Version Description
- New: Add filter to add 3 more paragraph AdSense ads placed with WP QUADS PRO
- New: Add ad health and checking function to detect if there are error in adsense settings
- New: Support link to troubleshooting guide if AdSense ads are not shown
- New: Add floating Save Settings button
- New: Grey out unused AdSense ad spots in general settings
- New: Tested up to Wordpress 4.7.1
- New: Use up to 20 maximum AdSense ads on one page from a collection of 10 different ads
- New: Allow the use of the same ad on several different ad positions at the same time
New: Complete rewrite of the main processing function for easier maintanance
Fix: Settings are lost after updating when db option quads_version is empty
Fix: AdSense option Hide on device X condition not working width shortcode [quads]
Fix: Rewrite admin html and css for a more robust structure to prevent to be overwritten by other plugin devs who think its cool to load their css stuff all over the admin area
Fix: Button Open All Ads only works on second click
Fix: Hide Sizing Options when ad type is not AdSense
Fix: Meta Box option "Hide all ads" is not hiding custom created ads with commercial themes like bimber.
Tweak: Enable quicktags button per default on first time installation
Tweak: Performance update. Uses less ressources
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | ReneHermi |
Plugin | AdSense Plugin WP QUADS |
Version | 1.4.3 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 1.4.0 to 1.4.3
- assets/css/quads-admin.css +11 -3
- assets/css/quads-admin.min.css +1 -1
- assets/css/quads-plugins-admin.min.css +1 -0
- assets/js/ads.js +1 -0
- assets/js/quads-admin.js +44 -4
- assets/js/quads-admin.min.js +44 -4
- includes/admin/admin-actions.php +9 -0
- includes/admin/admin-notices.php +71 -6
- includes/admin/settings/display-settings.php +16 -8
- includes/admin/settings/register-settings.php +44 -71
- includes/admin/upgrades/upgrade-functions.php +2 -2
- includes/api.php +50 -3
- includes/conditionals.php +10 -2
- includes/frontend-checks.php +298 -0
- includes/meta-boxes.php +6 -5
- includes/quicktags.php +2 -0
- includes/shortcodes.php +33 -10
- includes/template-functions.php +801 -193
- includes/widgets.php +69 -36
- quick-adsense-reloaded.php +17 -44
- readme.txt +31 -4
@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ input.medium-text, textarea.medium-text {
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131 |
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138 |
font-weight: bold;
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@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ li.quads-tabs {
463 |
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466 |
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@@ -795,3 +795,11 @@ li.quads-tabs {
795 |
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796 |
797 |
128 |
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132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
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137 |
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138 |
font-weight: bold;
139 |
140 |
463 |
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466 |
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795 |
min-height: 25px;
796 |
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799 |
800 |
margin-top: -20px;
801 |
display: block;
802 |
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803 |
margin-bottom: 20px;
804 |
font-weight: bold;
805 |
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
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1 |
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li:before{width:1em;height:100%;background:url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20width%3D%221792%22%20height%3D%221792%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%201792%201792%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ew3%2Eorg%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%2377B227%22%20d%3D%22M1671%20566q0%2040%2D28%2068l%2D724%20724%2D136%20136q%2D28%2028%2D68%2028t%2D68%2D28l%2D136%2D136%2D362%2D362q%2D28%2D28%2D28%2D68t28%2D68l136%2D136q28%2D28%2068%2D28t68%2028l294%20295%20656%2D657q28%2D28%2068%2D28t68%2028l136%20136q28%2028%2028%2068z%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E) left .4em no-repeat;background-size:contain;content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;color:#77b227}.adsense_admin_header{font-size:14px;font-weight:500}#quads-adsense-bg-div{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);z-index:250000}#quads-adsense-container{text-align:center;width:480px;margin:85px auto 0;background-color:#fff;padding:2%;border-radius:2px}#quads-adsense-container h3{margin-top:0}#quads-adsense-container textarea,.quads-ad-toggle-container textarea{width:100%}.quads-ad-toggle-container input{margin-top:7px;margin-bottom:10px}.quads-adsense-code label,input{margin-right:2px}#quads_settings\5b ad2\5d \5b g_data_ad_client\5d{width:200px}.quads-ad-toggle-container label{display:inline-block;margin-right:2px;margin-top:-3px}.quads_adsense_code .quads-add-adsense{margin:20px 5px 20px 0}.quads-label-left{min-width:71px}#quads-label-Type{min-width:67px}.quads-medium-size{width:110px}#quads-msg{display:none;margin:5px;background-color:#c55c5c;color:#fff}.quads-loader,.quads-success-modal{display:block;position:fixed;top:45%;left:25%;width:200px;height:auto;padding:5px 20px;z-index:1002;overflow:auto}.quads-form-table{width:100%}.quads-left-box{width:45%;min-height:100px;float:left;line-height:35px;min-width:300px}@media screen and (max-width:700px){.adsense-size-title{margin-left:0}.quads-left-box{width:45%;min-height:100px;float:none;line-height:35px;min-width:300px}.quads-style img{max-width:50px}}.quads-general-helper,.quads-helper{background-color:#83c11f;width:15px;display:inline-block;top:4px;cursor:pointer}.adsense_admin_header ul li{margin-top:2px;margin-left:20px;list-style-type:square}.quads-helper{border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff;height:15px;position:relative;margin-top:-4px;margin-left:2px}.quads-general-helper:after,.quads-helper:after{height:20px;font-family:sans-serif;content:"?";font-size:11px;font-weight:700;left:4px;position:absolute;color:#fff}.quads-helper:after{margin-top:-10px}.quads-general-helper:after{margin-top:-2px}.quads-general-helper{border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff;height:15px;position:relative;margin-top:-4px;margin-left:2px}.quads-message{padding:10px;border:1px solid #FBFBFB;border-radius:2px;background-color:#F8F8F8;position:absolute;max-width:500px;z-index:9999;display:none;box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);font-weight:400;line-height:20px;text-transform:none;font-size:14px}#quads-pro-hover{background-color:#83c11f;padding:20px;min-width:150px;color:#fff;display:block;position:relative;margin-top:-100px;margin-left:50%}#quads-pro-hover-background{width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,.6)}#quads-open-toggle{clear:both;float:left;margin-top:10px}#quads_settingsadsense_header input[type=number].small-text{width:55px}.quads_adsense_code input.quads-bggrey{background-color:#f5f5f5;color:#939393}.quads-amp-code{color:#939393;height:130px}.quads-chosen-select .chosen-choices input{min-height:25px}#quads-validate{margin-top:-20px;display:block;margin-left:2px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:700}
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
@media screen and (max-width:400px){
36 |
#quick-adsense-reloaded-feedback-content {
37 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
@media screen and (max-width:400px){
37 |
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38 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
var wpquads_adblocker_check = true;
@@ -1,7 +1,40 @@
1 |
var strict;
2 |
3 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
4 |
5 |
// Activate chosen select boxes
6 |
7 |
inherit_select_classes: true
@@ -34,12 +67,15 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
34 |
// });
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Toggle Button Open All Ads
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Open All Ads');
@@ -386,7 +422,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
// Toggle between AdSense or Plain Text
390 |
