Version Description
- August 12, 2014 =
now takes ports and the WP site url option into account - Quicktags buttons were not showing because script was not loaded, now it is.
- Improved CSS reset for the sign-up checkbox
- Added deprecated warning to some functions
- Improvements to third-party forms integration for the sign-up checkbox. Integrating with the Events Manager plugin should work now.
- Updated Dutch translations
- Updated English translations
- Added
action hook to allow hooking into all form errors. - Added
tag to allow setting a custom response position - Added various filters to customize form HTML
- Added German language, thanks to Jochen Gererstorfer
- Added Italian language, thanks to Gianpaolo Rolando
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | DvanKooten |
Plugin | MailChimp for WordPress |
Version | 2.1.1 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 2.1 to 2.1.1
- +1 -1
- assets/css/checkbox.css +6 -4
- assets/css/checkbox.min.css +1 -1
- assets/js/admin.js +7 -6
- assets/js/admin.min.js +1 -1
- assets/sass/checkbox.scss +19 -17
- includes/class-admin.php +5 -5
- includes/class-form-manager.php +77 -57
- includes/class-form-request.php +18 -1
- includes/functions/template.php +24 -13
- includes/integrations/class-general.php +4 -2
- includes/integrations/class-integration.php +2 -2
- includes/views/form-settings.php +10 -0
- includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php +1 -2
- includes/views/parts/admin-need-support.php +6 -7
- includes/views/parts/admin-upgrade-to-pro.php +1 -1
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/mailchimp-for-wp-de_DE.po +1114 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/mailchimp-for-wp-it_IT.po +1314 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/mailchimp-for-wp-nl_NL.po +332 -179
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/mailchimp-for-wp.po +253 -150
- mailchimp-for-wp.php +3 -3
- readme.txt +72 -28
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Support
24 |
This is a developer's portal for the MailChimp for WordPress plugin and should not be used for support. Please visit the
25 |
[plugin support forums on](
26 |
27 |
If you need priority support, please consider upgrading to [MailChimp for WordPress Pro](https://
28 |
29 |
30 |
24 |
This is a developer's portal for the MailChimp for WordPress plugin and should not be used for support. Please visit the
25 |
[plugin support forums on](
26 |
27 |
If you need priority support, please consider upgrading to [MailChimp for WordPress Pro](
28 |
29 |
30 |
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
1 |
/* MailChimp for WP - Checkbox Styles */
2 |
#mc4wp-checkbox {
3 |
clear: both;
4 |
display: block;
5 |
6 |
#mc4wp-checkbox input {
7 |
8 |
margin: 0 6px 0 0;
9 |
padding: 0;
10 |
vertical-align: middle;
11 |
display: inline-block !important;
12 |
max-width: 21px;
13 |
14 |
#mc4wp-checkbox label {
15 |
display: block;
16 |
cursor: pointer;
17 |
width: auto;
1 |
/* MailChimp for WP - Checkbox Styles */
2 |
p#mc4wp-checkbox {
3 |
clear: both;
4 |
display: block;
5 |
position: static;
6 |
width: auto;
7 |
8 |
p#mc4wp-checkbox input {
9 |
position: static;
10 |
margin: 0 6px 0 0;
11 |
padding: 0;
12 |
vertical-align: middle;
13 |
display: inline-block !important;
14 |
max-width: 21px;
15 |
16 |
p#mc4wp-checkbox label {
17 |
display: block;
18 |
cursor: pointer;
19 |
width: auto;
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
#mc4wp-checkbox{clear:both;display:block}#mc4wp-checkbox input{position:
1 |
p#mc4wp-checkbox{clear:both;display:block;position:static;width:auto}p#mc4wp-checkbox input{position:static;margin:0 6px 0 0;padding:0;vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block!important;max-width:21px}p#mc4wp-checkbox label{display:block;cursor:pointer;width:auto;position:static}#registerform #mc4wp-checkbox{margin-bottom:10px}
@@ -45,17 +45,18 @@
45 |
// Add buttons to QTags editor
46 |
(function() {
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_paragraph', '<p>', '<p>', '</p>', '
53 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_label', 'label', '<label>', '</label>', '
54 |
QTags.addButton( '
55 |
if( window.mc4wp.has_captcha_plugin == true ) {
56 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_captcha', 'CAPTCHA', '
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
45 |
// Add buttons to QTags editor
46 |
(function() {
47 |
48 |
if ( typeof(QTags) == 'undefined' ) {
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_paragraph', '<p>', '<p>', '</p>', 'paragraph', 'Paragraph tag', 1 );
53 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_label', 'label', '<label>', '</label>', 'label', 'Label tag', 2 );
54 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_response', 'form response', '{response}', '', 'response', 'Shows the form response' );
55 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_subscriber_count', '# of subscribers', '{subscriber_count}', '', 'subscribers', 'Shows number of subscribers of selected list(s)' );
56 |
57 |
if( window.mc4wp.has_captcha_plugin == true ) {
58 |
QTags.addButton( 'mc4wp_captcha', 'CAPTCHA', '{captcha}', '', 'captcha', 'Display a CAPTCHA field' );
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
!function(a){a(", td :radio").change(function(){this.checked=!1,alert("This option is only available in the premium version of MailChimp for WordPress."),event.stopPropagation()}),a(", label").click(function(){alert("This option is only available in the premium version of MailChimp for WordPress."),event.stopPropagation()}),function(){function b(){var b=$lists.filter(":checked").length>0;a("").toggle(!b),a("#mc4wp-fw-mailchimp-fields").toggle(b)}$lists=a("#mc4wp-lists :input"),$lists.change(b)}(),a(document).delegate("#mc4wpformmarkup","keydown",function(b){var c=b.keyCode||b.which;if(9==c){b.preventDefault();var d=this.selectionStart,e=this.selectionEnd;a(this).val(a(this).val().substring(0,d)+" "+a(this).val().substring(e)),this.selectionStart=this.selectionEnd=d+1}}),function(){
1 |
