Media Library Assistant

Wordpress Plugin
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Releases (92 )

Version Release Date Change Log
3.04 2022-11-01
  • Fix: When Photo Engine (WP/LR Sync) is active, a PHP Fatal Error with mapping rules during "sync" operations has been corrected.
3.03 2022-09-14
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a defect (introduced in v3.02) in expanding template values has been corrected.
3.01 2022-07-07
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant Bulk Edit feature, AJAX errors have been corrected.
2.99 2022-02-23
  • New: On the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) and Media/Assistant screens, MLA Bulk Edit Area values can be saved and recalled for future/repeated use.
  • New: Current date and time values are available as field-level data sources, current_timestamp, current_datetime and current_getdate.
  • New: Library Views based on a custom field query can now include MIME type filters in addition to the custom field query.
  • New: The "MLA Advanced Custom Fields Example" and "MLA Image Source Control Example" plugins have been updated to support the new Bulk Edit Area features.
  • Fix: For the terms: substitution prefix, operation of the field qualifier, e.g., terms:attachment_tag(slug), has been restored.
  • Fix: For the Polylang plugin, some defects in the display of the Media/Assistent country/flags column have been corrected.
  • Fix: To reduce security risks, taxonomy, date and meta queries no longer use the "eval" function to convert parameter values to array variables.
  • Fix: For some forms of the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, taxonomy "click to toggle" functions have been restored.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], mla_nolink_text handling for paginate_links has been restored.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] with Real Media Library Pro, the orderby= parameter has been restored.
  • Fix: Version numbers for CSS and JavaScript files now include Development Version date to prevent "stale" stylesheet and script problems.
  • Fix: For the "Smart Media Categories" example plugin, syncing child and parent terms during attachment uploads has been restored.
  • Fix: For the "Smart Media Categories" example plugin, synch status coloring in the Posts/All Posts "Children" table column has been corrected.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views tab, a PHP warning message when canceling an Edit View action has been eliminated.
  • Fix: For the Media/Add New Bulk Edit area and the Media/Assistant Bulk and Quick Edit areas, the taxonomy "Add New Term" function has been repaired.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list], include_tree and exclude_tree are now evaluated before child_of to improve the results.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list], named control values are removed from the $_REQUEST array if the value is not present in the current term list.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list], current_item_class assignments for term_id values have been restored.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Advanced Custom Fields Example" plugin, a PHP warning message during Media/Assistant bulk actions has been eliminated.
2.98 2021-10-26
  • New: A new "Attachment File Metadata" meta box on the Media/Edit Media screen displays IPTC, EXIF, XMP, ID3, PDF and/or MSO metadata embedded in the item's file. More information in the pull-down Help menu on that screen.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a special mla_minimum parameter lets you display an empty gallery unless a minimum number of items is selected.
  • New: The "MLA Advanced Custom Fields Example" plugin now supports ACF "Select" fields, mapping between the field label and field value on the Media/Assistant submenu table and the Bulk and Quick Areas.
  • New: The new "MLA Filename Issues Example" plugin creates a custom data source to help identify items with duplicate file names for cleanup consideration.
  • New: The term Parent column has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab "Add Tax. Columns" results.
  • Fix: Custom Field Rules with an "Inactive" status are now excluded from Media/Assistant submenu table columns and the Quick and Bulk Edit areas.
  • Fix: An inconsistency in counting attachments that caused the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab "Execute" and "Execute All Rules" actions to fail has been corrected.
  • Fix: An XMP metadata parsing error for empty "rdf:Description" values has been corrected.
  • Fix: The "MLA Custom Field Search Example" plugin has been updated to use the latest plugin settings class file, so the class can be shared with other example plugins.
  • Fix: The old "MLA ACF Checkbox Example" plugin has been flagged as obsolete, replaced by the more useful "MLA Advanced Custom Fields Example" plugin.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant Quick Edit Area, users with the 'unfilitered_html' permission can add any HTML tag to a custom field value.
  • Fix: Incorrect display of counts for [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list] terms with more than 1,000 assigned items has been corrected.
  • Fix: Toolbar cropping in the "Add media" popup window for WordPress versions before 5.8 has been corrected.
  • Fix: Toolbar cropping in the "Add media" popup window when the Disable Gutenberg (by Jeff Starr) plugin is active has been corrected.
  • Fix: For the "gallery in" and "MLA Gallery in" reporting, PHP "trigger_error" Warning messages have been converted to MLA debug logging messages.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, a PHP 8.0+ Deprecation Error has been resolved.
2.97 2021-08-17
  • New: A "Description" element has been added to the "Custom Fields" and "IPTC/EXIF" mapping rule definitions.
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], the current_item and current_item_class are managed more or less automatically.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a special mla_alt_shortcode=yes parameter lets you use [mla_gallery] as both the primary and alternate shortcodes. You can use the new mla_alt_parameters parameter to pass parameters directly on to the alternate shortcode.
  • New: For the "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin, most sticky shortcodes now support the enclosing shortcode syntax, and the Documentation tab has been completed.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], PHP "Warning: array_key_exists()..." messages have been eliminated.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window in WP 5.8, cropping of top row image thubmnails has been corrected.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, placement and description of the "Post Type(s)" text box has been updated to clarify its use by all plugin tools.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list] and [mla_tag_cloud], special values such as no.terms.assigned () are retained after page refresh.
2.96 2021-07-28
  • New: For the "MLA CSV Data Source Example" plugin, the new "Export Item Values" tool lets you export anything you need from Media Library items, e.g., standard values, taxonomy terms, custom fields and embedded image IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata.
  • New: For the "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin, the `[muie_archive_list]' shortcode adds date-based archive controls and lists.
  • New: For the "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin, the `[muie_text_box]' shortcode adds a "sticky" text box that survives page refresh and pagination.
  • New: An "ExposureMode" data source has been added to the "Field-level enhanced EXIF CAMERA values".
  • New: A new debugging tool adds Term ID and Term-taxonomy ID columns to the Media/taxonomy edit screens, controlled by a checkbox on the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab.
  • New: Enhanced support for the Enhanced Media Library plugin, including filter support in the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window and Media/Assistant Grid mode.
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list], special "ignore.terms.assigned", "no.terms.assigned", and "any.terms.assigned" values let you add links/controls to the cloud or term list to select all items, items with no term assignments and items with one ore more term assginments.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a special "any.terms.assigned" value lets you use a simple taxonomy query or a tax_query to find items that have one or more term assignments in a given taxonomy.
  • New: For the ",kbmb" Field-level option/format value, if the kilobyte suffix option is empty and the megabyte suffix is present all values above the threshold will be displayed in megabytes.
  • New: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, the "Attach Referenced in" tool "ids=" analysis can be applied to any shortcode.
  • New: For the "WooCommerce Fixit Tools" example plugin, new tools to populate the Product Image and Product Gallery from items attached to the Product(s) have been added.
  • New: The full path and file name has been added to the "Settings updated" message for the "Export ALL Settings" function of the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • New: Donation links and information have been restored, going to our Chateau Seaview Fund at the Golden West Chapter of the ALS Association.
  • Fix: Handle new "Load More" functions in WP 5.8 Media Manager Modal Window.
  • Fix: Correct handling of spaces in substitution parameter format values, e.g., ,str_replace(s,r) and ,replace(p,r,v).
  • Fix: jQuery migrate "deprecated" notices for JS event shorthand instances have been resolved.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, the "Attached" view item count has been corrected.
  • Fix: Handling of array variables in the request: prefix has been restored.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], displaying the Featured Image for a non-image post type, e.g., post or page, has been restored.
  • Fix: For WPML term processing in "All Languages" mode, the Quick Edit action will update assigned terms in the proper language regardless of the language of selected terms.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu displayed to members of the "Author" role, Bulk Actions such as "Edit" do not allow the user to select items belionging to other users.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Custom Feed" example plugin, code has been added to ensure that all active feeds are reflected in the WordPress URL rewrite rules and flushed (only) when missing feeds are detected.
  • Fix: For [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list], "pad_counts" values now reflect filtering with the post_mime_type data selection parameter..
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list], PHP error messages when using a custom markup template with an empty Open section have been resolved.
  • Fix: Improved toolbar layout and styling for the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window and Media/Assistant Grid mode.
  • Fix: Support for the ajax_query_attachments_args filter to support plugins such as Enhanced Media Library and ACF:Image Aspect Ratio Crop Field.
  • Fix: For the Bulk Edit on Upload feature, only one call to the edit processing function is made when all four "Enable ... mapping..." options are disabled.
2.95 2021-03-18
  • New: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, support for Real Media Library has been added. You can filter the submenu table display by selecting an RML folder or Gallery in the sidebar at the left-hand side of the screen. Note that this feature requires an update to the RML plugin, so watch for and install that update to activate these features.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, Media Manager enhancements and Media/Library Grid Mode enhancements the "Mine" filter/view introduced in WP 5.1 has been added to the list.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], support for Simple Date Parameters has been added. You can filter the gallery display by year, month, week or day in addition to any other data selection parameters. More information is given in the 'Simple Date Parameters' section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], support for Real Media Library has been added. You can filter the gallery display by the RML folder, collection or gallery ID in addition to any other data selection parameters. More information is given in the 'Support for the Real Media Library Plugin' section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, the option to hide the Search Media controls has been restored by correcting a defect in escaping the HTML for the form.
  • Fix: For keyword and taxonomy term searches, excluded values used in large numbers of items are now handled correctly.
  • Fix: For Microsoft Office metadata extraction, removed PHP Fatal Error when the ZipArchive class does not exist.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] pagination controls, handling of mla_link_href parameters containing HTML "fragments" has been restored. Fragments are placed at the end of the URL, following query arguments.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, custom field values containing embedded arrays are now completely decoded for display.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, "scaled" Vs "original" images introduced in WP 5.3 are now handled for tools such as "ALT from item".
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, HTTP/HTTPS mismatches between the site URL and inserted item URLs are now handled for tools such as "ALT from item".
  • Fix: For the IPTC/EXIF taxonomy rule full-screen editor, Text/Array Option value changes are now recorded properly.
  • Fix: For Gutenberg Blocks such as "Audio" and "Video", MLA enhancements now respect MIME Type filters when returning items for the display.
  • Fix: Correct a defect (introduced in v2.84) in parsing content templates with embedded substitution parameters in "test" elements.
  • Fix: Correct overwriting of the global $post variable when updating a Media Library item.
  • Fix: Correct false detection of Media File Renamer plugin and subsequent PHP "Uncaught Error" during upload processing.
2.94 2021-01-14
  • New: The "MLA Custom Field Search Example" plugin has been substantially upgraded. The new version has many more parameters and a new plugin settings page. A Documentation tab on the settings page contains all the information you need to understand and use the new version.
  • New: A new example plugin, "MLA Postie Post After Example", adds support for running MLA mapping rules after the "Postie" plugin chron job creates posts and attachments from an email.
  • New: The Library Views/Post MIME Type "Table View" custom field queries have been enhanced to allow searching multiple field names or "all fields" for one or more values.
  • Fix: The "Smart Media Categories" example plugin has been enhanced to handle additional WordPress alternatives for term assignments and a new option is provided to exclude the Default Post Category from sync processing.
  • Fix: Wildcard values for Library Views/Post MIME Type "Table View" custom field queries have been restored.
  • Fix: PDF thumbnail streaming for mla_viewer processing has been restored.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, error reporting for the tax_query, date_query and meta_query parameters has been improved.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, proper handling of the size= "icon", "icon_only" and "icon_feature" options has been restored.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, performance is improved by avoiding a redundant LEFT JOIN database query clause (added by WP_Query).
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, performance is improved by avoiding LEFT JOIN and WHERE database query clauses added by Real Media Library.
  • Fix: Unnecessary "term meta cache" queries have been removed from the Media/Assistant submenu table generation.
  • Fix: Handling of disimissible admin messages has been restored.
2.93 2021-01-08
  • New: The "MLA Simple Mapping Hooks Example" plugin has been updated so it will run when attachments are uploaded or updated by the WP/LR Sync plugin.
  • New: For the "Smart Media Categories" example plugin, support has been added for the "Postie" plugin chron job that creates posts and attachments from an email.
  • Fix: Correct defect in parsing request: substitution parameters containing compound names to access array elements, e.g., tax_input.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] pagination shortcodes, correct defects in handling substitution parameters containing array values, e.g., tax_input.
  • Fix: For the "Smart Media Categories" example plugin, term synchronization now works when multiple attachments are added to a parent in the same page load.
2.92 2020-12-10
  • Fix: Correct Media/Assistant Quick Edit error that deleted term assignments in the WordPress Categories taxonomy.
2.90 2020-11-25
  • New: A new example plugin, "MLA Parent Custom Field Mapping", allows IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping rules to update custom fields in the item's parent post/page rather than the items's own fields. Support for Advanced Custom Fields and WP/LR Sync is included.
  • New: The "MLA Randon Galleries Example" plugin has been greatly enhanced. The new version has many more parameters and a new plugin options page. A Documentation tab on the settings page contains all the information you need to understand and use the new version.
  • New: Three new field level data sources have been added for use in mapping rules, etc. They are site_url, base_url and base_dir. The last two give the location of the uploads directory.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a new size=icon_feature parameter value will display item icons or the "Featured Image" associated with an item. This can be used to suppress the thumbnails and "PDF Thumbnails" that appear when size=icon is specified, but retain the explicitly assigned Featured Images.
  • New: For Advanced Custom Fields Pro "Gallery" Fields, restrictions such as minimum/maximum dimensions and sizes are now respected when adding items to the gallery.
  • New: For Custom Field or IPTC/EXIF mapping rules, a new "mla_purge_custom_field_values" filter lets you override the default "Purge Values" processing, and a new "mla_mapping_old_custom_value" filter lets you replace the current target value for "Existing Text" processing.
  • New: Added support for applying mapping rules to attachments created by "Postie" cron jobs.
  • Fix: Systematic review and update of all files for validating, sanitizing and escaping user data to reduce the risk of security exploits.
  • Fix: Allow IPTC and XMP metadata extraction from images that fail the WordPress getimagesize( $path, $info ) logic.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the default style and markup templates have been adjusted for greater compatibility with the styles and markup used in the WordPress [gallery] shortcode.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, changing term assignment(s) for Media Library items no longer changes the corresponding checkbox(s) in the underlying post/page.
  • Fix: For Media/Assistant submenu table filtering by a custom field value, dropdown setting is now retained and pagination controls have been repaired.
  • Fix: Deprecated reference to postL10n.dateFormat has been replaced with wp.i18n.__.
  • Fix: Handling of [mla_gallery] shortcodes with a blank but non-empty parameter string has been corrected.
2.84 2020-08-23
  • New: For the "MLA Substitution Parameter Hooks Example" plugin, a new "ucwords" custom format value lets you uppercase the first letter in each word of a string.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, if a non-image item has a Featured Image, it will be displayed as the item thumbnail instead of the MIME Type icon.
  • New: A new option, "Always Use MLA MIME Type", has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Uploads tab. When checked, this option overrides WordPress validation logic that fails some uploads for "security purposes". For example, a CSV file that contains HTML tags on one or more cells. More information in the "Help" dropdown menu for the tab.
  • New: Support for the PaidMembershipsPro plugin has been added. MLA will restrict access to attachments assigned to "members-only categories" in the [mla_gallery] shortcode.
  • New: The "MLA Gallery Download Archive" example plugin implements a shortcode that lets you download the files attached to a "gallery" of Media library items as a ZIP archive file. Documentation is provided in comments at the start of the source code.