$(document).on('click', '.quads_adsense_type', function () {
391 |
392 |
var parentContainerID = $(this).parents('.quads-ad-toggle-container').attr('id');
@@ -394,11 +430,15 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
394 |
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395 |
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396 |
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397 |
398 |
399 |
if ($(this).val() === 'plain_text') {
400 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').show();
401 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('div.quads_adsense_code').hide();
402 |
403 |
404 |
1 |
var strict;
2 |
3 |
4 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
5 |
6 |
// Inactive select fields are greyed out
7 |
8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
if (!$(this).prop('checked')){
17 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'whitesmoke').css('color', '#939393');
18 |
} else {
19 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'white').css('color', 'black');
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
// Check if submit button is visible than stick it to the bottom of the page
24 |
$(window).scroll(function() {
25 |
var elem = '#quads_tab_container .submit';
26 |
var top_of_element = $(elem).offset().top;
27 |
var bottom_of_element = $(elem).offset().top + $(elem).outerHeight(false);
28 |
var bottom_of_screen = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
29 |
if (bottom_of_screen > top_of_element){
30 |
// The element is visible, do something
31 |
$('#quads-submit-button').css('position', 'relative').css('bottom', '20px');
32 |
} else {
33 |
// The element is NOT visible, do something else
34 |
$('#quads-submit-button').css('position', 'fixed').css('bottom', '20px');
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
// Activate chosen select boxes
39 |
40 |
inherit_select_classes: true
67 |
// });
68 |
69 |
70 |
* Toggle Button | Open All Ads
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
if ($('#quads-open-toggle').text() === 'Open All Ads' ){
77 |
78 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Close Ads');
79 |
80 |
81 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Open All Ads');
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
// Toggle between AdSense or Plain Text option
426 |
$(document).on('click', '.quads_adsense_type', function () {
427 |
428 |
var parentContainerID = $(this).parents('.quads-ad-toggle-container').attr('id');
430 |
if ($(this).val() === 'adsense') {
431 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').hide();
432 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('div.quads_adsense_code').show();
433 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes').show();
434 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes-container').css('clear','');
435 |
436 |
437 |
if ($(this).val() === 'plain_text') {
438 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').show();
439 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('div.quads_adsense_code').hide();
440 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes').hide();
441 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes-container').css('clear','both');
442 |
443 |
444 |
@@ -1,7 +1,40 @@
1 |
var strict;
2 |
3 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
4 |
5 |
// Activate chosen select boxes
6 |
7 |
inherit_select_classes: true
@@ -34,12 +67,15 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
34 |
// });
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Toggle Button Open All Ads
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Open All Ads');
@@ -386,7 +422,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
// Toggle between AdSense or Plain Text
390 |
$(document).on('click', '.quads_adsense_type', function () {
391 |
392 |
var parentContainerID = $(this).parents('.quads-ad-toggle-container').attr('id');
@@ -394,11 +430,15 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
394 |
if ($(this).val() === 'adsense') {
395 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').hide();
396 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('div.quads_adsense_code').show();
397 |
398 |
399 |
if ($(this).val() === 'plain_text') {
400 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').show();
401 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('div.quads_adsense_code').hide();
402 |
403 |
404 |
1 |
var strict;
2 |
3 |
4 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
5 |
6 |
// Inactive select fields are greyed out
7 |
8 |
if (!$(this).prop('checked')){
9 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'whitesmoke').css('color', '#939393');
10 |
}else {
11 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'white').css('color', 'black');
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
if (!$(this).prop('checked')){
17 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'whitesmoke').css('color', '#939393');
18 |
} else {
19 |
$(this).next('select').css('background-color', 'white').css('color', 'black');
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
// Check if submit button is visible than stick it to the bottom of the page
24 |
$(window).scroll(function() {
25 |
var elem = '#quads_tab_container .submit';
26 |
var top_of_element = $(elem).offset().top;
27 |
var bottom_of_element = $(elem).offset().top + $(elem).outerHeight(false);
28 |
var bottom_of_screen = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
29 |
if (bottom_of_screen > top_of_element){
30 |
// The element is visible, do something
31 |
$('#quads-submit-button').css('position', 'relative').css('bottom', '20px');
32 |
} else {
33 |
// The element is NOT visible, do something else
34 |
$('#quads-submit-button').css('position', 'fixed').css('bottom', '20px');
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
// Activate chosen select boxes
39 |
40 |
inherit_select_classes: true
67 |
// });
68 |
69 |
70 |
* Toggle Button | Open All Ads
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
if ($('#quads-open-toggle').text() === 'Open All Ads' ){
77 |
78 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Close Ads');
79 |
80 |
81 |
$('#quads-open-toggle').html('Open All Ads');
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
// Toggle between AdSense or Plain Text option
426 |
$(document).on('click', '.quads_adsense_type', function () {
427 |
428 |
var parentContainerID = $(this).parents('.quads-ad-toggle-container').attr('id');
430 |
if ($(this).val() === 'adsense') {
431 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').hide();
432 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('div.quads_adsense_code').show();
433 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes').show();
434 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes-container').css('clear','');
435 |
436 |
437 |
if ($(this).val() === 'plain_text') {
438 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('textarea').show();
439 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).children('div.quads_adsense_code').hide();
440 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes').hide();
441 |
$('#' + parentContainerID).find('.quads-sizes-container').css('clear','both');
442 |
443 |
444 |
@@ -30,3 +30,12 @@ function quads_process_actions() {
30 |
31 |
add_action( 'admin_init', 'quads_process_actions' );
32 |
30 |
31 |
add_action( 'admin_init', 'quads_process_actions' );
32 |
33 |
34 |
* Update option quads_show_theme_notice
35 |
* "no" means no further upgrade notices are shown
36 |
37 |
function quads_close_upgrade_notice(){
38 |
update_option ('quads_show_theme_notice', 'no');
39 |
40 |
add_action('quads_close_upgrade_notice', 'quads_close_upgrade_notice');
41 |
@@ -29,6 +29,18 @@ function quads_admin_messages() {
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
@@ -191,13 +203,13 @@ function quads_theme_notice(){
191 |
192 |
$show_notice = get_option('quads_show_theme_notice');
193 |
194 |
if( false !== $show_notice && 'no' !== $show_notice ) {
195 |
$message = __( '<strong>Extend the <strong>' . quads_is_commercial_theme(). '</strong> theme with <strong>WP QUADS PRO!</strong>
196 |
197 |
<div class="updated notice
198 |
<p><?php echo $message; ?></p>
199 |
</div> <?php
200 |
update_option ('quads_show_theme_notice', 'no');
201 |
202 |
203 |
