Version Description
(2020-11-06) =
- Added Notification Template tags for assigned categories, posts, and users
- Added Review Assignment setting
- Changed review assignment in SQL queries to use strict assignments by default (it was previously using loose assignments, use the new "Review Assignment" setting to change this back)
- Changed the glsr_create_review function to log validation errors to the plugin console
- Fixed Bulk Editing of reviews that are assigned to post types or users
- Fixed Multibyte String support
- Fixed Multisite compatibility
- Fixed pagination URLs when used on the homepage
- Fixed rating validation when using a custom maximum rating value
- Fixed review limits validation for assigned reviews
- Fixed review migration of invalid 3rd-party reviews (reviews that were previously imported incorrectly)
- Fixed review name and email fallback values to use those of the logged-in user
- Fixed the submission date of reviews, it now uses the timezone offset in the WordPress settings
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | geminilabs |
Plugin | Site Reviews |
Version | 5.2.0 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 5.1.6 to 5.2.0
- assets/scripts/mce-plugin.js +1 -1
- assets/scripts/site-reviews.js +1 -1
- autoload.php +7 -2
- compatibility.php +0 -11
- config/forms/metabox-fields.php +1 -1
- config/settings.php +15 -1
- helpers.php +2 -1
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/site-reviews-en_US.po +203 -144
- languages/site-reviews.pot +183 -138
- plugin/Addons/Addon.php +1 -1
- plugin/Addons/Updater.php +3 -2
- plugin/Application.php +28 -79
- plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php +4 -2
- plugin/Commands/RegisterPostType.php +1 -1
- plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php +17 -0
- plugin/Controllers/Controller.php +2 -2
- plugin/Controllers/ListTableColumns/ColumnFilterType.php +2 -2
- plugin/Controllers/ListTableColumns/ColumnValueType.php +1 -3
- plugin/Controllers/MainController.php +79 -0
- plugin/Controllers/MenuController.php +2 -2
- plugin/Controllers/MetaboxController.php +1 -1
- plugin/Controllers/RestReviewController.php +1 -1
- plugin/Controllers/ReviewController.php +78 -21
- plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php +12 -8
- plugin/Database.php +61 -13
- plugin/Database/NormalizePaginationArgs.php +5 -6
- plugin/Database/NormalizeQueryArgs.php +1 -1
- plugin/Database/OptionManager.php +2 -2
- plugin/Database/ReviewManager.php +0 -1
- plugin/Database/Sql.php +1 -2
- plugin/Database/SqlSchema.php +211 -113
- plugin/Defaults/CreateReviewDefaults.php +2 -2
- plugin/Defaults/TemplateTagsDefaults.php +3 -0
- plugin/Helpers/Arr.php +3 -3
- plugin/Helpers/Url.php +2 -2
- plugin/Hooks.php +9 -6
- plugin/Install.php +149 -0
- plugin/Modules/Avatar.php +2 -2
- plugin/Modules/Console.php +1 -0
- plugin/Modules/Honeypot.php +1 -0
- plugin/Modules/Html/ReviewsHtml.php +1 -2
- plugin/Modules/Html/Settings.php +5 -0
- plugin/Modules/Migrations/Migrate_5_0_0/MigrateReviews.php +9 -3
- plugin/Modules/Migrations/Migrate_5_2_0.php +14 -0
- plugin/Modules/Notification.php +33 -0
- plugin/Modules/Sanitizer.php +33 -3
- plugin/Modules/Schema.php +7 -4
- plugin/Modules/Style.php +1 -1
- plugin/Modules/System.php +0 -382
- plugin/Modules/SystemInfo.php +458 -0
- plugin/Modules/Validator/AkismetValidator.php +1 -1
- plugin/Modules/Validator/DefaultValidator.php +19 -2
- plugin/Modules/Validator/ReviewLimitsValidator.php +1 -10
- plugin/Review.php +46 -3
- plugin/Role.php +12 -6
- plugin/Router.php +1 -1
- plugin/Storage.php +12 -0
- plugin/Tinymce/TinymceGenerator.php +2 -2
- plugin/Widgets/SiteReviewsSummaryWidget.php +2 -2
- plugin/Widgets/SiteReviewsWidget.php +2 -2
- readme.txt +19 -4
- site-reviews.php +1 -2
- uninstall.php +129 -48
- views/pages/documentation/faq/hide-form-after-submission.php +3 -3
- views/pages/documentation/functions/glsr_create_review.php +5 -0
- views/pages/documentation/functions/glsr_get_reviews.php +3 -3
- views/pages/tools/general.php +6 -2
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew.php +1 -0
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v40.php +4 -4
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v41.php +4 -4
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v42.php +3 -3
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v43.php +3 -3
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v44.php +3 -3
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v45.php +2 -2
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v46.php +3 -3
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v50.php +1 -1
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v51.php +2 -2
- views/pages/welcome/whatsnew/v52.php +38 -0
- views/partials/notices/addons.php +1 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
"use strict";window.tinymce.PluginManager.add("glsr_shortcode",function(o){o.addCommand("GLSR_Shortcode",function(){GLSR.shortcode.create(})});
1 |
!function(o){"use strict";window.tinymce.PluginManager.add("glsr_shortcode",function(o){o.addCommand("GLSR_Shortcode",function(){GLSR.shortcode.create(})})}();
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
1 |
/*! For license information please see site-reviews.js.LICENSE.txt */
2 |
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n=!0===i;"unset"!==t.recaptcha?("reset"===t.recaptcha&&,n&&(,this.form.reset()),this.Mt(t.errors),this.kt(t.message,n),this.ot(),t.form=this.form,document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("site-reviews/after/submission",{detail:t})),n&&""!==t.redirect&&(window.location=t.redirect)):this.recaptcha.rt()},Gt:function(){var t=!0;return[],(function(i){"file"===i.type&&(t=GLSR.ajax.isFileSupported()&&GLSR.ajax.isUploadSupported())})),t&&!this.form.classList.contains("no-ajax")},Ft:function(t){if(!this.validation.St())return t.preventDefault(),void this.kt(this.strings.errors,!1);this.Tt(),(this.form["g-recaptcha-response"]&&""===this.form["g-recaptcha-response"].value||this.useAjax)&&(t.preventDefault(),this.ut())},Tt:function(){d(this.form,this.config.form_error,!1),this.kt("",null),},Mt:function(t){if(t)for(var i in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(i)){var n=GLSR.nameprefix?GLSR.nameprefix+"["+i+"]":i,s=this.form.querySelector('[name="'+n+'"]');s&&(this.validation.xt(s,t[i]),this.validation.Et(s.validation,"add"))}},kt:function(t,i){var n=this.form.querySelector(v(this.config.form_message));null!==n&&(d(this.form,this.config.form_error,!1===i),d(n,this.config.form_message_failed,!1===i),d(n,this.config.form_message_success,!0===i),n.innerHTML=t)},ut:function(t){GLSR.ajax.isFormDataSupported()?(this.dt(),this.form[GLSR.nameprefix+"[_counter]"].value=t||0,,this.Ot.bind(this))):this.kt(this.strings.unsupported,!1)}};var g=function(){for(;GLSR.forms.length;){(t=GLSR.forms.shift()).destroy()}var t,i,n;i=document.querySelectorAll("form.glsr-review-form");for(var s=0;s<i.length;s++)(n=i[s].querySelector("[type=submit]"))&&((t=new b(i[s],n)).init(),GLSR.forms.push(t))},S=g,L=function(t,i){this.paginationEl=t,this.reviewsEl=i,this.R()};L.prototype={config:{hideClass:"glsr-hide",linkSelector:"",scrollTime:468},Ct:function(){var t=document.getElementById(;return t||this.reviewsEl},Ot:function(t,i,n){n?(this.paginationEl.innerHTML=i.pagination,,this.Nt(this.reviewsEl),this.paginationEl.classList.remove(this.config.hideClass),this.reviewsEl.classList.remove(this.config.hideClass),this.R(),GLSR.urlparameter&&window.history.pushState(null,"",t),new a(this.reviewsEl),document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("site-reviews/after/pagination",{detail:i}))):window.location=t},R:function(){for(var t=this.paginationEl.querySelectorAll(this.config.linkSelector),i=0;i<t.length;i++)t[i].addEventListener("click",},ht:function(t){var i=this.Ct();if(i){for(var n={},s=0,e=Object.keys(i.dataset);s<e.length;s++){var h=e[s];n[GLSR.nameprefix+"[atts]["+h+"]"]=i.dataset[h]}n[GLSR.nameprefix+"[_action]"]="fetch-paged-reviews",n[GLSR.nameprefix+"[page]"]||"",n[GLSR.nameprefix+"[url]"]=t.currentTarget.href||"",this.paginationEl.classList.add(this.config.hideClass),this.reviewsEl.classList.add(this.config.hideClass),t.preventDefault(),,this.Ot.bind(this,t.currentTarget.href))}},Nt:function(t,i){var n;i=i||16;for(var s=0;s<GLSR.ajaxpagination.length;s++)(n=document.querySelector(GLSR.ajaxpagination[s]))&&"fixed"===window.getComputedStyle(n).getPropertyValue("position")&&(i+=n.clientHeight);var e=t.getBoundingClientRect().top-i;e>0||this.Dt({endY:e,offset:window.pageYOffset,,startY:t.scrollTop})},Dt:function(t){var i=(;i=i>1?1:i;var n=.5*(1-Math.cos(Math.PI*i)),s=t.startY+(t.endY-t.startY)*n;window.scroll(0,t.offset+s),s!==t.endY&&window.requestAnimationFrame(this.Dt.bind(this,t))}};var R=function(){this.navs=[];var t=document.querySelectorAll(".glsr-ajax-pagination");t.length&&t.forEach(function(t){var i=t.closest(".glsr[data-id=";if(i){var n=i.querySelector(".glsr-reviews");n&&this.navs.push(new L(t,n))}}.bind(this))},y=R;window.hasOwnProperty("GLSR")||(window.GLSR={}),window.GLSR.ajax=new o,window.GLSR.forms=[],document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){for(var t=document.querySelectorAll(".glsr"),i=0;i<t.length;i++){var n=window.getComputedStyle(t[i],null).getPropertyValue("direction");t[i].classList.add("glsr-"+n)}window.GLSR.Forms=S,new S,new y,new a}))},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,function(t,i){},,,,,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){},,function(t,i){}]);
@@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
2 |
3 |
defined('ABSPATH') || die;
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
10 |
$classMap = [
11 |
'WP_Posts_List_Table' => ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php',
12 |
13 |
if (array_key_exists($className, $classMap) && file_exists($classMap[$className])) {
2 |
3 |
defined('ABSPATH') || die;
4 |
5 |
6 |
* Provide a partial, native PHP implementation for the Mbstring extension.
