة."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["أنت بصدد تشغيل Jetpack على خادم مرحلي."],"More Info":["المزيد من المعلومات"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}مشاهدة إدارة الإعجابات من إعدادات الوحدة النمطية للمشاركة{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["IP الحالي الخاص بك: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["توجد إعدادات غير محفوظة في علامة التبويب هذه ستُفقد إذا تركتها. هل تريد المتابعة؟"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["سيؤدي ذلك إلى إعادة تعيين جميع خيارات Jetpack، هل أنت متأكد؟"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["البحث عن إحدى مزايا Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["تكوين فحوصات الأمان"],"Subscriber":["مشترك"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["تحديث Big iPhone/iPad متوفر الآن"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["تجري حاليًا صيانة تطبيق وردبرس للأندرويد"]," Likes are:":["إعجابات وردبرس.كوم هي:"],"Comments headline":["عنوان التعليقات"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["بضع كلمات جذابة لتحفيز القراء على التعليق."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["إظهار خيارات \"متابعة الموقع\" في نموذج التعليقات"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["إظهار خيار \"متابعة التعليقات\" في نموذج التعليقات."],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["وضع مخطط يعرض المشاهدات خلال آخر 48 ساعة في شريط تنبيهات المدير"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["إخفاء الإحصائيات لصورة وجه الابتسامة"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["عناوين IP المدرجة في قائمة السماح"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["إظهار دعاية عن تطبيق وردبرس للجوال في تذييل قالب الجوال"],"Copied!":["تم النسخ!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["ميز النص التالي وانسخه إلى الحافظة لديك:"],"Regenerate address":["إعادة إنشاء العنوان"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["تدقيق المحتوى تلقائياً في الحالات التالية: "],"A post or page is first published":["تُنشر مقالة أو صفحة أولاً"],"A post or page is updated":["يتم تحديث مقالة أو صفحة"],"Automatic Language Detection":["اكتشاف اللغة تلقائيًا"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["يدعم المدقق اللغوي الإنجليزية والفرنسية والألمانية والبرتغالية والإسبانية."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["تمكين التدقيق اللغوي لتطبيق قواعد النحو والأسلوب التالية: "],"Add a phrase":["إضافة عبارة"],"Cheatin' uh?":["عفواً، لا تملك الصلاحية الكافية."],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}هل لديك أي مانع من إخبارنا بسبب عدم إكمال اتصال Jetpack في هذا {{a}}الاستبيان المؤلف من سؤالين{{/a}}؟{{/p}}{{p}}يلزم اتصال Jetpack لكي تعمل ميزتا الأمان والمرور اللتان نقدمهما.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["مرحبًا بك في {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack متصل بالفعل."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["أنت الآن على أهبة الاستعداد للبدء، Jetpack نشط الآن."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["أنت الآن على أهبة الاستعداد للبدء."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["أنت حاليًا بصدد تشغيل نسخة مطوَّرة من Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["ملاحظات إرسال بيتا"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["ماذا تود أن تشاهد في لوحة تحكم Jetpack؟"],"Let us know!":["دعنا نعرف!"],"Saving…":["جارٍ الحفظ..."],"Save Settings":["حفظ الإعدادات"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["أيقونة إحصاءات Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}تفعيل إحصاءات الموقع{{/a}} لمشاهدة الإحصاءات والإعجابات والمتابعين والمشتركين وغيرها المزيد من البيانات التفصيلية! {{a1}}اعرف المزيد{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["تفعيل إحصاءات الموقع"],"Security Scanning":["فحص الأمان"],"Site Backups":["نُسخ احتياطية لموقعك"],"Upgrade":["ترقية"],"ACTIVE":["مفعّل"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["موقعك في وضع التطوير"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["بمجرد الاتصال، يمكنك الترقية إلى باقة مدفوعة لإلغاء قفل الأمان العالمي واستخدام أدوات الحماية من البريد المزعج والحصول على الدعم ذي الأولوية."],"View your spam stats":["عرض إحصاءات البريد المزعج"],"View your security dashboard":["عرض لوحة تحكم الأمان"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["الموقع في وضع التطوير، ولذا لا يمكنك الاتصال بوردبرس.كوم."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["اربط حسابك بوردبرس.كوم لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["لفحص تهديدات الأمان بصورة آلية وشاملة، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت VaultPress{{/a}} وتفعيله."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["لفحص تهديدات الأمان بصورة آلية وشاملة، يُرجى {{a}}ترقية حسابك{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["يقوم Jetpack بمراقبة موقعك. إذا كنا نعتقد أن موقعك معطل، فستتلقى بريدًا إلكترونيًا."],"Security":["الأمان"],"Performance":["الأداء"],"Backups":["عمليات النسخ الاحتياطي"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}عرض تفاصيل النسخة الاحتياطية{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["لنسخ موقعك بأكمله احتياطيًا بصورة تلقائية، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت VaultPress{{/a}} وتنشيطه."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["غير متوفر في وضع التطوير."],"Spam Protection":["الحماية من البريد المزعج"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["بالنسبة إلى الدفاع ضد أحدث أنواع البريد المزعج، يُرجى {{a}}تثبيت أكيسميت{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["بالنسبة إلى الدفاع ضد أحدث أنواع البريد المزعج، يُرجى {{a}}تفعيل أكيسميت{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["مفتاح غير صالح"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["غير متوفر في وضع التطوير"],"Activating recommended features…":["تفعيل الميزات الموصى بها…"],"Recommended features active.":["الميزات الموصى بها مفعلة."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["فشل تفعيل الميزات الموصى بها. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["جارٍ تفعيل %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["تم تفعيل %(slug)s."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["فشل تفعيل %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["جارٍ إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[" تم إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[" فشل إلغاء تفعيل %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["جارٍ تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["تم تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء تحديث إعدادات %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["جارٍ تحديث عنوان %(slug)s…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["تمت إعادة إنشاء عنوان %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["حدث خطأ أثناء إعادة إنشاء عنوان %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["جارٍ إعادة تعيين خيارات Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["تمت إعادة تعيين الخيارات."],"Options failed to reset.":["فشلت إعادة تعيين الخيارات."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["يا للهول! مفتاح Akismet الخاص بك مفقود أو غير صالح. {{akismetSettings}}انتقل إلى إعدادات أكيسميت لإصلاح{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["لم يتم العثور على تهديدات، يمكنك الانتقال!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}اتصل بالدعم{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}اعرض التفاصيل على{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["عفوًا تم العثور على تهديد %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s.","عفوًا تم العثور على تهديدات %(number)s."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}يمكنك تنشيط المراقبة{{/a}} لاستلام إشعارات عبر البريد الإلكتروني إذا تعطّل موقعك."],"Loading…":["جارٍ التحميل..."],"Downtime monitoring":["مراقبة فترة التوقف"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}عرض المزيد من الإحصاءات على وردبرس.كوم {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}عرض الإحصاءات القديمة{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["تعليقات طوال الوقت"],"All-time views":["مشاهدات طوال الوقت"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s مشاهدة","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات","%(number)s مشاهدات"],"Best overall day":["اليوم الأفضل إجمالاً"],"Views today":["المشاهدات في الوقت الحاضر"],"Months":["شهور"],"Weeks":["أسابيع"],"Days":["أيام"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["حدثت مشكلة أثناء اتصال Jetpack الخاص بك. يُرجى النقر على \"الاتصال بوردبرس.كوم\" مرة أخرى."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["لقد حدثت مشكلة أثناء اتصال Jetpack، قم بتعطيل إضافة Jetpack ثم قم بتفعيلها واتصل مرة أخرى."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["يتعين عليك الاستمرار في تسجيل الدخول إلى مدونة وردبرس أثناء مصادقة Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}توجد مشكلة في Jetpack الخاص بك.{{/s}} نأسف للإزعاج. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى لاحقًا، وفي حال استمرار المشكلة يُرجى الاتصال بالدعم من خلال هذه الرسالة: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["قطع اتصال Jetpack"],"Learn more":["تعرف على المزيد"],"Posts":["تدوينات"],"Front page":["الصفحة الرئيسية"],"Upload videos":["رفع وسائط الفيديو"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["قوقل"],"Show related content after posts":["إظهار المحتوى المتعلق بعد التدوينات"],"Related":["مرتبط"],"Save":["حفظ"],"Email Address":["عنوان البريد الإلكتروني"],"Media":["وسائط"],"Themes":["القوالب"],"Site Stats":["إحصائيات الموقع"],"Sharing":["المشاركة"],"Testimonials":["الشهادات"],"Cancel":["إلغاء"],"Comments":["تعليقات"],"Ignored Phrases":["تجاهل العبارات"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["استخدم الكشف التلقائي للغة لتستخدم التدقيق اللغوي في المواضيع والصفحات"],"Redundant Phrases":["عبارات مكررة"],"Phrases to Avoid":["العبارات التي يجب تجنبها"],"Passive Voice":["المبني للمجهول"],"Jargon":["اللهجة الغريبة"],"Hidden Verbs":["أفعال مخفية"],"Double Negatives":["السلبيات المزدوجة"],"Diacritical Marks":["علامات التشكيل أو أحرف العلة"],"Complex Phrases":["الجمل المعقدة"],"Bias Language":["التحيز باللغة"],"English Options":["خيارات اللغة الإنكليزية"],"Proofreading":["التدقيق اللغوي"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["يتعذر على Jetpack الاتصال بوردبرس.كوم: %(error_key)s. يعني هذا عادة أن هناك شيئًا ما تم تكوينه تكوينًا غير صحيح على مضيف الويب الخاص بك."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":["يوجد مشاكل حالياً مع وغير قادر على الربط مع Jetpack. يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى في وقت لاحق."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}توجد مشكلة في Jetpack الخاص بك.{{/s}} ربط موقعك بوردبرس.كوم غير ممكن. يعني هذا عادة أن موقعك لا يمكن وصول العامة إليه (مضيف محلي)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["يجب أن يكون موقعك على الويب قابلاً للوصول من قبل العامة لاستخدام Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["قطعتَ اتصال Jetpack بنجاح."],"Edit":["تحرير"],"Connected":["متصل"],"Activate":["تفعيل"],"Active":["مفعل"],"Search":["بحث"],"Settings":["الإعدادات"],"Learn More":["تعلم المزيد"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["قطع الاتصال بـ Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["اختبر مدى توافق موقعك مع Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["تحديثات تلقائية للمكوِّن الإضافي"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["رصد التعطل"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["إعدادات الخصوصية"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["شريط أدوات"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["إنشاء"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["إحصاءات الموقع"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["تحسين محرك البحث"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["تحليلات غوغل"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["أزرار المشاركة"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["اتصالات Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["أزرار الإعجاب"],"Settings header\ log in":["تسجيل الدخول إلى"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["الحماية من هجمات القوة الغاشمة"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["النسخ الاحتياطية وفحص الأمان"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["تصفية البريد المزعج"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["الأداء"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["خطتي"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["أدوات التطوير"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["الإعدادات"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["مناقشة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["المرور"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["مشاركة"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["نبذة سريعة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["الخطط"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["كتابة"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["أعد تعيين الخيارات (إصدارات التطوير فقط)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["الأمان"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["نبذة سريعة"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["شروط الخدمة"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["شروط الخدمة"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["البيانات"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["المسارات"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["الخصوصية"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["جارٍ الحفظ..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["حفظ الإعدادات"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["ذات صلة"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["معاينة"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["البقاء متصل"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["قطع الاتصال"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["يلزم وجود تحديثات"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["مدفوع"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["معاينة"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["الإعلانات"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["الاتصال بالموقع"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["توصيل الحساب"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["التهديدات"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["إصلاح"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["تم العثور على تهديدات!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["لا يوجد فحص"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["ترقية"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["تأمين"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["مفتاح غير صالح"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["إعداد"],"verb\u0004Copy":["نسخ"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["الخصوصية"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["الشروط"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["تصحيح الأخطاء"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["تم حظر التعليقات المزعجة."]}}}
languages/json/jetpack-de_DE-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["Diese Einstellungen gelten nicht für ähnliche Beiträge, die mithilfe des Block-Editors hinzugefügt wurden."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Bestehende Beiträge, Seite, Referenzen und Portfolios duplizieren. Dabei werden alle Inhalte kopiert, einschließlich Text, Beitragsbilder, Teilen-Einstellungen usw.."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Diese Website kann nicht mit verknüpft werden, weil sie unsere {{a}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/a}} verletzt."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Verbinde deine Website mit den von dir verwendeten Social Media-Netzwerken und teile deine Inhalte mit einem einzigen Klick in allen deinen Social Media-Konten. Wenn du einen Beitrag veröffentlichst, wird er in allen verbundenen Konten angezeigt."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten Like-Buttons hinzu"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Erlaube es deinen Besuchern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Inhalte gefallen."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Professional-Tarif!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Premium-Tarif!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif!"],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack unterstützt deine Website. Um jedoch auf alle Funktionen zugreifen zu können, musst du ein Konto erstellen."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatisierte Backups in Echtzeit (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Verfasse Inhalte auf deine Art und optimiere das Veröffentlichen."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ergänze das Portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Füge eine Referenz hinzu"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit deiner Website in Suchmaschinen und sieh dir Traffic-Statistiken in Echtzeit an."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um diese Funktion zu nutzen"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Teilen deinen Inhalt in Social-Media-Kanälen, um ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website kontinuierlich und warnt dich, sobald Ausfallzeiten erkannt werden."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["Es ist empfehlenswert, neue Plugin-Versionen sofort zu aktualisieren. Lege fest, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen, damit deine Website immer geschützt ist."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Mit modernsten Sicherheitsfunktionen und Benachrichtigungen bei technischen Problemen ist deine Website jederzeit geschützt."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Mit dem Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt noch schneller!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird aktiviert …"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Ohne den Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt leider nicht mehr schneller."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird deaktiviert …"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Lasse Seiten schneller laden, optimiere Bilder und biete deinen Besuchern eine schnellere Nutzererfahrung."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Ergänze die mit Googles umfassendem Einblick in das Verhalten deiner Besucher und das Traffic-Aufkommen."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Schnelles Videohosting in HD ohne Werbeanzeigen von Dritten."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Plane beliebig viele Tweets, Facebook-Beiträge und andere Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken im Voraus."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketingautomatisierung"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche aktivieren"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersetze die standardmäßige WordPress-Suche und erhalte bessere Ergebnisse mit individuellen Filteroptionen, bereitgestellt von Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Geld verdienen"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["Mit WordAds kannst du durch Anzeigen von Werbeinhalten Geld verdienen. Beginne noch heute damit, Geld zu verdienen."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam wird automatisch in Kommentaren blockiert."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium-Themes durchsuchen"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Greife auf Hunderte von wunderschönen Premium-Themes zu, die dich keinen Cent extra kosten."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium-Theme testen"],"View settings":["Einstellungen anzeigen"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um deine E-Mail-Follower zu sehen"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Erlaube Kommentare auf deiner Website und benachrichtige Abonnenten über deine neuesten Inhalte."],"Manage security settings":["Sicherheitseinstellungen verwalten"],"Built-in Performance":["Integrierte Performance"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack ist bereit für den neuen WordPress-Editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Heute stellen wir die ersten Blöcke für Jetpack vor, die speziell für den neuen Editor entwickelt wurden: Button für Einfaches Bezahlen, Formular, Karte und Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Erstelle deine Jetpack-Website mit Blöcken"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ein neuer Editor? Ja! {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Die bekannten Funktionen, angepasst an den neuen WordPress-Editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Zum neuen Editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Fehler beim Testen von Jetpack. Fehler: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Neu in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Ladezeiten von statischen Dateien verkürzen"],"Speed up image load times":["Ladezeiten von Bildern verkürzen"],"Enable site accelerator":["Website-Beschleuniger aktivieren"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem du Jetpack erlaubst, deine Bilder zu optimieren und deine Bilder und statischen Dateien (wie CSS und JavaScript) über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitzustellen."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Erhöhe die Sicherheit deiner Website, indem du die Anmeldung mit und sichere Authentifizierung aktivierst. Wenn du über mehrere Websites verfügst und diese Option aktiviert ist, kannst du dich mit den gleichen Anmeldedaten bei allen diesen Seiten anmelden."],"View your site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sieh dir eine chronologische Liste aller Änderungen und Updates an deiner Website an."],"Manually Verify ":["Manuell verifizieren "],"Verify with Google":["Mit Google verifizieren"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google wird dich per E-Mail über bestimmte Vorkommnisse auf deiner Website informieren. Dazu gehören auch Anzeichen, dass deine Website {{a1}}gehackt{{/a1}} wurde, sowie Probleme beim {{a2}}Crawlen oder Indexieren{{/a2}} deiner Website."],"or":["oder"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Überwache den Traffic und die Performance deiner Website in der {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Deine Website wird mit Google verifiziert"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Website konnte nicht verifiziert werden: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifizierung läuft…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Erhalte mit Jetpack Professional schnellere, erweiterte Suchfunktionen."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersetze die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine erweiterte Suchfunktion"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Die Jetpack Suche ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, die in der gehostet wird. Das Ergebnis: Deine Benutzer finden die gewünschten Inhalte noch schneller."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Die integrierte WordPress-Suche ist besonders für Websites ohne viele Inhalte geeignet. Wenn deine Website jedoch größer wird, wird die Suche langsamer und gibt weniger relevante Ergebnisse zurück."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Die Jetpack-Suche unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Sie ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, {{a}}die in der gehostet wird{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Website wurde verifiziert"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Mit Jetpack Professional erhältst du unbegrenzten Zugriff auf über 200 Premium-WordPress-Themes. So kannst du eine wunderschöne Website erstellen, die exakt deinen Wünschen entspricht.{{/p}}{{p}}Bei Jetpack Professional geht es um mehr als das perfekte Design. Es geht auch um absolute Sorgenfreiheit, weil du bei Problemen vorrangigen Support von unserem internationalen Expertenteam erhältst.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Wenn Werbung aktiviert ist, generiert Jetpack automatisch eine individuelle ads.txt-Datei für deine Website."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack generiert automatisch eine individuelle {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}}-Datei speziell für deine Website. Wenn du zusätzliche Einträge für andere Netzwerke hinzufügen musst, dann gib diese bitte unten in jeweils einer eigenen Zeile an."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Individuelle ads.txt-Einträge"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Mit Jetpack Professional erhältst du unbegrenzten Zugriff auf über 200 Premium-WordPress-Themes. So kannst du eine wunderschöne Website erstellen, die exakt deinen Wünschen entspricht.{{/p}}{{p}}Bei Jetpack Professional geht es um mehr als das perfekte Design. Es geht auch um absolute Sorgenfreiheit: Echtzeit-Backups, automatische Malware-Scans und vorrangiger Support von unserem globalen Expertenteam garantieren, dass deine Website stets sicher ist.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Neu: Premium-Themes"]," Premium Themes":["Premium-Themes"],"Privacy information":["Datenschutz"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktiviere verzögertes Laden von Bildern"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Durch das verzögerte Laden von Bildern kannst du die Geschwindigkeit deiner Website und die Anzeigequalität verbessern. Bilder werden nicht alle auf einmal geladen, sondern erst, wenn Besucher auf der Seite herunterscrollen."],"Performance & speed":["Performance und Geschwindigkeit"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktiviere den schnellen und werbefreien Videoplayer"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gestalte deine veröffentlichten Inhalte mit einem hochauflösenden Video noch ansprechender. Mit Jetpack Video kannst du deinen Media Player anpassen und deinen Besuchern schnelle und werbefreie Videos ohne Branding bereitstellen. Videos werden auf unseren gehostet und benötigen keinen Speicherplatz von deinem Hosting-Tarif!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karussell-Farbschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-Daten zeigen Besuchern zusätzliche technische Details eines Fotos, wie z. B. Brennweite, Öffnung und ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Zeige Exif-Metadaten eines Fotos in Karussell an (falls verfügbar)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Präsentiere Bilder in einer Vollbild-Karussell-Galerie"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Erstelle Vollbild-Karussell-Diashows für die Bilder in deinen Beiträgen und auf deinen Seiten. Karussell-Galerien sind mobilfreundlich und animieren Website-Besucher, sich deine Fotos anzusehen."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Die ersetzt die standardmäßige WordPress-Admin-Werkzeugleiste und optimiert dein WordPress-Erlebnis. Per Ein-Klick-Zugriff kannst du hiermit all deine Websites verwalten, dein aktualisieren, Benachrichtigungen anzeigen und mithilfe des Readers die Websites im Blick behalten, denen du folgst."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode der Portfolios: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Nutze {{portfolioLink}}Portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} auf deiner Website, um deine beste Arbeit zu präsentieren. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Portfolios unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode der Referenzen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Füge {{testimonialLink}}Referenzen{{/testimonialLink}} zu deiner Website hinzu, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Referenzen unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Wenn du dies ändern möchtest, überprüfe deine {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} und aktiviere „Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschine“."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Gute Nachrichten: Jetpack sendet deine Sitemap automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps sind Dateien, die Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Bing verwenden, um deine Website zu indizieren. Sie können helfen, dein Ranking in den Suchergebnissen zu verbessern. Wenn du diese Funktion aktivierst, erstellt Jetpack Sitemaps für dich und aktualisiert sie automatisch, wenn sich die Inhalte deiner Website ändern."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Ähnliche Inhalte mit einer Überschrift hervorheben"],"View security scan details":["Details des Sicherheits-Scans anzeigen"],"View backup history":["Backup-Verlauf anzeigen"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Zeige ein Vorschaubild, sofern verfügbar"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Weitere Informationen dazu, wie bestimmte Jetpack-Funktionen Daten nutzen und Aktivitäten verfolgen, findest du in unserem {{privacyCenterLink}}Datenschutzzentrum{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Wir verwenden andere Werkzeuge zum Tracking, darunter auch welche von Drittanbietern. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Hier erhältst du weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}} und Tipps, wie du sie kontrollierst."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Diese Informationen helfen uns dabei, unsere Produkte zu verbessern, Marketing besser auf dich zuzuschneiden, deine Erfahrung mit zu personalisieren und mehr. Alles das kannst du auch in unserer {{pp}}Datenschutzerklärung{{/pp}} nachlesen."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Teile Informationen über deine Nutzung von Diensten mit unserem Analysewerkzeug, während du in deinem angemeldet bist. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wird von einem Website-Administrator verwaltet. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator aktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kannst weitere Anzeigen mit dem Ad-Widget hinzufügen. {{link}}Probiere es aus!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Deine Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Ausfallzeiten deiner Website überwachen"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Die Jetpack-Suche ist ein leistungsstarker Ersatz für die in WordPress integrierte Suchfunktion."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Die Dateien deiner Website werden regelmäßig nach nicht autorisierten oder verdächtigen Änderungen gescannt, die ein Risiko für deine Sicherheit und Daten darstellen könnten."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin muss aktualisiert werden.","Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Mit der Plugin-Update-Funktion von Jetpack kannst du auswählen, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimiert deine Bilder und stellt sie über den Server-Standort bereit, der am nächsten an deinen Website-Besuchern liegt. Unser globales Netzwerk für Content-Auslieferung verkürzt die Ladezeiten deiner Website."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Mit den Backups von Jetpack kannst du das Backup von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt bequem wiederherstellen oder herunterladen."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet überprüft deine Kommentare und übermittelten Kontaktformulare anhand unserer globalen Spam-Datenbank."],"Privacy Information":["Informationen zum Datenschutz"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["Mit VideoPress kannst du Videos von deinem Computer hochladen, um sie auf anstatt auf den Servern deines Hosts zu hosten. Du kannst diese dann auf deiner selbst gehosteten Jetpack-Website einfügen. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Füge das Such-Widget (Jetpack) zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Biete deinen Besuchern ein tolles Sucherlebnis, indem du es ihnen erlaubst, relevante Suchergebnisse zu filtern und schnell zu sortieren."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Ermöglicht ein schlankes, für Mobilgeräte geeignetes Theme, das Besuchern auf Mobilgeräten angezeigt wird."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Lädt die nächsten Beiträge automatisch, wenn der Leser das Ende der Seite erreicht."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Erlaubt dir, neue Beiträge zu veröffentlichen, indem du eine E-Mail an eine spezielle Adresse sendest."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Erlaubt dir, mithilfe der Markdown-Syntax Inhalte mit Links, Listen und anderen Stilen zu erstellen."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Prüft deine Inhalte auf korrekte Grammatik und Rechtschreibung, falsch verwendete Wörter und Stil, während du schreibst."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Stellt die erforderlichen ausgeblendeten Schlagwörter bereit, um deine WordPress-Website bei verschiedenen Diensten zu verifizieren."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Zeigt Informationen zu deinen Websiteaktivitäten an, etwa Besucher und beliebte Beiträge oder Seiten."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Erlaubt dir, deine Website und deren Inhalte zu optimieren, um in Suchmaschinen bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integriert deine WordPress-Website in Google Analytics, eine Plattform, die Einsichten zu deinem Traffic, deinen Besuchern und deinen Conversions bietet."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Zeigt hochwertige Anzeigen auf deiner Website an, mit denen du Geld verdienen kannst."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten einen Teilen-Button hinzu, sodass Besucher sie auf Social Media-Websites teilen können."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Erlaubt dir, deine neuesten Inhalte automatisch auf Social Media-Websites wie Facebook und Twitter zu teilen."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten Gefällt mir-Buttons hinzu, sodass Besucher zeigen können, wenn ihnen die Inhalte gefallen."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Erlaubt registrierten Nutzern, sich bei deiner Website mit ihren anzumelden."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Schützt deine Website vor herkömmlichen und verteilten Brute-Force-Anmeldeangriffen."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sichert deine Website auf den globalen, sodass du deine Inhalte wiederherstellen kannst, falls ein Notfall oder Fehler auftritt."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Entfernt Spam aus Kommentaren und Kontaktformularen."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Der Schutz und die Sicherheit deiner Daten sind uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Alle Jetpack-Tarife anzeigen"],"Manage your plan":["Deinen Tarif verwalten"],"Your Plan":["Dein Tarif"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du verwendest derzeit Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Erlaubt Lesern, deine Beiträge und Kommentare zu abonnieren und Benachrichtigungen über neue Inhalte per E-Mail zu erhalten."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersetzt das WordPress-Standardkommentarformular durch ein neues Kommentarsystem, das Social Media-Anmeldeoptionen enthält."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivieren{{/a}}, um die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine verbesserte Suchfunktion, zu ersetzen."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Such-Widget (Jetpack) hinzufügen"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Suche unterstützt die Suche auf deiner Website."],"Manage your plugins":["Plugins verwalten"],"Moderate comments":["Kommentare moderieren"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Datenschutzeinstellungen. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Datenschutzeinstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Datenschutzeinstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Suche-Widget hinzufügen"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Füge das Jetpack Suche-Widget zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu, um Sortier- und Filterfunktionen zu konfigurieren."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting, unbegrenzte Themes, verbesserte Suche und vorrangiger Support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting und vorrangiger Support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Tägliche Backups, Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"Always-on Security":["Dauerhafte Sicherheit"],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Echtzeit-Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und vorrangigem Support"],"Design the perfect website":["Gestalte deine perfekte Website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack einrichten"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen und automatisierten Sicherheitsscans."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack-Version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Deine Website wird in Echtzeit gesichert und regelmäßig auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen überprüft."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung."],"View your security activity":["Sicherheitsaktivitäten anzeigen"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (Bereitgestellt von VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Such-Widget anpassen"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Korrigiere bitte das unten genannte Problem und versuche es noch einmal.","Korrigiere bitte die unten genannten Probleme und versuche es noch einmal."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Wir stellen sicher, dass deine Website frei von Sicherheitsbedrohungen bleibt. Wenn wir eine finden, werden wir dich benachrichtigen."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Das Backup deiner Website erfolgt in Echtzeit."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack-Version"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}Zeige die Aktivität deiner Website an{{/a}} – in einem einzigen Feed."],"Activity":["Aktivität"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Bestätige jeden neu eingegeben Satz mit der Eingabetaste."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details anzeigen{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack-Professional-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Inhalte, führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch und gewährt dir Zugriff auf Premium-Themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Mit Jetpack Professional kannst du mit einem von 300 professionell gestalteten WordPress-Themes, darunter über 100 Premium-Themes, die perfekte Website erstellen. Passe deine Inhalte mit einer Vielzahl von Widgets an oder füge unbegrenzte Videos zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten hinzu. Diese werden ohne Anzeigen oder Wasserzeichen wiedergegeben."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Mit deinem Professional-Tarif ist es dank Inhaltsfreigabe und -planung, SEO-Tools und integrierten Abonnementoptionen einfach, mehr Leser zu gewinnen. Mit dem Button für Einfaches Bezahlen und integrierten Werbeanzeigen kannst du mit deiner Website Geld verdienen. Und wenn du Google Analytics integrierst, kannst du den Erfolg deiner Bemühungen überwachen."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Dein Jetpack Tarif bietet dir alle Funktionen, darunter anlassbezogene Backups und Malwareprüfungen mit Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung und Problembehebung. Deine Website wird vollständig vor Spam, bösartigem Code und Brute-Force-Anmeldeversuchen geschützt."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Schaue dir Jetpack Professional jetzt genauer an, um all die Vorteile deines neuen Tarifs kennenzulernen."],"Install premium themes":["Premium-Themes installieren"],"Review SEO features":["SEO-Funktionen prüfen"],"Welcome Professional":["Willkommen bei Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack Premium-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Website, führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch und aktiviert Funktionen zum Geldverdienen."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["Mit Jetpack Premium kannst du die perfekte Website für die unterschiedlichsten Zwecke erstellen. Passe das Aussehen deiner Website mit einem von über 200 kostenlosen Themes an oder optimiere deine Inhalte mit bis zu 13 GB HD-Videos, die allesamt ohne Werbeanzeigen oder Wasserzeichen gehostet werden."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Mithilfe Jetpacks leistungsstarker Werkzeuge zum Teilen kannst du deine neuesten Beiträge automatisch in den Sozialen Medien teilen oder die erneute Freigabe deiner Inhalte zu einem beliebigen Datum oder einer beliebigen Uhrzeit planen. Und mit Werkzeugen wie Zahlungs-Buttons und Werbeanzeigen kannst du neben deiner Leserschaft auch dein Geschäft aufbauen."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Schaue dir Jetpack Premium jetzt genauer an, um all die Vorteile deines neuen Tarifs kennenzulernen."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Verdiene auf deiner Website Geld mit Werbung"],"Welcome Premium":["Willkommen bei Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Website und führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["Mit Jetpack Persönlich hast du Zugriff auf über 100 kostenlose, professionell gestaltete WordPress-Themes. Wähle das Theme, das am besten zu deiner Website passt, und passe Farben bzw. Bilder an oder füge unterschiedlichste neue Widgets hinzu."],"Got it":[""],"Welcome personal":["Willkommen bei Persönlich"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Wenn du auf den Button unten klickst, stimmst du unseren {{tosLink}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/tosLink}} und der {{shareDetailsLink}}Datenübermittlung{{/shareDetailsLink}} an zu."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Statistiken Personen"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Gib uns nur ein wenig Zeit, um Daten zu sammeln, damit wir diese hier für dich anzeigen können."],"Okay, got it!":["Alles klar, fertig!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Werbeanzeigen einblenden unter Inhalten auf"],"Additional ad placements":["Zusätzliche Werbeanzeigenplatzierungen"],"Top of each page":["Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":["Zweite Werbeanzeige unter Beitrag"],"Archives":["Archive"],"Explore Professional":["Professional erkunden"],"Compare All Plans":["Alle Tarife vergleichen"],"Person with laptop":["Mensch mit Laptop"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Dein Jetpack ist einsatzbereit!"],"Stars":["Sterne"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Persönlich"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Publicize aktivieren"],"Your site is backed up.":["Deine Website ist gesichert."],"Image Performance":["Bilder-Perfomance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Sichere dir WordPress-Apps für alle Geräte"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Verwalte all deine Websites von einem einzigen Dashboard aus: Veröffentliche Inhalte, verfolge Statistiken, moderiere Kommentare und vieles mehr – wo auch immer du gerade bist."],"I already use this app.":["Ich verwende diese App bereits."],"Create address":["Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":["Vorrangiger Support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen hinzu."],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":["Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":["Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":["Seiten"],"We're here to help":["Wir helfen gerne"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Für Jetpack gibt es kostenlosen Basis-Support für alle Benutzer."],"Ask a question":["Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":["Auf unserer Support-Website suchen"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Deine Support-Fragen werden schneller beantwortet."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Schnelle, qualitativ hochwertige, werbefreie Videos hosten."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Einfache Integration von Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Website-Statistiken, ähnliche Inhalte und Werkzeuge zum Teilen"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Überwachung der Ausfallzeiten"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unbegrenztes schnelles Bildhosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":["Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":["Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":["Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Enable the toolbar":[" aktivieren"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["{{b}}Die Verifizierung deiner Website durch diese Dienste ist nicht erforderlich{{/b}}, damit deine Website von Suchmaschinen indiziert wird. Füge unten den HTML-Tag-Code ein, um diese erweiterten Suchmaschinenwerkzeuge zu nutzen und deine Website durch einen Dienst verifizieren zu lassen. Lies bei Problemen die {{support}}vollständige Anleitung{{/support}}. Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Sammeln wertvoller Traffic-Statistiken und Einsichten"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":["Erfasse Aufrufe von angemeldetem"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":["Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). Beispiel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Deine Website ist gesichert und weist keine Bedrohungen auf."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Spam-Schutz wird überprüft …"],"Fetching key…":["Schlüssel wird abgerufen …"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Deine Website benötigt einen Antispam-Schlüssel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Es ist ein Problem mit deinem Antispam-API-Schlüssel aufgetreten. {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist nicht gegen Spam geschützt."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Dein Antispam-Schlüssel ist gültig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist gegen Spam geschützt."],"Checking key…":["Schlüssel wird überprüft …"],"Your API key":["Dein API-Schlüssel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Wenn du noch keinen API-Schlüssel hast, dann {{a}}rufe hier deinen API-Schlüssel ab{{/a}}. Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":["Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":["Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Color scheme":["Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":["Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Einstellungen. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Aktuell im {{a}}Entwicklungsmodus{{/a}} (einige Funktionen sind deaktiviert), da:"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}in der URL deiner Website ein Punkt fehlt (z. B. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics ist ein kostenloser Dienst, der unsere {{a}}integrierten Statistiken{{/a}} um weitere Einsichten in deinen Traffic ergänzt. Die und Google Analytics nutzen unterschiedliche Methoden zum Identifizieren und Verfolgen der Aktivitäten auf deiner Website. Daher zeigen diese normalerweise leicht unterschiedliche Gesamtzahlen für deine Besuche, Aufrufe usw."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":["Lade die kostenlosen-Apps herunter"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Schwerpunkt des Upgrades: VideoPress für Hochzeiten"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Du kannst jetzt auch ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren. {{ExternalLink}}Probiere es aus!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Standardmäßig werden Werbeanzeigen am Ende jeder Seite oder jedes Beitrags sowie des ersten Artikels deiner Startseite angezeigt. Du kannst sie auch oben in deine Website und in beliebige Widget-Bereiche einfügen, um deine Einkünfte zu erhöhen!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Zeige eine Werbeeinheit oben auf deiner Website an."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Durch die Aktivierung von Werbeanzeigen stimmst du den Automattic-{{link}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/link}} für Werbeanzeigen zu."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfiguriere deine Monitor-Benachrichtigungseinstellungen auf{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Video Hosting":["Video-Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":["Weitere Informationen"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Deine aktuelle IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Configure your Security Scans":["Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"Subscriber":["Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[" \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"Comments headline":["Kommentar-Überschrift"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Einige zündende Worte, die Leser zu Kommentaren anregen."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Option \"Blog folgen\" im Kommentarformular anzeigen"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Option \"Kommentaren folgen\" im Kommentarformular anzeigen"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[" Diagramm mit Aufrufen von 48 Stunden in der Adminleiste anzeigen"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[" Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Promo für WordPress Mobil-Apps in der Fußzeile des Mobil-Themes zeigen"],"Copied!":["Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresse erneut generieren"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Inhalte automatisch korrekturlesen, wenn: "],"A post or page is first published":["Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurden erstmals veröffentlicht"],"A post or page is updated":["Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurde aktualisiert"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Automatische Spracherkennung"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["Der Korrekturleser unterstützt Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Korrekturlesen für folgende Regeln von Grammatik und Stil aktivieren: "],"Add a phrase":["Ausdruck hinzufügen"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":["Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Save Settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Security Scanning":["Sicherheitsscans"],"Site Backups":["Website-Backups"],"Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Deine Website befindet sich im Entwicklungsmodus"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Wenn du verbunden bist, kannst du ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif durchführen, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz und Support mit Priorität zu erhalten."],"View your spam stats":["Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"View your security dashboard":["Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Die Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus, deswegen kannst du dich nicht mit verbinden."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Verknüpfe dein Konto mit, um Jetpack optimal zu nutzen."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}wähle bitte einen anderen Tarif{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Protect aktivieren{{/a}}, um deine Website vor böswilligen Anmeldeversuchen zu schützen."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backups":["Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"Spam Protection":["Spamschutz"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Ungültiger Schlüssel"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating recommended features…":["Die empfohlenen Funktionen werden aktiviert …"],"Recommended features active.":["Die empfohlenen Funktionen sind aktiviert."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren empfohlener Funktionen. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":["Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[" Dein Akismet-Schlüssel fehlt oder ist ungültig. {{akismetSettings}}Zur Behebung bitte Akismet-Einstellungen aufsuchen{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Keine Bedrohungen gefunden. Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["%(number)s Bedrohung gefunden.","%(number)s Bedrohungen gefunden."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":["Wird geladen …"],"Downtime monitoring":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Weitere Statistiken auf ansehen {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ausführliche Statistiken ansehen{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":["Aufrufe insgesamt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Aufruf","%(number)s Aufrufe"],"Best overall day":["Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":["Aufrufe heute"],"Months":["Monate"],"Weeks":["Wochen"],"Days":["Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Woche von %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Website-Sicherheit"],"Activate recommended features":["Empfohlene Funktionen aktivieren"],"Link to":["Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":["Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":["Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Front page":["Startseite"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Related":["Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Email Address":["E-Mail-Adresse"],"Media":["Mediathek"],"Themes":["Themes"],"Site Stats":["Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":["Teilen"],"Testimonials":["Referenzen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Ignored Phrases":["Zu ignorierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beiträgen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":["&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":["Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":["Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":["Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":["Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":["Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":["Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":["Optionen nur für die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":["Korrekturlesen"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass auf deine Website nicht öffentlich zugegriffen werden kann (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Auf deine Website muss öffentlich zugegriffen werden können, um Jetpack zu nutzen: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Du hast die Verbindung mit Jetpack getrennt."],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Connected":["Verbunden"],"Activate":["Aktivieren"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Learn More":["Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Teste, ob deine Website mit Jetpack kompatibel ist."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Automatische Plugin-Updates"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privatsphäre-Einstellungen"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[""],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Erstellen"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Website-Statistiken"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Suchmaschinenoptimierung"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Teilen-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize-Verbindungen"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gefällt mir-Buttons"],"Settings header\ log in":[""],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups und Sicherheits-Scans"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Mein Tarif"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Entwickler-Werkzeuge"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Diskussionen"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Teilen"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Auf einen Blick"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Tarife"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Schreiben"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Optionen zurücksetzen (nur für Entwickler)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicherheit"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["Auf einen Blick"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["Geschäftsbedingungen"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["BG"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["DSGVO"],"Search term.\u0004data":["Daten"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["Verfolgt nach"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["Datenschutz"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Ähnlich"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vorschau"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Verbunden bleiben"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Trennen"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Updates sind erforderlich"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Bezahlt"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vorschau"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Werbeanzeigen"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Websiteverbindung"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Kontoverbindung"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Bedrohungen"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["BEHEBEN"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Bedrohungen wurden festgestellt."],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Keine Überprüfung"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicher"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Ungültiger Schlüssel"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Einrichtung"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Kopieren"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Datenschutz"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Geschäftsbedingungen"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Fehlersuche"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentare blockiert."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["Aktiviere als Nächstes das empfohlene Funktionspaket von Jetpack, um die Sicherheit und Performance deiner Website zu maximieren. {{a}}Weitere Informationen dazu, was alles enthalten ist{{/a}}"],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["Wir sammeln jetzt Statistiken und sichern deine Website. Willkommen an Bord."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Überspringen und Funktionen eigenständig entdecken{{/a}}"],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Business-Tarif"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium-Tarif"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["Starte durch mit unkompliziertem Design, Statistiken und Performance-Tools."