!function(a){a(", td :radio").change(function(){this.checked=!1,alert("This option is only available in the premium version of MailChimp for WordPress."),event.stopPropagation()}),a(", label").click(function(){alert("This option is only available in the premium version of MailChimp for WordPress."),event.stopPropagation()}),function(){function b(){var b=$lists.filter(":checked").length>0;a("").toggle(!b),a("#mc4wp-fw-mailchimp-fields").toggle(b)}$lists=a("#mc4wp-lists :input"),$lists.change(b)}(),a(document).delegate("#mc4wpformmarkup","keydown",function(b){var c=b.keyCode||b.which;if(9==c){b.preventDefault();var d=this.selectionStart,e=this.selectionEnd;a(this).val(a(this).val().substring(0,d)+" "+a(this).val().substring(e)),this.selectionStart=this.selectionEnd=d+1}}),function(){"undefined"!=typeof QTags&&(QTags.addButton("mc4wp_paragraph","<p>","<p>","</p>","paragraph","Paragraph tag",1),QTags.addButton("mc4wp_label","label","<label>","</label>","label","Label tag",2),QTags.addButton("mc4wp_response","form response","{response}","","response","Shows the form response"),QTags.addButton("mc4wp_subscriber_count","# of subscribers","{subscriber_count}","","subscribers","Shows number of subscribers of selected list(s)"),1==window.mc4wp.has_captcha_plugin&&QTags.addButton("mc4wp_captcha","CAPTCHA","{captcha}","","captcha","Display a CAPTCHA field"))}(),function(){function b(){o.find("option").not(".default").remove(),n.filter(":checked").each(function(){for(var b=a(this).data("list-fields"),c=a(this).data("list-groupings"),d=0,e=b.length;e>d;d++){var f=b[d];if(0==p.find("option[value='"+f.tag+"']").length){var>25?,25)+"..";f.req&&(g+="*");var h=a("<option />").text(g).val(f.tag).data("list-field",f);d>3&&h.text("(PRO ONLY) "+g).attr("disabled","disabled").data("field",null),p.append(h)}}for(var d=0,i=c.length;i>d;d++){var j=c[d];if(0==q.find("option[value='""']").length){var>25?,25)+"..",h=a("<option />").text(g).val("list-grouping",j);d>=1&&h.text("(PRO ONLY) "+g).attr("disabled","disabled").data("list-grouping",null),q.append(h)}}})}function c(){d();var b=a(this).find(":selected");switch(b.val()){case"submit":l="submit",t.text("Button text"),r.find("p.row").filter(".value, .wrap-p").show();break;case"lists":l="lists",r.find(".wrap-p").show(),j();break;default:var"list-field");if(c)return h(c);var"list-grouping");if(c)return f(c)}j()}function d(){r.find(".row :input").each(function(){a(this).is(":checkbox")?this.checked=!0:this.value=""}),r.find("p.row").hide(),u.find(":input").remove(),,l="text",m="",t.html("Initial value <small>(optional)</small>")}function e(b){for(var c=0,d=b.length;d>c;c++)a("<input />").attr("type","text").addClass("widefat").data("value",b[c].name).attr("placeholder",'Label for "'+b[c].name+'" (or leave empty)').attr("value",b[c].name).appendTo(u)}function f(a){switch(r.find("p.row").filter(".values, .label, .wrap-p").show(),v.val(":"),m="GROUPINGS[""]",e(a.groups),a.form_field){case"radio":l="radio";break;case"hidden":r.find("p.row").filter(".values, .label, .wrap-p").hide(),r.find("p.row.value").show();for(var b=0,c=a.groups.length;c>b;b++)s.val(s.val()+a.groups[b].name+",");l="hidden";break;case"dropdown":l="select";break;default:l="checkbox",m+="[]"}j()}function g(){var b="";return n.each(function(){var c=a(this).val(),d=a(this).parent("label").text(),e="";a(this).is(":checked")&&(e+="checked "),b+="<label>\n",b+=' <input type="checkbox" name="_mc4wp_lists[]" value="'+c+'" '+e+" /> "+d+"\n",b+="</label>\n"}),b}function h(b){var c={"default":["label","value","placeholder","required","wrap-p"],select:["label","required","wrap-p","values"],radio:["label","required","wrap-p","values"],date:["label","required","wrap-p","value"]},d={text:"text",email:"email",phone:"tel",address:"text",number:"number",dropdown:"select",date:"date",birthday:"date",radio:"radio",checkbox:"checkbox"};if(l=void 0!=d[b.field_type]?d[b.field_type]:"text",void 0!=c[l])var e=c[l];else var e=c["default"];for(var f=0,g=e.length;g>f;f++)r.find("p.row."+e[f]).show();if(l=l,m=b.tag,w.val("Your ",v.val(":"),x.attr("checked",b.req),":visible")&&b.choices)for(var f=0,g=b.choices.length;g>f;f++)a("<input />").attr("type","text").addClass("widefat").data("value",b.choices[f]).attr("placeholder",'Label for "'+b.choices[f]+'" (or leave empty)').attr("value",b.choices[f]).appendTo(u);j()}function i(a){a=html_beautify(a),z.val(a)}function j(){var b,c=a("<div></div>");switch(l){case"lists":var d=g();return":visible:checked")&&(d="<p>"+d+"</p>"),i(d);case"select":b=a("<select />"),u.find(":input").each(function(){a(this).val().length>0&&($el=a("<option />").val(a(this).data("value")).text(a(this).val()),$el.appendTo(b))});break;case"radio":case"checkbox":u.find(":input").each(function(){a(this).val().length>0&&(b=a("<input />").attr("type",l).attr("name",m).val(a(this).data("value")),":visible:checked")&&b.attr("required",!0),c.append(b),b.wrap("<label />"),a("<span />").text(a(this).val()+" ").insertAfter(b))});break;case"textarea":b=a("<textarea />");break;default:b=a("<input />").attr("type",l)}"radio"!=l&&"checkbox"!=l&&(m.length>0&&b.attr("name",m),":visible")&&s.val().length>0&&("textarea"==l?b.text(s.val()):b.attr("value",s.val())),":visible")&&w.val().length>0&&b.attr("placeholder",w.val()),":visible:checked")&&b.attr("required",!0),c.append(b)),":visible")&&v.val().length>0&&a("<label />").text(v.val()).prependTo(c),":visible:checked")&&c.wrapInner(a("<p />"));var d=c.html();i(d)}function k(){var b=!1;"undefined"!=typeof wpActiveEditor&&"undefined"!=typeof QTags&&QTags.insertContent&&(b=QTags.insertContent(z.val())),b||($formContent=a("#mc4wpformmarkup"),$formContent.val($formContent.val()+"\n"+z.val()))}var l,m,n=a("#mc4wp-lists :input"),o=a("#mc4wp-fw-mailchimp-fields"),p=a("#mc4wp-fw-mailchimp-fields .merge-fields"),q=a("#mc4wp-fw-mailchimp-fields .groupings"),r=a("#mc4wp-fw-fields"),s=a("#mc4wp-fw-value"),t=a("#mc4wp-fw-value-label"),u=a("#mc4wp-fw-values"),v=a("#mc4wp-fw-label"),w=a("#mc4wp-fw-placeholder"),x=a("#mc4wp-fw-required"),y=a("#mc4wp-fw-wrap-p"),z=a("#mc4wp-fw-preview");n.change(b),o.change(c),r.change(j),a("#mc4wp-fw-add-to-form").click(k),b()}()}(jQuery);
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
1 |
/* MailChimp for WP - Checkbox Styles */
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
position: static;
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
#registerform #mc4wp-checkbox{
26 |
27 |
1 |
/* MailChimp for WP - Checkbox Styles */
2 |
3 |
4 |
clear: both;
5 |
display: block;
6 |
position: static;
7 |
width: auto;
8 |
9 |
input {
10 |
position: static;
11 |
margin: 0 6px 0 0;
12 |
padding: 0;
13 |
vertical-align: middle;
14 |
display: inline-block !important;
15 |
max-width: 21px;
16 |
17 |
18 |
label {
19 |
display: block;
20 |
cursor: pointer;
21 |
width: auto;
22 |
position: static;
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
#registerform #mc4wp-checkbox{
28 |
margin-bottom: 10px;
29 |
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Admin
25 |
26 |
// did the user click on upgrade to pro link?