7 |
* @see
8 |
9 |
if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
10 |
require_once __DIR__.'/vendors/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php';
11 |
12 |
13 |
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
14 |
$classMap = [
15 |
'WP_Debug_Data' => ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-debug-data.php',
16 |
'WP_Posts_List_Table' => ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php',
17 |
18 |
if (array_key_exists($className, $classMap) && file_exists($classMap[$className])) {
@@ -43,17 +43,6 @@ add_action('members_register_caps', function () {
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
* Provide a partial, native PHP implementation for the Mbstring extension.
48 |
* @return bool
49 |
* @see
50 |
51 |
add_action('plugins_loaded', function () {
52 |
if (glsr()->filterBool('support/multibyte', true)) {
53 |
require_once __DIR__.'/vendors/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php';
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
* Exclude the reCAPTCHA script from being defered
59 |
* @param array $scriptHandles
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
* Exclude the reCAPTCHA script from being defered
48 |
* @param array $scriptHandles
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ return [
7 |
8 |
'type' => [
9 |
'label' => esc_html_x('Type', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
10 |
'options' => glsr()->
11 |
'type' => 'select',
12 |
13 |
'name' => [
7 |
8 |
'type' => [
9 |
'label' => esc_html_x('Type', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
10 |
'options' => glsr()->retrieve('review_types'),
11 |
'type' => 'select',
12 |
13 |
'name' => [
@@ -172,6 +172,20 @@ return [
172 |
173 |
'type' => 'select',
174 |
175 |
'' => [
176 |
'default' => 'no',
177 |
'description' => _x('Display a link to the assigned posts of a review.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
@@ -433,7 +447,7 @@ return [
433 |
434 |
'settings.submissions.limit' => [
435 |
'default' => '',
436 |
'description' => _x('Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned page or category.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
437 |
'label' => _x('Limit Reviews', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
438 |
'options' => [
439 |
'' => _x('No Limit', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
172 |
173 |
'type' => 'select',
174 |
175 |
'' => [
176 |
'default' => 'strict',
177 |
'description' => sprintf('%s<br>%s<br>%s',
178 |
_x('This setting determines how the assigned options work in the reviews and summary shortcodes and blocks.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
179 |
_x('"Loose Assignment" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this OR this</code>.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
180 |
_x('"Strict Assignment" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this AND this</code>.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews')
181 |
182 |
'label' => _x('Review Assignment', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
183 |
'options' => [
184 |
'loose' => _x('Loose Assignment', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
185 |
'strict' => _x('Strict Assignment', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
186 |
187 |
'type' => 'select',
188 |
189 |
'' => [
190 |
'default' => 'no',
191 |
'description' => _x('Display a link to the assigned posts of a review.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
447 |
448 |
'settings.submissions.limit' => [
449 |
'default' => '',
450 |
'description' => _x('Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned page and/or category.', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
451 |
'label' => _x('Limit Reviews', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
452 |
'options' => [
453 |
'' => _x('No Limit', 'admin-text', 'site-reviews'),
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ function glsr($alias = null, array $parameters = [])
70 |
71 |
function glsr_create_review($reviewValues = [])
72 |
73 |
74 |
$command = new CreateReview($request);
75 |
return $command->isValid()
76 |
? glsr(ReviewManager::class)->create($command)
70 |
71 |
function glsr_create_review($reviewValues = [])
72 |
73 |
$values = Arr::removeEmptyValues(Arr::consolidate($reviewValues));
74 |
$request = new Request($values);
75 |
$command = new CreateReview($request);
76 |
return $command->isValid()
77 |
? glsr(ReviewManager::class)->create($command)
Binary file
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr ""
30 |
msgid "%s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %s! Use %s instead."
31 |
msgstr "%s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %s! Use %s instead."
32 |
33 |
#: config/settings.php:
34 |
msgid "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
35 |
msgstr "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
36 |
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ msgstr "This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion."
82 |
msgid "Show more"
83 |
msgstr "Show more"
84 |
85 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:
86 |
msgid "Your review has been submitted!"
87 |
msgstr "Your review has been submitted!"
88 |
89 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:
90 |
msgid ""
91 |
"Your review could not be submitted and the error has been logged. Please "
92 |
"notify the site admin."
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ msgstr "This field must have between %s and %s characters."
126 |
msgid "This field requires a valid e-mail address."
127 |
msgstr "This field requires a valid e-mail address."
128 |
129 |
#: plugin/Defaults/ValidationStringsDefaults.php:19, plugin/Modules/Validator/DefaultValidator.php:
130 |
msgid "Please fix the submission errors."
131 |
msgstr "Please fix the submission errors."
132 |
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ msgid_plural "%s years ago"
208 |
msgstr[0] "%s year ago"
209 |
msgstr[1] "%s years ago"
210 |
211 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:
212 |
msgid "Anonymous"
213 |
msgstr "Anonymous"
214 |
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ msgstr "The reCAPTCHA failed to load, please refresh the page and try again."
256 |
msgid "The reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again."
257 |
msgstr "The reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again."
258 |
259 |
#: plugin/Modules/Validator/ReviewLimitsValidator.php:
260 |
msgid "You have already submitted a review."
261 |
msgstr "You have already submitted a review."
262 |
@@ -788,17 +788,59 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
788 |
msgid "Initial with a period and a space"
789 |
msgstr "Initial with a period and a space"
790 |
791 |
#: config/settings.php:
792 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
793 |
msgid "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
794 |
msgstr "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
795 |
796 |
#: config/settings.php:
797 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
798 |
msgid "Enable Assigned Links"
799 |
msgstr "Enable Assigned Links"
800 |
801 |
#: config/settings.php:
802 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
803 |
msgid ""
804 |
"Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the "
@@ -807,52 +849,52 @@ msgstr ""
807 |
"Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the "
808 |
"reviewer using <a href=\"\">Gravatar</a>."
809 |
810 |
#: config/settings.php:
811 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
812 |
msgid "Enable Avatars"
813 |
msgstr "Enable Avatars"
814 |
815 |
#: config/settings.php:
816 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
817 |
msgid "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
818 |
msgstr "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
819 |
820 |
#: config/settings.php:
821 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
822 |
msgid "Regenerate Avatars"
823 |
msgstr "Regenerate Avatars"
824 |
825 |
#: config/settings.php:
826 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
827 |
msgid "Set the avatar size in pixels."
828 |
msgstr "Set the avatar size in pixels."
829 |
830 |
#: config/settings.php:
831 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
832 |
msgid "Avatar Size"
833 |
msgstr "Avatar Size"
834 |
835 |
#: config/settings.php:
836 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
837 |
msgid "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
838 |
msgstr "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
839 |
840 |
#: config/settings.php:
841 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
842 |
msgid "Enable Excerpts"
843 |
msgstr "Enable Excerpts"
844 |
845 |
#: config/settings.php:
846 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
847 |
msgid "Set the excerpt word length."
848 |
msgstr "Set the excerpt word length."
849 |
850 |
#: config/settings.php:
851 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
852 |
msgid "Excerpt Length"
853 |
msgstr "Excerpt Length"
854 |
855 |
#: config/settings.php:
856 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
857 |
msgid ""
858 |
"Display the fallback text when there are no reviews to display. This can be "
@@ -863,17 +905,17 @@ msgstr ""
863 |
"changed on the %s page. You may also override this by using the "
864 |
"\"fallback\" option on the shortcode. The default fallback text is: %s"
865 |
866 |
#: config/settings.php:
867 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
868 |
msgid "Translations"
869 |
msgstr "Translations"
870 |
871 |
#: config/settings.php:
872 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
873 |
msgid "Enable Fallback Text"
874 |
msgstr "Enable Fallback Text"
875 |
876 |
#: config/settings.php:
877 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
878 |
msgid ""
879 |
"Paginated URLs include the %s URL parameter. If you would like to keep the "
@@ -884,273 +926,273 @@ msgstr ""
884 |
"pagination links but prevent search engines from indexing them, add the "
885 |
"following lines to your %s file instead: %s"
886 |
887 |
#: config/settings.php:
888 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
889 |
msgid "Enable Paginated URLs"
890 |
msgstr "Enable Paginated URLs"
891 |
892 |
#: config/settings.php:
893 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
894 |
msgid "Custom Field name"
895 |
msgstr "Custom Field name"
896 |
897 |
#: config/settings.php:
898 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
899 |
msgid "Default Schema Type"
900 |
msgstr "Default Schema Type"
901 |
902 |
#: config/settings.php:
903 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
904 |
msgid "Local Business"
905 |
msgstr "Local Business"
906 |
907 |
#: config/settings.php:
908 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
909 |
msgid "Product"
910 |
msgstr "Product"
911 |
912 |
#: config/settings.php:
913 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
914 |
msgid "Custom"
915 |
msgstr "Custom"
916 |
917 |
#: config/settings.php:
918 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
919 |
msgid "View more information on schema types here"
920 |
msgstr "View more information on schema types here"
921 |
922 |
#: config/settings.php:
923 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
924 |
msgid "Custom Schema Type"
925 |
msgstr "Custom Schema Type"
926 |
927 |
#: config/settings.php:
928 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
929 |
msgid "Default Name"
930 |
msgstr "Default Name"
931 |
932 |
#: config/settings.php:
933 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
934 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page title"
935 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page title"
936 |
937 |
#: config/settings.php:
938 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
939 |
msgid "Enter a custom title"
940 |
msgstr "Enter a custom title"
941 |
942 |
#: config/settings.php:
943 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
944 |
msgid "Custom Name"
945 |
msgstr "Custom Name"
946 |
947 |
#: config/settings.php:
948 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
949 |
msgid "Default Description"
950 |
msgstr "Default Description"
951 |
952 |
#: config/settings.php:
953 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
954 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
955 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
956 |
957 |
#: config/settings.php:
958 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
959 |
msgid "Enter a custom description"
960 |
msgstr "Enter a custom description"
961 |
962 |
#: config/settings.php:
963 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
964 |
msgid "Custom Description"
965 |
msgstr "Custom Description"
966 |
967 |
#: config/settings.php:
968 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
969 |
msgid "Default URL"
970 |
msgstr "Default URL"
971 |
972 |
#: config/settings.php:
973 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
974 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page URL"
975 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page URL"
976 |
977 |
#: config/settings.php:
978 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
979 |
msgid "Enter a custom URL"
980 |
msgstr "Enter a custom URL"
981 |
982 |
#: config/settings.php:
983 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
984 |
msgid "Custom URL"
985 |
msgstr "Custom URL"
986 |
987 |
#: config/settings.php:
988 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
989 |
msgid "Default Image"
990 |
msgstr "Default Image"
991 |
992 |
#: config/settings.php:
993 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
994 |
msgid "Use the featured image of the assigned or current page"
995 |
msgstr "Use the featured image of the assigned or current page"
996 |
997 |
#: config/settings.php:
998 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
999 |
msgid "Enter a custom image URL"
1000 |
msgstr "Enter a custom image URL"
1001 |
1002 |
#: config/settings.php:
1003 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1004 |
msgid "Custom Image URL"
1005 |
msgstr "Custom Image URL"
1006 |
1007 |
#: config/settings.php:
1008 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1009 |
msgid "Address"
1010 |
msgstr "Address"
1011 |
1012 |
#: config/settings.php:
1013 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1014 |
msgid "60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, US"
1015 |
msgstr "60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, US"
1016 |
1017 |
#: config/settings.php:
1018 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1019 |
msgid "Telephone Number"
1020 |
msgstr "Telephone Number"
1021 |
1022 |
#: config/settings.php:
1023 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1024 |
msgid "+1 (877) 273-3049"
1025 |
msgstr "+1 (877) 273-3049"
1026 |
1027 |
#: config/settings.php:
1028 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1029 |
msgid "Price Range"
1030 |
msgstr "Price Range"
1031 |
1032 |
#: config/settings.php:
1033 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1034 |
msgid "$$-$$$"
1035 |
msgstr "$$-$$$"
1036 |
1037 |
#: config/settings.php:
1038 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1039 |
msgid "Offer Type"
1040 |
msgstr "Offer Type"
1041 |
1042 |
#: config/settings.php:
1043 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1044 |
msgid "AggregateOffer"
1045 |
msgstr "AggregateOffer"
1046 |
1047 |
#: config/settings.php:
1048 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1049 |
msgid "Offer"
1050 |
msgstr "Offer"
1051 |
1052 |
#: config/settings.php:
1053 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1054 |
msgid "Price"
1055 |
msgstr "Price"
1056 |
1057 |
#: config/settings.php:
1058 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1059 |
msgid "Low Price"
1060 |
msgstr "Low Price"
1061 |
1062 |
#: config/settings.php:
1063 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1064 |
msgid "High Price"
1065 |
msgstr "High Price"
1066 |
1067 |
#: config/settings.php:
1068 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1069 |
msgid "Price Currency"
1070 |
msgstr "Price Currency"
1071 |
1072 |
#: config/settings.php:
1073 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1074 |
msgid "USD"
1075 |
msgstr "USD"
1076 |
1077 |
#: config/settings.php:
1078 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1079 |
msgid "Choose which fields should be required in the review form."
