Redirection - Version 5.3.1

Version Description

  • 29th July 2022 =
  • Fix crash caused by bad translations in locale files
  • Fix query match not working when it contained mixed case
  • Fix missing flag in .htaccess export
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Release Info

Developer johnny5
Plugin Icon 128x128 Redirection
Version 5.3.1
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Code changes from version 5.3.0 to 5.3.1

locale/json/redirection-de_DE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Deine Admin-Seiten werden gecacht. Lösche den Cache und versuchen es erneut. Bitte beachte, dass es mehrere Caches geben könnte."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Dies lässt sich meist folgendermaßen beheben:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Du nutzt eine alte oder gecachte Session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Bitte überprüfe deine Daten und versuche es erneut."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Es gab ein Problem bei einer Anfrage an deine Website. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass du Daten angegeben hast, die nicht den Anforderungen entsprechen, oder dass das Plugin eine fehlerhafte Anfrage gesendet hat."],"Bad data":["Fehlerhafte Daten"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress hat eine unerwartete Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte ein PHP-Fehler von einem anderen Plugin sein oder am verwendeten Theme liegen."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Die WordPress-REST-API ist deaktiviert. Bitte aktivieren, um fortzufahren."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Die WordPress-REST-API wird aktuell umgeleitet. Bitte Umleitung entfernen."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Ein Sicherheits-Plugin oder eine Firewall blockiert den Zugriff. Bitte die REST-API in die Whitelist aufnehmen."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Die Serverkonfiguration blockiert den Zugriff auf die REST-API. Bitte die Einstellungen ändern."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Überprüfe den {{link}}Website-Zustand{{/link}} und behebe alle Probleme."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Kannst du auf die {{api}}REST-API{{/api}} ohne Umleitung zugreifen? Wenn nicht, dann musst du dieses Problem beheben."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Die REST-API sendet eine 404-Seite zurück. Dies ist mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ein Problem mit einem anderen Plugin oder mit der Serverkonfiguration."],"Debug Information":["Informationen für die Fehlersuche"],"Show debug":["Fehlersuche anzeigen"],"View Data":["Daten ansehen"],"Other":["Sonstige"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection speichert keine personenbezogenen Daten außer den oben konfigurierten. Es liegt in deiner Verantwortung, sicherzustellen, dass die Website alle geltenden {{link}}Datenschutzanforderungen{{/link}} erfüllt."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["HTTP-Header-Informationen (außer Cookies) in den Protokollen erfassen. Es kann Benutzerdaten enthalten und die Größe der Protokolle erhöhen."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Aufrufe der Umleitungen und das Datum des letzten Zugriffs in den Protokollen erfassen. Enthält keine Benutzerdaten."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["„Externe“ Weiterleitungen in den Protokollen erfassen - solche, die nicht von Redirection stammen. Kann die Größe der Protokolle erhöhen und enthält keine Benutzerinformationen."],"Logging":["Protokollierung"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP-Protokollierungstiefe)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Bist du sicher, dass du die ausgewählten Elemente löschen willst?"],"View Redirect":["Umleitung anzeigen"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Nach User-Agent gruppieren"],"Search domain":["Domain suchen"],"Redirect By":["Weiterleitung von"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Methode"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Wenn das nicht geholfen hat, dann {{strong}}erstelle ein Support-Ticket{{/strong}} oder sende eine {{strong}}E-Mail{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Bitte prüfe die {{link}}Supposrt-Website{{/link}}, bevor du fortfährst."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Etwas ging schief beim Upgrade von Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Etwas ging schief bei der Installation von Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Auf alle anwenden"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Mehrfachaktionen (alle)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Auf alle ausgewählten Elemente anwenden"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Auf alle Elemente anwenden, die dem aktuellen Filter entsprechen"],"Redirect Source":["Quell-URL"],"Request Headers":["Header der Anfrage"],"Exclude from logs":["Von den Protokollen ausschließen"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Es kann keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden, um den Status der Weiterleitung zu prüfen."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Deine URL wird im Cache gespeichert und der Cache muss möglicherweise gelöscht werden."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Diese URL wird durch etwas anderes als Redirection umgeleitet."],"Relocate to domain":["Umziehen zu Domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Möchtest du die gesamte Website umleiten? Gib eine Domain ein, um alles umzuleiten, außer WordPress-Anmeldung und -Admin. Das Aktivieren dieser Option deaktiviert alle Website-Aliase oder Canonical-Einstellungen."],"Relocate Site":["Website umziehen"],"Add CORS Presets":["CORS-Voreinstellungen hinzufügen"],"Add Security Presets":["Sicherheits-Voreinstellungen hinzufügen"],"Add Header":["Header hinzufügen"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Du solltest die URL der Website aktualisieren, damit diese mit den Einstellungen für die „Canonical URL“ übereinstimmt: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Bevorzugte Domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warnung{{/strong}}: Stelle sicher, dass dein HTTPS funktioniert, bevor du eine Weiterleitung erzwingst."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Umleitung von HTTP zu HTTPS erzwingen – - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Einstellungen für „Canonical URL“"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["www zum Domainnamen hinzufügen - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["www aus dem Domainnamen entfernen - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Keine bevorzugte Domain festlegen - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Alias hinzufügen"],"No aliases":["Keine Aliase"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Haupt-Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Du musst dein System (DNS und Server) so konfigurieren, dass Anfragen für diese Domains an diese WordPress-Installation hier weitergeleitet werden."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Ein Website-Alias ist eine andere Domain, die auf diese Site umgeleitet werden soll. Zum Beispiel eine alte Domain oder eine Subdomain. Dadurch werden alle URLs umgeleitet, einschließlich WordPress-Login und -Admin."],"Site Aliases":["Website-Aliase"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["Das ergänzende Plugin Search Regex ermöglicht es dir, Daten in der Website zu suchen und zu ersetzen. Es unterstützt auch Redirection und ist praktisch, wenn du eine größere Menge Umleitungen aktualisieren möchtest."],"Need to search and replace?":["Willst du suchen und ersetzen?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Optionen auf dieser Seite können bei falscher Anwendung Probleme verursachen. Du kannst sie {{link}}vorübergehend deaktivieren{{/link}}, um Änderungen vorzunehmen."],"Please wait, importing.":["Bitte warten, beim Importieren."],"Continue":["Fortsetzen"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Die folgenden Plugins wurden erkannt."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress erstellt automatisch Weiterleitungen, wenn du die URL eines Beitrags änderst. Wenn du diese Weiterleitungen in Redirection importierst, kannst du sie verwalten und überwachen."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Das Importieren bestehender Weiterleitungen aus WordPress oder anderen Plugins ist ein guter Weg, um mit Redirection zu beginnen. Prüfe jeden Satz Weiterleitungen, die du importieren möchtest."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Bestehende Umleitungen importieren"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["Das ist soweit alles - du leitest nun um! Beachte, dass das oben genannte nur ein Beispiel ist."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Wenn du alles weiterleiten möchtest, verwende die Funktion für den Umzug der Website oder erstelle einen Alias der Website."],"Value":["Wert"],"Values":["Werte"],"All":["Alle"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Beachte, dass einige HTTP Header durch deinen Server gesetzt werden und nicht geändert werden können."],"No headers":["Keine Header"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Position"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Website-Header werden auf der gesamten Website einschließlich Weiterleitungen hinzugefügt. Weiterleitungs-Header werden nur zu Weiterleitungen hinzugefügt."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP-Header"],"Custom Header":["Individueller Header"],"General":["Allgemein"],"Redirect":["Weiterleitung"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Einige Server können so konfiguriert sein, dass sie Dateien direkt bereitstellen, was eine Weiterleitung verhindert."],"Site":["Website"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Anfrage kann aufgrund von Sicherheitseinstellungen des Browsers nicht gestellt werden. Dies liegt in der Regel daran, dass WordPress- und Website-URL-Einstellungen inkonsistent sind oder die Anfrage aufgrund der CORS-Richtlinie deiner Website blockiert wurde."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Abfrage ignorieren und übergeben"],"Ignore Query":["Abfrage ignorieren"],"Exact Query":["Genaue Abfrage"],"Search title":["Titel suchen"],"Not accessed in last year":["Im letzten Jahr nicht aufgerufen"],"Not accessed in last month":["Im letzten Monat nicht aufgerufen"],"Never accessed":["Niemals aufgerufen"],"Last Accessed":["Letzter Zugriff"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP-Statuscode"],"Plain":["Einfach"],"URL match":["URL-Übereinstimmung"],"Source":["Herkunft"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Art des Vorgangs"],"Match Type":["Art der Übereinstimmung"],"Search target URL":["Ziel-URL suchen"],"Search IP":["IP-Adresse suchen"],"Search user agent":["User Agent suchen"],"Search referrer":["Referrer suchen"],"Search URL":["URL suchen"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtern nach: %(typ)en"],"Disabled":["Deaktiviert"],"Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Compact Display":["Kompakte Ansicht"],"Standard Display":["Standardansicht"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Vordefiniert"],"Custom Display":["Individuelle Ansicht"],"Display All":["Alle anzeigen"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Deine URL scheint eine Domain im Pfad zu enthalten: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Wolltest du stattdessen {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} verwenden?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Kommagetrennte Liste an Sprachen, gegen die abgeglichen werden soll (z. B. en, de-DE)"],"Language":["Sprache"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL und Sprache"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Logge dich aus, leere den Browser-Cache und logge dich erneut ein – dein Browser hat eine alte Sitzung gecacht."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Lade die Seite neu – deine laufende Session ist veraltet."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Es wurde eine Endlosschleife entdeckt und das Upgrade wurde gestoppt. Dies deutet normalerweise darauf hin, daß {{support}}deine Website gecacht wird{{/support}} und Datenbankänderungen nicht gespeichert werden."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Die .htaccess-Datei lässt sich nicht speichern"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Weiterleitungen, die zu einer Apache-Gruppe hinzugefügt werden, können in einer {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} Datei gespeichert werden, wenn du hier den vollständigen Pfad hinzufügst. Zur Orientierung: Dein WordPress ist auf {{code}}%(installiert)s{{/code}} installiert."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Klicke auf „Upgrade abschließen“, sobald du fertig bist."],"Automatic Install":["Automatische Installation"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Deine Ziel-URL enthält das ungültige Zeichen {{code}}%(ungültig){{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Wenn du WordPress 5.2 oder neuer verwendest, prüfe den {{link}}Website-Zustand{{/link}} und behebe die dort genannten Probleme."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Wenn du die manuelle Installation nicht abschließt, kommst du hierher zurück."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Klicke am Ende auf „Fertig! 🎉“."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Wenn deine Website spezielle Datenbankberechtigungen benötigt, oder du es lieber selbst machen möchtest, kannst du den folgenden SQL-Code manuell ausführen."],"Manual Install":["Manuelle Installation"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Unzureichende Datenbankberechtigungen erkannt. Bitte gib deinem Datenbankbenutzer entsprechende Berechtigungen."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Diese Informationen werden zu Fehlersuch-Zwecken bereitgestellt. Sei vorsichtig, wenn du Änderungen vornimmst."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin-Fehlersuche"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection kommuniziert mit WordPress über die WordPress-REST-API. Dies ist eine Standard-Schnittstellel von WordPress, und du wirst Probleme bekommen, wenn diese Schnittstelle nicht verwenden werden kann."],"IP Headers":["IP-Header"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Nicht ändern, außer auf Anweisung!"],"Database version":["Datenbankversion"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Komplette Daten (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exportiere in CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx oder Redirection JSON. JSON enthält alle Informationen, die anderen Exporte enthalten Teilinformationen, die dem dem jeweiligen Format entsprechen."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV enthält nicht alle Informationen und alles wird entsprechend der URL-Übereinstimmung importiert/exportiert. Verwende das JSON-Format für die vollständigen Daten."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Alle Importe werden an die aktuelle Datenbank angehängt - nichts wird zusammengeführt."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatisches Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manuelles Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Bitte erstelle ein Backup der Redirection Daten: {{download}}Backup herunterladen{{/download}}. Wenn es Probleme geben sollte, kannst du diese wieder in Redirection importieren."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Klicke auf den Button „Upgrade Datenbank“, um die Datenbank automatisch upzugraden."],"Complete Upgrade":["Upgrade abschließen"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection speichert Daten in deiner Datenbank und manchmal muss diese aktualisiert werden. Deine Datenbank hat die Version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and die neueste Datenbankversion ist {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Beachte, dass du den Pfad für das Apache-Modul in den Optionen von Redirection einstellen musst."],"I need support!":["Ich brauche Support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Du brauchst mindestens eine funktionierende REST-API, um fortzufahren."],"Check Again":["Erneut prüfen"],"Testing - %s$":["Prüfung läuft - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Probleme anzeigen"],"Summary":["Zusammenfassung"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Deine REST-API funktioniert nicht und das Plugin kann nicht weiterarbeiten, bis dies behoben ist."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Es gibt einige Probleme mit der Verbindung zu deiner REST-API. Es ist nicht notwendig, diese Probleme zu beheben, das Plugin funktioniert auch so."],"Unavailable":["Nicht verfügbar"],"Working but some issues":["Läuft, aber mit Problemen"],"Current API":["Aktuelle API"],"Switch to this API":["Zu dieser API wechseln"],"Hide":["Verstecken"],"Show Full":["Alles zeigen"],"Working!":["Läuft!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Deine Ziel-URL sollte eine absolute URL wie {{code}}{{/code}} sein oder mit einem Slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}} beginnen."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Deine Quelle ist das gleiche wie ein Ziel und dies wird eine Endlosschleife erzeugen. Lass ein Ziel leer, wenn du keine Maßnahmen ergreifen willst."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["Ziel-URL, die du umleiten möchtest; oder nutze die Auto-Vervollständigung des Beitragsnamens oder des Permalinks."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Füge diese Details in deinen Bericht ein, zusammen mit einer Beschreibung, was genau du getan hast und einem Screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Ein Support-Ticket erstellen"],"What do I do next?":["Was soll ich als nächstes tun?"],"Possible cause":["Möglicher Grund"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Dies könnte an einem ein Sicherheits-Plugin oder daran liegen, dass dein Server nicht genügend Speicher hat oder ein externer Fehler vorliegt. Bitte überprüfe das Fehlerprotokoll deines Servers."],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Deine REST-API wird wahrscheinlich von einem Sicherheits-Plugin blockiert. Bitte deaktiviere dieses oder konfiguriere es so, dass es REST-API-Anfragen zulässt."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lies diese REST-API-Anleitung für mehr Informationen."],"URL options / Regex":["URL-Optionen / Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Export 404":["404er exportieren"],"Export redirect":["Exportiere Weiterleitungen"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress-Permalink-Strukturen funktionieren nicht in normalen URLs. Bitte verwende einen regulären Ausdruck."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Überspringen – wie ignorieren, kopiert aber die Abfrageparameter zur Ziel-URL"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorieren – wie exakt, aber ignoriert alle Abfrageparameter, die nicht in der Quell-URL stehen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exakt – entspricht genau den Abfrageparametern, die in deiner Quell-URL definiert sind, in beliebiger Reihenfolge"],"Default query matching":["Standard-Abfrageabgleich"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignoriere nachfolgenden Slash (d.h. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} entspricht {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht berücksichtigt (d. h. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} entspricht {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}} )"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Gilt für alle Weiterleitungen, sofern du sie nicht abweichend konfigurierst."],"Default URL settings":["Standard-URL-Einstellungen"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignorieren und alle Abfrageparameter übergeben"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Alle Abfrageparameter ignorieren"],"Exact match":["Exakte Übereinstimmung"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching-Software (z. B. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Ein Sicherheitsplugin (z. B. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL-Optionen"],"Query Parameters":["Abfrage-Parameter"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Parameter ignorieren und an Ziel übergeben"],"Ignore all parameters":["Alle Parameter ignorieren"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Genaue Übereinstimmung aller Parameter in beliebiger Reihenfolge"],"Ignore Case":["Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren"],"Ignore Slash":["Schrägstrich ignorieren"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST-API"],"Raw REST API":["Unverarbeitete REST-API"],"Default REST API":["Standard-REST-API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Beispiel) Die Ziel-URL ist die neue URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Beispiel) Die Quell-URL ist deine alte oder ursprüngliche URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Deaktiviert! PHP %1$s wurde erkannt, benötigt PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Ein Datenbank-Upgrade läuft derzeit. Zum Beenden bitte fortfahren."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Die Redirection-Datenbank muss aktualisiert werden - <a href=\"%1$1s\">Klicke, um zu Aktualisieren</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Die Datenbank dieses Plugins benötigt ein Update"],"Upgrade Required":["Aktualisierung erforderlich"],"Finish Setup":["Einrichtung abschließen"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Du hast in deinem WordPress unter Einstellungen > Allgemein unterschiedliche URLs konfiguriert. Dies ist normalerweise ein Hinweis auf eine Fehlkonfiguration und kann zu Problemen mit der REST-API führen. Bitte überprüfe deine Einstellungen."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Wenn du ein Problem feststellst, informiere dich bitte in der Dokumentation des Plugins oder kontaktiere den Support deines Hosters. Dies ist in der Regel {{link}}kein Problem, das durch Redirection{{/link}} verursacht wird."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Ein anderes Plugin, das die REST-API blockiert"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Eine Server-Firewall oder eine andere Server-Konfiguration (z. B. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection benutzt die {{link}}WordPress-REST-API{{/link}} um mit WordPress zu kommunizieren. Diese ist standardmäßig aktiviert und funktioniert. Manchmal wird die REST-API blockiert durch:"],"Go back":["Zurück"],"Continue Setup":["Einrichtung fortsetzen"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Das Speichern der IP-Adresse ermöglicht es dir, zusätzliche Log-Aktionen durchzuführen. Beachte, dass du dich an die lokalen Gesetze bezüglich der Datenerfassung halten musst (z. B. gemäß DSGVO)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["IP-Informationen für Weiterleitungen und 404-Fehler speichern."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Das Speichern von Protokollen für Weiterleitungen und 404ern ermöglicht es dir, zu sehen, was auf deiner Website passiert. Dies erhöht den Speicherbedarf deiner Datenbank."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Ein Protokoll über alle Weiterleitungen und 404-Fehler führen."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Lies mehr darüber.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Wenn du den Permalink in einem Beitrag oder einer Seite änderst, kann Redirection automatisch eine Weiterleitung für dich erstellen."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Permalink-Änderungen in WordPress-Beiträgen und -Seiten überwachen"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Dies sind einige Optionen, die du vielleicht jetzt aktivieren möchtest. Sie können jederzeit geändert werden."],"Basic Setup":["Grundeinrichtung"],"Start Setup":["Einrichtung starten"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Wenn du fertig bist, klick bitte den Button, um fortzufahren."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Zuerst werden wir dir ein paar Fragen stellen, um dann eine Datenbank zu erstellen."],"What's next?":["Was passiert als nächstes?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Weiterleitung einer URL prüfen"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Leistungsfähigeres URL-Matching, einschließlich {{reguläre}}regulärer Ausdrücke{{/regulär}} und {{andere}}anderer Bedingungen{{/andere}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} aus .htaccess, CSV und einer Vielzahl anderer Plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Überwache 404-Fehler{{/link}}, erhalte detaillierte Informationen über die Besucher und behebe eventuelle Probleme"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Einige Funktionen, die du nützlich finden könntest, sind"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du auf der {{link}}Redirection-Website{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Eine einfache Weiterleitung beinhaltet das Setzen einer {{strong}}Quell-URL{{/strong}} (alte URL) und einer {{strong}}Ziel-URL{{/strong}} (neue URL). Hier ist ein Beispiel:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Wie benutze ich dieses Plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection lässt sich auf Websites mit wenigen Weiterleitungen genauso verwenden wie auf Websites mit tausenden von Weiterleitungen."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Vielen Dank, dass du Redirection v%(version)s installierst und benutzt. Mit diesem Plugin kannst du 301-Weiterleitungen verwalten, 404-Fehlern nachgehen und deine Website verbessern, ohne dass du Kenntnisse über Apache oder Nginx benötigst."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Herzlich Willkommen bei Redirection! 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Um einen gierigen regulären Ausdruck zu verhindern, kannst du ihn mit {{code}}^{{/code}} am Beginn der URL verankern. Zum Beispiel: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Denke daran, die Option „Regulärer Ausdruck\" zu aktivieren, wenn es sich um einen regulären Ausdruck handelt."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["Die Quell-URL sollte wahrscheinlich mit einem {{code}}/{{/code}} beginnen"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Dies wird in eine Server-Weiterleitung für die Domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}} umgewandelt."