s2Member Framework (Member Roles, Capabilities, Membership, PayPal Members) - Version 3.5.1

Version Description

  • (s2Member). Bug fix. Errors regarding class-autoloader.inc.php / glob(), which were associated with installation servers running NFS ( network file systems ) have been corrected in this release.
  • (s2Member). Bug fix. Errors regarding ws_plugin__s2member_trim_deep() during an upgrade from previous versions of s2Member have been corrected in this release.
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Release Info

Developer PriMoThemes
Plugin Icon 128x128 s2Member Framework (Member Roles, Capabilities, Membership, PayPal Members)
Version 3.5.1
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See all releases

Code changes from version 3.5 to 3.5.1

includes/functions/class-autoloader.inc.php CHANGED
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if (!function_exists ("ws_plugin__s2member_classes")) /* Already exists? */
  $c = (!isset ($c)) ? dirname (dirname (__FILE__)) . "/classes" : $c; /* Configures location of classes. */
- $class_dirs = (!isset ($class_dirs)) ? array_merge (array ($c), _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_glob_dirs_r ($c)) : $class_dirs;
  if (strpos ($class, "c_ws_plugin__s2member_") === 0 && strpos ($class, "c_ws_plugin__s2member_pro_") === false)
@@ -45,10 +45,13 @@ if (!function_exists ("ws_plugin__s2member_classes")) /* Already exists? */
- function _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_glob_dirs_r ($starting_dir = FALSE, $pattern = "*")
- foreach (($dirs = glob ($starting_dir . "/" . $pattern, GLOB_ONLYDIR)) as $dir)
- $dirs = array_merge ($dirs, _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_glob_dirs_r ($dir, $pattern));
  return $dirs; /* Return array of all directories. */
  $c = (!isset ($c)) ? dirname (dirname (__FILE__)) . "/classes" : $c; /* Configures location of classes. */
+ $class_dirs = (!isset ($class_dirs)) ? array_merge (array ($c), _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_scan_dirs_r ($c)) : $class_dirs;
  if (strpos ($class, "c_ws_plugin__s2member_") === 0 && strpos ($class, "c_ws_plugin__s2member_pro_") === false)
+ function _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_scan_dirs_r ($starting_dir = FALSE)
+ $dirs = array (); /* Initialize dirs array. */
+ /**/
+ foreach (scandir ($starting_dir) as $dir) /* Scan this directory. */
+ if ($dir !== "." && $dir !== ".." && is_dir ($dir = $starting_dir . "/" . $dir))
+ $dirs = array_merge ($dirs, array ($dir), _ws_plugin__s2member_classes_scan_dirs_r ($dir));
  return $dirs; /* Return array of all directories. */
includes/functions/deprecated.inc.php CHANGED
@@ -27,4 +27,21 @@ function ws_plugin__s2member_deactivate () /* Call class. */
  return c_ws_plugin__s2member_installation::deactivate ();
  return c_ws_plugin__s2member_installation::deactivate ();
+ /*
+ These functions are needed by the s2Member Pro upgrader prior to v1.5.
+ */
+ function ws_plugin__s2member_trim_deep ($data = FALSE)
+ {
+ return c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::trim_deep ($data);
+ }
+ /**/
+ function ws_plugin__s2member_remote ($url = FALSE, $post_vars = FALSE, $args = array ())
+ {
+ return c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_urls::remote ($url, $post_vars, $args);
+ }
+ /**/
+ function ws_plugin__s2member_enqueue_admin_notice ($notice = FALSE, $on_pages = FALSE, $error = FALSE, $time = FALSE, $dismiss = FALSE)
+ {
+ return c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice ($notice, $on_pages, $error, $time, $dismiss);
+ }
readme.txt CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  === s2Member ( Membership w/ PayPal® ) ===
- Version: 3.5
- Stable tag: 3.5
  Framework: WS-P-3.1
  SSL Compatible: yes
@@ -169,11 +169,15 @@ Yes and no. We've left this feature out of the plugin intentionally, because man
  == Upgrade Notice ==
- = 3.5+ =
  * Upgrade highly recommended. Many new features, WordPress® 3.1 compatible, speed optimizations, and several bug fixes.
  == Changelog ==
  = 3.5 =
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). WordPress® 3.1.** Updated for full compatibility with WordPress® 3.1 ( s2Member also remains compatible with the WordPress® 3.0.x series ).
