Advanced AJAX Product Filters

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WooCommerce AJAX Product Filters - Advanced product filtering ability for your WooCommerce shop. Add unlimited filters with one widget.

New Feature in version 1.6.3

✅ Filter by Post Meta (Custom meta field)

New Feature in version 1.5

✅ New styles for filters: Checkbox, Select, Slider, Color, Image ✅ New slider styles ✅ New buttons styles ✅ Selected filters area horizontal styles ✅ Single selection for check ✅ Select and Select2 can be displayed on same time ✅ Collapse widget option with different settings ✅ Less JavaScript and HTML code for same result. ✅ More compatibility with themes and plugins ✅ Better compatibility with Divi Builder, Beaver Builder, Elementor Builder ✅ Relevanssi compatibility ✅ More ways to customize filters and add additional functionality ✅ Option to set how hierarchical attribute must be displayed ✅ Separate admin title and frontend title ✅ Back button in browser on AJAX ✅ All JavaScript in one minified file ✅ All CSS Styles in one minified file ✅ Checked style for image element style


✅ AJAX Filters, Pagination and Sorting! ✅ Filter by Price ✅ Filter by Product Category ✅ Filter by Attribute ✅ Unlimited Filters ✅ Multiple User Interface Elements ✅ Great support for custom/premium themes ✅ SEO Friendly Urls ( with HTML5 PushState ) ✅ Filter Visibility By Product Category And Globals. ✅ Accessible through shortcode ✅ Filter box height limit with scroll themes ✅ Working great with custom widget area ✅ Drag and Drop Filter Building ✅ Select2 for dropdown menu ✅ And More...

Additional Features in Paid Plugin:

✅ Filter by Custom Taxonomy, Price ranges, Sale status, Sub-categories, Date and Availability( in stock | out of stock | any ) ✅ Nice URLs for SEO Friendly URLs ✅ Slider can use strings as a value ✅ Price as checkbox with min and max values ✅ Enhancements of the free features ✅ Show amount of products before update with "Update button" widget ✅ Search box widget ✅ Cache for Widgets ✅ Display only selected attribute values or hide selected attribute values

Plugin Links:

Paid Plugin Demo Docs

🍬 Wanna try admin side?

Admin Demo - Get access to this plugin's admin and try it from inside. Change things and watch how they work.

Premium plugin video

[youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] we don't have video with free plugin right now but we are working on it

Compatibility with WooCommerce plugins

Advanced AJAX Product Filters has been tested and compatibility is certain with the following WooCommerce plugins that you can add to your site:

🔸 Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce 🔸 Load More Products for WooCommerce 🔸 Brands for WooCommerce 🔸 Grid/List View for WooCommerce 🔸 Product Preview for WooCommerce 🔸 Products Compare for WooCommerce 🔸 Wishlist and Waitlist for WooCommerce


  • In editor [br_filters attribute=price type=slider title="Price Filter"]
  • In PHP do_shortcode('[br_filters attribute=price type=slider title="Price Filter"]');

Shortcode Options:

  • attribute(required) - product attribute, eg price or length. Don't forget that woocommerce adding pa_ suffix for created attributes. So if you create new attribute jump its name is pa_jump
  • type(required) - checkbox, radio, slider or select
  • operator - OR or AND
  • title - whatever you want to see as title. Can be empty
  • product_cat - parent category id
  • cat_propagation - should we propagate this filter to child categories? set 1 to turn this on
  • height - max filter box height. When height is met scroll will be added
  • scroll_theme - pretty clear name, scroll theme. Will be used if height is set and real height of box is more

Advanced Settings (Widget area):

  • Product Category - if you want to pin your filter to category of the product this is good place to do it. Eg. You selling Phones and Cases for them. If user choose Category "Phones" filter "Have Wi-Fi" will appear but if user will choose "Cases" it will not be there as Admin set that "Have Wi-Fi" filter will be visible only on "Phones" category.
  • Filter Box Height - if your filter have too much options it is nice to limit height of the filter to not prolong the page too much. Scroll will appear.
  • Scroll theme - if "Filter Box Height" is set and box length is more than "Filter Box Height" scroll appear and how it looks depends on the theme you choose.

