WooCommerce Variation Swatches

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 2.0.16



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Releases (125 )

Version Release Date Change Log
2.0.16 2022-12-13
  • 13-12-2022 =

  • Fix: litespeed-cache plugin trigger error to use WP_Object_Cache::flush_group method

2.0.15 2022-12-12
  • 12-12-2022 =

  • Fix: Object cache issue

2.0.14 2022-12-06
  • 06-12-2022 =

  • Fix: Variation delete error

2.0.13 2022-11-17
  • 17-11-2022 =

  • Update: Performance Improvement

2.0.12 2022-11-02
  • 31-10-2022 =

  • Update: Update Migration Script

  • Update: Modify woo_variation_swatches_variable_item_custom_attributes filter

2.0.11 2022-09-29
  • 28-09-2022 =

  • Update: WooCommerce Support

2.0.10 2022-09-15
  • 15-09-2022 =

  • Update: WooCommerce Support

  • Update: JS Scripts

  • Fix: WPML Option issue

2.0.9 2022-08-28
  • 28-08-2022 =

  • Update: Translation String

  • Update: Settings Script and RTL

2.0.7 2022-08-17
  • 11-08-2022 =

  • Update: Woocommerce 6.8 support

  • Add: Caching header for ajax response

2.0.8 2022-08-17
  • 17-08-2022 =

  • Fix: Caching header issue

2.0.6 2022-08-14
  • 31-07-2022 =

  • Fix: dependency script updated for product page settings save issue

  • Update: is_admin() check removed for some theme support

2.0.5 2022-07-31
  • 20-07-2022 =

  • Add: woo_variation_swatches_html filter to modify swatches output

  • Add: woo_variation_swatches_nav_widget_html filter to modify widget output

  • Update: [wvs_show_archive_variation] shortcode updated, now product_id can be added like: [wvs_show_archive_variation product_id="ID"].

  • Update: data-dependency attribute to data-gwp_dependency for possible conflict.

  • Update: translation string.

2.0.4 2022-07-20
  • 08-07-2022 =

  • Fix: Composite Product Selecting Issue

  • Add: Option to change tick and cross icon color

  • Add: Option to enable/disable preloader

2.0.3 2022-07-08
  • 26-06-2022 =

  • Fix: Out of Stock info

2.0.2 2022-06-26
  • 23-06-2022 =

  • Add: Image type fallback if no attribute image added.

  • Fix: Archive add to cart issue

  • Add: Ajax Quick View / Load More support

2.0.1 2022-06-23
  • 16-06-2022 =

  • Add: Hex to RGBA color conversion on migration

  • Fix: Disable attribute hide css issue.

  • Fix: variation selected css issue.

2.0.0 2022-06-16
  • 13-06-2022 =

  • Update: plugin structure change and add more features.

1.1.19 2022-06-13
  • 07-09-2021 =

  • Fix: show_option_none value

1.1.18 2021-09-07
  • 06-09-2021 =

  • Update: WooCommerce and WordPress Compatibility

  • Fix: Bundle Product selected issue

1.1.17 2021-09-06
  • 08-05-2021 =

  • Update: Twick PHP functions

1.1.16 2021-05-08
  • 03-05-2021 =

  • Fix: Backend CSS 2021-05-03
1.1.15 2021-04-24
  • 24-04-2021 =

  • Fix: WPML currency switcher issue.

  • Add: Function added to get Dual color values

1.1.14 2021-04-24
  • 11-04-2021 =

  • Fix: WPML product term meta issue.

  • Update: Backend CSS

1.1.13 2021-04-11
  • 10-03-2021 =

  • Add: WooCommerce and WordPress Compatibility

  • Update: Remove _.contains and replace with _.includes

1.1.12 2021-03-10
  • 02-03-2021 =

  • Update: Add UnderscoreJS on script dependency

1.1.11 2021-03-02
  • 01-03-2021 =

  • Fix: WooCommerce Composite Products selection issue

  • Update: Swatch support for Global Ajax complete event

  • Update: Swatches Markup Modified

  • New: Disable WoodMart theme default swatches

1.1.10 2021-03-01
  • 16-02-2021 =

  • Fix: Error when woocommerce not available

1.1.9 2021-02-16
  • 12-02-2021 =

  • Fix: no_cache header modification issue

1.1.8 2021-02-11
  • 08-02-2021 =

  • Fix: RTL label css

  • Update: Load scripts globally

1.1.7 2021-02-08
  • 01-02-2021 =

  • Fix: WooCommerce Composite product issue

1.1.6 2021-02-02
  • 27-01-2021 =

  • Update: Extended note on Performance Section

1.1.5 2021-01-27
  • 13-01-2021 =

  • Update: Remove wp_ajax_wvs_get_available_variations hook

1.1.4 2021-01-13
  • 12-01-2021 =

  • Fix: WC_Cache_Helper::invalidate_cache_group() method issue.

