Redirection - Version 4.0

Version Description

  • Alters database to support case insensitivity, trailing slashes, and query params. Please backup your data


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Release Info

Developer johnny5
Plugin Icon 128x128 Redirection
Version 4.0
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Code changes from version 3.7.3 to 4.0

Files changed (44) hide show
  1. database/database-status.php +9 -0
  2. database/database.php +7 -1
  3. database/schema/240.php +26 -40
  4. database/schema/400.php +31 -0
  5. database/schema/latest.php +4 -1
  6. fileio/nginx.php +20 -13
  7. locale/json/redirection-de_DE.json +1 -1
  8. locale/json/redirection-en_AU.json +1 -1
  9. locale/json/redirection-en_CA.json +1 -1
  10. locale/json/redirection-en_GB.json +1 -1
  11. locale/json/redirection-en_NZ.json +1 -1
  12. locale/json/redirection-es_ES.json +1 -1
  13. locale/json/redirection-fr_FR.json +1 -1
  14. locale/json/redirection-it_IT.json +1 -1
  15. locale/json/redirection-ja.json +1 -1
  16. locale/json/redirection-lv.json +1 -1
  17. locale/json/redirection-pt_BR.json +1 -1
  18. locale/json/redirection-ru_RU.json +1 -1
  19. locale/json/redirection-sv_SE.json +1 -1
  20. locale/ +0 -0
  21. locale/redirection-de_DE.po +58 -54
  22. locale/ +0 -0
  23. locale/redirection-en_AU.po +58 -54
  24. locale/ +0 -0
  25. locale/redirection-en_CA.po +60 -56
  26. locale/ +0 -0
  27. locale/redirection-en_GB.po +58 -54
  28. locale/ +0 -0
  29. locale/redirection-en_NZ.po +58 -54
  30. locale/ +0 -0
  31. locale/redirection-es_ES.po +60 -56
  32. locale/ +0 -0
  33. locale/redirection-fr_FR.po +58 -54
  34. locale/ +0 -0
  35. locale/redirection-it_IT.po +58 -54
  36. locale/ +0 -0
  37. locale/redirection-ja.po +58 -54
  38. locale/redirection-lv.po +58 -54
  39. locale/ +0 -0
  40. locale/redirection-pt_BR.po +60 -56
  41. locale/ +0 -0
  42. locale/redirection-ru_RU.po +58 -54
  43. locale/ +0 -0
  44. locale/redirection-sv_SE.po +49 -45
database/database-status.php CHANGED
@@ -103,11 +103,15 @@ class Red_Database_Status {
  $latest = Red_Database::get_latest_database();
  $missing = $latest->get_missing_tables();
  if ( count( $missing ) === count( $latest->get_all_tables() ) ) {
  delete_option( Red_Database_Status::OLD_DB_VERSION );
  red_set_options( [ 'database' => '' ] );
  $this->status = self::STATUS_NEED_INSTALL;
@@ -303,6 +307,11 @@ class Red_Database_Status {
  private function get_next_stage( $stage ) {
  $database = new Red_Database();
  $upgraders = $database->get_upgrades_for_version( $this->get_current_version(), $this->get_current_stage() );
  $upgrader = Red_Database_Upgrader::get( $upgraders[0] );
  // Where are we in this?
  $latest = Red_Database::get_latest_database();
  $missing = $latest->get_missing_tables();
+ // No tables installed - do a fresh install
  if ( count( $missing ) === count( $latest->get_all_tables() ) ) {
  delete_option( Red_Database_Status::OLD_DB_VERSION );
  red_set_options( [ 'database' => '' ] );
  $this->status = self::STATUS_NEED_INSTALL;
+ } elseif ( count( $missing ) > 0 && version_compare( $this->get_current_version(), '2.3.3', 'ge' ) ) {
+ // Some tables are missing - try and fill them in
+ $latest->install();
  private function get_next_stage( $stage ) {
  $database = new Red_Database();
  $upgraders = $database->get_upgrades_for_version( $this->get_current_version(), $this->get_current_stage() );
+ if ( count( $upgraders ) === 0 ) {
+ $upgraders = $database->get_upgrades_for_version( $this->get_current_version(), false );
+ }
  $upgrader = Red_Database_Upgrader::get( $upgraders[0] );
  // Where are we in this?
database/database.php CHANGED
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class Red_Database {
  $upgraders = $this->get_upgrades_for_version( $status->get_current_version(), $status->get_current_stage() );
  if ( count( $upgraders ) === 0 ) {
- return new WP_Error( 'redirect', 'No upgrades found for version ' . $status->get_current_version() );
  if ( $status->get_current_stage() === false ) {
@@ -143,6 +144,11 @@ class Red_Database {
  'file' => '240.php',
  'class' => 'Red_Database_240',
  $upgraders = $this->get_upgrades_for_version( $status->get_current_version(), $status->get_current_stage() );
  if ( count( $upgraders ) === 0 ) {
+ $status->set_error( 'No upgrades found for version ' . $status->get_current_version() );
+ return;
  if ( $status->get_current_stage() === false ) {
  'file' => '240.php',
  'class' => 'Red_Database_240',
+ [
+ 'version' => '4.0',
+ 'file' => '400.php',
+ 'class' => 'Red_Database_400',
+ ],
database/schema/240.php CHANGED
@@ -1,76 +1,54 @@
- * Note that some installations have the 2.4 tables setup, but in a slightly different way, and with the DB version set to 2.3.3
- * Unsure why this would happen, but it means we get an error when upgrading
- * Try and detect this and skip the upgrade
  class Red_Database_240 extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
- private $existing_column = false;
  public function get_stages() {
  return [
- 'detect_existing_240' => 'Detect existing 2.4 upgrade',
- 'expand_log_ip_column_240' => 'Expand IP size in logs to support IPv6',
  'convert_int_ip_to_varchar_240' => 'Convert integer IP values to support IPv6',
- 'swap_ip_column_240' => 'Swap IPv4 for IPv6',
  'convert_title_to_text_240' => 'Expand size of redirect titles',
  'add_missing_index_240' => 'Add missing IP index to 404 logs',
- private function has_weird_ip_index( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
- if ( isset( $existing[1] ) ) {
- return strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), 'key `ip` (' ) !== false;
  return false;
- private function has_ip_column( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
- if ( isset( $existing[1] ) ) {
- return strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), '`ip` varchar' ) !== false;
  return false;
- protected function detect_existing_240( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
- if ( isset( $existing[1] ) ) {
- if ( strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), '`ip` varchar(45)' ) !== false ) {
- // IP as varchar exists - don't recreate
- $this->existing_column = true;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected function expand_log_ip_column_240( $wpdb ) {
- if ( ! $this->existing_column ) {
- return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_logs` CHANGE `ip` `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
- return true;
  protected function convert_int_ip_to_varchar_240( $wpdb ) {
- if ( ! $this->existing_column ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD `ipaddress` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `ip`" );
- return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404 SET ipaddress=INET_NTOA(ip)" );
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected function swap_ip_column_240( $wpdb ) {
- if ( ! $this->existing_column ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` DROP `ip`" );
  return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` CHANGE `ipaddress` `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
@@ -78,15 +56,23 @@ class Red_Database_240 extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
  return true;
  protected function add_missing_index_240( $wpdb ) {
- if ( $this->has_weird_ip_index( $wpdb ) ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` DROP INDEX ip" );
- if ( ! $this->has_ip_column( $wpdb ) ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
  return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD INDEX `ip` (`ip`)" );
+ * There are several problems with 2.3.3 => 2.4 that this attempts to cope with:
+ * - some sites have a misconfigured IP column
+ * - some sites don't have any IP column
  class Red_Database_240 extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
  public function get_stages() {
  return [
  'convert_int_ip_to_varchar_240' => 'Convert integer IP values to support IPv6',
+ 'expand_log_ip_column_240' => 'Expand IP size in logs to support IPv6',
  'convert_title_to_text_240' => 'Expand size of redirect titles',
  'add_missing_index_240' => 'Add missing IP index to 404 logs',
+ private function has_ip_index( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
+ if ( isset( $existing[1] ) && strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), 'key `ip` (' ) !== false ) {
+ return true;
  return false;
+ protected function has_varchar_ip( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
+ if ( isset( $existing[1] ) && strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), '`ip` varchar(45)' ) !== false ) {
+ return true;
  return false;
+ protected function has_int_ip( $wpdb ) {
  $existing = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404`", ARRAY_N );
+ if ( isset( $existing[1] ) && strpos( strtolower( $existing[1] ), '`ip` int' ) !== false ) {
+ return true;
+ return false;
  protected function convert_int_ip_to_varchar_240( $wpdb ) {
+ if ( $this->has_int_ip( $wpdb ) ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD `ipaddress` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `ip`" );
+ $this->do_query( $wpdb, "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404 SET ipaddress=INET_NTOA(ip)" );
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` DROP `ip`" );
  return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` CHANGE `ipaddress` `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
  return true;
+ protected function expand_log_ip_column_240( $wpdb ) {
+ return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_logs` CHANGE `ip` `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
+ }
  protected function add_missing_index_240( $wpdb ) {
+ if ( $this->has_ip_index( $wpdb ) ) {
+ // Remove index
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` DROP INDEX ip" );
+ // Ensure we have an IP column
+ $this->convert_int_ip_to_varchar_240( $wpdb );
+ if ( ! $this->has_varchar_ip( $wpdb ) ) {
  $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD `ip` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL" );
+ // Finally add the index
  return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404` ADD INDEX `ip` (`ip`)" );
database/schema/400.php ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ <?php
+ class Red_Database_400 extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
+ public function get_stages() {
+ return [
+ 'add_match_url_400' => 'Add a matched URL column',
+ 'add_redirect_data_400' => 'Add column to store new flags',
+ 'convert_existing_urls_400' => 'Convert existing URLs to new format',
+ ];
+ }
+ protected function add_match_url_400( $wpdb ) {
+ $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` ADD `match_url` VARCHAR(2000) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `url`" );
+ return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` ADD INDEX `match_url` (`match_url`)" );
+ }
+ protected function add_redirect_data_400( $wpdb ) {
+ return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` ADD `match_data` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `match_url`" );
+ }
+ protected function convert_existing_urls_400( $wpdb ) {
+ // All regex get match_url=regex
+ $this->do_query( $wpdb, "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` SET match_url='regex' WHERE regex=1" );
+ // Lowercase, trim trailing, and remove query params
+ $this->do_query( $wpdb, "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` SET match_url=TRIM(TRAILING '/' FROM SUBSTRING_INDEX(LOWER(url), '?', 1)) WHERE regex=0" );
+ // Any URL that is now empty becomes /
+ return $this->do_query( $wpdb, "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items` SET match_url='/' WHERE match_url=''" );
+ }
+ }
database/schema/latest.php CHANGED
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ class Red_Latest_Database extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
  return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$prefix}redirection_items` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `url` mediumtext NOT NULL,
  `regex` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `position` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
@@ -190,7 +192,8 @@ class Red_Latest_Database extends Red_Database_Upgrader {
  KEY `status` (`status`),
  KEY `regex` (`regex`),
  KEY `group_idpos` (`group_id`,`position`),
- KEY `group` (`group_id`)
  ) $charset_collate";
  return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$prefix}redirection_items` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `url` mediumtext NOT NULL,
+ `match_url` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `match_data` text,
  `regex` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `position` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  KEY `status` (`status`),
  KEY `regex` (`regex`),
  KEY `group_idpos` (`group_id`,`position`),
+ KEY `group` (`group_id`),
+ KEY `match_url` (`match_url`(191))
  ) $charset_collate";
fileio/nginx.php CHANGED
@@ -49,53 +49,60 @@ class Red_Nginx_File extends Red_FileIO {
  $target = 'add_' . $item->get_match_type();
  if ( method_exists( $this, $target ) ) {
- return ' ' . $this->$target( $item, $item->match );
  return false;
- private function add_url( Red_Item $item ) {
- return $this->add_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->get_action_data(), $this->get_redirect_code( $item ) );
- private function add_agent( Red_Item $item ) {
  if ( $item->match->url_from ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_user_agent ~* ^' . $item->match->user_agent . '$ ) {';
- $lines[] = ' ' . $this->add_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_from, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ) );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  if ( $item->match->url_notfrom ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_user_agent !~* ^' . $item->match->user_agent . '$ ) {';
- $lines[] = ' ' . $this->add_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_notfrom, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ) );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  return implode( "\n", $lines );
- private function add_referrer( Red_Item $item ) {
  if ( $item->match->url_from ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_referer ~* ^' . $item->match->referrer . '$ ) {';
- $lines[] = ' ' . $this->add_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_from, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ) );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  if ( $item->match->url_notfrom ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_referer !~* ^' . $item->match->referrer . '$ ) {';
- $lines[] = ' ' . $this->add_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_notfrom, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ) );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  return implode( "\n", $lines );
- private function add_redirect( $source, $target, $code ) {
- $source = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\t].*?$/s", '', $source );
- $source = preg_replace( '/[^\PC\s]/u', '', $source );
  $target = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\t].*?$/s", '', $target );
  $target = preg_replace( '/[^\PC\s]/u', '', $target );
- return 'rewrite ^' . $source . '$ ' . $target . ' ' . $code . ';';
  $target = 'add_' . $item->get_match_type();
  if ( method_exists( $this, $target ) ) {
+ return ' ' . $this->$target( $item, $item->get_match_data() );
  return false;
+ private function add_url( Red_Item $item, array $match_data ) {
+ return $this->get_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->get_action_data(), $this->get_redirect_code( $item ), $match_data['source'] );
+ private function add_agent( Red_Item $item, array $match_data ) {
  if ( $item->match->url_from ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_user_agent ~* ^' . $item->match->user_agent . '$ ) {';
+ $lines[] = ' ' . $this->get_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_from, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ), $match_data['source'] );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  if ( $item->match->url_notfrom ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_user_agent !~* ^' . $item->match->user_agent . '$ ) {';
+ $lines[] = ' ' . $this->get_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_notfrom, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ), $match_data['source'] );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  return implode( "\n", $lines );
+ private function add_referrer( Red_Item $item, array $match_data ) {
  if ( $item->match->url_from ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_referer ~* ^' . $item->match->referrer . '$ ) {';
+ $lines[] = ' ' . $this->get_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_from, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ), $match_data['source'] );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  if ( $item->match->url_notfrom ) {
  $lines[] = 'if ( $http_referer !~* ^' . $item->match->referrer . '$ ) {';
+ $lines[] = ' ' . $this->get_redirect( $item->get_url(), $item->match->url_notfrom, $this->get_redirect_code( $item ), $match_data['source'] );
  $lines[] = ' }';
  return implode( "\n", $lines );
+ private function get_redirect( $line, $target, $code, $source ) {
+ if ( isset( $source['flag_case'] ) && $source['flag_case'] ) {
+ $line = '(?i)^' . $line;
+ } else {
+ $line = '^' . $line;
+ }
+ $line = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\t].*?$/s", '', $line );
+ $line = preg_replace( '/[^\PC\s]/u', '', $line );
  $target = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\t].*?$/s", '', $target );
  $target = preg_replace( '/[^\PC\s]/u', '', $target );
+ return 'rewrite ' . $line . '$ ' . $target . ' ' . $code . ';';
locale/json/redirection-de_DE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":[""],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Weiterleitungstester"],"Target":["Ziel"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["Die URL wird nicht mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL wird mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"Unable to load details":["Die Details konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":[""],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":[""],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":[""],"(beta)":["(Beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Erzwinge eine Umleitung von HTTP zu HTTPS. Bitte stelle sicher, dass HTTPS funktioniert, bevor du es aktivierst"],"Force HTTPS":["Erzwinge HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["DSGVO / Datenschutzinformationen"],"Add New":[""],"Please logout and login again.":["Bitte logge dich aus und erneut ein."],"URL and role/capability":[""],"URL and server":["URL und Server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relativ /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Standard /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":[""],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Beachte, dass du HTTP-Header an PHP übergeben musst. Bitte wende dich an deinen Hosting-Anbieter, um Unterstützung zu erhalten."],"Accept Language":["Akzeptiere Sprache"],"Header value":["Wert im Header "],"Header name":["Header Name "],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress Filter Name "],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-Wert"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-Name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":[""],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL und HTTP-Header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL und benutzerdefinierter Filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL und Cookie"],"404 deleted":[""],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":[""],"REST API":["REST-API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Wie Redirection die REST-API verwendet - ändere das nur, wenn es unbedingt erforderlich ist"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":[""],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["Die WordPress-REST-API funktioniert unter %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":[""],"Device":["Gerät"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":[""],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":["Keine IP-Protokollierung"],"Full IP logging":["Vollständige IP-Protokollierung"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisiere IP (maskiere letzten Teil)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Änderungen überwachen für %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP-Protokollierung"],"(select IP logging level)":["(IP-Protokollierungsstufe wählen)"],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":[""],"Referrer / User Agent":[""],"Geo IP Error":[""],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":[""],"Geo IP":[""],"City":[""],"Area":[""],"Timezone":["Zeitzone"],"Geo Location":[""],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[""],"Trash":["Papierkorb"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du unter {{site}}{{/site}}. Solltest du Fragen oder Probleme mit dem Plugin haben, durchsuche bitte zunächst die {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Wenn du einen Bug mitteilen möchtest, lies bitte zunächst unseren {{report}}Bug Report Leitfaden{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Nachricht öffentlich sichtbar ist, dann sende sie bitte per {{email}}E-Mail{{/email}} - sende so viele Informationen, wie möglich."],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":["Eine Stunde"],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Wie lange weitergeleitete 301 URLs im Cache gehalten werden sollen (per \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Möchtest du wirklich von %s importieren?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importer"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Folgende Redirect Plugins, von denen importiert werden kann, wurden auf deiner Website gefunden."],"total = ":["Total = "],"Import from %s":["Import von %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":["Plugin-Status"],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":[""],"Libraries":["Bibliotheken"],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":[""],"Delete 404s":[""],"Delete all from IP %s":[""],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to create group":[""],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":[""],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":[""],"The following tables are missing:":[""],"All tables present":[""],"Cached Redirection detected":[""],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":[""],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":[""],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress hat keine Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass ein Fehler aufgetreten ist oder dass die Anfrage blockiert wurde. Bitte überprüfe Deinen Server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Füge diese Angaben in deinem Bericht {{strong}} zusammen mit einer Beschreibung dessen ein, was du getan hast{{/ strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":["Lädt, bitte warte..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection funktioniert nicht. Versuche, Deinen Browser-Cache zu löschen und diese Seite neu zu laden."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":["E-Mail"],"Important details":["Wichtige Details"],"Need help?":["Hilfe benötigt?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":[""],"410 - Gone":["410 - Entfernt"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":["Apache Modul"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":[""],"Import to group":["Importiere in Gruppe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importiere eine CSV, .htaccess oder JSON Datei."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicke auf 'Datei hinzufügen' oder Drag & Drop hier."],"Add File":["Datei hinzufügen"],"File selected":["Datei ausgewählt"],"Importing":["Importiere"],"Finished importing":["Importieren beendet"],"Total redirects imported:":["Umleitungen importiert:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Überprüfe, ob die Datei das richtige Format hat!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Schließen"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Alle Importe werden der aktuellen Datenbank hinzugefügt."],"Export":["Exportieren"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":[""],"Everything":["Alles"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress Weiterleitungen"],"Apache redirects":["Apache Weiterleitungen"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx Weiterleitungen"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":[""],"View":["Anzeigen"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Protokolldateien können aus den Protokollseiten exportiert werden."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Protokolldateien"],"404 errors":["404 Fehler"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":[""],"Support 💰":["Unterstützen 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Umleitung gespeichert"],"Log deleted":["Log gelöscht"],"Settings saved":["Einstellungen gespeichert"],"Group saved":["Gruppe gespeichert"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Eintrag löschen möchtest?","Bist du sicher, dass du diese Einträge löschen möchtest?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Alle Gruppen"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301- Dauerhaft verschoben"],"302 - Found":["302 - Gefunden"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Zeitweise Umleitung"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Dauerhafte Umleitung"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unautorisiert"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nicht gefunden"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":[""],"with HTTP code":["mit HTTP Code"],"Show advanced options":["Zeige erweiterte Optionen"],"Matched Target":["Passendes Ziel"],"Unmatched Target":["Unpassendes Ziel"],"Saving...":["Speichern..."],"View notice":["Hinweis anzeigen"],"Invalid source URL":["Ungültige Quell URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ungültige Umleitungsaktion"],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":[""],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Etwas ist schiefgelaufen 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Ich habe versucht, etwas zu tun und es ging schief. Es kann eine vorübergehendes Problem sein und wenn du es nochmal probierst, könnte es funktionieren - toll!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log Einträge (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Suche nach IP"],"Select bulk action":[""],"Bulk Actions":[""],"Apply":["Anwenden"],"First page":["Erste Seite"],"Prev page":["Vorige Seite"],"Current Page":["Aktuelle Seite"],"of %(page)s":["von %(Seite)n"],"Next page":["Nächste Seite"],"Last page":["Letzte Seite"],"%s item":["%s Eintrag","%s Einträge"],"Select All":["Alle auswählen"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Entschuldigung, etwas ist beim Laden der Daten schief gelaufen - bitte versuche es erneut"],"No results":["Keine Ergebnisse"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Logs löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Einmal gelöscht, sind deine aktuellen Logs nicht mehr verfügbar. Du kannst einen Zeitplan zur Löschung in den Redirection Einstellungen setzen, wenn du dies automatisch machen möchtest."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Ja! Lösche die Logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nein! Lösche die Logs nicht"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[""],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":[""],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Deine E-Mail Adresse:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du hast dieses Plugin bereits unterstützt - vielen Dank!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du erhältst nützliche Software und ich komme dazu, sie besser zu machen."],"Forever":["Dauerhaft"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Plugin löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Löschen des Plugins entfernt alle deine Weiterleitungen, Logs und Einstellungen. Tu dies, falls du das Plugin dauerhaft entfernen möchtest oder um das Plugin zurückzusetzen."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Einmal gelöscht, werden deine Weiterleitungen nicht mehr funktionieren. Falls sie es dennoch tun sollten, leere bitte deinen Browser Cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Lösche das Plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nein! Lösche das Plugin nicht"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Verwalte alle 301-Umleitungen und 404-Fehler."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Unleitung Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Auswählen dieser Option löscht alle Umleitungen, alle Logs, und alle Optionen, die mit dem Umleitungs-Plugin verbunden sind. Stelle sicher, das du das wirklich möchtest."],"Delete Redirection":["Umleitung löschen"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Import":["Importieren"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"Auto-generate URL":["Selbsterstellte URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Einzigartiges Token, das RSS-Klienten Zugang zum Umleitung-Log-Feed gewährt. (freilassen, um automatisch zu generieren)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404-Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(Dauer, für die die Logs behalten werden)"],"Redirect Logs":["Umleitungs-Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Ich bin eine nette Person und ich helfe dem Autor des Plugins"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Optionen"],"Two months":["zwei Monate"],"A month":["ein Monat"],"A week":["eine Woche"],"A day":["einen Tag"],"No logs":["Keine Logs"],"Delete All":["Alle löschen"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Benutze Gruppen, um deine Umleitungen zu ordnen. Gruppen werden einem Modul zugeordnet, dies beeinflusst, wie die Umleitungen in der jeweiligen Gruppe funktionieren. Falls du unsicher bist, bleib beim WordPress-Modul."],"Add Group":["Gruppe hinzufügen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Match":["Passend"],"Add new redirection":["Eine neue Weiterleitung hinzufügen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Error (404)":["Fehler (404)"],"Pass-through":["Durchreichen"],"Redirect to random post":["Umleitung zu zufälligen Beitrag"],"Redirect to URL":["Umleitung zur URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Ungültige Gruppe für die Erstellung der Umleitung"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL-Quelle"],"Date":["Zeitpunkt"],"Add Redirect":["Umleitung hinzufügen"],"All modules":["Alle Module"],"View Redirects":["Weiterleitungen anschauen"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Umleitungen"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Treffer zurücksetzen"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Last Access":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Hits":["Treffer"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Typ"],"Modified Posts":["Geänderte Beiträge"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL und User-Agent"],"Target URL":["Ziel-URL"],"URL only":["Nur URL"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Vermittler"],"URL and referrer":["URL und Vermittler"],"Logged Out":["Ausgeloggt"],"Logged In":["Eingeloggt"],"URL and login status":["URL- und Loginstatus"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":[""],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Weiterleitungstester"],"Target":["Ziel"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["Die URL wird nicht mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL wird mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"Unable to load details":["Die Details konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":[""],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":[""],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":[""],"(beta)":["(Beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Erzwinge eine Umleitung von HTTP zu HTTPS. Bitte stelle sicher, dass HTTPS funktioniert, bevor du es aktivierst"],"Force HTTPS":["Erzwinge HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["DSGVO / Datenschutzinformationen"],"Add New":[""],"Please logout and login again.":["Bitte logge dich aus und erneut ein."],"URL and role/capability":[""],"URL and server":["URL und Server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":[""],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Beachte, dass du HTTP-Header an PHP übergeben musst. Bitte wende dich an deinen Hosting-Anbieter, um Unterstützung zu erhalten."],"Accept Language":["Akzeptiere Sprache"],"Header value":["Wert im Header "],"Header name":["Header Name "],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress Filter Name "],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-Wert"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-Name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":[""],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL und HTTP-Header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL und benutzerdefinierter Filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL und Cookie"],"404 deleted":[""],"REST API":["REST-API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Wie Redirection die REST-API verwendet - ändere das nur, wenn es unbedingt erforderlich ist"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":[""],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["Die WordPress-REST-API funktioniert unter %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":[""],"Device":["Gerät"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":[""],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":["Keine IP-Protokollierung"],"Full IP logging":["Vollständige IP-Protokollierung"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisiere IP (maskiere letzten Teil)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Änderungen überwachen für %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP-Protokollierung"],"(select IP logging level)":["(IP-Protokollierungsstufe wählen)"],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":[""],"Referrer / User Agent":[""],"Geo IP Error":[""],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":[""],"Geo IP":[""],"City":[""],"Area":[""],"Timezone":["Zeitzone"],"Geo Location":[""],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[""],"Trash":["Papierkorb"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du unter {{site}}{{/site}}. Solltest du Fragen oder Probleme mit dem Plugin haben, durchsuche bitte zunächst die {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Wenn du einen Bug mitteilen möchtest, lies bitte zunächst unseren {{report}}Bug Report Leitfaden{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Nachricht öffentlich sichtbar ist, dann sende sie bitte per {{email}}E-Mail{{/email}} - sende so viele Informationen, wie möglich."],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":["Eine Stunde"],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Wie lange weitergeleitete 301 URLs im Cache gehalten werden sollen (per \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Möchtest du wirklich von %s importieren?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importer"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Folgende Redirect Plugins, von denen importiert werden kann, wurden auf deiner Website gefunden."],"total = ":["Total = "],"Import from %s":["Import von %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":["Plugin-Status"],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":[""],"Libraries":["Bibliotheken"],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":[""],"Delete 404s":[""],"Delete all from IP %s":[""],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to create group":[""],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":[""],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":[""],"The following tables are missing:":[""],"All tables present":[""],"Cached Redirection detected":[""],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":[""],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":[""],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress hat keine Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass ein Fehler aufgetreten ist oder dass die Anfrage blockiert wurde. Bitte überprüfe Deinen Server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Füge diese Angaben in deinem Bericht {{strong}} zusammen mit einer Beschreibung dessen ein, was du getan hast{{/ strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":["Lädt, bitte warte..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection funktioniert nicht. Versuche, Deinen Browser-Cache zu löschen und diese Seite neu zu laden."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":["E-Mail"],"Important details":["Wichtige Details"],"Need help?":["Hilfe benötigt?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":[""],"410 - Gone":["410 - Entfernt"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":["Apache Modul"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":[""],"Import to group":["Importiere in Gruppe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importiere eine CSV, .htaccess oder JSON Datei."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicke auf 'Datei hinzufügen' oder Drag & Drop hier."],"Add File":["Datei hinzufügen"],"File selected":["Datei ausgewählt"],"Importing":["Importiere"],"Finished importing":["Importieren beendet"],"Total redirects imported:":["Umleitungen importiert:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Überprüfe, ob die Datei das richtige Format hat!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Schließen"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Alle Importe werden der aktuellen Datenbank hinzugefügt."],"Export":["Exportieren"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":[""],"Everything":["Alles"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress Weiterleitungen"],"Apache redirects":["Apache Weiterleitungen"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx Weiterleitungen"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":[""],"View":["Anzeigen"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Protokolldateien können aus den Protokollseiten exportiert werden."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Protokolldateien"],"404 errors":["404 Fehler"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":[""],"Support 💰":["Unterstützen 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Umleitung gespeichert"],"Log deleted":["Log gelöscht"],"Settings saved":["Einstellungen gespeichert"],"Group saved":["Gruppe gespeichert"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Eintrag löschen möchtest?","Bist du sicher, dass du diese Einträge löschen möchtest?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Alle Gruppen"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301- Dauerhaft verschoben"],"302 - Found":["302 - Gefunden"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Zeitweise Umleitung"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Dauerhafte Umleitung"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unautorisiert"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nicht gefunden"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":[""],"with HTTP code":["mit HTTP Code"],"Show advanced options":["Zeige erweiterte Optionen"],"Matched Target":["Passendes Ziel"],"Unmatched Target":["Unpassendes Ziel"],"Saving...":["Speichern..."],"View notice":["Hinweis anzeigen"],"Invalid source URL":["Ungültige Quell URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ungültige Umleitungsaktion"],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":[""],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Etwas ist schiefgelaufen 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Ich habe versucht, etwas zu tun und es ging schief. Es kann eine vorübergehendes Problem sein und wenn du es nochmal probierst, könnte es funktionieren - toll!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log Einträge (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Suche nach IP"],"Select bulk action":[""],"Bulk Actions":[""],"Apply":["Anwenden"],"First page":["Erste Seite"],"Prev page":["Vorige Seite"],"Current Page":["Aktuelle Seite"],"of %(page)s":["von %(Seite)n"],"Next page":["Nächste Seite"],"Last page":["Letzte Seite"],"%s item":["%s Eintrag","%s Einträge"],"Select All":["Alle auswählen"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Entschuldigung, etwas ist beim Laden der Daten schief gelaufen - bitte versuche es erneut"],"No results":["Keine Ergebnisse"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Logs löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Einmal gelöscht, sind deine aktuellen Logs nicht mehr verfügbar. Du kannst einen Zeitplan zur Löschung in den Redirection Einstellungen setzen, wenn du dies automatisch machen möchtest."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Ja! Lösche die Logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nein! Lösche die Logs nicht"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[""],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":[""],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Deine E-Mail Adresse:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du hast dieses Plugin bereits unterstützt - vielen Dank!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du erhältst nützliche Software und ich komme dazu, sie besser zu machen."],"Forever":["Dauerhaft"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Plugin löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Löschen des Plugins entfernt alle deine Weiterleitungen, Logs und Einstellungen. Tu dies, falls du das Plugin dauerhaft entfernen möchtest oder um das Plugin zurückzusetzen."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Einmal gelöscht, werden deine Weiterleitungen nicht mehr funktionieren. Falls sie es dennoch tun sollten, leere bitte deinen Browser Cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Lösche das Plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nein! Lösche das Plugin nicht"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Verwalte alle 301-Umleitungen und 404-Fehler."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Unleitung Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Auswählen dieser Option löscht alle Umleitungen, alle Logs, und alle Optionen, die mit dem Umleitungs-Plugin verbunden sind. Stelle sicher, das du das wirklich möchtest."],"Delete Redirection":["Umleitung löschen"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Import":["Importieren"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"Auto-generate URL":["Selbsterstellte URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Einzigartiges Token, das RSS-Klienten Zugang zum Umleitung-Log-Feed gewährt. (freilassen, um automatisch zu generieren)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404-Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(Dauer, für die die Logs behalten werden)"],"Redirect Logs":["Umleitungs-Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Ich bin eine nette Person und ich helfe dem Autor des Plugins"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Optionen"],"Two months":["zwei Monate"],"A month":["ein Monat"],"A week":["eine Woche"],"A day":["einen Tag"],"No logs":["Keine Logs"],"Delete All":["Alle löschen"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Benutze Gruppen, um deine Umleitungen zu ordnen. Gruppen werden einem Modul zugeordnet, dies beeinflusst, wie die Umleitungen in der jeweiligen Gruppe funktionieren. Falls du unsicher bist, bleib beim WordPress-Modul."],"Add Group":["Gruppe hinzufügen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Match":["Passend"],"Add new redirection":["Eine neue Weiterleitung hinzufügen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Error (404)":["Fehler (404)"],"Pass-through":["Durchreichen"],"Redirect to random post":["Umleitung zu zufälligen Beitrag"],"Redirect to URL":["Umleitung zur URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Ungültige Gruppe für die Erstellung der Umleitung"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL-Quelle"],"Date":["Zeitpunkt"],"Add Redirect":["Umleitung hinzufügen"],"All modules":["Alle Module"],"View Redirects":["Weiterleitungen anschauen"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Umleitungen"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Treffer zurücksetzen"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Last Access":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Hits":["Treffer"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Typ"],"Modified Posts":["Geänderte Beiträge"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL und User-Agent"],"Target URL":["Ziel-URL"],"URL only":["Nur URL"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Vermittler"],"URL and referrer":["URL und Vermittler"],"Logged Out":["Ausgeloggt"],"Logged In":["Eingeloggt"],"URL and login status":["URL- und Loginstatus"]}
locale/json/redirection-en_AU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relative /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Default /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
locale/json/redirection-en_CA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features."],"Redirection database needs updating":["Redirection database needs updating"],"Update Required":["Update Required"],"I need some support!":["I need some support!"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"Checking your REST API":["Checking your REST API"],"Retry":["Retry"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Caching software, for example Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["A server firewall or other server configuration"],"A security plugin":["A security plugin"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"],"The target URL is the new URL":["The target URL is the new URL"],"The source URL is your old or original URL":["The source URL is your old or original URL"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Failed to perform query \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relative /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Default /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymize IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features."],"Redirection database needs updating":["Redirection database needs updating"],"Update Required":["Update Required"],"I need some support!":["I need some support!"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"Checking your REST API":["Checking your REST API"],"Retry":["Retry"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Caching software, for example Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["A server firewall or other server configuration"],"A security plugin":["A security plugin"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Failed to perform query \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymize IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
locale/json/redirection-en_GB.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relative /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Default /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["User Agent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown User Agent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["User Agent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["User Agent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown User Agent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["User Agent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
locale/json/redirection-en_NZ.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relative /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Default /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Delete all logs for these entries"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Delete all logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["What does this mean?"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["The target URL you want to redirect to if matched"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling"],"Force HTTPS":["Force HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Privacy information"],"Add New":["Add New"],"Please logout and login again.":["Please logout and login again."],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"None of the suggestions helped":["None of the suggestions helped"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API is working at %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API is not working so routes not checked"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection routes are working"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection routes"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"(select IP logging level)":["(select IP logging level)"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referrer / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Delete 404s":["Delete 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Delete all from IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Delete all matching \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Unable to create group"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["The data on this page has expired, please reload."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":["Important details"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"Apache Module":["Apache Module"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All imports will be appended to the current database."],"Export":["Export"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups)."],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["View"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Log files can be exported from the log pages."],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Invalid source URL":["Invalid source URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Invalid redirect action"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Invalid redirect matcher"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Unable to add new redirect"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Search by IP":["Search by IP"],"Select bulk action":["Select bulk action"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Delete the logs - are you sure?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Yes! Delete the logs"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Don't delete the logs"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Delete All":["Delete All"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Invalid group when creating redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"All modules":["All modules"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}
