Yoast SEO - Version 10.0.1

Version Description

Release Date: March 19th, 2019


  • Fixes a bug where network-wide settings were not saved on multisite environments.
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Release Info

Developer Yoast
Plugin Icon 128x128 Yoast SEO
Version 10.0.1
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Code changes from version 10.0 to 10.0.1

Files changed (104) hide show
  1. admin/class-yoast-network-admin.php +2 -1
  2. css/dist/{admin-global-1000-rtl.min.css → admin-global-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  3. css/dist/{admin-global-1000.min.css → admin-global-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  4. css/dist/{adminbar-1000-rtl.min.css → adminbar-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  5. css/dist/{adminbar-1000.min.css → adminbar-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  6. css/dist/{alerts-1000-rtl.min.css → alerts-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  7. css/dist/{alerts-1000.min.css → alerts-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  8. css/dist/{dashboard-1000-rtl.min.css → dashboard-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  9. css/dist/{dashboard-1000.min.css → dashboard-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  10. css/dist/{edit-page-1000-rtl.min.css → edit-page-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  11. css/dist/{edit-page-1000.min.css → edit-page-1001.min.css} +0 -0
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  13. css/dist/{featured-image-1000.min.css → featured-image-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  14. css/dist/{filter-explanation-1000-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  15. css/dist/{filter-explanation-1000.min.css → filter-explanation-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  16. css/dist/{inside-editor-1000-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  17. css/dist/{inside-editor-1000.min.css → inside-editor-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  18. css/dist/{metabox-1000-rtl.min.css → metabox-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  19. css/dist/{metabox-1000.min.css → metabox-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  20. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1000-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  21. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1000.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  22. css/dist/{search-appearance-1000-rtl.min.css → search-appearance-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  23. css/dist/{search-appearance-1000.min.css → search-appearance-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  24. css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1000-rtl.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  25. css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1000.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  26. css/dist/{toggle-switch-1000-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  27. css/dist/{toggle-switch-1000.min.css → toggle-switch-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  28. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1000-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  29. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1000.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  30. css/dist/{yoast-components-1000-rtl.min.css → yoast-components-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  31. css/dist/{yoast-components-1000.min.css → yoast-components-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  32. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1000-rtl.min.css → yoast-extensions-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  33. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1000.min.css → yoast-extensions-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  34. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1000-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  35. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1000.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  36. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1000-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-1001-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  37. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1000.min.css → yst_seo_score-1001.min.css} +0 -0
  38. js/dist/{analysis-1000.min.js → analysis-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  39. js/dist/{babel-polyfill-1000.min.js → babel-polyfill-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  40. js/dist/{commons-1000.min.js → commons-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  41. js/dist/{components-1000.min.js → components-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  42. js/dist/{configuration-wizard-1000.min.js → configuration-wizard-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  43. js/dist/{search-appearance-1000.min.js → search-appearance-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  44. js/dist/{styled-components-1000.min.js → styled-components-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  45. js/dist/{wp-apiFetch-1000.min.js → wp-apiFetch-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  46. js/dist/{wp-components-1000.min.js → wp-components-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  47. js/dist/{wp-compose-1000.min.js → wp-compose-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  48. js/dist/{wp-data-1000.min.js → wp-data-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  49. js/dist/{wp-element-1000.min.js → wp-element-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  50. js/dist/{wp-i18n-1000.min.js → wp-i18n-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  51. js/dist/{wp-richText-1000.min.js → wp-richText-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  52. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  53. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-global-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-global-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  54. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-gsc-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-gsc-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  55. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-media-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-media-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  56. js/dist/{wp-seo-analysis-worker-1000.min.js → wp-seo-analysis-worker-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  57. js/dist/{wp-seo-api-1000.min.js → wp-seo-api-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  58. js/dist/{wp-seo-bulk-editor-1000.min.js → wp-seo-bulk-editor-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  59. js/dist/{wp-seo-courses-overview-1000.min.js → wp-seo-courses-overview-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  60. js/dist/{wp-seo-dashboard-widget-1000.min.js → wp-seo-dashboard-widget-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  61. js/dist/{wp-seo-edit-page-1000.min.js → wp-seo-edit-page-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  62. js/dist/{wp-seo-featured-image-1000.min.js → wp-seo-featured-image-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  63. js/dist/{wp-seo-filter-explanation-1000.min.js → wp-seo-filter-explanation-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  64. js/dist/{wp-seo-help-center-1000.min.js → wp-seo-help-center-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  65. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-1000.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  66. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-category-1000.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-category-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  67. js/dist/{wp-seo-modal-1000.min.js → wp-seo-modal-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  68. js/dist/{wp-seo-network-admin-1000.min.js → wp-seo-network-admin-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  69. js/dist/{wp-seo-post-scraper-1000.min.js → wp-seo-post-scraper-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  70. js/dist/{wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-1000.min.js → wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  71. js/dist/{wp-seo-recalculate-1000.min.js → wp-seo-recalculate-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  72. js/dist/{wp-seo-reindex-links-1000.min.js → wp-seo-reindex-links-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  73. js/dist/{wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-1000.min.js → wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  74. js/dist/{wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-1000.min.js → wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  75. js/dist/{wp-seo-structured-data-blocks-1000.min.js → wp-seo-structured-data-blocks-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  76. js/dist/{wp-seo-term-scraper-1000.min.js → wp-seo-term-scraper-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  77. js/dist/{wp-seo-used-keywords-assessment-1000.min.js → wp-seo-used-keywords-assessment-1001.min.js} +0 -0
  78. languages/wordpress-seo-bg_BG.json +1 -1
  79. languages/wordpress-seo-ca.json +1 -1
  80. languages/wordpress-seo-cs_CZ.json +1 -1
  81. languages/wordpress-seo-da_DK.json +1 -1
  82. languages/wordpress-seo-de_CH.json +1 -1
  83. languages/wordpress-seo-de_DE.json +1 -1
  84. languages/wordpress-seo-el.json +1 -1
  85. languages/wordpress-seo-en_AU.json +1 -1
  86. languages/wordpress-seo-en_CA.json +1 -1
  87. languages/wordpress-seo-en_GB.json +1 -1
  88. languages/wordpress-seo-en_NZ.json +1 -1
  89. languages/wordpress-seo-en_ZA.json +1 -1
  90. languages/wordpress-seo-es_AR.json +1 -1
  91. languages/wordpress-seo-es_ES.json +1 -1
  92. languages/wordpress-seo-es_MX.json +1 -1
  93. languages/wordpress-seo-es_VE.json +1 -1
  94. languages/wordpress-seo-fa_IR.json +1 -1
  95. languages/wordpress-seo-fr_CA.json +0 -1
  96. languages/wordpress-seo-fr_FR.json +1 -1
  97. languages/wordpress-seo-gl_ES.json +1 -1
  98. languages/wordpress-seo-he_IL.json +1 -1
  99. languages/wordpress-seo-hr.json +1 -1
  100. languages/wordpress-seo-hu_HU.json +1 -1
  101. languages/wordpress-seo-it_IT.json +1 -1
  102. languages/wordpress-seo-ja.json +1 -1
  103. languages/wordpress-seo-nb_NO.json +1 -1
  104. languages/wordpress-seo-nl_BE.json +1 -1
admin/class-yoast-network-admin.php CHANGED
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ class Yoast_Network_Admin implements WPSEO_WordPress_Integration, WPSEO_WordPres
  foreach ( $whitelist_options as $option_name ) {
  $value = null;
  if ( isset( $_POST[ $option_name ] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF ok.
- $value = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST[ $option_name ] ) ); // WPCS: CSRF ok.
  WPSEO_Options::update_site_option( $option_name, $value );
  foreach ( $whitelist_options as $option_name ) {
  $value = null;
  if ( isset( $_POST[ $option_name ] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF ok.
+ // Adding sanitize_text_field around this will break the saving of settings because it expects a string: https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues/12440.
+ $value = wp_unslash( $_POST[ $option_name ] ); // WPCS: CSRF ok.
  WPSEO_Options::update_site_option( $option_name, $value );
css/dist/{admin-global-1000-rtl.min.css → admin-global-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{admin-global-1000.min.css → admin-global-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-1000-rtl.min.css → adminbar-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-1000.min.css → adminbar-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-1000-rtl.min.css → alerts-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-1000.min.css → alerts-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-1000-rtl.min.css → dashboard-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-1000.min.css → dashboard-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-1000-rtl.min.css → edit-page-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-1000.min.css → edit-page-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-1000-rtl.min.css → featured-image-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-1000.min.css → featured-image-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-1000-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-1000.min.css → filter-explanation-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-1000-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-1000.min.css → inside-editor-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-1000-rtl.min.css → metabox-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-1000.min.css → metabox-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1000-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1000.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{search-appearance-1000-rtl.min.css → search-appearance-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{search-appearance-1000.min.css → search-appearance-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1000-rtl.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1000.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-1000-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-1000.min.css → toggle-switch-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1000-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1000.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-components-1000.min.css → yoast-components-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1000.min.css → yoast-extensions-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1000-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1000.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1000-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-1001-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1000.min.css → yst_seo_score-1001.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
js/dist/{babel-polyfill-1000.min.js → babel-polyfill-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
js/dist/{components-1000.min.js → components-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{configuration-wizard-1000.min.js → configuration-wizard-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
js/dist/{styled-components-1000.min.js → styled-components-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-apiFetch-1000.min.js → wp-apiFetch-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-components-1000.min.js → wp-components-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-compose-1000.min.js → wp-compose-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
js/dist/{wp-i18n-1000.min.js → wp-i18n-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-richText-1000.min.js → wp-richText-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-global-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-global-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-gsc-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-gsc-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-media-1000.min.js → wp-seo-admin-media-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-analysis-worker-1000.min.js → wp-seo-analysis-worker-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-api-1000.min.js → wp-seo-api-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-seo-bulk-editor-1000.min.js → wp-seo-bulk-editor-1001.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
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File without changes
languages/wordpress-seo-bg_BG.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"bg"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Слезте надолу, за да видите съдържанието на прегледа."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Възникна грешка при оценяването на '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s от думите съдържат %2$sнад %3$s срички%4$s, което надхвърля препоръчителния максимум (%5$s)"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s от думите съдържат %2$sнад %3$s срички%4$s, което е по-малко или равно на препоръчителния максимум (%5$s)"],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Полето meta description съдържа %1$d изречение с дължина %2$sнад %3$s думи%4$s. Опитайте да го съкратите.","Полето meta description съдържа %1$d изречения с дължина %2$sнад %3$s думи%4$s. Опитайте да ги съкратите."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Полето meta description не съдържа изречения с дължина %1$sнад %2$s думи%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Преглед на мобилната версия"],"Desktop preview":["Преглед на настолната версия"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Въведете SEO заглавие в редактора на извадката отдолу."],"Meta description preview:":["Преглед на полето meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Преглед на краткия адрес (slug):"],"SEO title preview:":["Преглед на SEO заглавието:"],"Close snippet editor":["Затваряне на редактора на извадки"],"Slug":["Кратък адрес"],"Remove marks in the text":["Премахване на маркери в текста"],"Mark this result in the text":["Маркиране на резултата в текста"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Маркерите са изключени в текущия изглед"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: добър SEO резултат"],"Good SEO score":["Добър SEO резултат"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: приемлив SEO резултат"],"OK SEO score":["Приемлив SEO резултат"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: има обратна връзка"],"Feedback":["Обратна връзка"],"ok":["ОК"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Въведете съдържание на полето meta description в редактора на извадката отдолу."],"Edit snippet":["Редактиране на извадката"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Кликнете върху някой от елементите в прегледа, за да стартирате редактора на извадки."],"SEO title":["SEO заглавие"],"Needs improvement":["Нуждае се от подобрение"],"Good":["Добре"],"very difficult":["много трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["сравнително трудно"],"OK":["ОК"],"fairly easy":["сравнително лесно"],"easy":["лесно"],"very easy":["много лесно"],"Meta description":["Meta описание"],"Snippet preview":["Преглед на извадката"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"bg"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Слезте надолу, за да видите съдържанието на прегледа."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Възникна грешка при оценяването на '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s от думите съдържат %2$sнад %3$s срички%4$s, което надхвърля препоръчителния максимум (%5$s)"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s от думите съдържат %2$sнад %3$s срички%4$s, което е по-малко или равно на препоръчителния максимум (%5$s)"],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Полето meta description съдържа %1$d изречение с дължина %2$sнад %3$s думи%4$s. Опитайте да го съкратите.","Полето meta description съдържа %1$d изречения с дължина %2$sнад %3$s думи%4$s. Опитайте да ги съкратите."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Полето meta description не съдържа изречения с дължина %1$sнад %2$s думи%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Преглед на мобилната версия"],"Desktop preview":["Преглед на настолната версия"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Въведете SEO заглавие в редактора на извадката отдолу."],"Meta description preview:":["Преглед на полето meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Преглед на краткия адрес (slug):"],"SEO title preview:":["Преглед на SEO заглавието:"],"Close snippet editor":["Затваряне на редактора на извадки"],"Slug":["Кратък адрес"],"Remove marks in the text":["Премахване на маркери в текста"],"Mark this result in the text":["Маркиране на резултата в текста"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Маркерите са изключени в текущия изглед"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: добър SEO резултат"],"Good SEO score":["Добър SEO резултат"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: приемлив SEO резултат"],"OK SEO score":["Приемлив SEO резултат"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Оптимизация на съдържанието: има обратна връзка"],"Feedback":["Обратна връзка"],"ok":["ОК"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Въведете съдържание на полето meta description в редактора на извадката отдолу."],"Edit snippet":["Редактиране на извадката"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Кликнете върху някой от елементите в прегледа, за да стартирате редактора на извадки."],"SEO title":["SEO заглавие"],"Needs improvement":["Нуждае се от подобрение"],"Good":["Добре"],"very difficult":["много трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["сравнително трудно"],"OK":["ОК"],"fairly easy":["сравнително лесно"],"easy":["лесно"],"very easy":["много лесно"],"Meta description":["Meta описание"],"Snippet preview":["Преглед на извадката"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-ca.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"ca"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributs alt d'imatge%3$s: les imatges d'aquesta pàgina tenen l'atribut alt, però no heu definit la frase clau. %2$sCorregiu-ho%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribució de la frase clau%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%6$s: Heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau %1$s%2$d vegades abans%3$s. %5$sNo utilitzeu la frase clau més d'una vegada%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%5$s: Heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau %1$suna vegada abans%2$s. %4$sNo utilitzeu la frase clau més d'una vegada%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%2$s: no heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau abans, molt bé."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sMots buits al resum%3$s: El resum d'aquest pàgina conté un mot buit. %2$sElimineu-lo%3$s!","%1$sMots buits al resum%3$s: El resum d'aquest pàgia conté mots buits. %2$sElimineu-los%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sResum massa llarg%3$s: el resum d'aquesta pàgina és una mica llarg. %2$sEscurceu-lo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributs alt d'imatge%3$s: no hi ha imatges en aquesta pàgina. %2$sAfegiu-ne alguna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sEnllaç de la frase clau %3$s: Esteu enllaçant cap a una altra pàgina amb les paraules amb les quals vols posicionar aquesta pàgina. %2$sNo feu això%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Això està molt per sota del mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s.","Això està molt per sota del mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Això està per sota del mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s.","Això està per sota del mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongitud del text%4$s: El text conté %1$d paraula.","%2$sLongitud del text%4$s: el text conté %1$d paraules."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongitud del text%3$s: el text conté %1$d paraula. Bona feina!","%2$sLongitud del text%3$s: el text conté %1$d paraules. Bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clau al subtítol%3$s: més de75%% dels teus subtítols reflexen el tema de la còpia. Això és massa. %2$sNo sobreoptimitzeu%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%3$s: %2$sSi us plau, creeu un títol SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%2$s: Bona feina!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%3$s: El títol SEO és massa curt. %2$sFeu servir l'espai per afegir variacions de paraules clau o per a crear un text que animi a una acció%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%2$s: Hi ha enllaços sortints nofollow i normals en aquesta pàgina. Bona feina!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%3$s: Tots els enllaços sortints d'aquesta pàgina són nofolloe. %2$sAfegiu alguns enllaços normals%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%3$s: no hi ha enllaços sortints en aquesta pàgina. %2$sAfegiu-ne alguns%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: La metadescripció té més de %4$d caràcters. Per assegurar que la descripció sencera sigui visible, %2$shauríeu de reduïr-ne la longitud%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: la metadescripció és massa curta (per sota de %4$d caràcters). Hi ha fins a %5$d caràcters disponibles. %2$sFeu servir l'espai%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: no s'ha especificat cap metadescripció. Els motors de cerca mostraran text de la pàgina en el seu lloc. %2$sAssegureu-vos d'escriure'n un%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clau a la metadescripció%2$s: la metadescripció s'ha especificat, però no conté la frase clau. %3$sCorregiu-ho%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clau%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLa frase clau a la introducció%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços interns%2$s: Hi ha enllaços interns nofollow i normals en aquesta pàgina. Bona feina!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços interns%2$s: teniu prou enllaços interns. Ben fet!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sParaules de transició%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongitud de la sentència%2$s: perfecte!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Bon treball!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplaceu la pàgina per previsualitzar el contingut."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["S'ha produït un error en la comprovació «%1$s»"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de les paraules contenen %2$smés de %3$s síl·labes%4$s, el que és més que el màxim recomanat de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de les paraules contenen %2$smés de %3$s síl·labes%4$s, el que és igual o menor al màxim recomanat de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Això és lleugerament inferior al mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu una mica més de contingut%4$s.","Això és lleugerament inferior al mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu una mica més de contingut%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La descripció meta conté %1$d frase %2$samb més de %3$s paraules%4$s. Proveu d'acurtar la frase.","La descripció meta conté %1$d frases %2$samb més de %3$s paraules%4$s. Proveu d'acurtar les frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La descripció meta no conté cap frase %1$samb més de %2$s paraules%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Previsualització mòbil"],"Desktop preview":["Previsualització d'escriptori"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Afegiu un títol SEO editant la previsualització inferior."],"Meta description preview:":["Previsualització de la descripció meta:"],"Slug preview:":["Previsualització del resum:"],"SEO title preview:":["Previsualització del títol SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Tanca l'editor de la previsualització"],"Slug":["Resum"],"Remove marks in the text":["Elimina les marques al text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca el resultat al text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Les marques estan deshabilitades en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimització de contingut: puntuació SEO bona"],"Good SEO score":["Bona puntuació SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimització de contingut: puntuació SEO acceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuació SEO acceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimització de contingut: hi ha comentaris"],"Feedback":["Suggeriments"],"ok":["d'acord"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Afegiu una descripció meta editant la previsualització inferior."],"Edit snippet":["Edita la previsualització"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Podeu fer clic en cada element de la previsualització per a saltar a l'editor de fragments."],"SEO title":["Títol SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necessita millorar"],"Good":["Bo"],"very difficult":["molt difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Proveu de fer frases més curtes i amb paraules menys complexes per tal de millorar la legibilitat."],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Proveu de fer frases més curtes per millorar la legibilitat"],"fairly difficult":["prou difícil"],"OK":["D'acord"],"fairly easy":["prou fàcil"],"easy":["fàcil"],"very easy":["molt fàcil"],"Meta description":["Meta descripció"],"Snippet preview":["Vista prèvia del resum"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"ca"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributs alt d'imatge%3$s: les imatges d'aquesta pàgina tenen l'atribut alt, però no heu definit la frase clau. %2$sCorregiu-ho%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribució de la frase clau%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%6$s: Heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau %1$s%2$d vegades abans%3$s. %5$sNo utilitzeu la frase clau més d'una vegada%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%5$s: Heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau %1$suna vegada abans%2$s. %4$sNo utilitzeu la frase clau més d'una vegada%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clau utilitzada prèviament%2$s: no heu utilitzat aquesta frase clau abans, molt bé."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sMots buits al resum%3$s: El resum d'aquest pàgina conté un mot buit. %2$sElimineu-lo%3$s!","%1$sMots buits al resum%3$s: El resum d'aquest pàgia conté mots buits. %2$sElimineu-los%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sResum massa llarg%3$s: el resum d'aquesta pàgina és una mica llarg. %2$sEscurceu-lo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributs alt d'imatge%3$s: no hi ha imatges en aquesta pàgina. %2$sAfegiu-ne alguna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sEnllaç de la frase clau %3$s: Esteu enllaçant cap a una altra pàgina amb les paraules amb les quals vols posicionar aquesta pàgina. %2$sNo feu això%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Això està molt per sota del mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s.","Això està molt per sota del mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Això està per sota del mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s.","Això està per sota del mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu més contingut%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongitud del text%4$s: El text conté %1$d paraula.","%2$sLongitud del text%4$s: el text conté %1$d paraules."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongitud del text%3$s: el text conté %1$d paraula. Bona feina!","%2$sLongitud del text%3$s: el text conté %1$d paraules. Bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clau al subtítol%3$s: més de75%% dels teus subtítols reflexen el tema de la còpia. Això és massa. %2$sNo sobreoptimitzeu%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%3$s: %2$sSi us plau, creeu un títol SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%2$s: Bona feina!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAmplada del títol SEO%3$s: El títol SEO és massa curt. %2$sFeu servir l'espai per afegir variacions de paraules clau o per a crear un text que animi a una acció%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%2$s: Hi ha enllaços sortints nofollow i normals en aquesta pàgina. Bona feina!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%3$s: Tots els enllaços sortints d'aquesta pàgina són nofolloe. %2$sAfegiu alguns enllaços normals%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sEnllaços sortints%3$s: no hi ha enllaços sortints en aquesta pàgina. %2$sAfegiu-ne alguns%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: La metadescripció té més de %4$d caràcters. Per assegurar que la descripció sencera sigui visible, %2$shauríeu de reduïr-ne la longitud%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: la metadescripció és massa curta (per sota de %4$d caràcters). Hi ha fins a %5$d caràcters disponibles. %2$sFeu servir l'espai%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la metadescripció%3$s: no s'ha especificat cap metadescripció. Els motors de cerca mostraran text de la pàgina en el seu lloc. %2$sAssegureu-vos d'escriure'n un%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clau a la metadescripció%2$s: la metadescripció s'ha especificat, però no conté la frase clau. %3$sCorregiu-ho%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clau%2$s: bona feina!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLa frase clau a la introducció%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços interns%2$s: Hi ha enllaços interns nofollow i normals en aquesta pàgina. Bona feina!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sEnllaços interns%2$s: teniu prou enllaços interns. Ben fet!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sParaules de transició%2$s: ben fet!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongitud de la sentència%2$s: perfecte!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Bon treball!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplaceu la pàgina per previsualitzar el contingut."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["S'ha produït un error en la comprovació «%1$s»"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de les paraules contenen %2$smés de %3$s síl·labes%4$s, el que és més que el màxim recomanat de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de les paraules contenen %2$smés de %3$s síl·labes%4$s, el que és igual o menor al màxim recomanat de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Això és lleugerament inferior al mínim recomanat d'%5$d paraula. %3$sAfegiu una mica més de contingut%4$s.","Això és lleugerament inferior al mínim recomanat de %5$d paraules. %3$sAfegiu una mica més de contingut%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La descripció meta conté %1$d frase %2$samb més de %3$s paraules%4$s. Proveu d'acurtar la frase.","La descripció meta conté %1$d frases %2$samb més de %3$s paraules%4$s. Proveu d'acurtar les frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La descripció meta no conté cap frase %1$samb més de %2$s paraules%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Previsualització mòbil"],"Desktop preview":["Previsualització d'escriptori"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Afegiu un títol SEO editant la previsualització inferior."],"Meta description preview:":["Previsualització de la descripció meta:"],"Slug preview:":["Previsualització del resum:"],"SEO title preview:":["Previsualització del títol SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Tanca l'editor de la previsualització"],"Slug":["Resum"],"Remove marks in the text":["Elimina les marques al text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca el resultat al text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Les marques estan deshabilitades en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimització de contingut: puntuació SEO bona"],"Good SEO score":["Bona puntuació SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimització de contingut: puntuació SEO acceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuació SEO acceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimització de contingut: hi ha comentaris"],"Feedback":["Suggeriments"],"ok":["d'acord"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Afegiu una descripció meta editant la previsualització inferior."],"Edit snippet":["Edita la previsualització"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Podeu fer clic en cada element de la previsualització per a saltar a l'editor de fragments."],"SEO title":["Títol SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necessita millorar"],"Good":["Bo"],"very difficult":["molt difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Proveu de fer frases més curtes i amb paraules menys complexes per tal de millorar la legibilitat."],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Proveu de fer frases més curtes per millorar la legibilitat"],"fairly difficult":["prou difícil"],"OK":["D'acord"],"fairly easy":["prou fàcil"],"easy":["fàcil"],"very easy":["molt fàcil"],"Meta description":["Meta descripció"],"Snippet preview":["Vista prèvia del resum"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-cs_CZ.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;","lang":"cs_CZ"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sJeden nadpis%3$s: H1 by měl být použit pouze jako váš hlavní nadpis. Najděte všechny nadpisy H1 ve vašem textu, které nejsou vaším hlavním názvem a %2$s změňte je na nižší úroveň%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze je obsažena v slug(u)%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%3$s: Nerovnoměrné. Některé části textu neobsahují klíčová slova nebo jejich synonyma. %2$sRozmístěte je rovnoměrněji%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%3$s: Velmi nerovnoměrné. Velké části textu neobsahují klíčová slova nebo jejich synonyma. %2$sRozmístěte je rovnoměrněji%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%6$s: Použili jste tuto hlavní klíčovou frázi %1$s%2$d krát předtím%3$s. %5$sNepoužívejte hlavní klíčovou frázi více než jednou%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%5$s: Použili jste tuto hlavní klíčovou frázi %1$sjiž jednou před tím%2$s. %4$sNepoužívejte hlavní klíčovou frázi více než jednou%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%2$s: Ani jednou jste ještě tuto klíčovou frázi nepoužili, výborně,"],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopslovo%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslovo. %2$sOdstraňte jej%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopslova%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslova. %2$sOdstraňte je%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopslova%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslova. %2$sOdstraňte je%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug je příliš dlouhý%3$s: slug pro tuto stránku je poněkud delší. %2$sZkraťte jej%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributy alt u obrázků%3$s: Na této stránce se nevyskytují žádné obrázky. %2$sZkuste nějaké přidat%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sOdkaz na klíčovou frázi%3$s: Odkazujete na jinou stránku pomocí slov, kterými chcete zvýšit hodnocení Vaší stránky. %2$sVyhněte se tomu%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slova. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slova. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slovo.","%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov.","%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slovo. Výborně!","%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov. Výborně!","%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov. Výborně!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sDélka SEO titulku%3$s: %2$sVytvořte, prosím, SEO titulek%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDélka SEO titulku%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sŠírka SEO titulku%3$s: SEO titulek je příliš krátký. %2$sVyužijte volný počet znaků a přidejte variace klíčových slov nebo vymyslete atraktivní výzvu k akci%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOExterní odkazy%2$s: Na této stránce se vyskytují jak normální, tak nofollow odkazy. Výborně!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sExterní odkazy%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sExterní odkazy%3$s: Všechny externí odkazy na této stránce jsou nofollow. %2$sPřidejte nějaké normální linky%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sExterní odkazy%3$s: Na této stránce se nevyskytují žádné externí odkazy. %2$sZkuste nějaké přidat%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sDélka meta description%2$s: Skvěle!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Meta description přesahuje %4$d znaků. Abyste měli jistotu, že celý Váš popisek bude viditelný, %2$směli byste zkrátit jeho délku%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Meta description je příliš krátká (méně než %4$d znaků). Ješte %5$d máte k dispozici. %2$sVyužijte je%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Žádná meta description není definována. Vyhledávače místo ní zobrazí část textu z Vaší stránky. %2$sMěli byste nějakou napsat%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: Meta description je sice definovaná, ale neobsahuje hlavní klíčovou frázi. %3$sOpravte to%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: Meta description obsahuje hlavní klíčové slovo %3$s krát, což je více než doporučené maximum dvou výskytů. %4$sOmezte jejich výskyt%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: V meta description se vyskytuje hlavní klíčová fráze nebo její synonyma. Skvěle!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sDélka klíčové fráze%5$s: Klíčová fráze je dlouhá %1$d slov. Což je mnohem více než doporučené maximum %2$d slov. %4$sZkraťte ji%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sDélka klíčové fráze%5$s: Klíčová fráze je dlouhá %1$d slov. To je více než doporučené maximum %2$d slov. %4$sZkraťte ji%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDélka klíčové fráze%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sDélka klíčové fráze%3$s: Pro Vaši stránku nemáte definovanou žádnou klíčovou frázi. %2$sVytvořte nějakou klíčovou frázi a podpořte tak Vaše SEO skóre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%3$s: Vaše klíčová fráze, nebo její synonyma se nevyskytují v prvním odstavci. %2$sPřesvědčte se, že je Vaše téma ihned jasné%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%3$s:Vaše klíčová fráze nebo její synonyma se sice vyskytují v prvním odstavci, ale ne v jedné větě. %2$sOpravte to%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%2$s: Existují nofollow a normální interní odkazy na této stránce. Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%2$s: Máte dostatek interních odkazů. Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInterní odkazy%3$s: Všechny interní odkazy na této stránce jsou nofollow. %2$sPřidejte více vhodných interních odkazů%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%3$s: Na této stránce nejsou žádné interní odkazy, %2$spřidejte je%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNedostatek obsahu%2$s: %3$sPřidejte více obsahu, aby bylo možné stránku analyzovat%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sDélka vět%2$s: %3$s vět obsahuje více než %4$s slov, což je více než doporučené maximum %5$s. %6$sPokuste se věty zkrátit%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sDélka věty%2$s: Skvělá!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Vaše věty jsou různorodé. To je skvělé!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %3$d po sobě jdoucí větu začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!","%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %4$d použití %3$d po sobě jdoucích vět začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!","%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %4$d použití %3$d po sobě jdoucích vět začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sTrpný rod%2$s: %3$s použití trpného rodu ve větách, jehož doporučené maximum je %4$s. %5$sZkuste změnit trpný rod na činný rod%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPasivní hlas%2$s: Používáte dostatek aktivního hlasu. To je perfektní!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavec obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d slov. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!","%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavce obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d words. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!","%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavců obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d words. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: Žádný odstavec není příliš dlouhý. Skvělá práce!"],"Good job!":["Skvělá práce!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Posuňte stránky, aby jste si prohlédli předběžný obsah."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Došlo k chybě pravděpodobně v '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Meta popis obsahuje %1$d větu %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tuto větu zkrátit.","Meta popis obsahuje %1$d věty %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tyto věty zkrátit.","Meta popis obsahuje %1$d vět %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tyto věty zkrátit."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Meta popis neobsahuje žádné věty %1$ss více než %2$s slovy%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilní zobrazení"],"Desktop preview":["PC zobrazení"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Vložte prosím SEO nadpis upravením náhledu níže."],"Meta description preview:":["Náhled meta popisu:"],"Slug preview:":["Náhled URL:"],"SEO title preview:":["Náhled titulku SEO"],"Close snippet editor":["Zavřít editor náhledu"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Odstranit značky z textu"],"Mark this result in the text":["Označ výsledek v textu"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["V aktuálním zobrazení jsou makra zakázána"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimalizace obsahu: Dobré SEO skóre"],"Good SEO score":["Výborné SEO skóre"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimalizace obsahu: OK SEO skóre"],"OK SEO score":["Správné SEO skóre"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimalizace obsahu: Nabízí zpětnou vazbu"],"Feedback":["Zpětná vazba"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Vložte prosím meta popis upravením náhledu níže. "],"Edit snippet":["Upravit náhled"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Kliknutím na jakýkoliv prvek náhledu se zobrazí editor."],"SEO title":["SEO nadpis"],"Needs improvement":["Potřebuje zlepšení"],"Good":["Dobré"],"very difficult":["velmi obtížné"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Pro lepší čitelnost pište kratší věty a používejte jednodušší slova."],"difficult":["obtížné"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Pro lepší čitelnost pište kratší věty."],"fairly difficult":["poměrně obtížné"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["poměrně snadné"],"easy":["snadné"],"very easy":["velmi snadné"],"Meta description":["Meta popis"],"Snippet preview":["Zobrazit úryvek"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;","lang":"cs_CZ"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sJeden nadpis%3$s: H1 by měl být použit pouze jako váš hlavní nadpis. Najděte všechny nadpisy H1 ve vašem textu, které nejsou vaším hlavním názvem a %2$s změňte je na nižší úroveň%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze je obsažena v slug(u)%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%3$s: Nerovnoměrné. Některé části textu neobsahují klíčová slova nebo jejich synonyma. %2$sRozmístěte je rovnoměrněji%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sRozmístění klíčové fráze%3$s: Velmi nerovnoměrné. Velké části textu neobsahují klíčová slova nebo jejich synonyma. %2$sRozmístěte je rovnoměrněji%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%6$s: Použili jste tuto hlavní klíčovou frázi %1$s%2$d krát předtím%3$s. %5$sNepoužívejte hlavní klíčovou frázi více než jednou%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%5$s: Použili jste tuto hlavní klíčovou frázi %1$sjiž jednou před tím%2$s. %4$sNepoužívejte hlavní klíčovou frázi více než jednou%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPředchozí použitá klíčová fráze%2$s: Ani jednou jste ještě tuto klíčovou frázi nepoužili, výborně,"],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopslovo%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslovo. %2$sOdstraňte jej%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopslova%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslova. %2$sOdstraňte je%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopslova%3$s: Slug pro tuto stránku obsahuje stopslova. %2$sOdstraňte je%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug je příliš dlouhý%3$s: slug pro tuto stránku je poněkud delší. %2$sZkraťte jej%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributy alt u obrázků%3$s: Na této stránce se nevyskytují žádné obrázky. %2$sZkuste nějaké přidat%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sOdkaz na klíčovou frázi%3$s: Odkazujete na jinou stránku pomocí slov, kterými chcete zvýšit hodnocení Vaší stránky. %2$sVyhněte se tomu%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slova. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje mnohem méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slova. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s.","Text obsahuje méně slov, než je doporučené minimum%5$d slov. %3$sPřidejte více obsahu%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slovo.","%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov.","%2$sDélka textu%4$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slovo. Výborně!","%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov. Výborně!","%2$sDélka textu%3$s: Text obsahuje %1$d slov. Výborně!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sDélka SEO titulku%3$s: %2$sVytvořte, prosím, SEO titulek%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sDélka SEO titulku%3$s: SEO titulek je delší než viditelné maximum. %2$sZkuste jej zkrátit%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDélka SEO titulku%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sŠírka SEO titulku%3$s: SEO titulek je příliš krátký. %2$sVyužijte volný počet znaků a přidejte variace klíčových slov nebo vymyslete atraktivní výzvu k akci%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOExterní odkazy%2$s: Na této stránce se vyskytují jak normální, tak nofollow odkazy. Výborně!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sExterní odkazy%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sExterní odkazy%3$s: Všechny externí odkazy na této stránce jsou nofollow. %2$sPřidejte nějaké normální linky%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sExterní odkazy%3$s: Na této stránce se nevyskytují žádné externí odkazy. %2$sZkuste nějaké přidat%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sDélka meta description%2$s: Skvěle!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Meta description přesahuje %4$d znaků. Abyste měli jistotu, že celý Váš popisek bude viditelný, %2$směli byste zkrátit jeho délku%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Meta description je příliš krátká (méně než %4$d znaků). Ješte %5$d máte k dispozici. %2$sVyužijte je%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sDélka meta description%3$s: Žádná meta description není definována. Vyhledávače místo ní zobrazí část textu z Vaší stránky. %2$sMěli byste nějakou napsat%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: Meta description je sice definovaná, ale neobsahuje hlavní klíčovou frázi. %3$sOpravte to%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: Meta description obsahuje hlavní klíčové slovo %3$s krát, což je více než doporučené maximum dvou výskytů. %4$sOmezte jejich výskyt%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v meta description%2$s: V meta description se vyskytuje hlavní klíčová fráze nebo její synonyma. Skvěle!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sDélka klíčové fráze%5$s: Klíčová fráze je dlouhá %1$d slov. Což je mnohem více než doporučené maximum %2$d slov. %4$sZkraťte ji%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sDélka klíčové fráze%5$s: Klíčová fráze je dlouhá %1$d slov. To je více než doporučené maximum %2$d slov. %4$sZkraťte ji%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDélka klíčové fráze%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sDélka klíčové fráze%3$s: Pro Vaši stránku nemáte definovanou žádnou klíčovou frázi. %2$sVytvořte nějakou klíčovou frázi a podpořte tak Vaše SEO skóre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%3$s: Vaše klíčová fráze, nebo její synonyma se nevyskytují v prvním odstavci. %2$sPřesvědčte se, že je Vaše téma ihned jasné%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%3$s:Vaše klíčová fráze nebo její synonyma se sice vyskytují v prvním odstavci, ale ne v jedné větě. %2$sOpravte to%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKlíčová fráze v úvodu%2$s: Výborně!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%2$s: Existují nofollow a normální interní odkazy na této stránce. Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%2$s: Máte dostatek interních odkazů. Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInterní odkazy%3$s: Všechny interní odkazy na této stránce jsou nofollow. %2$sPřidejte více vhodných interních odkazů%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInterní odkazy%3$s: Na této stránce nejsou žádné interní odkazy, %2$spřidejte je%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNedostatek obsahu%2$s: %3$sPřidejte více obsahu, aby bylo možné stránku analyzovat%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Dobrá práce!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sDélka vět%2$s: %3$s vět obsahuje více než %4$s slov, což je více než doporučené maximum %5$s. %6$sPokuste se věty zkrátit%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sDélka věty%2$s: Skvělá!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Vaše věty jsou různorodé. To je skvělé!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %3$d po sobě jdoucí větu začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!","%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %4$d použití %3$d po sobě jdoucích vět začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!","%1$sRůznorodost vět%2$s: Text obsahuje %4$d použití %3$d po sobě jdoucích vět začínající stejným slovem. %5$sZkuste to upravit%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sTrpný rod%2$s: %3$s použití trpného rodu ve větách, jehož doporučené maximum je %4$s. %5$sZkuste změnit trpný rod na činný rod%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPasivní hlas%2$s: Používáte dostatek aktivního hlasu. To je perfektní!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavec obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d slov. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!","%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavce obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d words. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!","%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: %3$d odstavců obsahuje více než doporučené maximum %4$d words. %5$sZkraťte je%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sDélka odstavců%2$s: Žádný odstavec není příliš dlouhý. Skvělá práce!"],"Good job!":["Skvělá práce!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Posuňte stránky, aby jste si prohlédli předběžný obsah."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Došlo k chybě pravděpodobně v '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Meta popis obsahuje %1$d větu %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tuto větu zkrátit.","Meta popis obsahuje %1$d věty %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tyto věty zkrátit.","Meta popis obsahuje %1$d vět %2$s s více než %3$s slovy%4$s. Zkuste tyto věty zkrátit."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Meta popis neobsahuje žádné věty %1$ss více než %2$s slovy%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilní zobrazení"],"Desktop preview":["PC zobrazení"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Vložte prosím SEO nadpis upravením náhledu níže."],"Meta description preview:":["Náhled meta popisu:"],"Slug preview:":["Náhled URL:"],"SEO title preview:":["Náhled titulku SEO"],"Close snippet editor":["Zavřít editor náhledu"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Odstranit značky z textu"],"Mark this result in the text":["Označ výsledek v textu"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["V aktuálním zobrazení jsou makra zakázána"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimalizace obsahu: Dobré SEO skóre"],"Good SEO score":["Výborné SEO skóre"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimalizace obsahu: OK SEO skóre"],"OK SEO score":["Správné SEO skóre"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimalizace obsahu: Nabízí zpětnou vazbu"],"Feedback":["Zpětná vazba"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Vložte prosím meta popis upravením náhledu níže. "],"Edit snippet":["Upravit náhled"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Kliknutím na jakýkoliv prvek náhledu se zobrazí editor."],"SEO title":["SEO nadpis"],"Needs improvement":["Potřebuje zlepšení"],"Good":["Dobré"],"very difficult":["velmi obtížné"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Pro lepší čitelnost pište kratší věty a používejte jednodušší slova."],"difficult":["obtížné"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Pro lepší čitelnost pište kratší věty."],"fairly difficult":["poměrně obtížné"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["poměrně snadné"],"easy":["snadné"],"very easy":["velmi snadné"],"Meta description":["Meta popis"],"Snippet preview":["Zobrazit úryvek"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-da_DK.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"da_DK"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEnkel titel%3$s: H1&#39;ere bør kun bruges som din hovedtitel. Find alle H1&#39;ere i din tekst som ikke er hovedtitlen og %2$sændr dem til et lavere overskriftsniveau%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet 0 gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %3$d gange. Det er fint!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %3$d gange. Det er fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er meget mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er meget mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunktionsord i søgefrase%3$s: din søgefrase \"%4$s\" indeholder kun funktionsord. %2$sLær mere om, hvad der er en god søgefrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefraselængde%3$s:%2$s Angiv en søgefrase for at beregne din SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%2$s: mere end halvdelen af din søgefrase vises i korttitel. Dette er storartet!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%3$s: (en del af) din søgefrase vises ikke i korttitel. %2$sLav det om%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%2$s: Godt arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: ikke alle ord fra din søgefrase \"%4$s\" vises i SEO titlen. %2$sPrøv at bruge den samme ordlyd af din søgefrase i SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: indeholder ikke en eksakt match. %2$sPrøv at skrive den nøjagtige match af din søgefrase i SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: den nøjagtige match af søgefrasen vises i SEO-titel, men ikke i begyndelsen. %2$sPrøv at flytte den til begyndelsen%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%2$s: den nøjagtige match af søgefrase vises i begyndelsen af SEO-titlen. Flot arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%2$s: Flot arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s: Ujævn. Nogle dele af din tekst indeholder ikke søgefrase eller synonymer. %2$sDistribuer dem mere jævnt%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s: Meget ujævn. Store dele af din tekst indeholder ikke søgefrase eller synonymer. %2$sFordel dem mere jævnt%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s:%2$sInkluder din søgefrase eller dens synonymer i teksten, så vi kan kontrollere søgefrasefordeling%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%6$s: Du har brugt denne søgefrase %1$s%2$d gange før%3$s.\n%5$sBrug ikke dine søgefraser mere end én gang%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%5$s: Du har brugt denne søgefrase %1$s en gang før%2$s.\n%4$sBrug ikke dine søgefraser mere end én gang%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%2$s: Du har ikke brugt denne søgefrase før, det er fint."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sStopord i korttitel%3$s: Korttitlen for denne side indeholder et stopord. %2$sFjern det%3$s!","%1$sStopord i korttitel%3$s: Korttitlen for denne side indeholder stopord. %2$sFjern dem%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sKorttitel er for lang%3$s: korttitlen for denne side er lidt for lang. %2$sForkort den%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAlt-attributter på billeder%3$s: Der er ingen billeder på denne side. %2$sTilføj nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink med nøglefrase%3$s: Du linker til en anden side med netop de ord du ønske at denne side skal SEO-score på. %2$sDet må du ikke gøre%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dette er langt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s.","Dette er langt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dette er under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s.","Dette er under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sTekstlængde%4$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord.","%2$sTekstlængde%4$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sTekstlængde%3$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord. Det er fint!","%2$sTekstlængde%3$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord. Det er fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%3$s: %2$sOpret venligst en SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%3$s: SEO-titlen er for bred. %2$sBrug pladsen til at tilføje søgeordsvariationer eller opret overbevisende call-to-action-tekst%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sUdgående links%2$s: Der er både links med nofollow og normale udgående links på denne side. Det er fint!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sUdgående link%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sUdgående links%3$s: Alle udgående links på denne side har nofollow. %2$sTilføj nogle links uden nofollow%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sUdgående links%3$s: Der ser ikke ud til at være udgående links på denne side. %2$sTilføj nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Meta-beskrivelsen er over %4$d tegn. For at sikre, at hele beskrivelsen kan ses, %2$sbør du forkorte den%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Meta-beskrivelsens længde er for kort (under %4$d tegn). Du kan bruge op til %5$d tegn. %2$sBrug pladsen%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Der er ikke indtastet nogen meta-beskrivelse. Søgemaskinerne viser tekst fra selve siden i stedet for. %2$sSørg for at skrive en%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i meta-beskrivelse%2$s: Meta-beskrivelsen er indtastet, men indeholder ikke søgeordsfrasen. %3$sLøs det%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i meta-beskrivelsen%2$s: Meta-beskrivelsen indeholder søgeordsfrasen %3$s gange, hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på 2 gange. %4$sBegræns brugen%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasen i meta-beskrivelsen%2$s: Søgeordsfrase eller synonym forekommer i meta-beskrivelsen! Fint!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%5$s: Søgeordsfrasen indeholder %1$d ord. Det er over det anbefalede maksimum på %2$d ord. %4$sForkort den%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%5$s: Søgeordsfrasen indeholder %1$d ord. Det er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %2$d ord. %4$sForkort den%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%3$s: Der er ikke indtastet nogen fokus-søgeordsfrase. %2$sIndtast en søgeordsfrase for at beregne din SEO-score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%3$s: Din søgeordsfrase eller dets synonymer forekommer ikke i den første paragraf. %2$sSørg for at emnet står klart fra begyndelsen%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%3$s: Din søgeordsfrase eller dets synonymer forekommer i tekstens første afsnit, men ikke i en enkelt sætning. %2$sLøs det%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInterne links%2$s: Der er interne links både med og uden nofollow på denne side. Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInterne links%2$s: Du har nok interne links! Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInterne links%3$s: De interne links på denne side har alle nofollow. %2$sTilføj nogle gode interne links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInterne links%3$s: Ingen interne links forekommer på denne side. %2$sSørg for at tilføje nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Kun %3$s af sætningerne indeholder overgangsord, hvilket ikke er nok. %4$sBrug flere af dem%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Ingen af dine sætninger indeholder overgangsord. %3$sBrug nogle%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sIkke nok indhold%2$s: %3$sTilføj venligst mere indhold for at muliggøre en god analyse%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Du bruger ikke underoverskrifter, men din tekst er heller ikke særlig lang og har formentlig ikke brug for dem."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Du bruger ingen underoverskrifter, men din tekst er temmelig lang. %3$sPrøv at tilføje nogle underoverskrifter%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: %3$d afsnit er længere end %4$d ord og har ingen underoverskrifter. %5$sTilføj underoverskrifter for at forbedre læsbarheden%2$s.","%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: %3$d afsnit er længere end %4$d ord og har ingen underoverskrifter. %5$sTilføj underoverskrifter for at forbedre læsbarheden%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSætningslængde%2$s: %3$s af dine sætninger indeholder mere end %4$s ord, hvilket er over det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s. %6$sPrøv at forkorte sætningerne%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSætningslængde%2$s: Flot!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Der er nok variation i dine sætninger. Flot!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Teksten indeholder %3$d fortløbende sætninger der begynder med samme ord. %5$sPrøv at variere tingene lidt%2$s!","%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Teksten indeholder %4$d steder hvor %3$d eller flere fortløbende sætninger begynder med samme ord. %5$sPrøv at variere tingene lidt%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassiv%2$s: %3$s af dine sætninger indeholder passiv hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$s. %5$sPrøv at bruge de tilsvarende aktive formuleringer%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassiv%2$s: Din brug af aktiv er tilstrækkelig. Flot!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: %3$d afsnit indeholder mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$d words. %5$sForkort dine afsnit%2$s!","%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: %3$d af afsnittene indeholder mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$d words. %5$sForkort dine afsnit%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: Ingen afsnit er for lange! Det er fint klaret!"],"Good job!":["Det er fint klaret!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: Teksten scorer %3$s i testen, hvilket anses for at være %4$s at læse. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll for at se preview-indholdet."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Der opstod en fejl i '%1$s'-beregningen."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s af ordene har %2$sover %3$s stavelser%4$s, hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s af ordene har %2$sover %3$s stavelser%4$s, hvilket er mindre end eller lig med det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Dette er lidt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj lidt mere tekst%4$s.","Dette er lidt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj lidt mere tekst%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Metabeskrivelsen indeholder %1$d sætning med %2$sover %3$s ord%4$s. Prøv at forkorte denne sætning.","Metabeskrivelsen indeholder %1$d sætning med %2$sover %3$s ord%4$s. Prøv at forkorte disse sætninger."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Metabeskrivelsen indeholder ingen sætninger med %1$sover %2$s ord%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobil-preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Tilføj venligst en SEO-titel ved at redigere uddraget i snippeteditoren nedenfor."],"Meta description preview:":["Preview af metabeskrivelse:"],"Slug preview:":["Preview af korttitel:"],"SEO title preview:":["Preview af SEO-titel:"],"Close snippet editor":["Luk snippeteditor"],"Slug":["Korttitel"],"Remove marks in the text":["Fjern markeringer i teksten"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markér dette resultat i teksten"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringer er deaktiveret i den aktuelle visning"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Indholdsoptimering: God SEO-score"],"Good SEO score":["God SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Indholdsoptimering: OK SEO-score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Indholdsoptimering: Der er feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Tilføj venligst en meta-beskrivelse ved at redigere uddraget i snippeteditoren nedenfor."],"Edit snippet":["Redigér snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kan klikke på hvert enkelt element i previewet for at komme til Snippeteditoren."],"SEO title":["SEO-titel"],"Needs improvement":["Behov for forbedringer"],"Good":["God"],"very difficult":["meget vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prøv at lav kortere sætninger, og øh læsbarheden ved at benytte mindre vanskelige ord."],"difficult":["vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prøv at lav kortere sætninger for at øge læsbarhed."],"fairly difficult":["lettere vanskelig"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["rimelig nem"],"easy":["nem"],"very easy":["meget nem"],"Meta description":["Meta beskrivelse"],"Snippet preview":["Forhåndsvisning af snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"da_DK"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEnkel titel%3$s: H1&#39;ere bør kun bruges som din hovedtitel. Find alle H1&#39;ere i din tekst som ikke er hovedtitlen og %2$sændr dem til et lavere overskriftsniveau%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet 0 gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mindre end det anbefalede minimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sFokuser på din søgefrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %3$d gange. Det er fint!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %3$d gange. Det er fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er meget mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!","%1$sSøgeordstæthed%2$s: Søgefrasen blev fundet %5$d gange. Dette er meget mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %3$d gange for en tekst af denne længde. %4$sOverdriv nu ikke%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunktionsord i søgefrase%3$s: din søgefrase \"%4$s\" indeholder kun funktionsord. %2$sLær mere om, hvad der er en god søgefrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefraselængde%3$s:%2$s Angiv en søgefrase for at beregne din SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%2$s: mere end halvdelen af din søgefrase vises i korttitel. Dette er storartet!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%3$s: (en del af) din søgefrase vises ikke i korttitel. %2$sLav det om%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sSøgefrase i korttitel%2$s: Godt arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: ikke alle ord fra din søgefrase \"%4$s\" vises i SEO titlen. %2$sPrøv at bruge den samme ordlyd af din søgefrase i SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: indeholder ikke en eksakt match. %2$sPrøv at skrive den nøjagtige match af din søgefrase i SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%3$s: den nøjagtige match af søgefrasen vises i SEO-titel, men ikke i begyndelsen. %2$sPrøv at flytte den til begyndelsen%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sSøgefrase i titel%2$s: den nøjagtige match af søgefrase vises i begyndelsen af SEO-titlen. Flot arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%2$s: Flot arbejde!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s: Ujævn. Nogle dele af din tekst indeholder ikke søgefrase eller synonymer. %2$sDistribuer dem mere jævnt%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s: Meget ujævn. Store dele af din tekst indeholder ikke søgefrase eller synonymer. %2$sFordel dem mere jævnt%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sSøgefrasefordeling%3$s:%2$sInkluder din søgefrase eller dens synonymer i teksten, så vi kan kontrollere søgefrasefordeling%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%6$s: Du har brugt denne søgefrase %1$s%2$d gange før%3$s.\n%5$sBrug ikke dine søgefraser mere end én gang%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%5$s: Du har brugt denne søgefrase %1$s en gang før%2$s.\n%4$sBrug ikke dine søgefraser mere end én gang%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sTidligere brugt søgefrase%2$s: Du har ikke brugt denne søgefrase før, det er fint."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sStopord i korttitel%3$s: Korttitlen for denne side indeholder et stopord. %2$sFjern det%3$s!","%1$sStopord i korttitel%3$s: Korttitlen for denne side indeholder stopord. %2$sFjern dem%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sKorttitel er for lang%3$s: korttitlen for denne side er lidt for lang. %2$sForkort den%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAlt-attributter på billeder%3$s: Der er ingen billeder på denne side. %2$sTilføj nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink med nøglefrase%3$s: Du linker til en anden side med netop de ord du ønske at denne side skal SEO-score på. %2$sDet må du ikke gøre%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dette er langt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s.","Dette er langt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dette er under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s.","Dette er under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj mere indhold%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sTekstlængde%4$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord.","%2$sTekstlængde%4$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sTekstlængde%3$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord. Det er fint!","%2$sTekstlængde%3$s: Teksten indeholder %1$d ord. Det er fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%3$s: %2$sOpret venligst en SEO-titel%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO-titelbredde%3$s: SEO-titlen er for bred. %2$sBrug pladsen til at tilføje søgeordsvariationer eller opret overbevisende call-to-action-tekst%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sUdgående links%2$s: Der er både links med nofollow og normale udgående links på denne side. Det er fint!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sUdgående link%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sUdgående links%3$s: Alle udgående links på denne side har nofollow. %2$sTilføj nogle links uden nofollow%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sUdgående links%3$s: Der ser ikke ud til at være udgående links på denne side. %2$sTilføj nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Meta-beskrivelsen er over %4$d tegn. For at sikre, at hele beskrivelsen kan ses, %2$sbør du forkorte den%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Meta-beskrivelsens længde er for kort (under %4$d tegn). Du kan bruge op til %5$d tegn. %2$sBrug pladsen%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta-beskrivelsens længde%3$s: Der er ikke indtastet nogen meta-beskrivelse. Søgemaskinerne viser tekst fra selve siden i stedet for. %2$sSørg for at skrive en%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i meta-beskrivelse%2$s: Meta-beskrivelsen er indtastet, men indeholder ikke søgeordsfrasen. %3$sLøs det%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i meta-beskrivelsen%2$s: Meta-beskrivelsen indeholder søgeordsfrasen %3$s gange, hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på 2 gange. %4$sBegræns brugen%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasen i meta-beskrivelsen%2$s: Søgeordsfrase eller synonym forekommer i meta-beskrivelsen! Fint!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%5$s: Søgeordsfrasen indeholder %1$d ord. Det er over det anbefalede maksimum på %2$d ord. %4$sForkort den%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%5$s: Søgeordsfrasen indeholder %1$d ord. Det er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %2$d ord. %4$sForkort den%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sSøgeordsfrasens længde%3$s: Der er ikke indtastet nogen fokus-søgeordsfrase. %2$sIndtast en søgeordsfrase for at beregne din SEO-score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%3$s: Din søgeordsfrase eller dets synonymer forekommer ikke i den første paragraf. %2$sSørg for at emnet står klart fra begyndelsen%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%3$s: Din søgeordsfrase eller dets synonymer forekommer i tekstens første afsnit, men ikke i en enkelt sætning. %2$sLøs det%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sSøgeordsfrase i indledningen%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInterne links%2$s: Der er interne links både med og uden nofollow på denne side. Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInterne links%2$s: Du har nok interne links! Fint!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInterne links%3$s: De interne links på denne side har alle nofollow. %2$sTilføj nogle gode interne links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInterne links%3$s: Ingen interne links forekommer på denne side. %2$sSørg for at tilføje nogle%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Kun %3$s af sætningerne indeholder overgangsord, hvilket ikke er nok. %4$sBrug flere af dem%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sOvergangsord%2$s: Ingen af dine sætninger indeholder overgangsord. %3$sBrug nogle%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sIkke nok indhold%2$s: %3$sTilføj venligst mere indhold for at muliggøre en god analyse%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Du bruger ikke underoverskrifter, men din tekst er heller ikke særlig lang og har formentlig ikke brug for dem."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Du bruger ingen underoverskrifter, men din tekst er temmelig lang. %3$sPrøv at tilføje nogle underoverskrifter%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: %3$d afsnit er længere end %4$d ord og har ingen underoverskrifter. %5$sTilføj underoverskrifter for at forbedre læsbarheden%2$s.","%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: %3$d afsnit er længere end %4$d ord og har ingen underoverskrifter. %5$sTilføj underoverskrifter for at forbedre læsbarheden%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sBrug af underoverskrifter%2$s: Fint!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSætningslængde%2$s: %3$s af dine sætninger indeholder mere end %4$s ord, hvilket er over det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s. %6$sPrøv at forkorte sætningerne%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSætningslængde%2$s: Flot!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Der er nok variation i dine sætninger. Flot!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Teksten indeholder %3$d fortløbende sætninger der begynder med samme ord. %5$sPrøv at variere tingene lidt%2$s!","%1$sFortløbende sætninger%2$s: Teksten indeholder %4$d steder hvor %3$d eller flere fortløbende sætninger begynder med samme ord. %5$sPrøv at variere tingene lidt%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassiv%2$s: %3$s af dine sætninger indeholder passiv hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$s. %5$sPrøv at bruge de tilsvarende aktive formuleringer%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassiv%2$s: Din brug af aktiv er tilstrækkelig. Flot!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: %3$d afsnit indeholder mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$d words. %5$sForkort dine afsnit%2$s!","%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: %3$d af afsnittene indeholder mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %4$d words. %5$sForkort dine afsnit%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sAfsnitslængde%2$s: Ingen afsnit er for lange! Det er fint klaret!"],"Good job!":["Det er fint klaret!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: Teksten scorer %3$s i testen, hvilket anses for at være %4$s at læse. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll for at se preview-indholdet."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Der opstod en fejl i '%1$s'-beregningen."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s af ordene har %2$sover %3$s stavelser%4$s, hvilket er mere end det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s af ordene har %2$sover %3$s stavelser%4$s, hvilket er mindre end eller lig med det anbefalede maksimum på %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Dette er lidt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj lidt mere tekst%4$s.","Dette er lidt under det anbefalede minimum på %5$d ord. %3$sTilføj lidt mere tekst%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Metabeskrivelsen indeholder %1$d sætning med %2$sover %3$s ord%4$s. Prøv at forkorte denne sætning.","Metabeskrivelsen indeholder %1$d sætning med %2$sover %3$s ord%4$s. Prøv at forkorte disse sætninger."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Metabeskrivelsen indeholder ingen sætninger med %1$sover %2$s ord%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobil-preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Tilføj venligst en SEO-titel ved at redigere uddraget i snippeteditoren nedenfor."],"Meta description preview:":["Preview af metabeskrivelse:"],"Slug preview:":["Preview af korttitel:"],"SEO title preview:":["Preview af SEO-titel:"],"Close snippet editor":["Luk snippeteditor"],"Slug":["Korttitel"],"Remove marks in the text":["Fjern markeringer i teksten"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markér dette resultat i teksten"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringer er deaktiveret i den aktuelle visning"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Indholdsoptimering: God SEO-score"],"Good SEO score":["God SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Indholdsoptimering: OK SEO-score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Indholdsoptimering: Der er feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Tilføj venligst en meta-beskrivelse ved at redigere uddraget i snippeteditoren nedenfor."],"Edit snippet":["Redigér snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kan klikke på hvert enkelt element i previewet for at komme til Snippeteditoren."],"SEO title":["SEO-titel"],"Needs improvement":["Behov for forbedringer"],"Good":["God"],"very difficult":["meget vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prøv at lav kortere sætninger, og øh læsbarheden ved at benytte mindre vanskelige ord."],"difficult":["vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prøv at lav kortere sætninger for at øge læsbarhed."],"fairly difficult":["lettere vanskelig"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["rimelig nem"],"easy":["nem"],"very easy":["meget nem"],"Meta description":["Meta beskrivelse"],"Snippet preview":["Forhåndsvisning af snippet"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-de_CH.