1080 |
msgstr "Choose which fields should be required in the review form."
1081 |
1082 |
#: config/settings.php:
1083 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1084 |
msgid "Required Fields"
1085 |
msgstr "Required Fields"
1086 |
1087 |
#: config/settings.php:
1088 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1089 |
msgid "Rating"
1090 |
msgstr "Rating"
1091 |
1092 |
#: config/settings.php:
1093 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1094 |
msgid "Title"
1095 |
msgstr "Title"
1096 |
1097 |
#: config/settings.php:
1098 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1099 |
msgid "Review"
1100 |
msgstr "Review"
1101 |
1102 |
#: config/settings.php:
1103 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1104 |
msgid "Name"
1105 |
msgstr "Name"
1106 |
1107 |
#: config/settings.php:
1108 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1109 |
msgid "Email"
1110 |
msgstr "Email"
1111 |
1112 |
#: config/settings.php:
1113 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1114 |
msgid "Terms"
1115 |
msgstr "Terms"
1116 |
1117 |
#: config/settings.php:
1118 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1119 |
msgid ""
1120 |
"Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If "
1121 |
"you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned "
1122 |
"page or category."
1123 |
msgstr ""
1124 |
"Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If "
1125 |
"you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned "
1126 |
"page or category."
1127 |
1128 |
#: config/settings.php:
1129 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1130 |
msgid "Limit Reviews"
1131 |
msgstr "Limit Reviews"
1132 |
1133 |
#: config/settings.php:
1134 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1135 |
msgid "No Limit"
1136 |
msgstr "No Limit"
1137 |
1138 |
#: config/settings.php:
1139 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1140 |
msgid "By Email Address"
1141 |
msgstr "By Email Address"
1142 |
1143 |
#: config/settings.php:
1144 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1145 |
msgid "By IP Address"
1146 |
msgstr "By IP Address"
1147 |
1148 |
#: config/settings.php:
1149 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1150 |
msgid "By Username (will only work for registered users)"
1151 |
msgstr "By Username (will only work for registered users)"
1152 |
1153 |
#: config/settings.php:
1154 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1155 |
msgid ""
1156 |
"One Email per line. All emails in the whitelist will be excluded from the "
@@ -1159,12 +1201,12 @@ msgstr ""
1159 |
"One Email per line. All emails in the whitelist will be excluded from the "
1160 |
"review submission limit."
1161 |
1162 |
#: config/settings.php:
1163 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1164 |
msgid "Email Whitelist"
1165 |
msgstr "Email Whitelist"
1166 |
1167 |
#: config/settings.php:
1168 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1169 |
msgid ""
1170 |
"One IP Address per line. All IP Addresses in the whitelist will be excluded "
@@ -1173,12 +1215,12 @@ msgstr ""
1173 |
"One IP Address per line. All IP Addresses in the whitelist will be excluded "
1174 |
"from the review submission limit.."
1175 |
1176 |
#: config/settings.php:
1177 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1178 |
msgid "IP Address Whitelist"
1179 |
msgstr "IP Address Whitelist"
1180 |
1181 |
#: config/settings.php:
1182 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1183 |
msgid ""
1184 |
"One Username per line. All registered users with a Username in the "
@@ -1187,12 +1229,12 @@ msgstr ""
1187 |
"One Username per line. All registered users with a Username in the "
1188 |
"whitelist will be excluded from the review submission limit."
1189 |
1190 |
#: config/settings.php:
1191 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1192 |
msgid "Username Whitelist"
1193 |
msgstr "Username Whitelist"
1194 |
1195 |
#: config/settings.php:
1196 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1197 |
msgid ""
1198 |
"The Invisible reCAPTCHA badge (reCAPTCHA v2) is a free anti-spam service "
@@ -1205,37 +1247,37 @@ msgstr ""
1205 |
"href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sign "
1206 |
"up</a> for an API key pair for your site."
1207 |
1208 |
#: config/settings.php:
1209 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1210 |
msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA"
1211 |
msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA"
1212 |
1213 |
#: config/settings.php:
1214 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1215 |
msgid "Do not use reCAPTCHA"
1216 |
msgstr "Do not use reCAPTCHA"
1217 |
1218 |
#: config/settings.php:
1219 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1220 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA"
1221 |
msgstr "Use reCAPTCHA"
1222 |
1223 |
#: config/settings.php:
1224 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1225 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA only for guest users"
1226 |
msgstr "Use reCAPTCHA only for guest users"
1227 |
1228 |
#: config/settings.php:
1229 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1230 |
msgid "Site Key"
1231 |
msgstr "Site Key"
1232 |
1233 |
#: config/settings.php:
1234 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1235 |
msgid "Site Secret"
1236 |
msgstr "Site Secret"
1237 |
1238 |
#: config/settings.php:
1239 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1240 |
msgid ""
1241 |
"This option may not work consistently if another plugin is loading "
@@ -1244,27 +1286,27 @@ msgstr ""
1244 |
"This option may not work consistently if another plugin is loading "
1245 |
"reCAPTCHA on the same page as Site Reviews."
1246 |
1247 |
#: config/settings.php:
1248 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1249 |
msgid "Badge Position"
1250 |
msgstr "Badge Position"
1251 |
1252 |
#: config/settings.php:
1253 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1254 |
msgid "Bottom Left"
1255 |
msgstr "Bottom Left"
1256 |
1257 |
#: config/settings.php:
1258 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1259 |
msgid "Bottom Right"
1260 |
msgstr "Bottom Right"
1261 |
1262 |
#: config/settings.php:
1263 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1264 |
msgid "Inline"
1265 |
msgstr "Inline"
1266 |
1267 |
#: config/settings.php:
1268 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1269 |
msgid ""
1270 |
"The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Akismet plugin</a> "
@@ -1277,12 +1319,12 @@ msgstr ""
1277 |
"setting to have any affect, you will need to first install and activate the "
1278 |
"Akismet plugin and set up a API key."
1279 |
1280 |
#: config/settings.php:
1281 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1282 |
msgid "Enable Akismet Integration"
1283 |
msgstr "Enable Akismet Integration"
1284 |
1285 |
#: config/settings.php:
1286 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1287 |
msgid ""
1288 |
"Choose which Blacklist you would prefer to use for reviews. The %s option "
@@ -1291,27 +1333,27 @@ msgstr ""
1291 |
"Choose which Blacklist you would prefer to use for reviews. The %s option "
1292 |
"can be found in the WordPress Discussion Settings page."
1293 |
1294 |
#: config/settings.php:
1295 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1296 |
msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys"
1297 |
msgstr "Disallowed Comment Keys"
1298 |
1299 |
#: config/settings.php:
1300 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1301 |
msgid "Blacklist"
1302 |
msgstr "Blacklist"
1303 |
1304 |
#: config/settings.php:
1305 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1306 |
msgid "Use the Site Reviews Blacklist"
1307 |
msgstr "Use the Site Reviews Blacklist"
1308 |
1309 |
#: config/settings.php:
1310 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1311 |
msgid "Use the WordPress Disallowed Comment Keys"
1312 |
msgstr "Use the WordPress Disallowed Comment Keys"
1313 |
1314 |
#: config/settings.php:
1315 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1316 |
msgid ""
1317 |
"One entry or IP address per line. When a review contains any of these "
@@ -1324,36 +1366,31 @@ msgstr ""
1324 |
"rejected. It is case-insensitive and will match partial words, so \"press\" "
1325 |
"will match \"WordPress\"."
1326 |
1327 |
#: config/settings.php:
1328 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1329 |
msgid "Review Blacklist"
1330 |
msgstr "Review Blacklist"
1331 |
1332 |
#: config/settings.php:
1333 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1334 |
msgid "Choose the action that should be taken when a review is blacklisted."
1335 |
msgstr "Choose the action that should be taken when a review is blacklisted."
1336 |
1337 |
#: config/settings.php:
1338 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1339 |
msgid "Blacklist Action"
1340 |
msgstr "Blacklist Action"
1341 |
1342 |
#: config/settings.php:
1343 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1344 |
msgid "Require approval"
1345 |
msgstr "Require approval"
1346 |
1347 |
#: config/settings.php:
1348 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1349 |
msgid "Reject submission"
1350 |
msgstr "Reject submission"
1351 |
1352 |
#: plugin/Application.php:224
1353 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1354 |
msgid "Local Review"
1355 |
msgstr "Local Review"
1356 |
1357 |
#: plugin/Deprecated.php:24
1358 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1359 |
msgid ""
@@ -1363,7 +1400,7 @@ msgstr ""
1363 |
"The [%s] method has been deprecated and will be soon be removed, please use "
1364 |
"the [%s] method instead."