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Speed Optimizations.** s2Member's entire codebase has been re-organized into PHP classes containing s2Member's static functions ( dev note: all of s2Member's Hooks/Filters remain as they were ). This new infrastructure allows s2Member to take full advantage of PHP's built-in [SPL Autoload](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php) extension. This means s2Member's source code is loaded ( only on-demand ) as function calls are made within core routines. So instead of loading s2Member's entire codebase into WordPress®; only the objects/methods needed during the processing of particular page will be included. Long story short, this release of s2Member is much faster than previous versions. For advanced site owners, this will make it more feasible to run s2Member in concert many other plugins; even on shared hosting.
@@ -195,39 +199,42 @@ Yes and no. We've left this feature out of the plugin intentionally, because man
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Compatibility.** s2Member now precedes all of its calls to these two functions with an @ sign ( `@ini_get` and `@ini_set` ). This suppresses errors generated by PHP whenever these functions are disabled on the installation server. This is a very minor issue, as most hosting companies DO allow these functions to be called through PHP. At any rate, the preceding @ sign now puts s2Member inline with WordPress® standards in this regard.
  * **(s2Member). WP 3.1 Compatibility.** When "Redirect Members away from the Default Profile Panel?" is set to ( <code>Yes</code> ), s2Member will take an initiative to further safeguard ALL <code>/wp-admin/</code> areas of your installation; not just the Default Profile Panel. Also, starting with WordPress® 3.1+, setting this to ( <code>Yes</code> ) tells s2Member to dynamically modify links/titles in the new Admin Bar that can be enabled on WordPress® 3.1+. s2Member will force links to your Login Welcome Page instead of the Default Profile Panel; and Dashboard links are removed for non-Admin accounts ( as they should be ).
  * **(s2Member). New feature.** It is now possible to delete/reset IP Restrictions ( i.e. temporary bans ) caused by a security breach in your configuration of s2Member's IP Restrictions. Some site owners have reported complaints from their Customers about the error `503 / Too Many IP Addresses`. This is not a bug; it is the result of a temporary ban that s2Member imposes automatically; based on your IP Restriction configuration in the General Options panel for s2Member. Improving upon this functionality in s2Member v3.5+, you can now pull up a Users account in your Dashboard and delete/reset temporary bans on a per-User basis; as needed for customer service. For further details, or to delete/reset ALL IP Restrictions at once, please check your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> General Options -> IP Restrictions`.
- * **(s2Member). Multisite bug fix.** When s2Member is installed on a Multisite Network, it is now capable of dealing with centralized Users accounts that are being shared across multiple sites in the Network. In other words, s2Member v3.5+ prevents WordPress® from generating `username/email exists` errors through front-end forms whenever a User that exists on one site attempts to register on another. In order to accomplish this, s2Member v3.5 introduces one additional Multisite patch for your `/wp-includes/ms-functions.php` file, making it possible for WordPress® to add/remove existing User accounts from one site to another (gracefully); just like that which is supported natively in the WordPress® Dashboard already. NOTE: after updating to s2Member v3.5+, please be sure to re-run your Multisite (Config) patches. You will find these patches in your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> Multisite (Config)`. And yes, this is also compatible with WordPress® v3.1.
  * **(s2Member). Multisite auto-patcher.** When running on a Multisite Network with `Automatically Patch WordPress® = yes`, s2Member is now capable of hooking into the automatic upgrade routines for WordPress® so that future updates to the WordPress® core framework will remain synchronized with core patches required by s2Member ( and a notice regarding patches automatically synchronized will be displayed during the core upgrade routine in your Dashboard ). This is ONLY applicable if you're running s2Member on a Multisite Network. For further details, check your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> Multisite (Config)`.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Multisite Blog Farms.** On a Multisite Blog Farm, it is now possible for child Blog Administrators running s2Member Pro to utilize the advanced Import/Export routines provided by the s2Member Pro module.
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New feature.** It is now possible to (ADD) Custom Capabilities through a Subscription Modification Button/Form. By default, a Checkout Button or Form generated by s2Member is designed to set and/or reset a Member's Custom Capabilities to the ones you specify in the Button/Form Code. However, starting with s2Member v3.5+, you can tell s2Member to (ADD) additional Custom Capabilities to any that already exist for a particular Member. This is accomplished on a per Form/Button basis by preceding your comma-delimited list of Custom Capabilities with a (+) sign. For further details on this topic, click the [?] icon next to the Custom Capabilities field in any Button/Form Generator supplied by s2Member.
  * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's data encryption routines have always used a URL-safe version of Base64 Encoding to transfer data; whereby the Base64 padding character `=` is replaced with a URL-safe `.`. This routine has been modified to replace `=` with `~` instead of `.`; making s2Member more compatible with internal WordPress® functions like `site_url()` which refuse to generate URLs containing double `..` occurrences. Backward compatibility for existing data remains intact though; so this change only serves to improve s2Member's compatibility with WordPress®.
  * **(s2Member). New cookie.** s2Member has always used three temporary/encrypted cookies to authenticate a newly paid Customer. Starting with s2Member v3.5, there are now four cookies all together ( `s2member_subscr_gateway`, `s2member_subscr_id`, `s2member_custom`, `s2member_level` ). The new addition is `s2member_subscr_gateway`. The value of this cookie is also stored internally; it's associated with a Customer's Paid Subscr. ID. You can edit the Paid Subscr. Gateway/ID if you'd like. You'll find a drop-down menu on the [Edit] page for each Member.
- * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** The built-in Profile Editing panel for s2Member that resides at `/?s2member_profile=1` contained an extra ( i.e. double ) closing tag for the `form` element. This has been corrected in s2Member v3.5+.
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New feature.** s2Member's Button and Form Generators now provide a customer service tool that allows a site owner to generate Membership Registration Access Links on their own ( if/when needed ). This tool accompanies the Specific Post/Page Link Generation tool that has been a part of previous versions of s2Member. So these tools working together, now make it possible to create Access Links for both types of functionality. Again, these tools are provided for convenience. They are only intended to help site owners with customer service issues; they are NOT a required aspect of s2Member's integration with WordPress®.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** A Pro Form configuration error, `Invalid "rp, rt" attributes.`, was being triggered whenever the Pro Form Attribute `rp` was greater than 1 year; even for Buy Now (BN) transactions. This was NOT the intended behavior, as the 1 year recurring limitation applies only to PayPal® Recurring Profiles, and should NOT have been limiting Buy Now transactions under 5 years. This bug/limitation has been resolved in the latest release. Maximum Subscription length for PayPal® Pro Recurring Profiles is 1 year, and maximum Subscription length for Buy Now transactions is 5 years; or 1 Lifetime also being possible.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** A Pro Form configuration error, `attribute is "D", and "tp" ( Trial Period ) > 7` was corrected. This should have been testing for 365 days instead of 7.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** The AliPay® integration file `alipay-notify.inc.php` was updated to correct an incompatibility issue with AliPay® custom variables. A symptom of this bug was ( no email being received after AliPay® checkout ). This bug has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** The AliPay® integration file `alipay-notify.inc.php` was not exiting with the proper `success` status in its communication with AliPay®. A symptom of this bug was repeated notifications for a single transaction; thereby causing multiple emails to each Customer under the right circumstance. This bug has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5.
- * **(s2Member Pro). New feature.** If you're using Pro Forms with s2Member Pro; particularly if you run a Multisite Blog Farm, you can now set this Constant in your `/wp-config.php` file: `define('S2MEMBER_PRO_AUTO_FORCE_SSL', true);`. This tells s2Member Pro to auto-force SSL on any Post/Page that contains a Pro Form Shortcode. This is useful if you're running a Blog Farm and SSL is already provided/configured for all Site Owners on your Network. Otherwise, the method of using a WordPress® Custom Field `s2member_force_ssl = yes` on a per-Post/Page basis works fine.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro was sometimes processing API Payment Notifications in duplicate for AliPay®, ClickBank®, ccBill®, and Google® Checkout integrations. This has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro was sometimes delivering ClickBank® Customers to a Return-Page with a default POST vars error because of an invalid `proxy_use / ty-email` specification. This has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro Form integration with PayPal's Pro API, was suffering from a minor glitch caused by date/time conflicts between the s2Member installation server ( i.e. your server ) and PayPal's API server. In some rare cases, s2Member was attempting to start new Recurring Profiles in the past ( at least in the eyes of the PayPal® API server ); which could be in a different time zone. s2Member Pro now avoids this potential conflict by padding start dates with 12 hour offsets; making s2Member more reliable in this regard.
