Version Description
- Fix: Undefined variable if WP QUADS PRO beta version is used with more than 3 AdSebse paragraph AdSebse spots
- Fix: Deactivate License button not working
- Fix: Admin notice if AdSense codes are empty
- Fix: PHP Warning when AdSense ad codes are empty
- Fix: Not more than 3 AdSense widgets are shown at the same time
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | ReneHermi |
Plugin | AdSense Plugin WP QUADS |
Version | 1.4.4 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 1.4.1 to 1.4.4
- assets/css/quads-admin.css +8 -0
- assets/css/quads-admin.min.css +1 -1
- assets/css/quads-plugins-admin.min.css +1 -0
- assets/js/ads.js +1 -0
- assets/js/quads-admin.js +4 -3
- includes/admin/admin-notices.php +91 -1
- includes/admin/settings/display-settings.php +349 -344
- includes/admin/settings/register-settings.php +13 -7
- includes/admin/upgrades/upgrade-functions.php +2 -1
- includes/api.php +10 -4
- includes/conditionals.php +9 -3
- includes/frontend-checks.php +298 -0
- includes/meta-boxes.php +6 -5
- includes/quicktags.php +2 -0
- includes/shortcodes.php +5 -3
- includes/template-functions.php +973 -388
- includes/widgets.php +67 -34
- quick-adsense-reloaded.php +12 -8
- readme.txt +22 -7
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rgba(0,0,0,.1);margin:5px 15px 2px;padding:1px 12px}.quads_admin h2.nav-tab-wrapper{border:0}.quads_admin .nav-tab{border:0;text-transform:uppercase;color:#a1a1a1;font-weight:700}.quads-h1{margin-bottom:1.35rem;font-size:2.5em;line-height:3.68rem;letter-spacing:normal}.quads-h2{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:1.2rem;font-size:30px;line-height:2.5rem}.quads-heading-pro{color:#83c11f;font-weight:700}{display:inline-block;background-color:#83c11f;padding:10px;min-width:170px;color:#fff;font-size:16px;text-decoration:none;text-align:center;margin-top:20px}#quads-add-ons .quads-footer{clear:both;margin-top:20px;font-style:italic}#quads-add-ons li{font-size:18px;line-height:29px;position:relative;padding-left:23px;list-style:none!important}#quads-add-ons li:before{width:1em;height:100%;background:url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20width%3D%221792%22%20height%3D%221792%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%201792%201792%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ew3%2Eorg%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%2377B227%22%20d%3D%22M1671%20566q0%2040%2D28%2068l%2D724%20724%2D136%20136q%2D28%2028%2D68%2028t%2D68%2D28l%2D136%2D136%2D362%2D362q%2D28%2D28%2D28%2D68t28%2D68l136%2D136q28%2D28%2068%2D28t68%2028l294%20295%20656%2D657q28%2D28%2068%2D28t68%2028l136%20136q28%2028%2028%2068z%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E) left .4em no-repeat;background-size:contain;content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;color:#77b227}.adsense_admin_header{font-size:14px;font-weight:500}#quads-adsense-bg-div{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);z-index:250000}#quads-adsense-container{text-align:center;width:480px;margin:85px auto 0;background-color:#fff;padding:2%;border-radius:2px}#quads-adsense-container h3{margin-top:0}#quads-adsense-container textarea,.quads-ad-toggle-container textarea{width:100%}.quads-ad-toggle-container input{margin-top:7px;margin-bottom:10px}.quads-adsense-code label,input{margin-right:2px}#quads_settings\5b ad2\5d \5b g_data_ad_client\5d{width:200px}.quads-ad-toggle-container label{display:inline-block;margin-right:2px;margin-top:-3px}.quads_adsense_code .quads-add-adsense{margin:20px 5px 20px 0}.quads-label-left{min-width:71px}#quads-label-Type{min-width:67px}.quads-medium-size{width:110px}#quads-msg{display:none;margin:5px;background-color:#c55c5c;color:#fff}.quads-loader,.quads-success-modal{display:block;position:fixed;top:45%;left:25%;width:200px;height:auto;padding:5px 20px;z-index:1002;overflow:auto}.quads-form-table{width:100%}.quads-left-box{width:45%;min-height:100px;float:left;line-height:35px;min-width:300px}@media screen and (max-width:700px){.adsense-size-title{margin-left:0}.quads-left-box{width:45%;min-height:100px;float:none;line-height:35px;min-width:300px}.quads-style img{max-width:50px}}.quads-general-helper,.quads-helper{background-color:#83c11f;width:15px;display:inline-block;top:4px;cursor:pointer}.adsense_admin_header ul li{margin-top:2px;margin-left:20px;list-style-type:square}.quads-helper{border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff;height:15px;position:relative;margin-top:-4px;margin-left:2px}.quads-general-helper:after,.quads-helper:after{height:20px;font-family:sans-serif;content:"?";font-size:11px;font-weight:700;left:4px;position:absolute;color:#fff}.quads-helper:after{margin-top:-10px}.quads-general-helper:after{margin-top:-2px}.quads-general-helper{border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff;height:15px;position:relative;margin-top:-4px;margin-left:2px}.quads-message{padding:10px;border:1px solid #FBFBFB;border-radius:2px;background-color:#F8F8F8;position:absolute;max-width:500px;z-index:9999;display:none;box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);font-weight:400;line-height:20px;text-transform:none;font-size:14px}#quads-pro-hover{background-color:#83c11f;padding:20px;min-width:150px;color:#fff;display:block;position:relative;margin-top:-100px;margin-left:50%}#quads-pro-hover-background{width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,.6)}#quads-open-toggle{clear:both;float:left;margin-top:10px}#quads_settingsadsense_header input[type=number].small-text{width:55px}.quads_adsense_code input.quads-bggrey{background-color:#f5f5f5;color:#939393}.quads-amp-code{color:#939393;height:130px}.quads-chosen-select .chosen-choices input{min-height:25px}#quads-validate{margin-top:-20px;display:block;margin-left:2px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:700}
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
@media screen and (max-width:400px){
36 |
#quick-adsense-reloaded-feedback-content {
37 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
@media screen and (max-width:400px){
37 |
#quick-adsense-reloaded-feedback-content {
38 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
var wpquads_adblocker_check = true;
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
145 |
146 |
// Check current url / settings page
147 |
var url =;
148 |
149 |
150 |
jQuery('#quads-save-result').html("<div id='quads-loader' class='quads-loader'></div>");
151 |
jQuery('#quads-loader').append('<p><img src="'+quads.path+'/wp-content/plugins/quick-adsense-reloaded/assets/images/loader1.gif"></p>').show();
@@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
// Do not
170 |
if (
171 |
return false;
172 |
173 |
145 |
146 |
// Check current url / settings page
147 |
var url =;
148 |
var tab_imexport ="page=quads-settings&tab=imexport");
149 |
var tab_licenses ="page=quads-settings&tab=licenses");
150 |
151 |
jQuery('#quads-save-result').html("<div id='quads-loader' class='quads-loader'></div>");
152 |
jQuery('#quads-loader').append('<p><img src="'+quads.path+'/wp-content/plugins/quick-adsense-reloaded/assets/images/loader1.gif"></p>').show();
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
// Do not use ajax saving on import/export and licenses tab
171 |
if ( tab_imexport === -1 && tab_licenses ===-1 ){
172 |
return false;
173 |
174 |
@@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ function quads_admin_messages() {
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
@@ -233,8 +249,82 @@ function quads_update_notice() {
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
function quads_hide_notice(){
238 |
update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
239 |
240 |
add_action('quads_hide_update_notice', 'quads_hide_notice', 10);
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
if (!quads_is_any_ad_activated() && quads_is_admin_page() ){
34 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-warning">'.sprintf(__('<strong>No ads are activated!</strong> You need to assign at least 1 ad to an ad spot. Fix this in <a href="%s">General Settings</a>! Alternatively you need to use a shortcode in your posts or no ads are shown at all.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings#quads_settingsgeneral_header').'</div>';
35 |
36 |
37 |
if (quads_get_active_ads() === 0 && quads_is_admin_page() ){
38 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-warning">'.sprintf(__('<strong>No ads defined!</strong> You need to create at least one ad code. Fix this in <a href="%s">ADSENSE CODE</a>.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings#quads_settingsadsense_header').'</div>';
39 |
40 |
41 |
if (!quads_is_post_type_activated() && quads_is_admin_page() ){
42 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-warning">'.sprintf(__('<strong>No ads are shown - No post types selected</strong> You need to select at least 1 post type like <i>blog</i> or <i>page</i>. Fix this in <a href="%s">General Settings</a> or no ads are shown at all.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), admin_url().'admin.php?page=quads-settings#quads_settingsgeneral_header').'</div>';