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Free"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Free-Tarif"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["Jetpack-Tarife entdecken"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["Profitiere von automatisierten Backups und vorrangigem Support, erreiche mit erweiterten SEO-Tools ein breiteres Publikum, verdiene mithilfe von Werbung Geld mit deiner Website und passe deine Website mit einem unserer über 200 Premium-Themes an."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["Jetpack bietet so viel mehr"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["Brauchst du Hilfe? Suche auf unserer Support-Website nach Informationen zu deiner Website, deinem Konto oder dazu, wie du WordPress optimal nutzen kannst."],"Support documentation":["Support-Dokumentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Chat-Sprechblasen, welche die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Support darstellen"],"Site Activity":["Website-Aktivitäten"],"Start publicizing now":["Beginne jetzt mit dem Veröffentlichen"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Erreiche ein breiteres Publikum, indem du deine Beiträge automatisch in Social Media teilst."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Steigere den Traffic zu deiner Website"],"Explore free themes":["Erkunde kostenlose Themes"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Erhalte unbegrenzten Zugriff auf Hunderte professioneller Themes und passe deine Website nach deinen Wünschen an."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Eine breite Auswahl an Themes und Tools zur Anpassung einer Website"],"Set up your site security":["Richte deine Websitesicherheit ein"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Verhindere Anmeldeangriffe und erhalte bei einem Problem mit deiner Website sofort Benachrichtigungen."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Website-Statistiken, die eine Steigerung des Traffic und der Interaktionen anzeigen"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Eine Hand mit einer Lupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Ein Diagramm, das eine deutliche Steigerung der Einnahmen anzeigt"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Benutzeroberfläche, die eine chronologische Liste der Änderungen und Aktualisierungen auf einer Website anzeigt"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Eine Wolke, um die mehrere Arten von Inhalten schweben"],"A folder holding real comments":["Ein Ordner mit echten Kommentaren"],"Make your site faster":["Mache deine Website schneller"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem deine Bilder über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitgestellt werden."],"A fast and performant website":["Eine schnelle und leistungsfähige Website"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Eine sichere Website, die von Jetpack gesperrt und geschützt wird"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["Diese Einstellungen gelten nicht für ähnliche Beiträge, die mithilfe des Block-Editors hinzugefügt wurden."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Bestehende Beiträge, Seite, Referenzen und Portfolios duplizieren. Dabei werden alle Inhalte kopiert, einschließlich Text, Beitragsbilder, Teilen-Einstellungen usw.."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Diese Website kann nicht mit verknüpft werden, weil sie unsere {{a}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/a}} verletzt."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Verbinde deine Website mit den von dir verwendeten Social Media-Netzwerken und teile deine Inhalte mit einem einzigen Klick in allen deinen Social Media-Konten. Wenn du einen Beitrag veröffentlichst, wird er in allen verbundenen Konten angezeigt."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten Like-Buttons hinzu"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Erlaube es deinen Besuchern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Inhalte gefallen."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Professional-Tarif!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Premium-Tarif!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Entdecke deinen Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif!"],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack unterstützt deine Website. Um jedoch auf alle Funktionen zugreifen zu können, musst du ein Konto erstellen."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatisierte Backups in Echtzeit (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Verfasse Inhalte auf deine Art und optimiere das Veröffentlichen."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ergänze das Portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Füge eine Referenz hinzu"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit deiner Website in Suchmaschinen und sieh dir Traffic-Statistiken in Echtzeit an."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um diese Funktion zu nutzen"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Teilen deinen Inhalt in Social-Media-Kanälen, um ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website kontinuierlich und warnt dich, sobald Ausfallzeiten erkannt werden."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["Es ist empfehlenswert, neue Plugin-Versionen sofort zu aktualisieren. Lege fest, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen, damit deine Website immer geschützt ist."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Mit modernsten Sicherheitsfunktionen und Benachrichtigungen bei technischen Problemen ist deine Website jederzeit geschützt."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Mit dem Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt noch schneller!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird aktiviert …"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Ohne den Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt leider nicht mehr schneller."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird deaktiviert …"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Lasse Seiten schneller laden, optimiere Bilder und biete deinen Besuchern eine schnellere Nutzererfahrung."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Ergänze die mit Googles umfassendem Einblick in das Verhalten deiner Besucher und das Traffic-Aufkommen."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Schnelles Videohosting in HD ohne Werbeanzeigen von Dritten."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Plane beliebig viele Tweets, Facebook-Beiträge und andere Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken im Voraus."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketingautomatisierung"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche aktivieren"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersetze die standardmäßige WordPress-Suche und erhalte bessere Ergebnisse mit individuellen Filteroptionen, bereitgestellt von Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Geld verdienen"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["Mit WordAds kannst du durch Anzeigen von Werbeinhalten Geld verdienen. Beginne noch heute damit, Geld zu verdienen."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam wird automatisch in Kommentaren blockiert."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium-Themes durchsuchen"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Greife auf Hunderte von wunderschönen Premium-Themes zu, die dich keinen Cent extra kosten."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium-Theme testen"],"View settings":["Einstellungen anzeigen"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um deine E-Mail-Follower zu sehen"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Erlaube Kommentare auf deiner Website und benachrichtige Abonnenten über deine neuesten Inhalte."],"Manage security settings":["Sicherheitseinstellungen verwalten"],"Built-in Performance":["Integrierte Performance"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack ist bereit für den neuen WordPress-Editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Heute stellen wir die ersten Blöcke für Jetpack vor, die speziell für den neuen Editor entwickelt wurden: Button für Einfaches Bezahlen, Formular, Karte und Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Erstelle deine Jetpack-Website mit Blöcken"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ein neuer Editor? Ja! {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Die bekannten Funktionen, angepasst an den neuen WordPress-Editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Zum neuen Editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Fehler beim Testen von Jetpack. Fehler: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Neu in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Ladezeiten von statischen Dateien verkürzen"],"Speed up image load times":["Ladezeiten von Bildern verkürzen"],"Enable site accelerator":["Website-Beschleuniger aktivieren"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem du Jetpack erlaubst, deine Bilder zu optimieren und deine Bilder und statischen Dateien (wie CSS und JavaScript) über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitzustellen."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Erhöhe die Sicherheit deiner Website, indem du die Anmeldung mit und sichere Authentifizierung aktivierst. Wenn du über mehrere Websites verfügst und diese Option aktiviert ist, kannst du dich mit den gleichen Anmeldedaten bei allen diesen Seiten anmelden."],"View your site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sieh dir eine chronologische Liste aller Änderungen und Updates an deiner Website an."],"Manually Verify ":["Manuell verifizieren "],"Verify with Google":["Mit Google verifizieren"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google wird dich per E-Mail über bestimmte Vorkommnisse auf deiner Website informieren. Dazu gehören auch Anzeichen, dass deine Website {{a1}}gehackt{{/a1}} wurde, sowie Probleme beim {{a2}}Crawlen oder Indexieren{{/a2}} deiner Website."],"or":["oder"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Überwache den Traffic und die Performance deiner Website in der {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Deine Website wird mit Google verifiziert"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Website konnte nicht verifiziert werden: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifizierung läuft…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Erhalte mit Jetpack Professional schnellere, erweiterte Suchfunktionen."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersetze die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine erweiterte Suchfunktion"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Die Jetpack Suche ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, die in der gehostet wird. Das Ergebnis: Deine Benutzer finden die gewünschten Inhalte noch schneller."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Die integrierte WordPress-Suche ist besonders für Websites ohne viele Inhalte geeignet. Wenn deine Website jedoch größer wird, wird die Suche langsamer und gibt weniger relevante Ergebnisse zurück."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Die Jetpack-Suche unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Sie ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, {{a}}die in der gehostet wird{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Website wurde verifiziert"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Mit Jetpack Professional erhältst du unbegrenzten Zugriff auf über 200 Premium-WordPress-Themes. So kannst du eine wunderschöne Website erstellen, die exakt deinen Wünschen entspricht.{{/p}}{{p}}Bei Jetpack Professional geht es um mehr als das perfekte Design. Es geht auch um absolute Sorgenfreiheit, weil du bei Problemen vorrangigen Support von unserem internationalen Expertenteam erhältst.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Wenn Werbung aktiviert ist, generiert Jetpack automatisch eine individuelle ads.txt-Datei für deine Website."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack generiert automatisch eine individuelle {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}}-Datei speziell für deine Website. Wenn du zusätzliche Einträge für andere Netzwerke hinzufügen musst, dann gib diese bitte unten in jeweils einer eigenen Zeile an."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Individuelle ads.txt-Einträge"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Mit Jetpack Professional erhältst du unbegrenzten Zugriff auf über 200 Premium-WordPress-Themes. So kannst du eine wunderschöne Website erstellen, die exakt deinen Wünschen entspricht.{{/p}}{{p}}Bei Jetpack Professional geht es um mehr als das perfekte Design. Es geht auch um absolute Sorgenfreiheit: Echtzeit-Backups, automatische Malware-Scans und vorrangiger Support von unserem globalen Expertenteam garantieren, dass deine Website stets sicher ist.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Neu: Premium-Themes"]," Premium Themes":["Premium-Themes"],"Privacy information":["Datenschutz"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktiviere verzögertes Laden von Bildern"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Durch das verzögerte Laden von Bildern kannst du die Geschwindigkeit deiner Website und die Anzeigequalität verbessern. Bilder werden nicht alle auf einmal geladen, sondern erst, wenn Besucher auf der Seite herunterscrollen."],"Performance & speed":["Performance und Geschwindigkeit"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktiviere den schnellen und werbefreien Videoplayer"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gestalte deine veröffentlichten Inhalte mit einem hochauflösenden Video noch ansprechender. Mit Jetpack Video kannst du deinen Media Player anpassen und deinen Besuchern schnelle und werbefreie Videos ohne Branding bereitstellen. Videos werden auf unseren gehostet und benötigen keinen Speicherplatz von deinem Hosting-Tarif!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karussell-Farbschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-Daten zeigen Besuchern zusätzliche technische Details eines Fotos, wie z. B. Brennweite, Öffnung und ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Zeige Exif-Metadaten eines Fotos in Karussell an (falls verfügbar)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Präsentiere Bilder in einer Vollbild-Karussell-Galerie"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Erstelle Vollbild-Karussell-Diashows für die Bilder in deinen Beiträgen und auf deinen Seiten. Karussell-Galerien sind mobilfreundlich und animieren Website-Besucher, sich deine Fotos anzusehen."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Die ersetzt die standardmäßige WordPress-Admin-Werkzeugleiste und optimiert dein WordPress-Erlebnis. Per Ein-Klick-Zugriff kannst du hiermit all deine Websites verwalten, dein aktualisieren, Benachrichtigungen anzeigen und mithilfe des Readers die Websites im Blick behalten, denen du folgst."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode der Portfolios: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Nutze {{portfolioLink}}Portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} auf deiner Website, um deine beste Arbeit zu präsentieren. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Portfolios unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode der Referenzen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Füge {{testimonialLink}}Referenzen{{/testimonialLink}} zu deiner Website hinzu, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Referenzen unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Wenn du dies ändern möchtest, überprüfe deine {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} und aktiviere „Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschine“."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Gute Nachrichten: Jetpack sendet deine Sitemap automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps sind Dateien, die Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Bing verwenden, um deine Website zu indizieren. Sie können helfen, dein Ranking in den Suchergebnissen zu verbessern. Wenn du diese Funktion aktivierst, erstellt Jetpack Sitemaps für dich und aktualisiert sie automatisch, wenn sich die Inhalte deiner Website ändern."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Ähnliche Inhalte mit einer Überschrift hervorheben"],"View security scan details":["Details des Sicherheits-Scans anzeigen"],"View backup history":["Backup-Verlauf anzeigen"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Zeige ein Vorschaubild, sofern verfügbar"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Weitere Informationen dazu, wie bestimmte Jetpack-Funktionen Daten nutzen und Aktivitäten verfolgen, findest du in unserem {{privacyCenterLink}}Datenschutzzentrum{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Wir verwenden andere Werkzeuge zum Tracking, darunter auch welche von Drittanbietern. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Hier erhältst du weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}} und Tipps, wie du sie kontrollierst."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Diese Informationen helfen uns dabei, unsere Produkte zu verbessern, Marketing besser auf dich zuzuschneiden, deine Erfahrung mit zu personalisieren und mehr. Alles das kannst du auch in unserer {{pp}}Datenschutzerklärung{{/pp}} nachlesen."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Teile Informationen über deine Nutzung von Diensten mit unserem Analysewerkzeug, während du in deinem angemeldet bist. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wird von einem Website-Administrator verwaltet. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator aktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kannst weitere Anzeigen mit dem Ad-Widget hinzufügen. {{link}}Probiere es aus!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Deine Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Ausfallzeiten deiner Website überwachen"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Die Jetpack-Suche ist ein leistungsstarker Ersatz für die in WordPress integrierte Suchfunktion."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Die Dateien deiner Website werden regelmäßig nach nicht autorisierten oder verdächtigen Änderungen gescannt, die ein Risiko für deine Sicherheit und Daten darstellen könnten."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin muss aktualisiert werden.","Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Mit der Plugin-Update-Funktion von Jetpack kannst du auswählen, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimiert deine Bilder und stellt sie über den Server-Standort bereit, der am nächsten an deinen Website-Besuchern liegt. Unser globales Netzwerk für Content-Auslieferung verkürzt die Ladezeiten deiner Website."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Mit den Backups von Jetpack kannst du das Backup von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt bequem wiederherstellen oder herunterladen."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet überprüft deine Kommentare und übermittelten Kontaktformulare anhand unserer globalen Spam-Datenbank."],"Privacy Information":["Informationen zum Datenschutz"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["Mit VideoPress kannst du Videos von deinem Computer hochladen, um sie auf anstatt auf den Servern deines Hosts zu hosten. Du kannst diese dann auf deiner selbst gehosteten Jetpack-Website einfügen. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Füge das Such-Widget (Jetpack) zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Biete deinen Besuchern ein tolles Sucherlebnis, indem du es ihnen erlaubst, relevante Suchergebnisse zu filtern und schnell zu sortieren."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Ermöglicht ein schlankes, für Mobilgeräte geeignetes Theme, das Besuchern auf Mobilgeräten angezeigt wird."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Lädt die nächsten Beiträge automatisch, wenn der Leser das Ende der Seite erreicht."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Erlaubt dir, neue Beiträge zu veröffentlichen, indem du eine E-Mail an eine spezielle Adresse sendest."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Erlaubt dir, mithilfe der Markdown-Syntax Inhalte mit Links, Listen und anderen Stilen zu erstellen."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Prüft deine Inhalte auf korrekte Grammatik und Rechtschreibung, falsch verwendete Wörter und Stil, während du schreibst."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Stellt die erforderlichen ausgeblendeten Schlagwörter bereit, um deine WordPress-Website bei verschiedenen Diensten zu verifizieren."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Zeigt Informationen zu deinen Websiteaktivitäten an, etwa Besucher und beliebte Beiträge oder Seiten."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Erlaubt dir, deine Website und deren Inhalte zu optimieren, um in Suchmaschinen bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integriert deine WordPress-Website in Google Analytics, eine Plattform, die Einsichten zu deinem Traffic, deinen Besuchern und deinen Conversions bietet."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Zeigt hochwertige Anzeigen auf deiner Website an, mit denen du Geld verdienen kannst."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten einen Teilen-Button hinzu, sodass Besucher sie auf Social Media-Websites teilen können."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Erlaubt dir, deine neuesten Inhalte automatisch auf Social Media-Websites wie Facebook und Twitter zu teilen."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten Gefällt mir-Buttons hinzu, sodass Besucher zeigen können, wenn ihnen die Inhalte gefallen."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Erlaubt registrierten Nutzern, sich bei deiner Website mit ihren anzumelden."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Schützt deine Website vor herkömmlichen und verteilten Brute-Force-Anmeldeangriffen."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sichert deine Website auf den globalen, sodass du deine Inhalte wiederherstellen kannst, falls ein Notfall oder Fehler auftritt."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Entfernt Spam aus Kommentaren und Kontaktformularen."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Der Schutz und die Sicherheit deiner Daten sind uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Alle Jetpack-Tarife anzeigen"],"Manage your plan":["Deinen Tarif verwalten"],"Your Plan":["Dein Tarif"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du verwendest derzeit Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Erlaubt Lesern, deine Beiträge und Kommentare zu abonnieren und Benachrichtigungen über neue Inhalte per E-Mail zu erhalten."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersetzt das WordPress-Standardkommentarformular durch ein neues Kommentarsystem, das Social Media-Anmeldeoptionen enthält."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivieren{{/a}}, um die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine verbesserte Suchfunktion, zu ersetzen."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Such-Widget (Jetpack) hinzufügen"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Suche unterstützt die Suche auf deiner Website."],"Manage your plugins":["Plugins verwalten"],"Moderate comments":["Kommentare moderieren"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Datenschutzeinstellungen. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Datenschutzeinstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Datenschutzeinstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Suche-Widget hinzufügen"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Füge das Jetpack Suche-Widget zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu, um Sortier- und Filterfunktionen zu konfigurieren."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting, unbegrenzte Themes, verbesserte Suche und vorrangiger Support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting und vorrangiger Support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Tägliche Backups, Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"Always-on Security":["Dauerhafte Sicherheit"],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Echtzeit-Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und vorrangigem Support"],"Design the perfect website":["Gestalte deine perfekte Website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack einrichten"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen und automatisierten Sicherheitsscans."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack-Version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Deine Website wird in Echtzeit gesichert und regelmäßig auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen überprüft."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung."],"View your security activity":["Sicherheitsaktivitäten anzeigen"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (Bereitgestellt von VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Such-Widget anpassen"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Korrigiere bitte das unten genannte Problem und versuche es noch einmal.","Korrigiere bitte die unten genannten Probleme und versuche es noch einmal."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Wir stellen sicher, dass deine Website frei von Sicherheitsbedrohungen bleibt. Wenn wir eine finden, werden wir dich benachrichtigen."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Das Backup deiner Website erfolgt in Echtzeit."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack-Version"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}Zeige die Aktivität deiner Website an{{/a}} – in einem einzigen Feed."],"Activity":["Aktivität"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Bestätige jeden neu eingegeben Satz mit der Eingabetaste."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details anzeigen{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack-Professional-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Inhalte, führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch und gewährt dir Zugriff auf Premium-Themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Mit Jetpack Professional kannst du mit einem von 300 professionell gestalteten WordPress-Themes, darunter über 100 Premium-Themes, die perfekte Website erstellen. Passe deine Inhalte mit einer Vielzahl von Widgets an oder füge unbegrenzte Videos zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten hinzu. Diese werden ohne Anzeigen oder Wasserzeichen wiedergegeben."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Mit deinem Professional-Tarif ist es dank Inhaltsfreigabe und -planung, SEO-Tools und integrierten Abonnementoptionen einfach, mehr Leser zu gewinnen. Mit dem Button für Einfaches Bezahlen und integrierten Werbeanzeigen kannst du mit deiner Website Geld verdienen. Und wenn du Google Analytics integrierst, kannst du den Erfolg deiner Bemühungen überwachen."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Dein Jetpack Tarif bietet dir alle Funktionen, darunter anlassbezogene Backups und Malwareprüfungen mit Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung und Problembehebung. Deine Website wird vollständig vor Spam, bösartigem Code und Brute-Force-Anmeldeversuchen geschützt."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Schaue dir Jetpack Professional jetzt genauer an, um all die Vorteile deines neuen Tarifs kennenzulernen."],"Install premium themes":["Premium-Themes installieren"],"Review SEO features":["SEO-Funktionen prüfen"],"Welcome Professional":["Willkommen bei Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack Premium-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Website, führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch und aktiviert Funktionen zum Geldverdienen."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["Mit Jetpack Premium kannst du die perfekte Website für die unterschiedlichsten Zwecke erstellen. Passe das Aussehen deiner Website mit einem von über 200 kostenlosen Themes an oder optimiere deine Inhalte mit bis zu 13 GB HD-Videos, die allesamt ohne Werbeanzeigen oder Wasserzeichen gehostet werden."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Mithilfe Jetpacks leistungsstarker Werkzeuge zum Teilen kannst du deine neuesten Beiträge automatisch in den Sozialen Medien teilen oder die erneute Freigabe deiner Inhalte zu einem beliebigen Datum oder einer beliebigen Uhrzeit planen. Und mit Werkzeugen wie Zahlungs-Buttons und Werbeanzeigen kannst du neben deiner Leserschaft auch dein Geschäft aufbauen."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Schaue dir Jetpack Premium jetzt genauer an, um all die Vorteile deines neuen Tarifs kennenzulernen."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Verdiene auf deiner Website Geld mit Werbung"],"Welcome Premium":["Willkommen bei Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Vielen Dank, dass du dich für einen Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif entschieden hast. Jetpack sichert jetzt deine Website und führt eine Prüfung auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen durch."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["Mit Jetpack Persönlich hast du Zugriff auf über 100 kostenlose, professionell gestaltete WordPress-Themes. Wähle das Theme, das am besten zu deiner Website passt, und passe Farben bzw. Bilder an oder füge unterschiedlichste neue Widgets hinzu."],"Got it":[""],"Welcome personal":["Willkommen bei Persönlich"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Wenn du auf den Button unten klickst, stimmst du unseren {{tosLink}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/tosLink}} und der {{shareDetailsLink}}Datenübermittlung{{/shareDetailsLink}} an zu."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Statistiken Personen"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Gib uns nur ein wenig Zeit, um Daten zu sammeln, damit wir diese hier für dich anzeigen können."],"Okay, got it!":["Alles klar, fertig!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Werbeanzeigen einblenden unter Inhalten auf"],"Additional ad placements":["Zusätzliche Werbeanzeigenplatzierungen"],"Top of each page":["Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":["Zweite Werbeanzeige unter Beitrag"],"Archives":["Archive"],"Explore Professional":["Professional erkunden"],"Compare All Plans":["Alle Tarife vergleichen"],"Person with laptop":["Mensch mit Laptop"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Dein Jetpack ist einsatzbereit!"],"Stars":["Sterne"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Persönlich"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Willkommen bei Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Publicize aktivieren"],"Your site is backed up.":["Deine Website ist gesichert."],"Image Performance":["Bilder-Perfomance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Sichere dir WordPress-Apps für alle Geräte"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Verwalte all deine Websites von einem einzigen Dashboard aus: Veröffentliche Inhalte, verfolge Statistiken, moderiere Kommentare und vieles mehr – wo auch immer du gerade bist."],"I already use this app.":["Ich verwende diese App bereits."],"Create address":["Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":["Vorrangiger Support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen hinzu."],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":["Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":["Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":["Seiten"],"We're here to help":["Wir helfen gerne"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Für Jetpack gibt es kostenlosen Basis-Support für alle Benutzer."],"Ask a question":["Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":["Auf unserer Support-Website suchen"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Deine Support-Fragen werden schneller beantwortet."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Schnelle, qualitativ hochwertige, werbefreie Videos hosten."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Einfache Integration von Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Website-Statistiken, ähnliche Inhalte und Werkzeuge zum Teilen"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Überwachung der Ausfallzeiten"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unbegrenztes schnelles Bildhosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":["Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":["Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":["Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Enable the toolbar":[" aktivieren"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["{{b}}Die Verifizierung deiner Website durch diese Dienste ist nicht erforderlich{{/b}}, damit deine Website von Suchmaschinen indiziert wird. Füge unten den HTML-Tag-Code ein, um diese erweiterten Suchmaschinenwerkzeuge zu nutzen und deine Website durch einen Dienst verifizieren zu lassen. Lies bei Problemen die {{support}}vollständige Anleitung{{/support}}. Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Sammeln wertvoller Traffic-Statistiken und Einsichten"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":["Erfasse Aufrufe von angemeldetem"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":["Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). Beispiel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Deine Website ist gesichert und weist keine Bedrohungen auf."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Spam-Schutz wird überprüft …"],"Fetching key…":["Schlüssel wird abgerufen …"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Deine Website benötigt einen Antispam-Schlüssel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Es ist ein Problem mit deinem Antispam-API-Schlüssel aufgetreten. {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist nicht gegen Spam geschützt."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Dein Antispam-Schlüssel ist gültig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist gegen Spam geschützt."],"Checking key…":["Schlüssel wird überprüft …"],"Your API key":["Dein API-Schlüssel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Wenn du noch keinen API-Schlüssel hast, dann {{a}}rufe hier deinen API-Schlüssel ab{{/a}}. Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":["Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":["Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Color scheme":["Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":["Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Einstellungen. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Aktuell im {{a}}Entwicklungsmodus{{/a}} (einige Funktionen sind deaktiviert), da:"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}in der URL deiner Website ein Punkt fehlt (z. B. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics ist ein kostenloser Dienst, der unsere {{a}}integrierten Statistiken{{/a}} um weitere Einsichten in deinen Traffic ergänzt. Die und Google Analytics nutzen unterschiedliche Methoden zum Identifizieren und Verfolgen der Aktivitäten auf deiner Website. Daher zeigen diese normalerweise leicht unterschiedliche Gesamtzahlen für deine Besuche, Aufrufe usw."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":["Lade die kostenlosen-Apps herunter"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Schwerpunkt des Upgrades: VideoPress für Hochzeiten"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Du kannst jetzt auch ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren. {{ExternalLink}}Probiere es aus!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Standardmäßig werden Werbeanzeigen am Ende jeder Seite oder jedes Beitrags sowie des ersten Artikels deiner Startseite angezeigt. Du kannst sie auch oben in deine Website und in beliebige Widget-Bereiche einfügen, um deine Einkünfte zu erhöhen!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Zeige eine Werbeeinheit oben auf deiner Website an."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Durch die Aktivierung von Werbeanzeigen stimmst du den Automattic-{{link}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/link}} für Werbeanzeigen zu."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfiguriere deine Monitor-Benachrichtigungseinstellungen auf{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Video Hosting":["Video-Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":["Weitere Informationen"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Deine aktuelle IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Configure your Security Scans":["Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"Subscriber":["Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[" \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"Comments headline":["Kommentar-Überschrift"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Einige zündende Worte, die Leser zu Kommentaren anregen."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Option \"Blog folgen\" im Kommentarformular anzeigen"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Option \"Kommentaren folgen\" im Kommentarformular anzeigen"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[" Diagramm mit Aufrufen von 48 Stunden in der Adminleiste anzeigen"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[" Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Promo für WordPress Mobil-Apps in der Fußzeile des Mobil-Themes zeigen"],"Copied!":["Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresse erneut generieren"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Inhalte automatisch korrekturlesen, wenn: "],"A post or page is first published":["Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurden erstmals veröffentlicht"],"A post or page is updated":["Ein Beitrag oder eine Seite wurde aktualisiert"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Automatische Spracherkennung"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["Der Korrekturleser unterstützt Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Korrekturlesen für folgende Regeln von Grammatik und Stil aktivieren: "],"Add a phrase":["Ausdruck hinzufügen"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":["Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Save Settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Security Scanning":["Sicherheitsscans"],"Site Backups":["Website-Backups"],"Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Deine Website befindet sich im Entwicklungsmodus"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Wenn du verbunden bist, kannst du ein Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Tarif durchführen, um erstklassige Sicherheit, Spam-Schutz und Support mit Priorität zu erhalten."],"View your spam stats":["Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"View your security dashboard":["Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Die Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus, deswegen kannst du dich nicht mit verbinden."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Verknüpfe dein Konto mit, um Jetpack optimal zu nutzen."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}wähle bitte einen anderen Tarif{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Protect aktivieren{{/a}}, um deine Website vor böswilligen Anmeldeversuchen zu schützen."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backups":["Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"Spam Protection":["Spamschutz"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Ungültiger Schlüssel"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating recommended features…":["Die empfohlenen Funktionen werden aktiviert …"],"Recommended features active.":["Die empfohlenen Funktionen sind aktiviert."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren empfohlener Funktionen. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":["Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":["Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum? {{a}}Die Antworten auf zwei einfache Fragen{{/a}} helfen uns bei der Verbesserung von Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Datenschutzerklärung von Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Geschäftsbedingungen von"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Aktivieren{{/a}}, um die Performance und Geschwindigkeit deiner Bilder zu verbessern."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Automatische Aktualisierungen der Plugins aktivieren{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Plugin-Updates"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Um deine gesamte Website automatisch zu sichern, {{a}}führe bitte ein Upgrade deines Kontos durch{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[" Dein Akismet-Schlüssel fehlt oder ist ungültig. {{akismetSettings}}Zur Behebung bitte Akismet-Einstellungen aufsuchen{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Keine Bedrohungen gefunden. Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["%(number)s Bedrohung gefunden.","%(number)s Bedrohungen gefunden."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":["Wird geladen …"],"Downtime monitoring":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Weitere Statistiken auf ansehen {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ausführliche Statistiken ansehen{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":["Aufrufe insgesamt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Aufruf","%(number)s Aufrufe"],"Best overall day":["Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":["Aufrufe heute"],"Months":["Monate"],"Weeks":["Wochen"],"Days":["Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Woche von %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Website-Sicherheit"],"Activate recommended features":["Empfohlene Funktionen aktivieren"],"Link to":["Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":["Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":["Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Front page":["Startseite"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Related":["Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Email Address":["E-Mail-Adresse"],"Media":["Mediathek"],"Themes":["Themes"],"Site Stats":["Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":["Teilen"],"Testimonials":["Referenzen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Ignored Phrases":["Zu ignorierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beiträgen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":["&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":["Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":["Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":["Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":["Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":["Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":["Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":["Optionen nur für die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":["Korrekturlesen"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass auf deine Website nicht öffentlich zugegriffen werden kann (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Auf deine Website muss öffentlich zugegriffen werden können, um Jetpack zu nutzen: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Du hast die Verbindung mit Jetpack getrennt."],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Connected":["Verbunden"],"Activate":["Aktivieren"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Learn More":["Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Teste, ob deine Website mit Jetpack kompatibel ist."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Automatische Plugin-Updates"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privatsphäre-Einstellungen"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[""],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Erstellen"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Website-Statistiken"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Suchmaschinenoptimierung"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Teilen-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize-Verbindungen"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gefällt mir-Buttons"],"Settings header\ log in":[""],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups und Sicherheits-Scans"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Mein Tarif"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Entwickler-Werkzeuge"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Diskussionen"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Teilen"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Auf einen Blick"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Tarife"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Schreiben"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Optionen zurücksetzen (nur für Entwickler)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicherheit"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["Auf einen Blick"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["Geschäftsbedingungen"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["BG"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["DSGVO"],"Search term.\u0004data":["Daten"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["Verfolgt nach"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["Datenschutz"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Ähnlich"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vorschau"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Verbunden bleiben"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Trennen"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Updates sind erforderlich"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Bezahlt"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vorschau"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Werbeanzeigen"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Websiteverbindung"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Kontoverbindung"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Bedrohungen"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["BEHEBEN"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Bedrohungen wurden festgestellt."],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Keine Überprüfung"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicher"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Ungültiger Schlüssel"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Einrichtung"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Kopieren"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Datenschutz"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Geschäftsbedingungen"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Fehlersuche"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentare blockiert."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_CA"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Add Like buttons to your posts and pages"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!"],"Create account":["Create account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience."],"Add a portfolio item":["Add a portfolio item"],"Add a testimonial":["Add a testimonial"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Create a Jetpack account to use this feature"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Enabling Site accelerator…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disabling site accelerator…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketing Automation"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Activate Jetpack Search"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Start earning"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam is automatically blocked from your comments."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam Filtering"],"Browse premium themes":["Browse premium themes"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost."],"Try a premium theme":["Try a premium theme"],"View settings":["View settings"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work."],"Manage security settings":["Manage security settings"],"Built-in Performance":["Built-in Performance"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Build your Jetpack site with blocks"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Take me to the new editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Testing Jetpack Connection"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["New in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Speed up static file load times"],"Speed up image load times":["Speed up image load times"],"Enable site accelerator":["Enable site accelerator"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials."],"View your site activity":["View your site activity"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way."],"Manually Verify ":["Manually Verify "],"Verify with Google":["Verify with Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site."],"or":["or"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Your site is verified with Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Site failed to verify: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifying..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Search supports many customizations."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Site is verified"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spam filtering and priority support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Custom ads.txt entries"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Introducing Premium Themes"]," Premium Themes":[" Premium Themes"],"Privacy information":["Privacy information"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Enable Lazy Loading for images"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once."],"Performance & speed":["Performance & speed"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Enable high-speed, ad-free video player"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Carousel colour scheme"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configure related posts in the Customizer"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Highlight related content with a heading"],"View security scan details":["View security scan details"],"View backup history":["View backup history"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Show a thumbnail image where available"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Centre{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["This feature has been disabled by a site administrator."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configure your notification settings"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Monitor your site's downtime"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin needs updating.","Plugins need updating."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam."],"Privacy Information":["Privacy Information"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Removes spam from comments and contact forms."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["We are committed to your privacy and security. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["View all Jetpack plans"],"Manage your plan":["Manage your plan"],"Your Plan":["Your Plan"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Add Search (Jetpack) Widget"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Search is powering search on your site."],"Manage your plugins":["Manage your plugins"],"Moderate comments":["Moderate comments"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Updated privacy settings."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Updating privacy settings…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Add Jetpack Search Widget"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support."],"Always-on Security":["Always-on Security"],"Activate video hosting":["Activate video hosting"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support"],"Design the perfect website":["Design the perfect website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Set up Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Search"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support"],"View your security activity":["View your security activity"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (powered by VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Customize Search Widget"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Please correct the issue below and try again.","Please correct the issues listed below and try again."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Your site is being backed up in real-time."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack version"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed."],"Activity":["Activity"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}View details{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":["Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":["Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":["Welcome Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":["Welcome Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Got it":["Got it"],"Welcome personal":["Welcome personal"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":["Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":["Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":["Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":["Second ad below post"],"Archives":["Archives"],"Explore Professional":["Explore Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["Compare All Plans"],"Person with laptop":["Person with laptop"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Your Jetpack site is ready to go!"],"Stars":["Stars"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["Schedule posts"],"Activate Publicize":["Activate Publicize"],"Your site is backed up.":["Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":["Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":["I already use this app."],"Create address":["Create address"],"Priority support":["Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":["Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":["Checking site status…"],"Pages":["Pages"],"We're here to help":["We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":["Ask a question"],"Search our support site":["Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":["Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Daily, automated malware scanning"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Unlimited, high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Load more posts using the default theme behavior"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":["Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":["Show featured images"],"Enable the toolbar":["Enable the toolbar"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Generate XML sitemaps"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden."],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Allow stats reports to be viewed by"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Enable ads and display an ad below each post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configure your sharing buttons"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Connect your social media accounts"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Match accounts using email addresses"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication"],"Add to whitelist":["Add to whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":["Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":["Checking key…"],"Your API key":["Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":["Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":["Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["View your Email Followers"],"Color scheme":["Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":["Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Error updating settings. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. 