27 |
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === 'mc4wp-lite-upgrade' && false === headers_sent() ) {
28 |
header("Location: https://
29 |
30 |
31 |
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Admin
127 |
128 |
129 |
$links[] = '<a href="">FAQ</a>';
130 |
$links[] = '<a href="https://
131 |
return $links;
132 |
133 |
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Admin
195 |
196 |
// js
197 |
wp_register_script( 'mc4wp-beautifyhtml', MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/beautify-html'. $suffix .'.js', array( 'jquery' ), MC4WP_LITE_VERSION, true );
198 |
wp_register_script( 'mc4wp-admin', MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/admin' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), MC4WP_LITE_VERSION, true );
199 |
wp_enqueue_script( array( 'jquery', 'mc4wp-beautifyhtml', 'mc4wp-admin' ) );
200 |
wp_localize_script( 'mc4wp-admin', 'mc4wp',
201 |
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Admin
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
// search for field tag in form mark-up
329 |
$search = stristr( $opts['markup'], 'name="'. $merge_var->tag
330 |
if( false === $search ) {
331 |
$missing_form_fields[] = sprintf( __( 'A \'%s\' field', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ), $merge_var->tag );
332 |
25 |
26 |
// did the user click on upgrade to pro link?
27 |
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === 'mc4wp-lite-upgrade' && false === headers_sent() ) {
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
$links[] = '<a href="">FAQ</a>';
130 |
$links[] = '<a href="">' . __( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ) . '</a>';
131 |
return $links;
132 |
133 |
195 |
196 |
// js
197 |
wp_register_script( 'mc4wp-beautifyhtml', MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/beautify-html'. $suffix .'.js', array( 'jquery' ), MC4WP_LITE_VERSION, true );
198 |
wp_register_script( 'mc4wp-admin', MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/admin' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'quicktags' ), MC4WP_LITE_VERSION, true );
199 |
wp_enqueue_script( array( 'jquery', 'mc4wp-beautifyhtml', 'mc4wp-admin' ) );
200 |
wp_localize_script( 'mc4wp-admin', 'mc4wp',
201 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
// search for field tag in form mark-up using 'name="FIELD_NAME' without closing " because of array fields
329 |
$search = stristr( $opts['markup'], 'name="'. $merge_var->tag );
330 |
if( false === $search ) {
331 |
$missing_form_fields[] = sprintf( __( 'A \'%s\' field', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ), $merge_var->tag );
332 |
@@ -127,26 +127,17 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Manager {
127 |
128 |
public function form( $atts = array(), $content = '' ) {
129 |
130 |
$opts = mc4wp_get_options('form');
131 |
132 |
// was this form submitted?
133 |
$was_submitted = ( is_object( $this->form_request ) && $this->form_request->get_form_instance_number() === $this->form_instance_number );
134 |
135 |
// enqueue scripts (in footer) if form was submitted
136 |
if( $was_submitted ) {
137 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'mc4wp-form-request' );
138 |
wp_localize_script( 'mc4wp-form-request', 'mc4wpFormRequestData', array(
139 |
'success' => ( $this->form_request->is_successful() ) ? 1 : 0,
140 |
'submittedFormId' => $this->form_request->get_form_instance_number(),
141 |
'postData' => stripslashes_deep( $_POST )
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'mc4wp_replace_variables' ) ) {
147 |
include_once MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/functions/template.php';
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
* @filter mc4wp_form_action
152 |
* @expects string
@@ -155,69 +146,96 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Manager {
155 |
156 |
$form_action = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_action', mc4wp_get_current_url() );
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
* Can be used to change the position of the form success & error messages.
163 |
* Valid options are 'before' or 'after'
164 |
165 |
$message_position = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_message_position', 'after' );
166 |
167 |
// Start building content string
168 |
$content = "\n<!-- Form by MailChimp for WordPress plugin v". MC4WP_LITE_VERSION ." - -->\n";
169 |
$content .= '<form method="post" action="'. $form_action .'" id="mc4wp-form-'.$this->form_instance_number.'" class="'. $this->get_css_classes() .'">';
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
// do not add form fields if form was submitted and hide_after_success is enabled
177 |
if( ! ( $opts['hide_after_success'] && $was_submitted && $this->form_request->is_successful() ) ) {
178 |
179 |
// add form fields from settings
180 |
181 |
182 |
// replace special values
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
// insert captcha
187 |
if( function_exists( 'cptch_display_captcha_custom' ) ) {
188 |
$captcha_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_has_captcha" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="cntctfrm_contact_action" value="true" />' . cptch_display_captcha_custom();
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
// allow plugins to add form fieldsq
193 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_before_form_fields', 0 );
194 |
195 |
196 |
* @filter mc4wp_form_content
197 |
* @param
198 |
* @expects
199 |
200 |
* Can be used to customize the content of the form mark-up, eg adding additional fields.
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
// allow plugins to add form fields
205 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_after_form_fields', 0 );
206 |
207 |
// hidden fields
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
// increase form instance number in case there is more than one form on a page
223 |
@@ -228,7 +246,8 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Manager {
228 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'mc4wp-placeholders' );
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
@@ -285,6 +304,7 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Manager {
285 |
* ...
286 |
* );
287 |
288 |
* @return array
289 |
290 |
public function get_form_messages( $form_id = 0 ) {
127 |
128 |
public function form( $atts = array(), $content = '' ) {
129 |
130 |
// make sure template functions are loaded
131 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'mc4wp_replace_variables' ) ) {
132 |
include_once MC4WP_LITE_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/functions/template.php';
133 |
134 |
135 |
// Get form options
136 |
$opts = mc4wp_get_options('form');
137 |
138 |
// was this form submitted?
139 |
$was_submitted = ( is_object( $this->form_request ) && $this->form_request->get_form_instance_number() === $this->form_instance_number );
140 |
141 |
142 |
* @filter mc4wp_form_action
143 |
* @expects string
146 |
147 |
$form_action = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_action', mc4wp_get_current_url() );
148 |
149 |
// Generate opening HTML
150 |
$opening_html = "<!-- Form by MailChimp for WordPress plugin v". MC4WP_LITE_VERSION ." - -->";
151 |
$opening_html .= '<form method="post" action="'. $form_action .'" id="mc4wp-form-'.$this->form_instance_number.'" class="'. $this->get_css_classes() .'">';
152 |
153 |
// Generate before & after fields HTML
154 |
$before_fields = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_before_fields', '' );
155 |
$after_fields = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_after_fields', '' );
156 |
157 |
// Process fields, if not submitted or not successfull or hide_after_success disabled
158 |
if( ! $was_submitted || ! $opts['hide_after_success'] || ! $this->form_request->is_successful() ) {
159 |
// add form fields from settings
160 |
$visible_fields = __( $opts['markup'] );
161 |
162 |
// replace special values
163 |
$visible_fields = str_ireplace( array( '%N%', '{n}' ), $this->form_instance_number, $visible_fields );
164 |
$visible_fields = mc4wp_replace_variables( $visible_fields, array_values( $opts['lists'] ) );
165 |
166 |
// insert captcha
167 |
if( function_exists( 'cptch_display_captcha_custom' ) ) {
168 |
$captcha_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_has_captcha" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="cntctfrm_contact_action" value="true" />' . cptch_display_captcha_custom();
169 |
$visible_fields = str_ireplace( array( '{captcha}', '[captcha]' ), $captcha_fields, $visible_fields );
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
* @filter mc4wp_form_content
174 |
* @param int $form_id The ID of the form that is being shown
175 |
* @expects string
176 |
177 |
* Can be used to customize the content of the form mark-up, eg adding additional fields.