  • New: The "MLA CSV Data Source Example" plugin allows you to access values in a CSV file as a custom Data Source for MLA Bulk Edit templates, mapping rules and shortcode parameters. Detailed instructions are provided in a Documentation tab.
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list] shortcodes, the orderby=term_order parameter supports the "drag and drop" ordering of taxonomy terms created by the Simple Custom Post Order plugin.
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list] shortcodes, the orderby=tax_position parameter supports the "drag and drop" ordering of taxonomy terms created by the Simple Taxonomy Ordering plugin.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu and [mla_gallery] shortcode, support is added for the "Media Library" filter used in the Featured Image from URL plugin.
  • New: For the "MLA Advanced Custom Fields Example" plugin, add "where used" information for the ACF "image" field type. See the first page of the plugin source code for details.
  • New: A new MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL category allows logging of "query-attachments" requests and results for the Media Manager Modal Window.
  • New: For IPTC/EXIF taxonomy mapping rules, the "text" option supports composing a term name from a Content Template with multiple data sources.
  • New: Allow ALT Taxt values to be assigned to application\* MIME types, such as PDF documents, in the Media/Assistant Bulk Edit and Quick Edit areas. These will populate the alt= attributes of <img> tags in [mla_gallery] displays.
  • Fix: Deprecated Jquery functions have been replaced for compatibility with WP 5.5+.
  • Fix: Cross site scripting (reflected) and HTTP parameter pollution problems in [mla_gallery] pagination controls have been resolved.
  • Fix: Some problems parsing Content Templates with nested "test" delimiters have been resolved.
  • Fix: References to the WP_Query class documentation in the WordPress Code Reference have been updated.
  • Fix: Accommodate WordPress 5.4.2 bug that prevents changing "items per screen",e.g., on the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • Fix: Correct parsing problems with embedded delimiter characters in Content Template choice elements.
  • Fix: Allow mapping rule taxonomy term assignment for "not logged in" applications such as WP/LR Sync.
  • Fix: Avoid PHP Notice messages for attempts to extract non-existent metadata from, for example, SVG images.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, empty tax_query parameters are now accepted and ignored, matching the behavior of simple taxonomy parameters.
  • Fix: For the Bulk Edit Area in the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) screen, content templates with backslash characters are now parsed and processed correctly.
  • Fix: For Admin Columns v4.1+ and Pro v5.0+, correct "Deprecated: AC\AdminColumns::register_list_screen..." problem.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Custom Feed Example" plugin, correct the handling of values containing quotes and special characters in the "Edit Feed" page.
2.83 2020-04-21
  • Fix: For Admin Columns Pro v5.1+, correct "Fatal error: Class ACP_Addon_MLA_Export_Strategy..." problem.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, correct positioning of the attachments area below the toolbar.
2.82 2020-04-07
  • New: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, new "Figure Caption" tools let you add or replace <figcaption> values for items and galleries in the body of a post/page.
  • New: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, a new "Item fields to parent" tool lets you copy custom field values from attached items to their parent post/page.
  • New: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, allow multiple taxonomy pairs for the "Item terms to parent" and "Parent terms to item" tools.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode Taxonomy term keyword(s) search, a new whole_word=true parameter requires each entered word to match an entire word in the term name, e.g., entering "man" (without the quotes) will not match a portion of "woman" in the term name.
  • New: For the "MLA tax query Example" plugin, multiple taxonomies are allowed in my_custom_sql and a new tax_operator parameter within my_custom_sql supports "AND" to require a match on all of the terms in the taxonomy parameters..
  • New: For the "WooCommerce Fixit Tools" example plugin, new "Populate Product from Product Image" tool updates Product values from the Product Image.
  • New: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, allow custom post types for the "Copy ALT Text between Media Library items and Post/Page inserts" tools.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], when mla_alt_ids_value is used the style template, gallery open and row open HTML markup is no longer generated. Only the output of the alternate shortcode is echoed to the browser.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, toolbar controls no longer overflow into the Attachmenta area..
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, "Filter media" selections, e.g., search box contents, persist for two or more "Media Library" invocations on a post/page.
  • Fix: Corrected Chrome & Firefox issue with "Search Box" checkbox control changes not being recorded.
  • Fix: Corrected PHP 7.4 issue with deprecated curly braces in class-mla-data.php and class-mla-data-query.php.
  • Fix: For "MLA Gallery in" (where-used) reporting, shortcodes using the enclosing shortcode syntax are now included in the results.
  • Fix: For "search" text boxes in all Settings/Media Library Assistant tabs, properly escape values to prevent Reflected Cross Site Scripting attacks.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] link=download, restrict downloads to the WordPress Uploads directory subtree to prevent Local File Disclosure attacks. The old file downloader has been replaced by an AJAX-based WordPress request.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], validate content of tax_query, meta_query and date_query parameters to prevent Remote Code Execution attacks.
  • Fix: For the "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin, correct parameter handling defects in [mla_term_list] handler.
  • Fix: For WordPress 5.3+ "big image" handling, use the "original image" for sourcing IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata, not the "scaled" image.
2.81 2019-11-24
  • New: For the "Field-level Substitution Parameters", a new "mso:" prefix gives access to the Document Properties embedded in Office Open XML file formats (e.g., docx, xlsx, pptx). More information is given in the "Prefix values" section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: For the Bulk Edit, a new [+reverse_index+] substitution parameter counts down from the number of selected items to one. More informatin is in the Help menu for the Media/Assistant admin screen.
  • New: For the "WooCommerce Fixit" example plugin, product category thumbnail information is added to the "Woo Used In" Media/Assistant table column.
  • Fix: IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping logic updated for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
  • Fix: Updated Media Manager Modal Window and Media/Library Grid view styles for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Example Plugins page, update the MLA_Upgrader_Skin code for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab, PHP Notices for invalid taxonomy rules have been resolved.
  • Fix: For the "replace()" option/format value, empty replacement values are now allowed.
  • Fix: For custom field mapping rules, "Option: Array" now works with multi-level nested subarrays.
  • Fix: For custom field mapping rules, "Delete NULL Values" now works with "Format: Raw".
  • Fix: For "WordPress-style" PDF thumbnail generation, occasional PHP "Illegal string offset 'sizes'" errors have been resolved.
2.80 2019-09-20
  • New: A new "MLA Phoenix Media Rename Example" plugin has been added to the "Examples" family in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab. It adds support for the Phoenix Media Rename plugin's "Filename" column to the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu screen, avoid "headers already sent" error with JoomUnited's WP Media Folders.
  • Fix: Improved error handling and debug logging for PDF thumbnail generation, especially "WordPress style" thumbnails.
  • Fix: Avoid Javascript "Uncaught Reference Error" in mla-define-ajaxurl-scripts.js, e.g., for Divi theme.
  • Fix: PHP 7.x compatibility error in class-mla-settings-documentation-tab.php, function MLA_Upgrader_Skin->feedback() has been resolved.
  • Fix: When the per-user "admin language" is set to "English (United States)", the untranslated MLA strings are restored in "back end" mode.
  • Fix: Improve handling of shortcode parameter/content errors, avoiding misleading "Invalid tax_query" messages. Improved error information in the mla_debug output as well.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, correct flaw in finding inserted images that have a relative path in the src= attribute of the IMG tag.
  • Fix: For the "MLA Insert Fixit" example plugin, correct flaw in finding inserted images that have other attributes preceding src= in the IMG tag.
  • Fix: For the ,extract(p,v) option/format value, correct named subpattern and matches: prefix handling.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, eliminate PHP messages and errors for some Media/Assistant Bulk Translate settings.
  • Fix: When decoding the wp_filter list for debug logging, unknown reference types no longer cause PHP errors.
  • Fix: Handles new synchronization protocol for WP/LR Sync version 5.0+
2.79 2019-04-21
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, a new no_count=internal parameter setting substitutes the WordPress-maintained "count" value for the explicitly-computed "attachments per term" value. This can significantly improve shortcode performance.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] "date" and "timestamp" option/format codes, a second argument containing "i18n" will localize the returned value based on the site locale. A second argument containing "age" will return the difference between the source value and the current date/time. See the Documentation tab.
  • New: For all of the keyword search functions, You can also exclude items/terms by prepending a word or quoted phrase with a hyphen, e.g., "pillow -sofa" will select items/terms containing "pillow" but not "sofa".
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] "Keyword(s) Search" and "Taxonomy term keyword(s) search" functions, keywords and terms can be excluded from the results by enclosing them in "/" delimiters, e.g., "/not/ happy" will return items containing "happy" after excluding items containing "not".
  • New: For [mla_gallery], when mla_alt_shortcode=mla_term_list, parameters such as mla_link_href are passed through to be used by [mla_term_list].
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] "Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes", a new mla_alt_ids_template parameter lets you specify a Content Template for the entire parameter value passed to the alternate shortcode.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, a new "Download" Bulk Action has been added. You can select one or more items and use the new action to download a ZIP archive containing the items through your browser. This new feature replaces the "MLA Download ZIP Example" plugin, which is disabled if present.
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab "Show Count Column" option now applies to all taxonomy edit screens, not just Categories and Tags.
  • New: For the "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin, simple taxonomy queries can now be combined with the add_filters_to queries.
  • Fix: For the "Media/Edit Media" screen, IPTC/EXIF metadata mapping now works when the "Enable custom field mapping" option is disabled.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager Modal (Popup) Window, formatting and handling of the "Remove term" elements for flat taxonomies has been corrected.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the link_url item-level substitution parameter now reflects the mla_link_href parameter value.
  • Fix: For the new Gutenberg/Block Editor, load Media Modal scripts in footer section to avoid wp-lists.js conflicts such as failure to update custom fields in Posts/Edit Post and Page/Edit Page.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, suppresses the Admin Columns Pro version 4.5.x Bulk Edit feature.
  • Fix: Eliminate "Uncaught ReferenceError: ajaxurl is not defined" error for page builders such as Elementor.
2.78 2019-01-25
  • New: For the Media/Assistant "Search Media" and "Terms Search" functions, keywords and terms can be excluded from the results by enclosing them in "/" delimiters, e.g., "/not/ happy" will return items containing "happy" after excluding items containing "not". This new feature also works in the Media/Library "grid" view and in the "Add media" popup window.
  • Fix: Eliminate fatal errors supporting Admin Columns Pro version 4.5.x
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, eliminate PHP error messages from MLA_Polylang_Shortcodes::mla_get_terms_clauses.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] eliminate PHP warning messages for some invalid parameter situations.
  • Fix: Simplify MLA_Ajax logging and remove PHP Notice regarding missing "action" value.
  • Fix: For "MLA USP Novo-Map Example" plugin, rewrite the "Introduction" section in the Documentation tab.
2.77 2019-01-14
  • Fix: Preserve current term assignments for checklist-style taxonomies when opening the Media/Assistant Quick Edit area. This defect was introduced in v2.76.
2.75 2018-08-21
  • Fix: Accomodate Admin Columns (and Pro) update to PHP namespaces; eliminate "deprecated" warnings.
  • Fix: For IPIC/EXIF mapping rules, numeric values can now be mapped into the Title standard field.
  • Fix: When Admin Columns Pro 4.0.x is active, a PHP Warning/Uncaught Error regarding argument count mismatch has been eliminated. The error occurs in ACP 4.0.3 and earlier, but not in ACP 4.0.14 and later.
  • Fix: For Settings/Media Library Assistant Uploads tab, a PHP Fatal error when bulk-selecting items from the "Search Known Types" list has been corrected.
  • Fix: For Settings/Media Library Assistant Uploads tab, a PHP Notice when adding an custom item with a non-empty Description has been corrected.
2.74 2018-06-18
  • New: The "MLA Substitution Parameter Hooks Example" plugin has been enhanced with a current_term: prefix that returns values from the term(s) present in the $_REQUEST variables.
  • Fix: Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities have been removed from the Media/Assistant and Settings/Media Library assistant admin submenu screens.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], support for mla_search_fields=alt-text has been added.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], support for mla_search_fields=file has been fixed.
  • Fix: The Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation/Example Plugins "Download" rollover action has been restored.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list] and [mla_tag_cloud], current_item values can contain accented and special characters, e.g., Cryllic script.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], substitution parameters are supported in the mla_nolink_text parameter.
  • Fix: Improved debug logging of $wp_filter content, avoiding circular references.
2.73 2018-05-16
  • New: The (optional) "checklist-style" formatting of flat taxonomies has been extended to the Media/Assistant Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas.
  • New: The (optional) "checked-on-top" formatting of checklist taxonomies has been extended to the Media/Assistant Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas.
  • New: A new "MLA Parent Search Example" plugin has been added. It adds a parent: prefix to the Media/Assistant Search Media text box that allows searches for items whose parent post/page matches the specified values.
  • New: A new "MLA JavaScript Example" plugin has been added. It shows a simple method of adding and localizing scripts, using the WP Featherlight lightbox plugin as a sample application.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the post_type and post_status parameters now accept multiple values.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, the correct SERVER_URI value is now generated for multisite and "subdirectory" WordPress installs.
  • Fix: For "checklist style" flat taxonomy metaboxes, terms with quote marks in the name are now handled properly.
  • Fix: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, the "Tag Cloud Pagination Parameters" have been restored.
  • Fix: Restore Admin Columns Pro "default column" support for columns such as EXIF values.
2.72 2018-03-27
  • Fix: Remove "Circular Reference" PHP Warnings in class-mla-mime-types.php.
2.70 2018-01-05
  • New: A new Debug logging category has been created for "where-used" reporting.
  • New: The Att. Categories and Att. Tags taxonomies can now be displayed a columns on the Media/Library list mode admin submenu.
  • Fix: File downloads originating from a Bulk Action are now restricted to the site's uploads directory tree.
  • Fix: The "MLA Download ZIP Example" plugin has been updated to work with the current MLA version.
  • Fix: References to the FTJ Donate page now go to the plugin description page.
  • Fix: References to the WordPress get_terms() function have been updated to accomodate changes made in WP 4.5.0.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, term assignment for "untranslated" taxonomies is no longer restricted to the default language.
  • Fix: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab, the "Save Changes" button has been moved up for easier access when changing option settings.
  • Fix: For the Media/Edit Media admin submenu, duplicate database queries for the "Months" dropdown control have been eliminated.
2.65 2017-12-14
  • New: The "MLA Tax Query Example" plugin has been enhanced to handle multi-column orderby parameters.
  • Fix: Corrected an " error" in the Media/Assistant "Set Parent" function and the Media/Edit Media screen.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant admin submenu, some taxonomy term queries have been eliminated to improve performance.
  • Fix: In the "Smart Medis Categories" example plugin, WordPress "deprecated" messages have been removed when loading the Settings screen.
2.62 2017-10-17
  • Fix: A PHP Fatal Error when loading MLA Media Manager enhancements for "front-end" use has been corrected.
2.61 2017-10-16
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the QuickTags editor can be added to the Description field of the Bulk Edit area. Check the "QuickTags editor for bulk description" box in the "Table Defaults" section on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to activate this feature.
  • New: A new "MLA Custom Feed Example" plugin has been added. It allows you to configure and process custom RSS feeds for Media Library items.
  • New: A new "MLA Subscriber Media Access Example" plugin has been added. It allows "owner only" access to the Media Library for the Subscriber role.
  • New: A new "Smart Media Categories" example plugin has been added. It allows you to automatically assign taxonomy terms to Media Library items based on the terms of their parent post/page or custom post type.