- * **(s2Member Pro). Desc attribute change.** The maximum characters allowed in the `desc=""` attribute for Pro Form Shortcodes ( and only for Pro Forms ) is now `100` characters. In previous versions the max length was `127`. This has been lowered to `100` so that s2Member has plenty of room for dynamically generated annotations regarding discounts via coupon codes. FYI: most Payment Gateways impose an upper limit ( e.g. PayPal® = 127 max total ). In other words, s2Member must reduce max characters allowed in the `desc=""` attribute so it has plenty of room for its own annotations.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** When s2Member was running together with BuddyPress, `wp-login.php?redirect_to=` logic implemented by BuddyPress was conflicting with s2Member's handling of `wp-login.php?redirect_to=`, including Login Welcome Page redirection. s2Member v3.5 resolves this BuddyPress conflict by removing all Filters applied by BuddyPress to `login_redirect`; thereby eliminating the conflict all together. This conflict was resolved in favor of s2Member, because s2Member provides a very comprehensive option configuration for this behavior in it's General Options panel.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** s2Member's Alternative View Protection was not working properly when the `All` setting was applied to child/sub Category restrictions. At least, not in the same way that s2Member handles all of its other child Category restrictions. This bug has been corrected in v3.5 so that all child/sub Categories of a protected parent Category are filtered by s2Member's Alternative View Protection when this option is set to `All`.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member's integration with AliPay® was attempting to process duplicate IPN responses from the AliPay® server. Apparently AliPay® finds it necessary to continue prodding the IPN handler multiple times. In order to prevent duplicate processing, s2Member now employs a Transient array of already-processed Notification IDs; allowing it to silently ignore duplicate IPNs ( they will still be logged though, as they should be ).
- * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's handling of protected file delivery through `chunks` has been updated to support the full valid protocol of `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`. This should eliminate any remaining file delivery issues on GoDaddy shared hosting accounts and the like.
- * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's directory locations for `/s2member-files/` and `/s2member-logs/` are now nested into a sub-directory of `/app_data/` ONLY on Windows® servers. This way all files in these directories will be secured from public access in a Windows® environment. On a Windows® server, the `/app_data/` directory name is special. Files within a directory with this special name are automatically protected from public access, without needing to create an `.htaccess` workaround, or use a `web.config` file. In addition, s2Member now makes two WordPress® Filters available ( `ws_plugin__s2member_files_dir` and `ws_plugin__s2member_logs_dir` ) giving developers the ability to move their protected files and/or logs to a custom directory of their choosing; if/when this is needed in special cases.
  * **(s2Member). tinyURLs.** s2Member's limited use of the tinyURL service for shrinking links inserted into email messages has been improved upon in this release. As of s2Member v3.5+, all tinyURLs are now appended with your domain name; making them easier for Customers to read, and improving their overall appearance.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Under certain circumstances, s2Member was generating administrative URLs with `/wp-admin/?page=...` instead of `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=...`. A common symptom of this bug was to see an error in your Dashboard, something like: `You do not have permission to access this page`. This has been resolved in s2Member v3.5+.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Corrected layout issue on s2Member's Multisite (Config) panel. The field for `Level #0 Blogs Allowed` was not being hidden properly under certain circumstances; depending on the Multisite configuration being applied. This has been corrected in s2Member v3.5.
- * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New Hook for Multisite Blog Farm developers.** s2Member now makes a new Hook available; allowing Multisite Blog Farms to prevent the s2Member Pro module from loading on certain child Blogs, or under other special circumstances. You'll find this Hook inside `/s2member/s2member.php` ( `ws_plugin__s2member_load_pro` ).
- * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Multisite Blog Farms.** The dynamic mutation of s2Member's built-in documentation has been updated to provide better ( i.e. more appropriate ) information to Administrators of child Blogs on a Multisite Blog Farm.
- * **(s2Member Pro). Instruction.** Additional instructions have been added to the s2Member Pro panel for PayPal® Pro Forms. This new information includes details regarding workarounds when you do NOT have access to a PayPal® *Pro* account. FYI: It is no longer an *absolute requirement* that a site owner have a PayPal® Pro account; you can still use Pro Forms; as long as you have PayPal® Express Checkout ( which is free ).
- * **(s2Member). Conflict prevention.** s2Member now provides warnings in the Dashboard whenever novice site owners attempt to configure their Login Welcome Page or Membership Options Page as their Home Page ( i.e. static page ) for WordPress®; or as the static Posts Page. These conflict warnings will appear under: `WordPress® -> Reading Options` when/if a configuration conflict arises.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** Some of the new Button Generators for ClickBank®, AliPay®, Google® Checkout were using the JavaScript `escape()` function instead of `encodeURIComponent()`; leaving the possibility for certain characters ( such as `+` signs ) to be misinterpreted when passed through a URL/query string. This bug has been resolved in s2Memeber v3.5+ and s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Upgrader/bug fix.** The automatic upgrader for the s2Member Pro module was inadvertently deleting itself ( sometimes ) whenever an upgrade failed through WordPress® with script memory/timeout errors. This routine has been modified to better handle it's "point of no return" by unzipping the latest distribution into a separate temporary directory. In addition to this change, the update routine now analyzes your server configuration to ensure enough memory is available before the update routine begins. In the event that your installation lacks the memory required ( at least 256M ) to unzip the s2Member Pro module, a warning to that affect will be displayed and you will need to upload the `/s2member-pro/` directory via FTP instead; following instructions in the `/readme.txt` file.
