
Wordpress Plugin
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This plugin is no longer supported and will not work with the latest WordPress release. Feel free to fork the code from GitHub and revise the plugin to work for your needs. To learn more about Twilio SendGrid services visit

What is the SendGrid WordPress Plugin?

SendGrids cloud-based email infrastructure relieves businesses of the cost and complexity of maintaining custom email systems. SendGrid provides reliable deliverability, scalability, and real-time analytics along with flexible APIs that make custom integration with your application a breeze.

SendGrids WordPress plugin replaces WordPresss default wp_mail() function by using either an SMTP or API integration with SendGrid to send outgoing email from your WordPress installation. It also allows you to upload contacts directly to your SendGrid Marketing Campaigns account via a subscription widget.

By using the SendGrid plugin, you will be able to take advantage of improved deliverability and an expanded feature set, including tracking and analytics, to enhance user engagement on your WordPress installation. SendGrid also provides world class customer support, should you run into any issues.

For more details, consult our official documentation.

For assistance you can contact SendGrid Support from the SendGrid Support Portal. Click Login & Contact Support, and then Contact Support to see your support contact options. Paying SendGrid customers have the option to contact support via phone, chat, or by submitting a ticket using our web form. All SendGrid customers have the option to submit a ticket using our web form.

The Subscription Widget

SendGrids WordPress Subscription Widget makes it easy for people visiting your WordPress site to subscribe to your marketing emails, such as any newsletters, announcements, or promotional offers you may send. Upon signup, theyll automatically receive an opt-in email allowing them to confirm their desire to begin receiving your emails. This confirmation constitutes double opt-in, a deliverability best practice.

For more details, consult the official documentation for the Subscription Widget


If you are using the SendGrid plugin in a Multisite environment, you need to Network Activate it. You can then access the settings page on the network dashboard and the configure settings will be used for all sites.

You can enable access for SendGrid settings to each subsite in the Multisite Settings tab. If the checkbox is unchecked then that site will not see the SendGrid settings page and it will use the settings set on the network. Warning! When you activate SendGrid management for a subsite, that site will not be able to send emails until the admin updates the SendGrid settings on that subsite.

If you already had the plugin installed in a Multisite environment and you update to versions after 1.9.0 you may need to reconfigure your plugin.