Advanced Settings (Plugin Settings):

  • Plugin settings can be found in admin area, WooCommerce -> Product Filters
  • "No Products" message - Text that will be shown if no products found
  • "No Products" class - Add class and use it to style "No Products" box
  • Products selector - Selector for tag that is holding products
  • Sorting control - Take control over WooCommerce's sorting selectbox
  • SEO friendly urls - url will be changed when filter is selected/changed
  • Turn all filters off - If you want to hide filters without losing current configuration just turn them off

Releases (156 )

Version Release Date Change Log 2022-12-06
  • Enhancement - Additional tables generation to not change collation
  • Enhancement - Additional tables check is tables exist
  • Enhancement - Additional tables clear tables instead remove
  • Fix - Barn2 Product table new check 2022-11-17
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 6.1 and WooCommerce 7.1
  • Fix - Some plugin links to match new BeRocket Site 2022-10-13
  • Enhancement - Option to fix pagination position after filter page without pagination
  • Enhancement - Regenerate additional tables if it was removed
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 7.0
  • Enhancement - Remove some PHP 8.1 notices 2022-07-20
  • Fix - Post meta not displayed in filter by list
1.6.3 2022-07-19
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 6.0 and WooCommerce 6.7
  • Enhancement - Hierarchical view for taxonomies list
  • Fix - Color/Image select with polylang
  • Fix - Additional tables generation for some site
  • Fix - Currency exchange compatibility
  • Fix - Module for Divi theme
  • Fix - Style of admin elements
1.6.2 2022-04-27
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 6.4
  • Enhancement - Hierarchical view for color/image pick
  • Enhancement - Compatibility for non latin slug for attributes
  • Fix - Get collation from other tables 2022-02-01
  • Fix - XSS Vulnerability 2022-01-25
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WordPress 5.9
  • Fix - Empty hook issue
  • Fix - Link like WooCommerce with some optimization plugin
  • Fix - Not exist attribute cause PHP errors 2022-01-17
  • Fix - Relevanssi Compatibility 2022-01-11
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 6.1
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with WP Search WooCommerce
  • Fix - Compatibility with Product Table 2021-12-09
  • Fix - Compatibility with Product Table plugin
  • Fix - URL decoding option with Product Table plugin
  • Fix - Link generation for price filters
1.6.1 2021-12-06
  • Fix - Compatibility filtering with WPML and Polylang
  • Fix - Compatibility with WPML taxonomy translation
  • Fix - Price filtering for variable products
  • Fix - Attribute values with numeric slug 2021-11-26
  • Fix - Selected filters options do not work
  • Fix - Link like WooCommerce add-on work incorrect in some cases
  • Fix - Support query with product variations and other post types 2021-11-24
  • Fix - Incorrect query when used not default 'wp_' database prefix
1.6 2021-11-24
  • Enhancement - Less database queries
  • Enhancement - Optimization for database queries. Speed up request to database
  • Enhancement - Updated Additional tables for optimized requests and more correct filtering
  • Enhancement - Possibility to filter any products request on the page with help of shortcode [brapf_next_shortcode_apply]
  • Enhancement - Support for some page builders products elements with shortcode [brapf_next_shortcode_apply]
  • Enhancement - Hide reset products button on page load with help of CSS code
  • Enhancement - (DEV) New data for filtered page to get more control on selected elements
  • Enhancement - Removed Deprecated Filters Add-on
  • Fix - Multiple blocks with products in Divi Page Builder, when only single block must be filtered
  • Fix - Stock status "On Backorder" work as "In stock" for filtering
1.6beta 2021-11-11
1.5.6 2021-09-29 2021-09-21
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 5.7
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher global exchange rate
  • Fix - On some theme plugin use incorrect query for filters 2021-09-06
  • Enhancement - Option to load products again when some filters not exist after filtering
  • Fix - Divi Module include not existed style file
  • Fix - Custom CSS style for "Selected value style" do not work for image type
  • Fix - Images do not show on selection for image type 2021-08-25
  • Fix - Divi Builder modules for latest version Divi theme 2021-08-16