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Ankerwerte werden nicht an den Server gesendet und können nicht umgeleitet werden."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} zu {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Fertig! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Fortschritt: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Wenn du hier abbrichst, bevor der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, kann es zu Problemen kommen."],"Setting up Redirection":["Redirection wird eingerichtet"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Redirection wird aktualisiert"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Bitte bleibe auf dieser Seite, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Wenn du dich sich an den{{Support}}Support wendest{{/support}}, gib bitte diese Details an:"],"Stop upgrade":["Upgrade stoppen"],"Skip this stage":["Diese Stufe überspringen"],"Try again":["Versuche es erneut"],"Database problem":["Datenbankproblem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Bitte aktiviere JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Bitte Datenbank upgraden"],"Upgrade Database":["Datenbank-Upgrade durchführen"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Bitte schließe die <a href=\"%s\">Einrichtung von Redirection</a> ab, um das Plugin zu aktivieren."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Deine Datenbank muss nicht auf %s aktualisiert werden."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Tabelle „%s“ fehlt"],"Create basic data":["Basisdaten erstellen"],"Install Redirection tables":["Redirection-Tabellen installieren"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Die URL der Website und der Startseite sind inkonsistent. Bitte korrigiere dies in den Einstellungen > Allgemein: %1$1s ist nicht %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Bitte versuche nicht, all deine 404er umzuleiten - dies ist keine gute Idee."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Nur der 404-Seitentyp wird momentan unterstützt."],"Page Type":["Seitentyp"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Gib die IP-Adressen ein (eine Adresse pro Zeile)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Beschreibe den Zweck dieser Weiterleitung (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Ich bin eine Teekanne"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Zugriff untersagt"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Fehlerhafte Anfrage"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Nichts tun (ignorieren)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Ziel-URL bei Nicht-Übereinstimmung (optional)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Ziel-URL bei Übereinstimmung (optional)"],"Show All":["Alles anzeigen"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Protokolle für diese Einträge löschen"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Protokolle für diesen Eintrag löschen"],"Delete Log Entries":["Protokolleinträge löschen"],"Group by IP":["Nach IP gruppieren"],"Group by URL":["Nach URL gruppieren "],"No grouping":["Keine Gruppierung"],"Ignore URL":["URL ignorieren"],"Block IP":["IP sperren"],"Redirect All":["Alle weiterleiten"],"Count":["Anzahl"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL und WordPress-Seitentyp"],"URL and IP":["URL und IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Gut"],"Check":["Prüfen"],"Check Redirect":["Weiterleitung prüfen"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Prüfe Weiterleitung für: {{code}}%s{{/code}} "],"Not using Redirection":["Redirection wird nicht verwendet"],"Using Redirection":["Redirection wird verwendet"],"Found":["Gefunden"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status){{/code}} zu {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Erwartet"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Vollständige URL eingeben, inklusive http:// oder https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Der Browser kann eine URL im Cache speichern, so dass es schwer zu erkennen ist, ob sie wie erwartet funktioniert. Verwende diesen Test, um zu überprüfen, ob eine URL tatsächlich weitergeleitet wird."],"Redirect Tester":["Weiterleitungstester"],"Target":["Ziel"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["Die URL wird nicht mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL wird mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"Unable to load details":["Die Details konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Gib die Server-URL ein, mit der sie übereinstimmen soll"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Gib die Rolle oder die Berechtigung ein"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Übereinstimmung mit diesem Browser-Referrer-Text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Übereinstimmung mit diesem Browser-User-Agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Die relative URL, von der du umleiten willst"],"Add New":["Erstellen"],"URL and role/capability":["URL und Rolle / Berechtigung"],"URL and server":["URL und Server"],"Site and home protocol":["Website- und Home-Protokoll"],"Site and home are consistent":["Website und Home sind konsistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Beachte, dass du HTTP-Header an PHP übergeben musst. Bitte wende dich an deinen Hosting-Anbieter, um Unterstützung zu erhalten."],"Accept Language":["Akzeptiere Sprache"],"Header value":["Wert im Header "],"Header name":["Header-Name "],"HTTP Header":["HTTP-Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress-Filtername"],"Filter Name":["Filtername"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-Wert"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-Name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["Cache wird geleert."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL und HTTP-Header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL und individueller Filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL und Cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 gelöscht"],"REST API":["REST-API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Wie Redirection die REST-API verwendet - ändere das nur, wenn es unbedingt erforderlich ist"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Kontrolliere den {{link}}Plugin-Status{{/link}}. Die könnte das Problem identifizieren und „wie von Zauberhand“ beheben."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching-Software{{/link}}, insbesondere Cloudflare, kann die falsche Seite zwischenspeichern. Versuche alle deine Caches zu löschen."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Bitte vorübergehend andere Plugins deaktivieren!{{/link}} Das behebt so viele Probleme."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Informationen findest du in der <a href=\"\">Liste häufiger Probleme</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress-REST-API"],"Useragent Error":["User-Agent-Fehler"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unbekannter User Agent"],"Device":["Gerät"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Maschine"],"Useragent":["User Agent"],"Agent":["User Agent"],"No IP logging":["Keine IP-Protokollierung"],"Full IP logging":["Vollständige IP-Protokollierung"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisiere IP (maskiere letzten Teil)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Änderungen überwachen für %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP-Protokollierung"],"Geo Info":["Geo-Information"],"Agent Info":["Agent-Information"],"Filter by IP":["Nach IP filtern"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo-IP-Fehler"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Bei der Beschaffung dieser Informationen ist etwas schief gelaufen"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Dies ist eine IP aus einem privaten Netzwerk. Das bedeutet, sie befindet sich innerhalb eines Heim- oder Firmen-Netzwerks und es können keine weiteren Informationen angezeigt werden."],"No details are known for this address.":["Für diese Adresse sind keine Details bekannt."],"Geo IP":["Geo-IP"],"City":["Stadt"],"Area":["Bereich"],"Timezone":["Zeitzone"],"Geo Location":["Geolokation"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Bereitgestellt von {{link}} (en){{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papierkorb"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Bitte beachte, dass für Redirection die WordPress-REST-API aktiviert sein muss. Wenn diese deaktiviert ist, kannst du Redirection nicht verwenden"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Eine vollständige Dokumentation zur Verwendung von Redirection findest du auf der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Support-Website."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du unter {{site}}{{/site}}. Solltest du Fragen oder Probleme mit dem Plugin haben, durchsuche bitte zunächst die {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Wenn du einen Fehler melden möchtest, lies bitte die Anleitung zu {{report}}Fehler melden{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Nachricht öffentlich sichtbar ist, dann sende sie bitte per {{email}}E-Mail{{/email}} - sende so viele Informationen, wie möglich."],"Never cache":["Nie zwischenspeichern"],"An hour":["Eine Stunde"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache umleiten"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Wie lange weitergeleitete 301 URLs im Cache gehalten werden sollen (per \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Möchtest du wirklich von %s importieren?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importer"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Folgende Redirect-Plugins, von denen importiert werden kann, wurden auf deiner Website gefunden."],"total = ":["Gesamt = "],"Import from %s":["Import von %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection benötigt WordPress v%1$1s, Du benutzt v%2$2s. Bitte führe zunächst ein WordPress-Update durch."],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Standard-WordPress-„alte-Titelformen“"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Zugehörige Umleitung erstellen (wird am Ende der URL hinzugefügt)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> ist nicht definiert. Das bedeutet normalerweise, dass ein anderes Plugin das Laden von Redirection blockiert. Bitte deaktiviere alle anderen Plugins und versuche es erneut."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Wenn der Button „Magische Lösung“ nicht funktioniert, dann solltest du die Fehlerbeschreibung lesen und sehen, ob du den Fehler manuell beheben kannst, ansonsten folge dem Abschnitt „Benötigst du Hilfe?“ unten."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magische Lösung ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin-Status"],"Custom":["Individuell"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"Feed Readers":["Feed-Leser"],"Libraries":["Bibliotheken"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL-Monitor-Änderungen"],"Save changes to this group":["Speichere Änderungen in dieser Gruppe"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Zum Beispiel „/amp“"],"URL Monitor":["URL-Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Dein Server hat die Anfrage abgelehnt, weil sie zu groß ist. Du musst sie neu konfigurieren, um fortzufahren."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Überprüfe auch, ob dein Browser <code>redirection.js</code> laden kann:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin oder ein CDN (CloudFlare, OVH usw.) verwenden, können Sie auch versuchen, diesen Cache zu löschen."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe ist gültig"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe ist ungültig"],"Post monitor group":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Alle Weiterleitungen haben eine gültige Gruppe"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Umleitungen mit ungültigen Gruppen erkannt"],"Valid redirect group":["Gültige Weiterleitungsgruppe"],"Valid groups detected":["Gültige Gruppen erkannt"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Keine gültigen Gruppen, daher kannst du keine Weiterleitungen erstellen"],"Valid groups":["Gültige Gruppen"],"Database tables":["Datenbanktabellen"],"The following tables are missing:":["Die folgenden Tabellen fehlen:"],"All tables present":["Alle Tabellen vorhanden"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Zwischengespeicherte Umleitung erkannt"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Bitte lösche deinen Browser-Cache und lade diese Seite neu."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress hat keine Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass ein Fehler aufgetreten ist oder dass die Anfrage blockiert wurde. Bitte überprüfe Deinen Server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Wenn du denkst, dass der Fehler von Redirection verursacht wird, dann erstelle ein Support-Ticket."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Dies kann durch ein anderes Plugin verursacht werden. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Fehlerkonsole deines Browsers."],"Loading, please wait...":["Wird geladen, bitte warten..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV-Dateiformat{{/strong}}: {{code}}Quell-URL, Ziel-URL{{/code}} - und kann optional mit {{code}}regex, http-Code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 für Nein, 1 für Ja) folgen."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection funktioniert nicht. Versuche, Deinen Browser-Cache zu löschen und diese Seite neu zu laden."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Wenn das nicht hilft, öffne die Fehlerkonsole deines Browsers und erstelle ein {{link}}neues Support-Ticket{{/link}} mit den Details."],"Create Issue":["Support-Ticket erstellen"],"Email":["E-Mail"],"Need help?":["Benötigst du Hilfe?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Bitte beachte, dass Support nur möglich ist, wenn Zeit vorhanden ist und nicht garantiert wird. Ich biete keine bezahlte Unterstützung an."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Entfernt"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Wird verwendet, um automatisch eine URL zu generieren, wenn keine URL angegeben ist. Verwende die speziellen Tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} oder {{code}}$hex${{/code}}, um stattdessen eine eindeutige ID einzufügen"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Ich möchte etwas mehr unterstützen."],"Support 💰":["Unterstützen 💰"],"Import to group":["Importiere in Gruppe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importiere eine CSV, .htaccess oder JSON Datei."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicke auf 'Datei hinzufügen' oder Drag & Drop hier."],"Add File":["Datei hinzufügen"],"File selected":["Datei ausgewählt"],"Importing":["Importiere"],"Finished importing":["Importieren beendet"],"Total redirects imported:":["Umleitungen importiert:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Überprüfe, ob die Datei das richtige Format hat!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Schließen"],"Export":["Exportieren"],"Everything":["Alles"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress-Weiterleitungen"],"Apache redirects":["Apache-Weiterleitungen"],"Nginx redirects":["NGINX-Weiterleitungen"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx Rewrite-Regeln"],"View":["Anzeigen"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Protokolle"],"404 errors":["404er-Fehler"],"Redirection saved":["Umleitung gespeichert"],"Log deleted":["Protokoll gelöscht"],"Settings saved":["Einstellungen gespeichert"],"Group saved":["Gruppe gespeichert"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Eintrag löschen möchtest?","Bist du sicher, dass du diese Einträge löschen möchtest?"],"pass":["passieren"],"All groups":["Alle Gruppen"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301- Dauerhaft verschoben"],"302 - Found":["302 - Gefunden"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Zeitweise Umleitung"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Dauerhafte Umleitung"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unautorisiert"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nicht gefunden"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":["Wenn übereinstimmend"],"with HTTP code":["mit HTTP Code"],"Show advanced options":["Zeige erweiterte Optionen"],"Matched Target":["Passendes Ziel"],"Unmatched Target":["Unpassendes Ziel"],"Saving...":["Speichern..."],"View notice":["Hinweis anzeigen"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Etwas ist schiefgelaufen 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Protokolleinträge (%d max.)"],"Bulk Actions":["Mehrfachaktionen"],"Apply":["Anwenden"],"First page":["Erste Seite"],"Prev page":["Vorige Seite"],"Current Page":["Aktuelle Seite"],"of %(page)s":["von %(page)s"],"Next page":["Nächste Seite"],"Last page":["Letzte Seite"],"%s item":["%s items","%s Eintrag","%s Einträge"],"Select All":["Alle auswählen"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Entschuldigung, etwas ist beim Laden der Daten schief gelaufen - bitte versuche es erneut"],"No results":["Keine Ergebnisse"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Danke für dein Abonnement! {{a}}Klicke hier{{/a}}, wenn du zu deinem Abonnement zurückkehren möchtest."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Möchtest Du über Änderungen an Redirection auf dem Laufenden bleiben?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Melde dich für den Redirection-Newsletter an - ein gelegentlicher Newsletter über neue Funktionen und Änderungen an diesem Plugin. Ideal, wenn du Beta-Änderungen testen möchtest, bevor diese erscheinen."],"Your email address:":["Deine E-Mail Adresse:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du hast dieses Plugin bereits unterstützt - vielen Dank!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du erhältst nützliche Software, und ich kann diese weiter verbessern."],"Forever":["Dauerhaft"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Plugin löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Wenn du das Plugin löschst, werden alle Umleitungen, Protokolle und Einstellungen entfernt. Tu dies, falls du das Plugin dauerhaft entfernen möchtest oder das Plugin zurücksetzen möchtest."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Einmal gelöscht, werden deine Weiterleitungen nicht mehr funktionieren. Falls sie dennoch weiter arbeiten, leere bitte deinen Browser-Cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Lösche das Plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nein! Lösche das Plugin nicht"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Verwalte alle 301-Umleitungen und 404-Fehler."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Unleitung Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404er"],"Log":["Protokoll"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Wenn du diese Option auswählst, werden alle Umleitungen, alle Protokolle und alle mit dem Umleitungs-Plugin verbundenen Optionen gelöscht. Stelle sicher, dass du das wirklich möchtest."],"Delete Redirection":["Umleitung löschen"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Import":["Importieren"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"Auto-generate URL":["Selbsterstellte URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Einzigartiges Token, das RSS-Klienten Zugang zum Umleitung-Log-Feed gewährt. (freilassen, um automatisch zu generieren)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404er-Protokolle"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(Dauer, für die die Protokolle behalten werden)"],"Redirect Logs":["Umleitungs-Protokolle"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Ich bin eine nette Person und ich helfe dem Autor des Plugins"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Optionen"],"Two months":["zwei Monate"],"A month":["ein Monat"],"A week":["eine Woche"],"A day":["einen Tag"],"No logs":["Keine Protokolle"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Benutze Gruppen, um deine Umleitungen zu ordnen. Gruppen werden einem Modul zugeordnet, dies beeinflusst, wie die Umleitungen in der jeweiligen Gruppe funktionieren. Falls du unsicher bist, bleib beim WordPress-Modul."],"Add Group":["Gruppe hinzufügen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Regular Expression":["Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Match":["Passend"],"Add new redirection":["Eine neue Weiterleitung hinzufügen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Download":["Herunterladen"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Fehler (404)"],"Pass-through":["Durchreichen"],"Redirect to random post":["Umleitung zu zufälligen Beitrag"],"Redirect to URL":["Umleitung zur URL"],"IP":["IP-Adresse"],"Source URL":["Quell-URL"],"Date":["Zeitpunkt"],"Add Redirect":["Umleitung hinzufügen"],"View Redirects":["Weiterleitungen anschauen"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Weiterleitungen"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Treffer zurücksetzen"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Last Access":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Hits":["Treffer"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Geänderte Beiträge"],"Redirections":["Weiterleitungen"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL und User-Agent"],"Target URL":["Ziel-URL"],"URL only":["Nur URL"],"HTTP code":["HTTP-Code"],"Regex":["Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Referrer":["Vermittler"],"URL and referrer":["URL und Vermittler"],"Logged Out":["Abgemeldet"],"Logged In":["Angemeldet"],"URL and login status":["URL- und Anmeldestatus"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.205Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Deine Admin-Seiten werden gecacht. Lösche den Cache und versuchen es erneut. Bitte beachte, dass es mehrere Caches geben könnte."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Dies lässt sich meist folgendermaßen beheben:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Du nutzt eine alte oder gecachte Session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Bitte überprüfe deine Daten und versuche es erneut."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Es gab ein Problem bei einer Anfrage an deine Website. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass du Daten angegeben hast, die nicht den Anforderungen entsprechen, oder dass das Plugin eine fehlerhafte Anfrage gesendet hat."],"Bad data":["Fehlerhafte Daten"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress hat eine unerwartete Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte ein PHP-Fehler von einem anderen Plugin sein oder am verwendeten Theme liegen."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Die WordPress-REST-API ist deaktiviert. Bitte aktivieren, um fortzufahren."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Die WordPress-REST-API wird aktuell umgeleitet. Bitte Umleitung entfernen."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Ein Sicherheits-Plugin oder eine Firewall blockiert den Zugriff. Bitte die REST-API in die Whitelist aufnehmen."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Die Serverkonfiguration blockiert den Zugriff auf die REST-API. Bitte die Einstellungen ändern."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Überprüfe den {{link}}Website-Zustand{{/link}} und behebe alle Probleme."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Kannst du auf die {{api}}REST-API{{/api}} ohne Umleitung zugreifen? Wenn nicht, dann musst du dieses Problem beheben."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Die REST-API sendet eine 404-Seite zurück. Dies ist mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ein Problem mit einem anderen Plugin oder mit der Serverkonfiguration."],"Debug Information":["Informationen für die Fehlersuche"],"Show debug":["Fehlersuche anzeigen"],"View Data":["Daten ansehen"],"Other":["Sonstige"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection speichert keine personenbezogenen Daten außer den oben konfigurierten. Es liegt in deiner Verantwortung, sicherzustellen, dass die Website alle geltenden {{link}}Datenschutzanforderungen{{/link}} erfüllt."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["HTTP-Header-Informationen (außer Cookies) in den Protokollen erfassen. Es kann Benutzerdaten enthalten und die Größe der Protokolle erhöhen."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Aufrufe der Umleitungen und das Datum des letzten Zugriffs in den Protokollen erfassen. Enthält keine Benutzerdaten."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["„Externe“ Weiterleitungen in den Protokollen erfassen - solche, die nicht von Redirection stammen. Kann die Größe der Protokolle erhöhen und enthält keine Benutzerinformationen."],"Logging":["Protokollierung"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP-Protokollierungstiefe)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Bist du sicher, dass du die ausgewählten Elemente löschen willst?"],"View Redirect":["Umleitung anzeigen"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Nach User-Agent gruppieren"],"Search domain":["Domain suchen"],"Redirect By":["Weiterleitung von"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Methode"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Wenn das nicht geholfen hat, dann {{strong}}erstelle ein Support-Ticket{{/strong}} oder sende eine {{strong}}E-Mail{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Bitte prüfe die {{link}}Supposrt-Website{{/link}}, bevor du fortfährst."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Etwas ging schief beim Upgrade von Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Etwas ging schief bei der Installation von Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Auf alle anwenden"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Mehrfachaktionen (alle)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Auf alle ausgewählten Elemente anwenden"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Auf alle Elemente anwenden, die dem aktuellen Filter entsprechen"],"Redirect Source":["Quell-URL"],"Request Headers":["Header der Anfrage"],"Exclude from logs":["Von den Protokollen ausschließen"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Es kann keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden, um den Status der Weiterleitung zu prüfen."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Deine URL wird im Cache gespeichert und der Cache muss möglicherweise gelöscht werden."