1365 |
1366 |
#: plugin/Review.php:
1367 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1368 |
msgid "Unknown"
1369 |
msgstr "Unknown"
@@ -1433,12 +1470,12 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1433 |
msgid "Avatar"
1434 |
msgstr "Avatar"
1435 |
1436 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:70, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1437 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1438 |
msgid "Settings"
1439 |
msgstr "Settings"
1440 |
1441 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:76, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1442 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1443 |
msgid "Help"
1444 |
msgstr "Help"
@@ -1497,29 +1534,29 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1497 |
msgid "Edit"
1498 |
msgstr "Edit"
1499 |
1500 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1501 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1502 |
msgid "%s Review"
1503 |
msgid_plural "%s Reviews"
1504 |
msgstr[0] "%s Review"
1505 |
msgstr[1] "%s Reviews"
1506 |
1507 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1508 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1509 |
msgid "Recent Reviews"
1510 |
msgstr "Recent Reviews"
1511 |
1512 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1513 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1514 |
msgid "Submit a Review"
1515 |
msgstr "Submit a Review"
1516 |
1517 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1518 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1519 |
msgid "Summary of Reviews"
1520 |
msgstr "Summary of Reviews"
1521 |
1522 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1523 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1524 |
msgid "Nothing found."
1525 |
msgstr "Nothing found."
@@ -1549,17 +1586,22 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1549 |
msgid "Unapprove"
1550 |
msgstr "Unapprove"
1551 |
1552 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1553 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1554 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display your recent reviews."
1555 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display your recent reviews."
1556 |
1557 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1558 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1559 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a form to submit reviews."
1560 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display a form to submit reviews."
1561 |
1562 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1563 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1564 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a summary of your reviews."
1565 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display a summary of your reviews."
@@ -1764,30 +1806,30 @@ msgstr "Console reloaded."
1764 |
1765 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:157
1766 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1767 |
msgid "The plugin has been migrated sucessfully."
1768 |
msgstr "The plugin has been migrated sucessfully."
1769 |
1770 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:154
1771 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1772 |
msgid "All plugin migrations have been run successfully."
1773 |
msgstr "All plugin migrations have been run successfully."
1774 |
1775 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:180
1776 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1777 |
msgid "The assigned meta values have been reset."
1778 |
msgstr "The assigned meta values have been reset."
1779 |
1780 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1781 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1782 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset."
1783 |
msgstr "The permissions have been reset."
1784 |
1785 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1786 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1787 |
msgid "reload the page"
1788 |
msgstr "reload the page"
1789 |
1790 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1791 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1792 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset, please %s for them to take effect."
1793 |
msgstr "The permissions have been reset, please %s for them to take effect."
@@ -1942,6 +1984,21 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1942 |
msgid "The link to edit/view a review"
1943 |
msgstr "The link to edit/view a review"
1944 |
1945 |
#: plugin/Defaults/UpdatedMessageDefaults.php:15
1946 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1947 |
msgid "Review has been approved and published."
@@ -2422,11 +2479,6 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
2422 |
msgid "All types"
2423 |
msgstr "All types"
2424 |
2425 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ListTableColumns/ColumnValueType.php:17
2426 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2427 |
msgid "Unsupported Type"
2428 |
msgstr "Unsupported Type"
2429 |
2430 |
#: views/pages/addons/index.php:6
2431 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2432 |
msgid ""
@@ -2596,22 +2648,27 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
2596 |
msgid "Reset Meta Values"
2597 |
msgstr "Reset Meta Values"
2598 |
2599 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2600 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2601 |
msgid "Resetting, please wait..."
2602 |
msgstr "Resetting, please wait..."
2603 |
2604 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2605 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2606 |
msgid "Reset Permissions"
2607 |
msgstr "Reset Permissions"
2608 |
2609 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2610 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2611 |
msgid "Testing, please wait..."
2612 |
msgstr "Testing, please wait..."
2613 |
2614 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2615 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2616 |
msgid "Test Detection"
2617 |
msgstr "Test Detection"
@@ -2768,11 +2825,13 @@ msgstr "Add-ons for Site Reviews are now available!"
2768 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:23
2769 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2770 |
msgid ""
2771 |
"Allow people to
2772 |
2773 |
msgstr ""
2774 |
"Allow people to
2775 |
2776 |
2777 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:26
2778 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
@@ -2905,7 +2964,7 @@ msgctxt "View Post (admin-text)"
2905 |
msgid "View %s"
2906 |
msgstr "View %s"
2907 |
2908 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:
2909 |
msgctxt ""
2910 |
"This string differs depending on whether or not the review has been "
2911 |
"assigned to a post."
30 |
msgid "%s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %s! Use %s instead."
31 |
msgstr "%s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %s! Use %s instead."
32 |
33 |
#: config/settings.php:238, plugin/Modules/Html/ReviewsHtml.php:126
34 |
msgid "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
35 |
msgstr "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
36 |
82 |
msgid "Show more"
83 |
msgstr "Show more"
84 |
85 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:156
86 |
msgid "Your review has been submitted!"
87 |
msgstr "Your review has been submitted!"
88 |
89 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:161
90 |
msgid ""
91 |
"Your review could not be submitted and the error has been logged. Please "
92 |
"notify the site admin."
126 |
msgid "This field requires a valid e-mail address."
127 |
msgstr "This field requires a valid e-mail address."
128 |
129 |
#: plugin/Defaults/ValidationStringsDefaults.php:19, plugin/Modules/Validator/DefaultValidator.php:58
130 |
msgid "Please fix the submission errors."
131 |
msgstr "Please fix the submission errors."
132 |
208 |
msgstr[0] "%s year ago"
209 |
msgstr[1] "%s years ago"
210 |
211 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:73
212 |
msgid "Anonymous"
213 |
msgstr "Anonymous"
214 |
256 |
msgid "The reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again."
257 |
msgstr "The reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again."
258 |
259 |
#: plugin/Modules/Validator/ReviewLimitsValidator.php:34
260 |
msgid "You have already submitted a review."
261 |
msgstr "You have already submitted a review."
262 |
788 |
msgid "Initial with a period and a space"
789 |
msgstr "Initial with a period and a space"
790 |
791 |
#: config/settings.php:178
792 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
793 |
msgid ""
794 |
"This setting determines how the assigned options work in the reviews and "
795 |
"summary shortcodes and blocks."
796 |
msgstr ""
797 |
"This setting determines how the assigned options work in the reviews and "
798 |
"summary shortcodes and blocks."
799 |
800 |
#: config/settings.php:179
801 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
802 |
msgid ""
803 |
"\"Loose Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this "
804 |
"OR this</code>."
805 |
msgstr ""
806 |
"\"Loose Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this "
807 |
"OR this</code>."
808 |
809 |
#: config/settings.php:180
810 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
811 |
msgid ""
812 |
"\"Strict Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this "
813 |
"AND this</code>."
814 |
msgstr ""
815 |
"\"Strict Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this "
816 |
"AND this</code>."
817 |
818 |
#: config/settings.php:182
819 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
820 |
msgid "Review Assignment"
821 |
msgstr "Review Assignment"
822 |
823 |
#: config/settings.php:184
824 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
825 |
msgid "Loose Assignment"
826 |
msgstr "Loose Assignment"
827 |
828 |
#: config/settings.php:185
829 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
830 |
msgid "Strict Assignment"
831 |
msgstr "Strict Assignment"
832 |
833 |
#: config/settings.php:191
834 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
835 |
msgid "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
836 |
msgstr "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
837 |
838 |
#: config/settings.php:192
839 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
840 |
msgid "Enable Assigned Links"
841 |
msgstr "Enable Assigned Links"
842 |
843 |
#: config/settings.php:197
844 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
845 |
msgid ""
846 |
"Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the "
849 |
"Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the "
850 |
"reviewer using <a href=\"\">Gravatar</a>."
851 |
852 |
#: config/settings.php:198
853 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
854 |
msgid "Enable Avatars"
855 |
msgstr "Enable Avatars"
856 |
857 |
#: config/settings.php:206
858 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
859 |
msgid "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
860 |
msgstr "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
861 |
862 |
#: config/settings.php:207
863 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
864 |
msgid "Regenerate Avatars"
865 |
msgstr "Regenerate Avatars"
866 |
867 |
#: config/settings.php:215
868 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
869 |
msgid "Set the avatar size in pixels."
870 |
msgstr "Set the avatar size in pixels."
871 |
872 |
#: config/settings.php:216
873 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
874 |
msgid "Avatar Size"
875 |
msgstr "Avatar Size"
876 |
877 |
#: config/settings.php:221
878 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
879 |
msgid "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
880 |
msgstr "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
881 |
882 |
#: config/settings.php:222
883 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
884 |
msgid "Enable Excerpts"
885 |
msgstr "Enable Excerpts"
886 |
887 |
#: config/settings.php:230
888 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
889 |
msgid "Set the excerpt word length."
890 |
msgstr "Set the excerpt word length."