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Refreshing page…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configure Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activate Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Download the free apps"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["View your earnings"],"Configure site SEO":["Configure site SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Activate SEO tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":["More Info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Your current IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configure your Security Scans"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[" Likes are:"],"Comments headline":["Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":["Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":["Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":["A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":["A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":["Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":["Let us know!"],"Saving…":["Saving…"],"Save Settings":["Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":["Security Scanning"],"Site Backups":["Site Backups"],"Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":["ACTIVE"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"View your spam stats":["View your spam stats"],"View your security dashboard":["View your security dashboard"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":["Security"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backups":["Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":["Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":["Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":["Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":["Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[" Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Plugin Updates"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":["Loading…"],"Downtime monitoring":["Downtime monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["All-time comments"],"All-time views":["All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Best overall day"],"Views today":["Views today"],"Months":["Months"],"Weeks":["Weeks"],"Days":["Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Week of %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Site Security"],"Activate recommended features":["Activate recommended features"],"Link to":["Link to"],"Unlink me from":["Unlink me from"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Learn more"],"Posts":["Posts"],"Front page":["Front page"],"Upload videos":["Upload videos"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Show related content after posts"],"Related":["Related"],"Save":["Save"],"Email Address":["Email Address"],"Media":["Media"],"Themes":["Themes"],"Site Stats":["Site Stats"],"Sharing":["Sharing"],"Testimonials":["Testimonials"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Comments":["Comments"],"Ignored Phrases":["Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":["Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":["Passive Voice"],"Jargon":["Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":["Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":["Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":["Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":["Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":["Bias Language"],"English Options":["English Options"],"Proofreading":["Proofreading"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Connected":["Connected"],"Activate":["Activate"],"Active":["Active"],"Search":["Search"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Learn More":["Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Plugin Autoupdates"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Downtime monitoring"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privacy Settings"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[" toolbar"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Composing"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Site stats"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Search engine optimization"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Sharing buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize connections"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Like buttons"],"Settings header\ log in":[" log in"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Brute force attack protection"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups and security scanning"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Spam filtering"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["My Plan"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Dev Tools"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Settings"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussion"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Sharing"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["At A Glance"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Plans"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Writing"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Reset Options (dev only)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Security"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["At a Glance"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["terms of service"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["tos"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["data"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracks"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Saving…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Save settings"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Related"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Preview"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Stay connected"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnect"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Updates needed"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Preview"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Site connection"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Account connection"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Threats"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Threats found!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["No scanning"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Secure"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Invalid key"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Set up"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copy"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Terms"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spam comments blocked."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_CA"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}."],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Business Plan"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium Plan"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Personal Plan"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["Welcome to Jetpack Free"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Free Plan"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["Explore Jetpack plans"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["Jetpack offers so much more"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress."],"Support documentation":["Support documentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support"],"Site Activity":["Site Activity"],"Start publicizing now":["Start publicizing now"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Increase traffic to your site"],"Explore free themes":["Explore free themes"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site"],"Set up your site security":["Set up your site security"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement"],"A hand holding a loupe":["A hand holding a loupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it"],"A folder holding real comments":["A folder holding real comments"],"Make your site faster":["Make your site faster"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers."],"A fast and performant website":["A fast and performant website"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Add Like buttons to your posts and pages"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!"],"Create account":["Create account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience."],"Add a portfolio item":["Add a portfolio item"],"Add a testimonial":["Add a testimonial"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Create a Jetpack account to use this feature"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Enabling Site accelerator…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disabling site accelerator…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketing Automation"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Activate Jetpack Search"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Start earning"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam is automatically blocked from your comments."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam Filtering"],"Browse premium themes":["Browse premium themes"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost."],"Try a premium theme":["Try a premium theme"],"View settings":["View settings"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work."],"Manage security settings":["Manage security settings"],"Built-in Performance":["Built-in Performance"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Build your Jetpack site with blocks"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Take me to the new editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Testing Jetpack Connection"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["New in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Speed up static file load times"],"Speed up image load times":["Speed up image load times"],"Enable site accelerator":["Enable site accelerator"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials."],"View your site activity":["View your site activity"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way."],"Manually Verify ":["Manually Verify "],"Verify with Google":["Verify with Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site."],"or":["or"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Your site is verified with Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Site failed to verify: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifying..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Search supports many customizations."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Site is verified"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spam filtering and priority support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Custom ads.txt entries"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Introducing Premium Themes"]," Premium Themes":[" Premium Themes"],"Privacy information":["Privacy information"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Enable Lazy Loading for images"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once."],"Performance & speed":["Performance & speed"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Enable high-speed, ad-free video player"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Carousel colour scheme"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configure related posts in the Customizer"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Highlight related content with a heading"],"View security scan details":["View security scan details"],"View backup history":["View backup history"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Show a thumbnail image where available"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Centre{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["This feature has been disabled by a site administrator."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configure your notification settings"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Monitor your site's downtime"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin needs updating.","Plugins need updating."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam."],"Privacy Information":["Privacy Information"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Removes spam from comments and contact forms."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["We are committed to your privacy and security. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["View all Jetpack plans"],"Manage your plan":["Manage your plan"],"Your Plan":["Your Plan"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Add Search (Jetpack) Widget"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Search is powering search on your site."],"Manage your plugins":["Manage your plugins"],"Moderate comments":["Moderate comments"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Updated privacy settings."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Updating privacy settings…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Add Jetpack Search Widget"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support."],"Always-on Security":["Always-on Security"],"Activate video hosting":["Activate video hosting"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support"],"Design the perfect website":["Design the perfect website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Set up Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Search"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support"],"View your security activity":["View your security activity"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (powered by VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Customize Search Widget"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Please correct the issue below and try again.","Please correct the issues listed below and try again."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Your site is being backed up in real-time."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack version"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed."],"Activity":["Activity"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}View details{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Install premium themes":["Install premium themes"],"Review SEO features":["Review SEO features"],"Welcome Professional":["Welcome Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetize your site with ads"],"Welcome Premium":["Welcome Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colours, images, or add a variety of new widgets."],"Got it":["Got it"],"Welcome personal":["Welcome personal"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Stats People"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hello there! Your stats have been activated."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here."],"Okay, got it!":["Okay, got it!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Display ads below posts on"],"Additional ad placements":["Additional ad placements"],"Top of each page":["Top of each page"],"Second ad below post":["Second ad below post"],"Archives":["Archives"],"Explore Professional":["Explore Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["Compare All Plans"],"Person with laptop":["Person with laptop"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Your Jetpack site is ready to go!"],"Stars":["Stars"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Welcome to Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Welcome to Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Welcome to Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["Schedule posts"],"Activate Publicize":["Activate Publicize"],"Your site is backed up.":["Your site is backed up."],"Image Performance":["Image Performance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Get WordPress Apps for every device"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world."],"I already use this app.":["I already use this app."],"Create address":["Create address"],"Priority support":["Priority support"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Add sharing buttons to your posts"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Automatically share your posts to social networks"],"Updating settings…":["Updating settings…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Updating Post by Email address…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["You have paid for backups but they're not yet active."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation."],"Checking site status…":["Checking site status…"],"Pages":["Pages"],"We're here to help":["We're here to help"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users."],"Ask a question":["Ask a question"],"Search our support site":["Search our support site"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Get a faster resolution to your support questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Generate income with high-quality ads."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Integrate easily with Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protect your site from spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect."],"Spam filtering":["Spam filtering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Daily, automated malware scanning"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Unlimited, high-speed video hosting"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO preview tools"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Site stats, related content, and sharing tools"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Read more about Jetpack benefits"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Manage site connection"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Connect your account to to view more stats"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme enhancements"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Load more posts using the default theme behavior"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Load more posts in page with a button"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Load more posts as the reader scrolls down"],"Theme support required.":["Theme support required."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages"],"Show featured images":["Show featured images"],"Enable the toolbar":["Enable the toolbar"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Generate XML sitemaps"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden."],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Allow stats reports to be viewed by"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configure your SEO settings"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Upgrade\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configure your Google Analytics settings"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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Example:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Your site is backed up and threat-free."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Checking your spam protection…"],"Fetching key…":["Fetching key…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Your site needs an Antispam key."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Your site is not protected from spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Your Antispam key is valid."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Your site is protected from spam."],"Checking key…":["Checking key…"],"Your API key":["Your API key"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["No search results found for %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Enter a search term to find settings or close search."],"Connections":["Connections"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to"],"Your site is connected to":["Your site is connected to"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["You are the Jetpack owner."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["View your Email Followers"],"Color scheme":["Colour scheme"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Enable Markdown use for comments."],"Updated settings.":["Updated settings."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Error updating settings. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Regenerated Post by Email address."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Updated settings. Refreshing page…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configure Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activate Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Download the free apps"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. 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You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Display an ad unit at the top of your site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site."],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["View your earnings"],"Configure site SEO":["Configure site SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Activate SEO tools"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":["More Info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Your current IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configure your Security Scans"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":[" Likes are:"],"Comments headline":["Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Hide the stats smiley face image"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Whitelisted IP addresses"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Copied!":["Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":["Regenerate address"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":["A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":["A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":["Add a phrase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Submit Beta feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":["Let us know!"],"Saving…":["Saving…"],"Save Settings":["Save Settings"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Activate Site Stats"],"Security Scanning":["Security Scanning"],"Site Backups":["Site Backups"],"Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":["ACTIVE"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"View your spam stats":["View your spam stats"],"View your security dashboard":["View your security dashboard"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":["Security"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backups":["Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":["Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Invalid key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":["Activating recommended features…"],"Recommended features active.":["Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Deactivating %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Updating %(slug)s settings…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Updating %(slug)s address…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resetting Jetpack options…"],"Options reset.":["Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":["Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["At A Glance"],"Clichés":["Clichés"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":["Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[" Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Plugin Updates"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading…":["Loading…"],"Downtime monitoring":["Downtime monitoring"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["All-time comments"],"All-time views":["All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Best overall day"],"Views today":["Views today"],"Months":["Months"],"Weeks":["Weeks"],"Days":["Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Week of %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Site Security"],"Activate recommended features":["Activate recommended features"],"Link to":["Link to"],"Unlink me from":["Unlink me from"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. 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This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Connected":["Connected"],"Activate":["Activate"],"Active":["Active"],"Search":["Search"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Learn More":["Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnect Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Plugin Autoupdates"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Downtime monitoring"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privacy Settings"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[" toolbar"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Composing"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Site stats"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Search engine optimization"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Sharing buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize connections"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Like buttons"],"Settings header\ log in":[" log in"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Brute force attack protection"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups and security scanning"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Spam filtering"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["My Plan"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Dev Tools"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Settings"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussion"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Sharing"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["At A Glance"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Plans"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Writing"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Reset Options (dev only)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Security"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["At a Glance"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["terms of service"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["tos"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["data"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracks"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Saving…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Save settings"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Related"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Preview"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Stay connected"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnect"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Updates needed"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Preview"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Site connection"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Account connection"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Threats"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Threats found!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["No scanning"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Secure"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Invalid key"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Set up"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copy"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Terms"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spam comments blocked."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"gl_ES"},"Show a thumbnail image where available":[""],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":[""],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":[""],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":[""],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[""],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":[""],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":[""],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":[""],"Configure your notification settings":[""],"Monitor your site's downtime":[""],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":[""],"Plugin needs updating.":["","Plugins need updating."],"%(number)s":["","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":[""],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":[""],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":[""],"Privacy Information":[""],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":[""],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":[""],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":[""],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":[""],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":[""],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":[""],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":[""],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":[""],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":[""],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":[""],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":[""],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":[""],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":[""],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":[""],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":[""],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":[""],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":[""],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":[""],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":[""],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":[""],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":[""],"View all Jetpack plans":[""],"Manage your plan":[""],"Your Plan":[""],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":[""],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":[""],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":[""],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":[""],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":[""],"Manage your plugins":[""],"Moderate comments":[""],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":[""],"Updated privacy settings.":[""],"Updating privacy settings…":[""],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":[""],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":[""],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":[""],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":[""],"Always-on Security":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":[""],"Design the perfect website":[""],"Set up Jetpack":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":[""],"Jetpack Search":[""],"Jetpack version %(version)s":[""],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":[""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":[""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":[""],"View your security activity":[""]," (powered by VaultPress).":[""],"Customize Search Widget":[""],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["","Please correct the issues listed below and try again."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":[""],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":[""],"Jetpack version":[""],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":[""],"Activity":[""],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[""],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[""],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[""],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[""],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[""],"Install premium themes":[""],"Review SEO features":[""],"Welcome Professional":[""],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[""],"Monetize your site with ads":[""],"Welcome Premium":[""],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[""],"Welcome personal":[""],"Jetpack Stats People":[""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[""],"Okay, got it!":[""],"Display ads below posts on":[""],"Additional ad placements":[""],"Top of each page":[""],"Second ad below post":[""],"Archives":[""],"Explore Professional":[""],"Compare All Plans":[""],"Person with laptop":[""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[""],"Stars":[""],"Jupiter":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[""],"Activate Publicize":[""],"Your site is backed up.":[""],"Image Performance":[""],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Consegue aplicacións WordPress para calquera dispositivo"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Xestiona todos os teus sitios desde un só escritorio: publica contido, segue as estatísticas, modera comentarios, e moito máis desde calquera lugar do mundo."],"I already use this app.":["Xa usei esta aplicación."],"Create address":["Crear dirección"],"Priority support":["Soporte prioritario"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Engade botóns de compartir aos teus artigos"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Comparte automaticamente as túas entradas nas redes sociais"],"Updating settings…":["Actualizando axustes..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Actualizando o artigo a través da dirección de correo electrónico..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["O teu plan de pago dáche acceso ao soporte prioritario de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Pagaches polas copias de seguridade pero aínda non están activas."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Pagaches por copias e analisis de seguridade pero aínda non están activas."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Feixe clic en \"Configurar\" para finalizar a instalación."],"Checking site status…":["Comprobando estado do sitio..."],"Pages":["Páxinas"],"We're here to help":["Onde ir para obter axuda"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack incorpora soporte básico gratuíto para todos os usuarios."],"Ask a question":["Feixe unha pregunta"],"Search our support site":["Busca no noso sitio de soporte"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Consegue unha resposta máis rápida ás túas preguntas de soporte."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Vídeo de alta calidade, sen publicidade e con aloxamento rápido."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Xera beneficios con anuncios de alta calidade."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Copias de seguridade en tempo real e resolución automática de ameazas."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protexe contra perdas de datos, malware e ataques maliciosos."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Intégrase facilmente con Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Axuda a que os teus contidos sexan atopados e compartidos con ferramentas SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protexe o teu sitio do spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Este sitio non está conectado con Por favor, contacta co administrado para conectalo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro de spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Análise automática diario de malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Copias de seguridade diarias automáticas (con almacenamento ilimitado)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Escaneo diario e resolución automática de malware"],"SEO preview tools":["Ferramentas de vista previa SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Estatísticas do sitio, contido relacionado e ferramentas para compartir"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protección contra ataques de forza bruta e monitoraxe de tempo de actividade"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Aloxamento de alta velocidade ilimitado para imaxes"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Ao desconectar o teu %(siteName)s de, xa non terás acceso ao seguinte:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Le máis sobre os beneficios de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Unha aerolínea de Automattic"],"Manage site connection":["Xestionar conexión do sitio"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Conecta a túa conta a para ver máis estatísticas"],"Theme enhancements":["Melloras do tema"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carga máis entradas usando o comportamento por defecto do tema"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carga mais entradas na páxina cun botón"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carga máis entradas a medida que o lector navega"],"Theme support required.":["Requírese que o tema sexa compatible."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Aprende máis sobre como engadir soporte para scroll infinito no teu tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usar extractos no canto de entradas completas en portada e páxinas de arquivo"],"Show featured images":["Mostra imaxes destacadas"],"Enable the toolbar":["Activar a barra de ferramentas de"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["As ferramentas de escritura mostraránseche aquí cando un administrador actíveas."],"Portfolios":["Portafolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Dáche conta que {{b}}non é necesario verificar o teu sitio con estes servizos{{/b}} para que o teu sitio o indexen os motores de procura. Para usar estas ferramentas avanzadas de motores de procura e verificar o teu sitio cun servizo pega o código da etiqueta HTML a continuación. Le as {{support}}instrucións completas{{/support}} se tes algún problema. Servizos compatibles coa verificación: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Crea mapas do sitio XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Recollendo valiosas estatísticas e informes de tráfico"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["A imaxe axuda a recoller estatísticas pero debería funcionar cando estea oculta."],"Count logged in page views from":["Contar as visualizacións de páxina conectados desde"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permitir que sexan vistos os informes de estatísticas"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Podes modificar estes axustes se queres un control máis avanzado. Le máis sobre como {a}}optimizar o SEO do teu sitio{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura os teus axustes SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["En \"Actualización\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura os teus axustes de Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra anuncios no primeiro artigo da túa portada ou ao final de cada páxina e entrada. Pon máis anuncios na parte superior do teu sitio e en calquera área de widgets para incrementar as túas ganancias."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Activa anuncios e mostra un anuncio debaixo de cada artigo"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura os teus botóns de compartir"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Conecta coas túas contas de redes socials"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Emparella contas utilizando a dirección de email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Requirir contas para usar a identificación en dous pasos de"],"Add to whitelist":["Engadir á lista branca"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Deberías autorizar algunhas direccións IP para que non sexan bloqueadas por Jetpack. Admítense direccións IPv4 e IPv6. Para especificar un rango, introduce o valor menor e o maior separados por un guión, p. ej:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["O teu sitio está asegurado e libre de ameazas."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Comprobando protección contra o spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Obtendo clave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["O teu sitio necesita unha clave Akismet."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Hai un problema coa túa clave de API antispam. {{a}}Saber máis{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["O teu sitio non está protexido fronte ao spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["A túa clave antispam non é válida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["O teu sitio está protexido contra o spam."],"Checking key…":["Comprobando clave..."],"Your API key":["A túa clave de API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se aínda non tes unha clave de API, {{a}}feixe clic aquí {{/a}} e segue o proceso guiado para conseguila."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Non se atoparon resultados para %(term)"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Escribe un termo de procura para atopar opcións ou pecha a procura."],"Connections":["Conexións"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["O teu sitio está en modo de desenvolvemento, polo que non se pode conectar con"],"Your site is connected to":["O teu sitio está conectado con"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Es o propietario de Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Conectado como {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Ver os teus seguidores por correo electrónico"],"Color scheme":["Esquema de cor"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Permite Markdown nos comentarios."],"Updated settings.":["Opcións gardadas."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Erro actualizando opcións. %(erro)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Artigo rexenerado desde a dirección de correo electrónico."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Erro ao rexenerar o artigo desde a dirección de correo electrónico. %(erro) é"],"Updated settings. 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As estatísticas de e as de Google Analytics usan distintos métodos para identificar e seguir a actividade do teu sitio, así que normalmente mostrarán totais das túas visitas, páxinas vistas, etc. lixeiramente diferentes."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activa Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Descarga as aplicacións gratuítas"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[""],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Agora tamén podes configurar os artigos relacionados no personalizador. {{ExternalLink}}Próbao!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Por defecto os anuncios móstranse ao final de cada páxina, entrada, ou o primeiro artigo na súa portada. Tamén podes engadilos á parte superior do seu sitio e en calquera área de widget para aumentar as túas ganancias!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostrar un bloque de anuncios na parte superior do seu sitio."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Mediante a activación dous anuncios, vostede acepta as {{link}}Condicións de servizo{{/link}} dous anuncios e Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["O teu servidor está mal configurado, o que significa que Jetpack Protect non pode protexer o teu sitio con efectividade."],"In \"Mobile\"":["En \"Móvil\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura os teus axustes de aviso de Monitor en{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Ver as túas ganancias"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Para empezar feixe clic en engadir obxecto no teu editor de entradas e sobe un vídeo. Encargarémonos do resto!"],"Video Hosting":["Aloxamento de vídeo"],"SEO Tools":["Ferramentas de SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["As ferramentas SEO avanzadas axudan a que o teu sitio sexa fácil de atopar cando a xente busque contido relevante."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["A forma máis sinxela de subirse vídeos sen anuncios nin marcas. Obtés estatísticas das reproducións de vídeo e das veces que se compartiu e o reprodutor é lixeiro e adaptable."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Estás a executar Jetpack nun servidor de desenvolvemento."],"More Info":["Máis Información"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Manage Likes visibilidade desde o Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Túa IP actual: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Hai configuracións sen gardar neste tab que serán perdidas se as deixas así. Proceder?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Isto resetea todas as opcións Jetpack, estás seguro?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Buscar unha característica Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configurar os teus Escáneres de Seguranza"],"Subscriber":["Subscritor"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Big iPhone/iPad Update Agora Dispoñíbel"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["O WordPress para Android App Consegue unha Gran Mellora do Aspecto"]," Likes are:":[" Likes son:"],"Comments headline":["Titular de comentarios"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Expresións pegadizas para motivar aos teus lectores para comentar."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Mostra as opcións \"segue ao blogue\" no formulario de comentarios"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Mostra a opción \"segue os comentarios\" no formulario de comentarios"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Poñer un gráfico mostrando as visitas das últimas 48 horas na barra de administración"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Oculta a imaxe da carita feliz das estatísticas"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Lista branca de direccións IP"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra unha promo das aplicacións de WordPress para móbiles no pé da versión móbil do tema"],"Copied!":["Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Resalte e copie o seguinte texto no portapapeles:"],"Regenerate address":["Rexenera a dirección"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Proba de lectura automática do contido cando: "],"A post or page is first published":["Un artigo ou páxina é publicada por primeira vez"],"A post or page is updated":["Un artigo ou páxina está actualizada"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Detección automática de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["O corrector funciona con inglés, francés, alemán, portugués e español."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Activar a proba de lectura a a seguinte gramática e regras de estilo: "],"Add a phrase":["Engade unha frase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Facendo trampas?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Importaríache dicirnos por que non completaches a conexión con Jetpack nesta {{a}}enquisa de 2 preguntas?{{/a}}{{/p}}{{p}}A conexión con Jetpack é obrigatoria para que funcionen as nosas características gratuítas de tráfico e seguridade.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["O teu Jetpack xa está conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Vostede está alimentado e listo para funcionar, Jetpack está agora activo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Vostede está alimentado e listo para funcionar."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Neste momento estás a executar unha versión de desenvolvemento de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Envía as túas suxestións"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Que che gustaría ver no Escritorio do teu Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Háznolo saber!"],"Saving…":["Gardando..."],"Save Settings":["Gardar os axustes"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona de estatísticas de Jeptpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! 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Data will display here soon!":["Jetapck está a bloquear activamente intentos de acceso maliciosos. Moi pronto se mostrasen datos aquí mesmo!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Total de ataques maliciosos bloqueados no teu sitio."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activa Protexer{{/a}} para manter o teu sitio protexido de intentos de acceso malintencionados."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Todos os plugins están actualizados. Bo traballo!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jeptack está a mellorar e optimizando a velocidade das túas imaxes."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack está a monitorar o teu sitio. Se cremos que o teu sitio está caído, recibirás un correo electrónico."],"Security":["Seguridade"],"Performance":["Rendemento"],"Backups":["Copia de seguridade"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Ver detalles da copia de seguridade{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Para facer automaticamente unha copia de seguridade do teu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}instala e activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non dispoñible no modo desarrollador."],"Spam Protection":["Protección de spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Para unha defensa contra o spam de calidade profesional por favor {{a}}instala Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Se queres un protector contra o spas que estea á última, {{a}}activa Akismet{{a}}."],"Invalid key":["Clave non válida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non dispoñible en modo desarrollador"],"Activating recommended features…":["Activando funcionalidades recomendadas..."],"Recommended features active.":["Funcionalidades de recomendación activas."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Non se puideron activar as funcionalidades recomendadas. %(erro)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s activouse."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s fallou ao activarse. %(erro)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Desactivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s foi desactivado."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s non se desactivaron. %(erro)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Actualizando %(slug)s axustes..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Axustes de %(slug)s actualizados."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Erro actualizando os axustes %(slug)s. %(erro)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Actualizando a dirección %(slug)s..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Rexenerar %(slug)s direccións."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Erro rexenerando a dirección %(slug). %(erro)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resetear opcións de jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Axustes restablecidos."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fallo ao restablecer as opcións."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Simplemente {{a}}contestando dúas sinxelas preguntas{{/a}} axudarasnos a mellorar Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Política de privacidade de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termos do servizo de"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Activar as actualizacións automáticas de plugins{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Actualizacións de plugins"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Para realizar copias de seguridade automáticas de ti sitio completo, por favor {{a}}amplía a túa conta{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Vaia! As túas claves de Akismet perdéronse ou non son válidas. {{akismetSettings}}Ve á as opcións de Akismet para arranxalo {{/akismetSettings}}"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Non se atoparon ameazas.Adiante!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contacta con soporte{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Ver detalles en{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh,%(número)s ameaza atopada.","Uh oh,%(número)s ameazas atopadas."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activa Monitor{{/a}} para recibir avisos se o teu sitio cae."],"Loading…":["Cargando..."],"Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraxe de caídas"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Ver máis estatísticas en {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ver máis estatísticas{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Todos os comentarios"],"All-time views":["Visitas de todo o período"],"%(number)s View":["%(Número)s Ver","%(Número)s Vistas"],"Best overall day":["O mellor día"],"Views today":["Visualizacións hoxe"],"Months":["Meses"],"Weeks":["Semanas"],"Days":["Días"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Algo pasou ao cargar as estatísticas. Por favor, téntao de novo máis tarde ou {{a}}vai as túas estatísticas agora en{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Feixe clic para ver estadíticas detalladas."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visitas: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Semana do %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Seguridade do sitio"],"Activate recommended features":[""],"Link to":["Conecta con"],"Unlink me from":["Desconectame de"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Houbo un problema conectando co teu Jetpack. Por favor feixe click en \"Conecta con\" de novo."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Tivemos unha incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva e volve activar o plugin de Jetpack, e conecta outra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Debes permanecer conectado ao teu blogue de WordPress mentres autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}O teu Jetpack ten un problema.{{/s}} Lamentamos as molestias. Por favor, téntao máis tarde. Se o problema continúa, por favor contacta co soporte con esta mensaxe: %(erro_key)"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Desconectando Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Aprender máis"],"Posts":["Artigos"],"Front page":["Páxina de inicio"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra contido relacionado despois das entradas"],"Related":["Relacionado"],"Save":["Gardar"],"Email Address":["Enderezo de correo electrónico"],"Media":["Multimedia"],"Themes":["Temas"],"Site Stats":["Estatísticas do sitio"],"Sharing":["Compartir"],"Testimonials":["Testemuños"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Comments":["Comentarios"],"Ignored Phrases":["Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Use a deteción automática do idioma para revisar artigos e páxinas"],"Redundant Phrases":["Frases redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Frases para evitar"],"Passive Voice":["Voz pasiva"],"Jargon":["Xerga"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":["Dobles negacións"],"Diacritical Marks":["Sinais diacríticos"],"Complex Phrases":["Frases complexas"],"Bias Language":["Linguaxe Bias"],"English Options":["Opcións de Inglés"],"Proofreading":["Revisando"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack non puido contactar con %(error_key)s. Isto xeralmente significa que algo está configurado incorrectamente no seu servidor."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" está a ter problemas e é incapaz de alimentar o seu Jetpack. Por favor, ténteo de novo máis tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}O seu Jetpack ten un fallo.{{/s}} A conexión desta web con non é posible. Isto xeralmente significa que o sitio non está accesible publicamente (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["O seu sitio web ten que ser accesible ao público para usar Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Desconectaches Jetpack con éxito"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Connected":["Conectado"],"Activate":["Activar"],"Active":["Activo"],"Search":["Procura"],"Settings":["Preferencias"],"Learn More":["Aprender máis"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Desconectar Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Comproba a compatibilidade do teu sitio con Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":[""],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":[""],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra de ferramentas de"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creando"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Estatísticas do sitio"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimización nos motores de procura"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Botóns de compartir"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Conexións de Divulgar"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Botóns gústame"],"Settings header\ log in":["Acceso a"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protección ante ataques de forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Copias e analisis de seguridade"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Filtro de spam"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":[""],"Search term.\u0004tos":[""],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":[""],"Search term.\u0004data":[""],"Search term.\u0004tracks":[""],"Search term.\u0004privacy":[""],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":[""],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Actualizar"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Gardando..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Guardar ajustes"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vista previa"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Segue conectado"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Desconectar"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Ferramentas de desenvolvemento"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Axustes"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Debate"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Tráfico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Compartir"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Dunha ollada"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Planes"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Escritura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Restablecer axustes (só en versións de desenvolvemento)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Seguridade"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["De un vistazo"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Actualizacións necesarias"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Pagado"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vista previa"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Publicidade"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Conexión ao sitio"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Conexión á túa conta"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Ameazas"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["SOLUCIONAR"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Ameazas atopadas!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Non se analizou"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Actualizar"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Seguro"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Clave non válida"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configurar"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copiar"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacidade"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Términos"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Depurar"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Comentarios de spam bloqueados."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"gl_ES"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["A continuación, activa o conxunto de características recomendadas por Jetpack para maximizar a seguridade e o rendemento do teu sitio. {{a}}Aprende máis sobre o que está incluído{{/a}}."],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["Agora estamos recopilando estatísticas e aseguramos o teu sitio. Benvido a bordo."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Saltar, e explorar individualmente as características{{/a}}."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Plan Business de Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Plan Premium de Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Plan Persoal de Jetpack"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["Empeza sen complicacións co deseño, as estatísticas e as ferramentas de rendemento."