Safe Redirect Manager

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.11.1

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Releases (28 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.11.1 2022-09-28
  • 2022-09-26 =
  • Added: Indicate plugin as the source of redirects (props @peterwilsoncc, @Sidsector9 via #281).
1.11.0 2022-06-27
  • 2022-06-27 =
  • Added: Detect duplicate rules for the same 'redirect from' value (props @adamsilverstein, @dhanendran, @hrkhal, @jeffpaul, @lukaspawlik, @sanketio, @Sidsector9 via #171).
  • Added: PHP 8 compatibility (props @iamdharmesh, @dkotter via #264).
  • Added: E2E Tests with Cypress (props @iamdharmesh, @Sidsector9, @dkotter via #262, #273).
  • Added: Dependency security scanning (props @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #268).
  • Changed: Default number of redirects in readme files (props @grappler via #259).
  • Changed: Bump WordPress "tested up to" version 6.0 (props @jeffpaul, @sudip-10up, @peterwilsoncc via #260, #270).
  • Fixed: Unit tests by adding PHPUnit-Polyfills library (props @iamdharmesh, @Sidsector9 via #257).
  • Security: Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 (props @dependabot via #265).
1.10.1 2021-12-16
  • Added: Formatting options to wp safe-redirect-manager list command (props @dinhtungdu, @TheLastCicada).
  • Changed: Increased redirect limits from 250 to 1,000 (props @sultann, @dinhtungdu, @jilltilt, @yeevy).
  • Changed: Bump WordPress version "tested up to" 5.8 (props @jeffpaul, @ankitguptaindia, @phpbits).
  • Fixed: Required parameter following optional deprecated message in PHP 8 (props @vinkla, @dinhtungdu).
  • Fixed: Edge case when redirecting a URL with parameters where $parsed_requested_path['path'] does not always exist (props @dinhtungdu, @davidmondok).
  • Fixed: Formatting fix to prevent npm install error (props @phpbits).
  • Security: Bump minimist from 0.0.8 to 1.2.5 (props @dependabot).
  • Security: Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (props @dependabot).
1.10.0 2020-12-03
  • Added: 410 Gone status code to the list of HTTP status codes and srm_additional_status_codes to add additional status codes (@dinhtungdu, @helen, @PopVeKind).
  • Added: Option to ignore query parameters, previous behaviour still available via the new srm_match_query_params filter (props @bradleyt, @dinhtungdu).
  • Added: Extracts redirect matching logic from maybe_redirect to match_redirect method, plus srm_match_redirect function to expose matching redirect logic to themes and plugins (props @nicholas_io, @dinhtungdu).
  • Added: Redirect Post ID to response headers where a redirect rule is invoked (props @jamesmorrison, @dinhtungdu).
  • Added: Banner and icon images (props @lea10up).
  • Added: Documentation and unit test updates (props @noplanman, @dinhtungdu, @kevinbrands, @jeffpaul, @davidegreenwald, @barryceelen).
  • Fixed: Use proper hook for setting up SRM_Redirect (props @dinhtungdu, @icaleb).
  • Fixed: Regression related to wildcard matching (props @amyevans, @dinhtungdu, @jeffreybetts).
  • Fixed: Missing order column in CSV import WP-CLI command (props @barryceelen).
  • Security: Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (props @dependabot).
1.9.3 2019-11-20

Changed * Allow for escaped values on _redirect_rule_from, useful when importing regex (props @raymondware) * Check current_user_can cap later to prevent the notice being thrown during Jetpack sitemap cron event runs (props @rebeccahum) * Updated tests and documentation (props @adamsilverstein, @jeffpaul, @helen) * Check correct meta field when updating notes (props @lucymtc, @adamsilverstein) * Bump WordPress version "tested up to" 5.3 (props @jeffpaul) Fixed * Update the logic for wildcard matching to properly match URLs with query parameters (props @adamsilverstein, @mslinnea Security * Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 (props @dependabot)

