Modern Events Calendar Lite

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 6.5.6



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Releases (145 )

Version Release Date Change Log
6.5.6 2022-05-10

10 May 2022 = - Improved: Ability to translate datepicker in the General Calendar skin - Improved: The iCal code - Fixed: An issue in Google schema - Fixed: Some conflicts with other plugins - Fixed: Some HTML code issues - Fixed: An issue in the social widget - Fixed: Some issues with the w3c standard

6.5.5 2022-05-02
6.5.4 2022-04-27

27 April 2022 = - Added: An option to prevent sending new event notifications after creating an event with super admin email - Added: The download link on the checkout page will be open in a new tab (_blank) (pro) - Added: Event filter based on start time (main time) in admin area - Added: An option to control the inclusion of script.js (pro) - Added: Thank you page feature for MEC Cart (pro) - Added: An ability to add custom characters into the single date format - Added: An option to control the decimal number of prices (pro) - Added: A notice message to admin when the single sidebar is empty - Added: Loading for MEC Checkout (pro) - Improved: The social share buttons - Improved: Changing the iCal export to optimize and fix some bugs - Improved: Flip countdown display in mobile devices - Changed: Select image input design in wizard mode - Fixed: The issue with removal of fees in MEC Cart payment gateway - Fixed: Date translation issue in general calendar - Fixed: Notice error translation issue - Fixed: Telegram icon style - Fixed: Notification sending error while using WooCommerce payment gateway (pro) - Fixed: Not overwriting the Booking Success Message from settings in MEC Cart (pro) - Fixed: Not disabling automatic confirm for payment gateways in MEC Cart (pro) - Fixed: Bookings filter by repetition select box display issue (pro) - Fixed: New Event notification - Fixed: An issue in PayPal classic gateway (pro) - Fixed: reCAPTCHA feature of Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: An issue in Stripe gateway (pro) - Fixed: Custom day repeating events - Fixed: XML Export / Import - Fixed: An issue in lazy loading - Fixed: An issue with HTML markups - Fixed: Some issues in MEC Cart (pro) - Fixed: Some other issues

6.5.3 2022-04-17

17 April 2022 = - Improved: the performance and security - Improved: the WhatsApp share - Fixed: a very rare issue on the booking module (pro) - Fixed: some issues on event structured data (schema) - Fixed: an issue on showing expired events on the event manager of the backend - Fixed: HTML markup issue on some skins - Fixed: some PHP notices and warnings - Fixed: some apostrophe issues

6.5.2 2022-04-12

12 April 2022 = - Fixed: An issue on event bulk edit and saving locations, organizers - Fixed: A security issue - Fixed: HTML support of gateway comment - Fixed: An issue on block themes - Fixed: An issue on notification placeholders - Fixed: An issue on calculating end date of some certain events in rare cases - Escaped: Many parameters to improve the security

6.5.1 2022-04-03

3 April 2022 = - Improved: The security and output escapes - Fixed: An issue in displaying event tags on the block editor - Fixed: An issue on the public file module - Fixed: Some issues regarding event filters - Fixed: An issue with displaying end dates for multiple-day events - Fixed: An issue with displaying the cost of events - Fixed: A multilingual issue

6.5.0 2022-03-31

31 March 2022 = - Fixed: An issue on shortcode filter options - Fixed: The remove button for the inner form builder - Fixed: An issue on the single event date method option - Fixed: An issue on the hide event option - Fixed: Some minor issues

6.4.9 2022-03-30

30 March 2022 = - Fixed: Some minor issue. - Removed: PUC folder

6.4.8 2022-03-28

28 March 2022 = - Fixed: No event found issue in special conditions

6.4.7 2022-03-28

27 March 2022 = - Fixed: An issue on PayPal Standard Gateway (pro) - Fixed: An issue in the Related Events module when a link is set for an event - Fixed: Some issues in notification placeholders - Fixed: An issue in manual import from Google Calendar - Fixed: Some PHP issues and warnings - Fixed: An issue on displaying cancellation reason (pro) - Removed: PHP curl and used WordPress remote API instead - Escaped and Sanitized: Many parts of the project to improve security and performance

6.4.5 2022-03-15

15 March 2022 = - Added: Dynamic content shortcode - Added: View bookings link to the classic event list in WordPress backend (pro) - Updated: Some language files - Updated: Charts library - Improved: The Frontend Submission form - Improved: The code security - Removed: An encrypted code - Fixed: An issue in booking form (pro) - Fixed: An issue in full calendar when loaded as category archive - Fixed: Some issues regarding search module

6.4.2 2022-03-03

3 March 2022 = - Improved: The XML export - Improved: The skin load in full calendar shortcode - Improved: The Stripe gateway by adding some booking fields into the meta fields (pro) - Improved: The search functionality on shortcodes - Improved: The XML import to store event fields too - Improved: Some options on the lite version - Improved: The speaker feature in Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: An issue on event and booking filter in WP backend (pro) - Fixed: An issue on the next event module - Fixed: Some issues in Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: An issue in year and month selection on month navigation - Fixed: A potential memory issue - Fixed: An issue on independent tags

6.4.1 2022-02-24

25 February 2022 = - Fixed: minor issue

6.4.0 2022-02-23

23 February 2022 = - Improved: The MEC backend - Improved: Queries on all skins - Improved: The single event page - Improved: The ability to change verification and confirmation status per event (pro) - Improved: The organizer search on monthly skin - Improved: The MEC single widget to respect the order of widgets - Improved: The multilingual and translations ready by adding some more fields to the WPML config file - Improved: An accessibility in frontend and backend with an option - Added: Catalan translation (Thanks to Joan Mateus Gorgues) (pro) - Fixed: An XSS issue - Fixed: Calculating dates of yearly events (pro) - Fixed: Timetable skin regarding start date - Fixed: Resetting the search form in special cases - Fixed: Some PHP issues and warnings - Fixed: Displaying additional locations and organizers in multilingual websites - Fixed: A conflict with Divi theme - Fixed: An issue on the reports menu regarding all-day events

6.3.0 2022-02-02

2 February 2022 = - Added: PayPal Standard gateway (pro) - Improved: The event countdown to be compatible with the event timezone - Improved: The sorting method of events - Fixed: Some PHP warnings and notices - Fixed: An issue in the general calendar - Fixed: An issue in the iCal import - Fixed: An issue regarding exporting custom day events in the iCal feed

6.2.9 2022-01-26

25 January 2022 = - Compatibility: WordPress v5.9 - Added: A new feature to update booking dates when date of a normal event gets updated (pro) - Improved: PayPal Express Checkout (pro) - Improved: The memory usage of one function - Fixed: An issue in WC as Payment System feature (pro) - Fixed: Local time module of accordion style of list view - Fixed: Currency position - Fixed: Description module of single builder - Fixed: Some styling issues in add event and shortcode wizard - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings

6.2.8 2022-01-19

19 January 2022 = - Added: An options for column count for tablet and mobile in carousel skin - Added: Display repeat method when Show only one occurrence of events option is enabled in the shortcode - Added: An ability to insert/change coupon codes while editing bookings in the backend (pro) - Added: A sold-out style for the calendar date selection method in the booking module (pro) - Improved: The MEC checkout to preview free bookings (pro) - Improved: The MEC settings to be able to insert booking and single date options per language for multi-lingual websites - Fixed: An issue in AWeber integration (pro) - Fixed: An issue in daily skin - Fixed: An issue in ical feed regarding advanced events

6.2.6 2022-01-12

12 January 2022 = - Added: Some new options for the Assets Per Page feature - Added: Title and description fields for public download module - Improved: The UX of MEC Cart (pro) - Improved: The mandatory checkbox validation on event custom fields - Fixed: A search issue on tile skin - Fixed: The ticket pricing system (pro) - Fixed: The next event module - Fixed: Some issues on iCal feed - Fixed: An issue in showing the sold-out label - Fixed: Some issues on event structured data - Fixed: An issue in the reports menu - Fixed: An issue on profile short-code - Fixed: Some issues in the export feature (pro) - Fixed: A conflict with other plugins - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings

6.2.7 2022-01-12

12 January 2022 = - Fixed: "Add new plugin" page error

6.2.5 2022-01-05
6.2.0 2021-12-11

11 December 2021 = - Added: MEC Cart System (pro) - Added: General Calendar view skin - Added: An ability to insert multiple attendees with different tickets in the Add Booking menu of MEC backend (pro) - Added: An option to copy shortcode with one click - Improved: The iCal feed - Improved: The speed of MEC in the backend - Improved: The booking process when calendar type is selected to display dates and times (pro) - Improved: The Facebook importer to import special events (pro) - Fixed: Showing event custom data - Fixed: Showing event dates in the Add Booking menu in the backend (pro) - Fixed: Booking fee calculation (pro) - Fixed: An issue in countdown view - Fixed: Sending booking reminders (pro) - Fixed: An issue in checking user limits for booking (pro) - Fixed: Sending sold out notifications (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in payment gateways (pro) - Fixed: Displaying time of custom day events

6.1.6 2021-11-17

17 November 2021 = - Added: Amount Per Date option for fees (pro) - Improved: The speed of MEC page in some sections - Improved: MEC security - Fixed: Some issues in fee calculation (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in google map assets inclusion (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding block editor compatibility - Fixed: The %%ticket_time%% placeholder (pro) - Fixed: Displaying event status in email notifications (pro) - Fixed: Sending verification email when event is added from backend with verified status (pro) - Fixed: Saving new organizer added from Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: The issue of opening unwanted links in modal in list skin when modal popup is enabled - Fixed: The end date of custom days events - Fixed: Some PHP notices

6.1.5 2021-11-10

10 November 2021 = - Added: A new option to create coupon codes based on the count of booked dates (pro) - Added: A feature to set and show caption of featured images - Added: A new feature to skip the first step of booking when possible (pro) - Added: Agreement checkbox to Frontend Event Submission - Added: A new option to set sticky sidebar - Improved: MEC Profile shortcode - Improved: The hourly schedule module - Improved: The event description on Google calendar export to keep the links - Fixed: An issue in Schema - Fixed: An issue regarding the register button (pro) - Fixed: An issue about the end date of custom repeat events - Fixed: Custom fields cut off when the event has a label - Fixed: Some issues in the countdown module - Fixed: An issue in all-day events