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["Benvido a Jetpack Gratis"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Plan Gratis de Jetpack"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["Explora os plans de Jetpack"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["Consigue a tranquilidade de contar con copias de seguridade automatizadas e soporte prioritario, chegar a un público máis amplo mediante o uso de ferramentas avanzadas de SEO, monetizar o teu sitio mediante a publicación de anuncios e persoalizar o teu sitio con calquera dos nosos máis de 200 temas premium."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["Jetpack ofrece moitísimo máis"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["Necesitas axuda? Busca o noso sitio de soporte para obter información sobre o teu sitio, a túa conta e como sacar o máximo proveito de WordPress."],"Support documentation":["Documentación de soporte"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Burbullas de chat que representan o contacto co soporte"],"Site Activity":["Actividade do sitio"],"Start publicizing now":["Empeza agora a publicitar"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Acada unha audiencia maior compartindo automaticamente as túas entradas nos medios sociais."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Aumenta o tráfico cara ao teu sitio"],"Explore free themes":["Explora os temas gratuítos"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Consigue acceso ilimitado a centos de temas profesionais, e persoaliza o teu sitio exactamente como queres."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Unha ampla variedade de temas e ferramentas para persoalizar un sitio"],"Set up your site security":["Configura a seguridade do teu sitio"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Evita ataques de acceso, e obtén avisos instantáneos cando haxa un problema co teu sitio."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Estatísticas do sitio mostrando unha evolución en tráfico e participación"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Unha man sostendo unha lupa"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Un gráfico que mostra un saudable aumento nas gañancias"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interface mostrando unha lista cronolóxica dos cambios e actualizacións dun sitio"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Unha nube con múltiples tipos de contido flotando ao redor"],"A folder holding real comments":["Unha carpeta con comentarios reais"],"Make your site faster":["Fai máis rápido o teu sitio"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Carga páxinas máis rápido servindo as túas imaxes desde a nosa rede global de servidores."],"A fast and performant website":["Unha web rápida e eficaz"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un sitio seguro, pechado e protexido por Jetpack"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":[""],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":[""],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":[""],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":[""],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":[""],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":[""],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":[""],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":[""],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":[""],"Create account":["Crear conta"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":[""],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":[""],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":[""],"Add a portfolio item":[""],"Add a testimonial":["Engade unha recomendación"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":[""],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":[""],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":[""],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":[""],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":[""],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":[""],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":[""],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":[""],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Activando o acelerador do sitio …"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":[""],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":[""],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Desactivando o acelerador do sitio …"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":[""],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":[""],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":[""],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":[""],"Marketing Automation":["Automatización de márketing"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Activa a busca de Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":[""],"Start earning":["Empeza a gañar"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":[""],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":[""],"Spam Filtering":["Filtrado de spam"],"Browse premium themes":["Ver temas premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":[""],"Try a premium theme":[""],"View settings":["Ver axustes"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":[""],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":[""],"Manage security settings":["Xestionar axustes de seguridade"],"Built-in Performance":["Rendemento incluído"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":[""],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":[""],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":[""],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":[""],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":[""],"Take me to the new editor":[""],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Probando a conexión con Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[""],"New in Jetpack!":["Novo en Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":[""],"Speed up image load times":[""],"Enable site accelerator":["Activa o acelerador do sitio"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":[""],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":[""],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":[""],"Manually Verify ":["Verificar manualmente"],"Verify with Google":["Verificar con Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":[""],"or":["ou"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":[""],"Your site is verified with Google":[""],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":[""],"Verifying...":["Verificando…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":[""],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":[""],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":[""],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":[""],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":[""],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":[""],"Site is verified":["O sitio está verificado"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":[""],"Spam filtering and priority support.":[""],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":[""],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":[""],"Custom ads.txt entries":[""],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":[""],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Introducindo os temas premium"]," Premium Themes":["Temas premium"],"Privacy information":["Información de privacidade"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":[""],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":[""],"Performance & speed":["Rendemento e velocidade"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":[""],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":[""],"Video":["Vídeo"],"Carousel color scheme":["Esquema de cor do carrusel"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":[""],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":[""],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":[""],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":[""],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":[""],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode de portfolios: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":[""],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode de recomendacións: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":[""],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":[""],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":[""],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":[""],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":[""],"Highlight related content with a heading":[""],"View security scan details":[""],"View backup history":["Ver histórico da copia de seguridade"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":[""],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":[""],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":[""],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":[""],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[""],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":[""],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":[""],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":[""],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":[""],"Configure your notification settings":[""],"Monitor your site's downtime":[""],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":[""],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":[""],"Plugin needs updating.":["","Plugins need updating."],"%(number)s":["%(número)s","%(número)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":[""],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":[""],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":[""],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":[""],"Privacy Information":["Información sobre a privacidade"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":[""],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":[""],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":[""],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":[""],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":[""],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":[""],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":[""],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":[""],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":[""],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":[""],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":[""],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":[""],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":[""],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":[""],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":[""],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":[""],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":[""],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":[""],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":[""],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":[""],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":[""],"View all Jetpack plans":[""],"Manage your plan":[""],"Your Plan":["O teu plan"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":[""],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":[""],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":[""],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":[""],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":[""],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":[""],"Manage your plugins":[""],"Moderate comments":["Modera comentarios"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":[""],"Updated privacy settings.":[""],"Updating privacy settings…":[""],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":[""],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":[""],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":[""],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":[""],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":[""],"Always-on Security":["Seguridade sempre activa"],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":[""],"Design the perfect website":[""],"Set up Jetpack":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":[""],"Jetpack Search":["Busca de Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":[""],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":[""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":[""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Copias de seguridade diarias de todos os datos do teu sitio con espazo ilimitado, restauracións cun só clic, análise de seguridade automático e servizo de axuda prioritario "],"View your security activity":[""]," (powered by VaultPress).":[""],"Customize Search Widget":[""],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["","Please correct the issues listed below and try again."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":[""],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":[""],"Jetpack version":["Versión de Jetpack"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":[""],"Activity":["Actividade"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":[""],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":[""],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":[""],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":[""],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":[""],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":[""],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[""],"Install premium themes":[""],"Review SEO features":[""],"Welcome Professional":["Benvido ao plan Profesional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":[""],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":[""],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":[""],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":[""],"Monetize your site with ads":[""],"Welcome Premium":["Benvido ao plan Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":[""],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":[""],"Got it":["Entendido!"],"Welcome personal":["Benvido ao plan persoal"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":[""],"Jetpack Stats People":[""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":[""],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":[""],"Okay, got it!":[""],"Display ads below posts on":[""],"Additional ad placements":[""],"Top of each page":[""],"Second ad below post":[""],"Archives":["Arquivos"],"Explore Professional":["Explorar o plan Profesional"],"Compare All Plans":[""],"Person with laptop":[""],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":[""],"Stars":["Estrelas"],"Jupiter":["Xúpiter"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":[""],"Schedule posts":["Programación de entradas"],"Activate Publicize":["Activa Divulgar"],"Your site is backed up.":[""],"Image Performance":["Rendemento das imaxes"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Consegue aplicacións WordPress para calquera dispositivo"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Xestiona todos os teus sitios desde un só escritorio: publica contido, segue as estatísticas, modera comentarios, e moito máis desde calquera lugar do mundo."],"I already use this app.":["Xa usei esta aplicación."],"Create address":["Crear dirección"],"Priority support":["Soporte prioritario"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Engade botóns de compartir aos teus artigos"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Comparte automaticamente as túas entradas nas redes sociais"],"Updating settings…":["Actualizando axustes..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Actualizando o artigo a través da dirección de correo electrónico..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["O teu plan de pago dáche acceso ao soporte prioritario de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Pagaches polas copias de seguridade pero aínda non están activas."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Pagaches por copias e analisis de seguridade pero aínda non están activas."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Feixe clic en \"Configurar\" para finalizar a instalación."],"Checking site status…":["Comprobando estado do sitio..."],"Pages":["Páxinas"],"We're here to help":["Onde ir para obter axuda"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack incorpora soporte básico gratuíto para todos os usuarios."],"Ask a question":["Feixe unha pregunta"],"Search our support site":["Busca no noso sitio de soporte"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Consegue unha resposta máis rápida ás túas preguntas de soporte."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Vídeo de alta calidade, sen publicidade e con aloxamento rápido."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Xera beneficios con anuncios de alta calidade."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Copias de seguridade en tempo real e resolución automática de ameazas."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protexe contra perdas de datos, malware e ataques maliciosos."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Intégrase facilmente con Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Axuda a que os teus contidos sexan atopados e compartidos con ferramentas SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protexe o teu sitio do spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Este sitio non está conectado con Por favor, contacta co administrado para conectalo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro de spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Análise automática diario de malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Copias de seguridade diarias automáticas (con almacenamento ilimitado)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Escaneo diario e resolución automática de malware"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Aloxamento de alta velocidade ilimitado para vídeo"],"SEO preview tools":["Ferramentas de vista previa SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Estatísticas do sitio, contido relacionado e ferramentas para compartir"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protección contra ataques de forza bruta e monitoraxe de tempo de actividade"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Aloxamento de alta velocidade ilimitado para imaxes"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Ao desconectar o teu %(siteName)s de, xa non terás acceso ao seguinte:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Le máis sobre os beneficios de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Unha aerolínea de Automattic"],"Manage site connection":["Xestionar conexión do sitio"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Conecta a túa conta a para ver máis estatísticas"],"Theme enhancements":["Melloras do tema"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carga máis entradas usando o comportamento por defecto do tema"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carga mais entradas na páxina cun botón"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carga máis entradas a medida que o lector navega"],"Theme support required.":["Requírese que o tema sexa compatible."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Aprende máis sobre como engadir soporte para scroll infinito no teu tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usar extractos no canto de entradas completas en portada e páxinas de arquivo"],"Show featured images":["Mostra imaxes destacadas"],"Enable the toolbar":["Activar a barra de ferramentas de"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["As ferramentas de escritura mostraránseche aquí cando un administrador actíveas."],"Portfolios":["Portafolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Dáche conta que {{b}}non é necesario verificar o teu sitio con estes servizos{{/b}} para que o teu sitio o indexen os motores de procura. Para usar estas ferramentas avanzadas de motores de procura e verificar o teu sitio cun servizo pega o código da etiqueta HTML a continuación. Le as {{support}}instrucións completas{{/support}} se tes algún problema. Servizos compatibles coa verificación: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Crea mapas do sitio XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Recollendo valiosas estatísticas e informes de tráfico"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["A imaxe axuda a recoller estatísticas pero debería funcionar cando estea oculta."],"Count logged in page views from":["Contar as visualizacións de páxina conectados desde"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permitir que sexan vistos os informes de estatísticas"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Podes modificar estes axustes se queres un control máis avanzado. Le máis sobre como {a}}optimizar o SEO do teu sitio{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura os teus axustes SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["En \"Actualización\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura os teus axustes de Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra anuncios no primeiro artigo da túa portada ou ao final de cada páxina e entrada. Pon máis anuncios na parte superior do teu sitio e en calquera área de widgets para incrementar as túas ganancias."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Activa anuncios e mostra un anuncio debaixo de cada artigo"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura os teus botóns de compartir"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Conecta coas túas contas de redes socials"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Emparella contas utilizando a dirección de email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Requirir contas para usar a identificación en dous pasos de"],"Add to whitelist":["Engadir á lista branca"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Deberías autorizar algunhas direccións IP para que non sexan bloqueadas por Jetpack. Admítense direccións IPv4 e IPv6. Para especificar un rango, introduce o valor menor e o maior separados por un guión, p. ej:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["O teu sitio está asegurado e libre de ameazas."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Comprobando protección contra o spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Obtendo clave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["O teu sitio necesita unha clave Akismet."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Hai un problema coa túa clave de API antispam. {{a}}Saber máis{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["O teu sitio non está protexido fronte ao spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["A túa clave antispam non é válida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["O teu sitio está protexido contra o spam."],"Checking key…":["Comprobando clave..."],"Your API key":["A túa clave de API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se aínda non tes unha clave de API, {{a}}feixe clic aquí {{/a}} e segue o proceso guiado para conseguila."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Non se atoparon resultados para %(term)"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Escribe un termo de procura para atopar opcións ou pecha a procura."],"Connections":["Conexións"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["O teu sitio está en modo de desenvolvemento, polo que non se pode conectar con"],"Your site is connected to":["O teu sitio está conectado con"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Es o propietario de Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Conectado como {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Ver os teus seguidores por correo electrónico"],"Color scheme":["Esquema de cor"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Permite Markdown nos comentarios."],"Updated settings.":["Opcións gardadas."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Erro actualizando opcións. %(erro)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Artigo rexenerado desde a dirección de correo electrónico."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Erro ao rexenerar o artigo desde a dirección de correo electrónico. %(erro) é"],"Updated settings. 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Recargando páxina..."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Actualmente en {{a}}modo de desenvolvemento{{/a}} (algunhas características están desactivadas) porque: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}O filtro jetpack_development_mode está activo{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Definiuse a constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}A URL do teu sitio non ten punto (p.ex. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics é un servizo gratuíto que complementa nosas {{a}}estatísticas integradas{{/a}} con diferentes informes do teu tráfico. As estatísticas de e as de Google Analytics usan distintos métodos para identificar e seguir a actividade do teu sitio, así que normalmente mostrarán totais das túas visitas, páxinas vistas, etc. lixeiramente diferentes."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activa Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Descarga as aplicacións gratuítas"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Upgrade Focus: VideoPress para Weddings"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Agora tamén podes configurar os artigos relacionados no personalizador. {{ExternalLink}}Próbao!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Por defecto os anuncios móstranse ao final de cada páxina, entrada, ou o primeiro artigo na súa portada. Tamén podes engadilos á parte superior do seu sitio e en calquera área de widget para aumentar as túas ganancias!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostrar un bloque de anuncios na parte superior do seu sitio."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Mediante a activación dous anuncios, vostede acepta as {{link}}Condicións de servizo{{/link}} dous anuncios e Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["O teu servidor está mal configurado, o que significa que Jetpack Protect non pode protexer o teu sitio con efectividade."],"In \"Mobile\"":["En \"Móvil\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura os teus axustes de aviso de Monitor en{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Ver as túas ganancias"],"Configure site SEO":["Configurar el SEO do sitio"],"Activate SEO tools":["Activar as ferramentas de SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Para empezar feixe clic en engadir obxecto no teu editor de entradas e sobe un vídeo. Encargarémonos do resto!"],"Video Hosting":["Aloxamento de vídeo"],"SEO Tools":["Ferramentas de SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["As ferramentas SEO avanzadas axudan a que o teu sitio sexa fácil de atopar cando a xente busque contido relevante."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["A forma máis sinxela de subirse vídeos sen anuncios nin marcas. Obtés estatísticas das reproducións de vídeo e das veces que se compartiu e o reprodutor é lixeiro e adaptable."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Estás a executar Jetpack nun servidor de desenvolvemento."],"More Info":["Máis Información"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Manage Likes visibilidade desde o Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Túa IP actual: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Hai configuracións sen gardar neste tab que serán perdidas se as deixas así. Proceder?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Isto resetea todas as opcións Jetpack, estás seguro?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Buscar unha característica Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configurar os teus Escáneres de Seguranza"],"Subscriber":["Subscritor"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Big iPhone/iPad Update Agora Dispoñíbel"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["O WordPress para Android App Consegue unha Gran Mellora do Aspecto"]," Likes are:":[" Likes son:"],"Comments headline":["Titular de comentarios"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Expresións pegadizas para motivar aos teus lectores para comentar."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Mostra as opcións \"segue ao blogue\" no formulario de comentarios"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Mostra a opción \"segue os comentarios\" no formulario de comentarios"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Poñer un gráfico mostrando as visitas das últimas 48 horas na barra de administración"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Oculta a imaxe da carita feliz das estatísticas"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Lista branca de direccións IP"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra unha promo das aplicacións de WordPress para móbiles no pé da versión móbil do tema"],"Copied!":["Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Resalte e copie o seguinte texto no portapapeles:"],"Regenerate address":["Rexenera a dirección"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Proba de lectura automática do contido cando: "],"A post or page is first published":["Un artigo ou páxina é publicada por primeira vez"],"A post or page is updated":["Un artigo ou páxina está actualizada"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Detección automática de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["O corrector funciona con inglés, francés, alemán, portugués e español."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Activar a proba de lectura a a seguinte gramática e regras de estilo: "],"Add a phrase":["Engade unha frase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Facendo trampas?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Importaríache dicirnos por que non completaches a conexión con Jetpack nesta {{a}}enquisa de 2 preguntas?{{/a}}{{/p}}{{p}}A conexión con Jetpack é obrigatoria para que funcionen as nosas características gratuítas de tráfico e seguridade.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["O teu Jetpack xa está conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Vostede está alimentado e listo para funcionar, Jetpack está agora activo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Vostede está alimentado e listo para funcionar."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Neste momento estás a executar unha versión de desenvolvemento de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Envía as túas suxestións"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Que che gustaría ver no Escritorio do teu Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Háznolo saber!"],"Saving…":["Gardando..."],"Save Settings":["Gardar os axustes"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona de estatísticas de Jeptpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! 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Data will display here soon!":["Jetapck está a bloquear activamente intentos de acceso maliciosos. Moi pronto se mostrasen datos aquí mesmo!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Total de ataques maliciosos bloqueados no teu sitio."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activa Protexer{{/a}} para manter o teu sitio protexido de intentos de acceso malintencionados."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Todos os plugins están actualizados. Bo traballo!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jeptack está a mellorar e optimizando a velocidade das túas imaxes."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack está a monitorar o teu sitio. Se cremos que o teu sitio está caído, recibirás un correo electrónico."],"Security":["Seguridade"],"Performance":["Rendemento"],"Backups":["Copia de seguridade"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Ver detalles da copia de seguridade{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Para facer automaticamente unha copia de seguridade do teu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}instala e activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non dispoñible no modo desarrollador."],"Spam Protection":["Protección de spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Para unha defensa contra o spam de calidade profesional por favor {{a}}instala Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Se queres un protector contra o spas que estea á última, {{a}}activa Akismet{{a}}."],"Invalid key":["Clave non válida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non dispoñible en modo desarrollador"],"Activating recommended features…":["Activando funcionalidades recomendadas..."],"Recommended features active.":["Funcionalidades de recomendación activas."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Non se puideron activar as funcionalidades recomendadas. %(erro)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s activouse."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s fallou ao activarse. %(erro)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Desactivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s foi desactivado."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s non se desactivaron. %(erro)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Actualizando %(slug)s axustes..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Axustes de %(slug)s actualizados."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Erro actualizando os axustes %(slug)s. %(erro)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Actualizando a dirección %(slug)s..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Rexenerar %(slug)s direccións."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Erro rexenerando a dirección %(slug). %(erro)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resetear opcións de jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Axustes restablecidos."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fallo ao restablecer as opcións."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Simplemente {{a}}contestando dúas sinxelas preguntas{{/a}} axudarasnos a mellorar Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Política de privacidade de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termos do servizo de"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Activar as actualizacións automáticas de plugins{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Actualizacións de plugins"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Para realizar copias de seguridade automáticas de ti sitio completo, por favor {{a}}amplía a túa conta{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Vaia! As túas claves de Akismet perdéronse ou non son válidas. {{akismetSettings}}Ve á as opcións de Akismet para arranxalo {{/akismetSettings}}"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Non se atoparon ameazas.Adiante!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contacta con soporte{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Ver detalles en{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh,%(número)s ameaza atopada.","Uh oh,%(número)s ameazas atopadas."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activa Monitor{{/a}} para recibir avisos se o teu sitio cae."],"Loading…":["Cargando..."],"Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraxe de caídas"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Ver máis estatísticas en {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ver máis estatísticas{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Todos os comentarios"],"All-time views":["Visitas de todo o período"],"%(number)s View":["%(Número)s Ver","%(Número)s Vistas"],"Best overall day":["O mellor día"],"Views today":["Visualizacións hoxe"],"Months":["Meses"],"Weeks":["Semanas"],"Days":["Días"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Algo pasou ao cargar as estatísticas. Por favor, téntao de novo máis tarde ou {{a}}vai as túas estatísticas agora en{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Feixe clic para ver estadíticas detalladas."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visitas: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Semana do %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Seguridade do sitio"],"Activate recommended features":[""],"Link to":["Conecta con"],"Unlink me from":["Desconectame de"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Houbo un problema conectando co teu Jetpack. Por favor feixe click en \"Conecta con\" de novo."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Tivemos unha incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva e volve activar o plugin de Jetpack, e conecta outra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Debes permanecer conectado ao teu blogue de WordPress mentres autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}O teu Jetpack ten un problema.{{/s}} Lamentamos as molestias. Por favor, téntao máis tarde. Se o problema continúa, por favor contacta co soporte con esta mensaxe: %(erro_key)"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Desconectando Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Aprender máis"],"Posts":["Artigos"],"Front page":["Páxina de inicio"],"Upload videos":["Subir vídeos"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra contido relacionado despois das entradas"],"Related":["Relacionado"],"Save":["Gardar"],"Email Address":["Enderezo de correo electrónico"],"Media":["Multimedia"],"Themes":["Temas"],"Site Stats":["Estatísticas do sitio"],"Sharing":["Compartir"],"Testimonials":["Testemuños"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Comments":["Comentarios"],"Ignored Phrases":["Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Use a deteción automática do idioma para revisar artigos e páxinas"],"Redundant Phrases":["Frases redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Frases para evitar"],"Passive Voice":["Voz pasiva"],"Jargon":["Xerga"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":["Dobles negacións"],"Diacritical Marks":["Sinais diacríticos"],"Complex Phrases":["Frases complexas"],"Bias Language":["Linguaxe Bias"],"English Options":["Opcións de Inglés"],"Proofreading":["Revisando"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack non puido contactar con %(error_key)s. Isto xeralmente significa que algo está configurado incorrectamente no seu servidor."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" está a ter problemas e é incapaz de alimentar o seu Jetpack. Por favor, ténteo de novo máis tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}O seu Jetpack ten un fallo.{{/s}} A conexión desta web con non é posible. Isto xeralmente significa que o sitio non está accesible publicamente (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["O seu sitio web ten que ser accesible ao público para usar Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Desconectaches Jetpack con éxito"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Connected":["Conectado"],"Activate":["Activar"],"Active":["Activo"],"Search":["Procura"],"Settings":["Preferencias"],"Learn More":["Aprender máis"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Desconectar Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Comproba a compatibilidade do teu sitio con Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":[""],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":[""],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":[""],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra de ferramentas de"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creando"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Estatísticas do sitio"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimización nos motores de procura"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Botóns de compartir"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Conexións de Divulgar"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Botóns gústame"],"Settings header\ log in":["Acceso a"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protección ante ataques de forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Copias e analisis de seguridade"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Filtro de spam"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":[""],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":[""],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Ferramentas de desenvolvemento"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Axustes"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Debate"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Tráfico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Compartir"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Dunha ollada"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Planes"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Escritura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Restablecer axustes (só en versións de desenvolvemento)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Seguridade"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["De un vistazo"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":[""],"Search term.\u0004tos":[""],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":[""],"Search term.\u0004data":[""],"Search term.\u0004tracks":[""],"Search term.\u0004privacy":[""],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":[""],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Actualizar"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Gardando..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Guardar ajustes"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Relacionado"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vista previa"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Segue conectado"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Desconectar"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Actualizacións necesarias"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Pagado"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Vista previa"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Publicidade"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Conexión ao sitio"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Conexión á túa conta"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Ameazas"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["SOLUCIONAR"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Ameazas atopadas!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Non se analizou"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Actualizar"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Seguro"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Clave non válida"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configurar"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copiar"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacidade"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Términos"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Depurar"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Comentarios de spam bloqueados."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"he_IL"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["ההגדרות האלו לא יחולו על פוסטים קשורים שנוספו באמצעות עורך הבלוקים."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["שכפול פוסטים, עמודים, המלצות ותיקי עבודות קיימים. כל התוכן יועתק, כולל מלל, תמונות מרכזיות, הגדרות שיתוף ועוד."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["אין אפשרות לחבר את האתר הזה ל כיוון שהוא מפר את {{a}}תנאי השימוש{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["ניתן לחבר את האתר שלך לרשתות החברתיות ולשתף את התוכן שלך בכל החשבונות שלך ברשתות בלחיצה אחת. כאשר מפרסמים פוסט, הוא יופיע בכל החשבונות המוחברים."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["הוספת לחצני 'לייק' לפוסטים ולעמודים"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["אם הבקרים יאהבו את התוכן שלך, הם יוכלו להביע את הערכתם עם 'לייק'."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת התוכנית האישית של Jetpack!"],"Create account":["יצירת חשבון"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["האתר שלך מופעל על ידי Jetpack אבל כדי לקבל גישה לכל התכונות עליך ליצור חשבון."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["גיבויים אוטומטיים בזמן אמת (שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["ליצור תוכן כרצונך ולעבוד בתהליך עבודה יעיל לפרסום."],"Add a portfolio item":["להוסיף פריט של תיק עבודות"],"Add a testimonial":["להוסיף המלצה"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["לשפר את הנראות של האתר שלך במנועי החיפוש ולהציג נתונים סטטיסטיים של תעבורה בזמן אמת."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["יש ליצור חשבון ב-Jetpack כדי להשתמש בתכונה זו"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["לשתף את התוכן שלך ברשתות החברתיות כדי להרחיב את שיתוף הפעולה שלך עם הקהל."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["השירות של Jetpack יבצע מעקב מתמיד אחר האתר שלך ויודיע לך ברגע שהאתר שלך יושבת."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["כאשר מתפרסם עדכון לתוסף, מומלץ לעדכן את התוסף באופן מיידי. באפשרותך לבחור אילו תוספים ברצונך לעדכן כדי להבטיח את אבטחת האתר שלך."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["מומלץ לאבטח את האתר שלך עם האבטחה המתקדמת ביותר ולקבל הודעות לגבי בעיות טכניות."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["שגיאה בהפעלה של מאיץ האתרים. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["מאיץ האתרים כעת מזרז את הביצועים של האתר שלך!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["מפעיל את מאיץ האתרים..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["שגיאה בהשבתת מאיץ האתרים. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["מאיץ האתרים לא מזרז עוד את הביצועים של האתר שלך!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["משבית את מאיץ האתרים..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["טעינת דפים מהירה יותר, תמונות משופרות והאצה של חוויות המשתמש."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["שילוב של הנתונים הסטטיסטיים מ עם סקירת הנתונים המעמיקה של Google על המבקרים באתר שלך ועל דפוסי תעבורה."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["אחסון וידאו מהיר וברזולוציה גבוהה שמוצג ללא מודעות של צד שלישי."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["קביעת לוח זמנים מראש לפרסום ציוצים בטוויטר, פוסטים בפייסבוק ופוסטים ברשתות חברתיות אחרות ללא הגבלה."],"Marketing Automation":["אוטומציה של שיווק"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["הפעלת החיפוש של Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["החלפה של החיפוש שבברירת מחדל ב-WordPress לחיפוש שמופעל על ידי Elasticsearch, שמאפשר תוצאות וסינונים טובים יותר."],"Start earning":["זה הזמן להתחיל להרוויח"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["השירות של WordAds מאפשר לך להרוויח כסף על ידי הצגת תוכן שיווקי. זה הזמן להתחיל להרוויח."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["תגובות זבל נחסמות באופן אוטומטי בתגובות שלך."],"Spam Filtering":["סינון תגובות זבל"],"Browse premium themes":["עיון בערכות פרימיום"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["קבלת גישה למאות ערכות פרימיום יפות ללא עלות נוספת."],"Try a premium theme":["ערכת פרימיום לניסיון"],"View settings":["הצגת הגדרות"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["עליך ליצור חשבון Jetpack כדי לראות את העוקבים באימייל"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["כדאי לפתוח את האתר שלך לפרסום תגובות ולהזמין את המנויים לקבל התראות על תוכן חדש שמועלה לאתר."],"Manage security settings":["ניהול הגדרות האבטחה"],"Built-in Performance":["ביצועים מובנים"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["השירות של Jetpack מוכן לעורך החדש של WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["היום, אנחנו שמחים להציג את האוסף הראשון של בלוקים שמותאמים לשימוש ב-Jetpack ושנוצרו במיוחד לחוויית השימוש עם העורך החדש: כפתור תשלומים פשוטים, טופס, מפה ו-Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["בניית האתר שלך ב-Jetpack עם בלוקים"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["עורך חדש? כן! {{a}}מידע נוסף{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["התכונות שעוזרות לך מותאמות כעת לעורך החדש של WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["אני רוצה לעבור לעורך החדש"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["אירעה שגיאה בעת הבדיקה של Jetpack. שגיאה: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["חדש ב-Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["שיפור במהירות הטעינה של קבצים סטטיים"],"Speed up image load times":["שיפור במהירות הטעינה של תמונות"],"Enable site accelerator":["הפעלה של מאיץ האתרים"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["כעת ניתן לטעון תמונות מהר יותר עם מאיץ האתרים של JetpacK כדי לשפר את תצוגת התמונות ולשלוח את התמונות והקבצים הסטטיים (כגון CSS ו-JavaScript) מהרשת הגלובלית של השרתים שלנו."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["ניתן להוסיף שכבה של אבטחה לאתר שלך באמצעות ההתחברות ל והפעלה של האימות המאובטח. אם הפעלת את האפשרות הזו במספר אתרים שברשותך, אפשר להתחבר לכל אחד מהאתרים עם אותם פרטי הכניסה."],"View your site activity":["צפייה בפעילות באתר שלך"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["צפייה ברשימה כרונולוגית של כל השינויים והעדכונים באתר שלך בצורה מאורגנת שקלה לקריאה."],"Manually Verify ":["אימות ידני "],"Verify with Google":["אימות באמצעות Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["השירות של Google ישלח אליך אימייל לגבי אירועים שונים שקורים באתר שלך, כולל סימנים שהאתר שלך{{a1}}נפרץ{{/a1}} או בעיות {{a2}}בסריקה או בהוספה לאינדקס{{/a2}} של האתר שלך."],"or":["או"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["מעקב אחרי התעבורה והביצועים של האתר שלך מ-{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["האתר מאומת באמצעות Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["אימות האתר נכשל: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["מאמת..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["באפשרותך להוסיף אפשרויות מתקדמות לחיפוש באתר שלך עם התוכנית לעסקים של התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["החלפה בין החיפוש המובנה של WordPress לחיפוש של Jetpack, לחוויית החיפוש המשופרת"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["החיפוש של Jetpack מחליף את החיפוש המובנה בחיפוש מהיר, יעיל, שניתן להתאמה ושמציג תוצאות רלוונטיות יותר. האחסון החדש נמצא באחסון הענן של התוצאה: המשתמשים שלך יכולים למצוא את התוכן שהם רוצים מהר יותר."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["השירות המובנה של WordPress מתאים לאתרים שלא כוללים כמות רבה של תוכן. ככל שהאתר גודל, החיפוש נעשה איטי ומציג תוצאות רלוונטיות פחות."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["החיפוש של Jetpack תומך באפשרויות התאמה רבות."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["ניתן להחליף את החיפוש המובנה בחיפוש מהיר, יעיל, שניתן להתאמה ושמציג תוצאות רלוונטיות יותר. {{a}}האחסון החדש נמצא באחסון הענן של{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["האתר מאומת"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}כדי ליצור אתר יפה שנראה ועובד בדיוק כפי שרצית, התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack מספקת לך גישה בלתי מוגבלת למעל 200 ערכות עיצוב פרימיום של WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}לתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack יש יתרונות רבים נוספים מעבר למציאת העיצוב המושלם. העורך גם מאפשר לך לעבוד בשלווה, בידיעה שצוות המומחים הגלובלי שלנו עומד לרשותך וישמח להעניק תמיכה מועדפת אם יהיה צורך.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["סינון תגובות זבל ותמיכה מועדפת."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["כאשר המודעות מופעלות, השירות של Jetpack יוצר באופן אוטומטי קובצי ads.txt שמותאמים לאתר שלך."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["השירות של Jetpack יוצר באופן אוטומטי קובצי {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} שמותאמים לאתר שלך. אם יש צורך להוסיף הזנות עבור רשתות אחרות, יש להוסיף אותן למטה, הזנה אחת בשורה."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["הזנות מותאמות של ads.txt"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}כדי ליצור אתר יפה שנראה ועובד בדיוק כפי שרצית, התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack מספקת לך גישה בלתי מוגבלת למעל 200 ערכות עיצוב פרימיום של WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}לתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack יש יתרונות רבים נוספים מעבר למציאת העיצוב המושלם. ויש יתרונות נוספים מעבר לעבודה בראש שקט: בזכות גיבויים בזמן אמת, סריקות אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות ותמיכה מועדפת מצוות המומחים הגלובלי שלנו, האתר שלך תמיד בטוח ומאובטח.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["שמחים להציג את ערכות הפרימיום"]," Premium Themes":[" ערכות פרימיום"],"Privacy information":["מידע על פרטיות"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["הפעלה של טעינת תמונות עצלה"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["טעינת תמונות עצלה תשפר את המהירות של האתר שלך ותיצור חוויית צפייה חלקה יותר. התמונות נטענות רק כאשר המבקרים גוללים את המסך למטה, במקום טעינת כל התמונות במקביל."],"Performance & speed":["ביצועים ומהירות"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["הפעלה של נגן ווידאו מהיר ונטול פרסומות"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["התוכן שמפורסם באתר יכול להיות מושך יותר בעזרת סרטוני וידאו ברזולוציה גבוהה. בעזרת הווידאו של Jetpack, אפשר להתאים אישית את נגן המדיה ולהציג למבקרים שלך סרטוני וידאו מהירים ונטולי פרסומות או מיתוג. סרטוני וידאו מאוחסנים בשרתי ולא מנצלות את שטח האחסון של התוכנית שלך!"],"Video":["וידאו"],"Carousel color scheme":["הגלגל של ערכת הצבעים"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["נתוני Exif מציגים לצופים פרטים טכניים נוספים אודות תמונות, כגון מרחק מהמוקד, פתח ו-ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["הצגה בגלגל של מטא-נתונים מסוג Exif לתמונה (כאשר זמין)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["הצגת תמונות בגלריית גלגל במסך מלא"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["יצירת מצגת תמונות בגלגל במסך מלא להצגת התמונות שבפוסטים ובעמודים שלך. גלריות הגלגל ידידותיות להצגה במכשירים ניידים ומעודדות את המבקרים להסתכל על התמונות שלך."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["סרגל הכלים של מחליף את סרגל הכלים של מנהל המערכת שמוגדר כברירת מחדל ומשפר את החוויה שלך עם WordPress. הסרגל מאפשר גישה בלחיצה אחת לניהול כל האתרים שלך, עדכון של הפרופיל של ב, צפייה בהודעות וקריאת עדכונים לאתרים שמסומנים במעקב ב-Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["פקודת מקרו לתיקי עבודות: [תיק עבודות]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["שימוש {{portfolioLink}}בתיקי עבודות{{/portfolioLink}} באתר שלך כדי להציג לראווה את העבודה הטובה ביותר שלך. אם ערכת העיצוב שלך לא תומכת בתיקי העבודות של Jetpack, אפשר עדיין להשתמש בפקודת מקרו פשוטה כדי להציג אותם באתר."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["פקודות מקרו להמלצות: [המלצות]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["הוספת {{testimonialLink}}המלצות{{/testimonialLink}} לאתר האינטרנט שלך כדי למשוך לקוחות חדשים. אם ערכת העיצוב שלך לא תומכת בהמלצות של Jetpack, אפשר עדיין להשתמש בפקודת מקרו פשוטה כדי להציג אותם באתר."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["למנועי החיפוש אין גישה לאתר שלך כעת. אם ברצונך לאפשר גישה לאתר שלך, יש לבדוק את {{a}}הגדרות הקריאה{{/a}} ולהפעיל את האפשרות 'תצוגה במנועי החיפוש'."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["חדשות טובות: השירות של Jetpack שולח באופן אוטומטי את מפת האתר שלך לכל מנועי החיפוש הגדולים לצורך יצירה של אינדקס."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["מפות אתרים הם קבצים שבהם מנועי החיפוש, כגון Google או Bing, משתמשים כדי ליצור אינדקס של האתר שלך. בעזרתן ניתן גם לשפר את הדירוג של האתר שלך בתוצאות החיפוש. בהפעלת התכונה הזו, השירות של Jetpack יצור את מפות האתרים עבורך ויעדכן אותן אוטומטית כאשר התוכן באתר משתנה."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["הגדרת הפוסטים הקשורים בכלי ההתאמה האישית"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["הדגשה של תוכן קשור באמצעות כותרת"],"View security scan details":["הצגת פרטים לגבי סריקות אבטחה"],"View backup history":["הצגה של היסטוריית הגיבויים"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["הצגה של תמונה ממוזערת כשאפשר"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["למידע נוסף על אופן השימוש של תכונות Jetpack מסוימות בנתונים ובמעקב, יש לעיין {{privacyCenterLink}}במרכז הפרטיות{{/privacyCenterLink}} שלנו."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["אנחנו משתמשים בכלים למעקב, כולל כלים של צד שלישי. {{cookiePolicyLink}}אפשר לקרוא פרטים על אלו{{/cookiePolicyLink}} על אלו ועל אופן השליטה בהם."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["המידע הזה עוזר לנו לשפר את המוצרים שלנו, להציג שיווק רלוונטי יותר, לספק לך חוויית שימוש אישית ב ועוד, כפי שמפורט {{pp}}במדיניות הפרטיות{{/pp}} שלנו."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["שיתוף של פרטי השימוש שלך בשירותים השונים עם כלי הניתוח שלנו לאחר ההתחברות לחשבון שלך ב {{cookiePolicyLink}}מידע נוסף{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו מנוהלת על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו הושבתה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו הופעלה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["המודול %(moduleName)s הושבת על ידי מנהל המערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["תכונה זו הושבתה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["המודול %(moduleName)s הושבת על ידי מנהל המערכת של האתר."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["אפשר להוסיף מודעות באמצעות וידג'ט פרסומות. {{link}}מומלץ לנסות כעת!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["שינוי הגדרות של הודעות כעת"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["מעקב אחרי זמן הפעולה התקינה של האתר שלך"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["החיפוש של Jetpack הוא חלופה עוצמתית ליכולות החיפוש המוטמעות ב-WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["הקבצים באתר שלך נסרקים בקביעות כדי לגלות שינויים לא מורשים או חשודים, שעלולים לסכן את האבטחה והנתונים שלך."],"Plugin needs updating.":["יש לעדכן את התוסף.","יש לעדכן את התוספים."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["העדכונים לתוספים של Jetpack מאפשרים לך לבחור אילו תוספים יש לעדכן באופן אוטומטי."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ימטב את התמונות שלך ויציג אותן ממיקום השרת הקרוב ביותר למבקרים שלך. שימוש ברשת שליחת התוכן העולמית שלנו ישפר את מהירות הטעינה של האתר שלך."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["הגיבויים של Jetpack מאפשרים לך לשחזר בקלות את האתר מנקודת מסוימת בציר בזמן או להוריד גיבוי מנקודה זו."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["השירות של Akismet בודק את התגובות ואת הטפסים ליצירת קשר שנשלחו מול בסיס-הנתונים הגלובלי שלנו לאיתור תגובות זבל."],"Privacy Information":["מידע על פרטיות"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["באמצעות VideoPress אפשר להעלות סרטוני וידאו מהמחשב שלך ולאחסן אותם ב במקום בשרתים של חברת האחסון. אפשר להזין את אלו לאתר Jetpack שבאחסון עצמי שלך. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["הוספה של וידג'ט החיפוש (של Jetpack) לסרגל הצדי שלך"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["המבקרים באתר שלך יכולים ליהנות מחוויית חיפוש מעולה באמצעות סינון ומיון של תוצאות חיפוש מהירות."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["פעולה זו מפעילה ערכת עיצוב קלה ומותאמת למכשירים ניידים שתופיע במכשירים של המבקרים באתר שלך."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת טעינה אוטומטית של קבוצת הפוסטים הבאה כאשר הקוראים מגיעים לתחתית העמוד."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לפרסם את הפוסטים החדשים שלך באמצעות שליחה באימייל לכתובת מסוימת."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לכתוב תוכן עם קישורים, רשימות וסגנונות נוספים באמצעות תחביר של Markdown."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לבדוק טעויות כתיב או דקדוק, מילים שגויות וסגנון במהלך כתיבת התוכן."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך להוסיף את התגיות הנסתרות שנדרשות לאימות האתר שלך ב-WordPress מול שירותים שונים."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["פעולה זו מציגה מידע אודות הפעילות באתר שלך, כולל נתונים על מבקרים ופוסטים או עמודים פופולריים."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך למטב את האתר והתוכן שלך לקבלת תוצאות טובות יותר במנועי החיפוש."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["פעולה זו משלב את האתר שלך ב-WordPress עם Google Analytics, פלטפורמה שמציעה לך תובנות לגבי התעבורה, המבקרים והשיחות שלך."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["פעולה זו מציגה מודעות איכותיות באתר שלך, באמצעותן אפשר להפיק רווחים מהאתר."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["פעולה זו מוסיפה כפתורי שיתוף לתוכן שלך, באמצעותם מבקרים יכולים לשתף את התוכן שלך ברשתות החברתיות."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לשתף באופן אוטומטי את התוכן החדש ביותר שלך ברשתות החברתיות, כולל פייסבוק וטוויטר."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["פעולה זו מוסיפה כפתור 'לייק' לתוכן שלך, באמצעותו מבקרים יכולים להביע הערכה והוקרה."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת למשתמשים להיכנס לאתר שלך באמצעות החשבון שלהם ב"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["פעולה זו מגנה על האתר שלך מפני ניסיונות מבוזרים או מסורתיים של התחברות על ידי ניחוש סיסמה."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לגבות את האתר שלך בשרתי הגלובליים. באמצעות גיבוי זה, אפשר לשחזר את התוכן שלך אם אירעה שגיאה או במקרה חירום."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["פעולה זו מסירה תגובות זבל מהתגובות ומהטפסים ליצירת קשר."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["אנחנו מחויבים לפרטיות ולאבטחה שלך. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["הצגת כל התוכניות של Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["ניהול התוכנית שלך"],"Your Plan":["התוכנית שלך"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["התוכנית הנוכחית שלך היא %(plan)s של Jetpack."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["הפעולה מאפשרת לקוראים להירשם לעדכונים לפוסטים ולתגובות שלך ולקבל הודעות באימייל על תוכן חדש."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["הפעולה מחליפה את טופס התגובות הרגיל של WordPress עם מערכת התגובות החדשה שכוללת אפשרויות להתחברות לחשבון ברשת חברתית."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}הפעלה{{/a}} כדי להחליף בין החיפוש המובנה של WordPress לחיפוש של Jetpack, לחוויית החיפוש המשופרת."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["פעולה זו מוסיפה את וידג'ט החיפוש (של Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["החיפוש באתר שלך מופעל על ידי החיפוש של Jetpack."],"Manage your plugins":["ניהול התוספים שלך"],"Moderate comments":["אישור תגובות"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["שגיאה בעדכון הגדרות הפרטיות. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["הגדרות הפרטיות עודכנו."],"Updating privacy settings…":["מעדכן את הגדרות הפרטיות..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["הוספת וידג'ט החיפוש של Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["הוספה של וידג'ט החיפוש של Jetpack לסרגל הצדי שלך כדי לאפשר הגדרה של החיפוש והמסננים."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["חבילה עם אבטחה מלאה, כלים לאוטומציה של השיווק והפקת הרווחים, אחסון וידאו ללא הגבלה, ערכות עיצוב ללא הגבלה, חיפוש מתקדם ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["חבילה עם אבטחה מלאה, כלים לאוטומציה של השיווק והפקת הרווחים, אחסון וידאו ללא הגבלה ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["גיבויים יומיים, סינון תגובות זבל ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Always-on Security":["אבטחה מתמדת"],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל, שחזור בלחיצה אחת, סריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות ועדיפות בקבלת תמיכה"],"Design the perfect website":["תכננו את האתר המושלם"],"Set up Jetpack":["הגדרת Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כול הנתונים באתר עם שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל, שחזורים בלחיצה אחת וסריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות."],"Jetpack Search":["חיפוש Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["גרסת Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["האתר שלך מגובה בזמן אמת ומבוצעות בו סריקות לאיתור איומי אבטחה באופן קבוע."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["גיבוי יומי של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל ושחזור בלחיצה אחת"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל, שחזור בלחיצה אחת, סריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות, טיפול באיומים בלחיצה אחת."],"View your security activity":["הצגה של פעילות האבטחה שלך"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (מופעל על ידי VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["התאמה אישית של וידג'ט החיפוש"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["כדאי לתקן את הבעיה שצוינה להלן ולנסות שוב.","כדאי לתקן את הבעיות שצוינו להלן ולנסות שוב."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["אנחנו מוודאים שהאתר שלך תמיד יהיה נקי מאיומי אבטחה. נודיע לך אם יימצא איום אבטחה באתר."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["האתר שלכם גובה בזמן אמת."],"Jetpack version":["גרסת ג'טפק"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}הצגת הפעילות של האתר שלך{{/a}} בפיד יחיד."],"Activity":["פעילות"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["יש לאשר כל ביטוי חדש שהוספת באמצעות לחיצה על Enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}הצגת פרטים{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["תודה שבחרת בתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את התוכן שלך בזמן אמת, מוסיף את התוכן לאינדקס לצורך חיפוש, סורק את האתר לאיתור איומי אבטחה ומאפשר לך גישה לערכות פרימיום."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["בזכות התכנית המקצועית של Jetpack, אפשר ליצור את האתר המושלם עם מעל ל-300 ערכות עיצוב של WordPress שעוצבו על ידי אנשי מקצוע, כולל יותר ממאה ערכות פרימיום. באפשרותך להתאים אישית את התוכן שלך עם מגוון וידג'טים או להוסיף סרטוני וידאו ללא הגבלה לפוסטים ולעמודים שלך -- התוכן יוצר ללא פרסומות או סמני מים."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["קל להגדיל את הקהל שעוקב אחריך בעזרת התוכנית המקצועית - בזכות אפשרויות לשיתוף תוכן, לתזמון, לכלי SEO ולמינויים מובנים. באפשרותך להרוויח כסף מאתר שלך בעזרת כפתור התשלומים הפשוטים ופרסומות שמשתלבות בפריסת העמוד ולעקוב אחרי ההצלחה שלך בעזרת שילוב עם הפילוח של Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["התכנית של Jetpack מעניק לך את כל שנדרש לאבטחת העבודה הקשה שלך, כולל גיבויים לפי דרישה וסריקות לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות, כמו גם שחזור בלחיצה אחת ומציאת פתרונות. האתר שלך מאובטח לגמרי מתגובות זבל, קודים זדוניים וניסיונות כניסה באמצעות ניחוש סיסמה."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ניתן לפתוח את התכנית המקצועית של Jetpack כדי להתרשם מכל ההטבות שהתוכנית החדשה שלך מציעה."],"Install premium themes":["התקנת ערכות עיצוב פרימיום"],"Review SEO features":["עברו על אפשרויות ה- SEO"],"Welcome Professional":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית המקצועית"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["תודה שבחרת בתוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את האתר שלך, סורק אותו לאיתור איומי אבטחה ומאפשר לך לייצר רווחים."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["בעזרת תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack, אפשר ליצור את האתר המושלם לכל מטרה. באפשרותך להתאים אישית את התצוגה של האתר שלך עם ערכת עיצוב מתוך מבחר של מעל ל-200 ערכות עיצוב בחינם או לשפר את התוכן שלך עם סרטוני וידאו בנפח של עד 13‎ GB, שמאוחסנים ללא פרסומות או סמני מים."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["באמצעות כלי השיתוף העוצמתיים של Jetpack, אפשר לשתף את הפוסטים החדשים ביותר שלך באופן אוטומטי ברשתות החברתיות או לתזמן מתי התוכן ישותף שוב, בכל תאריך שהוא. בנוסף להרחבת קהל העוקבים שלך, גם העסק שלך יכול לצמוח בזכות כלים כמו כפתורי תשלומים ופרסומות."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ניתן לפתוח את תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack כדי להתרשם מכל ההטבות שהתוכנית החדשה שלך מציעה."],"Monetize your site with ads":["הפקת רווחים מהאתר שלך באמצעות פרסומות"],"Welcome Premium":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית הפרימיום"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["תודה שבחרת בתכנית האישית של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את האתר שלך וסורק אותו לאיתור איומי אבטחה."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["בתכנית האישית של Jetpack, יש לך גישה ליותר ממאה ערכות עיצוב חינמיות של WordPress, שעוצבו על ידי אנשי מקצוע. מומלץ לבחור את ערכת העיצוב המתאימה ביותר עבור האתר שלך ולהתאים אישית את הצבעים והתמונות או להוסיף מגוון של וידג'טים."],"Got it":[""],"Welcome personal":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית האישית"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["לחיצה על הכפתור למטה מהווה את הסכמתך {{tosLink}}לתנאי השימוש{{/tosLink}} שלנו {{shareDetailsLink}}ולשיתוף המידע{{/shareDetailsLink}} עם"],"Jetpack Stats People":["אנשים מסתכלים על נתונים סטטיסטיים של Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["שלום! הנתונים הסטטיסטיים שלך הופעלו."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["איסוף הנתונים יימשך זמן מה ולאחר מכן, נוכל להציג לך את המידע כאן."],"Okay, got it!":["בסדר, הבנתי!"],"Display ads below posts on":["להציג פרסומות מתחת לפוסטים ב-"],"Additional ad placements":["מיקום פרסומות נוספות"],"Top of each page":["בחלקו העליון של כל עמוד"],"Second ad below post":["פרסומת שנייה מתחת לפוסט"],"Archives":["ארכיונים"],"Explore Professional":["עיון בתוכנית Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["השוואה בין כל התוכניות"],"Person with laptop":["אדם עם מחשב נייד"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["האתר שלך ב-Jetpack מוכן לעבודה!"],"Stars":["כוכבים"],"Jupiter":["צדק"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["הפעלת השיתוף האוטומטי"],"Your site is backed up.":["האתר שלך מגובה."],"Image Performance":["ביצועי תמונה"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["קבלת אפליקציות WordPress עבור כל מכשיר"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["לנהל את כל האתרים שלך מלוח בקרה יחיד: פרסום תוכן, מעקב אחר נתונים סטטיסטיים, אישור תגובות ועוד הרבה יותר מכל מקום בעולם."],"I already use this app.":["אני כבר עושה שימוש באפליקציה."],"Create address":["יצירת כתובת"],"Priority support":["עדיפות בקבלת תמיכה"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["הוספה של לחצי שיתוף לפוסטים שלך"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["שיתוף אוטומטי של הפוסטים שלך ברשתות החברתיות"],"Updating settings…":["מעדכן הגדרות…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["עדכון של פוסט לפי כתובת אימייל..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["התוכנית שלך בתשלום מאפשרת לך גישה לתמיכה מועדפת של Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["שילמת על גיבויים אבל הם עדיין לא פעילים."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["שילמת על גיבויים וסריקות אבטחה אבל הם עדיין לא פעילים."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["יש ללחוץ על 'הגדרות' כדי להשלים את ההתקנה."],"Checking site status…":["בדיקת סטטוס אתר..."],"Pages":["עמודים"],"We're here to help":["נשמח לעזור"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["שירות Jetpack כולל תמיכה בסיסית לכל המשתמשים ללא תשלום."],"Ask a question":["יש לי שאלה"],"Search our support site":["חיפוש באתר התמיכה"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["קבלת טיפול מהיר יותר בשאלות שלך לתמיכה."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["אירוח מהיר, באיכות גבוהה ונטול פרסומות של קובצי וידאו."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["יצירת הכנסה באמצעות פרסומות באיכות גבוהה."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["גיבויים של האתר בזמן אמת וטיפול אוטומטי באיומים."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["הגנה מפני אובדן נתונים, תוכנות זדוניות או מתקפות זדוניות."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["שילוב קל עם Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["בעזרת כלי SEO, ניתן למצוא את התוכן שלך בקלות ולשתף אותו."],"Protect your site from spam.":["הגנה על האתר שלך מפני תגובות זבל."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["אתר זה לא מחובר ל יש ליצור קשר עם מנהל מערכת האתר כדי להתחבר."],"Spam filtering":["סינון תגובת זבל"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["סריקה אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות בכל יום"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["גיבויים יומיים אוטומטיים (שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["סריקה אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות בכל יום עם טיפול אוטומטי באיומים"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["כלים לתצוגה 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["לתשומת לבך, אין חובה {{b}}לאמת את האתר באמצעות שירותים אלה{{/b}} כדי לאפשר למנועי חיפוש להוסיף את האתר שלך לאינדקס. כדי להשתמש בכלים מתקדמים של מנוע החיפוש ולצורך אימות האתר באמצעות שירות מסוים, יש להדביק את קוד תגית ה-HTML להלן. יש לקרוא את {{support}}ההוראות המלאות{{/support}} במקרה של בעיה. שירותי אימות נתמכים: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, ו-{{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["יצירת מפת אתר בפורמט XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["איסוף נתונים סטטיסטיים יקרי ערך על תנועה ותובנות חשובות"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["התמונה עוזרת לאסוף נתונים סטטיסטיים, אולם האיסוף אמור לפעול כשהוא מוסתר."],"Count logged in page views from":["ספירה של צפיות בעמוד בזמן מצב מחובר מאת"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["מאפשר הצגת דוחות של נתונים סטטיסטיים על ידי"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["אפשר להתאים את ההגדרות אם דרושה לך שליטה מתקדמת. לרשותך מידע נוסף לגבי כל מה שאפשר לעשות כדי {{a}}למטב את ה-SEO של האתר{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["יש לקבוע את הגדרות ה-SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["בתוך 'שדרוג'"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["קביעת התצורה של ההגדרות האישיות של Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["הצגה של פרסומות במאמר הראשון בעמוד הבית שלך או בסופו של כל עמוד או כל פוסט. מיקום פרסומות נוספות בחלק העליון של האתר שלך ובכל אזור וידג'ט כדי להגדיל רווחים."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["הפעלת פרסומות ותצוגה של פרסומת בתחתית כל פוסט"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["קביעת תצורה של לחצי השיתוף שלך"],"Connect your social media accounts":["חיבור חשבונות אישיים של רשתות חברתיות"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["התאמת חשבונות באמצעות כתובות אימייל"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["דרישה מחשבונות להשתמש בקוד אימות דו-שלבי של"],"Add to whitelist":["הוספה לרשימת ההיתרים"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["הדרך הקלה ביותר להעלות אל האתר שלך סרטונים נטולי פרסומות ומיתוג. אפשר לקבל נתונים סטטיסטיים על צפיות בסרטונים ושיתופים, והנגן הוא קל וריספונסיבי."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["מופעל אצלך Jetpack בשרת אחסון זמני."],"More Info":["פרטים נוספים"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}ניהול נראות 'לייקים' דרך הגדרות מודול השיתוף{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["כתובת ה-IP הנוכחית שלך: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. 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This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}יש תקלה ב-Jetpack שלך.{{/s}} לא ניתן לחבר אתר זה אל משמעות הדבר בדרך כלל היא שהאתר שלך אינו נגיש לציבור (מרח מקומי)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["האתר שלך צריך להיות נגיש לציבור כדי להשתמש ב-Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["ניתקת בהצלחה את החשבון שלך מ-Jetpack"],"Edit":["עריכה"],"Connected":["מחובר"],"Activate":["הפעלה"],"Active":["פעיל"],"Search":["חיפוש"],"Settings":["הגדרות"],"Learn More":["למד עוד"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["נתק את Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["בדיקת תאימות האתר עם Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["עדכונים אוטומטיים של תוספים"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["ניטור זמן השבתה"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["הגדרות פרטיות"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["סרגל כלים של"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["כתיבה"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["נתונים סטטיסטיים של האתר"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["מיטוב למנועי חיפוש"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["לחצני שיתוף"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["חיבורים של שיתוף אוטומטי"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["לחצני לייק"],"Settings header\ log in":["התחברות ל"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["הגנה מפני התקפות של ניחוש סיסמה"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["גיבויים וסריקות אבטחה"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["סינון תגובת זבל"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["ביצועים"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["התוכנית שלי"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["כלי פיתוח"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["הגדרות"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["דיון"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["תעבורה"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["שיתוף"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["מבט כללי"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["תוכניות"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["כותב"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["אפשרויות איפוס (גרסאות מפתחים בלבד)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["אבטחה"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["מבט כללי"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["תנאי שימוש"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["tos"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["נתונים"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["רצועות"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["פרטיות"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["שומר..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["שמירת הגדרות"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["קשור"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["להישאר עם חיבור פעיל"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["התנתקות"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["נדרשים עדכונים"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["בתשלום"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["פרסומות"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["חיבור האתר"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["חיבור החשבון"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["איומים"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["תיקון"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["נמצאו איומים!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["לא בוצעה סריקה"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["מאובטח"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["מפתח לא תקף"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["הגדרה"],"verb\u0004Copy":["העתק"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["פרטיות"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["תנאים"],"Navigation item. 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+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"he_IL"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["כעת, יש להפעיל את התכונות המומלצות של JetpacK כדי להפיק את המרב מהאבטחה והביצועים של האתר שלך. {{a}}למידע נוסף על התכונות שכלולות{{/a}}."],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["אנחנו כעת אוספים נתונים סטטיסטיים ומאבטחים את האתר שלך. ברוכים הבאים."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}לדלג ולראות כל תכונה בנפרד{{/a}}."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["התוכנית לעסקים של Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["התוכנית האישית של Jetpack"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["להתחיל עם עיצוב, נתונים סטטיסטיים וכלים לביצועים שפשוט לתפעל."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית החינמית של Jetpack"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["התוכנית החינמית של Jetpack"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["עיון בתכוניות של Jetpack"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["אפשר לעבוד בראש שקט בזכות גיבויים אוטומטיים ועדיפות בקבלת תמיכה, להגיע לקהל רחב יותר עם כלי SEO מתקדמים, ליצור רווחים מהאתר על ידי פרסומות ולהתאים את האתר שלך אישית עם מעל 200 ערכות פרימיום."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["השירות של Jetpack מציע הרבה מעבר"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["נדרשת לך עזרה? ניתן לחפש באתר התמיכה שלנו ולקבל מידע על האתר שלך, החשבון שלך וללמוד כיצד ניתן להפיק את המרב מ-WordPress."],"Support documentation":["עמודי עזרה"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["בועות צ'אט ליצירת קשר עם התמיכה"],"Site Activity":["פעילות האתר"],"Start publicizing now":["להתחיל לפרסם עכשיו"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["להגיע לקהל רחב יותר בזכות שיתוף אוטומטי של הפוסטים שלך ברשתות החברתיות."],"Increase traffic to your site":["להגדיל את התעבורה לאתר שלך"],"Explore free themes":["עיון בערכות עיצוב בחינם"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["קבלת גישה ללא הגבלה למאות ערכות עיצוב מקצועיות ולהתאים אישית את האתר שלך למראה שיימצא חן בעיניך."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["מגוון רחב של ערכות עיצוב וכלים להתאמה אישית של האתר"],"Set up your site security":["הגדרת האבטחה של האתר שלך"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["למנוע התקפות באמצעות התחברויות ולקבל התראות מיידיות כאשר מתגלה בעיה באתר."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["נתונים סטטיסטיים של האתר מציגים את השינויים בתעבורה ובשיתוף הפעולה"],"A hand holding a loupe":["יד שמחזיקה זכוכית מגדלת"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["טבלה שמציגה הגדלה חיובית ברווחים"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["ממשק שמציג רשימה כרונולוגית של השינויים והעדכונים באתר"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["ענן עם סוגים שונים של תוכן שצפים מסביבו"],"A folder holding real comments":["תיקייה שמאחסנת תגובות אמיתיות"],"Make your site faster":["שיפור המהירות של האתר שלך"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["טעינת עמודים מהירה יותר על ידי שליחת תמונות וקבצים סטטיים מרשת השרתים הגלובלית שלנו."],"A fast and performant website":["אתר מהיר עם ביצועים טובים יותר"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["אתר מאובטח עם נעילה והגנה של Jetpack"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["ההגדרות האלו לא יחולו על פוסטים קשורים שנוספו באמצעות עורך הבלוקים."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["שכפול פוסטים, עמודים, המלצות ותיקי עבודות קיימים. כל התוכן יועתק, כולל מלל, תמונות מרכזיות, הגדרות שיתוף ועוד."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["אין אפשרות לחבר את האתר הזה ל כיוון שהוא מפר את {{a}}תנאי השימוש{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["ניתן לחבר את האתר שלך לרשתות החברתיות ולשתף את התוכן שלך בכל החשבונות שלך ברשתות בלחיצה אחת. כאשר מפרסמים פוסט, הוא יופיע בכל החשבונות המוחברים."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["הוספת לחצני 'לייק' לפוסטים ולעמודים"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["אם הבקרים יאהבו את התוכן שלך, הם יוכלו להביע את הערכתם עם 'לייק'."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["מומלץ לראות מה כוללת התוכנית האישית של Jetpack!"],"Create account":["יצירת חשבון"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["האתר שלך מופעל על ידי Jetpack אבל כדי לקבל גישה לכל התכונות עליך ליצור חשבון."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["גיבויים אוטומטיים בזמן אמת (שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["ליצור תוכן כרצונך ולעבוד בתהליך עבודה יעיל לפרסום."],"Add a portfolio item":["להוסיף פריט של תיק עבודות"],"Add a testimonial":["להוסיף המלצה"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["לשפר את הנראות של האתר שלך במנועי החיפוש ולהציג נתונים סטטיסטיים של תעבורה בזמן אמת."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["יש ליצור חשבון ב-Jetpack כדי להשתמש בתכונה זו"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["לשתף את התוכן שלך ברשתות החברתיות כדי להרחיב את שיתוף הפעולה שלך עם הקהל."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["השירות של Jetpack יבצע מעקב מתמיד אחר האתר שלך ויודיע לך ברגע שהאתר שלך יושבת."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["כאשר מתפרסם עדכון לתוסף, מומלץ לעדכן את התוסף באופן מיידי. באפשרותך לבחור אילו תוספים ברצונך לעדכן כדי להבטיח את אבטחת האתר שלך."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["מומלץ לאבטח את האתר שלך עם האבטחה המתקדמת ביותר ולקבל הודעות לגבי בעיות טכניות."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["שגיאה בהפעלה של מאיץ האתרים. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["מאיץ האתרים כעת מזרז את הביצועים של האתר שלך!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["מפעיל את מאיץ האתרים..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["שגיאה בהשבתת מאיץ האתרים. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["מאיץ האתרים לא מזרז עוד את הביצועים של האתר שלך!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["משבית את מאיץ האתרים..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["טעינת דפים מהירה יותר, תמונות משופרות והאצה של חוויות המשתמש."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["שילוב של הנתונים הסטטיסטיים מ עם סקירת הנתונים המעמיקה של Google על המבקרים באתר שלך ועל דפוסי תעבורה."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["אחסון וידאו מהיר וברזולוציה גבוהה שמוצג ללא מודעות של צד שלישי."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["קביעת לוח זמנים מראש לפרסום ציוצים בטוויטר, פוסטים בפייסבוק ופוסטים ברשתות חברתיות אחרות ללא הגבלה."],"Marketing Automation":["אוטומציה של שיווק"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["הפעלת החיפוש של Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["החלפה של החיפוש שבברירת מחדל ב-WordPress לחיפוש שמופעל על ידי Elasticsearch, שמאפשר תוצאות וסינונים טובים יותר."],"Start earning":["זה הזמן להתחיל להרוויח"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["השירות של WordAds מאפשר לך להרוויח כסף על ידי הצגת תוכן שיווקי. זה הזמן להתחיל להרוויח."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["תגובות זבל נחסמות באופן אוטומטי בתגובות שלך."],"Spam Filtering":["סינון תגובות זבל"],"Browse premium themes":["עיון בערכות פרימיום"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["קבלת גישה למאות ערכות פרימיום יפות ללא עלות נוספת."],"Try a premium theme":["ערכת פרימיום לניסיון"],"View settings":["הצגת הגדרות"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["עליך ליצור חשבון Jetpack כדי לראות את העוקבים באימייל"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["כדאי לפתוח את האתר שלך לפרסום תגובות ולהזמין את המנויים לקבל התראות על תוכן חדש שמועלה לאתר."],"Manage security settings":["ניהול הגדרות האבטחה"],"Built-in Performance":["ביצועים מובנים"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["השירות של Jetpack מוכן לעורך החדש של WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["היום, אנחנו שמחים להציג את האוסף הראשון של בלוקים שמותאמים לשימוש ב-Jetpack ושנוצרו במיוחד לחוויית השימוש עם העורך החדש: כפתור תשלומים פשוטים, טופס, מפה ו-Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["בניית האתר שלך ב-Jetpack עם בלוקים"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["עורך חדש? כן! {{a}}מידע נוסף{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["התכונות שעוזרות לך מותאמות כעת לעורך החדש של WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["אני רוצה לעבור לעורך החדש"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["אירעה שגיאה בעת הבדיקה של Jetpack. שגיאה: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["חדש ב-Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["שיפור במהירות הטעינה של קבצים סטטיים"],"Speed up image load times":["שיפור במהירות הטעינה של תמונות"],"Enable site accelerator":["הפעלה של מאיץ האתרים"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["כעת ניתן לטעון תמונות מהר יותר עם מאיץ האתרים של JetpacK כדי לשפר את תצוגת התמונות ולשלוח את התמונות והקבצים הסטטיים (כגון CSS ו-JavaScript) מהרשת הגלובלית של השרתים שלנו."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["ניתן להוסיף שכבה של אבטחה לאתר שלך באמצעות ההתחברות ל והפעלה של האימות המאובטח. אם הפעלת את האפשרות הזו במספר אתרים שברשותך, אפשר להתחבר לכל אחד מהאתרים עם אותם פרטי הכניסה."],"View your site activity":["צפייה בפעילות באתר שלך"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["צפייה ברשימה כרונולוגית של כל השינויים והעדכונים באתר שלך בצורה מאורגנת שקלה לקריאה."],"Manually Verify ":["אימות ידני "],"Verify with Google":["אימות באמצעות Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["השירות של Google ישלח אליך אימייל לגבי אירועים שונים שקורים באתר שלך, כולל סימנים שהאתר שלך{{a1}}נפרץ{{/a1}} או בעיות {{a2}}בסריקה או בהוספה לאינדקס{{/a2}} של האתר שלך."],"or":["או"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["מעקב אחרי התעבורה והביצועים של האתר שלך מ-{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["האתר מאומת באמצעות Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["אימות האתר נכשל: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["מאמת..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["באפשרותך להוסיף אפשרויות מתקדמות לחיפוש באתר שלך עם התוכנית לעסקים של התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["החלפה בין החיפוש המובנה של WordPress לחיפוש של Jetpack, לחוויית החיפוש המשופרת"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["החיפוש של Jetpack מחליף את החיפוש המובנה בחיפוש מהיר, יעיל, שניתן להתאמה ושמציג תוצאות רלוונטיות יותר. האחסון החדש נמצא באחסון הענן של התוצאה: המשתמשים שלך יכולים למצוא את התוכן שהם רוצים מהר יותר."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["השירות המובנה של WordPress מתאים לאתרים שלא כוללים כמות רבה של תוכן. ככל שהאתר גודל, החיפוש נעשה איטי ומציג תוצאות רלוונטיות פחות."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["החיפוש של Jetpack תומך באפשרויות התאמה רבות."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["ניתן להחליף את החיפוש המובנה בחיפוש מהיר, יעיל, שניתן להתאמה ושמציג תוצאות רלוונטיות יותר. {{a}}האחסון החדש נמצא באחסון הענן של{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["האתר מאומת"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}כדי ליצור אתר יפה שנראה ועובד בדיוק כפי שרצית, התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack מספקת לך גישה בלתי מוגבלת למעל 200 ערכות עיצוב פרימיום של WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}לתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack יש יתרונות רבים נוספים מעבר למציאת העיצוב המושלם. העורך גם מאפשר לך לעבוד בשלווה, בידיעה שצוות המומחים הגלובלי שלנו עומד לרשותך וישמח להעניק תמיכה מועדפת אם יהיה צורך.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["סינון תגובות זבל ותמיכה מועדפת."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["כאשר המודעות מופעלות, השירות של Jetpack יוצר באופן אוטומטי קובצי ads.txt שמותאמים לאתר שלך."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["השירות של Jetpack יוצר באופן אוטומטי קובצי {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} שמותאמים לאתר שלך. אם יש צורך להוסיף הזנות עבור רשתות אחרות, יש להוסיף אותן למטה, הזנה אחת בשורה."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["הזנות מותאמות של ads.txt"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}כדי ליצור אתר יפה שנראה ועובד בדיוק כפי שרצית, התוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack מספקת לך גישה בלתי מוגבלת למעל 200 ערכות עיצוב פרימיום של WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}לתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack יש יתרונות רבים נוספים מעבר למציאת העיצוב המושלם. ויש יתרונות נוספים מעבר לעבודה בראש שקט: בזכות גיבויים בזמן אמת, סריקות אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות ותמיכה מועדפת מצוות המומחים הגלובלי שלנו, האתר שלך תמיד בטוח ומאובטח.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["שמחים להציג את ערכות הפרימיום"]," Premium Themes":[" ערכות פרימיום"],"Privacy information":["מידע על פרטיות"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["הפעלה של טעינת תמונות עצלה"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["טעינת תמונות עצלה תשפר את המהירות של האתר שלך ותיצור חוויית צפייה חלקה יותר. התמונות נטענות רק כאשר המבקרים גוללים את המסך למטה, במקום טעינת כל התמונות במקביל."],"Performance & speed":["ביצועים ומהירות"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["הפעלה של נגן ווידאו מהיר ונטול פרסומות"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["התוכן שמפורסם באתר יכול להיות מושך יותר בעזרת סרטוני וידאו ברזולוציה גבוהה. בעזרת הווידאו של Jetpack, אפשר להתאים אישית את נגן המדיה ולהציג למבקרים שלך סרטוני וידאו מהירים ונטולי פרסומות או מיתוג. סרטוני וידאו מאוחסנים בשרתי ולא מנצלות את שטח האחסון של התוכנית שלך!"],"Video":["וידאו"],"Carousel color scheme":["הגלגל של ערכת הצבעים"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["נתוני Exif מציגים לצופים פרטים טכניים נוספים אודות תמונות, כגון מרחק מהמוקד, פתח ו-ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["הצגה בגלגל של מטא-נתונים מסוג Exif לתמונה (כאשר זמין)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["הצגת תמונות בגלריית גלגל במסך מלא"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["יצירת מצגת תמונות בגלגל במסך מלא להצגת התמונות שבפוסטים ובעמודים שלך. גלריות הגלגל ידידותיות להצגה במכשירים ניידים ומעודדות את המבקרים להסתכל על התמונות שלך."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["סרגל הכלים של מחליף את סרגל הכלים של מנהל המערכת שמוגדר כברירת מחדל ומשפר את החוויה שלך עם WordPress. הסרגל מאפשר גישה בלחיצה אחת לניהול כל האתרים שלך, עדכון של הפרופיל של ב, צפייה בהודעות וקריאת עדכונים לאתרים שמסומנים במעקב ב-Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["פקודת מקרו לתיקי עבודות: [תיק עבודות]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["שימוש {{portfolioLink}}בתיקי עבודות{{/portfolioLink}} באתר שלך כדי להציג לראווה את העבודה הטובה ביותר שלך. אם ערכת העיצוב שלך לא תומכת בתיקי העבודות של Jetpack, אפשר עדיין להשתמש בפקודת מקרו פשוטה כדי להציג אותם באתר."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["פקודות מקרו להמלצות: [המלצות]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["הוספת {{testimonialLink}}המלצות{{/testimonialLink}} לאתר האינטרנט שלך כדי למשוך לקוחות חדשים. אם ערכת העיצוב שלך לא תומכת בהמלצות של Jetpack, אפשר עדיין להשתמש בפקודת מקרו פשוטה כדי להציג אותם באתר."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["למנועי החיפוש אין גישה לאתר שלך כעת. אם ברצונך לאפשר גישה לאתר שלך, יש לבדוק את {{a}}הגדרות הקריאה{{/a}} ולהפעיל את האפשרות 'תצוגה במנועי החיפוש'."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["חדשות טובות: השירות של Jetpack שולח באופן אוטומטי את מפת האתר שלך לכל מנועי החיפוש הגדולים לצורך יצירה של אינדקס."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["מפות אתרים הם קבצים שבהם מנועי החיפוש, כגון Google או Bing, משתמשים כדי ליצור אינדקס של האתר שלך. בעזרתן ניתן גם לשפר את הדירוג של האתר שלך בתוצאות החיפוש. בהפעלת התכונה הזו, השירות של Jetpack יצור את מפות האתרים עבורך ויעדכן אותן אוטומטית כאשר התוכן באתר משתנה."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["הגדרת הפוסטים הקשורים בכלי ההתאמה האישית"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["הדגשה של תוכן קשור באמצעות כותרת"],"View security scan details":["הצגת פרטים לגבי סריקות אבטחה"],"View backup history":["הצגה של היסטוריית הגיבויים"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["הצגה של תמונה ממוזערת כשאפשר"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["למידע נוסף על אופן השימוש של תכונות Jetpack מסוימות בנתונים ובמעקב, יש לעיין {{privacyCenterLink}}במרכז הפרטיות{{/privacyCenterLink}} שלנו."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["אנחנו משתמשים בכלים למעקב, כולל כלים של צד שלישי. {{cookiePolicyLink}}אפשר לקרוא פרטים על אלו{{/cookiePolicyLink}} על אלו ועל אופן השליטה בהם."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["המידע הזה עוזר לנו לשפר את המוצרים שלנו, להציג שיווק רלוונטי יותר, לספק לך חוויית שימוש אישית ב ועוד, כפי שמפורט {{pp}}במדיניות הפרטיות{{/pp}} שלנו."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["שיתוף של פרטי השימוש שלך בשירותים השונים עם כלי הניתוח שלנו לאחר ההתחברות לחשבון שלך ב {{cookiePolicyLink}}מידע נוסף{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו מנוהלת על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו הושבתה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["תכונה זו הופעלה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["המודול %(moduleName)s הושבת על ידי מנהל המערכת של האתר. {{link}}מידע נוסף{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["תכונה זו הושבתה על ידי מנהל מערכת של האתר."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["המודול %(moduleName)s הושבת על ידי מנהל המערכת של האתר."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["אפשר להוסיף מודעות באמצעות וידג'ט פרסומות. {{link}}מומלץ לנסות כעת!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["שינוי הגדרות של הודעות כעת"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["מעקב אחרי זמן הפעולה התקינה של האתר שלך"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["החיפוש של Jetpack הוא חלופה עוצמתית ליכולות החיפוש המוטמעות ב-WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["הקבצים באתר שלך נסרקים בקביעות כדי לגלות שינויים לא מורשים או חשודים, שעלולים לסכן את האבטחה והנתונים שלך."],"Plugin needs updating.":["יש לעדכן את התוסף.","יש לעדכן את התוספים."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["העדכונים לתוספים של Jetpack מאפשרים לך לבחור אילו תוספים יש לעדכן באופן אוטומטי."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ימטב את התמונות שלך ויציג אותן ממיקום השרת הקרוב ביותר למבקרים שלך. שימוש ברשת שליחת התוכן העולמית שלנו ישפר את מהירות הטעינה של האתר שלך."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["הגיבויים של Jetpack מאפשרים לך לשחזר בקלות את האתר מנקודת מסוימת בציר בזמן או להוריד גיבוי מנקודה זו."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["השירות של Akismet בודק את התגובות ואת הטפסים ליצירת קשר שנשלחו מול בסיס-הנתונים הגלובלי שלנו לאיתור תגובות זבל."],"Privacy Information":["מידע על פרטיות"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["באמצעות VideoPress אפשר להעלות סרטוני וידאו מהמחשב שלך ולאחסן אותם ב במקום בשרתים של חברת האחסון. אפשר להזין את אלו לאתר Jetpack שבאחסון עצמי שלך. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["הוספה של וידג'ט החיפוש (של Jetpack) לסרגל הצדי שלך"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["המבקרים באתר שלך יכולים ליהנות מחוויית חיפוש מעולה באמצעות סינון ומיון של תוצאות חיפוש מהירות."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["פעולה זו מפעילה ערכת עיצוב קלה ומותאמת למכשירים ניידים שתופיע במכשירים של המבקרים באתר שלך."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת טעינה אוטומטית של קבוצת הפוסטים הבאה כאשר הקוראים מגיעים לתחתית העמוד."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לפרסם את הפוסטים החדשים שלך באמצעות שליחה באימייל לכתובת מסוימת."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לכתוב תוכן עם קישורים, רשימות וסגנונות נוספים באמצעות תחביר של Markdown."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לבדוק טעויות כתיב או דקדוק, מילים שגויות וסגנון במהלך כתיבת התוכן."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך להוסיף את התגיות הנסתרות שנדרשות לאימות האתר שלך ב-WordPress מול שירותים שונים."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["פעולה זו מציגה מידע אודות הפעילות באתר שלך, כולל נתונים על מבקרים ופוסטים או עמודים פופולריים."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך למטב את האתר והתוכן שלך לקבלת תוצאות טובות יותר במנועי החיפוש."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["פעולה זו משלב את האתר שלך ב-WordPress עם Google Analytics, פלטפורמה שמציעה לך תובנות לגבי התעבורה, המבקרים והשיחות שלך."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["פעולה זו מציגה מודעות איכותיות באתר שלך, באמצעותן אפשר להפיק רווחים מהאתר."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["פעולה זו מוסיפה כפתורי שיתוף לתוכן שלך, באמצעותם מבקרים יכולים לשתף את התוכן שלך ברשתות החברתיות."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לשתף באופן אוטומטי את התוכן החדש ביותר שלך ברשתות החברתיות, כולל פייסבוק וטוויטר."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["פעולה זו מוסיפה כפתור 'לייק' לתוכן שלך, באמצעותו מבקרים יכולים להביע הערכה והוקרה."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת למשתמשים להיכנס לאתר שלך באמצעות החשבון שלהם ב"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["פעולה זו מגנה על האתר שלך מפני ניסיונות מבוזרים או מסורתיים של התחברות על ידי ניחוש סיסמה."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["פעולה זו מאפשרת לך לגבות את האתר שלך בשרתי הגלובליים. באמצעות גיבוי זה, אפשר לשחזר את התוכן שלך אם אירעה שגיאה או במקרה חירום."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["פעולה זו מסירה תגובות זבל מהתגובות ומהטפסים ליצירת קשר."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["אנחנו מחויבים לפרטיות ולאבטחה שלך. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["הצגת כל התוכניות של Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["ניהול התוכנית שלך"],"Your Plan":["התוכנית שלך"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["התוכנית הנוכחית שלך היא %(plan)s של Jetpack."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["הפעולה מאפשרת לקוראים להירשם לעדכונים לפוסטים ולתגובות שלך ולקבל הודעות באימייל על תוכן חדש."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["הפעולה מחליפה את טופס התגובות הרגיל של WordPress עם מערכת התגובות החדשה שכוללת אפשרויות להתחברות לחשבון ברשת חברתית."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}הפעלה{{/a}} כדי להחליף בין החיפוש המובנה של WordPress לחיפוש של Jetpack, לחוויית החיפוש המשופרת."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["פעולה זו מוסיפה את וידג'ט החיפוש (של Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["החיפוש באתר שלך מופעל על ידי החיפוש של Jetpack."],"Manage your plugins":["ניהול התוספים שלך"],"Moderate comments":["אישור תגובות"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["שגיאה בעדכון הגדרות הפרטיות. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["הגדרות הפרטיות עודכנו."],"Updating privacy settings…":["מעדכן את הגדרות הפרטיות..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["הוספת וידג'ט החיפוש של Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["הוספה של וידג'ט החיפוש של Jetpack לסרגל הצדי שלך כדי לאפשר הגדרה של החיפוש והמסננים."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["חבילה עם אבטחה מלאה, כלים לאוטומציה של השיווק והפקת הרווחים, אחסון וידאו ללא הגבלה, ערכות עיצוב ללא הגבלה, חיפוש מתקדם ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["חבילה עם אבטחה מלאה, כלים לאוטומציה של השיווק והפקת הרווחים, אחסון וידאו ללא הגבלה ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["גיבויים יומיים, סינון תגובות זבל ותמיכה מועדפת."],"Always-on Security":["אבטחה מתמדת"],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל, שחזור בלחיצה אחת, סריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות ועדיפות בקבלת תמיכה"],"Design the perfect website":["תכננו את האתר המושלם"],"Set up Jetpack":["הגדרת Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כול הנתונים באתר עם שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל, שחזורים בלחיצה אחת וסריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות."],"Jetpack Search":["חיפוש Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["גרסת Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["האתר שלך מגובה בזמן אמת ומבוצעות בו סריקות לאיתור איומי אבטחה באופן קבוע."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["גיבוי יומי של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל ושחזור בלחיצה אחת"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["גיבוי בזמן אמת של כל הנתונים באתר עם שטח בלתי מוגבל, שחזור בלחיצה אחת, סריקות אבטחה אוטומטיות, טיפול באיומים בלחיצה אחת."],"View your security activity":["הצגה של פעילות האבטחה שלך"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (מופעל על ידי VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["התאמה אישית של וידג'ט החיפוש"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["כדאי לתקן את הבעיה שצוינה להלן ולנסות שוב.","כדאי לתקן את הבעיות שצוינו להלן ולנסות שוב."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["אנחנו מוודאים שהאתר שלך תמיד יהיה נקי מאיומי אבטחה. נודיע לך אם יימצא איום אבטחה באתר."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["האתר שלכם גובה בזמן אמת."],"Jetpack version":["גרסת ג'טפק"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}הצגת הפעילות של האתר שלך{{/a}} בפיד יחיד."],"Activity":["פעילות"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["יש לאשר כל ביטוי חדש שהוספת באמצעות לחיצה על Enter."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}הצגת פרטים{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["תודה שבחרת בתוכנית המקצועית של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את התוכן שלך בזמן אמת, מוסיף את התוכן לאינדקס לצורך חיפוש, סורק את האתר לאיתור איומי אבטחה ומאפשר לך גישה לערכות פרימיום."],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["בזכות התכנית המקצועית של Jetpack, אפשר ליצור את האתר המושלם עם מעל ל-300 ערכות עיצוב של WordPress שעוצבו על ידי אנשי מקצוע, כולל יותר ממאה ערכות פרימיום. באפשרותך להתאים אישית את התוכן שלך עם מגוון וידג'טים או להוסיף סרטוני וידאו ללא הגבלה לפוסטים ולעמודים שלך -- התוכן יוצר ללא פרסומות או סמני מים."],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["קל להגדיל את הקהל שעוקב אחריך בעזרת התוכנית המקצועית - בזכות אפשרויות לשיתוף תוכן, לתזמון, לכלי SEO ולמינויים מובנים. באפשרותך להרוויח כסף מאתר שלך בעזרת כפתור התשלומים הפשוטים ופרסומות שמשתלבות בפריסת העמוד ולעקוב אחרי ההצלחה שלך בעזרת שילוב עם הפילוח של Google Analytics."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["התכנית של Jetpack מעניק לך את כל שנדרש לאבטחת העבודה הקשה שלך, כולל גיבויים לפי דרישה וסריקות לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות, כמו גם שחזור בלחיצה אחת ומציאת פתרונות. האתר שלך מאובטח לגמרי מתגובות זבל, קודים זדוניים וניסיונות כניסה באמצעות ניחוש סיסמה."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ניתן לפתוח את התכנית המקצועית של Jetpack כדי להתרשם מכל ההטבות שהתוכנית החדשה שלך מציעה."],"Install premium themes":["התקנת ערכות עיצוב פרימיום"],"Review SEO features":["עברו על אפשרויות ה- SEO"],"Welcome Professional":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית המקצועית"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["תודה שבחרת בתוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את האתר שלך, סורק אותו לאיתור איומי אבטחה ומאפשר לך לייצר רווחים."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["בעזרת תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack, אפשר ליצור את האתר המושלם לכל מטרה. באפשרותך להתאים אישית את התצוגה של האתר שלך עם ערכת עיצוב מתוך מבחר של מעל ל-200 ערכות עיצוב בחינם או לשפר את התוכן שלך עם סרטוני וידאו בנפח של עד 13‎ GB, שמאוחסנים ללא פרסומות או סמני מים."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["באמצעות כלי השיתוף העוצמתיים של Jetpack, אפשר לשתף את הפוסטים החדשים ביותר שלך באופן אוטומטי ברשתות החברתיות או לתזמן מתי התוכן ישותף שוב, בכל תאריך שהוא. בנוסף להרחבת קהל העוקבים שלך, גם העסק שלך יכול לצמוח בזכות כלים כמו כפתורי תשלומים ופרסומות."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["ניתן לפתוח את תוכנית הפרימיום של Jetpack כדי להתרשם מכל ההטבות שהתוכנית החדשה שלך מציעה."],"Monetize your site with ads":["הפקת רווחים מהאתר שלך באמצעות פרסומות"],"Welcome Premium":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית הפרימיום"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["תודה שבחרת בתכנית האישית של Jetpack. כעת, השירות של Jetpack מגבה את האתר שלך וסורק אותו לאיתור איומי אבטחה."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["בתכנית האישית של Jetpack, יש לך גישה ליותר ממאה ערכות עיצוב חינמיות של WordPress, שעוצבו על ידי אנשי מקצוע. מומלץ לבחור את ערכת העיצוב המתאימה ביותר עבור האתר שלך ולהתאים אישית את הצבעים והתמונות או להוסיף מגוון של וידג'טים."],"Got it":[""],"Welcome personal":["ברוכים הבאים לתוכנית האישית"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["לחיצה על הכפתור למטה מהווה את הסכמתך {{tosLink}}לתנאי השימוש{{/tosLink}} שלנו {{shareDetailsLink}}ולשיתוף המידע{{/shareDetailsLink}} עם"],"Jetpack Stats People":["אנשים מסתכלים על נתונים סטטיסטיים של Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["שלום! הנתונים הסטטיסטיים שלך הופעלו."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["איסוף הנתונים יימשך זמן מה ולאחר מכן, נוכל להציג לך את המידע כאן."],"Okay, got it!":["בסדר, הבנתי!"],"Display ads below posts on":["להציג פרסומות מתחת לפוסטים ב-"],"Additional ad placements":["מיקום פרסומות נוספות"],"Top of each page":["בחלקו העליון של כל עמוד"],"Second ad below post":["פרסומת שנייה מתחת לפוסט"],"Archives":["ארכיונים"],"Explore Professional":["עיון בתוכנית Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["השוואה בין כל התוכניות"],"Person with laptop":["אדם עם מחשב נייד"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["האתר שלך ב-Jetpack מוכן לעבודה!"],"Stars":["כוכבים"],"Jupiter":["צדק"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["ברוכים הבאים ל-Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["הפעלת השיתוף האוטומטי"],"Your site is backed up.":["האתר שלך מגובה."],"Image Performance":["ביצועי תמונה"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["קבלת אפליקציות WordPress עבור כל מכשיר"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["לנהל את כל האתרים שלך מלוח בקרה יחיד: פרסום תוכן, מעקב אחר נתונים סטטיסטיים, אישור תגובות ועוד הרבה יותר מכל מקום בעולם."],"I already use this app.":["אני כבר עושה שימוש באפליקציה."],"Create address":["יצירת כתובת"],"Priority support":["עדיפות בקבלת תמיכה"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["הוספה של לחצי שיתוף לפוסטים שלך"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["שיתוף אוטומטי של הפוסטים שלך ברשתות החברתיות"],"Updating settings…":["מעדכן הגדרות…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["עדכון של פוסט לפי כתובת אימייל..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["התוכנית שלך בתשלום מאפשרת לך גישה לתמיכה מועדפת של Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["שילמת על גיבויים אבל הם עדיין לא פעילים."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["שילמת על גיבויים וסריקות אבטחה אבל הם עדיין לא פעילים."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["יש ללחוץ על 'הגדרות' כדי להשלים את ההתקנה."],"Checking site status…":["בדיקת סטטוס אתר..."],"Pages":["עמודים"],"We're here to help":["נשמח לעזור"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["שירות Jetpack כולל תמיכה בסיסית לכל המשתמשים ללא תשלום."],"Ask a question":["יש לי שאלה"],"Search our support site":["חיפוש באתר התמיכה"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["קבלת טיפול מהיר יותר בשאלות שלך לתמיכה."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["אירוח מהיר, באיכות גבוהה ונטול פרסומות של קובצי וידאו."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["יצירת הכנסה באמצעות פרסומות באיכות גבוהה."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["גיבויים של האתר בזמן אמת וטיפול אוטומטי באיומים."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["הגנה מפני אובדן נתונים, תוכנות זדוניות או מתקפות זדוניות."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["שילוב קל עם Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["בעזרת כלי SEO, ניתן למצוא את התוכן שלך בקלות ולשתף אותו."],"Protect your site from spam.":["הגנה על האתר שלך מפני תגובות זבל."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["אתר זה לא מחובר ל יש ליצור קשר עם מנהל מערכת האתר כדי להתחבר."],"Spam filtering":["סינון תגובת זבל"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["סריקה אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות בכל יום"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["גיבויים יומיים אוטומטיים (שטח אחסון בלתי מוגבל)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["סריקה אוטומטית לאיתור תוכנות זדוניות בכל יום עם טיפול אוטומטי באיומים"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["כלים לתצוגה 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["לתשומת לבך, אין חובה {{b}}לאמת את האתר באמצעות שירותים אלה{{/b}} כדי לאפשר למנועי חיפוש להוסיף את האתר שלך לאינדקס. כדי להשתמש בכלים מתקדמים של מנוע החיפוש ולצורך אימות האתר באמצעות שירות מסוים, יש להדביק את קוד תגית ה-HTML להלן. יש לקרוא את {{support}}ההוראות המלאות{{/support}} במקרה של בעיה. שירותי אימות נתמכים: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, ו-{{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["יצירת מפת אתר בפורמט XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["איסוף נתונים סטטיסטיים יקרי ערך על תנועה ותובנות חשובות"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["התמונה עוזרת לאסוף נתונים סטטיסטיים, אולם האיסוף אמור לפעול כשהוא מוסתר."],"Count logged in page views from":["ספירה של צפיות בעמוד בזמן מצב מחובר מאת"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["מאפשר הצגת דוחות של נתונים סטטיסטיים על ידי"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["אפשר להתאים את ההגדרות אם דרושה לך שליטה מתקדמת. לרשותך מידע נוסף לגבי כל מה שאפשר לעשות כדי {{a}}למטב את ה-SEO של האתר{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["יש לקבוע את הגדרות ה-SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["בתוך 'שדרוג'"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["קביעת התצורה של ההגדרות האישיות של Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["הדרך הקלה ביותר להעלות אל האתר שלך סרטונים נטולי פרסומות ומיתוג. אפשר לקבל נתונים סטטיסטיים על צפיות בסרטונים ושיתופים, והנגן הוא קל וריספונסיבי."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["מופעל אצלך Jetpack בשרת אחסון זמני."],"More Info":["פרטים נוספים"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}ניהול נראות 'לייקים' דרך הגדרות מודול השיתוף{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["כתובת ה-IP הנוכחית שלך: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. 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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack מנטר את האתר שלך. אם אנחנו חושדים שהאתר שלך קרס, נשלח לך אימייל."],"Security":["אבטחה"],"Performance":["ביצועים"],"Backups":["גיבויים"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}הצגת פרטי גיבוי{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["כדי לגבות את האתר שלך כולו באופן אוטומטי, יש {{a}}להתקין ולהפעיל את{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["לא זמינה במצב פיתוח."],"Spam Protection":["הגנה מפני תגובות זבל"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["להגנה חדשנית מפני תגובות זבל, יש {{a}}להתקין את Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["להגנה חדשנית מפני תגובות זבל, {{a}}יש להפעיל את Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["מפתח לא תקף"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["לא זמין במצב פיתוח"],"Activating recommended features…":["מפעיל תכונות מומלצות..."],"Recommended features active.":["התכונות המומלצות פעילות."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["הפעלת התכונות המומלצות נכשלה. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["מפעיל את%(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s הופעל."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["נכשלה ההפעלה של %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["משבית את%(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s הושבת."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["הכיבוי של %(slug)s נכשל. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["מעדכן%(slug)s הגדרות…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["עודכנו%(slug)s הגדרות."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["שגיאה בעדכון%(slug)s הגדרות. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["מעדכן%(slug)s כתובת…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["נוצרה%(slug)s כתובת."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["שגיאה ביצירת %(slug)s כתובת. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["מאפס אפשרויות Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["איפוס אפשרויות."],"Options failed to reset.":["איפוס האפשרויות נכשל."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["אוווופס! מפתח Akismet שלך חסר או לא תקף. {{akismetSettings}}יש לעבור אל הגדרות Akismet כדי לתקן אותו.{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["לא נמצאו איומים, אפשר להתחיל לעבוד!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}יצירת קשר עם התמיכה{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}הצגת פרטים ב{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["אוי ואבוי, %(number)s נמצא איום.","אוי ואבוי, %(number)s נמצאו איומים."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}יש להפעיל מוניטור{{/a}} כדי לקבל הודעות אימייל אם האתר שלך קורס."],"Loading…":["טוען…"],"Downtime monitoring":["ניטור זמינות השרת"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}הצגת נתונים סטטיסטיים נוספים ב {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}הצגת סטטיסטיקות מפורטות{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["תגובות מכל הזמנים"],"All-time views":["צפיות מכל הזמנים"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s צפייה","%(number)s צפיות"],"Best overall day":["הטובות ביותר לאורך כל היום"],"Views today":["צפיות היום"],"Months":["חודשים"],"Weeks":["שבועות"],"Days":["ימים"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["אירעה בעיה בחיבור Jetpack עבורך. יש ללחוץ שוב על 'התחברות ל'."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["הייתה לנו בעיה בחיבור Jetpack; יש לכבות ולהפעיל מחדש את תוסף Jetpack ואז להתחבר שוב."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["בלוג WordPress צריך להישאר מחובר בזמן אישור Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}יש תקלה ב-Jetpack שלך.{{/s}} אנו מתנצלים על אי-הנוחות. כדאי לנסות שוב מאוחר יותר ואם הבעיה נמשכת, לפנות לתמיכה בצירוף ההודעה הבאה: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["מנתק את Jetpack"],"Learn more":["למד עוד"],"Posts":["רשומות"],"Front page":["עמוד ראשי"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["להציג תוכן קשור אחרי הפוסטים"],"Related":["קשור"],"Save":["שמירה"],"Email Address":["כתובת דואר אלקטרוני"],"Media":["מדיה"],"Themes":["ערכות עיצוב"],"Site Stats":["סטטיסטיקת אתר"],"Sharing":["שיתוף"],"Testimonials":["המלצות"],"Cancel":["בטל"],"Comments":["תגובות"],"Ignored Phrases":["ביטויים להתעלמות"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["השתמש בזיהוי שפה אוטומטי להגהת רשומות ועמודים."],"Redundant Phrases":["ביטויים מיותרים"],"Phrases to Avoid":["להימנע מביטויים"],"Passive Voice":["אפן סביל"],"Jargon":["לשון עילגת (ז'ארגון)"],"Hidden Verbs":["פעלים חבויים"],"Double Negatives":["שלילה כפולה (דאבל נגטיב)"],"Diacritical Marks":["סימני ניקוד"],"Complex Phrases":["ביטויים מורכבים"],"Bias Language":["הטיות שפה"],"English Options":["אפשרויות אנגלית"],"Proofreading":["הגהה"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack לא הצליח ליצור קשר עם %(error_key)s. בדרך כלל זה קורה כאשר משהו מוגדר לא נכון בשרת שלך."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":["לוורדפרס.קום יש בעיות כרגע ואינה יכולה לתדלק את ה Jetpack שלך. בבקשה נסה שוב מאוחר יותר."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}יש תקלה ב-Jetpack שלך.{{/s}} לא ניתן לחבר אתר זה אל משמעות הדבר בדרך כלל היא שהאתר שלך אינו נגיש לציבור (מרח מקומי)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["האתר שלך צריך להיות נגיש לציבור כדי להשתמש ב-Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["ניתקת בהצלחה את החשבון שלך מ-Jetpack"],"Edit":["עריכה"],"Connected":["מחובר"],"Activate":["הפעלה"],"Active":["פעיל"],"Search":["חיפוש"],"Settings":["הגדרות"],"Learn More":["למד עוד"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["נתק את Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["בדיקת תאימות האתר עם Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["עדכונים אוטומטיים של תוספים"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["ניטור זמן השבתה"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["הגדרות פרטיות"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["סרגל כלים של"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["כתיבה"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["נתונים סטטיסטיים של האתר"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["מיטוב למנועי חיפוש"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["לחצני שיתוף"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["חיבורים של שיתוף אוטומטי"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["לחצני לייק"],"Settings header\ log in":["התחברות ל"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["הגנה מפני התקפות של ניחוש סיסמה"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["גיבויים וסריקות אבטחה"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["סינון תגובת זבל"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["ביצועים"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["התוכנית שלי"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["כלי פיתוח"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["הגדרות"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["דיון"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["תעבורה"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["שיתוף"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["מבט כללי"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["תוכניות"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["כותב"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["אפשרויות איפוס (גרסאות מפתחים בלבד)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["אבטחה"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["מבט כללי"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["תנאי שימוש"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["tos"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["נתונים"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["רצועות"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["פרטיות"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["שומר..."],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["שמירת הגדרות"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["קשור"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["להישאר עם חיבור פעיל"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["התנתקות"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["נדרשים עדכונים"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["בתשלום"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["פרסומות"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["חיבור האתר"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["חיבור החשבון"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["איומים"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["תיקון"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["נמצאו איומים!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["לא בוצעה סריקה"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["שדרוג"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["מאובטח"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["מפתח לא תקף"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["הגדרה"],"verb\u0004Copy":["העתק"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["פרטיות"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["תנאים"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["איתור באגים"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["תגובות זבל נחסמו."]}}}