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de_CH"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrolle, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege den SEO-Titel fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titel-Vorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Permalink"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kannst auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["schwer"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwer"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Vorschau"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de_CH"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrolle, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege den SEO-Titel fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titel-Vorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Permalink"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kannst auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["schwer"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwer"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Vorschau"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-de_DE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sLesefreundlichkeit (Flesch-Reading-Ease)%2$s: Die Kopie erreicht %3$s im Test, was als %4$s zum Lesen gilt. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sBild Alt-Attribute%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEinzeltitel%3$s: H1s sollten nur als Haupttitel verwendet werden. Finde alle H1s in deinem Text, die nicht dein Haupttitel sind und %2$sändere sie auf eine niedrigere Überschriftenebene%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s Bild Alt-Attribute%3$s: Auf dieser Seite werden keine Bilder angezeigt. %2$s Füge Einige hinzu%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dies liegt weit unter dem empfohlenen Mindestwert von%5$d Wort. %3$sMehr Inhalt hinzufügen%4$s.","Dies liegt weit unter dem empfohlenen Mindestwert von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sMehr Inhalt hinzufügen%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sTextlänge%3$s: Der Text enthält %1$d Wort. Großartig!","%2$sTextlänge%3$s: Der Text enthält %1$d Wörter. Großartig!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%2$s: Auf dieser Seite befinden sich sowohl nofollowed als auch normale ausgehende Links. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%2$s: Gute Arbeit!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sAusgehende Links%3$s: Alle ausgehenden Link auf dieser Seite sind nofollow. %2$sFüge einige normale Links hinzu%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%3$s: Es scheinen keine ausgehenden Links auf dieser Seite zu existieren %2$sWelche hinzufügen%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyword-Länge%2$s: Gute Arbeit!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSatzlänge%2$s: Großartig!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sIndirekte Rede%2$s: Du benutzt ausreichend viel direkte Rede. Prima!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Gute Arbeit!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sLesefreundlichkeit (Flesch-Reading-Ease)%2$s: Die Kopie erreicht %3$s im Test, was als %4$s zum Lesen gilt. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrolle, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Das ist geringfügig unter dem Minimun von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sFüge etwas mehr Text hinzu%4$s.","Das ist geringfügig unter dem Minimun von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sFüge etwas mehr Text hinzu%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege den SEO-Titel fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titel-Vorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Permalink"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kannst auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren und weniger komplizierte Wörter zu nutzen, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen"],"difficult":["schwer"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen"],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwer"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Vorschau"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Optimierung des Inhalts: Verbesserung benötigt"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sLesefreundlichkeit (Flesch-Reading-Ease)%2$s: Die Kopie erreicht %3$s im Test, was als %4$s zum Lesen gilt. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sBilder mit Alt-Attributen%5$s: die Alt-Attribute bei %1$d von %2$d Bildern auf dieser Seite enthalten Wörter aus der Schlüsselphrase oder entsprechende Synonyme. Das ist etwas viel. %4$sVerwende die Schlüsselphrase bzw. Synonyme davon nur wenn sie zum Bild passen%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sBild Alt-Attribute%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sBilder mit Alt-Attributen%5$s: Von %2$d Bildern auf dieser Seite, hat nur %1$d Bild ein Alt-Attribut, welches das Thema deines Textes widerspiegelt. %4$sFüge deine Schlüsselphrase oder entsprechende Synonyme zu den Alt-Tags bei passenden Bildern hinzu%5$s!","%3$sBilder mit Alt-Attributen%5$s: Von %2$d Bildern auf dieser Seite, haben nur %1$d Bilder ein Alt-Attribut, welches das Thema deines Textes widerspiegelt. %4$sFüge deine Schlüsselphrase oder entsprechende Synonyme zu den Alt-Tags bei passenden Bildern hinzu%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: %3$s deiner hierarchisch höheren Zwischenüberschriften spiegelt das Thema deines Textes wider. Gut gemacht!","%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: %3$s deiner hierarchisch höheren Zwischenüberschriften spiegeln das Thema deines Textes wider. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: Deine hierarchisch höhere Zwischenüberschrift spiegelt das Thema deines Textes wider. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Zwischenüberschriften%3$s: %2$sVerwende mehr Schlüsselphrasen und Synonyme in deinen hierarchische höheren Zwischenüberschriften%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEinzeltitel%3$s: H1s sollten nur als Haupttitel verwendet werden. Finde alle H1s in deinem Text, die nicht dein Haupttitel sind und %2$sändere sie auf eine niedrigere Überschriftenebene%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrasedichte%2$s: Die Fokus-Schlüsselphrase wurde %5$d Mal gefunden. Das ist viel mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %3$d Mal für einen Text dieser Länge. %4$sÜberoptimiere deinen Text nicht%2$s!","%1$sSchlüsselphrasedichte%2$s: Die Fokus-Schlüsselphrase wurde %5$d Mal gefunden. Das ist viel mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %3$d Mal für einen Text dieser Länge. %4$sÜberoptimiere deinen Text nicht%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunktionswörter in der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: Deine Schlüsselphrase \"%4$s\" besteht ausschließlich aus Funktionswörtern. %2$sErfahre mehr darüber, was eine gute Schlüsselphrase ausmacht.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLänge der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: %2$sLege eine Schlüsselphrase fest, damit ein SEO-Score berechnet werden kann%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Slug%2$s: Über die Hälfte deiner Schlüsselphrase kommt im Slug vor. Das ist super!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Slug%3$s: Deine Schlüsselphrase kommt (teilweise) nicht im Slug vor. %2$sÄndere das%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Slug%2$s: Vorhanden. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Titel%3$s: Nicht alle Wörter deiner Schlüsselphrase \"%4$s\" erscheinen im SEO-Titel. %2$sVersuche deine Schlüsselphrase wortwörtlich im SEO-Titel zu verwenden%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Titel%3$s: Nicht wortwörtlich enthalten. %2$sVersuche deine Schlüsselphrase wortwörtlich im SEO-Titel zu verwenden.%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Titel%3$s: Die wortwörtliche Form der Schlüsselphrase befindet sich im SEO-Titel, allerdings nicht am Anfang. %2$sSetze sie an den Anfang%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Titel%2$s: Die wortwörtliche Form der Schlüsselphrase erscheint am Anfang des SEO-Titels. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sVerteilung der Schlüsselphrase%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sVerteilung der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: Ungleichmäßig. Einige Textabschnitte enthalten weder die Schlüsselphrase noch deren Synonyme. %2$sVerteile diese gleichmäßiger%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sVerteilung der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: Sehr ungleichmäßig. Viele Textabschnitte enthalten weder die Schlüsselphrase noch deren Synonyme. %2$sVerteile diese gleichmäßiger%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sVerteilung der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: %2$sVerwende deine Schlüsselphrase oder deren Synonyme im Text, damit wir die Verteilung der Schlüsselphrase prüfen können%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sBereits verwendete Schlüsselphrase%5$s: Du hast diese Schlüsselphrase bereits zuvor schon %1$seinmal%2$s verwendet. %4$sVerwende Schlüsselphrasen immer nur einmal.%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sBereits verwendete Schlüsselphrase%2$s: Du hast diese Schlüsselphrase bisher noch nie verwendet. Sehr gut!"],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s Bild Alt-Attribute%3$s: Auf dieser Seite werden keine Bilder angezeigt. %2$s Füge Einige hinzu%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink Schlüsselphrase%3$s: Du verlinkst mit den Wörtern, für die diese Seite ranken soll, zu zu einer anderen Seite. %2$sVermeide das%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Dies liegt weit unter dem empfohlenen Mindestwert von%5$d Wort. %3$sMehr Inhalt hinzufügen%4$s.","Dies liegt weit unter dem empfohlenen Mindestwert von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sMehr Inhalt hinzufügen%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Das ist weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %5$d Wort. %3$sFüge mehr Inhalt hinzu%4$s.","Das ist weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sFüge mehr Inhalt hinzu%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sTextlänge%3$s: Der Text enthält %1$d Wort. Großartig!","%2$sTextlänge%3$s: Der Text enthält %1$d Wörter. Großartig!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase im Zwischenüberschriften%3$s: Mehr als 75% deiner hierarchisch höheren Zwischenüberschriften spiegeln das Thema deines Textes wider. Das ist zu viel. %2$sÜberoptimiere nicht%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sBreite des SEO-Titels%3$s: %2$sBitte erstelle einen SEO-Titel%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sBreite des SEO-Titels%3$s: Der SEO-Titel ist breiter als das sichtbare Limit. %2$sKürze ihn%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sBreite des SEO-Titels%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sBreite des SEO-Titels%3$s: Der SEO-Titel ist zu kurz. %2$sNutze den vorhandenen Platz aus, indem du Varianten der Schlüsselphrase oder einen ansprechenden Call-to-Action-Text hinzufügst%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%2$s: Auf dieser Seite befinden sich sowohl nofollowed als auch normale ausgehende Links. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%2$s: Gute Arbeit!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sAusgehende Links%3$s: Alle ausgehenden Link auf dieser Seite sind nofollow. %2$sFüge einige normale Links hinzu%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAusgehende Links%3$s: Es scheinen keine ausgehenden Links auf dieser Seite zu existieren %2$sWelche hinzufügen%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLänge der Meta-Beschreibung%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLänge der Meta-Beschreibung%3$s: Die Meta-Beschreibung ist länger als %4$d Zeichen. Damit die vollständige Beschreibung sichtbar ist, %2$solltest du sie kürzen%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLänge der Meta-Beschreibung%3$s: Die Meta-Beschreibung ist zu kurz (weniger als %4$d Zeichen). Es sind bis zu %5$d Zeichen verfügbar. %2$sMach dir das zunutze%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLänge der Meta-Beschreibung%3$s: Es wurde keine Meta-Beschreibung festgelegt. Suchmaschinen werden stattdessen Textauschnitte der Seite darstellen. %2$sSchreibe eine Meta-Beschreibung%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in der Meta-Beschreibung%2$s: Die Meta-Beschreibung wurde festgelegt, aber die Schlüsselphrase fehlt darin. %3$sBehebe das%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Meta-Beschreibung%2$s: Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält die Schlüsselphrase %3$s Mal. Das liegt über dem empfohlenen Maximum von 2 Vorkommnissen. %4$sVerwende die Schlüsselphrase weniger oft%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in Meta-Beschreibung%2$s: Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält die Schlüsselphrase oder Synonyme. Gut gemacht!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLänge der Schlüsselphrase%5$s: Die Schlüsselphrase ist %1$d Wörter lang. Das ist viel mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. %4$sKürze deine Schlüsselphrase!%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLänge der Schlüsselphrase%5$s: Die Schlüsselphrase ist %1$d Wörter lang. Das ist mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. %4$sKürze deine Schlüsselphrase!%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLänge der Schlüsselphrase%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLänge der Schlüsselphrase%3$s: Es wurde keine Fokus-Schlüsselphrase für diese Seite festgelegt. %2$sLege eine Schlüsselphrase fest, damit wir deinen SEO-Score berechnen können%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in der Einleitung%3$s: Weder deine Schlüsselphrase noch deren Synonyme kommen im ersten Absatz vor. %2$sStelle sicher, dass das Thema sofort klar ist%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in der Einleitung%3$s: Deine Schlüsselphrase oder deren Synonyme kommen im ersten Absatz vor, allerdings nicht im selben Satz. %2$sBehebe das%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sSchlüsselphrase in der Einleitung%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInterne Links%2$s: Es gibt sowohl Links mit nofollow-Attribut als auch normale interne Links auf dieser Seite. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInterne Links%2$s: Es gibt genügend interne Links. Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInterne Links%3$s: Die internen Links auf dieser Seite haben alle ein nofollow-Attribut. %2$sFüge einige gute interne Links hinzu%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInterne Links%3$s: Es gibt keine internen Links auf dieser Seite. %2$sFüge welche hinzu%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sBindewörter%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sBindewörter%2$s: Nur %3$s der Sätze enthalten Bindewörter. Das reicht nicht aus. %4$sVerwende mehr davon%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sBindewörter%2$s: Keiner der Sätze beinhaltet Bindewörter. %3$sVerwende welche%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNicht genug Inhalt%2$s: %3$sUm bessere Analysen zu ermöglichen, bitte mehr Inhalt hinzufügen%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sVerteilung von Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: Du verwendest keine Zwischenüberschriften. Allerdings ist der Text sehr kurz und benötigt wahrscheinlich keine."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sVerteilung von Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: Du benutzt überhaupt keine Zwischenüberschriften, obwohl dein Text ziemlich lang ist. %3$sVersuche ein paar Zwischenüberschriften hinzuzufügen%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[" %1$sVerteilung von Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: %3$d Abschnitt deines Textes ist länger als %4$d Wörter und wird durch keine Zwischenüberschriften unterteilt. %5$sUm die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen, füge Zwischenüberschriften hinzu%2$s.","%1$sVerteilung von Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: %3$d Abschnitte deines Textes sind länger als %4$d Wörter und werden durch keine Zwischenüberschriften unterteilt. %5$sUm die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen, füge Zwischenüberschriften hinzu%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sVerteilung von Zwischenüberschriften%2$s: Gut gemacht!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSatzlänge%2$s: %3$s der Sätze haben mehr als %4$s Wörter, was mehr ist als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s. %6$sVersuche die Sätze zu kürzen%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSatzlänge%2$s: Großartig!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sAufeinanderfolgende Sätze%2$s: Es ist genug Abwechslung in deinen Sätzen. Das ist großartig!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[" %1$sAufeinanderfolgende Sätze%2$s: Der Text enthält %3$d aufeinanderfolgende Sätze, die mit demselben Wort beginnen. %5$sVersuche es mit etwas mehr Abwechslung%2$s!","%1$sAufeinanderfolgende Sätze%2$s: Der Text enthält %4$d Fälle, in denen %3$d oder mehr aufeinanderfolgende Sätze mit demselben Wort beginnen. %5$sVersuche es mit etwas mehr Abwechslung%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive Sätze%2$s: %3$s der Sätze sind passiv, was mehr ist als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$s. %5$sVersuche mehr aktive Sätze zu benutzen%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive Sätze%2$s: Du benutzt ausreichend viel aktive Sätze. Sehr gut!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sAbsatzlänge%2$s: %3$d Absatz beinhaltet mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$d Wörtern. %5$sKürze den Absatz%2$s!","%1$sAbsatzlänge%2$s: %3$d Absätze beinhalten mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$d Wörtern. %5$sKürze die Absätze%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sAbsatzlänge%2$s: Keiner der Absätze ist zu lang. Gut gemacht!"],"Good job!":["Gute Arbeit!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sLesefreundlichkeit (Flesch-Reading-Ease)%2$s: Die Kopie erreicht %3$s im Test, was als %4$s zum Lesen gilt. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrolle, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Das ist geringfügig unter dem Minimun von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sFüge etwas mehr Text hinzu%4$s.","Das ist geringfügig unter dem Minimun von %5$d Wörtern. %3$sFüge etwas mehr Text hinzu%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege den SEO-Titel fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titel-Vorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Permalink"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kannst auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren und weniger komplizierte Wörter zu nutzen, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen"],"difficult":["schwer"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen"],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwer"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Vorschau"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-el.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"el_GR"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε 0 φορές. Αυτές είναι η λιγότερες από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε %5$d φορά. Αυτό είναι το λιγότερο από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s! ","%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε %5$d φορές. Αυτό είναι το λιγότερο από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξεις-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε %3$d φορά. Αυτό είναι τέλειο!","%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξεις-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε %3$d φορές. Αυτό είναι τέλειο!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε περισσότερο από %5$d φορά. Αυτό είναι παραπάνω από το συνιστώμενο μέγιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$sΜην υπερβελτιστοποιείτε%2$s!","%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση-κλειδί βρέθηκε περισσότερο από %5$d φορές. Αυτό είναι παραπάνω από το συνιστώμενο μέγιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$sΜην υπερβελτιστοποιείτε%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%3$s: %2$s Ορίστε μία φράση-κλειδί με σκοπό να υπολογιστεί το σκορ του SEO σας%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%2$s: Περισσότερες από τις μισές λέξεις-κλειδιά εμφανίζονται στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\". Αυτό είναι υπέροχο!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%3$s: (Μέρος της) λέξης-κλειδιού σας δεν εμφανίζεται στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\". %2$sΠαρακαλώ αλλάξτε το%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%2$s: Εξαιρετική δουλειά! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%4$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξη.","%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%4$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%3$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξη. Καλή δουλειά!","%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%3$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις. Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sΕξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι%2$s: Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sΕξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι%3$s: Όλοι οι εξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι για αυτή τη σελίδα είναι μη ακολουθούμενοι (nofollowed). %2$sΠροσθέστε μερικούς ακόμη φυσιολογικούς συνδέσμους%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sΜήκος μετα-περιγραφής%2$s: Πολύ σωστά!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%5$s: Η φράση - κλειδί διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις. Αυτές είναι πολύ παραπάνω από το ανώτατο προτεινόμενο όριο των %2$d λέξεων. %4$sΠαρακαλώ μικρύνετε τη φράση - κλειδί%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Καλή δουλειά! "],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sΜήκος πρότασης%2$s: Εξαιρετικά!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Μετακινηθείτε με κύλιση για να δείτε την προεπισκόπηση του περιεχομένου."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα στην αξιολόγηση '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s των λέξεων περιλαμβάνει %2$s περισσότερες %3$s συλλαβές %4$s οι οποίες είναι περισσότερες από το μέγιστο επιτρεπτό του %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει %1$d προτάσεις %2$s από %3$s λέξεις %4$s. Προσπάθησε να ελαττώσεις την πρόταση.","Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει %1$d προτάσεις %2$s από %3$s λέξεις %4$s. Προσπαθήστε να ελαττώσεετε την πρόταση."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει μή προτάσεις %1$s από %2$s λέξεις %3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Προεπισκόπηση σε κινητό"],"Desktop preview":["Προεπισκόπηση σε οθόνη υπολογιστή"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Δώσε έναν SEO τίτλο μορφοποιώντας το απόσπασμα πιο κάτω"],"Meta description preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση Μeta περιγραφής:"],"Slug preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση σύντομου ονόματος:"],"SEO title preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση τίτλου SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Κλείσε την μορφοποίηση αποσπάσματος"],"Slug":["Σύντομη περιγραφή"],"Remove marks in the text":["Αφαιρέστε τα σημάδια από το κείμενο"],"Mark this result in the text":["Σημειώστε αυτό το αποτέλεσμα μέσα στο κείμενο"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Τα σημάδια είναι απενεργοποιημένα σ' αυτή την όψη"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Καλή βαθμολογία SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Πολύ καλή SEO βαθμολογία"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Μέτρια βαθμολογία SEO"],"OK SEO score":["Καλή SEO βαθμολογία"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Έχει ανατροφοδότηση"],"Feedback":["Ανάδραση"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Δώσε μια μετα-περιγραφή μορφοποιώντας το απόσπασμα πιο κάτω"],"Edit snippet":["Μορφοποίησε το απόσπασμα"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Μπορείτε να κάνετε κλικ σε κάθε στοιχείο στην προεπισκόπηση για να μεταβείτε στον Επεξεργαστή Αποσπάσματος."],"SEO title":["Τίτλος SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Χρειάζεται βελτίωση"],"Good":["Καλό"],"very difficult":["πολύ δύσκολο"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["δύσκολο"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["αρκετά δύσκολο"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["αρκετά εύκολο"],"easy":["εύκολο"],"very easy":["πολύ εύκολο"],"Meta description":["Περιγραφή Meta"],"Snippet preview":["Προεπισκόπιση αποσπάσματος"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"el_GR"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε 0 φορές. Αυτές είναι η λιγότερες από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε %5$d φορά. Αυτό είναι το λιγότερο από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s! ","%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση κλειδί βρέθηκε %5$d φορές. Αυτό είναι το λιγότερο από το προτεινόμενο ελάχιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$s Επικεντρωθείτε στη λέξη-κλειδί %2$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξεις-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε %3$d φορά. Αυτό είναι τέλειο!","%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξεις-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε %3$d φορές. Αυτό είναι τέλειο!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sΠυκνότητα λέξης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη κλειδί βρέθηκε περισσότερο από %5$d φορά. Αυτό είναι παραπάνω από το συνιστώμενο μέγιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$sΜην υπερβελτιστοποιείτε%2$s!","%1$sΠυκνότητα φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Η συγκεκριμένη φράση-κλειδί βρέθηκε περισσότερο από %5$d φορές. Αυτό είναι παραπάνω από το συνιστώμενο μέγιστο των %3$d φορών για ένα κείμενο αυτής της έκτασης. %4$sΜην υπερβελτιστοποιείτε%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%3$s: %2$s Ορίστε μία φράση-κλειδί με σκοπό να υπολογιστεί το σκορ του SEO σας%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%2$s: Περισσότερες από τις μισές λέξεις-κλειδιά εμφανίζονται στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\". Αυτό είναι υπέροχο!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%3$s: (Μέρος της) λέξης-κλειδιού σας δεν εμφανίζεται στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\". %2$sΠαρακαλώ αλλάξτε το%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sΛέξη-κλειδί στο πεδίο \"Σύντομο όνομα\"%2$s: Εξαιρετική δουλειά! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%4$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξη.","%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%4$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%3$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξη. Καλή δουλειά!","%2$sΜήκος κειμένου%3$s: Το κείμενο διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις. Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sΕξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι%2$s: Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sΕξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι%3$s: Όλοι οι εξερχόμενοι σύνδεσμοι για αυτή τη σελίδα είναι μη ακολουθούμενοι (nofollowed). %2$sΠροσθέστε μερικούς ακόμη φυσιολογικούς συνδέσμους%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sΜήκος μετα-περιγραφής%2$s: Πολύ σωστά!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%5$s: Η φράση - κλειδί διαθέτει %1$d λέξεις. Αυτές είναι πολύ παραπάνω από το ανώτατο προτεινόμενο όριο των %2$d λέξεων. %4$sΠαρακαλώ μικρύνετε τη φράση - κλειδί%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sΜήκος φράσης-κλειδιού%2$s: Καλή δουλειά! "],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sΜήκος πρότασης%2$s: Εξαιρετικά!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Καλή δουλειά!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Μετακινηθείτε με κύλιση για να δείτε την προεπισκόπηση του περιεχομένου."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα στην αξιολόγηση '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s των λέξεων περιλαμβάνει %2$s περισσότερες %3$s συλλαβές %4$s οι οποίες είναι περισσότερες από το μέγιστο επιτρεπτό του %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":[],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει %1$d προτάσεις %2$s από %3$s λέξεις %4$s. Προσπάθησε να ελαττώσεις την πρόταση.","Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει %1$d προτάσεις %2$s από %3$s λέξεις %4$s. Προσπαθήστε να ελαττώσεετε την πρόταση."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Η μετά-περιγραφή περιλαμβάνει μή προτάσεις %1$s από %2$s λέξεις %3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Προεπισκόπηση σε κινητό"],"Desktop preview":["Προεπισκόπηση σε οθόνη υπολογιστή"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Δώσε έναν SEO τίτλο μορφοποιώντας το απόσπασμα πιο κάτω"],"Meta description preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση Μeta περιγραφής:"],"Slug preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση σύντομου ονόματος:"],"SEO title preview:":["Προεπισκόπηση τίτλου SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Κλείσε την μορφοποίηση αποσπάσματος"],"Slug":["Σύντομη περιγραφή"],"Remove marks in the text":["Αφαιρέστε τα σημάδια από το κείμενο"],"Mark this result in the text":["Σημειώστε αυτό το αποτέλεσμα μέσα στο κείμενο"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Τα σημάδια είναι απενεργοποιημένα σ' αυτή την όψη"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Καλή βαθμολογία SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Πολύ καλή SEO βαθμολογία"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Μέτρια βαθμολογία SEO"],"OK SEO score":["Καλή SEO βαθμολογία"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Βελτιστοποίηση περιεχομένου: Έχει ανατροφοδότηση"],"Feedback":["Ανάδραση"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Δώσε μια μετα-περιγραφή μορφοποιώντας το απόσπασμα πιο κάτω"],"Edit snippet":["Μορφοποίησε το απόσπασμα"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Μπορείτε να κάνετε κλικ σε κάθε στοιχείο στην προεπισκόπηση για να μεταβείτε στον Επεξεργαστή Αποσπάσματος."],"SEO title":["Τίτλος SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Χρειάζεται βελτίωση"],"Good":["Καλό"],"very difficult":["πολύ δύσκολο"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["δύσκολο"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["αρκετά δύσκολο"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["αρκετά εύκολο"],"easy":["εύκολο"],"very easy":["πολύ εύκολο"],"Meta description":["Περιγραφή Meta"],"Snippet preview":["Προεπισκόπιση αποσπάσματος"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-en_AU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_AU"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_AU"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Content optimisation: Needs improvement"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-en_CA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_CA"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occured in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimization: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimization: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["Ok SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimization: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_CA"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Content optimization: Needs improvement"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occured in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimization: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimization: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["Ok SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimization: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-en_GB.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Content optimsation: Needs improvement"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-en_NZ.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_NZ"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_NZ"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Content optimisation: Needs improvement"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-en_ZA.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_ZA"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_ZA"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Content optimisation: Needs improvement"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!","%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains stop words. %2$sRemove them%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d words."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!","%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d words. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d sections of your text are longer than %4$d words and are not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"Good job!":["Good job!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll to see the preview content."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.","This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d words. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.","The meta description contains %1$d sentences %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten these sentences."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta description preview:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug preview:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO title preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Close snippet editor"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Remove marks in the text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Mark this result in the text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Marks are disabled in current view"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Content optimisation: Good SEO score"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimisation: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimisation: Has feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below."],"Edit snippet":["Edit snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor."],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"very difficult":["very difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability"],"difficult":["difficult"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability"],"fairly difficult":["fairly difficult"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["fairly easy"],"easy":["easy"],"very easy":["very easy"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet preview"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-es_AR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_AR"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplazate hacia abajo para ver el contenido previo."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Tratá de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Tratá de acortar estas oraciones."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa de dispositivos móviles"],"Desktop preview":["Previsualización de escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Ingresá un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del titulo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: buena puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Calificación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: puntuación SEO aceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO OK"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Ingresá una descripción meta editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Podés hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor de snippets."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bueno"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["Muy fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_AR"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplazate hacia abajo para ver el contenido previo."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Tratá de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Tratá de acortar estas oraciones."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa de dispositivos móviles"],"Desktop preview":["Previsualización de escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Ingresá un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del titulo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: buena puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Calificación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: puntuación SEO aceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO OK"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Ingresá una descripción meta editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Podés hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor de snippets."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bueno"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["Muy fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-es_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFacilidad de lectura Flesch%2$s: El escrito puntúa %3$s en la prueba, Lo que se considera %4$s de leer. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, %1$d tienen atributos alt con palabras de tu frase clave o sinónimos. Eso es demasiado. %4$sIncluye la frase clave o sus sinónimos solo cuando realmente encajen en la imagen%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imagen%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, sólo %1$d tiene un atributo alt que refleja el tema de tu texto. ¡%4$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes más relevantes%5$s!","%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, sólo %1$d tienen atributos alt que reflejan el tema de tu texto. ¡%4$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes más relevantes%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos de imagen alt%3$s: Las imágenes de esta página no tienen atributos alt que reflejen el tema de tu texto. ¡%2$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes relevantes%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imágenes%3$s: Las imágenes de esta página tienen atributos alt, pero no has establecido tu frase clave. ¡%2$sCorrige eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: %3$s de tus subtítulos de nivel superior refleja el tema de tu texto. ¡Buen trabajo!","%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: %3$s de tus subtítulos de nivel superior reflejan el tema de tu texto. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: Tus subtítulos de nivel superior reflejan el tema de tu texto ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%3$s: ¡%2$sUsa más frases clave o sinónimos en tus subtítulos de nivel superior%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTítulo único%3$s: Solo se debería usar H1 como tu título principal. Encuentra todos los H1 en tu texto que no sean el título principal y ¡%2$scámbialos a un nivel de encabezado inferior%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado 0 veces. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %3$d vez. ¡Eso está genial!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %3$d veces ¡Eso está genial!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sPalabras funcionales en frase clave%3$s: Tu frase clave \"%4$s\" sólo contiene palabras funcionales. %2$sAprende cómo es una buena frase clave%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%3$s: %2$sDefine una frase clave para calcular tu puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%2$s: Más de la mitad de tu frase clave aparece en el slug. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%3$s: (Parte de) tu frase clave no aparece en el slug. ¡%2$sCambia eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%2$s: ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: No todas las palabras de tu frase clave \"%4$s\" aparecen en el título SEO. %2$sTrata de usar exactamente tu misma frase clave en el título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: No coincide del todo.. %2$sTrata de escribir exactamente tu misma frase clave en el título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: La frase clave objetivo exacta aparece en el título SEO, pero no al principio. %2$sTrata de moverla al principio%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%2$s: La frase clave objetivo exacta aparece al principio del título SEO. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Desigual. Algunas partes de tu texto no contienen la frase clave o sus sinónimos. %2$sDistribúyelas de manera más uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Muy desigual. Grandes partes de tu texto no contienen la frase clave o sus sinónimos. %2$sDistribúyelas de manera más uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: %2$sIncluye tu frase clave o sus sinónimos en el texto para que podamos comprobar la distribución de la frase clave%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clave usada previamente%6$s: Has usado esta frase clave objetivo %1$s%2$d veces antes%3$s. %5$sNo uses tu frase clave objetivo más de una vez%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clave usada previamente%5$s: Has usado esta frase clave objetivo %1$suna vez ya%2$s. %4$sNo uses tu frase clave objetivo más de una vez%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clave usada previamente%2$s: No has usado antes esta frase clave objetivo, muy bien."