Version |
Release Date |
Change Log |
6.0.12 |
2022-12-05 |
- Fix: on multisite, the test for users with admin username did not use the correct prefix, $wpdb->base_prefix, props @jg-visual
- Improvement: allow submenu in back-end react application
- Improvement: Skip value update when no change has been made
- Improvement: no redirect on dismiss of admin notice, props @gangesh, @rtpHarry, @dumel
- Improvement: remove obsolete warning
- Improvement: qtranslate support on settings page
6.0.11 |
2022-11-21 |
- Fix: on some environments, the HTTP_X_WP_NONCE is not available in the code, changed logged in check to accomodate such environments
- Fix: dismiss on admin notices not immediately dismissing, requiring dismiss through dashboard, props @dumel
6.0.10 |
2022-11-16 |
- Fix: Apache 2.4 support for the block code execution in the uploads directory hardening feature, props @overlake
- Fix: When used with Varnish cache, Rest API get requests were cached, causing the settings page not to update.
- Fix: Ensure manage_security capability for users upgraded from versions before introduction of this capability
- Fix: allow for custom rest api prefixes, props @coderevolution
- Fix: bug in Let's Encrypt generation with DNS verification: saving of 'disable_ocsp' setting, create_bundle_or_renew action with quotes
- Fix: change REST API response method to prevent script errors on environments with PHP warnings and errors, causing blank settings page
- Improvement: Simplify user enumeration test
- Improvement: catch unexpected response in SSL Labs object
- Improvement: z-index on on boarding modal on smaller screen sizes, props @rtpHarry
- Improvement: hide username field if no admin username is present, props @rtpHarry
6.0.9 |
2022-11-10 |
- Fix: incorrectly disabled email field in Let's Encrypt wizard, props @cburgess
- Improvement: on rename admin user, catch existing username, and strange characters
- Improvement: catch openBaseDir restriction in cpanel detection function, props @alofnur
- Improvement: remove 6.0 update notices on subsites in a multisite network, props @wpcoderca, (@collizo4sky
6.0.8 |
2022-11-06 |
- Improvement: Lets Encrypt wizard CSS styling
- Improvement: re-add link to article about Let's Encrypt so users can easily find the URL
- Improvement: let user choose a new username when selecting "rename admin user"
6.0.7 |
2022-11-05 |
- Fix: restrict conditions in which htaccess rewrite runs, preventing conflicts with other rewriting plugins
6.0.3 |
2022-11-03 |
- Fix: Rest Optimizer causing other plugins to deactivate when recommended plugins were activated, props @sardelich
5.3.5 |
2022-10-05 |
- Prepare for 6.0 release with upgrade notice, disabling auto updates for 6.0, and code preparation to prevent conflicts between major versions
5.3.2 |
2022-05-10 |
- Fix: limit domain list generation function, preventing issues on large multisite installations
- Fix: Non-network admins can alter network settings props @madtownlems
- Improvement: drop Expect-CT from recommended headers
5.3.1 |
2022-03-30 |
- Improvement: updated other plugins section
- Improvement: added space in .htaccess comment for redirects
5.3.0 |
2022-03-10 |
- Improvement: added PHP 8.1 compatibility
- Improvement: updated .htaccess redirect comment
- New: add installation helper
- Improvement: is_writable check in Let's Encrypt
- Improvement: Catch not set subject alternative and common names in cert
5.2.3 |
2022-01-25 |
5.2.2 |
2022-01-10 |
- Improvement: change text about Google Analytics for a more broader application
- Improvement: prevent duplicate notice
- Improvement: better feedback on failed SSL detection
- Improvement: .htaccess redirect detection with preg_match
5.2.1 |
2021-12-15 |
- Improvement: changed text on security headers feedback
- Improvement: some resources were not loaded minified on the back-end
- Improvement: dropped one line from tips&tricks to ensure it all fits when translated
- Improvement: improve feedback on the Let's Encrypt terms & conditions checkbox being required
- Improvement: improve feedback on chosen hosting company, if SSL is already available, or not available at all.