6.1.0 2021-10-19

19 October 2021 = - Improved: Next/Previous events module - Improved: All MEC cron jobs (pro) - Improved: The query speed in some sections - Fixed: An issue in the event link when a special time format was used - Fixed: An issue in the fee calculation (pro) - Fixed: Booking reminder cronjob (pro) - Fixed: Exporting advanced repeat events (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in event links - Fixed: Some encoding and format issues in iCal exports - Fixed: Carousel skin regarding popup - Fixed: PayPal Express gateway in some devices (pro) - Fixed: Some PHP notices

6.0.0 2021-10-13

13 October 2021 = - Added: The ability to book multiple dates in one booking (pro) - Added: Some new fields for events' Microsoft Excel export (pro) - Added: An ability to remove the counter number for additional locations on the event details page - Improved: Stripe payment gateway (pro) - Improved: The iCal feed - Improved: The coupon creation/edit form (pro) - Improved: Accessibility in front-end - Fixed: The booking shortcode and WooCommerce payment system (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding some AJAX responses - Fixed: An issue regarding compatibility with some translation plugins - Fixed: An issue regarding importing ICS files with different timezones - Fixed: Booking shortcode in special cases (pro) - Fixed: The Next Event module regarding showing the current occurrence instead of the next one - Fixed: Date formatting - Fixed: Custom fields tooltip on the standard list view - Fixed: Location address on the carousel view - Fixed: Invalidation of price field (pro) - Fixed: Using specific classes for masonry view - Fixed: An issue in Lite version regarding adding multiple occurrences in one day using the Custom Days option - Fixed: Some issues in multilingual websites - Fixed: A search issue in the list and grid skins with the map on top - Fixed: An issue regarding ticket variations (pro) - Fixed: An issue in the event feed regarding displaying multiple images - Fixed: Some conflicts with some themes - Fixed: A character issue on the event link - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.22.3 2021-09-22

22 September 2021 = - Added: An option to include expired events in the Related Events module - Improved: The slider and carousel skins - Improved: The iCal feed - Improved: The Stripe gateway integration (pro) - Improved: iCal feed to support languages - Fixed: Some translation issues - Fixed: Some security issues - Fixed: A PHP warning in some servers - Fixed: Showing the wrong timezone in events list in WP backend - Fixed: Showing timezones in skins - Fixed: A conflict with Divi theme - Fixed: Grid skin - Fixed: Sending new event notification (pro) - Fixed: Showing gateway name in some notifications (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in WPML and polylang translations - Fixed: Advanced translation editor of WPML

5.22.2 2021-09-02

2 September 2021 = - Added: Ability to reconnect to a new account in Stripe connect (pro) - Added: An option to translate messages and notifications in MEC Settings on multilingual websites - Added: An option to disable MEC email template - Changed: Checkbox name under Category field in the Search Form to Multiselect - Fixed: An issue in importing time in XML import - Fixed: An issue in iDeal payment (pro) - Fixed: Some errors in the iCal feed - Fixed: Some issues in PHP 8 - Fixed: Ticket names of multilingual events (pro) - Fixed: Some issues regarding event time - Fixed: An issue in removing ticket variations (pro) - Fixed: Sending booking reminders for drafted events (pro) - Fixed: Location and organizer of multilingual events - Fixed: Counting remained tickets in special cases (pro) - Fixed: Filter options of shortcodes - Fixed: Carousel view arrows - Fixed: Position of the day on countdown view - Fixed: Disabled Roboto font with an option - Fixed: Some issue in checkboxes in the block editor environment - Fixed: A security issue

5.22.1 2021-08-17

17 August 2021 = - Added: ical subscription URL - Applied: Some security enhancements - Applied: Some speed improvements - Improved: The Stripe gateway integration (pro) - Fixed: An issue in calculating remaining tickets to display flags (pro) - Fixed: Time display - Fixed: Frontend Event Submission regarding adding new locations - Fixed: An issue in tile view

5.21.1 2021-07-17

15 July 2021 = - Fixed: Fatal error

5.21.2 2021-07-17

17 July 2021 = - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.21.0 2021-07-14

14 July 2021 = - Added: Search refine option - Added: Detailed time option for applicable skins - Added: Event dates to the monthly view when the Display All Events option is enabled - Added: A reset ability that can be added to the search module - Added: Custom color option to the categories - Improved: Language files - Improved: Display of the Load More button - Fixed: WC as Payment System in multilingual websites (pro) - Fixed: Booking import (pro) - Fixed: First and last name detection - Fixed: The event link and more info link in the modal - Fixed: Displaying more info section when location is not set - Fixed: Date localization in WooCommerce checkout (pro) - Fixed: An issue on Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: An issue on showing the wrong expired label - Fixed: An issue on saving event status data in Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: An issue in Mailchimp integration (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in the related events module - Fixed: Some issues in the search module - Fixed: Showing all-day events in the reports menu - Fixed: The User Event Publishing notification when the event was submitted from the frontend - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings

5.20.6 2021-06-26

26 June 2021 = - Fixed: Some minor issues.

5.20.5 2021-06-23

23 June 2021 = - Added: An option to be able to change thank you page options per event (pro) - Added: An option to display event time in carousel skin - Added: An option to automatically refund the booking amount when paid by Stripe (pro) - Added: An option to stop selling tickets when the first occurrence of an event happened (pro) - Added: An option to send notifications to additional organizers in addition to the main organizer - Improved: the backend shortcode builder to not show expired events as a selectable option in some skins, including a countdown - Improved: the taxonomy system to be more compatible with WPML - Updated: Dutch (Netherlands) language (Thanks to Petter Berg) - Updated: French language (Thanks to Eric) - Fixed: Showing wrong value for available spots in available spots skin (pro) - Fixed: Tile skin regarding link target - Fixed: The cost field - Fixed: Carousel skin regarding displaying labels - Fixed: Some issues regarding multilingual and translations - Fixed: Displaying translated dates in the booking menu of the backend (pro) - Fixed: Google calendar link of notifications - Fixed: User booking limit and WC as a payment system (pro) - Fixed: The event link placeholder for custom day events - Fixed: The list and grid skins - Fixed: An issue in import/export (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in the name of events - Fixed: Some issues pertaining to date fields (pro) - Fixed: SVG icon for social share buttons - Fixed: Booking price calculation in exported files when an event or ticket is removed (pro) - Fixed: some warnings

5.20.0 2021-06-09

9 June 2021 = - Added: The event cost, event link, more info link with title and target, organizer, and location to the occurrences section to provide an ability to change them per occurrence - Added: Activate First Upcoming Date with Event option in full calendar - Added: An ability to display all events in the right panel of monthly skins - Added: An option to show activate the first date of the month in monthly skins instead of the current day in next/previous months - Added: Bank Transfer as a new payment gateway (pro) - Improved: The flexibility in events URLs - Improved: The functionality of the Disable fees per payment gateway feature (pro) - Improved: The library inclusion of MEC - Removed: Montserrat font family - Fixed: An issue in calculating the price per attendee in booking export feature (pro) - Fixed: Showing ongoing events in calendar method of booking module (pro) - Fixed: Sending multiple emails after booking edit (pro) - Fixed: Oversell in some conditions (pro) - Fixed: Labels issue - Fixed: Notifications issue - Fixed: Some issues in multilingual feature and translations - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings

5.19.5 2021-05-26

26 May 2021 = - Added: A new ability to show all locations of an event in the event single map (pro) - Added: A new ability to include a pin for all locations of all events in the map modules (pro) - Added: Start and End times to the event list in the backend in addition to dates - Added: A new feature to change the transition time of slider skin - Added: Some options to redirect the user to the cancellation page after the cancellation of a booking - Added: A new option to generate transaction IDs using an ordered number with prefix instead of random numbers (pro) - Added: A new panel to show bookings of the current event in the edit event menu of the backend (pro) - Added: A new option in Frontend Event Submission to include the booking panel - Added: An option to enable bookings only for certain roles (pro) - Added: Displaying of custom fields in the shortcodes with an option to enable or disable - Added: Some new filters to modify the content ical file - Added: Attendee Counter in the attendee form (pro) - Improved: The order of terms in the search module - Improved: The Using WC as payment system and fixed some issues (pro) - Improved: The breadcrumb - Improved: The role of controlling for main menus - Fixed: Some issues in MEC notifications - Fixed: Showing the Expired label when the event is ongoing - Fixed: A special date format in the export module - Fixed: A potential SQL injection issue - Fixed: An autoplay issue in carousel skin - Fixed: Google Calendar import/export when another plugin is loading the Google SDK - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.19.1 2021-05-12

12 May 2021 = - Added: An option to disable booking multiple seats on Sell All Occurrences by One Booking events per email (pro) - Added: An option to display custom fields in event sidebar - Added: An option to change limit of related events - Added: A new button in backend events manager to filter only upcoming events - Added: All in one wizards popup - Improved: The order time field to follow WP date and time format - Improved: The last few tickets label to use ticket limit instead of total limit when only 1 ticket is defined (pro) - Fixed: Regarding currency in Frontend Event Submission - Fixed: Bulk edit of posts in Wp backend when filtered by tag - Fixed: A warning in export file (pro) - Fixed: Showing booking module when the event is expired and Booking for ongoing events option is enabled (pro) - Fixed: Filtering of shortcakes for category archive - Fixed: Showing next occurrence of custom repeat events - Fixed: The event_link placeholder of some notifications - Fixed: Showing wrong label in Invoices when used price per date option (pro) - Fixed: Export file when Discount Per Role option is used (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding the dl in the HTML structure - Fixed: Tile view in the modal popup method