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sPalabras vacías en el slug%3$s: El slug de esta página contiene una palabra vacía. ¡%2$sQuítala%3$s!","%1$sPalabras vacías en el slug%3$s: El slug de esta página contiene palabras vacías. ¡%2$sQuítalas%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug demasiado largo%3$s: el slug de esta página es un poco largo. ¡%2$sAcórtalo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imagen%3$s: No hay imágenes en esta página. ¡%2$sAñade alguna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sEnlace de la frase clave objetivo%3$s: Estás enlazando a otra página con las palabras con las que quieres posicionar esta página. ¡%2$sNo hagas eso%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está muy por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s.","Esto está muy por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s.","Esto está por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongitud del texto%4$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabra.","%2$sLongitud del texto%4$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabras."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongitud del texto%3$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabra. ¡Buen trabajo!","%2$sLongitud del texto%3$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabras. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en el subtítulo%3$s: Más del 75%% de tus subtítulos de primer nivel reflejan el tema de tu texto. Eso es demasiado. ¡%2$sNo sobre-optimices%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%3$s: %2$sPor favor, crea un título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%3$s: El título SEO es demasiado corto. %2$sUsa el espacio para añadir variaciones de palabras clave o para crear un texto que anime a una acción%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%2$s: Hay enlaces salientes nofollow y normales en esta página. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%3$s: Todos los enlaces salientes de esta página son nofollow. %2$sAñade algún enlace normal%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%3$s: No hay enlaces salientes en esta página. ¡%2$sAñade alguno%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: La meta description tiene más de %4$d caracteres. Asegúrate de que sea visible toda la description, ¡%2$sdeberías reducir su longitud%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: La meta description es demasiado corta (menos de %4$d caracteres). Hay hasta %5$d caracteres disponibles. ¡%2$sUsa el espacio%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: No se ha especificado ninguna meta description. Los motores de búsqueda mostrarán en su lugar texto de la página. ¡%2$sAsegúrate de escribir una%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La meta description se ha especificado, pero no contiene la frase clave objetivo. ¡%3$sArregla eso%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La meta description contiene la palabra clave objetivo %3$s veces, que es más del máximo recomendado de 2 veces. ¡%4$sLimita eso%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La frase clave objetivo o el sinónimo aparece en la meta description. ¡Bien hecho!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongitud de la frase clave%5$s: La frase clave tiene %1$d palabras. Es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. ¡%4$sHazla más corta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongitud de la frase clave%5$s: La frase clave tiene %1$d palabras. Es más que el máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. ¡%4$sHazla más corta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%3$s: No se ha establecido una frase clave objetivo para esta página. %2$sEstablece una frase clave objetivo para calcular tu puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%3$s: Tu frase clave o sus sinónimos no aparecen en el primer párrafo. %2$sAsegúrate de que el tema esté claro inmediatamente%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%3$s: Tu frase clave o sus sinónimos aparecen en el primer párrafo del texto, pero no dentro de una frase. ¡%2$sArregla eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%2$s: En esta página hay enlaces internos nofollow y normales. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%2$s: Tienes suficientes enlaces internos. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnlaces internos%3$s: Los enlaces internos de esta página son todos nofollow. %2$sAñade algún buen enlace interno%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%3$s: No hay enlaces internos en esta página, ¡%2$sasegúrate de añadir alguno%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Solo %3$s de las frases contienen palabras de transición, y no es suficiente. %4$sUsa algunas más%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ninguna de las frases contiene palabras de transición. %3$sUsa alguna%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNo hay suficiente contenido%2$s: %3$sPor favor, añade algo de contenido para permitir un buen análisis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: No estás usando ningún subtítulo, pero tu texto es bastante corto y probablemente no los necesite."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: No estás usando ningún subtítulo, aunque tu texto es bastante largo. %3$sPrueba a añadir algún subtítulo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d sección de tu texto tiene más de %4$d palabras y no está separada por ningún subtítulo. %5$sAñade subtítulos para mejorar la legibilidad%2$s.","%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d secciones de tu texto tienen más de %4$d palabras y no están separadas por ningún subtítulo. %5$sAñade subtítulos para mejorar la legibilidad%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLongitud de las frases%2$s: %3$s de las frases contiene más de %4$s palabras, que es más del máximo recomendado de %5$s. %6$sTrata de acortar las frases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongitud de las frases%2$s: ¡Fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: Hay suficiente variedad en tus frases. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: El texto contiene %3$d frases consecutivas que empiezan con la misma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!","%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: El texto contiene %4$d ocasiones en las que %3$d o más frases consecutivas empiezan con la misma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: %3$s de las frases contiene una voz pasiva, que es más del máximo recomendado de %4$s. %5$sIntenta usar sus equivalentes activas%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: Estás usando suficientes voces activas. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: %3$d de los párrafos contiene más del máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. ¡%5$sAcorta tus párrafos%2$s!","%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: %3$d de los párrafos contienen más del máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. ¡%5$sAcorta tus párrafos%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: Ninguno de los párrafos es demasiado largo. ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"Good job!":["¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sPrueba de legibilidad Flesch%2$s: El texto puntúa %3$s en la prueba, lo que se considera %4$s de leer. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver la vista previa del contenido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contiene %2$smás de %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado: %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Esto es ligeramente menos que el mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEscribe un poco más%4$s.","Esto es ligeramente menos que el mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEscribe un poco más%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: Puntuación SEO buena"],"Good SEO score":["Puntuación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: Hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["fácil"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce una meta description editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puedes hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejorar"],"Good":["Bien"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prueba haciendo frases más cortas, utilizando menos palabras difíciles para mejorar la legibilidad"],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prueba haciendo frases más cortas para mejorar la legibilidad"],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["Aceptable"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["extremadamente fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Optimización del contenido: Necesita mejoras"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFacilidad de lectura Flesch%2$s: El escrito puntúa %3$s en la prueba, Lo que se considera %4$s de leer. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, %1$d tienen atributos alt con palabras de tu frase clave o sinónimos. Eso es demasiado. %4$sIncluye la frase clave o sus sinónimos solo cuando realmente encajen en la imagen%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imagen%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, sólo %1$d tiene un atributo alt que refleja el tema de tu texto. ¡%4$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes más relevantes%5$s!","%3$sAtributos alt de imágenes%5$s: De %2$d imágenes en esta página, sólo %1$d tienen atributos alt que reflejan el tema de tu texto. ¡%4$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes más relevantes%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos de imagen alt%3$s: Las imágenes de esta página no tienen atributos alt que reflejen el tema de tu texto. ¡%2$sAñade tu frase clave o sinónimos a las etiquetas alt de las imágenes relevantes%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imágenes%3$s: Las imágenes de esta página tienen atributos alt, pero no has establecido tu frase clave. ¡%2$sCorrige eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: %3$s de tus subtítulos de nivel superior refleja el tema de tu texto. ¡Buen trabajo!","%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: %3$s de tus subtítulos de nivel superior reflejan el tema de tu texto. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%2$s: Tus subtítulos de nivel superior reflejan el tema de tu texto ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en subtítulo%3$s: ¡%2$sUsa más frases clave o sinónimos en tus subtítulos de nivel superior%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTítulo único%3$s: Solo se debería usar H1 como tu título principal. Encuentra todos los H1 en tu texto que no sean el título principal y ¡%2$scámbialos a un nivel de encabezado inferior%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado 0 veces. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es menos que el mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sCéntrate en tu frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %3$d vez. ¡Eso está genial!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %3$d veces ¡Eso está genial!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d vez. Eso es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidad de frase clave%2$s: La frase clave objetivo se ha encontrado %5$d veces. Eso es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta longitud. ¡%4$sNo sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sPalabras funcionales en frase clave%3$s: Tu frase clave \"%4$s\" sólo contiene palabras funcionales. %2$sAprende cómo es una buena frase clave%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%3$s: %2$sDefine una frase clave para calcular tu puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%2$s: Más de la mitad de tu frase clave aparece en el slug. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%3$s: (Parte de) tu frase clave no aparece en el slug. ¡%2$sCambia eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase clave en el slug%2$s: ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: No todas las palabras de tu frase clave \"%4$s\" aparecen en el título SEO. %2$sTrata de usar exactamente tu misma frase clave en el título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: No coincide del todo.. %2$sTrata de escribir exactamente tu misma frase clave en el título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%3$s: La frase clave objetivo exacta aparece en el título SEO, pero no al principio. %2$sTrata de moverla al principio%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave en el título%2$s: La frase clave objetivo exacta aparece al principio del título SEO. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Desigual. Algunas partes de tu texto no contienen la frase clave o sus sinónimos. %2$sDistribúyelas de manera más uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Muy desigual. Grandes partes de tu texto no contienen la frase clave o sus sinónimos. %2$sDistribúyelas de manera más uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: %2$sIncluye tu frase clave o sus sinónimos en el texto para que podamos comprobar la distribución de la frase clave%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clave usada previamente%6$s: Has usado esta frase clave objetivo %1$s%2$d veces antes%3$s. %5$sNo uses tu frase clave objetivo más de una vez%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clave usada previamente%5$s: Has usado esta frase clave objetivo %1$suna vez ya%2$s. %4$sNo uses tu frase clave objetivo más de una vez%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clave usada previamente%2$s: No has usado antes esta frase clave objetivo, muy bien."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sPalabras vacías en el slug%3$s: El slug de esta página contiene una palabra vacía. ¡%2$sQuítala%3$s!","%1$sPalabras vacías en el slug%3$s: El slug de esta página contiene palabras vacías. ¡%2$sQuítalas%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug demasiado largo%3$s: el slug de esta página es un poco largo. ¡%2$sAcórtalo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imagen%3$s: No hay imágenes en esta página. ¡%2$sAñade alguna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sEnlace de la frase clave objetivo%3$s: Estás enlazando a otra página con las palabras con las que quieres posicionar esta página. ¡%2$sNo hagas eso%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está muy por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s.","Esto está muy por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s.","Esto está por debajo del mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sAñade más contenido%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongitud del texto%4$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabra.","%2$sLongitud del texto%4$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabras."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongitud del texto%3$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabra. ¡Buen trabajo!","%2$sLongitud del texto%3$s: El texto contiene %1$d palabras. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en el subtítulo%3$s: Más del 75%% de tus subtítulos de primer nivel reflejan el tema de tu texto. Eso es demasiado. ¡%2$sNo sobre-optimices%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%3$s: %2$sPor favor, crea un título SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%3$s: El título SEO es más ancho que el límite visible. %2$sPrueba a hacerlo más corto%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAncho del título SEO%3$s: El título SEO es demasiado corto. %2$sUsa el espacio para añadir variaciones de palabras clave o para crear un texto que anime a una acción%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%2$s: Hay enlaces salientes nofollow y normales en esta página. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%3$s: Todos los enlaces salientes de esta página son nofollow. %2$sAñade algún enlace normal%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sEnlaces salientes%3$s: No hay enlaces salientes en esta página. ¡%2$sAñade alguno%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: La meta description tiene más de %4$d caracteres. Asegúrate de que sea visible toda la description, ¡%2$sdeberías reducir su longitud%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: La meta description es demasiado corta (menos de %4$d caracteres). Hay hasta %5$d caracteres disponibles. ¡%2$sUsa el espacio%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongitud de la meta description%3$s: No se ha especificado ninguna meta description. Los motores de búsqueda mostrarán en su lugar texto de la página. ¡%2$sAsegúrate de escribir una%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La meta description se ha especificado, pero no contiene la frase clave objetivo. ¡%3$sArregla eso%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La meta description contiene la palabra clave objetivo %3$s veces, que es más del máximo recomendado de 2 veces. ¡%4$sLimita eso%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave en la meta description%2$s: La frase clave objetivo o el sinónimo aparece en la meta description. ¡Bien hecho!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongitud de la frase clave%5$s: La frase clave tiene %1$d palabras. Es mucho más que el máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. ¡%4$sHazla más corta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongitud de la frase clave%5$s: La frase clave tiene %1$d palabras. Es más que el máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. ¡%4$sHazla más corta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%2$s: ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongitud de la frase clave%3$s: No se ha establecido una frase clave objetivo para esta página. %2$sEstablece una frase clave objetivo para calcular tu puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%3$s: Tu frase clave o sus sinónimos no aparecen en el primer párrafo. %2$sAsegúrate de que el tema esté claro inmediatamente%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%3$s: Tu frase clave o sus sinónimos aparecen en el primer párrafo del texto, pero no dentro de una frase. ¡%2$sArregla eso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave en la introducción%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%2$s: En esta página hay enlaces internos nofollow y normales. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%2$s: Tienes suficientes enlaces internos. ¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sEnlaces internos%3$s: Los enlaces internos de esta página son todos nofollow. %2$sAñade algún buen enlace interno%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sEnlaces internos%3$s: No hay enlaces internos en esta página, ¡%2$sasegúrate de añadir alguno%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: ¡Bien hecho!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Solo %3$s de las frases contienen palabras de transición, y no es suficiente. %4$sUsa algunas más%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ninguna de las frases contiene palabras de transición. %3$sUsa alguna%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNo hay suficiente contenido%2$s: %3$sPor favor, añade algo de contenido para permitir un buen análisis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: No estás usando ningún subtítulo, pero tu texto es bastante corto y probablemente no los necesite."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: No estás usando ningún subtítulo, aunque tu texto es bastante largo. %3$sPrueba a añadir algún subtítulo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d sección de tu texto tiene más de %4$d palabras y no está separada por ningún subtítulo. %5$sAñade subtítulos para mejorar la legibilidad%2$s.","%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d secciones de tu texto tienen más de %4$d palabras y no están separadas por ningún subtítulo. %5$sAñade subtítulos para mejorar la legibilidad%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLongitud de las frases%2$s: %3$s de las frases contiene más de %4$s palabras, que es más del máximo recomendado de %5$s. %6$sTrata de acortar las frases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongitud de las frases%2$s: ¡Fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: Hay suficiente variedad en tus frases. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: El texto contiene %3$d frases consecutivas que empiezan con la misma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!","%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: El texto contiene %4$d ocasiones en las que %3$d o más frases consecutivas empiezan con la misma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: %3$s de las frases contiene una voz pasiva, que es más del máximo recomendado de %4$s. %5$sIntenta usar sus equivalentes activas%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: Estás usando suficientes voces activas. ¡Eso es fantástico!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: %3$d de los párrafos contiene más del máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. ¡%5$sAcorta tus párrafos%2$s!","%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: %3$d de los párrafos contienen más del máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. ¡%5$sAcorta tus párrafos%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLongitud de párrafos%2$s: Ninguno de los párrafos es demasiado largo. ¡Fantástico trabajo!"],"Good job!":["¡Buen trabajo!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sPrueba de legibilidad Flesch%2$s: El texto puntúa %3$s en la prueba, lo que se considera %4$s de leer. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver la vista previa del contenido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contiene %2$smás de %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado: %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Esto es ligeramente menos que el mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEscribe un poco más%4$s.","Esto es ligeramente menos que el mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEscribe un poco más%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido: Puntuación SEO buena"],"Good SEO score":["Puntuación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: Hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["fácil"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce una meta description editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puedes hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejorar"],"Good":["Bien"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prueba haciendo frases más cortas, utilizando menos palabras difíciles para mejorar la legibilidad"],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prueba haciendo frases más cortas para mejorar la legibilidad"],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["Aceptable"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["extremadamente fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-es_MX.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_MX"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplácese para ver el contenido de la vista previa."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Se produjo un error en el '%1$s' evaluación"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta descripción contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta descripción contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta descripción no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa del escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Favor de proveer un título de SEO editando el snippet abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta descripción"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Eliminar marcas en el texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están deshabilitadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización del contenido: Buena puntuación de SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Puntaje SEO Bueno"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización del contenido: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK puntuación de SEO"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Contenido de optimización: Tiene retroalimentación"],"Feedback":["Retroalimentacion"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Favor de proveer una meta descripción editando el snippet abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puede hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bueno"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["Bien"],"fairly easy":["casi fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["Muy fácil"],"Meta description":["Descripción meta"],"Snippet preview":["Fragmento de previsualización"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_MX"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Desplácese para ver el contenido de la vista previa."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Se produjo un error en el '%1$s' evaluación"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta descripción contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta descripción contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta descripción no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa del escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Favor de proveer un título de SEO editando el snippet abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta descripción"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Eliminar marcas en el texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están deshabilitadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización del contenido: Buena puntuación de SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Puntaje SEO Bueno"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización del contenido: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK puntuación de SEO"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Contenido de optimización: Tiene retroalimentación"],"Feedback":["Retroalimentacion"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Favor de proveer una meta descripción editando el snippet abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puede hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bueno"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["Bien"],"fairly easy":["casi fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["Muy fácil"],"Meta description":["Descripción meta"],"Snippet preview":["Fragmento de previsualización"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-es_VE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_VE"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver la vista previa del contenido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contiene %2$smás de %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado: %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del titulo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Buena puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Calificación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Puntuación SEO válida"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: Hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce una meta description editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puedes hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bien"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["extremadamente fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_VE"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver la vista previa del contenido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocurrió un error en la evaluación '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contiene %2$smás de %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es más que el máximo recomendado: %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s de las palabras contienen %2$smás %3$s sílabas%4$s, que es menor o igual que el máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta description contiene %1$d frase %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar esta frase.","La meta description contiene %1$d frases %2$sde más de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acortar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta description no contiene frases %1$sde más de %2$s palabras%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce un título SEO editando el snippet de abajo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa de la meta description:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa del slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa del titulo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Cerrar el editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas del texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado en el texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Las marcas están desactivadas en la vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Buena puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Calificación SEO buena"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización de contenido. Puntuación SEO válida"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización de contenido: Hay recomendaciones"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce una meta description editando el snippet de abajo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puedes hacer clic en cualquier elemento de la vista previa para ir al editor del snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejoras"],"Good":["Bien"],"very difficult":["muy difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["extremadamente fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa del snippet"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-fa_IR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"fa"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$s ویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %5$s: از بین %2$d تصویر موجود در این صفحه, تنها %1$d تصویر دارای متن جایگزین تصویر با عبارات کلیدی یا مترادف خود هستند ، این کم است. و فقط %4$s عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف هستند که واقعا مطابق با تصویری هستند که در آن استفاده شده اند %5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$s متن جایگزین برای تصویر %2$s: عالیه!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sویژگی alt تصویر%5$s: از %2$d تصاویر در این صفحه، تنها %1$d ویژگی alt دارد که موضوع متن شما را بازتاب می دهد. %4$sعبارات کلیدی یا مترادفهای خود را به برچسب های Alt از تصاویر مرتبط تر اضافه کنید%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %3$s: تصاویر موجود در این صفحه متن جایگزین تصویر را ندارند که موضوع مطلب را بازگو کنند . %2$sعبارات کلیدی یا مترادف های آن ها را به تصاویر مربوطه و در قسمت متن جایگزین تصویر اضافه کنید .%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s ویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %3$s: تصاویر موجود در این صفحه دارای متن جایگزین تصویر هستند ، اما شما عبارت کلیدی را در انتخاب نکرده اید . %2$sمشکل را حل کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%2$s: %3$s از زیرعنوان های سطح بالایی شما موضوع کپی خود را بازتاب می دهد. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%2$s: زیرعنوان های سطح بالا شما موضوع کپی شما را بازتاب می دهد. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$s عبارت کلیدی در زیرشاخه %3$s : %2$s استفاده از عبارات کلیدی یا مترادف در سطوح بالاتر زیرشاخه ها %3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sعنوان تک%3$s: H1 فقط باید به عنوان عنوان اصلی شما مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. همه عنوانهای H1 ها را در متن خود که عنوان اصلی شما نیستند را پیدا کنید و %2$sآنها را به نوع هدینگ پایین تر مانند h2, h3 تغییر بدید%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی 0 بار پیدا شد. این کمتر از حداقل توصیه شده %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sتمرکز بر روی عبارت کلیدی شما%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d بار پیدا شد. این کمتر از حداقل توصیه شده %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sتمرکز بر روی عبارت کلیدی شما%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %3$d بار پیدا شد. این عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارات کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d دفعه پیدا شد. این راه بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده برای %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارات کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d دفعه پیدا شد. این راه بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده برای %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sنقش کلمات دستوری در عبارات کلیدی %3$s: عبارت کلیدی \"%4$s\" فقط شامل کلمات دستوری مانند : کم ، این ، باید ، با ، آن ها ... و در کل دارای مواردی مثل صفت و فعل و ... می باشد . %2$sبرای فهمیدن نحوه ساخت بهتر کلمات کلیدی به این قسمت مراجعه کنید .%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$s عبارت کلیدی %3$s: %2$sیک کلمه کلیدی به منظور بررسی امتیاز سئو خودتان وارد کنید .%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %2$s: بیش از نیمی از عبارات کلیدی را که تعیین کرده اید در قسمت نامک دیده می شود ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %3$s: (بخشی از) عبارت کلیدی شما در نامک دیده نمی شود . %2$sآن را تغییر دهید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %2$s: عای عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: قسمتی از کلمات عبارت کلیدی \"%4$s\" در عنوان سئو وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید از عبارت کلیدی ای استفاده کنید که مطابقت کامل با عبارت استفاده شده در عنوان را داشته باشد %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: عبارتی که مطابقت کامل را داشته باشد نیست . %2$sسعی کنید عبارت کلیدی ای را بنویسید که مطابقت کامل با عبارت استفاده شده در عنوان را داشته باشد%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: عبارت کلیدی شما مطابقت کامل را با ، عبارت موجود در عنوان دارد اما این عبارت در ابتدای عنوان نیست . %2$sسعی کنید این عبارت را به ابتدای عنوان جابه جا کنید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %2$s: عبارت کلیدی شما مطابقت کامل را با ، عبارت موجود در عنوان دارد و در ابتدای عنوان دیده می شود ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %2$s: عالی است !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: نابرابر است . در برخی از قسمت های متن شما عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید توزیع و پراکندگی آن ها را در متن به صورت مساوی تری انجام دهید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: خیلی نابرابر است . در قسمت های زیادی از متن شما عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید توزیع و پراکندگی آن ها را در متن به صورت مساوی تری انجام دهید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: %2$sعبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن را در متن بنویسید تا ما بتوانیم مقدار توزیع آن را در متن بررسی کنیم . %3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %6$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی %1$s%2$d بار استفاده کرده اید %3$s. %5$sاز یک کلمه کلیدی بیشتر از یک بار استفاده نکنید %6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %5$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی %1$sیک بار استفاده کرده اید . %2$s. %4$sاز یک کلمه کلیدی بیشتر از یک بار استفاده نکنید %5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %2$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی استفاده نکرده اید ! خیلی عالی ! ."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sکلمات زائد پیوند یکتا%3$s: پیوند یکتا برای صفحه حاوی یک کلمه زئد هست. %2$sآن را حذف کنید%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sنامک بلند است %3$s: نامک این صفحه کمی بلند است . %2$sآن را کوتاه تر بنویسید %3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s عدم وجود تصویر %3$s: هیچ تصویری در صفحه شما وجود ندارد . %2$s تصویر اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sلینک به کلمه کلیدی %3$s: شما لینکی را برای یکی از کلمات کلیدی این صفحه به صفحه دیگری ایجاد کرده اید که آن صفحه نیز داری همین کلمه کلیدی می باشد . %2$sاین کار را انجام ندهید %3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["این به مراتب کمتر از حداقل %5$dکلمات توصیه شده است. %3$sافزودن محتوای بیشتر%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["این کمتر از %5$d کلمات توصیه شده است. %3$sافزودن محتوای بیشتر%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$s اندازه متن %4$s: متن حاوی %1$d کلمه است."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sطول متن%3$s: متن حاوی %1$d کلمه است. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%3$s: بیش از 75%% از زیرعنوان های سطح بالاتر شما موضوع کپی شما را بازتاب می دهد. این خیلی زیاده. %2$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعنوان سئو %3$s: %2$sعنوان سئو شما خالی می باشد لطفا عنوانی را برای سئو صحفه خودتان وارد کنید %3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sعنوان سئو %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sعنوان سئو %3$s: عنوان سئو شما خیلی کوتاه است . %2$sاز عنوان بلندتری استفاده کنید %3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %2$s: در این صفحه هر دو نوع لینک های خروجی معمولی و نوفالو وجود دارند. خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %2$s: خیلی عالی هستن !"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %3$s: همه لینک های خروجی این صفحه از نوع نوفالو هستند . %2$sتعدادی لینک خروجی معمولی اضافه کنید .%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %3$s: در این صفحه لینک خروجی ای وجود ندارد . %2$sتعدادی لینک خروجی اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %2$s: عالی است!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: طول توضیحات متای شما بیشتر از %4$d حرف است . برای اینکه مطمئن باشید که توضیحات متای شما به صورت کامل در موتورهای جستجو نمایش داده می شود , %2$sشما باید طول متا را کاهش دهید %3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: توضیحات متا خیلی کوتاه است ( زیر %4$d حرف ). تا %5$d حرف ، مجاز به اضافه کردن هستید . %2$s با افزودن کلمات تا حد مجاز طول توضیحات را افزایش دهید .%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: توضیحات متا مشخص نشده است . موتورهای جستجو به جای آن متنی را از خود محتوای شما کپی خواهند کرد . %2$sمطمئن باشید که مقداری را برای این قسمت نوشته باشید %3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: توضیحات متای شما نوشته شده است ، اما کلمه کلیدی در آن وجود ندارد. %3$s توضیحات متا را اصلاح کنید %4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: در توضیحات متای نوشته شده کلمه کلیدی %3$s بار پیدا شد , که بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده 2 بار است . %4$s آن را اصلاح کنید %5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در توضیحات متا وجود دارد ! خیلی عالی !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sطول عبارت کلیدی %5$s: عبارت کلیدی شما %1$d کلمه طول دارد . این طول خیلی بیشتر از مقدار توصیه شده %2$d کلمه می باشد . %4$s آن را کوتاه تر کنید %5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sطول عبارت کلیدی %5$s: عبارت کلیدی شما %1$d کلمه طول دارد . این طول بیشتر از مقدار توصیه شده %2$d کلمه می باشد . %4$s آن را کوتاه تر کنید %5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sطول عبارت کلیدی %2$s: خیلی عالی است !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sطول %3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %3$s: کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در پاراگراف اول متن نمایش داده نمی شود . %2$sبا استفاده کردن از کلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول شما اطمینان خواهید یافت که کاربر با خواندن این قسمت پی به موضوع متن شما خواهد برد %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %3$s:کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در پاراگراف اول متن نمایش داده می شود ، اما نه در یک جمله . %2$sآن را اصلاح کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %2$s: در این صفحه هر دو نوع لینک های داخلی معمولی و نوفالو وجود دارند . خیلی عالی!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %2$s: شما لینک های داخلی به حد کافی دارید ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %3$s:لینک های داخلی در این صفحه همه از نوع نوفالو هستند . %2$sتعدادی لینک داخلی معمولی هم اضافه کنید %3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %3$s: هیچ لینک داخلی در این صفحه وجود ندارد , %2$sچند مورد لینک داخلی اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: خیلی خوبه !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: تنها %3$s جمله حاوی کلمات گذار است که کافی نیست. %4$sاز این نوع جمله بیشتر استفاده کنید%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: هیچ یک از جملات حاوی کلمات گذار نیست . %3$sچند مورد را اضافه کنید %2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$s محتوای شما کم است %2$s: %3$sلطفا محتوای بیشتری را اضافه کنید تا تحلیل بهتری انجام شود %2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sتوزیع تیر در متن %2$s: شما از هیچ تیتری مثل (h2 , h1 , … ) در متن خود استفاده نکرده اید ، با بررسی های انجام شده مشخص شد که متن شما کوتاه است و احتمالا به آن ها نیاز نداشته باشید ."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sتوزیع تیتر در متن %2$s: با وجود طولانی بودن متن ، اما شما از هیچ تیتری مثل (h2 , h1 , … ) در متن خود استفاده نکرده اید . %3$sسعی کنید چند تیتر به متن خود اضافه کنید %2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sتوزی زیرعنوان%2$s: %3$d بخش متن شما بیش از %4$d واژه است و با هیچ یک از زیرعنوان ها جدا نمی شود. %5$sزیرعنوان ها را برای بهبود خوانایی اضافه کنید%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sتوزیع تیتر در متن %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sطول جمله %2$s: %3$s از جملاتی که در متن استفاده کرده اید بیشتر از %4$s کلمه دارند , که بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده %5$s است . %6$sسعی کنید جملات خود را کوتاه تر کنید %2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sطول جمله %2$s: خیلی خوب !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sجملات متوالی %2$s: تنوع کافی در جملات شما وجود دارد. خیلی عالیه!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sجملات پیوسته%2$s: متن حاوی %4$d مواردی است که %3$d یا بیشتر جملات متوالی با کلمه مشابه شروع می شود. %5$sسعی کنید همه چیز را مخلوط کنید%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sصدای مجهول%2$s: شما از صدای فعال کافی استفاده می کنید. بسیار عالی!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sطول پاراگراف %2$s: %3$dاز پاراگراف ها حاوی بیش از حداکثر پیشنهادی %4$d کلمه است. %5$sپاراگرافهای خود را کوتاه کنید%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sطول پاراگراف %2$s:هیچ یک از پاراگراف های شما بیش از حد طولانی نیستند. خیلی عالی !"],"Good job!":["آفرین!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sسهولت خواندن فلاش%2$s: کپی نمرات %3$s در آزمون، که %4$s برای خواندن در نظر گرفته شده است. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["برای دیدن پیشنمایش محتوا اسکرول کنید."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["خطایی در ارزیابی '%1$s' رخ داده است"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s از کلمات حاوی %2$s روی %3$s سیلاب %4$s، که بیش از حداکثر توصیه شده از %5$s است."