locale/json/redirection-es_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["Tu base de datos actual es la versión %(current)s, la última es %(latest)s. Por favor, actualiza para utilizar las nuevas funciones."],"Redirection database needs updating":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Update Required":["Actualización obligatoria"],"I need some support!":["¡Necesito algo de ayuda!"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"Checking your REST API":["Comprobando tu REST API"],"Retry":["Reintentar"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Software de caché, por ejemplo Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor"],"A security plugin":["Un plugin de seguridad"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacena información IP para redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guarda un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{{/link}}, obtener información detallada sobre el visitante, y solucionar cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":["Eso es todo lo que hay que hacer - ¡ya estás redireccionando!"],"The target URL is the new URL":["La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"The source URL is your old or original URL":["La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL):"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["Esto redireccionará todo, incluyendo las páginas de inicio de sesión. Por favor, asegúrate de que quieres hacer esto."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la casilla de verificación \"regex\" si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Fallo al realizar la consulta \"%s\"."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Borrar todos los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Borrar todos los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Si agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["¿Qué significa esto?"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["La URL de destino a la que quieres redirigir si coincide"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forzar redirección de HTTP a HTTPs. Antes de activarlo asegúrate de que HTTPS funciona"],"Force HTTPS":["Forzar HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["Información de RGPD / Provacidad"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"Please logout and login again.":["Cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar, por favor."],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Relative /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ relativo"],"Default /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ por defecto"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Si no puedes hacer que funcione nada entonces Redirection puede tener dificultades para comunicarse con tu servidor. Puedes intentar cambiar manualmente este ajuste:"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Sin modificar /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a que tu REST API no funciona, o por otro plugin o tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection no puede conectar con tu REST API{{/link}}. Si la has desactivado entonces necesitarás activarla."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Un software de seguridad podría estar bloqueando Redirection{{/link}}. Deberías configurarlo para permitir peticiones de la REST API."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Ninguna de las sugerencias ha ayudado"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["La REST API de WordPress está funcionando en %s"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["La REST API no está funcionando, así que las rutas no se comprueban"],"Redirection routes are working":["Las rutas de redirección están funcionando"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection no aparece en las rutas de tu REST API. ¿La has desactivado con un plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Rutas de redirección"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["La REST API de tu WordPress está desactivada. Necesitarás activarla para que Redirection continúe funcionando"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorizar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(seleccionar el nivel de registro de IP)"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Procedencia / Agente de usuario"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1s, estás usando v%2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Monitorizar el cambio de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Delete 404s":["Borrar 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Borra todo de la IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Borra todo lo que tenga \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["El servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás cambiarla antes de continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["No fue posible crear el grupo"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de monitoreo de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de monitoreo de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de monitoreo de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Los datos de esta página han caducado, por favor, recarga."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Tu servidor devolvió un error de 403 Prohibido, que podría indicar que se bloqueó la petición. ¿Estás usando un cortafuegos o un plugin de seguridad?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe {strong}}junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Si es un problema nuevo entonces, por favor, o {{strong}}crea un aviso de nuevo problema{{/strong}} o envía un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}. Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas tratando de hacer y de los importantes detalles listados abajo. Por favor, incluye una captura de pantalla."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Important details":["Detalles importantes"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"Apache Module":["Módulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Introduce la ruta completa y el nombre del archivo si quieres que Redirection actualice automáticamente tu {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Todas las importaciones se añadirán a la base de datos actual."],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection (que contenga todas las redirecciones y grupos)."],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON de Redirection"],"View":["Ver"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Los archivos de registro se pueden exportar desde las páginas de registro."],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Por favor, menciona {{code}}%s{{/code}}, y explica lo que estabas haciendo en ese momento"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este elemento?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar estos elementos?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Invalid source URL":["URL de origen no válida"],"Invalid redirect action":["Acción de redirección no válida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Coincidencia de redirección no válida"],"Unable to add new redirect":["No ha sido posible añadir la nueva redirección"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Estaba tratando de hacer algo cuando ocurrió un fallo. Puede ser un problema temporal, y si lo intentas hacer de nuevo puede que funcione - ¡genial! "],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Search by IP":["Buscar por IP"],"Select bulk action":["Elegir acción en lote"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Borrar los registros - ¿estás seguro?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Una vez se borren tus registros actuales ya no estarán disponibles. Puedes configurar una programación de borrado desde las opciones de Redirection si quieres hacer esto automáticamente."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["¡Sí! Borra los registros"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["¡No! No borres los registros"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y monitoriza tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Soporte del plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Delete All":["Borrar todo"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Grupo no válido a la hora de crear la redirección"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"All modules":["Todos los módulos"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Eliminar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":["¡Eso es todo - ya estás redireccionando! Observa que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo - no puedes introducir ahí una redirección."],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %s, necesita PHP 5.4+"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["Tu base de datos actual es la versión %(current)s, la última es %(latest)s. Por favor, actualiza para utilizar las nuevas funciones."],"Redirection database needs updating":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Update Required":["Actualización obligatoria"],"I need some support!":["¡Necesito algo de ayuda!"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"Checking your REST API":["Comprobando tu REST API"],"Retry":["Reintentar"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Software de caché, por ejemplo Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor"],"A security plugin":["Un plugin de seguridad"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacena información IP para redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guarda un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{{/link}}, obtener información detallada sobre el visitante, y solucionar cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["Esto redireccionará todo, incluyendo las páginas de inicio de sesión. Por favor, asegúrate de que quieres hacer esto."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la casilla de verificación \"regex\" si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Fallo al realizar la consulta \"%s\"."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Borrar todos los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Borrar todos los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Si agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["¿Qué significa esto?"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["La URL de destino a la que quieres redirigir si coincide"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forzar redirección de HTTP a HTTPs. Antes de activarlo asegúrate de que HTTPS funciona"],"Force HTTPS":["Forzar HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["Información de RGPD / Provacidad"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"Please logout and login again.":["Cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar, por favor."],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Si no puedes hacer que funcione nada entonces Redirection puede tener dificultades para comunicarse con tu servidor. Puedes intentar cambiar manualmente este ajuste:"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a que tu REST API no funciona, o por otro plugin o tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection no puede conectar con tu REST API{{/link}}. Si la has desactivado entonces necesitarás activarla."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Un software de seguridad podría estar bloqueando Redirection{{/link}}. Deberías configurarlo para permitir peticiones de la REST API."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Ninguna de las sugerencias ha ayudado"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["La REST API de WordPress está funcionando en %s"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["La REST API no está funcionando, así que las rutas no se comprueban"],"Redirection routes are working":["Las rutas de redirección están funcionando"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection no aparece en las rutas de tu REST API. ¿La has desactivado con un plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Rutas de redirección"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["La REST API de tu WordPress está desactivada. Necesitarás activarla para que Redirection continúe funcionando"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorizar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(seleccionar el nivel de registro de IP)"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Procedencia / Agente de usuario"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1s, estás usando v%2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Monitorizar el cambio de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Delete 404s":["Borrar 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Borra todo de la IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Borra todo lo que tenga \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["El servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás cambiarla antes de continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["No fue posible crear el grupo"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de monitoreo de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de monitoreo de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de monitoreo de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Los datos de esta página han caducado, por favor, recarga."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Tu servidor devolvió un error de 403 Prohibido, que podría indicar que se bloqueó la petición. ¿Estás usando un cortafuegos o un plugin de seguridad?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe {strong}}junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Si es un problema nuevo entonces, por favor, o {{strong}}crea un aviso de nuevo problema{{/strong}} o envía un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}. Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas tratando de hacer y de los importantes detalles listados abajo. Por favor, incluye una captura de pantalla."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Important details":["Detalles importantes"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"Apache Module":["Módulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Introduce la ruta completa y el nombre del archivo si quieres que Redirection actualice automáticamente tu {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Todas las importaciones se añadirán a la base de datos actual."],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection (que contenga todas las redirecciones y grupos)."],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON de Redirection"],"View":["Ver"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Los archivos de registro se pueden exportar desde las páginas de registro."],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Por favor, menciona {{code}}%s{{/code}}, y explica lo que estabas haciendo en ese momento"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este elemento?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar estos elementos?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Invalid source URL":["URL de origen no válida"],"Invalid redirect action":["Acción de redirección no válida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Coincidencia de redirección no válida"],"Unable to add new redirect":["No ha sido posible añadir la nueva redirección"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Estaba tratando de hacer algo cuando ocurrió un fallo. Puede ser un problema temporal, y si lo intentas hacer de nuevo puede que funcione - ¡genial! "],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Search by IP":["Buscar por IP"],"Select bulk action":["Elegir acción en lote"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Borrar los registros - ¿estás seguro?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Una vez se borren tus registros actuales ya no estarán disponibles. Puedes configurar una programación de borrado desde las opciones de Redirection si quieres hacer esto automáticamente."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["¡Sí! Borra los registros"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["¡No! No borres los registros"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y monitoriza tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Soporte del plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Delete All":["Borrar todo"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Grupo no válido a la hora de crear la redirección"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"All modules":["Todos los módulos"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Eliminar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}
locale/json/redirection-fr_FR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":["Mise à jour nécessaire"],"I need some support!":["J’ai besoin d’aide !"],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":["Réessayer"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":["Veuillez activer JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Veuillez mettre à niveau votre base de données"],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Veuillez ne pas essayer de rediriger toutes vos 404 - ce n’est pas une bonne chose à faire."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Seul le type de page 404 est actuellement supporté."],"Page Type":["Type de page"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Saisissez les adresses IP (une par ligne)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Décrivez le but de cette redirection (facultatif)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Je suis une théière"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Interdit"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - mauvaise requête"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Non modifié"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Voir ailleurs"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Ne rien faire (ignorer)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL cible si aucune correspondance (laisser vide pour ignorer)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL cible si il y a une correspondance (laisser vide pour ignorer)"],"Show All":["Tout afficher"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Supprimer les journaux pour ces entrées"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Supprimer les journaux pour cet entrée"],"Delete Log Entries":["Supprimer les entrées du journal"],"Group by IP":["Grouper par IP"],"Group by URL":["Grouper par URL"],"No grouping":["Aucun regroupement"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorer l’URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquer l’IP"],"Redirect All":["Tout rediriger"],"Count":["Compter"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL et type de page WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL et IP"],"Problem":["Problème"],"Good":["Bon"],"Check":["Vérifier"],"Check Redirect":["Vérifier la redirection"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Vérifier la redirection pour : {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ?"],"Not using Redirection":["N’utilisant pas Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Utilisant Redirection"],"Found":["Trouvé"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(code)d{{/code}} vers {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Attendu"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Saisissez l’URL complète, avec http:// ou https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Parfois votre navigateur peut mettre en cache une URL, ce qui rend les diagnostics difficiles. Utilisez cet outil pour vérifier qu’une URL est réellement redirigée."],"Redirect Tester":["Testeur de redirection"],"Target":["Cible"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["L’URL n’est pas redirigée avec Redirection."],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["L’URL est redirigée avec Redirection."],"Unable to load details":["Impossible de charger les détails"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Saisissez l’URL du serveur à comparer avec"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Enter role or capability value":["Saisissez la valeur de rôle ou de capacité"],"Role":["Rôle"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Correspondance avec ce texte de référence du navigateur"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Correspondance avec cet agent utilisateur de navigateur"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["L’URL relative que vous voulez rediriger"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["L’URL cible vers laquelle vous voulez rediriger si elle a été trouvée."],"(beta)":["(bêta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forcer une redirection de HTTP vers HTTPS. Veuillez vous assurer que votre HTTPS fonctionne avant de l’activer."],"Force HTTPS":["Forcer HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["RGPD/information de confidentialité"],"Add New":["Ajouter une redirection"],"Please logout and login again.":["Veuillez vous déconnecter puis vous connecter à nouveau."],"URL and role/capability":["URL et rôle/capacité"],"URL and server":["URL et serveur"],"Relative /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ relatif"],"Default /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ par défaut"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Si vous ne pouvez pas faire fonctionne quoi que ce soit alors l’extension Redirection doit rencontrer des difficultés à communiquer avec votre serveur. Vous pouvez essayer de modifier ces réglages manuellement :"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocole du site et de l’accueil"],"Site and home are consistent":["Le site et l’accueil sont cohérents"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Sachez qu’il est de votre responsabilité de passer les en-têtes HTTP en PHP. Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur pour obtenir de l’aide."],"Accept Language":["Accepter la langue"],"Header value":["Valeur de l’en-tête"],"Header name":["Nom de l’en-tête"],"HTTP Header":["En-tête HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nom de filtre WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nom du filtre"],"Cookie value":["Valeur du cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nom du cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vider votre cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si vous utilisez un système de cache comme Cloudflare, veuillez lire ceci : "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL et en-tête HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL et filtre personnalisé"],"URL and cookie":["URL et cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 supprimée"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["/index.php?rest_route=/ brut"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Comment Redirection utilise l’API REST - ne pas changer sauf si nécessaire"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress a renvoyé un message inattendu. Cela peut être causé par votre API REST non fonctionnelle, ou par une autre extension ou thème."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Jetez un œil à {{link}}l’état de l’extension{{/link}}. Ça pourrait identifier et corriger le problème."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}L’extension Redirection ne peut pas communiquer avec l’API REST{{/link}}. Si vous l’avez désactivée alors vous devriez l’activer à nouveau."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Un programme de sécurité peut bloquer Redirection{{/link}}. Veuillez le configurer pour qu’il autorise les requêtes de l’API REST."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Les logiciels de cache{{/link}}, comme Cloudflare en particulier, peuvent mettre en cache les mauvais éléments. Essayez de vider tous vos caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Veuillez temporairement désactiver les autres extensions !{{/link}} Ça pourrait résoudre beaucoup de problèmes."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Aucune de ces suggestions n’a aidé"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Veuillez lire la <a href=\"\">liste de problèmes communs</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Impossible de charger Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["L’API REST WordPress fonctionne à %s"],"WordPress REST API":["API REST WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["L’API REST ne fonctionne pas. Les routes n’ont pas été vérifiées."],"Redirection routes are working":["Les redirections fonctionnent"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection n’apparait pas dans vos routes de l’API REST. L’avez-vous désactivée avec une extension ?"],"Redirection routes":["Routes de redirection"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Votre API REST WordPress a été désactivée. Vous devez l’activer pour que Redirection continue de fonctionner."],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Erreur de l’agent utilisateur"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agent utilisateur inconnu"],"Device":["Appareil"],"Operating System":["Système d’exploitation"],"Browser":["Navigateur"],"Engine":["Moteur"],"Useragent":["Agent utilisateur"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["Aucune IP journalisée"],"Full IP logging":["Connexion avec IP complète"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymiser l’IP (masquer la dernière partie)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorer les modifications de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Journalisation d’IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(sélectionnez le niveau de journalisation des IP)"],"Geo Info":["Informations géographiques"],"Agent Info":["Informations sur l’agent"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrer par IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Référent / Agent utilisateur"],"Geo IP Error":["Erreur de l’IP géographique"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Un problème est survenu lors de l’obtention de cette information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Cette IP provient d’un réseau privé. Elle fait partie du réseau d’un domicile ou d’une entreprise. Aucune autre information ne peut être affichée."],"No details are known for this address.":["Aucun détail n’est connu pour cette adresse."],"Geo IP":["IP géographique"],"City":["Ville"],"Area":["Zone"],"Timezone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Geo Location":["Emplacement géographique"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Propulsé par {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Corbeille"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Veuillez noter que Redirection utilise l’API REST de WordPress. Si vous l’avez désactivée, vous ne serez pas en mesure d’utiliser Redirection."],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Vous pouvez trouver une documentation complète à propos de l’utilisation de Redirection sur le site de support <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentation complète de Redirection est disponible sur {{site}}{{/site}}. En cas de problème, veuillez d’abord consulter la {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si vous souhaitez signaler un bogue, veuillez lire le guide {{report}}Reporting Bugs {{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si vous souhaitez soumettre des informations que vous ne voulez pas divulguer dans un dépôt public, envoyez-les directement via {{email}}e-mail{{/ email}} - en incluant autant d’informations que possible !"],"Never cache":["Jamais de cache"],"An hour":["Une heure"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache de redirection"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Combien de temps garder les URL redirigées en 301 dans le cache (via l’en-tête HTTP « Expires »)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Confirmez-vous l’importation depuis %s ?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importeurs d’extensions"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Les extensions de redirection suivantes ont été détectées sur votre site et peuvent être importées."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importer depuis %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection nécessite WordPress v%1$1s, vous utilisez v%2$2s - veuillez mettre à jour votre installation WordPress."],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["« Anciens slugs » de WordPress par défaut"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Créer une redirection associée (ajoutée à la fin de l’URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> n’est pas défini. Cela signifie généralement qu’une autre extension bloque le chargement de Redirection. Veuillez désactiver toutes les extensions et réessayer."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si le bouton magique ne fonctionne pas, veuillez lire l’erreur et voir si vous pouvez le réparer manuellement, sinon suivez la section « Besoin d’aide » ci-dessous."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Correction magique ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Statut de l’extension"],"Custom":["Personnalisé"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Lecteurs de flux"],"Libraries":["Librairies"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Surveiller la modification des URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Enregistrer les modifications apportées à ce groupe"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Par exemple « /amp »"],"URL Monitor":["URL à surveiller"],"Delete 404s":["Supprimer les pages 404"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Tout supprimer depuis l’IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Supprimer toutes les correspondances « %s »"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Votre serveur a rejeté la requête car elle est volumineuse. Veuillez la modifier pour continuer."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Vérifiez également si votre navigateur est capable de charger <code>redirection.js</code> :"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si vous utilisez une extension ou un service de mise en cache de pages (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.), vous pouvez également essayer de vider ce cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Impossible de charger Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Impossible de créer un groupe"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Le groupe de surveillance d’articles est valide"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Le groupe de surveillance d’articles est non valide"],"Post monitor group":["Groupe de surveillance d’article"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Toutes les redirections ont un groupe valide"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirections avec des groupes non valides détectées"],"Valid redirect group":["Groupe de redirection valide"],"Valid groups detected":["Groupes valides détectés"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Aucun groupe valide, vous ne pourrez pas créer de redirections."],"Valid groups":["Groupes valides"],"Database tables":["Tables de la base de données"],"The following tables are missing:":["Les tables suivantes sont manquantes :"],"All tables present":["Toutes les tables présentes"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Redirection en cache détectée"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Veuillez vider le cache de votre navigateur et recharger cette page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Les données de cette page ont expiré, veuillez la recharger."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress n’a pas renvoyé de réponse. Cela peut signifier qu’une erreur est survenue ou que la requête a été bloquée. Veuillez consulter les error_log de votre serveur."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Votre serveur renvoie une erreur 403 Forbidden indiquant que la requête pourrait avoir été bloquée. Utilisez-vous un firewall ou une extension de sécurité ?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Incluez ces détails dans votre rapport {{strong}}avec une description de ce que vous {{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si vous pensez que Redirection est en faute alors créez un rapport."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Cela peut être causé par une autre extension – regardez la console d’erreur de votre navigateur pour plus de détails."],"Loading, please wait...":["Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}Fichier au format CSV{{/strong}} : {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} – facultativement suivi par {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} {{code}}regex{{/code}} – mettez 0 pour non, 1 pour oui."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["L’extension Redirection ne fonctionne pas. Essayez de nettoyer votre cache navigateur puis rechargez cette page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si cela n’aide pas, ouvrez la console de votre navigateur et ouvrez un {{link}}nouveau ticket{{/link}} avec les détails."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Si cela est un nouveau problème veuillez soit {{strong}}créer un nouveau ticket{{/strong}}, soit l’envoyer par {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Mettez-y une description de ce que vous essayiez de faire et les détails importants listés ci-dessous. Veuillez inclure une capture d’écran."],"Create Issue":["Créer un rapport"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Important details":["Informations importantes"],"Need help?":["Besoin d’aide ?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Veuillez noter que tout support est fourni sur la base de mon temps libre et que cela n’est pas garanti. Je ne propose pas de support payant."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 – Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Utilisé pour générer une URL si aucune URL n’est donnée. Utilisez les étiquettes spéciales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} ou {{code}}$hex${{/code}} pour insérer un identifiant unique déjà utilisé."],"Apache Module":["Module Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Saisissez le chemin complet et le nom de fichier si vous souhaitez que Redirection mette à jour automatiquement votre {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importer dans le groupe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importer un fichier CSV, .htaccess ou JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Cliquer sur « ajouter un fichier » ou glisser-déposer ici."],"Add File":["Ajouter un fichier"],"File selected":["Fichier sélectionné"],"Importing":["Import"],"Finished importing":["Import terminé"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total des redirections importées :"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Vérifiez à deux fois si le fichier et dans le bon format !"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Fermer"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Tous les imports seront ajoutés à la base de données actuelle."],"Export":["Exporter"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exporter en CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, ou en fichier de redirection JSON (qui contiendra toutes les redirections et les groupes)."],"Everything":["Tout"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirections WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirections Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirections Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Règles de réécriture Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["Visualiser"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Les fichier de journal peuvent être exportés depuis les pages du journal."],"Import/Export":["Import/export"],"Logs":["Journaux"],"404 errors":["Erreurs 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Veuillez mentionner {{code}}%s{{/code}}, et expliquer ce que vous faisiez à ce moment-là."],"I'd like to support some more.":["Je voudrais soutenir un peu plus."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection sauvegardée"],"Log deleted":["Journal supprimé"],"Settings saved":["Réglages sauvegardés"],"Group saved":["Groupe sauvegardé"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression de cet élément ?","Confirmez-vous la suppression de ces éléments ?"],"pass":["Passer"],"All groups":["Tous les groupes"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - déplacé de façon permanente"],"302 - Found":["302 – trouvé"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 – Redirigé temporairement"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 – Redirigé de façon permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 – Non-autorisé"],"404 - Not Found":["404 – Introuvable"],"Title":["Titre"],"When matched":["Quand cela correspond"],"with HTTP code":["avec code HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Afficher les options avancées"],"Matched Target":["Cible correspondant"],"Unmatched Target":["Cible ne correspondant pas"],"Saving...":["Sauvegarde…"],"View notice":["Voir la notification"],"Invalid source URL":["URL source non-valide"],"Invalid redirect action":["Action de redirection non-valide"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Correspondance de redirection non-valide"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Incapable de créer une nouvelle redirection"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Quelque chose s’est mal passé 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["J’essayais de faire une chose et ça a mal tourné. C’est peut-être un problème temporaire et si vous essayez à nouveau, cela pourrait fonctionner, c’est génial !"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entrées du journal (100 max.)"],"Search by IP":["Rechercher par IP"],"Select bulk action":["Sélectionner l’action groupée"],"Bulk Actions":["Actions groupées"],"Apply":["Appliquer"],"First page":["Première page"],"Prev page":["Page précédente"],"Current Page":["Page courante"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Page suivante"],"Last page":["Dernière page"],"%s item":["%s élément","%s éléments"],"Select All":["Tout sélectionner"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Désolé, quelque chose a échoué au chargement des données. Veuillez réessayer."],"No results":["Aucun résultat"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression des journaux ?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Une fois supprimés, vos journaux actuels ne seront plus disponibles. Vous pouvez définir une règle de suppression dans les options de l’extension Redirection si vous désirez procéder automatiquement."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Oui ! Supprimer les journaux"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Non ! Ne pas supprimer les journaux"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Merci pour votre abonnement ! {{a}}Cliquez ici{{/a}} si vous souhaitez revenir à votre abonnement."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vous souhaitez être au courant des modifications apportées à Redirection ?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Votre adresse de messagerie :"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Vous avez apporté votre soutien à l’extension. Merci !"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Vous avez une extension utile, et je peux continuer à l’améliorer."],"Forever":["Indéfiniment"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression de cette extension ?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Supprimer cette extension retirera toutes vos redirections, journaux et réglages. Faites-le si vous souhaitez vraiment supprimer l’extension, ou si vous souhaitez la réinitialiser."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Une fois supprimées, vos redirections ne fonctionneront plus. Si elles continuent de fonctionner, veuillez vider votre cache navigateur."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Oui ! Supprimer l’extension"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Non ! Ne pas supprimer l’extension"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gérez toutes vos redirections 301 et surveillez les erreurs 404."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection est utilisable gratuitement. La vie est belle ! Cependant, cette extension a nécessité beaucoup de travail et d’effort pour être développée. Donc si vous la trouvez utile, vous pouvez contribuer à son développement en {{strong}}faisant un petit don{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Support de Redirection"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Journaux"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Sélectionner cette option supprimera toutes les redirections, les journaux et toutes les options associées à l’extension Redirection. Soyez sûr que c’est ce que vous voulez !"],"Delete Redirection":["Supprimer la redirection"],"Upload":["Mettre en ligne"],"Import":["Importer"],"Update":["Mettre à jour"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL auto-générée "],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un jeton unique permettant aux lecteurs de flux d’accéder au flux RSS des journaux de Redirection (laisser vide pour générer automatiquement)."],"RSS Token":["Jeton RSS "],"404 Logs":["Journaux des 404 "],"(time to keep logs for)":["(durée de conservation des journaux)"],"Redirect Logs":["Journaux des redirections "],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Je suis un type bien et j’ai aidé l’auteur de cette extension."],"Plugin Support":["Support de l’extension "],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Deux mois"],"A month":["Un mois"],"A week":["Une semaine"],"A day":["Un jour"],"No logs":["Aucun journal"],"Delete All":["Tout supprimer"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utilisez les groupes pour organiser vos redirections. Les groupes sont assignés à un module qui affecte la manière dont les redirections dans ce groupe fonctionnent. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr/e, tenez-vous en au module de WordPress."],"Add Group":["Ajouter un groupe"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Groups":["Groupes"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Group":["Groupe"],"Match":["Correspondant"],"Add new redirection":["Ajouter une nouvelle redirection"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Download":["Télécharger"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Error (404)":["Erreur (404)"],"Pass-through":["Outrepasser"],"Redirect to random post":["Rediriger vers un article aléatoire"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirection vers une URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Groupe non valide à la création d’une redirection"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL source"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Ajouter une redirection"],"All modules":["Tous les modules"],"View Redirects":["Voir les redirections"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirections"],"Name":["Nom"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Reset hits":["Réinitialiser les vues"],"Enable":["Activer"],"Disable":["Désactiver"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Last Access":["Dernier accès"],"Hits":["Vues"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Articles modifiés"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["Agent utilisateur"],"URL and user agent":["URL et agent utilisateur"],"Target URL":["URL cible"],"URL only":["URL uniquement"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Référant"],"URL and referrer":["URL et référent"],"Logged Out":["Déconnecté"],"Logged In":["Connecté"],"URL and login status":["URL et état de connexion"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":["Mise à jour nécessaire"],"I need some support!":["J’ai besoin d’aide !"],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":["Réessayer"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":["Veuillez activer JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Veuillez mettre à niveau votre base de données"],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Veuillez ne pas essayer de rediriger toutes vos 404 - ce n’est pas une bonne chose à faire."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Seul le type de page 404 est actuellement supporté."],"Page Type":["Type de page"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Saisissez les adresses IP (une par ligne)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Décrivez le but de cette redirection (facultatif)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Je suis une théière"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Interdit"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - mauvaise requête"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Non modifié"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Voir ailleurs"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Ne rien faire (ignorer)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL cible si aucune correspondance (laisser vide pour ignorer)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL cible si il y a une correspondance (laisser vide pour ignorer)"],"Show All":["Tout afficher"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Supprimer les journaux pour ces entrées"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Supprimer les journaux pour cet entrée"],"Delete Log Entries":["Supprimer les entrées du journal"],"Group by IP":["Grouper par IP"],"Group by URL":["Grouper par URL"],"No grouping":["Aucun regroupement"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorer l’URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquer l’IP"],"Redirect All":["Tout rediriger"],"Count":["Compter"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL et type de page WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL et IP"],"Problem":["Problème"],"Good":["Bon"],"Check":["Vérifier"],"Check Redirect":["Vérifier la redirection"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Vérifier la redirection pour : {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ?"],"Not using Redirection":["N’utilisant pas Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Utilisant Redirection"],"Found":["Trouvé"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(code)d{{/code}} vers {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Attendu"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Saisissez l’URL complète, avec http:// ou https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Parfois votre navigateur peut mettre en cache une URL, ce qui rend les diagnostics difficiles. Utilisez cet outil pour vérifier qu’une URL est réellement redirigée."],"Redirect Tester":["Testeur de redirection"],"Target":["Cible"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["L’URL n’est pas redirigée avec Redirection."],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["L’URL est redirigée avec Redirection."],"Unable to load details":["Impossible de charger les détails"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Saisissez l’URL du serveur à comparer avec"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Enter role or capability value":["Saisissez la valeur de rôle ou de capacité"],"Role":["Rôle"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Correspondance avec ce texte de référence du navigateur"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Correspondance avec cet agent utilisateur de navigateur"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["L’URL relative que vous voulez rediriger"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["L’URL cible vers laquelle vous voulez rediriger si elle a été trouvée."],"(beta)":["(bêta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forcer une redirection de HTTP vers HTTPS. Veuillez vous assurer que votre HTTPS fonctionne avant de l’activer."],"Force HTTPS":["Forcer HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["RGPD/information de confidentialité"],"Add New":["Ajouter une redirection"],"Please logout and login again.":["Veuillez vous déconnecter puis vous connecter à nouveau."],"URL and role/capability":["URL et rôle/capacité"],"URL and server":["URL et serveur"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Si vous ne pouvez pas faire fonctionne quoi que ce soit alors l’extension Redirection doit rencontrer des difficultés à communiquer avec votre serveur. Vous pouvez essayer de modifier ces réglages manuellement :"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocole du site et de l’accueil"],"Site and home are consistent":["Le site et l’accueil sont cohérents"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Sachez qu’il est de votre responsabilité de passer les en-têtes HTTP en PHP. Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur pour obtenir de l’aide."],"Accept Language":["Accepter la langue"],"Header value":["Valeur de l’en-tête"],"Header name":["Nom de l’en-tête"],"HTTP Header":["En-tête HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nom de filtre WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nom du filtre"],"Cookie value":["Valeur du cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nom du cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vider votre cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si vous utilisez un système de cache comme Cloudflare, veuillez lire ceci : "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL et en-tête HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL et filtre personnalisé"],"URL and cookie":["URL et cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 supprimée"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Comment Redirection utilise l’API REST - ne pas changer sauf si nécessaire"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress a renvoyé un message inattendu. Cela peut être causé par votre API REST non fonctionnelle, ou par une autre extension ou thème."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Jetez un œil à {{link}}l’état de l’extension{{/link}}. Ça pourrait identifier et corriger le problème."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}L’extension Redirection ne peut pas communiquer avec l’API REST{{/link}}. Si vous l’avez désactivée alors vous devriez l’activer à nouveau."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Un programme de sécurité peut bloquer Redirection{{/link}}. Veuillez le configurer pour qu’il autorise les requêtes de l’API REST."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Les logiciels de cache{{/link}}, comme Cloudflare en particulier, peuvent mettre en cache les mauvais éléments. Essayez de vider tous vos caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Veuillez temporairement désactiver les autres extensions !{{/link}} Ça pourrait résoudre beaucoup de problèmes."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Aucune de ces suggestions n’a aidé"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Veuillez lire la <a href=\"\">liste de problèmes communs</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Impossible de charger Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["L’API REST WordPress fonctionne à %s"],"WordPress REST API":["API REST WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["L’API REST ne fonctionne pas. Les routes n’ont pas été vérifiées."],"Redirection routes are working":["Les redirections fonctionnent"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection n’apparait pas dans vos routes de l’API REST. L’avez-vous désactivée avec une extension ?"],"Redirection routes":["Routes de redirection"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Votre API REST WordPress a été désactivée. Vous devez l’activer pour que Redirection continue de fonctionner."],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Erreur de l’agent utilisateur"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agent utilisateur inconnu"],"Device":["Appareil"],"Operating System":["Système d’exploitation"],"Browser":["Navigateur"],"Engine":["Moteur"],"Useragent":["Agent utilisateur"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["Aucune IP journalisée"],"Full IP logging":["Connexion avec IP complète"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymiser l’IP (masquer la dernière partie)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorer les modifications de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Journalisation d’IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(sélectionnez le niveau de journalisation des IP)"],"Geo Info":["Informations géographiques"],"Agent Info":["Informations sur l’agent"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrer par IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Référent / Agent utilisateur"],"Geo IP Error":["Erreur de l’IP géographique"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Un problème est survenu lors de l’obtention de cette information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Cette IP provient d’un réseau privé. Elle fait partie du réseau d’un domicile ou d’une entreprise. Aucune autre information ne peut être affichée."],"No details are known for this address.":["Aucun détail n’est connu pour cette adresse."],"Geo IP":["IP géographique"],"City":["Ville"],"Area":["Zone"],"Timezone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Geo Location":["Emplacement géographique"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Propulsé par {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Corbeille"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Veuillez noter que Redirection utilise l’API REST de WordPress. Si vous l’avez désactivée, vous ne serez pas en mesure d’utiliser Redirection."],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Vous pouvez trouver une documentation complète à propos de l’utilisation de Redirection sur le site de support <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentation complète de Redirection est disponible sur {{site}}{{/site}}. En cas de problème, veuillez d’abord consulter la {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si vous souhaitez signaler un bogue, veuillez lire le guide {{report}}Reporting Bugs {{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si vous souhaitez soumettre des informations que vous ne voulez pas divulguer dans un dépôt public, envoyez-les directement via {{email}}e-mail{{/ email}} - en incluant autant d’informations que possible !"],"Never cache":["Jamais de cache"],"An hour":["Une heure"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache de redirection"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Combien de temps garder les URL redirigées en 301 dans le cache (via l’en-tête HTTP « Expires »)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Confirmez-vous l’importation depuis %s ?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importeurs d’extensions"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Les extensions de redirection suivantes ont été détectées sur votre site et peuvent être importées."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importer depuis %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection nécessite WordPress v%1$1s, vous utilisez v%2$2s - veuillez mettre à jour votre installation WordPress."],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["« Anciens slugs » de WordPress par défaut"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Créer une redirection associée (ajoutée à la fin de l’URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> n’est pas défini. Cela signifie généralement qu’une autre extension bloque le chargement de Redirection. Veuillez désactiver toutes les extensions et réessayer."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si le bouton magique ne fonctionne pas, veuillez lire l’erreur et voir si vous pouvez le réparer manuellement, sinon suivez la section « Besoin d’aide » ci-dessous."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Correction magique ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Statut de l’extension"],"Custom":["Personnalisé"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Lecteurs de flux"],"Libraries":["Librairies"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Surveiller la modification des URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Enregistrer les modifications apportées à ce groupe"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Par exemple « /amp »"],"URL Monitor":["URL à surveiller"],"Delete 404s":["Supprimer les pages 404"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Tout supprimer depuis l’IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Supprimer toutes les correspondances « %s »"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Votre serveur a rejeté la requête car elle est volumineuse. Veuillez la modifier pour continuer."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Vérifiez également si votre navigateur est capable de charger <code>redirection.js</code> :"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si vous utilisez une extension ou un service de mise en cache de pages (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.), vous pouvez également essayer de vider ce cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Impossible de charger Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Impossible de créer un groupe"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Le groupe de surveillance d’articles est valide"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Le groupe de surveillance d’articles est non valide"],"Post monitor group":["Groupe de surveillance d’article"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Toutes les redirections ont un groupe valide"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirections avec des groupes non valides détectées"],"Valid redirect group":["Groupe de redirection valide"],"Valid groups detected":["Groupes valides détectés"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Aucun groupe valide, vous ne pourrez pas créer de redirections."],"Valid groups":["Groupes valides"],"Database tables":["Tables de la base de données"],"The following tables are missing:":["Les tables suivantes sont manquantes :"],"All tables present":["Toutes les tables présentes"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Redirection en cache détectée"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Veuillez vider le cache de votre navigateur et recharger cette page."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Les données de cette page ont expiré, veuillez la recharger."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress n’a pas renvoyé de réponse. Cela peut signifier qu’une erreur est survenue ou que la requête a été bloquée. Veuillez consulter les error_log de votre serveur."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Votre serveur renvoie une erreur 403 Forbidden indiquant que la requête pourrait avoir été bloquée. Utilisez-vous un firewall ou une extension de sécurité ?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Incluez ces détails dans votre rapport {{strong}}avec une description de ce que vous {{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si vous pensez que Redirection est en faute alors créez un rapport."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Cela peut être causé par une autre extension – regardez la console d’erreur de votre navigateur pour plus de détails."],"Loading, please wait...":["Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}Fichier au format CSV{{/strong}} : {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} – facultativement suivi par {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} {{code}}regex{{/code}} – mettez 0 pour non, 1 pour oui."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["L’extension Redirection ne fonctionne pas. Essayez de nettoyer votre cache navigateur puis rechargez cette page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si cela n’aide pas, ouvrez la console de votre navigateur et ouvrez un {{link}}nouveau ticket{{/link}} avec les détails."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Si cela est un nouveau problème veuillez soit {{strong}}créer un nouveau ticket{{/strong}}, soit l’envoyer par {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Mettez-y une description de ce que vous essayiez de faire et les détails importants listés ci-dessous. Veuillez inclure une capture d’écran."],"Create Issue":["Créer un rapport"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Important details":["Informations importantes"],"Need help?":["Besoin d’aide ?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Veuillez noter que tout support est fourni sur la base de mon temps libre et que cela n’est pas garanti. Je ne propose pas de support payant."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 – Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Utilisé pour générer une URL si aucune URL n’est donnée. Utilisez les étiquettes spéciales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} ou {{code}}$hex${{/code}} pour insérer un identifiant unique déjà utilisé."],"Apache Module":["Module Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Saisissez le chemin complet et le nom de fichier si vous souhaitez que Redirection mette à jour automatiquement votre {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importer dans le groupe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importer un fichier CSV, .htaccess ou JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Cliquer sur « ajouter un fichier » ou glisser-déposer ici."],"Add File":["Ajouter un fichier"],"File selected":["Fichier sélectionné"],"Importing":["Import"],"Finished importing":["Import terminé"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total des redirections importées :"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Vérifiez à deux fois si le fichier et dans le bon format !"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Fermer"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Tous les imports seront ajoutés à la base de données actuelle."],"Export":["Exporter"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exporter en CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, ou en fichier de redirection JSON (qui contiendra toutes les redirections et les groupes)."],"Everything":["Tout"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirections WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirections Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirections Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Règles de réécriture Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["Visualiser"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Les fichier de journal peuvent être exportés depuis les pages du journal."],"Import/Export":["Import/export"],"Logs":["Journaux"],"404 errors":["Erreurs 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Veuillez mentionner {{code}}%s{{/code}}, et expliquer ce que vous faisiez à ce moment-là."],"I'd like to support some more.":["Je voudrais soutenir un peu plus."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection sauvegardée"],"Log deleted":["Journal supprimé"],"Settings saved":["Réglages sauvegardés"],"Group saved":["Groupe sauvegardé"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression de cet élément ?","Confirmez-vous la suppression de ces éléments ?"],"pass":["Passer"],"All groups":["Tous les groupes"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - déplacé de façon permanente"],"302 - Found":["302 – trouvé"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 – Redirigé temporairement"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 – Redirigé de façon permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 – Non-autorisé"],"404 - Not Found":["404 – Introuvable"],"Title":["Titre"],"When matched":["Quand cela correspond"],"with HTTP code":["avec code HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Afficher les options avancées"],"Matched Target":["Cible correspondant"],"Unmatched Target":["Cible ne correspondant pas"],"Saving...":["Sauvegarde…"],"View notice":["Voir la notification"],"Invalid source URL":["URL source non-valide"],"Invalid redirect action":["Action de redirection non-valide"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Correspondance de redirection non-valide"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Incapable de créer une nouvelle redirection"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Quelque chose s’est mal passé 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["J’essayais de faire une chose et ça a mal tourné. C’est peut-être un problème temporaire et si vous essayez à nouveau, cela pourrait fonctionner, c’est génial !"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entrées du journal (100 max.)"],"Search by IP":["Rechercher par IP"],"Select bulk action":["Sélectionner l’action groupée"],"Bulk Actions":["Actions groupées"],"Apply":["Appliquer"],"First page":["Première page"],"Prev page":["Page précédente"],"Current Page":["Page courante"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Page suivante"],"Last page":["Dernière page"],"%s item":["%s élément","%s éléments"],"Select All":["Tout sélectionner"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Désolé, quelque chose a échoué au chargement des données. Veuillez réessayer."],"No results":["Aucun résultat"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression des journaux ?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Une fois supprimés, vos journaux actuels ne seront plus disponibles. Vous pouvez définir une règle de suppression dans les options de l’extension Redirection si vous désirez procéder automatiquement."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Oui ! Supprimer les journaux"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Non ! Ne pas supprimer les journaux"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Merci pour votre abonnement ! {{a}}Cliquez ici{{/a}} si vous souhaitez revenir à votre abonnement."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vous souhaitez être au courant des modifications apportées à Redirection ?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Votre adresse de messagerie :"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Vous avez apporté votre soutien à l’extension. Merci !"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Vous avez une extension utile, et je peux continuer à l’améliorer."],"Forever":["Indéfiniment"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Confirmez-vous la suppression de cette extension ?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Supprimer cette extension retirera toutes vos redirections, journaux et réglages. Faites-le si vous souhaitez vraiment supprimer l’extension, ou si vous souhaitez la réinitialiser."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Une fois supprimées, vos redirections ne fonctionneront plus. Si elles continuent de fonctionner, veuillez vider votre cache navigateur."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Oui ! Supprimer l’extension"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Non ! Ne pas supprimer l’extension"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gérez toutes vos redirections 301 et surveillez les erreurs 404."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection est utilisable gratuitement. La vie est belle ! Cependant, cette extension a nécessité beaucoup de travail et d’effort pour être développée. Donc si vous la trouvez utile, vous pouvez contribuer à son développement en {{strong}}faisant un petit don{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Support de Redirection"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Journaux"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Sélectionner cette option supprimera toutes les redirections, les journaux et toutes les options associées à l’extension Redirection. Soyez sûr que c’est ce que vous voulez !"],"Delete Redirection":["Supprimer la redirection"],"Upload":["Mettre en ligne"],"Import":["Importer"],"Update":["Mettre à jour"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL auto-générée "],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un jeton unique permettant aux lecteurs de flux d’accéder au flux RSS des journaux de Redirection (laisser vide pour générer automatiquement)."],"RSS Token":["Jeton RSS "],"404 Logs":["Journaux des 404 "],"(time to keep logs for)":["(durée de conservation des journaux)"],"Redirect Logs":["Journaux des redirections "],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Je suis un type bien et j’ai aidé l’auteur de cette extension."],"Plugin Support":["Support de l’extension "],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Deux mois"],"A month":["Un mois"],"A week":["Une semaine"],"A day":["Un jour"],"No logs":["Aucun journal"],"Delete All":["Tout supprimer"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utilisez les groupes pour organiser vos redirections. Les groupes sont assignés à un module qui affecte la manière dont les redirections dans ce groupe fonctionnent. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr/e, tenez-vous en au module de WordPress."],"Add Group":["Ajouter un groupe"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Groups":["Groupes"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Group":["Groupe"],"Match":["Correspondant"],"Add new redirection":["Ajouter une nouvelle redirection"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Download":["Télécharger"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Error (404)":["Erreur (404)"],"Pass-through":["Outrepasser"],"Redirect to random post":["Rediriger vers un article aléatoire"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirection vers une URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Groupe non valide à la création d’une redirection"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL source"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Ajouter une redirection"],"All modules":["Tous les modules"],"View Redirects":["Voir les redirections"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirections"],"Name":["Nom"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Reset hits":["Réinitialiser les vues"],"Enable":["Activer"],"Disable":["Désactiver"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Last Access":["Dernier accès"],"Hits":["Vues"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Type"],"Modified Posts":["Articles modifiés"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["Agent utilisateur"],"URL and user agent":["URL et agent utilisateur"],"Target URL":["URL cible"],"URL only":["URL uniquement"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Référant"],"URL and referrer":["URL et référent"],"Logged Out":["Déconnecté"],"Logged In":["Connecté"],"URL and login status":["URL et état de connexion"]}