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Diese URL wird durch etwas anderes als Redirection umgeleitet."],"Relocate to domain":["Umziehen zu Domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Möchtest du die gesamte Website umleiten? Gib eine Domain ein, um alles umzuleiten, außer WordPress-Anmeldung und -Admin. Das Aktivieren dieser Option deaktiviert alle Website-Aliase oder Canonical-Einstellungen."],"Relocate Site":["Website umziehen"],"Add CORS Presets":["CORS-Voreinstellungen hinzufügen"],"Add Security Presets":["Sicherheits-Voreinstellungen hinzufügen"],"Add Header":["Header hinzufügen"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Du solltest die URL der Website aktualisieren, damit diese mit den Einstellungen für die „Canonical URL“ übereinstimmt: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Bevorzugte Domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warnung{{/strong}}: Stelle sicher, dass dein HTTPS funktioniert, bevor du eine Weiterleitung erzwingst."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Umleitung von HTTP zu HTTPS erzwingen – - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Einstellungen für „Canonical URL“"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["www zum Domainnamen hinzufügen - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["www aus dem Domainnamen entfernen - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Keine bevorzugte Domain festlegen - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Alias hinzufügen"],"No aliases":["Keine Aliase"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Haupt-Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Du musst dein System (DNS und Server) so konfigurieren, dass Anfragen für diese Domains an diese WordPress-Installation hier weitergeleitet werden."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Ein Website-Alias ist eine andere Domain, die auf diese Site umgeleitet werden soll. Zum Beispiel eine alte Domain oder eine Subdomain. Dadurch werden alle URLs umgeleitet, einschließlich WordPress-Login und -Admin."],"Site Aliases":["Website-Aliase"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["Das ergänzende Plugin Search Regex ermöglicht es dir, Daten in der Website zu suchen und zu ersetzen. Es unterstützt auch Redirection und ist praktisch, wenn du eine größere Menge Umleitungen aktualisieren möchtest."],"Need to search and replace?":["Willst du suchen und ersetzen?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Optionen auf dieser Seite können bei falscher Anwendung Probleme verursachen. Du kannst sie {{link}}vorübergehend deaktivieren{{/link}}, um Änderungen vorzunehmen."],"Please wait, importing.":["Bitte warten, beim Importieren."],"Continue":["Fortsetzen"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Die folgenden Plugins wurden erkannt."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress erstellt automatisch Weiterleitungen, wenn du die URL eines Beitrags änderst. Wenn du diese Weiterleitungen in Redirection importierst, kannst du sie verwalten und überwachen."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Das Importieren bestehender Weiterleitungen aus WordPress oder anderen Plugins ist ein guter Weg, um mit Redirection zu beginnen. Prüfe jeden Satz Weiterleitungen, die du importieren möchtest."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Bestehende Umleitungen importieren"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["Das ist soweit alles - du leitest nun um! Beachte, dass das oben genannte nur ein Beispiel ist."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Wenn du alles weiterleiten möchtest, verwende die Funktion für den Umzug der Website oder erstelle einen Alias der Website."],"Value":["Wert"],"Values":["Werte"],"All":["Alle"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Beachte, dass einige HTTP Header durch deinen Server gesetzt werden und nicht geändert werden können."],"No headers":["Keine Header"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Position"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Website-Header werden auf der gesamten Website einschließlich Weiterleitungen hinzugefügt. Weiterleitungs-Header werden nur zu Weiterleitungen hinzugefügt."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP-Header"],"Custom Header":["Individueller Header"],"General":["Allgemein"],"Redirect":["Weiterleitung"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Einige Server können so konfiguriert sein, dass sie Dateien direkt bereitstellen, was eine Weiterleitung verhindert."],"Site":["Website"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Anfrage kann aufgrund von Sicherheitseinstellungen des Browsers nicht gestellt werden. Dies liegt in der Regel daran, dass WordPress- und Website-URL-Einstellungen inkonsistent sind oder die Anfrage aufgrund der CORS-Richtlinie deiner Website blockiert wurde."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Abfrage ignorieren und übergeben"],"Ignore Query":["Abfrage ignorieren"],"Exact Query":["Genaue Abfrage"],"Search title":["Titel suchen"],"Not accessed in last year":["Im letzten Jahr nicht aufgerufen"],"Not accessed in last month":["Im letzten Monat nicht aufgerufen"],"Never accessed":["Niemals aufgerufen"],"Last Accessed":["Letzter Zugriff"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP-Statuscode"],"Plain":["Einfach"],"URL match":["URL-Übereinstimmung"],"Source":["Herkunft"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Art des Vorgangs"],"Match Type":["Art der Übereinstimmung"],"Search target URL":["Ziel-URL suchen"],"Search IP":["IP-Adresse suchen"],"Search user agent":["User Agent suchen"],"Search referrer":["Referrer suchen"],"Search URL":["URL suchen"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtern nach: %(typ)en"],"Disabled":["Deaktiviert"],"Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Compact Display":["Kompakte Ansicht"],"Standard Display":["Standardansicht"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Vordefiniert"],"Custom Display":["Individuelle Ansicht"],"Display All":["Alle anzeigen"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Deine URL scheint eine Domain im Pfad zu enthalten: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Wolltest du stattdessen {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} verwenden?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Kommagetrennte Liste an Sprachen, gegen die abgeglichen werden soll (z. B. en, de-DE)"],"Language":["Sprache"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL und Sprache"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Logge dich aus, leere den Browser-Cache und logge dich erneut ein – dein Browser hat eine alte Sitzung gecacht."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Lade die Seite neu – deine laufende Session ist veraltet."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Es wurde eine Endlosschleife entdeckt und das Upgrade wurde gestoppt. Dies deutet normalerweise darauf hin, daß {{support}}deine Website gecacht wird{{/support}} und Datenbankänderungen nicht gespeichert werden."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Die .htaccess-Datei lässt sich nicht speichern"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Weiterleitungen, die zu einer Apache-Gruppe hinzugefügt werden, können in einer {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} Datei gespeichert werden, wenn du hier den vollständigen Pfad hinzufügst. Zur Orientierung: Dein WordPress ist auf {{code}}%(installiert)s{{/code}} installiert."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Klicke auf „Upgrade abschließen“, sobald du fertig bist."],"Automatic Install":["Automatische Installation"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Deine Ziel-URL enthält das ungültige Zeichen {{code}}%(ungültig){{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Wenn du WordPress 5.2 oder neuer verwendest, prüfe den {{link}}Website-Zustand{{/link}} und behebe die dort genannten Probleme."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Wenn du die manuelle Installation nicht abschließt, kommst du hierher zurück."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Klicke am Ende auf „Fertig! 🎉“."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Wenn deine Website spezielle Datenbankberechtigungen benötigt, oder du es lieber selbst machen möchtest, kannst du den folgenden SQL-Code manuell ausführen."],"Manual Install":["Manuelle Installation"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Unzureichende Datenbankberechtigungen erkannt. Bitte gib deinem Datenbankbenutzer entsprechende Berechtigungen."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Diese Informationen werden zu Fehlersuch-Zwecken bereitgestellt. Sei vorsichtig, wenn du Änderungen vornimmst."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin-Fehlersuche"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection kommuniziert mit WordPress über die WordPress-REST-API. Dies ist eine Standard-Schnittstellel von WordPress, und du wirst Probleme bekommen, wenn diese Schnittstelle nicht verwenden werden kann."],"IP Headers":["IP-Header"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Nicht ändern, außer auf Anweisung!"],"Database version":["Datenbankversion"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Komplette Daten (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exportiere in CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx oder Redirection JSON. JSON enthält alle Informationen, die anderen Exporte enthalten Teilinformationen, die dem dem jeweiligen Format entsprechen."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV enthält nicht alle Informationen und alles wird entsprechend der URL-Übereinstimmung importiert/exportiert. Verwende das JSON-Format für die vollständigen Daten."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Alle Importe werden an die aktuelle Datenbank angehängt - nichts wird zusammengeführt."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatisches Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manuelles Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Bitte erstelle ein Backup der Redirection Daten: {{download}}Backup herunterladen{{/download}}. Wenn es Probleme geben sollte, kannst du diese wieder in Redirection importieren."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Klicke auf den Button „Upgrade Datenbank“, um die Datenbank automatisch upzugraden."],"Complete Upgrade":["Upgrade abschließen"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection speichert Daten in deiner Datenbank und manchmal muss diese aktualisiert werden. Deine Datenbank hat die Version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and die neueste Datenbankversion ist {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Beachte, dass du den Pfad für das Apache-Modul in den Optionen von Redirection einstellen musst."],"I need support!":["Ich brauche Support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Du brauchst mindestens eine funktionierende REST-API, um fortzufahren."],"Check Again":["Erneut prüfen"],"Testing - %s$":["Prüfung läuft - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Probleme anzeigen"],"Summary":["Zusammenfassung"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Deine REST-API funktioniert nicht und das Plugin kann nicht weiterarbeiten, bis dies behoben ist."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Es gibt einige Probleme mit der Verbindung zu deiner REST-API. Es ist nicht notwendig, diese Probleme zu beheben, das Plugin funktioniert auch so."],"Unavailable":["Nicht verfügbar"],"Working but some issues":["Läuft, aber mit Problemen"],"Current API":["Aktuelle API"],"Switch to this API":["Zu dieser API wechseln"],"Hide":["Verstecken"],"Show Full":["Alles zeigen"],"Working!":["Läuft!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Deine Ziel-URL sollte eine absolute URL wie {{code}}{{/code}} sein oder mit einem Slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}} beginnen."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Deine Quelle ist das gleiche wie ein Ziel und dies wird eine Endlosschleife erzeugen. Lass ein Ziel leer, wenn du keine Maßnahmen ergreifen willst."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["Ziel-URL, die du umleiten möchtest; oder nutze die Auto-Vervollständigung des Beitragsnamens oder des Permalinks."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Füge diese Details in deinen Bericht ein, zusammen mit einer Beschreibung, was genau du getan hast und einem Screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Ein Support-Ticket erstellen"],"What do I do next?":["Was soll ich als nächstes tun?"],"Possible cause":["Möglicher Grund"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Dies könnte an einem ein Sicherheits-Plugin oder daran liegen, dass dein Server nicht genügend Speicher hat oder ein externer Fehler vorliegt. Bitte überprüfe das Fehlerprotokoll deines Servers."],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Deine REST-API wird wahrscheinlich von einem Sicherheits-Plugin blockiert. Bitte deaktiviere dieses oder konfiguriere es so, dass es REST-API-Anfragen zulässt."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lies diese REST-API-Anleitung für mehr Informationen."],"URL options / Regex":["URL-Optionen / Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Export 404":["404er exportieren"],"Export redirect":["Exportiere Weiterleitungen"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress-Permalink-Strukturen funktionieren nicht in normalen URLs. Bitte verwende einen regulären Ausdruck."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Überspringen – wie ignorieren, kopiert aber die Abfrageparameter zur Ziel-URL"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorieren – wie exakt, aber ignoriert alle Abfrageparameter, die nicht in der Quell-URL stehen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exakt – entspricht genau den Abfrageparametern, die in deiner Quell-URL definiert sind, in beliebiger Reihenfolge"],"Default query matching":["Standard-Abfrageabgleich"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignoriere nachfolgenden Slash (d.h. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} entspricht {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht berücksichtigt (d. h. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} entspricht {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}} )"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Gilt für alle Weiterleitungen, sofern du sie nicht abweichend konfigurierst."],"Default URL settings":["Standard-URL-Einstellungen"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignorieren und alle Abfrageparameter übergeben"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Alle Abfrageparameter ignorieren"],"Exact match":["Exakte Übereinstimmung"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching-Software (z. B. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Ein Sicherheitsplugin (z. B. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL-Optionen"],"Query Parameters":["Abfrage-Parameter"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Parameter ignorieren und an Ziel übergeben"],"Ignore all parameters":["Alle Parameter ignorieren"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Genaue Übereinstimmung aller Parameter in beliebiger Reihenfolge"],"Ignore Case":["Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren"],"Ignore Slash":["Schrägstrich ignorieren"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST-API"],"Raw REST API":["Unverarbeitete REST-API"],"Default REST API":["Standard-REST-API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Beispiel) Die Ziel-URL ist die neue URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Beispiel) Die Quell-URL ist deine alte oder ursprüngliche URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Deaktiviert! PHP %1$s wurde erkannt, benötigt PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Ein Datenbank-Upgrade läuft derzeit. Zum Beenden bitte fortfahren."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Die Redirection-Datenbank muss aktualisiert werden - <a href=\"%1$1s\">Klicke, um zu Aktualisieren</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Die Datenbank dieses Plugins benötigt ein Update"],"Upgrade Required":["Aktualisierung erforderlich"],"Finish Setup":["Einrichtung abschließen"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Du hast in deinem WordPress unter Einstellungen > Allgemein unterschiedliche URLs konfiguriert. Dies ist normalerweise ein Hinweis auf eine Fehlkonfiguration und kann zu Problemen mit der REST-API führen. Bitte überprüfe deine Einstellungen."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Wenn du ein Problem feststellst, informiere dich bitte in der Dokumentation des Plugins oder kontaktiere den Support deines Hosters. Dies ist in der Regel {{link}}kein Problem, das durch Redirection{{/link}} verursacht wird."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Ein anderes Plugin, das die REST-API blockiert"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Eine Server-Firewall oder eine andere Server-Konfiguration (z. B. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection benutzt die {{link}}WordPress-REST-API{{/link}} um mit WordPress zu kommunizieren. Diese ist standardmäßig aktiviert und funktioniert. Manchmal wird die REST-API blockiert durch:"],"Go back":["Zurück"],"Continue Setup":["Einrichtung fortsetzen"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Das Speichern der IP-Adresse ermöglicht es dir, zusätzliche Log-Aktionen durchzuführen. Beachte, dass du dich an die lokalen Gesetze bezüglich der Datenerfassung halten musst (z. B. gemäß DSGVO)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["IP-Informationen für Weiterleitungen und 404-Fehler speichern."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Das Speichern von Protokollen für Weiterleitungen und 404ern ermöglicht es dir, zu sehen, was auf deiner Website passiert. Dies erhöht den Speicherbedarf deiner Datenbank."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Ein Protokoll über alle Weiterleitungen und 404-Fehler führen."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Lies mehr darüber.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Wenn du den Permalink in einem Beitrag oder einer Seite änderst, kann Redirection automatisch eine Weiterleitung für dich erstellen."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Permalink-Änderungen in WordPress-Beiträgen und -Seiten überwachen"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Dies sind einige Optionen, die du vielleicht jetzt aktivieren möchtest. Sie können jederzeit geändert werden."],"Basic Setup":["Grundeinrichtung"],"Start Setup":["Einrichtung starten"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Wenn du fertig bist, klick bitte den Button, um fortzufahren."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Zuerst werden wir dir ein paar Fragen stellen, um dann eine Datenbank zu erstellen."],"What's next?":["Was passiert als nächstes?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Weiterleitung einer URL prüfen"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Leistungsfähigeres URL-Matching, einschließlich {{reguläre}}regulärer Ausdrücke{{/regulär}} und {{andere}}anderer Bedingungen{{/andere}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} aus .htaccess, CSV und einer Vielzahl anderer Plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Überwache 404-Fehler{{/link}}, erhalte detaillierte Informationen über die Besucher und behebe eventuelle Probleme"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Einige Funktionen, die du nützlich finden könntest, sind"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du auf der {{link}}Redirection-Website{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Eine einfache Weiterleitung beinhaltet das Setzen einer {{strong}}Quell-URL{{/strong}} (alte URL) und einer {{strong}}Ziel-URL{{/strong}} (neue URL). Hier ist ein Beispiel:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Wie benutze ich dieses Plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection lässt sich auf Websites mit wenigen Weiterleitungen genauso verwenden wie auf Websites mit tausenden von Weiterleitungen."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Vielen Dank, dass du Redirection v%(version)s installierst und benutzt. Mit diesem Plugin kannst du 301-Weiterleitungen verwalten, 404-Fehlern nachgehen und deine Website verbessern, ohne dass du Kenntnisse über Apache oder Nginx benötigst."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Herzlich Willkommen bei Redirection! 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Um einen gierigen regulären Ausdruck zu verhindern, kannst du ihn mit {{code}}^{{/code}} am Beginn der URL verankern. Zum Beispiel: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Denke daran, die Option „Regulärer Ausdruck\" zu aktivieren, wenn es sich um einen regulären Ausdruck handelt."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["Die Quell-URL sollte wahrscheinlich mit einem {{code}}/{{/code}} beginnen"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Dies wird in eine Server-Weiterleitung für die Domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}} umgewandelt."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Ankerwerte werden nicht an den Server gesendet und können nicht umgeleitet werden."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} zu {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Fertig! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Fortschritt: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Wenn du hier abbrichst, bevor der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, kann es zu Problemen kommen."],"Setting up Redirection":["Redirection wird eingerichtet"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Redirection wird aktualisiert"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Bitte bleibe auf dieser Seite, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Wenn du dich sich an den{{Support}}Support wendest{{/support}}, gib bitte diese Details an:"],"Stop upgrade":["Upgrade stoppen"],"Skip this stage":["Diese Stufe überspringen"],"Try again":["Versuche es erneut"],"Database problem":["Datenbankproblem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Bitte aktiviere JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Bitte Datenbank upgraden"],"Upgrade Database":["Datenbank-Upgrade durchführen"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Bitte schließe die <a href=\"%s\">Einrichtung von Redirection</a> ab, um das Plugin zu aktivieren."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Deine Datenbank muss nicht auf %s aktualisiert werden."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Tabelle „%s“ fehlt"],"Create basic data":["Basisdaten erstellen"],"Install Redirection tables":["Redirection-Tabellen installieren"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Die URL der Website und der Startseite sind inkonsistent. Bitte korrigiere dies in den Einstellungen > Allgemein: %1$1s ist nicht %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Bitte versuche nicht, all deine 404er umzuleiten - dies ist keine gute Idee."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Nur der 404-Seitentyp wird momentan unterstützt."],"Page Type":["Seitentyp"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Gib die IP-Adressen ein (eine Adresse pro Zeile)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Beschreibe den Zweck dieser Weiterleitung (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Ich bin eine Teekanne"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Zugriff untersagt"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Fehlerhafte Anfrage"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Nichts tun (ignorieren)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Ziel-URL bei Nicht-Übereinstimmung (optional)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Ziel-URL bei Übereinstimmung (optional)"],"Show All":["Alles anzeigen"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Protokolle für diese Einträge löschen"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Protokolle für diesen Eintrag löschen"],"Delete Log Entries":["Protokolleinträge löschen"],"Group by IP":["Nach IP gruppieren"],"Group by URL":["Nach URL gruppieren "],"No grouping":["Keine Gruppierung"],"Ignore URL":["URL ignorieren"],"Block IP":["IP sperren"],"Redirect All":["Alle weiterleiten"],"Count":["Anzahl"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL und WordPress-Seitentyp"],"URL and IP":["URL und IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Gut"],"Check":["Prüfen"],"Check Redirect":["Weiterleitung prüfen"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Prüfe Weiterleitung für: {{code}}%s{{/code}} "],"Not using Redirection":["Redirection wird nicht verwendet"],"Using Redirection":["Redirection wird verwendet"],"Found":["Gefunden"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status){{/code}} zu {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Erwartet"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Vollständige URL eingeben, inklusive http:// oder https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Der Browser kann eine URL im Cache speichern, so dass es schwer zu erkennen ist, ob sie wie erwartet funktioniert. Verwende diesen Test, um zu überprüfen, ob eine URL tatsächlich weitergeleitet wird."],"Redirect Tester":["Weiterleitungstester"],"Target":["Ziel"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["Die URL wird nicht mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL wird mit Redirection umgeleitet"],"Unable to load details":["Die Details konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Gib die Server-URL ein, mit der sie übereinstimmen soll"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Gib die Rolle oder die Berechtigung ein"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Übereinstimmung mit diesem Browser-Referrer-Text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Übereinstimmung mit diesem Browser-User-Agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["Die relative URL, von der du umleiten willst"],"Add New":["Erstellen"],"URL and role/capability":["URL und Rolle / Berechtigung"],"URL and server":["URL und Server"],"Site and home protocol":["Website- und Home-Protokoll"],"Site and home are consistent":["Website und Home sind konsistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Beachte, dass du HTTP-Header an PHP übergeben musst. Bitte wende dich an deinen Hosting-Anbieter, um Unterstützung zu erhalten."],"Accept Language":["Akzeptiere Sprache"],"Header value":["Wert im Header "],"Header name":["Header-Name "],"HTTP Header":["HTTP-Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress-Filtername"],"Filter Name":["Filtername"],"Cookie value":["Cookie-Wert"],"Cookie name":["Cookie-Name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["Cache wird geleert."