Smart Slider 3

Wordpress Plugin
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Releases (59 )

Version Release Date Change Log 2022-11-15
  • 15. November 2022 =
  • Feature: New Slide Library theme: Nala.
  • Fix: RankMath SEO compatibility that caused problems within the Media Library in certain configurations.
  • Fix: The last column could be deleted from the row if the row had a nested layer causing errors.
  • Fix: The notice at the Change Slider Type modal was fixed so it no longer writes out HTML code but actually bolds the texts.
  • Fix: Output buffer fix to avoid WP-CLI issues.
  • Fix: Ionos performance compatibility.
  • Fix: Usercentrics cookie consent plugin compatibility.
  • Fix: WP Rocket compatibility that makes Smart Slider automatically excluded from WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript execution feature.
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Zoho CRM Lead Magnet plugin.
  • Fix: Smart Slider will no longer break if CUSTOM_TAGS is defined.
  • Fix: Default value is set to Smart Slider Divi module to ensure proper slider selection.
  • Fix: Improved security to avoid Javascript codes from admin area fields. 2022-10-05
  • 03. October 2022 =
  • Feature: Notice, when NONCE_SALT constant is not defined.
  • Feature: YouTube layer will support YouTube shorts URLs too.
  • Feature: The Export at the Bulk Actions will no longer create a zip file when only one slider is exported.
  • Feature: Notice when the Autoplay is enabled in a slider that contains a single slide.
  • Fix: Improved security during slider import
  • Fix: Analyze and Repair now fix auto_increment issues within the slider's tables.
  • Fix: Split by words advanced generator function caused PHP error, when the length of the word was shorter than the start value.
  • Fix: Better specify Functions.php location to avoid problems in certain cases.
  • Fix: Finish autoplay did not stop at last slide, when carousel was turned off.
  • Fix: Improved check for minimum system requirements.
  • Fix: Save Fonts Locally option at Google fonts didn't work.
  • Fix: ?ver query string added to the CSS file the Save Fonts Locally option generates.
  • Other: The minimum WordPress version Smart Slider requires is now 5.0. (WordPress 6.x is supported, too.)
  • Other: The Spanish translation is updated. Thanks, Rodrigo! 2022-08-18
  • 18. August 2022 =
  • Feature: Improved notice when the Autoplay is used on a single slide to avoid confusion.
  • Feature: u tag is now allowed in text layer.
  • Fix: PHP 8.1. compatibility fixes.
  • Fix: Allow data protocol when Jetpack is active to avoid it removing the arrows and other base64 images.
  • Fix: Major overhaul of the way the plugin deals with options. This should fix a some bugs and provide improved security.
  • Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
  • Other: Dutch translation updated. Thanks, Frank!
  • Other: PHP related conflicts were renamed at the Debug Information to more accurately reflect the cause of the conflict. 2022-05-30
  • 26. May 2022 =
  • Fix: Major overhaul of the way the plugin deals with options. This should fix a some bugs and provide improved security. To enhance security the "JavaScript callbacks" option was removed. If you need to write custom codes to manipulate the slider follow this guide to learn how.
  • Fix: Improved check for valid values at layer content and name.
  • Fix: Aria-role attribute is renamed to role.
  • Fix: compatibility.
  • Fix: Grabbing cursor now properly displays when the slides are switching with mouse grabbing.
  • Fix: Fix for a Deprecated: preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #4 error in rare cases.
  • Fix: The CSS code that hides the Bullet thumbnail was strengthened to avoid 3rd party codes overriding it and messing up the layout.
  • Fix: The style tag for the Slide CSS will only be added to the HTML if it has any content.
  • Fix: The old default family, Montserrat is not used anymore at the backend so its call was removed.
  • Fix: Elementor has deprecated the controls_registered method so from 3.6.0 and above we use the new register method to include the Smart Slider widget to Elementor.
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Divi on PHP 8.
  • Other: Translation related improvements, including unifying texts that do the same action on different places.
  • Other: Spanish translation is updated. Thanks, Rodrigo! 2022-02-28
  • 28. Feburary 2022 =
  • Feature: Save Fonts Locally option to cache Google Fonts.
  • Fix: Updating from really old Smart Slider versions might caused a PHP notice to appear.
  • Fix: Smart Slider element doesn't work within Elementor Pro when WooCommerce is also installed on the website.
  • Fix: Weglot plugin's language switcher appeared in page builder created sliders.
  • Fix: Mobile Firefox slide swiping didn't worked well, as mobile Firefox won't allow to stop page scroll any longer.
  • Fix: Better error handling for cases when the WebP support is disabled on the server to avoid PHP errors.
  • Fix: Dynamic slides didn't accepted variables in color fields.
  • Fix: WordPress posts generator code optimization and Elementor compatibility.
  • Fix: n2-clear class added to the main div that contains the ss3-force-full-width and ss3-fullpage elements to make the Clear Before option work properly.
  • Fix: Smart Slider display fixed in Tatsu builder.
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for lower WordPress versions which use the classic widgets.
  • Deprecated: Slider's Inline JavaScript option.
  • Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
  • Other: Google font list updated with latest fonts
  • Other: Links updated in the Help Section to point to more appropriate help articles. 2022-01-20
  • 18. January 2022 =
  • Feature: Pagination and Search options in the Dashboard.
  • Feature: The variable selector is now available at the column and row background colors.
  • Feature: We'll use pointer cursor at the thumbnails to indicate that they're clickable.
  • Feature: Perfmatter compatibility improvements.
  • Fix: Overflow hidden is added to vertical thumbnails to allow rounded borders.
  • Fix: Firefox changed the default background color of the select tag, which creates less contrast between the text and background. We changed it back to white.
  • Fix: The color picker allowed saving a 7 digit color code, which resulted a bad color.
  • Fix: Margin and padding values are now translatable in the Slide editor UI.
  • Fix: Optimize images option now works on full URLs.
  • Fix: The YouTube layer didn't always recognize the URLs properly.
  • Fix: Static Overlay background options caused error when the only slide in the slider is a Static Overlay.
  • Fix: Smart Slider's custom widget area will now properly display the publishing instructions.
  • Fix: Background Blur could show up even if the fill mode was not set to Blur fit.
  • Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
  • Other: The es_ES.po and renamed to es.po and respectively to support all Spanish languages. 2021-11-23
  • 18. November 2021 =
  • Feature: The old background animations are allowed again when the fill mode is not fill, but anything else.
  • Feature: You can now customize the Loading animation delay time.
  • Fix: Image layer box shadow now shows up in the Slide Editor.
  • Fix: We fixed an error that happened because Elementor has deprecated the _content_template method we used to create our Elementor Widget.
  • Fix: Compatibility fixes with Perfmatters.
  • Fix: The old Smart Slider WordPress widget can be moved back to Elementor using the SMART_SLIDER_ELEMENTOR_WIDGET_ALLOWED constant. As a result the sliders won't be missing after the update.
  • Fix: The slider resize didn't always get triggered on mobile when the device was rotated.
  • Fix: The When ended Go to next slide option will no longer trigger the Scroll to slider behavior at the video layers.
  • Other: Dutch translation added. Thanks, Frank!
  • Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo! 2021-10-26
  • 20. October 2021 =
  • Feature: Background blur option for the Blur fit fill mode.
  • Fix: Divi Builder plugin has strong codes so we use a special ss-p tag to display the texts. An issue was fixed related to these ss-p tags that made them display incorrectly.
  • Fix: Focus incorrectly stayed on the arrow after slide switching.
  • Fix: Arrows could get highlighted in Safari.
  • Other: Better handling of the translation files.
  • Other: French translation added. Thanks, Jean-Francois! 2021-10-11
  • 5. October 2021 =
  • Fix: 100% wide image layer appeared wrong when it had a link on it.
  • Fix: Text Scale option could create different result in Preview and Editor in extreme cases.
  • Fix: Column calculation adjusted for better responsive accuracy.
  • Fix: When the Autoplay is enabled and only one slide is available, this one slide is duplicated to allow the autoplay to work. From now on the dynamic slides are skipped from this process. If there's a dynamic slide that displays a single slide only, that won't be duplicated for the autoplay.
  • Fix: Translate URL now works on the background image of the Content layer.
  • Fix: We adjusted the strength of the CSS codes affecting the Thumbnail control's images to avoid 3rd party codes hiding them.
  • Fix: A wrong path could be generated for the resized thumbnail image at the backend in rare cases.
  • Fix: Rank Math SEO integration adjusted to avoid possible JavaScript errors at custom post types.
  • Other: Spanish translation has been updated. Thanks, Rodrigo! 2021-09-14
  • 13. September 2021 =
  • Feature: The "Block carousel" feature is now available for free users as well.
  • Feature: Gutenberg block toolbar is available at the slider. Also, there's an option to go to the slide editor directly from the block.
  • Feature: Pressing enter on any control will trigger the control's action, as if it was clicked.
  • Fix: Force full width sliders weren't always properly positioned in Divi.
  • Fix: SVG paths were wrong in the HTML export of the slider.
  • Fix: Fix for an output buffer problem related to Themeco Pro theme.
  • Fix: Fix for a conflict between "Scroll To Slider" and "Use as Anchor > Smooth scroll" that created a weird scrolling.
  • Fix: The image size box overlapped the thumbnail text on RTL UI.
  • Fix: Long slider names are cropped when copied/duplicated, to ensure that the new slider can be created.
  • Fix: PHP 8 compatibility fix to avoid Heading layers creating hdiv tag.
  • Fix: On WordPress multisite installation only administrators can have unfiltered_html capability, which is required to be able to access the slider. We've modified the error message to reflect this.
  • Fix: Some Google fonts contain space character, which wasn't properly encoded.
  • Fix: Minimum height CSS won't be added if the value is 0 or smaller.
  • Fix: We added 50MS timeout to HTMLImageElement.decode() as its promise wasn't always resolved in Safari.
  • Fix: Outer positioned controls could create scrollbar, especially on small screens.