1.9.2 2018-11-27
  • Fix CLI list function name for PHP 5
1.7.9 2018-11-26

(Nov. 25, 2018) = * Fix SQL injection bug in search functionality

1.9.1 2018-11-26
  • Fix SQL injection bug opened up by SQL search functionality.
1.9 2018-04-04
  • Add redirect notes feature.
  • Fix PHP 7.2 errors
  • Instantiate classes in main file instead of individual files for improved testability.
  • Add filters for request path and redirect path
  • Add filter to only apply redirects on 404
1.8 2017-12-08
  • Improved escaping
  • Custom redirect capability
  • Code refactor
  • Fix root redirect in sub directory bug
  • Fix broken html
1.7.8 2016-12-08

(Dec. 16, 2015) = * Fix SQL injection bug and no search terms warning

1.7.7 2015-06-18

(Jun. 18, 2015) = * Make default redirect status filterable * Add composer.json * Fix delete capability on redirect post type

1.7.6 2015-02-13

(Feb. 13, 2015) = * Use home_url() instead of site_url(). Props swalkinshaw * Don't redirect if redirect to location is invalid. Props vaurdan * Redirection plugin importer. Props eugene-manuilov

1.7.5 2014-09-09

(Sept. 9, 2014) = * Don't always lowercase matched parts in redirect to replace. Propsfrancescolaffi * Plugin icon/banner

1.7.4 2014-09-05

(Sept. 5, 2014) = * Fix case sensitivity redirection bug. * Add more unit tests

1.7.3 2014-08-27

(Aug. 26, 2014) = * Check if the global $wp_query is null before using get_query_var. Props cmmarslender * Unit tests * Making _x translatable text work. Props lucspe

1.7.2 2014-02-10

(Feb. 10, 2014) = * Added French translation. Props jcbrebion. * Bug fix: Don't perform redirects in the admin. Props joshbetz. * Bug fix: Prevent duplicate GUIDs. Props danblaker.

1.7.1 2013-12-05

(Dec. 12, 2013) = * Add 307 redirect status code. Thanks lgedeon * Plugin textdomain should be loaded on init * Add status code labels to creation dropdown. Thanks Chancey Mathews

1.7 2013-12-05

(Apr. 6, 2013) = * Return redirect_from on get_permalink. Thanks simonwheatley * Allow for regex replacement in from/to redirects * Add Slovak translation. Thanks Branco Radenovich * Notice fixed in filter_admin_title

1.6 2012-12-11

(Dec. 11, 2012) = * Bulk delete redirects from the Manage Redirects screen * wp-cli coverage including subcommands for creating, deleting, and listing redirects, and importing .htaccess files

1.5 2012-11-09

(Nov. 7 2012) = * Regular expressions allowed in redirects * New filter 'srm_registered_redirects' allows you to conditionally unset redirects based on context, user permissions, etc. Thanks jtsternberg for the pull request.

1.4.2 2012-10-18

(Oct. 17, 2012) = * Disable redirect loop checking by default. You can filter srm_check_for_possible_redirect_loops to enable it. * Only return published redirects in update_redirect_cache. - bug fix

1.4.1 2012-10-12

(Oct. 11, 2012) = * Refresh cache after create_redirect call - bug fix * Refresh cache after save_post is called - bug fix * Chop off "pre-WP" path from requested path. This allows the plugin to work on WP installations in sub-directories - bug fix

1.4 2012-10-09

(Oct. 9, 2012) = * Use the '*' wildcard at the end of your match value to configure a wildcard redirect. Use the same symbol at the end of your redirect to value in order to have the matched value be appended to the end of the redirect. Thanks prettyboymp for the pull request * Change default request-matching behavior to be case-insensitive. This can be modified using the 'srm_case_insensitive_redirects' filter. * Include an informational 'X-Safe-Redirect-Manager' header when a redirect occurs. Thanks simonwheatley for the pull request

1.3 2012-09-19
  • safe-redirect-manager.php - Globalize SRM class for use in themes/plugins/scripts. Added create_redirect method to make importing easier.
1.2 2012-09-01
  • safe-redirect-manager.php - manage_options capabilitiy required to use redirect manager, remove checkbox column, hide view switcher, fix search feature, hide privacy stuff for bulk edit
1.1 2012-08-28
  • safe-redirect-manager.php - plugin_url() used properly, is_plugin_page function
1.0 2012-08-27