5.19.0 2021-05-05

5 May 2021 = - Added: A new notification to send after at the exact time the event finishes (pro) - Added: A new option to change the HTML tag of the archive page title - Added: A new option to include event categories in the breadcrumbs module - Added: A new option to profile shortcode to hide canceled bookings (pro) - Added: A new option to profile shortcode to show only upcoming bookings (pro) - Added: Update tag for Mailchimp subscribers (pro) - Added: A new feature to hide export module in expired events - Added: Expired label for expired events - Added: An ability to insert coupon codes when adding new bookings from the backend (pro) - Added: A new feature to easily export all bookings from the export menu (pro) - Added: A new option to disable the fees module in certain payment gateways (pro) - Changed: Settings menu - Fixed: The event description placeholder when shortcodes are included in the email notification (pro) - Fixed: Stripe connect gateway (pro) - Fixed: Booking date format in WooCommerce when time format is added to the booking date format field (pro) - Fixed: Booking over the ticket availability (pro) - Fixed: Available spot skin (pro) - Fixed: Importing events from Google calendar - Fixed: A 404 error in the export module (pro) - Fixed: some issues in the total price field of CSV/Excel import (pro) - Fixed: The date of MEC feeds (pro) - Fixed: Some issues regarding special characters in events and book exports - Fixed: Some issues in quick edit of taxonomies - Fixed: Sending some notifications twice in special conditions (pro) - Fixed: The ticket creation form (pro) - Fixed: The date of booking reminder notification for Sell all by one booking events (pro) - Fixed: Masonry view issue in Firefox (pro) - Fixed: Tooltip conflicts with Ultimate Addons for Elementor - Fixed: Timeline view issue when the link is disabled

5.18.5 2021-04-21

21 April 2021 = - Added: A new feature to manage a load of MEC assets on pages - Added: Some new placeholders to notifications including categories, tags, cost, and labels (pro) - Added: An option to show expired events in event management of backend - Added: Date filter option to map skin (pro) - Added: An option to change the SEO title of occurrences - Added: An option to change currency and currency options per event - Added: An option to disable the Private Description field in frontend event submission (pro) - Added: An option to disable the display of organizers in Frontend Event Submission - Improved: The MS Excel export on event and bookings (pro) - Fixed: Unlimited booking limit (pro) - Fixed: Price of booking export - Fixed: Simple style of monthly skin when there are multiple repeats from the same event in one day - Fixed: Last Few Ticket Percentage (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in export module loaded in single event page (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding multiline description for ics export - Fixed: Showing the wrong date for events - Fixed: Booking reminder notification (pro) - Fixed: some issues in PHP 8

5.18.0 2021-04-07

7 April 2021 = - Added: A new shortcode for Pro users to display some content only for those users that booked the event (pro) - Added: Placeholder feature for text fields in the search form - Added: Two new placeholders to email notifications to show the start and end time of events (pro) - Added: An ability to change event fields per occurrence - Added: A new feature to include the Local Time module in full calendar skin - Added: some new parameters to the MEC feed of events - Added: An ability to set interval for monthly events - Added: A new feature to separate event tags and wp tags - Added: A new ability to the modern style of timetable skin to change the number of weekdays (pro) - Improved: The user registration in the booking system by setting the name as a nickname (pro) - Improved: The Google Calendar import to import monthly events with an interval - Improved: The Google Calendar export and module to export monthly events with an interval - Improved: The dropdown fields to ignore the first option as a valid value (pro) - Improved: The date search field to accept the same start and end dates - Improved: Accessibility in next/previous month in shortcodes - Improved: Dark mode styles (fixed a conflict with classic editor) - Fixed: Tile view for showing event image - Fixed: Showing the registration/booking button on the customized single event page (pro) - Fixed: An issue in WC Payment system when loaded in the modal (pro) - Fixed: An issue in %%name%% placeholder of User Event Publishing notification - Fixed: Showing the author of an event in the backend event manager - Fixed: Showing expired events in the Related Events module - Fixed: Mailchimp integration when multiple attendees available (pro) - Fixed: An issue with some characters in export files - Fixed: Google Calendar export module - Fixed: A display issue in showing start and end dates in notifications when both of them are the same - Fixed: Some string translation - Fixed: Showing the multi-day in carousel view - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.17.6 2021-03-17

17 March 2021 = - Added: Labels for all search fields - Added: An option to manage active day of monthly skin - Added: Speaker import to the XML import feature - Improved: The Show Only Expired Events feature to not show ongoing events in some cases - Updated: Stripe API to latest version (pro) - Fixed: Required checkbox fields in event custom fields - Fixed: GEO location of addresses when wrong latitude and longitude are set (pro) - Fixed: Event cost field - Fixed: Timezone intervals in RSS feed - Fixed: Yearly skin in showing navigation to previous year (pro) - Fixed: Showing Sold-out and other labels in multilingual websites (pro) - Fixed: Some console issues in block editor - Fixed: Some duplicate id issues in console - Fixed: An issue in Certain Weekdays repeat - Fixed: An issue in local time module - Fixed: An issue in breadcrumb - Fixed: Some notices

5.17.5 2021-03-09

9 March 2021 = - Added: An ability to switch Show / Hide Occurrences per shortcode - Added: An ability to select desired months to be displayed in the yearly view (pro) - Added: An ability to include date of the event in Frontend Submission - Added: An ability to sort additional organizers - Added: An ability to restrict coupons per category (pro) - Added: A new option to include ongoing events in addition to upcoming events - Added: Custom fields to the exports (pro) - Improved: Map skin to show ongoing and upcoming events correctly (pro) - Improved: The user timezone detection to reduce the number of requests - Improved: The event color system to unset the color by default - Fixed: Booking Import (pro) - Fixed: The backend booking manager regarding ticket variations (pro) - Fixed: Calendar method of booking module (pro) - Fixed: Register button when event is expired (pro) - Fixed: Applying shipping costs to the tickets created in WooCommerce system (pro) - Fixed: Wizard popup responsive on mobile and tablet - Fixed: Dark mode regarding WordPress notifications alert - Fixed: Slider link issue regarding open in a new window - Fixed: RTL style - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.17.2 2021-02-24

24 February 2021 = - Added: An option to use CC instead of BCC for notification recipients - Added: No Event Found message for archive pages - Improved: The custom CSS loading to fix some unwanted issues with cache and minify plugins - Improved: The message showing on the import menu - Updated: Spanish language (Thanks to Eloy Perez) - Fixed: A warning in Countdown, Available Spot and Slider skins (pro) - Fixed: An issue in referred date for those events that are linked to external websites - Fixed: An issue in default full calendar skin loaded in archive pages - Fixed: A PHP fatal error in some hosts - Fixed: An issue on ics link of email to show the correct time - Fixed: An issue on showing expired events on Related Events section - Fixed: Some issues on showing dates in minimal and modern styles of list view - Fixed: An issue in map module of the single event (pro) - Fixed: Some issues on booking module when date picker is set to calendar (pro) - Fixed: An issue in storing sender email name - Fixed: Some issues on category checkboxes - Fixed: An issue in downloading attendees of a specific date - Fixed: The datepicker style in the backend - Fixed: Duplicated location in the single event page - Fixed: Constant Contact integration lists (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding the showing date in the Masonry view (pro) - Fixed: Typos in the booking messages (pro) - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.17.1 2021-02-17

17 February 2021 = - Added: A new option to manage a percentage of Last Tickets globally (pro) - Added: An ability to manage a percentage of Last Tickets per event (pro) - Improved: The accessibility of MEC invoices (pro) - Improved: The storage of numeric fields of tickets and fees (pro) - Improved: Display of featured canceled and custom labels - Improved: Dark mode in backend and frontend - Fixed: Settings menu - Fixed: Duplicate events - Fixed: User booking limit (pro) - Fixed: A Fatal error on older versions of PHP - Fixed: Showing un-rendered notification placeholders (pro) - Fixed: Bulk booking import (pro) - Fixed: An issue regarding expired events on full calendar skin - Fixed: Booking Cancellation notification (pro) - Fixed: iCal export regarding custom day events (pro) - Fixed: List of the locations and organizers in the wizard popup (add event) - Fixed: An issue regarding the location without an address in list view modern style - Fixed: Datepicker style - Fixed: Category icon setup - Fixed: Responsive on mobile in the popup modal for booking (pro) - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.17.0 2021-02-11
5.16.6 2021-01-28
5.16.5 2021-01-27
5.16.0 2021-01-15
5.16.2 2021-01-15
5.16.1 2021-01-13
5.15.5 2020-12-30
5.15.0 2020-12-16
5.14.0 2020-12-02
5.13.6 2020-11-18
5.13.5 2020-11-10

10 November 2020 = - Added: Event Sold-out notification (pro) - Added: Booking Rejection notification (pro) - Added: Ability to translate booking fields in the translated event in multilingual websites (pro) - Added: An option to exclude admin from recipients in admin booking notification (pro) - Added: An option to specify the status of new events submitted from Frontend Submission - Added: An option to redirect users to a certain URL after submitting events from the frontend instead of the WordPress page - Added: Event description and featured image to the CSV export (pro) - Added: An option to change auto verification status and auto-confirmation status per event instead of the global option (pro) - Added: A new option to the existing Next Event module to display multiple occurrences of the current event instead of only one occurrence - Added: A new integration with AWeber email marketing platform (pro) - Improved: memory usage - Fixed: Booking over total slots (pro) - Fixed: Masonry skin (pro) - Fixed: Reminder notification (pro) - Fixed: Verification and cancellation links (pro) - Fixed: An display issue regarding the location on PDF invoice (pro) - Fixed: Event popup - Fixed: Booking dates of custom single pages - Fixed: Booking validation on payment step (pro) - Fixed: Color style on the map view shortcode and next/previous module - Fixed: some PHP notices

5.13.1 2020-10-28

28 October 2020 = - Added: An option to disable Lock pre-filled fields for other attendees (pro) - Added: A new placeholder to show Event Timezone in email notifications (pro) - Fixed: Registration button box on single event pages (pro) - Fixed: Date field in booking form (pro) - Fixed: Showing time of multiple day events - Fixed: An issue in search bar - Fixed: Admin notification (pro) - Fixed: Booking module (pro) - Fixed: An issue in iCal export module - Fixed: An issue in language of Google maps (pro) - Fixed: Geolocation feature of map skins (pro) - Fixed: Date format of multiple day events - Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings

5.13.0 2020-10-20

20 October 2020 = - Added: Learn dash integration by linking a course to any ticket and enrolling the user to learn dash course after booking (pro) - Added: A new integration with BuddyPress by showing the Frontend Event Submission on the profile menu - Added: Category display to tile, masonry, timeline, daily, weekly and minimal style of list skin (pro) - Added: An ability to import events from WP Event Manager plugin (pro) - Added: Occurrence dates on booking edit page in the backend of Sell all occurrences by one booking (pro) - Added: An option to change the start time of ticket sale per event - Added: An ability to make some fields mandatory in Frontend Event Submission (pro) - Added: An option to set required fields in Frontend Event Submission - Added: Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, and Last Year to the start date options - Added: Custom shortcake option for category archive pages - Added: A new option in the reports menu to send a copy of the email to the website admin (pro) - Improved: The WooCommerce Payment System to validate the availability of tickets before checkout (pro) - Improved: The label of booking button by adding a separate option in the messages panel (pro) - Improved: The tile skin by making the image clickable - Improved: The last PayPal error on Gateway options (pro) - Improved: The report menu by sorting the attendees alphabetically (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in MEC registration system (pro) - Fixed: An issue in manual username and password fields (pro) - Fixed: An issue with event filter in manage bookings menu in backend on multilingual websites (pro) - Fixed: Some multilingual issues reported by WPML team - Fixed: An issue in required name and email on register form (pro) - Fixed: Recaptcha layout on modal popup (pro) - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.12.6 2020-10-07

7 October 2020 = - Added: An option to change the countdown method per event - Added: A new option to WooCommerce system to disable/enable MEC booking form (pro) - Added: A new ability to resend booking verification email (pro) - Added: An ability to resend booking confirmation email (pro) - Added: An option to disable/enable payment gateways per event (pro) - Added: Next/Previous module - Improved: The WooCommerce system to automatically load event featured image if the ticket product doesnt have any image (pro) - Improved: The WooCommerce system to consider coupon and price after discount (pro) - Improved: The WooCommerce system to display booking date next to the ticket name (pro) - Fixed: An issue in showing date labels - Fixed: An issue in yearly view to automatically load the event if hidden (pro) - Fixed: An issue in the default value of repeat interval - Fixed: A jQuery issue

5.12.5 2020-09-30

30 September 2020 = - Added: An ability to set different timezone per event - Added: An option to disable/enable timezone per event feature - Added: An ability to set coupons for multiple events for better management (pro) - Added: An option to disable links to single event pages in different skins - Added: An option to lock pre-filled fields and make them read-only in booking form (pro) - Added: 3 placeholders for additional organizers (pro) - Added: Event fixed fields to the booking export (pro) - Added: Event start date in reports menu (pro) - Added: An option to show categories in list and grid skins - Added: Location name into the CSV export (pro) - Added: A function for displaying related events in single event pages - Added: An option to disable admin notification for admin of website but keep it enabled for other recipients (pro) - Improved: The Frontend Event Submission by adding a user for the guest user and assigning it as an event owner after event approval by admin - Improved: The website speed by loading JS and CSS files into the website footer - Improved: The database queries to speed up the frontend views - Removed: Constant Contact .zip file - Fixed: An issue in Show only one occurrence events in very special conditions - Fixed: Some query issues during the update - Fixed: An issue in Import/Export cron jobs (pro) - Fixed: An issue in required radio fields - Fixed: An issue in the headline of the checkout step (pro) - Fixed: Some translation issues - Fixed: Some issues

5.12.0 2020-09-15

15 September 2020 = - Added: An option to provide a discount per user roles (pro) - Added: An option to show the date number before the month in Monthly Skin - Added: Ongoing events in the Map Skin (pro) - Added: An option to open event in a new window for shortcodes - Changed: "Separate Window" to "New Window" for Single Event Display Method - Improved: The Weekly Skin regarding the showing dates of the previous month and the next month (pro) - Improved: The feature of discount for logged in users (pro) - Improved: The WC integration to fill the booking form before adding to the cart process (pro) - Fixed: Showing the invoice link after a successful booking (pro) - Fixed: Regarding the show of the post image twice on some WordPress themes - Fixed: Regarding the reports menu on multilingual websites (pro) - Fixed: Timetable Skin (pro) - Fixed: Some notices

5.11.0 2020-09-09
5.11.5 2020-09-09

9 September 2020 = - Added: Compatibility with Polylang (pro) - Added: An ability to show events of previous month and next month in monthly skin when some days are visible in current month - Added: Ability to refund bookings from backend when paid by Stripe gateway (pro) - Added: A custom class for custom fields - Improved: Stripe payment system (pro) - Updated: Dutch (Netherlands) language (Thanks to Elmar) - Updated: French translation (Thanks to Michael Berthoud) - Fixed: Constant Contact class (pro) - Fixed: Some issues with WPML (pro) - Fixed: Featured image in RSS feed - Fixed: An issue regarding showing event field placeholders in email notifications (pro) - Fixed: An issue in booking modal (pro) - Fixed: A PHP version conflict in timetable skin (pro) - Fixed: Some PHP notices in timetable skin (pro) - Fixed: Some issues regarding cancellation notification (pro) - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.10.5 2020-09-02

2 September 2020 = - Added: An ability to prevent user creation when booking in WordPress (pro) - Added: An ability to change the event status per occurrence (pro) - Added: An ability to insert username and password fields for main attendee during the booking (pro) - Added: New %%online_link%% placeholder for email notifications (pro) - Added: iDEAL payment to the stripe gateway (pro) - Improved: Google synchronization (pro) - Improved: Image inclusion in RSS feed - Defined: Some of PHP functions in the MEC core in order to be compatible with older versions of PHP - Hide: Some features in MEC lite (lite) - Fixed: Some PHP errors on special conditions - Fixed: Some PHP notices

5.10.0 2020-08-19

19 August 2020 = - Added: An option to use WooCommerce as Booking and Payment System (pro) - Added: An ability to cancel bookings after cancelation or refund of WC order (pro) - Added: An ability to see whole events on timetable skin even if some of week days are before or after the current month (pro) - Added: Two new placeholders in notification placeholders for event link and more info link (pro) - Added: Time display in carousel skin - Added: An option to display price per attendee in email notifications instead of total booking price (pro) - Added: Website field for the speakers - Improved: The event schema by adding more items - Fixed: Month filter of full calendar search - Fixed: translatable "Sold Out!" string (pro) - Fixed: Regarding showing correct dates on single skin - Fixed: Conflict with Divi Theme Builder - Fixed: Conflict with WPBakery Page Builder Select2 - Fixed: Current day without event issue on Monthly/Calendar skin classic style

5.9.5 2020-08-12

12 August 2020 = - Added: A new system to provide ability to change event parameters per occurrence - Added: An ability to set booking limit per different occurrences (pro) - Added: An ability to provide a per event discount for ticket prices to logged users (pro) - Added: Two new placeholders to display next occurrences of booked event (pro) - Added: A new placeholder to generate google calendar link for next occurrences of the booked event (pro) - Added: 3 new messages to the configurable messages in Settings->Messages (pro) - Added: Next occurrences dates of event in booking module when the event is set to Sell All Occurrences By One Booking (pro) - Added: Some hooks to the event link for third party developers - Improved: The dates creation function to dont create dates more than 7 years - Improved: The Buddypress integration to dont show user emails and use their display name and full name (pro) - Improved: The date limit on booking form (pro) - Improved: Booking Settings (pro) - Fixed: Constant Contact Integration (pro) - Fixed: Ticket Variations and blank field (pro) - Fixed: Imported countdown, available spot, and cover shortcakes (pro) - Fixed: An issue when Fluent add-on is not installed - Fixed: Importing advanced repeat events from Google - Fixed: Showing dates in event details page - Fixed: Exporting attendees from the frontend dashboard (pro) - Fixed: Set Google fonts on widgets - Fixed: some PHP notices

5.9.0 2020-07-29

29 July 2020 = - Added: An ability to import bookings from CSV file (pro) - Added: An option to restrict the booking cancellation time (pro) - Added: Cost and categories to the RSS feed - Added: Booking fields to the CSV and MS Excel export of the events (pro) - Added: Event end date and time to the booking CSV export (pro) - Added: Some hooks for customizing the events RSS feed - Improved: The booking system by removing transaction data after removing the booking (pro) - Improved: Add booking from the backend to insert attendee email in the booking title in addition to the attendee name (pro) - Improved: The load time of simple style of monthly skin - Improved: The way of printing ticket variations in booking export (pro) - Improved: The notification per event system (pro) - Improved: Searching on MEC settings - Fixed: Update events when custom fields form has required fields - Fixed: Some issues related to booking fixed fields (pro) - Fixed: Some issues regarding event fields - Fixed: A conflict in booking edit form when some new required fields added to booking form (pro) - Fixed: Search widget related to the default value of month filter - Fixed: Report email about sender name and email (pro) - Fixed: Booking expired events in some conditions (pro) - Fixed: Showing google ReCaptcha when the event is sold (pro) - Fixed: Showing wrong end dates for multiple-day events in the single event page - Fixed: Booking ongoing events when the already even started (pro)

5.8.5 2020-07-21

21 July 2020 = - Added: Booking button to all skins and ability to open the booking button in modal window (pro) - Added: An ability to change subject and content of notifications per event (pro) - Added: %%book_datetime%% placeholder to show book date and time together (pro) - Improved: The %%book_date%% and %%book_time%% placeholders (pro) - Hide: Subtotal in WooCommerce checkout for orders created by MEC (pro) - Fixed Number of attendees in added bookings from backend (pro) - Fixed Showing times of same day events in some situations - Fixed Expired events and Show only one Ocuurrence option - Fixed Showing an invalid sold out label (pro) - Fixed SEO Schema