  • Removed: Google font subsets are now removed, as in a browser that supports unicode-range the subset is dynamically served, there's no need to force it.
  • Other: A couple of strings were not translate-able, which is now fixed. Want to translate Smart Slider? 2021-08-16
  • 21. June 2021 =
  • Feature: Smart Slider displays a preview image in Gutenberg's Add Block panel
  • Feature: New Google fonts added to the font suggestion list.
  • Fix: Slide title and description are copped at Static Save to avoid reaching server limitation.
  • Fix: From now on the Wrap After option won't be available on non-fullwidth rows, as they break automatically based on the space they need.
  • Fix: Smart Slider now properly appears on Google's Mobile friendly test.
  • Fix: Scale to left main animation didn't appear properly in the Free version.
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa which wrongly fetched certain slide data. From now on no part of the slider appears in their fetch.
  • Fix: Text bar will display the HTML codes in the Slide title and description field again.
  • Fix: Outer right control position was wrong on RTL.
  • Fix: Better check for RankMath dependency, so it won't be loaded on pages where RankMath doesn't loads its codes.
  • Fix: Outer left and right controls had wrong width. From now on they'll have the same width as the slider.
  • Fix: Themify builder conflict fixed with background videos
  • Fix: The slider's force fullwidth calculation could position the slider wrongly when the slider was placed into another "force fullwith" container.
  • Fix: Error handling for cases when the Top or Bottom focus selector is invalid.
  • Fix: Allow transparent color as hover background.
  • Fix: Pixel bug on the bottom of the slide in certain cases.
  • Fix: Z-index fixes for the Simple and Block type to avoid 3rd parties modify the z-index of the background images.
  • Fix: Better error handling for cases when the installation didn't run properly due to some database error.
  • Fix: WP Bakery Frontend editor will display the slider again when Yoast is enabled.
  • Fix: From now on the unfiltered_html capability is required to edit the slides on WordPress 2021-06-10
  • 10. June 2021 =
  • Feature: From now on your can set an Alt tag for the Slide Thumbnail.
  • Fix: Absolute positioned layers didn't rotate.
  • Fix: Workaround adjusted for the Safari bug which makes non-fullwidth rows create unnecessary line wrap.
  • Fix: Slider and slide title fields are sanitized.
  • Fix: Arrow style didn't work in preview.
  • Fix: Empty background color caused PHP error.
  • Fix: Force fullwidth slider might appeared offscreen in rare cases.
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Admin 2020 plugin.
  • Fix: Slider flickered in Gutenberg editor in rare cases.
  • Fix: Nested, not full width Absolute layer width couldn't be changed.
  • Other: Editor role no longer gets access to Smart Slider on new installations. 2021-06-02
    1. June 2021 = Warning: Smart Slider 3.5 is not backwards compatible! Before upgrading check the possible issues and their solutions you might see after updating to 3.5.
  • New: Speed improvements which help you make Smart Slider 3 pass Core Web Vitals.

  • Removed: jQuery dependency is removed. From now on Smart Slider only uses vanilla JavaScript.

  • Removed: px+ from padding and margin values. From now on everything will be fix px value.

  • Removed: Non adaptive font resizing is removed, and from now on everything will be adaptive. If you need the adaptive scaling at the layers you created before the update which previously used non-adaptive scaling, turn on "Legacy Font Scale" at Slider settings > Developer tab.

  • Feature: Async option for non-primary CSS files.

  • Feature: Horizontal mouse wheel control option.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Cachify plugin.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for WooCommerce Blocks plugin.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for A3 Lazy Loading plugin.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Woodmart theme.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Flatsome theme.

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Newspaper theme's tagDiv Composer.

  • Fix: LiteSpeed cache plugin's Generate Critical CSS option.

  • Fix: Twenty Seventeen theme conflict with Scroll to Slider option.

  • Fix: Divi Builder plugin caused problems with the align and max width options.

  • Fix: Fixes for RTL display that affected the Inner align, force full width calculation and arrow control positioning. 2021-03-08
  • 08. March 2021 =
  • Feature: Remove script type attributes
  • Feature: Exclude certain Google fonts from loading
  • Feature: Allow less than 1000ms slide duration values to override the autoplay duration.
  • Fix: Compatibility with AMP for WP
  • Fix: Polylang ajax issue
  • Fix: WP Security Audit Log conflict
  • Fix: Generator fill background color end
  • Fix: WP Rocket 3.8.1 changes
  • Fix: Mouse wheel events outside the slider
  • Fix: Removal of jQuery deprecated functions
  • Other: Simplified Chinese translation 2021-01-18
  • 18. January 2021 =
  • Fix: WP Rocket compatibility
  • Fix: B tag line break in Chrome 2021-01-14
  • 13. January 2021 =
  • Feature: PHP 8 compatibility
  • Fix: WordPress post generator dates
  • Fix: Thumbnail hover switching
  • Fix: WP Rocket compatibility 2020-11-26
  • 26. November 2020 =
  • Feature: Accessibility improvements
  • Fix: WPRocket RocketCDN compatibility
  • Fix: Jetpack lazy loading compatibility
  • Fix: Elementor fix when no slider is selected
  • Deprecated: PX+ 2020-11-11
  • 11. November 2020 =
  • Fix: Themify themes output buffer issue 2020-11-11
  • 11. November 2020 =
  • Fix: Layer duplication
  • Fix: Themify themes output buffer issue
  • Fix: Remove sliders from AMP pages
  • Other: Black Friday sale notice added 2020-10-28
  • 28. October 2020 =
  • Fix: Autoptimize lazy loading cause flickering background image 2020-10-27
  • 27. October 2020 =
  • Feature: Certain HTML tags are enabled in the Heading layer. See the full list of supported tags.