891 |
892 |
#: config/settings.php:231
893 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
894 |
msgid "Excerpt Length"
895 |
msgstr "Excerpt Length"
896 |
897 |
#: config/settings.php:236
898 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
899 |
msgid ""
900 |
"Display the fallback text when there are no reviews to display. This can be "
905 |
"changed on the %s page. You may also override this by using the "
906 |
"\"fallback\" option on the shortcode. The default fallback text is: %s"
907 |
908 |
#: config/settings.php:237, plugin/Controllers/MenuController.php:118
909 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
910 |
msgid "Translations"
911 |
msgstr "Translations"
912 |
913 |
#: config/settings.php:240
914 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
915 |
msgid "Enable Fallback Text"
916 |
msgstr "Enable Fallback Text"
917 |
918 |
#: config/settings.php:246
919 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
920 |
msgid ""
921 |
"Paginated URLs include the %s URL parameter. If you would like to keep the "
926 |
"pagination links but prevent search engines from indexing them, add the "
927 |
"following lines to your %s file instead: %s"
928 |
929 |
#: config/settings.php:253
930 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
931 |
msgid "Enable Paginated URLs"
932 |
msgstr "Enable Paginated URLs"
933 |
934 |
#: config/settings.php:258, config/settings.php:278, config/settings.php:296, config/settings.php:314, config/settings.php:332, config/settings.php:353, config/settings.php:363, config/settings.php:373, config/settings.php:383, config/settings.php:397, config/settings.php:408, config/settings.php:419, config/settings.php:429
935 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
936 |
msgid "Custom Field name"
937 |
msgstr "Custom Field name"
938 |
939 |
#: config/settings.php:259
940 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
941 |
msgid "Default Schema Type"
942 |
msgstr "Default Schema Type"
943 |
944 |
#: config/settings.php:261
945 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
946 |
msgid "Local Business"
947 |
msgstr "Local Business"
948 |
949 |
#: config/settings.php:262
950 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
951 |
msgid "Product"
952 |
msgstr "Product"
953 |
954 |
#: config/settings.php:263
955 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
956 |
msgid "Custom"
957 |
msgstr "Custom"
958 |
959 |
#: config/settings.php:272
960 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
961 |
msgid "View more information on schema types here"
962 |
msgstr "View more information on schema types here"
963 |
964 |
#: config/settings.php:273
965 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
966 |
msgid "Custom Schema Type"
967 |
msgstr "Custom Schema Type"
968 |
969 |
#: config/settings.php:279
970 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
971 |
msgid "Default Name"
972 |
msgstr "Default Name"
973 |
974 |
#: config/settings.php:281
975 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
976 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page title"
977 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page title"
978 |
979 |
#: config/settings.php:282
980 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
981 |
msgid "Enter a custom title"
982 |
msgstr "Enter a custom title"
983 |
984 |
#: config/settings.php:291
985 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
986 |
msgid "Custom Name"
987 |
msgstr "Custom Name"
988 |
989 |
#: config/settings.php:297
990 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
991 |
msgid "Default Description"
992 |
msgstr "Default Description"
993 |
994 |
#: config/settings.php:299
995 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
996 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
997 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
998 |
999 |
#: config/settings.php:300
1000 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1001 |
msgid "Enter a custom description"
1002 |
msgstr "Enter a custom description"
1003 |
1004 |
#: config/settings.php:309
1005 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1006 |
msgid "Custom Description"
1007 |
msgstr "Custom Description"
1008 |
1009 |
#: config/settings.php:315
1010 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1011 |
msgid "Default URL"
1012 |
msgstr "Default URL"
1013 |
1014 |
#: config/settings.php:317
1015 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1016 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page URL"
1017 |
msgstr "Use the assigned or current page URL"
1018 |
1019 |
#: config/settings.php:318
1020 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1021 |
msgid "Enter a custom URL"
1022 |
msgstr "Enter a custom URL"
1023 |
1024 |
#: config/settings.php:327
1025 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1026 |
msgid "Custom URL"
1027 |
msgstr "Custom URL"
1028 |
1029 |
#: config/settings.php:333
1030 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1031 |
msgid "Default Image"
1032 |
msgstr "Default Image"
1033 |
1034 |
#: config/settings.php:335
1035 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1036 |
msgid "Use the featured image of the assigned or current page"
1037 |
msgstr "Use the featured image of the assigned or current page"
1038 |
1039 |
#: config/settings.php:336
1040 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1041 |
msgid "Enter a custom image URL"
1042 |
msgstr "Enter a custom image URL"
1043 |
1044 |
#: config/settings.php:345
1045 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1046 |
msgid "Custom Image URL"
1047 |
msgstr "Custom Image URL"
1048 |
1049 |
#: config/settings.php:354
1050 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1051 |
msgid "Address"
1052 |
msgstr "Address"
1053 |
1054 |
#: config/settings.php:355
1055 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1056 |
msgid "60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, US"
1057 |
msgstr "60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, US"
1058 |
1059 |
#: config/settings.php:364
1060 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1061 |
msgid "Telephone Number"
1062 |
msgstr "Telephone Number"
1063 |
1064 |
#: config/settings.php:365
1065 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1066 |
msgid "+1 (877) 273-3049"
1067 |
msgstr "+1 (877) 273-3049"
1068 |
1069 |
#: config/settings.php:374
1070 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1071 |
msgid "Price Range"
1072 |
msgstr "Price Range"
1073 |
1074 |
#: config/settings.php:375
1075 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1076 |
msgid "$$-$$$"
1077 |
msgstr "$$-$$$"
1078 |
1079 |
#: config/settings.php:384
1080 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1081 |
msgid "Offer Type"
1082 |
msgstr "Offer Type"
1083 |
1084 |
#: config/settings.php:386
1085 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1086 |
msgid "AggregateOffer"
1087 |
msgstr "AggregateOffer"
1088 |
1089 |
#: config/settings.php:387
1090 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1091 |
msgid "Offer"
1092 |
msgstr "Offer"
1093 |
1094 |
#: config/settings.php:398
1095 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1096 |
msgid "Price"
1097 |
msgstr "Price"
1098 |
1099 |
#: config/settings.php:409
1100 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1101 |
msgid "Low Price"
1102 |
msgstr "Low Price"
1103 |
1104 |
#: config/settings.php:420
1105 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1106 |
msgid "High Price"
1107 |
msgstr "High Price"
1108 |
1109 |
#: config/settings.php:430
1110 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1111 |
msgid "Price Currency"
1112 |
msgstr "Price Currency"
1113 |
1114 |
#: config/settings.php:431
1115 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1116 |
msgid "USD"
1117 |
msgstr "USD"
1118 |
1119 |
#: config/settings.php:436
1120 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1121 |
msgid "Choose which fields should be required in the review form."
1122 |
msgstr "Choose which fields should be required in the review form."
1123 |
1124 |
#: config/settings.php:437
1125 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1126 |
msgid "Required Fields"
1127 |
msgstr "Required Fields"
1128 |
1129 |
#: config/settings.php:439, config/forms/metabox-fields.php:5, plugin/Defaults/PostTypeColumnDefaults.php:25, plugin/Defaults/RevisionFieldsDefaults.php:16, plugin/Tinymce/SiteReviewsTinymce.php:30
1130 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1131 |
msgid "Rating"
1132 |
msgstr "Rating"
1133 |
1134 |
#: config/settings.php:440, plugin/Tinymce/SiteReviewsFormTinymce.php:16, plugin/Tinymce/SiteReviewsSummaryTinymce.php:17, plugin/Tinymce/SiteReviewsTinymce.php:17, plugin/Widgets/SiteReviewsFormWidget.php:20, plugin/Widgets/SiteReviewsSummaryWidget.php:20, plugin/Widgets/SiteReviewsWidget.php:20
1135 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1136 |
msgid "Title"
1137 |
msgstr "Title"
1138 |
1139 |
#: config/settings.php:441, plugin/Defaults/PostTypeLabelDefaults.php:15
1140 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1141 |
msgid "Review"
1142 |
msgstr "Review"
1143 |
1144 |
#: config/settings.php:442, config/forms/metabox-fields.php:14, plugin/Controllers/PrivacyController.php:128, plugin/Defaults/PostTypeColumnDefaults.php:20, plugin/Defaults/RevisionFieldsDefaults.php:18
1145 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1146 |
msgid "Name"
1147 |
msgstr "Name"
1148 |
1149 |
#: config/settings.php:443, config/forms/metabox-fields.php:18, plugin/Controllers/PrivacyController.php:129, plugin/Defaults/PostTypeColumnDefaults.php:21, plugin/Defaults/RevisionFieldsDefaults.php:19
1150 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1151 |
msgid "Email"
1152 |
msgstr "Email"
1153 |
1154 |
#: config/settings.php:444
1155 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1156 |
msgid "Terms"
1157 |
msgstr "Terms"
1158 |
1159 |
#: config/settings.php:450
1160 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1161 |
msgid ""
1162 |
"Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If "
1163 |
"you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned "
1164 |
"page and/or category."
1165 |
msgstr ""
1166 |
"Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If "
1167 |
"you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned "
1168 |
"page and/or category."
1169 |
1170 |
#: config/settings.php:451
1171 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1172 |
msgid "Limit Reviews"
1173 |
msgstr "Limit Reviews"
1174 |
1175 |
#: config/settings.php:453
1176 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1177 |
msgid "No Limit"
1178 |
msgstr "No Limit"
1179 |
1180 |
#: config/settings.php:454
1181 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1182 |
msgid "By Email Address"
1183 |
msgstr "By Email Address"
1184 |
1185 |
#: config/settings.php:455
1186 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1187 |
msgid "By IP Address"
1188 |
msgstr "By IP Address"
1189 |
1190 |
#: config/settings.php:456
1191 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1192 |
msgid "By Username (will only work for registered users)"
1193 |
msgstr "By Username (will only work for registered users)"
1194 |
1195 |
#: config/settings.php:465
1196 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1197 |
msgid ""
1198 |
"One Email per line. All emails in the whitelist will be excluded from the "
1201 |
"One Email per line. All emails in the whitelist will be excluded from the "
1202 |
"review submission limit."
1203 |
1204 |
#: config/settings.php:466
1205 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1206 |
msgid "Email Whitelist"
1207 |
msgstr "Email Whitelist"
1208 |
1209 |
#: config/settings.php:475
1210 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1211 |
msgid ""
1212 |
"One IP Address per line. All IP Addresses in the whitelist will be excluded "
1215 |
"One IP Address per line. All IP Addresses in the whitelist will be excluded "
1216 |
"from the review submission limit.."
1217 |
1218 |
#: config/settings.php:476
1219 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1220 |
msgid "IP Address Whitelist"
1221 |
msgstr "IP Address Whitelist"
1222 |
1223 |
#: config/settings.php:485
1224 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1225 |
msgid ""
1226 |
"One Username per line. All registered users with a Username in the "
1229 |
"One Username per line. All registered users with a Username in the "
1230 |
"whitelist will be excluded from the review submission limit."
1231 |
1232 |
#: config/settings.php:486
1233 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1234 |
msgid "Username Whitelist"
1235 |
msgstr "Username Whitelist"
1236 |
1237 |
#: config/settings.php:492
1238 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1239 |
msgid ""
1240 |
"The Invisible reCAPTCHA badge (reCAPTCHA v2) is a free anti-spam service "
1247 |
"href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sign "
1248 |
"up</a> for an API key pair for your site."
1249 |
1250 |
#: config/settings.php:493
1251 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1252 |
msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA"
1253 |
msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA"
1254 |
1255 |
#: config/settings.php:495
1256 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1257 |
msgid "Do not use reCAPTCHA"
1258 |
msgstr "Do not use reCAPTCHA"
1259 |
1260 |
#: config/settings.php:496
1261 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1262 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA"
1263 |
msgstr "Use reCAPTCHA"
1264 |
1265 |
#: config/settings.php:497
1266 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1267 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA only for guest users"
1268 |
msgstr "Use reCAPTCHA only for guest users"
1269 |
1270 |
#: config/settings.php:506
1271 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1272 |
msgid "Site Key"
1273 |
msgstr "Site Key"
1274 |
1275 |
#: config/settings.php:514
1276 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1277 |
msgid "Site Secret"
1278 |
msgstr "Site Secret"
1279 |
1280 |
#: config/settings.php:522
1281 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1282 |
msgid ""
1283 |
"This option may not work consistently if another plugin is loading "
1286 |
"This option may not work consistently if another plugin is loading "
1287 |
"reCAPTCHA on the same page as Site Reviews."
1288 |
1289 |
#: config/settings.php:523
1290 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1291 |
msgid "Badge Position"
1292 |
msgstr "Badge Position"
1293 |
1294 |
#: config/settings.php:525
1295 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1296 |
msgid "Bottom Left"
1297 |
msgstr "Bottom Left"
1298 |
1299 |
#: config/settings.php:526
1300 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1301 |
msgid "Bottom Right"
1302 |
msgstr "Bottom Right"
1303 |
1304 |
#: config/settings.php:527
1305 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1306 |
msgid "Inline"
1307 |
msgstr "Inline"
1308 |
1309 |
#: config/settings.php:533
1310 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1311 |
msgid ""
1312 |
"The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Akismet plugin</a> "
1319 |
"setting to have any affect, you will need to first install and activate the "
1320 |
"Akismet plugin and set up a API key."