  • New: A new "MLA Multisite Extensions" example plugin has been added. It provides an [mla_gallery] parameter to query multiple blogs/sites in a multisite installation.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new no.terms.assigned taxonomy query option lets you find items that have no terms assigned in one or more taxonomies. Details are in the "Simple Taxonomy Parameters" and "Taxonomy Queries, the tax_query" sections of the Documentation tab.
  • New: For [mla_term_list], a new active_item_class parameter and item-specific substitution parameter have been added. An item is "active" if it or any of its child items are the current item.
  • New: For the MLA Text Widget a new option, "Add .textwidget div tags", has been provided to control the addition of <div class="textwidget"></div> tags to the body of the widget. The default value is true/checked, to preserve compatibility with existing widgets.
  • New: Six new hooks have been added to the "MLA Taxonomy Filters and Actions (Hooks)". Details have been added to /examples/plugins/mla-taxonomy-hooks-example.php. The hooks let you modify the registration details for the Att. Categories and/or Att. Tags custom taxonomies.
  • New: New hooks, mla_gallery_initial_item_values and mla_gallery_pagination_values, have been added to the "MLA Gallery Filters and Actions (Hooks)". Details have been added to /examples/plugins/mla-hooks-example.php.
  • New: A new hook, mla_taxonomy_column_final, has been added to the "Media/Assistant Submenu Actions and Filters (Hooks)". Details have been added to /examples/plugins/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.
  • New: The pdpDocs API documentation has been removed from the plugin files and moved to the plugin's web site. This reduces the plugin's space requirements while preserving access to the documentation.
  • New: A statement about custom templates and option settings being preserved over version upgrades has been added to the FAQ section.
  • Fix: For Visual Composer, a PHP Fatal Error that occurred when "Template Preview" was invoked has been eliminated.
  • Fix: For [mla_tag_cloud], the order=none parameter is now handled correctly.
  • Fix: For [mla_tag_cloud], the "no_count=true" parameter no longer generates WordPress deprecation messages.
  • Fix: Registration of the Att. Categories and Att. Tags taxonomies is now done earlier ("init" action, priority 5) so they are available for use in other theme/plugin code during the "init" action.
  • Fix: When the Media/Assistant submenu screen is displayed, the menu label is bolded when it appears in the default location, e.g., as the last submenu entry.
  • Fix: When WPML is active, new flat taxonomy (e.g. Att, Tags) values can be created in the Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas as well as the ATTACHMENT DETAILS pane of the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window.
  • Fix: When WPML 3.8 or later is active, "All Languages" display is restored to the Media/Assistant admin submenu.
  • Fix: When WPML or Polylang is active, Media/Assistant submenu table columns are properly populated after a "Set Parent" table row refresh.
  • Fix: When WPML or Polylang is active, a PHP 7.X Notice regarding indirect variable evaluation has been eliminated.
  • Fix: When WPML is active, the term-specific language code has been added to the links in the "Attachments" column.
  • Fix: For the Media/Taxonomy Edit screens, the "Attachments" column gives accurate results when the WPML or Polylang current language is changed.
  • Fix: For Media/Assistant custom field table views, JSON encoding has replaced PHP serialization to avoid a security vulnerability.
  • Fix: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab, the "OLD PHP error_log" value has been corrected.
2.60 2017-08-01
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab has been completely re-written, with a more WordPress-like user interface and new capabilities.
  • New: A new "MLA Login-filtered Gallery Example" plugin has been added. It provides an [mla_gallery] parameter to restrict items to logged-in users based on an Att. Categories term.
  • New: The "MLA Tax Query Example" plugin has been enhanced to filter the gallery by author.
  • New: The "MLA Term Links Example" plugin has been enhanced with an [mla_tag_cloud] compatible hyperlink format.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu screen, a new "Show Primary Column File Name" settings option lets you add the file name below the item thumbnail. It is in the "Table Defaults" section of the General tab.
  • Fix: For [mla_term-list], empty lists no longer generate PHP Notice messages.
  • Fix: Media/Assistant submenu screen markup and styles updated to reflect current WordPress standards.
  • Fix: For the "Upload New Media" Bulk Edit Area, field values containing plus ('+') characters are now properly handled.
  • Fix: Attachment metadata fields used in custom field rules, i.e., with the meta: field name prefix are now properly displayed in the Media/Assistant submenu table and in the Quick Edit area.
  • Fix: WordPress "Attachment Metadata", including image_meta, is now populated during the initial item upload process and is available for IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping rules.
2.54 2017-06-21
  • Fix: Media/Assistant "Thumbnail" bulk action, non-standard uploads directories and subdirectories are now supported and "Existing items: Delete" can be used to replace thumbnails generated for PDF and other non-image file types.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list] explicit option_none_value and option_all_value values are always used for the value of the control. Numeric values are used as the term_id and text values are used as the slug.
  • Fix: Correct PHP version 7.1.x Fatal Error defect for users of Admin Columns.
  • Fix: Eliminate PHP Notice "Undefined index: cb_offset" for Thumbnail generation and Media/Add New actions.
  • Fix: For Settings/Media Library Assistant Shortcodes tab, the "Add Template" screen now shows sections in the logical order.
  • Fix: For Settings/Media Library Assistant Shortcodes tab, pressing the Enter key now performs "Search Templates" instead of "Add New Template".
2.53 2017-06-04
  • Fix: Correct PHP Fatal Error defect for users of Admin Columns (free version).
2.51 2017-03-27
  • Fix: For the MLA UI Elements Example plugin, some defects in handling simple taxonomy parameters such as tax_operator have been corrected.
  • Fix: Change "primary column" handling for WP 4.3+ to be more like Media/Library submenu table.
2.50 2017-03-21
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant Custom Fields tab has been completely re-written, with a more WordPress-like user interface and new capabilities.
  • New: The "MLA BuddyPress & rtMedia Example" example plugin has been enhanced with an rtmedia_ids prameter that translates rtMedia ID values to attachment ID values, and an rtmedia_source parameter that filters the items returned by an [mla_gallery] query and uses the parameter value as a content template to extract rtMedia IDs from the items. The rtMedia IDs are translated to attachment IDs so [mla_gallery] can process the items.
  • New: A new "MLA Parent Category Mapping Example" plugin has been added. It assigns the parent term when child term(s) under that parent are assigned..
  • New: The "WooCommerce Fixit" example plugin has been enhanced to provide "product:" and "product_terms:" custom substitution prefixes providing access to values of the product(s) assicoated with a Media Library item.
  • New: For the "kbmb" format/option code a fourth parameter has been added to specify the number of decimal places in the results.
  • New: For [mla_term_list], dropdown and checklist control names can now be changed with the mla_control_name parameter. This allows multiple controls on the same post/page.
  • New: For [mla_term_list mla_output=dropdown], multiple taxonomies an be added to one control using compound taxonomy.term option values and the new hierarchical=combine parameter value.
  • New: For [mla_galley], a new tax_input parameter supports multiple taxonomies using compound taxonomy.term option values.
  • New: The "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin has been enhanced with support for the multi-taxonomy features of the [mla_term_list] shortcode.
  • New: The "MLA UI Elements Example" plugin has been extended to handle checklist elements with multiple selections.
  • New: The "MLA jhdean Mapping Hooks Example" plugin has been enhanced with a new operation that removes hyperlinks from the Title field. A new Settings submenu has been added to control which options are active.
  • New: HTML span tags have been added to the "Search Media" controls on the Media/Assistant screen, allowing individual elements to be suppressed if desired.
  • New: The "MLA Substitution Parameter Hooks Example" plugin has been fixed to properly handle custom fields with multiple values.
  • New: A new define ( 'MLA_AJAX_EXCEPTIONS', 'always' ); option can be added to wp-config.php to unconditionally load full MLA support when processing AJAX requests. This supports, for example, additional plugin/theme front-end file upload features.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active but no language has been defined, MLA extensions cannot succeed and so are no longer installed.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the display correctly displays all table columns when Screen Options is used to remove all hidden columns.
  • Fix: For [mla_term_list], when mla_option_value="{+slug+}" is present numeric slug values are not confused with term_id values.
  • Fix: The Media/Assistant Quick and Bulk Edit areas now handle flat taxonomy names that do not match the corresponding slug values.
  • Fix: Non-text data substitution parameter values are no longer "enhanced" with wptexturize(), which caused problems with links, paths and file names.
  • Fix: When evaluating IPTC/EXIF hierarchical taxonomy mapping rules, names will match an existing term anywhere in the hierarchy, not just at the root level.
  • Fix: Term names with HTML special characters such as ampersand are now correctly handles when evaluating IPTC/EXIF taxonomy mapping rules.
  • Fix: A problem with filtering the Media/Assistant submenu table on terms containing accented UTF8 characters has been corrected.
  • Fix: An incompatibility with the latest version of the Photonic Gallery plugin has been resolved.
  • Fix: A problem with user-specified icons representing files of non-image MIME types has been corrected. The correct icon now displays on the Media/Assistant submenu table and in [mla_gallery] output.
  • Fix: Empty simple taxonomy parameters are ignored when tax_operator and/or tax_include_children parameters are also present.
  • Fix: A format/option code parsing problem with arguments contain a colon character has been fixed.
  • Fix: Two PHP version 7.x compatibility issues in the "MLA Substitution Parameter Hooks Example" plugin have been resolved.
  • Fix: The code that implements the [mla_gallery link=download] parameter has been changed to improve security. The new version restricts downloads to the /wp-content/ directory subtree. Thanks to shpik <> for the suggestion and review.
  • Fix: An EXIF metadata parsing defect in MLA v2.41 which failed to process enhanced CAMERA and GPS values has been corrected.
  • Fix: MIME type support has been modified to mitigate a WordPress issue introduced in v4.7.1 and 4.6.2 that prevents the upload of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files.
2.41 2017-01-14
  • New: The mla-substitution-parameter-hooks-example.php example plugin "parent:" prefix has been enhanced to provide access to item's parent post/page custom field values. Simply code the custom field name as the value following the "parent:" prefix.
  • New: A new "MLA Copy Item Example" plugin has been added. It adds a "Copy" action to the Media/Assistant admin submenu that lets you copy one or more existing MEdia LIbrary items, creating new items.
  • New: The woofixit.php example plugin has new tools. The "Fill ALT Text (CT)" and "Replace ALT Text (CT)" tools apply a Content Template to the Product Image/Product Gallery Images.
  • New: In the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab, "MLA Term List Examples" have been added.
  • New: A new setting for the Debug tab logs details of the IPTC, EXIF, XMP and PDF metadata generation process.
  • Fix: The minimum PHP version required by MLA has been updated from 5.4 to 5.3.
  • Fix: Some EXIF values sourced from the IFD0 section are now properly converted to string values, and are no longer overwritten by values from the WINXP section. The WINXP values are available separately, e.g., [+exif:WINXP.Title+].
  • Fix: In the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab, links to EXIF information and standards have been updated.
  • Fix: The MLA Reporting value on the Settings/Media LIbrary Assistant Debug tab handles hexadedimal values, e.g. "0xFFFF", properly with PHP version 7.x.
  • Fix: IPTC/EXIF and custom field mapping rules now handle "invisible" custom fields (names beginning with underscore) correctly.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], a defect in applying the mla_terms_connnector parameter has been corrected.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] pagination controls are now properly displayed when the mla_paginate_rows is returned from the mla_gallery_arguments filter. See, for example, the "MLA tax query Example" plugin.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, a problem with the "Attachments" column on the taxonomy edit submenu screens has been corrected.
  • Fix: Handling for the Media/Assistant "Entries per page:" option setting has been changed to work more reliably and optionally log some debug information.
  • Fix: Fatal PHP errors caused by link=download requests that do not specify all required parameters have been eliminated.
2.40 2016-12-07
  • New: For WordPress 4.7 and later, the thumbnail generation Bulk Action can generate native thumbnails for items uploaded to the Media Library before updating to WP 4.7.
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant Shortcodes tab has been re-written with a more "WordPress-like" interface.
  • New: Overall admin-mode memory requirements are reduced by 1.66MB, or about 33%, from the previous version.
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant Examples tab has a new "View" rollover action that lets you display the source code for an example plugin.
  • New: The Settings/Media Library Assistant Examples tab has a new "Installed" view that shows all installed example plugins regardless of status.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the "Search Media" feature can search on file name. You may have to adjust the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab "Search Media Defaults" to make this a default setting.
  • New: The mla-substitution-parameter-hooks-example.php example plugin has been enhanced with a "parent:" prefix that provides access to item's parent post/page values as well as the "parent:permalink". It also includes a new "page:featured" parameter that returns the ID of a post/page Featured Image.
  • New: For all shortcodes, the mla_page_parameter parameter can contain page-level substitution parameters, e.g., mla_page_parameter="p-{+page_ID+}".
  • New: For [mla_term_list], a new mla_multi_select parameter supports multiple select dropdown controls.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the post_parent parameter can have multiple, comma-separated numeric values.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new mla_gallery_the_attachments hook lets you read or change the array of attachments used to populate the gallery display. Four hooks have been added to give more control over the "alternative gallery shortcode" processing.
  • New: The mla-hooks-example.php example plugin now supports multiple taxonomy queries in the my_custom_sql example.
  • New: The woofixit.php example plugin has several new tools. In particular, the "Clear Terms" and "Assign Terms" tools replicate term assignments from WooCommerce products to items used as product images and in product galleries.
  • New: The buddypress-hooks-example.php example plugin uses the new mla_gallery_the_attachments hook to restrict gallery output to "rtMedia" items. It also includes a new rtmedia=gallery parameter that works with the [rtmedia_gallery] shortcode.
  • New: A new example plugin, posts-per-page-example.php, shows how to adjust the number of items per gallery page based on WordPress conditional functions such as is_front_page().
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-multi-search-example.php, adds custom field search(es) to the keyword(s) search and combines the results.
  • New: A new example plugin, get-post-galleries-example.php, supports the WordPress get_post_galleries filter required, for example, by the Dominant Colors Lazy Loading plugin by Manuel Wieser.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-not-featured-view-example.php, creates a custom Media/Assistant view of items NOT featured in any post/page.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-regenerate-thumbnails-example.php, integrates the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin by Alex Mills with the Media/Assistant submenu screen.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-parent-wp-query-example.php, supplies post_parent values from a separateWP_Query for the [mla_gallery] shortcode.
  • New: The mla-ui-elements-example.php example plugin now includes [muie_orderby] and [muie_order] shortcodes that generate "sticky" controls for their respective parameters.
  • New: A new Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab setting, "Show Count Column", lets you add the "Count" column back to the Media/Categories and Media/Tags taxonomy edit screens. This may be useful for WP 4.7's attachment taxonomy support.
  • Fix: When Polylang or WPML is active, language-specific tag cloud terms have been restored.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, the change language dropdown control in the Bulk Edit area is now processed correctly.
  • Fix: Error messages are no longer written directly to the PHP error log. They now pass through the MLA debug filtering logic.
  • Fix: Harmless PHP 7 incompatibility issues reported by the WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker plugin have been resolved. The minimum PHP version required by MLA has been updated from 5.2 to 5.4.
  • Fix: The "where-used" processing for "MLA Gallery in" and "Gallery in" ignores pagination parameters to get a complete result, and sorting parameters because they do not affect the results.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the posts_per_archive_page is applied when the gallery is displayed in a post/page for which is_archive() or is_search() is true.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the "Open" template section is no longer required.
  • Fix: For [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_term_list], URLs with a question mark (?) are now handled correctly for the currentlink_url and currentlink substitution parameters.