  IMPORTANT: Since previous versions of the automatic updater did NOT include these important enhancements, you may not be able to use the automatic updater in your current version of s2Member Pro. Long story short, we believe the issues HAVE been corrected for "future" releases, but in order to upgrade to this release, you may need to download a copy at s2Member.com and upload it manually via FTP. Full instructions are provided in the `/readme.txt` file, and on the site at s2Member.com.
- * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Documentation.** Documentation updated/improved throughout several areas of s2Member and s2Member Pro.
  = 3.3.2 =
  * Tested against WordPress® 3.0.3. Everything looks good.
  === s2Member ( Membership w/ PayPal® ) ===
+ Version: 3.5.1
+ Stable tag: 3.5.1
  Framework: WS-P-3.1
  SSL Compatible: yes
  == Upgrade Notice ==
+ = 3.5.1+ =
  * Upgrade highly recommended. Many new features, WordPress® 3.1 compatible, speed optimizations, and several bug fixes.
  == Changelog ==
+ = 3.5.1 =
+ * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Errors regarding `class-autoloader.inc.php / glob()`, which were associated with installation servers running NFS ( network file systems ) have been corrected in this release.
+ * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Errors regarding `ws_plugin__s2member_trim_deep()` during an upgrade from previous versions of s2Member have been corrected in this release.
  = 3.5 =
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). WordPress® 3.1.** Updated for full compatibility with WordPress® 3.1 ( s2Member also remains compatible with the WordPress® 3.0.x series ).
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Speed Optimizations.** s2Member's entire codebase has been re-organized into PHP classes containing s2Member's static functions ( dev note: all of s2Member's Hooks/Filters remain as they were ). This new infrastructure allows s2Member to take full advantage of PHP's built-in [SPL Autoload](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php) extension. This means s2Member's source code is loaded ( only on-demand ) as function calls are made within core routines. So instead of loading s2Member's entire codebase into WordPress®; only the objects/methods needed during the processing of particular page will be included. Long story short, this release of s2Member is much faster than previous versions. For advanced site owners, this will make it more feasible to run s2Member in concert many other plugins; even on shared hosting.
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Compatibility.** s2Member now precedes all of its calls to these two functions with an @ sign ( `@ini_get` and `@ini_set` ). This suppresses errors generated by PHP whenever these functions are disabled on the installation server. This is a very minor issue, as most hosting companies DO allow these functions to be called through PHP. At any rate, the preceding @ sign now puts s2Member inline with WordPress® standards in this regard.
  * **(s2Member). WP 3.1 Compatibility.** When "Redirect Members away from the Default Profile Panel?" is set to ( <code>Yes</code> ), s2Member will take an initiative to further safeguard ALL <code>/wp-admin/</code> areas of your installation; not just the Default Profile Panel. Also, starting with WordPress® 3.1+, setting this to ( <code>Yes</code> ) tells s2Member to dynamically modify links/titles in the new Admin Bar that can be enabled on WordPress® 3.1+. s2Member will force links to your Login Welcome Page instead of the Default Profile Panel; and Dashboard links are removed for non-Admin accounts ( as they should be ).
  * **(s2Member). New feature.** It is now possible to delete/reset IP Restrictions ( i.e. temporary bans ) caused by a security breach in your configuration of s2Member's IP Restrictions. Some site owners have reported complaints from their Customers about the error `503 / Too Many IP Addresses`. This is not a bug; it is the result of a temporary ban that s2Member imposes automatically; based on your IP Restriction configuration in the General Options panel for s2Member. Improving upon this functionality in s2Member v3.5+, you can now pull up a Users account in your Dashboard and delete/reset temporary bans on a per-User basis; as needed for customer service. For further details, or to delete/reset ALL IP Restrictions at once, please check your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> General Options -> IP Restrictions`.