locale/json/redirection-it_IT.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":["Trovato"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":["Errore"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":[""],"Target":[""],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":[""],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":[""],"Unable to load details":[""],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":["Ruolo"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":["Confronta con questo browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["L'URL relativo dal quale vuoi creare una redirezione"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":[""],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forza un reindirizzamento da HTTP a HTTPS. Verifica che HTTPS funzioni correttamente prima di abilitarlo"],"Force HTTPS":["Forza HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":[""],"Add New":["Aggiungi Nuovo"],"Please logout and login again.":[""],"URL and role/capability":["URL e ruolo/permesso"],"URL and server":["URL e server"],"Relative /wp-json/":[""],"Default /wp-json/":["Default /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":[""],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":[""],"Header value":["Valore dell'header"],"Header name":[""],"HTTP Header":["Header HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":[""],"Filter Name":[""],"Cookie value":["Valore cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nome cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["cancellazione della tua cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Se stai utilizzando un sistema di caching come Cloudflare, per favore leggi questo:"],"URL and HTTP header":[""],"URL and custom filter":[""],"URL and cookie":["URL e cookie"],"404 deleted":[""],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":[""],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[""],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":[""],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":[""],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":[""],"WordPress REST API":[""],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":["Useragent sconosciuto"],"Device":["Periferica"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":[""],"Full IP logging":[""],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizza IP (maschera l'ultima parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":[""],"IP Logging":[""],"(select IP logging level)":[""],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":[""],"Referrer / User Agent":[""],"Geo IP Error":[""],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":[""],"Geo IP":[""],"City":["Città"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Fuso orario"],"Geo Location":[""],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[""],"Trash":[""],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[""],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":[""],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[""],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":[""],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[""],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":[""],"Plugin Importers":[""],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[""],"total = ":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":[""],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":[""],"Libraries":[""],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":[""],"Delete 404s":[""],"Delete all from IP %s":[""],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":[""],"Unable to create group":[""],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":[""],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":[""],"The following tables are missing:":[""],"All tables present":[""],"Cached Redirection detected":[""],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Pulisci la cache del tuo browser e ricarica questa pagina"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":[""],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[""],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":[""],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[""],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":[""],"Need help?":["Hai bisogno di aiuto?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":[""],"410 - Gone":[""],"Position":["Posizione"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":["Modulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Inserisci il percorso completo e il nome del file se vuoi che Redirection aggiorni automaticamente il tuo {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importa nel gruppo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un file CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Premi 'Aggiungi File' o trascina e rilascia qui."],"Add File":["Aggiungi File"],"File selected":["File selezionato"],"Importing":["Importazione"],"Finished importing":["Importazione finita"],"Total redirects imported:":["Totale redirect importati"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Controlla che il file sia nel formato corretto!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Chiudi"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Tutte le importazioni verranno aggiunte al database corrente."],"Export":["Esporta"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Esporta in CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, o Redirection JSON (che contiene tutte le redirezioni e i gruppi)."],"Everything":["Tutto"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirezioni di WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirezioni Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirezioni nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":[""],"View":[""],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":[""],"Import/Export":["Importa/Esporta"],"Logs":[""],"404 errors":["Errori 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":[""],"Support 💰":["Supporta 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirezione salvata"],"Log deleted":["Log eliminato"],"Settings saved":["Impostazioni salvate"],"Group saved":["Gruppo salvato"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo oggetto?","Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questi oggetti?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Tutti i gruppi"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Spostato in maniera permanente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Trovato"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirezione temporanea"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirezione permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Non autorizzato"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Non trovato"],"Title":["Titolo"],"When matched":["Quando corrisponde"],"with HTTP code":["Con codice HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostra opzioni avanzate"],"Matched Target":[""],"Unmatched Target":[""],"Saving...":["Salvataggio..."],"View notice":["Vedi la notifica"],"Invalid source URL":["URL di origine non valido"],"Invalid redirect action":["Azione di redirezione non valida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":["Impossibile aggiungere una nuova redirezione"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Qualcosa è andato storto 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Ho cercato di fare una cosa e non ha funzionato. Potrebbe essere un problema temporaneo, se provi nuovamente potrebbe funzionare - grande!\nI was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it could work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":[""],"Search by IP":["Cerca per IP"],"Select bulk action":["Seleziona l'azione di massa"],"Bulk Actions":["Azioni di massa"],"Apply":["Applica"],"First page":["Prima pagina"],"Prev page":["Pagina precedente"],"Current Page":["Pagina corrente"],"of %(page)s":[""],"Next page":["Pagina successiva"],"Last page":["Ultima pagina"],"%s item":["%s oggetto","%s oggetti"],"Select All":["Seleziona tutto"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto leggendo i dati - riprova"],"No results":["Nessun risultato"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Cancella i log - sei sicuro?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Una volta eliminati i log correnti non saranno più disponibili. Puoi impostare una pianificazione di eliminazione dalle opzioni di Redirection se desideri eseguire automaticamente questa operazione."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Sì! Cancella i log"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Non cancellare i log"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Grazie per esserti iscritto! {{a}}Clicca qui{{/a}} se vuoi tornare alla tua sottoscrizione."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vuoi essere informato sulle modifiche a Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Il tuo indirizzo email:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Hai già supportato questo plugin - grazie!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":[""],"Forever":["Per sempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Cancella il plugin - sei sicuro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Cancellando questo plugin verranno rimossi tutti i reindirizzamenti, i log e le impostazioni. Fallo se vuoi rimuovere il plugin o se vuoi reimpostare il plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Dopo averle elimininati, i tuoi reindirizzamenti smetteranno di funzionare. Se sembra che continuino a funzionare cancella la cache del tuo browser."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Sì! Cancella il plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Non cancellare il plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestisci tutti i redirect 301 and controlla tutti gli errori 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection può essere utilizzato gratuitamente - la vita è davvero fantastica e piena di tante belle cose! Lo sviluppo di questo plugin richiede comunque molto tempo e lavoro, sarebbe pertanto gradito il tuo sostegno {{strong}}tramite una piccola donazione{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Forum di supporto Redirection"],"Support":["Supporto"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selezionando questa opzione tutti i reindirizzamenti, i log e qualunque altra opzione associata con Redirection verranno cancellati. Assicurarsi che questo è proprio ciò che si vuole fare."],"Delete Redirection":["Rimuovi Redirection"],"Upload":["Carica"],"Import":["Importa"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"Auto-generate URL":["Genera URL automaticamente"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token univoco consente ai lettori di feed di accedere all'RSS del registro di Redirection (lasciandolo vuoto verrà generato automaticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registro 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(per quanto tempo conservare i log)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registro redirezioni"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Sono una brava persona e ho contribuito a sostenere l'autore di questo plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Supporto del plugin"],"Options":["Opzioni"],"Two months":["Due mesi"],"A month":["Un mese"],"A week":["Una settimana"],"A day":["Un giorno"],"No logs":["Nessun log"],"Delete All":["Elimina tutto"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utilizza i gruppi per organizzare i tuoi redirect. I gruppi vengono assegnati a un modulo, il che influenza come funzionano i redirect in ciascun gruppo. Se non sei sicuro, scegli il modulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Aggiungi gruppo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Save":["Salva"],"Group":["Gruppo"],"Match":[""],"Add new redirection":["Aggiungi un nuovo reindirizzamento"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Download":["Scaricare"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Error (404)":["Errore (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Reindirizza a un post a caso"],"Redirect to URL":["Reindirizza a URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Gruppo non valido nella creazione del redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL di partenza"],"Date":["Data"],"Add Redirect":["Aggiungi una redirezione"],"All modules":["Tutti i moduli"],"View Redirects":["Mostra i redirect"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Redirects":["Reindirizzamenti"],"Name":["Nome"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Reset hits":[""],"Enable":["Attiva"],"Disable":["Disattiva"],"Delete":["Elimina"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Last Access":["Ultimo accesso"],"Hits":["Visite"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Post modificati"],"Redirections":["Reindirizzamenti"],"User Agent":["User agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL e user agent"],"Target URL":["URL di arrivo"],"URL only":["solo URL"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL e referrer"],"Logged Out":[""],"Logged In":[""],"URL and login status":["status URL e login"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":["Trovato"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":["Errore"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":[""],"Target":[""],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":[""],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":[""],"Unable to load details":[""],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":["Ruolo"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":["Confronta con questo browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["L'URL relativo dal quale vuoi creare una redirezione"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":[""],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Forza un reindirizzamento da HTTP a HTTPS. Verifica che HTTPS funzioni correttamente prima di abilitarlo"],"Force HTTPS":["Forza HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":[""],"Add New":["Aggiungi Nuovo"],"Please logout and login again.":[""],"URL and role/capability":["URL e ruolo/permesso"],"URL and server":["URL e server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":[""],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":[""],"Header value":["Valore dell'header"],"Header name":[""],"HTTP Header":["Header HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":[""],"Filter Name":[""],"Cookie value":["Valore cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nome cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["cancellazione della tua cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Se stai utilizzando un sistema di caching come Cloudflare, per favore leggi questo:"],"URL and HTTP header":[""],"URL and custom filter":[""],"URL and cookie":["URL e cookie"],"404 deleted":[""],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[""],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":[""],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":[""],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":[""],"WordPress REST API":[""],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":["Useragent sconosciuto"],"Device":["Periferica"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":[""],"Full IP logging":[""],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizza IP (maschera l'ultima parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":[""],"IP Logging":[""],"(select IP logging level)":[""],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":[""],"Referrer / User Agent":[""],"Geo IP Error":[""],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":[""],"Geo IP":[""],"City":["Città"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Fuso orario"],"Geo Location":[""],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[""],"Trash":[""],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[""],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":[""],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[""],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":[""],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[""],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":[""],"Plugin Importers":[""],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[""],"total = ":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":[""],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":[""],"Libraries":[""],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":[""],"Delete 404s":[""],"Delete all from IP %s":[""],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":[""],"Unable to create group":[""],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":[""],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":[""],"The following tables are missing:":[""],"All tables present":[""],"Cached Redirection detected":[""],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Pulisci la cache del tuo browser e ricarica questa pagina"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":[""],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[""],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":[""],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[""],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":["Email"],"Important details":[""],"Need help?":["Hai bisogno di aiuto?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":[""],"410 - Gone":[""],"Position":["Posizione"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":["Modulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Inserisci il percorso completo e il nome del file se vuoi che Redirection aggiorni automaticamente il tuo {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importa nel gruppo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un file CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Premi 'Aggiungi File' o trascina e rilascia qui."],"Add File":["Aggiungi File"],"File selected":["File selezionato"],"Importing":["Importazione"],"Finished importing":["Importazione finita"],"Total redirects imported:":["Totale redirect importati"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Controlla che il file sia nel formato corretto!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Chiudi"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Tutte le importazioni verranno aggiunte al database corrente."],"Export":["Esporta"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Esporta in CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, o Redirection JSON (che contiene tutte le redirezioni e i gruppi)."],"Everything":["Tutto"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirezioni di WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirezioni Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirezioni nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":[""],"View":[""],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":[""],"Import/Export":["Importa/Esporta"],"Logs":[""],"404 errors":["Errori 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":[""],"Support 💰":["Supporta 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirezione salvata"],"Log deleted":["Log eliminato"],"Settings saved":["Impostazioni salvate"],"Group saved":["Gruppo salvato"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo oggetto?","Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questi oggetti?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Tutti i gruppi"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Spostato in maniera permanente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Trovato"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirezione temporanea"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirezione permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Non autorizzato"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Non trovato"],"Title":["Titolo"],"When matched":["Quando corrisponde"],"with HTTP code":["Con codice HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostra opzioni avanzate"],"Matched Target":[""],"Unmatched Target":[""],"Saving...":["Salvataggio..."],"View notice":["Vedi la notifica"],"Invalid source URL":["URL di origine non valido"],"Invalid redirect action":["Azione di redirezione non valida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":["Impossibile aggiungere una nuova redirezione"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Qualcosa è andato storto 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Ho cercato di fare una cosa e non ha funzionato. Potrebbe essere un problema temporaneo, se provi nuovamente potrebbe funzionare - grande!\nI was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it could work - great!"],"Log entries (%d max)":[""],"Search by IP":["Cerca per IP"],"Select bulk action":["Seleziona l'azione di massa"],"Bulk Actions":["Azioni di massa"],"Apply":["Applica"],"First page":["Prima pagina"],"Prev page":["Pagina precedente"],"Current Page":["Pagina corrente"],"of %(page)s":[""],"Next page":["Pagina successiva"],"Last page":["Ultima pagina"],"%s item":["%s oggetto","%s oggetti"],"Select All":["Seleziona tutto"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto leggendo i dati - riprova"],"No results":["Nessun risultato"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Cancella i log - sei sicuro?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Una volta eliminati i log correnti non saranno più disponibili. Puoi impostare una pianificazione di eliminazione dalle opzioni di Redirection se desideri eseguire automaticamente questa operazione."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Sì! Cancella i log"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["No! Non cancellare i log"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Grazie per esserti iscritto! {{a}}Clicca qui{{/a}} se vuoi tornare alla tua sottoscrizione."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vuoi essere informato sulle modifiche a Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Il tuo indirizzo email:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Hai già supportato questo plugin - grazie!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":[""],"Forever":["Per sempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Cancella il plugin - sei sicuro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Cancellando questo plugin verranno rimossi tutti i reindirizzamenti, i log e le impostazioni. Fallo se vuoi rimuovere il plugin o se vuoi reimpostare il plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Dopo averle elimininati, i tuoi reindirizzamenti smetteranno di funzionare. Se sembra che continuino a funzionare cancella la cache del tuo browser."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Sì! Cancella il plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Non cancellare il plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestisci tutti i redirect 301 and controlla tutti gli errori 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection può essere utilizzato gratuitamente - la vita è davvero fantastica e piena di tante belle cose! Lo sviluppo di questo plugin richiede comunque molto tempo e lavoro, sarebbe pertanto gradito il tuo sostegno {{strong}}tramite una piccola donazione{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Forum di supporto Redirection"],"Support":["Supporto"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selezionando questa opzione tutti i reindirizzamenti, i log e qualunque altra opzione associata con Redirection verranno cancellati. Assicurarsi che questo è proprio ciò che si vuole fare."],"Delete Redirection":["Rimuovi Redirection"],"Upload":["Carica"],"Import":["Importa"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"Auto-generate URL":["Genera URL automaticamente"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token univoco consente ai lettori di feed di accedere all'RSS del registro di Redirection (lasciandolo vuoto verrà generato automaticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registro 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(per quanto tempo conservare i log)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registro redirezioni"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Sono una brava persona e ho contribuito a sostenere l'autore di questo plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Supporto del plugin"],"Options":["Opzioni"],"Two months":["Due mesi"],"A month":["Un mese"],"A week":["Una settimana"],"A day":["Un giorno"],"No logs":["Nessun log"],"Delete All":["Elimina tutto"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utilizza i gruppi per organizzare i tuoi redirect. I gruppi vengono assegnati a un modulo, il che influenza come funzionano i redirect in ciascun gruppo. Se non sei sicuro, scegli il modulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Aggiungi gruppo"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Save":["Salva"],"Group":["Gruppo"],"Match":[""],"Add new redirection":["Aggiungi un nuovo reindirizzamento"],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Download":["Scaricare"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Error (404)":["Errore (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Reindirizza a un post a caso"],"Redirect to URL":["Reindirizza a URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Gruppo non valido nella creazione del redirect"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL di partenza"],"Date":["Data"],"Add Redirect":["Aggiungi una redirezione"],"All modules":["Tutti i moduli"],"View Redirects":["Mostra i redirect"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Redirects":["Reindirizzamenti"],"Name":["Nome"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Reset hits":[""],"Enable":["Attiva"],"Disable":["Disattiva"],"Delete":["Elimina"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Last Access":["Ultimo accesso"],"Hits":["Visite"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Post modificati"],"Redirections":["Reindirizzamenti"],"User Agent":["User agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL e user agent"],"Target URL":["URL di arrivo"],"URL only":["solo URL"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL e referrer"],"Logged Out":[""],"Logged In":[""],"URL and login status":["status URL e login"]}
locale/json/redirection-ja.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":["エラー"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["http:// や https:// を含めた完全な URL を入力してください"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["ブラウザーが URL をキャッシュすることがあり、想定どおりに動作しているか確認が難しい場合があります。きちんとリダイレクトが機能しているかチェックするにはこちらを利用してください。"],"Redirect Tester":["リダイレクトテスター"],"Target":["ターゲット"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL は Redirection によってリダイレクトされません"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL は Redirection によってリダイレクトされます"],"Unable to load details":["詳細のロードに失敗しました"],"Enter server URL to match against":["一致するサーバーの URL を入力"],"Server":["サーバー"],"Enter role or capability value":["権限グループまたは権限の値を入力"],"Role":["権限グループ"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["このブラウザーリファラーテキストと一致"],"Match against this browser user agent":["このブラウザーユーザーエージェントに一致"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["リダイレクト元となる相対 URL"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["一致した場合にリダイレクトさせたいターゲット URL"],"(beta)":["(ベータ)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. 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Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["HTTP ヘッダーを PHP に通せるかどうかはサーバーの設定によります。詳しくはお使いのホスティング会社にお問い合わせください。"],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["ヘッダー値"],"Header name":["ヘッダー名"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP ヘッダー"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress フィルター名"],"Filter Name":["フィルター名"],"Cookie value":["Cookie 値"],"Cookie name":["Cookie 名"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["キャッシュを削除"],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Cloudflare などのキャッシュシステムをお使いの場合こちらをお読みください :"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL と HTTP ヘッダー"],"URL and custom filter":["URL とカスタムフィルター"],"URL and cookie":["URL と Cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Redirection の REST API の使い方 - 必要な場合以外は変更しないでください"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress が予期しないエラーを返却しました。これは REST API が動いていないか、他のプラグインやテーマによって起こされている可能性があります。"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["{{link}}プラグインステータス{{/link}} をご覧ください。問題を特定でき、問題を修正できるかもしれません。"],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection は REST API との通信に失敗しました。{{/link}} もし無効化している場合、有効化する必要があります。"],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}セキュリティソフトが Redirectin をブロックしている可能性があります。{{/link}} REST API リクエストを許可するために設定を行う必要があります。"],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}キャッシュソフト{{/link}} 特に Cloudflare は間違ったキャッシュを行うことがあります。すべてのキャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}一時的に他のプラグインを無効化してください。{{/link}} 多くの問題はこれで解決します。"],"None of the suggestions helped":["これらの提案では解決しませんでした"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["<a href=\"\">よくある問題一覧</a> をご覧ください。"],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection のロードに失敗しました☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API は次の URL でアクセス可能です: %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API が動作していないためルートはチェックされません"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection ルートは正常に動作しています"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection が REST API ルート上にないようです。プラグインなどを使用して REST API を無効化しましたか ?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection ルート"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["サイト上の WordPress REST API は無効化されています。Redirection の動作のためには再度有効化する必要があります。"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["ユーザーエージェントエラー"],"Unknown Useragent":["不明なユーザーエージェント"],"Device":["デバイス"],"Operating System":["オペレーティングシステム"],"Browser":["ブラウザー"],"Engine":["エンジン"],"Useragent":["ユーザーエージェント"],"Agent":["エージェント"],"No IP logging":["IP ロギングなし"],"Full IP logging":["フル IP ロギング"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["匿名 IP (最後の部分をマスクする)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["%(type)sの変更を監視"],"IP Logging":["IP ロギング"],"(select IP logging level)":["(IP のログレベルを選択)"],"Geo Info":["位置情報"],"Agent Info":["エージェントの情報"],"Filter by IP":["IP でフィルター"],"Referrer / User Agent":["リファラー / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["位置情報エラー"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["この情報の取得中に問題が発生しました。"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["これはプライベートネットワーク内からの IP です。家庭もしくは職場ネットワークからのアクセスであり、これ以上の情報を表示することはできません。"],"No details are known for this address.":["このアドレスには詳細がありません"],"Geo IP":["ジオ IP"],"City":["市区町村"],"Area":["エリア"],"Timezone":["タイムゾーン"],"Geo Location":["位置情報"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["ゴミ箱"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Redirection の使用には WordPress REST API が有効化されている必要があります。REST API が無効化されていると Redirection を使用することができません。"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Redirection プラグインの詳しい使い方については <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> サポートサイトをご覧ください。"],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Redirection の完全なドキュメントは {{site}}{{/site}} で参照できます。問題がある場合はまず、{{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} をチェックしてください。"],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["バグを報告したい場合、こちらの {{report}}バグ報告{{/report}} ガイドをお読みください。"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["公開されているリポジトリに投稿したくない情報を提示したいときは、その内容を可能な限りの詳細な情報を記した上で {{email}}メール{{/email}} を送ってください。"],"Never cache":["キャッシュしない"],"An hour":["1時間"],"Redirect Cache":["リダイレクトキャッシュ"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["301 URL リダイレクトをキャッシュする長さ (\"Expires\" HTTP ヘッダー)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["本当に %s からインポートしますか ?"],"Plugin Importers":["インポートプラグイン"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["サイト上より今プラグインにインポートできる以下のリダイレクトプラグインが見つかりました。"],"total = ":["全数 ="],"Import from %s":["%s からインポート"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["初期設定の WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["マジック修正ボタンが効かない場合、エラーを読み自分で修正する必要があります。もしくは下の「助けが必要」セクションをお読みください。"],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️マジック修正⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["プラグインステータス"],"Custom":["カスタム"],"Mobile":["モバイル"],"Feed Readers":["フィード読者"],"Libraries":["ライブラリ"],"URL Monitor Changes":["変更を監視する URL"],"Save changes to this group":["このグループへの変更を保存"],"For example \"/amp\"":["例: \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL モニター"],"Delete 404s":["404を削除"],"Delete all from IP %s":["すべての IP %s からのものを削除"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["すべての \"%s\" に一致するものを削除"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["大きすぎるリクエストのためサーバーがリクエストを拒否しました。進めるには変更する必要があります。"],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["また <code>redirection.js</code> をお使いのブラウザがロードできるか確認してください :"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["CloudFlare, OVH などのキャッシュプラグイン・サービスを使用してページをキャッシュしている場合、キャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection のロードに失敗しました"],"Unable to create group":["グループの作成に失敗しました"],"Post monitor group is valid":["投稿モニターグループは有効です"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["投稿モニターグループが無効です"],"Post monitor group":["投稿モニターグループ"],"All redirects have a valid group":["すべてのリダイレクトは有効なグループになっています"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["無効なグループのリダイレクトが検出されました"],"Valid redirect group":["有効なリダイレクトグループ"],"Valid groups detected":["有効なグループが検出されました"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["有効なグループがない場合、新規のリダイレクトを追加することはできません。"],"Valid groups":["有効なグループ"],"Database tables":["データベーステーブル"],"The following tables are missing:":["次のテーブルが不足しています:"],"All tables present":["すべてのテーブルが存在しています"],"Cached Redirection detected":["キャッシュされた Redirection が検知されました"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["ブラウザーのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読込してください。"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["このページのデータが期限切れになりました。再読込してください。"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress WordPress が応答しません。これはエラーが発生したかリクエストがブロックされたことを示しています。サーバーの error_log を確認してください。"],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["サーバーが 403 (閲覧禁止) エラーを返しました。これはリクエストがブロックされてしまった可能性があることを示しています。ファイアウォールやセキュリティプラグインを使用していますか?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["もしこの原因が Redirection だと思うのであれば Issue を作成してください。"],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["この原因は他のプラグインが原因で起こっている可能性があります - 詳細を見るにはブラウザーの開発者ツールを使用してください。"],"Loading, please wait...":["ロード中です。お待ち下さい…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV ファイルフォーマット{{/strong}}: {{code}}ソース URL、 ターゲット URL{{/code}} - またこれらも使用可能です: {{code}}正規表現,、http コード{{/code}} ({{code}}正規表現{{/code}} - 0 = no, 1 = yes)"],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection が動きません。ブラウザーのキャッシュを削除しページを再読込してみてください。"],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["もしこれが助けにならない場合、ブラウザーのコンソールを開き {{link}新しい\n issue{{/link}} を詳細とともに作成してください。"],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["もし未知の問題を発見したなら、{{strong}}issue を作成{{/strong}} するか {{strong}}メール{{/strong}} を送信してください。その際には何をしようとして発生したのかという説明や下に表示されている「重要な詳細」を含めてください。また、スクリーンショットもお願いします。"],"Create Issue":["Issue を作成"],"Email":["メール"],"Important details":["重要な詳細"],"Need help?":["ヘルプが必要ですか?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["サポートはあくまで時間があるときにのみ提供されることになり、必ず提供されると保証することは出来ないことに注意してください。また有料サポートは受け付けていません。"],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - 消滅"],"Position":["配置"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["URL が指定されていない場合に URL を自動生成するために使用されます。{{code}}$dec${{/code}} もしくは {{code}}$hex${{/code}} のような特別なタグが一意の ID を作るために挿入されます。"],"Apache Module":["Apache モジュール"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["{{code}}.htaccess{{/code} を自動的にアップデートさせたい場合、完全なパスとファイルネームを入力してください。"],"Import to group":["グループにインポート"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["CSV や .htaccess、JSON ファイルをインポート"],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["「新規追加」をクリックしここにドラッグアンドドロップしてください。"],"Add File":["ファイルを追加"],"File selected":["選択されたファイル"],"Importing":["インポート中"],"Finished importing":["インポートが完了しました"],"Total redirects imported:":["インポートされたリダイレクト数: "],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["ファイルが正しい形式かもう一度チェックしてください。"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["閉じる"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["すべてのインポートは現在のデータベースに追加されます。"],"Export":["エクスポート"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON へエクスポート (すべての形式はすべてのリダイレクトとグループを含んでいます)"],"Everything":["すべて"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress リダイレクト"],"Apache redirects":["Apache リダイレクト"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx リダイレクト"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx のリライトルール"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["表示"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["ログファイルはログページにてエクスポート出来ます。"],"Import/Export":["インポート / エクスポート"],"Logs":["ログ"],"404 errors":["404 エラー"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["{{code}}%s{{/code}} をメンションし、何をしたかの説明をお願いします"],"I'd like to support some more.":["もっとサポートがしたいです。"],"Support 💰":["サポート💰"],"Redirection saved":["リダイレクトが保存されました"],"Log deleted":["ログが削除されました"],"Settings saved":["設定が保存されました"],"Group saved":["グループが保存されました"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":[["本当に削除してもよろしいですか?"]],"pass":["パス"],"All groups":["すべてのグループ"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - 恒久的に移動"],"302 - Found":["302 - 発見"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - 一時リダイレクト"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - 恒久リダイレクト"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - 認証が必要"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - 未検出"],"Title":["タイトル"],"When matched":["マッチした時"],"with HTTP code":["次の HTTP コードと共に"],"Show advanced options":["高度な設定を表示"],"Matched Target":["見つかったターゲット"],"Unmatched Target":["ターゲットが見つかりません"],"Saving...":["保存中…"],"View notice":["通知を見る"],"Invalid source URL":["不正な元 URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["不正なリダイレクトアクション"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["不正なリダイレクトマッチャー"],"Unable to add new redirect":["新しいリダイレクトの追加に失敗しました"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["問題が発生しました"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["何かをしようとして問題が発生しました。 それは一時的な問題である可能性があるので、再試行を試してみてください。"],"Log entries (%d max)":["ログ (最大 %d)"],"Search by IP":["IP による検索"],"Select bulk action":["一括操作を選択"],"Bulk Actions":["一括操作"],"Apply":["適応"],"First page":["最初のページ"],"Prev page":["前のページ"],"Current Page":["現在のページ"],"of %(page)s":["%(page)s"],"Next page":["次のページ"],"Last page":["最後のページ"],"%s item":[["%s 個のアイテム"]],"Select All":["すべて選択"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["データのロード中に問題が発生しました - もう一度お試しください"],"No results":["結果なし"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["本当にログを消去しますか ?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["ログを消去すると復元することは出来ません。もしこの操作を自動的に実行させたい場合、Redirection の設定から削除スケジュールを設定することが出来ます。"],"Yes! Delete the logs":["ログを消去する"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["ログを消去しない"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["登録ありがとうございます ! 登録へ戻る場合は {{a}}こちら{{/a}} をクリックしてください。"],"Newsletter":["ニュースレター"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["リダイレクトの変更を最新の状態に保ちたいですか ?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["メールアドレス: "],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["あなたは既にこのプラグインをサポート済みです - ありがとうございます !"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["あなたはいくつかの便利なソフトウェアを手に入れ、私はそれをより良くするために続けます。"],"Forever":["永久に"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["本当にプラグインを削除しますか ?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["プラグインを消去するとすべてのリダイレクト、ログ、設定が削除されます。プラグインを消したい場合、もしくはプラグインをリセットしたい時にこれを実行してください。"],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["リダイレクトを削除するとリダイレクト機能は機能しなくなります。削除後でもまだ機能しているように見えるのならば、ブラウザーのキャッシュを削除してみてください。"],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["プラグインを消去する"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["プラグインを消去しない"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["すべての 301 リダイレクトを管理し、404 エラーをモニター"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection プラグインは無料でお使いいただけます。しかし、開発にはかなりの時間と労力がかかっており、{{strong}}少額の寄付{{/strong}} でも開発を助けていただけると嬉しいです。"],"Redirection Support":["Redirection を応援する"],"Support":["サポート"],"404s":["404 エラー"],"Log":["ログ"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["個のオプションを選択すると、リディレクションプラグインに関するすべての転送ルール・ログ・設定を削除します。本当にこの操作を行って良いか、再度確認してください。"],"Delete Redirection":["転送ルールを削除"],"Upload":["アップロード"],"Import":["インポート"],"Update":["更新"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL を自動生成 "],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["リディレクションログ RSS にフィードリーダーからアクセスするための固有トークン (空白にしておけば自動生成します)"],"RSS Token":["RSS トークン"],"404 Logs":["404 ログ"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(ログの保存期間)"],"Redirect Logs":["転送ログ"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["このプラグインの作者に対する援助を行いました"],"Plugin Support":["プラグインサポート"],"Options":["設定"],"Two months":["2ヶ月"],"A month":["1ヶ月"],"A week":["1週間"],"A day":["1日"],"No logs":["ログなし"],"Delete All":["すべてを削除"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["グループを使って転送をグループ化しましょう。グループはモジュールに割り当てられ、グループ内の転送に影響します。はっきりわからない場合は WordPress モジュールのみを使ってください。"],"Add Group":["グループを追加"],"Search":["検索"],"Groups":["グループ"],"Save":["保存"],"Group":["グループ"],"Match":["一致条件"],"Add new redirection":["新しい転送ルールを追加"],"Cancel":["キャンセル"],"Download":["ダウンロード"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["設定"],"Error (404)":["エラー (404)"],"Pass-through":["通過"],"Redirect to random post":["ランダムな記事へ転送"],"Redirect to URL":["URL へ転送"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["転送ルールを作成する際に無効なグループが指定されました"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["ソース URL"],"Date":["日付"],"Add Redirect":["転送ルールを追加"],"All modules":["すべてのモジュール"],"View Redirects":["転送ルールを表示"],"Module":["モジュール"],"Redirects":["転送ルール"],"Name":["名称"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Reset hits":["訪問数をリセット"],"Enable":["有効化"],"Disable":["無効化"],"Delete":["削除"],"Edit":["編集"],"Last Access":["前回のアクセス"],"Hits":["ヒット数"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Modified Posts":["編集済みの投稿"],"Redirections":["転送ルール"],"User Agent":["ユーザーエージェント"],"URL and user agent":["URL およびユーザーエージェント"],"Target URL":["ターゲット URL"],"URL only":["URL のみ"],"Regex":["正規表現"],"Referrer":["リファラー"],"URL and referrer":["URL およびリファラー"],"Logged Out":["ログアウト中"],"Logged In":["ログイン中"],"URL and login status":["URL およびログイン状態"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":["エラー"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["http:// や https:// を含めた完全な URL を入力してください"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["ブラウザーが URL をキャッシュすることがあり、想定どおりに動作しているか確認が難しい場合があります。きちんとリダイレクトが機能しているかチェックするにはこちらを利用してください。"],"Redirect Tester":["リダイレクトテスター"],"Target":["ターゲット"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL は Redirection によってリダイレクトされません"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL は Redirection によってリダイレクトされます"],"Unable to load details":["詳細のロードに失敗しました"],"Enter server URL to match against":["一致するサーバーの URL を入力"],"Server":["サーバー"],"Enter role or capability value":["権限グループまたは権限の値を入力"],"Role":["権限グループ"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["このブラウザーリファラーテキストと一致"],"Match against this browser user agent":["このブラウザーユーザーエージェントに一致"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["リダイレクト元となる相対 URL"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["一致した場合にリダイレクトさせたいターゲット URL"],"(beta)":["(ベータ)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["HTTP から HTTPS へのリダイレクトを矯正します。有効化前にはで正しくサイトが HTTPS で動くことを確認してください。"],"Force HTTPS":["強制 HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / 個人情報"],"Add New":["新規追加"],"Please logout and login again.":["再度ログインし直してください。"],"URL and role/capability":["URL と権限グループ / 権限"],"URL and server":["URL とサーバー"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["動作が正常にできていない場合、 Redirection がサーバーと連携するのが困難な状態と考えられます。設定を手動で変更することが可能です :"],"Site and home protocol":["サイト URL とホーム URL のプロトコル"],"Site and home are consistent":["サイト URL とホーム URL は一致しています"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["HTTP ヘッダーを PHP に通せるかどうかはサーバーの設定によります。詳しくはお使いのホスティング会社にお問い合わせください。"],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["ヘッダー値"],"Header name":["ヘッダー名"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP ヘッダー"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress フィルター名"],"Filter Name":["フィルター名"],"Cookie value":["Cookie 値"],"Cookie name":["Cookie 名"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["キャッシュを削除"],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Cloudflare などのキャッシュシステムをお使いの場合こちらをお読みください :"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL と HTTP ヘッダー"],"URL and custom filter":["URL とカスタムフィルター"],"URL and cookie":["URL と Cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Redirection の REST API の使い方 - 必要な場合以外は変更しないでください"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress が予期しないエラーを返却しました。これは REST API が動いていないか、他のプラグインやテーマによって起こされている可能性があります。"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["{{link}}プラグインステータス{{/link}} をご覧ください。問題を特定でき、問題を修正できるかもしれません。"],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection は REST API との通信に失敗しました。{{/link}} もし無効化している場合、有効化する必要があります。"],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}セキュリティソフトが Redirectin をブロックしている可能性があります。{{/link}} REST API リクエストを許可するために設定を行う必要があります。"],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}キャッシュソフト{{/link}} 特に Cloudflare は間違ったキャッシュを行うことがあります。すべてのキャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}一時的に他のプラグインを無効化してください。{{/link}} 多くの問題はこれで解決します。"],"None of the suggestions helped":["これらの提案では解決しませんでした"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["<a href=\"\">よくある問題一覧</a> をご覧ください。"],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection のロードに失敗しました☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API は次の URL でアクセス可能です: %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API が動作していないためルートはチェックされません"],"Redirection routes are working":["Redirection ルートは正常に動作しています"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection が REST API ルート上にないようです。プラグインなどを使用して REST API を無効化しましたか ?"],"Redirection routes":["Redirection ルート"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["サイト上の WordPress REST API は無効化されています。Redirection の動作のためには再度有効化する必要があります。"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["ユーザーエージェントエラー"],"Unknown Useragent":["不明なユーザーエージェント"],"Device":["デバイス"],"Operating System":["オペレーティングシステム"],"Browser":["ブラウザー"],"Engine":["エンジン"],"Useragent":["ユーザーエージェント"],"Agent":["エージェント"],"No IP logging":["IP ロギングなし"],"Full IP logging":["フル IP ロギング"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["匿名 IP (最後の部分をマスクする)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["%(type)sの変更を監視"],"IP Logging":["IP ロギング"],"(select IP logging level)":["(IP のログレベルを選択)"],"Geo Info":["位置情報"],"Agent Info":["エージェントの情報"],"Filter by IP":["IP でフィルター"],"Referrer / User Agent":["リファラー / User Agent"],"Geo IP Error":["位置情報エラー"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["この情報の取得中に問題が発生しました。"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["これはプライベートネットワーク内からの IP です。家庭もしくは職場ネットワークからのアクセスであり、これ以上の情報を表示することはできません。"],"No details are known for this address.":["このアドレスには詳細がありません"],"Geo IP":["ジオ IP"],"City":["市区町村"],"Area":["エリア"],"Timezone":["タイムゾーン"],"Geo Location":["位置情報"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["ゴミ箱"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Redirection の使用には WordPress REST API が有効化されている必要があります。REST API が無効化されていると Redirection を使用することができません。"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Redirection プラグインの詳しい使い方については <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> サポートサイトをご覧ください。"],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Redirection の完全なドキュメントは {{site}}{{/site}} で参照できます。問題がある場合はまず、{{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} をチェックしてください。"],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["バグを報告したい場合、こちらの {{report}}バグ報告{{/report}} ガイドをお読みください。"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["公開されているリポジトリに投稿したくない情報を提示したいときは、その内容を可能な限りの詳細な情報を記した上で {{email}}メール{{/email}} を送ってください。"],"Never cache":["キャッシュしない"],"An hour":["1時間"],"Redirect Cache":["リダイレクトキャッシュ"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["301 URL リダイレクトをキャッシュする長さ (\"Expires\" HTTP ヘッダー)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["本当に %s からインポートしますか ?"],"Plugin Importers":["インポートプラグイン"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["サイト上より今プラグインにインポートできる以下のリダイレクトプラグインが見つかりました。"],"total = ":["全数 ="],"Import from %s":["%s からインポート"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["初期設定の WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["マジック修正ボタンが効かない場合、エラーを読み自分で修正する必要があります。もしくは下の「助けが必要」セクションをお読みください。"],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️マジック修正⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["プラグインステータス"],"Custom":["カスタム"],"Mobile":["モバイル"],"Feed Readers":["フィード読者"],"Libraries":["ライブラリ"],"URL Monitor Changes":["変更を監視する URL"],"Save changes to this group":["このグループへの変更を保存"],"For example \"/amp\"":["例: \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL モニター"],"Delete 404s":["404を削除"],"Delete all from IP %s":["すべての IP %s からのものを削除"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["すべての \"%s\" に一致するものを削除"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["大きすぎるリクエストのためサーバーがリクエストを拒否しました。