Version Description
[ Add function ][ IE Alert ] [ Add function ][ Disable Emojis ] [ bug fix ][ Smooth Scroll ] Fix malfunction on lightning default slide. [ Other ] Functional description improvement
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | kurudrive |
Plugin | VK All in One Expansion Unit |
Version | |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version to
- assets/js/all.min.js +1 -1
- inc/disable-emojis.php +18 -0
- inc/display-ie-alert.php +68 -0
- inc/smooth-scroll/js/smooth-scroll.js +3 -1
- readme.txt +6 -0
- veu-packages.php +30 -8
- vkExUnit.php +1 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Disable Emojis
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
* Disable the emojis
8 |
9 |
function veu_disable_emojis() {
10 |
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 );
11 |
remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' );
12 |
remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
13 |
remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
14 |
remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji' );
15 |
remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji' );
16 |
remove_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email' );
17 |
18 |
add_action( 'init', 'veu_disable_emojis' );
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Display IE Alert
4 |
5 |
* @package VK All in One Expansion Unit
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
* Judgment IS IE
10 |
11 |
function veu_is_ie() {
12 |
$ua = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ? mb_strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) : ''; // すべて小文字にしてユーザーエージェントを取得.
13 |
if ( strpos( $ua, 'msie' ) !== false || strpos( $ua, 'trident' ) !== false ) {
14 |
return true;
15 |
16 |
return false;
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
* IE Alart HTML
21 |
22 |
function veu_get_alert_html() {
23 |
$html = '<div class="ie_alert">';
24 |
$html .= '<h1 class="ie_alert__title">' . __( 'The browser that you use is not safe.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ) . '</h1>';
25 |
$html .= '<div class="ie_alert__body">';
26 |
$html .= '<p>';
27 |
$html .= __( 'Internet Explorer, you are using, is old browser, Microsoft also reports that use is dangerous.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' );
28 |
$html .= __( 'This website is also not guaranteed to display on Internet Explorer.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' );
29 |
$html .= '<br>';
30 |
$html .= __( 'Plese use The latest modern browser ( <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Microsoft Edge</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Chrome</a> and so on ).', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' );
31 |
$html .= '</p>';
32 |
$html .= '</div>';
33 |
$html .= '</div>';
34 |
return $html;
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
* Insert IE Alert.
39 |
40 |
function veu_insert_alert() {
41 |
if ( veu_is_ie() ) {
42 |
43 |
<style type="text/css">
44 |
.ie_alert {
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
.ie_alert a {
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
.ie_alert__title {
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
.ie_alert__body p {
58 |
margin:0 0 5px;
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
echo wp_kses_post( veu_get_alert_html() );
66 |
67 |
68 |
add_action( 'wp_body_open', 'veu_insert_alert' );
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
17 |
18 |
// role が tab の場合はスムーススクロールしない
19 |
if (['tab'].indexOf(path[i].getAttribute('role')) > 0) return;
20 |
21 |
// role が button の場合で リンク先指定がない場合はスムーススクロールしない
22 |
if (['button'].indexOf(path[i].getAttribute('role')) > 0 ) {
23 |
let href = e.getAttribute('href')
17 |
18 |
// role が tab の場合はスムーススクロールしない
19 |
if (['tab'].indexOf(path[i].getAttribute('role')) > 0) return;
20 |
// Lightning標準スライダーのスライド送り
21 |
if (path[i].getAttribute('href') === '#top__fullcarousel') return;
22 |
23 |
// role が button の場合で リンク先指定がない場合はスムーススクロールしない
24 |
if (['button'].indexOf(path[i].getAttribute('role')) > 0 ) {
25 |
let href = e.getAttribute('href')
@@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ e.g.
99 |
100 |
== Changelog ==
101 |
102 |
= =
103 |
[ bug fix ][ Contact Section ] Fix Btn text color become defeat by footer design setting.
104 |
99 |
100 |
== Changelog ==
101 |
102 |
= =
103 |
[ Add function ][ IE Alert ]
104 |
[ Add function ][ Disable Emojis ]
105 |
[ bug fix ][ Smooth Scroll ] Fix malfunction on lightning default slide.
106 |
[ Other ] Functional description improvement
107 |
108 |
= =
109 |
[ bug fix ][ Contact Section ] Fix Btn text color become defeat by footer design setting.