languages/json/jetpack-it_IT-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["Queste impostazioni non saranno applicate agli articoli correlati che usano l'editor a blocchi."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplica portfolio, testimonianze, pagine e articoli esistenti. Tutto il contenuto sarà copiato, tra cui testo, immagini in primo piano, impostazioni di condivisione e altro ancora."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Questo sito non può essere connesso a poiché viola i nostri {{a}}Termini di Servizio{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connetti il tuo sito web alle reti dei social media che utilizzi e condividi i tuoi contenuti tramite tutti i tuoi account in un solo clic. Quando pubblichi un articolo, questo apparirà su tutti gli account connessi."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti Mi piace agli articoli e alle pagine"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Fa in modo che i visitatori dimostrino con un Mi piace che apprezzano i tuoi contenuti."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack professionale!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack premium!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack personale!"],"Create account":["Crea account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack sta potenziando il tuo sito, ma per accedere a tutte le funzionalità avrai bisogno di creare un account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup in tempo reale e automatici (storage illimitato)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Componi i contenuti nel modo che preferisci e semplifica la tua esperienza di pubblicazione."],"Add a portfolio item":["Aggiungi un elemento al portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Aggiungi una testimonianza"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Massimizza la visibilità del tuo sito nei motori di ricerca e visualizza le statistiche del traffico in tempo reale."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Crea un account Jetpack per utilizzare questa funzionalità"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Condividi i tuoi contenuti sui social media e aumenta il coinvolgimento del pubblico."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack monitorerà continuamente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["Quando viene rilasciato un aggiornamento del plugin, la best practice è quella di eseguire subito l'aggiornamento. Scegli per quali plugin desideri eseguire l'aggiornamento automatico in modo che il tuo sito rimanga sicuro."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Proteggi il tuo sito con la sicurezza all'avanguardia e ricevi le notifiche relative ai problemi tecnici."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito sta ora velocizzando il tuo sito."],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante la disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito non velocizzerà più il tuo sito."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente, ottimizza le immagini e velocizza l'esperienza dei visitatori."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Integra le statistiche di e gli approfondimenti di Google con gli schemi dei visitatori e del traffico."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hosting video ad alta definizione ed elevata velocità senza pubblicità di terze parti."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Programma in anticipo i tweet illimitati e gli articoli su Facebook e su altri social network."],"Marketing Automation":["Automazione del marketing"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Attiva Ricerca Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Sostituisci la ricerca predefinita di WordPress con risultati e filtraggio personalizzato di Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Inizia a guadagnare"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds consente di guadagnare denaro grazie alla visualizzazione di contenuti promozionali. Inizia a guadagnare oggi."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Lo spam viene automaticamente bloccato dai tuoi commenti."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtro antispam"],"Browse premium themes":["Esplora i temi premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accedi a centinaia di temi Premium perfettamente progettati senza costi extra."],"Try a premium theme":["Prova un tema premium"],"View settings":["Visualizza le impostazioni"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Crea un account Jetpack per visualizzare i tuoi follower tramite e-mail"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Apri il tuo sito ai commenti e invita gli abbonati a ricevere avvisi sul tuo ultimo lavoro."],"Manage security settings":["Gestisci le impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Built-in Performance":["Prestazione integrata"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack è pronto per il nuovo editor di WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Oggi abbiamo introdotto la prima serie di blocchi specifici Jetpack, progettati appositamente per l'esperienza con il nuovo editor: Semplici pulsanti di pagamento, moduli, mappe e Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Crea il tuo sito Jetpack con i blocchi"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nuovo editor? Sì! {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Le funzioni che già conosci, adattate al tuo nuovo editor WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Portami al nuovo editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Sto testando la connessione a Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si &egrave; verificato un errore durante il test di Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Novità in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento dei file statici"],"Speed up image load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento delle immagini"],"Enable site accelerator":["Attiva l'acceleratore del sito"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Carica più velocemente le pagine consentendo a Jetpack di ottimizzare le immagini e di servirsi di immagini e file statici (come CSS e JavaScript) dalla nostra rete di server."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Aggiungi un ulteriore livello di protezione al tuo sito web abilitando per accedere e rendere sicura l'autenticazione. Se possiedi più siti con questa opzione attiva, potrai accedere ad ognuno di essi con le stesse credenziali."],"View your site activity":["Visualizza l’attività del sito"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visualizza un elenco cronologico di tutte le modifiche e di tutti gli aggiornamenti al sito in un maniera organizzata e leggibile."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifica manualmente "],"Verify with Google":["Verifica con Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google ti invierà una e-mail su alcuni eventi che si verificano con il tuo sito, incluse indicazioni nel caso in cui il tuo sito web {{a1}}sia vittima di hacker{{/a1}} o per problemi di {{a2}}indicizzazione{{/a2}} del sito."],"or":["o"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitora le prestazioni e il traffico del tuo sito da {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Il tuo sito è stato verificato con Google."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Impossibile verificare il sito: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifica..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Aggiungi al tuo sito una ricerca più veloce e avanzata, grazie a Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata WordPress con la ricerca Jetpack, un’esperienza di ricerca avanzata"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Ricerca Jetpack sostituisce la ricerca integrata con una veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente ospitata nel cloud Il risultato: i tuoi utenti trovano il contenuto che desiderano, più velocemente."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La ricerca integrata di WordPress è perfetta per siti senza molto contenuto. Man mano però che il sito cresce, le ricerche rallentano e restituiscono risultati meno pertinenti."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["La ricerca Jetpack supporta diverse personalizzazioni."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata con una ricerca veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente, {{a}}ospitata sul cloud{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Il sito è verificato"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Per creare un bel sito che appare e funziona esattamente come desideri, Jetpack Professional ti offre accesso illimitato a oltre 200 temi premium per WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional rappresenta molto di più della semplice ricerca del design perfetto. Il bisogno dovrebbe nascere anche dalla sensazione di tranquillità assoluta che si prova sapendo di avere diritto a un supporto prioritario da parte del nostro team globale di esperti.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Quando sono attivi gli annunci pubblicitari, Jetpack genera automaticamente un file ads.txt personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack genera automaticamente un file {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito. Se ha bisogno di ulteriori voci per altre reti, aggiungile nello spazio di seguito, una per riga."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Personalizza le voci di ads.txt"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Per creare un bel sito che appare e funziona esattamente come desideri, Jetpack Professional ti offre accesso illimitato a oltre 200 temi premium per WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional rappresenta molto di più della semplice ricerca del design perfetto. È anche totale serenità: backup in tempo reale, scansione antimalware automatica e supporto prioritario da parte del nostro team globale di esperti garantiscono la perenne sicurezza del tuo sito.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Introduzione dei temi premium"]," Premium Themes":[" Temi Premium"],"Privacy information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Abilitazione del caricamento lento delle immagini"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Le immagini a caricamento lento migliorano la velocità del tuo sito e creano un'esperienza visiva più fluida. Le immagini vengono caricate nel momento in cui i visitatori scorrono la schermata verso il basso, invece che tutte in una volta."],"Performance & speed":["Prestazioni e velocità"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Abilitazione del lettore per video ad alta velocità e senza pubblicità"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendi più coinvolgente il contenuto che pubblichi con video ad alta risoluzione. Con Jetpack Video puoi personalizzare il tuo lettore multimediale e offrire video ad alta velocità, senza pubblicità e senza marchio ai tuoi visitatori. I video sono ospitati sui nostri server e non viene sottratto spazio dal tuo piano di hosting!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Schema colori carosello"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["I dati Exif mostrano ai visitatori dettagli tecnici aggiuntivi di una foto, come la lunghezza focale, l'apertura e l'ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mostra i metadati Exif delle foto nel carosello, quando disponibile."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Mostra le immagini in una galleria a schermo intero del carosello."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Crea le presentazioni del carosello a schermo intero per le immagini nei tuoi articoli e nelle tue pagine. Le gallerie del carosello sono fruibili anche da dispositivo mobile e incoraggiano i visitatori del sito a interagire con le tue foto."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barra degli strumenti di sostituisce quella di amministrazione predefinita e ottimizza l'esperienza di WordPress. Ti offre la possibilità di accedere con un clic per gestire tutti i tuoi siti, aggiornare il tuo profilo, visualizzare notifiche e recuperare i siti che segui nel Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode del portfolio: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilizza i {{portfolioLink}}portfolio{{/portfolioLink}} sul tuo sito per presentare i tuoi lavori migliori. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Portfolios, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode delle testimonianze: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Aggiungi {{testimonialLink}}le testimonianze{{/testimonialLink}} al tuo sito web per attirare nuovi clienti. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Testimonials, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Al momento, i motori di ricerca non possono accedere al tuo sito. Se desideri rendere il tuo sito accessibile, controlla le{{a}}Impostazioni lettura{{/a}} e attiva la \"Visibilità ai motori di ricerca\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Buone notizie! Jetpack sta inviando automaticamente la tua sitemap a tutti i principali motori di ricerca per l'indicizzazione."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Le sitemap sono file che i motori di ricerca come Google o Bing utilizzano per indicizzare il tuo sito web. Possono aiutare a migliorare il tuo posizionamento nei risultati di ricerca. Quando abiliti questa funzione, Jetpack crea sitemap per te e le aggiorna automaticamente quando il contenuto del tuo sito cambia."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configura gli articoli correlati nell'utilità di personalizzazione"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Evidenzia il contenuto correlato con un'intestazione"],"View security scan details":["Visualizza i dettagli della scansione di sicurezza"],"View backup history":["Visualizzare la cronologia del backup"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visualizza un'immagine in miniatura se disponibile"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Per informazioni su come le specifiche funzioni Jetpack utilizzano i dati e tracciano l’attività, fai riferimento al nostro {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Utilizziamo altri strumenti di tracciamento, compresi alcuni di terzi. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Leggi le informazioni sugli strumenti{{/cookiePolicyLink}} e come controllarli."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Queste informazioni ci aiutano a migliorare i prodotti, offrire proposte di marketing più pertinenti, personalizzare l’esperienza e molto altro, come indicato nel dettaglio nella nostra {{pp}}informativa sulla privacy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Condividi informazioni con il nostro strumento di analisi relativamente al tuo uso dei servizi mentre sei connesso con il tuo account {{cookiePolicyLink}}Scopri di più{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica viene gestita da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata abilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Puoi inserire ulteriori annunci attraverso il widget Pubblicità. {{link}}Provalo!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configura le impostazioni di notifica"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Monitora i tempi di inattività del tuo sito"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Ricerca di Jetpack è una potente sostituzione della funzionalità di ricerca incorporata in WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["I file del sito vengono regolarmente controllati per rilevare eventuali modifiche non autorizzate o sospette che potrebbero compromettere la sicurezza e i dati."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Il plugin deve essere aggiornato.","I plugin devono essere aggiornati."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Aggiornamenti plugin di Jetpack consente di scegliere quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ottimizzerà le tue immagini e le servirà dalla posizione server più vicina ai visitatori. L'utilizzo della nostra rete globale di distribuzione dei contenuti migliorerà la velocità di caricamento del tuo sito."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["La funzione di monitoraggio dell'inattività di Jetpack controllerà costantemente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["I backup Jetpack consentono di ripristinare facilmente o eseguire il download di un backup di un momento specifico."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet controlla i tuoi commenti e gli invii dei moduli di contatto a fronte del nostro database globale di spam."],"Privacy Information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress consente di caricare video dal tuo computer per essere ospitato su, piuttosto che sui server del tuo host. Quindi, puoi inserirli sul sito Jetpack in self-hosting. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Aggiungi il widget Cerca (Jetpack) alla barra laterale"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Offri ai tuoi visitatori una straordinaria esperienza di ricerca, permettendo loro di filtrare e ordinare velocemente i risultati della ricerca pertinenti."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Permette di ottenere un tema leggero e pensato per la fruizione mobile che verrà visualizzato dagli utenti che si servono di dispositivi mobili."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Carica automaticamente i post successivi quando il lettore si avvicina a fine pagina."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Consente di pubblicare nuovi post inviando un'e-mail a un indirizzo particolare."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Consente di comporre i contenuti con link, elenchi e altri stili utilizzando la sintassi Markdown."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Mentre scrivi, controlla i contenuti per correggere grammatica e ortografia, parole inappropriate e stile."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fornisce i tag nascosti necessari per verificare il sito WordPress con diverse servizi."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visualizza le informazioni sull’attività del sito, inclusi i visitatori e pagine o post popolari."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Consente di ottimizzare il sito e i relativi contenuti per risultati migliori nei motori di ricerca."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integra il tuo sito WordPress con Google Analytics, una piattaforma che offre approfondimenti su traffico, visitatori e conversioni."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visualizza sul sito annunci di alta qualità che permettono di ottenere guadagni."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Aggiunge i pulsanti di condivisione al contenuto in modo che i visitatori possano condividerlo sui siti di social media."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Consente di condividere automaticamente i contenuti più recenti sui siti di social media, tra cui Facebook e Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Aggiunge al contenuto i pulsanti Like, in modo che i visitatori possano mostrare apprezzamento."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permette agli utenti registrati di accedere al sito con i loro account"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protegge il sito da attacchi di accesso forzato tradizionali o distribuiti."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Esegue il backup del sito sui server globali, consentendo di ripristinare i contenuti in caso di emergenza o di errore."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Rimuove lo spam da commenti e form di contatto."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Ci impegniamo per la tua sicurezza e la tua privacy. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visualizza tutti i piani Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gestisci il tuo piano"],"Your Plan":["Il tuo piano"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Attualmente utilizzi Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Consente ai lettori di iscriversi ai tuoi articoli o commenti e ricevi notifiche dei nuovi contenuti tramite e-mail."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Sostituisce il form di commento WordPress standard con un nuovo sistema di commento che include le opzioni di accesso con i social media."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Attivala{{/a}} per sostituire la ricerca integrata di WordPress con la funzionalità di ricerca di Jetpack, un'esperienza di ricerca migliorata."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La ricerca Jetpack migliora la ricerca sul tuo sito."],"Manage your plugins":["Gestisci i plugin"],"Moderate comments":["Modera commenti"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Impostazioni della privacy aggiornate."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack alla tua barra laterale per configurare filtri e ordinamento."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato, temi infiniti, ricerca avanzata e supporto prioritario."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato e supporto prioritario."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Backup quotidiani, filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"Always-on Security":["Sicurezza sempre attiva"],"Activate video hosting":["Attiva l'hosting video"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e supporto prioritario."],"Design the perfect website":["Progetta il sito web perfetto"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configura Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic e scansione di sicurezza automatica."],"Jetpack Search":["Ricerca Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Versione di Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Per il tuo sito vengono effettuati il backup in tempo reale e la scansione regolare di minacce alla sicurezza."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Backup giornaliero di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato e ripristini con un clic"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e risoluzione delle minacce con un clic."],"View your security activity":["Visualizza la tua attività di sicurezza"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (funziona con VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personalizza widget di ricerca"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Risolvi il problema riportato di seguito e riprova.","Risolvi i problemi riportati di seguito e riprova."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Ci stiamo assicurando che il tuo sito rimanga privo di minacce alla sicurezza. Qualora ne trovassimo una, riceverai una notifica."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Il tuo sito è sottoposto a backup in tempo reale."],"Jetpack version":["Versione di Jetpack"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}Visualizza l’attività del sito{{/a}} in un unico feed."],"Activity":["Attività"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Conferma ogni nuova frase aggiunta cliccando Invio."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Vedi dettagli{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Grazie per aver scelto il piano Professional. Jetpack sta facendo il backup del tuoi contenuti, facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito, e assicurando l'accesso ai temi premium. "],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Con il piano Professional di Jetpack puoi creare il sito perfetto per le tue necessità, scegliendo uno tra gli oltre 300 temi per WordPress, inclusi più di 200 temi premium. Personalizza i tuoi contenuti con i widget, o aggiungi un numero illimitato di video alle tue pagine e ai tuoi articoli - è tutto mostrato e disponibile senza ads o watermark. "],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Aumentare il tuo seguito è facile con il piano Professional, grazie alla condivisione dei contenuti e alla pianificazione, agli strumenti SEO e alle opzioni di abbonamento integrate. Con un pulsante Pagamenti facili e annunci in linea puoi guadagnare dal tuo sito e con l'integrazione con Google Analytics puoi monitorare il successo dei tuoi sforzi."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Il piano Professional di Jetpack ti offre tutto ciò che ti serve per mantenere il tuo lavoro al sicuro. Nel piano è inclusa anche l'opzione di backup on-demand e scansione malware, oltre all'opzione per ristabilire il sito con un backup. Il tuo sito sarà inoltre protetto contro lo spam, codice malevolo o potenzialmente pericoloso, e tentativi di login brute force."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Inizia ad esplorare Jetpack Professional ora per vedere tutti i benefici di questo piano nuovo."],"Install premium themes":["Installa temi premium"],"Review SEO features":["Rivedi le opzioni SEO"],"Welcome Professional":["Benvenuto su Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Grazie per aver scelto il piano Premium. Jetpack sta facendo il backup del tuoi contenuti, facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito, e assicurando l'accesso ai temi premium."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["Con Jetpack Premium puoi creare il tuo sito perfetto, non importa quale sia il suo scopo finale. Personalizza l'aspetto del tuo sito scegliendo uno tra più di 100 temi gratuiti, o esalta i tuoi contenuti con spazio illimitato di storaggio per video in HD - tutto è offerto gratuitamente senza ads o watermark."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Usando i potenti strumenti di condivisione di Jetpack, puoi automaticamente condividere i tuoi articoli più recenti sui social media, oppure programmarli per essere ricondivisi il giorno che vuoi, all'ora che vuoi. E mentre fai crescere il seguito dei tuoi follower, puoi anche far crescere la tua attività con un pulsante per il pagamento e gli ads."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Inizia ad esplorare Jetpack premium ora per vedere tutti i benefici di questo piano nuovo."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetizza il tuo sito con gli ads"],"Welcome Premium":["benvenuto su Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Grazie per aver scelto li piano Personal. Jetpack sta ora facendo il backup del tuo sito e facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["Con Jetpack Personal hai accesso a oltre 100 temi gratuiti per WordPress. Scegli il tema che si adatta meglio alle necessità del tuo sito, e personalizza i colori, le immagini e aggiungi tutti i widget che vuoi. "],"Got it":["Fatto!"],"Welcome personal":["Benvenuto su Personal"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Cliccando qui sotto, accetti i nostri {{tosLink}}Termini di servizio{{/tosLink}} e la {{shareDetailsLink}}condivisione delle informazioni{{/shareDetailsLink}} con"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Persone che osservano le statistiche Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Ciao, Le tue statistiche sono state attivate."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Concedici del tempo per raccogliere tutti i dati in modo tale da visualizzarli qui."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, fatto!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visualizza pubblicità sotto gli articoli su"],"Additional ad placements":["Posizionamenti aggiuntivi della pubblicità"],"Top of each page":["Parte superiore di ogni pagina"],"Second ad below post":["Seconda pubblicità sotto l'articolo"],"Archives":["Archivi"],"Explore Professional":["Esplora Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["Confronta tutti i piani"],"Person with laptop":["Persona con computer"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Il tuo sito Jetpack è pronto a partire."],"Stars":["Stelle"],"Jupiter":["Giove"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["Programma articoli"],"Activate Publicize":["Attiva Pubblicizza"],"Your site is backed up.":["Il tuo sito è stato sottoposto a backup."],"Image Performance":["Prestazioni delle immagini"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Usa WordPress Apps per tutti i dispositivi"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gestisci i tuoi siti da una singola dashboard: pubblica contenuti, traccia le statistiche, modera i commenti, e tante altre cose da qualsiasi parte del mondo tu ti trovi."],"I already use this app.":["Uso già questa applicazione."],"Create address":["Crea indirizzo"],"Priority support":["Supporto prioritario"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Aggiungi i pulsanti per la condivisione ai tuoi articoli"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Condividi automaticamente i tuoi articoli sui social network"],"Updating settings…":["Aggiornamento impostazioni in corso…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Aggiornamento indirizzo Post by Email in corso…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Il tuo piano a pagamento ti consente l'accesso al supporto Jetpack prioritario."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup, ma non sono ancora attivi."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup e la scansione di sicurezza, ma non sono ancora attivi.."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Fai clic su \"Imposta\" per completare l'installazione."],"Checking site status…":["Controllo dello stato del sito in corso…"],"Pages":["Pagine"],"We're here to help":["Siamo qui per aiutarti"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack viene fornito con supporto di base gratuito per tutti gli utenti."],"Ask a question":["Fai una domanda"],"Search our support site":["Cerca il nostro sito di supporto"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Ottieni una risoluzione più veloce alle tue domande al supporto."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host video rapido, di alta qualità e senza pubblicità."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Genera dei guadagni con pubblicità di alta qualità."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Backup del sito in tempo reale e risoluzione automatica delle minacce."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protezione contro la perdita dei dati, attacchi dannosi e di malware."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Si integra facilmente con Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Fa in modo che i tuoi contenuti vengano trovati e condivisi tramite gli strumenti SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Proteggi il tuo sito dallo spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Questo sito non è collegato a WordPress.Com. Chiedi all'amministratore del sito di collegarlo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro per lo spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Scansione giornaliera automatica dei malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup automatici giornalieri (spazio illimitato)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Scansione antimalware giornaliera e automatica con risoluzione automatizzata"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Hosting video illimitato ad alta velocità"],"SEO preview tools":["Visualizzazione in anteprima degli strumenti SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistiche del sito, contenuto correlato, e strumenti di condivisione"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta e monitoraggio del downtime"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hosting veloce e illimitato per le immagini"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Disconnettendo %(siteName) da non potrai più avere accesso ai seguenti: "],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Leggi di più sui vantaggi di Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Gestisci connessione sito"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Collega il tuo account a per visualizzare più statistiche"],"Theme enhancements":["Miglioramento dei temi"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carica altri articoli utilizzando la modalità di funzionamento del tema predefinito"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carica più articoli nella pagina tramite un bottone"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carica più articoli mentre il lettore scorre verso il basso"],"Theme support required.":["Supporto del tema richiesto."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Scopri di più riguardo l'aggiunta del supporto per lo scroll infinito nel tuo tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usa i riassunti invece degli articoli completi nella pagina iniziale e nelle pagine di archivio"],"Show featured images":["Mostra le immagini in primo piano"],"Enable the toolbar":["Attiva la barra degli strumenti di"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Gli strumenti di scrittura disponibili verranno mostrati qui una volta attivati dall'amministratore."],"Portfolios":["Portfolio"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Nota che {{b}}la verifica del sito con questi servizi non è necessaria{{/b}} per l'indicizzazione del sito stesso da parte dei motori di ricerca. Per utilizzare questi strumenti avanzati per i motori di ricerca e verificare il sito con un servizio, incolla di seguito il codice del tag HTML. In caso di problemi, leggi le {{support}}istruzioni complete{{/support}}. Servizi di verifica supportati: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Genera sitemap XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Raccolta delle informazioni importanti e delle statistiche sul traffico"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere dati statistici, ma dovrebbe funzionare anche quando è nascosta"],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permetti che i report delle statistiche siano viste da"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Puoi aggiustare queste impostazioni se preferisce avere più controllo. Leggi di più su quello che puoi fare per {{a}}ottimizzare il tuo sito con la SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Aggiornamento\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni di Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra le pubblicità nel primo articolo della tua home page o alla fine di ogni pagina e post. Puoi sistemare altri ads in aggiunta nella parte superiore del tuo sito e in ogni area widget, così da aumentare i guadagni."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Attiva gli ads e mostra una pubblicità sotto ogni post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura i pulsanti di condivisione"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Collega i tuoi account di social media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Accoppia gli account usando gli indirizzi email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Richiede gli account per usare l'autenticazione a due fattori di"],"Add to whitelist":["Aggiungi alla whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Facendo il whitelist di un indirizzo IP o di una serie di indirizzi fai in modo che questi non vengano mai bloccati da Jetpack. IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettati. Per specificare un range di IP, inserisci o specifica un determinato range, inserisci il valore più basso e quello più alto separato da un dash (\"-\"). Per esempio:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Il back up del sito è stato fatto. Il tuo sito non presenta nessuna minaccia."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Controllo della protezione spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Recupero chiave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Il tuo sito ha bisogno di una chiave Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Si è verificato un problema con la tua chiave API Antispam. {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito non è protetto dallo spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["La tua chiave Antispam è valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito è protetto dallo spam."],"Checking key…":["Controllo chiave..."],"Your API key":["La tua chiave API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se non hai ancora una chiave API, {{a}}puoi ottenerla cliccando qui{{/a}}, dove inizierai la procedura per richiederne una. "],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Nessun risultato trovato per %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Cerca un termine per trovare impostazioni o una ricerca simile"],"Connections":["Connessioni"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Il tuo sito è in Modalità Sviluppo, pertanto non può essere connesso a"],"Your site is connected to":["Il tuo sito è collegato a"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Sei il proprietario di questo piano Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connesso come {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Controlla i tuoi Email Follower "],"Color scheme":["Schema di colori"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Abilita l'uso di Markdown per i commenti."],"Updated settings.":["Impostazioni aggiornate. "],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Errore nell'aggiornamento delle impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Post rigenerati dall'indirizzo email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Errore nel rigenerare il post dall'indirizzo email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Impostazioni salvate. Ricaricando la pagina... "],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Attualmente in {{a}}Modalità di sviluppo{{/a}} (alcune funzioni sono disabilitate) perché: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{li}}Il filtro jetpack_development_mode è attivo{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La costante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG è definita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}All'URL del tuo sito manca un punto (es. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics è un servizio gratuito che completa la nostra {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} con diversi approfondimenti sul tuo traffico. Le statistiche di e Google Analytics usano metodi diversi per identificare e tracciare l'attività sul tuo sito, i quali di norma mostrano numeri totali delle visite leggermente diversi, come anche delle visualizzazioni, ecc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Attiva Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Scarica le app gratuite"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Punti principali dell'aggiornamento: VideoPress per matrimoni"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Ora puoi configurare gli articoli correlati nel Personalizza. {{ExternalLink}}Provalo!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["In modo predefinito, gli annunci sono mostrati alla fine di ogni pagina, articolo, o del primo articolo nella tua pagina iniziale. Puoi anche aggiungerli in testa al tuo sito o a qualsiasi area widget per incrementare i tuoi guadagni!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostra una pubblicità in cima al tuo sito, all'inizio della schermata."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Attivando gli ads, accetti i {{link}}Termini del Servizio{{/link}} di Automattic Ads."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Il tuo server non è configurato bene, il che significa che Jetpack Protect non riesce efficacemente a proteggere il tuo sito. "],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di notifica di Monitor su{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Guarda i tuoi guadagni"],"Configure site SEO":["Configura il sito con la SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Attiva strumenti SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Per iniziare, clicca su Aggiungi Media nel editor di scrittura del post e carica un video; il resto lo facciamo noi!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["Strumenti SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Strumenti SEO avanzati per aiutarti a far trovare il tuo sito quando la gente cerca contenuti rilevanti. "],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Il modo più facile per caricare video ad-free e senza \"marche\" sul tuo sito. Ottieni statistiche su quante volte i video sono stati visti e condivisi. Il player usato è responsivo e leggero."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack sta girando su un server di staging."],"More Info":["Maggiori Informazioni"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gestisci la visibilità dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Questa azione resetterà le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Cerca una funzionalità di Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":["I Mi Piace di sono:"],"Comments headline":["Titolo dei commenti"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Poche e accattivanti parole per motivare i tuoi lettori a commentare."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui blog\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui commenti\"."],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Inserisci nella barra amministrativa un grafico che mostra le ultime 48 ore di visualizzazioni"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Nascondi l'immagine dello smiley nelle statistiche"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Indirizzi IP nella whitelist"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra un messaggio promozionale dell'app mobile di WordPress, visualizzato nel footer del tema mobile."],"Copied!":["Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":["Rigenera indirizzi"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Esegui la revisione automatica del contenuto quando:"],"A post or page is first published":["Un articolo o una pagina sono stati pubblicati per la prima volta"],"A post or page is updated":["Un articolo o una pagina sono stati aggiornati"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Riconoscimento automatico della lingua"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["Il correttore di bozze supporta Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Portoghese e Spagnolo."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Abilita il correttore di bozze per le seguenti regole di grammatica e stile:"],"Add a phrase":["Aggiungi una frase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Ci puoi dire perché non ti è stato possibile completare la connessione con Jetpack in questo {{a}}2 questionario{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Una connessione con Jetpack è richiesta affinché la nostra funzionalità gratuita per la sicurezza e il traffico funzioni.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Benvenuto alla {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}! "],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack è già connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tutto è stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack è attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Sei carico e pronto a proseguire."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Stai eseguendo una versione di sviluppo di Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Invia il tuo feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Che cosa ti piacerebbe vedere nella tua bacheca Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Faccelo sapere!"],"Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":["Salva impostazioni"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Attiva le Statistiche del Sito{{/a}} per vedere statistiche dettagliate, likes, follower, subscriber e molto altro! {{a1}}Leggi di più{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Security Scanning":["Scansione di sicurezza"],"Site Backups":["Backup del sito"],"Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":["ATTIVO"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Il tuo sito è in modalità sviluppatore"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Una volta connesso, puoi aggiornare il tuo piano a un piano gratuito per sbloccare le nostre eccezionali funzionalità di sicurezza, protezione anti-spam e assistenza tecnica prioritaria."],"View your spam stats":["Guarda le statistiche dello spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Guarda la tua bacheca riguardo la sicurezza"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Questo sito è in modalità sviluppatore, quindi non può connettersi a"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Collega il tuo account a per ottenere il massimo da Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {a}}installa e attiva{{/ a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {{a}}aggiorna il tuo account{{/ a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack sta attivamente bloccando tentativi di login dannosi. I dati a riguardo ti appariranno qui molto presto!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totale degli attacchi malevoli bloccati sul tuo sito."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Attiva Protect{{/a}} per mantenere il tuo sito protetto da tentativi di sign in dannosi."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tutti i plugin sono aggiornati. Ottimo lavoro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack sta migliorando e ottimizzando la velocità della tua immagine."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sta monitorando il tuo sito. Se pensiamo che il tuo sito non sia raggiungibile, riceverai una mail."],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"Performance":["Prestazioni"],"Backups":["Backup"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per fare il backup automatico di tutto il tuo sito {{a}}installa e attiva{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":["Protezione dallo spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}installa Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}attiva Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Chiave non valida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":["Attivando le funzionalità consigliate... "],"Recommended features active.":["Funzionalità consigliate attive."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione delle funzionalità consigliate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Attivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s è stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s è stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Errore nella disattivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Attivando le impostazioni per %(slug)s ..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Impostazioni per %(slug)s attive."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Errore aggiornando %(slug)s impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Aggiornando %(slug)s indirizzi…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["%(slug)s indirizzi rigenerati."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Errore rigenerando %(slug)s indirizzi. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resettando le opzioni di Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Opzioni di reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Le opzioni hanno fallito il reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si è verificato un errore nel disconnettere Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Scollegando"],"Unlinked from":[" è scollegato."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Errore scollegando %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["A colpo d'occhio"],"Clichés":["Cliché"],"Dashboard":["Bacheca"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":["Ci diresti perché? Rispondendo a {{a}}due semplici domande{{/a}} ci aiuterà a migliorare Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Privacy Policy di Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Attiva{{/a}} per migliorare la performance e la velocità delle tue immagini."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici del plugin{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Aggiornamenti plugin"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Per effettuare il backup automatico dell’intero sito, {{a}}aggiorna il tuo account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Ops! La tua chiave Akismet è mancante o non valida. {{akismetSettings}}Vai nelle impostazioni di Akismet per correggere l'errore{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Nessuna minaccia trovata, tutto apposto!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visualizza dettagli su{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Ops, %(number)s minaccia trovata.","Ops, %(number)s minacce trovate."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Attiva Monitor{{/a}} per ricevere notifiche se il tuo sito va offline."],"Loading…":["Caricando..."],"Downtime monitoring":["Controllo di downtime"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}} Visualizza più statistiche su {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Mostra statistiche dettagliate{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Tutti i commenti"],"All-time views":["Visualizzazione All-time"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Miglior giorno complessivo"],"Views today":["Visualizzazioni odierne"],"Months":["Mesi"],"Weeks":["Settimane"],"Days":["Giorni"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["È successo qualcosa caricando le statistiche. Prova di nuovo tra un po' {{a}}guarda le tue statistiche ora su{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Fai clic per visualizzare le statistiche dettagliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visualizzazioni: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Week of %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Sicurezza del sito"],"Activate recommended features":["Attiva le funzionalità consigliate"],"Link to":["Collega a"],"Unlink me from":["Scollegami da"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["C'è stato un problema nella connessione Jetpack. Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["C'è stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova più tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Learn more":["Per saperne di più"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Front page":["Pagina iniziale"],"Upload videos":["Carica video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra i contenuti correlati dopo i post"],"Related":["Correlati"],"Save":["Salva"],"Email Address":["Indirizzo e-mail"],"Media":["Media"],"Themes":["Temi"],"Site Stats":["Statistiche Sito"],"Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Testimonials":["Testimonianze"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Ignored Phrases":["Frasi ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Usa il rilevamento automatico del linguaggio per la revisione di articoli e pagine"],"Redundant Phrases":["Frasi Ridondanti"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Frasi da evitare"],"Passive Voice":["Forma passiva"],"Jargon":["Gergo"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verbi nascosti"],"Double Negatives":["Doppie negazioni"],"Diacritical Marks":["Segni diacritici"],"Complex Phrases":["Frasi complesse"],"Bias Language":["Linguaggio fazioso"],"English Options":["Opzioni inglese"],"Proofreading":["Correttore di bozze"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack non riesce a contattare %(error_key)s. Di solito questo significa che c'è un errore nella configurazione del tuo web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":["Al momento ha dei problemi e non può alimentare il tuo Jetpack. Riprova più tardi."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non è possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non è accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Hai disconnesso Jetpack."],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Connected":["Collegato"],"Activate":["Attiva"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Learn More":["Per saperne di più"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnetti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa la compatibilità del tuo sito con Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Aggiornamenti automatici dei plugin"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraggio dei tempi di inattività"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Impostazioni della privacy"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra degli strumenti di"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creazione "],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistiche del sito"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Ottimizzazione motori di ricerca"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Bottoni di condivisione"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connessioni di Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Pulsanti Like"],"Settings header\ log in":[" log in"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backup e scan di sicurezza"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Filtro spam"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Il mio piano"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Strumenti per gli sviluppatori"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussione"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["A prima vista"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Abbonamenti"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Scrittura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Opzioni Reset (solo per sviluppatori)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicurezza"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["In sintesi"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["termini di servizio"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["ToS (Termini di Servizio)"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["dati"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracce"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Salva le impostazioni"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Correlati"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rimani connesso"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnetti"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Update necessari"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Sito connesso"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connessione dell'account"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Minacce"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Minacce rilevate!