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.5
  • Enhancement - Speed up recount functionality for hierarchical taxonomy
  • Fix - Advanced section empty
1.5.5 2021-07-20
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.5 2021-06-16
  • Fix - XSS vulnerability
  • Fix - Additional tables check attribute for terms count
  • Fix - Link like WooCommerce add-on fix
  • Fix - Check Widget type and styles on frontend. Display error for admin 2021-06-08
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 5.4
  • Enhancement - Price slider with multiple taxonomy page
  • Enhancement - Speed up Additional Tables generation
  • Enhancement - Use WordPress cron for Additional Tables generation
  • Enhancement - Generate more data with single request for Additional Tables generation
  • Fix - Get templates when plugin settings open
  • Fix - Hide selected filters area on page load 2021-05-25
  • Enhancement - Remove not needed property from terms cache
  • Fix - Filters can be hidden on custom page with WooCommerce shortcodes 2021-05-12
  • Fix - Price slider with older MySQL 2021-05-11
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 5.3
  • Fix - Price slider with decimal product price
  • Fix - Filter custom scroll work incorrect with some themes
  • Fix - Stock status recount with Additional tables 2021-04-28
  • Fix - Issue with query for hierarchical taxonomies 2021-04-28
  • Enhancement - Faster table generation for variable products on product save
  • Enhancement - New Checkbox styles
  • Fix - WP Rocket compatibility issue
1.5.4 2021-04-21
  • Enhancement - Flatsome theme compatibility
  • Enhancement - JetWooBuilder compatibility
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 5.2
  • Fix - Relevanssi compatibility with price filters
  • Fix - The7 latest version compatibility
1.5.3 2021-03-25
  • Fix - SECURITY ISSUE! Sanitize HTML tags for all settings. Custom JavaScript can be changed only by admin(Super admin for multisite).
  • Enhancement - New hook to change additional table generation products per call
  • Enhancement - Copy filter/group from other do not required
  • Fix - Price filter query issue with some plugins/themes
  • Fix - Remove "Limit filter values by products from the selected category" option from filter edit page 2021-03-15
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1
  • Fix - RTL filters align
  • Fix - Disable Auto complete when link changes disabled
  • Fix - Image/Color aria-label values.
  • Fix - Nested filters display without filtering with Update Products button
  • Fix - Price based on country compatibility 2021-02-23
  • Fix - Error on old WooCommerce
  • Fix - Text align for some themes
  • Fix - Link like WooCommerce on search page and other page with GET parameters 2021-02-15
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: WooCommerce 5.0
  • Fix - Issues with some optimization plugins
  • Fix - Admin bar error duplicates 2021-01-26
  • Enhancement - Remove empty header
  • Enhancement - Move some options to another tabs
  • Enhancement - Add explanation for some options
  • Enhancement - More information in admin bar panel
  • Fix - Some symbols in URL
  • Fix - Other fixes 2021-01-05
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: PHP 8 and WooCommerce 4.9
  • Fix - Price slider with custom values
  • Fix - Custom style for checked elements of image/color styles 2021-01-05 2020-12-30
  • fix - updating sanitization functionality 2020-12-21
  • HOTFIX - JavaScript error after filtering
  • HOTFIX - PHP error in recount for attributes 2020-12-17
  • Enhancement - Remove PHP session from plugin by default.
  • Fix - Incompatibility with Divi Theme and some plugins that uses WP_Query inside products loop
  • Fix - Filters/Groups hidden on some devices can work incorrect after filtering
  • Fix - "Add more classes" PHP notice 2020-12-10
  • Fix - Issue with Divi Builder 2020-12-10
  • Fix - Incompatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Fix - Issue with filters disappearing 2020-12-07
  • Fix - Issue with pagination
  • Fix - Categories not displayed in conditions
  • Fix - Error with Elementor Popup
1.5.2 2020-11-24
  • Enhancement - Better compatibility with other plugins and themes
  • Enhancement - Possibility to translate some text in URL with WPML
  • Enhancement - Option to disable panel in admin bar
  • Fix - Remove inline JavaScript that cause error with some caching plugins
  • Fix - Change variable to disable AJAX pagination. Prevent disabling on some sites
  • Fix - Use default rewrite values, when wp_rewrite not exist
  • Fix - Add JavaScript variable only once for page