43 |
44 |
45 |
if (isset($_GET['quads-action']) && $_GET['quads-action'] === 'validate' && quads_is_admin_page() && quads_is_any_ad_activated() && quads_is_post_type_activated() && quads_get_active_ads() > 0 ){
46 |
echo '<div class="notice notice-success">' . sprintf(__('<strong>No errors detected in WP QUADS settings.</strong> If ads are still not shown read the <a href="%s" target="_blank">troubleshooting guide</a>'), '') . '</div>';
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
* Hide Notice and update db option quads_hide_notice
254 |
255 |
function quads_hide_notice(){
256 |
update_option ('quads_show_update_notice', 'no');
257 |
258 |
add_action('quads_hide_update_notice', 'quads_hide_notice', 10);
259 |
260 |
261 |
* Check if any ad is activated and assigned in general settings
262 |
263 |
* @global array $quads_options
264 |
* @return boolean
265 |
266 |
function quads_is_any_ad_activated() {
267 |
global $quads_options;
268 |
269 |
// Check if custom positions location_settings is empty or does not exists
270 |
$check = array();
271 |
if( isset( $quads_options['location_settings'] ) ) {
272 |
foreach ( $quads_options['location_settings'] as $location_array ) {
273 |
if( isset( $location_array['status'] ) ) {
274 |
$check[] = $location_array['status'];
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
if( count( $check ) === 0 &&
281 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos1']['BegnAds'] ) &&
282 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos2']['MiddAds'] ) &&
283 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos3']['EndiAds'] ) &&
284 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos4']['MoreAds'] ) &&
285 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds'] ) &&
286 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos6']['Par1Ads'] ) &&
287 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos7']['Par2Ads'] ) &&
288 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos8']['Par3Ads'] ) &&
289 |
!isset( $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] ) ) {
290 |
return false;
291 |
292 |
return true;
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
* Check if any post type is enabled
297 |
298 |
* @global array $quads_options
299 |
* @return boolean
300 |
301 |
function quads_is_post_type_activated(){
302 |
global $quads_options;
303 |
304 |
if (empty($quads_options['post_types'])){
305 |
return false;
306 |
307 |
return true;
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
* Check if ad codes are populated
312 |
313 |
* @global array $quads_options
314 |
* @return booleantrue if ads are empty
315 |
316 |
function quads_ads_empty() {
317 |
global $quads_options;
318 |
319 |
$check = array();
320 |
321 |
for ( $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++ ) {
322 |
if( !empty( $quads_options['ad' . $i]['code'] ) ) {
323 |
$check[] = 'true';
324 |
325 |
326 |
if( count( $check ) === 0 ) {
327 |
return true;
328 |
329 |
return false;
330 |
@@ -1,344 +1,349 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Admin Options Page
4 |
5 |
* @package QUADS
6 |
* @subpackage Admin/Settings
7 |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, René Hermenau
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 1.0
10 |
11 |
12 |
// Exit if accessed directly
13 |
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
14 |
15 |
/* Returns list elements for jQuery tab navigation
16 |
* based on header callback
17 |
18 |
* @since 2.1.2
19 |
* @todo Use sprintf to sanitize $field['id'] instead using str_replace() Should be much faster?
20 |
* @return string
21 |
22 |
23 |
function quads_get_tab_header($page, $section){
24 |
global $quads_options;
25 |
global $wp_settings_fields;
26 |
27 |
if (!isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]))
28 |
29 |
30 |
echo '<ul>';
31 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
32 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace('[', '', $field['id'] );
33 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace(']', '', $sanitizedID );
34 |
if ( strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && !quads_is_excluded(array('help', 'licenses') ) ) {
35 |
echo '<li class="quads-tabs"><a href="#' . $sanitizedID . '">' . $field['title'] .'</a></li>';
36 |
37 |
38 |
echo '</ul>';
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
* Check if current page is excluded
43 |
44 |
* @param array $pages
45 |
* @return boolean
46 |
47 |
function quads_is_excluded($pages){
48 |
if (isset($_GET['tab'])){
49 |
$currentpage = $_GET['tab'];
50 |
if (isset($currentpage) && in_array($currentpage, $pages))
51 |
return true;
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
* Print out the settings fields for a particular settings section
57 |
58 |
* Part of the Settings API. Use this in a settings page to output
59 |
* a specific section. Should normally be called by do_settings_sections()
60 |
* rather than directly.
61 |
62 |
* @global $wp_settings_fields Storage array of settings fields and their pages/sections
63 |
* @return string
64 |
65 |
* @since 2.1.2
66 |
67 |
* @param string $page Slug title of the admin page who's settings fields you want to show.
68 |
* @param section $section Slug title of the settings section who's fields you want to show.
69 |
70 |
* Copied from WP Core 4.0 /wp-admin/includes/template.php do_settings_fields()
71 |
* We use our own function to be able to create jQuery tabs with easytabs()
72 |
73 |
* We dont use tables here any longer. Are we stuck in the nineties?
74 |
* @todo Use sprintf to sanitize $field['id'] instead using str_replace() Should be faster?
75 |
* @todo some media queries for better responisbility
76 |
77 |
function quads_do_settings_fields($page, $section) {
78 |
global $wp_settings_fields;
79 |
$header = false;
80 |
$firstHeader = false;
81 |
82 |
if (!isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]))
83 |
84 |
85 |
// Check first if any callback header registered
86 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
87 |
strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false ? $header = true : $header = false;
88 |
89 |
if ($header === true)
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
94 |
95 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace('[', '', $field['id'] );
96 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace(']', '', $sanitizedID );
97 |
98 |
// Check if header has been created previously
99 |
if (strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && $firstHeader === false) {
100 |
101 |
echo '<div id="' . $sanitizedID . '">';
102 |
echo '<table class="quads-form-table"><tbody>';
103 |
$firstHeader = true;
104 |
105 |
} elseif (strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && $firstHeader === true) {
106 |
// Header has been created previously so we have to close the first opened div
107 |
echo '</table></div><div id="' . $sanitizedID . '">';
108 |
echo '<table class="quads-form-table"><tbody>';
109 |
110 |
111 |
if (!empty($field['args']['label_for']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] )){
112 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
113 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
114 |
echo '<label for="' . esc_attr($field['args']['label_for']) . '">' . $field['title'] . '</label>';
115 |
echo '</td></tr>';
116 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) && !empty($field['args']['helper-desc'])){
117 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
118 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
119 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '<a class="quads-general-helper" href="#"></a><div class="quads-message">' . $field['args']['helper-desc']. '</div></div>';
120 |
echo '</td></tr>';
121 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) ){
122 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
123 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
124 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '</div>';
125 |
echo '</td></tr>';
126 |
127 |
128 |
else {
129 |
echo '';
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
echo '<tr><td>';
134 |
call_user_func($field['callback'], $field['args']);
135 |
echo '<tr><td>';
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
echo '</tbody></table>';
141 |
if ($header === true){
142 |
echo '</div>';
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
* If title is one of these entries do not show it
148 |
149 |
function quads_is_excluded_title($string){
150 |
$haystack = array('ad1','ad2','ad3','ad4','ad5','ad6','ad7','ad8','ad9','ad10',
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
if (in_array($string, $haystack)){
164 |
return true;
165 |
166 |
return false;
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
* Options Page
171 |
172 |
* Renders the options page contents.