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Wenn du ein Caching-System, wie etwa Cloudflare, verwendest, lies bitte das Folgende:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL und HTTP-Header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL und individueller Filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL und Cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 gelöscht"],"REST API":["REST-API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Wie Redirection die REST-API verwendet - ändere das nur, wenn es unbedingt erforderlich ist"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Kontrolliere den {{link}}Plugin-Status{{/link}}. Die könnte das Problem identifizieren und „wie von Zauberhand“ beheben."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching-Software{{/link}}, insbesondere Cloudflare, kann die falsche Seite zwischenspeichern. Versuche alle deine Caches zu löschen."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Bitte vorübergehend andere Plugins deaktivieren!{{/link}} Das behebt so viele Probleme."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Informationen findest du in der <a href=\"\">Liste häufiger Probleme</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Redirection kann nicht geladen werden ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress-REST-API"],"Useragent Error":["User-Agent-Fehler"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unbekannter User Agent"],"Device":["Gerät"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Maschine"],"Useragent":["User Agent"],"Agent":["User Agent"],"No IP logging":["Keine IP-Protokollierung"],"Full IP logging":["Vollständige IP-Protokollierung"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymisiere IP (maskiere letzten Teil)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Änderungen überwachen für %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP-Protokollierung"],"Geo Info":["Geo-Information"],"Agent Info":["Agent-Information"],"Filter by IP":["Nach IP filtern"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo-IP-Fehler"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Bei der Beschaffung dieser Informationen ist etwas schief gelaufen"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Dies ist eine IP aus einem privaten Netzwerk. Das bedeutet, sie befindet sich innerhalb eines Heim- oder Firmen-Netzwerks und es können keine weiteren Informationen angezeigt werden."],"No details are known for this address.":["Für diese Adresse sind keine Details bekannt."],"Geo IP":["Geo-IP"],"City":["Stadt"],"Area":["Bereich"],"Timezone":["Zeitzone"],"Geo Location":["Geolokation"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Bereitgestellt von {{link}} (en){{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papierkorb"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Bitte beachte, dass für Redirection die WordPress-REST-API aktiviert sein muss. Wenn diese deaktiviert ist, kannst du Redirection nicht verwenden"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Eine vollständige Dokumentation zur Verwendung von Redirection findest du auf der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Support-Website."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Die vollständige Dokumentation findest du unter {{site}}{{/site}}. Solltest du Fragen oder Probleme mit dem Plugin haben, durchsuche bitte zunächst die {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Wenn du einen Fehler melden möchtest, lies bitte die Anleitung zu {{report}}Fehler melden{{/report}}."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Nachricht öffentlich sichtbar ist, dann sende sie bitte per {{email}}E-Mail{{/email}} - sende so viele Informationen, wie möglich."],"Never cache":["Nie zwischenspeichern"],"An hour":["Eine Stunde"],"Redirect Cache":["Cache umleiten"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Wie lange weitergeleitete 301 URLs im Cache gehalten werden sollen (per \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Möchtest du wirklich von %s importieren?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importer"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Folgende Redirect-Plugins, von denen importiert werden kann, wurden auf deiner Website gefunden."],"total = ":["Gesamt = "],"Import from %s":["Import von %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection benötigt WordPress v%1$1s, Du benutzt v%2$2s. Bitte führe zunächst ein WordPress-Update durch."],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Standard-WordPress-„alte-Titelformen“"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Zugehörige Umleitung erstellen (wird am Ende der URL hinzugefügt)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> ist nicht definiert. Das bedeutet normalerweise, dass ein anderes Plugin das Laden von Redirection blockiert. Bitte deaktiviere alle anderen Plugins und versuche es erneut."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Wenn der Button „Magische Lösung“ nicht funktioniert, dann solltest du die Fehlerbeschreibung lesen und sehen, ob du den Fehler manuell beheben kannst, ansonsten folge dem Abschnitt „Benötigst du Hilfe?“ unten."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magische Lösung ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin-Status"],"Custom":["Individuell"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"Feed Readers":["Feed-Leser"],"Libraries":["Bibliotheken"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL-Monitor-Änderungen"],"Save changes to this group":["Speichere Änderungen in dieser Gruppe"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Zum Beispiel „/amp“"],"URL Monitor":["URL-Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Dein Server hat die Anfrage abgelehnt, weil sie zu groß ist. Du musst sie neu konfigurieren, um fortzufahren."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Überprüfe auch, ob dein Browser <code>redirection.js</code> laden kann:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin oder ein CDN (CloudFlare, OVH usw.) verwenden, können Sie auch versuchen, diesen Cache zu löschen."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Redirection konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe ist gültig"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe ist ungültig"],"Post monitor group":["Post-Monitor-Gruppe"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Alle Weiterleitungen haben eine gültige Gruppe"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Umleitungen mit ungültigen Gruppen erkannt"],"Valid redirect group":["Gültige Weiterleitungsgruppe"],"Valid groups detected":["Gültige Gruppen erkannt"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["Keine gültigen Gruppen, daher kannst du keine Weiterleitungen erstellen"],"Valid groups":["Gültige Gruppen"],"Database tables":["Datenbanktabellen"],"The following tables are missing:":["Die folgenden Tabellen fehlen:"],"All tables present":["Alle Tabellen vorhanden"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Zwischengespeicherte Umleitung erkannt"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Bitte lösche deinen Browser-Cache und lade diese Seite neu."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress hat keine Antwort zurückgegeben. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass ein Fehler aufgetreten ist oder dass die Anfrage blockiert wurde. Bitte überprüfe Deinen Server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Wenn du denkst, dass der Fehler von Redirection verursacht wird, dann erstelle ein Support-Ticket."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Dies kann durch ein anderes Plugin verursacht werden. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Fehlerkonsole deines Browsers."],"Loading, please wait...":["Wird geladen, bitte warten..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV-Dateiformat{{/strong}}: {{code}}Quell-URL, Ziel-URL{{/code}} - und kann optional mit {{code}}regex, http-Code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 für Nein, 1 für Ja) folgen."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection funktioniert nicht. Versuche, Deinen Browser-Cache zu löschen und diese Seite neu zu laden."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Wenn das nicht hilft, öffne die Fehlerkonsole deines Browsers und erstelle ein {{link}}neues Support-Ticket{{/link}} mit den Details."],"Create Issue":["Support-Ticket erstellen"],"Email":["E-Mail"],"Need help?":["Benötigst du Hilfe?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Bitte beachte, dass Support nur möglich ist, wenn Zeit vorhanden ist und nicht garantiert wird. Ich biete keine bezahlte Unterstützung an."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Entfernt"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Wird verwendet, um automatisch eine URL zu generieren, wenn keine URL angegeben ist. Verwende die speziellen Tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} oder {{code}}$hex${{/code}}, um stattdessen eine eindeutige ID einzufügen"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Ich möchte etwas mehr unterstützen."],"Support 💰":["Unterstützen 💰"],"Import to group":["Importiere in Gruppe"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importiere eine CSV, .htaccess oder JSON Datei."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Klicke auf 'Datei hinzufügen' oder Drag & Drop hier."],"Add File":["Datei hinzufügen"],"File selected":["Datei ausgewählt"],"Importing":["Importiere"],"Finished importing":["Importieren beendet"],"Total redirects imported:":["Umleitungen importiert:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Überprüfe, ob die Datei das richtige Format hat!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Schließen"],"Export":["Exportieren"],"Everything":["Alles"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress-Weiterleitungen"],"Apache redirects":["Apache-Weiterleitungen"],"Nginx redirects":["NGINX-Weiterleitungen"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx Rewrite-Regeln"],"View":["Anzeigen"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Protokolle"],"404 errors":["404er-Fehler"],"Redirection saved":["Umleitung gespeichert"],"Log deleted":["Protokoll gelöscht"],"Settings saved":["Einstellungen gespeichert"],"Group saved":["Gruppe gespeichert"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Eintrag löschen möchtest?","Bist du sicher, dass du diese Einträge löschen möchtest?"],"pass":["passieren"],"All groups":["Alle Gruppen"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301- Dauerhaft verschoben"],"302 - Found":["302 - Gefunden"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Zeitweise Umleitung"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Dauerhafte Umleitung"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unautorisiert"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Nicht gefunden"],"Title":["Titel"],"When matched":["Wenn übereinstimmend"],"with HTTP code":["mit HTTP Code"],"Show advanced options":["Zeige erweiterte Optionen"],"Matched Target":["Passendes Ziel"],"Unmatched Target":["Unpassendes Ziel"],"Saving...":["Speichern..."],"View notice":["Hinweis anzeigen"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Etwas ist schiefgelaufen 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Protokolleinträge (%d max.)"],"Bulk Actions":["Mehrfachaktionen"],"Apply":["Anwenden"],"First page":["Erste Seite"],"Prev page":["Vorige Seite"],"Current Page":["Aktuelle Seite"],"of %(page)s":["von %(page)s"],"Next page":["Nächste Seite"],"Last page":["Letzte Seite"],"%s item":["%s items","%s Eintrag","%s Einträge"],"Select All":["Alle auswählen"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Entschuldigung, etwas ist beim Laden der Daten schief gelaufen - bitte versuche es erneut"],"No results":["Keine Ergebnisse"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Danke für dein Abonnement! {{a}}Klicke hier{{/a}}, wenn du zu deinem Abonnement zurückkehren möchtest."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Möchtest Du über Änderungen an Redirection auf dem Laufenden bleiben?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Melde dich für den Redirection-Newsletter an - ein gelegentlicher Newsletter über neue Funktionen und Änderungen an diesem Plugin. Ideal, wenn du Beta-Änderungen testen möchtest, bevor diese erscheinen."],"Your email address:":["Deine E-Mail Adresse:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Du hast dieses Plugin bereits unterstützt - vielen Dank!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Du erhältst nützliche Software, und ich kann diese weiter verbessern."],"Forever":["Dauerhaft"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Plugin löschen - bist du sicher?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Wenn du das Plugin löschst, werden alle Umleitungen, Protokolle und Einstellungen entfernt. Tu dies, falls du das Plugin dauerhaft entfernen möchtest oder das Plugin zurücksetzen möchtest."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Einmal gelöscht, werden deine Weiterleitungen nicht mehr funktionieren. Falls sie dennoch weiter arbeiten, leere bitte deinen Browser-Cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ja! Lösche das Plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Nein! Lösche das Plugin nicht"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Verwalte alle 301-Umleitungen und 404-Fehler."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection ist kostenlos – das Leben ist wundervoll und schön! Aber: Sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit sind in seine Entwicklung geflossen und falls es sich als nützlich erwiesen hat, kannst du die Entwicklung {{strong}}mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Unleitung Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404er"],"Log":["Protokoll"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Wenn du diese Option auswählst, werden alle Umleitungen, alle Protokolle und alle mit dem Umleitungs-Plugin verbundenen Optionen gelöscht. Stelle sicher, dass du das wirklich möchtest."],"Delete Redirection":["Umleitung löschen"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Import":["Importieren"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"Auto-generate URL":["Selbsterstellte URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Einzigartiges Token, das RSS-Klienten Zugang zum Umleitung-Log-Feed gewährt. (freilassen, um automatisch zu generieren)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404er-Protokolle"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(Dauer, für die die Protokolle behalten werden)"],"Redirect Logs":["Umleitungs-Protokolle"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Ich bin eine nette Person und ich helfe dem Autor des Plugins"],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Optionen"],"Two months":["zwei Monate"],"A month":["ein Monat"],"A week":["eine Woche"],"A day":["einen Tag"],"No logs":["Keine Protokolle"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Benutze Gruppen, um deine Umleitungen zu ordnen. Gruppen werden einem Modul zugeordnet, dies beeinflusst, wie die Umleitungen in der jeweiligen Gruppe funktionieren. Falls du unsicher bist, bleib beim WordPress-Modul."],"Add Group":["Gruppe hinzufügen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Regular Expression":["Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Match":["Passend"],"Add new redirection":["Eine neue Weiterleitung hinzufügen"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Download":["Herunterladen"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Fehler (404)"],"Pass-through":["Durchreichen"],"Redirect to random post":["Umleitung zu zufälligen Beitrag"],"Redirect to URL":["Umleitung zur URL"],"IP":["IP-Adresse"],"Source URL":["Quell-URL"],"Date":["Zeitpunkt"],"Add Redirect":["Umleitung hinzufügen"],"View Redirects":["Weiterleitungen anschauen"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Weiterleitungen"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filter"],"Reset hits":["Treffer zurücksetzen"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Last Access":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Hits":["Treffer"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Geänderte Beiträge"],"Redirections":["Weiterleitungen"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL und User-Agent"],"Target URL":["Ziel-URL"],"URL only":["Nur URL"],"HTTP code":["HTTP-Code"],"Regex":["Regulärer Ausdruck"],"Referrer":["Vermittler"],"URL and referrer":["URL und Vermittler"],"Logged Out":["Abgemeldet"],"Logged In":["Angemeldet"],"URL and login status":["URL- und Anmeldestatus"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.197Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-el.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":["Προέκυψε ένα άγνωστο σφάλμα."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":["Προβολή αποσφαλμάτωσης"],"View Data":["Προβολή Δεδομένων"],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":["Καταγραφή"],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία;"],"View Redirect":["Προβολή Ανακατεύθυνσης"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":["Αναζήτηση domain"],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":["Τομέας"],"Method":["Μέθοδος"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":["Προσθήκη Κεφαλίδας"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":["Προσθήκη Alias"],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":[],"Continue":[],"The following plugins have been detected.":[],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":[],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":[],"Import Existing Redirects":[],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":[],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":[],"Values":[],"All":[],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":[],"No headers":[],"Header":[],"Location":[],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":[],"HTTP Headers":[],"Custom Header":[],"General":[],"Redirect":[],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":[],"Site":[],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":[],"Ignore & Pass Query":[],"Ignore Query":[],"Exact Query":[],"Search title":[],"Not accessed in last year":[],"Not accessed in last month":[],"Never accessed":[],"Last Accessed":[],"HTTP Status Code":[],"Plain":[],"URL match":[],"Source":[],"Code":[],"Action Type":[],"Match Type":[],"Search target URL":[],"Search IP":[],"Search user agent":[],"Search referrer":[],"Search URL":[],"Filter on: %(type)s":[],"Disabled":[],"Enabled":[],"Compact Display":[],"Standard Display":[],"Status":[],"Pre-defined":[],"Custom Display":[],"Display All":[],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":[],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":[],"Language":[],"504 - Gateway Timeout":[],"503 - Service Unavailable":[],"502 - Bad Gateway":[],"501 - Not implemented":[],"500 - Internal Server Error":[],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":[],"URL and language":[],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":[],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":[],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Ένας βρόχος εντοπίστηκε και η αναβάθμιση έχει διακοπεί. Αυτό συνήθως υποδεικνύει ότι {{support}}ο ιστότοπός σας είναι cached{{/support}} και οι αλλαγές στη βάση δεδομένων δεν αποθηκεύονται."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Αδύνατη η αποθήκευση του .htaccess αρχείου"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Οι ανακατευθύνσεις που προστέθηκαν σε μία ομάδα του Apache μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν σε ένα {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} αρχείο, προσθέτοντας την πλήρη διαδρομή εδώ. Ως σημείο αναφοράς, το WordPress σας είναι εγκατεστημένο στο {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}. "],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Κάντε κλικ στο \"Ολοκλήρωση Αναβάθμισης\" όταν ολοκληρωθεί."],"Automatic Install":["Αυτόματη Εγκατάσταση"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Η στοχευμένη σας διεύθυνση URL περιέχει έναν μη έγκυρο χαρακτήρα {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Αν χρησιμοποιείτε το WordPress 5.2 ή νεότερο, κοιτάξτε την {{link}}Υγεία Ιστοτόπου{{/link}} και επιλύστε οποιαδήποτε θέματα."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Αν δεν ολοκληρώσετε την χειροκίνητη εγκατάσταση θα επιστρέψετε εδώ."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Κάντε κλικ στο \"Ολοκληρώθηκε! 🎉\" όταν ολοκληρωθεί."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Αν ο ιστότοπός σας χρειάζεται ειδικά δικαιώματα για τη βάση δεδομένων, ή αν προτιμάτε να το κάνετε ο ίδιος, μπορείτε να τρέξετε χειροκίνητα την ακόλουθη SQL."],"Manual Install":["Χειροκίνητη Εγκατάσταση"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Εντοπίστηκαν ανεπαρκή δικαιώματα για τη βάση δεδομένων. Παρακαλούμε δώστε τα κατάλληλα δικαιώματα στον χρήστη της βάσης δεδομένων σας."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Αυτές οι πληροφορίες παρέχονται για σκοπούς αποσφαλμάτωσης. Να είστε προσεκτικοί κάνοντας οποιεσδήποτε αλλαγές."],"Plugin Debug":["Αποσφαλμάτωση Προσθέτου"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Το Redirection επικοινωνεί με το WordPress μέσω του WordPress REST API. Αυτό είναι ένα κανονικό κομμάτι του WordPress, και θα αντιμετωπίσετε προβλήματα αν δεν μπορείτε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε."],"IP Headers":["Κεφαλίδες IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":[],"Database version":["Έκδοση βάσης δεδομένων"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Ολόκληρα δεδομένα (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Εξαγωγή σε CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, ή Redirection JSON. Η μορφή JSON περιέχει πλήρεις πληροφορίες, και οι άλλες μορφές περιέχουν μερικές πληροφορίες αναλόγως με τη μορφή."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["Το CSV δεν περιέχει όλες τις πληροφορίες, και όλα εισάγονται/εξάγονται ως \"μόνο URL\" αντιστοιχίες. Χρησιμοποιήστε τη μορφή JSON για μία πλήρη συλλογή δεδομένων."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":[],"Automatic Upgrade":["Αυτόματη Αναβάθμιση"],"Manual Upgrade":["Χειροκίνητη Αναβάθμιση"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":[],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί \"Αναβάθμιση Βάσης Δεδομένων\" για να αναβαθμίσετε αυτόματα τη βάση δεδομένων."],"Complete Upgrade":["Ολοκληρωμένη Αναβάθμιση"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":[],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":[],"I need support!":["Χρειάζομαι υποστήριξη!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Θα χρειαστείτε τουλάχιστον ένα λειτουργικό REST API για να συνεχίσετε."],"Check Again":["Ελέγξτε Πάλι"],"Testing - %s$":["Γίνεται δοκιμή - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Εμφάνιση Προβλημάτων"],"Summary":["Σύνοψη"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Το REST API σας δεν λειτουργεί και το πρόσθετο δεν θα μπορεί να συνεχίσει μέχρι αυτό να διορθωθεί."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Υπάρχουν κάποια προβλήματα με την επικοινωνία με το REST API σας. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο να διορθώσετε αυτά τα προβλήματα και το πρόσθετο μπορεί να λειτουργήσει."],"Unavailable":["Μη Διαθέσιμο"],"Working but some issues":["Λειτουργεί αλλά υπάρχουν κάποια θέματα"],"Current API":["Τρέχον API"],"Switch to this API":["Αλλαγή σε αυτό το API"],"Hide":["Απόκρυψη"],"Show Full":["Εμφάνιση Πλήρους"],"Working!":["Λειτουργεί!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":[],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":[],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":[],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":[],"Create An Issue":[],"What do I do next?":["Τι κάνω στη συνέχεια;"],"Possible cause":["Πιθανή αιτία"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":[],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":[],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Διάβαστε αυτόν τον οδηγό του REST API για περισσότερες πληροφορίες."],"URL options / Regex":["Επιλογές URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Εξαγωγή 404"],"Export redirect":["Εξαγωγή ανακατεύθυνσης"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Η δομή των μόνιμων συνδέσμων του WordPress δεν λειτουργεί στα κανονικά URLs. Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε ένα regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Πέρασμα - όπως η αγνόηση, αλλά επίσης αντιγράφει τις παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος στον στόχο"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Αγνόηση - όπως η ακριβής, αλλά αγνοεί οποιεσδήποτε παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος δεν υπάρχουν στην προέλευσή σας"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Ακριβής - αντιστοιχεί στις παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος ακριβώς όπως ορίστηκαν στην προέλευσή σας, σε οποιαδήποτε σειρά"],"Default query matching":["Προεπιλεγμένη αντιστοίχιση ερωτήματος"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Αγνόηση των καθέτων στο τέλος (π.χ. το {{code}}/συναρπαστικό-άρθρο/{{/code}} θα αντιστοιχίσει στο {{code}}/συναρπαστικό-άρθρο{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":[],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":[],"Default URL settings":[],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":[],"Ignore all query parameters":[],"Exact match":[],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":[],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":[],"URL options":["Επιλογές URL"],"Query Parameters":["Παράμετροι Ερωτήματος"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":[],"Ignore all parameters":[],"Exact match all parameters in any order":[],"Ignore Case":[],"Ignore Slash":[],"Relative REST API":[],"Raw REST API":["Ακατέργαστο REST API"],"Default REST API":["Προεπιλεγμένο REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Παράδειγμα) Το στοχευμένο URL είναι το νέο URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Παράδειγμα) Το URL προέλευσης είναι το παλιό σας ή το αρχικό URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Απενεργοποιημένο! Εντοπίστηκε PHP έκδοση %1$s, χρειάζεται PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Πραγματοποιείται μία αναβάθμιση της βάσης δεδομένων. Παρακαλούμε συνεχίστε για να ολοκληρωθεί."