@@ -224,7 +236,7 @@ function quads_update_notice() {
224 |
//update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
225 |
} else
226 |
if( !quads_is_advanced() ) {
227 |
$message = sprintf( __( '<strong>WP QUADS ' . QUADS_VERSION . ': <strong> Install <a href="%1s" target="_blank">WP QUADS PRO</a> to get custom post type support
228 |
$message .= '<br><br><a href="' . admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-action=hide_update_notice" class="button-primary thankyou" target="_self" title="Close Notice" style="font-weight:bold;">Close Notice</a>';
229 |
230 |
<div class="updated notice" style="border-left: 4px solid #ffba00;">
@@ -233,8 +245,61 @@ function quads_update_notice() {
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
function quads_hide_notice(){
238 |
update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
239 |
240 |
add_action('quads_hide_update_notice', 'quads_hide_notice', 10);
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
if (!quads_is_any_ad_activated() && quads_is_admin_page() ){
34 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-warning">'.sprintf(__('<strong>No ads are activated!</strong> You need to assign at least 1 ad to an ad spot. Fix this in <a href="%s">General Settings</a>! Alternatively you need to use a shortcode in your posts or no ads are shown at all.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-message=settings-imported&tab=general#quads_settingsgeneral_header').'</div>';
35 |
36 |
37 |
if (!quads_is_post_type_activated() && quads_is_admin_page() ){
38 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-warning">'.sprintf(__('<strong>No ads are shown - No post types selected</strong> You need to select at least 1 post type like <i>blog</i> or <i>page</i>. Fix this in <a href="%s">General Settings</a> or no ads are shown at all.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-message=settings-imported&tab=general#quads_settingsgeneral_header').'</div>';
39 |
40 |
41 |
if (isset($_GET['quads-action']) && $_GET['quads-action'] === 'validate' && quads_is_admin_page() && quads_is_any_ad_activated() && quads_is_post_type_activated() ){
42 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-success">' . sprintf(__('<strong>No errors detected in WP QUADS settings.</strong> If ads are still not shown read the <a href="%s" target="_blank">troubleshooting guide</a>'), '') . '</div>';
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
203 |
204 |
$show_notice = get_option('quads_show_theme_notice');
205 |
206 |
if( false !== $show_notice && 'no' !== $show_notice && quads_is_commercial_theme() ) {
207 |
$message = __( '<strong>Extend the <strong>' . quads_is_commercial_theme(). '</strong> theme with <strong>WP QUADS PRO!</strong><br>Save time and earn more - Bring your AdSense earnings to next level. <a href="" target="_blank"> Purchase Now</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Get Details</a></strong> <p> <a href="'.admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-action=close_upgrade_notice" class="button">Close Notice</a>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' );
208 |
209 |
<div class="updated notice" style="border-left: 4px solid #ffba00;">
210 |
<p><?php echo $message; ?></p>
211 |
</div> <?php
212 |
//update_option ('quads_show_theme_notice', 'no');
213 |
214 |
215 |
236 |
//update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
237 |
} else
238 |
if( !quads_is_advanced() ) {
239 |
$message = sprintf( __( '<strong>WP QUADS ' . QUADS_VERSION . ': <strong> Install <a href="%1s" target="_blank">WP QUADS PRO</a> to get custom post type support in <a href="%2s">General Settings</a>.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ), '', admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=quads-settings' );
240 |
$message .= '<br><br><a href="' . admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-action=hide_update_notice" class="button-primary thankyou" target="_self" title="Close Notice" style="font-weight:bold;">Close Notice</a>';
241 |
242 |
<div class="updated notice" style="border-left: 4px solid #ffba00;">
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
* Hide Notice and update db option quads_hide_notice
250 |
251 |
function quads_hide_notice(){
252 |
update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
253 |
254 |
add_action('quads_hide_update_notice', 'quads_hide_notice', 10);
255 |
256 |
257 |
* Check if any ad is activated and assigned in general settings
258 |
259 |
* @global array $quads_options
260 |
* @return boolean
261 |
262 |
function quads_is_any_ad_activated() {
263 |
global $quads_options;
264 |
265 |
// Check if custom positions location_settings is empty or does not exists
266 |
$check = array();
267 |
if( isset( $quads_options['location_settings'] ) ) {
268 |
foreach ( $quads_options['location_settings'] as $location_array ) {
269 |
if( isset( $location_array['status'] ) ) {
270 |
$check[] = $location_array['status'];
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
if( count( $check ) === 0 &&
278 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos1']['BegnAds'] ) &&
279 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] ) &&
280 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] ) &&
281 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] ) &&
282 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] ) &&
283 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos6']['Para1Ads'] ) &&
284 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos7']['Para2Ads'] ) &&
285 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos8']['Para3Ads'] ) &&
286 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] ) ) {
287 |
return false;
288 |
289 |
return true;
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
* Check if any post type is enabled
294 |
295 |
* @global array $quads_options
296 |
* @return boolean
297 |
298 |
function quads_is_post_type_activated(){
299 |
global $quads_options;
300 |
301 |
if (empty($quads_options['post_types'])){
302 |
return false;
303 |
304 |
return true;
305 |
@@ -109,18 +109,18 @@ function quads_do_settings_fields($page, $section) {
109 |
110 |
111 |
if (!empty($field['args']['label_for']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] )){
112 |
echo '<tr class="row">';
113 |
echo '<td class="row th">';
114 |
echo '<label for="' . esc_attr($field['args']['label_for']) . '">' . $field['title'] . '</label>';
115 |
echo '</td></tr>';
116 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) && !empty($field['args']['helper-desc'])){
117 |
echo '<tr class="row">';
118 |
echo '<td class="row th">';
119 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '<a class="quads-general-helper" href="#"></a><div class="quads-message">' . $field['args']['helper-desc']. '</div></div>';
120 |
echo '</td></tr>';
121 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) ){
122 |
echo '<tr class="row">';
123 |
echo '<td class="row th">';
124 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '</div>';
125 |
echo '</td></tr>';
126 |
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ function quads_options_page() {
223 |
<?php quads_get_tab_header( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab ); ?>
224 |
<div class="quads-panel-container"> <!-- new //-->
225 |
<form method="post" action="options.php" id="quads_settings">
226 |
227 |
settings_fields( 'quads_settings' );
228 |
quads_do_settings_fields( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab );
@@ -233,8 +234,12 @@ function quads_options_page() {
233 |
234 |
// do not show save button on add-on page
235 |
if ($active_tab !== 'addons'){
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
@@ -242,6 +247,9 @@ function quads_options_page() {
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
</div> <!-- new //-->
247 |
<?php quads_get_advertising(); ?>
109 |
110 |
111 |
if (!empty($field['args']['label_for']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] )){
112 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
113 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
114 |
echo '<label for="' . esc_attr($field['args']['label_for']) . '">' . $field['title'] . '</label>';
115 |
echo '</td></tr>';
116 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) && !empty($field['args']['helper-desc'])){
117 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