178 |
179 |
$visible_fields = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_content', $visible_fields );
180 |
181 |
// hidden fields
182 |
$hidden_fields = '<textarea name="_mc4wp_required_but_not_really" style="display: none !important;"></textarea>';
183 |
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_form_submit" value="1" />';
184 |
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_form_instance" value="'. $this->form_instance_number .'" />';
185 |
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_form_nonce" value="'. wp_create_nonce( '_mc4wp_form_nonce' ) .'" />';
186 |
} else {
187 |
$visible_fields = '';
188 |
$hidden_fields = '';
189 |
190 |
191 |
// empty string for response
192 |
$response_html = '';
193 |
194 |
if( $was_submitted ) {
195 |
196 |
// Enqueue script (only after submit)
197 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'mc4wp-form-request' );
198 |
wp_localize_script( 'mc4wp-form-request', 'mc4wpFormRequestData', array(
199 |
'success' => ( $this->form_request->is_successful() ) ? 1 : 0,
200 |
'submittedFormId' => $this->form_request->get_form_instance_number(),
201 |
'postData' => stripslashes_deep( $_POST )
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
// get actual response html
206 |
$response_html = $this->get_form_message_html();
207 |
208 |
// add form response after or before fields if no {response} tag
209 |
if( stristr( $visible_fields, '{response}' ) === false ) {
210 |
211 |
212 |
* @filter mc4wp_form_message_position
213 |
* @expects string before|after
214 |
215 |
* Can be used to change the position of the form success & error messages.
216 |
* Valid options are 'before' or 'after'
217 |
218 |
$message_position = apply_filters( 'mc4wp_form_message_position', 'after' );
219 |
220 |
switch( $message_position ) {
221 |
case 'before':
222 |
$before_fields = $before_fields . $response_html;
223 |
224 |
225 |
case 'after':
226 |
$after_fields = $response_html . $after_fields;
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
// Always replace {response} tag, either with empty string or actual response
234 |
$visible_fields = str_ireplace( '{response}', $response_html, $visible_fields );
235 |
236 |
// Generate closing HTML
237 |
$closing_html = "</form>";
238 |
$closing_html .= "<!-- / MailChimp for WP Plugin -->";
239 |
240 |
// increase form instance number in case there is more than one form on a page
241 |
246 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'mc4wp-placeholders' );
247 |
248 |
249 |
// concatenate and return the HTML parts
250 |
return $opening_html . $before_fields . $visible_fields . $hidden_fields . $after_fields . $closing_html;
251 |
252 |
253 |
304 |
* ...
305 |
* );
306 |
307 |
* @param int $form_id
308 |
* @return array
309 |
310 |
public function get_form_messages( $form_id = 0 ) {
@@ -158,6 +158,23 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Request {
158 |
return true;
159 |
160 |
161 |
// return false on failure
162 |
return false;
163 |
@@ -255,7 +272,7 @@ class MC4WP_Lite_Form_Request {
255 |
private function subscribe( $email, $merge_vars = array() ) {
256 |
257 |
// Try to guess FNAME and LNAME if they are not given, but NAME is
258 |
if( isset( $merge_vars['NAME'] ) && !isset( $merge_vars['FNAME'] ) && ! isset( $merge_vars['LNAME'] ) ) {
259 |
260 |
$strpos = strpos($merge_vars['NAME'], ' ');
261 |
if( $strpos !== false ) {
158 |
return true;
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
* @action mc4wp_form_error_{ERROR_CODE}
163 |
164 |
* Use to hook into various sign-up errors. Hook names are:
165 |
166 |
* - mc4wp_form_error_error General errors
167 |
* - mc4wp_form_error_invalid_email Invalid email address
168 |
* - mc4wp_form_error_already_subscribed Email is already on selected list(s)
169 |
* - mc4wp_form_error_required_field_missing One or more required fields are missing
170 |
* - mc4wp_form_error_no_lists_selected No MailChimp lists were selected
171 |
172 |
* @param int $form_id The ID of the submitted form
173 |
* @param string $email The email of the subscriber
174 |
* @param array $merge_vars Additional list fields, like FNAME etc (if any)
175 |
176 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_form_error_' . $this->get_error_code(), 0, $email, $merge_vars );
177 |
178 |
// return false on failure
179 |
return false;
180 |
272 |
private function subscribe( $email, $merge_vars = array() ) {
273 |
274 |
// Try to guess FNAME and LNAME if they are not given, but NAME is
275 |
if( isset( $merge_vars['NAME'] ) && ! isset( $merge_vars['FNAME'] ) && ! isset( $merge_vars['LNAME'] ) ) {
276 |
277 |
$strpos = strpos($merge_vars['NAME'], ' ');
278 |
if( $strpos !== false ) {
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ if( ! defined( "MC4WP_LITE_VERSION" ) ) {
13 |
function mc4wp_checkbox() {
14 |
global $mc4wp;
15 |
16 |
if( ! isset( $mc4wp->get_checkbox_manager()->integrations['comment_form'] ) ) {
17 |
$mc4wp->get_checkbox_manager()->integrations['comment_form'] = new MC4WP_Comment_Form_Integration();
18 |
@@ -21,9 +22,10 @@ function mc4wp_checkbox() {
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
* Echoes
25 |
26 |
27 |
function mc4wp_form( $id = 0 ) {
28 |
echo mc4wp_get_form( $id );
29 |
@@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ function mc4wp_form( $id = 0 ) {
31 |
32 |
* Returns HTML for sign-up form with the given $form_id.
33 |
34 |
* @param
35 |
* @return
36 |
37 |
function mc4wp_get_form( $id = 0 ) {
38 |
global $mc4wp;
@@ -43,9 +45,9 @@ function mc4wp_get_form( $id = 0 ) {
43 |
44 |
* Returns text with {variables} replaced.
45 |
46 |
* @param
47 |
* @param
48 |
* @return
49 |
50 |
function mc4wp_replace_variables( $text, $list_ids = array() ) {
51 |
@@ -81,15 +83,22 @@ function mc4wp_replace_variables( $text, $list_ids = array() ) {
81 |
82 |
* Retrieves the URL of the current WordPress page
83 |
84 |
* @return
85 |
86 |
function mc4wp_get_current_url() {
87 |
88 |
89 |
return esc_url( $current_url );
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
* Echoes a sign-up form.