173 |
174 |
* @since 1.0
175 |
* @global $quads_options Array of all the QUADS Options
176 |
* @return void
177 |
178 |
function quads_options_page() {
179 |
global $quads_options;
180 |
181 |
$active_tab = isset( $_GET[ 'tab' ] ) && array_key_exists( $_GET['tab'], quads_get_settings_tabs() ) ? $_GET[ 'tab' ] : 'general';
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
<div class="wrap quads_admin">
186 |
<h1 style="text-align:center;"> <?php echo QUADS_NAME . ' ' . QUADS_VERSION; ?></h1>
187 |
<div class="about-text" style="font-weight: 400;line-height: 1.6em;text-align:center;">
188 |
<div class='quads-share-button-container'>
189 |
<div class='quads-share-button quads-share-button-twitter' data-share-url="">
190 |
<div clas='box'>
191 |
<a href=" quickest+and+most+easiest+way+to+integrate+AdSense+into+WordPress+websites+@wpquads" target='_blank'>
192 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Shout out a tweet','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
<div class="quads-share-button quads-share-button-facebook" data-share-url="">
197 |
<div class="box">
198 |
<a href="" target="_blank">
199 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Share on Facebook','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
206 |
207 |
foreach( quads_get_settings_tabs() as $tab_id => $tab_name ) {
208 |
209 |
$tab_url = esc_url(add_query_arg( array(
210 |
'settings-updated' => false,
211 |
'tab' => $tab_id
212 |
) ));
213 |
214 |
$active = $active_tab == $tab_id ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
215 |
216 |
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $tab_url ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( $tab_name ) . '" class="nav-tab' . $active . '">';
217 |
echo esc_html( $tab_name );
218 |
echo '</a>';
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
<div id="quads_tab_container" class="quads_tab_container">
223 |
<?php quads_get_tab_header( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab ); ?>
224 |
<div class="quads-panel-container"> <!-- new //-->
225 |
<form method="post" action="options.php" id="quads_settings">
226 |
227 |
228 |
settings_fields( 'quads_settings' );
229 |
quads_do_settings_fields( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab );
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
<?php settings_errors(); ?>
234 |
235 |
// do not show save button on add-on page
236 |
if ($active_tab !== 'addons'){
237 |
$other_attributes = array( 'id' => 'quads-submit-button' );
238 |
submit_button(null, 'primary', 'quads-save-settings' , true, $other_attributes );
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Admin Options Page
4 |
5 |
* @package QUADS
6 |
* @subpackage Admin/Settings
7 |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, René Hermenau
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 1.0
10 |
11 |
12 |
// Exit if accessed directly
13 |
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
14 |
15 |
/* Returns list elements for jQuery tab navigation
16 |
* based on header callback
17 |
18 |
* @since 2.1.2
19 |
* @todo Use sprintf to sanitize $field['id'] instead using str_replace() Should be much faster?
20 |
* @return string
21 |
22 |
23 |
function quads_get_tab_header($page, $section){
24 |
global $quads_options;
25 |
global $wp_settings_fields;
26 |
27 |
if (!isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]))
28 |
29 |
30 |
echo '<ul>';
31 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
32 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace('[', '', $field['id'] );
33 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace(']', '', $sanitizedID );
34 |
if ( strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && !quads_is_excluded(array('help', 'licenses') ) ) {
35 |
echo '<li class="quads-tabs"><a href="#' . $sanitizedID . '">' . $field['title'] .'</a></li>';
36 |
37 |
38 |
echo '</ul>';
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
* Check if current page is excluded
43 |
44 |
* @param array $pages
45 |
* @return boolean
46 |
47 |
function quads_is_excluded($pages){
48 |
if (isset($_GET['tab'])){
49 |
$currentpage = $_GET['tab'];
50 |
if (isset($currentpage) && in_array($currentpage, $pages))
51 |
return true;
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
* Print out the settings fields for a particular settings section
57 |
58 |
* Part of the Settings API. Use this in a settings page to output
59 |
* a specific section. Should normally be called by do_settings_sections()
60 |
* rather than directly.
61 |
62 |
* @global $wp_settings_fields Storage array of settings fields and their pages/sections
63 |
* @return string
64 |
65 |
* @since 2.1.2
66 |
67 |
* @param string $page Slug title of the admin page who's settings fields you want to show.
68 |
* @param section $section Slug title of the settings section who's fields you want to show.
69 |
70 |
* Copied from WP Core 4.0 /wp-admin/includes/template.php do_settings_fields()
71 |
* We use our own function to be able to create jQuery tabs with easytabs()
72 |
73 |
* We dont use tables here any longer. Are we stuck in the nineties?
74 |
* @todo Use sprintf to sanitize $field['id'] instead using str_replace() Should be faster?
75 |
* @todo some media queries for better responisbility
76 |
77 |
function quads_do_settings_fields($page, $section) {
78 |
global $wp_settings_fields;
79 |
$header = false;
80 |
$firstHeader = false;
81 |
82 |
if (!isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]))
83 |
84 |
85 |
// Check first if any callback header registered
86 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
87 |
strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false ? $header = true : $header = false;
88 |
89 |
if ($header === true)
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
foreach ((array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field) {
94 |
95 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace('[', '', $field['id'] );
96 |
$sanitizedID = str_replace(']', '', $sanitizedID );
97 |
98 |
// Check if header has been created previously
99 |
if (strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && $firstHeader === false) {
100 |
101 |
echo '<div id="' . $sanitizedID . '">';
102 |
echo '<table class="quads-form-table"><tbody>';
103 |
$firstHeader = true;
104 |
105 |
} elseif (strpos($field['callback'],'header') !== false && $firstHeader === true) {
106 |
// Header has been created previously so we have to close the first opened div
107 |
echo '</table></div><div id="' . $sanitizedID . '">';
108 |
echo '<table class="quads-form-table"><tbody>';
109 |
110 |
111 |
if (!empty($field['args']['label_for']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] )){
112 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
113 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
114 |
echo '<label for="' . esc_attr($field['args']['label_for']) . '">' . $field['title'] . '</label>';
115 |
echo '</td></tr>';
116 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) && !empty($field['args']['helper-desc'])){
117 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
118 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
119 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '<a class="quads-general-helper" href="#"></a><div class="quads-message">' . $field['args']['helper-desc']. '</div></div>';
120 |
echo '</td></tr>';
121 |
}else if (!empty($field['title']) && !quads_is_excluded_title( $field['args']['id'] ) ){
122 |
echo '<tr class="quads-row">';
123 |
echo '<td class="quads-row th">';
124 |
echo '<div class="col-title">' . $field['title'] . '</div>';
125 |
echo '</td></tr>';
126 |
127 |
128 |
else {
129 |
echo '';
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
echo '<tr><td>';
134 |
call_user_func($field['callback'], $field['args']);
135 |
echo '<tr><td>';
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
echo '</tbody></table>';
141 |
if ($header === true){
142 |
echo '</div>';
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
* If title is one of these entries do not show it
148 |
149 |
function quads_is_excluded_title($string){
150 |
$haystack = array('ad1','ad2','ad3','ad4','ad5','ad6','ad7','ad8','ad9','ad10',
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
if (in_array($string, $haystack)){
164 |
return true;
165 |
166 |
return false;
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
* Options Page
171 |
172 |
* Renders the options page contents.