118 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
119 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '<a class="quads-general-helper" href="#"></a><div class="quads-message">' . $field['args']['helper-desc']. '</div></div>';
120 |
echo '</td></tr>';
121 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) ){
122 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
123 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
124 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '</div>';
125 |
echo '</td></tr>';
126 |
223 |
<?php quads_get_tab_header( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab ); ?>
224 |
<div class="quads-panel-container"> <!-- new //-->
225 |
<form method="post" action="options.php" id="quads_settings">
226 |
227 |
228 |
settings_fields( 'quads_settings' );
229 |
quads_do_settings_fields( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab );
234 |
235 |
// do not show save button on add-on page
236 |
if ($active_tab !== 'addons'){
237 |
$other_attributes = array( 'id' => 'quads-submit-button' );
238 |
submit_button(null, 'primary', 'quads-save-settings' , true, $other_attributes );
239 |
240 |
<a href="<?php echo admin_url() . '/admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-action=validate'; ?> " id="quads-validate"><?php _e('Validate Settings','quick-adsense-reloaded')?></a>
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( '<strong>Ads are not showing? Read the <a href="%s" target="_blank">troubleshooting guide</a> to find out how to resolve this issue.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
</div> <!-- new //-->
255 |
<?php quads_get_advertising(); ?>
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
124 |
'general' => apply_filters( 'quads_settings_general', array(
125 |
126 |
'id' => 'general_header',
127 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'General
128 |
'desc' => __( '', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
129 |
'type' => 'header'
130 |
@@ -146,11 +146,21 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
146 |
8 => '8',
147 |
9 => '9',
148 |
10 => '10',
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
'id' => 'ad_position',
153 |
'name' => __( 'Position', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
154 |
'desc' => __( 'Assign and activate ads on specific ad places', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
155 |
'type' => 'ad_position'
156 |
@@ -184,11 +194,12 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
184 |
'adsense_header' => array(
185 |
'id' => 'adsense_header',
186 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'AdSense Code', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</strong>',
187 |
'desc' => '<div class="adsense_admin_header">' . sprintf( __( 'Paste up to 10 Ad codes on post body and up to 10 Ad codes on sidebar widget
188 |
. '<ul style="margin-top:10px;">'
189 |
. '<li
190 |
. '<li
191 |
. '</ul>'
192 |
. '<div id="quads-open-toggle" class="button">'.__('Open All Ads','quick-adsense-reloaded').'</div>',
193 |
'type' => 'header'
194 |
@@ -1469,73 +1480,75 @@ function quads_ad_position_callback( $args ) {
1469 |
1470 |
1471 |
// Pos 1
1472 |
$html = $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos1][BegnAds]',
1473 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1474 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos1][BegnRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos1']['BegnRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos1']['BegnRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1475 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>Beginning of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1476 |
1477 |
// Pos 2
1478 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos2][MiddAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1479 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1480 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos2][MiddRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos2']['MiddRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1481 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>Middle of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1482 |
1483 |
// Pos 3
1484 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos3][EndiAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1485 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1486 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos3][EndiRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos3']['EndiRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1487 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1488 |
1489 |
// Pos 4
1490 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos4][MoreAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1491 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1492 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos4][MoreRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos4']['MoreRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1493 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'right after <strong>the <span style="font-family:Courier New,Courier,Fixed;"><!--more--></span> tag</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1494 |
1495 |
// Pos 5
1496 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos5][LapaAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1497 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1498 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos5][LapaRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1499 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'right before <strong>the last Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1500 |
1501 |
// Pos 6
1502 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1503 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1504 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1505 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1506 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1507 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1508 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1509 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1510 |
1511 |
// Pos 7
1512 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1513 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1514 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1515 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1516 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1517 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1518 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1519 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1520 |
1521 |
// Pos 8
1522 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1523 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1524 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1525 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1526 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1527 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1528 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1529 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1530 |
1531 |
// Pos 9
1532 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1533 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1534 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1535 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Image</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1536 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1537 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1538 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox') );
1539 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'after <b>Image\'s outer</b><b><span style="font-family:Courier New,Courier,Fixed;"> <div> wp-caption</span></b> if any.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1540 |
1541 |
echo apply_filters( 'quads_ad_position_callback', $html );
@@ -1567,46 +1580,6 @@ function quads_quicktags_callback( $args ) {
1567 |
echo $html;
1568 |
1569 |
1570 |
1571 |
* This hook should be removed and the hook function should replace entire "quads_ad_position_callback" function.
1572 |
1573 |
add_filter( 'quads_ad_position_callback', 'quads_render_ad_locations' );
1574 |
1575 |
1576 |
* Return ad locations HTML based on new API.
