Jetpack by - Version 7.5.2

Version Description

  • Release date: July 4, 2019
  • Release post:

Bug fixes

  • General: Fixes an error when a site's connection to is set to "Safe Mode".
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Release Info

Developer jeherve
Plugin Icon 128x128 Jetpack by
Version 7.5.2
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Code changes from version 7.5 to 7.5.2

class.jetpack-idc.php CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  use Automattic\Jetpack\Assets;
- use Automattic\Jetpack\Logo as Jetpack_Logo;
  * This class will handle everything involved with fixing an Identity Crisis.
  use Automattic\Jetpack\Assets;
+ use Automattic\Jetpack\Assets\Logo as Jetpack_Logo;
  * This class will handle everything involved with fixing an Identity Crisis.
jetpack.php CHANGED
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
- * Version: 7.5
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
  define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '5.1' );
- define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION', '5.3.2' );
- define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '7.5' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
  * Plugin URI:
  * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
  * Author: Automattic
+ * Version: 7.5.2
  * Author URI:
  * License: GPL2+
  * Text Domain: jetpack
  define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '5.1' );
+ define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION', '5.6' );
+ define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '7.5.2' );
  define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
  define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
languages/json/jetpack-de_DE-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":[""],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":[""],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":[""],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":[""],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":[""],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":[""],"Scan":[""],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Verbinde mit Jetpack Premium oder Professional deine Website in wenigen Sekunden mit Google Analytics."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Bei der mobilen WordPress-App anmelden"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Melde dich mühelos bei der an, indem du auf den Link klickst, den wir an die E-Mail-Adresse deines Kontos versenden."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Ich möchte einen Link zur Anmeldung bei der App"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Sende deine neuen Beiträge an diese E-Mail-Adresse:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Per E-Mail bloggen ist eine schnelle Methode zur Veröffentlichung neuer Beiträge, ohne deine Website aufzurufen. Wir erstellen dir eine einmalige E-Mail-Adresse, an die du deine Inhalte senden kannst. Diese Inhalte werden auf deiner Website wie alle anderen Beiträge auch angezeigt."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Die ersetzt die standardmäßige WordPress-Admin-Toolbar. Per Ein-Klick-Zugriff kannst du hiermit auf Benachrichtigungen, dein und deine anderen Jetpack- und zugreifen. Außerdem kannst du mithilfe des Readers die Websites im Blick behalten, denen du folgst."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Bestätige deine Inhaberschaft der Website mit Diensten von Drittanbietern"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Erzeuge Kurzlinks für einfacheres Teilen von Inhalten."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Erhalte mit relevanten Inhalten unter jedem Beitrag das Interesse der Besucher an deinem Blog. Diese Einstellungen werden nicht für {{a}}ähnliche Beiträge übernommen, die mithilfe des Block-Editors hinzugefügt wurden{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Die Funktion hilft Besuchern dabei, mehr deiner Inhalte zu finden, indem unter jedem Beitrag ähnliche Beiträge angezeigt werden."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack generiert automatisch eine individuelle {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}}-Datei speziell für deine Website. Wenn du zusätzliche Einträge für andere Netzwerke hinzufügen musst, dann gib diese bitte unten in jeweils einer eigenen Zeile an. {{link2}}Hier findest du mehr Details hierzu{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten hinzu"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Teile deine Inhalte in sozialen Medien, um ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Erhalte Benachrichtigungen, wenn deine Website ausfällt. Wenn sie wieder erreichbar ist, lassen wir dich dies ebenfalls wissen."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Mit Jetpack hast du die Option, dass deine Plugins bei jedem neuen Plugin-Release automatisch aktualisiert werden. Du erhältst umgehend die neuesten Behebungen von Sicherheitsproblemen und Fehlern, sodass deine Website immer geschützt ist."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Welche Plugins sollen automatisch aktualisiert werden?"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Jetzt Jetpack-Upgrade durchführen"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Verdiene mit deiner Website Geld mithilfe hochwertiger Werbeanzeigen."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Erstelle einen individuellen Zeitplan für die Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen in sozialen Medien."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Erreiche eine größere Zielgruppe mit professionellen SEO-Tools."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Löse Probleme schnell dank vorrangigem Support."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Profitiere von automatisierten Backups."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Mache mit deiner Website den nächsten Schritt!"],"Search support docs":["Durchsuche die Support-Dokumentation"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Brauchst du Hilfe? Erfahre, wie du den Einstieg schaffst, deine Website individuell anpasst, anspruchsvollere Codeausschnitte nutzt und mehr."],"Start sharing":["Beginne zu teilen"],"Optimized performance":["Optimierte Performance"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktiviere die Option „Kommentare abonnieren“ in deinem Kommentarformular"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktiviere die Option „Website abonnieren“ in deinem Kommentarformular"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Verwalte erweiterte Kommentareinstellungen und vergrößere deine Zielgruppe mit E-Mail-Abonnements."],"Comment form introduction":["Einführung von Kommentarformularen"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-Spam von Akismet Deine Kommentare und übermittelten Kontaktformulare werden anhand unserer globalen Spam-Datenbank überprüft."],"Failed to send login email":["Versenden von Anmelde-E-Mail fehlgeschlagen"],"Login email sent":["Anmelde-E-Mail gesendet"],"Sending login email…":["Anmelde-E-Mail wird gesendet ..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Persönlich"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Machst du dir Sorgen um die Sicherheit? Erhalte Backups, automatische Behebungen von Sicherheitslücken und mehr: {{a}}Jetzt aufrüsten{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Erlaube deinen Lesern, individuelle Kommentare positiv zu bewerten."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktiviere dazu Kommentar-Likes."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Erlaube deinen Lesern, Markdown in Kommentaren zu verwenden."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Zeige neben den Kommentaren Gravatar-Hovercards an."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Einrichtung von Jetpack abschließen"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Einrichtung von Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Einrichtungscheckliste ansehen"],"About Jetpack":["Über Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktiviere Steuerelemente zur Sichtbarkeit von Widgets, damit diese nur in bestimmten Beiträgen bzw. auf bestimmten Seiten angezeigt werden"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Mit den Einstellungen zur Sichtbarkeit von Widgets kannst du selbst entscheiden, welche Widgets auf deinen Seiten angezeigt werden – du kannst also Widget-Inhalte genau auf deine Bedürfnisse zuschneiden."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Stelle zusätzliche Widgets wie Abonnementformulare und Twitter-Streams auf deiner Website zur Verfügung"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["CSS-Anpassungsbereich optimieren"],"Writing":["Schreiben"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Verwende Shortcodes, um Medien von beliebten Websites einzubetten"],"Traffic":["Traffic"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Du musst deine Server-Anmeldedaten eingeben, um die Konfiguration von Backups und Scans abzuschließen."],"Awaiting credentials":["Warten auf Anmeldedaten"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Backups und Scans werden für deine Website konfiguriert."],"Provisioning":["Bereitstellung"],"Action needed":["Aktion erforderlich"],"Setting up":["Einrichtung"],"Discussion":["Diskussionen"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Wir konfigurieren gerade deinen Websiteschutz."],"View your site's backups":["Backups deiner Website anzeigen"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Wir sichern deine Website mit Backups!"],"Enter credentials":["Anmeldedaten eingeben"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Du musst deine Server-Anmeldedaten eingeben, um die Einrichtung abzuschließen."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Wir konfigurieren gerade die Backups deiner Website."],"View site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack zeichnet alles auf, was auf deiner Website passiert. Du hast damit die Verwaltung, Fehlerbehebung und die Wartung deiner Website stets unter Kontrolle."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Business-Tarif"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium-Tarif"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Free-Tarif"],"Support documentation":["Support-Dokumentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Chat-Sprechblasen, welche die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Support darstellen"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Erreiche ein breiteres Publikum, indem du deine Beiträge automatisch in Social Media teilst."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Steigere den Traffic zu deiner Website"],"Explore free themes":["Erkunde kostenlose Themes"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Erhalte unbegrenzten Zugriff auf Hunderte professioneller Themes und passe deine Website nach deinen Wünschen an."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Eine breite Auswahl an Themes und Tools zur Anpassung einer Website"],"Set up your site security":["Richte deine Websitesicherheit ein"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Verhindere Anmeldeangriffe und erhalte bei einem Problem mit deiner Website sofort Benachrichtigungen."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Website-Statistiken, die eine Steigerung des Traffic und der Interaktionen anzeigen"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Eine Hand mit einer Lupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Ein Diagramm, das eine deutliche Steigerung der Einnahmen anzeigt"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Benutzeroberfläche, die eine chronologische Liste der Änderungen und Aktualisierungen auf einer Website anzeigt"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Eine Wolke, um die mehrere Arten von Inhalten schweben"],"A folder holding real comments":["Ein Ordner mit echten Kommentaren"],"Make your site faster":["Mache deine Website schneller"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem deine Bilder über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitgestellt werden."],"A fast and performant website":["Eine schnelle und leistungsfähige Website"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Eine sichere Website, die von Jetpack gesperrt und geschützt wird"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Bestehende Beiträge, Seite, Referenzen und Portfolios duplizieren. Dabei werden alle Inhalte kopiert, einschließlich Text, Beitragsbilder, Teilen-Einstellungen usw.."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Diese Website kann nicht mit verknüpft werden, weil sie unsere {{a}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/a}} verletzt."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Verbinde deine Website mit den von dir verwendeten Social Media-Netzwerken und teile deine Inhalte mit einem einzigen Klick in allen deinen Social Media-Konten. Wenn du einen Beitrag veröffentlichst, wird er in allen verbundenen Konten angezeigt."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten Like-Buttons hinzu"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Erlaube es deinen Besuchern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Inhalte gefallen."],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack unterstützt deine Website. Um jedoch auf alle Funktionen zugreifen zu können, musst du ein Konto erstellen."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatisierte Backups in Echtzeit (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Verfasse Inhalte auf deine Art und optimiere das Veröffentlichen."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ergänze das Portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Füge eine Referenz hinzu"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit deiner Website in Suchmaschinen und sieh dir Traffic-Statistiken in Echtzeit an."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um diese Funktion zu nutzen"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website kontinuierlich und warnt dich, sobald Ausfallzeiten erkannt werden."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Mit dem Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt noch schneller!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird aktiviert …"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Ohne den Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt leider nicht mehr schneller."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird deaktiviert …"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Lasse Seiten schneller laden, optimiere Bilder und biete deinen Besuchern eine schnellere Nutzererfahrung."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Ergänze die mit Googles umfassendem Einblick in das Verhalten deiner Besucher und das Traffic-Aufkommen."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Schnelles Videohosting in HD ohne Werbeanzeigen von Dritten."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Plane beliebig viele Tweets, Facebook-Beiträge und andere Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken im Voraus."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketingautomatisierung"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche aktivieren"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersetze die standardmäßige WordPress-Suche und erhalte bessere Ergebnisse mit individuellen Filteroptionen, bereitgestellt von Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Geld verdienen"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["Mit WordAds kannst du durch Anzeigen von Werbeinhalten Geld verdienen. Beginne noch heute damit, Geld zu verdienen."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam wird automatisch in Kommentaren blockiert."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium-Themes durchsuchen"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Greife auf Hunderte von wunderschönen Premium-Themes zu, die dich keinen Cent extra kosten."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium-Theme testen"],"View settings":["Einstellungen anzeigen"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um deine E-Mail-Follower zu sehen"],"Manage security settings":["Sicherheitseinstellungen verwalten"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack ist bereit für den neuen WordPress-Editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Heute stellen wir die ersten Blöcke für Jetpack vor, die speziell für den neuen Editor entwickelt wurden: Button für Einfaches Bezahlen, Formular, Karte und Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Erstelle deine Jetpack-Website mit Blöcken"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ein neuer Editor? Ja! {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Die bekannten Funktionen, angepasst an den neuen WordPress-Editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Zum neuen Editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Fehler beim Testen von Jetpack. Fehler: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Neu in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Ladezeiten von statischen Dateien verkürzen"],"Speed up image load times":["Ladezeiten von Bildern verkürzen"],"Enable site accelerator":["Website-Beschleuniger aktivieren"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem du Jetpack erlaubst, deine Bilder zu optimieren und deine Bilder und statischen Dateien (wie CSS und JavaScript) über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitzustellen."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sieh dir eine chronologische Liste aller Änderungen und Updates an deiner Website an."],"Manually Verify ":["Manuell verifizieren "],"Verify with Google":["Mit Google verifizieren"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google wird dich per E-Mail über bestimmte Vorkommnisse auf deiner Website informieren. Dazu gehören auch Anzeichen, dass deine Website {{a1}}gehackt{{/a1}} wurde, sowie Probleme beim {{a2}}Crawlen oder Indexieren{{/a2}} deiner Website."],"or":["oder"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Überwache den Traffic und die Performance deiner Website in der {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Deine Website wird mit Google verifiziert"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Website konnte nicht verifiziert werden: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifizierung läuft…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Erhalte mit Jetpack Professional schnellere, erweiterte Suchfunktionen."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersetze die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine erweiterte Suchfunktion"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Die Jetpack Suche ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, die in der gehostet wird. Das Ergebnis: Deine Benutzer finden die gewünschten Inhalte noch schneller."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Die integrierte WordPress-Suche ist besonders für Websites ohne viele Inhalte geeignet. Wenn deine Website jedoch größer wird, wird die Suche langsamer und gibt weniger relevante Ergebnisse zurück."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Die Jetpack-Suche unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen."],"Site is verified":["Website wurde verifiziert"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Wenn Werbung aktiviert ist, generiert Jetpack automatisch eine individuelle ads.txt-Datei für deine Website."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Individuelle ads.txt-Einträge"],"Privacy information":["Datenschutz"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktiviere verzögertes Laden von Bildern"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Durch das verzögerte Laden von Bildern kannst du die Geschwindigkeit deiner Website und die Anzeigequalität verbessern. Bilder werden nicht alle auf einmal geladen, sondern erst, wenn Besucher auf der Seite herunterscrollen."],"Performance & speed":["Performance und Geschwindigkeit"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktiviere den schnellen und werbefreien Videoplayer"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gestalte deine veröffentlichten Inhalte mit einem hochauflösenden Video noch ansprechender. Mit Jetpack Video kannst du deinen Media Player anpassen und deinen Besuchern schnelle und werbefreie Videos ohne Branding bereitstellen. Videos werden auf unseren gehostet und benötigen keinen Speicherplatz von deinem Hosting-Tarif!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karussell-Farbschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-Daten zeigen Besuchern zusätzliche technische Details eines Fotos, wie z. B. Brennweite, Öffnung und ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Zeige Exif-Metadaten eines Fotos in Karussell an (falls verfügbar)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Präsentiere Bilder in einer Vollbild-Karussell-Galerie"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Erstelle Vollbild-Karussell-Diashows für die Bilder in deinen Beiträgen und auf deinen Seiten. Karussell-Galerien sind mobilfreundlich und animieren Website-Besucher, sich deine Fotos anzusehen."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode der Portfolios: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Nutze {{portfolioLink}}Portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} auf deiner Website, um deine beste Arbeit zu präsentieren. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Portfolios unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode der Referenzen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Füge {{testimonialLink}}Referenzen{{/testimonialLink}} zu deiner Website hinzu, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Referenzen unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Wenn du dies ändern möchtest, überprüfe deine {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} und aktiviere „Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschine“."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Gute Nachrichten: Jetpack sendet deine Sitemap automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps sind Dateien, die Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Bing verwenden, um deine Website zu indizieren. Sie können helfen, dein Ranking in den Suchergebnissen zu verbessern. Wenn du diese Funktion aktivierst, erstellt Jetpack Sitemaps für dich und aktualisiert sie automatisch, wenn sich die Inhalte deiner Website ändern."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Ähnliche Inhalte mit einer Überschrift hervorheben"],"View security scan details":["Details des Sicherheits-Scans anzeigen"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Zeige ein Vorschaubild, sofern verfügbar"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Weitere Informationen dazu, wie bestimmte Jetpack-Funktionen Daten nutzen und Aktivitäten verfolgen, findest du in unserem {{privacyCenterLink}}Datenschutzzentrum{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Wir verwenden andere Werkzeuge zum Tracking, darunter auch welche von Drittanbietern. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Hier erhältst du weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}} und Tipps, wie du sie kontrollierst."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Diese Informationen helfen uns dabei, unsere Produkte zu verbessern, Marketing besser auf dich zuzuschneiden, deine Erfahrung mit zu personalisieren und mehr. Alles das kannst du auch in unserer {{pp}}Datenschutzerklärung{{/pp}} nachlesen."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Teile Informationen über deine Nutzung von Diensten mit unserem Analysewerkzeug, während du in deinem angemeldet bist. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wird von einem Website-Administrator verwaltet. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator aktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kannst weitere Anzeigen mit dem Ad-Widget hinzufügen. {{link}}Probiere es aus!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Deine Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Die Jetpack-Suche ist ein leistungsstarker Ersatz für die in WordPress integrierte Suchfunktion."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Die Dateien deiner Website werden regelmäßig nach nicht autorisierten oder verdächtigen Änderungen gescannt, die ein Risiko für deine Sicherheit und Daten darstellen könnten."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin muss aktualisiert werden.","Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Mit der Plugin-Update-Funktion von Jetpack kannst du auswählen, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimiert deine Bilder und stellt sie über den Server-Standort bereit, der am nächsten an deinen Website-Besuchern liegt. Unser globales Netzwerk für Content-Auslieferung verkürzt die Ladezeiten deiner Website."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Mit den Backups von Jetpack kannst du das Backup von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt bequem wiederherstellen oder herunterladen."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Ermöglicht ein schlankes, für Mobilgeräte geeignetes Theme, das Besuchern auf Mobilgeräten angezeigt wird."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Lädt die nächsten Beiträge automatisch, wenn der Leser das Ende der Seite erreicht."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Erlaubt dir, neue Beiträge zu veröffentlichen, indem du eine E-Mail an eine spezielle Adresse sendest."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Erlaubt dir, mithilfe der Markdown-Syntax Inhalte mit Links, Listen und anderen Stilen zu erstellen."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Stellt die erforderlichen ausgeblendeten Schlagwörter bereit, um deine WordPress-Website bei verschiedenen Diensten zu verifizieren."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Zeigt Informationen zu deinen Websiteaktivitäten an, etwa Besucher und beliebte Beiträge oder Seiten."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Erlaubt dir, deine Website und deren Inhalte zu optimieren, um in Suchmaschinen bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integriert deine WordPress-Website in Google Analytics, eine Plattform, die Einsichten zu deinem Traffic, deinen Besuchern und deinen Conversions bietet."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Zeigt hochwertige Anzeigen auf deiner Website an, mit denen du Geld verdienen kannst."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Erlaubt dir, deine neuesten Inhalte automatisch auf Social Media-Websites wie Facebook und Twitter zu teilen."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten Gefällt mir-Buttons hinzu, sodass Besucher zeigen können, wenn ihnen die Inhalte gefallen."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Erlaubt registrierten Nutzern, sich bei deiner Website mit ihren anzumelden."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Schützt deine Website vor herkömmlichen und verteilten Brute-Force-Anmeldeangriffen."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sichert deine Website auf den globalen, sodass du deine Inhalte wiederherstellen kannst, falls ein Notfall oder Fehler auftritt."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Entfernt Spam aus Kommentaren und Kontaktformularen."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Der Schutz und die Sicherheit deiner Daten sind uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Alle Jetpack-Tarife anzeigen"],"Manage your plan":["Deinen Tarif verwalten"],"Your Plan":["Dein Tarif"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du verwendest derzeit Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Erlaubt Lesern, deine Beiträge und Kommentare zu abonnieren und Benachrichtigungen über neue Inhalte per E-Mail zu erhalten."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersetzt das WordPress-Standardkommentarformular durch ein neues Kommentarsystem, das Social Media-Anmeldeoptionen enthält."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivieren{{/a}}, um die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine verbesserte Suchfunktion, zu ersetzen."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Such-Widget (Jetpack) hinzufügen"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Suche unterstützt die Suche auf deiner Website."],"Manage your plugins":["Plugins verwalten"],"Moderate comments":["Kommentare moderieren"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Datenschutzeinstellungen. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Datenschutzeinstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Datenschutzeinstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Suche-Widget hinzufügen"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Füge das Jetpack Suche-Widget zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu, um Sortier- und Filterfunktionen zu konfigurieren."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting, unbegrenzte Themes, verbesserte Suche und vorrangiger Support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting und vorrangiger Support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Tägliche Backups, Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Echtzeit-Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und vorrangigem Support"],"Design the perfect website":["Gestalte deine perfekte Website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack einrichten"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen und automatisierten Sicherheitsscans."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack-Version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Deine Website wird in Echtzeit gesichert und regelmäßig auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen überprüft."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung."],"View your security activity":["Sicherheitsaktivitäten anzeigen"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (Bereitgestellt von VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Such-Widget anpassen"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Korrigiere bitte das unten genannte Problem und versuche es noch einmal.","Korrigiere bitte die unten genannten Probleme und versuche es noch einmal."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Wir stellen sicher, dass deine Website frei von Sicherheitsbedrohungen bleibt. Wenn wir eine finden, werden wir dich benachrichtigen."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack-Version"],"Activity":["Aktivität"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details anzeigen{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Verdiene auf deiner Website Geld mit Werbung"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Wenn du auf den Button unten klickst, stimmst du unseren {{tosLink}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/tosLink}} und der {{shareDetailsLink}}Datenübermittlung{{/shareDetailsLink}} an zu."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Statistiken Personen"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Gib uns nur ein wenig Zeit, um Daten zu sammeln, damit wir diese hier für dich anzeigen können."],"Okay, got it!":["Alles klar, fertig!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Werbeanzeigen einblenden unter Inhalten auf"],"Additional ad placements":["Zusätzliche Werbeanzeigenplatzierungen"],"Top of each page":["Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":["Zweite Werbeanzeige unter Beitrag"],"Archives":["Archive"],"Stars":["Sterne"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Beiträge planen"],"Activate Publicize":["Publicize aktivieren"],"Your site is backed up.":["Deine Website ist gesichert."],"Image Performance":["Bilder-Perfomance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Sichere dir WordPress-Apps für alle Geräte"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Verwalte all deine Websites von einem einzigen Dashboard aus: Veröffentliche Inhalte, verfolge Statistiken, moderiere Kommentare und vieles mehr – wo auch immer du gerade bist."],"Create address":["Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":["Vorrangiger Support"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":["Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":["Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":["Seiten"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Rufe die vollständige Liste der Jetpack-Module auf, die auf deiner Website verfügbar sind."],"We're here to help":["Wir helfen gerne"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Für Jetpack gibt es kostenlosen Basis-Support für alle Benutzer."],"Ask a question":["Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":["Auf unserer Support-Website suchen"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Deine Support-Fragen werden schneller beantwortet."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Schnelle, qualitativ hochwertige, werbefreie Videos hosten."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Unbegrenztes Videohosting mit Hochgeschwindigkeit"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Website-Statistiken, ähnliche Inhalte und Werkzeuge zum Teilen"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Überwachung der Ausfallzeiten"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unbegrenztes schnelles Bildhosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":["Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":["Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":["Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Enable the toolbar":[" aktivieren"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["{{b}}Die Verifizierung deiner Website durch diese Dienste ist nicht erforderlich{{/b}}, damit deine Website von Suchmaschinen indiziert wird. Füge unten den HTML-Tag-Code ein, um diese erweiterten Suchmaschinenwerkzeuge zu nutzen und deine Website durch einen Dienst verifizieren zu lassen. Lies bei Problemen die {{support}}vollständige Anleitung{{/support}}. Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":["Erfasse Aufrufe von angemeldetem"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":["Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). Beispiel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Deine Website ist gesichert und weist keine Bedrohungen auf."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Spam-Schutz wird überprüft …"],"Fetching key…":["Schlüssel wird abgerufen …"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Deine Website benötigt einen Antispam-Schlüssel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Es ist ein Problem mit deinem Antispam-API-Schlüssel aufgetreten. {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist nicht gegen Spam geschützt."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Dein Antispam-Schlüssel ist gültig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist gegen Spam geschützt."],"Checking key…":["Schlüssel wird überprüft …"],"Your API key":["Dein API-Schlüssel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Wenn du noch keinen API-Schlüssel hast, dann {{a}}rufe hier deinen API-Schlüssel ab{{/a}}. Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":["Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":["Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Color scheme":["Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":["Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Einstellungen. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Aktuell im {{a}}Entwicklungsmodus{{/a}} (einige Funktionen sind deaktiviert), da:"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}in der URL deiner Website ein Punkt fehlt (z. B. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics ist ein kostenloser Dienst, der unsere {{a}}integrierten Statistiken{{/a}} um weitere Einsichten in deinen Traffic ergänzt. Die und Google Analytics nutzen unterschiedliche Methoden zum Identifizieren und Verfolgen der Aktivitäten auf deiner Website. Daher zeigen diese normalerweise leicht unterschiedliche Gesamtzahlen für deine Besuche, Aufrufe usw."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":["Lade die kostenlosen-Apps herunter"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Schwerpunkt des Upgrades: VideoPress für Hochzeiten"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Du kannst jetzt auch ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren. {{ExternalLink}}Probiere es aus!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Standardmäßig werden Werbeanzeigen am Ende jeder Seite oder jedes Beitrags sowie des ersten Artikels deiner Startseite angezeigt. Du kannst sie auch oben in deine Website und in beliebige Widget-Bereiche einfügen, um deine Einkünfte zu erhöhen!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Zeige eine Werbeeinheit oben auf deiner Website an."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Durch die Aktivierung von Werbeanzeigen stimmst du den Automattic-{{link}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/link}} für Werbeanzeigen zu."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfiguriere deine Monitor-Benachrichtigungseinstellungen auf{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Video Hosting":["Video-Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":["Weitere Informationen"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Deine aktuelle IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Configure your Security Scans":["Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"Subscriber":["Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[" \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[" Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Promo für WordPress Mobil-Apps in der Fußzeile des Mobil-Themes zeigen"],"Copied!":["Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresse erneut generieren"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":["Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Save Settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Site Backups":["Website-Backups"],"Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"View your spam stats":["Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"View your security dashboard":["Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Die Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus, deswegen kannst du dich nicht mit verbinden."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Verknüpfe dein Konto mit, um Jetpack optimal zu nutzen."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Protect aktivieren{{/a}}, um deine Website vor böswilligen Anmeldeversuchen zu schützen."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":["Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["%(number)s Bedrohung gefunden.","%(number)s Bedrohungen gefunden."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":["Wird geladen …"],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Weitere Statistiken auf ansehen {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ausführliche Statistiken ansehen{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":["Aufrufe insgesamt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Aufruf","%(number)s Aufrufe"],"Best overall day":["Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":["Aufrufe heute"],"Months":["Monate"],"Weeks":["Wochen"],"Days":["Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Woche von %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Website-Sicherheit"],"Link to":["Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":["Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":["Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Front page":["Startseite"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Related":["Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Media":["Mediathek"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":[""],"Site Stats":["Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":["Teilen"],"Testimonials":["Referenzen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass auf deine Website nicht öffentlich zugegriffen werden kann (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Auf deine Website muss öffentlich zugegriffen werden können, um Jetpack zu nutzen: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Connected":["Verbunden"],"Activate":["Aktivieren"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Learn More":["Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Teste, ob deine Website mit Jetpack kompatibel ist."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Link senden"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Automatisches Aktualisieren von Plugins"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-Spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widgets"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Kurzlinks"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privatsphäre-Einstellungen"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[""],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Erstellen"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Website-Statistiken"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Suchmaschinenoptimierung"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Teilen-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize-Verbindungen"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gefällt mir-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups und Sicherheits-Scans"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Über"],"Navigation item. Noun. 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Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Fehlersuche"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentare blockiert."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Füge Teilen-Buttons hinzu, damit Besucher deiner Websites deine Beiträge und Seiten mit nur wenigen Klicks in sozialen Medien teilen können."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Füge ein kleines Diagramm in deine Adminleiste mit einer Momentaufnahme deines Traffics innerhalb von 48 Stunden ein."],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Aktualisiere die Einstellungen, um festzulegen, wie Besuche gezählt werden, und verwalte, wer diese Informationen sehen kann."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Du kannst die Teilen-Buttons anpassen und wählen, welche Dienste angezeigt werden sollen."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Deine Website wird durch Jetpack geschützt. Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn du irgendetwas tun musst."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Finde Bedrohungen frühzeitig, sodass wir sie schnell ausschalten können."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Ersetze die Basissuche deiner Website durch eine individuelle Suchoption, mit der deine Besucher schneller Antworten auf ihre Fragen finden können."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Mach dir keine Sorgen, Inhalte auf deiner Website zu verlieren – durch automatische Backups werden sie geschützt."],"Protect":["Schützen"],"Scan":["Scannen"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Lösche Spam automatisch aus deinen Kommentaren und Formularen, sodass du dich auf dein Geschäft konzentrieren kannst."],"Anti-spam":["Anti-Spam"],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Verbinde mit Jetpack Premium oder Professional deine Website in wenigen Sekunden mit Google Analytics."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Bei der mobilen WordPress-App anmelden"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Melde dich mühelos bei der an, indem du auf den Link klickst, den wir an die E-Mail-Adresse deines Kontos versenden."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Ich möchte einen Link zur Anmeldung bei der App"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Sende deine neuen Beiträge an diese E-Mail-Adresse:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Per E-Mail bloggen ist eine schnelle Methode zur Veröffentlichung neuer Beiträge, ohne deine Website aufzurufen. Wir erstellen dir eine einmalige E-Mail-Adresse, an die du deine Inhalte senden kannst. Diese Inhalte werden auf deiner Website wie alle anderen Beiträge auch angezeigt."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Die ersetzt die standardmäßige WordPress-Admin-Toolbar. Per Ein-Klick-Zugriff kannst du hiermit auf Benachrichtigungen, dein und deine anderen Jetpack- und zugreifen. Außerdem kannst du mithilfe des Readers die Websites im Blick behalten, denen du folgst."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Bestätige deine Inhaberschaft der Website mit Diensten von Drittanbietern"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Erzeuge Kurzlinks für einfacheres Teilen von Inhalten."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Erhalte mit relevanten Inhalten unter jedem Beitrag das Interesse der Besucher an deinem Blog. Diese Einstellungen werden nicht für {{a}}ähnliche Beiträge übernommen, die mithilfe des Block-Editors hinzugefügt wurden{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Die Funktion hilft Besuchern dabei, mehr deiner Inhalte zu finden, indem unter jedem Beitrag ähnliche Beiträge angezeigt werden."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack generiert automatisch eine individuelle {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}}-Datei speziell für deine Website. Wenn du zusätzliche Einträge für andere Netzwerke hinzufügen musst, dann gib diese bitte unten in jeweils einer eigenen Zeile an. {{link2}}Hier findest du mehr Details hierzu{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge Teilen-Buttons zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten hinzu"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Teile deine Inhalte in sozialen Medien, um ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Erhalte Benachrichtigungen, wenn deine Website ausfällt. Wenn sie wieder erreichbar ist, lassen wir dich dies ebenfalls wissen."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Mit Jetpack hast du die Option, dass deine Plugins bei jedem neuen Plugin-Release automatisch aktualisiert werden. Du erhältst umgehend die neuesten Behebungen von Sicherheitsproblemen und Fehlern, sodass deine Website immer geschützt ist."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Welche Plugins sollen automatisch aktualisiert werden?"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Jetzt Jetpack-Upgrade durchführen"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Verdiene mit deiner Website Geld mithilfe hochwertiger Werbeanzeigen."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Erstelle einen individuellen Zeitplan für die Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen in sozialen Medien."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Erreiche eine größere Zielgruppe mit professionellen SEO-Tools."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Löse Probleme schnell dank vorrangigem Support."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Profitiere von automatisierten Backups."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Mache mit deiner Website den nächsten Schritt!"],"Search support docs":["Durchsuche die Support-Dokumentation"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Brauchst du Hilfe? Erfahre, wie du den Einstieg schaffst, deine Website individuell anpasst, anspruchsvollere Codeausschnitte nutzt und mehr."],"Start sharing":["Beginne zu teilen"],"Optimized performance":["Optimierte Performance"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktiviere die Option „Kommentare abonnieren“ in deinem Kommentarformular"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktiviere die Option „Website abonnieren“ in deinem Kommentarformular"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Verwalte erweiterte Kommentareinstellungen und vergrößere deine Zielgruppe mit E-Mail-Abonnements."],"Comment form introduction":["Einführung von Kommentarformularen"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-Spam von Akismet Deine Kommentare und übermittelten Kontaktformulare werden anhand unserer globalen Spam-Datenbank überprüft."],"Failed to send login email":["Versenden von Anmelde-E-Mail fehlgeschlagen"],"Login email sent":["Anmelde-E-Mail gesendet"],"Sending login email…":["Anmelde-E-Mail wird gesendet ..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Persönlich"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Machst du dir Sorgen um die Sicherheit? Erhalte Backups, automatische Behebungen von Sicherheitslücken und mehr: {{a}}Jetzt aufrüsten{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Dein Tarif: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Erlaube deinen Lesern, individuelle Kommentare positiv zu bewerten."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktiviere dazu Kommentar-Likes."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Erlaube deinen Lesern, Markdown in Kommentaren zu verwenden."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Zeige neben den Kommentaren Gravatar-Hovercards an."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Einrichtung von Jetpack abschließen"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Einrichtung von Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Einrichtungscheckliste ansehen"],"About Jetpack":["Über Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktiviere Steuerelemente zur Sichtbarkeit von Widgets, damit diese nur in bestimmten Beiträgen bzw. auf bestimmten Seiten angezeigt werden"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Mit den Einstellungen zur Sichtbarkeit von Widgets kannst du selbst entscheiden, welche Widgets auf deinen Seiten angezeigt werden – du kannst also Widget-Inhalte genau auf deine Bedürfnisse zuschneiden."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Stelle zusätzliche Widgets wie Abonnementformulare und Twitter-Streams auf deiner Website zur Verfügung"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["CSS-Anpassungsbereich optimieren"],"Writing":["Schreiben"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Verwende Shortcodes, um Medien von beliebten Websites einzubetten"],"Traffic":["Traffic"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Du musst deine Server-Anmeldedaten eingeben, um die Konfiguration von Backups und Scans abzuschließen."],"Awaiting credentials":["Warten auf Anmeldedaten"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Backups und Scans werden für deine Website konfiguriert."],"Provisioning":["Bereitstellung"],"Action needed":["Aktion erforderlich"],"Setting up":["Einrichtung"],"Discussion":["Diskussionen"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Wir konfigurieren gerade deinen Websiteschutz."],"View your site's backups":["Backups deiner Website anzeigen"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Wir sichern deine Website mit Backups!"],"Enter credentials":["Anmeldedaten eingeben"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Du musst deine Server-Anmeldedaten eingeben, um die Einrichtung abzuschließen."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Wir konfigurieren gerade die Backups deiner Website."],"View site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack zeichnet alles auf, was auf deiner Website passiert. Du hast damit die Verwaltung, Fehlerbehebung und die Wartung deiner Website stets unter Kontrolle."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Business-Tarif"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium-Tarif"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Persönlich-Tarif"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Free-Tarif"],"Support documentation":["Support-Dokumentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Chat-Sprechblasen, welche die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Support darstellen"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Erreiche ein breiteres Publikum, indem du deine Beiträge automatisch in Social Media teilst."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Steigere den Traffic zu deiner Website"],"Explore free themes":["Erkunde kostenlose Themes"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Erhalte unbegrenzten Zugriff auf Hunderte professioneller Themes und passe deine Website nach deinen Wünschen an."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Eine breite Auswahl an Themes und Tools zur Anpassung einer Website"],"Set up your site security":["Richte deine Websitesicherheit ein"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Verhindere Anmeldeangriffe und erhalte bei einem Problem mit deiner Website sofort Benachrichtigungen."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Website-Statistiken, die eine Steigerung des Traffic und der Interaktionen anzeigen"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Eine Hand mit einer Lupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Ein Diagramm, das eine deutliche Steigerung der Einnahmen anzeigt"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Benutzeroberfläche, die eine chronologische Liste der Änderungen und Aktualisierungen auf einer Website anzeigt"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Eine Wolke, um die mehrere Arten von Inhalten schweben"],"A folder holding real comments":["Ein Ordner mit echten Kommentaren"],"Make your site faster":["Mache deine Website schneller"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem deine Bilder über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitgestellt werden."],"A fast and performant website":["Eine schnelle und leistungsfähige Website"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Eine sichere Website, die von Jetpack gesperrt und geschützt wird"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Bestehende Beiträge, Seite, Referenzen und Portfolios duplizieren. Dabei werden alle Inhalte kopiert, einschließlich Text, Beitragsbilder, Teilen-Einstellungen usw.."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Diese Website kann nicht mit verknüpft werden, weil sie unsere {{a}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/a}} verletzt."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Verbinde deine Website mit den von dir verwendeten Social Media-Netzwerken und teile deine Inhalte mit einem einzigen Klick in allen deinen Social Media-Konten. Wenn du einen Beitrag veröffentlichst, wird er in allen verbundenen Konten angezeigt."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Füge zu deinen Beiträgen und Seiten Like-Buttons hinzu"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Erlaube es deinen Besuchern zu zeigen, wenn ihnen deine Inhalte gefallen."],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack unterstützt deine Website. Um jedoch auf alle Funktionen zugreifen zu können, musst du ein Konto erstellen."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatisierte Backups in Echtzeit (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Verfasse Inhalte auf deine Art und optimiere das Veröffentlichen."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ergänze das Portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Füge eine Referenz hinzu"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit deiner Website in Suchmaschinen und sieh dir Traffic-Statistiken in Echtzeit an."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um diese Funktion zu nutzen"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website kontinuierlich und warnt dich, sobald Ausfallzeiten erkannt werden."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Mit dem Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt noch schneller!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird aktiviert …"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren des Website-Beschleunigers. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Ohne den Website-Beschleuniger wird deine Website jetzt leider nicht mehr schneller."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Website-Beschleuniger wird deaktiviert …"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Lasse Seiten schneller laden, optimiere Bilder und biete deinen Besuchern eine schnellere Nutzererfahrung."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Ergänze die mit Googles umfassendem Einblick in das Verhalten deiner Besucher und das Traffic-Aufkommen."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Schnelles Videohosting in HD ohne Werbeanzeigen von Dritten."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Plane beliebig viele Tweets, Facebook-Beiträge und andere Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken im Voraus."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketingautomatisierung"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche aktivieren"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersetze die standardmäßige WordPress-Suche und erhalte bessere Ergebnisse mit individuellen Filteroptionen, bereitgestellt von Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Geld verdienen"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["Mit WordAds kannst du durch Anzeigen von Werbeinhalten Geld verdienen. Beginne noch heute damit, Geld zu verdienen."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Spam wird automatisch in Kommentaren blockiert."],"Spam Filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium-Themes durchsuchen"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Greife auf Hunderte von wunderschönen Premium-Themes zu, die dich keinen Cent extra kosten."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium-Theme testen"],"View settings":["Einstellungen anzeigen"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Erstelle ein Jetpack-Konto, um deine E-Mail-Follower zu sehen"],"Manage security settings":["Sicherheitseinstellungen verwalten"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack ist bereit für den neuen WordPress-Editor"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Heute stellen wir die ersten Blöcke für Jetpack vor, die speziell für den neuen Editor entwickelt wurden: Button für Einfaches Bezahlen, Formular, Karte und Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Erstelle deine Jetpack-Website mit Blöcken"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ein neuer Editor? Ja! {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Die bekannten Funktionen, angepasst an den neuen WordPress-Editor."],"Take me to the new editor":["Zum neuen Editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Fehler beim Testen von Jetpack. Fehler: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Neu in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Ladezeiten von statischen Dateien verkürzen"],"Speed up image load times":["Ladezeiten von Bildern verkürzen"],"Enable site accelerator":["Website-Beschleuniger aktivieren"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Lade Seiten schneller, indem du Jetpack erlaubst, deine Bilder zu optimieren und deine Bilder und statischen Dateien (wie CSS und JavaScript) über unser globales Servernetzwerk bereitzustellen."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Website-Aktivitäten anzeigen"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sieh dir eine chronologische Liste aller Änderungen und Updates an deiner Website an."],"Manually Verify ":["Manuell verifizieren "],"Verify with Google":["Mit Google verifizieren"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google wird dich per E-Mail über bestimmte Vorkommnisse auf deiner Website informieren. Dazu gehören auch Anzeichen, dass deine Website {{a1}}gehackt{{/a1}} wurde, sowie Probleme beim {{a2}}Crawlen oder Indexieren{{/a2}} deiner Website."],"or":["oder"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Überwache den Traffic und die Performance deiner Website in der {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Deine Website wird mit Google verifiziert"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Website konnte nicht verifiziert werden: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifizierung läuft…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Erhalte mit Jetpack Professional schnellere, erweiterte Suchfunktionen."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersetze die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine erweiterte Suchfunktion"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Die Jetpack Suche ersetzt die integrierte Suche durch eine schnelle, skalierbare, anpassbare und relevante Suchfunktion, die in der gehostet wird. Das Ergebnis: Deine Benutzer finden die gewünschten Inhalte noch schneller."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Die integrierte WordPress-Suche ist besonders für Websites ohne viele Inhalte geeignet. Wenn deine Website jedoch größer wird, wird die Suche langsamer und gibt weniger relevante Ergebnisse zurück."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Die Jetpack-Suche unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen."],"Site is verified":["Website wurde verifiziert"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Wenn Werbung aktiviert ist, generiert Jetpack automatisch eine individuelle ads.txt-Datei für deine Website."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Individuelle ads.txt-Einträge"],"Privacy information":["Datenschutz"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktiviere verzögertes Laden von Bildern"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Durch das verzögerte Laden von Bildern kannst du die Geschwindigkeit deiner Website und die Anzeigequalität verbessern. Bilder werden nicht alle auf einmal geladen, sondern erst, wenn Besucher auf der Seite herunterscrollen."],"Performance & speed":["Performance und Geschwindigkeit"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktiviere den schnellen und werbefreien Videoplayer"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gestalte deine veröffentlichten Inhalte mit einem hochauflösenden Video noch ansprechender. Mit Jetpack Video kannst du deinen Media Player anpassen und deinen Besuchern schnelle und werbefreie Videos ohne Branding bereitstellen. Videos werden auf unseren gehostet und benötigen keinen Speicherplatz von deinem Hosting-Tarif!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karussell-Farbschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-Daten zeigen Besuchern zusätzliche technische Details eines Fotos, wie z. B. Brennweite, Öffnung und ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Zeige Exif-Metadaten eines Fotos in Karussell an (falls verfügbar)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Präsentiere Bilder in einer Vollbild-Karussell-Galerie"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Erstelle Vollbild-Karussell-Diashows für die Bilder in deinen Beiträgen und auf deinen Seiten. Karussell-Galerien sind mobilfreundlich und animieren Website-Besucher, sich deine Fotos anzusehen."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode der Portfolios: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Nutze {{portfolioLink}}Portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} auf deiner Website, um deine beste Arbeit zu präsentieren. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Portfolios unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode der Referenzen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Füge {{testimonialLink}}Referenzen{{/testimonialLink}} zu deiner Website hinzu, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Sollte dein Theme keine Jetpack-Referenzen unterstützen, kannst du immer noch einen einfachen Shortcode verwenden, um sie auf deiner Website anzuzeigen."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Suchmaschinen können derzeit nicht auf deine Website zugreifen. Wenn du dies ändern möchtest, überprüfe deine {{a}}Leseeinstellungen{{/a}} und aktiviere „Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschine“."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Gute Nachrichten: Jetpack sendet deine Sitemap automatisch an alle großen Suchmaschinen zur Indizierung."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Sitemaps sind Dateien, die Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Bing verwenden, um deine Website zu indizieren. Sie können helfen, dein Ranking in den Suchergebnissen zu verbessern. Wenn du diese Funktion aktivierst, erstellt Jetpack Sitemaps für dich und aktualisiert sie automatisch, wenn sich die Inhalte deiner Website ändern."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Ähnliche Inhalte mit einer Überschrift hervorheben"],"View security scan details":["Details des Sicherheits-Scans anzeigen"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Zeige ein Vorschaubild, sofern verfügbar"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Weitere Informationen dazu, wie bestimmte Jetpack-Funktionen Daten nutzen und Aktivitäten verfolgen, findest du in unserem {{privacyCenterLink}}Datenschutzzentrum{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Wir verwenden andere Werkzeuge zum Tracking, darunter auch welche von Drittanbietern. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Hier erhältst du weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}} und Tipps, wie du sie kontrollierst."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Diese Informationen helfen uns dabei, unsere Produkte zu verbessern, Marketing besser auf dich zuzuschneiden, deine Erfahrung mit zu personalisieren und mehr. Alles das kannst du auch in unserer {{pp}}Datenschutzerklärung{{/pp}} nachlesen."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Teile Informationen über deine Nutzung von Diensten mit unserem Analysewerkzeug, während du in deinem angemeldet bist. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Weitere Informationen{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wird von einem Website-Administrator verwaltet. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator aktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert. {{link}}Weitere Informationen{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Diese Funktion wurde von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s wurde(n) von einem Website-Administrator deaktiviert."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kannst weitere Anzeigen mit dem Ad-Widget hinzufügen. {{link}}Probiere es aus!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Deine Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Die Jetpack-Suche ist ein leistungsstarker Ersatz für die in WordPress integrierte Suchfunktion."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Die Dateien deiner Website werden regelmäßig nach nicht autorisierten oder verdächtigen Änderungen gescannt, die ein Risiko für deine Sicherheit und Daten darstellen könnten."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Plugin muss aktualisiert werden.","Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Mit der Plugin-Update-Funktion von Jetpack kannst du auswählen, welche Plugins automatisch aktualisiert werden sollen."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimiert deine Bilder und stellt sie über den Server-Standort bereit, der am nächsten an deinen Website-Besuchern liegt. Unser globales Netzwerk für Content-Auslieferung verkürzt die Ladezeiten deiner Website."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Mit den Backups von Jetpack kannst du das Backup von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt bequem wiederherstellen oder herunterladen."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Ermöglicht ein schlankes, für Mobilgeräte geeignetes Theme, das Besuchern auf Mobilgeräten angezeigt wird."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Lädt die nächsten Beiträge automatisch, wenn der Leser das Ende der Seite erreicht."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Erlaubt dir, neue Beiträge zu veröffentlichen, indem du eine E-Mail an eine spezielle Adresse sendest."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Erlaubt dir, mithilfe der Markdown-Syntax Inhalte mit Links, Listen und anderen Stilen zu erstellen."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Stellt die erforderlichen ausgeblendeten Schlagwörter bereit, um deine WordPress-Website bei verschiedenen Diensten zu verifizieren."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Zeigt Informationen zu deinen Websiteaktivitäten an, etwa Besucher und beliebte Beiträge oder Seiten."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Erlaubt dir, deine Website und deren Inhalte zu optimieren, um in Suchmaschinen bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integriert deine WordPress-Website in Google Analytics, eine Plattform, die Einsichten zu deinem Traffic, deinen Besuchern und deinen Conversions bietet."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Zeigt hochwertige Anzeigen auf deiner Website an, mit denen du Geld verdienen kannst."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Erlaubt dir, deine neuesten Inhalte automatisch auf Social Media-Websites wie Facebook und Twitter zu teilen."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Fügt deinen Inhalten Gefällt mir-Buttons hinzu, sodass Besucher zeigen können, wenn ihnen die Inhalte gefallen."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Erlaubt registrierten Nutzern, sich bei deiner Website mit ihren anzumelden."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Schützt deine Website vor herkömmlichen und verteilten Brute-Force-Anmeldeangriffen."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sichert deine Website auf den globalen, sodass du deine Inhalte wiederherstellen kannst, falls ein Notfall oder Fehler auftritt."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Entfernt Spam aus Kommentaren und Kontaktformularen."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Der Schutz und die Sicherheit deiner Daten sind uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Alle Jetpack-Tarife anzeigen"],"Manage your plan":["Deinen Tarif verwalten"],"Your Plan":["Dein Tarif"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du verwendest derzeit Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Erlaubt Lesern, deine Beiträge und Kommentare zu abonnieren und Benachrichtigungen über neue Inhalte per E-Mail zu erhalten."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersetzt das WordPress-Standardkommentarformular durch ein neues Kommentarsystem, das Social Media-Anmeldeoptionen enthält."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivieren{{/a}}, um die integrierte WordPress-Suche durch die Jetpack-Suche, eine verbesserte Suchfunktion, zu ersetzen."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Such-Widget (Jetpack) hinzufügen"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Suche unterstützt die Suche auf deiner Website."],"Manage your plugins":["Plugins verwalten"],"Moderate comments":["Kommentare moderieren"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Datenschutzeinstellungen. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Datenschutzeinstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Datenschutzeinstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Suche-Widget hinzufügen"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Füge das Jetpack Suche-Widget zu deiner Seitenleiste hinzu, um Sortier- und Filterfunktionen zu konfigurieren."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting, unbegrenzte Themes, verbesserte Suche und vorrangiger Support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Vollständige Sicherheitssuite, Automatisierungswerkzeuge für Marketing und Einnahmen, unbegrenztes Video-Hosting und vorrangiger Support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Tägliche Backups, Spamfilter und vorrangiger Support."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Echtzeit-Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und vorrangigem Support"],"Design the perfect website":["Gestalte deine perfekte Website"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack einrichten"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellungen und automatisierten Sicherheitsscans."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Suche"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack-Version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Deine Website wird in Echtzeit gesichert und regelmäßig auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen überprüft."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Tägliches Backup aller Website-Daten mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz und Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup aller Website-Daten in Echtzeit mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz, Ein-Klick-Wiederherstellung, automatisierten Sicherheitsscans und Ein-Klick-Bedrohungsbehebung."],"View your security activity":["Sicherheitsaktivitäten anzeigen"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (Bereitgestellt von VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Such-Widget anpassen"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Korrigiere bitte das unten genannte Problem und versuche es noch einmal.","Korrigiere bitte die unten genannten Probleme und versuche es noch einmal."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Wir stellen sicher, dass deine Website frei von Sicherheitsbedrohungen bleibt. Wenn wir eine finden, werden wir dich benachrichtigen."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack-Version"],"Activity":["Aktivität"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details anzeigen{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Verdiene auf deiner Website Geld mit Werbung"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Wenn du auf den Button unten klickst, stimmst du unseren {{tosLink}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/tosLink}} und der {{shareDetailsLink}}Datenübermittlung{{/shareDetailsLink}} an zu."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Statistiken Personen"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallo! Deine Statistik wurde aktiviert."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Gib uns nur ein wenig Zeit, um Daten zu sammeln, damit wir diese hier für dich anzeigen können."],"Okay, got it!":["Alles klar, fertig!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Werbeanzeigen einblenden unter Inhalten auf"],"Additional ad placements":["Zusätzliche Werbeanzeigenplatzierungen"],"Top of each page":["Oben auf jeder Seite"],"Second ad below post":["Zweite Werbeanzeige unter Beitrag"],"Archives":["Archive"],"Stars":["Sterne"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Beiträge planen"],"Activate Publicize":["Publicize aktivieren"],"Your site is backed up.":["Deine Website ist gesichert."],"Image Performance":["Bilder-Perfomance"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Sichere dir WordPress-Apps für alle Geräte"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Verwalte all deine Websites von einem einzigen Dashboard aus: Veröffentliche Inhalte, verfolge Statistiken, moderiere Kommentare und vieles mehr – wo auch immer du gerade bist."],"Create address":["Adresse erstellen"],"Priority support":["Vorrangiger Support"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Teile deine Beiträge automatisch in sozialen Netzwerken."],"Updating settings…":["Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse wird aktualisiert …"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Mit deinem kostenpflichtigen Tarif erhältst du Zugriff auf bevorzugten Jetpack-Support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du hast für Backups und Sicherheitsscans bezahlt, diese sind jedoch noch nicht aktiv."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicke „Einrichtung“, um die Installation fertigzustellen."],"Checking site status…":["Website-Status wird überprüft …"],"Pages":["Seiten"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Rufe die vollständige Liste der Jetpack-Module auf, die auf deiner Website verfügbar sind."],"We're here to help":["Wir helfen gerne"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Für Jetpack gibt es kostenlosen Basis-Support für alle Benutzer."],"Ask a question":["Eine Frage stellen"],"Search our support site":["Auf unserer Support-Website suchen"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Deine Support-Fragen werden schneller beantwortet."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Schnelle, qualitativ hochwertige, werbefreie Videos hosten."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Mit qualitativ hochwertigen Werbeanzeigen Geld verdienen."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Website-Backups in Echtzeit und automatische Behebung von Bedrohungen."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Schutz vor Datenverlust, Malware und bösartigen Angriffen."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Sorge mit SEO-Werkzeuge dafür, dass deine Inhalte gefunden und geteilt werden."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Schütze deine Website vor Spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Diese Website ist nicht mit verbunden. Bitte den Websiteadministrator, die Verbindung herzustellen."],"Spam filtering":["Spam-Filterung"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malwareüberprüfung"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Tägliche, automatisierte Backups (unbegrenzter Speicherplatz)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Tägliche, automatisierte Malware-Überprüfung mit automatischer Behebung"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Unbegrenztes Videohosting mit Hochgeschwindigkeit"],"SEO preview tools":["SEO-Vorschauwerkzeuge"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Website-Statistiken, ähnliche Inhalte und Werkzeuge zum Teilen"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Überwachung der Ausfallzeiten"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Unbegrenztes schnelles Bildhosting"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Wenn du %(siteName)s von trennst, hast du keinen Zugriff mehr auf:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Ein Produkt des US-Unternehmens Automattic, Inc."],"Manage site connection":["Websiteverbindung verwalten"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Konto mit verbinden, um mehr Statistiken anzuzeigen"],"Theme enhancements":["Theme-Erweiterungen"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Mehr Beiträge mit dem Standard-Theme-Verhalten laden"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Mehr Beiträge in Seite mit einem Button laden"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Mehr Beiträge laden, wenn der Leser nach unten blättert"],"Theme support required.":["Theme-Unterstützung erforderlich."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Erfahre mehr darüber, wie du deinem Theme Support für unendliches Scrollen hinzufügen kannst."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Auf der Titel- und den Archivseiten nur Auszüge statt vollständige Beiträge verwenden"],"Show featured images":["Hervorgehobene Bilder anzeigen"],"Enable the toolbar":[" aktivieren"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Schreibwerkzeuge, die dir zu Verfügung stehen, werden hier angezeigt, wenn sie ein Administrator aktiviert."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["{{b}}Die Verifizierung deiner Website durch diese Dienste ist nicht erforderlich{{/b}}, damit deine Website von Suchmaschinen indiziert wird. Füge unten den HTML-Tag-Code ein, um diese erweiterten Suchmaschinenwerkzeuge zu nutzen und deine Website durch einen Dienst verifizieren zu lassen. Lies bei Problemen die {{support}}vollständige Anleitung{{/support}}. Unterstützte Verifizierungsdienste: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Tools{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Website-Bestätigung{{/pinterest}} und {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML-Sitemaps generieren"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Das Bild unterstützt das Sammeln von Statistiken, sollte aber funktionieren, wenn es ausgeblendet wird."],"Count logged in page views from":["Erfasse Aufrufe von angemeldetem"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Anzeige von Statistikberichten erlauben für"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Wenn du eine weitergehende Kontrolle wünschst, kannst du diese Einstellungen ändern. Lies mehr darüber, wie du die {{a}}SEO deiner Website optimieren{{/a}} kannst."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Deine SEO-Einstellungen konfigurieren"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In „Upgrade“"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Deine Einstellungen von Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Zeige Werbeanzeigen im ersten Artikel auf deiner Startseite oder am Ende jeder Seite und jedes Beitrags an. Platziere zusätzliche Werbeanzeigen oben auf deiner Website und in jedem Widget-Bereich, um deine Einnahmen zu steigern."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Werbeanzeigen aktivieren und eine Werbeanzeige unter jedem Beitrag einblenden"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Deine Teilen-Buttons konfigurieren"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Deine Social Media-Konten verknüpfen"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Konten mithilfe von E-Mail-Adressen abgleichen"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Konten müssen Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung von verwenden"],"Add to whitelist":["Zur Positivliste hinzufügen"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kannst eine IP-Adresse oder eine Serie von Adressen auf die Positivliste setzen und so dafür sorgen, dass diese niemals von Jetpack blockiert werden. IPv4 und IPv6 sind zulässig. Gib für einen Bereich den unteren und oberen Wert ein (getrennt durch einen Bindestrich). Beispiel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Deine Website ist gesichert und weist keine Bedrohungen auf."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Spam-Schutz wird überprüft …"],"Fetching key…":["Schlüssel wird abgerufen …"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Deine Website benötigt einen Antispam-Schlüssel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Es ist ein Problem mit deinem Antispam-API-Schlüssel aufgetreten. {{a}}Weitere Informationen{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist nicht gegen Spam geschützt."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Dein Antispam-Schlüssel ist gültig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Deine Website ist gegen Spam geschützt."],"Checking key…":["Schlüssel wird überprüft …"],"Your API key":["Dein API-Schlüssel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Wenn du noch keinen API-Schlüssel hast, dann {{a}}rufe hier deinen API-Schlüssel ab{{/a}}. Du wirst dann durch den entsprechenden Vorgang geführt."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Gib einen Suchbegriff ein, um Einstellungen zu finden, oder schließe die Suche."],"Connections":["Verbindungen"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Deine Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus. Deswegen kann sie nicht mit verbunden werden."],"Your site is connected to":["Deine Website ist mit verbunden."],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du bist der Jetpack-Besitzer."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Verbunden als {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["E-Mail-Follower anzeigen"],"Color scheme":["Farbschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Verwendung von Markdown für Kommentare aktivieren."],"Updated settings.":["Einstellungen aktualisiert."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Einstellungen. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["„Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse erneut erstellen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Neuerstellen der „Per E-Mail bloggen“-Adresse. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Einstellungen aktualisiert. Seite wird aktualisiert …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Aktuell im {{a}}Entwicklungsmodus{{/a}} (einige Funktionen sind deaktiviert), da:"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Der Filter jetpack_development_mode ist aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Die Konstante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG ist definiert{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}in der URL deiner Website ein Punkt fehlt (z. B. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics ist ein kostenloser Dienst, der unsere {{a}}integrierten Statistiken{{/a}} um weitere Einsichten in deinen Traffic ergänzt. Die und Google Analytics nutzen unterschiedliche Methoden zum Identifizieren und Verfolgen der Aktivitäten auf deiner Website. Daher zeigen diese normalerweise leicht unterschiedliche Gesamtzahlen für deine Besuche, Aufrufe usw."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Google Analytics konfigurieren"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Google Analytics aktivieren"],"Download the free apps":["Lade die kostenlosen-Apps herunter"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Schwerpunkt des Upgrades: VideoPress für Hochzeiten"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Du kannst jetzt auch ähnliche Beiträge im Customizer konfigurieren. {{ExternalLink}}Probiere es aus!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Standardmäßig werden Werbeanzeigen am Ende jeder Seite oder jedes Beitrags sowie des ersten Artikels deiner Startseite angezeigt. Du kannst sie auch oben in deine Website und in beliebige Widget-Bereiche einfügen, um deine Einkünfte zu erhöhen!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Zeige eine Werbeeinheit oben auf deiner Website an."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Durch die Aktivierung von Werbeanzeigen stimmst du den Automattic-{{link}}Geschäftsbedingungen{{/link}} für Werbeanzeigen zu."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Dein Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Darum kann Jetpack Protect deine Website nicht effektiv schützen."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Unter „Mobil“"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfiguriere deine Monitor-Benachrichtigungseinstellungen auf{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Deine Einkünfte anzeigen"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Klicke zunächst in deinem Beitragseditor auf „Dateien hinzufügen“ und lade ein Video hoch. Alles andere erledigen wir!"],"Video Hosting":["Video-Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-Werkzeuge"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Erweiterte SEO-Werkzeuge, damit die Suche nach relevanten Inhalten zu besseren Suchergebnissen für deine Website führt."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Videos ohne Werbung und Branding auf deine Website hochzuladen. Du erhältst Statistiken zum Abspielen und Teilen von Videos. Der Videoplayer ist schlank und responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du führst Jetpack auf einem Staging-Server aus."],"More Info":["Weitere Informationen"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Sichtbarkeit von „Likes“ in den Einstellungen des Teilen-Moduls verwalten{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Deine aktuelle IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["In diesem Tab gibt es nicht gespeicherte Einstellungen, die du beim Verlassen verlierst. Möchtest du fortfahren?