5.8.0 2020-07-15

15 July 2020 = - Added: Booking shortcode to include booking module for certain events into any WP page / posts (pro) - Added: A new system to dont re-import Google Calendar events when theyre modified in the website - Refactored: The midnight and multiple day events - Improved: Speed optimization - Improved: The Event User Publishing notification to send notification to event owner when there is no guest email - Fixed: Showing booking button when all tickets are sold out (pro) - Fixed: Booking form of modal window (pro) - Fixed: Apostrophe issue in event fields - Fixed: Inserting none numeric characters in number fields (pro) - Fixed: Some translation issues - Fixed: Some issues in notifications settings menu in MEC lite - Fixed: Unlimited ticket variations (pro) - Fixed: %%event-start-date%% and %%event-end-date%% placeholders (pro)

5.7.5 2020-07-09

9 July 2020 = - Refactored: The booking reminder to accept hours interval instead of days (pro) - Added: A download-able file feature. This file can be downloaded after confirmed booking by bookers (pro) - Added: A placeholder to include the downloadable file link in booking notifications (pro) - Added: An option to disable confirmation email (pro) - Added: A feature to show attendees of bookings in main booking manage page (pro) - Added: Featured image of events into the RSS feed - Added: Available tickets if user is restricted to book only 1 ticket (pro) - Improved: The stripe payment by sending payer email (pro) - Improved: The display of time for those multiple days events that last after midnight - Improved: The search module to show searched events - Improved: The Show Booking Form Interval option to be more compatible with Sell All Occurrences events (pro) - Updated: Polish translation (Thanks to Monika Osowicz) - Fixed: Some issues in fixed and per attendee booking fields (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in event fields - Fixed: Some translation issue in single event modules - Fixed: An issue in booking module loaded in popup event (pro) - Fixed: An issue in google calendar link in email notifications - Fixed: An issue in event link for recurring events in email notifications - Fixed: An issue in archive page meta title

5.7.0 2020-07-01

1 July 2020 = - Added: provider for weather module (pro) - Added: A new feature to sort payment gateways in backend and frontend (pro) - Added: A new feature to assign a certain role to users created after booking (pro) - Added: A date filter option in booking management menu (pro) - Added: Booking fixed fields which are per booking instead of per attendee (pro) - Added: %%attendees_full_info%% placeholder to all notifications (pro) - Added: %%payment_gateway%% placeholder (pro) - Added: %%booking_id%% placeholder (pro) - Added: %%booking_transaction_id%% placeholder (pro) - Added: %% ticket_name%% and %%ticket_time%% placeholders to notifications (pro) - Improved: The Facebook Importer - Improved: The attendees section of Frontend Submission - Fixed: An issue related to event time in booking notifications (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in free gateway (pro) - Fixed: An issue in Show Booking Form Interval option (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in MEC backend menus in different languages - Fixed: An issue in showing 0 attendees in Frontend Submission - Fixed: A conflict with WP Recipe Maker plugin - Fixed: A conflict with Learn Press plugin - Fixed: Booking modal responsive on mobile (pro)

5.6.5 2020-06-24

24 June 2020 = - Added: Custom Fields for event in backend - Added: Custom Fields for event in Frontend Submission Form - Added: Showing event data fields in event backend form - Added: showing event data fields in Frontend Event Submission - Added: Rearrange ability for Custom Fields - Added: An option to disable/enable the display of event fields in single skins - Added: Placeholders for data fields to be included in the notifications - Added: File URL to the %%attendees_full_info%% placeholder (pro) - Added: A new option in Reports menu to show all attendees of Sell all occurrences by one booking events (pro) - Added: An option to hide booking date and time in invoice of Sell all occurrences by one booking events (pro) - Fixed: Showing booking Google Recaptcha option (lite) - Fixed: Showing expired events - Fixed: Showing sold out label - Fixed: Date filter of booking manage page (pro) - Fixed: Showing dates and times in single events page in special cases - Fixed: The price of tickets (pro) - Fixed: iCal export in All day events - Fixed: The limit of events - Fixed: BuddyPress integration (pro) - Fixed: Some notices

5.6.1 2020-06-16

16 June 2020 = - Improved: Backend speed by refactoring the backend CSS and JS loading - Improved: Show errors upon featured image uploads in Frontend Event Submission if needed - Improved: The plugin uninstallation by removing more data - Improved: The related events module by hiding expired events - Improved: The loading of multiple day events in tile and agenda skins (pro) - Improved: The attendees module of BuddyPress integration (pro) - Updated: Whatsapp share URL - Optimized: Mass email sending in the reports menu (pro) - Fixed: Local time module that occurs in some rare conditions - Fixed: Location auto-suggest fields when the API key is not inserted (pro) - Fixed: Booking message in case of free booking (pro) - Fixed: Booking module regarding displaying extra elements after a successful booking (pro) - Fixed: Notification placeholders (pro) - Fixed: Ordering custom days events - Fixed: Google Calendar import - Fixed: Stripe payment (pro) - Fixed: Default configuration of full calendar skin - Fixed: Divi builder in Divi child themes - Fixed: Availability of Sell all occurrences events (pro) - Fixed: Some issues in profile short-code regarding date and time format (pro) - Fixed: Some issues related to Pro features in Lite version - Fixed: Monthly Calendar RTL - Fixed: Wizard dark mode - Fixed: Wizard time picker - Fixed: A conflict with Admin column plugin

5.6.0 2020-06-11

11 June 2020 = - Refactored: booking system to be compatible with multiple occurrences in one day (pro) - Added: Multiple occurrences in one day - Added: %%ticket_name_time%% placeholder in notifications (pro) - Added: An option to disable booking restrictions with User IP (pro) - Added: An option to automatically map event locations and organizers with the translated ones in WPML duplicate (pro) - Added: Some filter and actions for third party developers - Added: Front-end event submission required form - Added: Active Campaign integration (pro) - Improved: The next event module to work with multiple occurrences in one day - Improved: %%ticket_name%% and %%ticket_time%% placeholders to print multiple data if available (pro) - Improved: The login shortcode (pro) - Improved: The local time module to work with multiple occurrences in one day - Improved: The map module in list and grid skins (pro) - Removed: Total bookings widget in the WordPress dashboard (lite) - Fixed: Reports page regarding showing those attendees that bought all occurrences of an event at once (pro) - Fixed: Available spots skin regarding showing remained spots (pro) - Fixed: Stop Selling ticket option (pro) - Fixed: A conflict with Visualizer Table and Charts plugin - Fixed: A conflict with Advanced Ads plugin - Fixed: A conflict with Newsletter plugin - Fixed: Showing sold-out flag (pro) - Fixed: Related events module

5.5.0 2020-06-01

1 June 2020 = - Added: Price display in all views of full calendar skin - Added: A default comment for payment gateways (pro) - Added: Total bookings widget in the WordPress dashboard (pro) - Added: Print widget in MEC dashboard and provide the ability to print events of a certain month - Added: A new option to set a maximum size for images uploaded from Frontend Event Submission - Added: A new feature to breadcrumb to display referred shortcode instead of archive page - Added: Excerpt field to the Frontend Event Submission - Added: All day string to the translate-able strings - Added: Advanced repeating string to the translate-able strings - Improved: The performance of booking transactions - Improved: Sending emails - Fixed: Single event page modern style when no set featured image - Fixed: Final message for free booking messages - Fixed: Google Recaptcha - Fixed: Stop selling tickets - Fixed: Tile view overlay skin - Fixed: Display content's images as Popup - Fixed: Some PHP notices - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.4.6 2020-05-17
5.4.5 2020-05-14
5.4.0 2020-05-05
5.3.5 2020-04-28
5.3.0 2020-04-21
5.2.7 2020-04-14
5.2.6 2020-04-14
5.2.5 2020-04-08
5.2.3 2020-03-31

31 March 2020 = - Added: SEO Schema section to specify event status - Added: A new currency (Israeli Shekel) - Changed: The next and back button positions on the booking form (pro) - Fixed: MEC sender name and email - Fixed: MEC Archive page - Fixed: An issue in update client of MEC - Fixed: Advanced repeat - Fixed: Internal cronjob of MEC (pro) - Fixed: The "New Event" notification

5.2.2 2020-03-24

24 March 2020 = - Added: An option in tile skin to load events in list view - Fixed: A display issue in tile skin - Fixed: An issue regarding showing red borders in booking modal for required fields (pro) - Fixed: Some PHP notices in event popup - Fixed: Order of booking fields on the classic form builder (pro) - Fixed: Masonry skin regarding showing events in modal (pro) - Fixed: Event import (xml file) - Fixed: Plugin deletion

5.2.1 2020-03-18

18 March 2020 = - Added: New skins in default shortcakes - Added: File field in booking edit menu (pro) - Added: An option to change the format of the date picker - Added: A custom class for all "Last Few Tickets" (pro) - Added: A new Geo-Location option to disable autofocus on user position (pro) - Added: An option to show the Local-Time for all shortcodes - Changed: "Modal 1" name to "Modal Popup" - Fixed: Number of dates in booking edit menu (pro) - Fixed: Showing unrelated events in monthly skin - Fixed: Removing MEC data after uninstallation when the data remove option is enabled. - Fixed: Importing Facebook images (pro) - Fixed: Updating previously exported events to Google Calendar - Fixed: Showing wrong dates with WordPress i18n date function - Fixed: Font face on a single event - Fixed: Address search field position - Fixed: Modal Popup view on Monthly/Calendar skin simple type - Fixed: Free Booking button when using 100% coupon (pro) - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.2.0 2020-03-10

10 March 2020 = - Added: Add Event Wizard - hard-refresh is required - Added: Custom fields to the booking edit menu (pro) - Added: A validation for payment gateway options (pro) - Added: Address filter - Increased: Number of dates in booking edit menu (pro) - Fixed: Weather module (pro) - Fixed: An issue in date i18n of related events module - Fixed: Bulk Edit of events - Fixed: A date focus issue on timetable skin - Fixed: User Event Publishing notification - Fixed: Weekly view of full calendar skin - Fixed: Widgets view styles - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.1.8 2020-03-03

3 March 2020 = - Added: Dark Mode - Added: Modal method for carousel skin - Added: Date formats in full calendar skin for list and yearly skins - Improved: security of settings menu. - Fixed: Wrong date in Southern hemisphere