1577 |
1578 |
* @param $html
1579 |
* @return string Locations HTML
1580 |
1581 |
function quads_render_ad_locations( $html ) {
1582 |
global $quads_options, $_quads_registered_ad_locations, $quads;
1583 |
1584 |
if( isset( $_quads_registered_ad_locations ) && is_array( $_quads_registered_ad_locations ) ) {
1585 |
foreach ( $_quads_registered_ad_locations as $location => $location_args ) {
1586 |
1587 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $location );
1588 |
1589 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array(
1590 |
'name' => 'quads_settings[location_settings][' . $location . '][status]',
1591 |
'current' => !empty( $location_settings['status'] ) ? $location_settings['status'] : null,
1592 |
'class' => 'quads-checkbox'
1593 |
) );
1594 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1595 |
1596 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array(
1597 |
'options' => quads_get_ads(),
1598 |
'name' => 'quads_settings[location_settings][' . $location . '][ad]',
1599 |
'selected' => !empty( $location_settings['ad'] ) ? $location_settings['ad'] : null,
1600 |
'show_option_all' => false,
1601 |
'show_option_none' => false
1602 |
) );
1603 |
$html .= ' ' . $location_args['description'] . '</br>';
1604 |
1605 |
1606 |
1607 |
return $html;
1608 |
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
* AdSense Code Callback
1612 |
@@ -1661,7 +1634,7 @@ function quads_adsense_code_callback( $args ) {
1661 |
<textarea style="vertical-align:top;margin-right:20px;" class="large-text quads-textarea" cols="50" rows="10" id="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][code]" name="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][code]"><?php echo esc_textarea( stripslashes( $code ) ); ?></textarea><label for="quads_settings[ <?php echo $id; ?> ][code]"> <?php echo $args['desc']; ?></label>
1662 |
1663 |
<div class="quads_adsense_code">
1664 |
<input type="button" style="vertical-align:inherit;" class="button button-primary quads-add-adsense" value="Copy / Paste AdSense Code"> <span>or add Ad Slot ID & Publisher ID manually below
1665 |
<br />
1666 |
<?php //echo __('Generate Ad Slot & Publisher ID automatically from your adsense code', 'quick-adsense-reloaded')?>
1667 |
<label class="quads-label-left" for="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]">Ad Slot ID </label><input type="text" class="quads-medium-size quads-bggrey" id="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]" name="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]" value="<?php echo $g_data_ad_slot; ?>">
124 |
'general' => apply_filters( 'quads_settings_general', array(
125 |
126 |
'id' => 'general_header',
127 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'General & Position', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</strong>',
128 |
'desc' => __( '', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
129 |
'type' => 'header'
130 |
146 |
8 => '8',
147 |
9 => '9',
148 |
10 => '10',
149 |
11 => '11',
150 |
12 => '12',
151 |
13 => '13',
152 |
14 => '14',
153 |
15 => '15',
154 |
16 => '16',
155 |
17 => '17',
156 |
18 => '18',
157 |
19 => '19',
158 |
20 => '20',
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
'id' => 'ad_position',
163 |
'name' => __( 'Position - Default Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
164 |
'desc' => __( 'Assign and activate ads on specific ad places', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
165 |
'type' => 'ad_position'
166 |
194 |
'adsense_header' => array(
195 |
'id' => 'adsense_header',
196 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'AdSense Code', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</strong>',
197 |
'desc' => '<div class="adsense_admin_header">' . sprintf( __( 'Paste up to 10 Ad codes on post body and up to 10 Ad codes on sidebar widget.<br><a href="%s" target="_blank">Read here</a> to find out the most effective AdSense banner sizes. </div>'
198 |
. '<ul style="margin-top:10px;">'
199 |
. '<li>- Use option <i>AdSense</i> for unmodified AdSense code</li>'
200 |
. '<li>- Use <i>Plain Text / HTML / JS</i> for modified AdSense code with custom css or for none AdSense ads</li></ul>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ), '' )
201 |
. '</ul>'
202 |
. '<div style="clear:both;">' . sprintf( __( '<strong>Ads are not showing? Read the <a href="%s" target="_blank">troubleshooting guide</a> to find out how to resolve this issue.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),'') . '</div>'
203 |
. '<div id="quads-open-toggle" class="button">'.__('Open All Ads','quick-adsense-reloaded').'</div>',
204 |
'type' => 'header'
205 |
1480 |
1481 |
1482 |
// Pos 1
1483 |
$html = $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos1][BegnAds]','current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos1']['BegnAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos1']['BegnAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1484 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1485 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos1][BegnRnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos1][BegnRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos1']['BegnRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos1']['BegnRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1486 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>Beginning of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1487 |
1488 |
// Pos 2
1489 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos2][MiddAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1490 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1491 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos2][MiddRnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos2][MiddRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos2']['MiddRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1492 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>Middle of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1493 |
1494 |
// Pos 3
1495 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos3][EndiAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1496 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1497 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos3][EndiRnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos3][EndiRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos3']['EndiRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1498 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1499 |
1500 |
// Pos 4
1501 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos4][MoreAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1502 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1503 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos4][MoreRnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos4][MoreRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos4']['MoreRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1504 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'right after <strong>the <span style="font-family:Courier New,Courier,Fixed;"><!--more--></span> tag</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</br>';
1505 |
1506 |
// Pos 5
1507 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos5][LapaAds]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] ) ? $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1508 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1509 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos5][LapaRnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos5][LapaRnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1510 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'right before <strong>the last Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1511 |
1512 |
// Pos 6
1513 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1514 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1515 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(),'id' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Rnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1516 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1517 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'class' => 'quads-paragraph', 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Nup]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1518 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1519 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos6][Par1Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1520 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1521 |
1522 |
// Pos 7
1523 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1524 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1525 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Rnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1526 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1527 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Nup]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1528 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1529 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos7][Par2Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1530 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1531 |
1532 |
// Pos 8
1533 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1534 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1535 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Rnd]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1536 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Paragraph</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1537 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Nup]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1538 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1539 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos8][Par3Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1540 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'to <strong>End of Post</strong> if fewer paragraphs are found.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1541 |
1542 |
$html .= apply_filters('quads_extra_paragraph', '');
1543 |
1544 |
// Pos 9
1545 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Ads]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1546 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1547 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_ads(), 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Rnd]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1548 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '<strong>After Image</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1549 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array('options' => quads_get_values(), 'id' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Nup]', 'name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Nup]', 'selected' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup'] : null, 'show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false) );
1550 |
$html .= ' ' . __( '→', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
1551 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array('name' => 'quads_settings[pos9][Img1Con]', 'current' => !empty( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con'] ) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con'] : null, 'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign') );
1552 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'after <b>Image\'s outer</b><b><span style="font-family:Courier New,Courier,Fixed;"> <div> wp-caption</span></b> if any.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' </br>';
1553 |
1554 |
echo apply_filters( 'quads_ad_position_callback', $html );
1580 |
echo $html;
1581 |
1582 |
1583 |
1584 |
* AdSense Code Callback
1585 |
1634 |
<textarea style="vertical-align:top;margin-right:20px;" class="large-text quads-textarea" cols="50" rows="10" id="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][code]" name="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][code]"><?php echo esc_textarea( stripslashes( $code ) ); ?></textarea><label for="quads_settings[ <?php echo $id; ?> ][code]"> <?php echo $args['desc']; ?></label>
1635 |
1636 |
<div class="quads_adsense_code">
1637 |
<input type="button" style="vertical-align:inherit;" class="button button-primary quads-add-adsense" value="Copy / Paste AdSense Code"> <span>or add Ad Slot ID & Publisher ID manually below:</span>
1638 |
<br />
1639 |
<?php //echo __('Generate Ad Slot & Publisher ID automatically from your adsense code', 'quick-adsense-reloaded')?>
1640 |
<label class="quads-label-left" for="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]">Ad Slot ID </label><input type="text" class="quads-medium-size quads-bggrey" id="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]" name="quads_settings[<?php echo $id; ?>][g_data_ad_slot]" value="<?php echo $g_data_ad_slot; ?>">
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ function quads_is_commercial_theme() {
112 |
$themes = array('Bunchy', 'Bimber', 'boombox', 'Boombox');
113 |
114 |
if( is_object( $my_theme ) && in_array( $my_theme->get( 'Name' ), $themes ) ) {
115 |
update_option( 'quads_show_theme_notice', $my_theme->get( 'Name' ) );
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
return false;
112 |
$themes = array('Bunchy', 'Bimber', 'boombox', 'Boombox');
113 |
114 |
if( is_object( $my_theme ) && in_array( $my_theme->get( 'Name' ), $themes ) ) {
115 |
//update_option( 'quads_show_theme_notice', $my_theme->get( 'Name' ) );
116 |
return $my_theme->get( 'Name' );
117 |
118 |
119 |
return false;
@@ -33,6 +33,47 @@
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Register an ad position.