1321 |
1322 |
#: config/settings.php:534
1323 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1324 |
msgid "Enable Akismet Integration"
1325 |
msgstr "Enable Akismet Integration"
1326 |
1327 |
#: config/settings.php:539
1328 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1329 |
msgid ""
1330 |
"Choose which Blacklist you would prefer to use for reviews. The %s option "
1333 |
"Choose which Blacklist you would prefer to use for reviews. The %s option "
1334 |
"can be found in the WordPress Discussion Settings page."
1335 |
1336 |
#: config/settings.php:540
1337 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1338 |
msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys"
1339 |
msgstr "Disallowed Comment Keys"
1340 |
1341 |
#: config/settings.php:542
1342 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1343 |
msgid "Blacklist"
1344 |
msgstr "Blacklist"
1345 |
1346 |
#: config/settings.php:544
1347 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1348 |
msgid "Use the Site Reviews Blacklist"
1349 |
msgstr "Use the Site Reviews Blacklist"
1350 |
1351 |
#: config/settings.php:545
1352 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1353 |
msgid "Use the WordPress Disallowed Comment Keys"
1354 |
msgstr "Use the WordPress Disallowed Comment Keys"
1355 |
1356 |
#: config/settings.php:554
1357 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1358 |
msgid ""
1359 |
"One entry or IP address per line. When a review contains any of these "
1366 |
"rejected. It is case-insensitive and will match partial words, so \"press\" "
1367 |
"will match \"WordPress\"."
1368 |
1369 |
#: config/settings.php:555
1370 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1371 |
msgid "Review Blacklist"
1372 |
msgstr "Review Blacklist"
1373 |
1374 |
#: config/settings.php:561
1375 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1376 |
msgid "Choose the action that should be taken when a review is blacklisted."
1377 |
msgstr "Choose the action that should be taken when a review is blacklisted."
1378 |
1379 |
#: config/settings.php:562
1380 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1381 |
msgid "Blacklist Action"
1382 |
msgstr "Blacklist Action"
1383 |
1384 |
#: config/settings.php:564
1385 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1386 |
msgid "Require approval"
1387 |
msgstr "Require approval"
1388 |
1389 |
#: config/settings.php:565
1390 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1391 |
msgid "Reject submission"
1392 |
msgstr "Reject submission"
1393 |
1394 |
#: plugin/Deprecated.php:24
1395 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1396 |
msgid ""
1400 |
"The [%s] method has been deprecated and will be soon be removed, please use "
1401 |
"the [%s] method instead."
1402 |
1403 |
#: plugin/Review.php:307, plugin/Controllers/ListTableColumns/ColumnValueAuthorName.php:20
1404 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1405 |
msgid "Unknown"
1406 |
msgstr "Unknown"
1470 |
msgid "Avatar"
1471 |
msgstr "Avatar"
1472 |
1473 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:70, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:48, plugin/Controllers/MenuController.php:50, views/pages/tools/sync.php:23
1474 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1475 |
msgid "Settings"
1476 |
msgstr "Settings"
1477 |
1478 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:76, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:54, plugin/Controllers/MenuController.php:53
1479 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1480 |
msgid "Help"
1481 |
msgstr "Help"
1534 |
msgid "Edit"
1535 |
msgstr "Edit"
1536 |
1537 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:85
1538 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1539 |
msgid "%s Review"
1540 |
msgid_plural "%s Reviews"
1541 |
msgstr[0] "%s Review"
1542 |
msgstr[1] "%s Reviews"
1543 |
1544 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:165, plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:149
1545 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1546 |
msgid "Recent Reviews"
1547 |
msgstr "Recent Reviews"
1548 |
1549 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:166, plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:153
1550 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1551 |
msgid "Submit a Review"
1552 |
msgstr "Submit a Review"
1553 |
1554 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:167, plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:157
1555 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1556 |
msgid "Summary of Reviews"
1557 |
msgstr "Summary of Reviews"
1558 |
1559 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:202, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:222, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:235
1560 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1561 |
msgid "Nothing found."
1562 |
msgstr "Nothing found."
1586 |
msgid "Unapprove"
1587 |
msgstr "Unapprove"
1588 |
1589 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:105
1590 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1591 |
msgid "Local Review"
1592 |
msgstr "Local Review"
1593 |
1594 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:148
1595 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1596 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display your recent reviews."
1597 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display your recent reviews."
1598 |
1599 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:152
1600 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1601 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a form to submit reviews."
1602 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display a form to submit reviews."
1603 |
1604 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:156
1605 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1606 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a summary of your reviews."
1607 |
msgstr "Site Reviews: Display a summary of your reviews."
1806 |
1807 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:157
1808 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1809 |
msgid "The plugin has been migrated sucessfully, please reload the page."
1810 |
msgstr "The plugin has been migrated sucessfully, please reload the page."
1811 |
1812 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:154
1813 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1814 |
msgid "All plugin migrations have been run successfully, please reload the page."
1815 |
msgstr "All plugin migrations have been run successfully, please reload the page."
1816 |
1817 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:180
1818 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1819 |
msgid "The assigned meta values have been reset."
1820 |
msgstr "The assigned meta values have been reset."
1821 |
1822 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:206
1823 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1824 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset."
1825 |
msgstr "The permissions have been reset."
1826 |
1827 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:217
1828 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1829 |
msgid "reload the page"
1830 |
msgstr "reload the page"
1831 |
1832 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:221
1833 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1834 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset, please %s for them to take effect."
1835 |
msgstr "The permissions have been reset, please %s for them to take effect."
1984 |
msgid "The link to edit/view a review"
1985 |
msgstr "The link to edit/view a review"
1986 |
1987 |
#: plugin/Defaults/TemplateTagsDefaults.php:22
1988 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1989 |
msgid "The review's assigned page titles"
1990 |
msgstr "The review's assigned page titles"
1991 |
1992 |
#: plugin/Defaults/TemplateTagsDefaults.php:23
1993 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1994 |
msgid "The review's assigned user display names"
1995 |
msgstr "The review's assigned user display names"
1996 |
1997 |
#: plugin/Defaults/TemplateTagsDefaults.php:24
1998 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1999 |
msgid "The review's assigned categories"
2000 |
msgstr "The review's assigned categories"
2001 |
2002 |
#: plugin/Defaults/UpdatedMessageDefaults.php:15
2003 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2004 |
msgid "Review has been approved and published."
2479 |
msgid "All types"
2480 |
msgstr "All types"
2481 |
2482 |
#: views/pages/addons/index.php:6
2483 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2484 |
msgid ""
2648 |
msgid "Reset Meta Values"
2649 |
msgstr "Reset Meta Values"
2650 |
2651 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:108
2652 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2653 |
msgid "Hard Reset Permissions"
2654 |
msgstr "Hard Reset Permissions"
2655 |
2656 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:108
2657 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2658 |
msgid "Resetting, please wait..."
2659 |
msgstr "Resetting, please wait..."
2660 |
2661 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:108
2662 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2663 |
msgid "Reset Permissions"
2664 |
msgstr "Reset Permissions"
2665 |
2666 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:125
2667 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2668 |
msgid "Testing, please wait..."
2669 |
msgstr "Testing, please wait..."
2670 |
2671 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:125
2672 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2673 |
msgid "Test Detection"
2674 |
msgstr "Test Detection"
2825 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:23
2826 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2827 |
msgid ""
2828 |
"Allow people to add captioned images to their reviews; provide sorting, "
2829 |
"filtering, and search functionality; and integrate with the Trustalyze "
2830 |
2831 |
msgstr ""
2832 |
"Allow people to add captioned images to their reviews; provide sorting, "
2833 |
"filtering, and search functionality; and integrate with the Trustalyze "
2834 |
2835 |
2836 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:26
2837 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2964 |
msgid "View %s"
2965 |
msgstr "View %s"
2966 |
2967 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:174
2968 |
msgctxt ""
2969 |
"This string differs depending on whether or not the review has been "
2970 |
"assigned to a post."
@@ -443,516 +443,541 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
443 |
msgid "Initial with a period and a space"
444 |
msgstr ""
445 |
446 |
#: config/settings.php:
447 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
448 |
msgid "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
449 |
msgstr ""
450 |
451 |
#: config/settings.php:
452 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
453 |
msgid "Enable Assigned Links"
454 |
msgstr ""
455 |
456 |
#: config/settings.php:
457 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
458 |
msgid "Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the reviewer using <a href=\"\">Gravatar</a>."
459 |
msgstr ""
460 |
461 |
#: config/settings.php:
462 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
463 |
msgid "Enable Avatars"
464 |
msgstr ""
465 |
466 |
#: config/settings.php:
467 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
468 |
msgid "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
469 |
msgstr ""
470 |
471 |
#: config/settings.php:
472 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
473 |
msgid "Regenerate Avatars"
474 |
msgstr ""
475 |
476 |
#: config/settings.php:
477 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
478 |
msgid "Set the avatar size in pixels."
479 |
msgstr ""
480 |
481 |
#: config/settings.php:
482 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
483 |
msgid "Avatar Size"
484 |
msgstr ""
485 |
486 |
#: config/settings.php:
487 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
488 |
msgid "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
489 |
msgstr ""
490 |
491 |
#: config/settings.php:
492 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
493 |
msgid "Enable Excerpts"
494 |
msgstr ""
495 |
496 |
#: config/settings.php:
497 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
498 |
msgid "Set the excerpt word length."
