WooCommerce Stock Manager

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 2.10.0



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Releases (23 )

Version Release Date Change Log
2.10.0 2022-11-10

WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatible, WordPress 6.1.0 compatible, Fixes related to PHP Fatal Error: Call to undefined function wp_set_script_translations() along with other important fixes and updates. Recommended upgrade.

2.9.0 2022-10-31

WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatible, WordPress 6.0.3 compatible, Readme file changes, POT file

2.8.3 2021-11-18

WooCommerce 5.9.0 compatible 2021-10-25

Check if current page is of Stock Manager, POT file

2.8.2 2021-10-22

Product type column UX on Stock log page, POT file

2.8.1 2021-10-15

WooCommerce 5.7.1, 5.8.0 compatible, Pagination not working on Stock log page, Stock Manager menu position, StoreApps Plugins page, POT file

2.8.0 2021-09-17

WordPress Coding Standards, Variation product link not opening parent variable product on Stock log page, Incorrect plugin slug and text domain at few places, Plugin name broken in admin footer text on Stock Manager pages, Check product instance before calling product functions, Stock log page, Removed unused code, POT file

2.7.0 2021-09-03

WooCommerce 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 5.6.0 compatible, WordPress 5.8.0 compatible, Unique action name for 'Export' to avoid conflicts, Prevent exposure of export data [Thanks to WordPress.org team], Strengthen security during export and subscribe process [Thanks to WordPress.org team], Automate versioning, Code cleanup, Plugin name, POT file

2.6.0 2021-05-28

WooCommerce 5.2.2, 5.3.0 compatible, Strengthen security during import process [Thanks to: Chloe Chamberland | Wordfence], POT file. Recommended upgrade.

2.5.7 2021-04-03

'Cannot modify header information headers already sent' in some cases, jQuery error, POT file. Recommended upgrade.

2.5.6 2021-03-26

Admin footer text for WooCommerce Stock Manager pages, Code Improvements, POT file. Recommended upgrade.

2.5.5 2021-03-19

WooCommerce 5.0.0, 5.1.0 compatible, WordPress 5.7.0 compatible, PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function set_sku() on bool when importing products via CSV, jQuery 'ready' event is deprecated, Column names on Import/Export page, POT file. Recommended upgrade.

2.5.4 2021-01-29

(29.01.2021) = * New: WooCommerce 4.8.0, 4.9.2 compatible * New: WordPress 5.6.0 compatible * Fix: Updating stock for External/Affiliate product killing the Stock Manager page * Fix: Incorrect text domain at few places * Update: POT file

2.5.3 2020-11-21

(21.11.2020) = * New: WooCommerce 4.7.0 compatible

2.5.2 2020-10-28

(28.10.2020) = * New: WooCommerce 4.6.1 compatible * Fix: variation_data was called incorrectly error when exporting CSV * Update: Admin menu name * Update: POT file

2.5.1 2020-10-07

(07.10.2020) = * Fix: Price, Sale Price & Weight getting set to blank when importing CSV * Fix: Minor fixes

2.5.0 2020-10-03

(03.10.2020) = * Update: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress & WooCommerce * Fix: Clicking on 'Variable product' in case of variable products breaking the Stock Manager page * Fix: Import CSV not updating products * Fix: Warnings related to insert into 'stock_log' table * Fix: Minor fixes

2.4.0 2020-08-07

(07.08.2020) = * New: WooCommerce 4.3.1 compatible * New: Provision to show/hide 'SKU' column * Fix: 'Create export File' not exporting all the products in the generated CSV * Update: Title to product thumbnail column * Update: Disable autoload of few options * Update: Product icon * Update: POT file

2.3.0 2020-06-20

(20.06.2020) = * Fix: Product Variation thumbnail not loading in dashboard * Update: Updated POT file * Fix: Minor fixes

2.2.0 2020-06-06

(06.06.2020) = * Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce (v4.2+) * Update: Product low stock handling as per WooCommerce low stock threshold setting * Update: WooCommerce Stock Manager menu position * Fix: Default delimiter not set to "," for Export CSV * Fix: Product variation Id displaying as blank in exported CSV * Fix: Dashboard going blank after enabling the 'thumbnail' column in some cases * Update: Updated POT file

2.1.1 2020-05-02

(02.05.2020) = * Update: Added stock related columns in the dashboard by default * Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce * Update: Added option for 'No Shipping Class' for 'Shipping Class' product field * Fix: 'Sale Price' product field showing as blank in case of '0' value * Fix: Table headers of the Stock Manager dashboard table not translating * Update: Updated POT file

wsm-2.1.0 2020-04-06
1.2.8 2019-07-02