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Das wird alle Jetpack-Einstellungen zurücksetzen, bist du sicher?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Suche nach einer Jetpack-Funktion"],"Configure your Security Scans":["Sicherheitsscans konfigurieren"],"Subscriber":["Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Umfangreiches iPhone/iPad-Update jetzt verfügbar"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Die WordPress-App für Android wurde umfassend überarbeitet."]," Likes are:":[" \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben auf sind:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":[" Das Statistik-Smiley-Bild verbergen"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["IP-Adressen auf der Positivliste"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Promo für WordPress Mobil-Apps in der Fußzeile des Mobil-Themes zeigen"],"Copied!":["Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markiere den folgenden Text und kopiere ihn in deine Zwischenablage:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresse erneut generieren"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Wird geschummelt?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}} Würdest du uns mitteilen, warum du Jetpack nicht verbunden hast, indem du {{a}} 2 Fragen beantwortest{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Eine Jetpack Verbindung wird für unsere kostenlosen Sicherheits und Traffic-Funktionen benötigt.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Willkommen bei {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Dein Jetpack ist bereits verbunden."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen. Jetpack wurde aktiviert."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Alles fertig, es kann losgehen."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du führst zurzeit eine Entwicklungsversion von Jetpack aus."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta Feedback senden"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Was würdest du gern im Jetpack-Dashboard sehen?"],"Let us know!":["Sag uns Bescheid!"],"Saving…":["Speichern …"],"Save Settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Symbol von Jetpack Stats"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Website-Statistiken aktivieren{{/a}}, um ausführliche Statistiken anzusehen, wie \"Gefällt mir\", Follower, Abonnenten usw. {{a1}}Weitere Informationen{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Website-Statistiken aktivieren"],"Site Backups":["Website-Backups"],"Upgrade":["Aufrüsten"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"View your spam stats":["Spam-Statistiken ansehen"],"View your security dashboard":["Sicherheits-Dashboard ansehen"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Die Website ist im Entwicklungsmodus, deswegen kannst du dich nicht mit verbinden."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Verknüpfe dein Konto mit, um Jetpack optimal zu nutzen."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Für automatische und umfassende Scans gegen Bedrohungen {{a}}bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockiert böswillige Anmeldeversuche. Die Daten werden in Kürze hier angezeigt."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Gesamtzahl blockierter Angriffe auf deine Website."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Protect aktivieren{{/a}}, um deine Website vor böswilligen Anmeldeversuchen zu schützen."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alle Plugins sind auf dem neuesten Stand. Gute Arbeit!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack verbessert und optimiert die Ladezeit deiner Bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack überwacht deine Website. Scheint die Website defekt zu sein, erhältst du eine E-Mail."],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Backup-Details ansehen{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Automatisches Backup der gesamten Website? {{a}}Bitte VaultPress installieren und aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Nicht im Entwicklermodus verfügbar."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet installieren{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Modernster Spamschutz gefällig? {{a}}Akismet aktivieren{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Im Entwicklermodus nicht verfügbar"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird aktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s wurde aktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktivieren von %(slug)s %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["%(slug)s wird deaktiviert …"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s wurde deaktiviert."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Deaktivieren von %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen werden aktualisiert …"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["%(slug)s-Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren der %(slug)s-Einstellungen %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Adresse von %(slug)s wird aktualisiert …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Adresse von %(slug)s erneut generiert."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fehler beim erneuten Generieren der Adresse %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Die Jetpack-Optionen werden zurückgesetzt …"],"Options reset.":["Die Optionen wurden zurückgesetzt."],"Options failed to reset.":["Fehler beim Zurücksetzen der Optionen."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Es kann weitergehen."],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Support kontaktieren{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Details unter ansehen{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["%(number)s Bedrohung gefunden.","%(number)s Bedrohungen gefunden."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Monitor aktivieren{{/a}}, um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn deine Website ausfällt."],"Loading…":["Wird geladen …"],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Weitere Statistiken auf ansehen {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Ausführliche Statistiken ansehen{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentare insgesamt"],"All-time views":["Aufrufe insgesamt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Aufruf","%(number)s Aufrufe"],"Best overall day":["Bester Tag (insgesamt)"],"Views today":["Aufrufe heute"],"Months":["Monate"],"Weeks":["Wochen"],"Days":["Tage"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Fehler beim Laden der Statistiken. Bitte später erneut versuchen oder {{a}}Statistiken auf ansehen{{/a}}."],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicken, um detaillierte Statistiken anzusehen."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Aufrufe: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Woche von %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Website-Sicherheit"],"Link to":["Mit verknüpfen."],"Unlink me from":["Meine Verknüpfung mit aufheben."],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Bei der Verbindung zu Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte klicke erneut auf „Mit verbinden“."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktiviere das Jetpack-Plugin, aktiviere es erneut und stelle dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du musst in deinem angemeldet bleiben, während du Jetpack autorisierst."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Unannehmlichkeit. Bitte versuche es später nochmal. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit dieser Nachricht: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Learn more":["Mehr erfahren"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Front page":["Startseite"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Ähnliche Inhalte am Ende des Beitrags anzeigen"],"Related":["Ähnliche Beiträge"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Media":["Mediathek"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":[""],"Site Stats":["Website Statistiken"],"Sharing":["Teilen"],"Testimonials":["Referenzen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack konnte nicht kontaktieren: %(error_key)s. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass etwas auf deinem Web-Host falsch konfiguriert ist."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit deinem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Dein Jetpack hat ein Problem.{{/s}} Verbindung zu nicht möglich. Das bedeutet in der Regel, dass auf deine Website nicht öffentlich zugegriffen werden kann (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Auf deine Website muss öffentlich zugegriffen werden können, um Jetpack zu nutzen: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Connected":["Verbunden"],"Activate":["Aktivieren"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Learn More":["Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Jetpack trennen"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Teste, ob deine Website mit Jetpack kompatibel ist."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Link senden"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Automatisches Aktualisieren von Plugins"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-Spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widgets"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Kurzlinks"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Überwachung von Ausfallzeiten"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Privatsphäre-Einstellungen"],"Settings header\ toolbar":[""],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Erstellen"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Website-Statistiken"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Suchmaschinenoptimierung"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Teilen-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publicize-Verbindungen"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gefällt mir-Buttons"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backups und Sicherheits-Scans"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Über"],"Navigation item. Noun. 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Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Fehlersuche"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentare blockiert."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":[""],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":[""],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":[""],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":[""],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":[""],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":[""],"Scan":[""],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Connectez votre site à Google Analytics en quelques secondes avec Jetpack Premium ou Professionnel."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Connexion à l'application mobile WordPress"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Connectez-vous facilement à l'application en cliquant sur le lien que nous vous enverrons à l'adresse e-mail de votre compte."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Envoyez-moi un lien de connexion à l'application par e-mail"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Envoyez vos nouveaux articles à cette adresse e-mail :"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Publier par e-mail permet de publier rapidement de nouveaux articles sans visiter votre site. Nous générerons une adresse e-mail unique à laquelle vous pourrez envoyer votre contenu, qui apparaîtra ensuite sur votre site comme n'importe quel autre article."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barre d'outils de remplace la barre d'outils administrateur par défaut de WordPress. Elle permet d'accéder en un clic aux notifications, à votre profil et à vos autres sites Web Jetpack et Vous pouvez également mettre à jour les sites que vous suivez dans le Lecteur."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Vérifiez la propriété de votre site avec des services tiers"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Générez des URL raccourcies pour simplifier le partage."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Maintenez l'intérêt de vos visiteurs en insérant du contenu similaire au bas de chaque article. Ces paramètres ne s'appliqueront pas aux {{a}}articles similaires ajoutés à l'aide de l'éditeur de blocs{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["La fonctionnalité permet aux visiteurs de rechercher davantage de contenu en affichant les articles similaires au bas de chaque article."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack génère automatiquement un fichier {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} personnalisé pour votre site. Si vous devez ajouter des entrées supplémentaires pour d'autres réseaux, veuillez les renseigner dans l'espace ci-après, en en indiquant une par ligne. {{link2}}Cliquez ici pour afficher plus de détails{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Ajoutez des boutons de partage à vos articles et pages"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Partagez votre contenu sur les réseaux sociaux afin de développer votre public et de renforcer son implication."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Recevez des alertes si votre site bascule hors ligne. Nous vous préviendrons également dès qu'il sera de nouveau accessible."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Jetpack vous permet de configurer la mise à jour automatique de vos extensions. Vous recevrez instantanément les dernières résolutions de bug et de sécurité afin de préserver la sécurité de votre site."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Choisir les extensions à mettre à jour automatiquement"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Mettre Jetpack à niveau maintenant"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Monétisez votre site au moyen de publicités de haute qualité."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Personnalisez la programmation de vos publications sur les réseaux sociaux."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Développez votre public avec les outils d'optimisation des moteurs de recherche."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Résolvez rapidement les problèmes avec l'assistance prioritaire."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Profitez de la tranquillité d'esprit offerte par les sauvegardes automatiques."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Faites passer votre site au niveau supérieur !"],"Search support docs":["Rechercher des documents d'assistance"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Besoin d'aide ? Découvrez comment démarrer, personnaliser votre site, utiliser des extraits de code avancés et plus encore."],"Start sharing":["Commencer le partage"],"Optimized performance":["Performances optimisées"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Activez l'option « Souscrire aux commentaires » sur votre formulaire de commentaires"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Activez l'option « S'abonner au site » sur votre formulaire de commentaires"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gérez les paramètres de commentaires avancés et développez votre public avec les abonnements par e-mail."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduction du formulaire de commentaires"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam propulsé par Akismet. Les commentaires et formulaires de contact envoyés sont comparés à notre base de données mondiale de contenu indésirable."],"Failed to send login email":["Échec d'envoi de l'e-mail de connexion"],"Login email sent":["E-mail de connexion envoyé."],"Sending login email…":["Envoi de l'e-mail de connexion en cours"],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Votre plan : Jetpack Professionnel"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Votre plan : Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Votre plan : Jetpack Personnel"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Inquiet pour la sécurité ? Profitez des sauvegardes, des résolutions des problèmes de sécurité automatiques et plus encore : {{a}}Mettre à niveau maintenant{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Votre plan : Jetpack gratuit"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Autorisez les lecteurs à dire qu'ils aiment les commentaires individuels."],"Enable comment likes.":["Activez la mention J'aime des commentaires."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Autorisez les lecteurs à utiliser Markdown pour les commentaires."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Affichez les surcartes Gravatar à côté des commentaires."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Configuration de Jetpack terminée"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Progression de votre installation de Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Voir votre liste de contrôle de configuration"],"About Jetpack":[""],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Activez les commandes de visibilité des widgets pour afficher les widgets sur des pages ou articles spécifiques uniquement"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["La visibilité des widgets vous permet de choisir les widgets à afficher sur chaque page de manière à personnaliser totalement le contenu de vos widgets."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Facilitez l'utilisation de widgets supplémentaires sur votre site, notamment les formulaires d'abonnement et les flux Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Améliorez le panneau de personnalisation des CSS"],"Writing":["Rédaction"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Rédigez à l'aide de codes abrégés pour intégrer des médias à partir de sites populaires"],"Traffic":[""],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Vous devez saisir les identifiants de votre serveur pour terminer la configuration des sauvegardes et de l'analyse."],"Awaiting credentials":["Identifiants en attente"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Les sauvegardes et l'analyse sont en cours de configuration sur votre site."],"Provisioning":["Attribution"],"Action needed":[""],"Setting up":["Configuration"],"Discussion":[""],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Nous configurons la protection de votre site."],"View your site's backups":[""],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":[""],"Enter credentials":[""],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Vous devez saisir les identifiants de votre serveur pour terminer la configuration."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Nous configurons les sauvegardes de votre site."],"View site activity":[""],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack conserve un enregistrement complet de tout ce qui se passe sur votre site, afin de faciliter la gestion, le débogage et la réparation de votre site."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Plan Jetpack Business"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Plan Jetpack Premium"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Plan Jetpack Personnel"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Plan Jetpack gratuit"],"Support documentation":["Documentation d’assistance"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Bulles de discussion représentant une discussion avec l’assistance"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Élargissez votre public en partageant automatiquement vos articles sur les réseaux sociaux."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Augmentez le trafic vers votre site"],"Explore free themes":["Explorez les thèmes gratuits"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Profitez d’un accès illimité à des centaines de thèmes professionnels et personnalisez votre site exactement comme vous le voulez."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Grande variété de thèmes et d’outils pour personnaliser un site"],"Set up your site security":["Configurer la sécurité de votre site"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Prévenez les attaques de connexion et recevez des notifications instantanées lorsqu’un problème se produit sur votre site."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistiques du site montrant l’évolution du trafic et l’intérêt du public"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Main tenant une loupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Graphique montrant une augmentation considérable des revenus"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interface présentant une liste chronologique des modifications et mises à jour apportées à un site"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Nuage entouré de plusieurs types de contenus"],"A folder holding real comments":["Dossier contenant de vrais commentaires"],"Make your site faster":["Rendez votre site plus rapide"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement en diffusant vos images à partir de notre réseau mondial de serveurs."],"A fast and performant website":["Un site Web plus rapide et performant"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un site sécurisé, verrouillé et protégé par Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Dupliquez les articles, pages, témoignages et portfolios existants. L'intégralité du contenu sera copiée, y compris le texte, les images à la une, les options de partage et plus encore."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Ce site ne peut pas se connecter à, car il enfreint nos {{a}}conditions d'utilisation{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connectez votre site Web aux réseaux sociaux que vous utilisez et partagez votre contenu avec tous les comptes de réseaux sociaux en un seul clic. Lorsque vous publiez un article, il apparaît sur tous les comptes connectés."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Ajoutez des boutons J'aime à vos articles et pages"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Permettez aux visiteurs qui apprécient votre contenu de le faire savoir avec l'option J'aime."],"Create account":["Créer un compte"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Votre site utilise Jetpack mais pour profiter de toutes ses fonctionnalités, vous devrez créer un compte."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Sauvegarde automatique en temps réel (stockage illimité)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Créez du contenu comme il vous convient et rationalisez votre expérience de publication."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ajouter un élément de portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Ajouter un témoignage"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Optimisez la visibilité de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche et consultez les statistiques de trafic en temps réel."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Créez un compte Jetpack pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack continuera de surveiller votre site et vous préviendra s'il détecte des temps d'arrêt."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de l'activation de l'accélérateur de site. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'accélérateur de site accélère désormais votre site !"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Activation de l'accélérateur de site..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la désactivation de l'accélérateur de site. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'accélérateur de site n'accélère plus votre site !"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Désactivation de l'accélérateur de site..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement, optimisez les images et offrez une expérience plus rapide à vos visiteurs."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Complétez les statistiques de grâce aux informations détaillées dont Google dispose à propos des visiteurs de votre site ainsi que de leurs habitudes de navigation."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hébergement vidéo haute définition et haut débit sans publicités tierces."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Planifiez la publication de tweets illimités, d'articles sur Facebook et d'autres réseaux sociaux."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketing automatisé"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Activez Jetpack Search"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Remplacez la fonction de recherche par défaut de WordPress par une fonction optimisant les résultats et le filtrage grâce à Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Commencer à gagner de l'argent"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds vous permet de gagner de l'argent en affichant du contenu promotionnel. Commencez à gagner de l'argent dès aujourd'hui."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Le contenu indésirable est automatiquement bloqué à partir de vos commentaires."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtrage du contenu indésirable"],"Browse premium themes":["Parcourir les thèmes Premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accédez à des centaines de thèmes premium magnifiques sans frais supplémentaires."],"Try a premium theme":["Essayer un thème premium"],"View settings":["Voir les paramètres"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Créez un compte Jetpack pour voir vos abonnés par e-mail"],"Manage security settings":["Gérer les paramètres de sécurité"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack est prêt pour le nouvel éditeur WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Aujourd'hui, nous présentons la première vague de blocs propres à Jetpack conçus spécifiquement pour le nouvel éditeur : bouton Paiement simplifié, Formulaire, Association et Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Créer votre site Jetpack avec des blocs"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nouvel éditeur ? Oui ! {{a}}En savoir plus{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Les fonctionnalités dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer, adaptées au nouvel éditeur WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Accéder au nouvel éditeur"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Une erreur est survenue lors du test de Jetpack. Erreur : %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Nouveau dans Jetpack !"],"Speed up static file load times":["Accélérer le temps de chargement des fichiers statiques"],"Speed up image load times":["Accélérer le temps de chargement des images"],"Enable site accelerator":["Activer l'accélérateur de site"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement en permettant à Jetpack d'optimiser vos images et de diffuser vos images et fichiers statiques (comme CSS et JavaScript) à partir de notre réseau mondial de serveurs."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Voir l'activité de votre site"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Voir une liste chronologique de toutes les modifications et mises à jour de votre site de manière lisible et organisée."],"Manually Verify ":["Vérification manuelle"],"Verify with Google":["Vérification avec Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google vous contactera pour certains évènements qui se passent sur votre site, dont une notification si votre site s'est fait {{a1}}pirater{{/a1}}, ou s’il rencontre des soucis d’{{a2}}accès ou d’indexation{{/a2}}."],"or":["ou"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Gérer le traffic de votre site et ses performances depuis {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Votre site est vérifié avec Goole"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["La vérification du site a échouée : %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Vérification..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Ajouter un outil de recherche avancé et plus rapide à votre site grâce à Jetpack Professionnel."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Replacer l'outil de recherche par défaut de WordPress avec le module de recherche Jetpack pour une expérience de recherche avancée"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack remplace l’outil de recherche par défaut et permet une recherche rapide, extensible, personnalisée, et précise grâce à l’hébergement dans le cloud de Le résultat : vos utilisateurs trouveront le contenu recherché plus rapidement."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La recherche intégrée par défaut à WordPress est super lorsqu’il s’agit de sites avec peu de contenu. Mais plus votre site grandit, plus les recherches sont lentes et les résultats sont moins pertinents."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack peut être personnalisé."],"Site is verified":["Site vérifié"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtrage du contenu indésirable et assistance prioritaire."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Lorsque la publicité est activée, Jetpack génère automatiquement un fichier ads.txt personnalisé pour votre site."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Entrées ads.txt personnalisées"],"Privacy information":["Informations sur la confidentialité"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Activer le chargement optimisé des images"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Les images au chargement optimisé amélioreront la vitesse de votre site et offriront une expérience de navigation plus fluide. Les images se chargeront lorsque les visiteurs feront défiler l'écran, plutôt que toutes en même temps."],"Performance & speed":["Performances et vitesse"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Activer le lecteur vidéo haut débit sans publicité"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendez le contenu que vous publiez encore plus captivant avec la vidéo haute résolution. Avec Jetpack Video, vous pouvez personnaliser votre lecteur multimédia et proposer à vos visiteurs des vidéos haut débit, sans publicité et sans marque. Les vidéos sont hébergées sur nos serveurs et ne prennent pas de place sur votre plan d'hébergement !"],"Video":["Vidéo"],"Carousel color scheme":["Jeu de couleurs du Carrousel"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Les données Exif présentent d'autres détails techniques d'une photo, comme sa focale, son ouverture et sa valeur ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Afficher les métadonnées Exif de la photo dans le Carrousel (si disponibles)."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Afficher les images dans une galerie du Carrousel en plein écran"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Créez un diaporama en plein écran dans le Carrousel avec les images de vos articles et pages. Les galeries du Carrousel sont adaptées aux appareils mobiles et encouragent les visiteurs de votre site à interagir avec vos photos."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Code abrégé des portfolios : [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilisez des {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} sur votre site pour présenter vos meilleurs produits et services. Si votre thème ne prend pas en charge les portfolios Jetpack, vous pouvez toujours utiliser un code abrégé simple pour les afficher sur votre site."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Code abrégé des témoignages : [témoignages]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Ajoutez des {{testimonialLink}}témoignages{{/testimonialLink}} à votre site Web pour attirer de nouveaux clients. Si votre thème ne prend pas en charge les témoignages Jetpack, vous pouvez toujours utiliser un code abrégé simple pour les afficher sur votre site."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Les moteurs de recherche ne peuvent pas accéder à votre site pour le moment. Pour rendre votre site accessible, vérifiez vos {{a}}Paramètres de lecture{{/a}} et activez la fonction « Moteur de recherche visible »."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Bonne nouvelle : Jetpack envoie votre sitemap automatiquement à tous les principaux moteurs de recherche pour l'indexation."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Les sitemaps sont des fichiers que les moteurs de recherche comme Google ou Bing utilisent pour indexer votre site Web. Ils permettent d'améliorer votre classement dans les résultats de recherche. Lorsque vous activez cette fonctionnalité, Jetpack crée des sitemaps pour vous et les met à jour automatiquement lorsque le contenu de votre site change."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configurer les articles similaires dans l'outil de personnalisation"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Mettre en valeur le contenu similaire avec un en-tête"],"View security scan details":["Voir les détails de l'analyse de sécurité"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Affichez une image miniature lorsque cela est possible"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur la façon dont les fonctionnalités spécifiques de Jetpack utilisent les données et l'activité de suivi, veuillez vous reporter à notre {{privacyCenterLink}}Centre de confidentialité{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Nous utilisons d'autres outils de suivi, notamment des outils provenant de tiers. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Découvrez-les{{/cookiePolicyLink}} et apprenez à les contrôler."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Ces informations nous permettent d'améliorer nos produits, de mieux cibler nos campagnes marketing, de personnaliser votre expérience et plus encore, comme indiqué dans notre {{pp}}politique de confidentialité{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Partagez les informations concernant votre utilisation des services avec notre outil d'analyse tout en étant connecté à votre compte {{cookiePolicyLink}}En savoir plus{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité est gérée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été désactivée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été activée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s a été désactivé par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été désactivée par un administrateur du site."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s a été désactivé par un administrateur du site."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Vous pouvez insérer des publicités supplémentaires à l'aide du widget Publicité. {{link}}Faites un essai !{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configurer vos paramètres de notification"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack remplace efficacement la fonction de recherche intégrée à WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Les fichiers de votre site sont régulièrement analysés afin de détecter les modifications non autorisées ou suspectes qui pourraient compromettre votre sécurité et vos données."],"Plugin needs updating.":["L'extension doit être mise à jour.","Les extensions doivent être mises à jour."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Les mises à jour des extensions de Jetpack vous permettent de choisir les extensions à mettre à jour automatiquement."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimisera vos images et les diffusera auprès des visiteurs de votre site à partir de l'emplacement serveur le plus proche de ces derniers. L'utilisation de notre réseau mondial de distribution de contenu améliorera considérablement la vitesse de chargement de votre site."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Les sauvegardes Jetpack vous permettent de restaurer ou de télécharger facilement une sauvegarde à partir d'un point temporel donné."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Active un thème léger et adapté aux appareils mobiles qui s'affichera sur l'appareil mobile des visiteurs."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Charge les articles suivants automatiquement dès que le lecteur arrive en bas de page."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Vous permet de publier de nouveaux articles en envoyant un e-mail à une adresse spéciale."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Vous autorise à rédiger du contenu avec des liens, des listes et d'autres styles utilisant la syntaxe Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fournit les étiquettes masquées nécessaires pour vérifier votre site WordPress avec différents services."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Affiche les informations relatives à l'activité de votre site, y compris les visiteurs et les articles/pages populaires."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Vous autorise à optimiser votre site et son contenu pour améliorer les résultats dans les moteurs de recherche."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Intègre votre site WordPress à Google Analytics, une plate-forme qui offre un aperçu détaillé de votre trafic, de vos visiteurs et de vos conversions."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Affiche des publicités de qualité sur votre site pour vous permettre de gagner de l'argent."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Vous permet de partager automatiquement votre contenu le plus récent sur les réseaux sociaux, y compris Facebook et Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Ajoute des boutons J'aime à votre contenu pour permettre à vos visiteurs d'exprimer leur appréciation et leur satisfaction."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permet aux utilisateurs enregistrés de se connecter à votre site avec leur compte"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protège votre site des attaques de connexion par force brute distribuées et traditionnelles."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sauvegarde votre site sur les serveurs mondiaux de, ce qui vous permet de restaurer votre contenu en cas d'urgence ou d'erreur."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Supprime le contenu indésirable des commentaires et des formulaires de contact."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Nous sommes attachés à votre confidentialité et à votre sécurité. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Afficher tous les plans Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gérer votre plan"],"Your Plan":["Votre plan"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Vous possédez actuellement le plan Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Permet à vos lecteurs de s'abonner à vos articles ou commentaires, et de recevoir des notifications par e-mail lorsque du nouveau contenu est publié."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Remplace le formulaire de commentaire standard de WordPress par un nouveau système de commentaire qui inclut des options de connexion aux réseaux sociaux."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Activez{{/a}} pour remplacer la recherche intégrée à WordPress par le module de recherche Jetpack, une expérience de recherche améliorée."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Ajouter le widget de recherche (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La fonctionnalité de recherche de votre site est basée sur la recherche Jetpack."],"Manage your plugins":["Gérer vos extensions"],"Moderate comments":["Modérer les commentaires"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des paramètres de confidentialité. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Paramètres de confidentialité mis à jour."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres de confidentialité…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Ajouter le widget de recherche de Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Ajoutez le widget de recherche de Jetpack à votre colonne latérale pour configurer des filtres de recherche avancée."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite de sécurité complète, outils d'automatisation des revenus et du marketing, hébergement vidéo illimité, thèmes illimités, recherche améliorée et assistance prioritaire."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite de sécurité complète, outils d'automatisation des revenus et du marketing, hébergement vidéo illimité et assistance prioritaire."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Sauvegardes quotidiennes, filtres anti-spam et assistance prioritaire."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic, analyses de sécurité automatiques et assistance prioritaire."],"Design the perfect website":["Créez le site web parfait"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configurer Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic et analyses de sécurité automatisées."],"Jetpack Search":["Recherche Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Version de Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Votre site est sauvegardé en temps réel et régulièrement analysé pour rechercher des menaces de sécurité."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Sauvegarde quotidienne de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité et options de restauration en un clic."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic, analyses de sécurité automatisées, et support prioritaire."],"View your security activity":["Voir votre activité de sécurité"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (optimisé par VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personnaliser le widget de recherche"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Veuillez corriger le problème ci-dessous et réessayer.","Veuillez corriger les problèmes indiqués ci-dessous et réessayer."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Nous veillons à protéger votre site contre les menaces de sécurité. Vous serez notifié si nous en détectons une."],"Jetpack version":["Version de Jetpack"],"Activity":["Activité"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Voir les détails{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monétiser votre site grâce à des publicités"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous, vous acceptez nos {{tosLink}}conditions d’utilisation{{/tosLink}} et le {{shareDetailsLink}}partage d’informations{{/shareDetailsLink}} avec"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Personnes regardant un graphique de stats Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Bonjour&nbsp;! Vos statistiques ont été activées."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Accordez-nous juste un peu de temps pour que nous puissions collecter les données et les afficher ici."],"Okay, got it!":["D’accord, je comprends&nbsp;!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Afficher des publicités sous les articles sur"],"Additional ad placements":["Emplacements de publicités supplémentaires"],"Top of each page":["Haut de chaque page"],"Second ad below post":["Seconde publicité sous l'article"],"Archives":["Archives"],"Stars":["Étoiles"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Activer Publicize"],"Your site is backed up.":["Votre site est sauvegardé."],"Image Performance":["Performance de vos images"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Obtenir des applications WordPress pour tous vos appareils"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gérez tous vos sites à partir d'un seul tableau de bord&nbsp;: publiez du contenu, suivez les statistiques, modérez les commentaires et bien plus encore, de n'importe où dans le monde."],"Create address":["Créer une adresse"],"Priority support":["Assistance prioritaire"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Partager automatiquement vos articles sur les réseaux sociaux"],"Updating settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Mise à jour de l’adresse de publication par e-mail..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Votre offre payante vous donne accès à l’assistance prioritaire de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Votre offre payante comprend des sauvegardes qui ne sont pas encore actives."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Votre offre payante comprend des sauvegardes et l’analyse de sécurité, mais ces fonctionnalités ne sont pas encore actives."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Cliquez sur « Installer » pour terminer l’installation."],"Checking site status…":["Vérification de l’état du site..."],"Pages":["Pages"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Accédez à la liste complète des modules Jetpack disponibles sur votre site."],"We're here to help":["Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous aider"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack comprend une assistance de base gratuite pour tous les utilisateurs."],"Ask a question":["Poser une question"],"Search our support site":["Rechercher dans notre site d'assistance"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Obtenez une réponse plus rapide à vos questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Hébergez et affichez vos vidéos rapidement avec un lecteur de haute qualité et sans publicité."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Générez du revenu avec des publicités de haute qualité."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Sauvegardes de site en temps réel et résolution automatique des menaces."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protégez-vous contre la perte de données, les programmes malveillants et les attaques malveillantes."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Facilitez la recherche et le partage de votre contenu avec les outils de référencement."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protégez votre site contre les commentaires indésirables."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Ce site n'est pas connecté à Veuillez demander à l'administrateur du site de se connecter."],"Spam filtering":["Filtrage des commentaires indésirables"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Recherche quotidienne et automatique de programmes malveillants"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Sauvegarde quotidienne et automatique (stockage illimité)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Recherche quotidienne et automatique de programmes malveillants, avec résolution automatique si besoin"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["Outils d'aperçu SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Outils de statistiques du site, affichage de contenu similaire, et outils de partage"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protection contre les attaques par force brute et surveillance des interruptions"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hébergement des images haut débit illimité"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["En déconnectant %(siteName)s de vous n'aurez plus accès aux éléments suivants&nbsp;:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["En savoir plus sur les avantages de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Une compagnie aérienne Automattic"],"Manage site connection":["Gérer la connexion du site"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Connectez votre compte à pour voir plus de statistiques"],"Theme enhancements":["Améliorations des thèmes"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Charger plus d'articles en suivant les réglages par défaut du thème"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Charger les articles suivants grâce à un bouton"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Charger les articles suivants automatiquement lors du défilement vers le bas de page"],"Theme support required.":["Votre thème doit tout d’abord prendre en charge cette fonctionnalité."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["En savoir plus sur l'ajout de la prise en charge du défilement infini dans votre thème."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Utilisez des extraits plutôt que des articles complets sur la page d'accueil et les pages d'archive"],"Show featured images":["Afficher les images à la Une"],"Enable the toolbar":["Activer la barre d'outils de"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Les outils d'écriture mis à votre disposition seront disponibles ici après avoir été activés par un administrateur."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Notez que la {{b}}vérification de votre site à l'aide de ces services n'est pas nécessaire{{/b}} pour l'indexation de votre site par les moteurs de recherche. Pour utiliser ces outils de moteurs de recherche avancés et vérifier votre site à l'aide d'un service, collez le code de la balise HTML ci-après. Lisez l'{{support}}intégralité des instructions{{/support}} si vous rencontrez des difficultés. Services de vérification pris en charge&nbsp;: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest{{/pinterest}} et {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Générer des sitemaps XML"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'image facilite la collecte des statistiques mais tout devrait toujours fonctionner si vous la cachez."],"Count logged in page views from":["Inclure les vues des utilisateurs suivant lorsqu’ils sont connectés"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Autoriser la consultation des rapports de stats par les utilisateurs suivants"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres pour profiter de plus de contrôle. Découvrez-en plus sur ce que vous pouvez faire pour {{a}}optimiser le SEO de votre site{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configurer vos options SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["Dans « Extensions »"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configurer les paramètres de Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Affichez des publicités sur le premier article de votre page d'accueil ou à la fin de chaque page et de chaque article. Insérez d'autres publicités en haut de votre site et dans une zone de widgets pour augmenter vos revenus."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Activer les publicités et afficher une publicité sous chaque article"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configurer vos boutons de partage"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Connecter vos comptes de réseaux sociaux"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Associer les comptes à l'aide des adresses de messagerie"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Exiger que les comptes utilisent l'authentification en deux étapes de"],"Add to whitelist":["Ajouter à la liste blanche"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Vous pouvez ajouter une adresse ou une série d’adresses IP à votre liste blanche, afin d’empêcher leur blocage par Jetpack. IPv4 et IPv6 sont pris en charge. Pour spécifier une plage d’adresses IP, entrez une valeur minimum et une valeur maximum en utilisant un tiret comme séparateur. Exemple&nbsp;:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Votre site est sauvegardé et aucune faille de sécurité n’a été détectée."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Vérification de votre protection anti-spam…"],"Fetching key…":["Récupération de la clé…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Votre site requiert une clé anti-spam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Il y a un problème avec votre clé d'API anti-spam. {{a}}En savoir plus{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Votre site n'est pas protégé contre les commentaires indésirables."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Votre clé anti-spam est valide."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Votre site est protégé contre les commentaires indésirables."],"Checking key…":["Vérification de la clé…"],"Your API key":["Votre clé API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Si vous n'avez pas encore de clé API, {{a}}demandez-la ici{{/a}} et suivez le guide pour l'obtenir."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Aucun résultat pour %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Saisissez un terme à rechercher pour trouver un réglage, ou fermer la recherche."],"Connections":["Connexions"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Votre site est en mode de développement, il ne peut donc pas se connecter à"],"Your site is connected to":["Votre site est connecté à"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Votre êtes le propriétaire Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connecté en tant que {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Voir vos abonnés par e-mail"],"Color scheme":["Jeu de couleurs"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Activer la gestion de Markdown dans les commentaires."],"Updated settings.":["Paramètres mis à jour."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des réglages. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Nouvelle adresse de publication par e-mail générée."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la génération d'une nouvelle adresse de publication par e-mail. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Paramètres mis à jour. Actualisation de la page…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["En {{a}}mode de développement{/a}} (certaines fonctionnalités sont désactivées) car :"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Le filtre jetpack_development_mode est actif{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG est utilisée{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}L’URL de votre site n’inclue pas de point (par exemple http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics est un service gratuit qui complémente nos {{a}stats intégrées à Jetpack{{/a}} en vous offrant des informations différentes sur votre trafic. Les stats de et Google Analytics utilisent différentes méthodes pour identifier et suivre vos visiteurs sur votre site, et peuvent donc afficher des stats quelque peu différentes."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configurer Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activer Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Télécharger les applications gratuites"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Mise en avant de l&rsquo;offre&nbsp;: VideoPress dédié aux mariages"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Vous pouvez également configurer des articles similaires dans l&rsquo;outil de personnalisation. {{ExternalLink}}Faites un essai&nbsp;!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Par défaut, les publicités sont affichées en bas de chaque page et article, ou sur le premier article de votre page d’accueil. Vous pouvez également les insérer en haut de votre site et dans une zone de widgets pour augmenter vos revenus&nbsp;!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Affichez une publicité en haut de votre site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["En activant la publicité, vous acceptez les {{link}}conditions d&rsquo;utilisation{{/link}} de la publicité d&rsquo;Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Votre serveur n'étant pas correctement configuré, Jetpack Protect ne peut pas protéger efficacement votre site."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Dans « Mobile »"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configurer les paramètres de notification Monitor sur{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Voir vos revenus"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Pour commencer, cliquez sur &laquo;Ajouter un média&raquo; dans votre éditeur de publication et chargez une vidéo; nous nous occupons du reste&nbsp;!"],"Video Hosting":["Hébergement vidéo"],"SEO Tools":["Outils de référencement"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Outils de référencement pour augmenter les chances de votre site de s’afficher dans les résultats de recherche des internautes."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["La méthode la plus simple pour mettre en ligne sur votre site des vidéos sans publicité ni marque. Vous obtenez des statistiques sur la lecture et le partage de vidéos, et le lecteur est léger et réactif."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Vous utilisez Jetpack sur un serveur de test."],"More Info":["Plus d&rsquo;infos"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gérer la visibilité des Likes depuis réglages du module de partage{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Votre IP actuelle&nbsp;: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Il y a des réglages non sauvegardés dans cet onglet; ils seront seront perdus si vous le fermez. Continuer&nbsp;?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Cela réinitialisera toutes les options de Jetpack, souhaitez-vous continuer&nbsp;?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Recherchez une fonctionnalité Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configurez vos analyses de sécurité"],"Subscriber":["Abonné"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Une mise à jour importante pour iPhone/iPad est désormais disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Remaniement en profondeur de l'application WordPress pour Android"]," Likes are:":["Les mentions J'aime de sont :"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Cacher l'image de Smiley ajoutée par les statistiques"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Adresses IP ajoutées à la liste blanche"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Afficher un message de promotion des applications WordPress pour mobile au bas de votre thème pour mobile"],"Copied!":["Copie terminée"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Sélectionnez le texte suivant et copiez-le dans le Presse-papiers :"],"Regenerate address":["Générer une nouvelle adresse"],"Cheatin' uh?":["On triche, hein ?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Pouvez-vous nous expliquer pourquoi vous n'avez pas finalisé votre connexion Jetpack en répondant aux {{a}}2 questions de ce sondage{{/a}} ?{{/p}}{{p}}Une connexion à Jetpack est requise pour utiliser nos fonctions gratuites de sécurité et de trafic.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Bienvenue sur {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} !"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Votre Jetpack est déjà connecté."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Vous êtes prêt à démarrer, Jetpack est désormais actif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Vous êtes prêt à démarrer."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Vous utilisez actuellement une version de développement de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Envoyer vos retours à propos de la Beta"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Que souhaitez-vous voir sur votre tableau de bord Jetpack ?"],"Let us know!":["Informez-nous !"],"Saving…":["Enregistrement en cours…"],"Save Settings":["Enregistrer les paramètres"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icône des statistiques de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Activez les statistiques du site{{/a}} pour afficher des statistiques détaillées, les mentions J'aime, les followers, les abonnés et bien plus encore ! {{a1}}En savoir plus{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Activer les statistiques du site"],"Site Backups":["Sauvegardes du site"],"Upgrade":["Mettre à niveau"],"ACTIVE":["ACTIF"],"View your spam stats":["Afficher vos statistiques de spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Afficher votre tableau de bord de sécurité"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Le site est en mode de développement, vous ne pouvez donc pas vous connecter à"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Liez votre compte à pour tirer le meilleur parti de Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Pour un scan complet et automatique des menaces de sécurité, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack bloque activement les tentatives de connexion malveillantes. Les données s'afficheront bientôt ici !"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Attaques malveillantes bloquées sur votre site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activez Protect{{/a}} pour protéger votre site contre les tentatives de connexion malveillantes."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Toutes les extensions sont à jour. Excellent travail !"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack améliore et optimise la vitesse de chargement de vos images."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack surveille votre site. Si nous pensons que votre site est indisponible, nous vous enverrons un e-mail."],"Security":["Sécurité"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Afficher les détails de sauvegarde{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Indisponible en mode de développement."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu indésirable, {{a}}installez Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu indésirable, {{a}}activez Akismet{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Indisponible en mode de développement"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activation de %(slug)s en cours…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s a été activé."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Échec de l'activation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Désactivation de %(slug)s en cours…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s a été désactivé."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Échec de la désactivation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres %(slug)s en cours..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Paramètres %(slug)s mis à jour."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des paramètres %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Mise à jour de l'adresse %(slug)s en cours..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Nouvelle adresse %(slug)s générée."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la génération d'une nouvelle adresse %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Réinitialisation des options de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Options réinitialisées."],"Options failed to reset.":["Échec de la réinitialisation des options."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la déconnexion de Jetpack. Erreur : %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Suppression du lien de"],"Unlinked from":["Lien supprimé de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la suppression du lien de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Politique de confidentialité d'Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Conditions d'utilisation de"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Activez cette option{{/a}} pour améliorer les performances et la vitesse de vos images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Activer les mises à jour automatiques d'extensions{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Mises à jour d'extensions"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Aucune menace trouvée, la voie est libre !"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contacter l'assistance{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Afficher les détails sur{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Oups, %(number)s menace trouvée.","Oups, %(number)s menaces trouvées."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activez la surveillance{{/a}} pour recevoir des notifications si votre site est indisponible."],"Loading…":["Chargement en cours..."],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Voir plus de stats sur {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Accéder aux stats détaillées{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Commentaires depuis la création"],"All-time views":["Vues depuis la création"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s vue","%(number)s vues"],"Best overall day":["Meilleure journée globale"],"Views today":["Vues aujourd'hui"],"Months":["Mois"],"Weeks":["Semaines"],"Days":["Jours"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des statistiques. Réessayez ultérieurement ou {{a}}consultez vos statistiques maintenant sur{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Cliquez pour afficher les statistiques détaillées."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Vues : %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Semaine de %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Sécurité du site"],"Link to":["M'associer à"],"Unlink me from":["Me désassocier de"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Un problème est survenu lors de la connexion de votre Jetpack Cliquez de nouveau sur \"Se connecter à\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Nous avons rencontré un problème lors de l&rsquo;autorisation de Jetpack; déactivez et réactivez l&rsquo;extension, et essayez une nouvelle fois."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Vous devez rester connecté à votre blog pendant l'autorisation de Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} Veuillez nous excuser pour ce désagrément. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si le problème persiste, contactez l'assistance avec ce message : %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Déconnexion de Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Posts":["Articles"],"Front page":["Page d&rsquo;accueil"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Afficher une liste d&rsquo;articles similaires au bas de chaque article"],"Related":["Articles similaires"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Media":["Média"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":[""],"Site Stats":["Stats du Site"],"Sharing":["Partage"],"Testimonials":["T&eacute;moignages"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack ne pouvait pas contacter : %(error_key)s. Dans la plupart des cas, cela signifie que quelque chose n'est pas configuré correctement sur votre hébergement."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" a actuellement des soucis et ne peut pas alimenter votre Jetpack. Veuillez essayer utlérieurement."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} La connexion de ce site à n'est pas possible. Ceci est généralement provoqué par un site non accessible au public (par exemple, un site sur localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Votre site doit être accessible au public pour utiliser Jetpack : %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Connected":["Connecté"],"Activate":["Activer"],"Active":["Actif"],"Search":["Recherche"],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Learn More":["Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Déconnecter Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testez la compatibilité de votre site avec Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Envoyer le lien"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Annuler"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Mettre à jour les extensions automatiquement"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":[""],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Liens courts"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Surveillance des temps d'arrêt"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Paramètres de confidentialité"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barre d'outils de"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Écriture"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Stats du site"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Boutons de partage"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connexions Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Boutons J'aime"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protection contre les attaques par force brute"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Sauvegardes et analyses de sécurité"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["À propos"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":[""],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Mon plan"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Outils de développement"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Paramètres"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussion"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Trafic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Partage"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Offres"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Rédaction"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Réinitialiser les options (versions de développement uniquement)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sécurité"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["conditions d'utilisation"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["cdu"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["rgpd"],"Search term.\u0004data":["données"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["suivis"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["confidentialité"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Mettre à niveau"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Enregistrement en cours…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Enregistrer les paramètres"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Articles similaires"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Prévisualiser"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rester connecté"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Déconnecter"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Mises à jour nécessaires"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Payant"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Aperçu"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Publicités"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Connexion du site"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connexion du compte"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Menaces"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["RÉPARER"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Menace détectée&nbsp;!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sécurisé"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configurer"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copier"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Confidentialité"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Conditions"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Débogage"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commentaires indésirables bloqués."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Ajoutez des boutons de partage pour permettre aux visiteurs de partager vos articles et vos pages sur les réseaux sociaux en quelques clics rapides."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Ajoutez un petit tableau dans votre barre d'administration indiquant le trafic sur 48 heures"],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Développez pour mettre à jour les réglages de comptabilisation des visiteurs et préciser qui peut voir cette information."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Vous pouvez personnaliser les boutons de partage et choisir les services à afficher."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Votre site est protégé par Jetpack. Vous serez notifié si un élément requiert votre attention."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Recherchez les menaces en amont de manière à pouvoir agir rapidement."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Remplacez la fonction de recherche de base de votre site par une fonction de recherche personnalisable qui permet à vos visiteurs de trouver plus rapidement la réponse à leurs questions."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Ne craignez pas de perdre votre site : des sauvegardes automatiques garantissent la sécurité de votre contenu."],"Protect":["Protéger"],"Scan":["Analyser"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Supprimez automatiquement le contenu indésirable de vos commentaires et formulaires afin de mieux vous concentrer sur votre activité."],"Anti-spam":["Anti-spam"],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Connectez votre site à Google Analytics en quelques secondes avec Jetpack Premium ou Professionnel."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Connexion à l'application mobile WordPress"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Connectez-vous facilement à l'application en cliquant sur le lien que nous vous enverrons à l'adresse e-mail de votre compte."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Envoyez-moi un lien de connexion à l'application par e-mail"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Envoyez vos nouveaux articles à cette adresse e-mail :"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Publier par e-mail permet de publier rapidement de nouveaux articles sans visiter votre site. Nous générerons une adresse e-mail unique à laquelle vous pourrez envoyer votre contenu, qui apparaîtra ensuite sur votre site comme n'importe quel autre article."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barre d'outils de remplace la barre d'outils administrateur par défaut de WordPress. Elle permet d'accéder en un clic aux notifications, à votre profil et à vos autres sites Web Jetpack et Vous pouvez également mettre à jour les sites que vous suivez dans le Lecteur."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Vérifiez la propriété de votre site avec des services tiers"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Générez des URL raccourcies pour simplifier le partage."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Maintenez l'intérêt de vos visiteurs en insérant du contenu similaire au bas de chaque article. Ces paramètres ne s'appliqueront pas aux {{a}}articles similaires ajoutés à l'aide de l'éditeur de blocs{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["La fonctionnalité permet aux visiteurs de rechercher davantage de contenu en affichant les articles similaires au bas de chaque article."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack génère automatiquement un fichier {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} personnalisé pour votre site. Si vous devez ajouter des entrées supplémentaires pour d'autres réseaux, veuillez les renseigner dans l'espace ci-après, en en indiquant une par ligne. {{link2}}Cliquez ici pour afficher plus de détails{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Ajoutez des boutons de partage à vos articles et pages"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Partagez votre contenu sur les réseaux sociaux afin de développer votre public et de renforcer son implication."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Recevez des alertes si votre site bascule hors ligne. Nous vous préviendrons également dès qu'il sera de nouveau accessible."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Jetpack vous permet de configurer la mise à jour automatique de vos extensions. Vous recevrez instantanément les dernières résolutions de bug et de sécurité afin de préserver la sécurité de votre site."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Choisir les extensions à mettre à jour automatiquement"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Mettre Jetpack à niveau maintenant"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Monétisez votre site au moyen de publicités de haute qualité."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Personnalisez la programmation de vos publications sur les réseaux sociaux."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Développez votre public avec les outils d'optimisation des moteurs de recherche."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Résolvez rapidement les problèmes avec l'assistance prioritaire."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Profitez de la tranquillité d'esprit offerte par les sauvegardes automatiques."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Faites passer votre site au niveau supérieur !"],"Search support docs":["Rechercher des documents d'assistance"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Besoin d'aide ? Découvrez comment démarrer, personnaliser votre site, utiliser des extraits de code avancés et plus encore."],"Start sharing":["Commencer le partage"],"Optimized performance":["Performances optimisées"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Activez l'option « Souscrire aux commentaires » sur votre formulaire de commentaires"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Activez l'option « S'abonner au site » sur votre formulaire de commentaires"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gérez les paramètres de commentaires avancés et développez votre public avec les abonnements par e-mail."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduction du formulaire de commentaires"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam propulsé par Akismet. Les commentaires et formulaires de contact envoyés sont comparés à notre base de données mondiale de contenu indésirable."],"Failed to send login email":["Échec d'envoi de l'e-mail de connexion"],"Login email sent":["E-mail de connexion envoyé."],"Sending login email…":["Envoi de l'e-mail de connexion en cours"],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Votre plan : Jetpack Professionnel"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Votre plan : Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Votre plan : Jetpack Personnel"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Inquiet pour la sécurité ? Profitez des sauvegardes, des résolutions des problèmes de sécurité automatiques et plus encore : {{a}}Mettre à niveau maintenant{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Votre plan : Jetpack gratuit"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Autorisez les lecteurs à dire qu'ils aiment les commentaires individuels."],"Enable comment likes.":["Activez la mention J'aime des commentaires."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Autorisez les lecteurs à utiliser Markdown pour les commentaires."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Affichez les surcartes Gravatar à côté des commentaires."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Configuration de Jetpack terminée"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Progression de votre installation de Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Voir votre liste de contrôle de configuration"],"About Jetpack":[""],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Activez les commandes de visibilité des widgets pour afficher les widgets sur des pages ou articles spécifiques uniquement"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["La visibilité des widgets vous permet de choisir les widgets à afficher sur chaque page de manière à personnaliser totalement le contenu de vos widgets."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Facilitez l'utilisation de widgets supplémentaires sur votre site, notamment les formulaires d'abonnement et les flux Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Améliorez le panneau de personnalisation des CSS"],"Writing":["Rédaction"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Rédigez à l'aide de codes abrégés pour intégrer des médias à partir de sites populaires"],"Traffic":[""],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Vous devez saisir les identifiants de votre serveur pour terminer la configuration des sauvegardes et de l'analyse."],"Awaiting credentials":["Identifiants en attente"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Les sauvegardes et l'analyse sont en cours de configuration sur votre site."],"Provisioning":["Attribution"],"Action needed":[""],"Setting up":["Configuration"],"Discussion":[""],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Nous configurons la protection de votre site."],"View your site's backups":[""],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":[""],"Enter credentials":[""],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Vous devez saisir les identifiants de votre serveur pour terminer la configuration."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Nous configurons les sauvegardes de votre site."],"View site activity":[""],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack conserve un enregistrement complet de tout ce qui se passe sur votre site, afin de faciliter la gestion, le débogage et la réparation de votre site."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Plan Jetpack Business"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Plan Jetpack Premium"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Plan Jetpack Personnel"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Plan Jetpack gratuit"],"Support documentation":["Documentation d’assistance"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Bulles de discussion représentant une discussion avec l’assistance"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Élargissez votre public en partageant automatiquement vos articles sur les réseaux sociaux."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Augmentez le trafic vers votre site"],"Explore free themes":["Explorez les thèmes gratuits"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Profitez d’un accès illimité à des centaines de thèmes professionnels et personnalisez votre site exactement comme vous le voulez."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Grande variété de thèmes et d’outils pour personnaliser un site"],"Set up your site security":["Configurer la sécurité de votre site"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Prévenez les attaques de connexion et recevez des notifications instantanées lorsqu’un problème se produit sur votre site."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistiques du site montrant l’évolution du trafic et l’intérêt du public"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Main tenant une loupe"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Graphique montrant une augmentation considérable des revenus"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interface présentant une liste chronologique des modifications et mises à jour apportées à un site"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Nuage entouré de plusieurs types de contenus"],"A folder holding real comments":["Dossier contenant de vrais commentaires"],"Make your site faster":["Rendez votre site plus rapide"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement en diffusant vos images à partir de notre réseau mondial de serveurs."],"A fast and performant website":["Un site Web plus rapide et performant"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un site sécurisé, verrouillé et protégé par Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Dupliquez les articles, pages, témoignages et portfolios existants. L'intégralité du contenu sera copiée, y compris le texte, les images à la une, les options de partage et plus encore."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Ce site ne peut pas se connecter à, car il enfreint nos {{a}}conditions d'utilisation{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connectez votre site Web aux réseaux sociaux que vous utilisez et partagez votre contenu avec tous les comptes de réseaux sociaux en un seul clic. Lorsque vous publiez un article, il apparaît sur tous les comptes connectés."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Ajoutez des boutons J'aime à vos articles et pages"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Permettez aux visiteurs qui apprécient votre contenu de le faire savoir avec l'option J'aime."],"Create account":["Créer un compte"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Votre site utilise Jetpack mais pour profiter de toutes ses fonctionnalités, vous devrez créer un compte."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Sauvegarde automatique en temps réel (stockage illimité)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Créez du contenu comme il vous convient et rationalisez votre expérience de publication."],"Add a portfolio item":["Ajouter un élément de portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Ajouter un témoignage"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Optimisez la visibilité de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche et consultez les statistiques de trafic en temps réel."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Créez un compte Jetpack pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack continuera de surveiller votre site et vous préviendra s'il détecte des temps d'arrêt."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de l'activation de l'accélérateur de site. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'accélérateur de site accélère désormais votre site !"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Activation de l'accélérateur de site..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la désactivation de l'accélérateur de site. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'accélérateur de site n'accélère plus votre site !"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Désactivation de l'accélérateur de site..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement, optimisez les images et offrez une expérience plus rapide à vos visiteurs."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Complétez les statistiques de grâce aux informations détaillées dont Google dispose à propos des visiteurs de votre site ainsi que de leurs habitudes de navigation."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hébergement vidéo haute définition et haut débit sans publicités tierces."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Planifiez la publication de tweets illimités, d'articles sur Facebook et d'autres réseaux sociaux."],"Marketing Automation":["Marketing automatisé"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Activez Jetpack Search"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Remplacez la fonction de recherche par défaut de WordPress par une fonction optimisant les résultats et le filtrage grâce à Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Commencer à gagner de l'argent"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds vous permet de gagner de l'argent en affichant du contenu promotionnel. Commencez à gagner de l'argent dès aujourd'hui."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Le contenu indésirable est automatiquement bloqué à partir de vos commentaires."