@@ -98,6 +107,7 @@ function mc4wp_get_current_url() {
98 |
* @see mc4wp_form()
99 |
100 |
function mc4wp_show_form( $id = 0 ) {
101 |
mc4wp_form( $id );
102 |
103 |
@@ -108,5 +118,6 @@ function mc4wp_show_form( $id = 0 ) {
108 |
* @see mc4wp_checkbox()
109 |
110 |
function mc4wp_show_checkbox() {
111 |
112 |
13 |
function mc4wp_checkbox() {
14 |
global $mc4wp;
15 |
16 |
// manually instantiate comment form integration class
17 |
if( ! isset( $mc4wp->get_checkbox_manager()->integrations['comment_form'] ) ) {
18 |
$mc4wp->get_checkbox_manager()->integrations['comment_form'] = new MC4WP_Comment_Form_Integration();
19 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
* Echoes a MailChimp for WordPress form
26 |
27 |
* @param int $id The form ID
28 |
29 |
function mc4wp_form( $id = 0 ) {
30 |
echo mc4wp_get_form( $id );
31 |
33 |
34 |
* Returns HTML for sign-up form with the given $form_id.
35 |
36 |
* @param int $form_id.
37 |
* @return string HTML of given form_id.
38 |
39 |
function mc4wp_get_form( $id = 0 ) {
40 |
global $mc4wp;
45 |
46 |
* Returns text with {variables} replaced.
47 |
48 |
* @param string $text
49 |
* @param array $list_ids Array of list id's
50 |
* @return string $text The text with {variables} replaced.
51 |
52 |
function mc4wp_replace_variables( $text, $list_ids = array() ) {
53 |
83 |
84 |
* Retrieves the URL of the current WordPress page
85 |
86 |
* @return string The current URL, escaped for safe usage inside attributes.
87 |
88 |
function mc4wp_get_current_url() {
89 |
global $wp;
90 |
$url = home_url( $wp->request );
91 |
92 |
if( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -1 ) === '/' ) {
93 |
$url = trailingslashit( $url );
94 |
95 |
96 |
return esc_url( $url );
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
* Deprecated functions *
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
* Echoes a sign-up form.
107 |
* @see mc4wp_form()
108 |
109 |
function mc4wp_show_form( $id = 0 ) {
110 |
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'MailChimp for WP v1.3.1', 'mc4wp_form' );
111 |
mc4wp_form( $id );
112 |
113 |
118 |
* @see mc4wp_checkbox()
119 |
120 |
function mc4wp_show_checkbox() {
121 |
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'MailChimp for WP v1.3.1', 'mc4wp_form' );
122 |
123 |
@@ -143,10 +143,12 @@ class MC4WP_General_Integration extends MC4WP_Integration {
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
} elseif( ! $email && is_email( $value ) ) {
148 |
149 |
$email = $value;
150 |
} else {
151 |
$simple_key = str_replace( array( '-', '_' ), '', strtolower( $key ) );
152 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
} elseif( ! $email && is_email( $value ) ) {
147 |
// if no email is found yet, check if current field value is an email
148 |
$email = $value;
149 |
} elseif( ! $email && is_array( $value ) && isset( $value[0] ) && is_email( $value[0] ) ) {
150 |
// if no email is found yet, check if current value is an array and if first array value is an email
151 |
$email = $value[0];
152 |
} else {
153 |
$simple_key = str_replace( array( '-', '_' ), '', strtolower( $key ) );
154 |
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ abstract class MC4WP_Integration {
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
$content = "
102 |
103 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_before_checkbox' );
104 |
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ abstract class MC4WP_Integration {
111 |
$content .= '</p>';
112 |
113 |
// honeypot
114 |
$content .= '<textarea
115 |
116 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_after_checkbox' );
117 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
$content = "<!-- MailChimp for WP v". MC4WP_LITE_VERSION ." - -->";
102 |
103 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_before_checkbox' );
104 |
111 |
$content .= '</p>';
112 |
113 |
// honeypot
114 |
$content .= '<textarea name="_mc4wp_required_but_not_really" style="display: none !important;"></textarea>';
115 |
116 |
do_action( 'mc4wp_after_checkbox' );
117 |
@@ -224,6 +224,16 @@ if( ! defined("MC4WP_LITE_VERSION") ) {
224 |
<?php $language = defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : get_locale(); ?>
225 |
226 |
<table class="mc4wp-help">
227 |
228 |
229 |
<td><?php _e( 'Replaced with the number of subscribers on the selected list(s)', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></td>
224 |
<?php $language = defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : get_locale(); ?>
225 |
226 |
<table class="mc4wp-help">
227 |
228 |
229 |
<td><?php _e( 'Replaced with the form response (error or success messages).', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></td>
230 |
231 |
<?php if( $this->has_captcha_plugin ) { ?>
232 |
233 |
234 |
<td><?php _e( 'Replaced with a captcha field.', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></td>
235 |
236 |
<?php } ?>
237 |
238 |
239 |
<td><?php _e( 'Replaced with the number of subscribers on the selected list(s)', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></td>
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ if( ! defined("MC4WP_LITE_VERSION") ) {
6 |
7 |
8 |
<br style="clear:both;" />
9 |
<p class="help"
10 |
<p class="help">Submit your feature requests or vote for new features <a href="">here</a>.</p>
11 |
<p class="help"><?php _e( 'This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with MailChimp in any way.', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></p>
6 |
7 |
8 |
<br style="clear:both;" />
9 |
<p class="help"><?php printf( __( 'Enjoying this plugin? <a href="%s">Upgrade to MailChimp for WordPress Pro now</a> for an even better plugin, you will love it.', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ), '' ); ?></p>
10 |
<p class="help"><?php _e( 'This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with MailChimp in any way.', 'mailchimp-for-wp' ); ?></p>
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if( ! defined("MC4WP_LITE_VERSION") ) {
8 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
9 |
<h4 class="mc4wp-title">Looking for support?</h4>
10 |
<p>Make sure to look at the <a href="">frequently asked questions</a> or use the <a href="">support forums</a> on</p>
11 |
<p>If you need priority support, please <a href="https://
12 |
13 |
14 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
@@ -16,14 +16,13 @@ if( ! defined("MC4WP_LITE_VERSION") ) {
16 |
<ul class="ul-square">
17 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="">Leave a ★★★★★ plugin review on</a></li>
18 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="!">Tweet about MailChimp for WordPress</a></li>
19 |
<li>Review the plugin on your blog and link to <a href="https://
20 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="">Vote "works" on the plugin page</a></li>
21 |
22 |
23 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
24 |
<h4 class="mc4wp-title">About
25 |
26 |
<p>If you like
27 |
28 |
<p>You should follow <a href="">@12notions</a> or <a href="">@DannyvanKooten</a> on Twitter.</p>
29 |
8 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
9 |
<h4 class="mc4wp-title">Looking for support?</h4>
10 |
<p>Make sure to look at the <a href="">frequently asked questions</a> or use the <a href="">support forums</a> on</p>
11 |
<p>If you need priority support, please <a href="">upgrade to the premium version</a>.</p>
12 |
13 |
14 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
16 |
<ul class="ul-square">
17 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="">Leave a ★★★★★ plugin review on</a></li>
18 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="!">Tweet about MailChimp for WordPress</a></li>