499 |
msgstr ""
500 |
501 |
#: config/settings.php:
502 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
503 |
msgid "Excerpt Length"
504 |
msgstr ""
505 |
506 |
#: config/settings.php:
507 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
508 |
msgid "Display the fallback text when there are no reviews to display. This can be changed on the %s page. You may also override this by using the \"fallback\" option on the shortcode. The default fallback text is: %s"
509 |
msgstr ""
510 |
511 |
#: config/settings.php:
512 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
513 |
msgid "Translations"
514 |
msgstr ""
515 |
516 |
#: config/settings.php:
517 |
msgid "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
518 |
msgstr ""
519 |
520 |
#: config/settings.php:
521 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
522 |
msgid "Enable Fallback Text"
523 |
msgstr ""
524 |
525 |
#: config/settings.php:
526 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
527 |
msgid "Paginated URLs include the %s URL parameter. If you would like to keep the pagination links but prevent search engines from indexing them, add the following lines to your %s file instead: %s"
528 |
msgstr ""
529 |
530 |
#: config/settings.php:
531 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
532 |
msgid "Enable Paginated URLs"
533 |
msgstr ""
534 |
535 |
#: config/settings.php:
536 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
537 |
msgid "Custom Field name"
538 |
msgstr ""
539 |
540 |
#: config/settings.php:
541 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
542 |
msgid "Default Schema Type"
543 |
msgstr ""
544 |
545 |
#: config/settings.php:
546 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
547 |
msgid "Local Business"
548 |
msgstr ""
549 |
550 |
#: config/settings.php:
551 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
552 |
msgid "Product"
553 |
msgstr ""
554 |
555 |
#: config/settings.php:
556 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
557 |
msgid "Custom"
558 |
msgstr ""
559 |
560 |
#: config/settings.php:
561 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
562 |
msgid "View more information on schema types here"
563 |
msgstr ""
564 |
565 |
#: config/settings.php:
566 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
567 |
msgid "Custom Schema Type"
568 |
msgstr ""
569 |
570 |
#: config/settings.php:
571 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
572 |
msgid "Default Name"
573 |
msgstr ""
574 |
575 |
#: config/settings.php:
576 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
577 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page title"
578 |
msgstr ""
579 |
580 |
#: config/settings.php:
581 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
582 |
msgid "Enter a custom title"
583 |
msgstr ""
584 |
585 |
#: config/settings.php:
586 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
587 |
msgid "Custom Name"
588 |
msgstr ""
589 |
590 |
#: config/settings.php:
591 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
592 |
msgid "Default Description"
593 |
msgstr ""
594 |
595 |
#: config/settings.php:
596 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
597 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
598 |
msgstr ""
599 |
600 |
#: config/settings.php:
601 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
602 |
msgid "Enter a custom description"
603 |
msgstr ""
604 |
605 |
#: config/settings.php:
606 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
607 |
msgid "Custom Description"
608 |
msgstr ""
609 |
610 |
#: config/settings.php:
611 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
612 |
msgid "Default URL"
613 |
msgstr ""
614 |
615 |
#: config/settings.php:
616 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
617 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page URL"
618 |
msgstr ""
619 |
620 |
#: config/settings.php:
621 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
622 |
msgid "Enter a custom URL"
623 |
msgstr ""
624 |
625 |
#: config/settings.php:
626 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
627 |
msgid "Custom URL"
628 |
msgstr ""
629 |
630 |
#: config/settings.php:
631 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
632 |
msgid "Default Image"
633 |
msgstr ""
634 |
635 |
#: config/settings.php:
636 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
637 |
msgid "Use the featured image of the assigned or current page"
638 |
msgstr ""
639 |
640 |
#: config/settings.php:
641 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
642 |
msgid "Enter a custom image URL"
643 |
msgstr ""
644 |
645 |
#: config/settings.php:
646 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
647 |
msgid "Custom Image URL"
648 |
msgstr ""
649 |
650 |
#: config/settings.php:
651 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
652 |
msgid "Address"
653 |
msgstr ""
654 |
655 |
#: config/settings.php:
656 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
657 |
msgid "60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, US"
658 |
msgstr ""
659 |
660 |
#: config/settings.php:
661 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
662 |
msgid "Telephone Number"
663 |
msgstr ""
664 |
665 |
#: config/settings.php:
666 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
667 |
msgid "+1 (877) 273-3049"
668 |
msgstr ""
669 |
670 |
#: config/settings.php:
671 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
672 |
msgid "Price Range"
673 |
msgstr ""
674 |
675 |
#: config/settings.php:
676 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
677 |
msgid "$$-$$$"
678 |
msgstr ""
679 |
680 |
#: config/settings.php:
681 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
682 |
msgid "Offer Type"
683 |
msgstr ""
684 |
685 |
#: config/settings.php:
686 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
687 |
msgid "AggregateOffer"
688 |
msgstr ""
689 |
690 |
#: config/settings.php:
691 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
692 |
msgid "Offer"
693 |
msgstr ""
694 |
695 |
#: config/settings.php:
696 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
697 |
msgid "Price"
698 |
msgstr ""
699 |
700 |
#: config/settings.php:
701 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
702 |
msgid "Low Price"
703 |
msgstr ""
704 |
705 |
#: config/settings.php:
706 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
707 |
msgid "High Price"
708 |
msgstr ""
709 |
710 |
#: config/settings.php:
711 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
712 |
msgid "Price Currency"
713 |
msgstr ""
714 |
715 |
#: config/settings.php:
716 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
717 |
msgid "USD"
718 |
msgstr ""
719 |
720 |
#: config/settings.php:
721 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
722 |
msgid "Choose which fields should be required in the review form."
723 |
msgstr ""
724 |
725 |
#: config/settings.php:
726 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
727 |
msgid "Required Fields"
728 |
msgstr ""
729 |
730 |
#: config/settings.php:
731 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
732 |
msgid "Rating"
733 |
msgstr ""
734 |
735 |
#: config/settings.php:
736 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
737 |
msgid "Title"
738 |
msgstr ""
739 |
740 |
#: config/settings.php:
741 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
742 |
msgid "Review"
743 |
msgstr ""
744 |
745 |
#: config/settings.php:
746 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
747 |
msgid "Name"
748 |
msgstr ""
749 |
750 |
#: config/settings.php:
751 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
752 |
msgid "Email"
753 |
msgstr ""
754 |
755 |
#: config/settings.php:
756 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
757 |
msgid "Terms"
758 |
msgstr ""
759 |
760 |
#: config/settings.php:
761 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
762 |
msgid "Limits the number of reviews that can be submitted to one-per-person. If you are assigning reviews, then the limit will be applied to the assigned page or category."
763 |
msgstr ""
764 |
765 |
#: config/settings.php:
766 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
767 |
msgid "Limit Reviews"
768 |
msgstr ""
769 |
770 |
#: config/settings.php:
771 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
772 |
msgid "No Limit"
773 |
msgstr ""
774 |
775 |
#: config/settings.php:
776 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
777 |
msgid "By Email Address"
778 |
msgstr ""
779 |
780 |
#: config/settings.php:
781 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
782 |
msgid "By IP Address"
783 |
msgstr ""
784 |
785 |
#: config/settings.php:
786 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
787 |
msgid "By Username (will only work for registered users)"
788 |
msgstr ""
789 |
790 |
#: config/settings.php:
791 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
792 |
msgid "One Email per line. All emails in the whitelist will be excluded from the review submission limit."
793 |
msgstr ""
794 |
795 |
#: config/settings.php:
796 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
797 |
msgid "Email Whitelist"
798 |
msgstr ""
799 |
800 |
#: config/settings.php:
801 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
802 |
msgid "One IP Address per line. All IP Addresses in the whitelist will be excluded from the review submission limit.."
803 |
msgstr ""
804 |
805 |
#: config/settings.php:
806 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
807 |
msgid "IP Address Whitelist"
808 |
msgstr ""
809 |
810 |
#: config/settings.php:
811 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
812 |
msgid "One Username per line. All registered users with a Username in the whitelist will be excluded from the review submission limit."
813 |
msgstr ""
814 |
815 |
#: config/settings.php:
816 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
817 |
msgid "Username Whitelist"
818 |
msgstr ""
819 |
820 |
#: config/settings.php:
821 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
822 |
msgid "The Invisible reCAPTCHA badge (reCAPTCHA v2) is a free anti-spam service from Google. To use it, you will need to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sign up</a> for an API key pair for your site."
823 |
msgstr ""
824 |
825 |
#: config/settings.php:
826 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
827 |
msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA"
828 |
msgstr ""
829 |
830 |
#: config/settings.php:
831 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
832 |
msgid "Do not use reCAPTCHA"
833 |
msgstr ""
834 |
835 |
#: config/settings.php:
836 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
837 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA"
838 |
msgstr ""
839 |
840 |
#: config/settings.php:
841 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
842 |
msgid "Use reCAPTCHA only for guest users"
843 |
msgstr ""
844 |
845 |
#: config/settings.php:
846 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
847 |
msgid "Site Key"
848 |
msgstr ""
849 |
850 |
#: config/settings.php:
851 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
852 |
msgid "Site Secret"
853 |
msgstr ""
854 |
855 |
#: config/settings.php:
856 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
857 |
msgid "This option may not work consistently if another plugin is loading reCAPTCHA on the same page as Site Reviews."
858 |
msgstr ""
859 |
860 |
#: config/settings.php:
861 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
862 |
msgid "Badge Position"
863 |
msgstr ""
864 |
865 |
#: config/settings.php:
866 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
867 |
msgid "Bottom Left"
868 |
msgstr ""
869 |
870 |
#: config/settings.php:
871 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
872 |
msgid "Bottom Right"
873 |
msgstr ""
874 |
875 |
#: config/settings.php:
876 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
877 |
msgid "Inline"
878 |
msgstr ""
879 |
880 |
#: config/settings.php:
881 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
882 |
msgid "The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Akismet plugin</a> integration provides spam-filtering for your reviews. In order for this setting to have any affect, you will need to first install and activate the Akismet plugin and set up a API key."
883 |
msgstr ""
884 |
885 |
#: config/settings.php:
886 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
887 |
msgid "Enable Akismet Integration"
888 |
msgstr ""
889 |
890 |
#: config/settings.php:
891 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
892 |
msgid "Choose which Blacklist you would prefer to use for reviews. The %s option can be found in the WordPress Discussion Settings page."
893 |
msgstr ""
894 |
895 |
#: config/settings.php:
896 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
897 |
msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys"
898 |
msgstr ""
899 |
900 |
#: config/settings.php:
901 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
902 |
msgid "Blacklist"
903 |
msgstr ""
904 |
905 |
#: config/settings.php:
906 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
907 |
msgid "Use the Site Reviews Blacklist"
908 |
msgstr ""
909 |
910 |
#: config/settings.php:
911 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
912 |
msgid "Use the WordPress Disallowed Comment Keys"
913 |
msgstr ""
914 |
915 |
#: config/settings.php:
916 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
917 |
msgid "One entry or IP address per line. When a review contains any of these entries in its title, content, name, email, or IP address, it will be rejected. It is case-insensitive and will match partial words, so \"press\" will match \"WordPress\"."
918 |
msgstr ""
919 |
920 |
#: config/settings.php:
921 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
922 |
msgid "Review Blacklist"
923 |
msgstr ""
924 |
925 |
#: config/settings.php:
926 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
927 |
msgid "Choose the action that should be taken when a review is blacklisted."
928 |
msgstr ""
929 |
930 |
#: config/settings.php:
931 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
932 |
msgid "Blacklist Action"
933 |
msgstr ""
934 |
935 |
#: config/settings.php:
936 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
937 |
msgid "Require approval"
938 |
msgstr ""
939 |
940 |
#: config/settings.php:
941 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
942 |
msgid "Reject submission"
943 |
msgstr ""
944 |
945 |
#: plugin/Application.php:224
946 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
947 |
msgid "Local Review"
948 |
msgstr ""
949 |
950 |
#: plugin/Deprecated.php:24
951 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
952 |
msgid "The [%s] method has been deprecated and will be soon be removed, please use the [%s] method instead."
953 |
msgstr ""
954 |
955 |
#: plugin/Review.php:
956 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
957 |
msgid "Unknown"
958 |
msgstr ""
@@ -1066,12 +1091,12 @@ msgstr ""
1066 |
msgid "This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion."
1067 |
msgstr ""
1068 |
1069 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:70, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1070 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1071 |
msgid "Settings"
1072 |
msgstr ""
1073 |
1074 |
#: plugin/Addons/Controller.php:76, plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1075 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1076 |
msgid "Help"
1077 |
msgstr ""
@@ -1085,11 +1110,11 @@ msgstr ""
1085 |
msgid "Show more"
1086 |
msgstr ""
1087 |
1088 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:
1089 |
msgid "Your review has been submitted!"