  • Feature: Post slug variable for WordPress Post generator
  • Fix: WP Rocket compatibility
  • Fix: Alias switching
  • Fix: Rename in layer list and Breakpoint value change in Safari
  • Fix: Nested Absolute layers in column
  • Fix: Output buffer for Speed Booster Pack cache
  • Fix: Slider loading optimization
  • Fix: Simply Exclude plugin added to conflict list.
  • Fix: PageSpeed ninja plugin compatibility (enabled Gzip caused missing files.) 2020-08-26
  • 26. August 2020. =
  • Feature: Placeholder uses Min height when its set
  • Feature: BoldGrid Post and Page Builder compatibility
  • Feature: Smart Slider 3 now renders the sliders via iframe in Brizy editor
  • Fix: Clear device Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Fix: Trashed sliders showed up in the dashboard in rare cases
  • Fix: Slide Library remove localStorage slide cache to avoid quota exceeded errors.
  • Fix: Text bar animates with correct opacity
  • Fix: Firefox click with keyboard
  • Fix: Beaver Builder compatibility
  • Fix: Image variables might caused errors in a Dynamic slide
  • Fix: table names changed for better JEvents compatibility
  • Fix: Redux Framework compatibility
  • Fix: Generator custom sized image variable names
  • Fix: Parallax is disabled in Mac Safari to avoid browser issues
  • Fix: Image box layer image vertical align
  • Other: Google font list updated 2020-06-11
  • 10. June 2020. =
  • Feature: Vimeo layer custom aspect ratio
  • Feature: YouTube layer custom aspect ratio
  • Fix: Iframe window of Smart Slider in Divi builder
  • Fix: Iframe slider fix when load delayed
  • Fix: Divi fix for shortcode
  • Fix: Hide notice of Analytify in Slide Editor and preview
  • Fix: Remove pixel snapping codes as it might cause Firefox shaking and Chrome does not need is since Chrome v75.
  • Fix: Arrow control - Mirror with previous disabled fix
  • Fix: Disabled arrows for types, where there was no disabled option earlier.
  • Fix: Prevent opening multiple lightboxes at the same time
  • Fix: Slider height when vertical thumbnail hidden
  • Fix: Fix YouTube cover image flicker
  • Fix: Empty slide background image after saving a slide which was created in 3.3.x version
  • Fix: Exclude Smart Slider images from A3 Lazy Load plugin to avoid problems
  • Fix: Force iframe mode when HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH 2020-05-21
  • 19. May 2020. =
  • Fix: Horizontal bar is not showing 2020-05-19
  • 19. May 2020. =
  • Warning: 3.4 version is not backwards compatible! After installing this version, you won't be able to go back to 3.3.x.
  • Smart Slider 3.4 no longer supports [Internet Explorer browser at all](!
  • Feature: Content mode was renamed to Default and Canvas mode is now called Absolute.