19 |
<li>Review the plugin on your blog and link to <a href="">the plugin page</a></li>
20 |
<li><a target="_blank" href="">Vote "works" on the plugin page</a></li>
21 |
22 |
23 |
<div class="mc4wp-box">
24 |
<h4 class="mc4wp-title">About Danny van Kooten</h4>
25 |
<p>I am a relatively young Dutch guy writing code and emails for a living. I developed a few WordPress plugins together totaling well over a million downloads, one of which you're using right now.</p>
26 |
<p>If you like to stay updated of what I'm doing, consider following <a href="">@DannyvanKooten</a> on Twitter.</p>
27 |
<p>Hope you enjoy the plugin!</p>
28 |
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ if( ! defined("MC4WP_LITE_VERSION") ) {
12 |
13 |
<p>Pro features include better and multiple forms, advanced and easy form styling, more default themes, detailed statistics and priority support.</p>
14 |
15 |
<p><a href="https://
16 |
12 |
13 |
<p>Pro features include better and multiple forms, advanced and easy form styling, more default themes, detailed statistics and priority support.</p>
14 |
15 |
<p><a href="">More information about MailChimp for WP Pro »</a></p>
16 |
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: MailChimp for WordPress\n"
4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-14 22:11+0100\n"
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-30 14:50+0100\n"
6 |
"Last-Translator: Jochen <>\n"
7 |
"Language-Team: Danny van Kooten <>\n"
8 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
9 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
10 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
11 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.7\n"
12 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop;__;_e\n"
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
15 |
"Language: de_DE\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n"
17 |
18 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:178
19 |
msgid "Settings"
20 |
msgstr "Einstellungen"
21 |
22 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:197
23 |
msgid "Documentation"
24 |
msgstr "Dokumentation"
25 |
26 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:209
27 |
msgid "Save Form"
28 |
msgstr "Formular Speichern"
29 |
30 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:211
31 |
msgid "Update Form"
32 |
msgstr "Formular Aktualisieren"
33 |
34 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:248
35 |
msgid "Your email address"
36 |
msgstr "Deine E-Mail Adresse"
37 |
38 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:249
39 |
msgid "Email address"
40 |
msgstr "E-Mail Adresse"
41 |
42 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:250
43 |
msgid "Sign up"
44 |
msgstr "Registrieren"
45 |
46 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:261
47 |
msgid "Back to general form settings"
48 |
msgstr "Zu den Standard Formular Einstellungen"
49 |
50 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:263
51 |
msgid "Form updated."
52 |
msgstr "Formular aktualisiert."
53 |
54 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:264
55 |
msgid "Form saved."
56 |
msgstr "Formular gespeichert."
57 |
58 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:321
59 |
msgid "Form settings"
60 |
msgstr "Formular Einstellungen"
61 |
62 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:322
63 |
msgid "Optional settings"
64 |
msgstr "Optionale Einstellungen"
65 |
66 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:323
67 |
msgid "Form variables"
68 |
msgstr "Formular Variablen"
69 |
70 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:357
71 |
msgid "Use the following variables to add some dynamic content to your form."
72 |
msgstr ""
73 |
"Benutze die folgenden Variablen um zusätzlichen Text zu deinem Formular "
74 |
75 |
76 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:497
77 |
#, php-format
78 |
msgid ""
79 |
"Couldn't create the stylesheet. Manually add the generated CSS to your theme "
80 |
"stylesheet by using the %sTheme Editor%s or use FTP and edit <em>%s</em>."
81 |
msgstr ""
82 |
"Konnte das Stylesheet nicht erzeugen. Füge das erstellte CSS zu deinem Theme "
83 |
"Stylesheet, mit dem %sTheme Editor%s oder nutze FTP und ändere <em>%s</em>."
84 |
85 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:498
86 |
#, php-format
87 |
msgid "%sShow CSS%s"
88 |
msgstr "%sZeige CSS%s"
89 |
90 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:507
91 |
#, php-format
92 |
msgid ""
93 |
"To apply these styles on your website, select \"load custom form styles\" in "
94 |
"the %sform settings%s"
95 |
msgstr ""
96 |
"Um die Formatierungen anzuwenden, wähle \"Lade benutzerdefinierte Formular "
97 |
"Stile\" in den %sFormular Einstellungen%s"
98 |
99 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:508
100 |
#, php-format
101 |
msgid "The %sCSS Stylesheet%s has been created."
102 |
msgstr "Das %sCSS Stylesheet%s wurde erstellt."
103 |
104 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:524
105 |
msgid "General Settings"
106 |
msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
107 |
108 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:525
109 |
msgid "Checkboxes"
110 |
msgstr "Checkboxen"
111 |
112 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:526
113 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-form-settings.php:10
114 |
msgid "Forms"
115 |
msgstr "Formulare"
116 |
117 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:527
118 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-reports.php:10
119 |
msgid "Reports"
120 |
msgstr "Berichte"
121 |
122 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:596
123 |
msgid "Comment form"
124 |
msgstr "Kommentar Formular"
125 |
126 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:597
127 |
msgid "Registration form"
128 |
msgstr "Registrierungs Formular"
129 |
130 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:601
131 |
msgid "MultiSite forms"
132 |
msgstr "MultiSite Formular"
133 |
134 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:605
135 |
msgid "BuddyPress registration"
136 |
msgstr "BuddyPress Formular"
137 |
138 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:613 ../includes/class-admin.php:617
139 |
#, php-format
140 |
msgid "%s checkout"
141 |
msgstr "%s Checkout"
142 |
143 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:653
144 |
#, php-format
145 |
msgid ""
146 |
"Please make sure the plugin is connected to MailChimp. <a href=\"%s"
147 |
"\">Provide a valid API key.</a>"
148 |
msgstr ""
149 |
"Bitte stelle sicher, dass das Plugin mit MailChimp verbunden ist. <a href="
150 |
"\"%s\">Gültigen API Schlüssel eingeben.</a>"
151 |
152 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:792
153 |
#, php-format
154 |
msgid ""
155 |
"<strong>Welcome to MailChimp for WordPress Pro!</strong> We transfered the "
156 |
"settings you had set in the Lite version, please <a href=\"%s\">deactivate "
157 |
"it now</a> to prevent problems"
158 |
msgstr ""
159 |
"<strong>Willkommen zu MailChimp for WordPress Pro!</strong> Wir haben die "
160 |
"Einstellungen von der Lite Version übertragen, bitte <a href=\"%s"
161 |
"\">deaktiviere diese jetzt</a> um Probleme zu vermeiden."
162 |
163 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:865
164 |
msgid "Renewed MailChimp cache."
165 |
msgstr "MailChimp Cache erneuern."
166 |
167 |
#: ../includes/class-admin.php:867
168 |
msgid "Failed to renew MailChimp cache - please try again later."
169 |
msgstr ""
170 |
"Konnte den MailChimp Cache nicht erneuern - Bitte später noch mal probieren."