進めるには変更する必要があります。"],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["また <code>redirection.js</code> をお使いのブラウザがロードできるか確認してください :"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["CloudFlare, OVH などのキャッシュプラグイン・サービスを使用してページをキャッシュしている場合、キャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection のロードに失敗しました"],"Unable to create group":["グループの作成に失敗しました"],"Post monitor group is valid":["投稿モニターグループは有効です"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["投稿モニターグループが無効です"],"Post monitor group":["投稿モニターグループ"],"All redirects have a valid group":["すべてのリダイレクトは有効なグループになっています"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["無効なグループのリダイレクトが検出されました"],"Valid redirect group":["有効なリダイレクトグループ"],"Valid groups detected":["有効なグループが検出されました"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["有効なグループがない場合、新規のリダイレクトを追加することはできません。"],"Valid groups":["有効なグループ"],"Database tables":["データベーステーブル"],"The following tables are missing:":["次のテーブルが不足しています:"],"All tables present":["すべてのテーブルが存在しています"],"Cached Redirection detected":["キャッシュされた Redirection が検知されました"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["ブラウザーのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読込してください。"],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["このページのデータが期限切れになりました。再読込してください。"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress WordPress が応答しません。これはエラーが発生したかリクエストがブロックされたことを示しています。サーバーの error_log を確認してください。"],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["サーバーが 403 (閲覧禁止) エラーを返しました。これはリクエストがブロックされてしまった可能性があることを示しています。ファイアウォールやセキュリティプラグインを使用していますか?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["もしこの原因が Redirection だと思うのであれば Issue を作成してください。"],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["この原因は他のプラグインが原因で起こっている可能性があります - 詳細を見るにはブラウザーの開発者ツールを使用してください。"],"Loading, please wait...":["ロード中です。お待ち下さい…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV ファイルフォーマット{{/strong}}: {{code}}ソース URL、 ターゲット URL{{/code}} - またこれらも使用可能です: {{code}}正規表現,、http コード{{/code}} ({{code}}正規表現{{/code}} - 0 = no, 1 = yes)"],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection が動きません。ブラウザーのキャッシュを削除しページを再読込してみてください。"],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["もしこれが助けにならない場合、ブラウザーのコンソールを開き {{link}新しい\n issue{{/link}} を詳細とともに作成してください。"],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["もし未知の問題を発見したなら、{{strong}}issue を作成{{/strong}} するか {{strong}}メール{{/strong}} を送信してください。その際には何をしようとして発生したのかという説明や下に表示されている「重要な詳細」を含めてください。また、スクリーンショットもお願いします。"],"Create Issue":["Issue を作成"],"Email":["メール"],"Important details":["重要な詳細"],"Need help?":["ヘルプが必要ですか?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["サポートはあくまで時間があるときにのみ提供されることになり、必ず提供されると保証することは出来ないことに注意してください。また有料サポートは受け付けていません。"],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - 消滅"],"Position":["配置"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["URL が指定されていない場合に URL を自動生成するために使用されます。{{code}}$dec${{/code}} もしくは {{code}}$hex${{/code}} のような特別なタグが一意の ID を作るために挿入されます。"],"Apache Module":["Apache モジュール"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["{{code}}.htaccess{{/code} を自動的にアップデートさせたい場合、完全なパスとファイルネームを入力してください。"],"Import to group":["グループにインポート"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["CSV や .htaccess、JSON ファイルをインポート"],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["「新規追加」をクリックしここにドラッグアンドドロップしてください。"],"Add File":["ファイルを追加"],"File selected":["選択されたファイル"],"Importing":["インポート中"],"Finished importing":["インポートが完了しました"],"Total redirects imported:":["インポートされたリダイレクト数: "],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["ファイルが正しい形式かもう一度チェックしてください。"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["閉じる"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["すべてのインポートは現在のデータベースに追加されます。"],"Export":["エクスポート"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON へエクスポート (すべての形式はすべてのリダイレクトとグループを含んでいます)"],"Everything":["すべて"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress リダイレクト"],"Apache redirects":["Apache リダイレクト"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx リダイレクト"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx のリライトルール"],"Redirection JSON":["Redirection JSON"],"View":["表示"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["ログファイルはログページにてエクスポート出来ます。"],"Import/Export":["インポート / エクスポート"],"Logs":["ログ"],"404 errors":["404 エラー"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["{{code}}%s{{/code}} をメンションし、何をしたかの説明をお願いします"],"I'd like to support some more.":["もっとサポートがしたいです。"],"Support 💰":["サポート💰"],"Redirection saved":["リダイレクトが保存されました"],"Log deleted":["ログが削除されました"],"Settings saved":["設定が保存されました"],"Group saved":["グループが保存されました"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":[["本当に削除してもよろしいですか?"]],"pass":["パス"],"All groups":["すべてのグループ"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - 恒久的に移動"],"302 - Found":["302 - 発見"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - 一時リダイレクト"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - 恒久リダイレクト"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - 認証が必要"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - 未検出"],"Title":["タイトル"],"When matched":["マッチした時"],"with HTTP code":["次の HTTP コードと共に"],"Show advanced options":["高度な設定を表示"],"Matched Target":["見つかったターゲット"],"Unmatched Target":["ターゲットが見つかりません"],"Saving...":["保存中…"],"View notice":["通知を見る"],"Invalid source URL":["不正な元 URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["不正なリダイレクトアクション"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["不正なリダイレクトマッチャー"],"Unable to add new redirect":["新しいリダイレクトの追加に失敗しました"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["問題が発生しました"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["何かをしようとして問題が発生しました。 それは一時的な問題である可能性があるので、再試行を試してみてください。"],"Log entries (%d max)":["ログ (最大 %d)"],"Search by IP":["IP による検索"],"Select bulk action":["一括操作を選択"],"Bulk Actions":["一括操作"],"Apply":["適応"],"First page":["最初のページ"],"Prev page":["前のページ"],"Current Page":["現在のページ"],"of %(page)s":["%(page)s"],"Next page":["次のページ"],"Last page":["最後のページ"],"%s item":[["%s 個のアイテム"]],"Select All":["すべて選択"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["データのロード中に問題が発生しました - もう一度お試しください"],"No results":["結果なし"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["本当にログを消去しますか ?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["ログを消去すると復元することは出来ません。もしこの操作を自動的に実行させたい場合、Redirection の設定から削除スケジュールを設定することが出来ます。"],"Yes! Delete the logs":["ログを消去する"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["ログを消去しない"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["登録ありがとうございます ! 登録へ戻る場合は {{a}}こちら{{/a}} をクリックしてください。"],"Newsletter":["ニュースレター"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["リダイレクトの変更を最新の状態に保ちたいですか ?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["メールアドレス: "],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["あなたは既にこのプラグインをサポート済みです - ありがとうございます !"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["あなたはいくつかの便利なソフトウェアを手に入れ、私はそれをより良くするために続けます。"],"Forever":["永久に"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["本当にプラグインを削除しますか ?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["プラグインを消去するとすべてのリダイレクト、ログ、設定が削除されます。プラグインを消したい場合、もしくはプラグインをリセットしたい時にこれを実行してください。"],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["リダイレクトを削除するとリダイレクト機能は機能しなくなります。削除後でもまだ機能しているように見えるのならば、ブラウザーのキャッシュを削除してみてください。"],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["プラグインを消去する"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["プラグインを消去しない"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["すべての 301 リダイレクトを管理し、404 エラーをモニター"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection プラグインは無料でお使いいただけます。しかし、開発にはかなりの時間と労力がかかっており、{{strong}}少額の寄付{{/strong}} でも開発を助けていただけると嬉しいです。"],"Redirection Support":["Redirection を応援する"],"Support":["サポート"],"404s":["404 エラー"],"Log":["ログ"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["個のオプションを選択すると、リディレクションプラグインに関するすべての転送ルール・ログ・設定を削除します。本当にこの操作を行って良いか、再度確認してください。"],"Delete Redirection":["転送ルールを削除"],"Upload":["アップロード"],"Import":["インポート"],"Update":["更新"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL を自動生成 "],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["リディレクションログ RSS にフィードリーダーからアクセスするための固有トークン (空白にしておけば自動生成します)"],"RSS Token":["RSS トークン"],"404 Logs":["404 ログ"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(ログの保存期間)"],"Redirect Logs":["転送ログ"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["このプラグインの作者に対する援助を行いました"],"Plugin Support":["プラグインサポート"],"Options":["設定"],"Two months":["2ヶ月"],"A month":["1ヶ月"],"A week":["1週間"],"A day":["1日"],"No logs":["ログなし"],"Delete All":["すべてを削除"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["グループを使って転送をグループ化しましょう。グループはモジュールに割り当てられ、グループ内の転送に影響します。はっきりわからない場合は WordPress モジュールのみを使ってください。"],"Add Group":["グループを追加"],"Search":["検索"],"Groups":["グループ"],"Save":["保存"],"Group":["グループ"],"Match":["一致条件"],"Add new redirection":["新しい転送ルールを追加"],"Cancel":["キャンセル"],"Download":["ダウンロード"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["設定"],"Error (404)":["エラー (404)"],"Pass-through":["通過"],"Redirect to random post":["ランダムな記事へ転送"],"Redirect to URL":["URL へ転送"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["転送ルールを作成する際に無効なグループが指定されました"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["ソース URL"],"Date":["日付"],"Add Redirect":["転送ルールを追加"],"All modules":["すべてのモジュール"],"View Redirects":["転送ルールを表示"],"Module":["モジュール"],"Redirects":["転送ルール"],"Name":["名称"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Reset hits":["訪問数をリセット"],"Enable":["有効化"],"Disable":["無効化"],"Delete":["削除"],"Edit":["編集"],"Last Access":["前回のアクセス"],"Hits":["ヒット数"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Modified Posts":["編集済みの投稿"],"Redirections":["転送ルール"],"User Agent":["ユーザーエージェント"],"URL and user agent":["URL およびユーザーエージェント"],"Target URL":["ターゲット URL"],"URL only":["URL のみ"],"Regex":["正規表現"],"Referrer":["リファラー"],"URL and referrer":["URL およびリファラー"],"Logged Out":["ログアウト中"],"Logged In":["ログイン中"],"URL and login status":["URL およびログイン状態"]}
locale/json/redirection-lv.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":[""],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Pāradresāciju Testēšana"],"Target":[""],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL netiek pāradresēts ar šo spraudni"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL tiek pāradresēts ar šo spraudni"],"Unable to load details":["Neizdevās izgūt informāciju"],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Servera domēns"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":[""],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Relatīvs sākotnējais URL no kura vēlies veikt pāradresāciju"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["Galamērķa URL, uz kuru Tu vēlies pāradresēt sākotnējo saiti"],"(beta)":["(eksperimentāls)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Piespiedu pāradresācija no HTTP uz HTTPS. Lūdzu pārliecinies, ka Tavai tīmekļa vietnei HTTPS darbojas korekti, pirms šī parametra iespējošanas."],"Force HTTPS":["Piespiedu HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Informācija par privātumu"],"Add New":["Pievienot Jaunu"],"Please logout and login again.":["Lūdzu izej no sistēmas, un autorizējies tajā vēlreiz."],"URL and role/capability":[""],"URL and server":["URL un servera domēns"],"Relative /wp-json/":[""],"Default /wp-json/":[""],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":["Tīmekļa vietnes un sākumlapas URL ir saderīgi"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":[""],"Header value":["Galvenes saturs"],"Header name":["Galvenes nosaukums"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Galvene"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filtra nosaukums"],"Filter Name":["Filtra Nosaukums"],"Cookie value":["Sīkdatnes saturs"],"Cookie name":["Sīkdatnes nosaukums"],"Cookie":["Sīkdatne"],"clearing your cache.":[""],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Ja Tu izmanto kešošanas sistēmu, piemēram \"CloudFlare\", lūdzi izlasi šo:"],"URL and HTTP header":[""],"URL and custom filter":[""],"URL and cookie":["URL un sīkdatne"],"404 deleted":[""],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":[""],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[""],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":["Neviens no ieteikumiem nelīdzēja"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Lūdzu apskati <a href=\"\">sarakstu ar biežākajām problēmām</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Neizdevās ielādēt spraudni \"Pāradresācija\" ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":[""],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":["Nezināma Iekārta"],"Device":["Iekārta"],"Operating System":["Operētājsistēma"],"Browser":["Pārlūkprogramma"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":["Iekārtas dati"],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":["Bez IP žurnalēšanas"],"Full IP logging":["Pilna IP žurnalēšana"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Daļēja IP maskēšana"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Pārraudzīt izmaiņas %(type)s saturā"],"IP Logging":["IP Žurnalēšana"],"(select IP logging level)":["(atlasiet IP žurnalēšanas līmeni)"],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":["Atlasīt pēc IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Ieteicējs / Iekārtas Dati"],"Geo IP Error":["IP Ģeolokācijas Kļūda"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":["Par šo adresi nav pieejama informācija."],"Geo IP":["IP Ģeolokācija"],"City":["Pilsēta"],"Area":["Reģions"],"Timezone":["Laika Zona"],"Geo Location":["Ģeogr. Atrašanās Vieta"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Darbību nodrošina {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":[""],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[""],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Ja vēlies ziņot par nepilnību, lūdzu iepazīsties ar {{report}}Ziņošana Par Nepilnībām{{/report}} ceļvedi."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[""],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":[""],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[""],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Vai tiešām vēlies importēt datus no %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importēšana no citiem Spraudņiem"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[""],"total = ":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":["Spraudņa Statuss"],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":["Jaunumu Plūsmas lasītāji"],"Libraries":[""],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":["URL Pārraudzība"],"Delete 404s":["Dzēst 404 kļūdas"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Dzēst visu par IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":[""],"Unable to create group":["Nav iespējams izveidot grupu"],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":["Konstatētas derīgas grupas"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":["Tabulas datubāzē"],"The following tables are missing:":["Iztrūkst šādas tabulas:"],"All tables present":["Visas tabulas ir pieejamas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Konstatēta kešatmiņā saglabāta pāradresācija"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Lūdzu iztīri savas pārlūkprogrammas kešatmiņu un pārlādē šo lapu."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Dati šajā lapā ir novecojuši. Lūdzu pārlādē to."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[""],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":[""],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[""],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":[""],"Important details":[""],"Need help?":["Nepieciešama palīdzība?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":["Secība"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Aizvākts"],"Position":["Pozīcija"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":[""],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":[""],"Import to group":[""],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":[""],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":[""],"Add File":[""],"File selected":[""],"Importing":[""],"Finished importing":[""],"Total redirects imported:":[""],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":[""],"OK":["Labi"],"Close":["Aizvērt"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":[""],"Export":["Eksportēšana"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":[""],"Everything":[""],"WordPress redirects":[""],"Apache redirects":[""],"Nginx redirects":[""],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":["Pāradresētāja JSON"],"View":["Skatīt"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":[""],"Import/Export":["Importēt/Eksportēt"],"Logs":["Žurnalēšana"],"404 errors":["404 kļūdas"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":["Es vēlos sniegt papildus atbalstu."],"Support 💰":["Atbalstīt! 💰"],"Redirection saved":[""],"Log deleted":[""],"Settings saved":["Uzstādījumi tika saglabāti"],"Group saved":["Grupa tika saglabāta"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šo vienību (-as)?","Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šīs vienības?","Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šīs vienības?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Visas grupas"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Pārvietots Pavisam"],"302 - Found":["302 - Atrasts"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Pagaidu Pāradresācija"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Galēja Pāradresācija"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Nav Autorizējies"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nav Atrasts"],"Title":["Nosaukums"],"When matched":[""],"with HTTP code":["ar HTTP kodu"],"Show advanced options":["Rādīt papildu iespējas"],"Matched Target":[""],"Unmatched Target":[""],"Saving...":["Saglabā izmaiņas..."],"View notice":[""],"Invalid source URL":[""],"Invalid redirect action":[""],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":[""],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Kaut kas nogāja greizi 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":[""],"Log entries (%d max)":[""],"Search by IP":["Meklēt pēc IP"],"Select bulk action":["Izvēlies lielapjoma darbību"],"Bulk Actions":["Lielapjoma Darbības"],"Apply":["Pielietot"],"First page":["Pirmā lapa"],"Prev page":["Iepriekšējā lapa"],"Current Page":[""],"of %(page)s":[""],"Next page":["Nākošā lapa"],"Last page":["Pēdējā lapa"],"%s item":["%s vienība","%s vienības","%s vienības"],"Select All":["Iezīmēt Visu"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":[""],"No results":[""],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":[""],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":[""],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Jā! Dzēst žurnālus"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nē! Nedzēst žurnālus"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[""],"Newsletter":["Jaunāko ziņu Abonēšana"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vai vēlies pirmais uzzināt par jaunākajām izmaiņām \"Pāradresācija\" spraudnī?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Tava e-pasta adrese:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Tu esi atbalstījis šo spraudni - paldies Tev!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tu saņem noderīgu programmatūru, un es turpinu to padarīt labāku."],"Forever":["Mūžīgi"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Spraudņa dzēšana - vai tiešām vēlies to darīt?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Dzēšot šo spraudni, tiks nodzēstas visas Tevis izveidotās pāradresācijas, žurnalētie dati un spraudņa uzstādījumi. Dari to tikai tad, ja vēlies aizvākt spraudni pavisam, vai arī veikt tā pilnīgu atiestatīšanu."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Tikko spraudnis tiks nodzēsts, visas caur to uzstādītās pāradresācijas pārstās darboties. Gadījumā, ja tās šķietami turpina darboties, iztīri pārlūkprogrammas kešatmiņu."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Jā! Dzēst šo spraudni"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nē! Nedzēst šo spraudni"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":[""],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Spraudnis \"Pāradresācija\" ir paredzēts bezmaksas lietošanai - dzīve ir vienkārši lieliska! Tā attīstīšanai ir veltīts daudz laika, un arī Tu vari sniegt atbalstu spraudņa tālākai attīstībai, {{strong}}veicot mazu ziedojumu{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":[""],"Support":["Atbalsts"],"404s":[""],"Log":[""],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":[""],"Delete Redirection":[""],"Upload":["Augšupielādēt"],"Import":["Importēt"],"Update":["Saglabāt Izmaiņas"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL Autom. Izveide"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Unikāls identifikators, kas ļauj jaunumu plūsmas lasītājiem piekļūt Pāradresāciju žurnāla RSS (atstāj tukšu, lai to izveidotu automātiski)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Identifikators"],"404 Logs":["404 Žurnalēšana"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(laiks, cik ilgi paturēt ierakstus žurnālā)"],"Redirect Logs":["Pāradresāciju Žurnalēšana"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Esmu foršs cilvēks, jo jau piedalījos šī spraudņa autora atbalstīšanā."],"Plugin Support":["Spraudņa Atbalstīšana"],"Options":["Uzstādījumi"],"Two months":["Divus mēnešus"],"A month":["Mēnesi"],"A week":["Nedēļu"],"A day":["Dienu"],"No logs":["Bez žurnalēšanas"],"Delete All":["Dzēst Visu"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Izmanto grupas, lai organizētu uzstādītās pāradresācijas. Grupas tiek piesaistītas modulim, kas nosaka, pēc kādiem darbības principiem (metodes) pāradresācijas konkrētajā grupā ir jāveic."],"Add Group":["Pievienot grupu"],"Search":["Meklēt"],"Groups":["Grupas"],"Save":["Saglabāt"],"Group":["Grupa"],"Match":[""],"Add new redirection":[""],"Cancel":["Atcelt"],"Download":["Lejupielādēt"],"Redirection":["Pāradresētājs"],"Settings":["Iestatījumi"],"Error (404)":[""],"Pass-through":[""],"Redirect to random post":["Pāradresēt uz nejauši izvēlētu rakstu"],"Redirect to URL":["Pāradresēt uz URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Sākotnējais URL"],"Date":["Datums"],"Add Redirect":["Pievienot Pāradresāciju"],"All modules":[""],"View Redirects":["Skatīt pāradresācijas"],"Module":["Modulis"],"Redirects":["Pāradresācijas"],"Name":["Nosaukums"],"Filter":["Atlasīt"],"Reset hits":["Atiestatīt Izpildes"],"Enable":["Ieslēgt"],"Disable":["Atslēgt"],"Delete":["Dzēst"],"Edit":["Labot"],"Last Access":["Pēdējā piekļuve"],"Hits":["Izpildes"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Veids"],"Modified Posts":["Izmainītie Raksti"],"Redirections":["Pāradresācijas"],"User Agent":["Programmatūras Dati"],"URL and user agent":["URL un iekārtas dati"],"Target URL":["Galamērķa URL"],"URL only":["tikai URL"],"Regex":["Regulārā Izteiksme"],"Referrer":["Ieteicējs (Referrer)"],"URL and referrer":["URL un ieteicējs (referrer)"],"Logged Out":["Ja nav autorizējies"],"Logged In":["Ja autorizējies"],"URL and login status":["URL un autorizācijas statuss"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":[""],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":[""],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":[""],"Try again":[""],"Database problem":[""],"Please enable JavaScript":[""],"Please upgrade your database":[""],"Upgrade Database":[""],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":[""],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":[""],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":[""],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":[""],"418 - I'm a teapot":[""],"403 - Forbidden":[""],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":[""],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":[""],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":[""],"Delete all logs for these entries":[""],"Delete all logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":[""],"Group by URL":[""],"No grouping":[""],"Ignore URL":[""],"Block IP":[""],"Redirect All":[""],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":[""],"Problem":[""],"Good":[""],"Check":[""],"Check Redirect":[""],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[""],"What does this mean?":[""],"Not using Redirection":[""],"Using Redirection":[""],"Found":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":[""],"Error":[""],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[""],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Pāradresāciju Testēšana"],"Target":[""],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL netiek pāradresēts ar šo spraudni"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL tiek pāradresēts ar šo spraudni"],"Unable to load details":["Neizdevās izgūt informāciju"],"Enter server URL to match against":[""],"Server":["Servera domēns"],"Enter role or capability value":[""],"Role":[""],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Relatīvs sākotnējais URL no kura vēlies veikt pāradresāciju"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["Galamērķa URL, uz kuru Tu vēlies pāradresēt sākotnējo saiti"],"(beta)":["(eksperimentāls)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Piespiedu pāradresācija no HTTP uz HTTPS. Lūdzu pārliecinies, ka Tavai tīmekļa vietnei HTTPS darbojas korekti, pirms šī parametra iespējošanas."],"Force HTTPS":["Piespiedu HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Informācija par privātumu"],"Add New":["Pievienot Jaunu"],"Please logout and login again.":["Lūdzu izej no sistēmas, un autorizējies tajā vēlreiz."],"URL and role/capability":[""],"URL and server":["URL un servera domēns"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":[""],"Site and home protocol":[""],"Site and home are consistent":["Tīmekļa vietnes un sākumlapas URL ir saderīgi"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":[""],"Header value":["Galvenes saturs"],"Header name":["Galvenes nosaukums"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Galvene"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filtra nosaukums"],"Filter Name":["Filtra Nosaukums"],"Cookie value":["Sīkdatnes saturs"],"Cookie name":["Sīkdatnes nosaukums"],"Cookie":["Sīkdatne"],"clearing your cache.":[""],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Ja Tu izmanto kešošanas sistēmu, piemēram \"CloudFlare\", lūdzi izlasi šo:"],"URL and HTTP header":[""],"URL and custom filter":[""],"URL and cookie":["URL un sīkdatne"],"404 deleted":[""],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[""],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":[""],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[""],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":[""],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":[""],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[""],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[""],"None of the suggestions helped":["Neviens no ieteikumiem nelīdzēja"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Lūdzu apskati <a href=\"\">sarakstu ar biežākajām problēmām</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Neizdevās ielādēt spraudni \"Pāradresācija\" ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":[""],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":[""],"Redirection routes are working":[""],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":[""],"Redirection routes":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":[""],"":[""],"Useragent Error":[""],"Unknown Useragent":["Nezināma Iekārta"],"Device":["Iekārta"],"Operating System":["Operētājsistēma"],"Browser":["Pārlūkprogramma"],"Engine":[""],"Useragent":["Iekārtas dati"],"Agent":[""],"No IP logging":["Bez IP žurnalēšanas"],"Full IP logging":["Pilna IP žurnalēšana"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Daļēja IP maskēšana"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Pārraudzīt izmaiņas %(type)s saturā"],"IP Logging":["IP Žurnalēšana"],"(select IP logging level)":["(atlasiet IP žurnalēšanas līmeni)"],"Geo Info":[""],"Agent Info":[""],"Filter by IP":["Atlasīt pēc IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Ieteicējs / Iekārtas Dati"],"Geo IP Error":["IP Ģeolokācijas Kļūda"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[""],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[""],"No details are known for this address.":["Par šo adresi nav pieejama informācija."],"Geo IP":["IP Ģeolokācija"],"City":["Pilsēta"],"Area":["Reģions"],"Timezone":["Laika Zona"],"Geo Location":["Ģeogr. Atrašanās Vieta"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Darbību nodrošina {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":[""],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[""],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[""],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[""],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Ja vēlies ziņot par nepilnību, lūdzu iepazīsties ar {{report}}Ziņošana Par Nepilnībām{{/report}} ceļvedi."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[""],"Never cache":[""],"An hour":[""],"Redirect Cache":[""],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[""],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Vai tiešām vēlies importēt datus no %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importēšana no citiem Spraudņiem"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[""],"total = ":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[""],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[""],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[""],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[""],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[""],"Plugin Status":["Spraudņa Statuss"],"Custom":[""],"Mobile":[""],"Feed Readers":["Jaunumu Plūsmas lasītāji"],"Libraries":[""],"URL Monitor Changes":[""],"Save changes to this group":[""],"For example \"/amp\"":[""],"URL Monitor":["URL Pārraudzība"],"Delete 404s":["Dzēst 404 kļūdas"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Dzēst visu par IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":[""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[""],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[""],"Unable to load Redirection":[""],"Unable to create group":["Nav iespējams izveidot grupu"],"Post monitor group is valid":[""],"Post monitor group is invalid":[""],"Post monitor group":[""],"All redirects have a valid group":[""],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[""],"Valid redirect group":[""],"Valid groups detected":["Konstatētas derīgas grupas"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[""],"Valid groups":[""],"Database tables":["Tabulas datubāzē"],"The following tables are missing:":["Iztrūkst šādas tabulas:"],"All tables present":["Visas tabulas ir pieejamas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Konstatēta kešatmiņā saglabāta pāradresācija"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Lūdzu iztīri savas pārlūkprogrammas kešatmiņu un pārlādē šo lapu."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Dati šajā lapā ir novecojuši. Lūdzu pārlādē to."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[""],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":[""],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[""],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[""],"Loading, please wait...":[""],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[""],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[""],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[""],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":[""],"Create Issue":[""],"Email":[""],"Important details":[""],"Need help?":["Nepieciešama palīdzība?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[""],"Pos":["Secība"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Aizvākts"],"Position":["Pozīcija"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[""],"Apache Module":[""],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":[""],"Import to group":[""],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":[""],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":[""],"Add File":[""],"File selected":[""],"Importing":[""],"Finished importing":[""],"Total redirects imported:":[""],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":[""],"OK":["Labi"],"Close":["Aizvērt"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":[""],"Export":["Eksportēšana"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":[""],"Everything":[""],"WordPress redirects":[""],"Apache redirects":[""],"Nginx redirects":[""],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":[""],"Redirection JSON":["Pāradresētāja JSON"],"View":["Skatīt"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":[""],"Import/Export":["Importēt/Eksportēt"],"Logs":["Žurnalēšana"],"404 errors":["404 kļūdas"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":[""],"I'd like to support some more.":["Es vēlos sniegt papildus atbalstu."],"Support 💰":["Atbalstīt! 💰"],"Redirection saved":[""],"Log deleted":[""],"Settings saved":["Uzstādījumi tika saglabāti"],"Group saved":["Grupa tika saglabāta"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šo vienību (-as)?","Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šīs vienības?","Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šīs vienības?"],"pass":[""],"All groups":["Visas grupas"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Pārvietots Pavisam"],"302 - Found":["302 - Atrasts"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Pagaidu Pāradresācija"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Galēja Pāradresācija"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Nav Autorizējies"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nav Atrasts"],"Title":["Nosaukums"],"When matched":[""],"with HTTP code":["ar HTTP kodu"],"Show advanced options":["Rādīt papildu iespējas"],"Matched Target":[""],"Unmatched Target":[""],"Saving...":["Saglabā izmaiņas..."],"View notice":[""],"Invalid source URL":[""],"Invalid redirect action":[""],"Invalid redirect matcher":[""],"Unable to add new redirect":[""],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Kaut kas nogāja greizi 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":[""],"Log entries (%d max)":[""],"Search by IP":["Meklēt pēc IP"],"Select bulk action":["Izvēlies lielapjoma darbību"],"Bulk Actions":["Lielapjoma Darbības"],"Apply":["Pielietot"],"First page":["Pirmā lapa"],"Prev page":["Iepriekšējā lapa"],"Current Page":[""],"of %(page)s":[""],"Next page":["Nākošā lapa"],"Last page":["Pēdējā lapa"],"%s item":["%s vienība","%s vienības","%s vienības"],"Select All":["Iezīmēt Visu"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":[""],"No results":[""],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":[""],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":[""],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Jā! Dzēst žurnālus"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nē! Nedzēst žurnālus"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[""],"Newsletter":["Jaunāko ziņu Abonēšana"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vai vēlies pirmais uzzināt par jaunākajām izmaiņām \"Pāradresācija\" spraudnī?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Tava e-pasta adrese:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Tu esi atbalstījis šo spraudni - paldies Tev!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tu saņem noderīgu programmatūru, un es turpinu to padarīt labāku."],"Forever":["Mūžīgi"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Spraudņa dzēšana - vai tiešām vēlies to darīt?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Dzēšot šo spraudni, tiks nodzēstas visas Tevis izveidotās pāradresācijas, žurnalētie dati un spraudņa uzstādījumi. Dari to tikai tad, ja vēlies aizvākt spraudni pavisam, vai arī veikt tā pilnīgu atiestatīšanu."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Tikko spraudnis tiks nodzēsts, visas caur to uzstādītās pāradresācijas pārstās darboties. Gadījumā, ja tās šķietami turpina darboties, iztīri pārlūkprogrammas kešatmiņu."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Jā! Dzēst šo spraudni"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nē! Nedzēst šo spraudni"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":[""],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Spraudnis \"Pāradresācija\" ir paredzēts bezmaksas lietošanai - dzīve ir vienkārši lieliska! Tā attīstīšanai ir veltīts daudz laika, un arī Tu vari sniegt atbalstu spraudņa tālākai attīstībai, {{strong}}veicot mazu ziedojumu{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":[""],"Support":["Atbalsts"],"404s":[""],"Log":[""],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":[""],"Delete Redirection":[""],"Upload":["Augšupielādēt"],"Import":["Importēt"],"Update":["Saglabāt Izmaiņas"],"Auto-generate URL":["URL Autom. Izveide"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Unikāls identifikators, kas ļauj jaunumu plūsmas lasītājiem piekļūt Pāradresāciju žurnāla RSS (atstāj tukšu, lai to izveidotu automātiski)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Identifikators"],"404 Logs":["404 Žurnalēšana"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(laiks, cik ilgi paturēt ierakstus žurnālā)"],"Redirect Logs":["Pāradresāciju Žurnalēšana"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Esmu foršs cilvēks, jo jau piedalījos šī spraudņa autora atbalstīšanā."],"Plugin Support":["Spraudņa Atbalstīšana"],"Options":["Uzstādījumi"],"Two months":["Divus mēnešus"],"A month":["Mēnesi"],"A week":["Nedēļu"],"A day":["Dienu"],"No logs":["Bez žurnalēšanas"],"Delete All":["Dzēst Visu"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Izmanto grupas, lai organizētu uzstādītās pāradresācijas. Grupas tiek piesaistītas modulim, kas nosaka, pēc kādiem darbības principiem (metodes) pāradresācijas konkrētajā grupā ir jāveic."],"Add Group":["Pievienot grupu"],"Search":["Meklēt"],"Groups":["Grupas"],"Save":["Saglabāt"],"Group":["Grupa"],"Match":[""],"Add new redirection":[""],"Cancel":["Atcelt"],"Download":["Lejupielādēt"],"Redirection":["Pāradresētājs"],"Settings":["Iestatījumi"],"Error (404)":[""],"Pass-through":[""],"Redirect to random post":["Pāradresēt uz nejauši izvēlētu rakstu"],"Redirect to URL":["Pāradresēt uz URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Sākotnējais URL"],"Date":["Datums"],"Add Redirect":["Pievienot Pāradresāciju"],"All modules":[""],"View Redirects":["Skatīt pāradresācijas"],"Module":["Modulis"],"Redirects":["Pāradresācijas"],"Name":["Nosaukums"],"Filter":["Atlasīt"],"Reset hits":["Atiestatīt Izpildes"],"Enable":["Ieslēgt"],"Disable":["Atslēgt"],"Delete":["Dzēst"],"Edit":["Labot"],"Last Access":["Pēdējā piekļuve"],"Hits":["Izpildes"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Veids"],"Modified Posts":["Izmainītie Raksti"],"Redirections":["Pāradresācijas"],"User Agent":["Programmatūras Dati"],"URL and user agent":["URL un iekārtas dati"],"Target URL":["Galamērķa URL"],"URL only":["tikai URL"],"Regex":["Regulārā Izteiksme"],"Referrer":["Ieteicējs (Referrer)"],"URL and referrer":["URL un ieteicējs (referrer)"],"Logged Out":["Ja nav autorizējies"],"Logged In":["Ja autorizējies"],"URL and login status":["URL un autorizācijas statuss"]}
locale/json/redirection-pt_BR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Faça um backup de seus dados do Redirection: {{download}}baixar um backup{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Uma atualização do banco de dados está em andamento. Continue para concluir."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["O banco de dados do Redirection precisa ser atualizado - <a href=\"%1$1s\">clique para atualizar</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["A versão do banco de dados atual é %(current)s, a mais recente é %(latest)s. Por favor atualize para usar novos recursos."],"Redirection database needs updating":["O banco de dados do Redirection precisa ser atualizado"],"Update Required":["Atualização Obrigatória"],"I need some support!":["Preciso de algum suporte!"],"Finish Setup":["Concluir Configuração"],"Checking your REST API":["Conferindo o seu API REST"],"Retry":["Tentar de novo"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Você tem diferentes URLs configurados na página Configurações > Geral do WordPress, o que geralmente indica um erro de configuração, e isso pode causar problemas com a API REST. Confira suas configurações."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Se você tiver um problema, consulte a documentação do seu plugin, ou tente falar com o suporte do provedor de hospedagem. Isso geralmente {{link}}não é um problema causado pelo Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algum outro plugin que bloqueia a API REST"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Programas de cache, por exemplo Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["Um firewall do servidor, ou outra configuração do servidor"],"A security plugin":["Um plugin de segurança"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["O Redirection usa a {{link}}API REST do WordPress{{/link}} para se comunicar com o WordPress. Isso está ativo e funcionando por padrão. Às vezes a API REST é bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Voltar"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar a configuração"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Armazenar o endereço IP permite que você executa outras ações de registro. Observe que você terá que aderir às leis locais com relação à coleta de dados (por exemplo, GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Armazenar informações sobre o IP para redirecionamentos e erros 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Armazenar registros de redirecionamentos e erros 404 permite que você veja o que está acontecendo no seu site. Isso aumenta o espaço ocupado pelo banco de dados."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Manter um registro de todos os redirecionamentos e erros 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leia mais sobre isto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Se você muda o link permanente de um post ou página, o Redirection pode criar automaticamente um redirecionamento para você."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitorar alterações nos links permanentes de posts e páginas do WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas são algumas opções que você pode ativar agora. Elas podem ser alteradas a qualquer hora."],"Basic Setup":["Configuração Básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar Configuração"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Quando estiver pronto, aperte o botão para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primeiro você responderá algumas perguntas,e então o Redirection vai configurar seu banco de dados."],"What's next?":["O que vem a seguir?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Confira se um URL está sendo redirecionado"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Correspondências de URL mais poderosas, inclusive {{regular}}expressões regulares{{/regular}} e {{other}}outras condições{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importe{{/link}} de um arquivo .htaccess ou CSV e de outros vários plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitore erros 404{{/link}}, obtenha informações detalhadas sobre o visitante, e corrija qualquer problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Alguns recursos que você pode achar úteis são"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["A documentação completa pode ser encontrada no {{link}}site do Redirection (em inglês).{{/link}}"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":["Acabou - você agora está redirecionando!"],"The target URL is the new URL":["O URL de destino é o novo URL"],"The source URL is your old or original URL":["O URL da origem é o seu URL antigo ou original"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":["Um redirecionamento simples envolve configurar um {{strong}}URL de origem{{/strong}} (o URL antigo) e um {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (o novo URL):"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Como eu uso este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["O Redirection é projetado para ser usado em sites com poucos redirecionamentos a sites com milhares de redirecionamentos."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Obrigado por instalar e usar o Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin vai permitir que você administre seus redirecionamentos 301, monitore os erros 404, e melhores seu site, sem precisar conhecimentos de Apache ou Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bem-vindo ao Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["Isso vai redirecionar tudo, inclusive as páginas de login. Certifique-se de que realmente quer fazer isso."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para prevenir uma expressão regular gananciosa, você pode usar o sinal {{code}}^{{/code}} para ancorá-la no início do URL. Por exemplo: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Lembre-se de ativar a caixa de seleção \"Regex\" se isto for uma expressão regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["O URL de origem deve provavelmente começar com {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Isso vai ser convertido em um redirecionamento por servidor para o domínio {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Âncoras internas (#) não são enviadas ao servidor e não podem ser redirecionadas."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} para {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Concluído! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progresso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Sair antes de o processo ser concluído pode causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando o Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Atualizando o Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Permaneça nesta página até o fim."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Se quiser {{support}}solicitar suporte{{/support}} inclua estes detalhes:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar atualização"],"Skip this stage":["Pular esta fase"],"Try again":["Tentar de novo"],"Database problem":["Problema no banco de dados"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Ativar o JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Atualize seu banco de dados"],"Upgrade Database":["Atualizar Banco de Dados"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Complete sua <a href=\"%s\">configuração do Redirection</a> para ativar este plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Seu banco de dados não requer atualização para %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Falha ao realizar a consulta \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["A tabela \"%s\" não foi encontrada"],"Create basic data":["Criar dados básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tabelas do Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["URL do site e do WordPress são inconsistentes. Corrija na página Configurações > Geral: %1$1s não é %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Não tente redirecionar todos os seus 404s - isso não é uma coisa boa."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Somente o tipo de página 404 é suportado atualmente."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Digite endereços IP (um por linha)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Descreva o propósito deste redirecionamento (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Sou uma chaleira"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Proibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Solicitação inválida"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Não modificado"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Veja outro"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Fazer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino se não houver correspondência (em branco para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino se houver correspondência (em branco para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todos"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Excluir todos os registros para estas entradas"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Excluir todos os registros para esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Excluir entradas no registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Não agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirecionar todos"],"Count":["Número"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL e tipo de página do WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bom"],"Check":["Verificar"],"Check Redirect":["Verificar redirecionamento"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Verifique o redirecionamento de: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["O que isto significa?"],"Not using Redirection":["Sem usar o Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Usando o Redirection"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} para {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Erro"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Digite o URL inteiro, incluindo http:// ou https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["O seu navegador pode fazer cache de URL, o que dificulta saber se um redirecionamento está funcionando como deveria. Use isto para verificar um URL e ver como ele está realmente sendo redirecionado."],"Redirect Tester":["Teste de redirecionamento"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["O URL não está sendo redirecionado com o Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["O URL está sendo redirecionado com o Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Não foi possível carregar os detalhes"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Digite o URL do servidor para correspondência"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Digite a função ou capacidade"],"Role":["Função"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Texto do referenciador do navegador para correspondênica"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Usuário de agente do navegador para correspondência"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["O URL relativo que você quer redirecionar"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["O URL de destino para qual você quer redirecionar, se houver correspondência"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Força o redirecionamento de HTTP para HTTPS. Antes de ativar, verifique se o HTTPS está funcionando"],"Force HTTPS":["Forçar HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Informações sobre privacidade (em inglês)"],"Add New":["Adicionar novo"],"Please logout and login again.":["Desconecte-se da sua conta e acesse novamente."],"URL and role/capability":["URL e função/capacidade"],"URL and server":["URL e servidor"],"Relative /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ relativo"],"Default /wp-json/":["/wp-json/ padrão"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Se nada funcionar, talvez o Redirection não esteja conseguindo se comunicar com o servidor. Você pode tentar alterar manualmente esta configuração:"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo do endereço do WordPress e do site"],"Site and home are consistent":["O endereço do WordPress e do site são consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["É sua a responsabilidade de passar cabeçalhos HTTP ao PHP. Contate o suporte de seu provedor de hospedagem e pergunte como fazê-lo."],"Accept Language":["Aceitar Idioma"],"Header value":["Valor do cabeçalho"],"Header name":["Nome cabeçalho"],"HTTP Header":["Cabeçalho HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nome do filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nome do filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor do cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nome do cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["limpando seu cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Se você estiver usando um sistema de cache como o Cloudflare, então leia isto: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL e cabeçalho HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL e filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL e cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 excluído"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["/index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Como o Redirection usa a API REST. Não altere a menos que seja necessário"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["O WordPress retornou uma mensagem inesperada. Isso pode ter sido causado por sua API REST não funcionar ou por outro plugin ou tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Dê uma olhada em {{link}}status do plugin{{/link}}. Ali talvez consiga identificar e fazer a \"Correção mágica\" do problema."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}O Redirection não consegue se comunicar com a API REST{{/link}}. Se ela foi desativada, será preciso reativá-la."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Um programa de segurança pode estar bloqueando o Redirection{{/link}}. Configure-o para permitir solicitações da API REST."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Programas de cache{{/link}}, em particular o Cloudflare, podem fazer o cache da coisa errada. Tente liberar seus caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Desative temporariamente outros plugins!{{/link}} Isso corrige muitos problemas."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Nenhuma das sugestões ajudou"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Consulte a <a href=\"\">lista de problemas comuns (em inglês)</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Não foi possível carregar o Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["A API REST do WordPress está funcionando em %s"],"WordPress REST API":["A API REST do WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["A API REST não está funcionado, por isso as rotas não foram verificadas"],"Redirection routes are working":["As rotas do Redirection estão funcionando"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["O Redirection não aparece nas rotas da API REST. Você a desativou com um plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Rotas do Redirection"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["A API REST do WordPress foi desativada. É preciso ativá-la para que o Redirection continue funcionando."],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Erro de agente de usuário"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuário desconhecido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operacional"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuário"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Não registrar IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registrar IP completo"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Tornar IP anônimo (mascarar a última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorar alterações em %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(selecione o nível de registro de IP)"],"Geo Info":["Informações geográficas"],"Agent Info":["Informação sobre o agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referenciador / Agente de usuário"],"Geo IP Error":["Erro IP Geo"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo deu errado ao obter essa informação"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Este é um IP de uma rede privada. Isso significa que ele está localizado dentro de uma rede residencial ou comercial e nenhuma outra informação pode ser exibida."],"No details are known for this address.":["Nenhum detalhe é conhecido para este endereço."],"Geo IP":["IP Geo"],"City":["Cidade"],"Area":["Região"],"Timezone":["Fuso horário"],"Geo Location":["Coordenadas"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Fornecido por {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Lixeira"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["O Redirection requer a API REST do WordPress para ser ativado. Se você a desativou, não vai conseguir usar o Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["A documentação completa (em inglês) sobre como usar o Redirection se encontra no site <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["A documentação completa do Redirection encontra-se (em inglês) em {{site}}{{/site}}. Se tiver algum problema, consulte primeiro as {{faq}}Perguntas frequentes{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Se quiser comunicar um erro, leia o guia {{report}}Comunicando erros (em inglês){{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Se quiser enviar informações que não possam ser tornadas públicas, então remeta-as diretamente (em inglês) por {{email}}e-mail{{/email}}. Inclua o máximo de informação que puder!"],"Never cache":["Nunca fazer cache"],"An hour":["Uma hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache dos redirecionamentos"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["O tempo que deve ter o cache dos URLs redirecionados com 301 (via \"Expires\" no cabeçalho HTTP)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Tem certeza de que deseja importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importar de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Os seguintes plugins de redirecionamento foram detectados em seu site e se pode importar deles."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["O Redirection requer o WordPress v%1$1s, mas você está usando a versão v%2$2s. Atualize o WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Redirecionamentos de \"slugs anteriores\" do WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Criar redirecionamento atrelado (adicionado ao fim do URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["O <code>Redirectioni10n</code> não está definido. Isso geralmente significa que outro plugin está impedindo o Redirection de carregar. Desative todos os plugins e tente novamente."