Loco Translate - Version 2.0.6

Version Description

  • PO wrapping bugfix
  • Downgraded source code bugfix
  • Tolerating headerless POT files
  • Core bundle metadata tweaks
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Release Info

Developer timwhitlock
Plugin Icon 128x128 Loco Translate
Version 2.0.6
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Code changes from version 2.0.5 to 2.0.6

lib/compiled/gettext.php CHANGED
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
  ', $entry['#'][':'])) { if ($refs = loco_parse_reference_id($refs, $_id)) { $asset['refs'] = $refs; } if ($_id) { $asset['_id'] = $_id; } } } if (isset($entry['#'][','])) { foreach ($entry['#'][','] as $flag) { if (preg_match('/((?:no-)?\\w+)-format/', $flag, $r)) { $parse_printf = false; if ('no-' === substr($r[1], 0, 3)) { $asset['format'] = false; } else { $asset['format'] = $r[1]; } } else { if ($flag = loco_po_parse_flag($flag)) { $asset['flag'] = $flag; break; } } } } if ($parse_printf) { if ($asset['source'] && loco_sniff_printf($asset['source'])) { $asset['format'] = 'c'; $parse_printf = false; } } $pidx = count($assets); $assets[] = $asset; if (isset($entry['id_plural']) || isset($entry['str'][1])) { $idx = 0; $num = max(2, count($entry['str'])); while (++$idx < $num) { $plural = array('id' => null, 'source' => '', 'target' => isset($entry['str'][$idx]) ? implode('', $entry['str'][$idx]) : '', 'plural' => $idx, 'parent' => $pidx); if (1 === $idx) { $plural['source'] = isset($entry['id_plural'][0]) ? implode('', $entry['id_plural'][0]) : ''; } if ($parse_printf) { if ($plural['source'] && loco_sniff_printf($plural['source'])) { $assets[$pidx]['format'] = 'c'; $parse_printf = false; } } $assets[] = $plural; } } } if (isset($assets[0]) && '' === $assets[0]['source']) { $headers = loco_parse_po_headers($assets[0]['target']); $indexed = $headers['X-Loco-Lookup']; if ($indexed && 'text' !== $indexed) { foreach ($assets as $i => $asset) { if (isset($asset['notes'])) { $notes = $texts = array(); foreach (explode('
  ', $asset['notes']) as $line) { 0 === strpos($line, 'Source text: ') ? $texts[] = substr($line, 13) : ($notes[] = $line); } $assets[$i]['notes'] = implode('
  ', $notes); $assets[$i]['id'] = $asset['source']; $assets[$i]['source'] = implode('
- ', $texts); } } } } return $assets; } function loco_po_parse_flag($text) { static $map; $flag = 0; foreach (explode(',', $text) as $needle) { if ($needle = trim($needle)) { if (!isset($map)) { $map = unserialize('a:1:{i:4;s:8:"#, fuzzy";}'); } foreach ($map as $loco_flag => $haystack) { if (false !== stripos($haystack, $needle)) { $flag = $loco_flag; break 2; } } } } return $flag; } function loco_parse_po_headers($str) { return LocoPoHeaders::fromMsgstr($str); } class LocoMoParser { private $bin; private $be; private $n; private $o; private $t; private $v; private $cs; public function __construct($bin) { $this->bin = $bin; } public function getAt($idx) { $offset = $this->targetOffset(); $offset += $idx * 8; $len = $this->integerAt($offset); $idx = $this->integerAt($offset + 4); $txt = $this->bytes($idx, $len); if (false === strpos($txt, '