173 |
174 |
* @since 1.0
175 |
* @global $quads_options Array of all the QUADS Options
176 |
* @return void
177 |
178 |
function quads_options_page() {
179 |
global $quads_options;
180 |
181 |
$active_tab = isset( $_GET[ 'tab' ] ) && array_key_exists( $_GET['tab'], quads_get_settings_tabs() ) ? $_GET[ 'tab' ] : 'general';
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
<div class="wrap quads_admin">
186 |
<h1 style="text-align:center;"> <?php echo QUADS_NAME . ' ' . QUADS_VERSION; ?></h1>
187 |
<div class="about-text" style="font-weight: 400;line-height: 1.6em;text-align:center;">
188 |
<div class='quads-share-button-container'>
189 |
<div class='quads-share-button quads-share-button-twitter' data-share-url="">
190 |
<div clas='box'>
191 |
<a href=" quickest+and+most+easiest+way+to+integrate+AdSense+into+WordPress+websites+@wpquads" target='_blank'>
192 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Shout out a tweet','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
<div class="quads-share-button quads-share-button-facebook" data-share-url="">
197 |
<div class="box">
198 |
<a href="" target="_blank">
199 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Share on Facebook','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
206 |
207 |
foreach( quads_get_settings_tabs() as $tab_id => $tab_name ) {
208 |
209 |
$tab_url = esc_url(add_query_arg( array(
210 |
'settings-updated' => false,
211 |
'tab' => $tab_id
212 |
) ));
213 |
214 |
$active = $active_tab == $tab_id ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
215 |
216 |
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $tab_url ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( $tab_name ) . '" class="nav-tab' . $active . '">';
217 |
echo esc_html( $tab_name );
218 |
echo '</a>';
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
<div id="quads_tab_container" class="quads_tab_container">
223 |
<?php quads_get_tab_header( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab ); ?>
224 |
<div class="quads-panel-container"> <!-- new //-->
225 |
<form method="post" action="options.php" id="quads_settings">
226 |
227 |
228 |
settings_fields( 'quads_settings' );
229 |
quads_do_settings_fields( 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab, 'quads_settings_' . $active_tab );
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
<?php settings_errors(); ?>
234 |
235 |
// do not show save button on add-on page
236 |
if ($active_tab !== 'addons'){
237 |
$other_attributes = array( 'id' => 'quads-submit-button' );
238 |
submit_button(null, 'primary', 'quads-save-settings' , true, $other_attributes );
239 |
240 |
<a href="<?php echo admin_url() . '/admin.php?page=quads-settings&quads-action=validate'; ?> " id="quads-validate"><?php _e('Validate Settings','quick-adsense-reloaded')?></a>
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
if ($active_tab !== 'addons' && $active_tab !== 'licenses'){
247 |
echo sprintf( __( '<strong>If you like this plugin please do us a BIG favor and give us a 5 star rating <a href="%s" target="_blank">here</a> . If you`re not happy, please open a <a href="%2s" target="_blank">support ticket</a>, so that we can sort it out. Thank you!</strong>', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( '<strong>Ads are not showing? Read the <a href="%s" target="_blank">troubleshooting guide</a> to find out how to resolve this issue.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
</div> <!-- new //-->
257 |
<?php quads_get_advertising(); ?>
258 |
</div><!-- #tab_container-->
259 |
<div id="quads-save-result"></div>
260 |
<div class="quads-admin-debug"><?php echo quads_get_debug_messages(); ?></div>
261 |
<?php echo quads_render_adsense_form(); ?>
262 |
</div><!-- .wrap -->
263 |
264 |
echo ob_get_clean();
265 |
266 |
267 |
function quads_get_debug_messages(){
268 |
global $quads_options;
269 |
270 |
if (isset($quads_options['debug_mode'])){
271 |
echo '<pre style="clear:both;">';
272 |
273 |
echo '</pre>';
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
* Render ad and return it when plugin is not pro version
279 |
* @return string
280 |
281 |
function quads_get_advertising() {
282 |
283 |
if ( quads_is_advanced() ){
284 |
return '';
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
<div class="quads-panel-sidebar" style="float:left;min-width: 301px;margin-left: 1px;margin-top:0px;">
289 |
<a href="" target="_blank">
290 |
<img src="<?php echo QUADS_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/images/quads_banner_250x521_buy.png'; ?>">
291 |
292 |
293 |
<a style="display:block;" href="" target="_blank">
294 |
<img src="<?php echo QUADS_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/images/banner_250x296-cfm.png'; ?>">
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
echo ob_get_clean();
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
* Render social buttons
303 |
304 |
* @return void
305 |
306 |
function quads_render_social(){
307 |
308 |
309 |
<div class='quads-share-button-container'>
310 |
<div class='quads-share-button quads-share-button-twitter' data-share-url="">
311 |
<div clas='box'>
312 |
<a href="!" target='_blank'>
313 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Tweet','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
<div class="quads-share-button quads-share-button-facebook" data-share-url="">
319 |
<div class="box">
320 |
<a href="" target="_blank">
321 |
<span class='quads-share'><?php echo __('Share','quick-adsense-reloaded'); ?></span>
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
echo ob_get_clean();
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
* Render AdSense Form
334 |
335 |
function quads_render_adsense_form(){
336 |
337 |
338 |
<div id="quads-adsense-bg-div" style="display: none;">
339 |
<div id="quads-adsense-container">
340 |
<h3><?php _e( 'Copy ad code from AdSense account and paste it here', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ); ?></h3>
341 |
<textarea rows="15" cols="55" id="quads-adsense-form"></textarea><hr />
342 |
<button class="button button-primary" id="quads-paste-button"><?php _e( 'Get Code', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ); ?></button>
343 |
<button class="button button-secondary" id="quads-close-button"><?php _e( 'Close', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ); ?></button>
344 |
<div id="quads-msg"></div>
345 |
<input type="hidden" id="quads-adsense-id" value="">
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
124 |
'general' => apply_filters( 'quads_settings_general', array(
125 |
126 |
'id' => 'general_header',
127 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'General
128 |
'desc' => __( '', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
129 |
'type' => 'header'
130 |
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
145 |
7 => '7',
146 |
8 => '8',
147 |
9 => '9',
148 |
11 => '11',
149 |
12 => '12',
150 |
13 => '13',
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
159 |
160 |
161 |
'id' => 'ad_position',
162 |
'name' => __( 'Position', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
163 |
'desc' => __( 'Assign and activate ads on specific ad places', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
164 |
'type' => 'ad_position'
165 |
@@ -357,21 +358,26 @@ function quads_get_registered_settings() {
357 |
'priority' => array(
358 |
'id' => 'priority',
359 |
'name' => __( 'Load Priority', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
360 |
'desc' => __( 'Do not change this
361 |
'type' => 'number',
362 |
'size' => 'small',
363 |
'std' => 20
364 |
365 |
'create_settings' => array(
366 |
'id' => 'create_settings',
367 |
'name' => __( '
368 |
'desc' => __( 'Make the WPQUADS settings available from <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong
369 |
'type' => 'checkbox',
370 |
371 |
'uninstall_on_delete' => array(
372 |
'id' => 'uninstall_on_delete',
373 |
'name' => __( '
374 |
'desc' => __( 'Check this box if you would like <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong> to completely remove all of its data when the plugin is deleted.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
375 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
376 |
377 |
124 |
'general' => apply_filters( 'quads_settings_general', array(
125 |
126 |
'id' => 'general_header',
127 |
'name' => '<strong>' . __( 'General & Position', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) . '</strong>',
128 |
'desc' => __( '', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
129 |
'type' => 'header'
130 |
145 |
7 => '7',
146 |