  • Fix: Complete plugin support is loaded for WP REST API calls, e.g., from the WP/LR Sync plugin. This enables IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping when adding new Media Library items.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, new flat taxonomy (e.g. Att, Tags) values can be created in the Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas as well as the ATTACHMENT DETAILS pane of the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Custom Fields and IPTC/EXIF tabs, the mapping progress area now has a "Pause" button to more clearly reflect the ability to pause and resume the mapping operation.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views and Uploads tabs, the "Enable ..." and "Save Changes" elements have been moved to the upper-left part of the screen to make them more obvious and accessible.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the "Attached to" column reflects the surrent user's "edit post" and "read post" capabilities for both the item and its parent; conforms to new WP 4.6 restrictions.
  • Fix: A few minor defects in the "Operations on Products, using the Product Image, Product Tags and Att. Tags" section of the "WooCommerce Fixit" example plugin have been corrected.
2.33 2016-09-07
  • New: The terms: data substitution parameter prefix has been enhanced to allow a specific term slug as an alternative to the terms assigned to an item.
  • New: The mla-insert-fixit.php example plugin has been enhanced with a "Copy Item terms to Parent Post/Page" tool.
  • Fix: On new MLA installs, WordPress "The plugin does not have a valid header" errors have been corrected. The error occured when "Activate Plugin" was clicked following a successful installation. To fix the problem, the /examples/ directory has been divided into plugins and themes subdirectories. All of the example plugins have been moved to the /plugins/ subdirectory.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], restore mla_nolink_text operation.
2.32 2016-08-16
  • New: The Documentation/Example Plugins submenu lets you browse the list of MLA example plugins, install or update them in the Plugins/Installed Plugins area and see which examples you have already installed. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, you can now ceate a filter dropdown for custom field values as an alternative to taxonomy terms. The Taxonomy Support section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab lets you select a custom field and set the Filter option to use it.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, link=download is now available to force a download of the gallery item.
  • New: A new substitution parameter Field-level option/format value, ",kbmb(t,k,m)", formats values such as file size with kilobyte and megabyte abbreviations.
  • New: Mapping support can be extended to "front end" file upload plugins by adding an **"MLA_AJAX_EXCEPTIONS" entry to the wp-config.php file.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-ui-elements-example.php, provides shortcodes to improve the user experience for [mla-term-list], [mla_tag_cloud] and [mla_gallery] shortcodes.
  • New: The mla-insert-fixit.php example plugin has been enhanced with "Post/Page insert Modification" tools. The new tools let you add/replace/delete attributes of the <img > tags for items inserted in posts/pages. New "Post to Library" and "Parent to Library" tools compose an item Title from the post/page in which it appears.
  • New: The mla-simple-mapping-hooks-example.php example plugin has been enhanced with a "update_menu_order" filter that updates the WordPress menu_order standard field.
  • New: The mla-substitution-parameter-hooks-example.php example plugin has been enhanced with "parent_terms:" and "page_terms:" prefixes that provide access to taxonomy terms assigned to an item's parent post/page and terms of the post/page on which the [mla_gallery] shortcode appears.
  • New: The mla-substitution-parameter-hooks-example.php example plugin has been enhanced with a "conditional:" prefix that returns different values during the initial upload process Vs other contexts.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-multi-wp-query-example.php, provides an [mla_gallery] parameter to combine items from each of multiple "taxonomy=term" queries.
  • New: The mla-custom-taxonomy-example.php example plugin has been limited to defining three new custom taxonomies. All other functions have been moved to the mla-ui-elements-example.php example plugin.
  • New: Separate mla_phrase_delimiter and mla_term_delimiter parameters have been added to the [mla_gallery] terms search parameters.
  • New: The "request:" prefix now handles multi-level array values by supporting compound names, e.g., tax_input.attachment_category.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, page_parent and page_mime_type are now available as Gallery-specific Substitution Parameters.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, found_rows, current_rows and max_num_pages are now available as substitution parameters for style and markup templates.
  • Fix: Corrected handling of Media Manager Modal (popup) Window "Search Media" text box for WP 4.6
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the "index" attachment-specific substitution parameter is now set to the item's place in the entire gallery for the mla_output= "previous_link", "current_link" and "next_link" values.
  • Fix: A JavaScript conflict with the ToolSet Views Editor "Add Media" feature has been resolved.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a substitution parameter expansion defect (introduced in MLA v2.31) that affected parameters such as mla_caption has been corrected.
  • Fix: Access to "attachment metadata" and image_meta during the initial upload process has been restored.
  • Fix: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, defects in the handling of the "orderby" parameter, e.g. random sorting, have been corrected..
  • Fix: Parsing of the mla_terms_search_phrases string has been improved to handle quoted phrases that include the phrase or term delimiters.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, invalid mla_output values are now replaced with the default, "gallery".
  • Fix: For the [mla_term_list] shortcode, default style templates are loaded for the "checklist" and "dropdown" formats.
2.31 2016-06-24
  • Fix: Remove call to xdebug_get_function_stack() causing fatal PHP error.
2.25 2016-05-03
  • New: Argument Substitution Parameters can be added to custom markup templates to provide default values for shortcode parameters. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu, the list/grid view switcher has been added so you can access the WordPress Media/Library grid view even if the Media/Library submenu entry has been suppressed. A new option in the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab controls the switcher display.
  • New: Two new Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab options, "Delete Option Settings" and "Delete Option Backups", let you delete MLA settings from the WordPress options table and/or MLA settings backup files when you delete the plugin. The default is to retain settings and backup files, as in previous MLA versions.
  • New: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been enhanced with a new "custom SQL" example. The new example selects one or more "recently uploaded" images that are attached to a post/page.
  • New: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-metadata-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been enhanced to restore IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata to files processed by the Easy Watermark plugin during the upload process.
  • New: A performance improvement has been made to the /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-tax-query-example.php.txt example plugin, replacing two separate SQL queries with a single query/subquery.
  • New: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab, you can enter "0" (zero) in the MLA Reporting text box to suppress all MLA debug messages but keep the Debug tab active.
  • New: Error reporting for damaged mla-default-mime-types.tpl files is now optional, and some additional information has been added to the messages.
  • Fix: When invoking the Media/Edit Media submenu from the Media/Assistant submenu "Edit" rollover action, "Update" and "Trash"/"Delete Permanently" actions preserve Media/Assistant as their source.
  • Fix: XML parsing has been improved to avoid PHP Warning messages for documents with empty rdf:description sections.
  • Fix: Initial values are provided for the $post object when [mla_tag_cloud] is called without a parent post/page.
  • Fix: Default values for itemtag, termtag and captiontag are provided when a custom markup template is used with [mla_tag_cloud].
  • Fix: A new filter, mla_tag_cloud_raw_attributes has been added to match the corresponding [mla_gallery] filter. The mla-cloud-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated to document the new filter.
  • Fix: For XMLRPC calls, the full plugin functionality is loaded so Media Item uploads trigger IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping rules.
  • Fix: The Relevanssi "prevent default request" filter definitions have been repaired, eliminating some PHP warning messages and restoring proper queries in the [mla_gallery] shortcode.
  • Fix: Changes have been made in mla-media-modal-scripts.js to increase compatibility with Enhanced Media Library, by wpUXsolutions.
  • Fix: Changes have been made in the Media/Assistant submenu screen and in mla-media-modal-scripts.js to increase compatibility with WP Media Folder, by JoomUnited.
  • Fix: Some template and metadata parsing error messages have been converted from unconditional error_log() calls to MLA Debug calls so they can be suppressed when not needed.
  • Fix: Information on the [mla_tag_cloud] itemtag, termtag and captiontag parameters has been added to the Documentation tab.
2.24 2016-02-26
  • Fix: Corrected the MLA error that suppressed Admin Columns functions for Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Users and Comments.
2.22 2016-01-06
  • New: Support for the Admin Columns plugin has been added. You can use Admin Columns to re-order, re-size and/or remove columns from the Media/Assistant submenu table. You can also add any of the Admin Columns "custom" columns to the table. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: For [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], support for the "enclosing shortcode" syntax lets you spread shortcodes over multiple lines and avoids many of the problems caused by WordPress shortcode-parsing issues.
  • New: A new filter, mla_gallery_featured_image, allows modification of the Featured Image assigned to an item. A new example plugin, mla-default-featured-image-example.php.txt, has been added that uses the filter to supply a default Featured Image based on the item's file extension.
  • New: Two new filters,mla_list_table_extranav_actions and mla_list_table_extranav_custom_action, allow modifications of the "extra tablenav" controls on the Media/Assistant submenu. A new example plugin, /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-extranav.example.php.txt, has been added to illustrate their use.
  • New: Added shortcode support in "DOING_AJAX" mode for other plugins such as No Cache AJAX Widgets.
  • New: A new example plugin, mla-featured-field-shortcode.php.txt, has been added. It contains a shortcode that displays custom field content from the Featured Image on the post/page it is part of.
  • New: The mla-jhdean-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been extended to illustrate updating a custom field during the mapping process.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, SQL views have been replaced by SQL subqueries for increased performance and reliability.
  • Fix: When new Media LIbrary items are uploaded via the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, mapping rule execution has been restored.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active and the "Activate languages and translations for media" option is disabled, the MMMW taxonomy dropdown is populated with all terms regardless of language. The default settings of the Term Assignment, Synchronization and Mapping Replication options is changed to unchecked/disabled.
  • Fix: The Quick Edit Area in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views and Uploads tabs has been restored.
  • Fix: Errors encountered while loading damaged mla-default-mime-types.tpl files no longer cause PHP messages. A message is written to the error log file and the damaged entry is ignored.
  • Fix: MIME type filters are now loaded unconditionally, preventing PHP errors in actions such as updating posts, pages and attachments from their Edit screens.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], MLA File Type Icons Support has been restored.
  • Fix: PHP7 changes no longer cause fatal errors rendering the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • Fix: Support for WPML and Polylang DOING_AJAX handlers has been restored, e.g. Polylang Quick Edit and WPML flat term autocomplete.
2.21 2015-12-08
  • Fix: A defect in the default "Orderby" setting has been fixed. This defect caused "empty grid", "No media attachments found", "No items found" and "Unknown column" symptoms. Thanks to all who quickly alerted me to the problem.
  • Fix: The "Featured Image" support for non-image Media Library items now respects the size=none parameter to substitute a text value for the thumbnail image.
2.15 2015-11-03
  • New: A "Reset" button has been added to the Media/Assistant Bulk Edit area and the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) Bulk Edit area. When clicked, the button clears all of the fields in the Bulk Edit area to simplify the entry of new values.
  • New: An option has been added to the "Media/Add New Enhancements" section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to allow moving the Bulk Edit area to the top of the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) screen, above the drag-and-drop area.
  • New: When WPML is active, MLA will fix a WPML defect that assigns the wrong term to flat taxonomies if two or more translations have the same term name.
  • New: Options have been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab that allow control over the PHP error_log file, PHP error_reporting level and MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL without modifying the wp-config.php file.
  • New: The Media/Assistant "Search Media by ID/Parent" search has been extended to allow multiple ID values. If all the "keywords" in the Search Media box are numeric they will be matched against item IDs and item parent IDs in addition to the normal text-based search.
  • New: The Media/Assistant Quick Edit area now displays the item's thumbnail/icon image to make it easier to confirm which item is being edited.
  • New: A new /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-upload-bulk-edit-example.php.txt example plugin has been added to demonstrate updates to the Title field from the Bulk Edit area on the Media/Upload New Media submenu.
  • New: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-simple-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated to demonstrate splitting an IPTC value with a regular expression (regex) and updating two custom fields with the results.
  • New: The Portable Object (".po") files are now included in the /media-library-assistant/languages directory, facilitating the translation update process.
  • New: Harm Kramer has contributed updates and additions to the Dutch translation; thanks Harm!
  • New: Comments have been added to each "/tpls/help-for-*.tpl" template showing where in MLA the template is used. This should help with the translation of these templates to other languages.
  • New: Two new hooks, mla_taxonomy_get_columns and mla_taxonomy_column, have been added to allow control of the Media/"Taxonomy Edit" submenu columns such as the "Attachments" column added by MLA.
  • New: Two new hooks, mla_update_single_item and mla_update_single_item, have been added to increase control over Media Library item updates, e.g., for taxonomy term updates.
  • New: The "mla_media_modal_initial_filters" and "mla_media_modal_settings" filters have been updated to allow control over the "uploaded" MIME type dropdown, e.g., on the "Create Gallery" and "Set Featured Image" views of the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window.
  • New: The /examples/mla-tax-query-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated to support keyword search parameters.
  • New: The /examples/random-feature.php.txt example plugin has been updated to allow for separate "post" and "item" taxonomies.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, keyword searches only on terms generate an empty result when no terms match the search string.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, keyword searches with special characters such as single and/or double quotes now work correctly.
  • Fix: Style sheets and HTML markup changes have been added to support sites with Right-to-left (TRL) languages.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, WordPress 4.2+ alternate-row coloring (striping) for the Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas has been fixed.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, combinations of ALT Text filtering in the Search Media box, sorting on custom field columns and Table Views based on custom field values now work correctly.
  • Fix: The Edit Taxonomy "Attachments" column is displayed correctly when othe plugins, e.g., Polylang, add columns to the submenu table.
  • Fix: When WPML or Polylang are active, flat taxonomy "auto-completion" suggestions for the Media/Assistant Quick Edit area and the Media/Edit Media screen are now language-specific.
  • Fix: When WPML or Polylang are active, Term Assignment and Synchronization defects when two or more translations have the same term name are corrected.
  • Fix: For item updates thet only affect postmeta and/or taxonomy values, wp_update_post is no longer called.
  • Fix: Commas are now accepted within quoted arguments of the "Field-level option/format values". Commas outside of quoted arguments of the timestamp and date format values no longer generate PHP Warning messages.
  • Fix: The Bulk Edit on Upload (Media/Add New) has been fixed for WordPress versions before 4.0.
  • Fix: When WPML is active, a defect in Bulk Edit term assignment that copied terms from one item to subsequent items in the list has been corrected.
  • Fix: The Settings/Media Library Assistant tab HTML heading tags have been adjusted to conform to the new WordPress v4.3+ standards.
  • Fix: The Settings/Media Library Assistant tab titles and option content is loaded later in the startup process, allowing their translation to other languages.
  • Fix: The Settings/Media Library Assistant "Donate" button is changed from an image to text, facilitating translation ro other languages.
  • Fix: An array initialization defect that caused a PHP warning message in PHP Version 7 has been corrected.
2.14 2015-08-21
  • New: WordPress 4.3+ "primary column" support for the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views and Uploads tabs.
  • New: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab, you can specify a separate file in your /wp-content/ directory to receive MLA-specific logging/debug messages. Several useful debug settings are now displayed in the tab as well.
  • New: Harm Kramer has contributed updates and additions to the Dutch translation.
  • Fix: WordPress v4.3 CSS style updates for the Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas
  • Fix: For WordPress v4.2.x and earlier the Media/Assistant submenu table "icon" column width is adjusted for Icon Size values other than the default.
  • Fix: HTML tags are preserved in IPTC/EXIF values for mapping rules and data sources. This corrects a defect introduced in MLA v2.13 which removed the tags.
  • Fix: A few minor HTML markup issues on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab have been corrected.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, proportional thumbnails have been restored to the "icon" column/element.
2.13 2015-07-27
  • New: I am delighted to announce Dutch and Swedish translations of the plugin's main screens. Many thanks to Harm Kramer and John Larsen for their contributions!