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Se o botão Correção mágica não funcionar, você deve ler o erro e verificar se consegue corrigi-lo manualmente. Caso contrário, siga a seção \"Preciso de ajuda\" abaixo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Correção mágica ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Status do plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvel"],"Feed Readers":["Leitores de feed"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Alterações do monitoramento de URLs"],"Save changes to this group":["Salvar alterações neste grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por exemplo, \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Monitoramento de URLs"],"Delete 404s":["Excluir 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Excluir registros do IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Excluir tudo que corresponder a \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Seu servidor rejeitou a solicitação por ela ser muito grande. Você precisará alterá-la para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Além disso, verifique se o seu navegador é capaz de carregar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Se você estiver usando um plugin ou serviço de cache de página (CloudFlare, OVH, etc), então você também poderá tentar limpar esse cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Não foi possível carregar o Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Não foi possível criar grupo"],"Post monitor group is valid":["O grupo do monitoramento de posts é válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["O grupo de monitoramento de post é inválido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo do monitoramento de posts"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todos os redirecionamentos têm um grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirecionamentos com grupos inválidos detectados"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirecionamento válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Grupos válidos detectados"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Nenhum grupo válido. Portanto, você não poderá criar redirecionamentos"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tabelas do banco de dados"],"The following tables are missing:":["As seguintes tabelas estão faltando:"],"All tables present":["Todas as tabelas presentes"],"Cached Redirection detected":["O Redirection foi detectado no cache"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Limpe o cache do seu navegador e recarregue esta página."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Os dados nesta página expiraram, por favor recarregue."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["O WordPress não retornou uma resposta. Isso pode significar que ocorreu um erro ou que a solicitação foi bloqueada. Confira o error_log de seu servidor."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Seu servidor retornou um erro 403 Proibido, que pode indicar que a solicitação foi bloqueada. Você está usando um firewall ou um plugin de segurança?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Inclua esses detalhes em seu relatório {{strong}}juntamente com uma descrição do que você estava fazendo{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Se você acha que o erro é do Redirection, abra um chamado."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Isso pode ser causado por outro plugin - veja o console de erros do seu navegador para mais detalhes."],"Loading, please wait...":["Carregando, aguarde..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}Formato do arquivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origem, URL de destino{{/code}} - e pode ser opcionalmente seguido com {{code}}regex, código http{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para não, 1 para sim)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["O Redirection não está funcionando. Tente limpar o cache do navegador e recarregar esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Se isso não ajudar, abra o console de erros de seu navegador e crie um {{link}}novo chamado{{/link}} com os detalhes."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Se isso é um novo problema, {{strong}}crie um novo chamado{{/strong}} ou envie-o por {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Inclua a descrição do que você estava tentando fazer e detalhes importantes listados abaixo. Inclua uma captura da tela."],"Create Issue":["Criar chamado"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Important details":["Detalhes importantes"],"Need help?":["Precisa de ajuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Qualquer suporte somente é oferecido à medida que haja tempo disponível, e não é garantido. Não ofereço suporte pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Não existe mais"],"Position":["Posição"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Usado na auto-geração do URL se nenhum URL for dado. Use as tags especiais {{code}}$dec${{/code}} ou {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para em vez disso inserir um ID único"],"Apache Module":["Módulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Digite o caminho completo e o nome do arquivo se quiser que o Redirection atualize o {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importar para grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importar um arquivo CSV, .htaccess ou JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Clique 'Adicionar arquivo' ou arraste e solte aqui."],"Add File":["Adicionar arquivo"],"File selected":["Arquivo selecionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importação concluída"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecionamentos importados:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Verifique novamente se o arquivo é o formato correto!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Fechar"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Todas as importações serão anexadas ao banco de dados atual."],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exportar para CSV, .htaccess do Apache, Nginx, ou JSON do Redirection (que contém todos os redirecionamentos e grupos)."],"Everything":["Tudo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecionamentos WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecionamentos Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecionamentos Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess do Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Regras de reescrita do Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON do Redirection"],"View":["Ver"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Arquivos de registro podem ser exportados nas páginas de registro."],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Erro 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Mencione {{code}}%s{{/code}} e explique o que estava fazendo no momento"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Eu gostaria de ajudar mais um pouco."],"Support 💰":["Doação 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirecionamento salvo"],"Log deleted":["Registro excluído"],"Settings saved":["Configurações salvas"],"Group saved":["Grupo salvo"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este item?","Tem certeza de que deseja excluir estes item?"],"pass":["manter url"],"All groups":["Todos os grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Mudou permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirecionamento temporário"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirecionamento permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Não autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Não encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Quando corresponder"],"with HTTP code":["com código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Exibir opções avançadas"],"Matched Target":["Destino se correspondido"],"Unmatched Target":["Destino se não correspondido"],"Saving...":["Salvando..."],"View notice":["Veja o aviso"],"Invalid source URL":["URL de origem inválido"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ação de redirecionamento inválida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Critério de redirecionamento inválido"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Não foi possível criar novo redirecionamento"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo deu errado 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Eu estava tentando fazer uma coisa e deu errado. Pode ser um problema temporário e se você tentar novamente, pode funcionar - ótimo!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas do registro (máx %d)"],"Search by IP":["Pesquisar por IP"],"Select bulk action":["Selecionar ações em massa"],"Bulk Actions":["Ações em massa"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primeira página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página atual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Próxima página"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s item","%s itens"],"Select All":["Selecionar tudo"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Desculpe, mas algo deu errado ao carregar os dados - tente novamente"],"No results":["Nenhum resultado"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Excluir os registros - Você tem certeza?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Uma vez excluídos, seus registros atuais não estarão mais disponíveis. Você pode agendar uma exclusão na opções do plugin Redirection, se quiser fazê-la automaticamente."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Sim! Exclua os registros"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Não! Não exclua os registros"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Obrigado pela assinatura! {{a}}Clique aqui{{/a}} se você precisar retornar à sua assinatura."],"Newsletter":["Boletim"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Quer ficar a par de mudanças no Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Inscreva-se no boletim do Redirection. O boletim tem baixo volume de mensagens e informa sobre novos recursos e alterações no plugin. Ideal se quiser testar alterações beta antes do lançamento."],"Your email address:":["Seu endereço de e-mail:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Você apoiou este plugin - obrigado!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Você obtém softwares úteis e eu continuo fazendo isso melhor."],"Forever":["Para sempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Excluir o plugin - Você tem certeza?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["A exclusão do plugin irá remover todos os seus redirecionamentos, logs e configurações. Faça isso se desejar remover o plugin para sempre, ou se quiser reiniciar o plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Uma vez excluído, os seus redirecionamentos deixarão de funcionar. Se eles parecerem continuar funcionando, limpe o cache do seu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Sim! Exclua o plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Não! Não exclua o plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gerencie todos os seus redirecionamentos 301 e monitore erros 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["O Redirection é livre para usar - a vida é maravilhosa e adorável! Foi necessário muito tempo e esforço para desenvolver e você pode ajudar a apoiar esse desenvolvimento {{strong}}fazendo uma pequena doação{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Ajuda do Redirection"],"Support":["Ajuda"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecionar esta opção irá remover todos os redirecionamentos, logs e todas as opções associadas ao plugin Redirection. Certifique-se de que é isso mesmo que deseja fazer."],"Delete Redirection":["Excluir o Redirection"],"Upload":["Carregar"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Gerar automaticamente o URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Um token exclusivo que permite a leitores de feed o acesso ao RSS do registro do Redirection (deixe em branco para gerar automaticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros de 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tempo para manter os registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecionamento"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Eu sou uma pessoa legal e ajudei a apoiar o autor deste plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Suporte do plugin"],"Options":["Opções"],"Two months":["Dois meses"],"A month":["Um mês"],"A week":["Uma semana"],"A day":["Um dia"],"No logs":["Não registrar"],"Delete All":["Apagar Tudo"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use grupos para organizar os seus redirecionamentos. Os grupos são associados a um módulo, e o módulo afeta como os redirecionamentos do grupo funcionam. Na dúvida, use o módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Adicionar grupo"],"Search":["Pesquisar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Salvar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Match":["Corresponder"],"Add new redirection":["Adicionar novo redirecionamento"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Baixar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Error (404)":["Erro (404)"],"Pass-through":["Manter URL de origem"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirecionar para um post aleatório"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirecionar para URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Grupo inválido ao criar o redirecionamento"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origem"],"Date":["Data"],"Add Redirect":["Adicionar redirecionamento"],"All modules":["Todos os módulos"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecionamentos"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecionamentos"],"Name":["Nome"],"Filter":["Filtrar"],"Reset hits":["Redefinir acessos"],"Enable":["Ativar"],"Disable":["Desativar"],"Delete":["Excluir"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último Acesso"],"Hits":["Acessos"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Posts modificados"],"Redirections":["Redirecionamentos"],"User Agent":["Agente de usuário"],"URL and user agent":["URL e agente de usuário"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["URL somente"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referenciador"],"URL and referrer":["URL e referenciador"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["URL e status de login"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST raw"],"Default REST API":["API REST padrão"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":["Pronto, é só isso, agora você está redirecionando! O que vai acima é só um exemplo - não dá para inserir um redirecionamento."],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Exemplo) O URL de destino é o novo URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Exemplo) O URL de origem é o URL antigo ou oiginal"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":["Desabilitado! Detectado PHP %s, é necessário PHP 5.4+"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":["Faça um backup de seus dados do Redirection: {{download}}baixar um backup{{/download}}."],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Uma atualização do banco de dados está em andamento. Continue para concluir."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["O banco de dados do Redirection precisa ser atualizado - <a href=\"%1$1s\">clique para atualizar</a>."],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":["A versão do banco de dados atual é %(current)s, a mais recente é %(latest)s. Por favor atualize para usar novos recursos."],"Redirection database needs updating":["O banco de dados do Redirection precisa ser atualizado"],"Update Required":["Atualização Obrigatória"],"I need some support!":["Preciso de algum suporte!"],"Finish Setup":["Concluir Configuração"],"Checking your REST API":["Conferindo o seu API REST"],"Retry":["Tentar de novo"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Você tem diferentes URLs configurados na página Configurações > Geral do WordPress, o que geralmente indica um erro de configuração, e isso pode causar problemas com a API REST. Confira suas configurações."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Se você tiver um problema, consulte a documentação do seu plugin, ou tente falar com o suporte do provedor de hospedagem. Isso geralmente {{link}}não é um problema causado pelo Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algum outro plugin que bloqueia a API REST"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":["Programas de cache, por exemplo Cloudflare"],"A server firewall or other server configuration":["Um firewall do servidor, ou outra configuração do servidor"],"A security plugin":["Um plugin de segurança"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["O Redirection usa a {{link}}API REST do WordPress{{/link}} para se comunicar com o WordPress. Isso está ativo e funcionando por padrão. Às vezes a API REST é bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Voltar"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar a configuração"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Armazenar o endereço IP permite que você executa outras ações de registro. Observe que você terá que aderir às leis locais com relação à coleta de dados (por exemplo, GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Armazenar informações sobre o IP para redirecionamentos e erros 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Armazenar registros de redirecionamentos e erros 404 permite que você veja o que está acontecendo no seu site. Isso aumenta o espaço ocupado pelo banco de dados."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Manter um registro de todos os redirecionamentos e erros 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leia mais sobre isto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Se você muda o link permanente de um post ou página, o Redirection pode criar automaticamente um redirecionamento para você."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitorar alterações nos links permanentes de posts e páginas do WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas são algumas opções que você pode ativar agora. Elas podem ser alteradas a qualquer hora."],"Basic Setup":["Configuração Básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar Configuração"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Quando estiver pronto, aperte o botão para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primeiro você responderá algumas perguntas,e então o Redirection vai configurar seu banco de dados."],"What's next?":["O que vem a seguir?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Confira se um URL está sendo redirecionado"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Correspondências de URL mais poderosas, inclusive {{regular}}expressões regulares{{/regular}} e {{other}}outras condições{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importe{{/link}} de um arquivo .htaccess ou CSV e de outros vários plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitore erros 404{{/link}}, obtenha informações detalhadas sobre o visitante, e corrija qualquer problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Alguns recursos que você pode achar úteis são"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["A documentação completa pode ser encontrada no {{link}}site do Redirection (em inglês).{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Um redirecionamento simples envolve configurar um {{strong}}URL de origem{{/strong}} (o URL antigo) e um {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (o URL novo). Por exemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Como eu uso este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["O Redirection é projetado para ser usado em sites com poucos redirecionamentos a sites com milhares de redirecionamentos."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Obrigado por instalar e usar o Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin vai permitir que você administre seus redirecionamentos 301, monitore os erros 404, e melhores seu site, sem precisar conhecimentos de Apache ou Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bem-vindo ao Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":["Isso vai redirecionar tudo, inclusive as páginas de login. Certifique-se de que realmente quer fazer isso."],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para prevenir uma expressão regular gananciosa, você pode usar o sinal {{code}}^{{/code}} para ancorá-la no início do URL. Por exemplo: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":["Lembre-se de ativar a caixa de seleção \"Regex\" se isto for uma expressão regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["O URL de origem deve provavelmente começar com {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Isso vai ser convertido em um redirecionamento por servidor para o domínio {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Âncoras internas (#) não são enviadas ao servidor e não podem ser redirecionadas."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} para {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Concluído! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progresso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Sair antes de o processo ser concluído pode causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando o Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Atualizando o Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Permaneça nesta página até o fim."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Se quiser {{support}}solicitar suporte{{/support}} inclua estes detalhes:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar atualização"],"Skip this stage":["Pular esta fase"],"Try again":["Tentar de novo"],"Database problem":["Problema no banco de dados"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Ativar o JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Atualize seu banco de dados"],"Upgrade Database":["Atualizar Banco de Dados"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Complete sua <a href=\"%s\">configuração do Redirection</a> para ativar este plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Seu banco de dados não requer atualização para %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Falha ao realizar a consulta \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["A tabela \"%s\" não foi encontrada"],"Create basic data":["Criar dados básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tabelas do Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["URL do site e do WordPress são inconsistentes. Corrija na página Configurações > Geral: %1$1s não é %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Não tente redirecionar todos os seus 404s - isso não é uma coisa boa."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Somente o tipo de página 404 é suportado atualmente."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Digite endereços IP (um por linha)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Descreva o propósito deste redirecionamento (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Sou uma chaleira"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Proibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Solicitação inválida"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Não modificado"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Veja outro"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Fazer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino se não houver correspondência (em branco para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino se houver correspondência (em branco para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todos"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Excluir todos os registros para estas entradas"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Excluir todos os registros para esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Excluir entradas no registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Não agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirecionar todos"],"Count":["Número"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL e tipo de página do WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bom"],"Check":["Verificar"],"Check Redirect":["Verificar redirecionamento"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Verifique o redirecionamento de: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["O que isto significa?"],"Not using Redirection":["Sem usar o Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Usando o Redirection"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} para {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Erro"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Digite o URL inteiro, incluindo http:// ou https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["O seu navegador pode fazer cache de URL, o que dificulta saber se um redirecionamento está funcionando como deveria. Use isto para verificar um URL e ver como ele está realmente sendo redirecionado."],"Redirect Tester":["Teste de redirecionamento"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["O URL não está sendo redirecionado com o Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["O URL está sendo redirecionado com o Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Não foi possível carregar os detalhes"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Digite o URL do servidor para correspondência"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Digite a função ou capacidade"],"Role":["Função"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Texto do referenciador do navegador para correspondênica"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Usuário de agente do navegador para correspondência"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["O URL relativo que você quer redirecionar"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["O URL de destino para qual você quer redirecionar, se houver correspondência"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Força o redirecionamento de HTTP para HTTPS. Antes de ativar, verifique se o HTTPS está funcionando"],"Force HTTPS":["Forçar HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Informações sobre privacidade (em inglês)"],"Add New":["Adicionar novo"],"Please logout and login again.":["Desconecte-se da sua conta e acesse novamente."],"URL and role/capability":["URL e função/capacidade"],"URL and server":["URL e servidor"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Se nada funcionar, talvez o Redirection não esteja conseguindo se comunicar com o servidor. Você pode tentar alterar manualmente esta configuração:"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo do endereço do WordPress e do site"],"Site and home are consistent":["O endereço do WordPress e do site são consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["É sua a responsabilidade de passar cabeçalhos HTTP ao PHP. Contate o suporte de seu provedor de hospedagem e pergunte como fazê-lo."],"Accept Language":["Aceitar Idioma"],"Header value":["Valor do cabeçalho"],"Header name":["Nome cabeçalho"],"HTTP Header":["Cabeçalho HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nome do filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nome do filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor do cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nome do cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["limpando seu cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Se você estiver usando um sistema de cache como o Cloudflare, então leia isto: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL e cabeçalho HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL e filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL e cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 excluído"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Como o Redirection usa a API REST. Não altere a menos que seja necessário"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["O WordPress retornou uma mensagem inesperada. Isso pode ter sido causado por sua API REST não funcionar ou por outro plugin ou tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Dê uma olhada em {{link}}status do plugin{{/link}}. Ali talvez consiga identificar e fazer a \"Correção mágica\" do problema."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}O Redirection não consegue se comunicar com a API REST{{/link}}. Se ela foi desativada, será preciso reativá-la."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Um programa de segurança pode estar bloqueando o Redirection{{/link}}. Configure-o para permitir solicitações da API REST."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Programas de cache{{/link}}, em particular o Cloudflare, podem fazer o cache da coisa errada. Tente liberar seus caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Desative temporariamente outros plugins!{{/link}} Isso corrige muitos problemas."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Nenhuma das sugestões ajudou"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Consulte a <a href=\"\">lista de problemas comuns (em inglês)</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Não foi possível carregar o Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["A API REST do WordPress está funcionando em %s"],"WordPress REST API":["A API REST do WordPress"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["A API REST não está funcionado, por isso as rotas não foram verificadas"],"Redirection routes are working":["As rotas do Redirection estão funcionando"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["O Redirection não aparece nas rotas da API REST. Você a desativou com um plugin?"],"Redirection routes":["Rotas do Redirection"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["A API REST do WordPress foi desativada. É preciso ativá-la para que o Redirection continue funcionando."],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Erro de agente de usuário"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuário desconhecido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operacional"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuário"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Não registrar IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registrar IP completo"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Tornar IP anônimo (mascarar a última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitorar alterações em %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(selecione o nível de registro de IP)"],"Geo Info":["Informações geográficas"],"Agent Info":["Informação sobre o agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Referenciador / Agente de usuário"],"Geo IP Error":["Erro IP Geo"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo deu errado ao obter essa informação"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Este é um IP de uma rede privada. Isso significa que ele está localizado dentro de uma rede residencial ou comercial e nenhuma outra informação pode ser exibida."],"No details are known for this address.":["Nenhum detalhe é conhecido para este endereço."],"Geo IP":["IP Geo"],"City":["Cidade"],"Area":["Região"],"Timezone":["Fuso horário"],"Geo Location":["Coordenadas"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Fornecido por {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Lixeira"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["O Redirection requer a API REST do WordPress para ser ativado. Se você a desativou, não vai conseguir usar o Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["A documentação completa (em inglês) sobre como usar o Redirection se encontra no site <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["A documentação completa do Redirection encontra-se (em inglês) em {{site}}{{/site}}. Se tiver algum problema, consulte primeiro as {{faq}}Perguntas frequentes{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Se quiser comunicar um erro, leia o guia {{report}}Comunicando erros (em inglês){{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Se quiser enviar informações que não possam ser tornadas públicas, então remeta-as diretamente (em inglês) por {{email}}e-mail{{/email}}. Inclua o máximo de informação que puder!"],"Never cache":["Nunca fazer cache"],"An hour":["Uma hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache dos redirecionamentos"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["O tempo que deve ter o cache dos URLs redirecionados com 301 (via \"Expires\" no cabeçalho HTTP)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Tem certeza de que deseja importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importar de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Os seguintes plugins de redirecionamento foram detectados em seu site e se pode importar deles."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["O Redirection requer o WordPress v%1$1s, mas você está usando a versão v%2$2s. Atualize o WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Redirecionamentos de \"slugs anteriores\" do WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Criar redirecionamento atrelado (adicionado ao fim do URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["O <code>Redirectioni10n</code> não está definido. Isso geralmente significa que outro plugin está impedindo o Redirection de carregar. Desative todos os plugins e tente novamente."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Se o botão Correção mágica não funcionar, você deve ler o erro e verificar se consegue corrigi-lo manualmente. Caso contrário, siga a seção \"Preciso de ajuda\" abaixo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Correção mágica ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Status do plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvel"],"Feed Readers":["Leitores de feed"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Alterações do monitoramento de URLs"],"Save changes to this group":["Salvar alterações neste grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por exemplo, \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Monitoramento de URLs"],"Delete 404s":["Excluir 404s"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Excluir registros do IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Excluir tudo que corresponder a \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Seu servidor rejeitou a solicitação por ela ser muito grande. Você precisará alterá-la para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Além disso, verifique se o seu navegador é capaz de carregar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Se você estiver usando um plugin ou serviço de cache de página (CloudFlare, OVH, etc), então você também poderá tentar limpar esse cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Não foi possível carregar o Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Não foi possível criar grupo"],"Post monitor group is valid":["O grupo do monitoramento de posts é válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["O grupo de monitoramento de post é inválido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo do monitoramento de posts"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todos os redirecionamentos têm um grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirecionamentos com grupos inválidos detectados"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirecionamento válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Grupos válidos detectados"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Nenhum grupo válido. Portanto, você não poderá criar redirecionamentos"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tabelas do banco de dados"],"The following tables are missing:":["As seguintes tabelas estão faltando:"],"All tables present":["Todas as tabelas presentes"],"Cached Redirection detected":["O Redirection foi detectado no cache"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Limpe o cache do seu navegador e recarregue esta página."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Os dados nesta página expiraram, por favor recarregue."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["O WordPress não retornou uma resposta. Isso pode significar que ocorreu um erro ou que a solicitação foi bloqueada. Confira o error_log de seu servidor."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Seu servidor retornou um erro 403 Proibido, que pode indicar que a solicitação foi bloqueada. Você está usando um firewall ou um plugin de segurança?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Inclua esses detalhes em seu relatório {{strong}}juntamente com uma descrição do que você estava fazendo{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Se você acha que o erro é do Redirection, abra um chamado."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Isso pode ser causado por outro plugin - veja o console de erros do seu navegador para mais detalhes."],"Loading, please wait...":["Carregando, aguarde..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}Formato do arquivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origem, URL de destino{{/code}} - e pode ser opcionalmente seguido com {{code}}regex, código http{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para não, 1 para sim)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["O Redirection não está funcionando. Tente limpar o cache do navegador e recarregar esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Se isso não ajudar, abra o console de erros de seu navegador e crie um {{link}}novo chamado{{/link}} com os detalhes."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Se isso é um novo problema, {{strong}}crie um novo chamado{{/strong}} ou envie-o por {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Inclua a descrição do que você estava tentando fazer e detalhes importantes listados abaixo. Inclua uma captura da tela."],"Create Issue":["Criar chamado"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Important details":["Detalhes importantes"],"Need help?":["Precisa de ajuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Qualquer suporte somente é oferecido à medida que haja tempo disponível, e não é garantido. Não ofereço suporte pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Não existe mais"],"Position":["Posição"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Usado na auto-geração do URL se nenhum URL for dado. Use as tags especiais {{code}}$dec${{/code}} ou {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para em vez disso inserir um ID único"],"Apache Module":["Módulo Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Digite o caminho completo e o nome do arquivo se quiser que o Redirection atualize o {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}."],"Import to group":["Importar para grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importar um arquivo CSV, .htaccess ou JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Clique 'Adicionar arquivo' ou arraste e solte aqui."],"Add File":["Adicionar arquivo"],"File selected":["Arquivo selecionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importação concluída"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecionamentos importados:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Verifique novamente se o arquivo é o formato correto!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Fechar"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Todas as importações serão anexadas ao banco de dados atual."],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exportar para CSV, .htaccess do Apache, Nginx, ou JSON do Redirection (que contém todos os redirecionamentos e grupos)."],"Everything":["Tudo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecionamentos WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecionamentos Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecionamentos Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess do Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Regras de reescrita do Nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON do Redirection"],"View":["Ver"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Arquivos de registro podem ser exportados nas páginas de registro."],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Erro 404"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Mencione {{code}}%s{{/code}} e explique o que estava fazendo no momento"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Eu gostaria de ajudar mais um pouco."],"Support 💰":["Doação 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Redirecionamento salvo"],"Log deleted":["Registro excluído"],"Settings saved":["Configurações salvas"],"Group saved":["Grupo salvo"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este item?","Tem certeza de que deseja excluir estes item?"],"pass":["manter url"],"All groups":["Todos os grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Mudou permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirecionamento temporário"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirecionamento permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Não autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Não encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Quando corresponder"],"with HTTP code":["com código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Exibir opções avançadas"],"Matched Target":["Destino se correspondido"],"Unmatched Target":["Destino se não correspondido"],"Saving...":["Salvando..."],"View notice":["Veja o aviso"],"Invalid source URL":["URL de origem inválido"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ação de redirecionamento inválida"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Critério de redirecionamento inválido"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Não foi possível criar novo redirecionamento"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo deu errado 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Eu estava tentando fazer uma coisa e deu errado. Pode ser um problema temporário e se você tentar novamente, pode funcionar - ótimo!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas do registro (máx %d)"],"Search by IP":["Pesquisar por IP"],"Select bulk action":["Selecionar ações em massa"],"Bulk Actions":["Ações em massa"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primeira página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página atual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Próxima página"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s item","%s itens"],"Select All":["Selecionar tudo"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Desculpe, mas algo deu errado ao carregar os dados - tente novamente"],"No results":["Nenhum resultado"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Excluir os registros - Você tem certeza?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["Uma vez excluídos, seus registros atuais não estarão mais disponíveis. Você pode agendar uma exclusão na opções do plugin Redirection, se quiser fazê-la automaticamente."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Sim! Exclua os registros"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Não! Não exclua os registros"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Obrigado pela assinatura! {{a}}Clique aqui{{/a}} se você precisar retornar à sua assinatura."],"Newsletter":["Boletim"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Quer ficar a par de mudanças no Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Inscreva-se no boletim do Redirection. O boletim tem baixo volume de mensagens e informa sobre novos recursos e alterações no plugin. Ideal se quiser testar alterações beta antes do lançamento."],"Your email address:":["Seu endereço de e-mail:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Você apoiou este plugin - obrigado!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Você obtém softwares úteis e eu continuo fazendo isso melhor."],"Forever":["Para sempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Excluir o plugin - Você tem certeza?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["A exclusão do plugin irá remover todos os seus redirecionamentos, logs e configurações. Faça isso se desejar remover o plugin para sempre, ou se quiser reiniciar o plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Uma vez excluído, os seus redirecionamentos deixarão de funcionar. Se eles parecerem continuar funcionando, limpe o cache do seu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Sim! Exclua o plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Não! Não exclua o plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gerencie todos os seus redirecionamentos 301 e monitore erros 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["O Redirection é livre para usar - a vida é maravilhosa e adorável! Foi necessário muito tempo e esforço para desenvolver e você pode ajudar a apoiar esse desenvolvimento {{strong}}fazendo uma pequena doação{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Ajuda do Redirection"],"Support":["Ajuda"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecionar esta opção irá remover todos os redirecionamentos, logs e todas as opções associadas ao plugin Redirection. Certifique-se de que é isso mesmo que deseja fazer."],"Delete Redirection":["Excluir o Redirection"],"Upload":["Carregar"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Gerar automaticamente o URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Um token exclusivo que permite a leitores de feed o acesso ao RSS do registro do Redirection (deixe em branco para gerar automaticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros de 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tempo para manter os registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecionamento"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Eu sou uma pessoa legal e ajudei a apoiar o autor deste plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Suporte do plugin"],"Options":["Opções"],"Two months":["Dois meses"],"A month":["Um mês"],"A week":["Uma semana"],"A day":["Um dia"],"No logs":["Não registrar"],"Delete All":["Apagar Tudo"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use grupos para organizar os seus redirecionamentos. Os grupos são associados a um módulo, e o módulo afeta como os redirecionamentos do grupo funcionam. Na dúvida, use o módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Adicionar grupo"],"Search":["Pesquisar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Salvar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Match":["Corresponder"],"Add new redirection":["Adicionar novo redirecionamento"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Baixar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Error (404)":["Erro (404)"],"Pass-through":["Manter URL de origem"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirecionar para um post aleatório"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirecionar para URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Grupo inválido ao criar o redirecionamento"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origem"],"Date":["Data"],"Add Redirect":["Adicionar redirecionamento"],"All modules":["Todos os módulos"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecionamentos"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecionamentos"],"Name":["Nome"],"Filter":["Filtrar"],"Reset hits":["Redefinir acessos"],"Enable":["Ativar"],"Disable":["Desativar"],"Delete":["Excluir"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último Acesso"],"Hits":["Acessos"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Modified Posts":["Posts modificados"],"Redirections":["Redirecionamentos"],"User Agent":["Agente de usuário"],"URL and user agent":["URL e agente de usuário"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["URL somente"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referenciador"],"URL and referrer":["URL e referenciador"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["URL e status de login"]}
locale/json/redirection-ru_RU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Обновление базы данных в процессе. Пожалуйста, продолжите для завершения."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":["Завершено! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Прогресс: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Если вы уйдете до завершения, то могут возникнуть проблемы."],"Setting up Redirection":["Установка Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Обновление Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Оставайтесь на этой странице до завершения."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":["Остановить обновление"],"Skip this stage":["Пропустить этот шаг"],"Try again":["Попробуйте снова"],"Database problem":["Проблема с базой данных"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Пожалуйста, обновите вашу базу данных"],"Upgrade Database":["Обновить базу данных"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Ваша база данных не нуждается в обновлении до %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Ошибка выполнения запроса \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Таблица \"%s\" отсутствует"],"Create basic data":["Создать основные данные"],"Install Redirection tables":["Установить таблицы Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Пожалуйста, не пытайтесь перенаправить все ваши 404, это не лучшее что можно сделать."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Сейчас поддерживается только тип страницы 404."],"Page Type":["Тип страницы"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Введите IP адреса (один на строку)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Опишите цель перенаправления (необязательно)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Я чайник"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Доступ запрещен"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Неверный запрос"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Без изменений"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Посмотрите другое"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Ничего не делать (игнорировать)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":["Показать все"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Удалить все журналы для этих элементов"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Удалить все журналы для этого элемента"],"Delete Log Entries":["Удалить записи журнала"],"Group by IP":["Группировка по IP"],"Group by URL":["Группировка по URL"],"No grouping":["Без группировки"],"Ignore URL":["Игнорировать URL"],"Block IP":["Блокировка IP"],"Redirect All":["Перенаправить все"],"Count":["Счетчик"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL и тип страницы WP"],"URL and IP":["URL и IP"],"Problem":["Проблема"],"Good":["Хорошо"],"Check":["Проверка"],"Check Redirect":["Проверка перенаправления"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Проверка перенаправления для: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Что это значит?"],"Not using Redirection":["Не используется перенаправление"],"Using Redirection":["Использование перенаправления"],"Found":["Найдено"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} на {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Ожидается"],"Error":["Ошибка"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Введите полный URL-адрес, включая http:// или https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Иногда ваш браузер может кэшировать URL-адрес, поэтому трудно понять, работает ли он так, как ожидалось. Используйте это, чтобы проверить URL-адрес, чтобы увидеть, как он действительно перенаправляется."],"Redirect Tester":["Тестирование перенаправлений"],"Target":["Цель"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL-адрес не перенаправляется с помощью Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL-адрес перенаправлен с помощью Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Не удается загрузить сведения"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Введите URL-адрес сервера для совпадений"],"Server":["Сервер"],"Enter role or capability value":["Введите значение роли или возможности"],"Role":["Роль"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Совпадение с текстом реферера браузера"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Сопоставить с этим пользовательским агентом обозревателя"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Относительный URL-адрес, с которого требуется перенаправить"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["Целевой URL-адрес, который требуется перенаправить в случае совпадения"],"(beta)":["(бета)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Принудительное перенаправление с HTTP на HTTPS. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что ваш HTTPS работает, прежде чем включить"],"Force HTTPS":["Принудительное HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Информация о конфиденциальности"],"Add New":["Добавить новое"],"Please logout and login again.":["Пожалуйста, выйдите и войдите снова."],"URL and role/capability":["URL-адрес и роль/возможности"],"URL and server":["URL и сервер"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Относительный /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["По умолчанию /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Если вы не можете получить что-либо, то Redirection может столкнуться с трудностями при общении с вашим сервером. Вы можете вручную изменить этот параметр:"],"Site and home protocol":["Протокол сайта и домашней"],"Site and home are consistent":["Сайт и домашняя страница соответствуют"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Заметьте, что вы должны передать HTTP заголовки в PHP. Обратитесь за поддержкой к своему хостинг-провайдеру, если вам требуется помощь."],"Accept Language":["заголовок Accept Language"],"Header value":["Значение заголовка"],"Header name":["Имя заголовка"],"HTTP Header":["Заголовок HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Имя фильтра WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Название фильтра"],"Cookie value":["Значение куки"],"Cookie name":["Имя куки"],"Cookie":["Куки"],"clearing your cache.":["очистка кеша."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Если вы используете систему кэширования, такую как cloudflare, пожалуйста, прочитайте это: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL-адрес и заголовок HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL-адрес и пользовательский фильтр"],"URL and cookie":["URL и куки"],"404 deleted":["404 удалено"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Только /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Как Redirection использует REST API - не изменяются, если это необходимо"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress вернул неожиданное сообщение. Это может быть вызвано тем, что REST API не работает, или другим плагином или темой."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Взгляните на{{link}}статус плагина{{/link}}. Возможно, он сможет определить и \"волшебно исправить\" проблемы."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection не может соединиться с REST API{{/link}}.Если вы отключили его, то вам нужно будет включить его."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}} Программное обеспечение безопасности может блокировать Redirection{{/link}}. Необходимо настроить, чтобы разрешить запросы REST API."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Кэширование программного обеспечения{{/link}},в частности Cloudflare, может кэшировать неправильные вещи. Попробуйте очистить все кэши."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}} Пожалуйста, временно отключите другие плагины! {{/ link}} Это устраняет множество проблем."