Loco Translate - Version 2.0.2

Version Description

  • Fixed bug when absolute path used to get plugins
  • Added loco_plugins_data filter
  • Added theme Template Name header extraction
  • Minor copy amends
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Release Info

Developer timwhitlock
Plugin Icon 128x128 Loco Translate
Version 2.0.2
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Code changes from version 2.0.1 to 2.0.2

lib/compiled/gettext.php CHANGED
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  ', $lines); } return trim($comment, '/
  ', $block) as $line) { if (false !== ($i = strpos($line, ':'))) { $key = substr($line, 0, $i); $val = substr($line, ++$i); $header[trim($key, '/*
- ', 'r' => '
  ', $a)); } else { $index = count($this->exp); $this->reg[$key] = $index; $this->exp[] = $entry; if (isset($this->dom[$domain])) { $this->dom[$domain]++; } else { $this->dom[$domain] = 1; } } return $index; } private function push($rule, array $args, $comment = '', $ref = '') { $s = strpos($rule, 's'); $p = strpos($rule, 'p'); $c = strpos($rule, 'c'); $d = strpos($rule, 'd'); foreach ($args as $i => $tokens) { if (1 === count($tokens) && is_array($tokens[0]) && T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING === $tokens[0][0]) { $args[$i] = loco_decapse_php_string($tokens[0][1]); } else { $args[$i] = null; } } if (!isset($args[$s])) { return null; } $key = $msgid = $args[$s]; if (!is_string($msgid)) { return null; } $entry = array('id' => '', 'source' => $msgid, 'target' => ''); if (is_int($c) && isset($args[$c])) { $entry['context'] = $context = $args[$c]; $key .= '