  * **(s2Member). Multisite auto-patcher.** When running on a Multisite Network with `Automatically Patch WordPress® = yes`, s2Member is now capable of hooking into the automatic upgrade routines for WordPress® so that future updates to the WordPress® core framework will remain synchronized with core patches required by s2Member ( and a notice regarding patches automatically synchronized will be displayed during the core upgrade routine in your Dashboard ). This is ONLY applicable if you're running s2Member on a Multisite Network. For further details, check your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> Multisite (Config)`.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Multisite Blog Farms.** On a Multisite Blog Farm, it is now possible for child Blog Administrators running s2Member Pro to utilize the advanced Import/Export routines provided by the s2Member Pro module.
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New feature.** It is now possible to (ADD) Custom Capabilities through a Subscription Modification Button/Form. By default, a Checkout Button or Form generated by s2Member is designed to set and/or reset a Member's Custom Capabilities to the ones you specify in the Button/Form Code. However, starting with s2Member v3.5+, you can tell s2Member to (ADD) additional Custom Capabilities to any that already exist for a particular Member. This is accomplished on a per Form/Button basis by preceding your comma-delimited list of Custom Capabilities with a (+) sign. For further details on this topic, click the [?] icon next to the Custom Capabilities field in any Button/Form Generator supplied by s2Member.
  * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's data encryption routines have always used a URL-safe version of Base64 Encoding to transfer data; whereby the Base64 padding character `=` is replaced with a URL-safe `.`. This routine has been modified to replace `=` with `~` instead of `.`; making s2Member more compatible with internal WordPress® functions like `site_url()` which refuse to generate URLs containing double `..` occurrences. Backward compatibility for existing data remains intact though; so this change only serves to improve s2Member's compatibility with WordPress®.
  * **(s2Member). New cookie.** s2Member has always used three temporary/encrypted cookies to authenticate a newly paid Customer. Starting with s2Member v3.5, there are now four cookies all together ( `s2member_subscr_gateway`, `s2member_subscr_id`, `s2member_custom`, `s2member_level` ). The new addition is `s2member_subscr_gateway`. The value of this cookie is also stored internally; it's associated with a Customer's Paid Subscr. ID. You can edit the Paid Subscr. Gateway/ID if you'd like. You'll find a drop-down menu on the [Edit] page for each Member.
  * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New feature.** s2Member's Button and Form Generators now provide a customer service tool that allows a site owner to generate Membership Registration Access Links on their own ( if/when needed ). This tool accompanies the Specific Post/Page Link Generation tool that has been a part of previous versions of s2Member. So these tools working together, now make it possible to create Access Links for both types of functionality. Again, these tools are provided for convenience. They are only intended to help site owners with customer service issues; they are NOT a required aspect of s2Member's integration with WordPress®.
+ * **(s2Member Pro). New feature.** If you're using Pro Forms with s2Member Pro; particularly if you run a Multisite Blog Farm, you can now set this Constant in your `/wp-config.php` file: `define('S2MEMBER_PRO_AUTO_FORCE_SSL', true);`. This tells s2Member Pro to auto-force SSL on any Post/Page that contains a Pro Form Shortcode. This is useful if you're running a Blog Farm and SSL is already provided/configured for all Site Owners on your Network. Otherwise, the method of using a WordPress® Custom Field `s2member_force_ssl = yes` on a per-Post/Page basis works fine.
+ * **(s2Member Pro). Desc attribute change.** The maximum characters allowed in the `desc=""` attribute for Pro Form Shortcodes ( and only for Pro Forms ) is now `100` characters. In previous versions the max length was `127`. This has been lowered to `100` so that s2Member has plenty of room for dynamically generated annotations regarding discounts via coupon codes. FYI: most Payment Gateways impose an upper limit ( e.g. PayPal® 127 max total ). In other words, s2Member must reduce max characters allowed in the `desc=""` attribute so it has plenty of room for its own annotations.
+ * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's handling of protected file delivery through `chunks` has been updated to support the full valid protocol of `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`. This should eliminate any remaining file delivery issues on GoDaddy shared hosting accounts and the like.
+ * **(s2Member). Compatibility.** s2Member's directory locations for `/s2member-files/` and `/s2member-logs/` are now nested into a sub-directory of `/app_data/` ONLY on Windows® servers. This way all files in these directories will be secured from public access in a Windows® environment. On a Windows® server, the `/app_data/` directory name is special. Files within a directory with this special name are automatically protected from public access, without needing to create an `.htaccess` workaround, or use a `web.config` file. In addition, s2Member now makes two WordPress® Filters available ( `ws_plugin__s2member_files_dir` and `ws_plugin__s2member_logs_dir` ) giving developers the ability to move their protected files and/or logs to a custom directory of their choosing; if/when this is needed in special cases.
+ * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). New Hook for Multisite Blog Farm developers.** s2Member now makes a new Hook available; allowing Multisite Blog Farms to prevent the s2Member Pro module from loading on certain child Blogs, or under other special circumstances. You'll find this Hook inside `/s2member/s2member.php` ( `ws_plugin__s2member_load_pro` ).
+ * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Multisite Blog Farms.** The dynamic mutation of s2Member's built-in documentation has been updated to provide better ( i.e. more appropriate ) information to Administrators of child Blogs on a Multisite Blog Farm.
+ * **(s2Member Pro). Instruction.** Additional instructions have been added to the s2Member Pro panel for PayPal® Pro Forms. This new information includes details regarding workarounds when you do NOT have access to a PayPal® *Pro* account. FYI: It is no longer an *absolute requirement* that a site owner have a PayPal® Pro account; you can still use Pro Forms; as long as you have PayPal® Express Checkout ( which is free ).
+ * **(s2Member). Conflict prevention.** s2Member now provides warnings in the Dashboard whenever novice site owners attempt to configure their Login Welcome Page or Membership Options Page as their Home Page ( i.e. static page ) for WordPress®; or as the static Posts Page. These conflict warnings will appear under: `WordPress® -> Reading Options` when/if a configuration conflict arises.
+ * **(s2Member/s2Member Pro). Documentation.** Documentation updated/improved throughout several areas of s2Member and s2Member Pro.
+ = And these bugs were corrected in v3.5 ( Changelog cont. ) =
+ * **(s2Member). Multisite bug fix.** When s2Member is installed on a Multisite Network, it is now capable of dealing with centralized Users accounts that are being shared across multiple sites in the Network. In other words, s2Member v3.5+ prevents WordPress® from generating `username/email exists` errors through front-end forms whenever a User that exists on one site attempts to register on another. In order to accomplish this, s2Member v3.5 introduces one additional Multisite patch for your `/wp-includes/ms-functions.php` file, making it possible for WordPress® to add/remove existing User accounts from one site to another (gracefully); just like that which is supported natively in the WordPress® Dashboard already. NOTE: after updating to s2Member v3.5+, please be sure to re-run your Multisite (Config) patches. You will find these patches in your Dashboard under: `s2Member -> Multisite (Config)`. And yes, this is also compatible with WordPress® v3.1.
+ * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** The built-in Profile Editing panel for s2Member that resides at `/?s2member_profile=1` contained an extra ( i.e. double ) closing tag for the `form` element. This has been corrected in s2Member v3.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** A Pro Form configuration error, `Invalid "rp, rt" attributes.`, was being triggered whenever the Pro Form Attribute `rp` was greater than 1 year; even for Buy Now (BN) transactions. This was NOT the intended behavior, as the 1 year recurring limitation applies only to PayPal® Recurring Profiles, and should NOT have been limiting Buy Now transactions under 5 years. This bug/limitation has been resolved in the latest release. Maximum Subscription length for PayPal® Pro Recurring Profiles is 1 year, and maximum Subscription length for Buy Now transactions is 5 years; or 1 Lifetime also being possible.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** A Pro Form configuration error, `attribute is "D", and "tp" ( Trial Period ) > 7` was corrected. This should have been testing for 365 days instead of 7.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** The AliPay® integration file `alipay-notify.inc.php` was updated to correct an incompatibility issue with AliPay® custom variables. A symptom of this bug was ( no email being received after AliPay® checkout ). This bug has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** The AliPay® integration file `alipay-notify.inc.php` was not exiting with the proper `success` status in its communication with AliPay®. A symptom of this bug was repeated notifications for a single transaction; thereby causing multiple emails to each Customer under the right circumstance. This bug has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro was sometimes processing API Payment Notifications in duplicate for AliPay®, ClickBank®, ccBill®, and Google® Checkout integrations. This has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro was sometimes delivering ClickBank® Customers to a Return-Page with a default POST vars error because of an invalid `proxy_use / ty-email` specification. This has been resolved in s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member Pro Form integration with PayPal's Pro API, was suffering from a minor glitch caused by date/time conflicts between the s2Member installation server ( i.e. your server ) and PayPal's API server. In some rare cases, s2Member was attempting to start new Recurring Profiles in the past ( at least in the eyes of the PayPal® API server ); which could be in a different time zone. s2Member Pro now avoids this potential conflict by padding start dates with 12 hour offsets; making s2Member more reliable in this regard.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** When s2Member was running together with BuddyPress, `wp-login.php?redirect_to=` logic implemented by BuddyPress was conflicting with s2Member's handling of `wp-login.php?redirect_to=`, including Login Welcome Page redirection. s2Member v3.5 resolves this BuddyPress conflict by removing all Filters applied by BuddyPress to `login_redirect`; thereby eliminating the conflict all together. This conflict was resolved in favor of s2Member, because s2Member provides a very comprehensive option configuration for this behavior in it's General Options panel.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** s2Member's Alternative View Protection was not working properly when the `All` setting was applied to child/sub Category restrictions. At least, not in the same way that s2Member handles all of its other child Category restrictions. This bug has been corrected in v3.5 so that all child/sub Categories of a protected parent Category are filtered by s2Member's Alternative View Protection when this option is set to `All`.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** s2Member's integration with AliPay® was attempting to process duplicate IPN responses from the AliPay® server. Apparently AliPay® finds it necessary to continue prodding the IPN handler multiple times. In order to prevent duplicate processing, s2Member now employs a Transient array of already-processed Notification IDs; allowing it to silently ignore duplicate IPNs ( they will still be logged though, as they should be ).