38 |
@@ -79,12 +120,14 @@ function quads_has_ad( $location ) {
79 |
return apply_filters( 'quads_has_ad', $result, $location );
80 |
81 |
82 |
* Display
83 |
84 |
* @param array $args Displaying options
85 |
* @return string|void Ad code or none if echo set to true
86 |
87 |
function quads_ad( $args ) {
88 |
$defaults = array(
89 |
'location' => '',
90 |
'echo' => true,
@@ -92,14 +135,18 @@ function quads_ad( $args ) {
92 |
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
93 |
$code = '';
94 |
95 |
if ( quads_has_ad( $args['location'] ) ) {
96 |
global $quads_options;
97 |
98 |
quads_set_ad_count_custom(); // increase amount of
99 |
100 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $args['location'] );
101 |
$code .= "\n".'<!-- WP QUADS Custom Ad v. ' . QUADS_VERSION .' -->'."\n";
102 |
//$code .= $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'];
103 |
$code .= '<div class="quads-location quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '" id="quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '">'."\n";
104 |
$code .= quads_render_ad( 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'], $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'] );
105 |
$code .= '</div>';
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Return ad locations HTML based on new API in general settings
38 |
39 |
* @param $html
40 |
* @return string Locations HTML
41 |
42 |
function quads_render_ad_locations( $html ) {
43 |
global $quads_options, $_quads_registered_ad_locations, $quads;
44 |
45 |
if( isset( $_quads_registered_ad_locations ) && is_array( $_quads_registered_ad_locations ) ) {
46 |
foreach ( $_quads_registered_ad_locations as $location => $location_args ) {
47 |
48 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $location );
49 |
50 |
$html .= $quads->html->checkbox( array(
51 |
'name' => 'quads_settings[location_settings][' . $location . '][status]',
52 |
'current' => !empty( $location_settings['status'] ) ? $location_settings['status'] : null,
53 |
'class' => 'quads-checkbox quads-assign'
54 |
) );
55 |
$html .= ' ' . __( 'Assign', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . ' ';
56 |
57 |
$html .= $quads->html->select( array(
58 |
'options' => quads_get_ads(),
59 |
'name' => 'quads_settings[location_settings][' . $location . '][ad]',
60 |
'selected' => !empty( $location_settings['ad'] ) ? $location_settings['ad'] : null,
61 |
'show_option_all' => false,
62 |
'show_option_none' => false
63 |
) );
64 |
$html .= ' ' . $location_args['description'] . '</br>';
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
return $html;
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
* This hook should be removed and the hook function should replace entire "quads_ad_position_callback" function.
73 |
74 |
add_filter( 'quads_ad_position_callback', 'quads_render_ad_locations' );
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
* Register an ad position.
79 |
120 |
return apply_filters( 'quads_has_ad', $result, $location );
121 |
122 |
123 |
* Display a custom ad
124 |
125 |
* @param array $args Displaying options
126 |
* @return string|void Ad code or none if echo set to true
127 |
128 |
function quads_ad( $args ) {
129 |
global $post;
130 |
131 |
$defaults = array(
132 |
'location' => '',
133 |
'echo' => true,
135 |
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
136 |
$code = '';
137 |
138 |
// All ads are deactivated via post meta settings
139 |
if( quads_check_meta_setting( 'NoAds' ) === '1' ){
140 |
return false;
141 |
142 |
143 |
if ( quads_has_ad( $args['location'] ) ) {
144 |
global $quads_options;
145 |
146 |
quads_set_ad_count_custom(); // increase amount of Custom ads
147 |
148 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $args['location'] );
149 |
$code .= "\n".'<!-- WP QUADS Custom Ad v. ' . QUADS_VERSION .' -->'."\n";
150 |
$code .= '<div class="quads-location quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '" id="quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '">'."\n";
151 |
$code .= quads_render_ad( 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'], $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'] );
152 |
$code .= '</div>';
@@ -70,8 +70,11 @@ function quads_get_total_ad_count(){
70 |
$shortcode = isset($visibleShortcodeAds) ? (int)$visibleShortcodeAds : 0;
71 |
$content = isset($visibleContentAdsGlobal) ? (int)$visibleContentAdsGlobal : 0;
72 |
$custom = isset($ad_count_custom) ? (int)$ad_count_custom : 0;
73 |
74 |
75 |
return $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget;
76 |
77 |
@@ -88,6 +91,10 @@ function quads_ad_reach_max_count(){
88 |
global $quads_options;
89 |
90 |
$maxads = isset($quads_options['maxads']) ? $quads_options['maxads'] : 10;
91 |
if ( quads_get_total_ad_count() >= $maxads ){
92 |
return true;
93 |
@@ -135,6 +142,7 @@ function quads_set_ad_count_custom(){
135 |
* Increment count of active ads generated on widgets
136 |
137 |
* @return int amount of active widget ads
138 |
139 |
function quads_set_ad_count_widget(){
140 |
global $ad_count_widget;
70 |
$shortcode = isset($visibleShortcodeAds) ? (int)$visibleShortcodeAds : 0;
71 |
$content = isset($visibleContentAdsGlobal) ? (int)$visibleContentAdsGlobal : 0;
72 |
$custom = isset($ad_count_custom) ? (int)$ad_count_custom : 0;
73 |
//$widget = isset($ad_count_widget) ? (int)$ad_count_widget : 0;
74 |
$widget = quads_get_number_widget_ads();
75 |
76 |
77 |
//wp_die( $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget);
78 |
return $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget;
79 |
80 |
91 |
global $quads_options;
92 |
93 |
$maxads = isset($quads_options['maxads']) ? $quads_options['maxads'] : 10;
94 |
$maxads = $maxads - quads_get_number_widget_ads();
95 |
96 |
//echo 'Total ads: '. quads_get_total_ad_count() . ' maxads: '. $maxads . '<br>';
97 |
98 |
if ( quads_get_total_ad_count() >= $maxads ){
99 |
return true;
100 |
142 |
* Increment count of active ads generated on widgets
143 |
144 |
* @return int amount of active widget ads
145 |
* @deprecated since 1.4.1
146 |
147 |
function quads_set_ad_count_widget(){
148 |
global $ad_count_widget;
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Helper Functions
4 |
5 |
* @package QUADS
6 |
* @subpackage INCLUDES
7 |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, René Hermenau
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @author René Hermenau
10 |
* @author Thank you Thomas Maier (advanced ads) for that great inspiration. I borrowed some code. Hope you dont mind:)
11 |
* @since 1.4.3
12 |
13 |
// Exit if accessed directly
14 |
if( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )
15 |
16 |
17 |
function quads_frontend_checks_init() {
18 |
if( !is_admin() && is_admin_bar_showing() && current_user_can( 'update_plugins' )
19 |
) {
20 |
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'quads_add_admin_bar_menu', 1000 );
21 |
add_filter( 'the_content', 'quads_check_the_content_filter' );
22 |
add_filter( 'wp_footer', 'quads_check_adblocker', -101 );
23 |
add_filter( 'quads-ad-output', 'after_ad_output', 10, 2 );
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
add_action( 'init', 'quads_frontend_checks_init' );
28 |
29 |
30 |
* Create WP QUADS List possible error cases in the admin-bar.