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtrage du contenu indésirable"],"Browse premium themes":["Parcourir les thèmes Premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accédez à des centaines de thèmes premium magnifiques sans frais supplémentaires."],"Try a premium theme":["Essayer un thème premium"],"View settings":["Voir les paramètres"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Créez un compte Jetpack pour voir vos abonnés par e-mail"],"Manage security settings":["Gérer les paramètres de sécurité"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack est prêt pour le nouvel éditeur WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Aujourd'hui, nous présentons la première vague de blocs propres à Jetpack conçus spécifiquement pour le nouvel éditeur : bouton Paiement simplifié, Formulaire, Association et Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Créer votre site Jetpack avec des blocs"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nouvel éditeur ? Oui ! {{a}}En savoir plus{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Les fonctionnalités dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer, adaptées au nouvel éditeur WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Accéder au nouvel éditeur"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Une erreur est survenue lors du test de Jetpack. Erreur : %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Nouveau dans Jetpack !"],"Speed up static file load times":["Accélérer le temps de chargement des fichiers statiques"],"Speed up image load times":["Accélérer le temps de chargement des images"],"Enable site accelerator":["Activer l'accélérateur de site"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Chargez les pages plus rapidement en permettant à Jetpack d'optimiser vos images et de diffuser vos images et fichiers statiques (comme CSS et JavaScript) à partir de notre réseau mondial de serveurs."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Voir l'activité de votre site"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Voir une liste chronologique de toutes les modifications et mises à jour de votre site de manière lisible et organisée."],"Manually Verify ":["Vérification manuelle"],"Verify with Google":["Vérification avec Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google vous contactera pour certains évènements qui se passent sur votre site, dont une notification si votre site s'est fait {{a1}}pirater{{/a1}}, ou s’il rencontre des soucis d’{{a2}}accès ou d’indexation{{/a2}}."],"or":["ou"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Gérer le traffic de votre site et ses performances depuis {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Votre site est vérifié avec Goole"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["La vérification du site a échouée : %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Vérification..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Ajouter un outil de recherche avancé et plus rapide à votre site grâce à Jetpack Professionnel."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Replacer l'outil de recherche par défaut de WordPress avec le module de recherche Jetpack pour une expérience de recherche avancée"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack remplace l’outil de recherche par défaut et permet une recherche rapide, extensible, personnalisée, et précise grâce à l’hébergement dans le cloud de Le résultat : vos utilisateurs trouveront le contenu recherché plus rapidement."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La recherche intégrée par défaut à WordPress est super lorsqu’il s’agit de sites avec peu de contenu. Mais plus votre site grandit, plus les recherches sont lentes et les résultats sont moins pertinents."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack peut être personnalisé."],"Site is verified":["Site vérifié"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtrage du contenu indésirable et assistance prioritaire."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Lorsque la publicité est activée, Jetpack génère automatiquement un fichier ads.txt personnalisé pour votre site."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Entrées ads.txt personnalisées"],"Privacy information":["Informations sur la confidentialité"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Activer le chargement optimisé des images"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Les images au chargement optimisé amélioreront la vitesse de votre site et offriront une expérience de navigation plus fluide. Les images se chargeront lorsque les visiteurs feront défiler l'écran, plutôt que toutes en même temps."],"Performance & speed":["Performances et vitesse"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Activer le lecteur vidéo haut débit sans publicité"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendez le contenu que vous publiez encore plus captivant avec la vidéo haute résolution. Avec Jetpack Video, vous pouvez personnaliser votre lecteur multimédia et proposer à vos visiteurs des vidéos haut débit, sans publicité et sans marque. Les vidéos sont hébergées sur nos serveurs et ne prennent pas de place sur votre plan d'hébergement !"],"Video":["Vidéo"],"Carousel color scheme":["Jeu de couleurs du Carrousel"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Les données Exif présentent d'autres détails techniques d'une photo, comme sa focale, son ouverture et sa valeur ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Afficher les métadonnées Exif de la photo dans le Carrousel (si disponibles)."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Afficher les images dans une galerie du Carrousel en plein écran"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Créez un diaporama en plein écran dans le Carrousel avec les images de vos articles et pages. Les galeries du Carrousel sont adaptées aux appareils mobiles et encouragent les visiteurs de votre site à interagir avec vos photos."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Code abrégé des portfolios : [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilisez des {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} sur votre site pour présenter vos meilleurs produits et services. Si votre thème ne prend pas en charge les portfolios Jetpack, vous pouvez toujours utiliser un code abrégé simple pour les afficher sur votre site."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Code abrégé des témoignages : [témoignages]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Ajoutez des {{testimonialLink}}témoignages{{/testimonialLink}} à votre site Web pour attirer de nouveaux clients. Si votre thème ne prend pas en charge les témoignages Jetpack, vous pouvez toujours utiliser un code abrégé simple pour les afficher sur votre site."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Les moteurs de recherche ne peuvent pas accéder à votre site pour le moment. Pour rendre votre site accessible, vérifiez vos {{a}}Paramètres de lecture{{/a}} et activez la fonction « Moteur de recherche visible »."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Bonne nouvelle : Jetpack envoie votre sitemap automatiquement à tous les principaux moteurs de recherche pour l'indexation."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Les sitemaps sont des fichiers que les moteurs de recherche comme Google ou Bing utilisent pour indexer votre site Web. Ils permettent d'améliorer votre classement dans les résultats de recherche. Lorsque vous activez cette fonctionnalité, Jetpack crée des sitemaps pour vous et les met à jour automatiquement lorsque le contenu de votre site change."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configurer les articles similaires dans l'outil de personnalisation"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Mettre en valeur le contenu similaire avec un en-tête"],"View security scan details":["Voir les détails de l'analyse de sécurité"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Affichez une image miniature lorsque cela est possible"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur la façon dont les fonctionnalités spécifiques de Jetpack utilisent les données et l'activité de suivi, veuillez vous reporter à notre {{privacyCenterLink}}Centre de confidentialité{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Nous utilisons d'autres outils de suivi, notamment des outils provenant de tiers. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Découvrez-les{{/cookiePolicyLink}} et apprenez à les contrôler."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Ces informations nous permettent d'améliorer nos produits, de mieux cibler nos campagnes marketing, de personnaliser votre expérience et plus encore, comme indiqué dans notre {{pp}}politique de confidentialité{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Partagez les informations concernant votre utilisation des services avec notre outil d'analyse tout en étant connecté à votre compte {{cookiePolicyLink}}En savoir plus{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité est gérée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été désactivée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été activée par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s a été désactivé par un administrateur du site. {{link}}En savoir plus{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Cette fonctionnalité a été désactivée par un administrateur du site."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s a été désactivé par un administrateur du site."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Vous pouvez insérer des publicités supplémentaires à l'aide du widget Publicité. {{link}}Faites un essai !{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configurer vos paramètres de notification"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Le module de recherche de Jetpack remplace efficacement la fonction de recherche intégrée à WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Les fichiers de votre site sont régulièrement analysés afin de détecter les modifications non autorisées ou suspectes qui pourraient compromettre votre sécurité et vos données."],"Plugin needs updating.":["L'extension doit être mise à jour.","Les extensions doivent être mises à jour."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Les mises à jour des extensions de Jetpack vous permettent de choisir les extensions à mettre à jour automatiquement."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack optimisera vos images et les diffusera auprès des visiteurs de votre site à partir de l'emplacement serveur le plus proche de ces derniers. L'utilisation de notre réseau mondial de distribution de contenu améliorera considérablement la vitesse de chargement de votre site."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Les sauvegardes Jetpack vous permettent de restaurer ou de télécharger facilement une sauvegarde à partir d'un point temporel donné."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Active un thème léger et adapté aux appareils mobiles qui s'affichera sur l'appareil mobile des visiteurs."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Charge les articles suivants automatiquement dès que le lecteur arrive en bas de page."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Vous permet de publier de nouveaux articles en envoyant un e-mail à une adresse spéciale."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Vous autorise à rédiger du contenu avec des liens, des listes et d'autres styles utilisant la syntaxe Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fournit les étiquettes masquées nécessaires pour vérifier votre site WordPress avec différents services."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Affiche les informations relatives à l'activité de votre site, y compris les visiteurs et les articles/pages populaires."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Vous autorise à optimiser votre site et son contenu pour améliorer les résultats dans les moteurs de recherche."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Intègre votre site WordPress à Google Analytics, une plate-forme qui offre un aperçu détaillé de votre trafic, de vos visiteurs et de vos conversions."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Affiche des publicités de qualité sur votre site pour vous permettre de gagner de l'argent."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Vous permet de partager automatiquement votre contenu le plus récent sur les réseaux sociaux, y compris Facebook et Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Ajoute des boutons J'aime à votre contenu pour permettre à vos visiteurs d'exprimer leur appréciation et leur satisfaction."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permet aux utilisateurs enregistrés de se connecter à votre site avec leur compte"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protège votre site des attaques de connexion par force brute distribuées et traditionnelles."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sauvegarde votre site sur les serveurs mondiaux de, ce qui vous permet de restaurer votre contenu en cas d'urgence ou d'erreur."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Supprime le contenu indésirable des commentaires et des formulaires de contact."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Nous sommes attachés à votre confidentialité et à votre sécurité. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Afficher tous les plans Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gérer votre plan"],"Your Plan":["Votre plan"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Vous possédez actuellement le plan Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Permet à vos lecteurs de s'abonner à vos articles ou commentaires, et de recevoir des notifications par e-mail lorsque du nouveau contenu est publié."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Remplace le formulaire de commentaire standard de WordPress par un nouveau système de commentaire qui inclut des options de connexion aux réseaux sociaux."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Activez{{/a}} pour remplacer la recherche intégrée à WordPress par le module de recherche Jetpack, une expérience de recherche améliorée."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Ajouter le widget de recherche (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La fonctionnalité de recherche de votre site est basée sur la recherche Jetpack."],"Manage your plugins":["Gérer vos extensions"],"Moderate comments":["Modérer les commentaires"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des paramètres de confidentialité. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Paramètres de confidentialité mis à jour."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres de confidentialité…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Ajouter le widget de recherche de Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Ajoutez le widget de recherche de Jetpack à votre colonne latérale pour configurer des filtres de recherche avancée."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite de sécurité complète, outils d'automatisation des revenus et du marketing, hébergement vidéo illimité, thèmes illimités, recherche améliorée et assistance prioritaire."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite de sécurité complète, outils d'automatisation des revenus et du marketing, hébergement vidéo illimité et assistance prioritaire."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Sauvegardes quotidiennes, filtres anti-spam et assistance prioritaire."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic, analyses de sécurité automatiques et assistance prioritaire."],"Design the perfect website":["Créez le site web parfait"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configurer Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic et analyses de sécurité automatisées."],"Jetpack Search":["Recherche Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Version de Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Votre site est sauvegardé en temps réel et régulièrement analysé pour rechercher des menaces de sécurité."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Sauvegarde quotidienne de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité et options de restauration en un clic."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sauvegarde en temps réel de toutes les données de votre site avec espace illimité, restaurations en un clic, analyses de sécurité automatisées, et support prioritaire."],"View your security activity":["Voir votre activité de sécurité"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (optimisé par VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personnaliser le widget de recherche"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Veuillez corriger le problème ci-dessous et réessayer.","Veuillez corriger les problèmes indiqués ci-dessous et réessayer."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Nous veillons à protéger votre site contre les menaces de sécurité. Vous serez notifié si nous en détectons une."],"Jetpack version":["Version de Jetpack"],"Activity":["Activité"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Voir les détails{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monétiser votre site grâce à des publicités"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous, vous acceptez nos {{tosLink}}conditions d’utilisation{{/tosLink}} et le {{shareDetailsLink}}partage d’informations{{/shareDetailsLink}} avec"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Personnes regardant un graphique de stats Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Bonjour&nbsp;! Vos statistiques ont été activées."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Accordez-nous juste un peu de temps pour que nous puissions collecter les données et les afficher ici."],"Okay, got it!":["D’accord, je comprends&nbsp;!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Afficher des publicités sous les articles sur"],"Additional ad placements":["Emplacements de publicités supplémentaires"],"Top of each page":["Haut de chaque page"],"Second ad below post":["Seconde publicité sous l'article"],"Archives":["Archives"],"Stars":["Étoiles"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Activer Publicize"],"Your site is backed up.":["Votre site est sauvegardé."],"Image Performance":["Performance de vos images"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Obtenir des applications WordPress pour tous vos appareils"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gérez tous vos sites à partir d'un seul tableau de bord&nbsp;: publiez du contenu, suivez les statistiques, modérez les commentaires et bien plus encore, de n'importe où dans le monde."],"Create address":["Créer une adresse"],"Priority support":["Assistance prioritaire"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Partager automatiquement vos articles sur les réseaux sociaux"],"Updating settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres..."],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Mise à jour de l’adresse de publication par e-mail..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Votre offre payante vous donne accès à l’assistance prioritaire de Jetpack."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Votre offre payante comprend des sauvegardes qui ne sont pas encore actives."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Votre offre payante comprend des sauvegardes et l’analyse de sécurité, mais ces fonctionnalités ne sont pas encore actives."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Cliquez sur « Installer » pour terminer l’installation."],"Checking site status…":["Vérification de l’état du site..."],"Pages":["Pages"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Accédez à la liste complète des modules Jetpack disponibles sur votre site."],"We're here to help":["Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous aider"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack comprend une assistance de base gratuite pour tous les utilisateurs."],"Ask a question":["Poser une question"],"Search our support site":["Rechercher dans notre site d'assistance"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Obtenez une réponse plus rapide à vos questions."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Hébergez et affichez vos vidéos rapidement avec un lecteur de haute qualité et sans publicité."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Générez du revenu avec des publicités de haute qualité."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Sauvegardes de site en temps réel et résolution automatique des menaces."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protégez-vous contre la perte de données, les programmes malveillants et les attaques malveillantes."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Facilitez la recherche et le partage de votre contenu avec les outils de référencement."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Protégez votre site contre les commentaires indésirables."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Ce site n'est pas connecté à Veuillez demander à l'administrateur du site de se connecter."],"Spam filtering":["Filtrage des commentaires indésirables"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Recherche quotidienne et automatique de programmes malveillants"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Sauvegarde quotidienne et automatique (stockage illimité)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Recherche quotidienne et automatique de programmes malveillants, avec résolution automatique si besoin"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["Outils d'aperçu SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Outils de statistiques du site, affichage de contenu similaire, et outils de partage"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protection contre les attaques par force brute et surveillance des interruptions"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hébergement des images haut débit illimité"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["En déconnectant %(siteName)s de vous n'aurez plus accès aux éléments suivants&nbsp;:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["En savoir plus sur les avantages de Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Une compagnie aérienne Automattic"],"Manage site connection":["Gérer la connexion du site"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Connectez votre compte à pour voir plus de statistiques"],"Theme enhancements":["Améliorations des thèmes"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Charger plus d'articles en suivant les réglages par défaut du thème"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Charger les articles suivants grâce à un bouton"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Charger les articles suivants automatiquement lors du défilement vers le bas de page"],"Theme support required.":["Votre thème doit tout d’abord prendre en charge cette fonctionnalité."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["En savoir plus sur l'ajout de la prise en charge du défilement infini dans votre thème."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Utilisez des extraits plutôt que des articles complets sur la page d'accueil et les pages d'archive"],"Show featured images":["Afficher les images à la Une"],"Enable the toolbar":["Activer la barre d'outils de"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Les outils d'écriture mis à votre disposition seront disponibles ici après avoir été activés par un administrateur."],"Portfolios":["Portfolios"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Notez que la {{b}}vérification de votre site à l'aide de ces services n'est pas nécessaire{{/b}} pour l'indexation de votre site par les moteurs de recherche. Pour utiliser ces outils de moteurs de recherche avancés et vérifier votre site à l'aide d'un service, collez le code de la balise HTML ci-après. Lisez l'{{support}}intégralité des instructions{{/support}} si vous rencontrez des difficultés. Services de vérification pris en charge&nbsp;: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest{{/pinterest}} et {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Générer des sitemaps XML"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'image facilite la collecte des statistiques mais tout devrait toujours fonctionner si vous la cachez."],"Count logged in page views from":["Inclure les vues des utilisateurs suivant lorsqu’ils sont connectés"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Autoriser la consultation des rapports de stats par les utilisateurs suivants"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres pour profiter de plus de contrôle. Découvrez-en plus sur ce que vous pouvez faire pour {{a}}optimiser le SEO de votre site{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configurer vos options SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["Dans « Extensions »"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configurer les paramètres de Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Affichez des publicités sur le premier article de votre page d'accueil ou à la fin de chaque page et de chaque article. Insérez d'autres publicités en haut de votre site et dans une zone de widgets pour augmenter vos revenus."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Activer les publicités et afficher une publicité sous chaque article"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configurer vos boutons de partage"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Connecter vos comptes de réseaux sociaux"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Associer les comptes à l'aide des adresses de messagerie"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Exiger que les comptes utilisent l'authentification en deux étapes de"],"Add to whitelist":["Ajouter à la liste blanche"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Vous pouvez ajouter une adresse ou une série d’adresses IP à votre liste blanche, afin d’empêcher leur blocage par Jetpack. IPv4 et IPv6 sont pris en charge. Pour spécifier une plage d’adresses IP, entrez une valeur minimum et une valeur maximum en utilisant un tiret comme séparateur. Exemple&nbsp;:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Votre site est sauvegardé et aucune faille de sécurité n’a été détectée."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Vérification de votre protection anti-spam…"],"Fetching key…":["Récupération de la clé…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Votre site requiert une clé anti-spam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Il y a un problème avec votre clé d'API anti-spam. {{a}}En savoir plus{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Votre site n'est pas protégé contre les commentaires indésirables."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Votre clé anti-spam est valide."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Votre site est protégé contre les commentaires indésirables."],"Checking key…":["Vérification de la clé…"],"Your API key":["Votre clé API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Si vous n'avez pas encore de clé API, {{a}}demandez-la ici{{/a}} et suivez le guide pour l'obtenir."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Aucun résultat pour %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Saisissez un terme à rechercher pour trouver un réglage, ou fermer la recherche."],"Connections":["Connexions"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Votre site est en mode de développement, il ne peut donc pas se connecter à"],"Your site is connected to":["Votre site est connecté à"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Votre êtes le propriétaire Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connecté en tant que {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Voir vos abonnés par e-mail"],"Color scheme":["Jeu de couleurs"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Activer la gestion de Markdown dans les commentaires."],"Updated settings.":["Paramètres mis à jour."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des réglages. (%(error)s)"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Nouvelle adresse de publication par e-mail générée."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la génération d'une nouvelle adresse de publication par e-mail. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Paramètres mis à jour. Actualisation de la page…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["En {{a}}mode de développement{/a}} (certaines fonctionnalités sont désactivées) car :"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Le filtre jetpack_development_mode est actif{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG est utilisée{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}L’URL de votre site n’inclue pas de point (par exemple http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics est un service gratuit qui complémente nos {{a}stats intégrées à Jetpack{{/a}} en vous offrant des informations différentes sur votre trafic. Les stats de et Google Analytics utilisent différentes méthodes pour identifier et suivre vos visiteurs sur votre site, et peuvent donc afficher des stats quelque peu différentes."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configurer Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Activer Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Télécharger les applications gratuites"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Mise en avant de l&rsquo;offre&nbsp;: VideoPress dédié aux mariages"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Vous pouvez également configurer des articles similaires dans l&rsquo;outil de personnalisation. {{ExternalLink}}Faites un essai&nbsp;!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Par défaut, les publicités sont affichées en bas de chaque page et article, ou sur le premier article de votre page d’accueil. Vous pouvez également les insérer en haut de votre site et dans une zone de widgets pour augmenter vos revenus&nbsp;!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Affichez une publicité en haut de votre site."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["En activant la publicité, vous acceptez les {{link}}conditions d&rsquo;utilisation{{/link}} de la publicité d&rsquo;Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Votre serveur n'étant pas correctement configuré, Jetpack Protect ne peut pas protéger efficacement votre site."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Dans « Mobile »"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configurer les paramètres de notification Monitor sur{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Voir vos revenus"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Pour commencer, cliquez sur &laquo;Ajouter un média&raquo; dans votre éditeur de publication et chargez une vidéo; nous nous occupons du reste&nbsp;!"],"Video Hosting":["Hébergement vidéo"],"SEO Tools":["Outils de référencement"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Outils de référencement pour augmenter les chances de votre site de s’afficher dans les résultats de recherche des internautes."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["La méthode la plus simple pour mettre en ligne sur votre site des vidéos sans publicité ni marque. Vous obtenez des statistiques sur la lecture et le partage de vidéos, et le lecteur est léger et réactif."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Vous utilisez Jetpack sur un serveur de test."],"More Info":["Plus d&rsquo;infos"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gérer la visibilité des Likes depuis réglages du module de partage{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Votre IP actuelle&nbsp;: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Il y a des réglages non sauvegardés dans cet onglet; ils seront seront perdus si vous le fermez. Continuer&nbsp;?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Cela réinitialisera toutes les options de Jetpack, souhaitez-vous continuer&nbsp;?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Recherchez une fonctionnalité Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configurez vos analyses de sécurité"],"Subscriber":["Abonné"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Une mise à jour importante pour iPhone/iPad est désormais disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Remaniement en profondeur de l'application WordPress pour Android"]," Likes are:":["Les mentions J'aime de sont :"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Cacher l'image de Smiley ajoutée par les statistiques"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Adresses IP ajoutées à la liste blanche"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Afficher un message de promotion des applications WordPress pour mobile au bas de votre thème pour mobile"],"Copied!":["Copie terminée"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Sélectionnez le texte suivant et copiez-le dans le Presse-papiers :"],"Regenerate address":["Générer une nouvelle adresse"],"Cheatin' uh?":["On triche, hein ?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Pouvez-vous nous expliquer pourquoi vous n'avez pas finalisé votre connexion Jetpack en répondant aux {{a}}2 questions de ce sondage{{/a}} ?{{/p}}{{p}}Une connexion à Jetpack est requise pour utiliser nos fonctions gratuites de sécurité et de trafic.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Bienvenue sur {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} !"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Votre Jetpack est déjà connecté."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Vous êtes prêt à démarrer, Jetpack est désormais actif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Vous êtes prêt à démarrer."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Vous utilisez actuellement une version de développement de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Envoyer vos retours à propos de la Beta"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Que souhaitez-vous voir sur votre tableau de bord Jetpack ?"],"Let us know!":["Informez-nous !"],"Saving…":["Enregistrement en cours…"],"Save Settings":["Enregistrer les paramètres"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icône des statistiques de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Activez les statistiques du site{{/a}} pour afficher des statistiques détaillées, les mentions J'aime, les followers, les abonnés et bien plus encore ! {{a1}}En savoir plus{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Activer les statistiques du site"],"Site Backups":["Sauvegardes du site"],"Upgrade":["Mettre à niveau"],"ACTIVE":["ACTIF"],"View your spam stats":["Afficher vos statistiques de spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Afficher votre tableau de bord de sécurité"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Le site est en mode de développement, vous ne pouvez donc pas vous connecter à"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Liez votre compte à pour tirer le meilleur parti de Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Pour un scan complet et automatique des menaces de sécurité, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack bloque activement les tentatives de connexion malveillantes. Les données s'afficheront bientôt ici !"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Attaques malveillantes bloquées sur votre site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Activez Protect{{/a}} pour protéger votre site contre les tentatives de connexion malveillantes."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Toutes les extensions sont à jour. Excellent travail !"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack améliore et optimise la vitesse de chargement de vos images."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack surveille votre site. Si nous pensons que votre site est indisponible, nous vous enverrons un e-mail."],"Security":["Sécurité"],"Performance":["Performance"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Afficher les détails de sauvegarde{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Indisponible en mode de développement."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu indésirable, {{a}}installez Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu indésirable, {{a}}activez Akismet{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Indisponible en mode de développement"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Activation de %(slug)s en cours…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s a été activé."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Échec de l'activation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Désactivation de %(slug)s en cours…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s a été désactivé."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Échec de la désactivation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Mise à jour des paramètres %(slug)s en cours..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Paramètres %(slug)s mis à jour."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la mise à jour des paramètres %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Mise à jour de l'adresse %(slug)s en cours..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Nouvelle adresse %(slug)s générée."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la génération d'une nouvelle adresse %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Réinitialisation des options de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Options réinitialisées."],"Options failed to reset.":["Échec de la réinitialisation des options."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la déconnexion de Jetpack. Erreur : %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Suppression du lien de"],"Unlinked from":["Lien supprimé de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Erreur lors de la suppression du lien de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Politique de confidentialité d'Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Conditions d'utilisation de"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Activez cette option{{/a}} pour améliorer les performances et la vitesse de vos images."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Activer les mises à jour automatiques d'extensions{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Mises à jour d'extensions"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Aucune menace trouvée, la voie est libre !"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contacter l'assistance{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Afficher les détails sur{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Oups, %(number)s menace trouvée.","Oups, %(number)s menaces trouvées."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Activez la surveillance{{/a}} pour recevoir des notifications si votre site est indisponible."],"Loading…":["Chargement en cours..."],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Voir plus de stats sur {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Accéder aux stats détaillées{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Commentaires depuis la création"],"All-time views":["Vues depuis la création"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s vue","%(number)s vues"],"Best overall day":["Meilleure journée globale"],"Views today":["Vues aujourd'hui"],"Months":["Mois"],"Weeks":["Semaines"],"Days":["Jours"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des statistiques. Réessayez ultérieurement ou {{a}}consultez vos statistiques maintenant sur{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Cliquez pour afficher les statistiques détaillées."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Vues : %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Semaine de %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Sécurité du site"],"Link to":["M'associer à"],"Unlink me from":["Me désassocier de"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Un problème est survenu lors de la connexion de votre Jetpack Cliquez de nouveau sur \"Se connecter à\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Nous avons rencontré un problème lors de l&rsquo;autorisation de Jetpack; déactivez et réactivez l&rsquo;extension, et essayez une nouvelle fois."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Vous devez rester connecté à votre blog pendant l'autorisation de Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} Veuillez nous excuser pour ce désagrément. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si le problème persiste, contactez l'assistance avec ce message : %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Déconnexion de Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Posts":["Articles"],"Front page":["Page d&rsquo;accueil"],"Upload videos":[""],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Afficher une liste d&rsquo;articles similaires au bas de chaque article"],"Related":["Articles similaires"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Media":["Média"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":[""],"Site Stats":["Stats du Site"],"Sharing":["Partage"],"Testimonials":["T&eacute;moignages"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack ne pouvait pas contacter : %(error_key)s. Dans la plupart des cas, cela signifie que quelque chose n'est pas configuré correctement sur votre hébergement."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" a actuellement des soucis et ne peut pas alimenter votre Jetpack. Veuillez essayer utlérieurement."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} La connexion de ce site à n'est pas possible. Ceci est généralement provoqué par un site non accessible au public (par exemple, un site sur localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Votre site doit être accessible au public pour utiliser Jetpack : %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Connected":["Connecté"],"Activate":["Activer"],"Active":["Actif"],"Search":["Recherche"],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Learn More":["Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Déconnecter Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testez la compatibilité de votre site avec Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":["Connexion à"],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Envoyer le lien"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Annuler"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Mettre à jour les extensions automatiquement"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":[""],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Liens courts"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Surveillance des temps d'arrêt"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Paramètres de confidentialité"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barre d'outils de"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Écriture"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Stats du site"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Boutons de partage"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connexions Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Boutons J'aime"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protection contre les attaques par force brute"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Sauvegardes et analyses de sécurité"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["À propos"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":[""],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Mon plan"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Outils de développement"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Paramètres"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussion"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Trafic"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Partage"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Offres"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Rédaction"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Réinitialiser les options (versions de développement uniquement)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sécurité"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["D'un coup d'œil"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["conditions d'utilisation"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["cdu"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["rgpd"],"Search term.\u0004data":["données"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["suivis"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["confidentialité"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Mettre à niveau"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Enregistrement en cours…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Enregistrer les paramètres"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Articles similaires"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Prévisualiser"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rester connecté"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Déconnecter"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Mises à jour nécessaires"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Payant"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Aperçu"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Publicités"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Connexion du site"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connexion du compte"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Menaces"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["RÉPARER"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Menace détectée&nbsp;!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sécurisé"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configurer"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copier"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Confidentialité"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Conditions"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Débogage"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commentaires indésirables bloqués."]}}}
languages/json/jetpack-it_IT-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":[""],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":[""],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":[""],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":[""],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":[""],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":[""],"Scan":[""],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Collega il tuo sito a Google Analytics in pochi secondi con Jetpack Premium o Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Accedi all'app WordPress per dispositivi mobili"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Accedi facilmente all'app facendo clic sul link che invieremo all'indirizzo e-mail indicato nel tuo account."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Inviami un'e-mail con il link per l'accesso all'app"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Invia i tuoi nuovi articoli a questo indirizzo e-mail:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["la pubblicazione tramite e-mail è un modo rapido per pubblicare nuovi articoli senza visitare il tuo sito. Genereremo un indirizzo e-mail unico per l'invio dei tuoi contenuti, che verrà poi visualizzato sul tuo sito come un qualsiasi altro articolo."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barra degli strumenti di sostituisce la barra degli strumenti di amministrazione di WordPress predefinita. Offre accesso con un clic alle notifiche, al profilo e agli altri siti web Jetpack e Puoi anche raggiungere i siti che segui nel Reader."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Verifica la proprietà del sito con i servizi di terze parti"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Genera URL abbreviati per una condivisione più semplice."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Coinvolgi i tuoi visitatori con contenuti correlati alla fine di ogni articolo. Queste impostazioni non saranno applicate agli {{a}}articoli correlati aggiunti usando l'editor dei blocchi{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Questa funzione aiuta i visitatori a trovare altri tuoi contenuti visualizzando gli articoli correlati alla fine di ogni articolo."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack genera automaticamente un file {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito. Se hai bisogno di ulteriori voci per altre reti, aggiungile nello spazio di seguito, una per riga. {{link2}}Controlla qui per ulteriori dettagli{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti per la condivisione agli articoli e alle pagine"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Condividi i tuoi contenuti sui social media, raggiungendo nuovi segmenti di pubblico e aumentando il coinvolgimento."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Ricevi avvisi se il tuo sito è offline. Ti faremo sapere anche quando è stato eseguito il backup."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Con Jetpack puoi scegliere di aggiornare automaticamente i plugin con ogni nuova versione del plugin. Avrai subito le ultime correzioni di sicurezza e di bug, assicurandoti che il sito sia sempre al sicuro."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Scegli quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Aggiorna Jetpack ora"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Fai fruttare il tuo sito con annunci pubblicitari di elevata qualità."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Personalizza il tuo programma di pubblicazione sui social."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Amplia il tuo pubblico con strumenti SEO professionali."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Risolvi rapidamente i problemi con supporto prioritario."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Ottieni la tranquillità grazie ai backup automatici."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Fai fare un salto di qualità al tuo sito!"],"Search support docs":["Cerca documenti di supporto"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Serve aiuto? Scopri come iniziare, personalizzare il tuo sito, utilizzare snippet di codice avanzati e altro ancora."],"Start sharing":["Inizia a condividere"],"Optimized performance":["Prestazioni ottimizzate"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Abilita l'opzione \"Iscriviti per commentare\" sul tuo modulo dei commenti"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Abilita l'opzione \"Iscriviti al sito\" sul tuo modulo dei commenti"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gestisci le impostazioni avanzate dei commenti e aumenta il tuo pubblico con gli abbonamenti e-mail."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduzione al modulo dei commenti"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Anti-spam Jetpack fornito da Akismet. I commenti e gli invii tramite il modulo di contatto vengono controllati a fronte del nostro database anti-spam mondiale."],"Failed to send login email":["Invio dell'e-mail di accesso non riuscito"],"Login email sent":["E-mail di accesso inviata"],"Sending login email…":["Invio dell'e-mail di accesso in corso..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Personale"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Preoccupato della sicurezza? Ottieni backup, correzioni automatiche della sicurezza e altro ancora: {{a}}Aggiorna ora{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Gratuito"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Consenti ai lettori di mettere Mi piace a commenti individuali."],"Enable comment likes.":["Abilita i Mi piace ai commenti."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Consenti ai lettori di usare Markdown nei commenti."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Mostra le Hovercard di Gravatar insieme ai commenti."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Completa la configurazione di Jetpack"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Processo di configurazione di Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Visualizza la checklist di configurazione"],"About Jetpack":["Informazioni su Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Abilita i comandi di visibilità widget per visualizzare i widget solo su determinati articoli o pagine"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["La visibilità del widget consente di decidere quale widget verrà visualizzato su determinate pagine, in moda da personalizzare i contenuti del widget."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Rendi disponibili widget aggiuntivi da utilizzare sul tuo sito, inclusi moduli di abbonamento e flussi Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Migliora il pannello di personalizzazione CSS"],"Writing":["Scrittura"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Componi utilizzando gli shortcode per incorporare contenuti multimediali da siti popolari"],"Traffic":["Traffico"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Devi inserire le credenziali del server per terminare la configurazione di Backup e scansione."],"Awaiting credentials":["In attesa delle credenziali"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Backup e scansione è stato configurato per il tuo sito."],"Provisioning":["Provisioning"],"Action needed":["Azione necessaria"],"Setting up":["Impostazione"],"Discussion":["Discussione"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Stiamo configurando la protezione del tuo sito."],"View your site's backups":["Visualizza i backup del tuo sito"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Stiamo effettuando il backup del tuo sito in tempo reale."],"Enter credentials":["Inserisci le credenziali"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Devi inserire le credenziali del server per terminare la configurazione."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Stiamo configurando i backup del tuo sito."],"View site activity":["Visualizza l'attività del sito"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack conserva un record completo di tutto ciò che accade sul tuo sito, eliminando le incertezze del ripristino, del debugging e della gestione del sito."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Piano Business di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Piano Premium di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Piano Personale di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Piano gratuito Jetpack"],"Support documentation":["Documentazione di supporto"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Fumetti di chat per entrare in contatto con il supporto"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Raggiungere un pubblico più vasto grazie alla condivisione degli articoli sui social media."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Aumenta il traffico verso il tuo sito"],"Explore free themes":["Esplora i temi gratuiti"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Ottieni un accesso illimitato a centinaia di temi professionali e personalizza il tuo sito come desideri."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Una vasta gamma di temi e strumenti per personalizzare un sito"],"Set up your site security":["Configura la sicurezza del sito"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Previeni attacchi di login e ricevi notifiche istantanee quando si verifica un problema con il tuo sito."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistiche del sito che indicano l’evoluzione di traffico e coinvolgimento"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Una mano con una lente di ingrandimento"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Un grafico che mostra un sano incremento dei guadagni"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interfaccia che mostra un elenco cronologico di modifiche e aggiornamenti al sito"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Una nuvola circondata da diversi tipi di contenuti"],"A folder holding real comments":["Una cartella con commenti reali"],"Make your site faster":["Rendi il tuo sito più veloce"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente prendendo le immagini dalla nostra rete globale di server."],"A fast and performant website":["Un sito web veloce e performante"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un sito sicuro, bloccato e protetto da Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplica portfolio, testimonianze, pagine e articoli esistenti. Tutto il contenuto sarà copiato, tra cui testo, immagini in primo piano, impostazioni di condivisione e altro ancora."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Questo sito non può essere connesso a poiché viola i nostri {{a}}Termini di Servizio{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connetti il tuo sito web alle reti dei social media che utilizzi e condividi i tuoi contenuti tramite tutti i tuoi account in un solo clic. Quando pubblichi un articolo, questo apparirà su tutti gli account connessi."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti Mi piace agli articoli e alle pagine"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Fa in modo che i visitatori dimostrino con un Mi piace che apprezzano i tuoi contenuti."],"Create account":["Crea account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack sta potenziando il tuo sito, ma per accedere a tutte le funzionalità avrai bisogno di creare un account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup in tempo reale e automatici (storage illimitato)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Componi i contenuti nel modo che preferisci e semplifica la tua esperienza di pubblicazione."],"Add a portfolio item":["Aggiungi un elemento al portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Aggiungi una testimonianza"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Massimizza la visibilità del tuo sito nei motori di ricerca e visualizza le statistiche del traffico in tempo reale."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Crea un account Jetpack per utilizzare questa funzionalità"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack monitorerà continuamente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito sta ora velocizzando il tuo sito."],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante la disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito non velocizzerà più il tuo sito."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente, ottimizza le immagini e velocizza l'esperienza dei visitatori."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Integra le statistiche di e gli approfondimenti di Google con gli schemi dei visitatori e del traffico."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hosting video ad alta definizione ed elevata velocità senza pubblicità di terze parti."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Programma in anticipo i tweet illimitati e gli articoli su Facebook e su altri social network."],"Marketing Automation":["Automazione del marketing"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Attiva Ricerca Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Sostituisci la ricerca predefinita di WordPress con risultati e filtraggio personalizzato di Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Inizia a guadagnare"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds consente di guadagnare denaro grazie alla visualizzazione di contenuti promozionali. Inizia a guadagnare oggi."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Lo spam viene automaticamente bloccato dai tuoi commenti."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtro antispam"],"Browse premium themes":["Esplora i temi premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accedi a centinaia di temi Premium perfettamente progettati senza costi extra."],"Try a premium theme":["Prova un tema premium"],"View settings":["Visualizza le impostazioni"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Crea un account Jetpack per visualizzare i tuoi follower tramite e-mail"],"Manage security settings":["Gestisci le impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack è pronto per il nuovo editor di WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Oggi abbiamo introdotto la prima serie di blocchi specifici Jetpack, progettati appositamente per l'esperienza con il nuovo editor: Semplici pulsanti di pagamento, moduli, mappe e Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Crea il tuo sito Jetpack con i blocchi"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nuovo editor? Sì! {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Le funzioni che già conosci, adattate al tuo nuovo editor WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Portami al nuovo editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Sto testando la connessione a Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si &egrave; verificato un errore durante il test di Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Novità in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento dei file statici"],"Speed up image load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento delle immagini"],"Enable site accelerator":["Attiva l'acceleratore del sito"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Carica più velocemente le pagine consentendo a Jetpack di ottimizzare le immagini e di servirsi di immagini e file statici (come CSS e JavaScript) dalla nostra rete di server."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Visualizza l’attività del sito"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visualizza un elenco cronologico di tutte le modifiche e di tutti gli aggiornamenti al sito in un maniera organizzata e leggibile."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifica manualmente "],"Verify with Google":["Verifica con Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google ti invierà una e-mail su alcuni eventi che si verificano con il tuo sito, incluse indicazioni nel caso in cui il tuo sito web {{a1}}sia vittima di hacker{{/a1}} o per problemi di {{a2}}indicizzazione{{/a2}} del sito."],"or":["o"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitora le prestazioni e il traffico del tuo sito da {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Il tuo sito è stato verificato con Google."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Impossibile verificare il sito: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifica..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Aggiungi al tuo sito una ricerca più veloce e avanzata, grazie a Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata WordPress con la ricerca Jetpack, un’esperienza di ricerca avanzata"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Ricerca Jetpack sostituisce la ricerca integrata con una veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente ospitata nel cloud Il risultato: i tuoi utenti trovano il contenuto che desiderano, più velocemente."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La ricerca integrata di WordPress è perfetta per siti senza molto contenuto. Man mano però che il sito cresce, le ricerche rallentano e restituiscono risultati meno pertinenti."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["La ricerca Jetpack supporta diverse personalizzazioni."],"Site is verified":["Il sito è verificato"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Quando sono attivi gli annunci pubblicitari, Jetpack genera automaticamente un file ads.txt personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Personalizza le voci di ads.txt"],"Privacy information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Abilitazione del caricamento lento delle immagini"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Le immagini a caricamento lento migliorano la velocità del tuo sito e creano un'esperienza visiva più fluida. Le immagini vengono caricate nel momento in cui i visitatori scorrono la schermata verso il basso, invece che tutte in una volta."],"Performance & speed":["Prestazioni e velocità"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Abilitazione del lettore per video ad alta velocità e senza pubblicità"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendi più coinvolgente il contenuto che pubblichi con video ad alta risoluzione. Con Jetpack Video puoi personalizzare il tuo lettore multimediale e offrire video ad alta velocità, senza pubblicità e senza marchio ai tuoi visitatori. I video sono ospitati sui nostri server e non viene sottratto spazio dal tuo piano di hosting!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Schema colori carosello"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["I dati Exif mostrano ai visitatori dettagli tecnici aggiuntivi di una foto, come la lunghezza focale, l'apertura e l'ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mostra i metadati Exif delle foto nel carosello, quando disponibile."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Mostra le immagini in una galleria a schermo intero del carosello."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Crea le presentazioni del carosello a schermo intero per le immagini nei tuoi articoli e nelle tue pagine. Le gallerie del carosello sono fruibili anche da dispositivo mobile e incoraggiano i visitatori del sito a interagire con le tue foto."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode del portfolio: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilizza i {{portfolioLink}}portfolio{{/portfolioLink}} sul tuo sito per presentare i tuoi lavori migliori. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Portfolios, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode delle testimonianze: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Aggiungi {{testimonialLink}}le testimonianze{{/testimonialLink}} al tuo sito web per attirare nuovi clienti. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Testimonials, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Al momento, i motori di ricerca non possono accedere al tuo sito. Se desideri rendere il tuo sito accessibile, controlla le{{a}}Impostazioni lettura{{/a}} e attiva la \"Visibilità ai motori di ricerca\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Buone notizie! Jetpack sta inviando automaticamente la tua sitemap a tutti i principali motori di ricerca per l'indicizzazione."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Le sitemap sono file che i motori di ricerca come Google o Bing utilizzano per indicizzare il tuo sito web. Possono aiutare a migliorare il tuo posizionamento nei risultati di ricerca. Quando abiliti questa funzione, Jetpack crea sitemap per te e le aggiorna automaticamente quando il contenuto del tuo sito cambia."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configura gli articoli correlati nell'utilità di personalizzazione"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Evidenzia il contenuto correlato con un'intestazione"],"View security scan details":["Visualizza i dettagli della scansione di sicurezza"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visualizza un'immagine in miniatura se disponibile"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Per informazioni su come le specifiche funzioni Jetpack utilizzano i dati e tracciano l’attività, fai riferimento al nostro {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Utilizziamo altri strumenti di tracciamento, compresi alcuni di terzi. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Leggi le informazioni sugli strumenti{{/cookiePolicyLink}} e come controllarli."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Queste informazioni ci aiutano a migliorare i prodotti, offrire proposte di marketing più pertinenti, personalizzare l’esperienza e molto altro, come indicato nel dettaglio nella nostra {{pp}}informativa sulla privacy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Condividi informazioni con il nostro strumento di analisi relativamente al tuo uso dei servizi mentre sei connesso con il tuo account {{cookiePolicyLink}}Scopri di più{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica viene gestita da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata abilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Puoi inserire ulteriori annunci attraverso il widget Pubblicità. {{link}}Provalo!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configura le impostazioni di notifica"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Ricerca di Jetpack è una potente sostituzione della funzionalità di ricerca incorporata in WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["I file del sito vengono regolarmente controllati per rilevare eventuali modifiche non autorizzate o sospette che potrebbero compromettere la sicurezza e i dati."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Il plugin deve essere aggiornato.","I plugin devono essere aggiornati."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Aggiornamenti plugin di Jetpack consente di scegliere quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ottimizzerà le tue immagini e le servirà dalla posizione server più vicina ai visitatori. L'utilizzo della nostra rete globale di distribuzione dei contenuti migliorerà la velocità di caricamento del tuo sito."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["La funzione di monitoraggio dell'inattività di Jetpack controllerà costantemente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["I backup Jetpack consentono di ripristinare facilmente o eseguire il download di un backup di un momento specifico."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Permette di ottenere un tema leggero e pensato per la fruizione mobile che verrà visualizzato dagli utenti che si servono di dispositivi mobili."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Carica automaticamente i post successivi quando il lettore si avvicina a fine pagina."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Consente di pubblicare nuovi post inviando un'e-mail a un indirizzo particolare."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Consente di comporre i contenuti con link, elenchi e altri stili utilizzando la sintassi Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fornisce i tag nascosti necessari per verificare il sito WordPress con diverse servizi."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visualizza le informazioni sull’attività del sito, inclusi i visitatori e pagine o post popolari."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Consente di ottimizzare il sito e i relativi contenuti per risultati migliori nei motori di ricerca."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integra il tuo sito WordPress con Google Analytics, una piattaforma che offre approfondimenti su traffico, visitatori e conversioni."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visualizza sul sito annunci di alta qualità che permettono di ottenere guadagni."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Consente di condividere automaticamente i contenuti più recenti sui siti di social media, tra cui Facebook e Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Aggiunge al contenuto i pulsanti Like, in modo che i visitatori possano mostrare apprezzamento."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permette agli utenti registrati di accedere al sito con i loro account"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protegge il sito da attacchi di accesso forzato tradizionali o distribuiti."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Esegue il backup del sito sui server globali, consentendo di ripristinare i contenuti in caso di emergenza o di errore."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Rimuove lo spam da commenti e form di contatto."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Ci impegniamo per la tua sicurezza e la tua privacy. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visualizza tutti i piani Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gestisci il tuo piano"],"Your Plan":["Il tuo piano"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Attualmente utilizzi Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Consente ai lettori di iscriversi ai tuoi articoli o commenti e ricevi notifiche dei nuovi contenuti tramite e-mail."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Sostituisce il form di commento WordPress standard con un nuovo sistema di commento che include le opzioni di accesso con i social media."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Attivala{{/a}} per sostituire la ricerca integrata di WordPress con la funzionalità di ricerca di Jetpack, un'esperienza di ricerca migliorata."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La ricerca Jetpack migliora la ricerca sul tuo sito."],"Manage your plugins":["Gestisci i plugin"],"Moderate comments":["Modera commenti"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Impostazioni della privacy aggiornate."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack alla tua barra laterale per configurare filtri e ordinamento."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato, temi infiniti, ricerca avanzata e supporto prioritario."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato e supporto prioritario."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Backup quotidiani, filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":["Attiva l'hosting video"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e supporto prioritario."],"Design the perfect website":["Progetta il sito web perfetto"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configura Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic e scansione di sicurezza automatica."],"Jetpack Search":["Ricerca Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Versione di Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Per il tuo sito vengono effettuati il backup in tempo reale e la scansione regolare di minacce alla sicurezza."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Backup giornaliero di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato e ripristini con un clic"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e risoluzione delle minacce con un clic."],"View your security activity":["Visualizza la tua attività di sicurezza"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (funziona con VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personalizza widget di ricerca"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Risolvi il problema riportato di seguito e riprova.","Risolvi i problemi riportati di seguito e riprova."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Ci stiamo assicurando che il tuo sito rimanga privo di minacce alla sicurezza. Qualora ne trovassimo una, riceverai una notifica."],"Jetpack version":["Versione di Jetpack"],"Activity":["Attività"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Vedi dettagli{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetizza il tuo sito con gli ads"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Cliccando qui sotto, accetti i nostri {{tosLink}}Termini di servizio{{/tosLink}} e la {{shareDetailsLink}}condivisione delle informazioni{{/shareDetailsLink}} con"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Persone che osservano le statistiche Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Ciao, Le tue statistiche sono state attivate."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Concedici del tempo per raccogliere tutti i dati in modo tale da visualizzarli qui."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, fatto!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visualizza pubblicità sotto gli articoli su"],"Additional ad placements":["Posizionamenti aggiuntivi della pubblicità"],"Top of each page":["Parte superiore di ogni pagina"],"Second ad below post":["Seconda pubblicità sotto l'articolo"],"Archives":["Archivi"],"Stars":["Stelle"],"Jupiter":["Giove"],"Schedule posts":["Programma articoli"],"Activate Publicize":["Attiva Pubblicizza"],"Your site is backed up.":["Il tuo sito è stato sottoposto a backup."],"Image Performance":["Prestazioni delle immagini"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Usa WordPress Apps per tutti i dispositivi"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gestisci i tuoi siti da una singola dashboard: pubblica contenuti, traccia le statistiche, modera i commenti, e tante altre cose da qualsiasi parte del mondo tu ti trovi."],"Create address":["Crea indirizzo"],"Priority support":["Supporto prioritario"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Condividi automaticamente i tuoi articoli sui social network"],"Updating settings…":["Aggiornamento impostazioni in corso…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Aggiornamento indirizzo Post by Email in corso…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Il tuo piano a pagamento ti consente l'accesso al supporto Jetpack prioritario."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup, ma non sono ancora attivi."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup e la scansione di sicurezza, ma non sono ancora attivi.."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Fai clic su \"Imposta\" per completare l'installazione."],"Checking site status…":["Controllo dello stato del sito in corso…"],"Pages":["Pagine"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Accedi all'elenco completo dei moduli di Jetpack disponibile sul tuo sito."],"We're here to help":["Siamo qui per aiutarti"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack viene fornito con supporto di base gratuito per tutti gli utenti."],"Ask a question":["Fai una domanda"],"Search our support site":["Cerca il nostro sito di supporto"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Ottieni una risoluzione più veloce alle tue domande al supporto."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host video rapido, di alta qualità e senza pubblicità."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Genera dei guadagni con pubblicità di alta qualità."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Backup del sito in tempo reale e risoluzione automatica delle minacce."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protezione contro la perdita dei dati, attacchi dannosi e di malware."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Fa in modo che i tuoi contenuti vengano trovati e condivisi tramite gli strumenti SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Proteggi il tuo sito dallo spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Questo sito non è collegato a WordPress.Com. Chiedi all'amministratore del sito di collegarlo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro per lo spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Scansione giornaliera automatica dei malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup automatici giornalieri (spazio illimitato)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Scansione antimalware giornaliera e automatica con risoluzione automatizzata"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Hosting video illimitato ad alta velocità"],"SEO preview tools":["Visualizzazione in anteprima degli strumenti SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistiche del sito, contenuto correlato, e strumenti di condivisione"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta e monitoraggio del downtime"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hosting veloce e illimitato per le immagini"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Disconnettendo %(siteName) da non potrai più avere accesso ai seguenti: "],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Leggi di più sui vantaggi di Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Gestisci connessione sito"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Collega il tuo account a per visualizzare più statistiche"],"Theme enhancements":["Miglioramento dei temi"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carica altri articoli utilizzando la modalità di funzionamento del tema predefinito"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carica più articoli nella pagina tramite un bottone"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carica più articoli mentre il lettore scorre verso il basso"],"Theme support required.":["Supporto del tema richiesto."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Scopri di più riguardo l'aggiunta del supporto per lo scroll infinito nel tuo tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usa i riassunti invece degli articoli completi nella pagina iniziale e nelle pagine di archivio"],"Show featured images":["Mostra le immagini in primo piano"],"Enable the toolbar":["Attiva la barra degli strumenti di"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Gli strumenti di scrittura disponibili verranno mostrati qui una volta attivati dall'amministratore."],"Portfolios":["Portfolio"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Nota che {{b}}la verifica del sito con questi servizi non è necessaria{{/b}} per l'indicizzazione del sito stesso da parte dei motori di ricerca. Per utilizzare questi strumenti avanzati per i motori di ricerca e verificare il sito con un servizio, incolla di seguito il codice del tag HTML. In caso di problemi, leggi le {{support}}istruzioni complete{{/support}}. Servizi di verifica supportati: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Genera sitemap XML"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere dati statistici, ma dovrebbe funzionare anche quando è nascosta"],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permetti che i report delle statistiche siano viste da"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Puoi aggiustare queste impostazioni se preferisce avere più controllo. Leggi di più su quello che puoi fare per {{a}}ottimizzare il tuo sito con la SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Aggiornamento\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni di Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra le pubblicità nel primo articolo della tua home page o alla fine di ogni pagina e post. Puoi sistemare altri ads in aggiunta nella parte superiore del tuo sito e in ogni area widget, così da aumentare i guadagni."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Attiva gli ads e mostra una pubblicità sotto ogni post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura i pulsanti di condivisione"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Collega i tuoi account di social media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Accoppia gli account usando gli indirizzi email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Richiede gli account per usare l'autenticazione a due fattori di"],"Add to whitelist":["Aggiungi alla whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Facendo il whitelist di un indirizzo IP o di una serie di indirizzi fai in modo che questi non vengano mai bloccati da Jetpack. IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettati. Per specificare un range di IP, inserisci o specifica un determinato range, inserisci il valore più basso e quello più alto separato da un dash (\"-\"). Per esempio:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Il back up del sito è stato fatto. Il tuo sito non presenta nessuna minaccia."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Controllo della protezione spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Recupero chiave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Il tuo sito ha bisogno di una chiave Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Si è verificato un problema con la tua chiave API Antispam. {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito non è protetto dallo spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["La tua chiave Antispam è valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito è protetto dallo spam."],"Checking key…":["Controllo chiave..."],"Your API key":["La tua chiave API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se non hai ancora una chiave API, {{a}}puoi ottenerla cliccando qui{{/a}}, dove inizierai la procedura per richiederne una. "],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Nessun risultato trovato per %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Cerca un termine per trovare impostazioni o una ricerca simile"],"Connections":["Connessioni"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Il tuo sito è in Modalità Sviluppo, pertanto non può essere connesso a"],"Your site is connected to":["Il tuo sito è collegato a"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Sei il proprietario di questo piano Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connesso come {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Controlla i tuoi Email Follower "],"Color scheme":["Schema di colori"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Abilita l'uso di Markdown per i commenti."],"Updated settings.":["Impostazioni aggiornate. "],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Errore nell'aggiornamento delle impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Post rigenerati dall'indirizzo email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Errore nel rigenerare il post dall'indirizzo email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Impostazioni salvate. Ricaricando la pagina... "],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Attualmente in {{a}}Modalità di sviluppo{{/a}} (alcune funzioni sono disabilitate) perché: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{li}}Il filtro jetpack_development_mode è attivo{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La costante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG è definita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}All'URL del tuo sito manca un punto (es. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics è un servizio gratuito che completa la nostra {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} con diversi approfondimenti sul tuo traffico. Le statistiche di e Google Analytics usano metodi diversi per identificare e tracciare l'attività sul tuo sito, i quali di norma mostrano numeri totali delle visite leggermente diversi, come anche delle visualizzazioni, ecc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Attiva Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Scarica le app gratuite"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Punti principali dell'aggiornamento: VideoPress per matrimoni"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Ora puoi configurare gli articoli correlati nel Personalizza. {{ExternalLink}}Provalo!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["In modo predefinito, gli annunci sono mostrati alla fine di ogni pagina, articolo, o del primo articolo nella tua pagina iniziale. Puoi anche aggiungerli in testa al tuo sito o a qualsiasi area widget per incrementare i tuoi guadagni!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostra una pubblicità in cima al tuo sito, all'inizio della schermata."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Attivando gli ads, accetti i {{link}}Termini del Servizio{{/link}} di Automattic Ads."