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Nessuno scan"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicuro"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Chiave non valida"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configura"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Termini"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commenti spam bloccati."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["Quindi, attiva la funzione consigliata di Jetpack per aumentare le prestazioni e la sicurezza del tuo sito. {{a}}Scopri di più su cosa è incluso{{/a}}."],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["Ora stiamo raccogliendo le statistiche e proteggendo il tuo sito. Benvenuto."],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Salta ed esplora le funzionalità individualmente{{/a}}."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Piano Business di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Piano Premium di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Piano Personal di Jetpack"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["Inizia con gli strumenti per prestazioni, statistiche e design privi di problemi."],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Free"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Piano gratuito Jetpack"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["Esplora i piani Jetpack"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["Raggiungi la tranquillità grazie a backup automatici e supporto prioritario, raggiungi un pubblico più vasto utilizzando strumenti SEO avanzati, guadagna dal tuo sito grazie agli annunci e personalizza il sito con oltre 200 temi Premium."],"Jetpack offers so much more":["Jetpack offre molto di più"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["Serve aiuto? Cerca nel nostro sito del supporto per trovare notizie sul tuo sito, sul tuo account e su come sfruttare al meglio WordPress."],"Support documentation":["Documentazione di supporto"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Fumetti di chat per entrare in contatto con il supporto"],"Site Activity":["Attività del sito"],"Start publicizing now":["Avvia ora la pubblicizzazione"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Raggiungere un pubblico più vasto grazie alla condivisione degli articoli sui social media."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Aumenta il traffico verso il tuo sito"],"Explore free themes":["Esplora i temi gratuiti"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Ottieni un accesso illimitato a centinaia di temi professionali e personalizza il tuo sito come desideri."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Una vasta gamma di temi e strumenti per personalizzare un sito"],"Set up your site security":["Configura la sicurezza del sito"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Previeni attacchi di login e ricevi notifiche istantanee quando si verifica un problema con il tuo sito."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistiche del sito che indicano l’evoluzione di traffico e coinvolgimento"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Una mano con una lente di ingrandimento"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Un grafico che mostra un sano incremento dei guadagni"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interfaccia che mostra un elenco cronologico di modifiche e aggiornamenti al sito"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Una nuvola circondata da diversi tipi di contenuti"],"A folder holding real comments":["Una cartella con commenti reali"],"Make your site faster":["Rendi il tuo sito più veloce"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente prendendo le immagini dalla nostra rete globale di server."],"A fast and performant website":["Un sito web veloce e performante"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un sito sicuro, bloccato e protetto da Jetpack"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["Queste impostazioni non saranno applicate agli articoli correlati che usano l'editor a blocchi."],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplica portfolio, testimonianze, pagine e articoli esistenti. Tutto il contenuto sarà copiato, tra cui testo, immagini in primo piano, impostazioni di condivisione e altro ancora."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Questo sito non può essere connesso a poiché viola i nostri {{a}}Termini di Servizio{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connetti il tuo sito web alle reti dei social media che utilizzi e condividi i tuoi contenuti tramite tutti i tuoi account in un solo clic. Quando pubblichi un articolo, questo apparirà su tutti gli account connessi."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti Mi piace agli articoli e alle pagine"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Fa in modo che i visitatori dimostrino con un Mi piace che apprezzano i tuoi contenuti."],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack professionale!"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack premium!"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Esplora il tuo piano Jetpack personale!"],"Create account":["Crea account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack sta potenziando il tuo sito, ma per accedere a tutte le funzionalità avrai bisogno di creare un account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup in tempo reale e automatici (storage illimitato)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Componi i contenuti nel modo che preferisci e semplifica la tua esperienza di pubblicazione."],"Add a portfolio item":["Aggiungi un elemento al portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Aggiungi una testimonianza"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Massimizza la visibilità del tuo sito nei motori di ricerca e visualizza le statistiche del traffico in tempo reale."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Crea un account Jetpack per utilizzare questa funzionalità"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["Condividi i tuoi contenuti sui social media e aumenta il coinvolgimento del pubblico."],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack monitorerà continuamente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["Quando viene rilasciato un aggiornamento del plugin, la best practice è quella di eseguire subito l'aggiornamento. Scegli per quali plugin desideri eseguire l'aggiornamento automatico in modo che il tuo sito rimanga sicuro."],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["Proteggi il tuo sito con la sicurezza all'avanguardia e ricevi le notifiche relative ai problemi tecnici."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito sta ora velocizzando il tuo sito."],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante la disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito non velocizzerà più il tuo sito."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente, ottimizza le immagini e velocizza l'esperienza dei visitatori."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Integra le statistiche di e gli approfondimenti di Google con gli schemi dei visitatori e del traffico."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hosting video ad alta definizione ed elevata velocità senza pubblicità di terze parti."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Programma in anticipo i tweet illimitati e gli articoli su Facebook e su altri social network."],"Marketing Automation":["Automazione del marketing"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Attiva Ricerca Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Sostituisci la ricerca predefinita di WordPress con risultati e filtraggio personalizzato di Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Inizia a guadagnare"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds consente di guadagnare denaro grazie alla visualizzazione di contenuti promozionali. Inizia a guadagnare oggi."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Lo spam viene automaticamente bloccato dai tuoi commenti."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtro antispam"],"Browse premium themes":["Esplora i temi premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accedi a centinaia di temi Premium perfettamente progettati senza costi extra."],"Try a premium theme":["Prova un tema premium"],"View settings":["Visualizza le impostazioni"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Crea un account Jetpack per visualizzare i tuoi follower tramite e-mail"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["Apri il tuo sito ai commenti e invita gli abbonati a ricevere avvisi sul tuo ultimo lavoro."],"Manage security settings":["Gestisci le impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Built-in Performance":["Prestazione integrata"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack è pronto per il nuovo editor di WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Oggi abbiamo introdotto la prima serie di blocchi specifici Jetpack, progettati appositamente per l'esperienza con il nuovo editor: Semplici pulsanti di pagamento, moduli, mappe e Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Crea il tuo sito Jetpack con i blocchi"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nuovo editor? Sì! {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Le funzioni che già conosci, adattate al tuo nuovo editor WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Portami al nuovo editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Sto testando la connessione a Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si &egrave; verificato un errore durante il test di Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Novità in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento dei file statici"],"Speed up image load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento delle immagini"],"Enable site accelerator":["Attiva l'acceleratore del sito"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Carica più velocemente le pagine consentendo a Jetpack di ottimizzare le immagini e di servirsi di immagini e file statici (come CSS e JavaScript) dalla nostra rete di server."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["Aggiungi un ulteriore livello di protezione al tuo sito web abilitando per accedere e rendere sicura l'autenticazione. Se possiedi più siti con questa opzione attiva, potrai accedere ad ognuno di essi con le stesse credenziali."],"View your site activity":["Visualizza l’attività del sito"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visualizza un elenco cronologico di tutte le modifiche e di tutti gli aggiornamenti al sito in un maniera organizzata e leggibile."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifica manualmente "],"Verify with Google":["Verifica con Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google ti invierà una e-mail su alcuni eventi che si verificano con il tuo sito, incluse indicazioni nel caso in cui il tuo sito web {{a1}}sia vittima di hacker{{/a1}} o per problemi di {{a2}}indicizzazione{{/a2}} del sito."],"or":["o"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitora le prestazioni e il traffico del tuo sito da {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Il tuo sito è stato verificato con Google."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Impossibile verificare il sito: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifica..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Aggiungi al tuo sito una ricerca più veloce e avanzata, grazie a Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata WordPress con la ricerca Jetpack, un’esperienza di ricerca avanzata"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Ricerca Jetpack sostituisce la ricerca integrata con una veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente ospitata nel cloud Il risultato: i tuoi utenti trovano il contenuto che desiderano, più velocemente."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La ricerca integrata di WordPress è perfetta per siti senza molto contenuto. Man mano però che il sito cresce, le ricerche rallentano e restituiscono risultati meno pertinenti."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["La ricerca Jetpack supporta diverse personalizzazioni."],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata con una ricerca veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente, {{a}}ospitata sul cloud{{/a}}."],"Site is verified":["Il sito è verificato"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Per creare un bel sito che appare e funziona esattamente come desideri, Jetpack Professional ti offre accesso illimitato a oltre 200 temi premium per WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional rappresenta molto di più della semplice ricerca del design perfetto. Il bisogno dovrebbe nascere anche dalla sensazione di tranquillità assoluta che si prova sapendo di avere diritto a un supporto prioritario da parte del nostro team globale di esperti.{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Quando sono attivi gli annunci pubblicitari, Jetpack genera automaticamente un file ads.txt personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack genera automaticamente un file {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito. Se ha bisogno di ulteriori voci per altre reti, aggiungile nello spazio di seguito, una per riga."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Personalizza le voci di ads.txt"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Per creare un bel sito che appare e funziona esattamente come desideri, Jetpack Professional ti offre accesso illimitato a oltre 200 temi premium per WordPress.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional rappresenta molto di più della semplice ricerca del design perfetto. È anche totale serenità: backup in tempo reale, scansione antimalware automatica e supporto prioritario da parte del nostro team globale di esperti garantiscono la perenne sicurezza del tuo sito.{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["Introduzione dei temi premium"]," Premium Themes":[" Temi Premium"],"Privacy information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Abilitazione del caricamento lento delle immagini"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Le immagini a caricamento lento migliorano la velocità del tuo sito e creano un'esperienza visiva più fluida. Le immagini vengono caricate nel momento in cui i visitatori scorrono la schermata verso il basso, invece che tutte in una volta."],"Performance & speed":["Prestazioni e velocità"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Abilitazione del lettore per video ad alta velocità e senza pubblicità"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendi più coinvolgente il contenuto che pubblichi con video ad alta risoluzione. Con Jetpack Video puoi personalizzare il tuo lettore multimediale e offrire video ad alta velocità, senza pubblicità e senza marchio ai tuoi visitatori. I video sono ospitati sui nostri server e non viene sottratto spazio dal tuo piano di hosting!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Schema colori carosello"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["I dati Exif mostrano ai visitatori dettagli tecnici aggiuntivi di una foto, come la lunghezza focale, l'apertura e l'ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mostra i metadati Exif delle foto nel carosello, quando disponibile."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Mostra le immagini in una galleria a schermo intero del carosello."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Crea le presentazioni del carosello a schermo intero per le immagini nei tuoi articoli e nelle tue pagine. Le gallerie del carosello sono fruibili anche da dispositivo mobile e incoraggiano i visitatori del sito a interagire con le tue foto."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barra degli strumenti di sostituisce quella di amministrazione predefinita e ottimizza l'esperienza di WordPress. Ti offre la possibilità di accedere con un clic per gestire tutti i tuoi siti, aggiornare il tuo profilo, visualizzare notifiche e recuperare i siti che segui nel Reader."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode del portfolio: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilizza i {{portfolioLink}}portfolio{{/portfolioLink}} sul tuo sito per presentare i tuoi lavori migliori. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Portfolios, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode delle testimonianze: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Aggiungi {{testimonialLink}}le testimonianze{{/testimonialLink}} al tuo sito web per attirare nuovi clienti. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Testimonials, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Al momento, i motori di ricerca non possono accedere al tuo sito. Se desideri rendere il tuo sito accessibile, controlla le{{a}}Impostazioni lettura{{/a}} e attiva la \"Visibilità ai motori di ricerca\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Buone notizie! Jetpack sta inviando automaticamente la tua sitemap a tutti i principali motori di ricerca per l'indicizzazione."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Le sitemap sono file che i motori di ricerca come Google o Bing utilizzano per indicizzare il tuo sito web. Possono aiutare a migliorare il tuo posizionamento nei risultati di ricerca. Quando abiliti questa funzione, Jetpack crea sitemap per te e le aggiorna automaticamente quando il contenuto del tuo sito cambia."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configura gli articoli correlati nell'utilità di personalizzazione"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Evidenzia il contenuto correlato con un'intestazione"],"View security scan details":["Visualizza i dettagli della scansione di sicurezza"],"View backup history":["Visualizzare la cronologia del backup"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visualizza un'immagine in miniatura se disponibile"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Per informazioni su come le specifiche funzioni Jetpack utilizzano i dati e tracciano l’attività, fai riferimento al nostro {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Utilizziamo altri strumenti di tracciamento, compresi alcuni di terzi. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Leggi le informazioni sugli strumenti{{/cookiePolicyLink}} e come controllarli."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Queste informazioni ci aiutano a migliorare i prodotti, offrire proposte di marketing più pertinenti, personalizzare l’esperienza e molto altro, come indicato nel dettaglio nella nostra {{pp}}informativa sulla privacy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Condividi informazioni con il nostro strumento di analisi relativamente al tuo uso dei servizi mentre sei connesso con il tuo account {{cookiePolicyLink}}Scopri di più{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica viene gestita da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata abilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Puoi inserire ulteriori annunci attraverso il widget Pubblicità. {{link}}Provalo!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configura le impostazioni di notifica"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["Monitora i tempi di inattività del tuo sito"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Ricerca di Jetpack è una potente sostituzione della funzionalità di ricerca incorporata in WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["I file del sito vengono regolarmente controllati per rilevare eventuali modifiche non autorizzate o sospette che potrebbero compromettere la sicurezza e i dati."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Il plugin deve essere aggiornato.","I plugin devono essere aggiornati."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Aggiornamenti plugin di Jetpack consente di scegliere quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ottimizzerà le tue immagini e le servirà dalla posizione server più vicina ai visitatori. L'utilizzo della nostra rete globale di distribuzione dei contenuti migliorerà la velocità di caricamento del tuo sito."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["La funzione di monitoraggio dell'inattività di Jetpack controllerà costantemente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["I backup Jetpack consentono di ripristinare facilmente o eseguire il download di un backup di un momento specifico."],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet controlla i tuoi commenti e gli invii dei moduli di contatto a fronte del nostro database globale di spam."],"Privacy Information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress consente di caricare video dal tuo computer per essere ospitato su, piuttosto che sui server del tuo host. Quindi, puoi inserirli sul sito Jetpack in self-hosting. "],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["Aggiungi il widget Cerca (Jetpack) alla barra laterale"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["Offri ai tuoi visitatori una straordinaria esperienza di ricerca, permettendo loro di filtrare e ordinare velocemente i risultati della ricerca pertinenti."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Permette di ottenere un tema leggero e pensato per la fruizione mobile che verrà visualizzato dagli utenti che si servono di dispositivi mobili."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Carica automaticamente i post successivi quando il lettore si avvicina a fine pagina."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Consente di pubblicare nuovi post inviando un'e-mail a un indirizzo particolare."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Consente di comporre i contenuti con link, elenchi e altri stili utilizzando la sintassi Markdown."],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["Mentre scrivi, controlla i contenuti per correggere grammatica e ortografia, parole inappropriate e stile."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fornisce i tag nascosti necessari per verificare il sito WordPress con diverse servizi."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visualizza le informazioni sull’attività del sito, inclusi i visitatori e pagine o post popolari."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Consente di ottimizzare il sito e i relativi contenuti per risultati migliori nei motori di ricerca."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integra il tuo sito WordPress con Google Analytics, una piattaforma che offre approfondimenti su traffico, visitatori e conversioni."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visualizza sul sito annunci di alta qualità che permettono di ottenere guadagni."],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["Aggiunge i pulsanti di condivisione al contenuto in modo che i visitatori possano condividerlo sui siti di social media."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Consente di condividere automaticamente i contenuti più recenti sui siti di social media, tra cui Facebook e Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Aggiunge al contenuto i pulsanti Like, in modo che i visitatori possano mostrare apprezzamento."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permette agli utenti registrati di accedere al sito con i loro account"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protegge il sito da attacchi di accesso forzato tradizionali o distribuiti."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Esegue il backup del sito sui server globali, consentendo di ripristinare i contenuti in caso di emergenza o di errore."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Rimuove lo spam da commenti e form di contatto."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Ci impegniamo per la tua sicurezza e la tua privacy. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visualizza tutti i piani Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gestisci il tuo piano"],"Your Plan":["Il tuo piano"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Attualmente utilizzi Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Consente ai lettori di iscriversi ai tuoi articoli o commenti e ricevi notifiche dei nuovi contenuti tramite e-mail."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Sostituisce il form di commento WordPress standard con un nuovo sistema di commento che include le opzioni di accesso con i social media."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Attivala{{/a}} per sostituire la ricerca integrata di WordPress con la funzionalità di ricerca di Jetpack, un'esperienza di ricerca migliorata."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La ricerca Jetpack migliora la ricerca sul tuo sito."],"Manage your plugins":["Gestisci i plugin"],"Moderate comments":["Modera commenti"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Impostazioni della privacy aggiornate."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack alla tua barra laterale per configurare filtri e ordinamento."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato, temi infiniti, ricerca avanzata e supporto prioritario."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato e supporto prioritario."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Backup quotidiani, filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"Always-on Security":["Sicurezza sempre attiva"],"Activate video hosting":["Attiva l'hosting video"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e supporto prioritario."],"Design the perfect website":["Progetta il sito web perfetto"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configura Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic e scansione di sicurezza automatica."],"Jetpack Search":["Ricerca Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Versione di Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Per il tuo sito vengono effettuati il backup in tempo reale e la scansione regolare di minacce alla sicurezza."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Backup giornaliero di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato e ripristini con un clic"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e risoluzione delle minacce con un clic."],"View your security activity":["Visualizza la tua attività di sicurezza"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (funziona con VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personalizza widget di ricerca"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Risolvi il problema riportato di seguito e riprova.","Risolvi i problemi riportati di seguito e riprova."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Ci stiamo assicurando che il tuo sito rimanga privo di minacce alla sicurezza. Qualora ne trovassimo una, riceverai una notifica."],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["Il tuo sito è sottoposto a backup in tempo reale."],"Jetpack version":["Versione di Jetpack"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["{{a}}Visualizza l’attività del sito{{/a}} in un unico feed."],"Activity":["Attività"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Conferma ogni nuova frase aggiunta cliccando Invio."],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Vedi dettagli{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Grazie per aver scelto il piano Professional. Jetpack sta facendo il backup del tuoi contenuti, facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito, e assicurando l'accesso ai temi premium. "],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Con il piano Professional di Jetpack puoi creare il sito perfetto per le tue necessità, scegliendo uno tra gli oltre 300 temi per WordPress, inclusi più di 200 temi premium. Personalizza i tuoi contenuti con i widget, o aggiungi un numero illimitato di video alle tue pagine e ai tuoi articoli - è tutto mostrato e disponibile senza ads o watermark. "],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["Aumentare il tuo seguito è facile con il piano Professional, grazie alla condivisione dei contenuti e alla pianificazione, agli strumenti SEO e alle opzioni di abbonamento integrate. Con un pulsante Pagamenti facili e annunci in linea puoi guadagnare dal tuo sito e con l'integrazione con Google Analytics puoi monitorare il successo dei tuoi sforzi."],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Il piano Professional di Jetpack ti offre tutto ciò che ti serve per mantenere il tuo lavoro al sicuro. Nel piano è inclusa anche l'opzione di backup on-demand e scansione malware, oltre all'opzione per ristabilire il sito con un backup. Il tuo sito sarà inoltre protetto contro lo spam, codice malevolo o potenzialmente pericoloso, e tentativi di login brute force."],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Inizia ad esplorare Jetpack Professional ora per vedere tutti i benefici di questo piano nuovo."],"Install premium themes":["Installa temi premium"],"Review SEO features":["Rivedi le opzioni SEO"],"Welcome Professional":["Benvenuto su Professional"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Grazie per aver scelto il piano Premium. Jetpack sta facendo il backup del tuoi contenuti, facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito, e assicurando l'accesso ai temi premium."],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["Con Jetpack Premium puoi creare il tuo sito perfetto, non importa quale sia il suo scopo finale. Personalizza l'aspetto del tuo sito scegliendo uno tra più di 100 temi gratuiti, o esalta i tuoi contenuti con spazio illimitato di storaggio per video in HD - tutto è offerto gratuitamente senza ads o watermark."],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Usando i potenti strumenti di condivisione di Jetpack, puoi automaticamente condividere i tuoi articoli più recenti sui social media, oppure programmarli per essere ricondivisi il giorno che vuoi, all'ora che vuoi. E mentre fai crescere il seguito dei tuoi follower, puoi anche far crescere la tua attività con un pulsante per il pagamento e gli ads."],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Inizia ad esplorare Jetpack premium ora per vedere tutti i benefici di questo piano nuovo."],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetizza il tuo sito con gli ads"],"Welcome Premium":["benvenuto su Premium"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Grazie per aver scelto li piano Personal. Jetpack sta ora facendo il backup del tuo sito e facendo la scansione alla ricerca di potenziali minacce alla sicurezza del sito."],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["Con Jetpack Personal hai accesso a oltre 100 temi gratuiti per WordPress. Scegli il tema che si adatta meglio alle necessità del tuo sito, e personalizza i colori, le immagini e aggiungi tutti i widget che vuoi. "],"Got it":["Fatto!"],"Welcome personal":["Benvenuto su Personal"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Cliccando qui sotto, accetti i nostri {{tosLink}}Termini di servizio{{/tosLink}} e la {{shareDetailsLink}}condivisione delle informazioni{{/shareDetailsLink}} con"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Persone che osservano le statistiche Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Ciao, Le tue statistiche sono state attivate."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Concedici del tempo per raccogliere tutti i dati in modo tale da visualizzarli qui."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, fatto!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visualizza pubblicità sotto gli articoli su"],"Additional ad placements":["Posizionamenti aggiuntivi della pubblicità"],"Top of each page":["Parte superiore di ogni pagina"],"Second ad below post":["Seconda pubblicità sotto l'articolo"],"Archives":["Archivi"],"Explore Professional":["Esplora Professional"],"Compare All Plans":["Confronta tutti i piani"],"Person with laptop":["Persona con computer"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Il tuo sito Jetpack è pronto a partire."],"Stars":["Stelle"],"Jupiter":["Giove"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Personal"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Premium"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Benvenuto in Jetpack Professional"],"Schedule posts":["Programma articoli"],"Activate Publicize":["Attiva Pubblicizza"],"Your site is backed up.":["Il tuo sito è stato sottoposto a backup."],"Image Performance":["Prestazioni delle immagini"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Usa WordPress Apps per tutti i dispositivi"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gestisci i tuoi siti da una singola dashboard: pubblica contenuti, traccia le statistiche, modera i commenti, e tante altre cose da qualsiasi parte del mondo tu ti trovi."],"I already use this app.":["Uso già questa applicazione."],"Create address":["Crea indirizzo"],"Priority support":["Supporto prioritario"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["Aggiungi i pulsanti per la condivisione ai tuoi articoli"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Condividi automaticamente i tuoi articoli sui social network"],"Updating settings…":["Aggiornamento impostazioni in corso…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Aggiornamento indirizzo Post by Email in corso…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Il tuo piano a pagamento ti consente l'accesso al supporto Jetpack prioritario."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup, ma non sono ancora attivi."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup e la scansione di sicurezza, ma non sono ancora attivi.."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Fai clic su \"Imposta\" per completare l'installazione."],"Checking site status…":["Controllo dello stato del sito in corso…"],"Pages":["Pagine"],"We're here to help":["Siamo qui per aiutarti"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack viene fornito con supporto di base gratuito per tutti gli utenti."],"Ask a question":["Fai una domanda"],"Search our support site":["Cerca il nostro sito di supporto"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Ottieni una risoluzione più veloce alle tue domande al supporto."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host video rapido, di alta qualità e senza pubblicità."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Genera dei guadagni con pubblicità di alta qualità."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Backup del sito in tempo reale e risoluzione automatica delle minacce."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protezione contro la perdita dei dati, attacchi dannosi e di malware."],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Si integra facilmente con Google Analytics."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Fa in modo che i tuoi contenuti vengano trovati e condivisi tramite gli strumenti SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Proteggi il tuo sito dallo spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Questo sito non è collegato a WordPress.Com. Chiedi all'amministratore del sito di collegarlo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro per lo spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Scansione giornaliera automatica dei malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup automatici giornalieri (spazio illimitato)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Scansione antimalware giornaliera e automatica con risoluzione automatizzata"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Hosting video illimitato ad alta velocità"],"SEO preview tools":["Visualizzazione in anteprima degli strumenti SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistiche del sito, contenuto correlato, e strumenti di condivisione"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta e monitoraggio del downtime"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hosting veloce e illimitato per le immagini"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Disconnettendo %(siteName) da non potrai più avere accesso ai seguenti: "],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Leggi di più sui vantaggi di Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Gestisci connessione sito"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Collega il tuo account a per visualizzare più statistiche"],"Theme enhancements":["Miglioramento dei temi"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carica altri articoli utilizzando la modalità di funzionamento del tema predefinito"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carica più articoli nella pagina tramite un bottone"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carica più articoli mentre il lettore scorre verso il basso"],"Theme support required.":["Supporto del tema richiesto."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Scopri di più riguardo l'aggiunta del supporto per lo scroll infinito nel tuo tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usa i riassunti invece degli articoli completi nella pagina iniziale e nelle pagine di archivio"],"Show featured images":["Mostra le immagini in primo piano"],"Enable the toolbar":["Attiva la barra degli strumenti di"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Gli strumenti di scrittura disponibili verranno mostrati qui una volta attivati dall'amministratore."],"Portfolios":["Portfolio"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Nota che {{b}}la verifica del sito con questi servizi non è necessaria{{/b}} per l'indicizzazione del sito stesso da parte dei motori di ricerca. Per utilizzare questi strumenti avanzati per i motori di ricerca e verificare il sito con un servizio, incolla di seguito il codice del tag HTML. In caso di problemi, leggi le {{support}}istruzioni complete{{/support}}. Servizi di verifica supportati: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Genera sitemap XML"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["Raccolta delle informazioni importanti e delle statistiche sul traffico"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere dati statistici, ma dovrebbe funzionare anche quando è nascosta"],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permetti che i report delle statistiche siano viste da"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Puoi aggiustare queste impostazioni se preferisce avere più controllo. Leggi di più su quello che puoi fare per {{a}}ottimizzare il tuo sito con la SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Aggiornamento\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni di Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra le pubblicità nel primo articolo della tua home page o alla fine di ogni pagina e post. Puoi sistemare altri ads in aggiunta nella parte superiore del tuo sito e in ogni area widget, così da aumentare i guadagni."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Attiva gli ads e mostra una pubblicità sotto ogni post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura i pulsanti di condivisione"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Collega i tuoi account di social media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Accoppia gli account usando gli indirizzi email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Richiede gli account per usare l'autenticazione a due fattori di"],"Add to whitelist":["Aggiungi alla whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Facendo il whitelist di un indirizzo IP o di una serie di indirizzi fai in modo che questi non vengano mai bloccati da Jetpack. IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettati. Per specificare un range di IP, inserisci o specifica un determinato range, inserisci il valore più basso e quello più alto separato da un dash (\"-\"). Per esempio:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Il back up del sito è stato fatto. Il tuo sito non presenta nessuna minaccia."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Controllo della protezione spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Recupero chiave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Il tuo sito ha bisogno di una chiave Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Si è verificato un problema con la tua chiave API Antispam. {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito non è protetto dallo spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["La tua chiave Antispam è valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito è protetto dallo spam."],"Checking key…":["Controllo chiave..."],"Your API key":["La tua chiave API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se non hai ancora una chiave API, {{a}}puoi ottenerla cliccando qui{{/a}}, dove inizierai la procedura per richiederne una. "],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Nessun risultato trovato per %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Cerca un termine per trovare impostazioni o una ricerca simile"],"Connections":["Connessioni"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Il tuo sito è in Modalità Sviluppo, pertanto non può essere connesso a"],"Your site is connected to":["Il tuo sito è collegato a"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Sei il proprietario di questo piano Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connesso come {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Controlla i tuoi Email Follower "],"Color scheme":["Schema di colori"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Abilita l'uso di Markdown per i commenti."],"Updated settings.":["Impostazioni aggiornate. "],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Errore nell'aggiornamento delle impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Post rigenerati dall'indirizzo email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Errore nel rigenerare il post dall'indirizzo email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Impostazioni salvate. Ricaricando la pagina... "],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Attualmente in {{a}}Modalità di sviluppo{{/a}} (alcune funzioni sono disabilitate) perché: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{li}}Il filtro jetpack_development_mode è attivo{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La costante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG è definita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}All'URL del tuo sito manca un punto (es. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics è un servizio gratuito che completa la nostra {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} con diversi approfondimenti sul tuo traffico. Le statistiche di e Google Analytics usano metodi diversi per identificare e tracciare l'attività sul tuo sito, i quali di norma mostrano numeri totali delle visite leggermente diversi, come anche delle visualizzazioni, ecc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Attiva Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Scarica le app gratuite"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Punti principali dell'aggiornamento: VideoPress per matrimoni"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Ora puoi configurare gli articoli correlati nel Personalizza. {{ExternalLink}}Provalo!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["In modo predefinito, gli annunci sono mostrati alla fine di ogni pagina, articolo, o del primo articolo nella tua pagina iniziale. Puoi anche aggiungerli in testa al tuo sito o a qualsiasi area widget per incrementare i tuoi guadagni!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostra una pubblicità in cima al tuo sito, all'inizio della schermata."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Attivando gli ads, accetti i {{link}}Termini del Servizio{{/link}} di Automattic Ads."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Il tuo server non è configurato bene, il che significa che Jetpack Protect non riesce efficacemente a proteggere il tuo sito. "],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di notifica di Monitor su{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Guarda i tuoi guadagni"],"Configure site SEO":["Configura il sito con la SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Attiva strumenti SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Per iniziare, clicca su Aggiungi Media nel editor di scrittura del post e carica un video; il resto lo facciamo noi!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["Strumenti SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Strumenti SEO avanzati per aiutarti a far trovare il tuo sito quando la gente cerca contenuti rilevanti. "],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Il modo più facile per caricare video ad-free e senza \"marche\" sul tuo sito. Ottieni statistiche su quante volte i video sono stati visti e condivisi. Il player usato è responsivo e leggero."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack sta girando su un server di staging."],"More Info":["Maggiori Informazioni"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gestisci la visibilità dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Questa azione resetterà le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Cerca una funzionalità di Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":["I Mi Piace di sono:"],"Comments headline":["Titolo dei commenti"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":["Poche e accattivanti parole per motivare i tuoi lettori a commentare."],"Show a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form":["Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui blog\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form":["Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui commenti\"."],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":["Inserisci nella barra amministrativa un grafico che mostra le ultime 48 ore di visualizzazioni"],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Nascondi l'immagine dello smiley nelle statistiche"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Indirizzi IP nella whitelist"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra un messaggio promozionale dell'app mobile di WordPress, visualizzato nel footer del tema mobile."],"Copied!":["Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":["Rigenera indirizzi"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":["Esegui la revisione automatica del contenuto quando:"],"A post or page is first published":["Un articolo o una pagina sono stati pubblicati per la prima volta"],"A post or page is updated":["Un articolo o una pagina sono stati aggiornati"],"Automatic Language Detection":["Riconoscimento automatico della lingua"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":["Il correttore di bozze supporta Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Portoghese e Spagnolo."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":["Abilita il correttore di bozze per le seguenti regole di grammatica e stile:"],"Add a phrase":["Aggiungi una frase"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Ci puoi dire perché non ti è stato possibile completare la connessione con Jetpack in questo {{a}}2 questionario{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Una connessione con Jetpack è richiesta affinché la nostra funzionalità gratuita per la sicurezza e il traffico funzioni.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Benvenuto alla {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}! "],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack è già connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tutto è stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack è attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Sei carico e pronto a proseguire."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Stai eseguendo una versione di sviluppo di Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Invia il tuo feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Che cosa ti piacerebbe vedere nella tua bacheca Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Faccelo sapere!"],"Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":["Salva impostazioni"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Attiva le Statistiche del Sito{{/a}} per vedere statistiche dettagliate, likes, follower, subscriber e molto altro! {{a1}}Leggi di più{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Security Scanning":["Scansione di sicurezza"],"Site Backups":["Backup del sito"],"Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":["ATTIVO"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["Il tuo sito è in modalità sviluppatore"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["Una volta connesso, puoi aggiornare il tuo piano a un piano gratuito per sbloccare le nostre eccezionali funzionalità di sicurezza, protezione anti-spam e assistenza tecnica prioritaria."],"View your spam stats":["Guarda le statistiche dello spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Guarda la tua bacheca riguardo la sicurezza"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Questo sito è in modalità sviluppatore, quindi non può connettersi a"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Collega il tuo account a per ottenere il massimo da Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {a}}installa e attiva{{/ a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {{a}}aggiorna il tuo account{{/ a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack sta attivamente bloccando tentativi di login dannosi. I dati a riguardo ti appariranno qui molto presto!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totale degli attacchi malevoli bloccati sul tuo sito."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Attiva Protect{{/a}} per mantenere il tuo sito protetto da tentativi di sign in dannosi."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tutti i plugin sono aggiornati. Ottimo lavoro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack sta migliorando e ottimizzando la velocità della tua immagine."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sta monitorando il tuo sito. Se pensiamo che il tuo sito non sia raggiungibile, riceverai una mail."],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"Performance":["Prestazioni"],"Backups":["Backup"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per fare il backup automatico di tutto il tuo sito {{a}}installa e attiva{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":["Protezione dallo spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}installa Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}attiva Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid key":["Chiave non valida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode"],"Activating recommended features…":["Attivando le funzionalità consigliate... "],"Recommended features active.":["Funzionalità consigliate attive."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione delle funzionalità consigliate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Attivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s è stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s è stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Errore nella disattivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Attivando le impostazioni per %(slug)s ..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Impostazioni per %(slug)s attive."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Errore aggiornando %(slug)s impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Aggiornando %(slug)s indirizzi…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["%(slug)s indirizzi rigenerati."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Errore rigenerando %(slug)s indirizzi. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resettando le opzioni di Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Opzioni di reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Le opzioni hanno fallito il reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Rispondendo a {{a}}due semplici domande{{/a}} ci aiuterà a migliorare Jetpack."],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Privacy Policy di Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Attiva{{/a}} per migliorare la performance e la velocità delle tue immagini."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici del plugin{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Aggiornamenti plugin"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["Per effettuare il backup automatico dell’intero sito, {{a}}aggiorna il tuo account{{/a}}."],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":["Ops! La tua chiave Akismet è mancante o non valida. {{akismetSettings}}Vai nelle impostazioni di Akismet per correggere l'errore{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Nessuna minaccia trovata, tutto apposto!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visualizza dettagli su{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Ops, %(number)s minaccia trovata.","Ops, %(number)s minacce trovate."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Attiva Monitor{{/a}} per ricevere notifiche se il tuo sito va offline."],"Loading…":["Caricando..."],"Downtime monitoring":["Controllo di downtime"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}} Visualizza più statistiche su {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Mostra statistiche dettagliate{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Tutti i commenti"],"All-time views":["Visualizzazione All-time"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Miglior giorno complessivo"],"Views today":["Visualizzazioni odierne"],"Months":["Mesi"],"Weeks":["Settimane"],"Days":["Giorni"],"Something happened while loading stats. 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Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["C'è stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova più tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Learn more":["Per saperne di più"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Front page":["Pagina iniziale"],"Upload videos":["Carica video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra i contenuti correlati dopo i post"],"Related":["Correlati"],"Save":["Salva"],"Email Address":["Indirizzo e-mail"],"Media":["Media"],"Themes":["Temi"],"Site Stats":["Statistiche Sito"],"Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Testimonials":["Testimonianze"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Ignored Phrases":["Frasi ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":["Usa il rilevamento automatico del linguaggio per la revisione di articoli e pagine"],"Redundant Phrases":["Frasi Ridondanti"],"Phrases to Avoid":["Frasi da evitare"],"Passive Voice":["Forma passiva"],"Jargon":["Gergo"],"Hidden Verbs":["Verbi nascosti"],"Double Negatives":["Doppie negazioni"],"Diacritical Marks":["Segni diacritici"],"Complex Phrases":["Frasi complesse"],"Bias Language":["Linguaggio fazioso"],"English Options":["Opzioni inglese"],"Proofreading":["Correttore di bozze"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. 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This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non è possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non è accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":["Hai disconnesso Jetpack."],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Connected":["Collegato"],"Activate":["Attiva"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Learn More":["Per saperne di più"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnetti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa la compatibilità del tuo sito con Jetpack."],"Settings header\u0004Plugin Autoupdates":["Aggiornamenti automatici dei plugin"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraggio dei tempi di inattività"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Impostazioni della privacy"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra degli strumenti di"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creazione "],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistiche del sito"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Ottimizzazione motori di ricerca"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Bottoni di condivisione"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connessioni di Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Pulsanti Like"],"Settings header\ log in":[" log in"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backup e scan di sicurezza"],"Settings header\u0004Spam filtering":["Filtro spam"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Il mio piano"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Strumenti per gli sviluppatori"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussione"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["A prima vista"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Abbonamenti"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Scrittura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Opzioni Reset (solo per sviluppatori)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicurezza"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["In sintesi"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["termini di servizio"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["ToS (Termini di Servizio)"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["dati"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracce"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"Caption for a button to purchase a pro plan.