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s از کلمات حاوی %2$s روی %3$s سیلاب %4$s، که کمتر از یا برابر حداکثر توصیه شده از %5$s است."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["این کمی کمتر از حداقلل توصیه شده %5$d کلمه است.%3$s کمی بیشتر اضافه کنید%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["توضیحات متا حاوی %1$d جمله %2$s بیش از %3$s کلمه %4$s است. سعی کنید جملات را کوتاه‌تر کنید."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["توضیحات متا شامل هیچ جمله %1$s بیش از %2$s کلمه %3$s نیست."],"Mobile preview":["پیش نمایش موبایل"],"Desktop preview":["پیش نمایش دسکتاپ"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["لطفا یک عنوان سئو با ویرایش متن زیرارائه دهید."],"Meta description preview:":["پیش نمایش متای توضیحات:"],"Slug preview:":["پیش نمایش نامک:"],"SEO title preview:":["پیش نمایش عنوان سئو:"],"Close snippet editor":["بستن ویرایشگر اسنیپت"],"Slug":["نامک"],"Remove marks in the text":["علامات را در نوشته پاک کنید"],"Mark this result in the text":["علامت زدن این نتیجه در متن"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["علائم در نمای جاری غیرفعال هستند"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["بهینه سازی محتوا: امتیاز سئوی خوب"],"Good SEO score":["نمره خوب سئو"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["بهینه‌سازی محتوا: نمره قابل قبول سئو"],"OK SEO score":["امتیاز سئوی قابل قبول"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["بهینه سازی محتوا: بازخورد دارد"],"Feedback":["بازخورد"],"ok":["تأیید"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["لطفا با ویرایش متن زیر توضیحات متا را ارائه دهید."],"Edit snippet":["ویرایش اسنیپت"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["شما می توانید برای ورود به ویرایشگر محدوده، روی هر پارامتر در پیش نمایش کلیک کنید."],"SEO title":["عنوان سئو"],"Needs improvement":["به بهبود نیاز دارد"],"Good":["خوب"],"very difficult":["خیلی سخت"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["سعی کنید برای خوانایی بیشتر جمله ها رو کوتاه تر، از کلمه های با سختی کمتر استفاده کنید"],"difficult":["سخت"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["تلاش کنید جملات کوتاه‌تر برای بهبود خوانایی بسازید"],"fairly difficult":["واقعا سخت"],"OK":["تایید"],"fairly easy":["واقعا آسان"],"easy":["آسان"],"very easy":["خیلی راحت"],"Meta description":["توضیح متا"],"Snippet preview":["پیش نمایش اسنیپت"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"fa"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$s ویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %5$s: از بین %2$d تصویر موجود در این صفحه, تنها %1$d تصویر دارای متن جایگزین تصویر با عبارات کلیدی یا مترادف خود هستند ، این کم است. و فقط %4$s عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف هستند که واقعا مطابق با تصویری هستند که در آن استفاده شده اند %5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$s متن جایگزین برای تصویر %2$s: عالیه!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sویژگی alt تصویر%5$s: از %2$d تصاویر در این صفحه، تنها %1$d ویژگی alt دارد که موضوع متن شما را بازتاب می دهد. %4$sعبارات کلیدی یا مترادفهای خود را به برچسب های Alt از تصاویر مرتبط تر اضافه کنید%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %3$s: تصاویر موجود در این صفحه متن جایگزین تصویر را ندارند که موضوع مطلب را بازگو کنند . %2$sعبارات کلیدی یا مترادف های آن ها را به تصاویر مربوطه و در قسمت متن جایگزین تصویر اضافه کنید .%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s ویژگی متن جایگزین تصویر %3$s: تصاویر موجود در این صفحه دارای متن جایگزین تصویر هستند ، اما شما عبارت کلیدی را در انتخاب نکرده اید . %2$sمشکل را حل کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%2$s: %3$s از زیرعنوان های سطح بالایی شما موضوع کپی خود را بازتاب می دهد. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%2$s: زیرعنوان های سطح بالا شما موضوع کپی شما را بازتاب می دهد. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$s عبارت کلیدی در زیرشاخه %3$s : %2$s استفاده از عبارات کلیدی یا مترادف در سطوح بالاتر زیرشاخه ها %3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sعنوان تک%3$s: H1 فقط باید به عنوان عنوان اصلی شما مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. همه عنوانهای H1 ها را در متن خود که عنوان اصلی شما نیستند را پیدا کنید و %2$sآنها را به نوع هدینگ پایین تر مانند h2, h3 تغییر بدید%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی 0 بار پیدا شد. این کمتر از حداقل توصیه شده %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sتمرکز بر روی عبارت کلیدی شما%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d بار پیدا شد. این کمتر از حداقل توصیه شده %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sتمرکز بر روی عبارت کلیدی شما%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sتراکم عبارت کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %3$d بار پیدا شد. این عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارات کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d دفعه پیدا شد. این راه بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده برای %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sتراکم عبارات کلیدی%2$s: عبارت کلیدی تمرکزی %5$d دفعه پیدا شد. این راه بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده برای %3$d بار برای یک متن از این طول است. %4$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sنقش کلمات دستوری در عبارات کلیدی %3$s: عبارت کلیدی \"%4$s\" فقط شامل کلمات دستوری مانند : کم ، این ، باید ، با ، آن ها ... و در کل دارای مواردی مثل صفت و فعل و ... می باشد . %2$sبرای فهمیدن نحوه ساخت بهتر کلمات کلیدی به این قسمت مراجعه کنید .%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$s عبارت کلیدی %3$s: %2$sیک کلمه کلیدی به منظور بررسی امتیاز سئو خودتان وارد کنید .%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %2$s: بیش از نیمی از عبارات کلیدی را که تعیین کرده اید در قسمت نامک دیده می شود ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %3$s: (بخشی از) عبارت کلیدی شما در نامک دیده نمی شود . %2$sآن را تغییر دهید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در نامک %2$s: عای عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: قسمتی از کلمات عبارت کلیدی \"%4$s\" در عنوان سئو وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید از عبارت کلیدی ای استفاده کنید که مطابقت کامل با عبارت استفاده شده در عنوان را داشته باشد %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: عبارتی که مطابقت کامل را داشته باشد نیست . %2$sسعی کنید عبارت کلیدی ای را بنویسید که مطابقت کامل با عبارت استفاده شده در عنوان را داشته باشد%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %3$s: عبارت کلیدی شما مطابقت کامل را با ، عبارت موجود در عنوان دارد اما این عبارت در ابتدای عنوان نیست . %2$sسعی کنید این عبارت را به ابتدای عنوان جابه جا کنید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در عنوان %2$s: عبارت کلیدی شما مطابقت کامل را با ، عبارت موجود در عنوان دارد و در ابتدای عنوان دیده می شود ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %2$s: عالی است !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: نابرابر است . در برخی از قسمت های متن شما عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید توزیع و پراکندگی آن ها را در متن به صورت مساوی تری انجام دهید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: خیلی نابرابر است . در قسمت های زیادی از متن شما عبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن وجود ندارد . %2$sسعی کنید توزیع و پراکندگی آن ها را در متن به صورت مساوی تری انجام دهید %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sتوزیع کلمات کلیدی در متن %3$s: %2$sعبارت کلیدی یا مترادف آن را در متن بنویسید تا ما بتوانیم مقدار توزیع آن را در متن بررسی کنیم . %3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %6$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی %1$s%2$d بار استفاده کرده اید %3$s. %5$sاز یک کلمه کلیدی بیشتر از یک بار استفاده نکنید %6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %5$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی %1$sیک بار استفاده کرده اید . %2$s. %4$sاز یک کلمه کلیدی بیشتر از یک بار استفاده نکنید %5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sتعداد دفعات استفاده از کلمه کلیدی %2$s: شما قبلا از این کلمه کلیدی استفاده نکرده اید ! خیلی عالی ! ."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sکلمات زائد پیوند یکتا%3$s: پیوند یکتا برای صفحه حاوی یک کلمه زئد هست. %2$sآن را حذف کنید%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sنامک بلند است %3$s: نامک این صفحه کمی بلند است . %2$sآن را کوتاه تر بنویسید %3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s عدم وجود تصویر %3$s: هیچ تصویری در صفحه شما وجود ندارد . %2$s تصویر اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sلینک به کلمه کلیدی %3$s: شما لینکی را برای یکی از کلمات کلیدی این صفحه به صفحه دیگری ایجاد کرده اید که آن صفحه نیز داری همین کلمه کلیدی می باشد . %2$sاین کار را انجام ندهید %3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["این به مراتب کمتر از حداقل %5$dکلمات توصیه شده است. %3$sافزودن محتوای بیشتر%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["این کمتر از %5$d کلمات توصیه شده است. %3$sافزودن محتوای بیشتر%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$s اندازه متن %4$s: متن حاوی %1$d کلمه است."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sطول متن%3$s: متن حاوی %1$d کلمه است. کارت عالیه!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sعبارت کلیدی در زیرعنوان%3$s: بیش از 75%% از زیرعنوان های سطح بالاتر شما موضوع کپی شما را بازتاب می دهد. این خیلی زیاده. %2$sبیش از اندازه نکنید%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sعنوان سئو %3$s: %2$sعنوان سئو شما خالی می باشد لطفا عنوانی را برای سئو صحفه خودتان وارد کنید %3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sعنوان سئو %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sعنوان سئو %3$s: عنوان سئو شما خیلی کوتاه است . %2$sاز عنوان بلندتری استفاده کنید %3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %2$s: در این صفحه هر دو نوع لینک های خروجی معمولی و نوفالو وجود دارند. خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %2$s: خیلی عالی هستن !"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %3$s: همه لینک های خروجی این صفحه از نوع نوفالو هستند . %2$sتعدادی لینک خروجی معمولی اضافه کنید .%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sلینک های خروجی %3$s: در این صفحه لینک خروجی ای وجود ندارد . %2$sتعدادی لینک خروجی اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %2$s: عالی است!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: طول توضیحات متای شما بیشتر از %4$d حرف است . برای اینکه مطمئن باشید که توضیحات متای شما به صورت کامل در موتورهای جستجو نمایش داده می شود , %2$sشما باید طول متا را کاهش دهید %3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: توضیحات متا خیلی کوتاه است ( زیر %4$d حرف ). تا %5$d حرف ، مجاز به اضافه کردن هستید . %2$s با افزودن کلمات تا حد مجاز طول توضیحات را افزایش دهید .%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sطول توضیحات متا %3$s: توضیحات متا مشخص نشده است . موتورهای جستجو به جای آن متنی را از خود محتوای شما کپی خواهند کرد . %2$sمطمئن باشید که مقداری را برای این قسمت نوشته باشید %3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: توضیحات متای شما نوشته شده است ، اما کلمه کلیدی در آن وجود ندارد. %3$s توضیحات متا را اصلاح کنید %4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: در توضیحات متای نوشته شده کلمه کلیدی %3$s بار پیدا شد , که بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده 2 بار است . %4$s آن را اصلاح کنید %5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در توضیحات متا %2$s: کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در توضیحات متا وجود دارد ! خیلی عالی !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sطول عبارت کلیدی %5$s: عبارت کلیدی شما %1$d کلمه طول دارد . این طول خیلی بیشتر از مقدار توصیه شده %2$d کلمه می باشد . %4$s آن را کوتاه تر کنید %5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sطول عبارت کلیدی %5$s: عبارت کلیدی شما %1$d کلمه طول دارد . این طول بیشتر از مقدار توصیه شده %2$d کلمه می باشد . %4$s آن را کوتاه تر کنید %5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sطول عبارت کلیدی %2$s: خیلی عالی است !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sطول %3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %3$s: کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در پاراگراف اول متن نمایش داده نمی شود . %2$sبا استفاده کردن از کلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول شما اطمینان خواهید یافت که کاربر با خواندن این قسمت پی به موضوع متن شما خواهد برد %3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %3$s:کلمه کلیدی یا مترادف آن در پاراگراف اول متن نمایش داده می شود ، اما نه در یک جمله . %2$sآن را اصلاح کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sکلمه کلیدی در پاراگراف اول %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %2$s: در این صفحه هر دو نوع لینک های داخلی معمولی و نوفالو وجود دارند . خیلی عالی!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %2$s: شما لینک های داخلی به حد کافی دارید ! خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %3$s:لینک های داخلی در این صفحه همه از نوع نوفالو هستند . %2$sتعدادی لینک داخلی معمولی هم اضافه کنید %3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sلینک های داخلی %3$s: هیچ لینک داخلی در این صفحه وجود ندارد , %2$sچند مورد لینک داخلی اضافه کنید %3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: خیلی خوبه !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: تنها %3$s جمله حاوی کلمات گذار است که کافی نیست. %4$sاز این نوع جمله بیشتر استفاده کنید%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sکلمات گذار %2$s: هیچ یک از جملات حاوی کلمات گذار نیست . %3$sچند مورد را اضافه کنید %2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$s محتوای شما کم است %2$s: %3$sلطفا محتوای بیشتری را اضافه کنید تا تحلیل بهتری انجام شود %2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sتوزیع تیر در متن %2$s: شما از هیچ تیتری مثل (h2 , h1 , … ) در متن خود استفاده نکرده اید ، با بررسی های انجام شده مشخص شد که متن شما کوتاه است و احتمالا به آن ها نیاز نداشته باشید ."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sتوزیع تیتر در متن %2$s: با وجود طولانی بودن متن ، اما شما از هیچ تیتری مثل (h2 , h1 , … ) در متن خود استفاده نکرده اید . %3$sسعی کنید چند تیتر به متن خود اضافه کنید %2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sتوزی زیرعنوان%2$s: %3$d بخش متن شما بیش از %4$d واژه است و با هیچ یک از زیرعنوان ها جدا نمی شود. %5$sزیرعنوان ها را برای بهبود خوانایی اضافه کنید%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sتوزیع تیتر در متن %2$s: خیلی عالی !"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sطول جمله %2$s: %3$s از جملاتی که در متن استفاده کرده اید بیشتر از %4$s کلمه دارند , که بیشتر از حداکثر توصیه شده %5$s است . %6$sسعی کنید جملات خود را کوتاه تر کنید %2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sطول جمله %2$s: خیلی خوب !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sجملات متوالی %2$s: تنوع کافی در جملات شما وجود دارد. خیلی عالیه!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sجملات پیوسته%2$s: متن حاوی %4$d مواردی است که %3$d یا بیشتر جملات متوالی با کلمه مشابه شروع می شود. %5$sسعی کنید همه چیز را مخلوط کنید%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sصدای مجهول%2$s: شما از صدای فعال کافی استفاده می کنید. بسیار عالی!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sطول پاراگراف %2$s: %3$dاز پاراگراف ها حاوی بیش از حداکثر پیشنهادی %4$d کلمه است. %5$sپاراگرافهای خود را کوتاه کنید%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sطول پاراگراف %2$s:هیچ یک از پاراگراف های شما بیش از حد طولانی نیستند. خیلی عالی !"],"Good job!":["آفرین!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sسهولت خواندن فلاش%2$s: کپی نمرات %3$s در آزمون، که %4$s برای خواندن در نظر گرفته شده است. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["برای دیدن پیشنمایش محتوا اسکرول کنید."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["خطایی در ارزیابی '%1$s' رخ داده است"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s از کلمات حاوی %2$s روی %3$s سیلاب %4$s، که بیش از حداکثر توصیه شده از %5$s است."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s از کلمات حاوی %2$s روی %3$s سیلاب %4$s، که کمتر از یا برابر حداکثر توصیه شده از %5$s است."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["این کمی کمتر از حداقلل توصیه شده %5$d کلمه است.%3$s کمی بیشتر اضافه کنید%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["توضیحات متا حاوی %1$d جمله %2$s بیش از %3$s کلمه %4$s است. سعی کنید جملات را کوتاه‌تر کنید."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["توضیحات متا شامل هیچ جمله %1$s بیش از %2$s کلمه %3$s نیست."],"Mobile preview":["پیش نمایش موبایل"],"Desktop preview":["پیش نمایش دسکتاپ"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["لطفا یک عنوان سئو با ویرایش متن زیرارائه دهید."],"Meta description preview:":["پیش نمایش متای توضیحات:"],"Slug preview:":["پیش نمایش نامک:"],"SEO title preview:":["پیش نمایش عنوان سئو:"],"Close snippet editor":["بستن ویرایشگر اسنیپت"],"Slug":["نامک"],"Remove marks in the text":["علامات را در نوشته پاک کنید"],"Mark this result in the text":["علامت زدن این نتیجه در متن"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["علائم در نمای جاری غیرفعال هستند"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["بهینه سازی محتوا: امتیاز سئوی خوب"],"Good SEO score":["نمره خوب سئو"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["بهینه‌سازی محتوا: نمره قابل قبول سئو"],"OK SEO score":["امتیاز سئوی قابل قبول"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["بهینه سازی محتوا: بازخورد دارد"],"Feedback":["بازخورد"],"ok":["تأیید"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["لطفا با ویرایش متن زیر توضیحات متا را ارائه دهید."],"Edit snippet":["ویرایش اسنیپت"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["شما می توانید برای ورود به ویرایشگر محدوده، روی هر پارامتر در پیش نمایش کلیک کنید."],"SEO title":["عنوان سئو"],"Needs improvement":["به بهبود نیاز دارد"],"Good":["خوب"],"very difficult":["خیلی سخت"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["سعی کنید برای خوانایی بیشتر جمله ها رو کوتاه تر، از کلمه های با سختی کمتر استفاده کنید"],"difficult":["سخت"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["تلاش کنید جملات کوتاه‌تر برای بهبود خوانایی بسازید"],"fairly difficult":["واقعا سخت"],"OK":["تایید"],"fairly easy":["واقعا آسان"],"easy":["آسان"],"very easy":["خیلی راحت"],"Meta description":["توضیح متا"],"Snippet preview":["پیش نمایش اسنیپت"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-fr_CA.json DELETED
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"fr_CA"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Faire défiler pour voir l’aperçu du contenu."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Une erreur s’est produite dans l’analyse « %1$s »"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est supérieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est inférieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La méta description contient %1$d phrase %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir cette phrase.","La méta description contient %1$d phrases %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir ces phrases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La méta description ne contient aucune phrase %1$sde plus de %2$s mots%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Prévisualisation \"Mobile\""],"Desktop preview":["Prévisualisation \"PC de bureau\""],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir un titre SEO en modifiant l’extrait ci-dessous."],"Meta description preview:":["Aperçu de la méta description :"],"Slug preview:":["Aperçu de l’identifiant :"],"SEO title preview:":["Aperçu du titre SEO :"],"Close snippet editor":["Fermer l’éditeur d’extrait"],"Slug":["Identifiant"],"Remove marks in the text":["Retirer toutes les marques du texte"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marquer ce résultat dans le texte"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Les marques sont désactivés dans la vue actuelle"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Bon score SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Bon score SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Score SEO OK"],"OK SEO score":["Score SEO OK"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimisation du contenu : Retour disponible"],"Feedback":["Retour"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir une méta description en modifiant l’extrait ci-dessous."],"Edit snippet":["Modifier l’extrait"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Vous pouvez cliquez sur n’importe quel élément de l’aperçu pour retourner dans l’éditeur d’extrait."],"SEO title":["Titre SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Besoin d’amélioration"],"Good":["Bon"],"very difficult":["très difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["assez difficile"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["assez facile"],"easy":["facile"],"very easy":["très facile"],"Meta description":["Méta description"],"Snippet preview":["Aperçu de l’extrait"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-fr_FR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sTest de lisibilité Flesch%2$s : Votre contenu obtient %3$s au test, ce qui est considéré comme %4$s à lire. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, %1$d ont des textes alternatifs qui contiennent votre requête cible ou ses synonymes. C’est un peu trop. %4$sN’utilisez ces termes que lorsqu’ils correspondent réellement à l’image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, seulement %1$d a un texte alternatif qui reflète le sujet de votre texte. %4$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs pertinents%5$s !","%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, seulement %1$d ont un texte alternatif qui reflète le sujet de votre texte. %4$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs pertinents%5$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%3$s : Les images de cette publication n’ont pas de texte alternatif qui reflètent le sujet de votre texte. %2$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs qui seraient pertinents%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%3$s : Les images de cette publication ont des textes alternatifs mais vous n’avez pas défini de requête cible. %2$sRenseignez-en une%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : %3$s de vos intertitres de haut-niveau reflète le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !","%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : %3$s de vos intertitres de haut-niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : Vos intertitres de haut niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%3$s : %2$sUtilisez plus souvent la requête cible ou ses synonymes dans vos intertitres de haut niveau%3$s !"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTitre de niveau 1%3$s : Les H1 ne devraient être utilisés que pour votre titre principal. Trouvez-les dans votre texte et %2$spassez-les à un niveau inférieur%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée 0 fois. C’est moins que le minimum requis de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est moins que le minimum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est moins que le minimum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée %3$d fois. C’est très bien !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée %3$d fois. C’est très bien !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sMots-outils dans la requête%3$s : Votre requête « %4$s » contient uniquement des mots-outils. %2$sApprenez à concevoir de bonnes requêtes.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%3$s : %2$sSaisissez une requête pour calculer votre score SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%2$s : Plus de la moitié de votre requête apparaît dans le slug. C’est super !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%3$s : (Une partie de) votre requête n’apparaît pas dans le slug. %2$sAjoutez-en plus%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Tous les mots de votre requête « %4$s » n’apparaissent pas dans le méta titre. %2$sEssayez d’utiliser les mêmes mots dans le même ordre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Votre méta titre ne contient pas tous les mots. %2$sEssayez d’utiliser les mêmes mots dans le même ordre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Les mots de votre requête apparaissent dans le méta titre, mais pas au début. %2$sEssayez de les déplacez%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%2$s : Les mots de votre requête apparaissent au début de votre méta titre. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%3$s : inégale. Certaines parties de votre texte ne contiennent ni la requête, ni ses synonymes. %2$sDistribuez-les plus équitablement%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%3$s : très inégale. De grandes parties de votre texte ne contiennent ni votre requête, ni ses synonymes. %2$sDistribuez-les plus équitablement%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de requête%3$s : %2$sÉcrivez votre requête ou ses synonymes dans le texte afin que nous puissions calculer leur distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sRequête déjà utilisée%6$s : Vous avez déjà utilisé cette requête %1$s%2$d fois%3$s. %5$sN’utilisez votre requête qu’une seule fois%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sRequête déjà utilisée%5$s : Vous avez déjà utilisé cette requête %1$sune fois%2$s. %4$sNe l’utilisez pas plus d’une fois%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sRequête déjà utilisée%2$s : Vous n’avez jamais utilisé cette requête, très bien."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sMots d’arrêt dans le slug%3$s : Le slug de cette page contient un mot d’arrêt. %2$sRetirez-le%3$s !","%1$sMots d’arrêt dans le slug%3$s : Le slug de cette page contient des mots d’arrêt. %2$sRetirez-les%3$s !"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug trop long%3$s : Le slug de cette page est un peu trop long. %2$sRaccourcissez-le%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sTexte alternatif des images%3$s : Il n’y a pas d’image dans cette page. %2$sAjoutez-en%3$s !"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sAncre avec la requête cible%3$s : Vous faites un lien vers une autre page avec les mots de votre requête. %2$sNe faites pas ça%3$s !"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["C’est très en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s.","C’est très en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["C’est en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s.","C’est en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongueur du contenu%4$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mot.","%2$sLongueur du contenu%4$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mots."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongueur du contenu%3$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mot. Bon travail !","%2$sLongueur du contenu%3$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mots. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%3$s : Plus de 75%% de vos intertitres de haut niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. C’est trop. %2$sNe sur-optimisez pas%3$s !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%3$s : %2$sVeuillez créer un méta titre%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%3$s : Le méta titre est trop court. %2$sUtilisez l’espace disponible pour ajouter des variantes ou des appels à l’action%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLiens externes%2$s : Il y a des liens nofollow et des liens normaux dans cette page. Bon travail !"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLiens externes%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLiens externes%3$s : Tous les liens externes de cette page sont en nofollow. %2$sAjoutez des liens normaux%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLiens externes%3$s : Il n’y a pas de lien externe dans cette page. %2$sAjoutez-en%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : La méta description fait plus de %4$d caractères. Pour vous assurer qu’elle soit entièrement visible, %2$svous devriez la raccourcir%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : La méta description est trop courte (en dessous de %4$d caractères). Vous pouvez aller jusqu’à %5$d caractères, %2$sutilisez cet espace%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : Aucune méta description n’a été renseignée. Les moteurs de recherches afficheront du contenu de la page à la place. %2$sAssurez-vous d’en écrire une%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La méta description a été renseignée mais elle ne contient pas la requête. %3$sAjoutez-la%4$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La méta description contient la requête %3$s fois, ce qui est supérieur au maximum conseillé de 2 fois. %4$sRéfrénez-vous%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La requête ou son synonyme apparaît dans la méta description. Parfait !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongueur de la requête%5$s : La requête fait %1$d mots. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %2$d mots. %4$sChoisissez-en une plus courte%5$s !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongueur de la requête%5$s : La requête fait %1$d mots. C’est au delà du maximum recommandé de %2$d mots. %4$sChoisissez-en une plus courte%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%3$s : Aucune requête cible n’a été définie pour cette page. %2$sRenseignez une requête afin de calculer votre score SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%3$s : Votre requête ou ses synonymes n’apparaissent pas dans le premier paragraphe. %2$sAssurez-vous que le sujet soit rapidement évoqué%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%3$s : Votre requête ou ses synonymes apparaissent dans le premier paragraphe de la publication mais pas dans la même phrase. %2$sCorrigez ce point%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sMaillage interne%2$s : Il y a aussi bien des liens internes en nofollow que des liens normaux sur cette page. Bien joué !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sMaillage interne%2$s : Vous avez assez de liens internes. Bon travail !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sMaillage interne%3$s : Les liens internes dans cette page sont tous en nofollow. %2$sAjoutez donc de bons liens internes%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sMaillage interne%3$s : Il n’y a aucun lien interne dans cette page, %2$sassurez-vous d’en ajouter%3$s !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Seulement %3$s des phrases contiennent des mots de transition, ce qui n’est pas suffisant. %4$sUtilisez-en plus souvent%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Aucune de vos phrases ne contient de mots de transition. %3$sUtilisez-en%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sPas assez de contenu%2$s : %3$sVeuillez ajouter du contenu pour permettre une bonne analyse%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Vous n’utilisez pas d’intertitres mais votre contenu est suffisamment court pour ne pas en mériter."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Vous n’utilisez pas d’intertitres alors que votre contenu est relativement long. %3$sEssayez d’en ajouter%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : %3$d section de votre contenu fait plus de %4$d mots et n’est pas séparée par des intertitres. %5$sAjoutez-en pour améliorer la lisibilité%2$s.","%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : %3$d sections de votre contenu font plus de %4$d mots et ne sont pas séparées par des intertitres. %5$sAjoutez-en pour améliorer la lisibilité%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLongueur de phrase%2$s : %3$s des phrases contiennent plus de %4$s mots, ce qui est au delà du ratio maximum recommandé de %5$s. %6$sEssayez de raccourcir vos phrases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongueur de phrase%2$s : Très bien !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Il y a suffisamment de variété dans vos phrases. C’est super !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Le texte contient %3$d phrases consécutives qui commencent avec le même mot. %5$sAjoutez un peu de variété%2$s !","%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Le texte contient %4$d instances dans lesquelles %3$d phrases consécutives ou plus commencent avec le même mot. %5$sAjoutez un peu de variété%2$s !"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoix passive%2$s : %3$s des phrases sont à la forme passive, ce qui est au delà du ratio maximum recommandé de %4$s. %5$sPassez plutôt à la voix active%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoix passive%2$s : Vous utilisez suffisamment la voix active. C’est super !"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : %3$d des paragraphes font plus du maximum recommandé de %4$d mots. %5$sRaccourcissez vos paragraphes%2$s !","%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : %3$d des paragraphes font plus du maximum recommandé de %4$d mots. %5$sRaccourcissez vos paragraphes%2$s !"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : Aucun de vos paragraphes n’est trop long. Bon travail !"],"Good job!":["Bon travail !"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sTest de lisibilité Flesch%2$s : Votre contenu obtient %3$s au test, ce qui est considéré comme %4$s à lire. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Faites défiler pour voir la prévisualisation du contenu."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Une erreur s’est produite dans l’analyse « %1$s »"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est supérieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est inférieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Vous êtes est légèrement en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez un peu plus de contenu%4$s.","Vous êtes est légèrement en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez un peu plus de contenu%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La méta description contient %1$d phrase %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir cette phrase.","La méta description contient %1$d phrases %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir ces phrases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La méta description ne contient aucune phrase %1$sde plus de %2$s mots%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Prévisualisation \"Mobile\""],"Desktop preview":["Prévisualisation \"PC de bureau\""],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir un méta titre en modifiant le champ ci-dessous."],"Meta description preview:":["Prévisualisation de la méta description :"],"Slug preview:":["Prévisualisation du slug :"],"SEO title preview:":["Prévisualisation du méta titre :"],"Close snippet editor":["Fermer l’éditeur de métadonnées"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Retirer toutes les marques du texte"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marquer ce résultat dans le texte"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Les marques sont désactivés dans la vue actuelle"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Bon score SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Bon score SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Score SEO OK"],"OK SEO score":["Score SEO OK"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimisation du contenu : Retour disponible"],"Feedback":["Retour"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir une méta description en modifiant le champ ci-dessous."],"Edit snippet":["Modifier les métadonnées"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Vous pouvez cliquez sur n’importe quel élément de la prévisualisation pour retourner dans l’éditeur de métadonnées."],"SEO title":["Méta titre"],"Needs improvement":["Besoin d’amélioration"],"Good":["Bon"],"very difficult":["très difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Essayez de faire des phrases plus courtes, en utilisant des mots moins compliqués afin d’améliorer la lisibilité"],"difficult":["difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Essayez de faire des phrases plus courtes pour améliorer la lisibilité"],"fairly difficult":["assez difficile"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["assez facile"],"easy":["facile"],"very easy":["très facile"],"Meta description":["Méta description"],"Snippet preview":["Prévisualisation des métadonnées"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Optimisation du contenu : a besoin d’améliorations"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sTest de lisibilité Flesch%2$s : Votre contenu obtient %3$s au test, ce qui est considéré comme %4$s à lire. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, %1$d ont des textes alternatifs qui contiennent votre requête cible ou ses synonymes. C’est un peu trop. %4$sN’utilisez ces termes que lorsqu’ils correspondent réellement à l’image%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, seulement %1$d a un texte alternatif qui reflète le sujet de votre texte. %4$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs pertinents%5$s !","%3$sTextes alternatifs%5$s : Sur %2$d images de cette publication, seulement %1$d ont un texte alternatif qui reflète le sujet de votre texte. %4$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs pertinents%5$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%3$s : Les images de cette publication n’ont pas de texte alternatif qui reflètent le sujet de votre texte. %2$sAjoutez votre requête cible ou ses synonymes aux textes alternatifs qui seraient pertinents%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sTextes alternatifs%3$s : Les images de cette publication ont des textes alternatifs mais vous n’avez pas défini de requête cible. %2$sRenseignez-en une%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : %3$s de vos intertitres de haut-niveau reflète le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !","%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : %3$s de vos intertitres de haut-niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%2$s : Vos intertitres de haut niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%3$s : %2$sUtilisez plus souvent la requête cible ou ses synonymes dans vos intertitres de haut niveau%3$s !"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTitre de niveau 1%3$s : Les H1 ne devraient être utilisés que pour votre titre principal. Trouvez-les dans votre texte et %2$spassez-les à un niveau inférieur%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée 0 fois. C’est moins que le minimum requis de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est moins que le minimum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est moins que le minimum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sConcentrez-vous sur votre requête%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée %3$d fois. C’est très bien !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvée %3$d fois. C’est très bien !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !","%1$sDensité de requête%2$s : La requête cible a été trouvé %5$d fois. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %3$d fois pour un texte de cette taille. %4$sNe sur-optimisez pas%2$s !"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sMots-outils dans la requête%3$s : Votre requête « %4$s » contient uniquement des mots-outils. %2$sApprenez à concevoir de bonnes requêtes.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%3$s : %2$sSaisissez une requête pour calculer votre score SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%2$s : Plus de la moitié de votre requête apparaît dans le slug. C’est super !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%3$s : (Une partie de) votre requête n’apparaît pas dans le slug. %2$sAjoutez-en plus%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sRequête dans le slug%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Tous les mots de votre requête « %4$s » n’apparaissent pas dans le méta titre. %2$sEssayez d’utiliser les mêmes mots dans le même ordre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Votre méta titre ne contient pas tous les mots. %2$sEssayez d’utiliser les mêmes mots dans le même ordre%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%3$s : Les mots de votre requête apparaissent dans le méta titre, mais pas au début. %2$sEssayez de les déplacez%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sRequête dans le titre%2$s : Les mots de votre requête apparaissent au début de votre méta titre. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%3$s : inégale. Certaines parties de votre texte ne contiennent ni la requête, ni ses synonymes. %2$sDistribuez-les plus équitablement%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de la requête%3$s : très inégale. De grandes parties de votre texte ne contiennent ni votre requête, ni ses synonymes. %2$sDistribuez-les plus équitablement%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribution de requête%3$s : %2$sÉcrivez votre requête ou ses synonymes dans le texte afin que nous puissions calculer leur distribution%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sRequête déjà utilisée%6$s : Vous avez déjà utilisé cette requête %1$s%2$d fois%3$s. %5$sN’utilisez votre requête qu’une seule fois%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sRequête déjà utilisée%5$s : Vous avez déjà utilisé cette requête %1$sune fois%2$s. %4$sNe l’utilisez pas plus d’une fois%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sRequête déjà utilisée%2$s : Vous n’avez jamais utilisé cette requête, très bien."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sMots d’arrêt dans le slug%3$s : Le slug de cette page contient un mot d’arrêt. %2$sRetirez-le%3$s !","%1$sMots d’arrêt dans le slug%3$s : Le slug de cette page contient des mots d’arrêt. %2$sRetirez-les%3$s !"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug trop long%3$s : Le slug de cette page est un peu trop long. %2$sRaccourcissez-le%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sTexte alternatif des images%3$s : Il n’y a pas d’image dans cette page. %2$sAjoutez-en%3$s !"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sAncre avec la requête cible%3$s : Vous faites un lien vers une autre page avec les mots de votre requête. %2$sNe faites pas ça%3$s !"