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Il tuo server non è configurato bene, il che significa che Jetpack Protect non riesce efficacemente a proteggere il tuo sito. "],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di notifica di Monitor su{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Guarda i tuoi guadagni"],"Configure site SEO":["Configura il sito con la SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Attiva strumenti SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Per iniziare, clicca su Aggiungi Media nel editor di scrittura del post e carica un video; il resto lo facciamo noi!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["Strumenti SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Strumenti SEO avanzati per aiutarti a far trovare il tuo sito quando la gente cerca contenuti rilevanti. "],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Il modo più facile per caricare video ad-free e senza \"marche\" sul tuo sito. Ottieni statistiche su quante volte i video sono stati visti e condivisi. Il player usato è responsivo e leggero."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack sta girando su un server di staging."],"More Info":["Maggiori Informazioni"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gestisci la visibilità dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Questa azione resetterà le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Cerca una funzionalità di Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":["I Mi Piace di sono:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Nascondi l'immagine dello smiley nelle statistiche"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Indirizzi IP nella whitelist"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra un messaggio promozionale dell'app mobile di WordPress, visualizzato nel footer del tema mobile."],"Copied!":["Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":["Rigenera indirizzi"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Ci puoi dire perché non ti è stato possibile completare la connessione con Jetpack in questo {{a}}2 questionario{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Una connessione con Jetpack è richiesta affinché la nostra funzionalità gratuita per la sicurezza e il traffico funzioni.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Benvenuto alla {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}! "],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack è già connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tutto è stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack è attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Sei carico e pronto a proseguire."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Stai eseguendo una versione di sviluppo di Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Invia il tuo feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Che cosa ti piacerebbe vedere nella tua bacheca Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Faccelo sapere!"],"Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":["Salva impostazioni"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Attiva le Statistiche del Sito{{/a}} per vedere statistiche dettagliate, likes, follower, subscriber e molto altro! {{a1}}Leggi di più{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Site Backups":["Backup del sito"],"Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":["ATTIVO"],"View your spam stats":["Guarda le statistiche dello spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Guarda la tua bacheca riguardo la sicurezza"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Questo sito è in modalità sviluppatore, quindi non può connettersi a"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Collega il tuo account a per ottenere il massimo da Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {a}}installa e attiva{{/ a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack sta attivamente bloccando tentativi di login dannosi. I dati a riguardo ti appariranno qui molto presto!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totale degli attacchi malevoli bloccati sul tuo sito."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Attiva Protect{{/a}} per mantenere il tuo sito protetto da tentativi di sign in dannosi."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tutti i plugin sono aggiornati. Ottimo lavoro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack sta migliorando e ottimizzando la velocità della tua immagine."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sta monitorando il tuo sito. Se pensiamo che il tuo sito non sia raggiungibile, riceverai una mail."],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"Performance":["Prestazioni"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per fare il backup automatico di tutto il tuo sito {{a}}installa e attiva{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}installa Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}attiva Akismet{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Attivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s è stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s è stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Errore nella disattivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Attivando le impostazioni per %(slug)s ..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Impostazioni per %(slug)s attive."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Errore aggiornando %(slug)s impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Aggiornando %(slug)s indirizzi…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["%(slug)s indirizzi rigenerati."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Errore rigenerando %(slug)s indirizzi. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resettando le opzioni di Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Opzioni di reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Le opzioni hanno fallito il reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Errore: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Scollegando"],"Unlinked from":[" è scollegato."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Errore scollegando %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["A colpo d'occhio"],"Dashboard":["Bacheca"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Privacy Policy di Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Attiva{{/a}} per migliorare la performance e la velocità delle tue immagini."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici del plugin{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Aggiornamenti plugin"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Nessuna minaccia trovata, tutto apposto!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visualizza dettagli su{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Ops, %(number)s minaccia trovata.","Ops, %(number)s minacce trovate."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Attiva Monitor{{/a}} per ricevere notifiche se il tuo sito va offline."],"Loading…":["Caricando..."],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}} Visualizza più statistiche su {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Mostra statistiche dettagliate{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Tutti i commenti"],"All-time views":["Visualizzazione All-time"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Miglior giorno complessivo"],"Views today":["Visualizzazioni odierne"],"Months":["Mesi"],"Weeks":["Settimane"],"Days":["Giorni"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["È successo qualcosa caricando le statistiche. Prova di nuovo tra un po' {{a}}guarda le tue statistiche ora su{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Fai clic per visualizzare le statistiche dettagliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visualizzazioni: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Week of %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Sicurezza del sito"],"Link to":["Collega a"],"Unlink me from":["Scollegami da"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["C'è stato un problema nella connessione Jetpack. Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["C'è stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova più tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Learn more":["Per saperne di più"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Front page":["Pagina iniziale"],"Upload videos":["Carica video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra i contenuti correlati dopo i post"],"Related":["Correlati"],"Save":["Salva"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX è un potente linguaggio di markup per scrivere equazioni matematiche e formule."],"Site Stats":["Statistiche Sito"],"Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Testimonials":["Testimonianze"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack non riesce a contattare %(error_key)s. Di solito questo significa che c'è un errore nella configurazione del tuo web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":["Al momento ha dei problemi e non può alimentare il tuo Jetpack. Riprova più tardi."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non è possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non è accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Connected":["Collegato"],"Activate":["Attiva"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Learn More":["Per saperne di più"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnetti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa la compatibilità del tuo sito con Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Invia link"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Aggiorna automaticamente i plugin"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Anti-spam Jetpack"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widget"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Shortlink"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraggio dei tempi di inattività"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Impostazioni della privacy"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra degli strumenti di"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creazione "],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistiche del sito"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Ottimizzazione motori di ricerca"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Bottoni di condivisione"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connessioni di Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Pulsanti Like"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backup e scan di sicurezza"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Informazioni"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":["Moduli"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Il mio piano"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Strumenti per gli sviluppatori"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussione"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["A prima vista"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Abbonamenti"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Scrittura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Opzioni Reset (solo per sviluppatori)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicurezza"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["In sintesi"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["termini di servizio"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["ToS (Termini di Servizio)"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["dati"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracce"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Salva le impostazioni"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Correlati"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rimani connesso"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnetti"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Update necessari"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Sito connesso"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connessione dell'account"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Minacce"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Minacce rilevate!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicuro"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configura"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Termini"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commenti spam bloccati."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Aggiungi i pulsanti di condivisione in modo che i visitatori possano condividere i tuoi articoli e le tue pagine sui social media con un paio di rapidi clic."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Includi un piccolo grafico nella barra di amministrazione con istantanee di 48 ore di traffico"],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Espandi per aggiornare le impostazioni per le modalità di conteggio delle visite e decidi quali utenti possono vedere queste informazioni."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Puoi personalizzare i pulsanti di condivisione e scegliere quali sono i servizi da visualizzare."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Il tuo sito è protetto da Jetpack. Ti verranno inviate notifiche in caso sia necessaria la tua attenzione."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Trova prima le minacce in modo che possiamo aiutarti a eliminarle rapidamente."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Rimpiazza la tua ricerca di base del sito con una ricerca personalizzabile che aiuta i visitatori a trovare prima le risposte che cercano."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Non preoccuparti di perdere il tuo sito: i backup automatici mantengono al sicuro i tuoi contenuti."],"Protect":["Protezione"],"Scan":["Scansione"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Lo spam viene automaticamente eliminato dai commenti e dai moduli in modo che tu possa tornare al tuo lavoro."],"Anti-spam":["Anti-spam"],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Collega il tuo sito a Google Analytics in pochi secondi con Jetpack Premium o Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Accedi all'app WordPress per dispositivi mobili"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Accedi facilmente all'app facendo clic sul link che invieremo all'indirizzo e-mail indicato nel tuo account."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Inviami un'e-mail con il link per l'accesso all'app"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Invia i tuoi nuovi articoli a questo indirizzo e-mail:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["la pubblicazione tramite e-mail è un modo rapido per pubblicare nuovi articoli senza visitare il tuo sito. Genereremo un indirizzo e-mail unico per l'invio dei tuoi contenuti, che verrà poi visualizzato sul tuo sito come un qualsiasi altro articolo."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["La barra degli strumenti di sostituisce la barra degli strumenti di amministrazione di WordPress predefinita. Offre accesso con un clic alle notifiche, al profilo e agli altri siti web Jetpack e Puoi anche raggiungere i siti che segui nel Reader."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Verifica la proprietà del sito con i servizi di terze parti"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Genera URL abbreviati per una condivisione più semplice."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Coinvolgi i tuoi visitatori con contenuti correlati alla fine di ogni articolo. Queste impostazioni non saranno applicate agli {{a}}articoli correlati aggiunti usando l'editor dei blocchi{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Questa funzione aiuta i visitatori a trovare altri tuoi contenuti visualizzando gli articoli correlati alla fine di ogni articolo."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack genera automaticamente un file {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito. Se hai bisogno di ulteriori voci per altre reti, aggiungile nello spazio di seguito, una per riga. {{link2}}Controlla qui per ulteriori dettagli{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti per la condivisione agli articoli e alle pagine"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Condividi i tuoi contenuti sui social media, raggiungendo nuovi segmenti di pubblico e aumentando il coinvolgimento."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Ricevi avvisi se il tuo sito è offline. Ti faremo sapere anche quando è stato eseguito il backup."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Con Jetpack puoi scegliere di aggiornare automaticamente i plugin con ogni nuova versione del plugin. Avrai subito le ultime correzioni di sicurezza e di bug, assicurandoti che il sito sia sempre al sicuro."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Scegli quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Aggiorna Jetpack ora"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Fai fruttare il tuo sito con annunci pubblicitari di elevata qualità."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Personalizza il tuo programma di pubblicazione sui social."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Amplia il tuo pubblico con strumenti SEO professionali."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Risolvi rapidamente i problemi con supporto prioritario."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Ottieni la tranquillità grazie ai backup automatici."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Fai fare un salto di qualità al tuo sito!"],"Search support docs":["Cerca documenti di supporto"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Serve aiuto? Scopri come iniziare, personalizzare il tuo sito, utilizzare snippet di codice avanzati e altro ancora."],"Start sharing":["Inizia a condividere"],"Optimized performance":["Prestazioni ottimizzate"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Abilita l'opzione \"Iscriviti per commentare\" sul tuo modulo dei commenti"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Abilita l'opzione \"Iscriviti al sito\" sul tuo modulo dei commenti"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gestisci le impostazioni avanzate dei commenti e aumenta il tuo pubblico con gli abbonamenti e-mail."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduzione al modulo dei commenti"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Anti-spam Jetpack fornito da Akismet. I commenti e gli invii tramite il modulo di contatto vengono controllati a fronte del nostro database anti-spam mondiale."],"Failed to send login email":["Invio dell'e-mail di accesso non riuscito"],"Login email sent":["E-mail di accesso inviata"],"Sending login email…":["Invio dell'e-mail di accesso in corso..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Personale"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Preoccupato della sicurezza? Ottieni backup, correzioni automatiche della sicurezza e altro ancora: {{a}}Aggiorna ora{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Il tuo piano: Jetpack Gratuito"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Consenti ai lettori di mettere Mi piace a commenti individuali."],"Enable comment likes.":["Abilita i Mi piace ai commenti."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Consenti ai lettori di usare Markdown nei commenti."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Mostra le Hovercard di Gravatar insieme ai commenti."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Completa la configurazione di Jetpack"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Processo di configurazione di Jetpack"],"View your setup checklist":["Visualizza la checklist di configurazione"],"About Jetpack":["Informazioni su Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Abilita i comandi di visibilità widget per visualizzare i widget solo su determinati articoli o pagine"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["La visibilità del widget consente di decidere quale widget verrà visualizzato su determinate pagine, in moda da personalizzare i contenuti del widget."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Rendi disponibili widget aggiuntivi da utilizzare sul tuo sito, inclusi moduli di abbonamento e flussi Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Migliora il pannello di personalizzazione CSS"],"Writing":["Scrittura"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Componi utilizzando gli shortcode per incorporare contenuti multimediali da siti popolari"],"Traffic":["Traffico"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Devi inserire le credenziali del server per terminare la configurazione di Backup e scansione."],"Awaiting credentials":["In attesa delle credenziali"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Backup e scansione è stato configurato per il tuo sito."],"Provisioning":["Provisioning"],"Action needed":["Azione necessaria"],"Setting up":["Impostazione"],"Discussion":["Discussione"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Stiamo configurando la protezione del tuo sito."],"View your site's backups":["Visualizza i backup del tuo sito"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Stiamo effettuando il backup del tuo sito in tempo reale."],"Enter credentials":["Inserisci le credenziali"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Devi inserire le credenziali del server per terminare la configurazione."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Stiamo configurando i backup del tuo sito."],"View site activity":["Visualizza l'attività del sito"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack conserva un record completo di tutto ciò che accade sul tuo sito, eliminando le incertezze del ripristino, del debugging e della gestione del sito."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Piano Business di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Piano Premium di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Piano Personale di Jetpack"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Piano gratuito Jetpack"],"Support documentation":["Documentazione di supporto"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Fumetti di chat per entrare in contatto con il supporto"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Raggiungere un pubblico più vasto grazie alla condivisione degli articoli sui social media."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Aumenta il traffico verso il tuo sito"],"Explore free themes":["Esplora i temi gratuiti"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Ottieni un accesso illimitato a centinaia di temi professionali e personalizza il tuo sito come desideri."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Una vasta gamma di temi e strumenti per personalizzare un sito"],"Set up your site security":["Configura la sicurezza del sito"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Previeni attacchi di login e ricevi notifiche istantanee quando si verifica un problema con il tuo sito."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistiche del sito che indicano l’evoluzione di traffico e coinvolgimento"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Una mano con una lente di ingrandimento"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Un grafico che mostra un sano incremento dei guadagni"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Interfaccia che mostra un elenco cronologico di modifiche e aggiornamenti al sito"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Una nuvola circondata da diversi tipi di contenuti"],"A folder holding real comments":["Una cartella con commenti reali"],"Make your site faster":["Rendi il tuo sito più veloce"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente prendendo le immagini dalla nostra rete globale di server."],"A fast and performant website":["Un sito web veloce e performante"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Un sito sicuro, bloccato e protetto da Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Duplica portfolio, testimonianze, pagine e articoli esistenti. Tutto il contenuto sarà copiato, tra cui testo, immagini in primo piano, impostazioni di condivisione e altro ancora."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Questo sito non può essere connesso a poiché viola i nostri {{a}}Termini di Servizio{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Connetti il tuo sito web alle reti dei social media che utilizzi e condividi i tuoi contenuti tramite tutti i tuoi account in un solo clic. Quando pubblichi un articolo, questo apparirà su tutti gli account connessi."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Aggiungi i pulsanti Mi piace agli articoli e alle pagine"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Fa in modo che i visitatori dimostrino con un Mi piace che apprezzano i tuoi contenuti."],"Create account":["Crea account"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack sta potenziando il tuo sito, ma per accedere a tutte le funzionalità avrai bisogno di creare un account."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup in tempo reale e automatici (storage illimitato)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Componi i contenuti nel modo che preferisci e semplifica la tua esperienza di pubblicazione."],"Add a portfolio item":["Aggiungi un elemento al portfolio"],"Add a testimonial":["Aggiungi una testimonianza"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Massimizza la visibilità del tuo sito nei motori di ricerca e visualizza le statistiche del traffico in tempo reale."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Crea un account Jetpack per utilizzare questa funzionalità"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack monitorerà continuamente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito sta ora velocizzando il tuo sito."],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Attivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Errore durante la disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["L'acceleratore del sito non velocizzerà più il tuo sito."],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Disattivazione dell'acceleratore del sito…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Carica le pagine più velocemente, ottimizza le immagini e velocizza l'esperienza dei visitatori."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Integra le statistiche di e gli approfondimenti di Google con gli schemi dei visitatori e del traffico."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Hosting video ad alta definizione ed elevata velocità senza pubblicità di terze parti."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Programma in anticipo i tweet illimitati e gli articoli su Facebook e su altri social network."],"Marketing Automation":["Automazione del marketing"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Attiva Ricerca Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Sostituisci la ricerca predefinita di WordPress con risultati e filtraggio personalizzato di Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Inizia a guadagnare"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds consente di guadagnare denaro grazie alla visualizzazione di contenuti promozionali. Inizia a guadagnare oggi."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Lo spam viene automaticamente bloccato dai tuoi commenti."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtro antispam"],"Browse premium themes":["Esplora i temi premium"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Accedi a centinaia di temi Premium perfettamente progettati senza costi extra."],"Try a premium theme":["Prova un tema premium"],"View settings":["Visualizza le impostazioni"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Crea un account Jetpack per visualizzare i tuoi follower tramite e-mail"],"Manage security settings":["Gestisci le impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack è pronto per il nuovo editor di WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Oggi abbiamo introdotto la prima serie di blocchi specifici Jetpack, progettati appositamente per l'esperienza con il nuovo editor: Semplici pulsanti di pagamento, moduli, mappe e Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Crea il tuo sito Jetpack con i blocchi"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Un nuovo editor? Sì! {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Le funzioni che già conosci, adattate al tuo nuovo editor WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Portami al nuovo editor"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Sto testando la connessione a Jetpack"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si &egrave; verificato un errore durante il test di Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Novità in Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento dei file statici"],"Speed up image load times":["Velocizza i tempi di caricamento delle immagini"],"Enable site accelerator":["Attiva l'acceleratore del sito"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Carica più velocemente le pagine consentendo a Jetpack di ottimizzare le immagini e di servirsi di immagini e file statici (come CSS e JavaScript) dalla nostra rete di server."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Visualizza l’attività del sito"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visualizza un elenco cronologico di tutte le modifiche e di tutti gli aggiornamenti al sito in un maniera organizzata e leggibile."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifica manualmente "],"Verify with Google":["Verifica con Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google ti invierà una e-mail su alcuni eventi che si verificano con il tuo sito, incluse indicazioni nel caso in cui il tuo sito web {{a1}}sia vittima di hacker{{/a1}} o per problemi di {{a2}}indicizzazione{{/a2}} del sito."],"or":["o"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Monitora le prestazioni e il traffico del tuo sito da {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Il tuo sito è stato verificato con Google."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Impossibile verificare il sito: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifica..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Aggiungi al tuo sito una ricerca più veloce e avanzata, grazie a Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Sostituisci la ricerca integrata WordPress con la ricerca Jetpack, un’esperienza di ricerca avanzata"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Ricerca Jetpack sostituisce la ricerca integrata con una veloce, scalabile, personalizzabile e altamente pertinente ospitata nel cloud Il risultato: i tuoi utenti trovano il contenuto che desiderano, più velocemente."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["La ricerca integrata di WordPress è perfetta per siti senza molto contenuto. Man mano però che il sito cresce, le ricerche rallentano e restituiscono risultati meno pertinenti."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["La ricerca Jetpack supporta diverse personalizzazioni."],"Site is verified":["Il sito è verificato"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Quando sono attivi gli annunci pubblicitari, Jetpack genera automaticamente un file ads.txt personalizzato su misura per il tuo sito."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Personalizza le voci di ads.txt"],"Privacy information":["Informazioni sulla privacy"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Abilitazione del caricamento lento delle immagini"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Le immagini a caricamento lento migliorano la velocità del tuo sito e creano un'esperienza visiva più fluida. Le immagini vengono caricate nel momento in cui i visitatori scorrono la schermata verso il basso, invece che tutte in una volta."],"Performance & speed":["Prestazioni e velocità"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Abilitazione del lettore per video ad alta velocità e senza pubblicità"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Rendi più coinvolgente il contenuto che pubblichi con video ad alta risoluzione. Con Jetpack Video puoi personalizzare il tuo lettore multimediale e offrire video ad alta velocità, senza pubblicità e senza marchio ai tuoi visitatori. I video sono ospitati sui nostri server e non viene sottratto spazio dal tuo piano di hosting!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Schema colori carosello"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["I dati Exif mostrano ai visitatori dettagli tecnici aggiuntivi di una foto, come la lunghezza focale, l'apertura e l'ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mostra i metadati Exif delle foto nel carosello, quando disponibile."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Mostra le immagini in una galleria a schermo intero del carosello."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Crea le presentazioni del carosello a schermo intero per le immagini nei tuoi articoli e nelle tue pagine. Le gallerie del carosello sono fruibili anche da dispositivo mobile e incoraggiano i visitatori del sito a interagire con le tue foto."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Shortcode del portfolio: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Utilizza i {{portfolioLink}}portfolio{{/portfolioLink}} sul tuo sito per presentare i tuoi lavori migliori. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Portfolios, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Shortcode delle testimonianze: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Aggiungi {{testimonialLink}}le testimonianze{{/testimonialLink}} al tuo sito web per attirare nuovi clienti. Se il tema non supporta Jetpack Testimonials, puoi sempre usare un semplice shortcode per mostrarli sul tuo sito."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Al momento, i motori di ricerca non possono accedere al tuo sito. Se desideri rendere il tuo sito accessibile, controlla le{{a}}Impostazioni lettura{{/a}} e attiva la \"Visibilità ai motori di ricerca\"."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Buone notizie! Jetpack sta inviando automaticamente la tua sitemap a tutti i principali motori di ricerca per l'indicizzazione."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Le sitemap sono file che i motori di ricerca come Google o Bing utilizzano per indicizzare il tuo sito web. Possono aiutare a migliorare il tuo posizionamento nei risultati di ricerca. Quando abiliti questa funzione, Jetpack crea sitemap per te e le aggiorna automaticamente quando il contenuto del tuo sito cambia."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Configura gli articoli correlati nell'utilità di personalizzazione"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Evidenzia il contenuto correlato con un'intestazione"],"View security scan details":["Visualizza i dettagli della scansione di sicurezza"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visualizza un'immagine in miniatura se disponibile"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Per informazioni su come le specifiche funzioni Jetpack utilizzano i dati e tracciano l’attività, fai riferimento al nostro {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Utilizziamo altri strumenti di tracciamento, compresi alcuni di terzi. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Leggi le informazioni sugli strumenti{{/cookiePolicyLink}} e come controllarli."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Queste informazioni ci aiutano a migliorare i prodotti, offrire proposte di marketing più pertinenti, personalizzare l’esperienza e molto altro, come indicato nel dettaglio nella nostra {{pp}}informativa sulla privacy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Condividi informazioni con il nostro strumento di analisi relativamente al tuo uso dei servizi mentre sei connesso con il tuo account {{cookiePolicyLink}}Scopri di più{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica viene gestita da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Questa caratteristica è stata abilitata da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito. {{link}}Scopri di più{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Questa caratteristica è stata disabilitata da un amministratore del sito."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Il modulo %(moduleName)s è stato disabilitato da un amministratore del sito."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Puoi inserire ulteriori annunci attraverso il widget Pubblicità. {{link}}Provalo!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Configura le impostazioni di notifica"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Ricerca di Jetpack è una potente sostituzione della funzionalità di ricerca incorporata in WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["I file del sito vengono regolarmente controllati per rilevare eventuali modifiche non autorizzate o sospette che potrebbero compromettere la sicurezza e i dati."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Il plugin deve essere aggiornato.","I plugin devono essere aggiornati."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Aggiornamenti plugin di Jetpack consente di scegliere quali plugin aggiornare automaticamente."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack ottimizzerà le tue immagini e le servirà dalla posizione server più vicina ai visitatori. L'utilizzo della nostra rete globale di distribuzione dei contenuti migliorerà la velocità di caricamento del tuo sito."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["La funzione di monitoraggio dell'inattività di Jetpack controllerà costantemente il tuo sito e ti avviserà quando viene rilevato un periodo di inattività."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["I backup Jetpack consentono di ripristinare facilmente o eseguire il download di un backup di un momento specifico."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Permette di ottenere un tema leggero e pensato per la fruizione mobile che verrà visualizzato dagli utenti che si servono di dispositivi mobili."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Carica automaticamente i post successivi quando il lettore si avvicina a fine pagina."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Consente di pubblicare nuovi post inviando un'e-mail a un indirizzo particolare."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Consente di comporre i contenuti con link, elenchi e altri stili utilizzando la sintassi Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Fornisce i tag nascosti necessari per verificare il sito WordPress con diverse servizi."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visualizza le informazioni sull’attività del sito, inclusi i visitatori e pagine o post popolari."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Consente di ottimizzare il sito e i relativi contenuti per risultati migliori nei motori di ricerca."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integra il tuo sito WordPress con Google Analytics, una piattaforma che offre approfondimenti su traffico, visitatori e conversioni."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visualizza sul sito annunci di alta qualità che permettono di ottenere guadagni."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Consente di condividere automaticamente i contenuti più recenti sui siti di social media, tra cui Facebook e Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Aggiunge al contenuto i pulsanti Like, in modo che i visitatori possano mostrare apprezzamento."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Permette agli utenti registrati di accedere al sito con i loro account"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Protegge il sito da attacchi di accesso forzato tradizionali o distribuiti."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Esegue il backup del sito sui server globali, consentendo di ripristinare i contenuti in caso di emergenza o di errore."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Rimuove lo spam da commenti e form di contatto."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Ci impegniamo per la tua sicurezza e la tua privacy. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visualizza tutti i piani Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Gestisci il tuo piano"],"Your Plan":["Il tuo piano"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Attualmente utilizzi Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Consente ai lettori di iscriversi ai tuoi articoli o commenti e ricevi notifiche dei nuovi contenuti tramite e-mail."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Sostituisce il form di commento WordPress standard con un nuovo sistema di commento che include le opzioni di accesso con i social media."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Attivala{{/a}} per sostituire la ricerca integrata di WordPress con la funzionalità di ricerca di Jetpack, un'esperienza di ricerca migliorata."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["La ricerca Jetpack migliora la ricerca sul tuo sito."],"Manage your plugins":["Gestisci i plugin"],"Moderate comments":["Modera commenti"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Errore durante l'aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Impostazioni della privacy aggiornate."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Aggiornamento delle impostazioni della privacy..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Aggiungi il widget di ricerca di Jetpack alla tua barra laterale per configurare filtri e ordinamento."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato, temi infiniti, ricerca avanzata e supporto prioritario."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suite di sicurezza completa, strumenti di automazione del marketing e delle entrate, hosting video illimitato e supporto prioritario."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Backup quotidiani, filtro antispam e supporto prioritario."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":["Attiva l'hosting video"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e supporto prioritario."],"Design the perfect website":["Progetta il sito web perfetto"],"Set up Jetpack":["Configura Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic e scansione di sicurezza automatica."],"Jetpack Search":["Ricerca Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Versione di Jetpack %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Per il tuo sito vengono effettuati il backup in tempo reale e la scansione regolare di minacce alla sicurezza."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Backup giornaliero di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato e ripristini con un clic"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Backup in tempo reale di tutti i dati del tuo sito con spazio illimitato, ripristini con un clic, scansione di sicurezza automatica e risoluzione delle minacce con un clic."],"View your security activity":["Visualizza la tua attività di sicurezza"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (funziona con VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Personalizza widget di ricerca"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Risolvi il problema riportato di seguito e riprova.","Risolvi i problemi riportati di seguito e riprova."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Ci stiamo assicurando che il tuo sito rimanga privo di minacce alla sicurezza. Qualora ne trovassimo una, riceverai una notifica."],"Jetpack version":["Versione di Jetpack"],"Activity":["Attività"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Vedi dettagli{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetizza il tuo sito con gli ads"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Cliccando qui sotto, accetti i nostri {{tosLink}}Termini di servizio{{/tosLink}} e la {{shareDetailsLink}}condivisione delle informazioni{{/shareDetailsLink}} con"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Persone che osservano le statistiche Jetpack"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Ciao, Le tue statistiche sono state attivate."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Concedici del tempo per raccogliere tutti i dati in modo tale da visualizzarli qui."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, fatto!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visualizza pubblicità sotto gli articoli su"],"Additional ad placements":["Posizionamenti aggiuntivi della pubblicità"],"Top of each page":["Parte superiore di ogni pagina"],"Second ad below post":["Seconda pubblicità sotto l'articolo"],"Archives":["Archivi"],"Stars":["Stelle"],"Jupiter":["Giove"],"Schedule posts":["Programma articoli"],"Activate Publicize":["Attiva Pubblicizza"],"Your site is backed up.":["Il tuo sito è stato sottoposto a backup."],"Image Performance":["Prestazioni delle immagini"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Usa WordPress Apps per tutti i dispositivi"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Gestisci i tuoi siti da una singola dashboard: pubblica contenuti, traccia le statistiche, modera i commenti, e tante altre cose da qualsiasi parte del mondo tu ti trovi."],"Create address":["Crea indirizzo"],"Priority support":["Supporto prioritario"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Condividi automaticamente i tuoi articoli sui social network"],"Updating settings…":["Aggiornamento impostazioni in corso…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Aggiornamento indirizzo Post by Email in corso…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Il tuo piano a pagamento ti consente l'accesso al supporto Jetpack prioritario."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup, ma non sono ancora attivi."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Hai pagato per i backup e la scansione di sicurezza, ma non sono ancora attivi.."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Fai clic su \"Imposta\" per completare l'installazione."],"Checking site status…":["Controllo dello stato del sito in corso…"],"Pages":["Pagine"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Accedi all'elenco completo dei moduli di Jetpack disponibile sul tuo sito."],"We're here to help":["Siamo qui per aiutarti"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack viene fornito con supporto di base gratuito per tutti gli utenti."],"Ask a question":["Fai una domanda"],"Search our support site":["Cerca il nostro sito di supporto"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Ottieni una risoluzione più veloce alle tue domande al supporto."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Host video rapido, di alta qualità e senza pubblicità."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Genera dei guadagni con pubblicità di alta qualità."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Backup del sito in tempo reale e risoluzione automatica delle minacce."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Protezione contro la perdita dei dati, attacchi dannosi e di malware."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Fa in modo che i tuoi contenuti vengano trovati e condivisi tramite gli strumenti SEO."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Proteggi il tuo sito dallo spam."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Questo sito non è collegato a WordPress.Com. Chiedi all'amministratore del sito di collegarlo."],"Spam filtering":["Filtro per lo spam"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Scansione giornaliera automatica dei malware"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Backup automatici giornalieri (spazio illimitato)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Scansione antimalware giornaliera e automatica con risoluzione automatizzata"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Hosting video illimitato ad alta velocità"],"SEO preview tools":["Visualizzazione in anteprima degli strumenti SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistiche del sito, contenuto correlato, e strumenti di condivisione"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta e monitoraggio del downtime"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Hosting veloce e illimitato per le immagini"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Disconnettendo %(siteName) da non potrai più avere accesso ai seguenti: "],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Leggi di più sui vantaggi di Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["An Automattic Airline"],"Manage site connection":["Gestisci connessione sito"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Collega il tuo account a per visualizzare più statistiche"],"Theme enhancements":["Miglioramento dei temi"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Carica altri articoli utilizzando la modalità di funzionamento del tema predefinito"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Carica più articoli nella pagina tramite un bottone"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Carica più articoli mentre il lettore scorre verso il basso"],"Theme support required.":["Supporto del tema richiesto."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Scopri di più riguardo l'aggiunta del supporto per lo scroll infinito nel tuo tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Usa i riassunti invece degli articoli completi nella pagina iniziale e nelle pagine di archivio"],"Show featured images":["Mostra le immagini in primo piano"],"Enable the toolbar":["Attiva la barra degli strumenti di"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Gli strumenti di scrittura disponibili verranno mostrati qui una volta attivati dall'amministratore."],"Portfolios":["Portfolio"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Nota che {{b}}la verifica del sito con questi servizi non è necessaria{{/b}} per l'indicizzazione del sito stesso da parte dei motori di ricerca. Per utilizzare questi strumenti avanzati per i motori di ricerca e verificare il sito con un servizio, incolla di seguito il codice del tag HTML. In caso di problemi, leggi le {{support}}istruzioni complete{{/support}}. Servizi di verifica supportati: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} e {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Genera sitemap XML"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere dati statistici, ma dovrebbe funzionare anche quando è nascosta"],"Count logged in page views from":["Count logged in page views from"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Permetti che i report delle statistiche siano viste da"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Puoi aggiustare queste impostazioni se preferisce avere più controllo. Leggi di più su quello che puoi fare per {{a}}ottimizzare il tuo sito con la SEO{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["In \"Aggiornamento\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Configura le tue impostazioni di Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Mostra le pubblicità nel primo articolo della tua home page o alla fine di ogni pagina e post. Puoi sistemare altri ads in aggiunta nella parte superiore del tuo sito e in ogni area widget, così da aumentare i guadagni."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Attiva gli ads e mostra una pubblicità sotto ogni post"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Configura i pulsanti di condivisione"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Collega i tuoi account di social media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Accoppia gli account usando gli indirizzi email"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Richiede gli account per usare l'autenticazione a due fattori di"],"Add to whitelist":["Aggiungi alla whitelist"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Facendo il whitelist di un indirizzo IP o di una serie di indirizzi fai in modo che questi non vengano mai bloccati da Jetpack. IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettati. Per specificare un range di IP, inserisci o specifica un determinato range, inserisci il valore più basso e quello più alto separato da un dash (\"-\"). Per esempio:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Il back up del sito è stato fatto. Il tuo sito non presenta nessuna minaccia."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Controllo della protezione spam..."],"Fetching key…":["Recupero chiave..."],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Il tuo sito ha bisogno di una chiave Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Si è verificato un problema con la tua chiave API Antispam. {{a}}Scopri di più{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito non è protetto dallo spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["La tua chiave Antispam è valida."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Il tuo sito è protetto dallo spam."],"Checking key…":["Controllo chiave..."],"Your API key":["La tua chiave API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Se non hai ancora una chiave API, {{a}}puoi ottenerla cliccando qui{{/a}}, dove inizierai la procedura per richiederne una. "],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Nessun risultato trovato per %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Cerca un termine per trovare impostazioni o una ricerca simile"],"Connections":["Connessioni"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Il tuo sito è in Modalità Sviluppo, pertanto non può essere connesso a"],"Your site is connected to":["Il tuo sito è collegato a"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Sei il proprietario di questo piano Jetpack."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Connesso come {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Controlla i tuoi Email Follower "],"Color scheme":["Schema di colori"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Abilita l'uso di Markdown per i commenti."],"Updated settings.":["Impostazioni aggiornate. "],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Errore nell'aggiornamento delle impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Post rigenerati dall'indirizzo email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Errore nel rigenerare il post dall'indirizzo email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Impostazioni salvate. Ricaricando la pagina... "],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Attualmente in {{a}}Modalità di sviluppo{{/a}} (alcune funzioni sono disabilitate) perché: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{li}}Il filtro jetpack_development_mode è attivo{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}La costante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG è definita{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}All'URL del tuo sito manca un punto (es. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics è un servizio gratuito che completa la nostra {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} con diversi approfondimenti sul tuo traffico. Le statistiche di e Google Analytics usano metodi diversi per identificare e tracciare l'attività sul tuo sito, i quali di norma mostrano numeri totali delle visite leggermente diversi, come anche delle visualizzazioni, ecc."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Configura Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Attiva Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Scarica le app gratuite"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Punti principali dell'aggiornamento: VideoPress per matrimoni"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Ora puoi configurare gli articoli correlati nel Personalizza. {{ExternalLink}}Provalo!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["In modo predefinito, gli annunci sono mostrati alla fine di ogni pagina, articolo, o del primo articolo nella tua pagina iniziale. Puoi anche aggiungerli in testa al tuo sito o a qualsiasi area widget per incrementare i tuoi guadagni!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Mostra una pubblicità in cima al tuo sito, all'inizio della schermata."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Attivando gli ads, accetti i {{link}}Termini del Servizio{{/link}} di Automattic Ads."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Il tuo server non è configurato bene, il che significa che Jetpack Protect non riesce efficacemente a proteggere il tuo sito. "],"In \"Mobile\"":["In \"Mobile\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di notifica di Monitor su{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Guarda i tuoi guadagni"],"Configure site SEO":["Configura il sito con la SEO"],"Activate SEO tools":["Attiva strumenti SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Per iniziare, clicca su Aggiungi Media nel editor di scrittura del post e carica un video; il resto lo facciamo noi!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Hosting"],"SEO Tools":["Strumenti SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Strumenti SEO avanzati per aiutarti a far trovare il tuo sito quando la gente cerca contenuti rilevanti. "],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Il modo più facile per caricare video ad-free e senza \"marche\" sul tuo sito. Ottieni statistiche su quante volte i video sono stati visti e condivisi. Il player usato è responsivo e leggero."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack sta girando su un server di staging."],"More Info":["Maggiori Informazioni"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Gestisci la visibilità dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Questa azione resetterà le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Cerca una funzionalità di Jetpack."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"Subscriber":["Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"]," Likes are:":["I Mi Piace di sono:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Nascondi l'immagine dello smiley nelle statistiche"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Indirizzi IP nella whitelist"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mostra un messaggio promozionale dell'app mobile di WordPress, visualizzato nel footer del tema mobile."],"Copied!":["Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":["Rigenera indirizzi"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Ci puoi dire perché non ti è stato possibile completare la connessione con Jetpack in questo {{a}}2 questionario{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Una connessione con Jetpack è richiesta affinché la nostra funzionalità gratuita per la sicurezza e il traffico funzioni.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Benvenuto alla {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}! "],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack è già connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tutto è stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack è attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Sei carico e pronto a proseguire."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Stai eseguendo una versione di sviluppo di Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Invia il tuo feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Che cosa ti piacerebbe vedere nella tua bacheca Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":["Faccelo sapere!"],"Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":["Salva impostazioni"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Attiva le Statistiche del Sito{{/a}} per vedere statistiche dettagliate, likes, follower, subscriber e molto altro! {{a1}}Leggi di più{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Site Backups":["Backup del sito"],"Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":["ATTIVO"],"View your spam stats":["Guarda le statistiche dello spam"],"View your security dashboard":["Guarda la tua bacheca riguardo la sicurezza"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Questo sito è in modalità sviluppatore, quindi non può connettersi a"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Collega il tuo account a per ottenere il massimo da Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per una scansione automatica e completa delle minacce alla sicurezza, {a}}installa e attiva{{/ a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack sta attivamente bloccando tentativi di login dannosi. I dati a riguardo ti appariranno qui molto presto!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totale degli attacchi malevoli bloccati sul tuo sito."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Attiva Protect{{/a}} per mantenere il tuo sito protetto da tentativi di sign in dannosi."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tutti i plugin sono aggiornati. Ottimo lavoro!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack sta migliorando e ottimizzando la velocità della tua immagine."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sta monitorando il tuo sito. Se pensiamo che il tuo sito non sia raggiungibile, riceverai una mail."],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"Performance":["Prestazioni"],"Backup":[""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Per fare il backup automatico di tutto il tuo sito {{a}}installa e attiva{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}installa Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Per una difesa anti spam a regola d'arte, {{a}}attiva Akismet{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Non disponibile in Dev Mode"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Attivando %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s è stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Errore nell'attivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s è stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Errore nella disattivazione di %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Attivando le impostazioni per %(slug)s ..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Impostazioni per %(slug)s attive."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Errore aggiornando %(slug)s impostazioni. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Aggiornando %(slug)s indirizzi…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["%(slug)s indirizzi rigenerati."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Errore rigenerando %(slug)s indirizzi. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Resettando le opzioni di Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":["Opzioni di reset."],"Options failed to reset.":["Le opzioni hanno fallito il reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Si è verificato un errore nel disconnettere Jetpack. Errore: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Scollegando"],"Unlinked from":[" è scollegato."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Errore scollegando %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["A colpo d'occhio"],"Dashboard":["Bacheca"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Privacy Policy di Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Attiva{{/a}} per migliorare la performance e la velocità delle tue immagini."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici del plugin{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Aggiornamenti plugin"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Nessuna minaccia trovata, tutto apposto!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visualizza dettagli su{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Ops, %(number)s minaccia trovata.","Ops, %(number)s minacce trovate."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Attiva Monitor{{/a}} per ricevere notifiche se il tuo sito va offline."],"Loading…":["Caricando..."],"Downtime monitor":[""],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}} Visualizza più statistiche su {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Mostra statistiche dettagliate{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Tutti i commenti"],"All-time views":["Visualizzazione All-time"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":["Miglior giorno complessivo"],"Views today":["Visualizzazioni odierne"],"Months":["Mesi"],"Weeks":["Settimane"],"Days":["Giorni"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["È successo qualcosa caricando le statistiche. Prova di nuovo tra un po' {{a}}guarda le tue statistiche ora su{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Fai clic per visualizzare le statistiche dettagliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visualizzazioni: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Week of %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Sicurezza del sito"],"Link to":["Collega a"],"Unlink me from":["Scollegami da"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["C'è stato un problema nella connessione Jetpack. Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["C'è stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova più tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Learn more":["Per saperne di più"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Front page":["Pagina iniziale"],"Upload videos":["Carica video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Mostra i contenuti correlati dopo i post"],"Related":["Correlati"],"Save":["Salva"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX è un potente linguaggio di markup per scrivere equazioni matematiche e formule."],"Site Stats":["Statistiche Sito"],"Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Testimonials":["Testimonianze"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack non riesce a contattare %(error_key)s. Di solito questo significa che c'è un errore nella configurazione del tuo web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":["Al momento ha dei problemi e non può alimentare il tuo Jetpack. Riprova più tardi."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non è possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non è accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Connected":["Collegato"],"Activate":["Attiva"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Learn More":["Per saperne di più"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Disconnetti Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa la compatibilità del tuo sito con Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":["Accesso a"],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Invia link"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Aggiorna automaticamente i plugin"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Anti-spam Jetpack"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widget"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Shortlink"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Monitoraggio dei tempi di inattività"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Impostazioni della privacy"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Barra degli strumenti di"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Creazione "],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistiche del sito"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Ottimizzazione motori di ricerca"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Bottoni di condivisione"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Connessioni di Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Pulsanti Like"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Protezione da attacchi di forza bruta"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Backup e scan di sicurezza"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Informazioni"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":["Moduli"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Performance"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Il mio piano"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Strumenti per gli sviluppatori"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Discussione"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Traffico"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Condivisione"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["A prima vista"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Abbonamenti"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Scrittura"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Opzioni Reset (solo per sviluppatori)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Sicurezza"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["In sintesi"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["termini di servizio"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["ToS (Termini di Servizio)"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["dati"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["tracce"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privacy"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Aggiorna"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Salvataggio in corso…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Salva le impostazioni"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Correlati"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Rimani connesso"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Disconnetti"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Update necessari"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Paid"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Ads"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Sito connesso"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Connessione dell'account"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Minacce"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIX"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Minacce rilevate!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Sicuro"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Configura"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Termini"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Debug"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Commenti spam bloccati."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"sq_AL"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":[""],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":[""],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":[""],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":[""],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":[""],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":[""],"Scan":[""],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Lidheni sajtin tuaj me Google Analytics brenda pak sekondash, përmes Jetpack Premium ose Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Bëni hyrjen që nga aplikacionin WordPress për celular"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Hyni me lehtësi te aplikacioni duke klikuar lidhjen që do t’ju dërgojmë te adresa email në llogarinë tuaj."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Dërgomëni me email një lidhje hyrjeje te aplikacioni"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Dërgojini postimet tuaja të reja te kjo adresë email:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Postimi përmes email-i është një rrugë e shpejtë për të botuar postime të reja pa vizituar sajtin tuaj. Do të prodhojmë për ju një adresë email unike ku të dërgoni lëndë tuajën, e cila mandej shfaqet në sajtin tuaj si çfarëdo postimi tjetër."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Paneli zëvendëson panelin parazgjedhje të përgjegjësi në WordPress. Ofron hyrje me një klikim te njoftime, te profili juaj dhe sajte të tjerë tuajt Jetpack dhe Mund të shihni edhe të rejat në sajte që ndiqni në Lexues."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Verifikoni pronësi sajti me shërbime palë të treta"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Prodhoni URL të shkurtuara për ndarje më të lehtë me të tjerët."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Mbajini aktivë vizitorët tuaj me lëndë të përafërt në fund të çdo postimi. Këto rregullime nuk do të zbatohen mbi {{a}}postime të përafërta të shtuara duke përdorur përpunuesin me blloqe{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Veçoria i ndihmon vizitorët të gjejnë më tepër nga lënda juaj, duke shfaqur postime të afërta në fund të çdo postimi."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack-u prodhon automatikisht një {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} qepur enkas për sajtin tuaj. Nëse ju duhet të shtoni zëra të tjerë për rrjete të tjerë, ju lutemi, shtojini në hapësirën më poshtë, një për rresht. {{link2}}Për më tepër hollësi, shihni këtu{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Shtoni te postimet dhe faqet tuaja butona për ndarjen e tyre me të tjerë"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Ndani lëndë tuajën me të tjerë në media shoqërore, duke mbërritur te publik i ri dhe duke shtuar tërheqjen e tij."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Merrni sinjalizime, nëse sajti juaj del jashtë funksionimi. Do t’ju njoftojmë edhe kur rikthehet në punë."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Me Jetpack-un mund të zgjidhni vetëpërditësimin e shtojcave e tuaja fill pas çdo hedhje të re në qarkullim të shtojcës. Do të merrni menjëherë ndreqjet më të freskëta të sigurisë dhe të metave, duke garantuar që sajti juaj të jetë i parrezikuar."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Zgjidhni cilat shtojca të vetëpërditësohen"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Përmirësoje Jetpack Tani"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Përfitoni vlera monetare nga sajti juaj përmes reklamash cilësie të lartë"],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Përshtatni planifikimin e postimeve tuaja në rrjete shoqërorë"],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Zgjerojeni publikun tuaj me mjete profesionale SEO."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Zgjidhni shpejt çështjet, përmes asistencës me përparësi."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Jini me mendje të qetë, prej kopjeruajtjesh të automatizuara."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Ngrijeni sajtin një shkallë më lart!"],"Search support docs":["Kërkoni te dokumentime asistence"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Ju duhet ndihmë? Mësoni rreth si t’ia fillohet, rreth përshtatjes së sajtit tuaj, përdorimit të copëzave të thelluara të kodit, etj."],"Start sharing":["Filloni të ndani me të tjerët"],"Optimized performance":["Funksionim i optimizuar"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktivizoni mundësinë “pajtohuni te komentet” te formulari juaj i komenteve"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktivizoni mundësinë “pajtohuni te sajti” te formulari juaj i komenteve"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Administroni rregullime të thelluara komentesh dhe shtoni publikun tuaj përmes pajtimeve me email."],"Comment form introduction":["Hyrje në formularë komentesh"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam bazuar në Akismet. Parashtrimet e komenteve dhe të formularëve të kontakteve kontrollohen përkundër bazës tonë globale të të dhënave për mesazhe të padëshiruar."],"Failed to send login email":["S’u arrit të dërgohej email hyrjeje"],"Login email sent":["Email-i i hyrjes u dërgua"],"Sending login email…":["Po dërgohet email hyrjeje…"],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Profesional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Në merak për sigurinë? Merrni kopjeruajtje, ndreqje të automatizuara të sigurisë, etj: {{a}}Përmirësojeni tani{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Falas"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Lejoju lexuesve të pëlqejnë komente individuale."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktivizo pëlqime komentesh."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Lejojuni përdoruesve të përdorin formatim Markdown në komente."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Shfaq skeda Gravatari krah komentesh."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Plotësoni Ujdisjen e Jetpack-ut"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Ecuria e ujdisjes së Jetpack-ut tuaj"],"View your setup checklist":["Shihni listën e hapave tuaj"],"About Jetpack":["Mbi Jetpack-un"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktivizoni dukshmëri widget-esh që të shfaqen widget-e vetëm në postime apo faqe të caktuara"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Dukshmëria e widget-eve ju lejon të vendosni cilët widget-e duken dhe te cilat faqe, që kështu të përimtoni lëndën e lidhur me widget-et."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Ofroni për përdorim në sajtin tuaj widget-e ekstra, përfshi formularë pajtimesh dhe rrjedha Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Thelloni më tej panelin e përshtatjes së CSS-së"],"Writing":["Të shkruarit"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Hartoni duke përdorur kode të shkurtër për të trupëzuar media nga sajte popullorë"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Lypset të jepni kredencialet tuaja për te shërbyesi që të përfundojë formësimi i Kopjeruajtjeve dhe Kontrolleve."],"Awaiting credentials":["Në pritje të kredencialeve"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Kopjeruajtjet dhe Kontrollet për sajtin tuaj po formësohen."],"Provisioning":[""],"Action needed":["Lypset veprim"],"Setting up":["Po rregullohet"],"Discussion":["Diskutim"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Po formësojmë mbrojtjen e sajtit tuaj."],"View your site's backups":["Shihni kopjeruajtjet e sajtit tuaj"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Për sajtin tuaj po bëjmë kopjeruajtje të atypëratyshme."],"Enter credentials":["Jepni kredenciale"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Që të përfundojë ujdisja, lypset të jepni kredencialet tuaja për te shërbyesi."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Po formësojmë kopjeruajtjet e sajtit tuaj."],"View site activity":["Shihni veprimtari sajti"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack-u ruan një regjistër të plotë të gjithçkaje që ndodh në sajtin tuaj, duke mos lënë vend për hamendësime gjatë administrimit, diagnostikimit dhe ndreqjes së sajtit tuaj."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Plan Jetpack Biznesi"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Plan Jetpack Me Pagesë"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Plan Jetpack Personal"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Plan Jetpack Falas"],"Support documentation":["Dokumentim asistence"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Flluska fjalosjesh që ilustrojnë lidhjen me asistencën"],"Site activity":["Veprimtari sajti"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Mbërrini te më shumë publik, përmes ndarjes së vetvetishme me të tjerët të postimeve tuaja në media shoqërore."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Shtoni trafikun në sajtin tuaj"],"Explore free themes":["Eksploroni tema falas"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Merrni hyrje të pakufizuar në qindra tema personale, dhe përshtateni sajtin tuaj saktësisht si e doni."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Një larmi e madhe temash dhe mjetesh për përshtatjen e një sajti"],"Set up your site security":["Ujdisni sigurinë e sajtit tuaj"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Parandaloni sulme për hyrje dhe merrni njoftime të menjëhershme, kur ka një problem me sajtin tuaj."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistika sajti ku shfaqet ecuri trafiku dhe angazhimi"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Një dorë që mban një lupë"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Grafik që shfaq një shtim të shëndetshëm në fitime"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Ndërfaqe ku shfaqet një listë kronologjike ndryshimesh dhe përditësimesh në një sajt"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Një re me lloje të shumta lënde pezull përreth"],"A folder holding real comments":["Dosje që përmban komente të njëmendta"],"Make your site faster":["Bëjeni sajtin tuaj më të shpejtë"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Ngarkojini faqet më shpejt, duke i shërbyer figurat tuaja që prej shërbyesve të rrjetit tonë global."],"A fast and performant website":["Sajt i shpejtë dhe që punon"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Sajt i siguruar, i kyçur dhe i mbrojtur nga Jetpack-u"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Përsëdytni postime, faqe, Dëshmi dhe portofolë ekzistues. Do të kopjohet krejt lënda e tyre, përfshi tekst, figura të zgjedhura, rregullime ndarjeje me të tjerët, etj."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Ky sajt s’mund të lidhet te, ngaqë cenon {{a}}Kushtet tona të Shërbimit{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Lidheni sajtin tuaj te rrjete mediash shoqërore që përdorni dhe ndajeni lëndën tuaj me të tjerët në krejt llogaritë tuaja shoqërore me një klikim të vetëm. Kur botoni një postim, do të duket në krejt llogaritë tuaja të lidhura."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Shtoni te postimet dhe faqet tuaja butona Pëlqimi"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Kur vizitorëve u pëlqen lënda juaj, lërini ta shfaqin me një Pëlqim."],"Create account":["Krijo llogari"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack-u po e fuqizon sajtin tuaj, por për të përdorur krejt veçoritë e tij, ju duhet të krijoni një llogari."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Kopjeruajtje të drejtpërdrejta, të automatizuara (depozitim i pakufizuar)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Hartoni lëndë sipas mënyrë që doni dhe thjeshtoni punën tuaj me botimet."],"Add a portfolio item":["Shtoni objekt portofoli"],"Add a testimonial":["Shtoni një përshtypje"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maksimizoni dukshmërinë e sajtit tuaj për motorët e kërkimeve dhe shihni aty për aty statistika trafiku."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Që të përdorni këtë veçori, krijoni një llogari Jetpack"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack-u do të mbikëqyrë vazhdimisht sajtin tuaj, dhe do t’ju njoftojë kur të pikasë mosfunksionim."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Gabim gjatë aktivizimi të përshpejtuesit të Sajtit. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Përshpejtuesi i sajtit tani po e përshpejton sajtin tuaj!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Po aktivizohet përshpejtues Sajti…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Gabim gjatë çaktivizimit të përshpejtuesit të sajtit. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Përshpejtuesi i sajtit s’e përshpejton më sajtin tuaj!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Po çaktivizohet përshpejtues sajti…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Ngarkoni faqet më shpejt, optimizoni figurat, dhe përshpejtoni funksionimin për vizitorët tuaj."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Plotësojini statistika e me vështrimin e thelluar të Google-it mbi vizitorët tuaj dhe rregullsitë e trafikut."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Video HD, me shpejtësi transmetimi të lartë, pa reklama nga palë të treta."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Planifikoni që më parë botimin për një numër të pakufizuar postimesh në Twitter, Facebook apo shërbime të tjera."],"Marketing Automation":["Automatizim Marketingu"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Aktivizoni Kërkimin Me Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Zëvendësoni mekanizmin parazgjedhje WordPress të kërkimeve me përfundime dhe filtrim më të mirë të bazuar në Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Filloni të fitoni"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds ju lë të fitoni para përmes shfaqjes së lëndës promocionale. Filloni të fitoni që sot."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Mesazhet e padëshiruar bllokohen automatikisht në komentet tuaja."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtrim Mesazhesh të Padëshiruar"],"Browse premium themes":["Shfletoni temat me pagesë"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Përdorni, pa kosto shtesë, këdo nga qindra temat me pagesë të hartuara hijshëm."],"Try a premium theme":["Provoni një nga temat me pagesë"],"View settings":["Shihni rregullimet"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Që të shihni ndjekësit tuaj me email, krijoni një llogari Jetpack"],"Manage security settings":["Administroni rregullime sigurie"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack-u është gati për përpunuesin e ri në WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Sot sjellim valën e parë të blloqeve të posaçëm për Jetpack-un, krijuar enkas për mënyrën e re të përpunimeve: butona Simple Payment, Form, Map, dhe Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Krijoni sajtin tuaj Jetpack përmes blloqesh"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Përpunues i ri? Po! {{a}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Veçoritë që përdorni, përshtatur për përpunuesin e ri në WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Shpjemë te përpunuesi i ri"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Po kontrollohet Lidhja me Jetpack-un"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Pati një gabim gjatë testimit të jetpack-ut. Gabim: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["E re në Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Përshpejtoni kohët e ngarkimit të kartelave statike"],"Speed up image load times":["Përshpejtoni kohët e ngarkimit të figurave"],"Enable site accelerator":["Aktivizoni përshpejtues sajti"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Ngarkojini faqet më shpejtë, përmes lejimit të Jetpack-ut të optimizojë figurat tuaja dhe t’i shërbejë ato dhe kartelat statike (të tilla si ato CSS dhe JavaScript) nga rrjeti ynë global i shërbyesve."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":["Shtojini sajtit tuaj një shkallë sigurie ekstra duke aktivizuar hyrje dhe mirëfilltësim të sigurt që nga Nëse keni sajte të shumtë me këtë mundësi të aktivizuar, do të jeni në gjendje të hyni në cilindo prej tyre me të njëjtat kredenciale."],"View your site activity":["Shihni veprimtari në sajtin tuaj"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Shihni një listë kronologjike të krejt ndryshimeve dhe përditësimeve të sajtit tuaj, në një mënyrë të sistemuar dhe të kuptueshme."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifikojeni Dorazi "],"Verify with Google":["Verifikojeni me Google-in"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google-i do t’ju dërgojë email lidhur me disa akte që ndodhin në sajtin tuaj, përfshi tregues se sajti juaj është {{a1}}hack-uar{{/a1}}, ose probleme me {{a2}}kapjen ose indeksimin{{/a2}} e sajtit tuaj."],"or":["ose"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Vëzhgoni trafikun dhe funksionimin e sajtit tuaj që nga {{a}}Konsol Kërkimesh Google{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Sajti juaj është verifikuar me Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Dështoi verifikimi i sajtit: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Po verifikohet…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Shtoni te sajti juaj kërkim më të shpejtë, më të thelluar, përmes paketës Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Zëvendësoni mekanizmin e brendshëm WordPress të kërkimeve me Kërkim Me Jetpack, një mekanizëm i thelluar kërkimesh"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Search zëvendëson kërkimin e brendshëm me një kërkim të shpejtë, të përshkallëzueshëm, të personalizueshëm dhe me përfundime me kuptim, të strehuar në renë Përfundimi: Përdoruesit tuaj gjejnë lëndën që duan, më shpejt."