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Η βάση δεδομένων του Redirection χρειάζεται να ενημερωθεί - <a href=\"%1$1s\">κάντε κλικ για ενημέρωση</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Η βάση δεδομένων του Redirection χρειάζεται να αναβαθμιστεί"],"Upgrade Required":["Απαιτείται ενημέρωση"],"Finish Setup":["Ολοκλήρωση εγκατάστασης"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Έχετε διαφορετικά URLs ρυθμισμένα στη σελίδα Ρυθμίσεις WordPress > Γενικά, το οποίο συνήθως είναι ένδειξη λάθος ρυθμίσεων, και μπορεί να προκαλέσει προβλήματα με το REST API. Παρακαλούμε κοιτάξτε πάλι τις ρυθμίσεις σας."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Αν αντιμετωπίζετε κάποιο πρόβλημα παρακαλούμε συμβουλευτείτε την τεκμηρίωση του προσθέτου, ή επικοινωνήστε με την υποστήριξη της υπηρεσίας φιλοξενίας. Αυτό γενικά {{link}}δεν είναι κάποιο πρόβλημα που προκλήθηκε από το Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Κάποιο άλλο πρόσθετο μπλοκάρει το REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Ένα firewall του διακομιστή ή κάποια άλλη ρύθμιση στον διακομιστή (π.χ. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Το Redirection χρησιμοποιεί το {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} για να επικοινωνήσει με το WordPress. Αυτό είναι ενεργοποιημένο και λειτουργικό από προεπιλογή. Μερικές φορές το REST API μπλοκάρεται από:"],"Go back":["Επιστροφή"],"Continue Setup":["Συνέχεια Εγκατάστασης"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[],"Basic Setup":["Βασική εγκατάσταση"],"Start Setup":["Έναρξη εγκατάστασης"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[],"What's next?":["Τι ακολουθεί;"],"Check a URL is being redirected":[],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[],"Some features you may find useful are":[],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Μπορείτε να βρείτε την πλήρη τεκμηρίωση στον {{link}}ιστότοπο του Redirection.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Μία απλή ανακατεύθυνση περιλαμβάνει τη ρύθμιση ενός {{strong}}URL προέλευσης{{/strong}} (το παλιό URL) και ενός {{strong}}στοχευμένου URL{{/strong}} (το νέο URL). Ορίστε ένα παράδειγμα:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Πώς χρησιμοποιώ αυτό το πρόσθετο;"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Το Redirection είναι σχεδιασμένο για να χρησιμοποιείται από ιστοτόπους με λίγες ανακατευθύνσεις μέχρι και ιστοτόπους με χιλιάδες ανακατευθύνσεις."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Ευχαριστούμε που εγκαταστήσατε και χρησιμοποείτε το Redirection v%(version)s. Αυτό το πρόσθετο θα σας επιτρέπει να διαχειρίζεστε τις ανακατευθύνσεις 301, να παρακολουθείτε τα σφάλματα 404, και να βελτιώσετε τον ιστότοπό σας, χωρίς να χρειάζεται γνώση των Apache και Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Καλώς ήρθατε στο Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Προς αποφυγήν κάποιου άπληστου regular expression μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το {{code}}^{{/code}} για να το αγκυρώσετε στην αρχή του URL. Για παράδειγμα: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Θυμηθείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε την επιλογή \"regex\" αν αυτό είναι regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["Το URL προέλευσης μάλλον πρέπει να ξεκινάει με {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Αυτό θα μετατραπεί σε ανακατεύθυνση του διακομιστή για τον τομέα {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Οι αγκυρωμένες τιμές δεν αποστέλλονται στον διακομιστή και δεν μπορούν να ανακατευθυνθούν."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} σε {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Ολοκληρώθηκε! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Πρόοδος: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[],"Setting up Redirection":[],"Upgrading Redirection":[],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[],"Stop upgrade":["Διακοπή αναβάθμισης"],"Skip this stage":["Παράλειψη αυτού του σταδίου"],"Try again":["Προσπαθήστε ξανά"],"Database problem":["Πρόβλημα με τη βάση δεδομένων"],"Please enable JavaScript":[],"Please upgrade your database":[],"Upgrade Database":[],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[],"Create basic data":[],"Install Redirection tables":[],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Παρακαλούμε μην προσπαθήσετε να ακατευθύνετε όλα τα 404 σας - αυτό δεν είναι καλό."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Μόνο ο τύπος σελίδων 404 υποστηρίζεται προς το παρόν."],"Page Type":["Είδος Σελίδας"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Εισάγετε τις διευθύνσεις IP (μία ανά σειρά)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Περιγράψτε τον σκοπό της κάθε ανακατεύθυνσης (προαιρετικό)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":[],"303 - See Other":[],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Μην κάνετε τίποτα (αγνοήστε)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[],"Show All":["Εμφάνιση όλων"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων καταγραφής για αυτές τις καταχωρήσεις"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων καταγραφής για αυτήν την καταχώρηση"],"Delete Log Entries":[],"Group by IP":[],"Group by URL":[],"No grouping":[],"Ignore URL":[],"Block IP":["Αποκλεισμός IP"],"Redirect All":[],"Count":["Αρίθμηση"],"URL and WordPress page type":[],"URL and IP":["URL και IP"],"Problem":["Πρόβλημα"],"Good":["Καλό"],"Check":["Έλεγχος"],"Check Redirect":[],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[],"Not using Redirection":[],"Using Redirection":[],"Found":["Βρέθηκε"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[],"Expected":[],"Error":["Σφάλμα"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[],"Redirect Tester":[],"Target":["Στόχος"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":[],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":[],"Unable to load details":[],"Enter server URL to match against":[],"Server":["Διακομιστής"],"Enter role or capability value":[],"Role":["Ρόλος"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[],"Match against this browser user agent":[],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":[],"Add New":["Νέο άρθρο"],"URL and role/capability":[],"URL and server":[],"Site and home protocol":[],"Site and home are consistent":[],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[],"Accept Language":["Αποδοχή γλώσσας"],"Header value":[],"Header name":[],"HTTP Header":[],"WordPress filter name":[],"Filter Name":["Όνομα φίλτρου"],"Cookie value":[],"Cookie name":[],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":[],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":[],"URL and HTTP header":[],"URL and custom filter":[],"URL and cookie":["URL και cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 διαγράφηκε"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":[],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":[],"Unknown Useragent":[],"Device":["Συσκευή"],"Operating System":["Λειτουργικό Σύστημα"],"Browser":["Περιηγητής"],"Engine":[],"Useragent":[],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":[],"Full IP logging":[],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":[],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":[],"IP Logging":[],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":[],"Filter by IP":["Φιλτράρισμα κατά IP"],"Geo IP Error":[],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[],"No details are known for this address.":[],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["Πόλη"],"Area":["Περιοχή"],"Timezone":["Ζώνη ώρας"],"Geo Location":["Γεω τοποθεσία"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[],"Trash":["Διεγραμμένα"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":[],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[],"Never cache":[],"An hour":["Mια ώρα"],"Redirect Cache":[],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":[],"Plugin Importers":[],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[],"total = ":["σύνολο = "],"Import from %s":[],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[],"Plugin Status":["Κατάσταση πρόσθετου"],"Custom":["Προσαρμοσμένη"],"Mobile":["Κινητό"],"Feed Readers":[],"Libraries":["Βιβλιοθήκες"],"URL Monitor Changes":[],"Save changes to this group":["Αποθήκευση αλλαγών σε αυτήν την ομάδα"],"For example \"/amp\"":[],"URL Monitor":[],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[],"Unable to load Redirection":[],"Post monitor group is valid":[],"Post monitor group is invalid":[],"Post monitor group":[],"All redirects have a valid group":[],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[],"Valid redirect group":[],"Valid groups detected":[],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[],"Valid groups":[],"Database tables":["Πίνακες βάσης δεδομένων"],"The following tables are missing:":[],"All tables present":[],"Cached Redirection detected":[],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":[],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[],"Loading, please wait...":["Φόρτωση, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[],"Create Issue":[],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[],"Pos":["Θέση"],"410 - Gone":[],"Position":["Θέση"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[],"I'd like to support some more.":[],"Support 💰":["Υποστήριξη 💰"],"Import to group":[],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":[],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":[],"Add File":["Προσθήκη Αρχείου"],"File selected":["Επιλεγμένο αρχείο"],"Importing":["Εισαγωγή σε εξέλιξη"],"Finished importing":[],"Total redirects imported:":[],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":[],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Κλείσιμο"],"Export":["Εξαγωγή"],"Everything":["Όλα"],"WordPress redirects":[],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":[],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["Προβολή"],"Import/Export":["Εισαγωγή/Εξαγωγή"],"Logs":["Αρχεία καταγραφής"],"404 errors":["Σφάλματα 404"],"Redirection saved":[],"Log deleted":["Το αρχείο καταγραφής διαγράφηκε"],"Settings saved":["Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν"],"Group saved":["Η ομάδα αποθηκεύτηκε"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το αντικείμενο;","Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτά τα αντικείμενα;"],"pass":[],"All groups":["Όλες οι ομάδες"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301-Μετακινήθηκε μόνιμα"],"302 - Found":[],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307-προσωρινή ανακατεύθυνση"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308-μόνιμη ανακατεύθυνση"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401-μη εξουσιοδοτημένη"],"404 - Not Found":["404-δεν βρέθηκε"],"Title":["Τίτλος"],"When matched":[],"with HTTP code":["με κωδικό HTTP"],"Show advanced options":[],"Matched Target":[],"Unmatched Target":[],"Saving...":["Αποθήκευση..."],"View notice":["Προβολή ειδοποίησης"],"Something went wrong 🙁":[],"Log entries (%d max)":[],"Bulk Actions":["Μαζική επεξ/σία"],"Apply":["Εκτέλεση"],"First page":["Αρχική σελίδα"],"Prev page":["Προηγούμενη σελίδα"],"Current Page":["Τρέχουσα σελίδα"],"of %(page)s":[],"Next page":["Επόμενη σελίδα"],"Last page":["Τελευταία σελίδα"],"%s item":["%s items","%s στοιχείο","%s στοιχεία"],"Select All":["Επιλογή όλων"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":[],"No results":["Κανένα αποτέλεσμα"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[],"Newsletter":["Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":[],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[],"Your email address:":["Η διεύθυνση email σας:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Έχετε υποστηρίξει αυτό το πρόσθετο - σας ευχαριστώ!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":[],"Forever":["Πάντα"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πρόσθετο;"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":[],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":[],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ναι! Διαγραφή του πρόσθετου"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Όχι! Να μην διαγραφεί το πρόσθετο"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":[],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":[],"Redirection Support":["Υποστήριξη Redirection"],"Support":["Υποστήριξη"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Αρχείο καταγραφής"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":[],"Delete Redirection":["Διαγραφή ανακατεύθυνσης"],"Upload":["Μεταφόρτωση"],"Import":["Εισαγωγή"],"Update":["Ενημέρωση"],"Auto-generate URL":[],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":[],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["Αρχεία καταγραφής σφαλμάτων 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":[],"Redirect Logs":[],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":[],"Plugin Support":["Υποστήριξη πρόσθετου"],"Options":["Επιλογές"],"Two months":["Δύο μήνες"],"A month":["Ένας μήνας"],"A week":["Μία βδομάδα"],"A day":["Μια ημέρα"],"No logs":[],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":[],"Add Group":["Προσθήκη Ομάδας"],"Search":["Αναζήτηση"],"Groups":["Ομάδες"],"Save":["Αποθήκευση"],"Group":["Ομάδα"],"Regular Expression":[],"Match":["Ταίριασμα"],"Add new redirection":["Προσθήκη νέας ανακατεύθυνσης "],"Cancel":["Άκυρο"],"Download":["Λήψη"],"Redirection":["Ανακατεύθυνση"],"Settings":["Ρυθμίσεις"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Σφάλμα (404)"],"Pass-through":[],"Redirect to random post":[],"Redirect to URL":["Ανακατεύθυνση σε διεύθυνση URL "],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Διεύθυνση URL προέλευσης"],"Date":["Ημερομηνία"],"Add Redirect":["Προσθήκη ανακατεύθυνσης"],"View Redirects":["Προβολή Ανακατευθύνσεων"],"Module":["Μονάδα"],"Redirects":["Ανακατευθύνσεις "],"Name":["Όνομα"],"Filters":["Φίλτρα"],"Reset hits":[],"Enable":["Ενεργοποίηση"],"Disable":["Απενεργοποίηση"],"Delete":["Διαγραφή"],"Edit":["Επεξεργασία"],"Last Access":["Τελευταία Πρόσβαση"],"Hits":[],"URL":["Διεύθυνση URL"],"Modified Posts":["Επεξεργασμένα άρθρα"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":[],"Target URL":["URL προορισμού"],"URL only":["Μόνο URL"],"HTTP code":["Κώδικας HTTP"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Αναφορέας"],"URL and referrer":[],"Logged Out":["Αποσύνδεση"],"Logged In":["Συνδέθηκε"],"URL and login status":["URL και κατάσταση σύνδεσης"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.222Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":["Προέκυψε ένα άγνωστο σφάλμα."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":["Προβολή αποσφαλμάτωσης"],"View Data":["Προβολή Δεδομένων"],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":["Καταγραφή"],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία;"],"View Redirect":["Προβολή Ανακατεύθυνσης"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":["Αναζήτηση domain"],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":["Τομέας"],"Method":["Μέθοδος"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":["Προσθήκη Κεφαλίδας"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":["Προσθήκη Alias"],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":[],"Continue":[],"The following plugins have been detected.":[],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":[],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":[],"Import Existing Redirects":[],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":[],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":[],"Values":[],"All":[],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":[],"No headers":[],"Header":[],"Location":[],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":[],"HTTP Headers":[],"Custom Header":[],"General":[],"Redirect":[],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":[],"Site":[],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":[],"Ignore & Pass Query":[],"Ignore Query":[],"Exact Query":[],"Search title":[],"Not accessed in last year":[],"Not accessed in last month":[],"Never accessed":[],"Last Accessed":[],"HTTP Status Code":[],"Plain":[],"URL match":[],"Source":[],"Code":[],"Action Type":[],"Match Type":[],"Search target URL":[],"Search IP":[],"Search user agent":[],"Search referrer":[],"Search URL":[],"Filter on: %(type)s":[],"Disabled":[],"Enabled":[],"Compact Display":[],"Standard Display":[],"Status":[],"Pre-defined":[],"Custom Display":[],"Display All":[],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":[],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":[],"Language":[],"504 - Gateway Timeout":[],"503 - Service Unavailable":[],"502 - Bad Gateway":[],"501 - Not implemented":[],"500 - Internal Server Error":[],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":[],"URL and language":[],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":[],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":[],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Ένας βρόχος εντοπίστηκε και η αναβάθμιση έχει διακοπεί. Αυτό συνήθως υποδεικνύει ότι {{support}}ο ιστότοπός σας είναι cached{{/support}} και οι αλλαγές στη βάση δεδομένων δεν αποθηκεύονται."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Αδύνατη η αποθήκευση του .htaccess αρχείου"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Οι ανακατευθύνσεις που προστέθηκαν σε μία ομάδα του Apache μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν σε ένα {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} αρχείο, προσθέτοντας την πλήρη διαδρομή εδώ. Ως σημείο αναφοράς, το WordPress σας είναι εγκατεστημένο στο {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}. "],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Κάντε κλικ στο \"Ολοκλήρωση Αναβάθμισης\" όταν ολοκληρωθεί."],"Automatic Install":["Αυτόματη Εγκατάσταση"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Η στοχευμένη σας διεύθυνση URL περιέχει έναν μη έγκυρο χαρακτήρα {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Αν χρησιμοποιείτε το WordPress 5.2 ή νεότερο, κοιτάξτε την {{link}}Υγεία Ιστοτόπου{{/link}} και επιλύστε οποιαδήποτε θέματα."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Αν δεν ολοκληρώσετε την χειροκίνητη εγκατάσταση θα επιστρέψετε εδώ."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Κάντε κλικ στο \"Ολοκληρώθηκε! 🎉\" όταν ολοκληρωθεί."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Αν ο ιστότοπός σας χρειάζεται ειδικά δικαιώματα για τη βάση δεδομένων, ή αν προτιμάτε να το κάνετε ο ίδιος, μπορείτε να τρέξετε χειροκίνητα την ακόλουθη SQL."],"Manual Install":["Χειροκίνητη Εγκατάσταση"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Εντοπίστηκαν ανεπαρκή δικαιώματα για τη βάση δεδομένων. Παρακαλούμε δώστε τα κατάλληλα δικαιώματα στον χρήστη της βάσης δεδομένων σας."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Αυτές οι πληροφορίες παρέχονται για σκοπούς αποσφαλμάτωσης. Να είστε προσεκτικοί κάνοντας οποιεσδήποτε αλλαγές."],"Plugin Debug":["Αποσφαλμάτωση Προσθέτου"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Το Redirection επικοινωνεί με το WordPress μέσω του WordPress REST API. Αυτό είναι ένα κανονικό κομμάτι του WordPress, και θα αντιμετωπίσετε προβλήματα αν δεν μπορείτε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε."],"IP Headers":["Κεφαλίδες IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":[],"Database version":["Έκδοση βάσης δεδομένων"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Ολόκληρα δεδομένα (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Εξαγωγή σε CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, ή Redirection JSON. Η μορφή JSON περιέχει πλήρεις πληροφορίες, και οι άλλες μορφές περιέχουν μερικές πληροφορίες αναλόγως με τη μορφή."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["Το CSV δεν περιέχει όλες τις πληροφορίες, και όλα εισάγονται/εξάγονται ως \"μόνο URL\" αντιστοιχίες. Χρησιμοποιήστε τη μορφή JSON για μία πλήρη συλλογή δεδομένων."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":[],"Automatic Upgrade":["Αυτόματη Αναβάθμιση"],"Manual Upgrade":["Χειροκίνητη Αναβάθμιση"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":[],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί \"Αναβάθμιση Βάσης Δεδομένων\" για να αναβαθμίσετε αυτόματα τη βάση δεδομένων."],"Complete Upgrade":["Ολοκληρωμένη Αναβάθμιση"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":[],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":[],"I need support!":["Χρειάζομαι υποστήριξη!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Θα χρειαστείτε τουλάχιστον ένα λειτουργικό REST API για να συνεχίσετε."],"Check Again":["Ελέγξτε Πάλι"],"Testing - %s$":["Γίνεται δοκιμή - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Εμφάνιση Προβλημάτων"],"Summary":["Σύνοψη"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Το REST API σας δεν λειτουργεί και το πρόσθετο δεν θα μπορεί να συνεχίσει μέχρι αυτό να διορθωθεί."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Υπάρχουν κάποια προβλήματα με την επικοινωνία με το REST API σας. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο να διορθώσετε αυτά τα προβλήματα και το πρόσθετο μπορεί να λειτουργήσει."],"Unavailable":["Μη Διαθέσιμο"],"Working but some issues":["Λειτουργεί αλλά υπάρχουν κάποια θέματα"],"Current API":["Τρέχον API"],"Switch to this API":["Αλλαγή σε αυτό το API"],"Hide":["Απόκρυψη"],"Show Full":["Εμφάνιση Πλήρους"],"Working!":["Λειτουργεί!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":[],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":[],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":[],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":[],"Create An Issue":[],"What do I do next?":["Τι κάνω στη συνέχεια;"],"Possible cause":["Πιθανή αιτία"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":[],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":[],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Διάβαστε αυτόν τον οδηγό του REST API για περισσότερες πληροφορίες."],"URL options / Regex":["Επιλογές URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Εξαγωγή 404"],"Export redirect":["Εξαγωγή ανακατεύθυνσης"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Η δομή των μόνιμων συνδέσμων του WordPress δεν λειτουργεί στα κανονικά URLs. Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε ένα regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Πέρασμα - όπως η αγνόηση, αλλά επίσης αντιγράφει τις παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος στον στόχο"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Αγνόηση - όπως η ακριβής, αλλά αγνοεί οποιεσδήποτε παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος δεν υπάρχουν στην προέλευσή σας"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Ακριβής - αντιστοιχεί στις παραμέτρους του ερωτήματος ακριβώς όπως ορίστηκαν στην προέλευσή σας, σε οποιαδήποτε σειρά"],"Default query matching":["Προεπιλεγμένη αντιστοίχιση ερωτήματος"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Αγνόηση των καθέτων στο τέλος (π.χ. το {{code}}/συναρπαστικό-άρθρο/{{/code}} θα αντιστοιχίσει στο {{code}}/συναρπαστικό-άρθρο{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":[],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":[],"Default URL settings":[],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":[],"Ignore all query parameters":[],"Exact match":[],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":[],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":[],"URL options":["Επιλογές URL"],"Query Parameters":["Παράμετροι Ερωτήματος"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":[],"Ignore all parameters":[],"Exact match all parameters in any order":[],"Ignore Case":[],"Ignore Slash":[],"Relative REST API":[],"Raw REST API":["Ακατέργαστο REST API"],"Default REST API":["Προεπιλεγμένο REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Παράδειγμα) Το στοχευμένο URL είναι το νέο URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Παράδειγμα) Το URL προέλευσης είναι το παλιό σας ή το αρχικό URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Απενεργοποιημένο! Εντοπίστηκε PHP έκδοση %1$s, χρειάζεται PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Πραγματοποιείται μία αναβάθμιση της βάσης δεδομένων. Παρακαλούμε συνεχίστε για να ολοκληρωθεί."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Η βάση δεδομένων του Redirection χρειάζεται να ενημερωθεί - <a href=\"%1$1s\">κάντε κλικ για ενημέρωση</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Η βάση δεδομένων του Redirection χρειάζεται να αναβαθμιστεί"],"Upgrade Required":["Απαιτείται ενημέρωση"],"Finish Setup":["Ολοκλήρωση εγκατάστασης"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Έχετε διαφορετικά URLs ρυθμισμένα στη σελίδα Ρυθμίσεις WordPress > Γενικά, το οποίο συνήθως είναι ένδειξη λάθος ρυθμίσεων, και μπορεί να προκαλέσει προβλήματα με το REST API. Παρακαλούμε κοιτάξτε πάλι τις ρυθμίσεις σας."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Αν αντιμετωπίζετε κάποιο πρόβλημα παρακαλούμε συμβουλευτείτε την τεκμηρίωση του προσθέτου, ή επικοινωνήστε με την υποστήριξη της υπηρεσίας φιλοξενίας. Αυτό γενικά {{link}}δεν είναι κάποιο πρόβλημα που προκλήθηκε από το Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Κάποιο άλλο πρόσθετο μπλοκάρει το REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Ένα firewall του διακομιστή ή κάποια άλλη ρύθμιση στον διακομιστή (π.χ. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Το Redirection χρησιμοποιεί το {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} για να επικοινωνήσει με το WordPress. Αυτό είναι ενεργοποιημένο και λειτουργικό από προεπιλογή. Μερικές φορές το REST API μπλοκάρεται από:"],"Go back":["Επιστροφή"],"Continue Setup":["Συνέχεια Εγκατάστασης"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":[],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":[],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":[],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":[],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":[],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":[],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":[],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":[],"Basic Setup":["Βασική εγκατάσταση"],"Start Setup":["Έναρξη εγκατάστασης"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":[],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":[],"What's next?":["Τι ακολουθεί;"],"Check a URL is being redirected":[],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":[],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":[],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":[],"Some features you may find useful are":[],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Μπορείτε να βρείτε την πλήρη τεκμηρίωση στον {{link}}ιστότοπο του Redirection.