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Salva le impostazioni"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Correlati"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rimani connesso"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnetti"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Update necessari"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Sito connesso"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connessione dell'account"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Minacce"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Minacce rilevate!"],"Short warning message about site having no security scan.\u0004No scanning":["Nessuno scan"],"Caption for a button to purchase a paid feature.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicuro"],"Short warning message about an invalid key being used for Akismet.\u0004Invalid key":["Chiave non valida"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configura"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Termini"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commenti spam bloccati."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja_JP"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":[""],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":[""],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":[""],"Jetpack Business Plan":[""],"Jetpack Premium Plan":[""],"Jetpack Personal Plan":[""],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":[""],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":[""],"Jetpack Free Plan":[""],"Explore Jetpack plans":[""],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":[""],"Jetpack offers so much more":[""],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":[""],"Support documentation":[""],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":[""],"Site Activity":[""],"Start publicizing now":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":[""],"Increase traffic to your site":[""],"Explore free themes":[""],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":[""],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":[""],"Set up your site security":[""],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":[""],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":[""],"A hand holding a loupe":[""],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":[""],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":[""],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":[""],"A folder holding real comments":[""],"Make your site faster":[""],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[""],"A fast and performant website":[""],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":[""],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["これらの設定はブロックエディターを使って追加された関連記事には適用されません。"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["既存の投稿、ページ、推薦文、ポートフォリオを複製します。テキスト、アイキャッチ画像、共有設定など、すべてのコンテンツがコピーされます。"],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["このサイトは{{a}}利用規約{{/a}}に違反しているため、 にリンクできません。"],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["サイトをソーシャルメディアネットワークに接続すると、クリックひとつですべてのソーシャルアカウントにコンテンツをシェアできます。投稿すると、すべての接続済みアカウントに表示されます。"],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["投稿とページに「いいね」ボタンを追加"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["「いいね」ボタン付きでコンテンツを訪問者に表示しましょう。"],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランについて詳しく読む"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Jetpack プレミアムプランについて詳しく読む"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Jetpack パーソナルプランについて詳しく読む"],"Create account":["アカウントを作成"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack はサイトの強化に役立つ優れものですが、そのすべての機能にアクセスするには、アカウントの作成が必要です。"],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["リアルタイムな自動バックアップ (容量無制限)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["思いどおりにコンテンツをカスタマイズし、サイト公開までの手順を合理化できます。"],"Add a portfolio item":["ポートフォリオ項目の追加"],"Add a testimonial":["推薦文を追加"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["検索エンジンにおけるサイトの上位表示を最大化し、リアルタイムのトラフィック統計を表示できます。"],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Jetpackアカウントを作成して機能を利用する"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["コンテンツをソーシャルメディアでシェアして、オーディエンスエンゲージメントを高めることができます。"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack はサイトを継続的にモニタリングし、ダウンタイムが検出されたら即座にアラートを送信します。"],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["プラグインのアップデートがリリースされたら、直ちにそのプラグインを更新することが推奨されます。自動更新するプラグインを選択することで、サイトを常に安全な状態に保つことができます。"],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["最新鋭のセキュリティでサイトの安全を確保でき、技術的問題が生じたら通知を受信できます。"],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["サイトアクセラレータの有効化中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["サイトアクセラレータでサイトが高速化されています。"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["サイトアクセラレータを有効化しています…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["サイトアクセラレータの無効化中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["サイトアクセラレータによるサイトの高速化が無効となっています。"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["サイトアクセラレータを無効化しています…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["より迅速にページをロードし、画像を最適化することで、閲覧者がスムーズにサイトを利用できるようにします。"],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Google による読者とトラフィックパターンの詳細な観察により、 の統計機能が補完されます。"],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["第三者の広告なしの、高速、高精細度動画。"],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["無制限のツイート、Facebook 投稿、その他のソーシャル投稿を事前に予約します。"],"Marketing Automation":["マーケティングの自動化"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack 検索の有効化"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["デフォルトの WordPress 検索に代わって Elasticsearch によるこの検索機能を使用すると、結果とフィルター機能が向上します。"],"Start earning":["収益の獲得を開始"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds を利用すると、プロモーションコンテンツを表示して収益を得ることができます。収益の獲得を今すぐ開始してください。"],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["コメントへのスパムを自動的にブロックします。"],"Spam Filtering":["スパムフィルター"],"Browse premium themes":["プレミアムテーマの参照"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["美しいデザインのプレミアムテーマが何百も備わっており、追加料金なしで利用できます。"],"Try a premium theme":["プレミアムテーマをお試しください"],"View settings":["設定の表示"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Jetpackアカウントを作成して、メールフォロワーを表示する"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["サイトを開いて、最新のコメントや投稿を知らせるアラートの受信登録をするよう購読者に促すことができます。"],"Manage security settings":["セキュリティ設定の管理"],"Built-in Performance":["組み込み型のパフォーマンス"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["新しい WordPress エディターで Jetpack が利用できるようになりました"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["本日は、Jatpack 固有のブロックの第一弾をご紹介します。これはシンプルな支払いボタン、フォーム、マップ、値引きといった、新しいエディターエクスペリエンス専用に構築されています。"],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["ブロックを使用して Jetpack サイトを構築"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["新しいエディターとは何でしょうか?はい。{{a}}さらに詳しく{{/a}}。"],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["新しい WordPress エディターに適応した、頼りになる機能です。"],"Take me to the new editor":["新しいエディターにご案内"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Jetpack 連携をテスト中"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Jetpack のテストに失敗しました。エラー: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Jetpack の新機能 !"],"Speed up static file load times":["静的ファイルの読み込みをスピードアップ"],"Speed up image load times":["画像の読み込みをスピードアップ"],"Enable site accelerator":["サイトアクセラレーターを有効化"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Jetpack で画像を最適化し、 のサーバーによるグローバルネットワークから画像と静的ファイル (CSS や JavaScript など) を配信するようにすることで、ページの読み込みを高速化できます。"],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["サイトにもう1つのセキュリティ層を追加するには、 ログインとセキュア認証を有効化します。複数のサイトでこのオプションが有効化されている場合、それらのサイトのすべてで同じログイン情報を使用してログインできます。"],"View your site activity":["サイトのアクティビティを表示"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["サイトの変更と更新を新しいものから順にわかりやすくリストします。"],"Manually Verify ":["手動で検証"],"Verify with Google":["Google で検証"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["サイトが{{a1}}ハッキング{{/a1}}されているという通知や、サイトの{{a2}}クローリングやインデックス{{/a2}}に関する問題など、サイトで発生した特定の問題に関して Google からメールが送られます。"],"or":["または"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}} からサイトのトラフィックおよびパフォーマンスをモニターします。"],"Your site is verified with Google":["サイトは Google によって検証されました"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["サイトの検証に失敗しました:%(error)s"],"Verifying...":["検証中..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Jetpack プロ版をご利用いただくと、より高速で高度な検索をサイトで実現できます。"],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["WordPress のビルトイン検索機能を、高度な検索エクスペリエンスである Jetpack 検索に置き換える"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack 検索はビルトイン検索に代わるもので、 クラウドによってホストされる、高速かつスケーラブルで、カスタマイズ可能であり、より関連性の高い検索を実現します。結果:ユーザーが必要なコンテンツを短時間で見つけられます。"],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["ビルトイン WordPress 検索は、コンテンツがそれほど多くはないサイトに向いています。しかし、サイトの規模が大きくなるにつれて、検索速度が低下し、結果の関連性も低下します。"],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack 検索は多くのカスタマイズをサポートしています。"],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["ビルトイン検索を、{{a}} クラウドによってホストされる{{/a}}、高速かつスケーラブルで、カスタマイズ可能であり、より関連性の高い検索に置き換えます。"],"Site is verified":["サイトが検証されました"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}望み通りの見た目と機能を持つ美しいサイトを作成するため、Jetpack プロ版では、200を超える WordPress プレミアムテーマに無制限にアクセスできます。{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack プロ版は、ぴったりのデザインを見つけるためだけのものではありません。また、専門家からなるグローバルチームから優先サポートも受けられるので安心できます。{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["スパムフィルターと優先サポート。"],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["広告を有効にすると、Jetpack はご利用のサイト用に作成されたカスタムの ads.txt を自動生成します。"],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack はご利用のサイト用に作成されたカスタムの {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} を自動生成します。他のネットワークの追加エントリーが必要な場合、下記のスペースに1行に1つずつ追加してください。"],"Custom ads.txt entries":["カスタム ads.txt エントリー"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}望み通りの見た目と機能を持つ美しいサイトを作成するため、Jetpack プロ版では、200を超える WordPress プレミアムテーマに無制限にアクセスできます。{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack プロ版は、ぴったりのデザインを検索するためだけのものではありません。安心感を与えるものでもあるのです。リアルタイムバックアップ、自動マルウェアスキャン、および専門家のグローバルチームからの優先サポートは、サイトが常に安全に保護されることを保証します。{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["プレミアムテーマの導入"]," Premium Themes":["プレミアムテーマ"],"Privacy information":["プライバシーに関する情報"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["画像の遅延読み込みを有効にする"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["画像の遅延読み込みによって、サイトの速度が向上し、よりスムーズな閲覧エクスペリエンスが実現します。画像は、まとめてではなく、訪問者が画面をスクロールダウンすると読み込まれます。"],"Performance & speed":["パフォーマンスおよびスピード"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["広告非表示の高速動画プレーヤーを有効にする"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["公開するコンテンツを高解像度の動画でより魅力的にします。Jetpack 動画を使用すると、メディアプレーヤーをカスタマイズし、広告非表示の、高速でブランド名の付けられていない動画を訪問者に配信できます。動画は サーバーでホストされるため、ホスティングプランからスペースが消費されることはありません。"],"Video":["動画"],"Carousel color scheme":["カルーセルの配色"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif データは、写真の焦点距離、絞り、ISO などの他の技術的な情報を閲覧者に表示します。"],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["写真の Exif メタデータが存在する場合カルーセルに表示する"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["画像を全画面のカルーセルギャラリーで表示する"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["投稿やページにある画像の全画面カルーセルスライドショーを作成します。カルーセルギャラリーはモバイルに対応しており、サイト訪問者が写真を操作するよう促します。"],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":[" ツールバーはデフォルトの WordPress 管理ツールバーに置き換えられ、WordPress が使いやすくなります。すべてのサイトを管理し、 プロファイルを更新し、通知を表示し、Reader でフォローしているサイトをチェックするためのワンクリックアクセスを提供します。"],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["ポートフォリオショートコード: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["サイトの{{portfolioLink}}ポートフォリオ{{/portfolioLink}}を使用して、最高傑作を表示します。テーマが Jetpack ポートフォリオをサポートしていない場合は、引き続きシンプルなショートコードを使用してサイトに表示することができます。"],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["推薦文のショートコード: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["サイトに{{testimonialLink}}推薦文{{/testimonialLink}}を追加して、新規顧客を引き付けます。テーマが Jetpack 推薦文をサポートしていない場合は、引き続きシンプルなショートコードを使用してサイトに表示することができます。"],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["検索エンジンでは現在サイトにアクセスできません。サイトにアクセスできるようにするには、{{a}}表示設定{{/a}}を確認して、「検索エンジンでの表示」を有効にします。"],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["嬉しいお知らせ:Jetpack は、インデックス用にすべての主要な検索エンジンに対して自動的にサイトマップを送信しています。"],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["サイトマップは、Google または Bing などの検索エンジンがサイトをインデックスするのに使用するファイルです。検索結果のランキングを上げるのに役立ちます。この機能を有効にすると、Jetpack はサイトマップを作成し、サイトのコンテンツが変更されると自動的に更新します。"],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["カスタマイザーにある関連記事を設定する"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["見出し付きの関連記事をハイライト表示する"],"View security scan details":["セキュリティスキャンの詳細を表示"],"View backup history":["バックアップ履歴を表示"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["使用可能な場合はサムネイル画像を表示します"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["特定の Jetpack 機能によるデータの使用方法とアクティビティの追跡方法の詳細については、{{privacyCenterLink}}プライバシーセンター{{/privacyCenterLink}}を参照してください。"],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["サードパーティのものを含め、他の追跡ツールを使用します。それらについての{{cookiePolicyLink}}詳細{{/cookiePolicyLink}}と設定方法についてお読みください。"],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["この情報は、製品を改善し、マーケティングをより関連性の高いものとし、 の利用をパーソナライズするのに役立ちます。さらに詳しくは、{{pp}}個人情報保護方針{{/pp}}をご覧ください。"],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[" アカウントへのログイン中のサービス利用の情報を分析ツールと共有してください。{{cookiePolicyLink}}さらに詳しく{{/cookiePolicyLink}}。"],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって管理されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって有効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。"],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。"],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["広告ウィジェットを使用して、さらに広告を追加できます。{{link}}お試しください !{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["通知の設定を構成"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["サイトの稼働率をモニター"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["WordPress に組み込まれた検索機能の代わりに、強力な Jetpack 検索を使用できます。"],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["サイトのファイルが定期的にスキャンされて、セキュリティやデータを侵害する可能性がある不正な変更や疑わしい変更の有無が調べられます。"],"Plugin needs updating.":["プラグインの更新が必要です。"],"%(number)s":["%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack のプラグイン更新を使用して、自動的に更新するプラグインを選択できます。"],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack が画像を最適化し、訪問者に最も近いところにあるから画像を提供します。 のグローバルコンテンツ配信ネットワークを使用すると、サイトの読み込み速度が向上します。"],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpack のダウンタイムモニターはサイトを継続的に監視し、ダウンした場合すぐにアラートを送ります。"],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack のバックアップを使用すると、特定の時点のバックアップを簡単に復元またはダウンロードできます。"],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet はコメントとお問い合わせフォームの送信を、スパムのグローバルデータベースに照らし合わせてチェックします。"],"Privacy Information":["プライバシーに関する情報"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress を利用すると、自分のホストのサーバーではなく、 でホスティングされるコンピューターから動画をアップロードできます。その後、インストール型の Jetpack サイトに挿入できます。"],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["検索 (Jetpack) ウィジェットをサイドバーに追加"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["すばやく関連性の高い検索結果を得られるように、フィルターとソートができる優れた検索体験を訪問者に提供しましょう。"],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["モバイル端末の訪問者に表示される、軽量なモバイル対応テーマを有効にします。"],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["ページの末尾に近づいたら、次の投稿を自動的に読み込みます。"],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["特殊なアドレスにメールを送信することにより、新しい投稿を公開できるようにします。"],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Markdown 構文を使用して、コンテンツにリンク、リスト、その他のスタイルを構成可能にします。"],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["書き込み中にコンテンツの文法、スペル、語句の誤用、スタイルをチェックします。"],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["WordPress サイトと様々なサービスを検証するために必要な隠しタグを提供します。"],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["訪問者や、人気の投稿とページなど、サイトアクティビティの情報を表示します。"],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["サイトとコンテンツが検索エンジンで最善の結果を得られるようにするため最適化できるようにします。"],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["WordPress サイトを、トラフィック、訪問者、変換に対する統計概要を提供するプラットフォームである Google Analytics と統合します。"],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["サイトに高品質の広告を表示し、収益を得られるようにします。"],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["コンテンツに共有ボタンを追加し、訪問者がソーシャルメディアサイトで共有できるようにします。"],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["最新のコンテンツを Facebook や Twitter などのソーシャルメディアサイトで自動共有できるようにします。"],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["コンテンツに「いいね」ボタンを追加し、訪問者が評価を表示できるようにします。"],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["登録ユーザーが アカウントを使ってサイトにログインできるようにします。"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["総当たりログイン攻撃 (典型的、分散型の両方) からサイトを保護します。"],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["サイトをグローバル サーバーにバックアップし、緊急時やエラー発生時にコンテンツを復元できるようにします。"],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["コメントやお問合せフォームからスパムを削除します。"],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["あなたのプライバシーとセキュリティの保護をお約束します。"],"View all Jetpack plans":["Jetpack プランをすべて表示"],"Manage your plan":["プランの管理"],"Your Plan":["自分のプラン"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["現在 Jetpack %(plan)s をご利用になっています。"],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["読者が投稿やコメントを購読し、新しいコンテンツの通知メールを受け取れるようにします。"],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["標準 WordPress コメントフォームを、ソーシャルメディアログインオプションを組み込んだ新しいコメントシステムに切り替えます。"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["Jetpack 検索を{{a}}有効化{{/a}}することで、WordPress の組み込み検索機能を高度な検索エクスペリエンスで置き換えられます。"],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["検索 (Jetpack) ウィジェットを追加"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack 検索はサイトの検索を強化します。"],"Manage your plugins":["プラグインの管理"],"Moderate comments":["コメントを承認"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["プライバシー設定の更新中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["プライバシー設定を更新しました。"],"Updating privacy settings…":["プライバシー設定の更新中..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack 検索ウィジェットを追加"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Jetpack 検索ウィジェットをサイドバーに追加して、並べ替えとフィルターを設定します。"],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["フルセキュリティスイート、マーケティングと収益の自動化ツール、無制限動画ホスティング、テーマ無制限利用、高度な検索、優先サポート。"],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["フルセキュリティスイート、マーケティングと収益の自動化ツール、無制限動画ホスティング、優先サポート。"],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["日次バックアップ、スパムフィルター、優先サポート。"],"Always-on Security":["常時有効なセキュリティ"],"Activate video hosting":["動画ホスティングを有効化"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["サイトのすべてのデータの容量無制限でのリアルタイムバックアップ、ワンクリック復元、自動的なセキュリティスキャン、優先サポート。"],"Design the perfect website":["パーフェクトなサイトをデザイン"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack を設定"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["サイトのすべてのデータの容量無制限でのリアルタイムバックアップ、ワンクリック復元、自動的なセキュリティスキャン。"],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack 検索"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack バージョン %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["サイトのバックアップがリアルタイムで実行され、セキュリティの脅威がないかどうかを確認するサイトのスキャンが定期的に実行されます。"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["容量無制限でサイトのすべてのデータを毎日バックアップでき、ワンクリックで復元できます。"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["容量無制限でサイトのすべてのデータをリアルタイムにバックアップでき、ワンクリックで復元できます。また、自動セキュリティスキャンやワンクリックの脅威解決も含まれます。"],"View your security activity":["セキュリティアクティビティを表示"]," (powered by VaultPress).":["(Powered by VaultPress)。"],"Customize Search Widget":["検索ウィジェットのカスタマイズ"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["下記の問題を解決してから、もう一度お試しください。"],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["このサイトにセキュリティ面での脅威がないよう監視しています。問題を検出した場合は通知します。"],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["サイトをリアルタイムでバックアップしています。"],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack バージョン"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["ひとつのフィードで{{a}}サイトのアクティビティをまとめて表示{{/a}}できます。"],"Activity":["アクティビティ"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Enter キーを押して、新しい各フレーズの追加を確定します。"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}詳細を表示{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます。コンテンツのリアルタイムバックアップ、セキュリティ脅威のスキャン、プレミアムテーマのご利用が可能になりました。"],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルでは、200以上のプレミアムデータをはじめとする、300以上のプロフェッショナルなデザインの WordPress テーマを利用して、素晴らしいサイトを作成できます。さまざまなウィジェットでコンテンツをカスタマイズしたり、広告やウォーターマークのない無制限の動画を投稿やページに追加したりすることができます。"],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["プロフェッショナルプランなら、コンテンツ共有と予約機能、SEO ツール、ビルトインのサブスクリプションオプションでフォロワーを簡単に増やすことができます。シンプルペイメントボタンとインライン広告でサイトを収益化し、Google Analytics を組み込んでサイトの効果を監視しませんか。"],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランには、オンデマンドバックアップ、マルウェアスキャン、ワンクリック復元、問題解決など、サイトを安全に保護するために必要なすべての機能が揃っています。スパム、悪意のあるコード、ログインを試みる総当たり攻撃から、サイトを安全に保護します。"],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルを今すぐご利用になり、新しいプランのメリットを体験してください。"],"Install premium themes":["プレミアムテーマをインストール"],"Review SEO features":["SEO 機能をレビュー"],"Welcome Professional":["プロフェッショナルプランへようこそ"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Jetpack プレミアムプランをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます。Jetpack はサイトをバックアップし、セキュリティの脅威をスキャンし、収益化を実現します。"],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. 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Your stats have been activated.":["こんにちは !お客様のサイトが有効化されました。"],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["ここに表示するデータを収集するまでの間、少々お待ちください。"],"Okay, got it!":["完了しました !"],"Display ads below posts on":["投稿の下に広告を表示"],"Additional ad placements":["追加広告の表示場所"],"Top of each page":["各ページの上部に表示"],"Second ad below post":["2番目の広告を投稿の下に表示"],"Archives":["アーカイブ"],"Explore Professional":["プロ版について詳しく読む"],"Compare All Plans":["すべてのプランを比較"],"Person with laptop":["ラップトップユーザー"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Jetpack サイトの準備ができました !"],"Stars":["星"],"Jupiter":["木星"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Jetpack パーソナルプランへようこそ"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Jetpack プレミアムプランへようこそ"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Jetpack プロ版へようこそ"],"Schedule posts":["投稿を予約"],"Activate Publicize":["パブリサイズを有効にする"],"Your site is backed up.":["サイトはバックアップ済みです。"],"Image Performance":["画像のパフォーマンス"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["すべての端末に WordPress アプリを"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["ひとつのダッシュボードからすべてのサイトを管理できます。コンテンツの公開、統計情報の追跡、コメントの承認など、さまざまな操作を世界中のどこからでも実行できます。"],"I already use this app.":["すでにこのアプリを利用中です。"],"Create address":["アドレスを作成"],"Priority support":["優先サポート"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["投稿に共有ボタンを追加"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["投稿をソーシャルネットワークに自動共有"],"Updating settings…":["設定を更新中..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["メール投稿のアドレスを更新中..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["現在ご利用の有料プランでは、Jetpack 優先サポートにアクセスできます。"],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["バックアップに対するお支払いが完了していますが、まだ有効化されていません。"],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["バックアップとセキュリティスキャンに対するお支払いが完了していますが、まだ有効化されていません。"],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["「セットアップ」をクリックしてインストールを完了してください。"],"Checking site status…":["サイトのステータスを確認中…"],"Pages":["固定ページ"],"We're here to help":["サポートスタッフがお答えします"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack にはすべてのユーザーが利用できる無料の基本サポートが付いています。"],"Ask a question":["質問する"],"Search our support site":["サポートサイトを検索"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["問題に対して優先サポートを受ける。"],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["広告非表示の高速高品質動画をホスト。"],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["高品質な広告で収益を得ましょう。"],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["リアルタイムのサイトバックアップと、セキュリティの脅威に対する自動解決。"],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["データロス、マルウェア、悪意のある攻撃から保護。"],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Google アナリティクスと簡単に統合。"],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["SEO ツールを使って、コンテンツが発見・共有されやすくなる手助けをしましょう。"],"Protect your site from spam.":["サイトをスパムから保護。"],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["このサイトは に接続していません。サイト管理者に接続を依頼してください。"],"Spam filtering":["スパムのフィルタリング処理"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["毎日、マルウェアを自動スキャン"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["毎日の自動バックアップ (容量無制限)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["毎日、マルウェアを自動スキャンして自動修復"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["高速で容量無制限の動画ホスティング"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO プレビューツール"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["サイト統計情報、関連コンテンツ、共有ツール"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["総当たり攻撃に対する防御とダウンタイム監視"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["高速画像を容量無制限でホスティング"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["%(siteName)s を から切断すると、以下が利用ができなくなります。"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Jetpack のメリットについて詳しく読む"],"An Automattic Airline":["Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["サイト接続の管理"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["アカウントを に接続してさらに統計情報を表示"],"Theme enhancements":["テーマの拡張"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["デフォルトのテーマ動作を使用して投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["ボタンを使ってページの投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["読者のスクロールに合わせて投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Theme support required.":["テーマのサポートが必要です。"],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["テーマに Infinite Scroll のサポートを追加することについて詳しく読む。"],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["ホームページとアーカイブページに投稿の全文ではなく抜粋を使用"],"Show featured images":["アイキャッチ画像を表示"],"Enable the toolbar":[" ツールバーを有効化"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["管理者が有効化すると、使用できる作成ツールがここに表示されます。"],"Portfolios":["ポートフォリオ"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["検索エンジンでサイトがインデックスされるようにするには、{{b}}各サービスでサイトを認証する必要はありません{{/b}}。高度な検索エンジンツールを使用し、サービスでサイトを認証するには、下に HTML タグコードを貼り付けてください。問題がある場合は、{{support}}詳細な手順{{/support}}をお読みください。対応認証サービス:{{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}、{{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}、{{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}、{{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}。"],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML サイトマップを生成"],"Collecting valuable traffic stats and insights":["トラフィックの統計情報と概要の収集"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["画像は統計収集に役立ちますが、非表示時でも機能するはずです。"],"Count logged in page views from":["次の場所からログインして閲覧したページビューの数"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["統計レポートの閲覧を許可するユーザー"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["広告やブランディングのない動画をサイトにアップロードする最も簡単な方法です。動画の再生と共有に関する統計情報を取得でき、プレーヤーは軽量・レスポンシブ対応です。"],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["ステージングサーバーで Jetpack を実行中です。"],"More Info":["詳しい情報"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}「共有」モジュール設定で「いいね」の表示状態を管理{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["現在の IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. 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Jetpack は有効になっています。"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["準備ができました !"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["現在、Jetpack の開発バージョンを実行しています。"],"Submit Beta feedback":["ベータ版へのフィードバックを送信"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Jetpack ダッシュボードに何が表示されるとよいでしょうか ?"],"Let us know!":["ご意見をお聞かせください !"],"Saving…":["保存中..."],"Save Settings":["設定を保存"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack 統計アイコン"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}サイトの統計情報を有効化{{/a}}して、詳しい統計情報、「いいね」、フォロワー、購読者などの情報を確認しましょう。{{a1}}さらに詳しく{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["サイトの統計情報を有効化"],"Security Scanning":["セキュリティスキャン"],"Site Backups":["サイトのバックアップ"],"Upgrade":["アップグレード"],"ACTIVE":["有効"],"Your site is on Development Mode":["サイトは開発モードになっています"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":["連携が完了したら、プレミアムまたはプロ版にアップグレードできます。最高レベルのセキュリティ、スパム保護ツール、優先サポートをご利用いただけるようになります。"],"View your spam stats":["スパム統計情報を表示"],"View your security dashboard":["セキュリティダッシュボードを表示する"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["サイトは開発モードになっているため、 と連携できません。"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Jetpack を最大限ご活用いただくため、アカウントを とリンクさせましょう。"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["セキュリティ脅威の包括的な自動スキャンをご利用いただくには、VaultPress を{{a}}インストールおよび有効化{{/a}}してください。"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":["セキュリティ脅威の包括的な自動スキャンをご利用いただくには、{{a}}アカウントをアップグレード{{/a}}してください。"],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. 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+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja_JP"},"Next, activate Jetpack’s recommended feature set to maximize your site’s security and performance. {{a}}Learn more about what’s included{{/a}}.":["次に、サイトのセキュリティとパフォーマンスを最大限に高めるために、Jetpack の推奨機能セットを有効にします。{{a}}内容の詳細はこちらを参照してください{{/a}}。"],"We’re now collecting stats and securing your site. Welcome aboard.":["現在、統計情報を収集してサイトを保護しています。ようこそ。"],"{{a}}Skip, and explore features individually{{/a}}.":["{{a}}スキップして個別に機能を見る{{/a}}。"],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack ビジネスプラン"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack プレミアムプラン"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack パーソナルプラン"],"Get started with hassle-free design, stats, and performance tools.":["手間のかからないデザイン、統計、パフォーマンスのツールを使ってみましょう。"],"Welcome to Jetpack Free":["Jetpack 無料プランへようこそ"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack 無料プラン"],"Explore Jetpack plans":["Jetpack プランを見る"],"Get peace of mind of automated backups and priority support, reach a wider audience by using advanced SEO tools, monetize your site by running ads, and customize your site with any of our 200+ premium themes.":["自動バックアップと優先サポートの安心感を得て、高度な SEO ツールを使用して幅広いユーザーを獲得し、広告を掲載してサイトを収益化し、200以上のプレミアムテーマを使用してサイトをカスタマイズします。"],"Jetpack offers so much more":["Jetpackはさらに多くの機能を提供します"],"Need help? Search our support site to find out about your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress.":["サポートが必要ですか ?サポートサイトで、あなたのサイトとアカウントについての詳細情報、WordPress サイトを最大限に活用する方法を確認してください。"],"Support documentation":["サポートドキュメンテーション"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["サポートとの連絡を表すチャットのふきだし"],"Site Activity":["サイトアクティビティ"],"Start publicizing now":["今すぐ宣伝を開始"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["ソーシャルメディアで投稿を自動的に共有することで、より幅広いユーザーを獲得します。"],"Increase traffic to your site":["サイトのトラフィックを増やす"],"Explore free themes":["無料テーマを見る"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["何百ものプロフェッショナルなテーマに無制限にアクセスして、好きなようにサイトをカスタマイズしましょう。"],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["サイトをカスタマイズするためのさまざまなテーマとツール"],"Set up your site security":["サイトのセキュリティを設定"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["ログイン攻撃を防ぎ、サイトで問題が発生するとすぐに通知を受け取ります。"],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["トラフィックとエンゲージメントの進化を示すサイト統計情報"],"A hand holding a loupe":["ルーペを持っている手"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["収益が順調に増加していることを示すグラフ"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["サイトの変更と更新を時系列のリストで示すインターフェース"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["周囲に複数の種類のコンテンツが浮かんでいるクラウド"],"A folder holding real comments":["実際のコメントが入っているフォルダー"],"Make your site faster":["サイトをさらに高速にする"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":[" のグローバルサーバーネットワークから画像を配信することで、ページの読み込みを高速にします。"],"A fast and performant website":["高速で高性能なサイト"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Jetpack でロックおよび保護された安全なサイト"],"These settings won't apply to related posts added using the block editor.":["これらの設定はブロックエディターを使って追加された関連記事には適用されません。"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["既存の投稿、ページ、推薦文、ポートフォリオを複製します。テキスト、アイキャッチ画像、共有設定など、すべてのコンテンツがコピーされます。"],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["このサイトは{{a}}利用規約{{/a}}に違反しているため、 にリンクできません。"],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["サイトをソーシャルメディアネットワークに接続すると、クリックひとつですべてのソーシャルアカウントにコンテンツをシェアできます。投稿すると、すべての接続済みアカウントに表示されます。"],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["投稿とページに「いいね」ボタンを追加"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["「いいね」ボタン付きでコンテンツを訪問者に表示しましょう。"],"Explore your Jetpack Professional plan!":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランについて詳しく読む"],"Explore your Jetpack Premium plan!":["Jetpack プレミアムプランについて詳しく読む"],"Explore your Jetpack Personal plan!":["Jetpack パーソナルプランについて詳しく読む"],"Create account":["アカウントを作成"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack はサイトの強化に役立つ優れものですが、そのすべての機能にアクセスするには、アカウントの作成が必要です。"],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["リアルタイムな自動バックアップ (容量無制限)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["思いどおりにコンテンツをカスタマイズし、サイト公開までの手順を合理化できます。"],"Add a portfolio item":["ポートフォリオ項目の追加"],"Add a testimonial":["推薦文を追加"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["検索エンジンにおけるサイトの上位表示を最大化し、リアルタイムのトラフィック統計を表示できます。"],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Jetpackアカウントを作成して機能を利用する"],"Share your content on social media and increase audience engagement.":["コンテンツをソーシャルメディアでシェアして、オーディエンスエンゲージメントを高めることができます。"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack はサイトを継続的にモニタリングし、ダウンタイムが検出されたら即座にアラートを送信します。"],"When a plugin update is released, the best practice is to update that plugin right away. Choose which plugins you'd like to autoupdate so that your site stays secure.":["プラグインのアップデートがリリースされたら、直ちにそのプラグインを更新することが推奨されます。自動更新するプラグインを選択することで、サイトを常に安全な状態に保つことができます。"],"Keep your site safe with state-of-the-art security and receive notifications of technical problems.":["最新鋭のセキュリティでサイトの安全を確保でき、技術的問題が生じたら通知を受信できます。"],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["サイトアクセラレータの有効化中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["サイトアクセラレータでサイトが高速化されています。"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["サイトアクセラレータを有効化しています…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["サイトアクセラレータの無効化中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["サイトアクセラレータによるサイトの高速化が無効となっています。"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["サイトアクセラレータを無効化しています…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["より迅速にページをロードし、画像を最適化することで、閲覧者がスムーズにサイトを利用できるようにします。"],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Google による読者とトラフィックパターンの詳細な観察により、 の統計機能が補完されます。"],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["第三者の広告なしの、高速、高精細度動画。"],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["無制限のツイート、Facebook 投稿、その他のソーシャル投稿を事前に予約します。"],"Marketing Automation":["マーケティングの自動化"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack 検索の有効化"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["デフォルトの WordPress 検索に代わって Elasticsearch によるこの検索機能を使用すると、結果とフィルター機能が向上します。"],"Start earning":["収益の獲得を開始"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds を利用すると、プロモーションコンテンツを表示して収益を得ることができます。収益の獲得を今すぐ開始してください。"],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["コメントへのスパムを自動的にブロックします。"],"Spam Filtering":["スパムフィルター"],"Browse premium themes":["プレミアムテーマの参照"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["美しいデザインのプレミアムテーマが何百も備わっており、追加料金なしで利用できます。"],"Try a premium theme":["プレミアムテーマをお試しください"],"View settings":["設定の表示"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Jetpackアカウントを作成して、メールフォロワーを表示する"],"Open your site to comments and invite subscribers to get alerts about your latest work.":["サイトを開いて、最新のコメントや投稿を知らせるアラートの受信登録をするよう購読者に促すことができます。"],"Manage security settings":["セキュリティ設定の管理"],"Built-in Performance":["組み込み型のパフォーマンス"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["新しい WordPress エディターで Jetpack が利用できるようになりました"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["本日は、Jatpack 固有のブロックの第一弾をご紹介します。これはシンプルな支払いボタン、フォーム、マップ、値引きといった、新しいエディターエクスペリエンス専用に構築されています。"],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["ブロックを使用して Jetpack サイトを構築"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["新しいエディターとは何でしょうか?はい。{{a}}さらに詳しく{{/a}}。"],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["新しい WordPress エディターに適応した、頼りになる機能です。"],"Take me to the new editor":["新しいエディターにご案内"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Jetpack 連携をテスト中"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Jetpack のテストに失敗しました。エラー: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Jetpack の新機能 !"],"Speed up static file load times":["静的ファイルの読み込みをスピードアップ"],"Speed up image load times":["画像の読み込みをスピードアップ"],"Enable site accelerator":["サイトアクセラレーターを有効化"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Jetpack で画像を最適化し、 のサーバーによるグローバルネットワークから画像と静的ファイル (CSS や JavaScript など) を配信するようにすることで、ページの読み込みを高速化できます。"],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling log in and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log into every one of them with the same credentials.":["サイトにもう1つのセキュリティ層を追加するには、 ログインとセキュア認証を有効化します。複数のサイトでこのオプションが有効化されている場合、それらのサイトのすべてで同じログイン情報を使用してログインできます。"],"View your site activity":["サイトのアクティビティを表示"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["サイトの変更と更新を新しいものから順にわかりやすくリストします。"],"Manually Verify ":["手動で検証"],"Verify with Google":["Google で検証"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["サイトが{{a1}}ハッキング{{/a1}}されているという通知や、サイトの{{a2}}クローリングやインデックス{{/a2}}に関する問題など、サイトで発生した特定の問題に関して Google からメールが送られます。"],"or":["または"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}} からサイトのトラフィックおよびパフォーマンスをモニターします。"],"Your site is verified with Google":["サイトは Google によって検証されました"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["サイトの検証に失敗しました:%(error)s"],"Verifying...":["検証中..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Jetpack プロ版をご利用いただくと、より高速で高度な検索をサイトで実現できます。"],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["WordPress のビルトイン検索機能を、高度な検索エクスペリエンスである Jetpack 検索に置き換える"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack 検索はビルトイン検索に代わるもので、 クラウドによってホストされる、高速かつスケーラブルで、カスタマイズ可能であり、より関連性の高い検索を実現します。結果:ユーザーが必要なコンテンツを短時間で見つけられます。"],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["ビルトイン WordPress 検索は、コンテンツがそれほど多くはないサイトに向いています。しかし、サイトの規模が大きくなるにつれて、検索速度が低下し、結果の関連性も低下します。"],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack 検索は多くのカスタマイズをサポートしています。"],"Replace the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search {{a}}hosted in the cloud{{/a}}.":["ビルトイン検索を、{{a}} クラウドによってホストされる{{/a}}、高速かつスケーラブルで、カスタマイズ可能であり、より関連性の高い検索に置き換えます。"],"Site is verified":["サイトが検証されました"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind knowing that you'll have priority support from our global team of experts should the need arise.{{/p}}":["{{p}}望み通りの見た目と機能を持つ美しいサイトを作成するため、Jetpack プロ版では、200を超える WordPress プレミアムテーマに無制限にアクセスできます。{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack プロ版は、ぴったりのデザインを見つけるためだけのものではありません。また、専門家からなるグローバルチームから優先サポートも受けられるので安心できます。{{/p}}"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["スパムフィルターと優先サポート。"],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["広告を有効にすると、Jetpack はご利用のサイト用に作成されたカスタムの ads.txt を自動生成します。"],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line.":["Jetpack はご利用のサイト用に作成されたカスタムの {{link}}ads.txt{{/link}} を自動生成します。他のネットワークの追加エントリーが必要な場合、下記のスペースに1行に1つずつ追加してください。"],"Custom ads.txt entries":["カスタム ads.txt エントリー"],"{{p}}To create a beautiful site that looks and works exactly how you want it to, Jetpack Professional gives you unlimited access to over 200 premium WordPress themes.{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack Professional is about more than just finding the perfect design. It's also about total peace of mind: real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, and priority support from our global team of experts guarantee that your site will always be safe and secure.{{/p}}":["{{p}}望み通りの見た目と機能を持つ美しいサイトを作成するため、Jetpack プロ版では、200を超える WordPress プレミアムテーマに無制限にアクセスできます。{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack プロ版は、ぴったりのデザインを検索するためだけのものではありません。安心感を与えるものでもあるのです。リアルタイムバックアップ、自動マルウェアスキャン、および専門家のグローバルチームからの優先サポートは、サイトが常に安全に保護されることを保証します。{{/p}}"],"Introducing Premium Themes":["プレミアムテーマの導入"]," Premium Themes":["プレミアムテーマ"],"Privacy information":["プライバシーに関する情報"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["画像の遅延読み込みを有効にする"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["画像の遅延読み込みによって、サイトの速度が向上し、よりスムーズな閲覧エクスペリエンスが実現します。画像は、まとめてではなく、訪問者が画面をスクロールダウンすると読み込まれます。"],"Performance & speed":["パフォーマンスおよびスピード"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["広告非表示の高速動画プレーヤーを有効にする"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["公開するコンテンツを高解像度の動画でより魅力的にします。Jetpack 動画を使用すると、メディアプレーヤーをカスタマイズし、広告非表示の、高速でブランド名の付けられていない動画を訪問者に配信できます。動画は サーバーでホストされるため、ホスティングプランからスペースが消費されることはありません。"],"Video":["動画"],"Carousel color scheme":["カルーセルの配色"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif データは、写真の焦点距離、絞り、ISO などの他の技術的な情報を閲覧者に表示します。"],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["写真の Exif メタデータが存在する場合カルーセルに表示する"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["画像を全画面のカルーセルギャラリーで表示する"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["投稿やページにある画像の全画面カルーセルスライドショーを作成します。カルーセルギャラリーはモバイルに対応しており、サイト訪問者が写真を操作するよう促します。"],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar and streamlines your WordPress experience. It offers one-click access to manage all your sites, update your profile, view notifications, and catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":[" ツールバーはデフォルトの WordPress 管理ツールバーに置き換えられ、WordPress が使いやすくなります。すべてのサイトを管理し、 プロファイルを更新し、通知を表示し、Reader でフォローしているサイトをチェックするためのワンクリックアクセスを提供します。"],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["ポートフォリオショートコード: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["サイトの{{portfolioLink}}ポートフォリオ{{/portfolioLink}}を使用して、最高傑作を表示します。テーマが Jetpack ポートフォリオをサポートしていない場合は、引き続きシンプルなショートコードを使用してサイトに表示することができます。"],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["推薦文のショートコード: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["サイトに{{testimonialLink}}推薦文{{/testimonialLink}}を追加して、新規顧客を引き付けます。テーマが Jetpack 推薦文をサポートしていない場合は、引き続きシンプルなショートコードを使用してサイトに表示することができます。"],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["検索エンジンでは現在サイトにアクセスできません。サイトにアクセスできるようにするには、{{a}}表示設定{{/a}}を確認して、「検索エンジンでの表示」を有効にします。"],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["嬉しいお知らせ:Jetpack は、インデックス用にすべての主要な検索エンジンに対して自動的にサイトマップを送信しています。"],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["サイトマップは、Google または Bing などの検索エンジンがサイトをインデックスするのに使用するファイルです。検索結果のランキングを上げるのに役立ちます。この機能を有効にすると、Jetpack はサイトマップを作成し、サイトのコンテンツが変更されると自動的に更新します。"],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["カスタマイザーにある関連記事を設定する"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["見出し付きの関連記事をハイライト表示する"],"View security scan details":["セキュリティスキャンの詳細を表示"],"View backup history":["バックアップ履歴を表示"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["使用可能な場合はサムネイル画像を表示します"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["特定の Jetpack 機能によるデータの使用方法とアクティビティの追跡方法の詳細については、{{privacyCenterLink}}プライバシーセンター{{/privacyCenterLink}}を参照してください。"],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["サードパーティのものを含め、他の追跡ツールを使用します。それらについての{{cookiePolicyLink}}詳細{{/cookiePolicyLink}}と設定方法についてお読みください。"],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["この情報は、製品を改善し、マーケティングをより関連性の高いものとし、 の利用をパーソナライズするのに役立ちます。さらに詳しくは、{{pp}}個人情報保護方針{{/pp}}をご覧ください。"],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[" アカウントへのログイン中のサービス利用の情報を分析ツールと共有してください。{{cookiePolicyLink}}さらに詳しく{{/cookiePolicyLink}}。"],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって管理されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって有効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。{{link}}さらに詳しく{{/link}}。"],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["この機能はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。"],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s はサイト管理者によって無効化されています。"],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["広告ウィジェットを使用して、さらに広告を追加できます。{{link}}お試しください !{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["通知の設定を構成"],"Monitor your site's downtime":["サイトの稼働率をモニター"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["WordPress に組み込まれた検索機能の代わりに、強力な Jetpack 検索を使用できます。"],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["サイトのファイルが定期的にスキャンされて、セキュリティやデータを侵害する可能性がある不正な変更や疑わしい変更の有無が調べられます。"],"Plugin needs updating.":["プラグインの更新が必要です。"],"%(number)s":["%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack のプラグイン更新を使用して、自動的に更新するプラグインを選択できます。"],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack が画像を最適化し、訪問者に最も近いところにあるから画像を提供します。 のグローバルコンテンツ配信ネットワークを使用すると、サイトの読み込み速度が向上します。"],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpack のダウンタイムモニターはサイトを継続的に監視し、ダウンした場合すぐにアラートを送ります。"],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack のバックアップを使用すると、特定の時点のバックアップを簡単に復元またはダウンロードできます。"],"Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam.":["Akismet はコメントとお問い合わせフォームの送信を、スパムのグローバルデータベースに照らし合わせてチェックします。"],"Privacy Information":["プライバシーに関する情報"],"VideoPress allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on, rather than on your host’s servers. You can then insert these on your self-hosted Jetpack site. ":["VideoPress を利用すると、自分のホストのサーバーではなく、 でホスティングされるコンピューターから動画をアップロードできます。その後、インストール型の Jetpack サイトに挿入できます。"],"Add the Search (Jetpack) widget to your sidebar":["検索 (Jetpack) ウィジェットをサイドバーに追加"],"Give your visitor's a great search experience by letting them filter and sort fast, relevant search results.":["すばやく関連性の高い検索結果を得られるように、フィルターとソートができる優れた検索体験を訪問者に提供しましょう。"],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["モバイル端末の訪問者に表示される、軽量なモバイル対応テーマを有効にします。"],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["ページの末尾に近づいたら、次の投稿を自動的に読み込みます。"],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["特殊なアドレスにメールを送信することにより、新しい投稿を公開できるようにします。"],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Markdown 構文を使用して、コンテンツにリンク、リスト、その他のスタイルを構成可能にします。"],"Checks your content for correct grammar and spelling, misused words, and style while you write.":["書き込み中にコンテンツの文法、スペル、語句の誤用、スタイルをチェックします。"],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["WordPress サイトと様々なサービスを検証するために必要な隠しタグを提供します。"],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["訪問者や、人気の投稿とページなど、サイトアクティビティの情報を表示します。"],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["サイトとコンテンツが検索エンジンで最善の結果を得られるようにするため最適化できるようにします。"],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["WordPress サイトを、トラフィック、訪問者、変換に対する統計概要を提供するプラットフォームである Google Analytics と統合します。"],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["サイトに高品質の広告を表示し、収益を得られるようにします。"],"Adds sharing buttons to your content so that visitors can share it on social media sites.":["コンテンツに共有ボタンを追加し、訪問者がソーシャルメディアサイトで共有できるようにします。"],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["最新のコンテンツを Facebook や Twitter などのソーシャルメディアサイトで自動共有できるようにします。"],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["コンテンツに「いいね」ボタンを追加し、訪問者が評価を表示できるようにします。"],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["登録ユーザーが アカウントを使ってサイトにログインできるようにします。"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["総当たりログイン攻撃 (典型的、分散型の両方) からサイトを保護します。"],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["サイトをグローバル サーバーにバックアップし、緊急時やエラー発生時にコンテンツを復元できるようにします。"],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["コメントやお問合せフォームからスパムを削除します。"],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["あなたのプライバシーとセキュリティの保護をお約束します。"],"View all Jetpack plans":["Jetpack プランをすべて表示"],"Manage your plan":["プランの管理"],"Your Plan":["自分のプラン"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["現在 Jetpack %(plan)s をご利用になっています。"],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["読者が投稿やコメントを購読し、新しいコンテンツの通知メールを受け取れるようにします。"],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["標準 WordPress コメントフォームを、ソーシャルメディアログインオプションを組み込んだ新しいコメントシステムに切り替えます。"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["Jetpack 検索を{{a}}有効化{{/a}}することで、WordPress の組み込み検索機能を高度な検索エクスペリエンスで置き換えられます。"],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["検索 (Jetpack) ウィジェットを追加"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack 検索はサイトの検索を強化します。"],"Manage your plugins":["プラグインの管理"],"Moderate comments":["コメントを承認"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["プライバシー設定の更新中にエラーが発生しました。%(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["プライバシー設定を更新しました。"],"Updating privacy settings…":["プライバシー設定の更新中..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack 検索ウィジェットを追加"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Jetpack 検索ウィジェットをサイドバーに追加して、並べ替えとフィルターを設定します。"],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["フルセキュリティスイート、マーケティングと収益の自動化ツール、無制限動画ホスティング、テーマ無制限利用、高度な検索、優先サポート。"],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["フルセキュリティスイート、マーケティングと収益の自動化ツール、無制限動画ホスティング、優先サポート。"],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["日次バックアップ、スパムフィルター、優先サポート。"],"Always-on Security":["常時有効なセキュリティ"],"Activate video hosting":["動画ホスティングを有効化"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["サイトのすべてのデータの容量無制限でのリアルタイムバックアップ、ワンクリック復元、自動的なセキュリティスキャン、優先サポート。"],"Design the perfect website":["パーフェクトなサイトをデザイン"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack を設定"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["サイトのすべてのデータの容量無制限でのリアルタイムバックアップ、ワンクリック復元、自動的なセキュリティスキャン。"],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack 検索"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack バージョン %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["サイトのバックアップがリアルタイムで実行され、セキュリティの脅威がないかどうかを確認するサイトのスキャンが定期的に実行されます。"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["容量無制限でサイトのすべてのデータを毎日バックアップでき、ワンクリックで復元できます。"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["容量無制限でサイトのすべてのデータをリアルタイムにバックアップでき、ワンクリックで復元できます。また、自動セキュリティスキャンやワンクリックの脅威解決も含まれます。"],"View your security activity":["セキュリティアクティビティを表示"]," (powered by VaultPress).":["(Powered by VaultPress)。"],"Customize Search Widget":["検索ウィジェットのカスタマイズ"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["下記の問題を解決してから、もう一度お試しください。"],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["このサイトにセキュリティ面での脅威がないよう監視しています。問題を検出した場合は通知します。"],"Your site is being backed up in real-time.":["サイトをリアルタイムでバックアップしています。"],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack バージョン"],"{{a}}View your site's activity{{/a}} in a single feed.":["ひとつのフィードで{{a}}サイトのアクティビティをまとめて表示{{/a}}できます。"],"Activity":["アクティビティ"],"Confirm each new phrase you add by pressing enter.":["Enter キーを押して、新しい各フレーズの追加を確定します。"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}詳細を表示{{/a}}"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Professional. Jetpack is now backing up your content in real-time, indexing your content for search, scanning for security threats, and granting access to premium themes.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます。コンテンツのリアルタイムバックアップ、セキュリティ脅威のスキャン、プレミアムテーマのご利用が可能になりました。"],"With Jetpack Professional, you can create the perfect site with one of over 300 professionally-designed WordPress themes, including more than 200 premium themes. Customize your content with a variety of widgets, or add unlimited videos to your posts and pages -- displayed free of ads or watermarks.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルでは、200以上のプレミアムデータをはじめとする、300以上のプロフェッショナルなデザインの WordPress テーマを利用して、素晴らしいサイトを作成できます。さまざまなウィジェットでコンテンツをカスタマイズしたり、広告やウォーターマークのない無制限の動画を投稿やページに追加したりすることができます。"],"Growing your following is easy with your Professional plan, thanks to content sharing and scheduling, SEO tools, and built-in subscription options. You can monetize your site with a Simple Payments button and in-line ads, and monitor the success of your efforts by integrating with Google Analytics.":["プロフェッショナルプランなら、コンテンツ共有と予約機能、SEO ツール、ビルトインのサブスクリプションオプションでフォロワーを簡単に増やすことができます。シンプルペイメントボタンとインライン広告でサイトを収益化し、Google Analytics を組み込んでサイトの効果を監視しませんか。"],"Your Jetpack plan gives you everything you need to keep your hard work safe, including on-demand backups and malware scans with one-click restores and issue resolution. Your site will be fully protected against spam, malicious code, and brute force login attempts.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルプランには、オンデマンドバックアップ、マルウェアスキャン、ワンクリック復元、問題解決など、サイトを安全に保護するために必要なすべての機能が揃っています。スパム、悪意のあるコード、ログインを試みる総当たり攻撃から、サイトを安全に保護します。"],"Start exploring Jetpack Professional now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Jetpack プロフェッショナルを今すぐご利用になり、新しいプランのメリットを体験してください。"],"Install premium themes":["プレミアムテーマをインストール"],"Review SEO features":["SEO 機能をレビュー"],"Welcome Professional":["プロフェッショナルプランへようこそ"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Premium. Jetpack is now backing up your site, scanning for security threats, and enabling monetization features.":["Jetpack プレミアムプランをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます。Jetpack はサイトをバックアップし、セキュリティの脅威をスキャンし、収益化を実現します。"],"With Jetpack Premium, you can create the perfect site, no matter its purpose. Customize your site’s appearance with one of more than 100 free themes, or enhance your content with unlimited HD video -- all hosted free of ads or watermarks.":["Jetpack プレミアムでは、どのような目的のサイトの構築にも対応できます。100以上の無料テーマを使ってサイトの外観をカスタマイズし、最大13 GB までの HD 動画でコンテンツを拡張できます。すべての HD 動画には、広告や透かし模様が入りません。"],"Using Jetpack’s powerful sharing tools, you can automatically share your newest posts on social media, or schedule your content to be re-shared at any date or time you choose. And along with growing your following, you can grow your business with tools like payment buttons and ads.":["Jetpack のパワフルな共有ツールを使って、ソーシャルメディアで最新の投稿を自動的に共有し、コンテンツを再共有する日時を自由に設定することができます。フォロワーの増加に伴い、支払いボタンや広告などのツールを利用してビジネスを拡大できます。"],"Start exploring Jetpack Premium now to see all the benefits of your new plan.":["Jetpack プレミアムを今すぐご利用になり、新しいプランのメリットを体験してください。"],"Monetize your site with ads":["広告でサイトを収益化する"],"Welcome Premium":["プレミアムプランへようこそ"],"Thanks for choosing Jetpack Personal. Jetpack is now backing up your site and scanning for security threats.":["Jetpack パーソナルプランをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます。Jetpack はサイトの内容をバックアップし、セキュリティの脅威をスキャンします。"],"With Jetpack Personal, you have access to more than 100 free, professionally-designed WordPress themes. Choose the theme that best fits your site and customize colors, images, or add a variety of new widgets.":["Jetpack パーソナルでは、100以上のプロフェッショナルなデザインの WordPress テーマをご利用いただけます。サイトに合うテーマを選び、色や画像をカスタマイズしたり、新しいウィジェットを追加したりできます。"],"Got it":["OK"],"Welcome personal":["パーソナルプランへようこそ"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["下のボタンをクリックすると、{{tosLink}}利用規約{{/tosLink}}および と{{shareDetailsLink}}詳細情報を共有する{{/shareDetailsLink}}ことに同意したものとみなされます。"],"Jetpack Stats People":["人に関する Jetpack の統計情報"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["こんにちは !お客様のサイトが有効化されました。"],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["ここに表示するデータを収集するまでの間、少々お待ちください。"],"Okay, got it!":["完了しました !"],"Display ads below posts on":["投稿の下に広告を表示"],"Additional ad placements":["追加広告の表示場所"],"Top of each page":["各ページの上部に表示"],"Second ad below post":["2番目の広告を投稿の下に表示"],"Archives":["アーカイブ"],"Explore Professional":["プロ版について詳しく読む"],"Compare All Plans":["すべてのプランを比較"],"Person with laptop":["ラップトップユーザー"],"Your Jetpack site is ready to go!":["Jetpack サイトの準備ができました !"],"Stars":["星"],"Jupiter":["木星"],"Welcome to Jetpack Personal":["Jetpack パーソナルプランへようこそ"],"Welcome to Jetpack Premium":["Jetpack プレミアムプランへようこそ"],"Welcome to Jetpack Professional":["Jetpack プロ版へようこそ"],"Schedule posts":["投稿を予約"],"Activate Publicize":["パブリサイズを有効にする"],"Your site is backed up.":["サイトはバックアップ済みです。"],"Image Performance":["画像のパフォーマンス"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["すべての端末に WordPress アプリを"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["ひとつのダッシュボードからすべてのサイトを管理できます。コンテンツの公開、統計情報の追跡、コメントの承認など、さまざまな操作を世界中のどこからでも実行できます。"],"I already use this app.":["すでにこのアプリを利用中です。"],"Create address":["アドレスを作成"],"Priority support":["優先サポート"],"Add sharing buttons to your posts":["投稿に共有ボタンを追加"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["投稿をソーシャルネットワークに自動共有"],"Updating settings…":["設定を更新中..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["メール投稿のアドレスを更新中..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["現在ご利用の有料プランでは、Jetpack 優先サポートにアクセスできます。"],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["バックアップに対するお支払いが完了していますが、まだ有効化されていません。"],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["バックアップとセキュリティスキャンに対するお支払いが完了していますが、まだ有効化されていません。"],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["「セットアップ」をクリックしてインストールを完了してください。"],"Checking site status…":["サイトのステータスを確認中…"],"Pages":["固定ページ"],"We're here to help":["サポートスタッフがお答えします"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack にはすべてのユーザーが利用できる無料の基本サポートが付いています。"],"Ask a question":["質問する"],"Search our support site":["サポートサイトを検索"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["問題に対して優先サポートを受ける。"],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["広告非表示の高速高品質動画をホスト。"],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["高品質な広告で収益を得ましょう。"],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["リアルタイムのサイトバックアップと、セキュリティの脅威に対する自動解決。"],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["データロス、マルウェア、悪意のある攻撃から保護。"],"Integrate easily with Google Analytics.":["Google アナリティクスと簡単に統合。"],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["SEO ツールを使って、コンテンツが発見・共有されやすくなる手助けをしましょう。"],"Protect your site from spam.":["サイトをスパムから保護。"],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["このサイトは に接続していません。サイト管理者に接続を依頼してください。"],"Spam filtering":["スパムのフィルタリング処理"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["毎日、マルウェアを自動スキャン"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["毎日の自動バックアップ (容量無制限)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["毎日、マルウェアを自動スキャンして自動修復"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["高速で容量無制限の動画ホスティング"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO プレビューツール"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["サイト統計情報、関連コンテンツ、共有ツール"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["総当たり攻撃に対する防御とダウンタイム監視"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["高速画像を容量無制限でホスティング"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["%(siteName)s を から切断すると、以下が利用ができなくなります。"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Jetpack のメリットについて詳しく読む"],"An Automattic Airline":["Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["サイト接続の管理"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["アカウントを に接続してさらに統計情報を表示"],"Theme enhancements":["テーマの拡張"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["デフォルトのテーマ動作を使用して投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["ボタンを使ってページの投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["読者のスクロールに合わせて投稿をさらに読み込む"],"Theme support required.":["テーマのサポートが必要です。"],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["テーマに Infinite Scroll のサポートを追加することについて詳しく読む。"],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["ホームページとアーカイブページに投稿の全文ではなく抜粋を使用"],"Show featured images":["アイキャッチ画像を表示"],"Enable the toolbar":[" ツールバーを有効化"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["管理者が有効化すると、使用できる作成ツールがここに表示されます。"],"Portfolios":["ポートフォリオ"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. 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You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["広告やブランディングのない動画をサイトにアップロードする最も簡単な方法です。動画の再生と共有に関する統計情報を取得でき、プレーヤーは軽量・レスポンシブ対応です。"],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["ステージングサーバーで Jetpack を実行中です。"],"More Info":["詳しい情報"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}「共有」モジュール設定で「いいね」の表示状態を管理{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["現在の IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. 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