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["C’est très en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s.","C’est très en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["C’est en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s.","C’est en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez plus de contenu%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLongueur du contenu%4$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mot.","%2$sLongueur du contenu%4$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mots."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLongueur du contenu%3$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mot. Bon travail !","%2$sLongueur du contenu%3$s : Le contenu a une longueur de %1$d mots. Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sRequête en intertitre%3$s : Plus de 75%% de vos intertitres de haut niveau reflètent le sujet de votre contenu. C’est trop. %2$sNe sur-optimisez pas%3$s !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%3$s : %2$sVeuillez créer un méta titre%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sLargeur de méta titre%3$s : Le méta titre est plus large que la limite visible. %2$sEssayez de le raccourcir%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de méta titre%3$s : Le méta titre est trop court. %2$sUtilisez l’espace disponible pour ajouter des variantes ou des appels à l’action%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLiens externes%2$s : Il y a des liens nofollow et des liens normaux dans cette page. Bon travail !"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLiens externes%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLiens externes%3$s : Tous les liens externes de cette page sont en nofollow. %2$sAjoutez des liens normaux%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLiens externes%3$s : Il n’y a pas de lien externe dans cette page. %2$sAjoutez-en%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : La méta description fait plus de %4$d caractères. Pour vous assurer qu’elle soit entièrement visible, %2$svous devriez la raccourcir%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : La méta description est trop courte (en dessous de %4$d caractères). Vous pouvez aller jusqu’à %5$d caractères, %2$sutilisez cet espace%3$s !"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLongueur de méta description%3$s : Aucune méta description n’a été renseignée. Les moteurs de recherches afficheront du contenu de la page à la place. %2$sAssurez-vous d’en écrire une%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La méta description a été renseignée mais elle ne contient pas la requête. %3$sAjoutez-la%4$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La méta description contient la requête %3$s fois, ce qui est supérieur au maximum conseillé de 2 fois. %4$sRéfrénez-vous%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sRequête dans la méta description%2$s : La requête ou son synonyme apparaît dans la méta description. Parfait !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongueur de la requête%5$s : La requête fait %1$d mots. C’est bien plus que le maximum recommandé de %2$d mots. %4$sChoisissez-en une plus courte%5$s !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLongueur de la requête%5$s : La requête fait %1$d mots. C’est au delà du maximum recommandé de %2$d mots. %4$sChoisissez-en une plus courte%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLongueur de la requête%3$s : Aucune requête cible n’a été définie pour cette page. %2$sRenseignez une requête afin de calculer votre score SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%3$s : Votre requête ou ses synonymes n’apparaissent pas dans le premier paragraphe. %2$sAssurez-vous que le sujet soit rapidement évoqué%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%3$s : Votre requête ou ses synonymes apparaissent dans le premier paragraphe de la publication mais pas dans la même phrase. %2$sCorrigez ce point%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sRequête dans l’introduction%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sMaillage interne%2$s : Il y a aussi bien des liens internes en nofollow que des liens normaux sur cette page. Bien joué !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sMaillage interne%2$s : Vous avez assez de liens internes. Bon travail !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sMaillage interne%3$s : Les liens internes dans cette page sont tous en nofollow. %2$sAjoutez donc de bons liens internes%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sMaillage interne%3$s : Il n’y a aucun lien interne dans cette page, %2$sassurez-vous d’en ajouter%3$s !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Parfait !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Seulement %3$s des phrases contiennent des mots de transition, ce qui n’est pas suffisant. %4$sUtilisez-en plus souvent%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sMots de transition%2$s : Aucune de vos phrases ne contient de mots de transition. %3$sUtilisez-en%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sPas assez de contenu%2$s : %3$sVeuillez ajouter du contenu pour permettre une bonne analyse%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Vous n’utilisez pas d’intertitres mais votre contenu est suffisamment court pour ne pas en mériter."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Vous n’utilisez pas d’intertitres alors que votre contenu est relativement long. %3$sEssayez d’en ajouter%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : %3$d section de votre contenu fait plus de %4$d mots et n’est pas séparée par des intertitres. %5$sAjoutez-en pour améliorer la lisibilité%2$s.","%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : %3$d sections de votre contenu font plus de %4$d mots et ne sont pas séparées par des intertitres. %5$sAjoutez-en pour améliorer la lisibilité%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribution des intertitres%2$s : Bon travail !"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLongueur de phrase%2$s : %3$s des phrases contiennent plus de %4$s mots, ce qui est au delà du ratio maximum recommandé de %5$s. %6$sEssayez de raccourcir vos phrases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLongueur de phrase%2$s : Très bien !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Il y a suffisamment de variété dans vos phrases. C’est super !"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Le texte contient %3$d phrases consécutives qui commencent avec le même mot. %5$sAjoutez un peu de variété%2$s !","%1$sPhrases consécutives%2$s : Le texte contient %4$d instances dans lesquelles %3$d phrases consécutives ou plus commencent avec le même mot. %5$sAjoutez un peu de variété%2$s !"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoix passive%2$s : %3$s des phrases sont à la forme passive, ce qui est au delà du ratio maximum recommandé de %4$s. %5$sPassez plutôt à la voix active%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoix passive%2$s : Vous utilisez suffisamment la voix active. C’est super !"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : %3$d des paragraphes font plus du maximum recommandé de %4$d mots. %5$sRaccourcissez vos paragraphes%2$s !","%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : %3$d des paragraphes font plus du maximum recommandé de %4$d mots. %5$sRaccourcissez vos paragraphes%2$s !"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLongueur des paragraphes%2$s : Aucun de vos paragraphes n’est trop long. Bon travail !"],"Good job!":["Bon travail !"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sTest de lisibilité Flesch%2$s : Votre contenu obtient %3$s au test, ce qui est considéré comme %4$s à lire. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Faites défiler pour voir la prévisualisation du contenu."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Une erreur s’est produite dans l’analyse « %1$s »"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est supérieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s des mots contiennent %2$splus que %3$s syllabes%4$s, ce qui est inférieur ou égale à la valeur maximale recommandée de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Vous êtes est légèrement en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mot. %3$sAjoutez un peu plus de contenu%4$s.","Vous êtes est légèrement en dessous du minimum recommandé de %5$d mots. %3$sAjoutez un peu plus de contenu%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La méta description contient %1$d phrase %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir cette phrase.","La méta description contient %1$d phrases %2$sde plus de %3$s mots%4$s. Essayez de raccourcir ces phrases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La méta description ne contient aucune phrase %1$sde plus de %2$s mots%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Prévisualisation \"Mobile\""],"Desktop preview":["Prévisualisation \"PC de bureau\""],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir un méta titre en modifiant le champ ci-dessous."],"Meta description preview:":["Prévisualisation de la méta description :"],"Slug preview:":["Prévisualisation du slug :"],"SEO title preview:":["Prévisualisation du méta titre :"],"Close snippet editor":["Fermer l’éditeur de métadonnées"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Retirer toutes les marques du texte"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marquer ce résultat dans le texte"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Les marques sont désactivés dans la vue actuelle"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Bon score SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Bon score SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimisation du contenu : Score SEO OK"],"OK SEO score":["Score SEO OK"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimisation du contenu : Retour disponible"],"Feedback":["Retour"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Merci de fournir une méta description en modifiant le champ ci-dessous."],"Edit snippet":["Modifier les métadonnées"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Vous pouvez cliquez sur n’importe quel élément de la prévisualisation pour retourner dans l’éditeur de métadonnées."],"SEO title":["Méta titre"],"Needs improvement":["Besoin d’amélioration"],"Good":["Bon"],"very difficult":["très difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Essayez de faire des phrases plus courtes, en utilisant des mots moins compliqués afin d’améliorer la lisibilité"],"difficult":["difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Essayez de faire des phrases plus courtes pour améliorer la lisibilité"],"fairly difficult":["assez difficile"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["assez facile"],"easy":["facile"],"very easy":["très facile"],"Meta description":["Méta description"],"Snippet preview":["Prévisualisation des métadonnées"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-gl_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"gl_ES"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFacilidade de lectura Flesch%2$s: Oescrito puntúa %3$s na proba, o que se considera %4$s de ler. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, %1$d teñeen atributos alt con palabras da túa frase clave ou sinónimos. Iso é demasiado. %4$sInclúe a frase clave ou sus sinónimos so cando realmente encaixen na imaxe%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxe%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, só %1$d ten un atributo alt que reflexa o tema do teu texto. %4$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes máis relevantes%5$s!","%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, só %1$d teñen atributos alt que reflexan o tema do teu texto. %4$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes máis relevantes%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos de imaxe alt%3$s: As imaxes desta páxina non teñen atributos alt que reflexen o tema do teu texto. %2$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes relevantes%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxes%3$s: As imaxes desta páxina teñen atributos alt, pero non estableciches a túa frase clave. %2$sCorrixe iso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: %3$s dos teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema do teu texto. Bo traballo!","%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: %3$s dos teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema de tu texto. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: Os teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema do teu texto Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%3$s: %2$sUsa máis frases clave ou sinónimos nos teus subtítulos de nivel superior%3$s! "],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTítulo único%3$s: Só deberías usar H1 como o teu título principal. Encontra tódolos H1 no teu texto que non sexan o título principal e %2$scámbiaos a un nivel de encabezado inferior%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxetivo atopouse 0 veces. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con ista lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %3$d vez. Iso é xenial!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %3$d veces Iso está xenial!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sPalabras funcionais na frase clave%3$s: A túa frase clave \"%4$s\" só ten palabras funcionais. %2$sAprende cómo é unha boa frase clave%3$s "],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%3$s: %2$sDefine unha frase clave para calcular a túa puntuación SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%2$s: Máis da mitade da túa frase clave aparece no slug. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%3$s: (Parte da) túa frase clave non aparece no slug. %2$sCambia eso%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%2$s: Gran traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: Non todas as palabras da túa frase clave \"%4$s\" aparecen no título SEO. %2$sTrata de usar exactamente a túa mesma frase clave no título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: Non coincide de todo.. %2$sTrata de escribir exactamente a túa mesma frase clave no título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: A frase clave obxectivo exacta aparece no título SEO, pero non ao principio. %2$sTrata de movela ao principio%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no título%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo exacta aparece ao principio do título SEO. Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%2$s: Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Desigual. Algunhas partes do teu texto non ten a frase clave ou os seus sinónimos. %2$sPódelas distribuir de forma máis uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Moi desigual. Grandes partes do teu texto non teñen a frase clave ou os seus sinónimos. %2$sPódelas distribuir de forma máis uniforme%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: %2$sInclúe a túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos no texto para que podamos comprobar a distribución da frase clave%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clave usada previamente%6$s: Usaches esta frase clave obxectivo %1$s%2$d veces antes%3$s. %5$sNon uses a túa frase clave obxectivo máis dunha vez%6$s. "],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clave usada previamente%5$s: Usaches esta frase clave obxectivo %1$sunha vez xa%2$s. %4$sNon uses a túa frase clave obxectivo máis dunha vez%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clave usada previamente%2$s: No usaches antes esta frase clave obxectivo, moi ben."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sPalabras vacías no slug%3$s: O slug desta páxina ten unha palabra vacía. %2$sTes que quitala%3$s!","%1$sPalabras vacías no slug%3$s: O slug desta páxina ten palabras vacías. %2$sTes que quitalas%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug demasiado longo%3$s: o slug desta páxina é un pouco longa. %2$sTes que recortala%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxe%3$s: Non hai imaxes nesta páxina. %2$sTes que engadir algunha%3$s! "],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLigazón da frase clave obxectivo%3$s: Estás engadindo a outra páxina cas palabras coas que queres posicionar esta páxina. %2$sNon fagas eso%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está moi por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s.","Esto está moi por debaixo do mínimo de %5$d palabras. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s.","Esto está por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLonxitude do texto%4$s: O texto ten %1$d palabra.","%2$sLonxitude do texto%4$s: O texto ten %1$d palabras."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLonxitude do texto%3$s: O texto ten %1$d palabra. Bo traballo!","%2$sLonxitude do texto%3$s: O texto ten %1$d palabras. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%3$s: Máis do 75%% dos teus subtítulos de primeiro nivel reflexan o tema do teu texto. Eso é demasiado. %2$sNon sobre-optimices%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%3$s: %2$sPor favor, crea un título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%2$s: Bo traballo!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%3$s: O título SEO é demasiado curto. %2$sUsa o espazo para engadir variacións de palabras clave ou para crear un texto que anime a unha acción%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%2$s: Hai ligazóns saintes nofollow e normales nesta páxina. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%2$s: ¡Bo traballo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%3$s: Tódalas ligazóns saintes desta páxina son nofollow. %2$sEngade algúnha ligazón normal%3$s. "],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLigazóns salientes%3$s: Non hai ligazóns saintes nesta páxina. %2$sTe que engadir algún%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: A meta description ten máis de %4$d caracteres. Asegúrate de que sexa visible toda a description, %2$sdeberías reducir a súa lonxitude%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: A meta description é demasiado curta (menos de %4$d caracteres). Hai ata %5$d caracteres dispoñibles. %2$sTes que usar o espacio%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: Non se especificou ningunha meta description. Os motores de busca mostrarán no seu lugar texto da páxina. %2$sAsegúrate de escribir unha%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A meta description especificouse, pero non teñen a frase clave obxectivo. %3$sTes que arranxar eso%4$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A meta description ten a palabra clave obxectivo %3$s veces, que é máis do máximo recomendado de 2 veces. %4$sLimita iso%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo ou o sinónimo aparece na meta description. Ben feito!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLonxitude da frase clave%5$s: A frase clave ten %1$d palabras. É moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. %4$sFaina máis curta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLonxitude da frase clave%5$s: A frase clave ten %1$d palabras. É máis que o máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. %4$sFaina máis curta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%2$s: Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%3$s: Non se ten establecida unha frase clave obxectivo para esta páxina. %2$sEstablece unha frase clave obxectivo para calcular a túa puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave na introducción%3$s: A túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos non aparecen no primeiro párrafo. %2$sAsegúrate de que o debate esté baleiro inmediatamente%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na introducción%3$s: A túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos aparecen no primeiro párrafo do texto, pero non dentro de unah frase. %2$sArranxa iso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave na introdución%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%2$s: Nesta páxina hai ligazóns internas nofollow e normais. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%2$s: Tes ligazóns internas dabondo. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sLigazóns internas%3$s: As ligazóns internas desta páxina son todos nofollow. %2$sEngade algúnha boa ligazóns interna%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%3$s: Non hai ligazóns internas nesta páxina, %2$sAsegúrate de engadir algunha%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Só %3$s das frases teñen palabras de transición, e non é dabondo. %4$sUsa algunhas máis%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ningunha das frases teñen palabras de transición. %3$sUsa algunha%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNon hai suficiente contido%2$s: %3$sPor favor, engade algo de contido para permitir unha boa análise%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Non estás usando ningún subtítulo, pero o teu texto é bastante curto e probablemente non os necesite."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Non estás usando ningún subtítulo, ainda que o tu texto es bastante longo. %3$sProba a engadir algún subtítulo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d sección do teu texto ten máis de %4$d palabras e non está separada por ningún subtítulo. %5$sEngade subtítulos para mellorar a lexibilidade%2$s.","%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d seccións do teu texto ten máis de %4$d palabras e non están separadas por ningún subtítulo. %5$sEngade subtítulos para mellorar a lexibilidade%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Fantástico traballo!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLonxitude das frases%2$s: %3$s das frases teñen máis de %4$s palabras, que é máis do máximo recomendado de %5$s. %6$sTrata de acortar máis as frases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLonxitude das frases%2$s: Fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: Hai variedade dabondo nas túas frases. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: O texto ten %3$d frases consecutivas que empezan coa mesma palabra. %5$sIntenta probar cousas novas %2$s!","%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: O texto ten %4$d ocasións nas que %3$d ou máis frases consecutivas empezan coa mesma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: %3$s das frases teñen unha voz pasiva, que é máis do máximo recomendado de %4$s. %5$sIntenta usar as súas equivalentes activas%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: Estás usando suficientes voces activas. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: %3$d dos párrafos teñen máis do máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. %5$sAcorta os teus párrafos%2$s!","%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: %3$d dos párrafos teñen máis do máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. %5$sAcorta os teus párrafos%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: Nengún dos párrafos é demasiado longo. Fantástico traballo!"],"Good job!":["Bo traballo!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sProba de lexibilidade Flesch%2$s: O texto puntúa %3$s na proba, o que se considera %4$s de ler. %5$s%6$s%7$s "],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver a vista previa do contido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocorreu un erro na avaliación '%1$s' "],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s das palabras conteñen %2$s máis %3$s sílabas%4$s, o que é máis do máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s das palabras conteñen %2$s máis %3$s sílabas %4$s, que é menor ou igual que o máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Isto está lixeiramente por baixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEscribe un pouco máis%4$s.","Isto está lixeiramente por baixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEscribe un pouco máis%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["A meta descrición contén %1$d frase %2$s de máis de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acurtar esta frase.","A meta descricion contén %1$d frases %2$s de máis de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acurtar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["A meta descricion non contén frases %1$s de máis de %2$s palabras %3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa do escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor, introduce un título SEO editando o snippet de abaixo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa da meta descripción:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa do slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa do título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Pechar o editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas do texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado no texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["As marcas están desactivadas na vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización do contido. Boa puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Cualificación SEO boa"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización do contido. Puntuación SEO válida"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimización do contido: Hai recomendacións"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor, introduce unha meta descrición editando o snippet de abaixo."],"Edit snippet":["Editar snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Podes facer clic en calquera elemento dá vista previa para ir ao editor do snippet."],"SEO title":["Título SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita melloras"],"Good":["Bo"],"very difficult":["moi difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Intenta facer frases máis curtas, utilizando menos palabras difíciles para mellorar a lexibilidade."],"difficult":["difícil"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Intenta facer frases máis curtas para mellorar a lexibilidade."],"fairly difficult":["bastante difícil"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["bastante fácil"],"easy":["fácil"],"very easy":["extremadamente fácil"],"Meta description":["Meta descrición"],"Snippet preview":["Vista previa do snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"gl_ES"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":["Optimización do contido: Necesita melloras"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":["%1$sFacilidade de lectura Flesch%2$s: Oescrito puntúa %3$s na proba, o que se considera %4$s de ler. %5$s"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, %1$d teñeen atributos alt con palabras da túa frase clave ou sinónimos. Iso é demasiado. %4$sInclúe a frase clave ou sus sinónimos so cando realmente encaixen na imaxe%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxe%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, só %1$d ten un atributo alt que reflexa o tema do teu texto. %4$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes máis relevantes%5$s!","%3$sAtributos alt de imaxes%5$s: De %2$d imaxes nesta páxina, só %1$d teñen atributos alt que reflexan o tema do teu texto. %4$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes máis relevantes%5$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos de imaxe alt%3$s: As imaxes desta páxina non teñen atributos alt que reflexen o tema do teu texto. %2$sEngade a túa frase clave ou sinónimos ás etiquetas alt das imaxes relevantes%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxes%3$s: As imaxes desta páxina teñen atributos alt, pero non estableciches a túa frase clave. %2$sCorrixe iso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: %3$s dos teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema do teu texto. Bo traballo!","%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: %3$s dos teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema de tu texto. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%2$s: Os teus subtítulos de nivel superior reflexan o tema do teu texto Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%3$s: %2$sUsa máis frases clave ou sinónimos nos teus subtítulos de nivel superior%3$s! "],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sTítulo único%3$s: Só deberías usar H1 como o teu título principal. Encontra tódolos H1 no teu texto que non sexan o título principal e %2$scámbiaos a un nivel de encabezado inferior%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxetivo atopouse 0 veces. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con ista lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é menos que o mínimo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sCéntrate na túa frase clave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %3$d vez. Iso é xenial!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %3$d veces Iso está xenial!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d vez. Iso é moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!","%1$sDensidade de frase clave%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo atopouse %5$d veces. Iso é moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %3$d veces para un texto con esta lonxitude. %4$sNon sobreoptimices%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sPalabras funcionais na frase clave%3$s: A túa frase clave \"%4$s\" só ten palabras funcionais. %2$sAprende cómo é unha boa frase clave%3$s "],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%3$s: %2$sDefine unha frase clave para calcular a túa puntuación SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%2$s: Máis da mitade da túa frase clave aparece no slug. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%3$s: (Parte da) túa frase clave non aparece no slug. %2$sCambia eso%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase clave no slug%2$s: Gran traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: Non todas as palabras da túa frase clave \"%4$s\" aparecen no título SEO. %2$sTrata de usar exactamente a túa mesma frase clave no título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: Non coincide de todo.. %2$sTrata de escribir exactamente a túa mesma frase clave no título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave no título%3$s: A frase clave obxectivo exacta aparece no título SEO, pero non ao principio. %2$sTrata de movela ao principio%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase clave no título%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo exacta aparece ao principio do título SEO. Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%2$s: Bo traballo! "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Desigual. Algunhas partes do teu texto non ten a frase clave ou os seus sinónimos. %2$sPódelas distribuir de forma máis uniforme%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: Moi desigual. Grandes partes do teu texto non teñen a frase clave ou os seus sinónimos. %2$sPódelas distribuir de forma máis uniforme%3$s. "],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribución de frase clave%3$s: %2$sInclúe a túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos no texto para que podamos comprobar a distribución da frase clave%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase clave usada previamente%6$s: Usaches esta frase clave obxectivo %1$s%2$d veces antes%3$s. %5$sNon uses a túa frase clave obxectivo máis dunha vez%6$s. "],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase clave usada previamente%5$s: Usaches esta frase clave obxectivo %1$sunha vez xa%2$s. %4$sNon uses a túa frase clave obxectivo máis dunha vez%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase clave usada previamente%2$s: No usaches antes esta frase clave obxectivo, moi ben."],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sPalabras vacías no slug%3$s: O slug desta páxina ten unha palabra vacía. %2$sTes que quitala%3$s!","%1$sPalabras vacías no slug%3$s: O slug desta páxina ten palabras vacías. %2$sTes que quitalas%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug demasiado longo%3$s: o slug desta páxina é un pouco longa. %2$sTes que recortala%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAtributos alt de imaxe%3$s: Non hai imaxes nesta páxina. %2$sTes que engadir algunha%3$s! "],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLigazón da frase clave obxectivo%3$s: Estás engadindo a outra páxina cas palabras coas que queres posicionar esta páxina. %2$sNon fagas eso%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está moi por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s.","Esto está moi por debaixo do mínimo de %5$d palabras. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Esto está por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s.","Esto está por debaixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEngade máis contido%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLonxitude do texto%4$s: O texto ten %1$d palabra.","%2$sLonxitude do texto%4$s: O texto ten %1$d palabras."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLonxitude do texto%3$s: O texto ten %1$d palabra. Bo traballo!","%2$sLonxitude do texto%3$s: O texto ten %1$d palabras. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave no subtítulo%3$s: Máis do 75%% dos teus subtítulos de primeiro nivel reflexan o tema do teu texto. Eso é demasiado. %2$sNon sobre-optimices%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%3$s: %2$sPor favor, crea un título SEO%3$s. "],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%3$s: O título SEO é máis ancho que o límite visible. %2$sProba a facelo máis curto%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%2$s: Bo traballo!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sAncho do título SEO%3$s: O título SEO é demasiado curto. %2$sUsa o espazo para engadir variacións de palabras clave ou para crear un texto que anime a unha acción%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%2$s: Hai ligazóns saintes nofollow e normales nesta páxina. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%2$s: ¡Bo traballo!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLigazóns saintes%3$s: Tódalas ligazóns saintes desta páxina son nofollow. %2$sEngade algúnha ligazón normal%3$s. "],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLigazóns salientes%3$s: Non hai ligazóns saintes nesta páxina. %2$sTe que engadir algún%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: A meta description ten máis de %4$d caracteres. Asegúrate de que sexa visible toda a description, %2$sdeberías reducir a súa lonxitude%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: A meta description é demasiado curta (menos de %4$d caracteres). Hai ata %5$d caracteres dispoñibles. %2$sTes que usar o espacio%3$s! "],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLonxitude da meta description%3$s: Non se especificou ningunha meta description. Os motores de busca mostrarán no seu lugar texto da páxina. %2$sAsegúrate de escribir unha%3$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A meta description especificouse, pero non teñen a frase clave obxectivo. %3$sTes que arranxar eso%4$s! "],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A meta description ten a palabra clave obxectivo %3$s veces, que é máis do máximo recomendado de 2 veces. %4$sLimita iso%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave na meta description%2$s: A frase clave obxectivo ou o sinónimo aparece na meta description. Ben feito!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLonxitude da frase clave%5$s: A frase clave ten %1$d palabras. É moito máis que o máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. %4$sFaina máis curta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLonxitude da frase clave%5$s: A frase clave ten %1$d palabras. É máis que o máximo recomendado de %2$d palabras. %4$sFaina máis curta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%2$s: Bo traballo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLonxitude da frase clave%3$s: Non se ten establecida unha frase clave obxectivo para esta páxina. %2$sEstablece unha frase clave obxectivo para calcular a túa puntuación SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase clave na introducción%3$s: A túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos non aparecen no primeiro párrafo. %2$sAsegúrate de que o debate esté baleiro inmediatamente%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase clave na introducción%3$s: A túa frase clave ou os seus sinónimos aparecen no primeiro párrafo do texto, pero non dentro de unah frase. %2$sArranxa iso%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase clave na introdución%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%2$s: Nesta páxina hai ligazóns internas nofollow e normais. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%2$s: Tes ligazóns internas dabondo. Bo traballo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sLigazóns internas%3$s: As ligazóns internas desta páxina son todos nofollow. %2$sEngade algúnha boa ligazóns interna%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sLigazóns internas%3$s: Non hai ligazóns internas nesta páxina, %2$sAsegúrate de engadir algunha%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ben feito!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Só %3$s das frases teñen palabras de transición, e non é dabondo. %4$sUsa algunhas máis%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sPalabras de transición%2$s: Ningunha das frases teñen palabras de transición. %3$sUsa algunha%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNon hai suficiente contido%2$s: %3$sPor favor, engade algo de contido para permitir unha boa análise%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Non estás usando ningún subtítulo, pero o teu texto é bastante curto e probablemente non os necesite."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Non estás usando ningún subtítulo, ainda que o tu texto es bastante longo. %3$sProba a engadir algún subtítulo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d sección do teu texto ten máis de %4$d palabras e non está separada por ningún subtítulo. %5$sEngade subtítulos para mellorar a lexibilidade%2$s.","%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: %3$d seccións do teu texto ten máis de %4$d palabras e non están separadas por ningún subtítulo. %5$sEngade subtítulos para mellorar a lexibilidade%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribución de subtítulos%2$s: Fantástico traballo!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLonxitude das frases%2$s: %3$s das frases teñen máis de %4$s palabras, que é máis do máximo recomendado de %5$s. %6$sTrata de acortar máis as frases%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLonxitude das frases%2$s: Fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: Hai variedade dabondo nas túas frases. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: O texto ten %3$d frases consecutivas que empezan coa mesma palabra. %5$sIntenta probar cousas novas %2$s!","%1$sFrases consecutivas%2$s: O texto ten %4$d ocasións nas que %3$d ou máis frases consecutivas empezan coa mesma palabra. ¡%5$sIntenta probar cosas nuevas %2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: %3$s das frases teñen unha voz pasiva, que é máis do máximo recomendado de %4$s. %5$sIntenta usar as súas equivalentes activas%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sVoz pasiva%2$s: Estás usando suficientes voces activas. Iso é fantástico!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: %3$d dos párrafos teñen máis do máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. %5$sAcorta os teus párrafos%2$s!","%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: %3$d dos párrafos teñen máis do máximo recomendado de %4$d palabras. %5$sAcorta os teus párrafos%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLonxitude do párrafo%2$s: Nengún dos párrafos é demasiado longo. Fantástico traballo!"],"Good job!":["Bo traballo!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sProba de lexibilidade Flesch%2$s: O texto puntúa %3$s na proba, o que se considera %4$s de ler. %5$s%6$s%7$s "],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Navega para ver a vista previa do contido."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ocorreu un erro na avaliación '%1$s' "],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s das palabras conteñen %2$s máis %3$s sílabas%4$s, o que é máis do máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s das palabras conteñen %2$s máis %3$s sílabas %4$s, que é menor ou igual que o máximo recomendado de %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Isto está lixeiramente por baixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabra. %3$sEscribe un pouco máis%4$s.","Isto está lixeiramente por baixo do mínimo recomendado de %5$d palabras. %3$sEscribe un pouco máis%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["A meta descrición contén %1$d frase %2$s de máis de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acurtar esta frase.","A meta descricion contén %1$d frases %2$s de máis de %3$s palabras%4$s. Trata de acurtar estas frases."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["A meta descricion non contén frases %1$s de máis de %2$s palabras %3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Vista previa móvil"],"Desktop preview":["Vista previa do escritorio"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor, introduce un título SEO editando o snippet de abaixo."],"Meta description preview:":["Vista previa da meta descripción:"],"Slug preview:":["Vista previa do slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Vista previa do título SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Pechar o editor de snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Quitar marcas do texto"],"Mark this result in the text":["Marca este resultado no texto"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["As marcas están desactivadas na vista actual"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimización do contido. Boa puntuación SEO"],"Good SEO score":["Cualificación SEO boa"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimización do contido. 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languages/wordpress-seo-he_IL.