  • Fix - Incompatibility with latest version of product table 2020-10-19
  • Enhancement - Option to filter products by variation price
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with premmerce-multicurrency
  • Enhancement - Admin bar information for themes, that displayed admin bar in header
  • Fix - Database cache related to taxonomies count 2020-10-05
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with Yoast SEO for canonical option
  • Enhancement - Option to use variation price for price slider
  • Fix - Hierarchical taxonomy sorting
  • Fix - Select2 check duplicates
  • Fix - Show child elements if it is selected 2020-09-22
  • Fix - Issue with some query
  • Fix - Some categories can be remove from conditions or displaying
  • Fix - Other small issues 2020-09-14
  • Fix - Image upload issue
  • Fix - Multiple filters with "Select" style for same taxonomy 2020-09-08
  • Enhancement - WP-Rocket compatibility
  • Enhancement - FacetWP compatibility
  • Fix - Incompatibility with latest jQuery
  • Fix - Price slider option "Use custom values"
  • Fix - Shop page with categories instead products 2020-09-01
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with Elementor Pro
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with some themes
  • Fix - Shortcode [brapf_next_shortcode_apply] do not work without parameters
  • Fix - Move option from free to paid(checkbox displayed, but functionality only in paid version) 2020-08-25
  • Fix - New Divi theme incompatibility
1.5.1 2020-08-17
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.4
  • Enhancement - [Dev] New Javascript trigger
  • Fix - Filters replace with WPML and Polylang
  • Fix - Deprecated shortcode do not work without filter ID
  • Fix - Some additional hooks and triggers 2020-08-10 2020-08-10
  • Enhancement - New SEO Meta Title style
  • Enhancement - [Dev] New option to display attribute values without products after recount
  • Enhancement - [Dev] New classes to create filter styles in themes or plugins
  • Fix - Issue with jQuery UI styles on other elements in some themes 2020-07-17
  • Fix - Products search selected filters
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters popup close
  • Fix - Shortcode PHP error 2020-07-13
  • Fix - Filters not displayed after disable Deprecated Filters add-on
  • Fix - Empty sidebar not displayed
  • Fix - Hierarchical sorting prevent error on frontend and save error to database 2020-07-07
  • Enhancement - Sub-attribute for Nested filters add-on
  • Fix - Replacement for user custom CSS
  • Fix - Text style with image/color
  • Fix - Slash for canonical URL 2020-07-02
  • Enhancement - Deprecated Filters: Custom Class option for buttons
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters: Price Slider
  • Fix - PHP Warning for older PHP 2020-07-01
  • Enhancement - Additional JavaScript hook to override functions to hide/show filters
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters: Design styles in incorrect place
  • Fix - Autoptimize incompatibility
  • Fix - Incompatibility with iubenda Cookie and Consent Solution
  • Fix - Compatibility with other JavaScript/CSS minify plugins 2020-07-01
  • Fix - Hierarchical style
  • Fix - CSS Minify script incompatibility
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters: Loading overlay and image
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters: Current page detection
  • Fix - Deprecated Filters: Design tab 2020-06-26
  • Fix - Link like WooCommerce add-on
  • Fix - Relevanssi script on page where it is not required
  • Fix - Max-Height instead Height for filter height limitation 2020-06-25
  • Enhancement - Change Cursor for some Elements
  • Fix - Collapse Icon and Description Icon Size
  • Fix - Remove error for deprecated price filter
1.5 2020-06-25
  • Enhancement - New styles for filters: Checkbox, Select, Slider, Color, Image
  • Enhancement - New slider styles
  • Enhancement - New buttons styles
  • Enhancement - Selected filters area horizontal styles
  • Enhancement - Single selection for check
  • Enhancement - Select and Select2 can be displayed on same time
  • Enhancement - Collapse widget option with different settings
  • Enhancement - Less JavaScript and HTML code for same result.
  • Enhancement - More compatibility with themes and plugins
  • Enhancement - Better compatibility with Divi Builder, Beaver Builder, Elementor Builder
  • Enhancement - Relevanssi compatibility
  • Enhancement - More ways to customize filters and add additional functionality