5.1.7 2020-02-29

29 February 2020 = - Fixed: Improve ajax access for causing XSS security issues

5.1.6 2020-02-18

18 February 2020 = - Added: Occurrence to related events module - Added: Order time column to the CSV Export (pro) - Added: Some strings to WPML compatibility (pro) - Fixed: HTML tag in bulk email (pro) - Fixed: "Thank You Page" in PayPal Express gateway (pro) - Fixed: Day light saving for booking module - Fixed: A duplicate booking in free bookings (pro) - Fixed: A duplicate booking in Stripe gateway (pro) - Fixed: "mec_admin_localize" error when tinymce exists in pages. - Fixed: A canvas issue in map module of list and grid skins (pro) - Fixed: Required file field of booking module (pro) - Fixed: Content position on slider view type 3 - Fixed: Container on the category archive pages - Fixed: Structured Data - Fixed: Some warnings in PHP 7.4 (pro) - Updated: German translation (Thanks to Marius Kreyel)

5.1.5 2020-02-12

12 February 2020 = - Added: An option to disable "Auto Confirmation" for Pay Locally gateway (pro) - Added: Used coupons in booking details view and booking invoice (pro) - Added: An option to save Start and End dates of Google calendar import - Added: An option to disable / enable sending confirmation email in auto confirm mode (pro) - Added: Use WordPress time format in local time module - Added: An Organizer and other organizer description options - Changed: "All of the day" to "All Day" - Fixed: Thank you page of "Frontend Event Submission" - Fixed: a PHP warning in export - Fixed: Event time in 0 hour - Fixed: Close div tag in grid view skin - Fixed: Tile view overlay style - Fixed: The dates when day light saving happens - Fixed: Monthly calendar skin simple view responsive mobile size - Fixed: Some minor issues

5.1.0 2020-02-05

5 February 2019 = - Added: Shortcode wizard - hard-refresh is required - Removed: Back button after payment in booking module (pro) - Fixed: Read more link in single event page - Fixed: An event link issue in map modules - Fixed: MEC widget and list view