171 |
172 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:248
173 |
#, php-format
174 |
msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please specify a form ID. Example: %s."
175 |
msgstr "<strong>Fehler:</strong> Bitte eine Formular ID angeben. Beispiel: %s."
176 |
177 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:261
178 |
msgid ""
179 |
"<strong>Error:</strong> Sign-up form not found. Please check if you used the "
180 |
"correct form ID."
181 |
msgstr ""
182 |
"<strong>Fehler:</strong> Registrierungsformular nicht gefunden . Bitte "
183 |
"überprüfe ob die richtige Formular ID verwendet wurde."
184 |
185 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:370
186 |
#, php-format
187 |
msgid ""
188 |
"<strong>Admin notice:</strong> you have not yet selected a MailChimp list(s) "
189 |
"for this form. <a target=\"_top\" href=\"%s\">Edit this sign-up form</a> and "
190 |
"select at least one list."
191 |
msgstr ""
192 |
"<strong>Admin Hinweis:</strong> Du hast noch keine MailChimp Liste für "
193 |
"dieses Formular ausgewählt. <a target=\"_top\" href=\"%s\">Bearbeite dieses "
194 |
"Registrierungsformular</a> und wähle zumindest eine Liste aus."
195 |
196 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:833
197 |
msgid "New Sign-Up"
198 |
msgstr "Neue Registrierung"
199 |
200 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:834
201 |
#, php-format
202 |
msgid "<strong>%s</strong> signed-up at %s on %s using the form \"%s\"."
203 |
msgstr ""
204 |
"<strong>%s</strong> hat sich um %s auf %s registriert und hat dafür das "
205 |
"Formular \"%s\" genutzt."
206 |
207 |
#: ../includes/class-form-manager.php:873
208 |
msgid "This email was auto-sent by the MailChimp for WordPress plugin."
209 |
msgstr ""
210 |
"Diese E-Mail wurde automatisch vom MailChimp for WordPress Plugin versendet."
211 |
212 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:20
213 |
msgid "MailChimp for WP Form"
214 |
msgstr "MailChimp for WP Formular"
215 |
216 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:21
217 |
msgid "Displays one of your MailChimp for WordPress sign-up forms"
218 |
msgstr "Zeige eines deiner MailChimp for WordPress Registrierungsformulare an"
219 |
220 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:39
221 |
#, php-format
222 |
msgid ""
223 |
"Please select the sign-up form you'd like to show here in the <a href=\"%s"
224 |
"\">widget settings</a>."
225 |
msgstr ""
226 |
"Bitte wähle aus, welches Registrierungsformular du hier in den <a href=\"%s"
227 |
"\">Widget Einstellungen</a> anzeigen möchtest."
228 |
229 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:68
230 |
msgid "Newsletter"
231 |
msgstr "Newsletter"
232 |
233 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:79
234 |
msgid "Title:"
235 |
msgstr "Titel:"
236 |
237 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:83
238 |
msgid "Form:"
239 |
msgstr "Formular:"
240 |
241 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:85
242 |
msgid "Select the form to show"
243 |
msgstr "Wähle ein Formular aus"
244 |
245 |
#: ../includes/class-widget.php:93
246 |
#, php-format
247 |
msgid "You don't have any sign-up forms. <a href=\"%s\">Create one now.</a>"
248 |
msgstr ""
249 |
"Du hast keine Registrierungsformulare. <a href=\"%s\">Erstelle jetzt eines.</"
250 |
251 |
252 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:20
253 |
msgid "Sign me up for the newsletter!"
254 |
msgstr "Trage mich in den Newsletter ein!"
255 |
256 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:42
257 |
msgid ""
258 |
"Thank you, your sign-up request was successful! Please check your e-mail "
259 |
260 |
msgstr ""
261 |
"Danke, deine Eintragung war erfolgreich. Bitte überprüfe nun deinen E-Mail "
262 |
263 |
264 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:43
265 |
msgid "Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again later."
266 |
msgstr ""
267 |
"Oops. Irgendwas ist schief gelaufen. Bitte versuche es später noch mal."
268 |
269 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:44
270 |
msgid "Please provide a valid email address."
271 |
msgstr "Bitte eine gültige E-Mail Adresse angeben."
272 |
273 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:45
274 |
msgid "Given email address is already subscribed, thank you!"
275 |
msgstr ""
276 |
"Die angegebene E-Mail Adresse befindet sicher bereits im Verteile, Danke!"
277 |
278 |
#: ../includes/functions/general.php:46
279 |
msgid "Please complete the CAPTCHA."
280 |
msgstr "Bitte das CAPTCHA eingeben."
281 |
282 |
#: ../includes/integrations/class-cf7.php:44
283 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:16
284 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:30
285 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:44
286 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:58
287 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:75
288 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:87
289 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:106
290 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:52
291 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:60
292 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:90
293 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:95
294 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:58
295 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:69
296 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:79
297 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:90
298 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:104
299 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:109
300 |
msgid "Yes"
301 |
msgstr "Ja"
302 |
303 |
#: ../includes/integrations/class-cf7.php:44
304 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:18
305 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:32
306 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:46
307 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:60
308 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:77
309 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:89
310 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:107
311 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:52
312 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:62
313 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:90
314 |
#: ../includes/views/pages/admin-checkbox-settings.php:95
315 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:22
316 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:60
317 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:71
318 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:81
319 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:92
320 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:104
321 |
#: ../includes/views/tabs/admin-forms-general-settings.php:109
322 |
msgid "No"
323 |
msgstr "Nein"
324 |
325 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:132
326 |
#, php-format
327 |
msgid ""
328 |
"<b>Warning!</b> You're blocking external requests which means you won't be "
329 |
"able to get %s updates. Please add %s to %s."
330 |
msgstr ""
331 |
"<b>Achtung!</b> Du blockierst externe Anfragen, deshalb bekommst du keine %s "
332 |
"Updates. Bitte mache %s zu %s."
333 |
334 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:175
335 |
#, php-format
336 |
msgid "Your %s license has been activated. You have an unlimited license. "
337 |
msgstr "Deine %s Lizenz wurde aktiviert. Du hast eine unlimitierte Lizenz."
338 |
339 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:177
340 |
#, php-format
341 |
msgid "Your %s license has been activated. You have used %d/%d activations. "
342 |
msgstr "Deine %s Lizenz wurde aktiviert. Du hast %d/%d Aktivierungen genutzt."
343 |
344 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:182
345 |
#, php-format
346 |
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Did you know you can upgrade your license?</a>"
347 |
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\"> Weiß du wie du deine Lizenz upgraden kannst?</a>"
348 |
349 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:186
350 |
#, php-format
351 |
msgid ""
352 |
"<a href=\"%s\">Your license is expiring in %d days, would you like to extend "
353 |
354 |
msgstr ""
355 |
"<a href=\"%s\">Deine Lizenz verfällt in %d Tagen, willst du sie verlängern?</"
356 |
357 |
358 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:195
359 |
#, php-format
360 |
msgid ""
361 |
"You've reached your activation limit. You must <a href=\"%s\">upgrade your "
362 |
"license</a> to use it on this site."