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Mekanizmi i i brendshëm i WordPress-it për kërkime është i dobishëm për sajte pa shumë lëndë. Por dora-dorës që sajti juaj zmadhohet, kërkimet ngadalësohen dhe japin përfundime më pak të sakta."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Search mbulon mjaft personalizime."],"Site is verified":["Sajti është verifikuar"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Kur reklamat janë të aktivizuara, Jetpack-u prodhon vetvetiu një ads.txt të përshtatur enkas për sajtin tuaj."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Zëra vetjakë ads.txt"],"Privacy information":["Informacion Privatësie"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktivizo \"Lazy-load\" për figurat"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Funksioni <em>lazy-loading</em> për figurat do të përmirësojë shpejtësinë e sajtit tuaj dhe krijojë për përdoruesin pamje të rrjedhshme. Figurat do të ngarkohen dora-dorës që vizitorët rrëshqasin poshtë nëpër ekran, në vend se të tëra njëherësh."],"Performance & speed":["Performancë & shpejtësi"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktivizo lojtës videosh të shpejtë, pa reklama"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Bëjeni më tërheqëse lëndën që botoni, përmes videosh <em>high-resolution</em>. Me Jetpack Video mund të përshtatni lojtësin tuaj të mediave dhe t’u jepni vizitorëve tuaj video të shpejta, pa reklama dhe pa marka. Videot depozitohen te shërbyesit tanë dhe nuk zënë vend te plani juaj i strehimit në shërbyes!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Skemë ngjyrash Rrotullameje"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Të dhënat Exif u shfaqin parësve hollësi teknike shtesë të një fotoje, të tilla si rrezja vatrore, hapja e diafragmës, dhe ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Shfaq te rrotullamja tejtëdhëna fotosh Exif (në pastë)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Te galeria rrotullame figurat shfaqi në madhësi të plotë"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Krijoni rrotullame diapozitivash sa krejt ekrani për figurat në postime dhe faqe tuajat. Galeritë rrotullame janë të përshtatshme për celularin dhe i nxitin vizitorët e sajtit të ndërveprojnë me fotot tuaja."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Kod i shkurtër për portofola: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Përdorni në sajtin tuaj {{portfolioLink}}portofole{{/portfolioLink}}, për të nxjerrë në pah ajkën e punës tuaj. Nëse tema juaj grafike nuk mbulon Jetpack Portfolios, për shfaqjen e tyre në sajtin tuaj mundeni prapëseprapë të përdorni një kod të shkurtër."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Kod i shkurtër për përshtypje: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Shtoni te sajti juaj {{testimonialLink}}përshtypje{{/testimonialLink}} që të tërhiqni klientë të rinj. Nëse tema juaj grafike nuk mbulon Jetpack Testimonials, për shfaqjen e tyre në sajtin tuaj mundeni prapëseprapë të përdorni një kod të shkurtër."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Motorët e kërkimit s’mund të përdorin sajtin tuaj këtë çast. Nëse doni ta bëni sajtin tuaj të përdorshëm prej tyre, shihni {{a}}rregullimet tuaja për Lexim{{/a}} dhe kalojeni \"Dukshmëri Për Motorë Kërkimesh\" në vlerën <em>on</em>."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Lajme të mira: Jetpack-u po e dërgon hartën e sajtit tuaj vetvetiu te krejt motorët kryesorë të kërkimeve, për indeksim."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Hartat e sajteve janë kartela që motorë kërkimi, të tillë si Google ose Bing i përdorin për të indeksuar sajtin tuaj. Ato mund të ndihmojnë të përmirësohet vendi juaj në renditje përfundimesh kërkimesh. Kur e aktivizoni këtë veçori, Jetpack-u do të krijojë për ju harta sajti dhe do t’i përditësojë ato vetvetiu kur lënda në sajt ndryshon."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Formësoni postime të afërta te Përshtatësi"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Nxirre në pah lëndën e përafërt përmes një stili kryesh"],"View security scan details":["Shihni hollësi kontrolli sigurie"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Shfaq një figurë miniaturë kur të ketë"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Për më tepër të dhëna se si veçori të caktuara të Jetpack-ut përdorin të dhëna dhe gjurmojnë veprimtari, ju lutemi, shihni te {{privacyCenterLink}}Qendra jonë e Privatësisë{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Përdorim mjete të tjera gjurmimi, përfshi disa të tillë nga palë të treta. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Lexoni rreth tyre{{/cookiePolicyLink}} dhe se si t’i mbani nën kontroll."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Këto të dhëna na ndihmojnë të përmirësojmë produktet tona, ta bëjmë marketingun më specifik për ju, më personal punimin tuaj në, etj, siç përshkruhet hollësisht te {{pp}}rregullat tona mbi privatësinë{{/p}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Ndani me mjetin tonë të analizave të Dhëna rreth përdorimit tuaj të shërbimeve, teksa jeni i futur në llogarinë tuaj {{cookiePolicyLink}}Mësoni më tepër{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori administrohet nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori është aktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Kjo veçori është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Reklama shtesë mund të vendosni duke përdorur widget-in Shtoni. {{link}}Provojeni!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Formësoni rregullimet për njoftime"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Moduli Jetpack për Kërkime është një zëvendësim i fuqishëm i mekanizmit të brendshëm për kërkime të vetë WordPress-it."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Kartelat e sajtit tuaj kontrollohen rregullisht për modifikime të paautorizuara ose të dyshimta që mund të cenojnë sigurinë dhe të dhënat tuaja."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Shtojca lyp përditësim.","Shtojcat lypin përditësim."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Përditësimi i Shtojcave nga Jetpack-u ju lejon të zgjidhni cilat shtojca përditësohen vetvetiu."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack-u do t’i optimizojë figurat tuaja dhe shërbejë ato nga vendndodhje shërbyesi më afër vizitorëve tuaj. Përdorimi i rrjetit tonë global të shpërndarjes së lëndës do të fuqizojë shpejtësinë e ngarkimit të sajtit tuaj."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Mbikëqyrësi Jetpack i mosfunksionimit do të vëzhgojë sajtin tuaj dhe do t’ju njoftojë në çastin kur të pikaset një i tillë."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Kopjeruajtjet Jetpack ju lejojnë të riktheni apo shkarkoni lehtësisht një kopjeruajtje të bërë në një kohë të caktuar."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Aktivizon një temë të peshës së lehtë, të përshtatshme për celular, që do t’u shfaqet vizitorëve në pajisje celulare."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Ngarkon vetvetiu postimet pasuese, kur lexuesi i afrohet fundit të faqes."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Ju lejon të botoni postime të reja duke i dërguar si email te një adresë speciale."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Ju lejon të hartoni lëndë me lidhje, lista dhe stile të tjerë, duke përdorur sintaksën Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Furnizon etiketat e nevojshme të fshehura që duhen për të verifikuar sajtin tuaj WordPress me shërbime të ndryshme."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Shfaq të dhëna mbi veprimtarinë në sajtin tuaj, përfshi vizitorë dhe postime ose faqe popullore."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Ju lejon të optimizoni sajtin tuaj dhe lëndën e tij për përfundime më të mira kërkimi në motorë kërkimesh."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integron sajtin tuaj WordPress me Google Analytics, një platformë që ofron ndjekje të prirjeve të trafikut tuaj, vizitorëve dhe shndërrimeve të vizitave."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Shfaq në sajtin tuaj reklama cilësore, që ju lejojnë të fitoni të ardhura."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Ju lejon të ndani vetvetiu me të tjerët në sajte mediash shoqërore lëndë tuajën të re, përfshi Facebook dhe Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Shton te lënda juaj butona pëlqimi, që kështu vizitorët të mund të shpalosin vlerësimin apo ngazëllimin e tyre."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["U lejon përdoruesve të regjistruar të bëjnë hyrjen në sajtin tuaj përmes llogarive të tyre"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["E mbron sajtin tuaj nga sulme tradicionale, dhe nga ata <em>brute force</em> me shpërndarje, ndaj hyrjes."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["E kopjeruan sajtin tuaj te shërbyesit globalë, duke ju lejuar të riktheni lëndën tuaj, në rast urgjence apo gabimi."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Heq mesazhe të padëshiruar nga formularë komentesh dhe kontakti."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Jemi të përkushtuar për privatësinë dhe sigurinë tuaj. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Shihni krejt planet Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Administroni planin tuaj"],"Your Plan":["Plani Juaj"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Gjendeni nën Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["U lejon lexuesve të pajtohen te postimet apo komentet tuaja, dhe të marrin njoftime email mbi lëndë të re."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Zëvendëson formularin standard WordPress të komenteve me një sistem të ri komentesh që përfshin mundësi hyrjeje që nga media shoqërore."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivizojeni{{/a}} që mekanizmi i brendshëm WordPress i kërkimeve të zëvendësohet me Jetpack Search, një funksion i thelluar kërkimesh."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Shtoni Widget-in (Jetpack) Search"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Kërkimi në sajtin tuaj ngrihet mbi Jetpack Search."],"Manage your plugins":["Administroni shtojcat tuaja"],"Moderate comments":["Moderoni komentet"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësim rregullimesh privatësie. (%(error)s)"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Rregullimet e privatësisë u përditësuan."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullime privatësie…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Shtoni Widget-in Jetpack Search"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Që të formësoni renditje dhe filtrim, shtoni widget-in Jetpack Search te anështylla juaj."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suitë e plotë sigurie, mjete automatizimi marketingu dhe të ardhurash, strehim videosh i pakufizuar, tema grafike të panumërta, kërkim i thelluar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suitë e plotë sigurie, mjete automatizimi marketingu dhe të ardhurash, strehim videosh i pakufizuar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme, filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Always-on security":["Siguri përherë zgjuar"],"Activate video hosting":["Aktivizoni strehim videosh"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Kopjeruajtje e atypëratyshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizim hapësire, rikthime me një klikim, kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistencë me përparësi"],"Design the perfect website":["Skiconi sajtin e përsosur"],"Set up Jetpack":["Rregulloni Jetpack-un"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Kopjeruajtje e atypëratyshme, pa kufizim hapësire, e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, rikthime me një klikim, dhe kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie."],"Jetpack Search":["Kërkim Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Version Jetpack-u %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Për sajtin tuaj tani krijohen kopjeruajtje të atypëratyshme dhe kontrollohet për kërcënime të sigurisë."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hapësire për to dhe rikthime me një klikim"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizim hapësire, rikthime me një klikim, kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistencë me përparësi"],"View your security activity":["Shihni veprimtarinë tuaj të sigurisë"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (bazuar në VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Përshtateni Widget-in e Kërkimeve"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Ju lutemi, ndreqni problemin e mëposhtëm dhe riprovoni.","Ju lutemi, ndreqni problemet e mëposhtëm dhe riprovoni."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Po bëjmë të mundur që sajti juaj të jetë i lirë nga kërcënime sigurie. Nëse gjejmë ndonjë, do t’ju njoftojmë."],"Jetpack version":["Version Jetpack-u"],"Activity":["Veprimtari"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Shihni hollësitë{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetarizoni sajtin tuaj me reklama"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Duke klikuar mbi butonin më poshtë, pajtoheni me {{tosLink}}Kushtet tona të Shërbimit{{/tosLink}} dhe me {{shareDetailsLink}}dhënie hollësish{{/shareDetailsLink}} te"],"Jetpack Stats People":[""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Tungjatjeta juaj! Statistikat për ju janë aktivizuar."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Thjesht na jepni pak kohë të mbledhim të dhëna që kështu të mund t’i shfaqim për ju."],"Okay, got it!":["OK, e mora vesh!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Shfaq reklama nën postime te"],"Additional ad placements":["Vendosje reklamash shtesë"],"Top of each page":["Në krye të çdo faqeje"],"Second ad below post":["Reklama e dytë nën postim"],"Archives":["Arkiva"],"Stars":["Yje"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Vini postime në plan"],"Activate Publicize":["Aktivizoni Publicizimet"],"Your site is backed up.":["Sajti juaj është i kopjeruajtur."],"Image Performance":["Performancë Figurash"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Merrni Aplikacione WordPress për çdo pajisje"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Administroni krejt sajtet tuaj nga një pult i vetëm: botoni lëndë, ndiqni statistika, moderoni komente, dhe kaq shumë gjëra, prej ngado në botë."],"Create address":["Krijoje adresën"],"Priority support":["Asistencës me përparësi"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Ndajini postimet tuaja automatikisht me të tjerët në rrjete shoqërore"],"Updating settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullimet…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Përditësim Postimi sipas adrese Email…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Plani që keni paguar ju lejon për Jetpack-un asistencë me përparësi."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Keni paguar për kopjeruajtje, por ato s’janë ende aktive."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Keni paguar për kopjeruajtje dhe kontrolle sigurie, por ato s’janë ende aktive."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klikoni mbi \"Rregulloje\" që të përfundohet instalimi."],"Checking site status…":["Po kontrollohet gjendje sajti…"],"Pages":["Faqe"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Shihni listën e plotë të moduleve Jetpack që keni në sajtin tuaj."],"We're here to help":["Për ndihmë, na keni këtu"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack-u vjen me asistencë bazë falas, për krejt përdoruesit."],"Ask a question":["Bëni një pyetje"],"Search our support site":["Kërkoni te sajti ynë i asistencës"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Merrni një zgjidhje më të shpejtë për pyetjet tuaja ndaj asistencës."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Strehoni video me cilësi të lartë, pa reklama, dhe të shpejta."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Prodhoni të ardhura, me reklama të cilësisë së lartë."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Kopjeruajtje sajti të atypëratyshme dhe shmangie e vetvetishme kërcënimesh."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Mbrohuni nga humbje të dhënash, malware, dhe sulme dashakeqe."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Ndihmoni, përmes mjeteve SEO, që lëndë juaj të gjendet dhe të ndahet me të tjerët."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Mbrojeni sajtin tuaj nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Ky sajt s’është lidhur me Ju lutemi, kërkojini përgjegjësi të sajtit që ta lidhë."],"Spam filtering":["Filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Kontrolle të përditshme, të automatizuara, kundër malware-i"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme, të automatizuara (depozitim i pakufizuar)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Kontrolle të përditshme, të automatizuara, kundër malware-i, me zgjidhje të automatizuar"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Strehim i pakufizuar videosh të shpejta"],"SEO preview tools":["Mjete paraparje SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistika sajti, lëndë e afërt, dhe mjete ndarjesh me të tjerët"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Mbrojtje nga sulme <em>brute force</em> dhe mbikëqyrje për ndalesa funksionimi"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Strehim i pakufizuar figurash të shpejta"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Duke e shkëputur %(siteName)s nga nuk do të mund të përdorni më sa vijon:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Lexoni më tepër mbi përfitimet nga Jetpack-u"],"An Automattic Airline":["Linjë Ajrore nga <span>Automattic</span>"],"Manage site connection":["Administroni lidhje sajti"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Që të shihni më tepër statistika, lidheni llogarinë tuaj me"],"Theme enhancements":["Thellime teme grafike"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Ngarko më tepër postime duke përdorur sjelljen parazgjedhje të temës"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Ngarko më tepër postime në një faqe me një buton"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Ngarko më tepër postime teksa lexuesi zbret më poshtë në faqe"],"Theme support required.":["Lypset mbulim teme."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Mësoni më tepër mbi shtimin te tema juaj të mbulimit për Rrëshqitje Pa Fund."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Në vend se postime të plota, te faqja ballore dhe te faqe arkivash përdorni copëza"],"Show featured images":["Shfaq figura të zgjedhura"],"Enable the toolbar":["Aktivizoni panelin"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Këtu do të shfaqen mjetet e shkrimit që mund të përdorni, kur t’i aktivizojë një përgjegjës."],"Portfolios":["Portofole"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Kini parasysh se, që sajti juaj të indeksohet nga motorë kërkimesh, {{b}}verifikimi i tij me këto shërbime s’është i nevojshëm{{/b}}. Që të përdorni këto mjete të përparuara motorësh kërkimi dhe që të verifikoni sajtin tuaj me një shërbim, ngjitni më poshtë kodin HTML Tag. Nëse keni probleme, lexoni {{support}}udhëzimet e plota{{/support}}. Shërbime verifikimi të mbuluara: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Prodhoni harta XMl sajtesh"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Figura ndihmon të grumbullohen statistika, por duhet të punojë kur është e fshehur."],"Count logged in page views from":["Numëroni parje faqesh nga përdorues të futur"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Lejoni parje raporte statistikash nga"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Nëse dëshironi kontroll më të thelluar, këto rregullime mund t’i përimtoni. Lexoni më tepër se ç’mund të bëni që të {{a}}optimizoni SEO-n për sajtin tuaj{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Formësoni rregullimet tuaja SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["Te \"Përmirësojeni\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Formësoni rregullimet për Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Shfaqni reklama në artikullin e parë te faqja juaj hyrëse ose në fund të çdo faqeje dhe postimi. Vendosni reklama shtesë në krye të sajtit tuaj dhe te çdo fushë widget-esh, që të shtoni të ardhurat."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Aktivizo reklamat dhe shfaq një reklamë nën çdo postim"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Formësoni butonat tuaj për ndarje me të tjerët"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Lidhni llogaritë tuaja prej mediash shoqërore"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Përputhjet për llogari kërkoji sipas adresash email-i"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Pyet për llogari përdorimi të Mirëfilltësimit Dyhapësh të"],"Add to whitelist":["Shtoje në listë lejimesh"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Për të penguar përgjithmonë bllokimin e tyre nga Jetpack-u, një adresë ose seri adresash IP mund t’i vendosni në një listë lejimesh. Janë të pranueshme adresa të llojit IPv4 dhe IPv6. Që të jepni një interval vlerash, jepni vlerën e ulët dhe të lartë, ndarë nga një vijë. Për shembull:–"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Sajti juaj është i kopjeruajtur dhe i pakërcënuar."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Po kontrollohet mbrojtja juaj kundër mesazhesh të padëshiruar…"],"Fetching key…":["Po sillen kyçi…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Sajti juaj lyp një kyç Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ka një problem me kyçin tuaj për API-n Antispam. {{a}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Sajti juaj nuk mbrohet nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Kyçi juaj Antispam është i vlefshëm."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Sajti juaj mbrohet nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"Checking key…":["Po kontrollohet kyçi…"],"Your API key":["Kyçi juaj API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Nëse s’keni ende një kyç API, atëherë {{a}}merreni kyçin tuaj API këtu{{/a}}, dhe do të udhëhiqeni përmes procesit të marrjes së një të tilli."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["S’u gjetën përfundime kërkimi për %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Jepni një term kërkimi që të gjenden rregullime ose mbylleni kërkimin."],"Connections":["Lidhje"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Sajti juaj gjendet nën Mënyrën Zhvillim, ndaj s’mund të lidhet te"],"Your site is connected to":["Sajti juaj është i lidhur me"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Jeni i zoti i Jetpack-ut."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["I lidhur si {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Shihni Ndjekësit tuaj Me Email"],"Color scheme":["Skemë ngjyrash"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Aktivizoni Markdown për komente."],"Updated settings.":["U përditësuan rregullimet."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësim rregullimesh. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["U riprodhua Postimi sipas adresës Email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Gabim në riprodhimin e Postimit sipas adresës Email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Rregullimet u përditësuan. Po rifreskohet faqja…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Hëpërhë nën {{a}}Mënyrën Zhvillim{{/a}} (disa veçori janë të çaktivizuara) ngaqë: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Filtri jetpack_development_mode është aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Konstantja JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG është e përkufizuar{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}URL-së së sajtit tuaj i mungon ( http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics është një shërbim falas që plotëson {{a}}mekanizmin tonë të brendshëm të statistikave{{/a}} me tendenca të ndryshme në trafikun tuaj. Statistikat dhe Google Analytics përdorin metoda të ndryshme për të identifikuar dhe ndjekur veprimtarinë në sajtin tuaj, ndaj ato normalisht do të japin vlera paksa të ndryshme për vizitat, parjet, etj."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Formësoni Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Aktivizoni Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Shkarkoni aplikacionet falas"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Përmirësoni Focus-in: VideoPress Për Dasma"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Postime të afërta mund të formësoni gjithashtu edhe te Përshtatësi. {{ExternalLink}}Provojeni!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Si parazgjedhje, reklamat shfaqen në fund të çdo faqeje, postimi, ose të artikullit të parë në faqen tuaj hyrëse. Mund t’i vendosni edhe në krye të sajtit tuaj dhe te cilado zonë widget-esh, që të shtoni të ardhurat tuaja!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Shfaqni një njësi reklamash në krye të sajtit tuaj."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Duke pranuar reklama, pajtoheni me {{link}}Kushtet e Shërbimit{{/link}} për Reklama nga Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Shërbyesi juaj është i keqformësuar, që do të thotë se Jetpack Protect s’është në gjendje ta mbrojë me efektshmëri sajtin tuaj."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Te \"Celular\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Formësoni rregullimet për njoftime Monitor në{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Shihni fitimet tuaja"],"Configure site SEO":["Formësoni SEO sajti"],"Activate SEO tools":["Aktivizoni mjete SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Që t’ia filloni. klikoni mbi Shtoni Media, te përpunuesi i postimeve tuaja dhe ngarkoni një video; për të tjerat kujdesemi ne!"],"Video Hosting":["Strehim Videosh"],"SEO Tools":["Mjete SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Mjete të thelluara SEO që të ndihmojnë në gjetjen e sajtit tuaj kur njerëzit kërkojnë për lëndë që lidhet me të."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Mënyra më e lehtë për të ngarkuar te sajti juaj video pa reklama dhe që s’i përkasin ndonjë marke. Përfitoni statistika mbi luajtjen dhe ndarjen me të tjerët të videove dhe lojtësi është i peshës së lehtë dhe reagues."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Po e xhironi Jetpack-un në një shërbyes provash."],"More Info":["Më Tepër të Dhëna"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Administroni dukshmëri Pëlqimesh, që nga Rregullimet për Modulin e Ndarjeve Me të Tjerë{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["IP-ja Juaj e Tanishme: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Në këtë skedë ka rregullime të paruajtura, që do të humbasin, nëse dilni prej saj. Të vazhdohet?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Kështu do të kthehen në fillimet krejt mundësitë Jetpack, jeni i sigurt?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Kërkoni për një veçori Jetpack-u."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Formësoni Kontrollet tuaj të Sigurisë"],"Subscriber":["Pajtimtar"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Gati Tani një Përditësim i Madh për iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Aplikacioni WordPress për Android Ndërron Pamjen Goxha"]," Likes are:":["Pëlqimet te janë:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":["Pak fjalë karrem për të motivuar lexuesit tuaj të komentojnë."],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Fshihe figurën me fytyrat e emotikonëve për statistika"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Adresa IP të lejuara"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Shfaqni te fundfaqja e temës për celular një reklamë për aplikacione WordPress për celular"],"Copied!":["U kopjua!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Theksojeni dhe kopjojeni tekstin vijues te e papastra juaj:"],"Regenerate address":["Riprodhoje adresën"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Po bëni me hile, hë?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}A ju mbetet qejfi të na thoni pse s’e plotësuat lidhjen e Jetpack-ut, përmes këtij {{a}}pyetësori me 2 pyetje{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Që të funksionojnë veçoritë tona për siguri falas dhe trafik, lypset lidhje e Jetpack-ut.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Mirë se vini te {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack-u juaj është i lidhur tashmë."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati për udhë, Jetpack-u tani është aktiv."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati për udhë."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Jeni duke xhiruar një version zhvillim të Jetpack-ut."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Parashtroni përshtypje për versionin Beta"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Ç’do të donit të shihnit te Pulti i JetPack-ut tuaj?"],"Let us know!":["Na e bëni të ditur!"],"Saving…":["Po ruhet…"],"Save Settings":["Ruaji Rregullimet"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Ikonë Statistikash Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti{{/a}} që të shihni statistika të hollësishme, pëlqime, ndjekës, pajtimtarë, etj! {{a1}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti"],"Site Backups":["Kopjeruajtje Sajti"],"Upgrade":["Përmirësojeni"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIVE"],"View your spam stats":["Shihni statistika tuaja mbi mesazhe të padëshiruar"],"View your security dashboard":["Shihni pultin tuaj të sigurisë"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Sajti gjendet nën Mënyrën Zhvillim, ndaj s&#mund të lidheni te"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Lidheni llogarinë tuaj me, që të përfitoni maksimumin prej Jetpack-ut."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Për kontroll të plotë, të automatizuar, për kërcënime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack-u po bllokon në mënyrë aktive përpjekje dashakeqe për hyrje. Të dhënat do të shfaqen këtë së afërmi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Sulme dashakeqës të bllokuar në sajtin tuaj gjithsej."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Aktivizoni Protect-in{{/a}} që ta mbani sajtin tuaj të mbrojtur nga përpjekje hyrjesh dashakeqe."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Krejt shtojcat janë të përditësuara. Punë e paqme!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack-u po përmirëson dhe optimizon shpejtësinë për figurat tuaja."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack-u po e mbikëqyr sajtin tuaj. Nëse na duket se sajti juaj është jashtë funksionimi, do të merrni një email."],"Security":["Siguri"],"Performance":["Performancë"],"Backup":["Kopjeruajtje"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Shihni hollësi kopjeruajtjeje{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Që të kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["S’mund të kihet nën mënyrën Dev."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Për mbrojtje të fjalës së fundit nga mesazhe të padëshiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Për mbrojtje të fjalës së fundit nga mesazhe të padëshiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}aktivizoni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["S’mund të kihet nën mënyrën Dev"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Po aktivizohet %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s është aktivizuar."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Dështoi aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Po çaktivizohet %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s u çaktivizua."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Dështoi çaktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullimet për %(slug)s…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["U përditësuan rregullimet për %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësimin e rregullimeve për %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Po përditësohet adresa për %(slug)s…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["U riprodhua adresa për %(slug)s ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Gabim në riprodhimin e adresës %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Po rikthehen në fillimet mundësitë për Jetpack-un…"],"Options reset.":["Mundësitë u rikthyen te parazgjedhjet."],"Options failed to reset.":["Dështoi rikthimi i mundësive te parazgjedhjet."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Ju lutemi, riklikoni mbi \"Lidhe me\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Patëm një problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut; çaktivizojeni dhe mandej riaktivizojeni shtojcën Jetpack, mandej rilidheni."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Lypset të qëndroni i futur në blogun tuaj WordPress teksa autorizoni Jetpack-un."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka një kleçkë.{{/s}} Na vjen keq për ngatërresën. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë; nëse problemi vazhdon, ju lutemi, lidhuni me ata të asistencës me këtë mesazh: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Po shkëputet Jetpack-u"],"Learn more":["Mësoni më tepër"],"Posts":["Postime"],"Front page":["Faqja ballore"],"Upload videos":["Ngarkoni video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Shfaq lëndë të afërt pas postimesh"],"Related":["Të afërta"],"Save":["Ruaje"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX është një gjuhë e fuqishme markup, për shkrime ekuacionesh matematike të ndërlikuar, formula, etj."],"Site Stats":["Statistika Sajti"],"Sharing":["Ndarje me të tjerët"],"Testimonials":["Dëshmi"],"Cancel":["Anuloje"],"Comments":["Komente"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack-u s’u lidh dot me %(error_key)s. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur diçka te strehuesi juaj web s’është formësuar si duhet."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" po ka probleme dhe s’është në gjendje të mbushë serbatorin e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka një parregullsi.{{/s}} Lidhja e këtij sajti me s’është e mundur. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur sajti juaj nuk hapet dot nga përdoruesit (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Që të përdorë Jetpack-un, sajti juaj web duhet të jetë i përdorshëm publikisht: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Përpunoni"],"Connected":["I lidhur"],"Activate":["Aktivizoje"],"Active":["Aktive"],"Search":["Kërko"],"Settings":["Rregullime"],"Learn More":["Mësoni Më Tepër"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Shkëputeni Jetpack-un"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Provoni përputhshmërinë mes sajtit tuaj dhe Jetpack-ut."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Dërgo lidhje"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Anuloje"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Vetëpërditëso shtojca"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widget-e"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Lidhje të shkurtra"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Mbikëqyrje për ndalesa funksionimi"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Rregullime Privatësie"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Panel"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Hartim Mesazhesh"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistika sajti"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimizim motorësh kërkimesh"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Butona ndarjesh me të tjerët"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Lidhje Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Butona pëlqimesh"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Mbrojtje nga sulme <em>brute force</em>"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Kopjeruajtje dhe kontrolle sigurie"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Rreth"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":["Module"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Funksionim"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Plani Im"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Mjete Zhvilluesi"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Rregullime"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Diskutim"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Trafik"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Ndarje Me të Tjerët"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Me një Vështrim"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Plane"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Të shkruarit"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Mundësi Rikthimi Në Fillimet (vetëm versione dev)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Siguri"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["Me një Vështrim"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["kushte shërbimit"],"Search term.\u0004tos":[""],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["të dhëna"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["pjesë"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privatësi"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Përmirësojeni"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Po ruhet…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Ruaji rregullimet"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Të afërta"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Paraparje"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Mbajeni të lidhur"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Shkëputu"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Lypsen përditësime"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Me pagesë"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Paraparje"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Reklama"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Lidhje sajti"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Lidhje llogarie"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Rreziqe"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["NDREQE"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["U gjetën rreziqe!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["I sigurt"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Rregullojeni"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Kopjoje"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privatësi"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Kushte"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Diagnostikim"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["U bllokuan komente të padëshiruar."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"sq_AL"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Shtoni butona ndarjesh me të tjerë, që kështu vizitorët të mund të ndajnë në media shoqërore postime dhe faqe tuajat me një a dy klikime të shpejta."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Përfshini te shtylla juaj e përgjegjësi një grafik të vockël me një pamje të trafikut gjatë 48 orëve"],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Zgjerojeni që të përditësoni rregullimet se si numërohen dhe administrohen ata që mund të shohin këto të dhëna."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Butonat e ndarjeve me të tjerë mund t’i përshtatni dhe të zgjidhni cilat shërbimet të shfaqen."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Sajti juaj mbrohet me Jetpack. Nëse ka diçka që lyp vëmendje, do të njoftoheni."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Gjejini në kohë kërcënimet, që të mund të ndihmojmë të zgjidhen shpejt."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Zëvendësoni kërkimin elementar të sajtit tuaj me kërkim që mund të përshtatet, çka i ndihmon vizitorët të gjejnë përgjigje më shpejt."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Mos u shqetësoni më se mos humbni sajtin tuaj – kopjeruajtjet e automatizuara e mbajnë të parrezik lëndën tuaj."],"Protect":["Mbrojeni"],"Scan":["Skanoje"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Pastroni automatikisht mesazhe të padëshiruar nga komentet dhe formularët, që kështu të mund të merreni me punët tuaja."],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Lidheni sajtin tuaj me Google Analytics brenda pak sekondash, përmes Jetpack Premium ose Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Bëni hyrjen që nga aplikacionin WordPress për celular"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Hyni me lehtësi te aplikacioni duke klikuar lidhjen që do t’ju dërgojmë te adresa email në llogarinë tuaj."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Dërgomëni me email një lidhje hyrjeje te aplikacioni"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Dërgojini postimet tuaja të reja te kjo adresë email:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Postimi përmes email-i është një rrugë e shpejtë për të botuar postime të reja pa vizituar sajtin tuaj. Do të prodhojmë për ju një adresë email unike ku të dërgoni lëndë tuajën, e cila mandej shfaqet në sajtin tuaj si çfarëdo postimi tjetër."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Paneli zëvendëson panelin parazgjedhje të përgjegjësi në WordPress. Ofron hyrje me një klikim te njoftime, te profili juaj dhe sajte të tjerë tuajt Jetpack dhe Mund të shihni edhe të rejat në sajte që ndiqni në Lexues."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Verifikoni pronësi sajti me shërbime palë të treta"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Prodhoni URL të shkurtuara për ndarje më të lehtë me të tjerët."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Mbajini aktivë vizitorët tuaj me lëndë të përafërt në fund të çdo postimi. Këto rregullime nuk do të zbatohen mbi {{a}}postime të përafërta të shtuara duke përdorur përpunuesin me blloqe{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Veçoria i ndihmon vizitorët të gjejnë më tepër nga lënda juaj, duke shfaqur postime të afërta në fund të çdo postimi."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack-u prodhon automatikisht një {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} qepur enkas për sajtin tuaj. Nëse ju duhet të shtoni zëra të tjerë për rrjete të tjerë, ju lutemi, shtojini në hapësirën më poshtë, një për rresht. {{link2}}Për më tepër hollësi, shihni këtu{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Shtoni te postimet dhe faqet tuaja butona për ndarjen e tyre me të tjerë"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Ndani lëndë tuajën me të tjerë në media shoqërore, duke mbërritur te publik i ri dhe duke shtuar tërheqjen e tij."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Merrni sinjalizime, nëse sajti juaj del jashtë funksionimi. Do t’ju njoftojmë edhe kur rikthehet në punë."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Me Jetpack-un mund të zgjidhni vetëpërditësimin e shtojcave e tuaja fill pas çdo hedhje të re në qarkullim të shtojcës. Do të merrni menjëherë ndreqjet më të freskëta të sigurisë dhe të metave, duke garantuar që sajti juaj të jetë i parrezikuar."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Zgjidhni cilat shtojca të vetëpërditësohen"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Përmirësoje Jetpack Tani"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Përfitoni vlera monetare nga sajti juaj përmes reklamash cilësie të lartë"],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Përshtatni planifikimin e postimeve tuaja në rrjete shoqërorë"],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Zgjerojeni publikun tuaj me mjete profesionale SEO."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Zgjidhni shpejt çështjet, përmes asistencës me përparësi."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Jini me mendje të qetë, prej kopjeruajtjesh të automatizuara."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Ngrijeni sajtin një shkallë më lart!"],"Search support docs":["Kërkoni te dokumentime asistence"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Ju duhet ndihmë? Mësoni rreth si t’ia fillohet, rreth përshtatjes së sajtit tuaj, përdorimit të copëzave të thelluara të kodit, etj."],"Start sharing":["Filloni të ndani me të tjerët"],"Optimized performance":["Funksionim i optimizuar"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktivizoni mundësinë “pajtohuni te komentet” te formulari juaj i komenteve"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktivizoni mundësinë “pajtohuni te sajti” te formulari juaj i komenteve"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Administroni rregullime të thelluara komentesh dhe shtoni publikun tuaj përmes pajtimeve me email."],"Comment form introduction":["Hyrje në formularë komentesh"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam bazuar në Akismet. Parashtrimet e komenteve dhe të formularëve të kontakteve kontrollohen përkundër bazës tonë globale të të dhënave për mesazhe të padëshiruar."],"Failed to send login email":["S’u arrit të dërgohej email hyrjeje"],"Login email sent":["Email-i i hyrjes u dërgua"],"Sending login email…":["Po dërgohet email hyrjeje…"],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Profesional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Në merak për sigurinë? Merrni kopjeruajtje, ndreqje të automatizuara të sigurisë, etj: {{a}}Përmirësojeni tani{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Plani juaj: Jetpack Falas"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Lejoju lexuesve të pëlqejnë komente individuale."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktivizo pëlqime komentesh."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Lejojuni përdoruesve të përdorin formatim Markdown në komente."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Shfaq skeda Gravatari krah komentesh."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Plotësoni Ujdisjen e Jetpack-ut"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Ecuria e ujdisjes së Jetpack-ut tuaj"],"View your setup checklist":["Shihni listën e hapave tuaj"],"About Jetpack":["Mbi Jetpack-un"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktivizoni dukshmëri widget-esh që të shfaqen widget-e vetëm në postime apo faqe të caktuara"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Dukshmëria e widget-eve ju lejon të vendosni cilët widget-e duken dhe te cilat faqe, që kështu të përimtoni lëndën e lidhur me widget-et."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Ofroni për përdorim në sajtin tuaj widget-e ekstra, përfshi formularë pajtimesh dhe rrjedha Twitter"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Thelloni më tej panelin e përshtatjes së CSS-së"],"Writing":["Të shkruarit"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Hartoni duke përdorur kode të shkurtër për të trupëzuar media nga sajte popullorë"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Lypset të jepni kredencialet tuaja për te shërbyesi që të përfundojë formësimi i Kopjeruajtjeve dhe Kontrolleve."],"Awaiting credentials":["Në pritje të kredencialeve"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Kopjeruajtjet dhe Kontrollet për sajtin tuaj po formësohen."],"Provisioning":[""],"Action needed":["Lypset veprim"],"Setting up":["Po rregullohet"],"Discussion":["Diskutim"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Po formësojmë mbrojtjen e sajtit tuaj."],"View your site's backups":["Shihni kopjeruajtjet e sajtit tuaj"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Për sajtin tuaj po bëjmë kopjeruajtje të atypëratyshme."],"Enter credentials":["Jepni kredenciale"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Që të përfundojë ujdisja, lypset të jepni kredencialet tuaja për te shërbyesi."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Po formësojmë kopjeruajtjet e sajtit tuaj."],"View site activity":["Shihni veprimtari sajti"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack-u ruan një regjistër të plotë të gjithçkaje që ndodh në sajtin tuaj, duke mos lënë vend për hamendësime gjatë administrimit, diagnostikimit dhe ndreqjes së sajtit tuaj."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Plan Jetpack Biznesi"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Plan Jetpack Me Pagesë"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Plan Jetpack Personal"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Plan Jetpack Falas"],"Support documentation":["Dokumentim asistence"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Flluska fjalosjesh që ilustrojnë lidhjen me asistencën"],"Site activity":["Veprimtari sajti"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Mbërrini te më shumë publik, përmes ndarjes së vetvetishme me të tjerët të postimeve tuaja në media shoqërore."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Shtoni trafikun në sajtin tuaj"],"Explore free themes":["Eksploroni tema falas"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Merrni hyrje të pakufizuar në qindra tema personale, dhe përshtateni sajtin tuaj saktësisht si e doni."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Një larmi e madhe temash dhe mjetesh për përshtatjen e një sajti"],"Set up your site security":["Ujdisni sigurinë e sajtit tuaj"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Parandaloni sulme për hyrje dhe merrni njoftime të menjëhershme, kur ka një problem me sajtin tuaj."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Statistika sajti ku shfaqet ecuri trafiku dhe angazhimi"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Një dorë që mban një lupë"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Grafik që shfaq një shtim të shëndetshëm në fitime"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Ndërfaqe ku shfaqet një listë kronologjike ndryshimesh dhe përditësimesh në një sajt"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Një re me lloje të shumta lënde pezull përreth"],"A folder holding real comments":["Dosje që përmban komente të njëmendta"],"Make your site faster":["Bëjeni sajtin tuaj më të shpejtë"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Ngarkojini faqet më shpejt, duke i shërbyer figurat tuaja që prej shërbyesve të rrjetit tonë global."],"A fast and performant website":["Sajt i shpejtë dhe që punon"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Sajt i siguruar, i kyçur dhe i mbrojtur nga Jetpack-u"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Përsëdytni postime, faqe, Dëshmi dhe portofolë ekzistues. Do të kopjohet krejt lënda e tyre, përfshi tekst, figura të zgjedhura, rregullime ndarjeje me të tjerët, etj."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Ky sajt s’mund të lidhet te, ngaqë cenon {{a}}Kushtet tona të Shërbimit{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Lidheni sajtin tuaj te rrjete mediash shoqërore që përdorni dhe ndajeni lëndën tuaj me të tjerët në krejt llogaritë tuaja shoqërore me një klikim të vetëm. Kur botoni një postim, do të duket në krejt llogaritë tuaja të lidhura."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Shtoni te postimet dhe faqet tuaja butona Pëlqimi"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["Kur vizitorëve u pëlqen lënda juaj, lërini ta shfaqin me një Pëlqim."],"Create account":["Krijo llogari"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack-u po e fuqizon sajtin tuaj, por për të përdorur krejt veçoritë e tij, ju duhet të krijoni një llogari."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Kopjeruajtje të drejtpërdrejta, të automatizuara (depozitim i pakufizuar)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Hartoni lëndë sipas mënyrë që doni dhe thjeshtoni punën tuaj me botimet."],"Add a portfolio item":["Shtoni objekt portofoli"],"Add a testimonial":["Shtoni një përshtypje"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maksimizoni dukshmërinë e sajtit tuaj për motorët e kërkimeve dhe shihni aty për aty statistika trafiku."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Që të përdorni këtë veçori, krijoni një llogari Jetpack"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack-u do të mbikëqyrë vazhdimisht sajtin tuaj, dhe do t’ju njoftojë kur të pikasë mosfunksionim."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Gabim gjatë aktivizimi të përshpejtuesit të Sajtit. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Përshpejtuesi i sajtit tani po e përshpejton sajtin tuaj!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Po aktivizohet përshpejtues Sajti…"],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Gabim gjatë çaktivizimit të përshpejtuesit të sajtit. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Përshpejtuesi i sajtit s’e përshpejton më sajtin tuaj!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Po çaktivizohet përshpejtues sajti…"],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Ngarkoni faqet më shpejt, optimizoni figurat, dhe përshpejtoni funksionimin për vizitorët tuaj."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Plotësojini statistika e me vështrimin e thelluar të Google-it mbi vizitorët tuaj dhe rregullsitë e trafikut."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Video HD, me shpejtësi transmetimi të lartë, pa reklama nga palë të treta."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Planifikoni që më parë botimin për një numër të pakufizuar postimesh në Twitter, Facebook apo shërbime të tjera."],"Marketing Automation":["Automatizim Marketingu"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Aktivizoni Kërkimin Me Jetpack"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Zëvendësoni mekanizmin parazgjedhje WordPress të kërkimeve me përfundime dhe filtrim më të mirë të bazuar në Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Filloni të fitoni"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds ju lë të fitoni para përmes shfaqjes së lëndës promocionale. Filloni të fitoni që sot."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Mesazhet e padëshiruar bllokohen automatikisht në komentet tuaja."],"Spam Filtering":["Filtrim Mesazhesh të Padëshiruar"],"Browse premium themes":["Shfletoni temat me pagesë"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Përdorni, pa kosto shtesë, këdo nga qindra temat me pagesë të hartuara hijshëm."],"Try a premium theme":["Provoni një nga temat me pagesë"],"View settings":["Shihni rregullimet"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Që të shihni ndjekësit tuaj me email, krijoni një llogari Jetpack"],"Manage security settings":["Administroni rregullime sigurie"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack-u është gati për përpunuesin e ri në WordPress"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Sot sjellim valën e parë të blloqeve të posaçëm për Jetpack-un, krijuar enkas për mënyrën e re të përpunimeve: butona Simple Payment, Form, Map, dhe Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Krijoni sajtin tuaj Jetpack përmes blloqesh"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Përpunues i ri? Po! {{a}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Veçoritë që përdorni, përshtatur për përpunuesin e ri në WordPress."],"Take me to the new editor":["Shpjemë te përpunuesi i ri"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Po kontrollohet Lidhja me Jetpack-un"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Pati një gabim gjatë testimit të jetpack-ut. Gabim: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["E re në Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Përshpejtoni kohët e ngarkimit të kartelave statike"],"Speed up image load times":["Përshpejtoni kohët e ngarkimit të figurave"],"Enable site accelerator":["Aktivizoni përshpejtues sajti"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Ngarkojini faqet më shpejtë, përmes lejimit të Jetpack-ut të optimizojë figurat tuaja dhe t’i shërbejë ato dhe kartelat statike (të tilla si ato CSS dhe JavaScript) nga rrjeti ynë global i shërbyesve."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":["Shtojini sajtit tuaj një shkallë sigurie ekstra duke aktivizuar hyrje dhe mirëfilltësim të sigurt që nga Nëse keni sajte të shumtë me këtë mundësi të aktivizuar, do të jeni në gjendje të hyni në cilindo prej tyre me të njëjtat kredenciale."],"View your site activity":["Shihni veprimtari në sajtin tuaj"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Shihni një listë kronologjike të krejt ndryshimeve dhe përditësimeve të sajtit tuaj, në një mënyrë të sistemuar dhe të kuptueshme."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifikojeni Dorazi "],"Verify with Google":["Verifikojeni me Google-in"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google-i do t’ju dërgojë email lidhur me disa akte që ndodhin në sajtin tuaj, përfshi tregues se sajti juaj është {{a1}}hack-uar{{/a1}}, ose probleme me {{a2}}kapjen ose indeksimin{{/a2}} e sajtit tuaj."],"or":["ose"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Vëzhgoni trafikun dhe funksionimin e sajtit tuaj që nga {{a}}Konsol Kërkimesh Google{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Sajti juaj është verifikuar me Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Dështoi verifikimi i sajtit: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Po verifikohet…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Shtoni te sajti juaj kërkim më të shpejtë, më të thelluar, përmes paketës Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Zëvendësoni mekanizmin e brendshëm WordPress të kërkimeve me Kërkim Me Jetpack, një mekanizëm i thelluar kërkimesh"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Search zëvendëson kërkimin e brendshëm me një kërkim të shpejtë, të përshkallëzueshëm, të personalizueshëm dhe me përfundime me kuptim, të strehuar në renë Përfundimi: Përdoruesit tuaj gjejnë lëndën që duan, më shpejt."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Mekanizmi i i brendshëm i WordPress-it për kërkime është i dobishëm për sajte pa shumë lëndë. Por dora-dorës që sajti juaj zmadhohet, kërkimet ngadalësohen dhe japin përfundime më pak të sakta."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Search mbulon mjaft personalizime."],"Site is verified":["Sajti është verifikuar"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Kur reklamat janë të aktivizuara, Jetpack-u prodhon vetvetiu një ads.txt të përshtatur enkas për sajtin tuaj."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Zëra vetjakë ads.txt"],"Privacy information":["Informacion Privatësie"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktivizo \"Lazy-load\" për figurat"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Funksioni <em>lazy-loading</em> për figurat do të përmirësojë shpejtësinë e sajtit tuaj dhe krijojë për përdoruesin pamje të rrjedhshme. Figurat do të ngarkohen dora-dorës që vizitorët rrëshqasin poshtë nëpër ekran, në vend se të tëra njëherësh."],"Performance & speed":["Performancë & shpejtësi"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktivizo lojtës videosh të shpejtë, pa reklama"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Bëjeni më tërheqëse lëndën që botoni, përmes videosh <em>high-resolution</em>. Me Jetpack Video mund të përshtatni lojtësin tuaj të mediave dhe t’u jepni vizitorëve tuaj video të shpejta, pa reklama dhe pa marka. Videot depozitohen te shërbyesit tanë dhe nuk zënë vend te plani juaj i strehimit në shërbyes!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Skemë ngjyrash Rrotullameje"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Të dhënat Exif u shfaqin parësve hollësi teknike shtesë të një fotoje, të tilla si rrezja vatrore, hapja e diafragmës, dhe ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Shfaq te rrotullamja tejtëdhëna fotosh Exif (në pastë)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Te galeria rrotullame figurat shfaqi në madhësi të plotë"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Krijoni rrotullame diapozitivash sa krejt ekrani për figurat në postime dhe faqe tuajat. Galeritë rrotullame janë të përshtatshme për celularin dhe i nxitin vizitorët e sajtit të ndërveprojnë me fotot tuaja."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Kod i shkurtër për portofola: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Përdorni në sajtin tuaj {{portfolioLink}}portofole{{/portfolioLink}}, për të nxjerrë në pah ajkën e punës tuaj. Nëse tema juaj grafike nuk mbulon Jetpack Portfolios, për shfaqjen e tyre në sajtin tuaj mundeni prapëseprapë të përdorni një kod të shkurtër."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Kod i shkurtër për përshtypje: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Shtoni te sajti juaj {{testimonialLink}}përshtypje{{/testimonialLink}} që të tërhiqni klientë të rinj. Nëse tema juaj grafike nuk mbulon Jetpack Testimonials, për shfaqjen e tyre në sajtin tuaj mundeni prapëseprapë të përdorni një kod të shkurtër."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Motorët e kërkimit s’mund të përdorin sajtin tuaj këtë çast. Nëse doni ta bëni sajtin tuaj të përdorshëm prej tyre, shihni {{a}}rregullimet tuaja për Lexim{{/a}} dhe kalojeni \"Dukshmëri Për Motorë Kërkimesh\" në vlerën <em>on</em>."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Lajme të mira: Jetpack-u po e dërgon hartën e sajtit tuaj vetvetiu te krejt motorët kryesorë të kërkimeve, për indeksim."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Hartat e sajteve janë kartela që motorë kërkimi, të tillë si Google ose Bing i përdorin për të indeksuar sajtin tuaj. Ato mund të ndihmojnë të përmirësohet vendi juaj në renditje përfundimesh kërkimesh. Kur e aktivizoni këtë veçori, Jetpack-u do të krijojë për ju harta sajti dhe do t’i përditësojë ato vetvetiu kur lënda në sajt ndryshon."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Formësoni postime të afërta te Përshtatësi"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Nxirre në pah lëndën e përafërt përmes një stili kryesh"],"View security scan details":["Shihni hollësi kontrolli sigurie"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Shfaq një figurë miniaturë kur të ketë"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Për më tepër të dhëna se si veçori të caktuara të Jetpack-ut përdorin të dhëna dhe gjurmojnë veprimtari, ju lutemi, shihni te {{privacyCenterLink}}Qendra jonë e Privatësisë{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Përdorim mjete të tjera gjurmimi, përfshi disa të tillë nga palë të treta. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Lexoni rreth tyre{{/cookiePolicyLink}} dhe se si t’i mbani nën kontroll."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Këto të dhëna na ndihmojnë të përmirësojmë produktet tona, ta bëjmë marketingun më specifik për ju, më personal punimin tuaj në, etj, siç përshkruhet hollësisht te {{pp}}rregullat tona mbi privatësinë{{/p}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Ndani me mjetin tonë të analizave të Dhëna rreth përdorimit tuaj të shërbimeve, teksa jeni i futur në llogarinë tuaj {{cookiePolicyLink}}Mësoni më tepër{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori administrohet nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Kjo veçori është aktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti. {{link}}Mësoni më tepër{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Kjo veçori është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s është çaktivizuar nga një përgjegjës sajti."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Reklama shtesë mund të vendosni duke përdorur widget-in Shtoni. {{link}}Provojeni!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Formësoni rregullimet për njoftime"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Moduli Jetpack për Kërkime është një zëvendësim i fuqishëm i mekanizmit të brendshëm për kërkime të vetë WordPress-it."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Kartelat e sajtit tuaj kontrollohen rregullisht për modifikime të paautorizuara ose të dyshimta që mund të cenojnë sigurinë dhe të dhënat tuaja."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Shtojca lyp përditësim.","Shtojcat lypin përditësim."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Përditësimi i Shtojcave nga Jetpack-u ju lejon të zgjidhni cilat shtojca përditësohen vetvetiu."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack-u do t’i optimizojë figurat tuaja dhe shërbejë ato nga vendndodhje shërbyesi më afër vizitorëve tuaj. Përdorimi i rrjetit tonë global të shpërndarjes së lëndës do të fuqizojë shpejtësinë e ngarkimit të sajtit tuaj."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Mbikëqyrësi Jetpack i mosfunksionimit do të vëzhgojë sajtin tuaj dhe do t’ju njoftojë në çastin kur të pikaset një i tillë."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Kopjeruajtjet Jetpack ju lejojnë të riktheni apo shkarkoni lehtësisht një kopjeruajtje të bërë në një kohë të caktuar."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Aktivizon një temë të peshës së lehtë, të përshtatshme për celular, që do t’u shfaqet vizitorëve në pajisje celulare."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Ngarkon vetvetiu postimet pasuese, kur lexuesi i afrohet fundit të faqes."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Ju lejon të botoni postime të reja duke i dërguar si email te një adresë speciale."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Ju lejon të hartoni lëndë me lidhje, lista dhe stile të tjerë, duke përdorur sintaksën Markdown."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Furnizon etiketat e nevojshme të fshehura që duhen për të verifikuar sajtin tuaj WordPress me shërbime të ndryshme."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Shfaq të dhëna mbi veprimtarinë në sajtin tuaj, përfshi vizitorë dhe postime ose faqe popullore."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Ju lejon të optimizoni sajtin tuaj dhe lëndën e tij për përfundime më të mira kërkimi në motorë kërkimesh."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integron sajtin tuaj WordPress me Google Analytics, një platformë që ofron ndjekje të prirjeve të trafikut tuaj, vizitorëve dhe shndërrimeve të vizitave."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Shfaq në sajtin tuaj reklama cilësore, që ju lejojnë të fitoni të ardhura."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Ju lejon të ndani vetvetiu me të tjerët në sajte mediash shoqërore lëndë tuajën të re, përfshi Facebook dhe Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Shton te lënda juaj butona pëlqimi, që kështu vizitorët të mund të shpalosin vlerësimin apo ngazëllimin e tyre."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["U lejon përdoruesve të regjistruar të bëjnë hyrjen në sajtin tuaj përmes llogarive të tyre"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["E mbron sajtin tuaj nga sulme tradicionale, dhe nga ata <em>brute force</em> me shpërndarje, ndaj hyrjes."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["E kopjeruan sajtin tuaj te shërbyesit globalë, duke ju lejuar të riktheni lëndën tuaj, në rast urgjence apo gabimi."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Heq mesazhe të padëshiruar nga formularë komentesh dhe kontakti."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Jemi të përkushtuar për privatësinë dhe sigurinë tuaj. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Shihni krejt planet Jetpack"],"Manage your plan":["Administroni planin tuaj"],"Your Plan":["Plani Juaj"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Gjendeni nën Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["U lejon lexuesve të pajtohen te postimet apo komentet tuaja, dhe të marrin njoftime email mbi lëndë të re."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Zëvendëson formularin standard WordPress të komenteve me një sistem të ri komentesh që përfshin mundësi hyrjeje që nga media shoqërore."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivizojeni{{/a}} që mekanizmi i brendshëm WordPress i kërkimeve të zëvendësohet me Jetpack Search, një funksion i thelluar kërkimesh."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Shtoni Widget-in (Jetpack) Search"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Kërkimi në sajtin tuaj ngrihet mbi Jetpack Search."],"Manage your plugins":["Administroni shtojcat tuaja"],"Moderate comments":["Moderoni komentet"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësim rregullimesh privatësie. (%(error)s)"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Rregullimet e privatësisë u përditësuan."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullime privatësie…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Shtoni Widget-in Jetpack Search"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Që të formësoni renditje dhe filtrim, shtoni widget-in Jetpack Search te anështylla juaj."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Suitë e plotë sigurie, mjete automatizimi marketingu dhe të ardhurash, strehim videosh i pakufizuar, tema grafike të panumërta, kërkim i thelluar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Suitë e plotë sigurie, mjete automatizimi marketingu dhe të ardhurash, strehim videosh i pakufizuar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme, filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar, dhe asistencë me përparësi."],"Always-on security":["Siguri përherë zgjuar"],"Activate video hosting":["Aktivizoni strehim videosh"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Kopjeruajtje e atypëratyshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizim hapësire, rikthime me një klikim, kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistencë me përparësi"],"Design the perfect website":["Skiconi sajtin e përsosur"],"Set up Jetpack":["Rregulloni Jetpack-un"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Kopjeruajtje e atypëratyshme, pa kufizim hapësire, e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, rikthime me një klikim, dhe kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie."],"Jetpack Search":["Kërkim Jetpack"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Version Jetpack-u %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Për sajtin tuaj tani krijohen kopjeruajtje të atypëratyshme dhe kontrollohet për kërcënime të sigurisë."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hapësire për to dhe rikthime me një klikim"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme e krejt të dhënave të sajtit tuaj, pa kufizim hapësire, rikthime me një klikim, kontrolle të automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistencë me përparësi"],"View your security activity":["Shihni veprimtarinë tuaj të sigurisë"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (bazuar në VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Përshtateni Widget-in e Kërkimeve"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Ju lutemi, ndreqni problemin e mëposhtëm dhe riprovoni.","Ju lutemi, ndreqni problemet e mëposhtëm dhe riprovoni."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Po bëjmë të mundur që sajti juaj të jetë i lirë nga kërcënime sigurie. Nëse gjejmë ndonjë, do t’ju njoftojmë."],"Jetpack version":["Version Jetpack-u"],"Activity":["Veprimtari"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Shihni hollësitë{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Monetarizoni sajtin tuaj me reklama"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Duke klikuar mbi butonin më poshtë, pajtoheni me {{tosLink}}Kushtet tona të Shërbimit{{/tosLink}} dhe me {{shareDetailsLink}}dhënie hollësish{{/shareDetailsLink}} te"],"Jetpack Stats People":[""],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Tungjatjeta juaj! Statistikat për ju janë aktivizuar."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Thjesht na jepni pak kohë të mbledhim të dhëna që kështu të mund t’i shfaqim për ju."],"Okay, got it!":["OK, e mora vesh!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Shfaq reklama nën postime te"],"Additional ad placements":["Vendosje reklamash shtesë"],"Top of each page":["Në krye të çdo faqeje"],"Second ad below post":["Reklama e dytë nën postim"],"Archives":["Arkiva"],"Stars":["Yje"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Vini postime në plan"],"Activate Publicize":["Aktivizoni Publicizimet"],"Your site is backed up.":["Sajti juaj është i kopjeruajtur."],"Image Performance":["Performancë Figurash"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Merrni Aplikacione WordPress për çdo pajisje"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Administroni krejt sajtet tuaj nga një pult i vetëm: botoni lëndë, ndiqni statistika, moderoni komente, dhe kaq shumë gjëra, prej ngado në botë."],"Create address":["Krijoje adresën"],"Priority support":["Asistencës me përparësi"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Ndajini postimet tuaja automatikisht me të tjerët në rrjete shoqërore"],"Updating settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullimet…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Përditësim Postimi sipas adrese Email…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Plani që keni paguar ju lejon për Jetpack-un asistencë me përparësi."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Keni paguar për kopjeruajtje, por ato s’janë ende aktive."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Keni paguar për kopjeruajtje dhe kontrolle sigurie, por ato s’janë ende aktive."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klikoni mbi \"Rregulloje\" që të përfundohet instalimi."],"Checking site status…":["Po kontrollohet gjendje sajti…"],"Pages":["Faqe"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Shihni listën e plotë të moduleve Jetpack që keni në sajtin tuaj."],"We're here to help":["Për ndihmë, na keni këtu"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack-u vjen me asistencë bazë falas, për krejt përdoruesit."],"Ask a question":["Bëni një pyetje"],"Search our support site":["Kërkoni te sajti ynë i asistencës"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Merrni një zgjidhje më të shpejtë për pyetjet tuaja ndaj asistencës."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Strehoni video me cilësi të lartë, pa reklama, dhe të shpejta."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Prodhoni të ardhura, me reklama të cilësisë së lartë."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Kopjeruajtje sajti të atypëratyshme dhe shmangie e vetvetishme kërcënimesh."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Mbrohuni nga humbje të dhënash, malware, dhe sulme dashakeqe."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Ndihmoni, përmes mjeteve SEO, që lëndë juaj të gjendet dhe të ndahet me të tjerët."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Mbrojeni sajtin tuaj nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Ky sajt s’është lidhur me Ju lutemi, kërkojini përgjegjësi të sajtit që ta lidhë."],"Spam filtering":["Filtrim mesazhesh të padëshiruar"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Kontrolle të përditshme, të automatizuara, kundër malware-i"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Kopjeruajtje të përditshme, të automatizuara (depozitim i pakufizuar)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Kontrolle të përditshme, të automatizuara, kundër malware-i, me zgjidhje të automatizuar"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Strehim i pakufizuar videosh të shpejta"],"SEO preview tools":["Mjete paraparje SEO"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Statistika sajti, lëndë e afërt, dhe mjete ndarjesh me të tjerët"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Mbrojtje nga sulme <em>brute force</em> dhe mbikëqyrje për ndalesa funksionimi"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Strehim i pakufizuar figurash të shpejta"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Duke e shkëputur %(siteName)s nga nuk do të mund të përdorni më sa vijon:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Lexoni më tepër mbi përfitimet nga Jetpack-u"],"An Automattic Airline":["Linjë Ajrore nga <span>Automattic</span>"],"Manage site connection":["Administroni lidhje sajti"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Që të shihni më tepër statistika, lidheni llogarinë tuaj me"],"Theme enhancements":["Thellime teme grafike"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Ngarko më tepër postime duke përdorur sjelljen parazgjedhje të temës"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Ngarko më tepër postime në një faqe me një buton"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Ngarko më tepër postime teksa lexuesi zbret më poshtë në faqe"],"Theme support required.":["Lypset mbulim teme."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Mësoni më tepër mbi shtimin te tema juaj të mbulimit për Rrëshqitje Pa Fund."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Në vend se postime të plota, te faqja ballore dhe te faqe arkivash përdorni copëza"],"Show featured images":["Shfaq figura të zgjedhura"],"Enable the toolbar":["Aktivizoni panelin"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Këtu do të shfaqen mjetet e shkrimit që mund të përdorni, kur t’i aktivizojë një përgjegjës."],"Portfolios":["Portofole"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Kini parasysh se, që sajti juaj të indeksohet nga motorë kërkimesh, {{b}}verifikimi i tij me këto shërbime s’është i nevojshëm{{/b}}. Që të përdorni këto mjete të përparuara motorësh kërkimi dhe që të verifikoni sajtin tuaj me një shërbim, ngjitni më poshtë kodin HTML Tag. Nëse keni probleme, lexoni {{support}}udhëzimet e plota{{/support}}. Shërbime verifikimi të mbuluara: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Prodhoni harta XMl sajtesh"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Figura ndihmon të grumbullohen statistika, por duhet të punojë kur është e fshehur."],"Count logged in page views from":["Numëroni parje faqesh nga përdorues të futur"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Lejoni parje raporte statistikash nga"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Nëse dëshironi kontroll më të thelluar, këto rregullime mund t’i përimtoni. Lexoni më tepër se ç’mund të bëni që të {{a}}optimizoni SEO-n për sajtin tuaj{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Formësoni rregullimet tuaja SEO"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["Te \"Përmirësojeni\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Formësoni rregullimet për Google Analytics"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Shfaqni reklama në artikullin e parë te faqja juaj hyrëse ose në fund të çdo faqeje dhe postimi. Vendosni reklama shtesë në krye të sajtit tuaj dhe te çdo fushë widget-esh, që të shtoni të ardhurat."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Aktivizo reklamat dhe shfaq një reklamë nën çdo postim"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Formësoni butonat tuaj për ndarje me të tjerët"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Lidhni llogaritë tuaja prej mediash shoqërore"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Përputhjet për llogari kërkoji sipas adresash email-i"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Pyet për llogari përdorimi të Mirëfilltësimit Dyhapësh të"],"Add to whitelist":["Shtoje në listë lejimesh"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Për të penguar përgjithmonë bllokimin e tyre nga Jetpack-u, një adresë ose seri adresash IP mund t’i vendosni në një listë lejimesh. Janë të pranueshme adresa të llojit IPv4 dhe IPv6. Që të jepni një interval vlerash, jepni vlerën e ulët dhe të lartë, ndarë nga një vijë. Për shembull:–"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Sajti juaj është i kopjeruajtur dhe i pakërcënuar."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Po kontrollohet mbrojtja juaj kundër mesazhesh të padëshiruar…"],"Fetching key…":["Po sillen kyçi…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Sajti juaj lyp një kyç Antispam."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Ka një problem me kyçin tuaj për API-n Antispam. {{a}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Sajti juaj nuk mbrohet nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Kyçi juaj Antispam është i vlefshëm."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Sajti juaj mbrohet nga mesazhet e padëshiruar."],"Checking key…":["Po kontrollohet kyçi…"],"Your API key":["Kyçi juaj API"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Nëse s’keni ende një kyç API, atëherë {{a}}merreni kyçin tuaj API këtu{{/a}}, dhe do të udhëhiqeni përmes procesit të marrjes së një të tilli."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["S’u gjetën përfundime kërkimi për %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Jepni një term kërkimi që të gjenden rregullime ose mbylleni kërkimin."],"Connections":["Lidhje"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Sajti juaj gjendet nën Mënyrën Zhvillim, ndaj s’mund të lidhet te"],"Your site is connected to":["Sajti juaj është i lidhur me"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Jeni i zoti i Jetpack-ut."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["I lidhur si {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Shihni Ndjekësit tuaj Me Email"],"Color scheme":["Skemë ngjyrash"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Aktivizoni Markdown për komente."],"Updated settings.":["U përditësuan rregullimet."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësim rregullimesh. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["U riprodhua Postimi sipas adresës Email."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Gabim në riprodhimin e Postimit sipas adresës Email. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Rregullimet u përditësuan. Po rifreskohet faqja…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Hëpërhë nën {{a}}Mënyrën Zhvillim{{/a}} (disa veçori janë të çaktivizuara) ngaqë: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Filtri jetpack_development_mode është aktiv{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Konstantja JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG është e përkufizuar{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}URL-së së sajtit tuaj i mungon ( http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics është një shërbim falas që plotëson {{a}}mekanizmin tonë të brendshëm të statistikave{{/a}} me tendenca të ndryshme në trafikun tuaj. Statistikat dhe Google Analytics përdorin metoda të ndryshme për të identifikuar dhe ndjekur veprimtarinë në sajtin tuaj, ndaj ato normalisht do të japin vlera paksa të ndryshme për vizitat, parjet, etj."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Formësoni Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Aktivizoni Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Shkarkoni aplikacionet falas"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Përmirësoni Focus-in: VideoPress Për Dasma"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Postime të afërta mund të formësoni gjithashtu edhe te Përshtatësi. {{ExternalLink}}Provojeni!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Si parazgjedhje, reklamat shfaqen në fund të çdo faqeje, postimi, ose të artikullit të parë në faqen tuaj hyrëse. Mund t’i vendosni edhe në krye të sajtit tuaj dhe te cilado zonë widget-esh, që të shtoni të ardhurat tuaja!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Shfaqni një njësi reklamash në krye të sajtit tuaj."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Duke pranuar reklama, pajtoheni me {{link}}Kushtet e Shërbimit{{/link}} për Reklama nga Automattic."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Shërbyesi juaj është i keqformësuar, që do të thotë se Jetpack Protect s’është në gjendje ta mbrojë me efektshmëri sajtin tuaj."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Te \"Celular\""],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Formësoni rregullimet për njoftime Monitor në{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Shihni fitimet tuaja"],"Configure site SEO":["Formësoni SEO sajti"],"Activate SEO tools":["Aktivizoni mjete SEO"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Që t’ia filloni. klikoni mbi Shtoni Media, te përpunuesi i postimeve tuaja dhe ngarkoni një video; për të tjerat kujdesemi ne!"],"Video Hosting":["Strehim Videosh"],"SEO Tools":["Mjete SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Mjete të thelluara SEO që të ndihmojnë në gjetjen e sajtit tuaj kur njerëzit kërkojnë për lëndë që lidhet me të."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Mënyra më e lehtë për të ngarkuar te sajti juaj video pa reklama dhe që s’i përkasin ndonjë marke. Përfitoni statistika mbi luajtjen dhe ndarjen me të tjerët të videove dhe lojtësi është i peshës së lehtë dhe reagues."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Po e xhironi Jetpack-un në një shërbyes provash."],"More Info":["Më Tepër të Dhëna"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Administroni dukshmëri Pëlqimesh, që nga Rregullimet për Modulin e Ndarjeve Me të Tjerë{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["IP-ja Juaj e Tanishme: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Në këtë skedë ka rregullime të paruajtura, që do të humbasin, nëse dilni prej saj. Të vazhdohet?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Kështu do të kthehen në fillimet krejt mundësitë Jetpack, jeni i sigurt?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Kërkoni për një veçori Jetpack-u."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Formësoni Kontrollet tuaj të Sigurisë"],"Subscriber":["Pajtimtar"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Gati Tani një Përditësim i Madh për iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Aplikacioni WordPress për Android Ndërron Pamjen Goxha"]," Likes are:":["Pëlqimet te janë:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":["Pak fjalë karrem për të motivuar lexuesit tuaj të komentojnë."],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Fshihe figurën me fytyrat e emotikonëve për statistika"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Adresa IP të lejuara"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Shfaqni te fundfaqja e temës për celular një reklamë për aplikacione WordPress për celular"],"Copied!":["U kopjua!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Theksojeni dhe kopjojeni tekstin vijues te e papastra juaj:"],"Regenerate address":["Riprodhoje adresën"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Po bëni me hile, hë?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}A ju mbetet qejfi të na thoni pse s’e plotësuat lidhjen e Jetpack-ut, përmes këtij {{a}}pyetësori me 2 pyetje{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Që të funksionojnë veçoritë tona për siguri falas dhe trafik, lypset lidhje e Jetpack-ut.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Mirë se vini te {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack-u juaj është i lidhur tashmë."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati për udhë, Jetpack-u tani është aktiv."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati për udhë."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Jeni duke xhiruar një version zhvillim të Jetpack-ut."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Parashtroni përshtypje për versionin Beta"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Ç’do të donit të shihnit te Pulti i JetPack-ut tuaj?"],"Let us know!":["Na e bëni të ditur!"],"Saving…":["Po ruhet…"],"Save Settings":["Ruaji Rregullimet"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Ikonë Statistikash Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti{{/a}} që të shihni statistika të hollësishme, pëlqime, ndjekës, pajtimtarë, etj! {{a1}}Mësoni më tepër{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti"],"Site Backups":["Kopjeruajtje Sajti"],"Upgrade":["Përmirësojeni"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIVE"],"View your spam stats":["Shihni statistika tuaja mbi mesazhe të padëshiruar"],"View your security dashboard":["Shihni pultin tuaj të sigurisë"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Sajti gjendet nën Mënyrën Zhvillim, ndaj s&#mund të lidheni te"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Lidheni llogarinë tuaj me, që të përfitoni maksimumin prej Jetpack-ut."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Për kontroll të plotë, të automatizuar, për kërcënime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack-u po bllokon në mënyrë aktive përpjekje dashakeqe për hyrje. Të dhënat do të shfaqen këtë së afërmi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Sulme dashakeqës të bllokuar në sajtin tuaj gjithsej."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Aktivizoni Protect-in{{/a}} që ta mbani sajtin tuaj të mbrojtur nga përpjekje hyrjesh dashakeqe."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Krejt shtojcat janë të përditësuara. Punë e paqme!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack-u po përmirëson dhe optimizon shpejtësinë për figurat tuaja."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack-u po e mbikëqyr sajtin tuaj. Nëse na duket se sajti juaj është jashtë funksionimi, do të merrni një email."],"Security":["Siguri"],"Performance":["Performancë"],"Backup":["Kopjeruajtje"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Shihni hollësi kopjeruajtjeje{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Që të kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["S’mund të kihet nën mënyrën Dev."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["Për mbrojtje të fjalës së fundit nga mesazhe të padëshiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["Për mbrojtje të fjalës së fundit nga mesazhe të padëshiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}aktivizoni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["S’mund të kihet nën mënyrën Dev"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Po aktivizohet %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s është aktivizuar."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["Dështoi aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Po çaktivizohet %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s u çaktivizua."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["Dështoi çaktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Po përditësohen rregullimet për %(slug)s…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["U përditësuan rregullimet për %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Gabim në përditësimin e rregullimeve për %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Po përditësohet adresa për %(slug)s…"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["U riprodhua adresa për %(slug)s ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Gabim në riprodhimin e adresës %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Po rikthehen në fillimet mundësitë për Jetpack-un…"],"Options reset.":["Mundësitë u rikthyen te parazgjedhjet."],"Options failed to reset.":["Dështoi rikthimi i mundësive te parazgjedhjet."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Pati një gabim gjatë shkëputjes së jetpack-ut. Gabim: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Po shkëputet nga WordPress.Com-i"],"Unlinked from":["U shkëput nga WordPress.Com-i."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Gabim gjatë heqjes së lidhjes nga %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["Me një Vështrim"],"Dashboard":["Pult"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Rregulla Privatësie te Automattic"]," Terms of Service":["Kushte Shërbimi te"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Aktivizojeni{{/a}} që të zgjeroni funksionimin dhe shpejtësinë e ngarkimit të figurave tuaja."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Aktivizoni vetëpërditësime shtojcash{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Përditësime Shtojcash"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["S’u gjetën rreziqe, jeni gati të vazhdoni!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Lidhuni Me Ata të Asistencës{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Shihni hollësitë te{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rrezik.","Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rreziqe."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Aktivizoni Monitor-in{{/a}} që të merrni njoftime me email, nëse sajti juaj del jashtë funksionimi."],"Loading…":["Po ngarkohet…"],"Downtime monitor":["Mbikëqyrje për ndalesa funksionimi"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Shihni më tepër statistika te {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Shihni statistika të hollësishme{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Komente gjatë krejt kohës"],"All-time views":["Parje gjatë krejt kohës"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Parje","%(number)s Parje"],"Best overall day":["Dita më e mirë"],"Views today":["Parje sot"],"Months":["Muaj"],"Weeks":["Javë"],"Days":["Ditë"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Diç ndodhi gjatë ngarkimit të statistikave. Ju lutemi, provoni më vonë ose {{a}}shihini statistikat tuaja te{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klikoni që të shihni statistika të hollësishme."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Parje: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Java e %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Siguri Sajti"],"Link to":["Lidhje për te"],"Unlink me from":["Shkëputmë"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Pati një problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riklikoni mbi \"Lidhe me\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Patëm një problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut; çaktivizojeni dhe mandej riaktivizojeni shtojcën Jetpack, mandej rilidheni."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Lypset të qëndroni i futur në blogun tuaj WordPress teksa autorizoni Jetpack-un."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka një kleçkë.{{/s}} Na vjen keq për ngatërresën. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë; nëse problemi vazhdon, ju lutemi, lidhuni me ata të asistencës me këtë mesazh: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Po shkëputet Jetpack-u"],"Learn more":["Mësoni më tepër"],"Posts":["Postime"],"Front page":["Faqja ballore"],"Upload videos":["Ngarkoni video"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Shfaq lëndë të afërt pas postimesh"],"Related":["Të afërta"],"Save":["Ruaje"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX është një gjuhë e fuqishme markup, për shkrime ekuacionesh matematike të ndërlikuar, formula, etj."],"Site Stats":["Statistika Sajti"],"Sharing":["Ndarje me të tjerët"],"Testimonials":["Dëshmi"],"Cancel":["Anuloje"],"Comments":["Komente"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack-u s’u lidh dot me %(error_key)s. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur diçka te strehuesi juaj web s’është formësuar si duhet."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" po ka probleme dhe s’është në gjendje të mbushë serbatorin e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka një parregullsi.{{/s}} Lidhja e këtij sajti me s’është e mundur. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur sajti juaj nuk hapet dot nga përdoruesit (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Që të përdorë Jetpack-un, sajti juaj web duhet të jetë i përdorshëm publikisht: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Përpunoni"],"Connected":["I lidhur"],"Activate":["Aktivizoje"],"Active":["Aktive"],"Search":["Kërko"],"Settings":["Rregullime"],"Learn More":["Mësoni Më Tepër"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Shkëputeni Jetpack-un"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Provoni përputhshmërinë mes sajtit tuaj dhe Jetpack-ut."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":["Hyrje me"],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Dërgo lidhje"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Anuloje"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Vetëpërditëso shtojca"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widget-e"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Lidhje të shkurtra"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Mbikëqyrje për ndalesa funksionimi"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Rregullime Privatësie"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["Panel"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Hartim Mesazhesh"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Statistika sajti"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Optimizim motorësh kërkimesh"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Butona ndarjesh me të tjerët"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Lidhje Publicize"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Butona pëlqimesh"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Mbrojtje nga sulme <em>brute force</em>"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Kopjeruajtje dhe kontrolle sigurie"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Rreth"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":["Module"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Funksionim"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Plani Im"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Mjete Zhvilluesi"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Rregullime"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Diskutim"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Trafik"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Ndarje Me të Tjerët"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["Me një Vështrim"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Plane"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Të shkruarit"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Mundësi Rikthimi Në Fillimet (vetëm versione dev)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Siguri"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["Me një Vështrim"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["kushte shërbimit"],"Search term.\u0004tos":[""],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["të dhëna"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["pjesë"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["privatësi"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Përmirësojeni"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Po ruhet…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Ruaji rregullimet"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Të afërta"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Paraparje"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Mbajeni të lidhur"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Shkëputu"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Lypsen përditësime"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Me pagesë"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Paraparje"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Reklama"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Lidhje sajti"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Lidhje llogarie"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Rreziqe"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["NDREQE"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["U gjetën rreziqe!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["I sigurt"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Rregullojeni"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Kopjoje"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Privatësi"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Kushte"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Diagnostikim"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["U bllokuan komente të padëshiruar."]}}}