  • Enhancement - Option to set how hierarchical attribute must be displayed
  • Enhancement - Separate admin title and frontend title
  • Enhancement - Back button in browser on AJAX
  • Enhancement - All JavaScript in one minified file
  • Enhancement - All CSS Styles in one minified file
  • Enhancement - Checked style for image element style
  • Fix - Incompatibility with some themes
  • Fix - Some incompatibility with Windows server
  • Fix - Some incompatibility with MariaDB
  • Fix - Some issues with Nested Filters
  • Fix - A lot of small fixes
1.5beta 2020-05-08 2020-05-06
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.4.1 and WooCommerce 4.1 2020-03-27
  • Fix - Critical error with older WooCommerce Product Table 2020-03-26
  • Enhancement - Compatibility WooCommerce Product Table 2.6
  • Fix - Fatal error with some plugins that call hooks incorrect
1.4.2 2020-03-24
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with Math Rank SEO
  • Fix - PHP Notice on some sites 2020-03-16
  • Fix - Nested filters load
  • Fix - Rewrite rules save error
  • Fix - Work incorrect post__in variable
  • Fix - Media library uses on every admin page 2020-02-20
  • Enhancement - Remove some queries
  • Fix - Hide out of stock variations with price slider do not work
  • Fix - Hide out of stock variations work incorrect on some sites 2020-02-14
  • Fix - Avada 6.2.0 incompatibility. Products not editable 2020-02-10
  • Fix - PHP Warning/Notice on some site
  • Fix - Sorting in WooCommerce shortcodes works incorrect
  • Fix - Some styles do not affect option "Display styles only for pages with filters" 2020-01-30
  • Enhancement - Additional Tables compatibility with Polylang
  • Enhancement - Better compatibility with Load More and Grid/List plugins
  • Fix - Session start error for some admin pages
  • Fix - Nice URL do not work after first save
  • Fix - JavaScript errors in WordPress customization
  • Fix - Multiple category/attribute values in WooCommerce shortcode
  • Fix - Use unique class for color picker script
  • Fix - Remove title from HTML5 PushState
  • Fix - Group simple create from widget do not work
  • Fix - Variable products with out of stock variation still visible if query uses post__in parameter 2020-01-09
  • Fix - Correct count for attribute values with some WooCommerce Shortcodes
  • Fix - Option text not correct
  • Fix - Some variable products not excluded with disabled Additional table add-on 2019-12-19
  • Fix - "Hide variations that are out of stock" option do not work without "Additional table" add-on
  • Fix - WPML: "Hide variations that are out of stock" option work only on base language
  • Fix - WPML: "Additional table" add-on compatibility 2019-12-16 2019-12-13
  • Fix - Price replacements do not work
  • Fix - Divi theme compatibility replace with another module
  • Fix - PHP notices for some sorting
1.4.1 2019-12-09
  • Enhancement - New recount options
  • Enhancement - Rename some options to be more correct
  • Enhancement - Group some options in advanced settings
  • Enhancement - Get attribute values with WordPress default functionality
  • Enhancement - Better sorting for hierarchical taxonomy (product categories)
  • Enhancement - Better sorting with slider by atribute
  • Enhancement - Some options work faster
  • Fix - Get correct price with recount option
  • Fix - Hide some options in filter settings 2019-11-13
  • Enhancement - Compatibility version: Wordpress 5.3 and WooCommerce 3.8
  • Fix - Additional tables: stuck and do not generate tables
  • Fix - Additional tables: slow generating of the data for categories
  • Fix - Product Category Value Limitation do not work 2019-10-28
  • Fix - Additional tables generation errors
  • Fix - Additional tables incorrect data to hide products
  • Fix - Custom filtering permalink with Product Table plugin 2019-10-21
  • Enhancement - Template optimizations 2019-10-16
  • Enhancement - Additional table generation withour WP-Cron
  • Enhancement - Option to disable AJAX Pagination
  • Enhancement - Write table generation errors and status 2019-10-04
  • Fix - Compatibility with other BeRocket plugins on activation
1.4 2019-10-01
  • Enhancement - Additional table for taxonomies (Product categories work faster with it)
  • Enhancement - Additional table for variable products
  • Enhancement - Better Compatibility with BodyCommerce
  • Enhancement - Better Compatibility with WooJetPack product visibility by user role option
  • Enhancement - "Hide out of stock variable" option also remove variable products, that do not have variation with selected attributes