  • New: For WordPress 4.3+, the Media/Assistant submenu table has been updated to support the new primary column features.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the "Thumbnail" bulk action lets you easily generate thumbnail images for non-image items. These can be used as the Featured Image for mla_viewer processing. A settings option lets you disable this feature if desired.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, wildcard searches are now allowed in the Search Media box using an asterisk ("*") as the wildcard placeholder. Pull down the Help menu on the screen and select the Search Media section for more information.
  • New: For the Terms Search popup window and mla_terms_search shortcode parameter, wildcard searches are now allowed using an asterisk ("*") as the wildcard placeholder.
  • New: For IPTC/EXIF custom field mapping rules, Format, Option and Delete Null Values options can be specified and are handled like their equivalents in Custom Field mapping rules.
  • New: For field-level substitution parameters, the id3: prefix gives you access to all of the metadata present in audio and video files.
  • New: For field-level substitution parameters, the ,unpack option lets you expand one level of an array and denote lower-level arrays with an (ARRAY) placeholder.
  • New: The IPTC: and EXIF: field-level substitution parameters can now use all of the format/option suffixes, e.g., ",url".
  • New: A "Bulk Edit Area" tab has been added to the Media/Add New/Upload New Media submenu help menu.
  • New: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-custom-field-search-example.php.txt example plugin has been extended to handle queries made in the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window "Search" box.
  • New: If Imagick and/or Ghostcript support is not present, an explicit warning message is displayed in the "Enable thumbnail substitution" portion of the Settings/Media Library Assistant MLA Gallery tab.
  • New: A new filter for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allows you to modify the content of the dropdown Help menu. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filter.
  • New: A new /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-custom-file-size-example.php.txt example plugin has been added to demonstrate a simple example of changing the content of the "Item:" template part.
  • New: Step-by-step instructions for creating custom style and markup templates have been added to the "A Table-based Style and Markup Template Example" section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: On the Settings/Media LIbrary Assistant Debug tab, the error log file name is displayed just above the text area for log content, and better error messages are displayed if the log cannot be reset.
  • New: When 'MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL' is set to 3 in the wp-config.php file, debug information for the Bulk Edit Ajax handler is written to the error log. This includes WPML- and Polylang- specific information.
  • Fix: Wildcard searches containing an underscore character ("_") are now handled correctly. The mla-custom-field-search-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated as well.
  • Fix: Media Manager Modal (popup) Window enhancements work more reliably with plugins such as "SiteOrigin Page Builder Widgets".
  • Fix: When Polylang or WPML is active, Term Assignment has been fixed, accomodating missing translation information for media items and terms and resolving some term_id/term_taxonomy_id issues.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, "Show all languages" is selected after a Bulk Translate action so results from multiple languages can be displayed.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, the Media/Assistant submenu table "Trash" view no longer shows the Translations column.
  • Fix: When Polylang is active, Quick and Bulk Edit taxonomy checklists are language-specific when "Refresh" is clicked after a Bulk Edit action.
  • Fix: During a Bulk Edit action, empty taxonomy "Add" actions no longer call wp_set_post_terms().
  • Fix: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated to handle the new captiontag_content template substitution parameter.
  • Fix: The default _wpnonce query argument is no longer used, eliminating a conflict between MLA and the "A5 Custom Login Page" plugin.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views and Uploads, the Quick Edit action has been fixed.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table and the Media Manager Modal (popup) Window, default table sorting on a custom field no longer causes WordPress Database Errors.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, the "View" rollover action is no longer available in the "Trash" view (it never worked).
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant Quick Edit and Bulk Edit actions, the Custom Field mapping rule "Delete Null Values" option is now handled correctly. When this option is specified, empty values will not be stored in the database.
  • Fix: The "single" option now returns just the first value of a custom field if it has multiple values.
  • Fix: The Terms Search button, terms dropdown filter and "terms" search checkbox are no longer displayed when no taxonomies selected for MLA support.
  • Fix: PHP Warning messages are no longer produced when the Bulk Edit area is used with no taxonomies selected for MLA support.
2.12 2015-06-17
  • New: For [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], the mla_debug=log parameter writes debug information to the error log instead of the page or post containing the shortcode.
  • New: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab, a new option lets you limit the amount of error log content displayed in the text area.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], a defect in the default template's caption processing (using the "captiontag_content" attachment-specific substitution parameter) has been corrected. The defect caused improper handling of the mla_caption parameter in some cases.
2.11 2015-06-17
  • New: Polylang support has been added. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: WPML support has been enhanced. In particular, 1) all taxonomy term assignments are verified/adjusted to be valid for the item's language, 2) taxonomy term assignments are synchronized across all the item's translations, 3) the Media/Assistant submenu table will include a "language management" column showing each item's translation status by language; you can click on an item's "pencil" or "plus" icon to edit an existing translation or duplicate the item in a new language, 4) when "All Languages" is selected, the Media/Assistant submenu table will include a "Language" column showing each item's language, and 5) the Settings/Media Library Assistant "Language" tab lets you select the enhancements you want. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: An "Attached" view has been added, filtering the Media/Assistant submenu table to show only those items having a parent post/page. You can disable the new view, if desired, on the Settings/Media Library Assistant Views tab.
  • New: The Media/Assistant submenu table Quick Edit area now scrolls to the top of the viewport when it is opened.
  • New: Fifteen additional hooks have been added to the "Media Manager Enhancement filters (Hooks)". The /examples/mla-media-modal-hooks-example.php.txt file documents all the new additions. The example plugin includes code to add a "term elimination" taxonomy query to the standard "Query Attachments" terms.
  • New: Four new filters for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allow you to 1) process row-level actions from the Edit Media screen and 2) modify the "prepare_items" query terms or substitute your own query results. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filters.
  • New: A new /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-custom-field-search-example.php.txt example plugin has been added to demonstrate the new "prepare_items" query terms filter, adding a custom field search to the Media/Assistant Search Media text box.
  • New: A new /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-a-z-cloud-example.php.txt example plugin has been added that combines MLA with the Collapse-o-matic plugin and custom database queries to produce an "alphabetic cloud" and custom [mla_gallery].
  • New: For [mla_gallery], when mla_alt_shortcode=mla_tag_cloud, parameters such as mla_link_href are passed through to be used by [mla_tag_cloud].
  • New: Term-specific pagination has been added to the /examples/twentytwelve-mla/image.php file.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the new "captiontag_content" attachment-specific substitution parameter contains the complete HTML markup for the caption if both captiontag and caption are not empty. This can be used to omit empty caption tags (as it is in the default template).
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the "captiontag" (<dd> or <figcaption>) now contains an item-specific id attribute, supporting the aria-describedby attribute in the thumbnail's <img> tag.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the default HTML5 Row Open and Row Close template sections are now empty for themes that register support for HTML5. This removes the <!-- row-open --> comment in the Row Open section and the <br style="clear: both" /> tag in the Row Close section.
  • Fix: The obsolete "Attached" view has been removed from the /examples/mla-custom-view-example.php.txt file.
  • Fix: MLA enhanced icons for non-iage items are now properly displayed on the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • Fix: Taxonomy terms containing "HTML special characters", e.g., ampersands, are now handled correctly for searching and editing.
  • Fix: The mla_list_table_new_instance filter is now called for Media/Assistant Set Parent and Quick Edit (Ajax) actions.
  • Fix: For IPTC/EXIF mapping, empty values returned from an "EXIF/Template" template no longer suppress IPTC values that are present.
  • Fix: For the Media/Library grid view, JavaScript errors initializing the Enhanced Media Search toolbar control have been eliminated.
  • Fix: For IPTC/EXIF and custom field mapping, handling of items with corrupted attachment_matadata has been improved to avoid PHP Notice and Warning messages.
  • Fix: When WPML is active, [mla_tag_cloud] returns language-specific terms.
  • Fix: The MLA orientation data source reliably returns "portrait" or "landscape". The WordPress orientaton value, when present, is available as meta:image_meta.orientation.
  • Fix: Media/Assistant filtering by numeric custom field values with leading spaces (such as file_size) has been restored.
  • Fix: Media/Assistant "Unattached" and "Trash" view handling updated for WP 4.2 changes.
  • Fix: JavaScript "spinner" handling updated for WP 4.2 changes.
  • Fix: Code and files for WordPress before version 3.5 has been removed.
2.10 2015-04-23
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the Google File Viewer (mla_viewer) has been replaced by two new featues. First, a "Featured Image" can be assigned to Media Library items; it will replace the MIME type icon as the thumbnail for the item. Second, PDF documents can generate a thumbnail image for the item if Imagemagick, Imagick and Ghostscript are available on the server. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: XMP metadata can be extracted from JPEG and TIFF images and used in [mla_gallery] shortcodes and IPTC/EXIF or Custom Field mapping rules.
  • New: Several simple MLA Gallery examples have been added to the Documentation tab.
  • New: A Media/Assistant submenu table custom view example plugin, mla-custom-view-example.php.txt has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/ directory. The example adds two custom views for "Attached" items and "Unpublished" items that are attached to a parent whose post_status is 'draft', 'future', 'pending' or 'trash' .
  • New: Two new filters for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allow you to record or modify the new values for Bulk Edit fields. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filters.
  • New: A Terms Search "exact" option has been added to eliminate false matches such as "man" within "woman".
  • New: A new field-level data source, "alt_text" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules.
  • New: A new field-level option value, "substr(s,l)" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules. It uses the PHP substr() function to extract a portion of a field-level value.
  • New: If you add define( 'MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL', 1 ); to your wp-config.php file a new Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab is available. The new tab lets you view, download and reset (empty) the PHP error log file.
  • New: The Development Version date and MLA debug level, if applicable, are now added to the title of the Settings/Media library Assistant submenu.
  • Fix: Text and Textarea option settings containing backslashes are now cleaned up with stripslashes.
  • Fix: In the Media Manager Modal Window, CSS styles have been updated to improve the layout of the toolbar.
  • Fix: If 'Enable "bulk edit" area' is checked, bulk edit on Add New uploads will be run even if all four "enable mapping" options are disabled.
  • Fix: Terms Search performance has been improved by eliminating redundant table joins.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, sorting on custom fields now works correctly.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Search Media with the terms option now works correctly.
  • Fix: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-acf-checkbox-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • Fix: The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-image-source-control-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • Fix: Where-used reporting now identifies posts and pages in the Trash.
  • Fix: For IPTC/EXIF mapping, single/double quotes in the EXIF/Template Value field are now handled correctly, without adding backslash characters to the new values.
  • Fix: Field-level option values containing multiple arguments are now parsed correctly.
  • Fix: Several changes to the Translation/Localization strings to reduce translation effort.
2.02 2015-02-26
  • New: For the Media/Add New screen, a new Bulk Edit area lets you assign taxonomy terms and change standard or custom fields as new items are uploaded to the Media Library.
  • New: An enhanced array of "CAMERA"-related fields is provided as part of the EXIF metadata. They contain more attractive and useful versions of "ExposureBiasValue", "ExposureTime", "Flash", "FNumber", "FocalLength", "ShutterSpeed" and a number of "Other Tags". See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: For IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping, you can cancel and then resume mapping activity. You can also specify a starting offset for the resumes activity, allowing you to skip over previously-processed items or to re-process items.
  • New: For mapping rules and [mla_gallery], "timestamp", "date" and "fraction" format options can be used to format IPTC/EXIF metadata values, custom fields and other Data Sources. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], parent_name (slug) and parent_permalink have been added to the Attachment-specific substitution parameters for the markup template Item part.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the mla_terms_taxonomies parameter can be used for "Keyword(s) Search" to control which taxonomies are included if mla_search_fields includes "terms".
  • New: The "checked on top" option for checklist-style taxonomy meta boxes can be set or cleared on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • New: For IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping, [+iptc:ALL_IPTC+] is now a synonym for [+exif:ALL_IPTC+].
  • New: Coverage of field-level substitution parameters in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab has been re-organized, clarified and expanded.
  • New: A reference to plugin translation and the MLA Internationalization Guide have been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: For the Media Manager/Media Grid Enhancements, PHP notice messages are avoided when the WordPress "current_screen" value is not set by other themes and plugins, such as the "Total theme and Visual Composer".
  • Fix: Multiple ALT Text (wp_attachment_image_alt) values no longer cause PHP Warning messages; only the first value is used for `[mlagallery]` and the Quick Edit area.
  • Fix: Some of the "Creating a new Translation" instructions in the MLA Internationalization Guide have been improved.
  • Fix: many of the translation strings have been re-organized to simplify translation efforts.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], any "alt=" and "class=" attributes coded in the mla_image_attributes parameter will override and replace the existing "alt=" and/or "class=" attributes in the "img" tag. This avoids the confusion of having two instances of the attribute(s) in the tag.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], documentation of a WordPress 4.0+ change that affects taxonomy, date and custom field (meta) queries has been added, including a work-around to avoid "Invalid mla_gallery tax_query" errors.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the Google File Viewer (mla_viewer) has been replaced. Recent changes by Google, beyond MLA control, have removed support for the original feature. The interim fix allows you to substitute an appropriate icon for non-image file types. See the Documentation tab for more information.
  • Fix: For IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping, custom field names with mixed case, spaces and punctuation characters are now properly handled. Custom field names with HTML reserved characters such as quotes and angle brackerts are properly escaped for display purposes.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, column headers containing HTML reserved characters are now properly escaped for display purposes.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, unnecessary processing and database access are avoided when all four "where-used" reporting options are disabled.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], duplicate mla_page_parameter query arguments have been eliminated from links in the gallery or cloud.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], damage caused by line-breaks between shortcode parameters is (usually) repaired.
2.01 2015-01-25
  • New: For IPTC/EXIF mapping of taxonomy terms, significant performance improvements. Explicit handling of special cases and new caching code for "map all" processing eliminates unnecessary database queries.
  • New: For the Media/Assistant submenu, the "where-used" displays have improved. The post status (Draft, Pending, Future) is now included (it is also included in the "Parent Info" meta box on the Media/Edit Media screen). The parent post/page is moved to the top of the references list. The "Inserted in" file name is no longer displayed for the "base" option to save space.
  • New: For [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], several new galley-/cloud- substitution values have been added. You can use these, for example, to add page-level information like Title or Date to data selection parameters.
  • New: An example of Media/Assistant submenu support for Advanced Custom Fields Checkbox variables is provided at /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-acf-checkbox-example.txt
  • New: An example of mapping PDF metadata to Standard Fields and Taxonomy Terms has been added to the "IPTC/EXIF Mapping for PDF Documents" section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the Google File Viewer parameter (mla_viewer) has been disabled. Recent changes by Google, beyond MLA control, have removed support for this feature.
  • Fix: Where-used reference information is no longer computed during file uploads, improving performance.
  • Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu Bulk Edit area, updates to the "Categories" taxonomy are now handled correctly.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], a defect in the default handling of the post_parent parameter has been fixed. The defect was introduced in version 2.00.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], a defect in the handling of the exact=true parameter has been fixed.
  • Fix: For the "Select Parent" popup window, a defect in handling invalid post_status values has been fixed.
2.00 2015-01-09
  • New: Requires WordPress v3.5 or greater.
  • New: Enhanced Keyword(s) Search and Taxonomy term keyword(s) search for the [mla_gallery] shortcode. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: Ajax-powered Bulk Edit processing lets you see the progress of large update batches and prevents script timeouts.
  • New: Ajax-powered Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF mapping lets you see the progress of large update runs and prevents script timeouts.
  • New: For custom field mapping rules, the "Raw" Format avoids the conversion of numeric zero values to blanks.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu table Content Templates, including template:[+empty+], have been added to the Bulk Edit area processing for custom fields.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu table the Download rollover action is more secure. Downloads now require a WordPress admin-mode nonce check to succeed.