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Μία απλή ανακατεύθυνση περιλαμβάνει τη ρύθμιση ενός {{strong}}URL προέλευσης{{/strong}} (το παλιό URL) και ενός {{strong}}στοχευμένου URL{{/strong}} (το νέο URL). Ορίστε ένα παράδειγμα:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["Πώς χρησιμοποιώ αυτό το πρόσθετο;"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Το Redirection είναι σχεδιασμένο για να χρησιμοποιείται από ιστοτόπους με λίγες ανακατευθύνσεις μέχρι και ιστοτόπους με χιλιάδες ανακατευθύνσεις."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Ευχαριστούμε που εγκαταστήσατε και χρησιμοποείτε το Redirection v%(version)s. Αυτό το πρόσθετο θα σας επιτρέπει να διαχειρίζεστε τις ανακατευθύνσεις 301, να παρακολουθείτε τα σφάλματα 404, και να βελτιώσετε τον ιστότοπό σας, χωρίς να χρειάζεται γνώση των Apache και Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Καλώς ήρθατε στο Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Προς αποφυγήν κάποιου άπληστου regular expression μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το {{code}}^{{/code}} για να το αγκυρώσετε στην αρχή του URL. Για παράδειγμα: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Θυμηθείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε την επιλογή \"regex\" αν αυτό είναι regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["Το URL προέλευσης μάλλον πρέπει να ξεκινάει με {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Αυτό θα μετατραπεί σε ανακατεύθυνση του διακομιστή για τον τομέα {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Οι αγκυρωμένες τιμές δεν αποστέλλονται στον διακομιστή και δεν μπορούν να ανακατευθυνθούν."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} σε {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Ολοκληρώθηκε! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Πρόοδος: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":[],"Setting up Redirection":[],"Upgrading Redirection":[],"Please remain on this page until complete.":[],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":[],"Stop upgrade":["Διακοπή αναβάθμισης"],"Skip this stage":["Παράλειψη αυτού του σταδίου"],"Try again":["Προσπαθήστε ξανά"],"Database problem":["Πρόβλημα με τη βάση δεδομένων"],"Please enable JavaScript":[],"Please upgrade your database":[],"Upgrade Database":[],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":[],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":[],"Table \"%s\" is missing":[],"Create basic data":[],"Install Redirection tables":[],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":[],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Παρακαλούμε μην προσπαθήσετε να ακατευθύνετε όλα τα 404 σας - αυτό δεν είναι καλό."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Μόνο ο τύπος σελίδων 404 υποστηρίζεται προς το παρόν."],"Page Type":["Είδος Σελίδας"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Εισάγετε τις διευθύνσεις IP (μία ανά σειρά)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Περιγράψτε τον σκοπό της κάθε ανακατεύθυνσης (προαιρετικό)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":[],"303 - See Other":[],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Μην κάνετε τίποτα (αγνοήστε)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":[],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":[],"Show All":["Εμφάνιση όλων"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων καταγραφής για αυτές τις καταχωρήσεις"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων καταγραφής για αυτήν την καταχώρηση"],"Delete Log Entries":[],"Group by IP":[],"Group by URL":[],"No grouping":[],"Ignore URL":[],"Block IP":["Αποκλεισμός IP"],"Redirect All":[],"Count":["Αρίθμηση"],"URL and WordPress page type":[],"URL and IP":["URL και IP"],"Problem":["Πρόβλημα"],"Good":["Καλό"],"Check":["Έλεγχος"],"Check Redirect":[],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":[],"Not using Redirection":[],"Using Redirection":[],"Found":["Βρέθηκε"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":[],"Expected":[],"Error":["Σφάλμα"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":[],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":[],"Redirect Tester":[],"Target":["Στόχος"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":[],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":[],"Unable to load details":[],"Enter server URL to match against":[],"Server":["Διακομιστής"],"Enter role or capability value":[],"Role":["Ρόλος"],"Match against this browser referrer text":[],"Match against this browser user agent":[],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":[],"Add New":["Νέο άρθρο"],"URL and role/capability":[],"URL and server":[],"Site and home protocol":[],"Site and home are consistent":[],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":[],"Accept Language":["Αποδοχή γλώσσας"],"Header value":[],"Header name":[],"HTTP Header":[],"WordPress filter name":[],"Filter Name":["Όνομα φίλτρου"],"Cookie value":[],"Cookie name":[],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":[],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":[],"URL and HTTP header":[],"URL and custom filter":[],"URL and cookie":["URL και cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 διαγράφηκε"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":[],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":[],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":[],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":[],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":[],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":[],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":[],"Unknown Useragent":[],"Device":["Συσκευή"],"Operating System":["Λειτουργικό Σύστημα"],"Browser":["Περιηγητής"],"Engine":[],"Useragent":[],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":[],"Full IP logging":[],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":[],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":[],"IP Logging":[],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":[],"Filter by IP":["Φιλτράρισμα κατά IP"],"Geo IP Error":[],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":[],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":[],"No details are known for this address.":[],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["Πόλη"],"Area":["Περιοχή"],"Timezone":["Ζώνη ώρας"],"Geo Location":["Γεω τοποθεσία"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":[],"Trash":["Διεγραμμένα"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":[],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":[],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":[],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":[],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":[],"Never cache":[],"An hour":["Mια ώρα"],"Redirect Cache":[],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":[],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":[],"Plugin Importers":[],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":[],"total = ":["σύνολο = "],"Import from %s":[],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":[],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":[],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":[],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":[],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":[],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":[],"Plugin Status":["Κατάσταση πρόσθετου"],"Custom":["Προσαρμοσμένη"],"Mobile":["Κινητό"],"Feed Readers":[],"Libraries":["Βιβλιοθήκες"],"URL Monitor Changes":[],"Save changes to this group":["Αποθήκευση αλλαγών σε αυτήν την ομάδα"],"For example \"/amp\"":[],"URL Monitor":[],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":[],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":[],"Unable to load Redirection":[],"Post monitor group is valid":[],"Post monitor group is invalid":[],"Post monitor group":[],"All redirects have a valid group":[],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":[],"Valid redirect group":[],"Valid groups detected":[],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":[],"Valid groups":[],"Database tables":["Πίνακες βάσης δεδομένων"],"The following tables are missing:":[],"All tables present":[],"Cached Redirection detected":[],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":[],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":[],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":[],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":[],"Loading, please wait...":["Φόρτωση, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":[],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":[],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":[],"Create Issue":[],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":[],"Pos":["Θέση"],"410 - Gone":[],"Position":["Θέση"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":[],"I'd like to support some more.":[],"Support 💰":["Υποστήριξη 💰"],"Import to group":[],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":[],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":[],"Add File":["Προσθήκη Αρχείου"],"File selected":["Επιλεγμένο αρχείο"],"Importing":["Εισαγωγή σε εξέλιξη"],"Finished importing":[],"Total redirects imported:":[],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":[],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Κλείσιμο"],"Export":["Εξαγωγή"],"Everything":["Όλα"],"WordPress redirects":[],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":[],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["Προβολή"],"Import/Export":["Εισαγωγή/Εξαγωγή"],"Logs":["Αρχεία καταγραφής"],"404 errors":["Σφάλματα 404"],"Redirection saved":[],"Log deleted":["Το αρχείο καταγραφής διαγράφηκε"],"Settings saved":["Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν"],"Group saved":["Η ομάδα αποθηκεύτηκε"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το αντικείμενο;","Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτά τα αντικείμενα;"],"pass":[],"All groups":["Όλες οι ομάδες"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301-Μετακινήθηκε μόνιμα"],"302 - Found":[],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307-προσωρινή ανακατεύθυνση"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308-μόνιμη ανακατεύθυνση"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401-μη εξουσιοδοτημένη"],"404 - Not Found":["404-δεν βρέθηκε"],"Title":["Τίτλος"],"When matched":[],"with HTTP code":["με κωδικό HTTP"],"Show advanced options":[],"Matched Target":[],"Unmatched Target":[],"Saving...":["Αποθήκευση..."],"View notice":["Προβολή ειδοποίησης"],"Something went wrong 🙁":[],"Log entries (%d max)":[],"Bulk Actions":["Μαζική επεξ/σία"],"Apply":["Εκτέλεση"],"First page":["Αρχική σελίδα"],"Prev page":["Προηγούμενη σελίδα"],"Current Page":["Τρέχουσα σελίδα"],"of %(page)s":[],"Next page":["Επόμενη σελίδα"],"Last page":["Τελευταία σελίδα"],"%s item":["%s items","%s στοιχείο","%s στοιχεία"],"Select All":["Επιλογή όλων"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":[],"No results":["Κανένα αποτέλεσμα"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":[],"Newsletter":["Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":[],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":[],"Your email address:":["Η διεύθυνση email σας:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Έχετε υποστηρίξει αυτό το πρόσθετο - σας ευχαριστώ!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":[],"Forever":["Πάντα"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πρόσθετο;"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":[],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":[],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Ναι! Διαγραφή του πρόσθετου"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["Όχι! Να μην διαγραφεί το πρόσθετο"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":[],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":[],"Redirection Support":["Υποστήριξη Redirection"],"Support":["Υποστήριξη"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Αρχείο καταγραφής"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":[],"Delete Redirection":["Διαγραφή ανακατεύθυνσης"],"Upload":["Μεταφόρτωση"],"Import":["Εισαγωγή"],"Update":["Ενημέρωση"],"Auto-generate URL":[],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":[],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["Αρχεία καταγραφής σφαλμάτων 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":[],"Redirect Logs":[],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":[],"Plugin Support":["Υποστήριξη πρόσθετου"],"Options":["Επιλογές"],"Two months":["Δύο μήνες"],"A month":["Ένας μήνας"],"A week":["Μία βδομάδα"],"A day":["Μια ημέρα"],"No logs":[],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":[],"Add Group":["Προσθήκη Ομάδας"],"Search":["Αναζήτηση"],"Groups":["Ομάδες"],"Save":["Αποθήκευση"],"Group":["Ομάδα"],"Regular Expression":[],"Match":["Ταίριασμα"],"Add new redirection":["Προσθήκη νέας ανακατεύθυνσης "],"Cancel":["Άκυρο"],"Download":["Λήψη"],"Redirection":["Ανακατεύθυνση"],"Settings":["Ρυθμίσεις"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Σφάλμα (404)"],"Pass-through":[],"Redirect to random post":[],"Redirect to URL":["Ανακατεύθυνση σε διεύθυνση URL "],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Διεύθυνση URL προέλευσης"],"Date":["Ημερομηνία"],"Add Redirect":["Προσθήκη ανακατεύθυνσης"],"View Redirects":["Προβολή Ανακατευθύνσεων"],"Module":["Μονάδα"],"Redirects":["Ανακατευθύνσεις "],"Name":["Όνομα"],"Filters":["Φίλτρα"],"Reset hits":[],"Enable":["Ενεργοποίηση"],"Disable":["Απενεργοποίηση"],"Delete":["Διαγραφή"],"Edit":["Επεξεργασία"],"Last Access":["Τελευταία Πρόσβαση"],"Hits":[],"URL":["Διεύθυνση URL"],"Modified Posts":["Επεξεργασμένα άρθρα"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":[],"Target URL":["URL προορισμού"],"URL only":["Μόνο URL"],"HTTP code":["Κώδικας HTTP"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Αναφορέας"],"URL and referrer":[],"Logged Out":["Αποσύνδεση"],"Logged In":["Συνδέθηκε"],"URL and login status":["URL και κατάσταση σύνδεσης"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.214Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-en_AU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":[],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":[],"View Data":[],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":[],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":[],"View Redirect":[],"RSS":[],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":[],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":[],"Method":[],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":[],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":[],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":[],"Delete logs for this entry":[],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.244Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":[],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":[],"View Data":[],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":[],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":[],"View Redirect":[],"RSS":[],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":[],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":[],"Method":[],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":[],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":[],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":[],"Delete logs for this entry":[],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.236Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-en_CA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect By"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong when installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply To All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.265Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect By"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong when installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply To All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.256Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-en_GB.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect by"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong while upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong while installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply to All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain – {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress installation."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it – you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything, please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["http Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & pass query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore query"],"Exact Query":["Exact query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP status code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action type"],"Match Type":["Match type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact display"],"Standard Display":["Standard display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Pre-defined"],"Custom Display":["Custom display"],"Display All":["Display all"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot"],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options/Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem, then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page, then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too large. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.274Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect by"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong while upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong while installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply to All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain – {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain – {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress installation."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it – you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything, please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["http Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & pass query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore query"],"Exact Query":["Exact query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP status code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action type"],"Match Type":["Match type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact display"],"Standard Display":["Standard display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Pre-defined"],"Custom Display":["Custom display"],"Display All":["Display all"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot"],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options/Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem, then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page, then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too large. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.265Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-en_NZ.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":[],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":[],"View Data":[],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":[],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":[],"View Redirect":[],"RSS":[],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":[],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":[],"Method":[],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":[],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":[],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":[],"Continue":[],"The following plugins have been detected.":[],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":[],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":[],"Import Existing Redirects":[],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":[],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":[],"Delete logs for this entry":[],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.283Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[],"You are using an old or cached session":[],"Please review your data and try again.":[],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[],"Bad data":[],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[],"An unknown error occurred.":[],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[],"Debug Information":[],"Show debug":[],"View Data":[],"Other":[],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[],"Logging":[],"(IP logging level)":[],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":[],"View Redirect":[],"RSS":[],"Group by user agent":[],"Search domain":[],"Redirect By":[],"Domain":[],"Method":[],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[],"Apply To All":[],"Bulk Actions (all)":[],"Actions applied to all selected items":[],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[],"Redirect Source":[],"Request Headers":[],"Exclude from logs":[],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[],"Relocate to domain":[],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[],"Relocate Site":[],"Add CORS Presets":[],"Add Security Presets":[],"Add Header":[],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Preferred domain":[],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[],"Canonical Settings":[],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[],"Add Alias":[],"No aliases":[],"Alias":[],"Aliased Domain":[],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[],"Site Aliases":[],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[],"Need to search and replace?":[],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[],"Please wait, importing.":[],"Continue":[],"The following plugins have been detected.":[],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":[],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":[],"Import Existing Redirects":[],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":[],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":[],"Delete logs for this entry":[],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.275Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-en_ZA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred while connecting to Vault. Please try again."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect By"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong when installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply To All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Pre-defined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go Back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try Again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.289Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["You are using an old or cached session"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Please review your data and try again."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request."],"Bad data":["Bad data"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue."],"An unknown error occurred.":["An unknown error occurred while connecting to Vault. Please try again."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue."],"Debug Information":["Debug Information"],"Show debug":["Show debug"],"View Data":["View Data"],"Other":["Other"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information."],"Logging":["Logging"],"(IP logging level)":["(IP logging level)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"],"View Redirect":["View Redirect"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Group by user agent"],"Search domain":["Search domain"],"Redirect By":["Redirect By"],"Domain":["Domain"],"Method":["Method"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Something went wrong when installing Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Apply To All"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Bulk Actions (all)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Actions applied to all selected items"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Actions applied to everything that matches current filter"],"Redirect Source":["Redirect Source"],"Request Headers":["Request Headers"],"Exclude from logs":["Exclude from logs"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Relocate to domain"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings."],"Relocate Site":["Relocate Site"],"Add CORS Presets":["Add CORS Presets"],"Add Security Presets":["Add Security Presets"],"Add Header":["Add Header"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Preferred domain"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Canonical Settings"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Add Alias"],"No aliases":["No aliases"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Aliased Domain"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin."],"Site Aliases":["Site Aliases"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects."],"Need to search and replace?":["Need to search and replace?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes."],"Please wait, importing.":["Please wait, importing."],"Continue":["Continue"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["The following plugins have been detected."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Import Existing Redirects"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page."],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Pre-defined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go Back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try Again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Delete logs for these entries"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Delete logs for this entry"],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["Unable to load Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Bin"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1s, you are using v%2s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorized"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s items","%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.281Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-es_CO.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ha habido un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indicar que has proporcionado datos que no cumplen con los requisitos o que plugin ha enviado una solicitud errónea."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. Es casi seguro que es un problema de un plugin externo o de la configuración del servidor."],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Reubicar a dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Reubicar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtiene información detallada sobre el visitante y corrige cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar este elemento?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Apoya el plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"HTTP code":["Código HTTP"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.294Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ha habido un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indicar que has proporcionado datos que no cumplen con los requisitos o que plugin ha enviado una solicitud errónea."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. Es casi seguro que es un problema de un plugin externo o de la configuración del servidor."],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Reubicar a dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Reubicar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtiene información detallada sobre el visitante y corrige cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar este elemento?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Apoya el plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"HTTP code":["Código HTTP"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.286Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-es_EC.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ocurrió un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indciar que has facilitado datos que no coinciden con los requisitos, o que plugin envió una mala solicitud."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. esto es casi con certeza debido a un problema con un plugin externo o con la configuración del servidor. "],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Reubicar a dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Reubicar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(tipo)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtener información detallada sobre el visitante y corregir cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar este elemento?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Soporte del plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"HTTP code":["Código HTTP"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.302Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ocurrió un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indciar que has facilitado datos que no coinciden con los requisitos, o que plugin envió una mala solicitud."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. esto es casi con certeza debido a un problema con un plugin externo o con la configuración del servidor. "],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Reubicar a dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Reubicar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(tipo)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtener información detallada sobre el visitante y corregir cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar este elemento?","¿Seguro que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Soporte del plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer aciertos"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"HTTP code":["Código HTTP"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-29T06:51:08.294Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