8 => '8',
147 |
9 => '9',
148 |
10 => '10',
149 |
11 => '11',
150 |
12 => '12',
151 |
13 => '13',
160 |
161 |
162 |
'id' => 'ad_position',
163 |
'name' => __( 'Position - Default Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
164 |
'desc' => __( 'Assign and activate ads on specific ad places', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
165 |
'type' => 'ad_position'
166 |
358 |
'priority' => array(
359 |
'id' => 'priority',
360 |
'name' => __( 'Load Priority', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
361 |
//'desc' => __( 'Do not change this until you know what you are doing. Usually the default value 20 is working fine. Changing this value can lead to unexpected results like ads not showing or loaded on wrong order. <strong>Default:</strong> 20', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
362 |
'helper-desc' => __( 'Do not change this until you know what you are doing. Usually the default value 20 is working fine. Changing this value can lead to unexpected results like ads not showing or loaded on wrong order. <strong>Default:</strong> 20', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
363 |
'type' => 'number',
364 |
'size' => 'small',
365 |
'std' => 20
366 |
367 |
'create_settings' => array(
368 |
'id' => 'create_settings',
369 |
'name' => __( 'Remove Menue Button', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
370 |
//'desc' => __( 'Make the WPQUADS settings available from <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong>. This will remove the primary menu button from the admin sidebar', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
371 |
'desc' => __('Remove'),
372 |
'helper-desc' => __( 'Make the WPQUADS settings available from <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong>. This will remove the primary menu button from the admin sidebar', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
373 |
'type' => 'checkbox',
374 |
375 |
'uninstall_on_delete' => array(
376 |
'id' => 'uninstall_on_delete',
377 |
'name' => __( 'Delete Data on Uninstall?', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
378 |
//'desc' => __( 'Check this box if you would like <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong> to completely remove all of its data when the plugin is deleted.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
379 |
'helper-desc' => __( 'Check this box if you would like <strong>Settings->WPQUADS</strong> to completely remove all of its data when the plugin is deleted.', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
380 |
'desc' => 'Delete',
381 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
382 |
383 |
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ function quads_is_advanced_1_2_7() {
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
* Convert all post/page
136 |
* @global array $quads_options
137 |
* @return true if success
138 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
* Convert all previous post/page settings to the new post_type global options array which has been introduced in 1.4.0
136 |
137 |
* @global array $quads_options
138 |
* @return true if success
139 |
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Return ad locations HTML based on new API
38 |
39 |
* @param $html
40 |
* @return string Locations HTML
@@ -120,12 +120,14 @@ function quads_has_ad( $location ) {
120 |
return apply_filters( 'quads_has_ad', $result, $location );
121 |
122 |
123 |
* Display
124 |
125 |
* @param array $args Displaying options
126 |
* @return string|void Ad code or none if echo set to true
127 |
128 |
function quads_ad( $args ) {
129 |
$defaults = array(
130 |
'location' => '',
131 |
'echo' => true,
@@ -133,14 +135,18 @@ function quads_ad( $args ) {
133 |
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
134 |
$code = '';
135 |
136 |
if ( quads_has_ad( $args['location'] ) ) {
137 |
global $quads_options;
138 |
139 |
quads_set_ad_count_custom(); // increase amount of
140 |
141 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $args['location'] );
142 |
$code .= "\n".'<!-- WP QUADS Custom Ad v. ' . QUADS_VERSION .' -->'."\n";
143 |
//$code .= $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'];
144 |
$code .= '<div class="quads-location quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '" id="quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '">'."\n";
145 |
$code .= quads_render_ad( 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'], $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'] );
146 |
$code .= '</div>';
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
* Return ad locations HTML based on new API in general settings
38 |
39 |
* @param $html
40 |
* @return string Locations HTML
120 |
return apply_filters( 'quads_has_ad', $result, $location );
121 |
122 |
123 |
* Display a custom ad
124 |
125 |
* @param array $args Displaying options
126 |
* @return string|void Ad code or none if echo set to true
127 |
128 |
function quads_ad( $args ) {
129 |
global $post;
130 |
131 |
$defaults = array(
132 |
'location' => '',
133 |
'echo' => true,
135 |
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
136 |
$code = '';
137 |
138 |
// All ads are deactivated via post meta settings
139 |
if( quads_check_meta_setting( 'NoAds' ) === '1' ){
140 |
return false;
141 |
142 |
143 |
if ( quads_has_ad( $args['location'] ) ) {
144 |
global $quads_options;
145 |
146 |
quads_set_ad_count_custom(); // increase amount of Custom ads
147 |
148 |
$location_settings = quads_get_ad_location_settings( $args['location'] );
149 |
$code .= "\n".'<!-- WP QUADS Custom Ad v. ' . QUADS_VERSION .' -->'."\n";
150 |
$code .= '<div class="quads-location quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '" id="quads-ad' .$location_settings['ad']. '">'."\n";
151 |
$code .= quads_render_ad( 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'], $quads_options[ 'ad' . $location_settings['ad'] ]['code'] );
152 |
$code .= '</div>';
@@ -70,9 +70,11 @@ function quads_get_total_ad_count(){
70 |
$shortcode = isset($visibleShortcodeAds) ? (int)$visibleShortcodeAds : 0;
71 |
$content = isset($visibleContentAdsGlobal) ? (int)$visibleContentAdsGlobal : 0;
72 |
$custom = isset($ad_count_custom) ? (int)$ad_count_custom : 0;
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
return $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget;
77 |
78 |
@@ -89,6 +91,10 @@ function quads_ad_reach_max_count(){
89 |
global $quads_options;
90 |
91 |
$maxads = isset($quads_options['maxads']) ? $quads_options['maxads'] : 10;
92 |
if ( quads_get_total_ad_count() >= $maxads ){
93 |
return true;
94 |
70 |
$shortcode = isset($visibleShortcodeAds) ? (int)$visibleShortcodeAds : 0;
71 |
$content = isset($visibleContentAdsGlobal) ? (int)$visibleContentAdsGlobal : 0;
72 |
$custom = isset($ad_count_custom) ? (int)$ad_count_custom : 0;
73 |
//$widget = isset($ad_count_widget) ? (int)$ad_count_widget : 0;
74 |
$widget = quads_get_number_widget_ads();
75 |
76 |
77 |
//wp_die( $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget);
78 |
return $shortcode + $content + $custom + $widget;
79 |
80 |
91 |
global $quads_options;
92 |
93 |
$maxads = isset($quads_options['maxads']) ? $quads_options['maxads'] : 10;
94 |
$maxads = $maxads - quads_get_number_widget_ads();
95 |
96 |
//echo 'Total ads: '. quads_get_total_ad_count() . ' maxads: '. $maxads . '<br>';
97 |
98 |
if ( quads_get_total_ad_count() >= $maxads ){
99 |
return true;
100 |
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Helper Functions
4 |
5 |
* @package QUADS
6 |
* @subpackage INCLUDES
7 |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, René Hermenau
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @author René Hermenau
10 |
* @author Thank you Thomas Maier (advanced ads) for that great inspiration. I borrowed some code. Hope you dont mind:)
11 |
* @since 1.4.3
12 |
13 |
// Exit if accessed directly
14 |
if( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )
15 |
16 |
17 |
function quads_frontend_checks_init() {
18 |
if( !is_admin() && is_admin_bar_showing() && current_user_can( 'update_plugins' )
19 |
) {
20 |
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'quads_add_admin_bar_menu', 1000 );
21 |
add_filter( 'the_content', 'quads_check_the_content_filter' );
22 |
add_filter( 'wp_footer', 'quads_check_adblocker', -101 );
23 |
add_filter( 'quads-ad-output', 'after_ad_output', 10, 2 );
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
add_action( 'init', 'quads_frontend_checks_init' );
28 |
29 |
30 |
* Create WP QUADS List possible error cases in the admin-bar.