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, the mla_get_terms_clauses filter lets you inspect or modify the SQL clauses used to retrieve terms for the cloud.
  • New: Two (2) new filters for the Media/Assistant submenu table let you intercept the beginning and end of Bulk Edit actions.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the keyword search parameter ("s") now works properly when the user is not logged in.
  • Fix: For IPTC/EXIF mapping of custom fields, field names containing uppercase letters, whitespace and punctuation are now handled correctly.
1.95 2014-12-12
  • New: Twenty eight (28) filters for the Media/Assistant submenu table support customization of the table display and supporting features like table views, Quick Edit, Bulk Edit and rollover actions.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the powerful "date_query" parameter introduced in WordPress Version 3.7 is now supported.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu table a "Download" rollover action has been added to enable easy, one-click down of Media Library items.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu table values in the Base File column can be clicked to filter the table by the column value. This is useful for plugins such as Polylang that assign the same base file to items translated into multiple languages.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu table template:[+empty+] has been added to the Bulk Edit area processing and IPTC/EXIF Standard Field mapping to support deleting the content of the Title, Caption, Description and ALT Text fields.
  • New: A "tax_relation" parameter has been added for [mla_gallery] simple taxonomy searches that involve two or more taxonomies.
  • New: A "url" format option has been added for [mla_gallery] substitution parameters that must be encoded for use in an HTML href/URL context, e.g., in hyperlink (a) or img tag.
  • New: An "attr" format option has been added for [mla_gallery] substitution parameters that must be encoded for use in an HTML attribute context, e.g., in the title= attribute of a hyperlink (a) or img tag.
  • New: The "MLA Tax Query Example" plugin in /examples/mla-tax-query-example.php.txt has been enhanced to handle orderby, order and post_mime_type parameters.
  • New: On the "help" dropdown for Media/Assistant submenu table a new tab has been added to document the "Where-used Reporting" information.
  • New: Examples for custom field mapping/use and IPTC/EXIF mapping/use have been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu table the table header height is no longer affected by the "Icon Size" option value.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu table a bug in the "where-used" information for attachments inserted in the body of a post/page but not used in a [gallery], [mla_gallery] or Featured Image has been fixed.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery] simple taxonomy searches that involve two or more taxonomies are now processed correctly.
  • Fix: Improved coverage of [mla_gallery] pagination and author parameters (and some others) has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: The Title field is now properly encoded when used as the default title attribute in [mla_gallery] item links.
  • Fix: The title attribute no longer appears twice in [mla_gallery] item links when the mla_viewer=true parameter is specified.
  • Fix: An occasional problem with double slashes (//) in template path names has been corrected.
1.94 2014-10-28
  • New: An example that shows how to replace the wp_list_categories() item count with an accurate, padded count of the attachments assigned to each term has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/twentytwelve-mla directory. The example comprises the "page-tosca30-dropdown.php" and "content-tosca30-dropdown.php" files.
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, new current_item and current_item_class parameters allow you to specify the current or selected term in the cloud and add a class attribute to it.
  • New: For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, when item-specific clouds are created with the ids parameter, the term counts reflect only the items in the ids list.
  • Fix: CSS Styles for the Media Manager year/month filter, taxonomy term filter, Search Media button adn Terms Search Button have been improved.
  • Fix: A shortcode-processing defect in WordPress 4.0 is avoided by adding a "no_texturize_shortcodes" filter to the [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud] shortcodes.
  • Fix: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a defect in expanding request: and query: arguments in pagination parameters has been fixed.
  • Fix: A defect in the Media Manager/Media Grid enhancements has been corrected. The defect caused changes to the MIME type, Year/Month and Terms controls on the toolbar to be ignored when the MLA Enhanced Search Box was disabled.
  • Fix: A defect in the Media Manager/Media Grid enhancements has been corrected. The defect caused changes to the Title, Caption, ALT Text and Description fields in the Attachment Details pane to be ignored.
  • Fix: The number of "where-used" SQL queries required to compose the Media/Assistant submenu table has been reduced significantly. For example, a table with 100 items has been reduced from 282 queries to 67, and a table with 621 items has been reduced from 2,722 queries to 241.
  • Fix: An occasional PHP notice in the posts_join filter has been removed.
1.93 2014-09-08
  • New: MLA enhancements have been added to the new WordPress 4.0 Media/Library Media Grid submenu. An option has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to disable them if they are not wanted.
  • New: An option has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to automatically populate taxonomy metaboxes in the Media Manager Details pane when the item is selected. The option is disabled by default.
  • New: A new mla-simple-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples directory.
  • Fix: Completed WordPress 4.0 compatibility work.
  • Fix: Media Manager toolbar controls for different modes, e.g., Insert Media, Set Featured Image, are now separated so each mode retains its own settings.
  • Fix: Media Manager MLA enhanced toolbar controls for MIME type, date and terms now work when the enhanced Search Media control is disabled.
  • Fix: The buddypress-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin now handles cover art for the most recent rtMedia releases.
1.92 2014-08-25
  • Fix: PHP "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_current_screen ()" has been fixed.
  • Fix: Enhanced taxonomy support for drag & drop file uploads has been restored.
  • Fix: JavaScript "undefined or null object" reference when all Media Manager toolbar enhancements are disabled has been fixed.
1.91 2014-08-17
  • New: Fourteen filters have been added to the "Edit Media additional meta boxes". You can customize which meta boxes appear and replace their contents. An example plugin has been added to demonstrate their use. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • New: A new hook, mla_media_modal_initial_filters has been added to the "Media Manager Enhancement filters (Hooks)".
  • New: A new "MLA Media Modal Hooks Example" plugin has been created in /examples/mla-media-modal-hooks-example.php.txt.
  • New: Two new examples have been added to the MLA Gallery Hooks example plugin.
  • New: A new "MLA Tax Query Example" plugin has been created in /examples/mla-tax-query-example.php.txt.
  • New: Two new hooks, mla_begin_mapping and mla_end_mapping have been added to the "MLA Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF Mapping Actions and Filters (Hooks)".
  • New: A new "MLA Meta Box Hooks Example" plugin has been created in /examples/mla-metabox-hooks-example.php.txt.
  • New: A new, simplified MLA Mapping Hooks example plugin has been created. The older, more complex example is provided as a separate example plugin, /examples/mla-metadata-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu table, the "Set Parent" links now refresh the entire table row, properly updating all of the affected columns and the Quick Edit data.
  • Fix: A defect that affected certain "front end" file uploads, e.g., changing an avatar in BuddyPress, has been corrected.
  • Fix: All like_escape() calls have been changed to $wpdb->esc_like() for WordPress 4.0 and later.
  • Fix: A defect in multi-word or quoted Search Media box content on the Media/Assistant submenu table has been fixed.
  • Fix: A defect in WPML support on the Media/Assistant submenu table has been fixed.
  • Fix: A defect in using fields in the "posts" database table as "Data sources for custom field mapping" has been fixed.
1.90 2014-08-16
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window, a new "Terms Search" popup filter lets you filter the display by terms whose name contains the keywords and phrases entered in the search box. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, a new "terms" checkbox lets you extend the search to terms whose name contains the keywords and phrases entered in the search box. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, you can hide the and/or connector and search fields controls by unchecking the appropriate box in the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, you can change defaults for and/or connector and search fields controls by setting them in the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • New: The "Select Parent" popup window now has a post type filter and pagination controls. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • New: The "Select Parent" popup window has been added to the Media/Assistant submenu table Bulk Edit area.
  • New: Documentation for "Select Parent" and "Terms Search has been added to the Media/Assistant submenu table "Help" dropdown area and the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: Most of the fields in the "posts" database table have been added as "Data sources for custom field mapping".
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], a new "pad_counts" parameter lets you add children to their parents' term-specific count(s).
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], new "post_type" and "post_status" parameters give you more control over cloud content when a taxonomy such as category is registered for posts/pages as well as attachments.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], "category" is accepted as a synonym for "category_name" to make filtering by category more intuitive.
  • New: An example using a custom SQL Query to replace gallery content has been added to the mla-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin.
  • New: An example plugin using BuddyPress and rtMedia has been created in /examples/buddypress-hooks-example.php.txt. The example shows how to replace the WordPress "attachment/media page" links with "BuddyPress/rtMedia page" links. For audio and video files, an option is provided to substitute the "cover_art" thumbnail image for the item Title in the thumbnail_content.
  • Fix: In the Media Manager Modal Window, adding a taxonomy term now updates the toolbar "terms filter" dropdown list. It also updates the "parent" dropdown list in the toolbar, if the taxonomy is hierarchical.
  • Fix: In the Media Manager Modal Window, the year/month and taxonomy filter controls now appear for plugins such as WooCommerce, Slider Revolution, Image Widget and SimpleFields.
  • Fix: More details added to the "Category Parameters" section of the Settings/Media LIbrary Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the mla_rollover_text= parameter has been restored. WordPress 3.7 removed the title= attribute from its attachment links, which disabled mla_rollover_text= as well.
  • Fix: For [mla_tag_cloud], the number parameter default is now zero, agreeing with the Documentation.
1.83 2014-06-27
  • Important Fix: For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Quick Edit, Bulk Edit, Screen Options and Help functions have been restored.
  • Fix: For the "Select Parent" popup window, the "close icon" ("x") now appears in the upper-right corner of the popup in WordPress versions before 3.8.x
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], tax_query no longer restricted to parent post/page. The post_parent="current" parameter can be used to restore the restriction.
  • Fix: In the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab "Data Sources for custom field mapping" section, parent_name has been corrected to parent_title.
1.82 2014-05-30
  • New: A "Select Parent" popup window has been added to the Media/Assistant submenu table "Attached To" column, the Quick Edit area and the Media/Edit Media "Parent Information" meta box. You can select a parent from a list of posts/pages, search for parent candidates by keyword(s), and select "(Unattached)" to set the post_parent ID to zero.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], SVG image files are rendered appropriately for all registered image sizes. Note that browser support for SVG images is also required.
  • New: Thumbnail support for SVG image files in the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • New: A new mla_get_options_tablist filter allows you to filter the tabs in the Settings/Media Linrary Assistant submenu. An example added to the added to the MLA Mapping Hooks Example plugin (in the /examples directory) shows how to use the filter to remove a tab from the submenu.
  • New: Clickable term lists example added to the MLA Gallery Hooks Example plugin in the /examples directory.
  • New: Formatted file size example added to the MLA Gallery Hooks Example plugin in the /examples directory.
  • New: A "latest images" page template has been added to the Mla Child Theme in the /examples directory.
  • New: For custom fields ( "custom:" prefix) in [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], the new ",raw" option lets you return HTML tags for display in the gallery/cloud results.
  • Fix: IPTC/EXIF mapping rules for taxonomies that no longer exist are now removed when you click "Save Changes" on the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab. This resolves a PHP Fatal Error when the mapping rules are applied.
  • Fix: The default Media link when Media/Assistant is the default Media submenu has been changed from "admin.php" to "upload.php". This resolves a problem with the WP Document Revisions plugin and its filtering of Document post type attachments.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the mla_style=theme setting will default to "false" for themes that support HTML5.
1.81 2014-05-19
  • Important Fix: A serious defect in the Media Libarary Modal Window has been corrected. The defect caused drag & drop file uploading to fail under many circumstances.
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], the "ids" parameter has been added to support item-specific term clouds, i.e., a cloud containing only those terms assigned to one (or more) items.
  • New: A "single image with tag list" page template has been added to the Mla Child Theme in the /examples directory.
  • Fix: A Load Text Domain function has been added to the /examples/twentytwelve-mla child theme.
  • Fix: If the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab "Page Title" and/or "Menu Title" fields are empty, the default values are now used, including translated values if applicable.
  • Fix: Failure to load translation file from the /plugins/media-library-assistant/languages directory has been fixed. Note that the translation file must include the plugin slug, e.g.,
  • Fix: PHP (5.4.x) Strict Standards warning for MLAData::mla_get_attachment_by_id() has been resolved.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], $wp_filter debug display with mla_debug=true is more reliable.
1.80 2014-04-03
  • New: For the Media Manager Modal Window, Native support for "checkbox-style" and "tag hint-style" taxonomy meta boxes is available. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • New: For flat taxonomies, e.g., "Tags" or "Att. Tags", a "checkbox-style" meta box is available. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • New: An option (General tab) is provided to disable term-specific counts in the Attachments column of the taxonomy edit screens.
  • New: An option (General tab) is provided to suppress the MLA-specific metaboxes on the Media/Edit Media screen. This removes the "Parent Info", "Menu Order", "Attachment Metadata" and the four "where-used" meta boxes.
  • New: Bulk edit area now includes Title, Caption, Description, ALT Text, Comments and Pings fields. Text fields may contain a Content Template, allowing conditional replacement of the field value.
  • New: A numeric value in the Media/Assistant search box will do a text-based search in addition to the post or parent ID search. This eliminates the requirement to add quotes to the value to force a text-based search. You can still add quotes to avoid the parent/post ID part of the search, or avoid the text-based search by unchecking all of the search field boxes.
  • New: A new option, Icon Size, sets the thumbnail/icon size on the Media/Assistant submenu table. Find it in the Table Defaults section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • New: More debugging information displayed/logged when Media/Assistant search box begins with ">|<" or <|>".
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the Data sources for custom field mapping are now available as Attachment-specific substitution parameters. A new "commas" option allows better formatting of numeric data source values.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], mla_gallery_raw_attributes filter allows access to the shortcode parameters before they pass through the logic to handle mla_page_parameter and "request:" prefix processing. The mla-hooks-example.php.txt example has been updated as well.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], mla_paginate_rows allows you to avoid redundant database queries just to create pagination controls, if you have some other way of knowing how many items a gallery contains.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], WP_Query caching parameters allow you to avoid additional database queries just to fill the post, metadata and/or term cache if your application does not require them.
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], post_mime_type allows you to filter the tag cloud counts by MIME type so they will match the results delivered by [mla_gallery] and other gallery shortcodes.
  • New: For [mla_tag_cloud], a new no_count parameter enables or disables the computation of term-specific attachment counts.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the HTML5 figure, div and figcaption tags are used for themes that register support for HTML5.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new mla_style setting ("theme") lets the theme control use of the MLA style template by hooking the use_default_gallery_style filter.
  • Fix: The term-specific counts computation in the Attachments column of the taxonomy edit screens is significantly more efficient.
  • Fix: Removed an intermittant PHP Warning message for logged-in users without the "upload_files" capability.
  • Fix: The [mla_tag_cloud] templates are no longer offered in the default [mla_gallery] template dropdown list.
  • Fix: Default descriptions for mla_upload_mime option values are no longer stored in the options table, saving space.
  • Fix: Support for the "Media Categories" plugin (by Eddie Moya) is no longer required and has been removed.
  • Fix: The where-used term "BAD PARENT" has been replaced with the less severe "UNUSED" to more clearly indicate that the item has a valid parent but is not used for anything in the parent post/page.
  • Fix: The "Inserted in" reporting with the "Base" option setting explicitly tests for all registered intermediate sizes, giving more precise results.
  • Fix: Peaceful co-existance with Relevanssi - A Better Search, v3.2+ by Mikko Saari, using a filter provided by that plugin to disable interference with the Media/Assistant submenu search box and the [mla_gallery] shortcode.
  • Fix: Removed support for the ancient, bug-ridden and unused [mla_attachment_list] shortcode.