363 |
msgstr ""
364 |
"Du hast das Aktivierungslimit erreicht. Du musst <a href=\"%s\">deine Lizenz "
365 |
"erweitern</a> um sie auf dieser Seite zu nutzen."
366 |
367 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:198
368 |
#, php-format
369 |
msgid ""
370 |
"Your license has expired. You must <a href=\"%s\">extend your license</a> in "
371 |
"order to use it again."
372 |
msgstr ""
373 |
"Deine Lizenz ist abgelaufen. Du musst <a href=\"%s\">deine Lizenz "
374 |
"verlängern</a> um sie auf dieser Seite zu nutzen."
375 |
376 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:201
377 |
msgid "Failed to activate your license, your license key seems to be invalid."
378 |
msgstr ""
379 |
"Die Lizenz konnte nicht aktiviert werden, die Lizenz scheint ungültig zu "
380 |
381 |
382 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:225
383 |
#, php-format
384 |
msgid "Your %s license has been deactivated."
385 |
msgstr "Dein %s wurde deaktiviert."
386 |
387 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:227
388 |
#, php-format
389 |
msgid "Failed to deactivate your %s license."
390 |
msgstr "Die %s Lizenz konnte nicht deaktiviert werden."
391 |
392 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:262
393 |
#, php-format
394 |
msgid "Request error: \"%s\""
395 |
msgstr "Fehler: \"%s\""
396 |
397 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-license-manager.php:420
398 |
#, php-format
399 |
msgid "%s: License Settings"
400 |
msgstr "%s: Lizenz Einstellungen"
401 |
402 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-plugin-license-manager.php:72
403 |
#, php-format
404 |
msgid ""
405 |
"%s is network activated, you can manage your license in the <a href=\"%s"
406 |
"\">network admin license page</a>."
407 |
msgstr ""
408 |
"%s ist Netzwerk aktiviert, du kannst deine Lizenz auf der <a href=\"%s"
409 |
"\">Netzwerk Admin Lizenz Seite</a> verwalten."
410 |
411 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-plugin-license-manager.php:74
412 |
#, php-format
413 |
msgid ""
414 |
"%s is network activated, please contact your site administrator to manage "
415 |
"the license."
416 |
msgstr ""
417 |
"%s ist Netzwerk aktiviert, bitte kontaktiere den Netzwerk Admin um die "
418 |
"Lizenz zu verwalten."
419 |
420 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-update-manager.php:83
421 |
#, php-format
422 |
msgid ""
423 |
"%s failed to check for updates because of the following error: <em>%s</em>"
424 |
msgstr ""
425 |
"%s konnte nicht auf Updates prüfen, wegen dem folgenden Fehler: <em>%s</em>"
426 |
427 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/class-update-manager.php:148
428 |
msgid ""
429 |
"This site has not been activated properly on and thus "
430 |
"cannot check for future updates. Please activate your site with a valid "
431 |
"license key."
432 |
msgstr ""
433 |
"Die Seite wurde nicht auf aktiviert, deshalb kann nicht "
434 |
"auf zukünftige Updates geprüft werden. Bitte aktiviere die Seite mit einem "
435 |
"gültigen Schlüssel."
436 |
437 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:23
438 |
msgid "License status"
439 |
msgstr "Lizenz Status"
440 |
441 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:33
442 |
msgid "Toggle license status"
443 |
msgstr "Lizenz Status umschalten"
444 |
445 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:38
446 |
msgid ""
447 |
"(deactivate your license so you can activate it on another WordPress site)"
448 |
msgstr ""
449 |
"(deaktiviere deine Lizenz um sie auf einer anderen Wordpress Seite zu nutzen)"
450 |
451 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:44
452 |
msgid "Please enter a license key in the field below first."
453 |
msgstr "Bitte trage vorher einen Lizenz Schlüssel in das Feld darunter ein."
454 |
455 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:52
456 |
msgid "License Key"
457 |
msgstr "Lizenz Schlüssel"
458 |
459 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:54
460 |
#, php-format
461 |
msgid "Paste your %s license key here.."
462 |
msgstr "Füge deinen %s Lizenz Schlüssel hier ein.."
463 |
464 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:56
465 |
#, php-format
466 |
msgid "You defined your license key using the %s PHP constant."
467 |
msgstr ""
468 |
"Du hast deinen Lizenz Schlüssen mittels der %s PHP Konstante angegeben."
469 |
470 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:73
471 |
#, php-format
472 |
msgid "Your %s license will expire on %s."
473 |
msgstr "Deine %s Lizenz wird am %s verfallen."
474 |
475 |
#: ../includes/library/license-manager/views/form.php:76
476 |
#, php-format
477 |
msgid "%sRenew your license now%s."
478 |
msgstr "%sErneuere deine Lizenz jetzt%s."
479 |
480 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:19
481 |
msgid "Sign-Up Form"
482 |
msgstr "Registrierungs Formular"
483 |
484 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:20
485 |
msgid "Sign-up Forms"
486 |
msgstr "Registrierungs Formulare"
487 |
488 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:36
489 |
msgid "Form"
490 |
msgstr "Formulare"
491 |
492 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:37
493 |
msgid "Shortcode"
494 |
msgstr "Shortcode"
495 |
496 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:38
497 |
msgid "List(s)"
498 |
msgstr "Liste(n)"
499 |
500 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:39
501 |
msgid "Last edited"
502 |
msgstr "Zuletzt bearbeitet"
503 |
504 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-forms-table.php:103
505 |
msgid "You have not created any sign-up forms yet. Time to do so!"
506 |
msgstr ""
507 |
"Du hast noch kein Registrierungs-Formular erstellt. Es ist nun Zeit dafür!"
508 |
509 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:23
510 |
msgid "Subscriber"
511 |
msgstr "Abonnent"
512 |
513 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:24
514 |
msgid "Subscribers"
515 |
msgstr "Abonnenten"
516 |
517 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:44
518 |
msgid "Email"
519 |
msgstr "E-Mail"
520 |
521 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:45
522 |
msgid "List"
523 |
msgstr "Liste"
524 |
525 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:46
526 |
msgid "Type"
527 |
msgstr "Art"
528 |
529 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:47
530 |
msgid "Source"
531 |
msgstr "Quelle"
532 |
533 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:48
534 |
msgid "Extra data"
535 |
msgstr "Zusätzliche Daten"
536 |
537 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:49
538 |
msgid "Subscribed"
539 |
msgstr "abonniert"
540 |
541 |
#: ../includes/tables/class-log-table.php:258
542 |
msgid "No subscribe requests found."
543 |
msgstr "Keine Anmelde Anfragen gefunden."
544 |
545 |
#: ../includes/views/metaboxes/optional-form-settings.php:8
546 |
#, php-format
547 |
msgid ""
548 |
"Any settings you specify here will override the <a href=\"%s\">general form "
549 |
"settings</a>. If no setting is specified, the corresponding general setting "
550 |
"value will be used."
551 |
msgstr ""
552 |