1.1.3 2021-01-12
  • 10-01-2021 =

  • Update: Caching

  • Update: Latest WP and WC

1.1.2 2021-01-10
  • Fix: Customizer JS Issue.
1.1.1 2020-11-26
  • Update: WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility
1.1.0 2020-11-16
  • Add: Selected attribute name beside label
  • Update: Support WooCommerce 4.6 version
  • Update: Accessibility
1.0.86 2020-10-27
  • Update: Support WooCommerce 4.4 version
  • Update: Support WordPress 5.5 version
  • Fix: Alpha color channel issue
1.0.85 2020-09-07
  • Update: Support WooCommerce 4.3 version
1.0.84 2020-07-12
  • Add: wvs-no-css will add on when stylesheet disabled. wvs-css will add on when stylesheet enabled, wvs-no-tooltip will add on when tooltip disabled, wvs-tooltip will add on when tooltip enabled.
1.0.83 2020-06-22
  • Update: Remove CSS Selector from body tag.
1.0.82 2020-06-16
  • Add: Filter wvs_product_global_attribute_image_id to modify attribute image.
  • Add: Variation attribute image preview based on availability.
1.0.81 2020-05-26
  • Fix: User select issue on firefox mobile.
1.0.80 2020-05-14
  • Add: WordPress 5.4 compatibility
  • Fix: Default image for quote attribute value.
1.0.79 2020-04-02
  • Fix: Rollback some features to 1.0.76 to fix a known issue.
1.0.78 2020-03-28
  • Fix: Attribute behavior: Hide issue
1.0.77 2020-03-24
  • Add: WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility
  • Fix: Facebook for woocommerce issue.
  • Divi theme css issue fix.
1.0.76 2020-03-18
  • Fix: settings option php notice.
1.0.75 2020-02-17
  • Fix: mobile double tab clear issue.
1.0.74 2020-02-06
  • Fix: tooltip issue.
1.0.73 2020-02-05
  • Fix: quickview issue
1.0.72 2020-01-26
  • Add: Namespace on themes events
  • Fix: WooCommerce Product bundle Issue.
1.0.71 2020-01-23
  • Update: Tooltip transform
  • Fix: Field Dependency Js Load
1.0.70 2020-01-05
  • Fix: Divi builder load issue.
  • Fix: Default selected tooltip Issue.
  • Update: Field Dependency css.
1.0.69 2020-01-01
  • Update: Disable Defer JS Load by Default and on mobile device.
1.0.68 2019-12-15
  • Fix: WooCommerce transients clear fix
1.0.67 2019-11-14
  • Fix: Swatch Image Size CSS Issue
1.0.66 2019-11-14
  • Fix: Simple product Issue
1.0.65 2019-11-13
  • Add: Speed Improvement
1.0.64 2019-11-13
  • Fix: Mobile Scroll Issue
1.0.63 2019-10-25
  • Add: Select attribute set type button by default.
  • Fix: Transients issue.
1.0.62 2019-10-02
  • Add: WC 3.7 update
1.0.61 2019-08-20
  • Fix: CSS source map issue.
1.0.60 2019-07-29
  • Fix: Clear selection js error fix.
1.0.59 2019-07-27
  • Add: Dokan Multivendor Support added
1.0.58 2019-07-26
  • Fix: Inactive WooCommerce notice
  • Fix: Known Issues
1.0.57 2019-07-17
  • Fix: Some known issues
  • Add: WordPress 5.2 Compatibility
1.0.56 2019-05-15
  • Fix: Language load
  • Add: FacetWP Load More Option
  • Add: WooCommerce 3.6 update
1.0.55 2019-04-21
  • Add: Oxygen Theme Support CSS
1.0.54 2019-03-20
  • Fix: Load Assets without CDN.
  • Remove: Product Page popup attribute
1.0.53 2019-03-09
  • Fix: IE 11, CSS flexbox issue
1.0.52 2019-01-28
  • Add: Yith Product filter support
1.0.51 2018-12-24
  • Add: Flatsome theme Infinite Scroll Support
  • Fix: Massive Dynamic theme CSS Issue
1.0.50 2018-12-18
  • Fix: Archive more click issue.
  • Add: Adiva Theme support.
1.0.49 2018-12-11
  • Fix: Gecko theme support
  • Add: Set default Shape style to Squared Shape
1.0.48 2018-11-28
  • Fix: Some speed issue.
1.0.47 2018-11-15
  • Add: Filter disable_wvs_body_class to disable or enable body class.
  • Fix: Some speed issue.
1.0.46 2018-11-14
  • Add: Filter disable_wvs_enqueue_scripts to disable or enable enqueuing scripts.
  • Add: Filter disable_wvs_inline_style to disable or enable inline style.
1.0.45 2018-11-08
  • Fix: WC 3.5 Issue
1.0.44 2018-10-25
  • Add: IE-11 Support
  • Add: Exporter-Importer
1.0.43 2018-10-20
  • Fix: Uncode theme Issue
1.0.42 2018-10-11
  • Fix: JS Reload variation.
1.0.41 2018-09-30
  • Fix: uShop by themetim CSS Issue
1.0.40 2018-09-24
  • Improve: Live Feed
1.0.39 2018-09-23