  • Fix - Generating Additional tables on large amount of data
1.3.7 2019-09-16
  • Critical Update! Sanitize all settings. Can break some custom CSS/JavaScript.
  • Fix - Show notification about security problem 2019-09-14
  • Fix - preg_replace warning in the main.php
1.3.6 2019-09-13
  • Critical Update! Vulnerability found! Please update the plugin to the version 1.3.6
1.3.5 2019-09-13
  • Fix - hot fix for the issue with custom styles 2019-09-10
  • Fix - WPML incompatibility with new recount script
  • Fix - Purge cache after update 2019-09-10
  • Fix - WordPress database prefix was incorrect for some tables
1.3.4 2019-09-09
  • Enhancement - More correct filters recount
  • Enhancement - More elemnts for translation
  • Fix - Order by element always displayed
  • Fix - Rewrite rules override every load
  • Fix - Some filters products count 2019-08-14
  • Fix - Values Order - Default/Numeric, Order Type was not working with multigobyte values
  • Fix - PHP notices/errors 2019-08-14
  • Fix - Attribute value recount on attribute and taxonomy pages 2019-07-24
  • Fix - WooCommerce Shortcode with multiple categories
  • Fix - Incorrect recount terms on some sites
1.3.3 2019-07-16
  • Enhancement - Filtering speed optimization
  • Enhancement - Multiple WooCommerce shortcode can work correct
  • Enhancement - Database query optimization and less query count 2019-07-10
  • Enhancement - Price slider speed woocommerce 3.6
  • Enhancement - WooCommerce shortcode add no products message
  • Fix - PHP notices
  • Fix - Remove some files 2019-06-25
  • Fix - Links to BeRocket
  • Fix - Compatibility with other BeRocket plugins
  • Fix - Categories default sorting is not working
  • Fix - Remove some php notices
  • Fix - Reset in above products position break other filters
  • Fix - Tax rates option for price 2019-06-11
  • Enhancement - Option to use Standard tax rates for price filter
  • Enhancement - Separate Query Vars addon option to set Default operator for URLs
  • Enhancement - Separate Query Vars addon lower case operator text in URLs
  • Enhancement - Option to set devices where scroll to the top will be used
  • Fix - Attribute slider
  • Fix - PHP notices/errors 2019-05-16
  • Fix - Incorrect description
  • Fix - Selected filters area Attribute name
  • Fix - Selected filters with Filters Conditions
  • Fix - Tags cloud 2019-05-15 2019-04-26
  • Fix - Notice map_meta_cap for BeRocket plugins 2019-04-25
  • Fix - Font-Awesome 5 in admin settings
  • Fix - Framework version
1.3.2 2019-04-25
  • Enhancement - Option to turn off multiple select for images and colors
  • Enhancement - Do not close widget if it is selected
  • Fix - Internet Explorer issue with colors
  • Fix - Attributes WooCommerce sorting in WooCommerce 3.6
  • Fix - Remove out of stock variations, when attribute slug in not Latin
  • Fix - Variations options with latest version of MySQL
  • Fix - Variations with post status trash in query 2019-04-03
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with Elementor and other plugins
  • Enhancement - Compatibility with other BeRocket plugins
  • Enhancement - Code Security 2019-04-02
  • Enhancement - Code Security 2019-04-01
  • Enhancement - Code Security 2019-03-29
  • Enhancement - Code Security 2019-03-29
  • Enhancement - Code Security
  • Fix - Categories order Default 2019-03-28
  • Enhancement - Code Security
  • Enhancement - Added Purge cache button 2019-03-25
  • Fix - Loading Icon
  • Fix - Creation filters/groups in customizer
  • Fix - Multiple sorting form
  • Fix - Better compatibility with Flatsome theme
  • Fix - Security problem
  • Fix - Code optimization
  • Fix - Addon Filtering Conditions 2019-03-21
  • Fix - Categories order
1.3.1 2019-03-06
  • Enhancement - Update BeRocket plugin framework 2.1
  • Fix - Hide widgets without values
  • Fix - Hide on mobile/tablet/desktop 2019-02-04
  • Enhancement - Features tab added
  • Fix - Font Awesome 5 on some themes
  • Fix - Customizer do not save WooCommerce settings
  • Fix - Hook to add filtering on some theme 2019-01-14
  • Enhancement - Category condition in Filters ans Groups
  • Fix - Replace widget with limitation by Categories
1.3 2019-01-10
  • Enhancement - New admin settings design
  • Enhancement - New filters post type and group with filters
  • Enhancement - Possibility to filter WooCommerce shortcode
  • Enhancement - Display filters on any pages(filters will work only on pages with products)
  • Enhancement - Condition to select pages where filters/groups must be displayed