  * **(s2Member). tinyURLs.** s2Member's limited use of the tinyURL service for shrinking links inserted into email messages has been improved upon in this release. As of s2Member v3.5+, all tinyURLs are now appended with your domain name; making them easier for Customers to read, and improving their overall appearance.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Under certain circumstances, s2Member was generating administrative URLs with `/wp-admin/?page=...` instead of `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=...`. A common symptom of this bug was to see an error in your Dashboard, something like: `You do not have permission to access this page`. This has been resolved in s2Member v3.5+.
  * **(s2Member). Bug fix.** Corrected layout issue on s2Member's Multisite (Config) panel. The field for `Level #0 Blogs Allowed` was not being hidden properly under certain circumstances; depending on the Multisite configuration being applied. This has been corrected in s2Member v3.5.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Bug fix.** Some of the new Button Generators for ClickBank®, AliPay®, Google® Checkout were using the JavaScript `escape()` function instead of `encodeURIComponent()`; leaving the possibility for certain characters ( such as `+` signs ) to be misinterpreted when passed through a URL/query string. This bug has been resolved in s2Memeber v3.5+ and s2Member Pro v1.5+.
  * **(s2Member Pro). Upgrader/bug fix.** The automatic upgrader for the s2Member Pro module was inadvertently deleting itself ( sometimes ) whenever an upgrade failed through WordPress® with script memory/timeout errors. This routine has been modified to better handle it's "point of no return" by unzipping the latest distribution into a separate temporary directory. In addition to this change, the update routine now analyzes your server configuration to ensure enough memory is available before the update routine begins. In the event that your installation lacks the memory required ( at least 256M ) to unzip the s2Member Pro module, a warning to that affect will be displayed and you will need to upload the `/s2member-pro/` directory via FTP instead; following instructions in the `/readme.txt` file.
  IMPORTANT: Since previous versions of the automatic updater did NOT include these important enhancements, you may not be able to use the automatic updater in your current version of s2Member Pro. Long story short, we believe the issues HAVE been corrected for "future" releases, but in order to upgrade to this release, you may need to download a copy at s2Member.com and upload it manually via FTP. Full instructions are provided in the `/readme.txt` file, and on the site at s2Member.com.
  = 3.3.2 =
  * Tested against WordPress® 3.0.3. Everything looks good.
s2member.php CHANGED
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ along with this software. In the main directory, see: /licensing/
  If not, see: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- Version: 3.5
- Stable tag: 3.5
  Framework: WS-P-3.1
  SSL Compatible: yes
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ if (realpath (__FILE__) === realpath ($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
  Define versions.
- define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION", "3.5");
  define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_PHP_VERSION", "5.2");
  define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_WP_VERSION", "3.0");
- define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_PRO_VERSION", "1.5");
  Compatibility checks.
  If not, see: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ Version: 3.5.1
+ Stable tag: 3.5.1
  Framework: WS-P-3.1
  SSL Compatible: yes
  Define versions.
+ define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION", "3.5.1");
  define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_PHP_VERSION", "5.2");
  define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_WP_VERSION", "3.0");
+ define ("WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_MIN_PRO_VERSION", "1.5.1");
  Compatibility checks.