  • Feature: Completely redesigned UI
  • Feature: Breakpoint system
  • Feature: Nesting
  • Feature: Layer list
  • Feature: Focus selector for background images
  • Feature: New Preview
  • Feature: Contextual menu
  • Feature: Orion theme updated for Slide Library
  • Feature: More Slide Library templates are available for free users
  • Feature: Block type available in Free version
  • Feature: Slider trash
  • Feature: Stop autoplay on added to the free version
  • Feature: Hide controls on devices added to the free version
  • Feature: Loading type options
  • Feature: Sliders now render in Nimble Builder's editor when their shortcode is used in the builder's shortcode or rich text editor module
  • Fix: WordPress Gutenberg editor language won't change to English on non-English sites
  • Fix: PHP 7.4 fixes
  • Fix: Sliders will no longer run on pages which are optimized by AMP on WordPress weeblrAMP CE
  • Fix: Alias is removed from duplicated slider
  • Fix: Compatibility with BuddyBoss theme
  • Fix: Slider's inline JavaScript - Into the slider
  • Fix: Scroll on older iPad devices
  • Fix: SG Optimizer compatibility (?ver
3.3.28 2020-03-27
  • 25. March 2020. =
  • Feature: Slide background image Focus X and Y accept variables
  • Feature: Google Font list updated
  • Fix: Alias slide switching
  • Fix: Google Cloud Storage plugin compatibility
  • Fix: YouTube layer uses the hqdefault as the cover image
  • Fix: Jetpack Photon compatibility
  • Fix: Slide manager thumbnail fix
3.3.27 2020-02-12
  • 12. February 2020. =
  • Feature: Edge selector at Scroll to slider on user interaction
  • Feature: Vimeo privacy enhanced mode
  • Fix: Youtube video adding
  • Fix: Wordfence array to string errors
  • Fix: Twenty twenty theme video compatibility
  • Fix: WP Rocket compatibility
  • Fix: WordPress Post generator author URL and avatar image
  • Fix: Exclude from OceanWPlightbox
  • Fix: PHP 7.4.1 PHP notices fixed
3.3.26 2020-01-08
  • 8. January 2020. =
  • Feature: Keyboard navigation detection improvement
  • Feature: Control hover delay increased
  • Feature: WordPress disable pointer events in iframe in page builders
  • Fix: Multiselect CSS issue at generator settings
  • Fix: MobileDetect issues in rare cases
  • Fix: Slider loading in Elementor Popup
  • Fix: wp_delete_site action is used on WordPress 5.1 or newer sites instead of the deprecated delete_blog
  • Fix: YouTube video conflict with Revolution Slider
  • Fix: Shape divider height
  • Fix: imagesloaded library
  • Fix: iPhone ligthbox scroll
  • Fix: Rubenz theme AJAX compatibility
  • Fix: WordPress Posts by filter generator - wrong date in url variable
  • Fix: Hide slider with CSS media query in the admin area
  • Fix: Quix builder fix
  • Fix: EasySocial user url fix
  • Fix: Pointer Events Polyfill - Slide switching in browsers that doesn't support pointer events
  • Fix: WordPress shortcode parameters
  • Fix: Vimeo and Youtube layers
  • Deprecated: Help beacon
3.3.25 2019-11-29
  • 28. November 2019. =
  • Feature: Keyboard navigation detection improvement
  • Fix: MobileDetect issues in rare cases
  • Fix: Slider loading in Elementor Popup
  • Fix: wp_delete_site action is used on WordPress 5.1 or newer sites instead of the deprecated delete_blog
  • Fix: MouseWheel timing adjusted for Apple Touchpad
  • Fix: YouTube video conflict with Revolution Slider
3.3.24 2019-11-14
  • 14. November 2019. =
  • Fix: WordPress 5.3 backend compatibility
3.3.23 2019-11-12
  • 12. November 2019. =
  • Fix: RTL fix on admin area
3.3.22 2019-09-12
  • 12. September 2019. =
  • Feature: Accessibility; the arrow's aria label is now the same as their alt tag
  • Feature: New Google fonts added
  • Fix: Layer defaults
  • Fix: YouTube video play on IOS in rare cases
  • Fix: Padding issue in Thumbnails control
  • Fix: Alias notice
  • Fix: Toolset multiple embedding
  • Fix: 4 byte characters removed from Add Post
  • Fix: inline CSS parsing of :FOCUS selector
  • Fix: hold touch action while main animation playing
  • Fix: remove WordPress actions when multisite created
  • Fix: WP Smush image optimization won't mess up the slider anymore
  • Translation: Spanish translation, thanks to Rodrigo!
  • Deprecated: Smart Slider 3 will no longer run on PHP 5.4 or 5.5 version. The new minimum PHP version the slider requires is PHP 5.6.20!
3.3.21 2019-07-16
  • 05. July 2019. =
  • Feature: Slider default font size now uses rem instead of px
  • Fix: Col border
  • Fix: Fix for autoplay click
  • Fix: Divi full width section's module
  • Fix: Safari col/content/row background hover
  • Fix: Vertical bullets on RTL websites
  • Other: French translation updated
  • Other: Spanish translation updated
  • Deprecated: Modernizr removed from the slider
3.3.20 2019-05-27
  • 23. May 2019. =
  • Feature: WordPress Fusion builder element for Avada theme
  • Fix: Fix for Beaver builder
  • Fix: Disable auto loading JS files on frontend when Server side mobile detect is on.
  • Fix: doPixelSnapping (to overcome Chrome's browser bug.)
  • Fix: Hiding controls' top position space, when control is hidden
  • Fix: Don't load any codes on Divi when a slider is not published
  • Fix: Bullets didn't worked on mobile and tablet devices
  • Fix: image layers no longer load if they don't have selected image
  • Other: Translation update Brazil Portugese, Russian, Polish, Italian, French, Finnish.
  • Other: better error message for Free users about MP4 videos
  • Other: Scroll to slider moved to Developer tab.
3.3.18 2019-05-09
  • 08. April 2019. =
  • Feature: Image arrows - Base64 encoding on/off to let you avoid lazy loading or other optimization plugins/extensions caused errors
  • Feature: Hide slider with CSS media queryoption
  • Feature: Slide background color overlay
  • Feature: Compatibility with EWWW Image Optimizer
  • Fix: Parent picker history for deleted parent
  • Fix: Elementor + Yoast Seo meta description
  • Fix: YouTube layer start time fix (Loop + Reset when slide changes)
  • Fix: Compatibility with Swift Performance lazyload-background-images option
  • Fix: Slider align - Center
  • Fix: Arrow control (slide type)
  • Improvement: Better footprint management at the nextend2_section_storage table
3.3.15 2019-02-18
  • 20. February 2019. =
  • NEW DEMO: Brand new demo slider is available to download!