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"sv_SE"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Lägg till delningsknappar så att besökare kan dela dina inlägg och sidor på sociala medier med ett par snabba klick."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Du kan anpassa delningsknapparna och välja vilka tjänster som ska visas."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Din webbplats är skyddad av Jetpack. Du kommer att bli underrättad om något behöver uppmärksamhet."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Hitta hot tidigt så att vi kan hjälpa till att åtgärda dem snabbt."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Ersätt webbplatsens grundläggande sökning med anpassningsbar sökning som hjälper besökare att hitta svar snabbare."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":["Skydda"],"Scan":["Skanna"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Anslut din webbplats till Google Analytics på endast några sekunder med Jetpack Premium eller Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Logga in på WordPress mobilapp"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Det är lätt att logga in på mobilappen för genom att klicka på länken som vi skickar till e-postadressen för ditt konto."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Skicka en länk till mig per e-post för att logga in på appen"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Skicka dina nya inlägg till den här e-postadressen:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Publicering via e-post är ett snabbt sätt att publicera nya inlägg utan att besöka din webbplats. Vi kommer att skapa en unik e-postadress som du kan skicka ditt innehåll till. Det kommer sedan att publiceras på din webbplats precis som vilket inlägg som helst."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Verktygsfältet ersätter standardverktygsfältet för administratörer på WordPress. Det ger åtkomst till aviseringar, din och dina andra webbplatser som använder JetPack eller Du kan också läsa det senaste från de webbplatser som du följer i Reader."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Bekräfta att du äger webbplatsen gentemot tredjeparter"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Skapa kortare webbadresser för enklare delning."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Bibehåll besökarnas intresse med relaterat innehåll längst ner på varje inlägg. Dessa inställningar gäller inte {{a}}relaterade inlägg som läggs till med blockredigeraren{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Med den här funktionen hittar besökarna mer av ditt innehåll genom att visa relaterade inlägg längst ner på varje inlägg."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack genererar automatiskt en anpassad {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} som är skräddarsydd för din webbplats. Om du behöver lägga till ytterligare poster för andra nätverk så lägger du till dem i utrymmet nedan, en per rad. {{link2}}Läs här för mer information{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Lägg till delningsknappar i dina inlägg och sidor"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Dela ditt innehåll på sociala medier och nå ut till nya målgrupper och engagera fler personer."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Få aviseringar om din webbplats är nere. Vi informerar dig också när de är igång igen."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Med Jetpack kan du välja att uppdatera dina tillägg automatiskt vid lanseringen av varje nytt tillägg. Du får de senaste säkerhetsuppdateringarna och buggfixarna direkt, så att din webbplats alltid är säker."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Välj vilka tillägg som ska uppdateras automatiskt"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Uppgradera Jetpack nu"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Tjäna pengar på din webbplats genom att visa reklam av hög kvalitet."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Anpassa ditt schema för inlägg på sociala medier."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Utöka din målgrupp med professionella verktyg för sökmotorsoptimering."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Lös problem snabbt med prioriterad support."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Slipp oroa dig med automatisk säkerhetskopia."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Ta din webbplats till nästa nivå!"],"Search support docs":["Sök supportdokument"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Behöver du hjälp? Lär dig om att komma igång, anpassa din webbplats, använda avancerade kodsegment med mera."],"Start sharing":["Börja dela"],"Optimized performance":["Optimerad prestanda"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktivera alternativet ”prenumerera på kommentarer” i ditt kommentarsformulär"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktivera alternativet ”prenumerera på webbplats” i ditt kommentarsformulär"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Hantera avancerade inställningar för kommentarer och få en större målgrupp med e-postprenumerationer."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduktion till kommentarsformulär"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam från Akismet. Kommentarer och inlägg i kontaktformuläret granskas mot vår globala skräppostdatabas."],"Failed to send login email":["Det gick inte att skicka e-post för inloggning"],"Login email sent":["E-post för inloggning har skickats"],"Sending login email…":["Skickar e-post för inloggning..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Oroad för säkerheten? Få säkerhetskopiering, automatiska säkerhetsuppdateringar med mera: {{a}}Uppgradera nu{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Tillåt läsare att gilla enskilda kommentarer."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktivera gilla-funktionen på kommentarer."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Låt läsarna använda märkspråk i kommentarer."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Visa Gravatar-hovercards vid kommentarer."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Slutför installationen av Jetpack"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Ditt Jetpack-konfigurationsförlopp"],"View your setup checklist":["Visa kontrolllistan för konfiguration"],"About Jetpack":["Om Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktivera widgetvisningskontroller så att de endast visas på vissa inlägg eller sidor"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Med widgetvisning kan du bestämma vilka widgetar som ska visas på vilka sidor så att du kan finanpassa widgetinnehållet."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Gör extra widgetar tillgängliga för användning på din webbplats, inklusive prenumerationsformulär och twitterflöden."],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Utvidga CSS-anpassningspanelen"],"Writing":["Skriva"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Skriv med kortkod för att bädda in media från populära webbplatser"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Du behöver ange autentiseringsuppgifterna för din server för att kunna slutföra konfiguration av Säkerhetskopiera & Skanna."],"Awaiting credentials":["Väntar autentiseringsuppgifter"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Säkerhetskopiera & Skanna konfigureras för din webbplats."],"Provisioning":["Etablering"],"Action needed":["Åtgärd behövs"],"Setting up":["Installation"],"Discussion":["Diskussion"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Vi konfigurerar skyddet för din webbplats."],"View your site's backups":["Visa din webbplats säkerhetskopior"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Vi säkerhetskopierar din webbplats i realtid."],"Enter credentials":["Ange autentiseringsuppgifter"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Du behöver ange autentiseringsuppgifterna för din server för att slutföra installationen."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Vi konfigurerar din webbplats säkerhetskopior."],"View site activity":["Visa webbplatsaktivitet"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack håller ett fullständigt register över allt som händer på din webbplats, vilket gör att du slipper gissa när det kommer till webbplatshantering, felsökning och reparation."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpacks Business-paket"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpacks Premium-paket"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpacks Personal-paket"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Paketet Jetpacks Free"],"Support documentation":["Supportdokumentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Använd talbubblorna för att kontakta supporten"],"Site activity":["Webbplatsaktivitet"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Nå ut till en större målgrupp genom att dela dina inlägg automatiskt på sociala medier."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Öka trafiken till din webbplats"],"Explore free themes":["Utforska gratisteman"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Få obegränsad åtkomst till hundratals professionella teman och anpassa din webbplats precis som du vill ha den."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Ett brett urval av teman och verktyg för att anpassa en webbplats"],"Set up your site security":["Ställ in webbplatssäkerhet"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Förhindra inloggningsattacker och få aviseringar omedelbart när problem uppstår med din webbplats."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Webbplatsstatistik visar utvecklingen av trafik och användning"],"A hand holding a loupe":["En hand som håller ett förstoringsglas"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["En tabell som visar goda ökade intäkter"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Ett gränssnitt som visar en kronologisk lista över ändringar och uppdateringar på en webbplats"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Ett moln med många typer av innehåll som svävar omkring det"],"A folder holding real comments":["En mapp som innehåller verkliga kommentarer"],"Make your site faster":["Gör din webbplats snabbare"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Ladda sidor snabbare genom att lägga upp dina bilder från vårt globala servernätverk."],"A fast and performant website":["En snabb och högpresterande webbplats"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["En säker webbplats som är låst och skyddad av Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Kopiera befintliga inlägg, sidor, omdömen och portföljer. Allt innehåll kommer att kopieras, inklusive text, utvalda bilder, delningsinställningar, med mera."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Den här webbplatsen kan inte anslutas till eftersom den bryter mot våra {{a}}Användarvillkor{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Anslut din webbplats till de sociala medier du använder och dela innehållet på alla dina sociala konton med ett enda klick. När du publicerar ett inlägg visas det på alla anslutna konton."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Lägg till Gilla-knappar i dina inlägg och sidor"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["När besökare gillar ditt innehåll, låt dem visa det med ett Gilla-tryck."],"Create account":["Skapa konto"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack ger kraft åt din webbplats, men för att få åtkomst till alla dess funktioner behöver du skapa ett konto."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatiska säkerhetskopieringar i realtid (obegränsat lagringsutrymme)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Skapa innehåll på det sätt som du önskar och strömlinjeforma din publiceringsupplevelse."],"Add a portfolio item":["Lägg till ett portföljobjekt"],"Add a testimonial":["Lägg till ett omdöme"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximera synligheten för din webbplats i sökmotorer och se statistik över trafiken i realtid."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Skapa ett Jetpack-konto för att använda denna funktion"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack övervakar din webbplats kontinuerligt och varnar dig direkt när ett driftstopp upptäcks."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Ett fel uppstod vid aktiveringen av webbplatsacceleratorn. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Webbplatsacceleratorn kommer nu göra din webbplats snabbare!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Aktiverar webbplatsacceleratorn..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Ett fel uppstod vid inaktiveringen av webbplatsacceleratorn. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Webbplatsacceleratorn ökar inte längre hastigheten för din webbplats!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Inaktivering av webbplatsacceleratorn."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Ladda sidor snabbare, optimera bilder och skapa en snabbare upplevelse för dina besökare."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Komplettera statistiken från med Googles djupgående analys av dina besökare och deras trafikmönster."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Högupplöst videovisning med hög hastighet, utan annonser från tredje part."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Tidsinställ obegränsat med tweets, Facebook-inlägg och andra sociala inlägg i förväg."],"Marketing Automation":["Automatiserad marknadsföring"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Aktivera Jetpack-sökning"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersätt WordPress standardsökning med bättre resultat och filtrering via Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Börja tjäna pengar"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds gör att du kan tjäna pengar genom att visa reklaminnehåll. Börja tjäna pengar idag."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Skräppost blockeras automatiskt från dina kommentarer."],"Spam Filtering":["Skräppostfiltrering"],"Browse premium themes":["Bläddra bland premiumteman."],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Få tillgång till hundratals vackert designade premium-teman utan extra kostnad."],"Try a premium theme":["Testa ett premiumtema"],"View settings":["Visa inställningar"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Skapa ett Jetpack-konto för att visa dina prenumeranter av e-post"],"Manage security settings":["Hantera säkerhetsinställningar"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack är redo för den nya WordPress-redigeraren"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["I dag introducerar vi den första vågen av Jetpack-specifika block som har utformats särskilt för den nya redigeraren: Enkel betalningsknapp, formulär, karta och Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Bygg din Jetpack-webbplats med block"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["En ny redigerare? Ja! {{a}}Läs mer{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Funktionerna du förlitar dig på har anpassats till en ny WordPress-redigerare."],"Take me to the new editor":["Ta mig till den nya redigeraren"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Testar Jetpack-anslutning"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Det uppstod ett fel när Jetpack testades. Fel: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Nytt i Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Snabba upp laddningstiderna för statiska filer"],"Speed up image load times":["Snabba upp laddningstiderna för bilder"],"Enable site accelerator":["Aktivera webbplatsacceleratorn"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Ladda sidor snabbare genom att tillåta Jetpack att optimera dina bilder och servera dina bilder och statiska filer (såsom CSS och JavaScript) från vårt globala servernätverk."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":["Lägg till ett extra säkerhetslager för din webbplats genom att aktivera och säker autentisering. Om du har flera webbplatser med det här alternativet aktiverat kan du logga in på alla med samma uppgifter."],"View your site activity":["Visa din webbplatsaktivitet"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visa en kronologisk lista över alla ändringar och uppdateringar på din webbplats på ett organiserat, läsbart sätt."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifiera manuellt"],"Verify with Google":["Verifiera med Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google kommer att skicka e-post om vissa händelser på din webbplats, inklusive indikationer på att din webbplats har blivit {{a1}}hackad{{/a1}}, eller problem med {{a2}}indexeringen av{{/a2}} din webbplats."],"or":["eller"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Övervaka din webbplats trafik och prestanda från{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Din webbplats är verifierad med Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Webbplats kunde inte verifieras: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifierar…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Lägg till snabbare och mer avancerad sökning för din webbplats med Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersätt WordPress inbyggda sökfunktion med Jetpack Sök, en avancerat sökupplevelse"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Sök ersätter den inbyggda sökningen med en snabb, skalbar, anpassningsbar och mycket relevant sökningsvärd i Resultatet: Dina användare hittar det innehåll de vill ha, snabbare."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Den inbyggda WordPress-sökningen är utmärkt för webbplatser som inte har så mycket innehåll. Men när din webbplats växer blir sökningarna saktare och returnerar mindre relevanta resultat."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Sök stöder många anpassningar."],"Site is verified":["Webbplats är verifierad"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Skräppostfiltrering och prioriterad support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["När annonser är aktiverade genererar Jetpack automatiskt en anpassad ads.txt som är skräddarsydd för din webbplats."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Anpassade ads.txt-poster"],"Privacy information":["Integritetsinformation"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktivera ”Lazy Load” för bilder"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["”Lazy load” av bilder snabbar upp din webbplats och skapar en jämnare visningsupplevelse. Bilder laddas in allteftersom besökaren bläddrar nedåt på skärmen, istället för alla på en gång."],"Performance & speed":["Prestanda och hastighet"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktivera snabb, reklamfri videospelare"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gör innehållet du publicerar mer engagerande med högupplöst video. Med Jetpack Video kan du anpassa din mediaspelare och leverera snabba, reklamfria och varumärkesfria videor till dina besökare. Videor lagras på våra och upptar inte något utrymme på ditt webbhotell!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karusellfärgschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-data visar besökare ytterligare tekniska detaljer för en bild, såsom brännvidd, bländare och ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Visa Exif-metadata för bild i karusellvisning (när de är tillgängliga)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Visa bilder i ett karusellgalleri i fullskärm."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Skapa karusellbildspel i fullskärm för bilderna i dina inlägg och på dina sidor. Karusellgallerier är mobilvänliga och uppmanar webbplatsbesökare att interagera med dina bilder."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portfolio-kortkod: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Använd {{portfolioLink}}portfolior{{/portfolioLink}} på din webbplats för att visa upp ditt bästa arbete. Om ditt tema inte har stöd för Jetpack-portfolior kan du ändå visa dem på din webbplats med hjälp av en enkel kortkod."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Kortkod för omdömen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Lägg till {{testimonialLink}}omdömen{{/testimonialLink}} på din webbplats för att locka nya kunder. Om ditt tema inte har stöd för Jetpack-omdömen kan du ändå visa dem på din webbplats med hjälp av en enkel kortkod."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Sökmotorer kan inte komma åt din webbplats för tillfället. Om du vill göra din webbplats tillgänglig, kontrollera dina {{a}}inställningar för Läsaren{{/a}} och slå på ”Synlighet i sökmotorer”."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Goda nyheter: Jetpack skickar automatiskt din webbplatskarta till alla större sökmotorer för indexering."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Webbplatskartor är filer som sökmotorer som Google eller Bing använder för att indexera din webbplats. De kan hjälpa till att förbättra din rankning i sökresultat. När du aktiverar den här funktionen skapar Jetpack webbplatskartor åt dig och uppdaterar dem automatiskt när innehållet på din webbplats ändras."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Konfigurera relaterade inlägg i Anpassa"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Framhåll relaterat innehåll med en rubrik"],"View security scan details":["Visa säkerhetsskanningsdetaljer"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visa miniatyrbilder om de finns"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["För mer information om hur specifika Jetpack-funktioner använder data- och spårningsaktiviteter se vårt {{privacyCenterLink}}Integritetscenter{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Vi använder andra spårningsverktyg, inklusive några från tredje part. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Läs om dessa{{/cookiePolicyLink}} och hur man kontrollerar dem."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Denna information hjälper oss att förbättra våra produkter, göra vår marknadsföring gentemot dig mer relevant, anpassa din och mycket mer, enligt vår {{pp}}sekretesspolicy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Dela information med våra analysverktyg om din användning av tjänster när du är inloggad på ditt {{cookiePolicyLink}}Läs mer{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen hanteras av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen har inaktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen har aktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName) har inaktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Den här funktionen har inaktiverats av en administratör."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName) har inaktiverats av en administratör."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kan lägga till ytterligare annonser med Ad-widgeten. {{link}}Prova det!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Konfigurera dina notisinställningar"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack-sökning är en kraftfull ersättning för sökfunktionen inbyggd i WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Filerna på din webbplats söks regelbundet igenom efter obehöriga eller misstänksamma ändringar som kan kompromettera din säkerhet och data."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Tillägg behöver uppdateras.","Tillägg behöver uppdateras."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpacks tillägg Updates låter dig välja vilka tillägg som ska uppdateras automatiskt."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack kommer att optimera dina bilder och leverera dem från den server som finns närmast dina besökare. Användningen av vårt globala nätverk för innehållsdistribution får din webbplats att laddas snabbare."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpacks driftstoppsövervakning håller koll på din webbplats och och varnar dig direkt när ett driftstopp upptäcks."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Backups låter dig enkelt återställa eller ladda ner en säkerhetskopia från ett specifikt tillfälle."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Aktiverar ett mobilvänligt tema som väger lite och som kommer att visas för besökare på mobila enheter."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Laddar nästa inlägg automatiskt när läsaren närmar sig slutet på sidan."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Gör att du kan publicera nya inlägg genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till en särskild adress."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Gör att du kan komponera innehåll med länkar, listor och andra stilar med hjälp av Markdown-syntax."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Tillhandahåller de nödvändiga, dolda taggar som behövs för att verifiera din WordPress-webbplats med olika tjänster."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visar information om aktiviteten på din webbplats, inklusive besökare och populära inlägg eller sidor."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Gör att du kan optimera din webbplats och dess innehåll för bättre resultat i sökmotorer."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integrerar din WordPress-webbplats med Google Analytics, en plattform som erbjuder insikter om din trafik, besökare och konverteringar."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visa annonser av hög kvalitet på din webbplats som gör att du kan skapa intäkter."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Gör så att du automatiskt kan dela ditt senaste innehåll på sociala medier, inklusive Facebook och Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Lägger till gilla-knappar i ditt innehåll så att besökare kan visa sin uppskattning."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Gör så att registrerade användare kan logga in på din webbplats med sina"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Skyddar din webbplats från traditionella och distribuerade brute force-inloggningsattacker."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Säkerhetskopierar din webbplats till de globala, så att du kan återställa innehållet i händelse av en nödsituation eller ett fel."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Tar bort skräppost från kommentarer och kontaktformulär."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Vi är engagerade i din integritet och säkerhet. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visa alla Jetpack-paket"],"Manage your plan":["Hantera ditt paket"],"Your Plan":["Ditt paket"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du är för närvarande på Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Gör att användare kan prenumerera på dina inlägg eller kommentarer och ta emot notiser om nytt innehåll via e-post."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersätter WordPress standardformulär för kommentarer med ett nytt kommentarssystem som innehåller inloggningsalternativ för sociala medier."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivera{{/a}} för att ersätta WordPress inbyggda sökfunktion med Jetpack Sök, en avancerad sökupplevelse"],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Lägg till Sökwidget (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Sök förbättrar sökningen på din webbplats."],"Manage your plugins":["Hantera dina tillägg"],"Moderate comments":["Moderera kommentarer"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av integritetsinställningar. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Uppdaterade integritetsinställningar"],"Updating privacy settings…":["Uppdaterar integritetsinställningar ..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Lägg till Jetpack sökwidget"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Lägg till Jetpack-sök widget i din sidopanel för att konfigurera sortering och filter."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Fullständigt säkerhetspaket, marknadsförings- och intäktsautomatiseringsverktyg, obegränsat videohotell, obegränsade teman, förbättrad sökning och prioriterad support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Fullständigt säkerhetspaket, marknadsförings- och intäktsautomatiseringsverktyg, obegränsat videohotell och prioriterad support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Daglig säkerhetskopiering, skräppostfiltrering och prioriterad support."],"Always-on security":["Ständigt aktiv säkerhet"],"Activate video hosting":["Aktivera videohotell"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Säkerhetskopiering av alla dina webbplatsdata i realtid med obegränsat utrymme, återställning med ett klick, automatisk säkerhetsskanning och prioriterad support"],"Design the perfect website":["Designa den perfekta webbplatsen"],"Set up Jetpack":["Konfigurera Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Säkerhetskopiera alla dina webbplatsdata i realtid med obegränsat utrymme, återställning med ett klick och automatisk säkerhetsskanning."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Sök"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Din webbplats säkerhetskopieras i realtid och skannas regelbundet igenom efter säkerhetshot."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Dagliga säkerhetskopior av alla din webbplatsdata med obegränsat utrymme och återställningar med ett klick"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Daglig säkerhetskopiering av alla dina data med obegränsat utrymme, återställningar med ett klick, automatisk säkerhetsskanning och prioriterad support"],"View your security activity":["Visa din säkerhetsaktivitet"]," (powered by VaultPress).":["(drivs av VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Anpassa sökwidgeten"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Vänligen åtgärda problemet nedan och försök igen.","Vänligen åtgärda problemen nedan och försök igen."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Vi ser till att din webbplats är fri från säkerhetshot. Du kommer att meddelas om vi hittar ett."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack version"],"Activity":["Aktivitet"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visa detaljer{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Tjäna pengar på din webbplats med hjälp av annonser"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Genom att klicka på knappen nedan godkänner du våra {{tosLink}}användarvillkor{{/tosLink}} och att {{shareDetailsLink}}dela detaljer{{/shareDetailsLink}} med"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack-statistik personer"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallå där! Din statistik har aktiverats."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Ge oss lite mer tid att samla in data så att vi kan visa det för dig här."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, jag fattar!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visa annonser under inlägg på"],"Additional ad placements":["Ytterligare annonsplaceringar"],"Top of each page":["Längst upp på varje sida"],"Second ad below post":["Andra annonsen under inlägg"],"Archives":["Arkiv"],"Stars":["Stjärnor"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Schemalägg inlägg"],"Activate Publicize":["Aktivera ”offentliggör”"],"Your site is backed up.":["Din webbplats är säkerhetskopierad."],"Image Performance":["Bildprestanda"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Hämta WordPress-appar för alla enheter."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Hantera alla dina webbplatser från en enda adminpanel: publicera innehåll, följ statistik, moderera kommentarer och mycket mer, var som helst ifrån."],"Create address":["Skapa adress"],"Priority support":["Prioriterad support"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Dela dina inlägg automatiskt på sociala nätverk"],"Updating settings…":["Uppdaterar inställningar…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Uppdaterar adress för Inlägg via e-post…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Ditt betalpaket ger dig tillgång till prioriterad Jetpack-support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du har betalat för säkerhetskopieringar men de är inte aktiverade ännu."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du har betalat för säkerhetskopieringar och säkerhetsskanning men de är inte aktiverade ännu."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicka på \"Konfigurera\" för att slutföra installationen."],"Checking site status…":["Kontrollerar webbplatsens status…"],"Pages":["Sidor"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Få den fullständiga förteckningen över Jetpack-moduler som finns tillgängliga på din webbplats."],"We're here to help":["Vi finns här för att hjälpa"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack levereras med gratis, grundläggande support för alla användare."],"Ask a question":["Ställ en fråga"],"Search our support site":["Sök på vår supportwebbplats"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Få svar snabbare på dina supportfrågor."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Snabb, reklamfri videolagring med hög kvalitet."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Skapa inkomster med annonser av hög kvalitet."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Säkerhetskopiering av webbplatsen i realtid och automatisk lösning på säkerhetsproblem."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Skydd mot dataförlust, skadlig programvara och skadliga attacker."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Hjälp ditt innehåll att hittas och delas med verktyg för sökmotoroptimering."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Skydda din webbplats mot skräppost."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Denna webbplats är inte ansluten till Be att webbplatsadministratören ansluter."],"Spam filtering":["Skräppostfiltrering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Daglig, automatisk sökning efter skadlig programvara"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Dagliga, automatiska säkerhetskopieringar (obegränsat lagringsutrymme)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Daglig, automatisk sökning efter skadlig programvara med automatisk lösning"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Obegränsad, höghastighets videolagring"],"SEO preview tools":["Verktyg för förhandsgranskning av sökmotoroptimering"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Webbplatsstatistik, relaterat innehåll och delningsverktyg"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Driftstidsövervakning och skydd mot brute force-attacker"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Obegränsad, snabb bildlagring"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Genom att avbryta anslutningen av %(siteName)s till kommer du inte längre att ha åtkomst till följande:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Läs mer om fördelarna med Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Från Automattic, naturligtvis"],"Manage site connection":["Hantera webbplatsanslutning"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Anslut ditt konto till för att visa mer statistik"],"Theme enhancements":["Temaförbättringar"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Ladda fler inlägg med hjälp av standardtemats beteende"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Ladda fler inlägg på sidan med en knapp"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Ladda fler inlägg när besökaren bläddrar nedåt"],"Theme support required.":["Temasupport behövs."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Läs mer om att lägga till stöd för oändlig bläddring i ditt tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Använd utdrag istället för hela inlägg på startsidan och arkivsidorna"],"Show featured images":["Visa utvalda bilder"],"Enable the toolbar":["Aktiveraältet"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["De skrivverktyg som finns tillgängliga för dig kommer att visas här när en administratör aktiverar dem."],"Portfolios":["Portföljer"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Observera att {{b}}verifiering av din webbplats med dessa tjänster inte är nödvändig{{/b}} för att din webbplats ska indexeras av sökmotorer. Klistra in HTML-etikettkoden nedan om du vill använda dessa avancerade sökmotorverktyg och verifiera din webbplats med en tjänst. Läs de {{support}}fullständiga instruktionerna{{/support}} om du får problem. Verifieringstjänster som stöds: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} och {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Generera XML-webbplatskartor"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Bilden hjälper till att samla statistik, men bör fungera även när den är dold."],"Count logged in page views from":["Räkna inloggade sidvisningar från"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Tillåt att statistikrapporter visas för"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Du kan justera dessa inställningar om du vill ha mer avancerad kontroll. Läs mer om vad du kan göra för att {{a}}sökmotoroptimera din webbplats{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Konfigurera dina inställningar för sökmotoroptimering."],"In \"Upgrade\"":["I \"Uppgradera\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Konfigurera dina Google Analytics-inställningar"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Visa annonser i den första artikeln på din startsida eller i slutet på varje sida och inlägg. Placera fler annonser längst upp på din webbplats och i alla widget-områden för att öka dina inkomster."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Aktivera annonser och visa en annons under varje inlägg"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Konfigurera dina delningsknappar"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Anslut dina konton för sociala media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Koppla samman konton med hjälp av e-postadresser"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Kräv att konton använder tvåstegs-autentisering"],"Add to whitelist":["Lägg till i vitlistan"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kan vitlista en IP-adress eller en serie adresser för att hindra dem från att någonsin blockeras av Jetpack. IPv4 och IPv6 kan användas. Ange ett intervall genom att ange det lägsta värdet och det högsta värdet åtskilda med ett bindestreck. Exempel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Din webbplats är säkerhetskopierad och fri från hot."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Kontrollerar ditt spamskydd…"],"Fetching key…":["Hämtar nyckel…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Din webbplats behöver en Antispam-nyckel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Det är problem med din Antispam API-nyckel. {{a}}Läs mer{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Din sida är inte skyddad mot spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Din Antispam-nyckel är giltig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Din sida är skyddad från spam."],"Checking key…":["Kontrollerar nyckel…"],"Your API key":["Din API-nyckel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Om du inte redan har en API-nyckel kan du {{a}}hämta din API-nyckel här{{/a}}, och du kommer att guidas genom processen för att få den."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Inga sökresultat hittades för %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Skriv in ett sökord för att hitta inställningar eller avsluta sökningen."],"Connections":["Anslutningar"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Din webbplats är i Utvecklingsläge, så den kan inte anslutas till"],"Your site is connected to":["Din webbplats är ansluten till"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du är Jetpack-ägaren."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Ansluten som {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Visa dina e-postföljare"],"Color scheme":["Färgschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Aktivera Markdown-användning för kommentarer."],"Updated settings.":["Uppdaterade inställningar."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av inställningar. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Adress för Inlägg via e-post har genererats igen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fel uppstod när adress för Inlägg via e-post skulle genereras igen. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Uppdaterade inställningar. Uppdaterar sida …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["För närvarande i {{a}}utvecklingsläge{{/a}} (vissa funktioner är blockerade) eftersom: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Filtret jetpack_development_mode är aktivt{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Konstanten JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG är definierad{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Det finns ingen punkt i URL:en för din webbplats (t.ex. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics är en gratistjänst som kompletterar vår {{a}}inbyggda statistik{{/a}} genom att visa olika saker om dina besökare. Statistiken från stats och Google Analytics använder olika metoder för att identifiera och spåra aktivitet på din webbplats, så normalt kommer de att visa något olika uppgifter för antal besök, sidvisningar o.s.v."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Konfigurera Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Aktivera Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Ladda ner gratisapparna"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Uppgraderingsfokus: VideoPress för bröllop"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Nu kan du också konfigurera relaterade inlägg i Anpassa. {{ExternalLink}}Testa!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Annonser visas som standard i slutet av varje sida, inlägg eller i den första artikeln på din startsida. Du kan även lägga till dem längst upp på din webbplats och i alla widget-områden för att öka dina inkomster!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Visa en annonsenhet högst upp på din webbplats."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Genom att aktivera annonser godkänner du Automattic Ads {{link}}användarvillkor{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Din server är felkonfigurerad. Det gör att Jetpack Protect inte kan skydda sin webbplats effektivt."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Under ”Mobilt”"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfigurera inställningarna för dina Monitor-meddelanden på{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Visa dina inkomster"],"Configure site SEO":["Konfigurera SEO för webbplats"],"Activate SEO tools":["Aktivera SEO-verktyg"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["För att komma igång klickar du på Lägg till media i din inläggsredigerare och laddar upp en video. Vi tar hand om resten!"],"Video Hosting":["Videovisning"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-verktyg"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Avancerade verktyg för sökmotoroptimering som hjälper till så att din webbplats hittas när personer söker efter relevant innehåll."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Det enklaste sättet att ladda upp reklamfria och omärkta videoklipp på din webbplats. Du får statistik över videouppspelning och delningar, spelaren väger lite och är responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du kör Jetpack på en mellanserver."],"More Info":["Mer info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Hantera synlighet för gilla-markeringar i inställningarna för delningsmodulen{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Din aktuella IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Det finns inställningar på den här fliken som inte sparats och de kommer förloras om du lämnar den. Fortsätta?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Detta kommer att återställa alla Jetpack-alternativ, är du säker?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Sök efter en Jetpack-funktion."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Konfigurera dina säkerhetsskanningar"],"Subscriber":["Prenumerant"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Stor iPhone/iPad-uppdatering finns nu tillgänglig"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["WordPress för Android får en rejäl ansiktslyftning"]," Likes are:":[" Gillar är:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":["Några välfunna ord för att motivera dina läsare att kommentera."],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Dölj smileyn från statistiken"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Vitlistade IP-adresser"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Visa en annons för WordPress mobilappar i sidfoten på mobiltemat"],"Copied!":["Kopierad!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markera och kopiera följande text till dina urklipp:"],"Regenerate address":["Återbilda adress"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Fuskar du?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Vill du berätta varför du inte slutförde Jetpack-anslutningen via detta {{a}}formulär med två frågor{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}En Jetpack-anslutning krävs för att våra kostnadsfria säkerhets- och trafikfunktioner ska fungera.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Välkommen till {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack är redan anslutet."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tanken är full och du är redo att köra, nu är Jetpack aktiverat."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Tanken är full och du är redo att köra."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du kör för närvarande en utvecklingsversion av Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Ge oss beta-feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Vad skulle du vilja se på din Jetpack-adminpanel?"],"Let us know!":["Låt oss veta!"],"Saving…":["Sparar..."],"Save Settings":["Spara inställningar"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack statistikikon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Aktivera webbplatsstatistik{{/a}} för att se detaljerad statistik, Gilla-markeringar, följare, prenumeranter och mycket mer! {{a1}}Läs mer{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Aktivera webbplatsstatistik"],"Site Backups":["Säkerhetskopiering av webbplats"],"Upgrade":["Uppgradera"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"View your spam stats":["Visa din skräppoststatistik"],"View your security dashboard":["Visa din säkerhetspanel"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Webbplatsen är i Utvecklingsläge, så du kan inte ansluta till"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Länka ditt konto till för att få ut mesta möjliga ur Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["För automatisk, omfattande skanning efter säkerhetshot, {{a}}installera och aktivera{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockerar skadliga inloggningsförsök aktivt. Information kommer snart att visas här!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totalt antal skadliga attacker blockerade på din webbplats."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Aktivera Protect{{/a}} för att skydda din webbplats mot inloggningsförsök från utomstående."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alla tillägg är uppdaterade. Bra jobbat!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack förbättrar och optimerar din bildhastighet."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack övervakar din webbplats. Om vi tror att din webbplats är nere får du ett e-postmeddelande."],"Security":["Säkerhet"],"Performance":["Prestanda"],"Backup":["Säkerhetskopiering"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visa information om säkerhetskopiering{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["För att säkerhetskopiera hela din webbplats automatiskt, {{a}}installera och aktivera{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Ej tillgängligt i utvecklingsläge."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["För högteknologiskt skräppostskydd, {{a}}installera Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Aktivera Akismet{{/a}} för högteknologiskt skräppostskydd."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Ej tillgängligt i utvecklingsläge"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Aktiverar %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s har aktiverats."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s kunde inte aktiveras. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Inaktiverar %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s har inaktiverats."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s kunde inte inaktiveras. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Uppdaterar %(slug)s inställningar…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Uppdaterat inställningar för %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av inställningarna %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Uppdaterar %(slug)s adress …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Återbildade %(slug)s adress."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fel vid återbildning av %(slug)sadress. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Återställer Jetpack-alternativ…"],"Options reset.":["Alternativ återställda."],"Options failed to reset.":["Alternativ kunde inte återställas."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Ett fel uppstod när Jetpack kopplades från. Fel: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Länkning till tas bort."],"Unlinked from":["Länkning till borttagen."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Fel vid borttagning av länkning till %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["I korthet"],"Dashboard":["Adminpanel"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Automattics sekretesspolicy"]," Terms of Service":[" användarvillkor"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Aktivera{{/a}} för att förbättra prestanda och hastighet för dina bilder."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Aktivera automatisk uppdatering av tillägg{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Uppdateringar för tillägg"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Inga hot hittades, du är klar att köra!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Kontakta supporten{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visa information på{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Aj då, %(number)s hot hittat.","Aj då, %(number)s hot hittade."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Aktivera Övervakning{{/a}} för att få e-postmeddelanden om din webbplats går ner."],"Loading…":["Laddar in ..."],"Downtime monitor":["Driftstoppsövervakning"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Visa mer statistik på {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Visa detaljerad statistik{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentarer totalt"],"All-time views":["Visningar totalt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Visning","%(number)s Visningar"],"Best overall day":["Bästa dag totalt"],"Views today":["Visningar i dag"],"Months":["Månader"],"Weeks":["Veckor"],"Days":["Dagar"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Något inträffade när statistiken laddades. Försök igen senare eller {{a}}se din statistik nu på{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicka för att se detaljerad statistik."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visningar: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Vecka %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Webbplatssäkerhet"],"Link to":["Länk till"],"Unlink me from":["Ta bort länkning till"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Vi hade problem med att ansluta Jetpack. Klicka på \"Anslut till\" igen."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Vi hade problem med att ansluta Jetpack, inaktivera och återaktivera Jetpack-tillägget och anslut därefter igen."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du måste fortsätta att vara inloggad på din WordPress-blogg medan du auktoriserar Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Det finns en bugg i din Jetpack.{{/s}} Vi ber om ursäkt för besväret. Försök igen senare. Om problemet kvarstår kontakta vår supportavdelning med detta meddelande: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Kopplar bort Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Läs mer"],"Posts":["Inlägg"],"Front page":["Startsida"],"Upload videos":["Ladda upp videoklipp"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Visa relaterat innehåll efter inlägg"],"Related":["Relaterade"],"Save":["Spara"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX är ett kraftfullt märkspråk för att skriva komplexa matematiska ekvationer, formler osv."],"Site Stats":["Statistik för webbplats"],"Sharing":["Delning"],"Testimonials":["Omdömen"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack får inte kontakt med %(error_key)s. Det betyder oftast att något är felaktigt konfigurerat på din webbserver."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" har stött på problem och kan inte få fart på din Jetpack. Försök igen senare."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Det finns en bugg i din Jetpack.{{/s}} Det är inte möjligt att ansluta den här webbplatsen till Det betyder vanligtvis att din webbplats inte är offentligt åtkomlig (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Din webbplats behöver vara offentlig åtkomlig för att du ska kunna använda Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Redigera"],"Connected":["Ansluten"],"Activate":["Aktivera"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Sök"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Learn More":["Läs mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Koppla från Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa om din webbplats är kompatibel med Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Skicka länk"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Automatisk uppdatering av tillägg"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widgetar"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Kortlänkar"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Driftstoppsövervakning"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Integritetsinställningar"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["ält"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Komposition"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Webbplatsstatistik"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Sökmotoroptimering"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Delningsknappar"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publiceringsanslutningar"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gilla-knappar"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Skydd mot brute force-attacker"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Säkerhetskopieringar och säkerhetsskanning"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Om"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a list of modules for Jetpack.\u0004Modules":["Moduler"],"Navigation item.\u0004Performance":["Prestanda"],"Navigation item.\u0004My Plan":["Mitt paket"],"Navigation item.\u0004Dev Tools":["Utvecklingsverktyg"],"Navigation item.\u0004Settings":["Inställningar"],"Navigation item.\u0004Discussion":["Diskussion"],"Navigation item.\u0004Traffic":["Trafik"],"Navigation item.\u0004Sharing":["Delning"],"Navigation item.\u0004At A Glance":["I korthet"],"Navigation item.\u0004Plans":["Paket"],"Navigation item.\u0004Writing":["Skriva"],"Navigation item.\u0004Reset Options (dev only)":["Återställ alternativ (endast utvecklingsversioner)"],"Navigation item.\u0004Security":["Säkerhet"],"Navigation item.\u0004At a Glance":["I korthet"],"Search term.\u0004terms of service":["användarvillkor"],"Search term.\u0004tos":["tos"],"Search term.\u0004gdpr":["gdpr"],"Search term.\u0004data":["data"],"Search term.\u0004tracks":["spårning"],"Search term.\u0004privacy":["integritet"],"A caption for a button to upgrade an existing paid feature to a higher tier.\u0004Upgrade":["Uppgradera"],"Button caption\u0004Saving…":["Sparar…"],"Button caption\u0004Save settings":["Spara inställningar"],"A heading for a block of related posts.\u0004Related":["Relaterad"],"Noun, a header for a preview block in a configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Förhandsvisa"],"A caption for a button to cancel disconnection.\u0004Stay connected":["Förbli ansluten"],"A caption for a button to disconnect.\u0004Disconnect":["Koppla från"],"Short warning message\u0004Updates needed":["Uppdateringar behövs"],"Short label appearing near a paid feature configuration block.\u0004Paid":["Betald"],"A header for a preview area in the configuration screen.\u0004Preview":["Förhandsvisning"],"Ads header\u0004Ads":["Annonser"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Site connection":["Webbplatsanslutning"],"Dashboard widget header\u0004Account connection":["Kontoanslutning"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004Threats":["Hot"],"A caption for a small button to fix security issues.\u0004FIX":["FIXA"],"Short warning message about new threats found.\u0004Threats found!":["Hot upptäckta!"],"Short message informing user that the site is secure.\u0004Secure":["Säker"],"Caption for a button to set up a feature.\u0004Set up":["Konfigurera"],"verb\u0004Copy":["Kopiera"],"Shorthand for Privacy Policy.\u0004Privacy":["Integritet"],"Shorthand for Terms of Service.\u0004Terms":["Villkor"],"Navigation item. Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Felsök"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentarer blockerade."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"sv_SE"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Lägg till delningsknappar så att besökare kan dela dina inlägg och sidor på sociala medier med ett par snabba klick."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Inkludera ett litet diagram i ditt adminfält med en ögonblicksbild över trafiken de senaste 48 timmarna."],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Expandera för att uppdatera inställningarna för hur besök räknas och hantera vem som kan se den här informationen."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Du kan anpassa delningsknapparna och välja vilka tjänster som ska visas."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Din webbplats är skyddad av Jetpack. Du kommer att bli underrättad om något behöver uppmärksamhet."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Hitta hot tidigt så att vi kan hjälpa till att åtgärda dem snabbt."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Ersätt webbplatsens grundläggande sökning med anpassningsbar sökning som hjälper besökare att hitta svar snabbare."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Sluta oroa dig för att förlora din webbplats – med automatiska säkerhetskopior är ditt innehåll säkert."],"Protect":["Skydda"],"Scan":["Skanna"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Rensa automatiskt skräppost från dina kommentarer och formulär, så att du kan ägna dig åt viktigare saker."],"Anti-spam":["Anti-spam"],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Anslut din webbplats till Google Analytics på endast några sekunder med Jetpack Premium eller Professional."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["Logga in på WordPress mobilapp"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Det är lätt att logga in på mobilappen för genom att klicka på länken som vi skickar till e-postadressen för ditt konto."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Skicka en länk till mig per e-post för att logga in på appen"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Skicka dina nya inlägg till den här e-postadressen:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["Publicering via e-post är ett snabbt sätt att publicera nya inlägg utan att besöka din webbplats. Vi kommer att skapa en unik e-postadress som du kan skicka ditt innehåll till. Det kommer sedan att publiceras på din webbplats precis som vilket inlägg som helst."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":["Verktygsfältet ersätter standardverktygsfältet för administratörer på WordPress. Det ger åtkomst till aviseringar, din och dina andra webbplatser som använder JetPack eller Du kan också läsa det senaste från de webbplatser som du följer i Reader."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Bekräfta att du äger webbplatsen gentemot tredjeparter"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Skapa kortare webbadresser för enklare delning."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Bibehåll besökarnas intresse med relaterat innehåll längst ner på varje inlägg. Dessa inställningar gäller inte {{a}}relaterade inlägg som läggs till med blockredigeraren{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Med den här funktionen hittar besökarna mer av ditt innehåll genom att visa relaterade inlägg längst ner på varje inlägg."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack genererar automatiskt en anpassad {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} som är skräddarsydd för din webbplats. Om du behöver lägga till ytterligare poster för andra nätverk så lägger du till dem i utrymmet nedan, en per rad. {{link2}}Läs här för mer information{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Lägg till delningsknappar i dina inlägg och sidor"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["Dela ditt innehåll på sociala medier och nå ut till nya målgrupper och engagera fler personer."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Få aviseringar om din webbplats är nere. Vi informerar dig också när de är igång igen."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Med Jetpack kan du välja att uppdatera dina tillägg automatiskt vid lanseringen av varje nytt tillägg. Du får de senaste säkerhetsuppdateringarna och buggfixarna direkt, så att din webbplats alltid är säker."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Välj vilka tillägg som ska uppdateras automatiskt"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Uppgradera Jetpack nu"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Tjäna pengar på din webbplats genom att visa reklam av hög kvalitet."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Anpassa ditt schema för inlägg på sociala medier."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Utöka din målgrupp med professionella verktyg för sökmotorsoptimering."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Lös problem snabbt med prioriterad support."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Slipp oroa dig med automatisk säkerhetskopia."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Ta din webbplats till nästa nivå!"],"Search support docs":["Sök supportdokument"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Behöver du hjälp? Lär dig om att komma igång, anpassa din webbplats, använda avancerade kodsegment med mera."],"Start sharing":["Börja dela"],"Optimized performance":["Optimerad prestanda"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Aktivera alternativet ”prenumerera på kommentarer” i ditt kommentarsformulär"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Aktivera alternativet ”prenumerera på webbplats” i ditt kommentarsformulär"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Hantera avancerade inställningar för kommentarer och få en större målgrupp med e-postprenumerationer."],"Comment form introduction":["Introduktion till kommentarsformulär"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Jetpack Anti-spam från Akismet. Kommentarer och inlägg i kontaktformuläret granskas mot vår globala skräppostdatabas."],"Failed to send login email":["Det gick inte att skicka e-post för inloggning"],"Login email sent":["E-post för inloggning har skickats"],"Sending login email…":["Skickar e-post för inloggning..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Oroad för säkerheten? Få säkerhetskopiering, automatiska säkerhetsuppdateringar med mera: {{a}}Uppgradera nu{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Ditt paket: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Tillåt läsare att gilla enskilda kommentarer."],"Enable comment likes.":["Aktivera gilla-funktionen på kommentarer."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Låt läsarna använda märkspråk i kommentarer."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Visa Gravatar-hovercards vid kommentarer."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Slutför installationen av Jetpack"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Ditt Jetpack-konfigurationsförlopp"],"View your setup checklist":["Visa kontrolllistan för konfiguration"],"About Jetpack":["Om Jetpack"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Aktivera widgetvisningskontroller så att de endast visas på vissa inlägg eller sidor"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Med widgetvisning kan du bestämma vilka widgetar som ska visas på vilka sidor så att du kan finanpassa widgetinnehållet."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Gör extra widgetar tillgängliga för användning på din webbplats, inklusive prenumerationsformulär och twitterflöden."],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["Utvidga CSS-anpassningspanelen"],"Writing":["Skriva"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Skriv med kortkod för att bädda in media från populära webbplatser"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Du behöver ange autentiseringsuppgifterna för din server för att kunna slutföra konfiguration av Säkerhetskopiera & Skanna."],"Awaiting credentials":["Väntar autentiseringsuppgifter"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Säkerhetskopiera & Skanna konfigureras för din webbplats."],"Provisioning":["Etablering"],"Action needed":["Åtgärd behövs"],"Setting up":["Installation"],"Discussion":["Diskussion"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Vi konfigurerar skyddet för din webbplats."],"View your site's backups":["Visa din webbplats säkerhetskopior"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Vi säkerhetskopierar din webbplats i realtid."],"Enter credentials":["Ange autentiseringsuppgifter"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Du behöver ange autentiseringsuppgifterna för din server för att slutföra installationen."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Vi konfigurerar din webbplats säkerhetskopior."],"View site activity":["Visa webbplatsaktivitet"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack håller ett fullständigt register över allt som händer på din webbplats, vilket gör att du slipper gissa när det kommer till webbplatshantering, felsökning och reparation."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpacks Business-paket"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpacks Premium-paket"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpacks Personal-paket"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Paketet Jetpacks Free"],"Support documentation":["Supportdokumentation"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Använd talbubblorna för att kontakta supporten"],"Site activity":["Webbplatsaktivitet"],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Nå ut till en större målgrupp genom att dela dina inlägg automatiskt på sociala medier."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Öka trafiken till din webbplats"],"Explore free themes":["Utforska gratisteman"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Få obegränsad åtkomst till hundratals professionella teman och anpassa din webbplats precis som du vill ha den."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Ett brett urval av teman och verktyg för att anpassa en webbplats"],"Set up your site security":["Ställ in webbplatssäkerhet"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Förhindra inloggningsattacker och få aviseringar omedelbart när problem uppstår med din webbplats."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Webbplatsstatistik visar utvecklingen av trafik och användning"],"A hand holding a loupe":["En hand som håller ett förstoringsglas"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["En tabell som visar goda ökade intäkter"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Ett gränssnitt som visar en kronologisk lista över ändringar och uppdateringar på en webbplats"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Ett moln med många typer av innehåll som svävar omkring det"],"A folder holding real comments":["En mapp som innehåller verkliga kommentarer"],"Make your site faster":["Gör din webbplats snabbare"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Ladda sidor snabbare genom att lägga upp dina bilder från vårt globala servernätverk."],"A fast and performant website":["En snabb och högpresterande webbplats"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["En säker webbplats som är låst och skyddad av Jetpack"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Kopiera befintliga inlägg, sidor, omdömen och portföljer. Allt innehåll kommer att kopieras, inklusive text, utvalda bilder, delningsinställningar, med mera."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Den här webbplatsen kan inte anslutas till eftersom den bryter mot våra {{a}}Användarvillkor{{/a}}."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Anslut din webbplats till de sociala medier du använder och dela innehållet på alla dina sociala konton med ett enda klick. När du publicerar ett inlägg visas det på alla anslutna konton."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Lägg till Gilla-knappar i dina inlägg och sidor"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["När besökare gillar ditt innehåll, låt dem visa det med ett Gilla-tryck."],"Create account":["Skapa konto"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack ger kraft åt din webbplats, men för att få åtkomst till alla dess funktioner behöver du skapa ett konto."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Automatiska säkerhetskopieringar i realtid (obegränsat lagringsutrymme)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Skapa innehåll på det sätt som du önskar och strömlinjeforma din publiceringsupplevelse."],"Add a portfolio item":["Lägg till ett portföljobjekt"],"Add a testimonial":["Lägg till ett omdöme"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Maximera synligheten för din webbplats i sökmotorer och se statistik över trafiken i realtid."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Skapa ett Jetpack-konto för att använda denna funktion"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack övervakar din webbplats kontinuerligt och varnar dig direkt när ett driftstopp upptäcks."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Ett fel uppstod vid aktiveringen av webbplatsacceleratorn. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Webbplatsacceleratorn kommer nu göra din webbplats snabbare!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Aktiverar webbplatsacceleratorn..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Ett fel uppstod vid inaktiveringen av webbplatsacceleratorn. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Webbplatsacceleratorn ökar inte längre hastigheten för din webbplats!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Inaktivering av webbplatsacceleratorn."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Ladda sidor snabbare, optimera bilder och skapa en snabbare upplevelse för dina besökare."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Komplettera statistiken från med Googles djupgående analys av dina besökare och deras trafikmönster."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Högupplöst videovisning med hög hastighet, utan annonser från tredje part."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Tidsinställ obegränsat med tweets, Facebook-inlägg och andra sociala inlägg i förväg."],"Marketing Automation":["Automatiserad marknadsföring"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Aktivera Jetpack-sökning"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Ersätt WordPress standardsökning med bättre resultat och filtrering via Elasticsearch."],"Start earning":["Börja tjäna pengar"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds gör att du kan tjäna pengar genom att visa reklaminnehåll. Börja tjäna pengar idag."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Skräppost blockeras automatiskt från dina kommentarer."],"Spam Filtering":["Skräppostfiltrering"],"Browse premium themes":["Bläddra bland premiumteman."],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Få tillgång till hundratals vackert designade premium-teman utan extra kostnad."],"Try a premium theme":["Testa ett premiumtema"],"View settings":["Visa inställningar"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["Skapa ett Jetpack-konto för att visa dina prenumeranter av e-post"],"Manage security settings":["Hantera säkerhetsinställningar"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack är redo för den nya WordPress-redigeraren"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["I dag introducerar vi den första vågen av Jetpack-specifika block som har utformats särskilt för den nya redigeraren: Enkel betalningsknapp, formulär, karta och Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Bygg din Jetpack-webbplats med block"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["En ny redigerare? Ja! {{a}}Läs mer{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Funktionerna du förlitar dig på har anpassats till en ny WordPress-redigerare."],"Take me to the new editor":["Ta mig till den nya redigeraren"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":["Testar Jetpack-anslutning"],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Det uppstod ett fel när Jetpack testades. Fel: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Nytt i Jetpack!