Releases (62 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.11.9 2021-03-04
  • Updated README to indicate that the plugin is no longer supported.
1.11.8 2018-02-14
  • Updated the plugin description to direct users to for questions.
  • Updated the "tested up to" field to confirm the latest version of the plugin wordes with the latest version of wordpress.
1.11.7 2018-02-13
  • Added a configuration parameter of API request timeout in seconds
  • Fixed an issue that made the HTML subscription emails break links
1.11.6 2017-08-28
  • Added a feature flag to disable whitespace normalization in BuddyPress plaintext emails
  • Fixed an issue where the from name and email subjects would incorrectly display the ampersand symbol
1.11.5 2017-07-31
  • Fixed a potential stored XSS issue on the backend settings form
  • Fixed a potential CSRF issue on the backend settings form
1.11.4 2017-07-31
  • Fixed an issue where TO field recipients could not see each other in the email header
1.11.3 2017-07-17
  • Fixed an issue where the send test form was displayed when no API key was set
  • Fixed an issue where the subscription test form was not displayed for the default contact list
  • Fixed an issue where the virtual pages for Subscription errors was not displayed
  • Fixed an issue where there was no notification for option update on the Multisite settings page
  • Fixed an issue where there was no notification when an API key was not set on the General tab when there was one on the Subscription Widget tab
1.11.2 2017-05-17
  • Relaxed PHP requirement to at least version 5.4.
1.11.0 2017-04-20
1.11.1 2017-04-20
  • Confirmed compatibility with PHP 7 and 7.1
  • Removed some legacy code that caused warnings in PHP 7
  • Fixed issue where the statistics page would show up in menu even if the API key did not have stats permissions
1.10.9 2017-04-18
  • Added pagination on multisite settings page
  • Fixed an FAQ link
  • Changed a class method to protected for extensibility (user contribution)
  • Added some CSS classes for subscription widget (user contribution)
  • Added warning when API Key doesn't have statistics permissions
  • The statistics page will not show up in menu or dashboard when API key does not have stats permissions
1.10.8 2017-04-10
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the settings forms that would allow other admins to inject scripts.
1.10.7 2017-04-04
  • Add port 2525 for SMTP
  • Use cache for stats widget on dashboard
1.10.6 2017-01-25
  • Fixed logos and fonts on Stats page
1.10.5 2017-01-20
  • Added settings page on multisite to give access to self manage SendGrid plugin to each subsite
1.10.3 2017-01-19
  • Add option to configure text version using setText() function from the header
  • Tested up to 4.7
1.10.4 2017-01-19
  • Set transient token for Marketing Campaign in database
1.10.2 2016-12-20
  • Add options to configure subscription widget form (labels, padding)
1.10.1 2016-10-10
  • Fixed a javascript error and a PHP warning
1.10.0 2016-09-20
  • Added basic Multisite functionality
  • WARNING: Multisite users need to network activate this plugin and reconfigure it.
  • Fixed an issue where other users would see the SendGrid statistics widget on the dashboard.
1.9.5 2016-09-19
  • Fixed an issue with the Reply-To field
1.9.4 2016-08-29
  • Added Unsubscribe Group option
  • Improved email validation
1.9.3 2016-08-11
  • Added BuddyPress integration
  • MC API Key is now saved on focusout
  • Added posibility of using plain text template for subscription confirmation email
  • Added posibility of adding shortcodes to subscription confirmation pages
1.9.2 2016-08-08
  • Improved response time on admin dashboard
1.9.1 2016-08-03
  • Added filters that allow the change of text or HTML content of all emails before they are sent
  • Fixed an issue with the widget admin notice
1.9.0 2016-08-01
  • Added the SendGrid Subscription Widget
  • The settings page now has tabs to separate the configuration of general settings from the widget settings
  • Fixed an issue where a 'gzinflate()' warning was displayed in Query Monitor for each plugin request
  • Fixed an issue where the API Key would be deleted from the db if it was set in wp-config
1.8.2 2016-07-27
  • Update SendGrid logos
1.8.1 2016-06-29
  • Added possibility to override the email template
1.8.0 2016-04-21
  • Added SendGrid\Email() for $header
  • Fix Send Test form not being displayed issue
1.7.6 2016-04-14
  • Updated validation for email addresses in the headers field of the send test email form
  • Add ability to have and individual email sent to each recipient by setting x-smtpapi-to in headers
1.7.5 2016-03-23
  • Fixed an issue with the reset password email from Wordpress
  • Updated validation for email addresses
  • Fixed an issue where some errors were not displayed on the settings page
  • Add substitutions functionality
1.7.4 2016-03-11
  • Fixed some failing requests during API Key checks.
  • Fixed an error that appeared on fresh installs regarding invalid port setting.
1.7.3 2016-02-19
  • Add global config for content-type
  • Validate send_method and port set in config file
  • Be able to define categories for which you would like to see your stats
1.7.2 2016-02-10
  • Check your credentials after updating, you might need to reenter your credentials
  • Fixed mcrypt library depencency issue
1.7.1 2016-01-21
  • Fixed a timeout issue from version 1.7.0.
1.7.0 2016-01-21
  • BREAKING CHANGE : wp_mail() now returns only true/false to mirror the return values of the original wp_mail().
  • Added the possibility of setting the api key or username/password empty
  • Added the possibility of selecting the authentication method
  • Removed dependency on cURL, now all API requests are made through Wordpress
  • Sending mail via SMTP now supports API keys
  • Security improvements
  • Refactored old code
1.6.9 2016-01-19
  • Add categories in headers, add errror message on statistics page if API key is not having permissions
1.6.8 2016-01-13
  • Update api_key validation
1.6.7 2016-01-05
  • Ability to use email templates, fix category statistics, display sender test form if we only have sending errors
1.6.6 2015-11-23
  • Remove $plugin variable to avoid conflict with other plugins
1.6.5 2015-11-12
  • Add configurable port number for SMTP method, Specify full path for sendgrid php library, Fix special characters and new lines issues
1.6.4 2015-10-23
  • Add support for toName in API method, Add required Text Domain
1.6.3 2015-10-06
  • Update Smtp class name to avoid conflicts
1.6.2 2015-09-29
  • Add Api Keys for authentication, use the last version of Sendgrid library:
1.6.1 2015-09-18
  • Add unique arguments
1.6 2015-09-07
  • Fix setTo method in SMTP option, update documentation, add link to SendGrid portal
1.5.4 2015-08-28
  • Updated the plugin to use the last version of Sendgrid library:
1.5.3 2015-05-11
  • Fix attachments issue
1.5.2 2015-04-14
  • Fix urlencoded username issue
1.4.6 2015-04-14
  • Added constants for SendGrid settings
1.5 2015-04-14
1.5.1 2015-04-14
  • Fix wp_remote issue
1.4.1 2015-04-14
  • Added support to set additional categories
1.4.2 2015-04-14
  • Added SendGrid Statistics for the categories added in the SendGrid Settings Page


1.4.3 2015-04-14
  • Update plugin logo, description, screenshots on installation page


1.4.4 2015-04-14
  • Fix unicode filename for icon-128x128.png image


1.4.5 2015-04-14
  • Fix changelog order in readme file
1.4 2014-09-02
  • Fix warnings for static method, add notice for php version < 5.3.0, refactor plugin code


1.3 2013-12-18
  • Added support for Wordpress 3.8, fixed visual issues for Wordpress 3.7


1.2 2013-12-10
  • Added statistics for emails sent through wordpress plugin


1.0 2013-10-10
  • Fixed issue: Add error message when PHP-curl extension is not enabled.


1.1 2013-10-10
  • Added SendGrid Statistics