  • Enhancement - Option to hide filters on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Enhancement - Filter by Product Tags
  • Enhancement - Better work with variations
  • Enhancement - Select2 for dropdown menu
  • Enhancement - Hierarchical category tree
  • Enhancement - Color and image type of filters
  • Enhancement - SEO Title, Description and Header with added filters
  • Enhancement - Customization for text, checkbox, radio, slider and other elements
  • Enhancement - Selected Filters Area
  • Enhancement - Description can be added to the filter
  • Enhancement - Reset button widget
  • Enhancement - Filters can be collapsed by clicking on title, option to collapse filter on start
  • Enhancement - Price Filter Custom Min and Max values
  • Enhancement - Add custom CSS on admin settings page
  • Enhancement - Show icons before/after widget title and/or before/after values
  • Enhancement - More functionality and Enhancements
  • Fix - A lot of fixes from paid version
1.2.8 2018-12-20
  • Fix - Subscribe
  • Fix - Feature request send
1.2.7 2018-09-26
  • Enhancement - Auto-selectors has "Stop" button
  • Enhancement - Feature request box
  • Enhancement - Feedback box
  • Fix - Reset button
1.2.6 2018-07-12
  • Upgrade - better plugin menu items location
  • Upgrade - Categories filter
  • Upgrade - Reset filters button
  • Upgrade - Values order
  • Upgrade - Custom CSS
  • Upgrade - Option to hide widget on mobile
1.2.5 2018-06-22
  • Enhancement - Product categories filtering
  • Enhancement - Select2 script for dropdown menu in filters
  • Enhancement - Option to use GET request instead POST request(for better compatibility with some caching)
  • Enhancement - Setup Wizard
  • Enhancement - Auto selectors
  • Fix - Displaying categories and subcategories
  • Fix - Compatibility with new version of Load More plugin
  • Fix - Other fixes
1.2.4 2018-04-10
  • Upgrade - WordPress 4.9 compatibility
1.2.3 2017-11-23
  • Upgrade - more useful subscribe
  • Fix - updater fix
1.2.2 2017-10-17
  • Upgrade - Font Awesome
  • Upgrade - New admin notices
1.2.1 2017-06-25
  • Upgrade - Option to subscribe
  • Upgrade - Better advertisement
1.2.0 2017-06-02
  • Premium Feature - best support for the themes moved from premium version of the plugin. If you have any issues ith theme update and set Template ajax load fix to jQuery
  • Enhancement - No Products message
  • Enhancement - No Products class
  • Enhancement - Count Results holder
  • Enhancement - Pagination holder
  • Fix - no errors if terms found
  • Fix - remove notices 2017-04-27
  • Fix - WooCommerce 3.0.1 issues
  • Fix - Premium plugin link on settings page.
1.1.6 2017-03-28
  • Fix - Price for currency exchange
  • Fix - Optimization for price widget
  • Fix - Custom JavaScript errors
1.1.8 2017-03-28
  • Fix - Better compatibility with WPML
1.1.5 2016-08-06
  • Fix - Shortcode doesn't work
  • Fix - Optimization for price filters
  • Fix - Filters work incorrect on search page
  • Fix - Some strings is not translated with WPML
  • Fix - Optimization for hiding attribute values without products
1.1.4 2016-02-24
  • Enhancement - Russian translation
  • Fix - Translation
  • Fix - Network activation
  • Fix - Displaying of filter with price
  • Fix - Get normal min/max prices for filter with price
  • Fix - Widgets displays incorrect with some themes
  • Fix - Not filtering with some plugins
  • Fix - Scrollbar displays incorrect with some themes
1.1.3 2016-01-29
  • Enhancement - load only products from last AJAX request
  • Enhancement - Uses HTML for widgets from theme
  • Enhancement/Fix - Attributes page support
  • Fix - Hash links didn't works with plugin
  • Fix - Widgets don't display on page with latest version of WooCommerce
  • Fix - Remove PHP errors
1.1.2 2015-10-09
1.1.1 2015-08-26
  • Fix - most of the bugs for almost a month period 2015-07-02
  • Fix - removing PHP 5.5 code 2015-07-02
  • Enhancement - Option to hide selected values and/or without products. Add at the bottom button to show them
  • Enhancement - Filters are using product variations now
  • Enhancement - translation( WPML ) support
  • Enhancement/Fix - radio-box had issues and there was no chance to remove selection
  • Fix - Pagination has issues with link building
  • Fix - Jump to first page wasn't working correctly and jump each time even when user want to change page 2015-06-14
  • Enhancement - Scroll to the top
  • Enhancement/Fix - Hash for old browsers added for better support
  • Enhancement/Fix - Sort by default WooCommerce value
  • Fix - out-of-stock filter working correctly 2015-06-07