1090 |
msgstr ""
1091 |
1092 |
#: plugin/Commands/CreateReview.php:
1093 |
msgid "Your review could not be submitted and the error has been logged. Please notify the site admin."
1094 |
msgstr ""
1095 |
@@ -1142,29 +1167,29 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1142 |
msgid "Edit"
1143 |
msgstr ""
1144 |
1145 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1146 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1147 |
msgid "%s Review"
1148 |
msgid_plural "%s Reviews"
1149 |
msgstr[0] ""
1150 |
msgstr[1] ""
1151 |
1152 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1153 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1154 |
msgid "Recent Reviews"
1155 |
msgstr ""
1156 |
1157 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1158 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1159 |
msgid "Submit a Review"
1160 |
msgstr ""
1161 |
1162 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1163 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1164 |
msgid "Summary of Reviews"
1165 |
msgstr ""
1166 |
1167 |
#: plugin/Controllers/AdminController.php:
1168 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1169 |
msgid "Nothing found."
1170 |
msgstr ""
@@ -1199,17 +1224,22 @@ msgctxt "Approve the review (admin-text)"
1199 |
msgid "%s this review"
1200 |
msgstr ""
1201 |
1202 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1203 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1204 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display your recent reviews."
1205 |
msgstr ""
1206 |
1207 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1208 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1209 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a form to submit reviews."
1210 |
msgstr ""
1211 |
1212 |
#: plugin/Controllers/MainController.php:
1213 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1214 |
msgid "Site Reviews: Display a summary of your reviews."
1215 |
msgstr ""
@@ -1406,12 +1436,12 @@ msgstr ""
1406 |
1407 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:157
1408 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1409 |
msgid "The plugin has been migrated sucessfully."
1410 |
msgstr ""
1411 |
1412 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:154
1413 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1414 |
msgid "All plugin migrations have been run successfully."
1415 |
msgstr ""
1416 |
1417 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:180
@@ -1419,17 +1449,17 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1419 |
msgid "The assigned meta values have been reset."
1420 |
msgstr ""
1421 |
1422 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1423 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1424 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset."
1425 |
msgstr ""
1426 |
1427 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1428 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1429 |
msgid "reload the page"
1430 |
msgstr ""
1431 |
1432 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ToolsController.php:
1433 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1434 |
msgid "The permissions have been reset, please %s for them to take effect."
1435 |
msgstr ""
@@ -1660,6 +1690,21 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
1660 |
msgid "The link to edit/view a review"
1661 |
msgstr ""
1662 |
1663 |
#: plugin/Defaults/UpdatedMessageDefaults.php:15
1664 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
1665 |
msgid "Review has been approved and published."
@@ -1736,7 +1781,7 @@ msgstr ""
1736 |
msgid "This field requires a valid e-mail address."
1737 |
msgstr ""
1738 |
1739 |
#: plugin/Defaults/ValidationStringsDefaults.php:19, plugin/Modules/Validator/DefaultValidator.php:
1740 |
msgid "Please fix the submission errors."
1741 |
msgstr ""
1742 |
@@ -1824,11 +1869,11 @@ msgid_plural "%s years ago"
1824 |
msgstr[0] ""
1825 |
msgstr[1] ""
1826 |
1827 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:
1828 |
msgid "Anonymous"
1829 |
msgstr ""
1830 |
1831 |
#: plugin/Modules/Notification.php:
1832 |
msgctxt "This string differs depending on whether or not the review has been assigned to a post."
1833 |
msgid "New %s-star review"
1834 |
msgid_plural "New %s-star review of %s"
@@ -2242,11 +2287,6 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
2242 |
msgid "All types"
2243 |
msgstr ""
2244 |
2245 |
#: plugin/Controllers/ListTableColumns/ColumnValueType.php:17
2246 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2247 |
msgid "Unsupported Type"
2248 |
msgstr ""
2249 |
2250 |
#: plugin/Modules/Validator/AkismetValidator.php:49
2251 |
msgid "This review has been flagged as possible spam and cannot be submitted."
2252 |
msgstr ""
@@ -2271,7 +2311,7 @@ msgstr ""
2271 |
msgid "The reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again."
2272 |
msgstr ""
2273 |
2274 |
#: plugin/Modules/Validator/ReviewLimitsValidator.php:
2275 |
msgid "You have already submitted a review."
2276 |
msgstr ""
2277 |
@@ -2410,22 +2450,27 @@ msgctxt "admin-text"
2410 |
msgid "Reset Meta Values"
2411 |
msgstr ""
2412 |
2413 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2414 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2415 |
msgid "Resetting, please wait..."
2416 |
msgstr ""
2417 |
2418 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2419 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2420 |
msgid "Reset Permissions"
2421 |
msgstr ""
2422 |
2423 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2424 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2425 |
msgid "Testing, please wait..."
2426 |
msgstr ""
2427 |
2428 |
#: views/pages/tools/general.php:
2429 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2430 |
msgid "Test Detection"
2431 |
msgstr ""
@@ -2577,7 +2622,7 @@ msgstr ""
2577 |
2578 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:23
2579 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
2580 |
msgid "Allow people to
2581 |
msgstr ""
2582 |
2583 |
#: views/partials/notices/addons.php:26
443 |
msgid "Initial with a period and a space"
444 |
msgstr ""
445 |
446 |
#: config/settings.php:178
447 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
448 |
msgid "This setting determines how the assigned options work in the reviews and summary shortcodes and blocks."
449 |
msgstr ""
450 |
451 |
#: config/settings.php:179
452 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
453 |
msgid "\"Loose Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this OR this</code>."
454 |
msgstr ""
455 |
456 |
#: config/settings.php:180
457 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
458 |
msgid "\"Strict Assignment\" means <code>display reviews that are assigned to this AND this</code>."
459 |
msgstr ""
460 |
461 |
#: config/settings.php:182
462 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
463 |
msgid "Review Assignment"
464 |
msgstr ""
465 |
466 |
#: config/settings.php:184
467 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
468 |
msgid "Loose Assignment"
469 |
msgstr ""
470 |
471 |
#: config/settings.php:185
472 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
473 |
msgid "Strict Assignment"
474 |
msgstr ""
475 |
476 |
#: config/settings.php:191
477 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
478 |
msgid "Display a link to the assigned posts of a review."
479 |
msgstr ""
480 |
481 |
#: config/settings.php:192
482 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
483 |
msgid "Enable Assigned Links"
484 |
msgstr ""
485 |
486 |
#: config/settings.php:197
487 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
488 |
msgid "Display reviewer avatars. These are generated from the email address of the reviewer using <a href=\"\">Gravatar</a>."
489 |
msgstr ""
490 |
491 |
#: config/settings.php:198
492 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
493 |
msgid "Enable Avatars"
494 |
msgstr ""
495 |
496 |
#: config/settings.php:206
497 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
498 |
msgid "Regenerate the avatar whenever a local review is shown?"
499 |
msgstr ""
500 |
501 |
#: config/settings.php:207
502 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
503 |
msgid "Regenerate Avatars"
504 |
msgstr ""
505 |
506 |
#: config/settings.php:215
507 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
508 |
msgid "Set the avatar size in pixels."
509 |
msgstr ""
510 |
511 |
#: config/settings.php:216
512 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
513 |
msgid "Avatar Size"
514 |
msgstr ""
515 |
516 |
#: config/settings.php:221
517 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
518 |
msgid "Display an excerpt instead of the full review."
519 |
msgstr ""
520 |
521 |
#: config/settings.php:222
522 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
523 |
msgid "Enable Excerpts"
524 |
msgstr ""
525 |
526 |
#: config/settings.php:230
527 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
528 |
msgid "Set the excerpt word length."
529 |
msgstr ""
530 |
531 |
#: config/settings.php:231
532 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
533 |
msgid "Excerpt Length"
534 |
msgstr ""
535 |
536 |
#: config/settings.php:236
537 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
538 |
msgid "Display the fallback text when there are no reviews to display. This can be changed on the %s page. You may also override this by using the \"fallback\" option on the shortcode. The default fallback text is: %s"
539 |
msgstr ""
540 |
541 |
#: config/settings.php:237, plugin/Controllers/MenuController.php:118
542 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
543 |
msgid "Translations"
544 |
msgstr ""
545 |
546 |
#: config/settings.php:238, plugin/Modules/Html/ReviewsHtml.php:126
547 |
msgid "There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one."
548 |
msgstr ""
549 |
550 |
#: config/settings.php:240
551 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
552 |
msgid "Enable Fallback Text"
553 |
msgstr ""
554 |
555 |
#: config/settings.php:246
556 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
557 |
msgid "Paginated URLs include the %s URL parameter. If you would like to keep the pagination links but prevent search engines from indexing them, add the following lines to your %s file instead: %s"
558 |
msgstr ""
559 |
560 |
#: config/settings.php:253
561 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
562 |
msgid "Enable Paginated URLs"
563 |
msgstr ""
564 |
565 |
#: config/settings.php:258, config/settings.php:278, config/settings.php:296, config/settings.php:314, config/settings.php:332, config/settings.php:353, config/settings.php:363, config/settings.php:373, config/settings.php:383, config/settings.php:397, config/settings.php:408, config/settings.php:419, config/settings.php:429
566 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
567 |
msgid "Custom Field name"
568 |
msgstr ""
569 |
570 |
#: config/settings.php:259
571 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
572 |
msgid "Default Schema Type"
573 |
msgstr ""
574 |
575 |
#: config/settings.php:261
576 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
577 |
msgid "Local Business"
578 |
msgstr ""
579 |
580 |
#: config/settings.php:262
581 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
582 |
msgid "Product"
583 |
msgstr ""
584 |
585 |
#: config/settings.php:263
586 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
587 |
msgid "Custom"
588 |
msgstr ""
589 |
590 |
#: config/settings.php:272
591 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
592 |
msgid "View more information on schema types here"
593 |
msgstr ""
594 |
595 |
#: config/settings.php:273
596 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
597 |
msgid "Custom Schema Type"
598 |
msgstr ""
599 |
600 |
#: config/settings.php:279
601 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
602 |
msgid "Default Name"
603 |
msgstr ""
604 |
605 |
#: config/settings.php:281
606 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
607 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page title"
608 |
msgstr ""
609 |
610 |
#: config/settings.php:282
611 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
612 |
msgid "Enter a custom title"
613 |
msgstr ""
614 |
615 |
#: config/settings.php:291
616 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
617 |
msgid "Custom Name"
618 |
msgstr ""
619 |
620 |
#: config/settings.php:297
621 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
622 |
msgid "Default Description"
623 |
msgstr ""
624 |
625 |
#: config/settings.php:299
626 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
627 |
msgid "Use the assigned or current page excerpt"
628 |
msgstr ""
629 |
630 |
#: config/settings.php:300
631 |
msgctxt "admin-text"
632 |
msgid "Enter a custom description"
633 |
msgstr ""
634 |
635 |
#: config/settings.php:309