31 |
32 |
* @param obj $wp_admin_bar WP_Admin_Bar
33 |
34 |
function quads_add_admin_bar_menu( $wp_admin_bar ) {
35 |
global $quads_options, $wp_the_query, $post, $wp_scripts, $the_content;
36 |
37 |
$error = false;
38 |
39 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
40 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check',
41 |
'title' => __( 'Ad Check', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
42 |
) );
43 |
44 |
// Hidden by default
45 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
46 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
47 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_jquery',
48 |
'title' => __( '- JavaScript / jQuery error', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
49 |
'href' => '',
50 |
'meta' => array(
51 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_warning',
52 |
'target' => '_blank'
53 |
54 |
) );
55 |
56 |
// Hidden by default
57 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
58 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
59 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_adblocker_enabled',
60 |
'title' => __( '- Ad blocker enabled', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
61 |
'meta' => array(
62 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_warning',
63 |
'target' => '_blank'
64 |
65 |
) );
66 |
// Hidden by default
67 |
if( $wp_the_query->is_singular() ) {
68 |
// Check if the_content filter is available
69 |
if( !$the_content ) {
70 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
71 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
72 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_the_content_not_invoked',
73 |
'title' => __( '- <em>the_content</em> filter does not exist', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
74 |
'href' => '',
75 |
'meta' => array(
76 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
77 |
'target' => '_blank'
78 |
79 |
) );
80 |
$error = true;
81 |
82 |
// Hidden by default
83 |
if( !empty( $post->ID ) ) {
84 |
$ad_settings = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_quads_config_visibility', true );
85 |
86 |
if( !empty( $ad_settings['NoAds'] ) ) {
87 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
88 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
89 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_disabled_on_page',
90 |
'title' => __( '- All Ads are disabled on this page', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
91 |
'href' => get_edit_post_link( $post->ID ) . '#quads-ad-settings',
92 |
'meta' => array(
93 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
94 |
'target' => '_blank'
95 |
96 |
) );
97 |
$error = true;
98 |
99 |
if( !empty( $ad_settings['OffDef'] ) ) {
100 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
101 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
102 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_disabled_in_content',
103 |
'title' => __( '- Default Ads disabled in content of this page', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
104 |
'href' => get_edit_post_link( $post->ID ) . '#quads-ad-settings',
105 |
'meta' => array(
106 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
107 |
'target' => '_blank'
108 |
109 |
) );
110 |
$error = true;
111 |
112 |
} else {
113 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
114 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
115 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_post_zero',
116 |
'title' => __( '- Current post ID is 0 ', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
117 |
'href' => '',
118 |
'meta' => array(
119 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
120 |
'target' => '_blank'
121 |
122 |
) );
123 |
$error = true;
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
if( $wp_the_query->is_404() && !empty( $quads_options['disabled-ads']['404'] ) ) {
128 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
129 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
130 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_404',
131 |
'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on 404 pages', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
132 |
'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=quads-settings' ),
133 |
'meta' => array(
134 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
135 |
'target' => '_blank'
136 |
137 |
) );
138 |
$error = true;
139 |
140 |
141 |
if( !$wp_the_query->is_singular() && !empty( $quads_options['disabled-ads']['archives'] ) ) {
142 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
143 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
144 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_archive',
145 |
'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on non singular pages', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
146 |
'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=quads-settings' ),
147 |
'meta' => array(
148 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
149 |
'target' => '_blank'
150 |
151 |
) );
152 |
$error = true;
153 |
154 |
155 |
if( !extension_loaded( 'dom' ) ) {
156 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
157 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
158 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_dom_document',
159 |
'title' => sprintf( __( 'The %s extension(s) is not loaded', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ), 'dom' ),
160 |
'href' => '',
161 |
'meta' => array(
162 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
163 |
'target' => '_blank'
164 |
165 |
) );
166 |
$error = true;
167 |
168 |
169 |
if( !$error ) {
170 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
171 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
172 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_fine',
173 |
'title' => __( 'WP QUADS is working fine', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
174 |
'href' => false,
175 |
'meta' => array(
176 |
'target' => '_blank',
177 |
178 |
) );
179 |
180 |
181 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
182 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
183 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_debug_dfp',
184 |
'title' => __( 'debug DFP ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
185 |
'href' => esc_url( add_query_arg( 'googfc', '' ) ),
186 |
'meta' => array(
187 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_debug_dfp_link',
188 |
'target' => '_blank',
189 |
190 |
) );
191 |
192 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
193 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
194 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_highlight_ads',
195 |
'title' => sprintf( '<label><input id="quads_highlight_ads_checkbox" type="checkbox"> %s</label>', __( 'highlight ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) )
196 |
) );
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
* Set variable to 'true' when 'the_content' filter is available.