5.0.5 2020-01-29
  • 29 January 2020 =
  • Added: Versioning to asset files
  • Added: A WordPress cron for booking reminder emails (pro)
  • Fixed: All day events
  • Fixed: When event time is hidden
  • Fixed: WooCommerce gateway (pro)
  • Fixed: Booking edit (pro)
  • Fixed: Apostrophe in booking success message (pro)
  • Fixed: Day focus of daily skin
  • Fixed: Accordion month toggle
  • Fixed: Sort event in masonry skin (pro)
  • Fixed: Current year in search module
  • Fixed: Advanced repeat
  • Fixed: Pay button position when cart is invalid (pro)
  • Fixed: Simple monthly calendar style
5.0.2 2020-01-22
  • 22 January 2020 =
  • Added: An ability to add users as recipients in notifications (pro)
  • Added: An ability to add user roles as recipient in notifications (pro)
  • Added: LinkedIn to speakers
  • Removed: "Schedule" message in bookings (pro)
  • Changed: "none" to "select" for date search field in Full Calendar shortcode
  • Fixed: A timeout issue in ICS and XML import
  • Fixed: An organizer issue in ICS and XML import
  • Fixed: Hide other organizer section when main organizer is set to be hidden
  • Fixed: Minimum ticket option (pro)
  • Fixed: Tags search field
  • Fixed: Weekly repeating in multiple-day events
  • Fixed: Booking module (pro)
  • Fixed: Typography (attendee's form and stop selling ticket warning - pro)
  • Fixed: Hide search form option for Timeline shortcode in the backend page
  • Fixed: Some issues concerning PHP 7.4
5.0.1 2020-01-14
  • 14 January 2020 =
  • Added: An option to set maximum date for certain skins
  • Added: Currency to WooCommerce order (pro)
  • Added: Attendees count in backend booking form (pro)
  • Disabled: Auto confirmation when paid by "Pay Locally" gateway. (pro)
  • Fixed: Price per date in "Frontend Event Submission"
  • Fixed: Localized dates
  • Fixed: Admin notification system
  • Fixed: Next event module
  • Fixed: "Advanced" repeat type regarding showing dates
  • Fixed: Month filter in search module
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.9.5 2020-01-08
  • 24 December 2019 =
  • Added: An option to set minimum sale for tickets (pro)
  • Added: A new badge for new events to inform administrator
  • Added: An option for Facebook importer to import Facebook link as event link (pro)
  • Added: An option for Facebook importer to import Facebook link as more info link (pro)
  • Added: Mass email feature in attendees menu so admin can send mass email for selected attendees of a certain event at a specific date (pro)
  • Added: Payment information such as gateway and payment time in invoices (pro)
  • Added: WooCommerce order link in booking menu if booking is paid by WooCommerce (pro)
  • Added: An option to stop selling tickets at a certain time before the event starts (pro)
  • Added: Popular Social Networks (share): Tumblr, Pinterest, Flipboard, GetPocket, Reddit, WhatsApp and Telegram.
  • Fixed: A security issue on iCal download
  • Fixed: Date on next event module and export module
  • Fixed: The iCal export button
  • Fixed: Extra columns in CSV and MS Excel export (pro)
  • Fixed: Extra comma in the list view minimal when not having a location
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
5.0.0 2020-01-08
  • 8 January 2020 =
  • Added: An option to change MEC midnight hour for those events that span after the actual midnight
  • Added: A per event option to show only one occurrence of the event
  • Added: "Back Button" for booking form so users can simply navigate to previous step if needed (pro)
  • Added: Filter by category on masonry skin when trying to load more events
  • Added: Campaign Monitor Integration (pro)
  • Added: MailerLite Integration (pro)
  • Added: Constant Contact Integration (pro)
  • Replaced: "Attendees" menu from back-end with new "Report" page (pro)
  • Added: Booking report page (pro)
  • Improved: Make date filter disabled by default on list and grid skins to avoid confusion
  • Fixed: Register link when all tickets are sold (pro)
  • Fixed: Advanced repeat type
4.9.0 2019-12-10
  • 10 December 2019 =
  • Added: An advanced option to edit bookings from backend (pro)
  • Added: Ticket variation option to edit bookings (pro)
  • Added: Recalculate price option for edit bookings (pro)
  • Added: An ability to remove and add attendees in edit bookings (pro)
  • Added: Event featured image placeholder (pro)
  • Added: Booking order time as a new placeholder (pro)
  • Added: Tile view skin
  • Added: A new booking badge to show amount of unread bookings in admin panel (pro)
  • Added: An option to show name of all attendees in attendees module in event details page - you need to install BuddyPress plugin (pro)
  • Added: Display Soldout and Last Few Tickets flags for events (pro)
  • Added: An option to send confirmation notification just to the main attendee instead of all attendees (pro)
  • Added: An option to change sender name and sender email of WordPress emails
  • Added: Show booking cancellation time in backend booking menu (pro)
  • Changed: Text field type to textarea field for description of the tickets (pro)
  • Improved: "Remove" ticket button in single event edit page (pro)
  • Fixed: Location of Google Calendar link
  • Fixed: Event end date in notifications (pro)
  • Fixed: Auto Synchronization (pro)
  • Fixed: Booking reminder notifications (pro)
  • Fixed: Ticket styling in single event edit page (pro)
4.8.5 2019-11-28
  • 28 November 2019 =
  • Added: Attendees menu of all Events menu in WordPress backend (pro)
  • Added: Order time in bookings menu (pro)
  • Added: Filter by order date in bookings menu (pro)
  • Added: Main attendee email in booking title in addition to main attendee name (pro)
  • Changed: The default order of bookings to show the newest first (pro)
  • Updated: Support page in MEC backend menu
  • Fixed: The back link in PDF invoice (pro)
  • Fixed: Notification %%book_time%% placeholder (pro)
  • Fixed: A geographical coordinates points issue (pro)
  • Fixed: Not running the Divi shortcodes
  • Fixed: Images in Popup
4.8.3 2019-11-25
  • 25 November 2019 =
  • Fixed: Headers already sent warning
4.8.2 2019-11-25
  • 24 November 2019 =
  • Added: The ticket variations in CSV and Excel exports in Backend and "Front-end Event Submission" (pro)
  • Added: Timeline view
  • Added: Geolocation feature for map feature of list and grid skins (pro)
  • Fixed: Validation for second attendees in booking module (pro)
  • Fixed: A required validation issue on the booking form for some fields (pro)
  • Fixed: "Show Only Expired Events" mode
  • Fixed: A focus issue on daily skin
  • Fixed: Set geographical coordinates when add in single event page (pro)
4.8.1 2019-11-13
  • 13 November 2019 =
  • Fixed: Monthly view (clean style)
  • Fixed: Datepicker
  • Fixed: Google Map view in single event page
4.8.0 2019-11-12
  • 12 November 2019 =
  • Added: Import events from Event Espresso Plugin
  • Added: Importevents from Events Manager Plugin
  • Added: An option to show event start/end time in list skin
  • Added: Thank you page for Front-end Event Submission
  • Added: Event start/end date to notifications (pro)
  • Added: Newsletter box in MEC dashboard and support page for subscription to MEC news
  • Added: Premium support box in support page
  • Added: etina (translated by Michal Spielmann)
  • Added: French (translated by Jean Ghislain)
  • Improved: MS Excel export (pro)
  • Fixed: Week start in repeating tab for "Certain Weekdays" repeat
  • Fixed: Multi-booking through multiple clicks on the Booking button (pro)
  • Fixed: An empty page issue in category archive page
  • Fixed: Event name in profile shortcode (pro)
  • Fixed: Book date and Google Calendar link in notifications (pro)
  • Fixed: Some PHP notices
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.7.7 2019-10-30
  • 30 October 2019 =
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.4
  • Added: An option to manage waiting time before redirecting to Thank You Page (pro)
  • Added: Display the total amount of purchased tickets in confirmation email (pro)
  • Added: A note to speakers' tab after adding a speaker
  • Fixed: Paypal Express (pro)
  • Fixed: Filtering options in timetable skin (pro)
  • Fixed: Disable invoice link when booking is not confirmed (pro)
  • Fixed: "Show only Expired Events" in all skins
  • Fixed: Advanced days
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.7.6 2019-10-22
  • 22 October 2019 =
  • Added: A guide message in "Show Only Expired Events" section in shortcode builder
  • Added: A new message for booking verification (pro)
  • Improved: Select organizers/locations in add event section
  • Improved: Select organizers/locations/categories/label/author in add shortcode section
  • Improved: Select organizers/locations in Front-end Event Submission section
  • Improved: Category hierarchy in Front-end Event Submission
  • Fixed: Monthly repeating
  • Fixed: Select day color in yearly view
  • Fixed: Change label of the fields of the form from messages options
  • Fixed: User Profile responsive on mobile/tablet (pro)
  • Fixed: Speaker module in accordion skin
  • Fixed: Saving other locations in Front-end Event Submission
  • Fixed: Featured image in Front-end Event Submission
  • Fixed: Showing booking module (pro)
  • Fixed: Cancellation page (pro)
  • Fixed: Selected time zone for showing upcoming events
  • Fixed: some PHP notices
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.7.5 2019-10-15
  • 15 October 2019 =
  • Added: Name field for Stripe gateways (pro)
  • Added: Cancel links and map view to the profile shortcode (pro)
  • Added: Booking fields to the translatable strings for WPML (pro)
  • Added: Show cancellation time for canceled bookings (pro)
  • Updated: Facebook documentation link
  • Fixed: Disabled once to fix some issues on servers with cache (pro)
  • Fixed: Showing dates in grid skin
  • Fixed: Event title has special characters on email
  • Fixed: Referred date option of weekdays and weekend events recurring
  • Fixed: Showing ongoing events on shortcode
  • Fixed: Number of tickets available (pro)
  • Fixed: Hide event feature
  • Fixed: Sorting dates on custom days
  • Fixed: YouTube video on modal view
  • Fixed: Cancelation notification (pro)
  • Fixed: Categories icons view
  • Fixed: Settings fields animations on Firefox
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.7.0 2019-10-01
  • 01 October 2019 =
  • Added: CSV Export for Bookings in "Front-end Event Submission" (pro)
  • Added: MS Excel Export for Bookings in "Frontend Event Submission" (pro)
  • Removed: Nonce for iCal export button to be compatible with search engines
  • Improved: Front-end event submission form and list style - hard-refresh is required
  • Fixed: Booking limit message (pro)
  • Fixed: Showing booking module for ongoing events (pro)
  • Fixed: Warnings in RSS feed of events
  • Fixed: Booking verification and booking cancelation pages
  • Fixed: Disable booking button action when is loading - several bookings (pro)
  • Fixed: Exceptional days added actions
  • Fixed: Search in published events
  • Fixed: Full calendar archive filters
  • Fixed: Double click to open popup in map view on mobile/tablet (pro)
  • Fixed: Long title in list view > Accordion style
  • Fixed: Ticket availability (pro)
  • Fixed: Countdown module in Available Spot shortcode (pro)
  • Fixed: PHP errors.
4.6.5 2019-09-24
  • 24 September 2019
  • Added: Add mec-past-event for expired events in different skins
  • Added: Event publishing notification for frontend event submission system with guest users
  • Added: An interval option to display booking module at certain times before the start of the event (pro)
  • Added: Countdown module enhancement for considering the event end time when "Hide Event" method is set to "On Event End"
  • Changed: Moving the frontend event submission message from bottom to top
  • Fixed: No displaying Modal Booking on mobile and tablet (pro)
  • Fixed: Modal booking style on mobile and tablet (pro)
  • Fixed: Flip Countdown on mobile and tablet
  • Fixed: Full width archive events page
  • Fixed: Search bar in settings menu
  • Fixed: Conflict between Ultimate GDPR Plugin and niceSelect
  • Fixed: Toggle Messages in settings
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.6.0 2019-09-18
  • 18 September 2019
  • Added: Billing info to booking details page in backend (pro)
  • Added: An option to enable booking while event is on going (pro)
  • Added: Ticket time compatibility for 24 hours (pro)
  • Improved: Admin dashboard styles (Settings, Shortcodes, Add event - hard-refresh required)
  • Changed: Modern Events calendar icon in backend
  • Fixed: NiceSelect on frontend event submission
  • Fixed: ACF plugin conflict on shortcode page
  • Fixed: Event bulk edit
  • Fixed: Time dropdown in search form
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.5.1 2019-09-11
  • 11 September 2019
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.3
  • Fixed: Showing multiple names and emails in backend booking form (pro)
  • Fixed: Date field in backend of booking form (pro)
  • Fixed: Local time module regarding hour
  • Fixed: Maximum year number in date fields in frontend and backend forms (pro)
  • Fixed: Location, saving latitude and longitude
  • Fixed: Send emails to all attendees instead of main attendees (pro)
  • Fixed: Displaying Google Recaptcha in modals
  • Fixed: Showing registration form data in backend (pro)
  • Fixed: Ticket filter in booking management menu (pro)
4.5.0 2019-09-04
4.4.9 2019-08-28
4.4.8 2019-08-22
  • 22 August 2019 =
  • Fixed: Disabling Schema option
  • Fixed: Some minor issue
4.4.7 2019-08-21
  • Added: Modern style search bar
  • Added: Auto set cronjobs for synchronization
  • Added: An option to not open current day in MEC widget
  • Added: ID column and sort by ID in booking menu
  • Added: Filter by ticket name in bookings menu
  • Added: Advanced clustering feature for Google Maps
  • Added: Duplicate link in event action links
  • Added: An option for disabling Schema
  • Fixed: Double tap feature for monthly calendar (simple skin)
  • Fixed: Advanced repeat type
  • Fixed: Countdown in module view and Countdown skin
  • Fixed: Carousel view and "load more" button in Internet explorer
4.4.6 2019-08-13
  • Added: Ajax live search to search bar
  • Added: Filter before wp_mail (Booking Notification) for developers
  • Fixed: Simple monthly calendar style
  • Fixed: Daylight saving
  • Fixed: Multiple days events
  • Fixed: A two-year limit for filtering events
  • Fixed: Yearly view search filter
  • Fixed: Displaying total attendees in Booking Confirmation email
  • Fixed: Displaying invoice link in booking when the invoice is disabled
  • Fixed: Booking module in some themes (Lity popup)
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.4.5 2019-08-04
  • Added: Stripe Connect gateway to divide the booking payment between organizer and site owner
  • Added: Ability to insert new speakers from "Frontend Event Submission"
  • Improved: Only the role of administrators can see the license
  • Fixed: Agreement field type
  • Fixed: Booking Limit per user email option
  • Fixed: General search function in WordPress Media, Pages, Posts and all custom post types caused by Search Bar feature
  • Fixed: Show "Sold Out" badge in monthly skin when an occurence is sold out completely
  • Fixed "Load More" button at the bottom of the events page
  • Fixed: Import from EventOn (when organizer "tel" field contains an email)
  • Fixed: The mec_button and tiny_mce in FES form (JS error)
  • Fixed: Popup image src on some of the themes
  • Fixed: Back to Taxonomy Items when editing items (Organizers, Labels, Locations, Speaker)
  • Fixed: Unclickable settings menus
  • Fixed: Slider and Carousel view when events don't have featured images
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.4.0 2019-07-16
  • Added: Search bar shortcode
  • Added: Organizer payment options
  • Added: MEC shortcode element for the Divi builder
  • Added: A new option to disable invoice
  • Added: An option to limit maximum tickets that someone can book for all the tickets
  • Added: Imperial units to weather module in addition to metric units
  • Added: An option to toggle between imperial and metric units in weather module
  • Added: The developer documentation link
  • Fixed: "New Window" in more info link when booking is disabled
  • Fixed: Load more button
  • Fixed: Saving the changes in registration form builder
  • Fixed: Not showing other events due to a problem in exceptional days
  • Fixed: Masonry view by returning to Isotope library (hard-refresh required)
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.3.6 2019-07-03
  • Added: Limit option to full calendar skin in order to show more than 12 events per day
  • Added: Recurring rule to the ICS export on event details page
  • Added: End repeat option for advanced repeat type
  • Fixed: Attendee module on showing count of tickets
  • Fixed: "Invalid Request" notification in Booking form
  • Fixed: Frontend submission advance repeating style
  • Fixed: RTL settings
  • Fixed: Addon notifications style
  • Fixed: Countdown mobile/tablet style
4.3.5 2019-06-27
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.2
  • Added: advanced repeat type.
  • Added: Speaker name to notifications
  • Added: Functions to display widgets separately (For using in custom single event page)
  • Added: do_action('mec_{skin_name}_skin_head'); at top of each shortcode
  • Added: M.E. Calendar blocks to make it compatible with WordPress Block editor
  • Added: Change settings styling to tabs
  • Fixed: Page not scrolled to booking section when the button is clicked
  • Fixed: Speaker popup in Divi theme
  • Fixed: Display speakers in modal view
  • Fixed: W3 validation for shortcodes
  • Fixed: Full calendar search form
  • Fixed: Sticky in settings
  • Fixed: saving issue of categorized setting options in backend.
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.3.2 2019-06-17