  • Feature: Vimeo layer private video on/off to hide error notification on admin area
  • Fix: Repair WordPress installation
  • Fix: WordPress Gantry theme compatibility
  • Fix: Delayed sliders are now rendered in template tag to make it compatible with W3 Total Cache's Minify feature
3.3.13 2019-01-28
3.3.11 2018-11-22
  • 22. November 2018. =
  • Feature: SVG and WEBP image format support
  • Fix: Links will be able to contain || characters
  • Fix: Android Samsung internet browser fix for full page
  • Fix: Include additional CSS files in prerender iframes (fix for page builder frontend view)
  • Fix: If Load this slider after option is used, but the parent slider doesn't exists (like it is turned off for certain devices), your slider will still load.
3.3.10 2018-11-08
  • 12. November 2018. =
  • Feature: Filters for WordPress post generators
  • Feature: WP admin area will use the user's language, not the website's language
  • Feature: New target options for links
  • Fix: YouTube layer updated to match the latest YouTube embedded API. The Related parameter is renamed to Show related videos from the same channel
  • Fix: Private Vimeo videos
  • Fix: Visual Composer
  • Fix: WPBakery Page Builder
  • Fix: WordPress post generator possible warning
  • Fix: Font manager weight
  • Deprecated: YouTube has deprecated the showinfo parameter. The Show video title option has removed.
3.3.9 2018-10-17
  • 17. October 2018. =
  • Fix: Thumbnail alignment and group
  • Fix: Text layer bold and italic text font colors are now harder to override by theme's codes
  • Fix: NextGen Gallery and Divi live editor bug
3.3.8 2018-10-10
  • 10. October 2018. =
  • Fix: IE Edge layer display fix
  • Fix: Smart Slider 3 inside TablePress on AMP pages
  • Fix: PHP 7.3 compatibility fix
  • Fix: YouTube iPad control fix with undocumented use_native_controls param
  • Fix: Post generator compatibility with some plugins using filters on post titles
  • Fix: Elementor compatibility
  • Feature: In WordPress the dynamic slide generator caches will be automatically cleared on post saves
  • Feature: Better slider resizing on tabs and other custom codes where the slider container is changing
  • Feature: More possible post data received in post generators
  • Feature: Remove shortcodes option improvement in post generators
  • Feature: Alias anchor slide switching option
  • Feature: Play when visible improvements
3.3.7 2018-09-04
  • 29. August 2018. =
  • NEW TEMPLATE: Brand new slider template
  • Feature: The slider's code is automatically skipped by some AMP plugins (AMP for WordPress and AMP for WP Accelerated Mobile Pages).
  • Feature: Lazy loader compatibility
  • Feature: Gutenberg support
  • Feature: Smooth scroll speed
  • Feature: Hide controls if only single slide shows
  • Feature: Clear Divi admin localstorage cache for slider selector
  • Fix: WordPress post generator when the origin post contains Smart Slider 3 ACF field
  • Fix: Compatibility with Narratium theme
  • Fix: KeyCDN cache enabler
  • Fix: Admin ajax fix for YOAST SEO when related post ids are used
  • Fix: Borlabs cache plugin conflict
  • Fix: Tablepress compatibility
  • Fix: Borlabs cache fix
3.3.6 2018-07-18
  • 18. July 2018. =
  • Fix: Autoptimize compatibility
  • Fix: Divi compatibility
  • Fix: Ajax compatibility
  • Fix: Windows upload path
3.3.4 2018-07-17
  • 12. July 2018. =
  • Compatibility: Smart Slider 3 requires minimum PHP 5.4 and WordPress 4.6. From now on the slider won't activate if these minimum requirements are not available.