- Improvement: updated wp-config needs fixes notice
- Improvement: RTL css update
5.2.0 |
2021-11-22 |
2.1.x |
2021-07-07 |
5.0.2 |
2021-07-07 |
- Improvement: remove some files to prevent false positive warnings from windows defender
- Improvement: move variable in cpanel integration to prevent php warnings.
5.0.1 |
2021-07-07 |
- Fix: obsolete variable in function causing php errors on some configurations.
5.0 |
2021-07-07 |
4.0.15 |
2021-05-10 |
- Fix: non hierarchical structured form elements in the template could cause settings not to get saved in some configurations.
4.0.14 |
2021-04-19 |
- Improvement: when WordPress incorrectly reports that SSL is not possible, correct the resulting site health notice.
- Improvement: don't show the secure cookies notice on subsites of a multisite installation. Show on the network dashboard instead.
4.0.13 |
2021-03-24 |
- Fixed notice about wp config.php not writable notice even when httpOnly cookie settings already written.
4.0.12 |
2021-03-23 |
- Added secure cookies
- Improved Right-To-Left text support
4.0.9 |
2021-02-22 |
- Improvement: some small CSS improvements in the dashboard
- Fix: Switched wp_insert_site hook to wp_initialize_site props @masumm17
- Fix: multisite: after switching from networkwide to per site, or vice versa, the completed notice didn't go away.
4.0.8 |
2021-02-08 |
- Fix: fixed a bug in the get_certinfo() function where an URL with a double prefix could be checked
- Improvement: Content Security Policy compatibility
4.0.7 |
2021-01-26 |
- Fix: catch not set certificate info in case of empty array when no certificate is available
- Fix: minor CSS fixes
4.0.6 |
2021-01-12 |
- Improvement: Improved responsive css for tabbed menu
- Improvement: PHP 8 compatibility
- Improvement: Added links to help article for not writable notices
- Improvement: notice when plugin folder had been renamed
- Improvement: increase php minimum required to 5.6
4.0.5 |
2020-12-07 |
- Backward compatibility for <4.0 premium versions
4.0.4 |
2020-12-07 |
- Added Really Simple Plugins logo
- Fix: enable link in task for multisite redirected to subsite
- Fix: exclude plus one count from admin notices
4.0.3 |
2020-11-27 |
- Fix: sitehealth dismiss not working correctly, props @doffine
4.0.2 |
2020-11-26 |
- Fix: not translatable string, props @kebbet
- Improvement: clear admin notices cache when SSL activated or reloaded over https
- Fix: removed javascript regex not supported by Safari, causing the dismiss not to work on the progress block
- Improvement: option to dismiss site health notices in the settings
4.0.1 |
2020-11-25 |
- Fix: fixed a bug where switching between the WP/.htaccess redirect caused a percentage switch
- No SSL detected notice is cached after enabling SSL. props @memery2020
- Fix: deactivating before SSL was activated on a site which was already SSL would revert to http.
4.0.0 |
2020-11-24 |
- New user interface
- Fix: transient stored with 'WEEK_IN_SECONDS' as string instead of constant
- Improvement: notices dashboard, with dismissable notices
- Improvement: improved naming of settings, and instructions
- Improvement: articles in tips & tricks section
3.3.4 |
2020-08-06 |
- Fix: prefix review notice dismiss to prevent conflicts with other plugins
- Updated multisite SSL activation hook for new blogs to wp_insert_site
- Moved notices CSS inline
3.3.3 |
2020-05-18 |
- Dismiss review notice now uses get variable to dismiss it
3.3.2 |
2020-05-08 |
- Added a notice when using Divi theme with a link to knowledge base instructions
- Fixed a CSS issue where the active tab in setting didn't have an active color
- Added an additional option to dismiss the review notice
- Removed review notice capability check
- Fixed a bug on multisite where a plusone was shown when it should only shown on non-multisite
- Added prefix to uses_elementor() function and added checks if function_exists
3.3.1 |
2020-04-09 |
- Fixed a typo in the backup link
- Added instructions on how to add a free SSL certificate
3.3 |
2020-03-19 |
- Updated SSL activated notice
- Updated readme
3.2.6 |
2019-10-15 |
- Optimized plusone count function
- Disabled Javascript redirect by default
- Fixed a bug in the setting highlight function where an undefined setting name could cause a warning
3.2.5 |
2019-08-20 |
- Fixed type in trace_log() function call
3.2.4 |
2019-08-20 |
- Improved and added dashboard notices
- Improved debug logging
- Added option to dismiss all Really Simple SSL notices
- Fixed a bug where other plugins buttons had their style reset
3.2.3 |
2019-07-09 |
- Added right-to-left text support
- Show a plusone behind the notice that generated it
- Added a dismiss text link to dismissible notices
- Added highlighting to .htaccess redirect option after clicking on dashboard link
- Added option to dismiss all notices
- Added site health notice
3.2.2 |
2019-06-14 |
- Fix: some single sites setup were having issues with multisite files being include.