1.71 2014-02-12
  • New: Searchable Category meta boxes have been added to the Media/Edit Media screen. Click the "$ Search" link at the bottom of the meta box and type all or part of a term in the textbox to filter the display.
  • New: Attachment Display Settings options added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab allowing a convenient way to manage the WordPress 'image_default_link_type', 'image_default_align', and 'image_default_size' options.
  • Fix: Drag and Drop re-ordering of WordPress [gallery] items is now preserved in the Media Manager "Edit Gallery" Modal Window.
  • Fix: Updated data is now properly displayed after Quick Edit changes it, e.g., ALT Text.
  • Fix: Some internationalization/initialization logic moved from admin_init action to the init action to accomodate (rare) "front end" use of table column names, e.g., the "Views" table.
  • Fix: Modest database access reductions in the Media/Assistant submenu table preparation.
  • Fix: Eliminated PHP Warning and Notice messages from class-mla-mime-types.php in WP v3.5.x.
  • Fix: Corrected post ID parameter defect in the mla_mapping_updates filter during IPTC/EXIF mapping.
1.70 2014-01-13
  • New: Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support! All of the internationalization work in the plugin source code has been completed and there is a Portable Object Template (.POT) available in the "/languages" directory. I don't have working knowledge of anything but English, but if you'd like to volunteer to produce a translation, I would be delighted to work with you to make it happen. Have a look at the "MLA Internationalization Guide.php" file in the languages directory and get in touch.
  • New: For Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF mapping, twelve new apply_filters/do_action hooks give you complete control over rule execution and value creation from PHP code in your theme or in another plugin. More information in the "Other Notes" section here. A complete, working example is provided in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: For Settings/Media Library Assistant Custom Fields and IPTC/EXIF tabs "Enable ... Mapping when updating media metadata" options allow you to apply mapping rules whenever the media metadata is updated, not just on new uploads.
  • Fix: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab, Taxonomy Parent dropdown now reflects term hierarchy.
  • Fix: MLAMime::mla_upload_mimes_filter() returns the MLA updated list of allowed types, not the WordPress default list.
  • Fix: MLAMime::mla_upload_mimes_filter() now respects the WordPress per-user 'unfiltered_html' capability.
  • Fix: When uploading new attachments, attachment metadata (_wp_attachment_metadata) is now updated from custom field and IPTC/EXIF mapping rules that contain the "meta:" prefix.
  • Fix: For WordPress 3.5 and later, a more efficient query is used to compose the "Attachments" column in the Media/taxonomy submenu tables.
  • Fix: Documentation for custom field and IPTC/EXIF mapping has been restructured and expanded to better explain these features.
1.61 2013-12-14
  • Tested for compatibility with WordPress version 3.8 - no issues found.
  • Fix: For custom field mapping, the file_size data source is now populated when the file name contains characters outside the printable ASCII range.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], field-level markup substitution parameters in item-specific parameters such as mla_link_href are expanded properly. This corrects a defect introduced in v1.60.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], correct default style and markup templates are applied when the shortcode mla_style= and/or mla_markup= parameters name templates that do not exist. The previous version incorrectly supplied the "tag-cloud" template in this case.
1.60 2013-11-28
  • New: [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode. Enhanced tag cloud for any taxonomy, with "grid" format, full Display Content and custom template support along the lines of [mla_gallery]. Paginated clouds are also supported. Full details in the Other Notes section and on the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: MLA Text Widget. You can add widgets containing [mla_gallery], [mla_tag_cloud] or any shortcode to the sidebars on your site. More information in the Other Notes section.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], new 'page_ID' and 'page_url' substitution parameters for easier 'mla_link_href' composition.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], link=span and link=none let you replace the hyperlink enclosing each gallery thumbnail with non-link content.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], default Style and Markup templates conform to WordPress 3.7 conventions. The "orientation" attribute has been added to Attachment-specific substitution parameters and as a Data Source for custom field mapping.
  • New: Enhanced IPTC/EXIF Taxonomy term mapping. You can now separate multiple terms contained in a single IPTC/EXIF value by specifying one or more delimiters. For example, specify ";" to separate values like "tag1; tag2" into separate terms.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes now includes the "enclosing shortcode" form. You can pass content to the alternate shortcode by coding something like [mla_gallery ids="1230,1227" mla_alt_shortcode=fsg_link mla_alt_ids_name=include class=button]View the gallery[/mla_gallery]. New filters are provided for inspecting/modifying the content.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, where-used errors are no longer returned for XHTML-style self-closing shortcodes, i.e., ending with "/]", and for tax_query and meta_query parameters containing substitution parameters.
  • Fix: Hiding the Media/Library submenu is now more reliable. The Media/Library submenu is hidden with a CSS style, but is still available for use by plugins such as Enable Media Replace. The Media/Assistant submenu is automatically moved up to the top of the submenu list. Attempts to display the Media/Library submenu, e.g., after deleting an item from the Edit Media screen, are redirected to the Media/Assistant submenu.
  • Fix: For the Settings/Media Library Assistant "Custom Fields" and "IPTC/EXIF" tabs, the "Add Rule/Add Field and Map All Attachments" buttons now map values correctly. In previous MLA versions, the rule was added but the attachment values were not mapped.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], array values are now accepted in [+request:+] substitution parameters, and the ,export option is supported as well. Array values can be passed from the URL or HTML forms to parameters that accept a list of values, such as taxonomy queries.
1.52 2013-10-24
  • Fix: Corrected serious defect in [mla_gallery] that incorrectly limited the number of items returned for non-paginated galleries.
  • Fix: Eliminated "Strict Standards" messages issued from MLAModal functions.
1.51 2013-10-23
  • New: For [mla_gallery], twenty-five new apply_filters hooks let you modify gallery output with PHP code in your theme or another plugin. More information in the "Other Notes" section here. A complete, working example is provided in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: Attachment Metadata mapping. Add or change values in the WordPress _wp_attachment_metadata array. For example, add GPS data to the image_meta array. Full details in the "Other Notes" section and in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: GPS Metadata fields added: LatitudeSDM, LatitudeSDD, LongitudeSDM, LongitudeSDD with leading "-" sign for southern and western values.
  • New: A new [mla_gallery] parameter, mla_page_parameter supports multiple paginated galleries on the same post/page.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu, the Description field has been added to the Quick Edit area.
  • New: Support for "searchable category/tag metaboxes" added to the ATTACHMENT DETAILS pane of the Media Manager Modal Window. This feature requires download and activation of the "Media Categories" plugin (by Eddie Moya).
  • New: The [+custom:ALL_CUSTOM+] pseudo value lets you easily display the names and values of all custom fields associated with an item. You can use it in an [mla_gallery] or in a custom field mapping rule.
  • Fix: Media Manager Modal Window support has been re-worked to avoid adding additional parameters to the Attachments object. This improves the handling of "drag & drop" uploading of new Media Library items.
  • Fix: Sorting the Media/Assistant submenu table by a column which no longer exists does not cause database errors. The table sort reverts to the built-in default value. In addition, the dropdown list of sortable columns is now alphabetized.
  • Fix: The "Inserted in" reporting with the "Base" option setting more reliably handles the case where one item filename is a subset of another filename. For example, file "abc.jpg" no longer matches "abcd.jpg".
  • Fix: Handling of empty query: and request: substitution parameters has been restored to the pre-v1.50 logic.
  • Fix: Custom field mapping for fields with array values is more reliably handled.
  • Fix: Test elements in Content Templates returning array results more accurately test for substitution parameters having no value. For example, ([+iptc:2#020,array+][+iptc:2#025,array+]) will be empty unless both of the substitution parameters have values.
1.50 2013-10-02
  • New: PDF metadata support, including the traditional Document Information Dictionary and the newer, more extensive XMP metadata. Include this information in your [mla_gallery] display and map it to standard fields, taxonomy terms and custom fields.
  • New: Content Templates, which let you compose a value from multiple substitution parameters, combine text and data values, test for empty values and choose among two or more alternatives or suppress output entirely.
  • New: GPS Metadata is extracted from EXIF metadata and converted to a variety of convenient formats. Include this information in your [mla_gallery] display and map it to standard fields, taxonomy terms and custom fields.
  • New: You can customize the position, label and title of the Media/Assistant submenu screen. You can also remove the default Media/Library submenu screen.
  • New: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab you can export and import ALL of your MLA settings to a simple text file. Backup your settings before making big changes, move settings between sites, etc.
  • New: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab you can set the depth and child handling for the filter-by taxonomy on the Media/Assistant submenu.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu, search, filter and sort values are retained when a "Filter by" value is set by clicking on an active link in the table.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu, a "Clear Filter by" button allows you to clear the filter-by value while retaining other search, filter and sort values.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, the "Filter by" values are retained when the Bulk Actions Apply button and the Filter button are clicked.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, bulk edit of post_parent, post_author and custom fields now updates every item in the list, not just the first item.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, "where-used" information for files whose name is a subset of another file's name has been corrected. For example, where-used values for file "abc.jpg" was previously reported in the results for file "bc.jpg" in certain cases.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, "Empty Trash" button/function has been implemented.
  • Fix: PHP Warnings are no longer issued when plugins such as "Codepress Admin Columns" use the HTTP "page" query variable in unexpected ways.
  • Fix: Initialization functions now have a higher priority value, so they run later. This improves features such as discovery of custom taxonomies created in theme functions.php files that use the init hook.
  • Fix: Hyperlinks to Document tab from other Settings/MediaLibrary Assistant tabs have been changed to more reliable absolute href values.
1.43 2013-08-11
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new mla_output=paginate_links parameter creates a paginated link list for galleries with multiple "gallery pages" ( e.g.: < Prev 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 Next > ). See the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for complete information and examples.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], mla_prev_text and mla_next_text can be used in place of mla_link_text with the previous_link and next_link output types.
  • Fix: When resetting Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab options, a Fatal PHP error no longer occurs.
  • Fix: PHP Warning message removed for [mla_gallery] shortcodes with no parameters at all.
  • Fix: For WordPress version 3.6, the Media Manager taxonomy dropdown box is indented with dashes; it no longer shows plaintext version of HTML non-breaking spaces.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], "Next" and "Previous" text default values now use acute quotes, not arrows, conforming to the WordPress values.
  • Fix: Example for the previous_page/next_page output types has been corrected, showing posts_per_page in all three shortcodes.
1.42 2013-08-01
  • New: Pagination support for [mla_gallery], using the "previous_page" and "next_page" values of the "mla_output" parameter. See the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for complete information and examples.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new parameter ("mla_link_class") lets you add class attribute values to the hyperlinks.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new parameter ("mla_nolink_text") replaces the empty string returned for an empty [mla_gallery] or null pagination links.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the "mla_margin" and "mla_itemwidth" parameters can be set to any value, not just percent values. You can use "auto", dimension values like "10px" or remove the properties altogether. See the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for complete information.
  • New: Default values for the [mla_gallery] "columns", "mla_margin" and "mla_itemwidth" parameters can now be specified on the Settings/Media Library Assistant submenu, MLA Gallery tab.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new substitution parameter ("last_in_row") contains a class name for the last item in each full gallery row. You can use this class name to apply specific CSS styles to the last item in each full row.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], a new parameter ("tax_include_children") gives more control for queries on hierarchial taxonomies, such as attachment_category.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu a new rollover action, "View", has been added.
  • New: On the Media/Assistant submenu a new column, "File URL", has been added.
  • New: absolute_path, absolute_file_name, base_file, name_only and mime_type values added to the custom field data sources list.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the paged=current value will now take its value from the "page" query variable for Single Paginated Posts that contain the <!--nextpage--> quicktag in the post content.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, the view, search, filter and sort values are retained when moving among multiple pages.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, the view, search and filter values are retained when re-sorting by column values.
  • Fix: On the Media/Assistant submenu, the current view is correctly highlighted for MLA enhanced table views.
  • Fix: If you disable the Media Manager Enhanced Search Media box, the WordPress-native search box functions correctly.
  • Fix: On the Settings/Media Library Assistant submenu, Custom Fields and IPTC/EXIF tabs, the field drop-downlist in the "Add a new Mapping Rule" area now includes fields that have been defined but not yet mapped to any attachments.
1.41 2013-07-01
  • New: For [mla_gallery], the new mla_output parameter lets you get "previous_link" and "next_link" values to support moving through an [mla_gallery] one item at a time. Look for Support for Alternative Gallery Output in the Other Notes section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for complete information.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], field-level substitution parameters now include $_REQUEST arguments. You can pass any values you need from HTML form or hyperlink variables to the Gallery Display Content parameters and to your custom style and markup templates.
  • New: Hover text/tool tips, e.g., "Filter by...", "Edit..." added to most links on the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • New: The ALL_EXIF and ALL_IPTC pseudo variables now limit each field value to 256 bytes or less. Array values are included once, at their most expanded level.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], EXIF values containing arrays now use the ",single" and ",export" qualifiers.
  • Fix: Intermittent "full height" display of attachment thumbnails has been eliminated. Attachment thumbnail is now a link to the Edit Media screen.
  • Fix: EXIF and IPTC values containing invalid UTF8 characters are converted to valid UTF8 equivalents.
  • Fix: When editing [gallery] shortcodes in the Media Manager the proper gallery contents (image thumbnails) are now returned.
  • Fix: Better handling of Media/Assistant submenu table listing when returning from a Bulk Action, especially Bulk Edit. Display filters for date, category/tag and the search box are retained.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], Gallery Content Display parameters are now processed when mla_viewer=true.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], the default "alt" attribute (item caption) is processed when mla_viewer=true.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], error messages are displayed for invalid "terms:" and "custom:" substitution parameters.
1.40 2013-06-20
  • New: "base" selection for the where-used database access tuning "Inserted in" option can significantly improve performance while retaining the most useful part of the where-used information. It's on the Settings/Media Library Assistant screen, General tab.
  • New: Add Post MIME Types and define new views for the Media/Library screen and the Media Manager/Add Media "media items" drop down list.
  • New: MLA's Media/Assistant screen and the Media Manager/Add Media "media items" drop down list use an enhanced version of the list, Table Views, to support views with multiple MIME Types (e.g., "audio,video") and wildcard specifications (e.g. "/*ms"). You can also create views based on custom field values.
  • New: Add file extensions and MIME types for uploads to the Media Library. Search the list of over 1,500 extension/MIME type associations to get the best matches possible.
  • New: Choose from 112 enhanced file type images to associate more specific and colorful icons with non-image file extensions for admin screens and [gallery] or [mla_gallery] displays.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], four new "Gallery Display Content" parameters, mla_link_attributes, mla_image_attributes, mla_image_class and mla_image_alt, give you complete control over the link and image portions of gallery items without requiring custom style or markup templates.
  • New: upload_date, parent_date and eight "where used" values added to the custom field data sources list.
  • New: Five options for mapping multi-value custom fields, "text", "single", "export", "array" and "multi", give more control over the process.
  • New: "Delete NULL values" option offers better control over storing custom field values mapped from MLA data sources.
  • New: The Media/Assistant "MIME Type" column now links to a table listing filtered by MIME Type.
  • Fix: Better performance for database-intensive oprations such as custom field mapping rules processing.
  • Fix: MLA help tabs are not added to edit taxonomy screens when post_type is not "attachment".
  • Fix: Duplicate MLA help tabs not added to the WordPress Edit Tags and Categories screens.
  • Fix: Quick edit data now populates in Title/Name, Title or Name columns when ID/Parent column is hidden.
  • Fix: Terms dropdown list is now sorted by name (was by term-id) on the Media/Assistant table listing and on the Media Manager "Add Media" dialog box.