31 |
32 |
* @param obj $wp_admin_bar WP_Admin_Bar
33 |
34 |
function quads_add_admin_bar_menu( $wp_admin_bar ) {
35 |
global $quads_options, $wp_the_query, $post, $wp_scripts, $the_content;
36 |
37 |
$error = false;
38 |
39 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
40 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check',
41 |
'title' => __( 'Ad Check', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
42 |
) );
43 |
44 |
// Hidden by default
45 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
46 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
47 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_jquery',
48 |
'title' => __( '- JavaScript / jQuery error', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
49 |
'href' => '',
50 |
'meta' => array(
51 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_warning',
52 |
'target' => '_blank'
53 |
54 |
) );
55 |
56 |
// Hidden by default
57 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
58 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
59 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_adblocker_enabled',
60 |
'title' => __( '- Ad blocker enabled', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
61 |
'meta' => array(
62 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_warning',
63 |
'target' => '_blank'
64 |
65 |
) );
66 |
// Hidden by default
67 |
if( $wp_the_query->is_singular() ) {
68 |
// Check if the_content filter is available
69 |
if( !$the_content ) {
70 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
71 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
72 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_the_content_not_invoked',
73 |
'title' => __( '- <em>the_content</em> filter does not exist', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
74 |
'href' => '',
75 |
'meta' => array(
76 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
77 |
'target' => '_blank'
78 |
79 |
) );
80 |
$error = true;
81 |
82 |
// Hidden by default
83 |
if( !empty( $post->ID ) ) {
84 |
$ad_settings = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_quads_config_visibility', true );
85 |
86 |
if( !empty( $ad_settings['NoAds'] ) ) {
87 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
88 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
89 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_disabled_on_page',
90 |
'title' => __( '- All Ads are disabled on this page', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
91 |
'href' => get_edit_post_link( $post->ID ) . '#quads-ad-settings',
92 |
'meta' => array(
93 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
94 |
'target' => '_blank'
95 |
96 |
) );
97 |
$error = true;
98 |
99 |
if( !empty( $ad_settings['OffDef'] ) ) {
100 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
101 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
102 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_disabled_in_content',
103 |
'title' => __( '- Default Ads disabled in content of this page', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
104 |
'href' => get_edit_post_link( $post->ID ) . '#quads-ad-settings',
105 |
'meta' => array(
106 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
107 |
'target' => '_blank'
108 |
109 |
) );
110 |
$error = true;
111 |
112 |
} else {
113 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
114 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
115 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_post_zero',
116 |
'title' => __( '- Current post ID is 0 ', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
117 |
'href' => '',
118 |
'meta' => array(
119 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
120 |
'target' => '_blank'
121 |
122 |
) );
123 |
$error = true;
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
if( $wp_the_query->is_404() && !empty( $quads_options['disabled-ads']['404'] ) ) {
128 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
129 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
130 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_404',
131 |
'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on 404 pages', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
132 |
'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=quads-settings' ),
133 |
'meta' => array(
134 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
135 |
'target' => '_blank'
136 |
137 |
) );
138 |
$error = true;
139 |
140 |
141 |
if( !$wp_the_query->is_singular() && !empty( $quads_options['disabled-ads']['archives'] ) ) {
142 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
143 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
144 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_archive',
145 |
'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on non singular pages', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
146 |
'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=quads-settings' ),
147 |
'meta' => array(
148 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
149 |
'target' => '_blank'
150 |
151 |
) );
152 |
$error = true;
153 |
154 |
155 |
if( !extension_loaded( 'dom' ) ) {
156 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
157 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
158 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_no_dom_document',
159 |
'title' => sprintf( __( 'The %s extension(s) is not loaded', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ), 'dom' ),
160 |
'href' => '',
161 |
'meta' => array(
162 |
'class' => 'quads_ad_check_warning',
163 |
'target' => '_blank'
164 |
165 |
) );
166 |
$error = true;
167 |
168 |
169 |
if( !$error ) {
170 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
171 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
172 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_fine',
173 |
'title' => __( 'WP QUADS is working fine', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
174 |
'href' => false,
175 |
'meta' => array(
176 |
'target' => '_blank',
177 |
178 |
) );
179 |
180 |
181 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
182 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
183 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_debug_dfp',
184 |
'title' => __( 'debug DFP ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ),
185 |
'href' => esc_url( add_query_arg( 'googfc', '' ) ),
186 |
'meta' => array(
187 |
'class' => 'quads-hidden quads_ad_check_debug_dfp_link',
188 |
'target' => '_blank',
189 |
190 |
) );
191 |
192 |
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
193 |
'parent' => 'quads_ad_check',
194 |
'id' => 'quads_ad_check_highlight_ads',
195 |
'title' => sprintf( '<label><input id="quads_highlight_ads_checkbox" type="checkbox"> %s</label>', __( 'highlight ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded' ) )
196 |
) );
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
* Set variable to 'true' when 'the_content' filter is available.