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Ни одно из предложений не помогло"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Пожалуйста, обратитесь к <a href=\"\">списку распространенных проблем</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Не удается загрузить Redirection ☹ ️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API работает в %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API не работает, поэтому маршруты не проверены"],"Redirection routes are working":["Маршруты перенаправления работают"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Перенаправление не отображается в маршрутах REST API. Вы отключили его с плагином?"],"Redirection routes":["Маршруты перенаправления"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Ваш WordPress REST API был отключен. Вам нужно будет включить его для продолжения работы Redirection"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Ошибка пользовательского агента"],"Unknown Useragent":["Неизвестный агент пользователя"],"Device":["Устройство"],"Operating System":["Операционная система"],"Browser":["Браузер"],"Engine":["Движок"],"Useragent":["Пользовательский агент"],"Agent":["Агент"],"No IP logging":["Не протоколировать IP"],"Full IP logging":["Полное протоколирование IP-адресов"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Анонимизировать IP (маска последняя часть)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Отслеживание изменений в %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Протоколирование IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(Выберите уровень ведения протокола по IP)"],"Geo Info":["Географическая информация"],"Agent Info":["Информация о агенте"],"Filter by IP":["Фильтровать по IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Пользователь / Агент пользователя"],"Geo IP Error":["Ошибка GeoIP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Что-то пошло не так получение этой информации"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Это IP из частной сети. Это означает, что он находится внутри домашней или бизнес-сети, и больше информации не может быть отображено."],"No details are known for this address.":["Сведения об этом адресе не известны."],"Geo IP":["GeoIP"],"City":["Город"],"Area":["Область"],"Timezone":["Часовой пояс"],"Geo Location":["Геолокация"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Работает на {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Корзина"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Обратите внимание, что Redirection требует WordPress REST API для включения. Если вы отключили это, то вы не сможете использовать Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Вы можете найти полную документацию об использовании Redirection на <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> поддержки сайта."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Полную документацию по Redirection можно найти на {{site}}{{/site}}. Если у вас возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, проверьте сперва {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Если вы хотите сообщить об ошибке, пожалуйста, прочитайте инструкцию {{report}} отчеты об ошибках {{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Если вы хотите отправить информацию, которую вы не хотите в публичный репозиторий, отправьте ее напрямую через {{email}} email {{/e-mail}} - укажите как можно больше информации!"],"Never cache":["Не кэшировать"],"An hour":["Час"],"Redirect Cache":["Перенаправление кэша"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Как долго кэшировать перенаправленные 301 URL-адреса (через \"истекает\" HTTP заголовок)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Вы действительно хотите импортировать из %s ?"],"Plugin Importers":["Импортеры плагина"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Следующие плагины перенаправления были обнаружены на вашем сайте и могут быть импортированы из."],"total = ":["всего = "],"Import from %s":["Импортировать из %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection требует WordPress v%1$1s, вы используете v%2$2s - пожалуйста, обновите ваш WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Старые ярлыки\" WordPress по умолчанию"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Создание связанного перенаправления (Добавлено в конец URL-адреса)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> не определен. Это обычно означает, что другой плагин блокирует Redirection от загрузки. Пожалуйста, отключите все плагины и повторите попытку."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Если волшебная кнопка не работает, то вы должны посмотреть ошибку и решить, сможете ли вы исправить это вручную, иначе следуйте в раздел ниже \"Нужна помощь\"."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Волшебное исправление ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Статус плагина"],"Custom":["Пользовательский"],"Mobile":["Мобильный"],"Feed Readers":["Читатели ленты"],"Libraries":["Библиотеки"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL-адрес монитор изменений"],"Save changes to this group":["Сохранить изменения в этой группе"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Например \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Монитор URL"],"Delete 404s":["Удалить 404"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Удалить все с IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Удалить все совпадения \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Ваш сервер отклонил запрос потому что он слишком большой. Для продолжения потребуется изменить его."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Также проверьте, может ли ваш браузер загрузить <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Если вы используете плагин кэширования страниц или услугу (cloudflare, OVH и т.д.), то вы также можете попробовать очистить кэш."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Не удается загрузить Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Невозможно создать группу"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Группа мониторинга сообщений действительна"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Группа мониторинга постов недействительна."],"Post monitor group":["Группа отслеживания сообщений"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Все перенаправления имеют допустимую группу"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Перенаправление с недопустимыми группами обнаружены"],"Valid redirect group":["Допустимая группа для перенаправления"],"Valid groups detected":["Обнаружены допустимые группы"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Нет допустимых групп, поэтому вы не сможете создавать перенаправления"],"Valid groups":["Допустимые группы"],"Database tables":["Таблицы базы данных"],"The following tables are missing:":["Следующие таблицы отсутствуют:"],"All tables present":["Все таблицы в наличии"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Обнаружено кэшированное перенаправление"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Очистите кеш браузера и перезагрузите эту страницу."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Данные на этой странице истекли, пожалуйста, перезагрузите."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress не вернул ответ. Это может означать, что произошла ошибка или что запрос был заблокирован. Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш error_log сервера."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Ваш сервер вернул ошибку 403 (доступ запрещен), что означает что запрос был заблокирован. Возможно причина в том, что вы используете фаерволл или плагин безопасности? Возможно mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Включите эти сведения в отчет {{strong}} вместе с описанием того, что вы делали{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Если вы считаете, что ошибка в Redirection, то создайте тикет о проблеме."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Это может быть вызвано другим плагином-посмотрите на консоль ошибок вашего браузера для более подробной информации."],"Loading, please wait...":["Загрузка, пожалуйста подождите..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}} Формат CSV-файла {{/strong}}: {code}} исходный URL, целевой URL {{/code}}-и может быть опционально сопровождаться {{code}} Regex, http кодом {{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}}-0 для НЕТ, 1 для ДА)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection не работает. Попробуйте очистить кэш браузера и перезагрузить эту страницу."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Если это не поможет, откройте консоль ошибок браузера и создайте {{link}} новую заявку {{/link}} с деталями."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Если это новая проблема, пожалуйста, либо {{strong}} создайте новую заявку{{/strong}} или отправьте ее по{{strong}} электронной почте{{/strong}}. Напишите описание того, что вы пытаетесь сделать, и важные детали, перечисленные ниже. Пожалуйста, включите скриншот."],"Create Issue":["Создать тикет о проблеме"],"Email":["Электронная почта"],"Important details":["Важные детали"],"Need help?":["Нужна помощь?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Обратите внимание, что любая поддержка предоставляется по мере доступности и не гарантируется. Я не предоставляю платной поддержки."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Удалено"],"Position":["Позиция"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Используется для автоматического создания URL-адреса, если URL-адрес не указан. Используйте специальные теги {{code}} $ dec $ {{code}} или {{code}} $ hex $ {{/ code}}, чтобы вместо этого вставить уникальный идентификатор"],"Apache Module":["Модуль Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Введите полный путь и имя файла, если вы хотите, чтобы перенаправление автоматически обновляло ваш {{code}}. Htaccess {{code}}."],"Import to group":["Импорт в группу"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Импортируйте файл CSV, .htaccess или JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Нажмите «Добавить файл» или перетащите сюда."],"Add File":["Добавить файл"],"File selected":["Выбран файл"],"Importing":["Импортирование"],"Finished importing":["Импорт завершен"],"Total redirects imported:":["Всего импортировано перенаправлений:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Дважды проверьте правильность формата файла!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Закрыть"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Все импортируемые компоненты будут добавлены в текущую базу данных."],"Export":["Экспорт"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Экспорт в CSV, Apache. htaccess, nginx или Redirection JSON (который содержит все перенаправления и группы)."],"Everything":["Все"],"WordPress redirects":["Перенаправления WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["перенаправления Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["перенаправления NGINX"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Правила перезаписи nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["Перенаправление JSON"],"View":["Вид"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Файлы логов можно экспортировать из страниц логов."],"Import/Export":["Импорт/Экспорт"],"Logs":["Журналы"],"404 errors":["404 ошибки"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Пожалуйста, укажите {{code}} %s {{/code}}, и объясните, что вы делали в то время"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Мне хотелось бы поддержать чуть больше."],"Support 💰":["Поддержка 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Перенаправление сохранено"],"Log deleted":["Лог удален"],"Settings saved":["Настройки сохранены"],"Group saved":["Группа сохранена"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?","Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?","Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?"],"pass":["проход"],"All groups":["Все группы"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Переехал навсегда"],"302 - Found":["302 - Найдено"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Временное перенаправление"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Постоянное перенаправление"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Не авторизованы"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Страница не найдена"],"Title":["Название"],"When matched":["При совпадении"],"with HTTP code":["с кодом HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Показать расширенные параметры"],"Matched Target":["Совпавшие цели"],"Unmatched Target":["Несовпавшая цель"],"Saving...":["Сохранение..."],"View notice":["Просмотреть уведомление"],"Invalid source URL":["Неверный исходный URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Неверное действие перенаправления"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Неверное совпадение перенаправления"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Не удалось добавить новое перенаправление"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Что-то пошло не так 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Я пытался что-то сделать, и все пошло не так. Это может быть временная проблема, и если вы попробуете еще раз, это может сработать - здорово!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Журнал записей (%d максимум)"],"Search by IP":["Поиск по IP"],"Select bulk action":["Выберите массовое действие"],"Bulk Actions":["Массовые действия"],"Apply":["Применить"],"First page":["Первая страница"],"Prev page":["Предыдущая страница"],"Current Page":["Текущая страница"],"of %(page)s":["из %(page)s"],"Next page":["Следующая страница"],"Last page":["Последняя страница"],"%s item":["%s элемент","%s элемента","%s элементов"],"Select All":["Выбрать всё"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Извините, что-то пошло не так при загрузке данных-пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз"],"No results":["Нет результатов"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Удалить журналы - вы уверены?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["После удаления текущие журналы больше не будут доступны. Если требуется сделать это автоматически, можно задать расписание удаления из параметров перенаправления."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Да! Удалить журналы"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Нет! Не удаляйте журналы"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Благодарим за подписку! {{a}} Нажмите здесь {{/ a}}, если вам нужно вернуться к своей подписке."],"Newsletter":["Новости"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Хотите быть в курсе изменений в плагине?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Подпишитесь на маленький информационный бюллетень Redirection - информационный бюллетень о новых функциях и изменениях в плагине с небольшим количеством сообщений. Идеально, если вы хотите протестировать бета-версии до выпуска."],"Your email address:":["Ваш адрес электронной почты:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Вы поддерживаете этот плагин - спасибо!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Вы получаете полезное программное обеспечение, и я продолжаю делать его лучше."],"Forever":["Всегда"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Удалить плагин-вы уверены?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Удаление плагина удалит все ваши перенаправления, журналы и настройки. Сделайте это, если вы хотите удалить плагин, или если вы хотите сбросить плагин."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["После удаления перенаправления перестанут работать. Если они, кажется, продолжают работать, пожалуйста, очистите кэш браузера."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Да! Удалить плагин"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Нет! Не удаляйте плагин"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Управляйте всеми 301-перенаправлениями и отслеживайте ошибки 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection является бесплатным для использования - жизнь чудесна и прекрасна! Это потребовало много времени и усилий для развития, и вы можете помочь поддержать эту разработку {{strong}} сделав небольшое пожертвование {{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Поддержка перенаправления"],"Support":["Поддержка"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Журнал"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Выбор данной опции удалит все настроенные перенаправления, все журналы и все другие настройки, связанные с данным плагином. Убедитесь, что это именно то, чего вы желаете."],"Delete Redirection":["Удалить перенаправление"],"Upload":["Загрузить"],"Import":["Импортировать"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Auto-generate URL":["Автоматическое создание URL-адреса"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Уникальный токен, позволяющий читателям получить доступ к RSS журнала Redirection (оставьте пустым, чтобы автоматически генерировать)"],"RSS Token":["RSS-токен"],"404 Logs":["404 Журналы"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(время хранения журналов для)"],"Redirect Logs":["Перенаправление журналов"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Я хороший человек, и я помог поддержать автора этого плагина"],"Plugin Support":["Поддержка плагина"],"Options":["Опции"],"Two months":["Два месяца"],"A month":["Месяц"],"A week":["Неделя"],"A day":["День"],"No logs":["Нет записей"],"Delete All":["Удалить все"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Используйте группы для организации редиректов. Группы назначаются модулю, который определяет как будут работать перенаправления в этой группе. Если не уверены - используйте модуль WordPress."],"Add Group":["Добавить группу"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Groups":["Группы"],"Save":["Сохранить"],"Group":["Группа"],"Match":["Совпадение"],"Add new redirection":["Добавить новое перенаправление"],"Cancel":["Отменить"],"Download":["Скачать"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Настройки"],"Error (404)":["Ошибка (404)"],"Pass-through":["Прозрачно пропускать"],"Redirect to random post":["Перенаправить на случайную запись"],"Redirect to URL":["Перенаправление на URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Неправильная группа при создании переадресации"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Исходный URL"],"Date":["Дата"],"Add Redirect":["Добавить перенаправление"],"All modules":["Все модули"],"View Redirects":["Просмотр перенаправлений"],"Module":["Модуль"],"Redirects":["Редиректы"],"Name":["Имя"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Reset hits":["Сбросить показы"],"Enable":["Включить"],"Disable":["Отключить"],"Delete":["Удалить"],"Edit":["Редактировать"],"Last Access":["Последний доступ"],"Hits":["Показы"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Тип"],"Modified Posts":["Измененные записи"],"Redirections":["Перенаправления"],"User Agent":["Агент пользователя"],"URL and user agent":["URL-адрес и агент пользователя"],"Target URL":["Целевой URL-адрес"],"URL only":["Только URL-адрес"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Ссылающийся URL"],"URL and referrer":["URL и ссылающийся URL"],"Logged Out":["Выход из системы"],"Logged In":["Вход в систему"],"URL and login status":["Статус URL и входа"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Обновление базы данных в процессе. Пожалуйста, продолжите для завершения."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":[""],"I need some support!":[""],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":[""],"Retry":[""],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":[""],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":[""],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":[""],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[""],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[""],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[""],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":[""],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":[""],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":[""],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":["Завершено! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Прогресс: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Если вы уйдете до завершения, то могут возникнуть проблемы."],"Setting up Redirection":["Установка Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Обновление Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Оставайтесь на этой странице до завершения."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":["Остановить обновление"],"Skip this stage":["Пропустить этот шаг"],"Try again":["Попробуйте снова"],"Database problem":["Проблема с базой данных"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Пожалуйста, обновите вашу базу данных"],"Upgrade Database":["Обновить базу данных"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Ваша база данных не нуждается в обновлении до %s."],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":["Ошибка выполнения запроса \"%s\""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Таблица \"%s\" отсутствует"],"Create basic data":["Создать основные данные"],"Install Redirection tables":["Установить таблицы Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Пожалуйста, не пытайтесь перенаправить все ваши 404, это не лучшее что можно сделать."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Сейчас поддерживается только тип страницы 404."],"Page Type":["Тип страницы"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Введите IP адреса (один на строку)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Опишите цель перенаправления (необязательно)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Я чайник"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Доступ запрещен"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Неверный запрос"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Без изменений"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Посмотрите другое"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Ничего не делать (игнорировать)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[""],"Show All":["Показать все"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Удалить все журналы для этих элементов"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Удалить все журналы для этого элемента"],"Delete Log Entries":["Удалить записи журнала"],"Group by IP":["Группировка по IP"],"Group by URL":["Группировка по URL"],"No grouping":["Без группировки"],"Ignore URL":["Игнорировать URL"],"Block IP":["Блокировка IP"],"Redirect All":["Перенаправить все"],"Count":["Счетчик"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL и тип страницы WP"],"URL and IP":["URL и IP"],"Problem":["Проблема"],"Good":["Хорошо"],"Check":["Проверка"],"Check Redirect":["Проверка перенаправления"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Проверка перенаправления для: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Что это значит?"],"Not using Redirection":["Не используется перенаправление"],"Using Redirection":["Использование перенаправления"],"Found":["Найдено"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} на {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Ожидается"],"Error":["Ошибка"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Введите полный URL-адрес, включая http:// или https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Иногда ваш браузер может кэшировать URL-адрес, поэтому трудно понять, работает ли он так, как ожидалось. Используйте это, чтобы проверить URL-адрес, чтобы увидеть, как он действительно перенаправляется."],"Redirect Tester":["Тестирование перенаправлений"],"Target":["Цель"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL-адрес не перенаправляется с помощью Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL-адрес перенаправлен с помощью Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Не удается загрузить сведения"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Введите URL-адрес сервера для совпадений"],"Server":["Сервер"],"Enter role or capability value":["Введите значение роли или возможности"],"Role":["Роль"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Совпадение с текстом реферера браузера"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Сопоставить с этим пользовательским агентом обозревателя"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Относительный URL-адрес, с которого требуется перенаправить"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["Целевой URL-адрес, который требуется перенаправить в случае совпадения"],"(beta)":["(бета)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Принудительное перенаправление с HTTP на HTTPS. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что ваш HTTPS работает, прежде чем включить"],"Force HTTPS":["Принудительное HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR / Информация о конфиденциальности"],"Add New":["Добавить новое"],"Please logout and login again.":["Пожалуйста, выйдите и войдите снова."],"URL and role/capability":["URL-адрес и роль/возможности"],"URL and server":["URL и сервер"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Если вы не можете получить что-либо, то Redirection может столкнуться с трудностями при общении с вашим сервером. Вы можете вручную изменить этот параметр:"],"Site and home protocol":["Протокол сайта и домашней"],"Site and home are consistent":["Сайт и домашняя страница соответствуют"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Заметьте, что вы должны передать HTTP заголовки в PHP. Обратитесь за поддержкой к своему хостинг-провайдеру, если вам требуется помощь."],"Accept Language":["заголовок Accept Language"],"Header value":["Значение заголовка"],"Header name":["Имя заголовка"],"HTTP Header":["Заголовок HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Имя фильтра WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Название фильтра"],"Cookie value":["Значение куки"],"Cookie name":["Имя куки"],"Cookie":["Куки"],"clearing your cache.":["очистка кеша."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Если вы используете систему кэширования, такую как cloudflare, пожалуйста, прочитайте это: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL-адрес и заголовок HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL-адрес и пользовательский фильтр"],"URL and cookie":["URL и куки"],"404 deleted":["404 удалено"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Как Redirection использует REST API - не изменяются, если это необходимо"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress вернул неожиданное сообщение. Это может быть вызвано тем, что REST API не работает, или другим плагином или темой."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Взгляните на{{link}}статус плагина{{/link}}. Возможно, он сможет определить и \"волшебно исправить\" проблемы."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection не может соединиться с REST API{{/link}}.Если вы отключили его, то вам нужно будет включить его."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}} Программное обеспечение безопасности может блокировать Redirection{{/link}}. Необходимо настроить, чтобы разрешить запросы REST API."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Кэширование программного обеспечения{{/link}},в частности Cloudflare, может кэшировать неправильные вещи. Попробуйте очистить все кэши."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}} Пожалуйста, временно отключите другие плагины! {{/ link}} Это устраняет множество проблем."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Ни одно из предложений не помогло"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Пожалуйста, обратитесь к <a href=\"\">списку распространенных проблем</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Не удается загрузить Redirection ☹ ️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API работает в %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API не работает, поэтому маршруты не проверены"],"Redirection routes are working":["Маршруты перенаправления работают"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Перенаправление не отображается в маршрутах REST API. Вы отключили его с плагином?"],"Redirection routes":["Маршруты перенаправления"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Ваш WordPress REST API был отключен. Вам нужно будет включить его для продолжения работы Redirection"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Ошибка пользовательского агента"],"Unknown Useragent":["Неизвестный агент пользователя"],"Device":["Устройство"],"Operating System":["Операционная система"],"Browser":["Браузер"],"Engine":["Движок"],"Useragent":["Пользовательский агент"],"Agent":["Агент"],"No IP logging":["Не протоколировать IP"],"Full IP logging":["Полное протоколирование IP-адресов"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Анонимизировать IP (маска последняя часть)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Отслеживание изменений в %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Протоколирование IP"],"(select IP logging level)":["(Выберите уровень ведения протокола по IP)"],"Geo Info":["Географическая информация"],"Agent Info":["Информация о агенте"],"Filter by IP":["Фильтровать по IP"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Пользователь / Агент пользователя"],"Geo IP Error":["Ошибка GeoIP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Что-то пошло не так получение этой информации"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Это IP из частной сети. Это означает, что он находится внутри домашней или бизнес-сети, и больше информации не может быть отображено."],"No details are known for this address.":["Сведения об этом адресе не известны."],"Geo IP":["GeoIP"],"City":["Город"],"Area":["Область"],"Timezone":["Часовой пояс"],"Geo Location":["Геолокация"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Работает на {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Корзина"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Обратите внимание, что Redirection требует WordPress REST API для включения. Если вы отключили это, то вы не сможете использовать Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Вы можете найти полную документацию об использовании Redirection на <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> поддержки сайта."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Полную документацию по Redirection можно найти на {{site}}{{/site}}. Если у вас возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, проверьте сперва {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Если вы хотите сообщить об ошибке, пожалуйста, прочитайте инструкцию {{report}} отчеты об ошибках {{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Если вы хотите отправить информацию, которую вы не хотите в публичный репозиторий, отправьте ее напрямую через {{email}} email {{/e-mail}} - укажите как можно больше информации!"],"Never cache":["Не кэшировать"],"An hour":["Час"],"Redirect Cache":["Перенаправление кэша"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Как долго кэшировать перенаправленные 301 URL-адреса (через \"истекает\" HTTP заголовок)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Вы действительно хотите импортировать из %s ?"],"Plugin Importers":["Импортеры плагина"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Следующие плагины перенаправления были обнаружены на вашем сайте и могут быть импортированы из."],"total = ":["всего = "],"Import from %s":["Импортировать из %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection требует WordPress v%1$1s, вы используете v%2$2s - пожалуйста, обновите ваш WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Старые ярлыки\" WordPress по умолчанию"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Создание связанного перенаправления (Добавлено в конец URL-адреса)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> не определен. Это обычно означает, что другой плагин блокирует Redirection от загрузки. Пожалуйста, отключите все плагины и повторите попытку."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Если волшебная кнопка не работает, то вы должны посмотреть ошибку и решить, сможете ли вы исправить это вручную, иначе следуйте в раздел ниже \"Нужна помощь\"."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Волшебное исправление ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Статус плагина"],"Custom":["Пользовательский"],"Mobile":["Мобильный"],"Feed Readers":["Читатели ленты"],"Libraries":["Библиотеки"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL-адрес монитор изменений"],"Save changes to this group":["Сохранить изменения в этой группе"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Например \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Монитор URL"],"Delete 404s":["Удалить 404"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Удалить все с IP %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Удалить все совпадения \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Ваш сервер отклонил запрос потому что он слишком большой. Для продолжения потребуется изменить его."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Также проверьте, может ли ваш браузер загрузить <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Если вы используете плагин кэширования страниц или услугу (cloudflare, OVH и т.д.), то вы также можете попробовать очистить кэш."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Не удается загрузить Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Невозможно создать группу"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Группа мониторинга сообщений действительна"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Группа мониторинга постов недействительна."],"Post monitor group":["Группа отслеживания сообщений"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Все перенаправления имеют допустимую группу"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Перенаправление с недопустимыми группами обнаружены"],"Valid redirect group":["Допустимая группа для перенаправления"],"Valid groups detected":["Обнаружены допустимые группы"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Нет допустимых групп, поэтому вы не сможете создавать перенаправления"],"Valid groups":["Допустимые группы"],"Database tables":["Таблицы базы данных"],"The following tables are missing:":["Следующие таблицы отсутствуют:"],"All tables present":["Все таблицы в наличии"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Обнаружено кэшированное перенаправление"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Очистите кеш браузера и перезагрузите эту страницу."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Данные на этой странице истекли, пожалуйста, перезагрузите."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress не вернул ответ. Это может означать, что произошла ошибка или что запрос был заблокирован. Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш error_log сервера."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":["Ваш сервер вернул ошибку 403 (доступ запрещен), что означает что запрос был заблокирован. Возможно причина в том, что вы используете фаерволл или плагин безопасности? Возможно mod_security?"],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Включите эти сведения в отчет {{strong}} вместе с описанием того, что вы делали{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Если вы считаете, что ошибка в Redirection, то создайте тикет о проблеме."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Это может быть вызвано другим плагином-посмотрите на консоль ошибок вашего браузера для более подробной информации."],"Loading, please wait...":["Загрузка, пожалуйста подождите..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}} Формат CSV-файла {{/strong}}: {code}} исходный URL, целевой URL {{/code}}-и может быть опционально сопровождаться {{code}} Regex, http кодом {{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}}-0 для НЕТ, 1 для ДА)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection не работает. Попробуйте очистить кэш браузера и перезагрузить эту страницу."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Если это не поможет, откройте консоль ошибок браузера и создайте {{link}} новую заявку {{/link}} с деталями."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Если это новая проблема, пожалуйста, либо {{strong}} создайте новую заявку{{/strong}} или отправьте ее по{{strong}} электронной почте{{/strong}}. Напишите описание того, что вы пытаетесь сделать, и важные детали, перечисленные ниже. Пожалуйста, включите скриншот."],"Create Issue":["Создать тикет о проблеме"],"Email":["Электронная почта"],"Important details":["Важные детали"],"Need help?":["Нужна помощь?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Обратите внимание, что любая поддержка предоставляется по мере доступности и не гарантируется. Я не предоставляю платной поддержки."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Удалено"],"Position":["Позиция"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Используется для автоматического создания URL-адреса, если URL-адрес не указан. Используйте специальные теги {{code}} $ dec $ {{code}} или {{code}} $ hex $ {{/ code}}, чтобы вместо этого вставить уникальный идентификатор"],"Apache Module":["Модуль Apache"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Введите полный путь и имя файла, если вы хотите, чтобы перенаправление автоматически обновляло ваш {{code}}. Htaccess {{code}}."],"Import to group":["Импорт в группу"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Импортируйте файл CSV, .htaccess или JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Нажмите «Добавить файл» или перетащите сюда."],"Add File":["Добавить файл"],"File selected":["Выбран файл"],"Importing":["Импортирование"],"Finished importing":["Импорт завершен"],"Total redirects imported:":["Всего импортировано перенаправлений:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Дважды проверьте правильность формата файла!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Закрыть"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["Все импортируемые компоненты будут добавлены в текущую базу данных."],"Export":["Экспорт"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Экспорт в CSV, Apache. htaccess, nginx или Redirection JSON (который содержит все перенаправления и группы)."],"Everything":["Все"],"WordPress redirects":["Перенаправления WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["перенаправления Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["перенаправления NGINX"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Правила перезаписи nginx"],"Redirection JSON":["Перенаправление JSON"],"View":["Вид"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Файлы логов можно экспортировать из страниц логов."],"Import/Export":["Импорт/Экспорт"],"Logs":["Журналы"],"404 errors":["404 ошибки"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Пожалуйста, укажите {{code}} %s {{/code}}, и объясните, что вы делали в то время"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Мне хотелось бы поддержать чуть больше."],"Support 💰":["Поддержка 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Перенаправление сохранено"],"Log deleted":["Лог удален"],"Settings saved":["Настройки сохранены"],"Group saved":["Группа сохранена"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?","Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?","Вы действительно хотите удалить этот пункт?"],"pass":["проход"],"All groups":["Все группы"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Переехал навсегда"],"302 - Found":["302 - Найдено"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Временное перенаправление"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Постоянное перенаправление"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Не авторизованы"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Страница не найдена"],"Title":["Название"],"When matched":["При совпадении"],"with HTTP code":["с кодом HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Показать расширенные параметры"],"Matched Target":["Совпавшие цели"],"Unmatched Target":["Несовпавшая цель"],"Saving...":["Сохранение..."],"View notice":["Просмотреть уведомление"],"Invalid source URL":["Неверный исходный URL"],"Invalid redirect action":["Неверное действие перенаправления"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Неверное совпадение перенаправления"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Не удалось добавить новое перенаправление"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Что-то пошло не так 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Я пытался что-то сделать, и все пошло не так. Это может быть временная проблема, и если вы попробуете еще раз, это может сработать - здорово!"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Журнал записей (%d максимум)"],"Search by IP":["Поиск по IP"],"Select bulk action":["Выберите массовое действие"],"Bulk Actions":["Массовые действия"],"Apply":["Применить"],"First page":["Первая страница"],"Prev page":["Предыдущая страница"],"Current Page":["Текущая страница"],"of %(page)s":["из %(page)s"],"Next page":["Следующая страница"],"Last page":["Последняя страница"],"%s item":["%s элемент","%s элемента","%s элементов"],"Select All":["Выбрать всё"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Извините, что-то пошло не так при загрузке данных-пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз"],"No results":["Нет результатов"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Удалить журналы - вы уверены?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["После удаления текущие журналы больше не будут доступны. Если требуется сделать это автоматически, можно задать расписание удаления из параметров перенаправления."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Да! Удалить журналы"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Нет! Не удаляйте журналы"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Благодарим за подписку! {{a}} Нажмите здесь {{/ a}}, если вам нужно вернуться к своей подписке."],"Newsletter":["Новости"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Хотите быть в курсе изменений в плагине?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Подпишитесь на маленький информационный бюллетень Redirection - информационный бюллетень о новых функциях и изменениях в плагине с небольшим количеством сообщений. Идеально, если вы хотите протестировать бета-версии до выпуска."],"Your email address:":["Ваш адрес электронной почты:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Вы поддерживаете этот плагин - спасибо!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Вы получаете полезное программное обеспечение, и я продолжаю делать его лучше."],"Forever":["Всегда"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Удалить плагин-вы уверены?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Удаление плагина удалит все ваши перенаправления, журналы и настройки. Сделайте это, если вы хотите удалить плагин, или если вы хотите сбросить плагин."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["После удаления перенаправления перестанут работать. Если они, кажется, продолжают работать, пожалуйста, очистите кэш браузера."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Да! Удалить плагин"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Нет! Не удаляйте плагин"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Управляйте всеми 301-перенаправлениями и отслеживайте ошибки 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection является бесплатным для использования - жизнь чудесна и прекрасна! Это потребовало много времени и усилий для развития, и вы можете помочь поддержать эту разработку {{strong}} сделав небольшое пожертвование {{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Поддержка перенаправления"],"Support":["Поддержка"],"404s":["404"],"Log":["Журнал"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Выбор данной опции удалит все настроенные перенаправления, все журналы и все другие настройки, связанные с данным плагином. Убедитесь, что это именно то, чего вы желаете."],"Delete Redirection":["Удалить перенаправление"],"Upload":["Загрузить"],"Import":["Импортировать"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Auto-generate URL":["Автоматическое создание URL-адреса"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Уникальный токен, позволяющий читателям получить доступ к RSS журнала Redirection (оставьте пустым, чтобы автоматически генерировать)"],"RSS Token":["RSS-токен"],"404 Logs":["404 Журналы"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(время хранения журналов для)"],"Redirect Logs":["Перенаправление журналов"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Я хороший человек, и я помог поддержать автора этого плагина"],"Plugin Support":["Поддержка плагина"],"Options":["Опции"],"Two months":["Два месяца"],"A month":["Месяц"],"A week":["Неделя"],"A day":["День"],"No logs":["Нет записей"],"Delete All":["Удалить все"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Используйте группы для организации редиректов. Группы назначаются модулю, который определяет как будут работать перенаправления в этой группе. Если не уверены - используйте модуль WordPress."],"Add Group":["Добавить группу"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Groups":["Группы"],"Save":["Сохранить"],"Group":["Группа"],"Match":["Совпадение"],"Add new redirection":["Добавить новое перенаправление"],"Cancel":["Отменить"],"Download":["Скачать"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Настройки"],"Error (404)":["Ошибка (404)"],"Pass-through":["Прозрачно пропускать"],"Redirect to random post":["Перенаправить на случайную запись"],"Redirect to URL":["Перенаправление на URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Неправильная группа при создании переадресации"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Исходный URL"],"Date":["Дата"],"Add Redirect":["Добавить перенаправление"],"All modules":["Все модули"],"View Redirects":["Просмотр перенаправлений"],"Module":["Модуль"],"Redirects":["Редиректы"],"Name":["Имя"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Reset hits":["Сбросить показы"],"Enable":["Включить"],"Disable":["Отключить"],"Delete":["Удалить"],"Edit":["Редактировать"],"Last Access":["Последний доступ"],"Hits":["Показы"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Тип"],"Modified Posts":["Измененные записи"],"Redirections":["Перенаправления"],"User Agent":["Агент пользователя"],"URL and user agent":["URL-адрес и агент пользователя"],"Target URL":["Целевой URL-адрес"],"URL only":["Только URL-адрес"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Ссылающийся URL"],"URL and referrer":["URL и ссылающийся URL"],"Logged Out":["Выход из системы"],"Logged In":["Вход в систему"],"URL and login status":["Статус URL и входа"]}
locale/json/redirection-sv_SE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"":[],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["En databasuppgradering pågår. Fortsätt att slutföra."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":["Uppdatering krävs"],"I need some support!":["Jag behöver lite support!"],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":["Kontrollerar din REST API"],"Retry":["Försök igen"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Några andra tillägg som blockerar REST API"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":["Ett säkerhetstillägg"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":["Gå tillbaka"],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Spara IP-information för omdirigeringar och 404 fel."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Behåll en logg över alla omdirigeringar och 404 fel."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Läs mer om detta.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["När du är klar, tryck på knappen för att fortsätta."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":["Vissa funktioner som du kan tycka är användbara är"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!":[""],"The target URL is the new URL":[""],"The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":["Hur använder jag detta tillägg?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Välkommen till Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":["Klart! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":["Hoppa över detta steg"],"Try again":["Försök igen"],"Database problem":["Databasproblem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Aktivera JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Uppgradera din databas"],"Upgrade Database":["Uppgradera databas"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":["Skapa grundläggande data"],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":["Sidtyp"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Ange IP-adresser (en per rad)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Beskriv syftet med denna omdirigering (valfritt)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 – Jag är en tekanna"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 – Förbjuden"],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":["304 – Inte modifierad"],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Gör ingenting (ignorera)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL-mål när den inte matchas (tom för att ignorera)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL-mål vid matchning (tom för att ignorera)"],"Show All":["Visa alla"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Ta bort alla loggar för dessa poster"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Ta bort alla loggar för denna post"],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":["Grupp efter IP"],"Group by URL":["Grupp efter URL"],"No grouping":["Ingen gruppering"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorera URL"],"Block IP":["Blockera IP"],"Redirect All":["Omdirigera alla"],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":["URL och IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Bra"],"Check":["Kontrollera"],"Check Redirect":["Kontrollera omdirigering"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Kontrollera omdirigering för: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Vad betyder detta?"],"Not using Redirection":["Använder inte omdirigering"],"Using Redirection":["Använder omdirigering"],"Found":["Hittad"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":["Förväntad"],"Error":["Fel"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Ange fullständig URL, inklusive http:// eller https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Omdirigeringstestare"],"Target":["Mål"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL omdirigeras inte med Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL omdirigeras med Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Det gick inte att ladda detaljer"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Ange server-URL för att matcha mot"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Ange roll eller behörighetsvärde"],"Role":["Roll"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Den relativa URL du vill omdirigera från"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["URL-målet du vill omdirigera till om den matchas"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Tvinga en omdirigering från HTTP till HTTPS. Se till att din HTTPS fungerar innan du aktiverar"],"Force HTTPS":["Tvinga HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR/integritetsinformation"],"Add New":["Lägg till ny"],"Please logout and login again.":["Logga ut och logga in igen."],"URL and role/capability":["URL och roll/behörighet"],"URL and server":["URL och server"],"Relative /wp-json/":["Relativ /wp-json/"],"Default /wp-json/":["Standard /wp-json/"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Om du inte kan få något att fungera kan det hända att Redirection har svårt att kommunicera med din server. Du kan försöka ändra den här inställningen manuellt:"],"Site and home protocol":["Webbplats och hemprotokoll"],"Site and home are consistent":["Webbplats och hem är konsekventa"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":["Acceptera språk"],"Header value":["Värde för sidhuvud"],"Header name":["Namn på sidhuvud"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP-sidhuvud"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress-filternamn"],"Filter Name":["Filternamn"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-värde"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-namn"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["rensa cacheminnet."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Om du använder ett caching-system som Cloudflare, läs det här:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL- och HTTP-sidhuvuden"],"URL and custom filter":["URL och anpassat filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL och cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borttagen"],"Raw /index.php?rest_route=/":["Rå /index.php?rest_route=/"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Hur Redirection använder REST API – ändra inte om inte nödvändigt"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returnerade ett oväntat meddelande. Det här kan orsakas av att ditt REST API inte fungerar eller av ett annat tillägg eller tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Ta en titt på {{link}tilläggsstatusen{{/ link}}. Det kan vara möjligt att identifiera och ”magiskt åtgärda” problemet."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection kan inte kommunicera med ditt REST API{{/link}}. Om du har inaktiverat det måste du aktivera det."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Säkerhetsprogram kan eventuellt blockera Redirection{{/link}}. Du måste konfigurera dessa för att tillåta REST API-förfrågningar."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching-program{{/link}}, i synnerhet Cloudflare, kan cacha fel sak. Försök att rensa all cache."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Vänligen inaktivera andra tillägg tillfälligt!{{/link}} Detta fixar många problem."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Inget av förslagen hjälpte"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Vänligen läs <a href=\"\">listan med kända problem</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Kunde inte ladda Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API arbetar på %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API fungerar inte så flödena kontrolleras inte"],"Redirection routes are working":["Omdirigeringsflödena fungerar"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection finns inte dina REST API-flöden. Har du inaktiverat det med ett tillägg?"],"Redirection routes":["Omdirigeringsflöden"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Ditt WordPress REST API har inaktiverats. Du måste aktivera det för att Redirection ska fortsätta att fungera"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Användaragentfel"],"Unknown Useragent":["Okänd användaragent"],"Device":["Enhet"],"Operating System":["Operativsystem"],"Browser":["Webbläsare"],"Engine":["Sökmotor"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["Ingen loggning av IP-nummer"],"Full IP logging":["Fullständig loggning av IP-nummer"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisera IP-nummer (maska sista delen)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Övervaka ändringar till %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Läggning av IP-nummer"],"(select IP logging level)":["(välj loggningsnivå för IP)"],"Geo Info":["Geo-info"],"Agent Info":["Agentinfo"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrera på IP-nummer"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Hänvisare/Användaragent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo-IP-fel"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Något gick fel när denna information skulle hämtas"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Detta är en IP från ett privat nätverk. Det betyder att det ligger i ett hem- eller företagsnätverk och ingen mer information kan visas."],"No details are known for this address.":["Det finns inga kända detaljer för denna adress."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["Stad"],"Area":["Region"],"Timezone":["Tidszon"],"Geo Location":["Geo-plats"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Drivs av {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Släng"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Observera att Redirection kräver att WordPress REST API ska vara aktiverat. Om du har inaktiverat det här kommer du inte kunna använda Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection finns på support-sidan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection kan hittas på {{site}}{{/site}}. Om du har problem, vänligen kolla {{faq}}vanliga frågor{{/faq}} först."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Om du vill rapportera en bugg, vänligen läs guiden {{report}}rapportera buggar{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Om du vill skicka information som du inte vill ska synas publikt, så kan du skicka det direkt via {{email}}e-post{{/email}} — inkludera så mycket information som du kan!"],"Never cache":["Använd aldrig cache"],"An hour":["En timma"],"Redirect Cache":["Omdirigera cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Hur länge omdirigerade 301-URL:er ska cachas (via HTTP-sidhuvudet ”Expires”)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Är du säker på att du vill importera från %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Tilläggsimporterare"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Följande omdirigeringstillägg hittades på din webbplats och kan importeras från."],"total = ":["totalt ="],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection kräver WordPress v%1$1s, du använder v%2$2s – uppdatera WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["WordPress standard ”gamla permalänkar”"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Skapa associerad omdirigering (läggs till i slutet på URL:en)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> är inte definierat. Detta betyder vanligtvis att ett annat tillägg blockerar Redirection från att laddas. Vänligen inaktivera alla tillägg och försök igen."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Om knappen inte fungerar bör du läsa felmeddelande och se om du kan fixa felet manuellt, annars kan du kolla i avsnittet 'Behöver du hjälp?' längre ner."