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Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.4.2


Marios Alexandrou

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Releases (9 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.4.2 2012-10-30
  • More fixes to readme file.
1.4.1 2012-10-30
  • Corrected contributor list.
1.4 2012-10-30
  • Tweaked SQL that looks for updated posts / pages.
1.3 2011-08-19
  • Confirm that plugin works fine with WordPress 3.2.1.
1.2 2010-06-09
  • FAQ updates and confirming plugin works with WordPress 2.9.2.
1.1 2010-06-09
1.0.2 2008-12-19
1.0.1 2008-09-04
1.0 2008-09-04