  • Improvement: WordPress admin area icon replaced with Dashicon
  • Feature: generator variables are now supported in layer CSS class
  • Feature: slide background blur is enabled in Edge
  • Feature: YouTube privacy enchanted mode
  • Feature: Vimeo and YouTube layer cover image improvement
  • Feature: Google fonts can be disabled at the backend as well
  • Feature: Make sliders load into iframes on AJAX websites
  • Feature: Use alias to create an element in front of the slider with that ID
  • Feature: dynamic slide generators now check whether the dynamic source is available
  • Feature: Clear both after slider became an option
  • Feature: Pause video on scroll (available at all video layers)
  • Feature: Jetpack Photon compatibility
  • Feature: WordPress posts generator customizable date variables option
  • Feature: New help page with selected articles, documentation search and better support form
  • Feature: Slide level autoplay duration is not restricted from now on
  • Feature: MySQL 8 compatibility
  • Feature: Smart Slider 3 is removed from WordPress RSS
  • Feature: Secondary server
  • Fix: Button text decoration
  • Fix: Controls in below/above positions are correctly centered now
  • Fix: Font family: inherit is correctly applied now
  • Fix: Removed webfontloader dependency to avoid HTML export issues
  • Fix: wayback machine fix for slide background images
  • Fix: Beaver Builder compatilibity
  • Fix: ACF compatibility on PHP 7.2.x
3.3.3 2018-06-07
  • 07. June 2018. =
  • Fix for plugins_loaded action bug
3.3.2 2018-06-07
  • 07. June 2018. =
  • Fix for upgrade error message
3.3.1 2018-06-07
  • 05. June 2018. =
  • Feature: SEO title is now available in the free version
  • Feature: the autoplay control is now hidden when the autoplay is disabled
  • Feature: better Add Slide UI
  • Feature: better compatibility with caching plugins
  • Feature: better slide background management
  • Feature: Content and Canvas layers now have different color in the slide editor
  • Feature: Divi 3.1 support
  • Feature: dynamic slide templates now use Content mode
  • Feature: hover effects (row, col and content)
  • Feature: new caching engine
  • Feature: new fill mode: Blur fit
  • Feature: no more xml files. Wider server compatibility and more flexible interface
  • Feature: PHP 7.2 compatibility
  • Feature: remove linebreak generator function
  • Feature: row link
  • Feature: slide background and thumbnail sync
  • Feature: Static slide renamed to Static Overlay
  • Feature: Thumbnail control: draggable slides
  • Feature: Global setting changes are clearing slider cache
  • Fix: Row stretch and wrap after fix
  • Fix: Chrome video handling improvements
  • Fix: Font family loading fixes
3.2.14 2018-04-05
  • 05. April 2018. =
  • Feature: Visual Composer support added
  • Feature: Remove line breaks for generator dynamic variables
  • Feature: Removed Fade on load memory limit
  • Fix: ACF version 1 and 2 compatibility
  • Fix: WooCommerce product page
  • Fix: Check if slider visible bug
3.2.13 2018-02-21
  • 14. February 2018. =
  • Feature: Widget areas in WordPress
  • Feature: Enhanced Media Library compatibility WordPress
  • Feature: Arrow alt tags
  • Feature: User related advanced shortcode options
  • Feature: Control hover displaying improved
  • Feature: Background color can get dynamic slide variable
  • Fix: ProPhoto theme compatibility
  • Fix: Layer position when a chained layer was moved to Content mode
  • Fix: Hidden video layers are not autoplaying anymore on iPhone
  • Fix: Elementor issue
  • Fix: Google font droid fix to Noto
  • Fix: CDNForJoomla fix
  • Fix: Scroll fix for mac
  • Fix: Safari font smoothing
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for JCH Optimize
  • Fix: Publishing on WooCommerce product pages
  • Deprecated: Remove spaces from parents
  • Deprecated: Hide siblings
3.2.12 2017-12-20
  • 14. December 2017. =
  • Feature: Smart Slider 3 in-app rating. Every feedback helps us to measure how we are doing :)
  • Feature: Custom Smart Slider field for Advanced Custom Fields plugin
  • Feature: Option to disable Slider shortcode when YOAST SEO generates XML sitemap
  • Feature: Images from subfolders date ordering
  • Feature: Web-Dorado Photo Gallery variables for non-images
  • Feature: Generator variables for Content, Row and Column backgrounds and URLs.
  • Feature: Simple type main animation now use transform for the animation
  • Fix: Background video and YouTube autoplays for supported mobiles (playsinline and muted)
  • Fix: Image from folder generator's ordering by file name
  • Fix: Proper loading of slider when fade on load setting disabled
  • Fix: Server side mobile detect fix in rare cases
  • Fix: Thumbnail border fix
  • Fix: Disable WordPress emoji in page builders preview
3.2.10 2017-11-27
  • 23. November 2017. =
  • Feature: The Youtube and Vimeo layers will stop if you scroll away from them and they will continue when you scroll back
  • Feature: The free version's Image layer will have width and height settings too
  • Feature: Joomla article generator image variables
  • Feature: Base64 removed from async
  • Feature: Elementor will auto open the slider selector
  • Feature: Beaver Builder 2.0 compatibility
  • Fix: Youtube certain configuration settings weren't used
  • Fix: Slide's link wasn't clickable over the text bar
  • Fix: Search in link
  • Fix: PHP7.2 deprecated create_function notice
  • Fix: Wordfence compatility
3.2.9 2017-11-16
  • 12. October 2017. =
  • Feature: Drag and drop upload removes the image extension
  • Feature: Play when visible is available in the free version
  • Feature: Server side mobile detection
  • Feature: Single bullet will be hidden
  • Feature: Thumbnail updates on background change if the background image and thumbnail are the same
  • Feature: Fallback for image handling if the mime_content_type function isn't enabled on the server
  • Feature: Force full width overflow hidden element setting
  • Feature: Control normal flow (below and above slider positions) improvements
  • Feature: Affiliate hoplink improvements
  • Feature: Updated Google Font family list
  • Feature: Frontend accessibility parameter. Accessibility: :HOVER styles applies to :FOCUS. Not: :FOCUS state looks like the normal state
  • Feature: WordPress Unyson framework improved implementation
  • Fix: Hoplink fix
  • Fix: Base64_decode fallback when it's disabled on the server
  • Fix: Fallback when mime_content_type is disabled on the server
  • Fix: Click on one slide where touch is enabled
  • Fix: Font and style hover/normal improvements while blank links are used
  • Fix: Layer item scroll fix for IOS
  • Fix: Image URL on new layer & slide when the Protocol Relative URL is used.