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magisk fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Tilläggsstatus"],"Custom":["Anpassad"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"Feed Readers":["Feedläsare"],"Libraries":["Bibliotek"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Övervaka URL-ändringar"],"Save changes to this group":["Spara ändringar till den här gruppen"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Till exempel ”/amp”"],"URL Monitor":["URL-övervakning"],"Delete 404s":["Radera 404:or"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Ta bort allt från IP-numret %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Ta bort allt som matchar \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Din server har nekat begäran för att den var för stor. Du måste ändra den innan du fortsätter."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Kontrollera också att din webbläsare kan ladda <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Om du använder ett tillägg eller en tjänst för att cacha sidor (CloudFlare, OVH m.m.) så kan du också prova att rensa den cachen."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Det gick inte att ladda Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Det gick inte att skapa grupp"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg är giltig"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg är ogiltig"],"Post monitor group":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Alla omdirigeringar har en giltig grupp"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Omdirigeringar med ogiltiga grupper upptäcktes"],"Valid redirect group":["Giltig omdirigeringsgrupp"],"Valid groups detected":["Giltiga grupper upptäcktes"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Inga giltiga grupper, du kan inte skapa nya omdirigeringar"],"Valid groups":["Giltiga grupper"],"Database tables":["Databastabeller"],"The following tables are missing:":["Följande tabeller saknas:"],"All tables present":["Alla tabeller närvarande"],"Cached Redirection detected":["En cachad version av Redirection upptäcktes"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Vänligen rensa din webbläsares cache och ladda om denna sida."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Datan på denna sida är inte längre aktuell, vänligen ladda om sidan."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress returnerade inte ett svar. Det kan innebära att ett fel inträffade eller att begäran blockerades. Vänligen kontrollera din servers error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Inkludera dessa detaljer i din rapport {{strong}}tillsammans med en beskrivning av vad du gjorde{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Om du tror att Redirection orsakar felet, skapa en felrapport."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Detta kan ha orsakats av ett annat tillägg - kolla i din webbläsares fel-konsol för mer information. "],"Loading, please wait...":["Laddar, vänligen vänta..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV filformat{{/strong}}: {{code}}Käll-URL, Mål-URL{{/code}} - som valfritt kan följas av {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 för nej, 1 för ja)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection fungerar inte. Prova att rensa din webbläsares cache och ladda om den här sidan."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Om det inte hjälper, öppna din webbläsares fel-konsol och skapa en {{link}}ny felrapport{{/link}} med informationen."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Om detta är ett nytt problem, vänligen {{strong}}skapa en ny felrapport{{/strong}} eller skicka rapporten via {{strong}}e-post{{/strong}}. Bifoga en beskrivning av det du försökte göra inklusive de viktiga detaljerna listade nedanför. Vänligen bifoga också en skärmavbild. "],"Create Issue":["Skapa felrapport"],"Email":["E-post"],"Important details":["Viktiga detaljer"],"Need help?":["Behöver du hjälp?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Observera att eventuell support tillhandahålls vart efter tid finns och hjälp kan inte garanteras. Jag ger inte betald support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Borttagen"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Används för att automatiskt generera en URL om ingen URL anges. Använd specialkoderna {{code}}$dec${{/code}} eller {{code}}$hex${{/code}} för att infoga ett unikt ID istället"],"Apache Module":["Apache-modul"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Om du vill att Redirection automatiskt ska uppdatera din {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}, fyll då i hela sökvägen inklusive filnamn."],"Import to group":["Importera till grupp"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importera en CSV-fil, .htaccess-fil eller JSON-fil."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicka på 'Lägg till fil' eller dra och släpp en fil här."],"Add File":["Lägg till fil"],"File selected":["Fil vald"],"Importing":["Importerar"],"Finished importing":["Importering klar"],"Total redirects imported:":["Antal omdirigeringar importerade:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Dubbelkolla att filen är i rätt format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Stäng"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All importerade omdirigeringar kommer infogas till den aktuella databasen."],"Export":["Exportera"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exportera till CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, eller JSON omdirigeringar (som innehåller alla omdirigeringar och grupper)."],"Everything":["Allt"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress omdirigeringar"],"Apache redirects":["Apache omdirigeringar"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx omdirigeringar"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx omskrivningsregler"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON omdirigeringar"],"View":["Visa"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Loggfiler kan exporteras från loggsidorna."],"Import/Export":["Importera/Exportera"],"Logs":["Loggar"],"404 errors":["404-fel"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Vänligen nämn {{code}}%s{{/code}} och förklara vad du gjorde vid tidpunkten"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Jag skulle vilja stödja lite till."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Omdirigering sparad"],"Log deleted":["Logginlägg raderades"],"Settings saved":["Inställning sparad"],"Group saved":["Grupp sparad"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Är du säker på att du vill radera detta objekt?","Är du säker på att du vill radera dessa objekt?"],"pass":["lösen"],"All groups":["Alla grupper"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Flyttad permanent"],"302 - Found":["302 - Hittad"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Tillfällig omdirigering"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent omdirigering"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Obehörig"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Hittades inte"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":["När matchning sker"],"with HTTP code":["med HTTP-kod"],"Show advanced options":["Visa avancerande alternativ"],"Matched Target":["Matchande mål"],"Unmatched Target":["Ej matchande mål"],"Saving...":["Sparar..."],"View notice":["Visa meddelande"],"Invalid source URL":["Ogiltig URL-källa"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ogiltig omdirigeringsåtgärd"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Ogiltig omdirigeringsmatchning"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Det går inte att lägga till en ny omdirigering"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Något gick fel 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Jag försökte göra något, och sen gick det fel. Det kan vara ett tillfälligt problem och om du försöker igen kan det fungera."],"Log entries (%d max)":["Antal logginlägg per sida (max %d)"],"Search by IP":["Sök via IP"],"Select bulk action":["Välj massåtgärd"],"Bulk Actions":["Massåtgärd"],"Apply":["Tillämpa"],"First page":["Första sidan"],"Prev page":["Föregående sida"],"Current Page":["Aktuell sida"],"of %(page)s":["av %(sidor)"],"Next page":["Nästa sida"],"Last page":["Sista sidan"],"%s item":["%s objekt","%s objekt"],"Select All":["Välj allt"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Något gick fel när data laddades - Vänligen försök igen"],"No results":["Inga resultat"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Är du säker på att du vill radera loggarna?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["När du har raderat dina nuvarande loggar kommer de inte längre att vara tillgängliga. Om du vill, kan du ställa in ett automatiskt raderingsschema på Redirections alternativ-sida."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Ja! Radera loggarna"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nej! Radera inte loggarna"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Tack för att du prenumererar! {{a}}Klicka här{{/a}} om du behöver gå tillbaka till din prenumeration."],"Newsletter":["Nyhetsbrev"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vill du bli uppdaterad om ändringar i Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Din e-postadress:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du har stöttat detta tillägg - tack!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du får en användbar mjukvara och jag kan fortsätta göra den bättre."],"Forever":["För evigt"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Radera tillägget - är du verkligen säker på det?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Tar du bort tillägget tar du även bort alla omdirigeringar, loggar och inställningar. Gör detta om du vill ta bort tillägget helt och hållet, eller om du vill återställa tillägget."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["När du har tagit bort tillägget kommer dina omdirigeringar att sluta fungera. Om de verkar fortsätta att fungera, vänligen rensa din webbläsares cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Radera detta tillägg"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nej! Radera inte detta tillägg"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Hantera alla dina 301-omdirigeringar och övervaka 404-fel"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection är gratis att använda - livet är underbart och ljuvligt! Det har krävts mycket tid och ansträngningar för att utveckla tillägget och du kan hjälpa till med att stödja denna utveckling genom att {{strong}} göra en liten donation {{/ strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Support för Redirection"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404:or"],"Log":["Logg"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Väljer du detta alternativ tas alla omdirigeringar, loggar och inställningar som associeras till tillägget Redirection bort. Försäkra dig om att det är det du vill göra."],"Delete Redirection":["Ta bort Redirection"],"Upload":["Ladda upp"],"Import":["Importera"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Auto-generate URL":["Autogenerera URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["En unik nyckel som ger feed-läsare åtkomst till Redirection logg via RSS (lämna tomt för att autogenerera)"],"RSS Token":["RSS-nyckel"],"404 Logs":["404-loggar"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(hur länge loggar ska sparas)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirection-loggar"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Jag är en trevlig person och jag har hjälpt till att stödja skaparen av detta tillägg"],"Plugin Support":["Support för tillägg"],"Options":["Alternativ"],"Two months":["Två månader"],"A month":["En månad"],"A week":["En vecka"],"A day":["En dag"],"No logs":["Inga loggar"],"Delete All":["Radera alla"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Använd grupper för att organisera dina omdirigeringar. Grupper tillämpas på en modul, vilken påverkar hur omdirigeringar i den gruppen funkar. Behåll bara WordPress-modulen om du känner dig osäker."],"Add Group":["Lägg till grupp"],"Search":["Sök"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Save":["Spara"],"Group":["Grupp"],"Match":["Matcha"],"Add new redirection":["Lägg till ny omdirigering"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Download":["Hämta"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Error (404)":["Fel (404)"],"Pass-through":["Passera"],"Redirect to random post":["Omdirigering till slumpmässigt inlägg"],"Redirect to URL":["Omdirigera till URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Gruppen är ogiltig när omdirigering skapas"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL-källa"],"Date":["Datum"],"Add Redirect":["Lägg till omdirigering"],"All modules":["Alla moduler"],"View Redirects":["Visa omdirigeringar"],"Module":["Modul"],"Redirects":["Omdirigering"],"Name":["Namn"],"Filter":["Filtrera"],"Reset hits":["Nollställ träffar"],"Enable":["Aktivera"],"Disable":["Inaktivera"],"Delete":["Radera"],"Edit":["Redigera"],"Last Access":["Senast använd"],"Hits":["Träffar"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Typ"],"Modified Posts":["Modifierade inlägg"],"Redirections":["Omdirigeringar"],"User Agent":["Användaragent"],"URL and user agent":["URL och användaragent"],"Target URL":["Mål-URL"],"URL only":["Endast URL"],"Regex":["Reguljärt uttryck"],"Referrer":["Hänvisningsadress"],"URL and referrer":["URL och hänvisande webbplats"],"Logged Out":["Utloggad"],"Logged In":["Inloggad"],"URL and login status":["URL och inloggnings-status"]}
+ {"":[],"Relative REST API":[""],"Raw REST API":[""],"Default REST API":["Standard REST API"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect.":[""],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":[""],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":[""],"Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+":[""],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}.":[""],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["En databasuppgradering pågår. Fortsätt att slutföra."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":[""],"Your current database is version %(current)s, the latest is %(latest)s. Please update to use new features.":[""],"Redirection database needs updating":[""],"Update Required":["Uppdatering krävs"],"I need some support!":["Jag behöver lite support!"],"Finish Setup":[""],"Checking your REST API":["Kontrollerar din REST API"],"Retry":["Försök igen"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":[""],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":[""],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Några andra tillägg som blockerar REST API"],"Caching software, for example Cloudflare":[""],"A server firewall or other server configuration":[""],"A security plugin":["Ett säkerhetstillägg"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":[""],"Go back":["Gå tillbaka"],"Continue Setup":[""],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[""],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Spara IP-information för omdirigeringar och 404 fel."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[""],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Behåll en logg över alla omdirigeringar och 404 fel."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Läs mer om detta.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[""],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[""],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[""],"Basic Setup":[""],"Start Setup":[""],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["När du är klar, tryck på knappen för att fortsätta."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[""],"What's next?":[""],"Check a URL is being redirected":[""],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[""],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[""],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[""],"Some features you may find useful are":["Vissa funktioner som du kan tycka är användbara är"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":[""],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":[""],"How do I use this plugin?":["Hur använder jag detta tillägg?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":[""],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":[""],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Välkommen till Redirection 🚀🎉"],"This will redirect everything, including the login pages. Please be sure you want to do this.":[""],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use a {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" checkbox if this is a regular expression.":[""],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":[""],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":[""],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":[""],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":[""],"Finished! 🎉":["Klart! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":[""],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[""],"Setting up Redirection":[""],"Upgrading Redirection":[""],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[""],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[""],"Stop upgrade":[""],"Skip this stage":["Hoppa över detta steg"],"Try again":["Försök igen"],"Database problem":["Databasproblem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Aktivera JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Uppgradera din databas"],"Upgrade Database":["Uppgradera databas"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[""],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[""],"Failed to perform query \"%s\"":[""],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[""],"Create basic data":["Skapa grundläggande data"],"Install Redirection tables":[""],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[""],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":[""],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":[""],"Page Type":["Sidtyp"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Ange IP-adresser (en per rad)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Beskriv syftet med denna omdirigering (valfritt)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 – Jag är en tekanna"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 – Förbjuden"],"400 - Bad Request":[""],"304 - Not Modified":["304 – Inte modifierad"],"303 - See Other":[""],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Gör ingenting (ignorera)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL-mål när den inte matchas (tom för att ignorera)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL-mål vid matchning (tom för att ignorera)"],"Show All":["Visa alla"],"Delete all logs for these entries":["Ta bort alla loggar för dessa poster"],"Delete all logs for this entry":["Ta bort alla loggar för denna post"],"Delete Log Entries":[""],"Group by IP":["Grupp efter IP"],"Group by URL":["Grupp efter URL"],"No grouping":["Ingen gruppering"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorera URL"],"Block IP":["Blockera IP"],"Redirect All":["Omdirigera alla"],"Count":[""],"URL and WordPress page type":[""],"URL and IP":["URL och IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Bra"],"Check":["Kontrollera"],"Check Redirect":["Kontrollera omdirigering"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Kontrollera omdirigering för: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"What does this mean?":["Vad betyder detta?"],"Not using Redirection":["Använder inte omdirigering"],"Using Redirection":["Använder omdirigering"],"Found":["Hittad"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[""],"Expected":["Förväntad"],"Error":["Fel"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Ange fullständig URL, inklusive http:// eller https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[""],"Redirect Tester":["Omdirigeringstestare"],"Target":["Mål"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL omdirigeras inte med Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL omdirigeras med Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Det gick inte att ladda detaljer"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Ange server-URL för att matcha mot"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Ange roll eller behörighetsvärde"],"Role":["Roll"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[""],"Match against this browser user agent":[""],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Den relativa URL du vill omdirigera från"],"The target URL you want to redirect to if matched":["URL-målet du vill omdirigera till om den matchas"],"(beta)":["(beta)"],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please ensure your HTTPS is working before enabling":["Tvinga en omdirigering från HTTP till HTTPS. Se till att din HTTPS fungerar innan du aktiverar"],"Force HTTPS":["Tvinga HTTPS"],"GDPR / Privacy information":["GDPR/integritetsinformation"],"Add New":["Lägg till ny"],"Please logout and login again.":["Logga ut och logga in igen."],"URL and role/capability":["URL och roll/behörighet"],"URL and server":["URL och server"],"If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:":["Om du inte kan få något att fungera kan det hända att Redirection har svårt att kommunicera med din server. Du kan försöka ändra den här inställningen manuellt:"],"Site and home protocol":["Webbplats och hemprotokoll"],"Site and home are consistent":["Webbplats och hem är konsekventa"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[""],"Accept Language":["Acceptera språk"],"Header value":["Värde för sidhuvud"],"Header name":["Namn på sidhuvud"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP-sidhuvud"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress-filternamn"],"Filter Name":["Filternamn"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-värde"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-namn"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["rensa cacheminnet."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Om du använder ett caching-system som Cloudflare, läs det här:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL- och HTTP-sidhuvuden"],"URL and custom filter":["URL och anpassat filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL och cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borttagen"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Hur Redirection använder REST API – ändra inte om inte nödvändigt"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be caused by your REST API not working, or by another plugin or theme.":["WordPress returnerade ett oväntat meddelande. Det här kan orsakas av att ditt REST API inte fungerar eller av ett annat tillägg eller tema."],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Ta en titt på {{link}tilläggsstatusen{{/ link}}. Det kan vara möjligt att identifiera och ”magiskt åtgärda” problemet."],"{{link}}Redirection is unable to talk to your REST API{{/link}}. If you have disabled it then you will need to enable it.":["{{link}}Redirection kan inte kommunicera med ditt REST API{{/link}}. Om du har inaktiverat det måste du aktivera det."],"{{link}}Security software may be blocking Redirection{{/link}}. You will need to configure this to allow REST API requests.":["{{link}}Säkerhetsprogram kan eventuellt blockera Redirection{{/link}}. Du måste konfigurera dessa för att tillåta REST API-förfrågningar."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching-program{{/link}}, i synnerhet Cloudflare, kan cacha fel sak. Försök att rensa all cache."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Vänligen inaktivera andra tillägg tillfälligt!{{/link}} Detta fixar många problem."],"None of the suggestions helped":["Inget av förslagen hjälpte"],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Vänligen läs <a href=\"\">listan med kända problem</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Kunde inte ladda Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API is working at %s":["WordPress REST API arbetar på %s"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"REST API is not working so routes not checked":["REST API fungerar inte så flödena kontrolleras inte"],"Redirection routes are working":["Omdirigeringsflödena fungerar"],"Redirection does not appear in your REST API routes. Have you disabled it with a plugin?":["Redirection finns inte dina REST API-flöden. Har du inaktiverat det med ett tillägg?"],"Redirection routes":["Omdirigeringsflöden"],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it for Redirection to continue working":["Ditt WordPress REST API har inaktiverats. Du måste aktivera det för att Redirection ska fortsätta att fungera"],"":[""],"Useragent Error":["Användaragentfel"],"Unknown Useragent":["Okänd användaragent"],"Device":["Enhet"],"Operating System":["Operativsystem"],"Browser":["Webbläsare"],"Engine":["Sökmotor"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["Ingen loggning av IP-nummer"],"Full IP logging":["Fullständig loggning av IP-nummer"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisera IP-nummer (maska sista delen)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Övervaka ändringar till %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Läggning av IP-nummer"],"(select IP logging level)":["(välj loggningsnivå för IP)"],"Geo Info":["Geo-info"],"Agent Info":["Agentinfo"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrera på IP-nummer"],"Referrer / User Agent":["Hänvisare/Användaragent"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo-IP-fel"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Något gick fel när denna information skulle hämtas"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Detta är en IP från ett privat nätverk. Det betyder att det ligger i ett hem- eller företagsnätverk och ingen mer information kan visas."],"No details are known for this address.":["Det finns inga kända detaljer för denna adress."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["Stad"],"Area":["Region"],"Timezone":["Tidszon"],"Geo Location":["Geo-plats"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Drivs av {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Släng"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Observera att Redirection kräver att WordPress REST API ska vara aktiverat. Om du har inaktiverat det här kommer du inte kunna använda Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection finns på support-sidan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection kan hittas på {{site}}{{/site}}. Om du har problem, vänligen kolla {{faq}}vanliga frågor{{/faq}} först."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Om du vill rapportera en bugg, vänligen läs guiden {{report}}rapportera buggar{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Om du vill skicka information som du inte vill ska synas publikt, så kan du skicka det direkt via {{email}}e-post{{/email}} — inkludera så mycket information som du kan!"],"Never cache":["Använd aldrig cache"],"An hour":["En timma"],"Redirect Cache":["Omdirigera cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Hur länge omdirigerade 301-URL:er ska cachas (via HTTP-sidhuvudet ”Expires”)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Är du säker på att du vill importera från %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Tilläggsimporterare"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Följande omdirigeringstillägg hittades på din webbplats och kan importeras från."],"total = ":["totalt ="],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection kräver WordPress v%1$1s, du använder v%2$2s – uppdatera WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["WordPress standard ”gamla permalänkar”"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Skapa associerad omdirigering (läggs till i slutet på URL:en)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> är inte definierat. Detta betyder vanligtvis att ett annat tillägg blockerar Redirection från att laddas. Vänligen inaktivera alla tillägg och försök igen."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Om knappen inte fungerar bör du läsa felmeddelande och se om du kan fixa felet manuellt, annars kan du kolla i avsnittet 'Behöver du hjälp?' längre ner."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magisk fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Tilläggsstatus"],"Custom":["Anpassad"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"Feed Readers":["Feedläsare"],"Libraries":["Bibliotek"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Övervaka URL-ändringar"],"Save changes to this group":["Spara ändringar till den här gruppen"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Till exempel ”/amp”"],"URL Monitor":["URL-övervakning"],"Delete 404s":["Radera 404:or"],"Delete all from IP %s":["Ta bort allt från IP-numret %s"],"Delete all matching \"%s\"":["Ta bort allt som matchar \"%s\""],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue.":["Din server har nekat begäran för att den var för stor. Du måste ändra den innan du fortsätter."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Kontrollera också att din webbläsare kan ladda <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Om du använder ett tillägg eller en tjänst för att cacha sidor (CloudFlare, OVH m.m.) så kan du också prova att rensa den cachen."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Det gick inte att ladda Redirection"],"Unable to create group":["Det gick inte att skapa grupp"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg är giltig"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg är ogiltig"],"Post monitor group":["Övervakningsgrupp för inlägg"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Alla omdirigeringar har en giltig grupp"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Omdirigeringar med ogiltiga grupper upptäcktes"],"Valid redirect group":["Giltig omdirigeringsgrupp"],"Valid groups detected":["Giltiga grupper upptäcktes"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Inga giltiga grupper, du kan inte skapa nya omdirigeringar"],"Valid groups":["Giltiga grupper"],"Database tables":["Databastabeller"],"The following tables are missing:":["Följande tabeller saknas:"],"All tables present":["Alla tabeller närvarande"],"Cached Redirection detected":["En cachad version av Redirection upptäcktes"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Vänligen rensa din webbläsares cache och ladda om denna sida."],"The data on this page has expired, please reload.":["Datan på denna sida är inte längre aktuell, vänligen ladda om sidan."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress returnerade inte ett svar. Det kan innebära att ett fel inträffade eller att begäran blockerades. Vänligen kontrollera din servers error_log."],"Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the request was blocked. Are you using a firewall or a security plugin like mod_security?":[""],"Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}.":["Inkludera dessa detaljer i din rapport {{strong}}tillsammans med en beskrivning av vad du gjorde{{/strong}}."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Om du tror att Redirection orsakar felet, skapa en felrapport."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Detta kan ha orsakats av ett annat tillägg - kolla i din webbläsares fel-konsol för mer information. "],"Loading, please wait...":["Laddar, vänligen vänta..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV filformat{{/strong}}: {{code}}Käll-URL, Mål-URL{{/code}} - som valfritt kan följas av {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 för nej, 1 för ja)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection fungerar inte. Prova att rensa din webbläsares cache och ladda om den här sidan."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Om det inte hjälper, öppna din webbläsares fel-konsol och skapa en {{link}}ny felrapport{{/link}} med informationen."],"If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot.":["Om detta är ett nytt problem, vänligen {{strong}}skapa en ny felrapport{{/strong}} eller skicka rapporten via {{strong}}e-post{{/strong}}. Bifoga en beskrivning av det du försökte göra inklusive de viktiga detaljerna listade nedanför. Vänligen bifoga också en skärmavbild. "],"Create Issue":["Skapa felrapport"],"Email":["E-post"],"Important details":["Viktiga detaljer"],"Need help?":["Behöver du hjälp?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Observera att eventuell support tillhandahålls vart efter tid finns och hjälp kan inte garanteras. Jag ger inte betald support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Borttagen"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Används för att automatiskt generera en URL om ingen URL anges. Använd specialkoderna {{code}}$dec${{/code}} eller {{code}}$hex${{/code}} för att infoga ett unikt ID istället"],"Apache Module":["Apache-modul"],"Enter the full path and filename if you want Redirection to automatically update your {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}.":["Om du vill att Redirection automatiskt ska uppdatera din {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}}, fyll då i hela sökvägen inklusive filnamn."],"Import to group":["Importera till grupp"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importera en CSV-fil, .htaccess-fil eller JSON-fil."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicka på 'Lägg till fil' eller dra och släpp en fil här."],"Add File":["Lägg till fil"],"File selected":["Fil vald"],"Importing":["Importerar"],"Finished importing":["Importering klar"],"Total redirects imported:":["Antal omdirigeringar importerade:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Dubbelkolla att filen är i rätt format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Stäng"],"All imports will be appended to the current database.":["All importerade omdirigeringar kommer infogas till den aktuella databasen."],"Export":["Exportera"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON (which contains all redirects and groups).":["Exportera till CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, eller JSON omdirigeringar (som innehåller alla omdirigeringar och grupper)."],"Everything":["Allt"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress omdirigeringar"],"Apache redirects":["Apache omdirigeringar"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx omdirigeringar"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx omskrivningsregler"],"Redirection JSON":["JSON omdirigeringar"],"View":["Visa"],"Log files can be exported from the log pages.":["Loggfiler kan exporteras från loggsidorna."],"Import/Export":["Importera/Exportera"],"Logs":["Loggar"],"404 errors":["404-fel"],"Please mention {{code}}%s{{/code}}, and explain what you were doing at the time":["Vänligen nämn {{code}}%s{{/code}} och förklara vad du gjorde vid tidpunkten"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Jag skulle vilja stödja lite till."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Redirection saved":["Omdirigering sparad"],"Log deleted":["Logginlägg raderades"],"Settings saved":["Inställning sparad"],"Group saved":["Grupp sparad"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Är du säker på att du vill radera detta objekt?","Är du säker på att du vill radera dessa objekt?"],"pass":["lösen"],"All groups":["Alla grupper"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Flyttad permanent"],"302 - Found":["302 - Hittad"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Tillfällig omdirigering"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent omdirigering"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Obehörig"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Hittades inte"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":["När matchning sker"],"with HTTP code":["med HTTP-kod"],"Show advanced options":["Visa avancerande alternativ"],"Matched Target":["Matchande mål"],"Unmatched Target":["Ej matchande mål"],"Saving...":["Sparar..."],"View notice":["Visa meddelande"],"Invalid source URL":["Ogiltig URL-källa"],"Invalid redirect action":["Ogiltig omdirigeringsåtgärd"],"Invalid redirect matcher":["Ogiltig omdirigeringsmatchning"],"Unable to add new redirect":["Det går inte att lägga till en ny omdirigering"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Något gick fel 🙁"],"I was trying to do a thing and it went wrong. It may be a temporary issue and if you try again it might work - great!":["Jag försökte göra något, och sen gick det fel. Det kan vara ett tillfälligt problem och om du försöker igen kan det fungera."],"Log entries (%d max)":["Antal logginlägg per sida (max %d)"],"Search by IP":["Sök via IP"],"Select bulk action":["Välj massåtgärd"],"Bulk Actions":["Massåtgärd"],"Apply":["Tillämpa"],"First page":["Första sidan"],"Prev page":["Föregående sida"],"Current Page":["Aktuell sida"],"of %(page)s":["av %(sidor)"],"Next page":["Nästa sida"],"Last page":["Sista sidan"],"%s item":["%s objekt","%s objekt"],"Select All":["Välj allt"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Något gick fel när data laddades - Vänligen försök igen"],"No results":["Inga resultat"],"Delete the logs - are you sure?":["Är du säker på att du vill radera loggarna?"],"Once deleted your current logs will no longer be available. You can set a delete schedule from the Redirection options if you want to do this automatically.":["När du har raderat dina nuvarande loggar kommer de inte längre att vara tillgängliga. Om du vill, kan du ställa in ett automatiskt raderingsschema på Redirections alternativ-sida."],"Yes! Delete the logs":["Ja! Radera loggarna"],"No! Don't delete the logs":["Nej! Radera inte loggarna"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Tack för att du prenumererar! {{a}}Klicka här{{/a}} om du behöver gå tillbaka till din prenumeration."],"Newsletter":["Nyhetsbrev"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Vill du bli uppdaterad om ändringar i Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[""],"Your email address:":["Din e-postadress:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du har stöttat detta tillägg - tack!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du får en användbar mjukvara och jag kan fortsätta göra den bättre."],"Forever":["För evigt"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Radera tillägget - är du verkligen säker på det?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Tar du bort tillägget tar du även bort alla omdirigeringar, loggar och inställningar. Gör detta om du vill ta bort tillägget helt och hållet, eller om du vill återställa tillägget."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["När du har tagit bort tillägget kommer dina omdirigeringar att sluta fungera. Om de verkar fortsätta att fungera, vänligen rensa din webbläsares cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Radera detta tillägg"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nej! Radera inte detta tillägg"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Hantera alla dina 301-omdirigeringar och övervaka 404-fel"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection är gratis att använda - livet är underbart och ljuvligt! Det har krävts mycket tid och ansträngningar för att utveckla tillägget och du kan hjälpa till med att stödja denna utveckling genom att {{strong}} göra en liten donation {{/ strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Support för Redirection"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404:or"],"Log":["Logg"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Väljer du detta alternativ tas alla omdirigeringar, loggar och inställningar som associeras till tillägget Redirection bort. Försäkra dig om att det är det du vill göra."],"Delete Redirection":["Ta bort Redirection"],"Upload":["Ladda upp"],"Import":["Importera"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Auto-generate URL":["Autogenerera URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["En unik nyckel som ger feed-läsare åtkomst till Redirection logg via RSS (lämna tomt för att autogenerera)"],"RSS Token":["RSS-nyckel"],"404 Logs":["404-loggar"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(hur länge loggar ska sparas)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirection-loggar"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Jag är en trevlig person och jag har hjälpt till att stödja skaparen av detta tillägg"],"Plugin Support":["Support för tillägg"],"Options":["Alternativ"],"Two months":["Två månader"],"A month":["En månad"],"A week":["En vecka"],"A day":["En dag"],"No logs":["Inga loggar"],"Delete All":["Radera alla"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Använd grupper för att organisera dina omdirigeringar. Grupper tillämpas på en modul, vilken påverkar hur omdirigeringar i den gruppen funkar. Behåll bara WordPress-modulen om du känner dig osäker."],"Add Group":["Lägg till grupp"],"Search":["Sök"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Save":["Spara"],"Group":["Grupp"],"Match":["Matcha"],"Add new redirection":["Lägg till ny omdirigering"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Download":["Hämta"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Error (404)":["Fel (404)"],"Pass-through":["Passera"],"Redirect to random post":["Omdirigering till slumpmässigt inlägg"],"Redirect to URL":["Omdirigera till URL"],"Invalid group when creating redirect":["Gruppen är ogiltig när omdirigering skapas"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL-källa"],"Date":["Datum"],"Add Redirect":["Lägg till omdirigering"],"All modules":["Alla moduler"],"View Redirects":["Visa omdirigeringar"],"Module":["Modul"],"Redirects":["Omdirigering"],"Name":["Namn"],"Filter":["Filtrera"],"Reset hits":["Nollställ träffar"],"Enable":["Aktivera"],"Disable":["Inaktivera"],"Delete":["Radera"],"Edit":["Redigera"],"Last Access":["Senast använd"],"Hits":["Träffar"],"URL":["URL"],"Type":["Typ"],"Modified Posts":["Modifierade inlägg"],"Redirections":["Omdirigeringar"],"User Agent":["Användaragent"],"URL and user agent":["URL och användaragent"],"Target URL":["Mål-URL"],"URL only":["Endast URL"],"Regex":["Reguljärt uttryck"],"Referrer":["Hänvisningsadress"],"URL and referrer":["URL och hänvisande webbplats"],"Logged Out":["Utloggad"],"Logged In":["Inloggad"],"URL and login status":["URL och inloggnings-status"]}
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-de_DE.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: de\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Bitte logge dich aus und erneut ein."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL und Server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relativ /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Standard /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL und HTTP-Header"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL und benutzerdefinierter Filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL und Cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL und Cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST-API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Papierkorb"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Import von %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Füge diese Angaben in deinem Bericht {{strong}} zusammen mit einer Beschreibung dessen ein, was du getan hast{{/ strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Lädt, bitte warte..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Verwalte alle 301-Umleitungen und 404-Fehler."
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Unleitung Support"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Typ"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Geänderte Beiträge"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL und User-Agent"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL und User-Agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Ziel-URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Nur URL"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Vermittler"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL und Vermittler"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Ausgeloggt"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Eingeloggt"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL- und Loginstatus"
  "Language: de\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Bitte logge dich aus und erneut ein."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL und Server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL und HTTP-Header"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL und benutzerdefinierter Filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL und Cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST-API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Papierkorb"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
  msgstr "Import von %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Füge diese Angaben in deinem Bericht {{strong}} zusammen mit einer Beschreibung dessen ein, was du getan hast{{/ strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Lädt, bitte warte..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Unleitung Support"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Geänderte Beiträge"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL und User-Agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Ziel-URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Nur URL"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Vermittler"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL und Vermittler"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Eingeloggt"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL- und Loginstatus"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-en_AU.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: en_AU\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirect All"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Add New"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relative /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Default /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "clearing your cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "Default WordPress \"old slugs\""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Delete all matching \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the reques
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{l
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Type"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Logged Out"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
  "Language: en_AU\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-en_CA.po CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-16 17:34:43+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: en_CA\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
@@ -165,21 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Some features you may find useful are"
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr "The target URL is the new URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr "The source URL is your old or original URL"
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
- msgstr "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Try again"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Database problem"
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Please enable JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirect All"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Add New"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relative /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Default /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "clearing your cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "Default WordPress \"old slugs\""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Delete all matching \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the reques
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{l
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Type"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Logged Out"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-04 17:20:09+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  "Language: en_CA\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr "Relative REST API"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr "Raw REST API"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr "Default REST API"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
+ msgstr "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Database problem"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-en_GB.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: en_GB\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirect All"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Add New"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relative /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Default /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "clearing your cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Bin"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "Default WordPress \"old slugs\""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Delete all matching \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the reques
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{l
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Type"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Logged Out"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
  "Language: en_GB\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Bin"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-en_NZ.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: en_NZ\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirect All"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Add New"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relative /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Default /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "clearing your cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "Default WordPress \"old slugs\""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Delete all matching \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Your server returned a 403 Forbidden error which may indicate the reques
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{l
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Type"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Logged Out"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
  "Language: en_NZ\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Count"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL and WordPress page type"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL and IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Please logout and login again."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL and role/capability"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL and server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL and HTTP header"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL and custom filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL and cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "None of the suggestions helped"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Trash"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Import from %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Unable to load Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Unable to create group"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Loading, please wait..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Create Issue"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection Support"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Modified Posts"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User Agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL and user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Target URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL only"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL and referrer"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Logged In"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL and login status"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-es_ES.po CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-16 08:53:14+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: es\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}."
@@ -165,21 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr "Eso es todo lo que hay que hacer - ¡ya estás redireccionando!"
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr "La URL de destino es la nueva URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr "La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
- msgstr "Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL):"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Intentarlo de nuevo"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Problema en la base de datos"
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Por favor, activa JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirigir todo"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Contador"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL y tipo de página de WordPress"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL e IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Añadir nueva"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar, por favor."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL y perfil/capacidad"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL y servidor"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ relativo"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ por defecto"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Si no puedes hacer que funcione nada entonces Redirection puede tener dificultades para comunicarse con tu servidor. Puedes intentar cambiar manualmente este ajuste:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "vaciando tu caché."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL y cabecera HTTP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL y filtro personalizado"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL y cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL y cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 borrado"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Sin modificar /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Est
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Ninguna de las sugerencias ha ayudado"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Papelera"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Importar de %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requiere WordPress v%1s, estás usando v%2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Borra todo lo que tenga \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "El servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás cambiarla antes de continuar."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "No fue posible crear el grupo"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Tu servidor devolvió un error de 403 Prohibido, que podría indicar que
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Incluye estos detalles en tu informe {strong}}junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Cargando, por favor espera…"
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{l
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Si es un problema nuevo entonces, por favor, o {{strong}}crea un aviso de nuevo problema{{/strong}} o envía un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}. Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas tratando de hacer y de los importantes detalles listados abajo. Por favor, incluye una captura de pantalla."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Crear aviso de problema"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y monitoriza tus errores 404"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Soporte de Redirection"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Tipo"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Entradas modificadas"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirecciones"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirecciones"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agente usuario HTTP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL de destino"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Sólo URL"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Expresión regular"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referente"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL y referente"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Desconectado"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Conectado"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "Estado de URL y conexión"
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-02 16:32:10+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  "Language: es\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST relativa"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST completa"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST por defecto"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr "¡Eso es todo - ya estás redireccionando! Observa que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo - no puedes introducir ahí una redirección."
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr "(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr "(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr "¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %s, necesita PHP 5.4+"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}."