  • Enhancement - Option to add text before and after price input fields
  • Enhancement - Jump to first page when filter changed
  • Fix - Now only used values must be shown, not all
  • Fix - Products are limited by category we are in
  • Fix - Products amount on the first page is correct now 2015-05-11
  • Minor fix 2015-05-11
  • Enhancement - Custom CSS class can be added per widget/filter
  • Enhancement - Update button. If added products will be updated only when user click Update button
  • Enhancement - Radio-box can be unselected by clicking it again
  • Enhancement/Fix - Urls are shortened using better structure to save filters. ~ symbol is not used now
  • Fix - issue with shortened tags for shortcode.
  • Fix - on widgets page widget now has subcategories(hierarchy)
  • Fix - all categories are visible, not only that have products inside(popular)
  • Minor fixes 2015-04-02
  • Fix - another js issue that stops plugin from work
  • Fix - order by name, name_numeric and attribute ID wasn't working 2015-04-02
  • Fix - js issue that stops plugin from work
1.1.0 2015-04-02 2015-03-08
  • Fix - attribute values from products on 2+ page wasn't used
  • Fix - not all attributes in use because of array key duplication issue 2015-03-08
  • Fix - database query issue that brake plugin in categories 2015-02-14
  • Enhancement - adding callback for before_update, on_update, after_update events.
  • Other small fixes 2015-02-08 2015-02-01
  • Enhancement/Fix - Better support for SEO urls with permalinks on/off
  • Fix - Critical bug that was returning incorrect products. 2015-01-25
  • Enhancement - Adding AJAX for pagination.
  • Enhancement - Adding PushState for pagination.
  • Enhancement/Fix - Pagination wasn't updating when filters used.
  • Enhancement/Fix - Text with amount of results (Eg "Showing all 2 results") wasn't updating after filters applied
  • Enhancement/Fix - When choosing Slider in admin Operator became hidden
  • Fix - All sliders except price wasn't working with SEO url
  • Fix - When changing attribute to/from price in admin all filters jumping
  • Fix - After filter applied all products was showed. Even those with Draft status.
1.0.4 2015-01-18
  • Enhancement - SEO friendly urls with possibility for users to share/bookmark their search. Will be shortened in future
  • Enhancement - Option added to turn SEO friendly urls on/off. Off by default as this is first version of this feature
  • Enhancement - Option to turn filters on/off globally
  • Enhancement - Option to take control over (default) sorting function, make it AJAXy and work with filters
  • Fix - Sorting remain correct after using filters. Sorting wasn't counted before
  • Fix - If there are 2 or more sliders they are not working correctly.
  • Fix - Values in slider was converted to float even when value ia not a price.
  • Fix - If there are 2 or more values for attribute it was not validated when used in slider. 2015-01-12
  • Enhancement/Fix - Option to set selector for products holder is added. Now you control where data will returned to 2015-01-12
  • Enhancement/Fix - Option to set selector for products holder is added. Now you control where data will returned to 2014-12-28 2014-12-28
  • Enhancement/Fix - Showing products and options now depending on woocommerce_hide_out_of_stock_items option
  • Fix - If in category, only products/options from this category will be shown 2014-12-26
  • Fix - wrong path was committed in previous version that killed plugin 2014-12-26
  • Fix - wrong path was committed in previous version that killed plugin
1.0.3 2014-12-25
  • Enhancement - CSS and JavaScript files minimized
  • Enhancement - Settings page added
  • Enhancement - "No Products" message and it's class can be changed through admin
  • Enhancement - Option added that can enable control over sorting( if visible )
  • Enhancement - User can select several categories instead of one. Now you don't need to create several same filters for different categories.
  • Enhancement - Added option "include subcats?". if selected filter will be shown in selected categories and their subcategories
  • Fix - Adding support to themes that require product div to have "product" class
  • Fix - Slider in categories wasn't initialized
  • Fix - Subcategories wasn't working. Only Main categories were showing filters
  • Templating - return woocommerce/theme default structure for product
  • Templating - html parts moved to separate files in templates folder. You can overwrite them by creating folder "woocommerce-filters" and file with same name as in plugin templates folder.
1.0.2 2014-12-14