201 |
202 |
* @param string $content
203 |
* @return string $content
204 |
205 |
function quads_check_the_content_filter( $content ) {
206 |
global $the_content;
207 |
208 |
$the_content = true;
209 |
210 |
return $content;
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
* Check conditions and display warning. Conditions: AdBlocker enabled, jQuery is included in header
215 |
216 |
function quads_check_adblocker() {
217 |
218 |
<!--noptimize--><style>.quads-hidden { display: none; } .quads-adminbar-is-warnings { background: #ef4000 ! important; color: #fff !important; }
219 |
.quads-highlight-ads { outline:6px solid #83c11f !important; }</style>
220 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo QUADS_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/ads.js' ?>"></script>
221 |
222 |
(function (d, w) {
223 |
var jquery_not_detected = typeof jQuery === 'undefined';
224 |
225 |
var addEvent = function (obj, type, fn) {
226 |
if (obj.addEventListener)
227 |
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
228 |
else if (obj.attachEvent)
229 |
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, function () {
230 |
return, window.event);
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
function highlight_ads() {
235 |
try {
236 |
var ad_wrappers = document.querySelectorAll('div[id^="quads-ad"]')
237 |
} catch (e) {
238 |
239 |
240 |
for (i = 0; i < ad_wrappers.length; i++) {
241 |
if (this.checked) {
242 |
ad_wrappers[i].className += ' quads-highlight-ads';
243 |
} else {
244 |
ad_wrappers[i].className = ad_wrappers[i].className.replace('quads-highlight-ads', '');
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
addEvent(w, 'load', function () {
250 |
var adblock_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_adblocker_enabled'),
251 |
jQuery_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_jquery'),
252 |
fine_item = d.getElementById('wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check_fine'),
253 |
hide_fine = false;
254 |
255 |
var highlight_checkbox = d.getElementById('quads_highlight_ads_checkbox');
256 |
if (highlight_checkbox) {
257 |
addEvent(highlight_checkbox, 'change', highlight_ads);
258 |
259 |
if (adblock_item && typeof wpquads_adblocker_check === 'undefined' || false === wpquads_adblocker_check) {
260 |
// show quads-hidden item
261 |
adblock_item.className = adblock_item.className.replace(/quads-hidden/, '');
262 |
hide_fine = true;
263 |
264 |
265 |
if (jQuery_item && jquery_not_detected) {
266 |
// show quads-hidden item
267 |
jQuery_item.className = jQuery_item.className.replace(/quads-hidden/, '');
268 |
hide_fine = true;
269 |
270 |
271 |
if (hide_fine && fine_item) {
272 |
fine_item.className += ' quads-hidden';
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
var showCount = function () {
279 |
try {
280 |
// select not quads-hidden warning items, exclude the 'fine_item'
281 |
var warning_count = document.querySelectorAll('.quads_ad_check_warning:not(.quads-hidden)').length;
282 |
} catch (e) {
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
if (warning_count) {
287 |
var header = document.querySelector('#wp-admin-bar-quads_ad_check > div');
288 |
289 |
if (header) {
290 |
header.innerHTML += ' <i>(' + warning_count + ')</i>';
291 |
header.className += ' quads-adminbar-is-warnings';
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
})(document, window);
296 |
297 |
298 |
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 0.9.6
10 |
11 |
function quads_load_meta_box () {
12 |
new Quads_Meta_Box();
13 |
14 |
add_action( 'load-post.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
15 |
add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
16 |
17 |
* Ads options for a single post
18 |
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class Quads_Meta_Box {
40 |
__('WP QUADS - Hide Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), // title
41 |
array($this, 'render_meta_box'), // render function callback
42 |
$post_type, // post_type
43 |
44 |
'default' // priority
45 |
46 |
8 |
* @license GNU Public License
9 |
* @since 0.9.6
10 |
11 |
//function quads_load_meta_box () {
12 |
new Quads_Meta_Box();
13 |
14 |
//add_action( 'load-post.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
15 |
//add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
16 |
//add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'quads_load_meta_box' );
17 |
18 |
* Ads options for a single post
19 |
41 |
__('WP QUADS - Hide Ads', 'quick-adsense-reloaded'), // title
42 |
array($this, 'render_meta_box'), // render function callback
43 |
$post_type, // post_type
44 |
'advanced', // context
45 |
'default' // priority
46 |
47 |
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ function quads_get_quicktags_from_content ( $content ) {
43 |
44 |
return $found;
45 |
46 |
47 |
* Removes all quicktags from content
48 |
43 |
44 |
return $found;
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
* Removes all quicktags from content
50 |
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ function quads_shortcode_display_ad( $atts ) {
32 |
33 |
34 |
//return quads_check_meta_setting('NoAds');
35 |
if( quads_check_meta_setting( 'NoAds' ) === '1' )
36 |
37 |
38 |
// The ad id
39 |
$id = isset( $atts['id'] ) ? ( int ) $atts['id'] : 0;
@@ -94,8 +95,9 @@ function quads_get_ad($id = 0) {
94 |
function quads_check_meta_setting($key){
95 |
global $post;
96 |
97 |
if ( !isset($post->ID ) )
98 |
99 |
100 |
$meta_key = '_quads_config_visibility';
101 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
//return quads_check_meta_setting('NoAds');
35 |
if( quads_check_meta_setting( 'NoAds' ) === '1' ){
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
// The ad id
40 |
$id = isset( $atts['id'] ) ? ( int ) $atts['id'] : 0;
95 |
function quads_check_meta_setting($key){
96 |
global $post;
97 |
98 |
if ( !isset($post->ID ) ){
99 |
return false;
100 |
101 |
102 |
$meta_key = '_quads_config_visibility';
103 |
@@ -16,20 +16,7 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
16 |
add_filter('the_content', 'quads_post_settings_to_quicktags', 5);
17 |
add_filter('the_content', 'quads_process_content', quads_get_load_priority());
18 |
19 |
20 |
* Get load priority
21 |
22 |
* @global arr $quads_options
23 |
* @return int
24 |
25 |
function quads_get_load_priority(){
26 |
global $quads_options;
27 |
28 |
if (!empty($quads_options['priority'])){
29 |
return intval($quads_options['priority']);
30 |
31 |
return 20;
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
* Adds quicktags, defined via post meta options, to content.
@@ -79,412 +66,598 @@ function quads_get_visibility_quicktags_str ( $post_id = null ) {
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
* @global arr $quads_options all plugin settings
85 |
* @global int $visibleContentAds number of active content ads (reseted internally so we have to use a similar global below for external purposes: $visibleContentAdsGlobal)
86 |
* @global arr $AdsId Whitespace trimmed array of ad codes
87 |
* @global int $maxWidgets maximum number of ad widgets
88 |
* @global int $maxAds number of maximum available ads
89 |
* @global string $AdsWidName name of widget
90 |
* @global int $visibleContentAdsGlobal number of active content ads
91 |
* @global int $visibleShortcodeAds number of active shortcode ads
92 |
* @global int $ad_count_widget number of active widget ads
93 |
* @param string $content
94 |
95 |
* @
96 |
97 |
* @
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
// count active widget ads
112 |
if (strpos($content,'<!--OffWidget-->')===false) {
113 |
for($i=1;$i<=$maxWidgets;$i++) {
114 |
$wadsid = sanitize_title(str_replace(array('(',')'),'',sprintf($AdsWidName,$i)));
115 |
//$maxAds -= (is_active_widget('', '', $wadsid)) ? 1 : 0 ;
116 |
$ad_count_widget += (is_active_widget('', '', $wadsid)) ? 1 : 0 ;
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
// wp_die(var_dump($AdsId));
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
// Replace all
149 |
$content = str_replace("<p></p>", "##QA-TP1##", $content);
150 |
// Replace all <p> </p> tags with placeholder ##QA-TP2##
151 |
$content = str_replace("<p> </p>", "##QA-TP2##", $content);
152 |
$off_default_ads = (strpos($content,'<!--OffDef-->')!==false);
153 |
154 |
if( !$off_default_ads ) { // disabled default positioned ads
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
$lapa1 = isset($quads_options['pos5']['LapaAds']) ? true : false;
174 |
$lapa2 = isset($quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'])? $quads_options['pos5']['LapaRnd'] : 0 ;
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
$number = 3; // number of paragraph ads | default value 3.