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
+ msgstr "Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Problema en la base de datos"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Por favor, activa JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Contador"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL y tipo de página de WordPress"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL e IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar, por favor."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL y perfil/capacidad"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL y servidor"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Si no puedes hacer que funcione nada entonces Redirection puede tener dificultades para comunicarse con tu servidor. Puedes intentar cambiar manualmente este ajuste:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL y cabecera HTTP"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL y filtro personalizado"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL y cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 borrado"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Ninguna de las sugerencias ha ayudado"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Papelera"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
  msgstr "Importar de %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection requiere WordPress v%1s, estás usando v%2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "El servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás cambiarla antes de continuar."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "No fue posible crear el grupo"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Incluye estos detalles en tu informe {strong}}junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Cargando, por favor espera…"
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Si es un problema nuevo entonces, por favor, o {{strong}}crea un aviso de nuevo problema{{/strong}} o envía un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}. Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas tratando de hacer y de los importantes detalles listados abajo. Por favor, incluye una captura de pantalla."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Crear aviso de problema"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Soporte de Redirection"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Entradas modificadas"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirecciones"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agente usuario HTTP"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL de destino"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Sólo URL"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referente"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL y referente"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Conectado"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "Estado de URL y conexión"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-fr_FR.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: fr\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Veuillez activer JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Tout rediriger"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Compter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL et type de page WordPress"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL et IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Ajouter une redirection"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Veuillez vous déconnecter puis vous connecter à nouveau."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL et rôle/capacité"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL et serveur"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ relatif"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ par défaut"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Si vous ne pouvez pas faire fonctionne quoi que ce soit alors l’extension Redirection doit rencontrer des difficultés à communiquer avec votre serveur. Vous pouvez essayer de modifier ces réglages manuellement :"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "vider votre cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Si vous utilisez un système de cache comme Cloudflare, veuillez lire ceci : "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL et en-tête HTTP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL et filtre personnalisé"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL et cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL et cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 supprimée"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "/index.php?rest_route=/ brut"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "API REST"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Veuillez temporairement désactiver les autres extensions !{{/l
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Aucune de ces suggestions n’a aidé"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Veuillez lire la <a href=\"\">liste de problèmes communs</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Impossible de charger Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Propulsé par {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Corbeille"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Veuillez noter que Redirection utilise l’API REST de WordPress. Si vous l’avez désactivée, vous ne serez pas en mesure d’utiliser Redirection."
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Vous pouvez trouver une documentation complète à propos de l’utilisation de Redirection sur le site de support <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Importer depuis %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection nécessite WordPress v%1$1s, vous utilisez v%2$2s - veuillez mettre à jour votre installation WordPress."
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "« Anciens slugs » de WordPress par défaut"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Créer une redirection associée (ajoutée à la fin de l’URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> n’est pas défini. Cela signifie généralement qu’une autre extension bloque le chargement de Redirection. Veuillez désactiver toutes les extensions et réessayer."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Supprimer toutes les correspondances « %s »"
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Votre serveur a rejeté la requête car elle est volumineuse. Veuillez la modifier pour continuer."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Vérifiez également si votre navigateur est capable de charger <code>redirection.js</code> :"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Si vous utilisez une extension ou un service de mise en cache de pages (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.), vous pouvez également essayer de vider ce cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Impossible de charger Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Impossible de créer un groupe"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Votre serveur renvoie une erreur 403 Forbidden indiquant que la requête
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Incluez ces détails dans votre rapport {{strong}}avec une description de ce que vous {{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Si vous pensez que Redirection est en faute alors créez un rapport."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Cela peut être causé par une autre extension – regardez la console d’erreur de votre navigateur pour plus de détails."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement…"
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "Si cela n’aide pas, ouvrez la console de votre navigateur et ouvrez un
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Si cela est un nouveau problème veuillez soit {{strong}}créer un nouveau ticket{{/strong}}, soit l’envoyer par {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Mettez-y une description de ce que vous essayiez de faire et les détails importants listés ci-dessous. Veuillez inclure une capture d’écran."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Créer un rapport"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Gérez toutes vos redirections 301 et surveillez les erreurs 404."
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection est utilisable gratuitement. La vie est belle ! Cependant, cette extension a nécessité beaucoup de travail et d’effort pour être développée. Donc si vous la trouvez utile, vous pouvez contribuer à son développement en {{strong}}faisant un petit don{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Support de Redirection"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Type"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Articles modifiés"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agent utilisateur"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL et agent utilisateur"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL et agent utilisateur"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL cible"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL uniquement"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Référant"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL et référent"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Déconnecté"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Connecté"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL et état de connexion"
  "Language: fr\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Veuillez activer JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Compter"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL et type de page WordPress"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL et IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Veuillez vous déconnecter puis vous connecter à nouveau."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL et rôle/capacité"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL et serveur"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Si vous ne pouvez pas faire fonctionne quoi que ce soit alors l’extension Redirection doit rencontrer des difficultés à communiquer avec votre serveur. Vous pouvez essayer de modifier ces réglages manuellement :"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Si vous utilisez un système de cache comme Cloudflare, veuillez lire ceci : "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL et en-tête HTTP"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL et filtre personnalisé"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL et cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 supprimée"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "API REST"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Aucune de ces suggestions n’a aidé"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Veuillez lire la <a href=\"\">liste de problèmes communs</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Impossible de charger Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Corbeille"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Veuillez noter que Redirection utilise l’API REST de WordPress. Si vous l’avez désactivée, vous ne serez pas en mesure d’utiliser Redirection."
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Vous pouvez trouver une documentation complète à propos de l’utilisation de Redirection sur le site de support <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
  msgstr "Importer depuis %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection nécessite WordPress v%1$1s, vous utilisez v%2$2s - veuillez mettre à jour votre installation WordPress."
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Créer une redirection associée (ajoutée à la fin de l’URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> n’est pas défini. Cela signifie généralement qu’une autre extension bloque le chargement de Redirection. Veuillez désactiver toutes les extensions et réessayer."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Votre serveur a rejeté la requête car elle est volumineuse. Veuillez la modifier pour continuer."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Vérifiez également si votre navigateur est capable de charger <code>redirection.js</code> :"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Si vous utilisez une extension ou un service de mise en cache de pages (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.), vous pouvez également essayer de vider ce cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Impossible de charger Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Impossible de créer un groupe"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Incluez ces détails dans votre rapport {{strong}}avec une description de ce que vous {{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Si vous pensez que Redirection est en faute alors créez un rapport."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Cela peut être causé par une autre extension – regardez la console d’erreur de votre navigateur pour plus de détails."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement…"
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Si cela est un nouveau problème veuillez soit {{strong}}créer un nouveau ticket{{/strong}}, soit l’envoyer par {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Mettez-y une description de ce que vous essayiez de faire et les détails importants listés ci-dessous. Veuillez inclure une capture d’écran."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Créer un rapport"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection est utilisable gratuitement. La vie est belle ! Cependant, cette extension a nécessité beaucoup de travail et d’effort pour être développée. Donc si vous la trouvez utile, vous pouvez contribuer à son développement en {{strong}}faisant un petit don{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Support de Redirection"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Articles modifiés"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirections"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agent utilisateur"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL et agent utilisateur"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL cible"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL uniquement"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Référant"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL et référent"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Connecté"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL et état de connexion"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-it_IT.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: it\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Aggiungi Nuovo"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL e ruolo/permesso"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL e server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Default /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "cancellazione della tua cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Se stai utilizzando un sistema di caching come Cloudflare, per favore leggi questo:"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL e cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL e cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr ""
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr ""
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr ""
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1516,7 +1520,7 @@ msgstr "Gestisci tutti i redirect 301 and controlla tutti gli errori 404"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection può essere utilizzato gratuitamente - la vita è davvero fantastica e piena di tante belle cose! Lo sviluppo di questo plugin richiede comunque molto tempo e lavoro, sarebbe pertanto gradito il tuo sostegno {{strong}}tramite una piccola donazione{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Forum di supporto Redirection"
@@ -1775,8 +1779,8 @@ msgstr "Tipo"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Post modificati"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Reindirizzamenti"
@@ -1784,7 +1788,7 @@ msgstr "Reindirizzamenti"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User agent"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL e user agent"
@@ -1793,7 +1797,7 @@ msgstr "URL e user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL di arrivo"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "solo URL"
@@ -1807,7 +1811,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL e referrer"
@@ -1819,6 +1823,6 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "status URL e login"
  "Language: it\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL e ruolo/permesso"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL e server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Se stai utilizzando un sistema di caching come Cloudflare, per favore leggi questo:"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL e cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr ""
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection può essere utilizzato gratuitamente - la vita è davvero fantastica e piena di tante belle cose! Lo sviluppo di questo plugin richiede comunque molto tempo e lavoro, sarebbe pertanto gradito il tuo sostegno {{strong}}tramite una piccola donazione{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Forum di supporto Redirection"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Post modificati"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Reindirizzamenti"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "User agent"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL e user agent"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL di arrivo"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "solo URL"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referrer"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL e referrer"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "status URL e login"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-ja.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: ja_JP\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "新規追加"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "再度ログインし直してください。"
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL と権限グループ / 権限"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL とサーバー"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "相対 /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "デフォルト /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "動作が正常にできていない場合、 Redirection がサーバーと連携するのが困難な状態と考えられます。設定を手動で変更することが可能です :"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "キャッシュを削除"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Cloudflare などのキャッシュシステムをお使いの場合こちらをお読みください :"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL と HTTP ヘッダー"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL とカスタムフィルター"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL と Cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL と Cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}一時的に他のプラグインを無効化してください
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "これらの提案では解決しませんでした"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "<a href=\"\">よくある問題一覧</a> をご覧ください。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Redirection のロードに失敗しました☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "ゴミ箱"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection の使用には WordPress REST API が有効化されている必要があります。REST API が無効化されていると Redirection を使用することができません。"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Redirection プラグインの詳しい使い方については <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> サポートサイトをご覧ください。"
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "%s からインポート"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "初期設定の WordPress \"old slugs\""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "すべての \"%s\" に一致するものを削除"
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "大きすぎるリクエストのためサーバーがリクエストを拒否しました。進めるには変更する必要があります。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "また <code>redirection.js</code> をお使いのブラウザがロードできるか確認してください :"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "CloudFlare, OVH などのキャッシュプラグイン・サービスを使用してページをキャッシュしている場合、キャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection のロードに失敗しました"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "グループの作成に失敗しました"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "サーバーが 403 (閲覧禁止) エラーを返しました。これ
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "もしこの原因が Redirection だと思うのであれば Issue を作成してください。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "この原因は他のプラグインが原因で起こっている可能性があります - 詳細を見るにはブラウザーの開発者ツールを使用してください。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "ロード中です。お待ち下さい…"
@@ -1099,7 +1103,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "もし未知の問題を発見したなら、{{strong}}issue を作成{{/strong}} するか {{strong}}メール{{/strong}} を送信してください。その際には何をしようとして発生したのかという説明や下に表示されている「重要な詳細」を含めてください。また、スクリーンショットもお願いします。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Issue を作成"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "すべての 301 リダイレクトを管理し、404 エラーをモニ
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection プラグインは無料でお使いいただけます。しかし、開発にはかなりの時間と労力がかかっており、{{strong}}少額の寄付{{/strong}} でも開発を助けていただけると嬉しいです。"
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection を応援する"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "タイプ"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "編集済みの投稿"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "転送ルール"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "転送ルール"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "ユーザーエージェント"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL およびユーザーエージェント"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL およびユーザーエージェント"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "ターゲット URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL のみ"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "正規表現"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "リファラー"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL およびリファラー"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "ログアウト中"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "ログイン中"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL およびログイン状態"
  "Language: ja_JP\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "再度ログインし直してください。"
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL と権限グループ / 権限"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL とサーバー"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "動作が正常にできていない場合、 Redirection がサーバーと連携するのが困難な状態と考えられます。設定を手動で変更することが可能です :"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Cloudflare などのキャッシュシステムをお使いの場合こちらをお読みください :"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL と HTTP ヘッダー"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL とカスタムフィルター"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL と Cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 deleted"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "これらの提案では解決しませんでした"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "<a href=\"\">よくある問題一覧</a> をご覧ください。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Redirection のロードに失敗しました☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "ゴミ箱"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection の使用には WordPress REST API が有効化されている必要があります。REST API が無効化されていると Redirection を使用することができません。"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Redirection プラグインの詳しい使い方については <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> サポートサイトをご覧ください。"
  msgstr "%s からインポート"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "大きすぎるリクエストのためサーバーがリクエストを拒否しました。進めるには変更する必要があります。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "また <code>redirection.js</code> をお使いのブラウザがロードできるか確認してください :"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "CloudFlare, OVH などのキャッシュプラグイン・サービスを使用してページをキャッシュしている場合、キャッシュをクリアしてみてください。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Redirection のロードに失敗しました"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "グループの作成に失敗しました"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "もしこの原因が Redirection だと思うのであれば Issue を作成してください。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "この原因は他のプラグインが原因で起こっている可能性があります - 詳細を見るにはブラウザーの開発者ツールを使用してください。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "ロード中です。お待ち下さい…"
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "もし未知の問題を発見したなら、{{strong}}issue を作成{{/strong}} するか {{strong}}メール{{/strong}} を送信してください。その際には何をしようとして発生したのかという説明や下に表示されている「重要な詳細」を含めてください。また、スクリーンショットもお願いします。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Issue を作成"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection プラグインは無料でお使いいただけます。しかし、開発にはかなりの時間と労力がかかっており、{{strong}}少額の寄付{{/strong}} でも開発を助けていただけると嬉しいです。"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Redirection を応援する"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "編集済みの投稿"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "転送ルール"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "ユーザーエージェント"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL およびユーザーエージェント"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "ターゲット URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL のみ"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "リファラー"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL およびリファラー"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "ログイン中"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL およびログイン状態"
locale/redirection-lv.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: lv\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Pievienot Jaunu"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Lūdzu izej no sistēmas, un autorizējies tajā vēlreiz."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL un servera domēns"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Ja Tu izmanto kešošanas sistēmu, piemēram \"CloudFlare\", lūdzi izlasi šo:"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL un sīkdatne"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL un sīkdatne"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Neviens no ieteikumiem nelīdzēja"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Lūdzu apskati <a href=\"\">sarakstu ar biežākajām problēmām</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Neizdevās ielādēt spraudni \"Pāradresācija\" ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Darbību nodrošina {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr ""
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Nav iespējams izveidot grupu"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr ""
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1516,7 +1520,7 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Spraudnis \"Pāradresācija\" ir paredzēts bezmaksas lietošanai - dzīve ir vienkārši lieliska! Tā attīstīšanai ir veltīts daudz laika, un arī Tu vari sniegt atbalstu spraudņa tālākai attīstībai, {{strong}}veicot mazu ziedojumu{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr ""
@@ -1775,8 +1779,8 @@ msgstr "Veids"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Izmainītie Raksti"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Pāradresācijas"
@@ -1784,7 +1788,7 @@ msgstr "Pāradresācijas"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Programmatūras Dati"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL un iekārtas dati"
@@ -1793,7 +1797,7 @@ msgstr "URL un iekārtas dati"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Galamērķa URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "tikai URL"
@@ -1807,7 +1811,7 @@ msgstr "Regulārā Izteiksme"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Ieteicējs (Referrer)"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL un ieteicējs (referrer)"
@@ -1819,6 +1823,6 @@ msgstr "Ja nav autorizējies"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Ja autorizējies"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL un autorizācijas statuss"
  "Language: lv\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Lūdzu izej no sistēmas, un autorizējies tajā vēlreiz."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL un servera domēns"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Ja Tu izmanto kešošanas sistēmu, piemēram \"CloudFlare\", lūdzi izlasi šo:"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL un sīkdatne"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Neviens no ieteikumiem nelīdzēja"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Lūdzu apskati <a href=\"\">sarakstu ar biežākajām problēmām</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Neizdevās ielādēt spraudni \"Pāradresācija\" ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr ""
  msgstr ""
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr ""
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Nav iespējams izveidot grupu"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Spraudnis \"Pāradresācija\" ir paredzēts bezmaksas lietošanai - dzīve ir vienkārši lieliska! Tā attīstīšanai ir veltīts daudz laika, un arī Tu vari sniegt atbalstu spraudņa tālākai attīstībai, {{strong}}veicot mazu ziedojumu{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Izmainītie Raksti"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Pāradresācijas"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Programmatūras Dati"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL un iekārtas dati"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Galamērķa URL"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "tikai URL"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Ieteicējs (Referrer)"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL un ieteicējs (referrer)"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Ja autorizējies"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL un autorizācijas statuss"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-pt_BR.po CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-19 18:26:37+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: pt_BR\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Faça um backup de seus dados do Redirection: {{download}}baixar um backup{{/download}}."
@@ -165,21 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Alguns recursos que você pode achar úteis são"
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "A documentação completa pode ser encontrada no {{link}}site do Redirection (em inglês).{{/link}}"
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr "Acabou - você agora está redirecionando!"
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr "O URL de destino é o novo URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr "O URL da origem é o seu URL antigo ou original"
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
- msgstr "Um redirecionamento simples envolve configurar um {{strong}}URL de origem{{/strong}} (o URL antigo) e um {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (o novo URL):"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Tentar de novo"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Problema no banco de dados"
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Ativar o JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Redirecionar todos"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Número"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL e tipo de página do WordPress"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL e IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Adicionar novo"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Desconecte-se da sua conta e acesse novamente."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL e função/capacidade"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL e servidor"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ relativo"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "/wp-json/ padrão"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Se nada funcionar, talvez o Redirection não esteja conseguindo se comunicar com o servidor. Você pode tentar alterar manualmente esta configuração:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "limpando seu cache."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Se você estiver usando um sistema de cache como o Cloudflare, então leia isto: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL e cabeçalho HTTP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL e filtro personalizado"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL e cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL e cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 excluído"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "/index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "API REST"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Desative temporariamente outros plugins!{{/link}} Isso corrige m
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Nenhuma das sugestões ajudou"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Consulte a <a href=\"\">lista de problemas comuns (em inglês)</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Não foi possível carregar o Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Fornecido por {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Lixeira"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "O Redirection requer a API REST do WordPress para ser ativado. Se você a desativou, não vai conseguir usar o Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "A documentação completa (em inglês) sobre como usar o Redirection se encontra no site <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Importar de %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "O Redirection requer o WordPress v%1$1s, mas você está usando a versão v%2$2s. Atualize o WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "Redirecionamentos de \"slugs anteriores\" do WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Criar redirecionamento atrelado (adicionado ao fim do URL)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "O <code>Redirectioni10n</code> não está definido. Isso geralmente significa que outro plugin está impedindo o Redirection de carregar. Desative todos os plugins e tente novamente."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Excluir tudo que corresponder a \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Seu servidor rejeitou a solicitação por ela ser muito grande. Você precisará alterá-la para continuar."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Além disso, verifique se o seu navegador é capaz de carregar <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Se você estiver usando um plugin ou serviço de cache de página (CloudFlare, OVH, etc), então você também poderá tentar limpar esse cache."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Não foi possível carregar o Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Não foi possível criar grupo"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Seu servidor retornou um erro 403 Proibido, que pode indicar que a solic
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Inclua esses detalhes em seu relatório {{strong}}juntamente com uma descrição do que você estava fazendo{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Se você acha que o erro é do Redirection, abra um chamado."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Isso pode ser causado por outro plugin - veja o console de erros do seu navegador para mais detalhes."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Carregando, aguarde..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "Se isso não ajudar, abra o console de erros de seu navegador e crie um
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Se isso é um novo problema, {{strong}}crie um novo chamado{{/strong}} ou envie-o por {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Inclua a descrição do que você estava tentando fazer e detalhes importantes listados abaixo. Inclua uma captura da tela."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Criar chamado"
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr "Gerencie todos os seus redirecionamentos 301 e monitore erros 404"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "O Redirection é livre para usar - a vida é maravilhosa e adorável! Foi necessário muito tempo e esforço para desenvolver e você pode ajudar a apoiar esse desenvolvimento {{strong}}fazendo uma pequena doação{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Ajuda do Redirection"
@@ -1773,8 +1777,8 @@ msgstr "Tipo"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Posts modificados"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirecionamentos"
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "Redirecionamentos"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agente de usuário"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL e agente de usuário"
@@ -1791,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr "URL e agente de usuário"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL de destino"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL somente"
@@ -1805,7 +1809,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referenciador"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL e referenciador"
@@ -1817,6 +1821,6 @@ msgstr "Desconectado"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Conectado"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL e status de login"
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-13 02:51:41+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  "Language: pt_BR\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST relativa"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST raw"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr "API REST padrão"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr "Pronto, é só isso, agora você está redirecionando! O que vai acima é só um exemplo - não dá para inserir um redirecionamento."
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr "(Exemplo) O URL de destino é o novo URL"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr "(Exemplo) O URL de origem é o URL antigo ou oiginal"
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr "Desabilitado! Detectado PHP %s, é necessário PHP 5.4+"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr "Faça um backup de seus dados do Redirection: {{download}}baixar um backup{{/download}}."
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr "A documentação completa pode ser encontrada no {{link}}site do Redirection (em inglês).{{/link}}"
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
+ msgstr "Um redirecionamento simples envolve configurar um {{strong}}URL de origem{{/strong}} (o URL antigo) e um {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (o URL novo). Por exemplo:"
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "How do I use this plugin?"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Problema no banco de dados"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Ativar o JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Número"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL e tipo de página do WordPress"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL e IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Desconecte-se da sua conta e acesse novamente."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL e função/capacidade"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL e servidor"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Se nada funcionar, talvez o Redirection não esteja conseguindo se comunicar com o servidor. Você pode tentar alterar manualmente esta configuração:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Se você estiver usando um sistema de cache como o Cloudflare, então leia isto: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL e cabeçalho HTTP"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL e filtro personalizado"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL e cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 excluído"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "API REST"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Nenhuma das sugestões ajudou"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Consulte a <a href=\"\">lista de problemas comuns (em inglês)</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Não foi possível carregar o Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Lixeira"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "O Redirection requer a API REST do WordPress para ser ativado. Se você a desativou, não vai conseguir usar o Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "A documentação completa (em inglês) sobre como usar o Redirection se encontra no site <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
  msgstr "Importar de %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "O Redirection requer o WordPress v%1$1s, mas você está usando a versão v%2$2s. Atualize o WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Criar redirecionamento atrelado (adicionado ao fim do URL)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "O <code>Redirectioni10n</code> não está definido. Isso geralmente significa que outro plugin está impedindo o Redirection de carregar. Desative todos os plugins e tente novamente."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Seu servidor rejeitou a solicitação por ela ser muito grande. Você precisará alterá-la para continuar."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Além disso, verifique se o seu navegador é capaz de carregar <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Se você estiver usando um plugin ou serviço de cache de página (CloudFlare, OVH, etc), então você também poderá tentar limpar esse cache."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Não foi possível carregar o Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Não foi possível criar grupo"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Inclua esses detalhes em seu relatório {{strong}}juntamente com uma descrição do que você estava fazendo{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Se você acha que o erro é do Redirection, abra um chamado."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Isso pode ser causado por outro plugin - veja o console de erros do seu navegador para mais detalhes."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Carregando, aguarde..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Se isso é um novo problema, {{strong}}crie um novo chamado{{/strong}} ou envie-o por {{strong}}e-mail{{/strong}}. Inclua a descrição do que você estava tentando fazer e detalhes importantes listados abaixo. Inclua uma captura da tela."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Criar chamado"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "O Redirection é livre para usar - a vida é maravilhosa e adorável! Foi necessário muito tempo e esforço para desenvolver e você pode ajudar a apoiar esse desenvolvimento {{strong}}fazendo uma pequena doação{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Ajuda do Redirection"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Posts modificados"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Redirecionamentos"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Agente de usuário"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL e agente de usuário"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "URL de destino"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "URL somente"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Referenciador"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL e referenciador"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Conectado"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "URL e status de login"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-ru_RU.po CHANGED
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: ru\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Попробуйте снова"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Проблема с базой данных"
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Перенаправить все"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Счетчик"
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL и тип страницы WP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL и IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Добавить новое"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, выйдите и войдите снова."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и роль/возможности"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL и сервер"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Относительный /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "По умолчанию /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Если вы не можете получить что-либо, то Redirection может столкнуться с трудностями при общении с вашим сервером. Вы можете вручную изменить этот параметр:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "очистка кеша."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Если вы используете систему кэширования, такую как cloudflare, пожалуйста, прочитайте это: "
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и заголовок HTTP"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и пользовательский фильтр"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL и куки"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL и куки"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 удалено"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Только /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}} Пожалуйста, временно отключите др
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Ни одно из предложений не помогло"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, обратитесь к <a href=\"\">списку распространенных проблем</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Не удается загрузить Redirection ☹ ️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Работает на {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Корзина"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Обратите внимание, что Redirection требует WordPress REST API для включения. Если вы отключили это, то вы не сможете использовать Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Вы можете найти полную документацию об использовании Redirection на <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> поддержки сайта."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Импортировать из %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection требует WordPress v%1$1s, вы используете v%2$2s - пожалуйста, обновите ваш WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "\"Старые ярлыки\" WordPress по умолчанию"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Создание связанного перенаправления (Добавлено в конец URL-адреса)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> не определен. Это обычно означает, что другой плагин блокирует Redirection от загрузки. Пожалуйста, отключите все плагины и повторите попытку."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Удалить все совпадения \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Ваш сервер отклонил запрос потому что он слишком большой. Для продолжения потребуется изменить его."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Также проверьте, может ли ваш браузер загрузить <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Если вы используете плагин кэширования страниц или услугу (cloudflare, OVH и т.д.), то вы также можете попробовать очистить кэш."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Не удается загрузить Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Невозможно создать группу"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr "Ваш сервер вернул ошибку 403 (доступ запр
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Включите эти сведения в отчет {{strong}} вместе с описанием того, что вы делали{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Если вы считаете, что ошибка в Redirection, то создайте тикет о проблеме."
- #: redirection-admin.php:393
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Это может быть вызвано другим плагином-посмотрите на консоль ошибок вашего браузера для более подробной информации."
- #: redirection-admin.php:415
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Загрузка, пожалуйста подождите..."
@@ -1097,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr "Если это не поможет, откройте консоль о
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Если это новая проблема, пожалуйста, либо {{strong}} создайте новую заявку{{/strong}} или отправьте ее по{{strong}} электронной почте{{/strong}}. Напишите описание того, что вы пытаетесь сделать, и важные детали, перечисленные ниже. Пожалуйста, включите скриншот."
- #: redirection-admin.php:403 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Создать тикет о проблеме"
@@ -1516,7 +1520,7 @@ msgstr "Управляйте всеми 301-перенаправлениями
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection является бесплатным для использования - жизнь чудесна и прекрасна! Это потребовало много времени и усилий для развития, и вы можете помочь поддержать эту разработку {{strong}} сделав небольшое пожертвование {{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:298
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Поддержка перенаправления"
@@ -1775,8 +1779,8 @@ msgstr "Тип"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Измененные записи"
- #: models/group.php:148 redirection-strings.php:261
- #: database/schema/latest.php:132
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Перенаправления"
@@ -1784,7 +1788,7 @@ msgstr "Перенаправления"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Агент пользователя"
- #: redirection-strings.php:86 matches/user-agent.php:10
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и агент пользователя"
@@ -1793,7 +1797,7 @@ msgstr "URL-адрес и агент пользователя"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Целевой URL-адрес"
- #: redirection-strings.php:82 matches/url.php:7
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Только URL-адрес"
@@ -1807,7 +1811,7 @@ msgstr "Regex"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Ссылающийся URL"
- #: redirection-strings.php:85 matches/referrer.php:10
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL и ссылающийся URL"
@@ -1819,6 +1823,6 @@ msgstr "Выход из системы"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Вход в систему"
- #: redirection-strings.php:83 matches/login.php:8
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "Статус URL и входа"
  "Language: ru\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Проблема с базой данных"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr "Счетчик"
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr "URL и тип страницы WP"
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL и IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, выйдите и войдите снова."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и роль/возможности"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL и сервер"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Если вы не можете получить что-либо, то Redirection может столкнуться с трудностями при общении с вашим сервером. Вы можете вручную изменить этот параметр:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Если вы используете систему кэширования, такую как cloudflare, пожалуйста, прочитайте это: "
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и заголовок HTTP"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и пользовательский фильтр"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL и куки"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 удалено"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Ни одно из предложений не помогло"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Пожалуйста, обратитесь к <a href=\"\">списку распространенных проблем</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Не удается загрузить Redirection ☹ ️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Корзина"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Обратите внимание, что Redirection требует WordPress REST API для включения. Если вы отключили это, то вы не сможете использовать Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Вы можете найти полную документацию об использовании Redirection на <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> поддержки сайта."
  msgstr "Импортировать из %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection требует WordPress v%1$1s, вы используете v%2$2s - пожалуйста, обновите ваш WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Создание связанного перенаправления (Добавлено в конец URL-адреса)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> не определен. Это обычно означает, что другой плагин блокирует Redirection от загрузки. Пожалуйста, отключите все плагины и повторите попытку."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Ваш сервер отклонил запрос потому что он слишком большой. Для продолжения потребуется изменить его."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Также проверьте, может ли ваш браузер загрузить <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Если вы используете плагин кэширования страниц или услугу (cloudflare, OVH и т.д.), то вы также можете попробовать очистить кэш."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Не удается загрузить Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Невозможно создать группу"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Включите эти сведения в отчет {{strong}} вместе с описанием того, что вы делали{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Если вы считаете, что ошибка в Redirection, то создайте тикет о проблеме."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."
  msgstr "Это может быть вызвано другим плагином-посмотрите на консоль ошибок вашего браузера для более подробной информации."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:417
  msgid "Loading, please wait..."
  msgstr "Загрузка, пожалуйста подождите..."
  msgid "If this is a new problem then please either {{strong}}create a new issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}. Include a description of what you were trying to do and the important details listed below. Please include a screenshot."
  msgstr "Если это новая проблема, пожалуйста, либо {{strong}} создайте новую заявку{{/strong}} или отправьте ее по{{strong}} электронной почте{{/strong}}. Напишите описание того, что вы пытаетесь сделать, и важные детали, перечисленные ниже. Пожалуйста, включите скриншот."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:405 redirection-strings.php:33
  msgid "Create Issue"
  msgstr "Создать тикет о проблеме"
  msgid "Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Redirection является бесплатным для использования - жизнь чудесна и прекрасна! Это потребовало много времени и усилий для развития, и вы можете помочь поддержать эту разработку {{strong}} сделав небольшое пожертвование {{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:300
  msgid "Redirection Support"
  msgstr "Поддержка перенаправления"
  msgid "Modified Posts"
  msgstr "Измененные записи"
+ #: database/schema/latest.php:132 models/group.php:148
+ #: redirection-strings.php:261
  msgid "Redirections"
  msgstr "Перенаправления"
  msgid "User Agent"
  msgstr "Агент пользователя"
+ #: matches/user-agent.php:10 redirection-strings.php:86
  msgid "URL and user agent"
  msgstr "URL-адрес и агент пользователя"
  msgid "Target URL"
  msgstr "Целевой URL-адрес"
+ #: matches/url.php:7 redirection-strings.php:82
  msgid "URL only"
  msgstr "Только URL-адрес"
  msgid "Referrer"
  msgstr "Ссылающийся URL"
+ #: matches/referrer.php:10 redirection-strings.php:85
  msgid "URL and referrer"
  msgstr "URL и ссылающийся URL"
  msgid "Logged In"
  msgstr "Вход в систему"
+ #: matches/login.php:8 redirection-strings.php:83
  msgid "URL and login status"
  msgstr "Статус URL и входа"
locale/ CHANGED
Binary file
locale/redirection-sv_SE.po CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-31 19:55:21+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -11,6 +11,34 @@ msgstr ""
  "Language: sv_SE\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
@@ -165,20 +193,8 @@ msgstr "Vissa funktioner som du kan tycka är användbara är"
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:197
- msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting!"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:196
- msgid "The target URL is the new URL"
- msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:194
- msgid "The source URL is your old or original URL"
- msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
- msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL):"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Försök igen"
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Databasproblem"
- #: redirection-admin.php:419
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Aktivera JavaScript"
@@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ msgstr "Omdirigera alla"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:92 matches/page.php:9
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
- #: redirection-strings.php:88 matches/ip.php:9
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL och IP"
@@ -551,22 +567,14 @@ msgstr "Lägg till ny"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Logga ut och logga in igen."
- #: redirection-strings.php:84 matches/user-role.php:9
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL och roll/behörighet"
- #: redirection-strings.php:89 matches/server.php:9
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL och server"
- #: redirection-strings.php:397
- msgid "Relative /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Relativ /wp-json/"
- #: redirection-strings.php:395
- msgid "Default /wp-json/"
- msgstr "Standard /wp-json/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Om du inte kan få något att fungera kan det hända att Redirection har svårt att kommunicera med din server. Du kan försöka ändra den här inställningen manuellt:"
@@ -627,15 +635,15 @@ msgstr "rensa cacheminnet."
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Om du använder ett caching-system som Cloudflare, läs det här:"
- #: redirection-strings.php:90 matches/http-header.php:11
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL- och HTTP-sidhuvuden"
- #: redirection-strings.php:91 matches/custom-filter.php:9
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL och anpassat filter"
- #: redirection-strings.php:87 matches/cookie.php:7
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL och cookie"
@@ -643,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr "URL och cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 borttagen"
- #: redirection-strings.php:396
- msgid "Raw /index.php?rest_route=/"
- msgstr "Rå /index.php?rest_route=/"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
@@ -683,11 +687,11 @@ msgstr "{{link}}Vänligen inaktivera andra tillägg tillfälligt!{{/link}} Detta
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Inget av förslagen hjälpte"
- #: redirection-admin.php:398
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Vänligen läs <a href=\"\">listan med kända problem</a>."
- #: redirection-admin.php:392
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Kunde inte ladda Redirection ☹️"
@@ -843,12 +847,12 @@ msgstr "Drivs av {{link}}{{/link}}"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Släng"
- #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Observera att Redirection kräver att WordPress REST API ska vara aktiverat. Om du har inaktiverat det här kommer du inte kunna använda Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
- #: redirection-admin.php:297
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection finns på support-sidan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ msgid "Import from %s"
  msgstr "Importera från %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
- #: redirection-admin.php:380
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection kräver WordPress v%1$1s, du använder v%2$2s – uppdatera WordPress"
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ msgstr "WordPress standard ”gamla permalänkar”"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Skapa associerad omdirigering (läggs till i slutet på URL:en)"
- #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> är inte definierat. Detta betyder vanligtvis att ett annat tillägg blockerar Redirection från att laddas. Vänligen inaktivera alla tillägg och försök igen."
@@ -981,19 +985,19 @@ msgstr "Ta bort allt som matchar \"%s\""
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Din server har nekat begäran för att den var för stor. Du måste ändra den innan du fortsätter."
- #: redirection-admin.php:395
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Kontrollera också att din webbläsare kan ladda <code>redirection.js</code>:"
- #: redirection-admin.php:394 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Om du använder ett tillägg eller en tjänst för att cacha sidor (CloudFlare, OVH m.m.) så kan du också prova att rensa den cachen."
- #: redirection-admin.php:383
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Det gick inte att ladda Redirection"
- #: models/fixer.php:266
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa grupp"
@@ -1069,15 +1073,15 @@ msgstr ""
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Inkludera dessa detaljer i din rapport {{strong}}tillsammans med en beskrivning av vad du gjorde{{/strong}}."
- #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Om du tror att Redirection orsakar felet, skapa en felrapport."
  # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release) package.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-20 20:45:28+0000\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  "Language: sv_SE\n"
  "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Redirection - Stable (latest release)\n"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:397
+ msgid "Relative REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:396
+ msgid "Raw REST API"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:395
+ msgid "Default REST API"
+ msgstr "Standard REST API"
+ #: redirection-strings.php:197
+ msgid "That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example - you can not enter a redirect."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:196
+ msgid "(Example) The target URL is the new URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection-strings.php:194
+ msgid "(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: redirection.php:37
+ msgid "Disabled! Detected PHP %s, need PHP 5.4+"
+ msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:259
  msgid "Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}."
  msgstr ""
  msgid "Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:192
+ msgid "A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"
  msgstr ""
  #: redirection-strings.php:191
  msgid "Database problem"
  msgstr "Databasproblem"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:421
  msgid "Please enable JavaScript"
  msgstr "Aktivera JavaScript"
  msgid "Count"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/page.php:9 redirection-strings.php:92
  msgid "URL and WordPress page type"
  msgstr ""
+ #: matches/ip.php:9 redirection-strings.php:88
  msgid "URL and IP"
  msgstr "URL och IP"
  msgid "Please logout and login again."
  msgstr "Logga ut och logga in igen."
+ #: matches/user-role.php:9 redirection-strings.php:84
  msgid "URL and role/capability"
  msgstr "URL och roll/behörighet"
+ #: matches/server.php:9 redirection-strings.php:89
  msgid "URL and server"
  msgstr "URL och server"
  #: redirection-strings.php:24
  msgid "If you are unable to get anything working then Redirection may have difficulty communicating with your server. You can try manually changing this setting:"
  msgstr "Om du inte kan få något att fungera kan det hända att Redirection har svårt att kommunicera med din server. Du kan försöka ändra den här inställningen manuellt:"
  msgid "If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "
  msgstr "Om du använder ett caching-system som Cloudflare, läs det här:"
+ #: matches/http-header.php:11 redirection-strings.php:90
  msgid "URL and HTTP header"
  msgstr "URL- och HTTP-sidhuvuden"
+ #: matches/custom-filter.php:9 redirection-strings.php:91
  msgid "URL and custom filter"
  msgstr "URL och anpassat filter"
+ #: matches/cookie.php:7 redirection-strings.php:87
  msgid "URL and cookie"
  msgstr "URL och cookie"
  msgid "404 deleted"
  msgstr "404 borttagen"
  #: redirection-strings.php:221 redirection-strings.php:423
  msgid "REST API"
  msgstr "REST API"
  msgid "None of the suggestions helped"
  msgstr "Inget av förslagen hjälpte"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:400
  msgid "Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."
  msgstr "Vänligen läs <a href=\"\">listan med kända problem</a>."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:394
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection ☹️"
  msgstr "Kunde inte ladda Redirection ☹️"
  msgid "Trash"
  msgstr "Släng"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:399
  msgid "Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"
  msgstr "Observera att Redirection kräver att WordPress REST API ska vara aktiverat. Om du har inaktiverat det här kommer du inte kunna använda Redirection"
  #. translators: URL
+ #: redirection-admin.php:299
  msgid "You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."
  msgstr "Fullständig dokumentation för Redirection finns på support-sidan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."
  msgstr "Importera från %s"
  #. translators: 1: Expected WordPress version, 2: Actual WordPress version
+ #: redirection-admin.php:382
  msgid "Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"
  msgstr "Redirection kräver WordPress v%1$1s, du använder v%2$2s – uppdatera WordPress"
  msgid "Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"
  msgstr "Skapa associerad omdirigering (läggs till i slutet på URL:en)"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:402
  msgid "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."
  msgstr "<code>Redirectioni10n</code> är inte definierat. Detta betyder vanligtvis att ett annat tillägg blockerar Redirection från att laddas. Vänligen inaktivera alla tillägg och försök igen."
  msgid "Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to change it to continue."
  msgstr "Din server har nekat begäran för att den var för stor. Du måste ändra den innan du fortsätter."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:397
  msgid "Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"
  msgstr "Kontrollera också att din webbläsare kan ladda <code>redirection.js</code>:"
+ #: redirection-admin.php:396 redirection-strings.php:274
  msgid "If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."
  msgstr "Om du använder ett tillägg eller en tjänst för att cacha sidor (CloudFlare, OVH m.m.) så kan du också prova att rensa den cachen."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:385
  msgid "Unable to load Redirection"
  msgstr "Det gick inte att ladda Redirection"
+ #: models/fixer.php:271
  msgid "Unable to create group"
  msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa grupp"
  msgid "Include these details in your report {{strong}}along with a description of what you were doing{{/strong}}."
  msgstr "Inkludera dessa detaljer i din rapport {{strong}}tillsammans med en beskrivning av vad du gjorde{{/strong}}."
+ #: redirection-admin.php:401
  msgid "If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."
  msgstr "Om du tror att Redirection orsakar felet, skapa en felrapport."