Shariff Wrapper

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 4.6.7



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Releases (27 )

Version Release Date Change Log
4.6.7 2021-06-18
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v11.0
  • changed FB request to og_object (thanks to richard67)
4.6.6 2021-06-17
  • Fix sanitize_callback parameter to avoid warnings with api requests
  • tested for 5.7
4.6.5 2020-03-26
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v6.0
  • fixed minor bug
  • tested for WordPress 5.4
4.6.4 2019-12-28
  • fixed the settings link on the plugin overview page for certain environments (thanks to @midgard)
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v5.0
  • updated the WhatsApp link to swap url and title for a working image preview
  • removed nofollow from the info button
  • remvoed Xing share counts due to Xing disabling the API
4.6.3 2019-07-23
  • updated the WhatsApp share link (thanks to @hanshansenxxx and @korbball)
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v3.3
  • updated the Flattr button to reflect the new Flattr (thanks to Chris, @camthor)
  • fixed an update issue with WP CLI
  • removed the Facebook share counts request without APP ID and Secret
  • Facebook now always requires an APP ID and Secret for share counts
  • removed Flattr counts due to Flattr removing the API
4.6.2 2019-03-27
  • new service MeWe
  • new service Buffer
  • fixed an issue in case the plugin dir has been moved via symlink
4.6.1 2019-02-28
  • replaced Stumbleupon with its successor Mix (thanks to Mark)
  • added an option to hide WhatsApp on desktop devices
  • updated Odnoklassniki API
  • fixed an issue with WPML and some older Shariff setups
4.6.0 2019-02-27
  • new high contrast theme (WCAG)
  • improved support for WPML for easier translation of headlines and info button texts
  • updated WhatsApp share link to support WhatsApp Web (thanks to Oliver, @oliverpw)
  • updated Spanish translations (thanks to Torsten, @torstenbulk)
  • updated Pinterest Share Count API
  • updated VK Share Count API
  • updated Pocket API
  • updated XING API
  • removed GooglePlus due to Google shutting GooglePlus down
  • fixed a PHP notice in regards to Tumblr (thanks to Mario, @mariobartlack)
  • fixed a conflict with another plugin (thanks to David, @daveshine)
  • tested with WordPress 5.1
4.5.3 2019-01-04
  • removed LinkedIn Share Counts due to LinkedIn removing them completely
  • removed GooglePlus Share Counts due to Google shutting GooglePlus down
  • removed OpenShareCount due to the service having shut down
  • removed NewShareCount due to the service having shut down
  • removed Mastodon temporarily until a new working solution is available
  • deprecated GooglePlus as a service, will be removed with the next release
  • added TwitCount ( as an alternative for Twitter share counts
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v3.2
  • updated to WordPress Coding Standards 2.0
  • corrected minor typos
  • added the new logo thanks to Philipp Wildfeuer (@phil_sauvage)
4.5.2 2018-05-29
  • added support for share count requests of multilingual sites
  • updated button translations for Twitter and Pinterest (thanks to Jessica, @jess78)
  • updated to Facebook Graph API v3.0
4.5.1 2018-05-24
  • added support for the new WordPress Privacy Policy Guide added in 4.9.6
  • minor css adjustments
  • minor bug fixes
4.5.0 2018-05-11
  • new option to add Shariff to custom WordPress hooks
  • new option to support multilingual sites using WPML and other plugins
  • new support for WooCommerce products on the ranking table
  • new option to show different headlines based on share counts
  • updated button languages, now supporting 25 languages
  • fixed a bug causing share counts to not being displayed properly
4.4.4 2018-05-10
  • add support for automatic addition to bbpress forums, topics and replies
  • fix a bug that caused "hideshariff" to not function properly
4.4.3 2018-05-02
  • new support for additional manual AMP integrations
  • fixed a PHP error on certain server configurations
  • new support for the print button on AMP pages
  • fixed a markup typo
  • minor css improvements
4.4.2 2018-04-19
  • new support for the "AMP for WP" plugin by Ahmed and Mohammed Kaludi
  • improved support for the "AMP for WordPress" plugin by Automattic
  • new additional workaround for servers without $_SERVER for category pages
  • minor bug fixes
4.3.0 2018-03-17
  • new service Odnoklassniki (thanks to rockhit)
  • new meta box allows for individual settings per post or page
  • new option to hide share counts that are zero
  • new option to disable dynamic cache lifespan (not recommended)
  • new option to set the button size to small, medium or large
  • new option to add a custom class to the container around Shariff
  • new option to open links in a popup (thanks to jackennils)
  • new option to use NewShareCount instead of OpenShareCount (Twitter)
  • added timestamp variable to be accessible via shortcode
  • fixed post timestamp for caching under certain conditions
  • fixed Facebook share count error for never crawled pages
  • fixed empty tab after sharing on certain mobile devices
  • fixed custom title attribute (thanks to kschlager)
  • updated Flattr user id for the future (thanks to poetaster)
  • reduced changelog on (thanks to timse201)
  • minor css improvements
  • updated help section
4.2.1 2016-08-19
  • fix WhatsApp button on Android when using Chrome
  • fix Shariff being added to RSS feeds under certain conditions
  • update to latest Facebook Graph API for share count requests
4.2.0 2016-08-14
  • new option to set the rate limit for sending mails using the mail form
  • added home url as fallback for share count requests
  • added further anti-spam prevention mechanics
  • added noopener and noreferrer to share links
  • fixed double encoding of share count request links
  • updated media uploader request for translation
  • updated handling of admin notices following WordPress core
  • tested and optimized for WordPress 4.6
4.1.2 2016-07-06
  • new fallback for share count requests in case pretty permalinks are disabled
  • new filter shariff3UU_render_atts to change options on the fly (thx Ov3rfly)
  • fix share title in cases with html encoded characters
  • fix double counting on ranking tab under certain conditions
  • fix php info notice in admin notices
4.1.1 2016-07-03
  • new option to disable the Shariff buttons outside of the main loop
  • fix Facebook App ID request
  • minor css fix
4.1.0 2016-07-03
  • new design option to set a custom button color for all buttons
  • new design option to set a border radius for the round theme (up to a square)
  • new design option to hide all buttons until the page is fully loaded
  • new mailform option to use a html anchor (again)
  • new statistic option to fill the cache automatically
  • new statistic option to set the amount of posts for the ranking tab
  • new statistic option to use share counts with PHP < 5.4
  • fix preventing buttons from beeing added to excerpts under certain conditions
  • fix urlencoding of share count requests
  • improved handling of wrong or mistyped service entries
  • minor bug fixes
4.0.8 2016-06-17
  • new workaround for sites running PHP 5.2 and older
1.0.0 2016-06-15
3.4.2 2016-03-25
  • fix share counts on mobile devices with exactly 360px width
  • fix error on the help tab regarding services (thx to Andreas)
  • small css improvements
  • added h4-h6 to the allowed tags for the headline
2.4.3 2015-11-12
  • fix proxy settings
  • fix PHP error notice caused by a race condition around concurrent requests in Zend_Cache
  • fix PHP notice and error in backend on multisite
1.9.9 2015-04-28
  • fix widget bug (wrong share links)
1.9.0 2015-04-14