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"he_IL"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["זה הרבה מתחת למינימום המומלץ של of %5$d מילה. %3$s הוסף עוד תוכן %4$s.","זה הרבה מתחת למינימום המומלץ של of %5$d מילים. %3$s הוסף עוד תוכן %4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sאורך הטקסט %4$s: הטקטס מכיל %1$d מילה.","%2$sאורך הטקסט %4$s: הטקטס מכיל %1$d מילים."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["גללו לראות את התצוגה המוקדמת של התוכן."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["חלה תקלה בהערכה של '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s מהמילים מכילים %2$s למעלה מ- %3$s הברות%4$s, יותר מהמקסימום המומלץ של %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s מהמילים מכילים %2$s למעלה מ- %3$s הברות%4$s, פחות מהמקסימום המומלץ של %5$s או שווה לו."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["תיאור המטא מכיל משפט %1$d %2$s עם למעלה מ- %3$s מילים%4$s. נסה לקצר את משפט זה.","תיאור המטא מכיל %1$d משפטים %2$s עם למעלה מ- %3$s מילים%4$s. נסה לקצר את משפטים אלו."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["תיאור המטא לא כולל משפטים %1$sעם למעלה מ- %2$s מילים%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["תצוגה מקדימה לנייד"],"Desktop preview":["תצוגה מקדימה למחשב"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["אנא ספק כותרת SEO על ידי עריכת הקטע המופיע למטה."],"Meta description preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של תיאור מטא:"],"Slug preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של התקציר:"],"SEO title preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של כותרת SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["סגור את עורך המקטעים"],"Slug":["מחרוזת"],"Remove marks in the text":["הסר סימונים בטקסט"],"Mark this result in the text":["סמן תוצאה זו בטקסט"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["סימונים אינם פעילים בתצוגה הנוכחית"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: ציון SEO טוב."],"Good SEO score":["דירוג SEO סביר"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: ציון SEO סביר."],"OK SEO score":["דירוג SEO חיובי"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: יש הערות."],"Feedback":["משוב"],"ok":["אישור"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["אנא ספק תיאור META באמצעות עריכת המקטעון בתחתית."],"Edit snippet":["ערוך מקטע"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["תוכלו להקליק על כל אלמנט בתצוגה המקדימה כדי לדלג לעורך התקציר"],"SEO title":["כותרת SEO"],"Needs improvement":["טעון שיפור"],"Good":["טוב"],"very difficult":["קשה מאוד"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["קשה"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["קשה למדי"],"OK":["בסדר"],"fairly easy":["קל למדי"],"easy":["קל"],"very easy":["קל מאוד"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"he_IL"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["זה הרבה מתחת למינימום המומלץ של of %5$d מילה. %3$s הוסף עוד תוכן %4$s.","זה הרבה מתחת למינימום המומלץ של of %5$d מילים. %3$s הוסף עוד תוכן %4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sאורך הטקסט %4$s: הטקטס מכיל %1$d מילה.","%2$sאורך הטקסט %4$s: הטקטס מכיל %1$d מילים."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["גללו לראות את התצוגה המוקדמת של התוכן."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["חלה תקלה בהערכה של '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s מהמילים מכילים %2$s למעלה מ- %3$s הברות%4$s, יותר מהמקסימום המומלץ של %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s מהמילים מכילים %2$s למעלה מ- %3$s הברות%4$s, פחות מהמקסימום המומלץ של %5$s או שווה לו."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["תיאור המטא מכיל משפט %1$d %2$s עם למעלה מ- %3$s מילים%4$s. נסה לקצר את משפט זה.","תיאור המטא מכיל %1$d משפטים %2$s עם למעלה מ- %3$s מילים%4$s. נסה לקצר את משפטים אלו."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["תיאור המטא לא כולל משפטים %1$sעם למעלה מ- %2$s מילים%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["תצוגה מקדימה לנייד"],"Desktop preview":["תצוגה מקדימה למחשב"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["אנא ספק כותרת SEO על ידי עריכת הקטע המופיע למטה."],"Meta description preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של תיאור מטא:"],"Slug preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של התקציר:"],"SEO title preview:":["תצוגה מקדימה של כותרת SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["סגור את עורך המקטעים"],"Slug":["מחרוזת"],"Remove marks in the text":["הסר סימונים בטקסט"],"Mark this result in the text":["סמן תוצאה זו בטקסט"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["סימונים אינם פעילים בתצוגה הנוכחית"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: ציון SEO טוב."],"Good SEO score":["דירוג SEO סביר"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: ציון SEO סביר."],"OK SEO score":["דירוג SEO חיובי"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["אופטימיזציה לתוכן: יש הערות."],"Feedback":["משוב"],"ok":["אישור"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["אנא ספק תיאור META באמצעות עריכת המקטעון בתחתית."],"Edit snippet":["ערוך מקטע"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["תוכלו להקליק על כל אלמנט בתצוגה המקדימה כדי לדלג לעורך התקציר"],"SEO title":["כותרת SEO"],"Needs improvement":["טעון שיפור"],"Good":["טוב"],"very difficult":["קשה מאוד"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["קשה"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["קשה למדי"],"OK":["בסדר"],"fairly easy":["קל למדי"],"easy":["קל"],"very easy":["קל מאוד"],"Meta description":["Meta description"],"Snippet preview":["תצוגה מקדימה"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-hr.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"hr"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sIzlazne poveznice%2$s: Odličan posao!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sDuljina rečenice%2$s: Sjajno!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Dobar posao!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Pomaknite kako bi pretpregledali sadržaj."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Pojavila se greška u '%1$s' procjeni"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s riječi sadrži %2$sviše od %3$s slogova%4$s, što je više od preporučenog maksimuma %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s riječi sadrži %2$sviše od %3$s slogova%4$s, što je manje od, ili jednako preporučenom maksimumu %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s.","Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s.","Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenicu %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenicu.","Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenice %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenice.","Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenice %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenice."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Meta opis ne sadrži rečenice %1$ss više od %2$s riječi%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilni pretpregled"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop pretpregled"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Molimo, navedite SEO naslov uređujući isječak u nastavku."],"Meta description preview:":["Pretpregled meta opisa:"],"Slug preview:":["Pretpregled sluga:"],"SEO title preview:":["Pretpregled SEO naslova:"],"Close snippet editor":["Zatvori uređivač isječaka"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Ukloni oznake (marks) u tekstu"],"Mark this result in the text":["Označi ovaj rezultat u tekstu"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Oznake (Marks) su onesposobljene u trenutnom pregledu"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimizacija sadržaja: Dobar SEO rezultat"],"Good SEO score":["Dobar SEO rezultat"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimizacija sadržaja: OK SEO rezultat"],"OK SEO score":["Ok SEO rezultat"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimizacija sadržaja: Sadrži povratni info"],"Feedback":["Povratne informacije"],"ok":["U redu"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Molimo, navedite meta opis uređujući isječak u nastavku."],"Edit snippet":["Uredi isječak"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["U pretpregledu možete kliknuti na svaki element i skočiti u Uređivač isječaka."],"SEO title":["SEO naslov"],"Needs improvement":["Treba doraditi"],"Good":["Dobro"],"very difficult":["vrlo teško"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Pokušajte pisati kraće rečenice, koristeći lakše riječi kako bi popravili čitljivost."],"difficult":["teško"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Pokušajte skratiti rečenice kako biste poboljšali čitljivost."],"fairly difficult":["prilično teško"],"OK":["u redu"],"fairly easy":["prilično jednostavno"],"easy":["jednostavno"],"very easy":["vrlo jednostavno"],"Meta description":["Meta opis"],"Snippet preview":["Pretpregled isječka"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"hr"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sIzlazne poveznice%2$s: Odličan posao!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sDuljina rečenice%2$s: Sjajno!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Dobar posao!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Pomaknite kako bi pretpregledali sadržaj."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Pojavila se greška u '%1$s' procjeni"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s riječi sadrži %2$sviše od %3$s slogova%4$s, što je više od preporučenog maksimuma %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s riječi sadrži %2$sviše od %3$s slogova%4$s, što je manje od, ili jednako preporučenom maksimumu %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s.","Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s.","Ovo je neznatno ispod preporučenog minimuma od %5$d riječi. %3$sDodajte još malo teksta%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenicu %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenicu.","Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenice %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenice.","Meta opis sadrži %1$d rečenice %2$ss više od %3$s riječi%4$s. Pokušajte skratiti rečenice."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Meta opis ne sadrži rečenice %1$ss više od %2$s riječi%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilni pretpregled"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop pretpregled"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Molimo, navedite SEO naslov uređujući isječak u nastavku."],"Meta description preview:":["Pretpregled meta opisa:"],"Slug preview:":["Pretpregled sluga:"],"SEO title preview:":["Pretpregled SEO naslova:"],"Close snippet editor":["Zatvori uređivač isječaka"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Ukloni oznake (marks) u tekstu"],"Mark this result in the text":["Označi ovaj rezultat u tekstu"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Oznake (Marks) su onesposobljene u trenutnom pregledu"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimizacija sadržaja: Dobar SEO rezultat"],"Good SEO score":["Dobar SEO rezultat"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Optimizacija sadržaja: OK SEO rezultat"],"OK SEO score":["Ok SEO rezultat"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Optimizacija sadržaja: Sadrži povratni info"],"Feedback":["Povratne informacije"],"ok":["U redu"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Molimo, navedite meta opis uređujući isječak u nastavku."],"Edit snippet":["Uredi isječak"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["U pretpregledu možete kliknuti na svaki element i skočiti u Uređivač isječaka."],"SEO title":["SEO naslov"],"Needs improvement":["Treba doraditi"],"Good":["Dobro"],"very difficult":["vrlo teško"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Pokušajte pisati kraće rečenice, koristeći lakše riječi kako bi popravili čitljivost."],"difficult":["teško"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Pokušajte skratiti rečenice kako biste poboljšali čitljivost."],"fairly difficult":["prilično teško"],"OK":["u redu"],"fairly easy":["prilično jednostavno"],"easy":["jednostavno"],"very easy":["vrlo jednostavno"],"Meta description":["Meta opis"],"Snippet preview":["Pretpregled isječka"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-hu_HU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"hu"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sBelinkelt kulcskifejezés%3$s: Azokkal szavakkal linkel át egy másik oldalra, amelyekkel ezt az oldalt szeretné jó helyen tartani a keresési eredmények sorrendjében. %2$sNe tegye%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","Ez túlságosan az ajánlott minimális%5$d szó alatt van. %3$sAdjon hozzá több tartalmat%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","Ez az ajánlott minimális%5$d szó alatt van. %3$sAdjon hozzá több tartalmat%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sSzöveg hossza%4$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sSzöveg hossza%3$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz. Szép munka!","%2$sSzöveg hossza%3$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz. Szép munka!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%3$s: %2$sKérjük készítsen egy SEO címet%3$s hosszan."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%2$s: Szép munka!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%3$s: A SEO cím túl rövid. %2$sHasználja ki a helyet: adjon hozzá kulcskifejezés-változatokat, vagy írjon egy lenyűgöző cselekvésre felhívó mondatot%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%2$s: Ezen az oldalon mind nofollow, mind normál kimenő linkek vannak. Szép munka!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%2$s: Szép munka!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sKimenő linkek%3$s: Ezen az oldalon csak nofollow kimenő linkek vannak. %2$sAdjon hozzá néhány normál linket%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%3$s: Ezen az oldalon nincs megjenítve kimenő link. %2$sAdjon hozzá néhányat%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%2$s: Nagyon jó!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: A meta leírás hossza %4$d karakter felett. Hogy a teljes leírás látható legyen, %2$scsökkentenie kell a hosszát%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: A meta leírás hossza túl rövid (kevesebb, mint %4$d karakter). %5$d karakter lehetséges. %2$sHasználja ki a helyet%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: Nincs meta leírás készítve, így a kereső motorok az oldal egy kivonatát fogják megjeleníteni. %2$sBiztosan így akarja%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A metaleírás elkészült, de nem tartalmazza a kulcskifejezést. %3$sJavítsa%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A metaleírás %3$s alkalommal tartalmazza a kulcskifejezést, amely több mint a maximálisan ajánlott 2 előfordulás. %4$sCsökkentse%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A kulcskifejezés vagy szinonimája megjelenik a metaleírásban. Remek!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Az előnézet megtekintéséhez görgessen lejjebb."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Hiba történt a '%1$s' kiértékelésekor"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sa a szavaknak %2$stöbb, mint %3$s szótagból áll%4$s, ami több az ajánlott maximumnál, ami %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sa a szavaknak %2$stöbb, mint %3$s szótagból áll%4$s, ami kevesebb vagy egyenlő az ajánlott maximummal, ami %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Ez valamivel kevesebb mint az ajánlott minimum, ami %5$d szó. %3$sAdjunk hozzá egy kicsit többet%4$s.","Ez valamivel kevesebb mint az ajánlott minimum, ami %5$d szó. %3$sAdjunk hozzá egy kicsit többet%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["A metaleírás %1$d darab olyan mondatot tartalmaz, amelyben az %2$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %3$s darab szó%4$s van. Próbáld lerövidíteni a mondatot.","A metaleírás %1$d darab olyan mondatot tartalmaz, amelyben az %2$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %3$s darab szó%4$s van. Próbáld lerövidíteni a mondatot."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["A metaleírás nem tartalmaz olyan mondatokat, amelyekben %1$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %2$s darab szó%3$s van."],"Mobile preview":["Mobil előnézett"],"Desktop preview":["Asztali előnézett"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Kérlek adj meg egy SEO címet a lenti kivonat szerkesztésével."],"Meta description preview:":["Metaleírás előnézete:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug előnézet:"],"SEO title preview:":["Seo cím előnézet:"],"Close snippet editor":["Kivonat szerkesztő bezárása"],"Slug":["Keresőbarát név"],"Remove marks in the text":["Jelzések eltávolítása a szövegből"],"Mark this result in the text":["Jelöljük az eredményt a szövegben"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["A jelek tiltva vannak a jelenlegi nézetben"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Tartalom optimalizálás: Jó SEO pontszám"],"Good SEO score":["Jó SEO eredmény"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Tartalom optimalizálás: OK SEO pontszám"],"OK SEO score":["Megfelelő SEO eredmény"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Tartalom optimalizálás: Feedback"],"Feedback":["Visszajelzés"],"ok":["rendben"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Kérjek az alábbi kivonat szerkesztésével adjon meg egy metaleírást."],"Edit snippet":["Kivonat szerkesztése"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Bármelyik elemre rákattinthatsz az előnézetben, hogy a Kivonat Szerkesztőhöz kerülj."],"SEO title":["SEO cím"],"Needs improvement":["Javítani szükséges"],"Good":["Jó"],"very difficult":["nagyon nehéz"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Próbáljunk meg rövidebb mondatokat írni, és használj könnyebb szavakat a tartalom olvashatóságának javítása érdekében"],"difficult":["nehéz"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Próbáljunk meg rövidebb mondatokat írni az olvashatóság javítása érdekében"],"fairly difficult":["viszonylag nehéz"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["viszonylag könnyű"],"easy":["könnyű"],"very easy":["nagyon könnyű"],"Meta description":["Metaleírás"],"Snippet preview":["Keresési találat előnézete"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"hu"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sBelinkelt kulcskifejezés%3$s: Azokkal szavakkal linkel át egy másik oldalra, amelyekkel ezt az oldalt szeretné jó helyen tartani a keresési eredmények sorrendjében. %2$sNe tegye%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","Ez túlságosan az ajánlott minimális%5$d szó alatt van. %3$sAdjon hozzá több tartalmat%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","Ez az ajánlott minimális%5$d szó alatt van. %3$sAdjon hozzá több tartalmat%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.","%2$sSzöveg hossza%4$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sSzöveg hossza%3$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz. Szép munka!","%2$sSzöveg hossza%3$s: A szöveg %1$d szót tartalmaz. Szép munka!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%3$s: %2$sKérjük készítsen egy SEO címet%3$s hosszan."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%3$s: A SEO cím hosszabb a látható tartománynál. %2$sPróbáljon rövidebben fogalmazni%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%2$s: Szép munka!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO cím hossza%3$s: A SEO cím túl rövid. %2$sHasználja ki a helyet: adjon hozzá kulcskifejezés-változatokat, vagy írjon egy lenyűgöző cselekvésre felhívó mondatot%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%2$s: Ezen az oldalon mind nofollow, mind normál kimenő linkek vannak. Szép munka!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%2$s: Szép munka!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sKimenő linkek%3$s: Ezen az oldalon csak nofollow kimenő linkek vannak. %2$sAdjon hozzá néhány normál linket%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sKimenő linkek%3$s: Ezen az oldalon nincs megjenítve kimenő link. %2$sAdjon hozzá néhányat%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%2$s: Nagyon jó!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: A meta leírás hossza %4$d karakter felett. Hogy a teljes leírás látható legyen, %2$scsökkentenie kell a hosszát%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: A meta leírás hossza túl rövid (kevesebb, mint %4$d karakter). %5$d karakter lehetséges. %2$sHasználja ki a helyet%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta leírás hossza%3$s: Nincs meta leírás készítve, így a kereső motorok az oldal egy kivonatát fogják megjeleníteni. %2$sBiztosan így akarja%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A metaleírás elkészült, de nem tartalmazza a kulcskifejezést. %3$sJavítsa%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A metaleírás %3$s alkalommal tartalmazza a kulcskifejezést, amely több mint a maximálisan ajánlott 2 előfordulás. %4$sCsökkentse%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKulcskifejezés a metaleírásban%2$s: A kulcskifejezés vagy szinonimája megjelenik a metaleírásban. Remek!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Az előnézet megtekintéséhez görgessen lejjebb."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Hiba történt a '%1$s' kiértékelésekor"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sa a szavaknak %2$stöbb, mint %3$s szótagból áll%4$s, ami több az ajánlott maximumnál, ami %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sa a szavaknak %2$stöbb, mint %3$s szótagból áll%4$s, ami kevesebb vagy egyenlő az ajánlott maximummal, ami %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Ez valamivel kevesebb mint az ajánlott minimum, ami %5$d szó. %3$sAdjunk hozzá egy kicsit többet%4$s.","Ez valamivel kevesebb mint az ajánlott minimum, ami %5$d szó. %3$sAdjunk hozzá egy kicsit többet%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["A metaleírás %1$d darab olyan mondatot tartalmaz, amelyben az %2$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %3$s darab szó%4$s van. Próbáld lerövidíteni a mondatot.","A metaleírás %1$d darab olyan mondatot tartalmaz, amelyben az %2$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %3$s darab szó%4$s van. Próbáld lerövidíteni a mondatot."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["A metaleírás nem tartalmaz olyan mondatokat, amelyekben %1$s az ajánlottnál több, azaz %2$s darab szó%3$s van."],"Mobile preview":["Mobil előnézett"],"Desktop preview":["Asztali előnézett"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Kérlek adj meg egy SEO címet a lenti kivonat szerkesztésével."],"Meta description preview:":["Metaleírás előnézete:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug előnézet:"],"SEO title preview:":["Seo cím előnézet:"],"Close snippet editor":["Kivonat szerkesztő bezárása"],"Slug":["Keresőbarát név"],"Remove marks in the text":["Jelzések eltávolítása a szövegből"],"Mark this result in the text":["Jelöljük az eredményt a szövegben"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["A jelek tiltva vannak a jelenlegi nézetben"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Tartalom optimalizálás: Jó SEO pontszám"],"Good SEO score":["Jó SEO eredmény"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Tartalom optimalizálás: OK SEO pontszám"],"OK SEO score":["Megfelelő SEO eredmény"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Tartalom optimalizálás: Feedback"],"Feedback":["Visszajelzés"],"ok":["rendben"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Kérjek az alábbi kivonat szerkesztésével adjon meg egy metaleírást."],"Edit snippet":["Kivonat szerkesztése"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Bármelyik elemre rákattinthatsz az előnézetben, hogy a Kivonat Szerkesztőhöz kerülj."],"SEO title":["SEO cím"],"Needs improvement":["Javítani szükséges"],"Good":["Jó"],"very difficult":["nagyon nehéz"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Próbáljunk meg rövidebb mondatokat írni, és használj könnyebb szavakat a tartalom olvashatóságának javítása érdekében"],"difficult":["nehéz"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Próbáljunk meg rövidebb mondatokat írni az olvashatóság javítása érdekében"],"fairly difficult":["viszonylag nehéz"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["viszonylag könnyű"],"easy":["könnyű"],"very easy":["nagyon könnyű"],"Meta description":["Metaleírás"],"Snippet preview":["Keresési találat előnézete"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-it_IT.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, %1$d hanno l'attributo alt con parole della tua frase chiave o dei suoi sinonimi. È un po' troppo. %4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi solo quando davvero descrivono l'immagine%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, solo %1$d ha l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo.%4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti!%5$s.","%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, solo %1$d hanno l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo.%4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti!%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: le immagini in questa pagina non hanno l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo %2$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: le immagini in questa pagina hanno l'attributo alt ma tu non hai impostato la frase chiave. %2$sInseriscila ora%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$s dei tuoi sottotitoli di livello più alto riflette l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Ottimo lavoro!","%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$s dei tuoi sottotitoli di livello più alto riflettono l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: il sottotitolo di livello più alto riflette l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Perfetto!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%3$s: %2$susa di più le frasi chiave o i loro sinonimi nei sottotitoli di livello più alto%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sUnico titolo%3$s: gli H1 dovrebbero essere usati soltanto come titolo principale. Trova tutti gli H1 nel tuo testo che non sono il tuo titolo principale e %2$smodificali con un livello di titolo inferiore%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata 0 volte. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %3$d volta. Questo è ottimo!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %3$d volte. Questo è ottimo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sParole funzionali nell frase chiave%3$s: la tua frase chiave \"%4$s\" contiene solo parole funzionali. %2$sLeggi di più su come scegliere una perfetta frase chiave.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: %2$simposta una frase chiave, in modo che sia possibile calcolare il punteggio SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: più di mezza frase chiave è contenuta nello slug. Perfetto!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: (parte) della tua frase chiave non è contenuta nello slug. %2$sTi suggeriamo di cambiarlo%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: non tutte le parole della tua frase chiave \"%4$s\" sono contenute nel titolo SEO. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta nel titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: il titolo non contiene la frase esatta. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta nel titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: il titolo contiene la frase esatta, ma non all'inizio. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta all'inizio del titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%2$s: il titolo SEO contiene la frase esatta all'inizio. Magnifico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%2$s: grande lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: irregolare. Alcune parti del tuo testo non contengono la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi. %2$sTi suggeriamo di distribuirli in modo più regolare%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: molto irregolare. Molte parti del tuo testo non contengono la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi. %2$sTi suggeriamo di distribuirli in modo più regolare%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: %2$sincludi la parola chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel testo così è possibile calcolarne la distribuzione%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%6$s: hai usato questa frase chiave %1$s%2$d volte prima%3$s. %5$sNon dovresti usare la frase chiave più di una volta%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%5$s: hai già usato questa frase chiave %1$suna volta%3$s. %4$sNon dovresti usare la frase chiave più di una volta%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%2$s: non hai mai usato questa frase chiave. Ottimo!"],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sStopword nello slug%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina contiene una stopword. %2$sTi suggeriamo di toglierla%3$s!","%1$sStopword nello slug%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina contiene delle stopword. %2$sTi suggeriamo di toglierle%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug troppo lungo%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina è un po' troppo lungo. %2$sTi suggeriamo di accorciarlo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: sembra che in questa pagina non ci siano immagini. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink alla frase chiave%3$s: stai inserendo un link a una pagina per le parole per le quali vuoi posizionare questa pagina %2$sTi suggeriamo di non farlo%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Questo è molto lontano da %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s.","Questo è molto lontano da %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Questo è sotto %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s.","Questo è sotto %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLunghezza del testo%4$s: il testo contiene %1$d parola.","%2$sLunghezza del testo%4$s: il testo contiene %1$d parole."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLunghezza del testo%3$s: il testo contiene %1$d parola. Ottimo lavoro!","%2$sLunghezza del testo%3$s: il testo contiene %1$d parole. Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%3$s: più del 75%% dei sottotitoli del livello più alto riflettono l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Questo è troppo. %2$sNon esagerare%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: %2$sScrivi un titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: magnifico lavoro!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: il titolo SEO è troppo corto %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere variazioni della frase chiave per creare un testo accattivante che spinga i lettori all'azione%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLink in uscita%2$s: ci sono sia link nofollow sia normali link in uscita in questa pagina. Perfetto!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLink in uscita%2$s: splendido lavoro!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLink in uscita%3$s: tutti i link in uscita di questa pagina sono del tipo unfollow. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere anche dei link normali%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLink in uscita%3$s: non ci sono link in uscita in questa pagina. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuno%3$s."],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta supera i %4$d caratteri. Per essere sicuro che l'intera descrizione sia visibile, %2$svaluta se ridurre la lunghezza%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta è troppo corta (al di sotto dei %4$d caratteri). Hai a disposizione %5$d caratteri. %2$sPotresti aggiungere degli spazi%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%3$s: non hai inserito la descrizione Meta. I motori di ricerca visualizzeranno, così, delle parti di testo prese dalla tua pagina. %2$sTi consigliamo di scriverne una%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: hai scritto la descrizione Meta, ma non contiene la frase chiave. %3$sTi suggeriamo di modificarla%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta contiene la frase chiave %3$s volte, che è più di 2, il numero consigliabile. %4$sTi suggeriamo di modificarla%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi sono contenuti nella descrizione Meta. Splendido!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLunghezza della frase chiave%5$s: la frase chiave è lunga %1$s parole. È più lunga di %2$d, il numero di parole suggerito. %4$sTi suggeriamo di scriverne una più corta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLunghezza della frase chiave%5$s: la frase chiave è lunga %1$d parole. È più lunga di %2$d, il numero di parole suggerito. %4$sTi suggeriamo di scriverne una più corta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: nessuna frase chiave è stata impostata per questa pagina. %2$sImposta una frase chiave, in modo che sia possibile calcolare il punteggio SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%3$s: la frase chiave che hai scelto o i suoi sinonimi non compaiono nel primo paragrafo. %2$sAssicurati che i tuoi lettori capiscano subito l'argomento%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%3$s: la frase chiave che hai scelto o i suoi sinonimi compaiono nel primo paragrafo, ma non in una frase. %2$sTi suggeriamo di modificare il testo%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLink interni%2$s: ci sono sia link nofollow sia link normali in questa pagina. Perfetto!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sLink interni%2$s: ci sono abbastanza link interni. Ottimo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sLink interni%3$s: i link in questa pagina sono di tipo nofollow. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere qualche link normale%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sLink interni%3$s: sembra che non ci siano link in questa pagina. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuno%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: solo il %3$s delle frasi contengono delle parole di transizione, che non è abbastanza. %4$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne altre%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: nessuna frase contiene parole di transizione. %4$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne alcune%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNon c'è abbastanza contenuto%2$s: %3$sAggiungi altro contenuto per permettere una buona analisi di leggibilità%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: non stai usando i sottotitoli, ma il tuo testo è abbastanza corto e probabilmente non ti servono."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: non stai usando i sottotitoli, sebbene il tuo testo sia piuttosto lungo. %3$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere i sottotitoli%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$d sezione del tuo testo è più lunghe di %4$d parole e non è separata da sottotitoli. %5$sAggiungi dei sottotitoli per aumentare la leggibilità del testo%2$s.","%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$d sezioni del tuo testo sono più lunghe di %4$d parole e non sonoseparate da sottotitoli. %5$sAggiungi dei sottotitoli per aumentare la leggibilità del testo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: magnifico lavoro!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLunghezza delle frasi%2$s: il %3$s delle frasi contiene più di %4$s parole, che supera la lunghezza massima suggerita di %5$s. %6$sProva a scrivere frasi più corte%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLunghezza delle frasi%2$s: grande!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: c'è una grande varietà nelle frasi. Davvero grande!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: il testo contiene %3$d frasi consecutive che iniziano con la stessa parola. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a variare un po'%2$s!","%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: il testo contiene %4$d paragrafi nei quali %3$d o più frasi iniziano con la stessa parola. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a variare un po'%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sForme passive%2$s: %3$s delle frasi contiene delle forme passive, che è maggiore del massimo suggerito di %4$s. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a trasformarle in forma attiva%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sForme passive%2$s: stai usando solo forme attive. Davvero grande!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: %3$d dei paragrafi contiene più di %4$d parole, che è il numero suggerito. %5$sTi consigliamo di scrivere paragrafi più corti%2$s!","%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: %3$d dei paragrafi contiene più di %4$d parole, che è il numero suggerito. %5$sTi consigliamo di scrivere paragrafi più corti%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: tutti i paragrafi sono della giusta lunghezza- Ottimo lavoro!"],"Good job!":["Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: il contenuto ha un punteggio di %3$s nel test, che è considerato %4$s da leggere. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scorri per vedere l'anteprima del contenuto."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Si è verificato un errore nella valutazione di '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s parole contengono %2$soltre %3$s sillabe%4$s, che è più del massimo raccomandato di %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s parole contengono %2$s oltre %3$s sillabe%4$s, che è meno o uguale al massimo raccomandato di %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Questo è leggermente inferiore al numero minimo di %5$d parola. %3$sAggiungi ancora un po' di contenuto%4$s.","Questo è leggermente inferiore al numero minimo di %5$d parole. %3$sAggiungi ancora un po' di contenuto%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta descrizione contiene %1$d frase con %2$spiù di %3$sparole%4$s. Prova ad accorciarla.","La meta descrizione contiene %1$d frasi con %2$spiù di %3$sparole%4$s. Prova ad accorciarle."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta descrizione non contiene frasi con %1$spiù di %2$s parole%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Anteprima in modalità mobile"],"Desktop preview":["Anteprima in modalità desktop"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Inserisci un titolo SEO modificando lo snippet sottostante."],"Meta description preview:":["Anteprima della meta descrizione:"],"Slug preview:":["Anteprima dello slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Anteprima titolo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Chiudi editor snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Rimuovi l'evidenziazione nel testo"],"Mark this result in the text":["Segnare questo risultato nel testo"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["L'evidenziazione è disabilitata"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: punteggio SEO Buono"],"Good SEO score":["Punteggio SEO Buono"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: Punteggio SEO OK"],"OK SEO score":["Punteggio SEO Ok"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: c'è un feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Inserisci una meta descrizione modificando lo snippet sottostante."],"Edit snippet":["Modifica snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puoi fare clic su ogni elemento nell'anteprima per passare all'editor dello snippet."],"SEO title":["Titolo SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Da migliorare"],"Good":["Buona"],"very difficult":["molto difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prova a scrivere frasi più brevi, usando parole meno difficili per migliorare la leggibilità. "],"difficult":["difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prova a creare frasi più brevi per migliorare la leggibilità."],"fairly difficult":["abbastanza difficile"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["abbastanza facile"],"easy":["facile"],"very easy":["molto facile"],"Meta description":["Meta descrizione"],"Snippet preview":["Anteprima dello snippet"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"it"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, %1$d hanno l'attributo alt con parole della tua frase chiave o dei suoi sinonimi. È un po' troppo. %4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi solo quando davvero descrivono l'immagine%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, solo %1$d ha l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo.%4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti!%5$s.","%3$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%5$s: su %2$d immagini in questa pagina, solo %1$d hanno l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo.%4$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti!%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: le immagini in questa pagina non hanno l'attributo alt che riflette l'argomento del tuo testo %2$sDovresti inserire la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel tag alt delle immagini più importanti%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: le immagini in questa pagina hanno l'attributo alt ma tu non hai impostato la frase chiave. %2$sInseriscila ora%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$s dei tuoi sottotitoli di livello più alto riflette l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Ottimo lavoro!","%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$s dei tuoi sottotitoli di livello più alto riflettono l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%2$s: il sottotitolo di livello più alto riflette l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Perfetto!