110 |
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ function veu_get_packages() {
338 |
$required_packages[] = array(
339 |
'name' => 'relatedPosts',
340 |
'title' => __( 'Related posts', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
341 |
'description' => __( 'Print Related posts lists to post content bottom.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
342 |
'default' => true,
343 |
'include' => 'related_posts/related_posts.php',
344 |
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ function veu_get_packages() {
349 |
$required_packages[] = array(
350 |
'name' => 'noindex',
351 |
'title' => __( 'Noindex additional function', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
352 |
'description' => __( '
353 |
'default' => true,
354 |
'include' => 'noindex/noindex.php',
355 |
@@ -376,16 +376,38 @@ function veu_get_packages() {
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
$required_packages[] = array(
382 |
'name' => 'disable_xml_sitemap',
383 |
'title' => __( 'Disable XML Sitemap', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
384 |
'description' => __( '
385 |
'default' => false,
386 |
'include' => 'disable-xml-sitemap.php',
387 |
388 |
389 |
$required_packages[] = array(
390 |
'name' => 'admin_bar',
391 |
'title' => __( 'Admin bar manu', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
@@ -485,8 +507,8 @@ function veu_get_packages() {
485 |
$required_packages[] = array(
486 |
'name' => 'tiny_mce_style_tags',
487 |
'title' => __( 'TinyMCE Style Tags', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
488 |
'description' => __( 'Add TinyMCE Editor to style tags.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
489 |
'default' =>
490 |
'include' => 'tiny-mce-styletags.php',
491 |
492 |
@@ -496,7 +518,7 @@ function veu_get_packages() {
496 |
$required_packages[] = array(
497 |
'name' => 'bootstrap',
498 |
'title' => __( 'Print Bootstrap css ( grid / button / table )', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
499 |
'description' => __( 'If your using theme has already including Bootstrap, you deactivate this item.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
500 |
'default' => false,
501 |
'include' => 'bootstrap.php',
502 |
338 |
$required_packages[] = array(
339 |
'name' => 'relatedPosts',
340 |
'title' => __( 'Related posts', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
341 |
'description' => __( 'Print Related posts lists to post content bottom.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br>'.__( 'Related posts are displayed based on tags, so please set tags for posts.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
342 |
'default' => true,
343 |
'include' => 'related_posts/related_posts.php',
344 |
349 |
$required_packages[] = array(
350 |
'name' => 'noindex',
351 |
'title' => __( 'Noindex additional function', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
352 |
'description' => __( 'Outputs the noindex tag to the html head of the specified page.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br>'.__( 'If you want to add the noindex tag to specific page that, move to that post edit screen and set from VK All in One Expansion Unit metabox in lower part of content editing field.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
353 |
'default' => true,
354 |
'include' => 'noindex/noindex.php',
355 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
* Disable Core XML Sitemap.
380 |
381 |
$required_packages[] = array(
382 |
'name' => 'display_ie_alert',
383 |
'title' => __( 'Display IE Alert', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
384 |
'description' => __( 'Display a warning if the user who is viewing this site is using IE.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br>'.__( 'IE is a very old browser and its creator Microsoft does not recommend its use. Encouraging IE users to switch to the next-generation browser will greatly contribute to the evolution of the website.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
385 |
'default' => false,
386 |
'include' => 'display-ie-alert.php',
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
* IE Alart.
391 |
392 |
$required_packages[] = array(
393 |
'name' => 'disable_xml_sitemap',
394 |
'title' => __( 'Disable XML Sitemap', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
395 |
'description' => __( 'Stop the XML Sitemap feature added from WordPress 5.5.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br>'.__( 'If you already creating XML Sitemap by another Plugin that you can stop native WordPress Sitemap function by this function.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
396 |
'default' => false,
397 |
'include' => 'disable-xml-sitemap.php',
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
* Disable Emoji.
402 |
403 |
$required_packages[] = array(
404 |
'name' => 'disable_emoji',
405 |
'title' => __( 'Disable Emojis', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
406 |
'description' => __( 'You can disable emojis.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br>'.__( 'If you do not using Emojis that I recommend to enable this function.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).__( 'If disable emoji that you can stop print emoji codes on html head and it bring to small effect of speeding up.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
407 |
'default' => true,
408 |
'include' => 'disable-emojis.php',
409 |
410 |
411 |
$required_packages[] = array(
412 |
'name' => 'admin_bar',
413 |
'title' => __( 'Admin bar manu', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
507 |
$required_packages[] = array(
508 |
'name' => 'tiny_mce_style_tags',
509 |
'title' => __( 'TinyMCE Style Tags', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
510 |
'description' => __( 'Add TinyMCE Editor to style tags.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br><br>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br>' . __( 'This feature will be discontinued shortly.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ) . '<br>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ',
511 |
'default' => false,
512 |
'include' => 'tiny-mce-styletags.php',
513 |
514 |
518 |
$required_packages[] = array(
519 |
'name' => 'bootstrap',
520 |
'title' => __( 'Print Bootstrap css ( grid / button / table )', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ),
521 |
'description' => __( 'If your using theme has already including Bootstrap, you deactivate this item.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ).'<br><br>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br>' . __( 'This feature will be discontinued shortly.', 'vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit' ) . '<br>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ',
522 |
'default' => false,
523 |
'include' => 'bootstrap.php',
524 |
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 |
* Plugin Name: VK All in One Expansion Unit
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site. Many features can be stopped individually. Example Facebook Page Plugin,Social Bookmarks,Print OG Tags,Print Twitter Card Tags,Print Google Analytics tag,New post widget,Insert Related Posts and more!
6 |
* Version: 9.
7 |
* Author: Vektor,Inc.
8 |
* Text Domain: vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit
9 |
* Domain Path: /languages
3 |
* Plugin Name: VK All in One Expansion Unit
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site. Many features can be stopped individually. Example Facebook Page Plugin,Social Bookmarks,Print OG Tags,Print Twitter Card Tags,Print Google Analytics tag,New post widget,Insert Related Posts and more!
6 |
* Version:
7 |
* Author: Vektor,Inc.
8 |
* Text Domain: vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit
9 |
* Domain Path: /languages