  • Fix: Where-used reporting "Gallery in" and "MLA Gallery in" results now properly handle [gallery] and [mla_gallery] shortcodes embedded within other (enclosing) shortcodes.
  • Fix: Taxonomy support now properly handles custom taxonomies registered with `show_ui
1.30 2013-04-23
  • New: ALL metadata fields, including the new fields extracted from audio and video files in WordPress 3.6, can be mapped to custom fields and added as sortable columns to the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], field-level substitution parameters now include ALL metadata fields, including the new fields extracted from audio and video files in WordPress 3.6.
  • New: Use [mla_gallery] to determine which items are included in a gallery, then pass them on to another gallery-generating shortcode for formatting and display. The new mla_alt_shortcode and mla_alt_ids_name parameters let you use any gallery-generating shortcode that accepts a list of attachment ID values. For example, you can use the Jetpack Carousel and Tiled Galleries to create elegant mosaic layouts and immersive full-screen experiences. The "Other Notes" section here or the Documentation tab on the Settings/Media Library Assistant page of the plugin have details.
  • New: Improved User Interface for the "IPTC/EXIF" tab on the Settings/Media Library Assistant screen. The "Custom Fields" section of this screen is enhanced to match the "Custom Fields" Settings tab.
  • Fix: Media Manager enhanced Search Media box more reliably re-queries the server when search parameters change.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], posts_where and posts_orderby filters now have a very low priority to run later and avoid conflicts with other plugins, e.g, "Post Types Order".
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], field-level "query" substitution parameters are now processed in all custom style and markup template parts.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], empty style and markup template parts are now allowed; empty "Open:" markup will not cause reversion to default template.
  • Fix: Default mla_style settings now include "-- none --", to suppress generation of default inline CSS styles for the [mla_gallery] shortcodes.
  • Fix: Improved handling and display of Custom fields with multiple values.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], link=post (added in WordPress 3.5) is now accepted to link gallery items to the corresponding attachment page. The link=permalink value continues to work as well.
  • Fix: Filtering the Media/Media Library Assistant table display on custom field values with leading spaces (i.e., format=commas) now works properly.
1.20 2013-04-01
  • New: The long-awaited enhancements to the WordPress (3.5+) Media Manager (Add Media, etc.). Filter your attachments by additional MIME types, month and year uploaded and/or taxonomy terms. Keyword search can be extended to the name/slug, ALT text and caption fields. The connector between search terms can be "and" or "or". Search by attachment ID or parent ID is supported. Enable/disable any or all enhancements on the Settings page.
  • New: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, enhanced parameters for sorting the gallery results. For example, orderby=caption and orderby=description are now available to sort gallery results by the Caption (post_excerpt) and Description (post_content) fields. You can also sort on multiple fields, e.g., orderby="author, date DESC", with field-level ASC/DESC control. The "Other Notes" section here or the Documentation tab on the Settings/Media Library Assistant page of the plugin have details.
  • New: For [mla_gallery], field-level substitution parameters now include query arguments. You can pass any values you need to the Gallery Display Content parameters and to your custom style and markup templates.
  • New: Gallery Display Content parameters now include mla_link_href, so you can change the destination and arguments of the URL your gallery items link to.
  • New: Markup Substitution Parameters now include site_url.
  • New: If the search box contains (only) a numeric value it is interpreted as a search by attachment ID or parent ID (post_parent). You can search for a numeric value in the text fields, e.g., title, by putting quotes around the value.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], numberposts is now accepted as a synonym for posts_per_page. If both are present, posts_per_page wins.
  • Fix: For [mla_gallery], handling of id=0 and post_parent=0 now match the WordPress [gallery] implementation, restricting the query to children of post '0', i.e., unattached media items.
  • Fix: Corrected handling of Photonic Gallery pause parameter to match Photonic 1.43 implementation. Pause will be true if any non-empty value other than 'false' or '0' is present.
  • Fix: A Donate button has been added to the top-right corner of the Settings/Media Library Assistant screen.
1.14 2013-03-11
  • New: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a new mla_target parameter allows you to specify the HTML target attribute in the gallery item links, e.g., mla_target="_blank" will open the items in a new window or tab.
  • New: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a new tax_operator parameter allows you to specify "AND" or "NOT IN" operators in the simple tax_name=term(s) version of taxonomy queries. See the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation page for details.
  • New: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, tax_query corruption caused by the Visual mode of the post/page editor is now cleaned up before the query is submitted; Line breaks, HTML markup and escape sequences added by the Visual editor are removed.
  • Fix: IPTC/EXIF values containing an arrray, e.g., "2#025 keywords", will be converted to a comma-separated string before assignment to Standard fields or Custom fields.
  • Fix: Custom Field Mapping will always ignore rules with Data Source set to "-- None (select a value) --".
  • Fix: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the orderby parameter will override the explicit order in the ids parameter.
  • Fix: In the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the ids and include parameters no longer require post_parent=all to match items not attached to the current post/page.
  • Fix: The [mla_gallery]' shortcode can now be called without a current post, e.g., from a PHP file that containsdo_shortcode("[mla_gallery]");`.
  • Fix: The value in the Attachments column in the edit taxonomy screen(s) is now correct. In previous versions this value was not correct if a term appeared in more than ten (10) attachments.
  • Fix: The Attachments column in the edit taxonomy screen(s) is now updated in response to the WordPress "Quick Edit" action for taxonomy terms. In previous versions the Attachments value was not returned and the Posts/Media value was used instead.
  • Fix: The Attachments column in the edit taxonomy screen(s) is now center-justified, following the standard set by the WordPress Posts/Media column. In previous versions it was left-justified.
  • Fix: Corrected vertical-align attribute in .gallery-caption style of the default mla_style template.
  • Fix: Better handling of minimum PHP and WordPress version violations; removed wp_die() calls.
0.1 2013-03-09
  • Initial release.


1.13 2013-02-26
  • New: Any custom field can be added as a sortable, searchable (click on a value to filter the table display) column in the Media/Assistant submenu. Custom fields can also be added to the quick edit and bulk edit areas. Use the Settings/Media Library Assistant Custom Field tab to control all three uses.
  • New: Access to EXIF data expanded to include the COMPUTED, THUMBNAIL and COMMENT arrays. Pseudo-values ALL_EXIF and ALL_IPTC added. Details in the Other Notes section and the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, mla_viewer=true and related parameters can be coded to supply thumbnail images for non-image file types pdf, txt, doc, xls and ppt using the Google File Viewer.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, post_parent=none or post_parent=any can be coded to restrict gallery output to unattached or attached items respectively.
  • New: For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, mla_style=none parameter can be coded to suppress the inline CSS styles added to gallery output.
  • Fix: Corrected occasional error in field-level markup substitution using the exif prefix.
  • Fix: Corrected error in Custom Field Mapping of _wp_attachment_metadata during Media/Add New processing.
1.11 2013-01-21
  • New: If the search box contains (only) a numeric value it is interpreted as a search by attachment ID. You can search for a numeric value in the text fields, e.g., title, by putting quotes around the value.
  • Fix: The edit taxonomy screen "Attachments" column is now computed correctly when adding new terms, avoiding fatal errors and other odd results.
  • Fix: Adopted new WordPress standard for JavaScript files, i.e., use ".min.js" for minified (production) files.
1.10 2013-01-15
  • New: Attachment metadata such as file size, dimensions and where-used status can be assigned to WordPress custom fields. These custom fields can be added to the Media/Assistant submenu table as sortable columns and displayed in [mla_gallery] shortcode output.
  • New: Integrates with Photonic Gallery (plugin), so you can add slideshows, thumbnail strips and special effects to your [mla_gallery] galleries.
  • Fix: Edit Media screen with appropriate message displayed after "Map ... Metadata" actions.
  • Fix: SQL View (supporting ALT Text sorting/searching) now created only when required and dropped immediately after use. Avoids conflicts with database backup/restore utilities.
  • Fix: "Map IPTC/EXIF Metadata" link moved from Image Metadata box to Save Metadata box.
  • Fix: Field-level debug information removed from bulk edit messages.
  • Fix: PHP Notice for NULL post metadata keys resolved.
  • Fix: PHP Notice for images without "sizes" metadata array resolved.
1.00 2012-12-30
  • New: IPTC and EXIF metadata can be assigned to standard WordPress fields, taxonomy terms and Custom fields. You can update all existing attachments from the Settings page IPTC/EXIF tab, groups of existing attachments with a Bulk Action or one existing attachment from the Edit Media/Edit Single Item screen.
  • New: Where-used processing can be tuned or disabled on the Settings page, General tab.
  • New: "Gallery in" and "MLA Gallery in" results are cached for fifteen minutes, avoiding repetitive database access. The cache is automatically flushed when pages, posts or attachments are inserted or updates, and can be manually flushed or disabled on the Settings page, General tab.
  • New: Default [mla_gallery] style and markup templates can be specified on the Settings page.
  • New: [mla_gallery] parameter "mla_float" allows control of gallery item "float" attribute.
  • Fix: Field-level substitution parameters (custom fields, taxonomy terms, IPTC metadata and EXIF metadata) are now available for mla_link_text, mla_rollover_text and mla_caption parameters.
  • Fix: Attachment/Parent relationships are reported consistently on the edit pages and the Assistant table listing.
  • Fix: Defect in generating mla_debug messages has been corrected.
  • Fix: Default "Order by" option now includes "None".
  • Fix: For WordPress 3.5, Custom Field support for attachments enabled in admin_init action.
0.90 2012-12-07
  • New: Field-level IPTC and EXIF metadata support for [mla_gallery] display using custom markup templates.
  • New: Field-level Custom field and taxonomy term support for [mla_gallery] display using custom markup templates.
  • New: Contextual help tabs added to WordPress 3.5+ Edit Media Screen, explaining MLA enhancements.
  • Updated for WordPress version 3.5!
0.81 2012-11-26
  • New: Improved default Style template, [mla_gallery] parameters "mla_itemwidth" and "mla_margin" added to allow control of gallery item spacing.
  • Fix: Quick edit support of WordPress standard Categories taxonomy fixed.
0.80 2012-11-19
  • New: MLA Gllery Style and Markup Templates, for control over CSS styles, HTML markup and data content of [mla_gallery] shortcode output.
  • New: The [mla_gallery] "mla_link_text", "mla_rollover_text" and "mla_caption", parameters allow easy customization of gallery display.
  • New: The [mla_gallery] "link" parameter now accepts size values, e.g., "medium", to generate a link to image sizes other than "full".
  • New: The [mla_gallery] "mla_debug" parameter provides debugging information for query parameters.
  • New: Quick Edit area now includes caption field.
  • New: Settings page now divided into three tabbed subpages for easier access to settings and documentation.
  • New: For WordPress 3.5, Custom Field support added to attachments and to the WordPress standard Edit Media Screen.
  • New: For WordPress version 3.5, the WordPress standard Edit Media screen now includes Last Modified date, Parent Info, Menu Order, Image Metadata and all "where-used" information.
  • New: For WordPress versions before 3.5, the MLA Edit single item screen now includes "Gallery in" and "MLA Gallery in" information.
  • Fix: Bulk edit now supports "No Change" option for Author.
  • Fix: Bulk edit now supports changing Parent ID to "0" (unattached).
  • Fix: Where-used reporting corrected for sites without month- and year-based folders.
  • Fix: "No Categories" filtering fixed; used to return items with categories in some cases.
0.71 2012-11-06
  • Fix: Removed (!) Warning displays for empty Gallery in and MLA Gallery in column entries.
0.70 2012-11-06
  • New: "Gallery in" and "MLA Gallery in" columns show where the item appears in [gallery] and [mla_gallery] shortcode output.
  • New: Post titles in the where-used columns contain a link to the Edit Post/Page screen.
  • New: Title/Name column distinguishes between "BAD PARENT" (no where-used references to the item) and "INVALID PARENT" (does not exist).
  • Fix: [mla_gallery] queries are modified to avoid a conflict with the Role Scoper plugin.
  • Fix: Undefined taxonomies are now bypassed when defining table columns, avoiding (!) Notice displays after changing taxonomy support settings.
0.60 2012-10-24
  • New: Enhanced Search Media box. Search can be extended to the name/slug, ALT text and caption fields. The connector between search terms can be "and" or "or".
  • New: The ID/Parent and Parent ID columns now contain a link to a parent-specific search of the Media Library.
  • New: Menu Order added as sortable column, to Edit Single Item and to Quick Edit area.
  • New: The Author column now contains a link to an author-specific search of the Media Library.
  • New: The Attached to column now contains a link to the Edit Post/Page screen for the parent.
  • New: For WordPress version 3.5, the WordPress standard Edit Media screen replaces the MLA Edit Single Item screen.
  • Fix: HTML markup is no longer escaped in [mla_gallery] captions; caption processing now matches the WordPress [gallery] shortcode.
  • Fix: For WordPress version 3.5, duplicate "edit taxonomy" submenu entries will not appear.
0.50 2012-10-14
  • New: [mla_gallery] shortcode, a superset of the [gallery] shortcode that provides many enhancements. These include taxonomy support and all post_mime_type values (not just images). Media Library items need not be "attached" to the post.
  • New: [mla_gallery] shortcode documentation added to Settings page
  • New: Donate button and link added to Settings page
0.41 2012-10-04
  • Fix: SQL View now created for automatic plugin upgrades
0.40 2012-10-03
  • New: Bulk Edit area; update author or parent, add, remove or replace taxonomy terms for several attachments at once
  • New: ALT Text is now a sortable column, and shows attachments with no ALT Text value
  • New: Activate and deactivate hooks added to create and drop an SQL View supporting ALT Text sorting
  • New: Revisions are excluded from the where-used columns; a settings option lets you include them if you wish
  • Fix: Better validation/sanitization of data fields on input and display
  • Fix: Database query validation/sanitization with wpdb_prepare()
  • Fix: check_admin_referer added to settings page
  • Fix: Inline CSS styles for message DIV moved to style sheet
0.30 2012-09-20
  • New: Complete support for all taxonomies registered with WordPress, including the standard Categories and Tags, your custom taxonomies and the Assistant's pre-defined Att. Categories and Att. Tags. You can add taxonomy columns to the Assistant admin screen, filter the listing on any taxonomy, assign terms to attachments and list the attachments for a taxonomy term.
  • New: MIME Type and Last Modified Date added to columns listing
  • New: Last Modified Date added to single item edit screen
  • New: Default column and sort order added to Settings page
  • New: Plugin version number added to Settings page header
  • Fix: Text fields such as Title, Alternate Text and Caption containing single quotes are no longer truncated on the Edit single item screen
  • Fix: Sortable columns and sort order updated.
0.20 2012-09-06
  • New: Quick Edit action for inline editing of attachment metadata
  • New: Post Author can be changed
  • New: Hyperlink to phpDocs documentation added to Settings page
  • New: Shortcode documentation added to settings page
  • New: Some book credits added to the "Other Notes" section
  • Change: Minified version of JavaScript files are loaded unless 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' is defined as true in wp-config.php
  • Change: Global functions moved into classes to minimize the chance of name conflicts
  • Change: All class, function and constant names are now checked for conflicts with other plugins and themes
  • Fix: Retain pagination values, e.g., page 3 of 5, when returning from row-level actions
  • Fix: Retain orderby and order values, e.g., descending sort on date, when returning from row-level actions
0.11 2012-08-19
  • Fix: Changed admin URL references from relative (/wp-admin/...) to absolute, using admin_url().
  • Fix: Changed wp_nonce_field() calls to suppress duplicate output of nonce field variables.
  • Fix: Changed the minimum WordPress version required to 3.3.