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%3$s: %2$susa di più le frasi chiave o i loro sinonimi nei sottotitoli di livello più alto%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sUnico titolo%3$s: gli H1 dovrebbero essere usati soltanto come titolo principale. Trova tutti gli H1 nel tuo testo che non sono il tuo titolo principale e %2$smodificali con un livello di titolo inferiore%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata 0 volte. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è meno del minimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sInserisci la tua frase chiave%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %3$d volta. Questo è ottimo!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %3$d volte. Questo è ottimo!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volta. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!","%1$sDensità della frase chiave%2$s: la frase chiave è stata trovata %5$d volte. Questo è più del massimo suggerito di %3$d volte per un testo di questa lunghezza. %4$sNon esagerare%2$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sParole funzionali nell frase chiave%3$s: la tua frase chiave \"%4$s\" contiene solo parole funzionali. %2$sLeggi di più su come scegliere una perfetta frase chiave.%3$s"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: %2$simposta una frase chiave, in modo che sia possibile calcolare il punteggio SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: più di mezza frase chiave è contenuta nello slug. Perfetto!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: (parte) della tua frase chiave non è contenuta nello slug. %2$sTi suggeriamo di cambiarlo%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sFrase chiave nello slug%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: non tutte le parole della tua frase chiave \"%4$s\" sono contenute nel titolo SEO. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta nel titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: il titolo non contiene la frase esatta. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta nel titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%3$s: il titolo contiene la frase esatta, ma non all'inizio. %2$sCerca di usare la frase chiave esatta all'inizio del titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sFrase chiave nel titolo%2$s: il titolo SEO contiene la frase esatta all'inizio. Magnifico!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%2$s: grande lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: irregolare. Alcune parti del tuo testo non contengono la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi. %2$sTi suggeriamo di distribuirli in modo più regolare%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: molto irregolare. Molte parti del tuo testo non contengono la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi. %2$sTi suggeriamo di distribuirli in modo più regolare%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione della frase chiave%3$s: %2$sincludi la parola chiave o i suoi sinonimi nel testo così è possibile calcolarne la distribuzione%3$s."],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":["%4$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%6$s: hai usato questa frase chiave %1$s%2$d volte prima%3$s. %5$sNon dovresti usare la frase chiave più di una volta%6$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":["%3$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%5$s: hai già usato questa frase chiave %1$suna volta%3$s. %4$sNon dovresti usare la frase chiave più di una volta%5$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sFrase chiave usata in precedenza%2$s: non hai mai usato questa frase chiave. Ottimo!"],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":["%1$sStopword nello slug%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina contiene una stopword. %2$sTi suggeriamo di toglierla%3$s!","%1$sStopword nello slug%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina contiene delle stopword. %2$sTi suggeriamo di toglierle%3$s!"],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":["%1$sSlug troppo lungo%3$s: lo slug di questa pagina è un po' troppo lungo. %2$sTi suggeriamo di accorciarlo%3$s!"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sAttributo alt dell'immagine%3$s: sembra che in questa pagina non ci siano immagini. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuna%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink alla frase chiave%3$s: stai inserendo un link a una pagina per le parole per le quali vuoi posizionare questa pagina %2$sTi suggeriamo di non farlo%3$s!"],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Questo è molto lontano da %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s.","Questo è molto lontano da %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["Questo è sotto %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s.","Questo è sotto %5$d, il numero minimo di parole che ti suggeriamo per il tuo contenuto. %3$sValuta se aggiungere altro contenuto%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sLunghezza del testo%4$s: il testo contiene %1$d parola.","%2$sLunghezza del testo%4$s: il testo contiene %1$d parole."],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sLunghezza del testo%3$s: il testo contiene %1$d parola. Ottimo lavoro!","%2$sLunghezza del testo%3$s: il testo contiene %1$d parole. Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nei sottotitoli%3$s: più del 75%% dei sottotitoli del livello più alto riflettono l'argomento del tuo contenuto. Questo è troppo. %2$sNon esagerare%3$s!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: %2$sScrivi un titolo SEO%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: magnifico lavoro!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sLarghezza del titolo SEO%3$s: il titolo SEO è troppo corto %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere variazioni della frase chiave per creare un testo accattivante che spinga i lettori all'azione%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLink in uscita%2$s: ci sono sia link nofollow sia normali link in uscita in questa pagina. Perfetto!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLink in uscita%2$s: splendido lavoro!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sLink in uscita%3$s: tutti i link in uscita di questa pagina sono del tipo unfollow. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere anche dei link normali%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sLink in uscita%3$s: non ci sono link in uscita in questa pagina. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuno%3$s."],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta supera i %4$d caratteri. Per essere sicuro che l'intera descrizione sia visibile, %2$svaluta se ridurre la lunghezza%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta è troppo corta (al di sotto dei %4$d caratteri). Hai a disposizione %5$d caratteri. %2$sPotresti aggiungere degli spazi%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sLunghezza della descrizione Meta%3$s: non hai inserito la descrizione Meta. I motori di ricerca visualizzeranno, così, delle parti di testo prese dalla tua pagina. %2$sTi consigliamo di scriverne una%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: hai scritto la descrizione Meta, ma non contiene la frase chiave. %3$sTi suggeriamo di modificarla%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: la descrizione Meta contiene la frase chiave %3$s volte, che è più di 2, il numero consigliabile. %4$sTi suggeriamo di modificarla%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sFrase chiave nella descrizione Meta%2$s: la frase chiave o i suoi sinonimi sono contenuti nella descrizione Meta. Splendido!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLunghezza della frase chiave%5$s: la frase chiave è lunga %1$s parole. È più lunga di %2$d, il numero di parole suggerito. %4$sTi suggeriamo di scriverne una più corta%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sLunghezza della frase chiave%5$s: la frase chiave è lunga %1$d parole. È più lunga di %2$d, il numero di parole suggerito. %4$sTi suggeriamo di scriverne una più corta%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sLunghezza della frase chiave%2$s: nessuna frase chiave è stata impostata per questa pagina. %2$sImposta una frase chiave, in modo che sia possibile calcolare il punteggio SEO%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%3$s: la frase chiave che hai scelto o i suoi sinonimi non compaiono nel primo paragrafo. %2$sAssicurati che i tuoi lettori capiscano subito l'argomento%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%3$s: la frase chiave che hai scelto o i suoi sinonimi compaiono nel primo paragrafo, ma non in una frase. %2$sTi suggeriamo di modificare il testo%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sFrase chiave nell'introduzione%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sLink interni%2$s: ci sono sia link nofollow sia link normali in questa pagina. Perfetto!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sLink interni%2$s: ci sono abbastanza link interni. Ottimo!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sLink interni%3$s: i link in questa pagina sono di tipo nofollow. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere qualche link normale%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sLink interni%3$s: sembra che non ci siano link in questa pagina. %2$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne qualcuno%3$s!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: ben fatto!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: solo il %3$s delle frasi contengono delle parole di transizione, che non è abbastanza. %4$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne altre%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sParole di transizione%2$s: nessuna frase contiene parole di transizione. %4$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungerne alcune%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNon c'è abbastanza contenuto%2$s: %3$sAggiungi altro contenuto per permettere una buona analisi di leggibilità%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: non stai usando i sottotitoli, ma il tuo testo è abbastanza corto e probabilmente non ti servono."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: non stai usando i sottotitoli, sebbene il tuo testo sia piuttosto lungo. %3$sTi suggeriamo di aggiungere i sottotitoli%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$d sezione del tuo testo è più lunghe di %4$d parole e non è separata da sottotitoli. %5$sAggiungi dei sottotitoli per aumentare la leggibilità del testo%2$s.","%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: %3$d sezioni del tuo testo sono più lunghe di %4$d parole e non sonoseparate da sottotitoli. %5$sAggiungi dei sottotitoli per aumentare la leggibilità del testo%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sDistribuzione dei sottotitoli%2$s: magnifico lavoro!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sLunghezza delle frasi%2$s: il %3$s delle frasi contiene più di %4$s parole, che supera la lunghezza massima suggerita di %5$s. %6$sProva a scrivere frasi più corte%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sLunghezza delle frasi%2$s: grande!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: c'è una grande varietà nelle frasi. Davvero grande!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: il testo contiene %3$d frasi consecutive che iniziano con la stessa parola. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a variare un po'%2$s!","%1$sFrasi consecutive%2$s: il testo contiene %4$d paragrafi nei quali %3$d o più frasi iniziano con la stessa parola. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a variare un po'%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sForme passive%2$s: %3$s delle frasi contiene delle forme passive, che è maggiore del massimo suggerito di %4$s. %5$sTi suggeriamo di provare a trasformarle in forma attiva%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sForme passive%2$s: stai usando solo forme attive. Davvero grande!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: %3$d dei paragrafi contiene più di %4$d parole, che è il numero suggerito. %5$sTi consigliamo di scrivere paragrafi più corti%2$s!","%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: %3$d dei paragrafi contiene più di %4$d parole, che è il numero suggerito. %5$sTi consigliamo di scrivere paragrafi più corti%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sLunghezza dei paragrafi%2$s: tutti i paragrafi sono della giusta lunghezza- Ottimo lavoro!"],"Good job!":["Ottimo lavoro!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":["%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: il contenuto ha un punteggio di %3$s nel test, che è considerato %4$s da leggere. %5$s%6$s%7$s"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scorri per vedere l'anteprima del contenuto."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Si è verificato un errore nella valutazione di '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s parole contengono %2$soltre %3$s sillabe%4$s, che è più del massimo raccomandato di %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s parole contengono %2$s oltre %3$s sillabe%4$s, che è meno o uguale al massimo raccomandato di %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Questo è leggermente inferiore al numero minimo di %5$d parola. %3$sAggiungi ancora un po' di contenuto%4$s.","Questo è leggermente inferiore al numero minimo di %5$d parole. %3$sAggiungi ancora un po' di contenuto%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["La meta descrizione contiene %1$d frase con %2$spiù di %3$sparole%4$s. Prova ad accorciarla.","La meta descrizione contiene %1$d frasi con %2$spiù di %3$sparole%4$s. Prova ad accorciarle."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["La meta descrizione non contiene frasi con %1$spiù di %2$s parole%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Anteprima in modalità mobile"],"Desktop preview":["Anteprima in modalità desktop"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Inserisci un titolo SEO modificando lo snippet sottostante."],"Meta description preview:":["Anteprima della meta descrizione:"],"Slug preview:":["Anteprima dello slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["Anteprima titolo SEO:"],"Close snippet editor":["Chiudi editor snippet"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Rimuovi l'evidenziazione nel testo"],"Mark this result in the text":["Segnare questo risultato nel testo"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["L'evidenziazione è disabilitata"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: punteggio SEO Buono"],"Good SEO score":["Punteggio SEO Buono"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: Punteggio SEO OK"],"OK SEO score":["Punteggio SEO Ok"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Ottimizzazione dei contenuti: c'è un feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Inserisci una meta descrizione modificando lo snippet sottostante."],"Edit snippet":["Modifica snippet"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Puoi fare clic su ogni elemento nell'anteprima per passare all'editor dello snippet."],"SEO title":["Titolo SEO"],"Needs improvement":["Da migliorare"],"Good":["Buona"],"very difficult":["molto difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prova a scrivere frasi più brevi, usando parole meno difficili per migliorare la leggibilità. "],"difficult":["difficile"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prova a creare frasi più brevi per migliorare la leggibilità."],"fairly difficult":["abbastanza difficile"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["abbastanza facile"],"easy":["facile"],"very easy":["molto facile"],"Meta description":["Meta descrizione"],"Snippet preview":["Anteprima dello snippet"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-ja.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja_JP"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$s画像の alt 属性%5$s: ページ内の画像%2$d枚中%1$d枚の alt 属性でキーフレーズまたは同義語を含んでいます。これはやや多すぎます。%4$s本当に適切な画像にのみキーフレーズまたは同義語を含めましょう%5$s。"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%2$s: いいですね !"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$s画像の alt 属性%5$s: ページ内の画像%2$d枚中%1$d枚しか alt 属性がありません。これは本文の話題に影響します。%4$s適切な画像の alt 属性にキーフレーズまたは同義語を追加しましょう%5$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページ内の画像に alt 属性がありません。これは本文の話題に影響します。%2$s適切な画像の alt 属性にキーフレーズまたは同義語を追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページ内の画像に alt 属性がありますが、キーフレーズが含まれていません。%2$s修正しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$s単一タイトル%3$s: H1はメインのタイトルにのみ使用します。テキスト中にある、すべてのメインタイトルではない H1 を探し、%2$s下位レベルの見出しに変更してください%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが0回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの最低数%3$d回に足りません。%4$sキーフレーズにフォーカスしましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが%5$d回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの最低数%3$d回に足りません。%4$sキーフレーズにフォーカスしましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが%3$d回見つかりました。すばらしい !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが%5$d回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの上限である%3$d回を超えています。%4$s過度な最適化はやめましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが%5$d回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの上限である%3$d回を超えています。%4$s過度な最適化はやめましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%3$s: %2$sSEO スコアを計測するには、キーフレーズを設定しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%2$s: 半分以上のキーフレーズがスラッグ中にあります。すばらしい !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズ (の一部) がスラッグ中にありません。%2$s変更しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズ「%4$s」のすべての語が SEO タイトルに表示されません。%2$sSEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致を書くようお試しください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズの完全一致がありません。%2$sSEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致を書くようお試しください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: SEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致がありますが、冒頭ではありません。%2$s冒頭への移動を試してください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%2$s: SEO タイトルの冒頭がキーフレーズと完全一致しました。いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: 均一ではありません。一部のテキストはキーフレーズや同義語を含んでいません。%2$s分布を均一にしましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: とても均一とは言えません。大部分のテキストはキーフレーズや同義語を含んでいません。%2$s分布を均一にしましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: %2$sキーフレーズまたは同義語をテキストに含むと、キーフレーズ分布をチェックすることができます%3$s。"],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページに画像がありません。%2$s追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["推奨最低値である%5$d語を下回っています。%3$sもっとコンテンツを追加してください%4$s。"],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sテキストの長さ%4$s: テキストは%1$d語含んでいます。"],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sテキストの長さ%3$s: テキストは%1$d語含んでいます。いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%3$s: %2$sSEO タイトルを作成してください%3$s。"],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%3$s: SEO タイトルが短すぎます。%2$sキーフレーズの種類を増やすか、行動喚起フレーズを作成してください%3$s。"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプションが設定されていますが、キーフレーズがありません。%3$s修正しましょう%4$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプション中にキーフレーズが%3$s回含まれており、おすすめ上限の2回を超過しています。%4$s制限しましょう%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプション中にキーフレーズまたは同義語が含まれています。いいですね !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sキーフレーズの長さ%5$s: キーフレーズの長さは%1$d語で、推奨上限値の%2$d語をかなり超えています。%4$sもっと短くしましょう%5$s。"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sキーフレーズの長さ%5$s: キーフレーズの長さは%1$d語で、推奨上限値の%2$d語を超えています。%4$sもっと短くしましょう%5$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%3$s: ページにフォーカスキーフレーズが設定されていません。%2$sSEO スコアを計測するには、キーフレーズを設定しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズまたは同義語が第一段落に含まれていません。%2$s今すぐトピックを明確にしましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズまたは同義語がコピーの第一段落に含まれていますが、一文に収まっていません。%2$s修正しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. 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Good job!":["%1$s内部リンク%2$s: 十分な内部リンクがあります。いいですね !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$s内部リンク%3$s: ページ内の内部リンクはすべて nofollow 済みです。%2$s内部リンクを追加しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$s内部リンク%3$s: ページ内に内部リンクがありません。%2$s必ず追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sサブ見出しの分布%2$s: %3$d個のテキストセクションの長さが%4$d語を超えており、サブ見出しで区切られていません。%5$s可読性を改善するためにサブ見出しを追加しましょう%2$s。"],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$s段落の長さ%2$s: %3$d個の段落の長さが推奨上限値の%4$d語を超えています。%5$sもっと短くしましょう%2$s。"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["いいですね。"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["コンテンツのプレビューを見るにはスクロールしてください。"],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["%1$s評価の際にエラーが発生しました"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sの単語に%2$s%3$s以上のシラブル%4$sが含まれています。おすすめの最大値%5$sを超過しています。"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$sの単語に%2$s%3$s以上のシラブル%4$sが含まれています。おすすめの最大値%5$sと同じか下回っています。"],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["推奨最低値である%5$d語をやや下回っています。%3$sもう少し文章を追加してください%4$s。"],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["メタディスクリプションに%2$s%3$s単語以上%4$s含まれる文章が%1$d文あります。文章を短くしてみましょう。"],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["メタディスクリプションに%1$s%2$s語以上の文%3$sが含まれていません。"],"Mobile preview":["モバイルプレビュー"],"Desktop preview":["デスクトッププレビュー"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["SEO で重要な Title タグは、以下のスニペットから編集できます。"],"Meta description preview:":["メタディスクリプションのプレビュー:"],"Slug preview:":["スラッグをプレビュー:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO タイトルのプレビュー:"],"Close snippet editor":["スニペットエディターを閉じる"],"Slug":["スラッグ"],"Remove marks in the text":["文章からマークを除去する"],"Mark this result in the text":["この結果をテキストにマークする"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["現在のビューでマークが無効になっています"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["コンテンツの最適化: SEO 最高評価"],"Good SEO score":["非常に良い SEO スコアです"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["コンテンツの最適化 : SEO 高評価"],"OK SEO score":["SEO スコアは OK です"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["コンテンツの最適化: フィードバックがあります"],"Feedback":["フィードバック"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["以下のスニペットを編集し、メタディスクリプションを入力してください。"],"Edit snippet":["スニペットを編集"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["プレビューで各要素をクリックすると、スニペットエディターにジャンプできます。"],"SEO title":["SEO タイトル"],"Needs improvement":["改善が必要"],"Good":["良い"],"very difficult":["非常に難しい"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["可読性を向上させるために、難しい言葉を減らし、文章を短くしてみてください。"],"difficult":["難しい"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["可読性を向上させるために、文章を短くしてみてください。"],"fairly difficult":["かなり難しい"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["かなり易しい"],"easy":["易しい"],"very easy":["非常に易しい"],"Meta description":["メタディスクリプション"],"Snippet preview":["スニペットのプレビュー"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja_JP"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$s画像の alt 属性%5$s: ページ内の画像%2$d枚中%1$d枚の alt 属性でキーフレーズまたは同義語を含んでいます。これはやや多すぎます。%4$s本当に適切な画像にのみキーフレーズまたは同義語を含めましょう%5$s。"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%2$s: いいですね !"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$s画像の alt 属性%5$s: ページ内の画像%2$d枚中%1$d枚しか alt 属性がありません。これは本文の話題に影響します。%4$s適切な画像の alt 属性にキーフレーズまたは同義語を追加しましょう%5$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページ内の画像に alt 属性がありません。これは本文の話題に影響します。%2$s適切な画像の alt 属性にキーフレーズまたは同義語を追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページ内の画像に alt 属性がありますが、キーフレーズが含まれていません。%2$s修正しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$s単一タイトル%3$s: H1はメインのタイトルにのみ使用します。テキスト中にある、すべてのメインタイトルではない H1 を探し、%2$s下位レベルの見出しに変更してください%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが0回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの最低数%3$d回に足りません。%4$sキーフレーズにフォーカスしましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. 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That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sキーフレーズ密度%2$s: フォーカスキーフレーズが%5$d回見つかりました。文字数に対するおすすめの上限である%3$d回を超えています。%4$s過度な最適化はやめましょう%2$s !"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%3$s: %2$sSEO スコアを計測するには、キーフレーズを設定しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%2$s: 半分以上のキーフレーズがスラッグ中にあります。すばらしい !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズ (の一部) がスラッグ中にありません。%2$s変更しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sスラッグ中のキーフレーズ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズ「%4$s」のすべての語が SEO タイトルに表示されません。%2$sSEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致を書くようお試しください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズの完全一致がありません。%2$sSEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致を書くようお試しください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%3$s: SEO タイトル内にキーフレーズの完全一致がありますが、冒頭ではありません。%2$s冒頭への移動を試してください%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$sタイトル内のキーフレーズ%2$s: SEO タイトルの冒頭がキーフレーズと完全一致しました。いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: 均一ではありません。一部のテキストはキーフレーズや同義語を含んでいません。%2$s分布を均一にしましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: とても均一とは言えません。大部分のテキストはキーフレーズや同義語を含んでいません。%2$s分布を均一にしましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズ分布%3$s: %2$sキーフレーズまたは同義語をテキストに含むと、キーフレーズ分布をチェックすることができます%3$s。"],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$s画像の alt 属性%3$s: ページに画像がありません。%2$s追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["推奨最低値である%5$d語を下回っています。%3$sもっとコンテンツを追加してください%4$s。"],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":["%2$sテキストの長さ%4$s: テキストは%1$d語含んでいます。"],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":["%2$sテキストの長さ%3$s: テキストは%1$d語含んでいます。いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%3$s: %2$sSEO タイトルを作成してください%3$s。"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO タイトルの長さ%3$s: SEO タイトルが短すぎます。%2$sキーフレーズの種類を増やすか、行動喚起フレーズを作成してください%3$s。"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプションが設定されていますが、キーフレーズがありません。%3$s修正しましょう%4$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプション中にキーフレーズが%3$s回含まれており、おすすめ上限の2回を超過しています。%4$s制限しましょう%5$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sメタディスクリプション中のキーフレーズ%2$s: メタディスクリプション中にキーフレーズまたは同義語が含まれています。いいですね !"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sキーフレーズの長さ%5$s: キーフレーズの長さは%1$d語で、推奨上限値の%2$d語をかなり超えています。%4$sもっと短くしましょう%5$s。"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sキーフレーズの長さ%5$s: キーフレーズの長さは%1$d語で、推奨上限値の%2$d語を超えています。%4$sもっと短くしましょう%5$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sキーフレーズの長さ%3$s: ページにフォーカスキーフレーズが設定されていません。%2$sSEO スコアを計測するには、キーフレーズを設定しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズまたは同義語が第一段落に含まれていません。%2$s今すぐトピックを明確にしましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%3$s: キーフレーズまたは同義語がコピーの第一段落に含まれていますが、一文に収まっていません。%2$s修正しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$s冒頭のキーフレーズ%2$s: いいですね !"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. 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Good job!":["%1$s内部リンク%2$s: 十分な内部リンクがあります。いいですね !"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$s内部リンク%3$s: ページ内の内部リンクはすべて nofollow 済みです。%2$s内部リンクを追加しましょう%3$s。"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$s内部リンク%3$s: ページ内に内部リンクがありません。%2$s必ず追加しましょう%3$s !"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sサブ見出しの分布%2$s: %3$d個のテキストセクションの長さが%4$d語を超えており、サブ見出しで区切られていません。%5$s可読性を改善するためにサブ見出しを追加しましょう%2$s。"],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$s段落の長さ%2$s: %3$d個の段落の長さが推奨上限値の%4$d語を超えています。%5$sもっと短くしましょう%2$s。"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. 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Try to shorten this sentence.":["メタディスクリプションに%2$s%3$s単語以上%4$s含まれる文章が%1$d文あります。文章を短くしてみましょう。"],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["メタディスクリプションに%1$s%2$s語以上の文%3$sが含まれていません。"],"Mobile preview":["モバイルプレビュー"],"Desktop preview":["デスクトッププレビュー"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["SEO で重要な Title タグは、以下のスニペットから編集できます。"],"Meta description preview:":["メタディスクリプションのプレビュー:"],"Slug preview:":["スラッグをプレビュー:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO タイトルのプレビュー:"],"Close snippet editor":["スニペットエディターを閉じる"],"Slug":["スラッグ"],"Remove marks in the text":["文章からマークを除去する"],"Mark this result in the text":["この結果をテキストにマークする"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["現在のビューでマークが無効になっています"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["コンテンツの最適化: SEO 最高評価"],"Good SEO score":["非常に良い SEO スコアです"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["コンテンツの最適化 : SEO 高評価"],"OK SEO score":["SEO スコアは OK です"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["コンテンツの最適化: フィードバックがあります"],"Feedback":["フィードバック"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["以下のスニペットを編集し、メタディスクリプションを入力してください。"],"Edit snippet":["スニペットを編集"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["プレビューで各要素をクリックすると、スニペットエディターにジャンプできます。"],"SEO title":["SEO タイトル"],"Needs improvement":["改善が必要"],"Good":["良い"],"very difficult":["非常に難しい"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["可読性を向上させるために、難しい言葉を減らし、文章を短くしてみてください。"],"difficult":["難しい"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["可読性を向上させるために、文章を短くしてみてください。"],"fairly difficult":["かなり難しい"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["かなり易しい"],"easy":["易しい"],"very easy":["非常に易しい"],"Meta description":["メタディスクリプション"],"Snippet preview":["スニペットのプレビュー"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-nb_NO.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nb_NO"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributter%5$s: Av%2$d bilder på denne siden, har%1$d alt-attributter med ord fra ditt nøkkelsetning eller synonymer. Det er litt mye. %4$sinkluderer bare nøkkelsetningen eller dens synonymer når den egentlig passer til bildet%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$salt-attributter for bilder%2$s: Godt jobbet!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEnkel tittel%3$s: H1 skal bare brukes som hovedtittel. Finn alle H1-titler i teksten din som ikke er din hovedtittel og %2$sendre de til et lavere tittel-nivå%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Godt jobbet!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Bla ned for å se forhåndsvisningen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Det oppstod en feil i '%1$s' vurderingen"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s av ordene inneholder %2$smer enn %3$s stavelser%4$s, noe som er mer enn de anbefalte %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s av ordene inneholder %2$smer enn %3$s stavelser%4$s, noe som er mindre enn eller like mye som de anbefalte %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Dette er litt under det anbefalte minimum på %5$d ord. Legg til litt mer %3$stekst%4$s.","Dette er litt under det anbefalte minimum på %5$d ord. Legg til litt mer %3$stekst%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Metabeskrivelsen inneholder %1$d setning %2$smed mer enn %3$s ord%4$s. Forsøk å korte ned denne setningen.","Metabeskrivelsen inneholder %1$d setninger %2$smed mer enn %3$s ord%4$s. Forsøk å korte ned disse setningene."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Metabeskrivelsen inneholder ingen setninger %1$smed mer enn %2$s ord%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilforhåndsvisning"],"Desktop preview":["Skrivebordsforhåndsvisning"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Vennligst sett en SEO-tittel ved å endre tekstutdraget under."],"Meta description preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av metabeskrivelse:"],"Slug preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av permalenke:"],"SEO title preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av SEO-tittel:"],"Close snippet editor":["Lukk tekstvindu"],"Slug":["Permalenke"],"Remove marks in the text":["Fjern merker i teksten"],"Mark this result in the text":["Merk dette resultatet i teksten"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Merker er deaktivert i den gjeldende visningen"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Innholdsoptimalisering: God SEO-poengsum"],"Good SEO score":["Bra SEO-resultat"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Innholdsoptimalisering: OK SEO-poengsum"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO-poengsum"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Innholdsoptimalisering: Har tilbakemelding"],"Feedback":["Tilbakemelding"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Vennligst oppgi en metabeskrivelse ved å redigere tekstutdraget nedenfor."],"Edit snippet":["Rediger tekstutdrag"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kan klikke på hvert element i forhåndsvisningen for å hoppe til tekstutdragredigeringen."],"SEO title":["SEO-tittel"],"Needs improvement":["Trenger forbedring"],"Good":["Bra"],"very difficult":["veldig vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prøv å lage kortere setninger og bruk enklere ord for å bedre lesbarheten"],"difficult":["vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prøv å lage kortere setninger for å bedre lesbarheten"],"fairly difficult":["ganske vanskelig"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ganske enkelt"],"easy":["enkelt"],"very easy":["veldig enkelt"],"Meta description":["Meta-beskrivelse"],"Snippet preview":["Forhåndsvis tekstutdrag"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nb_NO"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage alt attributter%5$s: Av%2$d bilder på denne siden, har%1$d alt-attributter med ord fra ditt nøkkelsetning eller synonymer. Det er litt mye. %4$sinkluderer bare nøkkelsetningen eller dens synonymer når den egentlig passer til bildet%5$s."],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":["%1$salt-attributter for bilder%2$s: Godt jobbet!"],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sEnkel tittel%3$s: H1 skal bare brukes som hovedtittel. Finn alle H1-titler i teksten din som ikke er din hovedtittel og %2$sendre de til et lavere tittel-nivå%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":["Godt jobbet!"],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Bla ned for å se forhåndsvisningen."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Det oppstod en feil i '%1$s' vurderingen"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s av ordene inneholder %2$smer enn %3$s stavelser%4$s, noe som er mer enn de anbefalte %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s av ordene inneholder %2$smer enn %3$s stavelser%4$s, noe som er mindre enn eller like mye som de anbefalte %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["Dette er litt under det anbefalte minimum på %5$d ord. Legg til litt mer %3$stekst%4$s.","Dette er litt under det anbefalte minimum på %5$d ord. Legg til litt mer %3$stekst%4$s."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Metabeskrivelsen inneholder %1$d setning %2$smed mer enn %3$s ord%4$s. Forsøk å korte ned denne setningen.","Metabeskrivelsen inneholder %1$d setninger %2$smed mer enn %3$s ord%4$s. Forsøk å korte ned disse setningene."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Metabeskrivelsen inneholder ingen setninger %1$smed mer enn %2$s ord%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobilforhåndsvisning"],"Desktop preview":["Skrivebordsforhåndsvisning"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Vennligst sett en SEO-tittel ved å endre tekstutdraget under."],"Meta description preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av metabeskrivelse:"],"Slug preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av permalenke:"],"SEO title preview:":["Forhåndsvisning av SEO-tittel:"],"Close snippet editor":["Lukk tekstvindu"],"Slug":["Permalenke"],"Remove marks in the text":["Fjern merker i teksten"],"Mark this result in the text":["Merk dette resultatet i teksten"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Merker er deaktivert i den gjeldende visningen"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Innholdsoptimalisering: God SEO-poengsum"],"Good SEO score":["Bra SEO-resultat"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Innholdsoptimalisering: OK SEO-poengsum"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO-poengsum"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Innholdsoptimalisering: Har tilbakemelding"],"Feedback":["Tilbakemelding"],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Vennligst oppgi en metabeskrivelse ved å redigere tekstutdraget nedenfor."],"Edit snippet":["Rediger tekstutdrag"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kan klikke på hvert element i forhåndsvisningen for å hoppe til tekstutdragredigeringen."],"SEO title":["SEO-tittel"],"Needs improvement":["Trenger forbedring"],"Good":["Bra"],"very difficult":["veldig vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":["Prøv å lage kortere setninger og bruk enklere ord for å bedre lesbarheten"],"difficult":["vanskelig"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Prøv å lage kortere setninger for å bedre lesbarheten"],"fairly difficult":["ganske vanskelig"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ganske enkelt"],"easy":["enkelt"],"very easy":["veldig enkelt"],"Meta description":["Meta-beskrivelse"],"Snippet preview":["Forhåndsvis tekstutdrag"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-nl_BE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nl_BE"},"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll naar beneden voor een voorbeeld van de inhoud."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Er ging iets fout in de '%1$s'-beoordeling"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat minder is dan of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zin van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten.","De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zinnen van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat geen zinnen van %1$smeer dan %2$s woorden%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobiel voorbeeld"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop voorbeeld"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een SEO-titel toe door de snippet hieronder te bewerken."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-omschrijving voorbeeld:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug voorbeeld:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO titel voorbeeld"],"Close snippet editor":["Snippet-editor sluiten"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Markeringen in de tekst verwijderen"],"Mark this result in the text":["Dit resultaat markeren in de text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringen zijn uitgeschakeld in de huidige weergave"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimalisatie inhoud: goede SEO-score"],"Good SEO score":["Goede SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimalisatie: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["Redelijke SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimalisatie: Heeft feedback"],"Feedback":["Reacties"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een meta-omschrijving toe door de onderstaande snippet te bewerken."],"Edit snippet":["Snippet bewerken"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Je kan op elk element in het voorbeeld klikken om naar de Snippet Editor te gaan."],"SEO title":["SEO-titel"],"Needs improvement":["Heeft verbetering nodig"],"Good":["Goed"],"very difficult":["heel moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":[],"fairly difficult":["redelijk moeilijk"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["redelijk eenvoudig"],"easy":["eenvoudig"],"very easy":["heel eenvoudig"],"Meta description":["Meta omschrijving"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet voorbeeld"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nl_BE"},"Content optimization: Needs improvement":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Very uneven. Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your higher-level subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":[],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":[],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":[],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":[],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":[],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d words and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":[],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$s words, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":[],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":[],"Good job!":[],"%1$sFlesch Reading Ease%2$s: The copy scores %3$s in the test, which is considered %4$s to read. %5$s%6$s%7$s":[],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scroll naar beneden voor een voorbeeld van de inhoud."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Er ging iets fout in de '%1$s'-beoordeling"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat minder is dan of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":[],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zin van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten.","De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zinnen van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat geen zinnen van %1$smeer dan %2$s woorden%3$s."],"Mobile preview":["Mobiel voorbeeld"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop voorbeeld"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een SEO-titel toe door de snippet hieronder te bewerken."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-omschrijving voorbeeld:"],"Slug preview:":["Slug voorbeeld:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO titel voorbeeld"],"Close snippet editor":["Snippet-editor sluiten"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Markeringen in de tekst verwijderen"],"Mark this result in the text":["Dit resultaat markeren in de text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringen zijn uitgeschakeld in de huidige weergave"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Optimalisatie inhoud: goede SEO-score"],"Good SEO score":["Goede SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Content optimalisatie: OK SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["Redelijke SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Content optimalisatie: Heeft feedback"],"Feedback":["Reacties"],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een meta-omschrijving toe door de onderstaande snippet te bewerken."],"Edit snippet":["Snippet bewerken"],"You can click on each element in the pr