3.2.1 |
2019-06-14 |
- Fix: fixed a bug in the regex pattern to update existing update count
3.2 |
2019-06-14 |
- Added update counter to Settings/SSL menu item if recommended settings aren't enabled yet
- Added WP-CLI support
- Tweak: made some dashboard items dismissible
- Tweak: added link on multisite networkwide activation notice to switch function hook to fix conversions hanging on 0%
- Tweak: required WordPress version now 4.6 because of get_networks() version
3.1.5 |
2019-05-03 |
- Fix: fixed a bug where having an open_basedir defined showed PHP warnings when using htaccess.conf
3.1.4 |
2019-03-04 |
- Tweak: added support for Bitnami/AWS htaccess.conf file
- Tweak: multisite blog count now only counts public sites
- Tweak: changed rewrite rules flush time to 1-5 minutes
- Tweak: improved multisite site count
3.1.3 |
2018-12-06 |
- Tweak: no longer shows notices on Gutenberg edit screens
- Tweak: updated Google Analytics with link to SSL settings page
- Fix: multisite blog count now only counts public sites
3.1.2 |
2018-11-09 |
- Tweak: added cool checkboxes
- Tweak: .well-known/acme-challenge/ is excluded from .htaccess https:// redirect
- Tweak: implemented transients for functions that use curl/wp_remote_get()
- Tweak: improved mixed content fixer detection notifications
- Tweak: removed review notice for multisite
3.1.1 |
2018-10-12 |
- Fix: Multisite network wide activation/deactivation cron not saving settings because user capability not set this early in the process.
3.1 |
2018-10-12 |
- Fix: fixed a bug in certificate detection
- Tweak: added HTTP_X_PROTO as supported header
- Tweak: split HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL into a variation which can be either '1' or 'on'
- Tweak: improved certificate detection by stripping domains of subfolders.
- Tweak: Multisite bulk SSL activation now chunked in 200 site blocks, to prevent time out issues on large multisite networks.
- Tweak: a 'leave review' notice for new free users
3.0.5 |
2018-07-22 |
- Fix: untranslatable string made translatable.
3.0.2 |
2018-06-20 |
- Fix: fixed an image containing uppercase characters, which can lead to the image not showing on some servers.
- Fix: fixed an issue where the 'data-rsssl=1' marker wasn't inserted when the tag was empty.
3.0.1 |
2018-06-08 |
- Tweak: Add privacy notice
- Tweak: Set javascript redirect to false by default
- Fix: Hide SSL notice on multisite for all subsites, and show only for "activate_plugins" cap users
2.5.26 |
2018-03-09 |
- Fix: multisite menu not showing when main site is not SSL.
- Fix: the admin_url and site_url filter get an empty blog_id when checking the URL for the current blog.
- Tweak: added comment to encourage backing up to activation notice.
- Tested the plugin with Gutenberg.
2.5.25 |
2018-02-08 |
- Fix: "switch mixed content fixer hook" option not visible on the multisites settings page
- Tweak: several typo's and uppercasing
2.5.24 |
2017-12-07 |
- Fix: On multisite, admin_url forced current blog URL's over http even when the current blog was loaded over https. This will now only force http for other blog_urls than the current one, when they are on http and not https.
2.5.23 |
2017-11-16 |
- Tested up to WP 4.9
- Added secure cookie notice