and =

  • Fix: Elementor Pro CSS Issue
1.0.38 2018-09-16
  • Remove: Pro Class from Settings
1.0.37 2018-09-15
  • Add: RTL Support
  • Fix: The Gem Theme CSS Issue
1.0.36 2018-09-09
  • Add: Yith Infinite Scroll support
  • Fix: Yoast SEO Focused keyword issue.
1.0.35 2018-09-06
  • Add: AURUM theme support
  • Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle conflict.
1.0.34 2018-09-01
  • Fix: Known JS Issue
1.0.33 2018-08-07
  • Fix: CSS Issue
1.0.32 2018-08-06
  • Add: Out of stock product crossed also if "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" unchecked.
1.0.31 2018-08-05
  • Add: Kalium theme css fix
1.0.30 2018-07-16
  • Add: body class uniqueness
  • Add: Centralise feed
  • Fix: Elementor Pro JS Issue
1.0.29 2018-07-15
  • Add: IE-11 fallback
  • Add: Increase variation_threshold label
  • Fix: Divi woo_layout_injector script override
1.0.28 2018-07-03
  • Add: Admin Notice CSS
1.0.27 2018-06-03
  • Add: SelectBox class for more control
  • Add: StockHolm Theme Compatibility
1.0.26 2018-05-30
  • Improve: Tooltip
  • Add: Enfold Theme Compatibility
1.0.25 2018-05-27
  • Add: gwp_affiliate_id Filter for Affiliate link ID in more place.
1.0.24 2018-05-26
  • Improve: Frontend Visual Appearance
  • Fix: Some known issues
1.0.23 2018-05-21
  • Improve: Frontend Visual Appearance
  • Add: Flatsome Theme shortcode override
1.0.22 2018-05-19
  • Add: OceanWP Theme Compatibility
  • Add: Sober Theme Compatibility
  • Add: Shophistic Lite Theme Compatibility
  • Add: Old Haven Theme Compatibility
1.0.21 2018-05-19
  • Fix: Known JS Issue
  • Fix: Tooltip disable item disable issue
  • Add: gwp_ref_id Filter for referral link
1.0.20 2018-05-18
  • New: Font Size settings
  • Improve: Frontend Visual Appearance
1.0.19 2018-04-25
  • New: Size settings
  • Improve: Visual Appearance
1.0.18 2018-04-18
  • Update: CSS
  • New: Attribute behaviour
1.0.17 2018-04-09
  • Fix: Visual CSS Issue
1.0.16 2018-03-30
  • Update: Improve JS Functionality
  • Update: Multisite Compatibility
1.0.15 2018-03-28
  • New: Attribute deselect option
  • Fix: Custom attribute select from product
  • Update: translation
1.0.14 2018-03-15
  • Support Jetpack's Infinite Scroll event, post-load event.
  • wvs_product_attribute_image_size filter to change attribute image size
  • Increased tooltip z-index
1.0.13 2018-03-14
  • Fix: Avada theme select issue
1.0.12 2018-03-06
  • Fix: Disable publish button issue
1.0.11 2018-02-28
  • New Attribute create from product
  • Variation Preview color, image
  • Settings option also added on customizer
  • Fix: Any variation issue caused by outofstock variation
1.0.10 2018-02-27
  • Extendable hooks added to extend
  • Fixed: Out Of Stock Product Issue.
  • ajax variation threshold option added to control ajax variation.
1.0.9 2018-02-22
  • Merged Pull request from spoyntersmith
  • Tooltip hardware acceleration issue fix for theme animation
  • use jquery sibling instead of prev
1.0.8 2018-02-03
  • Improve variation javascript to support ajax variation
  • Renamed tooltip attribute to resolve conflict
  • Renamed variation javascript class name
1.0.7 2018-01-24
  • Improving frontend CSS
  • Disable Bootstrap tooltip conflict
1.0.6 2018-01-21
1.0.5 2018-01-19
  • Fix backend js issue
1.0.4 2018-01-19
  • Fix Number Issue selection
1.0.3 2018-01-17
  • Added css class on body based on settings
  • tooltip and frontend css changed
  • add_theme_support( 'woo-variation-swatches', array( 'tooltip' => FALSE, 'stylesheet' => FALSE ) ); for theme developer default setting control.
1.0.2 2018-01-15
  • Added tooltip
  • Default stylesheet enable/disable option
  • Display style added to show Rounded / Squared shaped style
1.0.1 2018-01-08
  • Fix text type select list
1.0.0 2017-12-23
  • Initial release