  • Fix: Preserve 3D in Firefox
  • Fix: RTL behavior improvements
  • Fix: Send as file on Safari
  • Fix: Slider importing on certain servers
  • Fix: Thumbnail control arrows in Firefox
  • Fix: Links not working in certain cases
  • Fix: Down/right gradient orientation
  • Fix: Hidden col allowed to drop layers when drag on canvas
  • Fix: Layer window auto positioning removed
  • Fix: Hidden slider control was clickable
3.2.8 2017-09-20
  • 20. September 2017. =
  • Fix: Possible cache related PHP error
  • Fix: Can't save on slide settings at certain cases
  • Fix: Template slider import on some servers
  • Fix: Slide editor possible bug
3.2.6 2017-09-08
  • 08. August 2017. =
  • Fix: Debug code removed
3.2.5 2017-09-07
  • 07. August 2017. =
  • Feature: Column count is not limited anymore
  • Feature: Post generator post meta variables
  • Feature: WordPress text widget's shortcode will be replaced, even if your theme doesn't replace it
  • Feature: WordPress twenty-seventeen theme better compatibility on specific positions
  • Feature: AJAX can load the slider in most cases
  • Feature: Lots of optimization to make the editing smoother and the loading faster
  • Feature: Elementor 1.6.x compatibility
  • Feature: Stability and speed improvements
  • Feature: Visual Composer Ultimate Layouts compatibility
  • Feature: Disable Font Awesome icons if you load your own library.
  • Fix: jQuery 3.x fixes
  • Fix: Dynamic slide Static save
  • Fix: Delayed (for lightbox/tabs) compatibility fix with new tab plugins
3.2.4 2017-08-23
  • 27. June 2017. =
  • Feature: Content builder mode in slide editor
  • Feature: Slide library with tons of new premade slides
  • Feature: Structure - build slides with rows and columns
  • Feature: Blur effect for slide backgrounds
  • Feature: Blur layer animation
  • Feature: Copy and paste slides
  • Feature: Move slide between sliders
  • Feature: Slider displays itself in the live editor of different page builders. (Beaver Builder, Elementor, Visual Composer)
  • Feature: Google font family list updated
  • Feature: Adjust slider width to parent selector option for the Fullwidth and Fullpage responsive mode
  • Feature: Column count is not limited anymore
  • Feature: Italian translation
  • Feature: Clear: both option before the slider
  • Feature: font-weight: 100 now selectable
  • Feature: Slide bulk select improved
  • Feature: Grab cursor will only appear if slide count is greater than 1
  • Feature: Other minor CSS and speed improvements
  • Feature: Admin label for Smart Slider 3 Divi module
  • Feature: WordPress generator featured image alt tag
  • Feature: Divi/Extra Layout Injector compatibility
  • Feature: Beaver Builder 2.0 alpha patch compatibility
  • Feature: Visual composer backend fix
  • Feature: Elementor 1.5 compatibility changes
  • Feature: Tailor Page Builder compatibility
  • Feature: Unyson framework - builder compatibility
  • Feature: MotoPress CE compatibility
  • Fix: YouTube layer Play button
  • Fix: Content mode fixes in Internet Explorer
  • Fix: GSAP conflict prevented
  • Fix: Static slide and content mode
  • Fix: Invalid item data fix
  • Fix: Pre load slider id
  • Fix: IOS static slide fix
  • Fix: Tooltip
  • Fix: Column show/hide on different devices
  • Fix: Text layer
  • Fix: Elementor Pro template does not show sliders in certain settings
  • Fix: Show editor icon fix
  • Fix: Forcing MotoPress Content Editor to save down our shortcode and not just the html code
  • Fix: Lightbox fix
  • Fix: EasySocial album generator
  • Fix: Revolution slider compatibility fix
  • Removed: Weaker CSS selectors feature (not needed anymore)
  • Removed: Slide layouts are not available, use copy slides between sliders.
3.1.10 2017-05-20
  • 20. May 2017. =
  • Feature: Google font families updated
  • Fix: Sliders not load in are cases
  • Fix: Transition layer when there is no second image selected
  • Fix: YouTube layer in Internet Explorer
  • Fix: Arrow size in Internet Explorer
3.1.6 2017-01-30
  • 30. January 2017. = Feature: if /tmp folder is not writable, we will use the cache folder for slider imports Fix: Backend top menu fix for Chrome Fix: Loading spinner position Fix: Slide editor's layer reseting for groups Fix: Advanced generator setting - remove links fix
3.0.37 2016-10-06
  • 05. October 2016.