179 |
$default = 5; // Position. Let's start with id 5
180 |
for($i=1;$i<=$number;$i++) {
181 |
182 |
$key = $default +$i; // 6,7,8
183 |
184 |
$paragraph['status'][$i] = isset($quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Ads']) ? $quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Ads'] : 0; // Status - active | inactive
185 |
$paragraph['id'][$i] = isset($quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Rnd']) ? $quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Rnd'] : 0; // Ad id
186 |
$paragraph['position'][$i] = isset($quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Nup']) ? $quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Nup'] : 0; // Paragraph No
187 |
$paragraph['end_post'][$i] = isset($quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Con']) ? $quads_options['pos' . $key]['Par'.$i .'Con'] : 0; // End of post - yes | no
188 |
189 |
190 |
// Position 9 Ad after Image
191 |
$imageActive = isset($quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads']) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Ads'] : false;
192 |
$imageAdNo = isset($quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd']) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Rnd'] : false;
193 |
$imageNo = isset($quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup']) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Nup'] : false;
194 |
$imageCaption = isset($quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con']) ? $quads_options['pos9']['Img1Con'] : false;
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
// Create the arguments for filter quads_filter_paragraphs
214 |
$quads_args = array (
215 |
'paragraph' => $paragraph,
216 |
'cusads' => $cusads,
217 |
'cusrnd' => $cusrnd,
218 |
'AdsIdCus' => $AdsIdCus,
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
// Execute filter to add more paragraph ad spots
223 |
$quads_filtered = apply_filters('quads_filter_paragraphs', $quads_args);
224 |
225 |
// The filtered arguments
226 |
$paragraph = $quads_filtered['paragraph'];
227 |
228 |
// filtered list of ad spots
229 |
$AdsIdCus = $quads_filtered['AdsIdCus'];
230 |
231 |
// Create paragraph ads
232 |
$number = 6;
233 |
//$number = 3;
234 |
for($i=$number;$i>=1;$i--) {
235 |
if ( !empty($paragraph['status'][$i]) ){
236 |
237 |
$sch = "</p>";
238 |
$content = str_replace("</P>", $sch, $content);
239 |
// paragraphs in content
240 |
$paragraphsArray = explode($sch, $content);
241 |
if ( (int)$paragraph['position'][$i] < count($paragraphsArray) ) {
242 |
$content = implode($sch, array_slice($paragraphsArray, 0, $paragraph['position'][$i])).$sch .'<!--'.$paragraph[$i].'-->'. implode($sch, array_slice($paragraphsArray, $paragraph['position'][$i]));
243 |
} elseif ($paragraph['end_post'][$i]) {
244 |
$content = implode($sch, $paragraphsArray).'<!--'.$paragraph[$i].'-->';
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
// Check if image ad is random one
250 |
if ( $imageAdNo == 0 ) {
251 |
$imageAd = $cusrnd;
252 |
} else {
253 |
$imageAd = $cusads.$imageAdNo;
254 |
array_push($AdsIdCus, $imageAdNo);
255 |
256 |
257 |
// Check if image ad is middle one
258 |
if( $midd1 && strpos($content,'<!--OffMiddle-->')===false) {
259 |
if( substr_count(strtolower($content), '</p>')>=2 ) {
260 |
$sch = "</p>";
261 |
$content = str_replace("</P>", $sch, $content);
262 |
$paragraphsArray = explode($sch, $content);
263 |
$nn = 0; $mm = strlen($content)/2;
264 |
for($i=0;$i<count($paragraphsArray);$i++) {
265 |
$nn += strlen($paragraphsArray[$i]) + 4;
266 |
if($nn>$mm) {
267 |
if( ($mm - ($nn - strlen($paragraphsArray[$i]))) > ($nn - $mm) && $i+1<count($paragraphsArray) ) {
268 |
$paragraphsArray[$i+1] = '<!--'.$m1.'-->'.$paragraphsArray[$i+1];
269 |
} else {
270 |
$paragraphsArray[$i] = '<!--'.$m1.'-->'.$paragraphsArray[$i];
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
$content = implode($sch, $paragraphsArray);
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
// Check if image ad is "More Tag" one
280 |
if( $more1 && strpos($content,'<!--OffAfMore-->')===false) {
281 |
$mmr = '<!--'.$r1.'-->';
282 |
$postid = get_the_ID();
283 |
$content = str_replace('<span id="more-'.$postid.'"></span>', $mmr, $content);
284 |
285 |
286 |
if( $begn1 && strpos($content,'<!--OffBegin-->')===false) {
287 |
$content = '<!--'.$b1.'-->'.$content;
288 |
289 |
if( $endi1 && strpos($content,'<!--OffEnd-->')===false) {
290 |
$content = $content.'<!--'.$b2.'-->';
291 |
292 |
if( $lapa1 && strpos($content,'<!--OffBfLastPara-->')===false){
293 |
$sch = "<p>";
294 |
$content = str_replace("<P>", $sch, $content);
295 |
$paragraphsArray = explode($sch, $content);
296 |
if ( count($paragraphsArray) > 2 ) {
297 |
$content = implode($sch, array_slice($paragraphsArray, 0, count($paragraphsArray)-1)) .'<!--'.$g1.'-->'. $sch. $paragraphsArray[count($paragraphsArray)-1];
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
$paragraphsArray[$imageNo] = implode($caption, array_slice($tss, 0, 1)).$caption. "\r\n".'<!--'.$imageAd.'-->'."\r\n". implode($caption, array_slice($tss, 1));
322 |
}else if ( $cdu ) {
323 |
$paragraphsArray[$imageNo] = implode($atag, array_slice($paragraphsArrayAtag, 0, 1)).$atag. "\r\n".'<!--'.$imageAd.'-->'."\r\n". implode($atag, array_slice($paragraphsArrayAtag, 1));
324 |
325 |
$paragraphsArray[$imageNo] = implode($delimiter, array_slice($paragraphsArrayImages, 0, 1)).$delimiter. "\r\n".'<!--'.$imageAd.'-->'."\r\n". implode($delimiter, array_slice($paragraphsArrayImages, 1));
326 |
327 |
328 |
$content = implode($imgtag, $paragraphsArray);
329 |
330 |
331 |
} // end disabled default positioned ads
332 |
333 |
334 |
* Tidy up content
335 |
336 |
$content = '<!--EmptyClear-->'.$content."\n".'<div style="font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both"></div>';
337 |
$content = quads_clean_tags($content, true);
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
* Replace Beginning/Middle/End/Paragraph Ads1-10
342 |
343 |
344 |
if( !$off_default_ads ) { // disabled default ads
345 |
for( $i=1; $i<=count($AdsIdCus); $i++ ) {
346 |
347 |
if( strpos($content,'<!--'.$cusads.$AdsIdCus[$i-1].'-->')!==false && in_array($AdsIdCus[$i-1], $AdsId)) {
348 |
349 |
$content = quads_replace_ads( $content, $cusads.$AdsIdCus[$i-1], $AdsIdCus[$i-1] );
350 |
// Comment this to allow the use of the same ad on several ad spots
351 |
//$AdsId = quads_del_element($AdsId, array_search($AdsIdCus[$i-1], $AdsId)) ;
352 |
$visibleContentAds += 1;
353 |
354 |
355 |
if ( quads_ad_reach_max_count() ){
356 |
$content = quads_clean_tags($content);
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
/* ... Replace Beginning/Middle/End random Ads ... */
386 |
if( !$off_default_ads ) {
387 |
if( strpos($content, '<!--'.$cusrnd.'-->')!==false && is_singular() ) {
388 |
$tcx = count($AdsId);
389 |
$tcy = substr_count($content, '<!--'.$cusrnd.'-->');
390 |
391 |
for( $i=$tcx; $i<=$tcy-1; $i++ ) {
392 |
array_push($AdsId, -1);
393 |
394 |
395 |
for( $i=1; $i<=$tcy; $i++ ) {
396 |
$content = quads_replace_ads( $content, $cusrnd, $AdsId[0] );
397 |
$AdsId = quads_del_element($AdsId, 0) ;
398 |
$visibleContentAds += 1;
399 |
400 |
if (quads_ad_reach_max_count()){
401 |
$content = quads_clean_tags($content);
402 |
return $content;
403 |
404 |