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Snabba upp laddningstiderna för statiska filer"],"Speed up image load times":["Snabba upp laddningstiderna för bilder"],"Enable site accelerator":["Aktivera webbplatsacceleratorn"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Ladda sidor snabbare genom att tillåta Jetpack att optimera dina bilder och servera dina bilder och statiska filer (såsom CSS och JavaScript) från vårt globala servernätverk."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":["Lägg till ett extra säkerhetslager för din webbplats genom att aktivera och säker autentisering. Om du har flera webbplatser med det här alternativet aktiverat kan du logga in på alla med samma uppgifter."],"View your site activity":["Visa din webbplatsaktivitet"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Visa en kronologisk lista över alla ändringar och uppdateringar på din webbplats på ett organiserat, läsbart sätt."],"Manually Verify ":["Verifiera manuellt"],"Verify with Google":["Verifiera med Google"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google kommer att skicka e-post om vissa händelser på din webbplats, inklusive indikationer på att din webbplats har blivit {{a1}}hackad{{/a1}}, eller problem med {{a2}}indexeringen av{{/a2}} din webbplats."],"or":["eller"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["Övervaka din webbplats trafik och prestanda från{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Din webbplats är verifierad med Google"],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Webbplats kunde inte verifieras: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Verifierar…"],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Lägg till snabbare och mer avancerad sökning för din webbplats med Jetpack Professional."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["Ersätt WordPress inbyggda sökfunktion med Jetpack Sök, en avancerat sökupplevelse"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Sök ersätter den inbyggda sökningen med en snabb, skalbar, anpassningsbar och mycket relevant sökningsvärd i Resultatet: Dina användare hittar det innehåll de vill ha, snabbare."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Den inbyggda WordPress-sökningen är utmärkt för webbplatser som inte har så mycket innehåll. Men när din webbplats växer blir sökningarna saktare och returnerar mindre relevanta resultat."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Sök stöder många anpassningar."],"Site is verified":["Webbplats är verifierad"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["Skräppostfiltrering och prioriterad support."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["När annonser är aktiverade genererar Jetpack automatiskt en anpassad ads.txt som är skräddarsydd för din webbplats."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Anpassade ads.txt-poster"],"Privacy information":["Integritetsinformation"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Aktivera ”Lazy Load” för bilder"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["”Lazy load” av bilder snabbar upp din webbplats och skapar en jämnare visningsupplevelse. Bilder laddas in allteftersom besökaren bläddrar nedåt på skärmen, istället för alla på en gång."],"Performance & speed":["Prestanda och hastighet"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Aktivera snabb, reklamfri videospelare"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Gör innehållet du publicerar mer engagerande med högupplöst video. Med Jetpack Video kan du anpassa din mediaspelare och leverera snabba, reklamfria och varumärkesfria videor till dina besökare. Videor lagras på våra och upptar inte något utrymme på ditt webbhotell!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Karusellfärgschema"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif-data visar besökare ytterligare tekniska detaljer för en bild, såsom brännvidd, bländare och ISO."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Visa Exif-metadata för bild i karusellvisning (när de är tillgängliga)"],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Visa bilder i ett karusellgalleri i fullskärm."],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Skapa karusellbildspel i fullskärm för bilderna i dina inlägg och på dina sidor. Karusellgallerier är mobilvänliga och uppmanar webbplatsbesökare att interagera med dina bilder."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portfolio-kortkod: [portfolio]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Använd {{portfolioLink}}portfolior{{/portfolioLink}} på din webbplats för att visa upp ditt bästa arbete. Om ditt tema inte har stöd för Jetpack-portfolior kan du ändå visa dem på din webbplats med hjälp av en enkel kortkod."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Kortkod för omdömen: [testimonials]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Lägg till {{testimonialLink}}omdömen{{/testimonialLink}} på din webbplats för att locka nya kunder. Om ditt tema inte har stöd för Jetpack-omdömen kan du ändå visa dem på din webbplats med hjälp av en enkel kortkod."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Sökmotorer kan inte komma åt din webbplats för tillfället. Om du vill göra din webbplats tillgänglig, kontrollera dina {{a}}inställningar för Läsaren{{/a}} och slå på ”Synlighet i sökmotorer”."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["Goda nyheter: Jetpack skickar automatiskt din webbplatskarta till alla större sökmotorer för indexering."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Webbplatskartor är filer som sökmotorer som Google eller Bing använder för att indexera din webbplats. De kan hjälpa till att förbättra din rankning i sökresultat. När du aktiverar den här funktionen skapar Jetpack webbplatskartor åt dig och uppdaterar dem automatiskt när innehållet på din webbplats ändras."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Konfigurera relaterade inlägg i Anpassa"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["Framhåll relaterat innehåll med en rubrik"],"View security scan details":["Visa säkerhetsskanningsdetaljer"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Visa miniatyrbilder om de finns"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["För mer information om hur specifika Jetpack-funktioner använder data- och spårningsaktiviteter se vårt {{privacyCenterLink}}Integritetscenter{{/privacyCenterLink}}."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Vi använder andra spårningsverktyg, inklusive några från tredje part. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Läs om dessa{{/cookiePolicyLink}} och hur man kontrollerar dem."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Denna information hjälper oss att förbättra våra produkter, göra vår marknadsföring gentemot dig mer relevant, anpassa din och mycket mer, enligt vår {{pp}}sekretesspolicy{{/pp}}."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":["Dela information med våra analysverktyg om din användning av tjänster när du är inloggad på ditt {{cookiePolicyLink}}Läs mer{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen hanteras av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen har inaktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Den här funktionen har aktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName) har inaktiverats av en administratör. {{link}}Läs mer{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Den här funktionen har inaktiverats av en administratör."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName) har inaktiverats av en administratör."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Du kan lägga till ytterligare annonser med Ad-widgeten. {{link}}Prova det!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Konfigurera dina notisinställningar"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack-sökning är en kraftfull ersättning för sökfunktionen inbyggd i WordPress."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Filerna på din webbplats söks regelbundet igenom efter obehöriga eller misstänksamma ändringar som kan kompromettera din säkerhet och data."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Tillägg behöver uppdateras.","Tillägg behöver uppdateras."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpacks tillägg Updates låter dig välja vilka tillägg som ska uppdateras automatiskt."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack kommer att optimera dina bilder och leverera dem från den server som finns närmast dina besökare. Användningen av vårt globala nätverk för innehållsdistribution får din webbplats att laddas snabbare."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":["Jetpacks driftstoppsövervakning håller koll på din webbplats och och varnar dig direkt när ett driftstopp upptäcks."],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Backups låter dig enkelt återställa eller ladda ner en säkerhetskopia från ett specifikt tillfälle."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Aktiverar ett mobilvänligt tema som väger lite och som kommer att visas för besökare på mobila enheter."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Laddar nästa inlägg automatiskt när läsaren närmar sig slutet på sidan."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Gör att du kan publicera nya inlägg genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till en särskild adress."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Gör att du kan komponera innehåll med länkar, listor och andra stilar med hjälp av Markdown-syntax."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["Tillhandahåller de nödvändiga, dolda taggar som behövs för att verifiera din WordPress-webbplats med olika tjänster."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Visar information om aktiviteten på din webbplats, inklusive besökare och populära inlägg eller sidor."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Gör att du kan optimera din webbplats och dess innehåll för bättre resultat i sökmotorer."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["Integrerar din WordPress-webbplats med Google Analytics, en plattform som erbjuder insikter om din trafik, besökare och konverteringar."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Visa annonser av hög kvalitet på din webbplats som gör att du kan skapa intäkter."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Gör så att du automatiskt kan dela ditt senaste innehåll på sociala medier, inklusive Facebook och Twitter."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Lägger till gilla-knappar i ditt innehåll så att besökare kan visa sin uppskattning."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Gör så att registrerade användare kan logga in på din webbplats med sina"],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Skyddar din webbplats från traditionella och distribuerade brute force-inloggningsattacker."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Säkerhetskopierar din webbplats till de globala, så att du kan återställa innehållet i händelse av en nödsituation eller ett fel."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Tar bort skräppost från kommentarer och kontaktformulär."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Vi är engagerade i din integritet och säkerhet. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Visa alla Jetpack-paket"],"Manage your plan":["Hantera ditt paket"],"Your Plan":["Ditt paket"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Du är för närvarande på Jetpack %(plan)s."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Gör att användare kan prenumerera på dina inlägg eller kommentarer och ta emot notiser om nytt innehåll via e-post."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Ersätter WordPress standardformulär för kommentarer med ett nytt kommentarssystem som innehåller inloggningsalternativ för sociala medier."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["{{a}}Aktivera{{/a}} för att ersätta WordPress inbyggda sökfunktion med Jetpack Sök, en avancerad sökupplevelse"],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Lägg till Sökwidget (Jetpack)"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Sök förbättrar sökningen på din webbplats."],"Manage your plugins":["Hantera dina tillägg"],"Moderate comments":["Moderera kommentarer"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av integritetsinställningar. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Uppdaterade integritetsinställningar"],"Updating privacy settings…":["Uppdaterar integritetsinställningar ..."],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Lägg till Jetpack sökwidget"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Lägg till Jetpack-sök widget i din sidopanel för att konfigurera sortering och filter."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Fullständigt säkerhetspaket, marknadsförings- och intäktsautomatiseringsverktyg, obegränsat videohotell, obegränsade teman, förbättrad sökning och prioriterad support."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Fullständigt säkerhetspaket, marknadsförings- och intäktsautomatiseringsverktyg, obegränsat videohotell och prioriterad support."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Daglig säkerhetskopiering, skräppostfiltrering och prioriterad support."],"Always-on security":["Ständigt aktiv säkerhet"],"Activate video hosting":["Aktivera videohotell"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Säkerhetskopiering av alla dina webbplatsdata i realtid med obegränsat utrymme, återställning med ett klick, automatisk säkerhetsskanning och prioriterad support"],"Design the perfect website":["Designa den perfekta webbplatsen"],"Set up Jetpack":["Konfigurera Jetpack"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Säkerhetskopiera alla dina webbplatsdata i realtid med obegränsat utrymme, återställning med ett klick och automatisk säkerhetsskanning."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Sök"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack version %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Din webbplats säkerhetskopieras i realtid och skannas regelbundet igenom efter säkerhetshot."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Dagliga säkerhetskopior av alla din webbplatsdata med obegränsat utrymme och återställningar med ett klick"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Daglig säkerhetskopiering av alla dina data med obegränsat utrymme, återställningar med ett klick, automatisk säkerhetsskanning och prioriterad support"],"View your security activity":["Visa din säkerhetsaktivitet"]," (powered by VaultPress).":["(drivs av VaultPress)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Anpassa sökwidgeten"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Vänligen åtgärda problemet nedan och försök igen.","Vänligen åtgärda problemen nedan och försök igen."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Vi ser till att din webbplats är fri från säkerhetshot. Du kommer att meddelas om vi hittar ett."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack version"],"Activity":["Aktivitet"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visa detaljer{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Tjäna pengar på din webbplats med hjälp av annonser"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Genom att klicka på knappen nedan godkänner du våra {{tosLink}}användarvillkor{{/tosLink}} och att {{shareDetailsLink}}dela detaljer{{/shareDetailsLink}} med"],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack-statistik personer"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Hallå där! Din statistik har aktiverats."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Ge oss lite mer tid att samla in data så att vi kan visa det för dig här."],"Okay, got it!":["Ok, jag fattar!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Visa annonser under inlägg på"],"Additional ad placements":["Ytterligare annonsplaceringar"],"Top of each page":["Längst upp på varje sida"],"Second ad below post":["Andra annonsen under inlägg"],"Archives":["Arkiv"],"Stars":["Stjärnor"],"Jupiter":["Jupiter"],"Schedule posts":["Schemalägg inlägg"],"Activate Publicize":["Aktivera ”offentliggör”"],"Your site is backed up.":["Din webbplats är säkerhetskopierad."],"Image Performance":["Bildprestanda"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Hämta WordPress-appar för alla enheter."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Hantera alla dina webbplatser från en enda adminpanel: publicera innehåll, följ statistik, moderera kommentarer och mycket mer, var som helst ifrån."],"Create address":["Skapa adress"],"Priority support":["Prioriterad support"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["Dela dina inlägg automatiskt på sociala nätverk"],"Updating settings…":["Uppdaterar inställningar…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Uppdaterar adress för Inlägg via e-post…"],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Ditt betalpaket ger dig tillgång till prioriterad Jetpack-support."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Du har betalat för säkerhetskopieringar men de är inte aktiverade ännu."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Du har betalat för säkerhetskopieringar och säkerhetsskanning men de är inte aktiverade ännu."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Klicka på \"Konfigurera\" för att slutföra installationen."],"Checking site status…":["Kontrollerar webbplatsens status…"],"Pages":["Sidor"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Få den fullständiga förteckningen över Jetpack-moduler som finns tillgängliga på din webbplats."],"We're here to help":["Vi finns här för att hjälpa"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack levereras med gratis, grundläggande support för alla användare."],"Ask a question":["Ställ en fråga"],"Search our support site":["Sök på vår supportwebbplats"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Få svar snabbare på dina supportfrågor."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Snabb, reklamfri videolagring med hög kvalitet."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Skapa inkomster med annonser av hög kvalitet."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Säkerhetskopiering av webbplatsen i realtid och automatisk lösning på säkerhetsproblem."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Skydd mot dataförlust, skadlig programvara och skadliga attacker."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["Hjälp ditt innehåll att hittas och delas med verktyg för sökmotoroptimering."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Skydda din webbplats mot skräppost."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Denna webbplats är inte ansluten till Be att webbplatsadministratören ansluter."],"Spam filtering":["Skräppostfiltrering"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Daglig, automatisk sökning efter skadlig programvara"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Dagliga, automatiska säkerhetskopieringar (obegränsat lagringsutrymme)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Daglig, automatisk sökning efter skadlig programvara med automatisk lösning"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":["Obegränsad, höghastighets videolagring"],"SEO preview tools":["Verktyg för förhandsgranskning av sökmotoroptimering"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Webbplatsstatistik, relaterat innehåll och delningsverktyg"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Driftstidsövervakning och skydd mot brute force-attacker"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Obegränsad, snabb bildlagring"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["Genom att avbryta anslutningen av %(siteName)s till kommer du inte längre att ha åtkomst till följande:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Läs mer om fördelarna med Jetpack"],"An Automattic Airline":["Från Automattic, naturligtvis"],"Manage site connection":["Hantera webbplatsanslutning"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Anslut ditt konto till för att visa mer statistik"],"Theme enhancements":["Temaförbättringar"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Ladda fler inlägg med hjälp av standardtemats beteende"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Ladda fler inlägg på sidan med en knapp"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Ladda fler inlägg när besökaren bläddrar nedåt"],"Theme support required.":["Temasupport behövs."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Läs mer om att lägga till stöd för oändlig bläddring i ditt tema."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Använd utdrag istället för hela inlägg på startsidan och arkivsidorna"],"Show featured images":["Visa utvalda bilder"],"Enable the toolbar":["Aktiveraältet"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["De skrivverktyg som finns tillgängliga för dig kommer att visas här när en administratör aktiverar dem."],"Portfolios":["Portföljer"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Observera att {{b}}verifiering av din webbplats med dessa tjänster inte är nödvändig{{/b}} för att din webbplats ska indexeras av sökmotorer. Klistra in HTML-etikettkoden nedan om du vill använda dessa avancerade sökmotorverktyg och verifiera din webbplats med en tjänst. Läs de {{support}}fullständiga instruktionerna{{/support}} om du får problem. Verifieringstjänster som stöds: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}} och {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["Generera XML-webbplatskartor"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Bilden hjälper till att samla statistik, men bör fungera även när den är dold."],"Count logged in page views from":["Räkna inloggade sidvisningar från"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Tillåt att statistikrapporter visas för"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Du kan justera dessa inställningar om du vill ha mer avancerad kontroll. Läs mer om vad du kan göra för att {{a}}sökmotoroptimera din webbplats{{/a}}."],"Configure your SEO settings":["Konfigurera dina inställningar för sökmotoroptimering."],"In \"Upgrade\"":["I \"Uppgradera\""],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Konfigurera dina Google Analytics-inställningar"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Visa annonser i den första artikeln på din startsida eller i slutet på varje sida och inlägg. Placera fler annonser längst upp på din webbplats och i alla widget-områden för att öka dina inkomster."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Aktivera annonser och visa en annons under varje inlägg"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Konfigurera dina delningsknappar"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Anslut dina konton för sociala media"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["Koppla samman konton med hjälp av e-postadresser"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Kräv att konton använder tvåstegs-autentisering"],"Add to whitelist":["Lägg till i vitlistan"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Du kan vitlista en IP-adress eller en serie adresser för att hindra dem från att någonsin blockeras av Jetpack. IPv4 och IPv6 kan användas. Ange ett intervall genom att ange det lägsta värdet och det högsta värdet åtskilda med ett bindestreck. Exempel:"],"Your site is backed up and threat-free.":["Din webbplats är säkerhetskopierad och fri från hot."],"Checking your spam protection…":["Kontrollerar ditt spamskydd…"],"Fetching key…":["Hämtar nyckel…"],"Your site needs an Antispam key.":["Din webbplats behöver en Antispam-nyckel."],"There's a problem with your Antispam API key. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Det är problem med din Antispam API-nyckel. {{a}}Läs mer{{/a}}."],"Your site is not protected from spam.":["Din sida är inte skyddad mot spam."],"Your Antispam key is valid.":["Din Antispam-nyckel är giltig."],"Your site is protected from spam.":["Din sida är skyddad från spam."],"Checking key…":["Kontrollerar nyckel…"],"Your API key":["Din API-nyckel"],"If you don't already have an API key, then {{a}}get your API key here{{/a}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one.":["Om du inte redan har en API-nyckel kan du {{a}}hämta din API-nyckel här{{/a}}, och du kommer att guidas genom processen för att få den."],"No search results found for %(term)s":["Inga sökresultat hittades för %(term)s"],"Enter a search term to find settings or close search.":["Skriv in ett sökord för att hitta inställningar eller avsluta sökningen."],"Connections":["Anslutningar"],"Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to":["Din webbplats är i Utvecklingsläge, så den kan inte anslutas till"],"Your site is connected to":["Din webbplats är ansluten till"],"You are the Jetpack owner.":["Du är Jetpack-ägaren."],"Connected as {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}":["Ansluten som {{span}}%(username)s{{/span}}"],"View your Email Followers":["Visa dina e-postföljare"],"Color scheme":["Färgschema"],"Enable Markdown use for comments.":["Aktivera Markdown-användning för kommentarer."],"Updated settings.":["Uppdaterade inställningar."],"Error updating settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av inställningar. %(error)s"],"Regenerated Post by Email address.":["Adress för Inlägg via e-post har genererats igen."],"Error regenerating Post by Email address. %(error)s":["Fel uppstod när adress för Inlägg via e-post skulle genereras igen. %(error)s"],"Updated settings. Refreshing page…":["Uppdaterade inställningar. Uppdaterar sida …"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["För närvarande i {{a}}utvecklingsläge{{/a}} (vissa funktioner är blockerade) eftersom: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}Filtret jetpack_development_mode är aktivt{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}Konstanten JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG är definierad{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Det finns ingen punkt i URL:en för din webbplats (t.ex. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics är en gratistjänst som kompletterar vår {{a}}inbyggda statistik{{/a}} genom att visa olika saker om dina besökare. Statistiken från stats och Google Analytics använder olika metoder för att identifiera och spåra aktivitet på din webbplats, så normalt kommer de att visa något olika uppgifter för antal besök, sidvisningar o.s.v."],"Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Configure Google Analytics":["Konfigurera Google Analytics"],"Activate Google Analytics":["Aktivera Google Analytics"],"Download the free apps":["Ladda ner gratisapparna"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":["Uppgraderingsfokus: VideoPress för bröllop"],"{{span}}You can now also configure related posts in the Customizer. {{ExternalLink}}Try it out!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}":["{{span}}Nu kan du också konfigurera relaterade inlägg i Anpassa. {{ExternalLink}}Testa!{{/ExternalLink}}{{/span}}"],"By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings!":["Annonser visas som standard i slutet av varje sida, inlägg eller i den första artikeln på din startsida. Du kan även lägga till dem längst upp på din webbplats och i alla widget-områden för att öka dina inkomster!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Visa en annonsenhet högst upp på din webbplats."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Genom att aktivera annonser godkänner du Automattic Ads {{link}}användarvillkor{{/link}}."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Din server är felkonfigurerad. Det gör att Jetpack Protect inte kan skydda sin webbplats effektivt."],"In \"Mobile\"":["Under ”Mobilt”"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["{{link}}Konfigurera inställningarna för dina Monitor-meddelanden på{{/link}}"],"View your earnings":["Visa dina inkomster"],"Configure site SEO":["Konfigurera SEO för webbplats"],"Activate SEO tools":["Aktivera SEO-verktyg"],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["För att komma igång klickar du på Lägg till media i din inläggsredigerare och laddar upp en video. Vi tar hand om resten!"],"Video Hosting":["Videovisning"],"SEO Tools":["SEO-verktyg"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["Avancerade verktyg för sökmotoroptimering som hjälper till så att din webbplats hittas när personer söker efter relevant innehåll."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Det enklaste sättet att ladda upp reklamfria och omärkta videoklipp på din webbplats. Du får statistik över videouppspelning och delningar, spelaren väger lite och är responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Du kör Jetpack på en mellanserver."],"More Info":["Mer info"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Hantera synlighet för gilla-markeringar i inställningarna för delningsmodulen{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Din aktuella IP: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Det finns inställningar på den här fliken som inte sparats och de kommer förloras om du lämnar den. Fortsätta?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Detta kommer att återställa alla Jetpack-alternativ, är du säker?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Sök efter en Jetpack-funktion."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Konfigurera dina säkerhetsskanningar"],"Subscriber":["Prenumerant"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Stor iPhone/iPad-uppdatering finns nu tillgänglig"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["WordPress för Android får en rejäl ansiktslyftning"]," Likes are:":[" Gillar är:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":["Några välfunna ord för att motivera dina läsare att kommentera."],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["Dölj smileyn från statistiken"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Vitlistade IP-adresser"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Visa en annons för WordPress mobilappar i sidfoten på mobiltemat"],"Copied!":["Kopierad!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Markera och kopiera följande text till dina urklipp:"],"Regenerate address":["Återbilda adress"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Fuskar du?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Vill du berätta varför du inte slutförde Jetpack-anslutningen via detta {{a}}formulär med två frågor{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}En Jetpack-anslutning krävs för att våra kostnadsfria säkerhets- och trafikfunktioner ska fungera.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["Välkommen till {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack är redan anslutet."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Tanken är full och du är redo att köra, nu är Jetpack aktiverat."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Tanken är full och du är redo att köra."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Du kör för närvarande en utvecklingsversion av Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Ge oss beta-feedback"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Vad skulle du vilja se på din Jetpack-adminpanel?"],"Let us know!":["Låt oss veta!"],"Saving…":["Sparar..."],"Save Settings":["Spara inställningar"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack statistikikon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["{{a}}Aktivera webbplatsstatistik{{/a}} för att se detaljerad statistik, Gilla-markeringar, följare, prenumeranter och mycket mer! {{a1}}Läs mer{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Aktivera webbplatsstatistik"],"Site Backups":["Säkerhetskopiering av webbplats"],"Upgrade":["Uppgradera"],"ACTIVE":["AKTIV"],"View your spam stats":["Visa din skräppoststatistik"],"View your security dashboard":["Visa din säkerhetspanel"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Webbplatsen är i Utvecklingsläge, så du kan inte ansluta till"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Länka ditt konto till för att få ut mesta möjliga ur Jetpack."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["För automatisk, omfattande skanning efter säkerhetshot, {{a}}installera och aktivera{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack blockerar skadliga inloggningsförsök aktivt. Information kommer snart att visas här!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Totalt antal skadliga attacker blockerade på din webbplats."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["{{a}}Aktivera Protect{{/a}} för att skydda din webbplats mot inloggningsförsök från utomstående."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Alla tillägg är uppdaterade. Bra jobbat!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack förbättrar och optimerar din bildhastighet."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack övervakar din webbplats. Om vi tror att din webbplats är nere får du ett e-postmeddelande."],"Security":["Säkerhet"],"Performance":["Prestanda"],"Backup":["Säkerhetskopiering"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Visa information om säkerhetskopiering{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["För att säkerhetskopiera hela din webbplats automatiskt, {{a}}installera och aktivera{{/a}} VaultPress."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":["Ej tillgängligt i utvecklingsläge."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":["För högteknologiskt skräppostskydd, {{a}}installera Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Aktivera Akismet{{/a}} för högteknologiskt skräppostskydd."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":["Ej tillgängligt i utvecklingsläge"],"Activating %(slug)s…":["Aktiverar %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":["%(slug)s har aktiverats."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s kunde inte aktiveras. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":["Inaktiverar %(slug)s…"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":["%(slug)s har inaktiverats."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":["%(slug)s kunde inte inaktiveras. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":["Uppdaterar %(slug)s inställningar…"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":["Uppdaterat inställningar för %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":["Fel vid uppdatering av inställningarna %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address…":["Uppdaterar %(slug)s adress …"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":["Återbildade %(slug)s adress."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":["Fel vid återbildning av %(slug)sadress. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options…":["Återställer Jetpack-alternativ…"],"Options reset.":["Alternativ återställda."],"Options failed to reset.":["Alternativ kunde inte återställas."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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Fel: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":["Länkning till tas bort."],"Unlinked from":["Länkning till borttagen."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":["Fel vid borttagning av länkning till %(error)s"],"At A Glance":["I korthet"],"Dashboard":["Adminpanel"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":["Automattics sekretesspolicy"]," Terms of Service":[" användarvillkor"],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":["{{a}}Aktivera{{/a}} för att förbättra prestanda och hastighet för dina bilder."],"{{a}}Turn on plugin autoupdates{{/a}}":["{{a}}Aktivera automatisk uppdatering av tillägg{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":["Uppdateringar för tillägg"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":["Inga hot hittades, du är klar att köra!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":["{{a}}Kontakta supporten{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":["{{a}}Visa information på{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Aj då, %(number)s hot hittat.","Aj då, %(number)s hot hittade."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive email notifications if your site goes down.":["{{a}}Aktivera Övervakning{{/a}} för att få e-postmeddelanden om din webbplats går ner."],"Loading…":["Laddar in ..."],"Downtime monitor":["Driftstoppsövervakning"],"{{button}}View more stats on {{/button}}":["{{button}}Visa mer statistik på {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View detailed stats{{/button}}":["{{button}}Visa detaljerad statistik{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":["Kommentarer totalt"],"All-time views":["Visningar totalt"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Visning","%(number)s Visningar"],"Best overall day":["Bästa dag totalt"],"Views today":["Visningar i dag"],"Months":["Månader"],"Weeks":["Veckor"],"Days":["Dagar"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":["Något inträffade när statistiken laddades. Försök igen senare eller {{a}}se din statistik nu på{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":["Klicka för att se detaljerad statistik."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":["Visningar: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":["Vecka %(date)s"],"Site Security":["Webbplatssäkerhet"],"Link to":["Länk till"],"Unlink me from":["Ta bort länkning till"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":["Vi hade problem med att ansluta Jetpack. Klicka på \"Anslut till\" igen."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":["Vi hade problem med att ansluta Jetpack, inaktivera och återaktivera Jetpack-tillägget och anslut därefter igen."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":["Du måste fortsätta att vara inloggad på din WordPress-blogg medan du auktoriserar Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":["{{s}}Det finns en bugg i din Jetpack.{{/s}} Vi ber om ursäkt för besväret. Försök igen senare. Om problemet kvarstår kontakta vår supportavdelning med detta meddelande: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":["Kopplar bort Jetpack"],"Learn more":["Läs mer"],"Posts":["Inlägg"],"Front page":["Startsida"],"Upload videos":["Ladda upp videoklipp"],"Pinterest":["Pinterest"],"Google":["Google"],"Show related content after posts":["Visa relaterat innehåll efter inlägg"],"Related":["Relaterade"],"Save":["Spara"],"Media":["Media"],"LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations and formulas.":["LaTeX är ett kraftfullt märkspråk för att skriva komplexa matematiska ekvationer, formler osv."],"Site Stats":["Statistik för webbplats"],"Sharing":["Delning"],"Testimonials":["Omdömen"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":["Jetpack får inte kontakt med %(error_key)s. Det betyder oftast att något är felaktigt konfigurerat på din webbserver."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[" har stött på problem och kan inte få fart på din Jetpack. Försök igen senare."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Det finns en bugg i din Jetpack.{{/s}} Det är inte möjligt att ansluta den här webbplatsen till Det betyder vanligtvis att din webbplats inte är offentligt åtkomlig (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":["Din webbplats behöver vara offentlig åtkomlig för att du ska kunna använda Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"Edit":["Redigera"],"Connected":["Ansluten"],"Activate":["Aktivera"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Search":["Sök"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Learn More":["Läs mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":["Koppla från Jetpack"],"Test your site’s compatibility with Jetpack.":["Testa om din webbplats är kompatibel med Jetpack."],"Settings header, noun.\ login":[""],"A caption for a button to log in to the WordPress mobile app.\u0004Send link":["Skicka länk"],"A caption for a button to cancel an action.\u0004Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Settings header\u0004Auto-update plugins":["Automatisk uppdatering av tillägg"],"Settings header\u0004Jetpack Anti-spam":["Jetpack Anti-spam"],"Settings header\u0004Widgets":["Widgetar"],"Settings header\u0004Shortlinks":["Kortlänkar"],"Settings header\u0004Downtime monitoring":["Driftstoppsövervakning"],"Settings header\u0004Privacy Settings":["Integritetsinställningar"],"Settings header\ toolbar":["ält"],"Settings header\u0004Composing":["Komposition"],"Settings header\u0004Site stats":["Webbplatsstatistik"],"Settings header\u0004Search engine optimization":["Sökmotoroptimering"],"Settings header\u0004Google Analytics":["Google Analytics"],"Settings header\u0004Sharing buttons":["Delningsknappar"],"Settings header\u0004Publicize connections":["Publiceringsanslutningar"],"Settings header\u0004Like buttons":["Gilla-knappar"],"Settings header\u0004Brute force attack protection":["Skydd mot brute force-attacker"],"Settings header\u0004Backups and security scanning":["Säkerhetskopieringar och säkerhetsskanning"],"Link to learn more about Jetpack.\u0004About":["Om"],"Navigation item. Noun. 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Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Felsök"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["Spamkommentarer blockerade."]}}}
languages/json/jetpack-tr_TR-1bac79e646a8bf4081a5011ab72d5807.json CHANGED
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- {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"tr"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":[""],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":[""],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":[""],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":[""],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":[""],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":[""],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":[""],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":[""],"Protect":[""],"Scan":[""],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":[""],"Anti-spam":[""],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Jetpack Premium veya Professional ile sitenizi saniyeler içinde Google Analytics'e saniyeler içinde bağlayın."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["WordPress mobil uygulamasında oturum açın"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Hesabınızdaki e-posta adresine göndereceğimiz bağlantıya tıklayarak uygulamasında kolayca oturum açın."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Uygulamada oturum açmak için bana bir e-posta gönder"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Yeni yazılarınızı şu e-posta adresine gönderin:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["E-posta ile gönderme seçeneği, sitenizi ziyaret etmeden yeni yazılar yayımlamanın hızlı bir yoludur. İçeriğinizi göndermeniz için size benzersiz bir e-posta adresi oluşturacağız. Bu e-posta adresi tıpkı tüm diğer yazılar gibi sitenizde görünecektir."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":[" araç çubuğu, varsayılan WordPress yönetici araç çubuğunun yerini alır. Bildirimlere, profilinize, diğer Jetpack ve web sitelerine tek tıklamayla erişim sağlar. Ayıca, Okuyucu'da takip ettiğiniz sitelere de bakabilirsiniz."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Üçüncü taraf hizmetlerle site sahipliğini doğrulayın"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Daha kolay paylaşım için kısaltılmış URL'ler oluşturun."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Her yazının altında yer alan alakalı içerikle ziyaretçilerinizin ilgisini çekin. Bu ayarlar, {{a}} blok düzenleyici kullanılarak eklenen alakalı yazılar için geçerli değildir{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Bu özellik her yazının altında alakalı yazılar göstererek ziyaretçilerin size ait daha fazla içerik bulmalarına yardımcı olur."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack otomatik olarak sitenize özel bir {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} dosyası oluşturur. Diğer ağlar için daha fazla giriş eklemeniz gerekiyorsa lütfen bunları aşağıdaki alana her satıra bir tane gelecek şekilde ekleyin. {{link2}}Daha fazla bilgi için buraya göz atın{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Yazılarınıza ve sayfalarınıza paylaşma düğmeleri ekleyin"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["İçeriğinizi sosyal medyada paylaşın, yeni kitlelere ulaşın ve katılımı artırın."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Siteniz kullanım dışı kalırsa uyarı alın. Siteniz yeniden çalışmaya başladığında da haberdar olun."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Jetpack sayesinde eklentilerinizin, her yeni eklenti sürümüyle otomatik olarak güncellenmesini tercih edebilirsiniz. En son güvenlik ve hata düzeltmelerini hemen alacak ve sitenizin güvende kalmasını sağlayacaksınız."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Otomatik güncellenecek eklentileri seçin"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Jetpack'i şimdi yükselt"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Yüksek kaliteli reklamlar yayınlayarak sitenizden gelir elde edin."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Sosyal medya gönderilerinizin zamanlamasını özelleştirin."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Profesyonel SEO araçlarıyla kitlenizi genişletin."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Öncelikli destek ile sorunları hızlı bir şekilde çözün."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Otomatik yedeklemeler sayesinde içiniz rahat olsun."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Sitenizi bir üst seviyeye çıkarın!"],"Search support docs":["Destek belgelerinde arama yap"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var? Başlama, sitenizi özelleştirme, gelişmiş kod parçacıkları kullanma ve çok daha fazlası hakkında bilgi edinin."],"Start sharing":["Paylaşmaya başlayın"],"Optimized performance":["Optimize edilmiş performans"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Yorum formunuzda \"yorumlara abone ol\" seçeneğini etkinleştirin"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Yorum formunuzda \"siteye abone ol\" seçeneğini etkinleştirin"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gelişmiş yorum ayarlarını yönetin ve e-posta abonelikleriyle kitlenizi genişletin."],"Comment form introduction":["Yorum formu tanıtımı"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Akismet tarafından desteklenen Jetpack Anti-spam. Yorumlar ve iletişim formu gönderimleri, küresel spam veritabanımızla karşılaştırılarak kontrol edilir."],"Failed to send login email":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderilemedi"],"Login email sent":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderildi"],"Sending login email…":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderiliyor..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Güvenlik konusunda endişeleriniz mi var? Yedeklemeler, otomatik güvenlik düzeltmeleri ve daha fazlasını edinin: {{a}}Şimdi yükselt{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Okuyucuların yorumları ayrı ayrı beğenmesine izin verin."],"Enable comment likes.":["Yorum beğenilerini etkinleştirin."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Okuyucuların yorumlarda Markdown’ı kullanmasına izin verin."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Yorumların yanında Gravatar hovercard’ları gösterin."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Jetpack Kurulumunu Tamamlayın"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Jetpack kurulumunuzun ilerlemesi"],"View your setup checklist":["Kurulum kontrol listenizi görüntüleyin"],"About Jetpack":["Jetpack Hakkında"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Bileşenleri yalnızca belirli gönderilerde veya sayfalarda görüntülemek için bileşen görünürlüğü kontrollerini etkinleştirin"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Bileşen görünürlüğü, bileşen içeriğini ayrıntılı şekilde tasarlayabilmeniz için hangi sayfalarda hangi bileşenlerin görüneceğine karar vermenizi sağlar."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Abonelik formları ve Twitter akışları dahil olmak üzere ekstra bileşenleri sitenizde kullanılabilir hale getirin"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["CSS özelleştirme panelini zenginleştirin"],"Writing":["Yazma"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Popüler sitelerden ortamları gömülü hale getirmek için kısa kodlar kullanarak oluşturun"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Yedeklemeler ve Taramalar'ı yapılandırmayı bitirmek için sunucunuzun kimlik bilgilerini girmeniz gerekir."],"Awaiting credentials":["Kimlik bilgileri bekleniyor"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Yedeklemeler ve Tarama, siteniz için yapılandırılıyor."],"Provisioning":["Hazırlanıyor"],"Action needed":["Eylem gerekli"],"Setting up":["Kuruluyor"],"Discussion":["Tartışma"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Sitenizin korumasını yapılandırıyoruz."],"View your site's backups":["Sitenizin yedeklemelerini görüntüleyin"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Sitenizi gerçek zamanlı olarak yedekliyoruz."],"Enter credentials":["Kimlik bilgilerini girin"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Kurulumu bitirmek için sunucunuzun kimlik bilgilerini girmeniz gerekir."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Sitenizin yedeklemelerini yapılandırıyoruz."],"View site activity":["Site aktivitesini görüntüleyin"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack, sitenizde gerçekleşen her şeyin eksiksiz bir kaydını tutarak, site yönetimi, hata ayıklama ve onarma işlemlerinde tahmin unsurunu ortadan kaldırır."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Kurumsal Paket"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium Paket"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Kişisel Paket"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Ücretsiz Paket"],"Support documentation":["Destek belgeleri"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Destekle iletişime geçmeyi temsil eden konuşma balonları"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Sosyal medyada otomatik olarak paylaşım yaparak daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşın."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Sitenizin trafiğini artırın"],"Explore free themes":["Ücretsiz temaları keşfedin"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Yüzlerce profesyonel temaya sınırsız erişim elde edin ve sitenizi tam istediğiniz gibi özelleştirin."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Site özelleştirmek için çok çeşitli temalar ve araçlar"],"Set up your site security":["Sitenizin güvenliğini oluşturun"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Oturum açma saldırılarını önleyin ve sitenizde bir sorun olduğunda anlık bildirimler alın."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Trafik ve etkileşimdeki gelişmeyi gönderen site istatistikleri"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Büyüteç tutan bir el"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Kazançta sağlıklı bir artış gösteren grafik"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Bir sitedeki değişikliklerin ve güncellemelerin kronolojik listesini gösteren arayüz"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Etrafında çeşitli türde içerik bulunan bulut"],"A folder holding real comments":["Gerçek yorumları içeren bir klasör"],"Make your site faster":["Sitenizi hızlandırın"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Görsellerinizi küresel sunucu ağımızdan sunarak sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin."],"A fast and performant website":["Hızlı ve yüksek performanslı web sitesi"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Jetpack tarafından kilitlenen ve korunan güvenli bir site"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Mevcut gönderileri, sayfaları, Görüşleri ve Portföyleri çoğaltın. Metinler, öne çıkan resimler ve paylaşım ayarları dahil olmak üzere tüm içerik kopyalanır."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Bu site, {{a}}Hizmet Koşullarımızı{{/a}} ihlal ettiğinden’a bağlanamıyor."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Web sitenizi, kullandığınız sosyal medya ağlarına bağlayın ve içeriğinizi tek bir tıkla tüm sosyal hesaplarınızda paylaşın. Bir gönderi yayımladığınızda bu, bağlı olan tüm hesaplarda görünür."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Gönderilerinize ve sayfalarınıza Beğen düğmeleri ekleyin"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["İçeriğinizi beğendiklerini göstermeleri için ziyaretçilere bir Beğen düğmesi sağlayın."],"Create account":["Hesap oluştur"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack, sitenizi destekler ancak tüm özelliklerine erişmek için hesap oluşturmanız gerekir."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Gerçek zamanlı, otomatik yedeklemeler (sınırsız depolama alanı)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Dilediğiniz şekilde içerik oluşturun ve gönderi yayımlama deneyiminize kolaylık katın."],"Add a portfolio item":["Portföy öğesi ekleme"],"Add a testimonial":["Görüş ekleme"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Sitenizin arama motorlarındaki görünürlüğünü maksimuma çıkarın ve trafik istatistiklerini gerçek zamanlı olarak görüntüleyin."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Bu özelliği kullanmak için bir Jetpack hesabı oluşturun"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack, sitenizi sürekli olarak izler ve kullanım dışı kalma durumu tespit edildiği anda sizi uyarır."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Site hızlandırıcısı etkinleştirilirken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Site hızlandırıcısı artık sitenizi hızlandırıyor!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Site hızlandırıcısı etkinleştiriliyor..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Site hızlandırıcısı devre dışı bırakılırken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Site hızlandırıcısı artık sitenizi hızlandırmıyor!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Site hızlandırıcısı devre dışı bırakılıyor..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin, görselleri optimize edin ve ziyaretçilerinizin deneyimine hız katın."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Google’ın ziyaretçilerinize ve trafik düzenlerinize ayrıntılı bakışıyla'un istatistiklerini tamamlayın."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Üçüncü taraf reklamların olmadığı yüksek hızlı ve yüksek tanımlı video barındırma olanağı."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Sınırsız sayıda tweet, Facebook gönderisi ve diğer sosyal medya platformlarındaki paylaşımı önceden zamanlayın."],"Marketing Automation":["Pazarlama Otomasyonu"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Araması’nı Etkinleştir"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Varsayılan WordPress aramasını, Elasticsearch'ün sunduğu daha iyi sonuçlar ve filtreleme özelliğiyle değiştirin."],"Start earning":["Kazanmaya başlayın"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds, promosyon içeriği görüntüleyerek para kazanmanızı sağlar. Kazanmaya bugün başlayın."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Yorumlarınızdaki istenmeyen içerikler otomatik olarak engellenir."],"Spam Filtering":["İstenmeyen İçerik Filtreleme"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium temalara göz atın"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Hoş tasarımlı binlerce premium temaya ek ücret ödemeden erişin."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium tema deneyin"],"View settings":["Ayarları görüntüle"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["E-posta takipçilerinizi görüntülemek için bir Jetpack hesabı oluşturun"],"Manage security settings":["Güvenlik ayarlarını yönetin"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack yeni WordPress düzenleyicisi için hazır"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Bugün, yeni düzenleyici deneyimi için özel olarak oluşturulan, Jetpack'e özel blokların ilk dalgasını tanıtıyoruz: Basit Ödeme düğmesi, Form, Harita ve Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Bloklarla Jetpack sitenizi oluşturun"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Yeni bir düzenleyici mi? Evet! {{a}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Yararlandığınız özellikler yeni WordPress düzenleyicisine uyarlandı."],"Take me to the new editor":["Beni yeni düzenleyiciye götür"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Jetpack test edilirken hata oluştu. Hata: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Jetpack'te Yenilik!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Statik dosya yükleme sürelerini hızlandırın"],"Speed up image load times":["Görsel yükleme sürelerini hızlandırın"],"Enable site accelerator":["Site hızlandırıcısını etkinleştirin"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Jetpack'in görsellerinizi optimize etmesine, görsellerinizi ve statik dosyalarınızı (CSS ve JavaScript gibi) küresel sunucu ağımızdan sunmasına izin vererek sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Site etkinliğinizi görüntüleyin"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sitenizde yaptığınız tüm değişikliklerin ve güncellemelerin kronolojik listesini düzenli ve okunaklı şekilde görüntüleyin."],"Manually Verify ":["El ile Doğrula "],"Verify with Google":["Google ile Doğrula"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google, sitenizin {{a1}}ele geçirildiğinin{{/a1}} belirtileri veya sitenizin {{a2}}haritalama ya da endeksleme{{/a2}} sorunları da dahil olmak üzere sitenizde gerçekleşen belirli olaylar hakkında size e-posta gönderecek."],"or":["veya"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}} üzerinden sitenizin trafiğini ve performansını izleyin."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Siteniz Google ile doğrulandı."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Site doğrulanamadı: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Doğrulanıyor..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Jetpack Profesyonel ile sitenizde yapılan aramaları daha hızlı ve daha gelişmiş hale getirin."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["WordPress yerleşik aramasını gelişmiş bir arama deneyimi olan Jetpack Araması ile değiştirin"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Araması, bulutunda barındırılan hızlı, ölçeklenebilir, özelleştirilebilir ve ilgi oranı yüksek bir aramayla yerleşik arama işlevinin yerini alıyor. Sonuç: Kullanıcılarınız istedikleri içeriği daha hızlı bulur."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Yerleşik WordPress araması çok fazla içerik barındırmayan siteler için mükemmeldir. Ancak siteniz büyüdükçe aramalar yavaşlar ve ilgi oranı daha düşük sonuçları gösterir."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Araması birçok özelleştirmeyi destekler."],"Site is verified":["Site doğrulandı"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["İstenmeyen e-posta filtrelemesi ve öncelikli destek."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Reklamlar etkinleştirildiğinde Jetpack otomatik olarak sitenize özel bir ads.txt dosyası oluşturur."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Özel ads.txt girişleri"],"Privacy information":["Gizlilik bilgileri"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Resimler için Geç Yüklemeyi etkinleştirin"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Geç yüklenen resimler, sitenizin hızını yükseltir ve daha sorunsuz bir görüntüleme deneyimi sunar. Resimlerin tümü aynı anda değil, ziyaretçileriniz ekranı aşağı kaydırdıkça yüklenir."],"Performance & speed":["Performans ve hız"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Yüksek hızlı, reklamsız video oynatıcısını etkinleştirin"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Yüksek çözünürlüklü video ile yayımladığınız içeriği daha ilgi çekici kılın. Jetpack Video ile medya oynatıcınızı özelleştirebilir ve ziyaretçilerinize yüksek hızlı, reklamsız ve markasız videolar sunabilirsiniz. Videolarınızı sunucularımızda barındırıyor ve barındırma paketinizden alan eksiltmiyoruz!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Carousel renk düzeni"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif verileri, izleyicilere bir fotoğrafın odak uzaklığı, diyafram açıklığı ve ISO değeri gibi ek teknik ayrıntılarını gösterir."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mevcut olduğunda fotoğraf Exif meta verilerini Carousel'de gösterin."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Resimleri tam ekran bir Carousel galerisinde görüntüleyin"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Gönderilerinizdeki ve sayfalarınızdaki resimler için tam ekran Carousel slayt gösterileri oluşturun. Carousel galerileri mobil desteklidir ve sitenizin ziyaretçilerini fotoğraflarınızla etkileşimde bulunmaları için teşvik eder."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portföy kısa kodu: [portföy]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["En iyi işlerinizi sitenizde sergilemek için {{portfolioLink}}portföyleri{{/portfolioLink}} kullanın. Temanız Jetpack Portföyleri’ni desteklemiyorsa, sitenizde görüntülemek için basit bir kısa kod kullanabilirsiniz."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Görüşler kısa kodu: [görüşler]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Web sitenize {{testimonialLink}}görüşler{{/testimonialLink}} ekleyerek yeni müşterilerin dikkatini çekin. Temanız Jetpack Görüşleri’ni desteklemiyorsa, sitenizde görüntülemek için basit bir kısa kod kullanabilirsiniz."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Şu anda arama motorları sitenize erişim sağlayamaz. Sitenizi erişilebilir hale getirmek istiyorsanız, {{a}}Okuma ayarlarınızı{{/a}} kontrol edin ve \"Arama Motoru Görünürlüğü\"nü açın."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["İyi haber: Jetpack site haritanızı otomatik olarak tüm büyük arama motorlarına dizine eklenmesi için gönderiyor."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Site haritaları, Google veya Bing gibi arama motorlarının web sitenizi dizine eklemek için kullandığı dosyalardır. Arama sonuçlarındaki sıralamanızı yükseltmenize yardımcı olabilirler. Bu özelliği etkinleştirdiğinizde, Jetpack sizin için site haritaları oluşturur ve sitenizdeki içerik değiştiğinde bunları otomatik olarak günceller."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Özelleştirici’deki ilgili gönderileri yapılandırın"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["İlgili içeriği bir başlık ile vurgulayın"],"View security scan details":["Güvenlik taraması ayrıntılarını görüntüleyin"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Mevcut olduğunda küçük resim göster"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Belirli Jetpack özelliklerinin verileri ve izleme etkinliğini nasıl kullandıkları hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen {{privacyCenterLink}}Gizlilik Merkezimize{{/privacyCenterLink}} bakın."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Üçüncü taraflara ait olanlar dahil diğer izleme araçlarını kullanıyoruz. Bunlar ve nasıl kontrol edilecekleri {{cookiePolicyLink}}hakkında bilgi alın{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Bu bilgiler, ürünlerimizi geliştirmemize, pazarlamayı sizin için daha alakalı hale getirmemize, deneyiminizi kişiselleştirmemize ve ayrıntılı olarak {{pp}}gizlilik politikamızda{{/pp}} belirttiğimiz şekilde daha fazlasına yardımcı olur."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[" hesabınızda oturum açmış durumdayken hizmetlerini kullanımınız hakkında bilgileri analiz aracımızla paylaşın. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından yönetiliyor. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından etkinleştirildi. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Reklam bileşenini kullanarak ek reklamlar yerleştirebilirsiniz. {{link}}Deneyin!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Bildirim ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack’in Arama modülü, WordPress'teki arama özelliği için güçlü bir ikamedir."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Sitenizin dosyaları güvenliğinizi ve verilerinizi tehlikeye düşürebilecek yetkisiz veya şüpheli değiştirmelere karşı düzenli olarak taranır."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Eklentinin güncellenmesi gerekiyor.","Eklentilerin güncellenmesi gerekiyor."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack’in Eklenti Güncellemeleri hangi eklentilerin otomatik olarak güncelleneceğini seçmenizi sağlar."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack resimlerinizi optimize eder ve bunları ziyaretçilerinize en yakın sunucu konumundan sunar. Global içerik sağlama ağımızı kullanmak sitenizin yüklenme hızını artıracak."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Yedeklemeleri belirli bir andaki yedeklemeyi kolayca geri yüklemenizi veya indirmenizi sağlar."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Mobil cihaz kullanan ziyaretçilere görüntülenecek, hafif ve cep telefonuna uygun bir tema sunar."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Okuyucu sayfanın alt kısmına ulaştığında sonraki gönderiyi otomatik olarak yükler."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Özel bir adrese e-posta göndererek yeni gönderiler yayınlayabilmenizi sağlar."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Markdown söz dizimini kullanarak bağlantı, liste ve diğer tarzlarda içerikler oluşturabilmenizi sağlar."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["WordPress sitenizi çeşitli hizmetlerle doğrulamak için gerekli gizli etiketleri sunar."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Sitenizde ziyaretçiler, popüler gönderiler veya sayfalar gibi etkinlikler hakkında bilgi görüntüler."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Sitenizi ve içeriklerini arama motorlarında daha iyi sonuçlar almak için iyileştirebilmenizi sağlar."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["WordPress sitenizi trafik, ziyaretçiler ve dönüştürme işlemleriyle ilgili bilgi sunan bir platform olan Google Analytics ile tümleştirir."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Sitenizde, kazanç elde etmenizi sağlayan yüksek kaliteli reklamlar görüntüler."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Facebook ve Twitter dâhil sosyal medya sitelerinde en yeni içerikleri otomatik olarak paylaşabilmenizi sağlar."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Ziyaretçilerinizin teşekkürlerini veya beğenilerini ifade edebilmeleri için içeriklerinize beğeni düğmeleri ekler."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Kayıtlı kullanıcıların kendi hesaplarıyla sitenizde oturum açabilmesini sağlar."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Sitenizi sıradan ve dağıtılmış deneme yanılma saldırılarına karşı korur."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sitenizi küresel sunucularında yedekleyerek acil durumla karşılaşıldığında veya hata alındığında içeriklerinizi geri yükleyebilmenizi sağlar."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Yorum ve iletişim formlarından istenmeyen içerikleri kaldırır."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Gizliliğiniz ve güvenliğiniz bizim için önemlidir. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Tüm Jetpack paketlerini görüntüleyin"],"Manage your plan":["Paketinizi yönetme"],"Your Plan":["Paketiniz"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Şu anda Jetpack %(plan)s paketine sahipsiniz."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Okuyucuların gönderilerinize veya yorumlarınıza abone olabilmelerini ve yeni içerikler hakkında e-postayla bildirim almalarını sağlar."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Standart WordPress yorumlarını, sosyal medyada oturum açma seçenekleri içeren yeni bir yorum sistemiyle değiştirir."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["Yerleşik WordPress aramasını, gelişmiş bir arama deneyimi olan Jetpack Arama modülüyle değiştirmek için bu seçeneği {{a}}etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Arama (Jetpack) Bileşeni Ekle"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Araması, sitenizdeki arama özelliğini güçlendirir."],"Manage your plugins":["Eklentilerinizi yönetin"],"Moderate comments":["Yorumları yönetin"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Gizlilik ayarları güncellenirken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Gizlilik ayarları güncellendi."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Gizlilik ayarları güncelleniyor…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Arama Bileşeni Ekle"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Sıralamayı ve filtreleri yapılandırmak için kenar çubuğunuza Jetpack Arama bileşenini ekleyin."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Tam güvenlik paketi, pazarlama ve gelir otomasyon araçları, sınırsız video barındırma, sınırsız temalar, gelişmiş arama ve öncelikli destek."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Tam güvenlik paketi, pazarlama ve gelir otomasyon araçları, sınırsız video barındırma ve öncelikli destek."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Günlük yedeklemeler, istenmeyen e-posta filtreleme ve öncelikli destek."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ve öncelikli destek ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"Design the perfect website":["Mükemmel web sitesini tasarlayın"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack'i Kur"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Araması"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack versiyonu %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Siteniz gerçek zamanlı olarak yedekleniyor ve güvenlik tehditlerine karşı düzenli olarak taranıyor."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Sınırsız alan ve tek tıkla geri yükleme olanağı ile sitenizin tamamı günlük olarak yedeklenir."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ve tek tıkla tehdit çözümleme ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"View your security activity":["Güvenlik etkinliğinizi görüntüleyin"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (VaultPress tarafından desteklenir)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Arama Bileşenini Kişiselleştir"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Lütfen aşağıdaki sorunu çözüp tekrar deneyin.","Lütfen aşağıda listelenen sorunları çözüp tekrar deneyin."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Sitenizin güvenlik tehditlerine karşı güvende kalmasını sağlıyoruz. Bir tane bulursak bilgilendirileceksiniz."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack versiyonu"],"Activity":["Etkinlik"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Detayları görüntüle{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Reklamlarla sitenizden para kazanın"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Sitenizi bağlayarak {{tosLink}}hizmet koşullarımızı{{/tosLink}} ve ile {{shareDetailsLink}}bilgi paylaşımını{{/shareDetailsLink}} kabul etmiş olursunuz."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Kişi İstatistikleri"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Merhaba! İstatistikleriniz etkinleştirildi."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Verilerinizi görüntüleyebilmek için topluyoruz, lütfen kısa bir süre bekleyin."],"Okay, got it!":["Tamam, anladım!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Şuradaki gönderilerin altında reklam görüntüle:"],"Additional ad placements":["Ek reklam yerleştirmeleri"],"Top of each page":["Her sayfanın başı"],"Second ad below post":["Gönderilerin altında ikinci reklam"],"Archives":["Arşivler"],"Stars":["Yıldızlar"],"Jupiter":["Jüpiter"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Duyuru’yu Etkinleştirme"],"Your site is backed up.":["Siteniz yedeklendi."],"Image Performance":["Görüntü Performansı"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Her cihaz için WordPress Uygulamalarını edinin."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Tüm sitelerinizi tek bir panodan yönetin: Dünyanın her yerinden içerik yayımlayın, istatistikleri izleyin, yorumları yönetin ve çok daha fazlasını yapın."],"Create address":["Adres oluştur"],"Priority support":["Öncelik desteği"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["YAzılarınızı otomatik olarak sosyal ağlarda paylaşın"],"Updating settings…":["Ayarlar güncelleniyor…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Gönderi E-posta adresi ile güncelleniyor..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Ücretli paketiniz size, öncelik verilmiş Jetpack destek erişimi sağlıyor."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Yedeklemeler için ödeme yaptınız ancak henüz etkin değiller."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Yedekleme ve güvenlik taraması için ödeme yaptınız ancak henüz etkin değiller."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Yüklemeyi tamamlamak için \"Ayarla\" düğmesine tıklayın."],"Checking site status…":["Site durumu kontrol ediliyor…"],"Pages":["Sayfalar"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Sitenizde bulunan eksiksiz Jetpack modül listesine erişin."],"We're here to help":["Size yardım etmek için buradayız"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack tüm kullanıcılar için ücretsiz, temel bir destek ile gelir."],"Ask a question":["Soru sorun"],"Search our support site":["Destek sitemizde arama yapın"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Destek ile ilgili sorularınıza daha hızlı çözüm alın."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Hızlı, yüksek kaliteli, reklamsız video barındırın."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Yüksek kaliteli reklamlarla gelir elde edin."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Gerçek zamanlı site yedeklemeleri ve otomatik tehdit çözümleme."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Veri kaybına, zararlı yazılımlara ve kötü amaçlı saldırılara karşı korunun."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["İçeriğinizin SEO araçlarıyla bulunmasına ve paylaşılmasına yardımcı olun."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Sitenizi istenmeyen içeriklerden koruyun."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Bu site'a bağlı değil. Lütfen bağlaması için site yöneticisine bildirin."],"Spam filtering":["İstenmeyen içerik filtreleme"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Günlük, otomatik zararlı yazılım taraması"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Günlük, otomatik yedeklemeler (sınırsız depolama alanı)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Otomatik çözümleme ile günlük, otomatik zararlı yazılım tarama"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["SEO ön izleme araçları"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Site istatistikleri, ilgili içerik ve paylaşım araçları"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Deneme yanılma saldırılarına karşı koruma ve çalışma süresi izleme"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Sınırsız, yüksek hızlı görsel barındırma"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["%(siteName)s sitesinin ile olan bağlantısını kestiğinizde artık aşağıdakilere erişiminiz olmaz:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Jetpack avantajları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin"],"An Automattic Airline":["Bir Automattic Hava Yolu"],"Manage site connection":["Site bağlantısını yönet"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Daha fazla istatistik görüntülemek için hesabınızı'a bağlayın"],"Theme enhancements":["Tema güçlendirmeleri"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Varsayılan tema davranışını kullanarak daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Tek bir düğmeyle sayfaya daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Okuyucu sayfayı aşağı kaydırırken daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Theme support required.":["Tema desteği gereklidir."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Temanıza Sınırsız Kaydırma desteği ekleme hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Ana sayfa ve arşiv sayfalarında tam gönderiler yerine özetler gösterin"],"Show featured images":["Öne çıkan görselleri göster"],"Enable the toolbar":[" araç çubuğunu etkinleştirin"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Yönetici etkinleştirdiğinde kullanabileceğiniz yazma araçları burada gösterilecektir."],"Portfolios":["Portföyler"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Unutmayın; sitenizin arama motorları tarafından indekslenmesi için {{b}}sitenizi bu hizmetlerle doğrulamanız gerekli değildir{{/b}}. Bu gelişmiş arama motoru araçlarını kullanmak ve sitenizi bir hizmetle doğrulamak için aşağıdaki HTML Etiket kodunu yapıştırın. Sorunla karşılaşırsanız {{support}}ayrıntılı yönergeleri{{/support}} okuyun. Desteklenen doğrulama hizmetleri: {{google}}Google Arama Konsolu{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Merkezi{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Doğrulama{{/pinterest}} ve {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML site haritalarını oluştur"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Görsel, istatistiklerin toplanmasına yardımcı olur ama gizlenmiş olsa bile çalışması gerekir."],"Count logged in page views from":["Oturum açmış şu grubun sayfa görüntülemelerini sayın:"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Şu grubun istatistik raporlarını görüntülemesine izin verin:"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Daha gelişmiş bir denetim istiyorsanız ayarları değiştirebilirsiniz. {{a}}Sitenizin SEO'sunu optimize etmek{{/a}} için yapabilecekleriniz hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin."],"Configure your SEO settings":["SEO ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["\"Yükseltme\" içinde"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Google Analytics ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Reklamları ana sayfanızdaki ilk makalede veya her sayfa ve gönderinin sonunda görüntüleyin. Gelirlerinizi artırmak için ek reklamları sitenizin üst kısmına veya herhangi bir bileşen alanına yerleştirin."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Reklamları etkinleştirin ve her yazı altında bir reklam görüntüleyin"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Paylaşım düğmelerinizi yapılandırın"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Sosyal medya hesaplarınızı bağlayın"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["E-posta adreslerini kullanarak hesapları eşleştir"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Hesapların iki adımlı kimlik doğrulama kullanmasını zorunlu tut"],"Add to whitelist":["Güvenilir adresler listesine ekle"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Jetpack tarafından daima engellenmelerini önleyen bir IP adresini veya bir dizi adresi güvenilir adresler listesine ekleyebilirsiniz. IPv4 ve IPv6 kabul edilebilir niteliktedir. Bir aralık belirtmek için aralarına tire ekleyerek düşük ve yüksek değerleri girin. 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Sayfa yenileniyor…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Şu anda {{a}}Geliştirme Modu{{/a}}‘nda (bazı özellikler devre dışı) çünkü: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}jetpack_development_mode filtresi etkin{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG sabiti tanımlı{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Sitenizin URL’sinde bir nokta eksik (ör. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics, {{a}}yerleşik istatistiklerimizi{{/a}} trafiğinize ilişkin farklı görüşlerle tamamlayan ücretsiz bir hizmettir. istatistikleri ve Google Analytics, sitenizdeki etkinlikleri tanımlamak ve izlemek için farklı yöntemler kullanır. 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Bununla birlikte reklamları sitenizin üstüne ve herhangi bir bileşen alanına ekleyerek gelirinizi artırabilirsiniz!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Sitenizin üst kısmında bir reklam birimi gösterin."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Reklamları etkinleştirerek Otomatik Reklam {{link}}Hizmet Şartlarını{{/link}} kabul etmiş olursunuz."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Sunucunuz yanlış yapılandırılmış, bu nedenle Jetpack Protect sitenizi etkin bir şekilde koruyamıyor."],"In \"Mobile\"":["\"Mobil\" içinde"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["'da İzleme bildirim ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"View your earnings":["Kazancınızı görüntüleyin"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Başlamak için gönderi düzenleyicinizde Medya Ekle’ye tıklayıp karşıya bir video yükleyin; gerisini biz hallederiz!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Barındırma"],"SEO Tools":["SEO Araçları"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["İlgili içeriği arayan kişilerin sitenizi bulmasına yardımcı olacak gelişmiş SEO araçları."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Sitenize reklam ve marka içermeyen videolar yüklemenin en kolay yolu. Video oynatma ve video paylaşımları ile ilgili istatistikler alırsınız. Ayrıca oynatıcı hafif ve hızlıdır."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack’i prova sunucusu üzerinde çalıştırıyorsunuz."],"More Info":["Daha Fazla Bilgi"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Paylaşım Modülü Ayarları’ndan Beğeni görünürlüğünü yönetin{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Geçerli IP adresiniz: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Bu sekmede kaydedilmemiş ayarlar var ve ayrılmanız durumunda bu ayarlar kaybolacak. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Bunu yaptığınızda tüm Jetpack seçenekleri sıfırlanacak; emin misiniz?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Jetpack özelliği arayın."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Güvenlik Taramalarınızı Yapılandırın"],"Subscriber":["Abone"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Büyük iPhone/iPad Güncellemesi İndirilmeye Hazır"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Android için WordPress Uygulaması Büyük Bir Görsel Gelişim Yaşadı"]," Likes are:":[" Beğenileri:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["İstatistik yüz ifadesi görselini gizleyin"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Güvenilir adresler listesindeki IP adresleri"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mobil temanın alt bilgi kısmında WordPress mobil uygulamaları için bir tanıtım gösterin"],"Copied!":["Kopyalandı!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Aşağıdaki metni vurgulayıp panonuza kopyalayın:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresi yeniden oluşturun"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Hile mi yapıyorsunuz?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Bu {{a}}2 soruluk anketi{{/a}} yanıtlayarak Jetpack bağlantısını neden tamamlamadığınızı açıklayabilir misiniz?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack bağlantısı, ücretsiz güvenlik ve trafik özelliklerimizin çalışabilmesi için gereklidir.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} dünyasına hoş geldiniz!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack'iniz zaten bağlı."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Her şey tamam, harekete hazırsınız. Jetpack artık etkin."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Her şey tamam, harekete hazırsınız."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Şu anda Jetpack’in geliştirme sürümünü çalıştırıyorsunuz."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta geri bildirimi gönder"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Jetpack Panonuzda neler görmek istersiniz?"],"Let us know!":["Bize haber verin!"],"Saving…":["Kaydediliyor…"],"Save Settings":["Ayarları Kaydet"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack İstatistikleri Simgesi"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["Ayrıntılı istatistikler, beğeniler, takipçiler, aboneler ve daha fazlasını görmek için {{a}}Site İstatistiklerini Etkinleştirin{{/a}}! {{a1}}Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Site İstatistiklerini Etkinleştir"],"Site Backups":["Site Yedeklemeleri"],"Upgrade":["Yükselt"],"ACTIVE":["ETKİN"],"View your spam stats":["İstenmeyen posta istatistiklerinizi görüntüleyin"],"View your security dashboard":["Güvenlik panonuzu görüntüleyin"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Site, Geliştirme Modu’nda, bu nedenle’a bağlanamazsınız."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Jetpack’ten maksimum verim alabilmek için hesabınızı’a bağlayın."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Güvenlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsamlı olarak taranması için lütfen VaultPress’i {{a}}yükleyip etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack etkin olarak kötü amaçlı oturum açma denemelerini engelliyor. Yakında burada veriler görüntülenecek!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Kötü amaçlı saldırı sitenizde engellendi."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["Sitenizi kötü amaçlı oturum açma denemelerine karşı korumak için {{a}}Protect’i etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tüm eklentiler güncel. Harika bir iş!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack görüntü hızınızı iyileştirip optimize ediyor."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sitenizi izliyor. 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Please try again later.":[" şu anda sorun yaşıyor ve Jetpack'inizi destekleyemiyor. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu site ile arasında bağlantı kurmak mümkün değil. 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Noun. 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Noun. Links to a debugger tool for Jetpack.\u0004Debug":["Hata ayıklama"],"Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"\u0004Spam comments blocked.":["İstenmeyen yorumlar engellendi."]}}}