Fixed: Notification tabs in settings

4.3.1 2019-06-17
  • Added: "Number of Days" and "Week Start Day" options to clean style of timetable skin
  • Added: Instagram to speakers
  • Added: Search form to the clean style of timetable skin
  • Added: All search options to full calendar skin
  • Added: Event status in Frontend Event Submission views
  • Added: Button in WordPress editor (TinyMCE) to insert shortcodes directly from editor
  • Improved: MEC settings mobile /tablet view
  • Removed: "Google +" social network
  • Fixed: Active day issue on daily view
  • Fixed: Block editor compatibility for category and speaker taxonomies
  • Fixed: Displaying ticket when booking is added from backend
  • Fixed: Title color issue on styling options for all shortcodes
  • Fixed: Additional locations in single event modern skin
  • Fixed: Responsive issue in Monthly view (simple style)
4.3.0 2019-06-10
  • Added: Booking cancellation notification
  • Added: New feature to disable admin notification
  • Fixed: Not showing the event when it is on current day and it is not started yet
  • Fixed: Issue in booking module regarding dates
  • Fixed: Issue regarding showing day title when only 1 day is added
  • Fixed: Some PHP notices
4.2.5 2019-06-03
  • Improved: Tooltip notifications in the admin panel
  • Improved: Notifications tab in settings
  • Added: Breadcrumb in the single event page
  • Added: %%book_time%% place holder to notifications to show start time of the event
  • Fixed: Displaying events in Masonry categories
  • Fixed: Use read more title in the register button when it is working as read more link
  • Fixed: Display the register button in the modern layout when the organizer is hidden
  • Fixed: "Load More" button in skins
  • Fixed: Google Calendar Export in email notifications
4.2.4 2019-05-28
  • Improved: slider skin by printing the feature image directly
  • Fixed: Showing only upcoming events of The Events Calendar for import
  • Fixed: Schedule when the event starts at 00:00
  • Fixed: Wrong month and year in weekly view search
  • Fixed: Search of monthly, daily and weekly skins by searching in the next 6 months if no event found for the current month
  • Fixed: PHP notices on weekly, daily and monthly skins
  • Fixed: Notifications and booking module
4.2.3 2019-05-22
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.1
  • Added: link to masonry image
  • Added: Gutenberg editor to event edit page
  • Added: Getting started section to dashboard
  • Added: filter to increase/decrease excerpt lenght
  • Fixed: Calculating end date of "Certain Weekdays" events using occurrence count
  • Fixed: Frontend Event Submission
  • Fixed: Adding a new occurrence date when event reached the end date
  • Fixed: Adding wrong end date when event is past
  • Fixed: Scheduler for generating start time and end time
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.2.2 2019-05-13
  • Fixed: Tag filtering issue
  • Fixed: Displaying attendee email in attendees module
  • Fixed: Google export link to include event description in addition to event title
4.2.1 2019-05-08
  • Added: "attachment_url" to MEC RSS
  • Added: Offers (event price) to schema structure
  • Fixed: Displaying comment form on MEC pages when comment is disabled
  • Fixed: Displaying wrong content and title on the event detail pages
  • Fixed: Next event module
  • Fixed: Booking form in the modal window
  • Fixed: Google Maps module in the modal window
  • Fixed: Displaying Total attendees, name , email in notifications
  • Fixed: CSV export "unknown" field
  • Fixed: Displaying extra fields in booking system
  • Fixed: Email in woocommerce paymant
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
4.2.0 2019-04-30
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2
  • Added: Additional Location feature
  • Added: MEC_Name and MEC_Email field to edit booking form
  • Added: Rearrange ability for booking form fileds (even email or name)
  • Added: Date field to booking form
  • Added: Upload file field to booking form
  • Added: Upload file option to manage MIME types and maximum upload size
  • Added: %%event_link%% tag to the notifications
  • Added: Norwegian (Bokml) language
  • Fixed: Some issues in RSS feed of events regarding showing content and excerpt
  • Fixed: Attached image in frontend submission form
  • Fixed: Exporting custom day events to Google Calendar in manual export and automated syncronization
4.1.0 2019-04-22
  • Added: Tag and Speaker filter to shortcodes
  • Fixed: Sold out ticket notification
  • Fixed: Modal view when Youtube video is in event content
  • Fixed: Social network displaying when option is disabled
  • Fixed: Search box displaying in shortcodes when all items are disabled
  • Fixed: %%event_note%% tag in email
  • Fixed: Displaying QR code widget when is deactivate
  • Fixed: Displaying variations in booking details page
  • Fixed: Conflict on end date and custom days events
  • Fixed: Label issue on daily schedule
  • Fixed: Undefined issue on custom days for "Frontend Event Submission"
  • Fixed: Creating custom days events from frontend
  • Fixed: Displaying events of end day of the month on daily, monthly and weekly skins
4.0.0 2019-04-14
  • Refactored: Search system completely
  • Improved: Search speed
  • Reduced: Number of queries to have better performance
  • Fixed: Showing multiple day events till end of event
  • Fixed: Occurrences on booking module
  • Fixed: Next occurrence date module for multiple day events
  • Fixed: Rendering data of some events
  • Fixed: Regarding table charset and collate on some hosts
  • Fixed: MEC uninstallation
  • Fixed: Checking existence of needed tables
  • Fixed: Showing all days of multiple events
  • Fixed: Import Facebook Image
  • Fixed: WPML compatibilty in ajax
  • Fixed: Widgets position in single event page
  • Fixed: Sticky infobar in settings
  • Fixed: Speaker box
  • Fixed: Monthly Calendar/Novel responsive
  • Fixed: Some PHP notices
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
3.5.2 2019-03-20
  • Fixed: Slider view
3.5.1 2019-03-20
  • Fixed: Issue in saving settings
  • Fixed: Issue in disable google font
  • Fixed: Issue in frontend event submission of custom days event
3.5.0 2019-03-17
  • Added: Facebook events importer
  • Added: Activation box in welcome page and removed activation tab from MEC settings
  • Added: Ability to define date period for custom days
  • Added: Event Schema markup to single page and shortcodes
  • Added: Custom Archive Skin feature
  • Added: Custom Category Skin feature
  • Added: Carousel skin type 4
  • Removed: old support page and added new one
  • Updated: spanish language from lite version repository
  • Fixed: Modal booking
  • Fixed: link for image in countdown view type 3
  • Fixed: Checkout button style
3.4.6 2019-03-05
  • Fixed: Display button in Import/Export tabs.
3.4.5 2019-02-27
  • Added: Disable Google Fonts options due to GDPR
  • Added: Search field for settings
  • Added: Settings import/export feature
  • Added: New Monthly Skin (simple)
  • Added: Deactivate MEC lite when Pro is activate
  • Changed: settings styles
  • Improved: Styling Options
  • Fixed: Global ticket variations
  • Fixed: Showing end time in local time widget when end time or event time is/are hidden
  • Fixed: Showing shortcodes in event excerpt
  • Fixed: Not showing event title in novel style of monthly calendar
  • Fixed: Ticket time in notifications
  • Fixed: CSV export for custom fields
  • Fixed: Notifications for full attendee info
  • Fixed: Social icons when occurrence is set
  • Fixed: Next event module
  • Fixed: Showing booking tickets.
  • Fixed: Some PHP notices.
3.4.0 2019-02-21
  • Added: Profile shortcode to show user bookings details
  • Added: Import from Meetup
  • Added: Auto sync for importing meetup events
  • Added: Ability to remove hourly schedule days
  • Added: Ability to change ticket price per date periods (Pro)
  • Fixed: Issue in Meetup and Stripe API
  • Fixed: Daily view in mobile and tablet
  • Fixed: Custom color in masonry category
  • Fixed: Masonry in Elementor tab
  • Fixed: Typography issues
  • Fixed: Google reCaptcha in Frontend submission form
  • Fixed: Booking smooth scroll (Pro)
  • Fixed: Event information displaying order in single event page (default skin)
  • Fixed: Date-picker in backend
  • Fixed: Display Grid clean and Monthly View when search box is enable
  • Fixed: Load languages in Lite version
  • Fixed: Load speaker in accordion toggle view
  • Fixed: Alt tag for images in Masonry view
  • Fixed: Modal view when click on thumbnails
  • Fixed: Console error (colorBrightness when no event exists)
  • Fixed: HTML tags in paragraph field of booking form both in backend and frontend (Pro)
  • Fixed: Invalid occurrence date in single event pages
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
3.3.5 2018-12-08
  • Compatibility: WordPress v5.0
  • Improved: WPML Compatibility
  • Fixed: Stripe gateway
  • Fixed: Exporting custom days events to Google Calendar
  • Fixed: Time issue on Google calendar import
  • Fixed: Some minor issues
3.3.0 2018-11-19
  • Added: Category filter to the full calendar skin
  • Added: Featured and Canceled styles for events with certain labels
  • Added: Speakers taxonomy
  • Added: Option to disable the speakers feature
  • Added: Speakers section to the frontend event submission
  • Added: Speakers module to show in default and modern layouts of single event
  • Added: Multiple days functionality to the Hourly Schedule
  • Added: Speakers option to the hourly schedule
  • Added: Global ticket variation options (Pro)
  • Added: Ability to change ticket variations per event (Pro)
  • Added: Ability to order ticket variations per ticket during booking (Pro)
  • Added: Monthly Novel style
  • Added: Select monthly style option (Novel and Clean) to Full calendar view
  • Added: Select toggle month divider option to List > Accordion view
  • Added: Modal feature option to booking in single event page
  • Changed: Display of hourly schedule in frontend
  • Optimized: The event data rendering
  • Fixed: Showing fees and variations meta box when booking module is not enabled (Pro)
  • Fixed: URL issue
  • Fixed: HTML content of Frontend Event Submission.
  • Fixed: Auto update feature for lite version
  • Fixed: Month divider issue on list and agenda skins
  • Fixed: Ticket availability issue (Pro)
  • Fixed: Showing ticket name in booking details page in backend
  • Fixed: Typo on exports
3.2.2 2018-10-03
3.2.1 2018-10-02
  • Fixed: Single Widget error (Activation error)
3.2.0 2018-10-01
  • Improved: Speed optimization on data rendering of events
  • Improved: Speed optimization on next event module
  • Improved: Speed optimization on database
  • Added: Elementor Shortcode
  • Added: Start/End Time for ticket (Pro version)
  • Added: iCal file download link in email in settings > notifications (%%ics_link%%)
  • Added: Google Calendar link in email in settings > notification (%%google_calendar_link%%)
3.1.6 2018-09-24
  • Fixed: Auto update in PRO version
3.1.5 2018-09-11
  • Fixed: Issue on showing multiple events in unwanted months when the repeat is set to yearly
  • Preparation for Gutenberg Editor
3.1.4 2018-08-28
  • Added: VK social sharing
  • Fixed: Titles containing '&' when shared via email
  • Fixed: Sold-out message when '0' is set for ticket numbers
3.1.1 2018-08-28

Changed: Admin style Changed: MEC Pro links to new URL

3.1.3 2018-08-21
3.1.2 2018-08-21
  • Fixed: Update from WordPress (Lite Version)