201 |
202 |
* @param string $content
203 |
* @return string $content
204 |
205 |
function quads_check_the_content_filter( $content ) {
206 |
global $the_content;
207 |
208 |
$the_content = true;
209 |
210 |
return $content;
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
* Check conditions and display warning. Conditions: AdBlocker enabled, jQuery is included in header
215 |
216 |
function quads_check_adblocker() {
217 |
218 |
<!--noptimize--><style>.quads-hidden { display: none; } .quads-adminbar-is-warnings { background: #ef4000 ! important; color: #fff !important; }
219 |
.quads-highlight-ads { outline:6px solid #83c11f !important; }</style>
220 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo QUADS_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/ads.js' ?>"></script>
221 |
222 |
(function (d, w) {
223 |
var jquery_not_detected = typeof jQuery === 'undefined';
224 |
225 |
var addEvent = function (obj, type, fn) {
226 |
if (obj.addEventListener)
227 |
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
228 |
else if (obj.attachEvent)
229 |
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, function () {
230 |
return, window.event);
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
function highlight_ads() {
235 |
try {
236 |
var ad_wrappers = document.querySelectorAll('div[id^="quads-ad"]')
237 |
} catch (e) {
238 |
239 |
240 |
for (i = 0; i < ad_wrappers.length; i++) {
241 |
if (this.checked) {
242 |
ad_wrappers[i].className += ' quads-highlight-ads';
243 |
} else {
244 |
ad_wrappers[i].className = ad_wrappers[i].className.replace('quads-highlight-ads', '');
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
addEvent(w, 'load', function () {
250 |
var adblock_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_adblocker_enabled'),
251 |
jQuery_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_jquery'),
252 |
fine_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_fine'),
253 |
hide_fine = false;
254 |
255 |
var highlight_checkbox = d.getElementById('quads_highlight_ads_checkbox');
256 |
if (highlight_checkbox) {
257 |
addEvent(highlight_checkbox, 'change', highlight_ads);
258 |
259 |
if (adblock_item && typeof wpquads_adblocker_check === 'undefined' || false === wpquads_adblocker_check) {
260 |
// show quads-hidden item
261 |
adblock_item.className = adblock_item.className.replace(/quads-hidden/, '');
262 |
hide_fine = true;
263 |
264 |
265 |
if (jQuery_item && jquery_not_detected) {
266 |
// show quads-hidden item
267 |
jQuery_item.className = jQuery_item.className.replace(/quads-hidden/, '');
268 |
hide_fine = true;
269 |
270 |
271 |
if (hide_fine && fine_item) {
272 |
fine_item.className += ' quads-hidden';
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
var showCount = function () {
279 |
try {
280 |
// select not quads-hidden warning items, exclude the 'fine_item'
281 |
var warning_count = document.querySelectorAll('.quads_ad_check_warning:not(.quads-hidden)').length;
282 |
} catch (e) {
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
if (warning_count) {
287 |
var header = document.querySelector('#wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check > div');
288 |
289 |
if (header) {
290 |
header.innerHTML += ' <i>(' + warning_count + ')</i>';
291 |
header.className += ' quads-adminbar-is-warnings';
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
})(document, window);
296 |
297 |
298 |
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 0.9.6
10 |
11 |
function quads_load_meta_box () {
12 |
new Quads_Meta_Box();
13 |
14 |
add_action( 'load-post.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
15 |
add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
16 |
17 |
* Ads options for a single post
18 |
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class Quads_Meta_Box {
40 |
__('WP QUADS - Hide Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), // title
41 |
array($this, 'render_meta_box'), // render function callback
42 |
$post_type, // post_type
43 |
44 |
'default' // priority
45 |
46 |
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 0.9.6
10 |
11 |
//function quads_load_meta_box () {
12 |
new Quads_Meta_Box();
13 |
14 |
//add_action( 'load-post.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
15 |
//add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
16 |
//add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
17 |
18 |
* Ads options for a single post
19 |
41 |
__('WP QUADS - Hide Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), // title
42 |
array($this, 'render_meta_box'), // render function callback
43 |
$post_type, // post_type
44 |
'advanced', // context
45 |
'default' // priority
46 |
47 |
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ function quads_get_quicktags_from_content ( $content ) {
43 |
44 |
return $found;
45 |
46 |
47 |
* Removes all quicktags from content
48 |
43 |
44 |
return $found;
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
* Removes all quicktags from content
50 |
@@ -24,20 +24,42 @@ add_shortcode( 'quads', 'quads_shortcode_display_ad', 1); // Important use a ver
24 |
* @since 0.9.4
25 |
* @param array $atts
26 |
27 |
function quads_shortcode_display_ad($atts) {
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
//return quads_check_meta_setting('NoAds');
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
* return ad content
@@ -56,7 +78,7 @@ function quads_get_ad($id = 0) {
56 |
if ( isset($quads_options['ad' . $id]['code']) ){
57 |
// Count how often the shortcode is used - Important
58 |
59 |
60 |
//return $code . $quads_options['ad' . $id]['code'];
61 |
return quads_render_ad('ad' . $id, $quads_options['ad' . $id]['code']);
62 |
@@ -73,8 +95,9 @@ function quads_get_ad($id = 0) {
73 |
function quads_check_meta_setting($key){
74 |
global $post;
75 |
76 |
if ( !isset($post->ID ) )
77 |
78 |
79 |
$meta_key = '_quads_config_visibility';
80 |
24 |
* @since 0.9.4
25 |
* @param array $atts
26 |
27 |
function quads_shortcode_display_ad( $atts ) {
28 |
global $quads_options;
29 |
30 |
if( !quads_ad_is_allowed() )
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
//return quads_check_meta_setting('NoAds');
35 |
if( quads_check_meta_setting( 'NoAds' ) === '1' ){
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
// The ad id
40 |
$id = isset( $atts['id'] ) ? ( int ) $atts['id'] : 0;
41 |
42 |
$arr = array(
43 |
'float:left;margin:%1$dpx %1$dpx %1$dpx 0;',
44 |
'float:none;margin:%1$dpx 0 %1$dpx 0;text-align:center;',
45 |
'float:right;margin:%1$dpx 0 %1$dpx %1$dpx;',
46 |
47 |
48 |
$adsalign = $quads_options['ad' . $id]['align'];
49 |
$adsmargin = isset( $quads_options['ad' . $id]['margin'] ) ? $quads_options['ad' . $id]['margin'] : '3'; // default
50 |
$margin = sprintf( $arr[( int ) $adsalign], $adsmargin );
51 |
52 |
53 |
// Do not create any inline style on AMP site
54 |
$style = !quads_is_amp_endpoint() ? apply_filters( 'quads_filter_margins', $margin, 'ad' . $id ) : '';
55 |
56 |
$code = "\n" . '<!-- WP QUADS v. ' . QUADS_VERSION . ' Shortcode Ad -->' . "\n" .
57 |
'<div class="quads-location quads-ad' . $id . '" id="quads-ad' . $id . '" style="' . $style . '">' . "\n";
58 |
$code .= do_shortcode( quads_get_ad( $id ) );
59 |
$code .= '</div>' . "\n";
60 |
61 |
return $code;
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
* return ad content
78 |
if ( isset($quads_options['ad' . $id]['code']) ){
79 |
// Count how often the shortcode is used - Important
80 |
81 |
//$code = "\n".'<!-- WP QUADS Shortcode Ad v. ' . QUADS_VERSION .' -->'."\n";
82 |
//return $code . $quads_options['ad' . $id]['code'];
83 |
return quads_render_ad('ad' . $id, $quads_options['ad' . $id]['code']);
84 |
95 |
function quads_check_meta_setting($key){
96 |
global $post;
97 |
98 |
if ( !isset($post->ID ) ){
99 |
return false;
100 |
101 |
102 |
$meta_key = '_quads_config_visibility';
103 |
@@ -16,20 +16,7 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
16 |
add_filter('the_content', 'quads_post_settings_to_quicktags', 5);
17 |
add_filter('the_content', 'quads_process_content', quads_get_load_priority());
18 |
19 |
20 |
* Get load priority
21 |
22 |
* @global arr $quads_options
23 |
* @return int
24 |
25 |
function quads_get_load_priority(){
26 |
global $quads_options;
27 |
28 |
if (!empty($quads_options['priority'])){
29 |
return intval($quads_options['priority']);
30 |
31 |
return 20;
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
* Adds quicktags, defined via post meta options, to content.
@@ -78,17 +65,651 @@ function quads_get_visibility_quicktags_str ( $post_id = null ) {
78 |
return $str;
79 |
80 |