+ {"locale_data":{"jetpack":{"":{"domain":"jetpack","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"tr"},"Add sharing buttons so visitors can share your posts and pages on social media with a couple of quick clicks.":["Ziyaretçilerin gönderilerinizi ve sayfalarınızı sadece birkaç tıklama ile sosyal medyada paylaşabilmesi için paylaşım düğmeleri ekleyin."],"Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot":["Yönetim çubuğunuza 48 saatlik anlık trafik görüntüsünün de bulunduğu küçük bir tablo ekleyin"],"Expand to update settings for how visits are counted and manage who can view this information.":["Ayarları, ziyaretlerin nasıl sayıldığı ve bu bilgiyi kimlerin görebileceğini kapsayacak şekilde güncelleyin."],"You can customize the sharing buttons and choose which services to display.":["Paylaşım düğmelerini özelleştirebilir ve hangi hizmetlerin görüntüleneceğini seçebilirsiniz."],"Your site is protected by Jetpack. You’ll be notified if anything needs attention.":["Siteniz, Jetpack tarafından korunuyor. İlgilenilmesi gereken bir konu olursa size bilgi verilecektir."],"Find threats early so we can help fix them fast.":["Hızla düzeltmenize yardım edebilmemiz için tehditleri erkenden tespit edin."],"Replace your site's basic search with customizable search that helps visitors find answers faster.":["Sitenizin temel arama özelliğini, ziyaretçilerin yanıtları daha hızlı bulabilecekleri özelleştirilebilir arama ile değiştirin."],"Never worry about losing your site – automatic backups keep your content safe.":["Asla sitenizi kaybetmekten endişelenmeyin. İçeriğiniz otomatik yedekleme sayesinde güvende olur."],"Protect":["Koruma"],"Scan":["Tarama"],"Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms so you can get back to your business.":["Yorumlarınızdaki ve formlarınızdaki istenmeyen içeriği otomatik temizleyerek yeniden işinize odaklanın."],"Anti-spam":["İstenmeyen içerik koruması"],"Connect your site to Google Analytics in seconds with Jetpack Premium or Professional.":["Jetpack Premium veya Professional ile sitenizi saniyeler içinde Google Analytics'e saniyeler içinde bağlayın."],"Log in to the WordPress mobile app":["WordPress mobil uygulamasında oturum açın"],"Easily log in to the app by clicking the link we'll send to the email address on your account.":["Hesabınızdaki e-posta adresine göndereceğimiz bağlantıya tıklayarak uygulamasında kolayca oturum açın."],"Email me a link to log in to the app":["Uygulamada oturum açmak için bana bir e-posta gönder"],"Send your new posts to this email address:":["Yeni yazılarınızı şu e-posta adresine gönderin:"],"Post by email is a quick way to publish new posts without visiting your site. We’ll generate a unique email address for you to send your content to, which will then appear on your site just like any other post.":["E-posta ile gönderme seçeneği, sitenizi ziyaret etmeden yeni yazılar yayımlamanın hızlı bir yoludur. İçeriğinizi göndermeniz için size benzersiz bir e-posta adresi oluşturacağız. Bu e-posta adresi tıpkı tüm diğer yazılar gibi sitenizde görünecektir."],"The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It offers one-click access to notifcations, your profile and your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the sites you follow in the Reader.":[" araç çubuğu, varsayılan WordPress yönetici araç çubuğunun yerini alır. Bildirimlere, profilinize, diğer Jetpack ve web sitelerine tek tıklamayla erişim sağlar. Ayıca, Okuyucu'da takip ettiğiniz sitelere de bakabilirsiniz."],"Verify site ownership with third party services":["Üçüncü taraf hizmetlerle site sahipliğini doğrulayın"],"Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing.":["Daha kolay paylaşım için kısaltılmış URL'ler oluşturun."],"Keep your visitors engaged with related content at the bottom of each post. These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block editor{{/a}}.":["Her yazının altında yer alan alakalı içerikle ziyaretçilerinizin ilgisini çekin. Bu ayarlar, {{a}} blok düzenleyici kullanılarak eklenen alakalı yazılar için geçerli değildir{{/a}}."],"The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related posts at the bottom of each post.":["Bu özellik her yazının altında alakalı yazılar göstererek ziyaretçilerin size ait daha fazla içerik bulmalarına yardımcı olur."],"Jetpack automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more details{{/link2}}.":["Jetpack otomatik olarak sitenize özel bir {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} dosyası oluşturur. Diğer ağlar için daha fazla giriş eklemeniz gerekiyorsa lütfen bunları aşağıdaki alana her satıra bir tane gelecek şekilde ekleyin. {{link2}}Daha fazla bilgi için buraya göz atın{{/link2}}."],"Add sharing buttons to your posts and pages":["Yazılarınıza ve sayfalarınıza paylaşma düğmeleri ekleyin"],"Share your content to social media, reaching new audiences and increasing engagement.":["İçeriğinizi sosyal medyada paylaşın, yeni kitlelere ulaşın ve katılımı artırın."],"Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, too.":["Siteniz kullanım dışı kalırsa uyarı alın. Siteniz yeniden çalışmaya başladığında da haberdar olun."],"With Jetpack you can choose to have your plugins auto-updated with each new plugin release. You’ll get the latest security and bug fixes right away, ensuring your site stays secure.":["Jetpack sayesinde eklentilerinizin, her yeni eklenti sürümüyle otomatik olarak güncellenmesini tercih edebilirsiniz. En son güvenlik ve hata düzeltmelerini hemen alacak ve sitenizin güvende kalmasını sağlayacaksınız."],"Choose which plugins to auto-update":["Otomatik güncellenecek eklentileri seçin"],"Upgrade Jetpack now":["Jetpack'i şimdi yükselt"],"Monetize your site by running high quality ads.":["Yüksek kaliteli reklamlar yayınlayarak sitenizden gelir elde edin."],"Customize your social posting schedule.":["Sosyal medya gönderilerinizin zamanlamasını özelleştirin."],"Expand your audience with pro SEO tools.":["Profesyonel SEO araçlarıyla kitlenizi genişletin."],"Resolve issues quickly with priority support.":["Öncelikli destek ile sorunları hızlı bir şekilde çözün."],"Get peace of mind with automated backups.":["Otomatik yedeklemeler sayesinde içiniz rahat olsun."],"Take your site to the next level!":["Sitenizi bir üst seviyeye çıkarın!"],"Search support docs":["Destek belgelerinde arama yap"],"Need help? Learn about getting started, customizing your site, using advanced code snippets, and more.":["Yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var? Başlama, sitenizi özelleştirme, gelişmiş kod parçacıkları kullanma ve çok daha fazlası hakkında bilgi edinin."],"Start sharing":["Paylaşmaya başlayın"],"Optimized performance":["Optimize edilmiş performans"],"Enable the “subscribe to comments” option on your comment form":["Yorum formunuzda \"yorumlara abone ol\" seçeneğini etkinleştirin"],"Enable the “subscribe to site” option on your comment form":["Yorum formunuzda \"siteye abone ol\" seçeneğini etkinleştirin"],"Manage advanced comment settings and grow your audience with email subscriptions.":["Gelişmiş yorum ayarlarını yönetin ve e-posta abonelikleriyle kitlenizi genişletin."],"Comment form introduction":["Yorum formu tanıtımı"],"Jetpack Anti-spam powered by Akismet. Comments and contact form submissions are checked against our global database of spam.":["Akismet tarafından desteklenen Jetpack Anti-spam. Yorumlar ve iletişim formu gönderimleri, küresel spam veritabanımızla karşılaştırılarak kontrol edilir."],"Failed to send login email":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderilemedi"],"Login email sent":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderildi"],"Sending login email…":["Oturum açma e-postası gönderiliyor..."],"Your plan: Jetpack Professional":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Professional"],"Your plan: Jetpack Premium":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Premium"],"Your plan: Jetpack Personal":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Personal"],"Worried about security? Get backups, automated security fixes and more: {{a}}Upgrade now{{/a}}":["Güvenlik konusunda endişeleriniz mi var? Yedeklemeler, otomatik güvenlik düzeltmeleri ve daha fazlasını edinin: {{a}}Şimdi yükselt{{/a}}"],"Your plan: Jetpack Free":["Paketiniz: Jetpack Free"],"Allow readers to like individual comments.":["Okuyucuların yorumları ayrı ayrı beğenmesine izin verin."],"Enable comment likes.":["Yorum beğenilerini etkinleştirin."],"Allow readers to use markdown in comments.":["Okuyucuların yorumlarda Markdown’ı kullanmasına izin verin."],"Show Gravatar hovercards alongside comments.":["Yorumların yanında Gravatar hovercard’ları gösterin."],"Complete Jetpack Setup":["Jetpack Kurulumunu Tamamlayın"],"Your Jetpack setup progress":["Jetpack kurulumunuzun ilerlemesi"],"View your setup checklist":["Kurulum kontrol listenizi görüntüleyin"],"About Jetpack":["Jetpack Hakkında"],"Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular posts or pages":["Bileşenleri yalnızca belirli gönderilerde veya sayfalarda görüntülemek için bileşen görünürlüğü kontrollerini etkinleştirin"],"Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so you can finely tailor widget content.":["Bileşen görünürlüğü, bileşen içeriğini ayrıntılı şekilde tasarlayabilmeniz için hangi sayfalarda hangi bileşenlerin görüneceğine karar vermenizi sağlar."],"Make extra widgets available for use on your site including subscription forms and Twitter streams":["Abonelik formları ve Twitter akışları dahil olmak üzere ekstra bileşenleri sitenizde kullanılabilir hale getirin"],"Enhance CSS customization panel":["CSS özelleştirme panelini zenginleştirin"],"Writing":["Yazma"],"Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites":["Popüler sitelerden ortamları gömülü hale getirmek için kısa kodlar kullanarak oluşturun"],"Traffic":["Trafik"],"You need to enter your server credentials to finish configuring Backups and Scan.":["Yedeklemeler ve Taramalar'ı yapılandırmayı bitirmek için sunucunuzun kimlik bilgilerini girmeniz gerekir."],"Awaiting credentials":["Kimlik bilgileri bekleniyor"],"Backups and Scan are being configured for your site.":["Yedeklemeler ve Tarama, siteniz için yapılandırılıyor."],"Provisioning":["Hazırlanıyor"],"Action needed":["Eylem gerekli"],"Setting up":["Kuruluyor"],"Discussion":["Tartışma"],"We are configuring your site protection.":["Sitenizin korumasını yapılandırıyoruz."],"View your site's backups":["Sitenizin yedeklemelerini görüntüleyin"],"We are backing up your site in real-time.":["Sitenizi gerçek zamanlı olarak yedekliyoruz."],"Enter credentials":["Kimlik bilgilerini girin"],"You need to enter your server's credentials to finish the setup.":["Kurulumu bitirmek için sunucunuzun kimlik bilgilerini girmeniz gerekir."],"We are configuring your site's backups.":["Sitenizin yedeklemelerini yapılandırıyoruz."],"View site activity":["Site aktivitesini görüntüleyin"],"Jetpack keeps a complete record of everything that happens on your site, taking the guesswork out of site management, debugging, and repair.":["Jetpack, sitenizde gerçekleşen her şeyin eksiksiz bir kaydını tutarak, site yönetimi, hata ayıklama ve onarma işlemlerinde tahmin unsurunu ortadan kaldırır."],"Jetpack Business Plan":["Jetpack Kurumsal Paket"],"Jetpack Premium Plan":["Jetpack Premium Paket"],"Jetpack Personal Plan":["Jetpack Kişisel Paket"],"Jetpack Free Plan":["Jetpack Ücretsiz Paket"],"Support documentation":["Destek belgeleri"],"Chat bubbles representing getting in touch with support":["Destekle iletişime geçmeyi temsil eden konuşma balonları"],"Site activity":[""],"Reach a wider audience by automatically sharing your posts on social media.":["Sosyal medyada otomatik olarak paylaşım yaparak daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşın."],"Increase traffic to your site":["Sitenizin trafiğini artırın"],"Explore free themes":["Ücretsiz temaları keşfedin"],"Get unlimited access to hundreds of professional themes, and customize your site exactly how you like it.":["Yüzlerce profesyonel temaya sınırsız erişim elde edin ve sitenizi tam istediğiniz gibi özelleştirin."],"A wide variety of themes and tools to customize a site":["Site özelleştirmek için çok çeşitli temalar ve araçlar"],"Set up your site security":["Sitenizin güvenliğini oluşturun"],"Prevent login attacks, and get instant notifications when there’s an issue with your site.":["Oturum açma saldırılarını önleyin ve sitenizde bir sorun olduğunda anlık bildirimler alın."],"Site stats showing an evolution in traffic and engagement":["Trafik ve etkileşimdeki gelişmeyi gönderen site istatistikleri"],"A hand holding a loupe":["Büyüteç tutan bir el"],"A chart showing an healthy increase in earnings":["Kazançta sağlıklı bir artış gösteren grafik"],"Interface showing a chronological list of changes and updates in a site":["Bir sitedeki değişikliklerin ve güncellemelerin kronolojik listesini gösteren arayüz"],"A cloud with multiple types of content floating around it":["Etrafında çeşitli türde içerik bulunan bulut"],"A folder holding real comments":["Gerçek yorumları içeren bir klasör"],"Make your site faster":["Sitenizi hızlandırın"],"Load pages faster by serving your images from our global network of servers.":["Görsellerinizi küresel sunucu ağımızdan sunarak sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin."],"A fast and performant website":["Hızlı ve yüksek performanslı web sitesi"],"A secure site, locked and protected by Jetpack":["Jetpack tarafından kilitlenen ve korunan güvenli bir site"],"Duplicate existing posts, pages, Testimonials, and Portfolios. All the content will be copied including text, featured images, sharing settings, and more.":["Mevcut gönderileri, sayfaları, Görüşleri ve Portföyleri çoğaltın. Metinler, öne çıkan resimler ve paylaşım ayarları dahil olmak üzere tüm içerik kopyalanır."],"This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}.":["Bu site, {{a}}Hizmet Koşullarımızı{{/a}} ihlal ettiğinden’a bağlanamıyor."],"Connect your website to the social media networks you use and share your content across all your social accounts with a single click. When you publish a post, it will appear on all connected accounts.":["Web sitenizi, kullandığınız sosyal medya ağlarına bağlayın ve içeriğinizi tek bir tıkla tüm sosyal hesaplarınızda paylaşın. Bir gönderi yayımladığınızda bu, bağlı olan tüm hesaplarda görünür."],"Add Like buttons to your posts and pages":["Gönderilerinize ve sayfalarınıza Beğen düğmeleri ekleyin"],"When visitors enjoy your content, let them show it with a Like.":["İçeriğinizi beğendiklerini göstermeleri için ziyaretçilere bir Beğen düğmesi sağlayın."],"Create account":["Hesap oluştur"],"Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.":["Jetpack, sitenizi destekler ancak tüm özelliklerine erişmek için hesap oluşturmanız gerekir."],"Real-time, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Gerçek zamanlı, otomatik yedeklemeler (sınırsız depolama alanı)"],"Compose content the way you want to and streamline your publishing experience.":["Dilediğiniz şekilde içerik oluşturun ve gönderi yayımlama deneyiminize kolaylık katın."],"Add a portfolio item":["Portföy öğesi ekleme"],"Add a testimonial":["Görüş ekleme"],"Maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and view traffic stats in real time.":["Sitenizin arama motorlarındaki görünürlüğünü maksimuma çıkarın ve trafik istatistiklerini gerçek zamanlı olarak görüntüleyin."],"Create a Jetpack account to use this feature":["Bu özelliği kullanmak için bir Jetpack hesabı oluşturun"],"Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment downtime is detected.":["Jetpack, sitenizi sürekli olarak izler ve kullanım dışı kalma durumu tespit edildiği anda sizi uyarır."],"Error enabling Site accelerator. %(error)s":["Site hızlandırıcısı etkinleştirilirken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is now speeding up your site!":["Site hızlandırıcısı artık sitenizi hızlandırıyor!"],"Enabling Site accelerator…":["Site hızlandırıcısı etkinleştiriliyor..."],"Error disabling site accelerator. %(error)s":["Site hızlandırıcısı devre dışı bırakılırken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Site accelerator is no longer speeding up your site!":["Site hızlandırıcısı artık sitenizi hızlandırmıyor!"],"Disabling site accelerator…":["Site hızlandırıcısı devre dışı bırakılıyor..."],"Load pages faster, optimize images, and speed up your visitors’ experience.":["Sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin, görselleri optimize edin ve ziyaretçilerinizin deneyimine hız katın."],"Complement’s stats with Google’s in-depth look at your visitors and traffic patterns.":["Google’ın ziyaretçilerinize ve trafik düzenlerinize ayrıntılı bakışıyla'un istatistiklerini tamamlayın."],"High-speed, high-definition video hosting with no third-party ads.":["Üçüncü taraf reklamların olmadığı yüksek hızlı ve yüksek tanımlı video barındırma olanağı."],"Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance.":["Sınırsız sayıda tweet, Facebook gönderisi ve diğer sosyal medya platformlarındaki paylaşımı önceden zamanlayın."],"Marketing Automation":["Pazarlama Otomasyonu"],"Activate Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Araması’nı Etkinleştir"],"Replace the default WordPress search with better results and filtering powered by Elasticsearch.":["Varsayılan WordPress aramasını, Elasticsearch'ün sunduğu daha iyi sonuçlar ve filtreleme özelliğiyle değiştirin."],"Start earning":["Kazanmaya başlayın"],"WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning today.":["WordAds, promosyon içeriği görüntüleyerek para kazanmanızı sağlar. Kazanmaya bugün başlayın."],"Spam is automatically blocked from your comments.":["Yorumlarınızdaki istenmeyen içerikler otomatik olarak engellenir."],"Spam Filtering":["İstenmeyen İçerik Filtreleme"],"Browse premium themes":["Premium temalara göz atın"],"Access hundreds of beautifully designed premium themes at no extra cost.":["Hoş tasarımlı binlerce premium temaya ek ücret ödemeden erişin."],"Try a premium theme":["Premium tema deneyin"],"View settings":["Ayarları görüntüle"],"Create a Jetpack account to view your email followers":["E-posta takipçilerinizi görüntülemek için bir Jetpack hesabı oluşturun"],"Manage security settings":["Güvenlik ayarlarını yönetin"],"Jetpack is ready for the new WordPress editor":["Jetpack yeni WordPress düzenleyicisi için hazır"],"Today, we are introducing the first wave of Jetpack-specific blocks built specifically for the new editor experience: Simple Payment button, Form, Map, and Markdown.":["Bugün, yeni düzenleyici deneyimi için özel olarak oluşturulan, Jetpack'e özel blokların ilk dalgasını tanıtıyoruz: Basit Ödeme düğmesi, Form, Harita ve Markdown."],"Build your Jetpack site with blocks":["Bloklarla Jetpack sitenizi oluşturun"],"A new editor? Yes! {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.":["Yeni bir düzenleyici mi? Evet! {{a}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/a}}."],"The features you rely on, adapted for the new WordPress editor.":["Yararlandığınız özellikler yeni WordPress düzenleyicisine uyarlandı."],"Take me to the new editor":["Beni yeni düzenleyiciye götür"],"Testing Jetpack Connection":[""],"There was an error testing Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":["Jetpack test edilirken hata oluştu. Hata: %(error)s"],"New in Jetpack!":["Jetpack'te Yenilik!"],"Speed up static file load times":["Statik dosya yükleme sürelerini hızlandırın"],"Speed up image load times":["Görsel yükleme sürelerini hızlandırın"],"Enable site accelerator":["Site hızlandırıcısını etkinleştirin"],"Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.":["Jetpack'in görsellerinizi optimize etmesine, görsellerinizi ve statik dosyalarınızı (CSS ve JavaScript gibi) küresel sunucu ağımızdan sunmasına izin vererek sayfaları daha hızlı yükleyin."],"Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling login and secure authentication. If you have multiple sites with this option enabled, you will be able to log in to every one of them with the same credentials.":[""],"View your site activity":["Site etkinliğinizi görüntüleyin"],"View a chronological list of all the changes and updates to your site in an organized, readable way.":["Sitenizde yaptığınız tüm değişikliklerin ve güncellemelerin kronolojik listesini düzenli ve okunaklı şekilde görüntüleyin."],"Manually Verify ":["El ile Doğrula "],"Verify with Google":["Google ile Doğrula"],"Google will email about certain events that occur with your site, including indications that your website has been {{a1}}hacked{{/a1}}, or problems {{a2}}crawling or indexing{{/a2}} your site.":["Google, sitenizin {{a1}}ele geçirildiğinin{{/a1}} belirtileri veya sitenizin {{a2}}haritalama ya da endeksleme{{/a2}} sorunları da dahil olmak üzere sitenizde gerçekleşen belirli olaylar hakkında size e-posta gönderecek."],"or":["veya"],"Monitor your site's traffic and performance from the {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}.":["{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}} üzerinden sitenizin trafiğini ve performansını izleyin."],"Your site is verified with Google":["Siteniz Google ile doğrulandı."],"Site failed to verify: %(error)s":["Site doğrulanamadı: %(error)s"],"Verifying...":["Doğrulanıyor..."],"Add faster, more advanced searching to your site with Jetpack Professional.":["Jetpack Profesyonel ile sitenizde yapılan aramaları daha hızlı ve daha gelişmiş hale getirin."],"Replace WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience":["WordPress yerleşik aramasını gelişmiş bir arama deneyimi olan Jetpack Araması ile değiştirin"],"Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search with a fast, scalable, customizable, and highly-relevant search hosted in the cloud. The result: Your users find the content they want, faster.":["Jetpack Araması, bulutunda barındırılan hızlı, ölçeklenebilir, özelleştirilebilir ve ilgi oranı yüksek bir aramayla yerleşik arama işlevinin yerini alıyor. Sonuç: Kullanıcılarınız istedikleri içeriği daha hızlı bulur."],"The built-in WordPress search is great for sites without much content. But as your site grows, searches slow down and return less relevant results.":["Yerleşik WordPress araması çok fazla içerik barındırmayan siteler için mükemmeldir. Ancak siteniz büyüdükçe aramalar yavaşlar ve ilgi oranı daha düşük sonuçları gösterir."],"Jetpack Search supports many customizations.":["Jetpack Araması birçok özelleştirmeyi destekler."],"Site is verified":["Site doğrulandı"],"Spam filtering and priority support.":["İstenmeyen e-posta filtrelemesi ve öncelikli destek."],"When ads are enabled, Jetpack automatically generates a custom ads.txt tailored for your site.":["Reklamlar etkinleştirildiğinde Jetpack otomatik olarak sitenize özel bir ads.txt dosyası oluşturur."],"Custom ads.txt entries":["Özel ads.txt girişleri"],"Privacy information":["Gizlilik bilgileri"],"Enable Lazy Loading for images":["Resimler için Geç Yüklemeyi etkinleştirin"],"Lazy-loading images will improve your site’s speed and create a smoother viewing experience. Images will load as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once.":["Geç yüklenen resimler, sitenizin hızını yükseltir ve daha sorunsuz bir görüntüleme deneyimi sunar. Resimlerin tümü aynı anda değil, ziyaretçileriniz ekranı aşağı kaydırdıkça yüklenir."],"Performance & speed":["Performans ve hız"],"Enable high-speed, ad-free video player":["Yüksek hızlı, reklamsız video oynatıcısını etkinleştirin"],"Make the content you publish more engaging with high-resolution video. With Jetpack Video you can customize your media player and deliver high-speed, ad-free, and unbranded videos to your visitors. Videos are hosted on our servers and do not subtract space from your hosting plan!":["Yüksek çözünürlüklü video ile yayımladığınız içeriği daha ilgi çekici kılın. Jetpack Video ile medya oynatıcınızı özelleştirebilir ve ziyaretçilerinize yüksek hızlı, reklamsız ve markasız videolar sunabilirsiniz. Videolarınızı sunucularımızda barındırıyor ve barındırma paketinizden alan eksiltmiyoruz!"],"Video":["Video"],"Carousel color scheme":["Carousel renk düzeni"],"Exif data shows viewers additional technical details of a photo, like its focal length, aperture, and ISO.":["Exif verileri, izleyicilere bir fotoğrafın odak uzaklığı, diyafram açıklığı ve ISO değeri gibi ek teknik ayrıntılarını gösterir."],"Show photo Exif metadata in carousel (when available)":["Mevcut olduğunda fotoğraf Exif meta verilerini Carousel'de gösterin."],"Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery":["Resimleri tam ekran bir Carousel galerisinde görüntüleyin"],"Create full-screen carousel slideshows for the images in your posts and pages. Carousel galleries are mobile-friendly and encourage site visitors to interact with your photos.":["Gönderilerinizdeki ve sayfalarınızdaki resimler için tam ekran Carousel slayt gösterileri oluşturun. Carousel galerileri mobil desteklidir ve sitenizin ziyaretçilerini fotoğraflarınızla etkileşimde bulunmaları için teşvik eder."],"Portfolios shortcode: [portfolio]":["Portföy kısa kodu: [portföy]"],"Use {{portfolioLink}}portfolios{{/portfolioLink}} on your site to showcase your best work. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Portfolios, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["En iyi işlerinizi sitenizde sergilemek için {{portfolioLink}}portföyleri{{/portfolioLink}} kullanın. Temanız Jetpack Portföyleri’ni desteklemiyorsa, sitenizde görüntülemek için basit bir kısa kod kullanabilirsiniz."],"Testimonials shortcode: [testimonials]":["Görüşler kısa kodu: [görüşler]"],"Add {{testimonialLink}}testimonials{{/testimonialLink}} to your website to attract new customers. If your theme doesn’t support Jetpack Testimonials, you can still use a simple shortcode to display them on your site.":["Web sitenize {{testimonialLink}}görüşler{{/testimonialLink}} ekleyerek yeni müşterilerin dikkatini çekin. Temanız Jetpack Görüşleri’ni desteklemiyorsa, sitenizde görüntülemek için basit bir kısa kod kullanabilirsiniz."],"Search engines can't access your site at the moment. If you'd like to make your site accessible, check your {{a}}Reading settings{{/a}} and switch \"Search Engine Visibility\" on.":["Şu anda arama motorları sitenize erişim sağlayamaz. Sitenizi erişilebilir hale getirmek istiyorsanız, {{a}}Okuma ayarlarınızı{{/a}} kontrol edin ve \"Arama Motoru Görünürlüğü\"nü açın."],"Good news: Jetpack is sending your sitemap automatically to all major search engines for indexing.":["İyi haber: Jetpack site haritanızı otomatik olarak tüm büyük arama motorlarına dizine eklenmesi için gönderiyor."],"Sitemaps are files that search engines like Google or Bing use to index your website. They can help improve your ranking in search results. When you enable this feature, Jetpack will create sitemaps for you and update them automatically when the content on your site changes.":["Site haritaları, Google veya Bing gibi arama motorlarının web sitenizi dizine eklemek için kullandığı dosyalardır. Arama sonuçlarındaki sıralamanızı yükseltmenize yardımcı olabilirler. Bu özelliği etkinleştirdiğinizde, Jetpack sizin için site haritaları oluşturur ve sitenizdeki içerik değiştiğinde bunları otomatik olarak günceller."],"Configure related posts in the Customizer":["Özelleştirici’deki ilgili gönderileri yapılandırın"],"Highlight related content with a heading":["İlgili içeriği bir başlık ile vurgulayın"],"View security scan details":["Güvenlik taraması ayrıntılarını görüntüleyin"],"Show a thumbnail image where available":["Mevcut olduğunda küçük resim göster"],"For more information on how specific Jetpack features use data and track activity, please refer to our {{privacyCenterLink}}Privacy Center{{/privacyCenterLink}}.":["Belirli Jetpack özelliklerinin verileri ve izleme etkinliğini nasıl kullandıkları hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen {{privacyCenterLink}}Gizlilik Merkezimize{{/privacyCenterLink}} bakın."],"We use other tracking tools, including some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them.":["Üçüncü taraflara ait olanlar dahil diğer izleme araçlarını kullanıyoruz. Bunlar ve nasıl kontrol edilecekleri {{cookiePolicyLink}}hakkında bilgi alın{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This information helps us improve our products, make marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, and more as detailed in our {{pp}}privacy policy{{/pp}}.":["Bu bilgiler, ürünlerimizi geliştirmemize, pazarlamayı sizin için daha alakalı hale getirmemize, deneyiminizi kişiselleştirmemize ve ayrıntılı olarak {{pp}}gizlilik politikamızda{{/pp}} belirttiğimiz şekilde daha fazlasına yardımcı olur."],"Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/cookiePolicyLink}}.":[" hesabınızda oturum açmış durumdayken hizmetlerini kullanımınız hakkında bilgileri analiz aracımızla paylaşın. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/cookiePolicyLink}}."],"This feature is being managed by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından yönetiliyor. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been enabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından etkinleştirildi. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.":["%(moduleName)s bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı. {{link}}Daha fazla bilgi edinin{{/link}}."],"This feature has been disabled by a site administrator.":["Bu özellik bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı."],"%(moduleName)s has been disabled by a site administrator.":["%(moduleName)s bir site yöneticisi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı."],"You can place additional ads using the Ad widget. {{link}}Try it out!{{/link}}":["Reklam bileşenini kullanarak ek reklamlar yerleştirebilirsiniz. {{link}}Deneyin!{{/link}}"],"Configure your notification settings":["Bildirim ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.":["Jetpack’in Arama modülü, WordPress'teki arama özelliği için güçlü bir ikamedir."],"Your site’s files are regularly scanned for unauthorized or suspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data.":["Sitenizin dosyaları güvenliğinizi ve verilerinizi tehlikeye düşürebilecek yetkisiz veya şüpheli değiştirmelere karşı düzenli olarak taranır."],"Plugin needs updating.":["Eklentinin güncellenmesi gerekiyor.","Eklentilerin güncellenmesi gerekiyor."],"%(number)s":["%(number)s","%(number)s"],"Jetpack’s Plugin Updates allows you to choose which plugins update automatically.":["Jetpack’in Eklenti Güncellemeleri hangi eklentilerin otomatik olarak güncelleneceğini seçmenizi sağlar."],"Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location nearest to your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost the loading speed of your site.":["Jetpack resimlerinizi optimize eder ve bunları ziyaretçilerinize en yakın sunucu konumundan sunar. Global içerik sağlama ağımızı kullanmak sitenizin yüklenme hızını artıracak."],"Jetpack’s downtime monitor will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.":[""],"Jetpack Backups allow you to easily restore or download a backup from a specific moment.":["Jetpack Yedeklemeleri belirli bir andaki yedeklemeyi kolayca geri yüklemenizi veya indirmenizi sağlar."],"Enables a lightweight, mobile-friendly theme that will be displayed to visitors on mobile devices.":["Mobil cihaz kullanan ziyaretçilere görüntülenecek, hafif ve cep telefonuna uygun bir tema sunar."],"Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.":["Okuyucu sayfanın alt kısmına ulaştığında sonraki gönderiyi otomatik olarak yükler."],"Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address.":["Özel bir adrese e-posta göndererek yeni gönderiler yayınlayabilmenizi sağlar."],"Allows you to compose content with links, lists, and other styles using the Markdown syntax.":["Markdown söz dizimini kullanarak bağlantı, liste ve diğer tarzlarda içerikler oluşturabilmenizi sağlar."],"Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with various services.":["WordPress sitenizi çeşitli hizmetlerle doğrulamak için gerekli gizli etiketleri sunar."],"Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular posts or pages.":["Sitenizde ziyaretçiler, popüler gönderiler veya sayfalar gibi etkinlikler hakkında bilgi görüntüler."],"Allows you to optimize your site and its content for better results in search engines.":["Sitenizi ve içeriklerini arama motorlarında daha iyi sonuçlar almak için iyileştirebilmenizi sağlar."],"Integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics, a platform that offers insights into your traffic, visitors, and conversions.":["WordPress sitenizi trafik, ziyaretçiler ve dönüştürme işlemleriyle ilgili bilgi sunan bir platform olan Google Analytics ile tümleştirir."],"Displays high-quality ads on your site that allow you to earn income.":["Sitenizde, kazanç elde etmenizi sağlayan yüksek kaliteli reklamlar görüntüler."],"Allows you to automatically share your newest content on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter.":["Facebook ve Twitter dâhil sosyal medya sitelerinde en yeni içerikleri otomatik olarak paylaşabilmenizi sağlar."],"Adds like buttons to your content so that visitors can show their appreciation or enjoyment.":["Ziyaretçilerinizin teşekkürlerini veya beğenilerini ifade edebilmeleri için içeriklerinize beğeni düğmeleri ekler."],"Allows registered users to log in to your site with their accounts.":["Kayıtlı kullanıcıların kendi hesaplarıyla sitenizde oturum açabilmesini sağlar."],"Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.":["Sitenizi sıradan ve dağıtılmış deneme yanılma saldırılarına karşı korur."],"Backs up your site to the global servers, allowing you to restore your content in the event of an emergency or error.":["Sitenizi küresel sunucularında yedekleyerek acil durumla karşılaşıldığında veya hata alındığında içeriklerinizi geri yükleyebilmenizi sağlar."],"Removes spam from comments and contact forms.":["Yorum ve iletişim formlarından istenmeyen içerikleri kaldırır."],"We are committed to your privacy and security. ":["Gizliliğiniz ve güvenliğiniz bizim için önemlidir. "],"View all Jetpack plans":["Tüm Jetpack paketlerini görüntüleyin"],"Manage your plan":["Paketinizi yönetme"],"Your Plan":["Paketiniz"],"You’re currently on Jetpack %(plan)s.":["Şu anda Jetpack %(plan)s paketine sahipsiniz."],"Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive notifications of new content by email.":["Okuyucuların gönderilerinize veya yorumlarınıza abone olabilmelerini ve yeni içerikler hakkında e-postayla bildirim almalarını sağlar."],"Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that includes social media login options.":["Standart WordPress yorumlarını, sosyal medyada oturum açma seçenekleri içeren yeni bir yorum sistemiyle değiştirir."],"{{a}}Activate{{/a}} to replace the WordPress built-in search with Jetpack Search, an advanced search experience.":["Yerleşik WordPress aramasını, gelişmiş bir arama deneyimi olan Jetpack Arama modülüyle değiştirmek için bu seçeneği {{a}}etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"Add Search (Jetpack) Widget":["Arama (Jetpack) Bileşeni Ekle"],"Jetpack Search is powering search on your site.":["Jetpack Araması, sitenizdeki arama özelliğini güçlendirir."],"Manage your plugins":["Eklentilerinizi yönetin"],"Moderate comments":["Yorumları yönetin"],"Error updating privacy settings. %(error)s":["Gizlilik ayarları güncellenirken hata oluştu. %(error)s"],"Updated privacy settings.":["Gizlilik ayarları güncellendi."],"Updating privacy settings…":["Gizlilik ayarları güncelleniyor…"],"Add Jetpack Search Widget":["Jetpack Arama Bileşeni Ekle"],"Add the Jetpack Search widget to your sidebar to configure sorting and filters.":["Sıralamayı ve filtreleri yapılandırmak için kenar çubuğunuza Jetpack Arama bileşenini ekleyin."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, unlimited themes, enhanced search, and priority support.":["Tam güvenlik paketi, pazarlama ve gelir otomasyon araçları, sınırsız video barındırma, sınırsız temalar, gelişmiş arama ve öncelikli destek."],"Full security suite, marketing and revenue automation tools, unlimited video hosting, and priority support.":["Tam güvenlik paketi, pazarlama ve gelir otomasyon araçları, sınırsız video barındırma ve öncelikli destek."],"Daily backups, spam filtering, and priority support.":["Günlük yedeklemeler, istenmeyen e-posta filtreleme ve öncelikli destek."],"Always-on security":[""],"Activate video hosting":[""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ve öncelikli destek ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"Design the perfect website":["Mükemmel web sitesini tasarlayın"],"Set up Jetpack":["Jetpack'i Kur"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, and automated security scanning.":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"Jetpack Search":["Jetpack Araması"],"Jetpack version %(version)s":["Jetpack versiyonu %(version)s"],"Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security threats.":["Siteniz gerçek zamanlı olarak yedekleniyor ve güvenlik tehditlerine karşı düzenli olarak taranıyor."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores":["Sınırsız alan ve tek tıkla geri yükleme olanağı ile sitenizin tamamı günlük olarak yedeklenir."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support":["Sınırsız alan, tek tıkla geri yükleme, otomatik güvenlik taramaları ve tek tıkla tehdit çözümleme ile sitenizdeki verilerin tamamı gerçek zamanlı olarak yedeklenir."],"View your security activity":["Güvenlik etkinliğinizi görüntüleyin"]," (powered by VaultPress).":[" (VaultPress tarafından desteklenir)."],"Customize Search Widget":["Arama Bileşenini Kişiselleştir"],"Please correct the issue below and try again.":["Lütfen aşağıdaki sorunu çözüp tekrar deneyin.","Lütfen aşağıda listelenen sorunları çözüp tekrar deneyin."],"We are making sure your site stays free of security threats. You will be notified if we find one.":["Sitenizin güvenlik tehditlerine karşı güvende kalmasını sağlıyoruz. Bir tane bulursak bilgilendirileceksiniz."],"Jetpack version":["Jetpack versiyonu"],"Activity":["Etkinlik"],"{{a}}View details{{/a}}":["{{a}}Detayları görüntüle{{/a}}"],"Monetize your site with ads":["Reklamlarla sitenizden para kazanın"],"By clicking the button below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and to {{shareDetailsLink}}share details{{/shareDetailsLink}} with":["Sitenizi bağlayarak {{tosLink}}hizmet koşullarımızı{{/tosLink}} ve ile {{shareDetailsLink}}bilgi paylaşımını{{/shareDetailsLink}} kabul etmiş olursunuz."],"Jetpack Stats People":["Jetpack Kişi İstatistikleri"],"Hello there! Your stats have been activated.":["Merhaba! İstatistikleriniz etkinleştirildi."],"Just give us a little time to collect data so we can display it for you here.":["Verilerinizi görüntüleyebilmek için topluyoruz, lütfen kısa bir süre bekleyin."],"Okay, got it!":["Tamam, anladım!"],"Display ads below posts on":["Şuradaki gönderilerin altında reklam görüntüle:"],"Additional ad placements":["Ek reklam yerleştirmeleri"],"Top of each page":["Her sayfanın başı"],"Second ad below post":["Gönderilerin altında ikinci reklam"],"Archives":["Arşivler"],"Stars":["Yıldızlar"],"Jupiter":["Jüpiter"],"Schedule posts":[""],"Activate Publicize":["Duyuru’yu Etkinleştirme"],"Your site is backed up.":["Siteniz yedeklendi."],"Image Performance":["Görüntü Performansı"],"Get WordPress Apps for every device":["Her cihaz için WordPress Uygulamalarını edinin."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, moderate comments, and so much more from anywhere in the world.":["Tüm sitelerinizi tek bir panodan yönetin: Dünyanın her yerinden içerik yayımlayın, istatistikleri izleyin, yorumları yönetin ve çok daha fazlasını yapın."],"Create address":["Adres oluştur"],"Priority support":["Öncelik desteği"],"Automatically share your posts to social networks":["YAzılarınızı otomatik olarak sosyal ağlarda paylaşın"],"Updating settings…":["Ayarlar güncelleniyor…"],"Updating Post by Email address…":["Gönderi E-posta adresi ile güncelleniyor..."],"Your paid plan gives you access to prioritized Jetpack support.":["Ücretli paketiniz size, öncelik verilmiş Jetpack destek erişimi sağlıyor."],"You have paid for backups but they're not yet active.":["Yedeklemeler için ödeme yaptınız ancak henüz etkin değiller."],"You have paid for backups and security scanning but they’re not yet active.":["Yedekleme ve güvenlik taraması için ödeme yaptınız ancak henüz etkin değiller."],"Click \"Set Up\" to finish installation.":["Yüklemeyi tamamlamak için \"Ayarla\" düğmesine tıklayın."],"Checking site status…":["Site durumu kontrol ediliyor…"],"Pages":["Sayfalar"],"Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.":["Sitenizde bulunan eksiksiz Jetpack modül listesine erişin."],"We're here to help":["Size yardım etmek için buradayız"],"Jetpack comes with free, basic support for all users.":["Jetpack tüm kullanıcılar için ücretsiz, temel bir destek ile gelir."],"Ask a question":["Soru sorun"],"Search our support site":["Destek sitemizde arama yapın"],"Get a faster resolution to your support questions.":["Destek ile ilgili sorularınıza daha hızlı çözüm alın."],"Host fast, high-quality, ad-free video.":["Hızlı, yüksek kaliteli, reklamsız video barındırın."],"Generate income with high-quality ads.":["Yüksek kaliteli reklamlarla gelir elde edin."],"Real-time site backups and automatic threat resolution.":["Gerçek zamanlı site yedeklemeleri ve otomatik tehdit çözümleme."],"Protect against data loss, malware, and malicious attacks.":["Veri kaybına, zararlı yazılımlara ve kötü amaçlı saldırılara karşı korunun."],"Help your content get found and shared with SEO tools.":["İçeriğinizin SEO araçlarıyla bulunmasına ve paylaşılmasına yardımcı olun."],"Protect your site from spam.":["Sitenizi istenmeyen içeriklerden koruyun."],"This site is not connected to Please ask the site administrator to connect.":["Bu site'a bağlı değil. Lütfen bağlaması için site yöneticisine bildirin."],"Spam filtering":["İstenmeyen içerik filtreleme"],"Daily, automated malware scanning":["Günlük, otomatik zararlı yazılım taraması"],"Daily, automated backups (unlimited storage)":["Günlük, otomatik yedeklemeler (sınırsız depolama alanı)"],"Daily, automated malware scanning with automated resolution":["Otomatik çözümleme ile günlük, otomatik zararlı yazılım tarama"],"Unlimited, high-speed video hosting":[""],"SEO preview tools":["SEO ön izleme araçları"],"Site stats, related content, and sharing tools":["Site istatistikleri, ilgili içerik ve paylaşım araçları"],"Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring":["Deneme yanılma saldırılarına karşı koruma ve çalışma süresi izleme"],"Unlimited, high-speed image hosting":["Sınırsız, yüksek hızlı görsel barındırma"],"By disconnecting %(siteName)s from you will no longer have access to the following:":["%(siteName)s sitesinin ile olan bağlantısını kestiğinizde artık aşağıdakilere erişiminiz olmaz:"],"Read more about Jetpack benefits":["Jetpack avantajları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin"],"An Automattic Airline":["Bir Automattic Hava Yolu"],"Manage site connection":["Site bağlantısını yönet"],"Connect your account to to view more stats":["Daha fazla istatistik görüntülemek için hesabınızı'a bağlayın"],"Theme enhancements":["Tema güçlendirmeleri"],"Load more posts using the default theme behavior":["Varsayılan tema davranışını kullanarak daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Load more posts in page with a button":["Tek bir düğmeyle sayfaya daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Load more posts as the reader scrolls down":["Okuyucu sayfayı aşağı kaydırırken daha fazla gönderi yükleyin"],"Theme support required.":["Tema desteği gereklidir."],"Learn more about adding support for Infinite Scroll to your theme.":["Temanıza Sınırsız Kaydırma desteği ekleme hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin."],"Use excerpts instead of full posts on front page and archive pages":["Ana sayfa ve arşiv sayfalarında tam gönderiler yerine özetler gösterin"],"Show featured images":["Öne çıkan görselleri göster"],"Enable the toolbar":[" araç çubuğunu etkinleştirin"],"Writing tools available to you will be shown here when an administrator enables them.":["Yönetici etkinleştirdiğinde kullanabileceğiniz yazma araçları burada gösterilecektir."],"Portfolios":["Portföyler"],"Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the HTML Tag code below. Read the {{support}}full instructions{{/support}} if you are having trouble. Supported verification services: {{google}}Google Search Console{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/pinterest}}, and {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}.":["Unutmayın; sitenizin arama motorları tarafından indekslenmesi için {{b}}sitenizi bu hizmetlerle doğrulamanız gerekli değildir{{/b}}. Bu gelişmiş arama motoru araçlarını kullanmak ve sitenizi bir hizmetle doğrulamak için aşağıdaki HTML Etiket kodunu yapıştırın. Sorunla karşılaşırsanız {{support}}ayrıntılı yönergeleri{{/support}} okuyun. Desteklenen doğrulama hizmetleri: {{google}}Google Arama Konsolu{{/google}}, {{bing}}Bing Webmaster Merkezi{{/bing}}, {{pinterest}}Pinterest Site Doğrulama{{/pinterest}} ve {{yandex}}Yandex.Webmaster{{/yandex}}."],"Bing":["Bing"],"Yandex":["Yandex"],"Generate XML sitemaps":["XML site haritalarını oluştur"],"The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden.":["Görsel, istatistiklerin toplanmasına yardımcı olur ama gizlenmiş olsa bile çalışması gerekir."],"Count logged in page views from":["Oturum açmış şu grubun sayfa görüntülemelerini sayın:"],"Allow stats reports to be viewed by":["Şu grubun istatistik raporlarını görüntülemesine izin verin:"],"You can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}.":["Daha gelişmiş bir denetim istiyorsanız ayarları değiştirebilirsiniz. {{a}}Sitenizin SEO'sunu optimize etmek{{/a}} için yapabilecekleriniz hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin."],"Configure your SEO settings":["SEO ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"In \"Upgrade\"":["\"Yükseltme\" içinde"],"Configure your Google Analytics settings":["Google Analytics ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"Show ads on the first article on your home page or at the end of every page and post. Place additional ads at the top of your site and to any widget area to increase your earnings.":["Reklamları ana sayfanızdaki ilk makalede veya her sayfa ve gönderinin sonunda görüntüleyin. Gelirlerinizi artırmak için ek reklamları sitenizin üst kısmına veya herhangi bir bileşen alanına yerleştirin."],"Enable ads and display an ad below each post":["Reklamları etkinleştirin ve her yazı altında bir reklam görüntüleyin"],"Configure your sharing buttons":["Paylaşım düğmelerinizi yapılandırın"],"Connect your social media accounts":["Sosyal medya hesaplarınızı bağlayın"],"Match accounts using email addresses":["E-posta adreslerini kullanarak hesapları eşleştir"],"Require accounts to use Two-Step Authentication":["Hesapların iki adımlı kimlik doğrulama kullanmasını zorunlu tut"],"Add to whitelist":["Güvenilir adresler listesine ekle"],"You may whitelist an IP address or series of addresses preventing them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":["Jetpack tarafından daima engellenmelerini önleyen bir IP adresini veya bir dizi adresi güvenilir adresler listesine ekleyebilirsiniz. IPv4 ve IPv6 kabul edilebilir niteliktedir. Bir aralık belirtmek için aralarına tire ekleyerek düşük ve yüksek değerleri girin. 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Sayfa yenileniyor…"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} (some features are disabled) because: {{reasons/}}":["Şu anda {{a}}Geliştirme Modu{{/a}}‘nda (bazı özellikler devre dışı) çünkü: {{reasons/}}"],"{{li}}The jetpack_development_mode filter is active{{/li}}":["{{li}}jetpack_development_mode filtresi etkin{{/li}}"],"{{li}}The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined{{/li}}":["{{li}}JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG sabiti tanımlı{{/li}}"],"{{li}}Your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost){{/li}}":["{{li}}Sitenizin URL’sinde bir nokta eksik (ör. http://localhost){{/li}}"],"Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.":["Google Analytics, {{a}}yerleşik istatistiklerimizi{{/a}} trafiğinize ilişkin farklı görüşlerle tamamlayan ücretsiz bir hizmettir. istatistikleri ve Google Analytics, sitenizdeki etkinlikleri tanımlamak ve izlemek için farklı yöntemler kullanır. 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Bununla birlikte reklamları sitenizin üstüne ve herhangi bir bileşen alanına ekleyerek gelirinizi artırabilirsiniz!"],"Display an ad unit at the top of your site.":["Sitenizin üst kısmında bir reklam birimi gösterin."],"By activating ads, you agree to the Automattic Ads {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.":["Reklamları etkinleştirerek Otomatik Reklam {{link}}Hizmet Şartlarını{{/link}} kabul etmiş olursunuz."],"Your server is misconfigured, which means that Jetpack Protect is unable to effectively protect your site.":["Sunucunuz yanlış yapılandırılmış, bu nedenle Jetpack Protect sitenizi etkin bir şekilde koruyamıyor."],"In \"Mobile\"":["\"Mobil\" içinde"],"{{link}}Configure your Monitor notification settings on{{/link}}":["'da İzleme bildirim ayarlarınızı yapılandırın"],"View your earnings":["Kazancınızı görüntüleyin"],"Configure site SEO":[""],"Activate SEO tools":[""],"To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!":["Başlamak için gönderi düzenleyicinizde Medya Ekle’ye tıklayıp karşıya bir video yükleyin; gerisini biz hallederiz!"],"Video Hosting":["Video Barındırma"],"SEO Tools":["SEO Araçları"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":["İlgili içeriği arayan kişilerin sitenizi bulmasına yardımcı olacak gelişmiş SEO araçları."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":["Sitenize reklam ve marka içermeyen videolar yüklemenin en kolay yolu. Video oynatma ve video paylaşımları ile ilgili istatistikler alırsınız. Ayrıca oynatıcı hafif ve hızlıdır."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":["Jetpack’i prova sunucusu üzerinde çalıştırıyorsunuz."],"More Info":["Daha Fazla Bilgi"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":["{{a}}Paylaşım Modülü Ayarları’ndan Beğeni görünürlüğünü yönetin{{/a}}"],"Your current IP: %(ip)s":["Geçerli IP adresiniz: %(ip)s"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":["Bu sekmede kaydedilmemiş ayarlar var ve ayrılmanız durumunda bu ayarlar kaybolacak. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":["Bunu yaptığınızda tüm Jetpack seçenekleri sıfırlanacak; emin misiniz?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":["Jetpack özelliği arayın."],"Configure your Security Scans":["Güvenlik Taramalarınızı Yapılandırın"],"Subscriber":["Abone"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":["Büyük iPhone/iPad Güncellemesi İndirilmeye Hazır"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":["Android için WordPress Uygulaması Büyük Bir Görsel Gelişim Yaşadı"]," Likes are:":[" Beğenileri:"],"A few catchy words to motivate your visitors to comment.":[""],"Hide the stats smiley face image":["İstatistik yüz ifadesi görselini gizleyin"],"Whitelisted IP addresses":["Güvenilir adresler listesindeki IP adresleri"],"Show an ad for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":["Mobil temanın alt bilgi kısmında WordPress mobil uygulamaları için bir tanıtım gösterin"],"Copied!":["Kopyalandı!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":["Aşağıdaki metni vurgulayıp panonuza kopyalayın:"],"Regenerate address":["Adresi yeniden oluşturun"],"Cheatin' uh?":["Hile mi yapıyorsunuz?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":["{{p}}Bu {{a}}2 soruluk anketi{{/a}} yanıtlayarak Jetpack bağlantısını neden tamamlamadığınızı açıklayabilir misiniz?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack bağlantısı, ücretsiz güvenlik ve trafik özelliklerimizin çalışabilmesi için gereklidir.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":["{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} dünyasına hoş geldiniz!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":["Jetpack'iniz zaten bağlı."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":["Her şey tamam, harekete hazırsınız. Jetpack artık etkin."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":["Her şey tamam, harekete hazırsınız."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":["Şu anda Jetpack’in geliştirme sürümünü çalıştırıyorsunuz."],"Submit Beta feedback":["Beta geri bildirimi gönder"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":["Jetpack Panonuzda neler görmek istersiniz?"],"Let us know!":["Bize haber verin!"],"Saving…":["Kaydediliyor…"],"Save Settings":["Ayarları Kaydet"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":["Jetpack İstatistikleri Simgesi"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":["Ayrıntılı istatistikler, beğeniler, takipçiler, aboneler ve daha fazlasını görmek için {{a}}Site İstatistiklerini Etkinleştirin{{/a}}! {{a1}}Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":["Site İstatistiklerini Etkinleştir"],"Site Backups":["Site Yedeklemeleri"],"Upgrade":["Yükselt"],"ACTIVE":["ETKİN"],"View your spam stats":["İstenmeyen posta istatistiklerinizi görüntüleyin"],"View your security dashboard":["Güvenlik panonuzu görüntüleyin"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":["Site, Geliştirme Modu’nda, bu nedenle’a bağlanamazsınız."],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":["Jetpack’ten maksimum verim alabilmek için hesabınızı’a bağlayın."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":["Güvenlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsamlı olarak taranması için lütfen VaultPress’i {{a}}yükleyip etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":["Jetpack etkin olarak kötü amaçlı oturum açma denemelerini engelliyor. Yakında burada veriler görüntülenecek!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":["Kötü amaçlı saldırı sitenizde engellendi."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious sign in attempts.":["Sitenizi kötü amaçlı oturum açma denemelerine karşı korumak için {{a}}Protect’i etkinleştirin{{/a}}."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":["Tüm eklentiler güncel. Harika bir iş!"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":["Jetpack görüntü hızınızı iyileştirip optimize ediyor."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":["Jetpack sitenizi izliyor. 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Please try again later.":[" şu anda sorun yaşıyor ve Jetpack'inizi destekleyemiyor. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":["{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu site ile arasında bağlantı kurmak mümkün değil. 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@@ -2,429 +2,429 @@
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+ 149 => '_inc/build/admin.js',
+ 150 => '_inc/build/twitter-timeline.min.js',
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+ 155 => '_inc/build/postmessage.min.js',
+ 156 => '_inc/build/widget-visibility/widget-conditions/widget-conditions.min.js',
+ 157 => '_inc/build/facebook-embed.min.js',
+ 158 => '_inc/build/static.js',
+ 159 => '_inc/build/widgets/simple-payments/customizer.min.js',
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+ 162 => '_inc/build/widgets/eu-cookie-law/eu-cookie-law-admin.min.js',
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+ 164 => '_inc/build/widgets/gallery/js/admin.min.js',
+ 165 => '_inc/build/widgets/milestone/milestone.min.js',
+ 166 => '_inc/build/widgets/milestone/admin.min.js',
+ 167 => '_inc/build/widgets/search/js/search-widget.min.js',
+ 168 => '_inc/build/widgets/search/js/search-widget-admin.min.js',
+ 169 => '_inc/build/widgets/customizer-utils.min.js',
+ 170 => '_inc/build/widgets/contact-info/contact-info-admin.min.js',
+ 171 => '_inc/build/widgets/twitter-timeline-admin.min.js',
+ 172 => '_inc/build/widgets/google-translate/google-translate.min.js',
+ 173 => '_inc/build/lazy-images/js/lazy-images.min.js',
+ 174 => '_inc/jetpack-admin.js',
+ 175 => '_inc/jetpack-connection-banner.js',
+ 176 => '_inc/postmessage.js',
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+ 183 => 'modules/infinite-scroll/themes/twentyfifteen.css',
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+ 185 => 'modules/infinite-scroll/themes/twentyseventeen.css',
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+ 188 => 'modules/infinite-scroll/themes/twentyfifteen-rtl.css',
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+ 196 => 'modules/videopress/css/editor-rtl.min.css',
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+ 213 => 'modules/masterbar/tracks-events.js',
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+ 215 => 'modules/sharedaddy/sharing.js',
+ 216 => 'modules/sharedaddy/sharing.css',
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+ 220 => 'modules/sharedaddy/admin-sharing.css',
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+ 280 => 'modules/carousel/jetpack-carousel.css',
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+ 286 => 'modules/shortcodes/css/recipes-rtl.css',
+ 287 => 'modules/shortcodes/css/recipes.min.css',
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+ 289 => 'modules/shortcodes/css/recipes-print.css',
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+ 298 => 'modules/shortcodes/js/recipes-printthis.js',
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+ 395 => 'modules/widgets/social-icons/social-icons-admin.css',
+ 396 => 'modules/widgets/social-icons/social-icons.css',
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+ 403 => 'modules/widgets/gallery/css/admin-rtl.css',
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+ 414 => 'modules/widgets/search/js/search-widget-admin.js',
+ 415 => 'modules/widgets/search/js/search-widget.js',
+ 416 => 'modules/widgets/contact-info/contact-info-admin.js',
+ 417 => 'modules/widgets/contact-info/contact-info-map.css',
+ 418 => 'modules/widgets/image-widget/style.css',
+ 419 => 'modules/widgets/customizer-controls.css',
+ 420 => 'modules/widgets/google-translate/google-translate.js',
+ 421 => 'modules/widgets/wordpress-post-widget/style.css',
+ 422 => 'modules/widgets/gravatar-profile.css',
+ 423 => 'modules/lazy-images/js/lazy-images.js',
+ 424 => 'modules/wpgroho.js',
readme.txt CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  === Jetpack by ===
  Contributors: automattic, adamkheckler, aduth, akirk, allendav, alternatekev, andy, annezazu, apeatling, azaozz, batmoo, barry, beaulebens, blobaugh, cainm, cena, cfinke, chaselivingston, chellycat, clickysteve, csonnek, danielbachhuber, davoraltman, daniloercoli, designsimply, dllh, drawmyface, dsmart, dzver, ebinnion, eliorivero, enej, eoigal, erania-pinnera, ethitter, gcorne, georgestephanis, gibrown, goldsounds, hew, hugobaeta, hypertextranch, iammattthomas, iandunn, jblz, jasmussen, jeffgolenski, jeherve, jenhooks, jenia, jessefriedman, jgs, jkudish, jmdodd, joanrho, johnjamesjacoby, jshreve, keoshi, koke, kraftbj, lancewillett, lschuyler, macmanx, martinremy, matt, matveb, mattwiebe, maverick3x6, mcsf, mdawaffe, MichaelArestad, migueluy, mikeyarce, mkaz, nancythanki, nickmomrik, obenland, oskosk, pento, professor44, rachelsquirrel, rdcoll, ryancowles, richardmuscat, richardmtl, roccotripaldi, samhotchkiss, scarstocea, sdquirk, stephdau, tmoorewp, tyxla, Viper007Bond, westi, yoavf, zinigor
  Tags: Jetpack,, backup, security, related posts, CDN, speed, anti-spam, social sharing, SEO, video, stats
- Stable tag: 7.5
  Requires at least: 5.1
  Requires PHP: 5.6
  Tested up to: 5.2
@@ -96,6 +96,25 @@ There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. [Learn more
  == Changelog ==
  = 7.5 =
  * Release date: July 2, 2019
  === Jetpack by ===
  Contributors: automattic, adamkheckler, aduth, akirk, allendav, alternatekev, andy, annezazu, apeatling, azaozz, batmoo, barry, beaulebens, blobaugh, cainm, cena, cfinke, chaselivingston, chellycat, clickysteve, csonnek, danielbachhuber, davoraltman, daniloercoli, designsimply, dllh, drawmyface, dsmart, dzver, ebinnion, eliorivero, enej, eoigal, erania-pinnera, ethitter, gcorne, georgestephanis, gibrown, goldsounds, hew, hugobaeta, hypertextranch, iammattthomas, iandunn, jblz, jasmussen, jeffgolenski, jeherve, jenhooks, jenia, jessefriedman, jgs, jkudish, jmdodd, joanrho, johnjamesjacoby, jshreve, keoshi, koke, kraftbj, lancewillett, lschuyler, macmanx, martinremy, matt, matveb, mattwiebe, maverick3x6, mcsf, mdawaffe, MichaelArestad, migueluy, mikeyarce, mkaz, nancythanki, nickmomrik, obenland, oskosk, pento, professor44, rachelsquirrel, rdcoll, ryancowles, richardmuscat, richardmtl, roccotripaldi, samhotchkiss, scarstocea, sdquirk, stephdau, tmoorewp, tyxla, Viper007Bond, westi, yoavf, zinigor
  Tags: Jetpack,, backup, security, related posts, CDN, speed, anti-spam, social sharing, SEO, video, stats
+ Stable tag: 7.5.2
  Requires at least: 5.1
  Requires PHP: 5.6
  Tested up to: 5.2
  == Changelog ==
+ = 7.5.2 =
+ * Release date: July 4, 2019
+ * Release post:
+ **Bug fixes**
+ * General: Fixes an error when a site's connection to is set to "Safe Mode".
+ = 7.5.1 =
+ * Release date: July 2, 2019
+ * Release post:
+ **Bug fixes**
+ * General: Fixes an error when trying to delete the Jetpack plugin.
+ * General: Fixes supported PHP version declaration.
  = 7.5 =
  * Release date: July 2, 2019
uninstall.php CHANGED
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ if ( ! defined( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) {
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
  // Delete all legacy options
  define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
+ require JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'vendor/autoload_packages.php';
  // Delete all legacy options
vendor/autoload.php CHANGED
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
  require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php';
- return ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::getLoader();
  require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php';
+ return ComposerAutoloaderInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::getLoader();
vendor/autoload_packages.php CHANGED
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if ( ! function_exists( __NAMESPACE__ . '\autoloader' ) ) {
  * Prepare all the classes for autoloading.
- function enqueue_packages_f7157d905c641398c929ae57f6fad52c() {
  $class_map = require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/composer/autoload_classmap_package.php';
  foreach ( $class_map as $class_name => $class_info ) {
  enqueue_package_class( $class_name, $class_info['version'], $class_info['path'] );
@@ -136,4 +136,4 @@ function enqueue_packages_f7157d905c641398c929ae57f6fad52c() {
- enqueue_packages_f7157d905c641398c929ae57f6fad52c();
  * Prepare all the classes for autoloading.
+ function enqueue_packages_7cba2e523e3a7bcb6053f8e430ac42f2() {
  $class_map = require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/composer/autoload_classmap_package.php';
  foreach ( $class_map as $class_name => $class_info ) {
  enqueue_package_class( $class_name, $class_info['version'], $class_info['path'] );
+ enqueue_packages_7cba2e523e3a7bcb6053f8e430ac42f2();
vendor/automattic/jetpack-compat/functions.php CHANGED
@@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
- * TODO: Legacy global scope functions here
- add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'jetpack_compat_require_defined_functions' );
  function jetpack_compat_require_defined_functions() {
  jetpack_require_lib( 'tracks/client' );
+ * Legacy global scope functions.
+ *
+ * @package global-functions
+ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add here, after the condition above, any code that should only run when WordPress is running.
+ // Autoload will load everything even when PHPCS is running and we don't want to run these
+ // in such case because they will fatal, for example, due to 'add_action' being undefined.
+ /**
+ * Load necessary functions.
+ */
  function jetpack_compat_require_defined_functions() {
  jetpack_require_lib( 'tracks/client' );
+ add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'jetpack_compat_require_defined_functions' );
vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Manager.php CHANGED
@@ -606,15 +606,16 @@ class Manager implements Manager_Interface {
  $possible_normal_tokens[] = $stored_blog_token;
- $defined_tokens = Constants::is_defined( 'JETPACK_BLOG_TOKEN' )
- ? explode( ',', Constants::get_constant( 'JETPACK_BLOG_TOKEN' ) )
- : array();
- foreach ( $defined_tokens as $defined_token ) {
- if ( ';' === $defined_token[0] ) {
- $possible_special_tokens[] = $defined_token;
- } else {
- $possible_normal_tokens[] = $defined_token;
  $possible_normal_tokens[] = $stored_blog_token;
+ $defined_tokens_string = Constants::get_constant( 'JETPACK_BLOG_TOKEN' );
+ if ( $defined_tokens_string ) {
+ $defined_tokens = explode( ',', $defined_tokens_string );
+ foreach ( $defined_tokens as $defined_token ) {
+ if ( ';' === $defined_token[0] ) {
+ $possible_special_tokens[] = $defined_token;
+ } else {
+ $possible_normal_tokens[] = $defined_token;
+ }
vendor/composer/LICENSE CHANGED
@@ -1,56 +1,21 @@
- Format:
- Upstream-Name: Composer
- Upstream-Contact: Jordi Boggiano <>
- Source:
- Files: *
- Copyright: 2016, Nils Adermann <>
- 2016, Jordi Boggiano <>
- License: Expat
- Files: src/Composer/Util/TlsHelper.php
- Copyright: 2016, Nils Adermann <>
- 2016, Jordi Boggiano <>
- 2013, Evan Coury <>
- License: Expat and BSD-2-Clause
- License: BSD-2-Clause
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- .
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- .
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- .
- License: Expat
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
- to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- .
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- .
+ Copyright (c) Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
+ to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ copies or substantial portions of the Software.
vendor/composer/autoload_classmap_package.php CHANGED
@@ -6,265 +6,265 @@ $vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__);
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
  return array(
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Options' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Options.php'
- ),
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Plugins' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Plugins.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Callables' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Callables.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Full_Sync' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Full_Sync.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Themes' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Themes.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Posts' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Posts.php'
- ),
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Menus' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Menus.php'
- ),
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Updates' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Updates.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WooCommerce' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WooCommerce.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WP_Super_Cache' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WP_Super_Cache.php'
- ),
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Attachments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Attachments.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Users' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Users.php'
- ),
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Terms' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Terms.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Comments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Comments.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Protect' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Protect.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Network_Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Network_Options.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Stats' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Stats.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Import' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Import.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Module' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Module.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Constants' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Constants.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Meta' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Meta.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Server' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Server.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Sender' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Sender.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Options.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Plugins' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Plugins.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Callables' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Callables.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Full_Sync' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Full_Sync.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Themes' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Themes.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Posts' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Posts.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Menus' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Menus.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Updates' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Updates.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WooCommerce' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WooCommerce.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WP_Super_Cache' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WP_Super_Cache.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Attachments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Attachments.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Users' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Users.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Terms' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Terms.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Comments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Comments.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Protect' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Protect.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Network_Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Network_Options.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Stats' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Stats.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Import' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Import.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Module' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Module.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Constants' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Constants.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Meta' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Meta.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Codec_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Codec_Interface.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Actions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Actions.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Users' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Users.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\JSON_Deflate_Array_Codec' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Json_Deflate_Array_Codec.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Replicastore' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Replicastore.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Queue' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Queue.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Queue_Buffer' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Queue_Buffer.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Settings' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Settings.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Simple_Codec' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Simple_Codec.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Utils' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Utils.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Replicastore_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Replicastore_Interface.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Defaults' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Defaults.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Modules.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Functions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Functions.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Listener' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Listener.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Main' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Main.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Manager' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Manager.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Client' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Client.php'
- ),
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Manager_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Manager_Interface.php'
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\XMLRPC_Connector' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/XMLRPC_Connector.php'
- ),
- 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\REST_Connector' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/REST_Connector.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Autoloader\\AutoloadGenerator' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
@@ -298,38 +298,38 @@ return array(
  'version' => 'dev-branch-7.5',
  'path' => $baseDir . '/src/Tracking.php'
- 'Jetpack_Client' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-client.php'
- 'Jetpack_Sync_Settings' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php'
- 'Jetpack_Sync_Actions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php'
- 'Jetpack_Sync_Modules' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-modules.php'
- 'JetpackTracking' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-tracks.php'
  'Jetpack_Signature' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/legacy/class.jetpack-signature.php'
- 'Jetpack_Tracks_Event' => array(
- 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
- 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-tracking/legacy/class.tracks-event.php'
- ),
  'Jetpack_Tracks_Client' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-tracking/legacy/class.tracks-client.php'
  'Jetpack_Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-options/legacy/class.jetpack-options.php'
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
  return array(
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Network_Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Network_Options.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Import' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Import.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Terms' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Terms.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Themes' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Themes.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Comments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Comments.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WooCommerce' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WooCommerce.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Attachments' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Attachments.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Meta' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Meta.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Plugins' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Plugins.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Full_Sync' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Full_Sync.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Constants' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Constants.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Stats' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Stats.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Menus' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Menus.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Users' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Users.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Module' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Module.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Options.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Updates' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Updates.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WP_Super_Cache' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WP_Super_Cache.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Protect' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Protect.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Callables' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Callables.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Posts' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Posts.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Functions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Functions.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\JSON_Deflate_Array_Codec' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Json_Deflate_Array_Codec.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Replicastore_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Replicastore_Interface.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Actions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Actions.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Server' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Server.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Codec_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Codec_Interface.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Settings' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Settings.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Main' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Main.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Listener' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Listener.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Queue' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Queue.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Users' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Users.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Simple_Codec' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Simple_Codec.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Modules.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Queue_Buffer' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Queue_Buffer.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Utils' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Utils.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Defaults' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Defaults.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Sender' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Sender.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Network_Options' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Network_Options.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Import' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Import.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Terms' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Terms.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Themes' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Themes.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Comments' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Comments.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WooCommerce' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WooCommerce.php'
+ ),
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Attachments' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Attachments.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Meta' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Meta.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Plugins' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Plugins.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Full_Sync' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Full_Sync.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Constants' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Constants.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Stats' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Stats.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Menus' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Menus.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Users' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Users.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Module' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Module.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Options.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Updates' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Updates.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\WP_Super_Cache' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/WP_Super_Cache.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Protect' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Protect.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Callables' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Callables.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Modules\\Posts' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/Posts.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Sync\\Replicastore' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/Replicastore.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\REST_Connector' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/REST_Connector.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\XMLRPC_Connector' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/XMLRPC_Connector.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Manager' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Manager.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Manager_Interface' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Manager_Interface.php'
+ 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Client' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/Client.php'
  'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Autoloader\\AutoloadGenerator' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'version' => 'dev-branch-7.5',
  'path' => $baseDir . '/src/Tracking.php'
+ 'JetpackTracking' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-tracks.php'
+ 'Jetpack_Sync_Modules' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-modules.php'
+ 'Jetpack_Client' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-client.php'
+ 'Jetpack_Sync_Actions' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php'
+ 'Jetpack_Sync_Settings' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/legacy/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php'
  'Jetpack_Signature' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-connection/legacy/class.jetpack-signature.php'
  'Jetpack_Tracks_Client' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-tracking/legacy/class.tracks-client.php'
+ 'Jetpack_Tracks_Event' => array(
+ 'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
+ 'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-tracking/legacy/class.tracks-event.php'
+ ),
  'Jetpack_Options' => array(
  'version' => 'dev-add/jetpack-compat-package',
  'path' => $vendorDir . '/automattic/jetpack-options/legacy/class.jetpack-options.php'
vendor/composer/autoload_real.php CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer
- class ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d
  private static $loader;
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d
  return self::$loader;
- spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
  self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
- spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $useStaticLoader = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 && !defined('HHVM_VERSION') && (!function_exists('zend_loader_file_encoded') || !zend_loader_file_encoded());
  if ($useStaticLoader) {
  require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php';
- call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::getInitializer($loader));
  } else {
  $classMap = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php';
  if ($classMap) {
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d
  if ($useStaticLoader) {
- $includeFiles = Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::$files;
  } else {
  $includeFiles = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php';
  foreach ($includeFiles as $fileIdentifier => $file) {
- composerRequire3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d($fileIdentifier, $file);
  return $loader;
- function composerRequire3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d($fileIdentifier, $file)
  if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) {
  require $file;
  // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer
+ class ComposerAutoloaderInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3
  private static $loader;
  return self::$loader;
+ spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
  self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
+ spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $useStaticLoader = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 && !defined('HHVM_VERSION') && (!function_exists('zend_loader_file_encoded') || !zend_loader_file_encoded());
  if ($useStaticLoader) {
  require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php';
+ call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::getInitializer($loader));
  } else {
  $classMap = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php';
  if ($classMap) {
  if ($useStaticLoader) {
+ $includeFiles = Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::$files;
  } else {
  $includeFiles = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php';
  foreach ($includeFiles as $fileIdentifier => $file) {
+ composerRequire9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3($fileIdentifier, $file);
  return $loader;
+ function composerRequire9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3($fileIdentifier, $file)
  if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) {
  require $file;
vendor/composer/autoload_static.php CHANGED
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  namespace Composer\Autoload;
- class ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d
  public static $files = array (
  '009de6aaa0d497eacea41fab13fc05f1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/functions.php',
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ class ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d
  public static function getInitializer(ClassLoader $loader)
  return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) {
- $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::$prefixLengthsPsr4;
- $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::$prefixDirsPsr4;
- $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit3cc78e6da5a747ac6546e2246c3d9f0d::$classMap;
  }, null, ClassLoader::class);
  namespace Composer\Autoload;
+ class ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3
  public static $files = array (
  '009de6aaa0d497eacea41fab13fc05f1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/automattic/jetpack-compat/functions.php',
  public static function getInitializer(ClassLoader $loader)
  return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) {
+ $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::$prefixLengthsPsr4;
+ $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::$prefixDirsPsr4;
+ $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit9229d124b2aa7dbe9a8188f41c8d2ed3::$classMap;
  }, null, ClassLoader::class);