locale/json/redirection-es_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ha habido un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indicar que has proporcionado datos que no cumplen con los requisitos o que plugin ha enviado una solicitud errónea."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. Es casi seguro que es un problema de un plugin externo o de la configuración del servidor."],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Trasladar al dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Trasladar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtiene información detallada sobre el visitante y corrige cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este elemento?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar estos elementos?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Apoya el plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer visitas"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Visitas"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"User Agent":["Agente usuario HTTP"],"URL and user agent":["URL y cliente de usuario (user agent)"],"Target URL":["URL de destino"],"URL only":["Sólo URL"],"HTTP code":["Código HTTP"],"Regex":["Expresión regular"],"Referrer":["Referente"],"URL and referrer":["URL y referente"],"Logged Out":["Desconectado"],"Logged In":["Conectado"],"URL and login status":["Estado de URL y conexión"]}},"translation-revision-date":"2022-07-21T09:03:39.308Z","source":"redirection","domain":"redirection","generator":"Redirection"}
+ {"locale_data":{"redirection":{"":{"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":["Tus páginas de administración están en caché. Vacía esta caché e inténtalo de nuevo. Puede haber varias cachés."],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":["Esto normalmente se corrige haciendo algo de lo siguiente:"],"You are using an old or cached session":["Estás usando una sesión antigua o en caché"],"Please review your data and try again.":["Por favor, revisa tus datos e inténtalo de nuevo."],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":["Ha habido un problema al hacer una solicitud a tu sitio. Esto podría indicar que has proporcionado datos que no cumplen con los requisitos o que plugin ha enviado una solicitud errónea."],"Bad data":["Datos malos"],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":["WordPress devolvió un mensaje inesperado. Esto podría deberse a un error de PHP de otro plugin, o a datos insertados por tu tema."],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":["Tu API REST de WordPress se ha desactivado. Tendrías que activarla para continuar."],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ocurrió un error desconocido."],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":["Tu API REST está siendo redirigida. Por favor, elimina la redirección de la API."],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":["Un plugin de seguridad o un cortafuegos está bloqueando el acceso. Tendrías que poner en lista blanca la API REST."],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":["La configuración de tu servidor está bloqueando el acceso a la API REST. Tendrías que corregir esto."],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":["Comprueba la {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y corrige cualquier problema."],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":["¿Puedes acceder a tu {{api}}API REST{{/api}} sin redireccionar? En caso contrario tendrías que corregir los errores."],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":["Tu API REST está devolviendo una página 404. Es casi seguro que es un problema de un plugin externo o de la configuración del servidor."],"Debug Information":["Información de depuración"],"Show debug":["Mostrar depuración"],"View Data":["Ver datos"],"Other":["Otros"],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":["Redirection no almacerna ninguna información que identifique a los usuarios que no esté configurada arriba. Es tu responsabildiad asegurar que el sitio reune cualquier {{link}}requisito de privacidad{{/link}} aplicable."],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":["Captura la información de la cabecera HTTP con registros (excepto cookies). Puede incluir información de usuarios, y podría aumentar el tamaño de tu registro."],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":["Seguimento de visitas a redirecciones y fecha del último acceso. No contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":["Registra redirecciones «externas» - las que no son de Redirection. Esto puede aumentar el tamaño de tu registro y no contiene ninguna información de usuarios."],"Logging":["Registro"],"(IP logging level)":["(Nivel de registro de IPs)"],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":["¿Seguro que deseas borrar los elementos seleccionados?"],"View Redirect":["Ver redirección"],"RSS":["RSS"],"Group by user agent":["Agrupar por agente de usuario"],"Search domain":["Buscar dominio"],"Redirect By":["Redirección mediante"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Method":["Método"],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":["Si eso no ayuda entonces {{strong}}crea un informe de problemas{{/strong}} o envíalo en un {{strong}}correo electrónico{{/strong}}."],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}sitio de soporte{{/link}} antes de seguir adelante."],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la actualización de Redirection."],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":["Algo fue mal durante la instalación de Redirection."],"Apply To All":["Aplicar a todo"],"Bulk Actions (all)":["Acciones en lote (todo)"],"Actions applied to all selected items":["Acciones aplicadas a todos los elementos seleccionados"],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":["Acciones aplicadas a todo lo que coincida con el filtro actual"],"Redirect Source":["Origen de la redirección"],"Request Headers":["Cabeceras de la solicitud"],"Exclude from logs":["Excluir de los registros"],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":["No se puede conectar al servidor para determinar el estado de la redirección."],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":["Tu URL está en caché y puede que tengas que vaciar la caché."],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":["Algo que no es Redirection está redirigiendo esta URL."],"Relocate to domain":["Trasladar al dominio"],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":["¿Quieres redirigir todo el sitio? Introduce un dominio para redirigir todo, excepto el acceso a WordPress y la administración. Al activar esta opción se desactivará cualquier alias de sitio o ajustes canónicos."],"Relocate Site":["Trasladar el sitio"],"Add CORS Presets":["Añadir preajustes CORS"],"Add Security Presets":["Añadir preajustes de seguridad"],"Add Header":["Añadir cabecera"],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Deberías actualizar la URL de tu sitio para que coincida con tus ajustes de la canónica: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Preferred domain":["Dominio preferido"],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":["{{strong}}Advertencia{{/strong}}: asegúrate de que tu HTTPS está funcionando antes de forzar una redirección."],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":["Forzar una redirección de HTTP a HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}"],"Canonical Settings":["Ajustes canónicos"],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":["Añadir www al dominio - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}"],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["Eliminar www del dominio - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":["No establecer un dominio preferido - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}"],"Add Alias":["Añadir alias"],"No aliases":["Sin alias"],"Alias":["Alias"],"Aliased Domain":["Dominio con alias"],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":["Necesitarás configurar tu sistema (DNS y servidor) para pasar solicitudes de estos dominios a esta instalación de WordPress."],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":["Un alias de sitio es otro dominio que deseas redirigir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, un dominio antiguo o un subdominio. Esto redirigirá todas las URL, incluidas las de acceso y administración de WordPress."],"Site Aliases":["Alias ​​del sitio"],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":["El plugin de acompañamiento Search Regex te permite buscar y reemplazar datos en tu sitio. También es compatible con Redirection, y es útil si quieres actualizar por lotes montones de redirecciones."],"Need to search and replace?":["¿Necesitas buscar y reemplazar?"],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":["Las opciones en esta página pueden causar problemas si se usan incorrectamente. Puedes {{link}}desactivarlas temporalmente{{/link}} para realizar cambios."],"Please wait, importing.":["Por favor, espera, importando."],"Continue":["Seguir"],"The following plugins have been detected.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins."],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":["WordPress crea automáticamente redirecciones cuando cambias la URL de una entrada. Importarlas en Redirection te permitirá gestionarlas y supervisarlas."],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":["Importar las redirecciones existentes desde WordPress u otros plugins es un buen modo de empezar con Redirection. Revisa cada conjunto de redirecciones que desees importar."],"Import Existing Redirects":["Importar redirecciones existentes"],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":["¡Eso es todo - ahora estás redirigiendo! Ten en cuenta que lo de arriba es solo un ejemplo."],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":["Si deseas redirigir todo, por favor, utiliza una reubicación del sitio o un alias desde la página del sitio."],"Value":["Valor"],"Values":["Valores"],"All":["Todo"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Ten en cuenta que tu servidor establece algunas cabeceras HTTP que no se pueden cambiar."],"No headers":["Sin cabeceras"],"Header":["Cabecera"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Las cabeceras del sitio se añaden a todo el sitio, incluyendo las redirecciones. Las cabeceras de redirección solo se añaden a las redirecciones."],"HTTP Headers":["Cabeceras HTTP"],"Custom Header":["Cabecera personalizada"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirigir"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Algunos servidores pueden configurarse para servir recursos de archivos directamente, evitando que se produzca una redirección."],"Site":["Sitio"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["No se puede realizar la solicitud debido a la seguridad del navegador. Esto suele ocurrir porque los ajustes de WordPress y de la URL del sitio son inconsistentes o la política de intercambio de recursos de origen cruzado («CORS») de tu sitio ha bloqueado la solicitud."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignorar y pasar la consulta"],"Ignore Query":["Ignorar la consulta"],"Exact Query":["Consulta exacta"],"Search title":["Buscar título"],"Not accessed in last year":["No se ha accedido en el último año"],"Not accessed in last month":["No se ha accedido en el último mes"],"Never accessed":["No se ha accedido nunca"],"Last Accessed":["Último acceso"],"HTTP Status Code":["Código HTTP de estado"],"Plain":["Plano"],"URL match":["Coincidencia de URL"],"Source":["Fuente"],"Code":["Código"],"Action Type":["Tipo de acción"],"Match Type":["Tipo de coincidencia"],"Search target URL":["Buscar URL de destino"],"Search IP":["Buscar IP"],"Search user agent":["Buscar agente de usuario"],"Search referrer":["Buscar remitente"],"Search URL":["Buscar URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filtrar en: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Desactivada"],"Enabled":["Activada"],"Compact Display":["Vista compacta"],"Standard Display":["Vista estándar"],"Status":["Estado"],"Pre-defined":["Predefinido"],"Custom Display":["Vista personalizada"],"Display All":["Mostrar todo"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Tu URL parece que continene un dominio dentro de la ruta: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. ¿Querías usar {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} en su lugar?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Lista de idiomas, separados por comas, con los que coincidir (por ejemplo, es_ES)"],"Language":["Idioma"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Tiempo de espera de la puerta de enlace agotado"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Servicio no disponible"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Puerta de enlace incorrecta"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - No implementado"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Error interno del servidor"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - No disponible por motivos legales"],"URL and language":["URL e idioma"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Sal, vacía la caché de tu navegador y vuelve a acceder - tu navegador ha guardado en la caché una sesión antigua."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Recarga la página - tu sesión actual es antigua."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["Se ha detectado un bucle y la actualización se ha detenido. Normalmente, esto indica que {{support}}tu sitio está almacenado en la caché{{/support}} y los cambios en la base de datos no se están guardando."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["No ha sido posible guardar el archivo .htaccess"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["La redirecciones añadidas a un grupo de Apache se puede guardar a un fichero {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} añadiendo aquí la ruta completa. Para tu referencia, tu instalación de WordPress está en {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «Completar la actualización» cuando hayas acabado."],"Automatic Install":["Instalación automática"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Tu dirección de destino contiene el carácter no válido {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["Si estás usando WordPress 5.2 o superior, mira en tu {{link}}salud del sitio{{/link}} y resuelve los problemas."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["Si no completas la instalación manual volverás aquí."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Haz clic en «¡Terminado! 🎉» cuando hayas acabado."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["Tu sitio necesita permisos especiales para la base de datos. También lo puedes hacer tú mismo ejecutando el siguiente SQL."],"Manual Install":["Instalación manual"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Permisos insuficientes para la base de datos detectados. Proporciónale a tu usuario de base de datos los permisos necesarios."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["Esta información se proporciona con propósitos de depuración. Ten cuidado al hacer cambios."],"Plugin Debug":["Depuración del plugin"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection se comunica con WordPress a través de la REST API de WordPress. Este es un componente estándar de WordPress, y tendrás problemas si no puedes usarla."],"IP Headers":["Cabeceras IP"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["¡No lo cambies a menos que te lo indiquen!"],"Database version":["Versión de base de datos"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Datos completos (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Exporta a CSV, .htaccess de Apache, Nginx o JSON de Redirection. El formato JSON contiene información completa, y otros formatos contienen información parcial apropiada para el formato."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["El CSV no incluye toda la información, y todo se importa/exporta como coincidencias de «Sólo URL». Usa el formato JSON para obtener un conjunto completo de datos."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["Todas las importaciones se adjuntarán a la base de datos actual; nada se combina."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Actualización automática"],"Manual Upgrade":["Actualización manual"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Por favor, haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos de Redirection: {{download}}descargando una copia de seguridad{{/download}}. Si experimentas algún problema puedes importarlo de vuelta a Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Haz clic en el botón «Actualizar base de datos» para actualizar automáticamente la base de datos."],"Complete Upgrade":["Completar la actualización"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection almacena datos en tu base de datos y a veces es necesario actualizarla. Tu base de datos está en la versión {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} y la última es {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Ten en cuenta que necesitarás establecer la ruta del módulo de Apache en tus opciones de Redirection."],"I need support!":["¡Necesito ayuda!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["Necesitarás al menos una API REST funcionando para continuar."],"Check Again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Testing - %s$":["Comprobando - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Mostrar problemas"],"Summary":["Resumen"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Tu REST API no funciona y el plugin no podrá continuar hasta que esto se arregle."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["Hay algunos problemas para conectarse a tu REST API. No es necesario solucionar estos problemas y el plugin puede funcionar."],"Unavailable":["No disponible"],"Working but some issues":["Funciona pero con algunos problemas"],"Current API":["API actual"],"Switch to this API":["Cambiar a esta API"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Show Full":["Mostrar completo"],"Working!":["¡Trabajando!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Tu URL de destino debería ser una URL absoluta como {{code}}{{/code}} o comenzar con una barra inclinada {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Tu fuente es la misma que la de destino, y esto creará un bucle. Deja el destino en blanco si no quieres tomar medidas."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["La URL de destino que quieres redirigir o autocompletar automáticamente en el nombre de la publicación o enlace permanente."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Incluye estos detalles en tu informe junto con una descripción de lo que estabas haciendo y una captura de pantalla."],"Create An Issue":["Crear una incidencia"],"What do I do next?":["¿Qué hago a continuación?"],"Possible cause":["Posible causa"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["Esto podría ser un plugin de seguridad, o que tu servidor está sin memoria o que exista un error externo. Por favor, comprueba el registro de errores de tu servidor"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Es probable que tu REST API esté siendo bloqueada por un plugin de seguridad. Por favor, desactívalo o configúralo para permitir solicitudes de la REST API."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Lee esta guía de la REST API para más información."],"URL options / Regex":["Opciones de URL / Regex"],"Export 404":["Exportar 404"],"Export redirect":["Exportar redirecciones"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["Las estructuras de enlaces permanentes de WordPress no funcionan en URLs normales. Por favor, utiliza una expresión regular."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pasar - como ignorar, pero también copia los parámetros de consulta al destino"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignorar - como la coincidencia exacta, pero ignora cualquier parámetro de consulta que no esté en tu origen"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Coincidencia exacta - coincide exactamente con los parámetros de consulta definidos en tu origen, en cualquier orden"],"Default query matching":["Coincidencia de consulta por defecto"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignora barras invertidas (p.ej. {{code}}/entrada-alucinante/{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Sin coincidencia de mayúsculas/minúsculas (p.ej. {{code}}/Entrada-Alucinante{{/code}} coincidirá con {{code}}/entrada-alucinante{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Se aplica a todas las redirecciones a menos que las configures de otro modo."],"Default URL settings":["Ajustes de URL por defecto"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignora y pasa todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignora todos los parámetros de consulta"],"Exact match":["Coincidencia exacta"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Software de caché (p. ej. Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["Un plugin de seguridad (p. ej. Wordfence)"],"URL options":["Opciones de URL"],"Query Parameters":["Parámetros de consulta"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignorar y pasar parámetros al destino"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignorar todos los parámetros"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Coincidencia exacta de todos los parámetros en cualquier orden"],"Ignore Case":["Ignorar mayúsculas/minúsculas"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignorar barra inclinada"],"Relative REST API":["API REST relativa"],"Raw REST API":["API REST completa"],"Default REST API":["API REST por defecto"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de destino es la nueva URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Ejemplo) La URL de origen es tu URL antigua u original"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["¡Desactivado! Detectado PHP %1$s, se necesita PHP %2$s o superior"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["Hay una actualización de la base de datos en marcha. Por favor, continua para terminar."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - <a href=\"%1$1s\">click to update</a>.":["Hay que actualizar la base de datos de Redirection - <a href=\"%1$1s\">haz clic para actualizar</a>."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["La base de datos de Redirection necesita actualizarse"],"Upgrade Required":["Actualización necesaria"],"Finish Setup":["Finalizar configuración"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["Tienes diferentes URLs configuradas en tu página ajustes de WordPress > General, lo que normalmente es una indicación de una mala configuración, y puede causar problemas con la API REST. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["Si tienes algún problema, por favor consulta la documentación de tu plugin, o intenta contactar con el soporte de tu alojamiento. Esto es normalmente {{link}}no suele ser un problema causado por Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Algún otro plugin que bloquea la API REST"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["Un cortafuegos del servidor u otra configuración del servidor (p.ej. OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection utiliza la {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} para comunicarse con WordPress. Esto está activado y funciona de forma predeterminada. A veces la API REST está bloqueada por:"],"Go back":["Volver"],"Continue Setup":["Continuar la configuración"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["El almacenamiento de la dirección IP te permite realizar acciones de registro adicionales. Ten en cuenta que tendrás que cumplir con las leyes locales relativas a la recopilación de datos (por ejemplo, RGPD)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Almacenar información de IPs de las redirecciones y errores 404."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Almacena registros de redirecciones y 404s te permitirá ver lo que está pasando en tu sitio. Esto aumentará los requisitos de almacenamiento de la base de datos."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Guardar un registro de todas las redirecciones y errores 404."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Leer más sobre esto.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["Si cambias el enlace permanente en una entrada o página, entonces Redirection puede crear automáticamente una redirección para ti."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Supervisar los cambios de los enlaces permanentes en las entradas y páginas de WordPress"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["Estas son algunas de las opciones que puedes activar ahora. Se pueden cambiar en cualquier momento."],"Basic Setup":["Configuración básica"],"Start Setup":["Iniciar configuración"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["Cuando estés listo, pulsa el botón para continuar."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["Primero se te harán algunas preguntas, y luego Redirection configurará tu base de datos."],"What's next?":["¿Cuáles son las novedades?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Comprueba si una URL está siendo redirigida"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["Coincidencia de URLs más potente, incluidas las expresiones {{regular}}regulares {{/regular}}, y {{other}} otras condiciones{{{/other}}."],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Importar{{/link}} desde .htaccess, CSV, y una gran variedad de otros plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Supervisar errores 404{{/link}}, obtiene información detallada sobre el visitante y corrige cualquier problema"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Algunas de las características que puedes encontrar útiles son"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["La documentación completa la puedes encontrar en la {{link}}web de Redirection{{/link}}."],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["Una redirección simple implica configurar una {{strong}}URL de origen{{/strong}} (la URL antigua) y una {{strong}}URL de destino{{/strong}} (la nueva URL). Aquí tienes un ejemplo:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["¿Cómo utilizo este plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection está diseñado para utilizarse desde sitios con unos pocos redirecciones a sitios con miles de redirecciones."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Gracias por instalar y usar Redirection v%(version)s. Este plugin te permitirá gestionar redirecciones 301, realizar un seguimiento de los errores 404, y mejorar tu sitio, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de Apache o Nginx."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Bienvenido a Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["Para evitar una expresión regular ambiciosa, puedes utilizar un {{code}}^{{/code}} para anclarla al inicio de la URL. Por ejemplo: {{code}}%(ejemplo)s{{/code}}."],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Recuerda activar la opción «regex» si se trata de una expresión regular."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["La URL de origen probablemente debería comenzar con un {{code}}/{{/code}}."],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["Esto se convertirá en una redirección de servidor para el dominio {{code}}%(server)s{{{/code}}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Los valores de anclaje no se envían al servidor y no pueden ser redirigidos."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["¡Terminado! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progreso: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Salir antes de que el proceso haya terminado puede causar problemas."],"Setting up Redirection":["Configurando Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Actualizando Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Por favor, permanece en esta página hasta que se complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["Si quieres {{support}}solicitar ayuda{{/support}}por favor, incluye estos detalles:"],"Stop upgrade":["Parar actualización"],"Skip this stage":["Saltarse esta etapa"],"Try again":["Intentarlo de nuevo"],"Database problem":["Problema en la base de datos"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Por favor, activa JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Por favor, actualiza tu base de datos"],"Upgrade Database":["Actualizar base de datos"],"Please complete your <a href=\"%s\">Redirection setup</a> to activate the plugin.":["Por favor, completa tu <a href=\"%s\">configuración de Redirection</a> para activar el plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Tu base de datos no necesita actualizarse a %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["La tabla \"%s\" no existe"],"Create basic data":["Crear datos básicos"],"Install Redirection tables":["Instalar tablas de Redirection"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["La URL del sitio y de inicio no son consistentes. Por favor, corrígelo en tu página de Ajustes > Generales: %1$1s no es igual a %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Por favor, no intentes redirigir todos tus 404s - no es una buena idea."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["De momento solo es compatible con el tipo 404 de página de error."],"Page Type":["Tipo de página"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Introduce direcciones IP (una por línea)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe la finalidad de esta redirección (opcional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - Soy una tetera"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Prohibido"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Mala petición"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - No modificada"],"303 - See Other":["303 - Ver otra"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["No hacer nada (ignorar)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando no coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["URL de destino cuando coinciden (vacío para ignorar)"],"Show All":["Mostrar todo"],"Delete logs for these entries":["Borrar los registros de estas entradas"],"Delete logs for this entry":["Borrar los registros de esta entrada"],"Delete Log Entries":["Borrar entradas del registro"],"Group by IP":["Agrupar por IP"],"Group by URL":["Agrupar por URL"],"No grouping":["Sin agrupar"],"Ignore URL":["Ignorar URL"],"Block IP":["Bloquear IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirigir todo"],"Count":["Contador"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL y tipo de página de WordPress"],"URL and IP":["URL e IP"],"Problem":["Problema"],"Good":["Bueno"],"Check":["Comprobar"],"Check Redirect":["Comprobar la redirección"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Comprobar la redirección para: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["No uso la redirección"],"Using Redirection":["Usando la redirección"],"Found":["Encontrado"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} a {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Esperado"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Introduce la URL completa, incluyendo http:// o https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["A veces, tu navegador puede almacenar en caché una URL, lo que dificulta saber si está funcionando como se esperaba. Usa esto para verificar una URL para ver cómo está redirigiendo realmente."],"Redirect Tester":["Probar redirecciones"],"Target":["Destino"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["La URL no está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["La URL está siendo redirigida por Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["No se han podido cargar los detalles"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Escribe la URL del servidor que comprobar"],"Server":["Servidor"],"Enter role or capability value":["Escribe el valor de perfil o capacidad"],"Role":["Perfil"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Comparar contra el texto de referencia de este navegador"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Comparar contra el agente usuario de este navegador"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["La URL relativa desde la que quieres redirigir"],"Add New":["Añadir nueva"],"URL and role/capability":["URL y perfil/capacidad"],"URL and server":["URL y servidor"],"Site and home protocol":["Protocolo de portada y el sitio"],"Site and home are consistent":["Portada y sitio son consistentes"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Date cuenta de que es tu responsabilidad pasar las cabeceras HTTP a PHP. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para obtener soporte sobre esto."],"Accept Language":["Aceptar idioma"],"Header value":["Valor de cabecera"],"Header name":["Nombre de cabecera"],"HTTP Header":["Cabecera HTTP"],"WordPress filter name":["Nombre del filtro WordPress"],"Filter Name":["Nombre del filtro"],"Cookie value":["Valor de la cookie"],"Cookie name":["Nombre de la cookie"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["vaciando tu caché."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["Si estás usando un sistema de caché como Cloudflare entonces, por favor, lee esto:"],"URL and HTTP header":["URL y cabecera HTTP"],"URL and custom filter":["URL y filtro personalizado"],"URL and cookie":["URL y cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 borrado"],"REST API":["API REST"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["Cómo utiliza Redirection la REST API - no cambiar a no ser que sea necesario"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Por favor, echa un vistazo al {{link}}estado del plugin{{/link}}. Podría ser capaz de identificar y resolver \"mágicamente\" el problema."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Un software de caché{{/link}}, en particular Cloudflare, podría cachear lo que no debería. Prueba a borrar todas tus cachés."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Por favor, ¡desactiva temporalmente otros plugins!{{/link}} Esto arregla muchos problemas."],"Please see the <a href=\"\">list of common problems</a>.":["Por favor, consulta la <a href=\"\">lista de problemas habituales</a>."],"Unable to load Redirection ☹️":["No se puede cargar Redirection ☹️"],"WordPress REST API":["REST API de WordPress"],"Useragent Error":["Error de agente de usuario"],"Unknown Useragent":["Agente de usuario desconocido"],"Device":["Dispositivo"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Browser":["Navegador"],"Engine":["Motor"],"Useragent":["Agente de usuario"],"Agent":["Agente"],"No IP logging":["Sin registro de IP"],"Full IP logging":["Registro completo de IP"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonimizar IP (enmascarar la última parte)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Supervisar cambios de %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["Registro de IP"],"Geo Info":["Información de geolocalización"],"Agent Info":["Información de agente"],"Filter by IP":["Filtrar por IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Error de geolocalización de IP"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Algo ha ido mal obteniendo esta información"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["Esta es una IP de una red privada. Significa que se encuentra dentro de una casa o red de empresa y no se puede mostrar más información."],"No details are known for this address.":["No se conoce ningún detalle para esta dirección."],"Geo IP":["Geolocalización de IP"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Area":["Área"],"Timezone":["Zona horaria"],"Geo Location":["Geolocalización"],"Powered by {{link}}{{/link}}":["Funciona gracias a {{link}}{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Papelera"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Ten en cuenta que Redirection requiere que la API REST de WordPress esté activada. Si la has desactivado, no podrás usar Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a> support site.":["Puedes encontrar la documentación completa sobre el uso de Redirection en el sitio de soporte <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"></a>."],"":[""],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["La documentación completa de Redirection está en {{site}}{{/site}}. Si tienes algún problema, por favor revisa primero las {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}}."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["Si quieres informar de un fallo, por favor lee la guía {{report}}Informando de fallos{{/report}}"],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["Si quieres enviar información y no quieres que se incluya en un repositorio público, envíala directamente por {{email}}correo electrónico{{/email}} - ¡incluye toda la información que puedas!"],"Never cache":["No cachear nunca"],"An hour":["Una hora"],"Redirect Cache":["Redireccionar caché"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["Cuánto tiempo cachear URLs con redirección 301 (mediante la cabecera HTTP \"Expires\")"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["¿Estás seguro de querer importar de %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Importadores de plugins"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["Se han detectado los siguientes plugins de redirección en tu sitio y se puede importar desde ellos."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requiere WordPress v%1$1s, estás usando v%2$2s - por favor, actualiza tu WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["\"Viejos slugs\" por defecto de WordPress"],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Crea una redirección asociada (añadida al final de la URL)"],"<code>Redirectioni10n</code> is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["<code>Redirectioni10n</code> no está definido. Esto normalmente significa que otro plugin está impidiendo que cargue Redirection. Por favor, desactiva todos los plugins e inténtalo de nuevo."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["Si no funciona el botón mágico entonces deberías leer el error y ver si puedes arreglarlo manualmente, o sino seguir la sección 'Necesito ayuda' de abajo."],"⚡️ Magic fix ⚡️":["⚡️ Arreglo mágico ⚡️"],"Plugin Status":["Estado del plugin"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"Feed Readers":["Lectores de feeds"],"Libraries":["Bibliotecas"],"URL Monitor Changes":["Supervisar cambios de URL"],"Save changes to this group":["Guardar los cambios de este grupo"],"For example \"/amp\"":["Por ejemplo \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["Supervisar URL"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":["Tu servidor rechazó la petición por ser demasiado grande. Necesitarás volver a configurarla para continuar."],"Also check if your browser is able to load <code>redirection.js</code>:":["También comprueba si tu navegador puede cargar <code>redirection.js</code>:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["Si estás usando un plugin o servicio (CloudFlare, OVH, etc.) de caché de página entonces también puedes probar a vaciar la caché."],"Unable to load Redirection":["No ha sido posible cargar Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas es válido"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["El grupo de supervisión de entradas no es válido"],"Post monitor group":["Grupo de supervisión de entradas"],"All redirects have a valid group":["Todas las redirecciones tienen un grupo válido"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Detectadas redirecciones con grupos no válidos"],"Valid redirect group":["Grupo de redirección válido"],"Valid groups detected":["Detectados grupos válidos"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No hay grupos válidos, así que no podrás crear redirecciones"],"Valid groups":["Grupos válidos"],"Database tables":["Tablas de la base de datos"],"The following tables are missing:":["Faltan las siguientes tablas:"],"All tables present":["Están presentes todas las tablas"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Detectada caché de Redirection"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página"],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress no ha devuelto una respuesta. Esto podría significar que ocurrió un error o que la petición se bloqueó. Por favor, revisa el error_log de tu servidor."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["Si crees que es un fallo de Redirection entonces envía un aviso de problema."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["Esto podría estar provocado por otro plugin - revisa la consola de errores de tu navegador para más detalles."],"Loading, please wait...":["Cargando, por favor espera…"],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}formato de archivo CSV{{/strong}}: {{code}}URL de origen, URL de destino{{/code}} - y puede añadirse opcionalmente {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 para no, 1 para sí)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["La redirección no está funcionando. Trata de vaciar la caché de tu navegador y recarga esta página."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["Si eso no ayuda abre la consola de errores de tu navegador y crea un {{link}}aviso de problema nuevo{{/link}} con los detalles."],"Create Issue":["Crear aviso de problema"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Need help?":["¿Necesitas ayuda?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Por favor, date cuenta de que todo soporte se ofrece sobre la base del tiempo disponible y no está garantizado. No ofrezco soporte de pago."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Desaparecido"],"Position":["Posición"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Se usa para generar automáticamente una URL si no se ofrece una URL. Utiliza las etiquetas especiales {{code}}$dec${{/code}} o {{code}}$hex${{/code}} para insertar un ID único insertado"],"I'd like to support some more.":["Me gustaría dar algo más de apoyo."],"Support 💰":["Apoyar 💰"],"Import to group":["Importar a un grupo"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Importa un archivo CSV, .htaccess o JSON."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Haz clic en 'Añadir archivo' o arrastra y suelta aquí."],"Add File":["Añadir archivo"],"File selected":["Archivo seleccionado"],"Importing":["Importando"],"Finished importing":["Importación finalizada"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total de redirecciones importadas:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["¡Vuelve a comprobar que el archivo esté en el formato correcto!"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Everything":["Todo"],"WordPress redirects":["Redirecciones WordPress"],"Apache redirects":["Redirecciones Apache"],"Nginx redirects":["Redirecciones Nginx"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":[".htaccess de Apache"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Reglas de rewrite de Nginx"],"View":["Ver"],"Import/Export":["Importar/Exportar"],"Logs":["Registros"],"404 errors":["Errores 404"],"Redirection saved":["Redirección guardada"],"Log deleted":["Registro borrado"],"Settings saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Group saved":["Grupo guardado"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este elemento?","¿Estás seguro de querer borrar estos elementos?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["Todos los grupos"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Movido permanentemente"],"302 - Found":["302 - Encontrado"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Redirección temporal"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Redirección permanente"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - No autorizado"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - No encontrado"],"Title":["Título"],"When matched":["Cuando coincide"],"with HTTP code":["con el código HTTP"],"Show advanced options":["Mostrar opciones avanzadas"],"Matched Target":["Objetivo coincidente"],"Unmatched Target":["Objetivo no coincidente"],"Saving...":["Guardando…"],"View notice":["Ver aviso"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Algo fue mal 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Entradas del registro (máximo %d)"],"Bulk Actions":["Acciones en lote"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"First page":["Primera página"],"Prev page":["Página anterior"],"Current Page":["Página actual"],"of %(page)s":["de %(page)s"],"Next page":["Página siguiente"],"Last page":["Última página"],"%s item":["%s items","%s elemento","%s elementos"],"Select All":["Elegir todos"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Lo siento, pero algo fue mal al cargar los datos - por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["¡Gracias por suscribirte! {{a}}Haz clic aquí{{/a}} si necesitas volver a tu suscripción."],"Newsletter":["Boletín"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["¿Quieres estar al día de los cambios en Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Regístrate al pequeño boletín de Redirection - un boletín liviano sobre las nuevas funcionalidades y cambios en el plugin. Ideal si quieres probar los cambios de la versión beta antes de su lanzamiento."],"Your email address:":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["Ya has apoyado a este plugin - ¡gracias!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["Tienes un software útil y yo seguiré haciéndolo mejor."],"Forever":["Siempre"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Borrar el plugin - ¿estás seguro?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Al borrar el plugin se eliminarán todas tus redirecciones, registros y ajustes. Haz esto si estás seguro de que quieres borrar el plugin, o si quieres restablecer el plugin. "],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Una vez borres tus redirecciones dejarán de funcionar. Si parece que siguen funcionando entonces, por favor, vacía la caché de tu navegador."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["¡Sí! Borrar el plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["¡No! No borrar el plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Gestiona todas tus redirecciones 301 y supervisa tus errores 404"],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection se puede usar gratis - ¡La vida es maravillosa y encantadora! Sin embargo, ha requerido una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo desarrollarlo y, si te ha sido útil, puedes ayudar a este desarrollo {{strong}}haciendo una pequeña donación{{/strong}}. "],"Redirection Support":["Soporte de Redirection"],"Support":["Soporte"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Registro"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Seleccionando esta opción borrara todas las redirecciones, todos los registros, y cualquier opción asociada con el plugin Redirection. Asegurese que es esto lo que desea hacer."],"Delete Redirection":["Borrar Redirection"],"Upload":["Subir"],"Import":["Importar"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto generar URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["Un token único que permite acceso de los lectores de feeds a los registros RSS de Redirection (déjalo en blanco para que se genere automáticamente)"],"RSS Token":["Token RSS"],"404 Logs":["Registros 404"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(tiempo que se mantendrán los registros)"],"Redirect Logs":["Registros de redirecciones"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["Soy una buena persona y he apoyado al autor de este plugin"],"Plugin Support":["Apoya el plugin"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Two months":["Dos meses"],"A month":["Un mes"],"A week":["Una semana"],"A day":["Un dia"],"No logs":["No hay logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Utiliza grupos para organizar tus redirecciones. Los grupos se asignan a un módulo, lo cual afecta a cómo se realizan las redirecciones en ese grupo. Si no estás seguro entonces utiliza el módulo WordPress."],"Add Group":["Añadir grupo"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Regular Expression":["Expresión regular"],"Match":["Coincidencia"],"Add new redirection":["Añadir nueva redirección"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Download":["Descargar"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pasar directo"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirigir a entrada aleatoria"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirigir a URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["URL de origen"],"Date":["Fecha"],"Add Redirect":["Añadir redirección"],"View Redirects":["Ver redirecciones"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Redirects":["Redirecciones"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Reset hits":["Restablecer visitas"],"Enable":["Activar"],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Last Access":["Último acceso"],"Hits":["Visitas"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Entradas modificadas"],"Redirections":["Redirecciones"],"U